#great experience but also I’M SO EXCITED TO SKETCH WITH PENCIL AGAIN
itischeese · 10 months
more kakaobi sketches from my last couple of sketchbooks
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bonus hokage rin:
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116 notes · View notes
bahamutgames · 1 year
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Game: RPG TIME: The Legend of Wright (March 10, 2022)
Console: Xbox One
Look at that! My first RPG of 2023! RPGs are always the biggest part of every year to me, naturally since it’s my favorite genre. So of course it doesn’t take long for me to sink my teeth into one at the start of the new year. And the one we have here is VERY interesting.
I actually bought this game when it launched but it just took me a really long time to finally sink my teeth into it. But I’m very happy to say I did FINALLY play it and now you can read all my thoughts on the experience! How exciting!
As always, this is not a review. This is just me throwing up my thoughts on the game now that it’s done. If you’re interested in playing the game at all, PLEASE check it out and support the devs! Please don’t expect my thoughts to be super well written and don’t expect any serious critique.
SO! This is a little game I’ve had my eyes on since it was revealed a good long while back. It was shown off during E3 I think at one of the Microsoft conferences? Regardless, it was a game I was SUPER excited for, an RPG with a super cute notebook aesthetic? I used to draw my own RPGs all the time as a kid!! I was stoked... And then it just completely fell off my radar.
Until it launched! Then I remembered it existed and had to pick it up asap! But like I said, it took me a good while to play it. But at the start of this year I was out in the living room and decided to finally play it since it had been sitting there for so long. And I’m glad I did cause this was actually a very interesting game.
Stuff I liked
There’s a LOT to love about this silly little game. I think right out of the gate I need to talk about the art style and whole theme around this game’s graphics and aesthetics. I ADORE how this game looks. It’s all played from a first person perspective of you playing an RPG a friend made in their notebook. And because of that the main gameplay is all cute handdrawn pencil sketches, occasionally interrupted by real life items and other fun stuff in the classroom it takes place. I LOVE how this game looks. In addition to being very charming the actual pencil sketches all look great, are cute to look at, and even the real world elements look very good and cute. Thankfully they made a good call by not showing any of the real world humans so I really think the graphics in this are basically never gonna date themselves.
As for other not gameplay things. I think it has a SUPER cute ost (again the theming around the music is ADORABLE as your friend is playing it through an MP3 player and you like, actually see the track names and they come from other made up in-universe games and sources). The writing is also very funny and charming, it’s got a lot of scenes that gave me a good chuckle. Lots of goofy as fuck and random stuff happen so if you want a game where there’s never a dull moment you really cannot go wrong here. The story is also pretty basic BUT it’s standard RPG fare which I always love. Similar to Dragon Quest where the stories are pretty standard high fantasy stuff but it’s always unique enough or something you really haven’t seen before regardless.
I think the part that stuck out to me the most and was probably the most surprising with how much I enjoyed it was the gameplay. Particularly the battles. I LOVED the combat! Like, a LOT. Basically the way it works is you have a pencil sword (the you in the game, not Wright, the guy you play as.) and you have to pick where, when, and what direction to slash across the enemies on the page with that pencil sword. It’s probably not super easy to understand if you don’t see it, but it’s a REALLY clever idea that I LOVED. You’ll have to use it to slash things with timing, hit between bars, ect ect. It’s super cool and I genuinely had a blast with the fights! I do have only 1 problem with them but we’ll get to that later.
Even outside of combat is pretty cute. Not amazing but it’s fun to wander around and see all the little details in each map (there’s TONS). The whole game is just full of loving little details sprinkled across every single page of the notebook. One of my favorite details is how the center fold in the notebook is actually something Wright will walk behind. It’s cute. This game is just so damn cute!
The ending in particular really got me, the final boss is fine but I was pretty surprised that the ending almost made me cry. It’s so good and really emotional. The kid in universe who made this game is a pro. Overall the whole experience was fantastic, there’s great visuals, great character designs, interesting gameplay, and LOTS of crap to see and do. I didn’t even do everything and I already saw stuff I missed out on. There’s special move slot machines, mini ninjas hidden on every page, a drawing minigame. There’s TONS of shit to see and do in this game.
Stuff I didn’t like
Truth be told, with a smaller and more experimental game like this, there’s not a whole lot I can really take away from it as being bad. But there are 2 points I have here that bugged me a little bit through the game.
Number one is just that the game gets a little boring part way through. I would say the airship, town sections, and dice adventure chapters are kind of a drag. Thankfully they’re very short. The game never gets so boring that I don’t want to play but it has some sections where I’m kinda like... Eh? The tank game really stands out to me as being kinda dull. But again thankfully it’s short.
No my main issue with this game is that there’s not enough combat!! I LOVE the battle system in this game! Like SO much! But every fight is a very scripted affair so there’s only a handful you really do through the whole game and you don’t really refight any enemies. This is fine, it worked perfectly fine. But I can’t stop thinking about how much I would LOVE if this game had like, random encounters and stuff and each enemy was a puzzle to figure out. I’m sure that could drag the game’s flow down pretty hard but I think it can be done right, Undertale is a great example of enemies who are puzzles to solve but it works pretty well. And you could have random encounters be done on flash cards so it explains how the pencil markings go away every time.
I think this whole game could benefit from being a more traditional RPG. I know that’s really not the point. But I do think having more battles, a more standard gear system, and junk like that, could be pretty cool! Regardless, if you like RPGs that are lacking in a lot of RPG staples but are still VERY good, I think you cannot go wrong here. I swear this is not an insult but this really reminds me of the secondary Paper Mario trilogy. Both in its art style but how it also tries to make an RPG without doing a lot of the stuff that makes RPG games what they are. However... And I hate to say it, RPG TIME does this a lot better in my opinion, particularly by having REALLY fun combat. I think this new Paper Mario style could honestly learn some stuff from this game.
Final Thoughts
And that’s that on that! My first RPG of 2023! It wasn’t a very traditional one, but it really is a love letter to the genre and now it’s got me REALLY fired up to play a straight up traditional turnbased RPG.
But yeah, I had a great time with this game! It’s a fantastic little game that I haven’t really seen ANYONE play and that is SUCH a shame. I think a lot of people I follow would be REALLY into this. Like seriously if you like RPGs or goofy and cute games or ESPECIALLY Mario RPGs I think you really should check this game out. It’s now out on everything including Steam and Switch, so if you’re interesting I REALLY recommend giving it a chance! This game deserves a lot more attention than it got!
Thank you for reading! For some reason I had a hard time forming my thoughts on this game so it was a little difficult to write up what I wanted to say about the game. That’s why I liked doing these as twitter threads, it helped me keep my thoughts concise. But sadly I am stuck here... doomed to share my thoughts where no one can see them for eternity. Oh well.
I’ve got a lot of games I want to play this year, so I really need to get a move on. Sad to say I’ve been a little distracted from gaming this month due to being depressed, work, or just getting sidetracked with other games like Fraymakers (which is SO MUCH FUN HOLY SHIT. I hope Wright can show up in it!) and... Embarrassingly, Fornite. Which me and 2 of my siblings who are both very into Battle Royales have gotten very into recently. But I’m FINALLY making some progress into my next major game! So that’s nice. There’s some releases coming out this year I want to check out, lots of stuff on Game Pass I’ve had my eyes on for a while (which I guess I should take advantage of ASAP if it’s gonna go up in price. ugh.) And just TONS of old games I gotta play. My to-play list for 2023 is really stacked! Hopefully I can make time for everything, but if I get distracted by other games not on my list, so be it.
As always follow me on twitter for... uh, twitter stuff... And follow me here for more.... uh, gaming stuff? The year is still young, so let’s make the rest of 2023 great!
That’s all I got, thanks for taking some time out to look at my thoughts! Go out and play a game that makes you feel super creative!
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0 notes
aminiatureworld · 3 years
Return to Me
Characters: Albedo, Scaramouche, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 4,538
Warnings: Violence, Minor villain death
Premise: What is it like when the one you most adore becomes a stranger? And how’re you supposed to pick up the pieces?
In which the reader loses their memory.
Author’s Note: Just a note that this is not how actual amnesia works, and if you’re experiencing memory loss please contact your doctor.
That being said the amnesia is really good for angst and pining so how could I resist? It’s one of those guilty pleasure tropes I like to read and think of so I hope I did it justice.
Albedo loved two things in this world, alchemy and you. They were what kept him centered, what kept him sharp and curious and full of life. So how could it be that one of those things should cause him such great unhappiness, and that said unhappiness should be the other’s suffering?
It had been a dangerous experiment, from the beginning Albedo was well aware of that. Testing whether or not elemental energy contained traces of elements via water could yield incredibly useful results about magic’s interaction with the ordinary world. But it could also backfire massively. Noxious gases, explosions, anything was possible.
But he’d thought he was prepared. After all you two had hiked all the way to the edges of Windrise specifically so no one would be around, and Albedo had even put up a barrier with the express intention of keeping anyone from getting hurt. It should’ve been fine, everything should’ve been fine, and yet when the Electro Slime condensate hit the water and the explosion knocked you both off your feet, slamming into the ground three meters from where you’d originated, he could only wonder how things had gone so wrong.
Picking himself up after a few agonizing seconds, every bone and muscle in his body stiff and aching from the sudden impact, Albedo crawled over to where you lay. To his horror you appeared to have hit a rock, and your head was bleeding slightly. Cupping your face in his hands the alchemist rasped out your name. The relief he felt when you opened your eyes was only momentary, replaced by shock and a sense of utter emptiness when you made out a groggy: “Who are you?”
Electro slime elements appear to contain no small amount of Chlorine, which, combined with only the hydrogen as a result of the electricity splitting the water molecules apart, caused an explosion. Although normally Albedo might’ve been thrilled by the discovery of an element only found mixed in the natural world, now he could only look upon that experiment with a raw sort of hatred that he hadn’t known he’d possessed. The ice around the alchemist’s heart had been burned away, and now all that remained was a burnt and shriveled up little thing, determined to make up for the lack of emotions by throwing its owner into the pits of despair.
Albedo spent all his time at first in the hospital and then in the apartment you two shared. You’d made an offhanded remark about how empty it looked, and Albedo had smiled awkwardly, not having the heart to tell you he could barely look at a piece of science equipment without a deep sense of loss. The doctors had said the effects should fade with time, but Albedo knew that there had been magic in the air, and a sick, twisted part of himself jeered that he was holding onto false hope.
It didn’t help that Albedo had been absolutely unprepared for the reality in which you couldn’t remember a thing about him, or your relationship. Never again would you rush up to him as you had before, excitement in your eyes and questions in your head. Memories of gathering crystal flies in the sunset and staying up all night, notes on old ruins swapped with sweet kisses and phrases that meant nothing at all, the beach where Albedo had sketched you for the first time and you had given him your first gift, all that was nothing to you, the stories of a stranger told by another.
“The first gift you gave me was a flower preserved in a solution of Cryo.” You said, words awkward and unsure in your mouth. Albedo knew that you weren’t really remembering it.
“That’s right,” he replied, voice light and calm, trying desperately to keep the despair from showing on his face. “It was a Cecilia. You said that it looked as if it was made of snow.”
“It sounds beautiful,” you replied, speaking more to yourself than to him, “I wish I could remember it.”
“You will someday, I’m sure of it.” He smiled, but the movement felt like too much effort to keep up and soon his face collapsed once more into an expression of melancholy. As if noticing this you smiled slightly in turn.
“Does it still exist?”
“Yes,” Albedo gazed out the window that faced you two. Beyond the buildings, only a few streets away lay his laboratory, locked away and gathering dust, “it does, but I cannot get it right now.”
“Oh,” you seemed at a loss for words, glancing down towards your hands, “that’s alright. I’d rather remember it on my own anyways.”
Albedo said nothing to this. Moving to place his hand on yours he paused. He was a stranger to you. This little act of comfort, all the little gestures he’d gotten so used to were now impossible. Dropping his hand to his side he moved to get you a glass of water, desperately trying to ignore the pain burning in his chest and in his heart.
“Are these yours?”
Albedo placed the bag of groceries he’d just gotten on the floor. Moving over to where you were sitting, you were taking a break from adventuring until you remembered more, a decision made by the doctors for fear you’d forgotten how to control your vision. You had recently moved on from mostly sleeping to exploring your once familiar home, and now you sat curled on the couch; in your lap was a familiar book. Leaning over Albedo glanced at the page you were on.
“Yes, they’re mine. I like to sketch in my free time.”
“It’s beautiful,” you murmured, running your hand reverently over the slightly stained page, “I can see the different shades in the mountain, even if it’s only a pencil drawing.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Albedo smiled to himself, the memory of that day offering him some solace, “it was quite a difficult thing to draw.”
“It had an odd name.” You scrunched your nose slightly in concentration, an expression so cute Albedo could help but let out a huff of bittersweet laughter.
“Dragonspine. That’s the name of the mountain.” Turning to put the groceries away he paused when you spoke once more.
“No. That wasn’t it. It was something else. V-Vida something.” Albedo watched, incoherent thoughts and emotions clouding his mind as you retraced the circles you’d been making on the page beforehand. Suddenly your fingers stopped and you looked up. “Vindagnyr, yes that’s it! There’s a fortress up there, a, what did you tell me they were called, a domain. And that’s the name of it.” You closed your eyes once more. “Something happened there, something to do with you. I can’t remember it, if I was there or if you told me about it before, but something’s there. Something important.”
Albedo felt as if he must’ve been dreaming. The same sort of emptiness that had filled him at the beginning of this catastrophe was there, but this time there was something else, the bitter feeling of a hope that he couldn’t be sure of filling his lungs and his mouth. He turned back towards you, teetering forward as he tried to grasp the situation.
“Yes. That’s right. Vindagnyr. The name it had before it was essentially destroyed by Durin. I met the Traveler there, a week before I met you.” He sat down on the chair adjacent to where you were sitting, memories filling his mind. “It was also the first place we performed an experiment together.”
“I’d like to go there again then.” Your face was one of open triumph and excitement, and there was something in your eyes that Albedo thought he might never see again, a sort of recognition that he thought had been lost, “I know you haven’t been to your work once. I suppose it would make sense, considering what happened, but would you take me there?”
“Of course.” Albedo’s voice was sure and solid.
“Even though I might not remember more.”
“Even then.”
You reached your hand out to the alchemist, and after a second Albedo took it. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand slightly, and you made no move to withdraw, instead squeezing his palm slightly.
You had remembered something. It wasn’t everything of course, and there was no guarantee that there wouldn’t be heartbreak up ahead, wouldn’t be frustration and sorrow and moments when hope seemed very far away. But as long as moments like this existed, Albedo could hang on. The anger and despair that had burned inside him remained, but now something stronger resided there.
And that was hope.
“Do you see them?” You whispered, raising your head slightly above the rock you were hiding under. Scowling Scaramouche made a cutting gesture with his hand.
“Yes I see them. And get back down!”
Although his tone of voice was harsher than usual you smiled a smile of understanding as you lowered yourself once more out of sight. Scarmouche took a deep breath in response, trying to control the coiling tension that sat in his stomach. Today’s mission was an unenviable one, made only worse by your presence, for Scaramouche knew these were no ordinary enemies, and though you could take care of yourself just fine there was a nagging in his head that refused to be silenced.
Your targets sat encamped up ahead, completely nondescript in appearance, although that was hardly surprising of deserters of the Fatui, especially ones of such high caliber as them.
Scaramouche’s expression twisted into a scowl of concentration once more as he thought about the moment when you two had received your orders to get rid of those who knew of the dealings of the army of the Tsaritsa, and who were certainly willing to dispose of said secrets for the right price. Although they were no doubt traitors of the worst sort and worth less than dirt, there was still something unpleasant about fighting people who had once been comrades. You’d mused it was because of the bonds of mutual struggle and culture, but Scaramouche suspected for himself it was more the annoyance of fighting people who were at least somewhat trained.
Scaramouche gave the signal and you crept once more out from behind your hiding spot. Manifesting your polearm Scaramouche could already see the well worn metal steaming. This battle was going to be bloody.
At first everything had gone well enough, being hidden on a ledge about the camp you’d managed to do a great deal of damage, made easier by their surprise and ill planned position. However things quickly began to turn sour. The ex-Fatui might not’ve had the equipment of their army days, but they retained the ruthlessness that had once made them so efficient and now made them so dangerous.
There was an odd smell running through the valley, the smell of electricity and something burning. Scaramouche stood in front of a man who had certainly once been a vanguard and a woman who appeared to have been a Cryo mage. Sweat coated their faces but Scarmouche felt cold with the thrill of battle. Electricity crackled to life in his hands and already bits of electricity were dancing on the charred and dinky armor of his enemies. What were they thinking sending a Harbinger against a pathetic group such as this? It was laughable, really.
“Such a pity that members of such an elite force are going to die like dogs.” He drawled. The woman in front of him gritted her teeth, summoning a trail of icicles which Scaramouche easily leapt over. “Is that truly your worth?” He laughed, before the calm that always came with killing washed over him. “Your best is hardly worth my worst.” Gathering electricity, Scaramouche prepared for the final, searing strike.
The man in front of him smiled a sickening sort of smile, the kind that one made only when they knew that it was the end, and then it all went wrong.
The sound of your voice was muffled by the energy approaching Scaramouche from behind, as the outline of a transparent sort of figure clipped his vision. Quickly whirling around Scaramouche was unprepared for the third ex-Fatui member, an agent who had apparently learned his skills well, bearing down on him. Raising his hands, the Harbinger was suddenly thrown aside by an unknown force. Fire made contact with lightning and the ground exploded.
Fighting to retain consciousness Scaramouche was aware of the sickly smell of burning flesh. Blinking away the confusion he glanced at the carnage around him. The agent lay haphazardly, face half obscured by a mass of flesh that must’ve once made him up but now seemed out of place. Behind him the other agents had hardly feared better, and the charred visage of mangled flesh replace what had once been arms, legs, necks. It was an unsettling view, and though Scaramouche couldn’t say it was the worst thing he’d ever seen it still left a vile taste in his mouth. How quickly a fragile little human could come undone, made into that which was unrecognizable.
Finally he fixed his gaze towards you, relieved to find that there was no apparent wounds, although that perspective shifted slightly when viewing your hands, which were covered with welts. Your fire must’ve mixed with his electricity, causing an overload of energy, and you two lying in the eye of the storm. Scaramouche looked at his own hands, and realized they were similarly reddened. Ignoring the pain he shook your shoulder. “Get up.” He let out when you finally opened your eyes.
However it was apparent very quickly that something was wrong. You eyes held no recognition in them, instead they seemed as blank and transparent as a mirror. Looking at him you furrowed your brow slightly.
“Where…” your gaze drifted towards the scraps of humanity around you and then there was nothing but screaming and a wetness on Scaramouche’s cheeks that felt suspiciously like tears.
“You need to get back to work.” Signora’s voice betrayed no sense of pity. Scaramouche was glad for it, he wouldn’t’ve been able to forgive her if there had been.
“I doubt those imbeciles need me for something as simple as the daily regime. If they do it’s their fault, not mine. I owe them nothing.”
“You owe them your work, it’s your duty as a Harbinger,” Signora’s eyes narrowed, “or have you forgotten that in your folly.”
“I’ve forgotten nothing!” Scaramouche snapped, eyes boring into those across from him. “I am well aware of what my obligations are and what they aren’t. As I said there is nothing of importance fir me right now, and I don’t wish to waste away my time with trivial matters.”
“What would our dear Tsarina think of such words,” Signora let out a dramatic sigh. Raising the glass she was drinking from to your lips she paused, “you best be careful. I cannot shelter you from your folly forever. Either you learn how to deal with this… unfortunate incident and your work, or I shall have that person thrown out into the snow.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Scaramouche’s tone was like acid and he felt for the moment as if letting go of himself wasn’t such a crime, for now there was no one to chastise him about it anymore.
“I’m warning you. Don’t forget what happens to those who cannot fulfill their duty to the Tsarina,” Signora paused, a cruel smile gracing her face, “or have you forgotten who caused this in the first place.”
It was all Scaramouche could do not to set the tent ablaze.
“Get. Out.” He commanded. Signora sighed, shaking her head and downing her drink in one go before walking out and leaving Scaramouche with the feeling of falling apart.
“Do you sing?”
Scaramouche lifted his head at the sound of your voice, surprised by the question. You hadn’t said much since the aftermath of the incident, and Scaramouche hadn’t forced you to. After all it was one of the things he’d first appreciated in regards to you, you’d never forced him to talk when he didn’t want to. Now he felt the need to afford you the same courtesy, knowing that intelligence still lay behind those eyes even if recognition had disappeared. Now he put down the document he was reading, smiling wryly and shaking his head.
“No. Why would you think that?”
“Because that’s what you’re called isn’t it? Your name, one of your names. The… the Balladeer?” You said it as if it was a question, and perhaps it was. Scaramouche couldn’t think however, couldn’t think over the rushing in his ears.
“Where did you hear that?”
“I don’t know. I just heard it. Or I remembered it. But that’s who you are, isn’t it?” You smiled, and for a moment Scaramouche could almost imagine life was as it was before. “Can you sing for me?”
“No.” This conversation had happened before.
“Fine,” you shook your head, “but one day I want you to sing for me, when I remember everything, then I want you to sing for me.”
“Fine.” Scaramouche managed to get out, afraid of the rising emotions he felt, afraid they might break through his voice.
“You’re missing work, aren’t you.” You continued on, gaze piercing through him. “I can tell, I can hear people whispering about it when I go out. I’m not supposed to be here, and you’re supposed to be working. If what you told me really is what happened, you should work.”
“Ridiculous,” Scaramouche scoffed, “I can manage my own affairs. Besides,” his voice grew softer, as if he didn’t want to reveal himself to you. You were too familiar, but still a stranger, and a part of him hid behind the walls he built up around everyone else, the walls only you could climb over. “Besides, who would look after you.”
“I can look after myself.” Your answer was as confident as it had always been. “I have to, since I trust what you’ve told me about myself, about this work, this world.”
“It was you not looking after yourself that lost you your memory!” He was shouting by now, he was shouting but he couldn’t stop because if he stopped shouting he’d be crying.
“Perhaps. But it’s not looking after me to end up like the people we fought. So go to your work. And maybe one day when you come back, I’ll remember.”
He couldn’t say no to you, eventually you won. It had been that way since the beginning, you tearing down his bluffing and his empty promises. Perhaps it was what he appreciated most about you.
Every moment Scaramouche was away from you felt like he was betraying a part of himself, a part he had hid for so long. But you were right, just like before, and just like before you’d won him over with your honesty, your refusal to back down, and your view of the Harbinger for what he truly was, someone who was deep down truly afraid. That part of you remained, somehow without memory and without certainty it remained.
And if that part of you remained, well maybe some day the rest would return.
“Xiao look!” You let out a cry of delight as you threw yourself off the tall stone mountain, glider unfurling in a vibrant waves of color as you began circling in the air. Xiao scowled from the tree in which he was perched, unwilling to humor you in your folly.
“You’re going to be injured.” Although he hadn’t meant for you to hear that you still laughed at the comment, shaking your head as you once more carved shapes into the sky.
“It’s a lovely day for gliding! The air is so fresh and the breeze is just enough to keep you upright!”
“It’s too windy.” Xiao’s voice was flat. This was foolish, what you were doing was foolish. He could feel the currents, feel their laughter, their excitement. They were surely up to no good.
But you weren’t paying attention to that, instead you were gliding about as if you were born to fly. It was a beautiful sight, Xiao had to admit. The beauty of those immersed in what they loved. And what Xiao loved was you.
“Come on Xiao!” You called out. “Come fly with me!”
“Oh c’mon, I know you can do it!” Screwing your face into a pout when the adeptus once more shook his head you shrugged. “Your loss.”
Xiao knew you were disappointed, but he couldn’t help it. It seemed somehow out of place for him to join you in whatever you were doing. Besides, he needed to keep track of the currents, just in case.
You dove down for a moment, and Xiao felt his stomach clench, knowing full well what you were doing, but unable to keep the worry out of his mind. And yet then you were flying up, up, up, up and though Xiao wanted to scold you, wanted to tell you to come down once more, he was rapt, in awe. You were too beautiful, and it stole his breath away.
A gust of wind came blowing through the stone monoliths and as your wings buckled and you plummeted towards the ground Xiao found that he was truly unable to breathe at all.
Perhaps it was a blessing that you were unconscious. Then you didn’t have to feel the way Xiao held onto your shoulders as if he’d never let you go, the way he gasped for the air he was supposed to be in charge of, the way his eyes were devoid of everything but fear. You hadn’t fallen so far, he told himself, you hadn’t fallen so far it was fatal. You were breathing, you were going to be fine. But he found himself unable to believe those words. If you had said them he would’ve, but there you were, a crumpled mess and he barely able to process the world around him.
Crashing onto the Inn balcony, not caring about the odd looks thrown his way, Xiao made his way upstairs. You were going to be fine. You were.
If only he could believe himself.
“They’re out of danger now.” Verr Goldet’s voice was calm, unnaturally so, and Xiao only softened a little at the knowledge, sure something had gone wrong. “But…” the innkeeper continued, confirming all of the fears Xiao had been secretly nursing.
“But there seems to be a problem with their memory. They were very confused at first, unable to remember things such as Liyue, their duty as adventurer, this place, things like that. At first we thought it would clear, but now it seems that isn’t so. Their memory might be affected for quite a while.”
“I want to see them.” Xiao brushed past Goldet, determined to help you if this was to be your fate. But Goldet’s next words stopped him in his tracks.
“Xiao, they can’t remember you.”
At first there was the feeling of falling. And then, as Xiao vanished, there was nothing.
At first Xiao was determined to stay away completely. It hurt too much, hurt to think about what had happened. At first he’d managed to survive on anger, anger at the world, at you not listening to him, at himself for letting it happen. But quickly the anger faded and what replaced it was a loneliness so vast he couldn’t believe that he had managed to survive in such a way before he met you.
Still he didn’t want to go, didn’t want to see you as you were now, unaware of him and perhaps destined to remain so. How cruel fate was. It took everything he knew from him and just when he began to live again it took that to. It took away your memory, your livelihood, and for what? To punish him? It seemed unfair, so unfair.
So he’d stayed away, afraid that something would happened again to you if he were to show himself again. But the knowledge of such emotions as love is something that doesn’t fade, and Xiao found himself unable to continue on as before, finding the pain too great. He had to see you. At least to say goodbye, he had to see you. It would be unfair not to do so.
The moon was full, casting a silvery light on the landscape. Xiao drifted over towards the roof of the Inn, thankful that he was invisible, so as to not have to experience the moment your eyes reached him but you didn’t.
Your silhouette appeared quickly enough in the darkness. You seemed somewhat preoccupied, and yet there was a purpose to your step, made all the more evident by the Qingxin grasped firmly in your hand, a brethren of the other flowers which lay scattered on the railing.
“I know you’re there.” At first Xiao jumped, thinking perhaps you’d somehow managed to sense him. However he calmed down once you continued, it appeared you weren’t truly talking to him.
“I know you’re there. And I wish you’d come back,” You continued, gazing out on the landscape around you. “I don’t remember your name you see. They told me your name of course, but I wish they hadn’t, I wanted to remember it myself. It must be why you left, of course you didn’t want to see me like this. If what they said was true…” you shook your head, “I know it was true. I know that it had to have been true, that I cared for you, that you cared for me. I know because I miss you.” Xiao felt his heart pound in his chest, so loud he could barely hear you.
“I miss you so much. Isn’t that odd? I don’t know you anymore and yet I miss you. It’s as if something is missing. I mean, of course something is missing but it’s more than just the memories themselves. It’s the feeling. Like going outside without a coat on. I miss you, even if I can’t miss you because I can’t remember you I do, I miss you dearly.”
You paused, placing the flower on the railing next to the rest.
“I hope you see the flowers before they fade,” you called out softly to the dark, “and I hope one day I can look at you again. I remember you had such lovely eyes. I’d like to see them again to be sure.”
For a moment Xiao didn’t move, frozen by all he’d heard. But the minute you turned to leave he was already there, bound by the feelings he had for you, by the knowledge that continuing as he had been would kill him, would only hurt you.
“Do you remember me?” It was a silly question to ask, but he had nothing else to say. You turned towards him and smiled softly. It was true, your eyes didn’t recognize him. But there was something in your gaze nonetheless.
“Xiao.” You whispered, and the yaksha knew that he’d never be able to leave again.
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rockylulu1 · 2 years
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So today is my first day on campus and I’m kind of nervous I’m writing this in the morning before leaving but I’m do check in the rest of the day to document my day.
10:07am- so I’m on campus now and everyone seems just as lost so I’m not alone in that. I did my covid test and found my class so now I just need to wait till 11 to walk there. Also my counselor was giving out free pencil pouches. So far the day is going pretty good.
10:41- sketched a building on campus( really ruff sketch)
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Today was a really good day. My class went good, I was able to walk around campus and look at everything. I’m also able to go buy my textbooks tomorrow. Finally being able to go back to school and having more things open up is like time started moving again. I genuinely feel happy and I feel like I haven’t felt this way since before I realized that I wasn’t going back to high school. I’m so excited to get my college experience, I hope this year is great.
February productivity challenge by @caffinateef-studyblr
Day 23: What's a gift you'd give to someone if you don't know them all too well?
I would probably just gift them something generic like a candle, or a gift bag with candy and chips. If I wanted to be really nice then I would ask their friends about things that they like so they don’t get stuck with a boring gift.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader ch.4
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Previously:  ch.1 ch.2 ch.3
Summary: Steve and you get closer, but it’s in order not to get too close. you both believe you know what you want, but... do you?
Word count: ~2,600
Warnings: SMUT, explicit language. 
a/n- hey lovely people! another weekend, another Cycle chapter😌 i’m so glad i managed to get this out today:) as always, italics are for thoughts. awesome divider is by @whimsicalrogers​. Enjoy! and well, thank me for the gif later;)
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The morning after you went out, you got to work with your spirits lifted. Having gotten to know some more of your colleagues, you entered into the lab with a spring in your step, greeting everyone good morning.
Kate came up to you, asking how as last night. She was invited, but couldn't come, so she wanted to hear from you.
"It was great," you told her sincerely, "I wish you could've joined us, but I actually ended up having a really nice conversation with Steve," you smiled, expecting it to be the end of it.
Kate frowned. "Steve?" she asked, confused.
"You know," you looked at her incredulously, "Steve Rogers, Captain America, pretty tough guy to miss," you gestured with your hands to symbol a tall, wide frame. "He was really nice," you concluded.
"Oh, that Steve," Kate laughed, "sorry, I'm just not used to anyone calling him by his first name and not, you know, Cap," she giggled a tad awkwardly. "You know there are a lot of rumors going around him though, right?"
"I mean, I would expect there to be, since he's a superhero."
"They say he has a secret girlfriend he's keeping from the world. Or boyfriend, opinions are divided on that one," she laughed.
"Well, I'm pretty sure he doesn't," you chuckled, remembering last night's conversation.
"It’s just office gossip anyway, and we should probably get to work," Kate said and you nodded in agreement, starting to work on your current project.
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"And you didn't even ask for her number?" Bucky asked. "You're even more of a lost cause than I thought."
"What?" Steve asked defensively, "It never came up," he shrugged. He made another move at Bucky, who dodged him expertly and caught his wrist, flipping him onto the training room mattress.
"Steve, let me ask you something, and please be honest with me. I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything. Do you even like women?"
"Yes!" Steve said, not particularly amused at Bucky's antics. He got up and got into position again.
"Then why, for the love of god, are you so adamant to never ever sleep with one?"
"That's not-" Steve sighed. "Look, I don't think she was actually interested, okay? She was giving me advice on how to get other girls, I mean, why would she—"
"Oh my god, Steve! She just told you how she'd like to be treated and you think she's not interested?"
"Well, when you put it that way…" Steve grumbled.
"Tell you what, there's only one way to find out. Ask her out, worst thing she could say is no," Bucky suggested.
"Whatever," Steve said, grabbing his jacket and leaving the training room, leaving a smirking Bucky in his wake.
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You were just in your office close up for the day when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in," you said, not knowing who it could be, since you told the others to go ahead without you.
In enters one Steve Rogers, looking slightly disheveled, and yet just as handsome as ever. You shook that thought right out of your head. "Hi Steve," you greeted, "what can I help you with?"
"I was just coming by to ask if you might be hungry," Steve smiled timidly.
"After a whole day of lab work, I'd say the answer to that is a definite yes," you smiled back at him.
"Great, well, I just wondered if you'd like to grab dinner… with me," he chuckled. "I know a good spot down the street if you want."
"I'd love to!" you exclaimed. "Let's go," you said, grabbing your jacket from the chair and following him out into the chilly New York air.
"So, you've come to collect those flirting lessons I offered yesterday?" you chuckled as you were walking side by side.
"Something like that," Steve smiled.
You got to the restaurant and ordered. "So, humor me here," you said, "but how does the great Captain America not know how to flirt?"
He chuckled. "Well, for starters, because he's a righteous symbol of justice and liberty, flirting is more Bucky's thing," he admitted with a smile, "and I'm just Steve, not Captain America," he added.
"Wait, so it wasn't you who saved the world from these aliens a few years ago? Shame, you look just like him," you laughed and so did he. "But I get what you mean," you said, more serious this time, "I guess the entire world seeing you as a… how did you put it? Righteous symbol of justice and liberty?" you chuckled. "That can probably be a little intimidating."
Steve hummed in agreement. "Sometimes it is," he admitted. "Truth is, it makes you wonder how can the world buy this image so easily when I don't see myself that way at all. Not even close," Steve chuckled.
You felt a warmth blossoming in you at his open, honest demeanor. "Well, that doesn't disprove the fact that you're a hero, Steve," you said.
"I know it doesn't but… okay, you know when I grew up I was small and sickly, right?"
"It’s public knowledge," you agreed.
"I still feel like that guy, the guy who lived in Bucky's shadow, literally, and couldn't get what he wanted," Steve said with a far-off look.
"Steve," you said, reaching across the table and covering his hand with yours. His look returned here, locking eyes with you and words evaded you at his clear blue eyes meeting yours. You quickly regained your senses, "You don't need to live in anyone's shadow anymore, and for what it's worth you can have anything you want. I'm sure a baby would hand you his candy willingly," you said, and he chuckled.
"Hey, did I just Steve Rogers you?" you smirked.
"Oh no, we can't let that happen. Quick, tell me something about yourself before the sky falls down on our heads!" Steve exclaimed and you laughed.
"Okay, okay, let me think…" you furrowed your brows exaggeratedly. "In the future, I would really like to get married." You looked around suspiciously, "phew, I think we're in the clear," you joked. Shit, why would you say that? Congrats, you just managed to scare him away.
"Why?" Steve asked, his gaze resting intently on you.
"Because… sharing your life with another person is something I want to experience," you explained. "Being there for someone who loves me, heart and soul, no matter what, is very appealing," you chuckled. "And well, I guess there's still some little girl in me that wants a fairytale romance. Someone to sweep her off her feet and be her one true love. After all I've been through, it’s bizarre I still believe that, but I do," you concluded with a smile.
"Glad to know I'm not the only one who still believes that," Steve said with a reassuring look. "But… why do you think it's bizarre to believe that?"
"Besides the obvious reason that fairytales aren't real?" you asked, and he just smiled, nodding at you to continue. "Well, I guess every man I've been with has disproven that theory. People who I thought would actually be there for me, who wouldn’t only want me, but also love me, ended up walking away. And at a certain point, you just have to go with the flow. I did one-night-stands for a long while. But lately I decided I can't keep ignoring what I want any longer. So, I have to keep believing, even though it doesn't seem achievable," you smiled sadly.
"For all it's worth, I think you'll succeed," Steve smiled back at you, squeezing your hand.
"You think I'll succeed with anyone in particular or…?" you trailed off, and he blushed.
"Whatever you choose to," he answered.
"Well, I think the universe is definitely repaired since I shared all of that and our food hasn't even arrived yet," you chuckled, changing the subject.
You kept the chatter light until your food came and ate in relative silence, but it wasn't an unwelcome one. Every once in a while your eyes would meet and you'd simply smile at each other, gladly eating the delicious food. At the end of the meal Steve insisted on paying, and after a lot of convincing you managed to get him to split the check.  You left the restaurant as you entered it, side by side.
"My apartment is actually a couple of blocks from here, so if it's in your way you can come up for a coffee maybe?" Steve suggested.
"Yeah, sure thing," you agreed, surprised at how easy it was to be around him.
You went up to his apartment, chattering about work and life the whole way. Steve matched his pace to yours, so you were casually strolling through the streets of New York with Captain America by your side.
"Manhattan's probably a shock after living in Brooklyn, isn't it?" you inquired.
"You get used to it," Steve shrugged, unlocking his apartment door.
You let your eyes wander around his apartment, taking in the orderly state of it, the warm, simple environment that seemed to surround Steve wherever he goes, and his house reflected that. There was a canvas right in the middle of the living room, propped up against an easel. There were paints strewn around on the coffee table, but for now all the canvas held was a pencil sketch of the New York skyline. You let out a small chuckle about how… Steve this all was. This is when you truly understood what he meant before – how different Steve was from Captain America, because this is when you started to truly understand Steve.
"I'm so sorry about the mess," Steve said, starting to pick up the paintbrushes and paints.
"It's okay," you smiled, tracing the pencil lines with your fingers. "It's beautiful," you looked at Steve.
"Hopefully it'll look even better when it's colored," Steve said. "Here, I wanna use this color for that building and…" Steve started describing his plans for the painting, but all you could see were his lips moving, his eyes shining with excitement.
"That's great," you said, your heartbeat racing.
"Here, I can show you how to do it," Steve suggested.
"Sure," you agreed.
Once Steve showed you how to hold the brush, you started painting a bit of the background like he told you and he let out a chuckle. "You're doing it wrong," he said, and before you had the chance to be irritated his hand was covering yours, his tall frame against your back as he started showing you the right brush movements, the right amount of pressure to apply on the canvas.
"There you go, see? It's easy," Steve said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. You turned around to see it too, and your breath hitched. He was smiling, but you hadn’t realized how close you got. His face was just within reach, and if you just tilt your head upwards a little…
Steve made the first move, bending down to capture your lips with his, his tongue seeking permission into your mouth, which you granted readily. Your tongues explored each other's mouths and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, while he wrapped his around your waist, pulling you close.
Suddenly he broke away from you and you chased his mouth with yours but he put a hand on your shoulder. "I… we work together," he said, "and I don't wanna be another shitty dude," he added, smiling a little.
"Well, you raise good points. But, we don't actually work together that closely, and it's not shitty if we're both on the same page. Besides, if we don't do this right now we're gonna regret not doing it and that will just create more tension," you reasoned.
"You're probably right," Steve panted a little.
"Thank you, I watch a lot of rom-coms. Now, are we on the same page? We get it out of our system and that's it?" you knew it sounded a little harsh, but that's what needed to be done so no one got hurt.
"Deal," he said, and in an instance his lips were back on yours, more feverishly this time, his hands traveling down your waist, your ass, your hips, which he grabbed onto and lifted you up, and fuck, super-strength came very much in handy.
He led your way to the bedroom, one am supporting you up and one sneaking into your shirt to unhook your bra while your hands tangled in his hair, pulling a little, just enough to hear Steve groan into your mouth.
He pretty much tossed you onto the bed and you got rid of your shirt and bra while he threw away his shirt as well, revealing his toned chest and abdomen. You stared, practically drooling before he climbed on top of you and you started kissing his neck, his jaw, nipping gently on his sweet spot.
His hands found your breasts, teasing your nipples and you arched your chest against him at the touch. You started working his belt, and he looked at you one more time. When he saw the wanting look in your eyes it was all the confirmation he needed to take off your pants and your underwear, and kick his away too. He started trailing kisses on your collarbone, down the valley of your breasts and your stomach, every nerve in your body lighting up at his touch.
He finally reached between your thighs and looked up at you before licking a long stripe between your wet folds. You threw your head beck and moaned, because who knew America's golden boy can eat pussy like a fucking god.
He continued licking and sucking swirling his tongue around your clit and around your entrance, lapping at your folds, driving you crazy with every flick on his tongue, and it didn't take long before you fell apart at his touch, waves of pleasure coursing through your body as Steve continued his assault until you came down from your high.
He made his way back up your body and you pushed your hips up against his, feeling his hard length against you. "Steve," you looked at him in a silent plea.
"You sure you-"
"Yes, yes, yes please, I'm so fucking sure," you cut him off and he smirked a little before climbing off you, and you were about to whine when you saw him reach for a condom, and well, he's not America's golden boy for nothing I guess.
He put it on and climbed back on top of you, capturing your mouth in a breathtaking kiss, so much so that you didn't notice him lining up with your entrance until he pushed his tip into you, and started driving deeper and deeper inside your sensitive walls. The stretch was a lot at first, and you gasped, but then it turned into a moan when Steve started really moving, driving into you in slow, deep thrusts that caused you to claw at his back.
"Feel so good around me," Steve groaned, and you could only moan in response, clenching around him. He pushed your leg up a little, and the new angle had him hitting that sweet spot inside you with every thrust, and in no time the coil in your stomach snapped again, and you milked him through his orgasm too.
You were both panting as you laid down next to one another. You were silent for a moment before Steve spoke. "Think it worked? We got it out of our systems?"
"I mean," you smirked as you straddled his hips, "we can't be too thorough…"
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Bucky is slowly but surely slipping away from me and becoming quite OOC, but it’s cool we love him anyways. please tell me what you thought and thank you so much for reading! <3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland@jazbot2000
Cycle Taglist: @dee-vn @alex747
if you wanna join / be removed from these taglists, comment/message me! much love <3
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ellewords · 3 years
(not me reading this back and thinking you could make a drinking game out of this ask because of how many times i say “because” lmaooooo)
i’ve never actually seen wgm but i really love the idea of hinata being on the show, because i feel like he would be so starry-eyed the entire time. literal ✨👄✨ at everything because he’s never thought about what being married would be like and now suddenly he gets to experience it??!!?! he fumbles through all of it, and the fans love him for it because a lot of the other participants seem so smooth and suave, but not with hinata! he blurts his thoughts out as they come, he’s clumsy in situations that would normally require him to be put-together, he makes a huge deal out of every little thing. the first time his partner brought him a bouquet of flowers, hinata literally turns bright red and starts rambling so fast the audio just barely picks it up—
“you didn’t have to but that was really nice of you, i’ll get you something next time, hey, the flowers smell sweet, oh no, that’s actually you, you smell so nice, have you always smelt that way, you should definitely tell me what body spray you use because i might just have to get some of that—“
and the fans eat it up. and so does their partner who absolutely adores him even if hinata doesn’t quite get/see it.
i feel like it would also be hilarious if the partner was someone who isn’t necessarily the biggest (by choice, they don’t want to be in the spotlight all that much) but because of a really big project they have out soon, their team thinks they should get some of that pr. maybe a painter or a sculpture? one that has gotten a lot of attention as of late because their art is a little controversial/suggestive but has somehow managed to keep most of the media on the actual art and not on themself. they come off as really shy and recluse, but the second they get on the show, hinata brings them out of their shell, and that makes the fans like them even more. they love getting to see the artist behind everything and they especially love seeing how their artist brain translates into the real world. and just the idea of hinata being the kind of person who would be able to make even the most introverted person go a little crazy is something i think would be hilarious on reality tv.
anyway, hinata gets a lot smoother as they continue on, and it absolutely floors the fans because he’s so different from when he started. he holds his partner’s hand like it’s nothing, he says super sweet things without missing a beat, he holds eye contact without looking like he’s trying to win some unproclaimed competition. but he doesn’t realize he’s doing it, and the partner is too nervous that he’ll get weird about it to say anything.
by the end of their time on the show, fans can see how deflated the partner is even though they’re really good at hiding it still, and hinata is off too, but he can’t tell why. he is still chipper and all over the place, and the partner is still more open and engaging, but their energy is off. hinata chalks it up to them going to miss the time they shared together, but even that doesn’t feel quite right.
after they leave the show, hinata is super excited to see that the partner has started doing more community stuff (charities where they show up in person, giving art classes to people that donate certain amounts to organizations and projects that they support, going out in public and doing sketches/paintings of people on the street for reference later and recording tiny interviews with them as they do it to make a new documentary of the process or something). he gushes about it all over his social medias and anywhere else he can get someone to listen because they don’t have the time to actually ever meet up with the way their schedules are. he even starts posting behind-the-scenes clips that he had taken (with the permission of the partner) to engage with both parts of their fan bases.
and the partner does the same for hinata. they do a bunch of pieces of the jackals and sells them to get both of their communities involved and supporting them even if they can’t go to the actual games. their instagram is flooded with designs of new projects for them and even more of them of just hinata, all of which have captions that target just hinata (“wow, my ex-husband is so fine 🥵” “that’s your man? mhm! look at him! yeah, that’s mine” and other stupid, cheesy ones that make the fans feral because damn, they really have come out of their shell, huh?!)
the internet loves it, and they love even more that hinata seems to become the person at the beginning of the show all over again, flustered and a mess and tripping over his feet. a new hashtag starts because of it about the two of them being in love still (as a joke) and people upload some of their favorite moments of the pair together. when hinata sees it, he tries to play it off (horribly) but when he finally gets to talk to their partner about it, there’s a calmness in their voice that eases him just a little bit, and suddenly he’s aware of why exactly leaving felt so wrong.
this got a little sidetracked, but i don’t even mind, lololol. also, i definitely need to check out the show after this because i love the fake dating/marriage idea. thanks for putting me on to it! make sure to drink water, have a snack if you haven’t eaten in a bit, and take deep breaths! -🌙
— from elle ! okay but hinata and a painter/artist!partner is literally such an amazing idea to dive into, this now lives in my head and i will continue thinking about it for days on end. i absolutely love everything that you’ve sent aaa i’m actually screaming, i had a difficult time picking which part of your hc to focus on bec so many things popped into my head. but i ended up choosing to kind of pick up where you left off for my little addition (under the cut as usual) tysm for this 🌙 anon ! take care <3
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hinata’s blush grows redder every second he spent staring at his phone, his twitter mentions filled with photos, edits, and even fanmade animations of the two of you. your shipname was trending again, all after you posted a rare photo of yourself in msby merch. you looked cute, that much was evident to hinata. then again, he always thought of you as cute — from the second you walked into set, all shy and nervous, from the minute you left it, your arms wrapped wrapped around his neck. why was he acting like this? filming had ended months ago; he’d grown more confident around you, hadn’t he?
your name flashed across his phone screen, interrupting his train of thought — you were calling him. his heart beat sped up, fingertips immediately moving towards the ‘answer’ button.
“hey shoyo!” you greeted, enthusiasm very much evident in your voice, “did you see the picture i just posted?”
“i did! um...you look great.” he mumbled, unsure if you had heard him, heat continuing to rush towards the apples of his cheeks.
“thanks!” he hears your chuckling from the other end of the line, and a small part of his mind convinces himself that you were somehow teasing him. “you’re coming tomorrow, right?”
“what’s tomorrow?”
“my photo exhibit, silly.”
ah, that. hinata could imagine you shaking your head, biting your lip as you attempt not to burst out into laughter at his cluelessness. the beating of his heart is more rapid now, thinking of how you anticipated his answer, how you wanted him to be there. “i was only kidding, of course i’ll be there.”
“sure,” you replied like you didn’t really believe him, “i’ll see you then.”
hinata was the one who convinced you to get into photography. truthfully, you wanted to try and exploring other mediums beside your usual set of paint and pencils.
“maybe i should try taking photos.” you joked, gently nudging his shoulders as the two of you browsed various film cameras. the crew had taken a brief break from filming, but you and hinata still wanted to continue exploring the various antique shops that lined the street.
“go for it!” he replied without missing a single beat, quickly rattling off a list of potential subjects, “you can take photos of plants, or maybe animals, really pretty scenery...it’s not even going to matter because i know you’ll end up taking really amazing photos.”
and when hinata insisted that he pay for the camera you chose, you decide on a subject.
the gallery is empty. well, at least the reception area is.
hinata’s dressed in his finest button-down and slacks, black dress shoes clicking against the white granite tiles. the receptionist directs him to the floor where your exhibition is meant to be held — right at the very top.
his brows furrow, there should be more people here. photographers, critics, fans even. he should’ve been greeted by reporters, by the surely hundreds of people all excited to see your work. you had only grown in popularity since your appearance on wgm, the number of people going to your exhibits only ever increasing. he should know, hinata’s been to every single one over the course of the show’s run. he knew what to expect. and it was certainly not this.
the elevator dings, indicating that he had reached the top floor. still, not a single person there. the frown on his face only deepens. hinata catches a glimpse of the exhibition’s title, “beyond the cameras: a retrospective”
the glass door is unlocked, hinata pushes through them only to be greeted with pictures of the last subject he expected: himself.
framed on the white walls of what possibly was tokyo’s most famous gallery were photos of him, glossy and bright, colors vivid and alluring. and they weren’t just any photos too, they were photos taken on the rare occasions wherein cameras weren’t following your every move. there were photos of him from nights he snuck you in the gym to teach you how to play volleyball, ones of him covered in paint taken in your studio, ones of him attempting to make you breakfast. all of which had him looking away from the camera.
that is until he reaches the final photo, the only one that had you in it as well, taken the night before the final day of filming. he was looking at the camera, but you were looking right at him — your gaze soft, the corners of your lips forming the smallest of smiles.
“so maybe i lied,” hinata heard a voice speak from beside him, recognizing it as yours almost immediately, “the exhibition is actually tomorrow. i just wanted you to see it first.”
“but why me?” he asked, biting the inside of his cheek.
“just because.” you shrugged, not even turning to look at him, gazing at your final photo — just like he was.
but hinata feels it, the tightening in his chest, the tension that enveloped your bodies as the two of you continued to stare straight ahead. he hears it, the ringing in his hears, the hammering of his heart, the unevenness of his breath.
you stand next to him, just a few inches separating you. hinata’s hand is drawn like a magnet to yours. at first your knuckles graze, and hinata holds his breath. then his fingertips push in between yours, you bite your lip. finally he he grasps your hand, a quiet exhale escapes you both.
you tear your eyes away from the photograph at the same time he does; your gazes meet. and just like that, you finally reach the same understanding as him, of just why leaving felt so wrong.
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a question: how would the hq boys (specifically timeskip) act on a variety show like we got married?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs @mysticstrawberryballoon @cloudedsky_29
join my hq taglist here. <3
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lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Squido!
Commission:  I haven't and don't really intend to. I don't want to take anyone's hard-earned money. Just ask me to draw things and there's a good chance I will.
Social Media:  Tumblr: @sky-squido​ AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido/pseuds/sky_squido
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Call me Squido! I love to draw and write but I'm also super extraverted and I love interacting with humans so always feel free to chat with me! Aside from drawing and writing, I just love being outside and have a tumblr sideblog dedicated exclusively to nature photos I take. I love mountains, the ocean, the sky, and just about everything else in this beautiful world of ours! If you ever feel like having an internet stranger give you a thousand word rant, ask me why my favorite color is blue and you will not be disappointed!
What got you into creating? what inspires you to keep creating?
I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and can't seem to stop, though I take long breaks sometimes I always seem to come back to it again. I try not to have anything in mind when I draw, but to start sketching and let the drawing happen. Sometimes I find that what I'm trying to draw is not what my drawing wants to be (if that makes any sense) and change what I'm making halfway through. It makes drawing a really relaxing and carefree therapeutic experience! Writing is different. I've always enjoyed writing, but I didn't write much and never shared my writing with anyone because I thought it was super pretentious. It wasn't until entering High School and joining the literature club and making a deal with a friend that we'd share our writing with each other that I actually gained any sort of confidence in my ability and sought to improve it. Being in that club and sharing my pieces at the open mics was a really encouraging experience! I invite everyone to share their writing, even if it's with some random internet stranger (I'm open anytime!) if they're unsure of their abilities. A little encouragement goes a long way! Now that I'm on Discord, ao3, and tumblr, I receive so much more feedback than I ever have before! It's been super encouraging! What inspires me most is definitely nature. Even if my ideas aren't directly related to the outdoors, I get my best ideas there. Fandoms are also a great idea generator. The sheer volume of headcanons and prompts is enough to make me dizzy with ideas!
What's your creative process like?
I love sketching. My favorite thing about drawing digitally is that I can sketch as much as I like and never worry about wasting materials! Often times my sketches turn themselves into drawings without permission and other times they stubbornly remain sketches for all eternity. I always dive right in because I have no patience and the idea I started out with generally isn't that great but in the process of pursuing it, it spirals out of control and sometimes the idea gets better and sometimes it gets worse but I just kinda roll with it. Creating is a really chill process for me and while I regularly scream stuff like "I'M DRAWING ON THE WRONG LAYER NONONONONONO" or "NO HECK FRICK SHOOT IT SMUDGED HECK HECK GET THE ERASER QUICK," the creative process is a great way for me to unwind. I'm the same way about writing. I never plan or outline and just kind of roll with things. I mean I generally have the basic jist in mind, but I try to not have a plan so I can keep the story driven by the characters and not force them into acting the way I wanted them to in the outline I made hours or even days ago. Creating is my opportunity to break free so I don't really see what good a plan or outline does me. I'm a pretty spontaneous person!
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
I like to take pictures, but it's not really my main focus. I've been mostly digitally drawing—I use my iPad Pro and Procreate—but lately I've been pencil sketching with just your average everyday mechanical pencil (I'd forgotten how nice the texture of paper was! Clearly I spent too much time drawing on my iPad!). I have these Stabilio chalk pastels I love to pieces, but have also spent a great deal of time with watercolors. Digital is my primary medium currently, though.
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Is there a specific scene wrote that you are particularly proud of?
"Sky’s golden scales are glowing with reflected light from the sun while beneath them, the same pulsing blue in her mane runs like a river as her very skin is alive with electricity. The sun’s beginning to dip, fading through the color wheel from yellow to deep orange to scarlet and the world is bathed in watercolor and hue shifted through the rainbow until all that was blue becomes red. This new alien world begins to darken as red fades to deep purple-pink, the clouds catching last vestiges of gold in their pillowy folds, yet Sky continues rippling with lighting, the bright blue flowing like blood through her veins and the gold shimmering in the eerie azure glow. We weave through the winds and zephyrs and I close my eyes and let the breeze caress my hair and when I reopen them, I’m standing back on the ground again in a world long since darkened by night. I place my hand over my beating heart where Sky is still laughing with joy and smile because once you’ve awakened your dragon, you don’t need wings to fly anymore."
Is there someone who inspires you and your writing or art?
Every fanartist and fanfic writer that posts their stuff online is an inspiration to me. Even if their stuff isn't very good—especially if it isn't very good—it's a huge testament to the courage of the creator and their bravery in expressing themself! I sat on fanfic and fanart for years and never shared it and here were kids half my age putting out art that was their first experiment in a new medium and a little shaky but it was still out there and they were still being supported by the community and that really inspired me to reach out and stop lurking in fandom and actually get involved!
is there something that you struggled with that made you grow as a creator?
I feel like everyone has these periods where they were just gaining confidence in their artistic ability but suddenly everything they make is trash and they're not happy with any of it and they feel so down and worthless and "where did all of my hard-earned ability go? Will I ever get it back?" I think this is a pretty common experience and when I find myself there, I find it most helpful to share what I make anyway, even if I hate it, with someone who I know will give it to me straight because they'll point out the deeper problems—the root of the issue—that I hadn't even noticed and I can use that information to grow as an artist. Bad pieces are just as valuable as good ones. There was also a time where I had a lot of trouble developing a style. I did a lot of experimenting and never found anything I liked. What happened is I just kept drawing and whatever popped out eventually evolved into my style. I used to get frustrated that I couldn't draw anything without a reference, but after years and years of using references and drawing some of the same things over and over again, you won't need the references anymore. I mean, they're great and you should always feel free to use them, but over time, you won't need to look up a picture of every little thing you try to doodle.
What got you into writing or art?
My silly twitchy fingers can't ever seem to stop drawing! Same with writing. Words and ideas follow me around, little plot bunnies pestering me until they get written down somewhere. I was greatly inspired by the works of C.S. Lewis in my writing, especially his Cosmic Trilogy. My art style was aided by Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist, which was a valuable stepping stone in developing my own style. Other than that, it was my own insatiable desire to MAKE THINGS that spurred me onwards. I don't think I could stop if I tried!
What's your favorite part of the creative process?
After you've got that first paragraph and you've found a flow and you've got a topic and you just GO. I get into the zone and the story starts happening on its own and I'm not an author anymore, I'm just a channel between the world of the piece and the page. That's my favorite. I love watching things take shape. I love shading a sketch for these same reasons. The whole drawing comes together and becomes A Thing and it's the most exciting time to be a creator. Something else inside you has taken over and you're just along for the ride. I have no idea if my experiences are common at all but this is what it's like for me!
What's your least favorite part of the creative process?
EDITING. I HAVE ZERO PATIENCE. THE THING IS DONE. WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP LOOKING AT IT. CAN I POST IT YET. This leaves me with a lot of holes in what I make and I can't do a very clean, super detailed drawing unless it's for an art class and I'm forced to keep working on it. I have a terrible habit of never proofreading my things!
What's your favorite type of scene to write?
AAH hard question! I love writing description and places where I can really let my inner 19th century romantic be unleashed but I also love a good emotional moment between two characters. Something tense. I like fight scenes, but I try to keep them brief and interesting. Sometimes I find scenes where I have no idea what's going on and I try to avoid that, but it's really hard sometimes.
What's the hardest for you to create?
I have so much trouble with endings. I can generally figure something out, but there's always a moment of panic before the end like "heck I wrote everything I wanted how do I wrap this up????" That's probably a byproduct of me planning nothing XD I sometimes have trouble with characterization and making sure everyone acts the way they actually would. The hardest part is continuing after you have an "oh heck what do I do now" moment that breaks you out of your zone and all of your ideas and plot threads turn invisible or evaporate or go wherever it is they go when you're looking for them.
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What's your favorite genre to write?
ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST. Wellll... scratch that. I love something adventure-y and plot driven with a lot of really meaningful character interactions. I've always had trouble putting my writing into genres, but I guess that kind of speaks for itself in a way.
What fandoms do you enjoy creating for?
Linked Universe is the fandom I have created and posted the most for by a LONG SHOT. I found LU shortly after making my tumblr and I joined the Discord shortly thereafter. Since then, it has been nonstop inspiration and creativity for me! I tend to get sucked into one fandom and it consumes me for a few months before I silently drift out of it and never think about it again. LU is the fandom I've been the most active in EVER though—and it's still going—so there's a good chance I'm never getting off this ride.
What's the work you are most proud of?
AAAAAAAAAAH MY BABIES. okay um here's the first and only fanfic I've ever posted anywhere but I'm really happy with: https://sky-squido.tumblr.com/post/618964544219463680/turn-back-time-a-linked-universe-fanfic I have a lot of other pieces kicking about, but they're not fandom so I haven't shared them yet. I probably will after I touch them up a bit.
Do you have any fics inspired by real life stories?
Not really? I don't really know where my ideas come from to be honest!
Where do you post your finished works?
my tumblr. I tag stuff #squido writes and #squido draws so you can find them easily. I also put them on the discord but they get lost in the stream of other works pretty quickly so stick to my tumblr. I also have an ao3 now! https://archiveofourown.org/users/sky_squido
If you have any fun stories about the pieces you made, please do share!
Turn Back Time was actually live written in the Discord, but entirely unplanned and in the #angst channel! It was just a headcanon but then I started describing it and like 2 hours and 5k words later I'm sitting in the Discord like "what just happened??"
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aalissy · 4 years
Hand Touches
Squeee hand touches and Adrienette!!! Cutest thinggg everrrrr!!! And I loveeee the fluff lolololol. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter <3. Lemme know what you think :)?
For once Marinette was early to her class, sitting in her seat and doodling a new sketch for her latest dress idea. Alya had yet to arrive so she was currently at their desk alone, occasionally peeking up at the door to see if her best friend had arrived yet. Sketching and then resketching the sleeves of the design, she barely registered the sound of someone sitting next to her. Not looking up from her notebook, her tongue sticking out slightly in concentration, she gave a hello to Alya, “Hey, Als!”
“I’m not Alya, actually,” the voice chuckled next to her, causing her to squeak and jump up from her seat. Marinette blinked wildly into the glimmering, emerald eyes of Adrien Agreste. His hand came up to rub at his neck and he looked at her from underneath his lashes sheepishly, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“N-no! Startle me?! You?! Pfft, never,” she waved him off with an awkward laugh, glancing off to the side nervously, “I was just expecting you to be Alya.”
Her gaze was drawn over to the reporter who was standing by Nino at the front of the class. Their eyes met and Alya gave her a wide smile and a thumbs-up before turning back to her boyfriend. 
“Yeah, she actually asked me if we could switch for the day. She mentioned something about it being her and Nino’s anniversary. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No, no! Of course I don’t!” Marinette rushed to reassure him. She watched with relief as Adrien smiled gratefully at her before turning back to his notebook. Wrenching her gaze away from his face, she looked back at her own journal. Her fists tightened as she glared at Alya who was currently sitting in the row in front of her. She was going to kill that girl. She knew with absolute certainty that it wasn’t even close to their anniversary. 
Mlle. Bustier walked in and Marinette breathed out a sigh of relief when she began speaking. Maybe now she could focus on the class in front of her and not the boy next to her. Their teacher’s hands clapped together as she drew the attention of her students, “Alright, class! Today you’ll be working on a worksheet regarding the latest chapters of our book with your seatmates. I hope you all have done the reading!”
Or maybe not... Marinette sighed mentally. 
She was startled from her haze by an elbow nudging gently against hers. Adrien was staring at her with a wide grin and she felt her face flame up before he even spoke, “I’m glad we switched today then! I get to work with the smartest girl in class!”
If her face was crimson before it was now the shade of a tomato as her heart flipped wildly in her chest. It took all her effort not to crash out of her seat onto the floor and just squeal. Instead, she merely squeaked out a tiny laugh, “T-thanks.”
“You’re welcome!” Adrien’s grin seemed to grow brighter.
As Mlle. Bustier began to pass out their worksheets, Marinette sucked in a deep breath, summoning up all her courage before speaking, “I’m glad I’m working with you too! You’re the smartest guy I know,” she giggled, hesitating before quickly nudging his own arm with her own. Her face morphed into a wide, awkward smile that she hoped seemed natural.
He merely chuckled, scooting closer to her as she squeaked quietly. He leaned down to look at the worksheet on their desk, the scent of his peppermint shampoo brushing against her nose as he did so. Marinette was lost to the world for a few minutes, her only thoughts based around a world filled with peppermint and an Adrien that she could cuddle with. 
“What do you think the answer to number 1 is?” 
His voice startled her from her daydream and she blinked at him in confusion, “Um, A?”
Adrien’s head threw back as he laughed, “Marinette, there aren’t any multiple-choice questions on this worksheet. Do you want to actually look at the question this time?” 
The smirk that was aimed at her seemed so reminiscent of someone she knew, that she had to physically shake off the sense of familiarity and lean down to actually look at the worksheet. Though her cheeks flamed with embarrassment she read the question over. The answer was pretty obvious, and it seemed like the rest of their responses would be just as easy to write. Mlle. Bustier was just doing a simple reading check. 
Her pencil hovered over the page as she spoke, “I think it’s asking about what we just read for chapter 14, remember when th-,” Marinette looked over to Adrien which was a mistake. He was a lot closer than she had expected. Their noses almost brushing together when she turned to face him. She choked on the rest of her words, smothering a loud gasp when he reached over and plucked the pencil out of her hand, their hands briefly touching before he was writing.
“That look good?” he slid the paper over to her after he was finished.
“Yeah, that’s perfect,” Marinette’s brow creased before she turned to look at him, “How did you know what I was talking about though? I didn’t finish my sentence.”
“I did the reading too, you know,” Adrien laughed with a wide grin, “Besides I figured out what you were talking about when you said chapter 14.”
Her cheeks lit up with embarrassment, “Oh,” but then she looked at him with confusion, “But why did you take my pen? You have your own, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but yours was closer. Sorry,” he smiled sheepishly before bringing it up to his eyes, “And it’s also much cuter. What are these, little strawberries?”
“Yes,” she sighed, “Now can I have my pen back, please? I don’t know if I have another one.”
Adrien gasped in mock-offense, “You mean you don’t have an extra?! Marinette what would happen if it broke?”
Regardless of his teasing, he gave her the pen back, their hands brushing against each other again, and he was totally going to kill her if he did that again. She watched with disappointment, however, as he slid away from her to reach back for his own pen. 
Great, you just had to mention how you needed your pen, Marinette scowled to herself, already missing Adrien’s presence. Letting out an audible, quiet sigh, she leaned over the worksheet, writing down her answer for the second question. At least now she didn’t feel completely useless.
As she read the next problem, Adrien eased back next to her. He seemed to be much closer this time, their thighs bumping together when he finally got settled, “Getting started without me?” one of his eyebrows rose as she looked up at him.
“N-no! Y-you just did the first question so I thought I would work on the next one!” she sucked her lower lip into her mouth, feeling almost faint. Did he have any idea of what he did to her? How could one boy be this oblivious?!
Adrien grinned boyishly, leaning down to read over her response to the question, “Great answer, Marinette! That’s exactly what I would have written.”
She chuckled once nervously before helping him to work on the next problem. Soon, they had finished their worksheet and the two leaned back, watching as the rest of the class continued to work. Marinette’s gaze was drawn to the clock. 10 minutes. Just 10 more minutes with Adrien and then she’d never get to experience this again. She sighed quietly to herself. Maybe it was for the best, though. Who knows how much attention she would pay if she sat next to Adrien all the time.
“You know, it’s pretty nice back here. I can still see the board clearly and I don’t have to deal with Chloé making googly eyes at me.”
“Yeah?” she smiled shyly up at him.
“Definitely,” he tapped the back of her hand twice as he beamed at her, “Plus I get to see you without having to crane the back of my neck.”
Marinette giggled giddily, feeling almost dizzy with the rush of excitement his words brought on, “W-well thank you for being my seatmate for the day, Adrien.”
“You’re welcome, Marinette,” he grinned rather crookedly at her right before the bell rang. Watching him pack his bag up dreamily, she waved him goodbye as he slipped it over his shoulder, “See you tomorrow, Marinette.”
“Yeah, tomorrow,” she sighed happily as he left the classroom, still waving after he was long gone. 
“Well?” Alya smirked, sliding into her seat with a wide smirk.
Marinette squealed, throwing her arms around her neck, “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Alya! You have no idea how amazing that was! He touched my hand like seven times!”
“Oh my god, girl! That’s awesome! You need to tell me everything that happened! I want all the deets,” Alya hugged the girl tightly to her.
“Walk me back home and I’ll tell you everything. Plus you’ll get a pastry for your troubles,” she winked at her best friend, putting on her own backpack.
“Deal!” the reporter giggled as the two gossiped their way to the bakery.
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caelpictor · 4 years
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Quarantine Halloween: A Virtual Paint Party
Who are you?
Kyle Marcus Bryant, aka @caelpictor. He/him/his/pronoun-flexible, Black, queer, 26 (and a half), Taurus, INFP, ADHD af. I’m an artist (with a degree in it, as of 2018!), a nerd, and a lover of Halloween!
What is this event?
Quarantine Halloween: A Virtual Paint Party is an art class conducted via video call in which I teach you step-by-step how to paint a Halloween masterpiece! #distancelearning
When is this taking place?
There are two classes scheduled: Friday October 30, 2020, and Saturday October 31, 2020 (AKA Halloween) from 7-9 PM EST.
It’s all happening on Zoom! Technology is amazing!
Like many of us, I lost my job to the pandemic. I am now safely quarantined away in VA with family, staring down my student loan debt, bored out of my mind, and looking for a fun way to connect with others while also offering my talents in exchange for your cold. hard. cash!
How much does it cost?
The $10 instructor fee covers one participant for one night. If you want to take both classes, make sure to get two tickets! And if two or more people will be joining the class from one location, please make sure everyone in the group is covered! Thanks 🙂
Is there a difference between the two classes?
Nope! They will be the same. I’m just offering two different dates for your convenience! Aren’t I nice?
How do I sign up?
Simply send in your payment and the best way to contact you, and let me know which day you’ll be participating (Fri 30 or Sat 31). Once I receive your payment, I’ll add you to my little list, confirm with you that you’re on it, and I’ll send you the Zoom link/meeting ID and password on the day of the event.
Where do I send my payment?
Venmo: @KyleBryant
PayPal: KyleMB13
CashApp: $KyleMarcusBryant
None of these are case-sensitive. If there’s one you prefer that’s not listed, let me know, and we’ll see what we can do!
Which is your preferred payment method?
Venmo, but any of the ones listed above are great!
Do you accept tips/donations?
Yes 🙂 always :)))
What’s the vibe?
Very casual. Drinking, Halloween costumes, and conversation are all highly encouraged! (But never forced)! I will be in costume, probably sipping wine or a cocktail and jamming out to music while I teach. It’s quite liberating, being able to drink on the job.
What’s the etiquette?
We try to stay on mute while the teacher is teaching, but otherwise, go wild. ***And please ALWAYS feel free to jump off mute if you have questions or comments!
Who can join?
Literally everyone! Spread the word! Bring your friends! The more the merrier!
I have no artistic skills! Can I join?
I said EVERYONE, didn’t I? That’s exactly what I’m here for! Just think of me as your personal Bob Ross; I may not be able to hold your hand in person, but I will break every brushstroke down for you as simply as possible, and you’ll be surprised at how well you do. Again, if you ever have questions or need my advice, feel free to chime in at any time! And remember to focus on the experience of the painting, not the product!
General advice for first-time painters?
Work in big, general shapes first, then focus on smaller details later. I also usually start with the background and build the foreground on top of that. Also, relax, experiment, and have fun with it! There are no rules!
How long is the event?
Two hours, but please allow a little extra time for people to settle in at the beginning, finish up at the end, etc.. I promise it’ll breeze right by, but don’t feel pressured to be there for the whole event. If you miss the beginning, I’m great at catching people up, and if you duck out early, I won’t mind!
What image are you teaching us to paint?
Coming soon!
What materials do I need?
Here’s a breakdown:
1. Acrylic paints (a nice set of 5-12 colors is plenty)
2. Palette (for holding/mixing paint; a paper plate works just as well)
3. Brushes (at least one small brush for details, and one large brush for covering large areas; preferably one medium-sized brush as well)
4. Canvas (either a stretched canvas or a flat canvas panel, any size!)
5. Water cup (a vessel to hold brushes; I’m using an old plastic gelato container)
6. Easel (to hold the painting upright and steady; not strictly necessary, as you can use a desk or table or your lap instead if you’d like)
7. Paper towels or old rag (for cleanup and drying brushes)
1. Workspace (away from things you don’t want paint on; lay down tarp or newspaper to protect walls, floors, and other surfaces if necessary)
2. Paint clothes, smock, apron, etc. (wear something you don’t mind getting paint on!)
3. Trash can, running water, acetone, etc. (for cleanup)
1. Hair dryer (to help paint dry faster)
2. Pencils, pens, markers, pastels, etc. (for sketching, signing your name, etc)
3. Glitter, collage materials, sponges, stamps, stencils, etc. (just for fun!)
4. Your favorite drink (for inspiration 😉)
Where can I get them?
I’ve bought literally everything on this list from Target and Michael’s (except the easel, which I bought online). I would mask up and check your local department store or arts and crafts store (Walmart, Blick, Plaza, Hobby Lobby, Jerry’s, JoAnne’s, etc.), or if you prefer to order it all online, you can do so easily from those same retailers or… 😬 Amazon. (Protip: If you’re lost on the internet, but would like to avoid buying from Amazon, you can use its search engine as a jumping-off point and go directly to the retailers they have listed 😜) Pretty much everything else is just household items.
What will it cost me?
If you’re not worried about the quality—and you shouldn’t be! I’ve found the cheaper stuff works just as well!—you can buy the essentials (paints, palettes, brushes, and canvases) for ~$20. These items are also often sold in bulk, or in sets with each other!
What colors are we using?
My current plan for the palette is black, white, yellow, purple, orange, and green, the sp00kiest of colors! If you just want to get those six, feel free. However, I always recommend having the primary colors: red, yellow, and blue, plus black and white; that way you can mix any color you want!
What size canvas should I buy?
That is entirely up to you! 8 x 10” and 16 x 20” are pretty popular sizes, though.
Are there any extra precautions I should take?
Acrylic paint comes off skin, hair, nails, and smooth non-porous surfaces fairly easily, but it does stain clothing and carpet, and is very stubborn once dried. I would recommend being careful to prevent spills in the first place, but if it does get on something precious, rinse immediately and completely with water. If already dry, try acetone or a similar cleanser to break down the plastic particles in the paint.
How do I clean up afterward?
My method: Scrub brushes along the bottom of your water cup to get all the paint off them, then rinse under running water until water runs clear. Either let the paint water sit in the cup until the paint particles have settled to the bottom, or pour it through a filter (coffee filter, cloth, etc, because acrylic paint is made of a micro-plastic that can be harmful to the environment and your plumbing in large amounts!) Leave everything else alone until it’s completely dry, and then peel or scratch dried paint off your palette if desired. Scrub your paint-covered hands and other body parts until clean, preferably with something exfoliating.
Is the paint non-toxic?
I mean, I wouldn’t drink it on purpose, but yeah, paint left on the skin or ingested (in small amounts) is harmless.
How can I contact you?
You can comment right here on this post, DM me on any of my social media, or email me! I promise to get back to you ASAP!
Social Media: @caelpictor (everywhere)
I will update this post as questions are asked between now and the event, so please let me know if there’s a question I didn’t answer here for you!
Thanks for reading, and I’m excited to see you all there!!!
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jawnkeets · 4 years
How are you so clever??? I’m new to your blog and I’ve been looking at your posts (not in a stalkery way but because they’re so cool) and you seem super intelligent! Like you always reference things I’ve never heard of and use fancy words and it’s just really awesome. How did you get so clever? Do you read a lot or are you just naturally clever? If it’s from reading then what books would you recommend to someone who’s interested in literature and also broadening their general knowledge? Thanks
awwww. well thanks for the lovely ask!! this is way too much detail bc i’m procrastinating work but
i read a ton as a kid, mostly horror books - i was obsessed with the supernatural, and especially vampires, and the idea of things changing into other things (in a magical way, but also stories where characters develop and end up very different, tales of betrayal etc). my favourite series when i was little was the spiderwick chronicles, followed a little later by the saga of darren shan. i didn’t read any classic literature at all though, as i’d decided i hated it for some reason. as a kid i always prided myself on my creativity/ imagination rather than my intelligence (it’s a distinction i’d always drawn and still do after a fashion), but i was and have always been obsessive, and also used to sit and play memory games for hours, too; i remember one where i’d have a list of cards and i’d put one down, say what it was, turn it over, add another one, say what the previous one and this one was, turn them over, and continue until i couldn’t remember every single card in order, and then i’d start again. i wrote a lot, especially poetry, and used a thesaurus often because i loved words. i had a very very vivid imagination and refused to live in the real world until the age of about 11 or 12. then from 14 onwards i read almost nothing (apart from like idk two of the hunger games books) until i was 17, when i finally started reading classic literature, triggered by the great gatsby, which changed my attitude to learning completely. until then i’d despised secondary school partly because of the way learning was presented (i got good grades at gcse but went through the syllabus and exams mechanically with little genuine love) and partly for… other reasons, and had almost given up on taking academics seriously. but i got very lucky and had an incredible english teacher throughout sixth form, who encouraged me to take risks and break from methodical, formulaic writing. at the end of the first essay i had to do for him i still remember that he wrote ‘literature is for you. now and always. carry on.’ at the bottom, and that changed my life. he also introduced me to philip larkin and romantic poetry outside of class. after that, i was gripped by the desire to read and discover as much about the humanities as i could, make links between works, discover new ones, recover the feeling that i was possessed by after finishing gatsby. tumblr genuinely helped with art, literature quotes, and making it all seem accessible, e.g. seeing text posts making jokes about shakespeare, keats, etc helped to demystify a bit. yes, dark academia, i’m also looking at you for making learning seem exciting, but tentatively and with narrowed eyes. general knowledge-wise, it helped me to begin to break down the barriers between ‘subjects’ at school (even if you’ve left school, it’s pretty branded into our brains); they’re sometimes very fuzzy and even arbitrary, and to separate into strictly-defined categories like this is not the only way learning can or should happen.
a work that i thoroughly recommend to everyone who asks where to start is letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke. he relates so perfectly this idea that the first step is to let yourself be filled with how amazing and vast the world is, and how much there is to read, listen to, and see. that’s not something you can learn from reading, and it’s not something you can be taught by anyone (unless being inspired by someone counts). it’s instrumentally important because it will drive you, but i also think it’s inseparable from understanding (and to me, it is understanding, just understanding without the right words yet). this is the highlight, and it was the mantra stuck up on my wall at 17 when i decided i wanted to learn, and learn seriously:
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
i was relatively articulate before i started reading the classics/ reading widely, but not exceptionally articulate. here’s an example of two essay openings - one i wrote when i was 16, and one i wrote during my first term at university (2 years apart):
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i’d say that since then my essays have probably improved by a similar proportion, as i’m as embarrassed to read the second as i was the first when i wrote the second, and the typos r annoying me (am too embarrassed to post recent writing :’( - doesn’t count if over a year and a half ago, hence posting the second :p). obviously, then, this isn’t natural intelligence (everyone has to get knowledge, big words, etc from somewhere, right?), this is natural receptivity and willingness to learn, which i genuinely believe anyone can gain at any point, coupled with A LOT of reading the opinions of others (i.e. literary criticism and theory), and reading literature from many different periods to discover how language is moulded by individual poets and by ‘eras’ more widely. but this is also synthesising everything i absorb into a personal vision (this is the hill i will die on soz i don’t think theory should be ‘objective’ like what does that even mean). you can and should put yourself into it!
in terms of what to read - if you like the rilke (really hope you do!!) then depending on what you like about it, you can search from there. try some of rilke’s poetry. or if you like that ineffable feeling it brings, try the romantics (keats’ ‘ode to a nightingale’ and blake’s songs of innocence and experience are good to start with!), or larkin’s ‘high windows’ and ‘the mower’. also try shakespeare’s hamlet, because that is INCREDIBLE (watching it is always easier, and the more shakespeare you watch/ read the easier it gets! andrew scott’s hamlet is the best imo). from there it’s a question of asking what you liked about what you just read (time period/ vibe/ themes/ subject/ style of writing) and finding things similar - often google works and i made use of it a lot to start with, tumblr too, otherwise ask people who you know (on the internet/ teachers/ friends etc). this is a personal journey, especially to begin with, i think (you have to jump in somewhere), and there’s no one who can give you a list of books to read in the order best for you, because - annoyingly, i know - that’s something it’s best if each individual works out through trial and error, and part of the fun in truth. there are western canon lists out there, e.g., which contain some fabulous works, but have very obvious problems. 
a really really rough chronological development of english lit: beowulf, any of the canterbury tales, hamlet, paradise lost, pope’s satire, romantic poetry, victorian novels (e.g. david copperfield, jane eyre), the waste land, waiting for godot (it would also help to read the iliad, the aeneid, and metamorphoses too, and as much of the bible as you can, especially genesis, exodus, isaiah, job, and the gospels, but genesis and the gospels first if ur stuck/ overwhelmed). this is the lightest of pencil sketches, but if they’re works that go some way towards defining each ‘era’ or ‘period’, then it becomes a little easier to search for works branching off from these that are influenced by or chafe against them. you can always come back to me if you’re struggling with what to look for next :+) also, i have a list of my poetry favs, if you want to check that out (it includes the stuff mentioned in the previous paragraph, as well as others).
hope this helps (?!) ❤️
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The Mothman Prophecies
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I know nothing about this gem from 2002, but Wes requested I review this, and I am very excited. Here are my initial questions - is it a man that looks like a moth or a moth that looks like a man? Only time will tell, I suppose. This movie is supposedly based on a true story of some weird happenings in West Virginia in the 60s, and the Mothman legend has persisted for decades - they even hold a Mothman festival every year (during non-Covid times of course). So who is this mysterious figure who goes bump in the night? And what exactly is he prophesying? Well...
Let’s just say the movie is playing fast and loose with some kinda sorta weird stuff that maybe possibly happened to a few people one time. Basically, based on some Wikipedia research, this movie is probably about as accurate as a Maury Povich lie detector test. The summary of the movie is that John Klein (Richard Gere) and his wife Mary (Debra Messing) are a normal happy suburban couple when something weird happens to Mary - she sees something strange, gets into a car accident, and subsequently passes away. As John grieves and searches for answers, he finds himself inexplicably in a small town in West Virginia even though he was on his way somewhere completely different - and this town is experiencing the same kind of weird stuff Mary did before she died. John begins investigating, and eventually he starts getting contacted by Mr. Moth, and that’s when things REALLY go off the rails. 
Some thoughts:
First clue that this is an early 2000s relic: Richard Gere is a “star reporter” and he and his wife are looking to buy an enormous new house. Second clue: the credits, which feature out of focus streetlights, a time lapse of a clock ticking down the minutes, and music by a musical arrangement called tomandandy.
Side note - I think “Tom an’ Dandy” would be an excellent name for an old timey vaudeville act.
Ohh get it, the shape on Mary’s CAT scan turns into wings with red eyes. LIKE THE MOTHMAN. 
Incidentally, I’ve been saying “Moth-mun” in my head instead of Moth Man, and that’s really been adding to the experience for me. 
Now they’re trying to make the reflectors at the top of construction barrels seem menacing. We are already stretching the suspension of disbelief that moths can be scary, now construction barrels?  
They’re really pulling out all the stops. When Richard Gere gets bad news, the heavy strings kick in alongside the sound of a beating heart that abruptly stops. Do you see - because Mary’s heart stopped. I know, this is groundbreaking stuff. That’s just a subtle filmmaking tip from me to you - it’s free, I won’t charge you for it or anything.
When a movie character flips through a disturbing journal full of angry sketches or words written over and over again, all I can think of is how much fun the art department had making that journal.
This movie does a great job of portraying what it feels like to be a stranger in a small, broke, busted town. The curious looks, the feeling that you’re just not wanted. 
These transitions are....a choice. I can’t tell if they’re aping The Ring or if director Mark Pennington cut his teeth on music videos for groups like Trapt or Breaking Benjamin, [ETA: I was close - 76 directing credits on IMDB and at least 60 of them are music videos] but he’s throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. We’ve got full red filter obscuring the screen, just a general focus blur, sometimes the transition looks like that shitty Photo Booth filter on old Macbooks that looks like you’re drawn in pencil. It’s distracting as hell and just so....not the atmosphere this story deserved. 
I say that because the story itself is incredibly compelling - I think most horror and thriller films work best when they’re rooted in grief because nothing is more terrifying than the threat of losing that which we love most. And the events are ambiguous enough that you can’t tell how much of it is the trauma John is experiencing, and how much of it is legitimately supernatural. That being said, I wish the scares were more effective? As soon as Mr. Moth starts calling on the phone (under the alias Indrid Cold) things get decidedly weirder but also less...coherent. 
This movie feels particularly relevant as we watch John descend further and further into his obsession. He rejects any and all rational explanations for the events taking place and the “prophecies” he’s receiving. Where his obsession is fueled by grief and the need to understand the un-understandable, I see the same fear in him that I see in the QAnon supporters who are fueled by white supremacist rage and fear at losing their position in the world. The difference is, John’s delusion really only destroys himself. Not so much with QAnon, unfortunately. 
Laura Linney is absolutely wasted as a small town cop who gets drawn into John’s schemes. She has more of an arc in her 8 minutes of screen time in Love Actually than she does in this. #JusticeForLauraLinney
Did I Cry? I teared up once the wheels of the final prophecy started in motion. For all the other bonkers choices in this movie, this sequence is genuinely terrifying and so drawn out that it feels like you’re actually trapped in the middle of a disaster along with everyone else. It’s absolutely horrifying. This is BY FAR the strongest sequence in the film. It reminded me a lot of the later Final Destination films that really draw out the tension during the initial disaster sequence to an absolutely exquisite, agonizing degree.
This is a weird one. There’s no real resolution or catharsis, no explanation for all of the weird things we’ve just seen. Just a lingering sense of unease. It’s not...unsatisfying, but it’s not really satisfying either. Obviously I went to Wikipedia right after this was done, and that kind of dashed my hopes of the enduring mystery of this legend. It sounds pretty uh...not real. Which is a bummer, because I’m very into reading about weird paranormal things, and if things had happened the way the movie said they did, I would be a Mothman Truther 4 Lyfe. As it stands, this is one cryptid whose legend leaves something to be desired. Looks like nothing can replace Nessie as the cryptid of my heart <3. 
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kachulein · 4 years
Got tagged by @ultkyu to answer some questions! Thank you dear, I'm so excited for this~🥺💞
1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
× I'd be a cat, 100%. Cats are my love and my life, I've always wanted to be one, tbh (not in a furry type of way, but I feel like life would be easier if I was a cat, lmao). I love how cats take no shit and do whatever they want. They're very independent and individual and I'm all here for that.
2. What two anime characters or kpop idols are your type?
× Can I do both anime characters and kpop idols??
× As for anime characters, Jaeha from Akatsuki no Yona and Kirito from Sword Art Online are totally my type!!😍
× And in terms of kpop idols... omg,, how am I supposed to *only* name two?? Hmm, thinking about it, I guess not all of my biases are my "type" per se... but there's two that come to mind right now hhhh. One of them is Kevin Moon from The Boyz, he really ticks off (almost) every bullet point in my list for my "ideal type" and honestly, this list is freaking contradictory and has vvv high standards but Kevin is THAT boi, basically my imaginative ideal boyfriend personified. :') And the second one who I'd say is totally my type is Hwang Hyunjin from Stray Kids. I've always loved drawing him the most of all kpop idols and I still do tbh (but I can't fill my feed on my insta art account with JUST Hyunjin drawings,, you know,,,). His fashion!! I'm so here for it and vibe with it so well. Plus,,,idk,,, I feel like I could connect to him in some ways so ajxjsjdjjs yeah. There's just something about him and Kevin that inspires me so much, I really love these two bois.
3. Are there any writers or artists (art or music) that inspire you? If so, list 5.
× YES. I decided to name a few artists because I realize I've never talked about the artists whose artworks inspire me the most. They're all on Instagram, so I'll be naming their @'s
a.) @/shooky_dough: I'm probably not the only one who knows Nikki, hehe, but her art is SO amazing. She's got this really distinct style which I'd put into the category of semirealism. Her kpop fanart is soooo good and I used her tutorials to learn how to get better at sketching. If you look at the sketches I've been posting for the past few months on my insta art account, you'll notice that they're highly inspires by Nikki's art. She's definitely the artist I'm looking at most in terms of inspiration and improving on my own art.^-^
b.) @/angelganev: His art is sooo pretty. He does semirealism and I've found him by browsing through pinterest to find some art inspiration/references/tutorials. He also does drawing contests in which his followers can draw one of his work he selects in their own style and he gives a shout out to the ones he liked best. It's always interesting!!
c.) @/melmadedooks: This man can draw about ANYTHING, he's so talented. He used to draw lots of his 'dooks' and I've found him through seeing some of his works on pinterest (again, lol). I've actually redrawn two of his 'dooks' and posted them to my art account AND HE LIKED BOTH OF THEM, I WAS SO HAPPY OMG!!! He used to draw his dooks using only one coloured pencil, so I've also started experimenting with that and instead of using a graphite pencil, I used coloured pencils for my sketches and those gave off very different vibes that I really liked!!
d.) @/rezajeez: Probably *the* kpop fanartist I've been following for the longest of times. They are AMAZING!! They mainly do huge photorealistic portraits with INSANE details. It's funny actually, because their work is the complete opposite to shooky_dough's work. While Reza draws photorealism on a big surface (probably A3? maybe more??) and draws very detailed, Nikki focuses more on sketches/more semirealistic and "simplistic" art and it's usually drawn quite small, so seeing these opposites really broadens my horizon, I think^^
e.) Last but nor least, @/rossdraws: In my opinion, he's the modern day Bob Ross! His art is so freaking stunning, have you checked out his digital art landscape series?? The amount of talent this man holds in his pinky finger is more than I've got in my whole body like- OOF a huge inspiration to me!!~
4. If you could play any instrument, which would you play?
× The guitar!! I really want to learn how to play it~
5. If you could choose one anime to live in, which one would you choose and why?
× Either Ouran High School Host Club or Your Lie In April. The first one is just so much fun and I'd love hanging out with the host club members and as for the latter,,, I just really want to be here for Kousei and help him through his anxiety because I know so well how it feels like and I also wish I could sing while he plays the piano, we'd be a great duo✊🏻😔 (I'm sorry, I couldn't choose one)
6. This is a bit of an old DeviantArt fic trend, but if you received an Android of your favourite character from any anime/show/etc., who would it be?
× Hmmm... that's a great question omg there's so many amazing choices I could make😭😭 But I think I'd go with Kirito, I just really really love him ahhhhh
7. Is there anything you would like to do but haven't because your friends/family didn't want to do it with you?
× There's actually a few things I could name... first, I really want to go bungee jumping (preferably from the Macau Tower, as it's the highest bungee jump in the world😍) but my fam and friends think I'm crazy for wanting to do this but I'm actually quite an adventurous person which probably not many people know about me, so I love doing stuff like that.✊🏻😂
× I would also really like to travel with friends... it's not that I dislike travelling with my mom and stepdad but whenever I can't take someone with me, I feel like such a child ??? idk,, never travelling (I wanted to say "without adults" but then I realized I AM an adult) on my own with friends and always tagging along with my parents kind of make me feel like I'm not independent or mature/grown-up for it. But I feel like none of my friends want to travel with me... most of them have a travel buddy already but I just... don't akdjsjs
× and last but not least, getting more specific, I really want to travel to Hawaii and South Korea, but so far, I haven't made it there yet :c
8. What's your favourite flower?
× Cherry Blossoms all the way💞 but all flowers are beautiful and I really like roses, too.
9. What are some of your hobbies?
× My hobbies include singing, drawing, dancing, writing, reading, researching astrology, studying Korean, watching youtube videos/netflix, listening to music and OF COURSE DAYDREAMING✊🏻😔
10. If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island with nothing but the clothes on your back and a bag, what would you put in the bag?
× I'd definitely put food and water in the bag, my phone, earphones, a portable solar charger with a USB cable (so that my phone won't die and I could chill for however long I want while watching kpop mv's and then also use my phone to call for someone to rescue me from this island once I start running low on resources), all the books I still want to read, my art supplies and a few sketch books, some towels that I could use to lay on or use as blankets, a pillow and my teddy bear, and obviously a toothbrush and toothpaste, a hairbrush and a few hair ties and bobby pins (you don't want long sweaty hair stuck to your skin during a hot summer ewww), some soap to wash myself and my clothes, sunscreen and also some insect spray to keep the bugs away!! (it's a big bag, okay)
Sorry for writing such an essay omg!!
Here are my 10 questions:
1. What compliment you've received meant the most to you?
2. Would you rather meet your favourite celebrity/group/bias and realize they're not at all how you imagined them to be like (maybe they're not as kind as you thought, for example) or never meeting them in person but it turning out that they're actually the amazing, kind, sweet, generous, etc. person that you thought they were? (I hope that makes sense hhhh I think the ethics of this question are really interesting)
3. What's your current favourite song you always use to get hyped up to or a song currently stuck in your head?
4. If you had to write the book of your life, what genre would it be and what would you choose as a title?
5. Name your top 5 musical artists and your favourite song of each of them?
6. If you were invited to a big humanitarian event and had to give a speech on a topic you'd want to bring about a huge change for the better, what topic would you choose to speak about and voice your opinions/ideas? (Assume public speaking is one of your strongest assets and you'll ace this no matter what)
7. What is something (a skill, personality trait, or something appearance related, it can be whatever) you wish you had and/or you really admire in other people?
8. What's your favourite anime/show/youtuber (you can answer whichever you got an answer for, it can be all three options of course :D)?
9. In kpop, are you more into vocalists, dancers, rappers, maknaes, leaders, or visuals (or maybe a mix of some/all :'))?
10. What's your most beautiful/favourite memory?
oof I hope these questions will be interesting to answer🥺 hmm, Imma tag @littlefallenrebel @jinniesmeow @softpastelmx @yeonki @hanstagrams @marculees @chrryjin and anyone else who'd like to do this~💞💞💞
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The New Prosthetic
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Summary: HICCUP WHUMP! Post-RttE, Pre-Httyd 2! Hiccup built himself a new prosthetic leg and he wanted to try it out. Naturally, new creations are bound to have some kinks.
Rating: Teen and up
Words: 3 585
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Dislocated Joint
Author’s Notes: Here it is! My very first prompt from my @badthingshappenbingo card!
I actually handled this one a little bit differently than my other fics. Instead of checking the spelling and posting it immediately after finishing it, I let it rest for almost a week before checking for errors. I feel like that helped me a lot with this one.
Constructive criticism is highly appreciated.
Hiccup felt the tiny flutters of butterflies in his stomach.
Inventing always made him feel like a kid all over again. The initial idea, sketching each design, planning them out, working with his own two hands in the forge... Whenever he smelled the charcoal of his pencils or the metal and smoke of the forge, his heart usually skipped a beat. Everyday stenches that others might find unappealing, but which brought him a sense of familiarity, joy, even comfort on a bad day.
Especially whenever he finished something new, that was when he felt the most thrilled. When a project finally came into fruition and his hard work had ultimately paid off after hours, days, sometimes even weeks of work.
It was an exhilarating kind of feeling that he never tired of and his latest work was special to him.
He made a new prosthetic for himself. A metal leg that could double as a multi-functional tool. Complete with a regular foot that allowed running, a lockpick, a foot for more difficult terrain and one that connected to Toothless' saddle.
It helped him to lay flatter and still be able to correctly manoeuvre the artificial tailfin. This, in turn, enabled them to fly even faster, it made Hiccup a smaller target, let him move his foot out of the stirrup effortlessly, moving gracefully in the sky as one simply became so much easier.
And if this new prosthetic worked, perhaps he could invent something for Gobber as well.
He wasn't too opposed to seeing more Hiccup-y devices pop up in the forge now and again.
But before Hiccup could begin on a new arm or leg for his mentor blacksmithing, he needed to test out his own metal limb first.
And that is why Hiccup had left the house so early in the morning.
Before his dad awoke, the sun was up, the local baker baked his first loaves for the market, Hiccup and Toothless were already up and out the door.
The Night Fury sniffed the new prosthetic Hiccup wore on his stump. Though unfamiliar, it smelled of his Rider and it looked like one of his contraptions as well. He knew Hiccup's handiwork by now.
"So, what do you think, Bud?" Hiccup asked, standing up from the rock he had been sitting on in order to pull it on and showed it off.
Toothless crooned, giving him a reply as he kept his gaze on it. He was impressed, amazed even! Hiccup with his genius and his dexterous hands never ceased to surprise him. Every single time the young man managed to surpass his previous creations and this was no different.
They were in the cove, the place where their friendship first started, and he remembered Hiccup having trouble climbing in and out of their little spot without his help. One of the new "feet", as they were called apparently, was supposed to help him with terrain he used to have a difficult time traversing. Snow and hidden patches of ice were especially troublesome for him.
Toothless was excited to see it work. Much like his Rider, he was always thrilled as well.
"You know, I think this might be my best work yet. And in time, I might actually be able to add on even more! Like a dagger! Gobber really enjoyed the pegleg with the hidden dagger that I gave him for his birthday." Hiccup was no stranger to insecurites, having many of them himself, but at least his ability to invent and create was something he was proud of and relied on quite often.
Toothless had heard enough. Moving, he pushed Hiccup's side with the flat top of his head and then his back, rumbling and crooning as he urged him to walk. He wanted to see this new leg in action already.
"Okay, Bud, okay! I'm going!" Hiccup chuckled and walked away.
He didn't go too far before turning around and coming back, pacing as he stared down at his feet. He wanted to truly feel the soft padding inside, see if there were already any noticeable kinks he should work on, he hoped it felt different from his previous metal leg.
And it did. Gobber had made him a wonderful leg four years ago, but this one, with the rounded off tip, allowed Hiccup to walk easier. It didn't quite work like a real heel, but he noticed he didn't walk as stiff anymore. This would do well to improve his gait.
Toothless crooned excitedly, approaching, circling and headbutting the human's shoulder. He already noticed the difference. Hiccup didn't limp quite as much as he did before either. He still limped, he was always going to, but he also managed to take note of the rounded tip's usefullness.
"So I guess you approve?" Hiccup asked him, judging by the Night Fury's reaction, his newest creation was a success so far.
Toothless purred, giving an almost human-like "yes", and licked him full on in the face.
"N-" While Hiccup was left to sputter and spit as he tried to use his red tunic to wipe his face, his armour had been left home for today, Toothless left his side. Half of that got in his mouth and it wasn't the most pleasant of tastes. Or smells for that matter.
The Night Fury wandered towards that rock Hiccup had been sitting on and gestured towards the saddle lying beside it.
It had been modified as well.
Significantly less wet, but hair still hopelessly matted to his forehead, Hiccup approached.
"Now, I guess it's time for me to show you why I took the saddle, huh, Bud?" He questioned and Toothless gave an impatient groan.
It has been days since their last flight. His Rider had told him then that he wanted to modify it and Toothless hadn't been too opposed, but now he was dying to be back up in the air again. He knew the other felt the same way.
Grabbing the saddle, Hiccup helped his dragon pull it on again.
"Bud, stay still, please? I can't put it on you if you move that much." He chuckled. It was hard for both of them to keep from moving, excited as they were.
As Hiccup pulled on the last buckle, Toothless noticed that the stirrup on his left wasn't quite the same as it once was.
It wasn't a stirrup at all anymore, there was nothing for Hiccup's metal foot to attach itself too.
His Rider noticed the dragon's confusion, Toothless crooned and gestured with his snout to the lack of a stirrup, lifting up his left foreleg. Tapping his shoulder, Hiccup drew his attention again.
"Watch this, Bud." He sat back down again, placed a hand on the wooden cup of his prosthetic and gave it a twist. The new metallic foot disappeared and in its place came a different kind of creation, something that looked like it could attach itself to the saddle and then the lack of a regular stirrup made sense to Toothless.
Gurgling happily, Toothless urged Hiccup to stand and get in the saddle already. It was time to test the new leg up in the sky.
Hiccup didn't need to think twice before climbing up, Toothless practically bumped him onto his back with his snout nudging his Rider's rear.
Once seated and secure, Hiccup clicked his leg into the new stirrup, enjoying the satisfying 'click' it made, and grabbed hold of the handles. The two braced themselves and with a big flap of the dragon's wings and a jump, they were up.
After spending the past few days stuck on the ground, the sky was a wonderful place to be in again. A welcoming place. Though it did make Hiccup wonder how he managed to live the first fifteen years of his life without Toothless and their ability to fly together as one.
Hiccup inhaled deeply and then breathed out again, the always present scent of the salty sea down below filling his nostrils. The wind combed through his hair and his clothes billowed. Toothless did the same thing, savouring the soft carressing of his scales and the near weightlessness of his body so high up in the air.
It felt good to be here. An unseen weight seemed to lift off their shoulders, like they were free again.
There were other dragons up there with them. Nightmares and Nadders who had also made Berk their home these past couple of years. It felt good to be more amongst them too. Off the ground and into the air, where they both belonged.
Hiccup adjusted his prosthetic slightly, approving of how it held up so far. Toothless raised a foreleg as he took a look, he purred.
"Yeah, it's holding up great so far!" Hiccup answered, feeling confident in his newest creation. This new method to connect his metal leg and the saddle together, it was to further improve their manoeuvrability. So far it wasn't too difficult to steer Toothless' artificial tailfin with it.
But they needed to really test it. Now that they knew it could hold up in a normal flight, it was time to find some way to experiment and truly see where its limits lie.
And Hiccup found just the thing.
"Hey Bud, look up there!" Toothless looked up and saw what his Rider was talking about.
A bunch of young Nadders, adolescents, playing in the sky. They were chasing each other.
"Should we ask them if we can join in?" Hiccup knew these Nadders and they knew them. He had watched them grow up this past year.
Toothless roared to draw their attention and flew higher, the small group of six halted momentarily to watch the two familiar Dragon Riders approach.
Nadders were born with lighter colours than they usually have as adults. They were slowly shedding their pastel scales for a more vibrant hide.
"Hey guys, mind if we join?" Hiccup wasn't so sure he'd have had the guts to just go up to a group of friends and ask this in the past, before Toothless. But not only had he grown more confident, these were also a group of dragons. A people he felt more at home with.
And like he and Toothless had hoped, the six adolescent Nadders chirped eagerly in agreement. One did a roll in the sky and off they were, chattering of teasings and taunts as they dared the two to chase them. It was a game of tag apparently.
"Come on, Bud." Hiccup adjusted himself in the saddle, excitement swelling up in his chest. A deep and eager rumble vibrated from within the Night Fury, Hiccup could feel it from his position on his back.
Though the young dragons flew far and fast, it wasn't hard for them to catch up.
This game of tag, while also commonly played by Viking children, was a little bit different than from what Hiccup used to play as a very young boy.
High up in the air, dragons couldn't physically touch one another without the risk of downing each other. The slowest of the dragons would be caught and roared at, making them the one who was "it". No actual tagging, just roaring as one dragon passed the other by.
It wasn't hard for Hiccup and Toothless to catch up to the Nadders and relieve themselves of the role of "it". Though they were fast, a Night Fury was faster. One half of this Dragon Rider duo being this exact species could almost be called cheating.
It was virtually impossible to catch Hiccup and Toothless with how in-tune the two were with each other. They sped up, slowed down, dived and swerved, but adolescent dragons liked a challenge. The young Nadders knew before accepting their request to join the game that they would be difficult to catch.
A roar of laughter left Hiccup as he and Toothless barrel rolled in the sky and it was like music to the latter's ears. Their hearts soared together. Those days spend stuck on the ground, even if it was for one of his projects, had been much too long.
Though the world was spinning, Hiccup looked towards where the Nadder youngster had been left behind and noticed there was already quite a bit of distance between them. Dizziness or nausea, he felt neither of them.
"Okay, Bud, time to turn back." Toothless could hear his Rider even through the loud rush of the wind. The barrel rolls gradually ceased up high in the air and the two started a freefall.
The way down was a long one, but it was over all too soon. Falling with the wind tossing them around, they never felt more in control.
As the ground rapidly approached down below, Hiccup gave his Bud a warning pat on his neck to even out.
That is when their game came to an abrupt end.
Toothless spread his wide wings, Hiccup put the tailfin in the right position and with the sudden stop in velocity, the shock made a tear in the leather straps keeping the saddle in place.
With a yelp, Hiccup was thrown forwards and the tailfin shut itself. The two were in a freefall once more, the adolescent Nadders aware of the trouble, but too far away to be of much help.
The ground was much too close.
"Tooth-" Hiccup never felt the impact. The moment they crashed, it became dark before his eyes.
He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but Hiccup was pretty sure he couldn't have been out for more than a couple of minutes.
Lying in the grass, sore and bruised all over, he could hear his Night Fury's crooning as he drifted back to the world of the conscious after having left it for just a moment. Toothless' voice helped lead him back.
"Hmm, Tooth?" He slurred, moving just a tad to roll onto his back. He had been lying on his side and he wanted to open his eyes, face his Bud.
Toothless gave a quick warning growl and that was when a sharp pain abruptly and agonizingly ran through him, starting at his leg and moving up through his hip.
A strangled cry left him, his face contorted in pain and he ended up on his back anyway, breathing deeply as tears sprung to his eyes.
He opened them and the first thing he saw was Toothless staring back at him, his nose twitching as it did four years earlier when he woke up after the battle with the Red Death.
Toothless crooned and pressed his snout into his Rider's freckled cheek before bringing it down to sniff his body to seek out any hidden injuries. His attention consistently on just one part of Hiccup's body.
Hiccup lifted his head up to look down at himself to see what his dragon was staring at and cringed.
His left leg was not supposed to be at that angle.
His new prosthetic, the clasp that kept it attached to the saddle was supposed to have come loose during a fall, allowing Toothless to grab hold of him safely and saving them both from a possibly very fatal blow. That had been the biggest problem with his previous replacement, a problem he had attempted to fix with this new one.
Failing its purpose, Hiccup found that his leg and Toothless' saddle were still connected. As a result, his left knee, the weaker one of the two, had been painfully dislocated.
Hiccup continued to take deep breaths, both in and out. The pain didn't lessen one bit. He could only imagine what it looked like without his leather leggings.
It had already been there when he woke up, but it hadn't been as severe as it was now after he's moved. Toothless was lying next to him, remaining still because he'd realized the state of his Rider's leg while he was out and didn't want to make it any worse.
Lifting his head up for another look at their situation, still attempting to calm his laboured pants, Hiccup wondered just how they were going to get out of this one. Every little move made hurt so much.
But he found the reason for their crash. A strap on the saddle, the stitching worn by strain and weather had torn and come loose. He had been meaning to replace them.
"Gods..." He moaned and put his head back down. This was such a mess they were in now.
Toothless prodded his cheek with his snout. He wanted to provide comfort, but instead the movement made, though it was so little, hurt so bad.
"Toothless!" Hiccup cried out, but jumping at the pain only made the pain even worse. This was becoming an awful cycle.
Mumbling an apology, Toothless put his head down, deciding to try even harder to stay still. Humans didn't have as high a pain tolerance as dragons did and this was a particularly nasty injury.
Hiccup needed a moment. Closing his eyes, he tried breathing through the agony. So long as neither of them moved, it was bearable.
The two Dragon Riders than heard the chirping of worried dragons and looked up to see the young Nadders approaching.
The group of six landed and much like humans surrounded them in concern. Hiccup could've sworn he saw them cringe in their own way upon seeing the state he was in. Even they knew a human's leg wasn't supposed to bend that way.
Though he didn't want an audience, Hiccup supposed they might be able to help in some way. They chattered amongst themselves and Toothless, seemingly discussing what to do next.
"Hey-hey!" Hiccup moaned, moving carefully to lean on his elbows and trying his best not to look at his knee.
He could ask them to get help, to find the other Riders. He knew Astrid and Snotlout had patrol today.
But the adolescent Nadders apparently already had some ideas of their own. Chittering and screeching, hissing and flexing their dangerous spines, they appeared to be arguing. Hiccup's call for their attention fell on deaf ears.
Hiccup often found himself wishing he could understand what dragons were saying and this was one such time. What could they possibly be having such a heated discussion about?
By the time Hiccup realized one of them bend down and reached for his leg, it was already too late for both him and Toothless to stop them when a green Nadder took his prosthetic and pulled it loose. That had been their master plan to get the Dragon and Rider untangled from each other.
All six of the Deadly Nadders jumped back when a pained scream tore out from Hiccup's lungs. It appeared they hoped pulling on the fake part of the leg wouldn't hurt as much.
Now lying flat on his back again, Hiccup covered both of his eyes and clenched his teeth down on one another.
It hurt. That was all he could think about, how much that hurt.
Removing one hand, he peered at the Nadders through his blurred vision.
"I'm... I'm okay." He was lying and choking up, but he didn't want them to feel guilty. It helped the green Nadder feel better again as it had shrunken back after hearing him scream.
Now free, Toothless moved, standing up and sniffing his Rider's face, but Hiccup covered it again, breathing in and out deeply in the hopes of coping with the burning and throbbing sensation left in his knee.
The Night Fury gazed at the limb. Although the angle wasn't quite as ugly anymore, he knew that didn't lessen the pain in any way.
He faced the young Nadders and with a roar angrily chased them away, they had done more than enough already. The youngsters, not willing to argue with this dragon in particular, left in a hurry, nearly tripping over each other as they flapped their wings and made way for the skies.
"You didn't have to chase them away like that, they just wanted to help." Toothless could hear Hiccup mutter, but ignored his words. His Rider couldn't have heard it, but he had warned the six that it was a terrible idea.
Looking up into the sky, Toothless charged a plasma blast and send it flying. Its purpose was to call for help. With all the dragons and Berkians around, somebody was bound to see it. Hopefully, one of the other Riders was already nearby.
Knowing that it couldn't even be minutes before help would arrive, Toothless decided to settle by Hiccup's side again.
Though somewhat recovered, there was still very little Hiccup could do besides lying there and scratching his Night Fury's chin. It was something he did for his own comfort as well.
Help couldn't be far.
Holding his breath, Hiccup managed to sit up and Toothless lied down behind him, allowing his Viking to lean back against him.
Looking up, they noticed that one Snotlout Jorgenson on top of a Hookfang Monstrous Nightmare were already headed their way.
Hiccup could only sigh. The sooner they got his leg taken care off, the better.
His dad and Astrid would chastise him and Gothi would probably advice him to stay at home or risk a whack of her staff, but Hiccup could only think of one thing, improve his prosthetic.
Next time they test it out, he'd make sure to put it through more thorough tests before taking to the sky once again.
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iwroteinapastlife · 6 years
Ok I love your writing, and I know you'll do it justice.... So a Chlonath drabble with "We're friends but I'd kiss you if you asked me to." ^^
Thank you so much for this prompt; I’m so sorry it took me eons to answer it! I ended up writing this into my Friends to Lovers AU, though it can still be read on it’s own. Enjoy~
cw: discussion of sex
“I just don’t get why everyone’s so obsessed with it. It’sjust sex.”
Chloé didn’t so much see as she heard Nathaniel scrape a stray mark across his sketch book. Shelooked up from her laptop to see that he had sat up from where he was loungingon the couch and was now staring at her with a look of utter appall andconfusion. She could also see a long (thankfully pencil) line straight through thedragon(?) he was sketching.
“Just sex?”
“Yes, just sex,”she rebuked, throwing her hands up in exasperation. “Why does everyone look atme like that whenever I say it?”
“Because it’s not JUSTanything. Sex is—,” he paused, struggling for the right word, “—fantastic!Great! Amazing! Literally orgasmic!”
“Every time I’ve had it it’s just been sex. Someone takes my clothes off, puts their hands on myskin, and stimulates some organs. It’s fine and feels good in some ways, butit’s just as arbitrary as kissing.”
“Wait, you don’t even like kissing!?” Apparently this newswas so life altering that he had to put his sketch book down on the coffeetable.
She shrugged. “Not really? It’s just lips touching lips. Iget bored after a while.”
Nathaniel put his head in his hands. His was by far thestrongest reaction she’d ever seen from her voicing this—not that she’d toldmany people. She’d really only felt comfortable talking about it with Adrienand Sabrina. Just like Nathaniel, they’d found it nearly inconceivable, but atleast they hadn’t looked like they were having a mental breakdown over it.
She supposed it made sense for someone who had as much sexas he did. He’d even described himself as hypersexual before. Maybe it was justsomething that he enjoyed to a disproportionate extent.
“So you’re saying you’ve never had that fireworks feelingwhen kissing someone?” She shook her head. “What about that breath of palpabletension leading up to a kiss?” He put his hand over his heart, closing a fistaround the fabric of his t-shirt. “Your heart beating wild in your chest andyour entire world zooming into focus on just that person as their headgravitates closer to yours.” She literally had no idea what he was talkingabout. She assumed that read on her face based on the look he gave her a momentlater. “What about even just that deep breath you inhale the second your lipsfinally meet? Breathing them in and just…feeling.”
When she didn’t say anything, his expression shifted intoone that seemed almost sad for her.
“Has nobody just…kissed you right?”
She creased her brows in confusion. “Is it possible to kisssomeone wrong?”
He was nodding before she even finished the question. “Yes,100 percent possible. And likely at least on the first few tries.”
She took a moment to think. That was certainly anexplanation no one had provided yet. She had figured of course that those firstfew times she kissed her first partner weren’t supposed to be good—neither ofthem had known what they were doing. But even later, once she thought they’dgotten the technique down, it didn’t do much for her. And the other people shedated after that who had already had experience in that realm still didn’t makeher feel anything close to what he was describing. She had figured it was justa personal taste thing—just another activity that a lot of other people had apreference for while she didn’t. Like jogging. But could the problem haveactually been her partners?
She eventually shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Nathaniel looked away then. He appeared to be taking thisinto serious consideration or something, so she just went back to the work onher screen. She had typed about three more words when he spoke again.
“I could kiss you.”
A rolling wave of what felt like crackling flames and fastbeating wings rushed through her stomach. Her fingers immediately paused on thekeyboard.
She slowly looked up.
He scratched the back of his head with a slight shrug,seeming to go off her look. “I know we’re just friends. But I would kiss you.”
Heat was quickly building up in her chest. Her face feltflushed. “Why?”
“Because you deserve to be kissed right.”
She didn’t say anything, just sat there blinking. He wasn’tkidding. Nathaniel Kurtzberg—the man who had once hated her but was now one ofher best friends—in that moment was completely serious in his offer to kissher.
Why did that thought make her so incredibly nervous?
She already knew this was different when he stepped into herspace. She’d stood this close to him before, but never facing him and never craningher neck to look him in the eye. It felt so much different than just being shoulderto shoulder with him; something about the position had an almost magnetic forcepulling her in.
Her hands settled on his waist as if it was the most naturalthing in the world—as if it only made sense to put them there with him standingso close—and as his hands snaked up under her jaw, the heat from his palms hadher melting inside. His thumbs traced gentle lines across her cheeks and theskin they left behind burned, nerves crackling with an energy that wasaltogether new and exciting.
Then he was leaning in, and it couldn’t have taken more thantwo seconds for him to close the gap between them, but eternities passed as shewatched him approach. She watched his gaze fall to her lips, slowly, beforeglancing back up at her eyes. Then her eyes fell along with his, focusing onhis lips and how soft they looked, until they were too close to watch anymoreand her eyes slid shut.
And there it was. His kiss. Smooth lips pressed to her own,but it was so much more than that. She could taste that mango chapstick healways carried with him and as she breathed in deep, his spiced citrus bodywash flooded her senses. A whirlwind stirred in her chest, pushing her up ontoher toes, into his kiss, into him. Itwas an energy, a desire, a compulsion she’d never felt before and it was eatingher whole, consuming her entire being, demanding that she just be…here.
She was still on her toes when he parted from her and theireyes met. Red brows raised in silent question.
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hollandandi · 6 years
“i think i’m falling in love with you.”
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an entry in @underoosbws’ 3k writing challenge! go give her a follow!!💓💗💞💥
peter or tom?
word count; 1.7k
type; total fluff!
warnings; none!
w/n; sorry this is only short, but family drama is stopping me from spilling my thoughts all night anymore!
permanent tag list; @therealme13posts @space-starz @crxssourbones @tshquackson @aliceinwhateverland @thothollandd @kilieria @spideyjlaw @spideyboyx @augustus-did-not-get-stabbed
Beneath your bodies was a large, tartan blanket with frayed edges, protecting your bodies from the slightly damp grass that laid amongst the park floor. There were several cushions from home resting randomly at different sections of the fabric, and two backpacks full to the brim with food. Yours, had a couple of homemade sandwiches, bottles of water and a plastic container of handmade chocolate chip cookies. Peter’s, on the other hand, had several packets of chocolate, two doughnuts, two cans of Coke, and two subs from Delmar’s, that today had cost him twenty dollars instead of ten.
Placed beside your two bags were a stack of activities - ranging from a pack of cards, to a kind of dodgy-looking board game, to your tablet with ‘Heads Up’ flashing on the screen. Right now, however, you were sat facing each other with a drawing pad in each of your hands - you had chosen to sit with your knees close to your chest, the pad resting on-top of your stomach while shielding your drawings from the brunette in-front of you. Peter had chosen a less secretive position at first, simply laying backwards on the blanket with the pad on the floor.
“Okay, first, I challenge you to draw...the Hulk!” You smiled widely, before grabbing one of two green markers from the selection on the patterned floor and furrowing your eyebrows as your pencil glided across the fresh piece of paper. He rolled his eyes playfully, knowing that the end result would likely not be very good, but continued regardless. He occasionally glanced at you to take in your expressions, each one making him smile to himself. Your face switched from ease, to frustration, to confusion and finally to a fairly content look with a light laugh, before looking to Peter to see if he was complete too.
He caught your gaze after a moment, dropping the now-lidded marker onto the blanket and nodding to you, before speaking. “It’s your turn to show first.” He reminded with a smile plastered onto his face - it had been like this since he first suggested the idea and you had replied with utter excitement and positivity towards it. You nodded in response to his comment, before dropping your pens also and turning the paper around - showing a green smudge with a rough pen outline of the beloved avenger drawn pretty terribly. “Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t have suggested a difficult one. I kind of forgot I was drawing it too.” You laughed, before flipping over the page, resting the pad on your legs again and looking towards your boyfriend that was ready to show his creation after seeing your fairly bad attempt. Waiting for your attention, he turned his pad upwards so you had a clear view on his scribbles - it made you smile, and laugh a little bit, before complimenting a feature and asking him for another prompt.
Over the next twenty minutes, you had drawn awful creations on ten pages over your sketchpads and broken three pencils by throwing them at each other and snapping the lead accidentally. His best had been a penguin, whilst you had drawn a pretty impressive flower - however, it was only ‘good’ because it was the same one you had doodled since the beginning of school, and he pretended he hadn’t seen it hundreds of times in your notebook during class. Instead he smiled, complimented you greatly and placed down all the coloured pens he had used thus far - before glancing at the one marker neither of you had touched - red. He grinned, picking it up and speaking confidently. “Let’s draw me, I mean, Spider-Man, me as Spider-Man, or just Spider-Man, whichever you prefer.” He uttered, and threw the other red marker in your general direction, except when he looked back up, his gaze became trapped onto you.
He watched how your face lit up at the suggestion, ounces of pride and excitement rushing up your face as you quickly gripped the marker in your hand and began thinking about what you would soon draw on the paper. He watched how your hands were warm, blood rushing through them freely in the summer air that passed by the both of you. He watched how your hair rested on your shoulders gently, getting the occasional strand blown by the gentle breeze, and he watched how your eyebrows fumbled together as you tried to perfectly convey your thoughts onto paper - except this didn’t work out very often. And finally, he watched your smile; he watched the corners of your lips remain permanently curled, and watched the natural redness of them light up consistently. He watched how big it was, how happy you were in the moment, and it was more than enough to plaster a grin onto his face, before flipping over to a fresh page of his sketch pad and getting to work.
His idea was solid, and he was frantically sprawling it out onto the paper that lay before him. However - his heart was beating just as frantically. Nerves lit up in his veins; and his hands shook slightly as he drew with the red and black markers - he knew that he wanted to tell you something, but he was still so worried if you would feel the same; but he decided he had to tell you, he couldn’t hide it any longer. That didn’t help, though - the last two months of your relationship had been the physical interpretation of perfect. He had finally worked up the courage to invite you out after Ned wouldn’t stop nagging him about it; there was constant, “Come on man, grow balls!”, “She’s gonna move on, if you don’t hurry up,” and “Dude, you’re Spider-Man, act like it!,” and he had eventually given in and waited by your locker until you had come out of class on a Thursday afternoon.
“Oh, um, hey Y/N!” He smiled nervously, but happiness was beginning to emerge throughout his face. “Hi, Peter. What can I do for you?” You shyly responded - in slight disbelief that the biggest crush of your school experience was now standing by your metal locker. You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, before looking up to give him your complete attention, encouraging him to continue with the reason he chose to come in the first place. “Well, uh, basically - I just wanted to know if, you, um, you maybe wanted to watch a film with me next week? Maybe we could get some food afterwards?” He suggested politely, but confidence grew as he continued to speak as he noticed your face brighten with each word that left his lips.
“I would love that, Peter.” You smiled widely, nodding your head a few times before looking back up to him. You watched Thor, Ragnarok that weekend, and while the film rolled, his hands somehow found his way into yours, intertwining gently as the movie continued to play.
Soon afterwards, you were spending most days together, many of them accompanied by Ned and MJ, but evenings were usually reserved for the company of just the two of you. There was a great friend-girlfriend balance, a big approval from Mary-Jane, acceptance of Peter’s secret (and a lot of excitement) and pure happiness between you - it was truly the physical interpretation of perfect, and he really, did not want to mess it up.
However, he chose to continue with the leap of faith - scribbling the eight words he desperately wished to reveal to you in the top left corner of his paper. After making final touches with his red marker, he dropped his tools and let out a sigh of relief, accompanied by a smile, as he looked at his drawing. As you glanced over, hearing the noise from his lips, you noticed his posture was completely different - instead, it was mirroring yours. His position was secretive, and you were unsure why, but you shrugged it off as perhaps he found the previous choice uncomfortable, and took a final glance at your paper before nodding towards him with a small smile on your lips. It was his turn to go first, and he was well aware of the fact, as he dropped his knees and looked at you with a large smile once he noticed your attention was captivated by him.
He slowly turned his sketch-pad around, gripping the sides tightly as he did, being very careful not to drop the creation onto the floor, where it could potentially be smudged. Your eyes dropped to the paper that he was showing, waiting for the full image to be revealed - your hands tucked into your lap as your fingers fumbled together - they quickly froze, though, once the doodle from your boyfriend was in full view of your gaze. A drawing of your beloved boyfriend in his suit grazed majority of the page, but the top corner was the most important to you, as the sentence, “I think I’m falling in love with you,” rested, sunken into the pad. Your breath hitched a little bit, your eyebrows raising slightly as your grin grew further, if that was even possible.
Your eyes jumped to his after you had fully taken in the image that lay before you; happiness beaming out of yours and matching a similar reaction in his. You placed your sketch-pad beside you, before pushing yourself up onto your knees and rushing over to the boy sat in-front of you, and pushing your lips to his with a fair bit of force. Your lips worked in motion with his, him kissing back with equal force and passion as his free hand moved to the back of your neck. You pulled back gently, looking at him innocently as your lips parted, a smile still plastered across both of your faces.
You took his sketch-pad from his hands slowly, gripping it gently with yours as you looked at it again, falling for the drawing just like you had fallen for him as words finally escaped your lips - Peter watching you consistently, waiting for a positive response from you.
“I think I’m falling in love with you, too.”
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shipmistress9 · 5 years
FTLOAP - 32.5 - Interlude 3: Chaos Squad
Title: For The Love Of A Princess
Fandom: HTTYD
Theme: Hiccstrid - Medieval-style AU - Romance - Angst/Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Reduced to little more than a stable boy, Hiccup, despite his noble birth, has few prospects for more in life. But when he meets a girl who came to look at the horses, being a stable boy might not be enough anymore. Together, they have tough choices to make and great risks to navigate if they want to survive and be together.
Rating: Explicit
FF-net  -  AO3 -
Discord-server for discussions and questions
Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Interlude 1; Chapter 15; Chapter 16; Chapter 17; Chapter 18; Chapter 19; Chapter 20; Chapter 21; Chapter 22; Chapter 23; Chapter 24; Chapter 25; Chapter 26; Interlude 2; Chapter 27: Chapter 28 ; Chapter 29 ; Chapter 30; Chapter 31; Chapter 32
Alpha/Co-author: @athingofvikings
. – * – _ . o O o . _ – * – .
AN: Okay, when we originally considered putting this part into the story, it was meant to be a joke. A bit of relief from tension and feels. Pure fun. And then the boys decided that, nope, we're gonna do it like this. And this. And this too. *shrugs helplessly* So don't blame me for anything, it was all them!
. o O o .
As it turned out, carrying four big mugs of beer at once wasn’t easy, but Eret thought he managed it sufficiently. That being said, the mugs were heavy, solid pewter with a lid on top, which was the only reason he’d avoided splashing anyone as he had to dodge other customers in the big tavern’s room. They’d dressed down for this pub crawl, which had the pleasant advantage of not having everyone bowing in obsequiousness – but also the distinct disadvantage of having the people around him not exactly putting in much effort to make way for him. But it wasn’t more difficult or exhausting than reining in one of his House’s untamed horses either, even less so if one considered that the mugs weren’t actively fighting against him. So, all in all, he didn’t think that getting drinks for them had taken that long, but when he returned to their table in a calmer and slightly detached niche, Dagur already awaited him eagerly.
“Oh, thank the Gods, you’re back,” he exclaimed, and directly reached to claim one of the big mugs. “These two are driving me insane!”
Eret’s eyes wandered to the other side of the table where Daniel and Hiccup sat side by side, their heads bowed over a notebook on the table between them. A relieved smile tugged at his lips at that sight; they were obviously deeply engrossed in yet another technical-looking sketch, and didn’t even react when he placed their mugs down in front of them. That was a good thing, he mused as he sat down in the last empty chair. Last night, during the festivities for the grand blot, Hiccup’s bold move to help Astrid on Markor’s back had worried him, and then there’d been Astrid’s hug and Daniel’s strange reaction to it… For a moment, Eret had honestly been afraid for his cousin. The war had hardened Daniel noticeably, and with the repeated assaults on Astrid, his sense of protection for his little sister had hardened as well.
And Hiccup… Well, Eret would vouch for Hiccup’s integrity. Tyr, he had! But no matter how well his cousin fit into their group and how fond Daniel seemed to be of him, none of that would matter when it came to Astrid. So it was good to see them like this again, with the tension from last night entirely gone. They were just getting excited over scholarly crap, together, once again, and even though Eret hadn’t thought it possible, the sight gave him a good feeling.
But it was too much fun to tease Dagur, so he let out a theatrical sigh. “Welcome to my life. They’ve been like this ever since my accolade, drifting off into technical conversations no sane person can follow. You’ve only endured this for a week now, but believe me, it’ll only get worse the longer they talk.”
Dagur cackled, amusement sparking in his eyes, and with Daniel thoroughly distracted he felt safe enough to throw his lover a warm smile. It wasn’t like they deliberately wanted to keep Daniel in the dark or lie to him… But they knew the Prince well enough, knew his sober attitude toward love and marriage. He wouldn’t get angry at him and Dagur for loving each other. But he also wouldn’t understand it, would only lecture them on how they couldn’t keep their relationship up forever. The good of the Kingdom was more important. And they knew that! But they didn’t need to be reminded of this fact every day again…
For another minute or three, they watched Hiccup and Daniel, how they kept bouncing ideas back and forth, both having a pencil in their hands now to simultaneously add to their sketch. It was funny in a way, though not why anyone visited a tavern.
“And here I thought we’d come here to have fun tonight,” Dagur commented after a while, disbelievingly shaking his head. “You know, after spending nearly the entire day at the Temple to help tidy it up again, I thought we’d earned a reprieve now. Laugh, chat, get a little drunk…” He paused, shaking his head again. “Is this going to keep going on like this? Or is there a chance they might reach another topic at some point?”
“If you can provide an interesting enough topic, that’s possible. But otherwise? Nope. It only gets worse.”
Dagur gave him an almost comically pleading look. “And if we just… leave? I mean, not necessarily to you-know-what. Just, I don’t know... Do something else? Maybe join the men over there? I’m pretty sure I’ve spotted some of this year’s recruits; we could teach them a lesson. I mean, beating them in an arm-wrestling match won’t make as much of an impression as Swanja’s performance with her bow would have made, but it surely would be better than nothing?”
Eret glanced over into the main room. Dagur was right, in all points. There were some recruits out there, also revelling in their liberty before heading off for war, and teaching them some respect surely would be helpful for their further training. Some of them were insufferable this year. But he let out an exasperated snort, and shook his head. “No, we can’t leave,” he said dryly, then nodded back to Daniel and Hiccup. “We can’t leave them alone. Believe me, it’s better to keep an eye on them before they go overboard. Again!”
“What, you think they’d slip away when we turn our backs on them? Maybe run riot?” Dagur laughed again, loud and true. “Oh, wait, I get it. Maybe they’ll go over to the armoury and test their theories from the other day. Which angle and distance is best to tear down a wall.” He laughed again at his own joke.
Eret just raised his eyebrow though, and gave Dagur an ‘Are you certain this is just a joke?’-look that made him choke on his next laugh. Sure, they hadn’t torn down any walls. Not yet! But it certainly wouldn’t be that much of an escalation to previous experiments either…
Leaving Dagur to get a grip on his laughing fits on his own, Eret reached for his beer and took a big gulp. Dagur was right, however. As happy as he was to see Daniel wasn’t against Hiccup… this was their last night before they’d all meet up in Westhill come summer. And selfish as it might be, he’d rather they would all chat together.
He was just scouring his mind for something – anything – to change the topic to, when a boy in the uniform of a courier appeared at their table.
They all looked up at the boy, wearing the sash and badge of the king’s messengers. He appeared to be a little self-conscious in the loud tavern, where a lad his age would normally be shown the door, as he glanced from one to the other. “Sir Eret?” he eventually muttered, settling to look at him. “I have this note for you. From your father.” The boy handed him a sealed letter, and Eret accepted it reflexively, even as a frown formed on his face.
A note from his father? That was strange. What would be so important that it couldn’t wait until the morning? “Thanks,” he said to the courier, and made attempts to stow the letter away into the pocket of his vest for later.
But the boy shook his head, looking highly uncomfortable as he raised a hand as if to stop him. “I-I’m sorry, Milord,” he stammered. “But I have orders to wait for your answer and deliver it back to his Grace directly. Just… just something about whether you… approve or not?”
Eret’s frown grew deeper, and he noticed that his friends around him all had looks of equal confusion on their faces. Even Daniel and Hiccup had interrupted their conversation for now. “All right,” he sighed, and got up. “Then I’ll see whether I can find a more private place to read it, and get right back to you.”
The boy nodded and stepped to the side, making way for Eret to leave their niche. He looked around, then decided to go outside to read. The light falling through the windows would be sufficient, without the noises of a full tavern to distract him.
Inside the letter were two pieces of paper. One was just a short note, the other another formerly sealed letter addressed to Grand Duke Eret of House Jag’r. Blinking in confusion, he first read the note, written in his father’s messy handwriting.
This letter from Eastervale arrived an hour ago, and I want to send back a reply immediately. But, as the future head of our House, it is your right to give your opinion as well.
His father wanted his opinion on a matter that affected their House? What could it be, some new trading contract maybe? Frowning even deeper, Eret read the note again, but couldn’t make any more rhyme or reason to it than the first time. Since when did his father need his opinion on such matters?
Shaking his head in bewilderment, he turned his attention to the letter. The seal was broken, but since it had been addressed to his father, that wasn’t surprising. What surprised him, however, was that even though it was broken, the seal was easily recognisable. It was the same as the one on the note the courier had just given him: The seal of a family member of House Jag’r. Even more confused, he opened the letter, and read it.
Dearest Father,
I send this letter to you in the hope that it might reach you soon. If my calculations are right, then I hope you had a wonderful Midwinter’s Night yesterday.
You might be wondering why I’m sending you this letter now instead of waiting for your return in a few weeks. You see, there’s been a development during the last weeks, and even though I know that the final decision only can be made once you’ve returned, I’m eager nonetheless to know your opinion on the matter.
Isku, Baron Hammond’s second son, asked me to become his wife. I know that his father already sent an official proposal, and that it is not my decision to make. But dearest Father, I want to let you know that, if it were my decision, I would gladly say yes.
So I’ll be waiting to hear from you, hoping for your approval.
In love,
Ester of House Jag’r
Gulping, Eret stared at the letter, and let his fingers glide over his sister’s name at the bottom. This didn’t come as a surprise, not really. Baron Hammond’s second son, Isku, had been a regular visitor during the summer months and had been one of the few that hadn’t been a nuisance but a real help instead. His genuine interest in Ester had been an open secret, and even though she’d tried to hide it, Eret had noticed that the interest was mutual.
No, this letter didn’t come as a surprise, and there was no real question whether their Father would approve of the union either. Baron Hammond was an influential and loyal vassal, and tying them tighter to their House would only strengthen them both – even if Eret the Elder would whine and complain about how it was a less than optimum dynastic union, given that Isku was only a second son, and the Hammonds were already vassals, and they should have held out for a first son of a Duke.  
But the irony...
Eret shivered. His sisters would marry out of the House. Ester would join House Hammond if this was approved, as the law stated.
And Dagur’s siblings were all in the Temple. Even though they were acknowledged by Oswald as his children, they were still Ástir-born bastards, meaning that, by law, none of them could inherit in Dagur’s stead. So, for both him and Dagur, the ‘line of succession’ was a noose around their necks, strangling their love. This letter was just a reminder that nothing had changed. No, if anything, it made everything more real.
He couldn’t tell for how long he stood out there staring at the letter, his thoughts chasing around and around. But when his fingers started to turn numb from the cold, he returned back inside. “You can tell my father that I approve,” he said to the still waiting courier, who nodded and then hurried out of the tavern. Eret gazed after him, then sighed.
He was happy for Ester. Marrying for love was a rare luck, and he was glad to know that at least one of those around him would have that luck. Without his help, his eyes wandered through the crowded room, to their niche, to Dagur. Yeah, it was rare luck indeed, one he himself would never have.
With a heavy heart, Eret weaved his way back to their table, hoping to find some comfortable distraction among his friends – but paused in his steps when he finally noticed the change. Daniel and Hiccup had stopped talking about their sketch, as it seemed. In fact, they weren’t talking at all anymore, and instead laughing cordially. All in all, that wasn’t that much of an unusual sight, except that something about them seemed off.
As if–
. o O o .
With a satisfied grin, Dagur leaned back in his chair and watched the other two men laugh about the silly joke he’d just made. Yep, this was definitely more fun. Not that he begrudged Daniel and Hiccup having this common interest, not at all. But this was their last day together, so this was really not the best time for such discussions. In addition, a tavern also wasn’t the right place for it, given that who knew who might be listening in on them discussing defence plans and such.
“What in Loki’s name happened to them?”
Dagur turned at the exasperated tone in Eret’s voice, and grinned up at his disbelieving expression. “Oh, I just got tired of all the technical terms. So I… helped them to relax a bit. See things in a different light.” It sounded good in his own ears. Sophisticated.
But Eret wasn’t fooled. His eyes turned into slits, then he leaned forward and sniffed at Hiccup’s beer. The big mug was half-empty by now, but with how people outside of Southshore brewed their beer for taste and not alcohol content, that didn’t mean much. Or… usually wouldn’t mean much.
“I can’t believe it,” Eret muttered. “You–” He broke off, then hastily rounded the table to take his seat, but pulled it closer to Dagur to speak quietly. “Are you out of your mind?” he hissed. “Please tell me you didn’t lace their beers with your Gods-damned Skullcrusher.”
Attempting to look innocent, Dagur schooled his expression and reached for his own beer. “I didn’t lace their beers with my fantastic self-brewed booze,” he repeated dutifully. But Eret knew him too well, obviously wasn’t buying it, and it only took a couple of seconds before Dagur broke. “No, it’s true,” he snickered. “I didn’t lace them. It was more of a liberal swig. Very liberal. But look how good it did them.” He pointed his round chin at the two men on the other side of the table, still laughing about Odin-knows-what. “We’re here to relax, Daniel specifically. And I understand that he enjoys talking about all this theoretical stuff. But he gets enough of that. Today, he should let go. Only the Gods know when he’ll get the chance to do so again.”
Dagur knew that he was right, but Eret still didn’t seem convinced. “Maybe,” he grumbled. “But this was still not a good idea. You do realise that their alcohol tolerance is not quite as high as yours or even mine, right? Freyr, you only would have needed to wait maybe another half an hour, and the beer alone would have been enough already. Now we can only hope that Daniel won’t suffer from a hangover when he starts his journey tomorrow. And we better make sure Hiccup safely gets back to the stables and doesn’t end up in some stream.”
Okay, maybe Eret had a point. But Dagur wouldn’t let such neglectable facts deter him. “I still say it’s more fun this way. But don’t worry, my Skullcrusher doesn’t cause hangovers, it’s too good for that.” Eret snorted at the blatant lie. The drink was aptly named, after all, for all that Dagur had named it after Eret’s uncle’s horse when the poor beast had been returned from the Tribes two years ago. “And as for Hiccup; stopping by the stables to make sure he gets there isn’t even much of a detour, so that shouldn’t be a problem either. Calm down, Chippy. Relax! We’re here to forget all worries for a night, remember?”
He could practically see how the anger flowed out of his lover, though whether it was due to his reasoning or to the use of his usual nickname – short for Chipmunk, a reference to his striped chin – Dagur couldn’t tell. Maybe he would have gotten an answer to this question as Eret was about to reply, his mouth already half-way open. But he never got the chance to actually say anything as his return had apparently finally soaked into Daniel’s alcohol-laced mind and the Prince looked up at him, beaming.
“Heh, Eret! When did you come back?” he asked cheerfully. His voice was a little too loud and there was a slightly glassy shimmer in his eyes, but in Dagur’s opinion, that wasn’t cause to be worried yet. “What did your old man want that couldn’t wait?”
Eret threw him a last meaningful look, but then turned toward Daniel. “He wanted to ask my opinion,” he explained, immediately catching Dagur’s interest too. “About… well, it’s not really a secret anyway, I guess. Apparently, my sister is getting married.”
There was a tightening on Eret’s face, Dagur noticed, and, knowing where it was coming from, he wished he could reach out and squeeze his hand to offer comfort. But that would have given away too much… Sometimes, Dagur really hated having to keep secrets.
“Your sister is getting married?” Daniel and Hiccup asked almost simultaneously.
“Ester or Mirja? Wait, how old were they? Aren’t they… still toddlers, or something?” Daniel looked positively perplexed, frowning as he tried to remember. His question made Dagur snicker. With all his additional duties that had come with growing up, it obviously had been a while since Daniel had been to Eastervale.
“‘s got to be Ester,” Hiccup muttered, voice slurring heavily. “She turned seventeen a few months back. And Mirja is almost fifteen, by the way. Hardly t-toddlers anymore. So did that–” he frowned a little, “–uh... son of a baron ask her after all? Wha’ was ‘is name? Isker?”
“Isku,” Eret corrected, nodding. “And yeah, apparently he did,” he added with a grimace.
“And… that’s not good?” Daniel asked hesitantly, reacting to Eret’s tense posture. “Didn’t you say something about how you wouldn’t mind–”
“Oh, it is good,” Eret interrupted quickly. “Isku is a good man. Reliable. Digilant. Not above getting his hands dirty. And he truly cares for Ester. No, I couldn’t hope for a better man, for her and for the stud farm in Sunhill alike. It's just…’ he trailed off, eyes cast down at his hands. He took a big gulp of his beer, and didn’t even grimace even though Dagur was sure he must have noticed the Skullcrusher he’d put in there too. “It’s just… weird, I guess? It’s as if we’ve really grown up now, you know? I mean, sure, we’re knights now and all, but this…”
“Yeah, I get what you mean,” Daniel muttered as Eret trailed off. He took a swallow of his beer as well, before gesturing around from one to the other, starting with Dagur. “Heather is married, but she’s older anyway, so it’s not that strange. But now Ester marries, and… And it makes one wonder where we will end up, doesn’t it?” He laughed, a little shakily, then shook his head. “I mean, could you imagine getting married anytime soon?”
Next to him, Eret chuckled and shook his head, and Dagur was quick to follow. No, he couldn't imagine it, didn’t want to imagine it. There was only one person he wanted to spend his life with, but it could never be. Having to actively fight glancing at Eret, he turned his head into the opposite direction – and halted when his eyes landed on Hiccup instead.
A bemused expression crossed his face. He wasn't sure what kind of reaction he'd expected to Daniel's question from the boy. No, Hiccup wasn't a boy, Dagur reminded himself. He was just as old as he and Eret, and it was just his slighter build and serving demeanour with the underlying humour that made him seem younger. But that wasn't the point.
Dagur cocked his head. Hiccup's eyes had an undeniable glassy gleam in them, the alcohol clearly affecting him more than Dagur had anticipated. But what really drew his attention was the fact that Hiccup was grinning like an idiot. His lips were stretched, teeth showing a little, and his eyes were unseeingly cast to the table between them. There was an absent-minded and dreamy look in them that somehow fit to the way his left hand rubbed a spot at his chest.
“Hah,” Dagur laughed out loud. “Maybe you can’t imagine that, but it looks like there’s someone here who can.” Both Eret and Daniel looked at him in surprise, then turned toward Hiccup when Dagur nodded at him.
“Uh... what?” Hiccup muttered. When he looked up at them all staring at him, he had an undeniably caught look on his face, yet the dreamy grin was still there somehow.
“Hiccup?” Daniel asked, disbelievingly. “Don’t tell me, you–”
“Oh, don’t dare to deny it,” Dagur interrupted Daniel gleefully. He propped himself up on his elbows and leaned over the table to look at Hiccup more intently. “That look on your face just now said it all.”
Hiccup made an unintelligible noise somewhere between a whine and a groan as he looked from one to the other.
Dagur grinned. “So? Tell us everything about her. Who is she? I guess it’s a ‘she’? I want to know everything!”
Hiccup, having finished looking around the three of them for rescue and finding none, let his shoulders slump. But then a shy but dreamy smile once more spread across his face. Again, his left hand reached for his chest, and this time it looked as if he was toying with something beneath his tunic. A charm maybe? Glancing at Hiccup’s neck, Dagur noticed a leather cord peeking out at the hem, one he was relatively certain hadn’t been there before. So he actually already wore a token of his love? Oh, this should be interesting.
“You’re right,” Hiccup eventually muttered, not meeting anyone’s eyes. “There is someone, and she’s…” he trailed off, shrugging helplessly.
The show was highly amusing to Dagur, but Daniel seemed more confused. “I thought… Didn’t you say something about never having been in love like that not so long ago?”
The smile on Hiccup’s face grew a little sheepish now as he looked up at Daniel. “Was the truth back then,” he affirmed. “But… So many things happened since then, and–”
“No humming and hawing now, Hiccup,” Dagur probed further. “We want all the details.”
When Hiccup turned his attention toward Dagur, there was a bright spark of excitement in his dazed eyes. He’d apparently made a decision, and it seemed as if he’d only waited for an opportunity like this, because once Hiccup started to talk there seemed to be no end. “She’s amazing!” he began. “I only met her after we got here, but it already feels as if we’ve known each other forever. She’s so beautiful, her eyes gleaming as bright as the sky, and her hair… her soft skin, and those sweet lips. I could spend all day kissing her. But she’s so much more than just beautiful, also kind and funny, witty and smart, strong and brave. So brave…” he trailed off for a moment, his eyes gazing into the distance as he kept playing with the charm beneath his tunic. “And I love her. Gods, I do. I love her so much.”
A fond grin played around Dagur’s lips as he listened to Hiccup’s outburst. When he and Eret had found him all those months ago in that roadside tavern, he’d been wrecked. There was no gentle way to put it, really. He’d been shattered and broken, both physically and mentally, more dead than alive. Later, during the weeks Dagur had met him in Eastervale and during this last week here at the capitol, he’d seemed better, healthier, but still so calm and cool, detached. But this now? This was undeniably a new spark of life, and Dagur was happy to see him like this.
He glanced at Eret, knowing that his lover cared deeply for his cousin and that he had been worried about Hiccup’s welfare too. It surprised him then when, instead of a fond smile, he saw a tense frown on Eret’s face. Was he still thinking about Ester and her marriage? He wanted to give Eret a nudge, maybe a questioning look, something subtle, but before he could actually do so, Daniel drew his attention again.
“That sounds great, Hic,” he said, placing a hand on Hiccup’s shoulder. “Honestly, I’m happy for you. Surprised you didn’t say anything before though.” Hiccup shuffled a bit, mumbling incoherently, but Daniel didn’t seem to notice. “So I was wrong after all... Are you really thinking about marriage already, even with how short a time you know each other?”
At that, Hiccup laughed, a little giddily. “Yes,” he gasped with a measure of confidence that surprised even Dagur. “Yes, I am. I want to marry her. And I will marry her one day. She’s the one for me, I know it.”
“So she feels the same?”
Hiccup turned to look at Daniel again, a sincere expression on his face now that only barely got dulled by his obvious state of drunkenness. “Amazingly, she does.”
Daniel nodded. For a moment, Dagur thought he noticed a rueful, almost sad expression crossing his face, but it was gone before he could be sure, replaced by an honest smile. “Then you shouldn’t wait. You never know what the future brings; you should go and ask her father for her hand right away. If you’re sure then there’s no point in waiting.”
“It’s… not that easy,” Hiccup muttered, his shoulders slumping. “First, I… I have to convince her father of my worth. And her brother, too…” The last words were barely more than a whisper, and Dagur wasn’t quite sure whether he’d understood them right.
“Oh, but why wouldn’t they?” Daniel went on cheerfully. “You’re a good man, Hiccup, and if they fail to see that then they’re stupid. If you think you need time then so be it. But know that I’ll be supporting you if that helps.”
Hiccup was quiet for a minute, and just stared at Daniel. “Thank you,” he eventually breathed, the gleam in his eyes almost looking like a hint of a tear. “That… that really means a lot to me!”
“Anytime,” Daniel grinned back. “That’s what friends are for, right?”
“Very true,” Eret chimed in, and lifted his mug. “To friends who stand up for each other. Which reminds me, I haven’t heard much from Snot in a while. Do you know what he’s up to lately? Last I heard was that his crush on Swanja’s maidservant got thoroughly destroyed by his father. The poor man. But seriously, what did he expect? As if Uncle Spite would let him marry a servant.”
“Also true,” Daniel laughed. “But to be fair, Rachel had already done a lot of destroying that crush by that time. No idea what her type is, but it certainly wasn’t Snot. Besides, from what I heard, he’s already well over her anyway.”
Grinning to himself, Dagur leaned back in his chair. Maybe Eret had been right and adding Skullcrusher to this party had been a little over the top, but he didn’t feel like it was doing much damage either. The atmosphere was definitely more to his liking now. He took another gulp of his own beer, by far the strongest mix on this table, then joined the others as they discussed Snot’s latest exploits. Yep, this was certainly more fun.
 . o O o .
*hides under rocks and enjoys the company there*
Here’s a reminder that there won't be a new chapter next week. However, there might be another bonus, possibly uploaded separately. Keep your eyes open :)
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