#i’m done and tired of this ‘kill someone’ fix it solution to everything
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
I swear to god, if they kill Blood Moon again without even trying to help them. I’m tired of them saying Blood Moon doesn’t want to change, it’s because nobody has ever done anything but use them and betray them.
It’s no wonder they don’t trust anyone when all they’ve ever done was be used. They were quite literally brought back to life to be a freaking tool for Jigsaw!
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cleake · 2 years
Scary Silence
More angst
I love engineer!Mark
I don’t know if it makes sense with canon, but it’s good old hurt/comfort :)
Warning: English is not my first language, I’m very sorry for any mistakes
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Here we go again. Again you wake up in your "capsule" after being in a drastically different situation for a while. You don't know what's happening, why it's happening, you're not sure how it all happened. You don't have the strength to push that door in front of you, you don't want to move, but you know you have to, otherwise, everything will fall apart, and everything will be undiscovered.
You sigh quietly and reluctantly walk out of the four walls. You look around and see Mark's capsule standing there. After a moment, the door swings open and the Engineer emerges from the capsule, looking at you with big eyes.
"Captain! Oh, that was so close… Come on! Let's try it again! I'm sure we'll get there soon!"
How nice it was to see such hope in someone else, so full and burning. Your friend's eyes were full of hope, they were shining with enthusiasm, and almost this enthusiasm was transmitted to you. But you can't feel that warm feeling inside, you know it's there somewhere deep inside, but you can't bring it to the surface. The only thing you have strength, for now, is to look at your friend, who is still mumbling about how to find a solution to this circus. Your legs are tired from the constant running, you feel a great weight on your shoulders, something is pulling you down, you feel like lying down on the floor and never getting up again, to stop existing with the rest of the world.
Your fatigue and sadness were clear throughout you, Mark couldn't help but notice it.
"Captain? Are you… Are you all right?" He asked with concern in his voice, bringing your attention back to reality. You look more knowingly at the Engineer, who is waiting for your answer with concern in his eyes. You slowly look around you, in the control room where so recently there was so much life, now there was only emptiness and memories in it. Everything slowly comes back to you, the memories, the awareness of your actions. God, what have you done? Behind you were so many mistakes, accidents, and unfortunate events. Your crew, its variants, they all ceased to exist and it was because of your mistakes.
And now what? How do you fix it? You don't know how it started, how can you end it now? You didn't want it, you weren't aware of what was happening, of what you were doing. Because of you, so many souls have disappeared without a trace, and many more will disappear too, while you continue to be here and do everything wrong.
Great guilt grips you, you don't know what to do to make it all go away. You can't kill yourself, you will come back and make things even worse. You are a terrible human if you can be called that. You have failed as a person, a soul, a captain, and a friend. There is no going back and it is because of you.
A small sob came out of you, which you quickly muffled with your hand over your mouth. Your throat tightened, your breathing became uneven, and your vision blurred by tears appearing in your eyes. So many visions flow through your mind, so many emotions, ideas, and insults at yourself. You realize that you are a monster, an inhuman monster. You didn't want this! It wasn't planned, you never would have thought something like this would happen. God, everything was supposed to be beautiful.
You slowly lift your gaze to Mark, who continued to stand in front of you, very worried. You feel stupid, you're the Captain, you're the one the others need, not you them. Because of how weak you feel, you feel more and more like crying. You slowly open your mouth to say something through your tears.
"Mark," you say with great difficulty.
"I am here, Captain." With a small smile, the Engineer approaches you and puts his hand on your shoulder. Taking a shaky breath, you prepare to speak again.
"I can't do it."
After this answer, more tears fall from your eyes, onto your cheeks. The room became quiet, with only the sound of the system and your uneven breathing filling the terrible void. Mark couldn't believe it, his Captain, his friend who was the bravest, most loyal, smartest, and the strongest person he knew, now, standing in front of him, couldn't hold back the tears. It pained him to see them in such a state. He always tried to make the Captain happy and content, he couldn't look into their sad, red eyes without tears in his own. If the Captain can't handle it, who else will?
Mark, taking a breath looked at his Captain. He had never seen them in such a state before; they were now hunched over, weeping, without the self-controlr which they were so famous for. They were hopeless, even pathetic, but Mark would never have thought of his friend that way. To him, they were perfect, and even in this sad moment, he admired them.
After a moment of hesitation, Mark wrapped his arms around the Captain, hugging them tightly. He was obviously afraid of his act, was it unprofessional? Isn't he breaking roles this way? His uncertainty was calmed by the reciprocated hug from the Captain.
"I'm sorry," they whined, more and more shaken, "I shouldn't have behave like that. It is not worthy of a captain. I am not worthy to be called captain.
The words hurt Mark as much as they hurt you, and you knew that they were true.
Mark, helpless, thought of ways to make this situation better. What will comfort you? How to comfort you? Just now, probably one universe was destroyed or obstructed. He can't leave his Captain like this. He was afraid, he didn't know exactly what was going on, and he wanted everything to become normal again. He also felt responsible for his friends and their disappearance, for all of this, he knew that the Captain was not the cause of it all.
Mark could feel the Captain's hands holding him close to them, he could feel them trembling slightly, and he could hear them sniffling behind his ear. He gritted his teeth, stopping the tears from falling, if the Captain couldn't be held responsible at the moment then he would remain calm, despite his fear.
"Captain… I uh, wanted to thank you for your presence. That you are here."
More tears spilled from your eyes, you gritted your teeth with a grimace on your lips. You felt so awful, you had failed your entire crew as Captain, you had failed all of humanity as a human being by becoming a monster, and Mark, the one true person by your side who has seen everything you've done, continues to be with you, continues to be your friend, continues to see you as a human being, as a good soul. Even after all this time. You couldn't stop yourself, you couldn't suppress it inside you any longer. With a loud sob, you sank your face into Mark's shoulder. You felt so weak because of all this, because of your helplessness, because of your tears, because of your irreparable mistakes. Mark, with a frown on his face, that you thankfully couldn't see, gently stroked your head. He could only guess how you were feeling right now, he wanted to help you, but he didn't know how to. He was suffocating inside, your crying was breaking his heart.
You tried to calm yourself down as quickly as possible, ashamed that you had broken so easily, but the spiral of emotions wouldn't let you break free.
You pulled back slightly, pulling away from Mark's embrace, wiping your eyes of tears. You took a deep breath and looked at Mark. The sight of his sad eyes made something tighten in your stomach. You wanted to say something, but you didn't know what. Mark had the same problem. The room became quiet again, everything stood empty. You heard Mark sigh heavily, bowing his head slightly.
"I just…" he started, but his voice trailed off into the air. He forced himself to continue speaking "Captain, don't give up. Please." His voice faltered, and you felt your legs collapse under you. You couldn't look at Mark, he is always so full of happiness, and hope. Yes, he can be silly, and jealous, but he was always good, something you are not. You were afraid you would destroy that in him, you couldn't afford to.
"You've come so far, withdrawing now is irresponsible, and I know you want to fix it. I know you have something in you that will help us fix this, that will make you fix it."
You looked at Mark with uncertainty, it was beautiful that he continued to believe in you, continued to be loyal to you.
"I know it's all unknown, uncertain, but you can fix it. After all, you are the Captain!" he smiled, spreading his arms towards you. You felt a stab of pain in your chest. He still thinks you are the Captain.
"I know you can do it, you're strong, smart, indestructible. You are still like that, despite your mistakes, many of which were beyond your control."
Your lip quivered, you slowly hid your face in your hands. Your heart beat hard, your ears rang, and you felt like you were about to pass out. Another spiral of difficult and unnamed emotions was interrupted by a sudden touch on your shoulder. You looked through your fingers in front of you. Mark stood closer to you with a smile, his hand on your shoulder.
"Your best quality is that you believe. You believe in your crew, in the good as well as the bad, you believe in me. Now you need to start believing in yourself. All this time you have been useful and necessary to others. Now you have to do it for yourself."
You looked down in shame.
"I believe in you," said Mark, putting his other hand on your shoulder, which made you look up at him. His eyes still had a sadness in them, but a smile lay on his lips. You sighed quietly. You grabbed Mark's hand, squeezing it tightly. You smiled for the first time in a while. The feel of your friend's hand brought you comfort and peace. Especially because it was Mark, your friend, your partner, your engineer, the engineer of your ship, his ship. He was always so wonderful, so loving, always concerned for your well-being. He was so supportive even when times were difficult for him. You were afraid that you were treating him badly, through this whole situation you forgot your manners. You wanted him to know how important he was to you.
You looked at Mark and smiled at him as nicely and as best as you could at that moment. Still holding the engineer's hand you saluted.
"A captain never gives up on his crew."
Mark, hearing your words smiled and quietly laughed, also saluting.
"You got it, Captain."
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Azie killed it!!!
me praising a supergirl episode? i know, shocking. but 6x12 just came for me where i live! i knew it was going to be great but it surpassed my expectations. sister are really doing it for themselves! so many things to point out that were phenomenal but here’s what comes to mind rn:
- the camera work while kelly’s all distressed at the hospital, lil joey struggling to breathe, orlando looking so helpless > i was already stressed within 5 mins
- rankin literally saying “i’ll do everything i can to help these people” while rolling away to her private hospital room with access to trial medication when the residents of the heights probably don’t even have insurance or money to pay the bills. also rankin literally sucking the life out of this disadvantaged community, building wealth and pushing her political agenda on the backs of black people is the most realistic portrayal of true villainy that this show has ever given us
- kelly’s phone call to james in the stairwell, talking about how exhausting it is was so personal to me. i work in these types of communities all the time and it’s a hard fight. i get emotionally tired too. it does feel like screaming into the void, like one step forward and ten steps back. and i felt this for kelly.
- alex’s solution is to send respirators and nothing else? just makes me realize that while the super friends were protecting mxy and trying to capture nxyly, they were pretty much neglecting the heights. people who were literally dying and it’s horrifying to think of where their priorities lie. especially considering the fact that they could have handled the nxyly issue without alex so she can support her gf
- writer 1: how do we make the audience hate rankin some more?
  writer 2: have her kill a guy for a sandwich on white bread. it’ll make her look like even more of an asshole
but seriously, what kind of psychopathic shit was that?
- andrea has always been portrayed a shameless capitalist who only cares about grabbing eyeballs but it has never been highlighted as negatively as it was in this episode in that phone call with kelly 
- i think kelly reaching out to lena who isn’t even in national city really speaks to her desperation to have someone see her. someone hear her. someone fucking help and i’m glad she had at least diggle’s support
- that slim stack of bills is all it took for that woman to sell her soul to rankin? bruh...
- the super friends showing up to the heights, only concerned with tracking nxyly, not giving any amount of fucks about what kelly is trying to say enraged me. i know that was the point of the episode but STILL
- kara telling kelly that mxy can fix all this once they get him out of the crystal. what are you five? give me a goddamn break with this foolishness kara! so lil joey’s lungs are just supposed to hang on til whenever the fuck y’all save mxy? lena, please come and collect your wife
- kelly looking directly at kara when she mentions the word hope while dragging the super friends for their nonchalant behaviour > oof, a slap to the face
- i see nia had the one brain cell this week. she’s the only one who attempted to help kelly in whatever way she could. 
- brainy really said racism is still a problem in the 31st century and it did not surprise me. 
- seems like having tunnel vision is a danvers sisters trait. i get alex not being able to relate to kelly’s struggle but come on she’s your girlfriend. can’t you tell when she’s upset?
- i’m glad that they addressed j’onn choosing the appearance of a black man and how even though he may have been a target because of it, he still can’t relate fully to the experiences like kelly, james and diggle can. it’s optional for him. they don’t have that luxury to check out whenever it suits them
- kara talking about the anti-alien hate with the col and i would like to remind kara that she genuinely thought things were improving and that the division didn’t exist despite j’onn and brainy repeatedly telling her otherwise. because, once again, her physical appearance affords her privilege that no black person or visible alien will ever receive
- every kelly scene was so emotional i was bawling wtf. her talking about pushing her pain and anger down and trying to be positive and all smiles > 100% accurate 
- i can’t believe i’m saying this but i did not need the lena scenes. they should’ve just kept those out. on the other note, magical amazon package delivery
- guardian’s suit is so fucking badass!!! i’m glad little black girls will feel SEEN and INSPIRED in this episode. thank you azie
- kara was really out there getting her ass kicked by a human who just got powers for a few hours? stop nerfing her abilities!
- the way we got an actual scene of kelly carefully wrapping her hair, the say her name t shirt, the books on the coffee table > well done azie
- alex and kelly in the final scene was a good portrayal of an interracial relationship where one partner wants to but just will never understand the issue fully. alex just needs to be there for kelly and i’m glad that they didn’t make it a moment to educate her white gf about racial discrimination. they kept the focus where it needed to be. i’m also  glad that unlike the other soical justice topics we’ve had,  they didn’t try to make it seem like something that is so engrained into the fabric of society can be wrapped up with a neat little bow and be done with. there’s more fighting to do but at least it seems like kelly will have the support going forward
- the promo after such a powerful episode gave me whiplash. back to our regularly scheduled nonsense i guess
This episode holy shit. man it was amazing. azie is a talented writer and it’s easy to tell that she was drawing inspiration from real and personal experiences. it was very easy for me to relate to these scenes, especially the hospital ones. also makes me annoyed because they’ve been wasting all this potential and this episode is proof that the show and it’s storylines can be nuanced and still include superhero aspects. too bad this episode will likely become one of few in this show’s entire run that actually accomplishes that.
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊
ɴᴏᴍᴀᴅ!sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴀᴜ ɪsʜ)
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: After the events of Thanos (pretending no one needed to die and he doesn’t leave everyone for some dry coochie) , you and Steve have had this nightly thing going on and you’ve had enough being second choice. Being nothing but something to warm his bed just to leave in the morning.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: little bit of angst (so bad at writing angst), age gap (not specifically mention but implied), smut 18+ (rough sex, degradtion but also praise lol, unprotected sex, slight hair pulling, mirror sex, choking, oral fem receiving, i think that’s it idk)
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟻.𝟸ᴋ (ɪᴅᴋ ᴡʜʏ ɪ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴀss ᴘᴏsᴛs, ɪ ɢᴇᴛ ᴄᴀʀʀɪᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ʟᴍᴀᴏ)
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“Well, I see you tomorrow,” Steve said, gathering his clothes yet again bolting out the door.
You didn’t say anything in return, just laid facing your back away from Steve as he left you just like he always does. You knew what you were getting yourself into when Steve first asked you do have sex with him. No strings attached just mindless fucking, getting laid for shits and giggles. 
At first it was fine, not exactly what you wanted but you loved Steve and you were willingly to take what you could. You and Steve had a pretty close relationship beforehand and became even closer after the initial offer. But then after a while, he started to become a bit more distant. Only talking to you when he needed to and leaving your side before the sun even came up. 
You thought it was something you’d done but he assured you nothing was wrong. But now every time you he sneaks out of you room to pretend like you didn’t just fuck each other into oblivion, you felt dirty and gross. But you let him back every night pretending to be ok with this, like you didn’t wish he would kiss you and tell you you’re beautiful.
Steve opened your door ready to leave telling himself, Don’t look back. Don’t look back. Of course though he looked back and watched your naked form tug the sheets bringing them up to chin curling in on yourself. He wanted to stay but he couldn’t. He couldn’t do that to you. 
You were still young and he had so much history and baggage. Part of the reason he even considered going back to 1945. He wanted to curl up behind you and whisper in your ear that things were going to be okay. He wanted to hold you and keep you warm, especially with winter coming to New York rapidly. 
Because as he said he couldn’t do that to you, you didn’t deserve it. This nightly thing was ruining yo and it was his fault. Steve decided then he had to end this; for his sake and yours.
“Hey kid, you ok?” Natasha asked.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” you retorted, trying your very to suppress all memories of the last night. Steve was standing across her with cup of coffee in his hand keeping his eyes from looking into yours.
“I heard you crying last night when I passed your room,” she said softly, running her arm against yours in comfort. Natasha was like the mother you wish you had. You pretty much told her everything.
“Why were you up so late?”
“I was watching a movie.”
“Oh. Can we talk later?’” you asked her.
“Of course.”
Steve knew exactly what was wrong. What you two were doing wasn’t good for you guys anymore; but you couldn’t stop. You ate breakfast and rushed back to your room. Nat came in a few mins later closing and locking your door so you could talk with no intrusions. 
“What did you want to talk about?” she asked sitting on your bed. 
“I need to tell you a secret,” you whispered.
“Ok,” she leaned in smiling.
“Me and Steve,” you paused, “we’ve been having sex.”
There was a long pause but it wasn’t Nat to register what you. Of course she fucking knew. Her room was directly next to yours.
“You’re not saying anything. Why aren’t you saying anything?” you panicked.
“Hon, our rooms are next to each other. There’s a reason I stay up late watching movies.” 
“Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize we were being a bother! Please don’t tell anyone,” you panicked even more.
“I’m not and haven’t said a word.”
“Ok, because if anyone finds out Steve is gonna be really mad.”
“Hey no one’s gonna know,” she assured you.
When she asked how all this came to play you told her everything. She had a suspicion that you had feelings for Steve and when she heard two going at it like rabbits she merely thought you wanted to keep the relationship secret. To say she became livid at Steve for taking advantage of you was a completely understatement. She wanted to kill him. 
You asked her if she would let sleep in her room tonight so she could avoid Steve at least for one day. After she said yes, you asked if she wanted to play video games but she said she’d watch you. You gamed for a while and started to get really hungry after a few hours. You ended up getting pizza delivered. Bucky and Sam grabbed the pizzas from the guy at the front and bolted to your room.
“Did you guys order pizza?”
“Yeah, you want some?”
“Hell yeah!” Sam shouted and waited for Nat to unlock your door. 
Same came inside as Bucky ran to the kitchen to grab some beers and sodas for you guys. When he returned you guys kept playing video games switching off whose turn it was to give shot at the game. You ended up nearly finishing the pizzas and left empty beer bottles and soda cans all over the table. All of you guys laughing hysterical, watching Sam do attempt after attempt of the section in the game. He kept dying in the same spot over and over and over again you all couldn't help but make jokes making you all nearly pee from laughing.
Steve had just finished a session of training alone. He usually works out with Buck but today he was nowhere in sight. Neither was Sam. He knew that Nat was in your room and evidently avoided coming into contact with you, but he thought Bucky and Sam went out to the bar or something. An invite would’ve been nice. Something to distract from thinking about you.
Although he didn’t want to, he figured he should go to Nat and see if maybe she knew where the boys were. He was giving Nat’s room a try before going to yours but when he arrived on the floor that yours and Nat’s rooms were, he heard loud laughter emitting from your room.
He instantly knew everyone resided there.
“What’s going on?” He pushed the door slightly.
You all got very quiet suddenly, especially you. You stood up and excused yourself to the bathroom, not even wanting to look at him right now. 
“We’re just playing some video games. Y/n and Nat ordered pizza and when we brought them the boxes, we ended up just staying. Where were you?” Bucky responded then asked.
“I was downstairs training.”
“Awe man! I didn’t realize how late it was getting sorry I missed it bud. I’ll be there tomorrow, for sure.”
“It’s ok. Hope you're all having fun,” Steve said before he left and closed the door.
“Y/n, he’s gone babe,” Nat came up to the door to tell you.
“What happened?” Sam asked. 
“Nothing,” she retorted.
“Ok well it’s pretty late we should get some sleep,” Bucky announced.
The boys left and when they did you quickly grabbed some clothes and your toothbrush and ran next door alongside Nat to get ready to go to bed.
It had been around 3 in the morning and Steve still couldn’t seem to get even an ounce of sleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and how he wanted to go to you and fuck until he was tired out but he didn’t want to use you anymore. He swore he wouldn’t. 
After another hour of painful silence, Steve through logic out the window and headed to your room. Maybe if he just laid beside you knowing you were just there, that could make him feel better.
When Steve knocked on your door, you didn’t answer. He opened it to see if maybe you were asleep; but he really couldn’t tell. So he stepped as quietly as possible towards your bed and moved the blankets. When he was met with cold sheets and full pillows he realized you hadn’t been here all night.
“She’s sleeping.”
Steve jerked his head to find Natasha leaning against the door frame, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. He’d realized there was no getting out of this situation and slumped on your bed head falling into his hands. He ran his hands through hair wishing desperately they were yours but you had run away from him.
“Why are you doing this to her?” Nat asked softly, she wasn’t exactly as mad anymore now having seen that there is something more that neither of you are admitting to each other; but she was still pretty pissed. 
“I can’t sleep,” was his response.
“So waking her up to use her as a toy was the solution?”
“It’s not like that,” Steve nearly shouted.
“You need to stop using her. Tell her the truth or leave her alone.”
“What truth?” Steve asked.
“Steve, don’t play dumb. There’s something deeper than just mindless fucking and you know it. Unfortunately she doesn’t and if you don’t tell soon it’s gonna break her. She’s too young for this bullshit, Steve.”
“I can’t do that to her. You know how fucked up my life has been and dragging her into that? I can’t do that to her. She doesn’t deserve it.” 
“So fucking her at night only to leave in the morning and pretend like nothing ever happened between you guys is the better option? Really, Steve? I thought you were smarter than that.”
There was a long pause as Steve realize he fuck himself over from the start. 
“Fix this,” Nat said before going back to her room to sleep for the rest of the night.
For the next few days you had slept in Nat’s room. Normally you would find yourself cuddled close to her but never completely squishing her like did this particular morning.
“Oh well good morning sunshine,” she laughed putting her phone to pull you closer. It almost made your stomach flutter because you wish you had someone to wake up to like this everyday; preferably with Steve though.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to keep you in bed.”
“Oh it’s fine. I quite liked the cuddling,” she retorted as you got off of her.
“If only Steve did too,” you said to yourself aloud.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Nat shouted that it was okay for them to enter; it was Tony.
“Hey Nat, so I was able to get a babysitter for Morgan for tonight; I don’t think I told you but, Lang’s kid-” he stopped when he noticed you were in the room too, totally unexpected.
“Oh uh,” Nat looked at you not so discreetly, “We should talk about this later.
“Ok,” Tony bolted out the door.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Let’s get ready for breakfast, I think Tony is gonna order a special breakfast or something to get delivered.”
“Oh that’s nice.” you wondered if it had anything to do with what you hoped it would but you seemed to be proven wrong when no one seemed to say anything.
After one of the bed breakfasts you’ve ever had, Bucky, Sam, and Nat went back to your room to play more video games like the other night. You and Nat stayed on the bed while the boys were on the floor intensely slashing around in time with the game’s combat.
There was a quiet knock at your door in contrast to the volume of the television but your trained ears could hear it. You walked to the door telling the boys to quiet down before you actually opened the door. On the other side was actually someone you didn’t expect.
“Steve, what’s up? You need someone?”
“Actually, maybe I could hang with you guys? I brought food,” he smiled shyly.
“Oh my goodness, of course,” you let him.  
“Hey guys I’ve got lunch,” he announced, walking to the table off to the side of your room; since the boys moved it to roll around on the floor. You however waited by the closed door. You wished Steve would come to you when you were alone and not to hang out with his friends that you kept captive; and not for just sex of course either. 
“Yay!” everyone shouted.
“Y/n you should eat too,” Nat said, bringing you food from the bag.
“I’m not too hungry right now,” you responded.
“You might not have time later to fuel yourself. You’re gonna want to.”
Ok what is going on? You ask yourself. You still took the food she gave you though. That question would soon be answered thankfully.
Hours later and Tony barged in frantically.
“Let’s go you bums! Lang’s kid just came over!”
“Why didn’t you say anything!?” Nat shouted and kicked everyone out. 
“What's going on? You guys have been weird all day.”
“Did you really think we’d forget your birthday, babe?” Nat said to you.
“What?” your eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Yeah, we got you a nice breakfast, Steve brought you lunch, and Tony and I are taking everyone out to the club to celebrate your birthday!” Nat said hugging you.
“Oh my goodness, why didn’t anyone say anything? I wasn't mad but literally not one person, not even you, said anything,” tears brimmed your eyes.
“I know I’m sorry but hey now we get to spend all night partying for you and only you. Tony has all your birthday gifts at the club already, we got a VIP booth,” she winked at you. 
She ran to her room extremely quick and returned with a dress bag. She pulled out a short ivory satin slip dress that complimented your soft skin beautifully. It was backless as well and also had a small slit that was very high up. Looking at it made you kinda nervous. No way you were gonna wear that.
Wanda came in right after wearing an all black long sleeved off the shoulder dress that made her look so beautiful. She hugged you and wished a happy birthday before turning to the bathroom to grab you some makeup. While Wanda did your makeup giving you a very natural look to enhance the beauty you already bestowed, Nat changed into a strapless black dress as well that had a deep vee neck.
She took out a box and gave it to you along with the white dress and told you to change. 
“I’m not wearing this. Where’s the rest of it?” the girls laughed loudly.
“It's actually not that revealing, so don't worry about that. Also we’re practically gonna be in the dark.”
“What’s in the box?”
“You’ll see,” Wanda winked. 
“If you can’t figure it out though, we’ll help you,” Nat confirmed.
You went into the bathroom after grabbing some appropriate panties for this table cloth of a dress opting for nude lace panties wanting to feel extra sexy for your big night. After you put the dress, you admired yourself for a bit admiring the way you looked before opening the box. When you did you didn’t quite know what it was at first but after picking it up you realized it was a diamond body chain for your thigh. You figured for the thigh exposed from the slit in the slip dress. 
You came out almost ready to leave and the girls whistled and howled hyping you up. You picked up the pair of strappy heels set on your bed, being decorated as well with diamonds. You put them on and the diamonds wrapped around the ankle shining just like the body chain you had on your thigh.  You put on a pair of earrings and you were officially ready to party for the night.
You walked downstairs with the girls and the boys nearly fell over after looking at how beautiful you three were. Pepper was already dressed and downstairs dressed much more modestly but just as stunning. The boys were dressed formally but not black tie formal, just perfect for a night out. 
Steve more specifically was absolutely captivated by the way you looked. You always held yourself with elegance that made him blush, but this? How was gonna keep any sort self control when you look so fucking perfect. You smiled at Steve and everyone moved to the front where the limo that Tony rented was waiting. 
Steve held your hand and helped you inside almost immediately cutting Bucky off so that he could sit next to you on the way to the city. Once everyone was inside you were on your way to the club.
“You look beautiful,” Steve whispered to you. You damn near shit yourself, you were so in love with him.
“Thank you, Steve.”
When you got to the club you all got settled in the VIP booth, where all your gifts from everyone were. One by one you opened them as drinks came in, ordered by Tony and Pepper. You thanked everyone with a hug and off they were to dance. You cleaned up a bit while Steve too stayed behind. 
“You didn’t open my gift,” he said smirking.
“I didn’t?” you questioned.
“Well you didn’t exactly have access to it,” he pulled a box from his pocket. When you opened it was a gorgeous gold necklace with your birthstone just big enough at the center. You looked back at Steve and thanked him over and over again.
“Do you want me to put it on?” he asked.
“Yes, of course.”
He grabbed the necklace and you turned around grabbing and moving your hair for Steve to clip the necklace. When he had done so, he quickly but gently kissed the back of your neck, his face shortly lingering, seeing the chills and shiver your body had done. 
You felt your body grow cold and were about to say something when Nat had come interrupting your moment.
“Y/n, let’s go dance! Come on!” she dragged you away.
“What was that I saw,” she asked you when you were on the dance floor.
“Honestly I don’t know.”
After a couple hours of dancing you had gone to the bar to get some water and maybe a drink. When you got the you had met up with Bucky who was preoccupied with a girl he met tonight. 
“Hey, doll,” he said when he noticed your presence; completely ignoring the girl after.
“Hey, Buck.”
“How’s your night going?” he got closer so you could hear him over the incredibly loud music.
“I'm doing amazing but I'm a little tired already, thought I’d get some water.”
“That’s good. Stay hydrated, princess.” Bucky has been like a brother to you since you came to the tower. Him and Nat have always been your go-to’s and it’s nice to feel like you have family to care for you. That’s kinda what you are. 
You continued to carry nice conversation as you both drank at the bar. You decided since your feet were beginning to ache to sit on a bar stool but Bucky deciding against it. He stood nearly in between your legs, not in a sexual manner but just to be close to you because the music was so fucking loud and you two could hardly hear each other. 
But that didn’t translate well to Steve who stood at the end of the bar with Bruce and Thor; who ended up bringing Asgardian mead for him, Steve, and Bucky. Truth be told, he didn’t like the way Bucky was standing so close to you but he couldn’t blame him. You looked ravishing and Steve never told his best friend about your nightly encounters and definitely not how much he really cared for you romantically.
You noticed a pair of eyes piercing through you and when you turned you looked into Steve’s eyes. He looked betrayed and confused. Why would he feel like that anyway; you weren’t his. Especially since he’s the one who seems to show no interest in you beyond a nightly affair.
You figured you messed with him only to see if he would say anything, maybe that could push him to finally realize your his; you’ve always been his. Bucky continued to conversate with you at the bar and you opened your legs just a bit to bring him closer. To Bucky you seemed like you couldn’t hear him. But to Steve, you were flirting.
You reached out to Bucky and pulled him closer laughing at something he said, and Steve saw red. He bolted to the bar where you and Bucky were and snatched you away. 
“Hey, man. What the fuck is going on?” Bucky shouted to Steve.
“Stay out of this, asshole,” Steve practically growled back.
“The fuck, you good man? Don’t be grabbing her like that, dickhead.”
“I said stay out!” Steve let go and shoved Bucky away.
“Steve!” you shouted. You had zero clue why he was acting like this.
Nat came over and helped Bucky while Sam stepped into between the two. 
“What the hell is going here?” Nat shouted.
“Nothing,” Steve said, “you’re coming with me.”
Steve started walking to the front of the building, quickly calling a cab when you were outside in the cold. 
“What are you doing? Steve no it’s my birthday! ”
“Exactly, let me treat the pretty birthday girl to something nice,” he came and whispered into your ear making you shudder in arousal.
“And what would that be?” you retorted.
“Oh you’ll see,” he practically threw in the cab that instantly started driving to the compound.
Steve dragged you to his room and tossed on the bed before turning around, locking the door behind him. Your body trembled nervous and excited for what Steve was going to do next.  
“You think you can get away with that knowing you belong to me?”
“I don’t belong to you. You don’t get to say that, you never even stayed until morning.”
“Watch your mouth, princess.” he grabbed your jaw making you look at him. You shut your mouth real quick.
“You think you can act like fucking little slut around Bucky, practically begging him to fuck with your eyes. Well baby girl, your mine. Got it?”
You simply nodded your head, arousal pooling in your panties. Steve never showed you any kind of affection during your nightly affair but seeing him jealous and possessive was a huge turn on.
“Yes, captain,” he said, pulling your hair to make you look at him.
“Yes, captain,” you whimpered.
“Take off your dress, leave the chain and heels.”
You scrambled to the bed after nearly tearing your dress off your body. Steve went to the bathroom for a brisk moment unsure as to why but soon enough emerged rolling the sleeves of his collared shirt up his enormous forearms. 
You laid spread against the bed awaiting your encounter with Steve. He stalked towards you with a shit-eating grin plastered to his face; oh the things he was gonna do to you tonight. 
“Look at you.”
“Steve,” you whimpered, moving your thighs together to squeeze out some sort of friction to your sensitive pussy. 
“What? You’re squirming around around like fish out of water,” he kneeled to the floor, “but your fucking soaked.
In front of his face there was an embarrassingly large wet spot on your panties, the lace doing next to nothing to keep your arousal contained. Steve’s hands lingered up your  ankles and calves, kissing your legs and knees so softly. You whined and whimpered hoping for Steve to just have his way with you already, but he continued to be torturous and take his ever sweet time with you.
“What’s the matter you dumb baby? You want me to make you feel good? You want me to use my mouth on you and make you come as many times as you can,” he mocked.
“Yes! Please, Steve!”
With that he ripped your underwear going straight in with absolutely no warning making you moan loud. Steve’s tongue circled around your hole and his nose brushed your clit, driving you crazy. He brought his hand up to you and inserted a finger into your pussy.  
No matter how many times Steve fucks you’d probably never get used to even his thick fingers he often used on you. Not long after, Steve inserted another finger making you wrap your legs around his head, calves falling over his shoulders. Since you still had your heels on, they dug painful but pleasurable into Steve’s back, making him moan in return.
The moans eliciting from him make your pussy pulse around his fingers signaling you were extremely close to having your first orgasm of the night. Your hands flew to Steve’s hair and tugged on his long locks. His beard scratched you beautifully. He moved quicker and you almost instantly came all over his face. 
“Fucking whore. You gonna come?” Steve said. 
“Yes, captain! I’m gonna come,” you shouted.
When you did, Steve stood up quickly and manhandled you onto your stomach pulling you by your hips so your knees were under them. You turned your head forward toward the giant mirror that Steve had on his wall, said ‘it made the room look bigger’. 
You looked in the mirror and saw as Steve came behind you unzipping his pants then rubbing his hands roughly along your back. You shivered at how you laid completely bare for him, nothing but a body chain and heels, but he stood on his knees behind you fully clothed ready to use to his heart’s desire. 
“You think you could get away with acting like a fucking slut with that stunt you pulled? Did you think you could get away with that, you little bitch?” he smacked your ass.
You only whined as your body flinched. When you didn’t answer him he grabbed your hair and pulled up to your knees; your back completely flushed against his chest. 
“I asked you a fucking question,” he growled in your ear; making direct eye contact with you in the mirror. His sharp blue eyes are nearly black with lust.
“No! I didn’t mean it like that, baby,” you told him.
“Oh yeah? Cause it looked like you wanted Bucky to bend you over that fucking bar and take you for everyone to see.” 
“Maybe I did it to make you jealous.”
“Jealous?” Steve wrapped his hand around the throat making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“I’m not jealous because you and I both know you belong to me and tonight I’m gonna make sure everybody in this fucking compound knows it, especially Bucky.”
You moaned at his words so loud it was almost pornographic. Hearing Steve become extremely possessive made you feel dare you say, loved. 
Steve shoved you face back into the mattress and grabbed his dick to line up with your dripping pussy. He gave no warning as he thrusted into you making you nearly scream in pure pleasure. You gripped the sheets hard making your knuckles turn white. Steve threw his head back from pure bliss in your sex. You felt amazing, perfect.
You looked at him in the mirror and came at the sight of him. That clearly didn’t stop Steve as he continued to thrust into you even harder than before chasing his own release. He grabbed at his collar shirt and ripped it open feeling overwhelmed with heat. 
His hand reached for your hair once again to pull flush against him. One hand circled around to rub at your clit, stimulating another orgasm approaching while the other wrapped around your throat more to keep you in place than bring you satisfaction. Tears streaming down your face in pleasure, mascara slightly messy and running.
“You feel so fucking good, baby. Look at us,” he looked in the mirror.
“You see how precious you look right now? Like a fucking angel.”
You could only whimper and moan at the sight in front of you. Steve completely ruining you in the best way possible. 
“No one is ever gonna be able to fuck you as good as I do, got it? Your mine. Say it, tell me your mine, princess.”
“I’m yours! Oh god Steve baby, I’m all yours!”
With that you came hard on Steve’s dick, him too; hot spurts of his cum shooting into you. You fell forward, arms nearly giving out but Steve picked you up and leaned back with you back on his chest. His hands moved softly across your body, everything quiet around you two. The smell of sex lingering in the air, silence wrapping around you like a blanket. 
You stayed that way for a minute. You tried your best to catch your breath already beginning to feel really sore between your thighs. Steve moved you and laid gently on his bed before hurrying to the bathroom. You laid there wondering if Steve just had an episode, a desire to take control of something again, or if he actually wanted you to be his, to love you like you would dream at night after he left. 
He came back wearing nothing but a new set of boxers seemingly to have cleaned himself up. He had a washcloth with him however and began to wipe your makeup you had on. Once you were clean he carefully removed your body chain and heels, rubbing your feet to relieve any soreness from them too. 
He picked you and set you on his bathroom counter, everything still quiet around. That silence was broken however when he turned on the faucet to run yourselves a bath. When you both sat comfortably, lying on his chest in between his legs, he wet your hair and gently washed it rinsing after. You dried yourselves and when you went to put your dress back on ready to leave for the night, Steve stopped you.
“Don’t leave. Please,” he begged.
“I thought-”
“I want you to stay,” he didn’t only mean the night, he meant with him… forever. Or at least as long as you’ll have him, so hopefully forever.
“Steve,” you whispered holding his face.
“Can we talk about this tomorrow? I promise I’ll explain everything, just I know I was really rough right now and I want you to rest,” he nuzzled his face into your neck.
“Ok, you promise?”
He went to grab a shirt for you to wear for the night but you simply led him back to the bed and crawled underneath the sheets. He asked about clothes and you just ignored him enticing a chuckle from him. 
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you baby girl.”
But you were already asleep.
The next morning you woke up with the sun shining the most beautiful golden rays upon your skin. You two talked about what exactly happened last night and where you two would go from there. Thankful, feelings were mutual and you felt happy.
Heading down for breakfast you held Steve’s hand and everyone looked at you guys strangely. 
“Did you guys hook up last night or what’d I miss?”
“It’s really complicated,” you said curling closer to his side.
“You ok?” Nat whispered to you before you and Steve returned to his room with plates of breakfast. 
“Oh yeah,” you smiled.
“I feel great.”
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cblgblog · 3 years
Sorry I’m advance but one of my other favorite accounts just reblogged a Tony scene and people are talking about Civil War and how it made them Stan Tony, and how when they watch that movie they hate team cap👀 Then someone was all about how he was sleep deprived and how much pressure he was under and couldn’t understand how people didn’t like Tony because. Someone literally said that when someone says they don’t like Tony in Civil War they say “did you watch the same movie as me.” I’m baffled. Oddly enough someone else said, “he just wants to help everyone.” Sorry for the rant but I think people forget about what the accords are and what it would mean for people. Side note, I hope you’re having a great day/night 😀
No sorry needed!
I feel you man, I do. Honestly, I’ve unfollowed people based on similar posts when I was in especially Done moods, so.
Look on the one hand, the movie would’ve been a narrative failure if everyone was in favor of one side or the other, right? The whole point of the damn thing—besides giving the Mouse overlords more money—was to spark discussion, debate. Which, yeah, we’ll call that the tame description for what actually happened. But just, the thing was meant to split the fanbase so in that regard…winning? Thanks, I guess?
Film is also very obviously subjective, different strokes for different folks, so yeah, ten people can watch a movie and none of them are gonna see the exact same film. Let’s try to remember that this is, in theory anyway, a good thing. I just read a professional film review yesterday where I had the same reaction. What film were you watching, dude? Incidentally his reviewing partner said the same thing.
So honestly, no, they weren’t watching the same film as you or I or anyone else, because everyone brings their own biases and experiences and knowledge and interests into a thing, and that’s always going to flavor how it’s viewed. Again, let’s try to remember that this is good. In theory. Heavy on the theory.
That out of the way? Let’s get into Tony specifically so his uber stans can find this and scream at me on anon as though I just shot RDJ with a nuke.
Oh yeah, he was stressed. Oh, he was sleep deprived. Yeah, I’ve heard that. And that it’s Pepper’s fault, if she hadn’t left the poor baby, if she was there to rein him in, he’d be fine dammit, leave the baby alone!
Here’s the thing. You know who gets a pass on their shit behavior when they’re upset or tired? Actual babies. Actual babies and toddlers, and children, up to a point. Because they actually cannot always help themselves. Their bodies and brains are different, they have not learned better.
When you’re a 50-year-old man who’s supposedly the world’s bestest superhero, who wants, wants to be in charge of protecting the whole world? You need a little more self-control than that. The sleep deprived excuse works if you snap at someone before you’ve had your coffee, not for this. Roseanne Barr didn’t get to blame Ambien for her racism, Tony doesn’t get to handwave CW away because oops, I was tired.
Really? You’re a superhero, dude. Most of your teammates are tired too, that’s part of the gig. If you crash and burn this badly without your afternoon nap, fucking hang up the armor and go back to your billionaire playboy lifestyle.
Speaking of that, sure, right. It’s Pepper’s fault because she left him. Put aside the argument on whether that was justified or not (cough, it was and she should’ve stayed away even though they are adorable together). It’s not Pepper’s job to keep Tony sane. It’s not any partner’s job to do that for anyone. If she wants out, she has a right to that, without Tony going off the rails and blaming it on her. Seriously, he says part of the reason he backed the Accords was to “split the difference” with Pepper.
Dude. You were an asshole and you lost your girl. You destroyed all your suits, turned an emotional and mental corner in IM 3…and then relapsed 4 minutes later I guess because Whedon. Either way, Tony admits himself that he does not want to stop. So instead of doing that, or finding another partner who can accept that, you back an unjust international law that pits you against your team, your supposed friends? Go to therapy, have a pint of ice cream, cry into your pillow, send her more of those strawberries you sent her in IM 2 that she’s allergic to. You don’t go trying to change international law in ways that could ultimately affect millions of people because your girl left you.
Honestly—and thank God they didn’t do this but—the only way the Pepper excuse works in excusing his behavior in any way is if she’d died. Or been severely injured like Happy in IM 3. Still wouldn’t be okay, but, like Quill messing up their chance to stop Thanos because Gamora died, it would’ve been more understandable. Understandable, not excusable, and the way the MCU treats their women as manpain fodder, we’re probably legit lucky we didn’t get this.
As for him wanting to help everyone. He does in fact want that, I think. The problem is that his need to feel like he’s doing that is stronger than his rational mind, or his want to actually help in a constructive way.
Tony is too smart. He’s dumb as hell in many instances, mostly involving people and relationships, but he’s also too smart, and he’s been told for too long that he’s smart, and he’s bought into it. Ultron. Suit of armor around the world, protects the world, no more alien threats. It’s a simple concept on paper that fails in execution. So there are people with dangerous powers. Okay, we’ll make a set of laws to keep them from being dangerous, problem solved. But again, it isn’t.
Tony is not used to problems he cannot solve. He’s a genius, right? He can fix anything. He should be able to fix anything. That’s how he feels. But not everything is zeros and ones and circuits, things that can be fixed mechanically like his armors can. The people he wants to protect are not built that way. But he needs to feel like he’s doing something, because he’s terrified of what happens to the world if he doesn’t. So he creates these simple solutions to complex problems. The suit of armor, the Accords. They sound good in theory, but the problems they’re trying to solve are bigger than they are. And Tony, way back in IM 1, he sat back for years, clueless that his weapons were being used for bad things. He says it to Cap in CW. When he found out what his weapons were being used for, he went in and stopped it. Whether or not he should’ve known that already is a separate issue here. The point here is that when he found out, too late or not, he went in and did something about it.
Tony needs to do something about it. Again, go back to Cap in AoU, Tony’s nightmare sequence. Steve asks Tony why he didn’t save them. Tony’s ultimate nightmare is that he sits back and does nothing, and his inaction causes everyone to die. Which is where you get Ultron. Something he came up with because of what he saw in space in Avengers 1, then doubled down on in AoU. It’s where you get the Accords. Oops, he caused someone to die, he killed Charles Spencer. Must do something about that right now so it doesn’t happen again, and he won’t have to feel this guilt. He should be collaborating with others to come up with solutions (no Bruce in AoU doesn’t count because Bruce was dumb there), or at the very least, taking more time to think through the repercussions of the things he puts out there. But he doesn’t, because he’s got his savior complex that tells him that he alone can and must fix this, and because he’s too dumb to realize how not-smart he is in certain areas.
“We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I’m game.”
Isn’t that what he says in CW, or something very close to it? Whatever form that takes. That’s the issue, right there, whatever form that takes. Realistically, yes, there should be laws regarding people with powers, the same way there are special laws pertaining to people who carry guns, or people who are licensed to fly planes. You have a thing/can do a thing that not everyone else does, so there are regulations pertaining to that thing. Laws change with the times, they always have. Some new technology comes up, eventually there will be laws that regulate it. As there should be, honestly. The issue with the Accords, Steve’s issue with the Accords, was not the basic idea. He says as much. He says that it could work, but there would have to be safeguards. Safeguards that are not in the Accords that Tony wants him to sign.
It's not a matter of oh, fuck the law, there should be no law governing these people, they’re above it. The problem is that the law as it’s presented here is unjust. There’s what, a month between Lagos and Ross coming by to tell them about the Accords? A month is not enough time to properly analyze such a big issue, Especially when you’re reacting out of fear, which is what happened with Lagos. People died because of an Enhanced person, an Avenger, in this case. Lawmakers don’t want that to happen again, they especially don’t want the political shit storm that comes with it. Damn, we look like we were asleep at the switch here, not having anything to throw at this problem earlier. Quick, let’s throw together this thing so no one can say we’re not addressing the problem.
Patriot Act of 2001, anyone? 9/11 happened, the public were rightfully terrified, the US said oh man, these are unprecedented circumstances, we’ve never had this before. Don’t worry though, we’re on this, we’re protecting you. The reality being that that bill simply gave the government too much power, most of it being used against people who were not actually threats, and it’s debatable, to say the very least, whether or not that law helped more than it hurt.
No law is perfect. No law ever will be. It’s not possible. We still have to strive for perfection though, have to aim there so that the laws we get are as close to fair as possible. Tony’s a big deal. If not for his “whatever form that takes” attitude, he might’ve been able to use his influence to pressure lawmakers into coming up with a fairer bill. Hey, I’m me, the public loves me, I will endorse this bill publicly and work on getting the rest of the team to sign, but you need to change this and this and this first, or no deal. Instead, he took the easy way out, the quickest, easiest way for him to feel like he’s atoned for his sins without actually doing anything. Whatever form that takes.
Tony’s not wrong because he backs the creation of a law that addresses these things. He’s wrong because he says himself that he does not care what that law does, specifically, so long as it exists. He’s wrong because he violates said law upteen times during the movie, while preaching to team Cap about what assholes they are for not backing it. He’s wrong because he cares more about feeling as though he’s tackled a problem than he does about taking the time to make sure that the thing he’s proposing is actually a good idea. He’s wrong because of what he does with Bucky, though that’s honestly a separate issue, for the purposes of this discussion.
Anyway, that was longer than I ever wanted it to be. Damn. Next time you see a comment about CW being the reason people stan Tony, just remember there are other people out there who stopped stanning Tony because of that movie. Everyone’s entitled to see a piece of media however they see it, and although the Tony stans are often the loudest, there are plenty of like-minded people out there who share your take on events. Block who you need to, unfollow who you need to, blacklist what you need to, and don’t let them get you down.
Hang in there, and have an awesome day :)
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
summary:Being trapped in space with tony wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to someone except when your running out of food, and water, and happen to be dating the guy who killed his parents...ok maybe it is the worst thing to happen.
Inspired by Into the blue
pairing: tony stark x reader x bucky
warning:starvation,depression,angst, hopeless feeling,cheating,implied smut
note: Don't expect the other chapters to be as long pfft Just this being the first one i wanted to get the entire plot out.
Wonderwall masterlist
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Being trapped in space with tony wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to someone except when your running out of food, and water, and happen to be dating the guy who killed his parents...ok maybe it is the worst thing to happen.
This had all started almost a month ago when they were on a mission that meant going off of earth. To find the leader of the aliens that invaded new york. Who gave loki his army. It went as well as you'd expect leading to dead end after dead end. eventually you and tony decided it was time to return back to earth it was smooth sailing until something happened and the ship completely shut down and simply became a vessel floating. Tony tried to figure out what was wrong but seeing no damage and his suit running out of power left him having to go back to the ship and figure out what to do.
Suspecting that they couldn't be out there for more than 2 weeks they rationed the food and water between the two of them for that time. Slowly as time went on they realized they'd be there longer than expected. Slowly supplies ran out and tony was running out of solutions. y/n’s powers started to fall from her control as she got weaker. This made it hard for tony and y/n to be around one another.
Her powers are to control and manipulate thoughts and feelings. she could also make people see her thoughts. similar to wanda's except she couldn't create thought simply spread things she already knew.. Shes has them sense she was 5 and the older she got the more out of control they got. at 17 fury came to her and took her in. y/n and natasha got very close due to being there at such a young age. When wanda came they became close from similar powers. They showed her how to control her powers and use them for good. This felt similar to how she felt then. out of control whatever thoughts or want she had happened at a simple touch. She felt weak and powerless while also being powerful. Tony was currently in his mini lab trying to figure out how he could fix the suit.
y/n sat in the control room on the floor feeling empty. They were currently having to skip eating some days. This was hurting y/n more than tony and as such she could barely move anymore. sitting on the floor she was trying to get up but failing from tiredness. Tony came out his lab to see her eyes closed and head back. The soft breathing was the only way he knew she was still alive. They both looked like a wreck but y/n looked on the edge of death. “hey” tony said softly sitting next to her. “you shouldn't be here” she replied wearly still keeping her eyes closed and head back. “You won't hurt me. I trust you” tony replys sleepily. “mmm thank you but I can't control it anymore” she says softly. “Then I won't touch you” he says.
y/n finally cracks open her eyes. “How are you feeling?” tony ask. How was she? she wasn't sure herself. She felt sick and tired and her vision kept spinning. She couldn't even peel herself from the floor. she simply shrugged. “here” he says handing her an almost empty bottle of water. 
she shook her head “that's yours” she says pushing it back towards him. “I'm not the one about to shake hands with the grim reaper.” tony says pushing back the bottle. she sighs and grabs the bottle. as soon as the liquid touches her dry lips and chugs the rest of the water. 
“Better?” tony ask with concern. she nods “much” she replies with a satisfied sigh. “Tony... do you think we’ll ever get back home?” she ask finally turning her head and looking at tony. He gulps and looks over at her. Her eyes look broken a look once filled with happiness and hope and what felt like the sun is now a glance of tiredness not just as in needing sleep but tired of all of this mess. The look of someone broken and hopeless.
“no” is all he can say. She would know if he lied so why even try. she sighed looking down. “me either.”she says turning to look out the large window. It's all dark outside only light being the stars. For a few days it was such a beautiful view but now it's just a reminder they are floating farther and farther from home.
they sat there just staring out into the emptiness. Tony looked over at her. Her eyes were closed again and her breathing had deepened showing she had fallen asleep. He stood up grabbing a package of food leaving it for her. it was his portion and hers. She needed it more than he did. which is exactly what he wrote on the note he stuck on the package. Even on the verge of death he thought she looked beautiful. The thought threw him off. he shook it off assuming it was the tiredness and being together for so long. she looked very uncomfortable. 
Sitting back down he took off his jacket and laid her down on his lap. He placed his jacket on top of her to keep her warm. He stroked her hair starting to fall asleep himself. his brain starts to get fuzzy with what feels like a dream but not his own. He tried to pull away but felt stuck. The dream was or y/n and tony still on the ship. They were in the lab. They seemed happier. y/n walked over to tony and they kissed. not like it was the first time but like it was just any normal thing. after that tony finally pulled away. It took him a while before figuring out that was y/n’s dream. She had accidently spread her thought into his mind. He felt bad he wasn't intended to see that and she didn't intend for him to. 
Tony was left confused. Why would that be her dream? Why wouldn't she dream of being back at home happy with bucky. feeling her move he shoved his thoughts aside. her eyes opened looking up at him she softly smiled “hey” she said. “hey” he replied he wasn't sure on what exactly to say. She sat up and realized tony's jacket was on her. “This is a nice jacket” she said voice still covered in sleep. 
Y/n handed tony back his jacket. she tilts her head and reaches for the package of food. She reads the note and smirks. “Tony today isn't our day for food” she said. “you need to eat today. now. eat.”  tony said with a stern face. she sighed and opened up the container of food and got to eating it. She started to eat fast before tony grabbed her hand. “slowly or your body will shut down.”  he said. she nodded and ate slower. 
once she was done her eyes started to get droopy again. “hey um y/n?” tony said. She turned to him with a face to show she was listening. “your thoughts accidently got pushed into my head while you were asleep...” he said trailing off. she started to feel her heart speed up. She remembered her dream so she knew what he saw. “uh...” was all that came out when she tried to speak.
Tony shook his head “no no i get it we've been together for over a month ok I just uhm ok” tony said in a panic. Never before had tony been at a loss of words. “tony...” she said softly. “We aren't getting home and you and I have gotten closer than ever and I just I don't know...” she said looking down at the floor. She sighed “I just want the world to stop. The pain to stop for the inevitable of this to not seem so fucked!” she screamed feeling all the pain and anger in her rise. All the hurt she felt over all this time. “I need it to stop!” she yelled over and over. Tony grabbed her face. y/n stopped speaking. “Do you want me to stop it?” he asked looking over her face. She wasn't sure. This situation seemed so stuck and to turn it off would be amazing. She wasn't going to back in bucky's arms....ever. To just be touched and held by someone before their inevitable doom would be amazing. So that was it. “yes” she said softly.
With that tonys lips were on hers. It was soft and smooth. His touches and strokes. His lips and mouth were so soft. Everything he did was as if he would break her. This wasn't rough and wild sex this wasn't tony being a playboy. This wasnt love though it wasn't someone making love. This was the pain of two people who saw no way out. Two friends saying goodbye. 
After they laid together. y/n on top of tony as he held her close to him. his hand rubbed up and down her back as she slowly fell asleep. “Thank you” she said softly before falling into a slumber. He smiled at her. He felt his heart do cartwheels at the sight of her asleep, comfortable, and close to him. He knew this feeling and it frustrated him. He shook his head. He took this as simply being the fact that they had been up there for so long and had just slept together. Falling into a slumber he felt the weight of the world fall off her chest.
The next few days were better but y/n felt her body shut down more and more each day. It was halfway through month 2 of being stuck together. Then the ship shook and the door opened. y/n was sat at the control panel trying to stay alive with all her strength. 
The door opened to the ship and 5 people walked in. The last people that tony and y/n ever expected. Steve, natasha, clint, bruce, and the one that caused the most shock. james buchanan barnes.
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There's Always Room For Another
Minors, this story is not for you. This is a KiriBaku x Transmasculine AFAB Reader. As time goes on, I will add on triggers. This is meant to be a long term fic that will eventually become a lemon. Until then it will stay orange - lime. I will give content warnings at the beginning of every chapter. Please comment if I miss any. There will be sex mentions peppered throughout. This is an act of fiction in which all characters are written to be at least the age of 21 years old. I do not claim any rights to the characters in this story, nor do I intend to. All characters in this story are owned by Kohei Horikoshi.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Chapter 6 is here!
Kirishima made a quick trip to McDonald's and back, picking up as many chicken nuggets as he could, as well as a Bai Big Mac meal and a Bai Egg Cheeseburger for himself, and Bai Spicy Chicken Sandwich meal with another thing of nuggies for bakugo and a few extra orders of fries for a communal fry pile, knowing that communal fries made everything better. Things were great as he carried the food and drinks in, planning on fixing this entire situation. He went to get Katsuki first, "Food's here," he called into the room before going to knock on your door once...twice...three times, "Y/N? Are you in there?" he said, knowing he knocked loud enough to wake you up. When you didn't answer, he started to worry and knocked again, walking back out to the kitchen. "Bakubro, do you know where y/n went?" he asked, and the man looked up, "What? I never heard the door open, what do you mean 'where' they went? They went to their room earlier!" he said, getting a little pissed off and standing up. He walked over to the room, knocking on the door, "Open up, dumbass or I'm coming in!" he shouted, banging on the door which surprised Kiri for some reason. "Bro, calm down, he may be asleep," he said, to which he received a quick, "Or he could be dead, he needs to open this goddamn door," he replied, pulling his wallet out and using an old debit card to unlock the door and shoving it open to find...nothing.
Kirishima looked confused, "Are you absolutely sure you didn't hear anyone come or go," he asked, meanwhile Bakugo began to blow up your phone, stressed and wanting to find out exactly where you went. After all, they had shit to talk about. He next went into your bathroom, making sure you weren't in there either and beginning to pace, "I'm gonna kill that idiot!" He shouted, walking out of the room as sparks began erupting from his palms, clearly and visibly distressed at your absence when they needed to talk about things like yesterday. Kirishima chased after him, turning up around, and activating his quirk before pressing the blonde's palms over his chest, putting his own over his, "Hey come on, calm down, I'm sure they just went out for a walk to clear his head. It happens, just breathe okay? We probably should talk about this too," he said, slowly leading him to the table as his hands shook and anxiety, fear, and anger welled up in his chest. He was not a happy man at this time, stressed and not knowing what he was going to do or say about this. "Okay, so I just wanted a communal nap, then he ended up on top of you, and he ran away. Does he have any trauma in his past?" he asked, beginning to go down the list of reasons one would panic upon waking up in the bed with their roommates who were men. "In general or involving men specifically?" he added, and Katsuki thought about it. He really...didn't know. "I-I don't fucking know, why am I supposed to know that?" He asked, and Kirishima paused. "Okay, it's fine if you don't know everything about him. Um, do you know if you've made him uncomfortable recently?" he asked, grabbing a pen and paper and listing a few reasons why this would be a problem and picking at his fries. He put a question mark next to trauma, knowing you may have never told him. "I mean, not really? We watched a movie and fell asleep, and other than that I've not done anything unusual. He'd say something, right?" he asked, picking at his nuggets and knowing he needed to eat even if he wasn't hungry.
Kiri marked off 'recently made uncomfortable' and looked at the other options. "Is he sick?" he asked, dreading the last one a bit. Katsuki frowned and thought about it, "No, I don't think he's sick," he replied after a moment, starting to get worried. Kiri marked that off the list and paused. "Are you sure he had absolutely no trauma with men?" he asked, and Katsuki growled, "I said I don't know! His house was the safe spot growing up, idiot, he didn't tell me anything and I didn't notice anything otherwise I would have blown his family to pieces!" he said, working on his dinner and getting pissed off. "Why are you focusing on that, there's another thing on the list there, right?" he asked, grabbing for it and snatching it out of his boyfriend's hands as Kiri grimaced. He saw the last option and paused because it read: 'Romantic attraction?' before looking at him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? We're just friends, shitty hair!" he said, looking confused. "He doesn't like me like that," he added, feeling the need to defend himself before Kiri put his hands up a bit, "Hey, let me explain. So if it's this, it's okay, but you need to listen to me. I'm not saying this is how you feel, I'm saying this may be how he feels. I mean come on, you didn't know that I had a crush on you until the graduation party when I kissed you on accident. Four years is a long time not to know someone has a crush on you, isn't there a possibility you may not notice it from someone else too?" he suggested gently, working on his food and hoping that was the case at this point because he's rather his friend not be traumatized.
Bakugo frowned, dropping the paper, "I guess maybe I wouldn't know what someone else feels about me if they don't tell me. I'm not a mind reader, you know," he grumbled, putting the paper aside and finishing his food. By now, it was around 1am and he was worried sick, but he knew that it was best not to assume so he never had. Kirishima, meanwhile, noted his face, how a flush took it over as he considered the thought and paused. "Well, I mean, he is pretty cute. And we're all really close," he started, and Bakugo's vermillion gaze locked onto his, "What the fuck are you saying man?" he asked, stressed out and about half a second from leaving to clear his head himself. Kiri took a breath, "I'm saying, if you have those feelings for him too, I wouldn't be averse to dating him and you. I can be flexible, and then you two could also date. We'd just all be dating each other, you know?" Kirishima suggested, hoping his boyfriend would be reasonable and consider it. Bakugo was...frustrated and confused, to say the least. What did he mean, if Bakugo liked y/n too, he was raised that a couple was that, two people, and it didn't make sense for him to date more than one, wouldn't that be cheating? These thoughts ran through his head and he buried his face in his hands, shaking and not wanting to confront these emotions at one in the morning.
Kiri gently began rubbing his back, having a feeling the man was overwhelmed and worrying that he may have pushed too far. However, sometimes with his boyfriend, that was necessary. "It's okay if you feel that way for both of us, man. I'm not gonna be hurt or upset. Granted I've never dated anyone like that, but we can try. It's okay." he said, and when he looked closer, he noted the man was crying. That was...rare to say the least, but Kiri wanted to be supportive, "Hey it's okay," he cooed out. Most people would expect him not to be a man who was okay with other men crying, but he felt like it was really manly to be in tune with his emotions and to take care of himself. Men who were afraid to cry were usually insecure and rude, so he swore long ago not to be like that. He pulled him close as his boyfriend cried, needing to let it out finally. It took some time, but eventually, his sobs subsided and he relaxed against his boyfriend, tired and just wanting a solution to this. "So...all three of us date if it's the last option?" Bakugo asked quietly, looking up at him with puffy eyes. Kiri shrugged, "It seems like the best option, just...how to bring it up to him when he gets back..." he said, worried about how he'd handle that.
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her-world-on-fire · 4 years
Atlas {Jason Todd x Reader}
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Word Count: 3,720
Prompts: ii. and vii. ❝i am calm. i am nothing but calm all the time.❞ ❝no, you're not. you're fifteen seconds from starting a fight at all times.❞ & ❝i'm surprised you haven't killed him yet.❞ ❝i keep trying but nobody ever let me get that far.❞ 
"JASON CALM DOWN!" I pressed my hand against his chest, looking into his eyes fiercely, we didn't the time for his temper. He broke away and walked away but not before he shot the guy in the leg. "We weren't here, or the next one goes in your brain." He said slowly and then turned back to me. His piercing blue eyes felt almost cold, I blinked in shock. I've seen him angry more times than I can count but this was unsettling."I am calm. I am nothing but calm all the time." He said through clenched teeth, making me scoff as we jumped off of the roof. We broke out into a sprint, by now I regained my composure. "No, you're not. you're fifteen seconds from starting a fight at all times."  Jason was a hothead, he was so angry at the world. He tried his hardest to make sure it was safe at night but he felt like he didn't make a difference so he was pissed off. He was pissed off that so many bad people got to live and kill good innocent people. The bad people got to tear mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, from their families. So his solution ironically was to do the same thing. He would kill those who he thought deserved it. Contradictory but his temper always got the best of him. Normally I would let him be angry, but not tonight. We had an agreement with Bruce, we needed his help. The agreement included no killing. As much as Jason hated it we couldn't do it ourselves this time, it was bigger than us. 
For months we had been trying to investigate why the number of children missing spiked. At first, it was hard to notice. Street kids those who wouldn't be looked for. Then foster kids would be adopted more frequently finally, normal kids began to be abducted. Street kids would never leave each other, they were the closest thing to a family they had. So when they began reaching out to us we got worried and looked into it. We went around Gotham talking to them, they knew who we were and confessed everything. "Something is going on Jay. Something big." We climbed on his bike and went back to our apartment. We had been living together shortly after we started working together. We would always end up together at the end of the night too tired to go back to our own apartment. So we decided to get an apartment together. We each had our own rooms because we needed time apart sometimes. That was one of the most important things I learned. Sometimes you just need to be alone. It can be overwhelming spending so much time with one person. Especially the lack of sleep, and frustrations over unsolved cases, it all just took a toll on us. He took his helmet off and sighed running a hand through his hair. I pulled up my computer and looked into news articles. Of course, nothing had been mentioned about street kids. I was just about to put the paper down when my eyes drifted to a suggestion. 
Percentage of foster kids adopted in Gotham rises
"No fucking way." I breathed, Jason loomed over my shoulder. I looked back at him, we shared a look. This wasn't a coincidence, someone was taking kids. No bodies were being found so why were they being taken? I had a couple of theories already. I stood up from the screen and pulled on  my jacket, "Where are you going?" He asked following after me, keys still in hand. "To find out what the hell is going on." We tried to figure it out ourselves but it seemed like we were always 10 steps behind. So I suggested we get help. Outright, Jason was outraged I even suggested it so I walked away and let him cool down. Sure enough, he came around once he began thinking straight. I handed him his helmet, I had already turned his bike on, I smirked. He tossed his cigarette, "Not a fucking word." He growled as I tossed it to him and he caught it. 
He got on and sped off, to the Wayne Manor. He scowled, as we arrived at the gates. The doors opened and he pulled in, we were greeted by Alfred. "To what do we owe this surprise?" He asked and I elbowed Jason, he remained silent. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity, "It's nice to see you again Alfred. We're here to talk to the boys." Jason turned to me, even angrier than before. Alfred looked between us and I gave him a polite smile as he walked us in. I lowered my voice, "Don't give me that shit. You know the boys are going to listen in if we want them to or not, better they know straight instead of getting crooked details." I rolled my eyes and gave him a begging look. I took my hand in his, I knew this isn't where he wanted to be and I was trying to keep him calm.
He huffed and then we arrived at the study. It took a while to get there since the Mansion was so big. Jason was boiling, he was so dramatic. We were greeted by Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian. "Both of you are here this can't be good." Damian commented as Jason growled, "Fuck off, Demon spawn." I gave his hand a squeeze and then looked at him Dick sighed as he and Tim exchanged looks. Bruce was deadly silent, waiting for us to explain why we were there. I wasn't going to speak this time, Jason had to say more than 4 words. I cleared my throat and nudged Jason giving him a stern look. He shuffled forward and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "We need your help." He said directly looking at Bruce, both holding their glares. It was amazing how incredibly alike they both were, and they refused to see it. I brushed my fingers over his knuckles, they were icy cold. His rings were even colder making a shiver run down my spine. I didn't even know if he was going to agree. Jason lost control the last time Bruce agreed to help us and I had to work without him. Jason was a pain the whole time, he kept asking for information but I wouldn't give it. I knew if I did he would follow and piss Bruce off. Bruce didn't speak for a long time. I assumed he was still holding the grudge. 
"I'll keep him in check." I paused looking at Jason to make sure he didn't make things worse. He pressed his lips together, no doubt restraining himself by biting his tongue. Still, he didn't say a word. "Please we wouldn't bother you if this wasn't important." The two finally looked at me. Tim stepped forward this time, he spoke in a flurry. He stumbled over his words, "You're not bothering its really good to see you. Not just you. But not that it's not good to see you. It's good to uh see you both." I smiled, some of the tension was gone now.  Dick clamped a hand over Tim's mouth to keep him from babbling further. The boys claimed he had a crush, I thought it was sweet. I looked up at Jason if looks could kill. Tim drove Jason crazy. Dick pet Tim and sighed as Damian snickered, "We talked about this Tim, too much caffeine makes you jittery." Dick chimed in a sing-song voice, almost gloating he told him so. "Speak for yourself I don't like seeing these ugly mugs around here." Dick smacked the back of Damian's head and he growled. 
Jason almost pulled me behind him, it was pure instinct. He was already on edge being back at the mansion. He hated being here, he felt so out of place. He felt like a failure the rest of the boys were still under his wing, it was like he was replaced and pushed out. I wouldn't have dragged him here if I didn't think I had to. He was immediately silenced when Bruce put his hand out to shut everyone up. He rubbed his temple and sighed, "Jason is an adult, he should be able to control himself. If he can't and crosses a line again you're both done." Jason gripped my hand tighter, I knew he was seconds away from giving up keeping his mouth shut. His patience by now was paper-thin. I decided it would be best if I did the rest of the talking. "We understand."
Alfred called Bruce away and he excused himself leaving us with the boys. I saw Tim nudge Dick, and raised an eyebrow. I only caught a fragment of what Tim said, "Please, just ask." He rolled his eyes at his brother letting out a long sigh before he turned to me. "Is your wiring still acting up?" This caught Jason's attention, the wiring in the apartment wasn't acting up. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for my response. I was confused for a moment until it hit me. In my other apartment my lights used to act up, I told Jason about it but he was asleep so I told myself I would tell him later. I never did. "Oh! No, I'm not in the apartment anymore!" I said, making Tim's head drop in shame. I mentioned something about the wiring and Tim most likely wanted to fix it. He seemed very interested whenever there were problems in my apartment, in fact, I'm sure he fixed every broken appliance. It was another reason to move in with Jason. "Oh," Dick said and then looked to Tim, he stepped forward. "You found a new place already?" I looked at Jason. He squirmed under my glare, the boys seemed interested, they could sense it. 
 "Actually, I moved in with Jason." 3 jaws simultaneously dropped. Jason scowled at them and I smirked, "You didn't tell them as I told you to." My voice seemed nice but my eyes were screaming murder. What if they needed me and couldn't reach me? This was something to bring up in private, judging by his look Jason knew that too. Jason turned to me and I pulled his arm and held a finger, "One second," I made it clear that we would continue the conversation later. The boys couldn't hear anything but he was in trouble. There was no hitting so that was a good thing.  Tim whispered, "They moved in together? What does that mean?" Damian rolled his eyes, and Dick sighed. We made our way back to them. "I'm surprised you haven't killed him yet." Damian paused, "And a little impressed you've put up with him for so long." 
"I keep trying but nobody ever let me get that far." There was a swarm of questions I shut my eyes and put my head on Jason's shoulder. My face turned bright red,  Jason smirked and whispered in my ear. "I knew what the fuck I was doing darling." He said slowly taking in the fact that he was right. I underestimated the boys, and he was reveling. He pulled away and gave a short shout. They all stopped clamoring. "God, you guys were going to give me a headache." I brought my fingers to my temple and looked into their eyes. "One at a time please." Dick pushed the two aside murmuring he had privileges. Despite being older, he was just as curious as to his younger brothers. "Why did you move in?" I looked at Jason pleading, and he shook his head. "Not touching these questions with a 10 feet pole." I groaned but accepted my punishment. Maybe there was a reason for the secret. I thought about my answer for a moment then replied, "Well it was more out of convenience. One of us would always end up at the others, and my apartment had bad wiring. So we chose his. He got tired of having to go to mine and get his things. So he suggested it and now we live together." 
Dick looked between us and nodded, satisfied with his answer. It was like an interrogation, and I was taking all of the heat. It was Tim's turn he even raised his hand. I pouted, he looked upset. I never took the whole crush thing seriously. Now I could really see it, this whole time I thought the boys were just teasing him. "Are you two together?" He hesitated and I froze unsure of how to answer. I didn't want to get his hopes up or break his heart but I honestly didn't know what to tell him. It seemed like it, we lived together, we slept together, but we never really talked about it. I looked at Jason he held the same panicked expression. How do could we explain that sometimes we had sex and then never talked about it? I tilted my head to him, to signal for his help. 
He gave me a look, I asked for this. I really did. Nevertheless, he saved me. He too was thinking of the hookups, making him smirk. I covered my face and turned away trying to regain composure. In fact, I knew under Jason's shirt, there were purple marks trailing down his chest and I had ones that matched. He made his higher, and if my shirt were to shift, he could see.  "We need to figure that out ourselves as well," Jason replied. It was a valid answer, Tim didn't seem to torn up about it. My hands absent-mindedly went over to rub my neck. Suddenly, it was hot. Judging by his look, Dick's suspicions were confirmed. Damian broke the silence pushing past Tim. "Do you kill people?" I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. I ran my tongue across my bottom lip. I was so tempted not to answer. I knew it could backfire. Jason looked to me, wondering if he needed to save me again. I shook my head and looked back at Damian. "Due to my past, yes. I try not to now." Growing up in a sketchy place, I learned at a young age you can't depend on people. I fell in with the wrong people and made questionable decisions. However, every time I did kill I felt justified. I used to be as angry as Jason and I lost control a lot. But now working with Jason I calmed down, one of us needed to have a level head and I knew it probably wouldn't be him. I felt dirty now. I really opened a can of worms with that one. When it comes to his brothers I will never doubt Jason again. 
In the next few weeks, we worked closely with the boys.  Each night we got closer, to finding the source. We spent most of our nights in the Batcave tracing leads. Jason was getting antsy, so he went out and patrolled. Lucky that he did, because he caught an abduction as it was happening. "On 45th! They took a group of kids into a van." Jason's voice shouted in my ear. Dick shot up from his seat. The boys pilled into the Batmobile. I took my bike and followed close behind. Jason gave us the coordinates. "How far out are you?" 
"11 minutes."
"We can't wait that long." I could hear the desperation in his voice. He knew exactly what those kids were going through. He was reliving his trauma. "Jason, if we blow this we lose them all. Wait for us. We can't let a single one alert the rest of the group." He went silent. Sensing the urgency we all sped up even more. The Batmobile was easily recognized and most civilians cleared a path. We arrived and saw Jason's bike parked in a nearby lot. He was set up on the roof overlooking the building making sure no one got out. 
"I'm sending the drone," Tim called and released his bird into the air. He guided it into the building giving us a full view of what was inside. Children were in cages, surrounded by men with guns. In the center of the room, there was a table with computers. "They're waiting for the signal." Dick looked at all of us. "This has to be flawless. No mess-ups. We get one shot." 
"Tim, I want you on those computers. I want to know everything on there. The rest of us have one job. Make sure no one gets away." Having received our orders we all grouped up. Tim ran another scan of the building. "Two from the roof, one from the back door, and two from the front." Jason and I took the roof, Dick took the back door and Damian and Tim took the front. 
We all waited for the signal. "Now." Dick spoke into the comms. All at once, we each infiltrated the building. Tim went straight for the men by the computers. He took them out with ease and then uploaded his drive into the computer. Damian kept anyone away from the table. Jason and I focused on the guards who were standing by the children. We were mindful of their weapons and kept them away from the children. 
Each of the men was bounded, ready for the GCPD. "Which one of you fuckers has the key?" Jason asked looking at each one of the men. Neither of them spoke a word. "Fine." He grabbed the closet man and took his hand. He took his index finger and in a swift movement pulled it back. An agonizing scream came from the man, and a loud cracking noise followed right after. I moved to Jason, "Do you really want to traumatize them even more?" He thought for a moment and then looked back at the man. "What about this one?" He grabbed his ring finger and then man yelped. "It's him!" He pointed to a blonde man across the room. I went over and reached in his pockets, sure enough, there was a key. I breathed a sigh of relief and began releasing the children. "How much longer on the drive?" Dick questioned Tim, "30 seconds." 
Dick nodded and looked at me. "Alfred I need GCPD and medical." 
"Right away, ETA is 3 minutes." 
Jason took the same man by the collar and dragged him out of the room. I followed after him. "GCPD will be here in 3 minutes. We stopped them. We know where all their warehouses are, and everything we need is on that drive." I whispered to him but he didn't budge. "I only need 2. This one's a talker." He moved away and then looked at the man. "Who do you report to?" 
"He'll kill me, he knows everything-" Jason didn't let him finish before he landed a devastating blow right to his face. "I don't have time for this. What is his name?" He grabbed his hair and held his face up. Blood trickled down his cheek. "But my-" Once again another blow landed on his face. The man coughed up blood, Jason didn't ask again. He waited for another few seconds. As he went to strike him again, the man pleaded. "Wait! David Benjamin." He managed to get it out. 
Jason and I only got to stick around briefly. Our relationship with the police wasn't as amicable. Due to our spotty record, we had warrants out for our arrest. Once the children were taken by the EMTs we went back to our apartment. Jason was sitting on the fire escape. He still hadn't changed. The blood still seeping in his clothes. "Hey, come in." Jason looked down and obliged. Once he got in I shut the blinds. I guided him into the bathroom. "Let's get these off." I slowly took off his gloves, he inhaled deeply. I looked over them, they were bloody and raw. I sighed and turned on the warm water. "The rest of these too." My hands moved to his shirt and I pulled I off over his head. There were a few small cuts, but nothing that needed stitches. 
Jason had been silent. I knew what was bothering him. He was thinking about those kids, he saw himself in each one of them. I guided him to the shower and helped him take off the rest of his clothes. I helped him into the shower and once he was under the warm water, it was like he was out of his trance. "Get in here." 
I hadn't changed either. I was too worried about him. He was admitting that he needed the company. I agreed and stripped off my clothes. We both stood under the warm water. Neither of us spoke as we washed away the deeds of the night. 
Once we got out of the shower we got dressed and sat on the bed. "We did it, Jason. They're safe now." 
"I know." He said softly. I took his hands and gently ran my fingers across them. He sighed and looked at me. "Let's go to bed." I moved to the lamp by the bed and shut it off. I pulled the covers on the bed back and climbed into bed. I sighed and felt the warmth comfort me. My body ached, but it was worth it. I felt Jason tug me closer to him. I moved closer and rested my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair absentmindedly. "Thank you." I looked up at him and he exhaled. "I don't know what I would do without you." He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my lips. His other hand moved around me and rested on my side. "I love you."
"I love you, Jay." 
After weeks of restlessness, Jason finally closed his eyes and slept peacefully.
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hybridowllymain · 3 years
Some context for this snippet first; someone posted a lovely fun prompt on the discord, and I immediately went "but what if it was ANGST?!" 
My version was Tony and Stephen adopt, but are woefully unprepared for what would mean. They're schedules are erratic, and they struggle to balance their work, their parenting, and their relationship. They're barely skating along, but they are managing it for a while, held up by how very much they love Peter, and how much they love each other (even if they are starting to think the other doesn't love them back). 
And then Peter gets sick. It's not anything treatable, but an extreme cold or something, just something that has to be waited out. But Stephen can't accept that, digging into medical and magical solutions to the point of not spending time with his struggling family. And then, one night, after they finally get poor Peter to bed, they go to the kitchen, and immediately start arguing. And that's this scene.
"I can't just sit by and watch-" Stephen whispered furiously, helpless and so tired but still not wanting to wake up Peter.
"You can't-" Tony started, scoffed, folded his arms over his chest. "If you want to leave, then leave!"
"That's not what I said!" Stephen argued.
"Well that's what it sounded like!" Tony yelled, just a little too loud. They both stopped, listened for a moment to hear if they had woken Peter. Their breathing was loud in the quiet kitchen, but there was no sound of Peter stirring. They didn't look at each other.
"Do you… do you really want me to leave?" Stephen asked, quiet. He tried not to let the hurt enter his voice, keep it impassive and unemotional because getting emotional never solves anything. It seeped in at the corners, all the same.
Tony wiped his face, clearly tired. 
"I don't want you to stay if you don't want to." Tony said with finality. He still wouldn't look at Stephen. Stephen let out a frustrated sigh.
"That's not what I asked Tony."
"I don't want you to stay if you hate it here." Tony continued, and it's not an answer to Stephen's question, but it punches Stephen in the gut. "If you hate me." 
"Tony. Tony, no, that's not what I-" Stephen started, then stopped, trying to organize his suddenly chaotic thoughts. "I'm going crazy because I'm afraid of losing everything I care about. My sister… she got sick. I couldn't do anything. She died."
Stephen bit back the tears talking about this always brought, but it didn't work, not this time. He took a shaky breath, continuing. "But I know so much more now. I thought surely, surely now- but I am so scared, because what if with everything I've learned, it's still not enough?"
He was reached out with his words, showing his vulnerable side in a way he hates doing, hoping to get things back in order. But Tony felt so far away, even across the kitchen.
"My parents, they weren't around much." Tony admitted after a long moment of silence. It sounded like a non sequitur, but Stephen listened. "If they didn't want to be there, they weren't. Only Jarvis ever stuck around, and- well, he was many things, but he was also on the payroll."
Tony laughed; it wasn't a happy sound, bitter. 
"I don't know what I'm trying to say. Damnit, why is this so hard? I-" Tony broke off, scrubbed at his eyes, but didn't move them from covering them when he was done, the other arm wrapped around himself, self soothing. Stephen noticed he was shaking. 
How long had he been shaking? How long had Tony been carrying this fear, that Stephen would eventually just… leave?
Stephen didn't know where he stood, how to fix this. This wasn't a fact he could memorize, a procedure he could learn. This was Tony. So he started with something he knew he could work off of, even if it was the most terrifying thing he could think to do at that moment.
"May I hold you?" Stephen asked. He knew Tony could say no. That Tony had every reason to say no. And if Tony said no, Stephen would have to accept it; that Tony didn't want Stephen near him anymore, maybe didn't love him anymore.
But miraculously, Tony made a choked off sound, and said, "Yeah. Yes, always."
Stephen didn't waste another second, took two big strides across the kitchen to wrap Tony in a hug. Maybe it was too tight, Stephen didn't know; but he did know Tony relaxed into it, immediately, like his whole being had been waiting for it.
"Please understand this," Stephen said, voice raw, "until you tell me to leave, I'm not going to. I'm nowhere near strong enough to let go of you unless it was to make you happy, and even then it might just kill me. I love you Tony. You and Peter. You're my whole world."
He felt Tony unwind further; like he had been just as afraid as Stephen that he wasn't loved back. That made something in Stephen loosen, some of the fear he had been carrying lose its grip. Tony still loved him. He leaned his head against Tony’s, breathing in his scent and the relief of that fact. They still loved each other.
"I didn't think I had it in me to be as happy as you make me, but I do." Stephen continued softly, more sure of himself now. "You can believe whatever else you want about me, but understand that is where I am coming from. I want to make this work, whatever it looks like. I want to be a family, with you and our son."
Stephen took a deep breath, lifted his head so he could look at Tony head on. Tony was still looking away though, blinking hard. "Look at me Tony. Do you want the same thing?"
Tony looked at Stephen, searching. Stephen didn't hide, not this time. His heart was on his sleeve, and he knew Tony could shatter it with a word. But he had to try. 
Eventually, Tony must have seen what he was looking for, because he nods.
"Yes, I do." Tony said, and Stephen can see he's telling the truth; he might not believe Stephen yet, but they could work on that.
"Good. Because if we know that, we can do anything." He knew this wasn't over, far from it; but he couldn't help the relief he felt from making its way into his voice. Maybe he didn't need to hide it at all. "Can I kiss you?"
Tony gave a wet chuckle, and it sounded exhausted, but also like happiness, like disbelieving hope.
"You'd better, before I start talking about my teen years." Tony joked, his already erratic breathing going rougher when Stephen leaned in close.
"I want to hear it all, Tony." Stephen said, breathing it on Tony's lips like the promise it is. "I want all of you, the good and the bad. And until you get tired of me, I plan to find out everything you are willing to give me."
"So everything, and forever," Tony said, and Stephen felt Tony's lips quirk in a smile, knew his were doing the same.
"Everything and forever." Stephen promised, and kissed his husband.
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mymadmedleyw · 3 years
(ao3), belongs under Certain Moment of Time, could be read independently, just as each for the days will be shorts, but all together forming a whole picture
(As this is the last chapter within the 'Going Angst Week 2021', a little reminder about the right order in reading the chapters chronologically (I suggest CMOT link): 4, 6, 2, 5, 3, and 7, 1)
tw: miscarriage
Blood. One could say after seeing it many times, sensing its rusty, salty odour within the air might have lost the sensibility to it after a while. But it never ceased on the weight if it was about loss, about death.
Then it always changed to the horrible, suffocating disinfectant scent with the white surrounding and the sound of silent sobs. Just as this time. They didn't even dare to count for how many occasions they ended up here, broken and devastated.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…" mumbled for like the thousand times the hollow voice. "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have- I shouldn't have-" the sentence trailed off by another chuckling, squeezing hard on his hand that was holding hers, never letting it go.
Every attempt, every hopeful try led back here and- and it just twisted his heart, seeing, again and again, the slightly greyishly paled skin that years ago was beaming. Years ago…
Suddenly the picture of the small child in her arms came back, like that could have been a mirage. Sadly, he was well aware it wasn't, that happened, but- what he had done wrong?
Vlad pressed his forehead on her, taking the same question that he was asking from himself during the past few years. Why he hadn't told her? It was the same damn question, but with a different meaning this time. Time… yes, that it was.
He clearly could remember the day in the hospital bed, staring at the black and white photograph, bringing for them good news again… and then he couldn't tell what had happened, but he had woken up with years of memories in his mind and- and then as he had sat up, holding his throbbing head someone put a hand on his shoulder, asking with the greatest concern if he was okay.
It had needed hours to understand it wasn't a dream, and by lunch – made by the most amazing woman on the Earth – his mind settled too.
As much weird it was, but this was the truth. Madeline Masters. His wife. Also aware of his state – that they, according to his new-old memories, together tried to keep at bay. He knew he lied to her about its seriousness. That she only was informed about the simply side-effects: floating, invisibility and intangibility, sometimes glowing hands – but she had no conscious about the rest, about the other form… (which learning from a memory surprised Vlad too).
He kept then on with that lie, just as with the other one too, that somehow, he remembered a time when everything was different.
It worked for years. To tell the truth, Vlad forgot everything after their first positive test, even after the second, or the third, but-
Then he didn't dare to count. He couldn't recall anymore the days when she was happy – except in that other life. He slowly was destroying her, breaking the sweet image of his love… He tried to tell her several times to give up, but as much as stubborn she was, like feeling she should have been a mother, she never listened.
Then he eventually had run some tests (surprisingly facing with the result wasn't even his worst day, because his worst day was now…). The accident in the lab, five years ago ruined his biology. It was his fault. Vlad had been on to tell her, several times really, that they- that they wouldn't ever have a child, but- but he had been afraid. He still was afraid. He was a coward, fearing to lose her, so then he never told her, but now…
"Daniel…" a hollow, weak breath was formed into a name. "I thought- I chose- I really thought this time…"
"It's okay…" Vlad whispered, fighting against the suffocating guilt.
Daniel… he almost could imagine a view of a boy with her kindness, smartness and maybe with his steel bright eyes, and-
A soft sniffling broke the silence in the room, he knew it would take days and weeks to calm her down (or months, especially that this time she really had hoped…). But then she would return to her obsessed determines, again, not giving up until she would be able to fight for it…
But Vlad couldn't watch it, not again. This time, it had endangered her life too. He just couldn't let it happen, not anymore… especially as the date slipped into his mind. It was the same as on the letter, containing the black and white picture of their second child… she would have been expecting her second and-
He bit his lips as hard as it drew blood, rusty, salty and sinner. The sound of the woman, the so loved Maddie died away in a faint snuffling, undoubtedly dreaming about a great life he couldn't give her… Even though Vlad was conscious of their reality, he still wished to fulfil her dreams…
Wish… suddenly his eyes snapped open, remembering word-to-word to his half-mumbled sentence before everything had changed and he had woken up in this dream (nightmare…).
Would it be that easy? –Vlad wondered, sceptical about such childish way, but then he grabbed on it, tight, as ridiculous it sounded, and he'd have literally killed to make her happy. So then, he opened his mouth, already putting together what he wanted to say, and then-
"Won't work." stopped him an abrupt voice, then the owner cleared it. "I set the rules with Desiree. She is not allowed to grant any timeline-altering wishes, unless I allow it." Vlad blinked at the sudden presence of someone else, searching with his eyes immediately to catch the person, but there was no sign of anyone, just a quiet ticking sound was telling someone was definitely there.
A moment passed in silence, making Vlad wondering about if he hallucinated the voice, but then it spoke again. "Clockwork, by the way, Master of Time – though it's rather a given title than a name. Theatrical, isn't it?" Vlad scoffed at the unmistakable enjoying waving of the words, whoever this ghost was – because, based on the invisibility it was undoubtedly an unearthly creature from the other realm –, he clearly was amused by this scenario.
"What do you-?" Vlad started, frustrated by the spectre's presence and mocking.
"Want?" was Vlad interrupted. "From you? Nothing… albeit your stubborn wish created a glitch that didn't suppose to exist. A knot, that tangled the flow of events, blinding me. In short," the ghost took a break. "you scarred the time." well, that definitely sounded like a lecture… but then, the title slipped into his mind, along with the accounting for: Master of Time.
"You can make it back…" Vlad pieced together. "You can change on the time, change on this all." he couldn't tell if it scared him or filled with him hope, but definitely that drew out a way – more like an alternative – after the wish-one. For a short time, the ticking skipped a beat, like the ghost would have been stuck on a thought, but then talked again.
"Yes, I can change on this all." was Vlad's sentence, almost exactly repeated. He didn't have to be a genius, to feel it wasn't an admitting. "But I won't." was it added, not even a second later. "I might be responsible to watch over the timelines, and every single outcome, but on this, I am afraid, I can't do anything. You created it, it's your duty to fix it, and decide." Vlad stunned. Decide what exactly? This or- that? It wasn't an actual question, he could give the answer easily, but-
Suddenly he averted his gaze from the space where he suspected the ghost was floating invisibly – getting on his nerves by that – then he looked back to the woman, gazing at his wife, and gently got out a long curly lock of hair that fell into her face. She seemed so calm, pale, yes, shattered by the tired wrinkles under her closed eyes, and…
"I see you already made your decision." Vlad heard the cursed voice again. He didn't have to guess to know his eyes were burning red, clenching his jaw and fighting inside to not lash out at the ghost, transforming to his other outlook and end the ghost, it that was even possible in case of a timeless existence. Was it really counted as entertainment for him? This?!
"It's not a decision." Vlad spitted.
"No, it really isn't." said the ghost sternly, accompanied by a sound that gave an impression like an old clock would have been adjusted, bored by the current discussion as if it had been something obvious, or expected. "But I am seeing no future over this certain moment, neither in this time or your original one. Just imagine, how it could be to be blind after millennia. Curious, I was for centuries to learn what it caused. Well, it turned out it was just a desperate hybrid's wish, fighting against his true nature, cornering himself to endless suffering than accepting the new him… comical, isn't it?"
It felt harder and harder to hold back and stay unmoved listen to the words, but as much as he loathed hearing it, if this Clockwork could mean the solution from this, then-
"Besides, what happens now, how you decide, is beyond me, I can't see through it, until it happens." defined the being, at the same time out of nowhere a swirling green-ness formed in the air. It was similar to the Proto-Portal, which Vlad had seen many years ago, but this was enough big for anyone to walk through it. "It's either this time or the other one, the knot you created still makes the connection available. But it has to end. Only one could remain."
Vlad swallowed, lost in the neon colour, like an unescapable doom that followed him everywhere. He remembered his time, his muscles still could recall the seizures, the endless days in that hospital room, and reading about his friends' perfect life against his… the ghost was right, he had been desperate, now he could control his other side, but it could be only thanked to Maddie, this Maddie… in that other world, he was nothing but- he was literally nothing… here, now, on the other hand, he had the love of his life, but still-
Suddenly, he put together no matter how he'd choose, what path he'd take, it would turn his heart a stone, destroying by the ghost's words the other time. But then, he took a glimpse at the resting woman, at his Maddie, silently sleeping unaware of another being's presence in the room, only lost in a dream-world her mind created. For a moment, he wondered about the possibilities, about the alternatives, but then, hard, Vlad realised it was out of the question.
He never felt his limbs as heavy as he stood up from the chair, earlier placed beside the hospital bed, to mean support Maddie after the loss... And he never felt more hatred towards anyone – even towards Jack – that now took over his entire body about the ghost.
"I really hope, you are able to see your so cherished future now." Vlad cursed, the sourness and hurt suffocated him from inside as he took a step towards the greenness.
"I do." acknowledged the Master of Time, but not spilling anything else, what it would mean or how things would turn out. But Vlad knew even if the ghost was aware of some outcome, he wouldn't be informed about those. As Vlad disappeared behind the gate between the two realities, he took himself a promise, to somehow, when everything had settled, whatever it would take, he would find Clockwork and claim justice.
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77 Minutes | Five Hargreeves
✦ pairing — Five Hargreeves x Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.7k
✦ summary — you’re not having a good day — Five isn’t either and things only seem to be getting worse.
✦ warnings — spoilers for season 2, some angst, mentions of blood and violence, mentions of death, language, a little bit of fluff.
You were having a bad week, and that day only proved that it would get worse if you didn’t find a solution quickly.
Luther and Diego had been in the middle of threatening to kill a lady through the phone when you arrived, Elliot was dead, you didn’t know where Five was, and you were on a time limit to save the world.
There was also the fact that you hated your temporary job, but that was a petty complaint. People were the worst, honestly, you were still getting used to being around them after years only around Five.
Five sadly stared at Elliot, covering him with the sheet Luther had draped over him again.
“Are you okay?” he asked you, eyes analyzing your face and body in search for injuries.
“I wasn’t here when it happened,” you assured him, observing the curling and uncurling of his blood-stained fingers around the handle of the briefcase he was carrying.
Unfazed by the familiar sight before you, slightly bothered by the fact that taking blood off white clothes had never Five’s most developed skill, you rummaged through the belongings you had bought hours ago.
He stored the briefcase in a safe spot, immediately trying to shimmy his blazer off.
Walking into the bathroom as Diego and Luther questioned him, he gave you a thankful nod when the clean shirt caught his attention.
It wasn’t like you could blame them for being shocked by the sight of Five covered in blood, but you didn’t want to partake in the interrogatory. You knew better. They should have known better, too.
“Five,” Luther pressed, “what did you do?”
Five cursed, shaky hands worsening the red splotches on his shirt as he tried to take his vest off.
You gently removed his hands, helping him to slide the item off and dropping it to the side.
He grunted in acknowledgment, not in the mood to anger you by ignoring your actions. As attractive as he found your angry version, he was tired.
He made a motion with his finger for you to turn around. You did so, facing Diego and Luther as you heard him run more water.
The shuffling behind you helped you guess what he was doing. You rested your head on the doorway, watching Luther fumble with his luggage as he struggled to open it.
“You can face me again, sweetheart.”
The uncharacteristic soft tone caught you off guard. Five could get to be extremely sweet if he wanted, but there was something off this time. He was a private person, not the type of person to use pet names in front of his siblings.
“So I found a way home,” he announced, putting his tie back on.
“What?” Luther inquired, too surprised to be able to hide it. “How?”
“All the details are irrelevant, but... I made a deal to get back to our timeline.”
The shakiness in his voice got on your nerves. Five wasn’t one for getting antsy, much less when solving a problem. And what kind of deal was he talking about?
“What about doomsday?” Diego asked the important question.
“Won’t happen.”
“And the 2019 apocalypse?” Luther followed Diego’s example.
“Everything will be back to normal. All right?” Five glared at his brothers. “Now, no more questions.”
Feeling as though the latter statement was directed at yourself, you followed him and his brothers.
Five put the blazer back on, declaring, “We gotta go. We have to find the others, right?”
He gave clear instructions. Luther would get Allison, Diego would get Klaus, he would get Vanya, you would bury Elliott.
“Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes.”
You frowned. Time limits when it came to time travel had never been a good sign.
He handed you and his brothers synchronized watches. You reached for your gloves, putting them on before clasping the watch on top.
Diego was skeptical. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You show up drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything’s gonna go back to normal if we go home now?”
“Elliot just got killed because of us,” Five sneered.
“What about dad? What about JFK?”
Here we go again...
“Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it.”
“I have to say goodbye to Lila.”
“Lila doesn’t give a shit about you, Diego! She never did.”
You winced. That had been harsh, even for being something coming from Five. You could tell Diego really cared, he was failing miserably to hide his hurt.
“Lila is one of them. She’s a member of the Commission.”
“Not possible.”
“She was just using you to get to me.” Condescendingly, Five added, “You’re the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy.”
Raising his voice, Diego said, “Just because you found someone who is insane enough to want to be with you, doesn’t mean that everyone wants you.” He turned to look at you briefly, “no offense, you’re lovely, but in—“
Five interrupted his brother, approaching him and hissing, “If you don’t do this, I’ll kill you myself. Got it?”
You were truly worried now. That had been unprompted. Before you could say or ask anything, Five teleported. The whooshing sound made you cringe for the first time since you met him.
With a sigh, you kept yourself from entering in a self-absorptive moment. Everything would be okay in less than 70 minutes, there was no use in focusing on things that would only make you lose time.
Walking towards Elliot, you double-checked to make sure you had taken the car keys already.
Diego stopped you from carrying Elliot. “I’ll bury him after getting Klaus. He’s not far away from here.” You were about to deny him, but he pleaded in a low voice, “Please, (Name).”
Damn Diego and his puppy eyes. Nodding, you slid your hand into your pocket and withdrew the keys.
Five paced. From left to right, from bottom to top. Luther shifted in his spot, checking his watch every few seconds.
Diego was nowhere to be seen, Vanya and Allison were late too. Five was shocked by the fact that a seemingly hangover Klaus had gotten there in time yet his more responsible siblings couldn’t be bothered.
The briefcase charged, Luther and you cursed sadly along with Five who threw the item off. As the briefcase disappeared, Five got angrier.
Sighing, he angrily lamented, “We were that close. That close!”
“Now what?”
“Now nothing, Luther. All right? Make your peace with God.”
Luther’s confusion would’ve been endearing in any other circumstance, but you were sure Five was about to explode.
“What about Allison and Vanya?”
“Screw them both! They should have been here.”
“What about Diego?” Klaus chimed in.
“Screw Diego, all right? Screw everybody!” he yelled. “(Name) and I were better off on our own in the apocalypse.”
You looked down, avoiding Luther and Klaus. Five didn’t mean it, he would never mean something as brutal as that — not toward his siblings whom he had missed so deeply throughout those years.
Five tended to be hyperbolic, adrenaline got the best of him nine out of ten times. It had always worked in your favor until now. And even now, he must’ve been planning something else already.
“Five, come on!”
“You know what, Luther? It’s every sibling for himself now. How ‘bout that?”
Turning around, Five pulled the door open, slamming it shut after crossing the doorway.
Klaus whimpered, “Did Five just get meaner?”
“I’ll handle Five,” Luther assured. “You two go get the others.”
You shook your head. “It’s my fault that Diego isn’t here, I’ll talk to Five. You two follow the plan to get the others and I’ll see you here later.”
Walking up the stairs, you perked your ears to assess where Five could’ve been. He was being dramatic, and he wanted to be found, perhaps even followed — you knew because he would’ve teleported if that wasn’t the case.
Five was still pacing in the bedroom. He didn’t acknowledge you as you entered, too busy mumbling things to himself.
You weren’t interested in deciphering whatever he was saying under his breath, you wanted him to tell you what was really going on.
And he knew, after so many years together he had to know. Resting your back on the wooden door, you patiently waited for him to be done.
His pent-up frustrations had never bothered you. Perhaps because you had met him in a stressful situation, but mostly because you loved him.
“I’m going to do the unthinkable.”
“Of course you are.”
Five stared at you through his eyelashes. “We don’t have time for this.”
“Then what do we have time for, Five?”
“I don’t want to fight. Not right now.”
“You just want to break the most important rule of time travel,” you deadpanned, mocking him.
“I killed The Board for nothing, (Name)!”
“We can fix it!”
“You’re not surprised? I wasn’t supposed to kill anymore!” He kicked the bed, huffing out of his nostrils.
“Oh, come on,” you breathed out, getting rid of the uncomfortable watch and leaving it on the first surface you found. “We will always be assassins, Five. The difference now is that we’re doing it on our own terms.”
Sitting down on the edge of the bed with his head between his trembling hands, he let out a sob.
God, what a fucking awful day. You pushed yourself off the door. Walking towards him, slowly in case he wanted to have space, you discarded your gloves.
Taking the spot on the bed beside him, you placed your hand on his back and rubbed it. When he didn’t make a move to push you away, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. “It’s okay. I’m here with you.”
Shifting, he wrapped both arms around you as he buried his face in the joint of your shoulder and neck. His shaky frame under your embrace broke your heart.
“The Handler tricked me — there wasn’t supposed to be a time limit.”
If he wasn’t so distressed, you would’ve punched him for making a deal with The Handler from all people.
“Vanya tried to fight me earlier,” he sniffed, resting his cheek on your shoulder. “Then after promising she’d be here she couldn’t do a simple task.”
“Have you considered the possibility that something happened to her, Allison, and Diego?”
“Who knows,” he grunted. “We have other things to worry about now.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled. Closing your eyes, you rested your head on top of his.
You just wanted a few minutes of silence in his embrace, holding him close like you used to after rough missions. And by the way his arms tightened around you, you asserted that he wanted the same.
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hvitserkmarcosource · 4 years
The Arrangement
Chapter Ten: The Start of Something Good
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Warnings: None (Warnings will be updated for each chapter, so make sure you read them!)
Chapter Ten Summary: Your arrival back to Kattegat goes unexpectedly.
Word count: 2,010
I know it’s been a while I’m SO SORRY!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! As always thank you for your love and support for this story🥰
Chapter Nine: Early Morning
Chapter Eleven: Coming Soon
Frigid air bites at your skin as the boat enters the docks of Kattegat. Her jagged teeth gnawing at your flesh like a starved animal devouring its prey. The blood in your veins begin to freeze and you shiver, wrapping your cloak tighter to your chest.
Fresh snow covers the wood of the dock and it crunches beneath your feet as Hvitserk helps you off of the boat. He holds you close as you begin to walk into town. You know he’s dreading seeing his brother just as much as you are. If not more so.
He’s dreading the discussion of England and Ivar’s schemes, he’s dreading Ivars rage and the consequences that will follow. And as you enter the town you see just how bad Kattegat has gotten since you left…
Stakes are lined one by one on the path to the castle. People are on their knees mourning, wives and children are crying for their husbands and fathers that are hanging by their necks. You close your eyes and allow Hvitserk to lead you the rest of the way into the castle. You can’t look anymore. You can’t.
As you enter the castle you wonder if the weather of Kattegat is so cruel because her ruler is. Would Kattegat see the sun if Ivar was not on the throne? You know her people would be better off at least. Maybe they could finally be happy. You shake the thought away, if only for a while, right now you still have to think of your people in England.
When Ivar sees you he smiles “Back so soon?” He asks “And I thought you and my brother would have ran away together.”
You open your mouth to speak but no words come out. Still in shock of the dead..
“Cat got your tongue princess?”
Hvitserk breaks the silence for you “Ivar, why are there people hanging outside?”
He chuckles “They were plotting against me, I had no choice.”
“What plots did they have?” You ask, you voice more meek then you had intended it to be.
Ivar stands up, his crutches supporting him, and walks towards you “They wanted to usurp me and take Kattegat for themselves. Obviously I could not allow that to happen.”
“Their wives and children…” a tear falls from your eyes and you wipe it away “have they not suffered enough? Please show mercy and take their bodies down. Allow their families to bury them.”
Ivar looks at Hvitserk and smirks “She is always looking out for the people isn’t she brother, hmm?”
“Ivar” Hvitserk warns
“Be careful where your loyalties lie Princess.”
You fight the sudden urge to slap him across the face, knowing in some way that Hvitserk would be the one to pay for your actions. So instead you nod “Yes my King”
He pats the top of your head “Good, very good”
You watch from the window of your chambers as Hvitserk and Ubbe take down the bodies. You watch and cry, because how are you supposed to save not only your people but the people here as well. How can you battle two Kings? You’re only one person. One person with no army or knowledge of swordsmanship, you can’t wield an axe or shoot an arrow-
Suddenly, the door to your chamber opens interrupting your thoughts and bringing back the cold that has since left the air.
“I remember your first day here, you tried to escape by jumping out of a window. Now you are content, are you not?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and find the courage to look at Ivar.
But instead of finding malice you see the kind face that talked you off of that ledge in the beginning.
“I am content when I am with Hvitserk, yes.”
He nods in understanding and then takes a seat next to you “When you arrived I had hoped things would go differently, Princess. I tried to do the right thing, I wanted to give my brother someone to love. Someone he could seek comfort in… I did not want you to be unhappy here.”
You scoff at his words. Not being able to control yourself. “You hung those men!” Your voice raises and you start to feel a heat rising up inside of you. “How can you speak of happiness when all you cause is pain?”
Ivar is speechless and something tells you he is hardly ever without words. Or at least a snide comment. So against you better judgement you continue.
“That night could have been a peaceful negotiation between us, we could have spoken like reasonable adults and found a solution in letting Hvitserk go free… You did not have to take from me something so precious.”
Your heart begins to slow then. Remembering how you’d originally thought Ivar was a kind man, thinking him more a friend then foe. He spoke of freedom and safety. He spoke of love and happiness.
It was all a lie.
And now he speaks of doing the right thing… Your head is spinning because of his madness.
“Do not blame me for that, If Hvitserk didn’t threaten me I would have no reason to hurt you-“
“You burned the last woman he loved alive! What was he supposed to do Ivar, Forgive you? Forget that happened? Would you be able to forgive him if he burned Freydis? I think not,”
For the second time today you’ve rendered the man in front of you speechless. His head hangs low and his hand grips at his crutch so tightly that his knuckles are white.
Taking a deep breath you calmly continue “If someone so much as laid a hand on Freydis you would torture them, you would hang them or worse, you know what I say is true. So how can you expect Hvitserk to so easily forgive you? His own brother, flesh and blood, killed the only woman he’s ever loved.”
“I thought if I gave you to him, he’d forgive me. He’d be happy again. After Thora he was not the same. He was drinking and taking things to make him forget. Then he started having visions of her but those visions only brought him more pain… I sent him on a raid to try and fix him, to get his mind off of her and focused on something else. But from what the men tell me that didn’t work either.” He looks at you then, truly looks at you “But you princess, you’ve brought my brother back. He has not touched a single cup of ale since you’ve been here. Nor has he gone into one of those dens… You’ve fixed him.” He laughs “and I almost broke you too, didn’t I?” It’s a rhetorical question, you know, however you feel the need to answer it anyway.
“You did not break me, Ivar. Not yet.”
He smiles “Good, that is good. You are smarter than her. A better fit for my brother I think.”
You shake your head “When I am around you I feel like I’m walking on glass or thin ice above a lake. I know if I take one wrong step you’ll crack and I’ll die… that is no way to live my king.”
“Do you love my brother?” He asks
“Very much, yes.”
“Then for his sake, I will try to be stronger. So if you do misstep I will not crack so easily as last time.”
You hold out your hand. Ready to make a deal with the devil “And I will learn to tread lightly”
He shakes your hand and sighs “ok, yes ok.”
He leaves your chambers shortly after. And you could kick yourself for not bringing up England or the dragons. His sudden expression of regret and concern for his brother's well-being certainly took your mind for a loop. A great big loop that still has your head spinning.
Once Ivar left your chambers, time escaped you. You weren’t sure how long you were sitting by the window and you’re not sure how long Hvitserk has been standing in front of you trying to get your attention.
“Princess? Please talk to me, what happened? Why are you acting so strange?”
When you snap out of it you look at him and smile. “I- I think Ivar was trying to apologize.”
He laughs “My brother does not apologize”
You stand up and walk closer to him “He seemed to be regretful, he said he would try to keep his temper under control around me.”
Hvitserk wraps you in his arms and sighs “This is not the first time he has made such a promise. He is only saying that so you let your guard down. He wanted to get more information out of you, gain your trust. My brother is anything and everything but stupid.” He kisses your forehead and continues “You can not be so willing to believe him. Ivar is not an ally or a friend.”
You nod “He seemed so genuine, I desperately wanted to believe he was trying to make up for what he has done… He even mentioned how happy you have been. He seemed glad.”
Hvitserk smiled at that. A small smile, but you caught it nonetheless.
“I am tired of talking about my brother. It has been a long day.” He groans and steps away from you to sit on the bed.”Come and lay down with me?” He asks, his arms stretched towards you in a silent plea.
How could you refuse?
You join him and as he lays down he brings you with him. Resting your head on his chest you ask “Should I begin planning our wedding? We are in Kattegat now, Ivar seems to be in a good mood… minus the hanging this morning.”
“Would that make you happy?”
You pause. But only for a moment “Yes,” you answer truthfully “it would.”
A vision appears in your mind. The ceremony will be beautiful. A pathway of flowers in the woods leading up to the altar, overlooking the water. Hvitserk waiting for you, smiling, and looking so handsome.
“It would make me happy too… Kattegat is your home now my love, I know it is cold and unforgiving, I know your love for England will always be first… But my hope is that you will grow to care for Kattegat. Just as you have grown to care about me.”
A simple nod and smile is all you give. It is all he could have asked for. He knows your inner fear of Ivar and the fear for your people back home. He knows there is a battle going on inside of your head, he can see it in your eyes. He could feel it when he saw you sitting at the window staring at nothing. It worried him… and he has never worried about anything. Out of all of Ragnar's sons Hvitserk was already so carefree. So willing to risk it all.
Now though. Now that he has you, he worries all the time.
“Can we have the ceremony at the meadow? The one you took me to on our first day.”
He smiles at your request. Remembering the day fondly. You looked so beautiful, laughing and dancing. “Of course we can Princess. Of course”
He kisses your head and before he knows it you have fallen asleep. He stays awake most of the night. Keeping watch and listening to make sure nothing or no one enters the room. This has become a routine as of late, ever since Ivar came into your chambers that night. Now staying awake every night, to ensure your safety, has become Hvitserk’s new normal.
He groans and rolls over so that he is facing you. Who would have guessed that this would happen to him? that the Princess of England would come and completely turn his life upside down. She would make his heart beat again. She would make him want to be a better man… a better ruler.
Better even than his father.
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puckrph · 3 years
taken from the andrew lloyd webber & tim rice musical. i changed some pronouns; feel free to change others as you see fit. most songs are under the cut!
‘ my mind is clearer now. ’ ‘ at last, all too well i can see where we all soon will be. ’ ‘ if you strip away the myth from the man, you will see where we all soon will be. ’ ‘ you’ve started to believe the things they say of you. ’ ‘ you really do believe this talk of god is true? ’ ‘ all the good you’ve done will soon get swept away. ’ ‘ you’ve begun to matter more than the things you say. ’ ‘ listen, i don’t like what i see. ’ ‘ all i ask is that you listen to me! ’ ‘ remember, i’ve been your right hand man all along. ’ ‘ you have set them all on fire; they think they’ve found the new messiah, and they’ll hurt you when they find they’re wrong. ’ ‘ they’ll hurt you when they find they’re wrong. ’ ‘ i remember when this whole thing began. ’ ‘ believe me, my admiration for you hasn’t died. ’ ‘ every word you say gets twisted ‘round some other way, and they’ll hurt you if they think you’ve lied. ’ ‘ you should have stayed a great unknown. ’ ‘ you should have stayed a great unknown. like your father, carving wood: you’d have made good. tables, chairs, and oaken chests would have suited [name] best. ’ ‘ he’d have caused nobody harm. ’ ‘ do you care? don’t you see we must keep in our place? ’ ‘ don’t you see we must keep in our place? we are occupied! have you forgotten how put down we are? ’ ‘ i am frightened by the crowd, for we are getting much too loud, and they’ll crush us if we go too far. ’ ‘ please remember that i want us to live, but it’s sad to see our chances weakening with every hour. ’ ‘ all your followers are blind, too much heaven on their minds! ’ ‘ it was beautiful, but now it’s sour. it’s all gone sour. ’ ‘ he won’t listen to me. ’
‘ what’s the buzz? ’ ‘ why should you want to know? ’ ‘ don’t you mind about the future. don’t you try to think ahead. save tomorrow for tomorrow, think about today instead. ’ ‘ why are you obsessed with fighting times and fates you can’t defy? ’ ‘ if you knew the path we’re riding, you’d understand it less than i. ’ ‘ let me try to cool down your face a bit. ’ ‘ that feels nice. ’ ‘ you alone have tried to give me what i need right here and now. ’ ‘ it seems to me a strange thing, mystifying. ’ ‘ i can understand that she amuses, but to let her stroke you? kiss your hair? ’ ‘ it’s not that i object to her profession. ’ ‘ it doesn’t help us if you’re inconsistent. they only need a small excuse to put us all away. ’ ‘ who are you to criticize me? ’ ‘ if your slate is clean, then you can throw stones. ’ ‘ i’m amazed that men like you can be so shallow, thick, and slow. ’
‘ try not to get worried. try not to turn on to problems that upset you. ’ ‘ don’t you know everything’s alright? everything’s fine. ’ ‘ i want you to sleep well tonight. ’ ‘ let the world turn without you tonight. ’ ‘ sleep, and i shall soothe you, calm you and anoint you. ’ ‘ relax, think of nothing tonight. ’ ‘ that could have been saved for the poor. ’ ‘ people who are hungry, people who are starving matter more. ’ ‘ you’ll be lost, you’ll be so sorry when i’m gone. ’
‘ the council waits for you. ’ ‘ you know why we are here. we’ve not much time and quite a problem. ’ ‘ he is dangerous. ’ ‘ tell us that you’re who we say you are. ’ ‘ they’re right outside our yard. ’ ‘ we dare not leave him to his own devices. ’ ‘ how can we stop him? ’ ‘ i see bad things arising. ’ ‘ i see blood and destruction, our elimination because of one man. ’ ‘ you have no perception! ’ ‘ the stakes we are gambling are frighteningly high. ’
‘ won’t you smile at me? ’ ‘ tell the rabble to be quiet; we anticipate a riot. ’ ‘ this common crowd is much too loud. ’ ‘ they are fools, and they are wrong. ’ ‘ nothing can be done to stop the shouting. ’ ‘ if every tongue was still, the noise would still continue. the rocks and stones themselves would start to sing. ’
‘ you know i love you. ’ ‘ i believe in you, and god. ’ ‘ what more do you need to convince you? ’ ‘ i am with you. ’ ‘ i am on your side. ’ ‘ there must be over fifty thousand screaming love and more for you. ’ ‘ you’ll get the power and the glory for ever and ever and ever. ’ ‘ if you knew all that i knew, you’d see the truth, but you close your eyes. ’ ‘ to conquer death, you only have to die. ’
‘ he had that look you very rarely find; the haunted, hunted kind. ’ ‘ he never said a word. ’ ‘ next the room was full of wild and angry men. ’ ‘ they fell on him and then they disappeared again. ’ ‘ i heard them mentioning my name, and leaving me the blame. ’
‘ roll on up, for my price is down. ’ ‘ come on in for the best in town. ’ ‘ you, at least, are still alive. ’ ‘ name your pleasure, i will sell. ’ ‘ i can fix your wildest needs: i got heaven, and i got hell. ’ ‘ my time is almost through. ’ ‘ i’ve tried for three years. seems like thirty. ’ ‘ i believe you can make me whole. ’ ‘ will you mend me? ’ ‘ there’s too little of me. ’
‘ i don’t know how to love you. ’ ‘ i don’t know how to love you. what to do, how to move you. ’ ‘ i’ve been changed. ’ ‘ in these past few days, when i’ve seen myself, i seem like someone else. ’ ‘ i don’t know how to take this. i don’t know why you move me. ’ ‘ you’re a man. you’re just a man, and i’ve had so many men before. in very many ways, you’re just one more. ’ ‘ should i bring you down, should i scream and shout? should i speak of love, let my feelings out? ’ ‘ i never thought i’d come to this. ’ ‘ don’t you think it’s rather funny i should be in this position? i’m the one who’s always been so calm, so cool. no lover’s fool. ’ ‘ you scare me so. ’ ‘ if you said you loved me, i’d be lost; i’d be frightened. i couldn’t cope. i’d turn my head, i’d back away. i wouldn’t want to know. you scare me so. i want you so. i love you so. ’ ‘ i love you so. ’
‘ if i help you, it matters that you see these sordid kinds of things are coming hard to me. ’ ‘ it’s taken me some time to work out what to do. ’ ‘ i really didn’t come here of my own accord. ’ ‘ just don’t say i’m damned for all time. ’ ‘ why are we the prophets? why are we the ones who see the sad solution, know what must be done? ’ ‘ cut the protesting, forget the excuses. ’ ‘ we want information; get up off the floor. ’ ‘ i don’t want your blood money! ’ ‘ think of the things you can do with that money: choose any charity, give to the poor. ’ ‘ this isn’t blood money. it’s a fee, nothing more. ’ ‘ well done, [name]. ’
‘ look at all my trials and tribulations, sinking in a gentle pool of wine. ’ ‘ till “this evening” is “this morning,” life is fine. ’ ‘ the end is just a little harder when brought about by friends. ’ ‘ my name will mean nothing ten minutes after i’m dead! ’ ‘ cut the dramatics! ’ ‘ why don’t you go do it? ’ ‘ you want me to do it? ’ ‘ to think i admired you! now, i despise you. ’ ‘ you liar! you judas! ’ ‘ what if i just stayed here and ruined your ambition? christ, you deserve it! ’ ‘ hurry, you fool, hurry and go. save me your speeches, i don’t wanna know. go! ’ ‘ see where you’ve brought us to: our ideals die around us, all because of you. ’ ‘ get out! they’re waiting for you! ’ ‘ every time i look at you, i don’t understand why you let the things you did get so out of hand. you’d have managed better if you’d had it planned- ’ ‘ will no-one stay awake with me? ’
‘ i only want to say - if there is a way - ’ ‘ i have changed. i’m not as sure as when we started. ’ ‘ then, i was inspired. now, i’m sad and tired. ’ ‘ surely i’ve exceeded expectations? ’ ‘ could you ask as much from any other man? ’ ‘ why should i die? would i be more noticed than i ever was before? would the things i’ve said and done matter any more? ’ ‘ if i die, what will be my reward? ’ ‘ can you show me now that i would not be killed in vain? ’ ‘ show me there’s a reason for your wanting me to die. you’re far too keen on “where” and “how,” and not so hot on “why.” ’ ‘ why, then, am i scared to finish what i started? what you started! i didn’t start it! ’ ‘ your will is hard, but you hold every card. ’ ‘ break me, bleed me, beat me, kill me, take me now. before i change my mind. ’
‘ they’re all asleep, the fools. ’ ‘ put away your sword. don’t you know that it’s all over? ’ ‘ why are you obsessed with fighting? ’ ‘ that’s what you say that i am. ’ ‘ what more evidence do we need? ’ ‘ stay a while, and you’ll see him bleed. ’
‘ i recognize your face. ’ ‘ i tell you, i was never, ever with him. ’ ‘ i don’t know him! ’ ‘ you’ve gone and cut him dead. ’ ‘ i had to do it, don’t you see? or else they’d go for me. ’
‘ who is this broken man cluttering up my hallway? who is this unfortunate? ’ ‘ you are so small, not a king at all. ’ ‘ you’re deep in trouble, friend. ’ ‘ how can someone in your state be so cool about your fate? ’ ‘ you had everything. where is it now? ’
‘ i am overjoyed to meet you face to face. you’ve been getting quite a name all around the place. ’ ‘ you are all we talk about, the wonder of the year! ’ ‘ oh, what a pity if it’s all a lie. ’ ‘ i’m dying to be shown that you are not just any man. ’ ‘ aren’t you scared of me? ’ ‘ you are nothing but a fraud! ’ ‘ get out of my life! ’
‘ my god! i saw him - he looked three-quarters dead! and he was so bad, i had to turn my head. ’ ‘ i know who everybody’s gonna blame. ’ ‘ i’d save him all this suffering if i could. ’ ‘ i’d save you all this suffering if i could. ’ ‘ i don’t understand why you’re filled with remorse. ’ ‘ all that you’ve said has come true with a vengeance. ’ ‘ you’ll be remembered forever for this. ’ ‘ pretty good wages for one little kiss. ’ ‘ i only did what you wanted me to. ’ ‘ i’d sell out the nation! ’ ‘ i’d sell out the nation! for i have been saddled with the murder of you. ’ ‘ i have been spattered with innocent. i shall be dragged through the slime and the mud. ’ ‘ when you’re cold and dead, will you let me be? do you love me too? do you care for me? ’ ‘ my mind is in darkness now. ’ ‘ i am sick! i’ve been used! ’ ‘ you knew all the time! ’ ‘ i’ll never ever know why you chose me for your crime. ’ ‘ you have murdered me! ’
‘ we have no law to put a man to death. ’ ‘ do you have the first idea why you deserve it? ’ ‘ i’m through, through, through. ’ ‘ there may be a kingdom for me somewhere - if i only knew. ’ ‘ i look for truth, and find that i get damned. ’ ‘ but what is truth? is truth unchanging law? we both have truths - are mine the same as yours? ’ ‘ he’s done no wrong - no, not the slightest thing! ’ ‘ why do you not speak when i have your life in my hands? how can you stay quiet? ’ ‘ everything is fixed, and you can’t change it. ’ ‘ you have a duty to keep the peace. ’ ‘ don’t let me stop your great self destruction! ’ ‘ die if you want to, you misguided martyr. ’ ‘ i wash my hands of your demolition. ’
‘ don’t you get me wrong. i only want to know. ’ ‘ who are you? ’ ‘ what have you sacrificed? ’ ‘ do you think you’re what they say you are? ’ ‘ did you mean to die like that? ’ ‘ was that a mistake? ’
‘ they don’t know what they’re doing. ’ ‘ who is my mother? where is my mother? ’ ‘ i’m thirsty. i’m thirsty. ’ ‘ it is finished. ’
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red-jaebyrd · 4 years
Perfection at a Cost
Whumptober #25 Blurred Vision
Whatever had been sprayed into Damian’s eyes, somehow got through the lenses of his domino. Damian couldn’t see a thing, but blurred shadows. Anyone else would have been panicked that their vision had been compromised; overwhelmed that they had to compensate for a lost sense. Instead, Damian was angry. Fury surged through him at letting his guard down for a split second. He was better than this; he had been trained by the League of Assassins.
It was hard to keep his eyes opened. They stung and burned from whatever solution was sprayed in his face; and while pepper spray made the eyes swell, this substance made his eyes burn and his vision blurry. Still, Damian didn’t move, instead he closed his eyes concentrating on all his other senses. He used the acoustics of the warehouse to help him. He could feel the vibrations of clunky footfalls and hear heavy breathing. As well as smell cheap cologne and alcohol.
It was just like training.
‘You cannot rely on all your senses to be available to you in times of battle, Damian. There will come a time when you must compensate for the loss such as your sight. Concentrate.’
He couldn’t believe his Mother’s advice would actually help him in the field. But she was right…at least at this moment.
Damian had been trained to fight blindfolded. His mother had insisted upon it as part of his training. At least in this situation, instead of complete darkness, he could still see blurred cloudy shapes. However, the straining on his eyes was giving him a migraine. He took deep breaths through his nose to block out the pain.
Fighting blind had been a hard skill to maintain now that he was living with his father. No one in the family would spar with him while he wore a blindfold. Father had refused, even though he was the optimal opponent and teacher. Grayson and Todd refused on principle. On rare occasions Damian had bullied Drake into sparring with him, but that had been only when Cain was unavailable.
Cain had been the only one amongst the family that had agreed with Damian that it was a worthy skill to maintain and therefore had agreed to help him preserve his muscle memory. However, she set the terms of the blindfold sparring sessions with him. She would not push him beyond his capabilities; the session would not go passed half an hour, and the first sign of injury or exhaustion they would stop.
But this wasn’t training, or sparring with Cain. Damian wasn’t fighting to hone a skill, he was fighting to stay alive and avoid capture.
He could hear Nightwing fighting three guys of his own in his periphery.
Damian stood his ground. If he concentrated enough he could see the blurred shape of a big guy in front of him. He continued to stay silent, yet maintained a fighting stance.
“Got nothin’ to say now that you can’t see, huh?” Big Guy taunted.
He heard someone snicker behind him to his left.
“Quit teasin’ him and be done with it, will ya! I wanna get this over with!” someone yelled behind him to his right.
Damian waited for Big Guy to come at him and sure enough the guy charged him with a punch. Damian was able to duck in time and connect a hit to his gut. He could hear him gasping for air. The second guy grabbed him from behind pinning his arms to the side, but his hold was sloppy. Damian knocked his head back hitting the guy square in the nose. The guy let go of him screaming in agony. Luckily the third guy coming at him was loud enough that Damian was able to land a punch and a kick to his face to finish him.
Amongst the din of the fighting, Damian wasn’t fast enough to move away from a sharp blow to the back of his head. Big Guy had come back for more. Damian fell to the ground seeing stars. His eyes and now his head were killing him. For the second time tonight, Damian had let his guard down. His Mother would be furious.
Failure is not an option, Damian.
You’ll never be good enough to serve in the League if you keep allowing your guard to fall.
Your incompetence is shameful of an al Ghul.
Get up. Stop crying. Pick up your sword.
Before the idiot could land another punch, he heard the familiar sound of escrima sticks hitting flesh; followed closely by the whistling sound of zip-ties.
Damian sat up, but did not stand. There was ringing in his ears and the light from the warehouse was hurting his eyes.  Not to mention, the room was still spinning. He knew the familiar feeling of a concussion. He was going to be benched for at least two weeks. He was not looking forward to it.  
“Robin, are you alright?” Nightwing asked, bracing to help Damian stand. “That was a nasty hit you took to the head.”
He got up too quickly and swayed as his blurry vision filled with spots. “I’m fine.”
Damian kept his head down and his eyes closed. His eyes were properly burning now and the blow to his head ached making his muscles feel sluggish. The shame of allowing himself to be compromised was starting to take over as the adrenaline of the fight was fading.
“You sure?”
“I’m fine,” he answered again.
He followed Grayson’s black blur until they were outside the warehouse. Once outside everything changed. There was no light to help differentiate moving shapes from stationary objects.
Damian’s shame seeped away into panic. There were too many sounds of the city to help him navigate where to go. Too many smells to help ground him. Damian stopped moving at the doorway. He was not fine. He was exhausted and in pain.
“Robin?” Nightwing asked, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
It wasn’t a request. It was a demand. The tone in Grayson’s voice commanded the truth, no excuses. It was his ‘Batman’ voice. Damian was too tired to lie.
“I can’t see. They sprayed something in my face and it got through my domino,” Damian answered. “It was different in the warehouse. I could distinguish between the blurry shapes with the light and use the acoustics to my advantage. Out here there is no light and there are too many sounds and smells…and my head hurts.”
It was humiliating admitting the pain he was in, but he knew Grayson wouldn’t ridicule him for his honesty. In fact, Grayson would be concerned that he had kept his condition from him.
“We can fix that,” Nightwing said, bending down in front of him and tapping his shoulder. “Hop on, I’ll give you a piggyback ride.”
“T-T,” Damian replied, yet he wrapped his arms around Grayson’s neck as Grayson hooked his arms under Damian’s knees and stood up.
Damian rested his head on Grayson’s shoulder and his body finally started to relax.
“Don’t fall asleep. We still have to double check you for a concussion and flush your eyes out.” Nightwing reminded.
“I know concussion protocol, Nightwing,” Damian yawned, not moving his head from Dick’s shoulder.
He closed his eyes against the night air as they walked to where Grayson had parked his motorcycle.
“So the entire time we were fighting, you couldn’t see anything but blurred shapes and shadows?” Dick asked. “Dames we’ve talked about this, you have to tell me when you get hurt.”
“I was trained by the best to fight under any and all circumstances…including blindness. Saying something to you would not have changed the fact that I could not see properly or that we needed to contain the situation.”
“All valid points, but I still needed to know that your vision had been impaired.”
Damian said nothing in response. There was nothing for him to say to make this situation better. Voicing injuries was something Damian was still not used to actively doing in or outside the field. The more Damian thought about it, Grayson was one to talk. He had hid a stab wound for a solid week before Alfred noticed that he kept favoring his right side. Hypocrite.
“Do I even want to know the types of methods your mother used to train you to fight blind?” Dick asked, breaking the silence.
“Tell me anyway…please.”
The exhaustion Damian felt in his bones wasn’t enough to filter all the words that came spilling out. The disorientation from the concussion was like a truth serum. He told Grayson everything.
“Most of the time it was a blindfold, sometimes Mother used…other means; that was how I knew to use the blurred shapes to my advantage. It took me two years to master the skill. I was finally able to do it the summer before I moved in with Father.”
Dick sighed. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Lil’ D. What she did to you was wrong.”
Damian and Grayson had faced enough situations with his mother in the past to get the gist of her mentality for perfection where Damian was concerned. This however, was the first time he had spoken of her methodology in regards to his combat training.
“Her methods, though unsatisfactory in a conventional sense, did achieve the desired result. Mother demanded perfection in every capacity and used every scenario to her advantage to make me a better fighter. However, my actions tonight did not reflect her training.”
“No, don’t do that to yourself. You are one of the best fighters I know and you did awesome tonight,” Dick praised.
“Do not patronize me, Grayson. I did poorly. I allowed myself to be compromised putting you and myself in further danger. I was trained to be perfect.”
“Nobody’s perfect and I’m not patronizing you. You fought three guys twice your size relying on shadows and blurred shapes; that takes skill. A skill you mastered at the age of nine. You did great. I don’t think I could have done what you did.”
“Probably not. Mother would still have been disappointed in me.”
“Well, she isn’t here. I think Bruce will be impressed.”
Damian wasn’t so sure.
They got back to the Cave and Damian allowed Alfred and his father to make a fuss over him. They flushed out his eyes, but since he also had a concussion it left no change with the blurred vision, but the burning subsided.
Damian gave a full report of the nights events. When it came to retelling his fight with the three criminals in the warehouse he hesitated.  Dick sat next to him on the bed in the med bay encouraging him to continue his story. Damian was thankful that he couldn’t see his father’s face as he didn’t wish to see his disappointment. Once he was finished he turned his head away expecting to be admonished for his shortcomings on patrol.
“Wait, am I hearing this correctly that you fought three guys twice your size with your vision impaired and essentially used a form of echolocation to defeat them?” Bruce asked.
“Yes, it was part of my training with the League.”
“Son, I’m very impressed with what you did tonight.”
“But I failed.”
“No, you didn’t. Something like this could have happened to any one of us. I’m very proud of you.” Bruce praised, stroking Damian’s hair. “We will need to reinforce your domino and make sure that the lenses protect your eyes so this doesn’t happen again.”
A warm feeling washed over Damian as his father held him. There was no criticism laced in his words. No passive aggressive instructions on what he could improve upon next time. No tearing down of his capabilities and skills. There was only praise and most important of all, his father was proud of him.
“You are not angry with me?”
“Oh course not. I’m impressed with how you handled yourself and the situation. You did good, tonight, son. Now let’s get you to bed.”
He stood and swayed shutting his eyes tightly as his head started to pound at the sudden motion. The pain brought tears to his eyes.
Bruce moved swiftly to steady him and then picked him up gently pressing Damian’s head to his shoulder.
“I’m not a child. I can walk,” Damian sniffed, wrapping his arms tightly around his father’s neck and keeping his head on his Father’s shoulder.
“I know,” Bruce answered, rubbing light circles on his back.
Damian tried to keep his eyes open, but somewhere between getting into the elevator and into his room, Damian fell asleep.
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Lost In Time // Jiya Marri
request: none
prompts: none
warnings: language, murder, blood, death, crying, angst
a/n: this is the chinatown episode, just rewritten and y/n getting stuck there instead of jiya, reader has the visions instead of jiya having them
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It felt like a dream. A nightmare, would be a better word for it. She hoped it wasn’t real. That you weren’t gone. Lost in time, with no way of getting home. When Rufus told her what happened, Jiya didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t.
But it was all true. You were gone. Kidnapped by Jessica. And then you tried to get away. And it almost worked. Well, it would’ve if Emma didn’t shoot through the motherboard. The Lifeboat’s coordinates were off. You did make it back to San Francisco, just not the right year. You were stuck in 1886. With no way home.
“What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?!” Jiya said while pacing back and forth, her mind stuck in a panic.
Lucy walked over to her, placing her hands on her shoulders to stop her from tiring herself out.
“Jiya, we’re going to do everything we can, alright? We know where they are, so we just have to find out when and how to get them home. Ok? And we will get them home.”
Jiya nodded along, trying to convince herself to calm down. It would only be harder to find a solution if she was freaking out the whole time.
“I found something!” Rufus yelled, running over to the group, holding an open book in his hands.
Jiya rushed over to him, gasping when she looked at the page. It was you. An old photo of you in a book about Chinatown. And beneath the photo was a message, written in Klingon. Something you left for Jiya.
Coordinates, presumably for where you left the lifeboat. And there was something else below it. Something that made her heart stop. ‘Do not come.’
“But, but that doesn’t make any sense! Why wouldn’t they want us to save them. We have to bring them home! Right guys?!”
“There’s no way I’m leaving them there,” Wyatt agreed, much to Jiya’s relief.
“Well then, since we’re all agreed, let’s go find the lifeboat.”
The lifeboat was absolutely destroyed. Besides the numerous bullet holes in it, about 130 years worth of weather really took a toll on it. But Jiya wouldn’t give up. She was determined to save you, even if she had to stay up all night fixing it.
Luckily Rufus said he would help her. It took them two days in total to fix it. So many parts needed to be replaced, and most of the controls were busted. But after two long days of nonstop working, the lifeboat was fixed. Jiya could bring you home. There was only one problem. The lifeboat could only hold four people. And one of those seats had to be saved for you.
“No! No, I’m going. I’ve been training to pilot it, and I’ve done it before. I’m going,” Jiya said to Rufus, mad that he even suggested the Jiya would stay behind.
“So I guess. Rufus sits this one out then,” Wyatt said.
“Really? You’re cool with this? She keeps panicking, and I don’t want anything to happen. Y/n’s my friend too you know.”
“Look there’s no point in arguing with her. She’s not gonna give up.”
“Alright, lifeboat’s all powered up and ready to go. Is everyone ready?” Mason asked, looking up from the control panel.
“Yep. Now let’s go get y/n back!” Lucy said, climbing into the lifeboat.
She did it. After spending all day wandering the city trying to find out where you were, she did it. There you were, standing in front of her.
“Y/n,” she said, almost in shock, relief flooding her mind.
You turned around and gasped. What was she doing here? You told her not to come. You knew what would happen to her if she did. But right now, all you could feel was overjoyed at finally seeing her again.
“Jiya!” you said, immediately pulling her into a hug.
You didn’t want to let go. You never wanted to let her go again. But then you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up and saw Wyatt and Lucy standing in front you. You let go of Jiya and hugged them too.
“I missed you guys so much,” you said, feeling a few tears begin to well up in your eyes.
“But you have to leave. I can’t come with you.”
Jiya’s face fell when she heard what you said.
“No, you have to come back. Y/n please,” she pleaded with you.
“I’m sorry. I can’t. I want to, but I can’t.”
“Why not?” she asked, softer this time.
“Because you’ll die if I do,” you said barely above a whisper.
“I’ve seen it. Every night for two years. The clock chimes, there’s a gun on a chair, we go to leave, and then a man grabs the gun and he kills you. I can’t have that happen. I can’t let you die.”
“Y/n I’m not letting you throw your life away for me. Nothing’s gonna happen, you know that. Just because you see it doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.”
“Yes it does. It always does. Every time I see something it comes true. That’s why I told you not to come. I’d rather spend the rest of my life without you, than causing you to die.”
“Y/n, I won’t let anything happen to her, I promise,” Wyatt said.
“Please. Just come home.”
You thought about it for a second. And then hesitantly you nodded.
“Ok, ok let’s go.”
The four of you walked out of your small room and out into the hall. Then you heard it. The clock chimed. And at the end of the hall was a chair, and a gun was on it. It was happening, it was all coming true.
You heard gunshots, and panic filled you as you turned to Jiya, but she was fine. Nothing happened to her. The you saw Wyatt holding a gun, and the man you’ve been seeing was dead at the end of the hall.
“Oh my god. You’re still alive,” you said, still slightly in shock.
You hugged her tightly once more. This was happening. This was really happening. You could finally go home.
“I hate to interrupt this moment and all, but we should probably get going before someone finds the body,” Wyatt said.
You nodded and grabbed Jiya’s hand. You walked out of the building, finally feeling relief. Jiya was still alive. You can go home, and be with her. Everything was going to be alright.
But that relief ended as soon as you stepped outside. Another gunshot went off. It seemed that time slowed down as you looked over to Jiya. She fell to the ground. It happened. It was different, but it happened.
You immediately fell to the ground next to her, putting your hands over the stomach wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
“No no no no,” you whimpered out, tears falling down your face.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. She was supposed to be ok. Wyatt and Lucy sat next to you, trying to help you stop the bleeding. But it wouldn’t work. No matter how much you tried to stop it, it wouldn’t stop.
“Jiya, please. I can’t loose you.”
“Y/n,” she said softly, “I- I love you.”
Your eyes widened as you heard what she said.
“I love you too. Jiya I love you too, please hold on.”
But it was too late. She was already gone. You gave up on covering the wound, and pulled her into a tight hug, sobbing into her neck.
“Y/n, we have to go,” Wyatt said softly.
“No! No, we can’t leave her. I can’t leave her here.”
“There’s nothing we can do, I’m sorry,” Lucy said.
They helped you up and led you back to the lifeboat. You were finally going home. But at what cost? She was gone. The only person you’ve ever truly loved was gone. And it was all your fault.
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goth-surana · 3 years
Hope and Hopelessness Chapter 4
Chapter 4 of 7(?)
Main pairing: Anders/Male Hawke
Main tags: Angst with a happy ending, tranquil!Anders, cure for tranquility
Summary: After some time on the run with Hawke, Anders is caught and made tranquil. Hawke cannot bring himself to kill him, instead chasing a distant hope that there may be a cure.
Read on AO3 or below the cut
Hawke was on his last fucking legs when the letter arrived. More dead ends, more people recognizing them and therefore more fights
The inquisition was handling some amount of the chaos in the world, but enough was left that Hawke and Anders still had to make their way through.
Hawke wished they could still be helping the rebel mages from afar, but now they were too concerned with their own survival. Now Anders was practically defenseless. Sure, he still knew how to swing a staff as a weapon, but he was no longer the powerhouse he used to be without his magic.
Hawke used to get frustrated with Justice a lot, but now he missed the bastard. He may have worked Anders to the bone, may have been somewhat unreasonable, but by the Maker had he protected Anders. Hawke didn’t have to worry so much, knowing Justice was there.
When the messenger found them Hawke almost punched her in the face. She moved too quickly, too silently.
“I’m a friend!” the scrawny elf said after she deftly avoided Hawke. “Tethras sent me.”
She handed Hawke the letter, and scurried off without a word.
Hawke opened the letter and what was inside stole his breath away.
“We found a cure. I’ll grant you safe passage to Skyhold.”
Hawke’s hands went numb holding that letter, his eyes fixed on that first sentence.
It couldn’t be real. It. It couldn’t…
Hawke made it to a back alley before his knees gave out and he sank to the ground. His hands shook, his shoulders shook as he began to cry.
There was hope. There was a way to bring his love back.
“Hawke?” Anders asked. “What has upset you?”
Hawke just shook his head, unable to stem the flow of tears. He had stopped crying so long ago, and now that he started again he couldn’t seem to stop.
Anders waited patiently for him, standing passively. Eventually Hawke stopped crying long enough to speak.
“We’re going to Skyhold.”
Anders regarded him for a moment. “Okay.”
Hawke stood on shaking legs, then stared at Anders. He looked into his vacant eyes and thought about how they would be once more filled with emotion and anger and laughter, full of everything that made Anders himself.
There was hope. Hawke hadn’t been needlessly torturing Anders every day, hadn’t been prolonging his suffering for nothing. Hawke had made the right choice.
On the first night of their journey to Skyhold, Anders had figured out the contents of the letter.
“There is a cure,” he said simply.
“…why do you think that?” Hawke hadn’t been sure how Anders would react. Would he resist?
“Because of your emotional reaction to the letter. You have not cried like that in some time. I thought at first that you were given evidence of an inability to cure tranquility, but were that the case you would have killed me when we were away from sight.”
“You… you were going to let me kill you?” Hawke asked.
“I was not certain you would. The news would have to be either of a cure or of the absence of a cure to cause your reaction. If I ran from you I would likely die. But if I stayed with you there was a small possibility I would not die.”
Hawke just shook his head. Even after all this time, Anders’ blank deductions broke his heart just a tiny bit more. Only now there was an end in sight.
“You’re not going to resist?” Hawke asked. “I thought you were fine being tranquil.”
“I am,” said Anders, “but you are not. If I stay with you, you will force me to go through with the cure. If I run, I will die. I am skeptical about this cure you speak of, but I do not want to die.”
Another blow to Hawke’s heart. But Anders was right. No matter what Anders’ feelings on the matter were now, Hawke would make sure he was cured. He remembered what Karl described tranquility as, knew Anders could never truly be happy in such a state.
Before Hawke would have said he would never force Anders to do anything. Anders’ whole life had been full of others forcing their will upon him, Anders deserved to be free…
But not this time. This was Hawke’s breaking point, and he was making this decision for Anders.
They didn’t talk much during the rest of the journey. Hawke wondered if Anders was nervous about being cured, if he was even capable of nervousness.
Hawke didn’t know how he felt right now. It wasn’t happy, not yet. He wouldn’t be happy until he saw Anders returned to him. Until then, he was… hopeful. That too was a foreign feeling after so long. Hawke may have refused to give up hope completely, but he had been living with so little of it that it couldn’t be felt.
Skyhold was incredible, massive and daunting. Hawke and Anders both covered their heads with cloaks, it was still a secret that they were coming here. Many here would see Anders dead, so Hawke was content with the secrecy.
How many of those people also wished him dead, he wondered? Fewer, he knew. While he was an outlaw, a strange tale of a hero still followed him. Hawke found that strange, because he made it clear he supported Anders. Hawke doesn’t even know if he would have stopped him if he knew about the chantry… it was an awful thing, but wasn’t Kirkwall full of awful things? Hawke had done many awful things… with far less noble intentions.
Varric’s tales of Hawke as a hero had overwritten his past as a scoundrel, it seemed. A very affable scoundrel, but a scoundrel nonetheless. Hawke knew Varric’s stories also portrayed Anders in a positive light, despite how angry he was. But that wasn’t enough to sway public opinion. Why was that, Hawke wondered? Was it just easier to hate a mage, easier to love a man born from noble blood?
If Hawke could, he would take all the hate for Anders onto himself. He played no small part in the escalation of the violence in Kirkwall, although Varric tended to omit those parts. Hawke fought the bloody night commander at every turn, and probably had some hand in making her paranoid enough to try to annul the Circle.
It was no use dwelling on the past. Could there have been a peaceful solution to the monster that was Kirkwall? Probably not, in Hawke’s opinion. Others might say different, and maybe they were right, but Hawke was a jaded man. He had just seen too much.
An inquisition soldier met Hawke and escorted him and Anders through the stone halls. The young man was clearly nervous, knowing who he led.
They came to an imposing set of doors, and were let into a wide room with a large table in the center. Chairs surrounded the table, and Varric sat in one. Hawke caught his friend’s eye and wished he could muster a smile. He hadn’t seen Varric in a long time.
Next to Varric sat a woman who must be the Inquisitor herself. Whatever Hawke expected, this was not it.
It wasn’t that the woman was Tal-Vashoth, it wasn’t that she was a mage. He had thought she would be imposing in her stature, and maybe she was at her full height. But right now she was leaning on one elbow, long brown hair falling across her shoulders as she looked up at Hawke with sad, tired eyes.
Hawke recognized that look, it was the look of someone who needed a fucking break.
“Champion,” she said, smiling slightly. There was something familiar in her appearance, in her coloring and her ice-blue eyes.
The woman stood and walked over to Hawke, extending a hand. Hawke had been right before, she was more imposing at her full height. Hawke and Anders were by no means short, but she was at least a head taller.
“Rosalind Adaar,” she introduced herself, shaking Hawke’s hand.
Oh, Hawke realized. She was the daughter of the Tal-Vashoth couple that had saved his and Anders’ lives. The world had an odd way of playing jokes on him.
Hawke was about to respond, when the world decided it would be even funnier. The doors burst open, and in walked Cullen Rutherford.
Hawke barely had time to balk before he was speaking.
“Adaar, what is the meaning of this? Varric sent for Hawke?” He asked incredulously.
“You knew!” Came a new voice, a woman’s voice. She was tall, carried herself like a warrior and had short black hair.
“You lied to me! You always knew where the Champion was.”
“Why is-“ Cullen began, and then his eyes landed on Anders. The man’s expression turned to shock.
Hawke stepped in front of him, holding out a protective hand.
“Don’t get any ideas!” Hawke snarled. “We were promised safe passage by your inquisitor.”
What in the Maker’s name was Cullen bloody Rutherford doing here, and why hadn’t Varric told him? It seemed Varric was lying to quite a few people these days.
“Cool it, Curly,” said Varric, getting up from his chair. “He’s telling the truth, Sunflower promised they would both be safe here.”
Hawke presumed “Sunflower” referred to the Inquisitor. Varric seemed to have a thing against calling anyone by their name, excluding Hawke. Hawke had always wondered if it was because his name already sounded like a description.
“No!” The woman exclaimed in surprise. “Do not tell me… if that is the Champion, the man with him-“
“Is under my protection,” Adaar cut in firmly, her arms crossed. “I am Andraste’s chosen, am I not? That’s what you always say.”
The way she said that and the look she gave the woman spoke of some backstory there. An old argument.
“I will not allow this inquisition to shelter that murderer!” The woman responded.
“My inquisition,” Adaar said. “You keep telling me it’s my call to make, that I need to step up as the leader. Well I’m bloody doing it now, and I extended my protection to Hawke and Anders.”
The woman was about to reply when Anders took his hood off, probably because it was obvious now who he was.
“You’re tranquil…” the woman said. “I had not heard that. You could have told me that, Inquisitor. I would not have objected to his being here as much as I do now.”
Hawke wanted to punch that woman. She sounded relieved, relieved that Anders wasn’t dangerous. Wasn’t that how everyone saw mages? The rest of Thedas liked to pretend they weren’t the Qunari, but “dangerous thing” was all that mages were to them.
“Cassandra…” Adaar said calmly, but tiredly. “He won’t be tranquil for long. I’m testing out the cure.”
“You wish to return this murderer to his full power?!” Cassandra almost yelled. “Inside our base! Inside all we have worked to build!”
“I wish to return this man to his mind,” said Adaar. “Does his being tranquil make you feel safe, Seeker?” Adaar practically sneered. The two women may be coworkers, but something was clearly bubbling under the surface.
“Of course it does,” replied Cassandra, “you know well what he is capable of.”
“The same as I’m capable of,” said Adaar. “Same as any mage. Would it make you feel safer if I was tranquil too?”
Hawke felt he should really not be in the middle of this. He had clearly walked right into a storm.
“I have never begrudged you for what you are! You are the Inquisitor, and I have always respected you as such.” Cassandra shot back.
This only made Adaar’s face grow darker. “I am a mage, Cassandra. I have always been a mage, always will be a mage, even if you refuse to acknowledge it.”
“I do not see you as merely a mage!” Cassandra responded, frustrated.
“You don’t see me as a mage at all!” Adaar raised her voice, clearly some deep frustration boiling over. “Say it Casandra, say I’m a mage because it’s what I fucking am! I know none of you want to see it, none of you want to reconcile that you work for a mage, I know you think I’m different, but I’m not! I’m just like the others! If you’re so happy with fucking tranquility then brand me right now, because every mage you feel glad is tranquil is me. We are the same!”
Cassandra took a step back, still angry but somewhat stunned. “I would never wish you tranquil.”
“Every mage you hurt is me!” Adaar replied, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “None of you see it because you’re all so busy pretending I’m not a mage! Do you know what Sera said to me the other day?”
Adaar almost laughed, but clearly she was miserable.
“I know you and Sera don’t always see eye to eye-“ Cullen began, raising a placating hand.
“She was worried, because of my training as an arcane warrior, that I was becoming like them! Like other mages! Dangerous things…”
Tears fell from Adaar’s eyes. “I’m sick of it. You all say you respect me but do you respect what I am?”
Cassandra had no answer for that. She looked taken aback, and tried to regain control of the conversation.
“This-“ she pointed to Anders, “is an important matter. You still let a murderer into Skyhold-“
“We’re all bloody murderers!” Adaar snapped. Then she took a deep breath and steadied herself. “… I’ve made my decision as Inquisitor. You may inform the inner circle but no one else. Leliana already knows.”
She sounded so very tired, as tired and full of hurt as Hawke was now accustomed to feeling.
Cassandra left in huff, storming from the room. Cullen made to leave as well, when Adaar stopped him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Cullen.”
“Adaa- Rosalind, please don’t think I would ever want you tranquil…”
The man looked genuinely hurt. What a joke, Hawke thought to himself. This monster had stood by when dozens of mages were made tranquil. Something was clearly different about Cullen now though, especially as the Inquisitor didn’t actually look mad at him.
“I don’t think you do,” Adaar assured him, “I don’t think any of you do… and you know, you actually see me as a mage. I don’t have to be someone I’m not around you… so thank you.”
“I know that has been a source of contention between us in the past…”
“What we fought about was better than the silence I get from the others,” Rosalind huffed. “And you know we’re past that. I know you were a Templar and I recognize that about you, you know I am an apostate and you recognize that about me. You’re my friend, Cullen.”
Hawke must be fucking dreaming. Cullen, friends with an apostate? This Rosalind woman was showing him genuine charitability… she must not know who he was. Hawke filed that away for later in his mind, but didn’t voice anything. It wasn’t his business, he didn’t know these people. He was here for the cure, nothing else.
Well… he had agreed to help them with Corypheus, that was part of the exchange. Before he hadn’t thought of that as his responsibility, he had already tried his hand at killing the bastard. But the inquisition’s spymaster still wanted his take on the situation.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, Champion,” Adaar said. “I am… not at my best, currently.”
“Don’t worry,” Hawke replied, “I’m not either. And just call me Hawke. Kinda got sick of the whole “Champion” thing.”
Adaar chuckled. “I can relate. I’ve spent so long being the Inquisitor now, it’s hard to remember being myself. Rosalind, Roz, Adaar…even Sunflower, those all suit me better.”
The room was silent for a moment after, all present acknowledging how tired they all were. Thankfully, Cullen left. Hawke breathed a sigh of relief. Cullen may be different now, but Hawke didn’t trust him around Anders. Hawke still remembered his words back in Kirkwall, his actions back in Kirkwall.
“How do we cure Anders?” Hawke asked the room. This nightmare needed to be over soon.
“Right,” said Adaar, giving her head a small shake. “It turns out that the Seekers of Truth have known the cure for tranquility for some time now. They… they kept it from the world…”
Adaar’s eyes were brimming with tears again, she looked furious.
“The Seekers that you’ve been working with,” Hawke pointed out.
Adaar smiled sardonically, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Cassandra didn’t know… but those above her did. I’m… I’m so sick of this place, honestly, but I’m too involved to leave. I have too much power at my disposal to leave, I have the power to help mages.”
The conviction in her voice was so painfully familiar. Hawke smiled at the woman. Adaar continued to explain.
“To cure the tranquil, a spirit must touch their mind. The problem is convincing a spirit to do that, so a spirit healer is needed.”
“And you have one?”
“Not yet, but Leliana sent for Commander Surana.”
“Surana’s a spirit healer?” Hawke asked, startled. The woman hadn’t seemed to have much of a knack for healing. Hawke’s shoulder remembered that.
“Leliana said she learned on the battlefield,” said Varric, easily sliding into his role as storyteller. “So her methods were… unconventional and untrained.”
“But she can connect with a spirit of the Fade,” came a new voice. Entering the room was a red-haired woman that Hawke knew must be Leliana.
“And,” the woman continued, “my beloved is willing to make the connection to help her dear friend. She should be arriving tomorrow.”
“We will be safe for the night?” Hawke asked, frowning.
“As long as you are under my protection, no one will touch you,” Adaar said firmly.
“Why are you doing this for us?” Hawke asked, trying and failing to let his guard drop for even a minute. The world was cruel, they shouldn’t keep meeting people who were kind. First they met Adaar’s kind parents, and how she was going out of her way to help.
“It’s the right thing to do,” Adaar told him. “Anders started something incredible, something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. Ever since I was a girl I’d known that tranquility would likely be my fate were I ever caught… thanks to him, there is a future where the next little Vashoth mage grows up without that fear. Where every mage has a family like I did.”
Leliana spoke next. “My feelings on his actions may be complicated, but he has allowed the dream of my beloved to come true. Adaar and I want to build a world without Circles, where people like my Regan will never be caged again.”
“And,” Varric added quietly, “… people care about him. He was a good friend.I wasn’t just gonna let him stay like this, and Commander Surana wasn’t either. You know, Hawke, you don’t have a monopoly on caring for Anders.”
Varric chuckled while he said it, but the sincerity in his voice brought tears to Hawke’s eyes.
“I…” Hawke said, making sure he kept his composure. “I suppose I just got used to being his only protector.”
“And you’ve done your job,” Varric assured Hawke. “You brought him here. Now let the rest of his friends and supporters handle it. We’ll bring him back to you.”
Hawke took a sharp breath, covering his face as he began to cry. This was real. This was happening.
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