#headcanon — ⁞ ❝ you can’t fix me. i’m unbreakable. ❞
repressfeelings · 1 year
tag drop!
visage — ⁞ ❝ maybe if i try long and hard maybe i can fool myself. ❞ musings — ⁞ ❝ i can repress feelings all day. ❞ headcanon — ⁞ ❝ you can’t fix me. i’m unbreakable. ❞ playlist — ⁞ ❝ your business is my business when i have to listen to it. ❞ likes — ⁞ ❝ it’s called whiskey. ❞ wants — ⁞ ❝ i don’t flirt i just say what i want. ❞ open starter — ⁞ ❝ i’m rude to everybody. ❞ wishlist — ⁞ ❝ what doesn’t kill us makes us stranger. ❞ self-promo — ⁞ ❝ my greatest weakness? occasionally i give a damn. ❞ meme — ⁞  ❝ you know why i live alone? ❞ answered meme — ⁞  ❝ people distract me. ❞ closed starter — ⁞ ❝ aren’t relationships great? ❞ interactions — ⁞ ❝ i usually like a little more romancing. ❞ psa — ⁞  ❝ crap ass luck. ❞ OOC — ⁞ ❝ if you want to yell or hug it out i’m here. ❞ promo — ⁞ ❝ i choose you everyday. ❞ timeline — ⁞ undetermined. timeline — ⁞ season one. timeline — ⁞ defenders. timeline — ⁞ season two. timeline — ⁞ season three. timeline — ⁞ after the blip.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
So... this is incredibly angsty but whatever lol. Can we have Baku and Kiri's (separately) s/o getting caught up in a fight with a villain and rushed to the hospital with serious injuries, and when the boys burst in and ask for her and if she's okay, they tell them that she died? But it really turns out that they got s/o's info mixed up with another patient's and in reality she's alive and well?
a/n: djhgjds the angst we have created in the studio today. overall though, this request is so fucking good, thank you so much hun <3!
headcanon: them reacting to the false news of their s/o’s death when they’re really alive and well
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, tw: death/mentions of death!
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bakugou’s watching in terror as you get tossed around like a ragdoll. He feels like he’s to blame, being held back by the pros as they go after you, stopping him from running in there and saving you, like he should be doing.
Like he needs to be doing.
It breaks his heart watching you get beat and roughed up. But you’re strong, he’s betting all he has that you’re going to make it out alive.
At the end of it all, you’re rushed to the hospital while Bakugou is treated at the scene.
Kirishima and Kaminari are trying to calm him down, but that’s the least of his worries. He needs to know that you’re okay. He won’t forgive himself if he doesn’t get to see you in case...no he won’t even let himself think that that’s going to be the end of you.
When he’s finally allowed to leave, he’s rushing to the hospital. Kirishima and Kaminari are running after him, he didn’t even take a cab to get there, he’s running. He won’t waste a second getting to you.
He’s impatient, and scared to death that you’re going to be gone. He can’t even think about that without getting mad. he should’ve helped you, he should’ve ran out there and helped you out, instead, he just sat to the side watching you get hurt.
Kirishima and Kaminari finally catch up to him at the front desk where he’s asking about you.
“We’re so sorry, but (F/n) (L/n) has passed.” The doctor looks at the boys, and Bakugou’s heart shatters. Kirishima and Kaminari’s faces darken with guilt and sadness. They just lost one of their friends, and Bakugou’s just lost the love of his life.
“I want to see them.” Bakugou looks at the doctor.
“Right this way.” The doctor leads them to the room but not before the doctor is stopped.
“Sir, these got swapped, here are the transcripts for (L/n).” A doctor switched clipboards with the man leading Bakugou.
“I am so deeply sorry, (F/n) is still alive, our records got switched.” The doctor apologizes, and Bakugou’s eyes begin to sting.
He doesn’t waste any more time waiting around to go see you. 
When he sees you, he gives you the biggest hug. He’s so fucking happy that you’re alive. No words are exchanged as he holds you, letting his guard down for the few people in the room, no longer caring if Kaminari teases him for crying over you later.
He’s overjoyed to know you’re okay, despite still feeling guilty about you ending up here.
“I love you so much.” He whispers to you, his hands playing with the ends of your hair.
“I love you too.” You reply, kissing his cheek.
“Please, don’t ever leave me.” He whispers quieter, this time his voice is barely heard by you, but it warms your heart.
“I could never.” You reply, hugging him closer.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-«« 
Kirishima’s fighting alongside you, but he’s breaking down watching you get hurt. He’s trying his best to hold off the guys overpowering him, it’s taking everything he’s got. But he can’t focus on you and beating these guys at the same time.
when he’s finally fended off all the people attacking him, he’s rushing over to your beaten and bruised body while the pros take care of the villain who had done this to you.
He watches as they rip you from his arms and get you loaded into an ambulance. He’s crying at this point, he’s so fucking worried about you. Mina and Kaminari have to try and hold him back from running after you, Sero’s using his tape to restrain him, and Eraserhead is using his quirk to stop him from going unbreakable.
He’s going feral. He’s hurt, he feels guilty for not being able to help you, if only he were stronger you’d be okay.
“Kirishima! They’re gonna be fine! You’re going to hurt yourself we need to get those wounds looked at!” Eraserhead yells, snapping Kirishima out of his trance.
“Y-yeah okay.” He says softly. He’s struggling but the second he’s released, he’s going to find you. Taking whatever way is fastest to get to you, he would’ve begged Iida to run him there if he were here.
When he arrives, he doesn’t even ask the front desk, he’s determined to find you on his own, he has a gut feeling.
He’s looking on the clipboard on his own, but he freezes when the word ‘deceased’ is written by your name.
“What are you doing back here!” A woman’s voice calls to him. he drops the clipboard and falls to the floor, tears flooding from his eyes.
“Alice! The info for (L/n) was switched! Fix it!” Another woman calls to Alice, the woman standing beside Kirishima. Your name rings in his ears and he’s back on his feet at the mention of it.
“I need to see (F/n)! Let me see them!”
“Hey, calm down! They’re in room...115B.” The nurse calms Kirishima down as best as she can.
When Kirishima makes it to your room, he’s relieved to see you alive. After thinking you were dead he’s realizing just how much you really mean to him.
You’re cut off by him practically jumping on you, still careful not to hurt you. He’s holding you close and crying into your shoulder.
“I fucking love you so much.” Kirishima curses. Your own eyes begin to water as he cries.
“I love you too.” You reply, running your fingers through his scarlet locks.
“I’m so sorry, i-I couldn't get to you in time I-”
“I’m okay, and that’s all that matters. This isn’t your fault.” You reassure him.
Kirishima’s tired, and he falls asleep holding you. He’s just so happy that you’re okay.
He loves you so much and he couldn’t imagine a world without you.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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myhaikyuuthings · 4 years
Bf Hc's for Kageyama bokuto and iwaizumi?
oh my babies, yes ofc!
Boyfriend Headcanons
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very shy when you first start dating
you’re most likely his first relationship so he has no idea what he’s doing
will leave milk on your desk for you, share his milk and even buy your own whenever he buys himself one
would l o v e for you to come to his practices and games
bonus points if you help him practice
spending time helping him practice is the quickest way to get him to open up, fall harder for you And you get more time with him
it’s really a win win to help him out
he loves you 50.1% and volleyball 49.9%
does he love you 100%? yes of course but he also loves volleyball and if you ask him to choose between the two of you? he will have a very very hard time 
i feel like he’s the type to absolutely lose himself in a kiss
hes not huge on PDA but if you kiss him in public, he literally can’t help himself
he thinks he’s addicted to your kisses
doesn’t show affection much in the start he doesn’t know how
but once he gets comfortable with you and you start showing him more affection? he wants it Constantly
hold his hand, please
if you’re cuddling his head is either on your chest while you play with his hair, or you’re laying with your foreheads touching just enjoying being with each other
not the noticeably jealous type but he definitely has his tipping point
he tries not to step in if you’re talking to someone or someone’s flirting with you, he trusts you fully
but if he thinks for one second he Could lose you to that person or you look uncomfortable he will step in and not feel bad about it
a lot of your dates are volleyball related tbh
going to watch games together, practicing together etc
but he likes quiet dates too, take him to a park or a coffee shop and he’s thriving 
actually really good at communication tbh
if he has an issue with you, he comes directly to you about it almost immediately
he doesn’t like having to overthink if he’s got something to be upset about or not he’d rather confront the problem together
expects the same from you, but understands if sometimes you just Can’t bring up what’s bothering you
will wait impatiently for you to come to him
he just really loves you and wants to make you happy, whatever that is for you 
12/10 boyfriend
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i’m in love with him so this is a little biased I’m sorry
upfront about everything
he’s upset? you will know and you’ll know why within seconds
really bad at hiding his emotions as we know
but you appreciate that! never have to play the guessing game with this boy
he is so so so affectionate 
from day one, his hand is practically glued to yours as long as you’re okay with that
we love a respectful king
he needs constant validation tbh and he deserves the praise so it balances out
doubts whether or not he’s good enough  for you sometimes
he just thinks you’re the epitome of perfection, so he can’t wrap his head around why you would want to be with him of all people
lowkey insecure and idk if thats an unpopular hc but i stand by it
you get promoted to #1 Bokuto wrangler when he’s having an episode
go to his games, his practices everything
when you’re there  he’s at the top of his game, his spikes? unstoppable. his blocks? unbreakable
if you happen to miss a game or practice they might as well not even put him on the court
hes so sad omg
he understands Why you couldn’t come, doesn’t help that he’s missing you
the type to want to be around you 24/7
if you have classes together he will hold your hand throughout the entire class, usually leaving his dominant hand useless because he doesn’t want to mess up Your notes
will 100% ask to borrow your notes
study dates! you rarely get anything done but if you promise him a kiss for every question he gets right you have his attention for a solid hour
after that he gets distracted by your kisses
loves loves loves kissing you
if you don’t like kisses on the lips? no problem he will pepper your cheeks with kisses
gets jealous very easily
won’t approach you about it though
just goes directly into ‘emo mode’ 
takes a little bit to get him out of it tbh
usually a simple “you know you’re the only person I want right? I love you, you’re my person” and a kiss to his forehead and he’ll perk back up
kuroo flirts with you just to throw Bokuto off his game when they play against each other
if you’re ever uncomfortable with anything, he will remove you from that situation
has thrown you over his shoulder to get you out of situations before with no issue
loves to work out with you! if you’re not into working out he will beg you to let him lift you instead of weights
doesn’t matter what you weigh, he can and will lift you
constantly reassures you that you are the most beautiful, intelligent, caring person he’s ever met
you’re sad? not on his watch. he will listen to whatever is upsetting you and if he can fix it he Will, if not? he’s doing everything in his power to cheer you up
cuddling him is a mess. you don’t have a set position you two cuddle in
the most common is you laying your head on his thick thighs while he runs his hands through your hair and vice versa
big spoon, little spoon, he doesn’t care as long as he can touch you
when it’s too hot to cuddle, he Must at the very least have a pinky touching you or he gets restless
15/10 respectful, funny, kind, talented boyfriend. marry him seriously  he will marry you with zero hesitation
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  you two roast Oikawa together #couplegoals
he’s big on taking care of yourself, proper sleep a good diet lots of water
if you’re forgetful like me and don’t always take care of yourself properly he will text you every few hours to remind you to drink water and eat something
not huge on pda, mainly because of Oikawa, he doesn’t want to hear his mouth
but if you love pda, he’ll compromise, just try to keep it to a minimum around the captain
no shame in his love for you though
if you tell him you don’t feel the love he is doing a full 180
will full on make out with you in front of Oikawa if that’s what it takes for you to realize how important you are to him
come to his games. he won’t ask you to nor does he expect you to but it really helps him
knowing that  you’re out in the crowd cheering for him, it’s his biggest motivation
bonus points if you’re louder than Oikawa’s fanclub
loves going on dates with you
the type to pick you up at random times for impromptu dates just because he misses you
not super clingy but definitely likes having you around, he knows you both have your own life and he respects that but if you can spend time together he wants to
will leave practice early if you tell him you’re sad or miss him
super cuddly in the privacy of your own home
wrap yourself around him like a koala and he is in heaven
honestly just loves feeling like he can protect you, even if you can protect yourself
will 100% help you study, and is super nice about it
you were skeptical after hearing the horror stories from Oikawa but honestly he has a ton of patience with you and will go over the same question for an hour until you understand it if necessary
just wants you to succeed 
another one who loves your kisses
he likes making out and everything but the small kisses mean more to him
when you kiss his cheek before a game, or press a kiss to the back of his hand while you’re walking together woooo
he just feels so loved and knows you have no other motive
with make outs theres always the chance the other person is just horny, but these? they’re so innocent and he can feel how much you care about him with them
not the greatest at expressing himself at first but not terrible either, you make do
once he fully opens up though, you know he loves you
won’t let you stay sad, if you’re upset for whatever reason hes just
“let’s go bully shittykawa that always makes me feel better”
if by some miracle that doesn’t help you, time for cuddles movies and calming tea
gives the b  e s t massages with no complaint
just a really good boyfriend 11/10 caring, funny, protective 
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
I'm offering you an empty salt shaker - asks 2, 5, 6, 15 (go ahead, I know you have something XD), 16, 20, 25 (about Bloom searching for her parents storyline)
Starting this again because guess who accidentally hit the key combination for undo and lost half an answered ask! This bitch right here.
I answered 2 here.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Not that I can think of. It’s usually the source material that ruins things and fandom is tasked with fixing them later.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
I didn’t hate it but Bloom x Icy was incomprehensible to me. Fics helped a lot and so did other posts from here and there and I can see it now. Also, I totally couldn’t see Griffin x Codatorta but that changed, too. Though, that was less fandom and more trashcankitty12 with an ask that made me think about it a little more in-depth so it was pretty much me roping up myself into yet another ship. But ooh, I also don’t think I had considered Palladium x Avalon before fandom but, yes, indeed, it is right there in canon. And I was so puzzled over the Riven x Nabu content I was seeing but after watching seasons 3 and 4, I can totally see where this is coming from. The people are right. That is a bromance right there.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
I have no idea what is popular and what isn’t (but you’re right that I have something aka A LOT) so I’ll just list my strong opinionsTM, okay? I will try not to dump on Bloom too much also because it is not a secret that I don’t like her so there is no need for me to go in too much detail.
4kids is the superior dub. That is probably the most controversial opinion I hold. But don’t worry, I’ll try to top it and up the ante. XD
I love Enchantix but it has so many flaws as a concept and even more as an execution and the thing that is really pissing me off is how obviously centered around Bloom’s arc it is. It was clearly created for the advancement of her character and the other girls’ stories came as an afterthought which is why Tecna’s Enchantix was total bullshit. And for having a transformation that is specifically created around Bloom, hers was bullshit as well. I think they should have let her reearn it in order for her to be able to use all of its functions like miniaturizing. Also also, at so many points it totally sounds like Bloom is not upset about the fact that Domino and all of its people were destroyed but about the fact that that means she won’t get her Enchantix. Which btw was a hasty conclusion because at the time Enchantix became a thing, she was still on a mission to find her parents which would have definitely been a way to earn her Enchantix and she had a sign that they were alive. So her angsting over not getting an Enchantix because of what happened on Domino was bad form on the writers’ part.
That spell for good decisions in 1x05 was one of the show’s lowest and most ridiculous moments. It was only included to flaunt in your face how naturally being a leader comes to Bloom because “See? See!!!!!! She can make a good decision without using magic to help her!” So can the majority of the population (note that we are talking about ONE good decision, not an unbreakable sequence of such). She ain’t all that special. Plus, Tecna was written wildly OOC there in order to boost Bloom’s stats so to speak. I’m sorry but Tecna would’ve known that three against four doesn’t give them advantage since they are freshmen and the Trix were seniors at the time. God, that scene was stupid.
Flora is the most boring character in seasons 1-3, fight me about it.
The writers totally had no idea what they were doing with the witches throughout most of season 1 which is why Griffin’s characterization in that season is so inconsistent. Also, wtf was that in 1x06? She straight up tried to kill a bunch of 15-year-old girls. Take a chill pill! I’m glad they figured out a much better balance with her later on.
Not using the fact that Cloud Tower is a living organism more was a fucking wasted opportunity. Especially in season 3 when Valtor took over it. That could have made everything so much better. Also, the witches should have been used more. They were interesting but deserved so much better in terms of development.
Sky should have just fucking died in 2x10. What were these resurrections and Bloom getting healing powers out of nowhere for a total of 5 seconds? You know, that could have been a good setup for a Bloom x Diaspro romance. It would have been so much better if they’d gotten together right after 1x17 and dumped Sky’s sorry ass. Also, Diaspro deserved better.
Riven is the best Specialist but he is especially better than Sky. Remember 1x22 when he was trying to escape CT? He was trapped deep in enemy territory with monsters everywhere and so high above the ground, yet he found his way out. Sky would’ve fucking died out in the open at Magix against one single monster if Bloom hadn’t shown up to rescue him. And the show has the gall to imply that Sky is a better Specialist than Riven is? Please!
The teachers should be fined and sued for emotional and physical damage they haven’t protected their students from. Especially the Alfea teachers who in 1x02 practically admitted that the witches might maim a fairy and they still won’t do shit about it. Nice one!
Griffin and Valtor is canonical subtext and I have nothing more to say about this. It is all there.
Valtor up until 3x18 and Valtor from 3x19 to 3x26 are two different people and the prior is superior in every way. The show ruined him in the last third of the season because there was no other way for Winx to defeat him.
Speaking about Valtor, his whole thing with the Trix is despicable and I hate it so much. It is extremely cringy on their part and extremely underhanded on his and I can’t stand it. Not to mention that it is wildly OOC for the Trix because they are obviously better than that.
I cannot understand saying that Bloom x Valtor is love-hate. I see only hate.
It is ridiculous how easily the Trix beat Griffin in season 6 and how they nearly take control over CT in season 2. And it is also ridiculous that she had to wait for Winx to unspell CT in season 3. She is a teacher, the headmistress of the most prestigious school for witches, a veteran and has been Valtor’s partner (and he himself admitted that together they were unstoppable which means that she has to be pretty powerful and even somewhere close to his level of power). Can the show stop acting like she is defenseless?
The teachers should have been used more. It would’ve been so much better if they were there to at least help Winx if not lead their battles. And it would have made much more sense. Also, how come Ediltrude and Zarathustra literally disappear when it’s convenient and then reappear again (like they did in season 1 when the witches went to Alfea)? That’s just bad writing.
Sky is adopted. He doesn’t resemble Erendor or Samara neither in appearance, nor in character and I hate them enough to headcanon that he was adopted but nobody knows because they don’t want to have claims that he is not an “official” heir of the throne because he isn’t part of the bloodline.
Mike and Vanessa are much more parents to Bloom than Marion and Oritel are, especially when the latter were first released from Obsidian, and the fact that Bloom starts calling them Mike and Vanessa instead of mom and dad after she learns she has other parents is abysmal. Also, they are literally the best parents ever and I love them to death. (I also like Marion and Oritel but Mike and Vanessa are definitely the superior pair of parents if we’re ranking them. I like the idea that the two couples are actually super close and love each other like relatives, in fact.)
What the fuck is up with the magic in this show? There is literally, like, NO FUCKING CONSISTENCY WHATSOEVER! You can’t blink without the rules of it changing in some way. But what am I saying? That would imply that there are any rules which is just not true. Also, there is no clear distinction of how powerful anyone is after season 1. The balance of powers especially between Winx and the Trix is pretty much whatever works for the episode. Same for Winx vs Valtor. The fuckery on that account is unreal. Plus, some of Bloom’s major power explosions happen due to her getting angry. According to the official Wiki - “While practicing or harnessing positive magic, one must keep a compassionate heart, primarily by keeping their thoughts and feelings clear of all negativity, making them capable of attracting positive energy more easily. Thus, if one is plagued with negative thoughts or feelings such as sadness, anger or fear, then their magic will grow   weaker until they may even be left incapable of casting magic until said feelings pass.“ Read that and then read it again, let it sink in. According to the rules of the Winx universe, during some of Bloom’s most powerful moments she was actually using dark magic, not light such because it was fueled by rage. Way to keep it fucking consistent. And that is not just Bloom! FLORA out of all people attacks the Trix in rage in 3x12 when they hurt her sister aka she was also using dark magic at that situation (and then you have Wizgiz scolding Mirta for it in SotLK like it is a sin to use dark magic, smh). In some instances I would argue that it was more of determination to protect rather than anger which I would say would still result in light magic. But The Flora thing, Bloom vs Stormy in 1x09 (Bloom even says she got so angry so that was not a case of protectiveness), Bloom vs Icy in 1x26 and Bloom vs Valtor in 3x14 were definitely rage aka dark magic. And then Bloom is all “fairies don’t have any demons”. Guess again, bitch! Also, writers, you need a dictionary to start comprehending the words you are actually writing?
Now that I think of it, the whole arc in the Resort Realm was bullshit. If it is a magic-free realm, nobody should have any magic in it, period! What is this bullshit that you can use Charmix and Gloomix there because they have higher magical energy? That absolutely doesn’t matter! If there isn’t any magic in the entire realm, having a higher amount of magic in you will not matter because you still can’t use it... because there isn’t any in the realm!!!!!! What the hell! Honestly, the writers can’t comprehend what words mean and that is not the only instance in which it shows.
Someone told me that SotLK is better than Magical Adventure and I don’t mean to offend but that is simply not true. Magical Adventure is leagues above SotLK even if it has some structural problems. Like, literally everything is better. Bloom and Sky are even likable and communicate!!!!!!!! Literally when have you ever seen a better moment for their relationship than in Magical Adventure? If it had been all like that, I would have liked them as a couple.
I think I got everything that comes to mind rn out. Might think of more at some point. I was done and then came back to rage some more because I remembered I had more material.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
I would have them make smart decisions because 99% of the shit they pull is so stupid it is unreal. I literally cannot tell how they are still alive. Oh, no wait! Plot armor. Yep, that’s it.
But if I had to pick something specific? Bring Nabu back. I sure as hell wouldn’t have killed him. That was an asshole move and I have no idea what the hell the writers were thinking when they wrote that.
And my second choice is - implement a magical system into the series because there isn’t one. Magic always works the way the writers need it to work to pull off their bullshit plot even if it contradicts everything that we’ve seen before. Please, for the love of god! Consistency is already dead; stop stabbing its corpse!!!!
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Purest ship? Lmao, asking me this question is underhanded. XD If you mean no drama, then Flora and Helia Mike and Vanessa. But I think my actual answer would be Griffin x Faragonda because they have been through so much that we know of or we can deduce and they still stuck together. Sure, they had their ups and downs but it is obviously a love for life that has lasted through so many obstacles and keeps lasting. The reason why I can’t say the same for Mike and Vanessa is because we don’t really know that much about their relationship with each other. But anyway I love both these ships so much.
If you’re talking about a canon ship, though, then Brandon and Stella (I do not recognize the stupid relationship drama in season 4 as canon). He did lie to her about his identity in season 1 but it was for his friendship with Sky (alternatively, for his job and duty as Sky’s squire). I just love how obviously in love Brandon is with Stella and how much Stella doesn’t care about anything but him. She didn’t care that he was a “commoner” and - one of my fave moments - in 1x08 she only cared about his well-being rather than the competition. It was adorable and they are adorable and I love them so much. Pure serotonin, right there!
25. How would you end the Bloom searching for her parents storyline/Would you change the ending?
I would certainly change the logistics of the whole thing because, boy, did it make no sense at all. As for the actual ending, I’d argue that physically finding them is not the end of that storyline and she needs to “find” them emotionally as well which would definitely take more time than SotLK cared to address. Like, she got them out of Obsidian and boom, everything’s fine! She literally doesn’t know them! Those are her parents and she doesn’t know anything about them! Their touch and their voices are unfamiliar to her even and they have missed on so much that they will never be able to get back and you’re saying that everything is fine? Yeah, right.
I would have had her spend a year on Domino with them before season 4. The school year that started in SotLK? She spends that with them. Possibly even the one that starts in Magical Adventure as well. She learns everything she can about them and the family history. She also learns how to be a proper royal because she is the Crown Princess now and she has no idea what the fuck she is doing. I would have made seasons 4 and possibly 5 about that and added more politics in it. Layla and Stella are also princesses who will run their kingdoms one day so we could have had adventures in political relations with Winx Club. They are pretty famous so I am sure there would be rulers of other lands that see them as threats and don’t like them. There could have been tension about that and the whole thing with Domino being the planet of the Dragon Fire could have been addressed. Who would dare oppose them when they are the most powerful force? Are they the most powerful force after the 17 years the planet spent as an ice block? Are there old alliances to be reforged? What is the political climate in the Magic Dimension? All absolutely fascinating questions that would have helped the worldbuilding and made place for Marion and Oritel in Bloom’s life and in the show. We could’ve gone back to the feel of season 1 when they also had other things going on besides the big baddie of the season and it could have been a little more episodical with a loose theme to connect the season and the overarching story of Bloom finding her parents and her place in the world she was born in. That could have been positively epic... And a great way to retain the cast because the Company of Light were allegedly friends so we could have seen Marion and Oritel reconnecting with Griffin, Faragonda, Saladin and Hagen. There could have been resurfacing debates left over from the war. Kingdoms angry at Domino for something that happened back then in order to include flashbacks with the events. AND that would work out with the fact that the Ancestral Witches were still around and could have led to another epic battle that wouldn’t end with the destruction of a whole planet. Like I said, there were amazing possibilities... and they were all wasted.
Well, this was long... and just what I needed. I hope some (civilized) discussion will spark out of that because I am tired of screaming in a void and I want people to talk to me.
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yanderewhims · 5 years
Hello! Can you do some nsfw hcs for yandere! hakubaby, sin, and Judar who's fem 'lovers' tried to escape them?
I’m terribly sorry, but these headcanons got quite long so I had to cut sin out! However, I will do him as well in a seperate post (So I owe you guys kouen, sin, and yun!)
tw: yandere, NSFW-bloodplay, violence, abuse, somewhat dubcon
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The young emperor is definitely displeased when he finds his lover had escaped,but he is not too surprised– after all, this wasn’t the first time this has occurred.He does wonder how she had managed to break the chains this time, but it was no matter. He’ll just be sure to retort to a more…effective method of restraint.
It wasn’t long until Hakuryuu found her running through the dark forests of Rakushou- clothes tattered and dirty, cuts littered on her body, and hair a hot mess- his poor S/O looked exhausted. He almost feels bad for what he was gonna do to her later…almost. But if her wrongdoings went without punishment, then how would she learn not to disobey him?
With Zagan’s vines, he creates a prison that prevents her from running any further, and she weakly falls to her knees when he arrives, keeping her head towards the ground and not putting up a fight-she had already known she’d lost.
Though he’s glad that she’s not kicking and screaming when he all but drags her back to the palace, that does not pacify his anger that she had attempted to leave him again. After all he had done for her? He cooked for her, gave her everything of her heart desired, took good care of her–and that still wasn’t enough? He could feel his anger boiling deeply beneath the surface, but that could wait for now.
After personally giving her a bath and dressing her, he brings her to the bed, where strong vines immediately wrap tightly around her wrists and ankles, growing tighter with each struggle. And then, he makes sure he asserts his dominance.
Hakuryuu usually wasn’t so rough with her during their nights together, as he had always made sure to be mostly gentle;this time however, he gave little mind to her whimpers as he takes her harshly, ravaging her body with merciless thrusts, his teeth and hands, sure to leave bruises in the morning.
He’s ruthless in his teasing; his fingers and tongue do wonders to her special place, reducing her to a weeping, pleading mess beneath him when he brings her to the brink of release, but pulls away just before she comes. He can tell she’s exhausted from what he’s done, but he can’t bring himself to care-after all, in his eyes, she brought this upon herself when she tried to run from him.
When Hakuryuu reaches his climax, he doesn’t pull out like he usually did, instead gives one more powerful thrust with a groan as he releases inside of her, much to her surprise; he had respected her lack of desire for children up to that point, but he had always thought about how beautiful she would look, belly round, swollen with his child. He had always wanted to start a family with her, and what better time than now? A baby to love, to raise-to bound her to him, forever.
When the intimacies draws to an end, he watches as she lays in bed, body sore and trembling from him, bound by her ‘chains’–both physical and mental. Now, he had hoped she realized that there was no escape from him, that no matter what, she belonged to him forever. When he feels her unconsciously curl up into his body, he smiles, fingers gently tracing over a bruise on her thigh–she’ll get used to it, he knows. He loved her after all; and he didn’t plan on ever letting her go because of that. 
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The black magi sighed in annoyance, coming back to an empty bedroom where broken chains littered across the floor,window left wide open. He had known it was only a matter of time before she would try to escape again, but the truth of the matter was that he had set her up–left both of the window unlocked and chains undone–because he was eager to see if she had learnt from last time. Obviously, she did not. Glee twists in his stomach–oh well, more fun for him when he would get to punish her that night!
It doesn’t take him very long to find her, the tracking seal he had put on her made it much less of a hassle to find her, but it’d be too boring if he just caught her so easily-where’s the fun in that? So he let her run for a while. Make her think she had won, think that she would finally escape his grasp before he would go and snatch her away again, back to the isolation of his chambers and the suffocation of his hold on her.
She’s reaching the border of Kou when he decided to catch her, and oh, the delightful feeling he got when he saw those wide (e/c) eyes fill with fear as the last shred of hope drained from them was utterly wonderful. Though, not as wonderful as all the begging she would do later on when he would punish her-the very thought of it sends shivers of arousal through his body..
“Did you really think I’d let you get away from me so easily, (Y/N)? Hah! How cute!” The cackle spilled from his throat, amused and loud as he observed the trembling  woman in front of him. “Now be a good girl and come to your master…and maybe I’ll go easy on you tonight…”
Of course, she had to be hard-headed, and turned to try to run away again, but a simple swing of his staff and the ground beneath her feet turned to ice, forming a hard shell of frost around her ankles, preventing any form of escape. Tossing her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, Judar ignores the squirming and kicking she does at his back. He smirks, yes, he picked a fighter indeed. It was troublesome at times, but it was also fun. He couldn’t wait to see how she’d fight him tonight, the thought made him twitch in excitement.
The moment they reach his chambers, he pounces, like a hungry tiger on prey; fingers lace through her hair in a tight grip, pulling her in a devouring kiss, tearing at her clothes and easily restrains any attempt of hers to escape as he pins her to the bed, using his magic to summon unbreakable chains that bind her hands and feet-she just looked so delicious beneath him, looking up at him with eyes full of hate and fear, chained, trembling, and helpless to where he can do whatever he wanted.
Judar wasn never the type to be gentle during sex, always needy and rough when it came to seeking his own pleasure, but that night he’s utterly ruthless. He pays little mind to her pleas as he proceeds to savagely fuck her senseless, littering her skin in his marks, digging his nails deeply into her hips and drawing blood-which he cleaned up with his tongue of course.
But the sight of seeing her bleed was just so fascinating-he wanted to see more of it. Taking out his jeweled wand, he presses the sharp tip against her cheek, watching with great euphoria as the red liquid spills from the open wound of her skin, and her cries only adds to the pleasure. Her pleas for mercy fall deaf on his ears, he’s far too entranced by the sight of her blood that she shed for him and only him.
When she musters up the courage to give him back talk, he shuts her up rather effectively–after all, there were much more…useful ways to use that mouth of hers; The room is full with his groans and pants as he grips her hair and moves her head up and down his erection, the sounds of her choking music to his ears. He loves the way her mouth feels around him, the moist, warm cavern providing him a pleasure that only she can provide-that she will continue to provide, for the rest of her days
When he’s near done, he takes a good look at her; bruised, exhausted covered in sweat, tears, blood (as well as the remnants of his release)-but not enough blood. He’s going to have to fix that as well as give her a permanent reminder of who she belonged to. The tip of his red one becomes stained with blood as he holds the squirming female down, slowly carving the first letter to the last, spelling the name: J-U-D-A-R in bright, bleeding letters on the skin of her collarbone. A bit messy, but it was much more beautiful that way.
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Todoroki Shouto
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I felt like doing a character meme!
Favorite thing about him:
Is it cheating to say everything? It is? Okay… I love how he’s painfully kind while also painfully bad with people. I love how he swore not to use his fire half, and he took that oath so seriously that he felt pulling Midoriya aside to apologize and explain (in depth) was necessary. I love that his hand trembled when he went to see his mom—especially that he was so afraid of being like Endeavor, he couldn’t bear to show his face to her for years in case she mistook him again. I love how he learns from his mistakes, whether it’s combat-related like blocking his field of vision against Stain or emotional like realizing how his spiteful focus on Endeavor has blinded him to the needs of people around him. I love how he doesn’t feel the need to posture and act like he has the answers: he can openly admit he doesn’t know and that he needs to reflect more to find the right path for him. I love how rude he is. I love how he unquestionably leapt to Midoriya and Iida’s aid in Hosu. I love his fight against Midoriya.
Least favorite thing about him:
Hmm…most of my problems are with Horikoshi, not Todoroki. I like that Todoroki’s reaction to Endeavor vs the nomu was complex, that he was afraid for Endeavor, cares about him, and is ambivalent about the idea of Endeavor’s “redemption,” but I wish his love for his dad had more of a foundation—from what Horikoshi shows us, I have no idea why he cares about Endeavor other than a vague, dissatisfying “he’s my dad” feeling. Why are Todoroki’s feelings more complicated than flawless loathing? What’s the basis for his ambivalent affection towards Endeavor? I wish I knew more.
Okay, for about Todoroki specifically in-universe…I guess I wish he would talk a little more. He seems like he struggles with finding a middle ground between saying nearly nothing and oversharing.
Favorite line:
That’s a nasty scar you got there *SLUUURP* and are you All Might’s lovechild. I also loved it when Todoroki glared dramatically at Endeavor and then failed hard at introducing himself to the kids.
…And I love the line where Bakugo stridently claims no, he will not tell stupid Deku his brand-new, top-secret hero name, and Todoroki cluelessly asks, “Could you tell me, then?”
Midoriya, Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Iida—I think those relationships really speak for themselves <3
This fic made me love Todoroki and Kaminari, please give me Todoroki working on his sense of humor and he asks Kaminari for help, only to repeatedly and ignorantly roast Kaminari while attempting to learn.
Also, Asui and Todoroki are really underrated; I feel like they’d have understated but interesting chemistry. They’re both exceptionally blunt, and unlike some of the others, Asui is perceptive+grounded enough to notice how awkward and uncertain Todoroki is (instead of the coolest, handsomest boy in class image). I’d LOVE to see them talk about their siblings, since Asui is the oldest and she takes care of her mini frog siblings, and Todoroki is the baby of the family who’s trying to figure out his relationships with Fuyumi and Natsuo (and eventually, Dabi). Oh, and Asui has more respect for authority than Todoroki does, so also seeing them clash over that would be interesting.
Or! Maybe Todoroki finally, accidentally catches Hagakure in one of his area ice moves and feels really bad about it, so Hagakure teaches him to watch out for her by making a game out of sneaking up on him. She also exercises some teenage flirtation in his direction and he has no idea.
Or imagine Jirou trying to figure out if Todoroki has feelings for Momo and accidentally becoming friends as she susses him out and realizes he’s an irredeemable dork instead of ice prince badass. She’s appalled he doesn’t know much about music!
OTP Rarepairs:
Todoroki/everyone basically, so it’s more interesting to talk about my todo rarepairs than run of the mill ships. 
Todoroki/Shinsou is cute…they both enter class 1-a with the attitude “I’m not here to make friends” and get hit with a match versus Midoriya in the Sports Festival—oops! They both became heroes partly from antagonistic spite, to defy Endeavor / the stereotype of brainwashing, which throw long shadows over who they fear they could become, and despite being on the quiet side they’re both pretty dramatic. Idk much about Shinsou’s backstory, but he definitely has a bit of a depressed, wary aura about him together with his fiercely idealistic, “I will never be like that” attitude, a combination that would resonate with Todoroki.
Probably at first Shinsou would be pretty cold to Todoroki, since even after being accepted into class 1-a he’d have some lingering resentment for those who are naturally blessed and admission was a slam dunk, and, in an effort to prove himself against the quietest of the strongest students, he’d make it his mission to provoke+brainwash Todoroki. Despite himself, Shinsou gets attached as he tries to figure Todoroki out, and he realizes the sorts of obstacles this “naturally blessed, slam-dunk admission” student had to overcome to get here.
In short, I’m a sucker for it ok, brotp or otp i’m down, but also in this case the romantic element of seeing themselves in each other gets to me bad.
Second rarepair, Todoroki/Hawks—hear me out ok!! These two would have the funny elements of Hawks/Endeavor but without Endeavor’s grossness. Even after he makes pro, Todoroki admires Hawks as the number two hero whose playful, casual MO is radically different from his own, more solemn style, and Hawks delights in being obnoxious and pokes fun at the straightforward, a bit dense Todoroki every opportunity he gets. Todoroki recognizes Hawks’s playful demeanor and knows he’s joking, but…being a dork…he doesn’t know what to say, so he just responds with total seriousness. Hawks is perceptive enough to know Todoroki noticed the joke, and Hawks’s awareness of that transforms Todoroki’s awkwardness into a dry, deadpan sarcasm, and the two of them can actually, like…have banter.
Working with Hawks semi-regularly, Todoroki has to rise to the challenge of meeting Hawks’s quips with enough insight and empathy to intuit the bleaker truths behind Hawks’s facade as this guy who doesn’t want to work too hard. Todoroki grew up as Endeavor’s tool, Hawks grew up as the hero commission’s tool; Todoroki responded with defiance, Hawks responded with salty compliance; Todoroki prioritizes his personal moral compass over the law/government, Hawks prioritizes the government over both his moral compass and the law; and Todoroki admires All Might, whom Hawks professes not to be so fond of, while Hawks admires Endeavor, knows Dabi, and all the obvious issues that brings up—so I think these two have tons of common ground to build a rapport and also clash with each other in ways that would be interesting for their development. For example, Todoroki can tell Hawks it’s your power and encourage him to take hold of his own destiny instead of being used, and Hawks can help Todoroki work on the shortage of social acuity he inherited from Endeavor.
I love the brotp but the otp has such comedic potential fused with such tragic potential, like by taking hold of his fate Hawks makes some choices Todoroki can’t forgive, and by helping Todoroki learn to connect to people Hawks opens him up for a world of pain when things go south, I can’t resist.
As long as the execution is good, I’m good. A ship that I hate in one person’s hands, I might love in another’s.
Random headcanon:
Todoroki is the #1 cockblocker in Class A. Nobody kills romantic tension like Todoroki wandering in, oblivious to what he’s just interrupted.
Also, Fuyumi gave him The Talk.
Unpopular opinion:
Hmm…not sure how unpopular this is, but while Todoroki understands that Endeavor abused Rei, but I don’t think he understands that Endeavor abused him too. Clearly Todoroki understands that it was bad, but now he’s one of the best students in one of the best high schools in the country instead of on a psych ward (Rei) or in the ground (Touya), so he doesn’t realize just how bad it was. Sort of a, “I was strong enough to take it, so it wasn’t really bad, not like how he was to my mom.”
Also, I love tododeku and I love dadzawa, but I’m frustrated by the number of fanfics that portray Todoroki as meek and crushed under Endeavor’s boot, in need of rescue.
Okay, one last one, because I’m not sure how unpopular any of these actually are. I think Todoroki is actually pretty anxious to fit in with his peers? Like he seems pretty aloof and doing his own thing, but I think it’s more due to uncertainty over what to do than because he’s that naturally withdrawn.
Song I associate with him:
Unbreakable by Miracle, Ember by Katherine McNamara, and Brave by Riley Pearce come to mind.
Favorite picture of him:
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VS Midoriya – Todoorki’s whole awakening, self-actualization sequence is beautifully, beautifully animated. I love the flashes to black and white and the graceful, profound arc of Todoroki raising his left hand.
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Ch43 – His haunted expression when he extinguishes his fire, forfeiting to Bakugo.
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Ch63 – He looks so sweetly earnest when he realizes he screwed up by disregarding Yaoyorozu’s opinion, and he immediately takes action to fix it.
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Ch112 – His badass expression when he and Inasa wordlessly team up.
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Ch164 – His sour, cross expression when Endeavor embarrasses him.
I had to make some painful choices on which scenes to leave out, but I think five is enough.
I’ve also done these questions for Bakugo, Uraraka, Endeavor, Amajiki, Sir Nighteye, and Shinsou!
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lynne-monstr · 5 years
Writers Month 2019 Day 2: Hurt/Comfort (Malec)
(post 2x12, because I was recently talking on Twitter about my headcanons about the wards after Clary blew through them like paper in that episode.)
Alec stumbled in the dark, cursing under his breath as his toe his caught the edge of a side table that hadn’t been there an hour ago. Things must be worse than he thought if Magnus had redecorated yet again.
Carefully, he eased around the corner into the living room where Magnus kept his apothecary. Sure enough, the far corner was lit in a pool of yellow light, a smear of color in an otherwise dark space.
Magnus was hunched over several cauldrons, hands dancing as he measured and mixed ingredients without pause. The low melody of his voice filled the air as he talked himself through whatever bit of magic he was working on. Behind him was another new addition to the loft’s decor, a whiteboard with scribbles that were more letters than numbers. Perhaps some obscure demonic language, but not one that Alec had ever studied.
Alec cleared his throat, heart breaking as even that small noise caused Magnus to startle.
“Alexander!” Magnus’ elbow nearly knocked over the cauldron at the very edge of the table but his quick reflexes caught it before its contents could escape. “You should be in bed.”
Magnus never used to startle, but ever since getting his body back from Valentine, he’d been on edge, even here in his home. Alec hated it.
“So should you.” He ached to take Magnus into his arms and kiss away the deep line of tension between his brows but he’d learned the hard way that crowding Magnus only agitated him more. “The bed’s too big without you.”
“I can fix that,” Magnus waved his fingers.
“Or you can come to bed.” Alec swallowed the lump in his throat. “Please come to bed.”
Magnus stilled, and the lack of movement made him seem much smaller. “I can’t,” he whispered. “Not yet.”
Alec didn’t need to guess what research had captivated Magnus enough to keep him from sleep for so many nights on end. It was the same thing he’d been working on constantly since the day he’d regained his body. ““The wards won’t be finished tonight,” he said. “And they won’t be finished tomorrow or the day after that. You need rest.”
The agitation was back, firming Magnus’ strong shoulders and bringing the fire back into his eyes. “You saw the rune Clary made. And while I’m grateful to Biscuit for bursting in and sending Valentine back to that cell—” Magnus’ whole body seemed to shudder at the word, as if a part of him was still reliving every moment of his capture—"she exposed an unacceptable breach in my own protections. What use are my wards if they can be brought down with nothing but a stele?”
It was a familiar argument, and so was Alec’s rebuttal. “All the magic in the world won’t matter if you drop from exhaustion.”
Magnus’ eyes flickered to the whiteboard. “I’m so close, Alexander, Just a little more work and this place will be absolutely impenetrable. I can even put the new wards up in the Institute if—”
The ache in Alec’s chest grew so large it drowned out the words. His world narrowed to the dark bags under Magnus’ eyes, the telltale chips in his nail polish, the way he swayed on his feet even as he spoke.
This couldn’t go on.
He put both hands on Magnus’ shoulders, moving slow enough that Magnus could retreat if he wished. He didn’t, and some of the tension in Alec’s chest eased at that. With the same care, he ran a hand up Magnus’ neck, cradling the base of his skull. Magnus leaned ever so slightly into the touch, betraying how exhausted he truly was.
“Okay,” Alec said, reaching with his other hand for the stele he’d tucked into his sweatpants when he’d first woken up alone and worried. Before he could change his mind, he ran it across his stamina rune and felt the familiar energy sweeping through him, lighting up his senses and setting his nerves on edge. He felt refreshed, as if roused from a full night’s sleep and a cup of coffee.
Magnus blinked several times. “Alec, what are you doing?”
Instead of answering, Alec put away the stele and tugged at Magnus’ hand. “You can work on the wards tomorrow. I’ll keep watch until then.” Why he didn’t think of this solution before, he didn’t know, but the answer suddenly seemed crystal clear. If Magnus didn’t feel safe behind his wards anymore, Alec would give him the next best thing.
Magnus dug in his heels but made no effort to break Alec’s grip on his hand. “That’s kind but unnecessary. I can look out for myself.”
“Even High Warlocks need sleep.” Alec took a step closer, recognizing victory when Magnus didn’t retreat. “And I already activated the rune, so I’ll be up all night anyway.” He brought their joined hands to his lips, not bothering to hide the pleading in his eyes when he said, “Let me do this for you,”
Magnus’ eyes went wide and this time he didn’t protest when Alec led him towards the bedroom.
The door swung shut behind them, closing them off in the place that was fast becoming a sanctuary in Alec’s mind. Here, away from the street noise of the balcony, the silence seemed unbreakable, a blanket spread over the two of them that separated them from the outside world.
It was an illusion neither of them moved to break as Alec unbuttoned Magnus’ shirt and helped him out of his pants. His fingers skimmed along each inch of newly bared skin, a comfort rather than any intent towards more strenuous activities. Gently, he took off each of Magnus’ rings from unresisting fingers and lifted the layers of necklaces over his head. Magnus didn’t say a word as Alec tilted his head so that he could disentangle the earcuff from its usual place, though the peaceful smile on his face gave Alec hope that he was going about this the right way.
Once the last piece of jewelry was removed, Alec deposited the whole handful of heavy silver adornments onto the bedside table. He didn’t think Magnus would stay awake long enough to get his makeup off and so, clad in nothing but his boxer briefs and his eyeliner, Alec bundled him under the covers. Magnus must have thought the same, because he let Alec take him to bed without a word of complaint.
In almost no time at all, his breathing slowed and evened out, his body going limp and vulnerable in sleep. Alec wasn’t naïve enough to think that one night of rest would solve all their problems, but it was a good first step.  One they were taking together. It was enough to give him hope.
Deep in sleep, Magnus shifted on the bed so that he was sprawled on his stomach, one arm tucked under the pillow and the other slung across Alec’s waist where he sat propped up against the headboard between Magnus and the door.
Alec kept watch over him all night.
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vuelie-frost · 5 years
Living in the woods
aka, vuelie-frost verbally babbling why Elsa lives in the forest instead of Arendelle.  This is still a part of the ending that flickers my unease, even this morning after having slept on it. This isn’t a post to convince anyone, but literally just my own thoughts and processing. Hopefully by the end I’ll be more accepting, or even excited about Elsa’s development. I don’t like it, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad or the wrong decision. Separating the part of me that has desires (ie that Elsa would be queen in Arendelle forever and ever) and the part of me that recognizes cinema as a series of complex character arcs (ie what I desire might not actually be best, or in character) is REALLY HARD. But I posit it’s essential to interpreting media in a healthy way.  I 100% trust Jen Lee and Chris Buck, not because I idolize them, but because they so obviously care about these characters and this world. Maybe I’m too starry-eyed, but I don’t get the sense that they did this sequel for the cash cow. Now Disney execs probably pushed them in this direction for that reason (Disney is a corporation at the end of the day,) but Jen has stated that they didn’t want to make a sequel if there wasn’t a story to tell. They still felt parts of the story were left unsaid, and that’s why they pursued this film.  That said, the movie takes on a LOT, and I have a hunch that’s why it feels so fast paced. Not only is it a kids’ movie and therefore has to hold your attention at all times, but it packs in a lot of plot and character development into a short timespan. The sacrifice of a fast pace is the realism of some situations. Is it realistic that Anna would process her grief over Elsa so quickly? In the real world, no. Probably not. Is it realistic Elsa would so easily hand over the throne when it was something she enjoyed and was good at? Probably not. But (and the first movie had some similar issues too,) we have to suspend disbelief a bit. This isn’t exclusive to Frozen; it happens in all movies. You see it in small bits where someone hangs up the phone without saying “bye,” or when people make eye contact and something spoken goes unsaid. That doesn’t really happen in real life. But we turn a blind eye to those details because the larger purpose of the story is more important than those details. And as these details in Frozen are only rushed, not invalid or stupid, we can still accept them.  The idea that Elsa belongs in the forest/among nature is hard for me to accept, but again, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It just means my vision for her wasn’t what the writers thought was best. And the writers know her better than I do. They did her such justice in the first film and even in this film (her poor skills at charades? GOD RELATABLE.) I’ve often fantasied, albeit unconsciously, about the Elsa I’d like to see. I realize that in the 6 years since Frozen, I’ve loved the idea of Elsa as a mysterious, snow-bound sorceress type, living a somewhat solitary life. Still as human, flawed, and precious as ever, but becoming “larger than life” figuratively. Someone revered, respected, maybe a little bit feared upon first impression, but ultimately gentle and warmhearted. Loved by all. Feared by her enemies. (In fact, I write an RP character who is partially inspired by Elsa and partially an infusion of my own personality, and to my own surprise, this character is on that exact path. Unconscious channeling much?) Maybe.. that’s exactly what she is now. The fact that I’m uncomfortable with this just development testifies that 1) she feels out of my control, which makes me feel vulnerable, which makes me feel angry and 2) I’ve at least partially idolized her for her job (queen) instead of her as a whole person Note that I’m not using the reasoning of “she belongs with Anna all the time” as a cause for my uneasiness. This is more about Elsa as a standalone character than their relationship. One, I’m not an Elsanna shipper, so the physical dislocation of two siblings doesn’t scream “heartbreaking” to me. It’s incredibly normal to have family you love with your entire heart and not live with them full-time, if at all. Maybe it’s because I’m the oldest sibling and can see this dynamic more clearly. Two, Elsa could not step into her new role if she didn’t have the unbreakable support system that is Anna behind her. If there was ANY doubt of their relationship’s strength, I’m positive Elsa wouldn’t leave her baby sister to rule alone. It’s not that they don’t need each other. On the contrary, and perhaps paradoxically, they need the other so much that the epilogue could not come to fruition if their bond wasn’t ironclad.  I’m still going to miss Elsa as queen. I’m not..... totally unconvinced that she’s not still a “queen,” someone with political leverage in Arendelle, as she’s still its protector and a royal by birthright. It hasn’t been ruled out that they’re co-rulers, just operating in different spheres. I’m waiting for more interviews/podcasts with Jen that I hope will address this detail. If not and Elsa’s technically a princess again, that’s cool too. She’s still part of the royal family and therefore can’t be a commoner or anything. But I wonder why I’m so hooked on her status as a queen, and I realize: it’s just a role. It’s not who she is. I’ve enjoyed it for the inflation of my own ego- seeing someone who’s like me in a position of leadership and reverence is incredibly validating. Watching her walk with beauty and grace as a beloved queen lets me live vicariously. But I have a working hypothesis that escapism in fictional characters is actually our attempt to connect with the real world better. I’ve so badly wanted her to remain queen because it validates ME. It helps ME believe that someone with her set of quirks and nuances can succeed. The issue isn’t with Elsa abdicating the throne- it’s with me assuming that she’s not herself if she’s not in a position of power, and then it throws my own identity into question.  And it admittedly has to do with the ambiguity of being the “fifth spirit.” I was worried Elsa would transform into a spirit being, or ghost, or ethereal creature that was no longer human. That doesn't happen, to as much as I understand the movie (she transforms her dress, steps onto a symbol that unites the four spirits, and then unfreezes after the dam breaks.... but there isn’t some spirit-world complete transformation of her essence.) The part of her that’s magic IS inhuman, which is self-evident (no other human in this universe has magic abilities LOL), but that’s not to say she’s inhuman.  I’ve also mentioned that I interpret this role as descriptive, not prescriptive. She was a gift to Iduna and Agnarr from birth. This is who she was meant to be from day 1- the potential was inside her the whole time, manifesting in the form of ice magic. I theorize she’s awakened into the 5th spirit role, but it was never something where she had to change in order to become it. (Now deeper lore, like how a 5th spirit existed when Agnarr was a kid and what subsequently happened to it, is still a mystery. I’m interpreting it to mean that the 5th spirit is a role of unification, not a spirit in and of itself. And once the forest became trapped, it dissipated by definition. Elsa was born to fulfill that lost role again, OR to be the first physical catalyst to hold it. Not to mention Anna is imperative here as well- they’re both the bridge.) Someone else mentioned that since their mother was Northuldra, Elsa’s actually among her own people. This is important too, I think. Imagine if Elsa went back to the castle canonically after all that happens. They’d be leaving a huge part of their family history out there, not to mention Ahtohallan which Elsa obviously has a mysterious connection with. I think if Elsa did go back to Arendelle permanently, we’d be having similar conversations in reverse by claiming that she really does belong near Ahtohallan and in nature with the spirits. We can’t win. She belongs in both places- among her family & among her predestined purpose. And she’s able to come and go among them both whenever she’d like. That’s her true independence. She’s FREE, wholehearted and integrated. I also mentioned in a previous post my penchant for a savior complex, probably stemming from my own issues with codependence and infatuation. I won’t get too far into those here again except to say: I liked “needy” Elsa because I wanted to envision myself as the one saving her. That’s my own thorn. It originates from a total infatuation with her that I’m still working on letting go (ha.) But I’m sure I’m not the only one who experiences this. It’s because she’s a character so meaningful to me that I care so much about her, even to an unhealthy degree. I know she’s not real. I know the fantasy of knowing her and “fixing” her is irrational, weird, unfounded, and impossible. But that’s ME, not her. Show Yourself, which is beautiful and emotional, unexpectedly made me feel a little sad to know she’s no longer aching to find herself. Maybe I want that kind of certainty for myself, especially as I’m on the cusp of finding a new job & moving. Maybe it’s my unhealthy fixation on her that wants her to remain insecure so that I can feel validated as her “protector” (again, weird and irrational. I can’t explain my brain’s projections.) Maybe it’s not as clear cut as I want it to be, and I just need to- brace yourselves- let it go. ; ) Granted I still have reservations about her new role, like how someone who was pampered all her life & is known for her pose & grace will adjust to essentially camping 24/7, but those are details and inherently flexible. You can’t say she doesn’t belong in the forest just because she’s not acclimated yet.  Now what I feel a lot of people feel unease over is the loss of the first movie’s ending. And by that I mean, we have to disregard our previous headcanon that Elsa remained queen for her lifetime. I mean, we assumed that for 6 whole years and had all that time to flourish in our creative exploits built on that premise. So it undoubtedly feels a little dissonant to have a sequel that goes “nope, not true.” I think that’s normal, and it’s the kind of thing that becomes accepted with time. Shifting our mental framework of Elsa & Anna’s respective futures will take some getting used to. Again, it doesn’t make it a bad ending (you’re free to think that, of course! But something unexpected =/= something bad.) tl;dr vuelie-frost has a lot of feelings and concerns that are pretty indicative of her own issues, not the movie’s. Frozen 2 isn’t perfect but a lot of my grief could be alleviated by focusing on my own projections and expectations, and shifting my perspective to be more open and accepting. You know how people say attitude is everything? It’s annoying but it’s true. And I mean, I still love this movie and want to buy all the merch and draw Elsa endlessly, so my love for the franchise is obviously still THRIVING
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dreamlanddoll · 5 years
Your headcanons on the part of Cedric's life between the time he graduated Hexley Hall to the time he first met Sofia?
Cedric’s Life Between Graduation and Meeting Sofia 
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Upon graduating, Cedric was immediately pulled into training by his father to become Enchancia’s next Royal Sorcerer
There was a lot of pressure on him, more than he could handle. Cedric wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to live up to his father’s standards, or that of the future King’s 
Cedric was already somewhat accustomed to his fathers workshop, but since it would soon become his own, Goodwyn was obligated to show him how to operate everything in it (without letting him touching anything)
“And that is the crank you use to bring down the ladder- NO DON’T TOUCH IT!”
He knows how accident prone his son is and would rather not risk the mess (or injury)
One day, while doing regular apprentice chores in the workshop with his raven Wormwood at his side, and as his father was brewing potions, a small, unsupervised potion bottle on a stool nearby caught the young adults eye, and seeing that his father wasn’t paying attention to him, Cedric figured it couldn’t hurt to inspect it, right?
As he approached the stool, broom still in hand, all whilst his familiar was shouting at him to not do it inside his head, he heard his father ask, “Cedric, could you hand me my-?” causing him to startle and trip, knocking into the stool and spilling the potion all over the floor- as well as himself.
Lucky for him, Goodwyn turned his head just in time when he heard the crash to see what had happened- and before his very eyes was his son- now a small green lizard- helplessly freaking out on the ground.
Goodwyn rolls his eyes and mutters the spell to reverse it. In a whirl of magical dust and some, 18 year old Cedric re-appeared, knees tucked into his chest and hands on the floor to support his tense shoulders. He looks up at his father sheepishly. “Ehhh.. sorry father.” he chuckles. 
Goodwyn loudly sighs and runs a hand down his face. “What did I say about touching anything?”
Cedric looks at the floor, embarrassed. “Not to do it…”
“That’s right, son. Go take a break while I clean this up… then maybe I can finally get some work done in peace.” 
Cedric sadly retires as his father points him out the door, slouching all the way out 
“And straighten your posture, Cedric!” 
And so, the green-vested lad is sent to slink around and roam the castle halls aimless and bored 
Cedric grumbles to himself in a mimicky tone, hands shoved in his pockets while he glares at the marble floor. “Straighten your posture Cedric, don’t touch anything Cedric, cut your stupid bangs so they aren’t as curly, Cedric! G’ah! ” He grips his head, stopping at a large decorative mirror placed on the wall, examining himself sadly while playing with one of his wavy eye-length silver bangs. Recalling all the horrible memories of mummy attempting to dye them back to their original colour, and Goodwyn attempting to cast a cutting spell on them any chance he got. Cedric liked them long, thank you very much.
He sighs and looks at the ground. “Perhaps I’m just not cut out for this…. maybe I should’ve allowed Cordellia to be the Royal Sorceress instead. She’s older than me after all, I don’t see why she didn’t get it.”
He turns to his faithful raven. “What do you think, Wormy?”
Wormwood squawks in response, but to himself he was saying “I think we’d be better off as starving bards.”
As the years go by, and as Cedric grows and matures (kind of), at age 25, Goodwyn is finally ready (well, more like legally obligated) to pass the job onto his son 
Goodwyn gives him about a thousand reminders and responsibilities re call before handing him the key to the workshop.
“Make sure you hide this in the RIGHT Gargoyle claw, not the left one.”
“I know, father.”
“And don’t forget to dust the bookshelves weekly!”
“Yes yes I will.” (he doesn’t)
“And you mustn’t EVER open the window while casting a wind spell.”
Of course during his first week on the job, Winifried was constantly checking up on him to see how her Ceddy-kins was doing, to which he always replied “Just fine, thank you mummy.” But his first day … Cedric’s first day as Royal Sorcerer is… tricky, to say the least 
not only that, but it was Roland’s coronation as well, and Cedric was expected to perform spells immaculately under the training he’d gained 
it doesn’t go all too well  
he ended up accidentally causing the curtains in the throne room to collapse, which caught onto the candelabra which caught the carpets and the curtains on fire as well as the thrones while everyone retreated away from the scene, panicking and putting attention into making sure the the future king was protected while servants attempted to douse the growing fire 
Cedric though, in his typical Cedric-y manner, wanted to fix it. He nervously scrambled in his words for a water spell, or an anti-flame spell, or something that would help! 
But before he could, the servants had taken care of it while he remained speechless, embarrassed and body inverting with cringe as his put a hand to his mouth, it was like Cordellia’s ball all over again! 
“Some Royal Sorcerer.” he heard come from a lady in a mocking tone.
“Doesn’t he have a sister that could’ve done this? I’m sure she would’ve handled it better.” Another voice, one of the male servants, uttered to his buddy. Who seemed to nod in agreement.
“Oh…” Cedric muttered, looking at the floor. “Merlin’s Mushrooms.” 
Later in his workshop, as he sulks over his desk with Wormwood attempting to console him, he sniffles. “That’s it, I’m quitting. Pack your bags Wormy, I’ll write to Cordy and tell her a position is open if she’s willing.” Cedric reaches for a loose sheet of paper he finds tucked between two of his books on the shelf, but one falls out and opens up on his desk to a very peculiar page. 
“What’s this?” he mumbles, leaning over to get a better look at the drawing of the large purple tear-drop shaped jewel that was on the page. There was small handwriting around it as well.
Wormwood squawks in curiosity, prompting Cedric to read aloud.  
“The Amulet of Avalor?” he read slowly. His eyes continue down the page. “The Amulet of Avalor is an ancient jewel with unlimited magical powers, carefully hand wielded by Maruvien sorcerer’s of the time, said to hold the power of all magical being and spirits of the Mystic Isles themselves…” Cedric said in a breathy, awe-strucken tone. He didn’t think such a thing could exist! But here it was he supposed, right inside a master spell book that his father almost nearly relied on in his day. 
Cedric internally scoffed, where could he possibly find something like that? And what on earth would he want with it? It’s power? …. Well… perhaps, it would be a big help with his spell casting he reckoned. 
Wormwood squawked once more, nudging the page over with his beak and turning Cedric’s attention to it.
“It says here that the Amulet of Avalor is powerful enough to create tornadoes, move mountains, and… concur entire empires?” It was then that he remembered something, an idea forgotten long ago after his younger days. Back when… the incident, first happened, little Cedric thought if he could become King, he’d be able to prove how great he could be! He grew out of that over time- obviously, but now, knowing that this jewel was out there somewhere… it didn’t sound like all too ridiculous of an idea anymore.
“Wormy… do you realize what I could do with a magical object like this?!” He turned to his raven excitedly, to which the bird tilted his head. 
“It means I could finally prove what a great sorcerer I really am!” 
Wormwood squawked happily, liking where this was going as he saw a mischievous grin creep onto his master’s face for the first time ever.
“We are going to find that amulet someday, and in the meantime, start thinking of ways that I can finally take over the Kingdom!” Following his deceleration was a long over-due, good old fashioned evil laugh, with his menacingly dark raven cawing along. 
From then on, they were scheming buddies. Cedric and Wormwood, an unbreakable pair of evil geniuses- well, at least Cedric thought so. 
The more he planned, schemed, and connived however, the later he decided to stay up, and the later he schemed into the night, the deeper his eye bags grew. Same with the creases at the sides of his mouth (though genetic), it was getting concerning..
Even Roland, now a proud King with two children on the way was growing concerned for his old friend- even though he didn’t act like it 
Upon the Queen’s death, it was hard on everyone- Roland more than anyone of course. But even Cedric became a tad depressed, out of everyone in the castle, the Queen was always the nicest one to him..
He stopped scheming for a while, feeling kind of bad. How could he plan on doing something so terrible to a ruler so kind- one that, now that he thought about it, took for granted?
Eventually Cedric gets back into the groove of his evil ways, but still carries a bit of guilt with him 
Refuses to interact with the children from age 1-5- not for any emotional or depressing reason- he just detests young children. Well, especially James and Amber- the spoiled little things. With their sticky-grabby hands, loud voices, no sense of personal space or boundaries, or caution for other peoples things- G’OH he just can’t STAND them! He actually doesn’t permit Roland bringing the children into his workshop, he either leaves them with Baileywick, or stays a step or two outside the door. It becomes a rule
 Once they get a little older and more self aware, they’re allowed inside- just no touching anything 
If they do though he doesn’t get angry- or even frustrated- something in him just goes “no, you mustn’t yell at them or they’ll cry and when they cry then you’ve got a bigger mess on your hands.” 
Cedric does not know how to deal with crying children- he still doesn’t to this day. He’d probably just start panicking and screaming 
He lets them kinda waddle around the place if Roland runs out of ways to keep them occupied. But he needs to keep a close eye on them- it’s very boring for him. 
However he gets the occasional inquiry about certain magical items- which he is most fond of answering for them. 
Amber and James actually liked Cedric a lot as kids though- with all his cool spells, different hair and funny clothes. Once Amber complimented him on his ‘dress.’ He would’ve corrected her- but she had no mal intent, so stopping himself he pats her head and says ‘thank you.’ 
He just hoped she’d learn it was actually a robe when she was older
Little James was always down for a mini magic show- and the wonder in his eyes and smile on his face whenever Cedric casted his spells was sometimes almost enough to make him turn good again.. but it was simple, trivial ones that he did easily in front of the children because they were.. well.. children. Kids are entertained if you flash a red dot on the wall. Or wait, perhaps that’s cats. 
Eventually Amber grew brattier and more superficial- interested in all the finer things royalty had to offer, and James grew more independent and rambunctious. Cedric had that coming, they were both 11 now after all. 
He greeted loneliness with open arms once more for a good year or two… until one faithful day. He was informed that King Roland was getting re-married, and along with his new wife was coming her 8 year old daughter- Sofia. 
Cedric groaned in annoyance. Delightful- he thought sarcastically. More small children. 
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Broken memories
Summary: Just some angsty/fluffy thing based on a few headcanons I have about Mr. Brass and his background story. (Also with the AU where the SCP only rescued him and kept him safe for a while before allowing him to live with his siblings)
The Automaton followed a hooded man he met just a few hours ago. He didn’t know what reason this man and his so-called “church” has to offer him safety, or what is this church anyway. The rain poured heavily on the two of them, soaking their clothes and bodies, yet neither of the two seemed to care.
When the two of them walked into a giant building, they were greeted by other people wearing the same hoods, calling Mr. Brass “their savior” and prying to him. 
“You are a part of our god.” one hooded woman told him, as she handed a towel to the confused robot. “We’ve been waiting for so long!”
As the rest of the hooded people cheered for him, trying to explain the situation to Mr. Brass (who didn’t understand a thing but decided to play along), the hooded guy who brought him there gave him a soft smile, giving the Automaton a feeling of safety, of hope, of home.
After the man mannaged to convince the excited crowd to give Mr. Brass some space, he decided to give him a tour of the church. He showed him the altar, the showers, the offices... the rooms themselves were boring, but the two of them enjoyed talking with each other. Mr. Brass even got to know him better.
The man’s name is Scott Travis, he’s the church’s message man. He told Brass he joined the church because they saved his life and he feels like he owns the “broken god” his life. Apparently, Scott’s relationship with his parents wasn’t great, and they kicked him out of the house when he was only 16 years old, and the church found him two years later, almost freezing to death. He has been there for the past 14 years and worked as a message man for the past 12. 
“And now, the big finale!” Scott said, leading Mr. Brass down a big hallway and opened the big door at the end of it. 
On the other side of the door lied a huge room, almost at the size of a living room and the height of a three-leveled building. The walls were painted in  Prussian blue, and the entire floor was covered by a dark shade of crimson red carpet. The first floor of the room contained some big bookcases, a big containment filed with metallic parts that were perfect for Mr. Brass’s “transformation” ritual, a sitting area with the softest chairs he ever sat on, and a big mirror. The wooden stairs to the upper floor of the room were clean and shiny, without a single hint of the existence dust there. The upper floor was covered with a softer teal carpet and had a big window to the fields near the church. It had a large bed with beautiful and warm mattresses, and next to it was a wooden desk and a chair.
“Welcome to your bedroom,” Scott said, smiling at the surprised robot, who scanned the room in disbelief.
“That’s... That’s my bedroom?” Mr. Brassed asked, trying to process this. “That’s... wow... That’s too big for a bedroom.”
“Hey, we want any part of our god to be happy and safe.” Scott said. “The parts in the containment are being stocked every week, and the window is unbreakable to avoid any danger. And if you need anything, my room is two rooms away from here.”
“You guys are the best.” Mr. Brass said.
“Oh, we know it.” Scott laughed as he turned around and walked to the door.
“Wait!” Mr. Brass said, causing Scott to stop and look at him.
“Thank you.” Mr. Brass said. “For everything.”
Scott gave him a soft smile as he walked over and hugged him.
After he released the robot from the hug, he turned back and left the room.
Mr. Brass looked at him as he walked away, smiling at the thought that he finally met people he can trust.
Okay, he can’t trust these guys anymore.
Sure, it WAS nice for a while. They gave him anything he needed, and Scott was awesome. They have warm food, he wasn’t homeless, nobody called him a freak... But when he said he wants to move on, they changed.
They locked him in his room, yelled and cursed at him, ignored his cries for help and begs for freedom. It’s been like this for a few months. A few long months.
One day, he was happy to see Scott opening the door to his room, telling him to come with him. He hugged Scott tightly, glad to see his friend, but Scott...didn’t hug back. He followed Scott down the awfully quiet hallways, asking him questions, hoping that the church is finally letting him go.
“Where are we going?” Mr. Brass asked. No answer.
“Are you guys letting me go?” Mr. Brass asked. No answer.
“Scott?” Mr. Brass said as he decided to stop walking, worried about his friend.
It took Scott a few seconds before he grabbed the Automaton aggressively by the arm and began to drag him to the altar, not even looking into his eyes. When they finally got there, Scott pushed him towards the high priest of the church and stepped aside.
“What’s happening?” Mr. Brass asked, confused and scared. “What do you guys want from me? Why can’t you just let me leave?”
Before he could ask the next question, the high priest pushed the poor robot to the floor, as he and a few other church members began to hit him and jam stuff to him. The rest of the church members watched. Most of them cheered them on, some repeated the robot’s cries for help in a mocking tone, but Scott? Scott looked away.
‘This is how I’m going to die, huh?’ Mr. Brass thought to himself.
After three or four painful minutes, the altar’s doors were slammed open, and a bunch of armed soldiers with the word “SCP” on their uniforms entered the room, and the chaos began.  People screaming and escaping the room, soldiers and church members shooting at each other, and all Mr. Brass could do was just to crawl quickly underneath one of the benches and hope for the best.
As he crawled away, one of the soldiers reached over to him. Mr. Brass thought he was about to shoot him, so he protected his face with his arms, but was surprised when he realized the soldier was just offering him assistance in getting up. The robot hesitantly grabbed the soldier’s hand, and the two of them ran outside of the building, into the wheat fields. 
That was when he felt someone else pulling him from the other side. When he looked, he saw Scott, with anger and sadness in his eyes and blood coming from a scratch on his left cheek. 
“You, can’t leave, Brass!” Scott yelled, pulling him violently from the soldier’s hand. “You’d be nothing without us! Nothing! You were just a freak when I found you!”
before Mr. Brass could response, a bullet suddenly hit Scott’s forehead, creating a big bleeding hole and coming out from the back of his head. The man was dead before he hit the floor. Mr. Brass saw the soldier holding the gun, looking at him with a worried face.
“Are you okay?” the soldier asked.
“I...I don’t know.” Mr. Brass said, looking at the dead body of the man he once called a friend. 
The soldier put his hand on Brass’s shoulder, looking into his eyes.
“Come on.” the soldier said. “The rescue helicopter is close.”
“How can I trust you?” the robot asked.
“I just shot a guy who almost ripped off your arm.” the soldier said.
“That’s...a good point, I guess.” Mr. Brass said.
The two of them reached the helicopter and waited for the others. There was a long silence between the two of them until the soldier took off his helmet.
“Edward.” the soldier said.
“My name is Edward.” the soldier said, giving Mr. Brass a friendly smile.
“I’m...” Mr. Brass said.
“We know who you are, Mr. Brass,” Edward said. “We were sent to rescue you, after all.”
He moved from his seat and sat next to Mr. Brass, looking at the damage the church caused him. Scanned every single injury.
“We were almost late, huh?” Edward said, still looking at each scar that was left by these bastards. “No wonder their god is broken. They might’ve done this to him.”
The two of them let out a giggle at that joke. 
“When we’d get to the base we’d fix some of that.” Edward said. “You might have to stay in the base for a while until we’d stop that church.”
“For how long?” Mr. Brass asked.
“Probably a year or two,” Edward said. “But we’re close.”
“These guys are a nightmare.” Mr. Brass said.
“Well, let’s just hope our people would get out of there before they activate the bomb.” Edward said. “This nightmare of yours is going down today.”
After the rest of the soldiers arrived (except for three of them who probably died during the gunfight) and the helicopter began to fly, they all looked through their window as one of the soldiers began to count down from ten. As he reached “zero”, they all saw the church explodes and goes down in flames. Mr. Brass didn’t feel sorry for these people.
“Good riddance.” he said, still shivering.
Edward, who seemed to notice the shivers, took off his uniform’s jacket and wrapped it around the Automaton like a blanket. 
He didn’t want to return it.
Mr. Brass woke up. It was the middle of the night, and he dreamt about those memories again. He looked at the robot lying next to him, who seemed to have a good night sleep.
He looked at the big jacket that was hanging on the chair. It was a black jacket with the SCP foundation’s symbol painted in white on the left side of the chest. He grabbed the jacket, hugged it and put it on him.
The sleeves were longer than his arms, and there was a little cut at the back.
He stood at the balcony, leaning against the fence and looking up at the stars, grabbing the sleeves tightly from inside. 
If robots could cry, he would’ve. He had been through a lot. His beloved Edward was long gone, and he mannaged to move on... but the memories still haunt him.
“Brass?” he heard a tired robotic voice behind him. When he turned around, he was surprised to see his boyfriend, Jeffrey, coming next to him.
“Did I wake you up?” Brass asked as he put a kiss on his lover’s forehead.
“No. I was about to go downstairs to grab a midnight snack.”Jeffrey yawned. “You had those memories again, didn’t you?” 
Mr. Brass nodded.
“It’s been almost 15 years now.” he said. “He’s been gone for exactly 15 years.”
Jeffrey held his hand softly.
“You never told me how he...you know.” Jeffrey said.
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Brass said. “I mean, usually when someone talks about their ex around their partner is kinda awkward.”
“Not when I’m the partner. You can tell me anything.” Jeffrey said, giving a soft smile. 
“Fine. I guess I can tell you.” Brass kissed his forehead again and sighed.
“Around three months after Edward and I met, we’ve started dating. He was the type of guy who would literally take a bullet for you.” Mr. Brass said. “We’ve been on a couple missions together since I wanted to help them take down the church of the broken god. The number of times he got injured just so I won’t was insane. Yet he survived most of them.”
He let out a sad giggle before he continued.
“After two years, we’ve finally managed to end these fucked up cult.” he continued. “But.. he didn’t make it out alive to see me feeling freedom for the first time.”
“What happened?” Jeffrey asked.
“Apparently these guys set up a time bomb, and on the way out lots of church members were chasing after us.” Mr. Brass continued. “Two people had to secure the rest to the exit, but the two wouldn’t have enough time to leave.”
Jeffrey remained silent, holding his beloved’s hand even tighter.
“When Edward volunteered I asked him to let me join him, and he refused.” Mr. Brass continued, looking at the night sky. “He also refused when I begged him to at least leave with us. “
He shivered a bit.
“I remember how he kissed me for a few seconds before ordering fellow soldiers to get me out. I remember the tears in his eyes when the soldiers got me out of there.” Mr. Brass said. “I remember how I found his burnt, torn body after the explosion.”
“Brass, I’m so sorry.” Jeffrey said, looking into his boyfriend’s eyes. 
“That’s okay.” Brass said. “It...it actually feels good to talk about it. And he probably did it for the best. He was smart, after all.”
“Of course he was smart!” Jeffrey said. “He knew how cute you’d look in his jacket.”
Giggling, he picked up Jeffrey and kissed him on his lips.
“Just so you’d know,” Jeffrey said. “I have no problem listening to your broken memories. No matter how hard they are, I’m here.”
“thank you.” Mr. Brass said. 
“Now how about we try to steal some of Mr. Hungry’s secret snacks stash and binge some anime?” Jeffrey asked him. 
“If he asks, it was Sweety.” Mr. Brass answered as the two of them went downstairs.
No matter how heartbreaking his broken memories were, Mr. Brass knew there are people who care. And god, did he care about this man too.
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nestacherons · 6 years
do u have lucien headcanons? is there something u would like to say about him or his character? sorry for these random questions i just want people to talk about him why is him underappreciated?? ;;;;;
i’m flattered and honored you just came to me to talk about lucien♡. please, let’s talk all night about him. because I LOVE HIM SO DAMN MUCH, I JUST WANNA TURN THIS HOUSE INTO A COURT TO MAKE HIM FEEL SO WELCOME AND TREAT HIM WITH THE RESPECT HE DESERVES AND THE LOVE HE DESERVES. ok buckle up.
i’m so angry at how badly his character has been treated, everyone is so fucking mean to him and disrespectful…………. he doesn’t deserve any of it. feyre says to elain in acofas that she just wants them (lucien and elain) to be happy but honestly? her actions? like…… mistrusting lucien and making fun of what he said to her, ugh i’m so angry. i still can’t forgive that she involved lucien in his revenge campaign against tamlin. that night when she knocks on his door, pretending she had a nightmare and lucien hugs her, holds her and tells her he’s sorry… ugh man. i still feel like he didn’t deserve to be thrown into the same wagon as tamlin (i’m not talking about the fandom but about feyre). he was really trying to change tamlin’s mind in acomaf, he was doing his best. and feyre acted like he never cared………………………….. i love him so much, he’s so loyal. and he still can’t call anywhere home. but he deserves so much to find his own place, to make his own friends (real friends that REALLY CARE ABOUT HIM AND LOVE HIM), he deserves it so much♡. i even wonder if sarah literally doesn’t like this character cause OH BOY.
my headcanons include:
i think if someone makes a first good impression, he’s gonna be really friendly and easygoing and ofc sarcastic af
but if they don’t, then he won’t bother to try to get to know them better, he will be respectful towards that someone (unless they’re just mean, rude and knows they have done something wrong) but he won’t care and will move on
he’s a really thoughtful friend (ugh come on, he went all the way to the night court just to say happy winter solstice to feyre and elain and bring them presents😭)
he never forgets, he knows what you’ve done for him and he’s never gonna stop being thankful for whatever that is you did for him
i think he likes to take long walks, either for fun or to ease his mind
i think he likes to give kisses on cheeks
and that he spends some nights reminiscing about the autumn court, the smells, the colors, the sound of crunchy leaves… i think he misses it dearly… (it breaks my heart)
he likes to read!
and he cares a fucking lot!!!
he doesn’t open up his heart to just anyone but when he does it, he’s gonna love you very much
the adventurous kind
romantic getaways include exploring some forest and swimming in a river
kisses on the neck
when he’s drunk he laughs way too easily and he’s a thousand times more sarcastic
also stubborn as fuck
he’s loyal as fuck, also very hard-working and a nature boy (or fae shkdd) and that’s why i’m 100% sure he’s a hufflepuff
i think friendship to him means something that should last forever, unbreakable ties 
i think he spends part of his free time at the Day Court, just hanging out with Nuan and letting her talk and teach him stuff
because he likes to learn
you know, i really liked the idea of lucien and elain together. i thought they would make such a lovely couple. but it really annoys me how elain never even tried, how much she ignored him, not even a hello. i get it, she doesn’t owe him anything, but, but but i think she was being just so rude. but then i started thinking that maybe lucien and vassa could be a good idea. they seem to like each other and enjoy each other’s company. i just really want him to be happy, to love and to be loved. to find peace. to really feel safe and find somewhere he can call home. wherever that is. (i really wanted him to be part of the inner circle, to stay close friends with feyre but i think that obviously won’t work. i really hope we learn more about the band of exiles, i wanna know everything!! how did they decide to get a manor together? and what do they do? everything! from what we know, they do seem to care about lucien (or at least, they like him, enjoy his company and TREAT HIM AS AN EQUAL. “i’m not staying with them. the manor is ours” their manor, their place, theirs.) gods, i love him so much, so much even though i like feyre a lot and i love rhysand and the inner circle, to think about their interactions with him and the way rhysand talked about him, makes me so angry, makes me want to say ok nevermind fuck you all, i’m leaving with lucien. oh boy, this got so long, forgive me but i, love him. he’s my favorite acotar character (along with, well obviously, nesta). by the way, interesting!! how sarah said that she originally planned lucien and nesta to be together!! (not that i think that that would have been a good idea but) HA!! my two favorites… anyway, I REALLY NEED HIM to find out that helion is his real father, i really need them to know and to fix this mess, he deserves it, he needs it. (though i wonder if he suspects it…) 
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blu-spade-studios · 6 years
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Hey guys! It’s Blu!
So, way back February of this year, I began work an Song #04: Unbreakable Union from Homestuck the Musical: Act 1.
Here’s the link to the song on our director’s blog for the project:
The art called for these five scenes featuring John and Rose going through the first stages of SBURB as the meteors begin to rain down on them.
For the Musical, the director, Tex, wanted us to keep the character as close to the original sprites as possible, so I toned down my own personal headcanons, but I added touches of color to their outfits and made their skin a natural white rather than the pure #ffffff white on their MSPA sprites. This is mostly because I usually go for a more line-less style when drawing digitally and I didn’t want their skin and outfits to blend together.
I feel VERY proud of these, particularly the wide shot of Rose’s Bedroom and the shot of John and Rose messaging each other.
Featured below the cut are progress gifs if you guys are interested!
First I began work on the main scene at the end of the song. This was because I had envisioned a more heads on angle for John and Rose and wanted to get used to drawing them in their Musical designs rather than my typical headcanon design for them.
After getting confirmation on my design for him, I began to draw his pose. I would later have to add more of his legs when I placed him in the final art.
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Next was Rose. Her design her probably varies the most from how I usually draw her in that I usually give her a more angled pixie bob type haircut and here I made her hair better match up to her sprite. I still added a touch to her eyes and made then more slanted/almond shaped to go with my French-Chinese headcanon. It worked because it goes along with shape of her eyes on her MSPA sprite.
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Then, I began putting together the whole scene!  Originally, when I began conceptualizing, I didn’t have internet and thought that the scene Tex wanted took place while Rose was in her room, which is why, in the first two sketches, she’s at her desk. I had to fix this of course to her sitting with her laptop. It’s still not 100% matching up with the scenes in canon, but I think it works quite nicely. Once I began setting up the final scene, it was a lot of fun working on the lighting atmosphere for Rose’s half of the screen, especially on the meteor shower raining down on the forest outside her window!
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Then I began working on John’s scene in the hallway outside his bedroom. The art direction had only called for one picture, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted John to stand distraught in the hallway or if I wanted him sprinting to his balcony, so I ended up doing both. This one was probably the hardest for me to draw because of the angle I had to use if I wanted to show both the hall and his open bedroom. I had no good angles from any MSPA panels to reference so I had to work really hard to create a good one that still matched up with John’s house layout. I did add railings though, since they weren’t there in Homestuck, because that’s just what second stories have in houses. Figuring out John’s bedroom was stupid hard because I also couldn’t find a good angle to reference in MSPA so I had to map it all out and it was difficult drawing it all from that angle. Once I was done with drawing the whole stupid thing, I started coloring and I wanted to keep the minimal look to John’s house and decided to keep his bedroom walls a whiteish-gray whereas I made Rose’s purpleish-gray. I did give his room a yellowish-cream floor though because it matched nicely with the blue bedsheets I gave him.
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My favorite part to work on here though? Definitely the movie posters above his bed.
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I was not gonna put a ton of effort into making these faraway posters perfect and, personally, I love them and their shitty faces.
Next was to work on Rose’s scenes! You can tell I pretty much worked on the scenes in backwards order, lol. The scene originally called for a WIDE SHOT of Rose’s room, but I had missed that and got very far along with this close up before I found out. So, I decided to finish this and we would just use both shots! I worked really hard on the color scheme for Rose’s bedroom. I wanted all the books on the shelf to follow a certain order and didn’t want random colors, so I stuck to purples, grays, and blacks. For her desk, I had worked really hard on only to realize that I was drawing the wrong kind of chair AFTER I’d already finished the whole shot, so I had to go back and add armrests to her chair. The lighting her was VERY fun to work on though, I absolutely LOVED IT.
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And lastly, I began work on the WIDE SHOT of Rose’s bedroom. This was my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE shot to work on. I had a great reference for Rose’s room and added a lot more color than I did John’s room (Sorry, John!) but made sure that the ‘color’ was all very, very dark. Even if the lighting here was normal, Rose’s room would still be rather dark. All purple, white, black, and gray and mixes there of. (In hindsight, I did make her wall too purple here when, in the previous shot, it was more intended to be a lavenderish-white, but shush.) I put a lot of work in the details of her bedroom and pulled a similar trick with her posters as I did John’s in that I only vaguely drew them. I’m just sad that you can’t see that scarf at all because Rose covers in up. ;-;
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But yeah, this one was SO MUCH FUN, I’M TELLING YA. Here’s a bonus progress GIF of standalone Rose, since I drew her apart from the rest of her room.
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So, yeah! This has been my first progress post about my work on KingSpiral’s Homestuck the Musical: Act 1! I’ll be sure to make a post every time there’s a new release featuring my art!
Thanks for checking this out, it actually means so much to me!
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mobile masterlist
LAST UPDATED- 11/25/17
headcanon tag
inspiration tag
playlist tag
writing tag
Bucky Barnes
hold me close
can i kiss you?
Frank Castle
the verge
making out
you don’t need to protect me + come home with me
doing something sweet
forehead kiss
are you wearing my clothes?
kiss me like you mean it
you just spilt coffee all over my pants and now trying to wipe it off in front of all these people
you’re my new neighbor and we’ve never spoken but you saw me shoveling snow all day and i guess it must be pretty obvious how cold i am because you brought me a jacket and hot cocoa
come back to bed kisses
this horrible umbrella won’t extend! oh shit i just hit you in the stomach/crotch! im so sorry!
sweet treats
Jean Grey
we’re the heads of the two rival gangs with just our guns, tactical knowledge and a hell of a lot of sexual tension
Logan Howlett
it’s been seen fucking years and thats all you have to say?
Peter Maximoff
why do i love you?
post break up kiss
Pietro Maximoff
pumpkin carving
sick day (complete)
part i
part ii
Hank McCoy
forehead kiss
having their hair washed by the other
patching up a wound
pajama day
can we cuddle?
could you please stop saying “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”???? it’s fucking physics
i accidentally spilled hydrochloric acid on you and you had to take your shirt off
is that my shirt?
i tell my friends i come to the cafe you work at because they have the world’s greatest milkshakes but i love the little notes you leave me scrawled on napkins every time you take my order and you smile at me like the sun from across counter tops
pfft, i’m not jealous
I have something to say. Three words, eight letters. I…got food
firm kiss
things you said on new years eve
the many sleeping positions of hank mccoy and his wife
not real
caught in the act (complete)
part i
part ii (nsfw)
part iii (nsfw)
hiraeth (incomplete)
part i
Ororo Munroe
experimenting with body paint
Matt Murdock
it’s too early
pain in the ass
are you kidding me?
beautiful sounds
scar kisses
aggressive kiss
stomach kiss
first day
things you said with no space between us
things you said while holding my hand
lets keep this between the two of us
did you think I wouldn’t notice you sneaking out of bed every night?
nap time
are you staying?
don’t panic
candles, home and a messy room (nsfw)
the future
ring (nsfw)
crimson. (incomplete)
part i
part ii
Steve Rogers
an artist’s hand
Alex Summers
cuddling in a blanket fort
you’re beautiful, you know that?
giving each other presents
kissing me breaks the promise
is this your first time
take my jacket, it’s cold outside
the way i said i love you + muffled from the other side of the door
did you get my letter?
Alex Summers x Hank McCoy (Polya)
holding hands and watching the world end
Scott Summers
things you said after we fell in love
don’t you dare tell me you love me
Kurt Wagner
let’s skip dinner and go straight to dessert
it’s just a cut really
wearing each others clothes
spiderman kiss
sleepy homecoming
colorful glass
Warren Worthington III
one song glory
things you said under the stars and in the grass
just make sure you’ve eaten + how about you make me?
i can’t fall in love with you i don’t want all the pain that comes with it
a little bit risky
kissing in front of the fireplace
halloween is better// let’s have hallowmas
let’s watch stupid christmas movies and get wasted
shoulder kiss
i don’t want you
heated kisses with gasps in between, hands tugging at clothes and exploring skin, bodies pressed close. giving in.
stomach kiss
does that line ever work?
patching a wound
im sorry, babe, im just not in the mood today, could we cuddle instead please
lazy morning kisses
she loves you, and her eyes are closed, and didnt your mother ever tell you not to leave a good thing waiting
Tim Drake
watching porn together (nsfw)
tell me how good this feels
who crawls through someones window at 1am for ice cream
Dick Grayson
a hoarse whisper “kiss me” and licks their lips and says “please”
the way i said i love you + over and over again
first kiss
i hope you’re happy
calling each other by a pet name
sending steamy selfies
im sick of being the other girl
chest kisses
i waited for you but you never showed
i bought dick shaped popsicles 
i think we might have gotten married
touching noses
moving around while kissing
i dont think i can do this anymore
you’re not the one
friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another
running their thumbs over each others lips
Roy Harper
unbreakable kiss
Clark Kent
someone straddling the other while they’re trying to read and slowly getting them to put the book away
Sara Lance
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
soulmate au
Ray Palmer
you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen
office romance (drabble series) (part i) (part ii) (part iii)
you’re ridiculously comfortable + but i dont want to get up yet
Jaime Reyes
i’d run my hands through your hair forever
you’ll stare god right in the eye and tell him that if loving her is a sin then you want no place in heaven
i remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror
this isn’t who i am
Leonard Snart
bridge of nose kiss
Jason Todd
im a good girl with high standards from my parents and youre the local criminal under house arrest but i like you au
the way i said i love you + when i am dead
making a sex tape (nsfw)
taking nude photos together (nsfw)
close your eyes and memorize each others faces with your fingers
i never loved you
i thought you didnt want me
things you said when no one else was around
snapping necks and cashing checks is what i do
things you said when you thought i was asleep
wanna dance?
things you said when i was crying
did you really just kiss them?
eros (incomplete)
part i
part ii
part iii
Bruce Wayne
the way i said i love you + with no space left between us + as we huddle together, the storm raging outside (nsfw)
the first time talking about the future together
damian wayne
lull (parent!reader)
Wally West
wake up kisses pressed gently to the column of A’s neck or the underside of B’s jaw
merman au
school teacher au
punks can get scared of thunder storms too
i have you shoved against the wall but now i can’t stop looking at your mouth
i’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you saying anything else
morning kisses
more time
Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez
Spencer Reid
i need you to help me reach the top shelf
The Man From Uncle
Illya Kuryakin
her gaze is too gentle. you will not be the one to tell her that not everything can be fixed with a smile
Star Trek
Jim Kirk
things you said with my lips on your neck
things you said with no space between us
reunion kiss
i have a gigantic crush on you and you called me on the phone while i was masturbating but i picked up anyway
what a pretty blush
six stages of falling in love
Voltron Legendary Defender
Lance McClain
if i die i’m never speaking to you again
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deliciousgears · 6 years
Parents’ Day (Femslash February 2018)
Fandom: Urusei Yatsura
Pairing: Ryuunosuke/Shinobu
Prompt: Day 20 - Children
Summary: Years after the end of the series, Ryuunosuke visits her son at school during visiting day. It’s a day of uncomfortable reunions, hard truths, and unbreakable bonds being reasserted.
Word Count: 3915
Notes: Gah, this is another long one. But I really wanted to do something with my headcanons for the children of the UY characters, and when I read this prompt, all of this came out. I think there are some issues with it, but as it’s late and I have had little sleep, I guess I should leave it here.
"I can't believe you're going through with this..."
"Whaddya mean?" Ryuunosuke asked, walking in step behind her son Tohru. "You seriously think I'm going to skip Parents’ Day at your school? Seriously, what kind of mother do you take me for?"
Tohru said nothing, he just hunched over further and walked on. Just trying to shut her out again, like always. His short black hair, buzzed at the back and sides, rustled slightly in the wind.
Ryuunosuke furrowed her brows and followed behind her son. She didn't like it when he would clam up and ignore her, just going on his way like she didn't exist. She tried to be supportive, and she tried to be open, but it seemed sometimes that he had a brick wall around him that not even her father could get past, no matter how hard he tried.
So today, Ryuunosuke was going to try and make an effort to show interest in her son's school life. She had gotten herself a new suit, a nice dark blue three piece with the white shirt and the black tie, and a nice formal bra instead of the usual sports bra she relied upon for so long.
The suit was something that she was familiar with, if not exactly feminine. But then again, she wasn't feeling much like a dress today. But she put some blue eyeshadow and lipgloss on her face, just so people wouldn't think she was a man.
Ryuunosuke reached forward and tugged at Tohru's collar, making him stagger slightly. "Are you gonna keep giving me the silent treatment, or are you actually going to talk to me for once?"
Tohru just scowled at his mother, and jerked forward out of her grip. He started walking faster, hoping to outstrip her pace and get to school before she could.
Ryuunosuke groaned, and started running. She didn't want to deal with her son acting up again, not on what was supposed to be such an important day.
Shakkou Academy loomed up in front of the Fujinamis, the very picture of a modern Japanese high school. It was built in the years since Ryuunosuke had graduated from Tomobiki High, on the ashes of that very same school; the circumstances of its destruction on the graduation of the cursed Class 2-4 were never exactly known for sure, but what was known was that the old school had burned down to cinders, leaving little left but slightly singed students.
The Mendou family stepped in to build a replacement, which they hoped would cast off all of the bad memories and unfortunate incidents that had marred Tomobiki-cho for the longest time. But Ryuunosuke had heard the rumours of some strange force that seemed to inhabit the school, which seemed to entwine around the citizens of Tomobiki-cho.
The fact that her son shared the same class not only with the son of her beloved Shinobu, but also the son and daughter of Lum and Moroboshi Ataru, and even the son of Mendou Shutarou himself did not escape Ryuunosuke. She could tell that something strange was going on.
Tohru sped through the gates of the school, not even stopping to acknowledge Shinobu as she stood beside them. Shinobu was left staring after the boy in confusion, wondering why he was in such a hurry. And then she turned to see Ryuunosuke stop next to her, panting slightly, trying to catch her breath again.
"Ryuunosuke-kun..." Shinobu stepped up to Ryuunosuke, a smile on her face. "Good morning!" She looked over at Tohru, now beside the school entrance, double over and gasping for breath. "Have you and your son fallen out again?"
"Yeah..." Ryuunosuke said quietly. "Yeah, I guess so. I was looking forward to coming here today, and he's acting like I'm some millstone around his neck. He usually doesn't act like this. Not at the Hamachaya, anyway..."
Shinobu just shook her head. "Tohru-kun's always been a stubborn boy, Ryuunosuke-kun. Sometimes even I find it hard to get through to him." She looked back towards Tohru, making his way inside the school. "At least he's not going to care much about today. At least, not as much as you would."
"What, you're not looking forward to today?" Ryuunosuke gave Shinobu a funny look. "You don't want to see how well your son's doing in school?"
"Oh no, it's not Shiro I'm worried about!" Shinobu answered, a pensive look on her face. "I'm just dreading the other parents coming here."
Ryuunosuke wanted to ask Shinobu exactly what she meant by that, before a metallic thrum started to resound through the air. She looked up to see black clouds swirling in the sky, lightning shooting out in all directions. She shrank back slightly as she watched the black clouds swell and flash, turning into a strange vortex in the sky.
And then Ryuunosuke realised what Shinobu had meant. She didn't need to see the sleek, tiger-striped UFO burst out from the vortex, followed by a gleaming golden ship, and a spaceship shaped like a bone-white coloured horn. She only had to remember her own school days to understand the dread that Shinobu was feeling at that very moment.
Fujinami Tohru, on the other hand, just stared up at the sky and watched the procession of spaceships above him. As far as he was concerned, he just wanted to get everything over with as quickly and as peacefully as possible.
But the sudden weight of someone on his shoulders dashed all hopes of that happening.
"Toh-ru-kun!" The green-haired boy sang as he rested on Tohru's shoulders. "I saw you speeding in here and leaving your mom behind. You don't think you should go back and greet her properly?"
Tohru stayed perfectly still, his fists clenched at his sides. "Moroboshi. Get off my shoulders." He kept his gaze perfectly level, staring straight ahead. "Right now."
"Listen to him, Kokeru-kun!" A voice called out from beside him. Miyake Shiro was running up to the two boys, hoping to try and stave off any potential violence that would erupt. "He's already been upset all week about today, I don't want you adding to it!"
Moroboshi Kokeru just sighed and slipped off of Tohru's back. "Y'know, there's a lot of people who would kill to have me on their back, Tohru-kun..."
"Don't give him any ideas, Kokeru-kun!" Shiro said. "You should probably go find your mother now, before the bell rings." He ran up to Tohru's side, looking up at him through his straight-cut bangs of light hair. "And are you just going to ignore everyone for the rest of the day, Tohru-kun?"
"Yeah," Tohru answered without missing a beat, "that's the idea." He looked over at Tohru, putting on as tough as an expression as possible. "I don't want to deal with having my mother breathing down my neck all day. If I mess up, I'm never gonna live that down."
"Aren't you just holding yourself to an unreasonable standard?" Shiro asked softly. "It's not going to end up like that, trust me." He reached out and placed a hand on Tohru's shoulder. "Listen, we can go and greet our moms together, okay? You and me?"
For a moment, Tohru considered refusing, and just going down to his classroom. But Shiro was giving him that look again. The kind of caring, kind look that easily melted through any of Tohru's defences and left him unable to resist. Instead, Tohru hung his head low.
"Fine. We'll go and do whatever."
"Well, that's as good as an agreement we'll get," Kokeru said, looping his arm around one of Tohru's. Shiro took Tohru's other arm, and before he knew it, he was being frog marching back to Ryuunosuke and Shinobu at the gate.
Shinobu waved to Shiro as the three boys came closer, giving him a smile. "You look so handsome, Shiro-kun!" Then Shinobu went over to Tohru, who was looking rather uncomfortable as she smiled down at him. "And so do you, Tohru-kun!" She adjusted his uniform slightly, making sure everything was straight. "You'll make us proud today, won't you?"
Tohru was about to answer, when a strange and familiar sound reached his ears. It sounded like the weird noise Kokeru made when he flew, but it was higher, quicker, more light...
Kokeru turned around as he heard the noise, and raised his arm up high, looking up towards the sky behind him. "Hey Mom! We're right here! Come on down!"
Everyone else looked up to see Lum touch down in front of the three boys, Ryuunosuke and Shinobu. Every pair of eyes in the school courtyard, male and female, fixed on the oni princess as she stepped up to meet her son. She certainly cut a striking figure in a flattering tiger-skin cheongsam with the skirt coming up just above mid-thigh, and black stiletto heels. Her hair was done up in twin braids that twisted up behind her head into an elaborate bun.
Tohru barely had the chance to register Lum's arrival before he, Kokeru and Shiro were suddenly squished up against her in a vice-like hug that squeezed all the air out of his lungs. He couldn't even struggle to get out, because his arms were tangled up between his friends.
"I missed you boys so much!" Lum squealed as she squeezed the boys tighter to her. "And you look so handsome, too! You've grown so much!" If it wasn't for the special alloy weave in her dress, she might have accidentally given her a current of electricity as well.
"Take it easy, Lum!" Ryuunosuke said. "You just saw them last Friday!" She stepped forward to pull Tohru back by his collar, pulling him away from Lum's grasp. "You're gonna get weird stares again!"
Sure enough, some of the people around Lum were giving her funny looks. And the three boys and their mothers could tell that there was a lot of jealousy in the air surrounding them. Jealousy for Lum, still looking young and beautiful even as a mother. Or jealously for the boys, being given so much affection by such a beauty as Lum.
"Where's Ataru-kun?" Shinobu asked warily, moving slightly closer to Ryuunosuke on impulse. "I thought he would take the opportunity to come here to see his son at school..."
Lum's expression turned sour. "He's on some book tour again, across the city. And he said he was going to Remu-chan's piano recital tonight." She looked down at Kokeru. "It looks like it's just going to be your mother today, Kokeru..."
Kokeru just snorted, shrugging. "So what else is new?" He wriggled out of Lum's grip, and made his way to the school entrance.
Tohru and Shiro exchanged confused glances before running after Kokeru.
Ryuunosuke and Shinobu watched their kids run to catch up with their friend, before turning to Lum, whose smile was almost completely gone.
"You want to come along with us?" Ryuunosuke asked hesitantly. "I mean, I ain't exactly Moroboshi here, but..." Her words died in her throat as she looked up to see a familiar looking man striding up to them.
He looked as handsome as he ever was, growing into it like a steadfast oak tree. Dressed in a finely made black kimono and hakama, he looked like the very picture of a refined upper-class Japanese gentleman.
"Lum-san, it's been too long before I could see you again." Mendou Shutarou smiled as he stepped up to Lum. "Has Ataru left you behind to chase women once more? If he has, maybe I could provide you with an escort?"
Ryuunosuke stepped forward, narrowing her eyes. "She already has escorts, Mendou. Why don't you go blow your hot air somewhere else?"
Shinobu smoothly stepped up beside Lum, taking her hand gently. "What Ryuunosuke-san means to say," she said hurriedly, "is that we are perfectly able to provide Lum-san with an escort ourselves. Shouldn't you be seeing your son at the gate?"
"Why should he, when I'm right here?" Mendou Haruna asked as he stepped around his father, katana strapped to his side. He wore a crisp white version of the Shakko Academy uniform, much like her father did at Tomobiki High. Though in Haruna's case, Shakko Academy's uniform was a blazer, shirt and tie, instead of the more traditional gakuran of Tomobiki High.
He looked up at his father expectantly. "If you're done here, father, we can go ahead and head straight to class. Preferably as soon as possible."
"Of course," Shutarou answered. The two quickly turned around and headed straight for the school entrance, leaving Lum, Shinobu and Ryuunosuke standing at the gate once more.
Ryuunosuke and Shinobu looked between the receding backs of the Mendous, and then each other. Something about the Mendou kid was funny, but neither of them could place exactly what it was...
"Well, I think we've been standing here long enough," Lum said brightly, turning to Shinobu and Ryuunosuke. "Lets go in already, before we end up tardy!"
Inside Classroom 1-4, the air was thick with tension. Tohru could feel it as soon as he stepped inside, weighing down on him all the while. He cursed the fact that he was assigned a seat at the back row of the classroom, because that were the parents would usually stand.
Class Rep Fuko was at the front of the class, trying desperately to make sure that nothing would go wrong on her watch. But even she could feel the dread gathering in the air. After all, it was the first parents' visiting day for what many at Shakko Academy consider to be the next generation of those people.
Even Shiro, who liked to keep a smile on his face no matter what was going on, wasn't smiling so much at that moment. And Kokeru just seemed to be waiting for the whole thing to pass through so he could go on to something else.
The door opened, and the teacher strode in, striking a strong figure in his tiger-skin jumpsuit. He barked out the customary "Stand!" and "Bow!" as he put his text book on the desk. And then he looked straight ahead, and his eyes fell on Lum.
And before he could even react, Lum suddenly shouted "Ten-chan!" gleefully, making everyone around her jump. "I didn't know you were teaching this class!"
Ten-chan, or Ten-sensei as most of his students called him, grimaced as his cousin Lum bounced up and down behind the students. He thought he could get through teaching his nephew without any incidents, but Lum blew through all of that in a flash. He looked over at Kokeru, noticed him smirking at hime, and grimaced even further.
Nevertheless, the lesson began. And surprisingly, it went smoothly from there. Even when Kokeru seemed interested in anything else other than the lesson, or when Tohru nearly knocked his chair back when standing up to answer a question. But nothing got interrupted, nothing exploded, and nobody was electrocuted or set on fire, so it was mostly a successful lesson.
As one, the students all rose up from their seats to leave Ten-sensei with their parents. Tohru gave his mother one last look before he trudged out of the classroom behind Shiro and Kokeru, heading to the cafeteria for lunch.
Ten leaned against his desk, rooting the assembled parents under his gaze. "So this is the part where I'm supposed to talk about your children and how they're doing, right?" He smirked as he crossed his arms. "But I'm wondering if that's the last thing in your mind right now."
Lum just huffed and raised her hand. "I want to know about my son..."
He looked over at Lum, still smirking. "Well, your son is actually testing pretty well, Lum-chan. He's sharp as a tack, for all I know." He paused for a moment as Lum's face lit up. "But he seems to be more interested in chasing girls around and sleeping than actually studying in class."
As Lum's face crumbled, he turned to look at Ryuunosuke. "Your son is doing okay, Ryuunosuke-san. He only got into three fights this last week. And at least he didn't start any of them." Ryuunosuke exhaled in relief, slumping a little against her seat.
"Your son's doing well too, Shinobu-san. Of course, he keeps hanging around Moroboshi and Fujinami. Maybe you should get him tutoring them or something?"
Shinobu gave Ten a funny look, before turning her focus to Ryuunosuke.
As Ten went on through the students, Shinobu leaned in close to Ryuunosuke and whispered in her ear. "Tohru is still getting into fights? How come?" She gripped Ryuunosuke's hand gently. "Are you having trouble with your son?"
Ryuunosuke looked up at Shinobu. "Nothing worse than usual." She squeezed Shinobu's hand gently. "'sides, with what Ten's telling me, he's kinda improved a bit, right?"
Shinobu rose to her feet. "Do you want to go somewhere and talk?"
Lum turned to look at Shinobu and Ryuunosuke. "What's going on?"
Ryuunosuke rose up next to Shinobu. "It's okay." She mumbled as Shinobu turned to leave. "It's just something's just come up." Before Lum could even answer, Ryuunosuke and Shinobu quickly left the classroom.
Shinobu led Ryuunosuke to an empty music room, and sat herself in a corner, leaving her heels next to the piano. She looked up at Ryuunosuke with large, open eyes, urging her to come sit with her.
Ryuunosuke sat herself next to Shinobu awkwardly, leaning against the wall. "So what is it? What's eating at you?"
"I'm worried about you, Ryuunosuke..." Shinobu looked at her with helpless eyes. "I saw Tohru running away from you, and trying to avoid you, I hear he's been getting into fights... Is there something wrong at home?"
Ryuunosuke shook her head. "Nothing that you haven't already seen." She paused for a moment, then looked at Shinobu. "I mean it. I ain't fighting with Tohru or anything. It's just that..."
Shinobu pressed her fingertip to Ryuunosuke's lips. "Don't say anything else. I know you're telling the truth." She blushed, and let her finger drop down. "I know how hard it's been ever since Nagisa passed away. You had to raise Tohru by yourself, with only your father as an example of parenting..."
"I didn't raise Tohru by myself," Ryuunosuke said quickly, interrupting Shinobu. "You were there, helping me raise him. He looks up to you. He even called you Mom a couple of times..."
Shinobu blushed even further. "Oh please, don't mention that again. I bet that he probably doesn't hear the end of it from you."
Ryuunosuke shrugged. "Never really get the chance. I don't even see him around the Hamachaya lately." She caught the concerned look on Shinobu's face. "Is that a problem?"
Shinobu looked down at the floor in front of her. "I don't know. Maybe he just needs some space? I know that sitting around with all my old classmates made me want to scream after five minutes."
"What, like he just wants to be alone?" Ryuunosuke asked, curious.
"Well, I know it's kind of hard," Shinobu answered. "Don't you feel sometimes that you're kind of boxed in, living here in Tomobiki-cho with all your friends from high school, just spinning your wheels endlessly?"
"All the time," Ryuunosuke said. "And is that how you feel?"
Shinobu just nodded. "I've been feeling that way ever since before I graduated from high school." She looked up at Ryuunosuke. "You're pretty much one of the few reasons why I keep going. You, Tohru, Inaba and Shiro... Even Lum-san and Kokeru..." She shivered a little, pressing shoulder against Ryuunosuke's.
Ryuunosuke reached her arm around Shinobu's shoulders, pulling her close. "I know how you feel, Shinobu. I know how you feel..." She squeezed her gently. "Even after all these years..."
Shinobu smiled slightly, but said nothing. She knew what Ryuunosuke was trying to say. Instead she curled in close against her, closing her eyes.
Five minutes later, Lum burst into the music room, dragging Tohru behind her. "There you two are! I've been dragging this boy all around the school looking for you!"
Ryuunosuke and Shinobu stared at Lum for a moment, then exchanged exasperated glances. Then they both gave Lum a glare that could make even the toughest Oni flinch.
"What are you doing with my son?" Ryuunosuke asked, her gaze hotter than the inside of a burning kiln.
The fact that Lum barely seemed bothered by the looks of indignation spoke volumes about her. She just hauled Tohru up in front of her. "I wanted to make him apologise for all the trouble he'd been causing you, so I found him and brought him to you."
Ryuunosuke looked at her son for a moment. Tohru looked away, trying to avoid her face. Then she looked at Lum again. "Yeah, thanks for that. I needed to tell him a little something, too."
Tohru stepped forward, only turning back to give Lum a dirty look, before standing before Ryuunosuke. "I'm sorry that I have been avoiding you all week, and making you all worried and shit... And probably a couple of other things too."
Ryuunosuke smirked a little at Tohru's words, before turning fully to look at her son. "It's okay, Tohru. You've been a pretty good son, anyway. Even if you do keep fighting all the time." Her smirk grew even wider as Tohru flushed horribly and looked away. "Look, I know I tried to raise you the best I can. And I know that this place can get you down. I know how you feel."
She got to her feet, stepped towards her son. "I didn't raise you like my dad would, expecting an heir to the Hamachaya or anything like that. I wanted to raise you because I love you like a mother should. I raised you so you could have a happy life."
Tohru tried his best to look away, even though everyone could see the tears in his eyes from miles away. "Yeah, I know. I just wish I knew how to make it stop."
Shinobu got to her feet quickly. "You can't. You just have to ride it out. But we can do that together." She looked between Tohru, Ryuunosuke and Lum. "All of us can, together."
Ryuunosuke nodded. "You should listen to Shinobu. If it wasn't for her, I don't know what I would've ended up being." She reached out and grabbed Shinobu's hand tightly. "And I dunno what she would've done without me, either." She looked at Tohru seriously. "So what d'ya say? Together?"
After a moment, Tohru looked at his mother, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Yeah, together." He stepped forward towards her mother, bowing his head low. "Together."
"So does that mean that Tohru can call Shinobu 'Mom' now?" Lum asked innocently.
Tohru's head suddenly snapped up at Lum's question, his face flushed once more. He gave Lum a horrified look, before running out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him.
Lum just stared at the door Tohru dashed out of, her face full of confusion. "I thought he would have been happier about that."
Shinobu just laughed at Lum's reaction. "He's only a boy, Lum. He'll come around eventually."
Minutes later, Tohru collapsed into Class 1-4, panting heavily. Within minutes, Kokeru and Shiro were by his side, helping him to his desk.
"I heard Mom grabbed you and dragged you off," Kokeru said, concern in his voice. "What happened?"
"Nothing," Tohru said in between pants for breath. "I think me and Mom made up. Kind of?"
"That sounds great!" Shiro said. "Mom and Mom had been really worrying over you."
Tohru grimaced, blushing even further. "Dude, did you just call my Mom 'Mom'?"
Shiro sighed, shaking his head. "What else could I call her? I thought we were like brothers!"
Tohru sighed, and nodded. "Yeah... The way things are going, that's probably gonna be true."
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Autistic!Hunk Headcanons
Yes I know I’ve reblogged some of these already but Voltron: Legendary Defender is my current special interest and Hunk’s my favourite character and I love this headcanon so have a few lot more (under the cut):
He is undiagnosed and he also isn’t self-diagnosed; he doesn’t know he’s autistic. People noticed that something was ‘weird’ about him, but they never connected it to autism and his every professional his parents brought him to either went “you just need to be stricter” or “you need to let him do his own thing, it’s a phase, children will learn social behaviours as they grow older” and at some point they just... stopped trying.
He has MCDD and you can fight me on that.
(MCDD, for those who don’t know, is a ‘type’ of autism that is, as of current, not recognized by the DSM (sigh). However, doctors do diagnose people with it (or at least, they do in my country). The main differences between MCDD and non-MCDD autism are: - The social problems aren’t always as prominent in MCDD-autistics as they are in non-MCDD autistics (they are for me, though). - MCDD-autistics tend to have more problems regulating their emotions than non-MCDD autistics. A little bit of nervousness becomes panic, a little bit of frustration becomes rage, etc.  - MCDD-autistics have trouble seperating fiction from reality. We have a strong imagination and it’s very easy for us to lose ourselves in daydreaming (not unlike Maladaptive Daydreamers, if I understand that disorder correctly). However, it’s also possible for us to have hallucinations, (borderline-)paranoia, megalomania, constant unlikely disaster scenario’s that pop up, etc. because of this)
He’s always scared and anxious because he’s CONSTANTLY thinking up disaster scenario’s (“okay but if I drive my bike over to grandma’s I’ll get run over by a car while crossing the street or I’ll get hit by a train or I’ll fall and break my neck or-”). 
And because anxiety = panic he’s always paniced. 
He learns to get this under control after a while of piloting the Yellow Lion, mostly because he HAS to. He can’t let his team and the universe down just because he’s scared, so he learns to examine situations more closely, realize that they’re only in about half the danger he’s thinking of, and then accepts that and lets it go so that he can freak out about it later.
He had a VERY persistent imaginary friend when he was little in the form of a talking yellow lion. 
He used to have lots of auditory and visual hallucinations, mostly when he got scared (like, actually seeing the monster under his bed and hearing its claws scrape on the floor). They were all relatively minor and he figured out pretty quickly that they weren’t actually real, but that didn’t make it less scary. He got this under control now, thanks to intensive reality checking.
When the whole Voltron thing happened, he basically thought “welp, this is it, I’ve finally gone crazy for real, my reality checking methods are saying that this is real so I can’t trust those any more either, I can’t seem to stop hallucinating, I can’t find a phone to call a hospital with, I’ll just deal with this as it comes”. It took him a full week to recognize that this was, in fact, real, and even now he still doesn’t fully trust it.
He used to throw a lot of violent temper tantrums as a kid, but, since he doesn’t want to hurt anyone or break anything (his tantrums never really hurt humans, but they tended to cause a lot of property damage), he has learnt to redirect his anger to unbreakable/okay-to-break inanimate objects by now and has taught himself calming methods. He still keeps a tennis ball with him at all times though, so that he has something to throw against the wall in frustration.
One of his reality checking methods is asking Lance if it’s real. (“Hey Lance, are you seeing this?” “Hey Lance, do you hear that?”, etc.)
Dude’s hyperempathy is throught the roof. He can always tell how everyone is feeling, and it confuses him because he sometimes can’t fix the right emotion onto the right person if there are multiple people in the room (is it Lance or Keith that’s stressed?). 
Not only that, he also has a lot of Feelings towards stuffed animals, regular animals, fictional characters, etc. 
He also doesn’t get cruelty because why would anyone be mean on purpose?
Favourite stims: handflapping, echolalia, echopraxia, tapping his leg, repeating the same phrase over and over again, listening to the same song over and over again, kneading dough, smelling strawberry, cinnamon and apple, listening to casts purring, frosting, and rough bumpy textures.
He doesn’t understand the concept of personal space. Will hug everyone that comes close enough.
He has no concept of his on volume. No clue how loud his is. He’s always loud. 
Has a hyposensitive sense of hearing and likes loud noises.
He hates peeping noises though. 
Has a hypersensitive sense of movement (as in, he is hyper-conscious of where his own body is in any given space, he is hyper-aware of any changes in his balance, etc.). This is why flying in a spacecraft is so hard for him.
On a day where he has a lot of energy he has a hyposensitive vision, seeking out bright colours, and on a day where he is low on energy, he is hypersensitive towards them.
His special interests are mechanics and cooking.
Math Genius™
He likes mechanics and cooking because they’re simple and make sense. They’re logical. They follow a structure that’s predictable and it’s easy for him.
He used to have a very strict routine but Voltron trashed that and now he just kind of rolls with whatever, but in a permanent state of anxiety.
Has shutdowns, like, three times a day. They’re not very long, usually about 5 to 30 minutes, but they’re there.
He has meltdowns at least once a week. He honestly just can’t deal with this high-stakes unorganized space-battle he’s fighting.
Lance is surprisingly supportive whenever he is too tired to talk/interact. They are completely capable of sitting next to each other in complete silence, doing their own thing. Pidge is also cool for that, so she joins them sometimes.
Keith and Allura have zero patience with Hunk, at least in the beginning. They think that he just needs to toughen up. This attitude slowly goes away once they notice that Hunk genuinely can’t help it, and is trying his damned hardest.
Auditory and visual processing issues. AKA “so that gladiator sure is moving fast huh huh huh OH SHIT HE’S MOVING TO ME-” and “hey Hunk can you get the screwdriver” “what?” “the scr-” “oh yeah got it”.
Scripts 90% of his conversations. 
Hunk and Pidge infodumping at each other. Just. Them infodumping at each other.
I’ll stop now but I’m always down to talk about this please I’m dying.
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mobile masterlist!
LAST UPDATED- 8/25/17 (some of these are from my archive blog)
headcanon tag
inspiration tag
playlist tag
writing tag
commission info
Bucky Barnes
because of lucy
hold me close
can i kiss you?
Frank Castle
the verge
making out
you don’t need to protect me + come home with me
doing something sweet
forehead kiss
are you wearing my clothes?
kiss me like you mean it
you just spilt coffee all over my pants and now trying to wipe it off in front of all these people
you’re my new neighbor and we’ve never spoken but you saw me shoveling snow all day and i guess it must be pretty obvious how cold i am because you brought me a jacket and hot cocoa
come back to bed kisses
this horrible umbrella won’t extend! oh shit i just hit you in the stomach/crotch! im so sorry!
sweet treats
Jean Grey
we’re the heads of the two rival gangs with just our guns, tactical knowledge and a hell of a lot of sexual tension
Logan Howlett
it’s been seen fucking years and thats all you have to say?
Peter Maximoff
why do i love you?
post break up kiss
Pietro Maximoff
pumpkin carving
sick day (complete)
part i
part ii
Hank McCoy
forehead kiss
having their hair washed by the other
patching up a wound
pajama day
can we cuddle?
could you please stop saying “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”???? it’s fucking physics
i accidentally spilled hydrochloric acid on you and you had to take your shirt off
is that my shirt?
i tell my friends i come to the cafe you work at because they have the world’s greatest milkshakes but i love the little notes you leave me scrawled on napkins every time you take my order and you smile at me like the sun from across counter tops
pfft, i’m not jealous
I have something to say. Three words, eight letters. I…got food
firm kiss
the many sleeping positions of hank mccoy and his wife
not real
caught in the act (complete)
part i
part ii (nsfw)
part iii (nsfw)
hiraeth (incomplete)
part i
Ororo Munroe
experimenting with body paint
Matt Murdock
it’s too early
pain in the ass
are you kidding me?
beautiful sounds
scar kisses
aggressive kiss
stomach kiss
first day
things you said with no space between us
things you said while holding my hand
lets keep this between the two of us
nap time
are you staying?
don’t panic
candles, home and a messy room (nsfw)
the future
ring (nsfw)
crimson. (incomplete)
part i
Steve Rogers
an artist’s hand
Alex Summers
cuddling in a blanket fort
you’re beautiful, you know that?
giving each other presents
kissing me breaks the promise
is this your first time
take my jacket, it’s cold outside
the way i said i love you + muffled from the other side of the door
Alex Summers x Hank McCoy (Polya)
holding hands and watching the world end
Scott Summers
things you said after we fell in love
don’t you dare tell me you love me
Kurt Wagner
let’s skip dinner and go straight to dessert
it’s just a cut really
wearing each others clothes
spiderman kiss
sleepy homecoming
colorful glass
Warren Worthington III
one song glory
things you said under the stars and in the grass
just make sure you’ve eaten + how about you make me?
i can’t fall in love with you i don’t want all the pain that comes with it
a little bit risky
kissing in front of the fireplace
halloween is better// let’s have hallowmas
let’s watch stupid christmas movies and get wasted
shoulder kiss
i don’t want you
heated kisses with gasps in between, hands tugging at clothes and exploring skin, bodies pressed close. giving in.
stomach kiss
does that line ever work?
patching a wound
im sorry, babe, im just not in the mood today, could we cuddle instead please
lazy morning kisses
Tim Drake
watching porn together (nsfw)
tell me how good this feels
who crawls through someones window at 1am for ice cream
Dick Grayson
a hoarse whisper “kiss me” and licks their lips and says “please”
the way i said i love you + over and over again
first kiss
i hope you’re happy
calling each other by a pet name
sending steamy selfies
im sick of being the other girl
chest kisses
i waited for you but you never showed
i bought dick shaped popsicles 
i think we might have gotten married
touching noses
moving around while kissing
i dont think i can do this anymore
you’re not the one
friends aren’t allowed to kiss one another
running their thumbs over each others lips
Roy Harper
unbreakable kiss
Clark Kent
someone straddling the other while they’re trying to read and slowly getting them to put the book away
Sara Lance
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
soulmate au
Ray Palmer
you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen
office romance (drabble series) (part i) (part ii) (part iii)
you’re ridiculously comfortable + but i dont want to get up yet
Jaime Reyes
i’d run my hands through your hair forever
you’ll stare god right in the eye and tell him that if loving her is a sin then you want no place in heaven
i remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror
Leonard Snart
bridge of nose kiss
Jason Todd
im a good girl with high standards from my parents and youre the local criminal under house arrest but i like you au
the way i said i love you + when i am dead
making a sex tape (nsfw)
taking nude photos together (nsfw)
close your eyes and memorize each others faces with your fingers
i never loved you
i thought you didnt want me
things you said when no one else was around
snapping necks and cashing checks is what i do
things you said when you thought i was asleep
wanna dance?
eros (incomplete)
part i
part ii
part iii
Bruce Wayne
the way i said i love you + with no space left between us + as we huddle together, the storm raging outside (nsfw)
the first time talking about the future together
damian wayne
lull (parent!reader)
Wally West
wake up kisses pressed gently to the column of A’s neck or the underside of B’s jaw
merman au
school teacher au
punks can get scared of thunder storms too
i have you shoved against the wall but now i can’t stop looking at your mouth
i’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you saying anything else
morning kisses
more time
Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez
Spencer Reid
i need you to help me reach the top shelf
The Man From Uncle
Illya Kuryakin
her gaze is too gentle. you will not be the one to tell her that not everything can be fixed with a smile
Star Trek
Jim Kirk
things you said with my lips on your neck
things you said with no space between us
reunion kiss
i have a gigantic crush on you and you called me on the phone while i was masturbating but i picked up anyway
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