#thank you again!! have a good night/day! <3
moonstruckme · 2 days
I love your roomate!james. I was wondering if you could do one where shy!reader is sick and she doesn’t tell james bc she’s used to taking care of herself but he’s adamant about taking care of her. 🥺🖤
Thank you lovely!
cw: implied nausea and vomiting
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.6k words
James worries he’s scared you off. 
He thought you’d been having a good time the other night, hanging out with his friends and then teasing each other while he battled you for cleanup duties after. He’d certainly had a good time. Watching you smile more readily as you got comfortable, feeling your soft form tucked up against his on the couch, it had made his whole body feel light and fizzy, but now James wonders if the easy, familiar energy of the night had made him too bold. There had been a moment, just before you’d gone to bed, where you’d seemed to stumble, defaulting back to the awkward, self-conscious way of speaking you’d had before you got to know each other. 
James might not have thought anything of it—you still get shy sometimes, he can never figure out what causes it—except you’ve been very obviously avoiding him ever since. That next day, you went to work and then disappeared into your room straight after you got home. He told himself he was being paranoid. But yesterday, you seemingly had the day off, and every time you needed to emerge from your room James heard you dash down the stairs and back up as if your bedroom was the only safe zone in the apartment. 
He hears you doing it again now, the soft click of your door unlatching before quiet footsteps start down the stairs. If Sirius were here, they’d probably make a game out of timing you, but James estimates it’s less than a minute before you start back up again. He wishes he could tell you not to hurry yourself; he has no intent of cornering you in your own home, even if he does want to patch things up. 
Then something falls on the stairs with a loud thud, followed by a sharp gasp just outside James’ room, and all thoughts of giving you your space are quickly abandoned. It was a valiant effort. 
“Shit,” he says as soon as he opens the door. He crouches beside you, taking your elbow in his hand, cushioning it from the cruel edge of the step, “Did you hurt yourself?” 
You must have had a mean fall. You’re completely crumpled on the stairs, one of your legs curled under you and one outstretched behind you as though it’s slipped back. Both of your elbows are braced underneath your body, keeping your face from smacking into the corner of the stair. James is willing to bet that big sound he’d heard was your knee hitting the step below you as you tripped. 
“Fuck,” you whine, pulling an entire loaf of bread from beneath your other elbow. The middle has been completely crushed, smashed between your forearm and the edge of a step. You look genuinely distraught about it. 
“Did you hurt your knee?” James frets, fighting the urge to haul you up off the stairs so he can look you over properly. He does take your other elbow in hand, using a firm grip to encourage rather than haul. You get more or less upright. 
“I’m okay.” You sound a bit odd, though he supposes you could be winded by the fall. “Thanks, sorry.” 
“What are you sorry for?” James can’t help it if a bit of teasing makes its way into his voice. This is something the two of you always do, you overapologizing and him making fun of you for it. “It seems like if anyone ought to be apologizing, it should be the stairs.” 
Your mouth tips up slightly. “Solid point,” you concede. 
The load in James’ chest lightens at your willingness to fall back into a casual repartee. He rubs the point of your elbow distractedly. “Wanna tell me why you’re taking an entire loaf of bread to your room?” he asks, grinning. “Do you have a secret stash of sandwich-making supplies in there?”
He feels goosebumps erupt on the side of your arm, and he does his best to soothe those, too. It must be too cold in here for you. “No,” you say quietly.
“Mm. I thought we were past this, angel. Come downstairs, I’ve still got leftover pasta in the fridge.”  
He starts to lead you down, but before he’s made it two steps you say, “No, thank you.” 
“Oh, come off it.” James shoots you another easy grin, hoping to loosen you up. “Don’t be a martyr. I’m all for carbs, but bread by itself will hardly sustain you.” 
“I don’t have much choice.” You shrug, and your shoulders stay up higher than they had been. You seem embarrassed. He waits, intrigued. “It’s sort of the only thing I can keep down at the moment.” 
It takes a blink for James to understand. “Are you not feeling well?” 
“Not very.” Your voice is softer than soft, swallowed up by the nerves James thought he’d earned an exemption from but nonetheless can’t hold against you in this state. 
He can see it, now. The way you’re holding yourself, like you could curl up on the floor at any given moment. Your complexion is flushed and your eyes slightly unfocused, glazed. 
He presses the back of his hand to your forehead. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” It comes out more caring than he’d ever meant for it to, but James is too worried about you to dwell much upon that. You bat his hand away weakly, but he just moves them both to your cheeks, feeling himself frown. “You’re burning up, love. Why didn’t you say?” 
“Not much to say.” You move away from his touch, backing towards your room. James pursues you, hand hovering near your elbow because you really do look like you could pass out. "It's a stomach bug. It'll pass."
“I could have been helping you if I knew. I just thought you were avoiding me,” he admits. You look so sorry he’s quick to smooth things over with a smile. “Do you need me to get you anything from the store?”
“I already went.” You slump onto your bed before seeming to realize he’s still behind you, your brows coming down. “I’ve got everything I need, but thanks.” 
“You went to the store like this?” James is aghast. “You should be resting! How high is your fever?” 
“Dunno.” You seem to give up uncharacteristically quickly on getting him to leave, sighing and sinking back against a propped-up pillow. “I don’t have a thermometer.” 
“You don’t?” He’s more frazzled by the second, every way in which you’re not being properly taken care of piling onto the last. It seems a miracle you’re still alive. 
You look suspicious. “Do you?” 
Shit. He grins sheepishly. “No...” 
But that doesn’t change the fact that you should, for some reason. People like James are allowed to coast through the world unprepared because responsible ones like you always have the things they need. 
He feels your face again. This time, you let him. Your breath fans warm over his wrist, those fever-glazed eyes drooping slightly. 
“Your hand is cold,” you say through a sigh. 
“I think you’re just hot,” James mutters, but that doesn’t stop him from stroking his thumb over your cheek, just once. Your lashes flutter closed, and his heart does an impressive flip in his chest. 
“Have you had paracetamol?” he asks you. 
You hum. James sweeps his thumb over your cheek again, hoping to rouse you, but it only seems to worsen your drowsiness. Your head actually lolls into his touch. 
“Is that a yes?” 
“Mhm, yeah,” you say without opening your eyes. “You need to stop doing that, m’gonna fall asleep.” 
“You should be sleeping,” he says softly. It’s impossible to keep the fondness from his voice. “I’m gonna get you a cold flannel, okay?” 
Your eyelids crack open. “I don’t need you to take care of me,” you say, voice nearly slurring with sleepiness. “I’ve always done fine, by myself.” 
“You never neglect to remind me.” James slips his hand from beneath your face, going to the bathroom between your bedrooms. “I don’t mind helping, though. You don’t always have to do everything on your own, what are roommates for?” 
You make a quiet, breathy sound he suspects might be a laugh. “None of my other roommates were ever as nice to me as you are. I think you’re taking things beyond the requirements of the job.” 
James thinks so, too. But still. Regardless of the complicated feelings he’s starting to have for you, you’ve always deserved to be treated with care. 
“You mean to tell me,” he says, wringing out the flannel and going back to your room, “that if you were this poorly, none of your previous roommates would have offered to help?” 
Your eyes are open more fully now. You watch him as he lays the flannel on your forehead, smoothing away a couple of baby hairs before they can get trapped underneath, with an odd expression on your face. 
“I handle my own problems,” you say softly. 
James’ thumb is still stroking the baby hairs at your temple. He can’t get it to stop. 
“Maybe your problems could be my problems, too,” he says. The lightness of his tone is automatic, but it serves as no representation of the great and weighty feeling in his chest. He realizes his breathing has synced to yours. Quiet inhales and exhales in your quiet apartment. 
Your eyes slip closed again. “Why?” you murmur. 
James doesn’t have an answer for that. Not one he’s ready to think about. The lines of your face smooth out as you relax. More evidence of frowns than smiles, but he likes to think he’s made progress on the little creases fanning out from the corners of your eyes since he’s moved in. He feels a pang of triumph any time they make an appearance, little rays of sunshine on a wholly lovely face. 
Because he’s your roommate. Because whether you’re ready to admit it or not, he’s your friend. Because he cares about you. 
In the end, James doesn’t have to come up with an answer. You’re already asleep. 
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babyyhoneyyy · 1 day
I wanna kiss your neck H.S
“You mean a lot to me too, Harry. You’re my best friend.”
He grinned. “Oh? You let all your best friends eat your pussy and choke you, then?”
“Don’t be a dick,” she smacked his chest lightheartedly, “we can try like… friends with benefits?”
The one where Y/N and Harry are best friends, but they’ve crossed a big, fat line that says otherwise.
You can read this as a stand-alone but its more fun as a part two to this one <3
word count: 4K
content warning: mature. I got a little carried away 😭 also fwb!harry (my fav)
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When Y/N woke up the next day, Harry was pressed tightly to her back, arm slithered around her waist and stuffing her impossibly closer to his slumbering body. She could feel the rumbling of his snores against her spine and he must have sneaked into her bed after she fell asleep, ditching the couch pallet she prepared for him in her living room. He had a habit of doing that so she wasn’t shocked or alarmed by his sudden appearance behind her.
All Y/N could really think about was what the actual heck happened the past night when Harry offered to ‘make her feel good.’ She would be lying if she said he didn’t make her come harder than anyone else ever had. The way he worked her body had her all hot and bothered again, restless in Harry’s tight grip when he groaned all of a sudden, all raspy and deep right in her ear, “stop moving, Berry.”
He hadn’t called her that in a while. It was a nickname he often resorted to when Y/N and him were little, their first meeting being one where Harry caught Y/N blue-stained and sticky-fingered in the playground because she was inhaling the berries her mum packed her for a snack. He pointed at her face with a stern look and said the singular word, Berry. And from then on it stuck, all the way up till they were seniors in high school, where the name lost its appeal and Harry got whisked away into the hot, popular persona he adopted at the time.
After that he sparingly said the word, it only slipping out in unconscious or vulnerable moments, and apparently that morning was one too.
When she twisted in his grasp so she faced him, Harry blinked one eye open, “go back to bed. It’s the weekend for fucks sake.” He shuffled so he was facing her on his side, not withdrawing his hand fully as it still rested in the dip of her waist and thumbed over the smooth skin there. He had ditched his sweater for the night, just in a pair of soft sweatpants. His hair was pulled back in a bun but most of the strands were free now, thanks to his restless tossing and turning in bed. “I know it's the weekend, it doesn’t mean we laze around all morning. I have things to do.”
“Who said anything about all morning? Just five more minutes.”
Five more minutes turned into ten, and ten minutes later Harry somehow made his way between her thighs again. It started with him stroking her side, up to her shoulder and scratching his nails against her scalp. When she would try to make a move to leave bed and freshen up, he thumbed over her jugular and pushed her to lay on her back, scooting closer to her so he could lean over her side.
“Want me to eat you out again?”
It’s a terrible ploy to keep her in bed— one so outrageous it actually works and Y/N finds herself quickly nodding, slipping her hands in his hair to pull his hair tie. He kissed down her neck, sloppy and slow, all the way across her tummy and the tops of her thighs. She didn’t wear anything on her bottom half since she thought she was going to be sleeping alone but that proved a good decision when Harry had easy access to her sopping cunt.
From then on it was as good as it was the first time. In fact, it might have been even better. He was passionate as he stuffed his face into her, lifted her thighs so they bracketed his cheeks like he wanted to suffocate himself. His tongue was unrelenting, wriggling between her folds and making those noises that made Y/N’s face and neck go red as she pulled his locks harshly between her fingers. When he pulled out his favourite move of isolating her clit and flicking the tip of tongue against it hard and fast, it had Y/N shaking and whining out loud. She was brought to the edge very quickly after that, back arching and a loud gasp spilling from her mouth.
Harry popped off from her with a filthy sound, wiped his chin with the back of his hand and smirked up at her fucked-out state.
After that, it became some sort of trend.
Every weekend, Harry would come over to her apartment like he normally did, they’d chat about their week, pick out a movie and crack open a bag of chips only for Harry to nudge her mid-movie with his eyes sparkling and lip between his teeth and he’d ask her if he could go down on her again. So he would, and it would be amazing every time. Somehow he was even more enthusiastic than he was the last time, licking into her eagerly. It was like he wanted to drown in all she offered and one night he refused to let her go, slicking her folds over and over again until she came about three times.
Everytime he made her come she’d ask to return the favour since he was always sporting a painfully large bulge when he pulled away from her. Yet every time he politely declined— told her he was fine and would take care of it himself.
But this time Y/N was not letting that happen.
She was hell-bent tonight on getting him to come, no matter how much he persisted she didn’t need to do anything for him. Y/N knew tonight would be like the others— he’d find himself face-first between her thighs within 20 minutes of walking through her door. It’s not like she didn’t appreciate his very obvious oral fixation, it was just that her body was beginning to get used to his delivery of orgasms every weekend and she now had a different sort of ache that she needed to get fixed.
The ache to be filled up by him.
The burn of his cock inside of her was one she found herself craving often. She knew he was big by the way he would sometimes press his bulge against her thigh for some relief. All she wanted was for him to sink inside of her, reach all those spots she just knew he’d be able to hit and fuck into her nice and deep.
Obviously this was crossing a big, fat, red line.
Y/N and Harry were friends.
Best friends, in fact, ever since they were in the playground. Just the fact that he was spending his weekends suffocated by her pussy was definitely against the rules childhood best friends were bound to follow, but maybe they could venture into something more than just that— and Y/N didn’t mean dating.
Maybe something like a friends with benefits situation.
Yeah, Y/N didn’t mind having an arrangement of that sort with Harry. Besides, she trusted him, and surely their bond was strong enough to go through with it.
When he arrived at her door at about 7PM, Y/N jumped to quickly open it, finding Harry standing there with a single dimple making an appearance, hair pushed back and clad in a pair of matching sweatpants and a hoodie. He didn’t waste a beat in pressing himself against her, his greedy hands all over her waist as he walked her back into her apartment. “Hey,” he breathed, kissing her just below her ear, “I missed you.”
Y/N heard the door shut behind him, her eyelids fluttering under the feel of his lips against her skin, suckling warm kisses across the skin. “You saw me last weekend.”
“Mm. Too long.”
Harry’s voice was muffled against her skin, and he pulled back to brush his nose against her, his hands now sneakily resting against her bare waist. “It’s just seven days you horndog.”
“Heyy. Don’t say that like you hadn’t missed me either.” He pouted, shoving her hip so she fell back on the couch. Harry quickly climbed over her, hips snug between her thighs as he tenderly brushed her hair away from her forehead. Y/N could feel her cheeks heating up as he stared right at her. “Yeah,” she accepted defeat, like his eyes had fed her some sort of truth serum, “I missed you too. A lot.”
He must have liked her answer, because he pecks her cheek, then the corner of her mouth, then skips right over to the top of her chest exposed by the low neckline of her shirt, “did you, now? What about me did you miss, Berry?”
She didn’t respond for a while, lost in the feel of his mouth against her skin, trailing lower and lower until he pushed her shirt up and over her tits. The peaks of her nipples were pebbled, practically begging for Harry to wrap his mouth around them. Warm fingers slivered up her tummy to squeeze both her tits in his palm harshly. “Asked you a question.”
“Fuck,” those same fingers travelled over to her nipples, pinching the sensitive bud until her back arched off of the sofa, “um, your mouth.” The words barely left her throat as she struggled to keep her composure, squeezing Harry between her thighs so tightly he was afraid he’d get bruises on his hips. “That’s nice. Using me for my mouth, then are you? Quite selfish if you ask me.” Y/N knew he was only joking, but she couldn’t help bucking her hip into his, twisting his hair between her fingers.
“I’m not selfish! Just… need you.”
She barely recognised her voice, it sounding whiney and desperate as Harry finally dragged his tongue against her nipple, index finger and thumb bracketing her breast as he held it to his mouth. The way he moved his tongue was almost calculated; careful and thoughtful as he figured out the way to best please her— flicking the muscle against her bud, grazing it with his teeth and lulling long, slow circles around it. “S’okay. You can have my mouth. It’s all yours anyway.”
He popped off from her chest, leaving her a heaving and whimpery mess, though before he could fit his shoulders between her thighs, Y/N was quick to pull him back up with his hair so he was level with her face. The burn against his scalp made him groan as he stared down at Y/N, quite annoyed that she stopped him from having his treat.
“I want something else tonight,” she breathed. His eyebrows dipped slightly as he brought a large hand to wrap around her throat— one of his favourite ways to hold her, “what do you need, princess?”
He was subtly grinding his hips against her, pinning her against the couch as she tried to figure out the words to say what she wanted. “I need you to fuck me. Please.”
All movements paused. His fingers tightened around her throat and his eyes became a shade darker. “S’that what this is then? All needy to get my cock inside of you?” Harry’s thumb subtly caressed the side of her throat as he nudged his nose against hers, “hmm?”
”Yes, please. I need it so bad, Harry.”
She gave him the best doe eyes she could, biting her lip for added effect. Even though Harry was a weak man for a pretty pout, he had to think rationally here. His eyes softened as he stared down at his best friend— if he could even call her that at this point. “Are you sure, Berry? I don’t… I don’t want to do anything that could ruin what we have,” his thumb made its way to her cheek where he stroked lovingly, “you mean a lot to me.”
“You mean a lot to me too, Harry. You’re my best friend.”
He grinned. “Oh? You let all your best friends eat your pussy and choke you, then?”
“Don’t be a dick,” she smacked his chest lightheartedly, “we can try like… friends with benefits?”
This made him somehow smirk even wider and Y/N’s cheeks got warmer, “gosh I just am that irresistible aren’t I?” She rolled her eyes, “don’t make me take it back.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He kissed her forehead then her nose, “‘course I’ll fuck you. I’ll do whatever you want, baby.”
With that, he pulled his sweater off of his head and helped Y/N with her shirt. She had seen him shirtless before numerous times but never allowed herself to ogle him in a sexual way. She didn’t hold back as she let her fingers trail all over his tanned skin, squeezing his sides and pulling him closer so there was practically no space between the two. Harry giggled at her desperation. “Horny, Berry?”
Y/N smacked his head for real this time. “Shut up.”
He rubbed the spot she struck, “that hurt.”
“Well too bad,” she let her fingers work on the knot of his sweats, hastily trying to push them off of his hips but Harry had other plans— long fingers came to wrap around her wrists, pulling her hands away from him and pinning them next to her head. “You’re so fucking bratty all the time. Thought maybe all those orgasms were helping but clearly I wasn’t giving it to you hard enough.”
She whined in his grasp, trying to break free. While he held her hands in one of his, he let the other trail down her body and slip into her shorts. He came into contact with her wet cunt immediately, sliding his index and middle finger through the folds, slowly, surely. He tsked, “slutty pussy.” The words went straight to her throbbing clit as she bucked her hips against his hand, though she was crying out loud when Harry let his fingers slap over the bundle of nerves. “Be patient, Y/N.” She frowned at his words, trying her best to keep her composure.
All the while his fingers continued to explore her folds, not applying any pressure where she really wanted, just feeling around like her wetness amused him. The moment she felt like she was actually going to cry, he slipped a finger into her heat. “Fuck,” he pumped his digit slowly, “perfect little cunt.”
Y/N’s fingers twisted and writhed under his hold, back arching as he showered her in praises, lips pressing against her jaw and neck. Her thighs shook when he curled his finger against that one spot, and she knew a couple more seconds of this and she’d be coming undone around his fingers.
Before she could succumb to her orgasm, Harry pulled his fingers out and stuffed them into her mouth. Her opportunity to protest was taken away from her as he forced her to taste herself, stroking his fingers against her tongue, “s’that good, baby? You’re lucky I’m sharing today. Can’t let anyone else know how sweet this pussy is for me.”
Once she was done sucking him clean, he straightened up to pull her shorts off and got off the couch to kick off his own sweats and boxers. His cock slapped up against his abdomen, long and thick and the way it throbbed looked like it was almost painful. One of his hands came to wrap around it while the other pulled a condom out of his wallet. He climbed back on the couch and pulled her by the hips. Y/N slid closer to him, “ready for me, Berry?” He murmured as he rolled the condom on his length.
Y/N couldn’t find the words to tell him how badly she needed him, only let her nails dig into his skin and nodded eagerly, “yes, yes, yes please. I’m so ready, Harry, need i—“
He didn’t let her finish, cutting her off with a deep groan as he impaled her with his dick. She could feel him snug against her— all of him inside all of her. The squelch that resounded in the room when they came together was loud and embarrassing as Y/N moaned uncontrollably, pulsing rhythmically around him trying to adjust to his size. His slow place built up to something faster and harder, the sound of skin slapping skin making Y/N even wetter.
It was a surprise he wasn’t straight up slipping out of her with how wet she was. She could feel it coat the inside of her thighs when he brought one of her legs up and over his shoulder. The new angle made everything feel a hundred times better— he was hitting places she didn’t even know she could reach. Harry’s hands held onto her hips tightly, one of them sneaking over her mound as his thumb came in contact with her clit. The added stimulation made her squeeze her eyes shut, head angling away and into the sofa beneath her.
He didn’t let her look away, though, as he bit back a moan and brought his free hand to grab her face. His fingers squeezed her cheeks as he manhandled her to face him, “don’t fucking look away from me,” he leaned closer to her. His hips stopped pumping and he resorted to deep, filthy grinds against her g-spot. “Look at me when I’m fucking you. Bet no one’s ever given it to you so good, hmm?”
She can’t find it in herself to come back with a witty remark, so far gone with the feel of him stuffed inside her. It was like he reduced her to nothing but babbles and whines, “uh-huh, uh-huh, yes please, Harry.” Her fingers found his hair again, pulling the locks hard and then tucking them behind his ear. He found himself locked in a tender moment when his eyes met hers, and he pressed a soft kiss to her brow bone before he began thrusting again.
Somehow he was harder, deeper, faster and pulling so much out of Y/N she was ready to burst. Her moans began sounding annoying to herself but she just couldn’t help it, especially not when he began circling her clit again. It took only a couple more seconds and she was coming around his cock, back lifting off of the couch almost too harshly as she clamped down around him. “Tha’s it, gorgeous. So beautiful you are, Berry.”
Harry worked her through it, her warm, wet walls beckoning him closer to his end. “Wait!” She called desperately when her orgasm subsided, “come… come in my mouth, please?”
“Jesus Christ.” He pulled out quickly, ripping the condom off and letting his fingers gather her arousal. The sensation made her flinch in sensitivity but she got over it when she saw him use her arousal as a lubricant, pumping himself as he leaned over her body. Y/N dropped her mouth open and stared right into his eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
When he came, it was a lot.
White, hot spurts that Y/N tried to catch with her tongue, and he just kept coming and coming and coming. The sounds he made were enough to make her all riled up again— his eyebrows furrowed, hair tickling his upper back as he tilted his head. Some of it landed on her jaw and chin but she swallowed as much as she could; which was only what actually made it on her tongue. One long stroke was delivered, and only then was he done, posture slouching as he lazily eyed Y/N. “Incredible.”
She giggled at his praise, still covered in his release. His eyes on her were burning and a second later a mischievous glint made her tummy flutter, “one second.” He leaned over the couch to grab his phone, pulling open the camera app. Y/N’s eyes widened when she realised what he was implying. Harry smirked, “just as a keepsake.”
One of his ringed hands came up to her jaw, cupping it tightly as he forced her head to face the camera. The sight could make Harry come all over again— Y/N’s lips were parted, his come painting her jaw and chin and decorating the edge of her bottom lip. Her neck was littered in purple bruises from all the time he spent there and his hand served as an accessory which she wore with pride. His rings felt cool against her skin when they slid across her jugular.
“Say ‘queef’!”
Y/N’s nose scrunched, “Harry!”
He laughed when she slapped his hand away and quickly kissed her forehead, “I’ll be right back, babe.” Y/N hummed as he left to go to the bathroom, the sight of him covering his dick with his shirt with his bum out making her laugh.
She was so happy.
It might have been the post-orgasm high, but she couldn’t shake the feeling. Obviously the fact that she was doing all of this with her best friend was a big, blaring red flag but it was like she just didn’t care. He made her feel good and confident in her skin— something she hasn’t felt with a number of her past partners.
Just as she fluttered her eyes shut, the sound of Harry’s phone startled her. It was probably his roommate, Niall, wondering where he was. It was nearing 9PM.
She grabbed his phone to silence it, but what she saw made her freeze in her spot.
A picture of a gorgeous brunette flashed across the screen, her eyes twinkling and lips painted red.
Chelsea 🩵
She was smiling wide, and just on the corner of the screen did Y/N catch a glimpse of Harry pressing his lips to her temple.
Her Harry.
The one who’s been her best friend ever since she was in diapers.
Her Harry.
The one who just fucked the living daylights out of her.
Y/N didn’t know what to do so she just watched the phone ring and ring. It was like all the air from her lungs was stolen. Suddenly she felt gross lying here covered in Harry’s come, all that confidence melting away from her body. She felt used. Before she could let the tears threaten her eyes, Harry appeared in the living room. She dropped his phone before he could see.
He walked over to her with a towel in his hand. “You alright?” He asked her, noticing her stoic expression and quiet demeanour. “Mhmm.” Harry must have thought she was just tired after her orgasm, humming as he ran the towel across her thighs and then her jaw. “We did make quite a mess didn’t we?”
He was smirking, trying to get a rise out of her but she just couldn’t stomach the lump in her throat. She faked a laugh, “yeah.” If he noticed her dull responses, he didn’t say anything. When he was done, Y/N sat up and pulled her shirt over head. She was gnawing harshly on her lip, swallowing down tears and anger and confusion as she watched him pick up his phone. His eyebrows furrowed.
“Is everything okay?”
She didn’t know why she asked. Whatever he would say would only make matters worse for her. “Uh, yeah. Jus’ Niall wondering when I’ll be home.” He flashed her a small smile and Y/N felt like the walls of her apartment were crumbling around her. “I have to call him back, Berry, I’ll be right back.” A kiss was pressed to her cheek as he quickly left the room.
Y/N felt like she was suffocating under the weight of his lie. She was disgusted by herself— the same touches she yearned for and looked forward to each weekend now felt like a burden on her body, dirtying her. She wouldn’t let herself cry; she couldn’t let Harry see her like this.
a minute later he walked back in and began dressing himself. “I’ve got to go, Y/N. Sorry, I feel like an ass leaving you so soon but Niall needs me urgently,” he walked over to her, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
She swallowed down another sob, “mhmm.”
He pecked her forehead and whispered goodbye, leaving swiftly without so much as another glance in her direction. Only when her door slammed shut did she allow her tears to spill over her cheeks. They poured and poured like a leaky faucet as Y/N pulled her knees into her chest.
This was probably why he didn’t want to fuck her in the first place.
He was getting his fix elsewhere, and Y/N felt like a fool for ever believing they were anything more than best friends.
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HEYYYY this is just a load of filth :p let me know what your thoughts are and if you enjoyed it !! LEAVE FEEDBACK PLEASE ITS ALWAYS NICE TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK !! LIKE REBLOG COMMENT REPLY YADA YADA KISS KISS GOODNIGHT!! xxx
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hhughes · 1 day
♯ 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 ◞ 𝑸𝑯⁴³
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⤫ fem!reader x quinn hughes
✰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⤫ 5 times Quinn wanted to kiss you + 1 time he finally did
✰ 𝐜𝐰 ⤫ none!
✰ 𝐚/𝐧 ⤫ just some quinny content for your dash <3 as always please let me know what you think. . .
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You make your way through the crowd to get to the table at the back of the bar, where a few familiar faces already spotted you.
"Look who's here! Nice of you to finally join us," Brock says as you hop onto a barstool next to Quinn.
"Hey, stranger," Quinn says softly and knocks his shoulder into yours.
"Guys, I saw you like two weeks ago. Sorry, I have a life," you say teasingly.
"Watching friends, eating Chinese food, and going to bed by 10 PM is not having a life." Brock says, and Quinn laughs at your offended expression.
"It does when you work the hours I do, thank you very much. I'm getting a drink. Do you guys want anything?" You ask and make your way to the bar.
When you get back, Elias is sitting in your seat. Noticing there's no more chairs open, Quinn goes to offer you his, but you stop him.
"It's fine, don't worry about it," you say, and Quinn pulls you to stand in between his legs. Your back leaning against his chest. His arms wrap around your waist, and he hooks two thumbs in your front belt loops, keeping you close.
Throughout the night, you can feel Quinn's breathing on your neck or his head on your shoulder while he talks or listens to one of the guys.
When Brock went to the bar to get a refill on your drinks and Elias went to the bathroom, you and Quinn were left alone at the table.
You turn around in his arms, looking up at him.
"Now is your chance to steal your seat back," Quinn jokes.
"I'm pretty comfy right here, actually," you say, and Quinn smiles softly.
In that moment...
he really wanted to kiss you.
You jump in surprise as someone knocks on your door. You weren't expecting anybody...least of all the man you found standing at your door.
"Quinn...what are you doing here?" You ask, opening the door wider to let him in.
"I haven't seen you in a few days, and I know you work late tomorrow, and we're leaving on another roadie...I didn't wanna go another week without seeing you," he says and you smile.
"Wanna watch a movie with me?" You ask and he nods, both of you making your way to the couch.
Halfway through the movie, you're cuddled into Quinns side, both of your eyes on the screen.
Quinn feels your eyes on him and looks down to meet them.
"What?" he asks softly
"You played really well tonight..." you say
"You watched?" Quinn asks surpirsed
"Yeah... I always watch. How do you think I know when to tell you congratulations..." You respond.
"I thought you just looked the score up after the game, to be honest," Quinn says
"I like watching you play," you say and Quinn smiles down at you...
In that moment...
he really wanted to kiss you.
"This is not a good idea," You say shakily as Quinn ties your skates.
"You're gonna be fine... don't be so dramatic. I'll be there the whole time," Quinn says and holds his hand out to lead you onto the ice.
You wobble a bit and grab onto Quinn, looking at him with nothing but fear in your eyes and he bursts out laughing.
"You should see your face right now," Quinn says amused.
"I'm glad you find this amusing," you snap.
"You've lived in Vancouver your whole life. How can you not skate?" he asks
"Contrary to popular belief not all Canadians come out of the womb knowing how to skate. Besides the one time I tried, I fell and broke my wrist and had no intention of ever trying again."
"Just keep your hips straight and push out with one foot and then the other," Quinn says.
You concentrate so much on doing what he says you don't realize he's let your hands go and you're skating on your own.
The moment you do realize, instant panic takes over, and your legs start to go separate ways.
Quinn tries to pull you up, but he's laughing so much, he isn't much help.
"Quinn, help me up." you say, standing in a half split and clinging to Quinn's waist, voice filled with laughter, and Quinn just laughs more.
With him laughing and you clinging to him, neither of you is very stable, and both of you end up on the floor, you on top of Quinn, who was still laughing.
"You did it though, for a second" he says and you scoff
"Can you buy me ice cream now?" you ask pouting
"Yeah, you deserve it." he says and looks up at you. Cheeks flushed because of the cold, a cute little beanie on your head.
he really wanted to kiss you.
You take another deep breath, and another practice swing, before finally pulling back and hitting the ball.
It goes really far, just not in the right direction...
"Quinn! Did you see that?!" you ask excitedly, and Jack has to turn around to hide his laugh, and Luke rubs a hand over his face to hide his smirk.
"I did see...it was...very far," he says, and you swing your stick, making Jack duck and head for the golf cart.
"Man... she's so smart, but she can not play golf to save her life," Jack says, and Quinn swats at him.
"It's her first time asshole. She's doing great," Quinn says and walks towards you.
"Love really does make you blind." Jack says, and him and Luke laugh all the way to the golf cart.
"You know as much fun as this has been, I don't think I'll be doing this again any time soon," you say and Quinn frowns...
"What? Why?" he asks
"The first couple were fun, you know, but then it just gets really boring and really hot. I was really hoping one of you would've told me to stay in the cart by now," you say and Jack's mouth drops open.
"Were you bad on purpose?" Jack asks
"I'm not good by any standard but those last couple was just to fuck with you a little bit. Props for trying to hide your reactions, but you're a horrible actor Jacky, you're gonna have to do better than that when I give you your Christmas present."
Jack and Luke laugh, and Quinn smiles as you hand them the sunscreen and tell them to put some on.
he really wanted to kiss you.
You and Quinn were swaying to the music, smiles on your faces, observing Emma and Brady.
"They look so happy," you say
"They really do. You look beautiful," he says, and you blush.
"Thanks, so do you."
"You ever think about it... getting married?" Quinn suddenly asks. "Just in general...someday."
"If the right person asks... yeah," you say.
"Wanna marry me if we're still 30 and single?" Quinn jokes
"There's no way you'll still be single at 30 Quinn, but if that's the case, then yes. I would be honored." You say, and Quinn smiles as the song comes to an end.
Suddenly, Taryn is there dragging you to the side of the room where the bouquet toss was happening, and you smile apologetically at Quinn.
You stood at the back, trying to stay out of people's way. You weren't really trying to catch it. But three seconds later, you stood with the bouquet in your hands, awkwardly looking around the room until your eyes met Quinn's. He smiled as you thrust the bouquet into Taryn's hands and scurried your way over to him, hiding in his chest.
he really wanted to kiss you.
You and Quinn were snuggled up at the end of the boat... watching Jack wake board with the sunset behind him.
"I love having you here," Quinn says rubbing patterns on your legs softly
"I love being here..." you reply.
"Think you wanna come back next summer?" Quinn asks, and you turn to look at him.
"I don't know... think I need some convincing," you whisper and move your face closer to his.
Quinn gently cups your face and presses his lips to yours. You soak up the moment for a while before it's interrupted by Jack and Luke's yelling, which results in Jack being horribly distracted and falling into the water.
"I've been wanting to do that a long time..." Quinn admits
"So have I," you say and kiss him again.
he finally kissed you.
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Listen, I found your account by coincidence and it was the most beautiful coincidence.... Your writing is very wonderful and I am happy that the rq is open
so can i rq a hc about twst? Where the reader loves agriculture and have a garden in ramshackle where they grow flowers and some vegetables as a hobby, which impresses their friends?
Honestly I don't have any specific characters in my mind so you are free to choose any 4 characters or less (I love everyone, so I'll be satisfied with anyone.)
And of course you are free to accept my request or reject it🪷🪻🌻
Grown with Love
So sorry about the long wait!! School has been a lot recently ;( But thank you for the request and the kind words!! I don't have the greenest thumb, so the garden details are kept very vague-
Agriculture loving reader with a garden
Characters: Ruggie, Azul, Malleus
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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-When he first hears about it, he doesn't care all that much; it's just a hobby to him. But because he cares about you, he listens to you talk about it!
-When you mention that you also grow food in your garden, that's when he gets interested! He's pretty curious about what kind of foods you grow, what kind of care they need, ect...
-He comes visit ever so often and watches you work, he likes how concentrated you look! That, and the scenery of your garden with all the different flowers and plants is a very pretty and relaxing sight, perfect for whenever he needs a break from Leona
-If you ever make him a meal with food from your garden, he will very simply adore you- He wants to eat it slowly to truly enjoy it, but also scarf it down because of how good it tastes 
-Eventually, he tries to make a deal with you: He helps you out around the garden in exchange for some of the food you grow! If you accept, you best believe he'll give it his all, he makes sure to help you let your plants thrive! (Not that they don't already under just you're care <3) 
-If you agree to the deal, he'll keep some of the food to bring home to his grandma and the kids of his slum during the holidays, so that they have something fresh to eat for once
-All in all, he really enjoys the scenery, and would love to help out! 
-As you could have possibly guessed, even if the two of you are close friends, his first thought is money. 
-He asks to sign a contract with you; you give him fresh food from your garden in exchange for proper payment and/or free meals at the lounge. Once again, your choice if you want to accept or decline! 
-Aside from that, your garden does genuinely fascinate him! He grew up in the sea, he most likely hasn't seen most land plants, let alone the way they grow, so most of things in the garden are completely new to him
-He likes simply relaxing in your garden, watching how your different plants develop and grow, your garden becomes a bit of a save haven for him, whenever the twins or work stresses him out
-He often compliments you, wether on how good your work ethic is, how great your plants are doing, how beautiful your garden is, ect. And he does genuinely mean every one of them!
-He says he is at your garden so often, because it's a good getaway from his stress, but really your garden and all the unfamiliar land stuff just fascinates him 
-Your garden will permanently become part of his route for his night walk, if you allow it
-He is genuinely fascinated by your work, he loves the way your garden looks, and isn't afraid to praise you for it! 
-If you have a flower or two that's native to briar valley, this man has stars in his eyes. He may give you a tip or two about how to get to thrive as greatly as they can, should you ask. they are definitely one of his favorite flowers  in the garden!
-He'll take the food from your garden, or meals cooked with it, over any other meal any day of the week! especially if the other choice is lillia's cooking
-He says he can taste how much love and care  is put into growing something, so your food logically tastes better to him than something grown and cooked as a job instead of as a hobby. 
-During shared nightly walks or really just whenever the two of you hang out, it'll be a mutual understanding that both of you can freely talk about your interests! 
-He'll tell you about gargoyles and you can talk as much as you want about agriculture 
-If you mention having a favorite plant, or that you have one that you've been wanting to grow but just haven't been able too for whatever reason, he'll definitely get you the seeds and whatever else is required for it!
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This was such a cute thing to write!! Did struggle a bit because i don't know much about agriculture despite living next to at least three different farms-
Feedback is welcome!! just be nice!
Hope you have a nice day/night <3
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ladylovesloki · 2 days
The Fated Apple: Part Four
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Language
Summary: You and Loki spend some time together.
A/N: So I rewrote this part like 3 times and then I had to split it into two parts..So..good news is part 5 is about half way done.
Thanks again for reading!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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You couldn’t really sleep that night after you got back to your rooms when the feast was over. Your brain just wouldn’t shut off. You had so many thoughts, Lord Alarian’s harsh words. Frigga’s kind ones. Loki’s treatment of you. You were thinking about Loki and Ana meeting but the more you thought about it the higher your anxiety was getting. You definitely knew something was up but you couldn’t put your finger on what it was. After some tossing and turning, you finally fall asleep.
The next morning when you wake up you feel exhausted, you really didn’t sleep well but at least your wrist is completely healed. You touch it lightly and smile thinking about the moment you had with Loki. 
 You get to the feast hall and you see Jane, Frigga and Idunn at the high table. You assume Loki, Thor and Odin are in the council meeting Loki told you he was going to be in.
You sit down after saying your hellos.
“Lady y/n, are you well?”, Idunn asks.
You nod, “yes, thank you. I didn’t sleep too well last night.”
Idunn and Frigga look at one another and then back to you, “oh?”, Frigga asks.
“I just couldn’t get to sleep.”
“You should’ve sent for a healer, they would have given you a tonic to help you rest. If you have issue sleeping this evening I insist you call upon them. May I ask, what was it that was keeping you from sleep?”
“Honestly, I have so many things running through my mind.”
“I understand, if you wish to speak about things you know you can always come to me.”, Frigga says kindly.
“Thank you Frigga.”, you smile at her.
You wouldn’t even know where to begin. You knew Loki was up to something but you were also pretty sure Frigga knew whatever it was he was up to. 
You eat your meal mostly in silence and then head over to see Ana, but it was not her that was there waiting. It was Loki.
“Prince Loki”, you greet him with a kind smile, “..has Ana arrived yet?”
He shook his head, “no, no she has not. The council meeting ended earlier than expected so I thought I would come straight here.”, he gives you a small smile.
You smile back, “well, welcome. Hopefully she is here soon so you can finally meet her.”
Loki looks down, “yes, I am looking forward to meeting your friend.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth a maid arrives, “Prince Loki, Lady y/n. Forgive me but the Lady Ana has sent me to inform you she will not be able to make it to your lesson this afternoon. She has been called away to her family home for the day.”
“Oh..”, you say disappointed. “Did she say when she will be back?”
“No My Lady, I am sorry.”
You smile, “it’s ok. Thank you.”
The maid smiles, bows and leaves.
You look to Loki, “well..so much for that..I understand if you have other things you wish to do today so I wont keep you.”
“Nonsense, I think we can both agree that we need to be getting to know each other better if we are going to make an informed decision about Idunn’s apple.”
You nod, “yes, I suppose. What did you have in mind?”
“Would you allow me to take you to one of my favorite places in Asgard?”, he asks slightly nervous.
“I would like that very much.”, you smile. “Lead the way.”
He doesn’t bother actually walking to their destination, he simply opens a portal.
You smile at him,”when was the last time you actually walked to your destination?”
“This morning actually. The council room is just around the corner from this room.”
You laugh at his response and take his extended arm. You walk through the portal together and when you look around you immediately recognize your destination.
The library.
“Really? The library. You know I have been here before, frequently.”
“Yes but have you ever been in that room over there?”
He points to a door that you recognize as the one that has always been closed. 
“No, what’s in there?”
He smiles, “Allow me to show you.”
He extends his arm for you to take, you blush slightly as you do. Arm in arm, you and Loki walk through the door and you are amazed by what you see. 
“Is that….Yddrasil?!”
“It is a representation of it yes. Right at the very top is Asgard and right below that is Midgard.”
“Oh wow! Is that Muspelheim?!”, you ask excitedly. 
“It is, well done.”, again filled with warmth from seeing you amazed by something he has seen hundreds of times.
“This is amazing..so beautiful.”
“It is.”, Loki says softly. 
You look to him and see that he’s looking at you. You blush and look back to the tree. 
“Thank you Loki, this was wonderful.”
“You’re very welcome, now you have seen the actual representation of it maybe you can give painting it another go.”
You pause and look back to him… “how did you know I painted Yddrasil?”. You see his eyes widen slightly at your question.
Got him.
Loki’s heart stops. Shit. He needed to think of something and fast. 
There’s a knock on the door, Ana walks in. 
“Prince Loki, Lady y/n, forgive my intrusion. I was done with my errands so I wanted to see if you still wanted a class today Lady y/n.”
You look at Ana and then back to Loki. Very convenient that she happens to walk in when Loki might’ve given something away. Maybe they know each other already? Has Ana been working as his spy for the last few days? These “lessons” being a way to get to know you? Has she been feeding him everything you have been saying?
Ana looks at Yddrasil and then looks at Loki, “I assume you saw the paintings I left out to dry yesterday Prince Loki?”
Loki nods, “indeed. I didn’t want to say that was the reason I brought you here but…”
But you’ll play along..for now. “Oh so you were just making fun of me then huh?, you say playfully. 
“Never my dear, I just wanted to show you how close you got to the actual thing! You got… most of the colors correct.”, Loki breathes a sigh of relief.
“Uh huh. Ana, I would love to paint with you today. Loki, would you like to join us?”
Loki already felt the fatigue after conjuring Ana, he definitely couldn’t keep this up for long. “I’m afraid I must meet with my mother shortly but before you go Lady y/n, I would love a moment to speak with you…in private.”
He makes Ana curtsy, “I will meet you in our workshop y/n.”
“Ok, Ill see you there.”
He makes his illusion of Ana exit and feels his magic immediately start to restore when he dissolves it. 
He then looks over to you and walks over slowly, taking your hands in his. “My lady, I had a wonderful time with you today.”
You smile, “me too. This was fun. Thank you so much for bringing me here.”
Loki smiles back at you, “of course. I would very much enjoy spending more time with you. Only if you wish to as well  of course.”
You smile, “I would love to. I should go meet with Ana. I wouldn’t be opposed to you coming by the workshop later if you have the time. I’d hate for the only painting you’ve seen of mine be that godawful tree.”
Loki huffs a small laugh, “it wasn’t that bad, truly. I will try after I see my mother.”
You nod, “tell her I said hello. Thank you again for this.”
“You’re welcome.”
He kisses your knuckles and then walks out the door. You feel the blush rise to your face once again. Calming your beating heart, you leave the room and head straight to the workshop. When you get there, Ana is not there yet but there are empty canvas’s waiting so you think of the image you want to paint and the colors you need appear.
You close your eyes, take a deep breath and start to paint.
Loki was being truthful when he said he wanted to see his mother he just had to be fast. He made sure he conjured a cavas for you so you can occupy yourself before he returned to you as Ana. He found his mother in her tea room, “hello mother.”
“Loki, how wonderful of you to stop by. Have you spoken to y/n?”
After Loki gives his mother a quick kiss on the cheek he sits down in the chair opposite her, “I have..”
Loki looks down at his hands as he picks at his fingers nervously, “I took her to see Yddrasil..she loved it.”
“That’s wonderful dear…but did you tell her the truth about Ana?”
Frigga exhales, “Loki…the longer you wait, the more painful this will be for her.”
“I know mother, I just…”, he stops not quite sure how to express what he’s feeling. Simply because he has never felt these feelings before.
“You what my son? What is keeping you from telling her the truth. I know you are afraid of her being angry with you but…my son it will only get worse the longer you wait.”
“She is expecting Ana in their workshop…”
“Then you should go and tell her now..do not wait any longer.”
There is a light knock on the door and in walks Lord Alarian, “My Queen, Prince Loki. Pardon the interruption but we have received a missive from Vanaheim. There were strict instructions that it is for your eyes only.”
Frigga stands and takes the letter from the Lord, “thank you Alarian.” She places the letter on the table next to her. “Lord Alarian, would you care to explain to me why you felt it was necessary to accost the Lady y/n last night?”
Loki stands immediately, “What? You!? You were the one who injured her?!”
Frigga holds up her hand to her son, “Loki..”
“Mother, you did not see her wrist before I remedied it.” He walks over to Alarian and gets directly in his face. “Explain to me why I should not have the guards throw you in the dungeons right now for assaulting the future princess of Asgard..”
“Loki, be calm.”, Frigga places her hand on his arm and pulls him back and away from the shaking Lord. “Lord Alarian. You understand why your treatment of the Lady y/n is unacceptable. As her chosen, Loki has every right to have you sent to the dungeons.”
Lord Alarian nods, “yes My Queen, my deepest and sincerest apologies to you, Prince Loki and the Lady y/n. I had overindulged in the Elvin wine and I was not in the right mind. I know that is no excuse and I will apologize to Lady y/n…personally.”
“An apology? You believe an apology will suffice for almost breaking her wrist? She has not yet eaten Idunn’s apple, she is still the most fragile being on Asgard and you believe you can manhandle her and just apologize to make it right?”, Loki asks furiously.
“My Prince, please.”
Frigga takes the opportunity to interrupt, “shall we see what Vanaheim had to say about the situation of your betrothal Loki?”
Loki turns around to look at her and nods.
She opens the letter and a small smile slowly appears on her face, “Vanaheim sends their congratulations my son. They are very pleased to hear that the Norn’s have chosen someone for you. They look forward to an invitation to all of the celebrations to follow.” She then looks over to Lord Alarian, “it seems your worries of Vanaheim feeling slighted were unfounded.”
Lord Alariam’s eyes widen, “that is…fantastic news My Queen. I apologize for my earlier, misguided words of Prince Loki’s union with Lady y/n. I now see that this will bring nothing but good for our realm. Lady y/n will be a lovely addition to the royal family.”
“You will apologize to my lady.”, Loki reminds the cowering Lord.
Lord Alarian nods frantically, “yes My Prince.”
“I am due to meet her in her workshop shortly. I intend to have her on my arm at the feast tonight, you may apologize then.”
Lord Alarian nods and excuses himself. When he leaves the room he immediately goes to his chambers. He steps up to a pedestal and pours a vial into the bowl sitting on top of it. It glows blue indicating it was ready, “we must move our plans forward. Today. She will be in her cursed workshop for the next few hours I assume. This might be our only chance. Inform me when you have completed your task.”  
The bowl glows a bright blue once and then fades. Lord Alarian stares into the bowl, a slow smile spreading across his face.
After Loki leaves his mother, he walks instead of portals to your workshop. He took the opportunity to calm himself down after his conversation with Lord Alarian. He should’ve just thrown him in the dungeons but his mother convinced him to let it go. For now.
Once he arrives at the workshop he sees you in heavy concentration, you’re staring at your canvas and your head is tilted to the side. The tip of your tongue poking out of your mouth, he can’t help but find it adorable. He places his illusion of Ana.
“You look like you’re struggling.”
You jump, “Ana! Hi! Sorry yea..can you come over here and look at this?”
Loki walks over and what he sees makes him take a shocked step back. 
It was a pair of hands, one the tone of your own skin and a…blue one. It also had the same Jotun markings that match the ones on his hand. Together the hands are holding an apple. The apple is still the color of the canvas, awaiting you to paint its true color. He assumes gold.
It’s considerably better than the painting she did of Yddrasil. That looked more like the trees Midgardian’s use to celebrate one of their festive days. 
Christmas?..yes. That’s the one. 
Loki collects himself, “you’ve come a long way. We might have to move on from painting so you can master something else.”
You look back at Ana, “it’s still not the greatest but it’s the thought that counts right? I wanted to give it to Loki as a gift for helping me last night and for his kindness earlier this afternoon.”
“What happened last night?”, Loki asks already knowing what happened but he wanted to hear it from you.
“At the feast last night, one of Odin’s councilmen cornered me about mine and Loki’s decision about the apple. He told me that I ruined some betrothal between Loki and one of Vanaheim’s princesses. I told him off and he grabbed my wrist. Loki found me after and took care of my injury.”
Loki feels himself becoming angry again. But he cannot feed into his anger, he needs to be the supportive friend you believe you are speaking to.
Until he tells you the truth and ruins everything. 
“That sounds awful.”
“It was at the time, but then Loki took me to his rooms and helped ease the pain and swelling. He used the cold from his hand to help soothe it. I can’t stop thinking about it..”
Loki takes the opportunity to test you, as wrong as he feels doing it. He needs to know how you feel about his Jotun heritage.“Yes, I can see how that image would sear itself into your mind.”
“What do you mean?”, you ask her taken aback by Ana’s sudden mood change. 
“For some, seeing a Jotun for the first time can be a bit..terrifying..”
“It was actually a wonderful moment if you forget why he needed to use his Jotun ability in the first place. He was so gentle and kind.”
“And his true form didn’t frighten you?”
“Well it was only his hand that changed but I don’t see why I would be frightened. From what I saw, his Jotun form is…beautiful.”
Loki was going to respond but before he could continue there was a knock on the door and a maid walks in with tea and a tray of various baked goods. 
“Oh tea! I could use a break actually.”, you say happily. 
You walk over to the table set out of the two of you and you both take a seat. The maid pours you both tea and before leaving the rooms asks if you needed anything else. 
You smile, “no thank you!”
The maid leaves, leaving just the two of you. An awkward silence fills the room. 
You take a sip of your tea and can’t help but feel like Ana is off. You decide to break the silence. Maybe she’ll let something slip just like Loki did earlier. “I asked Loki to meet us here after he meets his mother, I hope he comes.”
“That would be lovely.”, Loki is hit with a pang of guilt, he can hear Frigga’s voice in his head imploring him to tell you the truth.
You smile at Ana but notice she doesn’t look too pleased.
“Ana? Are you ok?”, you ask her after taking a sip of your tea. 
Ana almost takes a sip of hers but then abruptly puts her cup down. 
“I’m sorry y/n I’m a bit…distracted today.”
You take a sip of your tea. 
Loki feels like his heart is going to pump out of his chest. He doesn’t remember feeling this nervous ever in his life.
Loki runs his hands through his hair and takes a deep breath. “I must tell you something and I fear you will be angry with me once I do. I’m terrified you will never want to see me again.”
You take another sip of tea. You knew it. This was it. 
You start to feel a little hot so you place your cup down and stand to open a window that looks over the gardens. You look out the window and get mentally ready for Ana’s confession. But then everything starts to get blurry and you feel like the sound around you is starting to fade in and out. 
“Y/n?..”, Loki saw some color drain from your face after you took your last sip of tea. You stood up so quickly to go to the window that it startled him. He called your name but it was like you didn’t hear it. 
“Y/n”, Ana stands in front of you and puts her hands on your shoulders. 
Sweat is starting to pour from your forehead. 
“Ana?..I don’t feel very well.”, it has to be nerves. 
Ana’s eyes go wide. “Alright. Let’s sit back down. Come.”
Loki feels terrible. He probably made her so anxious about his secret she made herself ill. 
Ana kneels down in front of you, “take a few deep breaths y/n.”
You’re not feeling any better. 
In fact you feel worse. You feel your body getting hotter and hotter. 
“Hot…too hot…”, you mumble. 
Loki immediately puts his hand on your neck. Letting his Jotun form seep through his hand. Y/n takes a look over and sees the blue start spreading down Ana’s arm. 
“I thought… Frigga said Loki…. was the only Jotun on…. Asgard?”, maybe that was the secret. Maybe Ana and Loki had a special connection to each other due to their shared heritage. 
Ana looks you in your eyes sadly, “he is.”
Loki drops the illusion. Showing you that it was him, not Ana kneeling in front of you. 
Your eyes go wide and then you pass out, falling out of the chair and into Loki’s arms who then lays you down on the floor. 
He looks down at you with a shocked expression and before he can think to do anything else your body starts to convulse. White foam starting to pour out of your mouth and the veins in your neck start to turn a dark purple. Whatever it was, is working its way through your body and spreading fast. The purple veins now starting to crawl to your face and chest. 
He immediately looks over to your cup of tea. He rushes over to it, grabs it and smells it. It just smelled like tea. He takes a finger and wipes it on the inside of your cup and presses his finger to his tongue. 
Poison. Someone poisoned you. 
Loki immediately springs into action. He picks you up in one quick swoop and opens a portal directly to the healers.
To be continued…
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afro-hispwriter · 3 days
A Good Wife Prequel
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!reader
(Daemon and Laenas daughter, no aegon x reader in this)
Prequel to “A Good Wife” but can be read as a standalone 
Warnings- targcest(cousin), set during episode 8, oral(f receiving), p in v sex, virginity loss, sexual tension, choking, smut part inspired by Rhaenyra losing her virginity to Criston sorta (you'll see), Aegon's advances, jealous!Aemond,
Summary- you hadn't seen your cousin Aemond in 2 years, only briefly meeting at your mother funeral and another at a name day celebration, but after being called to KingsLanding, attractions come to light
Switches between 3rd and 2nd person(i tried to be grrm at the end lol) 
Wc- 6k
Thank you @fan-goddess and @jasminecosmic99 for the help!
Your mother is dead. You had to watch her struggle to give birth to your newest siblings then painfully walk to her dragon, Vhagar. Your  father had rushed out after her, you tried to follow after but he didn't let you. So you went up onto the walkway which looks out over the beaches of Pentos. Yet what you saw was utter heart wrenching, as you watched Vhagar open her mouth wide and set your mother and baby brother ablaze. 
Daemon had fallen to his knees on the beach and couldn't move as he continued to merely stare at his wife’s body. He wasn't sure how long it had been before he felt a small hand on his shoulder. 
The funeral came quickly. The last time you were in Driftmark was when you were born, but even then Laena and Daemon managed to take off to Pentos not soon after. 
There were so many new faces, but not of your grandparents. They held the three of you tightly as your Uncle Vaemond Velaryon led the funeral, and as her casket fell into the sea the realization settled in that you would never see your mother again. Never feel that warm touch. Never hear her soothing voice again. 
You sat on the beach with your legs crossed as you dug into the ground with a stick. Your tears had long dried up and you were down to just sniffles. 
"Y/n?" A small voice came behind you and you turned around. It was a young boy, around your age maybe. Targaryen as well. 
"How do you know my name?" 
"My mother told me. I'm Prince Aemond Targaryen." 
"Oh, the king's son." You stood up and dusted your black dress, followed by a small curtsy. Aemond just frowned and shifted on his heels awkwardly.
"You don't have to do that." He says and you press your lips together. An awkward silence fell on the both of you. "Why are you down here alone my lady?" 
"I-I." Your eyes started to well up with tears and you wiped the first layer away but suddenly they were falling fast. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I should take you back." Aemond offered you his hand and you wiped your eyes before wiping  them on your dress and taking his hand. Letting him lead you back into the castle. 
From above Alicent and Otto stood, Alicent with a glower and Otto with amusement painted on his face as they watched the two children below hold hands and walk up the steps together.
"It isn't a terrible match, it could help us secure Daemon. He loves his daughters no doubt about that." Otto states. 
"There is no securing Daemon Targaryen.” Alicent said, her glare still prominent. “We need Aemond available for future use if it comes down to it."  With that, the queen walked away just as the two children came up the steps with Aemond leading his cousin through the crowd and dropping her off at her designated chamber where she would remain through the night. All the way through the chaos that would come. However, until Daemon came in the morning and announced they were moving to Dragonstone with Rhaenerya and her sons. 
Dorne was nothing but beautiful the 2 years you resided there. Only now returning when the conflict for the next heir of Driftmark was being called into question. You didn't HAVE to be there, but it was for "moral support." 
Vermithor had you in King's Landing in just 3 days. You were sad to leave Dorne. You’d learned and experienced so much that it hurt to leave but you couldn't deny how much you missed your father and sisters. 
You ended up landing just after they did. There's been a slight chill covering Kinglanding and your new wardrobe from Dorne did not help you one bit to help you accommodate it, but the small shawl that simply buckled softly around your neck sufficed. 
You hadn't been there long enough to know exactly where you were going. As not many people knew you were even attending, you didn't even have an escort, but you eventually made it inside the Keep. So much has changed. But it was more like the Hightowers had changed. Everything Targaryen or more like nothing that wasn't Seven approved was taken down and replaced with that damned seven pointed star.
"It’s a shame really." A deep voice spoke behind you and you turned around just to look up at your dear cousin.
"Prince Aemond." You say with a smile which he returns. 
"Lady Y/n, was Dorne everything you hoped it to be?" You didn't miss the way you cousin's lilac eye took you in. All of you. No doubt you had grown since the last time you saw each other at Aegon's name day celebration. 
"It was quite the experience, I learned a lot."
Your hair was longer, your eyes were deeper, and don't get him started on your dress. It was so different from the modest one he last saw you in Aegon's name day , asThis one was true Dornish style. The material was soft silk and there was a mesh addition to leave much more to the imagination. His mother would have a heart attack at the dip of the dress at your chest. 
He had grown too though. Taller. Broader. A dark aura shined around him and it drew you in. He made your chest tighten. 
"Are you not cold?" He asks you with a smile. 
"Not really, I’m getting quite warm actually." You say as you undo the buckle of the shawl and let it fall so it rests on your arms. You turned around suddenly and you could hear Aemonds breath hitch. 
The dress was backless. Aemonds eye traced along your skin before settling on the material that sat bunched up just above your ass. The smallest tug could reveal so much. If Alicent wouldn't have a heart attack, Aemond certainly would. 
"Like what you see cousin?" 
Oh you little- 
You let out a giggle and Aemonds looked down while his face turned red. You strode up close to him and turned your head slightly to catch his eye. 
"Don't be ashamed my prince, we're Targaryens. it’s in our blood." He looked up this time but as soon as he did he quickly looked away again from you making you smirk. "Prince Aemond?"
"Yes, Lady Y/n?"
"The rest of our family is here already but I'm having trouble finding them. Could you help me?" Aemond did not know what game you were playing at, but he was still willing to be a pawn for you at any time.  He offered you his arm and you gladly took it.
It didn’t take long for you to find your family, or rather, they saw you. They were all huddled together speaking lowly, but Luke saw you first and his face broke into a wide smile. You broke away from Aemond and Luke had you in a tight hug instantly.
“I miss you.” He said as he laid his head on your chest while you smiled. Aemond took a step back as the rest of your family from Dragonstone and Driftmark approached. Daemon Targaryen rolled his shoulders back at the sight of his grown nephew The boy now towered over him. The One-Eyed had matured, and any man or woman could see he had his sight set on Prince Daemon and Lady Laena’s firstborn. 
“Thank you, for aiding my daughter.” Daemon says as he kisses the side of your head in a possessive motion. “I'm sure your mother is wondering where you are.” There was a tension built in the atmosphere just between the two men, and you took the liberty of an attempt to dissolve it. 
“Thank you, for helping me, Prince Aemond.” You say and separate from Daemon to go up on your toes to kiss Aemond’s cheek. 
“It was no trouble my lady.” He nods before turning away. You bite your lower lip as you watch him leave, the act going unnoticed by Daemon.
“What were you doing with that Hightower cunt?” You rolled your eyes and hugged Rhaena tightly. 
“He was only helping me find my way to all of you, nothing more.” 
The throne room was packed, so many overlapping voices. Rhaena and Luke had wanted to know everything about Dorne that you hadn’t already  incorporated in the letters sent, while Jace simply listened in. 
Daemon however noticed the eyes of the many lords who looked over at you and whispered to each other. No doubt he would be approached once this was over by lords either presenting their sons or themselves for your hand. 
The moment Otto started talking though you made sure to tune the man quickly out. 
Your cousins on the other side of the room seemed to be doing the same as it appeared Nobody truly wanted to be there. 
Aemond on the other hand loved it deep down. He saw you less than an hour ago and you’re all he thinks about now. You shined brighter than anybody in the room, even in the gloomy light shining through the windows. 
His look did not go unnoticed by you and you couldn’t help but think howSomeone has to show your one-eyed cousin how to be subtle. But to tease the man a bit you brought your hands up as if you were brushing your shoulder randomly, your thumb “accidentally” getting caught on the material around your breasts and brought it down slightly, Revealing the swell of the sides of your breasts. His breath hitched and he looked away. That action did not go unnoticed by your eldest cousin Aegon though had noticed as well and he licked his lips. 
The arrival of the king brought you back. Your father going to help the old sick man who dropped his crown and could barely stand. 
It wasn’t long before once again, Lucerys’ claim was established. Again. Your great uncle Vaemond had a say in it, which resulted in part of the man's head chopped off. 
You were escorted out after that. Brought to your chambers where you learned the king asked for a family dinner. It was the perfect moment for you to get closer to Aemond, so You made sure to tell one of the servant girls to inform the others who were preparing for the dinner to put a chair next to Aemonds. 
The servants scrubbed you down and cleaned you everywhere, trimmed where anything needed trimming or cut completely. 
The dress you wore was more modest, but still with your new found Dornish style. 
As you finished with your accessories, someone knocked gently at your door.
“Come in.” You called and turned around in your chair to see the door open. A man opened the door, helmet in hand and head low. “Eoywn!” You stood up and ran to your friend and wrapped your arms around the man. 
Eoywn was a stable boy on Dragonstone andYour first friend after the move. The two of you would watch the knights train which is what convinced him to join. A little help from you, and he was being trained. Eoywn was always a handsome boy. Brown hair, brown eyes, and his warm olive skin shined always.
“Ser Eoywn now I suppose.” You chuckle and hold the man at arms length. He certainly grew. “I didn’t know you'd be here.”
“I was being briefed and introduced to King's Landing, my apologies My Lady.” You cocked your head to the side. 
“Oh please don’t start with the Lady.” You groaned as he chuckled.
“Your father sent me here to escort you to dinner, so you don’t get lost again. in his words.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Lead the way.”
Aemond stood talking with Aegon when you walked in with Ser Eoywn behind you. He instantly stopped talking to his brother and locked eyes with you while Aegon turned to you and instantly smiled. 
“My beautiful cousin.” He says and holds his arms out to pull you into a hug. You were tense, but you still greeted the man. He pulled away and let his hands drag along your waist. “You’ve grown.” 
“Everyones been saying that.” 
“Because it's true.” He squeezed your hips. “So very true.” 
“Leave her alone, Aegon.” Aemond says behind him and Aegon rolls his eyes.
“Simple innocent fun brother. You do know what fun is right?” Before Aemond could respond, everyone fell silent as King Viserys was carried in. Everyone then took their places, you walked round the table while Aemond sat and Eowyn pulled out your chair right next to the prince and pushed you into the table once you settled in it. 
Daemon was leaning back in his chair staring directly at you.
Aemonds demeanor changed, as he clasped his hands together in his lap and straightened his back. You sat to his right, allowing him to look at you out of the corner of his eye . Aemond was glad you chose something a bit more modest, but no less beautiful. If you had shown up to dinner in the same dress from earlier, Aemond would no doubt be having another date with his hand after the dinner was over.  
“He should’ve stayed in bed.” You mumbled looking at the king. Aemonds chest jumped slightly as if trying to stop a laugh. “Me and you could have had our own dinner, just the two of us.” You grabbed a napkin and flattened it across your lap. 
“We still can.” He says lowly. “Just leave now. Nobody will notice.”
“Hmm and do what?” You smirked at him. “Eat or-.” You were cut off by Viserys standing. He proceeded to go on about the family and how divided everyone was and how that shouldn’t be. When the man took off the golden mask revealing how bad the illness truly was. You swallowed deeply as you couldn’t tear your eyes away. 
It didn’t take long before the king finished and Rhaenerya and Alicent followed with their own toasts. You’re not sure what Aegon had said but Jace’s reaction was enough. Everyone looked at him in confusion and suddenly Aemond stood up tall, chair creaking as he did so. You kept looking between the two, tension was clearly high between them and everyone waited for the other to act. 
Aemond instantly going to his brother's defense made the fire already burning inside of you burn hotter. 
Jace punched Aegon's arm softy and lifted his cup of wine, saying toast to his two uncles. Once it was done Aemond was the one still standing, glaring at Jace. 
“Aemond.” You whispered and he looked down and licked his lips before sitting back down. Helaena stood up next with a smile and wine in hand. 
“I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena.” 
“Don’t let them get to you.” You whispered to Aemond. “They’re only boys.” Aemond didn’t respond, just drew his shoulders back. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his pale hand and squeezed it. You smiled at him and he showed no emotion but a flicker of his eye to your lips. You leaned forward and he leaned back, cheeks dusting pink making you giggle. 
Music started and food was brought out. Everyone dug in passing around plates of potatoes, peas, and salads. You’ve let Aemonds hand go to start filling your plate full of food.
“How does it look compared to Dornish cuisine?” Aemond asks and you shrug. 
“There is more color in Dorne.” You took a bite. “And more flavor, but I missed this food nonetheless.” 
“Y/n.” Otto bumps into the conversation. “Was Dorne everything they say, I rarely go.” 
“It was fun, I learned a lot. They express themselves a lot, it makes me admire them.” 
“Any suitors?” Aemond asks and you raise an eyebrow.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, cousin.”
“I would actually.” 
“And why is that?” There was a sly look on your face and Aemond tensed his jaw.
“Aemond?” Alicent caught her son's attention and shook her head.
“My apologies my lady, I did not mean to intrude.”
“No harm.” You say taking another bite and shifted your knees to push into his. “What of you? Any ladies lining up.” 
“None.” He says, you would say it was a tone of disappointment but he didn’t let it show.
“Well they are fools.” He let out a hum.
“Are you a fool, my lady?” He asks.
“I won't be the fool if you anger me, my prince.” 
“Then I should see that I don’t.” He raised his cup to you and brought it to his lips, followed by you copying his actions. The king's health seemed to drop even further and the man was carried out. 
A steaming pig was brought out and placed in front of the two of you. You licked your lips and instantly grabbed a knife and fork to start cutting your own pieces. You missed the way Luke laughed at Aemond, it wasn't until the man stood up, slamming his fists on the table and grabbed his cup. 
“Final tribute.” He says and everyone stops. “To the three strong boys.” You set your utensils down and stared up at him. 
“I dare you to say that again.” Jace says and the two started walking towards each other. 
“Why? Do you not think of yourself strong?” Jace swung hard at Aemond but didn’t make the man stumble. All while Aegon slammed Luke onto the table as your sisters tried to jump into the fight. Aemond shoved Jace to the ground and turned around, flashing you a big smile and you shook your head in disappointment. 
“Your brother certainly is strong, my lady.” He whispered in your ear as he set his cup down. You rolled your eyes and simply drank more wine. 
Jace scrambled to his feet and tried to charge again, Aemond readying himself to humiliate the boy again. But Daemon stopped it before anything happened. This time you did stand up to try and intervene but it was Ser Eowyn who stopped you.
“My lady.” He says while shaking his head. Your shoulders slumped and you took a step back. Aemond and Daemon stared each other down before Aemond backed off, looking straight ahead and walking out the room. 
Dinner was clearly over. You dismissed yourself and walked quickly to try and catch up with Aemond with Eowyn in tow. Only for him to be stopped by Daemon.
“Make sure my daughter goes straight to her chamber’s. By force if needed.” He says, emphasizing on the “her”. Eowyn nodded and took off after you. 
“My lady.” He calls after you as you’re already down the hall. “Y/n stop!” You stopped in your tracks and whipped around.
“Your father has given me strict orders on making sure you go straight to your chambers.” 
“Orders.” You rolled your eyes. “He can suck my cock.” You turned around again and started walking when Eowyns gloved hand encased your wrists. 
“You come willingly or its by force.” He says serious this time. 
“As if you would.” You said offended and ripped your wrist from his hands and crossed your arms.
“I care about you my friend, I truly do. But your father scares me more.” Suddenly you were over the man's shoulders and he was walking towards the direction of your chambers.
It was a fight the whole way there until he set you down right in front of the door. You huffed and smoothed your dress out and opened the door.
“Sorry.” He says and you shut the door in his face. You had to see Aemond, there was no way you were able to stay in King's Landing now. 
Your best course was to get ready for bed and wait a bit until everyone was surely asleep and you could sneak out somehow. Ser Eowyn should be patrolling the halls by that time. 
You finished wrapping up your hair and threw a robe on. As you were looking in the mirror your door slammed open making you scream. Daemon walked in with a heavy step and started looking around the room.
“Are you mad? What if I were naked?” You crossed your arms and glared at him.
“Well it seems that's where you're trying to go with my nephew.” He looks into the closet.
“What are you talking about?” 
“A blind man could see what's going on between the two of you. You’re so infatuated with him you didn’t even defend your brothers.” 
“My brothers?” You scoffed. “They’re my half cousins at best. And maybe we wouldn’t be here if Rhaenyra made sure at least one of her sons looked the tiniest bit like me, don’t you agree?” 
“Mind your tongue.”
“Or what, you’re going to chop my head off?” You scoffed again and sat in a chair. “I'm not a child anymore, father. Please leave.” He let out a deep sigh before turning around and leaving. 
“I'm glad he did not see me.” A voice sounded from behind you and you almost jumped out of your skin. 
“Aemond?!” He stood there in the window and brought his hood down. “You can't be here.” 
“Why not?” He asks and unties his cloak and tossed it on a chair. “Were you not planning on seeing me?” 
“Yes but my father made it difficult.” 
“Hmm.” He says and your eyes flash to the dagger on his hips. “You’re not mad I shoved your brothers.” 
“Hmm, no.” You say standing up to stand before him. Aemonds heart started racing. “I don’t care enough to be mad.” Suddenly you unsheathed his dagger and playfully pointed at him. “Unless you want me too.
“Give that back, I don't want you to hurt yourself.” He says holding out his but you shake your head.
“Hurt myself? Who do you think I am? I can cut you down right here and nobody would know.” You say and started backing up. Aemond frowned and tried to lunge at you but you ran to the other side of the bed
You were playing him.
“Y/n.” He tried again but you dodged it and giggled. “Are you done?” You pouted and flipped the dagger so the blade was in your hand and the handle faced Aemond. 
“You’re no fun.” Aemond rolled his eye and walked towards you. The second his hand was reaching out  to grab the handle, you tossed the blade to the side of the room and grabbed Aemonds wrists and yanked him down so you could press your own lips against his. The prince was stunned but he let it happen. You slowly let go of his wrists and pushed yourself into his body. Aemond wrapped an arm around your waist so you could reach up and wrap an arm around his neck and back. 
The kiss was getting heated and you could feel yourself get dizzy at the lack of air. It was Aemond who pulled away first. 
“That was unexpected.” He squeezed your waist tightly making you bite your lip. You kissed him again and this time Aemond let his lust take over and walk backwards until the back of your knees hit the bed and you fell. He let you go so you only bounced on the bed. You brought your knees up so your nightgown fell and revealed your thighs. Aemond licked his lips and grabbed your knees. 
“We really shouldn’t.” You said and lifted yourself up to get rid of your robe.
“No. We shouldn’t.” Aemond says and he sinks to his knees and pushes his face down to disappear under the dress. “No small clothes like a common whore?” He kissed your inner thighs a few times before letting his tongue deleve straight into your folds making you gasp. You bunched up the bottom of the gown and scrunched it towards you so you could see Aemonds face. He pushed his nose into your clit and inhaled softly. Your face burnt in embarrassment.
“Aemond no.” 
“You smell divine.” He muffed and opened his mouth wide to devour you. Your fingers made their way into his hair and pulled tightly making him groan. His lips closed around your clit and he sucked harshly. 
“Aemond.” You arched your back and your leg made its way over his shoulder. “So good.” Aemond brought a finger up and plunged it in your hole. Your jaw slacked and your stomach tensed. 
“Oh gods.” He started thrusting his finger in while still not letting your clit go. It was better than your fingers would ever do. 
Your moans were loud while Aemond was practically silent. You bit the sheets of the bed and bucked up into his face, forcing hips lips off your clit and the hood of your clit catching on his nose 
“Aemond fuck.” You grabbed the back of his head and pushed his face flush against you. It allows you to start moving your hips up and down. Aemond just let it happen, regardless of how much he couldn’t breathe. He curled his finger slightly and your belly tightened and you let out a loud squeal as your orgasam washed over you. 
You slowly let Aemond go as your muscles spasmed. He sucked in a deep breath to fill his lungs back up before dipping down again and licking any juices that dribbled out. The overstimulation was unbearable so you practically shoved Aemond so he fell on his ass.
“Too much.” You laughed out of breath. Aemond shook his head in amusement before standing up. His erection pressing heavily against his pants was very evident. “Do you need help?” Your foot made its way up his legs before settling on his groin and you pushed against it. Aemond groaned and clasped a hand around your ankle. 
“I shouldn’t stay and you know that.” 
“But I want to return the favor.” You sat up completely and slowly shed the robe from your shoulders. “Don’t you want me too?” Aemond looks down at you with a dark glint in his eye. He dropped your ankle and stepped in between your legs.
“If we get caught. There would be a scandal.” He says and started undoing his vest. 
“I live for drama.” He tossed the material to the side to reveal his bare chest. He lifted one knee onto the bed and leaned over you, supporting his weight on his arm. 
“Then let us be the biggest scandal this kingdom has ever heard of.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him flush against your body. He kissed you deeply before pulling off and reaching down to the tie of his pants. He pulled the strings to loosen them up then pushed it down his hips to set under his ass. His cock jumped out, sliding against his stomach and sticking straight at you. 
“Is this what you’ve been hiding from court?” You reached out and tried to grab him but he slapped your hand away. 
“No time for that.” He pinned you down on the bed by your wrists with one hand. Your dress was once again around your waist but this time Aemonds hand ripped the top of your dress with one tug, releasing your breasts from their confinements. He took one in his mouth and released it. 
Aemond grabbed his cock and pushed his hips down so he could swipe the head along your fold. The tip got caught against your hole making you jump and struggle against Aemonds wrists. At seeing your struggle he instantly let you go. 
“Gently, Aemond. Please.” He chuckled. 
“Such a tease but you haven’t even let anyone touch you.” Your face burnt in embarrassment. “Did you learn anything in Dorne? They are known for being so open.” 
“Shut up and just fuck me Aemond.” He didn’t have to be told again as he pushed in. There was still some resistance so he reached down and rubbed your clit. You were a mix of groaning in discomfort and moaning in pleasure once he was fully inside you. 
Your hand found his and they entwined. He slowly started thrusting and you felt yourself loosening up. Aemonds eye fluttered shut and his head lowered to your ear, letting you hear his quiet sounds of pleasure. 
Your legs locked around his waist. Aemond sped up, your tightness was squeezing him deliciously. You bit his shoulder to muffle your moans. Your hands have found your breasts to allow you to pinch and tug at them, just to amplify the pleasure more. Aemond captured your lips again, your mouth opening to moan allowed the prince to slip his tongue in. 
You released your chest and grabbed the back of Aemonds hair and tore the band holding the strands of hair up. It framed his face and the speed of his thrusts and closeness of your bodies let the end tickle your body. You tugged his hair to force him off your lips and pressed your foreheads together as your body jerked at his harsh thrusts. 
“I-I want to see you as I cum cousin. All of you.” Aemond stopped his thrusts and your heart sank. He stared at you, seeming to be deep in thought. If you were any other woman, in any situation. He would’ve said no. But the way the moon shone on your body, revealing the glistening from the layer of sweat or how your face was blissed out all due to him. 
He shed the eye patch and threw it across the room. You looked at him in awe, the shimmering of the gem was beautiful. But it turned into pleasure once again as his hand grabbed your throat and pushed you into the bed. Holding you to the bed as his thrusts started again, deep and harsh. 
“A-Aemond.” You squealed and his hand tightened to cut your airways slightly . His cock continuously rubbed against the spot inside you leaving you even more breathless. “Gonna cum!” Your face twisted and your jaw slacked as you came all over Aemond. He groaned at the tightness which squeezed him tight enough for his seed to shoot out and fill you up. Your legs tightened against him, pulling him even closer. 
He let you go and grabbed your legs to unwrap them from his hips so he could fall down. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the two of you trying to catch your breaths. 
You would’ve fallen asleep if it weren’t for Aemond getting up and putting his clothes. 
“Why are you leaving? The fun has just started.” You brought your knees together and swayed them side to side. 
“It is late, cousin.” You rolled your eyes at his sudden bluntness.
“Just one more time, please.” You pleaded with a pout. In the process of tying his pants together, he looked behind himself to give himself a taste at the sight below him. 
His pants were dropped completely this time. 
It was the cool steel blade resting on Aemond’s jugular that woke him up. He swallowed deeply and he stayed still. The one thing he could think of was to awaken you. So he squeezed your hips tightly from under the blanket. You stirred instantly and turned around. 
“Wanting more alr- father.” You scrambled out the bed, taking the sheets with you. You stood up with the sheet to your chest. Aemond was still frozen, now bare for everyone to see. “Please don’t.” Daemon looked at you then down at his nephew before pulling the blade back. 
“No need for the hostility uncle.” 
“Shut up, and get out.” The man says and Aemond gets up. You were looking down, frozen in place. Aemond tugged his pants on and found his eyepatch to slip it on over his wild hair. His boots followed, then he grabbed his dagger and ended with his vest. Aemond walked out the room in silence. 
“Father-.” Daemon simply held a finger up to silence you. 
“Make yourself decent.” The Dark Sister was placed back in her usual spot on the prince's hip. Before Daemon walked out, the flash of red on the bed stopped him. The little blood splotches on the sheets reminded him of everything that transpired during the night.
You were led to the council room by a knight. There was Alicent who was scolding Aemond, who looked very unamused. Otto stood behind him with his arms crossed. Rhaenyra sat on the other side of the table silently, while Daemon paced back and forth. Alicent stopped talking once she took notice that you stood in the entrance. Everyone else looked up.
“Sit.” Daemon sharply pointed at the open seat next to Rhaenrya and you obeyed instantly. The second you were seated the screaming started.
“How could you be so foolish!” 
“I raised you better than this.”
“Do you understand the consequences of your actions?” 
“You’ve brought shame to our houses, to our family.”
It was safe to say everything said was directed both to you and Aemond. 
“You knew not to taint yourself and you do it anyway.” Daemon says and you roll your eyes.
“Oh please like you hadn’t gone through every whore in Fleabottom by the time you were my age.”
“Aemond you know better than to take the maidenhead of a lady, what if she becomes with child?” 
“Then marry me to her.” He says and everyone's eyes widen in shock. “Save yourself the drama and marry me to her.” He says again and turns his face to Daemon.
“Nobody would question it.” You say. “The people would be told it was a way to fix our split house, but in reality if I were to have a baby. They wouldn’t know.” Otto and Alicent shared a look.
“It isn’t the worst idea.” Otto says. 
“No.” Daemon says. “I’ll just marry her off to an old fat lord in the North who is in need of an heir.” 
“Daemon.” Rhaenerya instantly stood up. “She is your child, you wouldn’t dare send her through such horrors.”
“My child decided to act like a whore.” 
Your chest tightened and your breath hitched, trying to hold back tears. Suddenly Aemond slammed both his fists into the table and drew his sword. Otto grabbed Alicent by her arms and pulled her away. 
“Say that again.” Daemon unsheathed Dark Sister and the two blades met across the table. Rhaenerya grabbed your hand and led you out the chair. 
“Now you believe what's best for her?” Daemon says and Aemond cocks his head to the side.
“I'm not threatening to send her away uncle, I am a far better man than any in the realm.” 
“Oh stop this madness, I am your Queen!” Alicent says but neither man stepped down. “Y/n is of age, if she chooses to marry Aemond, then I will allow it.” Tears were running down your cheeks but you nodded furiously.
“Yes. I will marry him.” 
Aemond gave Daemon a sly smile with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“So be it.” The older Targaryen man walked away. Aemond let out a satisfied “Mmm” before putting his sword away.
“Aemond?” You say from the other side of the table.
“Yes my lady.”
“Thank you.”
Mushroom would write that it was Lady Y/n and Prince Aemonds lust for each other that kept Princess Rhaenyra on King's Landing. Just after the betrothal of the Lady and Prince, it had been announced that King Viserys had passed. Otto Hightowers plans were thrown from the window as he witnessed the coronation from the crowds with a mighty scowl noticeable by all.
As for the Lady and Prince. Their wedding was in 4 months, but in just a month in a half. The wedding was quickly rushed to happen in two weeks from when the Lady discovered she was with child. The child who would be Rhaegar Targaryen. 
A/n- don’t worry daemon and y/n’s relationship does eventually fix itself as we see they are very close later in the series.
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Hiii pookie 🫶🥹
it's me again the same anon from Arthur's long fic 😂 i thought it would be nice to thank you again for fulfilling the request, they were all absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed them a lot✨,now proclaimed you one of my favorite Arthur writers ✨🥹🫶
i used to want an Arthur in my life now I NEED him 😭
Also today my mood was so bad but reading the fic distracted me a little from everyday things, thank you once again i send you a hug and kisses 🫶😚🫂💗💗
I hope you have the best days, always and forever !!!🙂‍↕️love ya boo💗
(if you didn't get enough of me, I promise that if I have any more ideas I will let you know so you can use them with your writings about other pilots)
A Bit Off
A/N: Hi Anon!!!!!
I’m so, so happy you enjoyed them and I feel privileged to be your favourite Arthur writer 🥰🥰. I’m thinking I might start writing for other drivers as well.
I swear I need an Arthur in my life too 😫. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling too well today, I’m glad my writing was able to help you feel better! 😘
And I will never get enough of you, message as much as you want!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I’ve currently got another Arthur fic and an Ollie Bearman fic in the works. I just wanted to write this little one as thank you for your kind words and requests. It’s also kind of based off how you felt today, enjoy ☺️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: After a bad day, Arthur just wants to make you feel all better
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(He’s such a cute, lil smiley boyyyyy 😍)
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you felt down and depressed all day for no reason. Unfortunately, Arthur wasn’t around and wouldn’t be back for another 3 days. All you wanted to do was cuddle up and watch movies with him.
You stayed on the couch, drowning in your favourite hoodie of Arthur’s, watching your comfort tv show. You heard the door at the front of the apartment unlock, keys jangling as the door was pushed open. You pulled the baseball bat out from under the couch and crept over to the wall next to the hallway.
You heard shoes being toed off, sock padded feet slowly walking down the hallways. You waited for the footsteps to come closer before you stepped out from the wall. You swung the bat.
“OHHH HOLY SHIT BABY ITS ME” Arthur screamed in his Monegasque accent. You immediately dropped the bat, “oh my god, Arty! You’re not suppose to be here for 3 days!” Arthur smirked when he said “I know. I wanted to surprise you, gorgeous”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you buried yourself in your boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your nose pressing against his jugular as you deeply inhaled his cologne. Arthur’s hands firmly wrapped around your waist, he kissed your temple and leaned his head against yours.
He felt teardrops on his collarbone, prompting him to let go for a second. He found you with wet eyes, teardrop stains down your cheeks. “Bèbè, what’s wrong?” Arthur pouted. He raised his hand and wiped your tears. You made eye contact with him and the flood gates opened.
You weren’t sad about anything in particular, you just started babbling about anything and everything. Arthur guided you to the couch and sat down, pulling you on top of him and he laid down. Your legs ended up in either side of his body, your chin rested on his chest, your noses nearly bumping.
Arthur let you get it all out, contently listening. After you finished, Arthur extended his neck and pecked your lips. “It’s ok to feel like this, love” you kissed him again “thank you Arty” you had cried yourself to exhaustion, he could see your eyes started to droop. He pulled the couch blanket over you both as he watched you fall asleep.
“Good night, my love” he said as he kissed your nose, “I love you, bad day or good day, I don’t care.” You lazily smile and confessed “I love you” back to him, drifting off to sleep. Arthur followed you not long after.
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clockwork-ashes · 2 days
All You Have Is Your Fire - Part XVI
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Find all previous parts on Ao3 :)
Summary: 'I can hear your heart beating through the stone.' For the briefest of moments, Lucien wondered if his mate would know exactly when his heart’s steady rhythm came to a sudden stop.
Note: A huge thank you to the lovely @bettdraws who deserves all the credit for the post that inspired me to start writing this :) Another huge thank you to everyone reading! ALSO please look at this post, I gasped it's so lovely. All of @teddyhoneybear's moodboards are stunning <3
Tag List: @anishake / @nocasdatsgay / @mybestfriendmademe / @talibunny30 / @halfbutneverwhole / @wishfulimaginings / @goldenmagnolias / @emmers-bens123 / @cauldronblssd / @xirose / @rarephloxes / @thehighlordishere / @the-darkestminds /
Witches and Their Source of Power…
Elain read the chapter title with a sigh, closing the ancient book and setting it on the low table, deciding she would revisit the text again in the morning. At some point, the words had started to lose much of their meaning, each paragraph making less sense than the one that had come before. 
Elain clenched her eyes shut as shadows danced along the sides of her vision, citing her lack of sleep for the tricks her mind had been playing for the last few pages. She had no one to blame but herself for the sleeping arrangements anyway, stubborn as she had been to give Lucien the bed and commit to her choice. 
As Elain adjusted her position in the armchair, tugging the blanket around her shoulders so that she could rest her head against her pillow, she was glad Lucien had stepped out of their shared chambers for a moment. Elain had spent the entire day with him, and she loathed to admit how awfully nice it had been.  
Lucien had shown her around the Forest House, the memory of his hand on the small of her back as courtiers had walked by replaying in her head every time she had a moment to herself. She could barely stand to look at Lucien without feeling the sudden urge to simply touch him,
Elain shook her head at the thought, attempting to push Lucien from her mind. Instead, she considered the Lady of Autumn’s book. Being a witch in Prythian seemed to have many meanings, some more negative than others. In Autumn, their reputation was generally good, Elain was surprised to find, but she was growing frustrated as the pages went on and she could relate to nothing within them. 
Elain wondered if she should ask Eris about getting her a book on seers, but thought better of it immediately. Eris would ask too many questions, and Elain had yet to see the Autumn heir since the celebration Beron had thrown to lift Lucien’s exile.  
She would see Eris at dinner the next day, Elain remembered. Lucien had told her about their invitation to join the High Lord for a meal, quickly declaring he had to speak with his brother before leaving Elain alone in their rooms. Lucien had not expressly told her which of his brothers he had meant to find, but Elain figured the most likely option was Eris. She furrowed her brows, tilting her head to watch as the shadows along the carpeted floor flickered strangely in the light of the dying fire. 
Elain was nervous about having to spend more time with Beron Vanserra and his sons. She did not know what to expect, and she assumed that Lucien was just as worried about how the night’s events would unfold. She hoped to fall asleep quickly, and that no dreams would wake her, so that she could be well-rested. Elain knew she would have to play her part perfectly, that the smallest misstep could have disastrous consequences. 
Just as Elain’s eyes began to droop shut, she felt a shiver travel along her spine. Instinct had her jolting upright, the room seemed dark, her hands clenched into tight fists as she searched for whatever threat her body was warning her about. 
Elain blinked as shadows seemed to slither on the floors, as they darted down the walls and collected in a spot next to the open window. In her panic, Elain grabbed the object nearest to her, the golden candelabra on the coffee table heavy in her small hands. 
I will not scream. 
Elain silently vowed, determined to handle whatever might be coming her way without assistance. She stayed tucked against her armchair, raising her makeshift weapon as the shadows slowly took shape.
The darkness took the distinct form of a man, and Elain yelped embarrassingly in recognition as his facial features became clearer. 
Elain had never seen a phantom, although she had read about the creatures. If she had not known better, she would have assumed that Azriel was one such monster. She could see right through him, the carved pattern of the window sill filtering through his shadows, like he was in the room, but somewhere else at the same time. There with her, but not entirely. 
“Oh gods,” she mumbled, kicking at her blanket, eyes widening in disbelief. She put the candelabra down with a resounding thunk, her words a hiss so that no one else could possibly hear. “Az, what are you doing here?” 
Had she been in Velaris, Elain would have rushed to pull a robe over her sleeping clothes, but the ones in Autumn were modest. The material was thick, meant to keep her warm as the sun fell and the temperature dropped. She still felt an embarrassed blush creep its way onto her cheeks. 
“Were you…” Azriel’s voice was barely above a whisper, it rattled like dead leaves in the wind, odd and unnerving. “Were you going to hit me with the candlestick?”
Elain was close enough to Azriel that she could have touched him if she wished. “You can’t be here,” she stated, anxiety leaking into her tone. “Why are you here?” Elain knew the answer to her question, but she listened closely as the shadowsinger responded. 
“Rhysand and Feyre could hardly come themselves,” his lips tilted up at the corners as he continued, “and Nesta was moments away from storming Autumn to check on you.” 
“Well, I’m fine,” Elain snapped, pinching the bridge of her nose, quickly swallowing any of her frustration. “Tell everyone I’m fine.” 
Azriel frowned, his shadows whirling at his shoulders, nearly blocking him from sight. “We got your letter—”
“But you didn’t believe me?” Elain interrupted, fighting the urge to cross her arms. She had written days before and given her note to Cora who she hoped might be able to pass it to Eris. Elain was careful not to alert anyone of what she was planning in case they thought she might run off, especially since Beron believed that she was staying in Autumn with the Night Court’s knowledge.
Azriel shook his head sharply. “Of course we did,” he reassured. “We just don’t like—”
“What’s done is done,” Elain interrupted once more, her voice easily cutting off his throaty rasp. She had said the same words to Lucien when he had questioned her decision to come for him, although it felt like a lifetime ago. “Me and Lucien are handling it, so unless you’ve come with advice, I don’t want to hear about whether or not you like any of my choices.”
For a moment, it was as if the world had stopped spinning. The silence was heavy, the tension between her and Azriel thick. She had had a complicated history with the Illyrian, but enough years had passed, and his friendship was important to her. Elain hoped at the very least he would understand where she was coming from. 
With a sigh, Azriel said, “Right, of course.” He looked at her with furrowed brows, an unspoken apology in his eyes. “You’ve been alright?” 
Elain’s shoulders dropped in relief and she realised how tense she had been. “Lucien has been a perfect gentleman, so tell everyone not to worry.” 
“I think we’re all more worried about his family than we are him, Elain.” 
She waved a hand in Azriel’s direction as if to say she did not care. “Nothing I can’t handle,” she said with a shrug. She hoped desperately that Azriel could not read just how scared the High Lord of Autumn made her. 
Azriel raised a dark brow, his expression knowing. “And the wedding plans?”
Elain groaned in response, toying with the laces of her sleeping gown. “If anything, Rhysand can always winnow me away right before we say our vows.” 
“Not funny,” Azriel said with a smile. His shadows frantically rushed to envelop him, and Elain wondered if they could sense someone approaching. “I should go,” he said, confirming her thoughts. 
“You shouldn’t have come at all,” Elain clipped, taking a few steps back as more shadows whirled past her bare feet. 
Azriel ignored her comment. “Good luck, Elain. We’ll see what we can do on our end.” His form became more faint as he spoke. 
“Stay out of Autumn,” Elain warned one last time, eyes never leaving the shadowsinger. 
Azriel gave her a little bow of his head and she waved in response, a dark cloud covering him entirely. “And Elain?” She hummed, ears straining to hear him. “If you want to keep up the act, the bed should really smell like both of you.” 
Azriel disappeared suddenly, no trace of his visit left behind, and Elain could do nothing but stare at the empty space where he had just been. Almost as if she were in a trance, Elain faced the bed with wide eyes. 
Lucien always made the bed perfectly, covers tucked into place neatly, pillows organised. She walked slowly to the one side, her fingers trailing along the thick fur blanket. Elain could hear her own heartbeat, blood rushing to her ears as she gripped the edge of the covers. Her knuckles were white around the fabric and Elain had to remind herself to stay calm. She pulled the sheets loose, flipping them over to reveal the comfortable mattress beneath. 
Elain closed her eyes, knowing that she would lose her nerve otherwise. It was better that Lucien was not there to watch, she thought, blowing a stray curl away from her face. 
“Fuck,” she mumbled as she laid down, “fuck me.” If Nesta and Feyre could hear her now, Elain thought, they would surely think she had gone completely mad. Her behaviour was improper, and entirely out of character, but she could not be bothered to care. 
In the bed, Lucien’s scent was overwhelming, just as she had feared. Instead of cringing away, like she had expected, Elain simply tucked her face deeper into the pillows, unable to stop herself from breathing in. 
He is mine. 
Elain was so tired, she did not even take the time to examine the possessive thought. For the first time since she had arrived in Autumn, Elain was comfortable. Her body was instantly grateful, relaxing quickly, eyes falling shut easily.
Elain could feel sleep claiming her, slowly but surely. She barely stirred as the door to the suite opened and she became aware of Lucien’s presence. When he paused at the foot of the bed, Elain tried to pretend she was asleep, but when he whispered her name, he captured her attention fully. 
“Get into bed, Lucien,” she simply mumbled, hoping he would not ask any questions.
“With you?” He whispered back, sounding unsure of himself. 
“D’you see another bed in here?” she responded. Lucien said nothing in return, but Elain heard his footsteps as he made his way to the bathroom, and she heard them once more as he approached the opposite side of the bed. 
When the mattress dipped with his weight, Elain felt a strange sense of triumph at how little effort it took for Lucien to simply listen and accept the decisions she made. 
Lucien stayed on the edge of the bed, frozen in place for longer than Elain figured was normal. When the time stretched on, she lazily opened an eye to look at him. His broad back was to her, the shirt he wore pulling across his shoulders. 
“We can share,” Elain said softly. “There’s more than enough room on the bed, and it doesn’t have to mean anything.” 
Lucien did not look towards her, but Elain could hear the smile gracing his features as he spoke. “Guess I won’t have to worry about my virtue?” 
Elain snorted, unladylike but uncaring. “Our scents haven’t mixed,” she added, hoping that would be explanation enough for her sudden change of heart when it came to her sleeping on the armchair. 
Lucien’s back straightened, like he had just realised their mistake. “And the dinner tomorrow…” 
“Exactly,” Elain wondered how they had both missed such a small but vital detail. She was even surprised that Cora, or even Eris, had yet to mention it. Perhaps the scent of the mating bond had been enough to redirect everyone’s attention, Elain considered. 
“I like the way you think, Elain.” His tone suggested he was so impressed with her that she decided not to mention Azriel’s influence. 
“Did you speak with Eris?” She mumbled, still wanting confirmation that she had been correct in her assumption. She shut her eyes as she felt Lucien shift. 
Getting under the covers and adjusting the pillows, Lucien’s warmth was like that of a fire as he lay down next to her. Even with her eyes closed, Elain knew that he was near, the distance between them small. She felt a warm blush travel from her neck to the tips of her pointed ears, knowing that sharing a bed with a man she barely knew was improper. “Eris was with Callum.” Elain hummed softly and he continued. “They both had some good advice,” he admitted, and she could tell he had not been expecting it. 
Elain yawned, exhaustion taking over. “Tell me in the morning,” she murmured, opening her eyes to find Lucien entirely too close. She wanted to rake her fingers through the dark red strands of his hair, to tuck her face into the crook of his neck. 
My mate. 
“And move, just a little,” Elain added, her words a breath. Unthinking, the pull of the bond clearly affecting her ability to be reasonable, she pressed her palm to his chest. She felt him tense beneath her touch, he was solid muscle under the thin fabric of his sleeping shirt, leaving very little to the imagination. Elain was glad for the darkness, knowing in the light he would have been able to see her blush. 
Elain could have moved her hand quickly, but she chose not to. She felt his heartbeat just beneath the pads of her fingers, letting her hand linger for a moment. “Good night, Lucien.” 
Elain did not hear his response, instead her mind was fixed on the steady beat of his heart, the sound a comfort as she eased into a dreamless sleep.
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winchesterwild78 · 2 days
Austin part 3
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Austin Master List
Chapter Warnings: Language, cheating, angst, Fluff, feels, Smut 😘
A/N: Reader is new to the Austin area with her husband and teenage son. When a car accident brings her face to face with Jensen Ackles. Absolutely no disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction and does not represent reality. This chapter is a little long, but I needed to set up the story. I edited this fast so please overlook any mistakes.
All work is my own, don’t take it
18+ Minors DNI
The rest of the night was pretty quiet. Jacob offered to cook dinner which you happily agreed to. As he was cooking you sent Jensen a text.
You: Hey Jensen are you busy?
Jensen: Nope. What’s up?
You: You wanted me to call you but I didn’t want to call unannounced so I figured I’d see if you were available.
Jensen: Yes. I’m not doing anything. You can call whenever you want. Or better yet…
Your phone rang and it was Jensen. You smiled and answered. “Hey.” “Hello beautiful. How is Jacob doing? How did the talk go?” He asked. You smiled when he called you beautiful. It made you blush a little too. “It went really good. He’s glad I kicked him out. He’s pissed at his dad which is understandable. Jacob is an amazing young man. I’m so glad I have him. (Pause) And you.” You said hesitantly. “He seems like a great kid. I’m glad you have him and me too. I’m glad I have you too, Y/N.” Jensen said. Your breath hitched. “Hey, Y/N. You okay?” Jensen questioned. “Yeah I’m okay. I guess I’m just still trying to process the past few days. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions.” You said. “I understand. It’s really quiet here and it’s hard” Jensen said.
“I’m so sorry Jensen. I know you’re used to the house being filled with the sounds of your kids. Are they coming home to you or are they going with Danneel?” You asked. “Right now they are coming home. They are just staying with Jared for the weekend so D can move out and I can figure out what to do next.” He said.
“Do you need some company? We could hang out and talk or watch movies or whatever you want” you asked him. “That actually sounds great. Want to come here or do you want me to come over there” Jensen asked. “I can come over there if you want me to. Jacob is cooking dinner so it will be after dinner. Is that still okay? It’s not too late is it?” You laughed. “No, it’s perfect. I’m about to cook something myself. I’ll text you my address. Just let me know when you’re on your way so I can make sure to open the gate.” Jensen said. “And, Y/N, thank you. I appreciate you coming over.” He said. You smiled and said “you’re welcome Jensen. I’ll see you soon.”
You hung up and Jacob said dinner was ready. The two of you sat at the table eating. “Mom, I am so sorry dad did that to you. You deserve so much better than that. I was going to go out tonight with Becca but I can stay home if you want.” Jacob said. “No honey. You go out with your friends. Wait, who’s Becca?” You smiled. Jacob blushed. “She’s one of the friends I went to the lake with. She’s really sweet and asked me out.” “Oh Jacob, that’s great. Go out with her tonight. I’ll be fine. I’m actually going to go out myself. Jensen and I are going to hang out and talk. His wife just left him so we are kinda like kindred spirits right now.” You told him. Jacob smiled and nodded.
Once dinner was done you washed the dishes and sent Jensen a text.
You: I’m leaving my house. I’ll be there shortly if it’s still okay.
Jensen: I can’t wait. See you soon.
You smiled, grabbed your keys and purse and headed out the door. On the way to Jensen’s you decided to stop and pick up something. Your mother had raised you to not show up to someone’s house empty handed. You knew exactly what you were going to pick up. You parked your car and got out. You pushed open the door to the store and were greeted with a sweet hello and smile. “Hey honey. It’s good to see you again.” She said. “Hey Ms Betty. How are you today” you smiled. “I’m good. How’s that boy of yours?” She asked. You smiled because you couldn’t believe she remembered. “He’s doing pretty good. He’s actually on a date with a young lady named Becca.” “Oh sweet Becca Lynn. She’s a good girl. Very sweet and very pretty.” Ms Betty said.
“Well, what can I get for you honey” she asked. “Can I get a 2 pints of the chocolate brownie. Jensen recommended it and I really wanted to try it.” You said. She smiled softly and her eyes seemed a little sad. “How’s he doing honey? I heard what happened with him and D. I can’t believe she cheated on him with his good friend. Then she left him and those kids.” Ms Betty said as she started to scoop the ice cream. “Yeah, he’s doing as well as he can. I’m actually taking him a pint of the ice cream as a surprise.” You told her. Ms Betty smiled and nodded. She handed you the pints and you went to pay for them and she said “Just be good to our boy. Treat him right and be there for him. He’s one of the good ones.” She said shooing your money away. “Ms Betty, I promise you I will do whatever I can to help heal his heart and be there for him. He’s an amazing man and a great friend.” You smiled at her still trying to pay for the ice cream. She smiled and said “broken hearts need unconditional love and ice cream. It’s on the house honey.”
“Thank you Ms Betty. I appreciate it.” You smiled. “Give Jensen my love, and Y/N, love him like he deserves and he will be yours forever.” She smiled and winked. You smiled, nodded and left. You couldn’t get what she said out of your head. She’s older and you know how older ladies like to play matchmaker, but was she seeing something you didn’t. Jensen is sweet, but his marriage just fell apart and so did yours. There is no way he has feelings for you.
You got in your car and drove to Jensen’s. When you pulled in the driveway you saw this beautiful home in front of you. Then you saw Jensen. Leaning against the doorway, long legs crossed at the ankles. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans without shoes. Your breath hitched and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. You bit your bottom lip and tried to shake away the thoughts creeping in your mind. It didn’t work. This man was sex on two legs and you wouldn’t say no.
Jensen pushed off the doorframe and walked down the stairs towards your car. He opened the door and when you got out he pulled you into a hug. “Thanks for coming” he said as he kissed the top of your head. You melted into his arms. You pulled back and smiled “thanks for inviting me. I brought you something.” You held up the bag and he looked puzzled. “Ms Betty sends her love” you laughed. He laughed that hearty laugh he’s known for and without hesitation he pulled you in and crashed his lips to yours. Your mind was racing. You love kissing him but he didn’t hesitate.
Jensen pulled away “I’m so sorry Y/N. I don’t know why I did that. I mean I love kissing you but I…shit…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” You placed your finger on his rambling lips and told him “it’s okay. I love kissing you too. Now let’s get this inside before it melts from the heat.” Jensen nodded, smiled and led you into the house placing his hand on the small of your back.
Walking in his house you took in the beauty. It was an open floor plan and absolutely stunning. “Wow Jensen, it’s beautiful”. “Yes you are” he said looking at you. You blushed and smiled at him. He walked you into the kitchen and put the ice cream in the freezer. “Figured I’d give you a tour if you wanted before we started eating the ice cream.” He said taking your hand.
Walking from room to room you saw how his face lit up talking about memories with his children. Anytime he mentioned his wife he looked so sad. You would gently squeeze his hand and he’d smile. He showed you the kids bedrooms and of course they were adorable. Then he stopped in front of his bedroom. He opened the door and stepped in. “This is my bedroom. Well it was our bedroom but I guess now it’s just mine.” He looked around. You walked up to him and put your arms around him pulling him into a hug. “I’m so sorry Jensen. Ms Betty told me what happened. Seems like we both really understand what the other one is going through.” You offered him a soft smile.
He smiled and there was a comfortable silence that fell between you two. He cupped your face, leaned down and kissed your lips softly. You ran your hands in his hair and he pulled you closer. The kiss changed. It was deeper and filled with need. Your tongues fought for dominance. Jensen’s hands ran up your back and you felt his arousal push against you. As you pulled away your breath hitched. You could feel excitement and want radiate through your body.
Jensen felt it too. He took your hand and led you to the bed. The two of you sat down and kissed again. The kiss became more intense and the two of you laid back. “Is this okay” Jensen questioned. Words wouldn’t come. You shook your head yes. As the two of you laid back Jensen’s hands started to roam up your body. As he found your left breast you moaned into his mouth. He gripped your breast through your shirt. God this man was driving you crazy. With each touch and each kiss you felt your arousal growing. You wanted him. Was it wrong to want him? Did you even care if it was? Did he want you too?
Jensen felt you tense a little. “Y/N, I’m sorry. We can stop. This was too soon wasn’t it” he panicked.
You looked in his beautiful green eyes and shook your head no. “No, Jensen. I don’t want to stop. It isn’t too soon. I want you to touch me. I…uh…want you.” You said in a breathy voice. He pulled his shirt off over his head with one hand exposing his perfectly toned body. You bit your lip and could feel the slick pooling between your legs. You leaned up and pulled off your shirt. Jensen looked at your bra covered breasts and smiled. You reached your hand around and unhooked your bra. Your breasts sprang free and Jensen bit his lip. “Damn you’re beautiful” he said taking in the sight of your exposed chest. He cupped one breast and his mouth took the other in. Sucking it and nibbling the nipples. You arched your back and gasped. He felt so good and the electricity coursing through your body was something you’d never felt with your husband.
Your mind was racing. You both were still married, but you both are heading for divorce. Is this wrong? How far are you willing to go, how far is he? Do you really care. Jensen Ackles is making out with you and clearly he wants you.
You felt his hands on your body and leaving kisses up and down. He made his way to your pants and stopped. He leaned up “we can stop. We don’t have to go any further than kissing and what we just did. I would love more, but I’m willing to wait for as long as you want.” “Jensen, I do want you. I want you to touch me and to take me as far as you want to go. I’m just scared. Not of you but of me. I know how being with someone changes things and if I’m being honest I already have feelings for you.” You said without looking at him.
Jensen smiled, lifted your chin until your eyes met. “Sweetheart, I have feelings for you too. I thought that was obvious. I know we both just got out of bad relationships but I really feel we can make it. I can’t explain it but I really feel that way.” He placed a kiss on your lips and you moved your body closer towards him. “Take me Jensen, make me yours. Please” you whispered.
You laid back and he started to unbutton your pants. You lifted your hips so he could take them off. Jensen threw them to the side and stood up taking his off. He was in his boxers and you in your panties. Jensen looked at you, took his tongue and brought in his bottom lip biting it. “Damn sweetheart you’re absolutely gorgeous.” You blushed. “Are you ready, Y/N. We don’t have to do this. I want you to be ready” he said sweetly. “Jensen, I’m ready. I’m more than ready. I want you and I want to be with you.” You slid off your panties throwing them to the side. “Now, make me yours, please” you said.
Jensen removed his boxers and his hard length sprang free. Damn he was bigger and thicker than you thought. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll be easy.” He smirked. Jensen kissed up your thighs. You squirmed under his touch. His hot breath causing chills on your body. As he got closer to your pussy you could feel your body responding to his touch. His fingers slipped between your folds and you gasped at the thickness of his fingers. “You’re soaking wet baby” he said looking at his wet fingers. You smiled and gasped as he put his fingers back on. He hooked his fingers up and started to lick your clit like a starved man. You moaned loudly.
You couldn’t help it but you took a hand and held his hair, pushing him into you more. “Oh god Jensen. You feel so good. I’m going to cum” Jensen looked up and said “cum baby, cum for me.” A few more licks and pumps of his fingers and you were cumming hard. Your legs are shaking and he kept licking. You moaned loudly and grabbed his head. He hooked his strong arms around your thighs and kept licking your sensitive clit. You felt yourself close again. You moaned loudly and yelled “Oh fuck! Jensen I’m cumming again.” As you came undone for the second time Jensen backed away smiling.
You looked at him with a flushed face and smiled. “That was amazing Jensen. I’ve never felt like that.” He smirked and said “just wait.” He kneeled between your legs, opened the condom he pulled from the table and slid it on. He lined himself up and slowly started to push in. Your breath hitched as he entered. Oh he was so big, stretched you in ways you’ve never been before.
Jensen was taking his time entering you. Each thrust he would go a little further in. Moans escaped your lips and his. You both grunted and moaned as he bottomed out. He would pull out and slowly push all the way back in. Your toes curled as his hands roamed your body and his lips kissed you. “Oh Jensen, you feel so good. Please don’t stop” you said. “Mmm Y/N, you feel amazing. We fit together perfectly.” He thrusted in deeper. The room filled with the sounds of pleasure. The moans, grunts of pleasure and the sound of the furniture moving were swirling through the room, mingling together like a sweet symphony.
As Jensen sped up you moved your hips with him. Your nails running down his back as you pulled him closer. He kissed your lips and his movements got faster. He was chasing his release. As his release came he grunted and his movements slowed. He placed a soft kiss on your lips and as he softened he removed himself and got out of the bed.
He walked to the bathroom to remove the condom and clean himself up. When he returned he brought a warm washcloth to clean you up. After you were clean he threw the washcloth to the side and pulled down the blanket. You both crawled in the bed and Jensen offered you his arm. You snuggled into his side and placed your head on his arm. He kissed the top of your head and said “that was amazing Y/N. So much better than I had imagined. Thank you.” He kissed your head again. You looked at him and smiled. “Jensen that was absolutely mind blowing. I’ve never felt like that before and you were so gentle with me.”
“I didn’t hurt you did I” he questioned. You shook your head no. “You were perfect” you smiled. As you laid with your head on his chest you felt a little tingle in your chest. You tried to deny it but you knew. Jensen laid holding you and drawing delicate patterns on your skin. He was blissful, and not just because he had sex. Everything with you felt easy. Almost comfortable. Like you two had been together for years. He felt a little tingle in his chest. He tried to deny it but he knew.
“So Jensen, are you ready for another orgasmic experience? I’m kinda hungry.” you giggled. Jensen laughed “yeah let’s go put my theory to the test.” You both laughed. You started to get up but Jensen pulled you back into his arms. You giggled as he covered you with kisses. He let you go and you both got dressed.
Walking downstairs hand in hand you felt something shifting between you two. It was exciting but scary. Could you trust him with your heart, you thought to yourself. Jensen led you to the kitchen and grabbed a pint and two spoons. “Figured we could share the orgasmic experience” he winked. You smirked and nodded yes.
The two of you sat on the couch together and Jensen put on a movie. You have no idea what movie because you were too busy watching how he ate the ice cream. You could see now how he was able to give you an orgasm with his tongue. Damn everything he does is sexy as hell.
Jensen saw you staring and asked “you okay, sweetheart?” “Yeah, I’m just wondering if you’re trying to give that spoon an orgasm?” You chuckled. “You jealous” he smirked. You nodded yes. “I’ll be happy to give you a third one if you want.” He replied in a lust filled voice. You clenched your thighs together and moaned.
Jensen’s eyes turned a darker shade of green and filled with lust. He sat the ice cream down and took your spoon. His lips found yours. They were cold and tasted like brownies. His hands found the hem of your shirt and slipped under. He grabbed your breasts causing a moan to escape and a chill ran through your body.
Before either of you could comprehend you were making love again. This time was different. Jensen was incredible before, but this time it felt like your souls were making love. By the time you two were finished the credits were rolling on the screen. You had never been with anyone who took their time with you. It felt perfect, this felt perfect.
You knew it was late so you had to leave. A huge part of you wanted to stay but you had to get home to Jacob.
After you got dressed Jensen walked you to your car. “Thank you for coming over tonight. I want you to know I don’t regret anything you and I did. I wanted it. I wanted you.” He cupped your face and kissed you. You smiled “I don’t regret it either. I wanted it and you too. Thank you, Jensen for making me feel beautiful and wanted again.” You kissed him again and he opened your car door. “Call me when you get home.” He said as he closed your car door. You nodded and pulled out of the driveway.
On the drive home you replayed the events of the evening in your head. You smiled. Your phone dinged with a text message. You had your car read it to you. It was from Rob.
“Y/N, please don’t throw away our marriage. I love you. I couldn’t help myself. Call me. We need to talk”
You dialed his number. “What the hell do you want Rob?” You hissed when he answered the phone.
“I’m sorry baby. Please let me come back. I know I messed up.” He pleaded
“No, Rob. Absolutely not. We are done. You and Cindi have an amazing life together.” You said
“You know what you bitch, I was going to take you back but fuck you. I’m glad I have a pretty, younger woman to warm my bed. Good luck finding someone who will want a middle aged, used up woman to warm his.” Rob said.
“Don’t worry about me, Rob. I’m sure I’ll have no problem finding someone who can fuck me like I deserve.” You laughed then hung up.
You pulled in the driveway at home and saw Jacob’s car was home. You got out and went inside. Jacob was sitting on the couch eating chips. “Hey mom. How was your date” he wiggled his eyebrows. “I didn’t have a date. We just watched a movie and chatted.” You laughed. “How was your date” you laughed. “It was good. We had a lot of fun. There will be another one” he said.
“I’m glad honey. Well I’m heading to bed. Love you and good night.” You said. You went to your room and closed the door. You called Jensen. “Hey sweetheart. Did you make it home” he asked. “Yes Jens I’m home. Getting ready for bed. Jensen, I can’t stop thinking about earlier and you. It was incredible. I’ve never felt like that before.” You told him. “It was incredible. Thank you for trusting me enough to take that step with you. You felt incredible and I can’t stop thinking about you either.” He said.
The two of you talked about any and everything for a few hours. You kept yawing but didn’t want to go to sleep. “Sweetheart, you’re tired. Let me let you go to sleep.” He whispered into the phone. “No, I don’t want to go” you whined. Jensen chuckled “how about we go grab some breakfast tomorrow morning, or better yet you come here and I’ll cook for you.” “That sounds wonderful baby. What time do you want me to come over.” You asked. “How about now” he laughed. “I’m kidding. You can come over about 8 if you want.” “Okay. I’ll be there by 8. Let me know what I can bring.” You said. “You just bring your cute self” Jensen said.
“Well we should go to sleep. Good night Jensen” you whispered. “Good night baby. I’ll see you in the morning.” Jensen said. You both hung up and you sighed. Today was incredible and being with Jensen was beyond anything in your wildest dreams. You put your phone down, set your alarm and lay down. As you fell asleep you could feel your body tingle with anticipation and your heart fill with love. You knew it was too soon, but you couldn’t deny it. You were completely and irrevocably falling in love with Jensen. You only hoped he was too.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92 @suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never
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06/05/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; RhysDarby/TheCryptidFactor; Taika Waititi; David Jenkins; Leslie Jones; Vico Ortiz; Erroll Shand; Samson Kayo; Ruibo Qian Samba Schutt; SOFMD Crew Fundraiser for Queer Elders; SOFMD Crew Guide to Call in to Menace Max; AdoptOurCrew - Articles On #DontStreamOnMax; SonnetforBonnet - Hope for OFMD; National Park Service; Fan Spotlight; Pride Month; MerMay2024; LoveNotes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is on The ParaNormal Life with Dan Schreiber today! When two paranormal podcasts collide!
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out with Rita and VasJMorgan :)
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Source: BeachersMadhouse Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad reposted an OFMD ad from BINGE... apparently OFMD is streaming there now!
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Source: David Jenkins' Twitter
== Samson Kayo ==
Some rare footage of our beloved Samson!
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Source: Samson Kayo's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba sending out some love to his costars/writers/directors! "A beautiful shoot with the incredible @mintmilana, written and directed by the lovely @valerieandchaney, with a bunch of beautiful people, where I get to play a fantasy man (makes sense, makes sense….)😶‍🌫️💫✨ #film #indiefilm #bestlife"
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Erroll Shand ==
Are you ready to see Erroll Shand in #TheTwelve this July? You can watch it on Binge!
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Source: Erroll Shand's Instagram
== Ruibo Qian ==
Some sketches of our Pirate Queen out on the town <3
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram Stories
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's new movie SPARK starts screening on June 24 in LA! You can visit https://www.thefilmspark.com/ for tickets and information!
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Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram Stories
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie's out with the LA Sparks <3
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Source: Leslie Jones Instagram Stories
== Save OFMD Crew: SAGE ==
The SAGE Fundraiser (for LGBTQ+ Elders) is now live! This fundraiser is tiered so as more goals are met, there will be more to come!
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Source: Save OFMD Crew Instagram
== Save OFMD Crew - Week 1 Call In Guide ==
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Wanna help menace max on the phone?
Find out more here: SaveOFMDCrewMates Tumblr
== AdoptOurCrew - Articles ==
More #DontStreamOn Max Articles. Thanks @adoptourcrew for catching them!
Tech Radar Article
Hot New Hiphop Article
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Tumblr
== Hope for OFMD ==
Our awesome crewmate @sonnetforbonnet shared this article from Metro regarding Netflix picking up an axed show with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes Rating. There's hope for Our Flag Means Death yet!
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Source: SonnetForBonnet's Instagram
== National Park Service ==
Our crewmates at the National Park Service are at it again! Check out their instagram post to learn more about Night Skies and Moonglow!
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Source: National Park Service Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Today's cast cards is one of our other directors-- Andrew DeYoung! Thank you @melvisik for highlighting him as well :)
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== Pride Month ==
Another lovely piece by our friend SpencerDoesArtt for Pride month <3 Can't wait to see what they get up to this month!
== MerMay 2024 Prompts ==
Seeing some more of the mermay submissions still coming in!
== GooGooGoJob ==
More MerMay from the talented @googoogojob. Wow, this is absolutely stunning!
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Source: @googoogojob's Tumblr
== Eros The Artist ==
Day 27 was The Chain! The fantastic @erostheartist re-made the Fleetwood Mac album in Lucius and Pete's image! Love it!
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Source: @ ErosTheArtist's Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope everyone is having a good Thursday! It's almost the end of the week! Have you had enough water today? Have you had a snack lately? Please remember to hydrate especially as half the world is coming into summer months!
Today I wish I had more time to write something but I'm once again a bit behind. Gonna send a love reminder from someone else today. Rest well crew <3
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Source: MyNames_Ellen's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
I'm sure I've done both of these before but they are happening again, so there. Gifs courtesy of my darling @ofmd-ann, may your pillows always be soft and cool.
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41 notes · View notes
livyjh · 1 day
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Come Sail Away ch.3
Bff’s dad!Joel Miller x Plus size!Fem!Reader
Series rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Chapter 3 rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: Your spring break has been saved by your roommate and best friend, Sarah Miller. She's invited you to come on vacation with her and her dad, a man you've never met. But you didn't think twice before accepting her invitation. When you finally meet her dad, Joel, you have an instant crush on him. You thought it was one sided... he proves you wrong.
Chapter warnings (without spoilers): apologizing, being in a new city/being a tourist, awkwardness, drinking, plus size body descriptions, fem gendered terms being used towards reader, SMUT, more smut, and some extra side smut with a dash of smut on top.
Series Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
Later that morning, around 5am you woke up and went back down to your shared room with Sarah, finally able to get inside.
She was asleep alone in her bed and the guy had left. You almost wanted to be upset at Sarah for locking you out but you’re pretty sure she didn’t mean to and was probably asleep when you got back around 12:30am this morning.
She was having her fun. You’d have to find some fun too.
Unfortunately, the events of last night start coming back to you.
You completely embarrassed yourself in front of Joel. You’d just have to try and avoid him for the rest of the trip as much as you could.
The ship docked at the first port around noon. You and Sarah got breakfast and she apologized up and down for last night.
“It was an accident. I know. I’m not mad at you.” You shake your head.
“You seem upset. I’m really sorry, I-“
You cut her off. “It’s not you. I flirted with this guy and he rejected me so my ego is just bruised right now.” You sigh.
“Oh shit, Y/n. I’m sorry.” She frowned.
“Thanks. It’s okay. I just wanna spend today with you, shopping and having good food.” You smile weakly.
She mirrors your facial expression. “That sounds perfect. Is it okay if my dad comes with?”
Your stomach churns but you don’t want her to know how you embarrassed yourself by hitting on her father.
“Yeah, whatever you wanna do.” You nod.
“Okay cool. He doesn’t have to be with us the whole day. Just maybe getting off the ship together and then seeing a couple things before we split up?” She offers an idea.
“Sounds good.” You fake a smile.
Thankfully you and Joel didn’t really need to say anything to each other while getting off the ship. You all went to a few shops together and then you pulled Sarah aside.
“Think you and I could go for a drink somewhere?” You ask.
“Yeah, of course. Let’s go.” She smiles and starts leading you two out of the store. You pass by Joel on the way. “We’ll see you later!” Sarah calls to him.
“Bye!” He waves, only looking at her when he does so.
You feel yourself start to relax once you get away from Joel. God, you want him so bad but you know you can’t have him and it sucks.
You and Sarah find a chill bar and sit down for a couple drinks and appetizers.
You do more shopping, some sight seeing around the city, and then get back on the ship around 7pm.
You head to the ship’s buffet and have dinner before going back to your room.
The rest of the night was chill. You and Sarah ordered room service dessert around 11, Sarah fell asleep not long after.
You tossed and turned for an hour before decided to put on some pants and shoes and head to the top deck lounge.
When you get there, you see the exact thing that’s been keeping you awake.
Joel Miller.
He smiled at you and you decided “fuck it” and walked over to sit next to him.
“Hey.” You sigh, almost accepting defeat.
“Hey, can I buy you a drink?” Joel asks softly.
“Yeah.” You nod. “Vodka martini, please.”
He waves the bartender over and orders a drink for you.
Once it’s in your hands and you’ve had a couple sips, Joel speaks again.
“I’m really sorry about last night.” He looks at you with sad eyes. Big brown eyes that you could never truly be upset at.
“I know I embarrassed you. It’s not-“ he takes a breath. “It’s not that you’re not… attractive.” He blushes a little.
“Oh, I know I’m attractive. Especially after you checked me out at the pool so aggressively.” You raise an eyebrow at him, taking a long last sip of your drink.
“That swimsuit-“ he starts. “I-“
You put a hand on his thigh which keeps him from continuing to stumble over his words.
“Y/n… you’re- you’re off limits.” He shakes his head.
You pull your hand away with a dramatic and whiny sigh.
“I’m three years older than Sarah, you know… almost four.” You smirk at him.
“Wait, you are?” He quickly turns his head to face you.
“Yeah.” You laugh at his sudden excitement and sense of relaxation.
“Thought y’all were the same age.” He laughs and his body language suddenly becomes extremely open and welcoming. You didn’t think being a few years older would make that much of a difference, but…
“No. And, anyways, I’ve always been told I’m mature for my age.” You boast.
He moves his leg so that his knee is touching yours and it sends shivers down your spine.
“Mature, huh?” He asks with a grin.
“Yes.” You assure him.
“How about experience? Maturity, age, and experience are all very different things.” He looks you over.
You feel yourself getting warm under his watchful eyes. “I’m- I’m experienced.” You lie, but only a little. You had a few notches in your bedpost, but… not many.
“Why don’t we go back to my room and see what your… experience level is? Hm?” He downs the rest of his whiskey while keeping eye contact with you.
Your breath caught in your throat and you nodded.
“Come on, then.” He gets up and offers you a hand.
You grab it, assuming he just wants to help you get off the tall barstool, but when you’re on your feet he still doesn’t let go.
You hold hands as you walk out of the lounge and to the elevators.
Joel pressed the button with his free hand.
You waited for a few minutes and since it was late after the first port day, there weren’t many people around.
The elevator ding nearly gave you a heart attack. Your heart was already beating so fast, body so warm from your blood rushing, wetness forming between your legs.
He pulled you into the elevator gently and pressed the button for your deck.
The elevator doors closed and the elevator music was the only thing that could be heard besides yours and Joel’s soft breathing.
He looked down at you, squeezing your hand. “You look nervous, Y/n.” He teases with a whisper.
You look up at him, “Not nervous.” You look at his lips. “Just taking in the moment.”
He smiles and leans down to kiss your forehead sweetly. You let out a soft, involuntary whine.
“Oh… you need it, don’t you?” He turns his body to face yours, grabbing your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
He tilts your face up, your eyes hooded with pleasure, and he leans in slow.
His lips press against yours and you feel fireworks in your chest, every cell in your body screaming with happiness.
You lean into him and feel against your lower stomach that he’s already half hard. You press against his body more and he groans into your mouth, a sound that went straight between your legs.
His hands shift to your waist, just below your love handles. You sometimes felt self conscious about it but Joel was making you feel so good that it didn’t even matter.
You wrap your arms around his neck as his hands move again, downward to grab your voluptuous ass. He squeezed and you moaned into his mouth, giving him a chance to let his tongue run along your bottom lip.
The ding of the elevator scared you again as it got to the right deck and opened to a - thankfully empty - hallway. Joel grabbed your hand again before leading you down the hall to his stateroom.
He pulled out his key card and then looked at you. “You sure about this?”
“Joel, I’m fucking dripping. Yes, I’m sure.” You snark.
He chuckles and opens the door, “After you.”
You take a breath and walk inside, standing at the foot of the bed when you hear the door close and Joel’s footsteps coming. You turn around to look at him with a smile.
You kick off your sandals and sit on the bed, patting the spot next to you. He puffs air out his nose in a small laugh before sitting as close as he can.
He wraps an arm around your waist and reaches far enough around to splay his fingers over the side of your stomach. He looks at your eyes, then down to your lips.
Your breathing stutters when he leans in and kisses you, even more passion behind it than in the elevator. You put a hand on his jaw, your fingernails gently scratching over his sideburn as you make out.
He pulls back and you feel a thin string of saliva stuck between his lower lip and yours. You lean forward and suck on his bottom lip to remedy the situation.
He moans when you do this, his hand gripping your belly softly. You let go of his lip and he surges forward to kiss you hard, a mess of teeth and tongues and swollen lips.
You lean back to lay down and he follows, his lips moving from your lips over to your jaw, and down your neck.
Having your neck kissed was something that really got you going, and thank god Joel’s thigh was in between both of yours right now.
You lock your legs around his thigh and grind yourself against it, whining quietly. You felt your wet panties slide against your pussy in the most delightful way.
He pushes his leg up to put more pressure against your core. “Use it. Get off on my thigh, baby.”
You moan a soft “yeah” before he keeps ravishing your neck and you start to roll your hips faster against him.
He bites your collarbone and it gets you closer. After a minute or two of going nearly full speed, your body was starting to get tired and you began to slow down.
Joel was quick to notice. “Come on, honey, you can do it.”
“I’m- fuck…” you take a deep breath and speed up again, Joel now grinding down against you to help.
“You got it, baby.” He whispers against your ear, his breath making you shiver with pleasure. “Come on, cum for me.” He coos.
Your eyebrows begin to draw up, eyes squeezed shut, face and body warm from all the movement. Finally, you feel the built tension explode and you gasp before choking out a scream.
“Good girl.” Joel encourages.
“Fuck!” You cry out, feeling yourself squirt a considerable amount into your panties and shorts.
“I know. It’s so much, huh? Doesn’t it feel good?” He slows his hips to match your fucked out rhythm.
“Yeah.” You whine pitifully.
Joel looks down with a shocked expression, slowly looking back up as his face shifted to a smug one. “Look at the mess you made.”
He scoots back and looks at the wet spot on his thigh, your juices having soaked through your clothes quickly.
You’re laying there, breathing finally starting to even out when Joel hooks his fingers into your shorts and slowly pulls them down.
He looks at your light pink underwear, now a shade darker from the middle of your slit, down. He gets on his elbows between your legs and pushes them further apart.
You watch him carefully as he does this.
He ducks his head and presses his mouth against your center before starting to suck and lick the wetness from your panties. You’ve never seen anything quite this goddamn arousing.
Your eyes are droopy from all the pleasure you’re experiencing, your cunt feeling extra sensitive as Joel finally pulled your panties down and all the way off. You almost didn’t notice him stick them in his back pocket… almost. You let him keep the trophy.
He moved even closer now, putting your legs over his shoulders as he goes down on you once more.
First, his lips leave soft kisses on your vulva, down… down… until his tongue dips into you.
Your toes curl and your back arches as he uses his thumbs to spread your labia so he can focus better on your clit.
He circles his tongue around your sensitive bud and your hand moves to the back of his head so you can grab the hair there to ground yourself.
He puts his mouth around your pearl and begins to suck, so soft at first. He’s rubbing your thick thighs, enjoying being between them, and then he moans. The vibrations against your clit make you pull his hair harder and let out a whine.
He starts to suck harder and you start breathing faster, letting out little whimpers. Just when you think you’re getting close, he stops, pulling back with a smirk.
The lower half of his face is glistening from your release and it just turns you on even more.
“Come here.” You pant, pulling on his hair to get him closer.
He moves up the bed and you pull him down to kiss him, moaning at the taste of yourself mixed with his spit.
You use both hands to unbutton his shirt while you’re making out and he helps you get his shirt off. Yours was next.
“Your tits are amazing.” He compliments while he pulls your shirt over your head.
He puts some of his weight on you as he lays down on your soft tummy so he can kiss your breasts and hold them at the same time.
He starts with kissing between your boobs, then moves to your right nipple, planting a kiss and then wrapping his lips around it. He swirled his tongue as he started to suck on the bud.
You start breathing faster and he pulls on your nipple between his teeth, a welcomed pain for you. He switches sides and does the same to your left nipple, reaching down with one hand to unbutton his jeans.
“I need you.” You whine, rolling your hips up.
“I love making you wait. You’re so fun to play with.” He smirks as he kisses from your breasts to your belly button.
You’re not that familiar with getting attention paid to your stomach so you shiver when he runs his hands up over it.
“Sorry, s’that okay, sweetie?” He asks, pausing.
“Yeah.” You nod happily. “Just not used to it.”
“What? …but it’s so cute.” He smiles wide and squeezes your tummy softly before moving up to kiss your lips.
You giggle into the kiss and then Joel slowly gets up, standing next to the bed as he takes his jeans off.
You could see now that he had a thick and sizable cock straining the fabric of his boxer briefs, it almost made you nervous.
You sat up and licked your lips as you watched him loop his thumbs into his underwear.
You reach up, “Let me.” You smile.
He pulls his hands away and you gently rub your palm over his hardness through the cloth. His head tilts back and his hips buck into your hand.
“Oh… you need it bad don’t you?” You tease him, using his line from earlier.
“Baby, if you put you’re mouth on it, I’ll-“
“I don’t need any convincing.” You bite your lip and look up at him through your lashes.
He doesn’t say anything else, he just nods. You pull his boxers down, slowly revealing his beautifully hardened cock.
It springs up when you get his underwear down to his thighs, which you leave there while you work your magic.
You take him in one hand and he breaths in through his teeth.
“This okay?” You ask, scooting closer to the edge of the bed and purposely pushing your tits together with your arms.
He nods at you and you start to stroke his cock, kissing the head as you do so. He pushes your hair away from your face and holds it behind your head with one hand as you take him into your mouth.
He lets out a strained moan at the feeling, holding your hair tighter. It makes you whine around him when he tightens his grip, which he caught on to.
You start to suck him down further, almost gagging as you keep going. He gently pushes on the back of your head, then pulls you away by the hair.
“Baby, I wanna fuck that pussy so bad.” His voice is low and gravelly.
“Please.” You look up at him, using his cock to spread his precum and your spit over your lips before letting him go.
He quickly finishes getting his boxers off before he reaches into the bedside table for a condom, which he packed some of just in case. You lay back as he puts the condom on, watching his large and skillful hands do it swiftly.
You spread your legs as he crawls between them and gets in position. He lines up with your cunt, pressing the head against you before it starts to move inside. You could see that he was thick but you didn’t expect to feel so full right away.
“Fuck.” He curses. “You’re so tight.”
“Will-“ you gasp as he slides past your g-spot. “Will it fit?”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we’re gonna make it fit.” He leans down and kisses you as he finishes pushing inside.
It only hurts for a few seconds while your body adjusts. But once he starts to thrust…
“Oh my g- ohhh fuck.” You moan as the head of his cock rubs over that special spot on the way out each time.
He starts slow, making out with you as he does so. When he starts to speed up, he pulls back enough to watch your face.
Both of your hands are gripping his shoulders, you and Joel are both sweaty and panting and covered in bodily fluids. But did either of you care? No.
He buried his face in your neck as he started fucking into you faster and faster, reaching down to play with your clit.
“Oh fuck… Joel…” you whisper in his ear, hands moving up to pull on his hair.
“You gonna cum again?” He asks, keeping his nose against the pulse point behind your ear.
“Yeah!” You gasp.
“Yeah?? Gonna squeeze your pussy around my fat cock?” He growls straight into your ear now.
“Yes!” You feel yourself start to tip over the edge and then you are completely done for.
“Oh- fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuck, Joel, oh fuck! Joel, yes!!” You almost have tears running down your cheeks as you cry out for him.
“You’re so good for me.” He encourages before he bites your earlobe and orgasms, hips stuttering against yours.
You bathe in euphoria for a long minute before he pulls out, wrapping up the condom and tossing it in the bin next to the bed.
He collapses next to you, both of you finally starting to breathe normal again.
You look at him with a smile. “Told you I’ve got some experience.”
“I suppose you do.” He winks and rolls over to face you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he leans in for a kiss.
You press your lips to his, making out with him for a few seconds before pulling back. “I hate to say it, but I need to get back to my room before Sarah notices I’m gone.”
“Isn’t she asleep?” He asks.
“Yeah, for now. That girl gets up to go pee at 3am like clockwork, I’ve found out.” You laugh softly.
He kisses you again. “You sure you have to go?”
You sigh, pecking his lips. “Yes, but let’s do it again soon, yeah?” You laugh softly.
“Just gotta be careful around Sarah.” He cautions.
“I know.” You nod and get up, starting to get dressed.
You’re thankful that your room is across the hall because your shorts were still damp when you put them on.
You put your shirt and sandals on and Joel gets his boxers back on, walking you the eight whole feet from his bed to the door.
“See you tomorrow.” You look up into his eyes as he reaches for the door handle.
“See you tomorrow.” He kisses your forehead before opening the door and letting you out.
You share one more look before you open your room and slip inside for the night.
Joel Miller tag list: @evyiione @chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @ashleyfilm @steverogers123 @doblasftcisco
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Nightmares - Part 3
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Summary: You and Curtis are having to deal with literal and figurative nightmares while working to make sure the Garbage Men operation runs smoothly.
A/N: Reader is plus sized female. No other descriptors used.
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: Family stress, Implied body shaming, SMUT. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 2 -- Part 4
Series Masterlist
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As soon as you’re in the truck you grab Curtis’s face and pull him in for a deep kiss.
“Thank you, so much, for doing what I asked,” you gushed. “I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you didn’t try to step in.” Before he can respond you pull him in for another deep kiss. “I know you wanted to, I could absolutely tell. And as much as I'm glad you want to protect me, stand up for me, it means so much more to me that you let me do it for myself. That you were willing to support me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Curtis needs a few moments to process everything before he looks at you, his bright blue eyes full of love, “that was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do. But it’s worth it for you.”
You smile as tears start forming in the corners of your eyes. “How is your hand, by the way?” He holds out his hand to you and, taking a look, you see some scratches but nothing bad. Thankfully no bits of glass embedded in the skin. “Good, I’ve got plans for that hand.”
He smirks as you give him a wink, “let’s get home then. Took the whole day off so I’ve got all the time to worship you properly.”
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“P-p-please Curtis,” you moan. “Please, let me—oh!---let me return the---right there, yes---favor!” Sitting on Curtis's face, your hips are locked in place by his large, calloused hands. You've tried to break free of his grasp after the first two orgasms but he's holding firm while your strength is faltering. There was a time when you insisted on hovering, not fully sitting on his face but Curtis quickly changed your mind on that. The man was seemingly insatiable for your pussy.
You called out his name as he made you come again. He finally lets you off of his face, carefully getting you on your back, before crawling over you, kissing up your body as he does so. He gets to your mouth and you find the strength to wrap your arms around his head and push your tongue into his mouth, making him moan.
He starts pushing his erection into your core and you pull away from his mouth just enough to make those lewd, pleasure-filled sounds he loves so much. He's learned all the right places kiss, nip, pinch and fondle to get the sounds he wants. Your voice, begging and pleading for more, drives him crazy in all the best ways. Your hands roam to every part of him you can reach. He revels in your touch. Your hands are so soft against his skin. He sometimes can't believe himself to be deserving of such a soft touch as what you give him.
A history of blood, violence and regrets but when he's in bed with you, it's all gone. All that he thinks about is you. How you taste, how you sound, how beautiful you look when you come. Giving you pleasure is his panacea for life. It's not his penance, no. Being with you is no chore. You are his reprieve and he will be forever grateful to you for loving him.
He feels your walls gripping him tighter and he pulls away just enough that he can watch your face as you come again.
“That's it, gorgeous,” he rasps. “Give me what I need, please.” He moves his fingers to your clit and plays with it how he knows you need. Your legs spread even further and back arches as he makes you come. He relishes how tightly you're clenching around his cock, holding back on his own orgasm until he's sure you're done.
When he's able to catch his breath he gives you gentle kisses wherever he can before slowly pulling out of you with a hiss and getting a washcloth to start your aftercare. He kisses you when you whimper at how empty you feel when he pulls out. Another of those soft sounds he can't get enough of.
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Later that night Curtis wakes up cuddling your pillow. He has a habit of grabbing them in his sleep when you're up first. Confused, and a little grumpy at you not being there, he forces himself out of bed to go look for you. It's too early to go to work and he wants more cuddles. He swears that morning cuddles with you have saved lives because of how much of a good mood they put him in.
He steps into the hallway and sees you in the kitchen. You're getting yourself some water, wearing one of his shirts, a pair of panties and nothing else. Curtis stops when he registers what you're wearing. He's never seen you in his clothes before. He'd never understood why guys found it so attractive but seeing you now, willingly wearing something of his, feeling comfortable being encompassed by his scent, he kinda understood.
You look up from your cup of water and see him staring at you. “Hope you don't mind,” you smile shyly. “Just...just wanted to try it out.”
“And?” He steps closer to you. He won't tell you his opinion until he knows it's actually something you're comfortable with.
“And...I don't know,” you confess. “I think I did it mostly to get back at Mom and her comments. I've been so scared to try your clothes for so long...” Curtis brings you in for a hug as you find the words. “I...I do kinda like it, though. I think, if it's okay with you, I wouldn't mind stealing your shirts from time to time.”
Curtis smiles at you, “I'm much more than okay with it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he says before kissing you. “Now let's get back to bed. I need more cuddle time.” You giggle as he pulls you back towards the bedroom.
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Part 2 -- Part 4
Series Masterlist
@alicedopey; @alexakeyloveloki; @bigtreefest; @dontbescaredtosingalong; @fic-reblogs-0-0; @hisredheadedgoddess28; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82; @ronearoundblindly; @texmexdarling; @veltana; @winter-soldier-101
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ivystoryweaver · 2 days
for tender prompts: dancing to a slow jazz song after a long day of work
I Don't Dance
"Miles Davis drifts into the kitchen, the smooth tones soothing you instantly, while making you ache for something romantic of your own."
Thanks for this @runa-falls! Ahhhhh love it! Not me back on my "Jake listens to Miles Davis" tangent again...
for @romanarose's Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024 for June 9th-15th: first time with the same sex, first kiss
1.4k words || Jake Lockley x m!reader* || flirting, roommates to lovers, slightly suggestive, vague mentions of food and drinking, language
*reader inclusivity notes: Reader wears glasses, is taller than Jake
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Life is good…enough.
Work can be a drag, but you look forward to coming home to your roommate Jake. Usually he's worked all night, slept all day, and the two of you meet up around dinner time. You're friendly roommates, always considerately cooking and making enough food for the other, keeping the dishes clean and playing video games together.
You have the most massive crush on the smaller man. He's gorgeous, with smoldering brown eyes and luscious dark curls, with a tinge of early gray...
You've never been with a man before. Just a few failed, awkward romances with women, a few years back.
But recently you've been realizing that you're not single because you're some sort of loser, or something equally upsetting. You're single because women actually just don't interest you, not as much emotionally, and not really at all sexually.
One time you heard Jake in his room with a partner, groaning and grunting in pleasure, his muffled voice telling his lover how to take him.
That was...eye-opening.
Now you think about him all the time, but you don't know how to tell him, and worse, if you even should tell him. He's way too cute for you...right? Cute doesn't begin to cover it - the man oozes confidence...experience...smolder.
He's really nice too.
He was gone for a few days, out of town "for work" (whatever that is). When he got back, he actually gave you a quick hug. "Missed you, man." You forgot to breathe for so long, it came out like a dramatic sigh once you did.
Jake wondered if you were annoyed, but instead, asked you to play video games. The sides of your arms touched the whole time, and you had to put a pillow over your lap because your obvious…attraction.
Jake senses the tension between you and wonders if you're mad that he finished the peanut butter and didn’t buy more.
You clear your throat awkwardly, your gaze flickering away. “No, I don't think I could ever be mad at you, Jake - especially not over peanut butter.”
He hums out an ambiguous response, dragging a hand over the sexy stubble on his chin. "You must've missed me then." His eyebrows shoot up playfully.
God you want him so bad.
As if your greeting hug and video-game-a-thon weren't enough, work the next day couldn't go worse. Sometimes you feel invisible to colleagues and especially to your boss, who seems to have completely ignored your inquiry about an open management position. After a day of being overlooked and passed over, you’re so done.
You finally make it home, drenched from a sudden shower that seemed to wait until you walked out of work to start, and decided to stop as soon as you made it through your front door. Shedding your wet jacket, you stamp your feet on the mat just inside the door, yanking off your fogged up glasses so you can wipe them clean.
Unfortunately, rain does not look good on you the way it does on Jake. If he comes home wet, he's something out of a noir film, removing his cap, pushing those long fingers through his perfectly damp, thick curls - droplets of water making his long lashes shine as they kiss his cheeks. Rivulets of rain snake down the corded thickness of his throat, disappearing into his deliciously drenched white shirt, which hugs the shape of his body temptingly.
Must be nice.
Maybe you can make it to your room before he sees you looking like a wet rat.
You shower and make yourself presentable enough, moving around your home quietly, afraid your pathetic-ness will somehow repel your roommate - secretly crushed that Jake doesn't interact with you for an hour or so. Maybe he doesn't notice how brutal your day was.
A delicious aroma wafts down the hall from the kitchen a while later and you realize Jake is cooking dinner. Deciding you'd rather be in his presence than mope in your room, you venture out to interact. Dinners with Jake are the highlight of your life after all - that is, when you're not sitting with him, touching him, playing games together.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you steady yourself, remembering to take things one day at a time. He might not even be into guys. Or you specifically.
Jake looks up as you enter the kitchen, dark eyes brightening, but somehow immediately softening at your apparent distress. Your shoulders sag in defeat even as you put on a brave face to greet him.
Usually he leaves you alone when you're quiet, assuming you prefer it that way, but after you sat together all last night, he thought maybe...
Setting down a wooden spoon and reducing the heat underneath a sizzling skillet, he turns to you, and your heart races as you realize he's giving you his full attention. It's not helping that he's wearing an apron - that sight alone might kill you.
"You okay?" Dark eyebrows arch curiously as he boldly inches forward.
Blowing out an exhale through your lips, you quickly nod, realizing that simple inquiry means more to you than anything.
Reaching out to grasp your forearm, he peers up at you earnestly. "Hey...talk to me."
You force a smile as your 'brave face' wavers. "Just a shit day. Nothing really."
He pulls a face of his own - a smirk curling the corner of his kissable lips. He's got to stop doing that or you're going to fall head over heels. (Too late).
"Okay, then," he relents, meandering over a few cabinets to where you keep the booze. Jake pours you a drink to settle your nerves, presenting it to you with a comedic flourish, as if you are his liege lord and he's your servant. Eh, probably just a fantasy of yours...
You chuckle, muttering, "thanks," as he brushes past you, disappearing into the living room to turn on the record player. Jake is a mystery, but his collection of albums might be the most sexy thing about him.
Miles Davis drifts into the kitchen, the smooth tones soothing you instantly, while making you ache for something romantic of your own.
You toss your drink back in a couple of long gulps, hoping to gain some proverbial liquid courage as Jake returns to his task, reaching for the wooden spoon to stir.
"Thanks for the drink," you say, bravely moving closer, bumping arms with him. "Need some help?"
Setting the spoon back down, he turns a smoldering gaze your way. "Dance with me."
You almost choke. "Wh-what?"
"You heard me." He roughly whispers. Tugging at the string of his apron, he pulls it loose and sets it on the countertop, leaving him in a tight, white t-shirt and joggers which rest on the swell of his hips. Offering his hand, he repeats, "Dance with me."
Your body responds, seemingly without permission from your brain as you take his waiting hand - the contact zinging up your arm, electrifying you. "I-I don't dance."
He hums out a knowing chuckle, eyes sparkling at the challenge. "Everybody can dance, here." Boldly gripping your hand, he eases your arm around his waist, giving you an out before going too far. "Stop me if I fuck this up." He pulls you closer than you expected, his breath ghosting your cheek.
"Am I getting this wrong?" He asks you seriously, sounding a bit nervous - his voice pinched even as he possessively cinches you closer. "I...want you and I feel like you want me too, but...fuck, if I'm wrong, please don't kick me out."
You can't believe this is truly happening. How is this man actually real - how is he touching you, saying these things? And moreover, why are you not responding?
Afraid you might cry or something humiliating, a breathless laugh rushes out of you, cutting the tension. "I'm not gonna kick you out."
Soulful jazz crescendos, soothing the surge of worries threatening to ruin this moment, and before you can overthink - as you do - you pull him closer. "Come here..."
Your heart stops when he lays his head on your chest, almost causing you to forget to dance, but you realize, in that moment, that you trust his lead. You believe his words - at least your body does, and you sway to the music, moving in synchrony with this man you adore.
And as you wonder if the stars have aligned and you might really have a chance with him, he tilts his head up and presses his mouth to yours.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Jake Lockley-Centric stories
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
updates blog - @ivystoryupdates
Have to include this gif - it inspired me, along with the request
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orshii · 2 days
Will I Ever See You Again? (series)
CHAPTER 6: Will I Ever See You Again? (FINALE)
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Author: orshii
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x reader
Word count: 3,2 k
Summary: You were left alone with your brother, Yunho, and his best friend Hongjoong, after your parents' death. Yunho had someone to grieve with, but you? You had no one as your brother and his best friend pushed you away, singing becoming your only savior. There was one rule that Yunho made inside his friend group: “Don’t touch my sister”. And for this reason, Hongjoong had always kept his distance. But one night, you find yourself in danger. And from then on, Hongjoong does not leave your side. He is suddenly overprotective of you, and your relationship shifts and becomes fraught with tension and unspoken feelings, with secrets lurking beneath the surface and a painful past haunting you. Will you find out the secrets your brother and best friend have been keeping away from you? Will you be able to finally free yourself from your cruel past?
Will you fall in love amidst the chaos around you?
A/N: Well, here we are the last chapter is done. I have too many words but still, I'm speechless lol. Thank you to those who read this series. It was so fun to write I hope you enjoyed it as well... See you at the end! -orshii
(Please, listen to RV's song and Oasis's Wonderwall as well hihi. These are important songs in this chapter.)
Taglist: @bvidzsoo @vixensss @deltamoon666 @scarfac3 @chatsgotmytongue
@xiang-zalea @cookiesandcreammy @e3ellie <3
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I woke to darkness outside and an empty, cold bed beside me.
Was it a dream? Was all of this a dream? Did those bad things really happen? Or was it just a nightmare?
I felt weird as I sat up on my bed, my limbs were numb and my mind was empty like a black hole. I needed a cold shower to wake up and feel like a human again.
 After I finished, I went downstairs, to the kitchen as my stomach was grumbling, I hadn't eaten in a day, no wonder I was as hungry as a wolf. The smell of food, hit my nose as it made my stomach grumble more. When I arrived at the kitchen, I found Hongjoong at the stove, his back to me, cooking something in a pan. I just stood in the doorframe, leaning against it and looking at him smiling. I could get used to this view.
He turned around and jumped a bit as he saw me. "Oh, you're awake,” he said, smiling sweetly at me.
"Yeah, what are you up to?” I asked, moving from the doorframe to hug him from behind as he turned back to the pan.
"I'm making some food for my pretty sugar." He said cutely, his voice sounding like a child.
"Mhmm, you are so nice. I could get used to this." I pecked his nape and sat at the table, which was already set.
"I bet you could." He chuckled, coming to the table and serving the meat he finished.
While we ate, we laughed a lot and talked about some random things. It felt so good, talking to him casually, as slowly we were ready to let go of the hurtful past and move forward. It was going to be a bumpy road, processing all the emotions that almost killed me. But as Hongjoong was by my side, I felt like nothing could stop me. Even though the past wasn’t yet closed, I could leave a piece of it behind.
 When we finished eating, I thanked him for the food and looked at him seriously.
"We should talk," I said, feeling a bit nervous.
Hongjoong nodded, moving his lips into a thin line. His bruises made his face more beautiful. It was the bruises of pride; I was so proud of him.
"Can I take you somewhere?" He asked, looking at me sweetly.
I nodded. "Is it a date?" I asked suddenly, smiling at him teasingly.
"It could be." He smiled at me taking my hands, kissing my knuckles, and leading me to the front door as we stood up.
We sat into his Mustang, I watched his side profile while he was driving, his jawline sharp as a knife, the blonde side of his hair facing me, I adored this man so much. I didn’t know where he wanted to take me, but I trusted him enough to give him the red string that connected us by our hearts.
After a few minutes of driving, I couldn’t see anything as it was already dark outside, the landscape went by us like a blur. Then we arrived at the destination where Hongjoong wanted to take me.
It was the same cliff where we had once leaped into the crashing waves. I gazed at him questioningly. "You really did take me where we almost died." I wanted to sound serious but it came out a little teasing. I think we both knew, this place changed something in both of us. It was a special place.
"Yes, I did, now come." He left the car, bringing a blanket out from the backseat and a bottle of champagne.
He spread out a blanket on the ground, close to the edge, and we sat down on it. Some flashbacks jumped into my mind, as we stood there, holding each other's hands, and jumped into nothingness. I was staring into the dark the moon still shining above us, as it was its last day to shine fully. My thoughts started to bombard me, I felt nervous, the feelings I felt last night coming back to life. The awful things I said to him, the emotions I felt. It was a lot, so I needed to let it all out.
I felt Hongjoong's gaze on me.
I turned towards him, looking into his eyes, which told me so many things, that my heart started to race. " ‘I want to apologize, Joong. I said things I didn't mean. I was upset and overwhelmed..." I ran my fingers through my hair stressed. "…it was a lot, and I'm so fucking stupid, the things I said to you…I didn’t mean it, it wasn't your fault, Hongjoong. Please, don't ever think it was your fault." My voice cracked, as tears filled my eyes. "Please, forgive me," I whispered, looking down at my hands. I couldn't look into his eyes anymore, as tears rolled down my cheeks.
He slid closer to me, taking my cold hands into his warm hands. He reached his right hand to my cheek, caressing it like I could break anytime. "Sugar…my beautiful, girl. Please, look at me!" His voice got weaker and quieter. I looked into his eyes and it was sparkling like the stars above us. He leaned his forehead against mine. " I understand why you said those things. It was our fault for shutting you out. I'm so sorry, sugar, I should've been there for you." He cupped my face, caringly, forcing me to look into his eyes. Tears rolled down my face unstoppably, but Hongjoong immediately wiped them away. "I want to be by your side, from now on." He whispered it onto my lips like a promise. My heart fluttered.
I held his hands, that cupped my face. "Me too, Hongjoong, I want to be with you, I want to support you for the rest of my life," I whispered weakly, my heart thumping like crazy.
Hongjoong smiled, his forehead still against mine, I never wanted to separate from him. He slowly leaned closer to my lips, hovering over them like a phantom, and then he finally captured my lips into a chaste kiss, I suddenly felt heartless, because I gave all my heart into his hands, and as he kissed me passionately, like I was the only thing that mattered on earth, I felt as he gave his heart into my hands, trusting me in keeping it safe. I buried it deep into my soul and locked it with a key, a key that was his lips against mine. Our lips moved together as I slowly straddled his lap. He held my waist strongly like was scared I might disappear. After a while we needed to separate, otherwise I would've collapsed from the lack of air. I leaned my forehead against his. Looking into his eyes, that the moon lighted up, I could see the moon in his eyes. We both breathed heavily into each other's lips. "You have no idea, how I wanted you, how I wanted you to be mine." He whispered against my lips, closing his eyes.
I cupped his face. "I'm here, I'm yours." I kissed him again slowly, our lips moving together like it was destined for each other.
We separated again, hardly, but we did. "I need to go after them, in a few days." He whispered, holding me closer to him, his eyes full of worry, like he didn’t want to leave me here, alone.
"I know." I caressed his cheek.
"Will you wait for me?" His voice was now full of fear. Afraid of losing me.
"I will, I will wait forever, if that's the case," I said smiling at him sadly.
He closed his eyes, looking like he wanted to stay here forever. "I love you, sugar." He whispered those words, that grounded me, then sent me up from the ground and took me up to the cotton candy-like clouds until the words found their place, in my heart. I never felt this grateful for someone, it almost hurt. "I love you, Hongjoong." It almost hurt; how much I loved him.
We stayed there for a while, embracing each other, taking in the other fully, not wanting to let go. I felt free, I felt like I finally had a reason to stay.
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It was a usual Friday night, we were at Mist, and the usual friend group of ours gathered before Yunho and Hongjoong went to catch those bastards and close this case for good. We were drinking and laughing, the atmosphere was so calming, I felt happy seeing my friends laugh and feel good. My eyes searched for someone, who I always searched whenever he wasn’t in my sight. I didn’t even see him today, he told me he had business with the man they caught and told me we were going to meet at the pub. But Hongjoong was nowhere to be seen.
The pub suddenly went quiet as the lights turned off, darkness enveloping the patrons, hinting that something significant was about to happen. A really bad feeling caught me off-guard. A picture popped up in my mind, I was walking on a beach, alone; it could’ve showed me the past or even the future, who knew these things…
All of a sudden, the lights turned on at the stage and a figure was standing there with a guitar in their hands. As a light illuminated his face, my heart raced at the sight of his familiar features.
Hongjoong was standing on the stage with a guitar in his hands, the microphone standing in front of him, and his hair…the black side of his hair disappeared and it was now only blonde. With the lights on his face, he looked like a fallen angel his shadows formulating his invisible wings. He was wearing all black clothes, black skinny jeans around his legs, a black tank top, and a black leather jacket on top with white stars on it. He looked like a real star, on the stage.
Then he stepped closer to the microphone and started to play the guitar. It was a beautiful melody, that spoke to my soul, and as he started to sing my eyes immediately watered.
♪ And by now you should’ve somehow realized what you gotta do,
I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now ♪
He looked deep into my eyes, searching for my soul, so he could heal it, lighting up the darkness inside. He sounded like an angel; I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing.
♪ There are many things that
I would like to say to you
But I don’t know how ♪
He was leaning close to the microphone, singing passionately, the veins on his neck tightening.
♪ I said maybe
You’re gonna be the one that saves me ♪
His gaze was so intense like he addressed this song to me, like he wrote it, just for me.
♪ And after all
You’re my wonderwall ♪
Tears immediately flew down my face from all the emotions that he made me feel. He made me feel loved and like I belonged somewhere, to someone.
As soon as he finished the high note at the end I quickly stood up and struggled a bit to run between the tables to the stage where he was still standing. When he saw me, I looked up at him with a proud smile, he put down the guitar and crouched down with a sweet smile on his face.
“Did you like it?” He reached his hand to my face, to wipe my tears away.
“Of course I liked it. It was so wonderful, Hongjoong, thank you.” I whispered to him, and as the words barely came out, I felt so overwhelmed.
“I should thank you for inspiring me, for being my muse.” He jumped down from the stage and grabbed me by my waist.
I blushed at that, not being used to this Hongjoong, “Yeah, whatever.” I chuckled as he pulled me even closer to him, his lips hovering over mine.
“I love you, sugar.” He whispered those sweet words and didn’t even wait for me to say it back, his lips were already on mine. It tasted sweet and passionate, like the last puzzle of my life was finally in its place after it shattered into pieces. Hongjoong slowly rebuilt the pieces that were lost in my past, my past that I thought was going to hunt me until I was alive. But Hongjoong cured me and painted my black life full of colors, I couldn’t be thankful enough for him. He was in my life almost from the beginning and I was blind enough to not see him, that he was my guardian angel my whole life.
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The day of the farewell came, Hongjoong and Yunho managed to pull out some information from the captured man. The location of the said gang is somewhere overseas, they just need to surprise them so it’ll end. They needed to close this case for good. I felt like my heart was anchored into the depth of the ocean, tying me down there, not letting me go with Hongjoong.
We were standing in the driveway of our house, and they were packing some things into Hongjoong's Mustang, I was just standing there still, my legs were chained there, I wanted to cry, but I needed to stay strong for them.
Once they finished packing, Yunho closed the rear door and dusted off his hands. Hongjoong leaned against the car, giving us space for our goodbyes
Yunho stood in front of me, embracing me into a tight hug, and kissing the top of my head. "Please, stay safe, if anything happens back here, please call us." He caressed my back.
I nodded, burying my face deeper into his chest. "Okay. I will. Please be careful, and take care of each other." I blinked a few times, as tears wanted to escape my eyes.
Yunho now faced me, cupping my face. "We will, bye, Y/N. I’m proud of you!" He kissed my cheek gently, and stepped away from me, quickly sitting in the car, giving us space with Hongjoong. I looked at him, tears blurring my eyes. How do I say goodbye?
He pushed himself away from the car, and walked towards me slowly, his eyes taking me into his memory for eternity.
"Will I ever see you again?" I asked him, with a sad tone, as he stood in front of me.
He stepped closer to me and leaned his forehead against mine. "I will come back to you, I promise." He whispered against my lips, the promise lingering in the warm air. "I'm doing all of this to protect you. For us."
My heart was aching, I hated this, I hated that I needed to say goodbye, but it was not much time, he will come back to me.
I nodded, tears rolling down my face as I closed my eyes, wanting to keep him here forever. He slowly leaned towards my cheek, kissing away sweetly the tears from my face. "I love you, dangerously Y/N. Please wait for me." He slowly pecked my lips, sealing the words he said.
"I will wait for you. I love you, Joong, and come back to me." I said looking up into his eyes, taking him in, craving him into my memories forever.
He smiled at me happily and closed the distance between our lips, collapsing it against mine like he wanted to keep it in him as a treasure, that he wanted to protect his whole life. Tears rolled down both of our faces while kissing, taking in the other's tears, tasting them, giving the power to the other to keep going, to have the strength to live without the other. He slowly separated from me, his forehead against mine. "I have to go." He whispered weekly. I just nodded; words couldn't leave my lips.
"Goodbye." He looked at me, for the last time and turned around to sit into the driving seat without looking back just to drive away with Yunho.
I was standing there, watching as they drove away, until they disappeared into the world.
"Goodbye," I whispered quietly as they were long gone. My heart felt empty, as I felt them being farther and farther away. But our future floated in front of my eyes giving me the strength to keep going, I was full of hope because they were going to come back. 
≫ You left me here, alone
But we gave each other our hearts
So, we can stay with each other forever ≪
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5 years later
Yunho and Hongjoong never returned.
Familiar darkness enveloped me as I stepped onto the much larger stage, the crowd gathered just for us. And it was because they wanted to see us.
I stepped in front of the microphone as the blinding light welcomed me, as it became my addiction, not wanting to step off the stage, because the only thing that helped me in my life was only this. I wanted to stay here forever in the dim light, as strange eyes watched me curious, waiting for me to sing so they could feel the same hurtful things I felt.
♪ An unfinished greeting
And the last empty compartment 
It's like a midsummer night dream ♪
I started to sing slowly, as my bandmates were following me, Yeosang standing there next to me giving me the power I needed. Everything felt like a dream and I never wanted to wake up.
♪ Time with all one's heart
A word that is filled with emotion
You were my dream and a miracle ♪
The lyrics came out from my lips, as my heart ached singing this song, that I wrote, that helped me get up from the dark, giving me hope. I song that I wrote about him, he was my miracle that got me out of the dark. Just to get back there.
♪ Like the last scene
I don't want to stay ♪
Flashbacks appeared in my mind, of his face, which was blurry now from the years, but I still kept it deep in my heart, his face when I last saw him, when he last promised me, he’ll come back to me.
♪ I open those closed eyes endlessly clear if you remember
Will I ever see you again? ♪
Tears appeared in my eyes, I remembered when I asked those words to him, scared I might not see him again…
♪ Nothing lasts forever,
The words of the world
Let's get back on track
It's not the end of our story ♪
I was singing, while hurtful tears rolled down my face, as I closed my eyes, singing my heart out. Nothing lasts forever, just as the times I was happy. I was happy beside him, but now as he was gone? What was I?
♪ A small voice that haunts me,
Endless Melody - Call us back
Will I ever see you again? ♪
I let my voice out, which echoed in the big field we were in. Leaning forward with my michrophone so I could raise my voice higher as the song slowly reached the end. Making my heart flat, as I let my feelings out, into the world, hoping that Hongjoong hears it somewhere in the world. Hoping that it’s not the end of our story.
♪ Remember us now
You and I will never end.
Will I ever see you again? See you again. ♪
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<Previous chapter>
A/N: Soo...this happened. First of all my apologies. When I was writing the plot I already knew I wanted a tragic ending. But I couldn't be that merciless to kill both of them lol *hides*. So as I randomly listened to Red Velvet's song I immediately got inspired as to how this could end. It's kind of an open ending, you can take guesses of what will happen in the future, what happened to Hongjoong? Will he ever come back? Soo yeah, let me know your opinion I'm curious what you think hehe. Now I need to let go of this story :'(( Until the next one. *salutes and runs away* -orshii
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yooglefics · 10 hours
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The casual type: 03 . The past
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader  Wordcount: 2,993 words Genre ( for the whole series ): AU. College!verse. Strangers to friends with benefits to ?????. Eventual smut. Hurt / comfort at times. Fluff for cute friends. Summary:  ( Ep. 03 ) • Is finally time to talk about how you got here. And of course, you aren't the only one with a past. Warnings under read more.
Includes ( this episode ): There's flirting and progress is made. The squad is cute. Mentions of cheating in the past ( not from main characters ), bad relationship dynamics, fuckboy shenanigans ( say no to fuckboys ), and broken hearts. Author's note: I have a question for you guys: should I start adding the pet names in the warning? Because my thing is that Yoongi has been using them in context of what is happening, like in a banter kind of way, but… should that be a warning in itself? As always, hope you like this one, remember to leave a comment, reblog, send an ask, follow or whatnot. Thank you for reading <3
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The motorcycle ride wasn't as scary as you thought it'd be. In fact, it was kind of calming. The streets were mostly empty and Yoongi drove at a decent speed, mainly of course, because you told him you'd kill him if he didn't. But it was nice, a good distraction and an interesting way to end a hectic night.
Monday morning comes around and your stomach hurts with anxiety at the thought of the inevitable. Is even worse than when you have to give a class presentation, at least in those cases your life isn't the subject. And your only hope to get you throughout the day is that everything would feel better after talking with the guys.
“Are you not finishing those?” Jungkook points at the fries on your plate after a while of sitting in the cafeteria. Your group has assigned this time as lunch hour since everyone is free while some of them wait for their next class.
“You can have them if you want.” Everyone's eyes turn to you as if a second head has grown, “I'm not hungry.”
“But… is fries?” Says the soccer player and to his credit, is true that turning down fries is a sign you may be sick, and honestly, it feels a little bit like you are and that's what finally makes you decide is time. 
“Let's talk. Outside.”
You can't bear the awkwardness. They tip-toeing around, putting too much thought on your actions. It can't go any longer, but you still take a few minutes to walk them outside the cafeteria and to the back of the building. Away from the protagonist of your story.
“Oh… hi.” Greets Yoongi, his arm mid air as he stops the action of putting a cigarette between his lips. “Walking all together like that, you guys do look like a gang,” he jokes after you and your friends say hello.
“Says the guy smoking,” Jimin’s answer, gaining some laughs.
“Sorry,” he really seems remorseful, “I'll go somewhere else.”
“Actually,” grabbing his forearm, you stop him from leaving. “Can you stay? I think I do need moral support.” 
On friday night he told you asking Mai to be there when talking about everything could be a good idea, and with a shake of your head against his back you answered you didn't want to bother her, already feeling bad about worrying her that night. So, he said he would do it. If you needed support he would be there as a payment for saving him at the club the night you met and that you only needed to ask.
Even so, it is surprising to you when he just nods and goes back to his position against the wall. You stay in front of him and your friends gather at your sides in a circle, ready to listen.
“Okay. Well,” you take a deep breath, “first you have to promise to not do anything. Not threatening, not breaking noses. Nothing. You promise?”
They do, with only a “But if it is really bad can I scream at them?” from Jungkook.
“No. I don't want more drama.”
And they nod once more, and again, you breathe.
“So, there's this guy, he is from the basketball team,” Hobi got that right, but it wasn’t surprising after you took a liking for going to the games and then stopped just as suddenly even if Jungkook was still part of the team. “We were talking for a couple months. You know, messaging and… just flirting I guess.” 
“You guess?” Taehyun asks to clarify.
“Yes? I… I don't know. Sometimes it would be more obvious than others and we would talk about what we wanted in a relationship as if we were talking about our relationship.” In the moment you thought it was obvious, you were flirting and planning the future; both of you mentioned wanting something beautiful and long lasting. But after everything, you wonder how truthful everything really was. “We even went on a few dates and on Valentine's he got me a necklace and a cute cart saying how much I meant to him.”
“And you didn't tell me?” Jimin argues. The only one that says something even when all your friends at surprised at that. 
“I’m sorry. I wanted to, I swear, but I also wanted to enjoy it just myself for a little bit.”
“And what happened? Why did it end?” Tae wonders impatiently.
“Well,” the phantom pain from that day is back on your chest, “sometime at the beginning of April he canceled a date and because I already had told you guys I was staying on campus to study, I ended up going to the movies by myself and…” 
“He was there?” You nod. “With… someone… else?” 
All your friends react at Tae's guess and you only nod again. Your eyes are fixed on Yoongi, on the half burnt cigarette still in his hand that is now off, to avoid looking at them and the sadness on their faces. You can't handle that. Even when you tell yourself you're over everything, finally telling them about it and knowing how it makes them feel revives how you hurt back then. In a certain way, it gives you the validation you didn't have at the time, and that you didn't know you needed.
Is healing, and you wish a little bit you had told them sooner.
“I bumped into her and at first I didn't see him.” You continue narrating, “Her drink spilled and I was helping dry her hand when I noticed the little smiley on her bracelet and it was the same as mine.”
There are reactions all around the circle once more, Yoongi's “how original” comment makes your lips curve slightly. And it’s surprising, but you’re glad to be able to find the fun in it now.
“I didn't think anything about it, you know, just like, cool, we have the same cute pendant, but then I heard his voice and well… It wasn't cute anymore.”
You remember how shocked you were in the moment and his face as he realized it was you in front of them.
“What did you do?” asks Hobi.
“At least tell us you spilled the drink on him next.” Adds Jungkook.
“I didn't do anything,” and there's a part of you that regrets it. “I was so surprised and confused. I thought that maybe I'd made it all up in my head, that maybe he didn't mean the things he said like that. Because there was no way he could just turn around and be official with another girl by next monday, right?” You pause for a second to take some air, trying to calm down since the tears would be threatening to fall anytime soon. “But he did. And when I texted him and asked to meet up to talk, he replied with just a «thanks for these few months».” A dry laugh leaves your throat, every time you think about that text you find it stupider. “And just like that it was over. And I felt so dumb for letting it happen.”
“Don't say that. Is not on you,” says Hobi immediately.
“He played you. He is an asshole.” Jungkook continues, “C'mon here, so I don't run back in and punch his stupid face,” he says bringing you into a hug. 
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“So,” Yoongi starts after a few minutes of sitting in silence on the bench outside the cafeteria. Your appetite has come back and your friends are busy with their next class, one you don't share even with the ones in your major since you have stuck to an all-morning schedule, so you're left to share a bag of chips with him. “Can I ask something?”
“Can I refuse to answer?”
“I hope you don't,” that makes you laugh, “because I'm really curious now.”
“Okay, shoot.” 
“What happened seems like the perfect reason to avoid casual things, but that's not what I got from our date.”
“That's not a question, Yoongi,” you remark playfully when he doesn't continue, turning to him, bending your leg on the bench. “You want to know why I didn't run the moment you told me you didn't want a relationship?”
“Yes,” he nods, “that's what I meant. What I want to know.”
“Well, because you were honest about it.” Is as simple as that, but he still looks unsure. “I’m pretty sure that Chr– that guy,” remembering Yoongi is trying for the team you decide is best to not give out names to him either, “wasn't looking for something serious when we were talking, but he played into it because I said I was. He built my hopes up of something more and in the end he kind of just admitted that I was someone he was just spending time with. He didn't want something serious with me but he wasn't honest about it.”
“Would you have had something with him if he had been honest? If he asked to be friends with benefits or whatever?”
You chew a chip while thinking, taking some time.
“I don't know,” is your final answer, “I know it hasn't even been a year, but I was different back then, had other expectations and such. But what I'm sure of is that I'd have loved to be able to decide for myself, you know?”
“Of course. Is different when you are the one deciding to put your heart at potential risk.” he steals a chip from your bag, and silence falls once again.
So far Yoongi has proven to be a good person to talk to and to just be around in general, maybe Mai and Hobi were right about you guys being similar and setting up the date last week. Thinking about that and the phrase he just said reminds you of something and is your turn to wonder.
“Did she break your heart?”
“The redhead from the club.”
His expression changes a little bit, but you're getting better at noticing, so you catch it. “Thought you had forgotten about that.”
“Almost did, but you know, I'm curious too.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back,” you complete the idiom, smiling proudly.
“I'm a smart cat, what can I say.”
That gets you a smile from Yoongi and he changes position, reclining his back against the bench and looking straight ahead he commences. “We met at the beginning of university, had a few classes together and started hanging out, became friends, and then started dating at the start of our second semester. Everything was easy and calm, the change from friends to more didn't even register to me, I… I don't know if it makes sense.”
“Sounds lovely,” you point out.
“It was. I thought it was perfect. And perhaps it was for a while, but after dating for about nine months something changed.” A little wrinkle appears on his forehead as he thinks, “I couldn't point it out and sometimes it felt like it was all in my head. And that made me more nervous because I didn't want to self-sabotage, you know.” You nod, fully facing his side now, sitting indian style and bag of chips on your lap. Paying attention as he did before for you.
“She wasn't big on PDA and I respected that, but when I told Mai we were together and she got mad I kind of realized that we had been secretly dating for almost a year. None of hers, and ours, closest friends knew about us and it felt… it hurt.” He pauses for a moment, bringing his hands to his jacket’s pockets. “So, I wanted to talk to her about it. To try and find a solution, to tell her I was sorry for telling Mai but I wanted to talk to my best friend about my girlfriend and how much I…” another pause, breathing in. “But when I went to her dorm, it was Jay who opened the door.” 
You gasp unintentionally, covering your mouth right away. “Where they…?” You don't know what to say. And you don't really need to say anything, everything is pretty clear.
“Turns out they had been together for about three months at that point.”
You gasp again, shocked.
“In and out, kitten, don't die.” He manages to joke and that makes you feel worse about your response.
“Sorry. Is just…”
“A lot?”
“Yeah. And… crazy. How could she cheat on you? I mean, in general, I don't get why people do it, but… on you?”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” He chuckles a bit.
“I mean because your relationship sounded lovely. Dating your friend? That's the goal, isn't it?” You correct, “But also, yes. You're good looking and your kissing game is not bad.” 
“You're not bad yourself.”
Looking at each other, you both laugh. 
“I'm sorry that happened to you,” you offer sincerely on a more serious note, “you know it is not on you, right?”
“I know,” he sighs, Mai had made sure to repeat it to him countless times back when everything happened and the couple months after until he truly believed it, “thank you.”
“And I know is scary and I'm not one to say it but… don't let what happened make you run away from the opportunity of something great.”
Yoongi smiles softly without really reaching his eyes and you completely understand when instead of keeping the conversation serious, he asks “Are you flirting with me?”
“You turned me down, remember? I'm not doing that again,” you answer only half joking.
“C’mon, I told you why I did it”
“You were deciding for me.” He opens and closes his mouth, shaking his head and before he can apologize again, you clarify, “I'm just joking.”
“You're mean. But I forgive because you're cute.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Yes.” He answers without a beat.
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
A pause, contemplating.
“You wish.”
He smirks, “I do.” 
And you do too. But your bravery from the other night is not here today and you wonder if it's because you're at the University campus or because all you have done today is talk about your bad luck in relationships and the fear of it all.
What if your friends see?
What if anyone else who knows them sees and tells them?
But what if it is the last chance you get to kiss Yoongi again?
Why are you overthinking it? Wasn't your plan to just go with the flow or whatever cheesy quote you chose?
“Was that too much?” Yoongi asks. The wind has blown a strain of hair into your face and he pulls it back in place behind your ear. “I don't have a problem being the one flirting, but if you really don't want me to do it again I'd completely stop. I promise.”
“Is not that,” you quickly answer. “I–I like it, is just…” some people walk out of the cafeteria, and you follow them with your gaze, is hard for him not to notice. 
“Come with me?” Standing up after him, you follow Yoongi across campus and behind the auditorium. He has only been here about a week, that's why you're surprised when he announced not a lot of people come here confidentiality.
“The ones still on campus are busy, either in normal classes or in extracurriculars.”
“You aren't on any extracurriculars?”
A shake of your head, “I live through Jungkook, that kid does everything.” 
Yoongi laughs. “That's why everyone knows him?”
“That and those Bambi's eyes,” you nod, laughing with him.
You are calmer now and guess that was Yoongi’s plan for bringing you here. So, when he doesn't say anything else, you decide to continue the other conversation.
“I guess that's why it’s kind of scary to flirt so openly with you. Especially now after finding out about the whole thing with Hobi and the basketball team,” you sigh.
“Do you think someone is going to tell him if they see us?”
“So are you telling me to stop flirting?” 
“No.” You answer too fast and he smirks, making you feel a bit shy, but yet, you continue. “I’m just not sure how they'd take the whole «hey, I'm flirting and kissing this guy. Is nothing serious we are just messing around».”
“«Messing around»? Are you fifty?” Yoongi laughs.
“They are! When is about me they act like everything is so extreme,” you pout a little.
“Poor baby,” he mirrors your pout, hands on your shoulders rubbing them softly.
“And I'm scared they would make everything so dramatic, you know? Like, if we want to kiss or whatever without being so serious about it, then what’s the issue?”
“They worry about you and want to protect you. Don't blame them too much.”
“Don't be on their side,” you shove him a little, “I'm trying to kiss you.”
He laughs, “Sorry. I'm on your side.” Pulling you closer and wrapping his arms around your middle. 
“While we both are on the same page about what we want, it shouldn't be an issue. Don't you agree?”
“So,” you look up at him, “what do you want?”
“I want to kiss you.”
You blush at how direct he is. “Not what I meant.”
“Well, like I said, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. I don't think I'm ready to put myself at that emotional risk again yet. But I didn’t mind you kissing me, and wouldn't complain if you want to do it again,” he says honestly. “What about you?”
“Also not really looking for a serious relationship. I think I just want to explore life a little, whatever that means. I want to have fun and not get hurt.”
“I'll never hurt you.”
“I'll never hurt you, either,” you promise looking into chocolate eyes, getting on the tip of your toes to peck his lips, sealing it.
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A/N: alright, this is officially a friends with benefits fic now, who is excited? asdfg Check this post for the calendar and pinterest board and more yapping that tumblr doesn't let me add here :/
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➪01 | ➪ 02 | ➪ Tag for TCT verse | ♡ Tag list info ➪Main masterlist. | ➪ Pinned | ➪ Ko-fi
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asnowdriftsomewhere · 19 hours
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Daylight pt4
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Cassian x F!reader
AN: Thank you to everyone for reading this series and enjoying it! Part 1 now has over 100 notes, which makes me very happy! I hope you continue to like what i have to say!
Summary: Helion comes to check on you in the Night Court. You have feelings about it and Cassian is shirtless.
Warnings: talking about death and expectations and pressures
Word count: 1596
You sat perfectly still in the seat across from Rhysand. Everything in your body begged you to run, to flee this room where the walls pushed in. Suffocating you, trapping you. But your spin was a pillar of steel and your eyes belied none of your discomfort. As far as anyone in the room was concerned you were perfectly calm as you kept your gaze on the High Lord before you.
“Y/N?” The voice came from the seat next to you. A warm, familiar tone that once wrapped around your bones and soothed your anxious heart. Now it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and a muscle in your jaw tic.
“My research is slow moving,” you spoke to Rhysand, your fingers interlaced over your crossed knees, “but it is progressing.”
Violet eyes flicked from you to the male beside you and back again, “Do you require anything to aid you? The resources of the Night Court are at your disposal.”
“A most generous offer, High Lord-”
“Perhaps you can spare your Shadowsinger for a few questions,” you continued as if not hearing him speak. “I think he would have some most illuminating things to say.”
Rhysand nodded once, “When Azriel gets back from the continent, I'll send him to you.”
You bowed your head in thanks as you got to your feet, “Until then, I shall return to the library.” You started to leave but paused, “Males aren't allowed down there unless given permission, correct?”
“Good to know,” you turned and left without another word to either male. The door slamming in your wake.
Rhysand turned to Helion, who slumped into his chair and raised an eyebrow. “Well…” he started, and the High Lord of Day let out a low groan. “You've certainly managed to piss her off. What did you do?”
“I brought her here,” Helion sighed as he stood to cross the room to the window. The golden rays of the sun seemed to shine even brighter in his presence. “The Grand Library was her home, and I sent her away.”
Rhysand hummed softly, “Why did you bring her here, old friend?”
Helion's amber eyes closed briefly, a shiver of what almost seemed like regret running through his powerful body, “Y/N had a sister. My father's chief advisor and a brilliant researcher. She died defending the library from being looted again just before Amarantha fell.”
“Y/N hasn't been the same since,” he continued, slipping his hands into his pockets. “It's as if, because she survived, she feels she needs to live up to her sister's legacy. That she needs to be as good or better than her. But Y/N already was those things, just in a smaller way.”
Rhysand tipped his head to the side, “What do you mean?”
“Her sister made miracles, feats of magic that we never could have dreamed possible. Y/N…” he trailed off, turning back to the Night Lord. “Her research was about philosophy. The very concepts of Life and Death. She dove into the essence of Religion and Mythology and the laws of the universe itself. She sought answers to questions no one else in my court would have ever bothered with because they did not affect or change our day to day. And I believe she felt like she had the freedom to do so because her sister's accomplishments shielded her from the competition my father fostered among his Advisors.”
Rhysand steepled his fingers in front of him, “And with her sister dead, her own lack of answers is weighing on her.”
Helion nodded once, “She feels that if she can't provide results, then the wrong sister died.”
“Do you know what she's looking into now?”
“I don't,” he admitted with a sigh, “I've not been privy to her research since coming back from under the mountain. She hides it from everyone.”
Rhysand seemed to ponder something for a moment, “She asked Cassian if he's ever heard a swan song. Are you familiar with the concept?”
Helion turned back to him, “I am.”
“And now she's asking to speak with Azriel,” the corners of his mouth ticked down.
Helion raised an eyebrow, “What are you thinking?”
“I'm thinking about death…” he trailed off before meeting his friend's amber gaze. “I'll need to speak to Clotho to verify but…” the two males fell into conversation quietly as Rhysand relayed his theory to Helion. Too engrossed in the debate to notice the slip of daylight that slithered under the door and into the hall.
You found yourself not in the library as you had intended after winnowing back to the House of Wind, but instead in the training right above it. You don't know why you ended up here. What force drew you to this place you'd not yet had need of in the two months since coming here. But once you were staring into the wide open sky above, you let out a scream that nearly shook the mountain before collapsing into the middle of the training pit.
Your breath was coming in shaky, uneven gasps as if your lungs were being held in a vice, so you buried your hands up to your wrists into the gravel. Focusing on the cool stones against your skin helped sooth and smother your roiling anger. The burning you felt in your soul dissipating into the mountain below until slowly your breathing evened out and your body stopped shaking.
Your rage was still there. It never left entirely. Like a ball of fire, it squatted in your chest, waiting to be unleashed. Some days, it was the only thing that got you out of bed. Others you had to lock yourself in your room to keep from lashing out indiscriminately. Regardless, it was always there, always prepared for however you would wield it.
“Are you okay?”
The voice came from behind you, and your head snapped up in response. Cassian stood at the edge of the pit. Shirtless and sweaty, he'd clearly been in the middle of training when you'd stomped through the space like a viper ready to strike.
He'd know better than to intercept you. A female with that look on her face was more dangerous than entire armies, and Cassian wasn't stupid enough to think his presence would improve the situation. Especially after he heard the scream that came out of your small frame. Pain and rage and sorrow- he knew that scream. Knew how deep the hurt had to run to be able to produce a cry like that. He'd heard every single one of his family members make that scream and knew what caused it. A wounding of the soul itself.
He'd been about to slip back into the House, intent on giving you your privacy when he saw you collapse into the training pit and bury your hands in the stones. It confused him enough that he lingered in the threshold and baffled him entirely as he WATCHED the anger leak out of your body.
Cassian approached then, not only to make sure you were okay but also because some central part of him wondered at what you had done. How you had leashed your rage.
“Are you okay?”
Your head snapped up to face him, your expression turning weary. He held up his hands to show you he had no weapons and your shoulders eased some.
“Why are you always sneaking up on me?” Your voice was heavy and held none of the bite he imagined you intended your words to carry.
“In my defense” he shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest, “I was here first this time. You just didn't see me.”
You let out a hard breath, eyes falling back to the stones, “Indeed.”
“Y/N,” he said your name so softly, so sweetly, something in your chest cracked in response, “Are you okay?”
You looked up at him again, your gaze crashing into his, and your vision blurred. “No,” you admitted, something straining in your voice, “But I will be. I must be.”
“What does that-”
“Thank you, General,” you silenced him as you stood up from the gravel. Wiping the dust from your hands as you did. “For caring enough to check, but please, let's not fool ourselves into thinking this is anything more than court politics.”
He frowned at that, “Court polit- Y/N-”
“I am a member of the Day Court, your High Lord's closest ally. I was sent here to be kept from breaking under the weight of my role,” you said simply, studying the dirt now crusted under your nails. “I know this, you know this. Your kindness, while appreciated, is not needed or wanted. I will fix myself. I will not break.”
Cassian was at a loss for words, “Y/N-”
“I will not break,” you said again, your eyes flicking to meet his, and he felt his world shift out from under him. He was not in Prythian. He was not in the Night Court or Velaris or standing atop the House of Wind. He was standing on a sunbeam, walking on the wind, fingers trailing through the clouds. And across from him, there you were. Glowing and graceful, a star made just for him.
Cassian blinked, and the vision was gone. He was back in the training pit, his gaze locked with yours. Only you were fading, like the edges of your body were fraying into the wind as you disappeared before his eyes. He blinked again, and you were gone
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