akire2002 · 2 years
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Hey! Here is some quick piece I made today, it is design for my future mug. And I also wanted to draw some piggy, because I love them so much. :D I always wanted something, to express myself and I am proud for the changes I have made in life. I am lacto-ovo vegetarian or just vegetarian for short. Which means I don't eat any kind of meat. And soon it will be about 5 years since I last tasted meat. :D Many thanks to my family and friends for trying to understand my choice in life and for being respectful about it. ❤️ I also must say, I have no problem with people eating meat and I think it is ok for some people to eat it. But in my opinion it is not necessary for most people in modern world to consume it. And it would be for the best if people could at least reduce it if they can. Also, people should realize that most of our global problems like climate change, deforestation, species extinction or pandemics is due animal agriculture and our broken food system. And I hope people will soon realize that their choice as individual have a huge impact on this beautiful planet. So whatever choice you make, you can change the world as individual. I wish everyone all the best in life, no matter what happens. 😉
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snekdood · 5 months
thinkin about a post i saw earlier of someone saying they get really weak when they go vegan... my friend, you are doing everything wrong if that's the case. aside from whatever health issues you may have that prevents you (i've yet to actually hear of any specific health issues that prevent someone from going vegan, maybe being allergic to legumes and soy? or an allergy to nuts etc.? otherwise... i remain kinda skeptical when someone says this, I often feel like ppl say this so they dont have to keep thinking about it), there's lot of things to consider when going vegan and its really important to talk to a nutritionist if you can before you do it.
some things to consider:
you will need to find a source of iron. theres plenty of veggies when eaten in high enough quantities that will provide iron (spinach, an obv choice). it's also wild to assume that you're supposed to get iron from ONE source of food, ideally you eat multiple things throughout the day that have an ok amount of iron that when added up over the day = the daily value you need, you dont need one big block of iron rich food to get all of your iron (and this goes for all food honestly, no reason you need to get all of your nutrients from one food per se. I dont think convenience should ever really be favored over whats ethical)
you'll need a source of omega vitamins. typically this can be found in seaweed, seeds or nuts, but ultimately it might be easier to just buy some supplements (if ur like me and dont like eating nuts a lot :/)
you'll need a way to get vitamin K2, I trust that you're able to do your own research enough to know where to find it, for now I'll tell you it can easily be obtained from saurkraut, natto, kimchi, and dandelions
there are multiple types of protein. this is probably whats tripping you up if you've already covered everything else. these proteins, or more specifically amino acids, are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. you will need to eat complete proteins that have all of these covered, which is why often people tell you to pair rice with beans since together they are a complete protein. there used to be a website I knew of that listed the different sources of each amino acid, but if you're up to it (im not rn) id suggest looking each amino acid up and finding what food sources have them in it, you'll likely find that multiple amino acids are in one food and that another food has the rest of the amino acids- combined they make a complete protein. oh and also there are some protein powders out there that have all of the amino acids you need, so i'd suggest searching those out (make sure to look at the nutrition info, I used garden of life protein powder) bc you can easily dump that in a smoothie and there ya go.
the problem with going vegan isn't not getting enough nutrients typically, it's that it can be very hard and costly to buy everything you need. it's likely not that you CANT go vegan (unless you have specific allergies or something) just that you were never taught the best way on how to. it all boils down to nutrition, and if you're able to get all these nutrients locked down and be consistent about eating all the nutrients you need, you'll likely not have any issues being vegan, if you do that's something to bring up to a nutritionist, because vegan diets are healthy insofar as you can get all the nutrients you need, and some of us are too poor to consistently be able to buy all these different things. in that case, i'd suggest being a "reducetarian" (thats basically what I am, i'm vegan philosophically and would be more vegan if I had the cash...), rely on vegan alternatives but eat eggs or something here n there if necessary. what I do know is most people dont need to eat meat consistently every day and distrust anyone who tells you otherwise, quite frankly. eating it 2-3 times a week is sufficient from what I've read.
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meadowslark · 2 years
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(via The Reducetarian Diet's Benefits and Challenges | Time)
Cutting Back on Meat? What to Know About the Reducetarian Movement
Per capita meat consumption in the U.S. is around 235 lbs. per annum. That’s like 1/2-3/4 of a bath tub. You don’t need to give up animal products to save the world, but we really do need to reduce our consumption of meat. 
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etirabys · 5 months
I've failed at "eat meat once a week" reducetarianism but I've been drifting towards "only eat meat I'm excited about", and now I've articulated that explicitly as a direction I think I can go further in it
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linuxbian · 11 months
Not even vegan, (I consider myself reducetarian, wevs) but it drives me crazy how many people log on here and say shit like: omg vegans are soo dumb, they think that (insert flawed "vegan" idea here)
And then they ignore anyone making valid arguments and only respond to the less educated people doubling down on the orginal flawed point to continue feeling superior.
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ssolson8550 · 6 months
Young people are embracing a new 'reducetarian' food movement — here's what that means
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theonlinevegan · 1 year
How long have you been vegan for? Nice page
Thank you,
I have been vegan since May 2015.
This year that will be for 8 years now.
Before going vegan I’ve been on and off vegetarian, having no answers to how I should live or eat. I remember still eating fish, as a teenager, because my family was concerned about my nutrients, I never liked the taste and texture of meat anyway. I didn’t want to know what animal the meat came from, I couldn’t chew knowing someone had died for this. Something psychologically in me knew already this was wrong. Adults like doctors and parents were indoctrinated to believe meat was necessary for optimal human health. And at that time the internet was not the same as today. We didn’t have much knowledge spread as much as now. When someone at school told me: still eating fish does not make you a vegetarian, I knew she was right. So I stopped eating all animals right away. I cared about animals and I wanted to label myself a vegetarian. Something felt wrong about being untrue or hypocrite. I never hated people for telling me the truth. I don’t understand people who do that, unfortunately are the most common. Years later, at the age of 24 I met a vegan guy who cooked a plant-based dinner for me and I asked him a few questions about honey and I realized I knew nothing about food, I didn’t know how it’s made and I should really look into this. I admired him for his conviction and I also spoke about him to my few friends and they were immediately biased and told me he was weird. He has no idea I would be vegan shorty after meeting him. Those friends also left me shorty after. One night I watched a speech video form Gary Yourofsky. ‘The best speech you’ll ever hear’ on YouTube. And that really was the breakthrough for me. Unlike other reducetarians, I cut off everything immediately in one night. I knew I needed to know my vitamins, my nutrients and really stay away from all animal protein. It’s only been hard at first to be vegan around social situations. Every time I went out, I had to take nuts and fruits with me, because vegan options were almost non-existing at that time. I made it work, because I knew this was good for me, for the animals, for the environment, for everyone. And right when I stopped eating anything containing milk or eggs, I immediately felt more energized and even lost a few pounds (being overweight that was ok). I felt good and I looked good and I told people it was because I went vegan. I’m not vegan for health reasons, but I am disgusted by anything non-vegan now. I wouldn’t eat anything that isn’t vegan for any money of the world. It feels very filthy to put the product of misery and death into my body. I can’t even touch wool or smell leather without feeling sick to my stomach. I know what goes into that. I’ve seen documentaries like ‘earthlings’ and dominion’. You don’t have to, if that’s too horrific for you, but ask yourself this: if it’s not good for my eyes, why would it be good for my stomach? Staying away from violence has made me a peace seeker. I eliminate what cultivates violence and I speak up against injustice. Although I’m not a tough-looking person, I don’t scream out loud that meat is murder, but I find my own ways to make it clear that this is wrong.
I’m glad people enjoy my blog. I had no idea I would gain so many followers. I really made this blog for my own collection of memes and information about veganism. I used to put these on my personal Facebook but I quickly ran out of friends who cared and family started to get annoyed by the many graphic content or the many requests to go vegan now. So I didn’t want to throw away everything I accumulated. I wanted to have a place to find quickly a meme to respond. By the search bar in this blog, it is possible to took up ‘meat’ or ‘eggs’ or ‘bacon’ or ‘canines’ or ‘plant feel pain’ as a respond to a non-vegan harassing you with vegan questions. I needed a place to have these memes ready. And because I’ve be been managing this blog on my own, it hasn’t been consistent with posting, but I almost never post something twice. Because I know exactly what I’ve already seen and what I’ve already shared here. I don’t want to shove veganism in everyone’s face. Unlike what it seems in this blog, in real life, people don’t even know I’m vegan until we eat together.
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wolffyluna · 2 years
[uncharitable grumbling about food ethics]
If you want to complain about vegans supporting bad labour practices with what they eat, you must prove you have expended equivalent effort in avoiding eating food made with those labour practices yourself.
"you eat things made by slavery, I am so much more ethical because I eat things made by factory farming AND slavery" is not the ethical slam dunk you think it is. Call me when you have actually traced the sources of your tomatoes.
(I say this as a giant reducetarian hypocrite who uses cotton for hobby purposes.)
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Have you ever met an actual reducetarian? Not someone who claims to be? This article I wrote looks at the issue of whether reducetarians, those whose identity is based on reducing their consumption of animal products, actually exist
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blogamora69 · 1 year
Die Reducetarian Foundation Champions eine Bewegung, um {Singles & Paare zu motivieren zu verringern auf ihre Fleisch Aufnahme
The Scoop: Der Reducetearianer base liegt in die Idee, dass viel weniger mehr ist. Reducetarians in verringern ihre Konsum Tierfleisch , Milch und tierische Nebenprodukte, während Verbesserung der der Früchte erhöht wird und Gemüse|Gemüse und Obst|Gemüse und Obst|Obst & Gemüse|Gemüse & Obst} auf ihrem Krankenversicherung und tatsächlich Standard Unterschied in Bezug auf Mahlzeiten Sektor und dem…
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kendiylehasirnesir · 1 year
Azaltarak ilerliyorum hayatımda, tükettiklerimi ve beni tüketen herbir şeyi ve kimseyi. #reducetarian
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reportwire · 2 years
The Reducetarian Diet's Benefits and Challenges
The Reducetarian Diet’s Benefits and Challenges
There’s a curious logic to environmentalism. We praise, in most cases, those who make incremental lifestyle adjustments to support environmental causes: turning off the lights before leaving your home or driving an electric vehicle is seen as a meaningful—albeit small—step, even if you don’t give up electricity for good. No one would shame you for not cooking your dinner with a fire from…
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limeadeislife · 2 years
I just want to signal boost the post Vegetarianism: The Easy Way that Ozy made in 2017. I've gotten much more flexitarian/reducetarian in the last several months and this post has been very helpful
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littlemeanings · 4 years
Veg. Resources
I’ve been working really hard on this google doc for the past month compiling research about factory farming, animal welfare, nutrition, climate, and global health. I would really appreciate it if you can take a quick look at it and/or share it! 
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theborderlinebirdie · 4 years
Check out my latest WIEIAD post! My (failed) attempt at going oil-free. Oh goodness. 
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pjpblinks · 4 years
This may be a hard pill to swallow for some advocates, but it appears that a campaign for reduction of, rather than abstention from, animal consumption, may be more effective in getting people to try meatless alternatives.
And I understand. While I laud efforts undertaken by friends and family to reduce their animal consumption, I fear (rather unfairly) that they may deem reduction to be the most that they can do and reject veganism altogether. But now I think that’s not necessarily the case. If anything, I think it’s a good starting point to becoming vegan in the future.
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