#like my bro would like it already by concept alone and just be like ‘ok very you’ after adding all the pretty stuff around it
causticsunshine · 1 year
my friend in tattoo school worked on me today 💗
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first one is a fine line quote in my bro’s (very childlike) handwriting on my left arm, and second is the (beginning of a) parkour tattoo on my right thigh, also for my bro 🥰
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helplesslypurple77 · 7 months
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Day 13- Step Bro!Dazai/Reader/Step Bro!Fyodor
Notes: I think it's a little ooc, but i really couldn't decide which characters to go with so yeah.
also, uhm, that fyodor header picture has nothing to do with the actual story, i just though he looked so fucking hot with that gun(also yes, ik im using the step silbing/dad concept twice but its just so sexy to me yaknow*)(*and also, if your wondering, i actually have a wonderful relationship with my father)
Ever since you can remember the house had been cold. You didn't call it your house, even though you had lived there all your life. No, it was more akin to a creature unto itself, a perfect reflection of your childhood. You were born in this house, the only child Mother, or Cecilia as she insisted upon, didn't abort. You spent your younger years with a nanny, who cared for you the best she could. She taught you to read and write, and you excelled especially at math. But Cecilia didn't care. She never cared. And the house reflected her disinterest.
The nanny, a kind woman named Martha, had been disposed of when you turned eight. Cecilia decided you were old enough to function on your own and fired the waste of money. You spent your years after that in the library, absorbing information, reading fanciful stories with mothers who loved their daughters. You wondered why Cecilia never loved you. 
When you turned ten, Cecilia brought home a man. She introduced you, and you stood like instructed, pretty and well behaved. He patted you on the head, but never spared you a glance. He was tall, blond and very, very young. Much younger than Cecilia. And he was much too enamored to care for you, Cecilia's little child. Cecilia encouraged this behavior, and although the number of people in the house had grown, you were all alone. You were always alone. But it was ok, you were used to the silence. You sat in your large playroom, and cried into your pillow, muffling your feelings in the silk. Cecilia didn't need your burdensome feelings. 
The summer you turned eleven, Cecilia brought another man home. And this man was kind to you at first. He gave you candy and treated you with kindness, luring you into his trap like a spider. The first time he hit you, you had cried defiantly for Cecilia. And of course Cecilia had not come, for she would rather believe her boytoys over her own flesh and blood. Humans were cruel things, ready to hurt others at the drop of a hat. And Cecilia was the cruelest. Nothing comforted you for ounce as you cried into your comforter, as unloved as before. 
The summer you turned fifteen it was clear you had inherited Cecilia's peerless beauty. You spent the rest of the summer mastering makeup and when you arrived at your private school you were instantly popular. The makeup just elevated your already peerless beauty and people, both boys and girls fell at your feet. You reveled in the popularity, the love. A different kind of love, but love all the same. The house congratulated you, but Cecilia didn't care. She never did, after all.
Your grades never fell however, you simply could not let them. If you were proud of anything, it was your intelligence. It was wholly yours, unlike your beauty, inherited from Cecilia. You hated that you were her creation, hated it with your entire very being. You loved your intelligence, however. It came from your father, you were told briefly by Cecilia, and because you had never met him it was easier to accept his qualities. The house was from your father, his money at least. A gift to Cecilia. 
And the one gift he had ever gotten you was a ring, a gorgeous piece of silver and emeralds that Cecilia had taken, stoll right from your pudgy two year old hands. You had never even gotten to hold it as an adult. You didn't miss it, not really. But you hated the trait you shared with Cecilia, a sense of selfishness, and a love for jewelry. 
 It was on your sixteenth birthday, sitting at a table alone as you were blowing out the birthday candles, that you truly cried without the comfort of your pillows. Cecilia was out, and as you eat your cake, you soon come to realize that you had grown up too fast. You had been an adult since the moment Martha was fired and you had sat in the cold walls of your beige playroom, crying and crying for comfort, something that would never find you again. You were a shell, a puppet, a beautiful china doll empty of  love. You were Cecilia. The house laughed at your plight, as you sobbed into your pillow, muffling your feelings into the comforting silk. 
It was a hot summer day, a few weeks after you turned seventeen when Cecilia broke the news. You were sitting by the pool, sunbathing in your swimsuit. Cecilia simply walked in, spared you a glance, and informed you she was getting married. You felt a small shiver of surprise run up your spine. Cecilia had had many boyfriends, yes, but she never married them. This man had to be different. Or maybe it was her age, and her fading looks. You hated the spike of happiness that pillaged though your heart, you hated how feelings of hatred turned you into a spiteful shrew, just like Cecilia. Cecilia had cracked open a beer, flipping through her magazine, sparing you one last glance. “He has sons, two of them.” She had said, closing the screen door behind her. 
⋆。 °✩
“There you are, Name. You're late.” Cecilia said, giving you her usual faintly disapproving stare mixed with disgust. You still quail under it, even though it's the same one you’ve seen for years and years and years. You still fear her disapproval, even after all. 
“I'm sorry Cecilia.” You say, straightening your spine. You're still in your school uniform, and the bus was late but you know better than to give excuses. Cecilia doesn't care for those. The little skirt and blazer combo is one of your favorites, and the only thing you truly love about St. Catherine's private school for young ladies. The walls of St Catherines are barren and cold, but not as cold as your own. Cecilia flips her hair, looking perfectly put together as always, although her age is beginning to show around her eyes. She hates it, you know, and you love it. You can't wait for Cecilia to wither away, her personal worst nightmare. 
“Don't embarrass me, Name.” Cecilia says, her cold eyed stair rooting you to your place. “Just smile pleasantly and entertain your step brothers, alright Sweetheart?” She says. The pet name reeks of disinterest but her disinterest is preferable to her anger. For when Cecilia angers the foundations of the very house shake. You nod, and Cecilia takes that as enough. A knock sounds on the door, and any ugly expression is gone from her face as she flies for the door, opening it and hopping into the arms of the man behind it. 
He’s your mothers usual type, tall and handsome, but several years older than you would have guessed. He spins her around, and they kiss. You look away. There are two boys standing behind him on the doorstep, and to your surprise they also look away from the torrid display. Their strange boys, both around the same height, but that is the only thing they share in common. They don't even really look related, but who are you to judge? Done with their display, Cecilia and her new husband step through the door, still attached at the hip. Cecilia throws you a glare, and you put on your customary smile, a smile so fake you feel like a barbie doll. 
“My daughter, Name.” Cecilia almost imperceptibly grimaces at the word daughter, gesturing at you. You smile. “Hello.” You say, feeling like a fake. The man gives you a smile, gesturing at his sons, who have stepped through the door, and now stand on either side of him and Cecilia. “My sons, Fyodor and Osamu.” The one on the right smiles at you, the other one simply gives you a nod. They're so different, you’d almost think them adopted. But you can see their features in their father. 
The smiling one, Osamu, has short wavy brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. He gives you a tiny wave, and you feel your smile become genuine for a second, before you catch yourself. The ones who smile are more dangerous, you had learned long ago. They lure you with kindness and hit you with force. He’s dressed in a wrinkled button down and uniform pants, his posture casual with his hands in his pockets. A matching tie hangs crooked on his neck. It's the uniform for your school, or the boys school across the street. St. Catherines school for young ladies and St. Andrews school for young men share a single campus separated by a metal fence. 
The one on the left side is pale, almost sickly pale, with dark circles to match his long dark hair. It looks soft, his hair, and brushes just below his jaw. H’s eyes are dark, and they run over your face, almost as if they're checking for cracks in your composure. He’s dressed in the same uniform, but his appearance is more neat. His tie is tied correctly, and he wears a black jacket over the rest of his uniform. They are strange boys, but you are very used to strange after all. 
“Name? Entertain your new brothers, Sweetheart.” Cecilia says. You wince at the nickname. You hate that nickname, you hate it so much. “Yes Cecilia.” You bite out, smile still in place. You feel empty, like a porcelain doll. A tool Cecilia can use and discard at any moment. You feel disposable. You hate it. 
⋆。 °✩
Your new brothers are kind, if a little strange. The quiet one with pretty hair, Fyodor, is a year older than you. He plays cello and dislikes Cecilia, which makes you like him a lot. Fyodor treated you with an amount of distance at first, but slowly warmed up to you when he found out you play piano. He had informed you one day, when he was helping you with homework, that his mother was a Russian supermodel. And he’s handsome, you're not really surprised. He’s kind in a quiet kind of way, less teasing than his younger brother. You also notice how he subtly moves forward, shielding you whenever Cecilia is angry. You love him for it, that protectiveness. 
Osamu is younger than you by about six months, and loud. He quite clearly makes it his goal to be the loudest person in the room and you love how it annoys Cecilia every time he steals her thunder. He’s a very touchy person as well, unlike his brother. He would comfort you with jokes when he saw you were down, and could not cook for the life of him. His reaction to Cecilia was the most reactionary. He taunted her, shot smart alec remarks in her direction, or just plain ignored her. And every time he got a reaction. Cecilia’s face would flush red with anger, and she would strike out, just to be dodged with a snarky little comment. And the more angry she got, the more pleased Osamu became
And they hate each other, the brothers. At first you had thought they got along well, but then you noticed the snarky little comments they would trade back and forth, the glares behind their parents back. Everything is a constant competition, be it a board game or report cards they make it their goal to beat the other each time. And you don't really mind, the house feels warm and full of life, and you feel included. To them, life seems a game, and the people who live it merely pieces, to be moved to and fro to their pleasure. You must assume yourself a spectator, not a piece, but if you were a piece you would like to be the queen. Cecilia didn't like your new brothers, that much was obvious. But she still used them to belittle you every chance she got.  
“Your brothers got all A+.” She would say, pinning you with that faintly disgusted expression she used as default. “And you got an A.” You would surrender to your room to cry in peace, away from Cecilia's proud eyes, and the prying ears of your much to perceptive brothers. 
But if they shared anything, it was a sense of mystery. Because each of them never allowed you to get too close, keeping you forever just a length away. You tried not to take it personally, but you still shed a tear or two. 
But for the first time in many years, you were happy. The house congratulated you, as its hallways filled with laughter to replace to silence, its rooms with color to replace the beige. Cecilia was as unpleasant as ever, but she was busy with her husband, and left you and your step brothers to their own devices. But still you feared it would all go away. That soon, they would tire of you, that they would never let you close, that Cecilia would grow tired of her husband and toss out the trash as she always did. It was a nagging fear that came back to haunt you in dreams, until you woke up in a cold sweat. 
And there's an odd tension that hovers in the air, whenever you and the brothers interact. A strange tension that makes your blood sing with excitement, that leaves you on your toes with anticipation. When Osamu slings his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a loose hug of sorts. When Fyodor pulls your hair behind your ear, his cold fingers brushing your face, leaving goosebumps in their wake. It's a tension you’ve felt before, a tension you don't want to give name to, a tension that scares you. But then, you're sure it's just you, that your new brothers simply treat you as a sister, like how you should treat them. You should not desire your step brothers, Cecilia had told you the night before they moved in. But then again, Cecilia had never been a very good role model. 
⋆。 °✩
It's raining, big fat drops pattering against the roof, wind splattering the droplets against the window panes. A faint clatter can be heard from outside, as if the wind itself is crying, banging at the doors. The wind sounded lonely. It banged on the doors of the world, begging to be let into the light, much like you had when you were young. You wanted to comfort the wind, to hold her in your arms with the warmth you had never been given, but everyone knew you could not hold the wind. So you simply told her to stay strong, and let the night and rain embrace her for you. 
You would always read when it rained. You remembered a book you had read long ago. It had been the one to solidify the wind as lonely, and had been oh so impressionable to your young mind. ‘Keep strong wind’ it read, ‘keep strong and soon the rain and night will hold you in their comforting embrace, will keep you warm and happy…’. You had always seen yourself in the lonely wind, and had dreamed of your rain and night to comfort you. The library had long been your only comfort, and you begged for human comfort, human warmth.(You didn't dare to hope that your step brothers could be your night and rain, because you knew god would hear you and laugh in your face. Because god loved Cecilia, not worthless you.)
Cecilia and her husband are gone, on a weekend trip to Hawaii. You were not invited, because of course not, and neither were your brothers. 
The house is almost silentand with Osamu out at book club the house seems to sigh in relief, giving itself time to relax before the loudness returns. 
You are curled up on the couch with a book, listening to Fyodor as he practices his Cello. It's a cozy evening, the fire crackling in the grate, the strains of the first movements of Brahms – Cello Sonata No. 1 floating through the cozy atmosphere. You hear the piano part along with him unconsciously, fingers tapping your things in rhythm. You can never quite beat the musician out of you, it's embedded into your very being at this point. 
Brahms – Cello Sonata No. 1, the first movement is a deep piece, and slightly depressing if you're being honest. But you love the melancholy that surrounds it. It creates a certain air, allowing the instruments to tangle together beautifully almost as if the melodies are dancing together. They twist like lovers, the parts, dipping one then the other, a beautifully teasing medley of pure emotion, something you could never truly give in life. It would be nice to dance with Fyodor, he was such an elegant human being, from the way he walked to his looks. You imagined the two of you would sail across the floor of the ballroom, his gloved hand on your waist, twirling you and spinning you and only looking at you. You wanted him to gaze upon you with reverence, much like the men your mother married gazed upon her. You want to be loved.
The Cello part comes to an end, and you sit silently for a moment, hesitant to break the spell. Then Fyodor's accented voice, still slightly hushed, breaks through the atmosphere. “How was it?” He says. You love his accent, it feels all full and warm. “Good, good as always.” You say, putting a finger in your book and looking up. “You were a bit sharp on the first note of measure twenty seven.” You're reading Pride and Prejudice, again. You’ve always loved it, and have read it some many times you’ve simply lost count.
Fyodor sighs, leaning back in his chair and resting his cello back into its case. “You always catch my mistakes. What would I do without you, Name.” He says with a small smile. Your heart warms at the praise, your smile threatening to break out of its confinements, all together and split your face in two. You tamp it down, putting on a face of disinterest you're not sure he believes. You always get the vague feeling that your brothers know you better than you know yourself.
You flip through the channels on tv, happy to have control of the remote. It's all the usual, sports games and real housewives and spanish game show episodes. You put on a random movie, which sounded interesting. ‘Essential object of enjoyment,’(is a title that to anyone else would scream softcore porn film, to you, still a sheltered girl of seventeen years old, it seemed as innocent as a daisy. You were not a virgin, but inexperienced and somewhat oblivious, so at odds with your calm adult attitude.) Fyodor plops himself on the couch next to you, a tedious foot away. He seemed too far away but all at once to close, the heat of his body a tease beside you. You clench your legs together, pulling in on yourself.
The film is about a young woman named Maria, who is taking a vacation on a very sketchy manor in a strange small town. It's a low budget film, with crappy acting and even crappier scares, but it's entertaining and you find yourself settling in against the couch, slowly leaning closer and closer to the warm human beside you. And soon, as Maria decides to ignore all the advice of the locals and enter the abandoned church late at night, you're so close your shoulders are almost touching, and finally, you dare to lean into him. 
He lets you, slinging an arm around your shoulders with an excuse none of you are listening to anyway, and pulls a small blanket over your bare legs. “You're cold aren't you?” he says, voice hushed in your ear. You shiver, with a nod. You arent that cold, but you want to be close to him, to feel his heat, his warmth. You're sure he knows this, and you let yourself feel hopeful for once, curling into his body like a pedigree cat. 
And as you watch the movie, heart pounding in your throat, it dawns on you that something is very clearly wrong. The budget is too cheap, but the camera work is too advanced, the camera’s to expensive. The acting is too bad, but the actress has professionally done makeup and hair. And then, as you watch Maria get tied up by the clean masked man, it all makes too much sense. It's softcore porn. You move for the remote, fishing around for it on the couch, desperately. You're already flushing, your thighs rubbing together as you reach around for it. The idea of watching a porn film with your step brother is humiliating and embarrassing and frustratingly arousing. 
“Do you need something?” Fyodor says, rubbing little soft patterns in your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. You nod. “The remote, gonna switch channels.” You're already flushing, but have stopped your frantic fishing for the remote. He frowns in disappointment and you automatically tense, so used to Cecilia’s disappointed or angry stares. “Can we leave it, I'm actually enjoying it.” He says. You glance at the screen, where Maria is now being threatened by a knife. You desperately want to say no, but the people pleaser in you insist you agree. And so, you sink back into his touch, flushing. 
‘Where is it? Where is it?’ The masked man is saying to Maria. The film takes a moment to focus on the actress’s bountiful chest, and you try not to writhe with embarrassment and jealousy. You bet Fyodor likes big boobs, Cecilia said all men like big boobs. Her’s are fake, but you don't feel the need to protest and get a slap. 
The bad guy of the film is a man in a purple mask. He’s thin in stature, and tall, overwhelming Maria’s small frame. He reminds you distinctly of the man sitting beside you, with his face hidden like that. He has a russian accent in the film as well, just like the man beside you, and as he whispers in her ear it does stuff to you. 
‘Tell me where it is or there will be consequences.’ the man in the mask says. 
‘I will never tell you!’ Maria says definitely. You watch in horror as the masked man's thin fingers slip between her thighs. The camera cuts to her face of surprise. It's clear that this is where the actress’s true chops shine, as her mouth drops open in a little oh of surprise. 
You feel hot, biting back a whimper as you press your thighs together, hoping that your step brother doesn't notice. 
‘Your such a slut for my fingers aren't you?’ The man in the mask bends Maria over a table, the camera now showing a cut of his hands pulling her thighs apart. All you can picture in your mind is you as Maria, and the man in the mask as Fyodor. When the man in the film speaks all you can hear is Fyodor’s voice, his teasing lines, him all him all him. 
And then, the other bad guy of the film appears. And honestly it should shock you out of your dirty fantasies, but the other man, this one in a teal mask, sounds very similar to your other step brother. 
You can imagine yourself in Maria's place, bent over a table like that, fingers shoved up your cunt, dick keeping you silent. And most of all, pretty praises falling out of your step brother's mouths. ‘Such a pretty girl, such a smart girl, so good for us, such a slut for us—’
Fyodor’s eyes are on you, you can feel them even as you focus resolutely on the screen. He speaks near your ear, a pur, a whisper, a tease ment for seduction. “What are you imagining, darling?” He says. He speaks like he already knows, and through your haze of arousal clouding your brain you let the words escape before you can stop them. 
“Fingers in my cunt.” You say, your voice a whimper. Maria on the screen begins to moan, loudly. The volume goes down on screen and you're too lust clouded to question why Fyodor had the remote. 
“You want fingers in your pretty cunt baby?” Fyodor purrs in your ear, his long pale fingers teasing the edge of your uniform skirt. “You want my fingers stuffed up that tight cunt of yours? Would that feel good?” You whine, head falling back against his arm, eyes falling closed. 
“Oh yes, please.” Your voice is embarrassing, all breathy and whiny. This whole situation is illogical, and if you were able to see through the haze of lust in your brain you would have backpedaled immediately. But you're horny and in love and he’s encouraging you. 
His fingers caress the edge of your panties, teasing you with glances of touches, driving you crazy. You grip his arm, the one teasing your pussy and shove the hand against your drooling cunt. The man beside you bites back a groan, muffling his pleasure, but you hear it. It reassures you that he wants you too, but also drives you insane, craving sweet relief with his touch. 
Fyodor’s fingers find purchase, clever musicians' hands pulling back the crotch of your panties. He chuckles as you clutch his arm, still clothed in his loose white turtleneck and jeans. “You're so wet darling, your little cunt is absolutely drooling.” he says, his accent doing things to your brain, to your pussy. Your eyes catch on the dirty picture. He drags his fingers through, collecting a fair bit of wetness and popping his fingers in his mouth. The picture is nasty. He keeps eye contact all throughout, sucking his fingers wetly, the dirty slurping sounds filling the room. 
“Here darling.” He holds out his wet fingers, dripping with a mix of saliva and your own arousal. “Suck.” He says. You take them in your mouth obediently, tasting the mix of arousal and saliva. The very idea that you're tasting him, that you're tasting his very being, makes your abandoned cunt clench around nothing, the nasty slurping sounds you make only fueling the arousal perfuming the air. At some point Fyodor had turned off the porn, and now the only sounds that fill the room are from the two of you. A different kind of music than that you're used to, a symphony of debauchery. 
His fingers leave your mouth with a pop, and you open your eyes. He smiles at you, all hazy eyes and spit slicked lips. “Good girl.” He says, and then shoves both fingers in your cunt. You arch off the couch at the abrupt intrusion, clenching down hard around his fingers with a scream. ‘Oh, oh god Fyodor!” You say, panting. He looks vaguely proud as he scissors you open, watching as you thrash around on his fingers, bucking desperately. 
The sound of the door slamming penetrates the haze, and you grip Fyodor’s fingers, trying to stop him. He just continues to fuck you open, grining all the while. 
“Man, fuck you Fyodor.” It's Osamu, looking less surprised and more annoyed. Fyodor just continues grinning as you moan on his fingers, drooling pussy on display. “I consider this a win then?” He says, smirking. Ah, another one of their competitions. You would pay more attention but your being fucked open by Fyodor’s long relentless fingers. You keen as he adds another one, gripping his arm with a nasty whine. 
Osamu speaks to Fyodor, but his eyes are fixed on you. “It's not over yet, you fucker.” He says, slamming his backpack down on the floor and sauntering over to you. “Name declares the winner. Deal?” Fyodor, now rubbing a thumb on your clit nods, holding out his other hand to shake. “Deal, that sound good darling?” You nod around your moans, not truly comprehending what that means. Osamu sends you a rather scary looking grin and pounces. 
They move you into a doggy position first, Fyodor replacing his fingers with his cock. You're already so close, and as you feel the large intrusion bully your walls apart you cum right there, your head falling against the couch cushions. “Oh, oh, oh god, ‘m coming!” You scream, drooling onto the couch. Fyodor grunts behind you. “You're tight.” He coos. Osamu grips your jaw, draggin you off the ouch to look at him. “So pretty too, just perfect aren't you.” His dick is already hard in his jeans, you can see the bulge as Fyodor begins to move, fucking you through the overstime. You whine in pain, the sharp pains of overstimulation mixing with the blinding pleasure they give you. Dazai chuckles. 
“We’re going to fuck you do good darling.” He says, running a gentle hand through your hair. “Make you feel our love.”
⋆。 °✩
It's when you're three orgasms deep, and you're hung over the couch backwards, a dick down your throat and cum dripping from your pussy, that you maybe start to have second thoughts. Their stamina seems endless, and they bring to the edge relentlessly, their competitive natures making them drive you to orgasm after orgasm. The world is hazy at this point, and all you feel is pleasure, all you hear is their voices, all you want is them, them them. 
“Switch her around Osamu.” Fyodor says, his accent rough though the haze. You feel yourself hoisted up, and now you're folded into a mating press and Fyodor’s fat cock is bullying your walls again. Cum leaks out of all your holes, the loud squelching sound letting you know that you're thoroughly ruining Cecilia's favorite couch. You're covered in sweat, completely naked and makeup ruined, and to the boys you’ve never looked so pretty. They tell you at length, compliments showered on your exhausted form. 
And as you cum yet again, clenching around Fyodor’s dick with a weak cry, you feel so loved, so appreciated, and so optimistic. 
And then you bended into another position, Dazai’s dick lodged into your ass, Fyodor’s in your dripping cunt.
⋆。 °✩
“So, which of us won anyway?” It's Dazai, and he sounds plenty exhausted. You sigh tiredly, holes dripping cum onto the carpet and exhausted. “Draw.” Is all you manage to pant out. 
Fyodor beside you chuckles. “I guess we’ll have to have a rematch then.” You're exhausted, but you feel your pussy clench tiredly at the mention of that. “Yeah.” You sigh out tiredly. The boys chuckle beside you, each pressing a kiss to your cheeks. 
“Love you Name.” You hear them whisper in your ear. You smile as you drift off the sleep. 
End Notes: I am actually a piano player, and every time I listen to classical pieces nowadays I feel really bad because I haven't been practicing lately because my piano teacher is taking a break because she had a baby. 
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vespertin-y · 1 year
liveblog time - here’s the first part of the third trial! OH BOY
-monokuma spends a long time insisting that he does NOT lie about motives and that the dead can be revived, but *only in the ultimate academy*. this...still doesn’t tell us how exactly they’re being revived (character backstory put into a new body VS the og person being put back into the simulation), but it’s at least interesting!
-”i dunno about tenko, but i’m pretty fuckin’ sure kiyo murdered angie!” miu calling the murderer themselves but then proceeding to be completely wrong about *how* the murder happened happens in nearly every trial and it’s always hilarious. love u queen.
-”you mean one of those *two* people! cuz a robot ain’t people, jack!” MIU! after all that maintenence together!?
-again with the ‘no-one could have opened that door but kokichi’! i get why it was written like this, but it’s still such a stupid assumption for the characters to make. they don’t even ASK if the others can lockpick, let alone consider that’s something easily lied about.
-”yeah, i did it. i killed angie.” [...hm.] HPDSHDDGHSGD SHUICHI YOU COULD AT LEAST *PRETEND* TO CONSIDER IT YOU’RE GONNA HURT HIS FEELINGS!! he even pulls out his blank, serious face for this one!!
-can irouma be normal. for FIVE MINUTES-
-”silence, outsider! only the Suspect Rangers are allowed to speak!” HPRGGDGDGDGFHFH. go go suspect rangers cartoon when...
-”it’s not meaningless!” [himiko?] “tenko’s death was meaningless? how dare you! poor tenko...how could you do this to her!?” “h-himiko...” “himiko, stop it with your crappy lies.” “lies...?” “everything you said is total bs. you didn’t give two shits about tenko when she was alive...but now you’re like, “oh no! poor tenko!” after she’s dead. c’mon, really?” “kokichi! enough!” ok first of all the voice acting here is so fucking good. himiko’s first shout before she dissolves into tears made me flinch in my seat, and kokichi is so low and cold and vicious. it’s also personally satisfying to me that’s it’s *gonta* who tells kokichi to stfu here, and that kokichi *listens* - he won’t bring this up again until after the trial, when he’s significantly gentler about it.
-”alright! i’ll put a silencing curse on whoever calls tenko’s death meaningless! the name of the curse is...Death Curse!” “i, um...suppose being dead would silence someone pretty good.” himiko and tsumugi r such a funny duo, they should’ve been besties
-”no, even if it was a different culprit, we need to know how tenko died. if we don’t find out who killed her, we won’t be able to work together. not now, not ever.” kaito is correct here however pls consider: me and tsumugi would really enjoy the paranoia and angst of knowing one of the group is a blackened!!
-”finally, you noticed! geez, you’re so slow...” “huh? did kokichi want us to notice-” FUCK now i really wish i transcribed it, but there was a bit early on in the trial where shuichi proves miu wrong and she claims she was just doing a bit to lead them to the right answer, and gonta says that’s really smart of her - he’s clearly applying the same concept here, and it makes me wonder how often he does so. tracking the thought processes of v3 characters is always so fascinating...
-”let us talk about tenko’s case, then. perhaps that will provide us a clue.” “y-yeah, maybe...” [i don’t mind going over tenko’s case, but...that was an abrupt change of topic. was that...intentional...?] HOLY SHIT WE ARE HALF AN HOUR INTO A FOUR HOUR TRIAL AND SHUICHI’S ALREADY CAUGHT ON. the serial killer backstory is definitely bullshit, kiyo literally cannot hide a murder to save his life.
-”well, that’s probably just a coinky-dink. the most suspicious out of us four is really...kiyo!” i’m starting to feel bad for the guy this is so embarrassing 😭
-”kehehe...it’s appearing before me...ooooh! i can see it clearly! the true identity of tenko’s killer!” bro you are laying it on WAY TOO THICK
-”maybe the floor and the hole have nothing to do with this case.” ”then why was floorboard under tenko lined up funny? gonta think that was so culprit could stab tenko from under floor...” “ooohh! nice observation, gonta! are you finally getting used to the class trials?” “uh-huh. thank you.” no offense but v3′s resident clown act obliterated me and then had a picnic on my grave i would simply quit murder.
-the entire rebuttal showdown is just miu correctly singling out kiyo - again - but being completely wrong about the method, so you have to disprove her. i’m in TEARS.
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luvring · 2 years
I just read your dad felix hc!!! I love it so much!!! So I was wondering if we could have more of it?? And perhaps…dad!rime?👀
another day another fluff post for me #WIN #FEMINISM
felix giving his kids his old clothes...my god his kids are so lucky I want his clothes
felix taking them to a midnight screening of a movie they've been wanting to watch because they're too young to go alone :(
somebody who looks at baby clothes and marvels at how tiny they are. seriously baby shoes are so fucking small i want to cry??
takes embarrassing photos/videos of them when they're small and pulls them out years later at the worst times
may or may not overpack their things if they want to go to a sleepover
don't talk to him about packing for university...don't
lets them write down snacks they want on the grocery list and stand on the front of the cart while pushing it
felix helping them with science projects. that guy was so excited to try making a volcano (you need to be the adult supervision.)
they can come to him for help with any english work though. there's a good chance he's read and analysed the book already
the epitome of finding out the most random crazy stories from your dad. "this reminds me of the time i accidentally set the kitchen on fire, actually." "i mean i have died multiple times" Bro?
dad!rime is such a funny concept in my head because he seems like the kind of person to hear a child crying in the grocery store and say "if they do not shut that brat up right now,"
But. if he did have a child/adopt one and someone has something to say...he's glaring
sage teasing/insulting his kids and vice versa is one thing. rime and his kids are another. we went from "ohh you can't handle me winning, you're just a sore loser!" to "why would you wear that. no i don't care if it's revealing that design is so bad"
taking felix's clothes...think about getting rime's clothes...come on
literally always spot on with clothing presents. Always.
would tell his kids to just pirate movies HELGPDMD
doesn't let them talk down on themselves. teaches them to be confident and not take anyone's shit fr
"dad i can't do this" "uh-uh, any kid of mine can do anything they want. let's go, you're trying again."
it's the gentle parenting without being super soft or kind. he knows them and what kind of motivation they need, y'know?
if they get in trouble with another kid he's going to ask if 1) they're alright and 2) the other kid deserved it
will always take his kids' side
a menace at parent-teacher interviews or open houses
his kids are comfortable talking to him about any crushes or people. like he's so honest about his opinions because he wants them to stay safe and be around the best people
throws the biggest birthday parties for them (if they want them). lets them invite as many people as they want, has lots of food and presents, etc. etc.
you know his kids have the best outfits at any dances
him teaching them his perfected hot chocolate mix. ok
very proud of all their accomplishments. would have a shelf for any trophies, medals, photos, etc.
would purposely leave them at the checkout line to grab something last minute just to come back empty-handed
i am not saying his kids would have to deal with their friends making dilf jokes. But. if it happens i won't be shocked (tbf. felix and sage also.)
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ptergwen · 3 years
tastes like cherry
Tumblr media
w/c: 2.7k
warnings: swearing, hints of cheating, and suggestive themes
summary: peter is into you, but you’re into mj... and peter
a/n: i love this concept even tho it’s unhealthy? let’s take it as a cautionary tale :D also this is my last full oneshot of the year!! i’ll do something quick tomorrow tho
━━━ ➳❥
“sorry, peter. i’m already going with mj.”
you shut your locker, revealing an oddly unphased peter behind it. he doesn’t understand what you mean.
the two of you make your way through the hall. you’re about to head some so you can get ready for liz’s party later. she told you about it first since you’re good friends. you asked mj to come this morning, which was liz’s idea. she’s been trying to set you two up for a while.
“ok, that’s fine. i’m sure she’ll understand if you-“ you cut him off before he gets too excited. “like, as a couple. she’s my date.” peter’s face falls.
you and mj? no offense to her, but he could never see you liking someone so... dry. he’s always pictured bubbly and sweet people to be more your speed. himself, for example.
“that’s,” peter clears his throat. “that’s cool.” you smile to yourself, thinking about spending the night with mj. he’s thinking about how he can show his support without sounding jealous. “since when did you, um, have a thing for her?” “i don’t know. liz helped me realize, honestly,” you nudge his arm.
“maybe you can hang out with her tonight.” peter turns to look at you like you’ve said the most insane thing ever. you’re already looking at him. it brings a blush to his cheeks, which you take as him liking her. you smirk and stop when you get to the doors.
“i... i don’t think that’s a good idea,” he decides with a nervous smile. “think about it more. see you later.” you push open one of the doors and skip outside. you’re already gone when he responds. “yeah, see you.”
he needs to come up with a plan, fast.
“dude, that’s rough,” ned can’t hold back a laugh at the story. peter is at his place, the two of them about to leave for the party. he told him what happened earlier in hopes of getting a second opinion. if he’d known ned would react like this, he would’ve kept it to himself.
“this isn’t funny, ned. i need help,” peter almost whines, flopping back on ned’s bed. ned is fixing his hair last minute. “i’m sorry, bro, but i don’t think y/n likes you that way,” he says sympathetically this time. peter sits up again. they both make eye contact in the mirror. “how do you know that?” “uh, she rejected you?”
puffing some air out of his cheeks, peter watches ned run a comb through his hair. the silence gives him time to reflect on your conversation. he suddenly remembers a key part of it.
“she only said no because she’s taking mj,” peter repeats, ned squinting at his friend’s reflection. “not because she doesn’t like me.” ned puts the comb down, satisfied with his look. he sighs and faces peter again. “it’s too late, dude. try again some other time.”
peter disregards everything he said and keeps plotting. he snaps when an idea comes to him. “all i have to do is get y/n alone for a while.” he looks up at ned with hopeful eyes. that can’t be good.
ned doesn’t approve of messing with your love life. he wishes peter could be just happy for you and move on. that being said, he is supposed to be peter’s wingman. he’d be a pretty terrible one by saying no to whatever he’s about to ask. he mentally apologizes to you before giving in.
“what am i gonna do?”
“can you distract mj for me?”
kids are still piling in when peter and ned arrive. they follow the line of people leading the way. it’s easy to forget how popular liz is because she does academic decathlon with all of you, the most uncool club midtown has to offer. this puts it in perspective.
liz is greeting people at the door. another reason she’s not your stereotypical popular girl is that she’s actually nice.
peter heads in first, ned behind him. her face lights up the second they step inside.
“what took you so long?” she playfully questions the two of them. “ned’s hair,” peter answers, earning a laugh from her. ned elbows his side. “it looks great, ned,” liz compliments him and winks at peter. “oh, thank you.” he tries to act humble about it by running a hand through the style.
peter peers over liz’s head to see if he can find you. he’d have to stand on his tiptoes to really make progress, so that’s done. liz still picks up on it.
“looking for someone?” she raises an eyebrow at him. ned shifts from one foot to the other uncomfortably. “um, do you know where y/n is?” peter clenches his jaw. “in the kitchen with mj. she told me you might wanna hang out tonight.” she’s sort of studying his face, widening her eyes. he averts his own to his feet.
“i should really find her. i’ll... i’ll catch up with you later.” his lips press into a forced smile. “come on, ned.” the two of them set off for the kitchen. ned tells her goodbye and follows peter, leaving liz standing there shocked.
“you could’ve been a little nicer, dude,” ned concludes from the encounter. they’re on their way to the kitchen. peter shrugs his shoulders with both eyebrows furrowed. “i wasn’t mean, though. i’m just, you know, busy.” “so is y/n.”
you’re laughing about something mj said, your arms tightening around her waist from behind. one of your hands has a drink in it. the other searches for hers. she laces your fingers together and rolls her eyes, probably calling you a dork. it’s in a loving way, unlike when she uses the same nickname on peter.
ned might be right. it seems like you’re having a really good time. who is peter to take that away from you? he’d rather you be snuggling up to him than mj, but what matters beyond anything is that you’re enjoying yourself. he should listen to you and spend some time with liz. she’s at least interested in him.
he completely changes his mind when your lips brush mj’s cheek. back to his plan.
“you’re here!” you announce as peter and ned enter the kitchen. mj nods her head at them. “thing one. thing two,” she greets, holding out her free hand to fistbump ned. “hey.” peter grins at you, then gives mj a slightly smaller one. she notices. he sticks his hands in his pockets.
“did you say hi to liz?” you check with your eyebrows raised in anticipation. ned answers for peter, who bites down on his lip. “they’re gonna hang out later.” mj snorts at the idea. “why would she ever wanna do that?” “because i told her to,” you sigh and glance at peter. he’s so stiff.
“and why would you do that?” mj deadpans, looking peter over. he glares back. he hates being talked about like he’s not there. ned forces out a laugh to clear some of the tension between them. you don’t realize any of this is happening.
“i mean, she set me up with you. i wanted to return the favor,” you explain and rest your chin on mj’s shoulder. her face softens. she tilts her head back to look at you with a smile. “aw,” ned coos and draws a heart around you two with his fingers.
he’s secretly rooting for you and mj.
peter points at the snack table, his eyes going from mj to you. “i’m gonna... get a drink.” “ooh, fun. i picked them out,” you beam at him. mj pulls you closer to her before he comes over. she’s not happy with the way he keeps looking at you. you’re not completely oblivious to it either. you just don’t know what to think of it.
you pick up your cup to take a sip of soda. peter has to pass by you to get his own. right as you bring yours to your lips, peter ‘accidentally’ knocks into you. the drink spills down the side of your dress. this is all part of his plan. you squeal and step away from mj.
mj hits peter’s arm with the back of her hand. “idiot. look what you did to my date.” she only refers to you as her date so he’ll take the hint and back off. he ignores her and tends to you instead, a frown on his lips.
“i’m so sorry, y/n. i didn’t mean to-“ “it’s fine. ned, can you hand me a napkin?” you do your best not to let your frustration show.
he goes to get one off the counter. peter turns to him and mouthes ‘don’t’ before he gets the chance. ned mouthes ‘why not?’ back. peter says ‘because i said so.’ their silent conversation doesn’t go unnoticed by mj. she huffs and pushes past peter. “what the fuck, i’ll get it.”
peter gives him a look that says to do something. panicking, ned pushes the stack of napkins onto the floor. they all end up scattered around.
everyone waits for him to address it. “oops,” he chokes out. “you’re both idiots,” mj grumbles, getting onto the floor to pick them up. this should keep her distracted for a while. things are falling into place.
“i’m gonna see if i can borrow something from liz,” you tell the three of them in an exhale. peter rushes to your side. “do you need help with your dress?”
not sure what to say, you look over at mj. her and ned are busy cleaning up. she probably won’t mind. “this is my fault. i feel bad,” peter continues on.
you leave your empty cup on the snack table and nod. “come with me.”
you bring peter up to liz’s room and shut the door behind you. he has to bite back a smile while you search through her drawers for new clothes. sorry to liz, looks like the two of you are spending the night together now.
your change of clothes ends up on the bed. it’s only a t-shirt and jeans. you’re actually kind of bummed about your dress because you bought it specifically for tonight. not that mj would ever care what you wear, but you felt like dressing up. a few compliments from her wouldn’t hurt, though. she’s not the best in that area.
“can you unzip me?” you ask peter, eyeing him over your shoulder. he’s quick to come up behind you. he puts a hand on your lower back. his other slowly tugs the zipper down. “this is cute,” he murmurs, swiping his thumb over the material of your dress. the feeling and his words give you goosebumps.
“sorry i kind of ruined it.” “are you?” you’re only teasing. peter answers seriously, his voice lower than usual. “no.” you take a step forward when he finishes with the zipper. “it did feel pretty staged to me. you’re not that clumsy.” there’s emphasis on ‘that.’ he hums in a rather suggestive way. you face him again.
the back of your dress gets left open. peter’s eyes trail down your body, his hands not quite leaving it yet.
you’ve always seen him as this harmless, infinitely nice guy. he’s almost too nice for you. it’s why you never considered him as more than a friend. mj has an edge to her, and you like that. peter might have an edge, too.
this new side of him is starting to make you rethink his spot in the friend zone. you feel like you might be rushing into things with mj. should you really have taken liz’s advice? or, should you have came with peter?
“why’d you do it?” your gaze shifts down to his lips. he moves closer to you. that inspires you to take another step back. “i had to get you away from mj.” “she’s my date,” you say unconvincingly and keep walking backwards. peter follows until you end up against the wall.
it’s the perfect spot for him to corner you in. so, he does.
his arms are on either side of the wall behind you. he leans his head down. your faces are dangerously close to each other. your mouths are dangerously close to each other, too.
“you’re... you’re supposed to be with liz,” you breathe out. peter brings a hand up to caress your cheek. “she probably has better things to do.”
it’s almost impossible not to give in to his touch. his fingers run over your skin gently, contradicting the intense way his eyes stare into yours. you lean your cheek in the palm of his hand. you’re still having doubts.
“well, i’m supposed to be with mj,” you try to remind the both of you.
peter considers it for a moment. you two definitely shouldn’t be doing this. the selfish side of his brain takes over then. it’s not like you and mj made it official yet.
“supposed to be doesn’t mean you want to,” he rasps, his thumb moving down to your lower lip. he runs it across. you watch him with hooded eyes. as much as you crave his lips on yours, it wouldn’t be fair to mj. you care about them both.
“what if she’s looking for me?” your voice is just above a whisper. “ned has it covered,” he reassures you. “we’re okay.” we. you really like the way that sounds.
you’re not sure what’s going on with your head or your heart right now. all you know is that you want, no, need peter to kiss you. you’d never forgive yourself if you let the chance pass you by.
“you thought of everything,” you remark, winding one of your arms around his neck. peter’s breath fans over your face. he grabs your waist, you pushing your body flush against his. there isn’t an inch of space between you two. “because i like you, y/n.”
“i like you, too,” you finally admit to yourself and peter. your lips are so close to his they’re ghosting. “but, i also like mj.” his fingers press into your side. “can we worry about that after we kiss?” a grin crosses your face. “good idea.”
peter lets his lips land properly on yours, both of you melting into the kiss. this already feels so right even though it isn’t. he sighs in content and drops a hand down to your hip. you use your hand on his neck to deepen the kiss, your head against the wall.
he pulls you up by your hips, signaling for you to jump. your legs wrap around his middle while he snakes his around your waist again. he’s easily holding you while his lips attack yours.
“shit, you’re so strong,” you giggle into his mouth, an airy laugh escaping him. “think so?” peter kisses over to your cheek. one of your dress straps falls down your shoulder. you leave it. his lips kiss their way back to yours, getting messier with each one. you give him a lazy smile. he pecks your lips one more time, softly.
“you taste like cherry,” peter mumbles, now moving down to your chin. it’s shiny from where your lip gloss smeared. “cherry coke. the one you spilled on me,” you explain with a scoff. he keeps kissing down the center of your neck, his fingers tugging at the end of your dress.
“wonder what else tastes like cherry.” he’s half joking and half serious. actually, more serious. you gasp and tilt your head to the side more. you can feel him smirking while his lips dance across your skin. “peter, i can’t believe you of all people would say that.” “i’m full of surprises,” he hums, sucking a little too hard on one spot.
it’s hot having him take control like this, but this isn’t the time or place for a hickey.
“wait, i don’t want mj to see.” that’s the least of your problems. still, it’s a very big one. it comes right after choosing between which one of your friends you like more. you’re so screwed.
“alright. let’s do something else,” peter suggests, tightening his grip around your waist. he carries you over to liz’s bed. you giggle into his ear and throw your other arm around his neck. he drops you right next to your change of clothes, which you forgot about. they’re the whole reason you’re up here.
there’s a lot to unpack in this situation. you’re in your best friend’s room making out with her crush, while your sort of girlfriend has no fucking clue where you went.
good thing peter and his kisses are here to distract you from it all.
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dotthings · 4 years
Let’s talk about why Dean dancing with a lamp is subtext, but it’s subtext that supports textual arcs. Dean dancing with a lamp is not random. Meta on why Dean dancing with a lamp is part of the build of a textual arc for Dean, thematically, which also connects to his relationship with Cas. This symbolic moment being tacitly about Destiel will only feel like reaching if you ignore context, ignore canon, ignore long arcing, ignore textual material surrounding it. This isn’t just me talking about a ship, this is an important arc for Dean himself emotionally and the way canon’s working, Cas has become the star player in this specific emotional Dean arc about yearning. 
Here are some canon quotes. I could just leave these here and not write another word of meta because the canon wrote it for me. But I’ve added some further commentary to spell out clearly what I’m getting at.
Dean in 8.14 “Trial and Error” by Andrew Dabb:
“You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get.”
Dean in 10.16 “Paint it Black” by Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner:
“You know, the life I live, the work I do…I pretty much just figured that that was all there was to me, you know? Tear around and jam the key in the ignition and haul ass until I ran out of gas. I guess I just thought sooner or later, I’d go out the same way that I live – pedal to the metal, and that would be it....Now, um… recent events, uh… make me think I might be closer to that than I really thought. And…I don’t know. I mean, you know, there’s – there’s things, there’s…people, feelings that I-I-I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.”
Sam and Dean in 11.04 “Baby” by Robbie Thompson:
SAM: Really? You don't . . . Ever want something more? DEAN: I'm sorry, have you met us? We're batting a whopping zero in domestic life, man. Goose eggs. SAM: You don't ever think about something? Not marriage or whatever. But . . . Something? You know, with a hunter? Somebody who understands the life?
Sam and Dean in 13.23 “Let the Good Times Roll” by Andrew Dabb:
DEAN: But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls. SAM: You talking about retiring? You? DEAN: If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man.
Sam and Dean in 15.08 “Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven” by Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner:
DEAN: Look, man, I didn't want to say anything, okay, 'cause I was kind of in in a bad place, and, uh, yeah, I didn't want to jinx it or whatever, but, you know, I tried the family thing, right? SAM: Yeah, me too. And that's not for us. DEAN: No, not really. But I'm just saying if it was to work, Eileen, you know, she gets it. She gets us. She gets the life. She's hot. SAM: Dean. I mean, I'm not even- DEAN: Look, all I'm saying is you- you could do worse, okay? And she could certainly do better. Like, so much better. I'm happy for you, Sammy.
Dean and Garth in 15.10 “The  Heroes’ Journey” written by Andrew Dabb:
DEAN: You know, I gotta say, aside from pincushion in there… this is pretty nice. GARTH: Yeah, better than I ever thought I'd get. I mean, hunting -- I figured I'd be dead before I'm 40. You know, go out young and pretty. But now I've got a great wife, great kids. I guess...sometimes things work out.
Dean in 15.10 “The Heroes’ Journey” by Andrew Dabb:
Dean, wistful, watching through the window as Garth and Bess dance: You know, I always thought I could be a good dancer if I wanted to be.
Ok, let those roll around in your brain for moment. 
There’s this long running arc about maybe Sam and Dean could each find a significant other, not white picket fence, but...something, with someone already in the life, who gets their life. There’s Dean’s move from despairing and believing the only ending he could have, the only ending any hunter could have, is dying with a gun in hand, to Dean’s enthusiasm for the concept of retirement, Dean’s wistfulness about finding a significant other, for what he thinks he can’t have, and he starts the cycle all over again, if he can’t have it, then he wants Sam to have it, so Dean encourages Sam with Eileen. Saileen, the Dean-blessed, Dean-approved Sam ship. Dean ships it. And that is how the canon is trending, complete with Sam and Eileen kissing goodbye and saying “this is real” and even God himself saying their feelings were real, “that was all you,” even if God manipulated events around them. Which is an overt mirror to Dean and Cas and Dean’s expressly stated doubts about what’s real and what isn’t, and Cas telling Dean “we are.” 
Much the way Sam has been witness to Destiel, and has often pointed out Dean’s Cas feelings. Dean’s got a front row seat to Saileen and approves; Sam’s had a front row seat to Destiel and approves. 
Let’s throw in Robert Berens’ work in The Trap here, since that’s relevant to this specific topic as well, because why did Sam and Dean in the potential future timeline where they’d killed Chuck give up and cave in to their vampire instincts? The world being overwhelmed with monsters...and losing Eileen and losing Cas. It’s right there in the dialogue. I’ll give you the quote and everything:
Sam and Dean in 15.09 “The Trap” by Robert Berens:
SAM: You want to quit? What's happened to you, Dean? Ever since -- DEAN: Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we've ever cared about? Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy? Ever since I had to bury him in a Ma'lak box? Ever since then? Yeah. You know why? 'Cause the monsters -- they're everywhere. Everywhere! What we do -- it's not even Hunting anymore. It's whack-a-mole. We don't even save people. Every friend we've ever had is either dead, or they got wise and they packed it in. SAM: Jody's still fighting, and Bobby -- DEAN: Bobby has a death wish, and you know it. And Jody -- ever since what happened to Donna and the girls, she does, too. And after Eileen... so do you.
“Ever since” Dean had to bury Cas in a Ma’lak box. “After Eileen...so do you.” 
So there’s this canonical long, long thread across multiple authors (and those weren’t even all the quotes, I’m sure people could dig up more) about Dean in particular yearning towards finding a significant other, some contentment, with someone who already is in the hunting life, who gets it, who understands.  
An episode that flat out shows how losing their significant others is the final straw that rips out Sam and Dean’s last will to fight, and they lose themselves, and after they’re turned into vampires, they just...give into the darkness. Where Sam gives up their shot at destroying the big bad because losing everyone they love is too high a cost. Where losing Cas makes Dean lose hope, where losing Eileen sends Sam into a death wish mindset. Sam and Dean don’t just need each other. That’s not canon, it never has been.
And then right after that, along comes meta episode The Heroes’ Journey. Sorry if you don’t like The Heroes’ Journey, but it’s what the canon did, it’s textual, along with everything else I’ve pointed out here, and in among the crackish humor are some real emotional narrative points. 
In The Heroes’ Journey, Dean gets to see Garth’s life. Garth found his significant other, Bess, and she’s another werewolf. Now, Garth’s life resembles the traditional white picket fence idea a lot more than what Team Free Will are headed for. Garth has a big house with a porch, and he’s a dentist. He’s also a werewolf and his wife is a werewolf and his kids are werewolves because Bess is a pureblood werewolf, Garth didn’t exactly leave the life, and he helps Sam and Dean on a case. But nothing’s been indicating to me that anyone in Team Free Will is headed for that kind of settling down, with a house, becoming a dentist. However, the canon has been practically shouting now, as we near final episodes of SPN, to make the point about a desirable outcome--some kind of stability, contentment, and a significant other. Dean gets a front row seat to seeing a hunter can have that. Garth’s a hunter who turned into a werewolf and he can have that. 
When EP’s talk about how they aren’t headed for a white picket fence or driving off into the sunset or settling down, none of that rules out them finding...something...with someone, and some form of stability and contentment.  Nope, I can’t really imagine them in the suburbs becoming dentists. But canon sure is putting up big neon arrows to...something. Think outside the box. This isn’t about the white picket fence. 
And in The Heroes’ Journey, Dean, conked out on the good gas so Garth can fix his teeth, has a trippy dream where he dances with a lamp.
Rewatch the ep. Look at how the dance is choreographed not just the use of light, because that’s a clue too. The whole dance could have been Dean and Garth being dancing bros, but Garth fades off the stage, and Dean dances alone...until he grabs the standing lamp. In a season where Dean and Cas’s relationship is an A-plot, define it how you like, it’s A-plot. Their breakup and their reconciliation, which played like a marital breakup and reconciliation, are tied to major mytharc beats. In a season where a long-running textual theme about Dean’s developing hope for retirement and his wistfulness about “things...people...feelings...” is getting further play. Where Dean and Cas’s relationship continues to be one of the show’s most central ones.
Dean dances with a lamp. While his emotionally fraught, intense close relationship with Cas--A BEING MADE OF LIGHT--has a long-running arc and recently more and more textual level content spelling out the sublimated romantic interest in small words, while there’s an arc about Dean’s yearning for that stability, contentment, a significant other.
We don’t think Destiel’s “going canon” because Dean dances with a lamp, it’s that Dean dancing with a lamp is kinda loud serving as reflection of canon textual arcing. Sometimes subtext adds a layer. Sometimes subtext is directly tied to the surface layers, an echo, a highlighter.
I’ll just be over here, crying because Dean danced with a lamp.
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thefactsofthematter · 2 years
No clue if this has already been brought up, but with the winter olympics coming up I've been thinking about your olympic au for the summer olympics (stellar piece of writing btw) and I was wondering if you have any thoughts about what sports the newsies would do if they competed in winter? Personally I think Katherine would do that skiing/shooting thing I forget the name of just because she has that "don't fuck with me or I will shoot you" vibe, and Jack would be a snowboarder like that guy last olympics who woke up late, forgot his coat, competed with a hangover, and then cursed on national tv, but I'm not sure about the others.
omg what a concept!! your sport choices for jack and kath are SO perfect - kath would 100% kill a biathlon, and jack as the worlds chillest snowboarder is iconic. here’s a few of my thoughts on other character’s sports!! i could see a few different things for each of them, but if i were to try to write a winter version of my fic, here’s what i’d probably go with!!
(speaking of which, in the comments of my fic someone said they were thinking of doing a winter olympics fic!! i’d absolutely love that!!)
davey: ok. hear me out… hockey. does davey jacobs’ personality strike me as a hockey bro? not exactly, but i do love the thought of him doing an insanely physically difficult sport that no one would expect from him, and being his totally different, slightly nerdy self off the ice. (i also have a major weakness for hockey players lol) but also!! this would make for a fun little thing of javid being insanely good at their own sports but terrible at the other’s - jack can’t balance at all on skates, and davey is terrified of going up the mountain let alone sliding down it
race: speed skating!! i mean, the nickname is part of this of course, but also the way i picture race (tall, long limbs, lanky as hell) would be really well suited to the sport. he loves going fast, he loves how intense it is, and he thinks he looks great in a spandex racing suit
crutchie: para-snowboarding! he’s either jack’s brother, or his best friend from his snowboarding club, and they love to hit the slopes together when they’ve got the free time for it <3
spot: he pilots a four-man bobsled with some brooklyn newsies - for team canada ofc ;) he might be short, but he packs on a lot of muscle to his little frame to be heavy enough for a sport largely controlled by gravity!
other thoughts: romeo is a figure skater; albert and buttons and maybe finch would be on davey’s hockey team; and hell maybe sarah is there for like. skiing or something!! also i want someone to be there for curling but idk who lol
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 8/?
Word Count: 1.6k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best Friend’s Name)
This one is shorter because of the last one’s length.
Hi everyone! By the time you see this, I will probably be out and therefore cannot update the other parts with this one’s link, so don’t worry about that if you notice it.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Jason’s Trauma and his Death, Lightning, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9)  (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Going on day 5 of knowing each other, Jason and Y/N would spend the day apart. Why? Because they gave each other the chance to have family time, Jason got it by playing around with his baby siblings, playing Assassin.
Fluff Head canon came from frownyalfred on Tumblr, who wrote about Jason playing Assassin with his brothers 
He would go running through the halls playing the game that he and Dick knew all too well, it had been the only ‘no contact’ game they were allowed to play at a summer camp Bruce had sent them to all those years ago when they weren’t adults with a bunch of other siblings, and girlfriends. But here they were, explaining the game to their younger siblings while Alfred and Bruce hung out with Barbara, who wished she could play, but was paralyzed.
Everyone missed playing games with her like they used to, but with the video game consoles in the house they did transfer a lot of their gaming to online so they could relive memories with Barbs. It was bittersweet, and everyone remembered when she became paralyzed like it was yesterday, but she always wanted them to play games like they used to, with or without her. 
Jason admired his, hopefully, one day older sister for how she treated her disability, like it was a gift, not something that impacted her everyday life and made her have to hang up the cloak of Batgirl.
But running around chasing after Dick, because of course, he got Dick, the universe wanted them to play again, was something he missed so much. They hadn’t had so much of this time, family time, ever since they all became vigilantes, and they never realized how much they missed the thrill of running around with each other.
Jason ended up getting Dick and throwing him out of the game, calling it a ‘selfless act of brotherhood so you can hang out with your girl’ and they both laughed at it. Titus, Damien’s dog, ended up barking up a storm at Jason when he killed Dick, like the big dog was rooting for Dick to win the tournament.
“Down boy! It’s a game!” Jason would whisper-yell at his dog.
“Yeah! Good boy, Titus! Get him!”
“No!” Jason would yell while running throughout the house, Titus on his heels. Passing by Alfred, Bruce and Barbara, where Titus would stop and go lay at Bruce’s feet, but Jason didn’t know that.
Jason would end up coming in just 10 minutes later, with a green slash on his neck. Tim, who had pulled Cass but killed her, Cass, who had pulled Jason. Tim now had two kills in the game and both were to people who could have easily overpowered him. 
“Jase! Welcome to the land of the dead,” Dick greeted him.
“God dammnit I’ve already been here,” Jason whined in a joke.
“You and your ‘I died pity me’  jokes,” Barbara said.
“It’s called a coping mechanism, Barbs. And hi dad, Alfred,” Jason said as he waved slightly at both of them, Alfred waved back and Bruce nodded at him.
“You could just to go therapy, Jase,” Barbara said, seeming concerned for someone who she considered her baby brother. She remember when he came into the Manor, she was older than him, sure . But he had nightmares and she and Dick would switch between who would sleep at his door at night, they both had terrible backs until the nightmares calmed down. Jason never knew they did this.
It also happened when he was resurrected, but the nightmares were worse and he’d wake all sweaty and upset. There were too many nights where batkids would be in Jason’s bed with him from 12am to when Alfred would greet them in the morning. The nightmares had slowed down a lot in the past few years with the introduction of his Goddaughter into his life, but they still came by to remind him of what happened.
He didn’t talk about it much. They would always try to edge him on about about really happened, but he was stubborn. It made sense, sure, trauma is trauma. But they all wanted to help him get better. It hurt them all that he was hurting and they didn’t know how to help him get through it.
Y/N would sit on her bed that morning and finally finished organizing her criminal psychology and regular psychology notes when she came across her printed copy of Dr. Barry Allen’s dissertation she had studied so hard. She found it so weird that she was so close to someone who she looked up to in the field while also being so far in the same breath.
She didn't dote on it for long, she stocked it away with her forensics notes in their place. This, the relationship she had with Jason that intertwined her with so many people, was something she was getting used to by the minute, but it was never something she’d get fully used to as time goes on.
She would put on a JCS - Criminal Psychology video in the background as she worked and tried to make her journal look nicer when Jason texted her,
Good morning. He said.
Good morning :)  She said back.
I just lost a game against a 16 year old.
My brothers and 2 of my sisters were playing Assassins with me right? Well my 16 year old brother, Tim, he ended up getting the better of me and beat me. 
Oh! So you suck!
What!? No, I’m literally so cool what do you mean? He said, it clearly had sarcasm undertones to it, so Y/N wasn’t worried if she offended him with saying he sucked.
Oh yeah? Then why’d you lose?
Well, I killed Dick.
Okay so you didn’t lose, Dick lost.
It started raining a little bit, the sounds of it hitting lightly against her window, and she felt at peace. It was never hard for her to feel peace when she was by herself. She only had one roommate because she liked the silence, to be alone to collect her own thoughts in her head.
Her parents said it was because she probably had underlying mental illness that they never had the money to diagnose. She agreed. But she still didn’t have the chance to do it.
Jason and her deserved so much more than what the world have given them up to this point, so when they found each other it was, in a way, the universe saying ‘I’m sorry, you deserve this’ and with each passing day it made the pain they had both felt in their lives just a little bit more tolerable.
No, I guess Dick sucks at the game more than me.
Where’d you even get the concept for that game?
Dick and I used to play it at a Summer Camp before we got kicked out.
For playing the game?
No, for being unruly children.
You seem like you were a handful back in the day.
I was, I was the worst kid to raise, my dad has a shirt that says ‘Proud parent of a kid who is sometimes an asshole but that’s OK’ and he wears it all the time.
What a dad moment. Don’t tell my father that shirt exists, he’ll get one for my mum and himself to represent my sister and I.
Were you an unruly child as well?
I was a troublemaker. Getting into arguments with my authoritative figures about dress codes, rules, why girls couldn’t carry chairs, literally anything that was unequal, I was at their throats about it.
I mean, as you should. My older sister, Barbara, and my younger sisters, Stephanie and Cassie, they would like that about you.
I feel like in someway I’ve won over every part of your family.
The rain would get more violent as time went on. Strikes and hits of lightning would strike all around the city, hitting those gargoyles on every building, she always figured they were decorative, but A/N explained that their horns were made out of copper so people wouldn’t get struck by lightning. Bruce Wayne actually made that a thing, A/N said.
Y/N got a message from the dance competition that she signed up to, turns out, California was hit with a hurricane and most people evacuated. No one was allowed in or out. She guessed weather was being funky everywhere. It sucked, but she already was wishing she could spend time at home instead of out in the world.
A feeling she hated.
She would spend the rest of the day on and off the phone with Jason while it stormed. She would go to bed early that night.
Jason slipped on his vigilante uniform, the Red Hood was going to be on patrol over this night, stormy or not, it was his duty and he knew that. Did he want to go? Yes. He was killing for some action and he was going with Dick. They would probably have some ‘Bro Time’ which Jason wanted. 
Even if it was silence, having Dick nearby him meant enough and gave him peace of mind.
He grabbed his guns and loaded them while packing a few extra magazines in his belt, when Dick placed a hand on his shoulder, “You have to be careful tonight, Jase,” Dick said as he gulped down tears, “Just come back to me alive if you break off from me, okay?”
“Alive but bruised,” Jason joked.
“I’m serious. I can’t lose you again and tonight is going to be massively dangerous.”
“You won’t.”
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dirtyfilthy · 3 years
pansexuality, or, my pokemon is evolving into a new form
Previously I had always considered myself bisexual…  by which I mean: “heteroflexible”. That is to say, entirely opportunistic, or perhaps more like just a total omnivorous slut (at least, whenever i get hungry enough).  Sure, I’d happily have sex with most of my “straight male friends” --- given enough drugs. Maybe suck the odd dick or even get half a subway sandwich worth of good hard cock all slid up inside my ass if the right occasion would happen to present itself (“but hey listen bro - no homo!”)… contra-wise, when taking into account the spin of the other clock hand, I’ve always considered myself to be, essentially, pretty much romantically straight.
Over the broad course of my entire life I’ve have only ever fallen into  incredibly intense love affairs with women, the type of relationships that would always tend to be utterly all consuming in terms of my emotional life.
And hey… maybe that is truthfully just the way I’m wired…
Or perhaps not. Because I have felt certain twinges of things I will (not) admit to myself…  But it’s honestly far far far simpler just not to pursue any of this or even think of it as an option, cos there’s a whole bunch of crap you have to deal with in that direction. A single stand-alone MDMA fuelled lets-never-mention-it-again-I-swear-to-god-brah-it-was-only-purely-physical-and-its-not-like-I -just-desperately-craved genuine-human-connection-and-real-emotion-intimacy-with-someone-i-might-actually-kinda-like type night is one thing, sure, but being in an actual relationship is a total complete other kind of awkward that carries along with it an enormous amount of problems that are definitely a lot broader, much harder, and also have far harsher consequences
Problems that I simply didn’t want to have to deal with, or have to try and navigate my way through the dimensions of those social spaces. Being straight-passing is fucking convenient! I don’t have to deal with a huge amount of shit because of it! 
I could play it safe inside the straight space, and so I did.
Additionally I actually don’t think it is purely as simple as “I am attracted to this”, “I am attracted to that”. Desire is the kind of fire you can either choose to feed or just let it die by starving. People are extremely multidimensional, and attraction (hopefully) will encompass more than just the physical. 
So yeah, in preceding years whenever I was pushed for an answer I would shove back that ok yeah, so i was ostensibly bisexual “but actually I’m romantically straight ok” and just be done with it.
Quite honestly, four or five years ago I would have considered the term “pansexuality” just one more sin in the multitude of made-up (plz don’t @ me I swear-to-god I’ve changed a lot of my views since then) tumblr sexualities and plant-based soul-bonded star-kin type genders that always seemed to me to trend towards an ever increasingly unnecessary balkanisation of basic personal identity. What was wrong with the term “bisexuality” anyhow? Why did we need am entirely new word for something we obviously already had covered? (sincere apologies, non-binary wasn’t even on my conceptual radar at the time and I hadn’t thought of the trans angle)
so I guess what I’ve been thinking is this:
Am I actually attracted to genders?(which bisexuality would imply)
Or: am I far more attracted to people?
And I find myself swaying towards very much the later, I like people in general, I find  I greatly enjoy having a large variety of friends, and I tend to fall in love with individuals in terms of who they are as human beings. Which I feel like “pansexuality” might appear to cover better. And who knows, maybe I’ll discover that, after-all, it really is only women that can ring my “romantically straight” bell, but I find myself in a place where I willing to try explore the alternatives.
I drew myself a new horizon line, open at both ends,  where I am finally ready and willing to let myself feel entirely new things. And thanks to polyamory I get to use the full palette of all the colours at once, rather than restricting myself to just one hue at a time. Jeez, I’m 41, how much can I honestly say I know about myself if I’ve never even tried being a relationship with a guy, or being with someone who’s non-binary or not cisgender etc. Actually it is worse than ”never even tried”, I have never even allowed myself to consider it as an option.
Please understand: I don’t mean this in tokenistic kind of way at all. I am not here to simply collect the set. It is just that I think I’ve been artificially restricting the choice of meals I would let myself think about eating ...(or even sampling!) to one single type of food item only, and I’d definitely like to taste the entire range of all the flavours available, in absolutely any of dishes I come across that I might possibly consider appealing
TLDR: There’s an awful lot of very kick-ass and totally awesome people in this world, and I’m increasingly beginning to wonder if gender is actually something I really need to care about in terms of attraction, or at least I’m willing to try and find out if it is. 
- - - 
edit: I am obviously working through these thoughts as i go. I am also 41 (i.e. behind the times, still talks about the “kids these days” can’t program the clock on his own VCR etc) so I apologise if I fuck things up, put things in out-dated or accidently offensive way and so forth.. a lot of these concepts are fairly new to me: my intent is to be genuine and also to be as kind if possible, happy to engage in good faith about anything.
Additionally I can’t wait to have this conversation with my dad hahahahah.
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Anon asked: Heyyy! Can we have some HC on style 5 as fathers? Thank you
Yes! The boys as fathers have me so soft 🥺
Father Headcanons (Style 5)
I got carried away with these hcs... might have to make a separate post for each later on 😅 long post ahead!
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Personally I imagine Haru with a daughter first
Like can you imagine how cute that would be? 🥺🥺the whole like father like daughter 🥺🥺
Haru doesn’t get this whole babies thing, in fact he’s panicking on the inside, but the moment he holds his child in his arms, it’s like every thought every worry has now become irrelevant
The only thing that matters is the child in his arms❤️
Smiles a lot more now because he is genuinely happy.
Even lets his laughs be heard more often just for his kid lol
When his child grows up a bit more, he definitely wants to teach them how to swim and how to ahem ~be one with the water~
He’s not a pushy father at all tho he won’t ever force his child to go down the swimming path and would rather have them get into something they are passionate about
Nevertheless, he still would like them to know how to swim atleast, it’s not a bad thing to learn
But um...he’s not the best of teachers...
Uncle Makoto here to save the day!
That being said, Haru always wants to be there for his child, be able to go to as much of their competitions/meets/games/etc. as he can even though he’s so busy with his own training schedules
He just wants to be there for them and he wants them to know that too<3
Oh um also...he’s bad at scolding...he’ll try to “scold” his little kid for doing something wrong like picking things off the ground and putting it in their mouth but his child just looks up at him like 😯
Also Haru changing diapers? Haha... “ahh (y/n)! How do I do this?”
He gets better at this tho over time :)
Watch his child not like Mackerel
He’s still confused over this whole father thing, but he knows that he really does want to love and be there for his child<3
Btw how cool would it be to have a dad being a world renowned swimmer? 😱
*haru excitingly watching as you feed your baby daughter (I see him w a daughter ok but it’s your choice) mackerel for the first time*
*baby makes a weird face and spits out mackerel*
“*Haru gasps dramatically* She doesn’t like mackerel.”
Baths with his kid. 🐬
How precious 🥺
You sitting on the edge of the bathtub, silently watching Haru as he holds his baby in the bath with a small smile, eyes then slowly drifting up to lock in with yours, his smile a bit wider and everything he feels for you and his child, all shining in his eyes ❤️
There cannot be a more perfect, little, peaceful family <3
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An amazing father!
We’ve seen him with his little siblings Ren and Ran!
That doesn’t mean he won’t panick from time to time because it’s different when it’s your own child
He’s the type to do the whole baby talk and little cooes with his baby but turns bashful when he catches you quietly standing in the doorway watching 🤣
His cooking skills have improved a bit...
You already work so hard everyday for the baby and the house, he wants to lessen your burdens and give you a little break <3🥺
Family cuddles! With you and Makoto on either side and your child/children in the middle! How precious🥺
I see Makoto’s children being a lot more brave and daring than he is like watching “scary” (like Cartoon Network scary XD) movies and wanting going on adventures in places supposedly paranormal
“Dad stop being such a scaredy cat! I wanna go watch this movie already!”
“Ahh (y/n)!! Help me! 😰”
His kids are mischievous bro always do those puppy dog eyes to get him into their schemes
He also spoils his kids XD
Don’t think that means he doesn’t know when the boundaries are crossed and when he needs to get a bit strict
He may spoil his kids but spoiled kids are a big no no (there’s a difference)
The kids actually grow up to be sweet and respectful
Aww imagine Makoto teaching his own kids how to swim and sending them to an sc🥺
He’s just such a loving father and SO supportive!
His children love that they can come to him with any of their problems and know that he’s going to listen intently and understand, while also offering any advice he might think suitable <3
As if you alone didn’t make his heart well enough with so much love, his heart practically bursts with his children❤️
Ready to sacrifice everything he has for the happiness and well being of his family ❤️
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Excitement is an UNDERSTATEMENT
As if this baby himself wasn’t cute enough, just IMAGINE HIS CHILDREN
omg omg omg cuteness overload
He’s jumping up and down when his baby is about to come, however he calms down when he actually gets a chance to hold them and he’s just in a soft, serene state, looking on at his little one with a small smile~
All his little toddler has to do is slightly tug on his shirt, and Nagisa is in a full gushing frenzy
He cries over how adorable they are
Nagisa baby YOU are adorable
He’s such a funny dad always makes his kids laugh!
Like when his child is a baby, he would come over making silly faces that half of the time either made baby laugh or baby cry 😣
Tickle Monster 😏
Finger puppets! I totally see him doing this as a father!
Nagisa won’t tease his kids a whole lot tho, knowing how frustrating it can get having experienced for a good amount of his life by his older sisters
He wants his kids to have fun ALL the time just like him 😁
He shows them his secret sweet stash when he believes it is time
So you’re going to have to be the one implementing the rules and regulations
“Come on, it’s time for bed let’s go, it’s past 11”
“Aww come on (y/n)-chan look at how happy they are! Just give us five more minutes🥺”
The challenging part for you is that you end up having to give in a lot more because now there’s more than 1 who’ve mastered the puppy dog eyes around the house
Another supportive dad! (They all are) he wants to be there for his kids’ firsts! And for all their games and competitions etc.
This is going to be such a fun little family with LOTS of love, support, chocolate, and fun! ❤️
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No theory, no book, no calculations prepared him for the moment his child was placed in his arms
He’s immediately brought to tears and whispers a small “beautiful” 🥺
The type to document EVERY moment of his child
You end up having like 10 albums and tapes of just your kid(s)
ALL of your little ones firsts have all been recorded and documented to reminisce on later in the future🥺
Always nudging you and showing you the cute little things your baby is doing off in the corner🥺
He can be strict
Unlike Nagisa, oh no he is not spoiling his kid’s diet
Their kid is eating their entire rainbow with lots of fruits and vegetables, along with the right amount of protein and milk
However there are times where he chills out and actually bakes cookies and sweets for his children 🥺
And they are *chefs kiss*
However when Uncle Nagisa comes over...those kids know what’s up 😝😋
Wants to show them the beauty of swimming, specifically the butterfly stroke
You don’t have to worry about your kids getting low grades, because Rei will personally take care of that😌
He just wants his children work hard so they can become the best at whatever they choose to do in the future <3
Haha you wanna know what I’m imagining?
Him having a daughter that is an EXACT copy of him
And it will completely leave him speechless at moments XD
“Ahem...Daddy, the way that you pitch the ball is off by approximately 15 degrees according to the direction and pressure of the wind...not beautiful” *pushes glasses up*
Rei is just like 😨😱
Anyways you can forget about having excessive burden on your shoulders from parenting because this man is going to give it his all for you and his children❤️
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The second his baby was delivered, he was already a crying mess, however when they are actually placed in his arms, it’s like all the tears have suddenly stopped, and it’s just a moment for Rin.
However he starts crying again immediately after
He loves his child so much! ❤️
They are a physical embodiment of his love with you! <3
He now understands the sacrifices his own father made for the sake of his family and now Rin is willing to to the same for his own
All his tsundereish tendencies vanish and he just becomes one big softy 😤
Don’t think that means that Rin doesn’t know how to be strict tho
Oh he is a strict dad but he only does is it for his child’s own good
He will shower them in just as much affection after the scolding <3
Like even after he gets a bit harsh on his child and sees their eyes, Rin immediately stops and goes into your shared room and starts sniffling
“H-hey (y-y/n)...w-was I too harsh on them?”
Yes he’s the type of dad to get onto you for brushing your teeth
He’s also that dad helping his kids with math
He has let his emotions show a lot more now.
Like when his baby started taking his first steps...Rin cried, camera in his hand shaking
When his child picked a flower and brought it to him...shark baby cried.
Or when one of his children brought home their essay about Rin being their biggest hero...Rin cried.
A very supportive family!
With you guys going to support him swimming at the world stage, and Rin going to all his children’s events and being their #1 fan <3
I can see Rin owning a “The World’s Best Dad” or “#1 Dad” mug and proudly drinking from it XD <33
He also gets very competitive with his kids! He gets very into the sports and games he plays with them
Teaching them tricks and tips along the way
And swimming? He’s got it in the bag, your child will get the hang of it under a week.
Some days Rin likes to lie with you on the bed, wrapping an arm around you to hold you close and pressing a a soft kiss to your temple, thanking you for being the love of his life and making him the world’s happiest man alive 🥺❤️
A/n: The boys would be such good fathers!They can all have my babies I love the parenting concept! I’m probably going to make separate hcs for them in the future 🥺
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championwife · 2 years
hi I finished the main story of PLA and I’m going absolutely insane over volo. spoilers below
ok but. i have so many thoughts about volo and my self-insert aaaaaaaaaa
anyways lol some headcanons for him:
Volo was a member of the Celestica People along with Cogita(who I see as his aunt) but he always felt very misplaced there. He had this boundless curiosity for the world, he wanted to truly understand everything, not just sit around in the same place watching over some random prophecy they don’t even care to decipher Just Because Destiny or whatever. and many of the clan members could see this endless hunger of knowledge he had was dangerous, like he would be willing to do absolutely anything to get it regardless of who gets hurt in the process
He felt like an outsider because of this and was estranged from his family(which caused him to cling more to aunt Cogita) So eventually he runs away to join the Ginkgo Guild, as being a merchant would allow him to travel all over. And Cogita is the only member of the clan that knows where he is and watches over him
I think over the course of his reasearch he starts to feel some sort of kinship over Giratina as being outcasts and projects some bitterness over the strict ways of his family on Arceus too. like he has these complex feelings about it akakdjdj
at first he thinks S/I is just some random unintended side-effect of the rift he caused, he just puts on a nice front and she falls for it so easily, and then as she progresses calming the nobles and collecting plates he feels he can use her, but also looking at her give him this weird annoying feeling he can’t really identify like. she and her pkmns seem to almost shine together and something abt her reminds him of the ancient hero of lore his family’s texts were always going on about
and they bond a lot specially after S/I is kicked out of the village and they start hunting the plates together. Like they gotta have adventured together over the course of many days right. I imagine Cogita and Volo become S/I's little found family outside of the Galaxy Team when she has nowhere else to turn. Like bro that scene where the MC is completely alone and Volo is the one that reaches out broke me lmaooo
Which of course makes the eventual betrayal all the more angst-inducing :''')
and then after the Giratina fight, it is S/I's turn to reach out to him like he once did to her and help him :') and he's very confused why S/I would even forgive him at first like girl i literally summoned an eldritch beast to kill you and also i hate you cause arceus chose you and what are these??? feelings???? 
and S/I has complex feelings too like he’s technically the reason why she got stuck in this dangerous strange world in the first place lol but at this point she already found a home at Hisui and believes the kindness he showed her when she needed it wasn’t fake............. all lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive bro........
AND THEN after all is said and done they travel Hisui together researching myths :’’))
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(this line made me so sad AAAA)
GAH i just love the concept of villains trying to reabilitate themselves and learning to accept help im going feral over this. and i havent done everything you can do in the game yet so there might be some extra lore im missing idk but anyways these are my thoughts for now
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goldendaydna · 4 years
This is just a post of me vaguely gesturing at things 87, 03, and 12 Leo has done with his “I don’t even know how to describe but I know it’s not smart” energy
‘Hey guys I'm gonna check out an alien sighting meet up place alone and not bother to at the very least take a disguise with me’
Spent entire nights in an arcade to beat one game he just *had* to beat the game and risked being discovered.
*Get's lost and doesn't have his fam there with him, Screams and gets more lost* ((This poor guy gets lost so much in 87 it’s pretty sad, directionally challenged and gets tunnel vision))
I mean sure he once got hit by a personality altering ray to make him more fun but that doesn’t change the fact that he deada** left a note to his fam that said "Ciao babies I'm off to have a good time.   L" and that’s a whole mood
Mr. how can I find some way to solve my problems by using or throwing my katana in some way or form
87 Leo had memory issues and no one can tell me otherwise, there was even an episode that addressed the boys neglecting parts of taking care of themselves and like Donnie with his eyesight, Mikey with his ungodly amount of eating, I think Raph with some form of laziness? and I’m pretty sure Leo didn’t really get told anything; anyways so they see themselves in the future and their neglect turned into major issues in their old age and yeah Leo was so upset that he “... turned into a befuddled old coot” so yeah the universe just looked at blue boi and said lol yeah sorry bro
'I can avoid questions and situations by asking other questions and using kindness'
Threw lipsticks on a toaster painting for target practice
His turtle com voice mail at one point was: :D "Hi, this is Leonardo, I can't answer the turtle com right now, I'm off on a nightmare adventure from which I may never return." :D
Oop there goes the steering wheel ((This also happens more than once when he drives))
Got over his fear of snakes out of pure spite cuz two kids called him a coward and a snake man said snakes were better than turtles
“Ok, it’s not regular mail. I guess Mikey would call it *mimickes Mikey’s voice* Air Mail.”
Susceptible to peer pressure
He totally practices his hero lines
‘Lol a snake can’t fight! no hands or legs! *OOF*..... the risk I took was calculated but man am I bad at math‘
'Guys this sounds like a bad ide-' 'SHADDUP LEO'
Started a fight with Raph because "GIVE IT BACK!"
“YIKES! Excuse me sensei” because yes Leo, saving your dad from getting hit by a vehicle could possibly inconvenience him.
Kissed not one, but two plungers before realizing to his horror that yes he just kissed two plungers.
*Threw one of the biggest kiddie temper tantrums I have ever seen in a cartoon* like no lie he was on the floor and everything.
Mikey: Look, a glitch!  Leo: Beg your pardon? (Thought Mikey said b***h, or that he may have called him or Donnie one, I dunno but it happened.) 
His sport equipment of choice was a frigging scooter, nuff said.
Talks to himself a lot and I respect that
'I am a failure and should not exist.'
He tries pretty hard to look cool.
Pouty frowny mc’pouter boi when he’s either annoyed or not amused or embarrassed
Reprimanded his brothers about silence then proceeded to fall off a roof and make all the noise in the world.
Leo: What’s going on? Donnie: I’m having the weirdest dream. Leo: You can’t be dreaming,*I’m* here. Donnie: CUZ I’M DREAMING YOU! (`Д´) Leo: (¬、¬) *Maybe I’m dreaming you but you’re not dreaming me* ( ー`дー´) Donnie: (¬_¬)
"Halt villain!" holy stars he’s such a geek.
"Just like space heroes!" Leo’s relationship with this old cartoon in general. You legit just put the show on and he is just glued to it, he knows the lines, the scenes, just everything and tries to incorporate it in his everyday life and even missions.
A little girl told him about pinkies up when drinking tea ONCE and now it’s a mandatory practice.
He walked up to a seemingly harmless creature, said "mop mop" to mimic it then poked the thing and got his butt kicked; and this was AFTER he said “New rule no one touch anything.”
“You have a pineapple for a head!” *Looks and sounds shocked at the fact that he’s hallucinating Donnie’s head indeed being a pineapple but not as shocked as one would think*
*Mimics the weird Krang talk and makes a ‘Heh heh I am so funny’ face* ‘Hmm? Oh sorry, anyway-’
“Window cleaner on! Window cleaner off”
This blue dummy thought it was a good idea to hit on some random lady on a completely different hostile planet
The idea or even concept of him having shellacne just seems to offend him
“WE YOKAI WILL STEAL ALL OF YOUR SOULS, THROUGH YOUR BUTT!!! MWUA HA HA!!” ((I can just hear Donnie thinking “It’s important to be accurate” while his brother said that))
Bruh, I swear Leo seems like he lives in a constant state of dissociation like at least 87% of the time, like he’s there enough to where he can answer to people and take actions but he’s not entirely there. 
Tried to catch toast with a plate ((Never ask 2012 Leo, Raph, and Donnie to make breakfast together it’s just gonna end poorly))
And this isn’t even covering everything there is so much more but this post is already long enough.
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advena87 · 4 years
Kaer Morhen shenanigans part 2 but this time it’s a story! (kinda)
Here is: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 and Daily Lambert
also Keira & Lambert’s love story, Aiden & Lambert’s love story and… this.
So the idea is that young witchers from the griffin and cat schools come to Kaer Morhen - including Coen and Aiden. The purpose of the visit is for aspiring witchers to learn something from each other, and in fact it's just an excuse to play with the idea of Lambert x Aiden. Of course, Lambert's witcher brothers will try to help him with his crush, and they will not miss the opportunity to make fun of him. Probably ooc but I just don't care.
Lambert: Can I ask a dumb question?
Berengar: Better than anyone I know. 
Lambert: Is it gay to think about your best mate in the shower?
Berengar: ...
Geralt: ...
Eskel: ...
Lambert: Asking for a friend.
Berengar: ...
Geralt: ...
Eskel: ...
Lambert: But now seriously: I'm not gay if I wanna date Aiden as like bros, right?
Geralt: I'm no expert but that does sound kinda gay.
Berengar: I'm an expert. That's gay.
*Aiden and Coen talking and laughing*
Lambert: *staring at them silently*
Eskel: You’re really quiet today, Lambert.
Lambert: Nobody plans a murder out loud.
Lambert: Why does this griffin dude keep talking to you?
Aiden: Lambert, we are friends.
Lambert: I know you two are friends but...
Aiden, deadpan: No, Lambert, I meant you and I are friends.
Lambert: Yeah, we’re friends, but I’d fuck you if you asked.
Aiden: What?
Lambert: What?
Berengar, eating popcorn: He said he’d fuck you if you asked.
Lambert: Fuck, Aiden, you look like hell!
Aiden: Yeah? I just got back.
Lambert: Dude, who hurt you?
Aiden: Do you want a list or something?
Lambert: *grabs sword* Actually, yes.
Aiden: No, wait, we can't solve all our problems with murder.
Lambert: How about just this problem?
Lambert: I think I might have a crush on Aiden...
Berengar: Congratulations, you’re officially the last one to know.
Geralt: Aiden would never date a jerk like you.
Lambert: Fuck you, shouldn't I be one of your best friends?
Gerelt: Yeah, which is how I know you're a jerk.
Eskel: So what are you going to do?
Lambert: I don't know, something dramatic I hope.
Eskel: Why are you ignoring Aiden?
Lambert: I'm playing hard to get.
Geralt: Why would you do that? You're already hard to want.
Lambert: I’m in love with you.
Aiden: That’s... a terrible idea.
Lambert: Yeah, I have a lot of those.
Eskel: I shouldn't be interfering in this but give him a chance. Lambert would throw himself in front of a speeding horse for you.
Aiden: Lambert would throw himself in front of a speeding horse for fun.
Geralt: I don’t really mind Lambert being homosexual, I just don’t like him dating men.
Eskel: You really haven’t grasped the concept of this gay thing yet, have you?
Geralt: There must be homosexuals who date women.
Berengar: Yeah, they’re called lesbians.
Aiden: Because YOU cheated FIRST!
Eskel: I think we’re done playing gwent for tonight....
Geralt: Wait, no. I’m enjoying this.
Lambert: I have an idea, but I’m going to need your permission.
Aiden: Sudenly you need my permission?
Lambert: Cause if I mess it up, I don’t want it to be just my fault.
Eskel: We're going to die alone, aren't we?
Berengar: Well, you've got your goat...
Geralt: *screams*
Lambert: *screams louder to establish dominance*
Eskel: Should we do something?
Berengar: No, I want to see who wins this.
Lambert: Helpful grammar tip: farther is for physical distance, further is for metaphorical distance, and father is for emotional distance.
Eskel: Who hurt you?
Lambert: My father, weren't you paying attention?
Geralt: Do you mean your real father or Vesemir?
Lambert: Yes.
Eskel: ...
Geralt: ...
Eskel: Don’t say that, Vesemir would be proud of you.
Lambert: Lemme check.
Vesemir: Don't call me that in public.
Lambert: Well there you go.
Eskel: ...
Geralt: Dude...
Lambert: Ok, you know what, sometimes I don’t even realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Geralt: There are only three ways to do things; the right way, the wrong way, and the Lambert way.
Berengar: Isn’t that just the wrong way twice?
Geralt: Yeah but it’s quicker.
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Poor roman :( but that being said I am heka interested in 5
remus humiliates roman in front of jamal (but jamal is a sweetheart)
vote from this concept voting post!
TWs: swearing, emotional humiliation, arguing, remus is generally pretty mean in this - not "unsympathetic" but his behaviour is not ok, brief alcohol mention but it isnt a main feature
first some background info on remus and ro:
roman and remus' friend groups actually run parallel to each other by pure councidence in that theyre the same age and are both in the local queer scene
usually they only run into each other on nights out and avoid each other like the plague... until one of romans friends and one of remus' friends become a very serious couple and the friendship groups merge
remus tends to hang it over romans head whenever they argue or remus just feels like teasing him that he could so so easily spill romans secret littlespace to all his friends
and while roman claims to not care he also really doesnt want that to happen, especially the specific things remus threatens to reveal (namely him calling his cgs mommy and daddy, and his fear of the dark - which remus knows are romans biggest embarrassments)
and remus never USUALLY actually follows through on his threats, he loves to freak roman out but he doesnt mean to be intentionslly cruel.
but one night theyve had an argument recently and remus is out to hurt roman and finally follows through on his threat to reveal romans secrets. in front of jamal
((the actual incident below the cut))
all the friends are walking back from a night out, and remus hangs back from the group to talk to jamal. roman is just glaring at remus and not saying anything and holding jamals hand tightly. remus hasnt embarrassed him too bad so far, just asking jamal questions and referring to roman as his "baby brother" which is so annoying, but the thing is roman can tell hes building up to something
then suddenly remus smirks when he sees a completely pitch black side street thats theyre about to pass by, and he calls out to everyone "hey guys, there's a 24/7 mcdonalds through here and its a shortcut to the bus stop" and everyones like WOO mcdonalds and redirects to go down the side street
and romans heart pounds watching the friends all filter down the street without a second thought, theres no streetlights down there, theres light on the other side quite far away, but before that its SO DARK. and he freezes in place and jamal is tugged back by it and looks back at him. "babe, come on"
romans starting to feel shaky and he literally cant move his feet. his eyes flick between the street and remus' sadistic cocky smirk.
"whats wrong baby bro? you stuck or something?" remus leers with that stupid stupid smirk
and roman HATES him so so much
"ro, what's the matter?" jamal asks
"i- um," roman stutters, trying to keep his voice from shaking too much at the sight of his friends just having DISAPPEARED into the darkness - how are they okay with that?? "i- im not hungry"
"okay well i am, and remus said it was a shortcut anyway so-"
"i-i -- no i can't"
seraphina, romans best friend, looks back and notices whats happening and quickly jogs over (knowing roman is scared of the dark) "hey roma, it's okay we dont have to go down there" she soothes
jamal is supportive but he doesnt get it. he thinks roman is scared of criminals or smth. "i promise theres no one bad down there, hun. and i'll be right next to you the whole time, i'll protect you" and he smiles and tugs romans hand to pull him towards the side street
romans eyes quickly tear up and he panics and rambles "nononono dont please please i cant i cant" in a broken voice and plants his feet firmly on the ground, paralysed with fear
remus starts cackling "ohhhhh thats right~" as if he just remembered. "my baby brother's terrified of the dark, isn't he?"
"f*ck off, re" sera barks, standing between the twins, protective of roman
"wait, are you?" jamal asks sounding surprised. roman doesnt let himself look at him, too busy watching remus warily and knowing thats not all he has planned to embarrass roman
remus goes on, shouting out to jamal over sera's head "he's petrified!" he confirms sounding delighted. "yknow that massive blackout last summer? he cried like a baby. literally sobbing for his daddy patton to make it go away"
theres a brief silence because no, sera and jamal didnt expect remus to refer to patton as romans daddy - they both know roman calls him dad but this is a surprise.
and that one second of silence drags on for ages for roman, all he can hear is his heart pounding in his ears and remus' obnoxious laughter
he is shaking, frozen in shock rather than fear now. for all of remus' teasing threats at home, he didnt expect remus to actually do it. hes devastated and humiliated that remus told to his best friend and especially his BOYFRIEND of all ppl
and honestly he's not even thinking about the pitch black side street right now because the streetlights on the main road are blurred by tears welling in his eyes anyway
"why dont you just leave him alone!" sera hisses furiously after her mild shock
then jamal bounces back rlly stern to remus "yeah i already know about that! roman told me and it was HIS choice to tell me"
roman stares at him in disbelief but jamal is too busy staring daggers at remus to notice
remus looks suddenly offended and frowns. hes clearly hurt that the others dont think its funny "jeez youre both such bores. im just having some fun"
"youre demented if you think thats fun" seraphina growls and shoves remus away towards the sidestreet. remus rolls his eyes and runs ahead to join the others who are all oblivious to that coversation, howling with drunken laughter in the pitch black and jumping out and scaring each other
"f*cking prick" jamal calls after remus, seething
sera quickly throws a concerned look to roman "you okay?"
roman just swallows thickly and looks between seraphina and where he saw remus join the others in the pitch black. his stomach churns at the idea of remus telling more people. "i-is he gonna--"
"im on it" sera nods and starts turning around "i wont let him tell anyone else, roma, promise" then she runs ahead to keep an eye on remus and to give him and jamal some privacy
after a moment jamal turns back to roman looking so worried and holds his hands and asks very gently "babe, can you tell me how youre feeling?"
and roman is teary but he whispers "i - you stuck up for me"
jamal looks suddenly sad and cups romans cheek "of course i did"
"but you said i told you about it. i- i didnt tell you that i-" roman gulps after his voice wobbles "i didnt tell you about it"
and jamal smiles sadly and goes "i know babe... im sorry, i just didnt wanna give him any more power. it seemed like he's held that over you for a while"
suddenly the tears in romans eyes overspill and he doesnt really know why but he can't stop them
jama gasps a little "oh roman, its ok" and just pulls him into a tight hug
roman clings and sniffles, glad that he can hide his tears from his boyfriend even if it is in his neck.
and jamal just strokes his back and whispers "its ok baby, its ok" **
they talk about it quietly as they take the longer, well-lit route instead. roman admits he would never have told jamal abt his fear on his own - and the reason he's been avoiding staying overnight at jamals apartment is bc the one time he did he got so scared of the dark that he couldnt sleep and was just anxious all night but wouldnt wake jamal to tell him
after jamal finds out hes like baby why didnt u tell me its okay and comforts him about it not being embarrassing or childish. then:
"so you do actually want to stay at mine, its just because its so dark that you didnt?"
roman nods shyly "yeah... im sorry i know its a dumb fear i just-"
"its not dumb ro. i meant to say if it works for you, we could leave the hall light on and the door open. its not like i live with anyone who can walk in."
roman blinks "wait you - really? it wont make it hard for you to sleep?"
jamal smiles softly "no hun, honestly i could sleep anywhere. i fell asleep in the middle of the day in the staffroom just last month"
roman laughs, so so so relieved
"so... maybe next time you come over for dinner you could stay the night, yeah?" jamal says with a smile and a blush. he wraps his arm around romans waist and pulls him in, hip to hip
roman bites his lip and blushes. after a moment he suggests shyly "im free tonight..."
and jamal smiles so big, stops walking and puts his arm up to romans chest to stop him too then angles romans jaw down to kiss him
in the near future jamal promises to buy a plain nightlight and always leaves it on for roman when he stays overnight from then on
**side note: roman could never stand anyone calling him baby before because he felt infantilised at school becaus of his undiagnosed adhd. so he sees it as a derogatory name more than anything. but when jamal says it roman feels so warm and respected because he knows jamal would never mean it in that way. so jamal has "baby" rights basically
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Could we get nyarlthotep sfw/nsfw senarios? Maybe with a male reader if that's ok?
Bro, I have such a love/hate relationship and he’s one of the only characters I can say has enigma energy (also of course it’s alright if the reader is male, we stan Male Reader rights dammit)
Dating Nyarlathotep
Where do I even begin with this guy- 
When Nyarl has a thing for you, it is the most obvious yet not obvious thing in the world; he’ll crank up the teasing to a solid 20 and then glue himself to your side, running random touches along your spine or brushing his claws against your hip, and then all of a sudden he’s gone and it’s a whole week before he pops up again. And this continues for a good three months, progressively gets more touchy and the periods he’s gone get more sporadic, until either A) you get fed up and confront him about it or B) you begin to give him a taste of his own medicine (AKA avoid the asshole and keep him from touching you)
Which, either way, both scenarios play into Nyarl’s grubby little claws
The A) option would be one where he would lean against a wall/back of the chair while you go off on him. All the while having an infuriatingly easy going smile for you tearing into him; you don’t know if he’s listening and it is pissing you off. In actuality he is, but he doesn’t want you to know that, you’re cute when you’re mad, my guy. So, he’ll just sit there staring at you with half lidded eyes, letting you blow off some steam before he presses a finger against your lips and gives you some bedroom eyes and, it’s up to you whether or not you’re gonna have the do right then and there, but he knows he got you hook, line, and sinker
If the scenario is the B) option, he’ll amp his bullshit up so inconceivably high. He’ll begin to purposely leave risqué touches on your person: he’ll brush his hand against your lower back, maybe even hook his fingers in the back pockets of your pants just so he can drag you back against him, he’ll start resting his face in the crook of your neck (whether your standing or sitting for him to be able to do this) brushing his mouth just close enough to the shell of your ear for you to shiver- and if you’re trying to avoid all his touches to get back at him? Hoooo, boy, good luck;
He’ll get a little pissy at this because he wants to see your reaction (RIP you if you get flustered really easily). So, he’ll begin to corner you, or catch you in the most crowded places just so he has an excuse to press into you from behind. At these points, especially if you’re stuck in a very crowded place like, let’s say for example, a subway train (👀👀), he’ll press up against your back while slipping his hands over your thighs and up to your stomach before going back down to the dip of your hips and pressing you harder against him. And you bet your ass that any movement or- ahem- subtle pressure to your ass is just the sway of the train. He’ll chatter away like nothing too and it is bullshit. He’s an asshole in the fact that he’ll make you two stand like that until the ride is over
Once a relationship gets going between you two, you’re honestly surprised to find out how loyal he actually is- he’s uber loyal, but he doesn’t expect the same level of loyalty out of you? Like, just, he knows that you’ll find other people attractive and he understands you might… you know- want to pursue some sort of sexual interest with them (So, he doesn’t mean you’re a cheater, just that, people are hot and he’s leaving it open on your side)-
 Which is either super insulting or super sad to you, it’s up to you. He mentions a lot (in his own way) that he’s fine if you go off and have a one night stand with someone else, but he’ll get all serious all of a sudden and it is terrifying because he’ll suddenly hover two inches away from your face with that bitchy look he gets when he’s salty about something and straight up be like: “don’t make it a thing though.”
And he’ll go back to laughing and joking with you like nothing happened- What the fuck, Nyarl????? 
Please don’t “cheat” on him tho, it takes a lot for him to even care enough about someone to be a little less of an asshole to them let alone get into a relationship with them. So, he’s pretty attached to you
He doesn’t really believe in the concept of love, but after you two have been together for so long- you’re the closest thing that he’s getting to love, dude, and he kinda hates it???? It’s all fuzzy and he’s warm inside and if you get sad? And it’s his fault? Insta death. 
But he likes you too much to let you go, so, aw well, guess he can put up with it
Surprisingly, a possessive boy- he doesn’t like people talking to you for long periods of time and he’ll get salty if you seem like you’re having more fun with one of your friends then you do when you’re with him; just give him a lot of cuddles and smooches when you get home and he’ll forgive you immediately as he wraps you up in a big ol’ bear hug with his arms and his weird tail hand things will totally join in and wrap themselves around whatever they can grab, which is a really cute gesture that can become awkward really fast depending where they decide to grab
SPEAKING OF HIS WEIRD ASS TAIL HANDS- you’ll have to deal with them having semi-sentience and seeking you out whenever they can and witnessing Nyarl legitimately yell at them over it
It’s so surreal- and honestly, you’re with Nyarl, you should have accepted this by now but- to see him grab his tail in a choke hold and bring up the hands to his face as he tells them to knock it off and then one just reels back and slaps him across his snout, which instigates him slapping the hand back, and they start having an elementary school level slapping fight until one of them hit the other too hard and they’re making grabby hands for you because they got hurt-
And then you gotta kiss their boo-boos 
Also RIP your ass’ personal safety because those hands like to grab it and you’ve almost died a couple of times because they do it out of nowhere
Nyarl will kiss you spontaneously and out of nowhere. There is no preparing for his smooches they just come and go like the wind
Though he does give you a lot of pecks, his favorite types of kisses are french kisses because he likes it nasty 
Since he is passionate about his work you’ll have to remind him to eat and drink water and take breaks because he gets wrapped up in his work a lot- which he really appreciates and if you do the same thing, then you bet your ass that he’ll get you to take breaks because he refuses to let go of you as he hugs and showers you in kisses- at those times it’s soft Nyarl hours
He has no understandings of personal space so he’ll just… always be in your bubble and you have to really convince him to get out of it if you need some space
 If you two ever get in a fight, Nyarl is literally the worst person about it because, not only is he petty, but he’s also, well, Nyarl- so he’ll definitely come off as he’s not caring what’s made you upset by keeping that easy grin on his face and shooting off into crazy ass tangents, but that’s his way of trying to lighten the mood, which has mix results depending how important the topic is to you
He’ll get serious the more the argument drags on and how emotional you’re getting about it
Off of those topics, his ideal date is taking you to a club, but one that’s super fancy and has a VIP floor so you two can dance and be in each others presence and chat while feeling the bass of the music
When Nyarl gets jealous he becomes more sporadic than he already is. Which is a sight to behold because a majority of the time  he’ll somehow cause the conversation to steer back to the person and cause them to put their foot in their mouth. But if he ends up encountering that one person that can actually keep up with his mind games, he’s not above just warping their ass somewhere- which you’ve gotten mad at him before about, because oh my lord, Nyarl, you can’t just do that- 
Dating him means that you’re going to be listening to music 25/8, he likes all genres but when he’s at home, he prefers chill, atmospheric music like Lo-Fi
(Dom Nyarlothotep)
Subs rejoice! For this man (hyena???) is a Switch leaning Dom! So, he’ll definitely be taking over when you both first have sex
He’s a tad aggressive about it since he’s super eager to get at it, so if it’s your first time, you’ll have to remind him to slow down- which he will, but you’ll have to remind him periodically
This is one of the times where he doesn’t get all pissy with his tails for just grabbing you- they like to grip at your thighs the most and if, he’s laying on top of you, they’ll be caressing your sides and fondling anything that they could get their hands on
He’ll also use them to keep your legs open if you get embarrassed and try to close them because this boy likes to S T A R E at your erection standing proud, he gets a weird trip from it, like yeah, he did that to you (but that’s if you’re in a place where you can be on your back without someone just walking in on you two)
He’s a mega tease, especially out in public, so he’ll drag you into an alleyway and push you against the wall and press his body hard against you (no matter if you’re taller or shorter than him) he’ll run his tongue over your neck and the shell of your ear, scraping his canines against the hollow of your neck as he grinds against your erection through your jeans. He’ll make sure you can hear the low groans he’s letting out as he rolls his hips, grabbing your ass in his hands to bring you flush against his hips. He’ll start whispering filthy words into your ear, riling you up as you grab against him and bite your lip to get from making noise
He’s really good at giving oral
If he gives you a blow job, you’re gonna be blissed out by the end of it. He has a long tongue so he’ll start just under the head of it, before he moves to cover the tip of it and lap at the slit with the tip of his tongue, then he’ll bring you into his mouth, mindful of his teeth, but he isn’t above scraping them against your shaft. He doesn’t really have a gag reflex so he has no problem taking you all the way into his throat while he bobs his head while he sucks you off. He’ll also utilize his hands and play with your balls while he sucks you off
When he gives a rim job HE GOES O F F
So, get ready to hold on fam, because you’re in for a ride. He’ll have you put your ass up while he’s nipping at the meat of your ass before he begins to use the flat of his tongue to lave long licks over your twitching hole; soon he’s pressing his tongue into you and groaning at the way you taste on his tongue
When he’s fingering you, he’s mindful of his claws, but he has a tendency to… scare you??? It’s not even that he means it (or so you hope) he just goes f a s t, so sometimes he’ll push against you and you’ll feel them brush a tad to close for comfort on the walls of your ass, but he’ll make you forget about it real quick because, you don’t know what type of fancy fingers this bitch has but he finds your prostate in a snap. And he’ll focus on it because he likes seeing how much of a mess you become when he does-
He’s also extremely thorough about his fingering, so expect to cum at least once from it 
When he’s finally going to press his dick into you, he’s really talkative, even if that talkative is just him whispering filth into your ear, and he’ll rub his tip against the rim of your asshole before he presses into you and sheathes in one thrust (hence why he stretches you so thoroughly)
He’s very vocal in general, a lot of low grunts and moans if your doing some good old exobistionism, but in the privacy and the comfort of your own home, you’d think that you were getting fucked by a porn star: loud moans, extremely talkative, cursing galore, groans, whimpers- the whole shabang
If you have a vocal kink RIP you, bro, because he uses it to his advantage
When he’s topping, his favorite positions are either: pressing your face to the wall while he has a death grip on your hips or doggy style. He has a bit of a dom/sub kink in him
He B I T E S. Really hard. So, if you need him to real it in, he’ll try, but no promises
I suggest a safe word in general tbh
Also, after he cums in you, and if you guys didn’t use protection, he likes to watch it dribble out of you and then clean up with his tongue, so, just watch out for that
(Sub Nyarlathotep)
It takes… a bit of convincing for Nyarl to be the sub
He likes the high he gets off of domming, but, since he likes you so much, he’ll let you top 
He’s a pretty big pillow princess tho, so he’ll definitely act like a brat
You know when I mentioned that he’s really loud as a dom? Well, he’s even louder as a sub
If you give him a blowjob he’ll be really vocal about it and it’s one of the few times that you’ll hear him stutter, especially if you deepthroat him. He will be in bliss, and pray you got a good grip on his hips because he’ll thrust into your throat if you don’t watch it
Nyarl is incredibly neutral on rim jobs but he won’t say no to one
He’ll probably be giggling the entire time as he presses against your mouth. He likes his taint being licked at though
Fingering Nyarl is a fun thing to do because he straight up will buck his hips so hard on your fingers that he’s basically fucking himself on them. He has no chill
He likes positions where he’s still on top despite being penetrated, so, think cowgirl/reverse cowgirl; he feels much more comfortable about being in control of the pace and how hard the sex is
When you do penetrate him, he’ll let out a long moan that turns into a growl and he might overwhelm you a bit as he just starts bouncing on you. But, you get to watch the concentrated face he makes as he works himself up and down on your shaft
He still bites as a sub
So, again, safe word
(After Sex)
Nyarl has a tendency to just know out after sex
So it’s kinda up to you to initiate aftercare, which he’ll find very sweet if you do and will probably tease you for it, but he won’t complain
He is all up for cuddles though, he likes being little spoon, and on the off chance he has enough energy to talk, he’ll have some pillow talk with you
He’ll probably just hum as you whisper to him, but he’ll put a few words in here and there
After sex Nyarl is just compleletly different to normal Nyarl because he got out a lot of that pent up energy he has. He’s actually really cute like this??? 
He adopts a whole baby enigma energy when he drifts to sleep in your arms
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lunar-lair · 4 years
I've been building up these hcs for a while, and I finally decided to unleash them onto the world.
So! Here ya go. My unadulterated thoughts over a long period of time. Have fun w them.
Remus bonks his forehead with another's to show affection. It started simply as something his brain told him to do, I think-some twisted idea of knocking both people out by banging their foreheads together. But then it turned into something he did for affection, due to how close it got your face to someone else's and the contact you share. Plus, it's so original, and that's Creativity's whole thing, right??
(It took him awhile to figure out how to do it lightly enough that he wouldn't hurt the person he was bonking (yes it's called that) but he eventually figured it out!!)
Him and Roman do it like,,,super hard as a way of greeting. Or like, just for shits and giggles, or even to knock someone out of something. It's one of those Brotherly Things™ they do together, y'know?
More Brotherly Things™ they do include slamming into each other to hug for the same reasons up above, shaking each other by the shoulders Forcefully mostly whenever they're explaining something Wild or they're Angy and the other pretending to be annoyed by it, and initiating sudden sparring sessions where one will just suddenly whip out their weapon, and the surprise is part of the spar, basically. It's not cheating; you just have to adapt to when the other suddenly starts one.
They had to explain to Patton Very Thoroughly that they weren't hurting each other and that it was all fun and games before he agreed w it
Janus was the first to adapt, then Logan, and then Virgil kinda had to take some time to stop being startled every time it happened
Thomas got it Immediately. 
He has brothers.
He gets it.
Janus! Likes!! Dancing!!!!! VERY important hc
Remus and Janus used to make skirts (and possibly other clothing?) together
All three darks know how to sew
It started with Remus wanting to make something and learning with Creativity Powers and eventually teaching Virgil and Janus
Janus actually already knew how to sew simple stitches due to having to fix a lot of Remus' clothes but Remus taught him a lot more abt it
He ended up knowing more than Remus even did, though, due to ending up Really into it
More than once, he has asked Remus for cloth and made his own skirt, shirt, etc. possibly with Remus' help
In a world where Jan and Virge are close,,,,,,,he totally helped with the jacket 
Jan and Lo absolutely have debates like. 24/7 while also playing chess
Remus is eternally wearing thigh high high heeled boots, no questions asked
Roman used to wear Normal boots most of the time before he got Good Bro Stats with Remus again. After that he was Jealous that Remus was a bit taller than him and started wearing his own heeled boots, though his were usually normal height 
Sometimes they'll switch boots to mix things up
Roman also started wearing heels bc he thought it'd be fun 
Roman and Janus have specific nicknames for each other; one nice and one teasing
Janus' are Prince and Beast 
Roman's are Beauty (to parallel Janus' for him) and Snake (another parallel; both are simple ideas of what/who they are)
Janus probably came up with his first and Roman flipped the script on him in return
Janus is pretty chill with coffee or tea, but he prefers tea and knows a lot more about it. Coffee? Eh, not too bitter please. Tea? Basically whatever, but the subtle calm stuff is really his jam. Mostly just a tad of honey, rarely any milk, if he ever adds anything at all. He usually takes his tea straight up; the kind to sit around and Think at the table while it cools y'know.
Patton's actually kind of a coffee dude, but he doesn't drink it that much, and if he does, it probably wouldn't be very bitter and pretty doctored. Tea is too mild for him; just tastes like hot water.
Logan? Coffee for energy, but he likes the Calm tea brings. Flower flavors all the way babey, with a bit of honey and just enough milk to make it a bit richer. Since the coffee is purely for Energy, he doesn't give a shit what it tastes like, as long as it doesn't burn his fucking esophagus he's just downing it. 
Roman claims he likes tea bc it's Fancy, but he actually prefers Coffee for the chocolate/bitterness in it and the Energy, so there's that. He actually likes his pretty bitter, funnily enough. Really likes chocolate creamers and vanilla, caramel, or chocolate flavored coffee. 
And of course, Remus claims he prefers coffee and just downs it all the time (mostly for shits and giggles probably) but he actually likes tea more for all the different flavors and stuff. Plus it's always even MORE scalding than coffee so it's more fun to down! He actually doesn't like how bitter coffee is and if he did actually drink it it would be drowned in creamer I swear to you. He really likes honey in his tea and a bit of milk, maybe some sugar depending on the type? Not usually though. More fruit flavors the better man. 
Virgil drinks coffee in the morning for Energy, and he's pretty chill with it, but he kinda prefers tea for the calming shit it can give you. Drinks the coffee for the Energy, but refuses to just let it taste like shit, so he adds a bit of creamer and sugar, yeah. Mostly up for fruit and flowery flavors, honey all the way babey. Thinks sugar tastes like shit in tea.
Janus has a Large Campaign around trying tea straight more often, or just generally adding less sugar, mostly. Virgil is on his team, Remus is kinda on it depending on what tea you're talking about, and Logan is also pretty much on that train except for when it comes to things like english breakfast teas, stuff like that. 
Virge wears a pair of headphones around his neck a lot; they're bluetooth, and hooked up to his phone 24/7, basically. He just throws them on and nyOOMS out of the situation best he can when shit gets hectic. They're kinda like a security blanket kind of thing; nice to know that you have immediate access to blocking out the world around you.
His jacket goes about the same, sorta. In the sense that it's a security object, I mean. He just feels...safer with it. There are very few situations besides being Totally Alone where he'd feel safe without a jacket (but specifically the one he's Chosen for the time, though the Chosen One can change if he finds something new or better), but if he does hang out around you without one, know that he trusts you with all his goddamn heart and he is taking a Leap of Faith rn and you better not screw it up ok.
Jan's gloves and hat are in a similar situation. They're just. Always There. They just make him feel safer y'know
Also I'd die for it to be canon that Janus has a little snake under his hat
Roman and Remus totally make copies of their sashes to hang up at Christmas
Yo but like,,,,,,,,,what if the sides' heights correlated to how long they'd been like...around?
Like how long it'd been since they manifested yknow
Pat is like. Emotions so he probably showed up Immediately. Same for Jan, considering he's self preservation. They're almost exactly the same height. Logan is just a small bit shorter, since he's partially curiosity and he showed up just a bit later. The original King would've been the same height as the other two, but...what about Roman and Remus?
So...the Split probably had to have happened after Virgil showed up, which took...a While. He's super short. Now the question is, would the twins be the height of the King, since they're technically part of him, or Tiney-like smaller than Virge-due to when they split?
...just for Tiney Virgil Rights, we'll make em tall. They're exactly the same height, of course, but Remus likes wearing heels.
All the Og Boys are the same height as Thomas-maybe a bit taller?-but Virge is like. A head and a half shorter than most of them. It's hilarious.
All the sides garden, for their own reasons
Virgil does it for the calm, the monotony, and the bright colors and smells. Plus, it just...feels really nice knowing he helped something stay alive. Makes him feel a lil better about himself.
Janus does it because he's been doing it for...a long time. Not to mention the calm of it all, digging your hands into soil and planting something new...plus, the flowers are always beautiful. Always have been, always will be. Tending to them is like...caring for an old friend. And he has so many memories with these flowers...old and new.
Plus he can plant his own tea leaves which is fun.
Logan does it partially for the monotony, partially for the care, partially for helping something to live. Partially for feeling a little something for the little guys; just...a feeling of saying hello again, having...a conversation with the flowers.
Less science, more emotions. For just a moment.
Patton does it because it's fun!! Because the flowers are pretty, the smells are nice, he can plant vegetables, too, the garden just feels nice, it feels like having more friends…
So many good, good reasons.
He'll have conversations with his flowers, and he's named them all.
Most of them haven't named theirs, but they do talk to them every now and then.
Roman does it for the calm and the prettiness and the scents. And just the concept of a pretty garden...excellent. And it is rather nice, just absorbing yourself in the work of it all...it's like all your cares fly away.
(They all agree with that, if only a little.)
He also has a venus flytrap or two...just gifts from Remus. 
Remus does it because 1, fun, and 2, weird exotic creepy plants are so cool!!!!!! He's got all kinds of stinky but fascinating plants, yeah, but he also has some really pretty vivid ones. He also has a soft spot for roses…
(...the King was known for handing them out, back in the day, for fun. The twins...never let it go, even though they're unaware.)
He actually has some nice smelling ones here and there, but he mostly bases whether it's goin in his garden off of it's exoticness, coolness, or cool colors
They also all know flower language!!!
Janus knew first but when Jan taught Virgil about it, he went NUTS over it
Jan taught Remus, but Virgil taught the light sides
After he learned they had gardens too, he went '!!!!!' and info dumped about flower language for a whole half hour before he realized what he was doing and stopped
The others urged him to keep going, and to visit their gardens someday and tell them some details on meaning
Now, most of them may be swayed by meaning when it comes to choosing whether or not they're keeping the flower, and they've even named some of them off the others
Remus, especially, could flip on a dime on a no or yes depending on a meaning and if it fits a friend well
Generally, though, they all chill out in each others' gardens a lot and talk abt their flowers!!
It's part of their daily routine
They all eat breakfast and then they leave to tend to their flowers
They have their own outside gardens, like. Connected to their rooms (with help from the twins, most likely) but they also keep some inside their rooms
Patton keeps cacti and little tiny flowers in little pots here and there. ("They're my little friends!!!!") They all have names, just the same as the others.
!!!!!! Also he totally goes into his tiney frog form sometimes after he waters his garden and chills in the moist soil, or even in the little plants around his room
Perfect place babey
Virgil has a few with calming scents scattered about. Maybe a few bright ones, just so they stand out
Logan...concept: bonsai. Why? Bonsai...cool. Also he can observe it's growth. It's fun ok
He also probably has a few he's doing experiments on and even maybe a few he just liked a lot yknow
Jan...probably just a few who's meanings he liked. A few pretty ones, a few calming ones. And…
One who's meaning reminded him of Remus, and one for Virgil.
After Virgil left, he set it on the dining room table.
It returned to its former spot on the counter when Janus was finally part of his family again.
Patton has a little plot he's set aside for the plants that remind him of the others.
Janus has a similar one. It used to be just Remus' and Virgil's; two lonely souls…
….but now it's filled with 3 more, neatly arranged.
Their family has grown so much.
Also Janus totally does the same thing Pat does but in his snake form. Like he just settles into the dirt and sunbathes.
Sometimes, one of them will come over to the other's place and they'll just chill in one of their gardens together. (Half the time, Patton is sitting on Janus' head, nestled under Janus' little snake hat as best he can, probably with his little frog nose sticking out.)
More than one of the sides have stumbled upon it. Every time, they just take a picture, gaze at them for a little while, maybe say hi, maybe not, and be on their way.
Roman probably plucks a rose every now and then and sets it in a vase. Not that often; just a while after the last one decays, and only one at a time.
He's nice to his rose bushes, ok? He swears to you.
He also totally has a few tiny, colorful ones here and there and some really nice smelling ones.
Just realized, he ABSOLUTELY has a honeysuckle plant. Same for Pat. That's like,,,,,,the Staple of excellent smells and pretty flowers AND childhood man
And...after he bonded again with his brother-or maybe even before-he planted one that reminded him of him…
But it's tucked away in his bedroom. Who knows if it even exists.
Remus just goes NUTS with whatever he wants inside his room, man. Cacti? Totally. Venus fly traps? Yeah, one or two. Colorful flowers that he just likes the looks of?? Hell yeah babey!!!
And...he himself has a flower of his own, tucked away upstairs…
...but he's had it for far, far longer.
(He may or may not have had to change what it was after bonding with Roman again, but hey, people change yknow?)
Also!! They all like poetry-writing AND reading
Janus likes it due to like...just. The pure elegance in the craft, I suppose. The way feelings, beliefs, and philosophies can be expressed.
It's all so interesting, how something so deep can be put into simple words.
His are usually elegant, with old-themed writing and deep metaphors, deep thoughts on philosophy and emotions that can only be expressed through odd metaphors and quiet words whispered by his pen.
Roman likes it for similar reasons; it's such an elegant way to express yourself, there are so many metaphors you can wind in there, and it feels so mystical, in a way...it's such a short little thing, but pure emotions can be injected straight into it.
He has so many. He...there's so much to feel, so much to write, so many ideas, all the time. But no matter what, they're full of metaphors, flowery language, the occasional serious one where he simply...pours every drop of sadness from his heart onto the paper. 
He happily injects the emotions he doesn't want into those packed words, filled with so much.
He has his fair share of mystical ones, though, describing old beasts and monsters and songs and soulmates and love.
Virgil likes it due to the emotional outlet it can be, and the pure craftsmanship of it all. Just...the way some poets weave stories together...amazing. 
His are often straight vents. Simple words, straight metaphors, lots of short lines and stanzas. Just...conveying things with the words straight from his head.
Remus likes it for the themes poems can carry. So dark, and maybe sad, and yet so simple; not gruesome, simply...heavy.
It's almost what he aspires for, in at least some aspects.
He also loves it for the dramatics of it all and the history, just as Roman does. Drop the love of the romance, though. However, he does adore how emotions can be conveyed.
His are just as mystical as Roman's can be sometimes, though his are often more about horrors lurking in the night, of course. He's prone to throwing extra emotions into his poems, as well, ones he doesn't know what to do with except throw overboard.
Logan likes it for the emotional outlet. For the explanation of emotions through metaphors, like puzzles for him to solve, to try and figure emotions out. And how much that can make him feel, so much packed into such a tiny package.
He has his own of those; small little poems that have...so much emotion poured into them, for when his cup runs over and the emotions he can't handle try to splash out on the ground and stain his carpet, stain the hearts of his friends and even his own.
He also enjoys the philosophy and even psychology in it all.
As mentioned, some of his are...simply filled to the brim with emotions he can't handle, straight vents. But as for style, he often writes with simple concepts, a lack of metaphors, big words that convey the same idea but are hard to understand with the common eye.
Patton likes it for similar reasons; there are so many emotions packed into poems, so many complex ideas he loves picking apart, so many metaphors that rely on emotion that he understands immediately.
He has his own fair share of vent poems. He has so many emotions that sometimes…he just. Needs somewhere to put them. He doesn't use big words, and uses a lot of winding explaining instead, but his metaphors and analogies are always flawless. He always knows what he means. 
Sometimes they just sit around and talk about poems, poets they like, recommendations, how they managed to get into it, stuff like that. Double whammy, sometimes they chill in their gardens together and talk poetry or even integrate certain flowers or flower language into their poems.
Roman, Remus, and Patton go out when it rains and just...have fun. Sometimes Ro takes an umbrella and just twirls around a little bit, enjoys the atmosphere (as the feeling of it all is what he loves the most), but sometimes Remus manages to convince him to come play with them. 
Remus just likes the rain cause it's fun to play in, yknow? Also, mud! And worms!! Worms!!! Worms are so cool, those wiggly little guys.
All Sides Confirmed, worms are cool, they have worms in their gardens and also worms are just generally cool dudes.
Pat likes it cause Frog, duh. Also it's fun to play in the rain, ALSO duh!! 
Lo considers rain just. Smth that happens.
Virge likes the atmosphere of rain and likes the smell that's in the air afterwards, but doesn't like getting wet. Thunderstorms terrify him too. 
Jan likes the Vibe of rain, same as Virge, and also likes the smell afterwards, but he likes to stay inside. Yknow, cuddle up with a nice cup of tea (or even hot chocolate, if he's feeling extra cozy) and a book and just listen to the pitter patter.
He doesn't exactly enjoy thunderstorms, but he's good at tuning them out. (And he's also excellent at calming Virgil down during one.)
So when a storm hits the mindscape (or however the hell it works) Pat and the twins will go outside and the others will stay holed up in the living room, drinking tea or hot chocolate and just Chillin.
Sometimes they even invite Thomas, just for fun. (And cause they mentioned it to him and he was affronted at them that he wasn't able to see Pat and the Twins just have fun in the rain.)
Sometimes, rarely, Pat and Ree will eventually convince Thomas to join them in their fun. (Ro or Ree can just magic him clean anyways.)
Catch the twins conjuring up feather pens whenever the hell they want to 
Janus absolutely has a pet snake or two. They just sit and hiss at each other sometimes 
Pat? Yeah, a couple frogs. He mostly keeps them in his garden, though; they're only really his pets in the sense that he feeds them and talks to them sometimes. 
The twins probably share their theatrical strengths 
Like,,,,,,Remus? If he's a villain or even slightly shitty as a person, he's got it. Plus a lot more complex characters
Roman? Can do dashing princes and kind characters excellently
Like...they just. Can't do some characters, because that's what the other can do. Y'know?
I don't know, maybe they aren't actually so...split down the middle? But I like the idea of that I guess
Sorry this got so long! I've been collecting these thoughts in a doc for a *while,* so it grew a lot. I can't add a read more either, since I'm on mobile...sorry.
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