#promo — ⁞ ❝ i choose you everyday. ❞
heavenknowsffs · 1 year
telepizza's marketing made me buy dominos
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repressfeelings · 1 year
tag drop!
visage — ⁞ ❝ maybe if i try long and hard maybe i can fool myself. ❞ musings — ⁞ ❝ i can repress feelings all day. ❞ headcanon — ⁞ ❝ you can’t fix me. i’m unbreakable. ❞ playlist — ⁞ ❝ your business is my business when i have to listen to it. ❞ likes — ⁞ ❝ it’s called whiskey. ❞ wants — ⁞ ❝ i don’t flirt i just say what i want. ❞ open starter — ⁞ ❝ i’m rude to everybody. ❞ wishlist — ⁞ ❝ what doesn’t kill us makes us stranger. ❞ self-promo — ⁞ ❝ my greatest weakness? occasionally i give a damn. ❞ meme — ⁞  ❝ you know why i live alone? ❞ answered meme — ⁞  ❝ people distract me. ❞ closed starter — ⁞ ❝ aren’t relationships great? ❞ interactions — ⁞ ❝ i usually like a little more romancing. ❞ psa — ⁞  ❝ crap ass luck. ❞ OOC — ⁞ ❝ if you want to yell or hug it out i’m here. ❞ promo — ⁞ ❝ i choose you everyday. ❞ timeline — ⁞ undetermined. timeline — ⁞ season one. timeline — ⁞ defenders. timeline — ⁞ season two. timeline — ⁞ season three. timeline — ⁞ after the blip.
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anxious-witch · 9 months
No one asked for this but! Top five queer moments of Martin (because in my heart he is still part of JO)
(As always this is just for fun and has nothing to do with their actual sexualities)
At number five we have arriving to support your friends from a band you left, despite the fact that you have uni in a different country. Hug your best friend like this when you do
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At number four we have choosing to be Bojan's roommate. And the fact that he still is. Because that means he survived covid while they lived together. And for that, baby boos, you have to really love someone(I don't have appropriate picture/gif they are just cute)
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At number three we have this. Because my god, the way he held Bojan after that last concert still breaks me
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At number two we have this moment. Of Bojan casually sitting in between Martin's legs like it's everyday occurence (probably was). Insane
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At number one we have THIS FUCKING PROMO. Like. Very platonically sit in your best friend's lap and lovingly stroke his hair while he tells you the dumbest pickup line known to a man
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Anyway, thank you for tuning on for the newest episode of Rio makes everyone queer. You are welcome, have a gay day
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dearweirdme · 8 months
Hi. Could you share a beautiful tought you have of TaeKook. Maybe how they make you feel, why do you support them. Thank you 🫰
Hi anon!
This is actually a bit of a difficult question for me. Because the answer is layered. First of all, I love them as artists. I love BTS as a whole (seriously, I have a personalized BTS playlist I play everyday on the drive to and from work), and I love Tae and Jk’s voices and performances as solo artists as well. I love Layover, I loved his performances, and I loved the promo footage we got. I’m so glad we got to see this side of Tae. We haven’t heard Jk’s album yet, but I’m super excited about it, because I love to see him perform as well. Due to this question I’m trying to choose whose voice I love most, but I’m unable to. I love Tae’s deep warm voice, but I also love Jk’s voice and the way he makes me feel emotions when he sings. I don’t actually have to choose, so I won’t 😁.
Aside from loving them as artists, I also love their individual characters. Tae might be my bias, but I have so much love for Jk as well. I really enjoy Jk’s humor, and the way he expresses his emotions. Jk isn’t afraid to feel and that’s something I really admire. He might be a private person, but he invests a lot in sharing himself with army. I think, though he might not always express it best, Jk loves hard. I love to see his pouty face, I love to see him affectionate with his members, I love to see him master stuff, I love how he’s grown into such a beautiful person. And Tae.. i kinda identify with Tae. Tae is often described as weird, and he acknowledges that himself as well. He has a different way of thinking. My handle isn’t ‘dearweirdme’ for nothing (has been that way even before I was in fandom), because I have often felt the same. Though I have gone through a journey of accepting and understanding my weirdness for a very long time, getting to know Tae has helped me in ways. His confidence (or at least the way he shows confidence) has made me lay other people’s opinions beside me more. Aside from identifying with Tae on a certain level, I also find him so sweet and caring and I love how he can be absolutely (i want to say ‘lethal’ 😂) bold and sharp at times.
Tae and Jk as a couple.. geezz it breaks my heart at times when I think of all the hardships they have had to go through. Ofcourse being a partnof BTS already meant they had to have hard times, but falling in love with each other certainly set them for issues the other members didn’t experience. What I love is how they have always kept that strong connection. I had an anon say this recently also, but I’ll repeat.. there hasn’t been a period in time where Tae and Jk didn’t show how close and comfortable they actually are and have been. People talk about possible breakups (and sure there have been visible hard times) but I wouldn’t know where to place a durable breakup anywhere. They are so sweet together, so soft.. so caring, so knowing. I think these men know each other inside out. The way Tae touches Jk, the way Jk looks at Tae with stars in his eyes. They actually visibly go soft by looking at each other.
Now my personal reasons for being an ally (yes, I’m straight). I’ve always been an ally, yet not always an active/vocal one. I have queer friends and acquaintances, I wouldn’t be opposed to dating someone who isn’t male, but I’ve only ever been attracted to males before. I started to get more vocal/active in supporting the queer community when my kid was born. All the heteronormativity just didn’t sit right with me. People were so quick to talk about ‘boys being boys’ stuff and I just want him to be happy with whatever he chooses. My kid a bit of a ‘softer’ boy, playing with mylittle ponies as much as he did with cars for instance. So that’s when I decided to actively show him that he has options. I make sure to read him inclusive books, I always tell him ‘boyfriend or girlfriend’ when we talk about being in love, I explain that there’s all sorts of families and all sorts of relationships (age appropriate) and I do this publicly.. which means I often correct statements made by others that are not inclusive (which is not always appreciated, but my kid’s feelings of safety are just more important). I just think, I want him to know that everything is fine by me. If he turns out to be queer, I’d love for him to not really have to come out, but just tell me ‘mom, i’m going out with a boy tonight.’.
All those things combined are what makes me support Tae and Jk I think. If it comes down to it, I just support love of any kind.
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alarrytale · 9 months
I was just thinking about Harry's 'relationship' with TR and how it's obvious that he was hired to make her famous. He's being seen with her nearly everyday and walking her dog. If he's not with her he's with James Corden or her dog. He's usually in tourist areas. The few times he wasn't in tourist areas the person who happened to come across him and TR and take a vid turned out to be connected to Lime. It's really strange. While stunting with her he is also promoting Loewe by wearing their clothes and he's often promoting Lime bikes. On top of that he was seen with TR, a Vogue person and Harry Lambert. Harry Lambert has since posted that Pleasing is going to be at Vogue World so they're going to get some good publicity there. It's just all connected and it makes me wonder if Harry could CO if he wanted but he chooses to stay in the closet because PR relationships make him a lot of money and publicity. CO in a long term relationship would have to put a stop to him using different women to promote music, movies and whatever. Him being linked to women for easy publicity. With all the Lime promotion he is doing now it makes me wonder if he's trying to make a lot of money quickly so he can ease up on the stunts later. Or I wish at least lol.
Hi, anon!
Well, he might be. I don't think so and wouldn't be here if i did. If the primary goal was to stay closeted to be able to do pr stunts with women and make money, i hope Louis (who is enduring bg and losing money on it) would kick his ass out of the house!
Also, he would have much more pr and attention if he'd come out with Louis. They'd be a power couple and everyone would want to make brand deals with them. Now we have H riding li*e bikes and hanging out with corden. That's almost anti promo bc no one wants to buy anything associated with corden. He's generally not liked by fans or the gp. Harry riding li*e bikes with Louis? Now that's what you call promo!
What harry is doing right now is turning so many people off. It makes him look cheap, greedy and easy to buy. I think he's about to cross a line for some fans. I just hope he's aware of it.
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merlintarotfest · 1 year
Very interesting idea!! First, it's not April Fool's day kind of thing I hope? Second, now to my question, do you have any suggestion on which tarot to pick other than visual preference? (which I might go for in the end because I don't know much about tarot and their different types, I think there are at least 2?)
Lol, it's definitely not an April Fools joke! I'm very excited to launch this, I've been sitting on it for a while.
I don't have any Lenormand decks, which might be the 2nd type of tarot you're referring to. All the decks I have follow the traditional 78-card tarot structure. Choosing a deck based on visual style is perfectly valid and often a good indicator of how well you'll work/vibe with that deck and its cards. You can also research the decks' creators or read reviews to see if there's a deck on the list that matches a particular characteristic you're looking for.
I can also give a quick breakdown of the different decks available for the fest:
Rider-Waite-Smith: probably what you think of when you think of tarot. I used the Magician card from this deck in my initial promo post. Many other decks take their inspiration from the Rider-Waite-Smith artwork
Everyday Tarot: simple, minimalistic cards based off the Rider-Waite-Smith art, done in white, gold, and purple
Fifth Spirit Tarot: queer and inclusive deck that expands tarot archetypes beyond the gender binary
Ink Witch Tarot: done in a limited color palette. References Arthurian legends as well as Norse and Greek myths, pagan witches, and fairytales
Light Seer's Tarot: uses contemporary characters in a brightly & richly colored style
Morgan-Greer Tarot: similar to Rider-Waite-Smith but more colorful and more intimate, as a lot of the illustrations are more zoomed-in
Next World Tarot: features a world based on radical redefinitions of love and social justice. Also features diversity in body types and abilities
Queer Tarot: based on the Rider-Waite-Smith but features models/characters of a wide range of queer identities (including gender expressions and sexual orientations) in a very brightly colored style that references queer history
Sasuraibito Tarot: a deck designed to aid the curious wanderer, featuring contemporary Western characters as well as Japanese and Buddhist concepts
Spacious Tarot: this deck features no human characters. Most cards feature only nature, and the court cards feature various animals
This Might Hurt Tarot: a modern, queer, and diverse take on the Rider-Waite-Smith artwork
I hope this at least serves as a good jumping off point for you!
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tkblythofficial · 5 months
So do you think T and R are gonna get together ? I mean she seems to really like him more than friends at least to me . Also he said something about falling in love with her is easy . If I was T’s gf I would be pissed ! Seriously …. I get press but it’s an insult to their relationship to keep doing that , sorry . Yes J didn’t defend her and all that…. I just think it’s wrong for them to flirt like that when they are dating others , sorry not sorry . No yes I get press but still …. No if people can’t distinguish between movie and real life than they have issues because that’s what they are paid for … ACTING.
Yes it’s very possible! I have good luck when it comes to shipping real life couples so hopefully my good luck continues? Haha. Tom/Zendaya, Bob/Eliza, Ginnifer/Josh, etc and some more than didn’t work out but they still dated so it counts!
I will say this though… they need to be another movie or TV series for it to work. All my other ships took years to happen because they worked together often or were in similar circles. T and R are also young (especially R) and their careers are just starting so it will take time for it to develop fully.
“Easy to fall in love with” he could have said anything and choose to say that. He has zero chill. I have no idea who his gf is but I’m sure she had a sour face like J throughout the promo tour lol. I know they hung out (R, J, T and his gf) on Halloween 2023 and I WISH I was in the room to see the interactions between the 4 of them. There was a video I saw a while back were the 4 of them were together again (looked like a group dinner with 6+ other people) and I’m curious how T and R acts with his gf around
I also find it funny how R doesn’t follow T’s gf but J does on ig. Weird.
R said it herself you can’t fake chemistry like theirs. It’s a part of their job to sell the movie and make the romance believable but it comes naturally to them so I know it’s not forced. He cried when she sang to him the first time! That was only with a few minutes into knowing her. Clearly this is the real deal and can lead to more than friends someday.
The crazy part is I don’t think they realize they are flirting lol. So to them it’s not “wrong” because they’re just being themselves. They have easy banter and conversations so it just happens. I can easily see someone telling them “stop flirting!” And they both go “wtf! We’re not flirting, we’re being friendly!”
They’re actors, yes, but you can fall in love at work. It happens everyday.
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makeupinthedrawer · 1 year
honestly it is becoming a trend or something to try to paint niall as someone who doesn't care for his fans??? like seriously do people think niall would choose to disrespect his fans? any sort of interaction that doesn't go the way they want it to go he is suddenly rude (refer to all the tiktok made up stories),any tweet is taken out of context or any promo is him being ungrateful or doing too much. Then the same people spend days making fun of him even in person, making up sick jokes about him, using him for nothing but their theories and within all of this they really just forget he is a human! Like if you see that video as him purposefully seeing the full picture and going ahead with the idea then why are you a fan of someone you think would do that? also it was a mistake it can totally be forgiven no reason for the over reaction and saying he is disrespectful then disrespecting him yourself is just double standards! The issue could have easily been addressed by pointing out that the concept is not good rather than niall himself had ill intentions doing it?? they are talking as if he wakes up everyday and makes fun of his fans
it has 100% become a trend to hate on niall and it’s even more annoying bc everyone is so critical about it. they can’t even just admit that they don’t like him, it always has to be such detailed take downs of everything he does. everyone on tiktok from the middle of buttfuck nowhere suddenly has the exact same story of seeing him in their local bar (lies). his own “fans” complain about everything he does. it’s honestly so annoying and why i use tumblr as an archive more than anything. all i do is stream his music and mind my business
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hoohoobeanie · 6 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 7💙
What are your top 3 favourite Smosh songs?
(This can be anything ranging from one of the official songs or a song/bit someone did for TNTL or one of the funeral roasts etc. You can also choose songs made by someone else, that you associate heavily with smosh. Whatever you vibe with the most for this question 🫶)
such a fun ask!!
"girls are gross" is number one bcos courtney ate w it, also truly relatable
i everyday think about the "merch in the store" merch jingle by tommy ... pls let tommy make more little bangers for promo ... he deserves it
and obviously, for nostalgia sake, Assassins Creed 3 Song ... will always be iconic
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raesworldblog · 2 years
Earn Money at Home with MOBILE BANKING
As we are slowly turning into a digital economy, online banks are popping up everyday. However, some offer better benefits than others and today I am here to share those with you and the incentives that you earn when you join.
Born in 2013, MoneyLion offers more than just a checking and savings. Once a ‘RoarMoney’ lion account is created, you have access to certain cryptos like bitcoin & ethereum and getting paid 2 DAYS EARLY! Investment accounts and cashback rewards are also apart of the mobile banking app.
Use Promo Code “$RANDII” to get $55, FREE! QUICK PAYOUT and great app!
* $5 bonus for signing up and creating a ROAR account.
* $50 bonus for direct deposit over $100.
* Spend $10 on crypto, get $5!
* Also, access up to $250 with Money Lion instacash, OR up to $1000 in cash advances if you use direct deposit!
Referral code: $randii or use the link
Dave helps over 3 million people thrive, not just survive, between paychecks. Connect any bank account to start, or open your own Dave checking account. Takes less than 2 minutes.
! For a limited time, Dave is giving new qualified members $15 to take their first advance up to $250 to spend on anything you choose. Open a Dave Spending account to claim your reward: https://dave.com/invite-a-friend/get-15-gift-15/3v1q1c22
Varo is a free fintech banking app similar to Chime or Current. It’s currently offering a $50 bonus to new users that open a new Varo account with a referral link. Here’s how to earn your Varo referral bonus:
* Open a Varo account using a referral link (here’s my Varo referral link)
* Spend $20 within 30 days of opening your Varo account.
* Your bonus will be deposited within 4–7 business days of meeting the requirements.
The Varo referral bonus is particularly easy right now because it doesn’t require a direct deposit — all you have to do is spend $20 on the Varo debit card. Accordingly, I recommend snagging this bonus while you can.
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rob604designs · 7 months
Hello again!
I had a previous account on here (Rob604) but that was flagged for spam in 2022. I tried to email staff about it, but I haven/t been able to get that account back. I dont 100% understand the rules about links and self promotion, so this account will (for now) focus on my photos. I know people do post links and promo their online stores everyday, and Im still not sure why my old account was blocked/flagged for spam. I run an Etsy store (Rob604Designs) and other than that, I enjoy taking photos, cooking and gardening. I think this account will be mostly cross-posting what I share on instagram. I sincerely love seeing when people share things that Ive made/sold, so thank you SO much if you do choose to that. I really appreciate that. I follow the hashtags #Rob604 and #Rob604designs, but if i dont see it or give it a +like, my inbox is open.
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dramantedrinks · 9 months
Who are Dramante?
Dramante or Dram an té
Hey and welcome to Dramante’s first official blog post! In this edition (01) we will take a closer look at who Dramante are and what they can offer. So sit back, get comfortable and enjoy the read… 
Who is Dramante?
Dramante are the newest player in the online alcohol drinks market, who offer sublime limited edition releases and favourite everyday products from a range of different spirits makers, where you can choose from predominantly whisk(e)y but also vodka, brandy, gin, rum, tequila and liqueurs.
What makes Dramante different? 
Our niche is ‘limited edition ranges’ i.e., when a spirit maker makes a product and only releases it in small quantities therefore the products we sell tend to be hard to find and quite rare to purchase so get your hands on them before it’s too late and we sell out! 
What does the name mean?
Well, it’s pronounced as… Dram an té, which translates to ‘Dram The One’ or ‘The One Dram’ if you will, in Gaelic. The inspiration behind the name came from our love of Whisky and more specifically when we would go whisky tasting around Scotland from the beautiful highlands all the way down to the lowlands. 
We would always argue which was the best tasting spirit and have endless discussions on the way home about which was ‘the one’ so whenever we would pour ourselves a ‘dram’ which is a small drink of whisky or another spirit of the ‘the chosen one’ (when we eventually agreed on the best tasting one) this was then known as Dram an té. 
What do we specialise in?
We mainly specialise in scotch whisky as this is our bread and butter but also have other types of spirits available on our website from whiskey, vodka, gin, brandy, rum, tequila and liqueurs. So why not take a look at our website and see if you like anything that might soothe your palate. 
How did Dramante start?
We started off by collecting whiskies (a lot of whisky), then expanded into all other much-loved spirits like vodka, brandy and gin to name a few. Fast forward a few years on, the once collectable items (provided they didn't get opened and finished) are now available from our very own online store open to the public to make purchases from. #HappyDays
How can I find out about future releases? 
That’s easy! Sign up to our newsletter on the homepage and receive news about what's available now and what will be released in the near future.
Where do you ship to?
At present we only ship within the United Kingdom (UK) however if you live abroad and would like to purchase one of our products please send us an email to: [email protected] and we will quote you for shipping as it’s usually more than what we currently charge in the UK which starts from £4.99.
Do you have any discount/promo code functions available? 
Yes we do! Once you have placed an order with us, make sure you subscribe to our emails for all the latest news and offers and we will send you a discount code for 10% off your next order with us, as a thank you for being a loyal customer. 
Please note: Each 10% discount code is unique to each customer, so can only be used once.
What other blogs/articles can we expect from Dramante?
We will be sharing regular blogs and news articles (including product insights) on our website and also share them by email, so keep a lookout for these. We will usually do a feature in our blogs about a specific product so you get to learn more about the product and what makes it so special before you buy it. 
Don’t forget to follow us on social media:
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | TikTok | YouTube | Pinterest | Tumblr | Snapchat
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kisjuhaszeliza97 · 11 months
Big Brother will return to Hungary for Season 3 after a 20-year hiauts
When I was a kid, but in the summer of 2002, at the end of former television magazine programme Aktív, the world's most well-known [beautiful] reality show appeared, I watched previews announcing the Hungarian version of Big Brother in the promo on TV2, I loved and adored that show. There were so many amazingly beautiful houseguests in the Big Brother House. Hungarian voice actor Armand Kautztky said a slogen that I quote; "You can't hide, Big Brother always sees everything!", the second; "Everyday madness. Big Brother always sees everything." 
We are in July and August 2002, TV2 aired another Big Brother trailer in its promo, when the camera looks from close up with a macro view (with reflection), Big Brother is tracking his/or her beautiful eyes. His/or her beautiful all-seeing eyes tracking the light and shut him off from the outside world. 
But we remain in August 2002 before the ident makeover, TV2 submitted a couple of final promos and a premiere date for the move-in day, the start of the Hungarian version of Big Brother to Sunday, September 1. Between September and December 2002, I watched all episodes of the first season of Big Brother (including the daily recaps, nominations and evictions) and I loved it so much. There were nominations and evictions in both seasons.
We are in January 2003, I watched all episodes of the Hungarian version of Celebrity Big Brother, when Hungarian celebrities entered into the Big Brother house, there was no nominations or evictions. In February 2003, TV2 started the second season of Big Brother, but I watched all episodes until the end of May, even tough the channel stopped the show, cancelling after two seasons (and including Celebrity Big Brother). I loved that show.
The beautiful, legendary reality show of Hungarian commercial television ended in May 2003 after two civilian seasons (and one celebrity season), and now Big Brother is returning after a 20-year hiauts.
And now we are in June 2023, the Chilean version of the show has started on Chilevision, but I watched online the casting trailer for the Czech-Slovak version of Big Brother, which is returning after an 18-year hiauts, with the second season. After 20 years off the air, when will revive Big Brother Hungary, this time with a brand new (kid-friendly) season and in a new look (which is using in the Netherlands since 2021)? And when do they start casting for the 3rd season of Big Brother Hungary, who choose beautiful houseguests?
(I would add in parentheses; We want to get together for the revival of Big Brother Hungary after a 20-year hiauts, this time with a brand new [kid-friendly] season!)
Let's hope there will be Big Brother again in 2023! ONLY IN HUNGARY!
Please reblog this article NOW!
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helokitymech221 · 1 year
Fashionable Hello Kitty Merchandise
Hello Kitty was introduced to Japan in 1974. Sanrio created her and she is now a global icon.
The character is licensed to be used on many products including toys, clothing and more. Hello Kitty has become a global sensation and contributed to Sanrio’s success.hello kitty merch
T-Shirts There are many styles of T-shirts that you can choose from to show off your love for Hello Kitty. These t-shirts are comfortable and durable. They're perfect for everyday use.
Hello Kitty has been a huge hit in recent years thanks to its playful and cute nature. This aesthetic is known for its positive messages and upbeat vibes, making it an excellent style to represent.
Sanrio introduced Hello Kitty in 1974. It is now an iconic part of popular culture. Over the years, her popularity has increased and she is now featured on toasters and vacuum cleaners.
Accessories Stay stylish and fashionable in the bedroom and beyond with this pair of pajamas featuring kitty prints and a plush, polyester robe. These sleepwear sets feature a flannel print that is organic and fair-trade certified. The robe has a long belt to ensure a snug fit. The matching robe socks feature a hello kitty print. What's the best part? Hot Topic has all of these kitty goodies, so you don't have to shop anywhere else!
There are also a number of accessories with kitty themes, such as a Hello Kitty 18750 Sewing Machine, Hello Kitty Backpacks, or even a Hello Kitty Mug. Let the kitty madness start by checking out the Hello Kitty merchandise you will be proud to display.
Bags There are many cute promotional items available for Hello Kitty fans. Sanrio and Ty have teamed up to create a cute promo toy that features a tiny nurse from the I Japan pin. The brand also created an adorable tee shirt and bag, which are available in Sanrio shops across the country. The latest merch from the company is a faux-shearling bag with embroidered Hello Kitty faces and a plush bow. The faux fur is finished with a hint of sparkle, in the form of rhinestones that create a Hello Kitty outline. What's the best part? The best part? A portion of proceeds will go to the American Red Cross for disaster relief. As we have already mentioned, the Hello Kitty x Forever 21 collab has also been a big hit.
You can also find out more about the following: Jewelry can be a wonderful way to show your personality. Wearing jewelry that reflects your personality, whether it's small golden bangles or silver earrings, can boost your self-confidence and give you an individual look. This is a good way to try out new styles.
Sanrio has a range of Hello Kitty jewelry for fans. There are dangling earrings and necklaces in various character shapes, as well as rings. These merchandise items can be worn every day and make great gifts for friends and family. Hello Kitty is celebrating its 40th birthday this year. To mark the occasion, several events were held all over the world. Hatoyama Yushiyuki, the CEO of the company, leads a team of experienced managers.
Watches Wearing a watch is a great way to make you look stylish and well-put together. You can choose from a wide range of styles that can be worn to match formal or casual attire, depending on what you like. These earrings are a great fashion statement and will make you stand out.
It can be hard to keep track when you are not wearing a watch. You may also find that you have an erratic schedule. Wearing a watch will help you avoid this problem and make sure that you do not miss any important events or meetings. Wearing a watch can also make you feel financially secure. Most high-end watches are multifunctional and can be used in different aspects of your life.
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thehungrykat1 · 1 year
Sunae Asian Cantina & Crazy Carabao Team Up For P88 All-Day Craft Beers
Sunae Asian Cantina in Bonifacio Global City is partnering with Crazy Carabao Brewing Company to bring their craft beers to diners all-day everyday starting at only P88 each. This is a great promotion for those living and working near the BGC area as you can drop by any time of the day to enjoy ice-cold beers with workmates, friends, and barkadas.
You can find Sunae at the second floor terraces of One Bonifacio High Street. The mall occupies the same building which houses the Philippine Stock Exchange and is right along the vibrant Bonifacio High Street area, so this is the perfect venue to grab some ice-cold beers together with their Southeast Asian cuisine right after a long and tiring work day.
Get ready to rumble as Sunae brings you their Crazy Carabao Promo available daily. Don’t miss out on the special rates for their Craft Beers on Tap starting at only P88! Aside from that, they also have a Happy Hour Promo where you can get three drinks for only P550+.
Together with some of my friends, we dropped by Sunae last week for the launch of their Crazy Carabo tie up. It was just my first time visiting the festive Sunae so I was quite impressed with their location overlooking Bonifacio High Street. We also had great music to accompany us during the event.
Sunae is Chef Christina Sunae’s love letter to Filipino cuisine and the Southeast Asian spices that have inspired her, from the dishes her Kapampangan grandma served to the cross-cultural deliciousness she brings from her Argentina homebase. Together with Crazy Carabao, they will be bringing this dining experieince to another level as you pair your Southeast Asian bites with these craft beers.
Crazy Carabao owner and founder Brad Hannam welcomed everyone to the grand launch and introduced us to the history of Crazy Carabao and craft beers in the Philippines. He also discussed the difference between the different beer variants and made us all appreciated the finer details about beers in general.
Crazy Carabao Premium Craft Beer is meticulously microbrewed and bottled in Sta. Rosa, Laguna to provide Filipinos with a range of beer styles leagues away from the usual over-the-counter beer brand. The persistence in their brewing process and unchanging taste of all their brews sets them apart from other craft beer brews available locally. Crazy Carabao is the second biggest craft beer manufacturer in the country today.
We got to sample their different craft beers on tap during the launch. You can choose from among the mild Pilsner Draft (P88), the balanced Golden Ale Draft (P98) or the pretty strong IPA Draft (P108).
Sunae features Southeast Asian fusion cuisine so we started with some of their complimentary crispy chips and dip on the table.
Then we were introduced to Sunae’s signature pao appetizers like the Adobo Pao (P250). This packed and meaty bun comes topped with pork adobo, cucumber, kimchi, aioli, and cilantro.
I really like the Fried Wontons (P220) with its pork wontons served with homemade Thai sweet chili sauce. This really goes well with a refreshing glass of Crazy Carabao craft beer.
My favorite that afternoon was the Tiger Crackers with Tofu & Rice Noodles (P220). This is a new on the menu and I already want to go back for more. This healthy dish comes with rice crackers, fried tofu, herbs, and peanut sauce.
If you want a heavier bar chow or a full meal by itself, go try the Sunae's Sisig (P365) with its meaty combination of pork belly, ear, and snout in a hot skillet with egg. Add a cup of garlic rice plus a glass of Crazy Carabao draft beer and you have everything you need.
We also had some trivia and beer drinking games with Crazy Carabao during the launch. The guests were divided into two groups who went fighting for the honor of being call beer champions that afternoon.
We would like to thank Monica Modomo, PR, Events, and Marketing Communications Manager of The Nikkei Group for inviting us to the grand launching of Sunae and Crazy Carabao’s craft beer promotion. Head over to Sunae any time of the day and enjoy these delightful treats for yourselves.
Sunae X Crazy Carabao
2/F View Deck, One Bonifacio High Street Mall, 28th Street PSE Tower, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
(0916) 607-4903
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iummy16 · 2 years
Baroque Pearls and Jewelry Styles
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Whether you like maximalist, bold designs, or simple, minimalist styles, baroque pearls are sure to suit your every taste. They are versatile and can be worn as eye-catching statement pieces or quieter everyday items.
The beauty of baroque pearls is in its non-traditional look. It’s a modern way to wear pearls and stands out as a mix of traditional and avant-garde.
If entire pearl strands aren’t for you, choose a baroque pearl pendant instead. These are highly stylish and modern in design, combining the elegance of pearls with the simplicity of a chain necklace.
Baroque Pearl Earrings
Long dangling earrings add a touch of class and glamor to an outfit. When they feature baroque pearls, this goes to the next level! Pair with an elegant dress on an evening out, or why not with a casual outfit for a balance between chic and street?
Baroque pearl studs are great for everyday wear, including to work or to dress up a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
Baroque Pearl Rings and Bracelets
Dress up your fingers with a ring featuring a baroque pearl. While pearls aren’t the hardest gemstones out there and do require some extra protection especially when worn on busy areas such as your hands, they can last a long time with reasonable care and cleaning.
And whether you’re after a casual friendship bracelet or a classic strand of pearls to wrap around your wrist, baroque pearls will fit either bill.
Should I Choose Baroque Pearls?
As you can see, baroque pearls are gorgeous, timeless and unique options for pearl jewelry. They stand out and look stunning! If you are someone who likes to wear unique designs or to go off the beaten track and try something different, you are going to love baroque pearls. Combine this with the fact that they aren’t as expensive as classic pearls and you have an added reason to buy them.
However, if you prefer the traditional look of pearls and the classy associations that come with them, go with the perfectly round pearls.
If you are interested in baroque pearl jewelry, you can get a good price from JewelryKg.
wholesale jewelry sold by the kilogram, it is better to find out through Jewelrykg.
(Use promo code for an insider price: YG5VJSMU)
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