#pink undies sunday
iovevrse · 4 months
broken clocks, p. bueckers pt. 3
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broken clocks masterlist
pairings: paige bueckers x fem reader
synopsis: when you met paige, you thought the two of you would have one of those cheesy high school love stories that lasted for years. you were wrong.
cw: slight smut (theyre 18), hs p, angst, first personn
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1 Year Earlier
After that night, Paige and I talked at the pizza place. It had been as if we’d immediately become a more significant part of each other’s lives. We did everything together, and from that point on, it had been rare for me to miss a Hopkins game day.
Today was no different from the usual routine we’d adapted. It was a Friday night, and Paige had a late practice, so I’d made my way to her house to wait in her room for her. Coming over despite Paige not being there herself had been Paige’s idea. She still wanted me to come over but didn't want me to have to drive so late at night. She said her dad wouldn’t mind, but that didn’t make him any less confused when I’d shown up on his doorstep for the first time, and he told me Paige was at practice. I informed him I knew that and that his daughter said I could come over and wait for her to get back. Nonetheless, the man let me in, still confused, but he didn’t doubt it was something his daughter would do.
I sat on her bed waiting, typing away on my computer in an attempt to add something to my English essay that was due Sunday night before Paige came back. Despite Paige claiming it would be time to “lock in” on schoolwork, I knew nothing would get done tonight. She, in fact, never locked in. She just put on music and took a nap.
Like usual, Paige barged into the room with her two backpacks slugged over her shoulders. She threw them on the floor and immediately crashed into the bed, wrapping her arm around her pillow. “Hey P,” I muttered, still typing my essay, “how was practice?” I ask. She mumbled a “good” response before turning around in the bed and pulling me down with her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and cuddled me, resting her head on my shoulder. She had always been the kind of friend that was touchy, but this was different than usual. I just figured practice had tired her out completely. Maybe they had to run laps or something. I closed my computer and set it on the floor before laying in her arms, not saying a word. We’d both fallen asleep like that and a few hours later, we’d woken up.
Paige yawned and checked her phone. The time read 2:30 AM, and I rested my head on the blonde’s chest. That’s when she looked at me. I looked back, and I felt this tight feeling in my chest. I’d always noticed it happen when it came to Paige’s gaze. She had this ability to make whoever she was with or talking to the main thing her eyes were set on. We’d stayed looking at each other for what felt like forever until she leaned in, kissing me softly.
That soft kiss had escalated, and as soon as I knew it, the tall blonde was on top of me, kissing me harder than before. Paige then made her way down my body, planting light kisses. Before she had made it between my legs, her blue eyes looked at me with that same gaze again, more intense and clouded than before. “Is this ok?” the blonde whispered, her voice as raspy as it always was after waking up from a nap.
I just nodded in response, and she continued to trail kisses on my thighs, inside and out, before sliding my shorts and baby pink undies off. She looked up at me again, same as before, begging for my approval again, and once she got it, her tongue started to slowly lick at my folds, her middle finger sliding in and accompanying her tongue’s movements. Before I knew it, I was covering my face with a pillow to stay quiet and not wake up Paige’s parents or brothers.
Current Day
Seeing Paige again had brought back every negative and positive emotion I’d ever felt or had about the girl. I thought I’d done so well to forget about her until it came to having to see her again. I cursed myself for not playing it normal and acting unbothered when I saw her. You prepare yourself mentally for so many situations, telling yourself that you’d do one thing or another just for the time to come and nothing will go as planned. As I stood there, quickly texting Alexa that we needed to go, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Once again, I whipped my head around to be met with a tall, blue-eyed blonde. The same one I gave my everything to.
Almost on reflex, I shrugged her off. “Look, I’m so sorry,” Paige started. I rolled my eyes in response and continued walking in some random direction. “Please, hear me out,” pleaded the blonde as she grabbed my arm, pulling me towards her. I almost fell for it again. Her gaze made me feel like I was the only thing on her mind. Like the most important person in her world. I force myself to look away and pull back from her. “I’m not tryna hear shit of what you got to say right now, Paige.” The blonde groaned softly before stepping closer, “Just listen to me, please.”
“Nah, not today,” I mutter, forcing myself to look into her eyes again. She looked hurt, and I couldn’t help but want to take back what I said. Maybe even forget everything she did to me because the Paige I knew before would never hurt me like that. I almost opened my mouth to speak again before a taller girl pulled me away.
I guessed Alexa had finally found me, and she wasted no time dragging me away from the blonde. I wondered if maybe she’d been there longer than I thought and heard Paige’s pleas. Either way, I thanked her for getting me out of that situation. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to run into the blonde again. I knew that wouldn’t be the case though.
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loulouwrites · 2 months
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summary: tommy's wife knows their stately home is haunted, he doesn't believe her. warnings: mdni, angst, depression, postnatal depression, psychosis, endangering a child, death, suicide, miscarriage, religion, infidelity, grace doesn't exist (yayy!) word count: 1.9k a/n: this deals with really heavy stuff so if you're sensitive to any of the warnings, please don't read this x
It had been a happy marriage.
They had met after Tommy had returned from France. She and her family had moved to Small Heath from a nearby town after her father had gotten a new job at the factory. They were not a well off family, and she had begun working at the Shelby bookmakers while the men were away fighting the Great War, and the women were in charge of the business.
Tommy had liked her the moment he met her, though there was little joy left since his return home, he found pockets of it whenever he was around the abrasive, loud-mouthed girl. It was easy to fall in love with her, and it was easy for her to fall in love with him - it was easy for any woman to fall in love with Thomas Shelby.
They hadn't married quickly, it was years of courtship - and breakups - before he proposed, though she would insist it was less of a proposal, and more a demand. He hadn't gotten down on one knee, nor had he expressed his undying love for her, because she already knew. He had simply informed her they would be married at Church the coming Sunday, and she had no need to worry about the details, he had sorted everything, because that's what he did - he planned, and she showed up, no questions asked.
The Shelby business grew quickly, quicker than it probably should have, and he was able to move her out of Small Heath for good, buying her the countryside estate he had always promised her, with land she could wander in barefoot, and a home she could get lost in.
"It's awfully big," is what she said when he removed his hands from her eyes, revealing the home he planned for them to grow old in. He let out a huff of laughter at the sight of her scrunched up face.
"I wanted a house big enough for all the children we're going to have," he placed a hand on her swollen stomach, their first child growing inside of her, ready to arrive any day now.
She had given birth one week after they had moved into their new home. Her screams echoed throughout the house, and Tommy had to stop himself from running up the stairs to their bedroom every time her pained cries reached his ears from his office.
Their daughter arrived in the early hours of the morning, her screams replacing her mother's, a joyous sound to those in the house. She had dark hair, smooth skin and eyes just like her father.
They named her Elsie.
Thomas loved his home. He saw it as a justification for every bad thing he had ever done. The dark wooden floors, and the walls adorned with gold frames, the French carpets and the china vases, they were all extensions of himself, every detail in the house was proof that he had succeeded.
His wife had loved the house too, at least at first. It had taken her all but one week to make it hers, to decorate the bedroom exactly how she wanted it, and to arrange the china in the dining room in a way that was sure to impress the guests they would have.
The change in her was small at first, as far as Tommy could recall. It had started in the eighth month of her second pregnancy - her second successful pregnancy, at least. He remembered waking in the middle of the night, the sheets beside him cold and crumpled, and he had shot out of bed before he had woken up properly.
The house was eerily still as he wandered, checking every room, but she was nowhere. He opened the door to his daughter's room, releasing a held breath when he saw her tucked away in her pink sheets, unaware of the world around her.
The panic didn't set in until he descended the stairs, and the cold breeze from the open front door hit his face, causing a shiver to run up his spine.
The nighttime air was bitter, the ground cold against his bare feet, but it didn't register to Tommy as he rushed around the grounds for his wife, with only the moonlight as his guide. He didn't know how long he had been searching when he finally saw her, her nightgown flowing in the wind as she stood beside the pond, her back to her husband.
He had called her name, but she didn't turn around, and he called it again, and again, approaching her the way he would a spooked horse.
"I don't know how you can sleep in that house, Thomas," she spoke when he was close enough to hear her whisper, and he stopped short of touching her, a frown on his face. "It's just so loud in there."
"What do you mean, love?" Tommy glanced back at the house, it's silence obvious even from outside.
"They're too loud, Tommy," her voice broke, and she turned around to face him, her hair tangled and her eyes teary.
He didn't question her, he didn't argue that the house was quiet and there was nobody there but them and their daughter, he just nodded, holding a hand out for her to take, pulling her to his chest when she finally gripped his hand in hers.
"I know, love."
She loved her children. Elsie was pretty like her, and stubborn like her father, and was able to make anybody smile. Her son, George, was quiet, and, though he was only a baby, she knew he'd be kind, a gentle soul in such a cruel world. She also loved the children she had lost, though she never named them. The ones that never made it out of her womb, sometimes she thought they knew what they would be born into, and maybe saved themselves from the cruelty, maybe God had saved them from it.
She was singing George a lullaby in his room when she heard them again.
The whispers.
She never knew where the noise was coming from, just that they were close. Close enough for her to hear them, but far away enough for it to sound like gibberish.
They always came when it was dark, when they knew she wouldn't be able to see them in the corners of the room, but she knew they were there, even if nobody else did.
She held her son close to her, leaving his room as quietly as possible, her bare feet pressing into the wooden floor caused it to creak as she moved, but she didn't stop.
Her husband sighed when she walked into the bedroom with their son held tightly against her chest. She had been doing this more frequently lately.
"George will be sleeping with us tonight."
She was telling him, not asking.
"I don't think there's any need for that," Tommy had sighed as he removed his cufflinks, throwing them on the dressing table harder then was necessary.
"It is," she stated, climbing into bed, her lips pressed to the head of the infant.
"He has a perfectly good room all for himself," Tommy tried to reason, but one look at his wife's face told him his arguing was in vain.
There was no reasoning with her anymore.
"It's not safe, Tommy." He rolled his eyes at her words, dragging his palms down his face in exasperation, and exhaustion. "You don't see it, but it's not,"
"You don't see it," Tommy hissed, pointing a finger at her. "You don't see it, you hear it, you hear things no one else does."
"I am not insane, if that's what you're implying," she regarded him cooly. "It's real, it's all real."
"I'm not implying anything," he sighed, moving to sit beside her on the bed. "I believe that you believe it's real-"
She was shaking her head and climbing out of the bed before he could finish the sentence, pacing the floor with a fussy George in her arms.
"It's real, Tommy," she walked to stand in front of him, looking down at him, her tears dripping onto his shirt.
There was no reasoning with her anymore.
"I know, love. I believe you."
It got worse as George grew.
She had been putting the six month old to bed when the whispers got closer, when she felt their breath against her ear, and heard their taunting laughter all around the room.
She had scooped up the baby and ran from the room, their laughter echoing through the halls.
Elsie had been sleeping when her mother burst into the room, with baby George held on her hip.
"We have to go, Elsie," her mother had whispered erratically. "We have to leave now."
She held a bruising grip on her sleepy daughter's arm as she dragged her down the stairs, tripping over the carpet as she rushed. She spared a glance at Tommy's closed office door, and considered running towards it, running to the man who wasn't afraid of anything, but she didn't.
He wouldn't understand.
Tommy shouldn't have indulged her as much as he did.
He should never have told her he believed the sick stories she had created in her mind. He should have thrown her in the car and sent her to the doctor the first time he found her standing by that pond.
He had heard the front door open, heard the protests of his daughter and the cries of his son, and he had thrown his cigarette to the floor and ran towards the noise, finding the front door open, and the cries of his children getting fainter as they left the house.
He knew where she was going, and he had ran faster than he thought he ever had before, finding her at the pond, her nightgown flapping in the breeze.
He called her name, and her head snapped towards him, and Elsie tried to wiggle out of her mother's grip at the sight of her father.
"Come back inside, love," he had said, his arms outstretched, but she shook her head erratically.
"No, no Tommy. That house is evil, why can't you see it?" He took a small step forward, his shoes sinking into the mud.
"I know, I know," he whispered. "We don't have to go back there, we can go somewhere else, anywhere you want."
"You're lying," she spat quietly.
"I'm not," he shook his head. "I'm not. You never have to go back there again, I'll burn it down if that's what you want. Just come here."
Her body relaxed slightly, as did her grip on Elsie, who managed to free her arm from her mother's hand and run to her father, tears soaking her cheeks.
"Come on, love," Tommy eyed George, who was leaning against his mother's chest. "Let's go now."
She took careful steps towards him, her bare feet digging into the soft ground. He had taken George from her arms as soon as she was close enough, and she looked at her family with an empty look in her eyes.
He handed George to Elsie, instructing the six year old to take him to the car, without breaking eye contact with the broken woman in front of him.
She was gone.
"Come on, love. We can fix it, I can fix it," his voice was pained as he reached for her, and for a second he saw the woman he married. He saw her in the way she wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands dragging down his sides.
"I'm sorry, Tommy."
He was helpless to stop it, really.
Too slow to realise her hand stopping at his holster.
Too slow to reach for when she stepped back from her with his gun in his hand.
Too weak to catch her before she fell back into the pond.
Too weak to stop his knees from giving in.
She was gone.
The house had won.
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super-sons-week · 20 days
Hey guys!!!
Exciting news!!! The Super Sons Prompts are up!!! Huge thank you to @furnypaw for letting us use their art for our posters this year!!! 💖💖💖
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Description 👇
Saturday 10/12/24: Coming of Age
Prom/School | Sleepovers | Childhood Friends | First Love
"Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans." "We learn by making our own choices"
Sunday 10/11/24: Gay Awakening
Identity/Self-awareness | Coming Out | Pride | Pink Kryptonite
"You were right"
"Stop trying to kill my man!"
Monday 10/14/24: What is Love?
Unrequited Love | Friends to Lovers | Mutual Pining | Online/Long Distance
"I know the sound of your heartbeat."
"To be loved is to be changed"
Tuesday 10/15/24: Red String of Fate
Soulmate AU | Multiverse | Soul Bond | Second Chance
"In every other universe Robin falls for Superboy and in every other universe it doesn’t end well"
"I'm going to be there for Damian in whatever world I have to be in"
Wednesday 10/16/24: It Was Always You
Mistaken identity | Secret identities/identity reveal | Reincarnation | First Meet
"Oh, I know you."
"How ironic it is that I feel the most alive when my heart skips a beat."
Thursday 10/17/24: Til Death Do Us Part
Super Lords | Wedding/Meet the in-laws | Undying Loyalty | Happily Ever After
"I will love until the end, even if you don’t"
"I would burn the world to save you"
Friday 10/18/24: Free Day
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
I, of course, was orphaned after leaving the SPN fandom, and got into Teen Wolf because of the gifsets. Teen Wolf was on it's second season by then, so I had to binge season 1 to catch up.
It was so much fun!! It was really the last time I felt connected to a big fandom! We would all liveblog the episodes (RIP to my SPN followers who were annoyed with me for not tagging it), we'd argue about whether or not Allison should apologise, we'd yell about the treatment of black and brown characters, and then the Scott vs Derek war happened and we all yelled at each for MONTHS.
I think THAT is when the phrase "Defense Squad" started. I never saw it in use in the fandom before then, but we were definitely splintered off into camps at that point.
I remember the beginnings of Failwolf Friday. Pink Undies Sunday. Who first wrote the phrase "Derek lets his eyes bleed red" to indicate that Derek's eyes changed colour? I don't know but that pioneer lives on in every Sterek fic (because we all stole that phrase immediately).
Also we had knotting BEFORE omegaverse became a thing, and without any of the weird gender rules.
lol i was on ontd_spn too and followed the mass fandom migration to tumblr.
teen wolf fandom is important to the history of fandom culture on this god forsaken webbed site in large because it was a fandom that took off after the large livejournal migrations and the end of the closed fan forum. we had no where else to go to interact and twitter always has and will always suck at being a place for fandom.
i also started watching in s2. i binge watched all of s1 in a night at my then job and was right on time to join fandom right when abomination aired.
i loved supernatural but i cannot emphasize how hard it was to break into that fandom. one thing about livejournal i never cared for was how easy it was for cliques to form and if you didn't befriend the right person your meta, your fics or your discussion thoughts went into a black fucking hole.
at least on tumblr there was a higher chance of engagement. your posts would be in the main tag and if you by chance got reblogged by someone with a higher follower count you would then get more followers. meta would be passed around and developed with additions and commentary by others. it was so much fun.
gif sets were a new method of communication of ideas. we could easily do parallels, create visual au's and just generally engage in a new but fun and interesting way.
tumblr leveled the playing field in a lot of ways for smaller creators.
of course the old fandom ways of shipping wars and rivalries happened too and even now a decade later there's still division in the teen wolf fandom but sometimes i got to like the subreddit and i'm like "bro we had this discussion in 2013. this is a settled matter!"
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undies-4-life · 7 months
12-November 2023: Cin2 Pink Briefs
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Pink on Sunday! It's a perfect color for church, football, and family. What are you wearing today?
Show me your undies!
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raven-curls · 2 years
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Tagged by @lillifaba
Firstly, I'm not going to pick from the physical bookshelf because it's filled with children books that no one read anymore. Secondly, I'm not going to really rank because I love all books, and my laptop died again (sounds familiar?) and I'm doing this on mobile.
1) "The Home Office telegraphy department always smelled of tea" - The Watchmaker of Filigree Street , Natasha Pulley
2) "IN THE MYRIADIC YEAR OF OURLORD—the ten thousandth year of the King Undying, the kindly Prince of Death!—Gideon Nav packed her sword, her shoes, and her dirty magazines, and she escaped from the House of the Ninth." - Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
3) "On the Yellow Brick Road, a mile above Oz, the Witch balanced on the wind’s forward edge, as if she were a green fleck of the land itself, flung up and sent wheeling away by the turbulent air." - Wicked, The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, Gregory Maguire
4) "In the beginning, we were as one." - A Winter's Promise, Christelle Dabos
5) "A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct" - Dune, Frank Herbert
6) " Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents, " grumbled Ho, lying on the rug - Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
7) "On a drowsy Sunday afternoon, a man in a long dark coat hesitated in front of a house on a tree-lined street. " - The Cruel Prince, Holly Black
8) " There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. " - Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
9) "My name, in those days, was Susan Trinder." - Fingersmith, Sarah Waters
10) "The comet's tail spread across the dawn, a red slash that bled above the crags of Dragonstone like a wound in the pink and purple sky. " - A Clash of Kings, George RR Martin
And I'm tagging @mylittleelphie @elphabaoftheopera @deeplyshalllow @a-partofthenarrative @beautifulwickedness13 @lightningprince25 @someonetookmyawesomename (gosh a few more but suddenly I can't remember your name!)
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swingsetindecember · 4 years
pink undies sunday
the beginning of pink undies sunday
the beginning by misslucid
derek in pink undies
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) by misslucid
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) by michellicopter
(1) by theteenagehorror
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) by rdjpwns
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) by trilliath
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) by virtualcarrot
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) by penitusobscurum
(1) by skyskytheinkyone
(1) by xandersart
(1) (2) (3) by acederek
(1) by kaiyarrr
(1) (2) (3) (4) by midorieyes
(1) by basilcakes
(1) by giuliamoony
(1) (2) by belayday
(1) by 0trevskies
(1) by captain-snark
(1) (2) by pilts
(1) by krakenface
(1) by spaggel
(1) (2) (3) (4) by olekkkk
(1) by gentlederek
(1) (2) (3) by sterekism
(1) by hoax1918
(1) by lynxrowland
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) by henshufangirl
(1) by lezzerlee
(1) by hapro
(1) (2) (3) (4) by lamb-tumors
(1) by ima-dick-ted-to-tea
(1) by secretpatronus
(1) by kupfercub
(1) by trasigpenna
(1) by fresh-flames
(1) by alenie
(1) by tintinnare
(1) by snarling-stilinski
(1) by atomictroops
(1) by paperclipmagnets
(1) (2) (3) by little-red-stiles-hood
(1) by unclejesse
(1) by wolfy-love
(1) by dylanorly
(1) (2) (3) by cheeringforallthebroken
(1) (2) (3) (4) by cadmian
(1) by baruthebard
(1) by somekindoferror
(1) (2) by surpriseknotting
(1) by snarling-stilinski
(1) by maichan808
(1) by atomiczebra
(1) by missargent
(1) by girleverafter
(1) by too-much-adderall
(1) by loislame
(1) by penitusobscurum & stuff-filled-with-stuffing
(1) by yomikoda
(1) by pizzalinski
(1) by ghosthollowolf
(1) by redridingthewolf
(1) by hufflepufflematoes
(1) by andrewryanofficial
(1) (2) by gracebriel
stiles in pink undies
(1) by misslucid
(1) (2) (3) by theteenagehorror
(1) (2) (3) by rdjpwns
(1) (2) by trilliath
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) by virtualcarrot
(1) by tobyrosetta
(1) (2) by skyskytheinkyone
(1) by kaiyarrr
(1) (2) (3) by midorieyes
(1) by basilcakes
(1) by giuliamoony
(1) by surpriseknotting
(1) (2) (3) by lamb-tumors
(1) by tobyrosetta
(1) (2) by l1ghttang3ll
(1) by little-red-stiles-hood
(1) by kkeiscoot
(1) by baruthebard
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)  (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) by henshufangirl
(1) by theonewho-ranwithwolves
(1) by lucleon
(1) (2) by yomikoda
(1) by olekkkk
(1) (2) by littleredridinghoodie
(1) by ghosthollowolf
(1) by kisu-no-hi
(1) by shiirojasmine
(1) by machine-gun
(1) (2) by yue-ix
(1) by aredblush
(1) by littlecofiegirl
genderbent!stiles in pink undies
(1) by corinnesflyart
(1) by lyndezart
(1) by basilcakes
genderbent!derek in pink undies
(1) by lyndezart
(1) by basilcakes
pink undies sunday gif sets
(1) (2) by tintinnare
(1) by justsmilestuffhappens
(1) by kruuu
pink undies sunday graphics
(1) by beaconhillsandhobbitholes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) by shercocklocked
(1 by zacricharme
(1) by justsmilestuffhappens
(1) by ablogattheendoftheworld
(1) by vickykun
(1) by little-red-stiles-hood
erica in pink undies
(1) by trilliath
lydia in pink undies
(1) (2) by trilliath
scott in pink undies
(1) by yue-ix
(1) by niyalune
isaac in pink undies
(1) by yue-ix
allison in pink undies
(1) by yue-ix
jennifer in pink undies
(1) by yue-ix
chris in pink undies
(1) (2) by yue-ix
danielle in pink undies
(1) by yue-ix
heather in pink undies
(1) by yue-ix
i am sure to be leaving out a lot but let me know. i adore them
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ask-haleinski · 7 years
Summer plans? ☀️
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iambilliejeanok · 2 years
Office Time
Warnings: 18+, NSFW
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Kakashi-sama isn’t super organized, and neither does he actually care about rules and what not, so he won’t make a fuss if you come into his office while he’s working.
Obviously since his nose is always buried in Jiraiya’s great work, he definitely likes the idea of fucking you in the Hokages office.
He always holds back though because he’s gonna kill himself if someone had to catch the two of you, especially since you can’t keep it together when he goes down on you.
He absolutely loves giving you head more than he loves his life. He can’t resist tasting you even if you’re trying to get a quickie in.
He loves putting you on his chair butt naked, your legs spread open while he’s on his knees under the desk. He’s also taken a few pictures of you like this. He has a stack of his favourite photos of you and changes them every Sunday. Next week this one is having its turn.
One thing about Kakashi, is that he’s going to kneel before you. It’s more about how much you struggle for him. When he’s knelt between your legs with your thigh draped over his shoulder he has the perfect angel and doesn’t have to hold your legs open. You’ll be gripping the desk for dear life, trying your best to keep yourself quiet while Kakashi softly sucks on your clit and fingers you at the same time.
If he senses someone’s chakra nearing he’s going to immediately stop everything he’s doing. It don’t matter if you’re on the verge of an orgasm or if you’re in the middle of one or what the case is. He’s not getting caught.
Loves having you grind his thigh, his hands on your ass, helping you move forwards and backwards, sweet talking you and watching your face, imitating your expressions, coaxing you to come.
He’s always happy to see you really, even when he’s a little moody, though he will take that out on you during your little quickies. He once ripped your undies off and shoved them in your mouth, covering it with his hand before fucking you very hard from the back, all because he couldn’t predict a threat that resulted in serious damage on the village. You were crying. Good thing he muffled all that screaming.
When he gets stressed like this he needs you in his office everyday. If you don’t show up, you’re getting and extra dose of that dick tonight…maybe even a generous sprinkle of belt too.
Cock warm him all day please! When he has you on his lap like this, he wraps his arms around you and holds you tight, cuddling you until he feeds his inner craving. The way you smell? Lawd have mercy please. He cannot get enough. This right here is perfection to him.
Gets very blushy when you’re standing there in your little skirt, Shikamaru and Tsunade trying to have a serious conversation with him about matters concerning the other village. “Kakashi- sama, is there a reason as to why your cheeks are pink?” , Tsunade asks, clearly pissed at how he’s not paying attention. Shikamaru’s eyes dart between you and Kakashi and he wonders if it has something to do with you. Hmmm 🤔 Shikamaru can do the math. He will find it.
You know what else Kakashi likes doing? He likes having you knew between his legs while slowly fingering your mouth. Loves the feeling of his fingers being sucked on. If you suck on them good enough, he might just let you have the real thing.
“Please may I have it now!”, you ask, a little impatient, an ache between your legs from how he looks at you while fingering your mouth, the stuff he says too😩
“What did I already say to you pup?”, he asks, his voice stern as he slaps you with his four fingers, burying his hand into your hair again to keep your head in place for him. Whining louder you beg again, “Please daddy!” And he’s fed up.
Since you want him so bad he’s going to fuck to it face, until tears fall down your cheeks and you can barely breathe.
Afterwards it’s cuddles all afternoon long, until you get up to continue about your day.
Everyone is used to seeing you asleep on his lap during the day. No one really asks any questions, Shikamaru thinks it’s cute, Tsunade knows you’re spoilt baby and she’s happy for you.
Sometimes, when you actually start waking up, slowly moving around on his lap, he gets anxious because he doesn’t want you to go, trying his best to convince you to close your eyes again, taking a break from his work to rub your back and talk to you a little.
Cock warming also helps keep you in place. Especially on days where you’re extra grumpy. He will eat you out so damn good on his desk until you’re whiny, drinking up all your juices while mercilessly sucking and lapping at your pretty heaven before sitting you right on his dick, all nice and warm and wet for him. The first couple minutes is him trying to calm you down, gently reminding you that he will only fuck you after he finishes a certain amount of work, you’re a little reward for him. After all that fussing and hushing, you’re finally calm, snuggled close to him, either chilling and trying to talk to him every now and then (very busy busy) or you’ll fall asleep. He loves the peace this brings him.
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tojisun · 3 years
hwb AU but what if the other man was Sukuna instead of Gojo? ofc if he's more of an au and not a curse 👀 i love the Gojo ending btw, happy for yn!
OHHH THIS IS SO SAUCY HELLO??? totally not exposing myself but after toji, sukuna’s the other mf i’m simping for in the jjk universe so what does this say about me as a person-
also how cliche can i make this? [x]
cw: NSFT, club/bar, mentioned oc’s (i really had a hard time just referring to reader’s friends as “your friend”), sukuna as his own content warning, reads like a whole different au
it’s been weeks ever since the faithful breakup in the diner. your friends have all learned what happened, and while some of them may have said unsavoury things in hopes to appease you, you have tried your best to move on and forget.
it’s impossible, of course, but at least it is less bitter now that there is more closure between you and toji.
sometimes you still cannot fathom that everything with toji has ended, but sometimes you remember the happiness rolling off of toji and recognize that the breakup was necessary for the good of the both of you.
still, despite your assurances to your friends that you are fine as you can be with the situation, it does not deter them from trying to fend off the sadness. hence this.
“really? a bar?” you ask, watching as chiharu calls for the waiter, ordering sazerac and whiskey for the group, “you all just want me to get trashed, don’t you?”
nagisa chortles. “it’s almost like that’s the plan, babe,” she responds, straining her voice loudly so that you can hear her over the booming music.
the bar was filled to the brim which is not that surprising as it is a saturday night. everyone knows that people get hammered on a saturday night and spend the rest of sunday curing the hangover. people in a stable relationship are the only ones who have decent plans on sundays, and you no longer have yours so the saturday night out with your friends is totally perfect. just not what you were planning to do. 
you were planning on just wasting away in your couch, eating a tub of ice cream as you catch up on the shows you were not able to watch. but all your friends said no to your self-pity party and dragged you out.
so here you are, wearing one of the sexiest yet most comfortable outfit you have, and seriously having a good time. even if it’s for a bit, toji fizzles out of your mind and the sadness bleeds out and shifts into a feeling of joy.
the moment escalates and soon you find yourself on the dance floor with your friends, letting the music sashay you like you are the happiest marionette in the room. laughter makes its way out of your lips and an innate high expands from your chest. 
“oh! sexy motherfucker at twelve o’clock!” ren screams at your ear, the code being futile when they point a ringed finger to the person they were talking about. you follow the direction they were pointing to and, well, would you look at that. the motherfucker is indeed sexy.
and sexy motherfucker is looking at you.
bleached pink hair pushed back at the centre, the sides undyed and trimmed shorter than the bleached parts. symmetrical tattoos running from his exposed wrists and body art of the same symmetrical lines resting on the high of his cheekbones. the tight white shirt he’s wearing isn’t doing well in hiding his well-toned body which could go on par with toji’s. white shirt and black pants combo shouldn’t be that hot, but as ren said, sexy motherfucker.
you’ve been so busy studying him that you did not even notice that he’s crossed the sea of dancing bodies and paused a feet in front of you. 
tall, sexy motherfucker. 
“hey,” he greets, lips quirked in a devilish smirk. 
he looks better up close.
“thanks,” he says, chuckling.
“i said that out loud, didn’t i?” you ask, blush rising and descending from your cheeks to your neck.
he chuckles again and nods, eyes still pinned at you. you squirm, feeling the weight of awkwardness about to fall. 
“want to bounce?” he asks, tipping his head at the door’s direction. you know what he means.
you turn to your friends slightly, having a silent conversation which ended with all of them assuring you that they will not be far for comfort, but that they will give you the berth you need to enjoy your time with nameless, tall, sexy motherfucker. 
you turn back to him, startling a bit when you saw that he was still looking at you with the same intensity.
“let’s go?” you reply, only for it to come off sounding like a question. his smirk just grows.
“let’s go.”
you gasp into his mouth when he backs you onto the wall, one of his hands holding the back of your head while the other is gripping at your hips. you feel him snarl when you mewl at his touch, and he deepens the kiss as though time is running out.
it feels like hours had passed when he pulls back enough to let you catch a breath, his lips still hovering on top of yours and grazing at yours at every little hitched breaths that come out of you.
“look at me,” sukuna whispers. you’ve learned his name a minute before he dipped in to kiss you. you peer up at him and giggle when he is just a blur because of how close he is to you. his large hands travelled to cup your jaw and pull you back for another kiss.
the kiss is slower this time and more sensual. the desperation and the hurriedness of a while ago has ebbed away, and all that’s left is the gentle movement of lips and partial moans shared between you two. you twine your fingers at his hair, softly caressing and humming when sukuna purrs.
this time, you are the one who pulls back, head thumping onto the wall. your lips feel heavy from the languid kisses and you smile a bit at the tingly feeling. you look at sukuna from your lashes and delight in the way his eyes have never left yours.
“you’re beautiful,” he says, “so, so beautiful.”
you smile at the praise.
“do you want to go continue this somewhere else?” sukuna asks, hands now caressing at your hips. 
you want to say yes, gods who wouldn’t? but you bite your lip in hesitation and you could see the moment sukuna understood that you don’t.
“i’m sorry,” you say, now feeling shy.
he laughs lightly at your apology. “nah, don’t sweat it.”
he pulls from you completely, standing beside you so he can lean on the wall too. “so what brings you here?”
you huff. “do people need an excuse to have fun?”
“humour me.”
you hum, piecing your thoughts together as you let the high fully subside. “i’m trying to move on from my ex and my friends think the best way to move on is to get hammered in a club.”
“they’re not wrong,” sukuna cheekily says. you bump shoulders with him and roll your eyes when he snickers again. “tell me more.”
“about who? me or the breakup?” 
he shrugs. it is only now that you noticed that he pulled out a lighter from his pocket and is playing with it. you watched as he twirled it around his fingers, occasionally igniting the flame and killing it, only to repeat the process.
“well,” you began, “he left me for his wife.”
sukuna hisses at your confession. “wife better be damn pretty to leave a woman like you.”
“oh yeah,” you say, bobbing your head in a nod to emphasize your agreement, “his wife’s pretty. but also i don’t think that’s why he left.”
“i dunno, doll,” sukuna replies, “if i was him, i won’t leave you for my wife. like what bullshit reason would one have in order to leave their current partner for an ex?”
“let’s see. plausible reasons could be: love? their son-”
“they got a kid? damn, babe, you into old guys or something?”
you punch his shoulders. “oh shut up.”
sukuna pretends to hiss in pain, exaggeratingly rubbing at his shoulder, but you know that he barely felt anything. you roll your eyes again, but you cannot stop the huff of laughter that escaped you. 
you two settle once more, letting silence roll over you two in waves. he still plays with his lighter and you realize that he’s showing you actual tricks instead of just playing around with it for himself. 
“it still hurts,” you confess, breaking the silence. “sometimes i wake up and i want to claw out my heart just so i don’t feel this sadness. during those times, i start to think that maybe i’ll never get over him.”
you stare ahead despite feeling sukuna’s eyes burning on you.
“i wonder if i should’ve fought back harder. if i should’ve cried and begged him to stay.”
“why didn’t you?”
“i...” you trail off, fingers fiddling with each other. your eyes have glazed over and it is like you are back in the diner, watching toji beg you to find happiness somewhere else. “i didn’t want to demand love that should have been given to me for free.”
“oh,” sukuna mutters.
“yeah,” you reply. you turn to him and feel a jolt of warmth at the gentle look in his eyes. maybe he pities you or maybe he thinks you are pathetic, truly you do not care. you are just content that he is taking you seriously.
“i’m a selfish person.”
“who isn’t?” he asks.
you smile. “who isn’t.”
after that incident, you and sukuna always meet up for casual hang. sometimes it’d develop into a make out session; fingers fumbling at each other, being come undone at each other’s lips. sometimes it remains as a normal hang out; pizza boxes and movie marathons, either sitting side-by-side or cuddled on his big sofa.
your friends gradually learn you and sukuna’s dynamic. often, though, you’d catch them talking silently but you do not pry because you do not want to unearth what it is they are hiding from you.
after a year of dancing around with sukuna, he declares his feelings for you and asks you out. you say yes and pull him in a kiss as though to seal your relationship.
no one is surprised when you both revealed the newly changed status of your relationship.
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“I’m trying to confess my undying love for you, and that’s the response I get?”
yoongi x reader genre: fluff word count: 
note: this piece was written by mads, @aurorassadprosee​​​. She initially wrote this one for my birthday in 2019 :( isn’t that sweet? It’s influenced by “New Year’s Day” by Taylor Swift, and if you know the song, you’ll probably see the references. Anyways, this is a really cute fic and I hope you all enjoy! xo
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WITH a head swimming with alcohol and body buzzing with warmth, you place one bare foot sloppily in front of the other, fits of giggles escaping your mouth.
Supported by the dark haired man next to you, you both stumble out of the crowded bar, arm-in-arm, into the cool air.
The street lights shine, splitting into four as your vision tries to focus, the sound of horns blaring and tires hitting puddles fill your ears.
The rush of 1am.
Carrying a pair of heels in two fingers, goosebumps start to appear on your bare arms, a slight shiver coming to your breath as you lean your head against Yoongi’s neck.
Swaying down the dirty pavement of New York, streams of people brush past, breath white against the air.
You see a blur of individuals walking briskly, couples, like yourselves, huddled together, and groups of rowdy men drunkenly stumbling to their next drink.
Cheek hot against his skin, the smell his cologne fills your senses, the dry martinis, whiskey sours and double scotches are starting to set in.
Amongst muffle of voices you hear his slur of words suggesting a taxi, you hum in agreement.
Stopping at the lip of the road, your hair whips by your face and sticks to the gloss of your bottom lip, the rush of traffic breathing against your legs, lightly lifting the hem of your dress with every passerby.
You pull at his elbow to bring him closer, clinging to him, although, not only for warmth.
Stumbling, unable to control his balance, his weight falls back into his heels and into you.
Propped against one another, you both regain your standing, backs rounded in laughter.
Drunk, happy, content, Yoongi and yourself stand on the streets of the bustling city, together; the early hours of your Sunday morning smelling of booze and cigarette smoke.
Pulling you close in an attempt to help stop the shiver of your lips, Yoongi shrugs off his heavily lined coat, draping it across your frame softly.
Making his shoulders symmetrical with yours, he gently takes one hand and brings it to your chin, the other to your neck.
Without warning, he brings his mouth to yours.
It takes a moment for your inebriated mind to catch up, to reciprocate, but you almost immediately lean in close.
The sound of the surrounding night-life fading, leaving you with only him.
Yoongi breaks away first, lips pink, breathing slightly heavier, eyes softly scanning your face.
“Hmmm, what?” you ask, giddy with a wide grin.
With a slight smile, his index finger draws a line from your temple to you ear, tucking a strand of hair from your eyes, then cupping your face, thumb stroking your cheek gently.
“Nothing much,” he murmurs, leaning in so close your noses brush against one another.
“Just thinking…”
You role your eyes, your drunken stature involuntarily shifting your weight forward, foreheads meeting.
“Thinking about what, hmmm?” you say with a giggle, biting your lip.
He smiles, eyes softening, moving his mouth to your ear.
“Just thinking about how much I love you,” he whispers, placing a small kiss to your neck.
You blink, shivering, goosebumps reappearing.
Your heart aches.
He pulls away before you can draw him in again, instead, dropping his hand from your cheek and interlocking his fingers with yours, squeezing tight.
Placing a quick kiss to your forehead, Yoongi steps off the edge of the pavement, arm outstretched, not letting go of you as he starts to signal for a cab.
In your daze, you take him in.
The glow of the night hitting at the arch of his neck, his tie loosened, top button undone, navy shirt crinkled.
He briefly glances back to you, eyes meeting yours and squeezing your hand, quickly looking back to the traffic once more.
As he raises an arm again, attempting to buy the attention of a passing yellow vehicle.
You analyse his silhouette from shoulders to his waist, notice the dark locks hiding his forehead, lips pressed together, tongue to cheek in concentration.
He’s yours.
A smug smile comes to your mouth, head tilted to the side, you’re so in love.
Feeling your stare, he looks back to you again, raising an eyebrow in question.
“What?” he mouths with a smirk.
You poke out your tongue.
He laughs.
Successful at last, he steps back to the pavement pulling you close to his side, hand still in yours.
As the car swerves towards you both and pulls to a stop Yoongi opens the door wide, guiding and ushering you into the backseat.
You shuffle across, elbow against the window, eyes heavy.
With a thud, the car door closes and he sits down in slump, his shoulder brushing against yours.
Eyes half closed, you hear his low mumble of directions to the driver, laughing briefly in an act of small talk before leaning back against the leather upholstery.
Still holding your hand tight, Yoongi draws small circles with his thumb, the taxi beginning to make its way to your destination.
You lift your eyes and look out the glass widow, streets racing past, unfocused, a blur.
Rolling your head lazily to your left, you’re met with the view of his side profile.
Your heart thumps.
You squeeze his hand and he turns his gaze; you grin from ear-to-ear.
“Hmmm, what is it sweetheart?” he says, eyes gentle.
“What’s my pretty girl thinking?”
You hold his gaze, an idle smile still on your lips.
“Mmmm, nothing much,” you mumble, shrugging your shoulders.
“Just thinking about how much I love you.”
His face softens, but he laughs lightly, shoulders shaking and eyes scrunched.
“Oh my god, you’re such a embarrassing drunk,” he chuckles.
He laughs once again at your false exasperation, hand coming to his mouth to hide a giggle.
“Excuse me!” you say aghast, eyes wide, a slight slur to your words.
“I’m trying to confess my undying love for you, and that’s the response I get?
“And further on that, yes, I am an embarrassing drunk, but who’s to blame Min Yoongi, hmmm?
“Who got me drunk? because I know for sure I didn’t buy the third round, nor the forth, or fifth for that matter!”
Scoffing, he rolls his eyes, but a grin is still plastered to his face.
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” he said with a chuckle.
“It’s okay my sweet, you’re my embarrassing drunk.”
When you continue to pout, he leans forward, bringing hand to your chin.
“My embarrassing drunk, that I love very much.”
After, softy pressing a kiss to your lips he pulls back, eyes scanning your face just as they had done when you both were standing on the pavement, under glow of the the street lights.
“How did I get so lucky, huh?” he whispers.
You smile softly.
“I could say the same thing, my love,” you mumble in response.
He lifts the back of your hand to his mouth, placing a soft kiss along your knuckles, you both hold each others gaze, unspoken words shared between you both.
The conversation fades as you lazily roll your head back to the lean of your elbow, forehead to the cool glass, eyes closing.
Yoongi too shifts his gaze, but not before he takes you in one more time, scanning over your delicate features and the soft rise and fall of your chest.
Looking to the stars, he squeezes your hand three times, the hum of the car drifting you both away.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 3 years
oh bark that last anon you answered has me thinking about y/n being sat in gube’s lap wearing this jumper and he’s just admiring all the pretty hickeys he left on her neck the night before 😌
Oh, damn-
Sunday afternoons were one of his favourite days; if you threw in some pouring rain and a heavy thunderstorm then it would make his whole day even better. A day where he could spend it at home and without the neediest interruptions for work, spending all of his waking minutes on the sofa tucked under the comfiest and the warmest blanket he could find in his wardrobes, with his prettiest girl in the world pressed against his side. Crappy reruns of old shows playing on the television, binging on a show that they’d seen many times before and probably knew off by heart, quoting word for word without even needing prompts from the subtitles appearing across the bottom. Their morning being filled with love; from sharing kisses and cuddles to actual love-making to speaking about their undying love for one another.
It sounded incredibly cliche to him but it really was perfect.
What sounded even more cliche were the thoughts running his mind wild over just how pretty she looked. 
Taco crumbs stuck to the corners of his lips, grease covering her fingertips because the taco filling had been rather fatty, lettuce and a drizzle of chipotle sauce (which she had almost cried about when he had pointed out the rather unfortunate mistake that had happened in a daydream) decorating the front of the knitted sweater that she’d stolen from his wardrobe because she was insistent that “my clothes don’t feel as comfy as yours do after sex.” Her legs entrapping him to the sofa as she straddled his thighs, bare skin showing from the hem of the sweater and he’d be lying if the thought of her crotch being such a short distance away from his own didn’t send chills down his spine every time he thought about it, hair falling from the ponytail she’d messily thrown her hair into after she stood up from his bed. Beautifully messy. 
But what really caught his eye, and made his mouth water and his stomach get tingly with butterflies, were the purple and darkening bruises littering the base of her neck. Tiny splurges, with teeth marks as their centre, forming a gradient of (strangely) the most gorgeous purple colours as it reached the outside of the almost circular bruises. His mind racing back to the night before when all she wanted was for him to love her, touch her, make her feel good, make her whine and whimper for him. When she wanted him in control. 
He’s torn from his thoughts and he didn’t realise he was staring to intensely at the collar of her sweater until his head snapped up to look he in the eye.
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Like what?” He asks as innocently, and as cluelessly, as he could. But she had caught him in his moment of pure vulnerability and he didn’t know whether he should start digging himself out of a non-existent hole to save himself the issue of babbling through a lie or to allow the moment to happen because who knows where it would lead? “I wasn’t staring at you.”
“I mean, can you blame me?” He whispers, his hand coming up to cup his chin in his palm, his fingers so delicately touching her skin as if she would shatter under his hold, “look at you.”
There’s a faint pink blush that colours her cheeks and, if it wasn’t for his hand that held her head up, she would have dipped her chin down to her chest in a feeble attempt to hide the shyness away from him. A smile on his lips which only enticed one from her. She really was a picture to him. The most beautiful, most perfect, most detailed picture that he had ever seen and there never went a day when he didn’t revel in how lucky he felt to call her his own.
“You look so pretty,” he hums lowly, his fingers tickling down her jawline and in the direction of the purple markings left by his own mouth, touching them like they were feathers and he couldn’t bear to ruin their delicate appearance, “you always do.”
There must have been five or six littered across her neck. 
Big, bold and in your face. She didn’t have the heart to tell him to stop what he was doing because it felt too good in the moment. She didn’t want to tell him that she couldn’t be wearing a scarf in the heat of her office or wearing her thick turtlenecks to work for the week so she could cover up, nor did she have the heart to tell him that she didn’t have enough make-up to cover them up if she needed to.
Five or six hickeys that he felt proud about.
“I love you.”
“I love you,” she leans forward and rests her forearms on his shoulders, hands clasping around the hair at the back of his head, tugging them lightly as she adjusted herself on his lap. He was sure she was doing is on purpose, rolling her hips and making sure she could feel the answer to what she was subtly asking for, a smirk on her face. “I love you so much, baby.” xx
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
a smutty sunday request ! reader feels really shitty about herself, just one of those days where nothing seems to make her feel god abt herself, and tom catches on and makes sure she know every thing he loves abt her (you catch my drift???)
it’s smutty sunday, my dudes
this goes from mopey to fluffy to hot real quick get ready babies
requests are open!
smut below the cut! 18+ only please :)
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Tom paced around the living room, anxious that he was going to be late.
“Hey, love, what’s taking so long in there?”
You had been in your bedroom for over an hour with the door closed.
“Sorry, just need another minute.”
Truthfully, you were still sitting in a bra and underwear on the bed, not a stitch of makeup done or a strand of hair put in place.
“We just need to leave soon, y’know?”
Nothing you put on seemed to fit right, and any color you tried just washed you out.
“Yeah, babe, I know.”
You didn’t convince him.
Tom came in without knocking and saw you sitting curled into your bed while hugging his pillow, both fresh and dried tear streaks evident on your face. “Oh,” his tone softened. “What’s wrong?”
“Tom, I’m sorry, but I can’t go to the party.”
“Why not?”
“I look horrible in everything and I’d just embarrass you,” you sniffled.
“Oh, darling,” Tom walked over to you, taking his shoes off and crawling into bed next to you, arms winding around your waist. “You know that could never be true.”
“I can’t go,” you whispered again.
He lifted his head up and spoke like he was onto something. “Yes, you can. And you know why I think so?”
You looked up at him in confusion. “Why?”
“Because everyone you meet falls in love with all of the same things that I did.”
Your expression remained unchanging, still miles away from his point.
“Like...the freckles on the bridge of your nose that you can only see if you get real close,” he said, kissing the light spots on your face.
“And your long and luscious eyelashes,” he moved to place his lips firmly on the eye closest to him. You started to show signs of a small smile as his breath tickled your face, his words keeping the next wave of sadness at bay.
“Your nibble-worthy ears,” he went to bite your earlobe, making you curl your head into his and giggle. He was happy to see his efforts paying off, and kept going.
“Those yummy, pretty pink lips,” he placed a light kiss on your lips, but not lingering so as to keep running through his list.
“And your slender neck, and beautiful collarbone,” he gave each one its rightfully deserved smooch, feeling you finally warm up in his embrace, cheeks even starting to get rosy at his compliments.
“Mm, and these boobies, these soft pillows of heaven,” he grumbled, moving his face to rest between them in your thin, barely there bra, humming happily that you were smiling much more now.
“Tom...” you fidgeted a little under the spell of his breath cascading up your body.
“Let’s not forget your tummy, and your cute belly button,” he placed a trail of increasingly sloppy kisses from your chest down to your stomach, wriggling the high waisted strings of your undies down so he could grab hold of your hips. “These hips…mmm,” he grabbed generous handfuls of your skin, wriggling it back and forth. “The perfect place to grip when I’m busy appreciating your perfect…”
You took a sharp inhale as he swiped his nose up along your heat over your underwear, proceeding then to pull them down with his teeth. Gathering his messy curls in between your fingers, you tugged at his hair and let your mind wander away from your insecurities as he slowly trailed his tongue through your folds, humming as he did it.
“Tommy…” you aimlessly clutched at him as he moved his hands under your thighs to support you as he lifted your body upward, getting a better angle to do some incredibly dirty things with his mouth. “Baby, get up here,” you whined.
He came up for air, deviously licking his now glossy lips, and brought his face back up to yours, but left a hand in between your thighs to rub slow circles over you, making you quiver underneath his gaze. You were able to tell him with your expression that he had gotten his point across with plenty of room to spare, but he was nowhere near done.
“And you know what else I love?” He kneeled on your bed and haphazardly unbuckled his belt, pulling off his own clothes with vigor.
Your breath hitched in your throat at seeing him there in front of you, your whole body now anticipating something much more than a pep talk.
“Hmm?” you cooed at him, batting your eyelashes.
“How absolutely beautiful you look when I’m fucking you.”
You bashfully rolled your eyes as he fell back down on top of you, knocking the wind out of your chest and making you laugh. You were expecting him to pop up, lift your legs up over his shoulders like he loved to do and screw you senseless, but instead, he reached over your head to where his phone was sitting.
“Tom, what are you doing?”
He rolled onto his back and flipped you on top of him. “I want you to see what I see, pretty girl.”
You couldn’t help but lower your hips onto his, almost by instinct, and lined him up so that you sank down onto his cock in one smooth motion. His eyes all but rolled back in his head at the overwhelming sensation, his eyelids flittering, but after a long second that ridiculous smirk returned to his face as he lifted up his phone to photograph you. You were too caught up in the moment, body alight with pins and needles at feeling him inside you, and started to methodically move up and down on him, biting your lip without thinking and lifting your arms up to hold your hair out of your face.
“God, so fucking sexy,” he purred, holding onto his phone with one hand and to your hip with the other, using his strength to push even deeper into you as you rode him. Only once you’d fully opened your eyes did you realize he had his camera pointed at you, and you swatted it out of his hand, prompting him to grab your waist and roll you onto your back, clambering on top of you and continuing where you had left off.
“Were you taking pic-ohhh my god,” he thrusted into you mid-sentence and took the words out of your mouth. He left traces of sloppy, wet, noisy kisses all down your neck, holding your body so tightly that you were sure his fingerprints would be engrained in your skin forever.
“Just…want you to see…how…beautiful you are- my god, baby, you feel fucking amazing,“ he was ruthlessly pounding into you, and you couldn’t comprehend his words because you were seeing stars at this point, lost in the mixup of sounds of his body grinding onto yours and moans and gasps and grunts coming from either one of you.
With one final snap of his hips you came hard, Tom following not long after. Sweaty, panting, and in some kind of nirvana, he shifted himself to lie next to you, taking only a few moments to find his breath again before he picked up his discarded phone. You turned to face him and saw the changing light of his phone screen reflected on his face;  it was clear that he was looking at the pictures he had just taken. The foolish grin plastered on his face was a dead giveaway.
“Tom, delete those!” you laughed, trying to take his phone out of his hand.
“Baby, wait, just look.” He showed you a photo of yourself, absolutely naked but almost— glowing? You were taken aback at your lack of hatred for the person you saw on the screen. Tom could read you like an open book and knew he had finally driven his point home. “Do you get it now?”
You leaned over to press a loving kiss to his lips, smiling as you responded. “Okay, maybe a little.”
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Yandere Teams //Twisted Wonderland x Reader//
The quality of my writing keeps getting worst and worst 🤣
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Malleus + Lilia
Lilia and Malleus are one of the better pairs of yanderes to share a darling. Malleus is so eager to keep his darling locked up, away from everyone, everything. But simultaneously Malleus has a weak spot for Lilia, he looks up to the older fae and desperately wants to gain his approval. He also trusts his judgment, so if Lilia wants to play a little bit "rough" with the darling then Malleus is willing to turn a blind eye. On the other hand, Lilia has a sicker, much more twisted manner of thinking about their situation, the older fae doesn't just see the Darling as his property he also sees Malleus as his now! Yes in Lilia's warped mind both Malleus and the poor darling belong to him and only him. 
Life with the two isn't too bad, it's really all a matter of staying on both their good sides. Don't tick off one and expect the other to side with you. Malleus always takes Lilia's side no matter what, in his eyes, the pink and black-haired fae can do no wrong. On the other hand, Lilia just doesn't care. 'Malleus put you under a sleeping curse?' oh well that just how he is. 'Malleus broke your arm when he mistakenly thought you were attempting to escape?' That's just how things are around here better get used to it. 
Just sit around like a nice pretty doll and let the two powerful fairies do as they want with you and everything will be okay.
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Jade + Floyd
It all started when you made the mistake of asking Jade out on a date. One day when you'd swallowed up enough courage you marched up to your senior and all but begged for a date. To your surprise, Jade had agreed, hesitantly but never the less the "yes" was said. Oh, how happy you had been that day. Rushing back to your dorm room to doll yourself up.  Fantasizing about the date as you danced around the room.
But when you actually arrived at the Mostro Lounge somethings off. Jade isn't...well, right. His smile is too big stretching across his cheeks in the most unnatural manner. His eyes have lost their spark, they're dull and dead almost like they're made of silicone. His personality isn't right either, he's too fidgety too hyper. He's all but bouncing off the walls and singing every other word.
When you finally walk over to him, the teal haired teen lounges himself at you, wrapping his arms so tightly around your body that air can't pass through your lungs. It's in that quick-paced breathless moment that you realize your mistake. This isn't Jade, this isn't the sweet charismatic gentleman no..this is his brother Floyd, the one person in NRC that haunts your dreams. The one boy that never goes one day without screaming your name through the hallways and "accidentally" bumping into you.
Try as you might to get out of his grasp and run for the exit, it's all futile. The younger just keeps hugging tighter and tighter until pesky black spots start to float around your sight, the bright lights fade into shimmering orbs as your consciences slowly slips away.
It's later when you wake up that you notice just how grave and hopeless your situation is. The grinning faces of both twins are peering down at you, sharp teeth on full display as they get closer and closer...
These two are the most in sync yanderes you will ever meet. Sure they seem like polar opposites but when it comes to their darling they can agree on practically EVERYTHING.
Now friendly reminder that Floyd is the more aggressive one out of the two. His cold fingers are always trickling over your skin, pinching the flesh as he proclaims how "cute" you are. Jade is the last string of sanity for both you and his brother. He makes sure you are both in line and never go overboard...technically Floyd never goes overboard. Jade is also much more hesitant to hurt their precious darling, he does enjoy how much you need him, but he hates seeing his little "goldfish" (the only fish's name I can write without getting a mini heart attack, yes I hate fish that much XD) in any form of pain. Now both marks are a completely different story, both twins adore marking their darling. Jade prefers to leave "love bites" over your neck and shoulders trailing down to your arms, while Floyd prefers to mark your thighs and torso area.
The twins may not be the most intense yanderes but they aren't very subtle either, just when you're starting to go with the flow they change something to throw you off and send you spiraling down a waterfall of confusion.
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Riddle + Chenya Riddle and Chenya are the most contradicting yanderes you'll ever meet. These two can't agree on anything! Riddle usually set rules but Chenya always manages to convince their darling to break them under the pretext that "they won't get punished". Technically he's not telling a complete lie, He won't get punished but you sire will. Riddle is slightly more sympathetic when he's punishing his darling for a broken rule that Chenya convinced them to break. He knows that it's all his childhood friend's fault but he still has to discipline you with the hope that next time you won't listen to that idiot.
Now both these boys are possessive and desperate for any form of affection their beloved will give. Doesn't matter if it's kisses or gentle head pats so long as they can feel their s/o's tender fingers over their flesh. This usually leads to a tug of war between childhood friends. One of them is always trying to strangle your attention away from the other. Wither its Chenya sneaking up behind you and Riddle while you cuddle or Riddle yell and screaming until you and Chenya break apart your kiss and make room for him on the couch.
Overall these two are so chaotic together that sometimes their darling wonders why they even teamed up in the first place...
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Leona + Ruggie Leona and Ruggie are actually a very underhanded duo. It's obvious from the start that Leona is pulling the strings. He manipulated Ruggie into helping him, briding the younger boy with the promise of the darling's undying love or food, either one works. It's Ruggie that does the physical kidnapping, it's also Ruggie that has to take care of the darling. Making sure they stay fed, clean, having something to wear after both he and Leona got rather aggressive on some nights. He does all the heavy lifting, while Leona just lays around cuddling the darling before falling asleep.
Leona has multiple ways of keeping both Ruggie and the darling in line. He's always being so considerate, so "caring" constantly showing them in pricey gifts or treating them over the top fancy restaurants. Anything at all no matter how expensive as long as it keeps them compliant.
These two do make a good team, but it's all manipulation and mind games. When the dust settles did either of them really love you? Or was it all a sick game for the two wild beasts? 
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Divus + Sam
Now Divus and Sam are a rather...odd mix. They don't work very well as a team at first, they're constantly bickering arguing over the smallest things. What their darling will wear, what she'll eat, etc, etc
It gets so bad at one point that Divus and Sam actually start a custody battle over the poor darling. The other teachers are intrigued, playing along for their own amusement. At some point, Lilia - only wanting to see how disastrous it will be- suggests a trial like they do in the movies and because the teachers in NRC are over-glorified children themselves that's exactly what they do!
The jury is made up of the dorm leaders, all reluctant to be there -with the exception of Kalim and a very confused Malleus- Ashton is Divus' lawyer, a horrible one at that. The man has no idea what's going on and is constantly yelling "OBJECTION"!  At some point, Azul and Riddle take their gym teacher aside to explain the basic principles of a courtroom to him.  He's slightly better after that bringing in students to testify for professor Crewel after he promises them a passing mark in his class that is.
Mozus is surprisingly a great lawyer, he has the perfect "witness", asks all the right questions and is constantly throwing shade at how bad Ashton is at anything that requires a bit of wit.
Crowley is obviously the judge, he's just happy to be there honestly. The poor bird-man's throat is slowly going raw from the number of times he's screamed at Ashton to quite down, at Leona to wake up, at Kalim to sit down, at Vil to stop checking his makeup and at Idia to get off his dame phone! An hour into the "Trial" and he already has his verdict.
That leaves you, the reason this whole catastrophe started. You're seated by the headmaster, dressed up in a glittering white dress, your hair and makeup done as if you were the guest of honor at some banquet. Your hands are threaded with silver handcuffs identical to those used on criminals if anyone with no prior knowledge to these events was to enter they surely would think that you were the criminal on trial here.
Finally Crowley proposes a split. Divus gets the darling from Sunday to Tuesday, while Sam gets her on Thursday until Saturday. With Wednesday being a day in which they both get their beloved. The setup works for a few weeks, almost shy of a whole month but...
It gets too much, neither men can standing being apart from their lover for three whole dame days! It's to vexing, too taxing. So they find another way, actually, it's Sam that turns up one day at Divus' room looking like a kicked puppy and all but begging to see their darling. Feel a tingle of pity Divus lets him in. This ends up becoming a normal thing. Every time Sam has you Divus will show up in his room and visa versa. They get better at sharing, agreeing with one another, one may even say they start to enjoy each other's company as much as their darling's.
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blushoseoks · 4 years
“And just like that, your fate was sealed - because Min Yoongi was absolutely going to destroy you. But hell, if you weren’t going to let him, or bask happily in the flames as he did so.
And sadly, at the time, you didn’t think that your thoughts would become so literal.”
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
warnings: mature, heavy angst
genre: soulmate!au, slowburn
words: 1,752
chapter index
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Cherry blossoms bloom from their sprouts and envelope the trees above where you lay, illuminating the already orange-red leaves with even more color. 
What a shame, echoes in your head, they’ll be dying soon.
“Hey, Y/n,” a voice fills the surrounding air shared between the three of you. Looking away from where your eyes had been focused on the branches above, you turn your head towards Seokjin, cocking an eyebrow indicating for him to continue on. 
“Have you heard from Jungkook lately?” The air in your lungs lets out as he voices his question. “He’s been a bit hard to keep in contact with.”
You part your lips to let your sigh escape silently, lifting a hand you rush it through your hair, head moving to glance back upwards at the blossoms, shaking your head in the process of your statement. “No.” You say. “I haven’t.”
And it wasn’t a lie, you had not heard from Jungkook in over a week, not since the night of the party. Texts you sent went unreplied to, but certainly were read if the little R indicated anything at all. You had attempted to talk to him once after class, only for him to all but run out of the room before you had the opportunity to even approach him.
During the day you had seen him in Sociology, the younger looked worse for wear. Dark circles littered the space underneath his eyes, his brown hair went unkempt, and a blank face he had been sporting. 
It had been odd, you noted, seeing Jungkook with anything but a smile.
Whatever had happened to Jungkook, was enough for him to completely isolate himself. 
“Hm.” Seokjin says, lips moving to curl to the side as if in deep thought. “Yoongi says he hasn’t really been at their apartment all that lately either.”
The mention of the aforementioned causes another deep sigh to slide past your mouth.
You hadn’t spoken to  or even seen Yoongi since the day after the party, he had not shown up in Literature - which hadn’t really surprised you all that much. And the text he had sent you that night was the first and last you had received.
“I’m sure he’s just busy.” Namjoon voices a moment later, eyes moving from the words in his book to stare at his boyfriend, and then to where you lay in the grass. “You and Jungkook seem to have gotten closer lately, has he said anything to you? Is anything bugging him?”
And that’s just the thing- you weren’t sure. Memories of the party were still coming back, bits and pieces were making themselves known little by little - but many parts were still missing. You couldn’t be sure that Jungkook hadn’t warned you that he may be busy as of late, you couldn't be sure that Jungkook didn’t mention if something was bothering him. 
Luckily for you, Seokjin cuts in before you have to think of a response.
“--But that’s the thing, even when Jungkook is busy he’s never been one to just cut off all contact.. That’s more of  a Yoongi thing.”
There’s a moment of silence as you and Namjoon try to search for answers. Neither of you were that close with the younger, therefore neither could offer a logical reason for his sudden radio silence towards not just you - it seemed, but the entire friend group.
Seokjin lets out a distressed sigh, in which Namjoon’s hand immediately moves to run through the older’s pink locks. “I’m sure he’ll come around.. When he’s ready.”
Yeah, you say silently. Hopefully.
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Sunday [10:39 PM]
Hey, I’m sorry for not messaging you sooner.. I’ve been asleep all day. What happened last night? R
Tuesday [1:12 PM]
Hey, I had a question about the assignment due. Do you have time to meet for lunch? R
Thursday [2:15 PM]
Did I do something wrong? R
“-- Alright, what is it?”
You glance up from where you had been absentmindedly thumbing through the same messages you had been staring at for a week straight.
“What?” You mumble out, eyes finding Yoona who sits at the opposite end of the couch. 
“Dont ‘what,’ me.Tonight was supposed to be a girls night, but I’ve spent the entirety of it looking at you wallow at your phone.. So fess up, what is it that’s got your undies in a twist?”
It takes a moment for you to soak in her sentence,  lips parting around no words as you contemplate whether you should indulge her or keep it all to yourself. 
Part of you felt guilty. You had promised Yoona an explanation for your disappearance the night and day after the party, and instead you were repaying her friendship with a half-assed night. With not an ounce of your attention.. The situation with Jungkook was driving you crazy, having someone upset with you for no known reason was something you were unfamiliar with.
You were sure you had plucked a strand of grey from your hair. 
A grey hair!
Never in your life had you felt the stress you had, ever since Jungkook had started to avoid you. 
Nevertheless, you let out a soft breath.. “I told you, Yoona.. I still don’t remember everything that happened that night.”
Her eyes narrow at you skeptically, silently letting you know that she didn’t fully believe you, not that you could blame her - even if you did remember the events of that night, the chances of you telling her were slim to none. 
“Okay fine.” She says, eyes looking like they’re about to roll out of her head. “But tell me about what happened when you woke up.”
You pull your legs up onto the couch, arms hugging around your shins as you rest your chin on your kneecaps.
“To put it bluntly, I woke up in Yoongi’s bed.”
It could be described as comical - the way Yoona’s eyes almost bug out of her head. 
“Wait..” She screeches, “Yoongi’s?” She asks, a face akin to horror shown obviously around the curve of her lips.
You decide to ignore her confusion, having no energy to explain.
“I had no recollection of how I got there. None..” You shake your head, “Then as I was leaving their apartment, he shows up.”
“Wait.” She says, still appalled. “Yoongi’s bed? Like - the one that isn’t very friendly -- has sort of a resting bitch face? Hardly talks? That Yoongi? His bed?”
“Yoona,” you say, “focus.”
Her lips form around a silent o, as she tries to take in the information handed to her. “Okay..” she urges you to continue. She gathers her legs, bending them behind her so she can sit on the back of her knees.
“Anyway,” you start, “he offered to buy me food since I hadn’t eaten in hours, and I accepted, thinking he could give me some information. We went out to this little diner.”
You watch as her lips purse, her eyes pulling together. 
“So, did you ask him how you came about ending up in his bed?”
“I did.”
You let out another sigh. “He said he found me asleep in some bedroom at the party.”
She’s silent for a moment, you watch as the confusion continues to spread across her face. 
“Any idea whose?”
You lift your shoulders upwards in a shrug. “Some friend of  Jungkook’s.. Yoongi says he found me asleep with Jungkook.”
She lets out a breath, one that seems a little like relief. 
“Alright, that, I’m not surprised by.”You want to scold her for making light of the subject, “-but I am confused as to why Yoongi took you to their apartment and not your own. And why he didn’t leave you alone with Jungkook?”
You shrug, letting out another sigh. “I asked him, he said he wanted to make sure that I was safe.” Your eyes fall down to where you’ve interlocked your fingers together, lips parting as you recount the story Yoongi had told you. 
The realization that he had wanted you safe, brings the smallest of smiles onto your lips.
In a small voice, you speak, “he said I didn’t have my key on me and he didn’t know if Hoseok and Taehyung would be home to let me in.”
You watch her teeth bite her bottom lip as she’s silent for a few moments - moments that for some reason, put you on edge. Your anxiety raises a little bit. She studies you - expressionless. And then after what seems like minutes, she finally speaks, thumbnail brushing across her bottom lip.
“Alright.. Hear me out, okay?” Her eyebrows uplift, you swallow the building lump in your throat, but nevertheless nod.
“Remember how I told you I thought Jungkook had a crush on you, and Seokjin basically confirmed that?”
You nod. recalling the conversation that had revealed that truth.Seokjin had basically confirmed it, and you were still trying to figure out how that made you feel, nevertheless whether at all it was possible or not.
“Well, you started the night out in bed with Jungkook-” you grimace-  “do not give me that look, I’m not judging just stating facts - but, you ended up in Yoongi’s bed. So let’s say that Jungkook wakes up to find you gone, he panics and tries to call you, no answer. Then, he gets to his apartment and for some reason goes into Yoongi’s room - and sees you in Yoongi’s bed..”
She trails off suddenly, hand moving to steady her chin as her elbow digs into her thigh. 
“Maybe he thinks something happened between you and Yoongi, he’s either jealous or angry, and that’s why he’s behaving towards you the way that he is.”
You take a moment to soak in her words.Contemplate whether it made sense or not. The thought of Jungkook completely ignoring you due to his own assumptions didn’t make a lot of sense to you, it didn’t seem characteristically accurate for him to do something so petty. And, if you remembered correctly he hadn’t attempted to call you that night nor the next morning.
“I’d like to think that Jungkook knows me better than to--”
You’re interrupted by a well manicured finger swaying in the air. “Baby, when it comes to feelings all logic is tossed out the window.”
You unravel your arms from around your legs as you allow yourself to relax into the back of the couch, head moving back and chin tilting so you’re staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t like that.”
“Most of us don’t.” Yoona says around a melancholy snicker.
You let your eyes fall on your female friend. “What do I do now? He won’t answer my texts and he all but runs whenever he sees me.”
You watch as she visibly contemplates this for a moment, pink tinted lips rubbing together. 
“Maybe this is something he’ll come to you with.. Eventually.”
“So I give him time?” 
The thought of not talking to Jungkook for even longer makes something swell up inside of your chest. Something twisted and revolting. Something you cant quite pinpoint.
She nods, moving a hand to rest over your own, as if she can somehow view the inner turmoil this causes within you. “Sometimes time is the only thing a person truly needs.” Her voice is soft, comforting.
And though she is speaking about Jungkook, her words resonate with you. 
If Jungkook needed time - you’d give it to him, just like you had done the same with Yoongi, even if it made you feel sick inside. 
You hadn’t known Jungkook for long, but the boy had seemed to wrap himself around a place in your heart. 
If only time could explain why the knot you had felt in your chest for a week hadn’t disappeared but only intensified as the days went on..
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[a/n] it’s been a long, long, long, long time. :( i am sorry this is little and short compared to past chapters, i just thought you guys deserved something. i love you, still. <3 as always, feedback is truly appreciated... if anyone is still reading or still there.
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ghostofskywalker · 4 years
Peggysous Week 2020: Theme and Prompts
It’s that time!! I was so happy about the reception to my announcement post and I’m now more excited than ever for Peggysous Week!
Dates: Sunday, August 2nd to Saturday, August 8th
The theme of Peggysous Week 2020 is:
For the prompts, I’ve gathered seven different flowers and provided a list of some of their common meanings, both positive and negative (for both the fluff and angst lovers out there), with each prompt corresponding to one day of the week. You do not have to show or mention the flower by name in your work, but it should reflect at least one of its meanings. 
Everything is welcome: fic, meta, videos, edits, art, gifs, etc. If you are planning on creating something artistic and you’d like to use the flower for a color scheme, that’s cool too! In your post, just mention the flower and the meaning (or meanings) you’ve chosen to focus on :)
You have about six weeks to create your tributes to Peggy and Daniel until it’s time to post! (I added a week this way it’s a little less stressful) There’s no minimum for the amount of prompts you have to do, but I would love it if everyone did at least two or three :) If you’re done with your work before the due date, I just ask that you hold off from posting it until that day of the week.
On the posting days, I’ll be keeping a running list of everything created by y’all, so make sure to tag me in your tumblr posts (@fandomsandxfiles-writes) and use the tag peggysous week 2020 so I can find your stuff! If ao3 (or another such site) is more your jam and you don’t want to post on tumblr, that’s cool, just let me know directly so I don’t miss your work when I’m making the masterlist!
The prompts are under the cut! :)
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August 2 (Day One): Edelweiss:  
Fluff: signifies deep love and devotion. Native to the Alps, so those who harvest this flower must face danger to prove that love and devotion.
August 3 (Day Two): Morning Glory
Angst: Unrequited Love, Mortality of Life, Restricted Love, Love that is in vain
August 4 (Day Three): Tulip
Fluff: Perfect, enduring love between partners or family members, Undying passionate love, Royalty and a regal nature, the 11th wedding anniversary, Abundance, prosperity, and indulgence.
Angst: Forgotten or neglected love
August 5 (Day Four): Dahlia
Fluff:  Staying graceful under pressure, especially in challenging situations, Drawing upon inner strength to succeed, Traveling and making a major life change in a positive way, Standing out from the crowd and following your own unique path, Staying kind despite being tested by certain life events, Finding a balance between adventure and relaxation, Commitment to another person or a certain ideal.
Angst: Warning someone about a potential betrayal.
August 6 (Day Five): Peony
Fluff: Honor, especially for people who are bringing honor to their entire family through success, Wealth and riches, Romance and romantic love, with a particular focus on love between two strangers, Beauty in all forms. 
Angst: bashfulness and shame
August 7 (Day Six): Carnation
Carnations can have different meanings depending on their color: 
Red: deep love and admiration
White: Pure love and good luck
Pink: A mother’s love
Yellow: Disappointment or Rejection
Purple: Capriciousness (subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic)
August 8 (Day Seven): Marigold
Fluff: Winning the affections of someone through hard work, Creativity and the drive to succeed, cheer and good relations in a relationship
Angst: Despair and grief over the loss of love, Cruelty and coldness due to jealousy
*i don’t know if this applies to anyone, but please make sure any NSFW creations are tagged as such*
If you plan on participating, make sure to follow the tag “peggysous week 2020” to get updates as I post them!
if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! I hope everyone is as excited for this as I am!
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