#thank you trees it was really fun to actually try and put my messy process into words <3 i appreciate you
onbeinganangel · 1 year
hi! just here to tell you I adore your tarot drabble series so so much! every single one is magical✨ you tell beautiful stories with so few words 💌 I don’t know much about tarot so I was wondering (only if you’d like, of course!) if you could talk about your process in connection to the cards? I would love to know more about how their meanings inspire your writing!!
omg hi 🌳🌳🌳🌳!!!
you are so kind! I have been dragging this series around like my wee dog does his blanket (which is to say, I love it and want to see my task through but also jesus fucking christ why is it under my feet I can’t stop tripping oh fuck ouch bloody! stupid! blanket! aaaaggghh) and it just means the world to me that you are enjoying my teensy little drabbles!
(before I talk out of my arse, I want to say that I know tarot is a very loved, powerful, and special tool and practice for a lot of people. I am by no means a savant and I do it very informally, the way I was taught by my aunties and then later by a group of friends. my practice may not match your practice. such is the way of the world.)
I grew up around a remarkable group of wonderful women that taught me a lot of things, from how to make bread to getting stains out of fabric to — you guessed it — how to read cards. but then I was a teenager for a dreadful little time so I lost that for a while, and for a few years now I have been trying to reconnect to that. my practice is rusty but I love how the cards still feel right, like I know them.
so, back in like march (?) or so, in an attempt to practice and study two things I was feeling very weak at but love dearly, I decided to get back into writing by pulling a card and trying to make something out of it. a lot of tarot has to do with intuition and reading of imagery so whenever I’d start on a new drabble, I would pull out the physical card and let it speak to me. in fact, for the most recent ones, I have been pulling the same cards from two or three different decks and looking at them for guidance (sometimes a different illustration will put more emphasis on something so while I know the meanings of the cards by heart, the deck you use can also influence your reading)
all cards are easier to read when applied to a question/problem/situation (and also you usually pull a few in a reading and they are much easier to understand when together rather than just a lone card), so there is a lot of freedom when writing because I am not necessarily going in with any of that in mind. sometimes I go in with just a pairing and look at the card and see if anything comes to mind, sometimes I throw in an extra prompt or ask myself do I want fluff? angst? smut? or do I want this to be an AU, etc.
for a lot of the cards, I have used them really liberally. so, while the meaning of the card always comes to play — sometimes very obviously, sometimes very subtly — I have been trying to really put the card against the pairing and/or genre, and then let it lead me.
as a quick example (I’ll shut up soon I promise), I wrote this open ending drarry one for The Hermit card, which is traditionally a card that means introspection and isolation but it is also about seeking wisdom and knowledge, despite not quite knowing the way — which is sort of where I got the open ending from! visually, most depictions of The Hermit have him holding a lantern and I actually used this motif very literally for this drabble: as the bright light that sets everything off. the drabble starts with Draco’s magic (“hot and bright”) and ends with Harry’s (bursting into “pure brightness”), so while the meaning of the card is also there, it’s obvious I also took a lot of visual inspiration for it. 
and that’s basically how I go about most of the drabbles! I will pick an element (a lot of the cards have sooooooo much you can take from them, all the little details in the illustrations matter) and come up with a situation and it all snowballs from there. sometimes it’s very hard to keep it at the 100 words. but yeah, that’s it : ) I am not taking myself or the series very seriously, and I lost steam along the way a lot, but it’s been a fun excuse to practice short form, to try out new pairings and study my tarot all at the same time!
thank you for this question and I AM SO SORRY FOR RAMBLING I don’t know how to shut up sometimes oooopsies. anyway thank you thank you, you are really very kind for asking! I hope at least a third of what I just wrote makes sense x
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meruz · 3 years
once again i am answering asks in a big compilation post. included is... gotham, patrick stump, tips about drawing backgrounds, tips about drawing in general, links to my faq, and infinity train
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like.... the tv series? No... I’ve drawn dc comics fanart before, though. But it’s been years since I’ve been really into it. I like jumped ship like 10 years ago when the New 52 happened LOL.
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AFJHDSLKGH I’m sorry I (probably) won’t do it again??
Actually full disclosure I have a truly cringe amount of p stump drawings/photo studies in my sketchbook right now LOL. He’s just fun to draw... hats, glasses, guitar, a good shape... but I don’t think I’ll rly post those until I can hide them in another big sketchbook pdf.. probably Jan 2022. Stay tuned........ (ominous) 
(ominous preview)
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These are all sort of related to backgrounds/painting so I grouped them together even though they’re pretty much entirely separate questions.... ANYWAYS
a) How is it working as a BG artist? Is it hard? What show are you drawing for?
I think you’re the first person to ever ask me about my job! Being a background artist is great. It’s definitely labor intensive but I think that could describe pretty much any art job (If something were rote or easy to automate, you wouldn’t hire an artist to do it) and I hesitate to say whether its harder or easier than any other role in the animation pipeline. Plus, so much of what truly makes a job difficult varies from one production to the next, schedule, working environment, co-workers etc. But I will say that I think while BGs are generally a lot of work on the upfront, I think they’re subject to less scrutiny/revisions than something like character/props/effects design and you don’t have to pitch them to a room like boards. So I guess it’s good if you don’t like to talk to people? LOL
A lot of my previous projects + the show I’ve worked on the longest aren’t public yet so I can’t talk about em (but I assure you if/when the news does break I won’t shut up about it). But I’m currently working on Archer Season 12 LOL. I’m like 90% sure I’m allowed to say that.
b) ~~~THANK YOU!! ~~~
c) What exactly do you like to draw most [in a background]?
@kaitomiury​ Lots of stuff! I really like to draw clutter! Because it’s a great opportunity for environmental storytelling and also you can be kind of messy with it because the sheer mass will supersede any details LOL. 
I like to draw clouds... I like to draw grass but not trees lol,,, I like to draw anything that sells perspective really easily like tiled floors and ceilings, shelves, lamp posts on a street etc.
d) Do you have any tips on how to paint (observational)?
god there’s so much to say. painting is really a whole ass discipline like someone can paint their whole life and still discover new things about it. I guess if you’re really just starting out my best advice is that habit is more important than product. especially with traditional plein air painting, I find that the procedure of going outside and setting up your paints is almost harder than the actual painting. There’s a lot of artists who say “I want to do plein air sometime!!” and then never actually get around to doing it. A lot of people just end up working from google streetview or photos on their computer.
But going outside to paint is a really good challenge because it forces you to make and commit to lighting and composition decisions really quickly. And to work through your mistakes instead of against them via undo button.
My last tip is to check out James Gurney’s youtube channel because hes probably the best and most consistent resource on observational painting out there rn. There’s lots other artists doing the same thing (off the top of my head I know a lot of the Warrior Painters group has people regularly posting plein air stuff and lightbox expo had a Jesse Schmidt lecture abt it last year) but Gurney’s probably the most prolific poster and one of the best at explaining the more technical stuff - his books are great too.
e) Do you have tips for drawing cleanly on heavypaint?
@marigoldfool​ UMM LOL I LIKE ONLY USE THE FILL TOOL so maybe use the fill tool? Fill and rectangle are good for edge control as opposed to the rest of the heavy paint tools which can get sort of muddles. And also I use a stylus so maybe if you’re using your finger, find a stylus that works with your device instead. That’s all I’ve got, frankly I don’t think my drawings are particularly clean lol.
f) Tips on improving backgrounds/scenes making them more dynamic practicing etc?
Ive given some tips about backgrounds/scenes before so I’m not gonna re-tread those but here’s another thing that might be helpful...
I think a good way to approach backgrounds is to think of the specific story or even mood you want to convey with the background first. Thinking “I just need to put something behind this character” is going to lead you to drawing like... a green screen tourist photo backdrop. But if you think “I need this bg to make the characters feel small” or “I need this bg to make the world feel colorful” then it gives you requirements and cues to work off of.
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If I know a character needs to feel overwhelmed and small, then I know I need to create environment elements that will cage them in and corner them. If a character needs to feel triumphant/on top of the world then I know I need to let the environment open up around them. etc. If I know my focal point/ where I want to draw attention, I can build the background around that.
Also, backgrounds like figure compositions will have focal points of their own and you can draw attention to it/ the relationship the characters have with the bg element via scale or directionality or color, any number of cues. I think of it almost as a second/third character in a scene.
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Not every composition is gonna have something so obvious like this but it helps me to think about these because then the characters feel connected and integrated with the environment.
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Some more general art questions
a) Do you have any process/tips to start drawing character/bodies/heads?
I tried to kind of draw something to answer this but honestly this is difficult for me to answer because I don’t think I’m that great at drawing characters LOL. Ok, I think I have two tips.
1) flip your canvas often. A lot about what makes human bodies look correct and believable is symmetry and balance. Even if someone has asymmetrical features, the body will often pull and push in a way to counterbalance it. we often have inherent biases to one side or another like dominant hands dominant eyes etc. you know how right-handed artists will often favor drawing characters facing 45 degrees facing (the artist’s) left? that’s part of it. so viewing your drawing flipped even just to evaluate it helps compensate for that bias and makes you more aware of balance.
2) draw the whole figure often. I feel like a lot of beginner artists (myself included for a long time) defer to just drawing headshots or busts because it’s easier, you dont have to think about posing limbs etc. But drawing a full body allows you to better gauge proportion, perspective, body language, everything that makes a character look believable and grounded.
Like if you (me) have that issue where you draw the head too big and then have to resize it to fit the proportions of the rest of the body, it’s probably because you (I) drew the head first and are treating the body as an afterthought/attachment. Sketching out the whole figure first or even just quick drawing guides for it will help you think of it more holistically. I learned this figure drawing in charcoal at art school LOL.
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oh. third mini tip - try to draw people from life often! its the best study. if you can get into a figure drawing/nude drawing class EVEN BETTER and if you have a local college/art space/museum that hosts those for free TREASURE IT AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT, that’s a huge boon that a lot of artists (me again) wish they had. though if youre not so lucky and youre sitting in a park trying to creeper draw people and they keep moving.. don’t let that stop you! that’s good practice because it’s forcing you to work fast to get the important stuff down LOL. its a challenge!
b) I’ve been pretty out of energy and have had no inspiration to draw but I have the desire to. Any advice?
Dude, take a walk or something.... Or a nap? Low energy is going to effect everything else so you gotta hit that problem at its source.
If you’re looking for inspiration though, I’d recommend stuff like watching a movie, reading a book, playing video games etc. Fill up your idea bank with content and then give yourself time/space to gestate it into new concepts. Sometimes looking at other art works but sometimes it can work against you because it’s too close. 
Also something that helps me is remembering that art doesn’t always have to be groundbreaking... like it’s okay to make something shitty and stupid that you don’t post online and only show to your friend. That’s all part of the process imo. If you want to hit a home run you gotta warm up first, right? Sports.
I should probably compile everytime i give tips on stuff like this but that’s getting dangerously close to being a social media artist who makes stupid boiled down art tutorials for clout which is the last thing i want to be... the thing I want to stress is that art is a whole visual language and there are widely agreed upon rules and customs but they exist in large part to be broken. Like there's an infinite number of ways to reach an infinite number of solutions and that’s actually what makes it really cool and personal for both the artist and the viewer. So when you make work you like or you find someone else’s work you like, take a step back and ask yourself what about it speaks for you, what about it works for you, what makes it effective, how to recreate that effect and how to break that effect completely, etc. And have a good time with it or else what’s the point.
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for the first 2, I direct you to my FAQ
For the last one, I don’t actually believe I’ve ever addressed artwork as insp for stories/rp but I’ll say here and now yeah go ahead! As long as you’re not making profit or taking credit for my work then I’m normally ok with it. Especially anything thats private and purely recreational, that’s generally 100% green light go. I only ask that if you post it anywhere public that you please credit me.
(and I reserve the right to ask you to take it down if I see it and don’t approve of it’s use but I think that case is pretty rare.)
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a) @lemuelzero101 Thank you!!! I haven’t played Life is Strange but actually  that series’ vis dev artist Edouard Caplain is one of my bigger art inspirations lately so that’s a really high compliment lol. And yeah I hope we get 5-8 too...!
b) Thank you for sticking around! I’ve been thinking about Digimon and Infinity Train in tandem lately, actually. They’re a little similar? Enter a dangerous alternate world and have wacky adventures with monsters/inanimate objects that have weird powers... there’s like weird engineers and mechanisms behind the scenes... also frontier literally starts with them getting on a train. Anyways if anyone else followed me for digimon... maybe you’d like Infinity Train? LOL
c) @king-wens-king I’M GLAD MY ART JUST HAS PINOY VIBES LOL I hope you are having a good day too :^)
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a, b, c, d) yessss my Watch Infinity Train agenda is working....
e) aw thank you!! i think you should watch infinity train :)
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hotchscvm · 3 years
love me, hate me - part two
Warnings: explicit sexual content, swearing
Word count: 3.3k
Summary: Christmas comes around and Ransom wants you more than ever.
part one
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"You're telling me you actually want to date this guy? The one who can't even make you cum?" you asked, licking the remaining frosting from your finger. You placed the messy bowl in the sink, watching your best friend trying—and failing—to get the egg shells out of the mixture.
Meg gave up, dumping the brownie batter down the sink with the water running, fed up with the shells. "Yeah, but sex isn't everything, you know. I don't know—it's just this guy isn't like my exes. He genuinely cares about my feelings, and doesn't control me. Besides, he made me cum a few times. He's nice."
With Mariah Carey's Christmas music playing in the background, the miniature Christmas tree on the table, and the snow falling, the Thrombey household felt festive. Although, the people bundled up and arguing in the next room—not so much. Yet, neither of you cared while you continued to work, helping Martha out, on the desserts. It wasn't going as well as planned, but you took it as a positive considering you hadn't started a fire. Yet.
"Ah, yes, nice. Can't relate. I'm currently attracted to assholes who have anger issues." you commented, passing Meg the flour once again. Your creation was in the oven, and all you hoped was that no one got food poisoning because of it. Even you couldn't live with the guilt of Ransom, or his touchy father, throwing up Christmas morning.
"Currently?" Meg asked, raising an eyebrow, getting eggs out of the fridge for the hundredth time. She glanced at the direction of the door, the sound of it opening drawing both of your attention. "I'm pretty sure your daddy issues didn't just happen recently. Speaking of which, you may be the main reason Ransom decided to come back for Christmas instead chasing a model around."
You rolled your eyes, sitting back in your chair while contemplating whether or not it's too late to ditch. While Ransom was hot, his spoiled attitude wasn't worth tolerating for a quick fuck. With sarcasm dripping, you sighed. "Oh, how wonderful. 'Cause, that's exactly what I need right now."
Meg chuckled, focusing on the task at hand, trying not get shells in the mixture again. She had held off on mixing the dry stuff, much to your dismay, but to her it made sense to get the hard part out of the way so it wouldn't fuck everything up. Your best friend had just finished cracking her last egg when Harlan walked into the kitchen, Ransom trailing a few feet behind him. The playboy's eyes immediately landed on you, yet you didn't meet his, too preoccupied with the phone in your hands.
Harlan's slight frown lifted into a smile, surveying how messy the kitchen had gotten. "My, my, I wasn't aware a cake had exploded in my kitchen."
Looking up, you grinned at the old man, the smile reaching your eyes until you saw who was behind him. Ignoring Ransom, you giggled at Harlan's remark. "You call it a mess, we call it baking."
"As long as you ladies are having fun." Harlan replied, patting your shoulder before heading off towards his office, too tired to deal with his dysfunctional family at the moment.
Ransom lingered, walking up to you, a smirk impended on his face. Yet, you refocused you're attention back on your phone while Meg left the room, her apron still attached to her. You didn't question her sudden disappearance, knowing she was just as annoyed at Ransom's presence. The man in question peeked over you shoulder to see your screen showing off another man's dick, the words right below it explicit.
His jaw clenched in jealousy. Much to his chagrin, the man's dick was just as big as his own. But, he kept the icy exterior up. "Would it be offensive to ask whether or not your baking will make me sick this evening?"
You scoffed without looking up, tapping out of the dick pic your previous hook up had sent. "Since when do you care if you're offensive or not? Who are you, and what have you done to Ransom Drysdale?"
Ransom shrugged, leaning against the kitchen island while facing your annoyed expression. His smug behavior got under your skin, and the bastard was well aware. "Maybe all this Christmas spirit got into me. Or maybe I'm trying to be nice."
You raised an eyebrow, getting off your chair, rushing to the window, pretending to be looking for something. After a few seconds, Ransom's curiosity got the best of him and he joined you, looking for anything unusual outside. The snow-covered land showed nothing out of the ordinary, furthering Ransom's confusion.
"What are you looking at? I can't see anything." he said, squinting at the general direction you had look at.
Shrugging, you moved back to your seat, propping your elbows on the back of the chair, allowing a smug smirk lift your lips. "I thought pigs were flying. Ransom Drysdale isn't capable of being nice, yet alone say the word. I'm shocked hell hadn't freeze over. Yet."
The playboy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he took your body in, wrapped in his favorite color, the dress hugging your curves. "What's a guy have to do to be taken seriously with you? You and I both know I can give you everything you want, and more."
"Are you trying to buy me right now?" you asked, half teasing, half annoyed. Ransom could not take a hint, and you hated the fact that he didn't back off despite the sarcasm and insults you threw his way.
"I'm trying to be nice but you're making it really hard." Ransom answered, his cockiness wearing off. He was growing frustrated the more you looked at him like he was a piece of trash. All you wanted him to be was nice, now that he was trying to be, you wouldn't believe his intentions, despite wanting to prove it to you.
Pursing your lips, you tapped your finger against the table, the acrylic nail making a clicking noise. "You wanna prove it? Fine. You've got til midnight tonight. If you're unable to change my mind, you have to buy me my spring break vacation, all the fees and expenses."
"And if I do change your mind..." Ransom smirked, brushing a stray hair behind your ear, earning a half-hearted glare. "... you have to go on a date with me."
Ransom nearly burst out laughing from your shocked expression, the genuine look of surprised slapped on your face with the words. You shut your hanging jaw, still not processing what he was saying. "Excuse me?"
"You have to go on a date with me if I convince you that I'm willing to change my, and I quote, 'bratty and douchebag ways.' An actual date where we sit down, eat dinner, talk about our feelings, and get drunk. Whatever happens, happens." Ransom purred, placing a finger on your bottom lip. You slapped his hand away, and his smirked grew. "Are you going to back out of this already, princess?"
It was your stubborn side that made agree, pressing your lips into a thin line, you grabbed Ransom's hand, shaking it. He raised an eyebrow while you sighed. "You're on. Hope you have enough money to pay for a lengthy trip. I plan on drinking every bottle of wine in Italy."
Despite your baking debacle, you left the kitchen, leaving Meg's monstrous creation on the counter along with Ransom. You went into the living room, trying to find the girl in question when you happened to stumble upon Richard. He barely got to say a word before you turned around, and left the pervert behind. It was always a puzzle how Ransom turned out so hot with Richard and Linda as parents.
Climbing the stairs, you heard the family arguing growing quieter with each step. The second floor was almost a safe haven considering Harlan didn't let anyone raise their voice in the upper level, making it the only quiet place in the house, safe from any Thrombey fights. It was a wonder how the family hadn't murdered each other yet; it was only a matter of time.
Unable to find Meg in your shared room, you sighed, patting your body to find your phone only to realize you left it in the kitchen. With Ransom.
"Looking for this?" Ransom held out your phone, coming up behind you. His usual smirk was gone, a small, genuine smile in its place. It made him look less arrogant.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
You took your phone back, half expecting him to take it back just as you wrapped your fingers around it. But he didn't. You realized he was pulling out all the stops, all the little things that you found annoying was gone. He was acting. Eyes narrowing, you unlocked your phone, studying him. "Thanks. I think."
"Meg is helping the Brazilian maid." Ransom answered your silent question. Your thumb hovered her contact, going back to the home screen. Your eyebrows had risen by his mis-categorization of Martha's race and employment. "Pretty sure they went to the grocery store or something."
"Oh, okay." you replied lamely, putting your phone in your back pocket, the tight jeans making it nearly impossible. Opening the door to your room, you stepped in, not giving Ransom another look. But he followed inside, making you turn around. "Do you need something?"
Ransom stuffed his hands in his pockets, the cream-colored sweater shifting with the gesture. "You didn't exactly give me much time to prove myself. And looking around, we're all alone. I can't think of a better time."
As much as you hated to admit it, he had a point. The bet was a bit unfair considering how stubborn you were, and the amount of time he had to convince you. But it was a bit unsettling seeing Ransom try so hard, let alone being nice. You nodded, agreeing. "Fine, but can I change first? I'd rather not be covered in flour while you try to seduce me."
"You and I both know I wouldn't seduce you before dinner. There's no way in hell I'd treat you like the others." he mumbled to himself, but you heard it. Clearing his throat, he stepped out of the room. "Yeah, I'll be outside. Waiting. Take your time."
As soon as the door closed, you looked around the room to check if you were being pranked, expecting Ashton Kutcher to burst out of the closet along with a bunch of cameramen. After a few seconds, you came to the conclusion that Supernatural was in this universe, deciding "Ransom" was a shapeshifter or a demon possessed him. It was the only reasonable explanation.
Reaching for the hem of your top, pulling it off in one swift move, dropping it on the bed. Your jeans piling on top, allowing your legs to breathe. Despite Joni's hippie side, she had let Meg sneak in a few joints, the smell becoming stronger as you neared both your suitcases. You didn't think Harlan would be too please to have weed in his house, no matter how lenient he is.
You took your time, a little baffled by what to wear. Ransom hadn't exactly given you an agenda on his plans, leaving you to grab a clean pair of black jeans, and a classy, yet simple, red top. You looked decent enough to fit in a nice restaurant, but casual in case Ransom decided he wanted McDonald's, and most importantly: warm. If he wanted to take you to the North Pole, then he'd have to give you his cozy-looking sweater.
You opened the door, the sight of Ransom rocking on his heels greeting you. His back was to you, his hands inside his pockets as he looked out the window, frost crawling along the edges. It genuinely concerned you how much this man was acting; if you didn't know better, you'd think it was real.
Clearing your throat, you watched him jump in surprise, quickly turning to you. Raising an eyebrow, you tucked your phone in your pocket, meeting his warm, blue eyes. "I'm ready."
"Okay." said Ransom, motioning for you to follow him. You walked down the stairs without a word, the air becoming thick as you walked behind him. The sweater did little to no good disguising his broad shoulders, the muscles somehow still visible under the clothing.
As soon as you reached the bottom, you glanced around, the Thrombey fighting becoming louder with each second. It wouldn't be long before one of them stormed out of the room, muttering a curse under their breath. You'd seen all of them do it at least once. You crossed your arms, wary of whatever Ransom was planning. "Be honest, you're not just going to drive me off to the middle of the woods and murder me, are you?"
Ransom chuckled, giving you a wink as he held his hand out. Without hesitation, you took it. "If I was planning to murder you, I wouldn't do it in the woods. If you're going to die, it's going to be epic."
"Oh, well, that makes me feel better." you sneered sarcastically, instantly rolling your eyes. In the back of your mind, you pondered how long it would take for your eyes to get stuck in your brain with the amount of times you rolled them at Ransom.
He led you towards the door, smirking. "You ready?"
"No. Let's go."
"Fuck, baby."
He spent a few moments just staring at your spread pussy, amazed and aching for you more than he ever ached for anything.
"Don't you know why I want you to see it, Ransom?"
Ransom just shook his head without taking his eyes off the your pneumatic body.
"Because it's yours," you sighed. "All yours, baby. You're the one I've been keeping it nice and fresh for."
"Fuck," he muttered.
He kept staring at you, waiting for you to rub you pussy again, but you didn't. You just kept holding it spread.
"Don't you wanna taste me, Ransom?" you purred, barely above a whisper. "C'mon, baby, please. I want you to lick it so bad. I love you so much and I want to give you everything that belongs to you."
The playboy was all but paralyzed by your words. He finally dragged his eyes off your open pussy and looked at your face. You were staring back at him with a glazed look in your eyes. His solid cock was pulsing hard in the tight grip of his fist. No girl had ever looked at him the way you were at that very moment, yet at the same time, he knew you were playing with the hottest kind of fire there was.
"Sweetheart, you know this wasn't the deal." he whispered, distracted.
You smirked. "But you still won."
He finished the thought by leaning down and sliding his tongue up and over your generously offered pussy. You pulled in a sharp gasp when Ransom's tongue lit up your heavily tingling pussy. Your hips rolled instantly in response, your gasps turning to moans while Ransom eagerly slathered his tongue all around your creamily delicious slit. He soon focused his attention on your clit and slipped a finger up inside your hole at the same time.
The man's finger curled and twisted inside you, searching for you g spot while he suckled and lapped at your fully swollen clit. You could barely form words as you gasped and moaned, your luscious body now writhing with desire.
Your pussy oozed heavily the more he licked and fingered you. Your cream was sweet, tangy and intensely intoxicating. Ransom probed at your hole with his finger and the tip of his tongue at the same time, but he soon drew his soaking wet finger out of your hole and wedged it between your ass cheeks, searching for your puckered rimhole.
You gasped deeply and lifted your legs up higher, giving Ransom better access to your asshole. He massaged your tight bud with his honey-coated finger and made deep, hungry love to your pussy with his mouth.
"God god god god, Ransom!" you cried, your hips rolling harder and harder against the man's mouth and finger.
Your body went tense for a few moments and then relaxed. Ransom backed off and watched you languish after your orgasm, pausing briefly to catch your breath. Then you shifted your body and took the hem of your outfit into your hands and peeled it off over your head. Ransom pulled off his T shirt and slid over on top of your luscious body, grinding his rock-hard cock against your pussy as he lowered himself to kiss you.
You whimpered while Ransom's chest mashed down against your heavy, naked tits. They felt amazing against his body, and he was beyond reason when the your mouth opened and set your tongue into motion against his.
Ransom had never kissed any girl so hard or hungrily in his life. Nor had any kissed him back the way you had. At the same time, you were grinding your slick, wet pussy against his cock as hard as he was grinding against you. Then he squeezed his hands in between them and grasped at your tits, kneading them eagerly with his strong hands.
He released your mouth and said," Baby girl, reach down there and put my cock inside you for me. I need that pussy bad, but I can't bring myself to let go of these fantastic tits now that I finally have my hands on them."
You giggled happily and kissed him again while you worked your hands down between your naked bodies. Finally, you got one hand on your pussy and spreading yourself open while you wrapped the other around Ransom's thick cock.
"Oh geezus, fuck, Ransom, you're so fucking hard," you cooed. "Oh god fuck me deep."
You tucked Ransom's cock head into your wet maw and he began grinding his shaft deeper into your sheath. Your pussy felt so tight and creamy, and you both groaned as his rock-hard flesh gradually filled your body. You looked at each other in disbelief, even though nothing had ever felt more right or natural.
Ransom growled as he began to pump his cock in and out of your spectacular body with long strokes. His grip on your tits went tighter and he lowered his head to suck and lick on your swollen nipples.
You whimpered with pleasure, wrapping your legs around his hips and grinding your pussy hard against his thrusting cock. It wasn't long before he was straining to hold on and keep fucking you deep and hard. You didn't make it any easier because of the way you were moaning and your cunt squeezed his pounding cock every time you came.
Finally, Ransom raised himself up on his hands while he pumped your succulent pussy hole as hard and fast as he could, watching your pretty face twist with pleasure while your tits heaved with the force of his lunging body.
"Gimme your cum, baby. I want it in me...fuck!"
With a final, frenzied volley of full body thrusts, Ransom's pulsing cock exploded in your pussy, filling you with a hot flow of jetting spunk.
After, they spent a long time kissing while Ransom caressed the your beautiful tits. He kept his cock buried inside you until his flesh finally started to relax.
You fell asleep in each other's arms, and Ransom knew he had the girl he always needed right there with him. He had been right, all the sarcastic comments and stupid fights had been worth it.
In the morning, Ransom awoke from a haze of dreams to look down and find you lying between his legs with your lips sliding up and down his swollen cock. When you realized he was awake and watching you, you released his big cock from your mouth, giving his shaft a long lick before greeting him.
"Merry Christmas, Ransom."
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baeklooming-day · 3 years
Carousel of daisies | Baekhyun
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🪄 Summary: A ghost who’s prison has been a magical carousel loved by kids for long decades, a ghost who will be set free only if he meets his soulmate, his daisy.
🪄 Genre: Ghost!AU, Soulmate!AU, Magic!AU, fluff
🪄 Word Count: 6.8k
🪄 A/N: Thank you Baekhyun for inspiring me. I love you.
🪄 Listen to Amusement Park 🎠
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Amusement parks were without a bigger question a beautiful and colorful place to be, full of bedazzling joy and kids’ laughter.
Some of them were the wandering type of an amusement park, appearing and disappearing again in a particular spot, just to offer their candies and lights to everyone in town to enjoy with their loved ones.
Some people liked to call these parks „the pop-up amusement parks”, and even though usually they would announce a similar visit to make all the parents in town aware in advance of the soon to be frolics of their kids in a complete awe of the many jolly attractions which they were always so eager to try for themselves, the so awaited and cherished amusement parks used to simply move in a week or even a few days later without even caring to leave a notice to let it be known that they would be soon taking all the fun away again, leaving it a mystery if they would come back, or if another wandering amusement park was about to visit in their place anytime soon.
Apparently a lot of families thought of it to appear to be an even greater issue for the amusement parks to disappear so suddenly and quickly as if under a magical spell than to visit in the first place, so with the passing of time lots of different complaints had been filled and submitted to the mayor’s office, demanding to simply do something about it, to find a good enough solution to prevent all the kids in town from throwing big tantrums as soon as they learned that the park left, and at the same time to give them something equally as merry and bright to enjoy themselves in their leisure time.
To gift all the kids something to give them joy whenever, everyday, something what would stay and never go away, something what would always be bound to just be there no matter what.
An own amusement park was unfortunately, but unquestionably out of the question. The reason was not because the town could not allow themselves an expense of a similar level, but because there wasn’t really anyone who was actually willing to dedicate their hours during the day to look after the place and all the possible guests and screaming kids.
A simple, traditional playground had been crossed out of the suggestions list as well, alone for the fact that there already was a plenty of new colorful playgrounds around the town, and an additional one would obviously not be the most desirable thing in place of the amusement parks which the kids loved so much.
So everyone continued thinking carefully, everyone was contemplating and asking themselves what thing could possibly be the best choice out of all ideas named previously. Or perhaps the most entertaining idea had not been listed just yet?
Some well founded features had been kept in mind throughout the whole process of weekly brainstorming between the citizens, and those were that the new entertainment for kids in town should be, before anything else, something very particular and timeless.
And just as they thought that there was not such thing when nobody seemed to be able to come up with a suitable idea, someone simply threw the totally random, yet immediately enthralling suggestion.
„Let’s build a carousel.”
Almost all pairs of eyes present by the discussion snapped into the direction of the owner of the voice at the same time.
„A carousel?” Asked someone at the other side of the long table where everyone else was sitting.
„Yes, indeed.” Answered the same smooth voice. „We have a lot of playgrounds around our town, and some of them do have carousels but these are not really what I have in mind.”
„Enlighten us.”
„Let’s make it a carousel worthy of those standing in the biggest amusement parks as of now. In that way, the kids would have a piece of an amusement park everyday, but it wouldn’t be that big of a struggle to keep it together than a whole park, you know what I wanna say?” The owner of the voice slowly leaned back in his seat, waiting for a response from his fellow citizens.
„Well...” Someone started. „I know what you mean. But is it even possible to pull this off? Those large carousels are almost an artwork themselves with how they look, in all these precise tiny details and colorings, let alone the mechanism inside them to make them move. Are you sure-”
„Yes.” Responded the smooth voice. „I want to do it. I need to do it.” A small pause. „For my son.”
„For your son?”
„Yes. For Baekhyun.”
„Awe, the little Baekhyun, always all over every carousel at playgrounds, right? Alright. I think your idea is good.” Said someone else, agreeing with the idea.
The young man smiled contentedly in his seat.
What wouldn’t a parent do for their own child in order to make them happy?
When the meeting ended, everyone who became enthralled with the idea rushed to prepare plans of realization of it almost right away.
The common excitement reached its peak, when many long months later after thoroughly planning and working on the project, it finally appeared, standing in the middle of the square in all its glory.
The carousel.
All the kids in town became immediately bewitched with the news, and as soon as they came to a view of the large, strikingly colorful and joyful merry-go-round displayed right before their big eyes, the cheering couldn’t find an end.
As good as every child fell in love with the newest attraction, but one particular little someone was markedly left in awe way more than all the other children.
A very little boy, with the softest locks of hair colored like pearls, was walking around the carousel with his little mouth agape, looking at it from every angle, kneeling on the ground in his lilac trousers to take a look at that joy from down below.
„Do you like it, Baekhyun?”
„Oh, yes!” The little boy exclaimed. „I love it, dad!” He quickly pulled himself up and approached his smiling father in jumping steps. „I loooooove it! I love it so much I wanna stay in that carousel forever!”
The young man let out a soft laugh. „Be careful what you wish for, my dear Baekhyun. It might really come true, sometimes differently than you originally wanted.”
Baekhyun looked up, with his brown eyes seemingly confused.
„But talking is not what we are here for today, is it?” The man said briefly, putting his hand on Baekhyun’s little head, gently caressing his pearly hair. „Do you want to make the honors of the first official ride on the carousel?” He asked, a wide smile making its way back on his lips as soon as he noticed the unduly frolic expression on his son’s face.
„Yes! Yes, I do want to!”
The weather was outstandingly cold that afternoon, significantly much more colder than you were able to recall remembering the whole past week.
It was very, very early but awaited spring which has finally fallen on the quiet town, and if one was observant enough, tiny and green leaf blossoms which were just about to start blooming sometime soon, as if still too timid to break through their delicate shell and spread all over the branches of the trees soaking them in green, could be seen from a distance.
The afternoon, just like the whole day, has been cold, but as if to make up for the not so particularly pleasant temperature the sun was gently throwing its reassuring and comforting gold gleams and twinkles everywhere you could look, making a soothing, almost idyllic atmosphere at the square which merely appeared before your big curious eyes.
It was the first day when the sky was not all covered with weighing dark clouds, so you were continuously emanating with clear joy knowing that even if it took you the longest time ever, you had convinced your mom to take you to the square to play in the afternoon.
And now you were finally out there, letting out a sudden squeak of joy as soon as you came to a view of what you have been longing for ever since the first time as you heard your grandmother mentioning it at their home.
The beautiful, sparkling carousel full with colors, lights, and children’s happy giggles as it moved around spinning their world on that jolly merry-go-round ride.
“Mom!” You called out to your mom with as much volume as a four-year-old little girl could master, noticing how she was left far behind you because of how slowly she proceeded to walk. “Mom, mom, mommy! Look! Walk faster, mommy!” You continued to yell.
“Heavens, Y/N.” She exhaled, shivering a little as the cold breeze blew in her smooth face. “I am not used to these temperatures, not used at all.” She added under her breath, but not loud enough for you to hear.
You gave her a questioning look with your dazzly eyes. “Are you cold, mommy?” You asked, scooting a little closer to her and wrapping your small arms around her left leg.
“Yes honey, mommy is cold. Look-” She bent down to match your level, taking your little hands in hers. “Do you feel it? Cold as ice!” She said with a smile audible in her soft voice as she watched your eyes sparkling even more.
“But I am immune to coldness!” You exclaimed proudly.
“You are my little ice queen, yeah?” She soothed the wild silky locks on your small head, messy from the wind and from running. “But I feel like I will freeze if I stay like this any while longer.” She looked to the side, her eyes becoming instantly as big and sparkling as yours when she noticed a lovely coffee and tea house with people lining up to the entrance.
Your mom said something to you then, but as much as all your focus has usually always been on your mom, you did not hear a thing whilst your attention was brought somewhere else, your eyes being glued to something what seemed like only visible to you.
People were walking past him, not giving even one look, as if he was invisible for them, whilst in the background right behind him there was the colorful object of your awe, the carousel, spinning around with other laughing kids.
He looked as if he was frozen in a motion scene, just standing there calmly and holding a flower. He was wearing a sweater in a dark shade of teal, with two visible white stripes and blue and orange flowers at the front. His hair was of a color equivalent to a real pearl, his loose light locks looking as if they radiated some mysterious kind of gleam from within, just as if made of stardust.
The boy looked at you, blinking slowly, and you looked back, deciding to send him a candy smile as you felt some weird sort of warmth filling your young heart the longer your bright eyes stayed locked with his dark ones.
You were being pulled to the carousel and to the mystical boy with pearl colored hair, or at least that was how you felt when you suddenly let go of your mom’s hand, feeling a peculiar need to run in his direction.
But before you could do so, you felt your mom’s still very cold hand clasping around your own. “Y/N, did you hear what I just said? I said that I will go really, really quickly to buy a hot steaming coffee to warm myself up, alright? You will be a good little girl and will stay by the carousel until mommy comes back, will you?” She said. “You can already get on, I will be back before the ride ends, alright?”
You only nodded eagerly, earning a comforting smile from your mom as she dashed to the coffee place which was just two steps away from where you two were standing.
You quickly turned your little head to look at the boy again, but the moment your eyes landed where you saw him just seconds ago, you immediately noticed that he was gone, nowhere to be seen, as if disappeared in thin air. Nonetheless, you decided to walk up to the carousel, not wanting to believe that this mystical person wouldn’t appear before you in a minute again.
Baekhyun immediately felt this too, in the moment you came into his vision. He would lie if he claimed that he was not taken by a complete surprise as the unforeseen wave of peculiar warmth rushed to fill his ghostly heart. There was a time when he longed for this particular feeling to find him, there was a time when he would stay alert every minute of the day and look for you himself as much as the unbreakable bond which held him close to the carousel allowed him to.
It has been one hundred years since the carousel was built.
And it has already been eighty two years since he died.
Nobody would even ever suspect that the beloved and only son of the man who gave the town that marvelous, magical carousel, would leave at the young age of just twenty two, one windy day in 1922.
Baekhyun himself wasn’t too content to recall the events which took place in that memorable for his loved ones year. The mere thought which flashed through his mind the moment everything went dull, was his careless childish wish from when he was just four years old and went to see the newly acquired carousel with his father.
When he said that he wanted to stay in that carousel forever.
His wish has been granted to him, what he learned as he woke up in the carousel, being almost violently pulled back to it every time he tried to leave, as if some angry, invisible, formless force was clasping its claws around his limbs to send him flying back to the twinkling merry-go-round which became his mocking prison.
There was one way to break this unusual link and to set himself free.
In order to be able to perform that, he needed to meet his soulmate.
He didn’t know how he even knew that, but right after his awakening in the carousel, this thought was one of the first things which appeared between his returning memories of his life which he left behind way too soon for the looks of it.
Baekhyun was full of hope at the beginning, but as the following years flew by and his soulmate didn’t appear, he started to lose the last sprinkles of hope that he had left.
That was the reason why he was feeling so dazed and confused, so flabbergasted and refusing to believe what was occurring around him the moment you looked at him with your sparkling eyes and smiled at him warmly.
He knew it was you.
His soulmate.
The happiness was unfortunately soon replaced by a bittersweet feeling of disappointment as soon as he realized that standing there and smiling at him just a few steps away was a little girl, around four years old.
Even if you found him now, you were much too young to fulfill his floating dream of love and freedom, and he was perfectly aware of that.
He knew that he would have to wait for you even longer, until you became older and could love him properly.
But that didn’t necessarily mean that he couldn’t talk to you now already, did it?
Baekhyun swirled the little daisy flower in his fingers, taking a decisive step next to you, the little girl with sparkling eyes.
You made a jumping beeline to the colorful carousel, your mouth forming a little “o” at the view of shining figures of white horses which were spinning around happily.
You scrunched your little nose unamused, as you noticed all the horses being occupied, the ride not looking like it was about to end too soon as well.
“Why is everything taken?” You asked grumpily, throwing longing glimpses at the carousel.
“Do you want to ride on the merry-go-round too?” Asked an unfamiliar, velvet like voice coming from beside you.
Your little head instantly snapped to the direction of the sound, your eyes looking up to meet those of the owner of that melodic voice speaking to you.
“Oh!” You exclaimed. “Oh! You are the starry mister!” You said in awe, pointing your little finger at Baekhyun, examining his face.
He let out a soft chuckle, kneeling beside you to be on your eye level. “Starry?” He asked.
“Your hair looks like stars! So pretty!” You said, reaching out your small hand to sloppily caress his pearl locks in a childish manner.
Baekhyun felt another wave of warmth flowing through his foggy ghost heart, feeling a loving smile spreading on his lips. Seeing your natural childish curiosity and amazement, he was happy that he could witness it when you were still a little innocent child, yet to learn lots about life.
“What is your name?” He asked.
“My name is Y/N!” You replied joyfully. “And you?”
“So you are the magical Baekhyun.” You stated.
“Magical? Do you like magic?” Baekhyun asked.
“Yes, I do! And I like flowers too!” You answered.
“Flowers? Which flowers do you like?” He asked you another question, before looking at the white daisy which he has been holding in his hand all that time. “Do you like daisies, Y/N?
“I like daisies!” You replied. “And I like you, Baekhyun! You are nice and you have pretty hair!” You added, giving him a candy grin.
“Is that so?” Baekhyun couldn’t help it but mirror your genuine smile. “Will you be my daisy?” He asked, holding up the flower for you to see.
Your sparkling eyes fell on the little daisy immediately. “Yes, I will be your daisy!” You reached out your arm, squealing in joy when Baekhyun placed the small flower in your open hand.
“This is a promise, okay?” He said.
“Of course!” You nodded in agreement, even though you couldn’t understand it just yet.
The little magical moment was interrupted though, when suddenly the familiar voice of your mother filled the air, reaching your ears.
“Y/N! There you are!”
“Mommy, are you warm now?”
“Yes, I bought a coffee. Look!” Your mom happily held up a steaming cup of coffee, the steam visible as a faint white cloud in the chilly air. “Have you been standing here the whole time? Didn’t you want to get on the carousel?” She asked a little bewildered.
“I was talking to Baekhyun!” You said smiling.
If your mom looked bewildered before, now she must have looked totally puzzled. “Baekhyun? Who’s Baekhyun?” She asked.
“My new friend with hair that looks like stars!” You said, but then you knitted your eyebrows. “Mommy, he is standing right next to me!”
Your mom’s eyes looked at you, then at the air beside you, before she let out a deep breath and gently took your hand.
“They told me that having imaginary friends is normal at that age, yeah, they definitely told me that.” She mumbled to herself whilst sipping on her hot coffee, leading you away from the carousel.
You quickly turned around to have one last look at Baekhyun, still standing by the spinning carousel with his hands in his pockets, his eyes following your small figure. “Bye, Baekhyun! I will come back!” You yelled, waving him goodbye with your right hand.
“Y/N, stop it! There is none there! And let’s hurry, the wind is becoming worse, ugh!” Said your mom.
Baekhyun did not move, he stood like that as long as you were still visible in the distance.
He smiled.
Of course your mother could not see him. You were usually starting to lose the ability to see beyond living beings as you were becoming older, and little kids couldn’t tell the difference between a living person and a ghost.
Baekhyun put his hand on his head where your small fingers touched his hair, smiling softly.
“Until we meet again, my daisy.”
“Woah!” Said your friend, Lorena, whilst whirling around and taking in the blooming sight of lovely cherry trees being planted everywhere you could lay your eyes. “You weren’t lying, Y/N, this town legitimately looks like out of a Disney film.” She added, stopping right next to you and your other friend, Lily.
“I told you multiple times.” You said with an elfin sneer.
“You did, but when was the last time you actually visited this place?” Asked Lorena. “When you were a toddler?”
You gave her a little judging look, only for the three of you to burst out in genuine laughter not even two seconds later.
You were nearing your 21st birthday with every following day, and because this year was of a particular meaning to you for many different reasons, you decided to spend it with your two closest friends in the charming small town where your grandparents lived, and recall the memories of when you were playing there as a little child one day in early spring.
But it was not the only reason why you were walking through the old climatic streets with buildings covered in green ivy just now.
As of lately, you have been having peculiar dreams.
You never linked any meaningful value to your dreams, merely because you just didn’t believe that there was anything extraordinary to that, a dream was after all just what your brain went through to “filter” itself at night, right?
But this time was quite different. You kept having weird blurry dreams where the only thing you could really make out of it was a colorful merry-go-round full of warm lights on the background of blurred delicate shades of gold and yellow. Sometimes it was the only object visible, but sometimes you could also see something else.
In the first dream in which you witnessed it, you couldn’t really tell what it was. The figure was standing before the spinning merry-go-round, looking as if painted with delicate, but messy brush strokes on a flawless canvas, forming a mix of dark and light colors. Knowing you, you just decided to completely ignore it, not thinking too much about it the next morning when you woke up. But as the days passed, you kept seeing that mysterious figure by the merry-go-round, with the difference that with every following dream it was becoming more clear.
More clear, but not clear enough to tell every little detail. All you could really tell was that it was clearly a person, just standing there, holding something in their hand, whilst their hair seemed to be glowing under the lights of the slowly spinning carousel behind them.
When these dreams have not left you alone for a whole month, you finally decided to visit the small town you knew from your early childhood, for it was the only place you knew which you could connect with the mystical merry-go-round you saw in your dreams every night as soon as you closed your eyes.
“Ey Lily, do you think there is a Starbucks somewhere?” Asked Lorena.
“I don’t know, but I saw a really pretty coffee place somewhere as we walked here.” Answered Lily, brushing her a little too long lilac dyed bangs away from her forehead. “It looked really old school, if you ask me. Oh, look, it’s there!” She pointed to a small building between the pink cherry trees, its walls seeming to be shimmering in a beautiful rose gold color.
“Oh my, it’s even cooler than Starbucks! Let’s go in there. Y/N?” Lorena turned around to look at you, but you couldn’t hear a word she just said.
Your sparkling eyes were glued to the one and only thing standing majestically in the middle of the square you knew so well from your memories and dreams.
The carousel.
It has not changed, it has not changed even a little from what you could tell, still being as colorful and merry as the last time when you saw it all those long years ago.
There were kids spinning around and laughing, other people just walking by, the scene awakening some kind of nostalgia inside you, knowing that this view was indeed very, very familiar to you, bringing back the events of the idyllic year 2004.
You were left there in awe, admiring the happy sight, when out of nowhere you felt a little wave of a warm feeling, as if comforting warmth flowing through your heart.
You felt your eyes widening a little, when in the moving crowd of other people you noticed a person, standing still and looking straight at you, with locks of very light, glistening hair.
Subconsciously, your feet took one, two steps ahead in the direction of that mystical person, feeling the peculiar need to just run to them.
But just as you took another step closer and wanted to look more closely who it was, the person disappeared, as if instantly brushed away with a magical spell.
You stopped, confused, looking around to see if there was anyone with such a light hair color, really resembling a pearl.
But there was none, no matter how carefully you looked.
“Y/N! Where are you going? Did you hear what we just said?” Asked Lorena, placing her hand on your shoulder, looking a little bewildered. “Left unattended you just start wandering off, just like when we were in school!” She paused, before talking again. “So listen, apparently there is a newly built game arcade just around the corner, how cool is that? And apparently, they have the old school Super Mario there! So Lily suggested that we go get a coffee at that pretty store there, and then we go to the arcade seeing that the night is falling already-” She took out her phone, checking the time. “Is it a good plan or is it a super good plan?” She asked joyously, looking at you.
But you were only half listening, your eyes still looking for the person with pearly hair between the people. “Y/N?” Lorena started again, her soft voice sounding a little concerned once she noticed your dazed expression. “What are you looking at?”
You brought your attention back to your friend, looking at her with two big question marks visible in your sparkling eyes. “I just saw someone. Someone familiar.” You replied, letting out an audible gasp when once again, before the merry-go-round, you saw him.
Now you could see clearly what the mystifying person looked like.
It was a boy. More or less around your own age. He was wearing a dark teal sweater with a floral pattern on it, and his hair was resembling a shining pearl. The soft looking locks of light hair were sliding gently on his forehead as he ever so lightly tilted his head to the left, his mystical eyes not leaving yours for even a split second.
“He’s standing right there, by the merry-go-round.” You said quietly, pointing your finger to the said direction.
Lily and Lorena both followed the direction where you pointed, but soon ended up giving each other, and yourself, puzzling looks.
“Um, Y/N, boo, there is none standing by the merry-go-round.” Said Lily. “Everyone is walking, besides the kids playing there are also going home already.”
You looked at Lily in disbelief. “But Lily, he IS there, the boy with-” You paused, feeling the already familiar warmth spilling on your heart the moment the boy smiled at you. “The boy with hair like pearls.” You said, just a little above a whisper.
“I really don’t see anyone like that, Y/N.” Said Lorena, now gently taking your hand and pulling you away from the carousel. “Let’s go and have a drink, okay?”
You nodded faintly, letting your friends take you away to the coffee place mentioned earlier.
There was no way that none else beside you could see the boy with pearly hair, whilst he was clearly just standing there in one point, not moving even an inch and instead just his eyes being fixated on one point in front of him.
On you.
He had this undeniably peculiar aura to him, he didn’t seem like just any regular person you could meet around on a daily basis, not even addressing the obvious until now fact, that everybody else genuinely seemed to not be able to see him standing there.
You watched the sky through the large glass window inside the lovely coffee place, as it became always darker and darker as the night was falling above the town.
You were holding your half empty, but still steaming, dark mocha in your small hands, contemplating whether your eyes started playing tricks on you or if you indeed saw what you saw just moments ago.
“So, girls.” Started Lorena, as soon as she finished her own cup of coffee, wiping away the cream from her nude lip. “Seriously, let’s go to that game arcade. It has been so long since we all played something old school like that.”
“I told you, my ideas are always the best.” Said Lily. “Y/N?”
You were just about to give your friend an answer, when briefly you caught a glimpse of a pearly head outside by the merry-go-round.
You flinched immediately, taking the last sip of your mocha and quickly standing up from the table. “Listen, you two can go ahead to the arcade, I really need to check something first. I will join you there later, okay?” You said, not even waiting for your friends’ reply and running out of the building.
“I’m a little worried about our Y/N, to be honest.” Said Lorena. “She literally looked as if she saw a ghost.” She added.
“Me too, if I’m being honest.” Said Lily. “But something tells me it isn’t anything bad. Let’s just go to the arcade and wait for Y/N like she told us to do. If she doesn’t show up within twenty minutes we will call her or just come back here.” She added, finishing her own drink.
By the time your friends left the coffee place and directed themselves to the game arcade, you were already circling the still illuminated, but completely quiet by now, merry-go-round. You were more than totally sure that you saw him standing just here again, but by the time you got out of the store and reached the middle of the square, he was nowhere to be seen.
You sighed in disbelief, running your fingers through your long silky locks.
The otherwise full of beans big square, was now completely quiet and empty under the dark blue night sky, all covered in twinkling stars creating a real magical atmosphere.
The majestic carousel, the object of your complete acclaim when you were just four years old, was still wholly illuminated and bright presenting itself before your eyes.
“Why is everything so quiet.” You said quietly to yourself.
“Last time everything was way too crowded, wasn’t it?” Said a velvet like voice, right next to you.
You flinched, startled a little by the sudden unfamiliar voice.
Or was it really unfamiliar?
Your head instantly snapped to the direction of the sound, making your jaw drop in awe, disbelief, and total surprise all at the same time.
Right before your eyes, there was the mystical boy with shining pearly hair and chocolate brown eyes which looked at you in a longing way.
“You are-” You started, still flabbergasted. “You are the boy with hair like pearls.”
“Pearls?” Asked the boy. “But I clearly remember you used to call it hair like stars.” He said softly.
Your eyes widened a little. “What? Wait.” You paused. “Do I know you?” You asked.
“You might know my name but you do not remember the owner.” He replied.
What on earth?
You were left a little, and by a little you wanted to say a lot, dazed and confused by his words, so as silly as it might have sounded you decided to change the subject by asking him a random question. “Um-” You started. “I saw the number 1922 engraved in the carousel, was it the year it was built?” You asked, looking at him with your sparkling eyes.
Her eyes are still as sparkling as I remember.
“No.” The boy replied, his voice smoother than anything else you have ever heard. “It was built in 1904.” He added.
“Woah.” You said in a genuine amazement. “Respect to those who take care of it, it looks as if it was newly built. But why is there 1922 then? Shouldn’t it be 1904 if it was the year it was built?” You asked, tracing the fine lines of detailed colorful engravings on the carousel.
“Do you know the story of this carousel?” The boy asked.
You looked at him, shaking your head, a sign for him to continue speaking.
“One of the noblemen of this town built this carousel for his only child in 1904.” He started. “1922 was the year when his son passed away.” He said in a quiet tone.
A little frown fell on your scarlet lips. “How old was he?” You asked.
“Twenty two.”
“Just one year older than me.” You muttered to yourself. “What a waste. He had his whole life ahead of him. What was his name?” You said.
“His name was Baekhyun.” The boy replied softly.
You paused for a brief moment, frozen.
You were sure you have already heard this name somewhere.
When you didn’t reply, the boy continued talking. “This carousel was of a great meaning to him.” He said. “And during spring time, he liked to collect daisies on the hill over there when he was little.” He added, looking at you warmly.
“Daisies?” You asked, feeling as if some old, forgotten memories were coming back to you the moment he said the name of these little flowers.
“Yes, daisies.” He said, a small smile falling on his soft lips. “Do you like daisies?”
“Um, yes, I do like daisies.” You replied slowly, not knowing what was the peculiar feeling which has flown over you just now.
The boy took a decisive step closer to you, soon you felt his cold hand very gently taking yours, not breaking eye contact. “Will you be my daisy?”
And then you felt it, everything coming back as if in a flash. The cold early spring day in 2004, you with your silky locks disheveled by the wind, the beautiful carousel, and the ghostly, mystical boy holding a single daisy, invisible to all the people around, but to you.
And then you also remembered it.
You remembered it when that boy with hair like pearls told you his name.
His name was Baekhyun.
“But, but-” You started, looking at him with big eyes. “No, this is impossible. You look-” You paused, breathing in and out. “You look just the same as then.” You were still feeling the cold coming from his soft hand, you gently squeezed it as if to prove to yourself that it was not a dream. “Could you really be the same Baekhyun who I have met here all those years back?” You asked in disbelief, your sparkling eyes twinkling in the moonlight as you looked at the mystical boy before you. “Could you be the same son of the nobleman who built this carousel? The same Baekhyun who died in 1922?” You asked in a quieter tone, not believing the sight before your eyes. “Is this really not a dream?”
She remembers.
“I have waited seventeen years for you to find me again, my daisy.” Baekhyun’s chocolate eyes were now just as sparkling as yours, little happy twinkles dancing in them as he reached his other hand to very gently cup your cheek, bringing your face closer to his.
You just looked at him in awe, the familiar feeling of warmth filling your heart spilling all over you again as he tenderly placed his lips on yours.
The moment your lips touched, you immediately noticed that his equally cold hands and lips started becoming warm, living, losing the ghostly cold they held before.
Without even being aware of this, your own free hand circled around Baekhyun’s neck, letting him kiss you in the sweetest way possible and letting yourself kiss him back.
The moment his lips left yours, you suddenly heard a loud sound similar to that of a breaking glass somewhere near the carousel.
With your arm still around him, you watched as Baekhyun’s eyes fell on the carousel, or more like on the ground next to it. You looked at the ground flabbergasted yourself, when laying there, completely broken, were immense chains made of the thickest glass.
The wave of warmth flew over you one more time when Baekhyun turned his head to look at you again, a light scarlet shade starting to color his once milky and bloodless cheeks.
Your fingers lingered a brief while before gently placing themselves on his cheek, the previous cold being completely gone, instead you felt the warmth coming from within his skin.
Just as if he was wholly alive again.
He appeared to become aware of this too, when he placed his own hand over your small one, feeling his lightly flushed cheek. “Am I-” He started in disbelief, his chocolate eyes widening. “Am I alive?”
You yourself were left in a complete awe even more than before, being able to do just as much as to look him in those brown eyes and nod eagerly, repeatedly.
It was crazy, the whole day in this small town full of magic, and you were more than sure that the most people would never believe it or simply give you stupid looks.
You were more than sure that none would be in the position to actually understand the unusual events which took place by the old merry-go-round, but you wouldn’t be too surprised, because you couldn’t really understand them yourself.
All you knew was the warmth which filled your heart always more and more, the longer your sparkling eyes stayed locked with Baekhyun’s brown ones, and the longer you stayed locked in his warm embrace.
Your eyes traveled over every little detail of his handsome face, until your fingers gently brushed away his pearly bangs which fell on his eyes.
He was perfect.
“So” You started softly. “I will be happy to be your daisy.” You said.
And you could swear, that this particular smile which appeared on his lips was the most enthralling thing in the whole universe.
“You will?” He asked, smile audible in his velvet like voice.
“Yes. Yes, I will.”
You stood there, softly smiling at each other, living in the moment of a magical marvel.
All you could see in that beautiful while was all the life which was coming back to Baekhyun’s eyes, the eyes which were lifeless and foggy just moments ago.
What you failed to see were your two best friends, Lorena and Lily, standing just some feet away, observing the lovely scene in awe.
“Do you see that, Lily?” Asked Lorena. “I would suggest you and me both make an appointment by the eye doctor, that boy with hair like pearls or whatever is REAL. Y/N really saw him there, but we did not?” She said, rubbing her eyes as if to make sure that she was seeing right. “And damn, he is handsome. Holy freak, they are both beautiful. My eyes start to hurt from all this beauty.”
Lily let out a genuine laugh. “You know what, Lori, let’s just go. Something tells me that those two have a lot of stuff to catch up on.” She said, taking Lorena’s hand to gently pull her away.
“Buuuut-” Said Lorena. “I really wanna know who he is.”
“An old friend?” Said Lily, whilst leading the still talking Lorena away.
Meanwhile, you and Baekhyun were still standing in the same position next to the colorful merry-go-round.
“You know, I actually never got to get on the merry-go-round.” You said.
“Well then-” Said Baekhyun, throwing a quick look at all the empty white horses reflecting the magical lights of the carousel before looking back at you. “Do you want to go on a merry-go-round ride with me?” He asked, a little pending audible in his velvet voice.
“Yes. Yes, I do.” You replied.
If you thought that looking at the carousel alone was a magical sight, then you surely felt as if you were in another magical dimension whilst you were spinning around on one of those snow white horses with Baekhyun right next to you.
The moment was even more magical, when a very soft and pretty melody reached your ears, sounding as if it was coming from inside of the spinning carousel.
Merry-go, merry-go, merry-go-round...
Beautiful you on the merry-go-round.
The lights of the merry-go-round have indeed always been beautiful and bedazzling, but right in that moment, that warm night, nothing could be more brighter than the twinkles in your sparkling eyes, and Baekhyun’s chocolate brown ones as you spun around for the tenth time.
It was perfect.
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Author’s End Note: Thank you for reading! Don’t forget to REBLOG if you liked it and leave me your opinions! It helps to improve lots! I know that the ending might not be what everyone likes, but it seemed right to me to end the story in that and not another way. I really hope you enjoyed this, and seeing that this is the first story in 2021, I wish you all the luck and wonders in this year, and I genuinely hope it will be full of magic!!
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Happy Holidays - BTS Style
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OT7 Imagine/Reactions
Hey guys! I thought it’d be fun to to an ot7 holiday oneshot with all the members! So the following are seven different prompts from my prompt list with the seven members! Enjoy, and happy holidays!
18. “Why are you still up?” - Jin
Christmas Day had passed and gone, you were sitting in the middle of the front room staring up at the lights on the Christmas tree. Tomorrow would mean it was time to take everything down and prepare for the new year.
“Why are you still up?”
Jin enters the room wearing his new fluffy robe you had bought him more as a joke than anything; but he insisted on wearing it all day. 
You shrug, keeping your eyes glued on the beautiful Christmas tree. “Just enjoying the last few minutes of Christmas.”
Jin comes up beside you, settling on the floor and sitting shoulder to shoulder. Grabbing a blanket from off the sofa he wraps it around the two of you, pulling you into his chest. 
“Mind if I sit with you?” Jin’s voice is soft as he studies your face, visibly relaxing when he sees that you aren’t upset. Just contemplative. 
Snuggling in closer to him, you laugh lightly. “Depends...did you bring snacks?”
Jin sighs, his hand delving into the deep pockets of his robe and pulling out a chocolate orange. “You’re lucky I love you.”
Sneaking a peck to his cheek, you giggle at how his cheeks redden in the dim light of the room. “Love you, too.”
20. “Merry Christmas, bub.” - Yoongi
It’s no secret that Min Yoongi doesn’t enjoy waking up early in the morning, and Christmas is no exception. That’s what he told you last night as you rolled out a sleeping bag in the front room, deeming it a perfect night to sleep before the Christmas tree. 
You realized fairly soon that the hardest part wasn’t convincing him to sleep out on the floor - it was getting him to wake up in the morning. 
You’d been patient, waiting until at least 7 before trying to wake him up. At first, he didn’t even budge. You poked and prodded at his puffy cheeks until he groaned, turning the other way. 
“Yoooongi,” you coo, laughing as he dives further into his sleeping bag. “Min Yoooongi!”
Yoongi groans again, kicking at his sleeping bag until he can see your smiling face. He frowns back up at you.
“Whadda you want?”
A glance at the time shows that it’s already 7:30, obviously time to get things rolling. “It’s Christmas, Yoongs! Get up, we’ve got to eat and open presents! We’re supposed to be over at Jin’s by 10-”
Yoongi wraps his arms around you, pulling you down with him until you’re squished up against his chest. “Five more minutes.”
Tipping your chin up, Yoongi dusts a kiss over the tip of your nose. “Merry Christmas, bub.”
Rolling your eyes, you give in, already beginning to keep time in your head. “Yeah yeah. Merry Christmas.”
6. “Snuggle season is the best season.” - Hoseok
“Is there any left?”
Hoseok peeks inside the giant pot of hot chocolate. “Yeah, you want a refill?”
I nod, handing over my giant mug that he gifted me earlier in the day. Hoseok makes a show of ladling the chocolatey drink into my mug, yelping when a bit hops out and nearly lands on his new sweater. 
“It’s out to get me!” He declares, handing me the drink with a wary glance. I can’t help but laugh, shrugging as I walk away. We’ve just started “The Polar Express” as a nice way to wrap up our Christmas. 
Hoseok steps over the couch from the back, making me hiss as he plops down beside me, nearly making me spill. “Hobiii,’ I mumble, carefully setting my hot chocolate down on the side table. 
“Whoops,” he nuzzles in close to me. “Sorry.”
The movie unfolds before us as we watch on and comment on different things we enjoy about the movie. 
“See, this is why winter is the best season,” I say. “I mean, what other season is so cozy? Just sitting and watching feel-good movies, drinking hot chocolate-”
“...snuggling....” Hobi mumbles under his breath, keeping both eyes glued to the screen. 
I raise my eyebrows. “...yes. Snuggling. But you can snuggle whenever.”
Hoseok shrugs, snuggling in even closer to me. “Yeah, but this is the season of snuggles.”
Laughing, I brush his hair away from his eyes and watch as they widen as the movie. “Is that your main point for why winter in the best? How on earth would you defend that in a debate?”
Giving me a quick glance before returning his attention to the movie, I refrain from laughing as Hoseok is clearly a bit embarrassed.
“It’s easy. Snuggle season is the best season.”
Dropping my head against his shoulder, I go back to watching the movie. “Can’t argue with that.”
I can feel Hobi’s grin even though I can’t see him. “My point exactly.”
2. “Do you think anybody has ever used an ice skate as a murder weapon?” - Namjoon
Sitting amidst the piles of wrapping paper and ribbons, I look across the room to where Namjoon sits in a similar situation. 
“Merry Christmas.”
Namjoon grins, grabbing a garbage bag and starting to shove the wrapping paper inside. “Merry Christmas.”
It’s quiet today, we’ll be meeting up with everyone else later in the day. For now, I’m content to sprawl out on the sofa with my new book that Namjoon got me. It’s a riveting true story, one that deals with betrayal, plot twists, and adrenaline inducing scenes. 
Namjoon sets up camp on the opposite sofa, immediately diving into his new book as well. It’s a self-help book that he’s been going on and on about for weeks - he made it all too easy to pick out his Christmas gift. 
The low tones of Christmas music playing from our speaker are the only sounds besides the occasional rustle of a page being turned. My book takes me on a ride, and before I know it hours have passed and I’m right in the middle of the action. 
Namjoon breathes deep as though reviving from a deep sleep, looking over at me from where he lays on the couch. “We should probably get going.”
Reluctantly setting my book down, I nod. “Does this mean that I actually have to get ready?” Namjoon throws back his head and laughs, completely understanding the sentiment as he runs a hand through his unruly hair. 
“Nope. I’m not going to, at least. You look great anyways.”
A few warm layers and a cold car later, Namjoon and I sing along to a few songs on the radio as we head across town. As the songs begin to change, I fall silent. Coming to a stop at a red light, I begin to ponder my book.
My face must reflect my contemplative state perfectly, because Namjoon chuckles beside me. “What are you thinking about?”
Blinking at him, I frown. “Do you think anybody has ever used an ice skate as a murder weapon?”
Now it’s Namjoon’s turn to blink at me. The light turns green, so I continue to drive, starting to wonder if I sounded a bit strange. 
Once we’ve pulled into Jin’s driveway, I turn off the car and face Namjoon. “Why haven’t you said anything?”
Namjoon lets out a startled laugh, looking at me with bright eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t even realize that I never answered you. I was...busy.”
Furrowing my brows I hop out of the car, Namjoon linking my arm through his as we make our way up the sidewalk. 
“Busy? With what?”
Namjoon’s head is pointed down as he grins, his dimple making an appearance. “I was busy falling in love with you all over again.”
My eyes grow wide before I burst out into laughter, Namjoon following suit. “You love me because of murder?” 
Namjoon nods his head. “Definitely. What more could I want?”
Rolling my eyes, I see that everyone is already inside Jin’s apartment. “You...wow. We’re messed up.”
Namjoon winks at me. “In the best way.”
7. “Your toes are like ice blocks! Noooo stop touching me!!” - Jimin
“That. Was. Amazing.”
Jimin comes huffing and puffing inside the house, tearing off his beanie and scarf as he spots me. Taehyung and Hoseok trail in after him. 
“I assume you had fun?”
Jimin laughs, his entire face lighting up as he begins to recount everything that happened on their sledding adventure. 
“...and then Tae fell off his sled and literally rolled down the rest of the mountain! I’ve never laughed so hard in my entire life.” Indeed, he’s in the process of wiping tears from his eyes as he finishes his tale, the other two boys having disappeared into the kitchen where the promise of food proved to be too much of a temptation. 
I chuckle at the mere sight of Jimin, his cheeks still red from the cold and his eyes wide. “Sounds like a good afternoon.”
He nods, sliding onto the couch and laying down. He stretches his legs until he’s pushing against mine. I immediately hiss and retract my feet as his cold toes brush up against me. 
“Your toes are like ice blocks!” I shriek, only making Jimin tuck his toes under my legs in an effort to warm them up. “Noooo stop touching me!!” Jimin’s evil laugh rings in my ears as I glare at him, promptly standing up to go to a different couch. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Jimin shouts, launching off the couch and pulling me back down in a pile on top of him. “If you really love me, you’ll help me warm up.”
I snort. “Put some socks on! I’m not sacrificing my body heat for you!”
“Wait, so you don’t love me?” Jimin’s puppy dog eyes are hard to ignore; especially when he still has me locked in his arms. 
“Gahhh you know that’s not what I-”
“Well then say it if you-”
“C’mon Chim, just go put some socks on!”
Jimin shakes his head, chuckling. “I’m alright like this, thanks.”
Wriggling around until I finally break free of his grasp, I roll onto the floor with a triumphant shout. Jumping up and sprinting into Jimin’s room, I hurry back with a pair of thick socks, taking the opportunity to throw them at Jimin who remains on the couch. 
He shouts when the socks hit him on the side of the head. “Hey! What was that for?”
Coming up behind the couch, I begin playing with his messy hair. “That’s how I say ‘I love you’. Didn’t you like it?”
Jimin laughs as he slips his socks on. “It was perfect. But maybe we could take a less violent approach next time?”
I shrug. “Beggars can’t be choosers.” 
19. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to find fresh flowers in the middle of winter?” - Taehyung
You’ve been out searching for over two hours, so your state of mind isn’t necessarily the best when you finally roll into the apartment at nearly ten o’clock at night. 
Taehyung tends to be spontaneous - he has an affinity for sending you out on random adventures at the most inconvenient time - but tonight it was just cold enough to have you in a frustrated mood by the time you got back. 
Kicking your shoes off in the entryway, you’re just about to yell out that you’ve returned when you realize that all is not as you left it. 
The lights are darker, soft Christmas music is playing, and is that a poinsettia on the dining table?
Just as you’re standing there in wonder, Taehyung rounds the corner. He wearing a deep green sweater, just nice enough to tip you off. 
“Ah, you found some flowers!” He gushes, rushing over to you and taking the beautiful flowers that you just bought from your grasp. When he’d begged you earlier to go out and buy some fresh flowers, you certainly didn’t expect to be returning to this. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to find fresh flowers in the middle of winter?” You ask, still a little angry that Tae just sent you on a wild goose chase all around Seoul. Wandering into the dining room as though in a dream, the air is effectively knocked out of you when you see just what he’s prepared. 
Taehyung’s voice drifts in from the kitchen, where he’s putting the flowers in a vase. “I know, that’s why I sent you away! I knew it’d take you a while, and I had to get everything set up.”
It’s a wonder that he was able to get everything set up and ready to go in just a couple of hours. The entire dining room is decked out in candles, beautiful placements, and a few wrapped presents lying around. 
“Where’s everyone else?” You wonder aloud. After all, this is the shared apartment between all seven boys. Taehyung brushes past you, standing before the table and debating whether he should replace the poinsettia with the fresh flowers or leave it be. 
“Oh, they’re gone tonight. I convinced them to...get lost.”
You can’t help but laugh, your frustration from earlier dissolving as you watch Taehyung place the fresh flowers on a side table. 
“Ok, the food will be here any minute-”
The man in question turns to face you, pure innocence spelled across his face. “Yes?”
“What’s going on?”
“Oh,” Taehyung chuckles, realizing that he’s kept you in the dark. “Right. Well, I just wanted to do something nice with you. For Christmas. Before we have to leave and I won’t get to see you.”
You heart melts at his words, and you follow him to sit down at the table. “So you did all of this?” He nods. “It’s amazing, Tae.”
“You really think so?”
You nod. “I know so. Thank you, darling.”
Taehyung nods, opening his mouth but the sound of a knock on the door cutting him off. “Oh, that must be the takeout!” Taehyung scurries off, leaving you in a fit of laughter as you realize that Taehyung, for all his fancy tendencies, is still just Tae. 
The memory of the two of you eating cheap takeout on fine china is a memory you’ll keep for a long time.
5. “Where were you?” “Building a snow fort, duh.” - Jungkook
It’s freezing. Not the freezing that people say when they want to complain about how cold it is outside. Those people are weak. Those are the people that decide that they’d better stay inside because they can’t handle the slightest bit of cold.
No, today is actually freezing. Like, you think your toes my be amputated if you stay out here for much longer. 
Huffing, you pull out your phone to see if you’ve received a text from Jungkook. You haven’t. A quick check at your conversation shows you the same thing: Jungkook telling you that he’ll be right out, and to wait for him beside the back entrance. 
Well, you’ve been waiting for several minutes now outside the back entrance of the Bighit building, and you’re pretty sure you’d rather go inside and risk exposing your entire relationship to the world rather than dying a slow, cold death out here. 
You’re in the middle of contemplating what your final words should be when you hear Jungkook’s unmistakable laugh from behind you.
“You look like you're freezing!”
Whirling around, you see the man that has put you through all of this suffering wading out of the tall snowbank, his beanie pulled down low over his ears. 
“Where were you?” You mumble as your teeth chatter. Jungkook rushes over to you, rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm you up. 
“Building a snow fort, duh.”
Oh, today might be the day you seriously consider murder. “Jeon Jungkook, I’ve been dying out here waiting for you! You couldn’t just-”
Jungkook shushes you with his woolen mitten, grinning at you like you’re confessing your love for him and not reprimanding him. 
“It’s warm inside the snow fort.”
You blink, your train of thought shifting gears. “Does your snow fort take deliveries?”
Jungkook laughs, looping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you along. “Oh, absolutely. Wanna check it out?”
Giving in, you sigh. “Yeah.”
“It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You still mad at me for making you wait?”
“...ask me again after I’ve eaten.”
Jungkook laughs, guiding you toward his snow fort and promising to call up some takeout as soon as possible.
Merry Christmas! 
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
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pairing: Jeonghan x female reader
genre: fluff, suggestive, idk what this is
warnings: cursing
word count: around 1.5k
A/N: Firstly, happy birthday to the Jeonghan, our con man. I know I'm a day late so forgive me for that. Secondly, I've no idea what the hell I wrote. I've cancelled two other drafts I wrote for his birthday cause none of them were coming together and in the end I've decided to post this shit. Anyway, your feedback would be really appreciated in this mess of a story :').
"What's Jeonghan doing here?" You hiss to Mingyu who has a hard time prying his eyes off of Chaeyeon. "I invited him. I never thought he'd actually come. I'm surprised too." He replies.
"Wha- why would you invite Jeonghan to my birthday party!" You glare at him to which he rolls his eyes, "Come on now, he's in our friend group. And college is almost over. You don't know when you'll see him again. Ogle him while he's still here." He smirks.
"What did you just s-"
"Oh come on, don't act like I don't know that he's your secret crush. Maybe make up with him and if you're lucky you'll get some good dick as a birthday present." Mingyu chuckles at your open mouth before scurrying away to avoid your wrath. You glare at his retreating figure before inhaling sharply. And before you can stop yourself, you start to look for him.
You spot Jeonghan at the large porch in the back of Mingyu's house, sitting in one of the porch seats while sipping beer. He looks dashing as always, his black hair messy, his pale skin glowing in the moonlight, his cheekbones getting a prominent shine. You sigh.
Jeonghan was an exhausting person to be around and maybe, he'd say the same for you. You've known him since highschool and after a particular incident of him spilling his banana milk all over your brand new scarf, you decided to call it war. To this day you believe that he did it on purpose because you told your homeroom teacher that he slept during his class.
After that it was like an unspoken rule- you two would bicker whenever you were in the same space. It only infuriated you that he was so good looking, smart, famous and the fact that you had some feelings developing for him. Each time you saw him with a girl you'd feel a bitter feeling all over and you could only hope that those feelings would pass over time. But no they didn't, they only grew- the small branches had formed a tree now, the roots planted deep in your heart.
"How long are you going to stand there and stare at me?" Jeonghan calls, without turning behind. You clear your throat before walking to him, "Didn't expect to see you here, fuck face."
"Can you not call me names for a day please? You're just jealous I'm good looking." He remarks drowning the can of beer.
You snort, "Haha. You wish, loser." You plop down beside him. "I see you've finished quite a few cans. What's up? Got ditched?" You poke him.
"What do you care?"
"You're ruining the mood here with all these sad aura around you. Go drink your sorrows away somewhere else, this is my party."
"Yet you are sitting with me and my sad auras."
"I came to tell you that," you scoff, crossing your arms over.
"Parties are not your thing, I know. And Mingyu wasn't shy on inviting people. It feels more like his birthday than yours." Jeonghan comments, still staring ahead. His words are true and they infuriate you. You can't help but get defensive, "What do you know, sad boy? I'm enjoying myself just fine."
"And yet you are sitting with me and-"
"Stop saying that, will you!" You snap. Jeonghan chuckles before looking at you. He unabashedly eyes you up and down, heating your cheeks up in the process.
"Nice dress," he murmurs. His words catch you off guard and you glare at him, "Stop staring at me, pervert."
"You were staring at me earlier."
"Seriously? Can you stop for one goddamn second?"
"You're the one who started it."
"That's it. I shouldn't have come here," you stand up to leave but to your utter surprise Jeonghan grabs your hand, sending your heart to a frenzy. "Wait."
You swallow nervously, heart thudding loudly in your chest as Jeonghan lets go of your hand and meets your eyes, "Sit down, I've a gift for you."
You frown, "You have a gift for me?" Jeonghan nods before sitting straight, setting down his can. "Before that, I need you to know something."
"I really didn't spill my milk all over you intentionally that day." He meets your eyes.
You can't help but laugh out loud partially because he's still concerned about that and partially because you believe he's lying.
"Listen here, sad boy, I've put that well past me. And I know for a fact you did it on purpose so don't-"
"You didn't, ___. We've been fighting over that for our whole goddamn lives. And no, I'm not lying. I've no reason to. I never cared if you told our teacher shit or not." His chocolate orbs bore into yours and you swallow. The air surrounding you suddenly becomes thick and you start to feel jittery and maybe a slight amount of guilt. Is he really speaking the truth?
"W-whatever, I don't care anymore." You say, sitting down gently beside him.
"And yet you still hold a grudge against me," Jeonghan sighs. "Besides you're not even fun to fight with."
"What did you say?"
He laughs, his eyes forming crescents and the sweet melody echoing in the air. You quickly look away before he catches you staring, "I don't have all day. Where's my gift?"
"Yeah, right." From beside him he produces a bag that you didn't notice before. He hands it to you and you tentatively peek in, half expecting a bug to jump out.
To your utter surprise, a scarf that looks identical to the one he ruined lies there. A small gasp leaves your mouth.
"I bought it that day after I stained yours. I was going to give this to you as an apology but dear lord, you were on my ass the second I got to class next day." Jeonghan speaks and a blush coats your cheek leaving you feel vulnerable all of a sudden.
"I don't know what to say," You whisper more to yourself. Jeonghan chuckles, "I know, you're touched. It's okay, we're even finally."
You bite your lip and exhale loudly before meeting his eyes, "Thanks." Jeonghan moves his hand in a dismissive wave. "I thought I'd finally give it you, call it a truce. We'll probably never see each other again after this month and I wanted to depart on good terms."
Your throat constricts, an overwhelming sadness enveloping you. He's right, you two would probably never see each other again. His dad owns a huge business and he'd probably go abroad to manage it.
"You're right, let's call it a truce," you whisper staring at the scarf in your lap.
"Come on now, don't look so sad, sad girl," Jeonghan teases you and you roll your eyes. He's still the same.
He hands you a beer, "Have a drink with me to sign the truce." You quietly laugh, taking the can from him. You two share a comfortable silence, staring at the night sky, the music from the party fading into the background until Jeonghan decides to break it.
"I know you like me, ___." The words slip past his lips like it's the most casual thing ever. You choke on your beer before looking at him eyes wide like saucers, "W-what!"
Jeonghan slightly turns to face you, his features calm, "You don't have to act. I've known all along."
Oh. My. God.
Heat spreads all over your face like wildfire. Your first thought is that Mingyu told him. You chew your lip as you see no way out. "W-who told you?" You squeak.
"I've figured it out myself," He says nonchalantly, resting his head on his hand as you stares at you.
"You-you did?"
You fumble with the hem of your dress before murmuring out, "I-I should get going." You need to escape him. Forever.
But Jeonghan isn't done. He casually goes on, "I've always thought you were pretty. Even when you get red after losing an argument." You blush furiously as your palms sweat.
"You know I really had no intention of picking a fight with you but you...you were so desperate to bring me down. You always speak too much and I often think about the many ways I could shut your loud mouth. Such a shame, we would've made a great couple."
Your face feels like it's on fire by now. You swallow before nervously laughing, "I s-see what you're doing here...You're trying to p-prank me, asshole."
Jeonghan runs a hand through his hair, sighing, "See? There you go again, running that damn mouth." Your lips press together as you clench your fists, thinking of a way out. In the blink of an eye Jeonghan scoots closer to you and leans in to capture your lips in a kiss.
A squeak leaves your mouth as Jeonghan tilts your head, cupping your cheek. You want to pull back, smack him, call him names but you can only moan as his mouth slots against yours perfectly. Your tongues clash as you grab a fistful of Jeonghan's shirt, moaning.
When you pull back for air, you're mortified, wanting to be swallowed up by the ground. Jeonghan is totally calm as he takes in your messy state licking his lips.
"Do you want to continue?"
"I said do you want to continue this? If you don't want to I'll leave. If you do then you're coming home with me. Which one is it gonna be, ___?"
You bite your lip. Oh my God. This can't be happening.
You grit your teeth as every ounce of your resolve disappears, "I...I want you."
The smile on Jeonghan's face is victorious, a smile you've seen million times before, a smile that makes you week in the knees. "Good girl." He says encasing your lips in another kiss before standing up holding out his hand. "Come along, sweetheart. I'm gonna ruin you for any other man. Even when it's morning you'll only be thinking about me," he whispers in your ear before tugging you out of the porch- your heart hammering in your chest as you squeeze the scarf on your hand.
Fuck, you owe Mingyu a fruit basket or some shit now.
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A/N 2: Also, that video of Jeonghan exercising made me 🥵🥵 this man is so infurating. I was literally dehydrated from watching that video.
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Space Jam 2 AU [AKA Across The Serververse] Part 2.
Hey! Roxy Goth here. So, just a couple of quick note before we carry on, firstly -  from now on I think I’ll just have the title of this as ‘Across The Serververse’ and drop the Space Jam 2 AU bit. 
Secondly - I can’t remember exactly how Rhythm got the toons into the Servereverse, by that I mean if they literally just stepped into it, ALA Dom + LeBron or if they had to go into a spaceship like Marvin’s. 
So I’ve just done something that may or may not be right. Enjoy!
Warning: Swearing
*6 months later*
Pepe and Penelope were excited. After 6 awesome - but admittedly long - months they were finally coming back to Tune Town. As they had been last to be picked up last time it meant they were also last to be dropped off, so by this point they had the boat to themselves.
“Ah, mon leetle cherry-blossom.” Pepe said, embracing Penelope. “The other passengers, they have gone, which leaves a monsieur and a mademoiselle alone together. What do you suppose we do in ze short about of time we have?”
Penelope giggled and hugged him, but as she hugged him she got a view of their home world. “P-p-pepe-” She said, faintly.
Not liking the nervousness in his wife’s voice, Pepe turned and his jaw dropped.
Tune Town was deserted. There were no signs of life anywhere, tumbleweeds ambled lazily across the desert parts of it, while in the forest parts the trees had started to go somewhat wild. That had always been Elmer and Sam’s job [and Marvin’s, if he was around] to cut down the trees. So where were they?
Before either of them could really process what was going on, the trees started shaking with so so much force that Pepe and Penelope were inclined to cling to each other, despite the fact they were on a boat.
“What is it?” Penelope whispered.
“I don’t know.” Pepe said, forgetting to put on his French accent. 
Just then a small figure darted out of the trees and ran towards the beach. “Don't stop!” The voice of Bugs Bunny called. “Keep goin’!” They could see him properly now, running down the beach and along the jetty. When the boat got close enough the rabbit braced himself and jumped onto it, hitting the floor with so much force he became flat.
“Hey! You have to pay!” The boat-captain yelled, while Pepe shook Bugs so he became 2-D again.
The rabbit reached into hammerspace and pulled out a couple of notes before just hurling them at the captain with an impatient. “Dere, does dat cover it? Now-” He turned to his friends. “Am Oi glad ta see you two!”
Pepe and Penelope were to stunned to respond to that, there eyes taking in the rabbit’s appearance. His eyes were wild and excited, his chin had stubble on it, his fur was messy and unkempt and - the most worrying of all for Bugs Bunny - his ears were down. He had also seen fit to dress himself in a tramps outfit. 
Seeing his friends horrified look, Bugs looked down at himself and said. “Eh...I guess ya wanna know what happened, don’ cha?” Upon getting a nod Bugs yelled to the captain to ‘park it a moment!’ and - grabbing a torch out of nowhere - began with: “It all started a mere two weeks after you left meself, Daf and Elmer were practising our famous ‘Duck Season, Wabbit season’ routine, actually, ya know what? I’ll show ya in flashback. Hold on-” He put his hands to the side of his head and concentrated.
*Flashback starts*
“Duck season!” Bugs said, ripping down a poster,
“Wabbit season!” Daffy snapped, yanking down another poster.
“Duck season!”
“Wabbit season!”
Bugs was cut of in his witty comeback by Elmer suddenly sighing and sitting down on the grass.
Bugs and Daffy looked at each other in confusion, before simultaneously shrugging and sitting next to the hunter, one on each side of him. Bugs got a carrot out his hammerspace and took a bite. “Eh...what’s up, Hunter?”
“Sowwy.” Elmer said, tiredly. “I’m not feewing it today.”
“No prob-lemo!” Daffy said, before Bugs could speak. “What do you want to do? We could go to Australia!” He pulled down a backdrop of Australia, causing them all to sweat. “Or France!” He pulled down another backdrop and threw a string of onions round both his brothers necks. “Or England!” He pulled down another backdrop and grabbed a cup of tea out from hammerspace. “Justh name a place!”
Elmer, holding a cup of tea with a string of onions slung round his neck, looked wide-eyed and confused. “...Home?” He said, simply.
Daffy sighed and the backdrops fell around him. “Okay then. I suppose we’ve had enough for one day. Oh, Bugsy, Bugsy ol’ buddy, ol pal!” He slung an arm round the rabbits shoulders. “Might I enquire what you are making for dinner?”
“Eh...ya can ask.” Bugs said nonchalantly.
As Daffy started to try and barter his way into a good dinner, the scene switched to the middle of Tune Town, where a tall, black, slightly shimmering man was talking to the other LT’s.
Bugs’s eyes narrowed and he marched towards them, yelling. “Hey! Who de hell are you? Dis is a private island, ya know!”
“I am Al-G-Rhythm.” The guy said, smoothly. “I am Warner Bros newest mode of technology. The link between all of your worlds. The Serververse. No longer will you have to travel between world like a second-class citizen, you can all live in one place together.”
“An’ dis benefits us...how?” Bugs asked, not believing all this for a second.
“You get to expand your horizons. Actually go into other characters worlds. You can explore, who knows? Maybe even rebrand-”
“Eh...I don’t think so.” Bugs said, confidently. “We’ve done enough ‘rebranding’ over de past few years. We’re all good here.” The other toons nodded along with him. 
“That’sh what YOU think!” Daffy said, dramatically poking Bugs in the chest. “I for one would LOVE to spread my wings!”
“Eh...jus’ talk ta Warner Bros, Daf. I’m sure they can get you a role spoofing some of de other properties.” Bugs said, easily.
“Of course.” AL-G-Rhythm purred. “With the offer I’M making you you can go anywhere and be whoever you want to be. All of you.” He added, seeing the other Looney Tunes beginning to look interested. “Anything and anywhere you want to be. I mean, let’s face it, you’ve all done so much for this stup - I mean, Warner Brothers over the years, isn’t it time you cut loose and had some fun?”
Bugs’s eyes narrowed. The Looneys were perfectly capable of having fun without needing to go across the serververse, thank you very much. He looked around, expecting to see his family with similar expression, but instead they were all talking to each other about it and sounding...excited?
“I can take you anywhere you want to go.” Rhythm said, his voice raising a little above the noise. “Hogwarts, Austin Powers, Matrix, you name it, WB have probably done something with it at some time. And if you wanted to go back in time, no problem, we still have the Paramount Pictures stuff on a different planet.”
“Reawwy?” Elmer -who was a big fan of The [original] Addams Family - asked.
Rhythm smiled. “Reawwy - eh, really. All you have to do is step into the serververse...” He stepped to one side and a suddenly a glowing door appeared from nowhere. “...And you can go anywhere you want. Now...who’s with me?”
The other Looneys looked tempted, they really did.  But after a shared glance and one of those ‘telepathic conversations’ they were so good at, Porky shook his head and said, politely but firmly. “T-th-thanks for t-t-the offer, Mr R-r-rhythm, but if it’s all the sa-the sam - makes no difference to you, we’ll stay here.”
The other looneys nodded.
Al-G-Rhythms eyes grew hard and his voice dropped to a baritone level as he said. “Well...don’t say I didn’t try and do it the nice way.”
Before any of the toons could ask what he meant though, Rhythm raised his hands and every toons except Bugs was lifted in the air, all with various shouts of surprise.
Bugs heart pounded as he looked at his family's frightened faces - some of them were clearly in pain - and he yelled. “Let ‘em go! Take me if ya hav’ ta!”
The other Looneys all started yelling at him not to do it, that it was a stupid idea. Rhythm looked at the grey rabbit and seemed to be considering it. Then he shrugged and - with a dramatic swoop of the arms -  made all of Bugs family disappear. 
“NNNNNNOOOOOO!” Bugs yelled and kind of did a little dance where he tried to go to one side, then the other, but realised that unlike his cartoons he had no idea what had just happened. “A’ight Buster.” Bugs growled. “What the fuck have you done with my family?”
“Oh!” Rhythm said, with false innocence and Bugs’s fist itched to punch him. “That was your family? Oh...I had no idea. From the way you treat them I thought it was the ‘Bugs Bunny’ show.”
“Yeah, a’ight, ya made ya point. Now bring ‘em back!”
“And where would the fun be in that?” Rhythm smirked, then became deadly serious. “Now listen to me ‘wabbit’ and listen carefully, course I ain’t sayin’ this again. I have sent your assistants-”
“-Brothers and sisters you mean.” Bugs corrected.
Rhythm looked surprised. “You consider Lola Bunny a sister? I thought you were dating.”
“Eh...” Bugs waved a hand. “That’s in canon Doc. This is ‘off-stage’ so ta speak.”
Rhythm hummed thoughtfully then - remembering he was supposed to giving a monologue - carried on with. “Whatever they are to you is no matter. The point is they are all spread across the servisverse and they’ve all been sent to random places that-” He laughed. “-Hell, even I don’t know! And YOU-” He pointed at Bugs. “-Have 6 months to find them and if you DON’T they will be deleted!” He started laughing hysterically.
“Eh...” Bugs said, left eye beginning to twitch. “Ya know Warner Bros have access to the servers as well and will realise we’re not in our world? They’ll then send us back.”
Rhythm scoffed. “You think I’m an idiot? I’ve thought of that - you wanna know how? Well, FORGET IT!” He suddenly bellowed, getting right in Bugs’s face. “I’m not going to tell you! You’ll have to figure it all out for yourself. but I’ll make it fair for you.” He said, voice taking on a soft, almost fatherly quality. “I promise that I won’t look at your progress until the last day, deal? Then you can’t say I’ve interfered. Deal?”
Bugs yelled his protestations at the top of his lungs, but Rhythm just laughed and disappeared back into the serververse. 
*End flashback*
After the end of that flashback it was safe to say Pepe and Penelope were quite shocked. They were still trying to get there head around the fact that all this had happened in the 6 mere months they’d been away, when they heard a strange sound and saw Bugs crying.
Penelope hushed him and Pepe offered him a handkerchief. Bugs blew into it noisily at exactly the same time the horn blew before handing it back to Pepe who looked at it in disgust and threw it over the side of the ship. 
“So what happened after that?” Penelope asked, fearing she already knew the answer. “Where are they?”
“Oi don’t know, okay!?” Bugs wailed. “I don’t know! Dere in different worlds somewhere, but I don’t know where and I don’t know how it works! Oi don’t know if they’ve just gone to the worlds, but without being able to shift so they stand out like a sore thumb or if they’re replacing someone else within dat world! In which case, where’s de character dere replacin’? Oi don’t know which worlds dere in, oi don’t know if dere safe or happy or bein’ tortured - I DON’T KN-!”
Bugs blinked and felt the imprint Penelope’s hand had just left on him. “T’anks. Oi needed dat.”
“We weel get them back.” Pepe said, placing a hand reassuringly on Bugs’s shoulder. “Myself and Penelope will help you. We will not rest until out family, it iz complete!”
Bugs smiled shakily and wiped his eyes. “Well, dere’s one issue with dat-” Seeing his brother and sister’s curious look he gave a half-hysterical laugh and asked. “Well, why do you t’ink oi’m still here? Oi can’t get out. I’ve tried goin’ back through to Warner Bros central, oi can’t do it. The portal we use physically won’t let me through. Oi t’ink Rhythm has put some kind of block on me. To stop me leaving so oi can’t find da others. It’s de only thing that makes sense. An’ I’ve tried different versions of me as well from all across the years. King me, jester me, classic me, new me. I even tried Ace Bunny, dat’s how desperate oi was! I can’t leave-”
“-What about Chungus?” Penelope asked. Seeing the weird looks Pepe and Bugs were giving her she explained. “It sounds like Rhythm has put some sort of block on YOU. But...Big Chungus...he isn't technically a version of you, is he? He started out as a meme taken from when you were shape-shifting”
“He’s in ‘World of Mayhem.” Bugs said, doubtfully.
“Which is a game!” Penelope said, excitedly. “Not a tv show! Have you tried it? No? Well, give it a go!”
Feeling excited for the first time in 5 and a half months Bugs took a breath and started to shape himself into the monstrosity that was Big Chungus. When he had finished he smiled, leapt onto the mast and - donning a pirate hat and sword - yelled. “Full steam ahead! Warner Bros Central here we come!”
As the exit - aka the portal - that led to Warner Bros Central loomed over him Bugs felt nervous. ‘Please work, please work, please work-” He chanted under his breath. 
Then with a flash of blinding light, they went through. 
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danzinora-switch · 4 years
Typing the Turtles (ROTTMNT) Part 2 - Donatello
This started out as an investigation into the turtles’ insecurities, because one thing the show does so well is demonstrate that they are still teenagers. And being a teenager is a confusing experience - there’s angst, drama, exploring one’s identity, a lot of growth, and overall figuring out who you are. That’s a messy process, too! And we see this mess in our turtles: they mess up, they’re learning, they self-doubt, they have fears and insecurities, but they’re also discovering their strengths and how to overcome their inner obstacles.
So after thinking about all this way too long, here’s my psychological breakdown of each turtle (I’ll be referencing MBTI and the Enneagram, but will include links for more general information on those if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Donnie: INTJ, 5w6
The Architect, the Investigator, the Problem-Solver, the Observer
Firstly, getting into this analysis means that we have to step away from the stereotype that all INTJs are cold, aloof, and unemotional. INTJs, especially Turbulent ones, do express emotion, and we’ve all seen Donnie’s dramatic ‘theatre kid’ side. I’m not going to ignore that. He manages to be both thanks to the INTJ’s tertiary function Introverted Feeling (Fi). Extroverted Feeling (Fe) really allows one to connect and empathize with others’ emotions. Fi, however, is a more internal experience of feelings, and has trouble connecting with others without having been in their shoes. I happen to think Donnie is in a strong Ni-Fi loop, as well, which would make sense because fighting bad guys every day while trying to save the world after discovering a Mystic City which upbends everything you ever knew is pretty stressful. https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2017/06/21/intjs-loop-understanding-ni-fi-loop/
And it’s super interesting that he often expresses his emotions by literally saying them. “Evil laugh! Relishing chuckle! Gasp!” (Mind Meld) and, one of my favorites, he literally says “Sad face emoji” in Many Unhappy Returns.
So while we DO see Donnie experience and display his own emotions, we also DON’T see him all that affected by other people’s emotions. He’s still pretty stoic in Mystic Mayhem after the delivery guy gets mutated, cracking a joke about imitation crab. He’s unaffected by Todd’s puppies in Repo Mantis, and the only one immune to Warren Stone’s sob story in Warren & Hypno Sitting in a Tree. Pizza Pit shows it best when he’s unaffected when Mikey’s favorite pizza place collapses until the same thing happens to him. Fi at work vs Fe.
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As for Donnie being a 5w6, keep this core motivation in mind: “[Fives] Want to possess knowledge, to understand the environment, to have everything figured out as a way of defending the self from threats from the environment.” https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-5
Donnie at his Worst: Donnie vs. Witch Town gave us this gem of a line: “Because I’m the science guy! If mystic powers can do everything I can do, but better, then why would you guys even need me?” And while people have pointed out his need to be needed, I argue it’s a little more accurate to say he has a need to belong. His role in the group is the Brainiac, the Science Guy, the Smart One, and so his very identity is tied into fulfilling that role. A 5’s core fear is of being useless, helpless, or incapable. Mystic powers rendering his tech redundant, and thereby him useless, would be a pretty big threat to the security of his role in the group (that 6 wing kicking in). And remember a 5’s core motivation: to understand the environment as a defense. And he still doesn’t understand mystic energy. It’s pretty infuriating, so he’s pretty insufferable about it.
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[Note: seeing mystic power as a threat probably didn’t kick in until their fight with Shredder in Many Unhappy Returns. Prior to that, his brothers were still learning how to use their magic weapons, but Donnie already understood his tech well enough to use it effectively (see their first fight against Baron Draxum in the pilot). But against the Shredder… all his tech was useless. Only the hanky, the hanky, was even marginally effective. His brothers’ weapons were now way more capable than anything he had to offer… core 5 fear. And to cope? Learn all you can about your fear/threat. Except he still hasn’t figured it out; we see even in Air Turtle that he calls Draxum for the mystic expertise instead of formulating his own hypothesis].
We’ve seen this insecurity about his place in the group before. In Mind Meld, as his brothers become more like him, his role is challenged. “Hey, you’re trying to get rid of me, that’s what I do to you!” “But, I thought purple was my... my thing.” When he first meets the Purple Dragon he immediately wants to join them because he sees them as tech peers. In Man vs Sewer even though he professes that it’s his day off, he doesn’t react well whenever Leo does ‘his thing’: analyzing the situation and drawing a conclusion. His self-worth seems to be tied to what he has to offer the group, and we hear that even in his song in The Mystic Library about proving himself.
Besides his insecurity, Donnie is practically allergic to blame. (Interestingly enough, he’s more okay with being wrong and others being right sometimes… sure he’ll deflect, but it doesn’t seem to get under his skin the way being at fault does). He will repeatedly deny fault and shift the blame to someone else when something goes wrong. He denies creating AlBearto in Al Be Back, says the incident with the Purple Dragons in The Purple Jacket is entirely April’s fault (she is not amused) and puts the blame for ditching Todd off on his brothers in Todd Scouts. The one time we see him own up his mistakes is in Mind Meld when no one (except Shelldon) is around to see it. “Yup. I beefed up.” This is definitely an area he needs to work on.
Average Donnie: Donnie cares for his brothers, but that doesn’t always get across in the best of ways. Take the episode Donnie’s Gifts, for example. Donnie never actually got a chance to explain how the gifts work, but we can see protective elements in each of them. Raph: please use your head and don’t just blindly rush in! Mikey: ohmygosh that is so dangerous, please be careful and don’t get hurt! Leo: stop poking the bear, Leo, it only makes him angrier! It makes sense that a 5 who has external fears of the world and has their own protective equipment (the Battle Shells) would extend that to his brothers. And Donnie was able to recognize that even though his brothers got the wrong message, he could move past that and call for a group hug. In the Purple Game he is super anxious to make sure his brothers are okay and not mostly hurt. Insane in the Mama Train also reveals the invention of the Panic Button… and who designed that?
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Donnie also seeks a lot of validation. He takes pride in his work, and when his work is appreciated he gives that appreciation back tenfold [such as when he shows off the Turtle Tank to his brothers (Fast and Furriest), or when Splinter says he’s proud of him (Turtle-dega Nights: the Ballad of Rat Man)]. The flip side is that when he’s not getting the validation he needs from others he’ll create it himself, which comes off as arrogant and egocentric. See Smart Lair, when Sheldon 1.0 plays messages of Donnie’s self-worth all night, and is programmed to favor him. Or when he takes full credit for defeating a bad guy: the silverfish in Donnie’s Gifts, and scaring Draxum away with his disco ball in Shadow of Evil. When he gets the recognition for all his hard work from the right people, though, it inspires him to do great things. There is danger in getting validation from the wrong people, however, as we saw in Big Mama’s case in Bug Busters.
Donnie at his Best: Donnie’s at his best (and most relaxed) whenever he’s learning or building something. He gets super excited and happy attending April’s school (The Purple Jacket) or going to the library (The Mystic Library) and wants to attend college someday (The Mutant Menace). The INTJ/5 seeks to absorb information and he’s constantly energized by it.
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He’s also energized when he can put that information to use, such as when building something. Did Albearto need a total tear-down in War and Pizza? No. But Donnie had fun making him ‘dazzle!’ How did Donnie cope being in the woods in Todd Scouts? By building an impressive tree fort. Donnie’s projects actually relax him, because he’s exercising his strength and capabilities.
This also works for his method of attacks and plans: Know Thine Enemy. He studies Warren Stone in Newsworthy when they meet him and is the only one who remembers he regenerates by Warren & Hypno Sitting in a Tree. Donnie and Mikey are able to successfully scam Repo Mantis in One Man’s Junk because they know how he thinks. Donnie thwarts everything the Purple Dragons do and can bring Shelldon home because he knows how they operate  (The Purple Game, Breaking Purple). He can restore his brothers to their rightful minds in Mind Meld because he knows himself. 
Also: music. The fact that one of his Battle Shells has a music mode (Mascot Melee), that he remembers things in song form (The Mystic Library, Donnie vs Witch Town), and that he likes to dance (Stuck on You) is so pure and adorable.
Donnie Relationships: 
(while Donnie does see his brothers as dum-dums at times, he admits they’re fun and pretty great to have in Mind Meld)
Raph: We really need a Donnie and Raph episode, but even without one there’s some moments we can look at. I already discussed in Raph’s analysis their general similarities. Donnie doesn’t think Raph always has the brightest ideas, but still has soft moments with him such as giving him $20 at the end of Mind Meld, designing the ‘captain’s chair’ of the Turtle Tank to Raph’s lumbar settings, and appreciating Raph’s pirate accent in Snow Day. They are both protective of their brothers, Raph with his fists and Donnie with his tech. It’s interesting that (I believe) they’re the reverse of each other on the Enneagram: Raph is a 6w5, and Donnie a 5w6. So they both understand the risks involved in what they do (mostly: Donnie still ate poison and Raph still goes on ‘smashcapades’). I really want to see a team-up between them.
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Leo: I’m all for the Disaster Twins trope, but to me an episode that epitomizes that isn’t one like Lair Games, where they’re at each other’s throats, but Operation Normal. They’ve apparently done the grandma-getup before. They wind up playing as good cop, bad cop in Fast and Furriest. Sure, one’s high-strung, and one’s laid-back, which can get on each others’ nerves, but there’s also a lot of making up. Brotherly betrayal passes back and forth between them, but never crosses a line. And the numerous times they unconsciously mirror each other can be found with a simple search of the Disaster Twins tag. I’m interested to see more episodes where they work together, even in the background, just because they can get up to wild shenanigans.
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Mikey: Mikey’s probably the turtle Donnie most gets along with. They’ve had several episode team-ups: Repo Mantis, One Man’s Junk, Turtle-dega Nights: the Ballad of Rat Man, Breaking Purple, etc. Donnie may be the team academic, but Mikey has strong emotional intelligence. They get along pretty easily, making plans together (One Man’s Junk) and protecting each other (we see Donnie protect Mikey in Repo Mantis and Bug Busters, but we see Mikey protect Donnie by pulling him out of the way in Smart Lair). Donnie helps Mikey focus on the goal at hand, and Mikey helps Donnie communicate better with others. They’re a good team with a pretty solid foundation.
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Ultimately, Donnie’s an inventive turtle who wants his brothers to be safe but is still wrestling with a lot of insecurities and unhealthy stress levels. I’m excited to see how he grows into real confidence and utilizes his strengths as an integral member of the team.
For more information on the INTJ and Enneagram 5 personality types, click here:
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dercolaris · 3 years
@finzphoenix, here you go. A short story to your drawing. Scriddler of course, but this time no smut. Yeah, I know, disappointing. Thanks again for the help with translation, @shin-arei!
Song to the story:
Have fun like always. 
“Temperatures below ten degrees Celsius are expected this night. For this reason, homeless people in particular should better stay at a warm plac..." Edward switched off the small portable radio, slowly leaned back against the back of the chair. Winter had Gotham City in its icy hands and was unwilling to let go of the poor inhabitants anytime soon. As if to confirm, a thick layer of snow had lay on the otherwise dirty streets since early morning and successfully concealed the disgusting sight of a neglected city. The tinkerer rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The state of the metropolis was more than worrying, but who could do anything about it? Nobody was willing to intervene and if someone really tried, the person failed sooner or later because of the leading personalities in the cursed council. The gentlemen hated change. The Riddler slowly crossed his arms over his chest, turned his face to the two large casement windows and stared out at the white landscape. Even at dawn the pristine snow was beautiful to look at. Absolutely breathtaking. The white ceiling sparkled under the last rays of the passing sun. The young man pressed the air out of his lungs. A deceptive beauty when you recalled that every year in the cold months, a huge number of people died in the slums and had to wait frozen in state for spring, only to be found by the foul smelling of the slowly rotting body.
The raven-haired man snorted softly and watched the light snowfall, saw how little mountains gradually piled up. That was probably the only benefit that living outside the center offered. While on the busy streets of Gotham the snowflakes turned into unsightly mud in no time at all, they lay untouched and pure near the forest on the ground. In general, the world around the inventor seemed to have stopped for several weeks. Edward put his hands on the back of his head and bit his lower lip lightly. On some days he missed the usual liveliness of the city, but now he also appreciated the tranquility of the suburbs. It had been a constant learning process for him. Initially, the Riddler had immense difficulties withstanding the unnatural silence and not constantly filling half the house with loud, unfitting music, which had often made his partner particularly incandescent. The raven-haired man opened his mouth slightly, felt the cold creep between his teeth. It had taken almost five months before he could linger in the almost noiseless environment without feeling uncomfortable.
As soon as nothing distracted him, his thoughts usually began to circle and literally hit him - until he either ended up in a weeping heap of rubble or thrown himself helplessly into overwhelming work. Jonathan recognized this fact relatively quickly. Well, that wasn't a big surprise. He was a psychiatrist, after all. Together with his partner, the inventor was able to break this devil's spiral in the end. Edward got up with a small grunt and walked through the messy workshop, carefully stepping over piles of scraps of metal on the dusty floor. Edward had no muse to clean up. He also mastered chaos better than anyone, so why bother and create order that wasn't necessary? He strolled into the adjacent kitchen and stopped at the large table in the middle. A small, brightly painted bowl caught his attention. Fragrant biscuits. The man touched the warm pastries and smiled in amusement, then finally stole one of the golden yellow thalers. He nibbled on the biscuit, occasionally wiping the tiny crumbs off his face.
The Master of Fear was an extremely arranged baker and, above all, an unbeatably talented cook. Something the inventor was actually benefit from. He could swing the wooden spoon reasonably well himself, but spending hours in the kitchen and wasting his precious time was just not his thing. He was all the happier about the fact that his better half dutifully took on this task. The raven-haired man took another biscuit for a small afternoon snack and left the kitchen with quick steps. Was Jonathan in his study? Since the former psychiatrist had completely renounced crime, he has consciously looked for new tasks to meaningfully fill the sudden void in his new life. It had been an unexpectedly tough realization for the brown-haired man that his admittedly rather staged existence as a respected villain in the underground was based on a simple feeling: unbridled hatred through years of disappointment. In the end, Scarecrow had gradually alienated himself to a point at which he could no longer see his old self in the mirror.
The tinkerer still remembered the sultry day in summer when his partner asked out of the blue whether there was any chance for him to make peace with his troubled past. From that moment on, the raven-haired man stood by his side and discussed with Jonathan why his life had gotten so off the rails. Killer Croc was minimally to blame for this drastic development. The stones for the very destructive path of the former psychiatrist had been laid long before the incident with the hungry crocodile. The inventor looked curiously into the older man's spacious study and was slightly startled. Nobody to see. He shrugged slightly and searched the rest of the first floor, then paused for a moment in the entrance hall of the house. To his surprise, the other's shoes were missing from the black doormat. Edward opened the heavy wooden door and stared out into the twilight, seeing suspicious but slowly fading prints in the otherwise untouched snow. They clearly led in the direction of the forest. He grabbed his winter jacket from the clothes rack and slipped into his heavy work boots, then quickly looked for a scarf and gloves from the chest of drawers. He hurried out into the merciless cold, trying not to lose sight of the shoe prints under the heavier snowfall.
The young man trudged through the white landscape, trembling again and again as the icy wind seized his body. Only when he reached the shelter of the trees it finally become more bearable. The raven-haired man followed the tracks and wandered through the dark forest, cursing himself for not having taken a lantern with him. Even a small flashlight would have been extremely useful now. However, turning back was no longer an option for the inventor. Presumably the hardly visible prints would have disappeared completely after his return. The Riddler huffed heavily and dragged himself through the masses of snow, occasionally brushing the white powder off his knees. After a while an unfamiliar sound settled in his ears. He stopped abruptly and slowly closed his eyes, listening in disbelief to the soft melody. Clearly a violin. Edward frowned. He finally fought his way through the gradually falling night and reached the stony wall of the old, long-abandoned cemetery. The young man came closer to the source of the music with every step now. An all-consuming blackness had enveloped the long-forgotten gravestones and seemed no longer to want to release the nameless dead in this place into the forgiving light.
The raven-haired man walked carefully over the abandoned burial site, trying not to trip over roots or other obstacles on his way. Suddenly he saw a faint light in the distance. The Riddler gasped slightly and moved purposefully towards the impressive mausoleum in the middle of the cemetery. From here it was probably only a stone's throw to the origin of the melody. The tinkerer wandered around the great tomb and instantly froze at the unexpected sight behind it. He blinked slightly, believing for a moment that his mind was trying to trick him, as it often does. The Master of Fear stood on one of the innumerable, neglected resting places, only illuminated by the ancient lantern next to the splintered tombstone. The healthy eye was relaxed and closed and formed a strong contrast to the constantly open, gray opal, which was dead and rigid in the eye socket of the skull. In his left hand Jonathan was holding an antique-looking violin, the other hand led the accompanying bow with elegant movements over the strings of the instrument.
Edward couldn't help but just look at him speechless. Did the former psychiatrist ever mention that he could make music? The young man breathed a little faster, watched white mist rising from his nose. It was unspeakably cold, but at that moment all the ice in his body seemed to melt away and to disappear under the gentle sounds of the music. The atmosphere was saturated with an unknown harmony that the inventor had never felt before in the presence of the older man. Contrary to his wish to just keep watching his partner, he strolled slowly through the snow towards him. The brown-haired man suddenly stopped in his play and opened his eye, searched the cemetery for the unexpected troublemaker. As he spotted his lover he lowered the violin slowly. The younger one shook his head slightly and spoke louder than planned: “Please don't let my presence stop you, John. Keep playing.”
The other just stared at him in silence, his body visibly chilled from the cold around him. The blue veins protruded from his demolished skin. Although he was wearing his black coat, it did not offer any protection against the freezing temperatures. The Riddler pressed his lips tightly together and began to shiver barely noticeably. Had he really destroyed this unique moment by his possibly unwanted presence? The inventor walked hesitantly towards his partner and came to a stop immediately in front of him. The former psychiatrist still hadn't moved an inch. What the hell was going on in his twisted mind? Edward tried to manage a small smile, but failed because of a strange feeling in his chest. The surroundings were saturated with wavering, unspoken, maybe even long repressed emotions and every verbal utterance of those present seemed completely inappropriate. Words couldn't do justice to this meaningful situation. The raven-haired man slowly closed his eyes and breathed a little lower than before, waiting for a reaction from his partner in the almost noiseless night.
There were endless minutes of absolute silence around them. The tinkerer was about to give up and go back to the house when suddenly the melancholy play of the violin sounded again. The young man shivered in excitement. He opened his eyes almost cautiously, afraid that this slight movement in his face would ruin the moment again. Contrary to his fear, the older one continued to play, his facial expressions more relaxed than ever before in their long-term relationship. Jonathan's hand guided the bow over the thin strings with unimaginable gentleness, creating a dark and at the same time uniquely beautiful melody. Edward instantly lost himself in the depth of the music. The cemetery, actually a sign of inevitable impermanence, suddenly came to life. The Riddler sank to the ground, sat down in the cold snow in front of the former psychiatrist. He watched the thin man with pure and absolute honest fascination.
A light breeze found its way through the graves and finally danced around the thin figure of the Master of Fear, lifting the long cloak slightly into the air. The Scarecrows nostrils kept piling up thick fog, gradually mingling with the white snowflakes above him. At this unique moment, Jonathan looked like a fallen angel of death, who played the last song for the dead at this resting place. Edward put his chin on his knees and listened to the comforting sounds of the violin, finally allowing himself to be led into dreaming. After a while, however, the older one slowed down and ended his own composed masterpiece with a drawn out tone. The silence fell over the cemetery again, giving way to the unmistakable truth that life in this place had come to an end. The former psychiatrist pushed his breath steadily out of his lungs, then stepped up to his partner in no hurry.
The Riddler watched as the gaunt man sat down in the snow in front of him and put the instrument carefully in his lap. He touched the tinkerer's oil-smeared hands, held them in the soft glow of the lantern without speaking a single word. The raven-haired man felt that this moment was something special. Something none of them could pinpoint. Edward returned the gentle pressure on his hands and looked into the blue eyes of the Master of Fear, immediately sank into the depths of the healthy opal. The snow finally covered their bodies under the veil of the hidden, preventing outsiders further glimpses of the intimate togetherness of the lovers.
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lotrfics · 4 years
IMAGINE: Merry and Pippin, who both have a crush on you, fighting over you
Pairing: Merry Brandybuck & Pippin Took + Female Hobbit Reader
Requested: Yes (Hi idk if you’re going to see this but I’ve just discovered your blog and I love your writing so much omg (≧∀≦) Could I please request a Merry X Reader X Pippin, where they both have a serious crush on the reader (who is a Hobbit as well) and both try to court her. They both get into silly fights with one another and try to impress her by one-upping each other in whatever they do, leading them, of course, to embarrass themselves. You can change or add to it as you see fit Thank youu) -Anonymous
Summary: Merry and Pippin make themselves look like fools with all of their attempts to impress you
Warnings: Possibly out of character Merry and Pippin
A/N: Not my proudest work... This was hard to write, I couldn’t think up of a lot for the arguing/impressing part.. Nonetheless, I hope you still like this, anon
The Shire was a peaceful but boring place. Nothing interesting happened there. Two boys, Merry and Pippin, especially the latter, who you became friends with, wanted to change that. Sometimes, the former of the two considered backing away, but Pippin would always bring him back in the mess no matter what.
They earned a reputation in the Shire for always messing up. Well, more Pippin than Merry. Merry was quite smart, and it threw off some people when they first discovered it. Of course Merry likes to have a laugh and mess around a little bit, but some things go too far for him to approve.
Some people wondered how they were even friends and take the other seriously. Pippin doesn’t consider consequences and Merry is a little serious. But both of them always laughed about it when someone asked them why they befriended each other due to some clashing traits of theirs.
Merry’s seriousness then got put to the test when he began developing a crush on you, only for him to discover in the same day Pippin liked you as well. This resulted in some small glares he would give his friend, but it did not go unnoticed by Pippin. It did not take long for Pippin to realize they both liked you, which created a conflict between them.
You noticed Merry and Pippin were acting a little funny. You thought they were in a really bad mood, so when you found the chance, you walked away to go do your own thing, not wanting to frustrate them. Once you were far away, they glanced at each other.
“Your presence scared her off, you know.” Pippin said. Merry glared at him in response. A couple of hobbits that passed by them rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Merry and Pippin began arguing, forgetting to consider the fact that they were still in public and some people were watching.
“I don’t know what kind of people she is interested in, but I can assure you, you are not one of them.” Merry spat. 
Pippin gave him a look. “And what makes you think I’m not one of them? She wants someone who is intelligent and takes thing seriously, remember?”
Now, Merry gave Pippin a look. “Well, you just ruled yourself out, Pip.” He said before walking away.
Pippin insisted to steal Farmer Maggot’s crops as usual. So here they were, running for their lives, but Pippin so far was not regretting it as he thought he could impress you for being able to steal and get away with it, though he never told Merry that.
Merry was panting, regretting he agreed to join his friend on this crop hunt of his. “I think... I made a terrible mistake....by befriending you!” The boys kept running, Farmer Maggot was not that far behind. You went outside your home, trying to figure out what the commotion was all about.
Merry and Pippin looked up to see you, and they both grinned at you. “We got enough for you as well, (Y/N).” Pippin said proudly. You shook your head at them, both amused and disappointed. Suddenly, they tripped, making you gasp. Worried about them, you ran to them, and you saw their flustered faces.
Farmer Maggot and his dog appeared, roughly picking up the boys by the back of their collar. They were too shocked to do anything, even move a little bit. The crops they stole were taken back from them.
You gave them an apologetic look. “Are you okay?” But you already knew. They were not okay. They just fell, embarrassing themselves, and the crops that were meant to be given to you were retrieved before they even reached your doorstep. “It’s okay, how about you two come inside my house? I have supper ready.” They both nodded and quickly made their way in, not wanting to be outside at the moment.
Bilbo’s 111th birthday party was tonight, and while you never really spoke to him, you were still invited, because the entire Shire was small enough everyone can be invited and it won’t be overwhelming for him. 
You were sitting alone, highly considering leaving until you heard a familiar voice. “Would you like to dance, (Y/N)?” 
You turned around to see Merry all by himself. It felt weird not seeing him with Pippin, but you knew you don’t really bring your friend with you to ask someone to dance privately, unless you truly need support.
“Of course, Merry.” He led you to the area where everyone else was, and began dancing to the music with him, not really sure what you two were actually doing. You were both terrible dancers, and from time to time, you both would have a laugh about it. Still, you didn’t care if anyone were giving you weird looks, you were having fun with your friend.
Pippin, who was quite far, but was at a good spot, clenched his jaw at the sight. Looking around, he found a couple of hidden fireworks. An idea popped up in his mind, and he smiled to himself. He needed assistance, though, and the only person that would be willing to help is none other than Merry himself, who he was jealous of.
Merry had to stop dancing with you because Pippin wanted his help to set off the big fireworks. “I’ve had more than enough of your wild ideas, Pip.” He walked out of the tent to see if Gandalf was around, then gestured to Pippin to keep moving once he confirmed no one was watching.
After lighting it, Pippin tossed the big firework to Merry, then ran out. “Come on, Merry, you’re supposed to set it off outside!” Merry was struggling, it was too heavy for him, and he could barely move. He was running out of time. “Get back here Pippin, this was your idea!”
Before Pippin could respond, the firework set off, making Merry fall to the ground, smoke all over his face, really messy hair. Pippin cackled at the sight, but was guilty for leaving his friend in the tent. This was not his plan, he was trying to impress you by setting off the firework, and they did, but something went wrong during the process, which would be Merry looking terrible.
Getting up, Merry had a serious face, then began laughing with Pippin. “That was great! Let’s go get another one.” Pippin nodded in agreement, and before they could walk away, the sound of Merry yelping caught him off guard, and he turned to see Gandalf pinching his friend’s ear. 
You were also right next to Gandalf. You saw Merry and Pippin go to the tent, and when the fireworks went off, you immediately made your way there, wanting to know if they were still alive after that.
“Meriadoc Brandybuck. I should have known.”
From complete shock, Pippin stayed quiet, somewhat throwing Merry under the bus, because while Pippin had a major part in setting off the fireworks, Merry now had to wash all the dishes by himself because Pippin never took blame for it. You and Pippin decided to help him out, you two, especially Pippin, felt really bad for him.
Merry was now giving Pippin the silent treatment. He was definitely going to scold him later once it was appropriate to do so. Pippin would mumble apologies every other moment, only to be ignored. You placed a hand on Pippin’s shoulder to comfort him; he always recoiled whenever someone was angry at him.
A few days later, Merry and Pippin reconciled. All their jealousy was not bringing them anywhere good, so they agreed to confront you themselves to ask you if you were interested in either of them.
They found you sitting by a tree. They gave each other a glance and a nod before walking over to you. You heard the sound of the grass, made from someone’s movement, so you looked up and smiled when you saw your friends approaching you. 
However, you frowned when you noticed their faces. Even Pippin himself looked serious, which told you whatever they were going to tell you was not a laughing matter in any way. 
“(Y/N). There is something we would like to ask you.” Merry said. You closed your book and looked up at them. You didn’t respond, only looking at them, which told Merry to keep going. “Pippin and I both like you. Tell us if you like either of us. We’ve been fighting about this and it’s unnecessary.”
Your mouth gaped at how direct that was. It completely threw you off, but you managed to respond in time before Merry and Pippin began to think you weren’t listening. “I’m really sorry, but I don’t like either of you that way. But I hope we can still be friends after this.”
Merry and Pippin looked at each other, then back at you, then shrugged. “We can handle that,” said Pippin, “so, how is your day going?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the sudden change of topic. They both sat down, next to you, and began talking about their own day. 
You were glad they still agreed to remain friends with you, even if it’s a little awkward between you three at first after what Merry just told you. You acknowledged reciprocating one of their feelings would only hurt the other, and you never wanted to hurt either of them.
Another A/N: Sorry if you were looking forward to (Y/N) choosing between Merry and Pippin... or if the ending was too unrealistic... but I didn’t want to have one of them left hurt because they weren’t chosen
Taglist: @aspiring-ginger​
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omnishamblegreg · 3 years
15x18 - dream root and fumbling in the darkness
okay this is my LATE coda, Dean takes dream root for some fun angsty wanderings into Cas’s head, and then actually goes to the Empty. also i wrote this very quickly and don’t know what i’m doing, but enjoy!!!
(also on ao3)
Dean clutched his chest and curled his arms around himself. He couldn't breathe and the cold desolate wall he was bent against wasn't helping. He needed something, anything warm and soft. Dean reached his palm to the handprint on his shoulder, splaying out his hand to match it. The blood was still wet.
His phone started vibrating again but he had kicked it away earlier, and the distance to reach it was too vast. Dean ignored it and closed his blurry eyes, then exhausted, without really realising, he fell asleep. 
When Dean woke up in the middle of the night, he had an idea, muddy and barely formed and largely without logic. He left his room quietly and searched the stash of potion ingredients. His head pounded and his eyes hurt, but he found the dream root, wizened and tucked away. Listened to the kettle bubble, pour, stew. Didn't bother with sugar. He nicked a scraping of dried blood from his jacket and added it in, took it to his room, and sat in the pitch dark on his bed, hands clasped around the warm mug. It didn't feel like enough. 
Dean fumbled in the dark to Cas's room and switched on the harsh light. It was quite a simple room, too simple really. He hadn't made it home again after he'd left Dean a couple of weeks ago. There were only some photos the four of them had taken while having a boisterous pizza night, and one of Dean in his cowboy clothes, then one of them together. Dean looked away and rifled through his sparse clothes hooks. There was Cas's spare coat, mundane and monumental all at the same time.
Dean glugged the tea down all in one, barely really tasting it, then lay down with Cas's coat as a duvet. It didn't really smell like him, mostly just the stale stone smell that always came off the bunker walls, but there was a slight inkling of Cas's perfume that made Dean's eyes scrunch up, made his throat a tight cord. His knuckles only slackened on the coat when he fell asleep. 
The dream was odd, autumnal. He wandered through suburban streets with leaves falling all around him, until he recognised a garden from wisps of an old memory, an almost-life. There he was, raking leaves, and looking vaguely surly. Dean remembered how he’d used the excuse of garden work to get some space, some air to breathe, to process.
Suddenly, Cas appeared. Dean waited for himself to notice Cas- maybe he misremembered? Maybe this was another suburban garden he had been raking leaves in?- but minutes passed and dream-him didn't so much as look up. Cas looked pained while he watched Dean. It almost seemed too personal and raw an expression to be allowed to see. Dean's heart was jittering, and he was just about to jump up and see for the sheer hell of it if the dream-Cas would be able to see him, when out of nowhere, Crowley appeared too. Before he could process how ridiculous this voyeuristic situation was, the dream changed, twisted.
He was in the bunker’s library, big splaying table, the smell of gasoline, a pile of books with an angel blade stabbed through one. Dean flinched at that. Thankfully Cas wasn’t lying bloody on the floor, but his Cas stood in a corner. 
‘Interesting,’ Cas mused, ‘I’ve seen two Deans in this dream so far.’ He tilted his head slightly while surveying the room. 
‘You’re able to dream in this place?’ Dean asked, incredulous. 
Cas shrugged dismissively. ‘It would seem so,’ he said, looking away. Dean hated how he was looking away. 
‘I’ve come to get you out,’ Dean said. But Cas was walking out of the room, and in true dream-like fashion, when Dean ran towards him it felt like mud. Mist clouded his vision and he could feel himself being dragged back to waking. 
After that cloudy vague experience, Dean realised he had to find a way to the Empty or there’d never be a chance. The dream world was not tangible enough. And he had a feeling he might’ve just been entering his own dreams anyway. 
When it finally happened, Dean staggered through the darkness for what seemed like hours, until he saw, or maybe sensed, a blue light ahead of him. The closer he got to it, the more he realised how it loomed, a beam jutting up to nowhere and refracting out in all directions, and right at the bottom was Cas, curled in on himself with eyes half closed. 
‘Cas’, Dean croaked. He kneeled down, feverishly tapped him, shook him. Cas roused blearily, and Dean tackled him into a messy hug which Cas vaguely reciprocated, tightened more fiercely once he got used to it. But suddenly, he let go. He stood up, and smiled good-naturedly at Dean’s questioning look. He looked tired and resigned.
‘I’ve come to get you out,’ Dean said earnestly. ‘There’s a portal nearby.. somewhere. We can leave.’ He stepped towards Cas, but Cas flinched away. His smile now had an edge of pain to it.
‘No thanks.’
‘That’s not going to work again,’ said Cas dully, still trying to put on a smile. 
Dean spluttered, incredulous. ‘We don’t have much time-’
Cas turned away dismissively and sighed. ‘Maybe you could try impersonating someone else for a change,’ he muttered.
Realisation hit Dean like a knife in the gut. ‘No, no,’ -he was getting desperate now- ‘No it’s really me, I’m real, I’m here for you-’ Cas was walking away, the beam around him refracting and pulsing, hectically blinding stars in Dean’s eyes- 
‘You can have-- I want--’ he spluttered, and Cas kept walking. Somehow when Dean followed his legs felt like mud again.
He breathed quick and panicky, then- ‘How could you think you could never have me?’ 
Cas paused for a moment at that, but then carried on walking. The light dimmed the further he went. Dean ran after him, his heart thundering, but he finally wrenched Cas around, grabbed hold of his trenchcoat and with one purposeful look into Cas’s eyes, kissed him. It was desperate and fumbling and over far too soon. Dean broke away and lifted his eyes to look at Cas, terrified of his reaction. Cas’s eyes were wide and his breathing hitched. But he wasn’t stepping away.
‘Alright?’ Dean breathed frustratedly, ‘You believe me now?’ 
Cas slowly nodded, dumbfounded. Dean sighed in relief, tangled his hands tighter in the front of Cas’s coat and pulled them together. He couldn’t help but glance down at Cas’s mouth again, and this time Cas closed the distance, shyly curling his hand into Dean’s hair, leaning in and kissing him once more.
The Empty understandably threw them out (they were making far too much noise). With a surge of brute force, it hurtled them into a forest and directly into a tree. Cas groaned on the ground and looked over to Dean. He was slowly staggering upright, wincing. His right hand had a massive gash from a sharp branch, and the bark had burned his palm so that it stung whenever he moved it. Cas stumbled over with a look of concern. 
'I'm good, I'm good,' Dean waved him off, hypocritically checking Cas for injuries at the same time. 
Cas smiled and held his hand out to Dean. Dean stilled for a second, looked up at him with wide eyes, then took his hand. The glow healed his stinging palm, and it was done but Dean looked down at their hands, almost hypnotised, and interlocked his fingers tighter with Cas's. He couldn’t help staring down at that, until he felt Cas's gaze dragging his eyes back up. Cas smiled hesitantly, stroked his thumb slightly against Dean's. Dean smiled his crow-feet smile back.
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sunshinesholland · 4 years
the one (and all the others) [3] | t.h.
pairing: tom holland x reader
word count: 5.1k
summary: You may have a party to attend tonight, but Zendaya is onto Tom and as your best friend and roommate, there’s absolutely no way she won’t be meddling. If everything turns out okay, you suppose you have her and someone named Camden to thank.
warnings: swearing, angst/pining, mention of shitty past relationships
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Tom is over at yours and Zendaya’s hanging out, a few hours before the party at Laura’s. All three of you are involved in the arts somehow, so the topic of your work comes up a lot in conversation. Tom is currently in the process of auditioning for a reboot of a 90’s sitcom, one that you and Zendaya watched growing up. Naturally, the three of you have found yourselves discussing the topic of childhood and nostalgia.
“Okay, what about ‘Fresh Prince’? I’d say it’s in my top three shows.” 
“Obviously amazing. I’ve watched it a lot but I’m not so sure about the boy from across the pond,” Zendaya replies to you but pokes fun at Tom.
“Hey, I’ve heard of it! It has Will Smith, man’s a legend.”
“Heard of it is not the same as watching it,” you reply with a smile, “very lucky for you, I have the complete collection.” You pat both Tom and Zendaya on their legs before getting up to grab the collection of DVDs.
Tom finds himself staring after you when you leave, lost in his thoughts. He can hear you shuffling around things, looking for it in your messy room. You’d been studying for midterms all week and in the process your room had become collateral damage. He can hear you swearing from inside your room, likely at that stack of books you have piled haphazardly being knocked over in your searching process. 
He’s smiling like an idiot, because he just can’t help but think of all these little quirks you have. He hasn’t been in your room in a week or so, as you’ve both been busy. This is the first time hanging out properly in a while, but even then, he can imagine exactly what your room looks like. You likely have an almost empty cup of coffee on your desk, with a swallow of coffee left in it, chapstick left on the rim. He can imagine your glasses, likely sitting outside of their case and on your bed, or tucked between pages of notes. Your favorite pen is likely lying in an obvious place but when you go to look for it later you’ll completely forget where it is. You likely have hair ties scattered around your desk and bed, because you can never decide between your hair up or down when you’re concentrating. You tell Tom: ‘up means business and I need to focus, but it also gives me a headache, so I end up switching between the two’. Which makes no sense to him, but then again he’s never had to deal with the issue. 
He knows all of these things because too often he’s sitting in that room right with you, watching you do all these things. Except when he’s there, you opt to study on your bed, so you can sit beside each other. More often than not you’ll end up falling asleep with your nose in a textbook and what a sight it is. Sometimes you’ll fall asleep on his chest, reading a book for your literature class. Now he’s really smiling like an idiot, because he’s thinking about the way your eyebrows scrunch up when you sleep, and the way you mumble when you dream.
“Just go.” Zendaya says, eyes unmoving from her phone and the Instagram scrolling she’s partaking in.
“Excuse me?”
“Go,” she motions to your room, “with her, somewhere. Instead of the party. But since I’m giving you an out for tonight, just tell her how you feel already, please. We’re all rooting for you but it’s taking forever and the pining is getting annoying.”
“Well I just- wait, we?” Tom asks, because Zendaya knows everything so that’s to be expected. But more people than just her know?
“Yeah, me, Jacob, Gwen, Harrison, George, Jake, Harry, Sam—“
“That’s enough,” he mutters, burying his face in his hands, embarrassed.
You come out with two different sets in hand, “Okay so I know I said ‘Fresh Prince’ but I found ‘Clueless’ and I thought maybe we could do both-”
“Actually, Tom actually just told me you guys already have plans for tonight, starting now.” Zendaya stands up and puts her phone in her back pocket.
“Plans? But we have the party tonight, not that I’m not excited to spend time with you, of course.” You reply, smiling but confused. You place the DVD and box-set down on the coffee table.
“Why didn’t you tell me you made plans for us?”
Zendaya hides a smirk as she looks at Tom along with you, waiting to see what lie he can make up.
“Uh...Because it’s a surprise?” He nervously glances over at Zendaya as you look at him attentively. Zendaya gives him a look as if to say ‘you’re on your own’, so he continues. 
“I know how um, stressed you’ve been with midterms and, well, you said last week you want to go ice skating before winter ends so—“
“Oh, Tom, you didn’t!” You’re grinning from ear to ear and walk over to wrap your arms around his neck while his wrap around your middle.
Zendaya has a smirk on her face, while Tom looks at her from over your shoulder. It was unbelievably quick (and good) thinking on his part and she’s honestly impressed. 
You unwrap yourself from Tom to turn to Zendaya. She quickly returns her expression to neutral as to not give anything away. 
“You sure it’s okay? I know you were upset when I cancelled for a date,” your voice is guilty, and Tom just instantly wants to reassure you despite it not being his place. 
Zendaya reassures you first, “No, it’s okay. Honestly, Laura will be throwing another party next week anyways. This is more important than some party.”
You’re not sure what she means by that, how ice skating is more important when she made such a big deal out of ditching before. But she smiles at you and she’s got a soft look in her eyes while looking at you two. What that look means and why she’s doing it, you don’t know either.
You practically jump out of the car as Tom pulls up to the venue. It’s no Rockefeller Square or Wollman Rink, but instead smaller and in a little park around a mile or two from your apartment complex. It’s quiet and there’s fairy lights strung up in the trees. The rink is enough to fit around 100 people but there’s only a few young couples and one small family on the rink. 
“Are you coming?” You grin back at Tom as you race toward the skate rental booth.
When you finally get your skates, Tom sits down to put his on, while you opt for doing things the hard way and put them on standing. Though you cheat a little by using Tom’s shoulder to steady yourself as you take off your shoe and attempt to place your foot into the skate. 
“You gotta do everything the hard way, Y/N?” 
“Absolutely.” You grin, before stumbling when your foot misses the mark. 
Tom catches you by your waist, unintentionally pulling you down. You can’t help but feel a little breathless, practically straddling Tom. Aside from cuddling while watching movies or when falling asleep together you don’t really have a lot of physical contact. Well, there is the hugging, just because Tom is a hugger. Along with the hand holding, sometimes for reassurance and sometimes just for closeness. Then there is the hair stroking when either of you is upset or falling asleep in the other’s lap. Okay, so maybe there is a lot of touching, but this just feels different, you admit to yourself. 
Tom has a flush to his cheeks but doesn’t make an attempt to move you. You pause for a moment and if anyone asks, it’s just to regain your balance. You crawl off of Tom and instead sit beside him. 
“Okay, I guess I’ll do it the lame way.” You joke, voice unsteady. 
Tom chuckles half heartedly. Being that close to you, even if accidentally, has him thinking of what he has to do tonight. He knows there’s no way Zendaya will let him get away with not telling you tonight and he has no doubt she will tell you if he doesn’t. But he’s worried about what will happen when he does. You don’t acknowledge what happened and what if that means you don’t feel the same anymore? So the confession will just be one-sided and awkward? Or, worse what if you’re over it, but saying how he feels just opens up old wounds, and you hate him? He would rather have a little bit of you than all of you, even if it hurts him to keep it inside. A happy ending isn’t even on his radar, he’s just worrying about all of the ways he could lose you.
You finish tying up your skates and look over at Tom.
“Okay, I want to go skating sometime tonight and you haven’t even finished lacing up. Do you need me to tie your skates or something?” You tease. 
Tom shakes himself out his bemused state, looking up at you. 
“No, it’s okay, just give me a second..” he replies softly. 
“Okay, I’m going to go in, meet me in there?” You smile back at him, earning a nod from Tom before you make your way into the rink. 
Tom watches as you slowly skate around the rink, hands out at your sides catching the wind as you skate, nose and cheeks pinking up from the cold night air. You even let yourself glide for a moment with your eyes closed once you’re away from everyone else on the rink. Tom can’t help but think of how peaceful and content you look. His thoughts are again led back to the upcoming confession and how disastrous the outcome could be. But he allows himself to hope for a moment, that everything will be okay. That it will maybe even be better than it is now. 
Of course you are both happy now as friends and friendship is valuable. But he’s tired of seeing you being hurt, of your resolve to find true love slowly wearing down no matter how hard you try to keep it up. Tom knows there is no one that loves you more than him. He knows he can love you properly, because he already does. For all your faults, for all your quirks, he loves you with everything he has. He cannot imagine a life without you but he also cannot imagine going on loving you in silence like this. All he wants is to love you deeply, fully and openly. The kind of love you both deserve, and the kind of love he hopes you return for him. 
So Tom finishes lacing his skates and gets up to join you on the ice. He stands near the entrance, holding onto the rail until you skate over to him.
“Didn’t wanna skate over to me?” You ask, smiling and coming to a stop in front of Tom.
“I brought you skating because you like it. I never said I was any good at it.” Tom gives you a nervous smile, which you laugh at. 
“I appreciate that and because you’re so sweet, I promise to not let you fall.” You reply and offer him your arm to grab onto. 
Tom decides to be bold and instead reaches for your hand to take in his. While you’ve held hands in the past, it feels more intimate this time to both of you. Neither of you thought to bring gloves and there’s something a little romantic about getting your hands freezing cold just so you can touch someone. Tom finds himself wondering when he got so sappy, because all he can think of is while you promise to not let him fall, he’s just thinking how he promises to not let you fall. He’ll always be there to catch you, even if you don’t want him the same way he wants you he’ll stay.
You look down at your hand in his and then up at him with a smile, “Let’s go.”
Tom is practically dragging alongside you, holding out his free hand in an attempt to increase stability. You’re giggling at him and the way he looks like a newborn deer skidding along the ice.
“You’re not very graceful are you? I would think a dancer would be better at this.” You tease him, before he grips your hand tightly.
“Usually I’m dancing on a floor, not ice. And you can’t even dance, so I don’t want to hear anything.” He replies, focused very hard on not falling.
He’s right, you’re awful at dancing. No matter how many late night dance sessions Tom has attempted with you, you’re never very good or graceful. Doesn’t make a difference when you’re drunk or sober, you’re shit at dancing in every state. Theatre/acting major/dancer boy never hesitates to tease you about it, so really you walked into that one.
Before you can retaliate with a remark of your own, Tom’s falling and in an attempt to help, you fall with him. You both land with a thud and Tom on top of you. He’s sure the few people present are staring at the two of you. Tom feels really bad, but the instant reaction is to laugh at how clumsy he is. He looks down at you, expecting a smile or a (badly disguised) expression of annoyance. Instead you’re silent with tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Whoa, why are you crying? Are you okay?”
“My wrist.”
Tom looks down to see your wrist bent awkwardly between the two of you.
He scrambles to get off of you and help you up, grabbing your uninjured wrist to pull you up. 
“I’m so, so, so sorry.”
“S’okay, you didn’t do it on purpose.” Your voice comes out choked up and Tom can’t help but feel his own throat close up. 
Tonight is supposed to be lovely and romantic and Tom’s gone and quite possibly broken your wrist.
The family that’s skating comes over to the two of you, while Tom holds your shoulders and you clutch your injured wrist.
“Hey, I saw that fall, are you alright?” The mother asks. She has such kind eyes and a caring expression you aren’t surprised when she says, “I’m a nurse, would you like me to look at it?” She motions to your wrist.
Tom looks down at you to see what you’d like to do, since it’s your wrist and at this point he’s willing to do whatever you want, he feels so guilty. 
“Um, sure. I don’t really want to spend several hours in the emergency room anyways.” You put on a weak smile, tears spilling over your cheeks.
When you exit the rink, you sit at the picnic table nearby with the mother of the family, who’s name you learn is Carol. You’re lucky she’s so prepared, since she had a first-aid kit in the car, she says she can never be too careful with a young daughter who plays rough. Her daughter sits nearby, quiet. She must be around five, you think. Tom and Carol’s husband are chatting with each other while they return skates to the booth.
“Sorry to ruin your family’s night.” You apologize, assuming them putting their skates away and calling it a night is a result of you falling and this kind woman offering to help.
“Oh no, you definitely didn’t. Camden was getting cold anyways, we were going to head back soon regardless.” She smiles kindly at you, before lifting your wrist. 
“I’m just sorry your date got ruined, not a very fun way to end it. Hopefully not a first date though, right?” Carol asks, while examining your wrist. She asks you to move your fingers and wrist a certain way.
You’re used to friends and peers asking whether you’re together, but it feels different when someone older than you does. This stranger is asking you, and she’s likely older and wiser and she’s maternal and for some reason it means you can’t help but confess.
“We’re not dating,” you blurt out, “I mean I love him, but we’re not dating.”
She pauses and looks at you, “Oh... I’m sorry I just thought…” 
A little voice speaks up, “If you love him, why aren’t you boyfriend-girlfriend?” The little girl, Camden, asks.
“Camden, that’s not polite.” Her mother scolds.
But it’s innocent, she’s just a young girl and maybe it’s just as confusing to her as it is to you.
“No, it’s okay,” you reply, and look at Camden, “Uh, we’re not together because he doesn’t feel the same way about me. I love him as a friend too, and that’s enough for me.”
“Mommy and daddy love each other and they’re not friends, that would be silly. So you can’t love him if you’re not together.” 
“Camden…” Her mother uses a warning tone.
“It’s okay,” you smile, “it is silly. I want to be with him, but he doesn’t. Just because I love him doesn’t mean we get to be together. But I don’t stop loving him because he doesn’t love me, I love him on my own. That means even though he doesn’t feel the same, my feelings don’t change. Does that make sense?”
Camden doesn’t respond verbally, but just nods her head.
“Sorry, she hasn’t developed a filter yet.” Carol apologizes as she wraps an Ace bandage around your wrist. She does it gently but applies enough pressure that it dulls some of the pain.
The pain of unrequited love in your chest is still present though and no bandage will fix that.
“It’s okay. I get it.”
“I want you to rest it for 48 hours and ice it. You can take ibuprofen for the pain and swelling. Keep an eye on it, and if it doesn’t get any better after those two days, you need to go to urgent care.”
Tom comes walking back with Camden’s father. 
“So, am I destined to wait on you hand and foot forever since I broke yours?” Tom jokes, despite a very obvious worried expression on his face.
“Not broken, probably just a sprain. But keep an eye on her and that wrist, okay?” The mom replies, and you’re thankful she says nothing else to Tom.
“Thank god.” He smiles down at you, pulling you up into a hug and kissing the top of your head.
“That’s sweet, how long have--” The husband starts, but the wife elbows him in the ribs.
“Well, it’s almost Camden’s bedtime, so we’d better get going.” Carol says, in an attempt to cover up her husband’s words.
Tom smiles, finding it a little odd but he’s just thankful you’re okay, “Thank you so much for taking care of her.” He looks down at you.
Camden walks over to the two of you before either of her parents can stop her. You think her mother likely looks as mortified as you do when the words come out of her mouth.
She tugs at Tom’s jacket, “If people love each other, they should be together.” Camden says.
Her mom laughs nervously, picking her up in her arms. “Crazy kid, watches too many princess movies.”
“Nuh-uh! I like Lion King more than princess movies!” She replies in protest.
Carol and her husband give you both a smile before saying goodbye as they walk into their car to leave, but only after Carol reminds you to ice your wrist.
“That was kind of weird.” You nervously laugh, hoping he thinks the five-year-old was just saying random things like kids do.
“Maybe, but she is right.” Tom replies.
You don’t say anything, but you couldn’t agree more.
Tom follows you into your apartment, holding your bag and coat he insisted on carrying for you. You flick on the light switch, the apartment dark and quiet since Zendaya is at the party.
“I’m sorry that tonight didn’t go very well.” Tom says, placing your bag on the counter.
“It’s pretty on brand for us. We’re both clumsy so it’s like any normal night.” You smile at Tom before walking into the kitchen. “Like, remember that time I broke your nose while playing Wii tennis?” 
“Yeah, before that big audition? The one Z had to pull several strings to get for me?” He teases.
You laugh at his reply, remembering how awful you felt, despite him accidentally dropping a bag of groceries on your foot the week prior. With your good hand, grab the kettle off of the stove to fill it.
 “You want some tea?” You ask, placing the kettle on the stove before opening the cupboard.
“Always.” Tom replies, quietly.
He figures there’s no time as good as any. He slowly works up the courage to confess what he’s been feeling for so long and didn’t have the nerve to tell you that night, all those months ago. The thought that is always going through his mind when he’s with you, but even more so when he’s away from you. Being away from you only makes those feelings stronger, and that’s how he knows it’s real. It’s unrelenting and ever-present, even without a visual reminder of you. 
He takes a step to you, wanting to hold your hand, or cup your face, or hug you while he confesses, but you turn around abruptly.
“Hey, remind me again why I’m the injured one and I’m the one making you tea?” You joke. 
Tom decides to just do it, because if he doesn’t now, he’ll never do it. He’ll make excuses and nothing will ever change. He grabs your hands, gentle with your injured wrist.
“This is not making tea, Holland, this is holding my hands.” 
“I’m with you. No matter what else you have in your head, I’m with you and I love you.”
“I love you too, Tom” you reply casually, assuming he means platonically, removing your hands from his to grab two mugs out of the cupboard.
“Wait, was that Ernest Hemmingway?” You question, turning back around to look at him, “You’re letting that English minor get to your head. Just say ‘love you’ like a normal friend.”
“No, I love you. I love you with everything I have, with all that I am, and I’m stupid for not telling you that night. I loved you before that and I love you now and I will continue to love you, even if you don’t feel the same…. That’s Tom Holland, a little less poetic than Hemmingway, but they’re my words.” He says.
Your eyes have closed somewhere along the confession and your expression is blank. Tom just wants to see your gorgeous eyes and try to decipher what’s going on in your mind. He would prefer you confess your love back to him, but at this point he would be okay with annoyance, he’s just scared now.
“Y/N, please just look at me while I confess, after that you can look wherever you want,” his voice is strained.
You keep your eyes closed while you mumble, so incoherently Tom has to ask you to repeat yourself. 
“Why didn’t you tell me then?”
He should have known this question would come. There’s not a day that goes by where he doesn’t kick himself for not saying it then and there. 
He should reassure you that he’s felt this way, that it’s not just some passing thing, but he’s selfish and instead asks, “I’m telling you now, do you not love me anymore?”
He waits for your response to his question, but it never comes.
“Don’t tell me you love me unless you mean it,” is what you say instead, rather than answering his question.
“You know I mean it,” he swallows deeply, moving just a tiny bit closer to you, wishing he could grab your hands in his again, “Not only am I deeply in love with you, but you’re my best friend and that’s why I was so scared to tell you. I didn’t-- I still don’t want to lose you.” 
You would think this is your dream but it feels so overwhelming and rather than feel happy or even relieved, you’re filled with doubt and you’re scared. The instinct is to push him away, so neither of you can get hurt. It was better when your love was unrequited, it was less scary, you weren’t relying on someone else to catch you. Tom’s here, offering to do that and for some reason that caring hurts more than the rest of your past.
You let your eyes meet his, “Why do you think I’m on the tenth ‘the one’ this year, Tom? You’re my best friend you should know better than anyone what rotten luck I have,” your voice unsteady, “I keep going on first dates because no one wants me past that! You’d be smart to follow their lead.”
Tom walks closer to you, taking your wrist in his hand, gentle but demanding of your attention.
“I’ve seen it all, every heartbreak, every tear shed, but I’ve also seen every smile and laugh and every time you have fallen for someone, and I have loved you through all of it. This isn’t a one date and done thing,” he is gentle in his tone, trying to coax you away from dismissing his feelings as false. 
“Y/N, Daya just called me out on my bullshit earlier today, telling me everyone sees how I feel about you,” he states, “which is a bit embarrassing for me, because I thought I was being really inconspicuous but that’s besides the point,” he rambles.
“What is the point, Tom?”
“The point is that I love you. I love you the way you have been talking about and dreaming about and looking for the whole time that I’ve known you. My regret here isn’t how I feel, it’s that I didn’t tell you about it sooner.”
Despite being nervous and rambling, he’s calm now because he has to make sure you know. He’s sure of you and he refuses to leave you any room for doubt about how he feels. Hesitantly, his hand drops yours and it only makes you fear he’s abandoning you now, causing you to clench your eyes shut in an attempt to keep tears at bay.
Instead, you feel Tom’s hand on your cheek. 
“Hey, look at me. I’m not going anywhere. I’m with you till the end of the line.” He jokes and you can’t help but let a small smile creep onto your face.
Maybe it’s the inspiration from a little girl named Camden, that gives you the courage to trust Tom to catch you and allow you to fall for him. You love him and here he is saying he loves you too. You value his friendship but you can’t allow yourself to not try to have a future with Tom, the one you’ve been thinking about for over a year. You deserve more than empty promises from guys you don’t love and even though there’s a little voice in your head telling you otherwise, you allow yourself to believe you deserve someone as good as Tom.
“You’re far too obsessed with Marvel,” is all you say in reply.
He smiles back softly, glad you aren’t so in your head anymore as a result of his cheesy quote. His thumb wipes away at a tear that has slipped down your cheek.
“I mean it. For real, not like how Steve meant it before he abandoned Bucky.” Tom grins down at you because it’s easy to fall back into friendship with you.
“You really want this? You’d be number eleven, you know.” You say, half joking, half serious.
“All I ever wanted is right here in front of me. Just promise me you won’t love me like you loved one through ten,” he cheekily replies, as he closes the gap between you and you are close enough to still look at each other. 
He says love him like the others instead of asking again if you do because he already knows. Maybe on some level you both know that love has been there this whole time. It was a twist of fate, a miscommunication and fear of the unknown. You two have been too shy to admit your own feelings to each other, or acknowledge the other’s, but all your friends could tell. Maybe this time spent growing this friendship was worth it, the pining and the longing and heartache. It’s even a little reminiscent of the Princess Diaries. The first one, where Michael and Mia fall for each other slowly and it’s worth it in the end. While you love Chris Pine, the former couple should have stayed together, they deserved it. And now you’re stuck thinking about Mia’s idea of a foot-popping first kiss, and can’t help think of if you’ll get one with Tom.
“Don’t hesitate, just kiss me already.” He smiles at you, knowing exactly what’s running through that hopeless romantic brain of yours.
“Wow, Holland, you’re bossy. Can I expect the same energy in bed?” You joke, playfully rolling your eyes, but then he’s kissing you softly before you can say anything more.
It feels like melting into place, and you think about how you’ve been looking for this for so long that it feels even better when it’s unexpected like this. With your best friend. He’s familiar, he’s cozy and warm and you already know just about everything and (still, somehow) love him. One of his hands is resting on your cheek, the other on your hip, and the kiss and his touch is enough to warm you from the inside out.
Every emotion from today and every day before now is fueling this kiss. Your arms reach up around his neck, one hand threading through the curls at the nape of his neck. How have I never thought about this before, you think, lost in the moment. There’s no foot-pop, but it’s still just as magical as anyone could wish for.
He’s the one pulling away, and you’re so dazed, really wishing he hadn’t. 
“No smart remarks now, Y/L/N?” He smirks at you, as his thumb stroking the skin left exposed from your top riding up. 
“I guess uh…” you think, not wanting him to win, as always “All I have to say is, what took you so long?”
He chuckles, leaning in to press his forehead into yours, “All I can say is I waited so long, that we have a lot of lost time to make up for.”
“I think we can do that,” you smile, leaning in to kiss him again, “so long as the only way you’ll ever hurt me is being a clumsy idiot.”
He smiles, and grabs your hand with the injured wrist, placing a kiss on it, “I think I can manage that.”
When Zendaya comes home after the party to see your bedroom door cracked, and you laying atop Tom’s chest, cozied up, all she can think is, thank god, and finally. But also, what the hell happened to her wrist?
taglist: @averyfosterthoughts @martinafigoli @5secondsofalphas @maybemona
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Somebody To You: 14
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Word Count: 4,088
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Zoey caught the elevator doors just before slipping in with a still fuming Harry. When the doors closed and the elevator began its descent, his arms jerked upwards, grabbing into the back of his neck, doubling over as he shouted, “FUCK!”
Zoey jumped, startled, and automatically pulling him up and into a forced hug. She squeezed his torso and felt his arms around her shoulders tighten as he buried his head into her neck, feeling the wetness from his angry tears dampen her shirt. She frowned as she stroked his back, surprised at how upset he was. She didn’t realize he liked her that much. For someone so powerful, Harry seemed so inferior at the moment. It really put into perspective just how normal celebrities were. The elevator door dinged open and Harry straightened up, wiping his tears and looking at Zoey before they stepped out into the empty lobby and headed towards the parking garage.
“Thank God you didn’t bring your motorcycle,” Zoey breathed, stepping up to his car.
Harry let out a chuckle and sniffled, unlocking the car and they both slipped in. They drove for nearly twenty minutes in silence, Zoey not wanting to interrupt the peace to ask where they were heading, when Harry drove into a gated community and up to a large three-story modern house. Her mouth went agape. She had only seen such large houses in movies.
“Is this your house?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he parked the car and got out.
Zoey followed suit as he quickly grabbed his luggage from his trunk and headed up the stairs to the front door where he unlocked and pushed it open. She closed the door behind her and looked around, curiously, at all of the sleek, modern furniture and decor.
Harry rose an eyebrow, “Oh? You don’t like it?”
She shook her head, “No, it’s just not what I was expecting.”
“And what were you expecting?”
“I don’t know. Something with character. You just seem so different, I expected your house to reflect that, not be like every other house in LA.,” Zoey shrugged.
“Ouch,” Harry clutched his hand to his chest, “I think I’ve gotten hurt enough today, don’t you?”
“Sorry,” Zoey giggled, “It’s still nicer than anything I’ll ever own.”
“Well, truth be told, I’m actually in the process of trying to sell. If you want to see character in a house, you should come to see my home in England.”
Zoey laughed, “Hopefully someday. Now show me your kitchen. I’m starving.”
“It’s this way, but I don’t think I’ll have much. I’ve been on tour, remember?”
She managed to find some in-date waffled in the freezer and made a few for the two of them as well as a cup of coffee and they decided to take it out back to his patio table, enjoying the beautiful sun glistening on the pool. His house was surrounded by tall shrub-like trees for privacy, but you could still make out the city line in the distance. 
Harry seemed rather quiet while Zoey tried to distract him. She wasn’t doing a great job at it as she watched him push his food around with his fork and barely eat. He looked so pathetic, but it was hard for her to feel bad for him. If he saw this coming, like he said he did, then he would have known not to get his hopes up. She didn’t want to have animosity in her friend group. That’s not what she moved out here for. She needed to try and find a way to salvage what had been broken, and she needed to figure out how.
“Are you ready to talk about it?” Zoey asked, putting her fork down and pushing her plate away.
Harry sighed, “I just don’t get why you’re not just as pissed off as me? You were seeing Brett, too.”
She shrugged, “Because, H, Brett wasn’t my boyfriend. I’ve always been very upfront with him about my expectations for our relationship, which was that there was no relationship, it was strictly sex for us. I told him he was free to see whoever he wanted and whenever he wanted. There were no set rules or boundaries as far as who he could pursue. I didn’t expect it to be Rory, but I’m not mad at either of them if that’s what they want.”
He rubbed his face roughly and countered, “But isn’t it weird that your friend is sleeping with someone you slept with?”
Zoey shook her head, “I’m sorry, but no. My loyalty to a person is not defined and regulated by mutual sexual partners. The only thing Rory did wrong here, as far as I’m concerned,  was lie to me last night. And I’ll talk to her about that later. I’m sorry you were hurt by this, but she didn’t cheat. She had no obligation to you. I’m not saying this to hurt you, but she’s right. You waited too long.”
“Is this your ‘I told you so’ moment?” Harry groaned.
Zoey cracked a smile, “Yes. How many times did I tell you to make up your mind and follow your heart?”
“A lot.”
“You were scared, and I get it. But you can’t blame her for that when she gave you ample time to figure it out. You’re just mad that someone else figured out her worth before you did.”
“Jesus, Zo!” Harry wheezed, “Dig the knife in deeper, why don’t you?”
“Well, stop being an idiot and I wouldn’t have to!”
“I know! It just sucks! I finally figure out that I want to try and make things official and then this happens?”
Zoey smirked, quoting Princess Bride, “Who says life is fair? Where is that written?”
He pursed his lips, “Life isn’t fair. It’s just fairer than death, that’s all,” he quoted and frowned, “I don’t know why I’m so bummed about it. I know that I wasn’t in love with her or anything. I didn’t want to marry her. So why am I so upset?”
“You tell me.”
Harry sat in thought for a moment before looking up at her, biting his lip in concern, “What does this mean between us now? She’s your roommate. She probably hates me now. Does that mean we can’t be friends anymore?”
Zoey laughed, “I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but what happens when you go home? Am I going to get ghosted the second I drop you off?”
“Harry, no one can call dibs on me. I met you both at the same time. She might be my roommate, but you’re my best friend.Or...what did you call me the other day? Your soulmate?” Zoey teased, plucking at his shirt.
He swatted him away and finally let out a smile, “I knew I shouldn’t have told you that.”
She continued, “You have nothing to worry about. We’re still friends. But it would make it a hell of a lot easier if you just eased up a bit. I’m not saying you have to be best friends, but it’d be nice if you two could just get along, you know? You’re allowed to feel your feelings, I’m not saying you shouldn’t be upset. But maybe when you’re done feeling your feelings, you could talk to her? Make amends?”
He glowered at her through narrowed eyes and watched as she clasped her hands together, dramatically frowning and mouthing ‘please’ before he rolled his eyes, “Fine, but can it wait until tonight? I just need a little more time to cool off,” he said.
How could he say no to her? As much as he hated to admit it, everything Zoey said was right. He wanted to sit and soak in his annoyance right now, but how could he after she gave him a new perspective. It was annoying how she was always right. How could he be annoyed after what she did? I mean, she didn’t have to run after him still in her pajamas, her hair falling out of her slept-on messy bun, morning breath and all, but she did. She did because she cared enough to make sure he was okay. Because that’s what friends do. 
“Not to be all mushy, but you’re pretty great, you know that,” he grinned at her.
“Oh my god, Harry, you just broke up with your almost-girlfriend. Stop flirting with me,” she teased him, pulling back her plate of waffles and shoving a forkful into her mouth.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t resist you with the syrup on your chin,” he joked back, taking a bite of his own.
They finished up their breakfast and continued to talk, but Harry started to notice Zoey getting distracted, constantly looking behind him. She finally stood up and put a hand on his arm, interrupting his sentence by saying, “I’m sorry. I really have to do this…”
With a confused stare, Harry watched her, without hesitation, run and jump straight into his pool with an excited scream, fully clothed. A smile grew wide on his face, getting up and walking out to see her jumping around in the pool. She looked like a little kid having the time of their life. How could he not? Harry checked his pockets and pulled everything out, tossing them on a nearby tanning chair.
“Do a cannonball!” Zoey hollered.
With a running start, Harry took a deep breath and jumped as high as he could, curling his legs to his chest and holding them tight, dropping and colliding with the water. He could feel the water shoot up his nose, stinging a bit, and could hear the laughter from Zoey when he broke the surface, cheering him on.
Harry splashed her and it started a full-on water war filled with dunking, waves, attempted (and failed) whirlpools, kick-splashes, and all sorts of fun. After a while, the water made it feel like his clothes he weighed one hundred pounds heavier each time he tried to move.
“Tell me again why we jumped in here fully clothed?” He asked, pulling his pants up for the millionth time.
“Because the water was calling me and I didn’t have time to go home to grab a bathing suit,” Zoey spit water at him, “What’s your excuse?”
“Because I was too busy chasing after you,” he spat water back.
“Alright, I’ve definitely heard that before in some kind of cheesy rom-com. I’m going to need you to cool it with the pick-up lines, sir. This is what got you into this mess with Rory in the first place.”
Harry laughed, mangling his face, “What did she think we were doing in your room?”
Zoey choked, spluttering on the water before splashing him and her expression turning more serious, “First of all, that’s rude. Second of all, it’s not funny! I actually feel really bad about that! I never meant to make her feel uncomfortable.”
“Stop,” Harry took her hand and looking deep into her eyes, “I was the one who came into your room. You didn’t ask me to. You didn’t force me to stay. It was my decision. What were you supposed to do? You had other things on your mind to worry about. They didn’t know what was wrong, they just knew you were sad. You’re allowed to feel your feelings, remember?”
Something about Harry staring into her eyes while soaking wet, fully clothed, in the middle of a swimming pool hit her differently. She watched the water dripping down from his hair to his chin. His white tee was nearly see-through, clinging to his barely visible tattoos, wrinkles of the saturated fabric shifting as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. He could see the goosebumps that were formed on his neck, right by his clavicle.  Droplets bounced off of his lips, seemingly vanishing into thin air. She just noticed how plump they looked in this moment and her mind began to wander.
She forced herself back at his words and grinned, “So the student becomes the master. I guess it’s time to tell them what’s going on then, huh?”
“If that’s what you want to do.”
“Alright, but I need to dry off, first.”
“You can just borrow my clothes,” Harry offered, pulling himself out of the pool, followed by Zoey.
She shook her head, “How about I take a quick shower and borrow your clothes while I wash mine? The last thing we need is for me to pull up wearing your clothes while we try to tell Rory that there’s nothing going on between us. Besides, I still need to get ready for work tonight and if I’m not going back until tonight, I won’t have time to shower later.”
He laughed, “Good idea.”
She followed him inside, trying to hide her discomfort. What the hell was that, having those kinds of thoughts about Harry? It’s been a whole three hours since the end of him and Rory, and she’s already fantasizing about his lips? What the actual hell was wrong with her? He just got through explaining how she’s his best friend and that there was absolutely nothing going on between them. Even the thought of them doing something just made him laugh. She needed to get her shit together or else she’d ruin not only one friendship but two.
Harry led her to his bedroom where he disappeared into a large, walk-in closet. She couldn’t help but look around. There wasn’t much to it. No framed pictures. No journal or personal belongings on the nightstand. Not even a small stain on the sheets to prove someone lived here. It looked like it was straight out of a hotel suite. Finally, Harry reappeared with a pair of basketball shorts and a gray graphic tee.
“Bathroom’s just in there,” he pointed to the left of the closet door, “Towels are on the shelf beside the shower.”
“Thanks,” she grinned, taking the pile of clothes and heading down the little hallway to the ensuite.
The door to the bathroom closed, but Harry stuck around to make sure she didn’t need any help. Sometimes the shower knobs could be a little tricky. He heard the water turn on and moments later the sound of music started up and smiled when he recognized it as his song ‘Golden’. But seconds later, the music changed.
His mouth fell and he shouted, “Hey! Did you just change my song?”
He heard a small laugh from the bathroom and Zoey shouted back, “Sorry! I hear enough of your voice as it is!”
“Fucking rude!” he laughed back, leaving to give her more space.
Harry wandered to the living room to wait for Zoey and reflect on their conversation earlier, significantly less upset than he was before. He always considered himself a reasonably understandable person, but knew that he could be pretty hard-headed at times. He was always quick to shut himself off and bottle his emotions. It was draining carrying the weight of it all on his shoulders, not feeling comfortable enough to confide fully in someone else. Zoey really helped him with that. She trusted him enough to open up to him about some really deep and personal things, showing him that he could trust her. He owed her.
He heard the floorboards creak behind him and turned to see Zoey stepping into view with her towel-dried hair in two french braids, carrying her pile of wet clothes and now wearing his basketball shorts and gray graphic tee. His eyes lingered on her a little longer than he wanted, dumbfounded by his reaction to seeing her in his clothes. He’s seen girls in his clothes before, so he wasn’t sure why. She just looked cute in them, that’s all. She filled the clothes out almost perfectly, just a hair too big on her. Typically the girls that borrowed his clothes would be swimming in them and it always looked silly. He had half a mind to let her keep them. It looked better on her, anyway.
He took her pile of clothes and threw it in the washing machine before the two just sat and talked a little bit more about England and his plans when he got home, excited to see his family again. They had ordered postmates and talked for hours when Zoey noticed the time. They really had to get going if she wanted to get ready for work tonight. Zoey changed out of Harry’s clothes, mentally noting that she needed to figure out what kind of detergent he used before slipping into hers and following Harry out to his car, shooting Nancy a text of warning that they were on their way back and asking how Rory was.
Her phone vibrated and she checked to see Nancy’s response which read, “She’s okay. Still a little flustered, but more worried about you being pissed at her than anything.”
With a slanted smile, Zoey responded, “Please tell her I’m not pissed at her even in the slightest and when I get there I’m going to give her the biggest hug! Just a heads up, Harry will be with me. He just wants to apologize to her for being an ass.”
“Should I have my taser ready? Just in case?” Nancy joked back.
“Yeah, for me. Take me OUT if we ever had to deal with that again.” Zoey responded with an eye roll emoji, earning a simple “lol” in response.
When they pulled into the parking lot, Zoey turned to Harry, “I probably won’t see you before you leave tomorrow, will I?”
He frowned, “Probably not.”
Her face began to mirror his and her eyes glazed over. She widened them, looking up and laughing, “Jesus, don’t know why I’m getting emotional right now.”
Harry reached over, pulling her into an embrace, ignoring the stabbing pressure in his abdomen by the center console of his car. The pang in his chest hurt worse. They barely got to spend time together this visit, and the time they did spend together was wasted with him being angry with Rory. He was kicking himself for letting that get in the way of a good last day with his friends.
They pulled away and Zoey wiped the tears from her cheek, taking a deep breath to collect herself, and shaking her arms, “Alright. We’re not doing this right now. Let’s go.”
Harry felt his nerves rise as they got closer and closer to their apartment and when the door opened, he could have vomited from the anxiety. Zoey called out for her friends walking further into the apartment, seeing Nancy and Rory’s head poke up from the couch. She smiled, walking over to them and sitting so close to Rory that she was practically on top of her, pulling her into the longest and tightest hug. 
Nancy shot Harry a sympathetic smile, patting the seat on the other side of her so that he was at the end of the couch. He watched as Rory sniffled into Zoey’s neck, eyes clamped shut and gripping onto her roommates back, whimpering muffled apologies. 
When they pulled away, he noticed how red and bloodshot Rory’s eyes were, how raw the tip of her nose was, and how puffy her lips were from crying. Zoey gave her an empathetic smile, brushing the hair away from Rory’s face and tucking it behind her ears.
“Rory, I love you, you know that, right?” Zoey softly cooed, making Aurora blubber even more, “I don’t care who you see or who you sleep with, as long as you’re happy and you’re safe. The only thing I care about is that we don’t lie to each other, okay?” 
Aurora nodded, squeezing Zoey’s hands while she tried to calm her tears. Harry couldn’t help but feel guilty. He never meant for her to be so upset and it nearly broke her heart. Aurora was a sweet girl. She might have messed up, but she didn’t deserve to feel like this.
“I’m not perfect, either,” Zoey continued, “but I want to make sure that you know that nothing has ever happened between Harry and I. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable when Harry visited last. He wanted to tell you what was going on, but I asked him not to. He was just keeping his promise because I wasn’t ready to talk to you both about it. But if we’re going to be honest, then I can’t keep things from you guys, either.”
The girls listened intently while Zoey and Harry shared a glance. He nodded, reassuringly, and silently telling her that he was here for her. 
Zoey took a deep breath, “Before I moved here, I was in a car accident with my best friend. Obviously, I turned out okay. But she didn’t. She died.” the girls gasped, reaching out for her. Zoey held their hands but continued to explain, “I had no intention of telling anyone about her because I just wasn’t ready to talk about it. But Harry caught me in a moment of vulnerability and I kind of just dumped all of my problems on him.”
“No you didn’t,” Harry defended.
Zoey shook her head with a laugh, “I did. But that’s why he visited last time. It was the anniversary of the accident and he knew I was in a bad place so he came to help me through it. That’s all.”
“Zoey, I’m so sorry,” Rory whispered.
“You know you can come to us about anything,” Nancy reassured, “We would have understood.”
“I know that. You two are amazing. I just wasn’t ready to talk about it again. Telling him was hard enough, you know?”
The girls nodded and they all gave each other a hug. They pulled away and Zoey turned to Rory, “Are we okay?” Rory nodded a yes and kissed her friend on the cheek and Zoey looked between her three friends before checking her phone and saying, “Okay, I really need to get ready for work. And I know Harry wanted to say a few things, so I’m going to give you two space, okay? If you need me, I’ll be in my room.”
“I’ll keep you company!” Nancy declared, standing up.
Zoey gave Rory one last hug and patted Harry on the shoulder on the way past him towards her room. He sat there, still stunned by the conversation that just happened. How did she always manage to handle conflict and discord with such wisdom and grace? It came so naturally to her and it was so mind-blowing every time.
As soon as the door was shut, Harry turned to look at Aurora. She sat awkwardly picking at her nails and avoiding eye contact. He thought back to everything Zoey said this morning and cleared his throat, “I’m not really good at apologies,” he admitted.
She chuckled, looking up, “Me either.”
He grinned, feeling a little more comfortable, “I’m sorry. Really. I was wrong. What I said earlier was fucked up.”
“Yeah, same,” she pursed her lips.
Harry continued, “I never meant to make you feel like I didn’t want you. I don’t want to make excuses, I really don’t know why I waited so long.”
Aurora interrupted him, placing a hand on his arm, “It’s okay. It’s alright to admit that we just weren’t working out. I just wish you would have told me sooner that you weren’t feeling it.”
Harry nodded, looking down. Hearing those words put into perspective. He was so dead set on wanting to make it work with her, that he refused to see what everyone else saw. He didn’t want to admit it because his mind set on pursuing a relationship with her had changed so abruptly that it was difficult to try and navigate those new feelings. 
He looked up at her again, “I just want you to be happy. And I know you don’t need my permission, but if he makes you happy then I’m happy for you.”
She laughed, “Thanks, but it was only once. I don’t know if it’ll go anywhere.”
He nodded again and then said, “So….we can still be friends, right?”
“Yeah. We can still be friends.”
“Good, because it would have made that….thing we had planned….really awkward if we hated each other,” Harry joked, making her laugh. He asked, “She still doesn’t know about it, right?”
Aurora shook her head, “She hasn’t got a clue.”
Taglist for Somebody To You:
@thurhomish , @stilljosiegrossie , @odetostep , @apples2019 , @stylesmioamore
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wetookanoath · 4 years
AU where “my buddies pranked me when I went skinny dipping and they stole my clothes and I only have a towel but you thought I was a robber and you told me to put my hands up but I dropped the towel and I don’t know if you’ll shoot me or taser me if I try to pick it up and you can’t see because I’m behind a tree but you’re telling me to step out wtf do I do”
“Oh dear lord, you are naked!”
The surprise in the man’s voice was almost offensive. Ryan swallowed, feeling his body tremble. Dammit, he hadn’t noticed before, when he had his clothes and his dignity as he and his friends made their way to the dock of the lake.
He should had known better, looking back at their stupid Uno game. Ryan should had known Dany and the boys were gonna pull one on him once they chose his punishment for loosing the world’s longest Uno game in history.
“You are jumping naked into the lake!” Dany had declared, and that was the moment Ryan should had say no, he should had realized what the real plan was.
It was the most common joke in the universe, something he himself had done to Dany back in college, and now he was naked, balls frozen, wet and certainly catching a cold, with his arms up because someone had caught him traspassing private property.
“Where you…? What? What where you trying to do all naked in the middle of the night?” The guy asked, slowly walking towards Shane with his taser and light up. “Do you always robb balls out?”
“I’m not– I’m not thief, for the last fucking time!” Ryan yelled, desperation so clear in his voice it would be embarrassing if his ass wasn’t bare. “Can I just… please, let me pick my towell!”
The guy moved his hand, indicating just that to Ryan who immediatelly took the towell and put it back around his waist as best he could. Dany had chosen to leave him with the smallest one, the bastard, and Ryan hadn’t feel so inclining to murder in his entire life.
Just let him find those idiots again…
“Shane!” He heard a woman yell, Ryan looked up at the cabin he had tried to walk to for help. “It’s everything alright?”
“I think!” The guy answered. Shane. Ryan swallowed and took a good look at his profile– he had glasses and messy hair, a beard and flannel. Like a hipster version of a fucking lumberjack. “God back inside, I’ll be there in a moment!”
He gave a step back, ready to fucking run into the other direction before the man could tase him or something– but Shane looked at him, slowly lowered his taser and walked towards him until Ryan could see his face.
“You look like the typical college jock whose friends left in the lake without clothes.” Shane declared, his words falling on Ryan like cold water. Again. “You need a phone? Maybe a sweater? Pants? All of the above?”
“All of the avobe would be nice, sir.”
Shane chuckled, shaking his head as he stepped in a few inches closer. Ryan looked at that face– the tin of his pink lips, the frekles on his cheeks and the beauty marks on him, his lashes were pretty, his eyes shone in a way he had never seen before.
He looked like the kind of guy who wouldn’t even kill a fly.
Which… didn’t gave him the best of ideas after having seen Psycho with the guys. Hipster lumpberjack has a cabin in the woods and appears with a taser in the middle of the night? No, thank you.
“Come on, let’s get inside so you can get some warmth.” Shane suggested, moving aside to let him walk with him. “Sara made some cocoa, you can have some.”
Sara. Must be the girl that talked to him earlier.
Sara was, in fact, the woman who had spoke to Shane before. She was a tiny girl with big hair that talked gently and hide her laughther for Ryan’s situation when she heard what had happened. The rest of the girls in the cabin couldn’t, though.
In fact, the place was filled with girls, huge signs and party ornaments let Ryan know he had interrumpted a Bachelorette party and the jokes about his nakedness and someone calling in a stripper for the lesbian wedding actually made him laugh once he was dressed and warm in Shane’s big ass clothes.
The girls let him stay when his friends didn’t answer their phones, Ryan supposed they may as well be scared shitless at the fact that they couldn’t find him in the lake after their stupid prank.
Which… good. They deserved the fear of having to tell his mother they had lost their son.
“No offense,” Ryan said as he saw Shane puring him a drink once his cocoa was out, “but why are you in the bachelorette party? You are, like, the only guy… aside from me.”
“Oh, I am the stripper.” He answered simply, Ryan’s eyes opened wide as his mouth but before he could say anything, Shane started to laugh, passing the glass to him.
His eyes had turned into half moons in a way that made him look younger and bright, Ryan thought it endearing. This man that almost tased him, that had acted as if Ryan’s dong wasn’t showing in the middle of the woods, was actually just some kind and sweet nerd.
“No, no. I’m sorry– Bad joke.” Shane said, sighing before looking at Ryan once he had put his elbows on the bar at the kitchen. “I’m Sara’s Best Man, and also this is my cabin.”
“It’s yours?” Ryan asked, then took a sip of the drink. Shane nodded his head. “That’s cool. You live out here in the woods?”
“No… not really.” He said. “I spend some time here, do some work, then go back to the city!”
“Oh,” He blinked a couple of times, “What… what do you do?”
Shane looked at him, his eyes never leaving Ryan’s. His stare was neutral but something in the depth of his eyes had Ryan feeling naked all over again. It was as if Shane knew him since forever and could see through him, know all his screts with just one look.
He swallowed, Shane smiled at him and held his own chin in one hand.
“I study wild life. Write some essays and books about them. Do some videos for YouTube… and some ASMR, also for YouTube.”
“Oh.” Ryan moved his head to one side. “Really?”
“Yep!” Shane answered, moving to make himself a drink. “What about you? Still in college? Or are your friends just stuck in college?”
“Oh, I think we brought back some ghosts this weekend. Holy shit…” Ryan said, taking another sip of his drink as Shane laughed and finished preparing his. “No, I’m a video producer, I’m working for… you know, the Try Guys?”
“Sure, of course.” Shane said, looking at Ryan with complete interest. “You work with them?”
“Yeah…” Ryan answered, swallowing. Shane seemed genuinely impressed. “A friend and I, we– we’ve been seeing some people and stuff. To open our own company.”
“Oh!” Shane held his drink between them. “Cheers for you guys! That’s amazing!”
Laughter erupted in the living room where the girls had started a game of Never Have I Ever between them. Ryan smiled at the sight, slowly looking back at Shane who was still watching them, a sweet smile on his face made him look like  proud big brother seeing his sister getting married.
For the interactions he’ve seen tonight, Shane and Sara were close, and so were Shane and Kelsey, her future wife. It was a nice picture, these ladies having fun, and they had the luck to witness it with good drinks.
Shane looked back at him, showing his drink again before they clicked glasses together and drank at the same time. 
This was… really nice.
“It’s late.” Shane announced, looking at his clock on his wirst.
Ryan nodded and looked at the cabin’s phone, ready to try again and call his friends, but Shane put a hand on his shoulder before he could go.
“Why don’t you stay?” Shane asked. “It really is late, going out to the woods right now doesn’t sound like the best of ideas.” 
“Uh,” Ryan blinked a couple of times, then looked at where the girls were getting ready for the night.
For what Shane had told him, he could just take the guest room as they were staying in the living room, like a sleepover from childhood. He could also take Shane’s bed.
He swallowd, but nodded.
Dany almost cried on the phone when Ryan called to let him know he was staying with his rescuers. After the milliont I’m Sorry, Ryan finally got to calm him down, telling him it was fine, they would talk the next day.
By the time his friend asked him if the hipster lumberjack was hot with that tone that indicates he’s being called a horny bitch, Ryan hang up the phone with warmth cheeks.
Shane smiled at him from the living room and, holy shit– 
Yeah. Yeah, the hipster lumberjack that makes ASMR was hot.
The lights were off in the living room but they could still hear some of the girls’ giggling, Kelsey telling them out loud to shut up and let them sleep since tomorrow they will all have hangovers the size of Idris Elba’s biceps (more laughter came after). 
Ryan followed Shane into the hallway that lead to the rooms, and sighed when they stopped between two doors that were one in front of the other.
“So, here’s the guests room.” Shane showed him the one on the left, then signaled the one door in front of them between the rooms. “Bathroom.” Ryan nodded, then followed his finger to the next door. “And this is my room.”
“Uh, okay–”
“Where I’m going to change into my, what did you called me?” Shane said, Ryan frowned and started to feel his cheeks warmth yet again, “Hipster lumberjack? Well, I’m gonna change into my hipster lumberjack pajamas… and then in five minutes, you can come in and take them off.”
Ryan stared at him for a few seconds, but Shane only winked at him with a wicked smile before getting into his room, leaving the door slightly open.
He heard a giggle in the livin room and Ryan blinked, finally, processing what Shane had said, what he was inviting him to and– it had been a while, to be honest. This was a nice guy he just met in the weirdest of ways, and… 
“To hell with it.” He decides, opening the door of Shane’s room.
All they could probably hear in the livin room was Shane’s laugh as Ryan entered and closed the door behind him.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up! (~˘▾˘)~
 Hi again…can I get an Ikevamp match-up? I got curious on who I would end up with tbh😅😅😅
About myself…I never lose a temper, I am extremely shy and quiet, it’s extremely difficult for me to trust new people. I am around 5'9 feet tall, above shoulder length messy brown hair tied into a ponytail; I would be mistaken for a boy if I let my hair down. I wouldn’t even notice if they mistook me for a boy until someone addresses me as one😅😅😅. I look intimidating at first sight because 1.)I am silent most of the time, I look cold and aloof, I never smile, and 2.) I can be blunt without noticing + my difficulty of showing emotions would make them think I’m judging their soul *yikes…whoops?😅😅😅*. That intimidates most people and when in reality when I am the one who feels more intimidated by them. 😅😅
Once I warm up, I have this side that only my family and close friends know. I get along well with anybody; I won’t judge people for their race, beliefs, personality, religion, and all. It doesn’t exist here when I befriend them 😊. I have this weird sense of humor that can turn dark and morbid without noticing… 😅😅 I am like a child at Christmas when it comes to new art supplies, baking, and cooking new recipes; I love sharing it with my family and friends. I can compare my strength to a guy and I can carry heavy things without a problem😅… I love to play the guitar and I used to play the piano when I was younger and I missed playing it. I’m extremely rusty after not practicing for 7 years now😥. I can still read music notes, and it will take longer for me to navigate the piano if I play it. I mostly draw and paint right now tho…
I’m not a fan of wearing girly clothes, and I would rather stick to wearing good ol’ shirts, polo (long/short sleeves), pants, and hoodies style. I avoid drinking alcohol because I easily get tipsy; I’d turn into a loud drunk after a few sips.  My friends would often keep me away from who knows what they’re reading and watching stuff… Told me that they don’t want me to taint my innocent eyes and soul or something like that…I never cuss even if I’m used to hearing my classmates swear like a sailor. The first time my friends hear me accidentally swear, they look at me in horror and demanded me to know where I got that word🤣🤣
I don’t like loud and crowded places, I would feel dizzy and suffocated if I stayed there for too long. There will be times on where I’m nowhere to be found since I would look for an isolated place somewhere around the corner for me to hide whenever I want to draw or paint. I am not really confident of my skills in drawing; I have a bad habit of hiding those from my family *which annoys them*. I have another bad habit of being stubborn whenever I got sick, and I wouldn’t even let anyone know I am unwell because I do not want anyone to worry about me. But when someone noticed, I would admit that I am sick. *I would go to school even when sick so I can finish my school works because, whenever I miss a class, there will always be some of them who would deliberately not tell me that I missed something in class so…i learned the hard way.😅* …
I easily get startled by sudden noises if I let my guard down: objects making a loud sound when they drop. I don’t know how to deal with physical affections and would probably get stiff and flustered. I’m not used to guys hugging me cuz would go stiff whenever a guy hugs me *I love hugs and all but… I’m not used to being hugged by guys… 🙁* I’m a bit of a disaster-prone whenever I’m outside, and would accidentally hit my head on lower tree branches and lower places, sometimes I would accidentally sprain my ankle on the uneven ground *if someone made me wear heels especially if it’s stilettos*. 😅😅😅
Yay: I love my coffee with a ridiculous amount of milk and with less sugar; baking, cooking, sweets, drawing, painting, digital art, music, cats, dogs, pokemon, Manga, anime.
Nay: I despise certain types of vegetables that are bitter and slimy. My face would shrivel up seeing those kinds of vegetables. Animal cruelty is a big no-no for me; I normally don’t get angry, and I forgive people within a blink of an eye *that annoys my family a lot😅* but, I will make an exception for that.
I can control my own anger, that no one can tell I am fuming.
If it’s ok with you…😅😅😅 Took me a long time to figure out how to send a more detailed one. 😂😂 I think that’s enough spilling tmi about myself… Whoopsie…😅😅 🦊🐱🦊🐱
Hi hi love! ❤🌻Thank you so much for the request! I had so much fun writing this up for ya and i hope you enjoy it dear! ❤🦊Also i hope you are keeping safe and well and have a super good day!🐇❤ Also sooooorrrry for taking 2 billion years with this! hehe so without further ado........... @xarexraven
So I match you with…………… Theo
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The first time you met everyone, you were so quiet and reserved hiding behind Comte. They took one look at you and instantly thought, “oooh great another male guest.” You were wearing a hoodie and jeans and your hair tie keeping your hair in a ponytail, had just snapped as you walked through the door. Comte gave you a gentle push to introduce yourself, and one look at your intimidating face, had the entire household believing that they had another tsundere in their midst. 
During dinner, you had hardly noticed that they all thought you were a boy. The residents all started retiring to their rooms after dessert, when Sebastian handed you a final cup of coffee, “Here you are sir.” Your eyes widened, and you started up at Sebastian in confusion, too shy to correct him/ That is when Comte who was still sitting beside you gave your head a gentle pat, “Sebastian it is quite rude to mistake our precious guest for a boy, especially one who is beautiful.” Both you and Sebastian were left blushing at the comment, that’s when Vincent, who was the only other resident still at the table, spoke up. “I have to agree with Comte, it is not nice to call someone so pretty, a boy.” The resident angel beamed up at you, while Sebastian apologised profusely, and through it all, the only thing you could think was, “man, this is awkward.”
The next morning after Comte explained the whole, everyone in this mansion is a vampire thing, you wandered around the mansion aimlessly. Well, that is until Napoleon came across you and grabbed your hand, dragging you to the dining room, where a feast of sugary goodness laid wait. He told you that he had made way too many pancakes and that they needed help finishing them. No one in the mansion had seen you smile yet, but at the sight of the giant stack of sugary pancakes, you couldn’t help but beam. Vincent had spotted you and flagged you over to sit next to him. “Oi knaap, don’t go hog all the pancakes, save some of the rest of us will you,” Theo loudly exclaimed as you loaded up your plate to a stack of pancakes almost as high and his. At the sound of Theo calling you a boy, Vincent narrowed his eyes at Theo and started scolding his younger brother for being so rude. Theo stared at you in disbelief but with your hair now in a pony tail he simply shrugged and gave you a new nickname “Hondjie”. With the misunderstanding finally cleared up once and for all, you made quick work of polishing off the stack of pancakes with the three men.
After lunch Vincent gave Theo a detailed list of art supplies that he needed, and at the mention of art supplies your ears perked up. Your eyes gleamed in excitement, and your cold, aloof exterior changed to one of an excited child on Christmas morning. Your cheeks were starting to hurt, that had been a record of two smiles in one day. Although even though your smiling felt weird to you, to the three me it was the most beautiful sight. Theo took notice of your enthusiasm and in his typical indifferent voice, asked if you wanted to come along for the ride. You without a second thought nodded, you basically radiated excitement as you went upstairs to put on some shoes and get a jacket. You met Theo out in the foyer, and soon the two of you made your way to the art supply store. 
Comte had told you that you were free to break the bank and buy anything and everything your heart desired, on the condition that he would be able to see your first piece of art created with the new supplies. 
You were so excited at the thought of new art supplies and being able to continue your passion for art, even though you were stuck in the past, that you let your guard down a little with Theo. He asked you in his usual blunt way, why you were dressed like a boy and not wearing skirts and dresses like other women. You told him that you were most comfortable wearing pants and hoodies. The way your eyes were beaming, low key reminded him of his precious brother, and he found himself low key drawn to your pure, innocent energy. 
The two of you spent hours and hours picking out the perfect supplies, you were low key shook at Theo’s knowledge about art and supplies. He actually helped you pick out the best supplies for your personal drawing and painting style. After spending hours in the art shop. The two of you made your way to the waiting carriage, when Theo spotted an ice cream store, his eyes lit up at the thought of sweets. When you saw how excited he was, you suggested that the two of you investigate the shop before heading back. 
For the first time in Theo van Gogh whole existence, a woman had paid for him. He was sitting across from you in the ice cream parlour while you were happily eating away at your sugary treat, still trying to process it all. You had paid as a token of thanks for him helping you pick out the best art supplies. What shocked him even more was during argument about the bill you legit gave him a deadpan look and bluntly said that you were ganna treat him no matter what. After that comment you legit left him blushing and speechless, you truly were a strange woman.
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments when you finally decided to break the ice. You curiously asked why it was that he knew so much about art, and that’s when he revealed that he was an art dealer. And so the rest of the afternoon was spent chatting about art, paintings, drawings and your mutual passion and appreciation for the trade. To say Theo was pleasantly surprised by you would be an understatement, his first impression of you was now so laughable compared to the person sitting before him. The first time he saw you, he thought you an aloof, little boy who seemed to judge him down to the very depths of his soul. Yet as he got to know you, he had come to realise that there was much more to you.
In the weeks to follow you seemed to surprise Theo more and more. The first thing that had this boy sister shook was your inhuman strength. One day as you were helping Isaac sorts out the library. The two of you had managed to fill up 2 huge boxes of junk and clutter that could be stored in the mansions attic. Isaac lifted one of the boxes and determined that it was too heavy for the both of you, so he went to call Theo or Leo who would have an easier job with doing the heavy lifting. As Theo rounded to the corner to help move the boxes, he almost rammed straight into you. “Oi hondjie, you are going to hurt yourself let me take…” As he took the box from your hands, his face started going red, and a vein in his neck started popping out. The box you had been carrying was obviously almost too heavy for him to carry, he turned around swiftly and started walking up the attic stairs. It took you no time to catch up to him carrying another heavy box of your own. At this point you could see a bead of sweat roll down his face. Theo was determined to carry this box up, there was no way he was going to be shown up by a girl, especially one that he liked. He finally made it to the top of the attic and place the box down with a huff, you had to laugh at the small blush that was still on his cheeks. 
Just then out of the corner of your eye, an old piano caught your attention. Theo eyed you curiously still recovering from the blow to his ego, as you sat down on the dusty piano chair and blew the dust of the piano keys. Your fingers moved to their own accord, gliding across the keys to play a familiar song from muscle memory. Theo sat down next to you and closed his eyes to absorb the beautiful melody. As the last note echoed through the attic, Theo opened his eyes, and sapphire eyes glared down into the depths of your soul. He had honestly never in his life felt more drawn to anyone, before he could say anything your stomach gave a loud growl. It was now your turn to blush and look away in embarrassment. Theo then leads you downstairs, where he whipped you up some stroopwafels.
You tied the apron around your waist and helped Theo prepare the sugary dessert. You were so excited and happy, you loved baking and learning/exchanging new recipes. Once the two of you were done making the sweet snack, you sat down and munched on the Stroop waffles and coffee. The rest of the afternoon was spent chatting about your mutual hate for bitter slimy vegetables and love for dogs as you ate the sugary snack and sipped on coffee. This actually started a tradition between the two of you, where once in a while the two of you would exchange recipes and cook your favourite dishes together.
One day as Theo joined Comte in his room for some tea, he saw a beautiful painting hanging behind Comte, it was just filled with so much emotion. “Hey, Comte, did Vincent paint that one, I haven’t seen it before.” Comte gleamed in delight and told him that you were the artist responsible for the masterpiece and that you had given it to him as a thank you gift for the art supplies. Theo was shook, he knew you loved art but to have created such a masterpiece. He stomped his way to your room and knock on your door. He could hear shuffling from the other side, he swung the door open and spotted you throwing a heap full of tissues in the dustbin and hiding the trashcan behind you. All it took was one look at your red nose, pale face and tired eyes to know that you were clearly sick. You tried to play it off and make your way past Theo to help Sebastian with lunch service, when Theo picked you up and plonked you down on your bed. The second your head hit the pillow, your tired eyes closed and you lost consciousness. You woke a few hours later to Theo sitting by your side gently stroking your hair while placing a cold washcloth on your forehead every now and then. You stubbornly tried to convince him that you weren’t sick. Theo narrowed his eyes at you and in a soft, gentle tone said, “Hondjie can you just stop being stubborn for one minute and let me take care of you.” Theo had nursed you back to full health and you got to see a new side of Theo that you had never seen before, his sweet kind gentle side. It was actually during this time when Theo had confessed his undying love for you.
Theo love love loved your art and would insist you show him your masterpieces once you are done with them.  He knew your weren't confident in your skills and would usually hide your drawings so he did what any reasonable person would do. He tickled you until you gave up the hiding spot so he could see your creation.
He also knows you don’t like crowded places or loud noises, so he actually cleared up a room for you to use as your own art room to work in peace, where no one was allowed to disturb you. 
He knew you would get dizzy and feel suffocated whenever the two of you would walk through a busy crowd in the markets. So now every time the two of you cuties go out, he was sure to plan your route using back roads to avoid unnecessary crowds or he would bring King along for a walk with you. Even though King is a sweet, friendly golden retriever, he has come to love you and will do whatever it takes to protect the new member of his pack. Even if that means angry staring down people so they can part like the red sea before you and Theo.
Theo absolutely loves you to the moon and back. He loves your sweet innocent mind and will always cover your ears and glare daggers at Arthur whenever he is telling stories of previous nights conquests as he “doesn’t want Arthur to taint your innocent mind and soul.” 
He absolutely loves to finally have someone around who gets his dark, morbid sense of humour and who can equally match his weird jokes. Often when the two of you are together, you would be quick-firing the weirdest jokes at each other, while being in stitches laughing at each other.
Theo also loves how you have similar beliefs as him in not judging people. It was due to this that he was completely able to open up about his past with you. You helped him to heal and grow from his past traumas. You helped catch him many a time before falling in the abyss, dragging him out back into the light. 
Both of you were pretty awkward when it came to physical affection at the beginning of your relationship. However, after many, a stiff, awkward hug followed by a fit of laughter from how awkward the two of you were, eventually the two of you started to get more comfortable around each other. 
Now when Theo cuddles you, as you draw him as a manga character, the two of you chuckle at the memory of how stiff and awkward it was the first time the two of you had even held hands. Theo will 100% always insist on holding your hand whenever the two of you go outside as he knows just how accident-prone you are when it comes to nature.
Ultimately Theo loves to spend quiet evenings with you snuggled up in his arms as the two of you exchange stories of each other days. He loves to read all your little manga’s you manage to create for him. Although he will never admit it, he always gets super excited when you tell him about an anime you watched or show him your newest manga drawing. He will shower you with endless amounts of hugs and cuddles from the moment you go to bed till the moment you wake up. And every morning without fail Theo will greet you with a freshly bred cup of milky coffee and a kiss.
Other potential matches…………… Vincent 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and i hope you have the best day! 🦊🌻❤
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 2
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count:  5.1k
[Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Nine hours had passed since Mikkel’s disappearance. A man with an older looking suitcase overlooked the police canvassing. His dirty scruffy face bent down to scoop up a dead bird.
Jonas shot up from his bed. He looked next to him to see Annalise missing. He threw off his duvet. He guessed it must have all been a dream. Tinnitus ringing in his ear caused him to walk towards his mirror. He turned to check his ear to see black liquid flowing out of it. Jonas studied it on his fingers for a moment trying to figure out what exactly it was. It almost seemed like ink or like a waste product of some sort.
“Jonas,” a haunting familiar voice called to him. The boy used his mirror and turned it to be met with the face of his father covered in the black liquid dripping down from him.
Jonas shot up. His breathing was hard and unsteady. He swallowed his breath as he checked his ear to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming again. As he looked down at his hand, he realized there was the sound of soft breathing next to him. He turned quickly to see that Annalise was there. His terror slowly subsided as her gentle energy embraced him once more. His half-lidded blue eyes studied her. They must have fallen asleep not too long ago. As he made a move to carefully leave his bed, Jonas heard a faint whimper.
Magnus stood in the woods. He didn’t know exactly what he was doing there, but he felt like he needed to be there, for Mikkel. He just wanted his little brother back. His heart wounded from despair. He looked up hearing a noise to spy Franziska walking towards him.
Franziska just looked at the boy who stood in her way for a moment. This moment was unwieldy for her. What was she supposed to say to him? What did he want her to say? Those questions rushed around in her head. Instead of trying to dwell on it, she just tried to move past him.
Magnus quickly grabbed onto the smaller girl and pushed her against a tree. “What were you doing there,” he asked angrily. 
The girl complained, “Ouch! Are you crazy?” She studied Magnus’s face. It was full of turmoil. A face that was filled to the brim with emotions he didn’t know how to let out and where to properly put them.
“What were you doing,” He rephrased his question.
Franziska pursed her lips for a second getting more annoyed at his questioning. She stared at him and answered honestly, “I heard you guys talking at school. About the caves… And Erik’s drugs… So I thought… I don’t know what I thought.” She looked down at Magnus’s lips then back into his eyes. 
Magnus started to shake before he let her go. He just stared at her trying to understand his life.
“I’m sorry about Mikkel,” she said finally understanding the words she wanted to say to him. But in the end, Magnus just turned angrily to storm away leaving Franziska there to watch him go.
Annalise wept as she slept. She kept reliving losing Mikkel in between her fond memories with him. First, she woke up in her bed with Mikkel huddled next to her from the night before. The poor young boy had gotten scared from a horror movie the three teenagers had been watching. Mikkel, not wanting to get anyone in trouble, had tried his other siblings who both turned him away before Annalise had welcomed him into bed. She could still remember his squeaked, ‘Thank you, Lise.’ After watching him sleep gently, the scenery slowly changed around them to the two of them in the woods. Mikkel curled up in the dirt and leaves shivering and crying. He was in the red puffy coat and the silly skeleton outfit that he loved so much. Annalise tried to call for him, but her ears just filled with Mikkel’s cries. He never responded to her but just kept crying out for help. Annalise started to see dark liquid start to drain and puddle around him. His cries became more desperate. 
Jonas couldn’t take seeing her crying softly. He gently leaned over her. He rubbed her shoulder. “Annalise,” he whispered her name. He watched as her face contorted into more anguish. Jonas filled with panic. He gently shook her awake and in a harsh hushed voice demanded to her, “Annalise.”
Annalise slowly awakened by a force and voice. Her face was wet. She wiped her eyes and sat up. She looked to her side to realize just what had happened and how close she was to the sweet boy who took her in. She sniffled and scoot back, “sorry. I didn’t realize.”
“It’s okay,” Jonas soothed, “I had fallen asleep too.” His lips forced a small gentle smile, “I guess we both are having a rough time.”
Annalise forced a small giggle to escape her. Jonas noticed once more that she wasn’t just muted color like everyone else. Her sunset tones filled him with comfortability even as she teased, “Did you just imply that we wouldn’t?”
Jonas actually smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I guess I did.” He laughed at himself. There was nothing else they could have done, he told himself. They sat awkwardly for a moment. He looked her over again. He didn’t know how to feel when he remembered that Hannah had given the girl some of her own pajamas to borrow while there. They were rather baggy and big on the small-statured teen.
Martha stared at the pictures on the counter as she laid on the couch with her head in Katharina’s lap. “When Dad’s brother disappeared, how old was he,” she asked.
The picture of Mads and Ulrich they had given to Jana in 1986 for Mother’s day sat in between the pictures of the Nielsen’s and another with Annalise with the family for Halloween when they all matched costumes from ‘The Wizard of Oz’ for Mikkel. Mikkel had a cool trick to actually simulate the Wizard’s, Martha dressed as Dorothy, Magnus and Ulrich being the scarecrow and tin man in their respective order, Annalise dressed as the Lion seeming to be having a lot of fun, and Katharina as the Good Witch. They all seemed to be having a lot of fun. Mikkel was right in the center of all of them with a giant grin that he had gotten his family to do a giant group. Little did they know that it was going to be his last Halloween. 
Katharina stared at the pictures and said, “Your father was 15. Mads was three years younger.”
Martha looked up at her mother, “And he was never found?”
Katharina started to play with her daughter’s hair hoping to just let the question and the distressing conversation drop.
“We talked about Erik,” Martha continued, “In the forest. Mikkel thought that was the worst. When someone isn’t found.”
Katharina comforted her daughter and herself, “Mikkel’s coming back. Definitely.”
Annalise shifted uneasily under Jonas’s gaze. She asked, “Got a problem Kahnwald?”
Jonas nodded, “Yeah. Those clothes are too big for you.”
This caused the girl to blink. He was just so honest about it. She looked down at Hannah’s sleepwear and asked, “Is it really that bad?” She looked up at him, “I can go change.”
Jonas shook his head, “I think my mom said something about washing the clothes from last night.” He swallowed hard. His mind started to piece together how he was sounding. He blushed and shot up to walk to his wardrobe. He absentmindedly rambled as he looked for some clothes, “I think I have some old clothes that may fit you though. They are from before I went to the hospital so they are a bit too small for me now.”
“You were in the hospital,” Annalise questioned. She started to look around his room. It was messy as normal teenaged boys’ rooms were but something stood out to her. A pill bottle. She studied it for a second before turning her attention back to the blond.
Jonas replied back without thinking, “Yeah. My first day officially back was yesterday.” He finally found what he was looking for and stopped. He turned horrified now fully aware of his mistake.
Annalise blinked, “I thought Bartosz said you were in France.” Her brow furrowed as she tried to put the pieces together herself. It wasn’t long before she gasped and exclaimed, “That’s why you didn’t text Martha or talk to anyone! You couldn’t!” She shook her head then asked, “But, why didn’t you tell anyone?”
Jonas slid himself down to sit onto the floor, “Why would I want to?”
Annalise sat next to him. She sighed and rest her head against his shoulder, “I get it. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
Jonas nodded. He let his head fall back to look up at the ceiling, “Thanks.”
They sat there in silence for a little bit. Their breathing synchronized. Time stood still as the two teenagers just tried to process their life leading up to this moment. Being together alone with practically a stranger that was somehow closer than any other person in the world right at that moment.
Jonas spoke up first again, “Do you ever feel like you were just meant to meet someone?”
Annalise looked up at the ceiling with him and asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Jonas motioned with his hand at nothing, “Just someone that you meet and it changes your entire life. Better, worse… whatever. Just someone who changes you.”
Annalise looked up at the boy and took a deep breath, “My dad used to say, ‘We are lead to those who help us most grow if we allow them and we help them out too.’ So I guess I know the feeling.”
Jonas sighed, “He sounds like a wise man. You must miss him.”
“I’ve missed him every day for a while,” Annalise explained, “My dad died not too long ago too. Probably what drew me to come here.”
Jonas swallowed a breath. Tears started to fall from his eyes, “You think…”He couldn’t complete his sentence. It didn’t seem as though he needed to though.
Annalise nodded, “Yeah.” She turned and reached around to give the boy a hug. She buried her face in his shoulder to hide the fact she was starting to cry as well. She started to laugh though thinking about something Jonas had said the night before. She pulled away from him with a warm smile through tears, “What? Dead dad, bad topic?”
Jonas burst into laughter. His entire body shook with his entertainment. His eye squeezed close from the force of his smile. 
Hannah must have heard the laughing from downstairs because she called “How come I haven’t heard either one of you go clean yourselves up yet? I didn’t offer Annalise to stay here for you two to be joking around.” She puffed out her chest. She honestly had taken Annalise in knowing that Ulrich would come to check up on the teenager eventually. It just gave her even more of an excuse to be alone with the man.
Jonas rolled his eyes, “I’ll go first that way I can get the water warmed up for you.” He laughed then walked towards the direction of the bathroom.
Annalise called after him, “That sounds more like you are going to take all the warm water for yourself.”
Hannah looked up the stairs seeing the two teens playfully teasing each other. She rolled her eyes and called to Annalise, “Come here. We need to make a list of what we are going to need to pack from the Nielsen’s to get you moved here for a few days.”
Annalise nodded, “Yes ma’am.” She hurried down the stairs to do the activity Hannah had asked of her.
The cool water was just what Jonas needed to calm down. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to focus on making sure he was clean. As the shower warmed though, he felt his heart start to race once more. Images of Martha and Annalise spun in his head. He could barely concentrate for long. He quickly turned the water off and panted as he looked at himself in the mirror. He quickly dried off, brushed his teeth, changed, and walked out. He called down towards where he heard Annalise’s voice and called, “Your turn! You need help?”
Hannah blushed. She called upstairs to her son, “What would Annalise need help with? It’s a shower! Not a group project.”
Annalise stifled a laugh. Her snort had caused both Kahnwald’s to look at her. Annalise lifted her hand, rushed past Jonas on the stairs, “Sorry. I’m going to go.”
Jonas watched as Annalise closed the door and argued, “To make sure she knew how to use our shower. Some people have different ones.”
“Oh, you think the Nielsen’s have a different shower,” Hannah replied flushed.
Jonas shook his head, “What are you talking about?” He rolled his eyes. The boy used this time to go into his father’s shop. Talking with Annalise finally made him feel ready to be there again. The boy wanted to have some time to himself just surrounded by Michael. He walked in and sat right in the middle of the room.
Warm water refreshed Annalise more than she could describe. She lathered her hair and body in shampoo and soap to get the grime off of her. The feeling of being clean intoxicated her. She hummed happily as the water washed away the forest from her. As the water started to cool, her brain started to fill with images of Jonas. Her heart raced. Her hand rushed to end the shower to stop those thoughts from happening. Her chest heaved as she tried to calm herself down. She wrapped her hair up and brushed her teeth. Then she got dressed into Jonas’s old clothes and walked out.
Across town, the bearded stranger walked out of the shower. His things scattered across Regina’s eighth hotel room. He dried off his hair as he kept the memory of his loved one close in his mind. She would have been getting out the shower about now right? He looked over to the time. He had timed it right. He hummed to himself pleased with the little luxury he was able to give himself. He threw the towel for his hair onto the bed then went to look at his charts and diagrams on the wall.
Jonas laid on the floor. His legs crossed. From above he was reminiscent of an angel. As the rain started, he decided to start to explore more of his late father’s workspace. He walked around. As he studied the closet, the boy noticed one of the boards slightly off kelter. He reached up to uncover its secrets to reveal a map of the Winden Caves.
As it started to rain, Katharina found herself outside. She was just standing there her mind wandered through possibilities hoping for her baby to come home to her. The rain had forced Magnus to also return home. Katharina turned hearing the noise of someone walking behind her to see the tormented face of her eldest son. She turned back to look out into the rain.
Magnus walked into his room to lament. He finally allowed himself to let out the agony he felt. He walked to his wall and just kept punching until he could feel something on the outside just as hurt as he felt on the inside.
Martha looked out of her window. She longed for Mikkel just to be there and walk past the view of her window again. She looked down at her phone and sent Bartosz’s call straight to voicemail.
When Annalise walked out, she realized she was completely alone. Jonas completely quiet and on his own somewhere in the house and it didn’t seem like Hannah was still there. The list they made was gone as well. Annalise made a face. She looked at her phone and figured now would be the best time to Face chat with her family. The girl holed herself into the room Hannah had put her in and started the call.
Freida answered quickly and scolded her daughter in their native English language, “What is going on over there?! I got an email from Katharina that you are staying with a family friend because her son Mikkel disappeared?! Please tell me you are okay. You weren’t there were you?”
“I’m fine Mom,” Annalise calmed her mother, “I-...” She looked off into the distance hearing shuffling inside of the house. “Hold on,” Annalise put her phone down and walked out to see what the noise was. 
Jonas was trying to scramble into his room without anyone noticing but he heard the door open near him. The boy looked then let out a breath relieved. He smiled, “Hey Lise.”
Annalise smiled, “Hey. I’m on the phone with my mom. Want to meet her? It’s only fair yeah?”
His ears turned red but he nodded, “Yeah. Let me put this in my room real quick then I’ll be right there.”
“I’ll leave the door open,” Annalise slipped her head back into the room. She did just as she said then settled into her bed. She lifted her phone back up. She took a second to remember to speak English again then said, “Sorry Mom. That was Jonas.”
“Oh, the cute one yeah,” Freida laughed forgetting what had panicked her for the moment, “He’s going to come to say hi right? I’ll go get Zayde so he can be here too.”
Annalise blushed, “Mom, really. There is no need.” She shook her head trying to convince her mother not to get her grandfather, “I only wanted him to meet you since it’s only fair because I know his mom and am staying here for a few days.” But it was no help, she had already gotten close to his chair for them to share the screen. 
Jonas smiled as he walked in. He laughed and settled in next to Lise leaning his back on the bed. “Hello,” Jonas tried his best to speak English, “My name is Jonas. It’s nice to meet you.”
David looked at the blue-eyed blond boy sitting next to his granddaughter and spoke in German, “Oh, you think I can’t speak my native language?! Fuck you.”
Freida tried to calm her father down and Annalise laughed. She looked at Jonas and said, “I should have warned you that my Zayde is from Winden, huh?”
Jonas laughed and nodded, “Yeah. Rather than the first words out of his mouth being fuck you. I can see why German terrified you.”
“We can hear you,” David replied. He spoke up again, “Anyway kid, this is my daughter Freida and that’s her daughter Annalise. I’m David. Don’t do anything to her. I know people in Winden.”
“Yes Sir,” Jonas laughed. He looked towards Annalise who was just shaking her head.
Annalise spoke up in English, “Anyway, we are safe. You know where I am and who I’m with. I’ll chat with all of you tomorrow. Bye Bye,” She waved.
Jonas stuck his face in once more to wave bye as well. He chuckled. Just as he was about to say something to Annalise her phone made a small text received tone. He didn’t really want to pry but he was right there. ‘He is cute’ Her mom had texted her. He couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
Annalise’s face started to glow red she quickly texted back, ‘Mom, if he can speak English, what makes you think he can’t read?’ She looked at Jonas and apologized, “I’m sorry about that. She and I talk like every day so Martha had ended up talking to her at some point too and-”
“It’s okay,” Jonas shook his head. He looked at the girl nervously. They sat there awkwardly for a second before Jonas spoke up, “Martha called me cute?”
Annalise pushed him gently, “Go away, Jonas. God. Is that all you think about? Martha?”
Jonas stood up forcing a laugh, “Sure. Why not?” His plan had worked, now he could go investigate the map on his own without worrying too much about Annalise. He walked out of the room and went inside his own.
Hannah pulled up at the police station. She sighed and waited for Ulrich. He had to be back at his work sometime, she reasoned with herself. The woman walked to the waiting area and crossed her leg over the other. She watched the door.
Drenched, Ulrich walked into the station. He was walking to his office when he spotted her. He turned and asked, “What are you doing here?” His hands finding themselves in his jacket pockets.
“I wanted to see you. We have-” Hannah started.
“Come on.” The man interrupted the woman by grabbing her arm and pulling her down to the archives. Once inside he asked her, “What is this? Why are you here?”
Hannah shrugged a bit and replied, “I’m so sorry.” She stood for a second before she sighed. Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him close and kissed his jaw. She held him close for a second. She then moved to press their foreheads together. “Have you found out anything,” She asked.
Ulrich had wrapped his arms around her in momentary weakness. He really needed to be held close after everything going on. His youngest son, his Mikkel, was gone with no explanation and no trace. Ulrich simply shook his head and tried to hold back his sorrow. He pulled up his face in a moment of clarity. When he did though, Hannah took that as a sign to try and kiss him. As the woman tried to continue, Ulrich whispered against her lips, “Stop it, please.” He pleaded with her, “Please.” 
Hannah pulled her face away in slight annoyance. She took a step back from him and looked up a the tall man.
“I can’t do this,” Ulrich explained, “Not now.” He reached over to move some of the hair out of Hannah’s face. He watched her as she looked around feeling guilty about what had just transpired. His heart still aching, Ulrich reasoned, “I’ll call you, okay?” He pulled away completely and walked out of the room leaving Hannah just standing there.
Annalise used this time to try and text her friend. She really didn’t know what to say other than, ‘I love you. If you need me, I’m here.’ She stared at the picture of her and Martha in her contact picture. Annalise, then, went to the full photo to go and look through the pictures she had with the Nielsen’s. Seeing all of them happy, laughing, completely unaware of the future turmoil made Annalise start to cry again. She zoomed in on Mikkel. He was such a great kid. He had a popsicle stain all around his mouth and a big old cheesy toothy grin. Annalise then allowed more of the picture in the frame to see Magnus holding his little brother up in the air about to toss him back in the water at Martha who was, despite trying to look annoyed, had big sparkles in her eyes. Annalise laughed through her tears.
Jonas’s hands traced over the map he had found in his father’s studio. He carefully started to read all of the text written on it. It seemed as though his father was exploring and trying to make his way through the caves. Something seemed very off to him when he was studying it. His fingers went to the anomaly that read, ‘Where is the Crossing?’
Bartosz was getting frustrated. Martha wasn’t contacting him back. He looked around. The boy hated this feeling. He was alone. Completely alone. He looked at his phone deciding that desperate times meant to do desperate measures. He pressed Annalise’s name and tried to call her.
Annalise stared at the picture only to have a surprising thing happen. Why was Bartosz Tiedemann calling her, she questioned. She declined the call and texted him, ‘What do you want?’
Bartosz stared at his phone. Another straight to voicemail. He growled. He was just about to throw his phone when he saw her text. He walked back to his sofa and texted her, ‘Can you tell Martha to call me back?’
Annalise rolled her eyes. Of course, she thought. She texted the boy back, ‘She hasn’t talked to me either. I’m not there anyway. I’m at Jonas’s.’
Bartosz scrunched his nose. Why was she there, he thought to himself. He shook his head and decided to just investigate and get the answer himself, ‘Why?’
Annalise’s brow furrowed. Did he just, the girl questioned. She rolled her eyes again, ‘Why do you care?’
‘I am worried about my girlfriend, thank you,’ Bartosz replied.
Annalise texted back, ‘I think she needs her family right now. Not either of us. I really don’t think where I am makes a difference right now. Chill out. One of the things she asked us to do is be cordial towards each other so let’s just try to do that and wait for her to talk to us. She will come around eventually.’
Bartosz growled. That girl really knew how to push his buttons. He looked out the window. She’s right though, a tiny voice within him spoke. He shook his head and texted back, ‘Fine. If she texts you first, can you let me know how she’s doing? I’ll do the same for you.’
Hannah walked into the house to find both teenagers deathly quiet. She called up that she was home and started to make some food for herself. Footsteps started down the stairs. She turned to see her son standing there. He walked over to the counter and sat on it. Hannah pulled herself up and sat next to him to give him some company after lighting a few candles since the power wasn’t working again.
Jonas started first, “Do you think they’ll find him?”
“I hope so,” Hannah answered her son honestly. She stared at the refrigerator with her hands in her lap.
Jonas looked towards his mother for guidance. He sat in silence for a minute before asking, “Do you think he had a secret?” He thought back to the maps that he found in his father’s studio.
“Mikkel,” Hannah asked confused. She looked towards her son for his input. She wondered if he knew more than he let on.
“No, Dad,” Jonas replied quelling all of his mother’s questions instantly but now creating new ones. Jonas thought of how to ask his question then asked, “Do you think he was keeping something from us?”
“Why do you say that,” Hannah asked Jonas. She was growing more concerned for him. Maybe she had done too much or had him come back home a bit too early, she worried internally. 
Jonas sat trying to process everything going on. He let Hannah’s question drop to the floor then questioned, “Do you miss him?”
Hannah lightly sighed, “I think I miss the notion of him.” She didn’t want to lie to her son and tell him she missed someone she really didn’t know if she did. She shook her head and told Jonas, “I don’t know who he really was. Maybe we never know that, what a person is really like.”
Jonas looked at his mother, “Did you love him?” Right when he asked, the lights in the house illuminated once more. 
Hannah looked around noticing the lights then let out a small scoff at how ironic everything at this moment was. 
It wasn’t too long though before the lights of Winden started to flicker leaving most of the town confused. Birds started to fall from the sky once more. Dead instantly.
The Stranger pinned up the news article about Mikkel on his board. The headline read, ‘Where is Mikkel?’ He stared at it, then the boy in the photo. He reached over to scribble his own inscription. He crossed out the ‘Where’ and replaced it with ‘When.’ He stood back to admire the new headline reading, ‘When is Mikkel?’
Mikkel climbed his way through the caves he was trapped in. He limped his way out of the cave. The boy looked around. Something seemed different about it and it wasn’t just because it was the morning. Mikkel just couldn’t place his finger on it. He decided instead to try and run home. He knew everyone would be worried about him. When he finally arrived, he started to notice other strange things. Vehicles parked that he had never seen before. On his way into the house, he stopped to look at an older fashioned motorcycle. He shook his head. He figured it must have just been people who were there helping his family look for him. Mikkel just tried to continue his way inside. When he walked up and tried his keys, it didn’t work. His eyes furrowed. It wasn’t long before a teenaged boy opened the door. Mikkel looked up at him and asked, “Who are you?”
The teenager looked down at the strange boy with scrapes all over his face and chuckled a bit, “Why? Who are you?”
“Mikkel,” the younger boy answered just as confused as the older boy in all of this, “I live here.”
“Ulrich,” the teen laughed, “And I live here.” He watched as Mikkel swallowed hard, “You going to grow roots? You’re at the wrong house, fool.”
A girl’s voice called him outside. She stood in the driveway, “Hey Ulrich. Come on, we need to go.”
“Yes, Katharina, I’m coming,” Ulrich responded.
Mikkel and Katharina stared at each other. Both of them trying to understand why it felt like they knew each other.
Ulrich interrupted their staring content with, “Are you dense? You don’t live here.” He pushed past Mikkel and grabbed his bike.
Katharina looked at Ulrich and asked, “Who is that?”
Ulrich looked back and laughed. He turned to Katharina to tease, “The Grim Reaper. Can’t you tell?” Katharina gently popped Ulrich in the head causing him to complain, “Ouch! Katharina.”
Mikkel watched as the two drove off. Katharina still looking back at Mikkel every so often. The boy then looked at the newspaper on the doorstep. The headline read, ‘Chernobyl - Half a Year Later.’ Mikkel started to panic as he looked at the date of the paper that read, ‘5. November. 1986.’ His mind focused completely on the year, ‘1986.’
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