#i started hating myself and life as soon as i stepped into that school
nyatawia · 1 year
Komi can’t communicate hits a little bit too close to home
#im watching the kyoto trip episode and god did i feel like that every single day of my life#im not even a second choice ik for a fact ppl were disappointed to be paired with me#I remember clear as day when one of my classmates asked the teacher why she was stuck with the weirdo#in my case its not just my imagination i faced sm rejection without even trying to approach ppl#when i was a scout girl i was always with the other girls of my age group and one day they asked me why im following them#i couldnt even cry bc there was no place where i could have privacy on that day#and these are my most vivid memories from my middle school years!#i started hating myself and life as soon as i stepped into that school#before that some ppl would dislike me bc i was a foreigner but then i had other friends i could count on#in middle school I literally had no one#i was weird chubby ugly had extreme social anxiety and didnt even answer ppls questions#life was torture#only two very sweet girls accepted me into their group and i would hang out with them sometimes i was so glad i could hang out with someone#during lunch break or whatever#idk why i went on this tangent!!! but yeah this show is bringing back some stuff man#every scene im like same komi same!!!#now im not super popular or anything but im surrounded by nice ppl who care about me and i love spending time with them even though#sometime i still feel that i cant communicate properly😭#anyways#social anxiety girlies it does get better at some point#i even have the best bf in the world now! before I thought id die alone fr#im not trying to make 100 friends like komi tho i feel like the ones i have are good for now#hfkskg
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strzlun · 10 months
// nishimura riki //
pairing: rebellious!ni-ki x class president!femreader
word count- 4.2k
genre/cw- fluff, slight angst, slice of life, tutoring sessions, arguing, reader and ni-ki are enemies(?), realization, confessions, school setting, falling in love, ni-ki hates everyone but reader
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summary- Ni-ki’s notorious reputation soon changed it’s course because of simple tutoring
You and Ni-ki could be considered as the cliche bad boy and good girl trope. He was the student that created nonstop ruckus which you always had to shut down. You were class president, so that meant having to keep everything in check during school hours.
It was no surprise hearing Ni-ki had despised you. You expected it but didn’t care enough to dwell on it. Simply, you and Ni-ki were never meant to get along.
So imagine the despair you had hearing that you would have to tutor Ni-ki in order for him to pass. You wanted to crawl into a hole and never show your face again, but you only gave a tight smile before being dismissed.
You wondered how you would even approach Ni-ki about his tutoring session, he was rarely ever in school and whenever he was he avoided you like you’re a plague.
You somehow wished for a miracle that Ni-ki would just be accepting of the tutoring session in order for him to pass.
When you walked into class, you saw minimum students still lingering in there. It was the end of the day so it was expected everyone would be out the door by the mere sound of the dismissal bell.
The few students greeted you before grabbing their own bags and leaving the classroom. You were going to grab your own belongings and leave but you gasped when you saw Ni-ki asleep on his desk with his headphones on.
No one had woken him up when school ended? You knew Ni-ki and the other students didn’t necessarily get along with each other but you thought they would have some decency and wake him up.
You gulped nervously before softly tapping his arms that he used as a pillow. When your attempt failed, you shook his arm hoping that would be enough to wake him up.
When you realized he was still fast asleep, you shook him a little harder while calling out his name. Even with those attempts, his sleeping figure never faltered.
You sighed before giving a shove to his body while yelling out ‘riki’ instead of the name he preferred. This was the successful trial as he groggily opened his eyes and raising his head to take in his surrounding.
He looked around the empty classroom but when his gaze landed on you he scowled. What a thoughtful response, after being the one who woke him up.
He didn’t even say a word, he grabbed his backpack and stood up from his desk to walk out of the classroom. You grumbled under your breath before calling out his name, you still needed to tell him about the tutoring sessions,
You knew he was ignoring you as he continued to walk away, you grew frustrated and you knew you shouldn’t do what you were going to do but it was the only way.
You followed Ni-ki out the classroom and pulled the side of his headphone off and he whipped his head at you as if you were crazy.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Come tomorrow and stay after school. We have our first tutoring session tomorrow”
“Our first what?” He squinted his eyes at you to see if you were joking and when he realized you weren’t, he grew irritable
“I don’t need tutoring” He grumbled and was going to pull his headphone back onto his ear until you started to talk
“Your grades say other wise, you better come tomorrow Nishimura if you don’t I’ll hunt you down and bring you myself” After you were done, you gave a fake smile turning your back to head into the classroom to grab your belongings
Ni-ki scoffed at your actions, you had some nerve. You actually thought he would show up for a tutoring session, to hell he would.
Now Ni-ki didn’t actually anticipate for you to hunt him down. Before he could step a foot off of school grounds, he felt himself being dragged back into the school by his empty backpack.
When he turned around, you didn’t even pay any mind to him as you pulled his backpack to drag him back into the school.
You weren’t going to risk having your school record tainted because of someone like Ni-ki.
���I told you Nishimura I would hunt you down” You only ever called him by his last name whenever you were angry or annoyed with him which was almost always
“Alright I get it, just let go of my backpack” He yanked his backpack away from your grasp, you stopped walking as you could seem him readjusting it on his back
You could hear his grumbled but paid no attention to it. But what you did pay attention to was Ni-ki booking it down the hallway to get away from you.
You stared at him dumbfounded. He actually was going to make you chase him just to have one tutoring session, you felt yourself go crazy.
You scoffed before running after him, to hell were you going to allow him ruin your clean record.
And after much banter, Ni-ki grumbled in the chair in front of you. He had his arms folded already done with tutor session that’s yet to begin. You were humming softly as you organized the papers, you were too happy for his liking.
“Why are you so happy?”
“Oh I’m not happy, just trying to keep an optimistic attitude” You could see him rolling his eyes at you in the corner of your eye, you sighed before placing the organized papers in front of him, He looked at you confused with the stack of papers and you presented them to him
“This is all the work you missed” His eyes widen in surprise, there was no way he would be able to cram all this work into one tutor session
“This more than months worth of work, don’t tell me you thought it would be a one time thing” He sneered at you before grabbing the first paper and tried looking for a pencil, when you realized he didn’t even have one you sighed
You took out a pencil from your pencil case and placed it in front of him.
“Keep it, you need it more than me” Ni-ki looked at your pencil and felt anger, he didn’t know why but he did, he angrily grabbed your pencil and looked at the paper trying to figure out what was on it
You saw him struggling and sighed, this was why you’re here. You scooted your seat closer to his and he squinted his eyes at you before scooting away. You scooted again and he scooted away, now you were growing frustrated.
You glared at him and he glared back, he had no problem going up against you.
“I’m trying to help you” You seethed through your teeth, you were already having to take time out of your day to help him
“I’m not asking for your help” He bantered back, why was it hard for you to understand he didn’t need you help
“You’ve been staring at the paper for over 10 minutes, I think you do”
“I don’t, I was just analyzing it” You scoffed and nodded your head, you knew this would be harder than it seemed but you don’t know if you could hold on
“Fine, l only wanted to help you but I guess you don’t need it. So don’t make a ruckus when you finally realize you’re failing” You looked hurt before grabbing your all belongings and left Ni-ki, you had no energy to go against him when he clearly didn’t want you around, you would meet his wishes
Ni-ki didn’t look at you as you walked away from him, he kept his eyes on the paper, he felt relieved but for some reason he felt a gnawing at his stomach, he only discarded it as an uncomfortable feeling left by you that stuck to him.
He didn’t want you around, so he was glad you were finally respecting his wishes.
Now you would expect for Ni-ki to be pleased without your presence but it only made him angrier. You weren’t even acknowledging him anymore. When he did something, you didn’t even bat an eye and continue working or talking with your classmates.
You haven’t bothered him about the tutoring sessions after what happened during the first one. You were clueless by the way he was irritated by this, why was he always so angry because of you?
You two were the last people in the classroom, you stayed behind to make sure everything was where it was meant to be. Ni-ki on the other hand had no idea why he stayed behind, maybe it was the fact he stayed up until late at night trying to figure out one of the missing works or an unknown reason he didn’t want to pry open.
It’s been a week and you haven’t said a word to him. He was tired of it, and tired of not knowing what the stack of missing work was.
“We need to talk” No response, you began to pack up your belongings getting ready to leave him alone once again
He can’t believe he was about to do this, never in his life did he ever think he had to stoop so low especially for you. Just what had gotten into him?
“I messed up okay?” You still didn’t responded, you continued to hum for yourself and you were already on your way out the classroom door, Ni-ki followed after you, why was he doing this?
“I said I messed up, aren’t you happy that I’m admitting my defeat?” You continued to hum, you weren’t going to give him the time of day just like how he did to you
Suddenly you felt a tug at you book bag, you were pulled back onto a wall, he had you cornered and you shockingly looked at Ni-ki, who was beyond frustrated. Why were you ignoring him?
“How many times do I have to repeat myself? I messed up, I messed up and oh guess what I messed up” You looked at him unamused, it was the same treatment he gave you and now he didn’t like the taste of his own reputation
“Okay, what do you want me to do? Congratulate you?” You raised an eyebrow, Ni-ki was beyond shocked with your words, you always refrained from talking like that to him
“Help me” Those two words left Ni-ki’s mouth before he could even register what he said, his and yours eyes widen at the sudden plead of help
He didn’t have anything to say after that, he kept opening and closing his mouth to form some coherent sentence but couldn’t. You waited for any words to follow his previous statement before you spoke.
You gulped and nodded your head before pushing past him slightly.
“Alright, we’ll start tomorrow. I’ll meet you at the same place and this time I won’t hunt you down”
Ni-ki didn’t need to be hunted down by you. He was already waiting for you, the stack of papers in front and the pencil you gave laid ontop of them. You were shocked to see him already there, you really expected him to bail on you.
You were surprised when he gave you a head nod as a greeting. To others it may not have meant much but to you it meant almost as big as the world, he never greeted you without a comment.
“Let’s get started?” You sat down next to him and before you knew it, the first official tutoring session had already flown by like a breeze, Ni-ki was hesitant at first but soon warmed up and started asking for help on questions he didn’t know
You didn’t know that he had a side to him that he never showed. The quiet and concentrated side made you wonder what more was there to Ni-ki than what he presented himself as.
When you finished the tutoring session it was already late in the afternoon, the sun had already set as the sky was now filled with stars and the bright moon. You’d already bid goodbye to Ni-ki as you walked off, but you stopped when you heard him call you.
“Uh let me walk you home” His voice was soft, something you never experienced before, you almost let out a laugh thinking he was joking but when you realized he wasn’t you were quick to look at him surprised
“It’s late and it’s dark already”
“I’ve walked this plenty of times, I’ll be fine Nishimura”
“Stop being so stubborn and let me walk you home”
“I’m not stubborn, you’re being stubborn”
Ni-ki walked you home that night, you don’t know how long you two stood there bantering over nonsense until you were too exhausted to continue arguing. Ni-ki smiled with pride when you gave in and peacefully walked you home.
Ni-ki realized you didn’t talk much when you were alone, you seemed to have been in your own world admiring all kinds of different scenery during the walk. Ni-ki gave some space between you and him, he let you walk ahead as he walked behind you.
The walk wasn’t uncomfortable it was rather one of the most calming walks either of you have ever had. It’s just strange that it so happened to be together.
Over the course of the tutoring sessions, the two of you may had not noticed it but the people around you have. They way your banters have subsided and were now civil conversation and greetings, sometimes with smiles or chuckles.
People were surprised to see Ni-ki act different from how he usually is. He no longer created as much ruckus as he used to, he no longer missed school, Nishimura Riki actually started attending everyday of school after the tutoring sessions started.
People were shocked to say in the least, you had changed Ni-ki and you didn’t even realize it. Even Ni-ki himself didn’t realize the change he was going through.
The two of you were having a normal conversation when Ni-ki suddenly placed his hands onto your shoulder to move you out of the way before you could get hit with a flying ball. He still had his hands on your shoulder as he glared off at the student who almost hit you with the ball.
“Sorry, I should’ve seen where the ball would head to”
“Next time watch it” The person looked at Ni-ki, curious about his sudden care towards you but still just picked up the ball and walking away from the two of you
You didn’t realize Ni-ki’s hold on you until he asked if you were okay, when you turned to face him he held a worried expression. Now this was something you never ever experienced in the time you’ve been classmates with him.
You couldn’t trust yourself to make a coherent sentence so you only nodded your head, he sighed and let go of you. He bid you goodbye saying he needed to head somewhere and that he would meet you at the same place, same time for your tutoring session.
You felt a hard thump against your heart as he walked away, now that wasn’t normal for you.
Ni-ki and you were at your usual study session but you kept a little more distance than usual. When you sat down, you discreetly scooted your chair further from him but he still noticed either way.
He thought that it was because your seat moved by accident and that you would adjust it closer to him so he didn’t worry about it. But when you didn’t and only sat farther from him, that’s when he took notice of it.
He called out to you and you hummed, slightly turning your head to see what he needed help with. You let out a gasp when the bottom of your chair was dragged towards Ni-ki, when you were face to face with him you saw the stoic face he let on.
When you were close to him, he looked away and continued doing his work as if nothing happened. The same hard thump against your heart appeared again, and you only looked away but stayed where you were at.
After the tutoring sessions, Ni-ki always walked you no matter what the times was. It was habit of his that he couldn’t (didn’t) want to let go of, you didn’t mind but today it was different. You were walking further from him, almost as if you were trying to escape from him, he frowned at the sudden change in attitude towards him.
He wondered what he did wrong, he made sure he was in class, he did his work, he went to all the tutoring session, didn’t cause anymore ruckus, he even walked you home. So why were you running away him?
You know you were acting foolish but you couldn’t help it. You didn’t like the uncomfortable beating in your chest, and it only happened when you were with Ni-ki. So you thought it would be best if you decided to distance yourself, to get away from the uncomfortable feeling. You knew it wasn’t his fault, it was your own problem and you needed to resolve it fast.
“Are you okay?” His voice was soft, it was a voice that he only used with you (after thorough observation) You felt the same heart beat in your chest, you felt like you couldn’t breath and were on a cloud
“I’m fine” It was obvious you weren’t but you didn’t want to admit that, you didn’t want Ni-ki to know that there is a vulnerable side to you that you never show
You were the class president, you had to ‘set’ an example.
“Then why are you ignoring me?” Silence, it was almost unbearable, you didn’t know how you could respond without make it seem like you were losing your mind
“I’m not, I’m just tired” Ni-ki who only started to warm up to you recently could tell you were lying through your teeth
“Stop lying, it’s annoying” His choice of words weren’t the best but for some reason you were able to interpret it the way he meant it
You and Ni-ki were getting along and it seemed like you both molded to fit the other into your lives with ease. You gulped, this was dangerous and you were getting nervous.
“I’m not lying, I’m just really tired okay?” You gave a warm smile trying to ease the tension and you thought it did when Ni-ki didn’t speak and only stared at you
Ni-ki couldn’t speak, he doesn’t realize when your smile started to have effect on him but this was a moment of weakness. He admired your smile, even if it was forced, he still felt the effects from it.
He cleared his throat, ignoring the annoying thump against his chest. He nodded his head and took your word for it, if you didn’t want to talk about it who was he to pry it out of you.
You continued walking but you walked beside him, Ni-ki noticed this but didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to ruin it. So as the two of you walked side by side, your hands would softly graze each others.
You would glance at each other when you felt the soft grazes but decided not to do anything. The two of you afraid to instigate something and possibly ruin the progress you’ve made with each other.
But neither of you could deny the fluttering of your hearts as no words were exchanged between each other.
People noticed yet another change between the two of you. They saw the way you were more friendly with Ni-ki, you started to joke around with him. Ni-ki would genuinely smile more when he was with you, he even found himself trying out for extra curriculums.
When he would tell you any sort of achievement he accomplished, you would be proud of him and celebrate with him after school. The time you two spent together was becoming every hour of every day, you two became attached to each other and didn’t even realize it.
Now people assumed Ni-ki would be like this with everyone, they were wrong. He still kept his guard up and stoic gaze on whenever other people tried to act the same way you acted with him. He would glare at them and scoff, not giving them the time of day before setting off to find wherever you were.
Now Ni-ki found himself waiting outside the classroom door until you were done. After what felt like hours, when in reality it was 20 minutes, you finally walked out the door with a smile.
He smiled back at you before tilting his head to head out the school. You nodded your head and you walked next to him like you always did now, you both talked about random topics. It felt like the two of you were in your own world and that you didn’t have to worry about anything as long as you both were by each other’s side.
Now it took some time for Ni-ki to realize (actually just one google search) that he likes you. When did he start to like you was beyond him, but he couldn’t stay by you without feeling like he was about to explode.
So what did he do with this new found information? He did the only reasonable thing, he shoved it in the back of his mind and acted like the feelings didn’t exist. He tried his best to act as normal as he was before he found it, but he found it almost impossible. His mind only functioned if you were the center of his thoughts, his bright smile only showed itself when you walked into his view.
He was worse than he thought.
You waited for Ni-ki for the last tutoring session, he’s almost done completing his missing work and that meant these tutoring sessions would no longer be needed. It made you sad, you enjoyed spending time with Ni-ki but you hoped after today you both are still able to be friends.
You waited for Ni-ki but he was taking longer to arrive, you played with your fingers until you heard soft footsteps. You looked up to see a nervous Ni-ki, he had his hands behind his back as he walked towards you.
When you gave him a confused smile, he felt like he was on top of cloud nine. Yeah, he definitely liked you.
When he was infront of you, he didn’t sit down. He looked at you and his eyes were filled with temptation, he took a deep sigh before taking the single flower that he held behind his back. You looked at him confused but that soon melted away when you saw his soft smile.
He ushered for you to grab it and when you did, he sat down next to you. You watched his every move, anticipating what he was going to do next.
“I like you”
Now you didn’t expect that, you stared at him frozen at his words, what did he just say?
Ni-ki decided why beat around the bush when he can be straight forward with his feelings. He knew he liked you, so why would he want to drag it for longer?
“I like you” You thought you were hearing things, you blinked rapidly trying to have the three simple words progress through your mind
“You, Nishimura, like me?” Ni-ki nodded his head, he couldn’t lie that he felt nervous, he was starting to assume that you didn’t feel the same way
He was growing fidgety and you took notice of that. You realized this must have taken a lot out of him to do, you suddenly smiled before giggling.
You were just as swooned for him as he was for you.
“I was going to tell you about my feelings soon, guess you beat me to it” Your words were like fireworks in his ear, you couldn’t even register anything as you were suddenly tackled into a hug
Ni-ki held you tightly, he wasn’t one that enjoyed physical touch but in that moment he felt the need to have you in his arms. You were shocked by the sudden hug, but soon you hugged him back. He rested his head onto your shoulder as you softly rubbed his back.
“Does this mean you like me too?” His words made you laugh
“No, I just wanted to be tackle into a hug” Your tone was sarcastic but Ni-ki pulled away from you and looked at you dumbfounded, you laugh again before placing your hands onto his shoulder.
You decided to do something risky, you planted a soft kiss onto his cheek and when you pulled away, his eyes were in a daze of you.
“Yes Ni-ki, this means I like you too” He was quick to tackle you into another hug again, you giggled against the hug
Ni-ki wasn’t going to let you go after this. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest as you hugged him back. You liked him too and that was the best news that he had ever heard. Even though, he only ever shows it to you, you changed him for the better.
It’s weird to admit but he was glad he was failing because without that, you would’ve never been assigned to give him the tutoring sessions that change his life.
“One last tutoring session?”
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poppadom0912 · 4 months
Warnings: Mentions of fainting, diabetes, canon-typical injuries
Summary: You suffer the consequences just because your teacher thought you were making excuses.
A/N: First fic of 2024!!! I had plans that I was going to post weekly in the new year just like last year but things went downhill. This january and february has had its very good but also really bad moments and even writing this was a struggle. I've found myself in a weird place of wanting to write but struggling and all of a sudden not being able to balance my schoolwork and writing. So I took a lil step back to solely focus on my work but looking at everything now, my fic updates will be much less frequent but hopefully just as or if not, more fun to read.
I feel bad for not saying or posting anything since the new year but I'm here now and hopefully will be more alive. I've got lots planned for you beautiful people, several series and way too many fics in my drafts that I cannot wait for you all to read. This wasn't as long or as juicy as I intended but my brain completely failed me so I hope this is good enough. I initially wanted to post this at the beginning of March but I finished the final editing today so here you go!!
Final note before we start, I have general knowledge about diabetes but that's all from my grandma. I have no idea if it's the same for teenagers so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Happy reading!!
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Your biology teacher had been on maternity for three weeks now and you were seriously contemplating life.
Because of the crappy rules surrounding maternity leave, when your teacher refused to return before her three months ended, your school had a supply teacher fill in for her till she came back.
Since day one, you knew you hated her.
It was mid lesson and you knew as soon as you started feeling sluggish that your sugar levels were dropping. Your thoughts were only confirmed when your Dexcom receiver let you know of your decreasing glucose.
This wasn't a usual occurrence. Will and Jay always made sure you had eaten enough and you had the means to maintain the needed glucose levels so that nothing happened.
Alas, you were up late revising and you were stressing about keeping up your good grades. Jay was rushing you out the door because he needed to go to a scene he'd just been called to and Will was out walking Kol and hadn't seen you leave.
In conclusion, it'd been a hot minute since you last ate something.
The school were well aware of your diabetes. It was one of the very important things your brothers stressed them about when you first started.
Most students knew about it actually, having seen your Dexcom and not understanding since a diabetic child apparently wasn't common according to them.
So, when you randomly pulled out a snack from your bag mid class, no one questioned it and instead would make sure you were okay. There'd never been a problem before in school and everyone wanted it to stay that way.
However, this new teacher, Mrs Byrne was apparently completely unaware of your medical condition.
"Y/N. You know the rules about eating in class." She said strictly, pulling away all the attention from the board onto you.
She stopped you in the middle of opening the packet of fruit gummies. You frowned, looking at her confused along with your classmates.
"I have diabetes." You said bluntly, continuing to open the packet. "I don't eat this and I'll pass out."
Mrs Byrne only rolled her eyes, smiling at you condescendingly. "I've heard that excuse hundreds of times, give those to me."
You scoffed at the audacity, refusing to hand over what was yours.
It was when she started walking towards your desk with a pep in her step that the entire class got involved. Their raised voices overlapped, some angrier than others over what was happening.
However, you too were Stubborn alike to your brothers so you kept as firm of a grip of the packet. You turned a blind eye to the anger fuelled cover teacher. You continued to smile as she spewed threats of all sorts.
Due to your frustration and annoyance over the teacher who wanted to take your gummies away, you didn't notice how everything started change; how hard it was to move your eyes and lips, your limbs getting heavier and you thoughts slowly getting muddled up.
Lost in a daze, you were no longer able to fight back when she pulled harder, successfully snatching the small packet out of your hands. It was now that the class got furious, your friends were already up and at your side but now they were verbally attacking the teacher.
Fed up with her petty behaviour, you were going to get up and go to the nurses office who would take care of you but getting out your seat was harder said than done.
With one of your friends help, you weren't too sure who was helping you from your hazy sight that cleared when you blinked too many times.
You were wobbly on your feet, taking slow and hesitant steps towards the front of the classroom but before you could leave, you felt your legs give out and everything went black.
It turned out that supposed crime scene that he was imminently needed at was nothing but a prank by a bunch of college boys resulting in a grumpy Hank putting them in cuffs and having them fined for a very reasonable reason.
That's how the rest of the unit found themselves finishing up paperwork, catching up about life in general as they debated what they were getting for lunch.
Jay was smugly sitting back, eyes flickering between Kevin and Adam who were bickering over something trivial when his phone rung, catching everyone's attention.
They were all so bored and normally when one of their phones went off during work hours, it meant something came up and they were needed.
In interest, everyone turned their heads towards Jay and waited for him to tell them they got a crime scene.
Picking up his phone, Jay's brows furrowed at the number, confused as to why your school was calling him in the middle of the day. They'd only call him if two things happened: You'd gotten in trouble or you got hurt.
"Hello. Is this Y/N Halsteads brother Jay?" A voice he couldn't recognised asked, most likely some lady from the main office.
"Yeah, that's me." Jay confirmed, sitting up in preparation for whatever he was going to be told.
"So sorry to interrupt you sir but Y/N collapsed in class." The lady said with guilt laced in her words. "Your other brother didn't pick up the phone. We called to let you know we had to call the paramedics and they've taken her to Chicago Med."
"Uh yeah." Jay said, collecting his jacket and keys. "Yes, thank you."
Not waiting for a reply, Jay hung up and quickly knocked on Hank's office door frame.
"Sarge, I gotta get Y/N-"
"Go get her. We're done here."
Wanting to pull his hair out, Will rubbed his eyes in frustration, glaring at his patients scans that only confused him further. He was tired and was coming to half way through his twenty four hour shift.
"Dr Halstead- Uh, Dr Rhodes in T4." Maggie stumbled, looking down at her brick and making sure she read it correctly.
"What's wrong?" Will asked, confused as to why Maggie changed her mind which she usually never did.
"It's Y/N."
Now fully awake, Will followed Connor towards the ambulance bay where you were being rolled in. You were groggily sitting up on the stretcher, you hair a mess and a few scratches around your face and hands from when you fell.
"Sylvie, what happened?" Will asked the blonde paramedic while looking you over. He desperately wanted to check you over himself but let Connor do his thing. He really did not need Ms Goodwin on his case today.
"Teachers didn't tell us much but her classmates said she collapsed after not being able to eat." Sylvie relayed the minimal information she knew, shrugging her shoulders when the two doctors looked at her weirdly. "No one would tell us anything more."
"Y/N, it's Connor. Can you hear me kid?" Connor said while pulling out his penlight. He was like another brother to you, his concern just as high. "Can you tell me what happened?"
You groaned, mumbling nonsense with your eyes screwed closed. Your words were mostly unintelligible but Will understood them mere seconds later.
Fixing the problem you complained about, Will turned down the lights and let Connor continue fussing over you.
It didn't take long to find out the cause of your collapse, Will sighing at the news when he read the numbers from your tests.
"I thought she was always on top of her sugar levels." Connor said, closing the room door so you could sleep in peace.
And what he said was completely true but they weren't aware of why you couldn't today specifically of all days.
"She is." Will said, rubbing a hand down his face in frustration. "Maybe her dexcom malfunctioned or something."
Connor hummed, agreeing with his friend.
"Hmm, maybe."
Arriving at Med, Will gave Jay a detailed rundown of everything he new about your medical state but also the events pre your hospital arrival.
Getting a good look at you, holding your hand in his and kissing you on your forehead, Jay was more than happy to leave you in your oldest brothers safe hands while he got to the bottom of this entire ordeal.
He noticed Sylvie was still at Med, Foster mentioning they were running low on a few supplies so they needed some stocking up. Jay took this opportunity to interview the two paramedics and try to get further understanding on this situation that wasn't making much sense to him.
Arriving at your school, Jay had some thoughts in mind but they weren't very concrete and his confidence wasn't as strong as he'd like it to be.
Walking into the school, Jay immediately noticed an entire class sitting and standing around in the corridor waiting in front of the principals office.
One of the girls who had been sitting in a chair had caught sight of Jay, her eyes widening before she smiled, gently nudging the girl next to her and pointing in his direction. The girls reaction was the exact same.
This created a sort of domino effect as the boy next to her noticed Jay and everyone was telling the other of his sudden arrival. The once silent corridor was now beginning to fill with murmurs and whispers, all their eyes glued onto his figure that moved down the corridor, their shocked faces quickly changing into smiles and smirks.
It seems that Jay had a reputation of sorts.
"Why are you making so much noise? What did I just say about talking-"
The principal cut himself off from his scolding when he suddenly noticed Jay's presence, his face blanching as all the pieces clicked into place.
"Detective Halstead! What a surprise, we weren't expecting to see you so soon-"
This time Jay cut him off, not too bothered about his lack manners. "My brothers with Y/N at the hospital so I thought there was no other perfect time."
The principal remained silent.
"Now, why don't you explain to me why my sister fainted under your watch?"
The students behind Jay couldn't help but snicker knowingly.
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Can you write Miles 42 being like really super duper protective and like controls her, he doesn’t let her go out by herself and stuff like that and is like always watching her. They argue about his over protectiveness but he could care less
Ofc babes!!!
warnings: toxic behaivor, miles being annoying, angst, references to robbery and murder, strong language, INCREDIBLY TOXIC BEHAVIOR!!!!!!, brief mention of drinking, lmk if I missed one or two
A/n: Send more miles 42 reqs pls
730 days. Thats how long you were with this man. Thats how long it's been since you got leave the house alone. Miles was very overprotective since his dad died and he saw the world for what it was. Evil and it was filled with nothing but scum. Miles determined that this world wasn't good enough for you and you needed to be "protected" and kept away from this disgraceful universe. So, he took it upon himself to protect the only two things that mattered to him, you and his mom and he did a good job at it.
Miles would walk you to school, work, home and if you needed something, he would be the one to get it for you:
"Miles baby, I can get it myself; its right outside." you pleaded.
"Nah, Mami. I don't want you outside by yourself. People are fucked up and they will hurt you." He said stoically.
"But-" you started
"Cállate, Y/n. Before I make you” he said, stepping closer
You knew Miles well and you knew to stop pressing because he would just shut down and you hated when he shut down. Miles would just put his hand on his braids and kick something before giving you the same speech:
“Y/n you saw what they did to my father, do you want that to happen to you too? Because if I let you go out by yourself, you’re at risk for that to happen and if it does or if anything or anyone touches you, I will kill them; and that’s a promise, Mami. I will kill anyone that lays a finger on you and not bat an eye. Don’t fuck with me, y/n. Stay close. Let me protect you and we will be good. Aight?"
“okay.” you would say. Miles had a way of making you seem two inches tall in these situations.
You never left his side. For two years, he would watch your every move(he put small cameras in your home. You didn’t notice until three months ago); he would take you shopping but never posted about you just in case a villain would use try to use you as his weakness(because lets face it, you’re his weakness), he would kiss you and be sweet in private but he would act hard when anyone else was around.
It was a cold winter’s day when you decided you had had enough. Your friend y/f/n(your friends name) had invited you out to a party. You had never been to one because of Miles but you decided enough was enough and you were gonna go. So you slipped on a small dress, cute heels and a jacket that made your tits look nice and left:
“I’ll be home soon!” You told your parent
“Okay, y/n. Tell Miles I said hi” they exclaimed
“Okay!” You shouted back. They knew how overprotective Miles was but they knew he was a good person overall so they left it alone.
As you walked to hail a taxi, you felt your phone vibrate:
Miles: Wanna go out?
You: No it’s okay, imma just stay in for tonight
Miles: Nah fr. Let me take you out
You looked down and debated answering the text, but ultimately decided not to. You got in the taxi and went to the party when you saw a shadow dash across the roof.
You walked into the party and greeted your friend:
“GIRL OMG YOU LOOK SO GOOD. WHERE’S MILES?” They shouted over the loud music
“He’s not here, it’s just me. Let’s go grab a drink!” You replied
“Oh Okay!!” Your friend said
As you were walking over, you could’ve sworn you saw a man that looked exactly like your boyfriend but he vanished when a man walked past. You brushed it off and grabbed a cup of jungle juice and went to dance. You grinded against your friend who caught it during the beat drop. You were having the time of your life until you checked your phone:
Miles: I know where you are, y/n. Come home or I’m coming there.
Miles: I should’ve known you’d lie to me. You’ve been acting real shady lately, wanting to go out and shit. Just wait till you get home, we’re gonna address this shit immediately.
Miles: I see you
Miles: Stop ignoring me, y/n. You know you fucked up
Miles: Imagine wearing the chrome heart necklace I got you while dancing like a slut on your friend
Your stomach dropped as you surveyed your surroundings, looking for a sign of him. When you couldn’t see him, you hailed a taxi and went home.
You fidgeted and fiddled the whole way home. The driver looked in his rear view mirror at you:
“You good, Mami?"
The name sent shivers up your spine as it was your boyfriends name for you.
“Oh! I’m fine, just cold haha” you laughed it off
The driver turned on the heat and sooner or later you were home.
You approached your doorstep and went to your room. Your parent was asleep and you walked in your room, thinking his threat was empty, until you went to shower and saw him behind the door:
“MILES” you screamed both in shock and horror
“Y/n.” he said, closing the door, encapsulating you both in the small room together
“I’m so sorry-“ you started
“you should be. What did I tell you, y/n? I do all of this shit for your safety but you continue to fight me and pull these stunts” Miles lectured as he closed in on you. Your height difference becoming more and more apparent
“Stunts? Fight? Miles I have been nothing but obedient to you which I shouldn’t even have to do if you treated me like a person instead of an object. That’s all I am to you isn’t it? An object. A doll. Just something you don’t want other people to have or see?” you argued
But your pleas and your confessions meant nothing to the man. He simply looked at you and said:
“yeah, actually.”
“what?” you said
“You are an object to me, you’re something I have to protect otherwise the world will take you from me like they did him.” Miles said, as stoic as ever
“do it, y/n. I dare you to find someone who will care for you and spoil you as much as I do.” Miles said, briefly breaking his nonchalant nature
“Fine I will!” you said reaching for the doorknob.
You left and put on clothes as you made him leave.
“You’ll be back.” Miles said, nonchalantly
“Fuck you, Miles Morales.” you said
It had been a week and you were sulking and debating getting back with the man when your family and friends told you were doing the right thing:
“I’m glad you left him, y/n. I heard he’s the prowler.” Your parent said
“Yeah I’m glad I left too.” you mumbled
As you were enjoying your fifth night of freedom, you saw a woman get mugged on the street:
“GIVE ME YOUR PURSE NOW LADY” The masked man shouted
The woman did as told and the man escaped but not before looking at you and running in your direction. With Miles, that man would’ve never even had the though to look at you.
You ran as fast as you could until you lost him in an alley behind your apartment. You decided you missed him too much and he was right so you pulled out your phone:
You: Miles you were right. I’m so sorry
Miles: typing...
Miles: its okay, I knew you’d find out soon enough; so what happened, Mami?
You: Some mugger saw me and charged at me and he had a knife
Miles: What did he look like
You: Beanie, knife, blue shirt and black pants
You went home and went to sleep. The next morning you heard the news blaring in the house, along with the smell of bacon wafting through the house
“What happened?” you asked
“some mugger got killed.” your parent said
You had a stinging sensation in your gut and prayed that it wasn’t what it looked like when you heard the woman on the TV:
“It seemed like there were claw marks In his chest and he had been blasted with a ray gun."
Oh God...
You went to text Miles when you saw his text:
“You don’t gotta worry about that guy anymore, Mami. I’ll be at your house at 10.”
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roturo · 11 months
I DO - geto suguru x reader
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summary: love makes us do stupid things. stupid things to never notice how you loved him. how he lost you.
warnings: angst, age-gap, nsfw(?), childhood friends, a lot of metaphors (?).
A/N: I never realized how much I loved writing angst and how tranced I could be while writing it. This was supposed to be smut but idk, felt depressed.
How you call it? … Lover? Delusional?
Ah, hopeless romantic.
They know you as the hopeless romantic in jujutsu tech.
But, being in love with one person for your whole life and feelings were never reciprocated would it still count as a hopeless romantic even if you keep that hope for it?
Geto Suguru. Your childhood crush, school crush, and what you like to call him, soulmate.
Everyone in your social circle knows you’re in love with Geto, and you’re pretty sure people outside the circle know it too. You saw him as someone to admire, to follow his path, to be as strong as him.
He was 12, you were 8. But, until this day, him being 25, and you being 21, those feelings and thoughts about him wouldn’t leave anytime soon.
An amazing guy like him, teached you fighting techniques, helps you with your studies, and even brings you out with his friends every once in a while. He was the prince of your dreams.
You never said out loud you had a crush on him. Not even accepting it. But everyone knew because of the way your eyes light up when you see him, the high pitch in your voice when you get nervous around him, feeling protected by him.
You suppose he’s dumb because how could everyone know but him?
He had you confused, wrapped around his finger, you’re sure he likes you too. The way his cheeks get pinkish when you compliment him, how he would grab your hand unconsciously while walking, how he would kiss your neck when you’re alone, but never your lips, how he knew every part of your body, just slight touches, nothing to call it something more, and knowing every single little fact about you.
But now you feel stupid, foolish.
Guess you played yourself, might even be your fault.
Or maybe you should have never played him so hard.
It hit you like a shot in the heart the first time you saw him with her. She was beautiful, funny, and smart. But oh no, you won’t let her love him like you do, no one could.
They all know nobody could love Suguru Geto as you. He even said it himself.
“She’s like the sun covering my body with love. The water in the shower touches my skin and sees everything about me without any bad thought. Nobody could compare with her, I don’t even love myself as much as she does.”
So why are you afraid of losing everything you thought you couldn’t?
And it’s like she knew how much this hurts you. It’s like she wanted this all along. She could be everything, but a good person? Oh no. At least not towards you.
She would often make back-handed comments about you, treat you like shit when Geto’s not around, humiliate you.
She is evil.
“Trust me Suguru, she’s not the one.”
“Why do you care so much? Everyone seems fine with her, but you? Why do you hate her so much? She’s been nice with you, with everyone! Just stop being annoying and leave me and my relationship alone.”
“… Suguru-”
“No. I don’t wanna hear anything else related to her and how you don’t like her. Stop it. Please.”
It felt like your whole world was falling apart. What happened to the silly little dates at midnight for some ice cream? The sudden hugs? Texting everyday? Listening to each other?
Maybe he was a problem right from the start. Never facing these feelings, never running away, guess that’s your fault.
It hit you like a poisonous dart. You said you wouldn’t let her love him like you do, hold him like you do, know him like you do.
So why are you stepping out? Leaving school? Starting a ‘normal life’?
You stopped being related to them, to him. And you wished he never fell in love with her.
And after some time, he wished that too.
He was stupid, foolish.
Guess he played with himself, it’s his fault.
It hit him like a shot in the heart. Knowing he fucked up this time. You were beautiful, funny, smart, and kind. But he never loved you like you loved him.
They all knew he was stupid for letting you go.
“She’s just really sentimental and sensible, she’s still very young to understand relationships, a childhood crush it’s something impossible to really happen, she just needs to learn that.”
So why is he afraid of losing everything he thought he could?
And it’s like he always knew he fucked this up the moment he treated you bad. That he would regret this, but love made everyone stupid.
Did he really feel love towards her? Love her like he loved you?
He was an idiot.
“I’m sorry I never appreciated you like I should’ve. I’m sorry for losing the chance to love you like you loved me. I’m sorry for leaving you.”
It hit him like a poisonous dart. He said you would come back, stop loving him.
So why is he crying here in a dusty vault? Where were you? Why you left?
You stopped being related. To them, to him.
And after some time, nothing happened.
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
A Love Watered By Blood
Part one.
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Enemies to lovers- Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader.
-£ Plot: No matter how much the two tried peace was never a option. Always insults, and never compliments. it was the middle of the school year, and a new adventure started. Could they be civil when the time comes. Or will the war between them get in the way.
-£words: 3k words.
-£Previous // Next (coming soon)
-£Warning: Fighting, Cursing, Blood, Death, Seeing horrible things, Angsty, happy ending, slow updates, New god, Percy being rude, enemies to lovers, New plot, Slight slow burn
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“So,” the trio looked at the restaurant that glowed yellow, a old dinner style with big windows. it screamed 80s movie scene. they could smell the freshly made food coming from inside the diner, making their mouths water.
“This is the best day of my life.” Percy smirked as he looked into the window for the girl they had been searching for. the two beside him just looked at each other with a knowing look, that this was going to be a long couple of weeks.
“Percy,” Grover spoke and leaned his arm on his shorter friend, “don’t be rude. we need her to come along with us and we can’t stand you both fighting this whole trip.” annabeth nodded along and rubbed her forehead thinking of how the two argued often at every chance they got.
Percy looked between the two of his friends and rolled his eyes, “I’m not mean. She’s just rude and I have to defend myself, come on.” He pointed to the dinner, “How can she of all people be a waitress? She has the shortest temper.” they ignored him and walked passed him and into the diner. he let out a groan and followed behind them but his smirk returned quickly.
once they sat at a booth they waited for you to come out or see you. your mother said you were working here tonight. another girl was across from them on the other side helping a elderly couple. “she’s probably in the back.” Grover looked at the kitchen door waiting for you to pop out. annabeth looked at the menu to pass the time, plus she was hungry.
things were quite for a few minutes, them sometimes glancingaround. they couldn’t be patient even if their lives depended on it. Grover was getting hunger by the second that he could almost eat the counter underneath his hands. anything really.
they heard shouting from the kitchen and then the door swing open, a girl stepped out with a old waitress style outfit and her hair pushed out of her face. the group looked and found the girl they had come to see.
percy smirked and got too proud of himself when he spotted you, knowing you would hate him being here. when you looked over to see them your face dropped and your body froze for a minute, then you rolled your eyes and got out your notebook and marched towards them.
they see you throw on the fakest smile and suck your teeth before speaking, “Welcome to The Country Diner, what can I get started for you today?” the fake preppy voice made their ears scratch. you hated how he was looking at you. that same wide smile made you want to grab his neck and wait till he stops breathing.
“Oh, look at that! Our waitress is here,” percy cleared his voice and grabbed his menu, “I really just love that outfit, don’t you guys?” the two glared at him. annabeth kicked him under the table and gave him a warning look.
of course, percy didn’t judge against waitress because his mother was once on. but he knew that you’d never wanted to be caught wearing the outfit.
“y/n, it’s so good to see you.” You look at the satyr you’ve known for a long time. his hair grown longer and bushier, and his face more grown and facial hair started to grow. “hello Grover.” that was genuine. You nodded to annebeth before looking down at the notepad.
“Tell me what you want.”
“We want you to come along with us on a new quest.” she saw your eyes perk up and take a minute to register. huffing you look around you, the other girl who worked with was now out of sight and no manager around.
“And, why me? There is already three of you.” you raised a brow. the three looked at each other wondering who was going to tell you. grover shifted in his seat and slapped his hands on his legs.
“We need you on this quest,” you look at him with your head titled.
“Look, I can’t really take any quests at the moment. I have this test that effects half of my grade, I have money to make-” your voice was cutter off by the satyr. “It’s about your father!” His voice loud and made the couple on the other side turn their heads at the shouting.
shifting your weight you sit on the empty spot in the booth, and unfortunately it was next to Percy but you didn’t care at the moment. “my father would have said something.”
“he wasn’t allowed. you know how he is, I mean you must have felt something?” your eyes found the table as your thoughts brought up the memories of the past few days. your dreams were more vague and darker then normal, each night you saw at least three different people in hard problem. and each night you woke up drench in sweat and tears. you saw everything from their eyes.
he looked at you and at how you were deep in thought, making his theory correct. “what have you been seeing?” You shifted uncomfortably in the booth. looking to the side you check for any of the workers in case. sighing you open up,
“it’s been getting worse, I have at least five a night.” annabeth and grover nod while percy looks confused at what you are saying, he never listened to you or asked.
“then you know somethings wrong,” he leaned forward and placed his hands on the table. “The Episkopos has been stolen.”
they watch you freeze again and your eyes start to glare, mind running. “when?” You ask. Annabeth perked up and took over the conversation from Grover.
“A week ago.” You nod your head and place your hand on the edge of the table and slide out from the table. Percy’s eyes glares in confusion, “Where are you going?” looking back at him you give him a death stare.
“You think I want to go on a quest in this outfit? Or without anything?” Crossing your eyes. “Not all of us want to look like they put no effort in.”
“Clearly, I mean look at you.” he snapped back.
Grover sat up quietly and took you by the shoulders before you had the chance tackle him. And you have before. Pulling you to the side he hears you mumbling angrily and fight back against his hold. Once he gets to the end of the counter Grover lets you go and carefully, but ready to hold you if he needs to again.
“We need to leave soon. You know how powerful your fathers mirror is, I’m afraid of what someone might do with it.” The look in his eyes brought you back to reality. you hum and relax you tensed body. “If they are smart enough to use it.” You shrug at the thought of the thief. you pat his shoulder and give him a small smile before walking away to the kitchen door and wondering how in the hell you’re going to get out of working.
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“So remind me, what exactly do you “see” when you sleep?” percys asks out loud as his fingers trace the posters on the wall. “you being wiped from experience.” the girl smirks as she places some clothes in a book bag. the boy laughed sarcastically and looks back at her.
“That’s funny, I’d like to say the same thing but you don’t even exist in mine.”
their friends sit on the bed watching the two throw insults knowing that this was what the whole trip would be like. “Can we just stop fighting? You two are so annoying.” annabeth looks at a magazine in her hands bored. “It would save a lot of time.” The satyr agrees with his friend.
“She started it this time.” Percy pointed his finger and then turn his head back around to snoop around your things.
“If you must know, beach boy, I’ve been seeing many things. Oh yes, like death of loved ones, some receiving horrible news, or maybe you want to hear of how I watch someone take their final breaths from their own eyes?” the girl faked beaming with happiness as she put on a happy face. maybe that was mean but he was asking for it. she didn’t want to talk about the things she was cursed in seeing.
the boy turned fully with all the sarcasm and sass leaving his body as he leaned against the dresser. “sorry.” the girl replied with a huffed and continued to stuff her bag full of stuff. a few bills she had been saving under her mattress and anything she thought she’d need.
now Percy hated her to the ends of the earth. everything about her made him annoyed. her breathing. the way she’d tease him. how she looked. how her voice sounded. no one hated her more then him. but seeing all that- he’d never wish that on her or anyone, not even the worst monster.
the room around them looks like a slight punk. posters of bands all over the walls, a few messy clothes laying around and jewelry spread around. a big mirror hung above the dresser with pictures stuck to it, mostly taken in camp.
“okay, after that lovely piece of information we should talk about what we should do.” Grover clapped his hands together once more and looked at each of them.
“The oracle says to go to the temple of the unknown,” Percy steps closer and looked at y/n. “Do you know?”
“It’s called the temple of the unknown for a reason.” She taunted him again and zipped up the bag.
“Well, as his daughter I thought you would know.” He stepped closer to her direction.
“Do you know everything about your dad?” she asked and waits for a moment. he goes to answer but he stops himself because he didn’t. “Exactly.”
the boy when to fight with her but he only made noises and then backed off with his hands flying in the air. he couldn’t do this, she was too much. y/n smiled softly in victory and threw the black bag over her shoulders, “I think I might know something but I’m not for sure..”
the three are now looking at her, “Even when I’m dreaming I knew exactly where I am. The last place I saw was a park in Minnesota, but every place i saw was almost like a road map. I think we should follow it.”
they look at each other to conform. they nod and stay up, “at least we have a plan.”
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and it was a really shitty plan.
you stayed in that small town because of the waste of mortals. or in the diner that smelled of food that over powered your scent. now three demi gods and a satyr traveled together, a death wish just waiting to happen.
being a demigod always makes things so much harder.
The group didn’t even make it half way across the state without being attacked by a monster. and usually you could handle it but you had walked into a town filled with them. a nest of some sort.
you had to relay on fleeing and try not to get seen, and for annabeth it was easy. however, you and Percy found it hard when he kept bumping into you. you whispered at him to stop a little too loud, and he glared and whispered(yell) back. and they could only tell you both to stop a few times because you both could you guys caught.
“What is your problem?” Percy yelled at you after you guys finally got away, having to fight some monster and all of you getting a few scratches.and bruises. “Me? What about you. How clumsy can you be to run into me ten times? is your scull just filled with water?” You flicked his head and he hissed in slight pain.
“because you kept stopping for no reason, I had no choice. it was your fault we got caught.” his fingers pointed at you.
“Me? you are the one who squealed when you stumbled back, that was one hundred percent your fault.”
his mouth handing open as his eyes went up and his face turned angrily amused. “sometimes I can’t believe how stupid you sound sometimes. do tell, who trip and made us almost get eaten?”
you had been running away and your foot bent slightly and causing you to slipped, you put your hands out to try and stop yourself. percy was the closest one to you so he helped you up and made sure to get you in front of him in case that happened again. no matter how much he wanted to leave you. he wasn’t that kind of person.
“okay, really? it wasn’t my fault the ground was slippery. we would have more time if you hadn’t-” the yelling of the two drowned out to Grover as he covers his ears and blocked them out.
can’t they just say quite for a day?
“It’s both your faults! both of you did things wrong, and your yelling isn’t helping.” the boy shouted and pulled them both apart.
“please, just shut up! If you don’t have anything nice to say then not speak.” the two looked at him surprised. he didn’t usually do this but only when he got really angry or annoyed.
y/n looked away and kicked a rock on the ground, “sorry.” She mumbled quietly. percy did the same thing, “whatever.” he walked away from them both to cool himself off. he didn’t understand how she could always mess up and get under his skin, it’s like she was made just to annoy him.
after that the group barely spoke to each other. they traveled for a few hours until sundown and looked for a place to stay. luckily, they found a old house that was newly abandoned. when they set up the sleeping area y/n walked out, saying she would keep a eye out for any monsters. they all could see how shut off she was being and how clearly upset she was. and in this situation it was easy to let her be.
Annebeth was curled in the corner with her hands clinging to her dagger. Grover was spread out with his arm spread across his face slightly snoring.
percy tried to sleep.
he toasted and turned but there was something plaguing his mind that kept him awake. how you clung to his arm when he pulled you up. you looked so afraid as the monster nipped at your feet almost getting you, that you had no choice but to ask for help. he’s ever seen you so scared and for some reason, all he could see was the fear in your face when he blinked.
“don’t be a idiot, I’d never ask you for help.” he could hear the words ring in his head if he told you.
pushing the shirt thrown over him to the side he carefully stood up without waking the other two. he walked out the room and went to search for you. if he wasn’t going to get any sleep he might as well help with the lookout.
he found you sitting on the steps with your head leaned against the railing. humming a soft tune to yourself and for a second, he felt peaceful. but he remembered that it was you. cleaning his throat to make his presence know and walked across the porch boards.
turning your head you looked at him. it was a soft look of hate and not the full glare he was expecting. “what do you want?” He sat down on the same step away from you but as far as he could. almost afraid you’d bite him.
“couldn’t sleep.”
you hum in response and slight nod your head. you continued to look at the street and around the place in case something was to sneak up on you. a breath leaves your lungs and you lean back on your hands, pushing yourself back against the stairs above you. you throw you head back up and close your eyes to relax for just a minute.
“you know,” you began as his ears perked up. “I have no clue where the hell we are going.” You admitted with little confidence in yourself.
“it could just all be a trick and I’m leading us down the wrong path. but each time I feel-” you cut yourself off before you go to deep.
percy looked at you with your eyes closed. this was a actual conversation. no insults. he didn’t even feel angry as he stood next to you. for the first time it was a comfortable understanding.
“i know how you feel. when I search for the lighting bolt I knew exactly where I was in my dreams dispute never going to those places.”
he watched your eyes open again and look into his. “sometimes we are shown things. i trust you, for this quest at least. you’re the only one who could help us get there now.” you face grows and small smirk and your eyebrows raise.
tilting your head and sit up slight, “that almost sounds like a compliment.” you teased him. he rolled his eyes playfully and looked away from you, “never in a million years.” he chucked. you looked at him for a second longer then you normally do. this was the first time you saw him smile with you, it was new.
and kinda pretty.
shaking your head at the thought you looked away from him and let the thoughts get pushed back into your head. there was nothing pleasing about him and your brain needed to remember that. your both just to tired to fight and it means nothing. because never in a million years, will you ever be friends with Percy Jackson.
but, maybe you can get along with him for this quest at least.
Taglist: @american-idiot21 @kazurami14 @anonymouslyawesome25 @itzmeme @poemfreak306 @motorsport @mxlI0d1 @daughterofthemoons-stuff (just ask to be added and I will)
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tmpestuous · 2 years
Like I Want You
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part one.
summary: you and bucky have been best friends your entire life and it’s never been anything but platonic. so why do things get so bad when he gets a new girlfriend?
pairing: college!bucky x reader
word count: 4.4k
warnings: fluff, angst, childhood friends to lovers, female!oc, sexual references, mentions of grief and accidents, mentions of dead parents, bucky is down horrendous
a/n: here is me trying to convince myself not to only write avenger!reader fics that i have too many ideas for… i kinda hate this but it’s okay
"sometimes i wish you knew,
but i disguise the truth.
i say i'm happy, but i'm still stuck on us."
After a long and exhausting week, you were more than grateful that it was finally the weekend. Midterms during the Fall were always the worst–you felt they might have been even worse than finals week with how drained you were and no short vacation in your near future. 
All you wanted to do was head back to your dorm, lay down, and relax. But it seemed like the universe always had different plans for you than you expected. A quick six knocks on your door and you knew it was Bucky. Though you were always excited to see him, you didn’t plan on seeing him so soon after a midterm that felt like it drained your entire soul away.
Nonetheless, you eagerly made your way to the door. Bucky always knew how to lift your spirits and you were sure this time would be no different.
You and Bucky had been destined to become best friends since before either of you were born. Your parents were very close to each other and having kids the same age only meant they made sure your friendship was in your cards.
What they hadn’t anticipated is just how close you and Bucky would be. You did just about everything together. When you were kids, you’d be in the same clubs. In elementary school, you both went to swimming classes together. In middle school, you’d joined the debate club while Bucky started participating in sports and you’d be right there to support him. He’d support you in your debate competitions. The same routine continued in high school, and now college. 
Bucky was your support system and you were his. Of course, you both had your families who were just as supportive in everything you both desired to participate in, but nobody understood you both like you understood each other. When Bucky first woke up after his accident that resulted in him losing his left arm, you were the first person he asked for. You stayed with him throughout his entire recovery process and getting used to his prosthetic. He was there for you when your dad died and you had a rough grieving process. He was sympathetic to your loss, having lost his own dad, and helped you through every step of it all. 
Nobody had you like Bucky had you. You were like each other’s lifeline, and nothing was gonna change that.
You and Bucky were both very comfortable with each other; you’ve slept in the same bed, given each other forehead and cheek kisses plenty of times, and you both even decided to be each other’s first kiss to somehow avoid heartbreak and embarrassment. However, you never attributed it to romance and you were sure Bucky didn’t either. You’ve had your fair share of relationships and so had he. 
So why was it so shocking to open the door and see Bucky with his arm around a girl?
“Hey, bunny,” he said with a grin on his face, but you were more centered on the girl leaning her head on his shoulder and how you were usually the one doing so. 
“Y/n?” Bucky said in a concerned tone, snapping you out of the weird trance you put yourself in. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you said confidently, though your head was very much in a daze. “I’m okay. Hi, honey. I wasn’t expecting you so early.” You said, not directly addressing the girl under his arm.
“I had class and was walking this way anyway since Alina, here, lives in this building,” he said as he smiled down at the girl next to him. “Alina, this is Y/n, my best friend.”
“Hi, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” she said while shifting her gaze to look at you, extending her hand for a shake that you politely participated in. “James has told me so much about you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you said, though you were still slightly confused about the current situation. “Are you Bucky’s… girlfriend? Friend?”
Bucky eyed you with furrowed brows and widened eyes like you had embarrassed the living shit out of him. Alina shrugged her shoulders playfully.
“I guess you could say I’m his girlfriend,” she replied, though you could tell from her tone that she definitely wasn’t sure. “James and I have been seeing each other for a few months now, maybe it’s time to make it official.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” you said, crossing your arms across your chest. “Maybe I’ll see you around the building more often now that you’re a familiar face?” 
You were definitely trying to be friendly, though all of the questions you were about to ask Bucky were floating through your mind like letters in some alphabet soup. She seemed nice, but there was something weirdly off about how you felt about her and Bucky. You were a bit hurt that after “a few months”, this was the first you were hearing of her. Not to mention Bucky’s metal arm, the one he held so much disdain for, was wrapped around her like it was second nature to him.
“Yeah, definitely!” Alina responded to your suggestion with a smile. “I should probably head back to my suite now, I have a lot of work to catch up on.” She turned to Bucky and gave him a long hug, but Bucky was staring right at you in confusion. After she pulled away, she interchanged glances between you and your friend with the brooding stare. “I’ll see you tomorrow, James. It was really nice meeting you, Y/n.”
After he said his goodbye and Alina walked down the hallway towards the elevator, Bucky made his way inside your suite behind you, shutting your front door.
“What was that all about, Y/n?” he asked hesitantly, not exactly sure of your feelings.
“I don’t know, James,” you emphasized on his name. He hated being called that. By anyone and everyone. You don’t even remember the last time his mother uttered his name with the exception of scolding him over doing something wrong.  “You were seeing someone for a few months and didn’t even decide to mention it to me, which you’ve never done before, and then didn’t even give me a heads up before introducing her to me.”
“I didn’t know where I was going with her until recently, Y/n,” he said softly. “I think I might have feelings for her. We’ve hooked up a few times but you know I’ve never been tied down to the same person for a few months. I’m trying to find someone to be serious with.”
For some reason, in the back of your mind, you had wondered, Why not me? But you quickly shoved the thought aside. Bucky was your best friend, nothing more and nothing less.
“Okay, Jamie,” you said. “I trust you. I’m happy for you. I just wished you had told me sooner.”
You weren’t really upset with him. You honestly weren’t even that upset that he didn’t tell you. Something just felt off, but you wanted to be supportive of your best friend. It was the least you could do.
Bucky stepped toward you and cupped your face. “I know, bunny,” he said remorsefully. “I’m sorry. I was nervous things wouldn’t work out and I really wanted you to like her. I won’t keep anything from you again, okay?”
You smiled slightly as you nodded, looking up into his pretty, blue eyes. They were a lot more blue than you’d realized before and you found yourself weirdly getting lost in them. Your thoughts got interrupted by Bucky kissing your forehead three times and pulling you into a hug.
“I love you, bunny, so much,” he said before pulling away and looking in your eyes again. “Forgive me and watch a movie with me? I’ll let you pick this time.”
“You say you’ll let me pick every time and then deny every suggestion I make, Buck,” you said as you furrowed your eyebrows playfully. 
“I mean it this time,” he fought back, sticking his pinky out in front of you. “Pinky promise.”
You intertwined your pinky with his, “Okay, honey, I forgive you.”
He smiled wide at you before grabbing your arm and dragging you to the living room. You were at least glad you were back to your normal banter and hoped it’d stay for longer than usual.
On the contrary, though, you were seeing less and less of Bucky as the weeks went by. You’d make plans and somehow, he’d always end up flaking for some obnoxious and random reason. The common denominator in almost every excuse? Alina.
First, it was when you were going to have your weekly study-dinner date together.
Hey, bunny. Alina’s taking me to her favorite food spot today and I totally double-scheduled the same day of our date by accident. Raincheck until tomorrow?
Then it was when you were both supposed to go back home for the weekend for a family event.
I won’t be able to go back home this weekend actually, bunny. Ma’s really upset with me but Alina and I are studying for a big exam together and I could use the help.
Then it was another study-dinner date. A movie night. Even just a regular hangout day. 
You hadn’t seen Bucky for more than an hour at a time in the last week and a half. It was not only frustrating but hurt your feelings. You had always come first in Bucky’s life after his family, so to feel replaced was something you’ve never had to face nor address before. It also felt like Bucky didn’t care, which confused you even more.
One day, you had gone to a party with your suitemates when Bucky and Alina had caught your eye. 
Bucky wasn’t one for big parties, he’d usually be off in the corner somewhere circling a drink in his cup after being dragged to said party by Steve and Sam. 
But this time, he was in the middle of the crowd, dancing with Alina without a care in the world. He didn’t look the most comfortable doing it, but he was doing it for her. That was all you picked up on. Bucky caught a glimpse of you as he danced before whispering in Alina’s ear and making his way over to you.
“Hi, bunny,” he said with a slight slur in his voice. He wasn’t drunk but he certainly wasn’t sober either.
The stench of alcohol on his breath also smacked you right in the face like it had a tangible hand. 
“Hi, Bucky,” you said, more concerned about his inebriated state that he’s rarely ever in without his buddies around. “Where are Sam and Steve?”
“They were acting lame and didn’t wanna come with me,” he said with a pout. “I don’t think they like Alina, they immediately said no after I said she had invited me. You like Alina, don’t you, bunny?”
Even though he had a few drinks in his system, you could tell Bucky was being mostly sincere. He valued your opinion a lot, and he also valued Sam’s and Steve’s. You noticed how upset he was and cupped his face to look at him.
“Yeah, yeah, of course I do, honey,” you reassured, though not totally sincere. You didn’t want to upset him any further and you didn’t have any other reason to dislike the girl other than the fact that she was taking your best friend away from you. “You should probably go back to your dorm and get some rest, don’t you think? It’s late and I don’t want you out drunk alone.”
“I’m not alone, silly bunny,” he said with a chuckle. “Alina’s here with me. She’ll take me back.”
“I know she’s here, Buck, I just meant—”
Then, as if on cue, Alina walked up and wrapped her arms around him, making you subconsciously tear your grasp from him. She didn’t even seem buzzed.
“Hey, James, you wanna go back to my room? We can have more fun there than here,” she said, catching a quick glance at you before staring in Bucky’s eyes. 
He pondered for a bit, looking at her before looking at you. There was a bit of sadness in his eyes when he stared at you, almost as if he was hesitating to leave you here because she asked him to go. He looked back at her and nodded.
“Yeah, let’s go,” he agreed, which only stung you in the chest even further. He turned back to you and waved softly as they walked off, “I’ll see you tomorrow, bunny.”
He, in fact, did not see you the next day. Or the following. Or the day after that. You hadn’t even received so much as a text from him to let you know he was okay. 
This wasn’t the Bucky you knew at all. This wasn’t your Bucky. But, being the good friend you were, you didn’t want to intrude on his relationship.
A few days after the party, you had gone to his suite to see Steve for a project you were working on together. The boys usually spent Friday nights playing some sort of game together; it was their way of bonding and de-stressing after a long week. That was exactly why Steve’s text took you by surprise on that Friday night. 
Walking in through the door after Steve opened it, you saw Sam sitting on the couch watching TV. Bucky was nowhere to be found, his door sealed shut.
“He’s not here if that’s what you’re wondering,” Sam voiced, making you snap your head towards him. “That girl’s got him wrapped around her finger. I’ve never seen him act so much like a lost puppy.”
“At least you’ve seen him,” you thought out loud, almost immediately regretting it after the words slipped from your mouth. 
Steve popped into the living room, taking his previous seat and looking at you. “You haven’t… seen him?” He asked incredulously, a look of complete disbelief across his face.
“Not since Saturday, and even that was an accident,” you shrugged, taking a seat in between the both of them. 
You explained your recent, unwarranted dynamic with Bucky to the boys and they were more surprised than you were. They then explained their dynamic and how Bucky had even ditched practice to hang out with her, telling their coach he wasn’t feeling well. You sighed to yourself, not understanding how Bucky could ever get so distant from the people most important to him. It wasn’t like him at all, and it only made you even more upset to see Sam and Steve hurt by his lack of presence.
“I’m so sorry, kid,” Sam said, patting your shoulder lightly. “We figured he was avoiding us but we definitely didn’t think he’d ever do that to you.”
“It’s okay, I just wish he’d talk to me more.”
You stayed the night at their place, Steve eventually grabbing you a blanket from his room and making sure you were comfortable on the couch. Bucky had come back in later that evening after both Sam and Steve had been asleep, seeing you asleep on their couch. It broke his heart but he also didn’t have the guts to wake you up by taking you to his bed. He sighed to himself before walking into his room with tears glossed in his eyes.
You picked up more on Bucky’s sudden shift when you had gone home one weekend for a regular family dinner and he brought her with him. Bucky’s never introduced any of his flings to his mother before, knowing she was a woman of high standards. And boy, were her standards high today.
“Who’s this, James?” Winnifred asked her only son. You could tell she was serious when she used his first name, her eyes gazing between Bucky and Alina in curiosity.
“This is Alina, Ma,” Bucky wrapped his arm around her. “She’s my girlfriend.” 
“It’s so nice to meet you, Ms. Barnes—”
“It’s Mrs. Barnes,” Winnifred corrected. “How’d you two meet, James?”
“We have a class together and got paired up for a few discussions, then eventually started talking and now we’re here,” Bucky answered carefully. “I thought it was time to introduce you and Becca to her.”
“Hm,” was all she said. “Well, dinner is soon, so we’ll get to talk there.”
Winnifred made her way towards the kitchen where your mother was finishing up on the food with your sibling, not uttering another word to Alina.
In the dining area, you were helping set the table for dinner with Bucky’s sister, Rebecca, when she cleared her throat to get your attention. Looking up at her immediately, she looked around to make sure no one was hearing her before she spoke.
“This dinner tonight isn’t looking like a great idea,” she spoke anxiously. Rebecca Barnes was not one to be nervous about many things, so you were more than interested to hear her talk. When you didn’t say anything, she continued. 
“I overheard Ma talking about that girl Bucky brought home and it didn’t really sound pretty,” she whispered loud enough for only you to hear her. “I have no idea what happened but if I were that girl, I’d take the first bus back home.”
You shrugged. Nobody in either of your families knew that you and Bucky had been distant lately and you didn’t really make the effort to say anything anyway. You were trying your best not to overthink it and convince yourself that you were actually being replaced, though you really had no evidence otherwise.
Then, on cue, the lovely couple walked into the room. Alina met your eyes right away before you mentioned having to ask your mother something before dinner and excusing yourself from the dining area. Bucky watched you walk off in confusion, not sure if you were avoiding him or not.
The truth was that Bucky was getting a bit tired of Alina. He wasn’t one to flake on plans at all, especially not plans with you or his family. Prior to this, the worst he’d ever done was accidentally sleep through Sam’s birthday dinner. But someway and somehow, Alina always set up plans for them and Bucky, being the gentleman he is, didn’t want to make it seem like he was more interested in spending time with his best friend than his girlfriend.
But he was. Throughout the past few weeks, Bucky realized he depended on your presence a lot more than he’d been able to recognize—even before meeting Alina. He never thought much of it, seeing as though you’d been friends for so long and never tried to pursue anything further. He had simply thought you never had those thoughts about him, so why should he have them about you? In all honesty, he felt he was using Alina to distract himself from the possibility of wanting you instead, which did make him feel awful about himself.
Don’t get him wrong, he does like Alina. He thinks she’s pretty, smart, and has a great personality. But she’s not for him. At least he’s starting to think so. The knock of sense only came when Sam and Steve had decided to grill him about it.
“So what’s going on with you and this Alayna girl?” Sam asked, eyes laser-focused on shuffling the deck of cards in front of him.
“It’s Alina, and nothing crazy is going on,” Bucky said monotonously. “We’re just going with the flow.”
“Going with the flow,” Steve repeated slowly before taking a sip of his drink. “Is that what you’re calling it, Buck?”
“What do you mean?”
Sam finished shuffling the cards before staring over at Bucky. “He means we both thought you were definitely gonna end up with Y/n and then you brought the randomest girl in here and sat her in the living room instead of taking her back to your room.”
“Y/n’s my best friend, she always has been,” Bucky reassured. “Nothing’s gonna change that.”
Steve set his drink down. “Are you sure about that or are you trying to convince yourself of that? I don’t know, Buck, this girl just isn’t for you, in my opinion. I haven’t even seen you so much as call Y/n in the past few weeks which is very unlike you,” he defended. Steve knew that Bucky had to hear it from someone, and he was more than positive that you weren’t going to try to butt in out of fear of pissing him off or making it seem like you were meddling with his relationship. Nonetheles, Steve also wasn’t going to blow up your spot and mentioned your conversation with him and Sam. It wasn’t his place. 
Bucky stayed silent as Sam dealt the cards. He hadn’t talked to you the way you usually spoke to each other for about a week now, and if he said he didn’t miss you, he knew he’d be lying straight out of his ass. But he didn’t want to disappoint the first girl he thought he had feelings for.
But did it really seem like you were the one for him? You’ve both had your relationships and seen the end of those, both for yourselves and the other, and you’d always have each other’s backs in the end. But it was almost like an unspoken rule that you’d never pursue anything with each other. You’d never mentioned anything about it, neither had Bucky, and you were both too close for that to possibly be ruined by a romantic relationship. 
But God, had Bucky thought about it. He’d shove the thoughts out of his mind because he felt it was useless. But was it actually worth trying? Was he wasting his own time by trying to convince himself otherwise?
“Buck, it’s your turn,” Sam said, snapping Bucky out of his thoughts. 
“Right, sorry,” Bucky said before placing one of his cards down on the pile and finishing his turn by picking up one. “Did you guys really think I’d end up with Y/n?”
Sam chuckled. “Hell yeah, man. You two are perfect for each other. I think you’re also the only two in this world who don’t see it.”
Their whole conversation that day lingered in Bucky’s mind every day since then. But he never had the guts to speak up about them or break things off with Alina. He was too nice for that. He was raised better than to waste a woman’s time. 
He had just hoped he hadn’t inadvertently ruined your friendship in the process. 
Bucky and Alina helped Rebecca finish setting up the table. There wouldn’t be too many of you but it was both your family and Bucky’s, so there were always at least 6 mouths to account for. 
You made your way back into the dining room, your mom and Bucky’s following suit behind. Bucky’s eyes landed on yours, though you quickly diverted your attention elsewhere. Everyone took their usual seats, including Bucky, who always sat across from his mother and next to his sister.
This meant that the only available seat was the head of the table, which was Bucky’s father, George’s, seat. Much to everyone’s dismay, Alina decided to sit there for the sake of sitting next to Bucky. 
It was almost like someone had pressed pause on a movie with the way everyone froze and looked at her, Bucky included. Both ends of the table had always been left empty for your father and Bucky’s. It was another unspoken rule between everyone, since they had both always sat on their respective ends and no one felt the obligation or desire to sit in either chair. 
“You can’t sit there,” Bucky spoke up, his voice cracking a bit. “Sit somewhere else.”
“I was just trying to sit next to y—”
“I said, sit somewhere else, Alina,” he repeated himself, a lot more bass in his voice that reminded you of George himself.  
Rebecca quickly stood up from her seat before making her way to the empty seat in between you and her mother. Alina then took her spot awkwardly, the rest of the table entirely speechless.
“Let’s have dinner, shall we?” Bucky said stoically. 
That was the most awkward family dinner you’ve had in your entire life, and not to mention the most silent. Once everyone was finished, Winnifred was the first to leave the table, your mother following suit. The rest of you cleaned up the table, your sibling and Rebecca choosing to take care of the dishes. 
Since you were in Bucky’s family home this time around, the only space you’d usually sleep in was in Bucky’s room. Your mom had set your bags there, which left Alina in a space of confusion.
“Why are your bags in Bucky’s room?” She walked into the kitchen and asked you with an attitude drooling off her tongue as you were placing the plates back in the cabinets after drying them off. 
“My mom probably put them there, she took my things up,” you replied matter-of-factly. “I usually stay in Bucky’s room when we sleep over. We’ve done it since we were kids.”
Bucky overheard your conversation as he stepped into the kitchen, returning from consoling his mother from the sheer embarrassment he just faced with his girlfriend completely disrespecting their house rules. She didn’t know better, he thought, but he knew his mother wouldn’t take that for an answer.
“We can sleep in the guest room, Alina,” Bucky interjected before Alina could reply, not wanting another awkward situation in the same night. 
“You’re gonna sleep in the guest room of your own home for the sake of letting a guest sleep in your room?”
“I’ll move my things and sleep in the guest room, Bucky. There’s nothing to worry about,” you stepped in with a stern shift in your tone, before walking out of the kitchen to collect your bags from his room.
Bucky felt embarrassed again. You had heard him starting to ask her not to embarrass him in front of his family another time for the rest of the night, but didn’t care to eavesdrop on a conversation that clearly didn’t concern you. Not after he’d ignored you for weeks. 
You didn’t speak to Bucky for the rest of the visit, driving back to campus without a single word of acknowledgment. It hurt, it hurt really bad. But you held your own anyway, and just tried to focus on doing your best without him.
part two.
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slutt4ellie · 3 months
Sacred Hearts Entwined
PT2 Faithful Whispers
Ellie Williams x Reader
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Part 1 -> ✞
Part 3 -> ✞
What do you do when you’re falling hopelessly in love with your best friend.?
Summery: Ellie was supposed to be a friend, are the feelings that are corrupting you worth it? Why did you kiss her, why even risk it. Now you’re going to lose her.
Warnings -> A lot of Homophobia / arraigned marriage/ angst / Controlling parents / d slur is mentioned! / (lmk if I missed anything else!)
Tag list: @a-little-bit-of-everybody @bready101 @lenaloveslesbians
WC: 3.8k
(Not proofread)
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My mouth tastes like iron and everything is numb, it went from pure lust to rage and anger in a matter of seconds. I just keep thinking, “Could I have prevented it?”. Should I have pushed her back as soon as our lips met, tell her this is wrong, everything that my parents would have strongly preferred. Am I the one who fucked up in the end…? It’s not like it matters anyway, I can still hear the muffled yells coming from downstairs, he's arguing with my mom, she's against the boarding school idea, she believes I was corrupted or something, she fully believes they can fix me, no correction system needed. My dad on the other hand wants me gone, he can’t even bear to look me in my eyes. I’m like some foreign alien that just snuck inside our house and took its place as me, I know for a fact as of now he wishes he could just find the “Real me”.
(30 minutes previously) 
As I heard the door swing open I quickly pushed Ellie back, wiping my lips, my eyes now meeting with her father. Shit. I step back looking at him wondering if he even saw us. He quickly talks, his voice strained, filled with anger “What were you guys doing?” Ellie looks at me, her eyes already filled with tears, all I wanted to really do was just hug her, he quickly yells “I SAID WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING!” I just shake my head and spit out “Nothing!” My voice is filled with nervousness and it feels like I just embarrassed myself. “I should have known, you guys were always too close, having sleepovers and sleeping in the same bed!” Ellie just spits out wiping her own tears “There’s nothing going on dad! We’re friends!” Then his attention fully shifts to me, he steps closer to the point where I need to step back in order to not make any contact. It’s like something just shifts, like he figured the “truth”.
“All those sleepovers, were you guys-” I almost immediately shut down what he was about to say, my voice now more stable. “No!” And as I finish my sentence he grabs my collar which makes tears instantly form in my eyes. “You ruined her. Ellie wasn’t like this before you.” I hated that argument, we met at six, nothing was even there, none of those feelings were even formed until almost 9 years later. It was bullshit, and for some stupid reason I spit that out “Thats fucking bullshit!”. I covered my mouth right after finishing the sentence, I just dug my own grave and that realization was becoming apparent. His grip on my collar tighten and he gets uncomfortably close to my face “You’re a fucking dyke, and you had to drag Ellie into that.” I can see Ellie step forward, her head peeking over his shoulder, tears still streaming down her face as her eyes get puffy and red “Dad let her go! Please” I can’t help but feel like I ruined Ellies life, I was the one who leaned in and kissed her and now- now we're both going to be sent away.
Unlucky for me Ellie's dad doesn't even pay attention to anything she's saying all his attention is fully focused on me “You’ll never see her again.” The way he says it sticks to the back of mind, because I know it's true, the chances of me and Ellie ever even being friends again is most likely over. So now I start crying. It feels like I just lost everything in less than an hour. Ellie grabs him and attempts to pull him back, but as soon as she even lays a finger on her he turns around slapping her with no hesitation. 
Ellies nose starts bleeding and her cheek glows red, and once his attention isn't on me and his grip is loose I run over to Ellie as she cuffs her nose. I quickly rolled up my sleeve to wipe the blood from her nose. I talk stuttering over every word “fuck- are- Ellie are yo- are you okay?” I’m now starting to hyperventilate on the brink of a panic attack but Ellie just nods fast. Ellie’s dad immediately rushes over to us, and no not to help Ellie, he rushes over to grab me by the back of my shirt to pull me away from Ellie. “LEAVE” He yells at me, but this time I don’t budge, Ellie is still fucking bleeding and all his attention is still focused on me, he won’t even look at Ellie.
I push him back literally just trying to make sure Ellie is okay but before I even can, she spits out “Just leave..” her voice is quivering and cracking, I can tell she just doesn’t want me to get hurt. So I finally stepped back. I can tell just by the way she's looking at me this is goodbye, at least for a while..
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I get home and just by the way my parents are watching me I can tell Ellie's parents called them, I assumed they would, at the end of the day as soon as we got caught kissing I knew everything was fucked. “You and Ellie, you’re fucking sneaking around dating” My dad says stepping closer to me, my energy just completely gone and I sigh tiredly not being able to take this outdated homophobic shit. “Me and Ellie are frie-” My mom talks fast, not even allowing me to finish my sentence “YOU WERE KISSING HER, YOU. SNUCK. OUT.” She yells at me standing beside my dad, I can’t even defend myself. What do I even say “We were hugging!” I can’t do anything in this situation. My dad talks again “Pack your bags, we’re leaving in the morning” as my dad finishes my sentence I start tearing up once again. “Where am I even going!?” I yell at them, my respect is now gone, there’s zero point if I'm being sent away. Instead of answering my dad holds out his hand, his palm laying flat. “Phone” I look at him “What?” he now yells “PHONE” I pull it out of my pocket throwing it in his hand before going up the stairs quickly before slamming the door shut. 
I open my closet finding the box with all the stuff I don't want my parents EVER finding, pods, weed, vapes, etc. The one thing that was genuinely the most important thing was my pink Ipod touch mini from when I was 8. I always had it in case I got grounded and wanted to talk to friends, the good thing was I knew Ellie had one too, a blue one she got to match me, so for that reason as soon as I unlock it, I disregard everything else and just start texting her.
4:17 - Ellie, are you good??
4:18 - Pls answer 
4:19 - Parents r arguing, i think i'm gonna go to a boarding school
4:19 - I’m being sent away
4:20 - What?! 
4:20 - Where??
4:20 - idfk they won't even tell me
4:21 - im so fucking sorry
4:21 - why are you even sorry??
4:22 - because i started the whole thing
4:22 - If i didn’t kiss u we would be fine rn
4:23 - dont fucking talk like that
4:23 - if u didn’t kiss me then i would have been overthinking everything rn
4:24 - well we’d still be able to hang out
4:24 - well we can figure it out? 
4:26 - Ellie I don't even know where the boarding school is
4:26 - chances r no service, and i wont be able to bring my phone theyre definitely gonna search my suitcase 
4:26 - then we’ll send fucking letters idfk
4:27 - send letters w no address? 
4:27 - js stop??
4:27 - we’ll figure something out dude???
4:29 - Ellie..
4:29 - stop
4:29 - dont fucking add “…”
4:29 were gna be fine?
4:30 - u know love you
4:30 - i know that 
4:30 - i dont wanna lose u
4:31 - It’ll be alright, we’ll meet each other again and it will be fine
4:32 - promise. 
4:32 - I love you 
Once you see that final message the gravity of the situation becomes way more tense, the last time you saw Ellie she was bleeding from her nose crying . You start packing your bags wiping tears trying to silently cry, not wanting your parents to come in. You caused this whole situation, you knew you did. If you never called her that word, you would have never snuck out, you wouldn't have kissed her, her dad wouldn’t have caught you, and chances are everything would be “perfect” at least to a degree..all you could do is stare around your room now just realizing how half of your room was covered in her
And not pictures, just resonances are her, pictures she drew of you, stuffed animals she bought, clothes you stole that still have her scent on it, everything around you had Ellie in it, she made you who you are. And as you look around your room, your eyes land on that polaroid picture. The picture was of you two, the sunset in the back and you’re just both smiling shoulder to shoulder. 
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(Summer, 15 years old) 
The wind was blowing on your skin as your hair flew all around the back of your neck, Ellie was in front of you riding on her bike “Come on we're gonna miss it'' She yells trying to usher you to bike faster “The sun won’t set that fast relax!” You groan trying to push faster. “I don’t care! We’re going to miss it so push fucking faster!” She pushes faster than you so you now have to try and match her pace. “Holy shit! Can you slow down” She shakes her head and just goes faster until you guys finally make it. It’s actually really beautiful, the sun setting reflecting off the water as the pink sky illuminates all their surroundings. “Shit..” You sigh fully out of breath and Ellie just smiles at you barely watching the sunset, then you finally turn to look at her “I did not bike all the way here for you to stare at me Ellie” Her whole face turns red and she looks away “I’m not even looking at you, I just think you look gross when you’re all sweaty” The words were
slightly harsh but you try to laugh it off “Ha ha, when did you become such a comedian!” Ellie looks back at you “Oh fuck off” You smile and walk closer to the water “Wait- what are you doing??” she says looking at you quickly running up beside you  “Well you said I look sweaty so i'm going to go into the water?” Ellie sorta nods at the response “Well we don’t have bathing suits” You smile at the response “Okay?” You say taking off your shirt leaving you in just a bra. Ellie quickly turns around not looking at you. “I-uh, people” Ellie says and you just shrug “No one comes here like ever, it’s backroads?” You take off your jeans throwing them on the sand and shortly after Ellie then does the same as you not turning around since it’s awkward. “Are you looking?” Ellie asks nervously unbuttoning her own jeans “Oh yeah, hardcore staring actually!” You joke not even batting an eye towards her.
Ellie walks into the water immediately saying “Holy shit! Dude its so fucking cold!!” You laugh and impulsively splash her, getting her whole face wet. “Fuck you!” Ellie laughs jumping forward in the water taking you down with her getting you and her both fully soaked “Stop!” You laugh trying to tackle her in the water when you grab her shoulders and you both just stop trying to fight, only focusing on each other. It’s filled with silence, not awkward silence though, just the sound of the waves splashing against the shore and the breathing coming from both of your mouths..neither of you even broken eye contact..
You move your hand on her face moving a loose strand of hair out of Ellie's eyes, her whole face turns red just by the touch of you plus the intense eye contact doesn’t help. Ellie slightly leans in, not enough for it to be deemed weird but enough so now your faces are closer. You basically naturally do the same, so now at this point you're just mere inches from each other's lips. The moment comes to a short end though when a loud honking comes from the street causing you to both flinch back. The honk leads you to talk to fill the now awkward silence “We should head back, suns basically down” You smile backing away from Ellie moving your hands off her shoulder, Ellie just nods not speaking. You didn’t know it but Ellie felt like a complete idiot that day, she just simply wished she leaned in closing the gap between your lips..
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You just fully start crying all over the polaroid, the memories flood back and you start to wonder why you guys didn’t just kiss. Let alone act like it happened, even though you guys didn’t talk about that moment you both had a mutual understanding that it would be weird to talk about it again? There was no point. You were always so dumb with your feelings, that's why it took so unbelievably long to finally start to accept that maybe you don’t think of Ellie as just some friend. Your mind is rightfully scattered and you start to think things like “If we kissed then would everything be different right now?” “Would we be together?”. You quickly shut down those thoughts, it’s not what matters right now, you don’t have a time machine and you can’t go back, plus right now you’re way too focused on the fact you have to somehow keep in contact with Ellie you guys talked almost everyday and now there’s a chance that there might be a forever absence of her presence..what are you even supposed to do?
Pack up the 10 years of friendship. Find a guy to marry just to get your parents approval, it’s not fair that way. You can’t just lose her..So found your mind was wondering the whole night thinking
of ways you could be together until you ultimately fell asleep, praying to wake up in an alternate universe where Ellie is holding you, a world where it’s just you and her. 
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You wake up feeling groggy and out of place, the sun shining on you through the sheer curtains hitting right on your left eyeball. You groan and sit up not even having a minute of peace before your mom comes into your room, not even knocking. “Get dressed, the taxi is going to be here in 20 minutes” You look at her, reality finally setting again. “Where am I going..?” You try again, looking at her when she finally answers “Boarding school in Europe.” Your heart immediately sinks..”Europe?” Your voice shakes, you make eye contact with her, you want your mom to see how this is hurting you, the tears settling in your eyes. “It’s furthest away from here, so yes.” She looks at you, not an ounce of pity in her voice, she doesn’t care what you think, and there's nothing you can say to change her mind. 
“All this because I kissed Ellie..?” It’s the first time you’re actually saying it out loud and you hate yourself because it feels so wrong, and it's not because you don’t like Ellie, or you completely regret kissing her, it’s because of the look your mom gave you after you finished the sentence. It’s a look that has disgust and utter disappointment lingering all throughout it. It made you feel like you're some monster, who just wished death upon her or something. She replied her voice is still filled with disappointment. “There’s something wrong with you, and these people will fix you sweetie, I promise.” She takes a step forward and rubs your cheek yet you don’t hesitate to push her hand off. “Nothing is wrong with me!” Your mom steps back and looks at you trying to talk to you softly but realistically it was just some condescending tone that tried to convince you that you were in the wrong “Hun, Ellie and you, you guys are both sick, and it’s okay, once you both get help you’re going to understand where all of us are coming from.” You feel like you’re going to explode “Sick” she’s acting like this is some cold that will blow over and a fucking week.
“Can you get out.” You say no longer making eye contact with her, you can't bear to at this point. “What?” She says almost confused, probably thinking “I didn’t even do anything wrong”. So you talk again this time standing up “Well I need to get changed, so can you get out” You say looking at her. She just nods while walking out. You quickly get dressed and grab your suitcase, it hurts to know you won’t see this room for at least a year. 
As you're walking downstairs your dad doesn't even look at you, he just holds open the door and grabs your suitcase, throwing it into the taxi. You look at both of your parents, your mom gives you a hug but you're pity so you obviously don’t hug back. Your dad will not even look at you, it’s like you’re a fucking disappointment in his eyes..
And as you get into your car and drive away, it can’t help but hurt leaving your childhood house, neighborhood, friends, but most importantly Ellie. All the memories would fade and be replaced with new ones. It all sucked, and what was worse was that you didn’t know it now but it would be 3 years till you went back. 
I was sixteen then and now I'm nineteen. As soon as I saw “Welcome to Westborough” it almost felt eerie, my smile just instantly faded . “You okay?” My fiancé chuckles holding my hand. I quickly nod “Yeah of course” I give a simple smile. James. It was all my parents' idea. When you were 17 your parents came up with the golden Idea to get married. It would get you not so focused on her. So that's when that's where he came in. It was my moms friend's son. You’ve met him a few times. He was always nice but marrying him?! Marrying him felt so out of place. You didn’t even know him..so you just kept on denying him and it came to the point where my parents ended up forcing you, they said if you didn’t they would cut all contact, they would start telling your family the real reason why you went to Europe and you would end up losing everyone. So you agreed and at 18 he proposed and you two have been living in Europe for the time being. You felt like you just couldn’t go back to Westborough, too much has happened. 
So when the ones who forced you out of Westborough wanted you to come back to have your wedding you were silently fuming. “Soo you’re going to show me your childhood home?” James asks, smiling lightly, kissing your neck. You just sorta smile “Guess so?” You say looking out the window as you guys pull up to your house with your parents already standing on the porch. You don't even want to get out, you know Ellie most definitely has her own life and it’s probably a low chance she still even lives here but everything about being back seems so scary. 
You get out of the taxi and James goes to get your guy’s luggage as you walk up hugging your mom. You look at your dad and sorta smile, your guy's relationship has never been the same since the situation. You still believe he thinks of you as a completely different person. James walks up and shakes his hand “Hey son!” Your dad smiles at James. You walk into the house and James follows you “Where’s your room?” He smiles looking at you “Just upstairs i'll show you” He follows you upstairs walking in as he puts down your suitcase.  
You look around yourself noticing they haven’t touched anything, it looks like your parents didn’t even go into your room once. James walks over to your desk noticing the polaroid flat on your desk, you turn over to look at him and he softly says “Who’s this?” You walk up to him looking at the polaroid of you and Ellie on the beach and you shrug. “Just an old friend” He looks at her “Were you two close?” You sorta hate yourself for what you're about to say “No not really, just friends for a few months.” You only say this simply because you don’t wanna say why you never told him about a friendship that lasted 10 years, it would be too much for him..and you.. 
It shortly faded into the night, James and your dad went out to bond or something? You don’t even really know they just said that they’re heading out for a little. You look at your watch rubbing your eyes while yawning  “10:47pm” you mumble under your breath standing up..As you walk outside of your room you hear the tv going off from the first floor so you quietly go downstairs to see your mom passed out on the couch.
It sucks because you feel like you should hate her. Your whole life has constantly been controlled by your parents, they sent you away at 16 because you were “sick”. You just try to remind yourself her parents probably made her like this, so you grab a blanket and put it on your mom. You sigh walking to the front door and start putting on your jacket, you just need to walk. So that's what you do for the next 10 minutes until you make it into town, stuff has stayed the exact same, which works out in your favor because you know where the closet bar is! You open the door and there's only like 5 people in now 6 including you..And as you look over at the front bar you notice the bartender isn’t even there, you sorta just groan but reluctantly walk over and sit down. You're just looking down at the bar table when you hear the kitchen door open and a girl says “Sorry to keep you wait-” You wonder why she stopped so you decide to look up.
The girl is no other than Ellie..
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A/N -> ts took so long for actually no reason 😭
again there will probably be another part since it ends on a cliffhanger, just lmk if u wanna be in the tag list and i’ll add u!!
I will also probably be making another story, i have a rough draft for it right now but i don’t rlly no what to do with the plot, that story will again also most likely have more then one part!
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mcu-fan-fics-blog · 11 months
Remember a Time ix
Series:  (Pt.1), (P.t 2), (P.t 3), (P.t 4), (P.t 5), (P.t 6), (P.t 7)
Wanda Maximoff x Fem! Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader ;)
(High school Au ) No Powers
Word count: 2218
A/N: Here is another installment I hope you guys like it. I’m slowly getting back into writing. I’ll see you next time hopefully with an update for Misunderstanding the Assignment! 
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“What do you see when you look at me?” It was a simple yet loaded question. There was so much to see… Wanda had always been more than what the eye could see. There was too much context lost trying to explain it all in words. The good, the bad. The white, the black, the gray. You couldn’t look at her… that's why she asked. You settled for a simple answer. “Everything.” Time has passed and put your promise to the test. You showed up, but neither of you were the same. Maybe too much time had passed, but life as cruel as it was found a way to bring you both back into each other's life. “You’ve always known me better than everyone, even myself.” She was stating a fact that you weren’t sure was true anymore. “Stop looking away…” You couldn’t look at her because if you did start looking at her you weren’t sure you could stop. But she was Wanda… It wasn’t long before your eyes met hers. The first time in 10 years you let yourself fall into Her green eyes.
Wanda had this time obliged your request and from there on time started flying by. Prom came and soon enough you were sitting next to Natasha, her head on your shoulder. “This has been a very fun night.” You nodded. You didn't expect prom to go the way that it did. You'd envisioned things a little differently. But you couldn't complain Natasha was next to you all night and dancing with her was amazing. Wanda was there but she made herself scarce, You were thankful. You saw very little of her that night. Natasha knew that something had happened between the two of you, you didn’t tell her anything. Weirdly enough it didn’t feel right telling her. Natasha was swaying and tripping on herself so you took her to sit at a table. “I think you had enough of that punch” you chuckled. You saw Tony then Pietro spike the punch. “How about I take you home…” She was contemplating your offer. “Did she change your mind?” It wasn’t a reproach, just a question asked in a drunken stupor. “No…” There was no need to lie if anything what had happened steeled your resolve. “Then yes, you may take me home.” As easy-going that answer was, you saw that relief flood her body. You hated that you made her feel like that but all you could do was reassure her. You didn’t speak after that, you just made your way back home in silence. Natasha was out and in bed before you could even say goodbye. 
Yelena caught you on your way out. Well more so she was waiting for you cornering you if you will. “I may hate Natasha with every fiber of my being, but she is my sister.” She started not leaving any room for you to interrupt her. “Do you see what I’m getting at?” You nodded. “If you ever treat her wrong Y/n I will have no qualms in committing murder.” You were scared more so because she was being completely honest. “I like you Y/n, so I’m asking you not to mess up here.” You nodded. “I promise you to do good by Natasha.” She seemed pleased with your answer and started retreating. “And Yelena… I like you too.” She didn’t bother looking back. “Yeah of course you do what's not to like.” You chuckled and made your way back to your house. Tony was waiting for you sitting on your front door steps. “Can you believe that We made it?” You immediately recognized this not often seen side of Tony. You sit down next to him and lay your head on his shoulder. You sigh and interlock your arm around his.
“If I'm being completely honest, no I can’t.” He nods. “How’d we even get here?” You noticed the far away look in his eyes. He sighed and spoke his thoughts “It feels like a dream.” It was your turn to nod, there was no other way to explain what you were feeling. “I didn’t think we’d make it past fifth grade…” He was referring to your friendship. Tony was never a loner he always had friends, but fifth grade was a difficult year for him consequently for you too. “You were such a dick.” You conceded “You were forgetting about me…” He confessed quietly. You pulled away and saw the tears brimming his eyes. “That’s not even remotely true.” You assure him. “But, you were. I didn’t like how that felt so I made sure you didn’t.” You let him keep talking. “Wanda became so Important… And I want you to move on and be happy I do, but you leaving feels a lot like that.” You took a moment and turned to him. “I cannot physically forget you, you are my best friend. My brother from another mother.” He chuckled. “I promise that I will never forget you. And if you at any point feel that I am, please feel free to be a dick to me whenever you’d like.” He laughed this time. “We’ve come too far Tony, you and me for that to just go away.” You both sat there looking at the sky for a moment. “It will all workout.” You sighed and stood up. “Come on, I bought another lego set a couple of days ago. It should be in the garage.” 
Everything was starting to move faster and faster leading up to graduation. It was getting out of hand but before you knew it you were in line waiting to walk across the stage. You were all sitting on the edge of your seat. You almost rolled your eyes when the principal announced the valedictorian speaker. Vision… His speech was formidable, and you found yourself genuinely clapping for him at the end of it. After that it moved rather quickly name after name being called, and loud cheering from the audience. It all felt unreal, it would officially all be over in the matter of minutes. You saw them all walk that stage. First was Pietro; he brought laughs and cheers from all over the auditorium, his backflip being the reason. Then consequently came Wanda, she looked happy, her eyes scanned the audience and her eyes met yours. Her eyes watered, but they stayed on you. You gave a small nod and a tight smile and that was that. A couple of minutes later Natasha was walking down the stage and you could not look away, you didn’t want to. Her eyes found yours immediately she smiled and waved at you. Then came Tony who had nonchalantly avoided shaking hands with anyone on the stage just taking his diploma and walking off stage. 
As for you, you just took it all in. Took your diploma and smiled when your picture was taken. Then you saw Natasha and suddenly it wasn’t so overwhelming. It was something that you were truly looking forward to. It would be you and her for the time being starting this new chapter. If you were sure about anything it was that it would be worth it. The ceremony let out and you met with all of your family and your friends which at this point was only Tony and Natasha. Taking pictures to commemorate the day. You left with Natasha by your side. "You know that I never thought we'd get another chance to be friends." Natasha sighed. "I knew even back then that I'd most likely never see you in person again." You nodded listening to her talk. She had insisted on driving you somewhere special to show you a surprise. "Moving to Russia is not something a friendship usually survives. Especially not a childhood one." You nodded listening and hanging on to every last word. "I was scared..." She admitted softly. "That one day you'd stop caring for me, that you'd stop calling." You kept quiet knowing you didn't need to say anything. Listening would be enough. "And for the longest time it bothered me to no end." 
"And then, it was me who stopped calling." You nodded remembering the first month that she skipped all your weekly calls. It still stung, you'd had a crush on her already. "You saw through it Nat, It would've only crashed and burned." You tried to soothe her. She shook her head. "Where would we be if i didn't do that... And, you... You still called on my Birthday. Even when I stopped calling on yours." You'd made it to a small orchid with beautiful trees. You parked on the side of the door.. She rushed and helped you out of her car, she held your hand and didn't let go. "Before I left mom brought me here. Thinking back she was probably very much aware..." She looked thoughtful but didn't elaborate. You accepted her silence, not really reading into it, your mind too enthralled with the fact that she was holding your hand. It was a beautiful day, you still had time to kill before all the graduation parties began.  "I think it's here..." She mumbled. You were curious to find out what it was. 
Her hand squeezed yours when she saw what she was looking for. "Look." she ran her free hand along a tree her finger tracing the grooves. It was engraved. 'Nat + Y/n 4 ever' A nice heart encircled the two names. Natasha chuckles her mother definitely knew. "This... Wow." You were speechless. "When?" You managed to ask. "The week I found out we were leaving. It seemed fitting to do then." She smiled looking back at you. Your smile grew. "I'm only hoping it seems fitting now?" She asked suddenly, feeling self conscious. "We were totally in love with each other back then weren't we?" You say chuckling. She nods, but she doesn't say anything else, still waiting for you to answer. "I think this is very much fitting for us." She smiles lightly, biting her lip. "You think so?" You match her smile. "Yup" She moves quickly. Her hands grab your face as she pulls you towards her. When her lips meet yours it feels like the world stopped spinning, like the universe had been waiting for this to happen and it sighed in relief when it finally did. You didn't want to pull away. "You're telling me our parents knew we were gay?" She laughed in your arms. 
It was a beautiful day worthy of this moment. She was ethereal the way her eyes lit up just captured your attention, there was no other place you'd rather be. "I was crushing on you for the longest time." You confessed. "Really? You never said anything." She wasn't exactly shocked by your revelation, but she was curious. "Well, I wasn't exactly sure how to address the fact that I had romantical feeling for my long distance best friend that I talked to maybe once a month." She chuckled. "That makes sense... Before Wanda?" Wanda was still a sore subject for Natasha. All you wanted was to reassure her. "Before... and after." She nodded. "There wasn't a choice Nat. I'd pick you, I promise you from this moment on." She smiled. "Well if it wasn't obvious I too have romantical feelings for you too." You laugh. "I'd say you do!" You say running your hand through the inscription on the tree. "I want you... us, to have the love story we deserve. So I'll make my intentions clear." Natasha was confident now and you loved it. "I want you to be my girlfriend, I want to be in your life as long as you want me in it." You smiled. "I want that too." You said softly. "Good... But I want to do this the right way. I don't want to rush us." You nod. "I can do that with you. As long as I get some kisses here and there, You know every once in a while." She pretends to think about it. "I think we can make that work." You nodded, extending your hand for her to shake. "Well that settles it then." 
The night was still young, and you were very giddy. Tony was the one hosting the party everyone wanted to be at so your street was already crowded. “I’ll never get over the fact that Tony has this much influence over others.” Natasha mentions as she pulls into her driveway. “He’s a good guy, people wouldn’t follow him if he wasn’t. They follow him for the right reason.” You say. “I guess that's true.” You laugh. “Pepper will mellow his ego out, you’ll see. There’s no need to fear for the future.” You tease her. “Plus he’s made it very clear he’s not going to let us disappear from his life so, we’ll also humble him here and there.” She laughs. “We have a busy couple of months ahead of us so let’s enjoy this night.” You mention all the planning that needs to be made before you can actually begin this new chapter. “You’re right. I’ll get changed and meet you at yours in 20?” You nod. You practically skipped all the way home. It wasn't much distance but you skipped nonetheless.
Tag List: @when-wolves-howl​ , @alyciaddict​​ , @username23345​,  @arixxxxxxxxa​ @justyourwritter69​ , @picnicmic  @swiftdazer @alphawolfchicago1124​​ ,  @sojo154 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ , @marvelogic​ @wandasmistress​ , @alwaysgoodnight​​ , @chickenlittlsblog​ 
A/n: Thanks for being patient and sticking with me. I’ll be back hopefully soon. Love you all have a good day ;)
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The Unwanted Visitor, PT 3
Part 1's here, Part 2 here, enjoy! (I swear I'll finish apns soon, but I just got a bad case of new-wip-itis)
The sun was shining, the wind was pleasantly cooling, and it was a wonderful day. At least, it would have been if I hadn't been cycling for my life. My feet pumped like hell was on my heels, and my thighs ached from the exertion.
As I passed through the gates, I could hear the bell chiming, a warning to students that the doors would be locked soon.
"Wait!" I screeched, pulling on the brakes as the gates swung shut.
The guard, Mr Gerry, was standing there with his arms crossed. "Cutting it a bit close, aren't we?" he teased.
"Yes, sorry," I panted, leaning on the bike for support. "You know, I wouldn't be this late if school started at a sane time, right? Who the hell gets up and ready at 10?"
Mr Gerry laughed. "I don't know. You might wanna start waking up earlier, though. If you're late one more time, the school'll give you detention."
"I know, I know," I grumbled. It was all Visitor's fault. He had turned off my alarm, wrecked the wheels on my bike, held me up with his pranks and so much more, and it was taking a toll on my attendance.
"Anyway, I've got to go. You should hurry too, Aida." Mr Gerry waved me through the gates, and I dumped my bike to the side.
Joining the tail end of the flood of students entering the halls, I flipped up the hood of my jacket. Being the weird kid who lived at the edge of town was social suicide, and not being allowed to invite anyone over made matters worse. I was stuck being the butt of all the jokes, and I couldn't even beat them up, because I would get suspended. (Don't get me started on what happened when I poured bleach all over their lockers and ruined their stuff.)
"Oh, look, it's AIDS on legs," someone hissed as I walked by, and I artfully ignored the muffled laughter that followed me. I hated my name, or at least the first part of it. It was ripe for the mocking. I mean, what the hell kind of archaic name was 'Aida', anyways?
Unfortunately, there wasn't much I could do. I was still a kid, after all, albeit not for long. Soon, though. Soon I would be free of these idiots and I would move out into the great world. I comforted myself with that thought as I stepped through the door, prepared for the next session of the shitshow that was my school.
"Good morning, Miss O'Dell. I trust you have a good reason for being late?" My homeroom teacher, Miss Kearney, glared at me from her seat.
I sighed. "No, Miss." I doubted that 'my spirit held me up by causing trouble' was a valid excuse.
"I'll let you off this time, but do it again and you're in deep trouble, Aida," Miss Kearney snapped. She wasn't usually so snappish, but she'd had a bad day, apparently. All the better for me, I thought bitterly.
"Yes, Miss." I slid into my chair in the back row, the most unobtrusive spot in the room.
"Okay, now that everyone's here, we can finally introduce a special guest. She's an exorcist consultant for the police; Please welcome Mrs Bell, everyone," Miss Kearney said.
"Hello," a woman with brown hair stepped into the classroom. Her suit was impeccably crisp and her smile was perfectly polite. I instantly disliked her.
"Mrs Bell has kindly agreed to teach us a bit about the paranormal. You'll have plenty of time to ask questions, but for now, listen up," Miss Kearney said sternly.
The class sat up straighter, looking interested. The paranormal was a big interest amongst the students. Magic was rare in Palioden, and exorcists were both respected and beloved by the people. I wanted to be a mage, when I grew up. (Everyone did, but I was one of the few who had an affinity for it.)
Miss Bell stood to the fore of the whiteboard, brandishing her pointer like a wand. “Children, what do you know of spirits? Not the cute sort you see on television, that is. The real kind.”
A smattering of hands shot up. The nice thing about my class was that most of us were teacher's pets, and that allowed me to slip right past their notice. 
“Spirits are the most powerful sort of twice-dead. They're found in the Celitane Forests, the Syvniko Mountain Range and west Palioden,” Lucia piped up. Lucia was exactly the sort of person I hated, popular and people-pleasing. The feeling was mutual, and she was one of the main proponents of the Anti-Aida-Army (or AAA as I liked to call them).
“Correct!” Miss Bell clapped for her, and I rolled my eyes in disgust. “What an excellent foundation of knowledge you children have! I see my job is already half done,” she added with a wink, and I finally understood why Visitor was scared of exorcists. If they were all so sickly sweet, they could probably melt his eyes out with their friendliness. 
“Now, we've received reports of a spirit haunting this area, so my team sent me to help you all understand spirits and how to deal with them!” That made me sit up a little. Had my parents finally grown a pair and reported Visitor? “Firstly, spirits differ from humans in three major ways; They're translucent to the human eye, they have unusual eye colours and they have sharp teeth. So if you spot someone who covers most of their face and body, and never reveals their teeth, you may have met a spirit. And if that's the case, you need to report it to the police!”
I was incredibly tempted to point out that a great deal of those who covered their entire body were simply doing it in the name of their religion, but the need to not get noticed outweighed my wish to stir up trouble. “Why do we have to tell the police? Are they dangerous?” It was Jack, member of the AAA and possessor of approximately 2 brain cells. 
“Yes, they're very dangerous,” Miss Bell said, her sugary expression hardening. “That's why I'm here, because this isn't a playing matter. Spirits kill people for fun, for their own pleasure, for no reason at all. While one is free, we cannot rest.” I thought that was rather dramatic; Visitor had never harmed a hair on my head, for all his threats. 
“I'm going to ask you an important question now. Which of you has been harbouring a spirit?” Miss Bell smacked the pointer against the teacher's table, and I flinched. “I know one of you did it, and I know which of you did it. Now, own up.”
Taglist here:
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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yuuuta95 · 1 year
Freak Inside Me (one shot)
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Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Reader
Warnings: sexual content
Summary: Spending the summer at a country club sounds like torture. Spending the summer at a country club with Nakamoto Yuta, Lee Taeyong, Jeong Jaehyun, Lee Ten, and (a brief appearance from) Xiao Dejun is even worse.
Word Count: 1k
Soundtrack: That by Tinashe
And I keep him begging for the freak inside me,
When he needs me bad he asks me where it’s hiding.
I’m a tease like ‘baby, I forget, remind me’.
I watched closely from the side line as Yuta scored the winning goal. His teammates instantly flocked to his side, cheering and laughing as a sweaty Yuta ran his fingers through his dark hair. He wasn’t cheering with his team though; his eyes were trained on me.  He smirked as he made his way over.
 “Fuck”, I whispered to myself. I quickly turned around and started making my way through the crowd, hoping he would lose track of me in the hustle and bustle of all the football fans. I suddenly felt a large hand grab hold of my arm, instantly recognising it as Yuta’s touch. I turned around to meet his dark brown eyes.
 “I thought you said you weren’t coming tonight”, he grinned, “Couldn’t keep away from me?” I rolled my eyes. He was such an arrogant prick sometimes.
“For your information, I was dragged here by my friends”, I lied. It had actually been the other way around. I was the one who had practically begged them to come to the game with me. I don’t know why. I’d convinced myself that it was because I wanted to see Yuta’s team lose so I could rub it in his face but truthfully, I knew they’d win and I wanted to be here to see the gorgeous smile on Yuta’s face when they finally took home the trophy. Yuta took a step forward, leaning down so I could feel his breath on my neck as he whispered into my ear.
 “We both know that’s bullshit. Now why don’t you just stop acting like you hate me and let me fuck you again?” I could feel him smirking as he said this.
“That was a mistake”, I said as I tried to push him back. He was obviously much stronger than me so I ended up being the one who stumbled back. Yuta quickly snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me into his body to stop me from bumping into anyone. He took his position back at the crook of my neck as he left a soft kiss.
 “Mistake? I specifically remember you begging me to fuck your brains out. I remember you practically crying out for my touch. I admit there was even a bit of begging from me… I couldn’t help it though. Who would have known that my innocent little neighbour Y/N, the girl who claims to hate my guts, was such a freak in bed? I want her back. I want her now”. His last few words brought goose bumps to my skin. That drunken hook up had been one of the best nights of my life but I’d never let him know that. “Come with me. I want to show you something!” he whispered before grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd. I didn’t know where he was taking me but honestly I didn’t care. That’s what I hated about this boy. He always made me disregard everything. I didn’t care that I was leaving my friends to look for me. I didn’t care that it was late and I had to get home soon. I didn’t even care that I was receiving death stares from some of the girls in the crowd who obviously had a huge crush on the gorgeous school football star, Nakamoto Yuta.
“Ummm, Yuta, this is Coach’s office. You wanted to show me… this?” I tried to hide my disappointment.
 “No, I wanted to show you this”, and with that, he locked the door and turned to me. He crashed his lips onto mine, his force causing me to stumble back, leaning onto the mahogany desk for support. A rush of heat rose to my face and chest. I could feel his hands on my back, pulling me closer into him. He was still sweaty from the game and I could feel beads of sweat working their way from his nose onto mine. I felt his tongue slowly trace against my lips before plunging into my mouth. My hands shot up as I frantically tangled my fingers through his long, dark locks. His hands began travelling up my body, under my shirt. I could feel him subtly rubbing himself against my leg. He reached the back of my bra and wasted no time in unclipping it. He pulled away from my lips and stared at me for a moment before chuckling to himself. “I should’ve taken your shirt off first, shouldn’t I?” He quickly tugged at the bottom of my shirt, pulling it over my head. He grabbed my bra straps, yanking at them slightly, leaving my bra to fall to the ground. His pace suddenly slowed as he took a moment to admire my breasts.
 “Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me or are you going to put that precious mouth of yours to work?” I teased. Yuta’s eyes met mine as a grin began to form on his lips.
“See, this is what I like to hear. Talk dirty to me”, Yuta groaned. I hauled myself up onto the desk, parting my legs so he could see my soaking underwear from under my short skirt. As he took a step forward, I quickly snapped my legs shut.
 “Slow down there, Yuta”, I smirked, pushing him back to where he had been standing.
“Don’t do this Y/N. I need you. Please”, he moaned, his eyes never leaving mine. I loved having him like this. Begging for me. He always played it cool and acted smooth out there but in here he was at my mercy.
 “Sex on school property? I don’t know. That’s pretty naughty”, I gave Yuta a faux pout.
“Shut up. I’m sure you’ve done worse”, chuckled Yuta, “You’re a freak, remember”.
 “No. Remind me…”
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girlytips · 11 months
Where in the world is Ribon?
As you've noticed, for the last about three months, the blog has gone back and forth between guest writers and queue. The blog was moved (without my knowledge) and longform writing stopped. Recently, girly.zyoshi also went on break. So where have I been? Is this the end of Ribon-tan and girly kei tips?
Short answer: No. I'm not quitting girly tips, and I don't intend to any time soon. That being said, some things will be changing.
When I started girly-kei-tips, it was a spin off blog of girly-kei-otd, in the style of old school jfashion blogs like fairykeitips, lolitatips, menheratips, etc. I'd been wearing Girly and lurking in the "larme kei" community for years, but what finally pushed me to gather resources for people looking to get into the style was the overwhelming influx of misinformation about a select few substyles and silhouettes. The jfashion community has grown in the years since tiktok, and with it has grown the number of newbies and misinformation- as well as a new "veterans correcting incorrect info is elitist gatekeeping" sort of idea circulating, at first most prevalent with baby gyaru, then lolitas, and now with menhera and Girly. I wanted to find a way to teach people new to jfashion about Girly and create a community of wearers that was as active as the "larme kei" communities of the mid 2010s were. So after an interest poll on girly-kei-otd, I wrote my first major article about the (at the time) current misconceptions newcomers to Girly had.
It circulated much faster than I expected it to! Of course, since posting that I have been bombarded with harassment, from simply reblogging with such creative stantwt-esque rebuttals as "me when i lie" to attempted doxxing, death threats, and full blown conspiracies trying to assert that I'm actually like 10 other people, not really mentally ill, hate Japan, dont really wear jfashion, etc. However, that's never effected me as much as seeing the information I translated and broke down reaching platforms I'm not even on, and encouraging people who were new to or had stepped back from Girly to rejoin the community! This only motivated me to keep going, so I did!
However, no amount of passion for something can entirely combat the reality that I am a mentally ill and disabled person who has been juggling recovery, university, a job, an irl social life, and suddenly being thrust into the position of "spokesperson for the Girly community". I became incredibly burnt out due to the sheer amount of having to repeat myself over and over, as well as a lack of energy due to struggles with mental and physical health entirely unrelated to the project. When I had an unrelated severe bpd episode, I knew I needed to temporarily step back. I had two friends who run their own jfashion projects take over for me so I could focus on survival and recovery- but it had an unintended consequence.
Unfortunately, the most common conspiracy theory used to devalue any information I give or agree with is that I am the entire Girly community, and the menhera community as well. So, when the responses from my blog seemed less like Ribon and more like runners of other popular blogs, this seemed to validate that belief in some. On top of that, language barrier issues as well as differences in opinion lead to seemingly contradictory information coming out of girly tips. Suddenly, every time I was meant to come back, I had to deal with another misunderstanding, edit another post, freak out thinking my blog was deleted when it was actually moved- no one was being malicious, there were just too many chefs in the kitchen, so to speak. This just made my mental state deteriorate even more, and make me feel even more unfit to resume activities.
This level of burnout lead me to take the extended break that I took, and starting girly.zyoshi really helped me get out of that rut- but then Instagram began to not show our posts. Apparently, this is common with kaiwai accounts- frequent posts with similar hashtags get marked as spam. After discussions with customer support, the solution was to take a break from posting so that the account doesn't get nuked before starting back over. Unfortunately, combined with my absence from the blog, this made it look as though I had abandoned my projects entirely.
So, what now? Well, I'm going to be back to making original posts and answering questions again. However, to prevent a burnout from happening again, it's never going to go back to the insane frequency of original articles I was putting out in the beginning months. The kaiwai account is also resuming activity- but limited to 2 or 3 posts a week! And yes, the Discord, which was deleted many months ago, will be staying down. To make up for this lack of original content, I'll continue to leave the blog running a daily queue as well between posts.
While I have the opportunity to do so, I'd also like to make one thing clear, AGAIN. I do not hate mentally ill people. I do not hate people who "fit" the landmine stereotype. This is a fact that seems to have been overlooked in favor of the "don't listen to that person, they just hate people who struggle" approach to combatting the information I provide. I also do not condone harassment, EVER. I don't care what for. Before deleting the Discord due to member safety concerns, I had to re-enforce that rule many times. Someone identifying as jirai or spreading the misinformation that jirai is a fashion or a movement is ABSOLUTELY not an excuse fo make fun of them. If you came to the conclusion that it is justified to bully people who post misinformation because of my blog, you have severely misread the purpose of my blog and I do not want you here.
I myself am severely mentally ill. I struggle with many aspects of illness that are the most fetishized in the landmine lifestyle. I have diagnosed BPD, as well as a severe dissociative disorder and cPTSD. I am not against mentally ill people doing their best to survive. I am not "anti" anyone's coping mechanisms- after all, even bad coping mechanisms are better than no coping mechanisms and can be the difference between life and death. I do not have anything against people like me- people who struggle to maintain healthy relationships, who struggle with chronic suicidal ideation, who have mood swings, etc. I have nothing against people who are stuck in unhealthy lifestyles because the alternative is death. My issue is the trying to make struggling with these illnesses and living dangerous lifestlyes cute and trendy- which is what the Japanese jirai scene is all about. Wherever you are in life- if it's living a "landmine lifestyle" of binge drinking and unsafe work, or if you're coping healthily, or somewhere in between- it's okay. You're okay, and I'm proud of you. What's not okay is trying to sanitize what the lifestyle and term are- they aren't feminist, they aren't safe and fun, they aren't cute and desirable. And it's also not okay to try to spread misinformation about fashions to try to support this Western fanfiction that there is a feminist fashion and culture movement called landmine about freeing mentally ill girls by denying that Girly/girly kei exists.
I hope this helps explain some things, but I haven't proofread. So please, if you have any questions, anon asks are on for the time being. Thanks so much for your support, and I'm excited to see you in a text post I have in the works! -Ribon
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call-sign-jinx · 2 years
Tangerine ~ You're My Top Priority
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Summary: you and tangerine have an argument that ends up with you crying, you go to sleep after getting drugged and when you wake up tangerine confesses something.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, makeout, guns and i think thas it
A/N: hiya babes! if ur reading this i hope u find it great cos i acc enjoyed writing sommet for once. ill probs do more and requests r open so ye. adios hun xoxo
tangerine x fem!reader
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To put it simply. I hate Tangerine’s guts. Why? Cause he’s a fucking twat and everyone knows it. Some people are just more tolerable to him than others. Me? I don’t take any of his shit cause I just don’t care anymore. When I were younger, I used to let people take the piss and use me for my kindness but as I grew older, I started to care less. It started to drain me being that nice all the time. So by the time I was about 15, I just... Cracked. What I mean is I realised who used me and who didn’t and the worst of them all was none other than Tangerine himself. He wanted me to do something for him and instead of finally saying no, I just snapped and let out all my anger out on him. Obviously he fought back, but I won anyway. And from that day, we both hated each other.
Now, I’m on a mission with Lemon, and sadly Tangerine, to bring the White Death’s son to him and also to bring a brief case. Simple but also not. I heard that some other people are after the briefcase so when Tangerine mentioned that we wouldn’t keep it with us for the train journey. I obviously had something to say.
“Why the fuck would yer leave it there without one of us ‘olding it? Ahaha you pleb are you ‘aving a giggle?” I tilted my head back as I laughed at Tangerine. Lemon let out a small giggle as he has always loved my accent. Tangerine just pulled a face at me that looked like disgust.
“Do you plan on holding it mate?” Tangerine wanted an argument, and so did I. So I was going to give him one.
“Nah, am not gonna ‘old it, yer 'olding you daft bastard." Lemon couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles. Tangerine hit his shoulder to try and stop him but all it did was make them go slightly quieter.
"Maybe if you grew a pair Tangerine, you'd get a job done without needing other people to do all the dirty work." I crossed my arms across my chest and Tangerine gave me the dirtiest look he could fathom.
"Who do you think you're talking to Baroness? You're only on our side cause we needed you for one thing then this bastard decided to let you join our 'team'." Tangerine pointed to Lemon angrily and I rolled my eyes as he continued to lecture me while Lemon put a hand on his chest in mock offense. I lay back into my seat and blocked his voice out.
"Oi! Just because you're rich from daddy's money you inherited when he died doesn't mean you have to ignore me you stuck up bitch." That struck a nerve. He knew my dad died when I was 16. I had to get pulled out of school because of it for a bit. He died because of something I did. Something I did cost him his fucking life.
"You know not to talk 'bout ma dad you fucking stupid cunt." My eyes began to tear up and I couldn't hold them in anymore. I stood up and went to the bathroom as far away from Tangerine as I could. I locked the door and sat there for a while. Guess it was long enough for me to fall asleep. I know, why on God's green earth is an agent falling asleep on a mission? I don't fucking know mate, I were just feeling tired since I had that cup of tea that man gave me. Fuck! It has halcian. I thought it were that in his fucking pocket.
I leaned against the wall and my eyes got heavier and heavier with every second. Until... I fell asleep.
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When I woke up, I heard shouting and people fighting. I quickly woke myself up and psyched myself up to get ready for a punch getting thrown or a kick to the leg. I quickly opened the door and as soon as I stepped out I was met with silence. I looked to the left of me, and there were men down on the floor. Then I looked to the right, great. It were Tangerine post-fight with sweat glazing his face and exposed chest. God his body looked good in that sui- what the fuck am I thinking? No! He's a fucking prick. But he's a fit prick. Ugh it's fucking confusing.
"Oh my God, Ness! I thought someone had hurt you! Are you alright?" He cupped my cheeks and turned my head side to side to scan for any signs of damage. I rolled my eyes and pushed his gorgeous, veiny hands away from my face.
"Why don't you go get the brief case since thas what yer always worried bout. Fucking cumbag." I went to turn around and leave but Tangerine grabbed my wrist and held me in place. He looked at me and oh. My. God. I never noticed how blue and beautiful his eyes were. Baroness! Stop! He's been a prick since day 1, why now?
"Y/N, what do you mean? I care more about you than the briefcase. I always have. You're my top priority." He cupped my cheeks once again and heat were rising to my face.
"Anyway, besides the point. Where've you been this past hour? We kind of needed you a bit." He gestures his head side to side at the men down on the floor.
"Some fucking wankface man spiked ma drink. Am fucking livid and am gonna knock his lights out." Tangerine's whole demeanor changed. His went from soft and caring to pissed off and looks like he's about to kill everyone in his sight.
"Who the fuck did it? Do you remember what he looked like?" I looked to my left when I saw a figure coming towards us and it was the prick himself. I pointed at him and before I could even say anything, Tangerine pulled his gun out and shot him between the eyes.
"Jesus Christ Tang, bit of a warning next time?" Tangerine quickly put his gun away and apologised.
"By the way Ness, am sorry for what I said earlier. That wasn't called for and I crossed the line." He looked down to his shoes with furrowed brows.
"Tang, its fine. I've said some fucked up shit to you before. Some has been even worse than that and you just act like you don't care when I know it hits a nerve. Plus am tired of fighting all the time. Mates?" I put my hand out for him to shake but when he grabbed it he pulled me closer to him then pressed his lips against mine.
I was shocked at first but then I kissed him back and pulled him as close as possible by placing my hands on the back of his neck. He slowly places his hands on my waist and squeezes them as he does the same.
He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip asking for access. I open my mouth in response and it turns into a heated makeout, until both of us lose our breath.
"I think I wanna be more than mates darling." Tangerine smirks at me and I returned the expression. We then decide to go look for Lemon and head to the bottom of the train as quick as we can.
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randomfandomwrites · 2 years
Missing Part 2 (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
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*not my gif*
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: Billy helps find you in the Upside Down (I think I made it gn reader, but honey is used as a nickname)
Warning: Kidnapping, angst, cursing, kind of anxiety?
Word Count: 2,410
A/N: Sorry I’ve been kind of slow on writing, school’s starting soon and I have a lot of stuff going on. Leave it to school to make me not want to do the things I actually like :/
Billy covered his face with his hands again, rubbing his eyes. He exhaled loudly before looking up. “Shit, that’s all true? That all happened... here? And- and that’s why Max and (y/n) were at the house with Steve and why Max was being so weird and- oh my God,” Billy rambled.
“Yeah, and now (y/n)’s there and we have to help them,” Hopper said.
“Damn right we do! Why are we just sitting here doing nothing while they’re fucking dying? Didn’t you say the air is toxic or some shit? We have to help!” Billy shouted, standing up abruptly.
“And we will, but you can’t go. Leave this to the adults; we’ve done this before,” Hopper replied, just as loud.
“I’m going and you can’t fucking stop me! (Y/n) has been a part of my life since I moved to this shithole town and I’m not about to start living without them! I’m almost an adult and I sure as hell know how to take care of myself. So fuck you if you try to stop me, because I love (y/n) and without them I would fucking die in this goddamn place!” Billy screamed, sitting back down.
“I can’t-” Hopper started.
“Jim...” Joyce whispered. Hopper looked at her and sighed, shoulders slumping.
“Fine. On one condition. Anything, and I mean anything, starts to go wrong, you run. You get out of there and don’t look back. Now is not the time to be a hero, alright? We go in, we get (y/n) we go right back out. No brave or  daring acts, kid. You run. Got it?” Hopper explained sternly. Billy nodded.
“Yes, sir,” Billy said seriously. Hopper stared (glared?) at him for another second before nodding once. 
“Okay then. Let’s go. Joyce, you know where the gate is?” Hopper asked, turning to her. 
“Yeah, the kids told me. It’s a half hour from here, if we hurry,” she replied. 
“Alright. Come on.”
Billy jumped out of the police car, slamming the door and running to the gaping hole in the ground.
“I’m assuming that... that’s it?” Billy asked.
“Yep,” Hopper muttered with disgust. “Ladies first,” he grumbled, gesturing to the gate. Joyce scoffed and slowly stepped inside before disappearing in the slimy opening. Billy followed her, Hopper right behind him. 
“Whoa,” Billy grunted, landing roughly. He stood up and looked around. The pulsing gap that connected his world and this was about seven feet above him. But he had fallen down? What the hell is this place? 
The darkness was the first thing he noticed. It seemed to consume everything, and things that should have been bright and shiny were dull and dreary. There was no light here, except for the occasional lightning flashes in the sky, illuminating the ominous terrain for moments before allowing the gloomy shadows to take control again. 
The next thing he noticed was the temperature. A bitter coolness seemed to hang in the air, an icy sensation that sent a shiver down his spine. It felt as if cold fingers were tracing over him, pulling him and sending piercing ice to the depths of his heart. It was so, so cold.  He hated it here already and he’d barely taken a step. 
The last thing he noticed before Hopper pulled him ahead was the silence. There was no ambience here. Aside from the occasional squelching of wet vines and the faint, intermittent rustling of things he’d rather not see, this other world was silent. Billy could practically hear his heart beating out of his chest. 
“Come on, we don’t have all day,” Hopper muttered, walking forward. Joyce followed him. 
“Down here, we don’t have day at all,” Billy responded. Hopper shot him a cold glare, though not as cold as the biting atmosphere that seemed to suffocate them. Billy rolled his eyes and trailed behind the adults. “Where are we going, anyway?” He asked. 
“Well, when Will was down here-” 
“Who’s Will?” Billy cut Hop off. 
“He’s my son, and he was stuck down here for a while. We got him out, and he’s okay now. But he was at our house a lot, so we’re going to (y/n)’s house to see if they’re hiding there. Seems like they would take any comfort they could get down here, and I don’t blame them. I would come home too,” Joyce mused. Billy stopped in his tracks.
“Well if they want comfort, (y/n) wouldn’t go to their house,” Billy commented. Joyce and Hopper turned around. “Yeah, they don’t like it there any more than I like my house,” Billy continued.
“What the hell do you mean?” Hopper asked.
“I’m just saying, if (y/n) wanted somewhere they felt safe, they wouldn’t pick their house, that’s all,” Billy said defensively. Hopper raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to Billy. 
“Was there anywhere they did like to go? Anywhere that meant something to them?” Hopper asked. Billy shook his head and looked down, thinking. 
“Um...” He stared at the ground, biting his lip. Suddenly he looked straight, then up at Hopper. “Wait, yeah, the theater. We- we go there all the time, and that’s where I asked them out. Um, they told me they go there sometimes to think?” Billy said hopefully. Hopper stared at him for a second. 
“Then I guess we’re going to see a movie. Let’s go.”
After what felt like hours, the theater came into view. “Oh my God, there it is. (Y/n)’s there, come on!” Billy shouted, starting to run. Hopper put a hand in front of him to hold him back. “What are you doing?” Billy asked.
“Be quiet, we don’t know if anything is here. These monsters like to hunt, and we might be fun prey if they’re close.”
“Isn’t that just a reason we should hurry? What if those fuckers are in there with  them already? We have to go!” Billy urged. Hopper pushed him backwards.
“And we will, but if we’re dead, then nobody’s coming to help. Got it?” Hopper reprimanded sternly. “Let’s just be cautious. We don’t even know if (y/n)’s in here.” 
A shrill roar pierced the air and the group ducked behind a building. A creature appeared from nowhere, with too-long arms and milky skin. It roared again, shaking the earth. It put its face to the ground and stalked towards them. Billy was practically shaking as it stood up and looked right towards them. He saw Hop reaching towards a broken piece of brick and stood up, keeping his back to the wall. He slowly inched to the opposite edge of the building, throwing it away from them and out of sight. The creature snapped its head back at the sound and dropped to all fours, running down the street away from their hiding place. Billy had to cover his mouth to quiet his panicked breathing.
When all seemed clear again, Billy exhaled. “What the fuck was that?” he gasped.
“That was a demogorgan, and the reason you can’t be screaming to your heart’s content out here,” Hopper responded sternly. After another minute, Hopper slowly stepped out onto the street and looked around. “It’s okay. Let’s keep going. But for (y/n)’s sake, keep your goddamn voice down.”
Billy was getting more and more impatient as the small group approached the building. His heart was racing, and he felt like he would burst if he didn’t get in there right this second and help you. When he reached the door, his patience snapped. “(Y/n)? (Y/n)?” he called. He sprinted down the hall, pushing open the doors to each movie room and glancing in quickly to see if you were there. Joyce and Hopper ran after him, calling out, but couldn’t keep up. He flung open the second to last door in the hallway and looked over it, moving to run out before his heart stopped for a split second. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the outline of a figure lying on the ground. 
It was you.
Billy’s breath caught in his throat as he froze, staring at you. You were still, your limbs splayed out in a way that seemed unnatural. Snapping out of his daze, he stumbled toward you. 
“Billy!” Joyce shouted, opening the door. Hopper almost ran into her, but they both stopped at the sight of Billy’s slow movements and your motionless body. 
“Oh God, (y/n), no,” Billy whispered. “No, no, no, no, no, no, it can’t be you, it can’t be you.” He fell to the ground, kneeling before your body. He shook you. “C’mon, (y/n) please.” He shook you again. “Please, please, please!” he begged, his voice rising as he choked on his words. 
No response. 
Billy lowered his head and sobbed. This isn’t happening. This is a nightmare. This isn’t happening. He repeated it over and over in his head. But something pulled him out. He felt- no. Was it? Billy looked down at you, the tiniest spark of hope flickering in him. “(Y/n)?” he whispered again. Your hand twitched slightly, almost unnoticeably. But Billy saw it. He could breathe again. He lifted you up in his arms, pulling you close so he could hear your heartbeat. It was there, but it was faint. He looked back at Hopper and Joyce, standing silently in the doorway. “They’re alive!” he shouted. “We have to help, hurry, help me pick them up!” They didn’t waste time running down and pulling you to your feet. 
“(Y/n), I need you to open your eyes for me, okay?” Joyce said. “Can you do that, honey?”
Your eyelids fluttered for a second, and the hope in Billy’s chest grew. “(Y/n)? I’m here, honey. I got you, just please, please open your eyes,” he whispered.
“Billy?” You looked up at him, practically limp in his arms. Your vision was blurry and your voice was almost gone.
“Oh my God, (y/n). Yeah, I’m here. I got you, I’m here,” Billy whispered, tears in his eyes. 
“Water,” you coughed. Joyce fished a flask out of her backpack and brought it to your lips. It was a little stale, but to you, it was heaven. You drank almost half of it before taking a breath. 
“Good, that’s so good, (y/n). Can you walk?” Billy asked.
“I- I don’t know,” you murmured. 
“I’ll help you,” Billy said. He put his arm around you and placed your arm on his shoulders. You knew he was practically carrying you, but it did help you walk. With Billy supporting you, you could limp well enough.
“Okay, now let’s get out of here before anything comes and ruins all of our warm, fuzzy, happy feelings,” Hopper said in a tone that indicated his true meaning which was along the lines of let’s hurry up and leave right the fuck now. He didn’t want to be down here any longer than he had to, and it wasn’t hard to understand why. Everyone else felt the same.
You tripped constantly walking out of the movie theater. You could almost feel yourself ebbing away as you used the last of your energy trying to push yourself towards home. Billy offered to carry you several times, but you declined. You didn’t know why, but you felt guilty about them coming down to save you, and you would’ve felt even guiltier if Billy had to carry you all the way to the gate. Although, the more exhausted you got, the more tempting his offer sounded. He kept glancing over at you, worried, each time asking if you needed help. And each time, you insisted you were fine. You hated yourself for it, and you didn’t know why. Maybe the toxic air got to your head.
It took longer than expected, but finally, finally, they got you to the gate. Now the challenge was getting you up through it. Joyce had rope in her backpack, but you obviously didn’t have the strength to climb up. 
“Um, okay,” Billy started, running a hand through his hair. “Um, how about I go through, and then, um, (y/n) can stand on your shoulders,” he said, gesturing to Hopper, “and then they can go through and I can pull them up on the other side?” 
“They are not standing on my-”
“Hop,” Joyce said sternly. Hopper looked between her and Billy, scoffing, before he looked at you. You were weak and barely standing. His eyes softened. 
“Fine. Just hurry, please,” he relented. Joyce smiled at him and began climbing. Billy went up soon after. Hopper stepped toward you. “You ready, kid?”  Silently, you nodded. He bent down and moved his hands back so you could stand on them if you needed to. The situation was so absurd and the position he was in was so awkward that you laughed slightly. Hopper looked back at you, a small smile on his face. You jumped onto his back like a toddler and positioned yourself so that you were crouching on his shoulders. You felt like a freaky parrot, and the image of a parrot in your shoes was enough to make you laugh again. I must be delirious, you thought. It’s not that funny. Still, you were fighting giggles as you slowly stood up. You were still feeling faint, and you wobbled slightly. The opening was only a few inches above your head, but it felt like a huge gap. You shakily reached toward the edge. The second your finger brushed it, you grabbed onto it like your life depended on it. 
Now that you were steadier, you stood up taller. The top of your head pushed through the slimy layer, and you reached up to where you knew Billy was waiting. A second passed, and then a warm hand grasped yours. You clung onto Billy’s hand as you pushed further through the opening. Adrenaline pumped through you at the sight of your world. You pulled yourself up Billy’s forearms as he lifted you. You fell into Billy’s chest and he hugged you.
“I was so fucking worried, (y/n), I thought... (y/n)? Hey, shit, are you okay?” Billy’s voice was laced with anxiety as you swayed. Your legs gave out and you fell over, Billy almost dropping you.
Billy’s voice yelling your name over and over was the last thing you heard before everything went black.
I would’ve had this done in an hour tonight but somebody kept bothering me 😭 I swear I’ll try to be more active and get the requests done. School is starting soon and my mental health is being a bitch, but writing helps me so hopefully that’ll motivate me :) Love you all so much and thank you for reading!!!
Part 3?
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the-lavender-lapin · 10 months
I hate you
A guilty confession. I don't want to, I didn't mean to, but now I do.
David stood in front of the circulation gate, having taken the position of leader since Jack left him the night before.
“Alright, remember, we’re hurtin them and they know it. No soakin’ or hittin’ anyone.” He reminded the newsies as the gates swung open. The wagons made their way out followed by the army of goons and scabbers.
“I’m seein t’ings tell me i seein t’ings!” Spot yelled angrily, pointing toward the scabbers. David turned around to see none other than Jack Kelly standing there, clad in new fancy clothes, a stack of papes in his hand.
David looked at him dumbfounded. He knew the other newsies were yelling things, but it all sounded muffled to him, as if he was underwater. It couldn’t be. Not his Jack. His Jack would never scab. Not the Jack that kissed him in the alleyway the night before.
“This is why you left last night isn’t it?!” He accused Jack, anger bubbling inside of him as the shock subsided.
“You’re a liar! You lied about everything!” He accused him, thinking back to the other night. Jack had confessed to him. Said that he felt things, things you’re not supposed to feel towards someone who is just a friend. They had kissed in that alleyway and now here he was, new clothes from Pulitzer of all people.
“So? What you wanna do about it Dave?” Jack responded with a shrug, acting like this wasn’t killing him inside. He had to be strong. He couldn’t afford anyone gettin locked up because of him, especially not David. The refuge was no place for someone like him. It would chew him up and spit him out and Jack wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
“I don’t understand you.” David replied, crossing his arms. He gave Jack a hard look, waiting for him to break and say it was all some sort of plan. That he wasn’t really giving up.
“Oh so let me spell it out for you. You see, I aint got nobody tuckin’ me in a niht, like you. It’s just me. I gotta look out fo’ myself, alrih?!” He spat back. David didn’t understand. He had folks and a place to call home. He had others to depend on for food and clothes and shelter. He was a good boy who went to school and would probably have a fancy job in some office some day. All Jack had was Santa Fe and until then it was his job to protect the younger newsies. Francis had left him in charge. It was his job.
“You had the newsies!” Dave protested, pointing at the angry crowd who had all showed up in support of Jack and the strike.
“Oh what did bein’ a newsie eva give me bu a dime a day n a few black eyes?” Jack asked with a scoff. “Ya know, I cant afford ta be a kid no mo Dave. Fo tha firs time in my life I got money in me pockets, real money. Money. You understan?!” He replied, shoving his shoulder to emphasize his point and also to put a little distance between him and Davey.
“I got mo on tha way n as soon as i collect ‘m gone, ‘m away, alrih?!” He said heatedly. Dave didn’t understand, he was too perfect. He was too good for Jack. He couldn’t have Dave, not when he could do so much better. He had to do this.
“Well that’s good because we don’t need you!” Davey replied, gesturing towards the other newsies. “We don’t need you! Because all those words you said, those were mine.” He added on, taking a step back from him. If Jack was going to give up he would lead the strike without him. He wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t a coward.
That stung Jack. It made his heart drop into his stomach and tears prick at the corners of his eyes. David was right. They didn’t need him. He was replaceable.
“Yeah, but you never had the guts to say em yaself, did ya?” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth as soon as he saw the hurt in Davey’s eyes.
David straightened up and Jack could almost physically see the walls that he had gotten past to start to rebuild.
“I hate you.” David said coldly, his stare just as icy as his words, monotonous with no feeling. No life. “I hate you.” He repeated, shoving Jack away from him before walking back to the newsies, taking the rest of Jack’s heart with him.
Thanks for the ask!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
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agentlemansavage · 4 months
So. Let's talk about this year.
So quick summary the girl I was interested gave up on us. I could say alot about this but right now I'm just hoping she realizes she made a mistake and at the minimum continues our friendship.
My uncle is in the hospital. He likely doesn't have very long. This man basically raised me. He's the reason I ended up so different than the rest of my siblings. Seeing him like this kills me.
My friend with cancer isn't doing well, he actually got a second colostomy bag because the tumor had gotten so big that it basically messed up the first one. He's lost alot weight he isn't doing great and he also doesn't have very long.
Career: Back when the girl and I were still talking I filled out a bunch of apps in Florida and got a call back and they wanted me to start. The position was actually great and would have been a great next step in my career however with her and I not talking it would be strange to take the job. So I turned it down which sucks but I also don't want to end up looking like the crazy ex thing.
To top that off at my current job I'm also in deep water. Basically I hadn't slept in days and had a small mental break and didn't really call into work or anything and had a few days of no call no shows. So dealing with all of that fun repercussions but I have a few interviews so hopefully something happens soon.
Therapy. I have such a love hate relationship with therapy. I put alot of pressure on myself to take care of everyone and it's not healthy and it has caused me to not take care of myself. I have also come to realize I made my self worth so much about sex that i honestly believed that was the only thing anyone could ever end up wanting from me. It's where i have most of my self worth and it's weird to say and think about but to say it's caused problems in my life would be an understatement. So I'm trying to work through this.
I've been back to the gym almost everyday for 2 weeks now. It's helping me find some more stability as i get myself figured out and get back to a version of myself I can be proud of. I actually folded and out away all my laundry and have made Sunday my official cleaning day. I'm also considering going back to school although i may just work on some certifications to advance a few things. Oh and a few months ago i bought a Spanish app which I'm working through bit by bit too
Right now everything kinda just isn't great. I'm trying to stay positive but I'm finding it really hard and overall i just feel so defeated. Going to try and write some small updates once a month. Also going to try for the 100th time to do something with this blog and get it to a good state again.
That's about it. Sorry it's all word vomit I had to start somewhere.
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