#please remind youself.. you do not know these people
dreamkeeperstomb · 1 year
everyone is just a person.. you are no better or anymore important than anyone else on this earth.. we hold others to such a high standard for what they create or what they are included in.. but we must remember they are just people.. and we are in no way different from one another for any further reasoning to best this factor..
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yanderehsr · 10 months
Your post about the reader with a scar genuinely made me so happy. I got into an accident with a fire work a few years back and the whole left side of my body is covered with burns. It would be awesome if you could do some more ideas with others? (Maybe the express crew)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. To make others feel enjoyment when they read what I write is why I even write in the first place😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Clingy behaviour, Kidnapping
Stelle: Will cling herself to you harder when she hears you call yourself ugly, she doesn't want to argue so instead she lets her actions speak for themself, she is silent as she lazily kisses your burn wherever it is, even if that burn is on inappropriate places.
There isn't much of a difference exept Stelle may hug you a bit tighter, hold you a bit more firmly, she can't allow you to see other people, they must have been the ones that put these thoughts into your head, surely without them you will know beautiful you are.
"You want to visit your family, sorry but you can't, I will not allow you to see people who puts such thoughts in your head"
Himeko: She makes sure to kiss your burn every chance she gets, every part of your body is lovely and she wants you to know that as well, don't try to struggle she will hold you down if she has to, she will show you how much she loves you.
There is hardly a day that goes by where you don't have Himeko holding you and kissing you, telling you how dear you are to her, in a way she is trying to manipulate you into thinking like her, that you are the prettiest in the universe.
"Please hold still, you may not believe yourself to be beautiful but I am sure I can change your mind"
Dan Heng: He just loves you so much that when you call yourself ugly he can't help but look at you like you are stupid, what do you mean, how could you ever look at youself like that. He is baffled to say the least
Now hear me out, as Imbibitor Lunae he likes to lick your scars, it is embarrasing to him but his instincts does that to try and heal your scars, in that form Dan Heng will also shut down your self deprication before you have gotten out all the words.
"Nope, you aren't ugly, if you are ugly then the rest of the world must be filled with hideus monsters"
Arlan: He will not let you get close to anyone else, it's because of his fear of them insulting you, he doesn't want you sad and just wants you to believe yourself to be beautiful he makes sure to remind you everyday.
Arlan carries around a necklace with a picture of you inside it, it's the only thing that allows him to get through the day, when he gets tired he just looks at the picture and he gets back the energy to continue.
Arlan dropped the neclace one time and someone asked him who the ugly one was. Let's just say that Arlan made sure that he disappeared, permanently.
"I can't believe my luck to be with you, you are just so perfect, please never leave"
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jaythenugget · 9 months
1, 17, and 37 for the BG3 act 1 asks!
HAIII SORRY I TOOK SO LONG im so bad at this sob emoji.... if anyone wants to ask anything about Zeno - here.... (also please feel free to ask about any of my ocs in general i love oc talk)
(1) Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision?
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There he is!! His name is Zeno, he's a high elf and a grandpa around 300 years old, a rather infamous thief-for-hire and a menace to rich people lmao He's just a guy, no dark urges or anything.
Grumpy and mostly quiet, Zeno prefers working and just hanging out alone, thinking that if you want to do something, better to do it youself. He's not with any guild currently and doesn't operate in any nation in particular, he just kinda goes wherever money takes him.
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I wasn't too much into DnD prior to BG3 and I'm kinda still learning about the setting of Forgotten Realms, but I was thinking that prior to this whole thing, maybe when he was much-much younger, he lived in Baldur's Gate and made money as the leader of merchants guild. He was much kinder and open to people back then, but some kind of personal tragedy struck him, which made him to abandon not only his business, but also leave his entire old life behind. From loving, caring, benevolent elf, over the years he turned into somebody completely different - cold, selfish and unsympathetic. Nowadays he's not the type of person to care much about anything if there's no benefit in it for him, but... who knows, maybe there's at least some light left in his stone-cold heart?..
(17) What does your Character think of Withers?
Zeno always thought he was creepy and at first was strongly against him following the party around, though never really attempted to do anything to him or kick him out. In act 2 he might get used to him more, but the entire act one he's just kind of on the edge. He never really had a walking corpse following him around after all haha
(37) Did your Character find the Necromancy of Thay? How are they handling it / planning to handle it?
I'm going to be honest - I never knew about this entire quest until I finished the game ........... 😭 But I looked a little bit into it, and, well, I just think there was a time in Zeno's life when he dabbled a bit into necromancy. Back when he tried to figure out if he can bring someone back to life, someone very important to him. It was pretty dark period in his life and the one he's not proud of, and perhaps that book might've reminded him of that, so he got rid of it after realizing it (though, maybe, some part of him kind of regrets it). Sorry Gale and Astarion, no dark knowledge for you!!!
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jayden-killer · 1 year
Mental health matters. So do you.
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Paring: Kakyoin Noriaki × GN! Reader
Summary: after exhausting months, in which you studied hard for your exams, your boyfriend, Kakyoin, helps you realx in anticipation of Christmas holidays!!
Genre: small angst to comfort💓, stress dealing, hints to anxiety, but only if you spot them ig(?).
A/N: oof, maybe this is some kind of comfort story I wrote for me, since I've been really struggling with exams in these past few months, but I also want you, fellas, to enjoy it and maybe find comfort too!!~ I do also want to apologise for my absence: uni has been a crazy ride so far.😳
I sighed.
Maybe I should take a break. Or keep going. Man, I really want to finish this paragraph, but it's so hard try to learn it...
Christmas holidays approached day by day and I had a goal to reach: prepare my future exams. Unfortunately for me, stress was kicking in, and it was definitely not helping. I couldn't focus, this was a really bad. I had to finish.
Just this paragraph. Then, I can finally relax... no, I need to keep going. Just a bit more. No distractions.
With another sigh leaving my mouth, I put my hand on my cheek and kept reading over and over, taking notes every new and then. My eyes felt heavy, I just couldn't focus anymore and it was stressing myself!
I kicked the desk, making frustrating nosies.
The next thing I did was picking the nearest pillow on my bed and screaming in it, trying to suffocate my screams.
–(Y/N)? Is everything alright in there?–
Oh god. Not him. And not now!
–It's okay, Kakyoin. I'm totally fine–
Wrong. I was a bad partner lying to my boyfriend, but I didn't want him to be involved in my problems. After all, it's not that bad, huh?
–Well, could you please open the door, so I can bring you your tea cup?– he kindly said, on the other side of door. I could sense his smiling, that kind of smile who can erase everything bad. Kakyoin made his appearance in my life in one of those... hard moments. You know, those kind of moments you don't expect to meet new people?
Exactly. His polite behavior and kind presence were the first traits I noticed. A thing led to another: date after date, I finally had the courage to confess. I couldn't believe myself: he feels the same way! And now we're here. Speaking of that...
–You can come now– I took my tea cup from his hands, giving him a polite smile and indulging him to go back to what he was doing. He crossed an eyebrow.
–Can't I come him?–
–Kakyoin, my room is really a mess, besides I have to go back to my essay. It won't finish itself– I muttered, but audible to him, now staring to my cup.
–(Y/N), I know this essay is really important to you, but a break is necessary. You can go back studying after I'll help you tidy your room, give it some fresh air..–
–I said I can handle it. You can go back.–
–You don’t, I can tense your stress meters far...–
–Just shut up for a fucking second, your pressing is far annoying! Don’t you understand the importance of my work?!–
A pause followed, and the silence took its place in our house. I cringed at my own wrods, a hand covering my mouth. I had no courage looking in his eyes, because i knew i fucked up. Real bad. I didn't have any intentions to snapping at him. He didn't do anything. He was just.. trying to help me.
-I...I need to finish it. Or I won’t...–
–Won’t what? – Kakyoin replied, dead serious on his face.
Another pause followed. 
–(Y/N), believe me when I say that you really worked hard, and I'm so proud of you you doing that. You've come so far.But I need to remind you Christmas is coming. And I don’t want to see youself closed in a room, reading over and over a book, and scrabbling... whatever you’re wroking on!– he calmily said, yet severe. 
I know it is true. I’ve been barely going out and enjoyed the sun’s warmth on my skin, because I was so focused on working, working, working... it only mattered that. I must admit, he was right.
What was the last time I had a social interaction?
–I’m guessing you really are the Horse’s Mouth, huh?–
He briefly chuckled at my own joke, and opened his arms for a hug, which i kindly accepted. 
-I’m sorry for snapping that way to you, Kakyoin. I shouldn’t have do that, you were only helping me... Stress is going to be the death of me, one day...–
–I’m glad you understood that, (Y/N), so i acceot your apologies. I'm not mad at you, okay?–he answered, petting my hair and giving a short kiss on my forehead. –Now, why don’t you show me what you’ve been wroking on? With my help, we’ll finish sooner than excepted, then..–He smiled at me, raising both eyebrows-cuddle and watch the Polar Express?–
That little shit. He knew how to motivate me by the simplest things!
–Sounds fair. You know me too well!–
He laughed and sitted on my chair, patting his lap. –C’mon, i’ll gladly help you.–
I realized that I, indeed, was the luckiest person on this earth.
What would i have done without you, Kakyoin?
I would be lost.
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greenstudies · 2 years
How to survive finals
I just finished my first college finals and let me tell you I didn’t have a good time. I did learn a few valuable lessons in my suffering and so here I come sharing them with you so you don’t need to learn stuff the hard way.
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Passing your finals isn’t worth sacrificing your health -You may get carried away with anxiety and just go down the wrong path. You stop taking care of yourself, you promise yourself that the next study session will have breaks and you will take better care of youself next time. NO! You will take care of yourself now! You need to make your health a priority. Always. Bad health will ruin your life and might make your studies so much more difficult in the future. Keep yourself healthy and sane
Breaks aren’t negotiable -It might seem like you’ll get more done without breaks but you’re wrong (and you know it too). Your brain will not accept the information you give to it and all the time invested will not be worth it. With breaks you spend less time studying while learning more!
Start early -This one is more difficult than it seems and for some people it might be impossible. But if you can, it’ll really help to get a head start. You might simply start a week early or study through the semester. Not seeing the materials for the first time before the exams helps significantly!
Keep your notes and materials somewhat organised -By the end of the finals month, I was drowning in disorganised papers, not being able to figure out where all my materials are. All my notes were useless because I just didn’t know where they are. It sounds funny now but it wasn’t funny then... Try to keep all your materials in folders at least.
Don’t add too much to your to do list -Try to figure out how much you can actually get done in a day and then stick to that amount no matter how much work you have overall. You won’t be able to do insane amounts of work in a day and long ass to do list will only stress you out.
Reward yourself at the end of every intense study session -Working with no rewards will get way more exhausting way quicker. I recommend some fun activity as the best reward. I like to make time to play video games or watch something after every intense day
Move your body -I don’t know how to make you understand that this one is one of the most important tips I can give you. PLEASE DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR BODY! Exam time at my college is over a month long and that really took a toll on my body. Make sure to walk, work out and stretch at least multiple times a week.
You need to sleep enough -If the importance of resting isn’t enough for you as a reason on its own, then I have another: sleep is when your memory saves the information. If you don’t sleep well, you won’t remember what you learnt as well and you’ll need to study longer
Stay social -Loneliness is a bitch and it’ll make you feel more stressed than you need to be. Also seeing others struggle in the same way you do can be quite calming and bonding experince. You’re not alone in this and you have to remind yourself.
Get as much help as you can -You don’t have to do things alone. I’m someone who’s afraid to ask for help and I pay for this flaw every damn time. Help people out and ask for help back. They won’t mind helping.
Keep your space clean -Cluttered or dirty space will add to your stress. Take the time to keep your surroundings pleasant to be in.
You can’t learn it all and it’s normal -Make conscious choices when it comes to the work you’re doing. You can’t learn and remember everything so choose what you study carefully. You’ll end up learning better the important stuff instead of memorising meaningless details.
I wish you all the best in the upcoming exam time and have a nice day! If you have any extra tips I didn’t mention, feel free to add on and help others out.
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iwadori · 3 years
Haikyu Boys when they make you insecure PT 2(Atsumu,Suna)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
word count: 1.6K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You have been dating the great setter of the MSBY Jackals since your third year in highschool 
You’ve always been okay with his profession 
Even when it comes with the adoring fans he has (the ones that don’t necessarily like you..)
And the away games he goes to, that you can’t always go to because of your job.
You and Atsumu got to spend all of quarantine together, which was challenging at times. As you and Atsumu sometimes did have conflicting personalities but you loved being together for 8months + altogether. 
But now with the restrictions being lifted, Atsumu got to go back to practice and playing some games although you still got to work from home. Over lockdown, you do feel like you gained a bit of weight (which you didn’t pay much attention to since didn’t everyone gain some weight?) 
However, today you were scrolling through twitter, smiling fondly at the recent tweet ‘tsumu made about you;
@ ThebetterMiya: ‘Remember this @ *Insert your twitter handle here* ‘ 
It was a picture of the two of you in high school in your second year, with you giving Atsumu a hug just after his game against Karasuno. The memory made you smile, but your positive thoughts stopped after seeing a particular comment... “Y/N has definitely let herself go” it read.
 To your surprise Atsumu even liked the comment, you didn’t want to overthink things as you know that Atsumu just unconsciously likes comments and tweets without thinking all the time. But you can’t lie and say you didn’t agree with the comment. 
For the rest of the day, you spent your time googling and searching personal trainers and gyms that were open for you to go to and new healthy diet plans to try
.Atsumu came home a while later, tired and grumpy claiming that coach worked him extra hard in practice. Because of your newfound idea to start eating and being more healthy, you decided to have one last day of ‘letting go’ so your ordered yours and ‘tsumu’s favourite take out.
Whilst eating dinner, you were going INNN as you should  because this is basically your ‘last meal’ you were going to have. ‘tsumu caught onto your cavemen-like way of eating which made him chuckle a bit. “Hey babe, woahh you’re really hungry aren’t ya?” 
His comment threw you off, even though you know that he probably didn’t mean anything by it but from the comment on his twitter earlier and how you already feel about yourself it just didn’t help.
“Well what do you mean about that?” you say a little agressively “you think i’m getting bigger right?”
Your question threw him off guard since he didn’t mean that “well Y/N I know you’ve kinda let youself go a bit and you’re obviously not the weight you were when we 16 but-” before he could finish you get up out of your seat and rushed to your room with tears in your eyes, missing the end of his sentence which was “but I still think you’re beautiful” he murmurs.
He decided to give you some space for a bit, and before approaching he see’s your phone ringing (lets just say you and Atsumu have ultimate trust so you can answer eachothers phones :3) “Hello is this Y/N L/N” the person on the otherside of the phone asked 
“No, this is Miya Atsumu” your boyfriend replied 
“Oh! Miya-san i’m a big fan of you!” he started making Atsumu chuckle “I was just calling Y/N to say i’m available next week saturday to start training”
‘Training?’ Atsumu thought “Can I ask what training you’re preparing for with Y/N” he asks
“Oh I am a personal trainer.” he replied “ Well that’s all I can say, can you please tell Y/N-san to call me again so we can work out times.” he ended the call.
Atsumu goes into your shared-bedroom where he finds you on your laptop looking at ‘weight loss’ tips. He goes over to you and closes your laptop lid and pulls your hand to lead you to the mirror in the room. He stands you in front of it and puts his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder.
“You’re beautiful Y/N” he says, sparking more tears in your eyes “I think you misunderstood what I said earlier, you. are. goregous. babe” he says punctuating every single word. “Even, if you feel like you gained weight, or lost weight or whatever I will always think your beautiful. If you feel like you want or need to change I will definitely support you along the way, but I think you’re amazing Y/N.”
“Thank you ‘tsumu” you start “ I do feel a bit insecure about the way I look right now, and I’m sorry for my abrupt leave at dinner but I do feel like my body is gross but I do want to try to see myself the way you see me.”
After many efforts from Atsumu, you definitely fell back in love with your body wether you were bigger or small you didn’t care cause you knew you were beautiful either way and so did Atsumu which he reminded you of that every single day.
AN: Can someone give me a synonym for beautfiul lmao cause that’s the only word I can think to use lol.
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You and Suna have always surprised people when they find out that you’re together.
Since your loud and talkative personality mixed with his quiet and nonchalantness is that a word? seems to not work well for other people
But opposites attract right?
You just finished the last episode of Kakegurui and were excited for your boyfriend to come home so you can tell him about it. You and Suna have been dating for a few years, after you confessed to him in front of all the boys in the gym in your 3rd year.
Suna enters the house mumbling a soft “Hi Y/N” to which you responded back with “Hi suna” rushing towards your boyfriend with a big hug. 
He slightly recoiled back out of your hug making you frown, to which he used the excuse of ‘I smell bad from practice let me take a shower.’ Whilst he was in the shower you decided to make some dinner for you both since it seems that Suna is a bit ‘grumpy’ today.
Once he exits the shower, and gets changed, he sees the table set out with the delicious food you made. You exit the bathroom to see him sat down already eating his plate. “How do you like it ?” you ask him wanting to know his opinion on your food.
“It’s good” he mumbles, continuing to shove food in his mouth. A bit bothered by the lack of response, you decide to talk about the newest episode in the hopes of lighting the mood. “Last episode of Kakegurui was great Rin, you should’ve seen it I really love mary. She’s great, I am a Mary Saotome simp through and through I still didn’t get the game they played but who cares? I can’t wait for season 3 to come out, I’ve already ordered the first 3 volumes of the Kakegurui twin manga, do you think it’s as good as the manga since I do think it’ll probably be better since it is Mary-centric and who hates mary since she-” You ramble on not taking notice of the bubbling annoyance that Suna seemed to have.
“Can you just shut up Y/N” he shouted making you flinch “ You’re so fucking talktative gosh” he got up and left the house slamming the door shut making you jump again. 
Instead of wallowing in your bed you decide on going out the library to go and read a good book (something that always makes you feel better) forgetting the harsh tone that Suna used with you. You were only trying to lighten the mood...
You got too engrossed with your books to notice how the sun is now gone and it was pitch black outside, the librarian notified you that it was time to go, you figure that if Suna was back at home he would’ve cooled down now so you can have a proper conversation which to be honest, you didn’t really want one.
Once you enter your house, Suna rushes towards you enveloping you in a big hug murmuring a “Oh thank god I was so worried” he tried to give you a kiss on the forehead but you recoil out of it, just as he did to you earlier. 
“I think i’m going to go to bed Rin” you say quietly trudging towards your bedroom and getting immediately in your bed. Suna stood there in the spot you left him in feeling bad for what he said to you at dinner. He goes into you bedroom and see you on your bed and silently gets into it next to you.
“Y/N I know you probably don’t want to hear me right now, but I am sorry” You don’t respond but slowly move closer to him letting him put his arm around you. Because of your silence Suna continues to speak “Umm...I watched the last episode earlier and you were right Mary Saotome is the goat but.... yumeko is better” he said teasingly 
This made you smile, as this is what you wanted a nice moment with your boyfriend talking about the last episode of your favourite show. You spend the rest of the night arguing over which character is better and decide to start Demon Slayer together, with Suna enjoying your after episode talks that you have.
AUTHOR NOTE: I was really excited to write for Suna and Atsumu but I have a fat migraine so i’m so sorry for it not being thattt gooood today :// but I hope you enjoy it regardless 
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
Can you do overlords with an s/o who's a top tier lust demon? (About as high as Val, if not more)
Ooooooh boi :D
*Isn't enthused about it
*Doesn't know how he fell for you but he's in too deep now
*When he does get in the mood, though, he appreciates you knowing what you're doing
*You mainly tease him when he has to look away from you with a blush
*You find him so adorable, you can't help it!
*Knows that what you do as a job doesn't define you as a person
*Constantly reminds people when you're off the clock
*"Pardon me, but my lovely partner, here, isn't available until ten o'clock am tomorrow! Now run along!"
*Enjoys that you both rival Vox and Val as Hell's top power couple (besides Lucifer and Lilith obvy)
*Does think when you put people in their place for doing something you don't like is attractive, tho
*Doesn't care as long as you treat your employees okay
*Sex workers have rights like everyone else
*Secretly kinky, so she REALLY likes that you can deliver
*How you can be so cute and so sexy at the same time baffles her
*Gets annoyed by the cat calls and wolf whistles when you two are out on a walk
*Would deal with them if you'd let her
*Doesn't worry about you when you go to work because she knows you're in her bed at the end of the day
*Likes that you know what you like and you're open to try new things from sex to food
*Loves the playful competition between you two
*Others think y'all hate each other
*If you somehow rise above him, he's a little irked
*Doesn't mind too much though because he knows how to make you really scream and is a bit smug about it
*"Babe, you can't just steal my workers" "Bet"
*Is annoyed that you have a way of getting what you want with him
*Usually ends up with him being teased in public
*Does the same thing to you so it's even
*Won't hesitate to kill anyone for you (even if he knows you could do it youself)
*Sex with you two is almost wrestling because you both move around so much
*"Like Val????"
*Is pleased that you aren't like Val too much
*Enjoys the passive agressive way you talk with the moth tho
*Isn't actually the most sexual person but likes that you've got enough sexual energy for the both of you
*Thinks it's funny that you literally just flirt your way out of most things
*Loves when you come home tired because that means bubble baths and cuddles
*Will massage you if you're sore
*Mumbles how much she loves you into your shoulder
*Fuck he's really got a type huh
*Loves that him dating you pisses off Val
*Compares you to Val sometime but stops once you get mad
*Is slightly insecure when you go to work but gets over it when you give him a kiss to reassure him
*Surprisingly becomes the mediator between you and Val when you both argue about jurisdiction
*Is good at it??? It shocked everyone, really
*Kills anyone that looks at you funny off the clock
*"Honey, I love you but stop, he was asking for directions" "He looked at you like a piece of meat!"
*There have been a few arguements about that kind of stuff
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kiranogareru · 3 years
WARNING: Angst, Bakusquad boys being assholes, violence, bullying, cursing, toxicity
A/N: 3rd person view, this is the first of a few one-shots to come, that will be improved versions of my old imagines on my Wattpad!
'Another day at my most favourite place, UA Hero Academy!' You thought sarcastically
Better known as another day of bullshit you have to endure...
You still don't have a clue how you made it through two years of this already, but it's not like it matters, as long as you are in one piece!
Your time here has been..eventful? Well that's that's one way to put it, for lack of a better word
You are walking to the cafeteria alone as per usual, praying you won't be noticed by them. Unfortunately they are already there, waiting for you to show up, like animals waiting patiently to pounce on their prey and even though the place is packed with students of all classes and departments, they somehow still spot you in the sea of people!
"Awww there she is!" Kaminari mocked using a 'cute' tone and grabbing you by the arm to bring you in the middle of the group
"You made us wait today, not manly at all!" Kirishima feigned sadness and hurt, placing a hand on his chest
"Don't be so hard on her guys. Maybe she forgot where we were meeting" Sero cooed, cupping your face with one hand and applying pressure
The look in his eyes made you uneasy, because you know exactly what is going to happen next. You've gotten used to it by now
"Today has been sooo boring" Kaminari complained
"But that's why Y/N is here man! To make our day better!" Kirishima cheers, balling up his fists and doing his signature pose
To anyone watching you, this seemed like nothing but a normal conversation, but you know better..
"You better get out of here, you damn idiots" Bakugou's voice grumbled from behind you
The words almost filled you with hope, making you momentarily forget who spoke them in the first place and making you feel like a fool for thinking that way
Bakugou was like a leading figure to these guys, so why would he put you above his friends?
If anything, he is only scolding them because there's too many eyes around and they don't want witnesses!
That thought leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. This is the next generation of heroes? It's just so hard to believe.. it's truly appalling!
Bakugou stayed behind 'most likely to avoid suspicion' you figured
The rest of the boys drag you outside, to a spot you have grown familiar with ever since you were a freshman. It's beside the main building, a place typically void of students or teachers!
They chose this place because they know they won't get in trouble, since this is also a blind spot for the cameras in this area!
Kirishima shoves you to the ground, which Sero takes as a sign to bind your hands and tape your mouth shut, so they can start playing their favourite game with you
A game they like to call "How long until Y/N breaks"
It doesn't take long for the first kick to fly straight to your abdomen, followed by another and a few more..they add a few punches here and there to switch up the pattern
They don't want this to get boring too quickly, of course not! They want to have fun with it..because this is their sick idea of 'fun'!
Kirishima rips the tape from your mouth, since it was starting to peal off with all the blood and spit that had started coating it!
You feel weak, you can't even activate you fucking quirk to try and defend youself! Everything hurts, but what the fuck can you really do at this point?
Hopelessness, defeat, they managed to beat into you, all the things you hate being! They have driven you to a point where you hate yourself, because of what they made you!
'How am I supposed to be a hero, if I can't even save my damn self?'
'I don't stand a chance against them anyway, they have made that very clear, since the first day we met and every time after that'
"Please stop!" You plead over and over, but there is no use however
"Why do you keep doing this?" You let out a pained cry, but the only response you get is in the form of more hits
They are treating you like a sand bag and you don't even know why. You wonder what you could have done to them to deserve this
At some point they stop and a wave of relief washes over you as you think this nightmare is finally coming to an end.
That illusion completely shatters when you hear the voice of someone you know all-too-well and realize why they stopped to begin with, but you don't have time to process anything else, because Bakugou knocks you out!
Your eyes flutter open, the first thing you see being your boyfriend of nearly a year, Bakugou Katsuki!
You take in your surroundings and sit up.
'Was I brought to Recovery Girl?' You question yourself, as your right hand comes up to your head, due to a pounding headache
"Baby are you alright?" He asked, reaching his hand out to touch your cheek
"Don't" Your tone coming off quite threatening, while your fragile figure tries to get up
Your knees give out and Bakugou is quick to catch you and hold you up!
"I'm sorry baby!" He repeats the same words you've been hearing since you first started dating!
"Get the fuck off of me! Let go!" You demand, clawing at his exposed arms in an attempt to squirm out of his grip
He let's go of you and you get yourself back on the bed
He looks at you with so much sorrow in his crimson eyes, but all that does is vex you further, makes you hate him! You can't stand to even look at him anymore!
The sight of his face makes your stomach twist, his presence alone causing your blood to boil and your knuckles to ache for some action!
You're barely able to hold back right now, because looking at him has suddenly become a reminder of an agreement he convinced you to make..
His lips part, but before he can utter another disgusting, half-assed apology, you shut him up!
"No more apologies Katsuki, no more fucking lies, I don't wanna hear it anymore! I've really had enough! I just can't take it!" You stated in an ice-cold manner
"I'm sorry ok?! I couldn't do anything, it's not up to me, I can't tell them what to do! Yes, they look up to me, but I can't control them!"
Can he not hear what bullshit is coming out of him mouth? Can he not hear himself right now?
This is the only thing going through your head at the moment
"I can't stop all of a sudden, they can't know we're dating!" Katsuki says, directing his gaze to the floor
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Without a second thought your hand makes contact with his cheek, the smack echoing throughout the room
A visible, red patch in the shape of your palm forms, as he lifts his head up to meet your burning gaze once more. His expression holds complete and utter disbelief!
"You said that once we got together this would stop, you promised, but it seems like you don't want it to stop! Are you enjoying it Bakugou? Do you get off at the sight of me breaking?" You asked , well aware of the fact that you're not ready for his answer, but wanting to hear it nevertheless
"I swear I will talk to them, I just need a little more time and then-!" You cut his rambling short
"It's always the same shit with you! Spewing fake promises! This time it won't work Bakugou, I don't have the strength to do this anymore! And I don't want to waste my love and time on someone who beats me so people don't associate me with him, someone who goes to this extent so he won't be seen with me!" You confess
"I'll chan-"
"Don't say it, because it's not true and you know that! You always tell me you'll change, but you don't even try!"
"I don't enjoy seeing you in pain, I just can't stop! I've been doing this for so long, I don't know how to be anything else. But I never meant to hurt you!" He finally answered your question
"If you don't want to hurt me, you'll leave me alone! I want to be away from this so called 'relationship', it's not healthy! I need a break!" You reason
"It's not a break if you never come back to me..it's a break up!" He lowers his head once more, hair falling over his eyes, as he speaks calmly
"Come back to you? As if" You scoff, laughing out
He doesn't dare speak, he is simply staring at you, with shocked, red orbs!
"You should have stayed with the League of Villains when you had the chance! That's where 'heroes' like you belong!" You eyes shoot daggers at him,
"Now get the fuck out, you Sludge-Bastard!" You demand, using the name he hates even more than the one Midoriya calls him
He is in tears, as he leaves the school's infirmary
It isn't so much because things ended between you as it is the weight of your words!
Bakugou processes what just happened, wearing a blank expression, while he walks through the halls of UA, tears still streaming freely!
Seems like he put a lot of thought into what you told him, because the next thing you know, a new villian makes his debut
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fivescoffeemug · 4 years
milk coffee. (Five Hargreeves x Reader) (part 2)
Summary : you got too broke to pay for rent so you crash at Five’s.
Warnings : none
Words : 2,137
A/N : please please tell me (thru dm or ask box) if you want to be in this taglist, because I’m making more parts and this is seriously flopping :(
(Just to be clear, the story takes place on 2nd April 2019 assuming they got back to the umbrella academy and not the sparrow academy because fuck the cliffhanger)
taglist : @eyelash-curler
part 1 | part 2
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“Have you got the money?”
“The rent.”
“I—I ... I don’t—I don’t have it yet.”
“Sorry but you’ve been here for three free weeks.”
“Miss, please, please just give me another week I swear my book’s just—”
“Get out.”
“Miss just—”
“I’m going broke too and I need the money! But since you’re broke too one of us has to have money right? Now go back up and pack your shit.”
“I’ll be homeless.”
“I’m giving you till five.”
Five. It hit you like a swing of a sledgehammer to the back of your head.
No, you thought. That would be so pathetic.
But what other choice did you have?
You rushed up the stairs, grabbing your phone and finding the word ‘Five’ in your contacts. You pressed on it, calling it immediately.
At the fifth ring, he finally picked up.
“What?” He hissed.
“Wow, you sound overjoyed to hear from me,” You rolled your eyes, soon realizing now was not the time for the petty insults.
“Mhmm,” He hummed, seeming busy with something else. “What do you want?”
This wasn’t the first time you called Five since you met him, probably about the third, the other two times were just because you were bored.
It had just come to you that he always seems so uninterested in your company whenever you began conversations, but he would come around soon enough. You both wouldn’t stop at the scornful insults though.
“Can I ... crash at your place?” You struggled to say, biting your lip and closing your eyes right after.
“You were already crazy enough to even want to keep in touch but this just breaks the mental asylum records by a landslide,” Five comments. “What next, you’re gonna come up and tell me you have powers or something?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his remarks. You always told yourself, ‘damn I hate it when he does that,’ but you always knew that was a lie.
“Well? This is a joke to just keep me listening, right?” Five asked. “What do you really want, Y/N?”
“Sorry to disappoint you today mister masochist, but it turns out that I do infact need a place to crash,” You repeated, hoping you wouldn’t have to explain.
But of course, that’s if you lived in world where everyone was a naive nobody.
“What’s wrong with your place?”
“I’m fucking broke, alright?” You blurted in frustration. “I’m not from here. I’ve got no one else. I had to pay the landlady from the money I could scrape out of my pants pockets and I thought my book would sell by now, but I guess I was getting ahead of myself.”
You could feel Five huffing in a slight chuckle.
“Not from here, so no family or friends to turn to for shelter ... oh helpless, helpless Y/N ... ” He narrated, clearly amused at your desperate situation.
“It would really be amusing to see you on the streets, wouldn’t it?”
“For you, definitely.”
There was silence for a while.
“You know what, fine. I’m not as cruel as you think I am.”
“The fact that you had to point that out means you probably are,” At this point, talking to Five always just triggered the instinct of throwing any insult you could at him.
“You wanna sleep on the streets?”
“Then shut up and start packing.”
“Not even your address?”
“I’ll text you.”
“Okay, bye.”
And with that, he hung up, and you threw your phone on the bed and began packing.
When you turned up at the place, you thought you read the address wrong, you read it over at least seven times now. You looked up at the tall building. It was a mansion.
It made you wonder if Five really was just some regularly school boy.
You got to the front door, knocking at the wood. You found yourself admiring the patterns on it for a short while before the door finally opened.
“Can I help you?” A taller black woman with frizzy hair asked as you found youself puzzled.
“I—well, I’m ... ” You couldn’t find the words to say. You couldn’t say you were here to see Five because if anything you just needed a place to stay. “I just ... I wanted to see Five.”
“Five!” The woman calls. “Some girl is here for you!”
You heard the faint sound of some footsteps walking rather hastily down the stairs, finally seeing Five in the distance coming closer now.
“I was expecting someone, come in,” he said monotonously, barely making any eye contact with you.
You tugged your small luggage inside the building after you and got a good look at the foyer. There was a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the entire place just seemed so grand, giving off the 1990’s vibe but if they were dirty rich.
“F-Five how old are you?”
“Well ... ” his head slowly leaned to the side as he squinted in thought. “It’s complicated.”
“How is that complicated?”
“Okay if I said I was like twenty two would that satisfy you?”
“Well if that’s a lie then obviously not,” You follow him as he began walking up the stairs, dragging along your burden of a luggage.
“Then I guess you’ll just have to be unsatisfied for a while,” He turns to a corridor and you finally meet his plain room.
The walls reminded you of his eyes, the ones you fell for the time you met him. You had to admit, those were a true beauty.
Too bad its owner’s a real pain in the ass, you thought, smirking to yourself.
“What are you waiting for?”
“Do you guys just not have a spare room in this big-ass mansion?”
Five’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the ground. “Well, not one I’d want you to use.”
“Why not?”
“My dad’s. He’s dead.”
“Oh ... I—”
“Nope, don’t apologize,” Five shook his head. “Just put down your stuff. Crashing here is the best option you’ve got anyway, I’ll get an air mattress.”
You watch as Five exits the room, another stranger standing by the door, looking surprised and confused at the same time.
“Nothing I just ... I’ve never seen him so ... kind,” he finishes, soon entering the room. “Sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met. Klaus.”
“Y/N,” You shake the hand he held up, soon letting go as Five reappears again, seemingly glaring at Klaus before he left.
“Who are the other people in your house?” You ask before Five could start inflating the mattress.
“Does it matter?” He asks back, seeming to have no intention of letting you know about what was going on.
“Well, you’ll have to make some sense out of this,” You huffed, still slightly confused as to how peculiar Five has been. “If you’re not going to tell me then at least give me your age.”
Five grabs an air-pump and starts inflating the mattress, clearly ignoring your plea. You offer your help, and he let you but after discovering how incredibly slow you were going, he took back the pump and resumed doing it himself.
“Do you like reading books? I wrote one.”
“I really wished I had said ‘I don’t remember asking’, but unfortunately for me, I wanna know how the hell you ended up alone penniless where you don’t belong,” Five finished pumping air into the mattress, which you immediately say on after he left to put the pump back.
“Well?” His eyebrow raised, then returned.
“I was an orphan my whole life, it was abusive and I’ve had enough,” You huffed, frowning up at him. “That’s all I feel like saying.”
“An orphan ... when’s your birthday?”
“Tell me your age and I’ll tell you my birthday.”
Five looked to the side, biting his lip. He nodded, looking at the ground.
“How old do I look to you?” He cocked his head up as your eyes met yet again.
“Like ... eighteen?”
“There you have it.”
“I got it right?”
“Yes now it’s getting late and we’re going out to get dinner soon. You coming?”
“I don’t have any money left.”
“Five, let’s go,” A man appears at Five’s door, soon noticing your presence. “Who’s the girl?”
“Homeless person I decided to help,” Five replied coldly. “Poor Y/N doesn’t have the money for dinner too.”
“I’m not—”
“Y/N?” One of his eyebrows were raised, now facing you. “Don’t take the bitch too seriously he’s always like this.”
“I suggest you do the same for him, sadly Diego doesn’t have any spare braincells left, he shares one with our gorilla brother,” Five reviled, Diego turning back to glare at Five.
“I think I’ll skip dinner; I don’t want to bother the four of you about it.”
“The fou—Five! Does she not know about ...?”
“Do you really think I’d willingly embarrass myself by introducing the rest of our braindead siblings to her?” Five rolled his eyes.
“Up your ass, Five,” Diego digressed, soon smiling at you as he turned to face you again. “There’s actually seven—no six of us here. One of us died.”
“Your dad, right?”
“I—well n-no, he’s not really part of the picture ... ”
“My dad had seven of us. One of us died. That’s the end of it,” Five concluded, or at least tried to.
“My name’s Diego, that’s Five, and the tall black woman’s Allison, the short one’s Vanya, the bigger looking guy is Luther and the high one is Klaus.”
“Didn’t Klaus quit drugs?”
“Well, I don’t know. Drugs or no drugs he always kinda seemed high to me,” Diego shrugged.
After Five treated you to dinner, you washed up and Vanya let you use her pajamas for the night. Five got you an extra blanket and pillow too.
In the middle of the night, you had a nightmare. Your neck and face was sweaty and you were panting heavily. Five woke up to his room shaking, a few small things falling off the side of his table. He glanced down at you, trying to shake you awake.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“No ... please ... I can e-explain ... ”
“Y/N you’re dreaming! Wake up!” Five fell off his bed as the shaking got worse, and ended up on top of you.
“Ow!” You jolted awake and the room’s rumbling had finally stopped.
He scrambled to the edge of the mattress, clutching the sides of your shoulders as concern had smeared his face.
“Y/N are you okay?”
Your face was already stained with tears when you woke up, but you couldn’t help damping your face again as you bury it in your hands, sobbing.
“Y/N ... talk to me.”
“No!” You cried, lowering your head to the mattress. It was a horrible nightmare. “I ... I don’t want to.”
“Y/N ... Y/N ... listen to me. Please, look at me.”
When you heard this, you stopped, as he asked. But it was only because you couldn’t believe what he was saying, or at least, the tone he was saying it in.
His eyebrows arched upwards as your eyes met once more. Those calm, sea blue eyes told wonders to you without saying anything at all. It made you calmer.
“You were dreaming. It was just a nightmare, it’s okay. You’re okay. Do you hear me?”
You felt his hand on yours. It wasn’t so obvious, though, because it was just the tip of his fingers touching yours.
But somehow, you still felt the tears rolling down your cheek.
“I’m ... I’m so sorry, Five,” you started tearing up again.
He held out his arms slightly, and you gladly wrapped your arms around his neck, your back now warm from his touch too. You buried your face in between his neck and your arm, while he places his chin on your shoulder.
You felt him inhale and exhale, and somehow the feeling of his chest, his shoulders rising, it made you feel okay. It made you feel at home.
“Are you okay now ‘cause I’d really like to go back to sleep,” five broke the silence after several seconds of feeling each others’ warmth.
You nod, pulling away from the hug. “It’s okay if you say no, but I ... I really don’t want to sleep alone. I mean, on this mattress. It’s so big, it feels so lonely.”
Five blinked for a few seconds before nodding, standing up to grab his pillow and blanket.
“I’ll face the other way,” He said, pullling his blanket over him as he laid beside you. “But I’m here. Just remember that.”
You nod, resting your head on your own pillow, feeling yourself ease back into the drowsy feeling of sleep.
“Actually, Y/N ... how did you make the room vibrate?”
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charlieliqueur · 4 years
AHWM Yancy X Reader
Just One Date?
Yancy had made it clear time and time again.
"I'm waitin' for parole. I ain't takin' no shortcuts."
You were right there, in stealth clothes from the heist a few months ago, the key in your pocket, a hopeful look in your eyes, as always. Everytime you came back, everytime you broke in to visit him in person, he refused to sneak out for even a single night.
But this time would be different.
It was your 21st birthday. Yeah, so young to be out pulling heists and getting sent to prison and all, but you didn't care. The thing was, you could finally 'officially' buy a drink, and even if alcohol wasn't your biggest thing, you were gonna use this important birthday situation to guilt trip Yancy into sneaking out for just one night.
You wanted to see him in something other than his prison clothes (and maybe one day, nothing at all). You wanted to see him out and about, normal, happy, getting a taste of what the free world was like now. Maybe you just wanted to make sure he was serious about parole, by reminding him of what waited outside. He seemed determined, every third Sunday when you visited legally, he had a cleaner and cleaner report sheet. He hadn't gotten into a lick of trouble since you 'left'.
It was 11:40 p.m.
About an hour past 'lights out' at Happy Trails. You unlocked the gate, entered, locked it again, and headed for the right cell block. Then you unlocked an outer door, went down a few dark back hallways, through another doorway or two, another hall or three, waited for some guards to pass, silently crept past the other prisoners asleep in their cells, unlocked Yancy's cell, and finally shut the door behind you.
You snuck up, gently easing onto your knees at his bedside, he was fast asleep. You gently shook him, cooing his name. "Yancy... Yancy...?" You whispered, brushing his soft hair out of his face. It was a mess of curls when he didn't have it greased back.
"Hmmmmm?" He groaned, rolling over onto his side, his eyes opening slightly. He was so used to your late night visits he didn't even flinch. "Oh, its youse... happy birthday too..." he said softly, closing his eyes again. You smiled, your heart swelled at the fact that he remembered.
"Yeah, my 21st," you whispered.
"Mmm, 21st, ain't youse so young... gotten youself a couple'a shots yet?" He asked chuckling, tired. He'd probably only been asleep about half an hour.
You sighed, smiling. This man was half asleep in bed making sleepy conversation. "Um, not yet, I was hoping you'd tag along..." you whispered.
Please say yes, please say yes, please say-
"Come on y/n, youse know if I gets caught, it'll be solitary for weeks. And you may end up back in 'ere..." he said, rolling onto his back.
"What if we don't get caught? Hmm? Just one date?"
The last statement surprised him. You knew because he opened his eyes, and propped himself on his elbow, turning towards you. "Date? I ain't been on a date before..." he said surprised. "D-Did I say date? I-I mean, it doesn't- I just thought-" your face had flushed red.
He chuckled slightly, nodded a little, and sat up. "Alright, alright, we can head out for a few drinks. But then we come right back, okay?" He said, and you nodded, standing up happily. He pulled on a shirt and shoes. Not that it mattered, you had clothes in a dufflebag for him. He'd change once the two of you were outside.
He looked in a mirror a moment, before reaching for a small plastic tub. You stopped him and said "I like your hair loose... besides, you won't have to shower again before you get back."
"Youse smart, y'know?" He teased, before you both left.
He knew his ways out, you knew yours. Both were pretty fast, so you picked an option and went with it. Once outside, you passed him the dufflebag and told him to go change, which he hesitantly did so. Then, you were keeping watch outside the storage shed he changed in. Your eyes followed cars as they drove by on the far off road. Safety distance, since this was a prison.
You also kept your eyes out for the guards. When you knew it was safe for a few moments, you quickly changed in a different building. You were done much earlier than Yancy, most likely because he was used to tshirts and prison sweats.
Suddenly you heard a sound. You looked to see Yancy messing with his hair. Your eyes widened, and lips parted slightly in shock. Even if you had bought the clothes and knew exactly what they looked like, you didn't know what they looked like on him. Now Yancy was always handsome to you, but damn. Prison clothes weren't doing him justice.
You hadn't been sure what to get, so you went with a gray dress shirt and some black jeans. He still wore the white prison shirt under, leaving the dress shirt unbuttoned and he'd rolled the sleeves up. The boots you'd stolen from Mark fit Yancy rather well. He looked normal, like what a free man would. He deserved to be free, even if he didn't realize it.
Your eyes watched him as he looked at himself, saying "Not used to wearin' clothes like these. Youse sure about dis?" Then he looked up at you, stopping in his tracks. He only saw you in your stealth outfit, or whatever strange disguises you managed whenever you came on Visitation Day. But not in casual clothes, not going anywhere as yourself. He smiled slightly, and said "Y-Youse look nice." You smiled, looking down, a little embarassed.
"Thanks..." you gushed, before he walked up, and patted his hands on the sides of his legs, unsure of what to do. He hadn't been out in years. Many, many years. You looked at him, and then gestured for him to follow. "I already know a bar, someplace quiet, shouldn't be too busy."
"Alright, let's go then."
The bar was not quiet.
The bar was busy.
Dozens of people, eating, drinking, singing along to a classic jukebox which blared out of older speakers. Yancy looked around as people threw darts and each other around the place. You saw two people get up and start to leave, so you quickly grabbed Yancy's arm and guided him over to the seats. You both sat down, and he looked around curiously, fidgeting with the shirt collar.
"Youse sure about this? I didn't think this would be youses kind'a scene..." he said, and you shrugged. "It's not my favorite, but it's"-memories of the others getting drunk and rowdy filled your head-"...familiar."
"So what's it you want?" Asked the bartender, now standing infront of you two across the bar. "Um, not sure, didn't really plan it out..." you said nervously, looking down a little. The bartender seemed a little impatient, but Yancy casually said "Two doubles, scotch."
The bartender nodded and went off to his work. He returned, set down the glasses, and poured them. "Been a while since I've had one of these..." Yancy said, picking up the glass and watching it a moment. You grabbed yours. The shot glass was thick, and the scotch was a dark golden color. You weren't sure what to expect. Yancy held his out to you, and you smiled and tapped your glass on his, then against the bar, the downed it in one fell swoop.
He stared a moment, as you exhaled sharply. From what you tasted, it was an earthy sort of caramel flavor, with something a little more bitey. He chuckled, taking his a little slower, with less gusto than you had taken yours. He set his glass down on the bar, and out of nowhere a female voice said "Hey there... where are you from?"
Both Yancy and yourself looked to see a woman sitting down in the bar seat next to Yancy. She had a look in her eye, commonplace at bars. You had to admit, she was good looking. That worried you. Technically, Yancy and yourself weren't a thing... He wouldn't be interested, would he?
"Ohio," Yancy answered innocently. He wasn't naive, and knew exactly what she was up to... right?
"Really now?" She said with a smirk, and then introduced herself. "Yancy," he said. You began to worry. The Ohio answer was one thing, he didn't need to be getting swept up into conversation. You, however, were not up for confrontation at the moment. You waved down the bartender and ordered another shot while Yancy wasn't watching. Maybe enough alcohol would calm you down. You didn't want to get drunk, but you didn't wanna get possessive either.
It was a few more shots later, and a bit of conversation between Yancy and the woman later, that you felt this dread in your gut. A pit of worry and jealousy that wasn't quite familiar. You looked over, listening to them talk. Every time she replied to him, in that annoying 'trying to be flirty and sexy' tone, the pit worsened.
"Street boy? Hmm..."
Your body trembled a moment.
Your leg began to bounce anxiously.
"Dance? Now that's something. Didn't think you needed to be a muscle man for musical numbers," she said winking at him, caressing his bicep. That was the line she shouldn't have crossed. You stood suddenly, ready to fuck her up, but you were kinda drunk, and had stumbled into someone. A very large, very intimidating, very temperamental someone. He turned, glared, and grabbed you by the shoulder. "Watch it kid," he growled.
Suddenly he stumbled back, a red spot forming on his face, and beside you Yancy. The prison man stepped infront of you defensively, and glared harshly at the man, fists still clenched. His mood shifted so suddenly, and you worriedly asked "Yance?"
"Hush, doll," he said softly, as the other man stood back up. He tilted his neck to each side, and a series of cracks erupted from the joints. Then he said lowly "Bad move punk."
"Word of advice, walk away," said Yancy, not a whisper of fear. The man glared, and the bar patrons seemed to watch, either choosing a side or stepping away. You glanced back at the stool, and sighed. You started this, might as well make it interesting.
"Ready Yancy?" You asked. "Always," he replied, putting his fists up again. You immediately seized the stool, with a sudden clarity of sobriety, and threw it, knocking the man down.
So it began.
There was the clamber and chaos of a good ol' classic bar fight. Chairs being thrown, pool cues snapped, bottles shattered. People yelled, screamed, and fought. You had your back to Yancy, and his back was to you, as you both kept attackers off one another.
As a majority were either unconscious or had bolted, you both panted and stood a moment, before looking at one another. "Shows what I get for leavin' with youse for a night..." he teased, chuckling. You rolled your eyes and wearily rubbed blood off his broken lip with your thumb. He licked them, before glancing at your own.
He almost seemed to lean in a moment, before suddenly you could hear the police sirens. "Ah fuck," Yancy said in despair, looking towards the front door and windows, where red and blue lights seemed to be approaching. You immediately grabbed his arm, and you both rushed to a back door. You climbed over boxes and crates and anything, eager to escape.
Once you both made it out, you hurried back to Happy Trails. There was still a lot of commotion, so you waited until the heat died down a little before changing. Yancy made his way over the wall, but before you could, he stopped you and said "It's best youse lay low a while. Don't need you stuck waitin' for parole too. But, I'll see youse around, and, uh, thanks. Tonight was, well, interesting to say da least." He smiled, his eyes squinting up adorably as he chuckled. You nodded, and glanced down a moment, but a smile found your face anyways.
"Alright... but Visitation Day, you're stuck with me," you assured. He laughed and nodded. "Wouldn't want it any other way. Night y/n," he said, before pulling away from the gate. But you quickly reached forward, grabbing his shirt. Your face began to flush red, but you had a bit of courage in you. He looked confused, and you pulled him close again, and once he was close enough, you pull his face to yours before he can resist.
Your lips found his, and even if the kiss wasn't that comfortable, given the bars separating you two, it wasn't bad. Not bad at all. It was soft and warm and sudden. When you both pulled away, Yancy's cheeks had been tickled pink. He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling slightly. "W-Why'd youse do that now?" He gushed, unable to meet your eye a moment, his cheeks getting redder.
"Cause I think I'm in love with you," you said shyly, head still foggy from the alcohol, but you were sure of your answer.
"Oh, good, glad we're on the same page," he chuckled, before giving you a reassuring smile and backing away. This time, it was a little easier to let him go. You both glanced back once more at each other before going your separate ways.
You stood outside Happy Trails, nervously waiting. It was almost 6:30 in the evening. As the sun set on this late year day, you saw him. The classic black suit provided by the correction facility for recent releases looked pretty good on him. Walking beside him was Mr. MurderSlaughter, and he walked him all the way to the gate, and you could hear him talking.
"I'll be the first to say, we just might miss you around here Yancy. I'm also not afraid to say I was surprised to see I'd be letting you go today, or any day to be honest. I'm proud of you," said the man, and Yancy smiled.
"Well, I had something worth fightin' for on the outside waitin' for me," he said simply, looking to see you waiting, obviously excited. The gate was opened. Yancy stepped out.
For the first time as a free man in a very long time.
He set down the single suitcase he had, and tugged his suit jacket in place. You rushed up, which caught him by surprise, and you hugged him closely. After greetings and heartfelt words, you pulled away and smiled up at him. "Where to, doll?" He asks, his hands still at your waist. Your eyes speckled with tears of joy as you replied, "Home."
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S.....Sooga.....tiddie fucking........Heheheh
Simple, effective, genius. Let’s fucking go.
“Something tells me Master Kohga isn’t happy today.”
“No fucking shit.”
Kohga had walked back outside from his council with Princess Zelda. Ever since the defeat of Ganon, the Yiga and the royal family have been trying to work together. As in, try to bribe them to stop killing both the king and his daughter. Kohga didn’t HATE Zelda (Sooga often recalled the times he called her ‘a sweet gal’), but he still hated the royal family. This made him bring rather unreasonable demands to the table, and of course he was told no. This led to rather fierce tantrums on his end, but this was the first time he had actually stormed out of the hall. Sooga joined his master’s side, followed by the two previously bickering blademasters. Zelda tried to follow him, asking that he listen to reason. Kohga suddenly stopped in the hallway, pointing at both her, and Link.
“Look. I respect you guys, really. But your royal BULLSHIT has been affecting my people for TOO long! I was not taught my skills by my fathers mothers father, just to flop over the SECOND you want me to! I won’t!”
Kohga stomped his foot on the plush carpet floor, before grumbling angrily, turning to what he thought was the exit. Granted it was the library, but his point was made. Somewhat. Zelda tried to follow him, when Sooga stopped her in her tracks.
“Master Kohga is a proud man. You must let his anger take his course. Please, allow me to dissipate his anger, he will be ready to listen to you after, Princess.”
He received a nod from both little blondes. Sooga nodded at both Blademasters, making them stand by and guard the door. Sooga walked inside of the library, seeing Kohga standing there, forehead against a bookshelf. Sooga cleared his throat, alerting his master of his presence. That seemed good enough for him to pull away, and start his rant.
“I love how ZELDA just has to be a princess AND my friend! I’M more important than some stupid royal crap, right?!”
As usual, Sooga stood there, and nodded. He was ever an ear for Kohga, and Sooga never forgot a single rant of his master (upon his demands). Kohga started pacing back and forth in front of him, throwing his arms around and stomping around the floor.
“She acts like my cause is nothing! No one asks the Yiga clan, ‘hey, how much an ass WERE those royals from so long ago?’ They act like we do this stuff for fun! And no one takes me SERIOUSLY!”
That was enough for Kohga to smack a random book off a table. Even now, in having his little fit, Kohga was incapable of actually damaging someone’s property. Not because he was scared of punishment, but because he genuinely found the library to be Zelda’s personal stuff. He was grumpy, he was impatient, but he was incredibly kind, considerate. Kohga finally stopped, hopping up on a table, and folding his arms across his chest, grumbling something fierce. Sooga waited, just in case he wasn’t done, before he gave a small nod.
“Master Kohga. Things are changing for the better. Nothing about this has been, nor will it ever, be easy. But whatever does happen, you must know that you are respected, and you are revered, especially to us. I apologize for the disrespect you have been given. You deserve all of Hyrule, truly.”
That seemed to at least stop the grumbling. But Kohga was too upset to even LOOK at Sooga right now. Kohga really only wanted one thing; respect. It was something Sooga wished he could give his master more of. But, he already gave him all he had. This meant he’d have to cheer his master up by less...conventional means. Sooga hated royals as much as he did, but he wanted peace from them both. He HAD to make something work here. He knelt down in front of Kohga, and despite his nerves eating away at him, he knew what he had to do.
“Master Kohga, I would...like to help you feel better. May I?”
Kohga seemed confused on just what he meant, but he nodded anyway, clearly interested. Sooga nudged himself between his master’s legs, pressing his face into his big, beautiful belly, and his chest right up against his cock. Kohga took only a second to piece together what was happening, and he nearly roared in laughter.
“Sooga! I’m surprised at you! Here? Now?”
Sooga gave a soft nod, a bit in disbelief himself.
“You have so much tension. Besides, doing something like this in the very castle seems like something scandalous enough for you.”
“Hey. You’re making me sound like a pervert. I mean I am, but still.”
Sooga had a slight chuckle at that. He could already tell his Master’s mood had improved tenfold. Sooga pulled away a bit, helping his Master’s cock out of his uniform, lightly stroking it in his palm. He had Kohga’s full attention now, and even though Sooga had initiated this, he felt as if he had been seduced into it.
“So, what exactly were you thinking? Blowjobs? Handjobs?”
Sooga almost thought about doing those things, but he decided against it. Blowjobs meant his mouth would be exposed here, and handjobs alone wouldn’t remove this kind of anger festering in his Master’s heart. No, he needed something to wow him, something that let him be in control. So, despite how lewd it was, Sooga placed his cock right at his chest, and pushed his titties (he liked to call them pecs, but even he had to admit they were so large, ‘pecs’ didn’t really suit them) together. Kohga actually seemed to be at a loss for words, before suddenly snickering.
“You’re ACTUALLY serious. I get to fuck THESE puppies here?”
“I’ve told you before, my body is yours to command. Every part of me is entitled to you. And I’ve….well. I’ve thought about this before.”
“You like thinking about me, don’t you Sooga?”
Kohga was already getting hard for him. Sooga pushed and rubbed his chest together, nearly smothering his poor master’s cock. Even though Sooga was VERY familiar with Kohga’s dick, it still made him nervous, feeling the hot, semi hard appendage brush up against his skin, separated by just the thin clothing of his uniform. Sooga nodded, trying not to drool at the sight of his cock reappearing between his cleavage.
“I do. I very much do. I’ve always thought how nice it’d be, if you deemed my body worthy enough to satisfy you.”
“That’s what I thought you’d say. You’re such a good boy like that.”
Kohga actually felt like participating this time around; moving his hips a bit forward to really push his cock in between them. It wasn’t long before Kohga’s cock was twitching, smearing precum between Sooga’s massive chest. It made a wet, dirty sound, that when combined with Kohga’s moans of approval, made Sooga go mad. HE was making his master feel this good. HE was making him pant like that. Sooga would have preferred to go slow, but he knew Kohga. He liked quick, passionate movements, actions that made his partner seem desperate to please. It was why Sooga kept pushing his chest together quickly, it was why he even moved his chest from side to side. It was humiliating, but Sooga liked it. He liked it for not just the fact that it was making Kohga happy, but for-
“You work so hard for me, Sooga. When no one else wants to make me feel better, you’re there. You listen to me, you give yourself to me. You’re such a good boy.”
That. Sooga loved making him happy, loved being good and obedient. Kohga was endless in his praise, cooing them so sweetly, running his fingers across his scalp, and even pulling at his hair, just to really remind him who was running this ship. It was why Sooga was not above grabbing and moving his chest around as he was, like he was some kind of filthy little whore. Sooga had enough respect to not deem himself as such, but he had enough love (and lust), to be willing to do that for Kohga. Kohga grabbed at his hair again, making Sooga’s actions skid to a halt. Kohga was getting closer and closer, why did he-
“Stop, just for a minute. Look up at me with that pretty face. Just like that. Now, pinch your nipples. Nice and hard. Good boy.”
Sooga felt a bit of shame, actually finding himself enjoying the tight, firm pinches he was giving to his already sensitive nipples.  But the way Kohga chuckled, the way he greedily gripped onto his locks? He didn’t regret a single thing.
“You like my cum, don’t you Sooga? You like it so much, you keep finding excuses to have it. The night after the party, the times I tried to punish you, and even the times you snuck into my room.”
Sooga suddenly felt tense. Oh no. 
“M-master Kohga, I can explain-”
“I wasn’t done. I know you sneak into my room when I sleep. I know sometimes you just check up on me, make sure I’m safe, and you even cover me if I get cold. But sometimes. Sometimes you want to taste my cum so badly, you’ll sit there and touch youself to me. I’ve seen you there, pumping your cock and grabbing at your fat tits, just picturing how you could get it out of me. And the fact that I KNOW you’ve been doing that, just made you so fucking hard, didn’t it?”
Sooga nodded, even though there was slight shame in it. He meant no harm by his actions, honestly. It was just, hard to resist such temptations. Kohga chuckled, giving a small shake of his head.
“Well. I don’t mind. I don’t mind one itsy bitsy bit. You know why? Hmm?”
He paused, for dramatic affect, before a devilish snicker came from his lips.
“Becase as much as you love taking my cum, I love, just as much, giving it to you. Now, rub those titties together for me, and earn my load.”
Sooga was back at it again before he could finish his sentence. He rubbed his slick, hot tits together, putting as much enthiusm and speed against his head as he could. Kohga was right; he wanted his cum, and he wanted SO much of it. He wanted to earn the right to be covered in it, earn the right to sport it across his features like a medal of honor. And as he heard Kohga grumble, as he saw his fingers dig into the table, he received just that. Spurts of cum came from his Master’s lovely cock, decorating his tits, and even dribbling down to his stomach. It was hot, creamy, and absolutely perfect. Kohga gifted him with a plentiful amount, and Sooga was almost sad when Kohga seemed to finish giving it to him. He even kept pressing his chest together, hoping to squeeze out more from him. Even as Kohga sat there, in the midst of a cooldown, Sooga found himself unable to stop. It wasn’t until Kohga snapped his fingers, that he finally put a halt to it. Kohga grinned, lightly flicking the other’s forehead.
“You love doing all the hard work for me. And I love that.”
“Love it enough to re consider the princess proposal?”
Kohga sighed, before giving a small nod.
“Yeah yeah...for YOU, I’ll go back in there, give it another shot. Not that you’re making me.”
“Of course not, Master Kohga. You’re merely kind enough to heed my plea.”
“Hey...don’t you start talking like that. You’re getting a bit too smart, Sooga.”
He could tell his Master was most amused. They spent a good minute cleaning Sooga up, and after Kohga got himself a fistful of that ass, they both came back outside, just in time to catch Zelda and Link about to leave.
“Princess, Goldilocks! Listen, I talked a bit with Sooga here, let’s try the whole meeting thing again, yeah?”
Zelda’s excitement was palpable. As Kohga joined them both back to the meeting room, the Blade masters looked at Sooga, bewildered.
“How did you make him change his mind?”
“I do not ‘make’ our master do anything. I merely took a load off of his mind.”
A big, BIG load off of his mind.
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brelione · 4 years
Secret (Rafe X Reader)
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Warnings:Literal fucking trash.Please dont torture youself by reading this :)
Can you do 3 from the prompt list with Rafe please where their parents basically forbid their relationship for whatever reason and forced them to break up even though they were good for one another and Rafe was slowly becoming a better person?
Rafe always knew he should keep his relationship with you secret.He knew that it was something too precious and too lovely to let anyone else know.He knew that his father wasnt accepting of people like you.Pogues.You were a pogue,you lived on The Cut and worked two jobs just to stay on your feet.
He didnt know he could love a pogue or anyone as much as he loved you.He couldnt really recall exactly what got you two together,it had been the work of fate.You were out for a surf while he was out for a smoke and your worlds just collided.He had seen you wipe out,only to come up to the surface a few feet away from him.You pulled your board from the water,standing up and smearing the blood from your leg.
 “That had to have hurt.”He commented.You shrugged,walking to your towel that laid on the sand,pressing it to the wound.He had somehow ended up sitting next to you,sharing his joint to ‘help with the pain’.That one night led to him sneaking out of his house to meet you at the beach where you taught him to surf,meeting him in the mornings to show him baby crabs.
One of his favorite things about you was how you carried a pencil pouch of pens everywhere you went,drawing all over your arms and legs.Eventually you had convinced him to let you draw on him,drawing a giraffe on his wrist.He had fallen in love with it and with you.Every Time you saw him and the doodle had faded he’d ask you to redo it.It was just a reminder of your love.It was nice until his father decided to call him out on it.
“Did you realy get a fucking tattoo?”He had walked into the garage as Rafe was lifting weights,seeing the sharpie doodle. “No.”Rafe answered,putting down the weights and grabbing his towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead.Ward seemed unconvinced,a grumpy expression on his face. “What is it then?”He asked.Rfe hesitated before answering,knowing what would come next. “A drawing.”He answered.
 “You cant draw shit.Who drew it?”he asked.Rafe sighed,pulling on a tshirt. “A friend.”He answered. “What friend?”Ward pushed,being a stubborn bitch as always. “You dont know her.”Rafe answered,attempting to walk past Ward when the mans hand wrapped around his wrist,strong enough to cut off his circulation. “Her?Who,Rafe?GIve me names.”Ward spoke,his voice seeming threatening. “No.”Rafe answered,flinching when Ward’s gripped tightened. 
“Why?What are you hiding?”Ward asked.Rafe let out a shaky breath,looking away from his father and contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth. “Her….her name is (Y/N).”Rafe answered,cringing at his words.Ward let go only a little,still holding tight but not so tight that his hand was purple.Rafe could feel his blood beginning to circulate again,his fingers no longer feeling cold. 
“(Y/N)?(Y/N) who?What’s her last name?”Ward asked.Rafe gulped,his heart thumping in his chest. “(Y/L/N).You dont know her.”Rafe answered,tugging his arm away and going inside the house,Ward close on his heels. “I know enough about her to know that shes trouble.I know that she ripped up one of my nets,stay away from her.Shes broke trash.”Ward spoke,voice dripping in hatred.
Rafe turned around,fury evident on his face. “She ripped up one of your nets cause you were killing fucking dolphins-shes a fucking sweetheart and she works for every single penny shes ever fucking made.”He was close to yelling,unaware of Sarah sitting on the couch and watching the fight.Ward scoffed. “Oh,please.She’s using you for my money and you’re too ignorant to see it.”Ward rolled his eyes. 
“She hasnt used a single dollar of mine!She’s never asked for money or anything you fucking asshole!She loves me for me,not for your money you selfish bastard!”Rafe shouted,his face becoming red.Ward seemed shock,not thinking abour it before his palm colided with the side of his sons face.Sarah let out a loud gasp,Rafe’s eyes widening before he ran outside and got in his truck,immediately speeding out and going to your house.
You were still asleep when Rafe came through your door,tears in his eyes.His face softened when he saw your sleeping figure on the couch,an old disney movie playing on your tv.
He kneeled down in front of you,watching as your eyes opened. “Rafe?”You asked.A smile came across his face,leaning down to kiss your forehead.You grumbled,sitting up. “What time is it?”You asked.He shrugged,kissing your lips gently. “What’s up with you?You seem sad.”You pouted,holding his t shirt and pulling him so hed sit next to you. “Im fine.”He answered,knowing he was screwed when your tongue scraped against your teeth.
Thats how he knew that you could pretty much read his mind. “You’re upset about something and your arm is bruised.Did you get into a fight?”You asked,shifting so you were straddling him and he had no other option but to look at you. “I got into a fight with my dad,its fine though.”He answered,moving up slightly to kiss you but you backed out. “Rafe,did he hurt you?”You asked.
He sighed,his hands trailing under your oversized t shirt-his t shirt-to rub circles on the warm skin. “Yeah,yeah he did.”He admitted,watching the way your jaw dropped slightly.You wrapped your arms around him,his head tucking under your chin as tears started to roll down his cheeks. “Rafe,baby,what was the fight about?”You asked.He gulped,a salty tear falling into his mouth.
 “I-I told him about you and he got mad and-and I called him a bastard so he slapped me.”He let out a sob,his grip on you tightening.You huffed,twirling his hair in your fingers. “So this was my fault?”You asked.He shook his head,still holding you close to him. “No,of course not.Its his fault.”He answered.He cupped your face,kissing you lightly. “Can I stay here for a while?”He asked.
Most of the day was spent with him cuddling with you,holding you close and placing kisses all over you.You both fell asleep on your couch,waking up to loud pounding on your door.Rafe placed an arm over you,telling you to stay put.His heart was beating loudly,his hand shaking.The color drained from his face when he saw Ward at the door.It was too late to turn around,the older man had already seen him. “Get out here and come home.”The man demanded.You came out to the kitchen,a frown on your face.Rafe cursed when he saw you,telling you to go back into the living room. 
“I’ll see you later today,okay?”He asked before walking out the door,Wrd immediately grabbing onto his arm.You were too shocked to do anything,standing there speechless.You had tried calling and texting him but they wouldnt send.He had blocked you.You tried messaging Sarah through instagram but that didnt work either.
You didnt even know what to do,resorting to crying on your couch.You found Rafe’s keys on your kitchen table a few days later,getting into his truck and driving to his house in the middle of the night.You had been quiet as possible,climbing up the side of his house and onto his balcony because of course he had a balcony.You could never understand why it was there or what it was for but you were thankful that it was here now.
You could see him on his bed,his back turned away from you.You knocked on the door,seeing it was locked.You could see him tense up,standing up and smiling wide when he saw you.He ran across the room,tapping on the glass. “He locked it,I dont have the key.”He told you,his voice quiet because of the glass separating you.You sighed,tapping along the glass before you got an idea,taking his truck keys and attempting to push them into the key hole of the door.
It was no luck and at this point you could see the desperation on Rafe’s face.You pulled off the keychain,twisting at the circle so one of the sides would stick out.His eyebrows furrowed,biting his lip anxiously as you twisted the metal in the keyhole,trying to get the door to open.You heard a click,he let out a small gasp before practically ripping the door open,pulling you too him. “He shut down my phone and locked me in here.”He spoke softly,his hands tight around you.
When you were about to suggest that he come with you his bedroom door unlocked,Ward staring at the two of you with pure anger on his face. “Get out of my house before I call the cops.”He spoke to you,his hand around his phone.Rafe shook his head,holding you tighter. “Dad-you cant keep me locked in here forever.”Rafe answered,feeling the way your hands were shaking around him. “You broke into my house and youre manipulating and abusing my son.Not only that but you vandalized and destroyed my property,you’re lucky I havent gotten you thrown into prison yet.”Ward’s eyes stayed on you.
Rafe scoffed,letting go of you and approaching his father. “Shes manipulative and abusive?Look at you!You slapped me and you’ve locked me in my room!”He shouted,probably waking up his sisters.Ward’s eyes widened. “Its for your own good!She’ll use you and then break you!”Ward exclaimed. “What?”Like mom did to you?”Rafe yelled,his fists clenching.
That had been nearly five months ago.A lot had changed since then.You had grown as a person,becoming friends with JJ,Pope,Kiara and John.B.Rafe had gone back to the way he was before he met you,a drug addict who doubled as a fucking bitch.You still missed him though,hoping that he was at least doing better since the last time you saw him.The Pogues couldnt believe that you had once been in a relationship with him no matter how hard you tried to convince them that he was different with you.They didnt believe you of course,they knew Rafe,not Rafe Alexander Cameron.
You had started to forget about him,the feelings he made you feel and all the memories you had with the boy.Then you saw him at the beach and everything just came back.The feelings,the memories,the feeling in your stomach.He glanced in your direction,eyes widening as he did a double take.He literally ran to you,a confused expression on his face. “(Y/N)-fuck,shit.Dad told me that he got you in prison-what the fuck?”He hugged you,spinning you around.
 “Oh,wow.Nice to know you still think of me.”You giggled,looking up at the tall boy.He smiled. “All the time.”He answered,squeezing your waist. “So how have you been?I havent seen you in like...ten years.”You grinned.He shrugged,biting his lip. “You know,the same old.I tried to remember your number,dad took my old phone and gave me a whole new number.What are you doing?”He asked,looking around the beach. “Um...you know,vibing.”You shrugged.He nodded,sitting down in the sand with you,his hand holding yours. “I um….I made some new friends.”You spoke quietly,not knowing what his reaction would be.He grinned,licking his lips. 
“Yeah?Does that mean you’re crushing on one of them?”He asked.You shook your head,rubbing circles on his hand. “No,its a nice change in things though I guess.I missed you.”You mumbled.He smiled,leaning forward and kissing you gently. “I missed you too,you still love me?”He asked,making you smile. “Always.”You answered,kissing the tip of his nose. “It sucks that we gotta start the whole secret relationship thing again.I wont fuck it up this time,though.I promise.”You rested your head in the crook of his neck as he spoke,kissing his collarbone lightly.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @outerbongs
@sunwardsss @meaganjm @httpstarkey @copper-boom​ 
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Untitled — Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
So, I kinda wrote this out of the blue, so, atm I can’t think of a title, but when I do, I’ll edit it. I...I also cant think of how o summarize this and make it sound cool vsivs sorry for the simple summary fjdsnvs
Summary: Ushijima isn’t the best at handling emotionalpeople, but he tries his best to soothe his s/o. 
A/N: this fic is dedicated to my lovely friend @serenitystar2002​ you are one of the kindet people I know, and also so very funny, you deserve all the good things happening to you! 
Word Count: 1K words
Posted: 12.08.2020
Warnings: a little bit of angst with fluffy end. Post-time skip, though there are no mentions of spoilers. 
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The habit creature, Ushijimaa Wakatoshi, immediately noticed something was wrong. Having returned from his training in the afternoon, he’d usually come home to find you cooking something for dinner, for the both of you, greet him warmly with a hug and a peck on his cheek despite Wakatoshi telling you he was all sweaty and stinky. As much as he “complained” about you hugging him when he got home all dirty from training, he still felt his heart melt at your welcoming embrace regardless of his state.
However, this afternoon he came home to a quiet place. There was no music playing, nor your voice singing, nor the smell of food inviting him. There was something wrong.
He called your name several times as it echoed through the house as he walked to the master bedroom leaving his stuff on the floor next to the door. He called yor name once more before approaching the bed, where you were lying on your side, facing your back to the door. 
It was so unlike you.
“My love, is everything alright?” Wakatoshi asked upon hearing the silent sobs coming from your mouth. “What happened?” 
“Nothing, I’m...I’m fine” You sniffed. 
“Then why are you crying?” Ushijima was definitely not good at reading people, but spending so much time with you, and being so infatuated, you were the only one he could easily read. “Hey, my darling, come here” 
The pain in your heart was too much to handle. Overwhelmed , you started crying once more as the insecurities buzzed in your ears. 
“Babe, please. Come here” 
Reluctantly, having the echoes in our head remind you of everything that had been haunting you and hurting you, you didn’t want to face Wakatoshi. Not now. Not like this. 
However, his strong arms quickly wrapped around you. Tightly, as you started crying hard against his chest. As if it was his arms what kept you from breaking into a million pieces. One of his hands went to the back of your hand, and his fingers began brushing your hair delicately. 
He felt his eyes grow teary, and did not know why. Somehow, your pain was permeating into him. God, he loved you so much, he didn’t like seeing you like this. His arms tightened around you as he breathed deeply, trying to come up with something to say. How badly he wanted to help you feel better.
“You don’t have to tell me what happened. But, if I can help you in any way, please let me know” He purred.
“I don't think you can help” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Not really” 
“Okay then" Wakatoshi began "Listen, I love you okay? Just know that I’m here for you. Whatever it is that happened, it’ll get better. You’re strong, and you’re clever, you’ll get through this. 
You were about to say something but completely went against it, as the lump on your threat threatened you. 
You remained quiet for a while as he hugged you tightly against his chest. His words hurt, and at the same time soothing your ache. Your insecurities were still bugging you, but, knowing how he felt definitely made you feel better. You wondered just how true his words were. But right now, it didn’t matter. Ushijima had spoken his mind, the only way he knows. Plainly, speaking his mind without filtering his words. That much was true. Everything he had said was true. 
You couldn't bring youself to speak, to tell him you loved him back. Althoigh, Ushijima knew that all too well. You simply sobbed.
“I don't know if you need to hear this but, I really love you. I've never been this in love with anyone before, and I doubt I ever will be. Even if I spend the entire day out, training, busy with volleyball, just know, that you’re always in my mind. I know you’re always there, taking care of me, making sure I eat well and sleep enough, cooking such delicious food, it’s always a blessing to come back home and be with you. You keep my mind at ease when things get stressful. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you so very much, okay?” 
After a short while of hugging in silence, his hand continued to play with your hair. He noticed the way your breath had turned back to normal, and you had been quiet for a while. You weren't crying any more. Whether or not you felt better, remained a mystery to him. But he was willing to keep trying to lift you up, even if it took him all day long. 
“You stink,” You said, breaking the silence as Ushijima chuckled.
“I know” He said amused “But I also know you don't care” He added. 
Hearing you chuckle softly felt like a win. He broke the hug, now his hands cupping our face as his tender look scanned your face.
 “Hey, how about I make dinner tonight?” Ushijima said as you looked away from him.
“Not hungry…” You answered.
“You have to eat. It's healthy” He said lifting your chin up so you’d face him once more “I’ll shwer real quick and cook something for the both of us. And while I cook, you’ll take a shower” 
“Please,” He cut you off gently “It’ll make you feel better, I promise. Do it for me, yes?” He said kissing your forehead. “Listen, I love you. Everything about you. You have no idea how in love I am with that cute little smile of yours. I didn’t get to see it earlier when I got back from training, and I miss it already” 
“O-okay…” You answered hesitantly.
“You’re gonna feel better, I promise. I’ll help you through it, okay?” He said holding your hand. “I’m here, and not going anywhere” His hand gave yours a gentle squeeze as you squeezed his hand back in response. 
“I love you, Ushi” You murmured. 
Wakatoshi smiled and wiped away the silent tear sliding through your cheek before kissing your forehead. 
“I love you too, my darling. Very, very much” His voice purred against your ears as you locked stares for a few seconds. 
His tender smile soothing you as he packed your lips so softly and so tenderly, you felt your heart stop. He then kissed your forehead one last time before heading to the bathroom. You looked at him disappear behind the bathroom wall as his words kept replaying in your head. What a warm and somehow painful comfort his words brought to your heart. 
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gufettogrigio · 3 years
I was tagged by @felixa2728 do a song tag 💙💙
1. A song which reminds you of your favorite shipping: I am going to say Battiato's E ti vengo a cercare - one of my absolute favourite songs and my Bersenna anthem.
2. The song where you feel currently the most classic F1 vibes: writing early '60s so there's a lot of Elvis Presley - I can't help falling in love with you...
3. A song that motivates you creatively: I go in periods. Right now?CNCO's Hey DJ. Yes, I know. FE fault.
4. One of your F1 crush songs: I alternate between La Prima Cosa Bella (Nigelio) and Broken and Beautiful (when I have a soft spot for Nelson).
I don't know who's done this already and who hasn't - If you haven't please consider youself tagged! I am curious about people's music💚
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
Third Time’s a Charm - Tim Drake x Reader
A/N: This is set in the YJverse and you’re Batgirl since Barbara is now Oracle
Summary: M’gann and Conner attemp to play matchmaker on you and Tim Drake. 
The weekend at Mount Justice was awfully colorless. No missions, no plans, no fun for everyone. Everyone who had a significant other were lucky enough to spend time with each other, making things seem less lifeless at the Cave. Artemis was teaching Wally to shoot, Dick was constantly flirting with Oracle, Beast boy was out with Perdita, and so on. The rest who didn’t have significant others decided to entertain each other, playing games. 
For M’gann and Conner, being a motherly and fatherly figure, stood beside each other against the kitchen countertop, watching everyone get along with each other, with big heart eyes. That’s until she spotted two certain people alone. 
You were listening to your favorite music on your headphones as you stared at the window, looking at the magnificent view of Happy Harbour. 
Tim on the other hand was just on the couch, watching videos on his laptop while holding a coffee mug on his left hand. 
M’gann, bored out of her mind, noticed something between you and Tim. She whispered to Conner point at you two, “Is it me, or is Tim and Y/N the only people in this cave single?” Conner looked at M’gann disbelief, not realizing that as well. “Oh yeah. I can’t believe I failed to see this. It’s funny how they grew up together in Wayne Manor but barely talk to each other.”
The truth was, you and Tim weren’t exactly close. You both exchanged a couple of words throughout the day, but both of you were are always too focused on either your jobs or yourselves when you had nothing to do. Back at Wayne Manor, Tim spent his time being the best student in Gotham Academy while you spent your time being the best in your extra curriculars, such as being the captain of a varsity. 
Of course M’gann, wanting to play matchmaker, proposed the idea to Conner, “They have potential chemistry together. I say we play matchmaker and bring them together.” Connor looked at his girlfriend with a silly face, “You’re really bored, aren’t you?” 
“Don’t worry, it’ll only take three steps for them to fall for each other.” M’gann said with a mischevious smile. 
1. Friday night at the fair 
After M’gann making Tim ride with you in every ride possible, Conner whistles for Tim to look up, “Hey Drake, come over here.” 
Tim walks over with both hands on his pockets, “What’s up Conner?” 
Conner pulls out a wallet from his back pocket and holds 20 dollars in the air. “This should be enough for you to buy yourself some a large cotton candy.” Tim shakes his head and returns the money, “Thanks but I’m alright.” Conner pushes back the money to Tim with a serious look, “I insist. Go. Buy. Youself. Cotton. Candy. Now.” Tim nods, and walks away terrified. 
You just came back from the bathroom after fixing your hair when you saw Tim holding a huge stick of cotton candy. Your eyes widened and you ran quickly to him, jumping up and down. “TIM, can I have a piece? Please, please, please??” 
Tim not caring about the cotton candy gave everything to you. “Uh, you can take the whole thing.” he sheepishly smiled.
“AH THANK YOU!” you bursted with joy. 
“Knock yourself out, Y/L/N.” he scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. 
As you happily savored the taste of the cotton candy, all Tim could see was you and the background lights of the carnival at night. His eyes were focused on you. The way you smiled with a satisfied sound as you ripped small pieces of the cotton candy, piece by piece. This is where he started to take more notice of you. He tried to look away as you took notice of his staring. You smiled and motioned for him to take a piece and he did, just a little so you could have it all. “Thanks, Y/N.”
“No thank you, we wouldn’t have had this if you didn’t have bought it.” you smiled innocently. 
Tim thought, ‘I guess I have to thank Conner for lending me the money.’ 
Then as he looked around for Conner, he failed to find him but luckily saw a carnvial game stand. The particular one where you have to shoot all those plates with one try without missing a single plate. 
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He noticed that nobody was lining up for it so he grabbed your hand and ran towards it, causing both of you to blush. 
“Where are we going, Tim?”
“How about I win you a prize?” 
As you both stopped, you saw the booth in front of you. “Tim, you sure you can do this?” 
He scoffed, “Have faith in me, Y/N. I’m getting you the biggest prize they have to offer.”
Thanks to Jason teaching him a few tricks, Tim successfully shot down all the plates with one try, making you gasp in excitement. “Oh my gosh, Tim! What’s the prize! What’s the prize!” you jump up and down. 
The person in charge of the booth handed Tim the biggest stuff animal, coincidentally your favorite animal, and 100 bucks!
As Tim lovingly gave you the stuffed animal, you spotted the 100 bucks, “What are we going to do with the money?” you shot Tim a curious look. 
Tim thought of a brilliant idea. “Would you like to go on a date with me, Y/N?” waving the money. 
“I’d love to, Tim.” you blushed. 
M’gann and Conner were just behind the booth, thanking the person in charge for handing their money to Tim as they knew he’d win. 
“Can’t believe this is happening.” M’gann hugged Conner. “It’s going all so well, Conner!!” 
“Can’t believe he hasn’t gave me back the change for the cotton candy.” he joked. 
2. SaturDATE 
Tim’s lunch date was such a Tim thing. He brought you to a coffee shop, but like one of those hipster coffee places where everything looked so colorful and vibrant. 
As you walked in, you gave him a curious look. “I know you’re a coffee guy but I expected the shops you’d visit frequently to be more dark and casual.”
“I wanted a change for today. Besides, this place reminds me of you. Colorful and vibrant.” he smirked. 
This day just got better and better by the minute. The both of you learned so much about each other as you started tackling simple questions to the deepest ones you could get to. 
“I regret learning more about you at such a late age, Tim! Who knew we had so much in common.” you said with doubtfulness. 
Tim sighed, “I totally agree. I could imgaine us right now as best of friends at Wayne Manor, staying up all night, watching movies together, and basically doing everything together.” 
“Believe me, I feel the exact same way. I tried doing these things with Dick, Jay and even Damian but it never felt right.” 
The two of you had so much fun that day that you were there from noon to evening, not even realizing that you both had a big mission the next day. 
It was 10pm and the both of you got voice messages from Dick and Conner saying, “Hey love birds, it’s nice to see you finally bonding but we have a big mission tomorrow. I expect to see you both at the cave in 10 minutes.” 
The both of you checked the clock and laughed at how neither of you knew it was getting SUPER late. “Well, we better get going.” Tim said as he held out his hand for you to stand up from the bean bags you sat on. 
3. Sunday madness 
Klarion, the witch boy, posed as Tempest and stole the remaining fragments of the stature, needing to resurrect Tiamat from Aquagirl. He made his escape through a portal, but was followed by Tula. 
Beta Squad, led by Nightwing, arrived on the scene in the Sacred Well of Marduk’s Temple. But Klarion threw the reconstructed statue into the pool which caused a giant water snake to come out. 
Klation blasted the water snake, knocking the tablet of Destiny which was bound to Tiamat ran off with it. Klarion chased after it, leaving the heroes to fight the water-snake form of Tiamat.
The watersnake knocked you out, leaving you unconcsious. Tim saw this and yelled, “Y/N!” He ran towards your body, checking for a heartbeat which he heard, sighing in relief. He stayed with you the whole time from when Aqualad came out from another room, saying the mission ended because the tablet was destroyed and Klarion escaped, to bringing you to the Cave, waiting for you to wake up. 
After a few hours, your eyes started to open slowly. You were about to stand up until someone stopped you. “Hey, it’s okay. Just lay down for awhile, you still have a concussion.” a familiar voice said. 
It was Tim. He smiled and stroked your cheeks with his thumbs. “Why don’t I get you some water?” 
“How about some coffee from that hipster place?” you weakly laughed. 
“I don’t want to be too far from you. I hope my coffee here will do.” he stood up and left the room when M’gann, Conner, and Dick came in. 
“Hey kiddo, how ya feeling?” Dick sat on your bed. 
“Better, especially that my favorite brother is here.” you said with a big smile. Dick playfully looked back hoping Tim wasn’t there to hear that, “You’re lucky Tim didn’t hear that! You would have broken his heart!!!” he whisper shouted. 
M’gann stepped forward, “He wouldn’t have been hurt by that. She sees him as something else, don’t you Y/N.” 
Before you could answer, Tim popped in with 2 mugs of coffee in his hands. “I hope she does because I see her as something else.” You blushed as you took a mug from him and kissed him. “I hope that answers it.” 
Before Tim could kiss you back, Dick pushed Connor and M’gann out, “Let’s give these two some privacy, after all they already have a room.” 
Dick crossed his arms and chuckled at M’gann and Conner. “I’m so disappointed in you two.” which made that look at each other with a confused look. 
“How come? The both of us managed to make them fall for each other!” M’gann said. 
Connor patted Dick on the back, “Okay you can plan out their wedding all by yourself. In fact, your whole family can deal with the expenses while we sit back and relax.” 
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
Don’t mind me
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Summary: annoyed, you wanted to get back at him
Genre: smut
Yeonjun x reader
There he went again, screaming and laughing into the mic at some of his friend while they played, what you now know to be labeled as, an fps game. Sometimes you felt bad for his mic, having no escape from the torture, but at the same time, neither did you.
His computer was located a mere wall away from your shared bedroom, in the echoey living room of your home. On nights where he wanted to stay up playing games, you would head to bed first, neither of you seemed to mind really. Eventually, someways throught the night, you would hear the door creak open and a pair of arms would wrap around you.
It was currently 4am when you had once again woke up to the noise of your boyfriend hysterically laughing and swearing at his teammates when ‘did something stupid’ as he would put it. You never understood what could possible get him so riled up about a game.
This wasn’t the first time yeonjun has woken you up with one of his antics. It’s happened many nights before but every time you tried to talk to him about it, he would apologise and immediately forget what you had just agreed on.
Tonight, however, you weren’t having it anymore. You decided to do something about it, something more than just using words or having a chat with him. You wanted to mess with him... i guess you could say you wanted to fuck with him, both literally and metaphorically.
Wearing an oversized tshirt that belonged to yeonjun, you stepped out of the bedroom. The moment you opened the door, his voice was even more amplified, the only barrier left between you and him now removed. As much as you loved him, you hated him for interrupting your sleep.
Entering the dark living room, you spotted him at his usual corner, next to the TV, facing the windows. You walked up behind him and placed your hands on his, so very broad, shoulders gently massaging them as you wanted to first make your presence known.
He was only dressed in a simple tank top and sweatpants, yet he still managed to pull it off, looking absolutely amazing.
“Oh hey love. Sorry, did i wake you?” He asked, muting his mic and removing his headphone. He tilted his head up to look at you.
His skin glowed a tint of blue as mixture of moonlight and light emulating from the monitor screen reflected off him. As ethereal as he may have looked at that moment, you had to remind yourself you supposed to be mad at him.
“No it’s alright. Dont mind me, continue your game, i just wanted to watch you play for a while,” you said, in a sort of passive agressive manner.
You didn’t want to tell yeonjun your actual motive for coming out here, and you highly doubted he wanted to know either.
Turning back to his game, he unmuted himself and spoke with his teammates again. You took this opportunity to begin placing kisses along his neck.
“Y/n what are you-”
“Shh,” you placed a finger on his lips. Holding back a smirk, you continued, “like i said, dont mind me and continue your game. I’d like to play a game of my own, and the only rule is that you’re not allowed to mute yourself anymore.”
He looked at you in confusion. ‘Yeonjun where are you?’ You heard one of his teammates ask through his headsets.
“Your friends are looking for you babe, it’s rude to keep them waiting,” you said with a pout, showing yeonjun you were ‘innocent’.
Having no choice, he put on his headphones and returned his attention to the game. “Yeah I’m here, sorry. I just got a little distracted by something.”
You continued your actions, littering kisses along his neck, jawline and anywhere else you could reach from that angle. You smirked as you heard yeonjun try to swallow a lump that had formed in his throat.
Moving one side of his headset to the back of his ear, you leaned in. “Gosh babe, you look so hot in tank tops, you should wear them more often,” you said breathily, just loud enough for him to hear, making sure his mic couldn’t.
Running your hands up and down his bare biceps, you laughed as yeonjun pressed his lips together, afraid of replying you, afraid of what the mic would pick up.
Grabbing one of his hands, you lifted his arm up and slid between him and the table, straddling him. You placed his hand back where you picked it up and rested your arms on his shoulders. You watched as his actions froze, both in real life and in game.
“You better keep playing before they start getting suspicious,” you warned, looking at him with your doe eyes.
Unable to process what was going on, yeonjun didnt dare move.
“I said keep playing babe, don’t pay any attention to me.”
‘Yeonjun! Quick we need back up! Where are you!’ Hearing his teammates voice, immediately, yeonjun woke up from his dazed stated.
“I’m- I’m on my way!” He hesitantly replied them.
You gave him a look of approval as he tried his hardest not to be bothered by your actions. Seeing him struggle to keep his composure amused you. He continued talking to his teammates, attempting to sound like his normal self. I would tell you what he was saying but honestly, you didn’t really care about that.
You continued placing kisses on his neck, gently sucking on the skin, leaving subtle marks as you made your way down. Arms tighly wrapped around the back of his neck, you felt as he started to poke your inner tigh. You took this as an indication to start grinding on him.
Not wanting to block his view of the screen, you lifted your head just enough to see his expression. Pleased when you noticed how hard he was fighting back a groan as he grew harder underneath you.
You stripped yourself of his shirt. And lucky for him, or maybe not so lucky in this case, that left you in a pair of lace lingerie you had put on, knowing it was his favourite.
“You know, you don’t have to hold back. You could always just let your dear friends know how you’re getting laid right now,” you whispered into his ear.
Yeonjun swallowed hard, keeping his mouth shut as he felt your breath tickling his ear. He wanted to touch you so badly, but he could take his hands off the keyboard, not wanting to get killed.
Determined to get that groan out of him, you hands wondered down to your own core as you touched yourself through your panties. You continued, “fuck babe, i just want you in me so badly.”
You played with your clit and let out a whine. You knew how much yeonjun hated you touching yourself. You didn’t need to now that you had him. Yeonjun’s pupils were blown up with lust as he watched your little act.
“I’m so wet for you, i just want to ride you right now. You’ll be quiet for me right? Unless, of couse, you want them to hear,” grinning, head resting on his shoulder as your hands moved underneath his shirt. You pushed yourself down against him harder, adding the preasure you both so desired.
He chocked on nothing, contemplating his choices, hesistant to make a decision. Of couse, he did want to fuck you, but he didn’t want his teammates to know what was going on either.
You noticed his hesitation and decided to answer for him. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. As long as you dont make too much noise, you won’t embarasse youself in front if your teammates.”
You pulled his pants and boxer down, just enough for his member spring free from its confines. You pumped him a few times, loving the sight as precum leaked from the tip. Spreading it down his shaft, using it as lubrication, you stood up slightly, pushing your panties to the side as you slowly sat down on him.
You let out a content sigh as he filled you to the brim, and yeonjun only wished he could do the same. You laughed slightly as you noticed how he started to respond his teammates with one word answers instead, his mind probably a mess of thoughts.
“You feel so good, you fill me up so good yeonjun,” you said as you started to move your hips on his cock. Using him however you pleased.
You threw your head back, letting out a moan, feeling him twitched inside you as he bite his lip so hard he could almost draw blood.
“Fuck junnie, I’m cumming,” you said, hands on his shoulder for support as you rode out your high.
By this point, yeonjun was in so much ecstasy he didn’t care about the game anymore, the screen just became one big blur to him as he ignored all the complaints he was hearing through the voice chat. Just as he was about to reach his own high, you stopped.
You stood up, getting off him and retrieving his tshirt off the ground. Giving him a wink as you made your way back to the bedroom, closing the door behind you. Leaving a very confused, and frustrated, yeonjun behind, wondering what on earth just happened.
You knew what was going to happen afterwards. Yeonjun hated being teased, and even more so, being left with blue balls. Most people would be a little more worried in this situation, but not you, you loved a rough and frustrated yeonjun.
You sat on your bed, legs crossed as you heard footsteps approach the bedroom. And well, you can guess what happened next.
Am not turning into a smut blog but ill just write whatever i feel like writing at the time. And a little smut never hurt anyone right 😉 still not good at writing these sorts of things but I’m working on it!
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