#i have yet to see someone in this fandom treat ace with care
monarchofwings · 1 year
I feel like the fandom treats Adeuyuu funnily like they handle yuu and deuce with such care but would feed ace to pack of wild hyenas (affectionately).
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imsosocold · 1 year
Ace Attorney ships I find personally amusing
"I, an aro spec person, have little to no interest in ships" once said a foolish fool.
Dhurke and Manfred:
Genuinely they're such cool contrasts, Manfred is the embodiment of the status quo while Dhurke is the face of rebellion and is all about expression while Manfred is incredibly closed off and ridden with paranoia while Dhurke trusts in others so strongly and the fact they both take in someone else's kid to raise as their own out of their own senses of duty -
Dhurke should've gotten to radicalize that old man and also kiss him methinks.
Matt and Kristoph:
Do you know the quote " he's so stupid, I have to fuck him?" Yeah, that's the dynamic, even though Matt's quite cunning ( which Kristoph and most of the AA fandom don't want to admit). Both petty and paranoia ridden and identityless, thinking they're above everyone else yet being so self harming and sabotaging, completely consumed by the systems they worked in only to get tossed aside by them once their depravity becomes too visible. If you've seen my previous AA posts you know I love the idea of Klavier looking up to Matt and wanting to model themself after him. To Kristoph, however, Matt is the embodiment of the lifestyle that he fears will consume his brother. So even before the whole Farewell Turnabout reveal, there's resentment already there. Poor Klavier is naturally crushed when the truth comes out ( better get used that soon buddy) and admist the rage for Klavier's sake in Kristoph there's also the satisfaction of being right. I wouldn't be surprised if Kristoph visits Matt in prison just to gloat and try to fuel his paranoia but Matt, ever the actor, just bats his eyes and treats Kristoph like he's another fan. Naturally this gets under Kristoph's skin and makes him want to break Matt even more and the duo end up in this perpetual cat and mouse game that's more amusing to them than any other rivalries they've had, even with Juan and Phoenix.
Klavier, watching his brother stamp a pile of letters to Matt Engarde: I think you're more upset about what he did than I am Bruder.
Kristoph : Shut up Klavier, your boyfriend has a dildo on his head.
Kristoph naturally shares all this with Beanix in an attempt to bond with him over their shared hatred, but it has the opposite effect on someone who's dealt with someone also having " unnecessary feelings" almost his whole life. It is 100% what confirms his suspicions of Kristoph and you know once he defeats him he throws in the line "lmao have fun with your boyfriend in prison." ( Which makes poor Klavier even more distraught.) Matt swears the reason he's happy to see Kristoph in prison is purely out of the satisfaction in seeing an enemy of his fall. Anyway, their antagonism in person is even more extreme but with how they're forced to spend time together in prison, genuine time together, things get more complicated and it looks like Phoenix and Klavier were right all along. WELL FUCK-
Geiru and Dahlia:
Girlies who solve their problems with murder and frame those they're supposed to be close to ♡ Dahlia sees this girl getting crushed by the legacy of her family and won't allow history to repeat again.
They wouldn't have to put personas on for once and could just exist without expectation and judgement.
Also the contrast of graceful Dahlia with literal clown girl amuses me <3
Godot and Simon Blackquill:
Manipulative, mysterious hot prosecutors who are up their own asses? Yeah, they need to make out/j
In all seriousness both of them are so fucking tragic, trying so hard to protect the ones they care about and being willing to do fucked up shit to do so regardless of what happens to them. At the same time toxically assuming what's best for other people without their input ( especially regarding female characters) and harshly project their own feelings onto other people. They're sickly similar and I hope they realize this and heal together.
Bikini and Gant:
They're unhinged in opposite directions <3 So interesting that Bikini is similarly part of a corrupt system but hasn't been tainted by it like Gant was, probably because she hadn't gotten to see and experience the extent of it like Gant did. Both so easily could've become the other if their positions had shifted. Any so, Bikini would bring out Gant's more heartfelt traits and they'd definitely joke around together and be annoyances to everyone around them and just enjoy the little things in life. But primarily I'm interested in this duo because the idea of Gant leaving behind his work to join the temple life amuses me XD
Angel Starr and Dee Vazquez:
Fucked up, violent, revenge driven women who are willing to do anything in order to get what they want? Automatic click. Either they'll take over and rule the world together or they'll retire to a seaside town and grow old together. 50/50 chance with these veteran queers.
Larry and Sorin:
I’m a sucker for STEM and artist duos, romantic or otherwise. Their differing interests and personalities would bounce well off each other, making them a comedic yet chemistry filled paring that balances each other out. Also, flanderization aside, Larry is an understanding and caring guy and would support Sorin throughout his recovery and beyond.
Larry and Shelly De Killer:
The idea of cheerful guy who constantly gets accused of murder dating one of the most prolific killers ( also a cheerful guy) sends me, along with the concept of either of them taking the other’s last name. I think Shelly would be interested in Larry’s genuine love for life and continued nativity while Larry is absolutely smitten by how suave and cool Shelly is. 50/50 chance Larry knows who Shelly really is. Justifiably Maya and Phoenix flip out.
Sebastian and Hugh O Connor:
Parallels! Cocky people who believe they’re highly skilled only to realize their parents were pulling strings and while absolutely crushed, they strive to do better and are incredibly loyal to those they care about. They should go “ samesies!” and imprint on each other.
Simon Keyes and Nahyuta:
Love these two cause they’re so similar but complete opposites. They’re both self declared fighters of corrupt systems who are willing to sacrifice anything and everything ( including themselves) to complete their goals. Not to mention having an intense loyalty to their fathers and father figures. But while Nahyuta believed in fighting within the system despite knowing its corruption , Simon, refusing to sink to the level of those he hated, made sure to fight the system from the outside. I hope they bite each other <3.
Richard and Daryan:
Flamboyant queers with weird hair who are both based in their crimes and actually not appreciated enough. They should kiss and do more crimes.
Nahyuta and Matt:
The contrast. I want Nahyuta to look at Matt and see him as someone who was similarly raised into fitting a certain role and was unable to escape it and in turn swearing to save Matt’s soul. Matt is honestly confused but, amused and ever the opportunist, agrees to Nahyuta’s demands. Phoenix on the other hand is pushing Apollo to get his brother to stop, with Apollo explaining he literally can’t change his brother’s mind.
Luke & Ron & Desiree:
Okay, Ron and Desiree are a package deal. Anyway, I imagine Luke believes that having a rival means your relationship with them is naturally homoerotic ( I mean he’s not wrong) leaving poor Ron even more flustered and confused than usual . Desiree would just find it all funny to be honest and probably encourage the antics but if she wanted she could probably roast Luke out of committing anymore crimes and gain another partner in the process. Should’ve left the whole De Masque business to her to be honest.
Nahyuta and Kristoph:
“ You screwed over my brother.”
“ You screwed over your own brother.”
Both being forced to sacrifice so much for their sibling who doesn’t understand the extent of their sacrifices. Both committing horrible acts order survive, believing they alone know what’s best and are the only one who can carry such extreme actions out. But Nahyuta was the only one who got to grow beyond these viewpoints and tendencies while Kristoph only double down. Both of them hate each other but can understand each other and hate the fact that they can, they hate feeling anything for each other. Nahyuta wouldn't ever fall for Kristoph’s shit and Kristoph would hate being so powerless and exposed to him and even more so that Nahyuta doesn’t tear him apart from the inside. Nahyuta should become Kristoph’s architect and rebuild him in his image.
Uendo and Matt:
Matt learns Uendo genuinely enjoys giving performances and needs to know how. I think despite their drastically different experiences and ideals , they could form a genuine connection centered around having to suppress parts of themselves for the sake of their work. Since Matt work centered around entertaining kids and making them happy I think he could also get along with Owen well. I think Matt would have the best relationship with Patches out of all of them with Kisegawa and him having the most antagonistic relationship (but still caring). Honestly while one of the most simplistic parings it’s one of my favorites.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed as I spent too much time on this and I’d like to hear your own blursed ideas.
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aydaptic · 4 months
I think what gets me about Gavin is that why do people act like he is incapable of change.
Let’s bring up Hank. Hank hates androids. He treats Connor with disrespect, he insults him, he physically assaults Connor (regardless of the players choices) and in some options, he can kill Connor.
Gavin is the same. He hates androids, insults them, can assault/kill Connor blah blah blah but interestedly enough the last two can only happen due to the players choices, unlike Hank where regardless of player input, Hank will shove Connor against a wall and threaten him.
Now with these two being so similar, why the different treatment?
Because Hank gets development. Hank has trauma connected to androids. Hank is partnered with Connor and along with him, learns that androids are not machines but truly alive and by the end, Hank does not hate androids and he and Connor are friends.
That’s the difference. The story shows Hank changing. Also, and this is dependant on personal tastes I feel but Hank is nicer to his colleagues and more people respect him versus Gavin who doesn’t give two shits about people’s opinion.
So now I ask, why could the same not happen to Gavin?
Who says he doesn’t have some deep reason for hating androids? Hating them for taking human jobs is already a damn good reason in my books. I mean just look at how AI is already doing the same thing right now in real world.
Who says that Gavin couldn’t have spent time with an android, like Hank did and had his views changed by seeing their plight?
The only thing that separates Hank and Gavin is that the story showed Hank changing and growing and Gavin not and that’s fair. The story is about Hank, not Gavin.
But as a fandom, that’s the reason why we exist. To take characters, elements of a story etc and explore what the creators did not/forgot to.
Yet people have apparently lost any ability to do this when it comes to Gavin. You’re really telling me that these people can buy Hank changing throughout the story but can’t fathom Gavin, who hates androids just the same as Hank, doing the same?
You’re telling me these people can’t think, can’t delve deeper just a little, tiny bit?
I don’t know about you but that just screams so lazy and unbothered to me.
If people don’t care about Gavin, then don’t. I personally don’t care about characters that many love but don’t sit there and say “Gavin is so irredeemable and evil and there is no way that someone like him can change” because most of them will say Hank is their favourite character.
Most vocal ppl don't wanna hear this, but I'll say it plainly bc idgaf.
Modern society (immorally) encourages ppl to hate Gav bc he's a masculine white man -- one not confirmed to be gay which would land him far less criticism today -- that's conventionally attractive. Hank isn't considered attractive to most ppl out there and that gives him a pass. It's abhorrent.
Straight/gay, white/black, male/female, etc. It doesn't matter. Hatred towards a sexuality/race/gender, etc. is never okay. No "ifs" or "buts." Period.
The number of times I've heard ppl say Gav and Con, "are only popular bc they're attractive white men" is insane. I've encountered lesbian Gav fans, ace/aro Gav fans, Gav fans who find him ugly. So that alone disproves such a brain-dead statement that all Gav fans like him "bc he's attractive." It's plain racism, sexism/misandry, heterophobia, and hatred for good-looking individuals in general.
Anyone denying this is either delusional about it, unaware, or well aware that they're full of shit and lying their asses off.
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independence1776 · 1 year
@gellalaer From the comments on this post (because I’d run out of space in the comment box and also this is a lot of tangential navel-gazing):
It was nice to read your viewpoint on things. I'm so saddened to hear you feel the way you do. I know how you feel with not wanting to engage anymore. I'm barely holding on by a thread here, myself. I would miss you and arizonapoppy, if I left tomorrow. All my usual fandom friends I've grown apart from, since my Mum died, as I'm not on the sites they're on, anymore. Thanks again for the asks.
It’s a tough place to be in. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, too.
I can’t participate with fandom like I used to for numerous reasons. Part of it is serious offline life stressors; part of it is that grad school got me out of the habit of fandom because I was too busy to participate. (Like, it took me weeks to read a fic over lunch/dinner that I would normally be able to read in an evening type of busy.) I relied on rec lists then and haven’t gotten back into the habit of looking for fics on my own; also, I’ve been reading mostly original fiction this year. Part of it is that it’s very hard to maintain a squee/positive mindset in most places because random strangers will come onto your posts to debate, argue, or insult you when all you wanted to do was love something in public. And part of it is that I’ve lost my joy and enthusiasm and I don’t know how to regain it. (And in my worst moments, I ask myself if anyone would even care if I left fandom entirely.)
For Tolkien fandom in specific, I know a good chunk of my desire to not engage is anxiety brain. I said in the original post that “I can’t even read Tolkien right now without my anxiety ramping up because I feel like I’ll be forced to take sides in whatever arguments are ongoing and because I’ve been only tiptoeing in the very shallow end of the fandom for years now, I feel like I have no right to participate because I haven’t been reading Tolkien fic.”
Fault lines exist in this fandom. Some of them have changed over the years; some have gone dormant; others are newly created. I’ve been so quiet in Tolkien fandom I don’t even know where most of them are nowadays. And heaven forbid you don’t ship the popular ships or dislike the popular fanon or prefer Silm-version over HoME-version. 
It’s stuff like: I said in an answer to a question in a previous meme that I tend to see characters as either straight or ace. I lost followers for that. Well, when I ship, I’m primarily a het shipper with side jaunts into m/f/f or m/f/m poly or femslash and I flatly prefer canon ships over noncanon ships. I can only assume those people didn’t know that. And I’m ace enough that I primarily write gen and that if someone isn’t explicitly said in-canon to be in a relationship, I will likely see them as ace. Yet because that’s an unpopular opinion in an area of fandom dominated by m/m shippers who sometimes act as though their ships are canon, it’s a fault line I’m on the wrong side of.
There is something very wrong when I can’t even read books I love without feeling afraid I’ll be questioned about my opinions of them. It’s anxiety brain. No one online knows if I’m rereading Tolkien if I don’t mention it! But I can’t shut up the fear I’ll be dragged into debates that I don’t care about, think are a waste of time, and are utterly unimportant in the grand scheme of things but that people treat as matters of life and death.
As for the “no right to participate” part: I know it’s fixed by asking for recs for currently formative or popular fics from the past five years or decade. But I have no guarantee I’d read any of them, remember enough of canon to understand them (the amount of Tolkien lore I’ve forgotten is ridiculous), or that people will respect my reading preferences. (I have asked for gen recs before and been recced mostly slash.) It seems like an awful lot of work for something that’s supposed to be fun; it turns fandom into an obligation.
But that is what I feel like right now: that people know me because I haven’t left the SWG spaces but I’m not reading Silmfic but people probably assume I am so I don’t dare act like I have no idea what’s going but sometimes I do and many times I don’t and I don’t participate in Tolkien fandom on Tumblr at all but people often act as though this is where the fandom is and everyone knows everything that’s going on. So how dare I roll in here acting as though I haven’t been participating in the fandom for years even though I really haven’t been active outside of chatting on the SWG Discord and making things for TRSB. (And wow that’s a run-on.)
Add in the constant, underlying pressure that people want more and more content (never stories, always content and few seem to care about the difference between content and creations/art) and that you’re irrelevent if you aren’t constantly writing and posting new things. There is far less a sense of a community of readers and writers in this together these days. But it also seems that it’s events events events and what’s wrong with you if you don’t participate in them? (And this even though I love some events.) There’s a constant pressure to fit in and be like everyone else, that everyone is in fandom for the same reasons and writes fic for the same reasons (which often means either shippy fic or “must fix canon because canon sucks” fic). The assumptions that everyone in fandom loves and prioritizes shipfic, that genfic is inherently less valuable or worthy of attention, and that shipping the only reason people are in fandom really gets on my nerves.
Well, I’m not exactly prolific. I don’t post WIPs; I can’t talk about what I’m currently writing to drum up interest. I can’t talk about what I want to write in the future. Because some of my fics contain darker subject matters, I’m worried that I’ll be jumped on by people who think those types of stories shouldn’t exist. Participating in events means I don’t work on my own ideas; I didn’t finish a story I really wanted to this year because I signed up for a couple of things in the back half of the year so my attention shifted to those stories. (I don’t regret writing them at all but it’s a matter of prioritization.) I don’t feel like I fit in with modern fandom.
I don’t want to leave and don’t plan to, but I’m not sure anymore there’s a place for me in much of fandom.
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ladymorghul · 5 months
Aemond can truly be called a villain after he'll execute the Strongs at Harrenhal and burns the Riverlands…until then, I definitely agree that it's way too soon to assign him this label. Maybe so far he would deserve it for killing Luke, but like you said, TB stans refuse to condemn Daemon and call him a villain for his bad deeds and will keep doing so even after B&C, yet we're supposed to do it with Aemond?
I also agree with the other anon that it's some Aegon stans who are often starting this whole Aegon vs Aemond discourse and I also think it's mostly because they are frustrated with how Aegon was treated by the writers vs how Aemond was (I think they did it to prop up Rhaenyra though, not Aemond, so everyone watching the show sides with her claim) but frankly they should direct their complaints at them instead of beefing with Aemond fans and lowkey hoping that Aemond also gets villainized next season by having him act like a psycho who cares about nothing except himself instead of receiving a proper arc with him slowly descending into madness.
That's not to say Aemond stans are innocent in all this. We all know how the Aemondwives act about him, claiming he's this very loyal, dutiful prince, who truly cares about the women in his lives and would never SA a woman (vs Aegon who's a rapist and Daemon who's a pedo -- just pointing out some of them say when they compare the men) and generally someone who'll never do anything, intentionally or not, that puts Aegon's claim or his family into danger…which we know is false and I'm sure they will change their tune once he hooks up with Alys ("hey we never said he's dutiful", "doing his duty did him no good, he still became a kinslayer, now he has every right to choose love this time since Alys is the only one who can love him for himself", etc.) and effectively loses the war for the Greens by abandoning King's Landing and then separating with Criston.
agree with much of this. but also... the more i think of what follows, the more depressed i get lmao
yeah neither aegon nor aemond have completely innocent stans who didn't feed in some way into the discourse. and with aemond stans it's tricky because many of them are not fans of tg characters, just aemond, so i've seen some say they don't care if he leaves them all for alys because they would too. some jokingly some not, it's the same narrative as parentified aemond narrative.
but yeah, i wish everyone would calm down and see the real villains (the writers!)
i'm joking i'm joking... but am i. my baby alicent </3
anyway we'll see what happens next season in the actual show but i'm sure that the great aemond vs aegon fandom war, 2024 ac will come
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askanaroace · 1 year
Ask An Aro Ace ASAW Day 3: Navigating Fandom When You're Aromantic
Fandom can be hard when you're aromantic, even when you're romance-favorable. Shipping is a HUUUUUUGE part of fandom. You can't go anywhere without running into it.
Shipping wars dominate fandom conversations.
Reader x Character fics have become super popular.
Someone is always getting paired up.
(And yeah, a part of it comes from amatonormativity being expressed in these shows and plenty of forced pairings, but there's such freedom in fandom and the ability to play with anything, put in any genre, explore any what if...and it still often boils down to shipping.)
Even children's shows aren't immune. Even animated animal shows. People will ship anything, everything, anyone.
Aro-coded characters (since we don't really get aro characters) are either ignored or forced into romantic pairings because people decided that "hard to get" or "love will fix them" is addictive. People either want more of pairings they didn't get enough of in a show or they want pairings that they never got to see in the show. No matter how a character is treated, they're not immune from shipping.
I've even see people arguing with aro fans that their headcanons can't possibly be aro and why they're wrong. Even though it's just a damn headcanon and we can do whatever we want with the characters! But authority forbid we make them aro, tho.
While I have never been into shipping (I might support or enjoy a ship someone else really liked but I never saw two or more characters and just automatically went "oh yeah. they should date" or whatever), I don't think it's unrelated that I fell out of really actively participating in fandoms* once I became aro. *Joining fandom forums, writing fanfic, drawing fanart, participating in fandom discourse, etc.
Everything just feels more closed off to you. Stuff without ships is rare and less desired. People get offended if you have aro headcanons. It's demotivating to participating, which can be really frustrating when you really enjoy something and want to be able to connect with others who enjoy it. But sometimes it can feel like the only thing people enjoy about fandom is the shipping and romance even though there's so much much.
So it can be very lonely to be an aro in fandom, and sometimes you can feel forced to have to act super into shipping just so you can enjoy something you like with other people who like it. And being an aro creator for fandom can mean little to no interaction for your creations. And while you don't do it specifically for the interactions, it's a lot more fun to create when people actually take in your creations than when you share them with the world and they get ignored and overlooked.
I wish I had some good tips for aros trying to get into fandoms, but I still haven't cracked it myself, yet. I guess start with aro communities and try to find other people there who enjoy the things you enjoy. Otherwise the best I've done is random interactions on social media rather than targeted or extended interaction like on fansites (forums and fic hosting), where I can better curate stuff that happens to be stuff I care more about and block tags and even creators that produce content I'm less interested in.
What are you alls tips for interacting with fandoms when you're an aro?
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crunchsoup · 2 years
Favorite characters and why? Just in general, they don't have to be from any specific fandom
(I literally love hearing people talk about their favorite characters like)
ALRIGHTY. Let's finally do this, I'm gonna start off with the shorter ones first. QUICK DISCLAIMER! THIS VERY MUCH JUST TURNS INTO A SCOUTPAULING RANT BY THE END OF THE POST-
For obvious Reasons Snotlout is first up on the list
I feel like you cover pretty much the basics on why I love him on your own blog! Especially thru the asks you get from me about him lmao so I'll be skipping him, I'll maybe go into it in a later post but for now I'm gonna focus on others
Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel! Honestly one of the most interesting on the list
I feel he should definitely be the main character of the show in its eventual release.
He's the only character that really asks questions about the whole plot and we even get comics and music videos surrounding his character
Back to the questions thing; all of the other characters have a pretty static mindset. Alastor is sure the Hotel is doomed to fail, Charlie is dead set on it being a success and Husker just doesn't wanna be there (We don't know too much about Nifty yet.) The only one who I feel doesn't fit into this is Vaggie who also seems to have pretty mixed feelings about everything
Angel seems like he's actually invested in the Hotel and the idea of being able to redeem himself, we see this in the Reprise after the end credits roll in Addict.
Despite this he feels weighed down by his ties with Valentino and the desire to keep his own reputation. He wants to he feel wanted and seen considering he never got that in the living world but doesn't know that this isn't a healthy way to go about it.
Aright. Here's probably the longest one? It's Scout from TF2!
When we first meet him he feels like thee regular old knucklehead jock stereotype. Similar to Snotlout.
Half of what I love about him mostly comes from his relationship with Spy, his father.
Considering Spy didn't get to raise Jeremy (Our boy Scout) and his 7 older brothers, the two grew apart to the point where Scout doesn't know Spy is his father until he's on his deathbed. (I cried too, don't worry.)
The two are constantly butting heads with each other, Scout because he just sees Spy as a pompous jerk who's tryna hold him down and Spy because Scout is extremely childish (It may be due to neglect, but Scout even lacks basic reading skills.)
Despite this, it's quite obvious that Spy still cares for his son and is mostly harsh on him because he wants to protect him.
To go onto the other half as to why this guy is literally the best. His simp-ass.
Seriously though. We get quite a lot about him from Expiration Date alone.
In the short, we find out that the Mercenaries are dying from tumors brought on by the side effects of the teleporter. (We find out at the end of the short that they aren't going to die, but that's unimportant)
So, the Mercs have only three days left to live and they all set out to accomplish their dying wish. Scout's is to be able to go on a date with Miss Pauling, the Administrator's assistant.
This is where we see his whole macho tough guy persona sort of crack with how he comes to Spy for help, while asking for his help he admits that while he may be good with girls Spy is great with Ladies, and I quote "The classy ones that kinda- smell good, n' can read n' always have their glasses on a lil' crooked. Y'know?.. Ones that- don't go for a guy like me."
He puts Pauling on this sort of pedestal and even admits to his worst enemy that he doesn't feel he is good enough for her.
He wants to be his best for her to the point where he - for once - sits and listens to someone with the intent of changing for the better in hopes that he'll be able to win her over.
He doesn't treat this like another cheap fling. He spends what he thought were the final hours of his life tirelessly working on himself for a woman he doesn't even know the first name of.
The final act of the short consists of Scout setting up a date for Miss Pauling and getting himself tidied up, though this is ruined when he finally calls Miss Pauling over with the briefcase alarm and finds that the two have to kill a giant mutated bread monster, that was the cause of the initial tumors' discovery.
In the height of this battle Miss Pauling and Scout bond quite a bit, fighting alongside each other and having each other's backs.
After Pauling had constructed a bomb to kill the mutant, they find they're cornered with the bomb about to detonate, and so Scout takes her hand and leads her to safety inside the creature's mouth where they are rescued after the blast kills it
It ends on a bittersweet note with the two agreeing to arrange something similar to a date where Scout helps Pauling with some of her jobs, only to find she has to kill whoever set off the briefcase alarm, and end scene! :D
Apologies I know this is ridiculously long for literally no reason
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teecupangel · 1 year
Noob here, seeing as Mirage is the story of 'Basim', but 'Basim' is also in Valhalla, which I've not played yet, what is the issue people have with him? I see a lot of Basim 'bashing' and pretty much hatred. Why is that? (I don't care if it's spoilers, I'm curious but don't have the time for Valhalla yet.)
Welcome to the fandom, noob! We hope you enjoy your stay in this fandom!
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So, before I try to explain why some people hate Basim, I’d like to take this time to explain that I like Basim (but I so want to bitchslap him as well) so this explanation would be purely on what I have heard/read. Also, the best way to enjoy a fandom is to try and ignore takes you do not agree with and any takes you think are bad takes. Do not engage with them as it would just sour your day.
So, before I continue, my advice would be to play Valhalla OR to watch a let’s play (without commentaries) of Valhalla and develop your own opinion of whether you like Basim or not.
And, as a final warning to those who do not want to read this, I'll add in this cut.
Alright, so here are the reasons I can remember why there are people hating Basim:
He’s a Sage (in a nutshell, Sages are like Isus reincarnated as humans) and we do not have a good track record of having a good time with Sage (thanks, Aita). Not to mention… He’s the Sage of Loki who did a lot of shady things in the Asgard sections of AC Valhalla. All Isus are varying degrees of dicks (even Minerva) and a lot of conflicts in the Asgard sections do happen because of Loki. (Although, let’s be honest, Odin was the biggest dick in those sections)
The assimilation of Loki’s memories into Basim’s personality is still unclear. Has Loki taken over him completely? Or has Basim retained his personality, only receiving Loki’s memories? Basim being kind doesn’t necessarily mean he retained his personality as Loki is also seen as kind. A bit of a dick (and Basim also had scenes of being a dick), sure, but he was amicable with his ‘fellow’ Asgardians so we don’t even know if we ever met Basim as Basim or if we have been talking to Loki the entire time.
His actions concerning Sigurd also paint him in a bad light. While an argument could be made that Sigurd was bound to go mad sooner or later as he was Tyr’s Sage so it was only a matter of time before Tyr’s memories screw him up, people can interpret Basim and Sigurd’s relationship as one where Basim’s influence is what corrupted Sigurd to turn against his loyal sibling, Eivor, and to believe that he’s a ‘god’.
He was a dick to Eivor after being nice to them a few scenes before. I know someone who liked Basim before because she liked Basim and Eivor’s banter when they were traveling but she got so annoyed with Basim that she had Eivor punch him and Eivor and Basim’s soured relationship after that (which will happen regardless if you do punch Basim) just cemented her to disliking Basim.
Basim is heavily influenced by revenge, to be more specific, Loki’s thirst for revenge, and he mistook Sigurd as being Odin’s Sage who is the target of his revenge. In this case, Basim’s most questionable moments had always been how he treats Sigurd.
Speaking of which, AC fans aren’t new to the whole ‘revenge’ plot but Basim’s quest for revenge kinda paints him as a ‘bad’ Hidden One, in the sense that he’s pushing aside his responsibilities and duties as a Hidden One to focus on revenge plot (in contrast to, let’s say, Ezio whose revenge plot coincide with his duties as an Assassin). Even the end of the game noted that the Hidden Ones believe an investigation must be conducted for what Basim had done.
And then there’s the modern-day setup.
So the modern-day setup of Valhalla starts with the Assassins (specifically Layla) getting a message or something that leads them to Eivor’s resting peace. This ends with Layla sacrificing her life to save the world and the twist was Aletheia who had been portrayed as a good Isu in AC Odyssey, turns out to be Loki’s mistress, known in Norse mythology as Angrboða. These two had manipulated Layla and Kassandra into pushing Layla to bring the staff that could revive Loki to his resting place so he may be revived, which, in turn, means that Loki (with his mistress) had orchestrated Layla’s death and, in some way, Kassandra’s ‘cursed to walk the earth alone’ immortality until she could give Layla the staff and only then was she able to rest.
Not only that but for us, the players, to have a postgame with Basim as the main character for the modern section, the game made Rebecca and Shaun (who had been working with Layla during the game) decide that ‘yeah, we should just let this dude who was revived for some reason by a POE and who we watched in the Animus as a dick who tried to kill Eivor and is a Sage have free reign over the Animus while we go report to Bill about this. That sounds about right’. (Now, it should be noted, that we are not totally sure just how much Shaun and Rebecca know about what happened in the place where Layla died since their comms went down BUT they have prior experience with this, they know what Sages are, they know what Basim did in Eivor’s memories, so it’s sus that they would just go ‘okay, sounds like a plan’ when Basim suggested they talk to Bill and leave him alone with the Animus). This leads to some people to hate Basim because he’s the focus of what could be either ‘one of the dumbest moments’ or a ‘character assassination’ of Rebecca and Shaun who are beloved characters in the fandom.
And then there’s the meta-commentary on why some people hate Basim: they hate Basim because they hate AC Mirage even before it has come out. They hate the fact that we’ll be playing as Basim when, if the main point is to ‘return to their roots’, there are, what they consider, better playable characters or game concepts like an AC1 Remake (although there are rumors that it will be a DLC of Mirage but Ubisoft stressed they have no plans to remake AC1 and it’s not like Ubisoft would ever lie… right?… right???) or a sequel to Unity x Rogue x 3 x Liberation. This is also where we can put those who reason that they're just sick of the RPG AC games and Basim gets caught in that crossfire for being a character from one of the RPG AC games.
(That’s pretty much the reasons I could remember why some people don’t like Basim)
Personal Opinion:
I like Basim as a character I wanted to bitchslap a lot when I was playing AC Valhalla and, yeah, I am curious about AC Mirage and how they’re going to handle the whole Basim and Loki deal because we saw how oppressive the assimilation of Isu memories could be with Eivor and how similar it is to the Bleeding Effect at times and y’all know I’m a sucker for the Bleeding Effect.
I am cautiously optimistic about AC Mirage’s gameplay (but it is absolutely a red flag that we haven't gotten any gameplay trailer yet) BUT I do believe that they made a good choice of making it Basim’s story. If it’s true that AC Mirage’s gameplay is more similar to the old AC games then giving the players who only got to AC during its RPG era a character they know would make them more curious and receptive to trying out a ‘back to its roots’ AC game.
Also, an argument could be made how Basim is a distorted reflection of what we liked in old AC games: he's a badass with a connection to the plot, an 'Assassin' in a game where we do not play an 'Assassin', and has a revenge plot that we would be familiar with. I think some people are questioning if he does deserve his own game and, to be completely honest, the answer to that is subjective to how each one found Basim in AC Valhalla.
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epicspheal · 2 years
Pokemon Journeys Episode 114
I have to say I really enjoyed this latest episode a lot. As someone who was a huge fan of the Pokemon anime during the DP eras (this was when I started watching the sub and really getting into the online Pokemon fandom) watching the development the rivalry between Ash and Paul. Easily the best done in the entire anime. So obviously once I heard that Paul was coming back I was curious to see how he would be handled And Journeys did not disappoint. I really like how they kept Paul’s seriousness and blunt approach (intimidating Goh and downing Ash’s name for a technique) but still showed how much he improved. Seeing him treat both Ash and Infernape as equals was heartwarming after all of those heated exchanges in the DP era (especially the Hearthome Tag Battle Tournament and the Lake Acuity battle). It was nice to see that everytime his Pokemon fainted he told them “job well done” which we didn’t see until the final battle between him and Ash in the Lily of the Valley Conference once Electivire is finally defeated by Infernape. He even told Electivire to go play with the other Pokemon. If I went back in time and told my middle school self that Paul would do that, she’d look at me like I was crazy.
Now even though I would have loved to have seen Paul participate in the World Coronation Series (as one of my complaints about the WCS is that there was a lot of time spent on random COTDs that could’ve been used to have battles against past rivals/league opponents as well characters from the games that had yet to debut), I’m okay with his rationale for not participating being that he isn’t one for such festivities. First off this is a super relatable reason as I’m not one for big public events either.  But most importantly this is very in character to his DP persona. Back in Sinnoh his main drive to get stronger was to be what his brother couldn’t, someone capable of being able to beat high tier trainers like Brandon. He didn’t care for festivities back then either, as he wasn’t super enthused to be in the Hearthome tag battle tournament and he criticised Ash for his pariticpation in the Wallace cup. Even his participation in the Lily of the Valley Conference had more to do about him one-upping his brother. But now that he’s grown as a person and no longer ties his gains of strength to one-upping Reggie he’s more secure and can train and battle his own way. Which means no big showy tournaments.  Before I talk about the Ash vs Paul battle, I want to back it up a bit and talk about seeing all of Ash’s Pokemon at the Oak Ranch. I’ve mentioned this before but I got into Pokemon through the anime back in the Original Series 4Kids era. So seeing Pokemon’s mons from Kanto to Kalos was a really heartwarming touch for me as a long time Pokemon fan. While I am a little upset that his reserves won’t get a chance to shine in the Masters 8, I’m still glad they could help train his journeys tema. Special props goes out to the fire type squad teaching Gengar how to utilize Will-O-Wisp, with Oak commenting that this was a new observation even for a seasoned academic like himself.
Now to the battle. I loved how Paul didn’t use Pokemon he’s used before in Sinnoh to keep it from being a repeat of both the Lake Acuity and Lily of the Valley conference battles. Even more amazing, how he used the aces of three of the masters’ 8 opponents: Gyarados for Lance, Metagross for Steven, and Garchomp for Cynthia. And it was cool to see how Paul could easily go toe-to-toe with Ash even now. But the highlight was definitely how Paul acted through the battle, pushing Ash and using a wake-up call speech to motivate him. Not only is it indicative of how much Paul has grown to respect Ash (as he didn’t resort to cheap insults like in DP) but it’s also nice foreshadowing the fact that Paul had been asked to beocme a gym leader. How he pushed Ash in that battle is something that would definitely be needed for his future challengers at his gym. All in all this was a superb episode!
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outivv · 2 years
— Toxic Traits —
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Synopsis: toxic traits they have (in my opinion)
Warnings: controlling, manipulative behavior, along with that it’s not proofread.
Game/ fandom: twisted wonderland
Characters: riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, Jack, azul, jade, and Floyd
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
Disclaimer: this is all purely my headcanons of the characters and their behavior, nothing more. These are not meant to change your opinion on a character in any way. Some of these are inaccurate, but I still felt they would bring the character some more… realistic attributes, which is something I enjoy. If you do not that is completely fine of course, but then this isn’t really the post for you.
A/n: hello! Sorry for the long disclaimer, I genuinely just wanted to say it since I have had bad interactions in the past with people simply not reading what I say, and going straight ti the replies. So it’s something that’s good to have you know what I mean? Anyways, hope you enjoy! <3
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— Riddle —
Fallows after his mom, in which everything has to be perfect, and orderly. Yet, at the same time he fears rejection, or criticism, so he holds you to such high standards. He loves you, he really does, but it’s like he’s trying to change you into someone subconsciously. If you ever told him you felt like this he’d instantly start reflecting but he’s so… stubborn sometimes you can’t even say it. So the loop continues.
— Trey —
He’s always trying to help everyone. It’s not that he’s a people pleaser, but it is that he’s so nice to everyone, to the point he’ll be late to dates on many occasions because he was helping deuce with homework. That and his constant nagging. He treats you like you’re helpless sometimes, and like you don’t remember to brush your teeth before you go to bed, it’s annoying. He treats you as a child, yet fears the thought of you thinking of his as your older brother. He’s confusing, and while many parts of the relationships are great it just… feels frustrating.
— Cater —
Doesn’t act like himself. He puts on a front of you he thinks you want him to be, when in reality he’s not like that at all. He’s a great guy, but you don’t care about what people think of you two, what people expect from you, you just want him to be… him. Which he is… technically, yet even after a long time of reassuring him he can’t help but keep up the mindset of “they won’t like you if you act yourself.” So he continues.
— Ace —
Overly picky. Too clingy? Mm ghosting you. Not smart enough? Time to break up. He has expectations for his ideal partner, to the point where he can barely keep a partner when he gets one. It’s so frustrating because he’s so nitpicky when he’s not the best either. He has his flaws, and yet you still love him. Even if he makes you feel awful about yourself.
— Deuce —
Very dependent. This isn’t necessarily a toxic trait but he very much relies on you, and sometimes it’s a bit too much, but when you get mad at him he gets mad cause you’re mad at him and he thinks he did nothing wrong. It’s a obnoxious cycle that always ends the same way. With you back helping him again.
— Leona —
Where do I start. Let’s see, you don’t do things, or even interact unless he wants to. He always is asking things of you, but doenst give much in return. He’s entitled. And finally, he’s so insecure about himself to the point that he relies on you while also telling you to fuck off. All of these things he is willing to change but he has to be committed. Like he has to know, that you’re for real, and are going to stay together for a long, long time. He genuinely needs.. help, for lack of a better term, and he wants to push all of that on you because he trusts you, he’s comfortable around you, but you are not qualified to handle all of his issues.
— ruggie —
Very… manipulative… in his own way. He has a way with what he says sometimes that just makes you think “are you gaslighting me right now?” He does it unintentionally, but that makes it worse honestly. Cause then you tell him “you’re literally trying to manipulate me, I don’t want to speak to you” and in his mind he wasn’t doing anything wrong. It’s frustrating getting it through his head that he was in fact, being manipulative, and even then he still believes you’re just imagining things, to the point you even start to believe it…
— Jack —
Ties you, and himself down with his morals. He literally pushes them into you, and you can’t even say no. He’s a great guy so… he must have good intentions right? Yeah his intention are for you to be like him, and to fit into this mold of morals that’s so unrealistic it makes you want to hide in a hole to avoid him sometimes. It’s obnoxious, it’s sad, it’s something you can’t avoid. Even if you could, Jack would still find a way to make his morals clear.
— Azul —
Much like Leona he is so insecure that he pushes his problems onto you and says “fix it”. Azul for years was downright scamming people to get what he wanted, and he had to let that go cause… well it’s gotta be illegal. At least a little bit. And it’s wildly unhealthy for his mental health. He tries his best not to push his struggles into you, but he does once and then takes advantage of your sweet “it’s okay. You can talk to me anytime.” now, he comes to you whenever it feels. You know you can’t help him, and that’s what really hurts. But you just gotta sit there… and watch him suffer.
— Jade —
Controlling. Controlling to the point of he forces you to depend on him. Jade is someone who can manipulate the situation however he damn well pleases, and he can very well do that with you. He wants to to himself, because you’re one of the few people who has surprised him, and amused him. He can’t let that go. He has to have control of almost every situation, including every argument. He enjoys the thrill of having control over something, and you just… sit there, a meekly obliging his every word. What else can you do?
— Floyd —
When he is in a bad mood he can not do anything. He doesn’t want to work, do school, and will even take his anger out on you. Of course he’s crying, and apologizing profusely when he’s over his little tantrum, but does that even make it better? The answer is no. No it doesn’t. When Floyd is in a bad mood he refuses to talk to pretty much anyone. You love how carefree and wild he is but that’s the thing. He is a living wild card, who could turn around and yell at you for simply wrapping your arm around his own while walking. Something that he typically enjoys. He has very little limits to what he’ll do if he’s in a good mods too. He doesn’t understand the word “consequences” yet forces them into you when you do something simple. Something that he typically enjoys. It’s like walking around eggshells with him.
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hypahfixations · 2 years
So something I haven't heard other people talk about for Our Flag Means Death, and it's entirely possible I totally just missed it in the vast expanse that is fandom on tumblr, but I find it interesting who of the Revenge Ed specifically chooses in the end.
((So here's your spoiler warning if you haven't watched the show yet))
Anywhoozle it's been lingering in the back of my brain why, when Ed transforms himself into The Kraken and is literally throwing away everything tied to Stede including the crew, he had specific interactions with Lucius, Jim and Frenchie.
Lucius is the easiest one, right? Sure, he was snarky and defiant, not the best prospect for an underling, but he was also a fair bit cowardly when facing infliction of pain or death.
The problem was that Lucius knew too much. He could read and write and sketch - gotta keep in mind that literacy and documentation is a huge pull of power in this vaguely historical adjacent world to be sure. But more than anything Lucius was Stede's confidant, Ed's confidant; he can usually see right through anyone he has laid eyes on. Not only that but he is beloved by both crews (aside from Izzy) for both being charming and his skills.
And if the Kraken is Blackbeard's fiercest form, that simply would not do. No, having someone who would boldly remind him, and everyone else, of his soft heart would be bad for his renewed image. So overboard the boy must go.
Next we see Jim being summoned to the stripped and darkened captains quarters. Jim is world's away the strongest combatant of the Revenge, and frankly the most competent person on the ship. They have a history of and impulse for violence, disguise, and theft. All trappings of an extraordinary pirate that, as Blackbeard mentions, would be worth watching and recruiting.
But I don't think he's fully aware of the layers that Jim has. He knows that Olu adores Jim, of course, why else would be be sure to separate the pair before seeking them out, but I doubt he knows it runs both ways. And even if he did know they finally got together, misery breeds misery; Why should Ed be the only one to have found love and then have it ripped away from him with no reasons to be found?
So the Kraken decides to take the next most powerful player off the board. If Lucius is the suite of Hearts and Jim the Ace, that makes Frenchie the Wild Card.
Frenchie can't read or write or fight. He's superstitious and gullible but specifically not stupid. He can blend into the background or hold the spotlight to execute the roles required of him. He's likeable and reliable in a way that is similar to Oluwande but where they diverge is self preservation and I feel like that makes a huge difference.
But Blackbeard isn't thinking about all that. All he asks is if Frenchie can sew.
Like I said, Frenchie isn't stupid. The guy knows how to be subservient in a way that is as beneficial as possible for him. But he's loyal to himself and part of that is being loyal to who he chooses to care about. He got out from under the thumb of the rich elite yet chose to join and remain in Stede's crew. To serve under a fancypants rich boy that turned out to be kinder than Frenchie thought possible for those types.
His loyalties lie with the rag tag group of the Revenge and that includes when Blackbeard was Ed.
I think that's going to be the one to crack through the Kraken's exterior in Season 2. Frenchie will play the role that Blackbeard wants him to play, treating him almost like a stand-in Lucius at times. Meanwhile, he's working with Jim on the sly, reforging an alliance with Fang and Ivan for when Blackbeard and the rest of them were actually happy, and perhaps even sowing the seeds of those memories in Ed in subtle ways.
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Ranting About The Fandoms Treatment of Neito Monoma
Because i am 8 kinds of pissed off
!spoilers sorta kinda maybe! if you’re caught up on this season you’re good
if you agree with the following: cool 
if you disagree with the following: cool but dont you dare start some shit in the notes 
so i saw a tiktok of the scene from the new ep where Neito is trying to copy Eri’s quirk to no avail and a lot of the comments were along the lines of “the only time hes nice” and “this is the only time i like him” and “hes never this gentle”
i will die on the hill that is Neito is not a bad person you know why? BECAUSE HE’S NOT like did we watch the same show or are you just that willingly ignorant? Neito is a good person he just doesn’t like class A. Sure he doesn’t need to say the shit he does but that doesn’t make him a bad person. Just because he doesn’t like class A doesn’t mean he’s a bad person i’m literally so sick and tired of the fandom villainizing him just because Neito’s dramatically mean to the main cast. 
But Bakugo can tell Midoriya to yeet himself of a building and the pomerian gets fans out the wazoo
There was literally a point explaining why Neito acts like he does and people are still like “oh he’s still such a dick tho” or “is that character development i see?” or “omg he does have a heart” motherfuckers, he’s always been like this he’s just upset that the supposed “power balance” that’s the whole reason for a class B is virtually no longer existent because of fckn Deku ex machina and the class’s constant clashes with the League of Plot Convenience.
But nooooooo Neito Monoma will always be seen as the douchebag of the hero course. as U.A.s dark side (a name that, by the way, was given to him by Mirio, a student that is supposed to act as a role model to him and the rest of the first year hero course but sure we’ll just let Mirio get away with telling Eri that someone at this supposed safe haven for her is a bad person she should watch out for him )
It’s ridiculous that the villians who have commited Actual Death Crimes gets less hate than the kid who’s just mad at those who are supposed to be equal yet are not and know it. Whether class A says it or not they know at this point that they’re better than class B and i guarentee you if Neito, Tetsu and Kendo won as much as Todoroki, Bakugo and Uraraka people wouldn’t be complaining as much. if Neito was given more screen time away from class A, people wouldn’t be so hateful towards him. and then there’s the statement of “if this was from class B’s perspective, people would treat Bakugo how they treat Neito now” and while that’s true, i feel obligated to say that Bakugo and Neito are not on the same level. Why? because at least Neito gives a shit about his class. At least Neito isn’t putting his classmates down for no damn reason.
“but Bakugo saved Jiro during their match” bitch and?? he did that for the sole purpose of winning. he needed Jiro for scouting  he didn’t do it because he cared about her if that’s what you’re going for. when she thanked him his first response was to tell her to shut up. Bakugo does not care about his class. He cares about doing what he needs to in order to win. Neito at least encourages his classmates even after a loss. Neito made sure that Setsuna did not put all the blame of the match on herself. something i bet the high heavens Bakugo would n o t have done if his team lost the match. (imo they should not have won. Bakugo needs to learn that you can grow as a teammate and still lose im just saying.) 
Neito Monoma is not a bad person and I’m tired of the way this fandom treats him. 
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leianaberrie · 3 years
I like how anons are pointing out how TVD essentially ruined itself by not exploring Bonnie's personal life. When you think about it, the most successful/highly rated tv shows provide development in all its characters . For instance, The Walking Dead does it right by giving everyone a backstory even if they are side characters, bc logically the world didnot revolve around Rick Grimes alone. I don't see how anyone can defend The Vampire Diaries writing in general, it's basically a joke. Bonnie was involved in 90% of the show's villain & mythology because she's a Bennett...yet we only get brief dialogue & see short scenes of her either in physical/mental pain or sacrifically agreeing to and/or being strongarmed/threatened to save others (anyone but herself). I use to get this excitment in early seasons wherever Bonnie came on screen & expected to see how she was dealing with everything thrown at her. Just like how we get plenty of Alaric, Caroline, Matt...hell even Rose's story & death got more meaning than our show's supposed "regular" actor. The problem with the writing is not that Bonnie suffered, it's that she suffered without purpose. Why couldn't we get to see how Bonnie felt about Kai saving her? How would that play out if they ever addressed it (which writers never did). Why was she so fiercely loyal to undeserving people who didn't return the favor? Obviously this would impact one's mental health. Yet we never see she copes with any of that trauma. The network continually promoted Kat as a credit regular, so you would think we'd get to see her character in action & treated like everyone else all the same. That's the problem, it's the fact that they were ok with false advertisement. I know this has been discussed a million times over among the Bonnie fandom & we'll perhaps never get an honest answer. But sheesh TVD could have been way better if they were so irrationally dumb!
The problem with the writing is not that Bonnie suffered, it's that she suffered without purpose.
Bonnie isn't treated as a person . She's treated as a thing. I think it was Paul who said that if the writers write themselves into a corner, they just have Bonnie do a spell and fix it. And that won't be a problem if she's fleshed out in every other way, but she's not. What is worse is that sometimes the show seems to go out of its way to hurt her, inflict abuse on her or otherwise demean her, and it apparently has no effect on her in anyway. Someone pointed out that the show never gives us stuff that she's good at, we're just repeatedly shown the things she's bad at (e.g. guitar playing), and they make 'cute jokes' about it. It's textbook microaggression.
Damon repeatedly calling her useless, cutting her out of the inner circle, and this goading her into doing Expression, Dark Magic and dangerous magic in general just to prove herself should have meant something to their relationship, but it's swept under the rug.
And that's another thing ---- we can easily see why these people are friends with Bonnie, and want to keep her in their orbit but the show never explains why Bonnie is friends with these people. Take Damon for example: his experience in the Prison World with her helped him appreciate her as a person, her loyalty, her kindness, her optimism, her courage. So he stopped seeing her as just a useful tool to help protect Elena and a person of value in her own right. But how did Bonnie come to care for Damon? He never stopped insulting her, or diminishing her. He was constantly getting her down, and acting petty. Kai points out how everytime they quarrel and split ways, it's Bonnie who comes back to Damon, not the other way around.
Now we Bonnie fans can head canon and connect plot dots and realize that Bonnie has abandonment issues that date as far back as her mother. That she's used to not being valued and prioritized, and it really takes crumbs of affection and appreciation for her to become anyone's best friend. But the show never actually says this. Or deals with it or explores it in anyway. It's just assumed that of course, Bonnie will like Damon once he starts liking her back. That she literally just needed him to care for her to return that affection. What he actually does to earn it is not necessary!
And of course, why the Black girl has abandonment issues that are: a, never defined as such, b, never explored, and c, she never grows out of them is another matter all together. Caroline actually starts the show with abandonment and image issues, but she gets all the above that Bonnie doesn't.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
hi! could i see your insights about ace? i saw a anon say from another blog that kinda has unrealistic expectations in a relationship and it kinda stuck with me. i mean in his ghost marriage he already knows the things he wants in a partner but he didn't show guilt about dumping his girlfriend, even. i think if you date him because he sees these quality in you and as the relationship last, he'll dump you if you get boring to him lol
I never thought that I'd say this but, wow, I'm impressed. I've been really curious about Ace since I get to see a variety of different content with different representations of his personality, so I decided to stick with his canon stories and lines. This analysis was so much fun to write and I'd assure you all that not only Ace but rather all of the first year characters are WAY more than they seem to be! Many just decide to ignore them and pass away, calling them good boys or precious stupid beanies at first.
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Speaking of Ace, we've all seen how trending he's been recently. Many theories, thoughts and new arguments exist through the fandom as many want to get to know this boy better.
Theories like "Ace's betrayal theory" as well have been mentioned a lot lately, some agree and some disagree. While we aren't going to talk about that theory or any other theories in this analysis, I'd like to take time to talk about the reasons why those theories might seem appealing and accurate. In other words, we're going to talk about where they are coming from!
1) Ace is incredibly smart and brave
It's true that characters like Jade or Azul's remarkable genius often stands out as it's clearly visible through their presence in the game, from iconic decisions to stunning strategies. But what we need to realize is how characters like Ace can be just as inspiring while their true intelligence is often shallowed by extras and giving them much of a dumb picture in the game.
To begin with, let us note that Ace's brother himself was one of the considerably strong magicians in Heartslabyul's history and even his presence through the magicshift is still remarkable even though years has passed. As the second child of the family, Ace's change to achieve success is even higher than his brother's as he already has a role model he really looks up to, so in that point Ace isn't one to underestimate. But, let me point that his relationship with his brother also contains lots of jealousy and sometimes negativity. His brother was one to always trick Ace and he continues to do so even nowadays! Ace on the other hand doesn't enjoy being pissed off over and over even as he's used to it. Well, we can say that it's another reason for him to train his hardest and become a greater magician than his brother therefore he won't be the bully material of the Trappola household anymore.
Regardless of how effective his brother might've been on him, Ace himself has shown plenty of strong hints that reveal not only his high IQ but also EQ:
He can solve math problems in second, which is a rather important feature to note because the way you deal with math can directly effect the way you deal with life. Not saying that one has to be great at math to be great at something else but it's rather about the perspective and ability of logical thinking that it gives to one. I'd say that this effect is quite visible if you take a look at the way he speaks in serious situations; he's got much of an analytical brain. Let's not forget that Cater as well confirmed that he's much of a skill stealer, is pretty good at remembering things and is a quick thinker! These are go on to show how much of an underestimated genius he is.
Whenever something goes wrong, Ace would be the first one to notice it even if it's a silly matter. And it always begins with a seemingly childish argument, but ends incrucial matters that not a single soul had noticed before! Just take a look at chapter one, what would've happened if Ace hadn't spoken up? He was just one of the hundreds of students having to be severely punished under Riddle's strict rules and he surely wasn't the first one to go through this. Him taking the urge to fight Riddle sounded stupid and naïve at first, many even told him off because he was just acting like a pissed off child. But as he continued to argue and oppose toward Riddle's way as a leader, even Trey realized how he's been keeping his eye shut on all this problems for so long. The way Ace stood against Trey was iconic, he confidently defended his point not by his personal demands and feelings but with facts and logical comments on why Trey's way of threatening Riddle is wrong. He did the same thing again at he ghost marriage, just think of it! Not a single soul ever cared to tell the bride about true love but Ace was there, and he was the one and only to do this after more than 500 years of the bride's existence! This Ace, this serious and mature face of Ace is something that can surely fascinate anyone. His bravery, the way he puts all that strength through words, hisextremely logical point of view and his enthusiasm to solve the problems no matter how unimportant they seem to be is indeed appreciatble. Seriously though, what would've happened to Riddle is Ace wasn't there? When Ace firstly begun to oppose to him, everyone thought that is was just a childish argument. They had no idea how severe and destructive Riddle's temper issues were and how harmful they were down inside.
2) He's one of the dumbest characters in the whole game
You know what? He is dumb. Yes he's incredibly smart but this isn't going to change the fact that he is dumb as hell, so I'm never going to argue when someone's nagging on how much of an idiot he is. But most importantly, we need to know what's making him so dumb:
His presence through the stories has proved that Ace is eventually pretty good at detecting the main source of problems both on the mental and physical side. He was the first to realize Riddle's issues, Trey's huge mistake with Riddle, Ghost bride's unawareness and Epel's gloomy and sad aura in chapter 4. Ace's also one to easily tell whether what someone is doing is wrong or not, he can see through people and bring their mistakes to their attention. The problem is... he can't be quite the same with himself. That's what makes him awfully dumb.
Back in chapter one, he did have a point about Riddle's way of leadership being so unfair and messed up, but when he decided to challenge Riddle and even take his place as the dorm leader he was a total idiot who didn't how weak and unpractical his own magic was, he was being too dramatic. When he talked about his ex girlfriend, he just talked about how she held him back from doing what he wanted and was too uncool to spend time with, but he didn't mention a single thing about himself doing anything wrong in that relationship. He often fails to realize that he's got his own incompleteness and lacks just like anyone else, or prefers to put an blind eye to them most of the time (not all of the time)
Ace sets the perfect goals, but chooses the wrong path to achieve them. He needs to realize that just like everyone else, he can be sometimes wrong. He should take his time to get to know himself better; his abilities, his attitude, his faults and his mistakes and learn to be more patient and logical in order to achieve his goals. He's still young an inexperienced, by learning to put that brilliance of him into the perfect use he'd be able to become the great magician he wishes to be, and I'd say that in case that he continues to grow stronger and smarter, he'll have a high chance of being hesrtslabyul's next dorm leader!
3) He legit wants to be the "Ace"
This part's more of an attempt to do a name analyis and see how much it's been effective on Ace's personality. It actually makes a lot of snese since the word "Ace" itself has several meanings, and he used these different terms quite a few times in his personal stories. This point would also be explained in part (4) so for now, let's take a look at direct name definitions:
First of, remember what what an Ace is in a card game? "A playing card with a simple spot on it, ranked as the highest card in its suit" This goes on to tell us a lot, it's telling us what an Ace is. A loner yet the most powerful one of its own, just like how Ace wants to be.
Wanting to be an actuall Ace is definitely one of the things that sometimes makes Ace sound so jerky and he's aware of it! If you give it a closer look, you'll see that Ace doesn't really treat his friends like friends, especially with Deuce and Grim. He's often insulting or challenging them, and even during his birthday SSR when MC asked him about what he thinks of each of other first years (Who are basically his closest friends) he mainly criticized them and all, not a single word was said about things he likes about them and he didn't even call any of them his friend!
Well that's much of a jerky attitude to have toward people whom you spend almost all of your time with, especially your best of time.
He to play the role of the bad guy, the type to hang out with everyone without feeling any attached to them as even friends. Seems like our boy is trying to be a loner, a true Ace of cards and hearts. And he doesn't mind his friends calling him a bastard or jerk because of this. It's even confirmed that he's more of the popular guy type therefore he's mainly used to having people around!
On the other hand, he's trying his best to achieve success no matter what the obstacles are. It's true that he often messes up and fails, but we cannot say that he isn't trying. He almost lost his head for real during his SSR story where Riddle's favorite hedgehogs were lost because of Ace's impatience, but at last with the help of monsieur Rook and his own ability to imitate Rook's mole language skills Ace saved his neck one more time, and ended his story with a dramatic "Of course, I always Ace it!"
4) Ace does care, but pretends that he does not
In contrast to the fact that he wants to sound tricky,manipulative and mean, or how he's denying his friends' true worth to him like stated in part (3), Ace is probably one of the most caring and supportive characters in the game. Not saying that he's just as bright as someone like Kalim, but his way of seeing through people and wishing them to be better, wealthier and happier than they already are is surely something. This fact is often ignored because, well...everyone's too busy calling him either dumb or sus/ jk!
Just imagine having a friend or at least, a classmate you know like Ace. How's he supposed to be? He'd realize it when someone's bullying/bothering/ or intentionally harming you, and he isn't going to be silent about it. If you see that you're permanently sad, angry, rude or loud then again he'd speak up, he isn't going to just pull up with anyone's unhealthy habit like nothing's happened. He's got much of a big brain as well so you should expect him to say a bunch of helpful and meaningful stuff when he's using that brain, mainly in serious situations. He may not be a permanently mutual to have around, but when the troubles arrive, know that having Ace around is always an advantage.
To top it off, he's even shown sympathy toward people whom he seemed to like the least at first like Riddle; he wishes Riddle to be happier, to smile more, to be more open about his emotions with other students. At some point he even admits that he looks up to him, he used to overestimate his powers and challenged Riddle, but during the ghost marriage he said that he knows how powerful and strong Riddle is, therefore he should work his hardest to study and train to become strong just like him! He already seems to be more cheerful and bright when MC is talking to him, but when it comes to Grim and Deuce...it gets quite complicated. What we see the most is often Ace insulting them or saying that he's going to kick their asses, but they're also his closest friends all though he refuses to admit to it.
Just wait for Deuce or Grim to get in a serious danger or pain, and see how much of a protective one Ace can be! He isn't going to remain silent when one is in danger, but he's surely going to deny all that effort and affection he gave into action afterwards. When Ace can feel this cautious and understanding toward Riddle, someone who isn't even a friend of his then imagine how supportive and caring he would be toward his close friends like Deuce, MC and Grim!
In his ghost marriage as well, his words and the way he spoke of the meaning of true love left everyone, even Crowley, impressed (Crowley even said that he's fallen in love with this side of Ace's personality), but refused to admit that he was speaking of his true feelings after the ceremony. Someone like Grim is too bold to recognize how much of a different person Ace can be inside, so he claimed that Ace was just rambling nonsense without thinking of what he was saying back then, and Ace agreed with him! This is a continuation to part (3) where we talked about how he wants to be a loner, he doesn't want anyone to see how caring and sometimes, emotional he can be inside! Poor boy is quite shy showing his true feelings we can tell~
5) Ace can be quite tricky and manipulative
This part will also explain some of the main reasons behind famous theories like "Ace's betrayal theory", and I wanted to have a certain part to talk about this point specifically because it's been quite trending through the whole fandom, and many are wondering why theorizers are considering his betrayal a possibility, so here we go!
As said, one of the main factors the makes Ace seem suspicious would be his incredible intelligence. The fact that he can actually be that smart all the time but isn't openly showing his talents and abilities can be quite questionable, more details regarding his intelligence and most likely high IQ and EQ were discussed in part (1)!
Enough with intelligence, let's focus on his personality! This is mainly what this part is talking about, his trickiness. Just like his father and older brother, Ace is pretty good with magic tricks. Small and fun tricks are a convenient yet easy ways to inspire others and Ace doesn't mind showing the crowd what he's got up in sleeve when possible. But the thing is...this isn't just about fancy tricks.
This ability can be expanded into any other field such as mental terms and enable him to indirectly control and play with one's mind. That's more of a possibility though! He hasn't yet shown any signs of being any manipulative but, well, we can't say that it's beyond his abilities. Ace himself can be quite sarcastic and mean at the time, he doesn't seem to mind slightly tricking his friends either. Nothing about him seems to be serious, but the possibilities remain still.
The way he learnt those tricks as well is mentionable; no one ever teached himm any of those tricks, he learnt them through being repeatedly tricked, and learning to copy and redo what he saw. Both Rook and Cater so far have confirmed that Ace's ability to learn so quickly and learn and redo techniques just by watching them is fantastic.
His genius and ability to learn and memorize everything that he needs to learn pretty fast, along side his tricky and sometimes personality can make Ace quite dangerous. If someone like him decides to choose such a remarkable talent for evil purposes, that's surely going to be bad news. That's much and less of what makes Ace's betrayal theory make sense although there're still fans who find it quite questionable. I'm not a supporter of this theory myself as I hadn't seen any signs of Ace having any bad intentions so far, but I do get where the theorizers are coming from and that makes sense. Ace has been trying to put on much of a mean and lowkey evil face on through the story and no one can really say what's exactly going on in that brain. We'll that about this uncertainty in part (7)!
6) His past relationship was...uh
For now, Ace is the only character who is confirmed to have experience in love and relationships, and this was a rather effective factor since many have been talking about Ace's past relationship afterwards. The thing is...Ace did talk about how his girlfriend held him back from having fun and living the life he wanted to live. Well there's actually a lot we should say about this one so I'm not gonna rush to the end, let's think about all of the aspects of this situation logically:
First of, the relationship itself. I'd say that it was a wrong attempt for them to date each other in the first place because obviously, Ace and his girlfriend weren't made for each other. They were total opposites in interests and they couldn't even have fun together. If Ace chose to go on a wild roller coater ride, the girl would've freaked out and when she chose a small, childish ride that she liked Ace instead didn't enjoy it at all. It's surely an issue when you and your partner can't even watch a movie which both of you can enjoy together since their tastes were totally different, just jow was this relationship going to last? Ace wasn't happy, and if he was going to do what made him happy the girl in return would've been sad. They were two different people of two different points, dating at this point was nothing but a mistake.
On the other hand, Ace as well is guilty. First off, she shouldn't have dated the girl in the first place if he was aware of how different her tastes were. Second, from what he said he never showed any signs of dissatisfaction when he had to give up on what he liked to listen to what the girl friend liked. The girl friend obviously told him that she was scared of a horror movie, but Ace just kept his mouth shut and felt awfully annoyed as he watched a romance movie with her while he didn't like it at all. If he'd at least told her girlfriend about this, she wouldn't have felt as injured and cheated when Ace broke up with her. Ace shouldn't have bottled it up, he deserved to enjoy the relationship just as much as the girl did. He shouldn't have expected things to get any better if he wasn't going to solve anything about it in the first place. If he'd talked about his personal desires and favorites as well, and had his uncomfortableness with most of the girl's choices discussed before hand, there could've been a chance of them coming into a conclusion and even not breaking up! The girl could've tried to be braver for him, and Ace could've agreed to be softer because of her. There would've been a HUGE difference if they'd talked about it logically.
Also, keep this in mind that the girl had no idea about Ace's uncomfortableness which was low key naïve of her (It's not cool when you don't even realize that your boyfriend doesn't like something) but this also made him awfully unprepared for a break up! Ace should've st least talked about his feelings and how he was unable to continue that relationship with her instead of just dropping her out of nowhere. That would've also decreased the chance of having to deal with the girl's friends after wards!
Finally, let's say that this relationship was wrong in too many aspects. They weren't each other's type, and we can't really blame Ace for dropping someone whom he couldn't be happy with. The main of being in a relationship is spending time with someone whom you can enjoy your time with. He as well was guilty because he can't just drop the girl like he just didn't care and had gotten tired of her while he had his own reasons for dropping her, he should've let the girl know that it wasn't necessarily her fault, it was about Ace not being able to relate to her tastes and habits.
Also, let's be honest. Not much is expected when a 15 year old is dating. Being in a relationship is an awfully sensitive and important choice and someone like Ace hasn't reached that level of maturity to be ready to date someone, let alone doing it at his 15s! Honestly... they should've learnt a lot before dating each other because it isn't a silly thing. Dating like this is nothing but playing around for a while for fun, it's a childish game of spending some time together until they break up.
For now, Ace is finds love quite silly and meaningless so we can clearly see that his past relationship has pissed him off. Well Ace needs to realize that his relationship with his ex wasn't a serious one, so it's normal for it to seem unimportant and silly. He needs to learn a lot without dating someone again, such as knowing how crucial it is to make sure that his hobbies would match his partners, to make sure tjat they get along, and simply, he needs to find his own type! Not all people are made for each other, and he isn't supposed to fall for anyone with any possible personality that pops up on his way.
Also, I'd say that he still needs to focus on studying instead of dating. He needs to reach the required level of maturity to be ready to start a healthy and successful relationship again. Also, he might end up being totally different from what we've seen about him being in a relationship do far when he grows up! Idealistics do change a lot olin teenagehood.
7) We need to talk about our first years a lot more!!!
This point isn't just about him, but rather all of the first years! If I were to rate the most ignored and shallowed personalities of twst, the first years should've gone on the top of this list. Even when we're speaking of the mischaracterized characters of the game, many consider Ace and Deuce to be the least mischaracterized while they happen to be the most mischaracterized as no one evencares to see through them and feel like we aren't mischaracterizing them just because we're ignoring them! Come on guys, Ace's design and personality is a lot more complicated and harder to read than characters like Vil and even Leona!
Out of all first years Sebek was the only one to get some proper shout outs so far but why isn't anyone talking about Ace and Deuce the way they deserve to be talked about? Their presence through the game is even more important than the dorm leaders as they are the closest characters to MC, and their personality design is just incredible, no just because of how perfectly detailed it is, but also because of giving them this unpredictability and incompleteness which totally matches their age!
Studies have shown that judging one's personality based on how they're doing at the age of 16 or younger is prettyhard and impossible, and it's a totally serious fact. At the age of 16, human's personality is under severe effects and changes until reaching it's final-developed shape. That's accurate toward almost all of the first years except Jack since he seems to have more of a mature personality.
NRC's first years are really complicated, especially a character like Ace. That why I said that we can't yet tell if he's a good guy or not, because at this level of life he can choose to be anything. He can be good, he can be bad, he can be neutral. That's why he's showing too much of opposite actions at the moment. One second he's being the biggest idiot in the whole world, the other second he's planning like a 50 year old genius. One second he's being protective over his friends, the other second he sighs and tells MC how annoying they are.
That's why Ace is hard to read, we can't tell what his true feelings are until he reaches the required mental stability to be judged as a mature and complete personality. 18 year olds like Vil have already reached that level of maturity and completeness, finding their unique magics as well is another sign of it. But our first years still need to learn and experience until they find their real selves, to see who they are.
This is one of the most adorable facts about their design because they really gave him this young and wild and incomplete nature to show that they're still young! This is quite incredible how careful Yana was to remember that they all needed some this childishness in their design, their designs are just as accurate and realistic as a real 16 year old's! They still need to learn, and that's why they're the closest ones to MC.
MC needs to learn and get to see more and more of this world, and so do the first years! They're just as unexperienced and new to this world, and they can relate to MC better than anyone else can!
So please, from now on, let's remember to talk about not only Ace, but also all of the first years more often. Ace and Deuce's designs especially are the most detailed and beautiful ones if you take time to know them better. Remember that after the 7 dorm leaders, Ace and Deuce's roles as the protagonist's closest allies are the most crucial in the game, so let's not just decide to ignore all these creative features and pass by them without thinking how much they can mean.
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Woah, this one was quite harder to write than I'd expected! There are way too many things to say about him which made me have to summarize this into just this 7 parts for now. Ace is surely and odd yet interesting one to study, even more interesting than usually famous characters like Leona and Azul, which is partly because of how unpredictable he is!
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I had a thought. These men (boys) are in college and thanks to most teens these days the age people lose the “V card” is getting younger... so I thought some of these boys including teachers have lost it so I thought I would do a headcanon on how many, and why I think that.
Also if some I don’t think have a why plus how many lovers they’ve had sexual or not.
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Body count 0
Lovers 0
We all know it’s because people fear him that he doesn’t have a lover
Body count 20+
Lovers 25+
He’s how old? And If he’s not a vampire but a fae then he can probably shape shift. Either way he’s had quite a lot of lovers in his time
Body count 0
Lovers 2 maybe
He doesn’t seem like the guy to care but I bet a couple people have asked him out and he’s accepted, but it didn’t last long because he’s a guard of Malleus and that’s very important
Body count 0
Lovers maybe 1 (Didn’t last more then a couple weeks)
A lot of people have confessed to him, but either A. He didn’t realize or B he goes on about Malleus like he’s God or something and that person is totally turned off
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Body count 5-7
Lovers 4
Knowing him and being a prince he could probably just have his way with a couple people without being in a relationship. He’s never really felt that emotionally invested in someone so that relationships aren’t that long.
Body count 0
Lovers 3
He’s a boy with a heart believe it or not. He’s had a couple when he was younger, maybe even one that his younger siblings got him into because he liked his friend, but it soon ended realizing that they were better off friends. (Can relate)
Body count 0
Lovers 0
He doesn’t have time to think about love, he’s busy working to survive and worrying about himself. Thanks to his sense of family and loyalty he’ll eventually think about it, but probably later in life.
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Body count 0
Lovers 1
One girlfriend in elementary school... does that really count. She told him she didn’t love him anymore after like a week (in like first grade) His little heart was shattered.
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Body count 2
Lovers 2
He doesn’t seem like the kinda guy that would seek anyone out and with Kalim being him, Jamil has no time to spend on his lover. So they probably left him because of it.
Body count 15+ (maybe a little more)
Lovers 20+
He’s a rich boy. And based on the culture Disney was inspired by for the Aladdin movie, it’s 100% normal to have multiple lover for a man even at the same time. It’s called a “Harem” sounds familiar right? At the time of the game he does not have any lovers. Sorry to my friend who loves him...But it’s probably right...
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Body count 0
Lovers 7
I’m not sure why seven but he CAN’T not have had a lover and he wouldn’t have to many. The body count is zero because he’s to prideful to let someone touch him in that way, he would never let someone taint his body (unless it’s ya know “Yuu”).
Body count 1
Lovers 3
The one body count is just because I don’t see him having sex a lot, but I don’t think he’s a virgin. And as for lovers, even though a lot of the fandom hate him some people think he’s hot and there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s had a couple lovers because he’s attractive, and is interesting.
Body count 0
Lovers 0
He lives in a town of “Older people” as he put it, so the people there... well let’s say he wants someone his own age to love. He hasn’t really been any other place really outside the town he lives in. Btw he does know what he’s doing. People paint him as this sweet little dainty thing, but thats just not the case. As a teen who has really no one his age he totally watches videos on his phone some times when allow so he knows what he’s doing.
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Body count 0
Lovers 2
That’s a “maybe” two because I imagine he’s had lovers before he came to night raven but with his personality and insecurities he probably ended the relationship in the early stages. Body count is because he’s insecure about his body still so he doesn’t want anyone to see him.
Body count 2 (ended soon after)
Lovers 4
The relationship ended soon after sex because this boy is sadist and probably likes BDSM and some times people aren’t into it so their not together.
Body count 11
Lovers 1
He’s in it for a sex and you can’t tell me otherwise. He seems like the kinda person that likes the sex more then the love and intimacy of it. He’s got a high drive to and most of these are one-night-stands.
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Body count 0
Lovers 0
Mother said “No, now study” He’s never thought about love... That’s what he want’s you to think but he thinks about it the same amount a teen would. He just wants a one true love, he wants someone to comfort him and to love him no matter what. But he kinda gave up after coming to Night raven because if it hasn’t happened yet what’s the point in hoping then.
Body count 0
Lovers 2-4
He’s definitely have a couple lovers before. He’s the kind of guy that pours everything into the love he gives and makes treats for them. He’s the “mom” friend too so what’s not to love about him. He’s a virgin because he’s to shy to initiate the first move, but I’d it ever did happen he would he so shy then.
Body count 1
Lovers 2
One male and one female. He strikes me as a bisexual so he’s probably only just experimented with the two of them so see. The female lover he didn’t feel all that sexually attracted to but loved her and was romantically attracted to. As for the male he was the opposite, but he still felt some romantic attracted to. I’m lead to believe through some dialogue he leans to the gayer side of the Bi spectrum.
Body count 0
Lovers 0
This boy was a delinquent before Night Raven he was out skating and causing trouble for others he wasn’t focused on love. Plus he’s literally to shy to talk to girls so that’s a no.
Body count 10
Lovers 8
(yo I held the “8” to long and it said 88 I was like “damn that’s a lot of people” Any way back to the post)
He’s been around, it could be multiple reasons, lonely, bored, depressed, and thing goes. And yes he’s probably had a relationship with a follower/fan on Magicam. He want’s to fill his heart even if it’s temporary for only a couple weeks or just a day to feel loved and validation.
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He’s Asexual, but Panromantic (I think that’s what it’s called). He just doesn’t seem like the person who cares about sex, also he has no lovers but he’s still attracted to people.
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volfoss · 3 years
how about ranking bucciarati's team?
regret to inform you that ur gonna get a very long answer bc i have passionate feelings about them all! also trish is in this bc she is part of the team and no one will tell me otherwise and will also include some rambling bc it is me and i have so many feelings towards these characters and none of them r cohesive
under the cut just in case (post writing yes it was long)
Giorno Giovanna:
way way more complex than ppl normally give him credit for (i will not go into feelings on how a majority of the fandom treats him unless ppl want me to then i will in fact make a very long ranty post and will not be stopped)
mildly op (esp at the beginning with how hes kind of able to just use his stand really well w no problems altho i think thats true of most of the jojos that we have seen animated?)
i am emotionally attached to him and want to give him a big hug
hes just a kinda goofy kid and is maybe a bit not good with figuring out hey this is a semi dangerous situation maybe i shouldnt be taunting him (leaky eye luca for example)
has the actual best theme
i love how he works off the rest of the team so well (even w members who do not like him)
is in my top 3 jojos i love this kid sm i would adopt him if he was real
Bruno Bucciarati:
the fucking way his character develops from licky man to best dad material is my favorite thing
his outfit is so so so good i would die to wear it
in general this man is one of my fave jojos characters and i get a lot of comfort from him
hes just really neat and has a good taste in music
he did his fucking best and i will always love him for that
imo the way that his death was drawn out was genuinely one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the entire series and fucks me up each time i think of it
i feel like he really is the one to hold the team together in a way that everyone feels cared for and saved
def has a savior complex tho for sure
dilf but im ace
also manga superiority bc he either makes the stupidest faces or looks very nice (anime has a lot of weird animation in regards to his face) and also because its lingerie there instead of a tattoo that changes thickness and placement every second
Leone Abbacchio:
guilty pleasure liking man
i am obsessed with his vibes and wish to become him
i cannot physically express just how much i love him but hes one of my faves of all time (not obvious by my theme at all wdym)
i miss his manga palette but also the colored manga isnt my beloved but also black lipstick abba
hot take maybe but anime abba looks better than manga minus the lipstick debacle
hes so so tall and i will steal his height in a nice way
his past man his past it fucks me up
his death fucks me up normally but when i was rewatching recently, i saw he gave this tiny lil smile after helping the kids get their ball and i could not take it anymore
him and brunos relationship (canonically and out of canon too) is one of my favorites in the series
also fandom hot take as i guess i am doing those for everyone- but ppl either have him as cosntantly trying to murder giorno or being like good son and v out of character, and it is really weird? not sayign that ill do better when i write them but also like im convinced some ppl havent seen the show or smth
i will steal both him and bruno and marry them both <3
this man is beloved i love him to death
Pannacotta Fugo:
i cannot spell his first name to save my life
also fandom take- ppl make him constantly only angry boy all the time and it really irks me. ik araki did not give him 2 much to work w in terms of canon personality but its frustrating
the light novel purple haze feedback is so so so good and adds sm to his character and i really like it for that!
fugo is one of those that imo deserves a lot and didnt get that
genuinely the vibes between how he treats narancia is v interesting to me, like its clear he cares about nara but nara not doing great w math really frustrates him
i love their interactions and how he is genuinely a kind person at times
the manga colors r superior here, my strawberry boy <3
i just really love and appreciate him a lot and wish that ppl gave him more love
i keep getting assigned him on kin quizzes
very smart good boy
ALSO ok fugo did not do any wrong by leaving
unsure if thats a hot take but i genuinely dont blame the character one bit for leaving and again purple haze feedback really delves into that and why he did it
if ur a fugo fan go read it
his past is really upsetting esp in the anime i will cry over it
his stand is adorable and i wanna hug it
his vibes r fun and i wanna gift him strawberry dangly earrings
Narancia Ghirga:
this boy i am also adopting (i am adopting most of them sorry)
i really hate how ppl act as if hes stupid bc bad math skills do not equal stupid like did ppl not see the fight w formaggio??
the way he just fucking dove into the water after the boat and how brunos face went all soft and happy it will never not make me cry
he is constnatnly making me wanna cry if i think too much about him for 2 seconds i love him sm
how can anyone not adore him when he set an entire street on fire yk
hes just happy despite his past and it makes me sad i love nara sm
torture dance is one of my favorite memes from the show
ALSO ok the way he died so suddenly absolutely broke me bc the remaining team members r really just seeing everyone die in front of them so quickly
his goofy and laid back moments r my fave
i love just how loyal and caring he is to his friends
his stand is really cool and again the fight w formaggio was so fun to watch
Guido Mista:
probably my least favorite member of the team for a semi good reason:
the jokes towards trish are really really uncomfy and how fugo doesnt wanna be involved but he is pushing him to do something that makes him uncomfortable did not make me like him a lot
hes goofy but not goofy enough for me to be ok with the repeated jokes about that esp in the body swap episode (ik it was supposed to be funny but it just felt off)
his vibes r good but i wish we got to see his hair
the fandom interpretation is normally pretty good of him overall?
despite not loving him a lot, i really enjoying writing for him (one day might open up headcanon requests or smth but unsure)
hes someone id wanna watch movies w but his taste in movies and mine r very different
love how he and his stand get along
honestly has very very good comedic potential
i really like how he and giorno interact as the series goes on (in a platonic way i need to clarify that i love their friendship)
again him in purple haze feedback was really interesting
probably a 5/10?
Trish Una:
beloved and deserved better
her first outfit in the manga > outfit in the anime
actually in general i believe in manga trish superiority like her hair in the manga looks so cool
her stand her stand her stand i love sm
if u dont include trish in the group i am murdering u <3
fandom gripe is how people either pretend she does not exist or has the trish first introduction thing where shes using her defense mechanisms and acting a bit spoiled
OK but her in purple haze feedback!!! mild spoilers but how bruno was taking care of her post the ending of vento aureo makes me so happy each time i think of it
very mad that she canonically didnt really get an ending and yet again PHF my beloved actually gave her that
how spice girl starts out as a stand thats helping her thru a very stressful situation is so cool and i love it
DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO *frothes at the mouth*
but more seriously how she leans on bruno and begins 2 trust him and nearly point blank is referring to him as a father figure always fucks me up
esp because of the resulting fight afterwards
and the very ending of the arc that ends w bruno being like bye gonna go in the clouds and look ethereal now, oh man it makes me so sad
bc giorno is the only one that knew what happened and people that were closer to bruno due to knowing him longer didnt
i wanna see how trish coped w that personally
despite being introduced not at the beginning i think her arc and character in general were as well paced as it could be!
finally done! sorry that took so long but oh man i have so many feelings towards these guys its not even funny
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