#he's my favourite chaotic dumbass
lanechester · 1 year
No but Clark is actually the funniest character ever purely based on the times he didn't dance around his secret he just said stuff knowing nobody would believe him.
"I can see through walls, Pete."
But also because he's a pure fool. Chloe gave him so many hints in season 4 that just went straight over his head. She said he trusted her when his memory was wiped. What else could that mean boy?
Not to mention my personal favourite. He kissed his actual wife, investigative reporter Lois Lane herself, as the blur and was surprised when she figured him out. She'd recognize that kiss anywhere, she always has! (See hydro and crimson)
Anyway. Smallville is actually a comedy and its 70% Clark
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daddy-dins-girl · 10 months
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Pedro Boys - "Zombie Apocalypse Team"
this might be my favourite one yet... keep reading for headcanons!
related posts: Pedro Boys "During a Fire Emergency" Pedro Boys "Nice Argument. Unfortunately," Pedro Boys "Don't Fuck This Up" Pedro Boys "Dad(dy) Matrix" Pedro Boys & Stabbing Pedro Boys "Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic" Pedro Boys "Feral/Sad/Angelic" Pedro Boys Respond to "I love you." Pedro Boys "Character Tropes" Pedro Boys "Gay/Depressed/Horny on Main" Pedro Boys "Dad/THOT/Bastard" Pedro Boys "bring some Coke to the party" Pedro Boys "I Want a Baby" Pedro Boys "As Babysitters" Pedro Boys "As McDonald's Dads" Pedro Boys "in a horror movie" Pedro Boys "Cinnamon Rolls" Pedro Boys "5 Kids, 3 Chairs" Pedro Boys "Playing Monopoly"
Headcanons under the cut!
Leader - Dave York. Simply put, Dave wouldn’t allow anyone else to be in charge of him, regardless if they’d be better suited for it. Some of the others follow him out of fear, others simply because they'd just prefer not to be in charge.
Brawler - Joel Miller. The muscle. Not so great with his words, much better with his fists.
Weapons Expert - Din Djarin. A bonafide space cowboy, this man has it all. Blasters, rifles, flamethrower, jet pack. Evaporating infected before they even see him coming.
Brains - Marcus Moreno. Truly the Team Leader, but he lets Dave hold the title. He has the mutual respect of everyone, is level headed and the glue that holds the whole group together. He advises Dave, but in a way that makes Dave think they’re his own ideas. Marcus doesn't need to take any credit, he just wants everyone to be safe.
Medic - Frankie "Catfish" Morales. He’s no doctor, but he's had enough basic field medical training in his military days to at least be able to patch everyone up better than anyone else on the team. He’d prefer to be the Vehicle Expert but sadly, modes of transportation in the apocalypse are hard to come by.
Moral Support - Marcus Pike. Always looking at the bright side of the apocalypse. He likes to joke “when life hands you cordyceps, make mushroom tetrazzini”.
Scientist - Ezra. Not exactly Einstein, but he knows what berries and plants are safe and which to avoid during long treks through the wilderness. He’s proven himself useful more so than not. Mostly he keeps Dieter from accidentally un-aliving himself.
Risk taker - Max Phillips. Loud and outspoken, Max's mouth is always getting the group into trouble. Good luck to any infected that tries to turn him though, his ego is so big its like a thick candy shell around the vulnerable parts of his brain.
Stealthy - Oberyn Martell. Forget sniping infected from 100 yards away, this man simply sneaks up behind them and with some flourishing footwork they're on the ground with any sharp object he could get his hands on slicing through the flesh of their throat. He's also stealthy in the way he manages to slip into the others' sleeping bags without them evening realizing at the time that they want him to, but that's a headcanon for another post...
Dumbass - Dieter Bravo. It's not that he wants to die, it's just that he seems to occasionally forget that he can't just eat the fungus as if it came in a Ziplock bag that he use to pay 40 bucks a pop for.
Badass - Javier Peña. This man just continuously takes down infected as if they might actually come to an end. He knows that as quickly as he takes down one colony, four more spring up, but he's stubborn and refuses to stop trying, regardless of how tired he is of it all.
Mascot - Javi Gutierrez. He is babygirl. To be protected at all costs.
Distraction - Jack "Whiskey" Daniels. A real root-tootin, gun-blazin cowboy. Jack never needs to be asked twice to go put on a spectacle in the middle of an open field, gathering all the attention so the rest of the group can flank all sides under brush cover. He seems to have nine lives too, narrowly escaping death more times than any other. And he can handle his own. He argued for the spot of Weapons Expert but ultimately was swayed when he realized being the distraction actually meant being the center of attention.
Stereotype - Pero Tovar. One look at this man screams "if anyone was going to survive a zombie apocalypse, it's him"
Sacrifice - Dio. Look, it was his idea. The weird part was that nobody even asked him to.
First Dead - Eddie. It's just facts. In a long line of Pedro Boys deaths, someone had to be first.
Reply or reblog with your own headcanons, I'd love to hear them :)
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
I love your writing so much.
If it's not a bother, could I have a (maybe little bit ooc) scenario about Illumi realizing the people he hangs out with most (Hisoka and Reader, a truly chaotic duo) are dumbasses, but he loves enjoys having them around?
Thank you!!
those two idiots of mine (illumi x reader x bestfriend!hisoka) (scenario)
description: illumi has a semi crisis over his two self proclaimed best friends
authors note:  it’s not a bother at all and you’re so sweet anon! tbh this has to be my favourite request i’ve gotten so far. illumi dealing with his chaotic duo besties with begrudging love? sign me the fuck up <3
also this also had extrovert/introvert themes so i thought i’d include the mbtis of my boys
illumi: istj (according to a quick google search)
hisoka: entp (like yours truly) (i swear sharing an mbti with hisoka is my defining trait)
reader: whatever the fuck you are (insert your mbti here)
warnings: might be a smidge ooc, i really tried my best to make it have an authentic illumi feel but my guy is dealing with emotions so yk...
requests are open!
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Of all the tiresome things Illumi had dealt with in his life, having you and Hisoka be his primary source of socialising might be top of the list. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you all started to meet up regularly for various things, nor could he remember when you had self proclaimed yourselves his best friends.
You and Hisoka were both utterly ridiculous, often matching each other's wild energy as if you were on the same brainwave.
Illumi began to question his ‘friendship’ with you when you and Hisoka started debating whether or not ketchup was a smoothie.
“It’s a blended fruit.”
“But you have it as a condiment with savoury foods.” You argued, whacking the magician’s head with a newspaper.
He swatted you away with an amused hum. “That doesn’t change its nature.”
“You don’t drink ketchup.”
“Speak for yourself.”
Illumi quietly listened to his two best friends argue as you all sat round a table.
As he watched the two of you bicker back and forth, he was unable to fathom your unique stupidity. The assassin understood that individually, his friends were incredibly intelligent and capable people. However once together, you two seemed to share the collective intellect of a prawn. 
“Illumi!” The assassin was brought out of his internal suffering by the very source itself. Both you and Hisoka had decided that for some reason they needed a third person’s opinions on your debate. 
“I’m not getting involved.”
“C’monn, please?”
“I’ll give Hisoka Killua’s number.”
“Ketchup is a savoury condiment, not a smoothie.”
You let out a whoop of victory, fist-pumping the air in your joy. “HA! Suck it Hisoka!”
“That’s no good, he’s biased.” Hisoka tutted, shaking his head and folding his arms. “You know Illumi always sides with you.”
“That’s because he loves me.”
“Unconfirmed by him.”
“Confirmed in his heart.”
“Does he even have one?’ Hisoka shot.
“Do you even have one?” You fired back.
Illumi sat there locked in a daze, listening to his two best friends argue like children. Yeah, you two were both the biggest idiots he had ever met, but he wouldn’t change you for the world. Of course he would never say this, but it never stopped the two of you from trying. 
And so what if he loved enjoyed having the two of you around? Who would be able to tell anyway?
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female reader, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: thank you to the anon who requested this, I kinda changed it and I’m so sorry it took this long. Love ya 🌻
Chaotic Neutral
Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Sagittarius Rising 
⭑ You first met at your work - the local bakery. 
⭑ The smells from the building hit John like a beautiful ocean wave; pastries, cakes, cookies, pies. (He definitely has a sweet-tooth.)
⭑ And he couldn’t resist the temptations of entering the bakery
⭑ It soon became his favourite place to visit, since the food was good and the service was ... great 
⭑ You bring the Shelby’s fresh baked goods every morning, knowing each of their order; which puts you in everyone’s good books
⭑ They await your arrival every morning, even Tommy, who grumbles that he’s doing some paperwork
⭑ John soon developed a crush on you, which turned into full-on feelings that he couldn’t ignore 
⭑ In your relationship, John shows his love through physical touch. He likes to know that you’re physically near him, and that he can do whatever he pleases with you 
⭑ He’s a loud snorer 
⭑ And when you’re in bed, he’ll end up throwing half his body on top of yours 
⭑ John gets so excited when you bring home left-overs from the bakery
⭑ He gets on well with your family, especially any siblings that you may have
⭑ John is able to bring the energy up in any room he walks in to. That’s one of the reasons why you love him. He can turn any frown upside down
⭑ He probably wouldn’t mind you getting into the family business. But is adamnt that you’re not anywhere near danger, or even potential danger. 
⭑ He gets jealous very easily, and if he sees someone eyeing you than he will literally punch them in the face
⭑ You’re usually the one who wakes up first, and most of the time, you have to wake John up 
⭑ You’re protected because of your association with the Shelby’s. And your business never runs out of customers 
Relationship Tropes:
Dumbass (John) x Oh I Guess That’s My Dumbass (You)
Elusive Chaotic Duo
Partners In Crime
NSFW🔞 minors dni!
⭑ John absolutely loves receiving head; it’s like he’s in heaven. The way your mouth closes around his cock, pushing it further and further down your throat. 
⭑ He whines, not groaning or moaning, but whines. Little whimpers too.
⭑ Very much likes to be dominated
⭑ And would love if you tied him up on the bed and took control
⭑ Will have sex anywhere and everywhere
⭑ “John, your brothers could walk in any second!”
⭑ Doesn’t like sharing and hates the thought of you being with anyone else
⭑ Probably has a corruption kink
⭑ Loves pulling your hair
⭑ And of course, doggy style is his favourite position 
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ninjaneonleon · 4 months
The Side bar
Bringing Raph down to the Speakeasy had been the right call. Between the work of Leo, Cheech and Leonardo, Raph was back on his feet and talking in no time.
“And what have we learned?” Leo asked, making sure Raph’s pupil response was back to normal. It was, thankfully, and Leo was hopeful for his recovery.
“To not just eat everything offered to me without checking first,” Raph replied sulkily. Leo knew he had been excited for the cookies and he was upset that it had made him drop.
“Exactly.” Leo nodded and looked up at Cheech. “Can you keep an eye on him for a bit? Plenty of fluids, preferably tea, and make sure he stays here for at least ten minutes.”
“Sure thing, Leon. Worst comes to worst, I’ll make Leonardo sit on him.”
“Hey! I’m not that big!”
“Sure you are, Dove, but I love that about you.”
“Thanks guys.” Leo gave a cheery salute and wandered backwards. “The Caseys have gone to look for Mona, I think she was still with that adorable little turtle with the flowers and strawberries? Anyway, don’t let him leave until Mona comes to get him.”
‘Raph is more than capable of–”
“Sure thing, Leon. See you in a bit.” Cheech grinned and looked down at Raph. “You can stay here and enjoy some tea. I wanna hear all about your lovely girlfriend from you instead of him.” He nodded towards Leo. That was the right move because Raph lit up and started chattering away. Leo knew he left his big brother in good hands.
Leo turned and decided to go find Yuichi. Last he saw him, he had been chasing Donnie who had gotten hold of some Uranium. Leo knew that even with Juan present to keep them somewhat grounded, Leo would need to keep an eye on his two favourite dumbasses. Donnie and Yuichi were a surprisingly chaotic duo.
He was so lost in thought that he almost ran into someone.
“Hey, watch where you’re– oh, it’s you.” Leo looked up and saw Cleo, the grumpy, drunk Leo that Yuichi had managed to befriend earlier..
“Hey Cleo. How are you doing?” He looked less drunk now, but much grumpier. Maybe his Leo was causing him problems, apparently they didn’t get along.
“Worse. My Leo is trying to get himself adopted by another counterpart,” Cleo griped. “I swear, he’s so irritating.”
“Hey, cut him some slack, dude, he’s probably just still trying to process everything,” Leo said with what he hoped was a reassuring grin. “Just give him some space, maybe try for a smile, it’ll work wonders.” He clapped Cleo on his shoulder and stiffened the moment he made contact. What the–
Cleo recoiled, his eyes going wide and wait, did they just flash purple? “You’re–”
“It’s under control,” Leo cut him off sharply. “Yes, I am aware of the parasite sharing my body, no I am not concerned because he can’t take control from me.” He knew that somehow Cleo had sensed Prime, who was watching with wide eyed awe at the proceedings. “I’m not a threat to anyone here. Don’t mistake me for one.”
Cleo stared at Leo for a moment, his eyes searching Leo’s face with a mixture of revulsion, anger and self loathing. Then he turned with a huff. “Whatever. I need a drink.” He stalked off without another word.
Weird. Leo did not like that interaction and he was glad it was over. Now, he just had to figure out where his twin and boyfriend were…
Something drew Leo’s attention. He wasn’t sure what, but it reminded him somehow of the imprint. It was something soul deep, something instinctual. What was…?
There was a door to the side. Everyone seemed to be walking right past it, as if they didn’t see the swirls of mystic energy pouring off of it. What was it about that door that drew Leo’s attention so strongly? Why was he so compelled to enter it?
Slowly, he walked over to the door, weaving though the crowd as he followed this gut feeling and entered the room.
The room was dark, much darker and moodier than the cheerful, welcoming lighting of the Speakeasy outside. Scattered around were a number of tables, each housing a different person who Leo recognised. There were Draxums, some with minions and some without, Bishops, both male and female but all wearing the distinctive EPF logos, and even some Big Mamas. There was even a table full of villains that Leo knew well, like Meatsweats, Repo and Hypno (Who wasn’t really a villain anymore but he was previously).
“Welcome to the side bar,” There was a man behind a counter. Well, it was sort of shaped like a man, except it seemed to be made entirely of black goop. There was a square of whiteness around it, containing it to the bar area, but Leo got bad feelings from it. He didn’t want to be anywhere near that goop man. “If you’re here, you’ve probably been labelled as a villain in your universe, so make yourself at home. Just watch out for the Bishops, they’re not against grabbing newbies. And if you want to know anything, just ask. I can tell you anything you want, for a price.” Leo shuddered. He would not be asking anything.
Instead, he looked around in shock. The Villains bar? Why was he here?
Wait, he knew why he was here. He was part Kraang and even before that, he had been Blue Oni. He had attacked his brothers, almost killed his dads. Yeah, he was entitled to be here, and that was without Prime’s help.
“It seems to take in former villains too,” Prime pointed out helpfully as Leo spotted a Draxu, who looked to be in his lunch lady uniform. Okay then, that was something to celebrate then. He didn’t need to be actively evil to spot this place.
Before he could explore further, a dark shape suddenly loomed behind him. A wicked red glow lit up the world around him and for a split second, Leo froze. He knew that presence, he knew that glow.
Subprime was here.
Then Leo took a breath and he turned.
“Well if it isn’t the wad of chewing gum I just hate to see.” He drawled. “How have you been, buddy? Prison dimension treating you well?” Leo knew he was playing with fire here. All the others in the bar had frozen, staring at him in shock. Clearly no one had been brave enough to confront this Kraang up until now. Leo, however, was unfazed. He had confronted this monster more times than he could count in his dreamscape. He wasn’t scared anymore.
“I wasn’t aware they let… pests into this place,” The Kraang growled. “Still, you’ll be entertaining to play–”
Leo cut him off simply by waving his hand. “Before you finish that thought, I have a question for you.” The Kraang spluttered in annoyance. “Are you your universe’s Kraang Prime?”
“Yes.” The weaker Kraang Prime said slowly, as if contemplating Leo’s audacity and how best to destroy him.
“Oh, that’s good then.” Leo allowed his mycelia out from his shell, letting them wrap along his arms, legs and carapace. He instinctively knew that his brown eye had turned pink. When he next spoke, his voice echoed with power. “So am I. And guess what, buddy? I outrank you.” With a wave of his hand, Leo grabbed the Kraang matter in this pathetic version of Prime’s body and sent him flying into an unoccupied booth. Heh. That was way more satisfying in real life.
“Don’t get carried away, Leo,” Prime reminded him. “Remember that you brothers have organised it so you don’t indulge in that side of your mindset.”
Right. The shared dreamscapes that his brothers had set up. Leo hadn’t visited the prison dimension in months because of that. He needed to control himself better.
“Y’know, that was pretty impressive.” The voice behind Leo made him jump. That sounded like– “We’ve all had to hide in the corner because he wouldn’t stop looming. Thanks for dealing with him.” There was another Leo, slightly older than him and dressed in a very stylish coat. Woah, he was cool. There were a few other Leos there, as well as a few other turtles too. Huh. Maybe it wasn’t so weird for some of their counterparts to be ‘evil’ after all.
“No problem. He’s just a big bully. You kick his ass, he knows when to stay down.” Leo said with a shrug, allowing his mycelia to retract. “Uh, for reference, I am still Leo. Don’t be calling me Prime or anything, he’s just a ride along who’s powers I can borrow.”
“Good to know. Or else I’d have to kill you.” The fashionable Leo said with a grin. Leo had a feeling that he was being serious but he couldn’t be sure. He was hard to read. “Did you wanna come sit with us?”
“Nah, I’m good, but thanks for the invite. I’m just looking around before I head back out.” Leo didn’t really want to linger here. It was doing things to his head if he thought any of this was okay.
He glanced around again as the turtles left and headed to an empty booth. Well, all but one.
“You’ve met my brother.” The Donatello was familiar somehow but Leo couldn’t place why. Then he realised.
“You’re Cleo’s Donnie.” There was something about this Donnie that just reminded him of Cleo. The thing that threw Leo off, though, was the fact that this Donnie was so much older than Cleo. He was clearly in his thirties, maybe older, but Cleo was mid twenties. “Why are you here?”
“I wish I could tell you, kid. I just know that I can see this place and the others can’t.” Leo was gonna call this Donnie ‘Tello’ for now. Just so he didn’t get confused. “Also, watch your back. Those two drinking wine have their eye on you.” Leo looked over and saw two Bishops both sipping wine. They looked away when Leo met their gaze with a threatening look of his own.
“Thanks for the heads up.” He paused before glancing back up at Tello. “Uh, you might want to check on Cleo, by the way. He caught a sense of Prime and, uh, it freaked him out?” Hopefully Tello would be able to help.
“He doesn’t want to see me.” Was the only answer Leo got. Well there went that idea.
“Oh-kay then. Well, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you.” Leo didn’t like the vibes Tello was giving off. There was something broken and unhinged about this version of Donnie, more so than any of the other Donnies Leo had met. He could understand why Cleo was so grumpy if his Tello was like that.
Leo turned and started walking away, only to run straight into a solid chest. He looked up and flinched back when he saw a Draxum in his full armour from back when he was a bad guy, not the Rara that Leo knew and loved now. The helmet alone was enough to make Leo uncomfortable.
“Turtle,” the Draxum greeted with a nod. “That was an impressive display. I don’t know if you’d be willing to help train my current project?” He tugged on a chain and Leo saw a small form stumble forwards. They seemed to have their wrists chained together. His eyes widened when he realised that it was a mutated, turtle version of April.
It took everything Leo had to not draw his swords right then and cut this Draxum down, regardless of his own Rara. “I suggest you get out of my sight before I slice off the hand that is holding her hostage,” he growled. “I will only give you this warning once because part of the rules of being here means that we’re not allowed to cause grievous bodily harm. If you do not leave now, I will be violating that rule. Are we clear?”
To his credit, the Draxum looked disturbed. He ran off with the mutant turtle April following after him. Leo caught the thankful, apologetic look she shot him as she went. At least she still had her fighting spirit, from what Leo could tell. She’d escape soon enough, even if Leo wanted to help her out now. Unfortunately, that was against the rules.
He took a breath.
What was Leo doing again?
Was he… going to get a drink? With the other villains. Yeah, that seemed right.
“Uh, Cos?” Wait, that was Donnie’s voice in his head. The imprint! “We have a problem. I need you asap!”
Like a rubber band that was finally released, Leo felt his mind snap back into place. He wasn’t a villain, he was a hero like his brothers. He was a good guy who just happened to do some bad stuff unwillingly.
“Where are you and what do you need?” Leo asked, turning and marching out of the side bar.
“The uranium may or may not be affecting the plants I’ve got. I need to get it out of here and my portals aren’t strong enough to get out of the arena. Yuichi tried zapping it all away with his katana but it just made the plants start sending out sparks!” Eugh boy, this wasn’t going to be good. Leo needed to track them down and clean up Donnie’s mess, as usual. Not that he was complaining, he’d take this over having no twin any day. But why did his twin and his boyfriend have to be such a chaotic duo? Why couldn’t they just have one safe experiment where Leo didn’t need to save their butts?
“How does that even work? Never mind. I’ll be right over.”
He decided to keep the existence of the side bar to himself for now. It would only upset his brothers, and he’d do anything to keep them happy.
Leo and all the others he’a with belong to me and @geniusbuilttm
Cheech and Leonardo belong to @kinky-asexual
The adorable turtle with flowers and strawberries is @littlemissartemisia
Cleo and Tello belong to @reagi-df
The goop man belongs to @intotheelliwoods
The Kraang is just the regular kraang, you can decide where he’s from
The fashionable Leo belongs to @starrcrossrose
The two Bishops belong to @devotedtosadpoetry
The Draxum with the mutated April belongs to @riseleon
The villains need a place to hang away from all those heroes, right?
This is propaganda @tmntaucompetition
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starcrime · 1 year
dead poets and pets headcanons! their childhood/family pets, favourite animals, and what pets i think they would actually 'end up' with
neil perry
have you seen thomas perry? have you heard him speak? neil did not have a childhood pet. i think he really wanted a dog as a kid, but after a while of his father refusing, he would resort to asking for a fish or a hamster. his father's answer did not change absolutely adores the welton dog and always tries to sneak him treats and headpats and hugs and kisses and- he's just full of love yk he also seems like a fan of rodents? like guinea pig, hamsters and such,, he absolutely gets a dog after welton [more in todd's section]
todd anderson
the andersons bought jeffrey a cat for his fourteenth birthday it's a korat, his name is benjamin and he's a huge jerk -to everyone but todd. so it's more of todd's cat than anyone else's. todd loves cats overall, he enjoys how they just are, and finds their presence calming. once he moves out he takes benjamin with him and literally no one tries to fight him on this. also i think later in life he and neil would get a therapy dog to help todd deal with his anxiety, and neil with his trauma/depression. every once in a while one of the poets might feel down too, and todd's more than happy to let them 'borrow' the dog i feel like he would find arachnids fun, but his parents find them gross, and neil's is afrad of them, so he wouldn't ever have one
knox overstreet
idk why, but overstreets just feel like a crusty white dog named coco family. also his younger sisters have a rabbit! also i think him and charlie both used to do horseback riding as kids, as some sort of summer extracurricular?? anyways, yes, his family bought him a horse,, which is a totally standard thing to buy your child. he's not all that into horseback riding anymore and would let his siblings have the horse knox definitely loves dogs, and would have a golden retriver methinks just has that vibe
charlie dalton
his family have a bengal cat which he loves. he manhandles the shit out of that bastard and the cat doesn't really mind. the cat's name is orion, but really? it's Bastard. also his family owns horses and there's at least one that charlie dumbass-proofed (basically got it used to tolerating him as he does increasingly dangerous things around it) (idk if that's actually possible, i don't know anything about horses other than they look kinda cool) (idk why but the visual of charlie riding a horse like a skateboard cannot escape my mind i simply had to share). definitely a dog person, though he doesn't strike me as a guy that would actually have a dog? at least just on his own, he could have one with someone (a bf maybe? a bf named steven meeks even?,) he loves dogs, but having a whole creature depending solely on him is not a good idea.
gerard pitts
dog person. obviously he just seems like a guy that would enjoy going on long runs it's bc he's tall with long legs and what can make a run better? a dog he had a childhood dog that was already pretty old when he was born.. anyways! they got a him a german shorthair to celebrate him graduating middle school totally not bc he was heartbroken he probably wouldn't try and relocate the dog once he moves out just to not stress him out he might get a turtle though, he looks like a turtle guy
steven meeks
meeks' family has a miniature poodle. she's very well trained and steven deff treats her very politely. like- 'hello, would you like a treat, ma'am? of course, just do a spin first please?,, there you go, thank you :)' <- no babytalk or anything like that, he seems like a guy who just talks to animals like they're human all the time overall, but he's extra polite to her he feels like a,, calm dog person. like he enjoys their energy and likes having an excitible furry friend, but doesn't run around them or like match their general chaoticness also i feel he might get a gecko <3 just a lil' guy to sit on his shoulder while he studies/works <3
richard cameron
my lifelong hc for cameron's family is that he has some grandparents and cousins living on a farm, that he spends half of every summer with, doing typical farm things,, like caring for farm animals,, like cows,, and with that comes 'cow person' cameron headcanon he has his favourite in the herd for sure that he's just best friends with :) she has huge eyes and she listens to him rant, she's the best obviously one cannot simply own a cow as a pet, and since they're his favs he would probably opt out to not have any pets. scratch that i just thought about him having a chicken as a pet and am endlessly amused by it. he has a pet chicken
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thatguywasvaping · 5 months
i don't know who else to tag honestly but thank youuu @wisteria-wisteria for tagging me 😉
1. Who or what got you into F1?
i've been wanting to tell this story to someone cuz i think it's so dumb
so well, my dad and my cousins are HUGE f1 fans they always talk about it on the family gc. it was the mexico 2023 gp (we're mexican btw and just like every single men in mexico they love checo) and we all know what happened to checo in that race so they were fuming and honestly i was enjoying it and all the memes on twt
anyway i never really cared about the sport, to me it was just men going vroom vroom in circles for an hour but then the brazil gp came
we were in my grandparents house, i was in the living room and they were watching the race obviously, it was just about to start and then something magical happened that changed my whole life... charles leclerc crashes on the formation lap and i thought omg who's this dumbass 🙄 but then i heard his voice with that sadness you only hear in eastern european gay porn saying "why the fuck am i so unlucky?", i was like damn he's so me, my dad was asking me to traduce what he was saying, i had no context of everything that happened on the season but i could just think damn is this not the first time that it has happened to him? poor bro
then i saw him get lost in the motherfucking woods and i was crying laughing at this point wondering who the hell is this guy?
i made a mental note to search his name on twt later, anyway the race went on and i was actually getting invested in it, i remember my cousins had to leave but they were all i want to see checo pass hamilton bla bla bla and i had no idea who hamilton was but i wanted to see it too it was so exciting. when i got back home i went into a charles leclerc rabbit hole in twt and tumblr and tiktok, then i learned more about all the other drivers and as someone who was lacking content of my man finn wolfhard i was getting bored and seeing this guys being a chaotic mess and getting content of them every weekend i was like fuck it they're my new blorbos especially charles❤️
and now here i am :) the end.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
i am a charles leclerc girlie and i will always be he's my sunshine i will fight anyone who dares to say something bad about him, i just love him so much he's so determinated and passionate i am so sure he will achieve his dream but he's also very kind, charming, funny. his history is also so amazing to me, his mental strenght is unbelievable and has motivated me to keep going no matter what, he's very dear to me, i admire him so much and i don't think it will ever change because he amazes me more and more everytime.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
charlieeee obvi but i've also been very obsessed with max lately they are fighting for p1 in my favorite drivers championship every single day hahahah
maxie poo i love you babygirl 😘
i love lando and oscar also i hope they achieve amazing things with mclaren they have so much talent and potential i know they will be great
and ofc mi gente latino 🇲🇽✊ checo pérez you are my dad and i support you no matter what also he's so unintentionally funny as max said i'll just call him lovely 😌
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
LESTAPPEN MY GOD when i tell you that i think about them every day i'm not joking at all
my roman empire as the tiktok kids would say
i just love them for the same reasons everyone else does they have been racing against each other for most of their lives and of course they've had their rough patches but they respect each other and love racing together, they push the limits and will do everything to win but they always keep that mutual respect and admiration
i got into them with the inchident video it's just hilarious max being all mad like no it's so unfair 🙄 and charlie being like just an inchident 😘 I CAN'T THEY'RE SO ICONIC LIVE LAUGH LOVE LESTAPPEN we love emotional support rivals
also shoutout carlando, maxiel, charlos, chestappen, landoscar they are so funny love seeing them do stupid shit but also have each others back
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
my dad will die for red bull especially for checo, i don't really know my cousins favorite drivers but they like ferrari and one of them has a charles leclerc cap and a valtteri bottas one so i think them
i'm kind of a closeted f1 fan lmao because most of my life i've been like it's so boring just them going in circles but now i'm obsessed but also if i say i like it now they would be like you just like it because the drivers are good looking
and i mean YEAH but fuck just let me enjoy it and it's also my first season i'm still learning give me a break bruh
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
like i said this is my first season and i started pretty late but they first race i ever watched from start to finish was ✨las vegas 2023✨ and as a charles fan i will never forget that last lap where i was mourning p2 already and all like well let's hope for the best on the next race😔 when all of a sudden i see this mf overtaking checo, it was 1am and when i tell you i JUMPED from the couch and started screaming and jumping around, genuinely i will never forget it
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
i don't really know about each circuit that much but i like monaco
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
naaahh they're expensive af maybeee one day i'll go to the gp in mexico city but in a very distant future
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
i see checo's face in every corner in my city does that count?
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
i like the mercedes' cars just for the mere reason that they look cool to me and since i don't know all the technical stuff i think i could give you a pepper answer once i learn more
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
not really ✌️
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
when max said "i always thought that if i would make it to F1, charles will also make it"
what can i say i love my babygirls
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artofalassa · 10 months
Which one if your favorite ‘98 Vash or ‘23 Vash?
That's a very close one to the OG vs Stampede ask, huh?
I love the goblin dumbass he is in the OG. I LOVE him. I love his VA. I love the chaotic melodramatic babygirl queen he is. I love all his spidery scuttling around. But boy, did I want to smack him for the last five or so episodes. The eyerolls I made actually hurt......
I love '23 boy. He's. Pure. Soft. Innocent. Young. Sometimes stupid. Badass. Hot as hell when 'dancing' around between the bullets. I love him being dumb. And naive. And trusting. And sweet. And I LOVE his design. Red and teal is honestly my favourite combo ever. EVER. Look at my pfp. Bunch of my OCs had the combo as well. And you know how I am with characters with shaved sides. And blond twinks.
But. I feel like '23 Vash is a little bit too pure for my taste? Too-- uh. Perfect? I love him making promises he can't keep. I love him seeing right through WW as a parallel of WW seeing right through him in the OG.
'I don't really care about Tristamp Vash that much?' I said in March and then proceeded to suffer the weirdest anxiety attack after watching ep 11, because I cared too much about him and if anybody HURTS THAT BOY I SWEAR I'M GONNA--
Saying I don't like Stampede's Vash would be an absolute-- nonsense considering I love the Trimax one so much. They're so similar.
So. Uh. I don't know? Honestly? Visually? Tristamp!
But the charm and stupidity of the OG's resonates with me more, because he's more. Fun to me. While I always say I only like the first half ot the OG, like I mentioned in the ask earlier, I think that the OG one has a little bit more personality and I like characters with flaws. OG's Vash is a chaos incarnate. And a horrible hypocrite. Tristamp bby is -- too pure and too good for this world. And I love him very dearly.
And then I always remember that he's so close to Trimax Vash! Just less... experienced? Less knowing? Less silly? Younger?
And I'm. AARGH. I love them both, both 98 and 23 boys, okay?! :'D
I hope Stampede's Vash is gonna grow into more of that 'being silly so other's don't see i'm hurting'. The horrors are endless, he needs the silly.................
But yeah. Again. I love the idiot from Rumble. He's dumb, badass, cheeky, careless and selfish in a way. Rumble is my -- 'all the other universes meet here', it takes the most from all the others.
Sorry for a -- miserable answer. :'D
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this-is-a-nice-show · 8 months
I adore any and all Supernatural and Good Omen crossovers because On one hand, you have a show comprised of at least 60% male brooding and emotional heart to hearts with jarring, nonsensical, violent plot points almost always with a devastating season finale.
And on the other hand, you have a show featuring an unlikely pairing who constantly bicker but also would die for each other in a heartbeat exclusively in the most stupid, chaotic, and unnecessary way possible.
They both have extremely established lore in their universes that do not line up whatsoever. My favourite part is someone trying to combine the lore or totally disregard the rules of these universes like a prophet who has heard whispers of the word of god/Chuck directly and is communicating their word to us. And they are beautifully creative every time. Every take is completely different on how the lore is combined and I'm still like "You're so damn right. Cheers, I'll drink to that."
But ignoring the biblical themes of both shows they have so many similarities...
A vintage car is kept in pristine condition and is almost exclusively the main method of transportation. "Get in the car, angel! Alpha Centuri!" - Crowley (2019, colourized). Okay, were you planning on driving to Alpha Centuri??? "Hop in the car, Sam. Time to go on our day-long road trip for the second time this week." For fucks sake, you have infinite money. Buy a plane ticket.
We listen to One Song. A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square. Carry On My Wayward Son.
We will extend our musical selection To A Certain Extent. Queen only. No modern music.
Weird Haircuts.
Zombies, Nazis, Witches. Unclear definition of what the capabilities of witches are in both universes. Dean killed Hitler, Crowley killed three nazis.
Female love interest? Ehhh... No, thank you.
Male love interest? Ehhh... No, thank you. I'm rolling with genderless Crowley/Aziraphale. But don't worry because Castiel is happiest when he says he loves Dean. If that doesn't say platonic male friendships, I don't know what does. /s
Dumbass Behaviour. "Yes, I am playing detective searching for Clues for Archangel Gabriel. No, I did not inspect the Clue that he showed up with." "Yes, I have many, many contacts throughout not just Earth but also Heaven and Hell. No, I will not contact anyone for help."
Pornography and Sex Workers.
Risking death and destruction for others. Crowley rescues Aziraphale in France, Aziraphale saves Crowley by getting the photo back from the Nazi zombies. In Supernatural wtf, where to start...
The line between 'good' and 'evil' is virtually nonexistent. However, humans are regarded as 'closer to evil than good' or 'more likely to be evil than good'.
Found Family. "Hey hellspawn, you want two dads? No? Well how about a Nanny and a Brother Francis?" & "Hellspawn #2, tell your dad to fuck off and then bing-bang-boom, adoption complete. Adopted parents are just parents." "Hey hellspawn, you want three dads? No-oh wait, you do? Great."
God/Chuck is treated as a neglectful parent. They still seem hopeful that they'll receive help at some point but understand that they are required to fend for themselves and that can include going up against god/Chuck. It is cannon in Supernatural that all beings project their daddy issues onto Chuck.
They drink an extraordinary amount of alcohol and can sober up quickly. Good Omens is self-explanatory. But I've never met a person who can shotgun four beers back-to-back and shoot dead center. They have to be sobering up in between these activities.
They only own One Outfit. Coat/trench coat, waistcoat (optional), tie/scarf (optional), one or more layered shirts, jeans/slacks, and shoes. And of course, you have the accessories. Dean's necklace and Aziraphale's ring + watch. And it is cannon that in Supernatural, the characters (not the actors playing the characters, but the actual characters) wear a full face of makeup. And you can see Crowley/Aziraphale's makeup. Their lip colour changes pretty frequently. The angels in Heaven wear gold lipstick iirc.
Both of their main 'bases' are filled with books. The bookstore (for obvious reasons) and the Winchester's bunker has their hunter's manuals and the fucking Supernatural books.
The actors that play the characters canonically exist in their universes as well as thier characters. Dr. Who exists in Good Omens -> David Tennent exists in Good Omens along with Crowley. There is an episode of Supernatural where the main 3 exist in the 'real world' -> those 3 actors also exist in Supernatural. (There are multiple episodes where this happens without Castiel, but there is only one where Misha Colins plays himself.)
The most glaring difference between the shows is: one is developed starting with the characters and one is developed starting with the plot. Sam and Dean are inserted into a plot that they had no control in creating. Their father placed them into situations, and they were forced to find a way to survive. Crowley and Aziraphale literally started the story. They should understand the concepts of anything that happens in the plot (to a certain extent). As in, unlike the Winchesters, they don't need to do copious amounts of reading to foil nefarious plans.
Dean, Sam, and Castiel are pessimistic and dismissive of help. Other beings have to prove themselves worthy of their trust and usually not the other way around. Crowley and Aziraphale are optimistic and see the good in humanity. They enjoy the simple everyday joys of being human and they had the trust of Hell/Heaven for 6,000 years, up until Michael found the pictures of the two on Earth.
But would Crowley/Aziraphale drink bargain bin beer? Go to the greasiest diner imaginable? Directly commit murder? Participate in hand-to-hand combat? Would the Winchesters/Castiel drink a fancy, expensive wine? Go to the Ritz? Analyze their thoughts from a different perspective? Read a book for fun?
NO, and that is why I love you fanfiction writers and artists. I appreciate everything you do. <3
Something a little sad under the cut
I think the reason why I haven't been able to see more fun? silly? (idk how to describe it) fan fiction of SPN without crossovers is because Good Omens has never made fun of its audience or belittled how much effort goes into making content. When you know that you're actively being mocked by the show you like, you have to be on your Best Behaviour and Don't Fuck Up.
I remember that they were upset that the show attracted an audience of teenage girls. They made multiple episodes making fun of cosplayers, what I can only describe as an "obsessive fan girl", and destiel.
It feels like the people involved in Good Omens actually care about it and give a shit and that feels like putting lotion on a sunburn. Y'know?
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idridian · 1 day
for the reverse unpopular opinion thing: here's a blank check to talk about douglas rain 😘
thank you kindly for activating my trap card, here's a NON-EXHAUSTIVE list (in no particular order and pulled entirely from memory) of delightful facts about douglas rain:
cared so incredibly much about the canadian theatre scene and tried to improve it wherever he could, be that by performing or by teaching younger actors. he had many opinions about how to get people interested in theatre
rehearsals were apparently his favourite part of acting and he was highkey intense about it for understandable reasons, which does NOT detract from the ???? factor of finding out that he straight up built a partial replica of the stratford festival theatre stage in his fuckin attic at home so he could practice his lines and blocking there. like what the fuck douglas, can you chill
the only thing funnier than this is the line immediately preceding this nugget of info in his stratford festival archives entry, where one of the artistic directors of the shaw festival is like "douglas rain had the uncanny ability to be word-perfect by week two of rehearsals" like yeah bitch, i wonder why. he went home from rehearsals and went to his attic to continue rehearsing there lol
during the very first season of stratford, he understudied alec guinness as the title role in richard iii, and one time the director 'Big Man' guthrie challenged him to imitate mr guinness' performance as closely as he could, which resulted in guinness grabbing a two-by-four and chasing douglas around the stage with it???? douglas was not entirely sure if it was because he did it really well or really badly
apparently kept a vegetable garden. this has nothing to do with anything; i just think it's cute that he had hobbies
spoke in a particular (now basically extinct, from what i understand) version of canadian english called canadian dainty, which veers slightly towards british pronunciation. combined with his very precise diction, this makes him say some words kinda funny, which i find very endearing/entertaining
he was apparently also really good at doing other accents. the only physical evidence i have of this is his performance in william lyon mackenzie: a friend to his country, where he does a scottish accent (and again, i am delighted), but i've read in Extremely Old Newspapers that he could do like,,, a perfect irish accent as a child??
i tracked down his yearbook entry from when he graduated in 1950 (in my defence, the manitoba university has an archive of decades worth of yearbooks freely available as pdfs on their website; what else are they for if not this) and the last sentence of his entry says "future is undecided, but indications are good" which is incredibly funny. they really said 'yeah idk what his deal is exactly, but he seems to be having fun'. and they were RIGHT
my honest impression of him is that he would never intentionally cause chaos because that would be impolite, but if you dropped him into a chaotic situation he would take a look around and then immediately refuse to leave, which imo is even more hysterical
"all the best sweetie"
while i categorically enjoy everything he's involved in by pure virtue of him being there, i harbour a particular fondness for roles where he plays just,,,, an absolute DUMBASS. like i cannot express in words the joy i felt when listening to tartuffe (1968) and hearing him make indignant grumbling noises as he crawled under a table while martha henry, his irl wife playing his wife in the play, made fun of him. 11/10 it means everything to me
i find him very handsome also. again, nothing to do with anything, i just like to look at him y'know
anyway i have to stop now because if left to my own devices, this post would just keep going forever, but you get the point. i adore him <3
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edensrose · 2 years
may i request fluffy legolas x reader headcanons? thank you very much and have a lovely day!
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( ❀ ) ˙ ˖ legolas ⠀〳 reader⠀ ❜࿔
· ⊰ synopsis. fluffy relationship headcanons with legolas
· ⊰ note. absolutely! have a great day too love 💕
( masterlist ) ( taglist form )
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ʚ Legolas gives you little pecks. It’s one of his favourite things to do - be it your temple or your cheek or your forehead, also your nose He absolutely loves given you a small ‘boop’ of a kiss and watching your nose scrunch up a little 
ʚ Loves braiding your hair. He does it a lot when comforting you or simply when he has had a long day and wants nothing but to have you in his arms while he runs his fingers through your hair, braiding it in various styles and such 
ʚ On that note he’s usually the one to do your hair in the morning. Whether he gets you late because he begins aweing at you and pressing pecks all over your face is another story 
ʚ Such a big cuddler, after a long day he comes back, scoops you up regardless of what you may doing and tosses you to the bed before getting in beside you and snuggling you up into his embrace 
ʚ Has a knack for wanting to play tag with you. He’s not sure whether it’s your laughing as you run away from him or what but it’s one of his favourite activities with you 
ʚ Legolas calls you by a lot of nicknames, most notably of which would be “darling’’, sometimes he may call you “loth nin’’ ( my flower ) 
ʚ There are times he has tried to teach you archery. He’ll loop his arms around you and guide your hands with his. However, he can be a little shit at times and try to throw you off just before you shoot by either tickling your sides or pressing a kiss to your cheek 
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taglist — @kiatheinsomniac @augustwithquills @blueberryrock @a-chaotic-dumbass @m-shade @nerdydcfan @flowerchildishere @camilomyshiningsun @bugnug @algae-rave @snakesofindia-sursesaji @theroguemaia @heraluthor @pinkslashersimp @the-girl-king @aeonianarchives
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Hiiii, so random, but do you have any possible thoughts about another crackship from SVE or vanilla? I do have one, but I don't think I'll be talking about it here, but I wonder if you... have other thoughts about another possible crackship 👁 May I also ask what you feel about crackships?
Heyyy! 👋
I love crackships! It's pretty funny to imagine two completely different characters with the thought, "what will happen if..." and let your imagination run wild as to what a comical situation that would be.
Although, in some cases, some crackship have shown a lot of potential that I seriously now considered them quite the potential ship. Lance/Isaac from SVE is direct proof of that, because now instead of silly stories with those two dumbasses, I now think of them as a serious ship while trying to decide whether to make their next headcanon sad or cute. Or something spicy, hee hee... 🌚
So, on to the crackships....
In vanilla SDV it would definitely be Pierre/Wizard, or even Shane/Wizard. Just the thought that an ordinary Valley dweller, who somehow became Rasmodius' partner, would be shocked by the spells and magic of a wizard (especially Shane, who in canon denies the existence of magic as such at all) makes me amused. For example, "wizard's failed attempt at a love potion". Pure chaos everywhere 😁
Pierre/Morris also have great chemistry when it comes to crackchip (*looking at the wonderful artists and writers who have provided a bunch of Pierre/Morris content*). Again, though, people saw potential in this particular crackship as a serious one too (*looking at those same great artists and writers*). In general, our Mr. Joja Manager by nature fits in perfectly with a few residents as a crackship. Morris/Wizard, Morris/Gunther, Morris/Robin... Something like that.
Of the vanilla bachelors/ettes I can think of only a couple: Alex/Sebastian (the athlete in the game talked for a long time about how weird Sebby is, that he always wears black, and I was like "oh my god, are you in love with him or something?"), Shane/Haley (a battle of two of the most mean marriage candidates ever, oh yeah!), and Harvey/Mr Qi (let's break our doctor's mind with a definitive lack of logic and disregard for wound care, because Mr Qi has 'snake milk'! Which sounds more like poison...).
As for SVE... Besides my favourite Lance/Isaac, the second crackship will be Isaac/Victor. If anyone remembers The Adoring Fan from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, the relationship of these two will be the same. For those who haven't played Scrolls: imagine an annoying person praising your every move and following you everywhere you go, even if you end up in Hell. Given Victor's enthusiasm for adventurers, he'll be like that fan (not too in character for him, but hey, it's a crackship), and Isaac was just unlucky. Or maybe lucky? 👀
Well, where can we go about crackship without Jadu, a character who only said a couple of quotes in the game, but even that was enough to realise that he's just fed up with life and his job as an errand boy? So - Jadu/Camilla! Because who else could make his life more chaotic and crazy than Camilla, the all-powerful witch who doesn't give a shit about manners, conjures up anything and anywhere, and does pranks just for fun? If I start writing headcanons about them, every post I'll tag "#Jadu isn't getting paid enough for this shit".
If I'm going to feel sorry for Jadu, then Isaac/Camilla. Because I don't feel sorry for Isaac, lol (just kidding, but he'll have more patience than Jadu).
Oh oh oh! A good idea for crackship would also be Camilla/Isaac/Lance, and guess three times who's going to be dom- *bonk*
Well, that's about all the crackships I wanted to mention 😅 (the answer came out longer than I intended, heh). Thanks for the question, dear anon! 💕
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fishshit · 1 year
i truly think the "a good show makes you crawl on the floor, cry and suffer" mentality tumblr (2010-2016) created is STILL affecting our perception on what is a blorbo or not.
so first of all, let's look at the urban dictionary definition of blorbo:
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NOWHERE on this page is saying a blorbo should be:
you should have a love-hate relationship with them
i'm definitely NOT saying that a blorbo shouldn't be all those things, but these are not necessary for a character to be a blorbo. [Miette (from real life) is a perfect example of this. she's our beloved blorbo and yet she's strong, a genius and non-toxic.]
now, i know most of yall know why i'm writing this. we all are aware of the active warzone tumblr has got going on. now to get to my point,
i know voltron fandom went apeshit over ships, created langst tags and stuff. (tbh i've learned all of these recently) but let's sit and think why. i've mentioned in one of my posts or rbs that the only thing i vividly remember about voltron is the queerbaiting and i know for a fact that queerbaiting was one of the biggest factors of these... actions. now when we look at yoi, we see a rather more peaceful fandom. is it because the show had a weaker chokehold on its fans? absolutely not.
i can assure you if yoi queerbaited us the way voltron did, there would be a chaos. and i'm not saying it in the way fans going crazy is funny or shit, no. i'm saying this as in real life chaos, like fans would threaten the creators or create their own reality. they WOULD remake yoi. there aren't any ship wars because victuuri (victor nikiforov x yuuri katsuki) is the ultimate ship, like there aren't any other possible options. nearly every single fan fell straight for victuuri. now think about how many fans are there and how many of them ships victuuri like they're praying to god itself. victuuri made me cry for DAYS, the plottwist was absolutely brilliant and no, none of these emotions were negative but god knows no show on earth made me feel the way yoi did. i'm not saying yoi is the best show ever or it's flawless. we all know our shows (blorbos are from) are generally not the best medias ever. but the way me and so many other fans bonded with this show, these 2 characters (or maybe 3, i don't like yurio that much) and that ship is indescribable. after watching yoi, i've realised that your favourite show doesn't necessarly need to make you feel like you've been stabbed in the chest bazillion times and suffer. no, it also can make you feel like you're on the verge of exploding with the white and shining happiness and love. i'm also pretty sure that's what most of the yoi fans feel, and also sure that no other show would make me feel the same way i felt while watching yoi.
yuuri katsuki, the man who made me feel all those things along with his husband victor nikiforov, is:
a canon bi king who had a crush on probably the prettiest girl in his childhood town and then got engaged to his lifelong idol (also probably the prettiest man in figure skating and,, the world)
anxious disaster (like, it's canon that he has anxiety and he was quite relatable and important for the fans with anxiety) who manages to say the MOST ridiculous stuff and yet tries his best to communicate with people about his needs and weaknesses
world's one of the best skater yet he's unaware how much of an pride he is for his country, fans and family and how good he is. STILL breaks his idols (literal legend of the figure skating) score
made irl queer people cry over him and figure skaters fall for him
my point is, just because a character doesn't go through hell or make you feel like shit doesn't mean that he isn't a blorbo. you still can think that lance is more of a blorbo, good for you! but i really don't think we need fantasy to feel good.
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witchthewriter · 8 months
What are your favourite tropes? Not just relationship, but character tropes, plot tropes? I love how you add them in your s/o posts!
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Oh I love this question! I have so many! I will make an official post about tropes in the future, but right now I'll focus on my favourites! (thank you for this question omg)
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐱 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
I love this pairing because it's basically opposites attract, yin and yang, sun and moon. Two completely different people who can come together, despite their differences and decide that they love the energy of the other.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐃𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐮𝐨
When two characters share one brain cell and cause absolute chaos wherever they go. It's exciting and funny and entertaining.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐳 & 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬
I love how devoted Gomez is to Morticia. He would do anything for her, anything at all. And that's why this has become a trope - so many books written by women now have the main male love interest act in similar ways to Gomez - absolute devotion.
𝐃𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐡 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐈 𝐆𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬
When it's only one person who is a chaotic dumbass and the other is the voice of reason. Even when the dumbass character gets into the most trouble, their lover will rescue them no matter what.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢-𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 (morally grey)
I know this is a really popular choice, but there's something about a character who goes against the grain, who rebels, but deep down has a good heart.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞
Pretty straight forward, double points if character is really innocent looking and seems like everything scares them.
𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬/𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲-𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬
We love a woman who knows what she believes in. Who cares about something so much that she is ready to risk it all to rebel.
𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝, 𝐕𝐮𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭
Can be romantic, or just platonic. It also kinda ties in with the found family trope. I love the thought of two people caring so fiercely about the other that if anything happened they would go crazy.
𝐆𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐲 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐲
I mean ... this is an easy one to love. But also it's really popular now. Which is completely fine with me. I guess it's my daddy issues coming into play?
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬
I know! Another overdone trope, but god do I love it. The angst, the build-up, but knowing that they'll grow to love each other... just hits me in the best way. However, it has to be done right.
I know some people like the whole, 'I love you because I choose to', but there's something about soulmates that just ... AH .... tickles the right spots. It's like validation for their love.
𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
Okay so... the only time I've seen this be done is in Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End. It's during a fight scene and Will calls out to Barbossa to marry Elizabeth and him. It's one of my favourite scenes ever.
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acrylicscore · 8 months
So like, I felt like doing a little “My MCSM Choices and Headcanons” post, just as a like basis for my personal canon on MCSM while also additional letting people who read my blog know what to expect from me in terms of this silly block game.
I will place my choices in “read more” so those that don’t wanna don’t gotta.
Jesse Type:
Red-Suspender Jesse.
He’s just my favourite little guy. He just seems different. Like honestly, compared to Green-Suspender Jesse (who I’ve found people view as a gruff and bulky short-stack that has the most adorable puppy eyes, and I love it), I like to view Red-Suspender Jesse as this short skinny dainty looking thing that is somehow the scar-covered hero that saved the world. Anyone who is directly looking for him is like “Oh you’re the famous Jesse? I thought you’d be tougher looking”, and then they immediately meet their fate on the floor in the Family Guy dead pose. But of course, Green-Suspender Jesse is my second choice.
Jesse Personality:
Chaotic Neutral or True Neutral
Some days he’s a sweetheart, other days he’s a little shit. There is no telling what this man’s personality could be at any given moment. There is no pattern. But he’s naturally cheeky so who knows.
Also he’s one of those people that doesn’t process his emotions too well. So for my Jesse, he’s naturally sad at heart, which results in him finding it difficult to cope with extra sadness too well, but also having a constant longing feeling for happiness or moments of pure bliss. He finds that the best way to fill that void is helping people or being in the act of helping people. If left doing nothing for too long, he gets very unstable.
He also feeds off of other people’s happiness and joy, especially his friends. He’s his happiest around people he loves. If left totally alone, he can’t cope.
Prefered Armours:
Shield of Infinity
I adore Shield of Infinity! There’s just something about it that just makes my brain happy. It have this really regal/majestic vibe to it (which is also mentioned in game), and it looks to incorporate emeralds into its patterns. Not only that but spikes on the shoulders! Also its Lapis Blue in colour.
Tooth Chipper
I just really like how simple this one is. While the Underneath’s armours don’t get much love, I would just like to say I love this one. It doesn’t feel too cluttered compared to the other armours on offer.
Favourite New Order Member:
I just can’t describe it, but I LOVE Olivia. She’s just that vibey bestie that’s not afriad to tell you you’re an idiot in the most serious or sarcastic tone ever. She’s also like that friend that is more like a sister and will annoy the hell out of you if given the chance.
I will say though, Jesse is normally my favourite NOOTS member, but he can be shoved to the side for favouritism punishment.
Favourite Old Order Member:
Omg the redstoners are my favourites, what a surprise! But seriously though, for me Ellie is just really neat. She has that “I don’t like people” charm to her. Like, she’s very awkward in conversation and seems like she doesn’t realise what she’s saying until long after she’s spoken. She’s quirky, like me-
Ivor was also shunted to the side because of favouritism punishment. He can be a family in the corner with Jesse.
Favourite Side Character:
Why do I like Gill? Fuck you, that’s why. He’s just so goofy and huggable and “I don’t know wtf i’m doing” coded. He lives in my head rent free. He just wants to vibe but Aiden wouldn’t let him.
Also I project a lot of personality and ideas onto Gill, and I specialise in pairing him with Jesse in the most dumbass situations where Jesse progressively loses more braincells the more time he spends with Gill. I just love them <3
Favourite Villain:
Cassie Rose
I prefer Cassie overall. She’s mysterious, and she’s lashing out because of cruelty done to her in her shrouded past. You don’t know why she’s angry or why she resorted to murder, but you know enough to understand why she wouldn’t simply reach out for help. Also she’s a cat person, and I simply cat pass up a cat-person coded character.
Favourite S2 Character:
Personally I don’t like the Season 2 characters, with the majority of them just completely escaping from my memory until someone mentions their name. However, I do have my preferences in Jack, Nurm and Radar; the Beacon Town bois.
Jack was the one I got attached to the most, with Nurm followed very close behind. He radiates “cool uncle” energy that makes me smile every time, especially when he’s showing off or bragging. Even if people find his bragging habit annoying, I personally love it because it’s just a simple touch of world building and fun interaction. He’s just fun.
Leave or Stay:
Stayed in Beacon Town
This choice is basically “Be Gay or Do Crime” and I chose to be gay, just not gay for Lukas.
On a reasonable note, I honestly think the reason Jesse would have stayed in Beacon Town would be from a guilty conscience. He feels he’s to blame for the destruction and disruption of both Beacon Town and Champion City, and that everything that happened is all his fault because he was the one that first lured the Admin in, even if accidentally. He wants to fix his mistakes, not abandon them.
We are now entering more-so Headcanon territory
Jesse x Gill
It’s a stupid ship, but its my stupid ship. I will love them till the end of time.
Lukas x Olivia
They have such nice chemistry, and also they’re both nerds that just click for me.
Ivor x Harper
We all know why.
Jack x Nurm
They are husbands, your honour.
Jesse x Cassie
This isn’t a very prominent ship of mine, and often takes a more friendship-like approach anyway. This is honestly just here because of AU reasons, as for some reason if I have an AU where Jesse and Gill don’t interact (either at all or really late) then Cassie is automatically Jesse’s best friend. This is the case for Lapis Swap and Ender Child.
Despite this, this ship is either “They’re best friends” or “They are specifically romantically insterested”, which is why I’m listing it as a ship. There is only one of my AUs that’s somewhere in the middle, but other than that it’s between those two options. Although I will say, there are only a total of four AUs of mine that have Jesse and Cassie interact like this.
Other than that, I still think its funny if regular canon Jesse had an “Oh she’s cute” moment when first meeting Cassie. Basically Cassie was Jesse’s “Omg I’m not just gay” awakening but he won’t dare to admit it.
Jesse x Lukas
I don’t generally ship this one, but it’s the ship that I love reading about and viewing art for. I just love the fanfictions and art pieces I find, with pretty much everything being some of the best works I’ve encountered for any fandom. Its the ship that I just follow the fandom for, but I still have a great appreciation for.
Canon Event:
I’ve never watched Spiderverse so I’m just guessing if I’m using the term right.
In my canon of MCSM, the canon event is Jesse’s childhood home being destroyed when he was a child. Yes yes, I’m going for the “Jesse is an orphan” trope, but its fine. This event is what pushes forward a lot of my canon and also AU stories, and is altered accordingly when needed.
So info about this day; Jesse’s home is attacked by griefers when he was age 6, resulting in him fleeing from home (and dad’s death). However on this particular day there were multiple presences in the area; Sammy, Jack & Vos, who were coming to visit the family as Sammy was Jesse’s biological aunt; Ellegaard, who was heading back to Redstonia with a crew of miners who had come back from a mining expedition; and Ivor, who was travelling to collect materials to take back to his lab. Out of everyone to encounter, Jesse encounters Ivor, who then fended off any pursuing griefers to protect the child. He then takes him to the nearest town to ensure Jesse was a bit safer.
This event can be altered in many ways to suit my AU differences, like encountering Sammy’s group, or encountering Ellegaard, or simply Ivor taking care of Jesse himself. I have even changed the time that the event takes place, or removed it all together. Honestly, if I make an AU revolving around Jesse, this is the spot that I look at beforehand.
AUs (listed):
Lapis Swap AU
Ender Child AU (Son of Soren AU)
Engineer Jesse AU (Son of Ellegaard AU)
Alchemist Jesse AU (Son of Ivor AU)
Jack’s Nephew AU
Secret Elytrians AU
Origins AU
Early Daughter AU
“It Never Happened” AU
Permanent Champion AU
Admin Order AU
If there are any AUs that may intrigue you, feel free to ask. I’m always happy to chat about them and answer questions.
Little Side Idea I Wanna Share:
I’m giving Jesse a parrot.
Yes, I know Lluna exists, but she’s still technically Stella’s pet. And also yes, Jesse may not be able to fully get over Reuben, but sometimes getting another pet is the best way to move on.
Also the main reason I’m giving Jesse a parrot is due to my post-canon events. Long story short, the Order is severely injured but Jesse has it worse and is permanently out of commission. The rest of the Order healed to a reasonable health before Jesse could, so they could head back to their respective towns. Although, a couple of days before they do, Jack and Jesse find a young parrot fresh out of the nest without any feathers except one single lapis-blue tail feather. Jack recommends (forces) Jesse to take care of the bird while he was recovering, as Jack could definitely see that Jesse’s mental state wasn’t too good, but also the parrot’s lack of feathers was due to parrot depression too. While reluctant at first, after the first night he started connecting with the parrot almost immediately as the two found their similarities really quick, and helped each other into healing (physically & mentally).
Basically my whole purpose for the parrot is for the analogy and comparision for healing. Jesse is devasted that he can’t do what he loves anymore because of his injuries, so there would be every chance that he would spiral downwards, so give him the one thing he needs to prevent that from happening; company. The others, despite their efforts, are always going to have to leave, so Jesse needs someone who won’t leave. Not only that, but Jesse is someone who just feels the need to help people, to help others. So in my theory, you give him someone who won’t need his side but also someone who needs his help too. So I gave him a parrot friend.
Also the parrot’s name is Lazuli, because she has lapis blue feathers. She was named that because of the singular tail feather she had initially though before she healed.
She also acts as a messager around Beacon Town, because why the hell not.
Hope this opens up a but about my personal canon of Minecraft Story Mode. I’m quite happy with what information I’ve given about my brain, but if you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask.
Have a good day!
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keiskake · 1 year
uhm uhm.
First of all i wanna tell u that i love your work a lot honey!
so, if it's ok with u, can you write a bakugou x gamer!reader ??
like when they both arrive home after UA and just start playing games together with the others (kirishima , sero , mina , tsuyu , denki...etc. those dudes you know)
and at the weekends when they all come to the readers house (yeaaaa we're rich hehehe ) to play games together such as football games and stuff ?
and actually i cant stop thinking about how fun and funny would be the whole bakusquad playing an among us game bro :))))
hope im not asking for a lot of things, if you're not comfortable about writing that just forget about it, honey!!
thx a lot.
a/n ~ thank you so much i'm really glad you enjoy my work, genuinely means the whole world to me. i wanted to firstly apologise that it took so long for me to respond to your request, and secondly your idea is amazing rui! the way the bakusqaud would play games would be similar to how an OTV video, very chaotic. i split the ideas into three segments so i hope i've done your great idea justice.
bakugo (ft bakusquad and their respective colors) x gamer!reader (gn)
at some point during dorm life you and bakugo were able to gain permission from aizawa to install a gaming console in the main living area. aizawa most likely just caved in because he couldn't be bothered to fight the two of you, given how stubborn you both were. so low and behold, a game console for class 1-A.
the class was split in the middle, those who played (bakusquad) and those who watched (the extras). smash bros caused the most chaos between the group, especially when there were teams involved. you and bakugo always fought whilst playing, mainly bakugo yelling that you stole his kill or stole his no.1 title. so you preferred to team up with mina though bakugo was always against it since you were his. but gossiping with mina whilst killing off kirishima and denki was the absolute life. sero would team with denki just to taunt him and laugh at him. when denki is tired of losing he'd just suck all the electricity out via his quirk, and bakugo would probably blast him for it. it was entertainment for the rest of the class, and a great way to blow off steam after a long day of classes.
sometimes on the weekends, bakugo will come to your house to hang out. the both of you are very competitive. for example, in your house there is a mario kart arcade machine and you love wiping the floor with a road raging bakugo. "OI DUMBASS DID YOU THROW THAT FUCKIN' RED SHELL???". "HOW DARE YOU GO IN FRONT OF ME YOU EXTRA?!". "GET OFF MY ROAD AND DIE."
you know, the usual. when you win he'll reluctantly give you kisses, putting his love before his pride. and on some occasions the whole bakusquad will come over and fawn over your game room. DDR machines, air hockey tables and of course the whack a mole contraception (as an add on, the whack a mole heads are changable, so y/n owns everyone's head in 1-A in a whack a mole form). bakugo and kirishima would be extremely likely to break one of your game machines, bakugo would start the process and kirishima would try and stop him but actually add fuel to the fire. sero and mina would absolutely kill DDR, there's no argument against that. denki would just take a bunch of pictures, pretending that it was his home on his socials.
and this is how a game of among us would go, everyone is in the same room but in different corners. instead of typing during meetings they would just shout at one another across the room.
"bakugo did you kill kirishima?"
"c'mon man, not cool."
"vote you out, duhhh."
"don't you DARE vote me out pinky freak."
"i'm with mina on this one."
"y/n??? you fucking traitor."
"i like to follow a valid queen."
"and this is why y/n is the favourite!"
"so blasty is going right?"
"guys please vote, being dead isn't very manly..."
"bakugo katsuki. you are out of here."
"blasty go poof."
"sorry dude."
and like that sero was thrown under the bus by bakugo, both were imposters and sero was left to fend for himself. but crewmates won, avenging kirishima's death. this would go on for about 3 hours before night would come and your classmates would go home. but this would be a bakusquad tradition. rooted from you and bakugo.
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