#monster!steve rogers
krirebr ยท 3 months
Welcome to Your Life
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Pairing: dark vampire!Steve Rogers x f!reader
Word Count: ~3.75k
Summary: During a drunken night out on vacation, you're brought to a strange club and presented to a mysterious man. Part of Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Warnings: Horror elements, dark elements, mind control, some blood and gore, feeding on humans, captivity, dub/con, SMUT - All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Divider by @saradika
We're All Monsters
A/N: And here it is, the first part of Vampire Steve's solo story! If you missed his introduction, it was in I Can't Sleep Cause My Bed's On Fire. You don't need to read that before you read this, but some of the world-building (specifically how his club works) might be helpful. Plus, it's a vampire threesome, so ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต
This is also the first part of the new, super-expanded supernatural universe that I'm doing with @paperweight91, playing off of what I started with my Psycho Killer AU. Big thanks to Chelsea for all her help on this and for just how much fun it's been to come up with ideas with her for this whole universe.
Now, where it might get slightly confusing, but I really hope it doesn't. This story introduces a new character, Cutter, who will eventually be a reader in one of Chelsea's stories in her werewolf half of this au. She is not physically described at all here, other than being a woman. I hope it gets you excited about what @paperweight91 has in store for her.
As always, any comments, reblogs, or asks are very appreciated. You know how much I love this Steve. Please come screech with me about him!!!
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You were shaking. That was the only thing you knew. You didnโ€™t know where you were or what you were doing there. Not even how youโ€™d gotten there, just that you were standing in the back room of some club, surrounded by peopleโ€”were they people? Of course, they were. What else could they be?!โ€”unable to move, and you couldnโ€™t stop shaking.
Youโ€™d been on vacation with some friends in Berlin. Youโ€™d all decided to have a wild night out together but were quickly separated. While tipsily searching for them at a club, youโ€™d bumped into a man, an American, who told you his name was Cole. And suddenly, looking for your friends didnโ€™t seem as important. Heโ€™d told you he knew a great bar just a few blocks away. You didnโ€™t really remember agreeing to go with him, but now you were here, in a room full of strangers who wouldnโ€™t stop leering at you. No one had done anything or even said anything, but you knew in your bones that you were not safe. And yet, you couldnโ€™t move.
Cole, especially, wouldnโ€™t take his eyes off you, your neck in particular. You desperately wished for something to cover up your club attire. A woman was leaning against the wall in the corner, sharpening her ridiculously long nails with a knife. She looked up occasionally, and this time her gaze landed on Cole, a scowl on her face. โ€œYou know he gets first taste,โ€ she said, before looking back down in disinterest.
โ€œI know,โ€ he said, his fingers drumming impatiently on his thigh.
โ€œEverything has to get his approval before it goes on the menu,โ€ she continued, still not looking up as she filed her nails to a terrifying point.ย 
โ€œYes,โ€ Cole gritted out, โ€œI know that, Cutter. Iโ€™m not fucking new.โ€
โ€œThen stop acting like youโ€™re jonesing for your next fix. Youโ€™re that fucking hungry? Go get yourself something to eat that actually is on the menu.โ€ Nothing they were saying made any sense.ย 
He scowled at her, but started to leave the room, and then, suddenly, stopped. Everyone stopped. Cutter looked up, listening for something, then pushed herself off the wall and made her way over to you. She brushed one of her exceedingly sharp nails over your bottom lip. Looking you in the eye, she breathed, โ€œKneel, sweetheart.โ€ And you were on your knees before you had any idea what had happened. She smiled at you and added, โ€œBe quiet,โ€ and you knew, in every cell, that you wouldnโ€™t have been able to make any noise if youโ€™d tried.ย 
One of the doors opened and a tall, broad, beautiful man came into the room and you felt the energy of everything change. It was like it was all, yourself included, suddenly charged with electricity. Youโ€™d never felt anything like it. He zeroed in on you instantly and made his way over. You felt the instinct to cower, but it was far away, almost like it was behind a wall. And you still couldnโ€™t move anyway. All you could do was shiver.
The man looked at you carefully. โ€œPretty,โ€ he said, absently. He brushed his thumb over your lower lip just like Cutter had. Then he gripped your chin and angled it up so you were forced to make eye contact. โ€œGive me your wrist,โ€ he said and you couldnโ€™t explain the feeling that moved through your body, only that you reached your wrist up to him, you had to, and waited for him to take it. He took it in his firm grip and placed his thumb right over your pulse point. He pressed down hard and smiled when you still didnโ€™t move, didnโ€™t react. It was like you didnโ€™t know how. And then, something happened, so quickly you couldnโ€™t process it. Fangs descended into his mouth and he lowered his head to your wrist and bit down hard. It was some of the worst pain youโ€™d ever felt, but you didnโ€™t pull away, didnโ€™t make a sound. It wasnโ€™t until you felt the wetness on your cheeks that you even realized you were crying. It was like all the different parts of you were separated.ย 
He pulled his teeth from your wrist and then licked the wound clean. He grinned at you and said, โ€œYou have excellent taste in cocktails, honey.โ€ Then he looked over at Cutter and his smile dropped. โ€œSheโ€™s still drunk. You should have known better.โ€
Her mouth fell open, and then she flung her hand out at Cole who stood sheepishly on the other side of the room. โ€œColeโ€™s the one who brought her in!โ€
He was in front of her in a blink, the arm that was still in the air now in his firm grasp. She grimaced. โ€œAnd you know exactly how good his judgment is,โ€ he growled.
โ€œSteve,โ€ she whispered, just barely loud enough for you to hear her.
The man (could you even call him that? Deep down you knew what he was), Steve, brought his face as close to hers as possible. โ€œWhen I put you in charge,โ€ he said, so lowly, โ€œI expect you to be in charge.โ€
She just stared at him for a moment meeting his gaze, then dropped her own and nodded. He smiled fondly, you were surprised to see, and kissed her on the cheek. โ€œYou know he needs supervision.โ€
He made his way back to where you were still kneeling, now cradling your arm. He bent down to you slightly and stroked a hand down your neck. โ€œThereโ€™s something there, though,โ€ he said, although you werenโ€™t sure who he was talking to. Certainly not to you. โ€œUnderneath everything else. Iโ€™ll try her again tomorrow and see how she is when the bloodโ€™s pure.โ€
You gazed up at him, confused, and he gripped your chin in his hand. โ€œYou may speak,โ€ he said.
โ€œI donโ€™t understand whatโ€™s happening,โ€ was all you could manage.
โ€œOh honey, of course, you donโ€™t,โ€ he said with a grin that frightened you. โ€œThe good news is that youโ€™ll never need to understand anything ever again.โ€ He looked back up at the room at large. โ€œSet her up in a room upstairs.โ€ He released your chin and made his way to the exit, pausing as he was almost out the door to call โ€œCole!โ€ over his shoulder. The other man quickly followed him out of the room.
Cutter came to stand in front of you. She looked you in the eye and said, โ€œUp,โ€ and without thinking, you were on your feet. โ€œSuch a good girl,โ€ she cooed. โ€œFollow me,โ€ and suddenly that was all you wanted to do.
The room she took you to was better described as a cell. There was a cot, a toilet, and a sink. No windows. Painted grey. It was tiny. Cutter left as soon as you were inside and you heard the door lock behind her.ย 
You sat down on the bed and closed your eyes. You felt the urge to panic but it was like your body wouldnโ€™t cooperate. Your heart rate stayed steady, your breaths even. You were calm, even if that was the last thing you wanted to be.ย 
These people must have done something to you. People, right. You knew what they were. Every single one of them had stared at your neck. Steve had fangs and heโ€™d literally drank your blood. You knew, even if an hour ago you wouldโ€™ve sworn that was just fantasy. Vampires. You were being held captive by vampires. What the hell?
There was nothing to occupy your time in here except for your thoughts, so you curled up on the cot and tried to convince yourself that it was all a bizarre dream. Eventually, your exhaustion overtook you and you fell asleep.ย 
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You werenโ€™t sure when exactly you woke up. You hadnโ€™t seen a single window since Cole had brought you into the building last night. Because sunlight kills vampires, you thought to yourself, somewhat hysterically. Your memories of the night before wereโ€ฆ weird. And not just because you swear someone drank your blood. They were patchy. And yes, youโ€™d been drunk, but not that drunk. Not so drunk that you blacked out small portions of the night. And certainly not so drunk that you hallucinated vampires. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. There was no way out of the cell. Nothing in it that would help you. All you could do was wait for whatever it was that was coming for you.
Sometime later, hours probably, a slit in the door you hadnโ€™t noticed before was opened, and a tray was slid through. Food. You gathered it quickly and sat on the bed. There was a carton of water and a plate with a large salad that was mostly made up of spinach and lentils. Iron-rich food, your mind supplied. The previous night seemed more and more real.
.You thought about refusing the salad, but you were so hungry, so you ate it. It was surprisingly good, but not what you would have chosen for what would probably be your last meal. You lay back down when you were finished, curled up on your side, and daydreamed of something more satisfying than a spinach salad.ย 
More time passed. You stared at the walls and tried not to freak out. You wondered if your friends had made it back to the hotel. How long it took for them to realize you were missing. Were the police searching for you? Did your family know? You couldnโ€™t help it when the tears started. You were pretty sure you were going to die here.
You dozed in and out for who knows how long. And then the door opened. Steve walked in with Cole behind him, carrying a chair. You jolted up and pressed yourself into the wall. โ€œStop,โ€ Steve said, and everything did. โ€œCalm down,โ€ and you felt everything in your body slow. Suddenly, you couldnโ€™t access whatever it was that youโ€™d been so scared of. So you sat still and watched him.ย 
Cole handed Steve the chair and he placed it in front of your cot. He sat down and looked at you. His gaze made you feel so small. He reached out his hand and brushed the backs of his fingers against your knee. A chill ran up your spine, not just fear, but an excitement too, that you couldnโ€™t explain. โ€œGive me your other wrist,โ€ he said, lowly, and you immediately did. He took it in his hand and brought it up to his nose, forcing you to lean forward. He inhaled deeply. โ€œMuch better,โ€ he said. โ€œYouโ€™re all sobered up now, arenโ€™t you?โ€
You didnโ€™t respond. You knew, deep inside yourself, that he didnโ€™t want you to. His fangs dropped and you braced yourself, something in the far recesses of your mind knowing that you should be scared. With a slight grin, he sank his teeth into your wrist. The pain was just as bad as the night before but soon, so much quicker than the last time, it was over and Steve was pulling away, his eyes still locked on you.
โ€œShit,โ€ he breathed.
โ€œWhat?โ€ Cole asked, from his place by the door. โ€œSheโ€™s that bad?โ€
โ€œNo,โ€ Steve growled. โ€œShe tastes like sunshine.โ€ He stood up and leaned over you, running the back of one finger across your cheek. โ€œPrecious thing.โ€
You looked up at him and blinked. โ€œPlease,โ€ you said, โ€œplease, I want to go home.โ€
โ€œNo, honey,โ€ he cooed, so gently, โ€œyouโ€™ll never go home again.โ€ As you tried to process that through the fog, he turned to Cole. โ€œPut her in my private reserves. Iโ€™ll have her for dinner.โ€ And then he was out of the room.
Cole looked at you, a pout on his face. โ€œGoddamnit,โ€ he grumbled, โ€œIโ€™ve been waiting for a taste.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re gonna bite me, too?โ€ you asked, alarmed.
He sighed. โ€œNot anymore. Iโ€™d rather not face the true death, thanks.โ€ He looked you in the eye. โ€œCome with me.โ€ย 
You felt something move through you at that. There was definitely a strong urge to obey that you wouldnโ€™t resist, but it was nothing like what you felt with Steve, or even Cutter, where it was like your body was on strings. It wasnโ€™t a huge weakness, but you were taking note of everything at this point.ย 
Cole took you through a long series of hallways that you couldnโ€™t hope to keep track of. Cole talked the whole way, mostly inane bits about his frustrations with the pecking order in whatever vampire organization this was. You marveled for a moment at the fact that you were describing something to do with mythical monsters as inane. Finally, just as you arrived at a door not dissimilar to the one youโ€™d just come out of, he concluded with โ€œYouโ€™re a really good listener.โ€
You gaped at him. What did he think was happening here? Heโ€™d targeted you, done something to you to bring you here where you were trapped and probably going to die and he thought you cared that he didnโ€™t feel respected enough by his fellow monsters???
But staying alive right now was your primary concern, so you just quietly said, โ€œThank you,โ€ and let him show you into the room.ย 
It was much bigger than the cell, but still small, along the lines of a spacious walk-in closet. There was a plush rug under your feet, a deep rose color. A four-poster bed was to one side covered in a big, fluffy comforter that was in a lighter shade of dusty pink and piled with pillows to match. The far wall was entirely made of mahogany built-in bookcases that were completely full of books. There was a soft-looking armchair in the corner by the shelves. You turned back to Cole and asked, โ€œWhat is this?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s your room,โ€ he said with a smile. He looked you in the eye. โ€œNow,โ€ he said, and you felt his words travel through your body. He pointed at a door without breaking eye contact, โ€œthatโ€™s your bathroom. Youโ€™re going to use it now to get very clean and smooth. There are lotions youโ€™ll use after to make yourself soft. There are things in there,โ€ he pointed to a beautiful armoire in the corner, โ€œfor you to change into when youโ€™re done. Steve will be back in a few hours and you will be ready for him. Do you understand?โ€
โ€œYes,โ€ you said, your voice coming out of you without any conscious thought or effort, โ€œIโ€™ll be ready for Steve.โ€
โ€œGood girl,โ€ he said, and gently patted your cheek. He stood awkwardly, watching you, but now that the command was in you, you were focused on getting to the bathroom so you could get clean. He was in your way.
โ€œI have to get ready for Steve,โ€ you told him, your voice sounding oddly robotic to your own ears.
Cole blinked at you and then sighed. โ€œRight,โ€ he said, sounding almost forlorn. He stared at you again and then shook his head. โ€œIโ€™ll see you again soon,โ€ he said, stroking one hand down your arm. And then he finally left.
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It was the most luxurious shower of your life.ย 
When you came out of the bathroom, clean, smooth, and more moisturized than youโ€™d ever been, you opened the armoire to find a small collection of slips in different sizes hanging in it. You found the one that would fit you best and put it on. It was black, a combination of silk and lace. It felt expensive against your skin. You searched the drawers, and next to a collection of silk briefs, you found a pair of black lace panties that would work for you.ย 
Once you were dressed (or as dressed as you were going to be with what was available), you moved to the bookshelves. They were chock full of every genre and category you could think of. Vaunted classics next to dime store romances. Shakespeare collections and airport schlock. You ran your fingers across the spines, when, suddenly, from behind youโ€“ย 
โ€œIf thereโ€™s something you particularly enjoy, let me know and Iโ€™ll have someone get it for you.โ€ย 
You spun around to find Steve just inches from you. You hadnโ€™t heard a noise when heโ€™d come in. There was a coldness emanating from him that made goosebumps rise along your flesh. Your breath caught and he grinned. You inhaled and asked, โ€œYou arenโ€™t going to kill me?โ€
He laughed. โ€œOh no, Sunshine. Youโ€™re too delicious. Iโ€™m going to be feeding from you for a long, long time.โ€
You tried to back up, but the wall of bookcases blocked you. You pressed yourself into it anyway. He opened his mouth and you hurried to say โ€œPlease donโ€™t make me calm down!โ€
His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head to the side. โ€œExplain,โ€ he commanded and you were obeying before you even registered the word.
โ€œI donโ€™t know what youโ€™re doing to me, but I feel it when you tell me to do things. And Iโ€“ I donโ€™t know. I donโ€™t know.โ€ You wanted to obey, every part of you was trying, but you had no vocabulary for any of what this was. So you were left chanting, โ€œI donโ€™t know,โ€ over and over.ย 
โ€œStop,โ€ he said, and of course, everything did. โ€œYou can feel it?โ€ he asked. โ€œThe compulsion? You actually feel it move through your body?โ€
The word was new to you, but you knew what he meant. You nodded and he hummed. โ€œOh, you are very interesting, arenโ€™t you, pet?โ€ย 
You didnโ€™t say anything to that, just watched him warily. He gave you a sharklike grin that sent chills down your spine and said โ€œNow, calm down.โ€
And just like before, you felt everything inside you slow. Your body sagged a bit against the shelves, no longer trying to push your way through them.
โ€œThere,โ€ he said, cupping your face in his large hand. โ€œIsnโ€™t that better, little pet?โ€
He guided you to the armchair and sat down in it, pulling you onto his lap. You could feel the supernatural strength in his thighs as you settled on top of him, sidesaddle, as he took all of your weight without any reaction at all. He scratched his thumbnail down your jugular and you closed your eyes. โ€œIt hurts,โ€ you said, your tone surprisingly flat for how afraid of all this youโ€™d been just a moment before.
โ€œHmm?โ€ he questioned, as he nuzzled his nose along your throat.
โ€œWhen you bite me,โ€ you said, still so calm, โ€œit hurts so much.โ€
โ€œOh, is that all?โ€ he asked and you could hear the smile in his voice. โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Sunshine, Iโ€™ll make it feel just as good for you as it will for me.โ€
With that, he moved one of his hands in between your legs, slowly sliding it up your thigh. His face was fully in the crook of your neck when he mumbled โ€œFeel this,โ€ and you felt the command vibrate through your whole body. The calmness that had flattened you faded away and you let out a little whine when his hand reached your mound. He pushed your panties to the side and slid his fingers between your folds. You gasped as he quickly found your clit, tracing slow lazy circles around it. You tried to grind down onto his hand and you felt him huff a laugh into your neck. His tongue darted out, licking a wide stripe all along your vein. You let out another whine, so desperate this time.ย 
He chuckled again. โ€œI was going to make you get wet for me,โ€ he said, as his fingers began to prod at your hole gently, his thumb still working at your clit, โ€œbut I donโ€™t need to, do I? Or at least, not with my voice.โ€ He was right, you were already soaking, and there was no resistance as he slipped one finger inside of you. You squirmed against his hand and he added another finger.ย 
His mouth was still on your neck, lapping and nipping at your jugular, but he hadnโ€™t sunk his teeth in yet. He scissored his fingers for a moment, stretching you so good that you cried out before he added a third. They stroked inside your walls, looking for your spot. He found it and you threw your head back.ย 
โ€œCome on,โ€ he growled, โ€œgive me what I need.โ€ He curled his fingers, scraping against that place inside you just right. You screamed as you were thrown over the edge of your orgasm and thatโ€™s the moment he finally sunk his fangs into your neck. You felt it, you did. The pain was just as intense as before but mingled with some of the strongest pleasure youโ€™d ever felt, you couldnโ€™t bring yourself to care. Your body spasmed around his fingers as he loudly sucked from your neck. You swore that you could feel the blood rushing to both places. You babbled as you coasted along the waves of your orgasm, feeling like it would never end. Even as the aftershocks quieted and slowed down, his mouth was still latched to your neck, taking what he needed from you. Your body was fully collapsed into his now. Everything offered up for the taking.ย 
Finally, his teeth left you and he gently licked the blood from your skin. He slowly removed his fingers from you and you whined at the emptiness. He brought them up to your lips. โ€œClean up your mess,โ€ he commanded and your mouth dropped open without thinking. He slid his fingers in and you swirled your tongue around them. You tasted yourself, sweet and musky, as you sucked him clean. He pulled them out with a soft pop and wiped them on the bodice of your slip.ย 
You looked at his face. He still had your blood on his lips. You felt the odd urge to kiss him but didnโ€™t have the chance as he pushed you off his lap. Your knees buckled, too weak to stand. He laughed gently, like you might at a cute animal that was struggling, as he lifted you into his arms and carried you to the bed. He laid you down and tucked you in. โ€œRest up, Sunshine,โ€ he cooed, and your body did as it was told, quickly sinking into sleep. โ€œIโ€™ll be back for more soon.โ€
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@stargazingfangirl18 @yenzys-lucky-charm @thezombieprostitute @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @bval-1 @km-ffluv @texmexdarling @ladyvenera @roxyfan14-blog @femefetalelevelingup
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mrs-barnes-rogers-writes ยท 6 months
Mrs Barnes-Rogers Writes Masterlist
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance
Marvel AU
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader; Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega reader; Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch reader; eventual Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega witch reader x ?
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, youโ€™ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, youโ€™re an Omega hardened by the world. Youโ€™re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesnโ€™t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when youโ€™re an unmated Omega witch, whoโ€™s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You donโ€™t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you donโ€™t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
The Fate Of A Fae
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesnโ€™t and she wonโ€™t. Not when she thinks youโ€™re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just donโ€™t tell her that.
โ€œNever tell Natasha Romanoff she was rightโ€ - Clint Barton
Sometimes Your Soul Family Is The Only Family You Need
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: 18 months ago you were a mess but with the help of your close friends you start to rebuild your life. Your soul friendships maybe chaotic but they're your family, just as you're theirs. With one of them about to have a baby, you and your misfit friends are here to visit. But will you stay? And what will the small town think of you having two soulmates and why do you keep finding yourself in the same place as a bunch of hot bikers.
"Sometimes families are assholes, sometimes your soul connections mean far more than family ever can. Sometimes your soul family is the only family you need." - Nurse Maggie
Pretty As A Picture
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
The Pull Of You
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
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Summary: You meet Steve and Bucky on a Tuesday. Steve ignores the soulmate pull, Bucky can't. There's something about you that neither can shake, even when you're wearing one of Clint's tshirts and your unicorn slippers. After weeks of slipping into your bed Bucky decides he can't hold back anymore. He's telling you after the mission, whether Steve is all in or not. When you don't come back from the mission, they are both ready to burn the world down and the team have the matches to help. But is everything as it seems and have they been betrayed by someone on the inside.
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Enhanced Omega Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
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Summary: It's different when you're enhanced. Everything is different, every smell, every sound, touch, feelings. The way it's different doesn't make sense unless you are enhanced. Throw in what comes with Alpha and Omega instincts, and the intensity of your presentation is even more than any other. When you find yourself in need of help you can call on the alpha you trust the most, Natasha Romanoff. You just don't expect to find your alphas at the same time. Are you really enough for them? And can you really be the Luna to the Avengers.
"To be loved, to be loved by your mate is everything." - Wanda Maximoff
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incorrectquotesmcu ยท 9 months
Steve: Youโ€™re just saying that to make me feel better.
Tony: Aww, Steve, when have I ever said anything just to make someone feel better?
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charcubed ยท 11 months
Disneyland's Rogers: The Musical, propaganda that turns Steve Rogers into more myth than man, and revisionist history (possibly) to a purpose
Any of my thoughts in this post could just be me reading too far into things. I'm very aware of that, and please know that this post exists just because this sort of thing is fun for me! This is a thought exercise where we propose "What if we live in a world where the MCU is actually doing a cool and interesting thing as a longcon?" If you have anger at Marvel, that's valid and relatable, but please don't get angry at me or imply I'm an MCU stan who doesn't think critically about the mouse. Thanks!
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Breaking news: I'm back on my bullshit!
A quick personal recap: I infamously hated Avengers: Endgame for a long list of reasons (and I even rewrote the movie). One of those reasons is that I've always taken issue with Steve's ending. But in the years since then, and as the MCU's phase 4 has evolved, my frustration at Steve's "ending" has turned into an ongoing and legitimate theory that the MCU could be slowly leading into a loosely adapted Secret Empire plot line. I know we've all been joking about Steve being trapped or about an imposter Steve since 2019, but uhhh, it's kind of not a joke to me anymore? It feels weirdly plausible at this point and so I enjoy discussing the potential.
You can find a full elaboration on that here, where I wrote out my "Steve was snatched by HYDRA" theory in 2021.
In that post, one of the things I mentioned at the time was Rogers: The Musical being in the Hawkeye trailer.
[The musical's] very existence is an example of how in-universe the stories of the lives of the heroes are being commodified,ย especiallyย (in terms of how theyโ€™re framing it) for Steveโ€™s. The heroes are no longer seen as people, if they ever were. They are, as Kate Bishop says to Clint in a recently released clip, more about โ€œbranding.โ€ Sam Wilson will be redefining the shield moving forward in a Cap context, but simultaneously, the world is still enamored byย Steve Rogersย as a symbol in his own right. And that is ripe for manipulation as a Trojan horse to control public opinionโ€ฆ whether in the context of things like this by themselves (is the musical portraying Steve accurately, or is it painting an inaccurate picture of him the world accepts as fact?) or in future (is this propaganda that makes the public see Steve a certain way and continue to love him, to set up a fake or brainwashed Steve coming on the scene later?).
Now a form of the musical exists in full, at Disneyland and all over Youtube. Considering some of its baffling content โ€“ which I will break down below โ€“ this perspective seems even more strongly worth considering.
I have two main reasons for why I'm defending examining this musical so closely:
1. It is (arguably) an in-universe piece of media that has bearing on the MCU canon. It isn't like any other typical Disneyland attraction; its very existence is meta and it was in canon first. Obviously it's seen in Hawkeye, but there are also posters for it in several different phase 4 properties. It's lurking in the background indefinitely. So what can this musical tell us about what the wider public within the MCU is being told about the life story of Steve Rogers?
2. This Secret Empire graphic โ€“ which is animated in the center of the stage of a prolonged period of time โ€“ feels like a literal sign to pay attention.
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Granted, this is obviously still ancillary material. 99% of the MCU audience will never see this musical, whether in person or on YouTube. But just because it isn't a vital piece doesn't mean it's automatically an entirely irrelevant piece.
They've given me an inch with that sign and I'm taking a mile.
So if you're interested, please join me on this journey :)
For the record, let me just say that I salute the creative team behind this show. It's pretty fun and the songs are catchy, the sets and costuming are cool, and the cast is overall very talented.
It's also fucking maddening. LMAO.
Why? Firstly, because of the seemingly deliberate ahistorical inaccuracies. We all know Ant-Man is wrongly shown in the Battle of New York, which originally "came from [the Hawkeye showrunner] and Marvel, as something to further aggravate Hawkeye as he watched the show, and also as a comment on how movies and articles and people always get something wrong." It seems like they expanded those meta nods, but most inaccuracies are now in service of glorifying Steve and Peggy's "love story." Yes, romance objectively makes for good theater; but again, I feel that this is worth examining considering the full context.
And secondly, Steve's ending is framed as an offer presented to him, convincing him it's the happy ending he deserves because he's tired. In my mind, these two big elements go together, and I'll walk you through the details of what happens in the musical before I tie the thought threads back around into some theorizing.
For your reference, here's a list of the main songs and story beats:
โ€ข "U-S-Opening Night" - the Starkettes (who are basically a Greek chorus) frame the show's story, and then it turns into an ensemble that loosely takes place at the Stark Expo. โ€ข "I Want You" โ€“ Steve's "I want" song about tryingย to enlist in the army. โ€ข "Star-Spangled Man With A Plan" โ€“ Steve performing on the USO tour obviously, and then there's a reprise with an added voiceover that (very briefly) covers the Howling Commandos' rescue + the war via comic book imagery. โ€ข "What You Missed" โ€“ Fury and the Starkettes tell Steve some pop culture things he missed while he was frozen, + they tell him about the Avengers. Then Fury goes down a list of other hero characters, including the Guardians? Doctor Strange? Wanda?? It plays loose and fast with time, because many non-2012 characters are bafflingly mentioned in this nonlinear Avengers list โ€“ including the Winter Soldier (???). โ€ข "Save the City" โ€“ this is the song seen in Hawkeye, with the civilians + the Avengers all involved, but it's slightly different here and expanded to also reference other battles. โ€ข "End of the Line" โ€“ Old Steve presents main Steve with the time stone as an opportunity for his happy ending, and they reflect on things together. (Yes, this is insane.) โ€ข "Just One Dance" โ€“ Steve and Peggy reunite and sing about their love. โ€ข And then there's basically a reprise of "Save the City," with the Starkettes and the whole cast closing the finale out.
Right out of the gate, let's address this: the main reason you're going to see some fans pissed about this musical is not only that Steve and Peggy's ~epic romance~ is made a pillar of the story... but also that Bucky's importance/involvement in Steve's life is minimized as much as possible.
And they took Bucky-related elements from canon and made them center more around Peggy instead.
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โ€ข For some weird reason, Peggy is in the Stark Expo scene. When a soldier is hitting on the Starkettes ("hey sweetheart, I wanna dance!"), Steve tells the soldier to show the ladies some respect. The soldier grabs Steve and throws him down, and then Peggy swoops in to yell "Pick on someone your own size!" and punches the guy before walking away. So she's given Bucky's TFA line verbatim, and she is given the role he had of saving Steve from bullies. There is blatantly no reason they couldn't have had Bucky still serve that function and be truer to "history," because he briefly enters this scene in uniform less than a minute later to announce he's shipping out to the 107th โ€“ and then he spins off with a date on his arm. (We don't see Bucky on stage again until the full cast comes out for the finale!)
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โ€ข After the Star-Spangled Man show, Peggy rushes in to talk to Steve. Steve is excited about his USO performance (???) but she urgently tells him to listen as she says that the 107th has been captured. Peggy apparently knows it's Bucky's division, and she knows Steve is going to go, so she tells him that she's already arranged transport for him. This is a subtle twist from the truth of how it went down in TFA, in which Steve recognized 107 as the number of Bucky's division, and his dogged determination inspired Peggy to relent and help his rescue mission. Here, Peggy is given a stronger role in the Cap origin story. And before Steve rushes off, Peggy sings a short untitled ballad hoping for their dance, so Steve pauses before he leaves to ask her to go on a date with her when he returns. โ€ข The most egregious Bucky-to-Peggy change of all is the song "End of the Line," in which the infamous Steve and Bucky line/promise (that broke Bucky's brainwashing...) is re-contextualized to be about ???? Peggy waiting for Steve in the past??? Old Man Steve and regular Steve sing it together. But we'll go back to that in a minute.
Again, I get it, yeah? It's for theater. Whatever. But in reality, the obvious logical truth is that Peggy is centered (to the point of taking elements from Bucky's story, and in turn Bucky is downplayed) because they needed to convince the audience that Steve going back in time to be with her makes sense. Steve's time travel ending had to be justified, so the Peggy and Steve "love story" had to be a pillar in this with everything else being given lesser weight.
And the inherent selfishness of him doing something as big as going back in time also had to be justified... which is why they do their best to convince you Steve fought so much he deserved it.
Let me elaborate on that by describing the lead-up to the "End of the Line" song.
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So, right before "End of the Line" is "Save the City" โ€“ which includes Steve belting "I can do this all day!" repeatedly, of course. It's the 2012 Battle of New York as the Avengers come together to win.
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As they begin to disperse, the song then transitions to a voiceover alert mentioning Sokovia being under attack by artificial intelligence (a.k.a. Age of Ultron). The Avengers group rushes back to center stage to say "Save the city! Help us win!" together for battle again.
And then things get fucking weird.
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Because the next voiceover threat is "Washington DC. Attack: the Winter Soldier." This is not accurate to the order of events! The Winter Soldier events were before Age of Ultron; the public of the MCU would also know this.
And suddenly on stage Steve is now in the center while everyone else gestures to him. Instead of singing with him, they're telling him "Save the city! Help us win!"
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Then, another voiceover: "Wakanda, under attack" (Infinity War) and again, Steve is centered while everyone else points to him. The ensemble says, "Save the city, help us win! Save us all from the state we're in! Got to hear you, got to hear you, got to hear you say..." as Steve is buckling to his knees under their pointing. And as the lights go down to one spotlight on him and everyone else leaves, he says "I can do this all day" one last time, but now it's subdued.
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The implication is that Steve has been fighting and fighting, people leave him or he loses them, and he's tired.
And then fucking Old Man Steve arrives.
He says "On your left," because yes, they gave him Sam Wilson's line. BATSHIT.
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So now there's two Steves on stage! There has been no mention of Thanos or infinity stones or anything up to this point! (I can only assume that's because in the MCU universe no one would want to be reminded of the trauma of "the Blip" โ€“ though it's pretty wild that they're allowed to know about magical time travel?)
Steve is baffled by Old Man Steve's arrival. I, too, was baffled by Old Man Steve's arrival.
As Steve questions how this is possible, Old Man Steve shows him the time stone from his pocket โ€“ and only the time stone โ€“ which Steve recognizes.
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OLD MAN: "You've got to remember where you've been to know where you're going." STEVE: "Where am I going?" OLD MAN: "A date with destiny." STEVE: โ€œDestiny. So weโ€™re the hero till the end?โ€ OLD MAN: โ€œThatโ€™s the thing about endings, Steven. They can be rewritten.โ€
Steve starts singing about how he hopes this means they "win" and calls himself a "tired hero."
STEVE: "But sometimes I wonder, who will save the savior? Can we really do this all day? So here I am, now and also then. Just a man, looking back at where he's been." OLD MAN: "The road is rough but wounds are healed by a thing called time. You can't forget what's waiting at the end of the line."
Me, watching this: the fact that he says this out of the blue makes absolutely no sense.
There's a bit more singing, including "end of the line" repetition, and then Old Man Steve pulls out the time stone to essentially show visions of... I don't fucking know. Past, present, and future?
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That's pre-serum Steve, Steve with Mjolnir, and Sam Wilson as the new Cap. This is the only reference to Sam in the whole thing.
More singing, and then: Peggy's silhouette.
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OLD MAN: "Can't forget who's waiting..." STEVE: "I can't forget who's waiting..." BOTH: "Don't forget who's waiting..." STEVE: "At the end of the line."
At this point I'm like, what in the hell?
Did Old Man Steve just brainwash normal Steve into thinking "end of the line" is now about Peggy? Because uhhhh, sorry, that's what it feels like!
Then Steve uses the stone to go back in time, reunites with Peggy, etc. etc. finale.
It's truly some crazy shit.
[drags hands down face]
Look... there's a lot to unpack here, and there's a lot that gets me about it. I know this is dramatized for the stage! I KNOW! But the fact that Old Man Steve shows up to convince Steve he should go back in time makes me want to gnaw on furniture.
Another person essentially uses the lure of a life with Peggy to tempt Steve into doing this, dramatized or not. That is how it's framed.
It's a hell of a way to frame it, and it makes Steve's ending stand in even starker contrast to so many other things in phase 4. Desperately trying to go backwards when you shouldn't or to bring back a lost lover is an evil temptation, and it results in a trap or negative cosmic consequences for basically all of the other characters in the MCU.
โ€ข In Shang-Chi, Wenwu is tempted by the Soul Eaters beyond the Dark Gate. They use the voice of his deceased wife to convince him to set them free. โ€ข In "What If" episode 4, Doctor Strange becomes evil in a desperate bid to save Christine and he destroys his universe. Along the way, he tries to tempt/trap the good Strange who's fighting him by using visions of Christine, but good Strange knows she isn't real. โ€ข Wanda's grief and desire to bring back Vision leads to โ€“ well, you know. โ€ข In No Way Home, Peter trying to undo things is what causes the multiverse problems.
And the fact that they frame it as Steve being tired, so basically the argument is he deserves that time travel ending (just like MCU fans who defend Endgame say in real life)... Well.
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There's no way to make it hold up, especially because in "What If" they explicitly subverted that and had Captain Carter not go back in time despite how she felt she'd "earned" it.
Lastly, in this musical as Steve decides to pursue time travel as his course of action, he basically has the meaning or memory of "end of the line" rewritten for him. I refuse to not think that is some nefarious shit. Yes, it's not out of the realm of possibility that it's just some general Disney erasing Steve and Bucky nonsense.
But... this is on another level to me. I do think that it's a blatant choice that they had to be aware even general MCU fans would call bullshit on. Everyone knows it's inaccurate. "End of the line" is embedded in pop culture consciousness as being connected to Bucky. It just is! Surely that means it's not a stretch to theorize it could be deliberate meta commentary.
How, in the MCU world, would the in-universe playwrights even know the phrase "end of the line"? How the fuck would it be accidentally applied to Steve and Peggy? Not to sound like a crazy person, but who the fuck was rooting around in Steve and/or Bucky's personal business or their brains in order to obtain that knowledge and then remix it, and why? Neither of them would flippantly mention it in the public eye or interviews ever. So where did its inclusion come from?
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And in the finale ensemble, this is Bucky's line when he comes out on stage and salutes + points to Steve: "Don't forget who's waiting..." And Old Man Steve completes it with "...at the end of the line."
What on God's green earth am I meant to do with THAT?
The vibes are fucked, folks.
The MCU public wouldn't know enough to say the vibes are fucked. The MCU public wouldn't know the origin of "end of the line" as a phrase. But us? The ones who know the "true story" via the movies? We can call bullshit.
Whether the creative team behind this musical did every aspect of this consciously or not, in my opinion the fact that they had to tweak canon "history" to A) make Peggy's involvement in Steve's life more central and B) emphasize Steve as a tired hero all works as commentary on and almost a condemnation of Endgame's frustrating ending. In a way, it's also what Endgame did with the compass and 1973 moment with Peggy as well.
Steve's ending had to be convincing.
It's theater.
And so, maybe the same is true for the in-narrative perspective of this musical in the context of the MCU world. What purpose would it serve to tell the MCU public a feel-good narrative about how all Steve Rogers wanted was to no longer be a tragic man out of time and get to make a life with his best girl? To frame it as being about how he fought so hard for years and so he earned a happy ending? To minimize and nearly erase Bucky's importance in his life?
Who would want to do that sort of propaganda, and why?
The MCU civilians are given this happy explanation and maybe don't widely question it. Who cares about the details or logistics if it makes a good story, I guess. It's a stretch, but maybe they mostly applaud it. Maybe they're happy for "America's favorite son" (not unlike people who uncritically liked Endgame). In a way, it's even a rehabilitation of his image (after the Accords) like putting the shield on the Statue of Liberty. And maybe they'd even be ready and waiting to applaud if Steve ever made a dramatically selfless and de-aged return to the spotlight or a position of authority.
But mostly, the public is being conditioned to not know or to forget that anyone else like Bucky Barnes or Sam Wilson would possibly know Steve Rogers the person well enough in the modern day to call bullshit on any of this โ€“ or on his hypothetical miraculous future return.
So. Sure, it's probably nothing.
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But what if it's not?
UPDATE: @faeriecap added to this post with some incredible information and further behind-the-scenes context about the MCU/Marvel stuff at Disney parks! Check it out here :)
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paperweight91 ยท 4 months
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Weโ€™ve been teasing and scheming all week, now it is time to announce our full AU. Weโ€™re All Monsters will be co-written by @krirebr and me! Kris will be handling our Vampires and I will be handling our Werewolves. But donโ€™t worry that doesnโ€™t mean they all wonโ€™t be meeting each other throughout this AU. As for how? Well youโ€™ll just have to wait and see.
This will be building off of Krisโ€™ Psycho Killer AU and will feature some of, if not all the CE characters we know and love.
Weโ€™ve outlined the reader pairings and nicknames below, we hope youโ€™re as excited as we are to delve into the supernatural with us!
Andy Barber - Runner
Ari Levinson - Queenie
Curtis Everett & Jake Jensen - Angel
Frank Adler & Pete Brenner - Dove
James Mace - Sneak
Johnny Storm - Cutter
Lloyd Hansen - Snipe/Spitfire
Ransom Drysdale - Little Rabbit
Steve Rogers - Sunshine
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imaginedreamwrite ยท 2 years
Dear Darling
โ€œPlease, I have a daughter.โ€ The statement comes out as a plea for mercy and to anyone else it would seem genuine, but not to them.
They know that heโ€™s using it an excuse to spare his life, they know he doesnโ€™t truly care about his own flesh and blood.
โ€œA daughter-โ€œ The wicked little bitch pleads with them, clasping her hands in an attempt to mercy that falls short.
โ€œHi sweetheart,โ€ Bucky turns his back on the couple and takes a few steps to crouch near the wall, peering down at the small child, โ€œyou shouldnโ€™t be watching this.โ€
Sheโ€™s out of bed and wide eyed, curious about the two men standing before her father and step-mother. Her hands are clutching the wall and she should be scared but Bucky knows that her penchant for mischief and curiosity is unbound.
โ€œWho are you?โ€ She questions with a tilt of her head, and Bucky feels a bubbling laugh building in his throat.
โ€œMy name is Bucky, and thatโ€™s my friend Steve.โ€
โ€œWhatโ€™s gonna happen?โ€ Buckyโ€™s slips stretch and the appearance of fangs protrude form his lips, and his hand flexes with every beat of the childโ€™s heart.
โ€œNothing you need to worry about. I have something for you.โ€ From behind his back, Bucky pulls a stuffed rabbit that seems lifelike with soft browned fur and a cute button nose.
โ€œIts cute.โ€ He smiles again at her awing, handing it over with a gentle pat to her head.
โ€œGo back to bed, honey. Youโ€™ll be safe in your bed.โ€
He waits until sheโ€™s gone and then he stands, his jaw clenching and thirst hitting him dead on. He turns slowly, watching his partner holding the couple still with an underlying threat.
โ€œIf you touch anything that belongs to that sweet child,โ€ Buckyโ€™s voice is deep and intense, his huskiness akin to deadly rage, โ€œweโ€™ll disembowel you.โ€
โ€œTo start.โ€ Steve finishes with a deep seeded growl, a few pops and cracks of his bones a sign of his ability to shift on the fly. โ€œNowโ€ฆwe need to discuss a few things-โ€œ
โ€œI donโ€™t have it!โ€ The quim cries, shaking and holding his hands up for safety. โ€œPlease, you can have her-โ€œ
โ€œHer?โ€ Steve reaches for the front of his shirt and lifts him clean off the ground, the tips of his toes hovering against the floor. โ€œYou canโ€™t give away what doesnโ€™t belong to you.โ€
โ€œMy daughter-โ€œ he attempts again, and finds it shot down.
โ€œ-will be getting gifts from now on. They are for her and her alone and if you touch them, if you try and pawn them off, youโ€™re going to die.โ€ Bucky warns once and the man is dropped back down to the floor, his wife clinging to him.
โ€œYou still have a debt owed, and we will be back to collect payment. Gradually.โ€ Steve straightens himself out and clears his throat, glancing over his shoulder to gaze upon Bucky.
โ€œShe likes the rabbit, already asleep.โ€
โ€œGood.โ€ Steve steps away from the couple and turns sharply, striding toward Bucky. โ€œLetโ€™s go, we have another few stops to make tonight.โ€
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The climb is jaunting as you attempt to scale the side of the house to get back into your room. The light is dimmed from the new moon and thereโ€™s a distinct lack of sound surrounding the house, but from within the house you can hear the toxic and twisted sound of your father and step-mother.
Sheโ€™s shrieking like she usually does, a ploy to make your father feel better about his impudence and you feel nauseous when you hear him asking her how it feels. Thereโ€™s nothing more than the sound of them that makes you feel as sick, and youโ€™re quick to climb into your bedroom and slam the window shut behind you.
However as you turn to your bed, you find that all sound has been erased anyway. Itโ€™s muffled and quieted by the gift thatโ€™s sitting squarely in the middle and the letter written in thick stationary. Youโ€™ve had gifts like this before, once a year for every Christmas and your birthday, and of course Valentineโ€™s Day.
They started out cute when you were younger, stuffed bears and little charms, a jewelry box or new colouring books. As you got older the gifts had become more suited to your age like journals and sketchbooks, perfectly balanced perfumes and jewelry.
However your favourite had been a music box that came when you turned 16. It was beautiful and well crafted, it depicted an image of a wolf howling while a ballerina danced to the moonlight skyline. It was your most prized possession, it was beautiful and breathtaking.
And the music box had come with the delivery of a modest, safe vehicle signed in your name and completely free. It was a gift from someone who had sponsored parts of your life and only left a few short words in letters occasionally.
Dear Darling, the letters began, the newest was no exception.
You loved the letters and loved the gifts, especially since your father and step-mother had in no small measure tried to forget you were still around.
Dear Darling,
Hope this finds you well, youโ€™re turning 19 soon sweet girl. This gift is smaller than the ones in the past, but itโ€™s no less beautiful. Stay safe sweet girl and keep your head up, youโ€™re doing amazing sweetie.
You sat on the bed and grasped the box, holding it securely as you lift the lid and gazed at the charm bracelet sitting inside. It was resting on a velour pillow with a few pretty charms hanging off the bracelet, all of which were detailed and immaculate.
A wolf howling at the moon was next to a bat hanging upside down with its wings spread. There was a detailed rose that looked as if it was embedded with tiny little rubies to make the petals, and the final charm was your initials.
โ€œIts beautiful,โ€ you crooned and lift it from the box, looking over every immaculate detail before slipping it on your wrist, โ€œI love it.โ€
You had no memory of who was giving you these gifts, but with every gift had come a feeling of security and wanting.
Every gift was catered to you, and every gift made you feel like a princess.
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evilhorse ยท 2 months
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Captain America #222
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gothgirlmahi ยท 2 years
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Pairing: Priest!Steve Rogers x Succubus!Reader
Word Count : 2K
Warnings: this is sacrilegious as fuck lmao, unprotected sex, non con, dub con, male masturbation, attempted exorcism
"Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking whom he may devour." 1 St. Peter 5:8
Steve Rogers was a good man.
Heโ€™d spent his life dedicated to helping others and to spreading the Word of God. His needs and desires would always come second to those goals. His community loved him. Father Rogers was the attractive young priest that was getting plenty of wayward women back into the pews. While they were certainly having sordid thoughts about him, that was never a feeling he could return.
Until now.
Steve Rogers was a good man. So why was he having the most impure of thoughts about you?
He could remember the first time he laid eyes on you. There you were, in an outfit entirely inappropriate for mass with an open Bible in hand. Rather than looking at the pages, your eyes were fixed on him. A salacious grin took your face, your tongue sticking out just the slightest bit giving him a glimpse at that pink little appendage. That image stuck with him.
He couldnโ€™t explain what had gotten a hold of him, but far after mass had ended, he couldnโ€™t stop thinking about your mouth. Those pretty lips and that luscious tongue. Like a parasite that had embedded itself in his mind.
Lust was a normal human feeling. That much he could acknowledge and excuse. He couldnโ€™t excuse acting on it. But that didnโ€™t stop him from pulling out his hard and weeping cock in the silence of the night, and jacking off to the thought of your mouth. The things you could do with it. Imagining sliding his cock between your soft lips had him shaking and convulsing as he came all over his sheets.
It was shameful and something he hadnโ€™t done in years. It couldnโ€™t happen again. He prayed for forgiveness and went to sleep with you on his mind.
A week later he saw you in mass again. In another revealing outfit. Sultry and dilated eyes gazing up at him like you wanted to tear him apart. The second time Steve saw you in mass, he realized something. You didnโ€™t come forward to receive Holy Communion. From that, he could at least discern it was unlikely that you were Catholic. Maybe you were new? Attempting to join?
He had to get you out of his mind. This wasnโ€™t right. It wasnโ€™t healthy. It wasnโ€™t moral.
But you were there, the image of you calling to something deep inside of him, something he thought heโ€™d lost the first time he put on that clerical collar. Steve had never faltered in his faith. But you were presenting a problem he wasnโ€™t sure he could solve.
He went through the service and the rest of his day on autopilot. A cloying thought in his brain about the way your breasts looked in that skin tight fabric. He wanted to see what was underneath.
That night, he returned to his room wearier than ever. Determined not to make the mistake he did last week. And the night after that. And the night after that.
You were making him crazy.
He turned around to close his door and felt an immediate change in the air. Something that sent a chill up his spine and had goosebumps rising on his skin.
When he turned back around, he saw you sitting on his bed. Legs crossed and leaning forward with a distraught expression on your face. His heart was pounding, nearly jumping out of his chest at the sight of you.
Steveโ€™s room was small, small enough that he could see every corner from his position at the door and you had most definitely not been in there when he entered.
โ€œSomething,โ€ you started, looking up at him with terrified eyes, โ€œsomething is inside me. I need help. I need you to get this thing out of me.โ€
โ€œWhat are you doing here? How did you get in here?โ€
โ€œThis isnโ€™t who I am. Iโ€™m soโ€”please. Please help me, Father. You have to get it out.โ€ Your voice was begging, tears lined your reddened eyes.
โ€œWh-what do you mean something is inside you?โ€
Your helpless expression dropped suddenly and you raised your lips in a smile.
โ€œWell, I think itโ€™s more about what I want inside me.โ€
Steve stepped back in alarm, clutching at the cross necklace draped around his neck.
He spoke and the word hung uneasily in the air. You leaned forward, delighted interest taking your expression.
โ€œIs that an accusation, Father?โ€
โ€œWhy are you here?โ€
โ€œYou said Iโ€™m a demon. Figure it out.โ€
โ€œIn the Name of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel,โ€ as Steve prayed, you rolled your eyes like he was wasting your time, โ€œof the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints and powerful in the holy authority of our ministry, we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and deceits of the devil.โ€
You made a face at him.
โ€œAre you done?โ€
โ€œWe drive you from us, whoever you may be, unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies and sects.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m assuming youโ€™re not done.โ€
โ€œBegone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvationโ€”โ€œ
โ€œSteve!โ€ you yelled at him, jumping up from your bed and walking towards him. Just as you got within two feet of him, he splashed you with water from a vial in his pocket. The water sizzled against your skin, leaving angry red marks behind before it evaporated.
โ€œWow. I guess Iโ€™m just too hot.โ€
Your ripped his clerical collar out and threw it down before taking him by the neck and slamming him against the wall. His attempts to push you away were futile, you were much stronger than him.
The close proximity had his head spinning and blood rushing to his cock. The effect you had on him was not any sort of normal lust. You were clearly some nonhuman entity sent to destroy him.
Steve managed to slip down and crawl to the door. By the time he was upright and reaching for the knob, he heard the click of the lock turning. He pulled and the knob gave resistance, letting him know he was locked in with you.
He wasnโ€™t sure what to do next. He wasnโ€™t trained for this. He wasnโ€™t sure anyone could really prepare for this. Your closeness made his mind dizzy and slow thinking while he tried to quickly brainstorm solutions. Nothing was coming to mind.
You dragged him close to you by his collar and he tried to push away again, calling out in hopes someone would hear him. Maybe if someone could just hear himโ€”
You rolled your eyes.
โ€œStevie, they canโ€™t hear you. Itโ€™s just us in here. I made sure of that.โ€
You pulled him roughly to the bed and threw him down on it. When Steve looked up, you were undressing. Slowly peeling off that skintight black outfit. Making his cock so hard that it hurt. He shook his head, averting his eyes to the sheets and you tsked.
โ€œLust is natural. Just let it happen.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t want this.โ€
โ€œI didnโ€™t ask what you want.โ€
Steve looked up at you again, just to see your breasts newly freed from your top. You were standing there entirely nude. His eyes panned down to the sight of your dripping sex between your legs. He was disgusted with himself to find that the sight of you naked brought him immense pleasure. Some sick part of him desperately wanted to have sex with you. The rational part absolutely didnโ€™t.
You crawled over him on the bed and ripped the button on his pants open before roughly pulling them and his boxers down his legs. When he tried to stop you, you grabbed both of his arms.
โ€œYou touch me again without my say so and Iโ€™ll break your fucking arms. Stay still.โ€ Your voice changed in tone as you spoke, deeper and more pronounced and he could swear it echoed against the walls despite being little more than a whisper. Your eyes flashed red as you took in his shaking form helpless beneath you.
His cock was leaking precum, the head was pretty and red like the heated expression on his face. You grabbed it roughly, eagerly jacking him off.
โ€œIs this how you do it, Stevie? Is this how you fuck yourself when you think of me?โ€
โ€œNo, Iโ€”ugh!โ€ He found himself thrusting pathetically into your hand.
โ€œGood boy,โ€ you said, taking your hand off of him and positioning yourself in his lap. When you pressed the head of his cock to your clit, Steve shook under you, taking in a deep inhale of breath.
When you slid onto him, Steve saw stars. His head flew back onto the pillow, hands fisted in the sheets as he was enveloped in your tight warmth. Your hand gently dragged against his face while your rode him.
You set a relentless pace.
Steve didnโ€™t know much about demons, but he did know that there was no way being inside one should feel this fucking good. You were gripping him like a vise, a much tighter fit than anything his hand could simulate. Your breasts bounced with each undulation and Steve was mesmerized.
You were sin incarnate and you were taking Father Rogers to hell with you.
Yes, that was it. Steve was going to die. He knew it. This was not a sort of ecstasy meant to be experienced by human beings. A mind and body consuming pleasure that had him releasing deep groans into the stagnant air of his room.
Steve was going to die. And he knew his luck would have him see you in hell where you would torture him all over again. He might even welcome it.
No, he couldnโ€™t think like that. But with the way you were moaning above him, pretty mouth slightly parted as you reached down to rub at your clit, he was starting to think that maybe, maybe this wasnโ€™t so wrongโ€ฆ
โ€œWhat a waste. Hiding this big fucking cock where no one can get it. Do you like that, Stevie? Donโ€™t you like my pussy?โ€
He didnโ€™t say anything. He felt like he couldnโ€™t. His teeth bit into his bottom lip, willing himself not to come undone inside you.
You grew angry at his silence and wrapped your hand around his neck.
โ€œFucking answer me!โ€ A slight squeeze of your hand had him gasping out a reply.
โ€œYes! Yes, I like it! I like your pussy!โ€
โ€œGood boy! Good fucking boy!โ€
You came down on him even faster, setting a pace that had him hurtling toward his end.
โ€œPlease, pleaseโ€”Iโ€™m going to, oh God, I canโ€™t!โ€
โ€œYes, you can. Fuck, itโ€™s okay, baby. Iโ€™m close, too.โ€
When he came, it felt like the rapture did, too. Like he was going to be delivered body and spirit to Satanโ€™s doorstep for having intercourse with this demon whore. Steveโ€™s entire body jolted and it felt like an out of body experience. That sweet release of pressure, filling your warm insides to the brim and slowly leaking out and around his cock.
He whined pathetically as you continued to ride him, your pace picking up as you reached your own high. The overstimulation was killing him. He wanted to push you off, but knew better.
When you finally reached your peak, both of the lamps in the room flickered violently while your eyes rolled back and you ground your pelvis into his, getting every last pinch of pleasure you could out of the encounter.
When you were done and pulled yourself off of him, he breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe now you would leave him alone.
You leaned down, putting your face just in front of his before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
โ€œIโ€™ll see you next week, Father.โ€
Mahi's Monster Mash
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pandagirl45 ยท 9 months
Tony: rhodey I use to have a crush on the predator
Rhodey:...tones, I know, you had a plush of the predator
Tony: you've seen it?!
Rhodey: *deadpans* tones, I've seen you naked, drunk, high, crying, in love, and everything else under the sun, yes I have seen your plush
Tony: *bright red embarrassed* quiet gumdrop
Rhodey: *rubs his back* which makes sense why you are into the super soldiers, built like the predator
Tony: rhodey!!! *hides his face*
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badendfriendstournament ยท 1 month
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onbearfeet ยท 2 months
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Blorbo gallery wall in progress!
I might move the top and bottom pairs farther apart and put mini frames between them. Not sure yet.
The bottom frames are for Elsa and Ted, once I make their art happen.
And yes, all of these characters will appear in Monster Mash at some point. Including Steve and Peggy. So it's a Monster Mash wall, too.
Also, I swear they're all level with their rows. I used a spirit level and a lot of math. The angle is just funky.
Top row is a Steve by Celine Chapeau, aka Purple Top Hat and a Peggy by Patrick Scullin.
Middle is two Jacks by @tinymintywolf and a Bucky by ... well, I bought it years ago at a con and it doesn't have a signature or a name on the back, so boo.
Bottom row will probably be a Ted and an Elsa by me unless someone sends me really excellent fan art of them.
There will probably be Funkos or action figures on top of the low bookcase at some point. I'm still figuring that out.
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krirebr ยท 4 months
We're All Monsters AU Masterlist
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The Vampire side of my and @paperweight91 's giant supernatural AU. Check out her werewolf side here!
See each story for warnings.
Psycho Killer - Ransom Drysdale x Little Rabbit
A drunken dare and chance encounter jump-starts a whole new life.
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Steve Rogers x Sunshine
Your vacation comes to an end when a powerful and mysterious man gets his first taste.
Coming Soon
Heads Will Roll - Curtis Everett x Angel x Jake Jensen
Training to be a slayer becomes even more difficult when you must hit the road with two hunters for your own safety.
Killing Moon - James Mace x Sneak
When you and your boyfriend steal something without fully realizing who you are stealing from, you're sent on a cross-country adventure by an ally you're pretty sure you shouldn't trust.
Dance Hall Days - Steve Rogers x Ransom Drysdale
Ransom meets a man in a bar who seems like he'll be fun for a night or two... A prequel series to I Can't Sleep Cause My Bed's On Fire
Head Over Heels
All Cole wants is someone to share eternity with. He won't stop looking until he finds them.
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mrs-barnes-rogers-writes ยท 5 months
The Fate Of A Fae - Part 4
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesnโ€™t and she wonโ€™t. Not when she thinks youโ€™re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just donโ€™t tell her that.
โ€œNever tell Natasha Romanoff she was rightโ€ - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: The reader has a surprise caller..................or two.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of past historic abuse.
Thereโ€™s a distant voice in your head, stirring you from sleep. Somewhere between asleep and awake the voice seems to get louder and more panicked. It isnโ€™t until youโ€™re pulled against a warm chest and the whiff of expensive cologne spread up your nose that you fully wake up. You start to sob into the chest when you realise the voice is familiar.
โ€œKid what happened?โ€
โ€œIโ€ฆ..โ€ and the crying continued.
โ€œShhhhhhhh itโ€™s OK, weโ€™ll figure it out, shhhhhhh.โ€
After ten minutes of Tony shushing and comforting you and crying all over him youโ€™d started to calm down. A realisation washed over you as you realised Tony had got into your apartment.
โ€œHowโ€™d you get in?โ€
โ€œSweetie, I made the security system remember?โ€
You pushed back off his chest and looked up at him.
โ€œSo you just let yourself in?โ€
โ€œOh hushโ€ he replied pulling you back into his chest โ€œI knew you were home and you werenโ€™t answering and I could spell the blood.โ€
Tony wasnโ€™t a dragon but his father was, meaning the acute sense of smell was passed on.
โ€œYour feet and legs sweetie.โ€
You looked down to see your legs and feet had a scattering of small cuts.
โ€œFor fuck sake.โ€
โ€œYou wanna tell me what happened?โ€ asked Tony.
โ€œNot really.โ€
โ€œCan I say something?โ€ you cocked an eyebrow at him, knowing heโ€™d say it whether you agreed or not. โ€œWould it be so bad if you at least spoke to them?โ€
โ€œYes, it would be.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t know what happened to you kid butโ€
โ€œDonโ€™t, you wonโ€™t get it.โ€
โ€œProbably not, but youโ€™re not the only one with asshole parents. Sure they werenโ€™t violent but my dad could be a really piece of work. When it became clear at eighteen I was definitely like Mom, and not him, he didnโ€™t speak to me for a year, cut my allowance and nearly didnโ€™t pay for college.โ€
โ€œTony, I had to steal food as a kid, this isnโ€™t the same.โ€
โ€œHang on, Iโ€™m not done, listen to my un-relatable, yet relatable story.โ€
You rolled your eyes.
โ€œListen, when i say he didnโ€™t talk to me I mean he didnโ€™t even acknowledge my presence. That Christmas he crossed his name out on the gift tags and instead he passed me an envelope. A cheque for a million dollars and permission for early access to my trust fund. There was a leaflet with it about forced transfer.โ€
You felt sick. Forced transfer was painful, invasive and inhumane but had been common practice twenty years ago and back. Your parents would have put you in for it if they could have afforded it.
โ€œWhat happened?โ€
โ€œWell momโ€™s DNA turned out to be the strongest and his old age dragon wasnโ€™t as strong as he thought. It wasnโ€™t until I met Barnes that I actually realised how big dragons were, which I know sounds ridiculous. Dad had been select in his friends and made sure they were a mix of types, dragons included but always smaller than him.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m so sorry Tony.โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t be. The blood test and Mom threatening to divorce him put a stop to it. I may not know your full story kid but it doesnโ€™t takeย  a genius to figure it out.โ€
โ€œFigure what out?โ€ you replied.
โ€œThat the asshole family had something to do with your lacking of wings and pointy ears.โ€
And with that the tears came again.
โ€œThey wonโ€™t want me Tony. They wonโ€™t want me when they know.โ€
Fuck. Shit. Bucky was in your apartment.
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dilfmansion ยท 9 months
medieval fantasy au with monster hunter!Steve and werewolf!Bucky that I desperately want to write and pop on ao3
the two of them used to hunt together, before Bucky turned. they were some of the most well-known mercenaries in the country, at least before the accident.
Bucky was swarmed by a pack of werewolves during an ambush and, when the blood cleared from his eyes and he was alone, Steve accepted his death reluctantly. it was a hazard of their job, one he had learned early on he had to be okay with.
itโ€™s not until years later, when Steve is hired to eradicate a werewolf tormenting a small town that he sees Bucky again, even though neither recognizes the other at first.
itโ€™s during a full moon that Steve makes his attack; wolves become frantic when the light hangs heavy in the sky. they make mistakes.
Steve had fought his fair share of werewolves before, during, and after working with Bucky, but nothing like this. the creature was massive, saliva dripping in threads from bloody fangs and white fur streaked with viscera and grime. it was feral. there was no humanity behind its yellow canine eyes, even the last vestiges that the wolves he had seen before had.
he doesnโ€™t even recognize the wolf as Bucky until he manages to wound it. his sword blade through the meat if itโ€™s shoulder. the creature screams, not even a howl, and for just a moment, the shock of digging pain brings the animal out of its trance and Steve sees it. sees him. just a glimpse, barely a difference, but itโ€™s face falls into something more human, more his friend.
as the moon begins to set the werewolf uses Steveโ€™s distraction to escape, eyes flashing back to sick yellow as it moves once again into the thick darkness of the woods, only a trial of blood and a stunned Steve left behind.
thoughts?? ideas?? Iโ€™m thirsty for werewolf content and I miss stucky LMAO lmk what you think!! Iโ€™ll update on here when I do get around to writing/posting anything to ao3, Iโ€™m bearwrites over there :)
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the-iceni-bitch ยท 9 months
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queen-of-the-avengers ยท 4 months
Monster Inside You Series
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*The image(s) Iโ€™ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Pairing:ย Steve Rogers x Succubus!Fem!Reader
Series Summary:ย One fatal mistake and your life is turned upside down. You have to live with the consequences of what happened to you, and you're not always good at controlling your urges. Still, you do your best to keep who you are while still embracing this new side to you.
Series Word Count:ย ~3.9k (will add more if and when new parts are posted)
Series Warnings:ย major character death (implicit), trying to have sex with someone who doesnโ€™t want it (very minor), implied smut, fluff (will add more if and when new parts are posted)
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Part One: Monster Inside You
Part Two: Learning To Live With The Monster
Part Three: See You In My Dreams
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