#hulk widow angst
marvel-writer-101 · 1 year
Assumed Dead
Pietro x Reader
Word count: 1809
Author notes: this is the longest oneshot i have ever written lmfao
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About two months ago you were sent on a mission at a HYDRA base. You, Steve, and Nat were sent. You were supposed to retrieve classified files about weapons and secret bases. Only two of you guys came back. You weren't one of them.
Lets take a step back for a moment though, to before the mission. You and Pietro had met via Wanda thinking you would be a good match for each other.
I mean, she wasn't wrong, but neither of you wanted to admit it. Wanda heard her brother's rambling about you and Nat heard yours about him. A few weeks of flirting and pissing the two off eventually led you two to dating.
You loved Pietro and he loved you back. When you broke the news that you'd be gone for a few months he begged you not to go. But you had to, you promised that the moment you got back you would hang out with him for the whole day.
Now, the mission.
The three of you split up once you got to the base.
You each found rooms with the information you were looking for. In the middle of it, though, one of the HYDRA members that hadn't been killed, found one of the bombs at the base.
In short, the base blew up while only you were about to leave.
Steve and Natasha searched the rubble endlessly for any sign of you. After a few days of searching, they gave up.
The mission was supposed to last at least four months. It was cut in half because one agent was left alive accidentally.
On the way back home, Nat and Steve had to figure out how to break the news to everyone. They knew Pietro would be heartbroken.
Steve called Fury to inform him about the situation.
"Rogers why are you calling me?! You're on a mission!"
"It... Got cut short.."
"What do you mean.." The concern in Fury's voice was evident after the sadness in Steve's.
"Someone blew up the base.."
Silence came from the other end.
Natasha spoke up, "Y/n.. Didn't make it out.."
Before Fury could respond Steve chipped in again, "Please dont tell the team. We'll do it when we get back.."
"Did you find the body?" It was a question that needed to be asked for legal purposes.
"No.." Natasha said, her voice shakey.
"Alright. I'll send out a team to look for it. Get home safe."
"Mhm.. Bye.."
With that, the two broke down into tears.
Eventually they texted the team that they were on their way home, that they had gotten done with the mission early and to be in the meeting room once they got there.
About 3 hours later, they arrived back at the tower. They both took a minute to clean themselves up before walking to the meeting room.
The two each took a breath before opening the door.
In the room was Clint, Bucky, Tony, Pietro, Wanda, and Bruce.
"Welcome bac-" Pietro cut himself off, noticing that one of the three were missing, and noticing the sad looks on the two that were there. 
It only took about 10 seconds for him to speak up again and ask the two the dreaded question.
"Where's Y/n..?"
Steve instantly began to cry again. Natasha shook her head for a moment before just saying, "I'm sorry.."
Everyone's eyes went wide and filled with tears. Pietro's heart shattered.
He began to sob, mumbling "no no no no no no..."
( this font is for you
This font is for the team : )
Despite some serious injuries, you were alive. When the base exploded, you got sent flying back quite a bit.
Where the base was, there was a crap ton of snow that recently fell, so your black outfit stuck out like a sore thumb.
Turned out not to be so bad.
Wanda tried to hug her brother, but he ran off to his room.
At this point every one in the room was crying.
Natasha was being hugged by Clint, Steve hugged by Bucky.
Wanda had her head in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. For her it was a mix of missing you, and her brother being so heart broken.
Tony and Bruce headed off to their labs to cry by themselves.
You had a major concussion, your left wrist was sprained, you had a gash on your right shoulder, and your right leg was broken.
The concussion gave you horrible coordination, so you fell over quite a few times while trying to find anything or anyone.
You had seen your two friends leave, so you couldn't exactly look for them. Though you knew how Fury operated. He'd send out a search team for you, or rather your body as you were presumed dead.
A few days later, that's exactly what happened.
Pietro hadn't come out of his room. Everyone was worried about him and mourning over you.
Wanda left food and water out his door that every day would get taken in at some point.
Steve and Natasha felt guilty even though they couldn't have done anything to save you. They didn't know about the bomb or the random agent that was still alive.
Fury felt guilty for sending you. He knew there were bombs there and knew you wouldn't leave until you got what you went there for.
You were the one who held the team together. The one who congratulated Bucky when he remembered something new. The one who stopped Steve and Tony's fighting. The one who helped the science bros with things when they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. You stopped dumb fights over movies and whatnot. You were one of the only people there that knew how to comfort everyone if they had a nightmare. The one who helped Wanda with her powers. The one who sparred with everyone to help their fighting style get better. The one who baked cookies and pies to cheer the others up after a failed mission.
With you gone, the team fell apart. Steve and Tony fought more than they ever had.
Science bros rarely had the motivation to finish any projects.
Wanda didn't practice her powers anymore.
No one comforted each other when nightmares hit.
It was chaotic without you.
Three days after Steve and Natasha left, Fury's search group showed up.
They found you quite quickly considering your outfit and the blood trail that started whenever you fell over.
Once the searchers found you, still alive nonetheless, you were rushed to the hospital.
You were suffering from hypothermia, your injuries had gotten worse other than the concussion, which actually kind of started to get better.
You requested to not tell the team that you were alive. You wanted to surprise them once you got better.
After about a week in the hospital, you were free to head back to the tower. You had stitches on your shoulder, surgery on your leg followed by a cast and crutches, a brace on your arm, and a nearly healed concussion.
Pietro had finally come out of his room and sat on the couch for most of the day, watching Steve and Tony fight.
Everyone else was in the vicinity, Natasha and Wanda in the kitchen, Clint and Bruce were sitting near Pietro, and Bucky was poorly trying to stop the never ending fight.
Over all the yelling, no one heard you come up the elevator. Upon taking a few steps out you shouted over the two.
"Damn! You guys were so loud you woke the dead!"
It went silent.
Natasha covered her mouth in shock.
Wanda peaked her head into the room and her jaw dropped.
Tony and Steve stopped yelling and just stared at you.
Pietro ran up to you and hugged you a bit too tightly.
"T-too tight my love.."
He let go of you and started crying again. This time happy tears.
By this point, it had been over 3 months since anyone saw you alive, other than Nat and Steve, for them it was only two weeks, but it still felt like an eternity.
Pietro helped you walk back to the couch, aka, he picked you up and ran back there to sit you down.
Your head spun a bit. "Pietro, I love you, but please, let's not do that for a bit.."
By now everyone was in the living room, staring at you.
"Okay geez what's with the staring? It's kinda weird." You rolled your eyes.
"Angel, for the past.. Like.. Month, we thought you were dead. It's kinda weird to just.. See you again."
You explained what had happened to you. How you had multiple injuries. How you nearly bled out multiple times. Then you mentioned that you purposefully didn't inform them that you were alive.
"WE WEREN'T TOLD ON PURPOSE?!" Pietro shrieked like a little kid seeing their parents kiss.
"Love, too loud, I literally just said that I still have a concussion."
"Sorry, but still!"
"I wanted to surprise you guys. I knew you thought I was dead, hell, I saw Steve and Natasha's faces when they gave up looking for me. I could barely see them but the look of defeat was obvious."
The room went as quiet as it had been when your 'death' was announced.
"Aaaaanyway! I can see the tower has gone to chaos while I was gone!" You broke the silence, trying to lighten the mood, "Tony and Steve apologize to each other for whatever crap you were fighting about."
They just glared at you. You jabbed both of them in the shins with your crutches. Then they gave each other a half assed apology, but it was good enough for you.
"How about we watch a movie!" You smiled, figuring it'd be a nice way to get back with everyone.
Pietro grabbed the remote and handed it to you. Lucky for you, the brace was on your dominant hand, mixed with the passing concussion, you dropped the remote multiple times.
"I swear to god if I drop this one more time trying to get to this movie I'm gonna-" With that, you drop it again.
Pietro laughs a bit, then helps you put on your favorite movie. You give him a kiss on the cheek, which he quickly turned into one on the lips.
"Get a room!" Wanda said, chucking a pillow at her brother. He caught it and threw it back at her.
As the movie started, you and Pietro cuddled closely together, you had to work around the cast and brace, but the two of you made it work.
As you started to fall asleep, you smiled to yourself before looking at Pietro and whispering, "I kept my promise.."
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oliviabelova · 2 years
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Love Is A Dagger - Chapter 5
Warnings: Language, mentions of death, fighting, indication of past trauma, canon-typical violence
Rating: n/a
a/n: i can post this now that my shadowban is over so have fun
p.s. @shesawildflowergirl wrote so much more than me for this chapter so thank you my dear <3
It had been over a week since the incident in the basement and Sigrid’s mind was still plagued by it. She had been keeping herself busy, actually Thor had been keeping her busy. It appears that when he decided it would be a good idea for them to stay in Midgard for longer, meaning they would be spending time with the Avengers. Sigrid would have preferred to hibernate in her room until they could finally leave this gods-forsaken realm but that plan was thrashed to pieces the second her peace had been invaded. The days had rounded into a simplistic cycle. After centuries of military training Sigrid was made unable to sleep late so every morning she would rouse Liv, who rarely slept at all, and would drag her to some form of breakfast. That was the only moment of privacy the women got and Sigrid was eternally grateful for it. Liv had issues, that much was obvious, but regardless of them she and Sigrid got along wonderfully. They had always shared a bond that neither really understood. After a breakfast that consisted of black coffee and whatever baked good Liv had grabbed from a cafe down the road, training started. The captain was adamant about it. He was constantly spewing speeches about teamwork and positivity and putting in the effort. None of it was very motivating but somehow worked. Everyone eventually made their way to the training rooms. Though the actual working together part was a mess. There was a constant power struggle between Rogers and Stark. Not to mention arguing. It seemed no one was used to working in a big team. Everyone was remarkably talented alone, or even in groups of two, but not as a squad of eight. Sigrid was patient. She played along with the group’s games, she let the men boss her around, even if she had centuries of signority over all of them. Stark and Rogers shouted over each other, which was endlessly exhausting. It was a real fight for power and a hilarious one at that. The mortals should’ve handed over the reins to some experienced leaders. She understood that Rogers had fought in some great war but that was nothing compared to Thor’s hundreds of years of battle experience. But her prince seemed content enough to work with them. But by the end of the week a training rythme had been settled. Stark would lead the air strike from above along with Thor, meanwhile Dr. Banner would be the secret weapon. Clint Barton and Romanoff would scout ahead and prepare while Captain Rogers would head the ground assault. For some reason he chose both Liv and Sigrid to back him up. Why would he trust his life with two near complete strangers, Sigrid had no idea. Thank the Allfather all of it was just training exercises. In a real life scenario, she knew it would likely all fall apart. Mortals didn't work well together. Mighty Allfather, it took Thor’s team at least 20 years together to learn to rely on one another. Sigrid didn’t put as much effort in as Rogers had hoped. And Rogers had been hoping, Sigrid had heard him. It was terribly annoying. His inner monologue was a drastic display of patriotism and nostalgia. A constant circle of the same boring thoughts. The only interesting thing was when he kept mentioning some man named Bucky. Sigrid could almost feel the despair leaking through the Captain whenever the image of a dark-haired man in uniform popped up. Naturally, she became terribly curious about whoever could cause such hurt, but she had to stop herself from prying. Frigga had to constantly remind Sigrid to pull back when she was younger.
That was how everyday went. Breakfast, training, break and a mandatory group dinner. Sigrid powered through all of it, it was no secret she didn’t want to be there. Half the Avengers didn’t want to be there. At least Sigrid had an excuse. It was the same excuse she used whenever she was forced into dealing with the ever-mundane mortals. Why bother? They’ll all be dead by the time any actual solution was found, it would be much easier to wait out the short inevitable. But this little team gave Sigrid time to spend with Liv and Thor, her favourite people. And time to think over her Loki situation. Oh, Allfather. Tonight she would have to see him again. She wasn’t sure she was ready. She couldn’t let what happened last time repeat itself, even if a small part of her wanted it to. Because in that moment, she felt all the realms at her fingertips. She wanted that again, even if it was heresy. 
Sigrid had been in the middle of ignoring a rampage between Stark, who had shown up late to a team meeting, and Rogers, who had shown up fifteen minutes early and was angry at Stark for being so late, when Natasha Romanoff strode into the conference room. Things between Sigrid and the Black Widow were fine, they tolerated one another. In fact they worked quite well together, you can still be good teammates without being friends as the two “leaders” had yet to understand. 
“We’ve got a visitor.” Natasha announced, she was wearing a simple outfit, jeans and a hoodie. 
“Who is it?” Banner asked, his glasses perched over his nose, from the corner he had been reading in.
“Fury,” Romanoff sighed. 
“Not that fucking guy.” Stark swore, rubbing his sleepless eyes. Something he had in common with his goddaughter. 
“Language,” the Captain’s head shot at Tony Stark. 
“The boss was gonna come eventually.” Barton added as he played with one of his arrow heads, his comments unhelpful as ever. 
“Who is Fury?” Sigrid wondered, she was very familiar with the emotion, not so much the man. 
“Honestly, nobody knows.” Clint chided. Sigrid rather liked Hawkeye, he only ever contributed snide remarks to the conversation. He was delightful by mortal standards. 
She was about to respond when the doors opened up once again with a loud thud. In walked in was a bald, black man wearing a dramatic black trenchcoat and missing an eye. 
Ah, she realised, this must be Fury. 
“What motherfucker let aliens stay on this planet?” 
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Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D, was not known for his good company. But he was damn good at his job. The fact that Earth was still standing was proof enough. And it wouldn’t help him do his job if he had three powerful gods running around free on his planet. The Security Council was already giving him enough shit about the heroes he did sign up for his Initiative, and the damage they caused. He shouldn’t have to deal with a couple more morons, yet here he was. Standing in front of exactly seven morons, one more than planned. 
“I am going to speak calmly because I don’t have enough fucking patience to scream at you all.” He began as the Avengers and friends stared at him. “Who invited them,” he pointed aggressively at Sigrid and Thor, “to stay here because I sure as hell didn’t.” 
The Avengers were dead silent. Fury kept talking. 
“Because I thought that Prince Thor over here was going to help us capture his evil brother then fly away to his own planet. Instead he’s still here, Loki is in an unguarded prison and they brought another friend! So who do I have to blame for this?” 
It was at that moment that Liv walked in, wearing a sleek leather jacket and carrying a bag of day old donuts. 
“Did I miss something?” She asked, her accent slipping in furiously. 
Fury looked at her, then back at the group, repeating the motion at least twice. 
Stark started to get up to speak but Nick Fury shot him a look that anyone could understand. 
“I don’t even want to hear it,” he warned. “Just send the aliens and leather jacket over here to my office.” 
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It turned out that Nick Fury did not have an office in Stark Tower, instead he stole Tony’s. The room was made of glass while a mahogany desk and slick leather chair were propped up in the centre of the chamber. Fury leaned against the overstuffed chair, starring Sigrid and Thor down. Sigrid wasn’t quite sure what to do in this situation. Part of her wanted to delve into Fury’s mind, figure out what was going on with him. But he was also a very intimidating figure who didn’t seem like he would appreciate someone poking around in the most private places. So instead she just sat there awkwardly, feeling like she was stuck with Frigga after she had committed another minor felony with Thor and Loki.
“Thor.” Nick Fury began. “I thought we had a deal, you would help us fight then would take Loki back with you to Asgard. Yet here you are, on my planet with unsolicited visitors.” 
“Fear not, Director, we will not remain on this planet long.” Sigrid promised, sitting up as if ready to flee the room. Which she was ready, if Thor gave the word she would gladly be sprinting up the Bifrost right now.
“Who is this,” Fury fumed, still not looking at Sigrid. 
This very much annoyed the Asgardian. She had never appreciated when people would speak of her to Thor, even though she was in the room. Asgard, though a paradice, was not always the most progressive place. The realm had been ruled for aeons by men, there had never been a true queen on the throne. And until not so long ago these powerful men would surround themselves with other gods like them. There were brutes and fierce intellects, but not a goddess in sight. It was Odin who started to slowly change that, or really it was Frigga. The queen raised by witches, back before witchcraft died at the stake, with a strategist’s mind and a sorcerer’s gifts. She had stood by Odin proudly, offering the safest council, being his most trusted advisor. They had ushered a new age to Asgard together, one where tradition did not bode so viciously. It was because of the queen’s journey that Sigrid could even become a general in the Allfather’s army. So no, after all her tireless work and sacrifice, she did not appreciate Fury talking like she wasn’t in the room. 
“I am General Sigrid Tyrdottir, a commander of the Allfather’s legions, right hand to the crown prince Thor Odinson, and pupil of queen Frigga. Speak to me with the respect my station entitles, mortal”
On any other day Sigrid would’ve clamped her mouth shut and continued to prove herself until everyone, even this scarred man she had just met, realised how worthy she was. But somehow things were different now. She felt different. Slightly the same but with an edge, a temper, like she had finally let go of whatever was forcing her to the ground. Loki would have been proud of such an arrogant outburst. It wasn’t safe to do things Loki would be proud of, even if it felt good at the time. Sigrid would have to control herself better. 
At least she had gotten Fury’s attention. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D turned his head away from the blond prince to get a proper look at the woman— not woman, the alien to his left. The woman was pretty in the unnatural way both it seemed all Asgardians were, in other words a bit too perfect to be human. High cheekbones and scowling lips were set in warm ivory skin. Her hair was a braided mess of different hues of brown, from deep chocolate to gold. She was tall, maybe 5’11 or 6’0, her leanly muscular body covered head to toe in slick blue leather and silver armour. In conclusion, Fury didn’t trust any of her, not even a hair on her immortal head. What he trusted the least were those eyes. Perfectly round and edged with thin lashes, the colour was the opposite of mortal. Dark and boundless. Irises bluer than the deepest oceans, bluer than the sharpest ink. They weren’t quite electric, like the god of thunder’s, or cold like the prince in the basement cell, no, these held a depth that raged and smoked. They held a power Earth should not have to discover. Fury would make sure it didn’t.
“Fine,” he said. “How long do you intend to stay in New York?” 
“I’m not sure,” Thor mused, noticing the tension dissipate ever so slightly. “Sigrid and I would enjoy visiting Midgard for a while before returning to our duties on Asgard.” 
“Earth is not a vacation destination for bored godly princes. And it definitely won’t be a halfway house for your motherfucking, lunatic of a brother. If you’re going to stay here you have to give something back to us.” 
“We aren’t giving you Loki, he will face the Allfather’s justice.” Sigrid suddenly felt very protective.
“As much as the World Security Council would love to throw that freaky-ass god in the Raft, I don’t want him here forever.” 
“So what do you want from us?” Thor asked. 
Nick Fury reached into his black leather coat, pulling out several sheets of tightly bound paper. Neat black script covering all of it save for some dotted lines towards the end. “Something easy, sign this contract and you can stay on Earth as long as you want.” 
Sigrid had never seen a paper contract before, Asgard had functioned solely on honourable oaths. 
“What happens if we sign?” She wondered, weighing her options. She still thought it was a better idea for them to just leave Midgard now and never look back. Ah, what a dream that would be. 
“It means you’re put under the jurisdiction of S.H.I.E.L.D, you work for us and go on missions where your talents are needed. You officially become an Avenger.” 
“And if we don’t sign your agreement?” She asked, both sides of this coin become more clear. 
“Then both I, the entirety of the U.S government and World Security Council, and the Avengers will hunt you to the ends of the Earth until all three of your majesties are behind bars in a prison that can hold you.” 
Sigrid mused at the idea of this hunt. She had no doubt that Fury was a man of his word, but she also knew that he wouldn’t even begin to know how to hunt down three powerful Asgardians such as herself and the princes. Even if they were caught, and that was a strong if, they could always just escape via Heimdall. 
She was tempted to say no, even if it were just to see Fury’s expression but Thor was already reaching for the pen. 
“Are we not going to discuss this?” She lifted a single brow in questioning. 
“You already agreed we could play Avengers for some time, why not have proof in writing. Besides, what kind of threats could Midgard possibly have?” 
“We just had an alien invasion led by your brother.” Fury deadpanned. 
“Exactly,” Thor grinned at Sigrid. “What kind of threats could Midgard possibly have? Come on, it’ll be fun.” 
“Fine,” she rolled her eyes. It would be nice to stay longer with Liv, make sure she finished this chapter of her life in a stable manner. And this way she could get to the bottom of this Loki problem without being on Asgardian soil, where everything would suddenly become bigger, more complicated and worse. She missed home desperately but there were certain problems that were best to be the sole focus and if she were to return home, her duties would take over once more. A small vacation wouldn’t hurt, even if it were in one of the worst realms, even if Loki were somehow involved in it. 
Sigrid took the black ballpoint pen and signed her name once in Asgardian runes, then again in the Midgardian English letters, making sure to include her full title so that Fury knew exactly who he was dealing with. 
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Sigrid had chosen to spend the rest of the day alone. After becoming an “Avenger” and sending Liv and Stark for their meeting with Fury, who Sigrid had decided was an imbecile with anger management issues, Thor had gone off to celebrate the day. Sigrid was not in the mood for celebrating, she rarely was. She had become such a killjoy over the years. When she wasn’t fighting, she was resting or reading over spellbooks, trying to master the craft she had been forced to stop learning. She missed the easy nights she had known when she was young. Evenings filled with chilled breezes and sweet drinks, she had spent those nights happy. Thor doing tricks with Mjolnir, she and Loki performing little shows with their illusions. She had lived for those nights, they had once meant the world to her. Sometimes she wished she could go back, but now all she wanted was the answers. Answers to what had happened, what had changed. Because she had most certainly changed, and she feared it was not for the better. There was one man with those answers. It had been a week already, tonight she would finally get them. 
Dressed in a pair of too-short grey flannel pyjama pants she had borrowed from Liv and a hoodie with “TONY STARK; THE BILLIONAIRE WITH SNARK” written in bright blue letters under a giant picture of Stark’s grinning face that she had stolen from the Stark Tower gift shop, which was a real, unneeded thing. She felt mortified wearing such a ghastly garment but she was cold and she had yet to go shopping for proper mortal clothes. She wasn’t like Loki who could just will them into creation, she was never as talented with illusions to her own annoyance. She felt even worse when she entered the basement and found Loki on the edge of tears when he saw Sigrid’s clothing. 
“That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen you wear, and I once saw you dressed in a dwarf's wedding gown.” Loki thought, forcing the memory onto Sigrid. That vacation to Nidavallir was not something she purposely wanted to reminisce about.  
“Stop with the nostalgia, Loki.” She warned, being sure to speak the words aloud. The power he held over her was already too much. “Tell me what happened.” 
Loki tilted his head ever so slightly, each action chosen for a reason. “Why would I tell you so easily, there’s no fun in that. Not when I could watch you search frantically for clues.” 
“You will tell because if you don’t I’ll be more than happy to kill you here and now.” 
“Now I know you’re lying,” He thought, every soundless syllable painted in poison. “Odin’s precious guard-dog would never disobey her master.” 
Sigrid took a step forward, then another. Anger ravaged through her in ways only Loki could provoke. She knew this was all a game to him, that she was playing into whatever master plan he had in the works. Emotions were not a soldier’s tool, they were meant to be set aside, saved until the war was done. Her father had taught her that, and his father before him. All Sigrid ever knew was strategy and steel yet now she ignored her own knowledge, unwillingly playing her part in Loki’s game. Worst of all, a part of her liked it. A part of her had always longed to act differently, to join the unexpected. It was what had initially bonded her and Loki when they were children, and it was what separated them now as adults. Loki had grasped the horizon, even if it made him the villain. While Sigrid was still stuck with a collar around her neck. 
“Stop this.” She said, grinding her teeth. These were not her true thoughts, not what she really felt. She was happy. This was the life she was destined for, she was meant for Asgard. 
“I’m not doing anything sølvdronningen min, I can’t create thoughts nor emotions. This is all you.” Loki whispered, for no reason at all his voice resonated softly in her mind. Like he was trying to be comforting, the liar. 
Sigri’s eyes lifted until she was staring into the depths of her enemy’s blueish-green irises. 
“Tell the truth Loki, tell me what you saw, what happened to me.” 
“Take this muzzle off and I’ll tell you.” 
Normally, Sigrid wouldn’t negotiate with the enemy but as time wore on she grew more and more desperate. She was tired of feeling this way, like she didn’t recognize herself anymore. She moved towards the hatch attached to one of the cell’s thick glass walls. She didn’t know the code on the built in lock but that didn’t really matter. One burst of above average Asgardian strength of the lock was tumbling to the ground. Stark’s incarceration themed technology could use some work. With a final tug and one last step Sigrid was inside the cell. She expected to feel overwhelmed. For the first time in centuries she was alone in a room with Loki. And though she ignored parts of their shared history, for her own sake, she couldn’t help but remember the last time they were this close. 
That night on the balcony. 
“The night you left me.” 
Sigrid's head whipped towards Loki, having heard his thoughts. She was prepared to see some smirk hidden behind cold eyes, some form of hate or manipulation. But Loki was looking away, still staring ahead of him, where Sigrid had been standing before. Sigrid didn’t have to delve deeper into his mind to know that he hadn’t been talking to her. She’d simply overheard a private thought, one he hadn’t meant to share. The fact he was recalling the same memory and feeling the same hurt. It was somehow worse than any other evil he had spewed. 
“Is this what you wanted Loki? For us to be in the same room?” Sigrid sighed. 
Loki turned around slowly, filling the small cell with tendrils of green couloured tension. “I’d like you to take this damned muzzle off, unlike you I am no one’s dog.” 
“I hate you,” Sigrid says as she breaks the muzzle in half. Her words simmered off her breath as she inhaled quickly, realising how close she was to Loki now. Their faces were a mere inch away from each other. Unknowable instinct took over as Sigrid’s breath stilled and her eyes wandered. Without wanting to, she memorised every part of this new, terrible Loki. From the snow white pores of his skin, cold as any true Jotun, to the gentle curves of his thin lips. His dishevelled jet-black hair, the thin cut running through an arched brow, the sharpness of his jaw. Most of all his eyes, distant but filled with hunger. A hunger for what? Sigrid asked herself. Power? His throne? The nine realms? Or something else… 
“I know you do,” Loki said quietly. His voice was hoarse in the way it got when he didn’t use it very often, which rarely happened. It was a cold, quiet thing, calculated and hurtful at times. But Sigrid remembered the way he used to sound, the way he still did in her dreams at night. When he had a voice that could be light, that grew higher whenever he got excited, when he had a laugh warmer than a summer’s day. 
This is madness, Sigrid thought to herself. This isn’t anything real, it never was. 
She stepped back, regaining some common sense. Loki looked dazed for a moment but soon remembered where he was. He scowled. 
“Tell me what happened, Loki.” Sigrid said. “And do so in a direct way.”
“When did you stop being fun?” Loki flashed a sad smile but soon got down to business. “I barely understand what happened myself, Sigrid. One moment we were chatting and the next you were floating in the air, silvery-blue smoke seeping out of you as your eyes glowed the same colour.” 
“But what does that mean?” 
“Why should I know?” Loki frowned. Fake. 
Sigrid tried to remember that night, to remember Loki’s face. “But you smiled when it happened.” 
“I smile at a lot of things,” Loki insisted. 
“We both know you don’t.” Sigrid reminded him. “Loki, please. Tell me why I feel different now.” 
His jet black brows shot up. “Different, how?” 
“I’m not sure, more powerful. Like there are no more walls blocking me from seeing the world anymore.” 
“Fascinating,” Loki whispered to himself. 
Sigrid was getting tired of these short answers that were no help at all. Tired of all these feelings that his awful realm has brought forth. Most of all, she was tired of Loki and his nonsense. 
She took a breath, and prepared to rip the god in front of her to shreds. 
“I don’t know why I came down here, why I thought you had any explanation for what happened to me! All you ever do is think of yourself, you and your power and obsession with gaining the throne. Odin was right about you and I look forward to the day you meet the executioner's blade.” 
With those final words Sigrid stormed away, feeling more angry and confused than ever before. She swore to herself that she’d never return to see Loki in his blasted cell. What Sigrid didn’t see was Loki’s face once she left. It was one of triumph and morbid curiosity, his lips formed into a smile as he spoke these words to no one at all. 
“She’ll be back.” 
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The pain in her shoulder was unbearable, hot blood running down her arm as she lay crouched on the ground. Continuous bursts of piercing bright light and searing flames burst from her body in a steady rhythm, shielding her from her attacker when she no longer had the strength to do so.
“Get up!” Andrei called, his gruff voice like racks scratching against a chalkboard.
Vasilisa had managed to block a magazine's worth of shots before a single bullet slipped through her fiery shield and ripped through her shoulder. It wasn’t the first time she’d been shot, she had a scar on her thigh and stomach to show it.
A tiny, broken whimper breaks past her lips as he takes a handful of her blonde hair and pulls her up to sitting. His cold, unfeeling eyes are empty of empathy as he stares daggers at her. She knows he can see the weakness, the fear, in her eyes, and she hates it. Hates how weak she is, hates how her body scars, hates the pain and the blood.
Andrei loosened his grip on her hair enough for her to slump forward as he slapped her sharp across the face. She tried to scream, to cry, but all she managed was a shattered sob. 
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She hated this.
She hated listening to men, men who barely even knew her name, argue over what to do with her.
She could easily run, disappear, never come back, but after their quiet mornings and peaceful nights, Liv didn’t want to leave Sigrid. It was obvious, to her at least, that the war goddess was struggling with her long lost lover being locked up in the basement. As much as she wanted to deny it, Sigrid was in some way enamoured with the god of mischief. Liv didn’t quite understand the notion of romantic love, with its grand gestures and warm feelings. Her expertise lay in the more dreadful side of life, in the dark alleys and empty midnights, where creatures of the shadows made deals with the devil and turned their backs on eachother like there was no other way to live. The assassin was rather good at this kind of work, tricking the devil into signing her contract then letting her knife taste his blood when they were finished. 
Watching Fury and Stark bicker over what exactly to do with her, she seriously considered homicide as a means of escape. She’d let her godfather go mostly unharmed, slit the throat of the director, a clean kill, and take out the rest of the agents she knew would be waiting outside. Easy.
There was an older man with greying hair and cold eyes sitting across from her at the head of the table. He seemed like a government-type, well pressed suit and a folder of papers in front of him. Liv hated government-types. They thought they controlled everything and everyone. They barely even controlled themselves.
“I don’t give a damn who she’s related to, Stark! She’s killed more than 60 people in the past 20 years.” Fury roared, slamming his fist down on the table.
“68, actually.” Liv chimed from her seat. “Well, 68 and a half. That last one sort of made it.” 
Both Fury and Tony shot her a look that said “Really? Now?” before returning to their argument.
“That wasn’t her, Fury, it was someone else. Some freaky scientist who managed to put a computer chip in her head.” Tony retorted, trying not to make eye contact with his niece. It was clear that her kill count had made him uncomfortable, but that was relatively common. She was comfortable with the concept of death, unlike most civilians, who were cowardly at the mere thought of ceasing to exist. 
“And what proof do you have? Her words are just as meaningless as any other hired gun! She could be lying to our faces and you wouldn’t even know!” 
Liv sighed. This was getting tiring and she still hadn’t had her coffee yet. It was probably still in the meeting room getting cold and stale. What a waste of good caffeine. She had been hoping to go back and see the gorgeous barista who had served her this morning, maybe chat for a bit and get her number, but, alas, it looked like her day would be completely booked up. 
“Honestly, I don’t see ‘vat all this fuss is about.” She rose silently from her chair, kicking it back with a sharp twist of her heel. “Really, I can just leave if you ‘vant me to.”
“NO!” Both men shouted, tossing her a quick glance before looking back into each other's eyes. 
Liv looked taken aback, putting her hands up as if to surrender. “Wow, okay.” She groaned. “Actually just an offer. But I have a feeling this is more about your over inflated egos competing to see who’s going to be top dog, so if you don’t mind, I’m going to go get some coffee.”
She picked up her jacket and slung it over her shoulder, pushing herself out of the hard chair they’d sat her in, and before turning towards the thick steel doors. She pressed a lithe hand to the keypad to her right, a flashing message on the screen demanding a code to open the doors. The computer screen glitched, hot glass beginning to swirl. Bright orange sparks burst from its sides as it died, the doors beginning to open with a rush of cold air.
Liv pulled her hand back, flicking off the hot glass that came away. Nobody tried to stop her, whether it was due to orders or fear, she couldn’t tell. The doors moved slowly, as if reluctant to let her out after she mangled the controls. She tapped a heeled foot on the floor, fidgeting. Something about this made her nervous. Someone could quickly pull a gun on her, press the cold barrel to her back. She could handle it, at least that’s what she told herself. It seemed the longer she stayed around these people, the more nervous and twitchy she felt. 
I’m letting my guard down. 
The doors finally opened, and Liv didn’t wait to rush out. She kept eyes trained on the toes of her boots, examining what seemed to be something maroon that had dried on the tip. Could be mud, but as far as she remembered, she hadn’t been running through anywhere muddy recently. Blood was always an answer she could reach for, but the aliens she’d fought yesterday had bled black oil onto her black. It had stunk like a bitch-
Her thoughts were interrupted when she ran head-on into what felt like a fucking brick wall. She stumbled backwards, dazed and confused as she tried to find the source of her predicament.
“Пиздец!” Liv groaned, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead and throwing her head back in annoyance. Damn this stupid hysteria she was in!
Liv wasn’t in the mood to explain to the agents she could feel watching her back why she’d run into the wall that had appeared in front of her by some wild magic, but when she looked up, her mood only worsened. 
It wasn’t a wall. It was a Rogers.
Mentally, Liv kicked herself for being so distracted. If she hadn’t been thinking about the spot on her shoe, maybe she would have avoided this.
“Ms. Caroll.” The Captain mumbled, avoiding her glowering eyes as best he could. Steve didn’t feel like saying much else. He’d been working together with the assassin and her goddess for a few weeks now, forcing the pair to head ground assaults alongside him. He could tell the pair were tight-knit. Sigrid would rarely speak to anyone but Liv and Thor, and when she did talk to others, it was purely professional. The goddess was tactful and brilliant and a great addition to the struggling team. Liv, on the other hand, seemed miserable and constantly vexed. While Sigrid was at least somewhat civil, the Russian was quite the opposite. She opposed every single one of Steve’s ideas, ignored any orders she was given in favour of her own, and generally seemed to only stick around for Romanoff, or the Asguardians. Even her relationship with her godfather was a strained one, as they had yet to address what had happened to her. Vasilisa Karollova was a true wildcard and Steve supposed it came from some sort of need for self control. As much as she yelled, and swore and argued with him, the Captain had to admit, Liv was good. Really damn good. He’d seen her fight, kill, protect, her skill rivalling that of the Black Widow herself. It pained him a little to say this, but whenever she went against orders, called her own shots, she generally came up with a faster and more efficient plan. Of course, most of her plans involved twice as many deaths as he would’ve liked, but they were clean and never seemed to bother her. It was clear that Liv was troubled, and deeply so, but she didn’t kill like a serial killer or a psychopath. No, she killed like a professional. And it frightened him. 
“Captain.” She said through gritted teeth, radiating both anger and physical heat. “You want to move? I’m trying to leave.” 
“Be my guest.” He growled, taking a step closer as if to challenge her. 
She met his gaze, lifting a dark eyebrow. “What’re you playing at, Rogers?”
“What do you think?”
Liv curled her fist, feeling a surging heat pushing against her skin, fighting to make it to the surface, to taste the tension in the air. And she almost let it. Almost.
The sound of Thor’s boisterous voice broke the tension like a hot knife through butter. He bounded into the room, rushing Liv like he was trying to run her over. 
“Hello, Lady Liv, Captain Rogers.”
“Thor.” Steve sounded mildly relieved at the sudden appearance of the Asgardian Prince. 
Ha! Liv thought Scared little rat.
“Hi, Thor.” She sighed, turning towards the giant of a god. “How are you feeling today? I ‘vas hearing last night's revels were very… exciting.” 
Thor nodded vigorously, obviously excited to recount whatever tale he had to tell. 
“I am feeling quite well, my lady, especially after I bested one of Fury’s men in a game he called ‘Arm Wrestling’.” 
Liv began to lead him away, using his arrival as an easy excuse to be done with Rogers. 
“Да, да, I have heard much about this game. Will you explain the rules to me?”
And Steve could do nothing but watch and wonder What was he playing at? He turned toward the meeting room, and approached the doors, just in time to watch the control panel on the door explode.
Hope you enjoyed!!
Tagging: @nymeria-of-winterfell @rexwastaken @widowdeckersrep @jurassicobsessor @evostokoff @rooskaya-yelena @stephanieromanoff @littlekidsteve @ohsweetvenom @thewildseuphoria @sanguine-saber @adoraweisz @faramir-stan @xx-alex-damaged-xx @zalie @romanticgumchewer-reactivated @entishramblings @toomanynotifications @im-constantly-fangirling @mrs-brekker15 @a-reader-and-a-writer @senuritaawsome226 @shesawildflowergirl
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fuck-marvel · 2 years
— #fuck-marvel🍭 —
TL;DR are in green below the certain sections
Requests: open.
— rules
Anyone is welcome. No matter age, gender, skin colour, nationality, sexuality, fandom, religion and so on. Everyone. Just be respectful towards others as well!
You may repost, reblog, translate, remix or just simply use all of my original content I post here. No need to ask either, you're absolutely given permission. However, tag me and make it clear that the original was my work.
Send thoughts or headcanons about whatever character. Or tell me about your OCs. Or other obsessions you have, I'd love to hear!
Tell me about yourself! Share whatever your comfortable with, your pronouns, preferred names and so on. Don't share too personal information on the internet tho!
Ask me anything. I'm relatively comfortable with any questions and if I'm not, I'll let you know and I won't think about it no more. So don't be shy, if you're curious about something, just ask!
Send me picrews or uquizzes! I'd love to take them!
Don't hate. It's fine if you wanna tell me over DM that or what you don't like about me or this account, but don't do it ob my account. Also, don't hate on others.
If you did send a request and I decide to deny it, don't be mad at me. I'm truly sorry, there isn't a lot I wouldn't do. In fact, I don't even know myself yet what I'm uncomfortable with, which is why I couldn't say right now what kind of requests I would ever deny.
Don't forget to put trigger warnings before talking about certain topics, in order to not trigger anyone else!
TW: Eating Disorder. I'm recovering from an eating disorder. I'm slowly getting comfortable talking about me eating again, but I'm not quite there yet. So while you're obviously free to talk about food and stuff in general, I'd prefer not to be ask whether or not I have eaten yet. Be sure, I'm healthy, I just don't like talking about it in regards of myself.
Don't sexualise or harrass real people. There's obviously a difference between saying someone is hot and actually sexualising them, but please be careful with what you say as it might affect other people in ways you don't know. I only write about the characters, not the actors resembling them. Obviously, if the person stated they don't mind if people say certain things to or about them, it's a different story.
— writing
I'm technically a writer. It's my passion, it's what I like to do and I've been doing it ever since I learnt how to write. Ever since first class. I still have a lot of the things I wrote over the years. However, lately I haven't really been feeling it. I did write things but those were rather personal, situational or just scenes without context. I want to continue writing and I also want to post what I wrote, get feedback and improve, but I will wait until I feel well enough to finish things and I won't stress myself into creating content.
Also, if I feel like it, I will write poems or imagines and post them. Obviously everything I post on here will be marvel related.
The thing with requests is that I am never able to finish them because I need my freedom to write and I need time to actually feel the characters and feel what I'm writing and I might not really get into the feeling, which results in me dropping it. So I won't accept requests.
HOWEVER!, I never had a problem with writing things that don't require a lot of commitment or in other words, short things.
Therefore I will always accept requests for reactions (that includes things like n/sfw alphabets as well) and short imagines/headcanons/blurps.
I will write about any and every character. And with this I mean any and every character. The only exceptions are characters where the creators or actors who play the characters said that they don't want this. As of right now, I don't know of any character or actor where this was stated. So in other words, if you request a reaction with the character standing on Mysterios left when he stalks Peter before the Water Attack in Far From Home, then hell yea I'm down to do it.
I will also write about whatever ships. I don't ship myself, but I'm open to any ships. Rocket Raccoon x one of the nameless ants in Ant-Man? Why not, I've heard weirder before.
One important DISCLAIMER tho, I write about the characters, not the actors. I don't feel comfortable writing about real-life people, it's different with fictional characters tho. And while I might use pictures of the actors as their characters sometimes instead of pictures of the drawings from their comic book selves, it's still about the characters and not the actors.
Honestly, any and every genre. I consider myself to be best at angst and sad things in general, maybe even comfort. But I wanna try a lot of different things and I have quite some ideas for any genre I can think of right now. If you want to request a certain genre, feel free to do so, I'm open for everything.
Yes, I will also write smut if I feel like it. I personally prefer writing suggestive or spicy stuff without going fully into it, but honestly, why not fully go for it.
TL;DR: I will only accept requests for reactions and headcanons but I will write about whatever character, ship or genre as long as no one affiliated with that character or ship has declared that they are not comfortable with it.
— art
Now, I'm not an artist and to be quite frank, I suck at drawing. It's nothing I'm very passionate about either tho, just something I like to do every now and then to keep my hands busy while watching a YouTube video or something. That doesn't mean I don't wanna try and get better. I love people who create short animations or comics and I wanna do those things as well. So depending on whether or not I feel like it, I might post me trying to draw.
Drawing isn't the only form of art. And while I'm also not good at video edits, they're fun to do and I'd love to share them on here and maybe get some feedback on how to do better.
I always make my wallpapers myself. It just feels right to me. However, I don't like using the same concept twice and I absolutely hate copying something I saw on the internet before, so I quickly run out of ideas or concepts to use. It's still fun to try though and who knows, maybe someone likes a wallpaper I made and wants to use it.
These are things I don't know how to categorise. There's lots of ways to create art and one I really like to do is engraving things I like in glasses. I'm not great at it, but I'm getting better.
There's also "food art". I like making food for others, especially if there's a concept for me to use.
TL;DR: I suck at art but I still wanna try and maybe post it.
— games
It's been my dream for years to create my own fangame, specifically a Pokémon fangame. I've been looking into romhacking as well as creating one using Pokémon Essentials, I just never really had the time to do it. I still want to do it and if it ends up working, I'll post my progress on here.
TL;DR: I wanna create a Pokémon fangame with a marvel theme.
— interactions
Feel free to vent about anything. I want this to be a safe space, no judgement whatsoever. You can talk to me over my asks, by tagging me, over DM or by commenting on my posts. Anything is fine, as long as you're comfortable. You can also ramble about anything, I'd be happy to listen to whatever is on your mind.
However, I'm not a professional therapist, I'm just trying to be open and there for people. You can talk to me if you wish, but it doesn't replace therapy whatsoever!
I simply wish to find friends who enjoy marvel content.
While you obviously can talk about whatever you wish to me, I'll delete anything that seems like the intention is simply spreading negativity. With that, I mainly talk about Hate addressed to either me or anyone else.
You can send Hate or Criticism to me of course. But I'd ask you to do so over DM. I'm not gonna judge you for what you have to say, neither will I block you, I just wanna keep negativity off my page.
You can obviously send constructive criticism over asks or comments it, as long as the intent isn't to spread negativity, it's fine.
TL;DR: Talk to me about whatever you want, just keep intentional negativity in my DMs as I will delete it on my page. Also, I'm no therapist.
— fancontent
I ADORE fancontent. Everything from fangames, to comics, OCs, drawings, fanfiction, projects etc. And I will likely reblog or talk about some if not a lot that I think are really cool or simply impress me. However, anything that isn't official or canon will obviously be marked as such.
TL;DR: I will also talk about fanmade content, not just official things.
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Am I a Monster? Disney Frozen & MCU crossover, CHAPTER TWO
Elsa and Anna Arendelle. Sisters first, best friends forever. Even with Elsa being the one with cryokinesis- the enhanced abilities to control snow, ice and the cold. Struggling to make ends meet with Elsa attending college and Anna finishing up her senior year of high school, they accidently attract the attention of both SHIELD and HYDRA.
Whoo hoo! Chapter two! I’m on a roll here!
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Elsa started to hyperventilate, her breath coming out in icy puffs and her vision going blurry as she slipped into a worried state of mind.
Elsa let out a choked gasp for air at her sister’s grounding embrace, clamping her gloved fingers down onto her sister’s wrist as she hugged her from behind.
“What is it?” Anna asked, her nose slightly stuffed as Elsa turned to hug her sister this time around. “Elsa, what’s wrong?”
“I’ve been found out,” Elsa croaked, suddenly feeling like she was going to be violently sick. “Anna, I’ve been found out.”
“What happens now?” Anna meeped nervously, tucking her face into her older sister’s shoulder. “Elsa, do we run?”
A hoarse laugh slipped out past the older Arendelle sister’s lips, which seconds later turned into a mad cackle.
“It’s Mr. Stark, he can find anyone,” she finally said after a minute of uncontrollable giggles. “Anna, he wants me to join the Avengers.”
The squeal that Anna let out was loud and full of joy as she squeezed her arms tightly around Elsa and began to jump up and down with excitement.
“Oh Elsa, we’re both going to be Avengers!” she yelled. “You with your ice magic and me with my computer hacking know hows! This is so exciting- what do you think your superhero costume will look like?”
Elsa smiled awkwardly, reaching to pat at her sister’s back.
“Elsa, do you smell something burning?” Anna suddenly asked.
Elsa’s ice blue eyes flew open as she raced into the kitchen, removing the battered saucepan from the stove and glancing inside at the burnt butter.
“Hey Elsa?” Elsa didn’t turn as she was cleaning the pan, having removed her gloves to focus more on her task. “Did you hear about the butter factory that burned down?”
Elsa groaned, but decided to play along.
“No Anna, I did not hear about the butter factory that burned down,” she droned as she scrubbed the pan. “Do tell me more about it.”
“Everything was burned to a crisp!” Anna erupted into laughter at her joke, being rewarded with a groan.
“I swear Anna, you and your dad jokes,” Elsa deadpanned as she rinsed the pan and dried it before restarting the promised chicken noodle soup for dinner that night.
“But it’s one of my more endearing features, right?” Anna grinned wickedly as her sister neatly arranged the ingredients for that night- a can of pre made chicken noodle soup, pretzel bread, cheese and butter for grilled cheese sandwiches and fresh grapes to neatly round out the meal.
“Hey Elsa?” Anne giggled. “What did the stick of butter say to the slice of bread?”
Elsa groaned yet again.
“You’re my butter half!” Anna howled once more, wheezing as she reveled in her brilliant joke.
“Oh Anna…” Elsa shook her head as she began to make dinner, pouring the can of chicken noodle soup into the pan and heating up a skillet to make the grilled cheese sandwiches in. “Oh Anna- you and your bad dad jokes.”
The girl could only giggle softly to herself as her big sister made food for them both, spooning the soup into bowl and slicing and arranging the grilled cheese sandwiches and grapes onto a plate.
“Hey, miss silly-” Elsa leaned over to tap her younger sister’s nose. “Knock it off with the bad jokes already. It’s now time to eat dinner.”
“Yes Elsa,” Anna took a bite of her food, chewing thoughtfully as she focused on a spot of the wall. “Hey Elsa?”
“Yes Anna?” Elsa hummed as she sipped at her soup straight from the bowl.
“Why did the butter go to therapy?” Elsa didn’t have to look to see the manic look on her face. “Because it was feeling spread too thin!”
“Oh Anna.”
After the dishes had been washed and the girls had changed for bed, they both climbed into bed and made themselves comfortable on their respected sides before giving into gossip and giggles before bed.
“What all do you have going on tomorrow?” Elsa wondered, her sister hogging all the covers and the heated blankie.
“Tomorrow’s Saturday, right?” Anna asked, already halfway asleep. “I need to study for a pop quiz that Mr. Norris had been threatening to occupy our time sometime next week. How about with you? Do you have anything awesome and exciting planned?”
Elsa smiled at her sister’s way of seeing the glass half full.
“I need to pack and get the apartment cleaned up,” she mused out loud. “We don’t have much, and there isn’t really any big messes that we need to pick up, but I honestly rather be safe than sorry.”
“Ah, okay,” Anna mumbled as she flipped and flopped, trying to find the perfect spot to sleep in.
“Especially knowing that Paul will use any which excuse he can think of to keep the security deposit,” she continued to muse out loud.
“Hey Elsa, do you think I’ll have my own bedroom with the Avengers?” Anna asked, finally finding that sweet spot.
“I don’t see why not!” Elsa laughed, removing her glove to create a few wispy snowflakes, a usual nighttime thing that she would do just before bedtime. “You’ll have to ask tomorrow, yeah?”
Elsa smiled at the soft snore that sounded out, signalling that her little sister had fallen asleep. She smiled as she rolled over onto her side and shut her eyes for the night.
Until tomorrow.
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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atalienart · 9 months
Hey, I have a question!
What do you think about romance in books that are not romance books?
Idk why but listening to and reading book reviews I've noticed that a lot of people really hate romance (not to mention spicy scenes). And I get it when romance is shoved in there without any build up just because. One second there are two people and then whoop, they're all over each other (the best example would be Black Widow and Hulk in marvel movies I guess?). But now it's kinda "why is there romance at all?" and "the book would be better without romance" when it's clearly a significant part of the book, even if it's a subplot.
Personally I prefer books with romance, without it books feel a little bit empty for me, idk. And I still roll my eyes whenever there's an insta-lust or characters declare their undying love ten minutes after they meet (I'm a slowburn person through and through, and angst and pining are my heart and soul) but people having feelings for each other is kinda nice. But yeah, I wonder how it is for you guys :)
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 months
Iron Man 2: Part One
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Nick Fury sits across from you in the dimly lit room. On the desk in front of you is a file he's been working on since you and Carol parted ways in 1995. He's been waiting patiently for the past ten minutes while you read through it all.
"This is what you were working on after Carol left?" you ask and scan the pages in your hand once more.
"I didn't realize exactly what's out there until you and Carol. I have no idea what we might face, and I think it's about time to bring together exceptional people with extraordinary powers such as yourself," Fury explains.
"What are you trying to put together? Some kind of superhero team?" you chuckle.
"It's good to know what's out there. It's better to be prepared for it."
"You think I'm worthy enough to be in this group?"
"Have you met you? The woman I knew in 1995 would jump at the chance to be on this team."
"I have to admit, you've got some good stuff in here," you sigh and set the file on the table.
"I've seen this kind of thing before. Someone puts together a team of exceptionally gifted people who can do incredible things, but conflict arises and it never works out. Your heart is in the right place, but I don't think your head is. Have you thought this through?"
"More than you think I have. I think with the right motivation, this team can be the greatest thing this world has ever seen."
"I don't know," you bite your lower lip in worry.
"Who survived the Kree not once but twice? Who fought Hydra in World War II? Who helped defeat Stane? Who helped Bruce?"
"Okay, first, Stane was a douchebag in a machine he didn't know how to control. Anyone could have beaten him," you roll your eyes. "Second, Bruce came to me thinking I was a scientist. He heard about me back in 1945, found out how to contact me, and I was there for him. I didn't know what I was signing up for when he went all Hulk on me."
"Think about it, Y/N. This is something that can be truly remarkable with the right people. I already have two agents on board."
"Black Widow and Hawkeye."
You don't know who Hawkeye is but you've heard plenty about the deadly assassin. She's popped up over the years but you've always stayed out of her way in fear she'll start hunting you. Never did you think you'd get to be able to work with her. You take the file from the table and look at Black Widow's section.
Damn, she's gorgeous.
"Is she seeing anyone?"
"Excuse me?"
"You know, is she in a relationship?"
"I'm not doing this. Ask her yourself. Take some time and think about it."
He gets up and is about to leave the room when you swivel around to face him.
"How's your eye doing?"
"Don't start," he shakes his head and leaves the room.
Not only do you have this to think about, Tony's speech has been on replay over and over in your mind. You told the world that you were the Avatar while Tony confessed to being Iron Man. The weeks following the press conference have been nothing but chaos as the public made you and Tony celebrities. While you did confess to being able to control the elements, you're not going to tell the world the planet you're truly from. You're not sure they're ready to hear they're not alone in the universe.
Dr. Erskine, Peggy Carter, and Howard Stark took it well because they were already working in that area, so it didn't come as a shock to them. Despite being inventors, doctors, and secret government agents, they were scientists. They knew there were other lifeforms out there.
They may have been ready to learn about you, but the rest of the world isn't.
You and Tony have been put in the spotlight, making you two out to be idols. People love the Avatar and Iron Man and often want you two to be out together in public. With his newfound sense of fame, he decided to reopen the Stark Exposition where he showcases all the things he's invented while encouraging people to show off their inventions.
If you know Tony, and you do, he's gonna want to make a grand entrance into his Stark Exposition. He's going to use the suit to fly into the arena with you by his side. To do that, you have to get high, which is why you two are on a small plane to take you to that height.
"I never got the chance to tell you how risky of a move it was to reveal yourself like that," you say to him while you're waiting.
"It's bound to come out sooner or later," Tony shrugs.
"They're going to start asking questions."
"They were already doing it before."
"Life is going to be different for us."
"Eh, what else is new?" he chuckles.
The plane flies higher, and you and Tony get ready to jump out of it.
"So, how are you and Pepper doing? Have you kissed her yet?"
"Don't start."
"What? Come on, you two almost kissed. There's some sort of feelings there, no?"
"I don't know," Tony sighs. "Do I really want to involve her in my life?"
"You need someone like her to keep you grounded. She's been with you for ten years and has done more than what you've asked her to do. She likes you, Tony and I know you like her, too. Tell me, imagine if she wasn't in your life. How would that make you feel?" Tony can't answer because he knows the answer. He knows he'd be devastated. "Exactly my point."
"Two hundred and seventy at thirty knots. Holding steady at fifteen thousand feet. You are clear for exfiltration over the drop zone," the pilot informs.
"Time for show business."
The launch door on the bottom of the airplane opens, and Tony doesn't hesitate to jump out of it. You jump off the landing strip and follow him as he zips through the air at a fast pace. The wind whips through your hair, the breeze is nice against your skin, and you're having fun just flying wherever you please to go. 
Tony takes the lead to the Stark Expo, and he lands on the stage with a loud thump. You're more delicate with your entrance, and you slowly lower yourself next to Tony until your feet are planted on the ground.
Tony has to make this event as grand as it can be which means there are fireworks, a very bright light show, dancing girls dressed like Iron Man, and a raging crowd to greet him. Sure, you told everyone you're the Avatar, but they're more interested in the billionaire. Not that you're complaining, you're content with being in the background.
You take a few steps back to let the machines underneath the stage remove Tony's suit for him. The platform he's on is slowly spinning as robotic arms are dismantling his suit. The showgirls continue to dance in the background until the song that's playing is over. They do some big dance number that you couldn't possibly follow, and they leave once their parts are over with. 
The lights dim to focus on you and Tony.
"Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony!" the majority of the crowd yells. 
Your name is being scattered throughout the crowd, but it's mostly for Tony.
"It's good to be back. You missed me?" he chuckles.
"Blow something up!" a man in the crowd screams.
"Blow something up? I already did that," he dismisses him until the crowd dies down. "I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of us. I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a greater phoenix metaphor been personified in human history. I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea because I haven't come across anyone who's man enough to go toe-to-toe with us on our best day!"
"It's actually not about us," you chime in. "It's not about you. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for future generations. That's why, for the next year, and for the first time since 1974, the best and brightest men and women of nations and corporations the world over will pool their resources and share their collective vision to leave behind a brighter future."
"She's absolutely right. Therefore, what we're saying, if we're saying anything, is welcome back to the Stark Expo," Tony smiles and the crowd goes wild. "Now, making a special guest appearance from the great beyond to tell you what it's all about, please welcome my father, Howard."
You and Tony leave the stage as the video of Howard starts to play. 
"He looks so young there," you comment after your microphones have been turned off.
"What, you didn't know him like this?"
"I knew him when he was in his twenties. He was bright for his age. He loved inventing."
"Yeah, even more than his own son," Tony scoffs.
"He loved you so much, Tony. Even before you were even an idea. He talked about having children with so much love and admiration. He was a good man. He helped me and Steve become who we are."
"It's nice to know you have fond memories of him," he nods passive-aggressively.
It's clear he doesn't like to talk about his dad a lot, and you don't really understand why. While you were off-planet, he was here building his family. You weren't fortunate in seeing Howard as a parent since you met Tony only a couple of years before his parents died. Tony never liked how Howard parented, but you have a feeling he refuses to see why Howard did what he did.
"I'm sure if he were here, he'd be so proud of you."
Tony doesn't respond to that. He turns away from the screen and pulls out a device that measures his blood toxicity levels. The palladium in the arc reactor is slowly killing him, so he has to check how toxic his blood is every hour. You're working on a cure, but there isn't an acceptable replacement for palladium. The continued use of the Iron Man suit is killing him, and it's very hard to make him see the seriousness of the situation.
Only you know about this because he refuses to tell anyone what's actually happening. He doesn't want anyone to worry about what's going on with him even though they deserve to know. Pepper deserves to know. Even with your vast knowledge of powers and serums, you don't know how you'll be able to fix this one.
If Tony is good at anything, then it's how he throws after-parties once the main one dies down. As soon as the Expo is over, everyone huddles around the front of the building to meet you and Tony. Happy stands in front of you two to carve a path back to the car. Tony stops to sign autographs and take pictures with devoted fans while you keep your head down. You hated your picture being taken in the 1940s and you hate it being taken now.
Pictures are proof you were here.
Happy escorts you to Tony's brand new convertible car while the building's security prevents people from crowding you at the car.
"Very mellow," Tony comments.
"I thought it was going to be worse."
A slim, young woman walks to the car with two men behind her just as you get in the backseat of the car.
"Hi, and you are?" Tony asks as he slides into the front seat.
"Marshal. Pleased to meet you Tony and Y/N."
"I'm sorry, what are you doing here?" you ask.
"Looking for you two," she grins, "and serving subpoenas."
She hands him a piece of paper and he visibly gulps. He hates being handed things, which you never understood.
"Yikes," he mutters. 
"He doesn't like to be handed things. I'll take it," you smile and take the letter she offers. 
"Yeah, I have a peeve," Tony nods. 
"I got it. You two are hereby ordered to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow morning at nine a.m."
"Can I see a badge?"
"You wanna see the badge?" she grins. 
"We'll be there," you interrupt her meaningless flirting. "How far are we from D.C.?"
"Two hundred and fifty miles," Happy answers. 
"We'll be there. Thank you."
Tony turns the car on and takes off toward the highway. It's night right now, but it will be morning by the time you get to D.C.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ricks-fallen-angel · 1 year
Ranking comic book covers of my favorite couples on a scale of “I love him” to “I want to kill him”:
(Note we are going off cover art vibes only)
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Wiccan and Hulking: this is literally their wedding, they are very much in love, no thoughts of murder here
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Rogue and Gambit: still in love, she doesn’t want to murder him but there is DEFINITELY some angst going on
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Black Widow and the Winter Soldier: look, is she here to kill him? Yes. Is there still a decent chance this encounter ends with sex instead of murder? Also yes
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Batgirl and Nightwing: kill him Babs! Drive a stake through his heart! Make him suffer!
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maya-eden · 2 years
First School Day
A/N: Hey, everyone! This is my first story on Tumblr so I hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader; Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
Genre: Fluff; Angst if you squint
Pls, keep in mind that in this fic I named the daughter Elizabeth, 'cause I thought it was cute.
Word Count: ~3.9K
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"Cut the apple in half. Place in the main compartment of the lunch box. Slice a piece of cheddar cheese in the shape of his mask. Use a little white cheese for the eyes and nori (roasted seaweed) for the mouth. Surround Iron Man with orange crackers.
Check ✔
Cut circles out of red wax on cheese round. Replace one so it appears as though there are red and white circles. Use a toothpick to attach a blueberry to the center and put a white star sprinkle on top to complete Captain America's shield. Place inside compartment and surround with raspberries...
Double-check ✔." The red-head smiled to herself, satisfied at her work, before continuing.
"In the second side compartment put dark-colored dried fruit. Cut out a fist shape from a spinach tortilla as shown. Place on top for Hulk's fist...
Final check ✔
Wanda ticked the third mental box off her list and clapped slightly to herself, closing the avenger's lunch box and reaching in the fridge for a mango juice.
Right as she placed the beverage beside the small water bottle she had just gotten, silent footsteps that she almost didn't hear, caught her attention.
A loud gasp escaped her at the sight that greeted her when she turned around.
"Who is the cutest little bunny in the world? I'm not letting you leave the house like this, everyone is gonna be head over heels for you." She reached the little four-year-old girl by the entrance of the kitchen area and picked her up.
"Mommy." Little Elizabeth whined and tried to hide her reddened cheeks by burying her face in her mother's neck.
"Aww, my baby." Wanda rubbed her daughter's back soothingly, knowing the girl was shy and despised the feeling of blushing.
Walking to the counter again, the witch let her daughter rest in her arms while she clung to the warm and calming feeling it brought her. She hummed a soft tune under her breath, finishing up her daughter's launch.
She was new at this, so she hoped Elizabeth wouldn't get hungry during the day and run out of food.
"Mommy loves you, bunny. You know?"
Wanda heard a soft little humming sound of confirmation in her ear and smiled at how cute her daughter was.
Just thinking about the fact that today was Eli's first day of school almost brought tears to her eyes.
It seemed as if yesterday Wanda was rocking her back and forth for the first time in the fancy private hospital room Nat had booked.
The spy wouldn't accept anything other than the best for Wanda and their daughter.
That feeling was maintained as their daughter grew up. Natasha wanted the best quality clothes, toys, food, etc. Whatever was for their daughter had to be checked by either Wanda or Natasha first. The protectionism over their child took some time but eventually eased up when it came to the rest of the Avengers.
Now Eli would be calling the rest of the group aunties and uncles as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It always made everyone feel like a real family. Like they weren't alone.
The child's fondness for the Avengers only continued growing with time.
Her favorite superhero was Iron Man, which greatly worked to inflate Tony's ego a whole lot. He even ended up accidentally boosting about it during an interview, and that is how the world found out the Black Widow and Scarlett Witch were together and had a young daughter.
Saying Natasha almost beat Tony up to pulp after that would be an understatement. Wanda had to use her powers to pry her wife away from the billionaire while also trying to keep herself in check and not attack him.
And when Wanda finally managed to calm Natasha down, the ringing of the elevator was heard and Tony dropped to the ground, trembling as the electricity from Yelena Belova's widow bites ran through his body.
Speaking of which...
"Mini-me! It's your very first school day, how excited are we?" The Russian accent rang throughout the room and made the child immediately perk up in her mother's arms.
Iron Man may be Elizabeth's favorite hero...but he didn't come close to reaching the love she felt for her aunt. It was unparalleled. She looked at the blonde spy as if the latter had hung the stars up in the sky for her.
"Aunty Lena!" Wanda carefully set her daughter back on the ground and watched with a smile as Yelena dropped her grocery bags on the floor and crouched down with open arms to meet and reciprocate her niece's affection.
"Oh my God, oh my God, little me...I'm gonna miss you so much. Who am I gonna take my naps with if you're at school? It's not fair!" Yelena closed her eyes tightly as she picked her niece up and held her in her arms, swinging her gently from side to side.
The adult's green eyes suddenly opened with a rather serious expression and she set her niece down in the kitchen isle to look at her. Eli's smile settled down at the unexpected change in her aunt's mood.
The Belova's hands rested on the isle, each one beside the sides of Eli's tights in a protective matter. "Okay, I wanna hear it. What do we do if some little freaks try to mess with my mini-me, Mini-me?"
"Tell you and you beat their bums." The response was immediately heard from the child and Wanda's eyes widened slightly before she shook her head with a chuckle.
Once again, Wanda almost missed the silent footsteps that walked into the kitchen area.
"Are you inciting my daughter to violence, Belova?" The sudden raspy voice startled the blonde woman but then made her roll her eyes as a smile grew on her face.
"Well, I'd be then one doing the beating...so no."
The response makes Natasha roll her eyes slightly before turning to her daughter, "Bubba, you ready to go?" She gently pat her daughter's head and walked to her wife, leaving a soft kiss on Wanda's lips.
Yelena's reaction was to cover her niece's eyes as they both simultaneously let out an 'ew'- something the blonde had very proudly taught the little girl.
"Go save yourself, Mini-me. I'll protect you." Yelena put her niece back on the ground and shielded her away from the view of her mothers kissing, acting as if they were some kind of enemy.
Elizabeth played along with a giggle and ran out of the kitchen area to her bedroom.
"The monster is coming for you!" Natasha suddenly ran after her daughter.
All Yelena and Wanda heard from their places was a loud squeal followed by adorable giggles that could make anyone swoon.
It didn't take long for the mother and daughter to be waltzing right back in, this time Elizabeth had her small vibrant green frog backpack and sat on top of her mother's shoulders.
The superspy had already made sure her daughter ate breakfast, brushed her teeth, and prepared her backpack for school. She was also the one who had prepared Eli's clothes- which consisted of a sleeved dress, with a long coat on top and boots. Her hair was pushed back into two braids that made her look even more adorable. She was ready.
"Remember baby, if you're feeling too hot ask the ladies there to help you take your jacket off. They are very nice and are there to help you."
Natasha repeated now for the third time.
Needless to say, she was nervous. The spy never thought she'd be able to have a child, so when Elizabeth was born, Nat treated her like the most precious diamond ever. Seeing her child leave for the first day of school made her heart clench at how fast her kid was growing up.
She was also worried about the fact that Elizabeth was younger than most of the other kids. Her birthday is late in December but they didn't want her to miss out on an entire year so she would start earlier than most of the other kids...Natasha's blood boiled at the simple thought of older kids trying to pick on her daughter.
'Positive thoughts, Natasha. Positive thoughts.' She inwardly repeated.
Wanda spent a good ten minutes saying goodbye to her daughter. She had a mission to prepare for so she couldn't take her to school, much to her dismay.
So she fussed over her daughter's outfit, explained and described every little food and ingredient in the lunch box, repeatedly kissed and hugged her, and ended by promising Elizabeth they'd have a Disney movie marathon and cuddle when she came back.
Natasha knew they weren't late so she let it happen, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed in front of her chest and a wide smile on her face.
By the time Wanda was finished though, it was time to leave. Otherwise, they would be late.
This is exactly why the ringing noise of the elevator arriving at their floor, followed by loud talking and clattering footsteps made the redhead spy's eyes widen.
"Oh hell no." She whispered to herself with a sigh.
Less than a second after that, a yell was heard. "Where is my biggest fan?!"
Tony waltzed into the kitchen with his suit on, followed by Steve, Bucky, Clint, Bruce, Peter, and Kate. They had left for a mission two days ago and it had gone visibly well, their excited smiles and continuous chattering a clear sign of that.
The moment their eyes settled on Elizabeth ready to go to school a ruckus was created.
Each one of them wanted to have a go at holding her and kissing her, wishing her a good start to school. And while when she was younger, Eli would start crying at everyone fussing around her, now she accepted it with a shy smile. As a baby, the girl barely let any of them, besides her mothers and aunt Yelena, hold her. Even them touching her left her grumpy. It took her a while to get used to all the Avengers, especially because she was so shy.
"Alright, guys we have to go. I don't want her late on the first day." Natasha tried to get her daughter from the billionaire's arms, only for him to pull away slightly, wanting to say something else to the child.
"Everything I have prepared you for is being put in question at this moment, kiddo. What is the square route of 81?"
"9." She answered immediately.
"Pythagorean Theorem..."
"Area of Circle?"
"π * r²"
"A cosine is..."
"Adjacent to the hypotenuse." As Elizabeth finished off, proud tears reached Tony's eyes.
"They grow up so fast." He shakes his head, handing Eli back to Natasha and discreetly wiping his small tear.
"Right, we'll be back later. Say bye-bye, Eli." Natasha took her daughter's hand in her own as they walked to the elevator.
"Bye-bye, Eli." The child waved the rest of the Avengers away, receiving small chuckles at her unexpected joke and a nudge from her spy mother.
Yelena joined Natasha and her god-daughter on the ride, wanting to be there for the child's special day.
"Okay, baby. Do you have everything you need?" Natasha raised an eyebrow as she strapped her daughter to her baby seat, Yelena already seated at the front.
"Yes, mama." The child nodded, her feet rocking back and forth with excitement.
"I love you so much. Never forget that." Natasha kissed her forehead before closing the door and walking to the driver's seat.
The preschool wasn't very far away. A mere eight minutes from the compound, safely tucked away in a more calm part of town. There wasn't a better school to start in. Tony recommended it to them, after also having Morgan enrolled there.
"You'll be good, right bubba?" Natasha asked as she unstrapped her daughter and helped her out of the car.
"Course." Yelena rolled her eyes softly and held her god-daughter's free hand so the child was walking between them, hand in hand with them both.
Elizabeth was the most well-behaved person grown Yelena had ever seen, she'd never cause any trouble.
"Course." The child repeated after her aunt, receiving a prideful pat on the head from her and a snort from Natasha.
"Okay, baby." They stopped at the door of the school, two smiling teachers already waiting there for Elizabeth to reach them. They knew the whole 'saying goodbye for the first time' gig like the back of their hands.
"Off you go." Yelena found herself feeling quite sad at seeing her god-daughter go, even just for some hours.
The two sisters expected tears, denial, or even a tantrum. They were fearful of the child's reaction. Especially because Eli never dealt well with being away from her mothers. She ended up forming separation anxiety after having to watch her mothers go away on missions so frequently ever since she was a baby. Elizabeth wasn't dumb and knew how to read a room. Whenever her mothers were leaving for more difficult missions, worry and tension would spread across the compound, making the child understand they were leaving for something dangerous.
It also didn't help that sometimes they'd come back with injuries and blood all over their bodies.
The daughter worried for her parents so she began always trying her best to make them stay. Be it by pretending to be sick, throwing tantrums, or clinging to her mothers.
Hence why Yelena and Natasha weren't expecting this reaction.
"Okay." Elizabeth walked to the teachers and the doors closed behind her.
She didn't try to hold on to her mother's or aunt's hands. She didn't cry or look sad. She didn't even look back at them to wave goodbye.
Natasha felt shocked and then dejected.
"What the hell just happened?" Yelena let out also in shock.
"She dealt with that way better than I thought she would." The redhead's eyes were trained on the ground with confusion.
She guessed this was the better outcome. Her daughter wasn't distressed. Things went by smoothly. Natasha had to be thankful for that- no matter how much she would have loved to see a bit more reaction from Eli.
Wanda's eyebrows rose once Natasha told her what had happened. The red-head lay on their bed and looked up at the ceiling with a frown while the witch changed and prepared for her mission.
"Perhaps what gives her anxiety is watching us go. Not leaving herself." Wanda tried to pounder on an explanation. It was hard to get there and she found herself just as confused as Natasha was.
"I don't know. It was odd. I'm used to her clinging to me and not letting me go, you know? She's like a little koala." Natasha huffed, a faint pout coming to rest on her lips.
Wanda couldn't help but smile and lean in to kiss the pout away. She rested her forehead against Natasha's in hope of reassuring her wife.
"If something had happened, they'd call us. That means she's fine, detka. Don't worry so much, our baby is growing."
The two found themselves staring into each other's eyes in silence. As if reality had finally caught up to them.
Tears reached their eyes but then a knock at the door of their room was heard, followed by Steve's voice.
"Wanda, it's time to go." He called.
"Right." The auburn-haired woman wiped the little tear off the corner of her eye and watched Natasha do the same, "Coming!"
The two shared a long, passionate kiss. They didn't want to let go but knew full well if they didn't get up now the blond man would be knocking at their door again.
So Natasha accompanied Wanda to the Quinjet, softly rubbing her thumb on the back of the witch's hand.
"Please, call me after picking her up. I wanna hear her voice and ask her how it went." Wanda turned to Natasha once they reached the Quinjet.
"Nice to see you caring about how my day will go too." The red-head teased with a glint in her eyes.
Rolling her eyes, Wanda leaned in and took her wife's lips in her own for one last time before leaving.
"I'll see you, darling."
"In a minute, detka." Natasha nodded back at her and did her best to repress a sad smile as she watched Wanda board the jet.
They waved at each other as the doors closed and Natasha found herself looking at the watch on her wrist and then at the empty little spot beside her left leg. Her daughter would usually be holding on to that same leg when they watched Wanda leave.
This would be the moment where she'd turn to Eli and ask her what movie they should watch while waiting for Mommy to come back. And her daughter would always choose 'Nightmare Before Christmas' with an excited little jump in her step.
Not today.
It was already two o'clock, though. Elizabeth would be out at three.
So Natasha occupied her time by doing laps around the compound. She thought a little exercise would help her clear her mind.
It didn't, so she found herself arriving at the pre-school, half an hour before the correct time.
Somehow, she preferred waiting here. Here she felt closer to Eli. If something was to happen, she could just bolt inside.
Once more parents began arriving and waiting by the front door for their children, Natasha left her car and nervously rubbed her tights, joining them.
She noticed a few people gazing at her with shock and wonder. A few gasped and others stared mesmerized.
Natasha wasn't here for them, though. She came for her daughter only.
All the eyes on her began getting a bit too much, and the heavens above seemed to take pity on her since the children finally started leaving the school.
Elizabeth took a while to come out. She didn't appear too pleased, a blank expression attempting to cover her wide, fearful eyes.
"Gosh, why are you so much like me?" Natasha whispered to herself before raising her hand in the air and waving to get her daughter's attention.
The moment Elizabeth's eyes connected with hers, the child was sprinting to her mother's arms.
"Hey, bub. How did it go?" Natasha picked Eli up with a bright smile, now managing to fully ignore the eyes of other parents on her as she took her daughter's backpack in her hand and carried Elizabeth to their black BMW.
Natasha expected a response as nonchalant as Elizabeth had been that morning. A simple 'it was good' or maybe a cool shrug.
But when she pulled her daughter away from her chest and sat her in the child's car seat, her eyes widened at the endless tears running down her daughter's cheeks.
"Baby, what happened- why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" Natasha immediately blurted out with a deep frown.
The child crossed her arms in front of her chest and huffed out softly at her mother, turning to look away.
"Eli, look at me," Natasha said in a firm tone and reached to turn her daughter's chin to her. "What made you cry?"
Pouted lips and kicked puppy green eyes from the child got Natasha's heart clenching impossibly tightly.
"Why didn't you come in with me? You left me." More tears left the child's eyes until she found herself sobbing.
It took her a second until Natasha realized what had happened and a small smile formed on her lips as she leaned forward and hugged her daughter, "Oh, my baby."
Elizabeth must have felt so sad and scared when she turned to look back and didn't see her Mommy and aunt following her.
"Shh, you're okay. I'm here, baby. Mama's here." Natasha found herself using her softest tone and rubbing her daughter's back when the latter started to hiccup because of her irritated diaphragm.
Natasha eventually ended up joining her daughter in the back seat of her car and pulled Eli to her lap, trying to calm her down.
The child usually never cried this much, so seeing her this distressed left Natasha anxious. Her cool demeanor didn't fit the panic in her eyes, but she played it off.
It was almost four o'clock when a sudden ringing noise alerted Natasha. Her head had tilted back in the seat as she held on tightly to Elizabeth.
She answered the phone in record time, not waiting for it to also alert her daughter.
"Darling, how did it go?" Wanda's voice came through, followed by a few unfamiliar grunts.
"My evening? Oh, yes. It was quite eventful." The joke slipped off her lips with ease after she looked down and saw the peaceful expression on her daughter's face. A stark contrast to her tear-stained cheeks and little sniffles that were still escaping her mouth.
"How's our bunny?" Wanda tried sounding annoyed but Natasha easily heard the smile in her voice.
"She's better now, fell asleep in my lap not long ago."
"Better now? What happened?" The confusion and worry immediately seeped into Wanda's voice and made Natasha smile.
"Well, remember how nonchalant she was this morning?"
A painful groan followed by screams and a small huff answered her before Wanda did, "Yes."
"Well, she thought Yelena and I would also be going to preschool and stay there with her. She must have turned around when she was inside and, all of a sudden, we weren't there. She cried a lot just now when I came to pick her up...said I left her."
An audible coe was heard from the auburn-headed woman on the other line. "Nooo, she must have been so scared, poor angel."
"Right? I felt so bad, Wands." Natasha shook her head and once again looked down at her lap, brushing back a few curls that had fallen to Eli's eyes.
"Tomorrow you come in and spend the day with her here in pre-school."
The sudden comment from Natasha had Wanda gasping before she chuckled, "As much as I'd love that, I'm pretty sure that is not allowed."
"You have powers, though. Everything's possible to you."
Another chuckle was heard from Wanda and Natasha smiled happily to herself, very gently setting Elizabeth down on her child's seat and strapping her in as she listened to Wanda fight off more enemies.
"Is she okay now, Nat?" The question is let out after Wanda found herself in silence. Her voice was gentle and still filled with worry.
"She is sleeping like the baby she is," Natasha replied as she pulled out of her parking spot and left the school venue.
"Okay, detka. I should be back tomorrow morning."
"Please, be careful, Wands. Don't try rushing it, I prefer you taking longer but coming home safe rather than quickly and injured, okay? I'm sure Eli agrees with me."
The witch sighed out, "Fine, Nat. I'm pretty sure my position has been uncovered so I should go. Free to call tonight?"
"Whenever you want, Detka."
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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lululawrence · 2 years
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lululawrence's November 2022 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
Happy 28th! Here are the incredible fics I was able to read this month. As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
What If It's Us? by @chloehl10 / lovelarry10 (73k, M, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, famous/non-famous, bookshop owner Harry, singer Louis, fan Harry, secret identity, kind of, flirting, angst, online bullying, angst with a happy ending, this fic was so lovely and such a great read, i couldn't put it down)
someone save me (if you will) by @zouisalmightie / the_taste_of_ink (4k, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, Avengers AU, Hawkeye Harry, Black Widow Zayn, Iron Man Niall, Hulk Liam, Captain America Louis, action packed, violence, tension, happy ending, this fic gripped me from the beginning trying to figure out what exactly was going on and how it would be taken care of it and it was just such an amazing read, the world building was fab in such few words)
(Help!) not just anybody by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright / yeah_alright (4k, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, accidental date, coworker Grimmy, ot4 mount a rescue mission, it's hilarious, and there's such a great twist)
Playing Games With You by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory (3k, NR, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, part 1 of a series, Uni AU, friends to lovers, ish?, this is pre-slash in this part, but you can see it building up, the setup has me SO excited to read the rest of the series, i can't wait to finish it)
false security by @jaerie / jaerie (2k, E, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, part 1 of a series, flower fairy AU, kidnapping, rape/non-con, dark fic, the set up and world building of this is WILD and so fascinating, once again i cannot wait to keep reading this series, it's going to be so great, I can just tell)
Love's Extraction by @iamasphodelknox / asphodelknox (4k, NR, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, Star Wars AU, kind of, it's adjacent for sure, it's in that world even if it isn't Star Wars proper, if that makes sense lol, this fic was just stellar I loved it so much omgosh i can't even explain all the things i loved)
Rescue Mission by @vintageumbroshirt / 28sunflowers (3k, G, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, Dystopian AU, Rescue Mission, established relationship, tension, action, this fic was so intense from the moment it starts and it's just like WOW so much i loved it)
More Beautiful Than the Puzzle series by @ponymom-stuff / ponymom (7k, NR, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, Royal AU, cat herding, hahaha, famous/non-famous, secrets, this series was so fucking adorable and i loved the way everything was laid out and revealed to the readers, it was a lot of fun)
All Out of Love by @sun-tomato / SunTomato (33k, G, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Soulmates, Cupid Harry, Cupid Niall, human Louis, supernatural fic, magic, holy shit the way the author created the entire world, and structured everything was fascinating and beautiful and heartbreaking and just, wow, angst, with a happy ending, but you do cry holy hell do you cry, at least i did lol, so fucking good)
Under a Bronze Moon series by @soidiallednine / soidiallednine (38k, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, I specifially read parts 2-6 this month, sci-fi AU, warring planets, Harry and Louis are enemies-ish, secret relationships, enemies to lovers, the journey they go on is truly incredible, action, danger, the worldbuilding is incredible, just all of it is so fucking incredible, it was one of my favorite stories i've read this year)
contentment series by @ohmydarlin / heartland (2k, M, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, I specifically read parts 2 and 3 this month, established relationship, Uni AU, Pride and Prejudice, so sweet and cute and lovely)
Camboy on Lockdown series by @reminiscingintherain / reminiscingintherain (12k, E, Harry/Louis, Wordplay fic, I specifically read parts 3-6 this month which were for wordplay, camboy Louis, quarantine, strangers to lovers, flirting, lots of smut lol, this entire series was so funny and hot and so amusing, it's such a fun read i loved it)
Where the World has Come Together by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (26k, M, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, fantasy AU, magic, protectors, halfling Louis, vampire Harry, secret identities, enemies to lovers, action, i don't think i can fully explain this fic to anyone but i fucking loved every moment of it)
Chasing, Searching, Dreaming by @parmahamlarrie / parmahamlarrie (46k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, soulmates AU, friends to lovers, pining, all the pining, SO MUCH PINING OMG, grief, angst, with a happy ending, single dad Louis, kinda, he's newly become the parental figure for the little twins, this fic was so beautiful and the art was amazing and just wowowow)
A Friend's Gambit - Wordplay 2020 series by @laynefaire / Layne Faire (HisDarlin) (16k, T/NR, Zayn/Liam, Wordplay fic, I specifically read parts 2-5 this month, strangers to friends to lovers, wisdom teeth removal, this was so sweet and funny and just lovely from start to finish, these characters were so soft and i wanted to take care of all of them, and i'm in the series so you can enjoy me as a dental assistant hehe)
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punchdrunkdoc · 4 months
Part 3, Chapter 9
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Chapter 9
The warehouse was a confusing maelstrom.
The scents and the body heat of dozens of people blended together, and the painful cracks of gunfire bombarded Matt's sensitive hearing. But within moments of crouching by the main door of the squat, rectangular building, he started to sense the order in the mayhem.
The Widows were advancing through the space in teams, covering each others’ backs, their movements precise and economical. Their enemies were spread out and floundering, seemingly taken off guard, and too poorly trained to adapt to the sudden attack.
No. Not quite. Matt cocked his head, assessing the occupants of the warehouse further. They weren’t poorly trained, they just weren’t used to working as a team. As individuals, they definitely had some skills…but they still weren’t a match for the Widows.
He followed the fight from the sidelines, knowing it wasn't his place to intervene, that it wasn't his battle. But he was poised to enter the fray if Calina or one of her sister's were at risk of getting hurt, or if something went wrong.  
And after ten long minutes of fighting...something did. 
The balance of the fight somehow shifted. Something turned in the favour of Volkov’s men, and the Widows formation started to fracture. They started to take more hits, and they had to scramble to try to cover each other.
But not all of them managed. 
Matt caught the moment one of the smaller Widows came up against a hulking thug almost twice her size. He could smell the gunpowder from her weapon where it had been knocked to the ground, and she was reduced to dodging and spinning out of the way of the brute’s powerful fists, her own hits landing with barely any impact against his muscled mass.
Sensing the danger she was in, and knowing it was time to act, Matt sprinted through the doorway and into the warehouse. He leapt over workbenches and the boxes littering the cavernous space and reached the Widow just as her opponent picked her up by the throat and slammed her onto the concrete floor. Matt launched himself into the air, twisted, and used his momentum to kick the Russian in the side with full force. The brute grunted as he flew across the floor, and Matt quickly leaned down to check on the Widow at his feet.
Up close he recognised her as Inessa, one of the Widows from the cabin. She was sprawled on the concrete, eyes closed and not moving. The scent of copper filled his nose, but before he could check for the source of bleeding, his opponent got to his feet and came at him.
That’s right, Matt thought as he ducked under a right hook. Pick on someone your own size.
He parried the hook with a one-two jab of his own, and attacked with a series of kicks and punches…but just like Inessa, his hits barely registered. The hulking Russian just absorbed the impact and kept standing. Even a booted kick to the face - with Matt’s entire forced behind it - did little more than snap the man’s head to the side. He just spat out a globule of blood and smiled, baring red-stained teeth.
Matt took a step back, frowning. His first kick had managed to affect the guy…but was that just due to the element of surprise? Because nothing was working now. 
Who the hell was this?
What was this?
There was no time to figure it out - it was the brute’s turn to go on the offensive, and Matt had to use all his concentration to avoid the attacks.
Given his size, the man wasn’t exactly light on his feet, but his fists packed a huge amount of power. The support beam to Matt’s right splintered into fragments when one of the punches missed Matt by a hair and impacted the wooden structure.
Matt wasn’t so lucky with the next hit. He was a fraction of a second too late to fully dodge an uppercut, and the glancing blow to his chin was enough to send him flying backwards. He landed in a heap next to the still-unmoving Widow. He gave himself a moment to shake off the ringing in his head from the impact before staggering back to his feet.
But it was a moment too long.
It gave his attacker time to swipe Inessa’s fallen gun and start firing. Matt dodged the first round, his honed senses moving him out of the line of sight before his addled brain had a chance to catch up.
The next round glanced off his mask.
But by the third round, Matt was ready. He ducked and spun out of the way, grabbing his billy club from his holster. With a sharp flick, he sent one end of it barrelling towards the gunman. The baton hit the man in the hand with a crack, and the pistol flew out of his grip.
Before Matt could follow up the move, a familiar figure came sprinting towards them from the right. Matt watched as Calina leapt up onto a nearby workbench and used the added height to launch herself onto the shoulders of the Russian brute. She wrapped her long legs around his chest and jammed both hands into his neck, sending bolts of crackling electricity through his system.
As the incapacitated man dropped to the floor, Calina gracefully rolled off his shoulders, somersaulted across the floor, and came up in a crouch at Matt’s feet.
She stared up at him, mouth parted in surprise. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
There was no time to reply. Another man had chased Calina across the room and was coming in hot. Matt grabbed Calina by the arms, pulled her to her feet and shoved her behind him just as the newest aggressor reached them.
This one had a knife. A long, serrated dagger that flashed towards Matt as the man attacked. Matt blocked the blade with the edge of his baton, and countered with an elbow strike. Calina stepped out from behind him, dropped into a spinning crouch and swept the knife-man’s legs from under him. He collapsed to the floor, and Matt followed him down, hammering a vicious punch into his face to knock him out.
Another assailant came running at them, this one a similar build to the electrocuted brute.
And he was just as strong.
It took Matt and Calina working together to take him out, the two of them utilising their strengths in tandem - Matt’s offensive skills, Calina’s agility, the weapons strapped to her wrist, and the baton in his hand.
And they complimented each other perfectly. They both seemed to instinctively knowing where the other one was, and what they were going to do. They were so in sync, it was like a dance. As if they’d been training together all their life.
As the man finally fell unconscious at their feet, Matt turned to Calina and touched his gloved hand to her cheek, his senses checking her over for any injuries. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
She pressed his hand to her face. “No, I’m fine. Are you?”
“I’m good. But who the hell were those guys?”
Calina shook her head. “They’re not supposed to exist. And they’re definitely not supposed to be here.”
Their intel had failed them.
All of Anya’s careful research, the days and days of carefully scrutinising the footage from this warehouse, the weeks spent wading through the information from Ranieri’s laptop…and no one had realised that three members of Volkov’s team were supersoldiers.
Well, super-ish soldiers.
The former Soviet Union had never quite managed to faithfully recreate the serum that had transformed Steve Rogers into Captain America. They’d come close with the Red Guardian during the Cold War, but a fire had broken out in the lab hosting the supersoldier program, and decades of research, and the top minds involved in the project had gone up in flames.
Over the years they’d tried to reverse engineer the serum from the Red Guardian’s blood. But the resulting super soldiers were weak facsimiles, and they invariably succumbed to an aggressive form of blood cancer, accelerated by the serum.
It was no secret that Dreykov’s ultimate goal had always been to combine the mind control of the Widows with the power and strength of the Red Guardian - he’d even experimented on his own daughter to try to achieve that aim. Calina had just assumed all that research had been destroyed when the Red Room fell.
But Volkov had obviously managed to find a few vials - and a few volunteers - and had created a cadre of three semi-enhanced soldiers.
Enough to give the Widows a fight tonight.
But not enough to thwart their victory. Calina glanced around as the warehouse suddenly went quiet, the gunfire little more than an echo, and the sounds of hand-to-hand combat silenced. All of Volkov’s men were down - either knocked out or dead - leaving only the Widows and Matt left standing.
What was he doing here?
Before she could ask, he suddenly pushed past her and crouched down behind one of the toppled workbenches. Calina followed, her boots crunching through broken vials and beakers as she hurried to catch up.
Rounding the table, she spotted the still figure sprawled on the concrete. “Inessa!” she gasped. She dropped to her knees and patted the Widow’s face gently. “Inessa? Can you hear me?”
There was no response. Stomach lurching with fear, she scrambled at the material of the other woman’s high-collared suit, tugging it down to try to reach her pulse.
“She’s alive,” Matt reassured her. “But one of those ‘things that shouldn’t’ exist slammed her hard.”
Calina let out a shuddering breath. She hadn’t realised Inessa was in trouble. All of the Widow’s training and strategy had fallen apart once they’d encountered the supersoldiers. 18 against 9 had turned out to be shitty odds when super-powered, 6-foot-5 killing machines were part of the 18. They’d lost track of each other in the melee, their careful plans to watch each others’ backs had fallen apart in the struggle to just survive the fight.
The fight that Matt had wanted no part of. The fight that he didn’t agree with, and the one which went against every facet of his moral code.
But the one he’d joined nonetheless. To help her and her sisters.
“Thank you,” she whispered, knowing instinctively that Inessa would be dead if it wasn’t for him.
“You can thank me when she wakes up,” Matt said, probing the back of Inessa’s head. When he lifted his hand, his glove was wet with blood.
“How is she?” Yelena asked, fear evident in her husky voice. She and the rest of the Widows had rushed over to crowd around their fallen teammate.
“She needs a doctor,” Matt answered. “She’s got a nasty laceration. I can’t sense a fracture, but she’ll need to see a doctor to be sure.”
Yelena nodded, then turned to Calina. “You and Katya, take her to St Jude’s across the river. The gear’s in the van - you know the drill.”
Calina nodded, then looked to Matt. “Can you carry her out? I’ll be there in a second.”
“Of course.” Matt lifted the other Widow in his arms and followed Katya as she led him out of the warehouse.
“Will you guys be okay here with all the…clean up?” she asked Yelena.
“We have enough time,” Yelena replied. “Anya’s checked the airwaves, and no one’s reported the gunshots to the police.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
There were several bodies on the ground who were merely incapacitated and not yet dead - including the two supersoldiers that she and Matt had fought. They needed to be taken care of. And Volkov still needed to be interrogated. Once again, she felt like she was being given the easy way out. That her sisters were taking on the dirty work of killing, while she left with her hands somewhat clean.
“We’ll handle it, Calina,” Yelena said, not unkindly. “Inessa needs you. You’re best placed to sell the cover-story to the medics - you’re a lot less beat up than us, thanks to your boyfriend.”
Calina glanced around at her sisters, realising Yelena was right. They were all littered with wounds and bruises, while she was relatively unscathed. “Okay. I’ll check in later.”
Yelena nodded, then turned and started barking orders at the rest of the team.
Calina jogged out of the warehouse towards the van stashed in the adjacent lot. The earlier pain in her knee - forgotten during the heat of battle - flared up as she ran. By the time she reached the vehicle she was limping badly.
“You okay?” Katya asked from the driver’s seat.
Calina nodded and jumped in the back, pulling the sliding door closed behind her.
Inessa was laid out on the floor, still unconscious. Matt sat by her head, his mask in his hands. The sight of his messy, sweaty hair caused a pang somewhere deep in Calina’s heart. She wanted to freeze time and live in this instant forever. She wanted to avoid the inevitable moment when he would say goodbye and she’d lose him for good.
But they needed to move. Now. Inessa needed medical attention as soon as possible…and she wanted Matt as far away as possible from the warehouse before the executions began.
So she sat down, took Inessa’s small hand in hers, and called out to Katya. “Let’s go.”
Five minutes later, Calina started to strip, knowing it was time to put the plan in action. She pulled down the zipper of her suit and started to wriggle her arms out of the tight fitting material.
“What are you doing?” Matt asked, sounding confused.
“Getting changed,” she explained. “I can’t take Inessa into the ER looking like this.”
She kicked off her boots and peeled off the rest of her outfit, then rummaged in the duffel bag stashed in the back of the van. She eventually found what she was looking for and pulled it out, the heavy sequinned material rustling in the quiet of the van.
Matt cocked his head to the side and frowned as he tried to place the sound. “Is that your dress?” he asked. “The one you wore the night we fought?”
Calina laughed, the sound holding a bitter edge. “Yeah. Maybe one of these days I’ll actually get to wear it out dancing.”
But maybe not. This particular dress held nothing but bad memories now. In fact she was starting to think it was cursed. First there was the mind control incident, and now one of the worst case scenarios from this battle was playing out - a Widow was injured enough to need hospital care.
Calina finished dressing, quickly fixed her hair and applied some make-up. Then she turned her attention to the unconscious woman on the floor. She quickly removed Inessa’s suit and placed a different dress around her neck. As Calina gently manoeuvred Inessa’s arms through the sleeves, the other woman finally started to stir. “Why’m I naked?” she slurred.
Calina froze at the sound of her sister’s voice, then let out a shaky laugh. “You’re not naked. But you hurt your head, Nessie.” The nickname came out of nowhere. But it felt right. It made Calina realise how much she cared about the younger Widow…and how worried she’d been that she’d never hear her voice again.
She pulled Inessa into a seated position, quickly tugged down the dress, then let the injured woman rest against her. Her head fell heavy onto Calina’s shoulder, and Calina gently smoothed a hand over her braided hair as she explained what was happening. “We’re taking you to the hospital. But we need to get the cover-story in place first. You remember the plan, right?”
Inessa started to nod, but groaned as it aggravated her sore head. “Party time.”
“That’s right. Just one more thing to do.” Calina glanced up at Matt. “Can you-” Her question died on her lips as she saw the strange expression on his face. His head was still tilted to the side,  his eyes were soft, and he was smiling a small, affectionate smile. It was so out of place in this van soaked with fear and sweat and blood, that she didn’t know what to make of it.
The smile dropped. He shook his head as if clearing it. “Sorry, what?”
“Can you pass me the bag by your feet?”
He reached down and grabbed the paper bag, handing it over. She pulled out the bottle of whisky from inside, unscrewed the cap and downed a heft swig of the dark liquor. Then she deliberately splashed some of the contents over Inessa’s outfit.
“So that’s the cover-story,” Matt commented, putting together the plan. “You were out drinking and got injured.”
“Yep,” Calina replied. “We’re just two innocent, twenty-something party girls living it up on a Friday night.”
Matt shook his head in admiration. “You guys really thought of everything.”
“We had a lot of time to plan for all eventualities. Well, almost all eventualities.” The last part was muttered under her breath.
But, of course, Matt caught it. “You’re referring to those men in the warehouse?” he guessed - correctly. “The ones who aren’t supposed to exist?”
“Frickin’ supersoldiers,” Inessa muttered, still slumped against Calina.
Matt sat forward. “Supersoldiers? Really?”
“Yep, really,” Calina confirmed. “Do you see why someone like Volkov - with his knowledge of how to create monstrous armies - needs to be taken off the board?”
Matt said nothing and Calina winced internally - she didn't mean to drag up their fight again. She didn't want to remind him of why everything between them had fallen apart.
Luckily, she was saved by Katya. “We’re here,” she called from the driver’s seat.
Matt felt the van slow as it made a left turn. The sounds of beeping monitors, and the smell of antiseptic and blood grew stronger as they approached the entrance to the hospital.
“You okay here?” Katya asked Calina. 
“Yeah, I got it,” Calina replied. “Can you drop Matt off somewhere dark and shadowy on your way back?”
“No problem,” Katya called pulling to a stop. “Be careful.”
“You too. I’ll call with an update once we’ve seen a doctor.”
“Do I get a call too?” Matt asked. They still hadn’t gotten a chance to really talk. The whole reason he’d been at that warehouse tonight was to see her, to talk to her.
To figure out where they both stood.
Even if that mean re-hashing their fight from the other night, so be it. He just wanted to talk to her.
Instead, she was about to leave, and he felt a sudden, irrational spasm of fear that he would never see her again. That she would disappear forever and he’d be left with nothing but a disconnected phone number and a pile of regrets.
Calina paused, her fingers resting on the door handle. She turned to him slowly. “Do you want me to call you?”
“I think I made that pretty clear when I dialled your cell a million times today.”
She frowned. “You did?”
Matt frowned too. “Yes. I called you all afternoon. Because we need to talk, Calina.”
The confusion radiated off her - and it felt honest and true. She really hadn’t known that he’d called.
Had it all just been a misunderstanding?
He’d spent hours fuming with anger over her ‘cold shoulder’ treatment of him, and he’d recklessly traveled all the way into Jersey to hunt her down…all for nothing?
No. Not for nothing. If he hadn’t been there in that warehouse tonight…and those men had managed to kill Inessa and overpower Calina…
He couldn’t bear to think about it.
He was meant to be there tonight. Call it God’s plan, or fate, or just wild coincidence…for whatever reason, he’d ended up in the right place at the right time tonight.
“I hate to interrupt,” Katya called out, “But you need to go, Calina, before someone takes too much notice of this van.”
“Right,” Calina said. She pulled her hand from his and wrenched open the sliding door. Then she helped Inessa out, one arm wrapped tightly around the other woman’s waist. She looked back at Matt and bit her lip. He could sense her indecision - and her struggle between helping her friend and not leaving things so uncertain between them.
So he let her off the hook. “Go,” he said, grabbing the handle of the door. “Inessa needs you. We can figure this out later.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “I-I’ll see you later.”
“See you later.” He pulled the door shut, and followed her with her senses as she hobbled with Inessa into the building. As Katya started the engine, Matt listened as Calina put on a show for the medical staff inside.
“Please you gotta help us, my friend fell!”
He laughed at the unexpected, note-perfect Brooklyn accent.
“We were just out drinkin’ at that bar, you know the one in Bushwick with the balcony and all those fairy lights, and she fell. Outa nowhere. There was all this blood and she was knocked out cold.”
She’d completely morphed from his sweet, serious Calina into the perfect rendition of a vapid, drunk party girl.
It was impressive, really.
“What’s so funny,” Katya asked.
“Calina. She’s really selling your cover-story.”
“Yeah, when she gets into character, she really commits. She should be on the stage.”
“I can’t really picture that.” Calina was too reserved to chase a life in the limelight. She wanted a simpler future, filled with happiness and meaning.
He just hoped he could be a part of it.
Chapter 10
Tag list: @hollandorks @chezagnes @stilldreaming666 @sio-ina-bottle @tearoseart-blog @acharliecoxedfan @freckledbabyyy
If you’d like to be added - let me know!
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limetimo · 10 months
RAB FICS I READ (June pt 1)
With a thief to the gallows by zvzam james and regulus conspire to get regulus out, james wants regulus to come too
the golden king by maladaptivewriting my god so good, regulus wakes up in 1991 as an 11 yeard old and wows to protect harry. oh and also he's pretending to be sirius' son from france
this thing was a masterpiece by mraudersmoon wolfstar with background jegulus
Of Lies and Cowards by ItsYlva
I'll keep you safe by Fenrir13 regulus gets chomped by grayback, here comes Werewolf Tutor Moony! This one is SO. GOOD.
Hogwarts Knows Better, Brother Knows Best by ItsYlva hogwarts and regulus prevent sirius suicide
Leaving And Growing Up by Engie_Ivy some fuckery gets explained and wolfstar is good to sail again
You’re Not On Your Own, Kid by rsbarelle
Mauvais jour de cheveux by Xo_flower Minnie McG can't deal with the black brothers' spats today. somebody has to, tho.
and the memories were lost long ago (but at least you have beautiful ghosts) by effing_potato (Kingdom01) ghost regulus helps remus destroy horcruxes, raise harry and clear sirius' name. very good.
Thinking Of You by aithusarosekiller regulus/remus
what is dead may never die by sisyphusss kreacher saves regulus and takes him to wolfstar
It Might Have Been A Nightmare by AQuietThinker sirius finds out about regulus' sacrifice
Nadir by Ceruleanembers regulus refuses to die
The Filth by ScreamingFae roseStarChaserKiller office sexy times
The Gryffindor Sweater by Trex_patronus in the afterlife, everyone makes fun out of REgulus for wearing Sirius' gryffindor sweater to the cave
tell them i was happy (and my heart is broken) by BlueSundayCake regulus dies for a bit but has to deal with the consequences of his own actions. unfair
 Thing Like Stars in the Dark by toliveinthesky reguulus survives the cave but he's pretty chomped on and bedridden on sirus and remus' sofa. and there's also the matter of his muggleborn french girlfriend who just found out he's been using a fake name the whole time...
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by TakeSwimmingLessons pretty much your typical regulus runs away to alphard jegulus ensues fic
Nothing Fades Like the Light by Rollercoasterwords 1980s cowboys zombie outbreak jegulus wolfstar au. the angst is real and so delicious, happy ending.
Ice by soliloquy_dawn too hot for sex jegulily smut
Declared False Start by Wanderingdonut swimmer regulus
Dial Drunk by Wanderingdonut modern times brotherly angst
Maybe This Time (alternatively: once more, with feeling!) by ghostregulusfest, Wanderingdonut this is AMAZEBALLS!!!!! REGULUS BOSSES THE INFERI AND STARTS A TRAVELLING ACTING COMPANY
Pretty boy by soliloquy_dawn jegulus smut ft top reg in skirt
Dance of the Bacchantes by soliloquy_dawn aboverse sexy times
A Life Like This by ImpishTubist sirius, james and remus said bye-bye to the war and lived peacefully ever after. 23 years later they find out that Sirius' parents did the nasty and got him a much much much younger younger brother, who then nearly single-handedly ended the war and now he's here and wants to make friends. age diff Jegulus
Some Things Never Change by JBlackMalfoyRosier PWP sirius/regulus
This Spark Of Black That I Seem To Love by JBlackMalfoyRosier jegulus, rosekiller, starcahserrosekiller, sexy times and also some plot?
Aftercare by JBlackMalfoyRosier Regulus comes home from his top surgery and his bfs make him feel better
What Master Wants by odysseushatepage Kreacher/REgulus crack
Kreacher's glow-up by fr0gfairy1 Kreacher/REgulus crack
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by Anonymous Kreacher/regulus getting married
Professor Black (WIP) by CLBoden AU where Snape is replaced with REgulus, it changes some things mostly general attitude
birch trees loom by AllLivesMatter CRYING SCREAMING LYING ON THE FLOOR Avengers/HP crossover, from Avengers 1 to Endgame, Refulus is Black Widow, Evan is captain america James is the hulk ect ect, prepate tissues and selfcare supplies before going it ♥♥♥♥♥
in the boughs of the fir-tree by AllLivesMatter more Evan's POV of the above re: his and reg's unfullfilled potential
Hurtin’ by Bunny17 sad jegulus cuddles
Regulus Black's Dating Guide for Beginners by altaiswrites fake-date your crush to real-dating, by Regulus Black, Regulus/Severus
t Runs in the Family by altaiswrites uncle alphard visiting the black brothers
Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try (And if I get burned, at least we were electrified) by RegulusBlackKinnieBecauseITooFearWater remus sirus and james having consensual kinky fun with regulus PWP
beg for divinity (in my breath) by grimstars jegulus PWP
Cruel Winds by BlueSundayCake regulus recruits severus for horcrux hunting
Innocence by SkyFireForever
Crownless King   by SigynNightmare this was a good one
Shattered sanctuary by Coriaria *DE mission goes wrong* Refulus and Severus: well fuck. maybe lily will save our bollocks? I think it was a good one but it's been a month
Brighten the Dark by skeptique for onbeinganangel regulus is bakk and harry has hots for him
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b00inazkaban · 2 years
I have no idea what to post but can people give me like ideas for fics for?
Master list: :)
IM NOT USING THIS MASTER-LIST ANYMORE! Head over to my second one on my navigation page and request from that one please and thank you my lovelies!
Who/What I'll write for:
Most kinks,
Angst (I’m not a fan of angst but I’ll still write) ,
Aged-Up characters,
Any/All genders
Poly relationship’s (3 -5 Character’s)
Harry Potter/ Marauders / Fantastic Beasts:
Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Neville longbottom Cedric Diggory Ginny Weasley Fred Weasley George Weasley Blaise Zabini Pansy Parkinson Theadore Nott Luna Lovegood Cho Chang (maybe depends on request) Bill Weasley Fleur Delacour Tom Riddle Mattheo Riddle Nymphadora Tonks Bellatrix Lestrange (Younger and Older) Lucius Malfoy (Younger and Older) Narcissa Malfoy (Younger and Older) Severus Snape (Younger and Older) Sirius Black (Younger and Older) Remus Lupin (Younger an Older) James Potter Peter Pettigrew (maybe and young and with the good fancast(s) Lily Evans Marlene McKinnon Mary McDonald Dorcus Meadowes Newt Scammander Thesus Scammander Jacob Kowalski Sweathearts; Queenie Goldstein Tina Goldstein !Young! Albus Dumbledore Gellert Grindelwald (Mads or Johnny)
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington Johnathan Byers Billy Hargrove Argyle Eddie Munson Nancy Wheeler Chrissy Cunningham Robin (fem aligned only) Eleven Hopper (fluff only) Dustin Henderson (fluff only) Lucas Sinclair (fluff only) Max Mayfield (fluff only) Mike Wheeler (fluff only) Little!mike x Cg!reader; Will Byers (fluff only) Joyce Byers Jim(James) Hopper Enzo Antonov Karen Wheeler Murray Bauman Dr. Alexie Phil Callahan
Marvel/ DC/ Guardians of the Galaxy:
Tony Stark (Ironman) Steve Rogers (Captain America) Bruce Banner (Hulk) Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) Thor Odinson Clint Barton (Hawkeye) Loki Laufeyson (Odinson) Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) Peitro Maximoff Bucky(James) Barnes Pepper Potts Peter Parker Dr. Stephen Strange Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) Scott Lang (Ant-Man) Sam Wilson (Flacon) Eddie/Venom Peter Quill Gamora Drax Rocket Yondu Arthur Curry (Aquaman) Orm Marius Barry Allan (Flash)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Leonardo Raphael Donatello Michelangelo April O’Neil Casey Jones
Walt Longmire Victoria Moretti Ferguson Henry Standingbear Cady Longmire Branch Connolly Jacob Nighthorse Mathias
Carlise Cullen Esme Cullen Charlie Swan Jacob Black
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Jasper Cullen
Emmet Cullen
Rosile Cullen
Alice Cullen
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Harry Wells
Caitlin Snow
Iris West
Julian Albert
Oliver Queen
Captain Cold
Who/what I don’t write for:
Draco Malfoy (Only character I’m so sorry I just can’t write anything for him unless it’s fluff still don't like writing for him tbh)
I won’t write for Rape,
Smut for agere,
Smut for minor x adult
Kidnapped (maybe tho depends on character and other things)
A/n: Ik minors are on here and still read stuff so I'm not putting a age warning on here, people don't really read age warnings usually but I'll put age warning on the one with smut or suggestive themes. Also, please make suggestions with enough detail for me to imagine and make something with, and this is a safe-space for any and all genders and agere, thanks have a good day!
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Am I a Monster? Disney Frozen & MCU Corssover, CHAPTER ONE
Elsa and Anna Arendelle. Sisters first, best friends forever. Even with Elsa being the one with cryokinesis- the enhanced abilities to control snow, ice and the cold. Struggling to make ends meet with Elsa attending college and Anna finishing up her senior year of high school, they accidently attract the attention of both SHIELD and HYDRA.
I’m back! this is a rewrite of a past project that I had abandoned due to Covid and lack of brain cells. Let’s hope that I don’t lose interest in this little project of mine!
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Elsa shut the door with her foot, carrying two bags of groceries for the week. An exhausted sigh escaped her mouth at the silence that filled with dingy apartment, located in the poorer parts of New York. Despite the fact that the twenty one year old college student was raising her sickly high school student sister on a fixed income, the sad apartment was fixed up to the best of their ability. The thin walls were decorated with blankets to keep the warmth in, the sagging bookshelf was crammed full with textbooks and cheap adventure novels, the outdated kitchen had a fresh tray of double chocolate chip cookies on the counter and a damp towel was neatly folded next to the stove.
All in all, the two sisters did the best that they could with what little they had access to.
“Hey,” Anna, her little sister, greeted with a weak smile over from the couch, where she was working on her chemistry homework. “How were classes?”
“Alright,” smiled the pale blonde with a small smile. “I’m just happy that winter break starts next week. Speaking of which- I went and got you another blankie.” She reached into one of the grocery bags and pulled out a fuzzy fleece blanket in hot pink and electric purple.
“Thank you!” Anna happily squealed, snatching the blankie from her sister and promptly wrapping herself in a warm cocoon.
“Well with how easily you get cold, I just figured that I should just wrap you up in blankies and have myself a little Anna burrito,” Elsa teased her said with a laugh. “Especially with Paul being such a grade A sleazebag excuse of a landlord and flat out refusing to fix the heating system.”
“Yeah.” All that could be seen of Anna were her eyes and nose, causing for Elsa to reach across and tap her little sister on the nose.
“Speaking of which, how are you on medication?” Elsa asked as she began to put the groceries away. “Do I need to go out and make a drug store run?”
“I don’t think so- my inhaler is half full,” Anna said, taking her glasses of to scrub at her eyes. “But I think I’m coming down with another ear infection and a head cold.”
Elsa groaned under her breath as she figured the cost of the medicines that Anna would require to get to her bubbly self once more.
“I’m so sorry Elsa,” Anna apologized. “I truly don’t mean to be so sick all the time.” Elsa didn’t have to look to see her sister was trying not to cry.
“I know you don’t,” Elsa took out a saucepan that had seen better days. “Does chicken noodle soup sound good for tonight?” Anna nodded, setting her homework aside as she curled up into a little ball to keep herself warm.
“Oh Elsa, before I forget, you got a letter today,” Anna said in an excited voice. “Had to sign for it and everything. I put it on our bed. it has an official looking seal- who do you think it’s from?”
Elsa smiled her thanks through a mouthful of food before standing to place her now empty bowl into the sink. She entered the only bedroom in the crap excuse of an apartment and immediately saw the letter- an official looking envelope of heavy cream colored parchment.
“Well, well, well… what have we here?” Elsa muttered, eyeballing the otherwise innocuous white envelope- Miss Elsa Arendelle it was addressed to in stern typewriter’s font. 1450 West Snow Hill Drive, #237, New York NY, 00097 was addressed underneath her name, making her anxiety skyrocket for some unknown reason.
Elsa was shaking as she used her gloved thumbnail to peel the flap open and pulled out a single sheet of paper, the same font from the front of the envelope. Elsa took in the bolded header, which had STARK INDUSTRIES stamped in a simplistic stylist font.
Elsa eyeballed the cream colored letter envelope as she set her backpack onto the rickety chair next to the sisters’ shared chest of drawers. She continued to read, her hands trembling as her pale blue eyes took in the words that were scattered across the page. Elsa could literally feel her face losing all color as she closed her eyes, forcing herself to take a deep breath of air.
I should have been more careful, she scolded herself, thinking back to that day when she had interrupted a mugging between a pimply faced teenaged young man and a heavily pregnant woman.
Dear Miss Arendelle, the letter read.
Your unique abilities have recently come to the attention of the Avengers, as well as your current living situation. Mr. Stark would like to propose a simple deal: you come and work for the Avengers Initiative, and in return, you will get put onto the team’s medical insurance, which will cover all of your sister’s medical expenses- visits to her cardiologist, audiologist and her ear nose throat doctors, all her medications including her asthma inhaler and her pacemaker and any furture surgeries that she may require.
I’m also including my phone number in case you have any questions at all.
Anothny Stark
Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.
(571) 998-7850
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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Natasha's families
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52524472 by Bonaxie “My whole life I didn’t think I had any family, turns out I got two.” Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow Or : Where both of Natasha's families meet to form one. A fix-it of Endgame where everyone lives and is happy. Words: 2210, Chapters: 1/18, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow (Movie 2021) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Melina Vostokoff, Yelena Belova, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Carol Danvers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Scott Lang, Cassie Lang, Friday (Marvel) Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov & Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov & Melina Vostokoff, Avengers Team Members & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark, Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Tony Stark Lives, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Natasha Romanov Lives, Fix-It, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Hurt Tony Stark, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Hurt Peter Parker, Precious Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Thanos Dies (Marvel), Bruce is not Smart Hulk, The Avengers Live at the Avengers Compound (Marvel), How Do I Tag, Tags Are Hard read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52524472
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bagdaddyb · 2 years
Insecurities 🥲
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x pansexual!Reader (romantic) Bucky Barnes x pansexual!Reader (ex-romance)
Summary: After a bad relationship with the Winter Soilder will you be able to make it work with the Black Widow.
Warning: Mentions of neglect, bad writing. Angst but not really. Fluff.
Author's Note: I'm questioning my own sexuality so don't be surprised if pansexual reader stories are more common. (Also Ste I am working on your request I promise I just truly suck at writing)
Smiling to yourself as the last rubberband falls in place you observe your handiwork.
"I think it looks good."
You mutter while placing a kiss against the red headed womans head. Natasha had given you the task of braiding her hair. The ex-assassin was VERY particular about her hair and how it was braided, she told you before you were the first person she allowed to braid her hair and it made you feel special in a whole different way. Braiding Natasha's hair was definitely not something you got on the first try, she didn't allow mistakes. She could see even the tinest imperfection and once you learned how to braid the way she liked there was the added layer of learning how to style the braids the way she liked. Your girlfriend is very bold and outspoken she isn't afraid to tell you when she doesn't like something and isnt past taking the whole style down if she doesn't like it. The style you had opted for today was a simple braid pattern back into a ponytail, it was something a little new, the redhead didn’t usually do ponytails but as far as you were concerned you could shower Natasha in garbage and she'd still be the sexiest woman you've ever seen.
"Thank you (Y/N)."
You smiled and nodded before retreating out of her room. Natasha liked to be alone before missions and you weren't the pushy type. Anything that the red head needed you do, you tended to spoil Natasha but you didn't care because Natasha deserved the world on a silver platter. Shaking your shoulders you get out of your own head as you approach your best friends room.
Knock knock boom.
Opening the door without hesitation after you knock you laugh at the surprised look on the scientist face.
"Mornin sunshine."
"(Y/N) why knock if you don't wait for permission to enter?"
The curly headed man let out with a yawn and a stretch before standing from his bed.
"I was knocking as a warning I was coming in not for permission to enter the room. Come on Brucie you know me by now."
The man let out a dry chuckle as he made his way to his bathroom. Studying Bruce as he goes, you see why him and Natasha dated. Bruce was good looking, out of Hulk form he wasn’t ripped like the rest of 'em. He spent most his time in the lab but honestly you did prefer a lil meat on the bones. His hair was longer than normal, the stuble on his face was starting to get a bit of thickness to it, and you'd never admit it but you love a man with chest hair. Sometimes you wonder if Natasha misses him, you see her seek him out when something truly tramatic has happened. He gives her a comfort you can't because he knows things you don’t and that eats away at you. You used to say you weren’t a jealous or possessive person you've always been extremely 'chill" and understanding but there is something different about Natasha that was the same in your ex-boyfriend. She is extremely cut off emotionally and so that scares you, you have already been through a hard neglectful relationship but it also scares you because Natasha still runs to Bruce. Maybe there are things you don't know and might not ever understand but is it wrong to wish your pressence was the one that was her safe haven.
"Want to come with me down to the lab? I still have some samples I need to run from yesterday, you could help you've been getting really good with the vials."
Bruce's voice snaps you out of your own thoughts. Raising your eyes to meet his with a small smile you shake your head.
"Not today my mean green fighting machine."
You say and barely finish your sentence before you bust out laughing. Bruce merely rolls his eyes but can't help the smile that plays at his lips.
"But no, I think I'm gonna go on a run clear my head."
Bruce's eyebrow raised as he dressed for the lab.
"Clear your head? You alright? Something you need to talk about?"
The question was heavy on your shoulders, Bruce was the greatest listener. He was always ready to help and seemed to know just the thing to say to make you feel better but right now that quality of him just made you angry. Maybe this is jealousy.
"Yeah I'm alright just so much bullshit in the world right now. I feel if I don't take a moment for it to just be me, Billie, and the sun I might go crazy."
Laughing at your response Bruce shakes his head before coming to stand by you.
"Alright you little booty bandit."
Your jaw dropped as Bruce broke out into laughter.
Was all that left your lips but you couldn't help the light chuckle and big smile on your face.
"There's nothing wrong with appreciating a good back side regardless of gender."
Smiling the man pushes playfully at your shoulder.
"I know little cheetah."
Smiling back at the man, your thoughts momentarily drift to how lucky you were to have a best friend like Bruce. Following him out of his room he throws a 'Good luck on your run' your way before heading towards the lab. Smiling till you weren't, it was now just you and your thoughts. Making your way to your own room you change into some shorts and a sports bra. Your shorts felt small you haven't been on a casual run in months and your body has definitely toned since then. Your ass cheeks felt like they were falling out but looking at yourself in the mirror you couldn't deny you looked good. Your large underbood tattoo on display along with the cherry blossom that ran up your back. Braiding your own hair back in a simple braid you throw a sweatband on your head. Putting in your headphones as you walk out your room you almost miss the whistle from down the hallway. Turning your head to see no other than the Falcon and the Winter Soilder. Rolling your eyes you smile at Sam and Bucky the bird brain and your ex-boyfriend always found themselves in trouble.
"Girl you look good. I see you, that gym time working out for you huh?"
Laughing at Sam you can't help that small blush at his compliment. Sam was easily your second favorite person here, he always made you smile and laugh even if you were upset.
"Thank you Sam."
"Heading out for a run?"
The words were heavy from Bucky he knew you only went on runs when you had something on your mind.
"Yeah I haven't been in a while and I miss the sun on my back."
You say with the biggest smile you can muster. Bucky doesn't believe you, not even for a second but he doesn't push the subject. He can already hear the argument now, about how he suddenly cares but couldn’t show you the light of day when you were together. Bucky has changed since then, there was still so much of the Winter Soilder in him when you guys dated. He had apologized to you though, when going through therapy you were the first person he called and so far, for the most part all is forgiven but some wounds take time and he knew you weren't over bringing it up to get him off your back.
"Alright girl well you go on head with ya bad self."
Smiling at Sam as you turn to walk away you can't help but think that Sam is walking around with so much confidence, that he just hands it out to people he interacts with. It didn't take you long to get out to the large garden where you all run, it also didn't surprise you to see Steve Rogers do his version of a jog (faster than any normal persons full on sprint). It was times like these you were thankful for your powers, the spirit of the cheetah within you giving you the speed and agility to easily keep up with Steve. Mr. Captin America definitely wasn’t your favorite person. He could be bossy and aggrivating, often opinionated and even though he takes in peoples thoughts he still has the slight mindset of 'he's always right' but for all your dislike there was easily the same amount of respect. Yes the man had his flaws but he was also the most honest, hard working, and driven man you'd ever met. So anytime you had a problem, a true problem, you came and talked to Steve. Stretching you get your body warmed up, playing your music softly you take off sprinting to catch up with Steve. Steve was fast at a full sprint the man could easily run up to 40-45 miles per hour but you were faster, your fastest clock reaching 82 mph. Catching up with the man easily you slow down to his pace keeping in time, silence settles between the two of you for the the first thirty minutes at least. You take this time to relish in how good it feels to run because you want to and not because you need to. The sun warms your skin like a blanket, the jog gets your body moving just enough to get your adrenaline pumping, the fresh air filling your lungs is like heaven on earth and so you allow your body to fall into a groove with Steve even though this was a bit slow for you it still felt amazing to be out here again. Steve is the one who breaks the silence, he always is.
"It's been a while since I've seen you out here."
You only hum in agreement as a response.
"And even longer since you've came to run with me."
You nod as he continues.
"So go ahead and tell me what's on your mind."
"I feel like I'm falling into a loop."
With a sigh you continue.
"Well my last relationship was a shit show and before you say anything to defend him because I know he's your best friend. This is not down talk on Bucky, I love him, I always will yes we didn’t work out but he will always hold a place in my heart. But it's like I delt with that for so long before I got out of it and when I finally did move on I found someone else just like him..."
You say with a dry laugh.
"Natasha is so cut off from me when something happens she runs to her ex-boyfriend for comfort and again I'm not downing Bruce he's my bestfriend for fucks sake it's just..."
You wipe a tear before it can fall.
"Why do I feel like it's so hard for me to be loved and shown love. I gave Bucky my heart and soul and he neglected me, I was always there for him and never shown anything in return. I don't know how I feel about Natasha I feel like our relationship has hit a standstill because I'm noticing some of the same things that happened with Bucky and I refuse to let myself feel that way again."
Laughing sarcastically as you continue you finally look over at Steve.
"Is it me? Am I that hard to love? Or am I just stupid for dating any Avenger because god forbid one of us isn't fucked up."
A chuckle left the man at that before he looked at you and smiled.
"You deserve love (Y/N) just like anyone else, I know how bad things got with Bucky, but I also know it wasn't until you left him that he truly realized he had a problem, he went to therapy to try and fix things between you and him but realized he needed a lot more fixing than he'd thought. I don't know how things are between you and Romonoff but I do know I had to work harder to crack that woman than anyone else at this establishment. It was at least a year before I even saw her genuine smile. I'm not defending her or saying stay either, I honestly think that for once you should do what's best for you. If that means breaking up with Natasha so you can find someone to love you the way you deserve to be loved then do it. Maybe you need to break up with her so that you can spend time loving yourself. Maybe you stay, talk to her, work it out, and everything gets better. Maybe it doesn't get better. Anything could happen, but just make sure whatever decision you make, you're choosing yourself, make sure you're putting you first."
Silence settles between you again as you absorb his words. Laps blend together at some point Steve breaks off to go back inside but you don't notice you just think. After a while you speed up with Steve gone you can get into a more comfortable jogging speed for you, sweat glistens on your body and after a while you finally start breathing a little harder. Coming around the tree line back to the 'beginning' of the track red hair catches your eyes. Zeroing in on the woman you call your girlfriend, you slow down, jogging straight up to the Avenger.
"I thought you had a mission?"
"Well hello to you too. I did have a mission, and when I got back and didn't see my pretty kitty waiting for me I came looking."
Blushing at the pet name you now see the sun setting in the sky.
"I didn't even realize the time! I'm sorry Nat."
A small smile tugs at the red heads lips as she studies you.
"Hmmm all is forgiven. C'mere."
Leaning in you meet the red head for the small smooch before straightening back up.
"I brought you some electrolyte water and a granola bar. You've been out here since before I left."
Handing them to you she ushers you to a nearby bench sitting you down before wiping your sweaty face with a cool rag she seemed to pull out of no where.
"Something on your mind sweet stuff?"
The smile that broke out of your face was uncontrollable. It was as if Natasha banished every bad feeling at once.
"Listen I know it is hard for you to warm up emotionally...
At that Natasha opens her mouth to say something but before she could speak you quickly continued.
...and I know it's hard for you to let people in. I'm not trying to rush you or say you aren't moving fast enough so don't get defensive. I just have a couple insecurites after getting out of a neglectful relationship, so can we promise to communicate. Even if you need to go to Bruce for your comfort, even if I have to come run with Steve, can we promise to communicate to eachother how we feel because I want us to work."
Another small smile spread on Natasha's lips. Leaning in to kiss your forehead as she speaks you can't help but smile at the small show of affection.
"I promise."
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