#i am obsessed with the way i can keep seeing lord of the rings in this band
airamsao3 · 1 year
Truth Serum...?
pairing: talon interrogator reader/ramattra
words: 669
cw: stalking
✧ AO3 ✧
"He's all ready for you, tiger." Sombra is the only one there to welcome you to your stomping ground, and you give her a quick nod. The executives keep watch from a healthy distance-- lord knows what augmentations the leader of Null Sector has or hasn't disclosed to them. He's a danger. A maverick.
And you're there to find out exactly what he wants from Talon. From tailing your squad.
"Thank you, Sombra," you say, and enter the room, hearing the clicking of her clawed gloves behind you as she waves goodbye.
The overhead lights are bright and harsh, so harsh that even you are forced to squint under the intense glare before your vision adjusts. The light suffuses the silver of Ramattra's chassis with an almost ethereal glow, his bone white faceplate staring back at you like a skull. Despite his position, he exudes a raw, unadulterated power that demands submission and deference by virtue of his presence alone.
But you are not one to be outmatched, especially not in your territory.
You circle his seat, noting the soft whirring noise of his eyes as they track your every movement. "Tell me," your tone is accusatory and venomous, already convinced of his guilt, "what are you planning? An attack? A betrayal, perhaps? Has Talon not given you absolutely everything that you've requested?" You stop once you're face to face with him, and tip his chin upwards with your pen.
"No," he says, and a slim thread of steam wafts from his back. "No such thing."
"I find that hard to believe," you say, and make a signal behind your back to Sombra, who's watching from beyond the one way mirror. An answering code is flashed back to you, from the seemingly innocuous flickering of the light above.
 Is the code working?
You frown, incredulity and rage seeping into your expression. "Gathering intel, then? Trying to find our weaknesses?"
"No," he answers breathlessly, "I simply wanted to see you."
You physically recoil. "What?" An unbidden flush crawls up your cheeks, your blood running hot, then cold.
You sign behind you again, rapidly,
 What did you do?!
To your chagrin, Ramattra keeps speaking, as if a stopper has been removed. "I'm sorry," he says, but you cannot tell if it is genuine, his expression is unreadable, his body is completely still-- "I could not keep myself from you, not even whilst you were sleeping. I wished to commit every detail to memory, from the way your eyes moved underneath your skin, to the way your chest rose and fell with each delicate breath." It becomes increasingly difficult to remember the cipher to the code as the light dimly flashes in front of you, obscured by the thick, heavy steam pouring out of the omnic in front of you.
Ha. Ha. Ha.  
That brat!
"I'm sorry," he says, sounding all the more remorseful, "I am lesser than a beast. I could not help but wish to be close to you, to the point of obsession. Even now, I struggle to remain within these superficial binds, such that I do not lose myself in my passions, such that I do not ravish you where you stand."
You back away, your pen laying forgotten on the tiled floor, and still, he's looking at you with that same unreadable, intimidating gaze. Your hand fumbles for the doorknob, desperate to get out of the situation, and your heart rate doubles as he breaks out of his restraints and approaches you.
His hands slam into the wall behind you, and his face is so close that you can see his actual eyes-- the aperture is blown so wide they're almost a solid black. "Please," he says, madness and lust coagulating in his voice, ringing through the fog, "may I kiss you?"
And as you descend into nigh panic as you're stuck between your responsibility and a ravager, you can just dimly make out the two letters Sombra keeps signing to you over and over.
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leorawright · 4 months
hiii can i get a romantic genshin matchup please ☺️💖
she/her, heterosexual, taurus, estj, neutral good.
i’m very outgoing and extremely extroverted like my friends say. i’m the type of person that is always talking 😭 if you put me in a room with a stranger, the chances are extremely high that i end up befriending them (unless i feel like they don’t want to talk). but i get bad days too like other people and sometimes i just shut down and won’t talk unless spoken to.
while i am friendly, i also keep my circle small. i don’t have the ability to maintain a thousand of friendships so i have only a handful of friends that i am reallllyyyy close to.
i am very emotional and have the worst case of fomo. when i see my friends hanging out without me, i immediately feel like it’s the end of the world which is stupid and currently trying to resolve that. the way i cope is usually joining whatever org i can which makes me an extremely busy person at times.
i don’t get mad at people very often (i am easily annoyed though) and when i’m mad, i easily forgive but i /never/ forget.
i love discovering new music but my current favorite artists are phoebe bridgers and haim. i have a short-ass attention span when it comes to series and it’s been forever since i finished one. i’m more of a casual viewer, so i like movies better (especially romcoms)
what i don’t like is people who are extremely judgy and only see people negatively. it’s a pet peeve of mine when people are so quick to judge. i also hateeeee liver (although my mom encourages me to eat it bc i have iron deficiency…) but i love eating a mix of vegetables.
i’m a hopeless romantic by the way! i genuinely think that i won’t ever settle for any other than the tender and sweet kind of love. my love language are acts of service and quality time. i also really appreciate if someone listens to my ramblings tirelessly.
one of the things that i look for a partner is that he’s an active member of the community like me; it helps me see if he’s truly responsible. i also want him to care about his studies as much as i do and he should have a set goal in life. i want someone to have a direction in life, and knows that we shouldn’t be each other’s ONLY priorities.
i love to read fantasy and historical books. i also write whenever i’m on the mood and have time. one of my current obsessions is lord of the rings (which is weird bc i alr went thru an lotr phase when i was like… 6) AND I HAVE A PUPPY 🥹 i love her sm she’s so cute!!! i adore her sm and we spend time together through sitting on the floor and her laying her head on me 😭🥹
thank you smmm have a great day and take care of yourself 💖
I had a lot of choices but I've decided on...
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He's definitely an active member in the community and gets along with about everybody
He's got a goal with wanting to become a Wushu dancer and he'd be delighted if you support his passion
He also supports your goals in life, and whatever you want to do, he'll help as best he can
His love language is acts of service so whatever you need help with, just tell him and he'll be at your side
He's not usually much of a reader, but if you have any suggestions, he'll happily read them and talk about them with you
Absolutely adores your dog as well and will sneak her treats all the time
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Loved by Dragons
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Part 1
Word Count: 3337
Characters inclueded: Kendra Caelus (OFC), Daemon Targaryen, Caraxes, Yngve Caelus (OMC; Kendra's father), Otto Hightower,  Rhaenyra Targaryen, Viserys I Targaryen  
Ship: Daemon Targaryan x OFC
Summary: While both Daemon and Rhaenyra are still struggling to adjust, life goes on and they have to move on too, whether they like it or not
Warnings: OFC, non canon (not even sure if it’s canon compliant. I am just here to take characters I obsess over for a fun ride), non beta read and written by a non native speaker (proceed with caution), major angst, discussion of death and loss, potential blood play if you squint really hard but still tagging just in case,   If I missed something that you think needs taging, please tell me and I am going to add it to the list
Author’s note: Well part two was written quicker than I anticipated. Now I can finally focus on the scene that kinda started it all, so buckle up for the ride. Also, I am still contemplating a title for the entire series, so if there are suggestions, please feel free to come to my inbox. Or in case you wanna chat about what might happen next. I promise I don’t bite. General feedback is welcomed too
The following day, Daemon flew to the destroyed campsite himself, searching high and low to find any sign of who had ambushed his beloved, but he was too late. The rain had already washed away the little evidence the men had left behind. That meant all that was left for him to do was bring her remains back to her father, so she could be laid to rest in the soft hills full of the storm flowers she had loved so much. Lady Kendra's burial was to take place near Dies Keep, under the Caelus oak, the way it was the custom for her house and as much as Daemon wanted to protest and see her buried in King's Landing or maybe Dragonstone, somewhere close, where he could visit her whenever his heart desired, he couldn't bring himself to argue with her father about it. It pained him enough to see Lord Yngve, a man he had known as knight and Commander for as long as he could remember, being nothing but an empty shell. In the days since his daughter had gone missing, he must have aged a whole lifetime, with dark circles around his eyes and ashen skin. Not that his sympathy with the master of arms changed anything about his foul mood. Just as much as the dragonkeepers avoided Caraxes, the servants avoided him.  Daemon had a reputation for his volatile nature and violent outbursts, but since his heart had stopped beating in his chest, leaving nothing but a gaping hole behind, you needed to be downright suicidal to be around the rouge prince.
Even the few people closest to him kept their distance, Rhaenyra avoiding him all together after the outburst in his chambers, though his accusations were still ringing in her ears. Not that those weren't the exact same ones she had battled since the news had reached her that Kendra had gone missing. From the moment the storm flower had come to the Red Keep Rhaenyra had felt safe with her in a way she did not feel around others, not even Alicent.  The fierce redhead and the blonde had gotten along from the first moment they met, sharing an easy bond and the more time they spent together, the more Kendra gave her the feeling to be seen for who she really was, not for her title or the power one could get through being associated with her. No, Kendra had not a scheming bone in her body and the longer Rhaenyra was left alone with her thoughts, the more she believed that it was her compassion that had become her downfall.  Westeros was no place for a kind-hearted woman, especially not if she was on her own. The only company Rhaenyra could stand right now was Argos who had not left her side since Kendra had left him with the princess. She knew that her father was not fond of the hound, especially since she kept him in her chambers but he couldn't bring himself to force her to leave the dog in the kennel or gods forbid give him back to the Caelus. Not that it would have worked in the first place, the dog being much too loyal to abandon the young girl and disrespect his mistress' wishes, even if he knew she was gone now. 
It was the day before Lord Yngve would leave for Kendra’s burial when Daemon saw Rhaenyra walking through the gardens, her furry shadow by her side.  Lost in his own melancholic thoughts that could not be drowned by all the wine in the Red Keep's cellar, it hit him how badly he had leashed out at Rhaenyra that night he returned from Essos. Daemon knew it wasn't her fault that Kendra had chosen to travel alone and as much as he was not allowing the thought to properly sink in, neither was he. The true fault was with the person who had forged her brother's writing and used her gentle heart to lure her into the woods, only waiting for the right moment to ambush her. For a moment the rouge prince stood in the cloister, eyes locked onto his niece who had chosen her very own tactic to deal with everything that had happened.  While Daemon was looking for conflict to take out his anger on others and use the pain of the wounds to feel something other than the pain of his loss, Rhaenyra had gone into hiding, even distancing herself from Alicent who had been her best friend as long as the girl lived in the Keep with them.  He knew that sooner or later he had to fix this, to apologise to her for what he had accused her of when pain and sorrow clouded his judgement, but there was no person worse at apologising than Daemon Targaryen. For a moment he closed his eyes, considering staying hidden in the shadows and heading back to his room to empty another bottle of fancy dornish wine when he could have sworn he heard his little storm flower's voice.  Daemon suddenly turned around to look behind him, but all his tired eyes found was darkness.  If his mind was so desperate to apologise it even conjured up the image of a deceased, he had to go over to her, right now.
Rhaenyra heard the gravel creaking under the heavy footsteps of leather soles, telling her that someone was approaching her. Her disposition was by far not as dangerously violent as her uncles but it was enough for people to keep their distance, so she couldn’t help but wonder who was brave or maybe rather stupid enough to come near, especially while her guardian was by her side.  "Rhaenyra", the voice of her uncle made her turn around, Argos moving right in front of her, blocking Daemon's way to his niece. His eyes looked down at the massive dog a small smile creeping onto his lips.  Even now when he was by Rhaenyra's side, the hound could not deny that he had been Kendra's, showing that he and his former mistress shared the same protective nature. A heavy silence hung between them while they looked each other in the eye, both waiting for the move that the other would make, Argos standing between them, ready to attack the other the moment his charge showed the slightest sign of discomfort. After waiting for a few more heartbeats, Daemon opened his arms slightly, a forthcoming invitation for his niece, hoping she would accept his peace offering. Rhaenyra's eyes wandered over her uncle, trying to gauge his state and his level of drunkenness. She had promised herself that she would not let him get away that easily, wanting a proper apology but she knew the moment she saw him that the rogue prince was a picture of misery and she could not be mad at him any longer. Gently she used her hand to move Argos to the side, wrapping her arms around her uncle's waist, hiding her face against his chest. It took a second before she felt his arms wrap around her, the genuine gesture of love making the tears stream down her cheeks once more, his head resting on hers he felt how her tears started to soak through his doublet.  "I miss her so much", she whispered in Valyrian, body shaking from her sobbing, feeling how he pressed a gentle kiss upon her hair. "I know little dragon, I do too"
The king stood at a window of his study, looking down to the gates where his former master of arms rode towards his home. Viserys was unhappy about having to relieve him of his duty. Not just because it broke the tradition of the head of house Caelus being the master of arms going back to the time of Aegon the conquerer, but also because he lost a confidant and voice of reason, things that were hard to come by in court full of snakes trying to climb the ranks and he couldn't help but feel responsible for it. He had seen how hard Rhaenyra had been hit by the loss of her mother, so when he voiced his concerns for her to his friend, Lord Yngve offered to send for his daughter and Viserys welcomed the idea with open arms.  He would be a liar if he said he didn't have ulterior motives, being in dire need of a wife and new queen to rule by his side and Lady Kendra was a perfect candidate.  She settled quickly in at court, had an easy friendship with his daughter... and coming from a house that almost exclusively had male offspring, she was what he needed to secure his dynasty.  Even with his brother's advances, he couldn't help but see the glimpses of a life with the storm flower by his side. But all of it was gone now, taken away by the gods as quickly as they gifted.  With a heavy sigh, the king turned around, the meeting with his hand still weighing heavily on him. Not only did he have to find a suitable replacement for Lord Yngve, he also had to choose a new candidate for his queen, knowing all too well that every choice carried the seed of war.  There was Laena Velaryon, the sea snake’s daughter, young in years, but considering her family’s power and influence, closing the rift between them that had grown since he had ascended the throne was a good idea, but it also meant that other great houses could feel at a disadvantage. The prospect of marrying Lady Guda Baratheon held a similar threat. She was not as young in years, but with his master of arms gone a strengthened connection to House Baratheon could be beneficial.  And then there was the option his hand had suggested. His own daughter, Alicent Hightower. She was not of a great house, but smart and young enough to give him the sons he needed to strengthen his bloodline's claim to the throne. Marrying her meant he was favouring no one, but he feared that this choice might burn the bridges he had tried to build in the years of his reign. Viserys' eyes wandered over the heaps of paper that were spread all over his desk, all issues that demanded his attention, but how could he be a good king if he couldn't even give his people a proper heir? Yet another sigh left his lips as he turned around, walking towards the door. He needed a change of scenery and desperately so. Tonight was a feast to welcome an embassage from Qarth, here to negotiate a new trade agreement and as much as his court was still lamenting the loss of one of their own, he knew that the time of mourning was over.
Rhaenyra was sick to her stomach when a maid informed her that the king expected her to sit by his side on the dais today, conversing with the embassage, acting like everything was ok. When Lord Yngve had left with his brother Ser Yaron and his brother-in-law Ser Kenan she had been there to bid them goodbye. There was so much she wanted to tell him. Say how much she had loved Kendra, what a great confidant she had been and express to him how sorry she felt for his loss, but all she could do was stand there, tears glittering in her eyes while the wind caught in her white locks and her hand resting on Argos' head and now with the large hound laying on her bed, his eyes glued to the door so he could protect her in the event of an emergency, she stared at the dresses that had been deemed acceptable for her to wear. All of them were made of expensive fabrics in red and black, more than elaborately decorated to properly show off her status but she couldn't help but feel alienated by them. Her fingers gently brushed over the fabric, trying to decide which of the expensive silks satins and heavy brocades would make her feel the least miserable.  It was a small huff that brought his new mistress into Argos' focus, tilting his head a little, his large, brown eyes seemingly staring straight into her soul. "Oh Argos... what shall I do?"
Daemon thought it was absolutely wretched, acting like everything was ok only for the sake of some more coin that they were not in need off. If it would have been just about him, he would have rather served a night shift with the city guard, but his brother had not just ordered him to show his face at the feast but also Rhaenyra and he couldn't bring himself to let his niece go there alone. So for the sake of keeping up the facade, he went over to the chest that held his clothes, pulling out a doublet that would be appropriate for such an event, not caring much which one he chose. It was only when he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the bronze mirror that he realized what he wore. Gently his fingers caressed the cloth, images of the nights he first met his little storm flower flooding his mind. The way her smile managed to light up the entire room, how it felt to hold her close as they shared their first dance. Yet again tears threatened to spill from his eyes, as they did so often these days whenever another memory of her came crashing down on him like a wave, washing over and threatening to drown him. With trembling hands, he started closing the buttons of his doublet, the Targaryen dragons that adorned the brocade pattern shimmering in the candlelight.  When he had almost closed the garment fully the otherwise smooth lining felt uneven against the skin of his neck and when he folded the collar over his eyes teared up at the image he saw in his mirror.
Weeks earlier...
From the moment Lady Kendra had entered the compound, Daemon had only had eyes for her. So much so that even his sparring partner landed the occasional hit, which was really uncommon for the rouge prince who had learned his craft under the skilled guidance of Lord Yngve and Ser Yaron.  As soon as he could, without drawing too much attention to him, he left the little arena they used, making his way around the back, climbing up to the stand so he could sit down right behind her. His eyes wandered over her, watching her as she embroidered a little, delicate flower with blue thread into the collar of a shirt. He had snuck up to her quietly enough to surprise her. "A lady, sweet and kind, sitting all alone in the presence of rakish nights. What will the Septon think about that", he whispered right into her ear, making her jump up and then mutter a curse under her breath as she looked at her finger. Daemon's eyes followed her, seeing that she had pricked her thumb with the needle she had been holding. He moved to her side, sitting down on the bench next to her as he gently took her hand in his as the first drop of blood formed on her skin..  Without another word he raised it to his lips, his eyes meeting hers as his lips wrapped around the tip of her thumb, kissing the blood away. "And what would the Septon say if the prince was to take advantage of a girl like this?", she retorted, a light blush creeping on her cheeks as her chest was heaving. Kendra thanked the gods that neither her uncles nor her father were close enough to witness this, because no matter his name or status, they would have killed the rouge dragon on the spot for his transgression. A small smile appeared on the prince's lips as his violet eyes locked with hers. "He would surely understand that first aid is necessary in a case like this" She chuckled at his answer, a spark shining in her storm flower blue eyes that made his heart flutter in his chest.  "For sure...", the words hung in the air between them before she pulled her hand from his hold, readying herself to continue her needlework. "What are you doing?", Daemon asked now, seeing that she was working on a linen shirt that must have been bought recently, not showing any sign of wear or tear. "One of my uncle's old shirts was far beyond saving so he bought a new one", she started explaining, her focus now completely on her work," And before he could start wearing it, I had to make sure it was bringing him good luck... that he comes back home in one piece", the last part was more murmured for herself than him and Daemon cocked his head, not sure if he was getting what she just explained.  With a couple of small stitches she secured the blue thread that she had almost used up before her eyes met his violet ones, puzzlement still visibly written over his features. "It's a family tradition. Usually, it's an iron flower done by the wife or mother embroidered onto the garments as a good luck token for the ones you love. To make sure they will always find their way back home", a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips," I use a storm flower for obvious reasons... and until Kenan has a wife of his own, I will have to keep doing it"
When Daemon entered the great hall, he felt the small storm flower sitting neatly against his skin, almost like a featherlight kiss of hers pressed against his neck. His eyes wandered over the room, searching for his niece, knowing how uncomfortable she felt these days without her furry guardian by her side and Daemon found her close to the dais by her father's side. Right next to them was Hightower with his daughter and two men he presumed to be a part of the embassage of Qarth. As little as he wanted to be bothered by the cunt that was Hightower, he made his way over to them, positioning himself right behind his niece who visibly relaxed when she felt his presence, a hand resting on the small of her back. "Good evening brother", the voice of his king sounded scolding, whether it was for being late or for looking like a ghost, Daemon was not sure but beyond that, there was no acknowledgement of his presence. Something he was content with considering how little interest he had in small talk even on his best of days. “Have you caught the men who committed the crime”, the Qartheen man asked, accent audible in his voice and Daemon already fumed when he thought about the topic they seemed to be discussing. “Sadly not, but I refuse to give up hope yet. We still have knights who are canvassing the area”, Hightower answered, almost sounding like he was the one who single-handedly was running the mission. It made Daemon feel sick that the hand used Kendra, his little storm flower to get sympathy from the emissary, playing his usual little court cabal game. “It is a true tragedy to lose a lady so young like this”, the other emissary added, making Daemon feel the prying eyes of the Qartheen men on them, who seemed to feel that there was some information hiding they might be able to exploit once the negotiations would start. “It was indeed for all of us. But Lady Kendra wouldn't want us to get lost in our pain”, Daemon felt his brother’s eyes on him, knowing that these words were meant for him, before he continued,” She was a strong woman and loved by dragons” “Is loved”, he corrected Viserys, voice harsh and cutting as a winter storm. "Daemon..." “Lady Kendra is loved by dragons”
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: The TRUE Original Awaits
Dimension EXE-2013 - GO BACK Act 7
In Tails of Trials, OMT!Tails and Nine emerged into a cavern system with a sky in the distance that looked TOO realistic for their liking. It didn't help with the huge amounts of corpses scattered around the area.
OMT!Tails: This place is already giving me the jeebies.
Nine: Don't worry, Tails. Once we've smashed that statue, we're leaving immediately.
They advanced forward, and not long after, they found the statue they were looking for, with a "Sonic" standing next to it with his back to both foxes.
OMT!Tails: There it is! I don't like the look of what this guy wants.
Nine: Hey, ugly! The practice is stale now. Show your face!
The hedgehog in front of them let out a distorted laughter as he turned around, revealing his face as the one TRUE Sonic.EXE.
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(Main sprites (including 2011 X) by JoeDoughBoi, Madzilla and ScorchVx, statue sprite by PicsAndPixels, Sonic.EXE sprite by GiraffeMaster117, Xeno sprite (original by deltaConduit, edits by BEC), Lord X sprite by borebros123, and 2017 X sprite by Kaua16)
Sonic.EXE: Why, hello, children! Would you like to play a game?
OMT!Tails: Look, blood-eyes! We've no time for games! We're only here for that statue! So if I were you, I'd suggest clearing off like your brethren before you and letting us do our thing!
Sonic.EXE: ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, are you THIS naïve? I am legions above all of those entities. In fact... I... am... the original Sonic.EXE.
Nine: The original?!
Sonic.EXE: That's right, nine-tails. X... 2011... 2017... Eclipse... Xenophanes... It's all the same same to me. X may have come first... but it was MY game that gave raise to these thousands of alternate realities, MY game that started it all.
OMT!Tails: So... that even means you're indirectly responsible for OMT?!
Sonic.EXE: Quite correct. However, I don't need any of the abilities my "successors" have developed over the past 11 years. I am what I have always been, the interdimensional entity that has brought thousands to its world of euphoria. Those other beings can pretend all they want, but without ME... Exetior, Exeller, Lord X, Xenophanes, SL4SH, The X... ALL of them would've been nothing. Now, embrace this land, foolish children. You will not leave it alive.
Nine: Enough talking! Neither of us fear your kind anymore!
Sonic.EXE: Quite befitting, really. So! How about we play a game on EVEN terms? THEN I'll let you smash this statue apart. But if you stick around for too long afterwards, then I will strip your flesh from your body!
OMT!Tails: You're on, then!
Sonic.EXE: Excellent! It's been a long time since I've had a fun time with a potential victim. Just to ask... KEEP THIS INTERESTING FOR ME!
(Obituary by Sturm and BwompBubble; lyric version by MaimyMayo)
And so, the even battle began, and even with Sonic.EXE outmatched in terms of numbers, he still made up for it with brute strength and twisted bloodlust. Once the fight was close to coming to an end, Sonic.EXE glared towards the screen with a twisted smile.
Sonic.EXE: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh... You just... don't quite get it, do you? This... childish obsession with my being... You do realise flattery won't save YOU, right?
He snapped straight back to the two versions of Tails, giving them plenty of trouble on their way back up to the top of the area.
Sonic.EXE: Why do you keep resisting? The game is FAR from over!
OMT!Tails: Well, we're not playing along any longer!
Once they reached the top, OMT!Tails blasted at the statue, blowing it to pieces, as he and Nine dashed off to the warp ring.
Sonic.EXE: Ready or not... here I come!
Sonic.EXE gave chase...
Sonic.EXE: ♪ I see the sorrow hidden by the lies! Close those tiring eyes! It is no use fighting what isn't dying! (QUANIUM, EGO, SOLUS, SANCTUS) Sullied and savoured and soon the day will come to matter, Feel the crimson fall as it marks your final chapter! The looking glass that I hold will never shatter, as I gaze upon the Sapphire Sun! (EGO, SOLUS, DOMINUS) (EGO, SOLUS, ALTISIMUS) See a plane defined by the caprice! This is my inner peace! Still, I feel it yearn, my core ever-burning! (QUANIUM, EGO, SOLUS, SANCTUS) Rotten, forgotten, as nothing ever felt so perfect, Lead my will astray, let it be your final architect! No animosity, never from the hatter, Fallen down the rungless ladder! ♪ (EGO, SOLUS, DOMINUS) (EGO, SOLUS, ALTISIMUS)
...though was baffled when the two increased their speed to outrun him.
Sonic.EXE: Huh?! Grr... GET BACK HERE!
He picked up his speed, though just in the nick of time, both heroes got through the warp ring as it vanished, leaving Sonic.EXE alone.
Sonic.EXE: Heh. What a fitting way to round off this little game. I never thought I'd see the day when a victim actually escapes my grasp for once, but alas, it was quite the fun little experience. Two fox children for the price of one, and they put up quite the fight for me. It's a shame that I won't be feeling a rush like this for a while again, but it doesn't mean I won't be coming back. In fact...
He glared to the screen again with a sadistic smile.
Sonic.EXE: I've watched you play the games of all my iterations, and I can tell you've only been playing those "Friday Night Funkin'" mods solely to see me or my iterations, including the other one the creator of this very blog is directing. You all really do have quite the childish obsession with my being, and I know you deep down enjoyed my games of terror. I'll cut this off here, but I've one last question to ask you...
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trashbag-baby666 · 3 months
Diner Date-Croz/Bubbles
Summary: Bubbles and Croz fluff on a study date.
WC: 780
C/W: none.
MOTA Masterlist
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Both of them had their favorite things they did together. But both could consciously decide that their little diner dates were near the top of their list.
They always went to the same one, ‘Debies on Main’ and that’s where they were again today.
“Hey boys, the usual booth in the corner?” Sheryl, an older lady who worked there greeted them from the counter.
“Yes,” Bubbles nodded, grabbing Croz's hand blindly, pulling the shorter boy behind him. Croz felt the tips of his ears go bright red, anytime Bubbles touches him it’s like the first time all over again. Bubbles tossed his backpack into the corner of the booth sitting on the opposite side of Croz, “Did you have a good day?”
“Yep, Buck and I got our presentation done for AP world. I just have to catch up on my calc assignments.” Croz dug through his sage green backpack pulling out his textbook and folder, “What about you?”
“Eh, alright I guess. Curt and Bucky started another food fight at lunch and I had to help clean up. If I’m late for lit one more time Mr. Clark is gonna ring my neck.”
Croz hated not having lunch with Bubbles, he knew Bubbles felt the same way. So this was their time together, “it’s your turn to keep those buffoons in check. Doesn’t Rosie have lunch with you?”
“He’s been eating his lunch in the library.”
That’s all Bubbles had to say for Croz to know. Rosie had his own problems going on and the loud lunchroom with the obnoxious side of the friend group isn’t where he wanted to be.
“I can’t wait for the year to be over, I can’t go another semester without having lunch with you.” Croz reached over the table taking Bubbles hand, “I feel like this is my purgatory.”
“Sitting alone in the auditorium?” Bubbles perked up one of his eyebrows.
“Yes, exactly. It’s so quiet I feel as if I have to do homework during lunch.”
“Well at least you’re staying on top of it…?”
“I’d rather eat my lunch with my boyfriend in comfortable silence.” Croz patted Bubbles' hand. He was never going to get over that word, boyfriend. Bubbles is his boyfriend. He is Bubbles' boyfriend. The two had spent literal years dancing around the other and casually cuddling at sleepovers. Now it all somehow paid off? Although, Croz wished one of them would have spoken up earlier about their feelings. Because, good lord have mercy he loved the feeling of Bubbles soft lips against his. He always smelled so warm and comforting, Croz was absolutely obsessed with him.
“Next year, we both tell our counselors we have to have lunch together or we will start a French revolution.”
“Sounds perfect, but I don’t want to be Napoleon.”
Sheryl buzzed back over with their milkshake, with two straws and the basket of fries. They always ordered the same thing and always shared. “Enjoy and let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” The two boys said at the same time. Croz reached for the ketchup bottle, giving it a good shake, “What’re you working on today?”
“Book report for lit,”Bubbles took the copy of Frankenstein out of his bag holding it up for Croz to see.
“Oh I really liked Frankenstein,” Croz took the book flipping through some of Bubbles sticky notes.
“Well, I am certainly not enjoying it, I can tell you that much.” Bubbles reached across the table, snatching it back from Croz, “It doesn’t make sense…like it's not written in old English but it's so confusing…but then it just shifts between The Creature and Doctor Frankenstein's point of views with no warning.”
“You just don’t get it.” Croz shook his finger at Bubbles handing the book back over to him.
“I’m just glad I’m almost done with it,” Bubbles snatched the book back.
The two worked quietly, the sounds of peoples laughter and conversations around them, covering up the clicking of Croz’s graphing calculator and the scratch of Bubbles pen on his notebook. Croz reached blindly for the fries in the basket, his hand unexpectedly running into Bubbles.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Croz snickered looking up at the handsome, red head.
“Didn’t expect to see you here?” Bubbles let a toothy grin spread on his face holding Croz’s hand. The two went back to silently working, but Croz stretched out his leg, accidentally nudging Bubbles' foot. Bubbles continued nudging Croz's foot until the other began playing footsie with him under the table.
The two continued on at their assignments finding a happy blend of comfortable silence and spending time together outside of school.
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bleakyblues · 1 year
oh my god I swear my breath stopped when I got the new chapter notification. I loooooooved this chapter, like the way I can't stop thinking about kinn and porsche as persephone and hades? shaking screaming and crying <3
just everything about this chapter completely hit me, the reality of kinn loving porsche, how he'd rather be hated then put porsche at risk, how despite all this he can't keep himself away. God I love tragedy, can't wait to see what happens next (seriously my heart speeds up every time I think about this fic)
yes, Yes YESS! you don't know how excited this ask about the Persephone and Hades myth makes me. (mythology nerd here)
I am particularly obsessed with this myth for KP because on the surface it's a tale of cruelty right? Hades/Kinn (both of whom are lords of the 'underworld' wink, wink) drags poor, unwilling and bright like sunshine Persephone/Porsche down to the underworld and away from Demeter/family. Then when there's a chance to leave, he traps her/him with the fruit/ring. It is a tragedy in its purest form.
But then, when you read deeper into the myth you realise a few key points that are usually left out for a more palatable narrative -
1. Hades had three brothers (like Kinn) and like Kinn, he was the unwilling ruler of the underworld because he quite literally drew the shorter straw (perhaps the first one in mythological history even). He also genuinely loved Persephone - he never cheated and in some versions, gave her an out and an ability to leave by offering her only one seed instead of the whole fruit.
2. That you couldn't leave the underworld if you had underworld food was a very ancient law that predated even the Olympians so it is a bit weird that Persephone didn't know exactly what she was doing when she had that fruit, especially given that her mother was the fricken goddess of fruits. This is also a perfect analogy for Porsche, who, when he returned to Kinn for the last time and took the ring, knew exactly what he was getting into with the ring (i have a whole meta about it, you can read that one for more on the topic).
3. Persephone was actually called 'dread Persephone' by Hesiod in his Theogony and she was supposed to have been Hades' 'Queen' (laughs in chess) and his equal. She was Hades' most trusted advisor, the protector of his realm, the one who decided the cruelest punishments and had enough control on the ghosts to send them to the living world. That is practically the definition of what Porsche becomes by the end of the show because what else role he'd have as the head of the minor family who's duty is literally to do the dirty work of the major one.
3. Persephone's only known possible affair was with Adonis (Vegas anybody?) but that is also disputed because some claim she loved him like a mother, having raised him since he was a child, and not like a lover. So it was a rumour rather than the actual truth - just like Porsche and Vegas would seem to be to any unsuspecting bystander who wasn't aware of the whole situation.
4. Persephone was known to be a very, very jealous person (just like Porsche) and really, really petty because there was a nymph named Minthe who tried to seduce Hades so Persephone turned her into a mint plant just so she could stomp on it. Seems like the kind of a thing Porsche would do in fact.
There are other similarities out there but this is all I can remember off the top of my head right now. (Also, don't tell anyone but I might have a Hades-Persephone kp fic in the works ;)
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crowandmoonwriting · 2 years
Sci-Fi: Dreams and Nightmares, an Essay
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You know, I have a problem with sci-fi. That isn't to say I dislike it, I just have a problem writing it, conceptualising it, and enjoying it. I'm a historian, and a traditional medieval historian at that, and I find most of my comfort in the past. My ideas about the future are very dark, and although I explore darkness and even horror in my writing very often, it's a darkness for once I'm not comfortable with. It's a little too close to home, I think. The further into technological advancement we go as a species, the worse I feel about the future. I have a few cyberpunk ideas I came up with in high school or even middle school that I doubt I will ever finish. I can't do it anymore. I feel vaguely sad about it all, and maybe I can work on them someday, even if I just adapt the characters and situations to a genre I'm more comfortable with.
I used to love sci-fi in all incarnations. I have always adored Star Wars and Star Trek. I favoured Star Wars for a while because it smacked more of fantasy, being a space opera and completely unrelated to Earth. It was escapist, it was mystical, it was just a bit closer to my true fictional love, Lord of the Rings. Star Trek I fell in love with later on, as I came to appreciate the social and political commentary and the intricate hard sci-fi aspects (I should note, I only adored the original series, and the other Star Trek media never captured me quite the way it did). When I found Dune, it swept me away, another fantasy, another mystical technicolour dream, and I loved it. When I first saw Bladerunner I was obsessed, and when I first read Asimov's Robot Series I was fascinated.
But something happened when I was in high school. Something that has ravaged my mental health and sense of well-being, my sense of self and my faith in humanity. It's something most of us rely on now, and it's something I can't escape (unless I do finally run away to the woods and live in a cabin as though it's 1470, growing and raising my own food and hunting to have furs to keep warm in the winter etc, as I long to do). I have to be online. I have to be on social media. I have to promote my brand, my writing. I have to be here to be aware of the news (I don't watch live TV at all). And worst of all, most crippling of all, I have to find inspiration. My desire to find media that will take me away (media I don't have to make myself) is what keeps me coming back. It's one of the things that keeps me here.
But I admit, I'm getting very tired. I'm traditional in several senses, and I'm tired. I miss dearly how I used to look at sci-fi. It was a wonder. Even dystopian sci-fi had its charm, its allure, its fascinating aspects. But then whatever electric sheep dreams I had became nightmares. And waking up, I found the nightmares all around me. It's painful that something I used to love I now avoid. Something I used to turn to for fun or pleasure is something I now fear.
But I am determined to love what I can. I am determined to have hope. As someone who's suffered from great mental illness in my life, and has come to a place finally, finally of stability, I think I can now reflect on things. The truth is, whether a dusty tome-perusing historian like me wants to hear it or not, the future is not a nightmare. It's not a dream at all, but reality. And fiction is not reality. Sure, I see things in real life I thought were just nightmares from Orwell's 1984. But I also see dreams, the iPad in my hand filled with hundreds of books, the stylus gliding brilliant colour over a smooth screen, the little device at my side an Alexandrian library of writing and music the likes of which no one in previous centuries could have imagined. I can type up a few words and my friends can respond to me within seconds. Through the gleaming portals at my fingertips I can learn about the entire world. I am connected. And connection is terrifying. It's vulnerable, and I think we're all just trying to figure out how this new type of human connection works.
I do have hope for the future. And I think it's time we saw that in sci-fi. Now I do note, there is some utopian sci-fi media. Star Trek the Original Series being my favourite. But I want to know what you have to say. Writers, artists, musicians, whatever you do, I want to see some hope.
I am not exempt of course! I need to change the way I think about sci-fi too. I need to take that hope in me and make something that will give someone else hope. Or at least let them have a little fun with a book, whether it's a paperback or leatherbound copy, or an intangible but nevertheless legible file. The interesting thing about sci-fi is that it's always somewhat based in reality (in science, of course!), but it's the 'fi' of sci-fi that's the best part. It's fiction. It's the dream. And as we have seen before, the dreams of one generation can become the reality of another. So it's time to write sci-fi with hope. It's time for me to stop being afraid of the future, and start looking forward to it.
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itsgoldleaf · 2 years
Hello, my friend!!! I'd love to hear about 🎢, 💖, and 🤩 for the writer ask meme! <3<3<3
Thank you so much for these my friend! (Oooh the formatting went a bit weird because I wrote these in notepad then pasted, hopefully it posts alright!)
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oh this is a hard one, because I don’t feel like I have a lot of wildness in my stories - no huge twists, big stakes (okay the fate of the galaxy is a general theme in a couple of the fandoms I’ve written for) or anything quite so exciting, eek! Also I always say Once More Unto The Breach (Stargate Atlantis/Pacific Rim mashup) for these sorts of questions and I’ve talked about it a lot so I don’t want to keep banging that drum BUT I still maintain that it’s the coolest thing I’ve ever written, haha. It was a story (and a structure) that just beamed itself out of my brain and I wish writing everything was so easy. Anyway, Once More… covered a lot more ground than what I normally write, both in time and space, I guess, and in emotional space too. There’s a lot going on, but the battle isn’t with inter-dimensional creatures but between two people who had a very weird breakup in the face of a small apocalypse and I just really liked seeing how that went down and how and why they re-enter each other’s orbit while telling two stories at once, past and present. (I am so doing a Codywan/Pacific Rim thing btw, can’t wait.)
💖 What made you start writing?
These are all so hard to answer! I started writing fic back in about 2011 I think for Lord of the Rings (and my fic is alllll still out there in the ether). I go back and look at it sometimes and while I’ve gotten a bit better at actually writing I’ve not changed at all in what I like writing about. I love writing love stories! I love the lead up to getting together, I love slow burn, I love pining and there only being one bed!!! I love there being a reason they can’t be together and working out how to get around that. I think that’s why I started writing, because I just wanted more of the characters doing that over and over and I wish I had a more exciting answer but I just wanted to create my own canon and get inside the heads of these different people and point them in the direction of the one who is going to make them the most happy, not that it’s necessarily a straight (ho ho) road to get there.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
I am very bad at articulating why I like certain characters so do forgive me! I’m not writing for the fandom at the moment but I had an absolute TIME with Stargate Atlantis and writing John Sheppard because his head is such a weird place to hang out in that I became obsessed with working out why that is. The dude is so repressed and wears a lot of different versions of himself on the outside depending who’s looking and it’s very fun to unstitch that, especially as he’s not doing any of this for any particularly nefarious reason, he’s just had to fit a mold for so long and letting him break out of it despite his own self-sabotaging tendencies is a joy to play around with.
Right now, and this may be a shocking revelation, my favourite is Cody 😍 I adore exploring his sense of duty and identity and the reality of his existence, I suppose. How he feels about how he feels, particularly toward Obi-Wan, and the various ways in which he feels pulled and obligated (to Obi-Wan, to the Republic, to the vode etc.) I’m explaining this poorly, but there is a lot of ground to explore with Cody in what he thinks he deserves and what he can and cannot do about it within his limited remit. I feel like I’m only just starting with him really; there’s a reason most of my fics are from his pov! (Plus his relationship with Obi-Wan, platonic or otherwise, is so much fun (and has such angst-potential as well oh lord.) The banter! The dry wit! The unending two-way devotion and longing gimme gimme gimme.) I definitely haven’t even scratched the surface on why I love writing Cody but I really do have a total blindspot when it comes to articulating why characters appeal to me so this’ll have to do 😂
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questforgalas · 1 year
A very personal ramble on what fandom means to me - a love letter to Supernatural, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars
I've been feeling ✨feels ✨lately so here's a long ramble about my journey into fandom and what it all means to me. I've noted in my ramble where I actually talk about fandom. scroll if you want, but if you choose to read, hopefully this helps you feel secure with your found family too
The thing is that everyone's just trying to find a reason to live. Some people find it in family. Some people find it in the simple idea of what tomorrow will bring. Some people find it through fitness, or art, or history. Some find it in stories. And 3 stories - one about a galaxy far far away, one about a fellowship fighting against the ultimate evil, and the other about two brothers taking on the world - those were my stories. Those were what kept me alive. What keep me alive.
I was 7 years old when The Phantom Menace came out in theatres. Before that, my parents showed us the OG trilogy, telling us about taking their once a month date night (because that's all they could afford) to the $2 theatre down the street to see this new movie everyone was talking about. Spoiler alert: it was Star Wars, and they were excited to show it to us when they were remastered in the 90s.
Like I said, I was young, so when we watched the OG trilogy, I thought it was fun and cool (Leia stood out to me as a female character I didn't usually see, and I asked for a Chewie stuffy immediately), but I didn't connect to them. That was for my middle brother, who comes into the story later (I'm the little sister by the way).
So there I was, 7 years old, going to see the new Star Wars that my brothers were all stoked for, and even at 7 I thought it was so cool that I got to sit and experience the fanfare opening in theatres. It was so impactful watching at home, but seeing it in a theater? It was next level. And by the time Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon got to Naboo, I could just tell that this movie was for me. This movie was for me and the other kids in the theatre. Yes it was also for my brothers and my parents who were already fans of this universe, but this was my invitation into the galaxy and my invitation to the fandom - as George Lucas has said many times, Star Wars is for kids, and I FELT that in that theatre.
Let alone, when Obi-Wan withdrew his hood in the first scene, even 7 year old me went "who is THAT". *sigh* hormones
Anyway, The Phantom Menace quickly became my favorite movie. I asked to go see it in theatres 5 times in its first month. I was hooked. My journey with the nerd world had just started, and it was glorious. Then 2 years later, I was truly hooked and there was no going back. The Fellowship of the Ring was released, and ironically, I didn't go see it right away because I heard all these reports about this new movie that was "better than Star Wars" and being the loyal stubborn individual that I am, I refused to see LOTR. (quick note: I fucking love Star Wars, but I don't think many can argue that it's better than LOTR. 9 year old me was proven this very quickly).
I relented and to say I became obsessed might be an understatement. The Fellowship of the Ring just hit something with me. Here was this story about the smallest people making an impact and it didn't matter your skill level or experience, everyone respected each other and helped each other and there was so much love and beauty. 9 year old me cried for the first time from a movie during the breaking of the fellowship. And then I learned that an actual place like that existed, this place called New Zealand, and then my head was filled with dreams of adventures that could actually be in reach.
I won't bore you with the nitty gritty, but 2001 to 2005 was filled with Lord of the Rings and Star Wars and they saved me. I was 6' by 11 years old, tended to hold my weight, and was given the nickname "hippograffe" in school (yes, that's a hippo and a giraffe combined). I was the youngest of 5, and my older siblings were starting to go to college which was a concept I didn't understand and my young mind just saw it as my favorite people were leaving me. I was suffering hard. Like most pre-teens and teenagers, I just wanted to be cool and fit in the best I could, but this was the 2000s and being a nerd was the furthest thing from fitting in. If you're familiar with the press about the prequels trilogy at the time, you know that it was especially not cool to be a fan of the newest Star Wars movies.
So I made the decision to distance myself from Star Wars (one I regretted years later), and went full in on Lord of the Rings. I didn't have an online community to interact with and my family were all casual fans, so it was just me and the characters that came to be like family to me, especially the ones that each time I watched them healed me little by little. Characters that made me feel less alone in a world I was becoming increasingly isolated in. I noticed this, and I made a decision.
Entering into fandom territory
Fast forward to college. I had fully cloaked my nerdiness. Only my closest friends knew how much I loved Lord of the Rings, and barely anyone knew I was a Star Wars girl first. The only time I let my nerd flag fly was through video games when my friends and I would play Skyrim literally all night.
I actually discovered fandom culture through Pinterest. It was like my guilty pleasure, and I'd search "nerd" to be greeted by screenshots of the Tumblr trifecta (this was the 2010s so if you know, you know), and the screenshots of two brothers hunting monsters with their angel friend really peaked my interest. So yeah, my first fandom I entered was Supernatural and wow, what a fandom to join at the time. When they say the Supernatural fandom is a family, they're not kidding. I came onto Tumblr because of Supernatural, and it was like a new galaxy had been opened up to me.
People were talking about their reactions to a scene, and no one was making fun of them?? People were sharing their love about a certain character, and it was encouraged?? People shared what the story meant to them and others connected with them?? People wore the merch and people hyped them?!?! I was FLOORED. I was like a kid who was in a candy shop with an unlimited budget. I finally, for the first time since 2001, didn't feel alone. I was finally healing.
I stuck to just the Supernatural fandom for awhile, but as I saw more and more positive interactions, I branched out to the LOTR side of Tumblr (this took years by the way. Your journey in fandom is always going to be unique, and I was still struggling in my head against the concept of "fitting in"). I can't describe the calming feeling that's created when you see your favorite media of the last 17 years (we're in 2018 now) be loved with the same enthusiasm you've harbored by a group of strangers. Realizing you're not alone and your passion is nothing wrong but something beautiful instead
In 2019, I was presented with the opportunity to go to New Zealand. You know that fantastical place I'd dreamed about since I was 10? The place that a girl from the east coast of America never truly thought she'd ever get to see? Well an 18 year dream was possible, and I can genuinely say that the love and healing I felt from my years of interacting with fandom bolstered me to fly solo across the world and go on a road trip to the filming locations. I walked into Hobbiton and started sobbing, and you know what happened? 8 of the 12 people in my tour group gathered around me and gave me hugs as they whispered "we understand, we get it, we're feeling the same way too". Strangers from around the world, but we were gathered there for the sole purpose of loving The Lord of the Rings, and that was a family.
If you're still here (which wow, thank you, it means a lot for you to take the time to read me ramble), you're probably thinking "Tay where's Star Wars? It's been years since you mentioned it". Welcome to November 2019. To recap, at this point, I'd hidden my love for Star Wars for almost 14 years. Literally if you asked any of my close friends at that point if I liked Star Wars, they'd tell you I only mentioned it in passing. I'd become so good at hiding that part and lying to myself. Well, Disney+ comes out, I'm living by myself at the time, and this new Star Wars thing called The Mandalorian is announced. I'll save you the details, but as you can see from my blog, my love for Star Wars EXPLODED out of me.
I missed space. I missed crazy aliens. I missed the every day person navigating an unfathomable galaxy. I MISSED SPACE WIZARDS. So I went full in again and rewatched the prequels for the first time since 2005, and baby was I hooked all over again. I remembered my brother liking Star Wars back in the day, but at this point, our relationship is strained. But I reached out asking him for any Star Wars recs, and he immediately told me about The Clone Wars, excitedly telling me about his favorite arcs. It was easily the most we'd spoken to each other in 5 years, and here we were, texting regularly as if we did it every day. I checked out The Clone Wars, and you know what hooked me? The freaking B1 battle droids. Here was a show that had everything I loved (prequel era, Jedi, Padme), and now the droids had sassy humor that had me spitting out my drink every time? Sign me the f up. Then add in the complexity of the clones and my favorite female character, Ahsoka, and it was game over. Rebels followed soon after, and well, here we are today.
I have Star Wars to thank for still having a relationship with my brother. I even introduced him to Star Wars tumblr once I kind of got the hang of it, and he was just as taken by the community as I was.
The Star Wars fandom is tough sometimes, there's no doubt about it. But I learned to navigate my experience of the media, and over the years carved my little spot that gives me joy while also finding a voice to help others feel comfortable enjoying a media that's brought me so much peace and love in my life.
So if you made it to the end of this, I hope you enjoyed my love letter to the Supernatural, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars fandoms. You've created spaces that allowed for people like me to not feel so alone and to make the world finally see that being a nerd means living a colorful life of joy and acceptance. I have fandom to thank for still being here today, and I hope more and more wandering younglings find their way to us
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seasideretreat · 10 months
A priest among men
It seems there is more to life than making money and drinking a lot or conquering the world, although in today's world, obviously, taking on climate change is an important new goal - although it's really quite plain to see, that this has always been there is some form; take the ancient druids for example, weren't they already quite obsessed with living in harmony with nature? Be that as it may, we can live well and do our best somehow, even though there ain't no escape from the horrors of life: the best life is one of simplicity and avoiding the trappings of modernity; but I ain't no traditionalist, I simply believe in the happy things in life, that come down to terrific ways of life that have no bearing on anything in particular: it seems people don't do anything right, and we are destroying ourselves; but we can live in harmony with nature, perhaps, or think deeply and improve society that way: I mean, war has never done anyone any good, but progress has made use of war, even as technology never stood still and mechanical science undermined the very validity of being small and satisfied. I wouldn't say the philosophical life is holy by a long shot, but it seems we can't separate the logic of philosophy from the revelations of religion. We must give the right example, or something, and be prepared to give meaning to wretched people's lives; and everybody is wretched in fact, what matters is that we love each other and elevate ourselves up from mere animals looking for sex to august sages that wish only the best for everybody.
I am having an all right day. I take medications and they make me anhedonic, but I find must strength in history and especially in English history. What is English history? Maybe it starts in ancient Greece, in the East, with the powerful attitude of Alexander the Great: I have always been very intrigued by this figure. But in the end, it seems the English have learned the lessons of Marcus Aurelius and Cicero and have become the embodiment of stoicism: the stiff upper lip is truly a source of strength for me, even though the English may be assholes. That's what my father said, and I liked my father a lot. I read Dutch history, you know, I love my people, but I am an Englishman, I practice stoicism; although I am also a warrior, perhaps: I emulate Alexander the Great, you see, since life is so terrific sometimes when things just happen all the time and time is just passing slowly or very fast; and I can't do anything to improve the situation - jeez, am I glad my mother is still alive! But I believe in stoicism, although it is not an identity, I believe this is the nature of a proper upbringing, perhaps: that we keep this mentality of the English person in mind all the time, when things are bad - you see, it can be very hard to find your center in the horrors of daily life; when you can't find the patience to sit through a movie, or read a book, it seems the best thing to do is straighten one's back and control one's emotions: to stand tall against all the horrors, to keep a stiff upper lip: I don't know. The fact of the matter is that I grow schizophrenic on the constancy of history, and I have to somehow free my mind from worries and doubts; but I don't want to keep philosophizing all day; and in the end, that ain't so useful in the end. So I read history: it's not very romantic, but it nourishes me, and gives me things to do; just the other day I was inspired to play chess because of history; and I will continue to play chess, I think: I am not too bad at it I think, and it is relaxing; but sometimes when I am totally anhedonic I don't really find it all that relaxing and I can't stop my mind from being in despair, and I just start pacing around the room and I waste so much time: it's misery. However, even when I am heavily medicated I find worth in little things: the Fellowship tune from The Lord of the Rings; a conversation with one of the nurses; a conversation with my mother. Unfortunately, I don't really enjoy bread all that much, but my mother and her boyfriend cook really good food so I am quite lucky.
As I say I am having an all right day, and I have it all to thank to history. Historia est magistra vitae. I watched some of a Let's Play series by Grohlvana, and I think that's all right; I scrolled around a bit on Twitter and Tumblr and Reddit and yeah, that's always a clever way to pass the time; and now I am writing this, which is great, because I am philosophizing. Why write, you wonder? Why not just sit in a chair and think? Because writing is an art, and thinking to oneself is not as creative. I like to post things on the internet because people can find it there if they are interested. Of course, I don't write things that everybody ought to read, but I write things that inspire thought and that makes me happy. If someone were to find my account they would be pacified and educated, and that is just an awfully glorious thing: writing is a beautiful pastime, but also just one of the best things we can do; I love being creative and thinking about what to write, and I love philosophy; of course, you will say, it's just a bunch of words on paper, but sometimes when I start writing I hit on something that just makes me think all day what the purpose of that is; and the great fact is always that we really don't know that much: when it comes to the meaning of life for instance, there is really almost nothing to say about it, other than that we should live in accordance with nature; you know, and you will say that we have to know ourselves, and I agree there is little more graceful than self-knowledge in a person, but at the same time self-knowledge is something invisible, it doesn't cause any real changes: it seems we are just wallowing in self-knowledge all the time and well, Goethe said there was something magical about it, like it was something uttered by priests to mystify the people. Thinking along those lines, it seems Chilo of Sparta was the quintessential thinker of the priesthood. The leaders of Sparta were basically priests any case, even though he was one of the sages of ancient Greece and said things that are useful for anybody. But that's what Schopenhauer said, that the priests see men in their entire stupidity, and I really don't think we can say that secularization has been an engine of progress. Look at the Amish: if we'd all lived like the Amish, time wouldn't have been running out for the planet right now. Still, my father died young and I am not sure if the death of civilization is really all that bad, I mean, the world's gonna end sooner or later, and we've all experienced happiness. Still, it might be good if we saved the planet, it might not be good: I mean, people can't do without terrible engines, just like they can't do without smoking and it seems life is going to end one way or the other, right? I mean, we've had 2000 years of happiness, I think we can say that, I mean I really think Christianity made the people happy, it made me happy and I am not even a Christian, just like Bertrand Russell.
Religion is something altogether un-English, you know, but I see that in The Netherlands religion was never really religious. I don't know. Anyway, I feel really good and I have it all to thank to that English mentality. I got to it through Shakespeare. You know, I don't know if Shakespeare is necessarily a role-model in himself, but he definitely managed to capture the English spirit in his writings. I mean, yeah, we should search for ataraxia, and this is brought about by being free of fear, and so on; yet it seems we can also power through difficult moments this way, and be happier somehow, I don't know. When we emulate the English in some way, we become more in control of ourselves, it's really true. Happy things can happen. We can grow in strength, we can watch movies on YouTube: I can't think of a more enjoyable activity! And tomorrow, I have to go to work, and I will not be going crazy with thoughts all the time, because I can put on the stiff upper lip, and not get overpowered by emotions; and I know it is all caused by the medication, but at least I can survive this with a semblance of happiness; and I can be kind and helpful to my mother, who is a nice person; and I wish sometimes that the good times would never end, but of course they will... but we can be strong in the good times: in times of peace, prepare for war; we can be strong.
You know, with my dad I read Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse five, and it really united us, it brought us all together. You know, I've been to Dresden with my dad, we had a beer there at the local beer place, it was a local brew, and it was really nice; really, our trip to Dresden and Leipzig was really nice, even though I was still recovering from my psychosis. But yeah, the book itself was great because it was funny, and it was about time, and we all read it, and it was against war, and it was in Dresden and it was about the joys of mental health. You know, it didn't judge it or anything, it just incorporated it and yeah, it's funny how it goes with art: dad understood the wisdom of such books, and we confused kids just listened in rebellious bellicosity, wishing at all times to outsmart him, but he just wanted to impart a little bit of life's beauty on us.
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ACOTAR Couples Headcanons
Rhysand and Feyre
They are the Pottery Barn couple one hundred percent.
Still wildly in love even centuries later because they genuinely believe that no one is better than the other person.
If Harry Potter existed in this world, you cannot tell me that Feyre wouldn’t be a diehard Potterhead.
Rhysand is one of those people who genuinely believes in conspiracy theories. He would have a tumblr dedicated to them.
Midnight cookie baking is a thing. The warmth of oven, the whispers because they don’t want to wake Nyx, and the complete and utter happiness of just being able to be together.
Lucien and Elain
Elain thinks that there is no one Earth who is more of a gentleman than Lucien. And Lucien definitely bumps up that gentlemanly behavior because he knows that she likes it.
Elain may not be a big reader, but she loves poetry. She loves how people can use words to mutate meaning and declare feelings that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise. She wishes that she were more eloquent, but since she can’t be, she allows poetry to do that for her.
Lucien can’t keep his eyes from Elain, and not in a, “You are so beautiful. I can’t stop staring at you way.” But in a, “Is this real way?” He doesn’t realize that when he’s not looking, Elain is looking at him in exactly the same way.
The parties that these two have are legendary. Their parties are always at the same time the best, the wildest, the calmest, and the place to be. They just have that energy that can shift and become whatever the people around them need them to be.
The two of them have the most lavish mating ceremony. He is the son of a High Lord and beloved of many Courts. Between them most all of the Courts demand an invitation, and it becomes quite the state affair.
Azriel and Gwyn
Azriel is known for his straight face, but when Gwyn’s around you can see everything that is thinking, whether that is thinking about how beautiful she is or smirking because she said something funny or contemplative because he’s thinking deeply about what is bothering her. Around her, he is an open book.
Gwyn is an absolute weirdo, but only because she is so academic. She is constantly studying a hundred different things at once, and she can recite any of those things at the drop of a hat. She is ridiculously intelligent and well spoken. Azriel will always look to her first when seeking information or an opinion.
At first, Azriel is weary of the services that are offered in the Library. He knows that they are meant for the women there so he doesn’t want to intrude, but when the priestesses decide to host a special service in the training area, Azriel joins them. He sings beautifully, and more than one person is brought to tears when he and Gwyn sing together.
When Gwyn is pregnant and her body seems to be betraying her. No sleep. Upset stomach. The only thing that calms her is when Az takes her flying. In the air, they take in the sight of Velaris, and something about the wind and the cool air settles Gwyn. It is no surprise when the baby is born with wings.
When Azriel and Gwyn have a child, Azriel can’t help but to look at the differences between his scarred and bloody hands the innocence of this child, but one talk from Gwyn and he realizes that he is being stupid. “You are whole because I love you,” she tells him. “And I am whole because you love me.” “And together, we will be more than enough for this perfect child. We can do anything, together, as a family.”
Mor and Emerie
Mor and Emerie are that couple that are never home, but when they come back from whatever far away land, they always have gifts for everyone. Sometimes, Mor even lets Emerie pick out the gifts though she still insists that she has the best taste.
Mor has never been obsessed with anyone quite in the way that she is with Emerie. If she weren’t so dang cute, Emerie might find it a bit weird, but Mor is Mor, and she is gorgeous, and Emerie loves her. So what if Mor keeps a scrapbook of their time together. Emerie will appreciate it centuries later as much as she appreciates it now.
Emerie has and always will be a badass on the battlefield. There is something about battle that gets her blood pumping. Maybe it because she wasn’t allowed to fight for so long, that now she loves it. When she and Mor are on the battle field or in the training ring together, nothing can stop them. The two move in perfect unison, and their blades and hands are deadly instruments.
When Mor finally decides to come out to her family, Emerie is right there by her side. Emerie, the woman who never gave into her own bigoted family, is a support for Mor when she needs her. And she is a fist when Keir tries to humiliate Mor. “She is in charge here,” she says. “Not you. She has always been better than you, and she always will be.” Keir leaves their presence with more than a broken spirit, a broken nose.
The pair are always holding hands. They love just being around one another, and it shows to everyone that they see. For years, Mor has had to hide who she is, but now, she walks the streets of Velaris hand in hand with the person that she loves most in the world.
Amren and Varian
Amren never knew what it meant to love. She still isn’t sure that she loves Varian, but she is suspicious of how much she cares for him. She knows that if anything happened to him, that she would want to burn the world to the ground. Rhys informs her that the feeling is very much love, and she considers it before deciding that maybe it’s not so bad.
Amren goes to the summer court on occasion, and she gets a little jolt of pleasure when someone remembers her past, and jumps at her presence. Varian laughs along with her. Nice isn’t meant for everyone. Amren will be Amren. And he likes her just the way she is.
The pair love to swim together in the Adriata. The sun glistens off of their skin, and each think that there is no better picture in the world.
Game night is a blood bath. Amren and Varian versus whoever, it doesn’t matter, Amren plays to win, and Varian plays to help Amren win. No matter what.
A mating ceremony may not be in the cards for them, but when Nesta tells them about the human concept of marriage. Amren demands a wedding. It is held in Velaris. The dress is huge. The cake is delicious. And Amren smiles.
Cassian and Nesta
Cassian and Nesta are the definition of ‘’I can make fun of them, but if you try it, you die.”
Nesta has never been partial to animals, but Cassian can’t seem to keep from bringing them home. Animals are just attracted to him. Nesta is the father that doesn’t want the dang animal to begin with, but then secretly gives it cuddles and treats whenever no one is around to witness her. They end up liking Nesta more than Cassian.
Cassian and Nesta love to talk. They just love to hear each other speak. It can be about important matters or it can be about nothing at all. But they always have their best conversations in the middle of the night. Lights off, the house quiet the pair whisper back and forth about books, about life, about love, the future, the past, nothing if off limits.
When the two have a daughter, she is the best parts of each of them. She challenges them in her teenage years, but even when the trio argue, they always come back together again because they are family. And no one knows what that means more than Nesta and Cassian.
There is not a night that the pair spend out of each others’ arms. They are simply the most comfortable and the most at peace when they hold each other as they sleep.
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overthinkinglotr · 3 years
The reason I have such a complicated relationship with Lord of the Rings is that— it’s really is like the One Ring!
The whole point of the One Ring is that no matter how much you love it, no matter how deeply you’re obsessed with it, no matter how much you think you could take it and do Good things with it—- the One Ring does not belong to you, and never can.
The One Ring belongs to Sauron, and anything you do with it ultimately aids him, whether you want it to not.
And Lord of the Rings is ultimately an IP owned by the Giant evil megacorporation Amazon, and so everything you do with it is ultimately just .....free advertising for Amazon, whether you want it to be or not.
I often talk about how a major theme of lotr is that stories are like language— they adapt and grow with the culture that created them in order to stay relevant. One of the most important themes of Lotr is the value of Retelling stories, and the things that each narrator and translator brings with them when they attempt to explain what the story means to them. Everyone should be allowed to reinterpret the story and explore what it means to them, everyone should have what Tolkien called the “freedom of the reader” over the “domination of the author.”
But like.....the more time goes on, the more that attitude feels really naive and incomplete to me? It’s not as simple as “anyone can reinterpret the story however they want” when you live in a world where “stories” are all the trademarked IPs of megacorporations, and Lord of the Rings is actually Lord of the Rings(tm.)
Jeff Bezos starves and abuses his workers to death, then takes pictures of himself posing with the Lord of the Rings books. Lord of the Rings is the lucrative IP that he legally owns— and so every time you excitedly post about lord of the rings and recommend people read or watch it, the value of the IP increases, and Jeff Bezos becomes more powerful. Lord of the Rings does not belong to you and never can.
It’s hard to be excited about “seeing new people reinterpret Lotr” when that ACTUALLY just means “Jeff Bezos, the only person legally allowed to make Lotr adaptations, commissions his company to produce a safe palatable product as an advertisement for his company’s new streaming service.” And that’s especially hard when so many fans of lotr are obnoxious conservatives who love the fascist/racist/sexist/reactionary attitudes that are, regrettably, definitely present in the deeply flawed original books—- so the products Amazon produces are unlikely to grapple with the books’ issues in any real meaningful or challenging way, because that would be a way that might cause them to lose profits.
Another thing about the One Ring is that. Gandalf says that the one Ring prevents you from dying, but you also aren’t given new life— you simply CONTINUE. You continue, growing emptier and hollower, a shallow imitation of what you used to be.
And that’s honestly....also a good metaphor for what happens to genuinely emotional heartfelt stories that make money and then become the tightly controlled IPS of Giant megacorporations. They don’t die, but they also don’t grow and get reinterpreted— they simply Continue, frozen in a hollow empty effort to imitate the time when they were at their most profitable.
And on some level i wonder if maybe that’s how I act too. Am I just Continuing? When I go back to this story, am I trying to keep myself frozen? Why do I put so much value on something that isn’t mine, that can never be mine? Why do I allow what has ultimately become a Trademarked Product that exists to give money and power to a megacorporation to matter so much to me?
It’s why I have trouble discussing Lord of the Rings lately; I really don’t have any of the answers to these questions, and don’t even know if they have answers. I wish Lord of the Rings was in the public domain, or that we had a different kind of copyright law that didn’t give all of the power to giant monopolies and megacorporations. I don’t know.
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armenelols · 3 years
There isn't enough appreciation for Elrond's and Isildur's friendship.
I think much of this comes from the movies, where our only image of Isildur is his 'no' and Elrond yelling 'Isildur!', and then we see him die because he dives into the river while running away from a battle because the One Ring falls from his finger. Sure, there is some scroll Gandalf reads, but it only makes Isildur seem even more obsessed with the Ring than he already seemed. Add to that Aragorn's rambling about how he and Isildur share blood and weakness and you've got the perfect receipt for evil Isildur and 'cast it into the fire' memes.
Movie!Elrond's 'men are weak' really isn't helping.
So to start with, I think it is necessary to say that I am talking about book!Elrond and book!Isildur here, and while I don't recall either of them calling the other friend, it's a headcanon I have and it is to some extent supported by the books.
In the chapter The Disaster of the Gladden Fields in Unfinished Tales, Isildur shares a few exchanges with his son, Elendur, that I would like to show here.
Elendur went to his father, who was standing dark and alone, as if lost in thought. 'Atarinya,' he said, 'what of the power that would cow these foul creatures and command them to obey you? Is it then of no avail?'
'Alas, it is not, senya. I can not use it. I dread the pain of touching it. And I have not yet found the strength to bend it to my will. It needs one greater than I know myself to be. My pride has fallen. It should go to the Keepers of the Three.'
And later in the chapter:
'My king,' said Elendur, 'Ciryon is dead and Aratan is dying. Your last counsellor must advise, nay command you, as you commanded Ohtar. Go! Take your burden, and at all cost bring it to the Keepers: even at the cost of abandoning your men and me!'
'King's son,' said Isildur, 'I knew that I must do so; but I feared the pain. Nor could I go without your leave. Forgive me, and my pride that has brought you to this doom.'
Earlier in the chapter, we also get this passage talking about Isildur:
When he at last felt free to return to his own realm he was in haste, and he wished to go first to Imladris; for he had left his wife and youngest son there, and he had moreover and urgent need for the counsel of Elrond.
Nearer to the end of the chapter, when talking about Isildur's death, Tolkien writes this:
There suddenly he knew that the Ring had gone. By chance, or chance well used, it had left his hand and gone where he could never hope to find it again. At first so overwhelming was his sense of loss that he struggled no more, and would have sunk and drowned. But swift as it had come the mood passed. The pain had left him. A great burden had been taken away. There he rose up out of the water: only a mortal man, a small creature lost and abandoned in the wilds of Middle-Earth. But to the night-eyed Orcs that lurked there on the watch he loomed up, a monstrous shadow of fear, with a piercing eye like a star. They loosed their poisoned arrows at it, and fled.
And last from this chapter, this bit about the Ring itself:
It was little more than two years since it had left his [Sauron's] hand, and though it was swiftly cooling it was still heavy with his evil will, and seeking all means to return to its lord.
So what does this tell us? And in addition, where was I coming to with Elrond & Isildur friendship?
1. For all of Isildur's refusal to give up the Ring after the war ended here:
'Alas! yes,' said Elrond. 'Isildur took it, as should not have been. It should have been cast then into Orodruin's fire nigh at hand where it was made. But few marked what Isildur did. He alone stood by his father in that last mortal contest; and by Gil-galad only Círdan stood, and I. But Isildur would not listen to our counsel.
' "This I will have as weregild for my father, and my brother," he said; and therefore whether we would or no, he took it to treasure it.
- The Council of Elrond, Fellowship of the Ring
Isildur realized he was wrong. The Ring was still at its most evil, and it wanted to corrupt him, it wanted to go back to Sauron, yet Isildur resisted enough to be able to almost give up the Ring willingly or at least consider it.
When he was slain, he was already taking the Ring to Elrond. Whether he would have the strength to do it later, he resisted the Ring enough to at least consider it. How many would be able to do so? Of course, there was the factor of the very touch of the Ring paining him, but compared with the Ring's will, that's hardly enough to convince a man to give it up.
And at last, when the Ring slipped from his finger, he did not dive after it. He gave it up, and swam away; and even as the orcs killed him, they killed him a free man.
2. He was bringing the Ring to Elrond. At the very beginning I said this post is about Elrond's and Isildur's friendship, and finally, I am talking about it.
It should go to the Keepers of the Three, Isildur says of the Ring - and for that, he would have to know who the Keepers are, or at least know of someone who knows. And it is said repeatedly that he seeks Elrond's counsel, that he goes to Imladris; did he know Elrond has Vilya?
The location of the Three is one of the greatest secrets kept from Sauron, and it is said many times that almost no one knew of it. Did Isildur know, suspect? In addition to this, Elendur seems to have the same knowledge, which, as he is repeatedly called Isildur's greatest confidant, isn't much of a wonder.
All in all, Isildur either connected the dots well enough to realize that out of all high elven lords, it is Elrond bears a ring of power (and Isildur is clever, this is a possibility); or Elrond was not careful enough and Isildur figured it out from his missteps (which, considering Elrond's experience with cursed jewellery isn't very likely); or Elrond gave him hints on purpose; or he just. Straight up told him.
The last two options seem to be most likely to me, which brings me to Elrond trusting Isildur enough to reveal such a secret to him, which leads me to my Elrond and Isildur are friends agenda.
Should the first option be true, props to Isildur for figuring it out by himself without any clues from Elrond other than him being important. Should Isildur be bringing the Ring to Elrond in hopes that Elrond knows who the Keepers of the Three are, without knowing Elrond is one of them, it still shows Isildur trusted Elrond enough to bring him the Ring even for temporary keeping.
(there is also the matter of whether Isildur knows the other Keepers of the Three, as he mentions them a few times, but never enough to indicate if he knows who they are)
3. Parallels. It is said that Elendil and Gil-galad, the two high kings of their people are friends. Is it really so unlikely that Elrond, Gil-galad's herald (and possibly heir, even though he took no crown), and most trusted advisor besides Círdan; and Isildur, the heir of Elendil the Tall and his second in command, would strike a friendship?
The Isildur we are presented with is both bold and wise - he saves the fruit of the White Tree of Númenor alone because it needs to be done, and then he does it again, and he does it because it's the best for his people. He takes the Ring, and tries to make it listen to him, and realizes he made a mistake; he tries to fix it, and wants to bring it to Elrond.
The Isildur we are presented with has courage, and wisdom, and hope.
Do you know what does this remind me of?
Edain. Their ideals. The reasons why they got the gift of Númenor, greater wisdom, longer lives.
They resisted the evil, no matter how strong; they were loyal, true to their beliefs, brave and courageous.
Elros was chosen as the king of the Edain and really, I highly doubt Edain would choose him as a king just because of his heritage, or because someone told them to do so. Sure, someone could have pointed out Elros to them and say 'hey, look at this dude, he could be a nice king, what do you think?' but in the end, while they might start following Elros because someone else told them, I doubt they would let themselves be led by someone who wasn't the best representation of them. In Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth, Andreth does not shy away from telling Finrod her beliefs, the beliefs of her people. And I don't think that changed with time.
What am I trying to say? I think Elros and Isildur were both similar in many ways, in ways that made them the leaders they were - and that in a way, Elrond saw Elros in Isildur, as well as himself; for Elrond still connected strongly with his mortal kin, and as I mentioned earlier, their political positions were similar.
And while Isildur was his own person and had done things neither Elros or Elrond would have done, and had his own good and bad qualities, it doesn't erase the similarities.
4. Aragorn was raised in Rivendell, by his mother and Elrond and his people. Of all the people there, it is easy to see which ones would influence him the most: Gilraen, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir. It is repeatedly shown how close he was to them. To some extent we may include Glorfindel, for they were friends, but not as much as the above mentioned four.
Now, as Estel, he wasn't aware of his heritage. He is shown to be proud of his heritage, of his descend from Isildur; and yes, this could be a simple pride in one's ancestors. It could have been that he simply liked Isildur as a historical legendary figure and it became greater after he learnt of his descend from him. Or it could have been that he was told many tales of Isildur, of his deeds and personality, and his family, and decided I want to be like him, and like Elendil, even without knowing he was in any way related to them.
And really, when it comes to the above-mentioned people, who would be the most likely to tell him stories of Isildur? Gilraen who only knew him from stories, or Glorfindel who was never mentioned around Isildur in the books, or Elladan and Elrohir, born after Isildur's death, who could have any number of first-hand stories about hundreds of Aragorn's cool ancestors but not Isildur himself?
All I am saying is there is a potential for Elrond to be telling stories of his old friend Isildur and Elendil and Gil-galad to Estel, and Estel loving them.
There is also the fact that in the chapter The Disaster of the Gladden Fields, Elendur, Isildur's son, is said to be very similar to Aragorn. And I love the idea of Elrond's and Isildur's sons paralleling each other, in a strange way, thousands of years apart.
5. In the books themselves, we do no see Elrond speaking about Isildur much. (I checked almost every mention of Isildur in most of my Tolkien books. So yeah.) On the Council of Elrond, Elrond talks about Isildur the most, but it is mainly in historical manner and 'the Ring should have been destroyed that day' manner, as you can see in the passage from the book I mentioned above in point 1.
This doesn't tell us much about their relationship, much less their friendship - and thus as a source for my image of them as friends, I give the place to The Disaster of the Gladden Fields, thinking they would make a good duo, and the potential of how Isildur's death may have had affected Elrond.
Isildur's death was unexpected. No one expected the road not to be safe - there is a reason why Isildur and his men were unprepared for a battle. They were simply journeying on a familiar road, to Rivendell and then Arnor. Not even the Orcs that ambushed them knew of the Ring. In Rivendell, they learnt of what happened only thanks to Ohtar, Isildur's squire who survived; and even then, the specific circumstances of his death were not revealed until Aragorn found Elendilmir and the chain which bore the Ring among Saruman's things.
In all honesty, I don't think even Elrond knew Isildur planned on giving him the Ring. I do not doubt he expected him, for his wife and youngest son were in Imladris - but I found no reason as to why he might know of Isildur's plans with the Ring.
That could give him a reason to speak ill of Isildur, couldn't it? Yet when he speaks of him, he only speaks of facts and what should have been done - he doesn't call Isildur too weak to give up the ring, or power-hungry, or proud - and by the latter, Isildur calls himself several times (as can be seen here, in the passages I used above)
It needs one greater than I know myself to be. My pride has fallen.
And here:
Forgive me, and my pride that has brought you to this doom.
And yes, it was a formal Council - Elrond had no reason to speak of his personal feelings towards Isildur. Yet I think the little he said reflects his thoughts well. He might have felt some bitterness towards him, especially as he later learnt what the Ring's nature truly was; and especially as he had no knowledge of Isildur being willing to give the Ring to him, for better or worse, whether he would find the strength to do so or not.
Still, once Elrond learnt of the Ring's Nature, I think he might have understood Isildur better - especially as he himself did not dare to even touch the Ring.
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Cater Diamond - Full of Lies
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You can unlock this story by getting Cater’s SSR Scary dress
Big thanks to Rym and Apollo for proofreading!
Translation under the cut
Chapter 1
Main street
Cater: Oh? A message on MagiCam? Who would've thought it was that girl! How nostalgic~ The picture those ghosts took at Ramshackle dorm made our college's Halloween event trend -> Jumping onto the bandwagon and posting a lot -> Huge success for Cay's follower-catching strat! So far it's been going well but… Mixed within the comments and DMs of my new followers are a lot of old aquaintances. Even some classmates from middle and elementary school are here.
Cater: "Hey! It's been a while! Oh, would you like to come to our college? Cay welcomes every single one of you! You can always come over to hang at NRC's Halloween event!"
Cater: And now some emoji full of feelings!  (^○^)♪ (ゝω・)☆ d(’v`*)b
Cater: Everyone is really so casual and easygoing~ Well, it's easier on me, so I'm not complaining.
???: HEY!
Cater: Where did that loud and rowdy voice come from? I've got a bad feeling about this…
Front Gate
Sebek: Humans, don't crowd around the young master! Get out! Leave!
Boy A: Hey, what are you doing, sweptback bro! Don't interfere with our Draconia Challenge.
Boy B: We're putting our lives on the line to show our bravery by uploading a picture of us touching The Malleus!
Boy A: Huh, since when did Malleus disappear?! It's that sweptback bro's fault.
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Boy B: Don't be so angry. After all the effort of having a sweptback, let's show the world a huge smile on that face!
Sebek: For humans of your social standing to use the name of the Lord of the esteemed Valley of Thorns in vain…Besides, my hair is swept back like this so I have an unobstructed view to find those like you who behave rudely towards my young master! You shall receive punishment for insulting the Draconia… no, for insulting the young master. My thunder shall shock you all to bits! HAAAAA...
Cater: Okay, stop! I'm part of the Halloween Committee. It's forbidden to fight. Why don't you try talking to this lad if something's up?
Sebek: Don't interrupt me, you frolicking human! I will shock you to bits as well!
Cater: Won't you create a scandal for the Draconia family if you were to harm an ordinary human with magic?
Sebek: W-Well… You're right. Besides, didn't you just say you were part of the Halloween committee? Both the young master and master Lilia are both performing the same duties… They ordered me to listen to the orders of the other committee members. Ok, I shall talk this out.
Cater: Even though you are crossing your arms and puffing your chest out, you are being apologetic right? Anyway, these are our college's precious guests. They have no intention to harm Malleus.
Sebek: These magic-less weaklings were making a spectacle bothering Young Master with a toy. I cannot forgive that!
Cater: Malleus is like super famous, and he's an admirable being, right? So just for this festival, it should be fine to interact with our guests as a little fanservice right?
Sebek: Stop messing around. The young master is a dreadful being who makes everyone kneel and bow down to him. AND THAT'S WHY I WILL NEVER LEAVE HIS SIDE AND PROTECT HIM ALL MY LIFE!
Cater: You're just obsessed!
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Boy A: Hey, interfering our Draconia Challenge aside, what are you two squabbling about?
Sebek: Hm? You humans are still here? I told you to leave.
Boy B: Huh? You've got some nerve, talking rudely to us like that!
Cater: Come on guys. Why don't we take some pictures together since it's finally Halloween! We, Heartslabyul are those who rise from the soil in the darkness, the underlings of the night~
Boy A: Wow! Now that you mention it, you do look real good for the camera!
Cater: Cheer up everyone and gather! Let's decide on a pose~~~ Happy Halloween~
¨*shutter noise*
Cater: (Ugh… This is exhausting)
Chapter 2
Kalim/Cater/Lilia: *Sigh*… I'm tired….
Cater: This year's Halloween was exhausting. Mainly due to our guests being rowdy..
Kalim: It was fun entertaining the guests, but I was really troubled because Jamil got in a foul mood.
Lilia: Even we, three most gentle boys, have been worn down. The other students must be at the limits of their patience.
Everyone: *Sigh*…
Cater: Now that you say it, by chance all the members of the light music club are also part of the Halloween Committee. Let's have our usual relaxing tea time while also discussing some countermeasures.
Kalim/Lilia: Agreed~
Cater: I got this! Trey's home-made pumpkin pie! It's moderately sweet, so it's my favorite!
Kalim: I have kunafa. It's a cheesecake from the Scalding Sands. It's delicious when it's hot!
Lilia: Oho, these are all sweets befitting of Halloween. As the last one, I have prepared this. Licorice!
Cater: You're always bringing the same thing! You know me and Kalim don't like that.
Kalim: The smell makes my nose shrivel up~
Cater: But you know, since it's black, it does feel like Halloween. Oh, right, let's take a picture together. It's super charming to be in costume and have themed food.
*shutter noise*
Cater: #TheBestHalloween #SelfmadeCostume #HomemadeTreat #LightMusicClub #NRCHalloween
Kalim: The best? Didn't you say you were exhausted earlier, Cater?
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Cater: I never said it wasn't exciting and for things like SNS, isn't it better to exaggerate a bit?
Lilia: As expected of you. We live in a period where everyone is connected all around the world. It is most wonderful to spread happiness instead of complaints.
Cater: Oh. The picture I just uploaded got an amazing response! 
Cater: Another message from that girl. Was she the kind to keep track of people's activities?
*ringing noise*
Cater: This time it's a call. (How persistent…)
Kalim: Cater, is it from one of your friends? You can pick up if you want.
Cater: Hm~… More like an acquaintance from the past? But it's alright? We're at a very important meeting, after all.
Lilia: We are only eating sweets, taking pictures and uploading them to MagiCam though…
Cater: It's the age of social media where everyone can keep in contact at their own pace, you don't have to go through the pains of having to response in real time to a phone call.
Kalim: Do you have that many people who want to get in touch with you? You're so well connected Cater~
Cater: Well, if you look the amount of aquaintances I have, that might be true? My dad's a banker. The bank he works at has branches all over the world. Therefore, whenever he transferred to a different branch, our entire family would move with him. We moved once every two years, so I kind of feel like a pro at quickly packing things?
Lilia: Commonly said, you are a family who moved a lot for the sake of the breadwinner.
Kalim: So the reason why you have so many friends is because you have travelled around the world since young.
Cater: Yeah, the girl just now said we are friends as well. Having to change schools frequently, I got to meet more people compared to someone staying at one place. From the best to the worst… a lot of people. However, they all had something in common.
Kalim/Lilia: …?
Cater: If I left there, they remained there. That's why I'd rather have a casual and happy time with everyone than to deepen a friendship. It’s like a circus troupe, you know, having fun hanging with people all over the world and then leaving. That's why MagiCam is the best! People from my school from three years ago contacted me out of the blue. My social circle is expanding as well. Cay is getting popular!
Kalim: Even if they're far away, you don't have to hold back you know? I got it! I'll lend you my magic carpet, so you can visit your friends whenever you want.
Cater:… I expected no less of you, Kalim. I'll take you up on that offer next time.
Lilia: I feel like I understand you.
Cater: Hm?
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Lilia: The relations between humans are eternal. They are things that cannot be severed. In a new place with no trace of your existence, new relations will continue to be forged. That in itself is nature. However, I think the more precious a relation is, the more lonely it becomes. Why does it feel that way? I have lived a long life but the reason is still unknown to me. But just as Cater said, there may be a perfectly logical explanation for not getting too attached to one person in particular.
Cater: Lilia, what got into you suddenly? What I wanted to say was-
*ringing noise*
Lilia: Hello, this is Lilia speaking? What business do you have?
Cater: He just casually picked up the phone during our conversation.
Lilia: Oh, Sebek. What is it? You are so loud. Right now, I am in a meeting with Cater and Kalim. WHAT?! MALLEUS?!
Kalim/Cater: ?!
Chapter 3
Hall of Mirrors
Silver: Stop pushing. It's forbidden to enter the Hall of Mirrors.
Man A: Huh, really! I came all the way to the Isle of Sages to see Malleus Draconia.
Man B: We are doing the Draconia challenge now! Why can't we enter~
Girl C: He’s inside right! An actual Draconia, the Actual Malleus!
*Lightning and thunder*
Silver: It's a rare event that Master Malleus is participating in. He also agreed to interact with the guests... For it to come to this... Everyone, it’s better if you leave. You have angered master Malleus.
Man A: I paid a lot of travel expenses, did you know that? This is the price of fame.
Exterior Hallway
Cater: Did the visitors who wanted that  MagiCam glory end up angering even Malleus himself?
Sebek: Yes. At first he was gentle and calmed me down when I got angry… but a fool grabbed Malleus by the horns and made fun of him by saying "Look! It's a bicycle from the olden days!"
Lilia/Cater: Gh!
Cater: I don't know if they're brave or just reckless. Were the dark clouds and thunder rampaging in the sky above the Hall of Mirrors due to Malleus' anger? You don't think he overblotted, right…?!
Lilia: Do not worry. Using that amount of magic power shall not make him overblot. He is simply irritated. Back when he was young, mountains would be destroyed by his lightning whenever he threw a tantrum.
Cater: Hahaha… that's on a totally different level. I guess it was a good idea to have Kalim fetch the professors.
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Sebek: Upperclassman Vil noticed something was up and isolated the young master. He also casted a defensive spell so the tourists wouldn't be harmed. And it seemed that Upperclassman Jade is persuading the angry young master with some unique methods... Even so, those humans who can't seem to understand the gravity of the situation keep stirring up the young master, they're uncontrollable.
Lilia: This means we must use our last resort. We must put in effort to suppress the onlookers and avoid the worst situation.
Cater: Wait a second, Lilia. I thought of something. It's not like people there dislike Malleus or anything. Despite that, it doesn't mean that they like Malleus as well... They're just interested in trends. Just like my old acquaintances.
Lilia: ?
Cater: First, I'll take a picture of Lilia, who's wearing the same clothes as Malleus!
*shutter noise*
Cater: Next we use something catered to influencers. We'll elongate Lilia's picture with a photo editing app!
*swiping on phone*
Cater: Now we just add some text to finish it up. And then upload a cropped version to MagiCam!!
*Phone SFX*
Cater: #AWildMalleusAppeared #DraconiaChallenge #UnexpectedlyAtSportsGround #NRCHalloween
*Phone SFX*
Hall of Mirrors
Man A: H-Hey. Look at the Draconia challenge tag.
Man B: It seems he's at the Sports Ground now. As expected of Malleus. He's much faster than we are!
Girl C: Okay. Everyone, let's move!
Everyone: YEAH!
Silver: What happened? Master Malleus should still be in the Hall of Mirrors.
Cater: Fu. With this, I hope the storm has passed…?
Vil: Good grief. Accidents are an unavoidable part of stage plays. Letting yourself get influenced by the guests is so amateurish. My work here is done. I will return to the dorm to straighten up my appearance.
Jade: My, that was a close call. Malleus is extremely powerful. I persuaded him to the best of my abilites, trying to get him to understand. But there was no one to turn to if it had failed. Well then, I will also return to my station. I wish everyone a wonderful Halloween.
Malleus: I caused many disturbances between different racial groups during a mere school event. I should restrain myself more…
Sebek: The young master has done nothing wrong! It was the fault of those inferior humans!
Silver: The young master told us to avoid hostility between fae and humans. Why are you getting more hostile?
Lilia: Malleus. Did you forget our promise from long ago? Call for us when the tranquility in your mind is disturbed.  Even if we are not related by blood, we are still a family. Got it?
Malleus: Lilia… My apologies. To everyone.
Everyone: …
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Cater: ….Family…huh.
Lilia: But just as Cater said, there may be a perfectly logical explanation for not getting too attached to one person in particular.
Flashback ends
Cater: (That was full of lies. For a guy who grew up and lived in the same place, he never had to deal with rebuilding relations over and over…He would never understand my worthless and meaningless feelings.)
Cater: Hello, Trey. What's up? Huh? Are we doing our rehearsal for our night show at the stamp rally now? And Deuce, who is also part of the Halloween Committee, was at his wit's end due to the lack of manpower. So Ace is helping him out? Darn, Ace is definitely going to extort me for a favor later!
Cater: Argh! And is Riddle on the verge of a rampage? I'll be back soon, Trey. Please calm him down! I am currently at the site of the biggest crisis yet of this Halloween Week! No, for real! I'm not lying. That's why you don't have to be so cold to me, 'kay? URGH, TREY, YOU'RE SO CRUEL!
Cater: Now that Diasomnia's turmoil has settled, let's change the mood and continue on with work. In any case, we’ll still separate after the fourth year… It would be different if I repeated a year though. Anyway, I should just enjoy the moment to my heart's content! I'll surprise everyone with this charming skeleton costume! I'll show them what I'm capable of!
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Cater: Happy Halloween!
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charmingyong · 3 years
Noxious Cherry (1)
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Part 1 | Part 2
Genre: criminal!Taeyong x fem!reader
Warnings: psycho, deception, theft, shootings, swearing, car explosion
Word count: 2.7k
Plot: You found a pink haired man lying on the ground and decided to check up on him when you should have run away. 
A/N: I AM OBSESSED WITH TY’S GTA! This genre reminds me of @taeyongtime’s Pre: Ace of Fools so do check that out if wanting another psycho read.
Gif: mine
- ❀ -
Finally home time!
The feeling of settling into your car after the end of your night shift was a pleasant one. You relaxed your head against the headrest and let the exhaustion from having to stand hours preparing the endless coffee orders leave your body before starting your car. You drove down the empty streets, a few nonfunctioning streetlamps creating a dim lighting along the sidewalks. Mindlessly, you passed by a park where a dark figure laid still on the ground.
Reaching a red light of an intersection, you thought back to the thing you caught a glimpse of earlier and something itched in you to go back and check it out. When the lights turned green, you made a U-turn and found the figure still there, unmoving.
Walking closer to it, you realized it was a boy with pink hair, eyes closed looking unconscious, though his chest rhythmically rose up and down. You squinted to get a better look of his face under the low lighting and did not spot a single scratch on the skin to hint any signs of him being injured.
Is he okay? you thought. Should I wake him up?
Worried that he could have been bruised under his clothes, you called for him. “Hello? Are you okay?”
Hearing your voice, his eyes fluttered open and his breath hitched upon seeing a beautiful face up close. You were relieved that he was alive, but grew uneasy when he merely stared at you, not responding back to you with words.
“Um, are you okay?” you asked again, hoping he would say something about why he was on the ground in the middle of the night.
He only groaned as he shifted his weight to sit upright, rolling his neck and shoulders in circles to alleviate the tensed muscles.
“Should I call the ambula-”
“Don’t,” he cut you off with a small glare. He couldn’t afford getting caught if he were taken to the hospital, especially when he didn’t even need to go there in the first place.
You bit your lip nervously, unsure what to do next. You didn’t want to be rude and leave him alone all of a sudden, but you really wanted to go home. Should you drop him home? Get a grip, Y/N! He was a stranger, and you couldn’t tell if he was safe enough to bring him inside your car. “But are you hurt?”
“It’s not that bad,” he replied. “Just take me home.”
Looked like you were taking him into your car.
“Where do you live?” You hoped he didn’t live somewhere too far so you could get under the covers of your cozy blankets as soon as you could.
The boy cocked his head to the side and gazed at you in amusement. “Take me to your home.”
You were thankful it wasn’t summer just yet. Otherwise, mosquitoes would have entered your jaw-dropped mouth. Was he crazy? Why would anyone in their right mind ask to be taken to a complete stranger’s home? Especially one where you lived alone. “Why my home? Don’t you have one?”
He propped his upper body up with hands resting beside him, watching you with a dark glint in his eyes that you failed to notice. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
The boy was adamant and wouldn’t take no for a response, making you pray to the Lords that nothing bad would happen when taking home the pink haired whose name you learned was Taeyong.
Your keys repeatedly failed to connect with the lock of your house. It was hard to when Taeyong’s intense gaze was fixed on your side profile. “Sorry,” you nervously chuckled. “I’m really tired from work,” you tried reasoning.
After struggling for a while, he snatched the key from your grasp and unlocked the door, pushing it open and inviting himself in. You stay rooted by the entrance, shocked that Taeyong casually opened the door and simply walked in as if it were his house.
Taeyong looked around your place, interested to see the soft-hearted person you were with various photos of your loved ones hanging on the walls.
“Do you need the first aid kit?” you asked.
He touched himself in the stomach and hissed. “Yeah.”
You nodded and went to search for the kit in the bathroom. When out of his sight, Taeyong plopped down on the sofa, letting out a long exhale and half smiled. He found it new and amusing with someone being concerned for his well-being.
With the kit in your hand, you took a moment to calm down your racing heart. Taeyong was not letting you feel comfortable for a reason that you failed to decipher. You met your gaze in the mirror and told yourself that nothing bad should happen. How could a wounded boy harm a girl?
You walked back into the living room and were relieved to see Taeyong resting on the sofa with his eyes closed. If he wanted to harm you, then he wouldn’t be lounging around like that. “I brought it.”
He hummed and opened one eye. “You can leave it there and head for bed,” he said nodding towards the small table in front of him.
“Don’t you need any help though?” What if he had any wounds on his back that he couldn’t reach?
Taeyong clicked his tongue. “I’ll be fine.”
“I have a guest bedroom. You can sleep there,” you offered.
He shook his head. “I’m fine here.”
“But the sofa isn’t-”
“I’m fine.”  
You bit back your tongue, letting him decide on his own what was best for him. It was odd that he wouldn’t opt for a bed to let his body relax and heal faster. “Okay, I’ll bring you a pillow and blanket then.”
“I don’t need them. That throw will be fine.” He pointed at one draped over the armchair.
Were you being too pushy? Why was this guy refusing everything that you were kindly offering? “Okay… I’ll head up then. G’night.” With that, you hurriedly went up to your refuge and finally called it a night.
Once the coast was clear, Taeyong pulled off his denim jacket and shirt over his head, observing his skin.
Flawless skin.
Not a single wound spotted.
You’re a cute one, he thought and smirked to himself.
- ❀ -
You took Taeyong out for shopping the next day, as per his so-called request. It was more of a demand. You didn’t understand why he was staying at your place but decided to keep your mouth shut and hoped that he’d leave you soon.
While you wandered around the cosmetics section, Taeyong left your side, his eyes catching interest of the sparkling diamonds department.
“Hello, sir. What would you like to see?” the woman behind the counter asked sweetly.
Taeyong paid no mind looking at her and locked his gaze on a specific 2 carat round eternity engagement ring in 14k white gold. “How much is that?” he pointed at the ring enclosed in the display case.
“Twenty-five thousand dollars, sir.”
Taeyong let out a whistle and propped his elbow on the casing. He turned around to search for you, finding you try on a couple of samples on your skin, and his lips curled up when seeing you pleased with the products.
The man not being by your side gave you some time to calm your heart down. You didn’t know why you felt that way with Taeyong when he hadn’t done anything to harm you. Something warned you from the inside to not trust him, even though he hadn’t done anything to invade your privacy at home. You were glad that he chose to sleep downstairs and so a part of you grew fond for him despite the short time.
Then what was this feeling that you probably made a grave mistake for helping him out last night?
You put away the product testers and searched for Taeyong, spotting the pink one easily as he leisurely passed by two security guards and picked out a pistol from its holder without them knowing.
“What the…” you breathed out. What was this guy going to do with a gun?
Taeyong made his way over to the fire alarm system and pulled it down. A loud, 3-beep pattern resonated throughout the store and numerous customers panicked, dashing out the building while the guards tried to figure out what was going on. The boy walked back to the diamonds where the employee was still there, frantically locking everything up before leaving for safety.
“Give me the ring,” Taeyong ordered. His blank expression made the woman not take him seriously and ignored him. Just when she was about to leave the counter, Taeyong held up the gun at her forehead and repeated. “Give me or I’ll shoot you.”
“B-But th-there’s a fire!” she cried. She didn’t want to die from the fire, or from the gunshot, or from her boss that she gave one of the most expensive rings away for free.
“There’s no fire. Quit wasting time or I’ll shoot.”
The guards caught up on the situation. “Hey you! Put that gun down or I’ll shoot you!” one said, while the other informed the situation through his walkie talkie.
Taeyong grabbed the woman in the blink of an eye, holding her as a shield with the gun pressed against her temple. “If you come near me, she dies.”
The guards backed away and held their hands up. “Okay okay! Let her go, man.”
I will, but after I get my ring, he thought.
He pulled the worker behind the counter, keeping her in front of him, and ordered her again. She obeyed, the fear of having to die from his gun scariest than any other consequence she’d have to face later. “D-Do you want the r-ring casing?”
“Just the damn ring.”
She handed it over with shaky hands. He shoved it inside the pocket of his jeans and shot the two guards down. The woman screamed and he pushed her away.
“Chill. I won’t kill you unless you get in my way.”
He sprinted to your rooted spot where you silently watched the scene unfold. Taeyong pulled you out of your shock self when he grabbed your hand and darted for the exit, letting your feet automatically respond to his action.
“Pass me the car key,” he instructed.
You didn’t want to, not when he shot two people in front of your eyes. But you chose to trust him than get caught now that you were technically his partner in crime. You both rushed to your car with him diving into the driver’s seat while you in the passenger. The police sirens could be heard from a distance and Taeyong wasted no time and slammed on the accelerator without putting on his seatbelt.
He went over the speed limit, overtaking the slower cars in the lanes as he tried to widen the gap between him and the flashing red and blue lights. A red traffic light was fast approaching, and cars were lined up ahead. But the boy made no plans to pull the brakes.
“You need to slow down!” you screamed.
The pink haired peeked at the rearview mirror, spotting the cops not too far behind them.
“Taeyong, stop!” Right before he could touch the stopped vehicles, he swerved the car abruptly to the empty lanes.
The lanes for the opposite direction.
You pulled at your hair, close to losing your sanity. “Are you fucking trying to kill us?”
The cops took a while to decide on the next course of action before following suit. He smirked, pleased with himself. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m good at this.”
Traffic was ongoing perpendicular to your direction and you were horrified with what the psycho was planning to do next. Without slowing the speed, Taeyong sped through the intersection once spotting an opening. Cars screeched to a stop and honked at the maniac driver.
This was a nightmare.
The very nightmare that the pink haired found thrilling.
Once on a street clear of any other vehicles besides yours and the police, you shouted, “I’m feeling fucking sick!”
“Hang in there. The show’s almost over.”
He checked the rearview again and the spacing was perfect. There were only two cars after them, making it easy for his plan to work.
Taeyong slammed the brakes and turned the steering wheel all the way, spinning the car 360 degrees. You screamed and held onto the handle tightly, shutting your eyes.
“Hold the wheel,” he said.
He grabbed your hand and placed it on the steering wheel. “Hold it,” he directed. After you did, Taeyong pushed your head below the windows, clear from his aim. He lowered the glass barriers and shot at an incoming auto, aiming perfectly at the one in front of the other which resulted it to swerve out of control. This caused the one behind it to collide and flip over onto its roof. And not too long after-
It exploded into flames, ending the chase.
Taeyong stepped out of your new car and you followed, slamming the door shut angrily. “Why the fuck did you do that?” Your eyes moisten from the intense anger that built up inside.
He rounded the vehicle and stopped in front of you, alarming you when he suddenly grabbed your hand.
You tried to yank your hand free, but his grip was tight. “What the hell are you doing?”
His hand dug in his pocket for the stolen ring and slid it onto your ring finger. “I got this for you,” he spoke quietly while admiring the beauty that rested on your hand.
Your rage died for a moment, puzzled that he’d do such a thing to get you a ring. “Why?” Tears fell from its place and you wailed. “Why did you do it?” You never asked for any of this, from the theft to the shootings, to him even changing your car at a dealership who he was well acquainted with.
Taeyong shrugged coolly as if it was no big deal. “Just felt like it. I saw it and I wanted to get it for you. Usually I steal cars, so be honoured that I stole a beauty like that for you.” He winked at you and walked inside your house.
You took a moment to scream your frustration out, almost kicking the car before deciding against it. Walking in, you found the boy sprawled on the sofa, eyes closed.
“If you wanted to get me it, then you should have paid for it like a normal person would!”
He peeked at you through one eye. “Do you know how much that’s worth?”
It was a no brainer that it was expensive. But exactly how much… “No.”
“Twenty-five grand.”
Talk about getting all the wind knocked out of your lungs. That was nearly how much you’d make in a year and you were not going to wear it.
Especially when it was involved in a criminal act.
You ripped it off your finger and chucked it at him. He swiftly caught it as if he expected that reaction from you.
“Get the fuck out of my house! And don’t you dare show me your face again!”
Taeyong slowly sauntered to you, a predatory look in his eyes. You backed away from him trying to keep a distance until your backside met the wall. He trapped you in his arms, resting his hands on either sides of your face and wore a smug smile. “I can. But what will happen to you?”
You blinked and attempted to gulp down the ball forming at the back of your throat. “W-What do you mean?”
He lifted one hand off and showed you the ring. “They’ll be looking for this and footage from the security cameras will show that there was a boy and a girl that left together with the ring.”
Oh crap.
“I’m an expert at running away without getting caught, sweetheart. But if you don’t want to get caught, then you’ll have to keep me around. I’ll make sure both of us will be safe.” Taeyong leaned close to your ear, whispering with a hot breath that sent a shiver down your spine, “It’s my specialty.”
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sunnylighter · 3 years
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I have had a Tumblr for 10 years and have barely used it but kinda want to utilize it more. I also want more drawing practice and have a cookie tin full of gel pens I like to doodle with. So, I'm now offering to try to draw characters or scenes from my The Grass is Always Greener AU fics for practice https://archiveofourown.org/series/1441819. Just ask in the review, or send me an ask here on Tumblr. Here are a couple of examples suggested by Carrie2sky on fanfiction.net. 
How this is going to work is if I’m asked I’ll draw a picture like one of these. They will be sketchy and each character will get their own color pallet using rather than trying to do multiple colors. This is also for fun, so if I don’t want to draw something I won’t. I’ll also only draw things that happened in my fanfictions, so please don’t ask me to draw something from the show or movie unless I referenced it in one of the fics. Please keep in mind that I’m better at drawing girls than I am guys, but that’s part of why I want the practice.
First is Koko’s Wedding Dress. My most recent story covers Koko and Lord Garmadon getting remarried. https://archiveofourown.org/works/32302669 I was asked to draw her wedding dress to see what it looks like. She made it from her Lady IronDragon armor, and can remove the skirt when the SoG try to crash the wedding.
Second is both versions of Lloyd (the premise of my fics is the movie versions meet the show versions) in their wedding tuxes. The older (movie) Lloyd is the Best Man, while the younger (show) Lloyd is the ring bearer.
Third is my imagining of Movieverse Harumi dressed for the wedding. She pretends to be friendly with Koko, but really tries to sabotage her relationship with Lord Garmadon in an attempt to turn him evil again. She’s obsessed with mermaids (such as her hair clip and dress) as a subtle way to show support for Lord Garmadon, and because they’re a very good fit for her. Yes, I gave her an Ariel style haircut. Like I said, mermaid obsession.
Last I was asked to draw what my imagined Movieverse Morro would look like. I’m not sold on the look, and might draw him differently later. His color pallet is pink due to events that happened in his childhood where he got splashed with pink paint that stained his hair https://archiveofourown.org/works/20079832/chapters/47803315. Out of pride, he refused to be ashamed of the color and kept it to prove a point, and eventually came to actually like it and it’s his signature color.
That’s what I have so far, please let me know if you follow my fics and want me to draw something.
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