#team herbivore
akire2002 · 2 years
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Hey! Here is some quick piece I made today, it is design for my future mug. And I also wanted to draw some piggy, because I love them so much. :D I always wanted something, to express myself and I am proud for the changes I have made in life. I am lacto-ovo vegetarian or just vegetarian for short. Which means I don't eat any kind of meat. And soon it will be about 5 years since I last tasted meat. :D Many thanks to my family and friends for trying to understand my choice in life and for being respectful about it. ❤️ I also must say, I have no problem with people eating meat and I think it is ok for some people to eat it. But in my opinion it is not necessary for most people in modern world to consume it. And it would be for the best if people could at least reduce it if they can. Also, people should realize that most of our global problems like climate change, deforestation, species extinction or pandemics is due animal agriculture and our broken food system. And I hope people will soon realize that their choice as individual have a huge impact on this beautiful planet. So whatever choice you make, you can change the world as individual. I wish everyone all the best in life, no matter what happens. 😉
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momos-servants · 3 months
Wait guys
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jaypg9 · 1 year
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good evening gamers and fuckers you're never gonna guess what i have for you (it's more of guys)
#pokemon#pokemon oc#pokemon spoilers //#again in a noncanon sort of way that hints at endgame gimmicks#and because you're here (again) you get MORE BONUS LORE!!! (again)#the yellow color in laggaan's hair comes from oxide rich clay! he combed it in for style.#he's an adept fighter who's just as ready to throw down as his pokemon are. life comes at you fast in paradox prehistory#he's also kind of like prehistory goku. like you're minding your business making a basket out of reeds#and somewhere in the distance you hear an explosion and you're like 'hey what the fuck'#and it turns out this absolute mad lad decided to go fight a bear made out of gunpowder for fun or some shit#life in the maybe-never-was past is pretty vibrant! there are lots of different peoples living in all kinds of places.#the world is still largely warm and tropical (with a cooling & drying trend starting to set in.)#lagaan and his friends live in the sand sea - an enormous sand-and-rock desert.#the fur he's wearing used to belong to a beast that has no name in our time (but may have appeared in the spaceworld demo.)#wicked drill is one of the creatures that lives in the desert - it's well adapted to the harsh conditions.#it's primarily herbivorous (feeding on whatever plants and tubers can weather the elements) but Do Not Turn Your Back On It.#it's a ruthless opportunist that has no qualms about hunting if given an opening. (it's also known for being a cantankerous bastard.)#arcane idol (later given the provisional classification UB-00 'vision') is... not from the desert.#it's very far from home actually. unlike drill (who's known lagen for years) it's a recent addition to the team#but listen when you're as lost as it is? you take kindness where you can find it.#(and its ability to fire lasers and snowball stat boosts comes in handy in a pinch.)#oh btw laggaan is trans and top surgery hasn't been invented yet but that's a post for another day#or maybe never because i think tumblr automod would send me to the shadow realm.#ps apologies for the watermark i just wanna make it marginally harder to use my work in a dataset. lol
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kindercelery · 8 months
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Guys how do i illustrate this
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Sometimes when I talk about work to people I’m comfortable enough to talk about it in therian terms like, “yeah work was alright, i was working with that bear I told you about and those shifts usually go fine, but that annoying lion cub was working today and ugh i hate him”
Minf youbim the only otherkin at work my brain just assigns animals to people.
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fishareglorious · 2 years
Finally leveled up enough to get the raptor saddle blueprint. Now I feel more free because running around with Spoiled Tofu has made me able to explore the area more.
Ran up the mountain up north to get crystal for my spygalss and fell off a couple of times which was annoying, but in the end I managed to get some while not having every carnivore aggroed on me because the local Rexes and Griffins were having a gang fight.
As for the good news, the two T-Rexes who have been terrorizing me since day 1 are now good as dead. The other one I took advantage of their low level and sicced my girlies on them, and the level 40 one accidentally hit one of the brontos and proceeded to get bitch-slapped into the ocean. I didn’t get to loot the latter tho but its fine a good rex is a dead rex
But as for the bad news, apparently the game devs removed the glitch where you can lower platforms? Which somewhat spoils my plans for building a boat base, because the raft is vulnerable to attacks now it’s not protected with platforms.
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If there was one animal literacy thing I could change with a wave of a wand, it would be increasing people's understanding of how dangerous megafauna are. I think that in the US (and probably other Western countries too), we're so removed from wildlife and even large domesticated animals that people really have no perspective on how much a big animal can fuck you up. Even if they're "gentle."
This is a discussion going on on Twitter, too, the last few days: there was a thing where an Iditarod musher shot a moose to protect their team, and a lot of people are confused as to why that needed to happen. Apparently this moose had been hanging around the course for quite a while and was becoming quite dangerous to the sled dog teams. Moose are territorial and not to be fucked with. Everyone from Alaska or areas with moose are like "yup, that's just reality."
Same thing with the bison birth I watched last year. Folk really thought the staff should be in the habitat on the ground with the bison herd, helping with the birth. Sure, that's what we do with cows if we have to, but... bison are definitely not cows and, again, will squish you.
People tend to get it more with the predators. Few people will argue that a cougar or an alligator or a bear isn't dangerous. I think people kinda go both ways on wild pigs / boars depending on their experience. But herbivores or things that don't look traditionally pointy... it just kinda doesn't click.
Any large animal is probably stronger than you think and more likely to hurt you than you realize. Be it a dolphin, an elk, a sea lion, or even an emperor penguin... just don't go near them, buds.
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roxannarambles · 10 months
Did you ever play with polly pockets too? Or Bratz dolls? Had them as a kid too. Never played with moster high or the other type dolls. That was after my time. What type of barbies did you have? I had lots of disney princess, brats, and ballet barbie dolls. One doll I remember most is esmeralda doll I found at flea Market that was actually a spice girl doll dressed as Esmeralda from the Disney movie. Imagine my surprise when that barbie had a snake tattoo on her back! Also did you ever use markes to add highlights to your dolls her? My last barbie doll was a Sharpay doll from High school musical.
I had a couple Polly Pockets, yeah! I loved teeny tiny stuff so I loved those, I had some Star Trek polly-pocket style thingies too (teeny tiny space ships that opened up). Bratz dolls came out when I was too old for dolls tho; also I lost interest in dolls very fast anyway, I was pretty tomboyish so most of my toys were considered "boy's toys."
I've been unpacking my real old boxes so here is a sample of some of my old toys to show you what I mean, haha:
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Dinosaurs, dragons, transformers, hotwheels, any kind of badass looking animal was more my thing XD
The upper corner you can see my old MLP collection, but again that was from my era of VERY young (3, 4?) when folks just bought me girl's stuff because I was a little girl and so that's just what people did. 😂 But yeah I do NOT remember my Barbies very well at all bc like I said I was 3 or 4 and didn't have them for long and they didn't leave much of an impression on me. As soon as I got a little older I ditched them and gravitated towards boy's toys. The girliest things I had when I was older were probably Beanie Babies?? (because I loved anything to do with animals) Oh, also the Littlest Pet Shop, but OLD Littlest Pet Shop, back when they looked like actual animals and not the current abominations they sell
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blackopals-world · 11 months
Mouthing Affection
Leona x Vet!FemYuu
As part of the smut raffle. This is the prize for the winners.
Sometimes big cats can be big kittens and can't help but show it. Yuu has to deal with a spoiled lion doing everything he can to distract her from her job.
Cat (big cats including) will nip to show affection.
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Yuu was busy. She was always busy. Today especially since Coach Vargas asked her to do a health check on all the athletic teams that had beastmen.
That meant mostly patching up cuts and bruises while making sure they took flea and lick medications. That also meant having Vil bring Epel in for a tick check after one was found in the stables.
Currently, Leona was sitting in Yuu's office getting his health screening. Yuu skimmed through her report checking for errors, she knew Leona was perfectly healthy almost ludicrously by human standards. He could benefit from daily multivitamins though.
"Okay, I'll give you a syringe of liquid multivitamins and a liquid IV." Yuu said putting down her clipboard.
"What do I get if I take it?" Leona asked raking a claw down the paper-covered exam table. His smirk taunted the doctor.
"I'll give you a treat. Something I reserve for the most ornery of patients." By which she meant all of them.
Yuu opened a jar with a cat symbol on it on her desk that contained an assortment of colorfully wrapped candies. She pulled out one and put it on the table before taking out the medicine vials.
"I'll take it after you give me the candy." He said leaning back.
"No, after." Yuu said simply without looking up.
"Before and another after." He said more stubbornly.
"No, you can't hav-wait. Where is it?" Yuu began looking through the cabinets for a missing bottle."Shit. The nurse must have taken it to her-stay put till I get back."
Yuu walked out while giving Leona a glare.
Leona just as quickly takes a handful of candies and ate a few just to spite her. He loved messing with the cute herbivore.
The candy was really good. It tasted like mint and melon. It felt warm as it melted in his mouth. His entire body began to feel warm.
Leona's vision began to get fuzzy at the edges as Yuu finally returned. She was focused on finishing her task as she grabbed another oral syringe and measured out another dose. Leona's focus zeroed in on Yuu as her hands moved.
His thoughts focused on how cute she was. His mind repeated it over and over everything he liked about her. Her hair, her eyes, her lips, her hips. All of it was cute-sexy. That sounded right.
"Leona? Hey are you okay?" Yuu asked holding out one of the oral syringes for him to take.
Leona was still aware enough to keep calm but couldn't speak. His tongue felt thick and heavy.
"Leona." Yuu glared "Are you seriously going to make me give it to you myself. Your just as bad as Ruggie."
Leona felt a twinge of irritation at the mention of the hyena. She was supposed to be taking care of him, no other men mattered. He grabbed Yuu's hand and pressed the end of the syringe to his lips.
Yuu sighed as she relented.
"It's not going to taste good but I promise I'll reward you," Yuu said slowly pressing down the plunger.
Leona's nose wrinkled as the medicine filled his mouth. He almost pulled away until Yuu placed a hand on his head. She weaved her hand through his hair and stroked his ears.
The fuzzy feeling returned as he felt a melting warmth in his chest.
"Good boy." She said scratching Leona's ear and pulling way. "Wow, your eyes look dilated. Let me get my ophthalmoscope."
Leona growled at the loss of warmth and pulled Yuu back as she turned around.
"Leona?!" Yuu yelped, her back pressed against the lion's chest.
Leona didn't respond as he pressed his face against Yuu's neck. Her skin was soft, warm and smelled so good. He nipped at her skin affectionately and she tasted so good. He wanted more.
Yuu gasped as Leona licked a long stripe up her neck. He got aggregated when his tongue touched fabric and growled as he began pulling the lab coat off.
"W-wait stop! What's gotten into you?" Yuu wrenched herself from the lion's grasp.
Finally, she noticed the candy wrappers littering the floor. She had bought these from Sam with the assurance that they were full of catnip and would make any ornery cat affectionate. It also had a warning about eating too many. From the wrappers, Yuu guessed that Leona took a bunch to spite her. Typical.
Yuu should have known.
Quickly the doctor examined Leona. His eyes were heavily dilated with more black showing than his usual emerald green. His tail swung back and forth. His claws looked bigger than usual too. They were digging into the padded table like earlier but now they seemed to get sharper.
What was worrying Yuu the most was the look in his eyes. A look that any cat owner knows very well that translated to "I'm being a huge dumbass"
Yuu needed to get Leona somewhere safe before anyone finds out he was drugged. She wasn't explaining to Vargas why his star player is high as a kite. That meant taking Leona back to Ramshackle.
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Yuu dropped the clingy lion on her bed and huffed in irritation. It took longer then necessary to get to the dorm.
Yuu had to bribe Ruggie with a jar of her handmade biscuits. He's either eaten all of them or is reselling them to the rest of Savanaclaw. Jokes on him those biscuits ate full of "calming" herbs that are completely legal. Unlike the ones she got from Sam which she has no idea if they are.
The joke might be on her. There might be an epidemic of catatonic beastmen.
Yuu chooses to blame Leona for this.
Leona on the other hand looked very pleased with himself as he lazily rolled on Yuu's bed and rubs his face on Yuu's pillows and getting his scent all over it.
Yuu grabs the pillow to stop him. Leona grabs her wrist and presses his cheek against her palm. The lion made a pleased rumble and encouraged Yuu to touch him more.
"You are lucky you're being cute. Cute doesn't even suit someone like you. I should be angry that you are making me do this." Yuu faked annoyance.
Leona must have known as he grinned wolfishly.
"Get over here." He pulled Yuu down with him.
Yuu yelped as Leona's arms wrapped around her. His face once again buried against her neck. His brown locks tickled her skin and his rough tongue lapped at her collar.
He let out brief heavy sighs that Yuu recognized as chuffing. Leona was very excited.
Leona's mind as fuzzy as everything felt could feel Yuu. Her scent surrounded him, forming a warm blanket around him. Her soft skin was like a pillow and all he wanted to do was sink into her. He wanted her, all of her. By his side.
Yuu knew she should protest. She should stop him. Leona was stronger than her but he'd listen if she demanded it. But he was happy and relaxed right now. She could just wait it out.
So she did or she tried to.
The pair cuddled as they napped. Yuu's hands mindlessly stroked Leona's head. She felt the rumbles that vibrated in his chest. Leona had moved to rest his head on Yuu's chest as his hand pushed under the hem of her shirt to touch more of the dewy skin he craved.
The haze in his made had cleared mostly before turning into something stronger and much worse. An insatiable need but at least he had his mind back.
The moment he realized he had begun to unconsciously attempt to remove Yuu's shirt he pulled out of her arms.
"Fuck!" He growled. It was one thing after another. It was like her body and mind were at war.
Yuu jolted awake before shifting to stare at Leona. She was glad he was back to normal at least. With all their past bickering she should expect he didn't want to remain with her but it still hurt. They weren't bitter enemies or anything, he didn't need to push her way like that.
"You didn't need to be so rough. It's your fault we're here anyways. You should listen when I told you not to eat more than one." Yuu scolded.
Leona pushed his palm against his forehead to ease his stress. His lips curled revealing his sharp canines.
"Stop talking." He growled again.
Yuu was getting agitated too but her instincts told her that Leona wasn't feeling well. Probably recovering from the drug.
"Leona, it's okay. Calm down and let me-" Yuu touched his shoulder intending to check his symptoms. Suddenly she was pinned down with her wrists held captive in Leona's hands.
Leona hovered over her his eyes narrowed into slits and his lips pulled back in a predatory snarl.
"I SAID SHUT UP!" He growled before just as quickly he pulled away like she was burning him "If you know what's good for you you'd stay away."
Yuu was incredulous. One second he's all over her now he can't stand her. Hot and cold.
"You don't get to tell me shit. I'm your doctor if I want to check on you that's my job and I will do it." Yuu glared but the heat of her stare disappeared as she was the pained furrow of Leona's brow.
Despite what anyone thinks she wasn't dense, at least not when it pertained to beasts. They were the only thing she really understood.
When they were in pain it was hard to tell because in the wild looking weak meant death as you'd be the first to be picked off. So animals hide their pain and only an experienced owner/vet could tell when something was off. Likewise, Yuu knew Leona was unwell and it was her job to fix it.
"Leona," She began.
"Stop talking...please." He said through gritted teeth.
"Why?" She asked quieter.
Leona huffed in agitation.
"You're voice. Is sounds so good right now. And whatever was in that fucking candy is going to make me lose it."
"Lose what?"
Just as she said this she caught a glimpse of what Leona was talking about. A firm outline was very visible.
"Yuu," He didn't call her herbivore "You need to leave immediately. For your own sake."
"What about yours?"
"The fuck is wrong with you. I just said you'd be put in danger."
"It's my fault, isn't it? I should help you."
"Can you help with this?" Leona gestured to the prominent shape in his pants.
Yuu didn't make eye contact.
The practical remedy for these things was to let them run their course and in the case of animals like ferrets find them a partner or else they will die of heat. The natural cure as it was. He'll she had to help tend to stallions and bucks during the breeding season when a request for quality DNA for a foal came in. It was just as gross as your imagining. So this was nothing.
I'd didn't make it any less embarrassing. Because Leona was notably a person, a good-looking one at that, and not a noisy smelly beast that is way too pleased with himself while a group of handlers gets him off.
"I don't mind. I can help. I do have some responsibility for this." Yuu mumbled the last part.
"How?" Leona demanded his tail flicked.
Yuu could have suggested her hands or maybe her mouth if she knew what she was doing but she had to say-
"You could use my thighs. They aren't really small." Yuu squeaked thinking about how weird that sounded. I mean who thinks of thighs first.
Leona did.
He really liked Yuu's thighs.
With all the consent he needed Leina wordlessly pulled at the vet's pants but was stopped at the underwear. Yuu hesitated before pulling off her undergarments she felt underprepared. He shirt and bra went as well. She felt exposed but she wasn't a coward.
"Let me get some oil," Yuu said blushing as she turned to grab the body oil she used on the nightstand. As she sat up and crawled to the other side she felt hands wrap around her hips and was dragged right back under Leona.
Leona grabbed the bottle roughly before pouring it on Yuu's lap.
Despite his condition, Leona was as gentle as he could manage as he rubbed the oil on her body. Yuu shuttered feeling his large firm hands around her thighs and hips.
Leona quickly removed his clothes and at least now they were in a similar state of undress. Now Yuu didn't feel as exposed as she got an eyeful of Leona.
Despite his sedentary lifestyle, she was unsurprisingly built. Yuu was just as much a fan of muscles as Leona was of thighs.
Now Yuu could see just how big this kitty was and oh boy. He was big. 7 glorious inches and thick. Actually it was a bit knobby? Oh God, it had barbs. Okay not barbs like his animal counterpart, his was softer. It was similar to one of those bad dragon toys. Not that Yuu knew anything about that, that would be weird.
Don't look under her bed.
Leona could smell her arousal and knew she liked what she saw. The desperate desire that flooded her brain eased up a bit at the recognition.
Yuu could feel the smug aura breaking through and spoke up.
"Don't expect to fuck me without a kiss first." She smirked.
Leona made a pleased growl as their lips met in what would be the first of many kisses. He was eager to turn those soft pink lips red and swollen. He imagined them wrapped around his cock plenty of times, mostly during their arguments.
But now those lips were his as he nipped and bruised them as he liked.
Yuu pulled away as she gasped for air before being pulled back as Leona hungrily demanded more.
He pushed his cock between her soft oiled thighs and began to fuck them. Yuu's words of shock were muffled as Leona's tongue distracted her.
She felted into him as every thrust teased her clit as Leona just barely grazed it.
"I wonder if it's tighter inside." He murmured as he moved to Yuu's already bruised neck from earlier. He was turned on by the obvious claim.
He slowly lapped at her chest, taking a nipple into his mouth and suckling roughly before letting go. Yuu let out a shaky gasp as Leona played with her breasts. All the while thrusting against her but not enough to satisfy.
Yuu's excitement waned. It wasn't enough. No more teasing. She wanted him. Now.
Like a demanding lioness, she shoved Leona back. Leona frowned a bit insulted.
"Fuck me. Properly. Now." Yuu demanded.
Now this was something Leona was familiar with. In his homeland, it was always women who demanded sex from their male partners and they were never shy about what they wanted. Something he found annoying when it came to non-beastwomen who played too many games or acted shy instead of saying what they wanted.
It was like an itch that was finally being scratched as he lined up between Yuu's legs. Her gaze was fierce and expecting and all the more exciting. Gods he loved this woman, who else gives as good as they get.
One thing Leona had not realized by this point was that the drug had worn off. It had only two effects the initial intoxication phase and the detoxification phase which he had gotten through with Yuu serving as a distraction to ease the pain. Like a hangover but horny.
Leona slowly pushed into Yuu's entrance and fuck it felt good. Tight, hot, and felt like velvet. If it wasn't for the copious amount of oil he doubted he'd fit this easily. Leona stroked Yuu thighs as they wrapped around his hips.
"Good girl." He praised turning her favorite phrase she used on her patients on her.
Yuu shifted and whimpered. White hot pleasure buzzed through her core. She wanted Leona to do it again.
Leona rocked his hips against her. Yuu didn't get time to catch her breath as Leona began to fuck her. She was right about the barbs. They felt amazing as they stimulated her insides.
"Fuck! Mmnn!" Yuu moaned "Yes! Harder!"
Leona eagerly speed-up making sure each thrust was deep. Watching Yuu fall apart.
"You love this don't you?" Leona asked pulling her against his chest.
Yuu wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Please don't stop." She begged.
Leona rubbed her clit and watched as she cried out. He buried his cock deep inside her as she came. Her back arched as she felt everything at once.
"Leona!" He cried out her voice trembled along with a chorus of whimpers and moans.
But Leona still was satisfied as he fucked her through her orgasm. He adored the expression she made while she was fucked dumb. Her moans sounded less like words and more like whines of a beast in heat. The only appropriate sound for a time like this.
"You love being claimed don't you? Do you want to be mine that badly?" He asked biting her shoulder.
"Yours? Im yours? " Yuu yelped in reply.
Leona's tail twitched in satisfaction as he fucked her with renewed vigor. That was all he needed to hear. Even after he finished he couldn't stop himself before he continued to pound her into the sheets. She was his. All his. Only his. Even when she was sore and crying out for him nothing could change that now.
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Yuu was sore and tired and annoyed. She was cuddling Leona again with e weird sense of Deja Vu. Leona was in a much better mood for once.
The sex was amazing of course but she was still annoyed. Yuu tugged on one of Leona's ears to get his attention.
"Just so you know I'm not yours. Your mine got it." Yuu said firmly.
"You said it first." He argued back not leaving her embrace.
The two still found the energy to argue again but this time ina more affectionate manor.
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Meanwhile, Ruggie had learned about the effects of canine CBD snacks.
"I can taste colors."
Ruggie was currently on the floor staring at the ceiling but in his mind, he was traveling across time and space.
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Ruggie: This edible ain't sh-
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Idea for a little angst. Leona has a nightmare about his s/o (fem or gn preferably) becoming an unfortunate victim to King’s Roar’s effect. Maybe having flashbacks to when he overblotted in a sense? Up to you!
Ohhhhhhh this is a PRIME angst prompt, thank you very much for this incredibly ouchie idea.
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GN!Reader, ANGST, comfort
In the center of Night Raven College's Spelldrive stadium, Leona stood alone. There was no grass beneath his feet crosshatched with play lines and goal marks, just cracked, dry soil. There were no cheers in the stands, no holler of food vendors or trumpet of pep bands, just a blistering, eerie silence. As the wind whistled through the empty field, little spirals of sand danced upon the breeze to land near his feet.
"Howl? Felmier?... Ruggie?"
No response.
He trod carefully across the arid dirt, moving towards the entrance of the field. Surely there he would find someone waiting, Ruggie or another Savanaclaw student or you, you had to be here somewhere. He was not afraid. he was not.
But dipping through the doorway and peering into one of the locker rooms revealed an equally eerie sight. No students, no coaches. Just heaps of dry, yellow sand. The alternate team's locker room revealed the same sight. So did the hallway out into the stadium entry, the vendor booths that lined the cobblestone path, the winding road leading back up to the school proper.
But along that road, facing away from him, finally he saw you.
Despite your distance, he could hear you perfectly. He tried to move towards you but it felt like her were wading through tar, each step a herculean effort. He tried to call for you again but found his voice dry and lifeless in his throat.
"I didn't ask to be here. I didn't know this would happen. But still... I just wanted to help. Why wouldn't you let me help?"
He was moving forward, he knew he was, so why did it seem like you were just as far away?
"This isn't even my home, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Is that so wrong? Why do you hate me so much?"
'I don't. I don't hate you. I never have, not really.' He tried to say, but the only noise he could make was a single choked rasp.
"Why would you do this to me? I just wanted to help."
He blinked. That's all he did, just a single blink. But suddenly he was upon you, crowding your space, a single clawed hand wrapped effortlessly around your neck. You didn't thrash, didn't scream, didn't make any attempt to pull away. Leona couldn't move either, frozen in time, watching in horror as the delicate skin around your neck began to flake and chip and dissolve to powdery sand. The tears in the corners of your eyes turned to dust before they could even roll down your cheeks.
Leona jolted awake to blackness, the dull tick of an alarm clock sitting on his nightstand. He was coated in sweat, panting, throat dry and hoarse. He felt along the left side of his bed, palms thumping frantically over the blanket-clad shape sharing his space. The only one he'd allow to share his space.
"Hrrmph?- Ow, ow! Shit, Leona! You scared the hell out of me!" You grumbled, wrestling blindly out of your blanket to try and protect yourself from his swatting hands. You were here. Thank the seven, you were here. You were here, beside him, and he hadn't destroyed you. He hadn't ruined the one good thing that life had given him, not yet.
He hadn't, but he almost did. He almost did, some time ago.
The air was forced out of your body in a rushed whoof! as Leona bowled into you, draping himself entirely over your still sleep-addled form. Before you could protest or even question what was happening you felt the rasp of his sandy tongue against your temple, peppered kisses in between soothing licks. Was he... Grooming you? Leona never groomed you. He rarely even let himself be groomed by his own family. And yet here he was, pressing himself into you like he was afraid you were going to vanish from beneath his grasp.
"Herbivore... kitten..." He mumbled in between kisses, reverent, relieved. you let a hand come up to rest on his cheek and he stifled a sound that you could have sworn was a tiny sob.
"Hey, hey, I'm right here big cat. I'm not going anywhere. What's all this about?" You ran your thumb blindly back and forth over the curve of his cheekbone, and he melted weakly into the touch.
"...Right, right. You're not. Never go anywhere. I won't let you, not without me." Slowly the two of you sank back into the warmth of your shared mattress, Leona pressed against you like a second skin. "You're stuck with me now, aren't ya? Don't even think of... Of goin' anywhere."
As his words began to drift into exhausted mumbles you pressed yourself as close as you could into his warm side, letting him wrap an arm over your body and pull you into his embrace. You murmured a soft placation into his chest, hoping that whatever brought on this sudden influx of emotion out of your partner, it would be enough to soothe it.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
MC: *who wasn't listening to the announcement and completely missed the point of the beanfest*
MC: *has been gathering ingredients and making snacks out of them and giving them to the players (doesn't matter if they're team monster or team farmer)*
Grim: *is already out of the game* Myah... I don't understand why no one's attacking you yet.
MC: Hm?
Leona: Hey, Herbivore. Do you have any snacks left?
MC: Yes. Do you like barbeque?
Leona: When did you have the time to cook?
MC: I asked Hornton to roast them for me.
Leona: Tch. You better hide. The monster team are on their way.
MC: Oh, perfect. I need to return this cooler to Trey.
Leona: ...
Leona: How are you still intact right now?
MC: Hm?
Grim: Don't ask.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 6 months
Something happens and all of the human NRC kids turn into animals, while the beastmen, fae and merfolk are left to deal with the situation.
Which is fine, if Floyd hadn't learned about Heartslabyul using hedgehogs as croquet balls right before the incident.
Leona, holding a rabbit Epel: Alright, we have to find a way to change those herbivores back, let's split into three groups. One checks the potions lab, the other investigates the rest of the school for any freak magic and the last one babysits the animal‐ OWCH!!
Leona: Stop attacking me, Vil!!
Floyd, entering the room in a panic: SOMETHING HAPPENED TO-
Floyd: Oh, you guys know already...
Floyd, looking over to the equestrian club: Oh! A hedgehog!
* Floyd grabs Riddle the hedgehog and throws him out of the window, where he is immediately taken by a falcon*
Everyone: FLOYDD!
Malleus: I'm going to assume that Leech is not going to be present in the babysitting team...
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riddles-fiddles · 10 months
Can we get the dorm leaders reaction to s/o telling them that Twisted wonderland is a game in her world? She gave them plenty of proof and even showed them the game on her phone.
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Riddle's confused and extremely intrigued from this piece of information
Though he's more on the confused side of things. He's not so acquainted with technology so it's a hard time for him to discern what's true or fake
And honestly, your claims are so absurd it easily slips on his side as a prank. He'll be polite and look interested the whole time, but his brain is racing against time to make reason of it all
"Cater always tells me about this 'effects' things you can add to photos and there are plenty apps for image manipulation"
Dismisses all the proof you show him as a very dedicated prank of yours, because how could he be merely an AI when he very much feels very alive? Bullshit.
He lays down on his bed for a few nights with a deep sense of dread, being unable to sleep from all the doubt that creeps on his mind. He wants to believe that it's all just a lie, but what if it isn't?
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Sleeps through half your essay about how everything he knows is a lie, growing in boredom as you stubbornly shove evidence, talking like some scientist presenting a thesis
Honestly half your argument has already gone through his head at some point so he's not truly impressed
Plays it cool saying you're gone nuts and that all this magic stuff fried your brain
"Geez easy now herbivore, nothing you're blabbering about makes sense", and he looks absolutely unnafected, shrugging it off
He can't help but dwell on it for some time though, but he'll never show it on your face or hesitate for even a moment in front of anyone
No, you are the crazy one, he's very much real. His pain is real, or else all the things he feels deeply rooted on his heart wouldn't hurt this much... right?
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At first he's skeptical and scoffs off at your attempts at making his mind around your little antics
He's got the mind of a businessman, he's not falling for such childish pranks, no matter how well made that photoshopped image looks. Oh, wait, it's an app? Well, you're probably just teaming up with Idia to piss him off
His interest is piqued the moment he sees the cards with his face, and as you tell him it's a gacha game, his features light up for a fraction of a second - but then he remembers that you're trying to shove some absurd nonsense down his throat. No, it's not the time for profit thinking
Though you sure did gave him an idea, and he'll be sure to talk it out to Idia some other time
Azul keeps on a composed and rational feeling to him, one he pridefully shows to everyone around him, but he's got his insecurities and doubts, and now you just sparkled something inside his heart
He can't quite grasp it, but it always leaves him choking and uncomfortable, something alike to fear and anxiety, something he used to feel when he was the pathetic little octopus with too much time alone
For the first time after many years, he finds himself pondering about life, questioning everything he knows, a sense of dread tugging at the confines of his mind. He didn't like to think that maybe you were right, that everything he might have experienced was nothing but a cruel lie
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Kalim can't quite grasp the concept of his existence being literally a video game, but he's the first one to not treat it like a joke
He's very interested on everything you says naturally, but he's very impressed to know that there's a game where he is a character!
"But... y/n, how could I be a literal game character when I'm right in front of you? Doesn't that mean that you are ficitional as well?"
He laughs light-hearted, taking things surprisingly well - because he can't understand he's not truly real. No matter how many screenshots you show, his wiki page, his cards, not even playing through the whole Scarabia arch will suffice to convince him
He just thinks you're a very talented person who made the game as some kind of diary or something, being inspired by everything that happened in Night Raven College
Eventually Kalim just convinces you to brush your point off, seeing how happy and entertained he looked. Maybe it's for the best to just allow him to eat up that lie
You wouldn't want to make Kalim sad now, would you?
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Vil looks at you like you have just insulted his whole bloodline and then threw all his makeup on his face
Stands there in awkward silence, processing all the information and carefully picked proof, snatching your phone to look through it
By the end of this tense moment, he shakes his head, laughing out as if finally understanding that everything was merely a joke.
But you don't laugh back, instead looking him dead in the face
Vil's unsettled by everything, from the way you look at him and the new, hard to swallow information
He asks you to go to therapy and says that he'll be more than happy to accompany you, sincerely worried about you
He doesn't want to believe the things you showed him, so just like the others, he'll just settle on the idea of you playing a prank on him for the sake of his own mental health.
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Idia.exe has stopped working
"I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouts out once he snaps out of his paralyzed processation so loudly you're sure everyone at NRC could hear him
He looks mortified and equally thrilled as he goes on blabbering about some underground government bullshit
Red and blue pill kinda shit, you know? Talks about simulations and how he dreamed saw the walls around his room glitch for a moment while gaming (he's sleep deprived)
Shut him up or else he'll be wailing in his fake existence and talking to you about some conspirational theories he formulated with the source of his own brain
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Malleus is eerily silent as you present him with all the information you have, a perfect display of your confidence and everything that just fell right like puzzle pieces
When you're done and looks up at him, expecting an answer, he stares back, his emerald eyes deep and piercing, silently rummaging through your features though his gaze made you feel like he was reaching directly for your soul
"I know," he responds simply, an amused smile creeping between his lips
With a nod of farewell, he turns on his heels and simply leaves, unbothered to give any kind of explanation
Malleus leaves you with an existential crisis, hanging where you stood without understanding a thing
He knows? How can he know? Is he programmed to say that? Is he truly an IA?
You're not sure and will never be, because Malleus never gives you an answer eveytime you poke at the matter, simply smiling warmly before resuming to his tasks
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poppurini · 1 year
zip up the jacket, it’s cold
leona & f!reader, reader depicted as shorter than him
oh my god leona. leona? bro leona. have u seen leona? YOOO leona. dude leona. leona leona leona.
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“You did really well just now, Leona!” and the man couldn’t help but silently swoon at the obvious admiration and adoration for him in your eyes. For him, and him alone. The captain of NRC’s spelldrive team breathes out a chuckle. “Just really well?”
Halting your steps, you did a sharp turn to face him. “And you looked really cool!” Obviously singing corny praises but does he care at the moment? Obviously not. Mhm, that’s what he wanted to hear from his herbivore. He gave you a hum of satisfaction that prompted a cheeky smile from your own lips as well before you started marching towards the stalls again, talking about the trending snacks Cater recommended you to try.
Your little journey was interrupted when a hand much larger than yours engulf your own and gently pulled you backwards, the little stumble making you press into his chest, all of that combined to make you let out an awkward, surprised sound as you try your best to stand back tall.
It is a fairly new relationship, after all. Skinship isn’t an exactly common interaction between you two yet. You are also in the arms of the man you thought was pointless to try and get attention from just a few months ago. I’d say it’s a valid reaction to feel like the bones from your legs disappeared.
“Haha yeah, uh, what is it?” Feigning composure, you laughed awkwardly at your boyfriend—wow, boyfriend. You didn’t think you’d ever have a chance to call him that—making the corner of his lips quirk up in amusement. “Aren’t you cold?” a murmur while he busies himself with adjusting the oversized item on you. It’s his sport jacket that he put on you just minutes ago because apparently his little girlfriend thought she could handle the cold as winter approaches. “It’s warmer when ya zip it up.”
Dragging out a whine representing your dismay, you raised your arms up and shook the flappy sleeves too long for you. “It’s cuter like this.” He guess it is cute, watching you do a little twirl in his clothing.
“Cute, but ’m not gonna babysit a sick Y/N.” With that said, Leona made you stand still and attached the end of the zipper together, pulling it up all the way to the top, enough to cover your lips. Somehow you have a feeling you looked like a penguin. “Cuter like this.”
You have no arguments. No resolve in you to fight back nor unzip the jacket. All you managed to do was look up at him stunned and flustered. You may try to hide it, but you’re gulping and averting your gaze after a few seconds and feeling hot at the damage he has done. Felt like your feelings for him is just slowly increasing by the minute.
While you’re still wallowing in euphoria, Leona has already turned you back on track by the shoulders before one hand slid down to your waist, rubbing them slowly with his thumb while pulling you closer and you wanted to scream right there and then due to the intimacy. All your thoughts and feelings unorganised resulting in mindless babbles and fake coughs. “We- yes, I- right. That way.”
Unsurprisingly, Leona wanted more from you. So, like the bastard he is, he leaned down close enough to murmur in your ear. “Hm? Didn’t quite catch ya.” He lets out a hearty laugh at your small flinch before— hey, oi, you’re fainting!?
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amnhnyc · 1 year
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🚨 New research alert! Carnivores typically have forward-facing eye sockets to ensure stereoscopic (3D) vision—an important trait for judging the position of prey during hunting. But the “marsupial sabertooth” Thylacosmilus had wide-set eyes and laterally facing sockets, adaptations seen more often in herbivores than meat-eaters. So how could it maintain an estimated diet of 70 percent meat? A team of researchers, including Museum scientist Ross MacPhee, think special adaptations allowed Thylacosmilus to see in 3D despite its unusual anatomy. Using CT scanning and 3D virtual reconstructions, they’ve compared this predator’s visual system to those of modern and extinct carnivores. Learn more about their findings! Link in our bio. Image: © Jorge Blanco #paleontology #paleoart #science #amnh #museum https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDdE3pNEa_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
A small team of researchers is on the Yukon River this month to learn more about an area where dinosaur footprints were discovered 10 years ago. And in a single week, they’ve turned up at least two dozen footprints left by at least five different ancient species
Halfway into the second day along the Yukon River, the team is more than 300 miles west of Fairbanks, near Nulato. Paleontologist Tony Fiorillo points to two small blobs protruding out of a large block of yellow sandstone. They look like flattened tennis balls, except there are three distinct toes. These are 100-million-year-old dinosaur footprints.
“So it’s either another body size of a dinosaur that lived here or it’s a baby,” Fiorillo said.
Fiorillo is the Executive Director of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. He said that this print was made by an ornithopod, a group of bipedal herbivores. This is the smallest ornithopod print he that said he’s ever found.
The leader of a three man team, Fiorillo also discovered signs of an ancient fish species. He pointed to a gray block of sandstone with marks that look like someone scraped their fingernails across it. There are a series of three evenly spaced, raised lines. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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