#its not its fault what i was got lost in translation its just meat
hospitalyuris · 3 months
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Everytime someone says I'm wasting what god gave me I grin and say good
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ninliane · 4 years
nekoma with foreign-exchange manager who isn’t fluent in japanese
i said i would write,,,,i try to write...
the language she speaks is up to you but she’ll be speaking english for now (just pretend its your language! personally im imagining filipino :D )
being a first-year at nekoma high had its perks
your foreign looks caught the attention of many people and some were shy to approach you, but not one tall boi^^
invited by your classmate lev, you have now been the manager for a first couple of months and it was going great!
you always got along with everyone: helped the seniors keep everyone in control, be efficient in tracking their progress, and helping their younger ones with their pass drills
you guys lost at the inter-high best eight but the summer camp was soon so you were determined to make the most out of it
you made friends with the regulars on the team and you guys would go out and eat at the conbini near the school
it was at this moment where kuroo had treated the team to snacks from the tiny shops. the nekoma team talking outside as they ate,
“That reminds me, how did you guys do in the english test?” Lev asked Shibayama and Inoka. 
“I did average, there was a lot of sentence construction this time.” Shibayama responded taking a bite out of a meat bun.
“I focused on vocabulary,” Inoka cheekily admitted then turned back to grin at his classmate, “But Teshiro-san got perfect as always, and (y/n)-san is fluent!”
“Just study, it isn’t that hard...” Teshiro closed his drink. “Or have (y/n)-san tutor you.” 
“I could...” you thought about it, “but...”
Kuroo started laughing, “That’s true, (y/n)-chan is good in english, but sometimes her japanese gets mixed up in the translation.”
You playfully roll your eyes, “Haha, very funny captain.”
Yamamoto laughed, “One time she said, ‘Where is my ‘ramen’?’ in the funniest accent ever! The cook looked at her and tried not to laugh.”
“I apologized after!” you laughed.
“Oh! One time she asked me if she could borrow my notebook and she forgot the word for notes and she ended up just saying notebook in english in front of the whole class!” Lev laughed.
The group and yourself laughed at your poor attempts once more. 
“When we were practicing volleyball she started to stumble on her words because she forgot how to ask coach to go over her notes so I had to do it.” Yaku chuckled. 
“Coach must’ve been confused,” Inoka chimed in.
“And another ti-”
“OKAY ENOUGH!” you yelled, throwing down your meat bun on the street. The team jolted at your loud reaction and immediately went quiet, their eyes widened at the sudden action. “You try speaking in a different language than japanese! Do you even know how frustrating it is for me to translate every single thing in my head before I say it?! How I manage to keep an all boys japanese team running for nationals in my third language?!”
“(y/n)-chan, don’t get so offended...” Kuroo rubbed the back in his head, “We were just playing around. Chill.” 
“Chill?” you widened your eyes and thats when Kuroo regretted his words. You frowned and put your hand on your hips, firing what seemed to be your first language at him, “Chill?! The worst thing you can say to a woman! Men are all the same...! They just act however they want and expect a way to get out of it by saying it’s just a joke, and they expect us to be okay with it?! Like we are the ones at fault?” 
Your first language being yelled out loud was intimidating for them because they had no idea what you were saying. You then reverted back to Japanese as you grabbed your bag and walked past them, “Men are all animals!” 
At that moment Kenma had walked out of the convenience store holding a cup of ramen. He noticed you walking by and said a small greeting.
“Oh hey (y/n),”
“ANIMAL!” you pointed at him without stopping and continued to walk. 
Kenma scrunched his face at you then at his team. “What did you guys say to her?”
The day after you had mostly let the thing pass and felt a little bad for yelling at them, but it was cute how they all awkwardly shuffled up to you in practice individually, apologizing for what they said. And they made a mental note to help you out whenever you needed translation.
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border-spam · 3 years
Does troy really have a split jaw or is that fanon?
It's total fanon!
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The design of the split lines across his cheekbones and chin coupled with the cheek clips and v shaped hinge outline next to his ears lead to a lot of people coming to that same outcome, that there is something up with his mouth from a prosthetic/mod standpoint.
So much of his design is never mentioned once or referenced in any way (hightech spinal rig with tattoos under it, neuro connector, mech arm that's much older and doesn't seem related to the spine and neuroport, implants on bicep, face mod etc) that like Tyreen's scars and possible lower body Siren markings, fandom took over when it came to coming up with logical explanations for 'em.
This actually touches ground with some Ao3 comments I wanted to share as they are all Leech Lord compliant, so I'll list them here alongside links to the fics they were related to (note warnings!)
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You leave no avenue for characterization unexplored. Troy's facial prostheses finally receiving backstory is amazing
- Maw (Gore/Bodyhorror)
I LOVE the idea of it being not just decorative shit on his face, but my MO for any content I make is always based around asking why, over and over, and trying to make sense of what material I'm using in the first place. The modded mouth is a popular piece of fanon but you know... why? Why would he do that shit to himself. WHY would he want to be grotesque, why would he be chasing the reaction people would have to it when canonically he seems to really not be interested in fan attention the same way Tyreen is, what's the difference to him between being adored as his persona or being lusted after as a monster, etc. I just love deep-diving into the logic behind character and world building? It's what adds meat to the bone for me.
Big 'ol character and worldbuilding / lore responses list under the cut -
He could afford better robots but these ones UNDERSTAND Ty, don't you get it?
- Good night in (tooth rotting fluff)
Hey just because it's mangled and broken, and can't perform its intended function to a degree expected of it by everyone around it... and it's got rusty sharp bits it accidentally hurts you with sometimes... and it's cranky but it doesn't mean it... and sometimes it errors out in a way that's mildly disturbing in a way you can't place.. uh.. doesn't mean you should just GIVE UP ON IT you know? He can fix them :) They will be fine :) No one should just throw away something that's trying so hard just because it's damaged... haha... :')
It's so hard seeing how much they tear each other down when they're the only thing they have left. And what a poor self-image Tyreen has beyond all that glitter and bluster...
- Wolf in sheep's clothing
The twins function well enough as a unit till tensions rise, and I was trying to seed in The Leech's influence on them in earlier work like this too - towards anyone else Ty would become MORE aggressively confident, more assured in her complete and utter dominance of the situation, her flawlessness, but against Troy who see's her for what she is, it turns inwards and eats at her instead of lashing outwards. He switches from relatively submissive around her to almost surgical levels of dissection, he knows exactly how to go for the jugular with words, and doesn't hold back. She's The Leech's mouth but he's its eyes and it's only when they lose control emotionally enough for it to claw to the surface of their psyches that you get an idea of how much it really affects them individually. GB had an absolute goldmine on their hands here of cosmic/body horror and the concept of toxic family when all you have is each other, there's so much to work with, and I figure it's a factor in why some people still really enjoy messing around with Calypso content.
I like how you allow Troy to be a disabled character, how his congenital defects and prosthetics colour his outlook and appear in ways big and small in all these vignettes. It's easy, I think, to see him as largely untroubled by his health apart from when he needs a charge from Tyreen in the game, but you allow him to struggle with his weakness.
- Chronic (Drug use)
I'm really glad to hear that's coming through in the writing because it's something I noticed a lot too. Very often when Troy, or other characters canonically disabled / chronically unwell are written it's "told" and not "shown". Chronic pain, illness, it's not something that is just a little tickbox in a life or some descriptive terms added to a character synopsis, it's something you live and deal with. There are bad days. There are times it is a negative that has to be worked around or faced in ways that aren't pleasant. It doesn't make you lesser or weak to have times where illness does leave you unable to function to a level you want to, it's not a failure for you to be unable to perform tasks when a disability or flair up means it's not viable. I feel personally that by showing scenes like this where his health and body issues do have a very visceral and impossible to ignore the effect on his ability to function, and going through his mental processes of dealing with and managing them, it brings the character across as stronger than if he never seemed to be shown dealing with symptoms or weaknesses. People are more than their disabilities and conditions, those aren't just kinda taglines to add onto a character's description and then never address. I feel like doing that in a way undermines what people deal with who manage chronic illness, pain, and who have disabilities that affect their daily lives negatively. Appreciating the effort it takes to manage them is important.
What I really like about these is that you can really understand as a reader how their dynamic must have evolved. How even before Leda's death Tyreen would have felt demonized while Troy got the attention because of his condition, because he was less willful.
- Starlight, Moonbright
Ah man, absolutely - and that shit stayed with them. It wasn't his fault and he never wanted it, but of course their parents would have had their extremely ill child at the forefront of their thoughts, especially during weeks when he was.. bad. Tyreen by nature even without The Leech's influence is a little attention seeker, she'd be the life of any party and she BLOSSOMS if she's got the spotlight, but as a little kid who's got literally no one but her parents and her brother, and who all three of which can't give her nearly as much time as she deserved? That's rough. That's really unfair. That coupled with The Leech's warping effect on their egos as they grew up and the bitterness and resentment they harbored in different ways created a reverse dynamic. She'd never be out of the Galaxy's attention again, and he'd have no choice but to take his rightful place in her shadow.
I love how you illustrate both how much more, and yet how much less Troy is now. How the blameless child, full of potential, is inextricably linked to the brutal, larger-than-life avatar he fashions.
- DeLeon ( Graphic Violence / Gore / Hallucinations)
He's molded the monster he is now out of the bones of the man he should have been - there's no going back really. There's nothing left to go back to. He broke Troy DeLeon apart to build the persona that acts like an iron lung now, suffocating him breath by breath while forcing him to still take them. That life is over, he killed it before it had a chance, but the idea of it is still there in his subconscious. Somewhere in the absolute trainwreck of Troy's brain is the tiny, flickering belief that maaaaaybe one day this will all be over and he can shuck off the bracer and spines, peel off all the shit he's covered his skin with, and just go back to not being Calypso. DeLeon here isn't some aspect of his mental state or his sins haunting him - it's The Leech, spitting venom at a host it loathes in something that's not sound or comprehensible language. His subconscious has just translated it into something it can understand - his greatest regret.
On if Borderlands Humans originated on Earth -
There's a really tenuous link between BL verse and rEarth, but it's there and can't be ignored. The cultures, accents, terminologies, so many are Earth specific despite these people being spread across galaxies, so hell yes - Earth as an emergence point makes total sense. The next question then, is why is it never mentioned - and you can cover for that with a lot of things like say, tt was so long ago that it's not relevant to anything that would ever be discussed, or it could be a mass evacuation from a catastrophe there is little record of now. I like to go with something along those lines, that the first human Siren host emergence on earth just absolutely decimated the planet. Like, we were doing fine till this random woman somewhere in the ass-end of nowhere develops weird markings overnight, then goes apocalyptic. The first Leech maybe, not understanding her powers and having them rip across continents in a spread of crackling electric death that only left husked shells of plants and animals in its wake, or the first Firehawk who went nuclear and burned the sky, or the first Voidgrasp who lost control and began to collapse the planet's core - some extreme shit that had humans fleeing en masse with barely any preparation and HUGE swathes of history and knowledge left behind. That would cover so many social things surviving into the BL verse, cultures, accents, cooking, that shit comes with us regardless of what we were able to throw into escape ships. Like so much data would be stored on any tech and data arrays within the vessels people would use to leave a dying planet even in an insane rush, but that shit waters down over time - if you're farming barely edible plants on some planet that smells like farts, are you really gonna be that stressed about teaching your kids history from a lost planet when your current concerns are not being eaten by something with 19 legs and 4 buttholes? Don't think so.
On if the other Siren entities are as influential to their hosts as The Leech -
I touch on it a wee bit throughout LL, but the others are FAR more passive and meld more to their host's whims. The Firehawk Siren wouldn't.. like.. care? If the host was burning down a planet or fighting off an evil corporation? They are removed from any nonsense happening on this side, they might not even really be able to tell, it's like asking an amoeba or a collection of sentient atomic particles what its opinion is on Brexit. That's not really its priority. The Leech is so aggressive in its control of the twins and desperation to drive them towards an outcome it desires only cause it's split, broken, removed from the song, and completely lost. We're talking a caged, half-mad animal removed from its natural environment and left totally isolated from its own kind for millennia. It's in pain, it's confused, it wants to find its way back to the song and the others and where it belongs, but it's stopped by a barrier it can't comprehend ( the twins and being ripped between them), so in its impotent rage it feeds back that hatred onto them. It's not really sentient in the way we would describe functional intelligence, but it wants, and craves, and FEELS. And it feels very, very angry.
Big thanks to @undergoingcalibrations for talking through so much of this with me!
Asks are Open!
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Ground Rules
Geralt lays down the law with the help of yennefer after catching the reader haveing a bit of me time in the bath.
Ok this took all day as i couldnt stop tweaking it and i got to the point iv just got to step back and throw it out there or im gonna scream.Any way this is to go along with pastry negotiations its based after that one so could be considered part two? can be read stand alone tho in all honesty these modern reader inserts are gonna jump about in timeline cos my plot bunnys are twats. Im basing my Ciri on a mix of mature netflix Ciri and slightly mischievous witcher 3 Ciri. Any way i hope you enjoy this one im pretty pleased with it xx 
WARNING: Adult Themes, Smut, DubCon Swearing MxFxF 18+
Dont like it dont read it.
Geralt snaps when you take matters into your own hands.
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The Ground Rules
"Well someone is excited" Jaskier drolled as he watched your form slowly creating distance between you as you marched ahead.
As the small rickety town came into veiw you cried out a victorious and dramatic "still alive" causing eye rolls and chuckles in the group. Honestly this was the first real town you'd come to since being here and you were thrilled. Sure you'd passed a tiny smattering of houses four or so days ago where you'd traded for some bread, tiny amount of dried meat and a few other essentials oh! and yenn had managed to replace your pastry to the amusment of the resident witcher. They'd both been more open with you since the whole pastry incident-which you thought was an off handed comment on yennefers part but she and geralt had since indicated otherwise.
The people in the village had mentioned of a near by town that was rumoured to have a contract out on a nest of some monster thingamajigs that you hadn't botherd to remeber the name of .You looked down the verge towards the town with immediate thoughts of eat, bathe and sleep- on a bed, a real fucking bed ,ok so it wont be a temper mattress but you could live with that-oh my fucking god hot water,a nice loooong soak you moaned in your throat the thought alone brought tears to your eyes. You walked ahead trying to usher the group.
And maybe you could have your own room. Honestly sharing a bed with the couple was becoming an issue for you,your crush on them was definatly getting out of control now constantly blushing under their heated glances and they are becoming more touchy feely, Hands lingering longer than nesscasary or leaning in so close so thier breath tickled the hairs on your neck basically doing anything to get you flustered and you swear to god yesterday yennefer copped a feel whilst helping you threw a small steam which you didn't need help with;not that she listened. Bottom line you were becoming sexualy frustrated pretty much staying in a constant state of arousal a night away from them to take care of business would be very much appreciated. 
"Come ooooonnnn guys keep up" you turned looking back at them drawing out your whine befor resuming towards the town
"Someone should catch up with her she looks like a girl on a mission" Yennefer commented 
"Yes. Ciri would you keep her near the main gate and out of trouble while we settle roach in the stables ,here take her this she should cover up befor anyone gets any ideas" geralt grunted as your form began to dissapear down the brow of the hill ,ciri looked between the two before shrugging grabbing his offered cloak then ran to catch up with you.
You glanced to the side as you heard footsteps noticing Ciri fall in step with you she held out his cloak.
"Here geralt said to cover up before people get any ideas" you sighed it wasnt your fault his shirt hung off of you showing a large amount of shoulder and chest luckily when the hoover portal of doom sucked you in you were in fleece lined black leggings that had been durable enough to survive the last 3 weeks on the road(your stitch t shirt hadn't survived your initial fall) because you doubt he'd have anything your hips would get in to. Rolling your eyes you pulled the heavy fabric across your shoulders repostioning it so that it wasnt draging on the floor to much but was still sheilding your body. 
"He's such a dad" Ciri giggled nodding in agreement befor reciting what esle geralt had requested ordered. You scoffed shaking your head
"So he doesnt even trust me to walk through a town, he does realise im an adult right? That i can do things with out causing trouble. i mean for god sake im not jaskier" she snorted 
"I think its more like he doesnt want other men trying to sleep with you" you did a double take 
"The hell you know about that sort of shit? has Jaskier been corrupting you?"
 A knowing smirk crossed her face as she held her hands up coming to a halt facing you just inside the wooden gates of the town.
"You think i havent noticed whats going on by myself, Geralt likes you so does yenn jaskiers noticed to, think he's going to write a song" 
"He better bloody not and anyway maybe i want to find a companion for the night." You announced tersely crossing your arms only to freeze as you heard a growl from behind you.
"Oh yes, i may have forgot to mention that witchers are senses are really sensetive" she smiled sweetly, you gaped why were you only being told this now. Looking between her and the others approaching.
"Wh-what how the fuck you leave that out? d-do you think he heard us? from back there" She nodded 
"Most definitely" you gulped feeling yourself shrink into Geralts cloak a little at the looks you received from Geralt and Yennefer as he spoke to her telling her what youd just said.oh fuck.
"when you say senses you mean all of 'em? Not just one or two?" hoping beyond hope that something had been lost in translation.
"Nope all of them sight, smell, hearing the whole lot" she replied watching the colour drain from your horror sticken face. You'd been getting wet over the past few days. And the realisation that he probably knew embarrassed the shit out of you. Geralt smirked obviously he heard.You were so fucked.he knew and if he knew then she knew.oh my god. You were sooo fucked.'whelp there goes my dignity' you thought. He strode past you to the mediocre stables with roach in toe ready to hitch her for the night.Jaskier and yenn followed pulling some of the bags off of the horse then passing them out to their respective owners. Geralt then stood before you all giving you all the 'game plan' as you call it.
"we will find an inn and eat after that you get settled in for the night whist i see about this contract."
"don't bother about me tonight im going to catch myself a young fair maiden for the night" you scoffed at Jaskier's announcement drawing his attention
"Sounding like a creeper there Jask, what? you gonna do throw a net in the tavern? don't think they'd take to kindly to that" he huffed through his nose aggravated. 
"No im going to sing in the tavern and lure a beauty to my side for the night" you played along widening your eyes in false realization
"oohh so your gonna go pay for it, how does it work exactly is it by hour or-" Geralt quickly intervened covering your mouth one to stop the inevitable spat and two before you could corrupt Ciri any further Jaskier deadpanned giving you a flat look.
"you're welcome to come find out for yourself im sure your just Itching  to get some relief-"
"JASKIER! you go ahead at least try to keep a bit of coin back this time" Jaskier 1 Y/n 0.
You glowered behind Geralt's hand as he dismissed the smirking bard who turned on his heel prancing off quite pleased with himself. You smacked Geralt's hand away wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before slowly making your way down the street into town.It had taken nearly half an hour to find a decent inn that had room for the four of you. A room with two double beds that had a heavy curtain to split the room into two it was usually rented by traveling families. You groaned as you walked in, now you really couldn't take care of business, you followed Ciri as she placed her bag on the bed on the left following suit you placed yours on the other half of it only to have Yennefer quickly relocated it to her side of the other bed. Ciri snorted giving you a knowing look.you sighed then stomped across the room. Knowing all to well that it was futile to argue with the sorceress ,the witcher was stubborn but she was something else. Geralt handed a small pouch of coin to Yennefer.
"This is for the new clothes Ciri needs a thicker cloak preferably fur lined maybe new boots to not sure how long those will last in the mountains." yennefer hummed as she pocketed the money. 
"And the clothes for Y/n as well?" 
"Yes, should be enough there for what we discussed if not i'v got a bit more saved" you raised your brows blinking at them.
"err what was discussed? guys? what did you talk about? was it about me? helloooo" you waved as they ignored you.Yennefer pulled off her cloak leaving it on her side of the bed. you and Ciri followed their lead only for Geralt the tug yours back across you giving a sharp look as you rolled your eyes.The group made its way down into the quiet main room of the family run inn where you were served a meal of roast beef with vegetable trimmings ,before you knew it Geralt had left to find out about the contract with a final 'Behave' thrown in your direction.To which you grunted in response,too full to even tell him to 'jog on' - a phrase that still frustrated the witcher as he didn't know the meaning-. Yennefer had asked for a bath before your meal which you were just informed was ready leaving you alone with the sorceress. You had all decided Ciri would have the bath first then you, yennefer and finally geralt if he was back before it got cold.
"I cant breath" yennefer laughed out loud you rubbed your tummy closing your eyes
"I mean honestly, I think theres food in my lungs" groaning leaning back against the chair she gave a sympathetic smile
"Well you did inhale your food, maybe next time take it easy."
"Can you blame me, been the first meat iv recognized since i got here" It was true so far you'd been living on meats that you wouldn't have necessarily chose to eat back home rabbit,mutton venison ect.
"After we've bathed we will rest for the day but tomorrow we have to run over to the seamstress and get your new clothes, not sure how long we will be here and might have to order some or have them taken up,you are a little thing.Might have to have some leather work done too." you squinted pointing an accusing finger at her
"You calling me a midget? we going for shots now are we?" she smiled sheepishly
"No .no shots?. i just meant your petite don't worry its very cute. Anyway we are only picking up the basics a few day dresses ,Riding clothes boots that sort of thing" you blinked owlishly flushing as she called you cute. 
"Riding clothes yes. Dresses no thank you" she stared unblinking at you for a few moments making you squirm at the calm expectant gaze that was getting heavier by the second, it was like the eyes of a mother when you'd been caught doing some dumb shit you knew you shouldn't be doing.
"Stop it....Yenn no... cant i just get something like Geralt has..please... i'd be much more comfortable...even Jaskier i mean im not one for the puffy bits but 'd make do....."
she blinked slowly
"Oh fine but only one or two no more and your not getting rid of these leggings either" you gave in, her gaze was to unnerving and it did things to you. Her face lit up. She was looking forward to seeing you in feminine gown instead of a her and Geralt's shirts not that she minded but it'd be a nice change to your strange stetchy leggings (not that she minded you in the form fitting bottoms) She moved leaning in to your side hand on your thigh patting it lightly.
"Thank you, don't be so worried i will take good care of everything" you gulped as you felt the flushed skin of your face grow hotter,your core clenching and warming at her sultry reply you closed your eyes trying to regain a bit of control. Suddenly her attention was drawn to a pink skinned Ciri who had finished her bath and changed Yenn nodded and released your thigh. You bolted upstairs hearing a chuckle as you did.
Once in the room you sighed in relief, making your way towards the screened off section that held a large oval tub full of steaming water. Discarding your clothes as you all but melted into the hot water.You submerged yourself getting your hair wet scratching tentatively at your scalp that had begun to ache under the grime. Spotting a small stool with what you'd consider toiletries, a bar of hard sweet smelling soap and a few vials.You grabbed the soap, opting for using it for your hair as well unsure what vials did what and went where.After scrubbing all the built up sweat and dirt you you closed your eyes lounging back against the slanted end tub you relaxed a few moments it wasn't long before you were feeling much better ,tired muscles succumbing to the soothing hot water.your body hummed. 'no one would have to know' as your summarized that this was the perfect opportunity to relieve yourself of other tensions, 
'its not like geralt could smell you under water, i mean i dont think dogs can thats why criminals cross rivers when their being hunted on tv isn't it?' biting your lip you peaked an eye open and listened out carefully feeling naughty when you began moving your hand to the apex of your thighs gasping as your finger ghosted over your hardened bundle of nerves .Fuck. Your clit was sensitive not surprising when Geralt and Yennefer had practically edged you for nearly a week. You whined quietly as you began a fast rhythm on your clit ,other hand slinking down to your opening rubbing your fingers up and down the warm weeping hole. You bit off a groan as your hips gyrated against your roaming hands. Stomach tensing as you drove yourself faster and faster to the edge.Almost there.Fuck almost-you jumped hissing 'shit' ,ripping your hands away from yourself , sitting up fast enough to make your head spin splashing a wave of water over the floor when you heard the door open slamming the wall beside it.
"err theres some one in here!" you called out loudly, angry at who ever just interrupted you.You got nervous as the heavy steps quickly made their way towards you.Realizing who ever it was didn't care for your modesty as they were coming your way you slung your top half out of the tub to grasp the towel screaming because before you could grasp it and cover yourself a large calloused hand enveloped your shoulder shoving you back into the water.
"WH-GERALT THE FUCK? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME." you shouted at him as he released you then you looked down slapping your hands down to cover your self as he raised his eyebrows and gave a lop sided grin.He defiantly looked like the big bad wolf in that moment eyes ablaze with a hunger you wasn't sure you wanted to explore or not. Collecting yourself swallowing dryly before scolding him in a voice that seemed to become smaller with each word.
"hey! get the fuck out im trying to bathe you prick" you heard the door open and close again in a less violent fashion. And suprize suprize yennefer glided into view behind the .
"Thats not all you were doing tho was it? i can fucking smell you" was growled at you as geralt wet his lips you squeaked. 
"huh? b-but.. i thought..w-water" you stuttered out as your brain malfunctioned on on an epic scale. Yennefer gave out a loud laugh.
"so thats why he tore threw the inn like that.honestly Geralt i thought something was wrong" she continued laughing as she replayed the way geralt had all but vaulted the tables to get to the stairs. you pouted throughly humiliated
"something is wrong" he ground out before kneeling beside you .Shifting you tired to create some distance from him. He was having none of that wasting no time thrusting his hands into the water tugging away your shielding hand the other forcing its way between your legs. You slammed back against the tub gasping trying to get away. All you'd achieved was his hand pinning your hips to the back of the bath by your pussy
"Lets lay down some ground rules" He squeezed your throbbing heat in his hand curling his fingers dangerously close to your opening you bucked moaning breathlessly .Your eyes searched Yennefer's for help but she wore a similar hungry look that he had. Another slow squeeze brought your attention back to the brooding alpha male in the room.
"This is ours.ours to lick,suck and fuck as we see fit, to do what we please with and is off limits to your wandering little hands we clear on that?" You groaned out as he emphasized certain words with teasing brushes of fingers and a slow rub of his palm. Realizing that he might actually be serious.You nodded quickly babbling as he rocked his hand back and forth igniting the heat that you had built alone.
"C-crystal-please Geralt PLease" You threw your head back as his hand moved deliberate and teasing.
"You think you deserve it? after being caught up here playing with yourself?" You nodded then shook your head confused, unable to really concentrate on anything apart from his magnificent hand ,half lidded eyes and clenching your fingers tight around the thumb he was using it to control your movements as your body whithered under his ministrations.
"Really?" He said smirking as he held completely still you sucked through your teeth biting back curses.He chuckled smug bastard. moving trying to get some friction to no avail.
"Well we have been teasing the poor thing ,of course shes going to try sorting herself out the first chance she gets .Honestly Geralt what did you expect? i did tell you" yennefer reasoned as she stood behind you combing threw your wet hair you before grasping your free hand pulling it up out of the way kissing your palm before ghosting her nose down your neck pressing soft kisses along it you mewled at her and tried to coax geralt to continue again by rolling your hips.
"I suppose we could let her off this time" His voice was pure sex as he glanced down before giving into pushing two thick fingers up into you. his breach of your walls had an initial sting but was incredible as your needy walls tried sucking him deeper greedy to be filled.
"oh-oh fuck Ger-please" you arched your back pushing down onto his hand clutching onto Yennefer's wrist. you were so hot .fuck.he was gonna make you cum too quick. You panted throwing your head side to side as your legs tensed then raised up towards your torso, your pussy wrapped tight around Geralts fingers as he held them deep every few thrusts making you feel just how your walls rippled around him. he alternated between fast and shallow then slow and deep trying to build you up slowly he wasn't going to rush you, he was skilled enough to walk you up to the edge and throw you off whenever he damn well pleased. You'd never been this desperate in your life . Yenn's cool fingers delicately teased out your nipples pinching and flicking them until they stood out provocatively. You rocked against the both of them as Geralt made sure to start dragging your clit up and down with his palm as he finger fucked you curling his fingers searching for that small spot that'd send your mind reeling. Yenn had leaned down kissing your cheek and begun whispering lowly into your ear.
"He knows what he's doing doesn't he?Iit wont take him long to find every single spot you have, thats the thing with bedding a witcher they are much more observant then regular men. I have no doubt he will know when your going to orgasm before you do.He has the ability to force them out of nowhere when ever he pleases.. He is quite cruel like that" you moaned out loud snapping your head back high pitched and vulgar sounds tore from your throat as Geralts invading fingers began rubbing furiously back and forth on a soft spot inside of you.Unable to control yourself as your legs and tummy spasmed erratically as your tearfull moans and pleas filled the room
"Thats it oh i think iv found it~" he boasted as he moved his elbow pinning a knee to the side of the tub leaving your clit cruelly exposed for Yennefer,they shared a look as she moved her hand down to join Geralts taking over to rub small firm circles on your exposed clit.
"oh-OH fuck noNOno i cant please i ca-UGh to-Too much please FUCK" Yennefer was quick to swallow your moans in a kiss of clashing teeth and tongues before any one could hear ,tears streamed down your face as your body ached your pussy contracting painfully around his swiping digits. Pulling back for air the sorceress placed open mouthed kisses over your shoulders leaving red marks with her teeth and sucking bites.
"Good girl your being sooo good you don't have to ask this time" she praised as she reached your ear befor sucking harshly below your jaw. you were quickly becoming putty in their hands Geralt growled as he picked up the begining tremors of your orgasm.
"Look at me" you obeyed instantly moaning as you watched the white wolf pull his lip up in a snarl that would have scared you any other time.
"This is what you were made for, your ours, we own you, mind body and soul we own every whimper ,every tear ,every orgasm and hole they are ours for the taking when ever we choose,from now only ecstasy you will know is what we give you" You'd never have guessed how filthy his mouth could be but it seemed to have the desired effect as a sudden rush of heat was your only warning before rearing up screaming out, not sure if you'd shut your eyes or blacked out for a moment as you gushed into the bath water.Geralt pressed into you persistent while Yennefer's hand continued the tight circles efficiently drawing out the best orgasm your ever had.Finally their movements ceased and your body went limp wracked trembling in the aftermath as your orgasm ebbed away slowly. After giving you a few moments to come down and catch your breath Geralt removed his fingers you whimpered inside's still so sensitive after your orgasm, sucking on them he moaned deep and feral before plucking your clenched fingers off his thumb. Yennefer quickly wiped your pussy gently clearing the cum from between your swollen lips. Making you twitched as the cloth ran over you.Pulling you from the bath was a joint effort as they rested you on the bed and began patting you dry with the towel.Moaning in protest as your arms waved loosely trying to take over only having your hand smacked away as they finished.Lying back looking up at them bleary eyed trying to stay awake you felt like jelly, giving up fighting you rolled over yawning tucking your arms below your head Yennefer tilted her head stroking your hair sending you into a relaxed sleep.
"Poor dear ,Oh look at her geralt shes all fucked out and we haven't even fucked her yet" 
"hmm she'll be ok we just need to work on her stamina" he replied patting your bottom as he pulled the cover over your washed out form.Geralt panicked
"Shit wheres Ciri?"
"well when you came charging in down stairs i told her to go find Jaskier and stay there until one of us came to get her" Yennefer said with a sly grin he shook his head and scooped her up kissing her passionately. As he took a few steps to the now vacant bath
"well the bath is still warm care to join me?"
"with pleasure lets try not to wake her tho"
See you soon xxx
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Zero O'Clock - BirdCop Celebration + GIF Challenge (MLQC AU)
I just wanna join. I actually want to post this fic at ARMY day (9th of July), but here it is anyway!
Pairing : Leah Hong (MC) x Gavin Bai
Warning : triggering events (containing insecurity and anxiety)
Disclaimer : Leah is MC in this AU. In this AU, there is no Evol.
Genre : fluff
Words : 1,542
NB : this fic is also inspired from this song
“Leah, you should go home now. You just left the hospital yesterday, your body still needs time to be fully recovered,” Anna slowly shaked my body, waking me up.
Leah corrected her posture, “yeah, I know I should. But I don’t want to become a burden for all of you, and especially that’s because I’m in charge of this company now. I just feel like I’m the one that should be my fellow workers’ strength, and I failed you all, even my father…” unbeknownst to her, her eyes felt hot. Leah wanted to continue but her brain couldn’t process her emotions right now.
“No, you’re not. And believe me, we all have made mistakes when that talk show was supposed to be aired live. But still, we managed to do it well at last thanks to the content and technical errors,” Willow tried to assure her. Three days ago, Leah had a chance to interview Mrs. Peng, the owner of a well-known bak kut teh* shop named Seventh Heaven. The topic was about business’ survival strategies for small and medium enterprises amidst the economic crisis. Suddenly, her stomach felt painful and she couldn’t suppress it despite all her efforts, until she fainted. The first thing she thought when she gained my consciousness was, she was such an unprofessional disgrace for this show.
“I want to see the editing process for a while,” Leah replied, still refusing to do nothing.
“Boss, we can also lend you a shoulder. I’ll send it straight to you when it’s finished. Okay?” Kiki patted her shoulder.
Before Leah nodded in defeat, Minor continued, “Boss, I’m sorry for the shift of topic, but Gavin said to me that he will come to your house around 10 pm.”
She yawned, “why didn’t he tell me directly?”
Minor rolled his eyes, but suddenly he had a flustered look on his face, “eh, sorry, he already contacted you several times, but no answer from you.”
Leah checked my phone, it had no power. “Oh God, why am I so stupid? Gavin is definitely angry with me now,” she said resenting herself. The fact that she had done this earlier consumed all her sanity. She immediately turned on her phone, and her eyes almost popped out from their sockets seeing the amount of missed calls. The fact that this day was July 28th made her more shocked. “Okay, I gotta go now,” she said after her friends kept telling me the editing was almost finished.
Leah went to Seventh Heaven. Amidst the crowd, she could still hear the voice she knew really well greeted her first, “Leah, are you feeling better?”
“Mrs. Peng!” Leah slightly raised her voice and fastened her pace towards the middle-aged woman. “Yeah, I’m healthy now! I’m… I’m sorry…” suddenly the scene flashed her mind, her body felt heavy.
“You don’t need to. Let’s go inside,” Mrs. Peng replied, dragging her into the shop.
“I think the technical errors are made up…” Leah couldn’t help but loathed everything around her.
Mrs. Peng patted her, “we can’t prevent unexpected things from happening. Instead, the only thing we could do is to find ways so it would be meaningful.”
While Leah was digesting her words, Gavin’s smile entered her thought and erased her anxiety, “I want to buy two portions of pork tenderloin soup, one portion of fish soup, and one braised pork belly. All takeaways, please.”
“For who?” Mrs. Peng giggled. “Let me guess, your policeman friend…”
Leah blushed and tried to hide her embarrassment with all her might, “uh, Gavin, tomorrow is his birthday.”
Not long after, a waitress handed her orders. Leah waved goodbye at Mrs. Peng. Her home was quite far from her company and the shop, so she had to take a bus ride. She was listening to her favourite song, not realizing that she dozed off.
You know those days
Those days where you're sad for no reason
And it looks like everyone else except you is busy and fierce
Those days where your body is heavy
My feet won't set off, though it seems like I'm already too late
I'm hateful of the whole world
Yeah, here and there are click-clacking speed bumps
My heart grows crumpled and my words lessen
Why the hell? I ran so hard
Oh why to me
A bell sound gave her consciousness back. Finance Street Halt, Leah could read the sign clearly and hear the sound of the broadcaster telling the passengers to pay when they intended to leave the bus repeatedly. She hurriedly ran to my home, opened her phone. She just realized that she hadn’t replied to Gavin's messages. Without a second thought, she spammed him her apology. Not seeing any signs of his reply, she attempted to sleep because she was really beaten up. The only thing that kept her awake was the clock, reminding her of her faults and it was already 10.30 pm. She continued listening to the song, so she could relieve her stomach pain and irregular, fast-paced heartbeat.
Come home and lie in bed
Dizzy night, looking at the clock
Thinking if it was my fault?
Soon it will be midnight
When her mind was about to drift off, the bell rang. “Coming,” Leah said, running to the door. The first thing she saw after opening the door made her heart want to leap, but getting crumpled instead. Gavin was in his casual clothes, but with a solemn look on his face. “Gavin, you’re late. Come in,” she said, inviting him to enter her home. He only followed her without uttering any single word.
After both of them sat, he started speaking, “I’m sorry for not telling you, I just finished my work. Leah, have you eaten?”
Leah shook her head, “actually, I bought food from Seventh Heaven. Mrs. Peng is really generous despite all my mistakes.”
Seeing her held back her tears, Gavin approached her, then she felt a pair of warm arms encircled her. “You have done your best, Leah.”
“I’m just a nuisance,” she said coldly. “And yeah, the audience wasn’t really impressed because the airing time was rescheduled. That makes me think that I should get lost forever. And I even forget to return your calls...”
A pair of amber eyes pierced through her soul’s window, his hand patted her head gently, “I’m hateful of the world too. But, about the last thing, that makes me dead worried. Have I done something wrong? Because all I got is my own echo.”
Somehow, she finally managed to let out a laugh, “Minor told me that too. No, actually I’m just dumb. I forgot to charge my phone.”
Gavin sighed, a small but sincere smile curved from his mouth. “I’m here to accompany you tonight.”
Thanks to him, Leah felt much better. “Let’s eat now. I’ve been waiting for you so we can start making our tummy happy!” She was beyond glad because he loved the bak kut teh.
After the dinner was finished, she held his hand while guiding him to her bedroom. Gavin always gave her warmth despite his cold exterior. “Listen to this song with me, it really helps me cope with the present situation.”
Gavin was confused when he put one side of my earphones, “what song?” 
God, how Leah wished she could cuddle him. She showed him the English translation in order to make him understand the meaning better. He was a bit sulky that she liked the boy group that sang it a bit too much, but he tried hard to hide it by cuddling her tight.
It won't be something like that
Will something be different?
But this day will be over
When the minute and second hands overlap
The world holds its breath for a little while
Zero o’clock
Her reminder popped up. It was already July 29th, zero o’clock. They kept listening to the song.
(Ooh-ooh) And you're gonna be happy
(Ooh-ooh) And you're gonna be happy
Like that snow that just settled down
Let's breathe, like the first time
(Ooh-ooh) And you're gonna be happy
(Ooh-ooh) And you're gonna be happy
Turn this all around
When everything is new, zero o'clock
Leah paused the song, pulled herself from his cuddle, “happy birthday, Potato. I hope at this new year of your life, you’ll be happier and healthier.”
Gavin cuddled her again, “thank you so much, my Pumpkin. My wish is the same for you. I hope I’ll be the one who makes you get the happiness you deserve.”
She blushed, how could he be so smooth at times. He laughed at my reddened face. “Why are you laughing? Let us pray,” she said to divert her embarrassment.
They were holding hands, silently pouring all their wishes.
Put my hands together to pray
It'll be better, for me
Hoping that tomorrow I'll laugh more, for me
When this song ends
May a new song begin
Hoping that I'll be a little happier, yeah
Gavin caressed her hair after he saw her yawned. “Sleepy?”
“Yeah, finally. But I’m joyful because it’s the tranquility that makes me sleepy, not the usual tiredness,” Leah snuggled closer to him.
“Sweet dreams for us, then,” he closed his eyes, hugging her in their sleep.
*bak kut teh : a pork ribs / meat soup dish with salted vegetables (this is how it looks like)
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This is the GIF :))
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dalamjisung · 5 years
lost in translation ❁ lee minho
word count: 3318
genre: fluff, angst
pairing: reader x lee minho
description: speaking another language has its perks. But what happens when the one you’re talking about can understand almost everything you’re saying?
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“Did you hear about the new international student?” 
“There’s a new one? Where from?”
“I don’t know, man, but I heard she’s hot.”
“Really? I think she looks weird…”
“You’re just jealous.”
“Shut up, you!”
“It’s true thou-“
You sighed as you listened to the discussion behind you. Foolish of you to think that this wouldn’t happen in college. High school had been hard enough, but now you had to put up with this all over again. 
Look at her hair, is so… different. 
What is that accent I hear?
I’m sorry, can you repeat that? I couldn’t understand you…
Your name is so weird.
You shake your head and take a deep breath. You chose to be here. You chose Seoul National University. You chose to move to this new country. Now you handle it. You got this, Y/N, you think to yourself and straighten your back. Students were overflowing the lecture hall as you waited for you professor. He was well known around the department and you were lucky to have gotten a seat in his class.
You pull your worn out notebook from your backpack and opened it on a blank page. I need to buy a new one, you thought, going through your old notes from other classes. This one is almost done. 
“Wah,” Someone gasps near you. “Your notebook is so full!”
“Uh…” You didn’t really know how to answer that. 
“I never take notes,” The boy smiles and shrugs. “So I’m impressed. Really.”
“Oh, okay.” 
You smile politely and go back to looking through your notes. They remind you of the places you’ve been before; the countries you moved to, and the languages you heard. The cultures you’ve adapted to were the most impressive thing you’ve seen in your life, and that was partially why you ended up in Seoul– not only was this university one of the best in the world, but also the culture shock you were about to have would give you so much to study and learn. It would be great… as soon as you managed to mute those people around you. 
“Oh,” A hand– the boy’s– snatches your notebook away from you. “You’ve had this class before?”
“No,” You blush, turning to look at him. “I’ve had classes that add to this one, but not this one exactly…”
“Ah, so this must be your major!” 
This boy is so enthusiastic about everything that you can’t help but stop sulking. You nod and ask his. Dance. You’ve never met someone who was majoring in Dance, and you start asking questions. What are the classes like? Do you have a specific style of dance? Or is a genre? Do you showcase? He laughs and answers them patiently, smiling with fond memories and puffing his chest out when you compliment him on the video he showed you. 
“I’m Minho, by the way,” He says, quieting down when the professor walks in. 
“Y/N,” You whisper. “Nice to meet you, Minho.”
The class goes by smoothly and you take notes, fervently writing as if your life depended on it, while Minho only nodded and hummed as the professor explained theories and gave practical examples. His arms were crossed over his chest, and you couldn’t help but chastise yourself for focusing on that instead of listening to the professor, but you couldn’t help yourself when he just looked that good– you were young and single, after all. His hair fell a little over his eyes and his small smile was just… inviting. You felt invited, as if he had opened his arms and asked you the story of your life. Stop it, Y/N, you scold yourself yet again. You just met him, for christ’s sake! It wasn’t your fault, really. Anyone that met Lee Minho had the same reaction; there was just something about that boy that seemed warm, and cozy, and weirdly familiar. And it was just that, the sense of familiarity, that got you. You hadn’t felt like that in years, and to finally have it again– sitting right next to you, on top of that– was inexplicable. 
Once the professor leaves, you start to gather your stuff. By then, you couldn’t help but want to spend more time with this strange boy you met. He looks at you and nods with his head to the door, signaling you to follow him outside. Once you two step outside, he starts giggling. 
“Saw something you liked?” He asks, with a teasing smirk and a soft elbow to your ribs. 
“W-what?!” You gasp in surprise, not really expecting that. To be fair, you were pretty sure no one expects that. Ever. 
“I saw you looking at me during the lecture,” He giggles again and you can’t help but smile. “But don’t worry. I saw something I like, too.” 
You blush. And laugh. And find yourself in a mixture of feelings that leave you overwhelmed. How on Earth could this boy make you feel so comfortable even when hitting on you? You two keep walking until you reach the cafeteria, where you decide to grab a bite before your next class. Minho had dance practice in two hours, so you two had some time to kill. 
“Where are you from?” He asks once you start talking about your friends back home. 
“I’m fro-“
“Hey, is that the nee international student?”
You freeze. Swallowing dry, you take a deep breath. 
“Yeah, dude,” Another voice comments. “She doesn’t look like-“
You mute them there and then. You’ve heard those words before. 
She doesn’t look likes she’s from there, though. 
You smile politely at Minho, who was still talking about his new choreography. He smiles back and enthusiastically motions as he goes, voice getting louder and firmer. At that point, you had no other choice other than listening to Minho. Focusing on Minho. Smiling at Minho. 
“Do we have more classes together?” He asks once you leave the cafeteria, walking to your seminar class. 
“I don’t think so,” You shrug. “But we have that lecture twice a week, so you won’t miss me too much.”
It’s a joke and he knows, but Minho can’t help but scoff and grab your phone from you hand. He types in what you assume is his number and texts himself. 
“Now I won’t miss you at all,” With a wink, he leaves. 
Rolling your eyes, you go back to your routine. However, you couldn’t help but notice that when you were with Minho, no one bothered you. 
The next day was hard. Five people approached you spitting out stereotypical nonsense. Other two students judged you because of your hair, and one even stopped you mid argument to say that they couldn’t understand you because of your accent. That shut you up for the rest of the class. For the entirety of the day, the floor was the only thing you looked at. And it wasn’t even a pretty floor, at that. 
As you walked back to your dorm, you talked to your mom on the phone. Because you knew no one would understand you, you spoke freely about people and your feelings. 
“I don’t know if I can do this, mom,” You said, ignoring the curious glances people sent you as they heard a strange language. “They are such assholes! Every time, I swear I feel like an animal in a zoo! They touch me as if I have a strange virus or somet-“
“Honey, calm down,” You mother chuckles. “You always say that. Every time. You know you can do this. You are stronger than them, sweetie.”
“I know,” You sigh and pouted. “I still miss home, though.”
“I know you do, Y/N,” Your mom coos. “And we miss you too, endlessly. But this is for your future, baby. Keep that in mind.”
“Yeah…” Your eyes wonder as you pondered on what she said, and you see Minho. He’s talking with someone and you hear his laugh. “Not everyone is bad, right?”
“Right,” Your mom repeats. “Did you meet anyone nice yet?”
“Yeah,” You smile. They are not that far away from you, but you know he can’t understand you, so you are not really worried about it. “He’s really nice. There’s something about him that I just… adore. I met him yesterday, and it feels as if we’ve been friends for years, mom. It’s so weird.”
“It’s a he?!” She shouts, laughing loudly. “Love at first sight? Really?”
“No,” You whine and stomp your feet a little. “Not love at first sight, mother. He’s just… familiar.”
“You can’t fool me,” Your mom says. “But I’ll let it slide. I have to go, now, sweetie, but we’ll talk tomorrow. I love you.”
“Okay,” You smile. “Love you too, mom.”
And with that she was gone. You always had a nostalgic feeling when talking to your family on the phone, and it took a while to fade away. 
“Why so sad?” 
You turn around to see Minho walking towards you. 
“Ah,” You blush a little. “I was just talking to my mom. I miss her.”
“That much I understood,” He chuckles. “And some other things too…”
Your head snapped to look at him. He had this mischievous look in his eyes, as if he had caught you in the act… which, if he wasn’t lying, he did. 
“What?!” You shriek. “You understood me?”
“Just a little,” He shrugs, looking too smug for your taste. “I took classes in high school, and I’m glad that they finally served for something.”
“Oh my god,” You whisper, hiding your face in your hands. “You have got to be kidding me…”
“Hey, relax, I didn’t get everything,” He laughs. “You spoke too fast, and I was never that good as a student.”
“Still! This is so embarrassing, Minho!”
“Why would it be embarrassing?” He asks. “Unless… you were talking about me?”
“What? No!” You lie, shaking your head desperately.
“I figured,” He said with a small smile. “But I want to know who’s the asshole, then.”
It was then that it clicked. He wasn’t talking about the last part of the conversation, but the first. You thanked everything that was sacred in the world and looked at him. His brows were down in a frown, and his mouth, for once, was in a straight line. 
“I didn’t understand much, but I got that, at least,” He mumbles. “And I want to know who’s been bothering you.”
“Ah, that,” You laugh humorlessly, looking at the floor once again. “It doesn’t matter. It’s normal; I get it. I’m new, fresh meat or whatever. It’ll die down soon, so don’t worry.”
“I’m already worried,” He sighs and looks around. His friend is on his phone, waiting for Minho. “My friend and I are going to the diner nearby, wanna come with? Food always helps me when I’m down…”
“Sure,” You say after a pause. “Why not?”
He was right. The food in that diner was divine, and you were also really happy about meeting his friend, Chan. He was born in Australia, although he moved to Korea when he was younger. It felt good knowing that someone could relate to your problems– or a few of them. After Chan shared his story, you couldn’t help but share yours. To say Minho was angry was a lie; he was livid. He wanted names and faces, he wanted to talk to those people himself. He hated how people were such idiots towards the different. 
“Different is not wrong,” He spit out, anger seeping through his voice. “It’s just new. People are stupid Y/N, don’t hang out with them. Just hang with us, instead.”
“Okay, Minho,” You say sarcastically. “I’ll be by your side 24/7.”
“Good,” He said seriously and you look at Chan, who only shrugs in response. 
After that day, you and Minho got incredibly closer, incredibly fast. It had only been a couple of months since you two met and you’d be together almost every day. Girls didn’t even hit on him anymore, sure that you two were dating. A few guys still made comments about you, but Minho was quick to shut them down. Now, you were way more careful when talking about him on the phone with your mom or your friends back home, using slangs and nicknames so that he wouldn’t understand a single thing. You could see him trying to translate what you were saying, but being unable to do so– his forehead would crease and he would close his eyes, focusing on your voice. Lately, you noticed that his knowledge of your language had improved a lot, and at the same time that you adored the fact that he seemed to be actually trying to learn, you were a little scared that one of these days he’d fully understand you. 
“Yah,” He shouted as you walked out of your class, jogging to you while evading the other students. “Lunch?”
“You read my mind,” You groaned, throwing your head back and closing your eyes. “I’m exhausted.”
“Don’t do that,” He mumbled with a frown and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the busy hallway. “It’s… suggestive.”
You don’t respond, squinting your eyes at him. His face and ears were red, and you smile. Did you, by any chance, make him blush? Could it be that… he liked you? You smile, just thinking about it, and that’s when Chan approaches. 
“Thinking about Minho?” He whispers in your ear when Minho isn’t looking, and now it was your turn to blush. Chan was the only one that had you figured out, and you made him promise that he wouldn’t dare tell his friend. 
“Stop that,” Minho whined, pushing Chan away from you. “She’s uncomfortable.”
Chan only winked at you, getting punch in the shoulder from Minho. This had been going on for about a month and you didn’t know what to do. As soon as you realized you had feelings for Minho, so did Chan, and now he teased you every time he saw you two hanging out.
Apart from Chan making his usual comments, the day went by smoothly, and now you were back in Minho’s dorm, trying to ignore Seungmin’s loud TV show, and Hyunjin’s laughter from probably another stupid YouTube video. Chan was still in class and would be home soon to tease you two a little more. You were reading a book while Minho worked a problem set for one of his mandatory classes, when your best friend from home called. She’s been keeping tabs on you and demanding a daily update of your relationship with Minho. You pick up, automatically letting her know that you were in his room with him.
“Are you guys-“
“No!” You interrupt her, apologizing to Minho after realizing you were a bit loud. “No, we’re just doing homework.”
“Are you sure?” She teases and giggles. “I can’t wait for the day that you’ll call me saying you two are dating…”
“I don’t think he likes me like that,” You sigh, looking at the back of his head. “We spend a lot of time together, but he never hinted at anything, he only teases me sometimes.” “Well, that must mean something, right?” She tries to cheer you up, but there’s no use. 
“He’s pretty popular with the girls,” You grumble, frowning at the thought of him with someone else. “And I hate it.”
“That means he’s handsome,” Your friend says. “So don’t give up yet.”
“Sure,” You laugh and change the subject. You two talk for a while more and then you hung up, afraid you won’t be able to finish the book in time if you keep talking. 
The silence, for some reason, is now uncomfortable. You look at your friend, and you notice he’s not doing his homework anymore.
“Hey, are you do-“
“You are great, you know that?” He says, loudly enough to startle you. He turns on his chair to look at you and he looks angry. “You are so fucking great, and I don’t think you know. Because he doesn’t know.”
“What are you talking about?” You frown in confusion.
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N,” Minho sighs in exasperation. “You’ve been talking about him with your friend for a month now, and every time is the same. “He doesn’t like me,” or “I don’t think he sees me like that,” and I’m so done with this! Maybe he does! Maybe he will! But don’t put yourself down like that, because you are so fucking amazing and I hate it when you do that.”
You stay quiet, and all you can hear is Minho’s harsh breathing and then, the door slamming. Something happens, when that door slams, and you see a weird glint in your friend’s eyes;.
“Actually,” He takes a deep breath. “We’ll find out now.”
And he was already out the door, only to come back seconds later with Chan in tow. 
“Minho, what the-“
“She is incredible, alright?” Minho shouts, frowning at his friend. Chan looks at you in confusion and sits next to you in the bed. “Honestly, she’s a little too incredible, and maybe even too good for anyone, but what you’re doing is ridiculous, Bang Chan!”
You two just stared at him.
“And what exactly am I doing?” Chan mumbles, scared of his friend’s reaction. 
“Don’t play dumb!” Minho laughs and points at you. “Y/N, I honestly believe you’re too good for him, but if you like him, that he has to know. He has to cherish you!”
“What?” You and Chan scream in unison. You two look at each other and then are quick to get up from the bed, putting some distance in between you. 
“I don’t like him!” You exclaim. 
“You don’t have to lie anymore,” Minho spits. “I understand you on the phone, okay? I know you’re always talking about him. It’s okay-“
“You are so, so, so stupid.” Chan mumbles to Minho and leaves the room with a pat on your back. It was time to confess and you knew it. When the door shuts behind you, you look to the floor, take a deep breath, and walk closer to Minho.
“I don’t like him, Minho,” You say again, as forceful as possible. “And even if I did, after what you just did I don’t think I’d be able to look him in the face…”
“Then who?” Minho rolls his eyes. “You’ve been avoiding every time I ask you, and you keep talking about a guy that teases you, is always with you, who else other than Chan? He’s always with us!”
“You’re right,” You smile. “He’s always with us…”
It takes him a minute, but he seems to grasp it.
“Wait,” He mumbles, looking at you with doe eyes. “What?”
“You tease me all the time,” You shrug. “And I might be always with Chan, but that’s only because I’m always with you. It’s you, really… It’s always been you, Minho.”
“You,” You chuckle. “Sorry if this makes things awkward, but I didn’t tell you sooner because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship and all of that. I hope we’re still okay now tha-“
“How can we still be friends after this?” He says, looking at the floor.
You stand there for a minute before sighing. “You’re right… I’m so-“
“We’re obviously dating now.” 
“-ry?” You are extremely confused.
“I’ve been crushing on you since I met you,” He giggles walking to you, pulling you into his embrace. “And from what I could translate, you were always talking about this guy, so I never asked you out. Sorry.”
“Forgiven.” You mumble, smiling against his shirt.
“Wow, that easy?” He jokes, looking at you. And he kisses you, as if you two did it before time and time again. And it felt like it always does with Minho. 
i am back! hi! hello! how’ve you been?? I hope you enjoy this! I didn’t think it was one of my best works, but I like it nonetheless... let me know what you think <3
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neokad · 4 years
Lost Sphear review! - I Am Setsuna: the sequel!
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I am finally back from being... honestly much lazier than I should have :P In my defense! The reason why I haven’t started writing this article just yet is because I became addicted to the game I’ll be reviewing next~ But to be honest with you all - and I’ll jump the gun a bit as well - this game... well, it’s honestly a bit hard to write about it for me ;-; I might as well get the basics out of the way though: Lost Sphear is a JRPG by Tokyo RPG Factory, which you may know for being the devs of I Am Setsuna a few years ago! Sadly, both games have gathered a pretty mixed reception from both critics and players. I personally adored I Am Setsuna despite some of its issues, due to how unique it was in many aspects, so naturally I was really hoping Lost Sphear would be a magical experience that would polish some of the flaws of IaS
And... I think they did too good of a job at that.
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First off, for those who did not play IaS, let me tell you first that you absolutely should, especially since it’s decently short, at around 20 hours! But if you did not and don’t plan to, there is no story connection between two of those games - although some enemies and assets are reused in LS, and the battle system s largely the same. In fact, let’s start with that! I am very relieved to say that combat in LS is possibly even more fun than ever! It still uses the same base as in IaS, as you still have a normal attack command, as well as skills that can be physical or magical special attacks, as well as special buff and debuff skills. Y’know, typical RPG stuff. However, just like in IaS, this otherwise very simple combat is complemented by the absolutely lovely Momentum mode, which is a bar separate of your normal Active Time Battle bar. It fills up whenever you complete an action OR wait before you choose a command. If it fills completely, you can store a special orb tied to that character (up to three, in fact), which you can then activate along with an attack/skill for extra damage or effects if you can time it right! This mechanic is in short, AMAZING. It makes you think about when to use that extra boost, when to attack enemies or use skills, and the fact that you need to time it makes battles very engaging!  But keep in mind, all of this was also present in Setsuna, so how did they make it better here? Well, Lost Sphear actually allows you to move your characters around the map when battling! This allows you to place them to avoid attacks, as well as hit enemies as efficiently as possible! LS also introduces Momentum Boosting, which allows you to customize whatever skill you chose to put on your party member with special effects, like healing or elemental damage! Those two changes, while it makes experimentation and battling even more satisfying, does make regular battles even easier than in IaS - though you CAN make the game harder in the settings at any time if you find regular battles to not be exciting enough! That, and the bosses are usually decently strong anyway :P
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Another notable feature are the Vulcosuits! These are a new combat feautre you obtain relatively early in the game. While using them spends some pretty limited VulcoPoints, it does boosts your stats, and most importantly allows you to perform special attacks either alone or with a party member (and you can have up to four of them in a battle instead of three now!) This is a pretty cool system, and I’m glad that they incited you to not overuse it by limiting the VPs you can get. But sadly it also makes so that you cannot do combo skills with a partner like in IaS, which I always thought made battles more fun and strategic too ;-; If I’ll fault LS’s gameplay somewhere else, it’s how it had a tendency to spare you of checkpoints sometimes. It’s not a very constant issue, but I sometimes had to fight a boss after not having a save point given to me for minutes - and it made me lose 40 minutes of progress once, so that was fun :/ But besides this and a couple of annoying bosses, I can say that the gameplay in LS is overall better than its prequel!
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Sadly, gameplay isn’t what’s the meat and potatoes of any JRPG, so what kind of setting are we dealing with this time? Well, this is where I think Lost Sphear starts to fall flat. After a mysterious flashback sequence, we start off in the small village of Elgarthe, where we meet with Kanata, Lumina and Locke (no, not the treasure hunter). As we do, a strange phenomenon starts to occur, where we see the entire town being enveloped in snow-like mist, which translate to the town being “lost”. Curious to see why this even happened at all, our main trio, which is quickly joined by the strange, emo Van, set out in an adventure to not only find out more by visiting the capital of this game’s empire, but also to restore whatever lost things they come across. Why? Because Kanata - for reasons I will not go into - has the ability to make things return to how they are if he has enough connection/memories tied to them! (As a side note, you can even gain some stat bonuses/effects of your choice by restoring specific points on the map This setup is decently interesting, but to me? I feel like it’s not enough to really keep me engaged ;-; It’s certainly not bad, of course not, but I found it a bit boring and cliché at times to be honest. Without going into specifics for spoiler reasons, it’s a lot of “the empire is bad” and “we can save the world” and “we’re the good guys”, which while not horrible plot devices, aren’t very engaging either.And that same point extends to the characters as well ;-; I do think some of them are quite good, but even then I did not really fall in love with anyone, like I usually do in most RPGs I play, which... well, sucks. There is a few characters with neat backstories and events happening to them (such as Van, Galdra and Lumina) but overall even these three just didn’t have enough to them for me to become attached ;-;
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And welp... this goes true for the music and art of LS, too. Now, I wanna say that the soundtrack to Lost Sphear was actually pretty good overall! Just like in IaS, the village themes are beautifully peaceful and relaxing, and the battle theme has a nice ring to it as well, to give just a few examples. And this time, the composer actually learned the existence of instruments other than the piano! However, I do think that the minimalistic soundtrack for IaS was a lot more memorable overall - not just for how much it stood out for that reason, but also because I think the compositions themselves were just a bit more memorable ^^ But I get that most people prefer variety, and music taste is pretty suggestive anyway :P And I also get that a more standard soundtrack - which is still good, mind you! - would fit better in a less unique world - and speaking of...
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The world of LS is a lot more typical of what you would find in a RPG - you’ve got your remote villages, your massive empire city, your port areas, and so on, all presented in a grassy setting. I know this is a very strange statement to point out, but despite Lost Sphear having some very pretty shots from time to time, I really feel like it matters when you compare it to its ancestor. One of the things I loved about IaS was its snowy, setting, which blended perfectly with the minimalist piano soundtrack to create a breathtaking atmopshere. And while what’s there still works - and is much more varied for sure - I feel like a lot of the soul was lost in the atmopshere given to the player. And honestly? I think this sums up the game very well.
Lost Sphear is a good game. But that’s exactly why it was so disappointing to me. It’s just “good” and ultimately forgettable. IaS, while not perfect, blew me away with its charming cast, beautiful music, breathtaking setting, unique story and fun battle system. And while that last part is still there and mostly improved, this game, by being so much more by the books, is not nearly as interesting ;-; The story is fine, but I do feel like I’ve heard most of it before. The characters are okay, but they just don’t do enough to be nearly as likeable as I want them to be. The graphics and audio are both solid too, but again it’s just not the same. Don’t get me wrong, Lost Sphear is a solid time. But as far as RPGs go, I feel like the player should be impressed, and LS... just doesn’t do it. I definitively recommend going through I am Setsuna first <3
Rating: 7.2/10
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taylart-x · 4 years
Lonely in a Crowd- Chapter 10
The final part!
Ao3 here for the whole story!
Once the rest of the family had woken and said hi to Virgil, he had drifted off to sleep once again. This pattern continued for a few days, but he managed to put on some weight as he was fed through the nasogastric tube. Eventually, he was released to go home.
Dad packed up the few belongings he had brought along and managed to get Virgil into some real clothes instead of the hospital scrubs he had been living in for weeks. He had started on a solid diet a few days ago, and after one vomit his stomach settled and he began eating again. His family and nurses had been watching him like hawks; making sure he was eating at the scheduled times, making sure he was drinking more than enough water, and generally just caring for him.
But no one stuck to his side more than Scott.
The older boy had taken on every responsibility he could; he was intent on making sure that Virgil had everything and anything he may possibly need. It was quite helpful when in hospital and everything was that slight bit out of reach, but at home…
It became downright annoying.
Once they had all returned home, Virgil had melted onto the couch in the living room, free from a bed for more than an hour or two for the first time in weeks. He threw an arm over his eyes and just breathed in the smells of home. It was so much nicer- even if the house was a bit musty- than the sterile hospital smell that you just never got used to.
Gordon bounded in after him and landed on top of Virgil, forcing all the air out of the boy’s lungs. “Gordon! Leave your brother alone!” Grandma called as she entered the house, carrying a squirming Alan. She set the youngest down as soon as she was in the door, allowing the blond to crawl over.
Gordon rolled off of Virgil and landed on the ground next to Alan, then, expertly reached under the couch and pulled out the box of building blocks they kept there. They instantly started crafting whatever imaginary land they had in their heads, easily attracting each other’s attention.
Grandma easily weaved through the chaos the young boys had already made and sat down next to Virgil on the couch, and gently placed a hand on his forehead. “Grandma…” he groaned, rolling his eyes beneath their lids.
“When was the last time you had something to drink young man?” she asked firmly, yet her voice stayed gentle and caring, soft in a way only a grandma can be.
“Like, half an hour ago,” he mumbled, wincing in preparation for a reprimand.
“Virgil, you know better than that,” she scolded, albeit gentle. “Your body is still trying to recover, you need to be drinking as much water as you can.”
He made to get up to go get a glass, but a bottle was held out to him. The chocolate brown eyes travelled up the attached arm and found crystal blue at the end. “Thought you might need this,” Scott offered, clearly having heard what Grandma had said.
“Thanks,” Virgil grumbled before popping the cap open and taking a sip before he closed his eyes again. He was really tired, okay? He needed a break from people for a bit; recharge his batteries.
“Don’t mention it,” the eldest replied. “Make sure you have something to eat within the next fifteen minutes or I will hunt you down and give you one of the health shakes the hospital recommended.”
Virgil almost gagged at the thought of it. That green sludge had to be one of the worst things he had tasted, including Grandma’s cooking!
“Alright, Scotty, I’ll get something to eat.” He pushed himself upright, and tried to ignore the two pairs of hands that instantly shot out to steady him. “I’m fine.”
He walked into the kitchen and took a muesli bar from the cupboard and a banana from the fruit bowl sitting on the kitchen bench before making his way to his room. He could feel Scott’s eyes and Grandma’s following him up the stairs. Yes, Virgil knows he snapped at them, and it was probably uncalled for, but he was sick of the hovering. He got it; he fucked up. He worried everyone unnecessarily, he won’t do it again. He knows they resent him for it already.. He knows that everyone is angry with him for having to be in hospital for weeks.
Yet he still wished that they could forgive him.
He didn’t want his family against him. Already his mum was gone, the only person that, for the most part, understood his love for the artistic world. Only she knew how the notes of the piano saturated his world with calm and colour, and how his paintings were composed as songs and how the very essence of nature and the world seemed to speak to him, whisper its secrets in his ear so that only he could translate them to sound or image.
But she was gone.
And now no one understood.
Scott watched his next youngest brother leave the room. God, his gut churned with worry and fear. They had to make sure this time that he didn’t lock himself away. Scott had already set alarms on his phone for every hour, but he was sure his own worry would chew on him until he checked on his little brother. It was certainly going to keep him awake tonight.
Grandma sighed before rising to her feet and moving to her own room. She grabbed her overnight bag from where Scott had managed to drag it in and took it with her, obviously intending to unpack. Scott also stood, and after checking the youngest two were definitely distracted by their blocks. He went back outside and noticed that Dad was still sitting in the car, hands white knuckled on the steering wheel. The ladder on the side of the house had also been pulled down, meaning he would have to go up later and check on John. For now, he was content to leave the middle child to himself.
Scott moved over to the car and opened the front passenger door, slipping into the seat before his father could protest. “Virgil’s snappy,” he started and Jeff sighed.
“I figured he would be. You know how he gets after not having an outlet for a while. We’ve been stuck in that hospital for weeks. Just let him rest for a bit.”
“And how are you holding up?”
The older man let out a sad chuckle and turned his own sapphire eyes onto his son. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”
“Maybe. But I asked you first, so you gotta answer.”
“I’m fine Scotty. I just hate seeing him like that. He still looks so thin, and we need to make sure he doesn’t fall to anorexia or anything like that. We have to be vigilant with his diet. But he shouldn’t have had to go through any of that in the first place. He’s only a kid.”
“Yeah, but we’re all only kids. And we need our dad, because our mum is gone,” Scott breathed out. His eyes flickered down to his hands that were rubbing together nervously. “We need you here with us, Dad. And I don’t mean only physically. I mean here here. Helping Grandma and helping all of us.”
Scott looked up into his father’s eyes, his own tears mirroring his father’s. Jeff leaned forward and dragged the teen into his arms, allowing his eldest son to let out all the anxiety and fear that had built within all of them since that fateful night when they found Virgil. “I promise, Scotty. I promise I’ll be here. I promise I’ll be the dad you all need,” he whispered into the hair beneath his nose. He took a deep breath in, allowing the smell of his eldest son to comfort him. He still had all his boys. It was close, but he hadn’t let Lucy down. He still had all of them.
And still, his own tears fell into his son’s hair.
A knock on the door woke Virgil from his sleep. He looked up in time to see a bright orange head peek through. “Virgil?” the mild tempered boy asked, stepping into the darkened room.
“Hey John. Whatcha need?” Virgil whispered, sitting up properly to see his brother. He reached over and took a few gulps of water, knowing that if Grandma or Scott found out he hadn’t drank much he would be dead meat. Scott lay sound asleep across the room from him, obviously exhausted after his conversation with Dad.
“Vir-Virgil…” the young boy sobbed, stumbling over to the dark haired brother.
Virgil struggled to stay sitting up when John ran into his arms, but he quickly started to try and calm the younger boy, petting his hair and cooing in his hair. “It’s okay, you’re alright, it was just a bad dream.”
“Pl-pl-please don’t leave t-too,” John whimpered into Virgil’s shoulder.
It shocked Virgil to say the least. “I thought you all were angry with me?” he asked quietly, not wanting the confirmation but confused by the boy’s words.
“N-no!” he whisper yelled. Scott stirred in his sleep and Virgil made a shushing motion. “N-no one’s a-angry-y-y. We didn’t want y-you to f-f-fall asle-ee-ep to-o.”
And hearing that from his least social brother was probably the best thing in that moment for Virgil, because he finally realised.
His family weren’t angry. They didn’t resent him.
They had been worried.
And they didn’t want to watch him die too. To watch him slip away just like their mum.
He had been so wrong to think his family didn’t care, or only cared in a negative way. Sor wrong.
“Virgil, you-you know you can be sad t-too? About-about Mum?” John asked. “I-I didn’t see you cry, and-and I thought you might think that-that you have to b-be strong for us. But, y-you lost Mum too.”
And Virgil’s walls came crashing down.
He clutched the boy tighter to him and started sobbing in earnest, crying into John’s hair. The commotion must’ve woken Scott, because soon he was encasing the two brothers in his much bigger, longer arms. And before long, he too was crying with the other two.
They heard footsteps making their way up the stairs not too much later, and soon everyone was piling into Virgil’s room. This house was notoriously creaky, and all the movement must’ve woken up the downstairs inhabitants.
“I’m sorry Virgil,” was whispered in his ear from someone’s sleep-rough voice. There were other murmurs of agreement, before a chorus of “Love you”s started.
“It’s not your fault, Virge,” Scott whispered. “No one blames you for cracking under all this. We’re just sorry that we didn’t see you.”
Minutes passed before a quiet voice from a broken heart whispered back.
“I love you too.”
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drakewalkerfantasy · 5 years
The day its all began... [2/17]
Summary: Arriving to the crime scene, FBI agent Seeley Booth and his partner Temperance Brennan from Jeffersonian Institute, never could have imagined, what they would see. Does this really seems, that ghosts of the past have been returned to complete their work. Or is there more to this story than meets the eye? All agent Booth and Dr. Brennan has to go on is crucified body on the tree and a bunch of bones and flesh, and sign cut on the chest. Will they be able to identify and give the face to the victim. Or this victim will become another one from the myriad of faceless victims of crimes?
Pairings: Booth x Brennan
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, Multiple deaths (children), corps description. PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION
Words Count: 1599
Note: All rights reserved to Hart Hanson, Fox Television, Kathy Reichs and whoever else work on this brilliant TV series I just borrowing their characters and nothing else. Also Miles Straume I will borough from LOST creators, thought he is original character in this Universe with his own story line. This was my first series I wrote, also this was originally written in Russian and I’m translated it to English. I’m trying to do my best there, so hopefully you will like it. Please let me know.
Please let me know, if you want to be added or removed from tags list, no hard feeling, I understand that this may be not everyone peace of cake.
Taggs: @thesassysparkle @elles-choices @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @boneandfur @tmarie82 @walkerismychoice @darley1101
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Washington, DC
Rock Creek Park
11th June, 9am
Stopping on the side of the road in about 45 minutes, the partners get out of the car and moved inside the park. Turning to the left from the main trail they walked for a while through forest in the direction of the creek. It took them just ten minutes to come to the halt in front of FBI cordon’s tape. Noticing them, the man of about 40 years old with a confident look, but with sign of tiredness on his face, headed toward them.
- Hey, it took you long enough to get there, - stated the man, slightly lifting the FBI tape and letting Booth and Brennan pass to the crime scene.
- Miles... - spoke Booth shaking the man’s hand, - Brennan, this is agent Straume - my former partner. Miles, this is Temperance Brennan from Jeffersonian Institute, she is working with me as my partner. She and her team are helping in victim and cause of death identification.
- How and who found the body? - shaking man’s hand, Temperance immediately got down to business and headed to the crime scene.
- Some guy was walking with his dog and he noticed something on that hill over there, - Miles pointed in the distance, where already was crowded with FBI agents and onlookers outside the cordon, - Our guys arrived as soon as they could, after receiving the call. What we found... this became a test even for us.  Your assistant arrived a couple of minutes ago, he is waiting for your there, - spoke man, pointing once more in the same direction on the big pine tree in the middle of the hill, - poor guy went white as a sheet, when he seen this, - in quick strides they approached the place indicated by Straume, covering the distance in a minutes, they stopped to the halt at the food of the hill. But what they saw on top was too much even for a Brennan, who seen a lot of corpses even in worst condition before and during her work for FBI and Jeffersonian.
Judging by the bone and body structure, this was a child, crucified on the tree. Taking a deep breath, she climbed the hill coming closer to the crime scene and realising that this was not all. She could feel the nausea washed over her, when she have made her next observations:  “The skin on the face was torn off to the bones, fingers were missing on one hand, and some sign was cut on the chest. With a bottom half of the body, apparently, have worked some animals. Also scraps of meat and bones were scattered at a rather large distance.” The body was in such state that this was impossible to identify a victim. Brennan came closer to the tree, not even noticing that Booth state behind. Looking around, she found her assistant, who was pale and looked at one point.
- Zack, - she spoke, pulling the young guy from his benumb condition and giving him some instructions, - you will need to scour the area and collect the missing parts of the skeleton. Also you will need to take a pictures of the crime scene and... - before she could finish, a young girl approached them. She was in her late 20th, her golden hairs fell down from her slender shoulders and her big crystal blue eyes were focused on them. 
- Hello, my name is Claire Maggregon. I’m a professional photographer of The Washington Post, I spoke with this man over here, - girl pointed in Booth direction who spoke with some FBI agent, whose name Brennan couldn’t recall, on the foot of the hill, - and was told that this is okay to make a photos of a crime scene to raise an awareness among the residents. Also I couldn’t help, but overheard that you need someone to make photos of this... there, - her already big eyes got even bigger and her pale skin became even whiter, when she noticed a body crucified on the tree and parts of the flesh and bones around. She swallowed hard refocusing her gaze on Temperance and taking a deep breath she continued not letting Brennan to object, - I can help. I’m the best photographer you ever could find and I’m keen to the details. Whatever you need will be there.
- Good, - grudgingly agreed Brennan, - but you need to pay extreme attention to the details. I need pictures from all angles and nothing should be missing. 
- Of course. This is understandable. Moreover, I can show you pictures straight after I complete to make them and if something will be missing, you can tell me what else you need, -  said Claire friendly, with enthusiasm getting to work.
Having sighed heavily, and gaining more air into the lungs, Brennan put on gloves and proceeded with body primary examination before body would be taken to Jeffersonian Institution. Usually this part of her job was easily done and never caused any difficulties, but today... today this was much more difficult to perform. But she quickly brushed these thoughts aside and tried to concentre on the details even harder. Setting to work, she started to speak her observations on a tape recorder:  "This is a child. A boy, around 6-8 years old, an approximate height of 3 feet 12 inches, race is uncertain. Obviously played soccer." 
- What makes you think he played soccer? - asked Booth, who had climbed the hill at that time. Brennan continued body examination, meantime answering the question that seemed so obvious to her: 
- The anterior cruciate ligament is torn. It's most commonly torn during sports that involve sudden stops and changes in direction. Based on my knowledge I would say this is more likely is soccer than any other sport. This injuries mechanism often concludes in valgus curvature of the tibia and its pronation.
-Bones, please say it in normal language? - wearily asked Booth.
- Simply speaking, he had a knee injury with a pathological curvature of the lower leg to the outside, which can only be obtained by playing this sport, - said Temperance, as if explaining the obvious things to the child.
- She is smart, - smirked agent Straume who came up at this time, - and also good looking, - stated Miles, watching curiously at Hale, not noticing the disgruntled gaze of his former partner. 
- When he died? - asked Booth, ignoring his former partner and trying to hide his irritation.
 - It’s hard to say. I’ll need to examine the skeleton in the laboratory, - said Brennan a little bit guiltily, lifting her head and looking on Booth intently, - well, it will be necessary to remove the body from the tree. But this needs to be done very carefully, so bones wouldn’t be damaged. They are already too fragile.
- All right, I'll give you a rate, - Booth said with a salute.
- I don’t know what this means? - uttered Brennan frowning and straightening to her full height. Booth smiled slightly and throwing orders to the FBI agents headed to the car, showing agent Straume that he is driving with them. Striding slowly toward the car, Miles did not take his eyes off Temperance, who was walking in front of him. He slowed down waiting for Booth to reach him. For a second they walked in silence, while Miles looked at him with interest and, following his gaze, grinned.
- She doesn’t look bad, - stated Miles with a smirk, - single? 
- This is none of your business, - cut off Booth, barely restraining himself and his boiling anger.
- Don't worry my friend, I was just curious. Also... Booth, I’m not a fool. I noticed how you devour her with your eyes, and look at me like in the good old days, when I did something that went against your ethical considerations.
- Straume, shut up, - Booth growled through clenched teeth. And then taking a deep breath, he added guiltily, - I'm sorry. I just had a very bad morning... So sorry if your remark doesn’t humour me. This case... Shit, - swore the man under his breath and closed eyes for a moment before continuing, - This case and the last one we worked together are like two peas in a pod. Miles, I am so sorry. I just tried to forget everything what happened then. I tried not to think, tried to hide from my memory that this was my fault why Nick has died. I'm so sorry. And this case is so similar to the last one. It feels like the ghosts of the past have been returned to complete their work.
- I know. I myself would gladly forgot about those times. But apparently someone decided to remind us of them, - said Miles, who turned a little paler and patted Booth on the shoulder, - Seeley, you know, I have never blamed you for Nick’s death. This was my fault too.
- If I wouldn’t insist on location that we need to check first and on calling for backup, he would have been still alive, - said Booth.
Coming to the halt, they stood there for a bit, remembering the events they both wanted to forget. Both men not even noticing, that Brennan tactfully walked a couple of meters away and waited for them patiently, what was quite odd for her usual self.
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osmw1 · 5 years
Dimension Wave   Chapter 9—Glass Spirit
—Raphanea Plains
I may be two weeks late, but I finally stepped through the gates of Lurolona. A long snaking path leads into an open grassland. I am so late to the party. There’s not a single person around trying to level up here. In any case, I strap my strongest weapon—my Cetus Longsword—onto my back and head forwards. Before too long, a monster by the name of Common Wolf appears before me. I grip my longsword tightly, jump, and slash. With a delightful swish!, the Common Wolf was literally cut in twain. It disappears upon dying.
To be able to one hit kill the wolf must mean that my weapon is damn strong. Too strong, perhaps. I put away the longsword and opt for the Steel Chef’s Knife. It’s lighter than the longsword, making it comfortable and easy to use.
“There’s another one over there.”
The monsters in this area aren’t aggressive, which makes sense given how this is one of the first sections of the game.
I slash at the Common Wolf with my chef’s knife. As expected, I didn’t kill it in one shot, but I did take away three-quarters of its HP. However, my delight was short lived as the wolf takes the moment to bellow out a war cry before pouncing on me.
I’m definitely not used to combat yet, but it’s also my first time playing a VR game. Being pounced on by the puppy-sized wolf is just a little frightening.
I took 5 points of damage, which for me means 5 points of Energy. I can see how it’s tough trying to accumulate it. There’s a reason why they say Spirits are weak, Let’s try not take any more damage. I thrust my knife at the Common Wolf once again and it makes contact. The clean strike toppled the wolf over onto the ground.
“Whew… I’m so glad my weapons are strong.”
I don’t think it would’ve gone so well if I were using a novice weapon. Not to mention that my Energy level is pretty high. I’m sure that’s why I had such an easy time defeating the wolf.
“Now then… let’s try this out.”
Unlike the first one, defeating the second wolf left its corpse behind. I point my Steel Chef’s Knife at it. I have no qualms about gutting fish, but cutting up a dog is another story. Since the game is rated for E for Everyone, I received Coarse Pelt, Animal Bones, and Common Wolf Meat without having to see anything too graphic.
Looks like it works. As long as I carefully cut the animal, I’ll be able to get their items. It might be that no one knows about this because it’s exclusive to gutting weapons. But it wouldn’t be surprising even if everyone knows about it. Whatever. I can hunt monsters and raise my gutting skill at the same time.
  Since my weapons are pretty good, I had been trying to find a more suitable place to hunt. Upon going deeper into the fields, I encountered a girl fighting these small green men wielding spears… Assault Goblins, apparently.
I can tell that she’s taller than me even from far away. Well, it’s not exactly my fault that I’m a little loli. I doubt there are many people smaller than me. … anyway, back on track. She’s smaller than Kanata but looks more mature than Tsugumi; maybe a high schooler? Yeah, she’s about as tall as the girls in my class. I think I’m right. But that’s not to say it’s indicative of what the person in real life is like.
She’s dressed in an indigo kimono with a gold pattern. It’s a very elegant look.
Her weapon is a folding fan. According to Kanata who has tested out all weapon types, they’re all-arounders that can attack and defend. But instead of attacking with her fan, she has a flustered look on her face as the Assault Goblin closes in on her. The fan starts emitting a white light, but it doesn’t seem like some kind of offensive skill. Now I’m curious…
“Why aren’t you attacking?”
As the girl notices and calls out to me, the Assault Goblin takes the opportunity to stab her with its spear. She parries the attack with her folding fan in a gorgeous manner. That doesn’t look easy at all. At the very least, it would be hard for me to dodge a spear like that.
“Wild Dance, the First: Chain Strike…”
The girl mutters out the name of the skill before continuously smacking the goblin’s head with her fan. Eventually, the Assault Goblin keels over dead. She lets out a big sigh.
“You little... what if the goblin had struck me?!” “Sorry. Were you in a spot of trouble?” “Any other race would be fine, but I am… oh?” “What’s wrong?” “You are a Spirit as well? I must apologize.” “Huh.”
The young girl suddenly speaks to me in a much gentler, kinder tone.
“I am sure you understand already, but health and experience are directly connected to one another for us Spirits. Thus, I try to avoid receiving any damage when I fight.” “Oh, that’s what you’re talking about.”
Like when I was fighting the Killerwing, I was supposed to get 300 Energy. But since I took 550 points of damage, I ended up losing experience. There are definitely aspects about Energy where it’s inconvenient. And what about her? She’s equipped so nicely, so why is she fighting at a place like this?
“Do I catch your curiosity? I lost a bit of Energy the other day.”
She must’ve understood what I was thinking from me staring at her.
“Are you sure you should tell me that?” “It is nothing that should be hidden from others.” “Hmm…”
She was in a party with friends that she got close with on the first day. And with them a few days ago, she was tanking for her party. Since Energy is also HP for Spirits, that means we have a lot more HP than any other race. It seems like that’s how she lost her Energy. I’m sure her folding fan doesn’t help too much either. After seeing how she got weaker, her so-called friends clearly didn’t want her in the party anymore. So that’s why she’s soloing and trying to get stronger right now.
“I apologize; listening to a stranger grumble on must be tiresome. I just got a little worked up.”
She apologizes after telling me her story. She’s pretty pissed about her once-comrades, huh?
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve heard about stories like this, but never thought it’d happen to someone I know.” “No longer do I consider them as friends, for I am ashamed to even have associated with them.” “Do you speak like that ‘cause you’re roleplaying?” “Roleplaying?” “Never heard of it? Like to act out a character.” “No, I am simply acting as I normally am. Is there a matter with it?” “Oh, nah. No problem at all.”
You don’t see people like her in an MMO too often. Of course, that might be part of her character as well.
“Well, in that case, why don’t we get in a party together? We’re Spirit buddies so I’m sure we’ll get to understand each other well.” “Are you sure? I have about 20,000 Energy currently.” “I’m about the same. In fact, I might be exactly at your level. Do you know of any good hunting grounds?” “Yes, but near the second city.” “Alright. If you’d like, let’s party up.”
The girl puts her left hand by her lips as if she is deep in thought before flashing a tender smile.
“Let us go together then.” “I’m Kizuna. Nice to meet you.” “My name is Hakoniwa Shouko. I am sure we shall be great together.”
She gracefully bows to me and I awkwardly bow back. For some reason, though, I am sure we shall be great together sounds like this an arranged marriage or something.
Author’s note: Finally, our heroine debuts... Translator’s note: “Shouko” literally means “glass”.
contents: /prologue/ /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /ch006/ /ch007/ /ch008/ /ch009/ /next/
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spidermando · 6 years
Flipped {Pt. 3}
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: feels, swearing, major character death
A/N: so this is the final part of Flipped. I hope you all enjoyed the series. I really loved writing it (-: 
Request: I see requests is open~ could you write a Peter Parker x reader where Peter wakes up in an AU where he isn’t spider-man, but the reader is? [theres more to this but it spoils the next chapter/s]
Previous <
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 It’s safe to say that y/n took my offer seriously. Not even a week later, the red and blue clad supergirl turned up at my window. At first, I was scared that she was hurt, but she merely told me she was lonely and looking for someone to talk to.
We spent the night telling stories and jokes, before we both fell asleep on the floor beside my bed. When morning rolled around, I turned to see her gone and a note in her place.
That had become our nightly routine. Every night she’d show up at my window, we’d talk the night away and then I’d wake up in the morning to find a hand-written note. A few times she’d turn up with bruises and cuts, specks of blood staining her suit. I’d clean her up, drowning in worry and anger when I did. How could someone hurt her? How could someone be so soulless and cause her to bleed? I wanted to wrap my hands around their throat and squeeze until they could no longer breathe. Which is uncharacteristically violent of me.
Still, every day my brain would yell at me to figure out what was happening. To figure out why I was no longer spider-man and why no one knew me anymore. But my heart said no. My heart wanted to stay here with her forever, to forget about my normal life and live by her side to the day I die. If spending the rest of my life with her meant losing my powers, it didn’t seem like a big price to pay.
There was the initial shock of meeting her and then there was actually getting to know her. At first it seemed weird how quickly she opened up to me, and then I remembered that we’d been friends for ‘years’.
“What are you thinking about?”
Her soft voice woke me from my trance, turning to her I saw the small smile plastered on her face. “You.”
Her cheeks tinted a soft shade of pink, as she looked down at the ground. “What about me?”
Before I could even think, my hand reached forward and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. When she didn’t move, I placed my hand beneath her chin and brought her up to look at me.
“About how b-beautiful you are.” I spoke softly, letting go of her chin.
I don’t know where any of this confidence came from. It was just her, something about her made me calm and collected. Something about her made me feel like I could concur the world.
“I-I wouldn’t say that…” her voice trailed off as her cheeks got even darker.
This time it was my turn to smile, “neither would I.”
Her face instantly fell, her eyes casting down to the floor. “oh...”
“Beautiful doesn’t do you justice.”
It took a second for my words to translate in her head, but when they finally did she looked up at me with wide eyes. “Oh.”
Slowly, I tilted my head and leaned in. She mirrored me, coming closer and closer. Our lips were centimetres from touching.
And then I woke up in my bed.
In a daze of confusion, I stared across the room, eyes searching for any sign she was ever here. My sight caught onto a piece of white paper, it was folded neatly and placed on my left pillow. Leaning over, I snatched it and quickly unfolded it.
I’ll see you at school
p.s. I really enjoyed last night, hopefully my breath didn’t smell to bad.
I scanned over the note serval times, looking for any memory after us leaning in. But there was none. Slowly, I folded the note back up. Opening my bedside draw, I pulled out my bundle of hand-written letters and added it to the pile.
My mind was still running 100 miles an hour, reaching for something that wasn’t there.
And it’s not like I could ask her what happened. If we did kiss, and I hope we did, it would definitely hurt her feelings that I forgot. The only thing I could do was act natural, act like nothing had happened. And then hope she’d make a move or bring up last night.
My day started like it normally did, or normally in this timeline. I got up, brushed my teeth, did my hair, got dressed, had breakfast, said goodbye to Aunt May and then left for school. The train ride was busier than yesterday, so once again I stood with my hand grasping the hanging handle.
When I finally got to school, the halls were packed with students. Everyone was split into groups, some flying drones, other working on science projects. I couldn’t find Ned, Y/N or MJ. So, I walked to my locker, opened it and got out some books. Closing it, I jumped out of my skin.
Y/n stood at my locker, her arms crossed and lips pursed.
“W-What’s wrong?” My voice was higher than usual, putting my nervousness out for everyone to see.
The second she heard my voice, a bright smile slipped onto her face, her arms loosening. “Don’t panic, I was just joking.”
“Oh,” I laughed a little. “I totally knew that.”
Nodding her head, she hummed and started walking away.
The day continued as normal, with y/n not acting strange or mentioning anything from last night. When 2:45pm rolled round, she disappeared into the crowd, going off to be Queens superhero. I’m not going to lie, I miss going around and helping people. It’s a big part of my life that’s now missing. But Y/N definitely helped fill the gaping hole in my heart.
I’d just brought a number 5 with pickles, swinging the plastic bag back and forth as I took the short cut to my house. There was a strange tickle running down my spine, almost as if someone was watching me.
Taking a sharp right into the alleyway, I started heading down to the other side. I’d gone down here dozens of times before, both as and as not Spider-man. Therefore, I didn’t feel unsafe or the least bit worried. I did still feel that tingling though.  
The end was in sight, when a loud bump sounded behind me. Not bothering to turn back, I kept walking. However, this time the bump was followed by a low moan. Stopping dead in my tracks, I turned back. Someone was in pain. And maybe I could help said one.
“Hey, is there someone there?”
Once again, there was a bang and a low moan. I stepped cautiously towards the sounds, avoiding stepping on anything. “Do you need help?”
The words came from the shadows, so thinking fast I took my phone out of my pocket and shone the flashlight into the dark. A man stood in the gloom, a gun in his left hand as he grinned widely at me.
“People like you always fall for stuff like this.” His voice was rough. “Give me your money.”
This time I didn’t even try and fight back. Knowing and accepting that I was a useless fighter without my powers.
“I-I don’t have any money.” My voice was soft and weak, egging on the armed man.
“Then how did you buy that?” He pointed at my plastic bag, raising his eyebrows.
My eyes ran from my hand to the man. “With a note. I-I didn’t get c-change.”
The man was about to speak again, when a figure dropped from the ceiling above.
“Seriously, what is wrong with you guys?”
I couldn’t help but smile when she spoke, her voice full of sass and annoyance.
“Listen, spider-woman i-“
She interrupted him again. “I’d rather not. Let’s just fight and get this over with.”
Everything happened so quickly, one second she lunged at the man and then the next a loud bang filled the alley. It bounced off the walls, echoing down the space and causing me to lean over and plug my ears.
When the sound finally faded, I glanced at the man, his eyes were wide as he stared at Y/n. A second later he threw the gun, before sprinting down the alleyway. My eyes slowly trailed to her, seeing her standing there clutching at her chest. For a second I was confused and then I saw it.
The patch of blood seeping from her hands.
I ran to catch her as her knees gave way. I just made it, wrapping her in my arms as I softly lowered us to the floor.
“H-hey, it’s going to be okay.” I tried to sooth her, knowing that it was going to be fatal without even seeing the wound.
“D-Don’t lie to me.” She whimpered, removing one of her hands to grip my own. “Please don’t lie to me.”
Her hand was covered in blood, but I grasped it tightly. “I’m not lying.”
She chuckled gently, squeezing my hand before loosening her grip. “Whatever you say, Parker.”
Realisation hit me, as my mouth hung open and my eyes glazed over. “T-This is all my fault.”
“Hey,” she furrowed her eyebrows. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t shoot the gun.” Her voice was rough and rigid, her speech filled with gaps to gasp for breath.
“But you wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for me.” My voice cracked, my hand shaking in her own.
I don’t know if ignored my comment, or simply didn’t hear it but she didn’t respond. Her eyes closed, causing worry to seep into my heart. I expected them to open again, but when they didn’t I couldn’t help but suck in a breath.
“Y/n? y/n please.” I could feel the tears trail constantly down my cheeks. “Please, y/n I love you.”
A small smile etched on her face, her chest struggling to rise and fall.
“No matter how many times I tell you not to go down dark alleys, you still do it.” She mumbled, “but I love you, too.” And then she went limb in my arms, a sack of meat and bones missing its life.
I woke up with a start, tears trailing down my cheeks as I violently rubbed them away. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, and when I finally did I turned to see Mr Stark standing behind a desk, his fingers resting on a computer keyboard as he stared at me with wide eyes.
“M-Mr. Stark?” My voice was uneven, as I sucked in deep breaths. “What h-happened?”
“I-Uh,” this was the first time I’d ever seen the billionaire lost for words. He cleared his throat, glancing down at his computer screen. “I put you in that simulation to test your mental strength.”
My mind struggled to wrap around his words, so I looked around the room. Everything was like it was that night. “W-Wait, so n-n-none of that was r-real?”
His eyes connected with mine, as he nodded. “All a figment of your imagination.”
“So Y-Y/n doesn’t ex-“
Before I could even finish Mr. Stark was shaking his head. “Sadly not.”
He smiles sadly, something I’d never seen him do before. “I’m sorry, Peter. I shouldn’t have tested this on you, it wasn’t fair.”
“I-It’s okay, I’m happy I could help.” I couldn’t stop the disappointment from seeping into my voice.  “What did you tell Aunt May? I-I must’ve been under for weeks, maybe even months.”
“It was 4 hours,” Mr. Stark corrected. “Time travels faster when you’re in it.”
“Oh.” We sat in silence for a moment, before I spoke up again. “So did I pass?”
“The test, did I pass the test?” I asked again, this time adding the context.
Mr. Stark looked down at his computer and read from it. “Yeah, you reacted well to the whole thing actually.”
“That’s good then.”
Mr. Stark walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “You better go home. You have school tomorrow.”
When I woke in the morning I couldn’t help but look across at the other side of my bed, expecting a hand-written note to be folded on my pillow. A deep pain banged my chest when I noticed it was empty.
I started my day as I started any other, cleaning my teeth, brushing my hair, having breakfast and catching the train to school. When I got there, Ned was already waiting at my locker. We instantly fell into conversation, however I did stumble over my words a few times as I went to bring up Y/N.
Our first lesson was Spanish. Settling into my chair I expected Y/N to be across from me, with her notebook out and her doodling in it. The deep hole in my chest got bigger when I realised she wasn’t there. She was never there, never was and never would be.
“Okay class,” our teacher walked to the front of the room. “I want to welcome our new student.”
A girl walked in, her eyes trailing the floor as she avoided looking at us.
“Why don’t you introduce yourself?”
She looked up, and instantly I sucked in a breath.
“Y/n?” Her name left a tingle on my lips. “y/n.”
Tag List:
@antisocialshipper @julimelodi @thehollandcommittee @not-reptilian  @marvel-girl-xo @who-cares-rn @golden-guide @in-the-potterhead-know
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chamberofnectar · 6 years
[Vagrant Void] - Euno and Tilo - July 2018
Euno returns to his hosted home, where his curious host asks for his company at a house-sitting gig. (2448 words)
Euno Almai walks through the southern Kineisy market with a skewer-kebab in hand, browsing through a foreign book, his pack filled with a stock of off-world snack and other literature as he weaves around children running past to their favorite vendors, well aware of their second glances. He hears them question behind his back, asking their parents who he was, why he so easily melded among the local crowd on this busy afternoon. Adults step out of his way as he walks the center lane, ignoring the whispering rumors that surround him – local and targeting, knowing he may be subject to the gossip. He picks up on every word, aware of their hushed dialogue call him a tourist, an outsider, a paftozaln.
A slur for gueiso; humans.
Around him Nellusy folk go about their daily lives; vendors shouting about their fresh products, commuters weaving through the crowding corridor as they talk among themselves in manners he can barely replicate. Voices click around him, resounding in the confined spaces as he maneuvers through the towering locals, holding his baggage close to make himself as small as possible as he excuses himself from bumping into a browsing visitor. He preoccupies himself with the literature every chance he gets, finding his way back to his adoptive home on the other end of the busy market.
He might’ve taken a quicker route prior, but he finds safety among the busy market; he looks peculiar enough for others to take notice is something happened to him.
He tucks his book away as he wanders through the end of the market, swerving himself onto a narrow pedestrian path between rows of clustered townhouses. The tightly packed houses are vibrant opposed to the dirtied path he walks on old shoes, giving a passing Nellusy room to walk as they grumble about him. He says nothing, focused on just finding his way back home.
“Euno, there you are,” his host calls from an old wooden chair sat on the small front yard, shaded by a sun-worn fabric roof. He welcomes himself into the shaded residence – his silence is common, the norm after a long day doing local freelance translations for laymen and young business entrepreneurs. In the front yard his yellow spotted host sighs, pulling together the paper he had entertained himself with as he waited for the translator’s return.
Inside the group housing Euno tugs off his shoes and lies out on the couch, his bag falling to the floor as he grumbles unintelligible into the kebab between his teeth. The kebab is local, roasted meat locked touch between his teeth as he stares at the ceiling, slowly chewing at it as he thinks back on the day’s events. He had to meet with a client again, in a police department after he tried to steal from a storefront family business he had some nonsense beef with. Seven hours of repetitive questioning, he kept track, was how long he spent there. He partly blames himself for getting involved with the person in question, it was his job to filter his clients; but the officers told him not to worry, that ‘it happens’.
“Bullshit,” he grumbles, looking over as the door clicks closed behind his host’s steps. “Did you spend all day waiting?” he asks, subsequently answered by the nellusy’s large shaking head. “Have you made anything today…?” he calls between tough bites of the kebab, throwing his legs down beside him as the nellusy sits beside him.
“Very little, I’m afraid.”
“Have you tried selling the jewelery first; what are the chances the original owner will see it after so long?” Euno motions his head over towards their shared room, where the other keeps items he sells at a nearby corner.
“Big enough to be a risk. If they want some jewelry, they should ask,” Tilo sighs, his secondary limbs coiling against his chest, his primaries crossing his chest as he stares at the silent tv across the small conjoined kitchen and foyer. The large nellusy sinks into the couch with a sigh, glancing over to the kebab held between Euno’s fingers. “Going to finish that…?” he asks meekly.
Euno hands it over. “Have at it, it’s too tough for my teeth.” The nellusy is quick to devour the remains, biting over the entire thing and dragging it all into his maw in a single sweep. It leaves Euno unimpressed with only the stick, flicking it off to the trash bin on Tilo’s other side. “Have you at least got a gig,” he sighs.
“Ay, was thinking you could help me with Lotnilki Touru’s kids. Utiu asked me to help out while she worked on studies, and she’d like you to come along as well.”
“Sure,” Euno shrugs, pulling up his pack to fetch through the snacks he brought along with him, “when does Utiu start sitting them?”
“She told me in half a Kiishu, so I’d like to leave there in five tnilki or so – so I’ll be early.”
36 minutes, five minutes, Euno recounts, popping fruit snacks into his mouth. His body shifts as the nellusy pushes himself from the couch, limping into their shared room to fetch his jacket, plucking his wooden cane from an old gun case.
“What’s in the pack? Documents?” He calls from the other room.
“Snacks, some stuff I bought from a trade station down in the square. Been kind of missing soft food since I got off the vertical transport last week.” Euno shuffles through his pack, pulling out the small crinkled packet of fruit snacks. “Want to try one? I had to recycle the box – easier to pack in their individual wrappers.”
Tilo shrugs on his coat as he re-enters the foyer, head shaking as he rights himself in more presentable attire. “No thanks, but the kids might be interested,” he grumbles, fidgeting with his loose shirt beneath his well-worn coat. His secondary arms peak out, tugging the coat closed as he shuffles his less ratty pants comfortable around his waist and thick tail – tightening the belt to pull it up behind him. “Well, I’m ready to go when you are,” he chuckles as he watches Euno fiddle his shoes back on, zipping up his own coat for the evening chill rushing through the narrow streets.
 They talk amongst themselves as they make their way onto the interconnecting street buried between the innumerable row of townhouses, where Tilo’s cane taps against the cobblestone pathing alongside his clicking claws. Tilo boasts about false adventures of his youth, spinning another tale about what truly caused his hobbled state. Beside him the translator only nods, keeping himself quiet as he mulls over the incidents with his earlier client. Nilneilil Sykatze, a supposed ex-criminal that hired him to remove his tracking chip.
Tilo begs him to talk about his day, pestering the smaller man until he decides to speak up.
“Relates to a pass job,” he sighs, “I worked with a gnazlti and a scrapper; got his criminal-track chip or whatever its called now removed. Turns out he tries to steal from a store before the wounds even healed,” he grumbles, fumbling with his pack’s front flap, clicking the buckle open and closed. “Was called down to the station and had to get everything sorted out. Spent seven hours doing nothing but listen to him lying. About who I was, what I was doing; discrediting me and all sorts of bullshit.”
“I thought the Affairs Department straightened that stuff up?”
“They do and did. He got sent of to sit for another few months. He’s not allowed to hire a translator anymore.”
“What about you, any probation?” Tilo stops to turn to Euno, digits swirling his cane as they wait for a group to walk past them in the connecting street.
“No. It’s not my fault he robbed anyone. I just translated for him to a scrapper.”
“Good,” the nellusy sighs, ushering the translator to follow him up the paved roads leading towards the more decorative dwellings of cramped living arrangements. The walk is long, waiting for newly installed traffic systems to signal when it’s safe to cross streets made busy by the dimming hours. It makes Tilo anxious, tapping his cane as he becomes quiet as they walk down the filled sidewalk marking the different dwelling arrangements. This wasn’t a place for him, made meek as they round the last corner into a quiet street filled with stacking rowhouses towering around them.
“Tilo!” shouts a woman peering out of a window, a young sleek silisha wearing a decorative vale around her face. “Utiu’s waiting in the den – what is that paftozaln under-skin doing with you?” She spits. Her mouth full of teeth bares as she stares.
Tilo whispers to Euno as they approach. “Might be best to walk past the building and stand at the corner.” He pulls himself away from the translator, acting bemused as he gently bumps Euno as he passes. “They’re a lost tourist I found wandering around, and I think they just started to follow me to see where I’d go!” And, as suggested, Euno walks pass the building as Tilo stands beneath the aggressive mother.
“Tilo, stop lying. You know who they are.”
“I have no idea who you’re talking about, Lotnilki! You know I would never put the kids in danger, right?”
Above him the women growls, turning back into the room behind her. “Utiu! Don’t let any paftozaln under-skins in!”
“Yes, Lotnilki,” shouts a second voice inside the vertical living space.
Tilo heaves a sigh as the woman returns to bantering nonsense inside her living space, walking himself to the door as he watches Euno kick at the sidewalk in the corner of his vision, playing with the strap of his back as he waits for the bitter mother to leave the block. It takes some time before Tilo can hear the woman trotting around on the other side of the door, talking towards her children as items clatter. She trots out the front door and waves her small case in front of Tilo’s scarred nose. “How do I look, gaistzine?” she chuffs, flaunting a dress hanging around her hips, splitting in back to reveal her tail, latching behind her neck to leave her back exposed. Cloth drapes along her haphazard, lingering from the hoops hanging from her tusks.
“Like a night on the town,” Tilo mumbles as he steps out of her way, scarred lip twisting as she ensnares his chin to look her in the eyes.
“You best not let that under-skin in, Tilo,” she growls, baring her teeth. “I know who you work for, and I can have both of you arrested if they get near my children.”
He shoves her hand away, glaring up at the taller nellusy. “What, you’ll lie on me? How terrifying,” he snarls, moving himself into the open doorframe. “Now get along and let me do what you paid me; the customers are waiting for their ‘star’.”
Lotnilki huffs, flexing her secondary limbs to claw at the air as she turns away. Her trimmed claws clicking on concrete as she walks off for a night of work and practice, passing Euno with so much as a second glance. But, beneath her breath, she growls. “Get off my planet, paftozaln,” disappearing into the evening crowd for a night of entertainment. Euno says nothing, entertaining himself with a book written in his language.
With her gone, he collects himself back to the rowhouse where Tilo waits leaning against the open door frame. “Sorry about her; she’s a new rebel supporter, doesn’t like the occupation.”
“I’m used to it,” Euno sighs as he scoots past.
“Oh, sorry. I’m used to it,” Euno holds onto his bag as two children run past, latching themselves to Tilo’s legs. Their voices click and squeak, whispers frilling as they cling to his coat.
A young sloped nosed gnazlti peaks her head out of an adjoining room. “Tilo, there you are. Is that the translator you were talking about? They’re small,” she laments, collecting one of the children as Tilo picks up the other. “Sorry about Lotnilki, she had a problem with the twins earlier.”
“It’s fine, she’s just being theatrical. And yes, this is Euno, he’s living with me in the group housing; I’m lucky enough to have him.” He glances over at the smaller man, the smallest in the room aside from the children held in the nellusy’s arms.
“Where does he sleep, on the couch?” Utiu grunts, failing to restrain one of the wiggling and squeaking children as they slip out of her arms. They tug at Tilo’s clothing, their speech garbled with half developed vocal cords as the child within Tilo’s arms latches onto him. “They’ve missed you,” she chuckles, watching Tilo take over her babysitting duties.
“I – can tell,” Tilo grunts, ushering the children upstairs where a television sings.
It leaves Utiu and Euno alone, the later greeting the nellusy with a quick nod – the typical nellusy greeting. “Tilo lets me sleep on his bed, he takes the couch.”
“Does he?” To which Euno flicks up his chin, “that must be some mess,” Utiu grumbles, walking up the stairs. The human follows her.
“You’d be surprised,” Euno sighs, recounting the sheet may sit a little crumped at the head of the bed. “The children watching something?”
“A retelling of the assassination aboard the Faulnonal,” she chirps, back turned as Euno frowns. “It’s become interconnected with the night’s festivities, and I don’t want to shelter them, nor let them follow after their mother.” Euno only nods, fist balling against his bag. He keeps quiet as he wanders himself up into the open landing where the twins finally catch sight.
“What’s that?” ask the one with a single painted dot on their nose.
“Yeah, is that a gueiso?” asks the other, with two dots.
“Yes, natiruln. He’s a gueiso, a ‘human’, not a monster like your mother sees it,” Tilo chuckles, nestling the twins between his spread shins as he tucks his cane away – nursing his bad leg with a grimace. “Now, it’s time to settle down. I’ll make you two ilakon if you settle down.” Both click back as their slimy hands finish fidgeting, wrapping around Tilo’s pants as they hide behind his legs from Euno. The translator settles himself on the other side of the couch, paying the children no mind as he flips open to where he left on – the text illegible to those around him. He half listens to the documentary return to broadcast, half turning his gaze at the brief mention of the ship’s captain – attentive to if they represented his father right.
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nightmares06 · 7 years
COM: The Dragon Sleeps Tonight (Part 2)
( First part )
Commission for @wolfie180g!
A second part to The Dragon Sleeps Tonight was requested, for the same 1200 words and bringing in dragon Dean’s Sam along with Castiel, shenanigans ensue.
For being a great customer twice now, I tossed in a few more words, bringing this chapter up to 1600, and tried to finish the story, but wow is it hard to write an entire story in 2.4k words. I lack this skill.
The Brothers Apart Sam and Dean are @nightmares06‘s, dragon Dean belongs to @wolfie180g, and the original Sam and Dean Winchester belong to the CW/Erick Kripke!
Word Count: 1600
Warnings: None
Commissions are open!
“How the hell do you misplace a fifty-foot dragon?! ”
Stalking angrily through the woods, trying to not think about them being lost, it wasn’t until Sam heard a gravelly “Sam…” from behind that he realized he’d spoken his thoughts out loud.
Whirling around, a keen blue-eyed gaze met his frustrated hazels. “Dean will be fine,” Cas said steadily. “He can handle himself alone for an hour. If there was anyone suspicious in the forest, Bobby and Balth would call us.”
Sam took a deep breath. Exhaled. “Dream team, those two,” he muttered, but couldn’t hide a slight smirk. “I just… hate leaving him alone so long.”
“He won’t even know we were gone,” Cas assured, resuming his walk and pushing past Sam to take the lead. “If anyone can handle himself, it’s the full-grown dragon.”
Sam huffed, shifting the bags full of meat in his arms and following behind.
“Besides,” Cas continued, “we’ll all feel better when Dean’s been fed without alerting everyone in the forest that there’s a hungry dragon about.”
A large growl crackled through the air and for a second time in as many minutes, Sam found himself clinging to Dean’s collar in an attempt to keep his seat and not be spilled into the ground during a confrontation between a giant and a titan.
The older hunter jolted at the sound, falling into a crouch and at the ready in a clear ‘fight or flight’ response.
The dragon looked equally surprised by the sound, only instead of acting defensive, he looked at his stomach, then back at the Winchesters.
Maybe it was something about the expression on the dragon’s face. A face that was far larger than Sam’s older brother, titanic and only comprehensible because of the distance between them. An expression on that massive face that mirrored Dean on the rare occasion that Sam managed to embarrass him.
Or maybe it was the way Dean was as stiff as a board, a cat bristled and ready to bolt.
Sam burst out laughing.
Two matching sets of green eyes, one pair the size of Sam’s head and the other pair bigger than his entire body, both turned towards Dean’s shoulder, the tension in the air marginally reduced by confusion.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Dean growled, but Sam’s snickers didn’t stop.
“You… should see your… faces!” Sam gasped out between peals of laughter. “He sounds… just like you... when you're staring at pie!”
If Sam could have made out Dean’s expression, he would have seen offence painted over those gruff features. “You mean it’s hungry?!”
Sam slapped Dean’s neck before he could go for his gun in the hopes of calming him, and the dragon hop-skipped a step back with one leg in the air frantically cutting a negative, shaking his head at the same time to reinforce that fact. A few barked out chirps and several quick hand motions passed before he remembered they couldn’t understand sign language.
Leaning forward, the dragon took a claw and hastily scratched out a word in the bare ground he’d been laying in previously.
“No?” Dean repeated. “No, he’s not gonna eat us or no he’s not hungry?”
“Does it matter?” Sam asked in aggravation, the dragon nodding emphatically along with his light voice.
Rubbing the word out with a curled fist, the dragon swiftly replaced it with a second, then pointed a claw at Dean’s chest.
“How’d he…” Dean trailed off as the dragon immediately started scratching out a second word next to the first, then pointed at Dean’s shoulder.
Dean could only nod, fascination replacing the wary fear in his expression as the dragon started working again at the ground. It circled Dean’s name, jabbing it with a claw, then pointed at itself.
“No, your name’s not Dean, that’s my name--"
Dean’s attempt to educate the dragon on the meaning of names was cut off by the echoing of a familiar voice calling “Dean?”
“What?!” Dean snapped, the dragon echoing him in a series of chirps as it looked to the edge of a clearing.
Two men, having arrived only seconds before, stood there in shock staring at the three in the clearing. One was wearing a flannel shirt a lot like the majority of Dean’s wardrobe, the other in a comfortable fitting trenchcoat, both with arms full of bags. Their eyes were widest when they saw Dean-- the human Dean-- staring back.
Then the taller of the two dropped the bags his arms were filled with, pre-packaged meat spilling out into the forest floor as he pulled a gun on them.
“Who the hell are you?!” he shouted as he advanced, his stance unwavering and his expression harsh.
Sam slapped his hands over his ears at the loud voice, not expecting it. Dean had his hands up, the silver knife loose in a fist. The dragon made that cutting motion again, much like when Dean thought it wanted to eat them, a series of chirps flowing from its mouth as it tried explaining things in its own language. Its wings rustled in agitation.
“Whoa! No one’s getting hurt here!” Dean said, also speaking louder than Sam was comfortable with as he tried to talk down the taller man. “We were just talking, that’s all!”
The man still standing at the edge of the clearing has his head cocked as though he was listening to a voice, then called out “Sam! Stop!”
The smaller Sam sitting on his older brother’s shoulder looked up, blinking as the guy called his name. Before he could respond, the tallest human there looked over his shoulder in response.
“He says he wasn’t hurting him,” the blue-eyed man said firmly. “Let’s hear them out.”
The dragon chirped, then pointed again at Dean’s shoulder, where Sam still cringed back from all the noise. A flow of nonsensical sounds proceeded, finished off with a tone of finality.
A tingle of new eyes on him burst across Sam’s neck, and he looked up to find everyone’s eyes on him except for his Dean (who continued to keep his hands in the air, unwilling to risk a fight with Sam so close and vulnerable).
“That’s not possible,” the tall man gasped at the same time as Dean exclaimed “You can understand him?!”
The tall man held up his hands, then made a show of disarming his gun and tucking it away. “Okay, let’s talk. Dean says you didn’t hurt him after you realized he was intelligent.”
Dean blinked. “What…?” He looked at the tall man, then frowned. “Sammy? ”
The dragon chirped an affirmative, then jabbed his thumb at himself.
“So that’s Dean!” Sam exclaimed excitedly from Dean’s shoulder, having recovered from the noise. The dragon nodded, adding several more chirps.
“And I’m Cas,” said the last man in the clearing, stepping forward next to Sam. “I assume this is what you both looked like a few years ago?”
The human-sized Sam frowned, looking at his tiny counterpart. “I was a little taller back then…” he said hesitantly. “But Dean is spot on.”
“Dude, you’re ancient,” Dean declared, and the dragon chuffed out a laugh, his jaw dropping in a draconic grin.
The older Sam glared. “It’s not my fault you’re barely out of diapers!” he snapped instinctively before reigning himself in. “Okay. Look. We clearly need to talk. Right? ” He looked at everyone for confirmation, his eyes pausing on his tiny counterpart longer than the others. “Let’s figure this out, because something clearly went wrong somewhere.”
He gestured to the ground near his draconic older brother, then pointed at that Dean warningly. “Not another word about my age, grandpa.”
Even the other Sam and Dean could hear the faked innocence in the next few chirps.
“Oh, he’s definitely you,” Sam sniggered into Dean’s ear, where no one else could hear him.
“And so you’ve been fighting together like this… for two years?” the older Sam repeated, gesturing at his tiny counterpart.
Sam nodded. It was getting easier to talk to himself after they both shared their stories. “It’s not as bad as you’d think,” he said confidently. “Though I have to say, I wasn’t ready for a dragon.”
“Drauglin,” Cas corrected, reinforced by a chirp from Dean. The dragon had snacked on the food brought to him by his mate and brother, calming the rumbling stomach. “Regular dragons are petty thieves. Drauglin are protectors of nature.”
“I know a few sprites you might want to meet,” Dean snickered, imagining Bowman’s reaction to the new trio. Or the association dragons had with fire.
“Right…” the older Sam said. “Look. Maybe we can help you out. If Dean can follow your trail, we should be able to figure out how you got here.”
“Trail?” Dean repeated in offence. “I’ll have you know I’m an expert tracker, I don’t leave a--"
The dragon chirped slyly, and Cas dutifully translated, “Your aftershave is so potent he can smell you from twenty feet away,” sending the smaller Sam into stitches of laughter.
“It’s so true!” Sam gasped out, rocking back against Dean’s neck.
Dean poked at him in annoyance, frowning. “It is not,” he complained at the dragon and Sam both.
“Either way,” the older Sam said in an attempt to keep them on track, unable to hide a smirk of his own. “Dean can backtrack your trail.”
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planar-echoes · 7 years
The Battle of Fort Keff (Zendikar) By Jenna Helland (3/21/10)
Chandra's trail dead-ended at a barren mountain pass in Akoum, and there was nothing else he could do. Gideon considered planeswalking from this violent world right then, but he was exhausted after tracking her for two days—and nearly dying on several occasions—and he wanted a good night's sleep, or as close as he could in the inhospitable world of Zendikar.
As the daylight faded, he backtracked down the trail to a high-walled encampment he'd passed earlier in the day. The soldier at the gate was reluctant to let him in after dark, but Gideon pointed out that a sliver of sun that still showed above the high cliffs surrounding the settlement. Finally, the grizzled soldier admitted him inside the walls with a gruff "Welcome to Fort Keff, the safest haven in Akoum."
Keff wasn't much to look at, but it was well protected. The rampart had been built at the mouth of a deep ravine so it was protected on three sides by rock. Inside the fort, most inhabitants lived in sturdy dwellings attached to the cliff-face. The explorers and trappers were welcome to pitch their tents under the overhanging rock, which protected them from sky predators. At the bottom of the ravine, there was a swift river that disappeared into a tunnel in the rock—a natural supply of water that was crucial to the longevity of the haven. After talking with the locals, Gideon learned that Keff supported a renowned school for healers, who tended herb gardens on the ledges overlooking the underground river. The population of the Fort was exceptionally young—many tribes sent their children to live in the relative safety of the fort.
After trading for a shank of fat-speckled gnarlid meat, Gideon settled near a scarred adventurer named Tafre who offered him a place at his fire. While they shared the food, Tafre proved himself to be a skilled storyteller, spinning unbelievable tales of his adventures as a trapfinder for the Akoum Expeditionary House.
"And then the rune on the keystone exploded. At least I got my head out of the way," Tafre said, chuckling. He removed his leather glove and showed Gideon the chunk of flesh missing from the middle of his palm.
"I don't think I've ever seen a hole through a man's hand before," Gideon told him. "At least, not a man who was still alive."
"Yeah, there was some enchantment on that trap. Mixed with the wound, I'd say," Tafre replied. "We got the amulet though. Damn trapmakers couldn't fool me."
Soon, the tone of the conversation changed. Tafre began telling Gideon the troubling stories that were being passed around the havens throughout Zendikar. Things had been strange a while. The land was more volatile than usual, which was saying a lot, considering how much the world already shifted. Gideon had already had a run-in with the Roil, barely escaping a colossal whirlwind that swept across the mountain pass as unexpected as a snowstorm in the desert.
"What is the cause of the change?" Gideon asked.
"Some think the land is angry," Tafre said hesitantly.
"And what do you think?" Gideon prompted.
Tafre was quiet for a long moment. Then he glanced around like a man who had something to hide. "You seem like a well-traveled man. You've seen strange things, I'm sure. So maybe you won't judge me if I sound slightly ... confused. I've explored much of this world, done things that gave nightmares more than once. But what I saw two days ago—"
Tafre paused, his skin pale and his hands trembling. Concerned, Gideon handed him a water flask. Tafre drank deeply and then continued his story.
"I don't often venture into the wilderness alone. It's better with mates, of course. But I know the mountains here. I was hunting boar in the jaddi grove just under Sawtooth Ridge. Suddenly the world turned black. Not like night had fallen, but like I'd been thrust into a coffin and left to die. Yet, I was awake. I admit that I panicked. Running blind was damn foolish, and I smacked into something hard. And then I remember nothing ... until I awoke in a field of flesh."
Gideon tipped his head in surprise. "Flesh? As in skin?"
Tafre sipped the flask again. "I know it sounds impossible, but the grove had become an expanse of fleshy meat and bone, all mixed with this yellow dust that burned my nose and eyes. Dust that cast the horizon in a saffron glow. Clumps of blood and hair clung to my clothes, but I wasn't wounded. I had to wade through the knee-high carnage until I reached the ridge. Scrambling up, I saw that the world on the other side was still a pristine wilderness. But what lay behind me was unimaginable ... a thing of madness."
Gideon considered his tale. "Not an illusion, I suppose."
Tafre shook his head miserably. "I can still taste the blood. The dust has seeped into my skin. I can't stop wondering whose flesh it had once been."
That night, Gideon dreamed of Chandra engulfed in white flame. She was screaming. No, he realized, the screaming was outside his dream—an animalistic cry of fear and pain. Gideon was on his feet before he was fully awake. It was still night, but people were crowded along the edge of the ravine watching an injured creature lumber along the riverbank. It was a large, bulky humanoid with a prominent brow and muscular, stooping shoulders. Its characteristics were vaguely aquatic, although it wasn't like the merfolk Gideon had encountered on Zendikar. Beating it with cudgels until it collapsed, the soldiers threw a weighted net over it as it screeched in an unfamiliar tongue.
"Have you seen creatures like this before?" Gideon asked Tafre, who had appeared at his shoulder.
"It's a surrakar," Tafre answered. "Its kind lives mostly in Bala Ged, far from here. I can't imagine how it washed up in Keff."
"Is it intelligent?" Gideon asked as he watched the soldiers drag the subdued surrakar to a wooden cage near the front gate and roughly shove it inside.
"Nah, they're just beasts," Tafre said.
Gideon waited until the crowd dispersed and he was standing alone with the surrakar. Its breathing was shallow and labored, and it stared up at him with small black eyes. But there was emotion and intelligence in those dark pupils, and Gideon immediately felt pity for the creature whose only crime seemed to be surfacing the wrong place at the wrong time.
Gideon had just turned to leave, when the creature's clawed hand reached through the bars and gripped Gideon's arm tightly.
"The gods are coming," it hissed. "Kill me now."
Gideon had no doubt that Keff's captain of the guard was an honest man who took his duties seriously. Still, Gideon had managed to get on the man's bad side, despite his best efforts to be diplomatic in a situation that was rapidly deteriorating. Refugees had been arriving at the already-crowded haven all morning. Then, at midday, a large group of women and children arrived at the gate—many of them injured and all of them terrified. They had fled from village while their warriors died battling something they called "demon insects." None of them seemed in their right mind, which the captain attributed to fear, but which Gideon suspected was something far more insidious.
At least that's was he was trying to tell the captain, who refused to listen to Gideon and his tales about the "talking surrakar."
Gideon cursed the captain's provincial mind. It wasn't the man's fault, of course. But Gideon couldn't frankly explain why the surrakar's information was so crucial. He'd spent hours attempting to converse with the creature. From what he could glean from its rudimentary speech, the "gods" it once revered were from the beyond the world. They had been ripped from a void without color, without time, and without boundaries. And unless they were stopped, the gods would "chew off the meat and spit out the bones" of all existence. That seemed to be a rough translation, but Gideon got the gist.
And only a planeswalker like Gideon truly knew what that meant.
"I've got children coming out of my ears," the captain fumed. "No spare food to speak of. Only a handful of able-bodied men. And demonic insects coming down the hills that intend to slaughter us all. And you want me to talk to a fish man? If you don't move, you'll be sharing the cage with him!"
"Sir," said Gideon, "I doubt they are demonic insects—"
The red-faced captain held up a hand in warning. Gideon sighed. "If you won't listen to me, at least let me help. I've been around battlefields more than once."
The captain gave him a tired smile. "Now we're speaking the same language."
The attack began with yellow dust. The sickly cloud swept across the haven just as the work crew finished the reinforcements on the inner wall. Gideon was in the guard tower when it engulfed him. He sprawled on platform, and covered his face with his arm. He struggled to breathe in the gritty air, the acrid taste of blood flooding his mouth just as Tafre had described. An unpleasant memory of burning bodies filled Gideon's mind. The dust was like the ash from a still-burning pyre.
When the worst had past, Gideon struggled to his feet and saw that enemy was already at the gates.
Scores of creatures swarmed below the wall. Some walked on two legs while dragging claw-like appendages along the ground. Others scurried on all fours, with multiple limbs and tentacles branching out from random sections of their membranous bodies. The strange creatures emitted disturbing, hollow wails that tested Gideon's steadfast resolve. The creatures seemed partially decayed, their flesh segmented in an asymmetrical latticework. Pastel hues shone dimly from inside their bodies, the soft color a mockery of their horrific nature.
They crashed into the rampart, which swayed under Gideon's boots. The archers on the platform regained their senses, and fired volley after volley. But the arrows slid into the creatures as a knife into soft butter and did nothing to slow the assault. Unless Gideon took action, Fort Keff would be lost. From his belt, Gideon removed his sural, a whip-like, multi-bladed weapon. He steadied his mind until his fear dispersed and his mentor's teachings flooded his mind. Then he jumped into the fray.
"I am the center," he thought, willing mana to be like shards of glass in his veins. It was as his teacher said: Power and sacrifice can only exist together, like an eye and the sense of sight. "The light surrounds my foes, and they are blind to all but me. If any heart will be stilled, it will be mine."
When water is tipped into a funnel, it churns an inevitable course around the axis. So it was with Gideon as the creatures turned their attention to him alone. Gideon's magecraft chimed loudly in his mind—a necessary distraction from their netherworldly cries, the blows that found his unprotected skin, and any emotion that might distract him. He coiled the metal strands of his weapon so rapidly that the air itself became like a blade. Pain, he thought. I feel it, but it does not break me. Death. If it comes now, so be it.
The shouts of the soldiers on the wall broke through his consciousness as the pile of rosy, seeping flesh grew around him. Soon the sural was still, and Gideon stood on bruised and shaking legs. Battered, but alive.
So goes the teaching, he reminded himself yet again: Pain is welcome. Death is inevitable. Honor is the only legacy a man should crave.
A cheer rose up from inside the fort. A rope ladder was tossed from above, and the thankful inhabitants helped Gideon back onto the platform. Fort Keff had been saved.
And then it appeared on the horizon.
Once, Gideon had demanded that his teacher tell him more. More about the Blind Eternities. Moreabout other planes. More about everything. His teacher laughed: "No man can ever grasp everything he does not know."
Here on the horizon was everything Gideon did not know. Mind-numbing, phantasmal, 150 feet tall ... a thing of madness. It hovered above the earth, its tentacles draped across a landscape blasted into a barren crater by its passing. In the distance, Gideon could see a ripple in the air around it, like shockwaves of energy vibrating out from its core. The mountains crumbled like sand. The red drained from the rocks, the blue faded from the sky. Life became a void.
With a shudder of resignation, Gideon knew could not defeat this force. The most powerful mage would simply be ash on the wind. As he bore witness to the "god," he had no doubt what the surrakar had told him was true. This was the chaos of the Blind Eternities made corporeal.
Beside him, the captain of the guard fell to his knees and began keening softly. Gideon jerked him to his feet and forcibly turned him away from the sight from the colossal creature looming in the distance.
"Release the surrakar. He'll lead you out along the underground river. Take everyone and flee!"
"But where should we go?" The man cried.                                                                
"As far away as you can," Gideon answered. "I'm going for help."
From the top of the wall, Gideon waited until the last of the survivors were out of sight. For an instant, he watched it drift lazily across the horizon—obliterating everything in its wake. It mercilessly rendered all life to grit and dust. There seemed to be no purpose behind its actions. It was relentless, mindless, and seemingly unstoppable.
Gideon knew it would take many of his kind to thwart this menace. He'd heard of an organization that operated between planes. An organization of planeswalkers. He would travel to Ravnica and find them. Hopefully there would be something left of Zendikar when they got back. Gideon whispered a vow to return and planeswalked away.
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