#like trying to get the moisture put of my eyes without obviously rubbing them
anotherpapercut · 6 months
I have a job interview in 1 hour and I think I might throw up
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theliterateape · 1 year
by MT Cozzola
First off I am NOT a huge skincare person. My nighttime routine is just splash some water on my face and done. But when my sweet puppy died unexpectedly after 16 years and I had literally NO IDEA how to process it I was like okay, let's see what the BIG DEAL is.
What Exactly Is SLUGGING?
So for people who don’t know, slugging is where you moisturize like normal BUT THEN add a layer of petroleum jelly and leave on overnight. Like I said, I'm lazy with skin care so I just used what I had, a half-empty tub of Vasoline.
Her name was Poppy and she was a miniature smooth-coated Dachshund with HUGE soulful eyes. I seriously could not walk down the street without people stopping us, "OH MY GOD YOUR DOG! She looks like a little movie star."
How Do You DO It?
There are different theories on how much to use but I went with a dime-sized amount and spread it out from under her eyes up to her ears. She had only been dead a couple hours and I was LITERALLY sitting there like, did this just happen to me? So it felt really good to DO SOMETHING.
At first it felt weird because when she was alive Poppy would snap if I touched her muzzle. Strangers that used to try to pet her DID NOT TRY TWICE. But she was so pretty that I could not WALK DOWN THE STREET without someone saying, "Oh my god CAN I PET??"
After I applied a thin, even layer, I put Poppy in the refrigerator. Experts recommend sleeping with an old pillowcase because it's going to stain, but I figured since she was dead I didn't have to worry about her moving around. ROOKIE MISTAKE because I had some cake in the fridge and when I got Poppy out the next morning, I accidentally hit it and Poppy's face rubbed on the cake. OOPS. 
I cut off that bit and didn't eat it, but going forward I put Poppy in an embroidered scarf my mom gave me before she moved to Florida and left me here to try and be an adult even though she NEVER EXPLAINED HOW. She was like, "I can't keep rescuing you like you're twenty-five." So I definitely recommend some protective covering.
But Does It WORK?
Some people think occlusives will clog pores but they are ACTUALLY noncomedogenic. So rather than scrub it off which I could have done because Poppy couldn't bite me, I blotted with a used Kleenex and leashed her up. Obviously she couldn't walk so I put her in a stroller that I borrowed from the lobby of my building. I thought those people were out of town, although then it turned out they weren't.
Now I am GENUINELY SKEPTICAL about skin care claims and by the way this post is NOT SPONSORED by Walgreens or whoever. I just tried this and wanted to share. But after only one day I have to admit, Poppy looked AMAZE! I started pushing the stroller down the street and the VERY FIRST stranger who approached was like, OH MY GOD YOUR DOG! Their eyes were huge and for once I didn't have to warn them to keep away from Poppy's head, which I didn't realize until that moment had ALWAYS stressed me out on a level I was never in touch with. WHAT?!
Experts recommend slugging two to three times per week, so you do have to stick with it. NEWBIE TIP: I kept Poppy in the fridge when we weren't out walking, so she stayed firm enough that slugging did not cause any dents — well, HARDLY any. No haters please I'm NEW AT THIS!
Unfortunately, the people I thought were out of town got upset that I was using their stroller and had me arrested. The officers called my mom, but she said I'm an adult I made my own choices so no, she wasn't going to "come in and see what we can do about this." Thanks, Mom. Good talk. I'll just be over here trying to EMOTIONALLY MATURE with NO INSTRUCTIONS.
Is Slugging Right for YOU?
Mom finally sent me money to go to Florida even though only enough for a bus ticket. Even though I'm IN MOURNING. But slugging has taught me that something doesn't have to be expensive to get the job done. So final verdict: if you are trying to exist in the world with NO idea how to cope with grief AND you have some petroleum jelly around, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Good luck and I hope this is helpful.
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tetsunormous · 3 years
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pairing: Matsukawa Issei x f!reader
genre: college au, friends to lovers, smut (18+), fluff
word count: 6.5K
warnings: cunnilingus, fingering, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, creampie, swearing, nipple play, pinning
A/N: This is for Ria's @bakugohoex's rich boy collab 💜 Congrat's on 3k!! thank you to @ohno-otome and @armins-futon for reading this for me. I love matsukawa but I don't write for him often so this has been really fun :)
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Walking into your new dorm room, you weren’t sure what to expect. Sure, you’ve seen the pictures online, but there’s nothing like the slightly dusty window letting in a hazy ray of light shining down onto the slight dip in the middle of the mattress you now call your own. Your desk almost touched the corner of your twin-sized bed, and your new bookshelf barely has enough room to fit half of the books you brought, but this was your new life. It didn’t dawn on you just how different university would be until you arrived this morning, but here you were, unpacking all your clothes into the cramped closet in the corner. Luckily, you’re in the building where you had a single room. Privacy was something you were worried about, and the communal washrooms will be something to get used to, but either way, this was a new start, and no matter how nervous you are, you’re grateful for it.
High school wasn’t terrible, but it definitely wasn’t what you expected it to be. Going into it, you obviously knew that it would be nothing like how the movies depicted, but you were excited. How bad could those four years really be if you had your best friend right by your side? He was incredible. He understood you better than anybody else, would be able to tell how you were feeling without the exchange of words, but most of all, he was your person, and you were his.
There was no doubting that in all your years of friendship.
But alas, like all good things in life, they must come to an end.
The summer going into the twelfth grade, he was longer your best friend. The boy that would go to the farmers market with you and your mom every other Sunday was now lining up for the newest sneaker drop. The boy that would rather spend the night at home and binge-watch your shared comfort show for the seventh time is now out with the boys sneaking into shisha bars and doing donuts in the community centre parking lots with their new cars. You watched as he slowly forgot about you, getting caught up in his new friendships and obsessing over material items that he never cared about before. It’s not that you were upset he found new friends. It’s that the only time he would reach out was to randomly drop off something he had bought you in hopes it would make up for him blowing you off again.
They started small, simple sweaters he knew you would like, but the gifts became almost ridiculous as time passed. He would never let you return them either, so now you have designer shoes for imaginary banquets. Of course, you were always grateful, but you would trade all his gifts just to spend time with him again. His family has always been wealthy, they always went on lavish vacations and drove the nicest cars, but you never really cared about what he spends his money on or just how much his parents make. You cared that he saw you as a person he wanted to be with rather than just someone he could shove gifts towards to make up for the quality time he’d miss.
But now you’re here. You were arriving three hours before the suggested move-in time because you didn’t want to be rushed to unpack before orientation starts later. You’ve seen a few people walking around on your floor, but neither of your neighbours have arrived, and honestly, you don’t mind because that means you’re able to blast your music without worry. As The 1975 fills your room, you stand still for a second, really taking in where you are. You’re now attending one of the best schools in the country, living on your own with a floor of people you don’t know yet. It starts to sink in that you are starting anew. The people who end up in the rooms next to you might just end up being your lifelong friends. As the song comes to an end, you decide it’s time to try to make yourself look a little more presentable since it’s almost time for people to start rolling in.
It’s almost five in the afternoon, and everyone on your floor is meeting outside on the field for a quick introduction before group dinner. You’re sitting with your knees pressed to your chest as the girl next to you tries to make small talk. To be fair, she’s incredibly sweet, but you can’t focus on her because somewhere behind you, there is a voice you think you recognize. There’s no way he would be here. Sure, you have no idea what school he ended up choosing, but if he ended up here, he would’ve at least texted you. Right? Before you can confirm your suspicions, orientation starts, and your group leader is already talking with more energy than you can handle.
The group of guys settle down close by, and you can’t stop yourself from looking over, wondering if you’ll see the head of brown curls. Instead, you’re met with a bunch of frat boy looking wannabes that instantly make your eyes roll. To say you’re disappointed that you didn’t see him was so stupid. It’s been over a year, yet here you were, hoping to magically bump into him as if this was some cliche movie. If anything, it’s frustrating. It’s frustrating that even though he stopped caring for you, you still longed to see him, to hear him laugh at one of your cheesy jokes. It’s even more frustrating that this new start you’ve been looking forward to, makes you miss him even more.
There are only sixteen people on your floor, but introductions take a lifetime because someone didn’t come on time. When they finally do show up, you almost laugh at this whole situation because, of course, it was him. Of course, he was strutting down the courtyard in some brand new Gucci sneakers and the same Balenciaga sweater he had bought for you a few months ago. Of course, the annoying group of boys behind you gesture for him as he quickly apologizes to the group leaders. And, of course, when you make eye contact, he’s the one looking at you with a mixture of shock and annoyance.
Quickly rushing back to your room after the meeting, you decide you’re ordering in tonight so that you don’t have to see him for at least another day. This is all so fucked up. You wrack your brain trying to understand how probable this whole situation is because, frankly, it feels like a sick joke, and on top of it, he’s the one annoyed?
Naturally, you spend the rest of the night unpacking the rest of your things before ordering your comfort food to wash down all the feelings you’re experiencing. Putting on your favourite show, you begin your tenth rerun as you bury yourself in your blankets. Part of you feels so stupid for completely ignoring your initial dinner plans, but you knew with the mindset you had at the moment, there was no way you would have enjoyed yourself. It’s a bit silly you haven’t left your room since picking up your takeout, you don’t even know who lives beside you, but that’s a problem for tomorrow.
Slipping into your slides, you head towards the washroom with your little toiletry bag. You pass by the girl you were sitting with earlier, and she sends you a smile. After apologizing for disappearing all night she just laughs and assures you nothing happened. She even points out where her room is if you were up to hang out tomorrow during frosh activities.
Just this interaction makes you feel better, and you quietly hum along to the familiar tune coming from the shower stall.
He used to play this song all the time, claiming it spoke to him the first time he heard it. Since then, it became the song he would play anytime he’d come to pick you up, explaining how this song is special because the ending always reminded him of you. It didn’t matter how long it’s been since the two of you hung out. Every time you heard ‘Pluto Projector,’ it would always bring a smile to your face. You even tried to show the song to your ex-boyfriend, but he never paid attention to your suggestions. He always claimed that his music taste was better. Thankfully that relationship only lasted a couple of months, but still, the regret of not waiting for someone worthy lingers in your mind.
While applying your moisturizer, you hear the water shut, the person pausing the song right as the orchestra starts to come in. Worried about who you may run into, you quickly pack up your stuff. You hear the click of the lock, and as you turn around, you’re met with him, with his curly hair all damp and his obnoxious teal blue robe wrapped loosely around his waist.
Rushing past him, you briskly walk towards your room, but before you can close the door, his foot jams between the doorframe. He pushes his way in and quietly closes the door, only to be met with the unimpressed look on your face. He circles around your room, eyes searching for any trace of your past friendship before standing back at the door.
“What do you want, Matsukawa?” you ask impatiently. It’s bad enough you run into the one person you wanted to forget, but now he’s standing in your room with a matching frown.
Something indescribable flashes across his eyes, and you can visibly see his frown deepen at your question. Leaning against your door, his arms come up to rub over his face, peeking at you through his fingers before letting out a long sigh. “When did I become Matsukawa? I thought I was Issei.”
You can’t help the chuckle that escapes your lips, and you realize how childish your grudge might be, but he has changed, and the man standing in front of you isn’t the same man you once called your best friend. “When you changed, Matsukawa. Issei was my best friend, and YOU are not.”
His eyes filled with confusion as his eyebrows furrow, taking a step forward towards you. “I’m sorry? I tried to stay in touch with you. You’re the one that stopped talking to me, so I’d try to send you things instead. How was I the one who changed?”
You stand there, staring at him for a second before shaking your head. “I can’t do this right now; I want to have a good day tomorrow, so I need to go to sleep. Please, leave my room.”
His eyes soften a little, and you can see a faint glimpse of his infamous lazy smile, “We both know you’re not going to be sleeping anytime soon,” he stalks over and kicks his slides off before sitting at the end of your bed. “Let’s talk about this because, frankly, I’m tired of watching you decide if you hate me every time you see me.”
The nerve of this man. The fact that he invites himself into your room, declares his stay, and then sits on your bed without permission. You don’t even know if he’s wearing anything under that robe as his hair is literally dripping onto your comforter. Regardless of what the situation is, this action alone has you seething. Turning towards your desk chair, you harshly pull out the slightly imbalanced piece of wood and sit down, silently questioning why he isn’t the one on the chair.
He watches you stomp around, and he kinda chuckles at your little tantrum, missing how easy it was to rile you up. Your glare at him would be a little scary if he didn’t see the way your lips mumbled to yourself. It’s honestly a little cute to watch you all frustrated with him even though he saw one of the shoes he bought you in your closet. Sure, they look brand new, but the fact that you brought them here with you must mean something.
The year you two spent apart has been really stressful on Matsukawa. He thought that you’d be happy that he could give you everything you wanted. He knew he wasn’t spending as much time with you as he used to, but he thought the gifts he spent hours lining up for would make up for it.
When you stopped returning his calls and texts, he was crushed. Everyone could see how he felt about you, but then he watched you get close to another man. Within two weeks, you were dating him, and he was left watching from a distance. Neither of you ever confirmed your feelings for each other, but he could tell that man wasn’t making you happy. He didn’t understand your different facial expressions, he didn’t care about what you had to say, but all he could do was watch the girl he wanted from the sidelines.
Sure, as time went on, Matsukawa also started talking to other girls. None of them ever became his girlfriend, he didn’t think it was fair to get with someone when he was set on you, but he had his fair share of hookups. He has money, a shit ton of it, but he never let that get to his head. It wasn’t his fault that he gained popularity when he started to get into name brands and upgraded his car, but none of that ever changed who he was — at least not to the degree you had him pinned.
He watches you carefully, your leg bouncing impatiently as your eyes glare daggers in his direction. He runs his hand through his hair and lets out a sigh, “what did I do wrong? You didn’t even give me a chance to fix whatever I did (y/n).”
The lamp in the corner of your room shines a dim yellow hue onto his features. His brows are knitted in concern as he leans forwards on his knees, his robe showing off a deep v down his chest. You can feel yourself freeze up at his question, goosebumps covering your skin, while your eyes pour into his. “You changed Matsukawa. You stopped making an effort to be there. I’m not some girl you can just buy with all your money. I have never cared about how much you have or what you can afford -- you know that! It doesn’t matter what. I always split things with you because I never wanted you to feel like I was there for your money. But then suddenly, you just stop showing up. You wouldn’t even tell me you made other plans, and I would just open my door to find some package you dropped off.”
His eyes search your face before letting out a deep sigh. “I tried! You wouldn’t answer any of my calls, I know I stopped explaining myself, but can you blame me? Don’t you think I want to take you around and introduce you to all my friends? Don’t you think I miss going on late-night drives with you to 7-11? Every time I would drive past there, you’re all I thought about. You and your stupid obsession with cheese taquitos and Arizona tea. Did you even think about how I felt when you decided to act like I don’t exist?” He hastily stands up and paces around in the confined space of your dorm room. He never raises his voice, so hearing him talk at a slightly louder volume was enough to let you know he was dead serious. “You know, I never stopped talking highly about you because as selfish as it is, those boys have an important family. They have the connections you dream about (y/n), so even when you started to ignore me to go out with that fucking ex-boyfriend of yours, I never said anything.”
He looks at you with pleading eyes before going to sit back down, his elbows now resting against his thighs. “I know you don’t care about my money, but I didn’t know how else to tell you I was still thinking about you. I tried to get you things that you’d like, things that you’d wear. But no, I had to watch you put on a fake smile and laugh at that asshole’s jokes while you stubbornly ignored me to the point I thought you had me blocked.”
Looking up at you through his curls, his hooded eyes looked darker before. His lips curled into a forced smile as he let out a breathy chuckle, “he didn’t deserve you. But what do I know, right?”
You sat there quietly, taking in what he had just said. You didn’t realize how hurt he was. To be frank, up till now, you were so consumed by your feelings, and you failed to consider his own. His head is hanging between his hands, and the silence in your room right now is insufferable. He’s just explained himself, yet all you can do is scoff at yourself. While you were obsessing over the fact that Matsukawa wasn’t coming over to watch another rerun of your favourite show, he was out picking out different gifts he thought you’d like. You didn’t even open the last few because your own emotions so blinded you. Hearing him take a deep breath, he stands up and smiles sadly at you, “nice talk, (y/n). Thanks for listening.”
“I’m sorry, Issei.”
He lifts his head to meet your gaze, and you can visibly watch as his shoulders relax. It’s been too long since he’s heard you call him by his first name.
“I’m sorry too. I should’ve just gotten out of the car to talk to you.”
You look at him with a small smile. Walking towards your bed, you sit down and pat the spot beside you, pulling him in for a hug. His robe is probably the softest thing you’ve ever felt in your life, your fingers sinking into the fabric as you hold him close. His arms are immediately wrapping around you, and you both stay like that for a minute before you pull back, a faint blush blooming on your cheeks.
“No, you have nothing to apologize for. You tried reaching out to me, you tried explaining yourself, but I didn’t even give you a chance. I’m sorry. I can’t believe I was so caught up I didn’t even think about what you were feeling. The fact that you still wanted to introduce me to your friends, even after all the stuff I did to you….I’m so sorry, Issei.”
He gives you a playful smile and lightly nudges your shoulder with his, “yea, that was kinda unfair, but good thing we talked it out, huh?”
You flash him a sheepish smile, but your eyes glimmer with happiness, “yea, it’s good you barged into my room at two in the morning. Just like old times.”
His smile instantly grows at your playfulness, and he gives you a mock scoff. “I’m sorry, but if I remember correctly, you’d beg for me to stay over at two am cause you decided you wanted to watch a scary movie. Have you gotten better with horror movies this year, or are you still as jumpy as I remember?”
The tip of your ears growing warm while you mutter out a quick “shut up.”
His laughter makes your heart beat against your chest because you missed it so much. It’s been a while since you got to hear him laugh with you, and without even thinking, you go in for another hug.
His arms easily hold you close, and one of his massive hands reaches up to pet your hair. “Missed me, didn’t you?” he asks, and you can feel him smirking, so you just nod, your fingers playing with the damp, short curls at the base of his nape.
“Issei?” you ask with a little murmur against his neck.
You smile to yourself and pull back a little, so you can see his face, “so other than hanging out with your friends and keeping up with my relationship, what else have you been doing?”
His face drops as he looks at you with a deadpan stare, the corners of his mouth twitching up in a smile as you giggle at his reaction. He pushes you back, so you end up falling onto your mattress, his long limbs effortlessly straddling your legs. Before you can think about the position you’re in, his fingers start to poke all-around your torso, causing you both to laugh as he starts to tickle you. “You think you’re funny, huh?” His hands go to tickle your worst spot as he starts to talk, but you can’t hear him over your own laughter. His fingers slow down, but you keep giggling when you’re met with his lazy smirk, “I’m trying to talk, you know. It’s rude you’re laughing when I’m trying to speak to you.”
He leans forwards and has both hands resting at the side of your head. Your faces now inches apart, the faint smell of sandalwood from his body wash now becoming more apparent. You stare into his brown eyes, and it almost feels as if everything stopped for a few seconds. The lamp in your room doesn’t do him justice as the shadows of his face wash over his features, but even then, his eyes stare back at you with a slight twinkle as you catch your breath.
Reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck and you tug him close, crashing his lips onto yours. The sweet hints from his beloved Burt’s bee’s lip balm make his lips even softer than you imagined. The kiss is short, but as you both pull away, he’s staring at you with a goofy smile.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that, (y/n).”
“Me too, Issei,” you whisper back before his lips capture yours again, this time with more confidence. This kiss is much more passionate than the last, holding onto each other in hopes of deepening it. One of his hands travels down to grab your waist, his tongue sweeping across your bottom lip, asking for permission. Your lips part and your tongues swirl together effortlessly while your hands play with his hair, pulling him closer into your body.
His hand feels a little rougher than before against your bare skin because of how often he trains, running down the length of your leg. The light touch of his fingertips admires how smooth your skin is before they trail back up, stopping just before the edge of your pyjama shorts. Hooking your leg around his hip, he leans into your body even further and even nips at your bottom lip.
Matsukawa smirks and whispers against your lips, “did he ever kiss you like that?”
Slightly surprised at the question, you shake your head, answering honestly. “He never made me feel the way you do.”
You watch as his eyes dilate, flickering into a deep brown you’ve never seen on him. The hand that was previously on your leg is now cupping your cheek, stroking your face softly, while his own face blooms into a rare shade of pink. Still, his words are clear, “please...give me a chance? He never treated you right. Let me take care of you?”
Words can’t describe how his question made you feel. You spent years learning about Matsukawa, understanding him to the point where words weren’t necessary to see what was happening in his head. Not once did you think he reciprocated your feelings, let alone want to be with you. Yet, here you are, caged beneath his arms as his hopeful eyes pour into yours.
Turning your head slightly, you press a kiss onto his hand and smile. “Please?”
His face breaks into a smile. His cheeks are tinted rose as the corners of his mouth reach up to his eyes. Leaning down, he peppers kisses onto your face, the loose curls on his head tickling your cheeks as he giggles with you. The kisses trail down to your jaw, and he follows the natural curve of your jawline to your ear. “Is this okay?” he whispers softly, only continuing down this path when you give him a curt nod.
Your legs tighten around his waist when he begins to press open mouth kisses down your neck, gently nipping at the spots that make you let out shy little sounds. His tongue leaves kitten licks against your skin after he’s sucked on it, littering faint marks. Seeing you with light hickeys on the base of your neck and collarbones is completely self-indulgent for him. Thinking about waking up in the morning and seeing the marks he knows he gave you makes him inexplicably happy as he sucks particularly hard, causing you to wince.
Immediately he stops and turns to you, “I’m sorry, did I hurt you? D’you wanna stop?”
His concern for you is truly a breath of fresh air compared to what you had before. Shaking your head, you guide his hands to the edge of your sweater. “You bought this for me… it’s only fair I let you take it off.”
He studies your face for a second before his lips curl into a lazy smirk, quickly pulling the overpriced sweater off your body. He takes a sharp inhale when you reveal you aren’t wearing anything underneath as he’s met with your beautiful tits, nipples hard and pointed. “You let me in here knowing you weren’t wearing a bra? And here I thought you were a good girl.”
Noticing how your legs tighten around him, he smirks even wider. Leaning back down, his kisses trail down to your chest, and his lips feel soft and warm against your skin. His fingers take hold of your chin and force you to look down on him while his lips wrap around your nipple, the tip of his tongue flicking gently at the hardened bud. His hand palms against the fatty flesh of your other tit; his fingers are rolling your nipple before tugging on it experimentally.
Suddenly feeling shy, your arms come up to cover your face slightly just to have him lace his fingers with yours, pulling your arms away. “Don’t hide from me. Let me see how pretty you look. Let me hear how good I make you feel, okay?”
“I’ve never had someone play with my tits like this…”
He just stares at you, brows knitted as his smirk turns into a slight pout. “You’re with me now; that means every part of your body will be pleasured. I wanna hear and see all of you, okay?”
With a shy nod, you gently roll your hips against him, inviting more of his attention.
He kisses you once more, murmuring against your lips, “you’re so beautiful. Let me know if I’m going too fast, okay?”
His lips follow down your body once more, lightly biting your tit before using the flat part of his tongue to feel the valley between your chest. Matsukawa lets out a low moan as you arch upwards, pushing yourself closer to his touches. Letting go of your hands, he begins to massage the soft flesh of your tits and kiss down your stomach, the tip of his tongue trailing against the waistband of your shorts.
“Let me hear you ask for it; I don’t wanna do something you don’t want.”
“Isseiiii, please?” you whine out, the tip of your ears turning hot at the thought of asking for his tongue.
He smirks at you, looking up through his hooded eyes and tsks. “Be a good girl for me. Use your words.”
His words go straight to your pussy, and you can’t help the doe eyes look in your eyes when you whimper out, “please, Issei? Wanna feel your mouth on me.”
You watch as he takes in a sharp breath, the hunger in his eyes shining through despite the dim lighting in your room. He tugs at the end of your shorts until they’re completely off, repositioning himself lower until your legs are resting around his biceps. His eyes zone in on the way a sheer layer of slick coats your lips, happy that the attention he’s been giving you has pleased you. As he shimmies down on your bed, his legs now supporting himself on the floor, he nestles himself between your legs, easily spreading your things open with his arms. Sending you a knowing smile, he blows cool air directly onto your clit, loving how your walls flutter for him.
“You’re so sensitive, baby.”
“No one’s ever made me feel like this before...want more, please?”
You look down at him with pleading eyes, your hands cupping his face when you speak. Pressing a quick peck to your hand, he hips his head down and traces your pussy lips with his tongue, savouring how you taste.
The gasp that you let out once you felt his touch was adorable. It suddenly became the sound Matsukawa will chase after the more he gets to know your body and what it likes. He takes one long lap up your pussy, stopping just before your clit and using his fingers, he spreads your lips even more. Once your clit is all exposed, he flicks it gently with the tip of his tongue, looking up at you with all the confidence in the world. Hearing your little moans make him greedy for more, for more desperate and needy sounds, so he goes to press a kiss onto your bundle of nerves. Feeling you twitch beneath him, he gently places his lips around the sensitive bud and sucks earnestly, relishing in the way you buck your hips and call out his name. After a while of pure clitoral stimulation, he leans back up to watch your eyes blink back into focus on his face, a silly dazed smile on your face.
He winks at you and sticks his tongue into your drooling hole, swirling it around to feel the walls of your pussy clench around him. His fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs as he nuzzles his nose against your clit, his cock getting unbearably hard at the way you pant our pleas.
“I-issei! Please….need you inside, please!”
Coming back up for air, his hand leaves your thigh as his fingers start to tease around your hole, loving how your pussy clenches around nothing. So needy for his touches when he’s barely even started. He knows your orgasm was building, but he wants to take his time with you. You mean the world to him, and seeing you like this already makes him feel like the luckiest man at the moment.
Taking two of his fingers, he coats them in all your slick before slowly pushing them inside you. His eyes squeeze shut when he feels how tight you are, his mind immediately thinking about how you’d feel wrapped around his cock. When he’s finally inside, he pulls out slowly before sliding them back in, loving how you beg for more.
“Need more, please, Issei! Go faster, please.”
Your hands pull his head up to kiss you while his fingers begin to speed up. With the lewd sound of his hand slapping against your sopping wet pussy, his palm is applying pressure to your clit. Your moans are lost in your kisses, his other hand going back to playing with your sensitive nipple.
“I have to stretch you out, babygirl. I don’t want my cock to hurt you.”
All you’re able to do is nod as his fingers start to scissor your hole, stretching you out even more. His fingers, now knuckle deep, curl against your sweet spot, making you grip onto his hair as he swallows all your cries, suddenly remembering that the walls in this dorm probably aren’t that thick.
His fingers curl into you more, whispering sweet praises as his hand teases and tugs on your swollen nipple. Everything happened so quick, and you’re cumming all over his hand, your sweet sticky arousal covering his fingers as he slows down. Matsukawa is smiling down at you, “you did so well, baby. Bet that felt really good, huh?”
Maybe you’re needy or just horny, but even after your orgasm, you start tugging the tie that keeps his robe up. Your legs are sore, sorer than they’ve ever been, but all you can think about is how full you would feel with him inside of you. He smirks at you as he pops his fingers into his mouth, sucking off all your juices before letting his robe fall and chucking it to the ground. He’s wearing his briefs, but you can see how hard his cock is under the thin cotton material. Before you’re able to pull his underwear down, he stops you and lets out a small chuckle. “I’m sorry, I don’t have a condom. We don’t have to do anything.”
You giggle and shake your head, “don’t need one; we’re in university, baby. What’s a little fun without risks?”
He lets you pull his underwear down, and his massive throbbing cock instantly slaps against his stomach as he laughs at your reaction. “Had to make sure you were stretched out enough.”
You bite your lips and stare at how big his cock actually is. It’s hard to imagine how you’ll fit that inside of you, but you’re determined to give it a try.
“You ready, pretty girl?” he asks as he taps the tip of cock against your clit, loving how you squirm under him.
“mmhmm, Issei.”
He lets go of his cock and leans up, and pulls you into a deep kiss, completely in awe of you.
“Tell me if you wanna stop, kay?”
Replying with a small hum, he gathers up the remaining slick that’s leaking out of your pussy and strokes his cock slowly, also letting his spit drip down to help lubricate himself. He lines himself up with your pretty pussy and starts to push the head in, studying your face to make sure you’re doing alright. When he sees you smiling back at him, despite the grip you have on his arms, he pushes another two inches inside of you.
“You’re doing so good for me, baby. We’re almost halfway,” he whispers into your ear as he kisses your neck softly, sucking on the spot by the base of your lobe. “Such a good girl for me,” he coaxes as his cock slides another inch into your sweet cunt.
Incredibly, he’s only halfway down because you’ve never felt this full before. Still, your fingers dig into his arms when you ask for more. “Just want all of you in me, please?”
Hearing you ask for more even though you already looked fucked out sparks something inside him. He lets out a low growl and quickly pushes the rest of his length inside you, mumbling sweet nothings against your skin. He moans out with you when he feels how warm and tight you are, your pussy stretching more than it ever has to accommodate his size.
“Feel s’good, Issei.”
With a breathy chuckle, he peppers kisses all over your neck, loving the sound of your soft giggles as he pulls back three-quarters of the way, slowly pushing his way back into you. The gasp you let out is different than before, much more surprised but sensual.
He continues this motion a few more times before he picks up the pace, his hips slamming against you while your tits bounce. Each thrust knocks the air out of your chest cause he’s brushing against your spot every time. Matsukawa leans down and presses his forehead against the crook of your neck, muttering how good you feel.
“F-faster...need you faster, is’o good, please.”
Obliging to your pleas, he starts to rut his hips into yours, the sound of his balls slapping against your skin with each movement. He looks up to see your dreamy eyes and smiles. He knows there’s not a thought behind those eyes right now as his cock slams against your walls with each thrust. He goes to kiss you again, silencing your cries as your nails drag down his arms, trying to ground yourself in the midst of all the pleasure.
“You’re s-tight baby I- fuuuuuck, I can barely move.”
You can’t help it. Your walls are naturally squeezing him because he’s fucking straight into your sweet spot with each snap of his hips. You look at him with hazy eyes, entirely in a trance as you moan out his name. He can tell you want to cum, so his hand reaches down to rub your clit as his cock continues to pound into you.
“C’mon baby, cum all over my cock. You can do it...ah shit, yea, just like that.”
He’s been trying so hard not to cum but watching your back arch into him as your nails drab down his back, his name falling out from your lips in a loud erotic moan, is making it really hard. He looks down in surprise when he sees a creamy white rim around his cock, proud of himself for making you cream.
“Good girl...that’s my fuckin girl.”
Satisfied he made you finish, his head falls back onto your shoulder, his hips just rutting into you as he chases his own orgasm. Not even a minute later, he’s calling out for you as he quickly pulls out, cumming all over your tits. His chest heaves along with yours, his hair sticking to his forehead slightly as he empties his load all over your chest.
Once you’ve both calmed down a little bit, he smiles down at you and goes to stroke your cheek. “Had you creaming on my cock, was it fun? Did you have a good time?”
“S’good...thank you, baby,” you say before pulling him down for a kiss.
He gets up and reaches for his robe, “you did so good, took me like a champ heh. I’ll be back with a rag to clean you up, okay? Don’t move.”
As he leaves your room, you stare up at the ceiling and let out a laugh. Not even twelve hours ago, you were cursing the fact that he was here with you, and now you have his cum all over your tiddies as he goes to get stuff to clean you up.
You watch as he comes back into your room, fully changed with a rag in his hand. He kneels beside you and pets your hair as he starts to wipe his mess.
“Why’re you changed?”
“Oh! We’re going to 7-11 once I get you cleaned up.”
“.....it’s like three-thirty in the morning.”
“I’ll get you taquitos and Arizona,” he says as he goes to wipe around your pussy, mindful not to put too much pressure cause you’re still sensitive.
“And skittles?”
He snorts and kisses your shaking thigh, “yea, I’ll get you skittles, brat.”
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© tetsunormous 2021
taglist: @plutowrites @armins-futon @arte-misa @strawbari21 @matsusimp @bokutomessy @mentaly-ill @arumiee @kvrooschibichan lmk if you want to be added to my tag list
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
Steamy Nights
Shouta Aizawa steaminess + suggestive language
Please note that y/n is obviously of age in this one
wc: 2.4k
Tell me why I got 🦋 when writing this loll. This man is fineee
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Stretched out on Aizawa’s couch, you were waiting for him to get home after another long day of teaching. A little while ago he’d given you a key to his place, which was a big surprise since he values his privacy so much. Since you hadn’t been able to see him for a few days, you figured tonight would be the perfect time to use it. Work was really taxing on him lately and you knew he was stressed. Probably over stressed. To make the most of the night, you decided to set the atmosphere.
The apartment already had Shouta’s personality all over it. Lots of dark furniture and wood. Absolutely no harsh lighting, just a few dim lamps. His walls were scattered with some paintings he’d bought on your art show dates together. Old books and blankets everywhere. His sweet cat usually curled up in her corner.
He had a drawer full of scented candles. Your favorite was the cinnamon one but he claims it’s too sweet for him. Although you highly doubted he’d even notice the difference, he just holds random stubborn opinions sometimes without any good reason behind it. Just wanting things to complain about. Most people found his pessimistic grumpy attitude unattractive but...he’s just moody. An exterior shell. Inside was was soft and sweet.
You’d just finished lighting a few of the cinnamon candles and putting on some of his favorite music in the background when you heard the door click open.
He’s always so light on his feet. Sometimes if you weren’t paying close attention he’d come in and scare the life out of you on accident.
You rounded the corner, excited to see him.
“Hey Eraserhead.”
You always called him by is pro name when he’s in his hero costume. People usually assumed it was out of respect or privacy but he knew the real reason. You were teasing him. You disliked his hero name and his hero outfit. Recalling the day Present Mic convinced him to use it, you’d pestered him relentlessly to put more effort into it. Insisting he’d regret it one day. He said he didn’t care...but now look at him.
“Please y/n, when are you going to stop calling me that?” He said rubbing his eyes. He was low energy as usual.
“After you change it.”
“I can’t change it.”
“Exactly.” You whispered smugly.
He sighed. No matter how many times you had this conversation you would always win. Rightfully but he wouldn’t admit it.
You drifted over to greet him properly. Brushing the hair out of his eyes and placing a sweet lingering kiss on his cheek.
And as for his boring, baggy costume...you understood it’s purpose. He wore it to stand out less, aiding in his fight style. But it was still a pain since you couldn’t properly hug him in it. The capture weapon was always in your face and you could hardly feel his body through the layers.
His modest attire duped most people. Making his tastefully well built body underneath a best kept secret. Which you supposed was an upside. Only you (and Present Mic for some reason) had ever really gotten to see him shirtless.
“I’m going to change.” He said kissing your forehead. He knew exactly what you were thinking.
He reemerged from his room a few minutes later. Wearing a droopy black shirt and sweatpants that were loose around his hips. You could see the dipped lines of his V. Just north was his lightly defined six pack. And just south was unfortunately concealed under black briefs and his untied waistband...
He caught you staring.
Feeling red and exposed you quickly redirected your attention to something else. “So are you hungry babe? I could make something?”
He declined.
“Okay...what about grading assignments. Do you want help to make it go faster?”
Declined again. Apparently he worked straight through lunch to finish that already.
You were beginning to feel useless. You’re supposed to be making him de-stress but it’s like he was so self-sufficient there was no room for you.
You sat next to him on the couch, his arm wrapped around you. You brushed some hair behind his ear. His long dark hair was always messy from his constant naps. Plus, you constantly running your fingers in it doesn’t help that situation. He was quiet. Massaging his temples. You could see the tension on his face. It made your heart twinge with pain. Just then you noticed his ear fully. He had at least six piercings on this one but he wasn’t wearing any of his earrings. Usually he’d put them on when he wasn’t at work but he didn’t tonight. And you knew exactly why.
“Babe. I have an idea.”
“And what’s that?” He played along.
He would take them out when he secretly wanted one of your amazing head massages. You always focus on his ears and temples just like he liked so he’d left out his earrings hoping you’d get the hint. This man could never just ask for something in his life. Luckily you could read him like a book.
“Come on.” You purred. Pulling him with both hands off the couch. He complied wearily.
Aizawa didn’t spend much of the money he made from pro hero work on lavish things. The only times he splurged was to buy you nice gifts. However, you did convince him to purchase one nice thing for himself. You knew he wanted it anyways but was just too stubborn to actually buy it.
A jacuzzi tub. He loves hot baths after a day of dealing with his “problem children” students. It was the only thing that could get his muscles to relax. And the moisture from the steam felt nice on his eyes.
Making sure to bring a candle and the speaker with, you lured him into the bathroom.
“Want to take a bath with me?” You asked sweetly.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” A tiny smile spread on his lips. You were too irresistible to deny.
“Okay you run it and I’ll go get the wine.” You sang excitedly. “But don’t make it so hot. You almost burnt my skin off last time.”
“It felt normal to me.” He said casually.
“Yea because you’re a psychopath.” You quipped before springing to the kitchen.
You guys had two types of favorite wine. One was for your long deep discussions about art and literature. Or when asks for your advice on dealing with his students because he knows he’d just lose his temper and expel them without your ideas. And the other, the pricier and far more potent one, was saved for special moments. Just like these. You poured your glass full, of course, but you filled his to the tippy top. Not only did he need it, but Lord knows tipsy Aizawa was sexy.
When you returned, he was crouched over testing the water temperature. His face gently lit from the soft glow of the candle in the dark room.
“I made sure to cool it off. No psychopaths here.” He teased trying to sound bored. But his voice was noticeably happier than when he’d arrived.
You instructed him to take a few sips of wine, desperate to get that show rolling.
“I know what you’re doing.” He said with an amused little smile. He swapped the cups in your hands so you now claimed the full one.
“Good. So then you should know exactly how to play along.” You said as you switched the glasses back with a wink.
He sighed in defeat. But that rare smile was still adorning his cheeks. He took a few y/n-approved size drinks.
His hair was falling into his eyes again. You set your glass down on the tub edge and pulled him into you. He wrapped his arms around your waist while you pushed his hair back and secured it in a clip.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight.” He said softly.
“I know. Now that I have a key I wanted to come bother you a bit.”
His eyebrow raised at the word bother.
You panicked slightly. Hoping he wasn’t actually bothered that you’d come uninvited.
“That does sound like you.” He said as he kissed your nose. “I hope you do it more often.”
Your heart spasmed.
“Really? You do?” Your insecurities ears’ perked up.
“Why wouldn’t I want that?” He said in his deep sleepy voice.
A happy little smile broke its way through. You could only shrug in response.
You slipped your hands under his shirt and pulled it up slowly. Dragging your knuckles along the dips and bumps of his abs as you went. Gently you pulled it over his head. He helped by raising his arms which just made the rest of his muscles flex. Your heart started beating a little faster. No matter how many times you saw him he always made you flustered.
Your eyes were glued on him. His tattoos were now completely visible. Another best kept secret. They trailed around his shoulder, back and half his chest. You placed some honeyed kisses on his collar bones as you pulled down his sweatpants and briefs to leave him fully undressed. He was mouthwatering type sexy. The candlelight was highlighting all his high points in the best possible way. The music was perfectly complimenting your emotions and the sleepy eyes staring at you so lovingly were severely compromising your thought process. There were a lot of things you wanted to do with him suddenly but you focused your eyes on the goal here. A relaxing, hot bath.
Bath bath bath.
Reluctantly containing yourself you pried his hands off your waist and nudged him towards the water.
“Okay okay, go on.”
“You’re coming too right?” He said as he grazed your bottom lip with his thumb.
You nodded, butterflies erupting in your tummy.
He laid down in the water and took some more large swigs of wine. His glass was half empty before you’d even taken your first sip. He watched you undress with intent in his eyes, soaking in every curve and dip of you as well. He reached an arm out to you once you’d fully unclothed. He wanted his hands on you immediately.
But you had a goal here. Bath. Massage. Focus.
You slipped in behind him so that he laid between your legs. His broad shoulders nearly covered your whole body when he leaned back against you.
The tub was huge. Easily fit you both and could probably add another person.
“And now for my favorite part.” You announced as you switched the tub on its low setting. The rumbling under the water sending tiny vibrating waves around the whole tub.
Definitely worth spending his money.
Your hands rubbed every inch of him you could reach. His abs, the thick muscular sides of his waist, his biceps. You alternated between hugging his neck whispering cute things in his ear and massaging him.
Of course he was practically falling asleep as you spent time on his ears and temples. His head was heavy against your chest. It was so cute. You loved when he fell asleep on you.
But you knew he was keeping himself awake. He was rubbing your legs and the backs of your thighs. Squeezing and kneading them gently. Placing kisses on your arms and hands whenever he got the chance.
After about 20 minutes and one refresh of hot water, both your glasses were empty. He’d drank most of it since he’d downed the last few sips of yours too.
Wanting to see his handsome face again you shifted and positioned yourself to sit on his lap, thighs wrapped snuggly around his waist. After making sure you were fully comfortable, he leaned back against the tub and closed his eyes. He pulled you close and trailed circles with his fingertips up and down your back under the warm water. He loved the weight of you on him. You both exhaled a deep stress relieving breath.
The steam was working its magic, the rumbling of the jets felt so good massaging your legs. And his heart beat, you could feel it through his chest. It was slow and steady. Making you drowsy off him.
He noticed you were lost in thought, stroking his hair and tracing your fingers along the lines of his tattoo. He took advantage of this time to soak in all your features, watching you under drooping lashes. The flush of your cheeks, the delicate arrangement of your beauty marks. The far off expression on your face, he knew it well. He loved observing you when you were like this. You were beautiful.
“Relaxed yet?” You purred. Starting to tease him with soft kisses.
“Almost there.” He replied before catching you to deepen the kiss. Your soft skin and body heat was melting him away. He wanted more. Using both hands he pressed your back into it.
He savored your lips for a long while, becoming more and more passionate as the seconds ticked by and the wine hit his bloodstream.
You felt him shifting underneath you. Squirming slightly from the pressure that was building up. More butterflies. His hands clamped down around your hips.
“Okay your plan worked.” He smiled into your kiss. Eyes still closed.
“I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re referring to.”
He tapped his finger against the empty wine glasses.
You started sucking on the sensitive spot under his ear. You knew tipsy Shouta always got turned on by that.
His arms both constricted tightly around your waist. His hips were pressing up into you now with impatience.
“Let’s go to my room.” He concluded. You giggled, causing your lips to vibrate against his sweet spot. You heard the soft moan from deep in his throat.
He stood up keeping you wrapped tightly around him, carrying you with ease.
He half-heartedly patted you both down with a towel, his hand not losing contact with your ass for a second.
Before he could whisk you out of the bathroom you grabbed the speaker and candle again.
The scent wafted into the air around you.
“Mm that smells good.” He said distracted for only a moment before his lips gravitated to your body again.
“Oh really. So you do like it.” You said with the smuggest tone. “You’ll never guess what scent it is Shouta.”
He didn’t reply. Too distracted with kissing your shoulders.
“Cinnamon.” You said with as much sass and emphasis as you could muster.
He paused. Caught. How did you always get him like this?
He pulled back rolling his eyes with a smile. Nose to nose now, you pressed him further with a smirk.
He cocked an eyebrow at you. Looking directly in your eyes he said, “Mhm. Keep this same energy when I take you in there.”
And just like that he’d knocked down your resolve and your whole body started fluttering.
He carried you into his bed and you two “relaxed” for the rest of the night.
😳 the way I want to be y/n.
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gwynrielsupremacist · 3 years
Read at AO3
if you want to be tagged in my fics, please tell me! 😗💖
yeah, it's all smut, so if you don't like it, please don't read it and refrain from posting hurtful comments, thanks <3
Gwyn swallowed hard, noticing how the little alcohol she had drunk rose throughout her body, clouding her mind.
Was her crush… asking for a second round?
Obviously she knew the double meaning of that, but she couldn't even get the idea that Azriel wanted to have sex with her enter her head.
I mean, yeah, she knew she was kind of attractive, but he?
He was a fucking Greek god.
Emerie ended up going to Morrigan's house, according to her, because they had arranged to finish a project at Morrigan's Design College, although Gwyn guessed they weren't just going to do the design work. She had watched Emerie choosing a set of red lace underwear, one of Mor's favorite colors.
Insecurity entered her body when she remembered how boring the set of underwear she was wearing was.
Perhaps Azriel expected… something more seductive?
"Gwyn, he hasn't even seen you yet, don't freak out." She told herself, but it was of little use.
Right now she was cursing anyone who was listening to her mind for choosing such uninteresting underwear.
Cassian and Nesta went to his room, taking a bottle of tequila and another of vodka, smirking as they left the two alone in the living room.
They were alone.
Azriel and Gwyn were alone.
The crush that she had heavily flirted with less than 30 minutes ago.
She was going to pass out, she wasn't going to take much longer with that mood.
She had to do something, even if she later regretted it.
She couldn't die without having tasted the perfect lips of her instructor.
She looked at Azriel, her eyes slowly dropping from his face to his abs, being somewhat visible thanks to the white T-shirt he was wearing.
She felt waves of heat go down to her core when she saw the long bulge that squeezed the gray sweatpants.
Fuck, was that… thing going to fit inside her?
"Do you like what you see, Berdara?" He asked seductively, running a hand over his shirt, pressing it closer to his hot body.
She felt her mouth salivate the moment she saw the fucking show he had under that shirt.
Shows like this shouldn't not be hidden.
Obviously not.
Grinning lasciviously, she got up from the couch, her hips swaying as she walked over to where Azriel stood, gazing shamelessly over her body.
She knew that blouse easily showed much of her breasts, and she felt fucking good when his gaze fell on them, his eyes darkening with sexual desire to find everything she possessed underneath her clothes.
She stood in front of the boy who stood with his legs half open, looking at Gwyn with delight and sensuality.
He patted his shapely thighs while he looked at her, running his tongue across his lips, asking Gwyn to sit on them.
However, she had better plans.
She swung one leg up onto the couch, swinging so she wouldn't fall off there - it would be fucking embarrassing to fall in such a situation - and after feeling like she wasn't going to fall if she made that move, she flopped down on top of his crotch, both of them groaning as her core came into contact with his hardened member, furious for attention.
She suddenly lost track of time, there was nothing more important than the wonderful sensation of fullness in her pussy.
God, she hadn't even gotten into her, he was going to break her.
She linked her arms around his neck, caressing the fuzz located in the area.
Azriel grunted, laying his head on the back of the couch.
Gwyn purred in satisfaction when she saw that he left the surface of his throat and neck at her disposal.
She approached him, shyly kissing the area.
Her eyes rolled back as the perfume that had apparently been applied entered her nostrils.
Fuck, there was no way anyone could smell that fucking good.
She continued kissing, now with more effort when she saw that Azriel allowed himself to be done, sighing at the attention of her lips.
Smiling, she bit the base of his neck, licking it repeatedly, then nibbling it again.
Azriel's cock pulsed dangerously close to her clit, sending waves of pleasure all over her body.
She felt how the heat was settling in her stomach under her.
Fuck, was her orgasm building now?
The throbbing of her clit was fucking painful, she needed more friction.
She needed that man to give her the attention she deserved.
She began to sway slowly on his dick, slow and sensual movements, while she continued to pay attention to his neck, noticing how shivers ran down his body.
A lascivious smile decorated her lips painted with carmine, seeing how that man shuddered at her touch.
She began the movement of her hips again, combining it with small bounces on his lap, noticing that his erection pulsed and moved violently in his pants.
Azriel grabbed Gwyn's chin, forcing her to separate her lips from the surface of his neck.
"Do you like to see me like this?" He whispered, biting his lip as he gazed at the spot where their bodies nearly met. "You like to know that this fucking erection is for you, right?"
She couldn't think, she couldn't try to speak when that man talked dirty.
Fuck, she loved when men talked dirty.
It was so… exciting.
She nodded quickly, trying to restart the friction in both bodies, however Azriel's palm rested on her hip.
"Speak up, Berdara. You can use that wonderful little mouth you have to talk." He advised her, slapping her buttock hard.
She moaned loudly, dropping her head on his shoulder.
God, did he just... spank her?
He massaged the area, over the fabric that covered the skin, running his fingers over the sore area, then hitting it again.
"Yes! I love knowing that I am the one who provoke you that erection!" She screamed, burying her face into his neck as she waited for another spanking.
However, he stopped.
Gwyn pulled her face away from his neck, frowning as she expected more pounding.
Azriel held up a dark eyebrow, giving her a crooked smile as he rubbed her buttocks, patting them.
"Do you like to be spanked?" He whispered into her ear, gently hitting her on the backside.
"Y-Yes." She moaned as she felt Azriel's large hands on her body, touching her however he wanted.
He smiled seductively, but didn't comment on her fetish.
What he did was get up from the couch with a grunt, lifting Gwyn, who was quickly linking her heels on the small of his back, positioning herself well on his body.
She didn't want to fall, as well as she didn't want to part with that man.
Searching for his mouth, they stared until Gwyn decided it was enough.
She needed to get those lips, if only once in her life.
Therefore, she brought their lips together in an explosive way, their teeth and tongues colliding with each other, battling who entered deeper, who managed to dominate more part of the other's mouth.
Everything was so hot, she noticed how her nipples were eyeing the situation over her blouse.
They were a mass of mouths, teeth, bites, licks.
Gwyn didn't realize when they had started up the stairs, but the fact was that they had started up them.
She assumed they would go to Azriel's room, since Nesta and Cassian would be in their own room.
Anticipation boiled inside her body, moisture beginning to stain the thong she had put on.
Fuck, she needed that man so bad ...
She listened, as she felt Azriel biting hard on her lower lip, as a door opened, entering a room.
Separating to breathe some air, she analyzed where she was.
There was a fucking huge bed, where perfectly Gwyn could sleep with Emerie and Nesta and they wouldn't get to touch all night.
There were two bedside tables, with a table lamp and a white clock.
She couldn't watch much more, as Azriel pulled her gently into the center of the bed, bouncing slightly as she landed on it.
Azriel leaned back on top, careful not to put too much weight on Gwyn, as he kissed her wet, red lips effervescently, feeling the heat settle back on her belly, drowning out her moans as she groped Az's shirt, tucking her hands inside it.
Azriel pulled away, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as Gwyn continued to stroke whatever skin she could, delighted at the wonderful feel of his abs.
Gwyn began to smile, doing a maneuver that Azriel himself had taught her, grabbing his arm that was near her head and turning it.
Suddenly, Gwyn was the one on top, Azriel smiling at how perfectly his student had made the key.
Gwyn's features lit up with happiness as she saw how her instructor was proud of her.
Azriel put a hand on Gwyn's neck, lowering her head to begin kissing again, more slowly this time, savoring the alcohol and chocolate taste of the dessert they had had less than 20 minutes ago.
The kiss was slow, enjoying the sensation of both mouths in sync as their tongues began a lascivious dance from their mouths.
Azriel ran her hands up Gwyn's torso, massaging her toned belly, then lowered it to her thighs, squeezing masterfully.
His hand was inserted into her inner thighs, so close to where she really wanted him but so far at the same time.
She knew her thong was completely drenched from her fluids.
She supposed she should be embarrassed to react that way to him, but please, it was Azriel they were talking about, nothing was enough with him.
Parting both lips, Gwyn grabbed the hem of Azriel's shirt, pulling it over his arms to remove it.
She gasped as she watched the spectacle the man had under his shirt.
A row of perfectly built abs, well-structured pecs, and a V that disappeared into the elastic of the pants.
It made Gwyn's mouth water to think how well Azriel would be gifted in some other intimate parts.
To try to find out, as they devoutly kissed again, Gwyn gently laid her whitish hand over his dark pecs, squeezing softly..
She continued to descend, tracing random figures on his skin.
She smiled into the kiss as shivers ran down the guy's spine, deepening the kiss as he tightened his grip on her thighs.
She lowered her hand a little lower, until she felt the prominent bulge at his crotch, twitching under her hand, demanding immediate attention.
She had done orals on multiple occasions, although she much preferred that the oral be done to her.
However, she needed that cock to be in her mouth.
She needed it badly.
"Gwyn…" He growled through his teeth, guessing what she was thinking right now. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
She began to slide back, smiling challengingly until the bulge was very close to her lips, his pants soiled with precum.
"The problem is..." she began, while grabbing the hem of his pants. "I just need to have your dick in my mouth." She pulled down the fabric, his cock coming out of it.
Her throat went dry when she saw Azriel's member.
Fuck, seeing him hidden in his pants was one thing, but seeing him in reality was another thing completely.
It was dark, with veins on the shaft while his head was drenched with precum.
She locked her hand around the base, beginning to move up and down her hand, noticing how Azriel began to tremble dangerously.
"Fuck…" He growled, staring at Gwyn and then at his cock in her hand.
It was so big, even with her mouth and hands around it, she didn't cover the entire area.
She noticed how her clit trembled deliciously, causing her to massage his cock more quickly.
She wanted that wonderful dick inside her. She wasn't going to wait a single moment.
"It's not fair…" Azriel began, pointing to Gwyn's still-on clothes. "You can see me and please me, but I can't do the same."
She looked up at her body and realized it was true.
Her blouse was a little baggy at the bottom, but her pants were still in place.
Masterfully, she unzipped the zipper and unfastened the button that kept them closed, pulling them down until she gave them a shake, throwing them somewhere in the room.
Then she passed the blouse over her head, tossing it in the same direction as her pants.
She was only in her underwear.
She watched as his eyes roamed over her body, locating in the soaked thong, doing little to hide what she was feeling down there.
Having quickly undressed, she resumed her attention, as she massaged it with the palm, she began to lick the tip delicately, savoring the bitter taste of the precum.
Azriel grunted, one hand grasping Gwyn's scalf.
She relaxed her throat, assuming he wanted to fuck her throat, but he didn't do anything else, just let his fingers slip through her coppery hair.
But then she felt Azriel's other hand travel up her ass, grabbing the strap of her panties, pulling it away to give him easy access to her hot, soaked, throbbing slit.
"Please…" Gwyn moaned, wiggling her hips, trying to shove those long fingers she had always fantasized inside her.
"Please that?" He murmured, laying the strip on one buttock as his ring finger circled her slit. He tsked, muttering: "So wet…  are you always so wet for me, Berdara?"
She noticed how more moisture came out of her inside at those words.
But she didn't answer, and Azriel, apparently, wanted her to use that little mouth she had.
She lowered her mouth onto his cock, licking the shaft slowly, running her tongue over the throbbing veins, while Azriel played with her pussy lips, groping but never entering her.
"I asked you a question, Berdara. Answer." He ordered her, slapping her pussy with force.
She screamed out his name with pleasure, sure that her vibrations and voice had done wonders on his cock.
She wanted to see how much more she could tempt him.
The more she could provoke him.
Ignoring his command, she put his cock in her mouth again, sucking the tip while rising from it and lowering her hand with force, listening to the grunts of pleasure that he let out.
Smiling, she clicked her tongue at the tip, noting the wonderful taste of precum flooding her papillae.
She was close to coming.
But of course, Azriel didn't want to come in Gwyn's mouth.
The hand that was still taunting Gwyn's entrance finally inserted two fingers into her slit.
Gwyn moaned with his cock on her throat, noticing how it shuddered inside her mouth.
He was poking his fingers in and out of her quickly, at breakneck speed.
She closed her eyes tightly, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure.
With the hand that had previously been tending to Azriel's shaft, she lowered it to her clit, pinching and moving it from left to right, combining speeds to make her orgasm come faster. .
She needed it faster, it was not going to last much longer, the well of pleasure was increasing so fast and she would soon overflow.
But that seemed exactly what Azriel wanted to do, inserting one more finger inside her.
Not being able to breathe well, she pulled his cock out of her mouth, moaning loudly as she began to move her hips, looking where his fingers were thrusting in her, glistening with her arousal.
She felt so good. Those fingers were fucking thicker and longer than her own.
She needed it to go deeper.
She needed his cock inside her. Now.
She saw how his dick was twitching violently.
He didn't have much more left to orgasm.
So she slapped the hand that was playing with her pussy away, freeing up the space, and grabbed the shaft of his cock with one hand, lining up to finally unite both bodies.
However, Azriel grabbed Gwyn's arm quickly: "Condom."
She denied, explaining: "I'm taking the contraceptive pill. And I'm clean. If you are too, we don't have to do it with a condom."
Azriel nodded, confirming that he was clean, and moving his hips up, he lightly tucked the tip into her pussy.
They both groaned at the delicious sensation.
Azriel watched her closely, as he let Gwyn sit, taking his cock deeper, parting her inner walls with a point of pain.
She stopped, opening her mouth for air. It was so fucking big.
"Fuck. You're so tight." He whined, slowly comforting her waist, hoping that she would get used to his size.
However, she needed him now. Even if he broke her in two.
She needed to have him inside her.
So, taking a breath, she dropped completely on top of his cock, crying out loudly when he hit that spot that made her see stars.
Azriel growled, squeezing the flesh of her thighs as he dropped his head to the head of the bed, closing his eyes at the wonderful experience.
"Oh my God, you take me so damn well." He moaned as he watched the point where they connected, his cock disappearing into the folds of her pussy.
She waited about 10 seconds to get used to the fucking size.
It wasn't the first time she'd had sex, but none of her former lovers were as gifted as Azriel was.
She placed her hands on Az's pecs, lifting her hips slightly and then lowering them, getting used to the small thrusts.
Fuck, that felt so damn good.
"Gwyn, damn it, don't stop baby." He asked, lifting his pelvis, accompanying her thrusts, helping her to enter more inward.
The speed of the thrusts was increasing. The pain was still there, but it was almost imperceptible.  Now there was only the pleasure that Azriel provided her.
"You feel so fucking good…" He groaned, slapping one of her thighs hard.
She lifted a hand to her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples.
She needed more friction. She was so close to orgasm... She was so close...
"Az…" She moaned. Her legs were sore. She loved and hated riding her mistresses alike.
Understanding what was happening, he rested his hand on her belly, letting it fall until she was hunched over, her hands resting on his legs.
"Hold on." He warned him, grinning lewdly.
Then, he began to thrust like a soul carrying the devil.
Gwyn cried, screamed the name of her lover, moaning.
She knew it was impossible that Nesta and Cassian weren't listening, but she cared little.
The only thing that mattered was how fucking good it felt, Azriel's cock coming out of her and into her pussy with breakneck speed, spreading her fucking wide.
"Azriel!" She screamed when he reached that sweet spot, rolling her eyes up as waves of pleasure came down to her clit.
She lowered her gaze from her body, sweaty from work, to her clit and pussy.
Her clit was damn red, begging for immediate attention, as her slit slipped in and out of his cock, glistening with her fluids.
Leaning his hips down, he hit that spot again.
She was going to fall, she couldn't stand the pleasure that guy was giving her.
It was too much. It was all too much and too little.
It was perfect.
"Are you going to come?" Az asked her, eyes clouded with pleasure as he punched over and over and over the point of her, causing her to rave with pleasure. "Are you going to be a good girl and are you going to cum on my cock?"
She nodded, in those moments she was not able to form any kind of coherent sentence, only little whimpers came out that didn't make any kind of sense.
However, Azriel was satisfied with it, hitting deeper and harder, while a hand lowered towards her clit, granting it the attention that it had been demanding all along.
"Good girl ... Now I want you to cum all over my cock and cry out my name, so the neighbors know exactly who you belong to." He demanded, slowly tapping her clit with his fingertip, teasing her.
He began to wrap his thumb around it, pinching and catching it with two fingers, pulling at it and then letting go.
It only took three thrusts for Gwyn to fall into the abyss of pleasure.
Screaming his name out of her, she touched her breasts forcefully, while wave after wave of pleasure were coursing through her body, Azriel helping her to carry out her orgasm.
She noticed how Azriel let out a growl of pleasure between his teeth, jets of cum spilling into her pussy.
Exhausted, she dropped onto Azriel's chest, both of them gasping for air after the overwhelming orgasm.
She whimpered as Azriel pulled his limp dick from inside her, the feeling of emptiness overwhelming, but Gwyn had no desire for anything other than to sleep on the chest of that man who had made her feel stars.
His hands began to tangle in the sheets, finally covering the two lovers with them, still trying to catch their breath.
"It was…" He started, having to grab some more air.
Gwyn nodded, hiding in the crook of his neck.
She didn't want to leave. She knew she should, but she didn't want to.
Everything had been wonderful to pass up.
Besides, it was her coach, what was she going to do?
"Gwyn?" Her name pulled her out of her thoughts, looking at Az, who was looking at her worried, "Are you okay? Does something hurt? Have I been too harsh?"
A goofy smile appeared on her lips when she heard those questions.
He had been such great at fucking her, and now he cared about her health.
Her heart was beating happily. She was happy.
Shaking her head, she gently kissed his chin.
Azriel sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist, staying that way for a few minutes.
However, that question kept passing through Gwyn's eyes.  She must ask him.
"What will happen to our… friendship?"
Gwyn was afraid that this had screwed up their friendship. Perhaps she was attracted to him, but she did not want to lose her friendship.
Besides, maybe that tumble had been just that, a tumble.
"We can remain friends, obviously."  He whispered, tangling his hand in the strands clinging to her neck, stroking lightly.  "But we can also… take our friendship further, if that's okay with you…"
Gwyn nodded, smiling against his skin: "Does that mean I'm your… girlfriend?"
Azriel smiled alike, looking at her as his entire face lit up with happiness: "I'd be the happiest man if you were."
They both smiled foolishly, staring into each other's eyes. They brought their mouths closer, giving each other a small beak, which led to their mouths joining in a much more passionate kiss.
"Apparently I'll have to thank Nesta for thinking about playing Twister." Gwyn thought, but she put it on the back burner.
Now only Az's lips mattered, both hearts beating at the same rhythm, forming a symphony that ran through the entire room, blocking out any sound other than that of the two lovers.
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430
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Ni Kar'tayl Gar Darasuum
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Pregnant! Reader
Summary: When you finally wake up, Din knows it’s time to break the news. (Part 2 of Aliit Be Cuur) 
Warnings: Pregnancy, Mild Description of Injuries
Word Count: 3700
A/N: The much requested part 2 to Aliit Be Cuur! I took some inspiration from a comment by @linkpk88​. My apologies for the long ass name. I just wanted to keep up with the Mando’a theme. 
“M-mando?” Your voice shook and cracked from having gone so long without being used. You were trying to reach towards him but in reality, your fingers only lifted off the medical cot ever so slightly. 
Mando looked as if he’d possibly fallen asleep at your bedside, though it was difficult to know for sure with the helmet and the way he had a habit of sitting so still, even when he was awake. At your words, though, he immediately stood up, shooting to attention and coming to your bedside, “Cyar’ika? How are you feeling?” 
“W-water? Please?” Your mouth was dry and throat stiff. It felt like you’d been breathing in hot sand and it had sucked all the moisture from your body. 
Mando reached down to a water pack he had for himself on the ground by the crate he’d been residing on, unscrewing the lid, and tilting it slightly at your lips. The liquid felt like the best thing you’d ever drank, life suddenly coming back to your body at the small amount of water. “Thank you,” You said as he put the lid back on. 
Mando sighed, his gloved hand coming down to rub over your knuckles gently, careful to avoid anywhere covered with bandages, “Why would you run in like that?” 
“I thought you were dead. I was ready to kill the damn thing with my own two hands. I certainly can tell you I wasn’t expecting it to explode.” You attempted to chuckle weakly but you flinched, hand reaching for your torso in a poor attempt at soothing the pain of the broken ribs and burns. 
Mando noticed the way your fingers grazed unassumingly over your belly that held the secret everyone but you knew about and he stiffened beneath the beskar armor. “How long have I been out?” 
“About a day. The attack was yesterday.” He answered, pulling the crate closer to your bedside so he could sit beside you while you spoke. 
You groaned at the thought of being unconscious for so long, “Am I dying?” You asked in an attempt at making a joke to lighten the mood. You could practically feel the anxiety and stress radiating off Mando and you wanted to try to lighten the mood but clearly it hadn’t helped. Your grip on his fingers tightened slightly, reassuring him. “Hey, I’m kidding. It’s gonna be alright.” 
Mando’s silence was not something you were unaccustomed to. Even now that your relationship was much closer than professional, he was a man of few words. You still couldn’t help the way your face a little when you felt like your joke may have caused more harm than good. 
Little did you know that Mando had glanced up over your shoulder and made eye contact with the nurse from yesterday, the one who had shown him the unborn child within your womb. Of course, the nurse couldn’t tell that the Mandolorian was looking at him but he still sent the masked man a knowing, almost pushing look. 
As selfish as it made Mando feel, because obviously he was very concerned for your wellbeing and wanted nothing more than for you to be awake and okay, he was relieved when you remained asleep through the night. It gave him time to get his own thoughts straight, how he felt and how he would tell you. 
Children were sacred in Mandolorian culture. With depleted numbers, many of the Alor had encouraged child rearing amongst Mandolorians or the adoption of Foundlings to save the Way. Even so, Mando had honestly never actually seriously considered being a father, at least not at this stage of his life. He had Grogu, to whom he was a father by the Creed, but physically rearing his own genetic children felt different to him, even if it wasn’t supposed to. He lived a dangerous life full of criminals and skeezy backwater planets and he was comfortable that way. Even if it was preferred that Mandolorians reproduce, he was one of the few that had been called more to a life of service. Besides, after losing everyone he’d ever loved, from his birth parents to his clan, he was used to being alone. A part of him was scared to bring more people into his life because he didn’t want to keep losing them. Even accepting the fact that he loved you took a long time. 
But Mando was nothing if not a man of duty and honor and, as the leader of his clan of two, your lover, a father to Grogu, and now a father to your unborn child, he had a responsibility to protect and care for all within his clan, which was now about to expand to a clan of four. It was a responsibility that he had actually come to almost look forward to in some aspects in the early morning hours when he allowed his mind to move from the hardships that you were sure to face to the happy memories you were all sure to make together. 
“There’s-there’s something you need to know.” He began directly, his modulated voice sounding strained. 
Your smile faded at his tone and you gave him a concerned look, “Wait, am I actually dying?” 
His helmet shook side to side in a moment of silence before he continued, struggling to find the right words. All the words he’d spent all night rehearsing in his head were failing him now. “No. They said you’re going to be fine.” He began, another pause between words as the actual confession was so much harder to get out than he imagined it would be. Mando had never been a man of many words but suddenly there were no words at all that seemed fitting. 
Your eyebrows raised and you shook your head a little, indicating for him to continue. Nerves buzzed through your body. Mando was never like this. Sure, he had never been very talkative but he was concise and straight to the point when he did. He was never one to beat around the bush or draw out information for dramatic effect. Whatever he had on his mind must have been serious if he were struggling this badly. “What’s wrong, Mando? What happened?” 
“The nurse came by while you were out. He said you’re pregnant.” The words came out clear and blunt, straight to the point. It was the only way he could process the information himself and he struggled to find a more delicate way to put it to you. 
Your jaw went slack at the news, “What?” 
“You didn’t know?” It wasn’t so much a question as much as it was a confirmation of what he had hoped. You hadn’t known. You weren’t keeping secrets from him. That alone made him feel better. 
You shook your head, looking a little offended at the suggestion, “No, of course not. I- I wouldn’t have-” Your brain was moving a million miles a minute and cohesive sentences were difficult to form. “You have to trust me that I would have told you if I knew.” 
The sentiment let out a floodgate of relief in Mando’s chest. “What do you want to do?” He asked simply. Throughout the night, he had thought about this long and hard and the more he thought, the more he was actually excited about the prospect of having a baby. An actual baby. He knew that this wasn’t just his decision though. 
You swallowed hard, looking down at your stomach that you had just noticed was covered with Mando’s cape. “I-I don’t know. I need some time to think. This is just… a lot.” 
You didn’t talk about it for a while. You barely spoke at all for almost an hour. After he knew you were alright, Mando had left your side to take Grogu outside. The poor kid had been cooped up inside for almost two days. It also allowed you time to think without the pressure of him being right beside you. Mando didn’t know if you needed time alone to process the information or if you needed him there to talk it through but he knew that he preferred to have time to himself to figure things out and it was the best thing he could think of to help you. 
The nurse had stopped by while Mando was gone, just to ensure that the Mandolorian had in fact informed you that you were pregnant. He went over your vitals, important basic information about being pregnant, answered any questions you had, and reapplied bacta to all your wounds, which were estimated to be fully healed up within the next few hours with minimal scarring, thanks to the miracle medicine. You felt better after he left, physically and emotionally. 
When Mando returned a few hours later, you were sitting up in bed, having made nearly a full recovery. “You’re looking better.” He commented as he walked over to you. 
You gave a small smile of acknowledgement before looking down at your hands and flexing your wrists. You stretched out your torso a little bit. Your back was certainly achy but at least you didn’t feel like you had been hit by a flaming X-wing anymore. Mando felt better now that he could see the burns and abrasions that had littered so much of your body fading away to your natural skin color, only a few looking like they might possibly even leave a scar. 
“I’m feeling better.” You responded and it was clear that you meant it about everything. 
Grogu toddled towards the bed and reached his tiny arms out in an attempt to reach the frame and climb his way up to you but couldn’t reach. With an amused chuckle, you bent down and lifted the baby effortlessly. 
Mando didn’t want to press you about the matter but he was desperate to know what exactly your future held. He stood in waiting silence until you spoke again, “How do you feel about this?” 
Despite the fact that you were often concerned for others before yourself, he hadn’t been expecting that question. It also just wasn’t a question he had ever been used to being asked. Nobody usually cared. “How do I feel?” 
You nodded, looking up to him, “Yeah.” 
Mando sighed before sitting on the medical cot beside you, the thin mattress dipping more under his weight and the weight of his armor. He struggled to find the right answer to this question. Not just the right answer that you wanted to hear but the right answer that was truthful to himself. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” 
“What does that mean?” You asked, gently stroking Grogu’s soft head while you glanced to your left at Mando. You had tried to pick up on Mando’a since you’d been travelling with Mando but he rarely spoke it unless it was a knee-jerk expletive, which you too were now an expert on. 
“It means I love you. I know you. But it’s much deeper than those words mean in this language. But… that’s how I feel.” It took a lot for Mando to admit his feelings for you. Words of affection were seldom exchanged between the two of you. Your love for each other manifested more as just a mutual feeling of love, protection, and honesty with each other that extended beyond platonic friendship. Mando especially had a hard time expressing his feelings so when the words left his mouth, you couldn’t take your eyes off the visor in his helmet that hid those eyes you wished so badly you could finally see. 
“I love you too,” You started, wishing you could repeat those words in his tongue but knowing you would do them no justice. There was a brief pause while you inhaled a deep thoughtful breath before you continued, vulnerably honest, “I would like to raise this child with you, Mando.” 
Again, another pause. The silence hung thick and uncomfortable in the air, at least for you. You wished so deeply you could see his face so you could at least try to get a glimpse of something that might be going on in his head. You swallowed hard, attempting to get rid of the lump in your throat that was forming in the midst of his pensive silence. You took your eyes off his helmet that seemed to be pointed towards your knees or the ground just below them, though you could never tell exactly where his gaze ever actually was, and stared at your lap where you began to pick at your fingers with your thumb nail. 
You looked back over to the Mandalorian to see his visor turn towards you and this time you were sure his gaze matched. “If we’re going to have a child together, I want you to know my name. It’s Din. Din Djarin.” 
You smiled, knowing how important this was to him. Mandalorian culture was still something you were learning about and you hadn’t met any other than Man- Din - but he had never told you his name before so you assumed that perhaps it was like his face, where you couldn’t know it in its true form. “Din Djarin,” You tested the name on your tongue, “I like it. It suits you.” 
Din’s mouth fell in disbelief beneath his helmet at the way his name rolled so sweetly off your tongue and he let out a little sigh of happiness when you had said you liked it. Though saying his name was not breaking the Creed, it was something he very seldom told anyone. It reminded him of his home planet and his birth parents, good memories tainted by tragedy that he preferred to avoid. It was also a way that he kept people at an arm’s length, a habit he’d developed quickly as a distrusting bounty hunter. But he didn’t want to be called Mando by you anymore. If you were going to give him the gift of a child, a literal human being to call his own, the least he could give in return was as much of him as he had to give. 
“There’s one more thing,” He began, reaching into his pocket. You stayed silent but waiting as you watched him pull a long chain from his pants, a small pearlescent shard dangling from the end. He held it up for you to see, the jagged and unrefined edges to the uniquely beautiful stone swaying in his grip. “I would like you to become my riduur.” 
Your mouth fell into an ‘o’ shape. That word you knew. The Armorer had asked Din if you were his riduur back on Navarro all those months ago, to which he honestly answered no to. “I love you, Din, but I don’t want you to marry me just because I’m pregnant.” 
“In my culture, we come to have our own children in several ways but marriage is not necessary in any. Like I said earlier, mesh’la: Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. And I would be extremely grateful if you would do me the honor of joining me in riduurok, baby or not.” He confessed, pressing the necklace into your hands. 
The edges, though jagged, were not sharp by any means. Simply unrefined but there was a beauty in it. The light created the illusions of different textures across the small stone. The chain was thin and of a material that you didn’t recognize, a dark grey metal that definitely was not silver, beskar, gold, or steel. “Usually betrothal tokens are rings. I know this is not a ring but Cobb had managed to scour a few broken pieces of Krayt pearl from the dragon yesterday and should you accept my offer, I will replace that chain with one made of beskar.” 
You shook your head, trying to shake away any doubt as to how perfect his gesture could be, “It’s beautiful. I love it.” 
“You don’t have to decide now.” 
“I would be an honor to be your riduur.” 
“Really?” He asked, sounding genuinely surprised. “You’ve never even seen my face and you’re willing to marry me?” 
You reached a hand out to rest on his helmet, just where it curved inwards where his cheek should be, “I know that I love the heart of the man behind this armor and I know what you feel like without it in the dark. I am willing to marry you without knowing what you look like beneath that helmet because I know I love you regardless.” 
Din’s hand came to press against yours, holding it against his helmet. Inside, his face was pressed against the interior, wishing he could feel more than just mere knowledge that your hand was there. He wished he could feel your skin against his again. “When we are bound in riduurok, I can finally remove my helmet for you and for you alone.” 
Your heart picked up with excitement, “You mean I can really see your face one day?” 
His helmet nodded up and down. 
“I can’t wait to look you in the eye and kiss you one day.” You closed your eyes and leaned your forehead against the beskar shielding Din’s face but he was mirroring the action beneath. A smile crept up on your lips and you handed him back the necklace, “Would you mind?” 
He reached around your neck and clasped the necklace together, pulling your hair gently to lay over the thin metal cord. “How’s it look?” You asked, straightening out the pearl over your chest. 
“Like it was meant to be there.” 
His arm fell to rest comfortable behind your back and you leaned over to rest your head on his shoulder. It was uncomfortable from the beskar that pressed hard into your cheek but you would still rest like that for the rest of time and then some if it meant you could be with Din. Grogu sat between you, a tiny leg on each of your legs and your hand pressing against his stomach gently to keep him from falling forward. 
When he startled wiggling around in your grasp, making tiny grunts of effort, it drew both yours and Din’s attention down to see what the kid was doing. He twisted to face your stomach, your hand now firmly keeping him from tumbling backwards. Neither you or Din were sure quite how much of your language he understood but it would have appeared that he somehow understood that there was now a new addition to your clan because his small three-fingered hand stretched out to rest against your lower belly and he closed his eyes, leaning back into your hand slightly. 
At first, you thought he was just trying to feel for the baby, which of course was far from being large enough at this stage to feel, especially from the outside. “Hey, hey! What’re you doing?” Din asked, not angrily but definitely concerned for what Grogu could be doing to the new baby. Though he wasn't a malicious child, Din had seen him choke Cara with the Force once before and he couldn't be sure what was going on within your womb from the outside. All he knew was that the kid was definitely using the Force. 
Grogu kept his eyes shut, ignoring his father, but a look of contentment spread over his face. That was when you felt it. You weren't even quite sure what it was that you were feeling but it felt positive, like an awareness of the life inside you that had been previously unbeknownst. It was more than that though. You could feel your connection to it and, though you knew it sounded absolutely insane, you could have sworn you could feel Grogu connecting to the fetus as well. 
Din made a move to lift the child from your lap but you put your hand on his forearm to stop him, “Wait, it’s alright.” You nodded in reassurance, looking down to Grogu. “Can you feel them?” 
Grogu reached out his other hand for Din’s, his entire hand only able to wrap around a single gloved finger. That was when Din felt it too. Again, it was a sensation he couldn’t describe. It was almost like an awareness of life but it was clearly emanating from within your womb. Grogu was merely acting as a bridge for Din.
 “Do you feel it too?” You asked, looking up at Din. 
Beneath his helmet, his mouth was agape as he struggled to process the feeling of life and light that seemed to radiate from where his body met Grogu’s and that his mind was able to just innately comprehend that this was the life you and he had created. “Yeah, I feel it.” He breathed out in amazement. “Is that the baby?” Din asked, the idea sounding preposterous but at the same time he had no idea of the capabilities of this new thing he’d learned of called the Force. He didn’t know the limits of Grogu’s power or his connection to it. 
Grogu’s hands fell from both your stomach and Din’s hand as he flopped onto his butt on your knee with an exhausted plop. Nevertheless, his disproportionate green ears wiggled happily and the rosiness in his cheeks made you fairly certain the answer was yes. 
Your hand came to cover where Grogu’s hand had just been, no longer feeling that same light feeling you had when he was touching you. Din no longer felt that connection either since Grogu sat down. “I don’t know what that was but it was kind of amazing.” You let out a breathy chuckle, “We’re going to be an actual family. Can you believe it, Din?” 
“Y’know, deep down, I think a part of me always wanted to have a family. A riduur and a youngling all of my own. I just got so used to being alone that I didn’t think I would ever find someone I’d want that with. But now I have you and Grogu and,” his hand came around your front to gently rest on your stomach, “this. I promise you that I will care for you and protect you both until the day you give birth and every day after.” 
You lifted your hand to Din’s helmet, gently turning him to face you, “Trillions of men in this universe and I got lucky enough to find you.” Grogu squealed in your lap and you laughed, stroking his ears, “And you.” Your hand dropped to Din’s lap and you laid your head against his chest plate, “I love you, Din. I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together.” 
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
Ghost of jealousy [Possessive! America x reader]
Wordcount: 5,545 Synopsis: Alfred gets upset when he finds you hanging around Mathias during his Halloween party. You tell him he’s your friend, but everything escalates into an argument, so he takes it outside to his car. He regrets everything he’s done, but you refuse to talk to him while he drives off to find some lodging for the night—an old inn. While you avoid him by staying in a separate room, it becomes apparent there’s something very off about this place. Something otherworldly. Will he make it up to you by saving you before something terrible happens? 
(I was inspired by this song by Michael Jackson, “Ghosts”) The reader is referred to as she/her.
It didn’t bother you that Alfred always disappeared during his parties. He was the host, after all, and you were merely another attendee, boyfriend or not. There were guests to interact with, excitement to arouse, and the general gist of event-running. So while he was off doing his business, you loitered around in the kitchen with one of your friends. You were dressed as a mermaid, with a seashell bra and all, while Mathias was in his pirate get-up.
Here away from the incessant pounding of Halloween classics and chatter, you could actually hear him talk. "I think it’s cute that we’re matching! Are you sure you didn’t wear this on purpose just so we could look like a couple?" He grinned, earning a small gasp from you.
"Hey! It’s not my problem you wear the same thing every year, Mathias. I—on the other hand, change it up." You gloated a little at that, giving his hip a light bump. He had been sipping a cup of punch, but spilled some as a result. "Ah! Jeez.” Because it was so dark, with only jack-o-lanterns and fairy lights to illuminate the house, you never even realized.
"What’s wrong?”
"Why don’t you smell my coat to find out?” He hummed mischievously. Cupping a hand around your head, he pulled you in and pressed your face against a mysterious wet patch.
"Ew! What was that?!" You pulled away and rubbed your cheek as he exploded into a fit of laughter.
"... Juice?"
"That’s right, min prinsesse. And it’s all your fault." Leaning in with his hands on his hips, he tapped your nose. A dash of guilt was present in your eyes, so he quickly added this. "Don’t look so stressed, (F/N)! I always forgive what you do to me. Mostly. This time, if you wanna make up for it, you’ll have to go to our after-party for once!"
You blinked. "After-party? You mean with just you and Lukas and everyone?" He nodded excitedly. The question was innocent enough, but really, you had another concern in the back of your mind. Every year, you and Alfred would spend a night together after the festivities. You could only imagine how upset he’d get if that didn’t happen. He always valued the time together with you, even to the point of being a little excessive. "Mm... I don’t know. Alfred and I usually do something afterward. I’ll ask him."
His wide grin faltered a touch. Alfred this, Alfred that. Mathias couldn’t exactly say he was jealous—though he’d joke about it, a lot—but wasn’t he a little controlling sometimes? "Mm, mm. Not good enough. I won’t take no for an answer!" Scooping you up in a bridal style carry, you let out a small yelp and reached out for his neck to stabilize yourself. "Let the King of Scandinavia save you from the evil clutches of American capitalism!"
"Mathias, you idiot!" You hissed through a flustered expression, but you couldn’t deny you were enjoying yourself. While he laughed away, bouncing you in his arms, you bonked him on the head numerous times. "Put. Me. Down!"
"Ow. Ah! Okay, okay, stop hitting me!" The Dane was as big of a goofball as your boyfriend, but just less serious most of the time. That was right. As your relationship with Alfred progressed, he was less easy-going than he initially seemed. More stubborn. Argumentative. And you never imagined how soon you would see this side of him.
"What’s this about saving (F/N) from the evil clutches of American capitalism?"
The chorus of you and Mathias’s laughter came to an abrupt end. Uh oh. Turning to the voice, you found yourself staring at none other than your boyfriend, dressed in a long orange coat with a Jason Vorhee's mask on the side of his head. And his arms were crossed with an unamused expression. Only then did you feel yourself get set down to the floor. Great. "Alfred, hey! We were just talking about his after-party. You know, the one where they have a lego-building contest?"
"Mhm. Sounds fun. But we’re doing something even better." Reaching out to your hand, he pulled you away from your friend, much to your displeasure. Mathias didn’t look all too happy either. Alfred then managed a small smile, but it was a little strained. "So c’mon, babe. Most of the party’s events are ending, anyway. Let’s go to my car." He squeezed you in his grip and turned to leave, all with you in tow.
But you weren’t having it. Couldn’t he at least let you explain yourself a little better, considering how upset he seemed already? You stopped, the action pulling on his arm so he would too. "Wait, Al. He asked if I wanted to go, and I kinda want to. Just this one time, please? Lukas, Berwald, Tino, and Emil are gonna be there too—" The fact that you were listing all these names only made it blatantly obvious who was in right, and who was in the wrong.
All you were asking for was some time with your friends. But he played the jealous boyfriend role all too well.
He turned to you with a frown. It was annoying enough to see Mathias carrying you like that. But going to a sleepover with him? He couldn’t be any less enthusiastic. "No, (F/N). Halloween is our thing. We’re supposed to spend the night together like we always do." Reaching out to your cheek, he caressed it gently. "You can hang out with them any other day of the year. Just not today."
Unlike other times, you didn’t give in. He already showed up with an attitude, so sweet-talking wasn’t going to cut it. Especially when you felt Mathias’s hand on your shoulder. The thought that he was behind you and trying to calm you down only egged you on to stand your ground. "Any other day? You’d have to exclude Valentine’s Day, Christmas, New Year’s, and St. Patty’s as well. I never get to celebrate them with my friends, either, so can’t you let me go this one time?"
The room fell silent. Even with the Dane’s friends present, nobody spoke a word. And nobody had to because they all shared one thought.
Alfred was being way too controlling.
Almost as if he could read their minds, he felt himself crumble under their scrutiny. "I’m not talking about this here with you." Without another word, he pulled you out of the house against your will.
"And why not? Is it because Mathias is here?" You retorted, feeling bile rise in your throat.
Once you and he disappeared out the door, Lukas made a brief comment.
"... He really has to stop doing that." 
“Yep. Man, I wish he’d just step on a lego." The blonde heaved out a sigh. 
"Fair enough."
Once Alfred managed to get you outside his car, he turned to you to finally give you an answer. "And what if it is because he’s there, (F/N)?" He exasperated, already feeling his tongue start slipping now that he was alone with you. And his words only held more impact against the deafening silence of the night. "The reason why I don’t want you hanging out with them on special occasions is cuz’ he’s in the group.”
“Why? Do you hate him or something? But that’s got nothing to do with me!" You ripped your hand from his grip to see his eyes widen with shock. This was the first time you ever lashed out, so he could already feel the inklings of regret well in his chest. He should’ve just shut his trap and let you go.
But something told him he would’ve never let that happen.
"They’re my friends, Alfred! You can’t expect me to pass on every invite they give me just because you don’t like someone!"
He dug his hands through his sandy locks of hair stressfully. 
"That’s the thing! Mathias obviously doesn’t just wanna be friends with you! He likes you, I can tell!" He yelled. 
The cat was finally out of the bag now. What had been plaguing his mind for months was this—competition. And he hoped that admitting it would somehow get you to understand his behavior, no matter how uncalled for it had been.
But you didn’t. You refused to.
Your jaw dropped, but not out of surprise. Instead, it was pure disappointment. "Even if he did, are you saying you don’t trust me with him?" You scoffed, folding your arms at him.
At this point, Alfred knew how bad he fucked up.
"No, that’s not what I—" His brows knitted together, and his cerulean blue eyes welled with moisture. "I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. I just..." But it was.
Wasn’t it?
Otherwise, why else was he so possessive of you?
"It’s exactly what you meant. If it wasn’t, you’d be defending yourself by now." A small smile curled up at your lips, and it was from anything but mirth. It was your defense mechanism to keep the waterworks at bay, but even that had failed you. The tears finally came spilling over the rim, streaming down your face as he watched on with guilt.
"Even if you hate him, he’s not what you think he is. It wouldn’t matter if he loved me. He wouldn’t do anything because he respects me." Reaching up to your eyes, you rubbed them, but the effort was in vain as you let out a sob. "If you’re so quick to doubt me, then maybe..." You struggled to string together the words as you continued to cry. "Maybe we shouldn’t..."
Maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore. 
Alfred froze. Anything but that. And yet, you had all the right in the world to think of ending things. But his heart couldn’t take it.
"No, no, no... Don’t you finish that sentence..." You would probably hate him after this, but kissing you was what he first thought of. The connection between his and your lips managed to silence you, and the close proximity let you feel the waves of heat radiating from his face. And he continued to kiss you, gently, for as long as you let him until you decided to shove him away.
"Don’t." You whispered faintly, albeit firmly. Leaving his side to get into the passenger seat of his car, you buckled yourself up and turned to the window.
He breathed out a sigh, but joined you in the driver’s seat. Facing you with remorse so deep, it made his eyes droop. "You know I love you, right?"
You were still crying, and you never spared him so little as a single glance.
He royally screwed up, for sure. 
The engine purred to life. Now, to find a place to stay for the night. Hopefully, he could make up with you before lights out. But his gut told him it wouldn’t be so simple. The car began to move, crushing sticks and leaves under the wheels as he drove on a dirt path deep in the woods. He picked this cabin for the ominous ambiance, but he was beginning to regret his choices. The same could be said for everything he did tonight, hell, the same could be said for how he acted all these months.
He was the jealous, insecure, shitty boyfriend.
And the whole time, he never realized how kind you were to put up with him.
He wanted to tell you he trusted you. To pull you into his arms and apologize a million times. But what could he say to convince you when he’d come off as a liar? Even he didn’t know if he could be honest. Why did Mathias’s presence get him to feel like this, anyway? He boiled it down to how similar he was to him. Like you always said, he and Mathias were two of the same person. Loud, fun, and obnoxious sweethearts. So of course he started comparing himself to him.
And he was doing it right now. He couldn’t imagine Mathias ever having these kinds of problems if he dated you. Fuck. Aside from self-loathing and bitter regret, he was beginning to feel the beginnings of ugly jealousy all over again.
Are you serious right now, Alfred? He thought. 
Narrowing his eyes on the road that seemed to disappear, he slowed to a stop. Was it just him losing concentration over these thoughts, or did he really lose his way? Perhaps. But at least he found something. He peered around his windshield to see a few rooftops resembling an old, vintage villa in the distance. Could that possibly be a motel?
He sped up and drove closer and closer until he reached a clearing. Climbing out of his car with you trailing close behind, he made his way to the entrance of the establishment. There was an open lawn in front of the building, and in one of the gardens stood a wooden sign with "The Aura Inn" inscribed into it. Neither of you thought much of it, let alone read the little sub-paragraph of text below it.
"Let’s go." Looking at you over his shoulder, he held out a hand for you to take. You just brushed past him and kept walking. Right. He forgot for a second that you were mad at him.
The only thing that concerned you was having somewhere to stay the night, so the reception was the first stop. Making up with him could come later.
Upon arriving, you were greeted by nothing but an empty room. There was no furniture besides a wooden counter, and even then, it was lacking quite a few amenities. There was no receptionist here either, and yet, the lights were on. That could only mean one thing. Somebody was here, just not in a way you liked. But you were just overthinking, weren’t you? Needless to say, this inn was starting to feel a little off to you.
Gripping the scales of your mermaid dress, you turned to Alfred with a nervous glance. Immediately, he responded with a reassuring smile.
"You okay, babe?"
Hold on. Did he just call you babe? Your mood went sour when you felt yourself nearly give in to him. What he did couldn’t be forgiven so easily, otherwise, how could he take your feelings seriously? So you forced yourself to lie.
"Yes." You murmured. "I’m perfectly fine."
He knew you were lying, but he couldn’t blame you.
"Okay. I’ll just... Get us a room. I think this is an Airbnb." He pulled out his phone.
The thought of sleeping in the same bed as him irked you, to say the least. After the stunt he pulled today, which effectively stopped you from going to Mathias’s after-party, you needed some space. That was right. How come after all these years, you’ve never been to one of his infamous after-parties? Even though you were a close friend of his? It was simple. Because Alfred never let you go. God, thinking about it just made you relive the anger all over again. 
So before he finished the booking, you reached out for his arm.
"Wait. I don’t want to be in the same room as you."
He paused, and you saw sadness flash in his eyes. And once again, you found yourself tempted to cave. But you didn’t. You couldn’t.
"... Oh. Sure." Alfred finished with the online forms and walked you to your room. The halls were long, winding, and dimly-lit. You would’ve thanked him for accompanying you in this unsettling place, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Once you managed to open the door, which wasn’t locked, he gave you a reluctant goodbye. Resting his arms against the doorframe, he gazed down at you with a bittersweet smile. "Night, babe. I’ll see you in the morning—"
The door slammed in his face and he cringed.
"... Love you too." He murmured, clenching his fists against the door. This was by far the worst argument he’s ever had with you, and it was all his fault.
Pressing your back against the door, you felt blood rush up to your face after hearing what he said. He nearly had you. But you managed to seal yourself away in the safety of your room. It hurt to push him away, but you had to. He couldn’t keep having his way. Alfred needed to accept the consequences of his actions, and you needed to be strong enough for that to happen. 
And plus, he needed to get used to not having you around him all the time. But the boy was excessively clingy, and you let this carry on for far too long. 
Unpacking your things on the bed, you got your things ready for a shower. As you melted into the hot embrace of the water, your concerns of this inn melted away too. It was just Halloween jitters, wasn’t it? Turning off the faucet, you dried yourself off with a towel before getting dressed. When you exited the bathroom, your room was plunged into almost pitch-black darkness. But you never turned off the lights.
Perhaps this was an energy-saving function. 
Well, it saved you from the effort of going to the light switch, anyhow. 
Before you moved from your spot, you shuddered at the feeling of a cold draft blowing against your body. Looking over to the source, you were shocked to see that the door was wide open, letting the dim halls stare back at you. 
There was probably a little wind tonight, and somehow, you didn’t shut the door properly. Making your way to close it again, you made sure you heard a little click. When you did, you didn’t feel any wind from outside at all, not even a gentle breeze. 
Setting your things down on the bedside table, you climbed into bed and tucked yourself in. While you made yourself comfortable, you faced the entirety of the room, which had a small wall-mounted TV, rocking chair, and desk. Of course there was a rocking chair. And you somehow couldn’t tear your gaze away from its faint outline in the dark. 
Then, it began to rock. 
Forwards and backward as if an invisible entity was sitting in it. 
“!” Your blood ran cold and you buried your head underneath the blanket. Something was in the room with you. Unlike before, you couldn’t blame it on the wind because you just closed the door. As you came to terms with that reality, the icy hands of fear gripped around your heart. Your breathing grew ragged and uneven. There was something behind you. Someone behind you. 
You could practically feel their presence creeping towards you. Closer and closer to your bed as the carpet compressed under its footsteps. Your chest constricted when you felt the bed dip under a weight. 
Then, it began to crawl. 
But you were too terrified to scream, let alone move. 
In that moment, you never regretted your decisions this much in your life. And you never wished more for Alfred to be with you.  
Unbeknownst to him as he finished up with his own shower in his room, you were left paralyzed in bed. If he’d known what was happening, he would have run to you as fast as he could. But he didn’t. He only assumed you were busy brooding over him, and maybe even second-guessing your relationship with him. The thought was reasonable, and that upset him to no end. Throwing his towel to a random spot in the room, he fell on his back onto the bed. 
Reaching out to the ceiling to stare at his arm, he sighed. 
“I’m so sorry...” He murmured, lowering his hands to cover his face with them.
If he was lucky, he’d be able to make up with you by the end of tomorrow. But for now, he was burdened with uncertainty. But his attention was quickly diverted to something else. A laugh. Your laugh. Sitting up with visible confusion, he listened in to the muffled sounds of your voice down the hall. 
The walls here were thin, so it didn’t surprise him he could hear you so clearly. 
But what did was what he heard next. Another voice talking, and it belonged to a boy. His heart sank to the pit of his stomach as he registered it as someone he knew. Mathias. Wait a second, what the hell was he doing here? But there was no way he could be, right? Didn’t he have an after-party to be at? The longer he eavesdropped on the conversation, the more obvious it became that it was Mathias. And they were talking about him. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come this year. Again. But you know how Alfred gets.”
“Yeah... Don’t worry about it. This can be our own little after-party. Just as long as he doesn’t find out, you’ll be fine!” 
Wait, what? 
From what he heard, it sounded like you really had moved on. But you never had the decency to tell him, and that was what filled him to the brim with betrayal--it broke his heart. Was this why you wanted to be in a separate room tonight? Sliding himself off the bed, he stormed out the door to find you. His glasses were already fogging up, but he never bothered to clear them as he marched down the empty halls. 
Your voices grew louder and louder, all until he came to a stop outside a room he never booked. That was right. He applied for one with a single bed. He could only imagine what you were doing with Mathias in a room with a double bed. 
The laughing continued behind the door. 
“You know these walls are thin, right?” He began lowly. Swinging open the door, the noises disappeared along with the people inside. The room was completely dark, and when he flicked on the lights, you and Mathias were nowhere in sight. Not a soul was in here. 
“... What the fuck.” He grumbled.
He swore he heard you both giggling away like school children. Did you two hear him coming and hide somewhere? He was skeptical, but he checked around nonetheless. In the wardrobe, then under the bed. There was no sign of either of you. The shower, maybe? Stepping into the bathroom and pulling open the curtains, he was prepared to catch you red-handed. But there was nothing there except for a porcelain white tub.  A defeated sigh fell from his lips. What the hell was going on? Alfred was completely sober, a miracle considering he usually drank at his parties. So he had a terrible feeling he wasn’t just hearing things. That only pointed towards one explanation. 
This inn was totally haunted. 
And whoever, or whatever that haunted it was toying with him.
He swallowed thickly and turned to the mirror, only to jump at what he saw. The reflection revealed a figure standing behind him. 
It was Mathias, except his face was twisted in a sick smile. 
“Holy shit--!” Alfred paled as he stared face to face with the entity. As he lost himself in its soulless, blue eyes, he was overcome with dread, almost as if the spirit was forcing fear into him. Reminding him of his failures, insecurities, and the uncertainty of his relationship. All of his faults flashed in his mind again and again so incessantly, he thought he would break down on the spot. 
Where is (F/N)? 
She doesn’t want you anymore. 
You should just give up. 
And the deeper in he spiraled into these self-destructive thoughts, the wider the entity smiled, its lips stretching to impossible lengths it became grotesque. Darting his wide eyes around the reflection in his bout of panic, he saw its hand reach out to his shoulder in the mirror. He didn’t know how he managed to do this, but he spun around quickly to defend himself. And there was nobody there.
In his brief moment of disorientation, the spirit shot out two arms, breaking the barrier of the glass. Tightening its hands around his neck, Alfred was pulled back against the mirror and choked. “Gh--!” His airway was completely constricted by the iron grip, and he was forced to struggle a few inches above the ground. 
Digging his fingernails into the hands, he never felt them loosen. 
So he did the unthinkable--he started to smash his fist against the mirror. It hurt like hell and left his knuckles bruised and raw, but the thought of you in danger kept him going. That was right. There was no saying if you weren’t being choked, attacked, or worst. Punching the glass again and again, it finally shattered, and the grip around his neck loosened. 
The mirror was reduced to shards and fell into the sink.
Falling to the ground in a loud thump, he stood up while coughing violently. 
The arms disappeared, and so did the entity. 
And Alfred had a feeling it had to do with the mirror it was in. 
Leaving the bathroom with heavy breaths, he ran back to his room and picked up his chainsaw. Halloween had the perks of carrying around dangerous tools, and he was never this glad that he took it with him instead of leaving it in his car unattended. Too bad he was out of costume, though. But a white tank and boxers would do. Holding it above his chest, he revved his chainsaw and ran out the door. 
It was time to fuck shit up. 
You were still stuck in bed, but the spirit managed to remove your blanket. A soft whimper fell from your lips as your only form of protection was stripped away. If you thought you were terrified, then you would prove yourself wrong with a whole new level of fear as two arms wrapped around your neck from behind. No way. Was it going to choke you? One of its legs was thrown over yours, so you were completely enveloped by its limbs. 
As you trembled away in the dark, you let out a soft cry when you felt its warm breath tickle your ear. 
“I missed you. Why didn’t you wanna stay in a room with me?” It cooed, the voice sending shivers down your spine. It sounded strangely similar to Alfred’s, and what he said was exactly what he would’ve said too, except it wasn’t him. You never saw him come in, and the last time you checked, he wasn’t invisible. 
“... W-What... What are you?” You stammered, feeling a hand glide down your bare thigh. “Stop--” 
“I’m his desire, sweetheart.” It began in a low and alluring voice. “Every feeling in the Aura inn festers into a semi-physical form. That’s why I’m here right now. Because he wants you.” 
You screwed your eyes shut. Just what the hell kind of place was this inn? A magical hut that personified emotions? “... Can you please let me go? I don’t like the way how you’re... Hugging me.” You pleaded, only to feel the entity tighten itself around you. 
“But I don’t want to. He doesn’t want to.” It responded with a hum. “I reflect everything he wants. And currently, he wants to see you more than anything. Especially when he’s dealing with jealousy... And having a hard time at that.” 
“Jealousy?” It wasn’t shocking, per se, but he had you curious. If desire festered into a sultry form of someone and hugged their object of affections, what did jealousy turn into?  “... I knew he was jealous of Mathias. But that’s not the problem here. We’ll sort it out later. If you’re desire, then what’s jealousy like?” 
It let out a deep, foreboding laugh. “Depends. If it’s only a little bit of envy, he’ll start hearing things that hit his nerves. Nothing but... Harmless fun.” You felt yourself get rolled onto your back, and you were caught off guard by what loomed over you. It was Alfred himself, or more accurately put, his personified desire, but this time, you could see him. “But if his jealousy gets mixed in with insecurity, that’s when things get pretty ugly...” 
You furrowed your brows with concern. “Ugly? How so? Is he gonna be okay?” 
It craned his head from side to side. “Who knows.” 
“But I’ll tell you a few things that I do know. Jealousy tends to be pretty sneaky. It’ll snoop around in mirrors and attack him.” You tensed up all over. “So Alfred will have to smash every mirror in the inn to get it to come out. And when it does, all he needs to do is be with you to send it away.”
Loud chainsaw noises were heard down the halls, silencing both you and the entity. Following that was the shattering of glass. 
“... Hm. Looks like he already figured it out.” 
Joy filled you to the brim and you smiled wide. “He really did! I’m so glad!” Reaching out to hug the entity around its chest, you pulled away and slid yourself off the bed. 
“Thank you, um, Alfred’s desire! I’m gonna go find him now!” 
He laid on his side and watched you run off. “You can just call me Alfred.” 
“Okay, Alfred!” 
While you exited the room to stand in the halls, you found yourself staring at a number of doors that were wide open, and the lights on inside. You assumed those were the rooms he already cleared, which meant he still had quite a bit to do. But he was fast. Appearing out of one room, he continued tearing down door after door to smash every single mirror and window in the inn. And soon, he managed to reduce every piece of glass present into shards. 
Once the chainsaw revs came to a stop, you called out his name. 
He jerked up at the sound, then glanced around. “(F/N)!?” While he was on the first floor in the courtyard, you were on the second in the mezzanine, so he had to glance up to see you. “Oh God, I was so worried! Are you okay?” He shouted. 
“Yes!” You called back. “This place is... Super haunted. Let’s get out of here!”
“You called it. I nearly got murdered!” 
Running down the stairs to meet with him, you practically jumped onto him after he dropped his chainsaw to the ground. Embracing you with his strong arms, he pressed kiss after kiss all over your face. While he did, you spotted another figure standing by the stairs. Was that Mathias? You couldn’t take a better look at him before he disappeared into thin air. “Oh my fucking god. I missed you so much.” He exasperated, setting you down on your feet. “You won’t believe what happened. I’ll explain everything in the car.”
As he led you out of the Godforsaken inn, he gripped you tight with his hand. And you squeezed right back. “Let me guess. You were attacked by something in the mirror so you shattered every single one here. I know.” 
At this point, you and him had arrived outside his car.
Turning to you with shock, he placed his hands on his hips. 
“And how the hell did you know? I thought it was original enough that you wouldn’t be able to guess!” He exclaimed, much to your amusement. 
“Mm... Not really. With how many horror movies you’ve watched, I wouldn’t put it past you to come up with a solution like that.” Giving him an affectionate pinch on the cheek, he rubbed the spot with a light pout. You considered telling him the truth, but you already wanted to forget tonight. If he didn’t know about it, then moving on yourself would be so much easier. 
“Now, I think you have some apologizing to do.” 
He softened his gaze. “Yeah... I really do. Sorry for everything. Sorry for being a dick. And not just... For today.” Pulling you into another hug, he nestled his chin into your shoulder. God, did it feel good to have you in his arms again. “I’m gonna be real. I never hated Mathias. He’s my friend. But seeing him with you gets me... Really jealous. And it’s not cuz’ I don’t trust you, it’s because I’m...” His cheeks grew rosy. “I don’t know. I just feel...”
You knew he’d get stuck at this part, so you helped him. 
“Because you feel insecure?” 
“... Yeah.” 
“You idiot...” A soft, content sigh was heard from your end. “It doesn’t matter how similar you are to him. You don’t have to try to make any changes or keep him away from me for me to choose you.” 
His heart fluttered as he released you with a sheepish smile. 
“I really needed to hear that. So, thanks.” Alfred murmured, reaching out to cup your cheek. “Kinda lame of me to put you through that. I should’ve just talked it out with you.” 
“Yeah, you dumbass.” You grumbled, but it was on an affectionate note. 
“So, do you think we’ll make it in time to the party for me to carpool with Mathias back to his place? I wanna see what they’re building this year!”
He frowned, but his expression was short-lived as a smile began creeping onto his lips. “Are you serious right now?” 
“I’m kidding!” 
🎶 Tell me, are you the ghost of jealousy?
This is a request. Thank you for requesting.
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fresh-bag-of-ham · 3 years
ok let’s talk SUNSCREEN
SO the UV filters available in the US can at this point be considered truly terrible. One of the main reasons you’re supposed to reapply sunscreen every two hours is that many of the filters we use are destroyed by the very UV radiation they are designed to block. Killed in the line of duty, thank you for your sacrifice, etc. Counterpoint: sunscreen is gross and reapplying it every two hours is the worst. I am not doing that. Fortunately, Europe and Japan/Korea have been much quicker to approve newly developed more stable UV filters for use and at this point they have some really good ones. They also have much better UVA protection, both because of the better filters available and better labeling regulations.
A quick simplified summary: UVB causes sunburns, is directly absorbed by DNA strands which causes the mutations that lead to skin cancer, SPF measures protection against this only. UVA does more generic damage, creates free radicals associated with aging, wrinkles, collagen loss, pigmentation, etc. etc., but can also contribute to immunosuppression and therefore skin cancer. It’s more complex than this obviously but that’s not really the point of this post.
My sunscreen criteria: I hate wearing sunscreen. However, Accutane + sun = an extremely bad time. My ideal sunscreen is something that doesn’t feel disgusting to wear so I will wear it regularly in the first place (i.e. dry-touch), something I ideally don’t have to reapply super often under normal daily use (i.e. photostable UV filters, water-resistant when necessary), and has maximum protection. As long as I’m wearing it, I also want as much UVA protection as I can find, without compromising the former criteria.
Note: The sunscreens I tried are almost all chemical UV filters and several are loaded with alcohol, so if that upsets your skin then proceed with caution/ask me for a specific rec!
Note 2: All of these are SPF50+ (the highest rating allowed in the EU (meaning they tested at at least SPF60) unless otherwise specified *cough*Supergoop*cough*)
Best Face: Kao Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence (x)
Best feel, best protection, best price point. This gets recommended everywhere for a reason. Bit of a silicone feel on the face. No white cast. Smells like alcohol at first. Really, really quality daily face sunscreen. Water resistant. Caveat that because of the alcohol I would make sure to throw a layer of moisturizer on beforehand to make sure I’m not totally drying myself out.
Also make sure you get the name exactly right, there’s a blah blah Watery Gel that’s totally different consistency, totally different filters, etc. etc. It has to be Watery Essence.
Best Body: Eucerin Sun Sensitive Protect Dry Touch Sun Gel-Cream (x)
This was a sleeper hit, so shout-out to Eucerin for the greatest body sunscreen I’ve ever tried. This stuff is SO protective and dries SO. DAMN. DRY. Zero grease somehow, feels like nothing. It’s even water resistant. I tried a couple LRP body sunscreens but they honestly aren’t worth mentioning. Eucerin or bust babey!
More Face Sunscreens:
I’ve also tried all top five sunscreens from this Stylevana listicle of Asian face SPF (x). The thing about face sunscreens that they’ve started doing is loading them up with silicones and acrylate polymers, which leaves a silicone-y feel on your skin like a makeup primer. As far as I can tell from poking through various patents, these polymers are doing a few things in the formula: a) emulsifying/stabilizing the newer/bigger UV filter molecules, and creating an occlusive layer over the UV filter molecules on the skin to a) improve water resistance and b) reduce eye stingy-ness. At first I thought I wanted to avoid these seemingly unnecessary additives but considering their function, these are all features I want/need in a face sunscreen so we’re living with them.
1. Shiseido - Anessa Perfect UV Sunscreen Skincare Milk: really good, sliiight white cast but absolutely no streaks, more like a foundation just a hair too light for my skin tone. However I can’t imagine buying this because #2 on the list is better and 1/3 the price. Medium silicone feel. Something I’d probably only break out for when I went to an outdoor summer wedding.
2. Kao - Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence: I have already sung its praises.
3. MISSHA - All Around Safe Block Essence Sun Milk: closest to a US milky/greasy sunscreen experience here, though very fluid and still absorbs nicely. No silicone feel. Not a bad choice but nothing special.
4. Canmake - Mermaid Skin Gel UV: probably second favorite after Biore. Similar, bit less of a silicone feel. I’ve gotten red a couple times using this though, possibly because less silicone feel = no layer of protection against sweat/physically rubbing off? I bet this would be perfect under makeup though, it’s super light.
5. COSRX - Aloe Soothing Sun Cream: SO moisturizing, almost a dewy feel that sits on your skin and never dries. I wanted to love her, but unfortunately she is so loaded with the aforementioned polymers that when you reapply/put the appropriate amount on to begin with, it completely gums up and pills and you lose all protection. Also definitely not water resistant. Probably my top pick for a winter daily face sunscreen that I wouldn’t ever be worrying about reapplying though.
Other Contenders:
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Invisible Fluid (x) and Bioderma Photoderm Max Milk (x)
These two bad boys have the highest rated UVA protection currently on the market, 46 PPD for La Roche-Posay and 42 PPD for Bioderma. The LRP is extremely watery (technically alcohol-y) and comes in a teeny bottle(though same size as a lot of these I guess) but it is The Best UVA protection money can buy. The texture is really nice too, and feels super water resistant. If I’m outside sweating or on the water in the summer, this is going on my face. I've also seen it on sale multiple times since I’ve started researching sunscreens (because it’s extremely popular) so you can definitely find it in the $0.30/mL-or-less tier if you keep an eye out.
This Bioderma is cheaper and also extremely protective (thanks Helena @bronyraurmp3 for the rec!) but unfortunately it stung both my and Mr T’s eyes like a BITCH. Extremely unpleasant experiences for both of us. TBH if I’m out in midday sun, swimming or kayaking or something, I’m gonna be wearing a long-sleeved UPF rashguard to protect my arms and upper body and not worrying too much about whatever cheap greasy sunscreen I put on my legs. This Bioderma stuff would be going on my neck, ears, and hands though bc it’s super water resistant.
Eucerin Sun Sensitive Protect Mattifying Fluid : bit of a white cast, really slippy texture going on and nice dry touch texture when it dried down, but drying down took foreeever. Probably really nice if you’re sensitive and pale.
Eucerin Sun Oil Control Gel-Cream Dry Touch : VERY matte and dry-touch, would have loved it if I hadn’t gotten burned using it (doesn’t have all the newest most stable UV filters). Approaching the expensive end of things too, but would be a lovely option if you really prioritize non-greasiness and don’t need the premium protection? Mr T really liked using it on his bald head lol.
Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen SPF40 (US): This is recommended many places but it has to be a joke that people are actually paying Shiseido Anessa prices for old American UV filter selection, only SPF 40, and no UVA rating to speak of, right??? (ok they do have a PA+++ rating meaning a PPD of 8-16, so. this is acceptable.) I did not test this one but damn wtf. The texture is probably nice though and it looks perfectly sheer in the photos on their website, so maybe as a last resort for darker skintones that show a white cast with everything else? At that price tho... you do you but damn.
Jigott Snail UV Sun Block : This had good reviews on Yesstyle but it sucked. White streaks, bad.
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultra-Light Tinted Mineral Sunscreen SPF60 (US): Another in the outdoor-wedding only price range. There’s a tinted and a non-tinted mineral version and I ended up mixing them together to get a shade that looked pretty good on me, but needing two bottles for that puts it in the extremely ridiculous price category. Really slippy nice texture that takes a bit to dry but dries down perfectly matte. I guess the person who wants to shell out for a high end all-mineral tinted sunscreen exists somewhere out there but I would bet there are many nice cheaper mineral options out there that I haven’t tried.
And that’s it! For EU sunscreens, I was able to order them on caretobeauty.com, and Japanese/Korean ones from yesstyle.com or stylevana.com, though I had to go to eBay for the Biore and Anessa. I ordered some Biore from a seller on Amazon but they shipped from Japan and I think they got taken by customs because the last known location on the tracking info is Chicago, so finding a seller in the US that has already imported them seems like a good idea (vendor lullabellabeauty on eBay worked great for me, fwiw, I will definitely order my Biore from there in the future).
If you have specific questions about any of these, or if you have any recs you think I should try, hmu! You will be shocked I’m sure to hear I have a whole sunscreen database at this point.
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Welcome To The Pack: Not Lost
Summary- 8.5k Alpha Steve x You. You wake up, and your not in your northern home anymore, but deep in Wakanda, in the palace of T’Challa and under Shuri’s care with Steve and Natasha at your side. Can Shuri fix you? Bucky is about to head out with Clint, Wanda and Pietro to bring back who Brock and Alanna took, The White Wolf and his team are ready for the hunt. Warnings- Smut, bad words. It’s a softer chapter. 
A/N- Wow, thank you everyone who reads this. I always appreciate thoughts on The Pack, and what you would like to see. Much Love and Happy Reading. 🐺❤️
Chapter  7 / Pack Masterlist
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Bucky returning home made him sigh in relief once him and Clint pulled onto Pack lands once more. The White Wolf pacing his mind lifted his muzzle in appreciation, inhaling deeply the cool forests that they called home. 
<Feels like we haven't run here in ages.>
Don't get too comfortable, we're headed out right away. Brock still has Cassandra. Bucky wouldn't even consider another thought, one where Brock didn't have the woman anymore.
Bucky thoughts darkened with worry for her and the White Wolf growled deeply in the deepest parts of his mind. They might have nothing more than a physical attachment to her, but he was responsible for her safety. Brock would pay for ever laying a hand on her.  Bucky turned back to his current thoughts, watching the dappled sunlight through the trees, like it was welcoming them home.
The tension ebbed from his shoulders and glancing at Clint, he could see the archer felt the same way, immediately taking a relaxed stance, elbow on the window sill of the jeep, fingers thrumming the steering wheel in the same way the songs beat flowed through the cab. Although it was a known fact the archer was partially deaf to an military accident when he was a younger man, his other senses heightened. He had once told Bucky he felt music as much as could hear it. It seemed so the way his fingers danced on the steering wheel, following the beats' vibrations. 
“Never thought I would be so damn glad to be back.” Barton said as the jeep rumbled towards the garage, and put it into park. 
“It's a shame we won't be staying, are you sure you want to come with me?” Bucky asked as he opened the door and slid out, preparing to go find Wanda and get a hold of Pietro who should be headed back to the east coast anytime now. 
“Of course, I wouldn't have made the offer brother if I didn't mean it.” The Archer said as he stretched and they made their way towards the gathering group, Sara leading them as she was now the acting Alpha till Steve returned. 
“Boys, am I damn glad to see you.” She held her arms out, first hugging Bucky and then Clint, stepping back to inspect them. “Although you two are a sight for sore eyes, I just got off the phone with Sam, he said that clean up at Pierces is now going much faster, since Stark’s crew showed up, and he's hoping the pack can come home within’ a day or two if you two are sticking around.” 
“That's good, I’m sure Sam is ready to be back home, as well as you.” Sara gave an affirmative nod, the mates bond ached for their partners when separated, her hand absently moving up to the mark Sam left on her years ago, rubbing it absently. “We're going after Rumlow, he's still got a hostage and we need to return her home, safe.” Bucky said, staying vague. It wasn't that he didn't want Sara knowing, the White Wolf was always a bit of a loner, and did not want the whole pack knowing his relationship with Cassandra, especially since he didn't entirely know himself what it was. “Is Wanda around? I would like to speak with her.” 
At the mention of her name, she came out of the crowd, and Sara nodded over to her home. How about we all go inside? You three can discuss what you need to and fill me in on what's going on with the Alpha, Y/N and Natasha.” Her arms embraced around the two men, leading them away from the group. When she felt the rest of the pack unsettled behind her, she looked over her shoulder growling softly for silence. She would fill them in on the details later. 
Sara ushered them inside of her home, everyone settling in comfortably while she got beers for all of them, and sat down too. 
Bucky wasted no time while screwing off the top of the beer he was given. “Thanks Doll.” Turning to Wanda, he motioned between him and Clint. “I was hoping I could rope you and Pietro into coming with me and Clint while we hunt down Brock and Alanna. They took someone, we need to get her back.” 
“If that's what the Alpha has requested, Pietro can meet us on the road if you’re ready to leave right away.” 
Bucky shook his head, and twisted the bottle in his hand, messing with the label. “No Wanda, this gotta be something you wanna do. Steve, he's fine with whatever you choose, and I know Stark is your Alpha, so really you're a free Wolf here. But she is probably going to be hurt, in ways… I just don't know. I can really use a healer for her.” 
Wanda listened intently, Bucky could see that she was discussing with her Wolf, the risks going off with him and Clint could mean for her and her brother, but then her resolve passed over her face. 
<She will join us, and it's good to have her with us. She can keep Cassandra calm.> 
Partly why I wanted her with us. 
“Of course I will come, I will message Pietro. My brother, he will want to come.” Wanda was already pulling out her phone to call her twin, pulling away from the table. “Pietro, how do you feel about…” Stepping out of the room, Sara turned back to the two of them. 
“And Steve… How's he doing?” It was easy to sense her worry and concern for her Alpha and friend. Bucky and Clint look at each other a moment, recalling how feral he had turned in the tunnel. 
“Not good, he was close to attacking us after Y/N was infected and lost consciousness. If Bucky wasn't there to challenge him, he probably would have. I'm sure Sam told you Tony is shipping them to Wakanda. Banner seems to think that the Panthers might have a solution to bring her Wolf back.”
“Even if they can't, Steve isn't just letting her go. You know him and the Wolf are already attached to her as if they have already shared the bite.” 
Clint nodded in agreement and Bucky winked. “Mans got it bad, I bet y’all fifty bucks they have bonded before they get back.” Sara gasped and smacked Bucky's arm. 
“You're terrible, betting on your friends like that.” 
Bucky grinned as he tipped up his bottle. “Doll, never said I was a good man or a good wolf.” 
Inside the White Wolf yipped in agreement, making Bucky’s grin wider.
Clint piped up on the other side of Sara. “I will take that bet.” and Sara pointed a finger at Clint. 
“You're no better than him.” Leaving both the wolves laughing as she got up, shaking her head at them. “Bond or not, Steve obviously cares for her in a way he didn’t with Alanna. I cant see him going all the way to Africa on a whim for her.” 
Bucky thought about his best friend's earlier relationship, and had to agree. Their bond wasn't there, Steve had lied to himself for years about it, but if push came to shove, Steve would have stayed with the pack first and sent someone else. With You, you couldn't pry him away, if it had been anyone other than Bucky, he would have killed them for coming near you when you first went under.  
“Your right Doll, there isn't anything Steve wouldn't do for Y/N, bond or not.” Bucky agreed and Sara gave a knowing smile. 
Wanda came back into the room, her phone going back into her pocket. “Pietro’s in.” 
“Good, then let's get packed.” Bucky finished off his beer.
     You finally tore yourself away from the view of Wakanda, and went back in, much to Steve’s persuasion. Once you settled back down at a nearby table that still provided a view for you to get lost in. Steve drew his hand along the back of your neck, and you tilted it back, looking up at him. “Hungry? I can call down for breakfast before we go back to the lab.” 
You questioned yourself a bit if you wanted food, and was met with quiet in your mind. A stillness that made you uneasy. Usually your Little Wolf would be demanding some answers right now. Or food, she would have liked that. That silence tightens your chest in grief that for the first time you felt alone inside. You put on a smile instead and a nod. 
“Breakfast sounds good. I'm ravished Alpha.” 
He gave a soft smile and dropped a kiss to your forehead. “Right away Little One.” 
Steve went to make that call, you turned back to the view. Tilting your head to inhale deeply, thankfully you didn't lose your strong sense of smell, cause it was something to behold. Heavy sweet scents of fruit encased your tongue, tasting it on the air as if you cupped that fruit in your hands to inhale. Rainfall, it was crisper than your lake, but not quite like the streams you liked to jump over. It was a heavy moisture that seemed to dew even now on your skin, the shower outside was reflecting the sun in prisms that danced around the walls of your room. All of it was so leafy and green in your mind, dripping constantly in the lushness under the towering trees that stretched up to your balcony. Steve footsteps drew you back from your daydream, seating himself across from you. 
“It will be up soon Little One.” He reached across the table, and weaved his fingers with yours, studying you. 
You nodded and gave a light squeeze to his hand. “How many days has it been Alpha, since all this happened.” 
“About three, after you passed out, Barton flew us to Stark. Banner couldn't do anything, but he told us that maybe the Panthers could. A plant, Shuri is positive, it's what caused this to happen to you. The dose Pierce gave you, more than it should have been.” 
You wrinkle your nose at what he's saying, trying to keep calm, without the help of your Little Wolf now. But you can't help the shimmer of tears brimming your eyes. 
<She is so lost without her Steve.> The Wolf whined, and Steve softly agreed with his beast. 
“Come here Little One.” He gave a soft tug to your hand and you raised from your seat circling around the table, where Steve opened his arms, and pulled you gently into his hold till you were cradled into him, one hand wrapped around your waist, and the other gently tracing your outer thigh, tucking you into his shoulder. 
“I promised you that you're not alone, we will find her Little One. Shuri is sure she isn't gone.” 
“No? Then where is she Steve? I searched and called for her. She never came.” Your voice was muffled into his neck, and he could feel the wetness falling on his shoulder to slide down his back. “I'm nothing without her.” You said with defeat and Steve shifted you enough to look at him. 
“No Little One, that is not true.” He nudged his nose gently against yours, nipping softly at your lips. “You stood up against your abuser just as you are now, and would again. How many times have your decisions been because they are what you wanted, and she supported you? All your choices, the one to escape, the one to trust me, and the one to fight with the pack, all you Little One. You and Her are the same. Even when you can't see or feel her.” 
Steve’s Wolf rumbled softly in response, Steve could feel it rolling through his chest, which you felt the vibration, heard it. His way of saying he agreed. You were no less a wolf then before. 
A knock on your door made Steve catch your lips quickly, and pull away, calling out. “Give us a minute.” Tapping gently on your thigh to signal you to get up, he reached for a folded robe at the end of the bed, and snapped it open to ease onto you, and while you were tying it shut, he grabbed his own, and slipped it on to go to the door. Opening it, they found Natasha standing there, with a full cart of food. 
“Figured I would join you two, if you don't mind?” 
“Of course not Nat, there's plenty for all of us.” Steve stepped aside, and when Natasha came in, she grinned seeing you awake. 
“Thank God, it's so good to see you Y/N! I thought I was gonna be stuck here alone with Steve.” She ditched the cart once it was inside and went over to hug you, which you were so happily to give back, nuzzling into the red head. 
“It's so good to see you to, and I wouldn't subject you to that. What kind of pack member would I be, leaving you all alone with the Alpha. “ Steve strolled the cart past them, snorting at them. 
“I see how it is, two against one. That's fine, don’t worry about it. I will just leave you two alone.” He gave a teasing growl while popping a grape in his mouth, stopping at the table. 
You and Natasha grin at each other and follow along after him. 
“Not like you can eat all this yourself.” You sweep down into Steve's lap, picking up the cup of coffee he just made while Natasha took the seat next to you two, quickly falling into easy conversation till Shuri called for you all to join her in the lab. 
     Back home Sara was giving the group lasting hugs as they all prepared to leave. Sam still wasn’t back with the rest of the pack, and maybe she was getting a little emotional as she hugged Bucky around his neck. “Stay safe, and come home soon. You hear me Buck? Sam misses it when you take off.” 
Bucky couldn't help but grin at this news, and Sara groaned softly. “You can't tell him I ever said that either. My mate would never forgive me.” 
At this the whole group laughed, Bucky folding his arms over each other. “Sara, that man worships the ground you walk on. He would forgive you in ten seconds if he thought you were sad about it.” 
Wanda arched a brow to see if Sara would deny it and Clint, grinned, knowing full well Bucky told the truth. 
“Fine! He really wouldn't, but for the love of god, don't Barnes. Or I won't forgive you.” She said and ushered the three of them to the vehicle. “Be safe!” 
Barnes slipped in behind the wheel as Clint and Wanda got in as well, closing the door and letting his elbow rest on the door. “Doll, don't worry about it. We will see you soon” Giving Sara a wink, he flicked on the radio and left. 
Sara watched from the side, watching the dust kick up behind the Suv. Trying to battle the unease in the pit of her stomach. 
Her Wolf sidled up with a whine, her ears laid back as she watched her family drive away. 
It will be okay, they will be home safe. Sam will be home safe. Steve, Y/N and Natasha will be home safe. 
<Then why are we feeling like this?> 
Sara didn't answer the Wolf, turning away from the road and headed back to her cabin, clearly not having an answer. 
     Down in the lab, you stuck close to Steve’s side, again immensely missing your Little Wolf's presence in your mind as you looked around in awe. Natasha followed along close behind, her hand taking your free one, and giving a light squeeze of assurance. Steve's arm was also wrapped around your waist, keeping you tucked in close. His eyes would glance down at you once in a while, and catch yours, giving you a soft smile and pressing his lips to the top of your hair, soft and silken against his mouth as he would mouth softly. “You're not alone.” 
You're not alone. 
You repeated it back to yourself, and turned back towards the awaiting Panthers. Natasha released your hand while Steve drew you forward to introduce you to the others now that you were awake. Steve could feel the soft nervous shiver that rolled through you, catching these predators scent. It spoke of night stalking in the jungle treetops and danger, although Shuri beamed wide at you, and the King smiled softly. “Alpha, your queen is a true beauty.” Taking your hand he bowed his head to touch his forehead to your knuckles and backed up afterwards. Steve's hand tightened around you slightly. “Y/N, this is the King of Wakanda, T’Challa.” 
“Errr, what is respectful to a King? I'm sorry, this kind of etiquette I just don't know.” 
Shuri gave a laugh and T’Challa put up his hands. “You have no need to be formal Y/N, that is only for the rituals of old. T’Challa is fine.” 
“If we had to bow down every time, his head would get swollen.” Shuri made a motion around her head, and crossed her eyes at T’Challa. You gave a soft laugh listening to the siblings. 
“And this is my sister, Shuri.” T’Challa said, clearly ignoring Shuri now. And Shuri bounced forward, slinging her arm around your shoulders. 
“What do you say, I drag you away from your Alpha and see if we can't figure out where your Wolf has wandered off to?” 
You bite your lip and look up at Steve, who gives a soft nod, and extracts his arm from around your hip. Shuri is quick to drag you away, chatting the whole time while you look over your shoulder one last time at Steve and Natasha before turning back towards her. 
“I’m sorry, what?” You can't help but feel your Little Wolf would have really liked her, she was so outgoing and just automatically acted like you two were friends. 
“What happened, after Piece gave you the shot?” She asked again and had you sit on an examination table. 
“Oh.” You rub at the back of your neck, watching Shuri closely while she tapped on a computer. “It all happened suddenly, the syringe was emptied into me, and then there was pain. All over, and my Little Wolf collapsed where she was, withering in pain, and said she was trying to hold on, but then… she was just… gone.” You wiped at your face, wishing Steve was there, but you could still sense him. Just on the other side of the door, and you took a deep breath to calm yourself. Shuri was typing quickly, hissing in aggravation at your story. 
“Fucking asshole gave you like five times what he should, no wonder you fell into a coma like state.” Shuri said sympathetically, and tapped her computer till it projected an image. 
It showed a flower, beautiful to look at, something exotic like you've never seen in your woods before. You study it closer, the shape of the flower reminded you of a calla lily, the shimmering purple almost glowing that made it almost seem unreal, ethereal. 
“This is what he gave me? What is it?” you tear your gaze away and Shuri comes over by you, also looking at the flower. 
“We simply call it a Heart Shaped Herb, native to Wakanda. Very rare, and we grow it in a special place, so how Pierce got it…” She bared her teeth in agitation. “We are looking into that. It’s abilities include putting our Beasts into hibernation. Which, I think is where your Wolf is right now. You can't find her cause she's in a deep sleep. Right now.” 
“Can you wake her?” You ask, a bit of hope in your voice. And Shuri nods. 
“Give me a bit of time, and access to your mind Y/N, and  I think she will be back with you.” 
You gave a soft pleased cry and hugged around Shuri’s neck, who hugged you back, patting your back. 
“My Panther thinks you're absolutely adorable!” Shuri giggled. 
In the other room, Steve and Natasha watched the interactions, Steve’s Wolf pacing back and forth, his ears roving back and forth. 
Can you hear them? 
<No, but isnt going to stop me from trying.> 
She is safe here. 
<She is safe when she's back with us.> 
Steve switched subjects on the Beast, tilting his head as he watched you stretch out on the table. 
Our Little One, she seems relieved. 
<Whatever the Panther told her has certainly given her excitement. And some good news. She didn't even hesitate touching her.> 
Not at all, I think she will be okay. I trust the Panther. 
The Wolf finally settled down, still watching. <I do to, she is good for our Mate.>
Natasha gave the Alpha a sidelong glance. “What are you two discussing, I can see the way you're concentrating on Y/N that the both of you are extremely focused.” 
Letting his gaze break from you as you and Shuri broke apart, and you started to get comfortable on the examination table, he loosened his rigid hold, relaxing slightly. “My Mate of course.” 
Natasha let her eyes roam over her Alpha as he went back to watching you, making sure you were safe above all else. 
<Do you think he's noticed that he no longer battles denying she is his?> The Red Wolf thoughts echoed in Natasha’s mind. Although she kept a straight face, not letting the smile she could feel bubbling in her chest cross her face. Natasha was happy for Steve, she had been witness to the years before he was Alpha of the Pack, and many times forced herself to bite her tongue at disrespecting Alanna out loud. But her and her Wolf, neither liked the woman who wound herself into Steve’s life at the time. 
I do not know, but being a mate is good for him, having someone to call his own. 
Shuri spent about an hour tapping into your mind, searching for any sign of the Little Wolf, and finally once she finished, knowing you were exhausted. 
“You did great Y/N.” She helped you up, and motioned for Steve to come inside. “How about you go rest with your Alpha, and I'm sure T’Challa has set it up where you two can go do some exploring. Just not too much.” Shuri stressed looking at Steve, who arched a brow, taking your hand to help you to a stand. 
“Trust me, my mate's health is first and foremost in my mind.” Steve assured Shuri as he steadied you on your feet, always knowing just where you were at his side even when he wasn't looking at you. You picked up that subtle remark, letting it sink in that he had called you his Mate. Shuri gave a nod, and flashed you a smile. 
“I hope to see you at Dinner tonight. T’Challa I’m sure will be extending an invitation. Some of the clans will get together on the palace grounds, and will all love to meet our Northern Friends. But only if you've gotten rest.” 
You gave an assuring smile to Shuri as you let yourself lean into Steve. Even without the Little Wolf adding her own desires, you still craved that closeness to him. “Im afraid my attire is very limited.” Steve's hand dipped along your ribs, tracing your body through the wisps of clothing you had been given while here. He started to ease you away, ready to get you back to the room. He could feel the strain the past hour had put on you.  
“We will see tonight Highness, if Y/N is up for it.” Excusing the two of you for the elevator, you rubbed at your forehead a bit, and he enclosed you close in his arms during the speedy ride up to your floor, his voice soft as he inhaled against your neck, feeling the rumble more than hear him. 
“You okay?” Tilting his head to be able to look at you and you nodded, rubbing your face against his rumbling chest and looked up at him with a grin. 
“Im okay Alpha, a shower and nap. I will be as good as new.” Once the doors opened, both of you headed towards the rooms you were staying in, and opening the door, Steve saw someone had brought them up some food. Fresh cut fruit, drizzles of golden honey to spread over it, light and appreciated as you inspected it, surprised to find you stomach rumbling while Steve went to start the shower for you. Taking a slice of kiwi, you put just a touch of the golden sweetness on it, and taste, giving a soft surprised moan at the taste. 
“Oh damn.” 
Immediately hearing you, Steve popped his head out of the bathroom, tugging off his shirt and tossing it to the now made bed. “Find something good?” 
You chuckled softly seeing him getting ready to join you in the shower while you were snacking. Licking at your fingertip, you went to pass him to go into the bathroom. “Fruit and honey. And honestly the best I've ever tasted.” Steve caught sight of some golden droplets at the corner of your lip and he grasped your chin, letting his tongue lap at the stickiness. He rumbled softly in appreciation. “It certainly does taste good, on you.” Catching the wicked gleam in his eye, you bit at your lip and thought about going back for more. But he turned you towards the shower with a gentle nudge and chuckle having seen the shift in your expression. 
“Later, we’re not leaving right away.” 
You relent, and start stripping off your clothes, and let them fall where they land. Your hand tests the water, and then you duck inside, stepping under the rainstorm shower head, tilting your head back to let it flow over your face and into your hair. A rustle behind you and a brush of Steve’s chest across your back had you backing up to give him room. He ducked his head under and gave a vigorous shake of his head, spraying water before he stepped out. “Turn around Little One, let me wash your hair.” 
Glancing at the choices provided, you picked up a bottle and flipped the cap, sniffing it. Fresh and clean, lightly scented with a hint of citrus, you handed the bottle to Steve and did as he asked. The Alpha took it and palmed a generous amount. Letting his fingers massage against your scalp, keeping it in a steady deep pressure without it hurting. You groaned, tilting your head this way and that when he pressed slightly. 
Steve admired the way the water beaded on your skin, and streaked down your body, the droplets precarious in the curves before falling over the edge and falling away from your body. Your soft sighs made the Beast rumble softly in appreciation, and it rolled through Steve as he pressed a kiss against your shoulder. “Close your eyes so I can rinse.” His tone dropped an octave, his Alpha tone. There was no impulse directly from your Little Wolf, but you still didnt even think twice about it as you stepped back under and his hands massaged your hair again, making the suds fall away. A light grasp to your throat brought you back into his chest, his nose tracing the column of your neck, inhaling deeply, and nuzzling against your pulse. A lap of his tongue over what you knew would be his preferred spot to mark you made you shiver in his hold. “Steve?” you questioned, but the Alpha just inhaled one last time and let you go. You waited patiently for him to tell you what to do as his eyes looked down your back. You no longer tried to hide the scars, not like before. His hands eased over them, and he felt that shiver that rolled through you. One day he would touch you there, and you wouldn’t fight it. 
“Face me Little One.” Hands eased you to face him, and another palmful of soap was applied, his hands sliding down your shoulders, your arms, then back up. He groaned, not hiding at all how turned on he was just seeing you dripping wet. “Little One, you are so incredibly beautiful.” Down to your full breasts, his fingertips just sliding over your nipples, and rolling between calloused pads, pulling slightly to hear you gasp and that shift in your eyes spark in arousal. 
“Even though I'm just me right now?” Your brows furrowed, your head dropping enough for wet strands to hide your face from him in that moment. He was quick to bring your back, palming your breasts and giving a firm squeeze. “
“Little One, Y/N” He used your name to really drive his next words into you. “I still want you just as you are now. If you wanted my bite, I would bond with you right now Y/N, don't think that you're not a wolf just because you can't see the Little Wolf. She is you, and you are her.” His hands massaged your quivering belly, and over your hips to reach behind and clasp your ass, pulling you in close against him. Before you could make any kind of argument against what he said, he claimed your mouth, his size pressing you to step back under the warm spray when he advanced. His hands rinsed you off, warm slippery skin under his palms, curves he had grown intimate with. You couldn't help digging your fingers in slightly on his arms when your back contacted the cool tile, you gasped into his mouth. 
“That's right Little One.” He growled against your lips, then lapping his tongue along the roof of your mouth, and over your teeth before once more pulling away, making you lean forward and whine at the loss of contact. “I will always want you by my side.” His hands didnt stop till the reached your waist and Steve went to his knees, his nose sliding over your stomach to kiss and nip around your belly button. Everything he said was true, him and the Wolf were completely enraptured with you, and had a lifetime to find out all the little things that made up who you were. 
Changing those nips to kisses, the traveled further town, his beard scraping against your thighs till you couldn't take the teasing any longer, the burn making you wetter than you already were. Your fingers plunged into his hair and your thighs parted so that his cheek could rub up against your inner thigh. 
“Again Alpha?” You shuddered, and tipped your head back, moaning when you felt the rasp of his beard again and his nose trailed your slit before he even took a taste. 
“You smell so sweet Little One, much better than that honey.” A hand moved from your waist to the back of your thigh sliding to your knee and lifting to hook it over his shoulder. Nothing would be hidden from him, and he kissed your inner thigh pressed near his cheek, firmly biting it hard enough to bruise, leaving his teeth impressions without breaking your skin. The sting made your back arch off the tile, tightening your hold in his hair, hissing with satisfaction. 
You could feel the upturned curve of his lips pressing where the bruise would form, but then your Alpha turned his attention to your aching core, and you spied a look down, that made you whimper, clench around nothing yet. His gaze on you wasn't just a man in need, it was a beast. Eyes shimmering a slight yellow as his pupils enlarged, the pink of his tongue escaping to plunge between your folds, and gathered your slick all over his tongue with a deep lap, the tip teasing your clit before going back to inhaling your arousal, making his head swarm, the Wolf to start howling in his lust. You were perfect, completely enrapturing him with those soft mewling sounds above him whenever he honed in on a sensitive spot for you. 
“Steve, Alpha” you chanted his name, tugging his hair to press him in more. His beard scraping your sensitive folds every time he took those long laps to spread your slick, and when his teeth would pull at your folds, his lips suck on your clit, it was just a mess of sensations that made your jolt under his firm hold. He would growl at you once in a while out of instinct, his eyes flicking up at you to see you start to fall apart. “Please Alpha.” Begging now for him. 
The vibrations from Steve made you clench around him the moment he let his tongue fill you, stroking your fluttering walls and sucking all the juices, squeezing you to give him more. Your thigh ached to close against his head, and you tilted your head back, giving a low wail when he took one more demanding stroke with his tongue. “Little One, Look at me.” The Alphas voice was graveled, not giving an option to deny him, you struggled to look at him, but once your eyes locked, he bit your mound, drawing it into his mouth, while he sucked on your clit, and you knew he wanted you to cum for him. 
Another lap, demanding growl and harder fingers, one hand pinning your hip against the cool tile while being misted by the warm water, and Steve's other hand had laid claim to your thigh over his shoulder, his arm folded over it, and fingertips biting in your inner thighs sensitive flesh. When the Alpha looked up again, eyes now a weird mix of yellow and blue, the wolf laying claim to you as well, you broke for him. Flooding his mouth with your release, grinding into him as you stiffened almost painfully, he worked your orgasm from its high to low point, letting you sink down the tile, when he let your leg drop, and when you landed before him, he grasped your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, needing to lay claim not just to your body, but to all of you. 
Fingers curled at the back of his neck, your eyes closed as your tongue danced with his, when he broke from you, your head fell to his shoulder and you could hear Steve whispering. “I got you Little One, sleep.” and the water suddenly stopped. Somewhere as you were fading away, you could feel his hands sliding around your wet body and then his firm chest cushioning you. Even further away, a barely there howl you were all too familiar with made you stir in his arms, your Little Wolf calling for you before you sunk back into a deep sleep.
When you woke, there was a soft light in the room and that's what your eyes focused on at first. It was a lamp near the bed, and you rolled to the other side, seeking out Steve but he wasn't there either. Rubbing at your eyes to focus them, you inhaled to try and scent him instead. You just barely caught him amid the barrage of other smells, and you would see him on the balcony, ear to his shoulder like he was holding a phone, and leaning forward on muscled forearms against the balconies railing and the muscles in his back were taunt in that position. You allowed yourself a moment to appreciate the sight before you. His deep voice drifted back to you in bits and pieces, but you picked up enough to know he must be talking to either Sam or Bucky. After a few moments you pushed the sheet covering you off and started to seek out some clothes, pushing yourself up out of the soft bed. 
Hearing the sheet rustle, Steve glanced over his shoulder to see you move to a stand, arching your arms over your head, and the curve of your back dipped further in an arch. Momentarily distracted as he admired you, Sam's voice grew aggravated. 
“Steve? Did I lose you?” 
Turning away from watching you sort through some clothes Shuri had provided, Steve went back to Sam. 
“No I’m here, Y/N just woke up.” He stated and Sam gave a slight chuckle in a knowing manner. “So you are all about to head back home? Were you able to find a temporary Alpha for them till that pack can figure out what they wanted to do?” 
“Caine is going to take over, he wants to. Turns out Pierce didn't actually kill all those Wolves he claimed he did. A few, but there's still plenty there. Tony's crew turned up, helped us out. The Council came down. Ross in particular.” Steve heard a slight growl in Sam’s voice, and he couldn't disagree. Ross had a way of pushing the wrong buttons. “Claims he wants to speak with you once you come home.” 
“Well his ass can wait. I don't know when I will be home.” A pair of hands slid up his back, and Steve straightened, his arm moving to rest around yours and pull you in against his chest, his nose dipping into your hair and breathing you in while he listened to Sam. 
“What I told him. Besides what he doesn’t know wont hurt his ass any. As soon as I get home, we’re picking up those customer orders that had been sidetracked, but other than that things are all good here. Tell Y/N that Sara is ready for her to come home and send your girl our love.” 
“Of course, you can tell her yourself actually.” Steve handed you the phone, and you pressed it to your ear, talking to Sam for a few minutes. 
“Miss you guys too, I will keep him in line.” You give Steve a look and he gives a playful growl, snapping his teeth near your ear before kissing your shoulder, making you laugh as you hang up the phone. 
“Sam seems to like playing Alpha.” You hand it back to Steve while he drops it into his pocket. 
“Well good, I will take you on more exotic vacations like this one.” He teased, wrapping you in his arms and you rubbed his chest looking excitedly up at him. 
“Alpha, before I fell asleep…” 
“In the shower.” Steve had a bit of a grin, and you felt your cheeks get warm at the memory, his hand catching your chin and pressing his lips to yours. “Don't be shy, it was beautiful seeing you like that.” 
You could feel your body warm, and the praise settle in, making you feel good. “ANYWAYS, I think I heard my Little Wolf!” 
Steve arched his brows in surprise, and the Wolf stirred to hear you, pushing himself up from where he was resting and pacing closer to the front of Steve’s mind. 
<Maybe the Panther was able to bring her back after all.> 
Did you really doubt Shuri and Y/N that they couldn't bring her back?
The Wolf flicked his ears back and let his muzzle drop, sighing. <Some of me did.>
I was worried too. You're not the only one. 
Steve's hands rubbed along your back and grinned at your news, kissing your forehead, and letting his hands move to cup your face. “We will tell Shuri when we go down to dinner, maybe she will be back home sooner than we thought if you heard her.” 
You couldn't help the elation you were feeling, that you might have her back soon, fill that emptiness that you have been feeling since that day. 
“Dinner? Oh that's right, but I have nothing to wear.” You frowned a bit and Steve took your hand, leading you inside the room. 
“Natasha is waiting for you. The Queen and Shuri had outfits brought up for you two to pick from. Nat insisted they were brought to her room, and that you can change with her once you woke up.” Steve loved seeing the excitement suddenly flash across your face, and he grabbed a tee to yank on, and opened the door. “Shall we?” Slipping your hand into his, he led you down the hallway, your gaze wandering. Beautiful woven tapestries, mostly of Panthers lined the hallways.
You were a bit excited, you had never had the opportunity to dress up before, not for anyone. You just genuinely hoped you could give something for Natasha to work with. Stopping a few doors down from you, Steve knocked and Natasha’s voice rang out “Come in.” 
What Steve opened the door to was not what you were expecting and your eyes widened taking in the room. There were outfits everywhere and even Steve looking around seemed a bit overwhelmed. 
Natasha on the other hand, with a glass of what looked like champagne was perfectly at home, running her fingers over the richly colored fabrics, until she reached you. “Perfect, Alpha I got her. You go get ready yourself.” 
Steve gave a half grin looking down at you in apology, and you gave him a gentle push. “Go on, let Nat doll me up, see if I can't make you pant a little later.” You winked as he growled. 
“You always do Little One.” Nuzzling your neck he pulled away and Natasha handed you your own glass of champagne while shutting the door. 
“Lets blow his fucking mind. Okay, here's what I was thinking.” She tugged you along, and you were lost in a sea of bright colors and girl talk. 
 They had been on the road most of the afternoon, Bucky got the coordinates from the trackers Steve had sent when Cassandra first came up missing. Wanda sent Pietro a message of where to meet them once Bucky confirmed where the trackers were waiting. It wasn’t anything more than a few hours drive. Meeting up all together in a truck stop diner, late at night. They all crowded around a table, pulling up extra chairs, and the waitress came over, taking their orders. Small talk was exchanged at first, waiting till they would be left alone for a period of time after food was brought to them. Once everything was brought, and their host left them to enjoy their meals, they turned towards the food, each one digging in. 
 Ravenous as Bucky, Clint and Wanda were, they spoke between bites, Pietro next to his sister would quickly reach in and snag a fry, making her growl at him while he smirked. 
“Can't share with your brother?” 
“Get your own.” she responded as she dunked it in ketchup and popped it in her mouth. 
“Why when I can just take yours?” He grinned and lightning quick grabbed another. 
Bucky normally wouldn't say anything, knowing the twins were playing in their usual manner, but there wasn't time for games. The White Wolf growled at the younger Wolves and they were quick to quiet down, Wanda sliding her plate between the two of them to share while Bucky turned back to the trackers.
“Do you have any idea of where Brock and Alanna are?” 
They both nodded, the older, a male named Adam slipped a piece of paper across the table. “From what Tonya dragged up about them, they have been staying here for a few months. We checked it out before you all came into town, and sure enough their scent is all over it. And others, I'm guessing it's your woman Bucky.” 
Bucky didn't correct him, even though he did catch Clint's side eye. 
<Tonight, we can't wait any longer to get to her and pull her out.>
Tonight, as soon as we clear it with the rest. 
<Your Alpha here, they will go as soon as you suggest it.>
Bucky looked among the wolves seated around him, and he knew the White Wolf was right. He couldn't have asked for better pack members then what he had right here with him now. 
“And the house is currently occupied, we saw movement inside. Someone checks the curtains once in a while although they are closed all the time.” Tonya added, and Bucky nodded, looking at each member of their tables. 
“Tonight, after dark, we storm the place. Get Cassandra out, if Brock and Alanna are casualties then so be it.” Bucky said, and there were nods from around the group. 
“Well sounds like a good time Alpha.” Pietro grinned from across the table, and Bucky snorted, arching his brows in amusement. 
“I'm no Alpha.” 
Clint chuckled and slapped his comrades back. “Ya are tonight man, this is your gig. Were along for the ride.” 
Wanda nodded at him while dunking another fry, and the trackers joining them shrugged and nodded. “We did our part, we're just following you now.” 
Bucky growled out with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t know how the fuck Steve puts up with all of you.” The White Wolf shook out his fur, arching to a stand. 
<The same way we put up with them. They are our family, our pack.> 
Bucky didn't have anything to say to that, he just reached over and stole one of Wanda's fries from her fingers and popped it in his mouth with a grin. 
Steve had knocked on Nat’s door, but Nat opened it just a peek, not allowing him to look in. “Were not ready yet.” 
“Where is Y/N, is she okay?” He asked trying to look over Natasha’s head, inhaling deeply your scent that was reaching him, but she blocked him, hands moving to her hips. 
“She’s just fine Steve. Now go on downstairs and we will join you soon.” Natasha worked on closing the door. But the Alpha and the Wolf were not entirely ready for that and his foot blocked it from shutting completely. 
“Shouldn't I escort you ladies down? That is the gentlemanly thing to do after all.” The Wolf huffed in laughter at his attempts, but Natasha shook her head, green eyes glimmering in amusement. “I will escort her, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.” Pushing his foot out, the door closed on Steve, and he relented. 
“If you're not down in ten minutes, I’m coming back up!” He raised his voice through the heavy wooden door and tilted his head listening. Natasha’s distinct laugh on the other side. 
The redhead had her ear pressed against the door, listening to Steve's retreating steps before turning back to you, wriggling into the dress. “You think he's really going to like this?” You pressed once more as you turned in the mirror and Natasha tilted her head, inspecting you. 
“Y/N, you got my wolf howling.” Grabbing her lipstick and turning you towards her, applying it on. “Just need this last touch. Done.” 
You took one last look, smoothing a hand over the lush fabric, Natasha grinning over your shoulder while also admiring you in the full length mirror. “Trust me Y/N, he will not be able to contain himself.”  
     Steve had entered the banquet room, to see Wakandians milling around, the Wolf in him alerting all the non wolf predators in the room, his hackles raising slightly and shaking himself out like he was trying to shake out the nerves.  
It's okay, they are friends. 
<I know, I know.> The Wolf paced around a couple times and started to settle back down in his mind. <Still makes me nervous.> 
T’Challa approached him with a friendly smile, still keeping a bit of distance, sensing the Alphas' wariness. “Welcome Roger’s, it's an honor you were able to come.” Steve was first to hold his hand out, and gave a shake. 
“Y/N and Natasha will be down soon, they are still getting themselves prepared.” 
T’Challa gave a smile in acknowledgment, motioning towards his sister who was excitedly talking with an older lady. “My mother and Shuri were rather excited to be able to send up some clothing for them. How are you three settling in? Accommodations are suitable?” 
“Excellent, Y/N is rather taken with the balcony and the view. Over the canopy this morning a flock of macaws caught her eye.” T’Challa laughed with a nod. 
“They come by every morning, loud beasts aren't they.” 
“Hell yes.” The Alpha grumbled good-natured. “But stunning. Thank You again for opening your home. Should you ever come to the states, we would love you to visit The Pack.” 
“I might take you up on that.” T’Challa was quick to surprise Steve. “I plan on traveling there in a year or two to New York. Dr.Cho who works for Stark is tackling the genetics issue of your children, and is hoping to exchange her work with ours, to resolve it. At least let your females come to term easier and safer in their pregnancies. We've had good luck here, again thanks to Shuri.” Steve took interest in this, he couldn't fathom getting into specifics, as he wouldn’t understand, but the problem had plagued the Wolves for a lifetime. “We're only waiting cause Dr.Cho is still doing her own studies. We have similar issues, but separate species and all. I honestly don't understand much of it, but Shuri seems very hopeful.” 
“That’s incredible. Do you really think you could help us?” Steve had given up the idea of having his own children years ago, but now if you two decided to make it official, it could be a possibility. 
The Wolf had started to grow excited at the prospect. 
<Imagine the cabin with our children, bringing them to Little One in the morning so she could cuddle with them.> Steve's mind was filled with images of you with a full bump, the sight of you in the moonlight, bathing in the glow. Inhaling deeply to simmer himself down, the whole idea… well it set the Alpha on edge. 
“It is always a possibility. Never say never Alpha.” The King gave a shrug and looked over Steve’s shoulder, his face brightening up. “And here comes the ladies now.” T’Challa turned towards where Steve had entered, and the Alpha caught sight of Natasha first, but then she stepped aside to talk to you, and Steve could have sworn his heart stopped beating. 
You were always beautiful to him, he had a hard time keeping hands off you. But when you came in, The Wolf howled your song, and his own eyes widened a bit. Rich blue was wrapped around you, loose and flowing at the bottom, the top hugged around your waist and cusped around your breasts, showing off all those curves Steve had gotten familiar with. A simple bit of silver adorned your throat. Natasha had done your hair in a manner that wasn’t your usual style, but it framed your face in a wispy gentle way. Your hand smoothed down the curves of your side, and looked around. He could even see you tilting your head up a bit, nose in air seeking him out with closed eyes. Images of you again dancing in the moonlight struck him and the Wolf growled softly, need, lust, desire. It was all hitting Steve at once. Would he be able to last through this dinner?
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 4
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
If you have been reading this series....things are going to start happening....
Title: Dreams, Chapter 4
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 3773
Summary: For Sam and the reader, a winter night working together leads to an uncomfortable confrontation and a confusing dream.
Warnings: angst, fluff?, alcohol, swearing, slow burn, I think that’s it!
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           The tree was still up a few days later when you were throwing together sandwiches. It was a gloomy afternoon, stealing from the already meager offering of sunlight you got each day, but at least you could see the Christmas lights as you worked in the little kitchen and listened to Me Talk Pretty One Day. Brushing crumbs off your hands, you ducked your head into the bedroom to tell Sam lunch was ready.
           He was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed under him, looking surprisingly young with his long limbs folded. He glanced over at you briefly with a noncommittal nod before turning his gaze back to the wall. You walked into the room when you understood; following his eyes to the photos where you’d taped them up. Toeing off each of your boots, you climbed onto the mattress with him and gently put your arm around his broad shoulders. “He would’ve loved this,” Sam murmured, and it was almost too low for you to hear.
           “Which part?” you asked, trying to match his tone.
           “This cabin, the bar, Christmas.”
           “I think you’re right.”
           You looked over at the pictures, a tight row intentionally placed a little too low so you could see them as you fell asleep. Sam tilted his head to rest on yours.
           “We had a lot of fun though, didn’t we?”
           You considered the memories and the heat coming off of him under your cold fingers. “Yeah, we did.” After a beat you opened your mouth again. “Getting that tree was fun.”
           Sam pulled back and you looked up at him. A sad smirk was tugging at the corner of his mouth. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”
           You curved your head back into him. “Dean would’ve liked that too.” He was silent for a moment.
           “There’s no way he would’ve worked at the bar and not made every night a party.”
           He was right. Even just passing through, bars like the one you worked at were Dean’s favorite—no frills, honest people, décor not so nice it couldn’t tolerate some spills in the name of a good time. In the right mood Dean would’ve been everyone’s best friend in an hour, taking shots with the owners and playing pool with anyone who had a spare minute.
           You sat upright and tucked your hair behind your ears. “Okay, then tonight’ll be a party.”
           Sam looked at you in surprise. “Uh, what?”
           “You heard me. Tonight, we’re doing tequila shots and dancing on tables and talking to people longer than to take their orders.”
           “It’s a Monday.”
           “Wouldn’t have stopped Dean. Now come eat this sandwich I slaved over, you’re a lightweight on an empty stomach.”
           Sam’s smile was tired, but he obediently untangled his legs and got off the bed to head to the kitchen. You padded after him, letting a deep breath out through your nose. Dean would be so pissed if he saw you weren’t being strong for Sammy, just a little tougher, come on. By the time Sam sat down at the tiny breakfast bar to eat, you’d screwed your face back together.
           In some ways, it was better that you’d had this sudden change of heart on a Monday, when there weren’t so many customers to watch you crumble if it came to that. You had a propensity for being a sad drunk even in the best circumstances, and this first time truly drinking around people since losing Dean was about the worst circumstance as you could imagine.
           A few shots in Sam’s cheeks were flushed and you could feel the heat in yours as you sucked hard on a lime wedge. He was pretending to know about some football controversy with the over-shoulder towel that was ever present when he worked, his legs crossed and accentuating the long, relaxed line of his body. It was an especially cold night and condensation clouded the windows of the bar where hot air met the freezing glass. You watched as a woman about your age—you were pretty sure her name was Megan but had only served her a handful of times—traced lazy shapes in it before replacing the moisture with a hot breath and starting over. It was almost hypnotic and you didn’t know how long it was until you snapped back to reality when Sam’s warm hands wrapped over your shoulders.
           “You okay?” he asked, low and private, straight into your ear.
           “Uh, yeah, sorry. Just tired,” you lied.
           Sam gently and half-consciously kneaded the muscles in your shoulders. Before you realized what you were doing, muscle memory bobbed your head to the side, kissed his rough knuckles, and pressed your cheek to his hand. You both froze.
           “Aw, so cute,” Steve sang out from across the bar top.
           You took your chance to step forward out of Sam’s grip. “Yeah, yeah. Refill?” Steve nodded, and you snatched another Miller High Life out of a mini fridge under the bar and popped the cap with a fluid practiced motion. About a week ago you’d realized that the twist-bottle callus you had just below the first joint of your index finger had come back, a recurrent souvenir that had lasted years after you’d quit bartending last time. You were thankful for it as much as the distraction from your bizarre reflexive step over the unspoken boundary between you and Sam. It wasn’t that the contact was unprecedented, obviously, you could only catch even chunks of sleep tightly wound around Sam and kept your fingers wrapped around his forearm as he drove, but Dean was the last person whose skin your lips had touched. Until now, you corrected yourself. It was a very specific kind of closeness in a relationship already stretching the limits of what appropriate intimacy could possibly be.
           You jammed a cold metal scoop into the ice machine to break up chunks and buy some time. The same grief-hungry part of your brain that searched Sam for facial tics and habits that Dean had couldn’t stop repeating how much those hands felt the same, dry and warm and firm under your lips, under your cheek, and you wanted to clutch at them, a phantom of Dean’s that first stitched you up in Bobby’s kitchen all those years ago when life was easy and bloody, so nervous to touch you his hands shook and the scar still remained to this day. You crashed through those thoughts with a solid thump of This Is Sam Not Dean Sam Your Friend Sam The Only Thing You Have In This World, and how cruel it was to triple distill him down to only the parts that were reminiscent of someone else. Sam, who chopped wood to keep you warm, who restocked beer in the little life you’d created here. Sam, who in his own unfathomable sadness let you latch onto him as a steady point in a storm and kept you afloat just as you had him.
           “Hello?” Joe repeated, a touch of concern peeking through his annoyance.
           “Yeah, sorry! What’s up?” you asked, hearing the shrillness of your voice as you tried to overcompensate.
           “I’m trying to buy you a drink, hon. 5 shots, dealer’s choice.”
           “You, me, Jake, Steve and who?” you asked, racking up 5 sturdy shot glasses.
           “Your Paul Bunyan over there, unless you’re trying to take his too. I’ve never seen you guys really drink before, gotta jump on my chance,” he winked.
           “Oh, okay. Uh, Sam—” you called out across the bar. He was wiping up a spill you knew didn’t exist from the way he focused too hard on the bar top, trying to look busy. He looked up at his name and walked over with his hands jammed in his pockets. His unease was palpable, and your heart sank as you let go of any possibility that he wouldn’t have registered the fleeting kiss and the shift was only in your head. “—Joe’s trying to get you drunk.”
           “Careful, Joe, you think you can carry me home?” Sam joked, and you thought you would be the only one who’d be able to detect the tightness in his throat underneath it. He rubbed a lime wedge on the web of his thumb and poured salt over it before handing you the shaker. You almost dropped it when your fingertips grazed his.
           “To the only people dumb enough to move up here in the winter,” Steve proclaimed, touching his glass to the counter before shooting it. You all followed suit, politely chuckling at the teasing. When you took the lime wedge out of your mouth, Sam had his palm open in front of you. You dropped the rind in his hand and let him take the stack of glasses to the sink.
           It didn’t get as crazy as Dean likely would’ve gotten which was probably good for the bar’s bottom line and your drive back to the cabin, but Sam did end up somewhat accidentally hustling Jake for $100 over a game of pool and singing along to Shania Twain when you put it on. You were careful not to touch him or stare too long the rest of the evening, and by the time you were flipping chairs up for the night you had almost convinced yourself that nothing was different save for a little softness around the edges of the ever-present bolus of sadness in your stomach.
           Sam had two cases of Miller Lite from the basement in his grip, the veins on his forearms popping out as he set them on the ground in front of the beer cooler and crouched to replace the ones that had been drunk that night. You double checked that the cash drawer of the register was even and hopped up to sit on a spare spot of counter.
           “That’s the last one?”
           “Yeah, I already did the Coors and Bud.”
           “Are you good to drive or do you want me to?” You wiggled your toes in your shoes, feeling the ache of standing for hours in the balls of your feet.
           “No, I’m good to drive,” Sam said, shaking hair out of his face. He looked up at you, hazel eyes hard to read with fatigue or fear or pity or some murky combination thereof. You drew tight spirals over orders you’d taken that night, feeling the pen press impressions into the small notepad. The absence of words spread out to close the distance between you, feeling cloying and claustrophobic even as the Nate Bargatze standup you’d cued up piped out through the bar’s speakers.
           “Hey, I—”
           “Are you—” Sam started at the same time. You held out a palm to signal for him to continue, not truly wanting to speak yourself. “Uh, sorry. I just…I—I’m not Dean. I can’t be Dean.”
           The words and deflation in his shoulders made you wish you’d been set ablaze. Stunned, you felt your mouth open and close around words that weren’t materializing, just collecting in your throat and hardening there, the backup starting to choke you.
           “I, uh—I know,” you finally managed to squeak past the lump.
           And part of you wondered if he was right in thinking you were using him as a stand-in. As atypical as the whole situation was, you couldn’t imagine that it was normal to sleep in the same bed and spend virtually every minute together. You began to feel sick at the thought that Sam would be out living up to his potential somewhere if it weren’t for you, back to law school or righting the wrongs of the world rather than in a Northwoods dive bar restocking domestic beers at 2:30 on a Tuesday morning. The selflessness of it seemed unfathomable and yet so entirely something Sam would do. Suddenly it felt like the walls were collapsing around you.
           The moment stretched out and Sam stood up, leaning on the counter across the bar from you. His jaw was set hard and he tilted his head the way he did when he was trying to stop himself from teetering over the edge of tears. “Sam, I—I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
           He cleared his throat but looked down at the nonstick mats on the floor. “No, ah, you don’t need to apologize. I just need you to know I can’t be him for you.”
           You didn’t dare look up in case you met Sam’s eyes as you nodded, so eviscerated and humiliated you were having a hard time taking a deep breath. After a long minute you heard the clink of bottles as Sam finished restocking, grabbed your coat to mumble something about warming up the car, and went to the small parking lot. You managed to make it into the Impala before your vision started swimming and the potential enormity of the situation crashed against you; was this the end of your carved out hideaway, full of grief and memories and comfort and little moments of affection and joy you had just barely started to accept? All for some stupid thought that Dean would be happier if you were out getting wasted, an idea that reduced him to a drifter barfly instead of the complex man who’d been more loyal and loved more deeply than anyone you’d ever met. The tears dried up quickly as self-disgust rolled over you and started ringing in your ears. You didn’t hear Sam coming and jolted when he opened the door, recoiling against the passenger side to give him as much space as possible. He glanced over at you with eyes so pitying that you couldn’t bear to look at them, staring out the window at the abject darkness the rest of the drive home.
           Sam didn’t turn on the stereo.
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           Back in the cabin, you quickly shucked off your coat and snatched what you needed out of the bedroom before barricading yourself in for a shower. You didn’t bother taking your makeup off first, allowing the sting of mascara to get washed away in the water. It was too hot and you didn’t care; you only came out when you realized you were going to leave Sam in a cold shower in the last week in December.
           You brushed your teeth in the mirror and took a few deep breaths before sliding out, heading past the open bedroom door straight to the kitchen in order to gulp down a panicked glass of water. Mercifully, you heard the bathroom door lock when Sam entered it quietly. You took the opportunity to grab your pillow out of the bedroom, tossing it on the couch and pulling the throw off the sofa’s back to cover yourself. Your eyes were closed tight and ramming up against your racing mind when Sam came out.
           “You don’t have to sleep on the couch,” he said softly from behind you.
           You opened your eyes but didn’t move your head to seek him out. “It’s okay.”
           Sam appeared in front of you, legs bending severely to perch on the short coffee table. His bare chest still glistened a little from the shower and you knew the green flannel pants he was wearing were soft and thick to the touch. Earnest hazel eyes meeting yours, Sam braced his elbows on his knees.
           “Sam, I’m really sorry. It was a weird reflex and it was unfair for me to—”
           “No, I, it—it wasn’t that. It’s just like, sometimes when you look at me, you look like you’re seeing a ghost. I’m just—I need to know you’re not staying here because I’m the closest you can get.”
           If your heart hadn’t been shattered and re-shattered over the last almost- two-years and today, the fear and resignation in his eyes would’ve sent you to pieces. You pushed up to sitting in order to give Sam the respect he deserved.
           “I can’t—I won’t lie and say you don’t remind me of him, but you’re my best friend—been my best friend since I first met you guys—and I am so, so, sorry I made you feel…I could never try to replace him, Sam.” You were barely making sense, having a hard time stringing together how you felt. “The only place I want to be is with you. You’re all I’ve got.”
           It felt desperate and needy but it was true and Sam deserved the truth. You didn’t shy away from him, stayed there holding his gaze until he seemed content having searched your eyes for anything hiding from the light. After a moment he nodded tightly against lips pressed in a firm line. “Okay.”
           Sam stood up, the broad planes of him catching the glitter of the Christmas tree lights. When he spoke again, his voice was quiet and tentative. “Can you, uh, can you come back?”
           It took a moment to process before you nodded, standing up and snagging your pillow before following Sam into the bedroom. You climbed into your side of the mattress, close to the wall and your tiny precious gallery, and Sam folded around you, his warm skin seeping through your t-shirt onto your back. You felt tense and comfortable all at once, safe and uneasy. The two of you sat there for a long time, the relatively light weight of Sam’s arm over you betraying that he wasn’t asleep either. When drowsiness finally began to tug your eyelids closed, he pressed his lips to a spot on your shoulder exposed from the looseness of its sleeve. The last thing you remembered was his arm going heavy like an anchor across yours.
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           The sun is hot and delicious on your cheeks, baking the cotton of your jeans and t-shirt into you and turning the roof tiles under you into a frying pan. Wispy clouds move with no urgency across the sky above you and you can’t think of anything better than this, glancing down to worn laces on Dean’s boots undone to give his feet some air as his t-shirt clings half-humid to him. You know his freckles are going to be darker by dinner and it makes you smile to think about it but you’ll never tell him—it makes him shy to be reminded of the spray of pigment that makes him feel alternatively feminine or juvenile but never stunning the way you think it should. You press up to your elbows, barely registering the sting of heat and grit of the roof underneath you and kiss the spot on Dean’s arm where his shoulder slopes into his bicep. He smiles down at you, a lazy half-open smirk perfectly framed by the blue sky behind him like a painting.
           “You’re so weird,” he chuckles. “Who kisses someone’s arm?”
           “Then come down here,” you toss back, exaggerated pout ready for him. He ducks down to you, the warmth of his lips on yours like a cookie fresh out of the oven, like sliding down the hallway on new fuzzy socks, like the summer’s first plunge into water.
           Sam’s head peeks out from under the gutter. “Bobby’s putting brats on the grill, do you want any?”
           “Hell yeah, extra onions,” Dean yells down, grinning smugly when you make a face.
           “Me too!” you call out, watching Sam squint up at the roof. 
           “No onions though, right?”
           “You’re the best, Sam.”
           Sam beams up at you, dimples almost high enough to reach the squint-crinkled skin around his eyes. He nods and ducks back out of sight.
           “Come on, I’m thirsty,” Dean says, standing up. He reaches a hand down to you and takes a half step back to brace himself, stepping on the lace of his other boot. He stumbles and it’s a quick shuffle and you realize he’s too close to the edge his next step is into thin air like Wil E. Coyote and you’re grabbing at that same thin air and you can see his face change when he realizes and some part of your subconscious that’s even deeper than this can feel it’s happening again and the sound is so final, such a wet crack but you scrabble to the edge anyway because you have to see and Dean’s lying there.
           He’s clutching his left leg bent against his chest like a stretch. “Son of a bitch, what the fuck!” he mutter-yells, and you hear the thump of Sam and Bobby running through the old house and skittering to a stop in front of him as you carefully shimmy down the porch post with your hands tearing on the gutter’s rusty edge, jumping down when you feel the railing beneath you.
           “Dean! Are you okay?” Sam yells over Bobby who’s cursing out the goddamn idjit told you not to climb up there it’s like having a bunch of teenagers in this goddamned house and Dean winces and nods angrily.
           You’re lifting up the hem of his jeans and gingerly taking off his boot and Dean hisses when you peel off his sock, but nothing is poking through the skin and that’s better than you expected. “Can you stand up?”
           He nods again and you can practically taste him biting back the string of expletives when you and Sam each take an arm and lift him to standing. You snake a hand into his pocket and grab the keys to the Impala, leaning behind Dean to say to his brother, “I’ll take him to the ER.”
           Dean doesn’t argue and it’s yet more evidence that it’s pretty bad, but you feel fine, elated almost, that he’s still warm under your palm and against your side, that he still smells like fresh laundry and domestic beer and a little bit of salt and engine grease. Sam’s long arm opens the door when you get there and slides Dean in and you promise to text when you know how bad it is as you round the car and get to the driver’s side. You turn the key in the ignition and throw your arm around Dean’s seat to reverse out of the driveway. Dean’s looking at you as you throw the car back into drive, staring almost, and his face is soft even around the broken ankle.
           “I’m always going to love you,” he says, smooth and sure of himself. You tug your eyes away from the road with half a question on your face but Dean doesn’t explain why he’s saying this now. “I’ll be okay and I’m always going to love you, no matter what.”
           It doesn’t make any sense and you open your mouth to tease this unexpected sappiness, remind him the ankle is just one more in a long string of injuries he’ll owe you for, and then Dean’s gone, the car’s gone, and the heat is coming from Sam’s chest in front of you. 
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 5
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lavenderboneswrites · 3 years
it’s me, kitty 🥺
👉🏻👈🏻 Shizuo and Izaya having a self care day?
they try face masks, watch movies, do their nails, eat junk food, anything that comes to your mind 🥰
Maybe they even have a bubble bath together 👀👀
Of course my beloved got her request in first <3 <3 I hope you enjoy it bb, I tried to fit as much as your fav tropes in as I possibly could. Thank you for always supporting me and letting me share my ideas with you <3 <3
I Feel it Coming
Words: 5352
Rating: Explicit
Tags: smut and fluff, shizaya, established relationship, self-care day, possessive Shizuo, light dom/sub (please check AO3 for a comprehensive list of tags)
When Shizuo gets home Izaya is nowhere to be seen.
It’s been a long day of chasing down debts and deadbeats. Shizuo sighs as he toes off his shoes at the entrance and loosens the clip on bowtie. Making a trail up the stairs and to his bedroom, Shizuo pulls off his vest off along the way. He takes care to hang it gingerly on the hanger behind the door, certain he can get a few more wears out of this one before it needed washing.
He rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows, loosened buttons showing off a white undershirt and the hint of defined pectorals. Most of the lights in the apartment were on, the bedroom lit by low lamplight. Izaya is obviously around, and yet he normally greets Shizuo boisterously; often from his desk because he’s forgotten to stop working.
Shizuo untucks his shirt, slipping out of his pants and letting white fabric slip below his thighs. He’s thinking he needs a shower, or maybe he’ll just fall straight into bed, but he follows the sound of running water to the en suite.
Izaya really has a ridiculous apartment. His bathroom is off his bedroom, and if you pass through it you’ll find yourself in a large walk-in wardrobe. For someone who only wears the same ugly coat everyday Izaya sure has a lot of clothes. Shizuo’s not complaining, when Izaya wears that cream oversized turtleneck it does things to him.
Shizuo follows the rush of water to the bathroom. Steam clouds the air, mixed with a pleasant floral smell. It’s dark in here, the only light an illumination of candles on the basin and other various other spots. Water is filling the bath, a mix of bubbles and rose petals on the surface. Heated tiles warm Shizuo’s feet and he can’t help but feel the tension of the day lifting slightly at the relaxing atmosphere.
Until he almost has a heart attack.
Standing in the entrance to the wardrobe is a man with a white mask over his face.
Shizuo stumbles back, heart racing a million miles an hour as the figure emerges from the dark.
“What the fuck!?”
Shizuo clutches his hand in his shirt as he tries to force his rabbiting heart to calm down.
“You look like a fucking serial killer!”
He’s still trying to calm down from the shock as the masked man attempts a grin.
“Welcome home to you too, Shizu-chan.”
Izaya’s dressed in a maroon bathrobe and on his face is one of those stupid beauty masks he loves so much. Though, the serial killer look is slightly dampened by the fluffy white headband with cat ears Izaya wears to keep his hair back.
Izaya slinks up to him, arms going to wrap around his neck and Shizuo’s hands automatically go to his waist. It’s almost like a pavlovian response at this point.
“I’m not kissing you when you look like this,” Shizuo grumbles out to which Izaya replies with only a chuckle.
It’s disconcerting. The mask has holes for his mouth and eyes, and a slit for his nostrils, but other than that he looks completely macabre.
Shizuo ignores his own words when he allows Izaya to place a small peck on his lips.
“What’s all this?” Shizuo asks, rubbing circles into Izaya’s hips absentmindedly.
“Mm?” Izaya makes his usual noncommittal noise. “I thought Shizu-chan would like some pampering after a long day at work.”
Honestly, that sounds absolutely wonderful to Shizuo right about now. He eyes the bath off, noticing two glasses of lemon and mint infused water on the hob next to it. No doubt one of Izaya’s own ‘self-care’ creations.
Izaya doesn’t do anything without an ulterior motive and a sprinkling of manipulation, Shizuo thinks with his eyes narrowing back to his currently psychotic looking boyfriend.
“What’s the catch?”
“My, my … can’t I just be doing something nice for my boyfriend?”
“No,” Shizuo deadpans back to Izaya’s fake as shit voice.
He attempts to pout, but he can’t move his face muscles well without messing up the mask.
“Boo Shizu-chan, you’re no fun.”
“And you’re a pest,” Shizuo says as Izaya hangs off him like some sort of dramatic leach.
Izaya leans his head back, giving an over top groan as if Shizuo’s inability to react in the way he wants is his greatest annoyance.
“Come on,” Shizuo leans closer, mouth almost touching skin as he whispers low into his ear. “The sooner you tell me what you want the sooner you’ll get it, flea.”
Shizuo can feel the way the body in his arms tenses up momentarily, almost like a shiver going through him from the low tenor of Shizuo’s voice. Really, Izaya was pretty easy to handle once he learnt a few tricks.
One being that he was an incredibly horny fleabag.
Izaya is sliding his hands down Shizuo’s back, sweeping over the curve of his ass as he finds the hem of Shizuo’s shirt. He runs his fingers along the seam before sneaking under white fabric to press at his upper thigh.
“Hmm,” Shizuo pulls back to find copper eyes among a sea of white. Izaya’s hands on his skin are slightly distracting and just a little bit ticklish. “I want Shizuo to do a face-mask with me.”
“And?” Shizuo presses, digging the points of his thumbs into Izaya’s hips lightly.
“And have a bubble bath.”
Shizuo just pulls Izaya closer, pressing a swift kiss the crown of his head. “Alright louse, I guess that doesn’t sound so bad.”
Shizuo has a quick rinse off in the shower, afterwards changing into the navy bathrobe Izaya had brought to match his. It feels good to wash away the remnants of a long day, water beating down on his shoulders almost like a massage. Izaya’s shower had out of this world water pressure, honestly Shizuo was in love.
One face-mask later and the bath has finished filling. Steam is coming off the water, and Shizuo knows it’s still way too hot for either of them to get in. Though Izaya will probably try to early like always. He really was like some cold-blooded reptile, always trying to soak up as much heat as possible … usually from Shizuo himself.
Shizuo lets Izaya put his mask on. It was the best choice, considering the wet paper like cloth needed delicate handling and Shizuo would no doubt rip it immediately with his ‘monster’s paws’, as Izaya had said. He made sure to smack at Izaya with his monster paws for that comment.
The mask isn’t horrible. It’s wet and his vision is kind of obscured, and he doesn’t think it fits properly cause one side keeps curling down at his temple. Izaya had given him his own kitty ear headband to hold his fringe back, and the louse pesters him to take a few selfies together. Shizuo can’t help but snort at how ridiculous they look, kind of like a mannequin had a baby with a hockey mask.
They sit on the edge of the bathtub next to each other, sipping their drinks the best they can with the masks in the way. Shizuo eventually gets fed up and rips the sliver of paper between his nostrils and upper lip and Izaya almost chokes on his stupid lemon water laughing.
It’s cute.
It’s nice to just sit and talk, to take stock of each other’s day and catch up. Izaya plays footsies with him the entire time, and at one point Shizuo almost falls backwards into the bath trying to capture the louse’s calf between his feet.
Izaya’s hand is also rubbing once again against his thigh, sliding up under the material of his bathrobe. He massages his fingers into the muscles, pressing with precision into the knots hard enough to make Shizuo groan.
Izaya has a thing for his thighs. Shizuo doesn’t know why, but something about them makes the little pest go feral. They are thick and muscular, almost double the width of Izaya’s own legs and even if Shizuo didn’t see the appeal himself he’s happy to let Izaya have his fun.
Watching Izaya fuck himself against only his bare thigh really was a sight to behold.
After about ten minutes the face masks come off. Shizuo never could keep them on as long as Izaya; after a while it started to get too annoying and almost itchy. Still, Shizuo would be lying if he said it didn’t feel completely satisfying pealing the paper away from his skin.
He scrunches the mask into a ball, using it to rub the excess moisture of his face. Izaya folds his own mask much more neatly, leaning towards the mirror to inspect his skin as he wipes away any remaining excess.
Like every inch of that skin wasn’t flawless to begin with.
Shizuo rubs at his cheek, taking in how soft the mask has left his skin. He wasn’t that into self-care like Izaya was, but even he couldn’t deny these masks were magical.
Better was Izaya skin, which normally soft to the touch, became like silk under Shizuo’s fingertips. He can’t stop himself from reaching out, from cupping the flea’s cheek and rubbing his thumb against ivory skin.
It’s nice to finally see his unobscured face.
“Hey,” Shizuo’s turning that his to meet lips like satin in a soft kiss.
Izaya lets Shizuo set the pace to something slow and unhurried. He parts his mouth, tongue licking at the seam of Izaya’s lips before the other is turning to let him deepen the kiss further.
Shizuo licks into that wicked mouth with a careful consideration, letting Izaya’s taste flood over his tongue. There’s a hand twisting into the back of his hair and another once more kneading the flesh of his thigh.
Shizuo breaks the kiss slowly, dazzlingly eyes of whiskey alight with muted heat blinking softly back up at him.
“I’m home, Izaya.”
Izaya grins at the domestic phrase, rubs his nose against Shizuo’s and the little kiss is so cute that Shizuo can feel the tips of his ears go red.
“Welcome home, Shizu-chan.”
Izaya breath is like a whisper over his lips and Shizuo can’t help but mirror his smirk with a grin of his own.
Shizuo slips into the bath by himself, letting out a groan as the heat immediately relaxes the muscles in his back. It’s still way too hot. So hot that he can’t help but shiver, heat skittering almost painfully over sensitive nerve endings. And yet it feels like heaven, all of the tension flooding out of his body after a long day. He closes his eyes, letting his head lie back on the hob as he just soaks in the moment.
The patter of feet signal Izaya’s return. Shizuo opens one eye to see him standing before him with those same kitty ears and nothing else.
Izaya’s body is stunning. He’s lean and long limbed, but there’s a subtle grace to the way he holds himself. Shizuo always thinks of him as some kind of jungle panther. Light-footed. Slinking around like a predator. His waist is slim, and yet there is slight definition around his muscles, and his ass-, shit, his ass is a gift from God. Chasing the flea all those years had definitely paid off for him; and Shizuo was happy to enjoy the spoils too.
Izaya places a hand to Shizuo’s bicep as he steadies himself and steps into the water. Shizuo’s arm comes up to the small of his back automatically, ready to catch him at the first sign of a slip, but knowing Izaya it wasn’t necessary.
The flea slips into the space between Shizuo’s parted legs and leans back against his muscled chest. He lets out a little sigh as he submerges himself into the water up to his shoulders, obviously enjoying the heat sinking deep into his body just as Shizuo had. The noise is nice, something breathless and almost non-existent, something Shizuo is so attuned to he thinks he can almost hear it in his head rather than any physical sound.
Izaya’s leans his head back against his shoulder and Shizuo can’t help but wrap his arms around his waist, pulling him tighter against his front.
Izaya body fits perfectly against his, and not for the first time Shizuo is certain that flea was made for him.
The candles flicker with steam, and Shizuo thinks he could fall asleep right here and now.
A loud slapping sound breaks through his peace and Shizuo can feel giggles vibrating through Izaya’s back.
Opening his eyes again, Shizuo is met with the sight of Izaya scooping bubbles into his hands. He smacks them together quickly, the bubbles exploding into the air with his delighted giggles.
It’s too fucking cute.
“What are you, four?”
Izaya answers by twisting his neck to look over at Shizuo, a hand of foam raised and Shizuo’s barely has time to raise an eyebrow before bubbles are being blown into his face.
“Oi,” Shizuo hacks a cough, swallowing a great deal more soap than he ever wanted to. His eye twitches at the cheeky look in Izaya’s eyes and his grouchy tone really doesn’t match his own fond smile.
“Do you want me to drown you in this tub?”
Izaya pouts, “Shizu-chan don’t be mean.”
The pout cracks as his lips twitch up at the corners. Water splashes, the flea suddenly turning around fully and scooping up more bubbles.
“Shizu-chan let’s make you a bubble beard.”
“Haaah?” Izaya mocks, “come on old man.”
“I’m younger than you,” Shizuo quips back, trying to grab skinny wrists that keep trying to slap foam to his chin.
Wasn’t this supposed to be relaxing!?
Izaya’s attempts don’t ease up and he giggles as a ball of bubbles land delicately on Shizuo’s nose.
He narrows his eyes at his nose, as if the bubbles have personally offended him, and before Izaya can even get a yelp out Shizuo is shoving his head underwater.
Water goes over the sides of the tub and Izaya’s arms splash comically as Shizuo’s entire palm covers the crown of his head. He only gives it a few seconds before he lets up.
Izaya pops back up, hair sopping and stuck to his forehead as his kitty headband hangs pathetically around his neck. He splutters and coughs, attempting to glare at Shizuo as he rubs at his eyes.
Shizuo only gives a cocky raise of one eyebrow, as if to say ‘you started it’.
“Did you just try to drown me?” Izaya asks, his outrage fake as shit.
“You wanna go back under?” Shizuo threatens, but the tone is ruined by his wide smile.
Izaya grins, one shoulder coming up in a half-hearted shrug. He pulls off the headband around his neck, pouting at the state it’s in before flinging it over the side of the tub to the floor.
A glint flashes in Izaya’s eyes. It’s the only warning Shizuo gets before two hands are pressing down onto his head.
Shizuo plants his feet firmly on the bottom of the tub to stop from sliding, and Izaya’s wicked looked turns disappointed as Shizuo doesn’t budge an inch.
Izaya’s eyes narrow into a look of determination, and he even gets to his knees as he tries to add even more force to Shizuo’s head.
“Why, won’t, you, die?”
Shizuo answers by letting himself suddenly slip under the water. The sudden loss of purchase has Izaya floundering and Shizuo swears he can hear him yelp through water.
Shizuo almost swallows an obscene amount of bath water from laughing before he pops back up. Izaya has slumped atop of him, arms around his neck as he holds his own head above water as if to keep himself from completely submerging.
Shizuo likes that. The way Izaya will always grab onto him, cling to him, whenever he loses his footing.
“Shizu-chan is so mean. Jail for a thousand years!”
Shizuo just chuckles, pushing Izaya’s fringe away from his forehead as he looks at him. He’s doing the face Shizuo loves, the one where his nose scrunches up oh so cutely. Shizuo loves that face, he wants to hoard it all to himself and never let anyone else see it.
If it got out Izaya was this cute Shizuo’s sure he’d have to beat off interested parties with a sick.
Shizuo sits himself up, shaking his head like a dog to get the water out of his hair. Izaya squirms in his arms, but he doesn’t let go. Instead he manhandles the flea back into the same position they started in, with his back pressed to Shizuo’s chest, sitting between his legs.
There, Shizuo thinks triumphantly, Izaya’s wriggling getting less and less by the minute. He squeezes his thighs around the flea’s hips, wrapping his legs over the top of Izaya’s until he’s practically in a joint lock.
He’s really no match for Shizuo’s superior strength when it comes down to it. Still, it didn’t stop Izaya from trying to wrestle him daily.
“Have you calmed down you damn water rat?”
“Hmm,” Izaya hums as if he has no idea what Shizuo’s talking about. “Shouldn’t I be a water flea? Shizu-chan don’t you know it’s bad to mix metaphors?”
Shizuo just snorts at such a bratty response.
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Izaya relents and relaxes back into his body and Shizuo can’t help but rub his nose against the back of his neck.
“You’re ridiculous,” Shizuo snorts into his skin, and he doesn’t need to see to know that Izaya is smirking.
He lets his lips and hands do the rest of the talking. Soft kisses trailing from Izaya’s neck to his shoulder and back again. He rubs his hands at the flea’s sides, making a path up and down slowly as he maps out every inch of creamy skin.
Izaya makes that soundless noise again, lips parted slightly as closes his eyes, focusing on sensation of Shizuo’s hands and lips on him. Shizuo’s touch is light, almost ticklish as he brushes fingertips across Izaya’s ribs, the water turning his path slick and easy.
Shizuo kisses are barely a press of lips to skin, so soft that it’s only the feel of his breath blowing out that makes Izaya’s skin erupt into goosebumps. Shizuo watches fascinated as that alabaster skin reacts before his very eyes.
Izaya’s got the faintest of freckles splayed across his shoulders, almost impossible to see unless this close. Shizuo loves to pick out each individual mark, a constellation of stars for his mouth to trace and follow. To worship and pay tribute to.
Shizuo rubs his hands from Izaya’s sides down to his hips, thighs, and back up again to his waist. Every time he trails down he moves a little bit further. Inch by torturous inch he teases skin until Izaya starts to squirm a little.
Shizuo’s grin is wicked as he presses it under Izaya’s ear. His lips move up to brush against his pulse point and Izaya lifts his chin to allow Shizuo greater access.
Shizuo’s chuckle spills over skin for real and shivers are erupting once more over Izaya’s skin.
“Mmm?” Shizuo whispers a questioning noise, hands dipping past the heated flesh at Izaya’s inner thigh. “You like that flea?”
Izaya does a little jerk of his head, eyes closed and it really is too cute.
“Does it feel good?”
Shizuo breath is hot at his ear before he gives a playful nip to the flesh. He can feel the way Izaya’s breath hitches, the motion going through his back and making Shizuo’s own chest thrum with something primal and satisfied.
Shizuo’s rubbing his foot against Izaya’s calf muscle, feeling the way he squirms at the touch.
“What’s wrong?” Shizuo cheeks actually hurt from how wide he’s smiling. “Do you not like it?”
Izaya’s head shakes, the action almost frantic, and Shizuo rewards him by sliding the flat of his tongue over the muscle where his neck and shoulder meet.
His skin tastes clean and fresh, and Shizuo feels his mouth salivating with the desire to bite into that milky flesh. To see it bruised dark with his claim. He holds off though, content with just feeling Izaya beneath his hands, feeling the way his breathing goes a little faster at every dip closer to that heat between his legs.
“Does it feel good when I touch here?” Shizuo brushes his fingertips over Izaya’s ribs, taking in every little shudder as he whispers into his lover’s ear. “What about when I touch here?”
Shizuo’s hands trail inwards, and Izaya’s lips are parting in a gasp as his knuckles brush against the side of his cock.
“Ah, is there someone you want me to touch you flea?”
Shizuo rubs his fingers between Izaya’s thighs just above his knees, so close and yet so far, if the little whimper that escapes his lips is any indication.
Shizuo feels like an addict. There is just something about having Izaya in his arms, squirming and desperate for his touch and just … taking his time with him.
Dragging it out nice and slow.
Shizuo continues licking and sucking at the flea’s neck. Izaya has his hand trapped between his legs in a vice grip, and yet Shizuo still continues his slow, sweet touches.
He lets his touches turn rougher, digs bruises into pale skin as he sucks harshly on that spot beneath Izaya’s ear; the spot that makes him moan open-mouthed.
His name is like a prayer on Izaya’s lips. Breathless and needy. Shizuo doesn’t know whether he’s begging for him to stop or begging for him to keep going, either way the sound sinks deep into his gut.
“Shizuo please.”
Shizuo’s grin goes impossibly wide, mouth gaping like a predator’s with its prey in its grasp. His lips find Izaya’s earlobe. He pulls the flesh into his mouth and sucks harshly.
It’s a dizzying juxtaposition. Wrenching his hand from Izaya’s thigh-crush, Shizuo grazes the tips of fingers over the head of his cock, the softest, slowest touch all night and it makes Izaya jolt.
Shizuo sucks hard at the flea’s neck, finger tips trailing down his shaft and to his navel. He rubs at the soft flesh there, relishing in the annoyed whine that Izaya makes as he moves away from his reddened cock.
“Shizuo,” he can hear the pout in Izaya’s voice.
“Look at you,” Shizuo releases Izaya’s ear with a wet sound, “I haven’t even played with your tits yet and this worked up.”
That whine becomes louder, more painful if possible, as if Izaya’s gritting his teeth together.
“Shizuo you better fucking touch me or I’m going to destroy all your stupid bartender outfits.”
It’s astounding. Izaya’s gripping his wrist so tightly Shizuo’s sure there will be indents of his nails left behind. How is it possible for him to still sound like such a vicious little thing when he’s desperately trying to put Shizuo’s unbudging hand to his leaking cock?
“Oi,” Shizuo growls low and Izaya’s body shivers fully at the sound. “Do you want me to drown you again?”
“Heh,” Izaya lips are quirking up, eyes hooded as he speaks out like silk and satin, “if you drown me there won’t be anyone around to suck your cock.”
Shizuo should’ve expected this. Expected Izaya would try to play dirty.
He was the definition of little brat that needed to be put in their place. Still, the words make his own dick jump, and he can’t help but press his erection harder into the swell of Izaya’s ass in warning.
“Oh?” Shizuo lets his tenor lilt upwards, “you wanna suck my cock that bad flea?”
Izaya snorts, and Shizuo can’t help but rub his nose against his neck in an overly affectionate gesture.
“Hey Shizu-chan,” Izaya’s turning his face, lips meeting lips in a sweet brush as he releases his death grip on Shizuo’s wrist.
Shizuo stares into dark, deep eyes; lets himself drown as Izaya presses his forehead to his.
“Yeah flea?”
Izaya eyes close, his mouth turning soft as he gives one of those rare smiles reserved just for Shizuo.
Shizuo’s eyes slip close, Izaya in his arms and his breath spilling across his face in a steady rhythm. It’s like an abstract concept become physical, a peace that Shizuo can literally hold within his hands.
Izaya dips his head to Shizuo’s neck, lips against skin as he whispers.
“I want you to tell me how badly I want to suck your cock … while you touch me.”
Shizuo’s eyes blow wide. His smile is going predator-like before he can even realise it.
Izaya was absolutely perfect.
Shizuo pulls Izaya’s body back with his, getting comfortable as Izaya settles himself in against his hold, nuzzling into his neck. Shizuo can’t help but shower his back in soft kisses.
“You want me to talk you through it baby?” Shizuo asks, letting his voice go softer. He’s cock is aching as Izaya shivers at the pet name. He forces it to the back of his mind, focus zeroing in on the body in his arms. “You look so good right now.”
Izaya just sighs and Shizuo rewards him with a kiss to his lips. It’s chaste and sweet, with the promise of something hotter simmering just beneath the surface.
He lets his hands slide through the water and up that irresistible body once more. This time when snakes his hand downwards he palms at Izaya’s cock lightly.
“Aah,” Izaya’s lets out this little moan, relief and pleasure all in one. As if not being touched had been painful, had been torture.
“That feel good? Being touched here?” Shizuo whispers a sonnet against Izaya’s neck. His eyes are wide open, mesmerized as he palms his hand with more force against the flea’s cock.
His hot in his palm, positively boiling compared to the cooling temperate of the water surrounding them. Shizuo enjoys the feel of him in his hands. Hot and heavy. Izaya has a nice cock, it’s long, not as thick as Shizuo’s but it curves nicely and his mouth waters at the sight of it.
“You’ve got such a pretty cock … for such an ugly flea.”
Izaya actually chuckles at the underhanded compliment and Shizuo feels himself flush at the sound.
Izaya was anything but ugly.
Shizuo’s certain even the most wicked of devils would repent at the beauty of his flea.
Mine, mine, mine.
Shizuo lets his touch stay slow and steady, matching his earlier exploration of Izaya’s body. He closes his fist around the shaft experimentally, the water making his slow pull even rougher.
Izaya’s head is thrown fully back onto his shoulder now. Eyes closed as he pants open-mouthed. His hips are doing these cute little jerk, moving in time with Shizuo’s hand, and every brush of his ass against Shizuo’s cock makes him want to groan out loud.
“Look at you, I bet you’re imagining it aren’t you?” Shizuo fists the head of Izaya’s cock with the barest of pressure and the other is whimpering. “My cock in your mouth … the taste of me on your tongue.”
Shizuo’s pace is increasing, fist going tighter as his words climb higher.
“You look so good with your mouth stuffed with my cock, baby,” Shizuo’s whispers are turning harsh in his ears. “God you feel so good around me. So wet.”
Shizuo’s eyes are closing and he can feel it. That warm wet heat enveloping him, almost overwhelming in its sensation.
“You want it so badly don’t you? Tell me how badly you want my cock.”
“Y-yes!” Izaya’s voice comes out high pitched and desperate. “I-, I want your cock … I-I need it.”
Shizuo rubs his hard dick against the crack of Izaya’s ass, in time with the flea’s desperate thrust. His lips are wet and wide against Izaya’s neck, kisses turning careless as he sucks and bites with abandon. Izaya’s body is going taunt in his arms, toes curling against the tub, abdominals clenching so tight it almost looks painful. His body is on the edge of trembling, pulled so tight Shizuo can feel that tension almost about to snap.
“Fuck baby,” Shizuo lets his voice go rough, lets it go needy.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Shizuo gives a feral growl, Izaya’s squirming and splashing in his arms as he sets a relentless pace against his cock. Shizuo twists his fist as he pulls up, water sloshing over the sides at his frantic pace. He fists the head tightly, twisting in a way that makes Izaya keen out like he’s been kicked in the gut.
“N-need you, fuck I need you baby.”
“Ah-, ah-, Shizuo!”
Shizuo’s desperation sends Izaya over the edge. The body in his arms tenses, like an electric current is running through it and then he’s shaking apart, moaning long and loud as Shizuo strokes him through his orgasm, never letting up as his cock spurts white into water.
He keeps stroking him. Izaya’s breathing is ragged as he collapses boneless atop Shizuo.
Eventually he slows his motions, letting his hand come to a steady stop as he feels all the little aftershocks shivering through the body in his arms. Izaya’s eyes are closed and Shizuo thinks he might have fucked him stupid.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Oi,” Shizuo presses a kiss to Izaya’s temple. “Don’t fall asleep flea.”
Shizuo can’t keep the smile out his voice. He has literal perfection in his arms, had that same perfection coming and calling out his name. His heart feels fit to burst…
His cock definitely is.
“Mm, Shizu-chan is such a sadist,” Izaya finally mumbles a response. He sounds dazed, like he’s intoxicated and on the verge of blacking out.
“Guess it’s a good thing you’re such a masochist then, huh?” Shizuo says between kisses to the smattering of stars over Izaya’s shoulder.
“Hmm,” Izaya’s eyes are cracking open, staring unseeing at the ceiling as he brushes a hand through the water absentmindedly. “The bath is dirty now.”
Shizuo snorts, “and who made it dirty, louse?”
“Shizu-chan should take responsibility, after all, it’s all his fault,” Izaya quips back, turning to press a smirk into Shizuo’s neck.
“Youbetter take responsibility,” Shizuo grumbles, pressing his still raging erection against Izaya’s backside in case he’d somehow forgotten about it.
“But I’m tired,” Izaya whines pathetically, and Shizuo half kind of wants to drown him again. “Shizu-chan’s torture was relentless!”
Shizuo chuckles at that, the deep sound vibrating through his chest and into Izaya’s back.
“Surprised you just didn’t slip it in mid torture,” Izaya lilts with his usually vulgarity and yeah Shizuo should definitely drown him.
“Too tired,” Shizuo deadpans, “you do some work flea.”
“Heh, be careful what you wish for Shizu-chan.”
They end up in bed, barely dry as Izaya’s swallows down Shizuo’s cock like a man starving. Shizuo’s exhausted, splayed out on the bed as he hovers blissfully between the edge of sleep and the pleasure of Izaya’s hot mouth wrapped around him.
It doesn’t take long for him to come. Not long until he’s body is shaking apart and he’s calling Izaya’s name. He trembles as Izaya sucks him dry of every, last, drop.
Shizuo feels hazy, his skin hypersensitive from the aftershocks of his orgasm. He’s drifting off to sleep, Izaya snuggling in beside him and pulling the blanket up.
“Shizu-chan has tomorrow off, right?” Izaya asks innocently, and Shizuo thinks he brushes his hand through the flea’s hair but he’s not quite sure in his half-awake daze.
“Will Shizu-chan make me breakfast?”
Shizuo’s eyes are slipping closed again, the sight of Izaya tucked under his arm and snuggling into his neck the last thing he sees.
“Yeah flea,” he’s mumbling in his sleep, “do … anything…”
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bts-storys · 3 years
Bathing a bomb (m)
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Author: bts-storys
Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Rating: mature content, 18+
Genre: Strangers to lovers/ Lush Store AU/ Smut
Word Count: 5,901
Summary: Your job at the Lush store isn’t what you would call extremely exciting. That is until one customer just won’t stay out of the shop. And for that matter he won’t stay out of your head either.
Warnings: oral (female receiving), fingering, dirty talk, graphic description of sex, penetration, lots of stuff with hands, because I feel like that's what lush is essentially about, Seokjin being handsome as ever, some daydreaming about a shower
A/N: I changed my narrative perspective a bit, I hope everything sounds better now. I won't lie, this piece gave me a real hard time, so happy so present to you what I worked on the last weeks.
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„Damn it! “
You flinch when you hear an angry voice right on the other side of the wall, sitting upright again in the process. The door bursts open and someone marches right into the break room.
“Are you okay, June?”, you carefully ask your co-worker. When you catch a glimpse at her hands you cock an eyebrow. “Did you touch the lilac soap again?”
“Yes, for god’s sake!”, she grumbles while digging in her bag. “I hate this damn allergy!”
“I told you to wear some gloves or at least call me to take care of it instead”, you say in a judging tone.
“I know, I forgot them. And you’re on break Y/N!” She looks at you with an apologetic expression while opening a jar of cream from her bag.
You laugh. “Well I was until now. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of the customers and you do something about your hands, you look like an angry lobster.”
You put your coffee aside and your customer smile back on your face. Walking through the door, the overwhelming smell of hundreds of different scents washes right over you. When you first started working at the Lush store a few months prior, you found yourself with a headache at the end of every day from smelling so much all the time. When you had told June about it, she gave you a painkiller and assured you it would get better soon. She was right at the end and you grew into loving all the different scents. Nothing relaxes you more than the familiar fragrances in the store after a hard day of studying. You shake your head to get rid of the memory.
Even though June had been working here far longer, she just can’t deal with her lilac allergy due to her extreme stubbornness. Nara, your other co-worker is talking to a customer so you get back to one of the shelves and finish putting in the soap. Right at the last piece, someone behind you makes a coughing noise.
“Ehrm- Excuse me?”
You turn around. The speaker is a tall guy at least one head-length taller than you. He has broad shoulders and the most handsome face you have ever seen. His skin has a perfect shine as if he uses the exact right amount of moisturizer every day and his head looks perfectly shaped. His black hair matches his dark coat and the pair of boots he wears. His body-position gives off a high level of self-confidence, much contrary to his worried expression. His complete appearance is quite overwhelming and it takes you a second or two to get over yourself.
“Hi, what can I do for you?”, you smile at him.
He smiles back at you and you feel your heartbeat increase. “I was wondering… how many different bath bombs do you sell at the moment?”
Inwardly, you let out a sigh. Chances are pretty small, a handsome man like him would ask about bath bombs without the intention of giving them to a boyfriend or girlfriend. On the outside you maintain your customer smile.
“Right now, we have 20 different types of bath bombs here at the store. Do you have a specific fragrance you’re looking for?”
“N-No, not exactly. I want all of them…please.”
You look at him with confusion. “You want to buy every bath bomb in this store?!!”
“No!”, he quickly corrects. “I want to buy one of every type, if that’s possible.”
You start to laugh.
“I’m so sorry”, you tell him after getting a hold of yourself. “Of course, that’s possible, let’s grab a basket for you.”
He sends you a smile that gets right to your core. “Don’t worry, I know that it's a weird request. You have a cute laugh though.”
You feel your cheeks heat up, quickly turning around, reminding yourself that he is still a customer.
“Thank you, Sir. Let’s get to those bath bombs.”
“It’s Seokjin, actually. Please don’t call me ‘Sir’.”
You hide your surprise behind a straight face. “Okay Seokjin, follow me, please.”
You get to the counter where the bath bombs are stored, aware that he is right behind you. While filling the little basket with colorful shapes, you just can’t resist the curiosity.
“Soo, is there a reason to your special request?”, you ask him while scanning the stacks for more bombs.
“Um, I guess I just want to know what color they would produce. You know, all together.”
You turn around again, seeing him gulp.
“You want to use them all at once?” You try not to sound like you are laughing at him again, maintaining a neutral expression. “I’m finished by the way, so follow me to the checkout, please.”
You get behind the cash register, scanning the items before dropping them into a bag.
“Should I pack them as a gift?”, you try asking without raising his suspicion. Maybe he is still getting them for his SO or whatsoever even though it seemed like he was flirting with you for a brief moment.
“No, thank you”, he says, looking right into your eyes. The dark brown of his iris seems to pull you in, until you snap out of it after a few seconds. He pays and takes the bag from your hand. His gaze lingers on your form behind the apron you are wearing and you feel your breath hitch for a second.
Then the moment is over.
“Thank you for your kind consultation, Y/N.”, he says with a look at the tag on your shirt. At the mention of your name, you feel heat shooting through your body like he just set you on fire. Suddenly, you find it difficult to concentrate when he gives you one last look and leaves the store.
“DID GOD SEND US AN ANGEL TO GET 20 BATH BOMBS?!”, you hear June yell behind you.
“Who the hell was that, Y/N?”
“That was Seokjin and he wants to know what color they would produce all at once”, you answer like you’re in a trance.
“He WHAT- now?!”
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For the next few days you try not to think about Seokjin too much. To tell the truth, you fail miserably. The main reason to that is certainly June who just won’t let go of the story, but if you are honest, you think about him as well. Even without her help. Seokjin piqued your interest and you want to know more about him.
You even start looking him up on social media in your work breaks but either he doesn’t have any public appearance or your fbi skills just aren’t good enough to find him.
The next week starts without any major events if you don’t count the old man who tries to eat a whole bar of shower soap and the middle-aged woman who just won’t understand the usage of a massage bar. After the third attempt of explaining she doesn’t need a lighter for the process, she just leaves and you try to stay calm. Suddenly, you hear someone call your name from behind.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You turn around and immediately feel like you’re not ready for the sight you’re greeted with. Seokjin is wearing a white, half-transparent shirt with long sleeves combined with skinny black pants.
They look too tight.
Your lungs feel tight too.
He even remembered your name. And how the hell are you fangirling over someone you only met once before?! A quick look around shows that both Nara and June are busy with customers so you pull yourself together and return his smile.
“Seokjin. How can I help you today?”
For a moment he looks a bit lost but quickly recovers.
“I loved how everything smelled the last time I was here, so I thought I’d get something else. You do sell shower gel, right?”
“Yeah, of course”, you say, turning around to get to the other side of the shop. While walking in front of him you try to relax your shoulders a bit.
Arriving at the shower themed area you try to get back to being professional again.
“Do you have anything special in mind? Maybe some ingredient you like?”, you ask him while scanning the stacks.
Your gaze comes to a halt when you spot a sign right next to his handsome face saying “prince charming”. Normally, you love the shower gel that is advertised, but right now you curse whoever chose its name. The real prince charming in front of you has the audacity to smirk at your irritation.
“I like products that smooth my skin when I’m in the shower”, he says looking you dead in the eye. “Maybe something that feels good when you apply it.”
You can’t do anything about it, the picture just appears in front of your inner eye. Seokjin standing in the shower, water floating over his shaped body. He rubs his damped skin with nourishing oils, his lips sinfully parted. His body looks perfect surrounded by the steam from the hot water. You visibly shudder.
“Are you cold?”, Seokjin asks, bringing you back to reality.
“N-No!”, you hastily say. Quickly, you grab a bar with a minty color from the shelf, showing it to him.
“What about this one? It’s really good for your skin, it’s based on natural ingredients.”
He leaves you completely stunned when he takes your hand into his, bringing the bar to his nose. His palm is soft and warm, embracing your small fingers with his. You feel like you float and the feeling tingles. Every inch of your body is on edge, not missing a single second of the moment. His touch is light and gentle, giving you the opportunity to pull away. Obviously, you don’t. Further, you don’t even breathe until he lets go of you again.
“Yeah, it smells nice", he says. "I’ll take it."
Your wobbly legs take the two of you to the checkout, where you wrap the soap bar.
“Do you work here every day?”, Seokjin asks you casually. “If you don’t mind answering”, he adds.
“I don’t”, you smile. “I work from Monday ‘til Thursday after my college courses.”
He looks impressed. “You study and work at the same time?”
You laugh at his expression. “Something has to pay the rent, right? Also working here is more fun than it looks like.”
“I mean, if you like working in a giant flower meadow, then yeah”, he jokes. “What’s your major though?”
“International Management”, you say sheepishly. “Probably not the most interesting- “
“Awesome!”, he exclaims. “I work in the management area myself, you know.”
“You do?” Secretly, you had put him into modeling or maybe he really was an angel like June had noted multiple times.
“I work at a small music label with some of my friends”, he explains further. “Maybe we could- “
You don’t get to hear what he wants to say.
“Y/N? Can you please go and help June? I swear to god if she touches that damn soap one more time, I’ll tie her hands behind her back!!”, Nara shouts at you from the other side of the store.
“I’m sorry.”
You and Seokjin both apologize at the same time.
“Here’s your recipe”, you smile and hand him the package with his purchase.
“It was nice talking to you Y/N”, Seokjin says, giving you one last look before leaving the store.
You look at his broad back longingly before rushing to get to June before Nara can live up to her promise.
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On Friday, you start your day off with working on an essay for your finance course. After finishing a couple of pages, you get ready to meet June at the fairground. Apparently, her roommate works there, selling crêpes which are “not from this world, maybe even from another galaxy”, as June claims.
At the end of the day you wonder if you may have lost some of your sanity, because on the weekend you can’t stop thinking about Seokjin at all. The picture of him touching your hands and looking at you in such a deep way seems to be burned into your brain. You also start to ask yourself if he feels the same about you. He must have felt something the second time he went to buy the shower bar. At least you hope he did. Maybe you’re completely out of place and he was just being himself? It’s not only the girls who get mistaken when they’re just being super nice, you remind yourself.
You could ask him out the next time he buys something. If there is a next time. Or would that be unprofessional at your workplace?
Without finding a solution to your problem, you nervously wait for the next workday to arrive. Who doesn’t arrive though is the person in question. June comments on your stiffness a few times but other than that nothing happens the entire week. You’re exhausted from studying and working afterwards but most of all from wondering if you will meet Seokjin again.
The next Monday comes and goes while your hope slowly dies. On Tuesday, you’re stacking up some massage bars catching yourself daydreaming. You can see Seokjin right in front of you. He’s wearing a dark blue sweater that makes a great contrast to his skin tone and reminds you of a deep ocean.
Only then you realize that he is indeed standing right in front of you. You’re not dreaming, you’re staring and it’s getting damn awkward.
“Seokjin!”, you screech, quickly trying to change to professionalism again.
“Hi, Y/N”, he says, completely oblivious to your thoughts. He’s really here, you think, getting more and more excited. It’s as if someone just lifted a grey filter and every color gets brighter again.
He points at the bar in you hand. “What’s that?”
“That’s a massage bar”, you say, happy he picked a topic other than you ogling him. “It can be used for a massage or as a body lotion after showering. It contains cocoa butter and mineral oils.”
The shower image comes to your mind again but you quickly shove it back.
“Sounds lovely”, he says and for a split second his gaze falls to your lips. At least you think it does. Internally you take a deep breath, working up some courage. “Do you want to try it?”, you ask in a rush.
He looks surprised but quickly recovers, nodding and pulling up one sleeve. You’re greeted with the sight of his slender hand and the visible veins running down his arm. Holding back a shiver while taking his hand you softly rub some of the product onto his skin. Then you start massaging the back of his hand with gentle strokes. Your gaze lingers for a moment and your heart most definitely skips a beat when you look up again. All the angelic features of Seokjins face have vanished. His eyes are half closed and he looks almost sinful. A small noise escapes his parted lips and you think you might faint.
It feels exciting and intimidating to touch him like this.
In the middle of the store you’re working at.
For each and every one to see.
When the realization hits you, you drop his hand in embarrassment. His eyes snap open and he looks equally as shocked as you are. He takes a step back in the same moment you find your voice again.
“I’m sorry, do you- eh do you like the product? Should I pack it for you?”, you ask, trying to deescalate the situation.
“Huh?” Seokjin looks at you like he sees you for the first time today. “Ah no, thank you! I-I think I need to leave, actually.”
Before you can even do so much as blink, he rushes out of the door. You’re left with the massage bar in your hand and your heart at your feet. How come you didn’t notice it was involved until now? Why did he leave, did you do something wrong?
You feel like you’re about to cry but fight it successfully. Okay, maybe you did develop a crush on a customer. And maybe some part of you was convinced that it was mutual and Seokjin had a thing for you as well. Obviously, he had not.
The last time someone ran from you as fast as he did was at a fetching game in elementary school. Either way, now is definitely not the time to dive further into your feelings. While leading another customer through the store, June brushes your shoulder.
“What the hell did just happen?”, she whispers, keeping up her façade smile at the same time. You just shake your head, unable to answer because honestly you don’t know. Maybe you did cross a line but at the same time you felt like Seokjin had actually liked it.
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The rest of the shift you work on auto-pilot. Your customer smile never fades but inside you feel empty. Even if you had interpreted every sign Seokjin gave you wrong, you felt as if there was a connection between the two of you. How could you be so false about that?
By the end of the day you feel exhausted, looking forward to crying in some of your pillows. Maybe there’s still ice cream left in your refrigerator. A miserable scene starts playing in your head and you quickly shake it off, as you finish cleaning the last counter.
“I’m heading home, okay?”, you exclaim, earning a thumbs up from Nara and a worried look from June. Luckily, she stays silent giving you the space you need right now. With your jacket and bag draped over one arm you leave the store. It’s dark outside but still pretty warm. Only a few people are out, most of them heading home as well now.
Maybe the rejection will hurt less in a few days, you think to yourself. Just as you turn around the corner, someone tall bumps into you. You squeak and jolt backwards when you realize who you just ran into. Seokjin. It had to be him out of all people. A thousand different thoughts cross your mind.
How do you react? What is he doing here? Did he come back to talk to you? Should you be angry at him?
Your stupid heart betrays you by skipping a beat and then starting a race in your chest. Still, it starts to hurt just as much when you hear his voice again.
“Y/N!” He seems to be just as surprised as you are. “Shit, I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
Even with a shocked look on his face he’s still gorgeous and you feel like crying again. Avoiding his gaze, you look down and realize that he’s waiting for an answer.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine don’t worry.”
Even a total stranger would notice the shakiness of your voice. You really need to escape this situation. Now.
“Look, I’m okay. I’ll just head home now, so… have a great evening.”
You awkwardly try to shuffle past him but he catches your arm holding you back.
“No, please wait!”
He’s so close now that you can smell his cologne. Something really sweet mixed with soap that makes you want to get closer to him. Instead, you try to free yourself from his grip. You still don’t know why he left earlier and it hurts being near him.
“Let me go please, I need to- “
“Just listen to me, I swear I’ll make it quick!”, he interrupts you.
His voice sounds really desperate which is why you feel yourself slowly nod.
“I owe you an apology for what happened today.” After his first words the scene starts to play in your head again and you slightly stiffen at the memory.
“I’m really sorry that I just left like that. It wasn’t your fault at all, I was just- you know I- shit this is embarrassing.” He sighs, stumbling over his own words.
By now you’re even more confused than before.
“I don’t understand”, you say. “Why did you leave?”
Seokjin runs a hand through his hair. You can see that he’s frustrated but you don’t know why.
“Ah, fuck it”, he mutters under his breath and then looks right into your eyes.
“The first time I came to the store, it was because I lost a bet with my friends”, he admits in a rush. “I felt stupid and embarrassed, but you were so nice and extremely cute so the next time I came, it was because I wanted to see you again.”
The world stops spinning. At least you feel like it does, because you’re suddenly out of air after his confession. He came to see you?
Not noticing any of this, Seokjin continues.
“I know, it may sound really creepy, I realize that, but you seemed to be having a good time as well, so I figured you felt the same?” At this he pushed his fingers through his hair again. It’s an irritating gesture because you know you shouldn’t stare at them like you do right now.
A tiny part of you wishes he would touch you instead.
“One time I almost asked you out, but we got interrupted and I lost my courage, I guess. And when I saw how shocked you were today after what happened, I just thought that I completely misinterpreted everything. I didn’t want you to feel pressured if you really don’t feel the same, that’s why I left. So- yeah, I realize now that I probably acted like an idiot. I’m sorry.”
“You were an idiot, that’s true.”
Seokjin looks startled.
Gaining courage, you openly smile at him.
“I feel the same about you”, you softly say. “Talking to you is so easy, I feel like I could do it all day. I’m sorry I reacted like this back in the store, I just remembered where we were and you’re a customer…I panicked.”
You take a deep breath.
“And when you left, I felt devastated. One moment you’re there and it’s going great and we're touching and the next second you run off. It just hurt…” Your last words are only a whisper escaping your lips.
At some point during your confession, Seokjin decided to take a step closer, now standing only inches away from you and his scent is all around you again.
“So, you liked touching me?”, he asks with a small smirk on his lips. Those beautiful pink lips you want to feel so badly. You quickly nod, heat rushing through your cheeks.
“And Y/N”, he says while moving the last bit closer. “Do you feel like panicking right now?”
“I don’t think so. “
His lips are on yours in an instant. Everything becomes less important to the feeling of Seokjin kissing you. It’s as if the whole world went silent at once just so you won’t get interrupted.
When his thumb starts caressing your cheek, you part your lips, giving him access to your mouth. His tongue plays with your lower lip before licking into you softly. He tastes amazing and you feel yourself getting lost, when he suddenly pulls away.
“This is okay, right?” he asks, panting heavily.
Instead of answering, you pull him in again. This time it’s different though. The first kiss was sweet and new. This one is pure hunger. You feel your skin burn where he touches you on top of your shirt. In return, you let your hands wander beneath his blue sweater, tracing his skin with your fingers. Seokjin growls against your mouth.
He then starts to tilt your head so he can bring his lips to your neck. And boy, he knows what he’s doing. His lips place wet kisses on your sensible skin and when he starts sucking right below your ear, a tiny moan escapes your lips. At this you push lightly against his chest. Again, this is sadly not the right place. You’re still out on a street.
He takes the hint and stops kissing you. His lips look swollen and wet and you have to force yourself not to kiss him again. He opens his mouth, possibly to say anything including some stupid apology, but you quickly take his hand.
“Let’s continue this some place else. Maybe somewhere without an audience?”, you suggest.
Seokjin laughs, visibly relieved and starts pulling you into the direction he originally came from.
His voice seems darker than before. “I live right around the corner, we can go there.”
You hum in approval, not missing the fact that he doesn’t let go of your hand.
On the way to his apartment you keep up a small chat about some of your courses and the work Seokjin does. Still, you can feel the tension in the air between you. On the outside you maintain interested, when all you can think about is his skin against yours.
Finally, you arrive in front of a small building with a blue painted wooden door. Seokjin fumbles with his keys while you can only look at his beautiful hands. You crave his touch and the feeling of being in his arms. The door opens and he pulls you inside. A staircase later you’re in front of the apartment door.
“I do have a roommate, but he’s out of town at the moment”, he explains while unlocking the door. Inside the hall you don’t even get time to look at the furniture before Seokjin pushes you against the wall.
“God, you’re so beautiful”, he whispers right before he kisses you again.
His lips are rough, and you meet them with the same amount of hunger. After all, you missed them since the last touch. You can feel his hands on the back of your thighs when he suddenly lifts you up without missing a beat. His mouth is still working against yours but now you’re just too aware of a certain hardness between your legs that shoots heat through your spine.
You feel yourself getting wet and pray that he won’t notice.
When Seokjin flips his thumb over your hard nipple you can hardly hold back a moan. He searches for permission in your face and upon finding it, pulls your shirt over your head. He’s met with the sight of a mint green bralette hugging your breasts. When he’s teasing you again over the fabric, you’re forced to close your eyes, moaning his name in pleasure.
The next thing you feel is his mouth engulfing your nipple. It’s hot and wet and you automatically arch your back to get closer to the feeling. He swirls his tongue around you, drawing soft noises from your throat.
“Please don’t stop”, you beg while pulling at some soft strands of his hair.
“You’re driving me crazy, Y/N”, he admits. “I can’t wait to feel you.”
“Then don’t”, you simply say, tugging at the hem of his sweater. He complies, pulling it off and you gasp lightly at the sight of his naked torso. Your fingers trail down the lines of his shoulders and your lips connect again, this time it’s sweet and full of anticipation.
You can feel the wall behind you vanish as Seokjin starts walking towards his bedroom, never breaking the kiss. He lays you down on his bed as if you were made of glass and starts taking off your jeans in the same movement.
“Come and sit here, will you?”, he says.
You do as you’re told and when you meet his eyes again, you forget how to breathe. Seokjin is on his knees right in front of you, his black pants hanging loosely on his hips, his dark hair messy from your hands. You don’t even think he looks human anymore.
“Open your legs for me, princess.”
The new nickname makes you shiver, as well as the cold air meeting your wet panties as you comply. The man in front of you uses a long, slender finger to tug your underwear to the side and is rewarded with the sight of your glistening folds.
“You’re so wet princess, is this all for me?”
You moan as a response, unable to form a proper word in your head. No one has ever made you feel like this before.
Seokjin lowers his head and you lose every train of thoughts when you feel his tongue on you.
He licks up a stripe and your legs tremble out of pleasure. He starts sucking on your clit, leaving you a moaning mess, your hands grasping the sheets so you won’t lose balance.
Your breath hitches as Seokjin introduces a single digit to your entrance. His other hand is still holding you in place, while he works you up simultaneously with his tongue and finger. He starts pumping in and out faster, hitting your soft walls with every push. You’re on the edge, all you can think of is more, more.
“P-Please”, you say, breathing heavily. “I want to feel your cock inside of me. I need you. Now.”
He looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
“You think you can take me, princess?”, he asks while getting up.
You nod a bit nervous at the sight of Seokjin taking off his pants and boxers at once. He’s way bigger than you had imagined. Like the rest of his body even his cock looks perfectly shaped, his tip already wet with a few drops of precum. You bite your bottom lip, can’t help but stare at him in awe. It’s the first time you see him completely naked and you try to take everything in at the same time.
Seokjin starts to crawl above you, keeping eye contact while you shuffle back until you hit the bedside. He pulls you down again by your legs, bringing his lips to your ear.
“I keet imagining this moment since the first time we met. Your hands all over me, while I pound you into the mattress until you scream my name”, he whispers.
Your answer is a kiss. On his lips you can taste yourself, mixed with the same impatience you feel building up inside of you. You reach down, slipping a finger over the head of his cock, bringing it back up to your mouth. Seokjin looks like he’s about to choke. Next thing you know, your panties are abandoned and he’s rolling a condom on himself that just appeared out of nowhere.
“Look at me while I fill you up so good”, he demands as he positions himself at your entrance. You both sigh at the feeling of him entering you inch by inch. He pauses when he’s completely inside of you.
“How can you be so tight? Your little pussy was made for me, right princess?”
You feel your cheeks get red, but there is no time to be ashamed of anything.
When he starts moving, you can feel how big he really is with every push. Seokjin flips at your nipple again before his mouth is on yours again and your soft moans get mixed with needy whines. His left hand is stroking your curves, coming to a halt at your hip, to keep you in place while he starts to go deeper.
His lips find your neck and you mewl loudly when he bites down on it. The next second the short pain is gone as he licks over the hickey he just created.
All of the sudden, he lowers his pace and you feel him even more, stretching you out deliciously. With a small movement, he starts to hit you at a specific angle, still going slow and making you feel him all the way.
He presses light kisses behind your ear, whispering “You’re fucking gorgeous Y/N”.
And then you feel his hand between your legs.
Seokjin stops kissing you to look at your face as he starts stimulating your clit with his fingers while moving faster again. You moan uncontrollably at the pleasure that takes over you.
“P-Please!”, you choke out.
“What is it princess? You need to use your words. Tell me what you need.”
His hot breath is on your face. Never in your life has anyone made you feel so precious and vulnerable at the same time.
“Please, S-Seokjin! Make me cum, I need you!”, you whine, while he proceeds to push you to the edge with every hard plunge of his cock.
“Say my name again, princess, I’ll make you feel so good!” His clenched teeth tell you that he’s not far from coming himself. His fingers and the feeling of him bouncing in and out of you almost make you faint.
“Seokjin!”, you cry out and your world shatters as the orgasm rips through you. A few pushes after, you feel Seokjin spill himself into the condom.
You’re both painting heavily when he rolls off of you and you feel his gaze from the side.
You turn your head, giving him a soft smile and the look, he rewards you with, makes your face heat up again.
“I think that was the best sex I ever had”, you admit sheepishly, holding your breath for a few seconds before releasing it again.
Seokjin smiles his angelic smile and brushes a sweaty strand of hair behind your ear.
“Me too.”
For a moment you both remain silent. Then he clears his throat.
“I hope this isn’t too late, but I really meant what I said before. Will you go out with me Y/N?”
“Yes”, you say wholeheartedly. “I would love to. There’s only one last question I have.”
“And that is?”, he asks with a confused look.
“What color did that bathtub have at the end? You know, the one where you put all the bath bombs together?”
“Y/N, I swear to god…”, he says and the rest of the sentence is drowned out by your laughter.
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© Bts-Storys, 2021. Do not copy or repost without permission.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading all of it! I'm still working on my smut writing skills, I hope you can see some improvement.
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chubbybuckydumpling · 3 years
A Doctor’s Tale
words: 6.9k
relationship: Bruce Banner x desi!daughter!Reader
warnings: character death, slight spoilers for Marvel Studio’s The Avengers, fluff, angst
A/n: thank you so much @gotnofucks for helping me with this idea! You’re so kind and I hope I didn’t make this offensive in any way. I’m happy for any corrections. Please be kind, this was very difficult for me to write and I committed a few writing sins. I hope you’ll enjoy this any way :) (gif by @steves-on-a-plane)
My Masterlist | Part 2
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The air was heavy with moisture, yet the heat of the day has not passed. Bruce heaved with exhaustion, the new climate put a noticeable strain on his body. The temperatures made him sweat vigorously and gave him a headache, especially on his way up these damned stairs. He would need to get adjusted to his new surroundings before he could work efficiently.
Another thing he would need to tolerate were the bustling streets. Everywhere Bruce looked, there were crowds of people, so close together it made his hands shake with anxiety. He preferred taking longer routes that were less public and less triggering.
After he had become afflicted with the other guy, Bruce couldn't stay. He was hunted down by the United States Armed Forces, so he had to flee. He knew he could hide in India without much trouble. He read about the country and their societal norms, so he felt somewhat calm, but nothing could have prepared him for the reality of Kolkata.
The city was beautiful, of course. He admired the architecture and the many different buildings. He loved the parks, the bridges and the temples. The different kinds of food made him especially happy, yet he hated how talkative and social everyone is. No matter where he went, someone would try to bond with him, which triggered his anxiety.
Generally speaking, he enjoyed life in India, if it weren't for that unbearable weather. As he arrived at the top of the stairs, his shirt was wet from his sweat and the overly high humidity. With a sigh he pulled out a bottle of water to rehydrate – the amount of water he must have lost is remarkable. The water was warm and not as relieving as he had hoped, but it would have to suffice.
With one arm, Bruce wiped away the sweat that formed on his forehead, before he entered the house he was looking for. He heard about this shelter where some women took in ill women and children who could not afford to go to the hospital. Bruce had admired their dedication and hoped they would accept him as a volunteer.
With cautious eyes he looked around the room. He could see that the owners try their best to keep it clean and welcoming, but the smell of illness is prominent in the air. This chamber is obviously designed to be a reception area to check in their patients, but the cheap chairs and chipped wooden table were a sign of a lack of money. They were probably spending it on medical supplies and food.
Bruce stepped further into the room, the floorboards creaking, “Hello? May I speak to anyone?” Shyly, he began to play with his fingers, feet shuffling nervously.
A beautiful woman entered the room from one of the four doors and Bruce sucked in a breath when her sparkling eyes met his. She looked exhausted, but nothing could ever dim her beauty. The floor creaked slightly as she made her way to stand in front of him. She was small, yet her confidence was unmissable.
The woman raised an eyebrow, “What can I do for you, sir?” Bruce swallowed and let out the breath he had been holding, “I'm Bruce Banner. I heard about your work here. Uhm, are you the head doctor?” She crossed her arms and tilted her head, looking at him sceptically, but nodded nevertheless. “I would like to offer my help. I think this non-profit is incredible and I would love to assist?”
Finally, he broke eye contact and stared at the floor, terrified of the woman's reaction. Now, he could not see the amused smile playing on the smaller woman's lips, “Well, Bruce, how could I ever deny any help. However, I would quite like to learn something about your background, you know. Any qualifications?” Quickly, Bruce looked up a panicked look in his eyes, “Of course, I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that beforehand. I'll answer any questions, I'm sorry!”
She smiled a big toothy smile and jerked her head towards the sink, “Let me just...”. Bruce nodded quickly. It seemed that his usual knowledge of words had disappeared. All he could think about was how soft her brown skin looked and the gentle curves of her face.
“It's Aarohi, by the way”, she spoke as she washed her small hands, “Well, actually Dr. Verma, but we're friends now, right Bruce?” He smiled, completely smitten, “Right”
It was at this point that Bruce knew he would fall in love with her. And he was right. She brought out the best of him, her outgoing and confidant ways helped him to learn about himself and he rekindled with his body and soul. The three and a half years he had been in Kolkata taught him to love himself, admittedly that was still hard for him, but being able to help women and children in need made him feel good. And Aarohi had been by his side the entire time.
She opened her arms and heart for him and lead him through his issues. When he'd wake up screaming from his nightmares she was there to calm him down. His head between her hands as she pressed small kisses all over his face.
When he was too shy to talk to anyone but her, she would do her best to try and include him. By now he was way more comfortable talking to others. It was still scary, but not as panic inducing as it used to be. Bruce became a better man, all because of Aarohi, which is why after only a year and a half, he got down on one knee, hand shaking.
“You are the light in my life. When I arrived in India, everything was dark, but you showed me how to live again. I am a better man, because you bring out the best in me. I love you, with all of my heart. And I know that getting married is not possible for us, at least at the moment, but will you take this promise ring, for I promise I will forever love and cherish you, support you through thick and thin, in times of hardship and in times of ease. You are my world d without you I'd be lost. Aarohi, please accept this ring as a sign of my devotion” - and she did.
It wasn't really a surprise when she became pregnant shortly afterwards. Bruce had never been so happy before. Sometimes he feared about the other guy. What would happen if he came out or even worse, if their child would have his monster DNA, but his spouse reassured him and kept him calm as best as she could, “He hasn't come out for your whole stay in Kolkata and even if he would, I love every part of you, Bruce”
And once their baby girl was born, he was head over heels for you. From the moment he layed eyes on you he knew that he would do anything for you. “Bruce, do you want to hold her? Do you want to meet your daddy, shona?” It felt like time was frozen when he held you in his arms, your tiny fingers mindlessly holding onto him, a tiny yawn falling from your mouth.
And at times it was really hard. Bruce nor Aarohi wanted to stop working, their little clinic meant to much for them. So they switched between watching you and working. Bruce would have loved to bring you with him, but the chances of you catching a disease were too high to risk it. And therefore, your parents spent most of their time apart, yet their relationship kept growing stronger. Bruce's love for your mother increased every day and even now that you're eight months old his heart still swelled when he looked at her.
It's another hot day, the heat and humidity weighing heavily over Kolkata. Bruce is sitting at the kitchen table shirtless, his skin glistening with sweat. The smell of tea fills the air as his thick and delicate fingers fumble with the warm cup, his eyes trained on your sleeping body. He smiles and walks over to your crib, a smile on his face, “I love you, shona”, he whispers before he gently takes you out of your little bed and cradles you in his arms.
Bonding with you means everything to Bruce. He adores you with every fibre of his being, which is why skin on skin is one of his favourite activities. To feel you and to know you're alive coats him in a sense of calmness. He sits back down at the table and rubs soothing circles onto your back, “Daddy's got you, shona don't you ever worry your pretty little head. I promise I'll protect you” Soft lips press onto your forehead, your father's scent surrounding you, “Always and forever”
Bruce gently rocks you while humming a soft melody and simply enjoying the moment. Peace and quiet are a rare occurrence in his days which is why he cherished them so deeply. Bruce loved to trace your features, to see how you look so similar to him.
He could hear Aarohi return before he spotted her through the window which allowed him to quickly dash to the door with you, still safely pressed to his chest. The door creaks as he opens it, a smile immediately covering his face as he spreads his arms for a hug, “ Welcome home Momma, we missed you so much” She laughs at his adorable greeting and steps into his embrace. Both of them are sweaty, but the feeling of their loved one is overpowering, dulling the stickiness of their bodies. Bruce gazes into her eyes as if she had hung the stars and he feels his heart flutter. It only takes a moment before their lips meet in a gentle kiss, emotions and love poured into it, “I love you, Bruce” - “I love you too. So much”
Suddenly, a small cry disturbs their moment, “Oh Y/n, shona, what's wrong? Did you miss Momma?”, she coos and takes you out of Bruce's embrace, “Don't cry, Momma's got you. Are you hungry? That's fine, I'm here” She smiles and gently strokes your hair. “She's had some fruit and veggies and a bottle that you've prepared”, he mentions as he walks into the bedroom to fetch a shirt. Aarohi smiled down at you, her beautiful daughter, “Have you been such a good girl eating all your veggies?” She takes off her bloodied and stained shirt from work and lets down her bra to feed you.
Exhaustion is clear on her face, but even when she sighs, she's the most beautiful woman Bruce has ever seen. Especially while she nourishes you, his own flesh and blood, he can feel his heart swell. She keeps you alive and healthy, the biggest gift he could have ever received. He makes his way over to the two of you and brushes some strands of hair out of her face that must have come loose from her tight bun, “How is everything at the clinic?”
“It's really stressful. I think something is going around. We'll see more of this virus for sure.”, she sighs looking down at you, “We need to be especially careful. I don't want Y/n to fall ill. Not with this” Their gazes meet “I'll make sure to be extra sterile then”, he whispers before pressing his lips to her temple.
She leans into him with a smile, eyes closed, “Thank you” His hand gently rubs over her arm, his thumb drawing circles. After a while you let out a whine, fed and sated. “Oh, shona, are you done? Does Momma need to burp you?” She wrestles you up on her shoulder to pat her soft hand against your back.
“It's very busy back there, you should hurry. Our doctors can't keep up with them alone.”, she whispers, turning her head to look at Bruce. He nods and leans down to capture her lips into a kiss. It's gentle and sweet, just like her, “I love you”, he mumbles against her lips. Then, he leans down to press a kiss onto your head, “I love you too, shona” Aarohi grins and turns you around to face him, “We love you too, Daddy”, she says and waves with your hands in her hands.
Bruce had absolutely no idea why he let himself get dragged into this mess. Actually he did, how could he ever say no to the pleading eyes of that little girl. She looked so tiny and scared and he could see you in that girl. Hopeless and scared. So he followed her, clueless about the events that were to follow soon.
Regret fills Bruce the moment he enters the house and helplessly watches as the girl leaves through a window – no ill father in sight. He huffs, a self-deprecating smile on his lips, “Should have gotten paid up front, Banner”
“You know”, a voice calls out to him suddenly, “For a man ho's supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place to settle” A woman appears out of the shadows, short, curly, red hair frames her face. She looks absolutely stunning. Carefully, Bruce puts down his medical bag and turns towards the female, “Avoiding stress isn't the secret”
She raises her eyebrow, “Then what is it? Yoga?”, she jokes, no humour in her voice. Nerves arising, he rubs his hands together to calm himself, “You brought me to the edge of the city”, he remarks, looking out of a window, “Smart”. With his hands clutched, Bruce walks towards it in an attempt to scan the area “ I uh,”, he mumbles, “I assume the whole place is surrounded?”
The woman takes off her red cardigan and moves towards him, “Just you and me”. “And your actress buddy?”, he questions, “She was a spy too? They start that young?” He walks back towards the middle of the room. “I did”, she answers. “Who are you?”. He is nervous and he feels his anxiety crawling up his back. “Natasha Romanoff”
Silence. Bruce still fiddles with his fingers, but after a moment he looks directly into her eyes, “Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff? Because that's not gonna work out... for everyone”. Natasha slowly moves closer to him, “No, no of course not”, she shakes her head, eyebrows furrowed, “I'm here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D”.
He looks down and rubs his hands, “S.H.I.E.L.D”, he states monotonously, “How did they find me?” Looking up, Bruce sees her looking at him, “We never lost you, doctor. We've kept our distance. Even helped keep some other interested parties off your scent”, her voice is low like she's trying to speak extra calm. “Why?”, Bruce asks.
“Nick Fury seems to trust you”, she answers seriously, “But now we need you to come in”. He can't help but smile, “What if I say no?” Natasha smirks, her eyes twinkling dangerously, “I'll persuade you” He looks down, his pink tongue licking over his lips in thought, “What if”, he pauses to look up, “the other guy says no?” There it was, the elephant in the room.
Bruce is very proud that ever since he fled to India, the Hulk has not made an appearance. He did not receive any unwanted attention and lived life normally. He was able to be a good partner and father, never giving in to his anger. But now, things might change and that scares him. He does not want to let the monster out. It seems like Natasha knows that as well.
“You've been more than three years without an incident, I don't think you want to break that streak”, she says and turns away from him. The echo of her steps fills the room. “Well I don't every time get what I want” When he looks at the woman, she is walking towards him, a phone in her hands, “Doctor, we're facing a global catastrophe”
A self-deprecating chuckle escapes his lips, “Well, those I actively try to avoid” Without giving any thought to his statement, Natasha sits down at a small table that is situated in the room and shows him a picture of a bright, blue glowing cube, “This”, she starts and slides the phone towards him, “is the Tesseract. It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet”
Bruce fetches his glasses out of his spectacles case and puts them on. Cautiously, he grabs the phone to get a better look of the cube, In confusion, he lifts his head, “What does Fury want me to do, swallow it?” Natasha leans forward while keeping eye contact, “He wants you to find it. It's been taken. It emits a gamma signature that's too weak for us to trace. There's no one who knows gamma radiation like you do. If there was, then that's where I'd be”
Natasha leans back in her chair as he takes off his glasses, “So, Fury isn't after the monster?” “Not that he's told me”, she says calmly. “And he tells you everything?”, Bruce retorts. Slowly, but with grace, the woman stands up, “Talk to Fury, he needs you on this”. But it's too late, he can feel his fear rising, “He needs me in a cage?”
In an attempt of reassurance, Natasha begins to speak, “No one's gonna put you in a-” but she's interrupted as he suddenly slams his fists onto the table, “STOP LYING TO ME”, he shouts. With the blink of an eye, the woman grabs a gun from under the table and cocks it right into his face. A scared look settles on her face which she quickly tries to fight back.
Bruce steps back from the table. When he speaks again his voice sounds calm and collected, “I'm sorry”, he says, “That was mean”. A smile plays over his lips, “I just wanted to see what you'd do”. Natasha still holds the gun in her hands and Bruce puts his head in front of him to calm the woman down, “Why don't we do this the easy way where you don't use that”, he points to her gun, “and the other guy doesn't make a mess. Okay?”
Silence. “Natasha?”, he asks. The woman slowly lowers her gun, her gaze never leaving Bruce. After a few seconds she activates her earpiece, “Stand down”, she commands, “We're good here”. The eyebrows rise on his face, smile still on his lips, “ 'Just you and me' “, he mocks her earlier words. Natasha doesn't answer, she just stares at him from a few feet away.
“I need to tell my family. I have a daughter I need to tell her goodbye”, he suddenly realises, a panicked look on his face. Tenderly Natasha walks to him and places a hand on his shoulder, “Bruce this is urgent, there's no time”. There's a wild look in his eyes as he frantically runs to grab his bag, “No, please I have to. Y/n she's my daughter, I love her, I- I need to speak to her”
“Bruce”, the woman's voice is powerful and makes him stop in his tracks, “this is a global threat we are dealing with. There is no time. You can write a letter while we're on the jet. S.H.I.E.L.D will make sure it will arrive as soon as possible”. Bruce looks at the woman with a look that is similar to that of a kicked puppy and yet he sighs in defeat. He will soon come to learn that Natasha Romanoff does not negotiate, she gets what she wants, no questions asked. “Okay”, he whispers and follows the woman outside.
This is why you grew up being raised by a single mother. You love her more than anything in life. She made so many sacrifices and worked harder than any other person you know. She taught you everything she knew, about her work as a doctor, important life skills and most important how to be a decent human being. You try to be as kind and empathetic as you can, but you know your worth and found confidence in yourself.
Of course you're not perfect. You are insecure from time to time like any teenager and you are very temperamental from time to time. However, you are especially sensitive when it comes to the topic of your father. Ever since you could remember your mother talked to you about your father. She told you how kind and caring he is, how he loved you so much. But if he loved you so much, why wasn't he with you, with his family?
He sends letters to you and your mum and money to help you out and you appreciate that, but you wish he would just come up. Sometimes there are articles and reports about the Hulk. Aarohi had told you that your father could turn into him, but that you never had to fear him. And you don't, really. You love your father, but there's no solid relationship between you and your dad.
That is mostly your fault. You never answered your father's letters. Every time you sat down with a piece of paper and a pen nerves got the best of you. With shaky hands you put the pen down before you cried into your hands, careful to evade your mother. So one day you stopped trying.
Currently you're sitting in your room tinkering on one of your inventions. School has been quite easy for you and your mother kept telling you that you inherited your father's intelligence, a proud smile on her lips. Science came to you easily and physics as well as chemistry became your best friends. When you weren't busy helping your mother at the clinic you were experimenting with different chemicals and the laws of nature to try and broaden your understanding of the complex reactions and procedures.
The smell of spices and lemon fills the air in your room from your diffuser sticks while some soft rock plays on the radio. Your head nods involuntarily to the beat of some catchy chorus when you hear footsteps approaching. Not your mother's, she walks lighter than this. You turn around in your seat so you have a good view of the door as it opens to reveal one of the nurses that work for your mother. She frantically runs towards you, her eyes are wide and her lower lip is wobbling.
“Y/n it's your mother”, she whispers and takes a deep breath, “She just collapsed, we don't know why, I'm sorry, Y/n” You freeze at her words, eyes widening. Panic is bubbling up in your chest as your muscles tense, “What do you men? W-Will she be alright?” The woman just looks down which is as much of an answer as you need.
All of a sudden your body releases adrenaline into your bloodstream and you jump from your chair, your heart beating in your throat, “What are you waiting for?”, you yell at her, “Move!”. Your feet are moving on their own accord, the path to the clinic embedded in your brain from the thousands of times you have walked it. Hot wind is whipping your face as you run along the streets, the gravel and dirt scrunching loudly under the soles of your shoes.
You're panting once you arrive at the steps leading to the clinic, the humid air not helping with your struggle for oxygen, but you don't stop moving. The fear coursing through your veins overpowers the exhaustion. “Momma?”, you shout once you've barged through the doors. The floor creaks mournfully under your weight as you fiddle with your fingers. The smell of diseases and antibiotics hangs in the air. Usually you like being here, but now it feels like a weight that presses you down the further you walk in.
A doctor runs down the stairs, her steps rushed. She fixes you with her pitiful eyes and you feel anger bubbling up in your chest. “Y/n, my child, I'm so-” “DON'T”, you interrupt her, tears brimming in your eyes, “She won't die”. The snarling sound that leaves your mouth scares the doctor, but you run past her without care and sprint up the steps.
Upstairs, your mothers is lying on a thin mattress on the ground. Two nurses surround her, one presses a cold, wet cloth to her forehead, the other sits next to her to hold her hand. When she sees you she immediately gets up to make room for you. When your eyes land on your mothers face you release a gasp. She looks nothing like this morning when you saw her last.
She is pale around the nose, all her beautiful colours lost, and her skin is sunken down. Sweat is pooling on her forehead and runs down her temples in miserable lines while her eyes are hooded and half closed. The sound of heavy,  flat breathes reaches your ears which finally breaks you out of your shock.
A few strong steps are enough to reach your mother's weak form. You fall to your knees with a soft thud and grab her hand, “Momma?”, you whisper, the first tears falling. A groan leaves her lips and she coughs nastily, “Shona?”,she croaks. A sob leaves your body and you press your head to hers, “Momma, what's happening?”
Her free hand moves up to cup your cheeks and you straighten to look into her strangely clear eyes, “I'm going to die, shona. I need you to listen to me”, she whispers hoarsely. “No”, you cry. Tears are freely rolling down your face. “No. momma you're not going to die, I won't let you, I promise”, you tell her desperately. You wipe away some tears with the back of your hand, before you open your mouth again. “Y/n”, Aarohi interrupts and you still. She never calls you by your name.
“I beg you, listen to me. I'm sick, been for a while. It's only transmitted over blood, so don't worry”, she pauses to take a breath while she shakily brushes some strands of hair out of your face. “You're a strong woman and I couldn't be prouder of you. Are you listening, Y/n?”, you nod, your vision blurry. “All I want for you is to be happy, okay? No matter what you do as long as you're happy that's all I could ask for, do you understand?”, she rasps out.
“Momma, what-”, you whimper, but she interrupts you again, “Y/n, do you understand?” You sob, but nod through the tears, “Yes, Momma” Her thumb moves to wipe away your tears and she sighs,”Good, That's good”. She coughs again and groans in pain,”Please talk to your father, shona. He loves you so much. Can you promise me that you'll write him?” Her voice sounds even weaker now, but your heart beats way too fast. The only thing cursing through you is fear. “I promise, Momma. I love you”, you cry, snot and tears mixing together.
Aarohi's hand falls from your face as her breathing becomes flatter. She closes her eyes, “I love you too, shona”, the words clumsily tumble from her lips. Your whole body trembles as it convulses. All your power leaves your body and your left to loudly cry next to your mother's death bed.
The next few weeks were hard for you,but you could never forget your mother's last words. You promised her you would reach out to your father, so you did. It wasn't long before you received an answer. His handwriting was shaky and hard to read, but you managed to figure it out, somehow. He told you he could not leave the United States by law, but he would be more than happy to welcome you into his home back in the USA.
You froze when you read his words. He wanted you to leave India, your home? You couldn't, this was your mother's everything. All your belongings and memories are in Kolkata, how could you abandon that? But then you thought back to your mother. She wanted you to be happy, right? And maybe a new beginning wouldn't hurt. After sleeping about your father's letter you realised that a blank slate is exactly what you needed right now. Because you wanted to heal.
So you wrote your father another letter in which you agreed to move in with him and began to pack your bags. You carefully chose which of your mother's things you wanted to bring with you. Many of her clothes ended up in your luggage, her distinctive smell still lingering on the fabric. The two photo albums land in there too. How could you not, they kept all the beautiful pictures of your Momma. You also brought her favourite movies, some cooking books and lots of blankets.
Packing all these things was very hard for you and you lost a lot of tears, but now when you look at all of your bags you feel very accomplished. “I'll make you proud, Momma”, you whisper and grab the one of your stuffed furry toys that you did not put into a bag. It's a medicine bottle with huge eyes and a big smile, which your father gifted you for your third birthday. It's your favourite and you decided to keep it close by for emotional support.
With one last look you sit down on your old bed and wait for your ride. Bruce wrote you that someone from the agency he works for will come and get you. Now, all you have left to do is wait.
“Come on, Bruce. It will be fine. You're shakier than me when I've been running on coffee only”, Tony smirks and pats his friend on the back., “She's your daughter, she loves you”. Bruce looks up at him with wide, slightly red eyes, “Tony, her mother just died”. The news of Aarohi's death hit him hard. Ever since he had to leave India his mental health has been suffering.
The government didn't allow Bruce to leave the country without a written agreement signed by the president. He begged them to let him return to India, but they wouldn't budge. The only thing he achieved was tighter security to keep an eye on him. He doesn't remember how many nights he cried himself to sleep. He couldn't see the love of his life or his daughter. Never before has he felt that low, not when his father murdered his mother nor when he tried to commit suicide after turning into the monster he is, but he could not give up. He wanted to be a better father than his own, he wanted to make you feel loved and appreciated.
So he settled on writing letters to you and your mother. Nothing scared him more than the thought that you might forget him or worse, hate him for leaving. He wrote you letters every months and sent you presents he hoped you would like. His biggest wish was to be as present as possible throughout your life. The only replies were from Aarohi though. She reassured him that you still loved him and talked about her life and the clinic. He wished he could be there with her.
When he finally received a letter from you he was ecstatic, but as soon as he started to read, his face fell. The love of his life is dead. Gone. He sat in his lab in shock for two hours, not moving an inch until Tony entered the room. That's when he broke down crying into his best friend's arms, “She's dead, Tony”, he whispered through his tears.
It was the billionaire's idea to invite you to live in the tower, “I know you miss her. Plus I wouldn't mind having her here. Don't tell anyone I said that, but I'd love to see you smile more often”. This was like the light at the end of a tunnel for Bruce. The thought of having you with him made his heart beat faster. Could he finally become the father you deserved?
And you agreed to his proposal. He opened your letter together with Tony as emotional support and when he read your beautiful, neat handwriting tears of joy shot into his eyes, “She said yes, Tones, she actually wants to come!” and Tony was happy to hold Bruce once more as he let out all of his tears, the tension slowly leaving his body.
Now he is waiting for the Quinjet that carries Natasha and you to arrive back in New York. She volunteered to be the one to accompany you. Even though Bruce told her he wasn't holding any grudges, Natasha felt guilty for ripping Bruce out of his family, so when the chance opened to help reunite them,  she jumped at it.
“Tony”, Bruce asks, his voice wavering as if he's not sure whether or not to continue, “I'm scared, what if she doesn't li-” , but his best friend stops him, “Ah ah ah, no such negativity under my roof!” He pauses to glance at his surroundings, the wind howling around his ears, “or, you know, on my roof” Their eyes meet for a second, before Bruce goes back to rubbing his hands anxiously.
“Seriously Banner, you'll be fine. I've known you for sixteen years and I know that I have fallen in love with you at least three times”, the philanthropist says and smirks at the others shocked expression.
Before any of them can say another word the whirring of the Quinjet sounds from the distance. Bruce immediately straightens all colour draining from his face. A cold sweat is breaking out on his forehead and his hands become clammy. Tony leans forward and whispers gently, “You've got this, Banner”.
It feels like a lifetime, but also only a few seconds before the S.H.I.E.L.D plane lands on the roof and the motors slow down. Bruce holds his breath, scared, but hopeful. His life is about to change in just a few moments, for better or for worse. Nervously, his eyes focus on the exit of the Quinjet as he awaits to see you again, after sixteen years of missing you with all of his heart.
The electric sound of the gate opening makes his hands shake in anticipation. And then he sees you standing next to Natasha in all of your beauty. Your hair is pulled back into a braid which makes your eyes pop all pretty. A thin long sleeve and a pair of mum jeans hug your body nicely, yet you avoid to look into his eyes. Natasha and you both carry two suitcases each, but there are still some more bags on the plane.
The older woman gently nudges you forward with a smile to be encouraging. The cold New York air makes goosebumps rise on your arms and you shiver. This is it, you will finally meet your father. You swallow down your fear and move forward, eyes still trained on the floor. Natasha's footsteps are right behind yours which comforts you greatly. You've come to like her during the flight.
It's only when two pairs of shoes come into your vision that you stop dead in your tracks. The luggage that you've been carrying drop to the floor and you use all the courage you can muster to look up at your father, your heart beating loudly. Bruce looks as nervous as you feel, pale face and sweaty hands, but he puts on a brave face and forces a crooked grin to appear.
“Hey, shona”, he mouths your pet name. The look in his eyes is so hopeful it makes your heart churn. All the fear and anger you've carried with you is suddenly forgotten as tears collect in your eyes. The only thing you feel is the longing for your father's love that you've been deprived of for all these years. “Daddy?”,you whisper. As the words leave your mouth you start to run forwards, right towards Bruce.
He opens his arms right in time for you to fall into them, your face buried in his chest. Sobs leave your mouth as your tears stain his graphic tee, “I missed you so much”, you whimper and fist his jacket to pull him closer. He wraps his strong arms around you and carefully places his head onto yours, “I missed you too, shona, so much”. His voice breaks and a few tears begin to fall, some out of relief, some out of guilt.
The sound of your sobs and sniffles fill the silence. It's like a heavy weight was lifted from your shoulders. You were so scared to arrive in New York and how different things were going to be, but being in your father's embrace is all you needed. All this time you've been so occupied with being angry that you never realised how much you wanted any kind of fatherly love.
When you pull back to look into Bruce's eyes you stare into his red rimmed eyes, some single tears resting on his cheeks, “Y/n, I'm so sorry. I wish I could have returned home, but I had to sign these agreements and they wouldn't let me. I never forgot about you, shona. I love you so, so much”. His voice is shaky and rough and he reaches out to cup your face, his fingers wipe away your tears.
“It's okay”, you find yourself saying, “You're with me now, that's all that matters”
You both smile at each other, happiness radiating from you, when your moment is rudely interrupted. “I told you everything would be alright, Banner, Just shows you should listen to me more often”, Tony declares with a smirk to which Natasha responds with a warning glare. “Oh come on, Nat. I'm just joking”, he shouts before turning to you and winking obnoxiously.
“Y/n”, your father begins, “this is Tony, my, uh, best friend. This is his tower in which you'll be living with me. We have our own level”. Your eyes widen, “We have our own floor? That's insane!”
Tony laughs and puts a hand on your shoulder, “Of course, only the best for my science buddy and his daughter. If you have any questions, you may ask F.R.I.D.A.Y, she is an artificial intelligence built into the tower. She'll be available whenever”, he states, his eyes sparkling, “Isn't that right, F.R.I.D.A.Y?” The AI answers immediately,”Anytime, boss”.
Bruce smiles at you. His heart feels light and happy and he looks over to Natasha who gives him a thumbs up and a wink. “Dad?”, you ask him, shivering a little, “Can we go inside? I'm freezing”. “Of course”, Bruce nods eagerly, “let me just help with some of your bags”. Happily, he skips to the Quinjet to grab some of your luggage and hauls them over his shoulder. “Let's go, then”.
You walk behind your father, Natasha and Tony close by, as you take in the inside of the Avengers Tower. You can't believe your eyes: The sheer size of everything is overwhelming to you, but you're very excited. Meeting your father was scary, but now that the anxiety has fallen off of you, you're all blissed out and floaty.
The lift is very smooth, but the glass floor makes your stomach twist uncomfortably. Bruce notices your nervous shifting and slings his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer to him. Grateful for the warmth, you turn to him with a smile and mouth a thank you. In just a few seconds you've reached the right floor. Once all your bags are moved into your apartment, your father turns to his friends with a smile, “I think we've got it from here. Thank you, guys”
They nod at him and leave to give you two some privacy. “Do you want to see your room? We can unpack your things”, he asks, a nervous waver in his voice, “if you're okay with me helping, of course”. You take one of his hands in your own and grin, “I want you to be there with me. I spent so much time wishing you were home. I'm not letting you go any time soon”.
Hearing these words, he can't help but tear up, “I'm so happy you're here, shona. I wish your mother could have been with us too”. You release a shaky sigh and try to hold back tears of your own, “Me too, dad. Me too”. The feeling of being pulled into a hug by your father pulls you out of our head and you realise you started crying again. “I just miss her so much”, you sob into his chest.
A sniffles sounds from above you and you raise your head to see Bruce crying, “I'm sorry”, he whispers and wipes away some of his tears. “It's okay. At least I have you back now, daddy”. Gently, he cups your head and presses a kiss to your hair, “We've got this, shona. We're not alone anymore”, he tells you meaningfully, trying to convey that he meant what he said.
“Shona, I love you”
You breathe in and place his hand on your erratically beating heart.
“I love you too, daddy. So much”.
Taglist: @winteralpine @gotnofucks @lifeizlife
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thewildomega · 4 years
Feral Red Dog ch. 1
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 A/N: So I will say this again Trigger Warning. Also this Awesome Fan art of young Sakazuki is not mine, the artist to what I understand deleted their account so I hope they won’t mind me using their work. Anyways I hope ya’ll like it and if you could leave me some feedback it would make my day. 
Sitting on the cold, hard stone you winced at the ache of your backside and the burning pain of your wrists. Looking down at the cuffs binding your wrists together you noticed the red stain to your skin and tilting your head, you bit your lip at the sight of your now raw flesh, patches of flesh rubbed away by the rough metal. Sighing you pulled your knees up to your chest in an attempt to get more warmth to your near freezing body. The cave- like place those disgusting pirates deemed as a good hiding place was damp and cold, seeming to seem into your very bones. It had been days since you had seen the sun and even longer since you had eaten, you were pretty sure your body had given up asking for food at this point. You felt so weak, even if a chance to ever escape came you doubt you would be able to make it far in your state. Glancing up to the man currently posted as your watchdog you saw him sitting on the crate, his own eerie black eyes lifting from where he had been sharpening a blade to look at you. Dropping your head to your knees you let your heavy eyes slip close and took in a shallow breath, your broken ribs making it hard to get the air you needed.
Sleep almost had you under her spell when a loud boom filled the air and then the cave shook. Cannons. Snapping your eyes up you saw the man become alert as well, standing and holding his long blade in his hand while his other moved to his pistol on his hip. Men shouting and yelling echoed through the tunnels of the cave, one word making your blood turn to ice, "Marines!"
Scrambling to your feet you started towards the male, "Hey, hey come on you have to let me...Ahhh!" A hard smack to your left cheek sent you falling to the rocky floor, blood dripping from your lips. 
"Quiet girl!" He huffed. 
"JET, KEEP THE BITCH ALIVE! SHE'S WORTH A FORTUNE!" Another male voice rang from down the tunnel. 
Breathing heavily you could only listen as the marines began infuriating the cave. Gunshots and yelling bounced off the cave walls. The high pitch clash of swords and screams of those being injured or killed filled your ears. Your heart was soon to beat out of your chest like that of a cornered animal about to be slaughtered. Swallowing hard you felt your body begin to tremble as the heavy boots thumped on the cave floor. They were coming. Seeing the male that had been keeping watch of you yell out and charge forward you tensed. A blood curdling scream was heard before a body fell into your line of sight, a young man dressed in marine whites that were quickly turning red. The sound of a gun went off, a bullet ricocheting off the rock walls and more yelling. It was now or never. Either way you were most likely going to die, you wouldn't go down without a fight. Hurrying to the side you looked around the large bolder to see the man who had been watching you battling a marine. Snapping your eyes in the other direction you saw shadows of men on the walls. Licking your cracked lips you hear a gasp and looked to see 'Jet' cut the other man in the abdomen, the male falling backwards. Watching as the pirate lifted his gun, pulling back the hammer and aiming at the young male you saw a fallen sword laying by the dead male and acted quickly. Grabbing the blade you ran towards the male and shoved it through his shoulder blades as hard as you could. Watching him fall dead beside the injured marine you met the young beta's eyes for only a moment, shock filling his grey eyes before you took off down the tunnel. 
Skidding to a stop as more fighting broke out in front of you, you opted for running around them. Hearing what sounded like the captain of the pirates yell for someone to grab you, you kicked the man who went to grab you in the groin as you ran for the exit. A sharp pain in your thigh made you stumble, your leg falling out from under you and a broken cry leave your throat as you rolled to the ground and out of the cave entrance. Whimpering you grit your teeth and forced yourself to stand, your right leg now barely able to hold your weight. Seeing an open grass covered plain in the full moon's light you began limping as fast as you could for it. As the sound of the battle seemed to grow more distant you thought you may be in the clear before something was sending you falling towards the ground again and hard. Whimpering you let out a huff though your nose as you tried to push yourself up again. 
"Give it up, Pirate scum." 
Hearing the extremely deep male voice you pushed yourself up to your knees, the male's shadow falling over you as he came to stand in front of you.
Looking over the what he now knew to be female he watched as she struggled to get to her knees in the tall grass. Walking around to stand in front of her he looked down at her and noticed imminently the iron shackles around her wrists that were not marine grade. It was hard to tell in the moonlight but she looked like she had been through hell. As her tired eyes met his he scanned over her beaten face he quickly came to the assumption that she was not in fact one of those pirates but more likely a captive of theirs. Still though there was something wild in her eyes. Crouching down to get a closer look of her he was hit with a strong scent that made something primal in him purr with delight. he now knew why she was being held captive by them, this young woman was an omega. Reaching out to grip her jaw in his large hand dodged her attempted bite and dug his fingers into her skin a little as he tilted her face to each side, looking for any signs of pervious claim, seeing none he raised one brow. 
You knew him, oh God why did it have to be him? Vice Admiral Sakazuki. Fear, all you felt was fear and it was made worse by the overwhelming scent of his alpha hormones. How, how did it come to this? With you on your knees, wrists chained, with none other than the most feared vice admiral staring down at you with his hard, brown eyes, seeming to burn a hole straight to your soul. Holding the alpha’s stare you grit your teeth, "Well get on with it." you growled. If he was going to kill you you wished he would hurry it up. But to your surprise the male only let out a small huff of amusement before the corner of his lip lifted up, his next words changing the rest of your life.
"You'll do." he huffed. 
Furrowing your brows you felt your heart hammer in your ears. Watching him stand back to full height you wanted to ask what he meant but the world started spinning and other muffled voices were growing closer. Feeling very lightheaded you blinked your heavy eyes and saw him no longer focusing on you as he spoke to whoever else was there. Weakly you tried to move, pushing your body up to your wobbly legs but fell to the ground shortly after. Looking up at the stars as they twirled around the night sky you saw something dark block your view. Deep muffled voices sounded like thunder in your ears and then you were being lifted from the dew covered grass and an immense warmth was enveloping you. Trying to keep your heavy eyes open you parted your dry lips to speak when a deep voice cut through the darkness evading your mind. 
"Sleep omega." he told her and felt her small form fall limp in his arms. Carrying her back to his ship he made his way straight to the med bay and barked out for one of the doctors to come attend to her. Now in the light of he ship he saw she was small, frail even. Her dirty and matted hair looked to be a Crimson red and she was very malnourished, her torn and bloody clothing doing nothing to hide how skinny she was. Stepping back as the doctor went to work on her he crossed his arms over his chest. 
"Who is this woman Vice Admiral?" the doctor asked. 
"That is something I intend to find out. Treat her and keep me updated on her condition." he spoke deeply, leaving no room for discussion. 
"Yes sir." the woman said and heard the male's heavy footsteps grow faint as he left them alone. 
Hushed voices. Warmth. Pain. Groaning you felt your brow twitch and the extreme dryness of your throat. Attempting to swallow just to get some kind of moisture you flinched when something touched you. Feeling your head get lifted some and another pillow get moved behind your head you whimpered at the stiffness of your body. 
"Shhh, it's alright, you are safe. Here drink." 
Feeling something touch your lips you obeyed and swallowed greedily at the water the unknown woman was giving you. Once you had had your fill you turned your head slightly and felt her pull the glass away. Cracking your eyes open you instantly closed them again at the light that blinded you. Flutter your lashes open slowly you felt your eyes adjust and then blinked a few times before finally being able to look at the woman, the nurse as she was so obviously dressed. Casting a glance around the room you saw what looked to be a hospital room. White walls, white floors and white ceilings. It smelled clean as well. 
"You are in the hospital on Marine headquarters." she told the woman in a kind voice. 
Snapping your eyes back to the beta female you tensed at the information. You could only stare at the brown haired woman as she went about telling you how lucky you were to be alive and how Vice Admiral Sakazuki had been the one to 'save' you. 
Noticing the woman's breathing pick up she reached out to touch her and saw her instantly recoil. "You are okay miss, you are safe here, no one is going to hurt you." She told her. "Can you tell me your name?" she asked but the woman wouldn't answer. "Are you hurting at all? I can adjust your medication...."
"No." you spoke, your voice cracking a bit. No you didn't want her to put you back to sleep, you needed to find a way out of here. 
"Well you must be hungry. I will go get you some soup and inform the Vice admiral that you are awake."
"Time..." you croaked out, glancing to the window and seeing little to no light. 
"It's almost dawn. He is likely not up yet but he was very clear that he was to be told when you woke." she spoke, adjusting the woman's blankets. "You just relax and I will be back shortly." 
Watching the woman walk out of the room, closing the curtain behind her to give you privacy you looked down to your body and saw you wore nothing but a simple grey gown.  Lifting your arms you saw your wrists wrapped in bandages along with a small one over the cut that had been on your forearm. There was an IV line in the top of your hand. Following the line up to the stand you saw two bags, one most likely fluids and the other medicine of some sorts. Taking a deep breath you bit your lip as you pushed yourself up into a sitting position, your muscles aching along with your side. Hooking a finger in the neck of your gown you saw your upper half wrapped in bandages as well. Pushing the blankets from your legs and lifting the gown up your thigh you saw a thick layer of gauze wrapped around your mid thigh, the gunshot. That would pose a problem in your escape. Turing to hang your legs over the bed you eased off the side and had to quickly catch yourself from falling to the floor. Panting you took a few minutes to adjust, pulling the IV out of your hand and tossing it to the bed. Stumbling to the curtain you peeked out and saw another bed on the other side, a sleeping man there. Noticing a neatly folded pile of clothes on the table you narrowed your eyes. 
After painstakingly pulling on the man's marine uniform you sun your hair around into a ball on the top of your head and tugged on the cap, tucking in any stray hairs. Walking to the opening the nurse had left through you peeked out and saw as another nurse, an older lady moved behind another curtain across the room. With a deep breath you started across the room and out to the hall, keeping your head down. Looking left then right you saw no one either way but could hear voices coming from the right so you chose left. Walking for some time you saw people coming towards you, two doctors by the looks of it. Panicking you grabbed the vase of flowers from the nurse's station counter and kept walking, holding the flowers over your face. 
"Morning officer." one of the doctors spoke. 
"Morning." you muttered, making your voice as deep as possible. Hurrying down the stairs you continued holding the vase until you got to to the main front desk and placed them down. Walking out of the hospital you started going down as many side streets as possible until before long you had no idea where you were and the sun was up in the sky. More people were out on the street now, marines and what you assumed were their families. Seeing a woman walking with two small children you swallowed hard and moved to her. "Excuse me miss..." When she turned to look at you you licked your lips, "I was wondering if you could help me out, I'm new here and well I'm a little lost. Could you tell me where the docks are?"
Smiling she tilted her head. "Of course, I was the same my first few months here. If you go down this main street you will see a sign that tells you to go right and you just follow that the whole way down to the docks." 
Nodding you gave her a small smile and thanks before following down the way she told you. Feeling your leg throb you bit the inside of your cheek and pushed on. If you were lucky you would be able to slip aboard a leaving ship and then play marine until you could slip away on the next island. Turning right like the woman said you were passing a storefront when something wrapped around your waist, a large hand coming up to cover your mouth before you could say a word. 
Walking down the halls of the hospital, people moved out of his way per usual. Getting to the wing she had been in for the last four days he saw a nurse carrying a tray of soup and other small things towards her room. The young woman looked up at him and grinned politely. "Good morning Vice Admiral, I was just about to bring her something to eat." 
"So she is awake then?" he asked, moving to help open the curtain for the nurse so she wouldn't spill the omega's food.
"Yes sir she..." 
Hearing the young woman stop short and seeing her face turn to one of shock he quickly looked to the bed to see it empty. "WHERE IS SHE?!" he roared. 
Shaking at the alpha's loud roar she felt some of the soup spill to her front and quickly looked up to his eyes, shaking her head. Opening and closing her mouth a few times she swallowed hard, "I.. I don't know sir, she... she was just here. I only went to tell someone to inform you and then walk down to the dining hall to get her something to eat. I don't understand how she..." 
Moving into the room he saw the IV line on the bed and her discarded gown on the floor. Narrowing his eyes he pulled back the curtain of the next room and saw a male laying in bed, his head wrapped in bandages. Looking to the table he saw the man's clothes gone. She had taken them, she was impersonating an officer. Growling he walked past the nurse and out to find the omega he planned to make his. 
Marching through the streets he snapped his eyes ot every officer he saw, scanning their face. She was injured so she shouldn't have been able to get far but truth be told she shouldn't have been able to even get out of the hospital. It had been almost a week since he had found her and since then she had been out cold. The doctor on his ship had told him she had been lucky to be alive. Along with a gunshot wound to her thigh that had caused her to loose much blood she had many broken ribs and the wounds on her wrists from the cuffs had already begun to get infected. She had been kept on antibiotics and pain medication to help her catch up on the rest her body obviously needed. With all of that he couldn't lie that he was impressed by her determination and will but that changed nothing, she would be his. 
Continuing to look for her for sometime he was beginning to get frustrated when he heard his name being called and turned to see a petty officer running towards him, the young boy stopping to salute him. 
"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, you are to report to Fleet Admiral Kong sir." the young boy said. 
Sighing he nodded his head and watched the boy make his leave. Giving one last look around he grit his teeth, he hoped she wouldn't find her way off the island before he got finished attending to Kong. He still kept a look out for her the whole way but to his disappointment she was no where to be found. Knocking on the Fleet Admiral's door he heard the male's deep voice and opened the door. What he saw made him freeze. Kong was sitting behind his desk, his large arms crossed and his face as serious as always. Occupying the long couch in front of the desk was none other than Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Sengoku. Between the two large males, sitting with her arms crossed over her chest and a hard glare on her face was none other than the little omega he had been looking for. Meeting her eyes he saw a fire in them that was willing to battle with his magma. 
"Take a seat Sakazuki, we have much to discuss." Kong spoke and watched the male close the door. 
Walking over to sit in one of the two chairs on either side of the couch he looked again to the omega and saw her give him a heated glare before she turned her head and looked towards the window. 
"I will take it this is the 'surprise' you encountered while on your mission?" Kong asked. 
"Yes sir." he spoke. 
Humming he looked to the girl. "Would you like to tell us how you became a captive of pirates... Y/n?" he asked, noticing Sakazuki's brow twitch just the slightest amount. 
Remaining silent you continued looking out the window until you heard Sengoku speak from beside you. 
"Go on Y/n, tell the truth." 
Sighing stared out at the sea, "Got caught trying to sneak off their ship." you grumbled. 
"What the hell were you doing sneaking on a god damn pirate ship girl?! Didn't I tell ya to stay on that island and behave yourself?!" Garp yelled, smacking the girl in the back of the head. 
"Ow! I told you I didn't want to stay there! It was boring as all hell!"
"That was the point you little shit. We put you there because you would have been safe..."
"Safe my ass old man the slavers started coming around more and more. If I hadn't left when I did they would have found sold me to the dragons then and there!" 
"So you thought that you would do what y/n, hitch a ride with pirates to the next island and then go along your way? What then? What was your plan then?" Sengoku asked in that disapproving voice of his. 
"I don't know, just keep moving I guess." you shrugged, looking down to your lap. 
"Well look how well that turned out?" Garp scoffed. 
"You should be grateful Sakazuki found you when he did, if not then those pirates would have no doubt sold you to the highest bidder by now." Sengoku added. 
Continuing to ignore them you opted for looking out the window. "So what now, you all just drop me off at some island again?" you growled. 
"No." It had been the first time he had spoke through all of this and he saw as the omega....y/n's eyes snapped to him, a confused look on her face. 
"Sakazuki?" Kong asked. 
Looking over the omega he felt a strange pull towards her and blinked before directing his attention back towards the Fleet admiral and raising his chin. "I choose her, she will be my wife." he spoke in a deep voice. 
Shocked by his sudden claim you felt your mouth fall open a bit before an anger filled you and you let out a growl, "Go fuck yourself asshole!" you snarled. 
"Y/n! What have I told you about using that kind of language. Ladies do not.." Sengoku started but you cut him off. 
"I ain't no damn lady!" 
"Well that's for damn sure..." Garp grumbled
Listening as the three on the couch went on bickering Kong held the young vice Admiral's eyes for a moment, reading him. Taking a deep breath he looked back to the three and blinked. "Go wait outside with her. Sakazuki and I need a moment alone." 
Seeing Garp and Sengoku stand on either side of you and feeling them grab your arms you shook them off and stood on your own, stomping out of the room. 
Once they were left alone Kong leaned back in his chair and looked to Sakazuki. "You still have time you know, to choose a wife. Your promotion to an admiral has already been decided but it will not go into effect until the end of the year that gives you plenty of time to look around." 
"I do not need to look any further. I choose her." he said affirmably. 
Closing his eyes he thought on the matter. "You found her Sakazuki, by law the omega is yours to claim but I will warn you that she will not submit easily." 
"What is her story?" he asked. 
"We don't really know. When Rocks was defeated ten years ago Garp found her chained up at the bottom of on of his ships, she was just a child. She was badly beaten and half starved. She doesn't remember anything about her past other than the fact that Rocks had killed her entire village. From what we figured he took her as a pet or trophy of sorts. She hasn't ever opened up about her time on the ship and from the shape she was found in she may never. Once she was treated here for a time and her body healed she started to show signs of an omega and we made the decision to hide her away. I am sure you are aware of the Celestial Dragon's obsession with Omegas, most are taken from their families as soon as they show signs and sold to them. Given her past we knew she would never make it if subjected to that kind of treatment." 
"Do you know how old she is?" he asked. 
"No. We guess she was about eight or so when Garp found her and from what she could tell us Rocks took her when she was around five."  Kong told him. 
Grunting he saw Kong open his eyes and look to him. 
"You are certain, you know you will not be able to change your mind once you claim her?" The fleet admiral asked. 
"Yes sir." 
"Very well." he said with a sigh. 
Watching as Kong called for Garp and Sengoku to come back in he saw Garp currently holding onto Y/n's forearm as she hit and kick at him. 
"Let me go you geezer." you growled. 
"Geezer?! Keep on and I'll..." 
"That's enough." Kong spoke. Looking to the young woman he saw her giving him a hard glare. Taking a deep breath he let it out slowly, "Y/n, you will marry Vice Admiral Sakazuki."
"Like hell I will!" You roared. 
"It is not up for discussion!" he yelled, stopping her and both other men from speaking again. 
Breathing heavily you looked to the Fleet Admiral and then to the large alpha male sitting in the arm chair with his arms crossed. When he stood and walked over to tower over you, you lifted your eyes to actually look him over. The hood of his white hoodie was still drawn, a cap still on his head and a deep scowl on his face. 
Looking down at the omega he rose his chin and smirked at the look she was giving him. This would be interesting.
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hinamoria · 3 years
Hitsuhina Week 2021 : Day 1
Hitsuhina Week 2021 : Day 1- Nickname / Hot and cold
Rating: K
Synopsis: Momo remembers the origin of her nickname: Bed wetter Momo
Word Count: 1801 words
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! My first participation at the Hitsuhina week is here. I hope you like it! I had fun writing it \(^.^)/
English isn’t my first language so excuse myself for any typos <3
“Shiro-chan!” Hinamori greeted cheerfully as she walked through the doors of the Tenth Division office. “We're going to eat yakitoris with Matsumoto-san and other lieutenants. Are you joining us? "
Hitsugaya, sitting at his desk, frowned at the famous nickname his childhood friend refused to forget, and declined the invitation.
"I have a lot of work to finish," he complained, putting an extra sheet of paper on the already tall pile of his desk. "Maybe next time," he added, afraid to upset his friend. "And Hinamori, for the umpteenth time, it's captain Hitsugaya."
"But Hitsugaya-kun, that nickname is perfect for you!" she replied, keeping her smile.
A perfect nickname from Hinamori's point of view. In harmony with the white and shiny hair like snow of her friend.
"Do you hear me calling you by your childhood nickname yet?” Sighed the captain.
Momo laughed lightly as she thought about it. "Bed Wetter Momo" was much less flattering than “Shiro chan”. Especially since it was referring to a single accident and therefore absolutely no more relevant today.
And yet, even though she wouldn’t like to be called that way again today, she still had a certain melancholy as she remembered the event where it’s from. Somehow, that night, Shiro-chan had for the first time given her a kind gesture.
It happened soon after arriving in Rukongai, when she was eight years old.
She still remembered the hustle and bustle, the lost people trying to get information about what was happening to them, and her in the middle desperately looking for her mom or her plush that she must have dropped something. It must be here. She remembered holding it during her last moments of life. So it couldn't be very far.
It was the end of her old life on Earth. Nowadays, it was just a vague memory. The faces of her biological family had gradually faded. She remembered that her mother had brown hair, often tied up in a bun. Momo may have subconsciously imitated her while growing up. But had she hazel eyes like her or were they a different color? She could no longer remember it.
A cholera epidemic had hit the country, killing thousands of people. Antibiotics did not exist at the time, so the chances of escaping it, especially for a child, were almost nil. Momo didn't end up in pain for long.
At the entrance to Rukongai, men and women dressed in black kimonos, whom she later knew as shinigamis, gave instructions to people around her. They were divided into groups. She was going to go to district number one, "Junrinan". She didn't know this place, but thought she heard the term "lucky" from a shinigami.
Looking back 100 years after, she understood how true it was. Especially after hearing Abarai-kun's stories.
Each person was taken to a different dwelling. Very little explanation was given. Sometimes locals sighed when they saw a new arrival, but others greeted them with a big smile. Her journey ended in front of a wooden house with a small earthen courtyard in front and two imposing shoji-style doors at the entrance.
A lady with gray hair tied in a bun opened the door and smiled at Momo.
"Is that the little new one?" She asked in a voice marked by time.
The shinigami nodded and left the area without another word. His behaviour may have seemed rude, but the little lady ignored it. Momo watched him go with slight fear, but returned her attention to the stranger who began to speak to him.
"Welcome my dear. What's your name? "
"Momo…" the child replied after a brief hesitation.
“Very well Momo. From today you will live here. Come home, I'll explain everything to you"
The lady held out her hand, which Momo took, and together they entered the girl's new home.
To say that the first few days in her new home were easy would have been a lie. Momo was missing her family. And she kept looking through the portal to see if her mother was going to cross the threshold and come to get her.
Her new grandmother was a sweet and warm woman. She gave Momo time to acclimatize without rushing her. She even offered her a small dog-shaped plush toy to replace her previous one. Momo appreciated the little attention and hugged the plush tightly against her at night.
However, living with Toshiro was more difficult. The little boy already had a strong character and did not seem delighted by the arrival of a new child in his home. He often spoke harshly to her, when he just wasn't ignoring her. Momo, luckily, didn't seem to take offense and came back to meet him all the more, determined to make him her new friend.
He didn't looked to be appreciated by the other children, who seemed afraid of his particular hair. Momo, on the other hand, was fascinated by their color and had repeatedly tried to touch them - usually receiving insults and yelling in return - which didn't stop her from doing it again a few days later. He reminded him of the old cat that resided in her neighbourhood on Earth. He had hissed on her each time she approached. But after a few months, he had accepted her affection. Toshiro would be the same, she could tell.
One night, about two weeks after her arrival, Momo had a terrible nightmare. The pain of her last moments on Earth came back to her. She heard her mom cry and pray, but she couldn't see her. She was terribly thirsty and hungry, but the nausea tugged at her so much that she couldn't take anything. It was the end. She felt death coming to seek her. When a new wave of pain pierced her body, Momo woke up abruptly, breathing heavy.
The pain was gone. But she still couldn't see anything. After a few seconds, a growl to her left signaled the presence of the white haired boy and reminded her where she was. Her grandmother must have been somewhere to her right. They used to stick their futons together and sleep three side by side.
She was safe, everything was fine.
Catching her breath, however, she noticed a new unusual detail. Her clothes looked wet.
She straightened up and inspected her bed with the palm of her hand. A stain of moisture permeated the futon, a small part of the blanket and the entire bottom of her kimono. She was taken aback for a few moments, then realized with dread that she had wet the bed!
It hadn't happened since she was three, how could she have done that now? She wondered ashamed.
Discreetly, she got out of the futon, holding her breath as she saw Toshiro move around in the futon right next to her. Luckily, he didn't seem to wake up.
Would Grandma be mad if she saw this? Was she going to be kicked out of the house? Who would want a messy child?
Trying to swallow back tears, Momo took the blanket and left the room discreetly.
With any luck, she would manage to hide her mistake and they would let her stay here.
First she needed clean clothes, then she would go and wash it all in the basin outside. As a final step, she would take care of the futon in the same way. And when asked tomorrow, she could pretend she spilled a glass of milk on the bed. If no one saw the stain, her excuse would be plausible.
After grabbing some new clothes, Momo went down the stairs of the house to go outside.
Luckily, the moon lit up the courtyard a little and allowed herself to orient without too much trouble. Momo found the basin and put the blanket in it. The cold water made the child shiver, who could now feel the tears running down her cheeks.
Looking back 100 years later, she realized how dumb she could have been to feel so bad for a trivial accident like this, but at this moment, the world was falling apart for her.
She changed, taking a little water to clean herself, then tossed the soiled clothes in the water as well. As she began to rub the whole thing vigorously, a voice startled her.
"What are you doing?” Toshiro surprised her from the doorway.
She turned in his direction, speechless. He kept his arms crossed against his chest, obviously waiting for an answer that took a particularly long time to arrive.
"I ..." stammered the little brunette. “I spilled a glass of milk?"
Her voice had risen in high pitch with a sobbing hiccup, making her assertion closer to questioning. Toshiro certainly wouldn't be fooled by the situation. He was young in appearance, but he was significantly older than her in age. And she realized her excuse was completely incoherent when said out loud.
But strangely, she heard neither reproach nor mockery from the boy who was looking at her seriously. On the contrary, his answer surprised her.
"I'm going to get your futon to have it cleaned too…" He said with a sigh.
And he disappeared for a good minute.
On his return, ditto, he remained silent. He helped her clean up and spread the ling. And when they returned to bed afterwards, he even gave her a bit of room in his own futon for Momo. The rest of the night ended without further accident.
The next day, she said with more confidence her story to her grandmother, who absolutely did not believe a word of it, but who accepted it nonetheless, afraid to embarrass her. When she went out to do some shopping, Momo turned to Toshiro who was finishing lunch.
"Thank you Hitsugaya-kun," Hinamori said in a small voice. "For keeping my secret."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied with his mouth full.
Then as he swallowed, he looked at the girl and let go with a smirk, "Bed Wetter Momo".
Momo froze in her seat upon hearing the new nickname.
"How did you call me?” She asked scandalized.
"You called me Shiro-chan a few days ago, remember? From today you will be "Bed wetter Momo" if you keep using that nickname ". He treated her, pretending to be interested in his bowl of rice. But the smirk he kept showing indicated the pride he felt right now in torturing her.
It was the start of a new friendship.
And he kept his word: he used that nickname for many years, and she kept on calling him Shiro-chan. It almost became a game between them.
And if today she was no longer "Bed wetter Momo", she treasured the memory of the first step Toshiro had taken towards her.
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stitchandani · 3 years
Lilo's College Days That Defining Moment The story of the moment Lilo and Mertle stopped being enemies and started, super slowly, being friends as teenagers. Written by Doverstar. Read below
16-year-old Mertle Edmonds didn’t go barefoot anywhere unless she was in her room. Especially not when every single pair of her sandals was a designer brand. Unfortunately, tonight she had to make an exception. It was a performance celebrating the 50th anniversary of her hula school. Being only two years from graduation, Moses, their Kumu, had decided to allow his oldest students to star in a special dance they’d all worked together to create. It was always easy working with Yuki, Teresa, and Elena. It was even easy working with Victoria. Mostly. But Lilo…Lilo Pelekai always had the worst ideas—the weirdest ideas. She was always trying to stink up the show, steal the spotlight. Luckily Moses didn’t approve half of her plans during the brainstorming, and the dance had come out okay. In fact, Mertle had shone out more than she usually did tonight. She did her part perfectly—the swing of her hips, the smoothness in her steps, the waft of both arms. Not a single slip-up, and not a curly hair came out of her ponytail. And of course, doing hula required she go barefoot. That made total sense. What was really not like her was running through the muddy trail down to the beach without shoes on. She didn’t intend to. She just had to get out of that building. Her mother had been there to congratulate her after the performance, as always. Moms gushed a lot, but at least Mertle could always say—with confidence—that  her mom wasn’t doing it just because she was her mom. It was because, obviously, Mertle deserved every bit of the praise she received. When Mertle had gone to change into her green tank top and blue cutoff jeans, after the audience had all but left, she took her sweet time. It was even better that she got to the only bathroom right before Lilo had, so she got to see the sweet flash of irritation in those too-close-together brown eyes. Even that blue thing, Stitch, looked vexed. (Mertle had been telling herself for years that she didn’t know exactly what Stitch was, even if certain events during her childhood proved otherwise. Events and a talking dog who was probably asleep in her bedroom right now.) If Victoria hadn’t gone home so quickly after the show, she probably would’ve been annoyed for her creep friend too.  Some nights just went too perfectly. Upon emerging from the bathroom, the redhead found that everyone was staring at her. As well they should—she looked great. But it was a different kind of staring. There was something really concerning in the way Teresa was practically biting her lip off and the way Moses seemed to be struggling to say something. “What?” Mertle tossed her ponytail, hands on her hips. “What did I miss?” Her mother, eyes strangely puffy, pushed past Moses to put her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. Mrs. Edmonds’ glasses looked foggy. “Mertle…sweetheart…” Was she getting all choked up? Why? Mertle’s eyes cut to Elena and Yuki and back to her mom. How embarrassing. Whatever it was, couldn’t it wait till they got out of the hālau first? Nobody liked a blubberer. Totally unprofessional. Her mom had always been just a little overemotional with, well, basically everything, and it got old fast. “Mom, everybody’s looking! What—” “It’s—Carl. It’s your daddy, Mertle.” Words blurred after that. Something about a phone call, something about missing the show tonight, something about “driving under the influence”. Mertle heard it. She just didn’t register what exactly had happened in the last twenty minutes. Her daddy couldn’t be gone. There was no way. He was rich; he owned a store, a resort, three convertibles. He was too important to be dead. As Mertle looked around, past her hysterical mother and at the remaining faces in the room, all she could hear was her own heartbeat. Everyone was still watching her, why were they watching her? She didn’t want to be watched. She didn’t want all the attention now. Not now. Couldn’t they take a hint? Wasn’t this one of those times where everybody was supposed to go away? Or just not be here? She hated the way they were gawking at her. Her daddy was
gone. What did that mean? Mertle felt it slowly sinking in further and further. Carl was dead. He died just moments ago. He was here then and now he wasn’t. Her face tingled. She knew she was about to cry, and she totally hated people seeing her cry. Didn’t cry often. She wanted her mom to give her one of those too-tight, really unnecessary, unwanted hugs, but everyone seemed frozen. Even Mrs. Edmonds. In that split second, Mertle looked at Teresa. Teresa looked away. Then Elena. She fiddled with her hair and glanced at the wall. Yuki met her gaze, just for a moment, and then she started fidgeting in her hula skirt, eyes downcast. The only person who stared right back at her was Lilo. Lilo was unashamedly waiting for Mertle to look at her, and the sympathy there, sympathy that was so clearly genuine, was almost enough to make teenage Edmonds gag. Without another word, she pushed past her mom, Moses, her classmates, and bolted out the open door into the warm night air. So there she was, barefoot, running through the slightly-damp path through the tropical woods to…she didn’t know where. Maybe the beach? Not home, no thank you. Mertle wanted to be alone, where those morons in the halau couldn’t find her and stand around being useless again. She didn’t know what she’d wanted them to do. Something, hello! Funny; she always knew what she wanted. Well, she knew what she did not want. What she didn’t want was...basically everything they’d just done. A whole lot of nothing. Nothing. That was what they were, after all, right? All of them. They were nothing. Not as important as she was. Not as talented, not as pretty. What had she expected? A posse wasn’t supposed to be a hug or a kind word.  They’d never mattered that much in her world before. Except when she needed someone to yell at or to agree with her. So why did their actions back there matter now? She was out of breath already. Really needed more exercise. Wasn’t a dazzling hula career enough? Okay, maybe not a dazzling career, not yet. But someday. And practicing for it was clearly wearing her poor, hard-working body thin. She paused, hands on her knees, gasping for breath. She must be tired from the incredible show she’d just put on. That was it. Not out of shape at all. No way, not her. Someday she would have a dazzling hula career; she’d be a sensation, and then… Dad won’t make it to any more of my shows. The thought crashed down on her like the waves she heard beating the surf off to her right, somewhere past the trees and the palmettos. The weight of what she had learned just moments ago was finally starting to make her ache, and Mertle slumped against the trunk of a palm tree. Tears ran down her nose, and she felt herself sliding down the trunk, hugging her knees as she crouched in the sand. Moonlight trickled through the branches and stars twinkled in the clear sky. Mertle didn’t spend a bunch of time outside, unless it was a weekend. She might have enjoyed the night wind playing with her ponytail. If her daddy wasn’t dead. He used to visit. When she was little. When she was 5, 8, even once when she was 10. He’d bring her expensive gifts from his store in Honolulu. She wore a bangle he’d given her now, right above the old charm bracelet on her wrist. It said Daddy’s Little Princess in letters that used to be hot pink. She had been young enough then that being a Princess seemed an achievable goal. Here in the present, it was for luck. Or maybe to remind herself he existed. Because until today, she hadn’t heard from him in three long, disappointing years. Hadn’t seen him in five. Why was he gone? She needed him! Without Carl in the world, she felt…it was like she wasn’t special anymore. Like she wasn’t important, like she wasn’t a star. Her daddy, when he had bothered to show up or call or write or send her presents, had managed every time to make her feel like she was somebody. She believed it, too, to this very night, because he told her so often when they were together. He told her how amazing she was, and how lucky, because she had him for a father,
and he could give her anything. Not to mention a mother whose job gave them whatever they didn’t already have. Now there was nobody to remind her how incredible she was. How incredible she just had to be. She would start to think it was all a lie, and she was just as ordinary and witless as any of those girls in that stupid school. Because the one person in the world who believed it as much as Mertle had was on the side of a road somewhere, never to open his eyes again. “It’s not fair,” Mertle sobbed. “It’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair.” She jumped when she heard someone behind her. “Mertle?” Mertle thumbed the moisture out from underneath her glasses. “Go away.” “I know how—” “I said go away, Weirdlo!” Lilo was quiet as she slipped her yellow duffel bag off her shoulder, letting it drop in the sand, kneeling beside the redhead. She was in khaki shorts and a red top. Must’ve changed while Mertle had been running. It looked hideous on her. “I know how you feel,” Lilo said almost neutrally, going on as if Mertle hadn’t snapped at her. Mertle refused to turn and look at her. She so did not need this, not right now, not from…it. “You? Puh-leeze. Don’t make me laugh.” “I do,” Lilo insisted. “You’re probaby really confused.” She crossed her legs to get more comfortable. “And scared.” Her voice got lower and she looked at the hands in her lap. “And lost.” Mertle rolled her eyes, but that made hot tears spill faster down her cheeks and she rubbed them off angrily, worried her makeup would smear. “What do you know?” “I know you’re really gonna miss him. You talk about him a lot.” “Yeah, right.” Mertle scoffed, almost laughing for real then. “He wasn’t even a good dad! He was never here. Why should I care?” “But he was still your Ohana, right? I mean...he was still your dad.” Mertle was quiet for a second, contemplating that. Yeah, he was still her dad. But even so, what kind of dad up and leaves for the big city when you’re 2? Or stays away for years at a time, just so he can expand some dumb store? But he’d still come by every once in a while. He’d take her out to get some of Luki’s shave ice. He’d watch her surf. He’d even taken her to get her ears pierced. And when she picked out her first pair of earrings and held them up to him, two little diamonds, he told her they were dull compared to… Mertle felt her chest heave again and she turned her body further away from Lilo, to shield the mess she was obviously becoming. Worthless. She was worthless now, because she did have him to tell her otherwise. Stupid man. Why had he done this to her? What was he thinking? Had he been thinking of her as he died? Had he been scared? He’d been all alone. Lilo put her hand on Mertle’s shoulder, and the bespectacled puddle finally craned her head around to glance at her. “Why are you doing this?” Mertle demanded, sniffling, voice harder than she thought it would be. Lilo didn’t retract her hand. “I lost my dad, too,” she reminded the girl. “I know what it’s like right after….” She didn’t finish that part. Closing her eyes as if going back in time for a moment, Lilo sighed very softly, and Mertle thought she’d never heard someone sound so tired. Then Lilo opened her eyes and caught Mertle’s gaze again. “Anyway. I didn’t want you to be by yourself.” She managed a smile. “Nobody gets left behind.” Mertle gawked at her. She’d gawked at Lilo Pelekai plenty of times, dozens, hundreds. All the time they’d known each other, Mertle looked down her nose at Lilo. She’d sneered and called her names for over ten years. When they were children, the Edmonds child’s sole purpose in life had been to make her rival miserable, because if someone else could be miserable, Mertle wouldn’t have to be. This too-creative, too-nice, too-weird native teen was a freak. An oddball, a dork, a loser, a total irritant. The fly at Mertle’s lifelong picnic. Lilo was gross, loud, pathetic, had terrible taste in fashion… And she was the only one who’d stayed. Yuki, Teresa, Elena, they’d all looked away. But Lilo...Lilo had stared back, because
something of merit was happening to Mertle, something that mattered. She’d run after the girl who had tried to drag her down with every breath she’d taken since they were five years old. She acted like Mertle was important. Like Mertle wasn't worthless. Like she cared. Like they were friends. And slowly, through her tears, Mertle smiled back.
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