#journeys that matter
study-diaries · 2 months
Your pain (physical/mental/emotional) is valid even if nobody can see it
Your pain is valid even if you have no physical symptoms
Your pain is valid even if there is no physical injury
Your pain is valid even if others tell you it's not
Your pain is valid even if you do not have a life threatening disease
Your pain is valid even if you don't have a diagnosis
Your pain is valid even if you do have a diagnosis
Your pain is still valid even if nobody believes you
Your pain is still valid even if you are too "young" for the problem/issue
Your pain is valid even if the health care advisor/anybody tells you that it's in your head
Your pain is valid no matter what the conditions are
Your pain is valid.
Pain does not discriminate between age, gender, race, nationality etc. Just because you can't see pain, doesn't mean it's not there.
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frosted-co0kies · 2 months
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they found a treasure map behind the convenience store
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thinkingnot · 2 years
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“if I had another 100 lives I think I would choose to be technoblade again every single time”
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badlydrawnjotaro · 10 months
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bayleafpaprika · 1 year
thinking about how Oda chosing Luffy, a pirate, to be the protagonist of One Piece may be one of the most brilliant story moves by any shonen mangaka ever. by virtue of its main character being an in-world criminal, OP naturally lends itself to becoming a story about the exposure of a society festering with corruption for what it really is, and the dismantling of a dystopia and its propagandist facade. you simply do not get a story like that with a shonen protagonist who conforms to or tolerates the shitty system they're born into
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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First and Last appearances of Poorly-Drawn-MDZS Season 1!
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theereina · 11 months
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liquidstar · 11 months
but for real i love adventure time bc in the face of shitty family members that are also space war criminals, most kids show protags would be all "guys lets not fight... we're family! we can be friends! peace and love!" but finn is like "im going to personally rip off my dads arm because i hate him"
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astrosouldivinity · 9 months
Astrological placements in a natal chart that may indicate Bipolar Disorder or BPD 😶 🌊
Part 1:
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⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not saying these placements are inherently borderline or bipolar. But they may be more prone to borderline/bipolar behaviors. You can use astrology to observe your subconscious patterns. Essentially, you can use it for shadow work. But these may not apply to everyone so take what resonates and leave what does not.
I want to clarify that I am not demonizing, diagnosing, or generalizing mental health disorders. Astrology & psychology can intertwine with each other. You can use astrology for deeper introspection & pairing both psychology + astrology together can help with healing. But I am simply observing my understanding of specific psychological disorders & how they connect to astrology via shadow work. But you can use astrology to predict certain mental illnesses. But it’s still a prediction so it may resonate or it may not.
You can use astrology to predict pretty much anything though. It’s like forecasting but instead of predicting the weather you are predicting energy. But how I come to my observations/predictions relating to astrology/psychological disorders is by observing my struggles with mental health, plus, taking the knowledge I’ve learned about mental health disorders through college, reading psychology books, and just researching on my own time in general. But also, observing mental health disorders in others, and then connecting it back to having specific placements in a natal chart. That is my process. But I’m also intuitive/AuDHD as well. I feel energy and I include the energy I feel plus pattern recognition into my predictions as well. 🤍
Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Mars/Saturn- when they feel emotionally slighted they can have a tendency to see things in only black & white. There is no gray area when it comes to how they perceive situations. Can be vengeful & petty when they feel a real or perceived betrayal.
Capricorn Moon- the moon is detriment here. It can be difficult for these individuals to connect to their emotions. They may even suppress them. But they can be emotionally explosive if pushed to that point. Everything they have been suppressing will come to light essentially.
Gemini Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Mars/Saturn emotionally unpredictable & chaotic af. They can be multiple different people at once feeling multiple different emotions & perceiving multiple different perspectives/realities. Their brain is always moving & rarely ever still.
Cancer Sun/Moon/Rising/Mars/Saturn can be emotionally explosive especially if unevolved or negatively aspected. They feel things intensely & can be all over the place emotionally. The moon cycles can impact their emotional state too.
Negatively Aspected or Unevolved 12H/8H Stellium/Sun/Moon/Mars/Venus/Saturn. These individuals may feel like they have an unstable sense of self. They can be emotionally volatile as well especially if they are not connected to their emotions yet.
Moon Square Venus- These individuals can struggle with codependency & will display behaviors like emotional suffocation & emotional neediness overall. May struggle with forming relationships with others because of this too.
Chiron Aspects- Chiron in astrology represents our deepest wounds. But essentially, if these wounds are unhealed or just unevovled in general, they can manifest negatively. Like emotional avoidance or emotional volatility.
Uranus Moon Aspects- can manifest as emotional independence. These individuals may find it difficult to ask for emotional support. Which may manifest itself as emotional detachment or mood swings.
Pisces Sun/Moon/Mars/Venus/Saturn or Neptune aspects- may struggle with being grounded in reality & are prone to more escapist behaviors. They can be emotionally self-destructive too. May be prone to addiction-like behaviors. Could have an addictive personality.
Water Dominant Charts: these individuals may be emotionally unpredictable & sensitive in general. They feel extremely deeply which can be intense for them especially if they haven’t learned how to control their emotions yet.
Aries Moon/Saturn: may be prone to emotionally explosive & emotionally impulsive behavior especially if unevovled or negatively aspected.
Empty 1H or Saturn in the 1H- may struggle with feeling like they have no sense of self & it may even feel like they lack one. Which makes it difficult for these individuals to develop & assert their personality overall especially true if they have no planets in the 1H.
~Part 2~
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 3 months
i think the second you start putting together a list of the writers and what their gender/sexuality identities are for the sake of proving the ofmd writers room isn’t as queer as you think it should be you’re already in too deep. the fact that an izzy fan did all that AND went even FURTHER and just openly assumed everyone was cishet if they couldn’t immediately find evidence otherwise is beyond parody. i can’t even find it in me to be upset or anything i’m just amazed at how little self-awareness some ppl have. how do you type all that up and post it without ever stopping to think “wait is this a shitty thing i’m doing” like babe what is WRONG with you
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little-tiffany · 7 months
Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you.
-Paul Coelho
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study-diaries · 3 months
It's okay:
If you're not currently interested in studying
If you've lost interest in some thing you like/love
If you need a break
If you just need to sleep for the whole day and be lazy
If you just want to watch/binge shows and movies
If you don't feel chirpy sometimes
If you feel sad/angry/or any other emotion
If you feel stressed or pressured because of work
It's okay if you are not okay
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trainwreckgenerator · 8 months
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𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖟
sketches & timelapse under the cut!
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sketching-shark · 8 months
Been a couple of years, but I still think fondly of Grace Monroe from Infinity Train for achieving that very rare redemption arc narrative of "the people you hurt are allowed to sever all ties, and you can still become a better, happier person."
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bitchycatpeanut · 23 days
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Today seem to be like a Lovely Day ☺️
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k2ulhu · 7 months
thinking about that line in existence when mulder is asked how he found scully and william without coordinates and he says "there was a light. I followed it" and I really love that line because just...look. the man has been chasing lights in the sky since he was 12 years old. he's been running after ufos trying to find his sister, trying to find the truth, searching for a meaning in it all. he has been following lights his entire life and they led him to scully. they led him to his son. they led him to his family. like he always wanted to believe they would.
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