#everything about it is so so so so funny ok he starts CHUGGING his drink then he FREEZES then stumbles through an answer
andoutofharm · 1 year
frank gets asked about mcr and visibly contemplates if it would be socially acceptable for him to just leave the call
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
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OK guys, I have a confession to make today: I am a dudebro. The tech geniuses in my Elon Musk discord sent me here to infiltrate Tumblr. I chug a Toxic Rick energy drink every morning even though it makes my bones rattle and spiders crawl at the edges of my vision. I go to Birdrick threads on Reddit, comment "is rick gay," get two downvotes and leave. Every day, I pray that Rick will say "I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right" in the show so that I can point at the shirt that I'm wearing with the same phrase on it and say "Haha, it's official now! You to want hear me say it out loud? Huh? You want me to throw that badassery right in your face? Fuck up my McDonald's order one more time, and it's coming at you!" Do it, Rick. Do it for me.
I've jacked it to Rick a few times, but I only did that because it was funny. In fact, it was funnier than everything in seasons 4-6 combined. I think that Rick and Morty has been the worst shit on TV since season three, but I haven't stopped watching it. Instead, I watch every new episode and make rage-fueled videos in my $1,000 gaming chair. This week's topic: Rick and Morty has gone woke. What was up with that joke in season five about the cops being racist? The cops aren't racist! They kill ALL races equally, Jesus Christ.
Anyway, back to Birdrick: I KNOW that Birdrick is platonic because I tell my male friends that I love them all the time. That's not romantic. In fact, I say it while looking directly into their eyes, thinking about all the great times that we had together, thinking that they should leave their bitch of a girlfriend because I know more about Rick and Morty than she ever will. I think about how hilarious it would be if we went on a long vacation and shared a hammock and watched the sun set, the light glittering on the waves as insects start to hum in the grass. Haha, it's all a joke, bro.
Once, I was DJing in a club and trying to figure out how to play Kanye West's entire discography at once when a guy handed me an acid tab with Morty's screaming face on it. I flew off into outer space and floated around until Rick picked me up in his ship. We made out for a while so that he could teach me how to make out with all the hot alien babies on Neptune. Of course, I already know how to make out with babes because I kissed a chick wearing a Rick and Morty hoodie once. She was clearly shit at it because I didn't enjoy it, and I should have known better because girls, queers and Tumblrinas don't actually like Rick and Morty. They just pretend to like it because they want male attention.
Oh, I'm sorry--CIS male attention. Is that woke enough for you? And by the way, libsharts: Rick is a CIS MALE. I would know because he runs around naked in every other episode, and I made a compilation of every scene for hard evidence. Cry about it all you want, but you're not going to win this debate. No one's looked at Rick Sanchez naked more than me!
Anyhoo, Rick called out the woke crowd in the season one classic "Raising Gazorpazorp," which brilliantly deconstructs feminazi bullshit, especially Rick's speech at the end. Something about Rick's voice really sells it. Something about the way it's so gravely but familiar at the same time, like rain hitting a tin roof while we're sipping iced tea on the porch. Do you ever feel like you're only going out with girls because all your bros are doing it?
HAHA uh, Birdrick is a sack of puke and just the thought of it makes me shit rage diarrhea. (Uh oh, was that too CRUDE for the purity police? Well, get used to it, because I have to.) If I ever see a Bird Person cosplayer on the streets of LA, I'm going to hit him with my Tesla, killing him instantly. I'm hoping that it might explode a little bit for maximum damage. In fact, I'm just going to program my Tesla to hit every pedestrian that resembles a human-sized bird. It's in Elon Musk's genius hands now!
So what the fuck has happened to Rick and Morty? That show was great before they hired women writers. I'm pretty sure that they hired a bunch of queers, too, because only a gay man would come up with that suit and tie he wore in season six. He looked way too good in that outfit. Which one of you homos designed that shit? Jesus Christ, get out of the writers' room and let the straight men take control again. If I ever win a giveaway or something and get to visit the studio, I better be surrounded by men!
Season one was just winner after winner and winner. We need to get back to the original show--the REAL show--where Rick was a cool-headed and rational scientist instead of the weeping "wah wah I'm so sad morty" baby we're stuck with now. I would know because I'm basically the real-life Rick. I say what I want, when I want. Don't like it? Too bad. You just don't want to hear the truth. Rick Sanchez walked so that white men with beards could run...to their Teslas and run over Bird Person cosplayers, killing them instantly.
And Rick USED to tell the truth. Love is a chemical reaction, nothing means anything, existence is pain, marriage is bullshit (ESPECIALLY when you're married to a female), everyone's too politically correct now, it's stupid that we can't call stuff "retarded," "PICKLE RICK!!!!!", focus on science, girls are too sensitive about everything. Wubba lubba dub dub! Shit, what does that mean again? I'm so used to saying that at parties when someone hands me a Rick and Morty bong and I just smoke whatever's in it because that's what Rick would do. I think I smoked oregano a couple of weeks ago. My nostrils have been burning ever since, but I'm sure it's fine. Nothing can kill a man who pounds Toxic Rick energy drinks!
Haha, wouldn't it be funny if I left the last two words off that last sentence? That would be the funniest shit ever. I'm crying with laughter!
People didn't understand Dan Harmon's genius when they whined about the show, and it apparently made him so depressed that he gave up and surrendered to the woke crowd. Christ, I hate the Internet. I only get on here to check Reddit, scroll through Elon Musk's Twitter feed and see if Dan Harmon updated his Instagram. He reminds me of Rick a lot. They're both geniuses, but the major difference with Dan Harmon is that he's got that scraggly beard. It's probably scratchy when you make out with him. I took a bunch of molly at a party once and kissed a guy who looked like a lumberjack because I thought he was a lady lumberjack, and his beard was pretty scratchy. I said "Wow, that's what kissing Dan Harmon is like!" And he said "Want to go back to my place?" And I said "Fuck no, you're not ACTUALLY Dan Harmon." LOL!!!!!!!
Remember when I mentioned McDonald's at the start? I've been in Mickey D's this whole time, and if you're wondering how I had time to type this, it's because the 16-year-old fucktards behind the counter don't know what they're doing. (And yes, I'm getting McNuggets! Haha! #szechaunsauce) Rick wouldn't put up with this shit. Not only is he a badass, but he's got badass friends all over the galaxy who would back him up. I had a dream a month ago where Rick was hanging out with these buff guys that were probably his personal bodyguards. Some weird stuff happened, and when I told my therapist about it, she said "It sounds like you had a dream about Rick having sex with a group of men," and I said "No, I didn't," and she said "You just loudly and audibly said that you had a dream about Rick having sex with a group of men," and I said "Haha, I was manipulating you! I'm a master manipulator like Rick! It was a social experiment! What made you think about gay sex anyway? If I said 'And then Rick got gangbanged by a bunch of dudes' and you immediately thought 'Wow, it sounds like you had a gay sex dream,' that's on you, honey! Hear me? THAT'S ON YOU!!!'"
So, uh...
Let's close this off with a classic: Wubba lubba dub dub! Haha. Anyway, since you Tumblrites love analyzing every frame of every episode because it makes you feel like you "get it" (spoiler alert: you don't), why is this GIF so hypnotic? I've been watching it for twenty minutes and can't figure it out.
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Lord have mercy.
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the-fandom-qu33n · 11 months
Chapter 2____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
Shrugging off the firemonster's very noticeable resentment, red had relaxed into his seat chugging down the first bottle of mustard without a care in the world.
Grillby crackled in rage before sighing returning to cleaning an already clean and steam polished glass...anything to distract himself from the rage educing skeleton before him...
A curious frazzled y/n sitting on the floor of the breakroom confused on what had just happened and why it had...
And a bar filled with monsters who just didn't give a fuck.
Did...he just throw her into the break room?
he has  never done something like that before...
His flames had crackled loudly and burned brightly giving off small sparks into the air  almost as if he was scared...Grillby scared?? that isn't normal.
Sighing to yourself you got up
 dusting your clothes off singeing any dust on you with a quick *POOF*
looking through the doors crack 
you perked up seeing a new monster talking with Grillby. He looked interesting to put it simply... a ragged looking monster... you hadn't seen this species before!
flickering in intrigue and turning into a slightly lighter hue  you continued to watch the exchange unable to hear a single word behind the door,  but happy non the less to watch...to see something new.He had smiled to Grillby so he must be friendly! 
its strange to you...you had never seen him before..
living in Snowdin your whole life and not once seeing this monster was odd...maybe he was from  Hotland? Was it a new species? are they new to Snowdin? how did Grillby and the others around seem to know them and you didn't? so many questions unanswered as they ran through your head as fast as your flames flickered.
sighing in yet even more confusion you sat down at a proper seat on the breakroom table going back to your tablet.
""Questions were always better to hold down till they faded away...""
you muttered trying to clear your head enough to focus on your tablet but not a single word from your book was able to be processed as the questions kept resurfacing in your mind...
maybe Grillby was right questions lead to problems and you didn't want a problem
 ...he said any question held in would be forgotten eventually.
if so then...why wasn't it working??
the bar was silent as he strode in
 winking to a monsters smirking when one giggled in response...
ah he loved this place...good drinks sexy monsters and good quality music.but today wasn't any more special than it always had been years ago...the same days repeating every timeline...the human would fall in a few days and he wanted to be completely wasted until that dreadful day came...again.to everyone he was as he always was...a monster not to mess with and he was ok with that....less monsters to deal with the better...he didn't tolerate much...not anymore...if the timeline resets the same as everything ever has been he doesn't have to get close to anyone...they'll all forget about how he treated them in the long run...like they always did. But that was fine ..less effort to be put out on his part...he always liked doing the bare minimum...a new way to be lazier?  how could he say no to that ?
Grillby greeted him the same as everyday with a loving scowl...ah how nice.Grillby's hatred for him always made his grin sharper and his ego inflate just a slight bit more...it was always funny watching the fire monster swirl and flicker in annoyance to every single thing he did...
...it was entertainment  
 and it was damn good entertainment.
Grillby really needed to get this monster out of his bar and quickly...he could practically feel your curiosity seeping out from behind the door he held shut.
But the damned monster seemed to know he was in a hurry and took his sweet time still nursing on the first bottle of mustard he had given him while side glancing to him as he seemingly grinner wider slowing down even more. this fucker was teasing him...eye twitching he kept his composure. 
and to top it all off monsters around the bar were starting to rile up at his presence alone...
Everyone in the underground hated this skeleton...even his brother seemed to...
if this dead beat wasn't related to the captain of the royal guard he was sure this bastard would have been long dusted...
if only papyrus had fallen in ranks in for a short period of time...but papyrus WAS a powerful boss monster...Grillby had respect for the tall skeleton however.
 He held his own and sadly held Red's to...
why he wondered...why did papyrus let this...leach of a monster cling to him?why let the weak hide in the shadow of your power?
The underground was designed to weed out the weak.
Why fight what was natural??
 he had never once seen red in an intense battle...it was always petty squables.....like Childs play...nothing like the real underground...and this bastard knew he was lucky.. flaunting his bony ass to the REAL boss monsters knowing no matter how much he pushed them...because of papyrus, they could do nothing to him without getting dusted themselves.
It was either a swift dusting by the law...or Papyrus getting to you first...and if he did...there was no doubt your dusting would be slow and meticulous.
Grillby shuddered at the thoughts of the past events Papyrus had done to other patrons...infront of him no less thankfully never when y/n was here.. 
From dismemberment..to suffocation..to beheadings even as ruthless as slow electrocution
 and so much else...he couldn't even stomach to try to remember making his flames crackle and swirl in a sick manner
all of it......all leading to dust ...in his poor bar...
and red KNEW he couldn't be touched.
oh how much he hated this monster...
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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ivyglow · 3 years
Mine | Anthony Beauvillier
A/n: this idea came after we had a very sexy- I mean- Angry* Anthony pushing Sidney Crosby. Barbie and some anons send the good energy and so althought it took me forever here it is *cheers*. A huge thank you for @barbienoturbby​ for sending me some specific ideas (sharpies, choking etc hehehe), putting up w my random messages in the middle of the night or being a insecure bitch, ILY BARBIE! Huge shout out to @sebs-aston​ for proofreading this so fast *you’re amazing, liv!*.  PS. More than ever I’m gonna need your feedback because I’m an insecure bitch and this is my first time writing smut (freddie was thigh riding, I don’t consider it too much). So please just lmk if you like it or hate it <3 
Word count: 4k
Warnings: smut, mention of chocke, spitting, oral -female receiving- and all those dirty stuff. 
Summary: after getting angry on the ice, you decide to make Anthony angry in bed too. 
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You knew Tito was a dom in bed as soon as you met him: he helped you to sit and to get up on your first date, and he led you to your car with his hand on your lower back. One month into getting to know each other, you were planning a gathering with his friends and he was the one to assign everyone with a task. Some days he would use fewer words and stick with hand gestures or eye contact to tell you what he wanted or what he was silently saying. 
So when you two had sex for the first time and he was on top, you were not surprised, you also weren’t surprised when he asked how would you feel about hair pulling, choking, and tying. And, well, you’d never tried any of this, so you were honest with him, knowing that honesty was the key to make things work. He promised to go slow, and he watched you intently while he did everything just to make sure you were comfortable. You can still remember how it felt when he first stretched you, how your heel went to his back to accommodate his waist better, how this movement gave him the perfect angle to go all the way until the end. 
You also remember the hickeys he left on your skin, mostly on places where your clothes could hide, but some you knew he purposely made for people to see. And people saw, indeed and also heard. He got a noise complaint twice because his old bed would scratch and bang on the wall, and that wouldn’t be a huge problem if it was anyone else, but it was Anthony, a hockey player, at that point -your boyfriend-, and he had the stamina to go for hours. A chug of water, maybe a fruit snack, and less than twenty minutes later he was ready to go again - or he would use these twenty minutes to get you off with his mouth and fingers. So the noise complaint was very much expected. 
Now six months into the relationship, this wasn’t a problem anymore. Tito bought a new bed, and even talked with a friend about the possibility of getting soundproof walls. That’s why you were drinking your water and eating one of his energy bars while watching the game. The dynamic after games was usually very sexual, it didn’t matter if he was on the road or at home, you would find a way to get off, either phone sex or spicy pics. He never left you to your own hands. 
The Isles were playing against the Penguins and you knew he was pissed off because of their losing streak against that team. That made him angry with some specifics players too. When he got home last night, you just cuddled together and went to sleep, he was tired and fuming because of their loss, and he probably heard a handful by his coach. Because of those losses, you knew he was going to skate his way around the ice tonight more than ever, and, especially, that he was angry. 
You were laying on his couch when the game started, the Isles skating around the ice in a way you would have bet was a premonition for another loss, but ten minutes in things started to go differently, and that was the exact moment when you sat and gripped Beau’s shirt before an amazing shot hit the Pens’ net. They kept the rhythm on for the next two periods, although they were pretty much stressful- a handful of times you caught yourself holding your breath or cursing. The last two were also a stage for your boyfriend’s anger. He was pissed in a way you’d never seen before on the ice, and when Sidney Crosby pushed Pulock, Tito had had enough and shoved the opposition’s player on the ice. Torn between finding it hot or funny, you chose the latter letting out a loud laugh. Yet, when another exchange of pushes happened between the Pens’ superstar and Beau you sure felt the heat taking up space inside your body and you shifted on the couch. There was another goal and the game kept on providing stress and anxiety for the fans, but you were stuck on the scene your boyfriend had just put up. 
He was usually like this in bed, but not that much on the ice, and seeing that happening outside the four walls left you with a lingering warmth inside your body, and not the cute warmth you usually felt when he cooked for you or told you how much he loved you. But the warmth you got whenever he bent you on the kitchen counter or held your hand tight while going down on you. 
It was past midnight when you heard the door open and close, the soft click making your heart beat faster. He was home. You heard the thud of his bag on the floor and his steps bringing his scent closer to the living room where you were sitting on the couch wearing only his jersey and his favorite lace.
“Hey you, winner,” your voice echoed in the dimly lit apartment and you could see his lips curling in a small smile.
“Hey, babe,” his lips found yours on a quick peck and you looked up for more contact, but Anthony was already walking to the kitchen. 
“Are you ok?” you asked, barefoot padding the floor until you reached the stool.
Your boyfriend was already busy cutting some bananas in a bowl, “Yeah, just a little stressed with the game and hungry,” he answered.
“But you won,” you stated in confusion. 
His eyes scanned you for a second before going back to his task. The silence was everything you needed to know: he really was not in the mood for long talks after the episode, but you were a woman on a mission and you knew exactly what to do to get Anthony riddled up. 
“You guys had a great game…” you began, cautious with your words and actions, hands reaching for a banana on the fruit bowl. “How was playing against Sidney Crosby?”
You saw how his eyebrows raised slightly before pouring honey on his bowl and whipping his fingers with his tongue. You knew the action wasn’t supposed to be filthy, yet you’ve been dating him long enough to know that he knew every action of his could be seen as sexual at some point. 
“It was normal, he’s a normal hockey player like any of us,” his tone is nonchalant. 
You suppress a grin, “he’s not like any of you, he’s Sidney Crosby. Just last night he reached his thousandth game,” Tito’s now chewing on his fruit and you can see how the motion seems tighter after your words, still you keep going, “he’s like a superstar! I would love to meet him any of these days…” you trail off busying yourself on biting the banana you just peeled off. His eyes trained on how your lips wrap around the piece of fruit, your tongue purposely darting out. Your boyfriend chooses silence again and you huff rolling your eyes. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” he queries, eyes on his bowl, jaw still clenched tight while biting another piece of his fruit. You dart your eyes in another direction while biting your banana again, this time without so much care on giving him a hard time. “I asked you a question, y/n,” his tone was sharp and his voice low. You shake your head. 
He grabs his water bottle before chugging half of the content, “Cat got your tongue? I swear I just saw you poking it out while eating that banana to provoke me,” he tauntingly  gives you a defiant look. 
Anthony motions for you to come to him and you follow his orders willingly, eager to finally have your way with him. You’re within arm’s reach when he tugs you closer, making you stumble in the middle of his big thighs. In a blink of an eye, you feel the sting on your butt cheeks, his big hands finding it again one more time before grabbing your chin. “You can’t even wait for your man to eat,” it’s a low grunt and he seems more annoyed with your playful smile, and you see the perfect opportunity to tease him a little bit more, “You could eat something else, there’s nothing stopping you…” 
With that Anthony seems to lose his judgment before swinging your body on top of the counter, “you’re being such a brat tonight” his hands grab your butt squeezing it hard, “that’s not how you get the things you want” 
“No? Then why are you about to fuck me?” you mock him knowing damn right that this would only make him go harder on you. 
“Crisse,” (holy shit) his French accent makes your pussy throb. You loved when he talked in French to you.
His big hand pushes you back in a swift motion, the same hand spreads your legs for him, and it’s only a second before you’re fully laying on the counter. Still wearing only a lace thong and his jersey, you know the former is about to be ripped out of you. Anthony drags his fingers from the bottom of your belly to your breasts before gifting you a devilish smirk as soon as he notices you’re not wearing a bra. 
“You think Sidney Crosby is the superstar, but you know damn well I’m gonna be the reason why you’re seeing stars tonight,” he whispers before sitting on the stool and kissing up to your thighs. His lips are sticky from the honey and because they’re cold it sends chills running through your warm body. You stretch your arms to reach his hair and he hums grabbing your wrists harshly, “no hair pulling for you tonight,” his murmurs hit your skin and you let out a small whine. 
In order to play with your sensations, you see him taking a long gulp of his cold water. You know it will make his mouth colder and slicker, and you know he’s only doing it because he’s planning to spend a long time between your legs.
And that he does.
You sigh when his lips finally reach your pussy, the shock it causes is good and you can’t help but close your thighs in an attempt to bring him where you are really yearning for his lips. Nevertheless, that’s not what he has planned for you, and he drags his mouth between your pussy lips long before finally wrapping his lips on your clit and humming in pleasure. 
“Oh fuck,” you let out a whine when his fingers reach for your nipple and twist it hard. His wet tongue flickered on your clit and he dived in deeper, making you feel all of him, from his stubble that was starting to grow to his full lips, you could feel it all.
“Anthony,” you try to form a sentence in the exact moment he pushs one finger inside of you, but your voice comes out as a prayer. A plea for more. 
You were a sinner for him.
“You taste so good,” it’s a pleasure mumble and it comes just before his palm strikes your butt cheeks in a firm slap. “I could spend days here, bébé” 
“Anthony,” you try again and this time he laughs with his lips still wrapped around your clit. The vibrations send shivers through your whole body, your toes curl and you try to reach for his hair again before his hand holds both of your wrists. 
You’re close and he knows it because he adds another finger and curls it. It’s a ‘come here’ motion and from another dimension, you were almost able to hear him whisper the same words in French. 
“Give it to me,” he demands, and you do as said just as another finger hits your right spot. For some seconds the kitchen’s ceiling turns black with dots and your vision goes blurry. Toes curling, the pitch on your belly button finally making its way out just like the curses and moans that leave your mouth. Most of them being his name and how good he makes you feel. 
You’re not even done with your high when his big hands grab your ankles bringing your body to the edge of the counter and making you sit. “Open your mouth,” he demands. 
You moan, eyes rolling back from pleasure, “put your tongue out for me, má chérie,” his hands, now holding your jaw, tighten around you. There’s a whimper of bliss and you part your lips wide bringing your tongue out just like demanded before he spits on your mouth. 
“See how good you taste?!” Anthony hums and you swallow it before poking your tongue out again and licking from his glistering chin to his lips. The action fuels a passionate kiss and it’s seconds before your weak legs wrap themselves around his waist bringing him closer. Your core finds the bulge on his pants and you whimper feeling aroused again. 
Your boyfriend is fast to grasp the underside of your thighs bringing your body close to his before making his way towards the bedroom. You take your time licking and kissing his neck and jaw until your body hits the mattress and he’s unbuckling his belt.
“Take it off” he commands, unbuttoning his dress shirt. You’re fast to obey taking off the jersey you’re wearing, now you’re fully naked in front of him. 
“Hands,” you put both of your wrists together and he fastens his belt around it tight. 
From the way his eyebrows were slightly up to his lips parted, you knew he was about to give you another orgasm, you knew that he wasn’t done and he wouldn’t be any time soon. 
“Do we have a safe word tonight, bébé?” his full lips find your jaw and neck and he nibbles on your ear before sucking harshly on your neck again. 
His purpose is to mark you, not only where people can see, but also where they can’t. Just like your waist is being held with such fierceness, you know it’ll leave prints there. You hum a yes dropping your head to the side so he can have more access to your skin, “use your words, you know I need to hear you say it,” he whispers now bringing his mouth to your nipples and biting it lightly. You whimper, “our safe word is blue.” 
“Perfect,” you can feel his smile on your skin and when you reach for his hair with your hands tied, he pushes them up. His strong arm swings on top of your belly and he takes his time on your breasts before making his way lower. There’s a pitch bubbling on your belly again just with the idea of it and he gives you mischievous grim kissing and licking your thighs. 
“Beau,” you whine already feeling your legs weakening again.
“I told you I was hungry, you were the one who suggested the meal,” the funny remark is accompanied by a flicker of his tongue on your cunt. “Now I’ll only stop when I’m satisfied.” 
You curse closing your hands and trying to bring your waist up. He shakes his head, “huh huh, that’s a bad girl attitude,” he spits on your pussy and you moan loud, “and you know exactly what we do to bad girls in this house, don’t you?” 
You nod and he chuckles.
“I know, sir.” 
“Now, there’s my good girl,” he praises finding your clit and holding it carefully between his teeth, “now give it to me just like you suggested,” he murmurs before diving on your pussy, his tongue gentle and slow, in contrast with his solid arm pinning you to the bed and his rough behavior. 
It would be a long ride and you would feel every step taken, because each one would bring you closer to the inevitable. You felt urgency though; you wanted him to fuck your brains out already. But Anthony took his time, and you knew he was being good because he let you cum in the kitchen even after you provoked him. When his point finger entered you, your eyes couldn’t focus and you knew you were closer, yet instead of giving you a release, your boyfriend took his kisses to your thighs grinning at you one more time. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he speaks under his breath, eyes trained on your pussy. Yet you don’t feel ashamed, because it’s Anthony, and he knows you like the back of his hands, he knows what to do to make you comfortable and he knows how to make you feel good. He would praise and love your body rightly, so you let him. You spread your legs wider and gave him a lopsided smile. 
“Please,” you plead again that night; however, he follows your request this time. 
Anthony dives in again, licking and spitting, flickering his tongue and using his fingers. Giving you what he got and what he knows you like. Your body is fast to answer, your waist trying to go higher to find his mouth, your toes curling, your head shooting back and your eyes rolling. 
He got you there. Fast.
And he made sure to ride you out of you high, this tongue not the least careful with your sensitive bud, while cleaning you up he kept licking it lightly. Full lips brushing it with dedication. 
“Now I want you on all fours,” there’s a dirty smile on his glistering lips and you hold back another moan with the image of Anthony sitting between your legs, face glowing with your cum, “allos y,” (c’mon). You turn your body, holding your hands before supporting your head on the pillows, ass up for him.
There’s the noise of a slap and the sting on your butt cheeks, right before a soft kiss is placed on top of the surely red mark. His hands roam around your body and you shiver when he grabs your hair. “Crisse, tu as l'air si chaud,” (holy shit, you look so hot) Anthony slaps you booty again and finally slips his finger at your entrance feeling your wetness pool around. You’re already ready for him again and he seems pleased with the realization. So pleased it doesn’t take long for him to slip inside of you hitting just the right spot. Your body shots upward and he holds you by your waist keeping your butt bent. 
“Anthony,” you moan loudly when he starts moving ruthlessly inside of you. There’s something hot about how his body is being aggressive and you are taking it all, how his hips are almost knocking your body down, “right - fucking - there,” you whine and he keeps going, this time grabbing your hair and making your body lean towards him. 
“Whose name are you screaming tonight, bébé?” he mumbles bending his own body on top of yours without completely letting go of the position. 
“Yours,” your answer between groans. 
“Let me hear you” 
And you do.
You say his name out loud and clear, and you’re almost sure the neighbors are going to hear it. Yet you do it again and again while the sound of your voice is mixed with the noise of his skin hitting your skin and his feral grunts. He’s big and hard inside you and every time he goes out to get inside again you can feel your pussy stretching out to accommodate him. 
“Beau,” you moan and he chuckles leaning his body down to kiss your back. You see from the corner of your eyes when he finds the black marker on the top of your drawer, you can almost see his head working on ideas, and then he’s grabbing the sharpie you were using to write on your sticky notes earlier today. 
His body is straight up again and his movements are now slower, as he unclasps the marker and you feel its cold material hit your skin. There’s a long up and then down movement, you’re almost sure it’s an M, and then there’s a harsh line of an I, you can hear his grunts louder and he stops himself for a second before shooting his body towards yours again. The sharpie finds your skin again, this time to draw an N, you knew he was doing it big, not only for his eyes, but for you to feel and to know exactly what it was as he wrote the last letter, an E. 
You roll your eyes when he closes and throws the sharpie somewhere in the room before leaving another one of his blows on your butt cheeks. Anthony swings his arm around your torso bringing you up to him, your back hitting his solid chest, “you’re mine,” and that’s what it takes for you to come undone on his still hard cock. Your whole body trembles and your vision goes blurry again, there are tears in your eyes, and this time your moans turn into screams of satisfaction. 
He keeps fucking you through your high and you curse dropping your head back on his shoulder. His hand sneaks in front of your body to touch your sensitive clit, and you hold it sinking your nails on his skin. “Oh fuck,” he grunts drawing his finger deeper. You’re not sure if your body can’t take so much pleasure.
“Let me ride you,” it’s a prayer, a plea, a cry, and you can feel his lips on your neck before your bodies are turned and you’re on top taking him deeper, touching new spots. 
“That’s it, bébé,” he praises you and you roll your hips using your last energies. His hands find their way to your thighs and his short nails dig on your skin bringing you impossibly closer. There’s a deep grunt from him and a small whine from you. It’s hard for your eyes to focus, and you use your body to pin his down and your tied hands find his neck before squeezing it. His hips shot up under you and you scream, tightening your grip on him and squeezing his dick inside of you. 
You can feel another knot on the pitch of your belly, but this time it feels different to recognize this new sensation. That’s when you notice the wetness under you dripping onto his cock to his belly button and in the bed. 
“Fuck,” he moans, “Oh shit, you’re squirting,” his big hands go to your back and he keeps shooting his hips up to meet your pussy, “that’s it, bébé, give it to me once more,” and you’re squeezing him one last time before giving both of you a mind-blowing orgasm. Your body tumbles on top of his and this time things go pitch black instead of blurry. You can still feel his hot body under you and his rapid heartbeat, but your body is fluttering and there’s nothing in front of you. There’s only his body. There’s only your boyfriend existing under you with his cock still deep inside of you. 
It’s seconds before his caresses on your back become some kind of poking, “y/n?” 
“Huh?” you mumble, your voice raspy. He chuckles.
“Fuck, you passed out,” he sounds proud and you giggle. 
“That was the best sex we’ve ever had,” you confess without finding the strength to move your hands and caress him back, but Anthony keeps the tip of his fingers moving softly around your body, “I think I should talk more about Sidney Crosby, huh?” you joke and his hips shot upward making you moan Anthony’s name. Although he just came, he’s still hard and deep inside your soaked pussy.
“What were you saying?” he questions with a smug grin. “I think you were saying something about a certain player, Sidney Crosby maybe?” 
You arch your eyebrows, “who’s Sidney Crosby? I only know Anthony Beauvillier,” and he laughs at your answer before kissing your lips softly. You know there’s gonna be a time for water and a fruit snack later and then he’s going again, because he’s never done until you’re completely wrecked, the only name able to escape your lips being his. 
Taglist: @smit41 @mybrokenshitthoughts @linasobsessions @hoiyheadharpies @barbienoturbby @barzysandmarnersbitch​ @elitebarzal​ @fallinallincurls​ @starswin​ @sortagaysortahigh​​ If you wanna be added to my taglist you can send my your user in here
If you want to read more of my works here’s my masterlist and if you want to support my writing hit the reblog and like button <3 feel free to send me a pm or an ask telling me what you thought about this piece!
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)  Part 2
Marinette sacrifices Adrien and then steals his alter ego.
With the help of the staff Marinette is directed to the room she will be sharing with Chloe and Kagami. It was meant to be two to a room, but yada yada Lila yada yada medical condition yada yada tears= Lila gets her own room.
“Marinette,” Kagami spots her first, rising from the couch.
“Mari!” Chloe vaults over the couch and hug tackles her, Marinette barely moves an inch, “You should have heard all the shit Lila was saying on the way here, you’d think it be enough she got the class to leave you behind!”
“Perhaps it’s best if you do not,” Kagami pulls Chloe off her, “You didn’t answer your phone,”
“Well lucky for you housekeeping dropped this by earlier,” Chloe hands her a box, inside filled with essential items, tooth brush, hair brush, even a pair of pyjamas, along with a note
‘Courtesy of the Waynes, for Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng’
“Must be a generic package,” She had shrugged off the bellhops earlier saying her bags were lost.
“Well since you don’t have to unpack, help me with this,” Chloe leads her over to their kitchen that might actually be bigger than her houses.
On the counter beauty products are lined up along with random ingredients.
“We’re making face masks!”
“Correction, Chloe is making face masks,” Kagami scolds, “I argued that sleep would be more effective,”
“And yet you didn’t go to sleep,” Chloe teases, mashing up avocado.
“Well not without you,” Kagami smirks, making Chloe blush, but it’s not like her to back down.
“Awe, you’d wait for me~” Chloe relishes in the blush dusting Kagami's cheeks.
Marinette dry heaves, wondering how long they were going to keep pretending to flirt like this, each too stubborn to back down. They have been doing this more and more recently, great that they were more comfortable around each other but…
“How about we go to bed,” Marinette disturbs their challenging stares.
“Not without Kagami,”
“I already used that one,”
“I never said we’d use the bed for sleeping~”
“Hey!” Her exclamation doesn't get them to drop their staring contest, “Do either of you know what room Adrien is in?”
“End of the hall,” They both answer, not looking at her.
“Great,” Marinette hastily grabs her bag and the box, she could get ready in Adrien's room, away from the weirdness.
She practically runs down the hall, ignoring her Kwami’s snickering.
“Mari!” Adrien throws the door open for her, “Did everything go ok, you didn’t answer your phone, you look upset,”
“Sorted everything out with security no problems, Phones dead, Bag stolen,” She plops down on the couch next to Nino, “Chlo and Kags are driving me crazy,”
“How long have you been back?” She looks down at her watch.
“Three minutes,”
“Are they doing that thing again?” Adrien, Kwami bless him hands her a mug of coffee.
“Yep,” She takes a sip from the mug, she retracts that blessing “Betrayal! This isn’t coffee!”
“It’s hot chocolate,” Adrien is in the kitchen fixing another mug, “You need to go to bed, and coffee will keep you up,”
No she needed to go on patrol, and a coffee is vital to her surviving it.
“What’s up with Chloe and Kagami?” Nino takes off his headphones.
“They started teasing each other by jokingly flirting but their both too stubborn to back down," Marinette sighs, downing half the mug of hot chocolate so she can get herself a damn coffee, "So they get uncomfortable then we get uncomfortable and its overall very uncomfortable,”
“I think it’s kind of funny,” Adrien sits down next to her, mug in hand.
“It would be if they both weren’t horrible at flirting,” She steals the mug away from him taking a sip.
That is not coffee, that is sugar disguised as a liquid
“That’s the funny part,” Adrien smiles as she hands back the mug,
“Touche Agreste, Touche,”
“If you wanted you could sleep in my room,” Nino offers, oh so innocently.
“Thank’s Nino, but I would rather Alya not kill me,”
“Nah dude, I was going to stay with Alya anyway Madame Bustier wont mind,” Yeah their teacher really should learn not to trust teenagers, "So you can have my room,”
“Nino you are a godsent,”
Nino cleans up his few thrown about items and bids them adieu. Marinette was glad they could still talk, maybe they were even still friends. When you have the devil in one ear and her loyal sidekick in the other it is actually kind of impressive they still have a friendly relationship.
“So how’s your day been?” Marinette gathers up the strength to start a conversation after making her own coffee, and her mouth was only very burnt from chugging a hot drink.
“Good, Chloe took us to a supermarket, I brought a bunch of american snacks!”
Indeed he had, Marinette watches in mild horror as he plops bags full of junk food in front of her.
“I didn’t realise we were feeding an army,” Adrien starts rooting through the bags, “If a super villain comes after you because you brought all their favourite snacks in Gotham I’m not protecting you,”
“I’d just share with them,” Adrien hums, chomping down on a chocolate bar.
“... Yeah that could work,” Dear Kwami I have to protect this sunshine child,  “Maybe,”
“Oi, don’t eat too much, I don't want to have to re tailor your outfit for the runway,” She teases, regretting it immediately as Adrien's shoulders sag.
“Adri I’m kidding,”  She places a hand on his shoulder smiling gently, “I already made the measurements a bit bigger so you’re good.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best?”
“Not enough you haven't,” Marinette huffs in mock offence, “Now eat,”
She shoves the chocolate bag in his face, getting it all over his cheek. They both start laughing as Adrien tries to get his revenge. They end up falling off the couch, Marinette on top of him. Adrien is blushing a bright red, Marinette just grins and shoves the chocolate in his face before getting up.
She could almost laugh at how her younger self would react to that. It wasn't as if she didn’t like Adrien, well maybe not in that way anymore, she honestly hadn't put that much thought into it lately. Things just got busy she supposed, Akumas got harder, then she became the guardian, she started her fashion career. Actually her fashion career might be at fault.
Gabriel had started lending Adrien to model for her more and more. The man stepping further and further back from the fashion world, or the world in general, over the years for whatever the reason. At first she had been a blushing mess around Adrien, not directing him properly and making her work suffer for it. Overtime she had learnt how to handle it, getting less flustered every time they worked together. Now that she thought about it, when she had revealed her identity as MDC Adrien didn’t seem surprised; maybe her work attitude had bled into her regular life well before then.
Marinette is washing the chocolate off when a knock sounds at the door. Neither feel like walking to it so shout out ‘come in’. That turned out to be a mistake as Lila bursts into the room. How were they supposed to know Lila would actually knock?!
“Marinette you slut!” Lila all but screeches.
“Lila, you don’t have an audience and neither of us believe you,” Marinette comes out of the bathroom, already bored of the conversation she really needed to go, Lila and Marinette both.
“Well just wait, tomorrow the whole class is going to know what you did,” Lila gets up in her face, so close she can smell her perfume.
No not Lila's perfume her perfume.
“Right, sorry to say but there’s worse rumours than sleeping with a supermodel,” Marinette tries to edge her way around Lila, good excuse as any to dip out for patrol.
“Not if I say you forced him,” Lila looks way to self satisfied for what she is implying
I think the fuck not
“Nah,” Adrien shrugs, getting Lila’s ire turned on him, a noble sacrifice indeed.
“Nah?” Lila looks livid, “What do you mean Nah !”
“I’d just say I wanted to,” Adrien stays calm with Lila's face inches from him, Marinette gives him the thumbs up as she edges closer to the door, Adrien nods back.
She loved this version of the high road
“After all Marinette's super pretty and talented,” Adrien gushes, Marinette grins at the face Lila must be making, “Honestly your lie is so unbelievable, why would she ever go for someone like me?”
Marinette closes the door on Lila’s cursing response, saying a quick word of praise for Adrien's bravery and sacrifice.
At least he gets to see Lila’s reaction when she realises I’m gone
Marinette uses a back door of the hotel to get to the street, not wanting the staff to stop her and warn about the dangers. She skips along looking for a good place to change. The city was actually kind of beautiful at night, she feels drawn to it in a strange way.
“Marinette!” Tikki looks out from her scarf, “You forgot the Miracle box,”
“Shoot!” She looks back to the hotel, a few blocks away from it by now, “It’ll be fine Tikki I leave it at home all the time,”
“You’re not at home right now,” Tikki looks worried, those are her friends after all, “It’s a guardians duty-”
Marinette tries not to groan, she really does.
“I know Tikki, I know,” She looks over the buildings surrounding her, feeling a deep itch to see Gotham from the rooftops “But can’t I just be myself for once, not the guardian?”
“You are the guardian,” Tikki insists, before sighing, “Which means you can make your own decisions regarding the miracle box,”
“Thank you Tikki,” She hugs the little Kwami, “I promise to be back super quick, I just have to stop one bad guy, an eye witness account of Starling so I don’t just appear randomly, I won’t even need to go on patrol again after this,”
“Alright Marinette, I trust you,” Tikki nuzzles her cheek, easing Marinette's conscience.
With that she ducks out of sight to get changed. Her costume is pretty simple really. All she had to do was pull her infinity scarf up, discrete holes allowing her to see. She turns her skirt inside out to a black side, with white, purple, and blue detailing to stick to her Starling namesake. The skirt pulls over her shoulders, a zip down the middle allowing her more movement, and a zip to form a secret hood.
Ready to go she climbs up to the roof, super strength and speed making roof hopping easier. She supposed if someone looked too hard they would be able to piece together pieces of her costume but her ‘cape’ hides the detailing of her shirt. Besides if she has her way she won’t have to use this identity ever again, but she rarely has her way.
About ten minutes into her search through Gotham she spots a broken window. Not notable except that the lights are on. She lowers herself onto the fire escape and sure enough someone is being held at gunpoint.
“Excuse me,” Both people jump, spinning to look at Starling casual sitting on the broken glass on the window sill, “You seem to have a very rude house guest on your hands,”
“Who the hell are you!?” The burglar turns their gun on her.
“Just a stray passing through,” She gives a bright smile, and a very Chat like bow, “Starling at your service… milady,”
If I’m going Chat I might as go full Chat Noir, hope he doesn't file a lawsuit against me
“Ummm,” The woman looks very confused, but not as confused as the burglar.
“Would you like me to remove him from your home?”
“Ah… yes?”
With another smile Starling makes her move. In the split second it takes the burglar to register her offer she's standing in front of him. The gun moves a second too late as she ceases his arm, her strength being as good as handcuffs. She hits a pressure point her Aunt taught her to make him drop the gun, kicking it away. Pinning the man's arm behind his back she spins him around, zip tying his hands.
“What the fuck!!”
“That’s no kind of language,” Starling reprimands, pushing him towards the window, “Now apologise,”
“What?! No way fuck you!” Starling grins, hooking a bungee cord to his shirt.
“Alright then, bye!” She pushes him out the window.
His screaming doesn't stop even when she watches as he bounces back up, dangling out the window. She grins.
Ladybug would never get away with that
Tying the other end of the cord to a post, she double checks to make sure everything is secure before turning back to the victim.
“So sorry about the rude intrusion milady,” She bows again, in jest, “Have you contacted the police?”
“Yeah… what are you?”
“A Starling bird,” Starling spins, showing off her cape, the patterning placed to resemble wings, “I though the name would be a dead give away,”
“Yeah, but what are you? A Bat? Vigilante?”
“Vigilante yes, Bat not so much,” Starling can see as she looks more cautious after that, “Just happened to be passing through Gotham when I saw you in need of assistance,”
“Right... ok then...” She sits down, letting herself slump over the couch, “Ugh, this has been a terrible day,”
“How so?” Starling eyes up the kitchen, “Besides from mister bungee jump out there,”
“I was almost out of work this afternoon when a new rumour about the Wayne's blew up,” Starling nods along, turning the oven on and picking out ingredients.
“I work in the PR department at Wayne tower, do you have any idea how hard that is?!” Starling shakes her head finding a bowl but no measuring cups, she could just estimate.
“They have new bruises everyday,” Starling does look up to that, very concerned, “Don’t worry it’s not abuse or anything, they really are just dumbasses,”
Starling snickers a little bit at that, pouring in ingredients like second nature.
“I once asked mister Drake why he had a giant bruise on his forehead, he told me he passed out at his desk and just slammed into it!” Starling does laugh at that one, “Like?! How am I supposed to tell people that without sullying the Wayne name?”
“I think its funny,” She did clearly not agree, Starling changes the subject as she starts mixing “What was the problem today?”
“Nothin much really someone took pictures of mister Drake talking and giving a ride to some girl with black hair and blue eyes, and now everyone thinks she’s a Wayne,”
“That’s all it takes?” She starts placing the cookie dough on the baking tray, “Maybe I should apply?”
“Nah, you’d sooner be Batman's kid than Bruce Wayne's,” She cracks the first smile Starling has seen so far, “He’s got the same amount of kids, if not more,”
“Maybe they should share custody?” Starling puts the cookies in the oven, “Double the number each,”
“Yeah, how about no?” She smiles more, which is good, “I can’t imagine having to explain away the bruises the Bat kids get,”
Starling smiles, the sound of sirens now drawing close.
“I guess that's my cue to leave Milady,” Starling jumps up onto the window sill, the burglar still shouting below, “Take the cookies out in fifteen minutes,”
“Hey,” Starling looks back, “Thank you,”
“No problem,” Starling sends a dazzling smile, “Good night, Milady,”
Taglist (guess I’m doing these now, please let me know if theres any issues):
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda
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(Lyric free vers.)
Mammon x gn!MC
Words - 1800ish
Content warnings - light angst, lots of cuddles and comfort
Prompt/inspiration - anon request, based on “Emotional” by Diana DeGarmo
Summary - After a terrible day at RAD, you hide out in your room while Mammon tries to figure out what’s wrong.
NOTE - My husband reads all my stories, and as soon as he finished this one he immediately told me the pacing was bad because of the lyrics. Which, man, harsh 😭. But that’s what he’s there for - to give me feedback even if I might not want to hear it. So here’s a second copy of the same story, just with the lyrics removed. ☺️ You can find the original version here.
Today had been a long day. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but for whatever reason, anytime someone so much as looked at you funny, you felt like crying. The voices in your head whispering to you that they were watching you, judging you.
Mammon had tried on several occasions to pull you aside, but you successfully managed to slip away each time. Normally you were so grateful for his company, but today you just knew that if he asked you if you were okay you were going to lose it.
And you absolutely did not want to lose it in the middle of RAD.
You flopped onto your bed, now in the safety of your room, curling up on yourself and pulling your comforter around you. Finally you were able to let out all the stress that had been holding onto. And just as you started to cry, a loud KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on your door shocked you back to your senses.
“Hey, open up! You’ve been avoidin’ me all day.”
It was Mammon.
Not even taking a moment to think about what you actually wanted, you snapped at him.
As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. Your tone was sharper than you had intended, but not only that, you didn’t really want him to leave. Part of you wanted him to wrap you up in one of his hugs and just hold you while you fell to pieces in his arms. However, you learned a long time ago that only babies cried. If you were strong, you wouldn’t cry so much. That crying was a burden on and an annoyance to everyone around you.
The silence that followed made your heart break. You couldn’t tell if you were more sad at the idea that you had hurt Mammon’s feelings or more hurt that he seemed to have just left you without even trying to figure out what’s wrong. If he cared, surely he would have been more persistent, right? And you knew that was a ridiculous thing to think, manipulative even, but you couldn’t help those feelings that coiled around your heart.
Resolving to spending the evening alone, you laid back down, curling up as small as possible once again. As your thoughts wandered, and your tears fell, you slowly started to drift off to sleep. You didn’t notice when your bedroom door opened. You didn’t notice the smell of hot chocolate wafting into your room. And you didn’t notice the dip in your mattress as someone climbed in beside you.
In fact, it wasn’t until you felt an arm slip around your waist and a kiss on the exposed skin of your neck that you finally started to become aware of what was going on around you.
“Hey,” Mammon whispered as he settled down in your bed, spooning you from behind.
Your breath hitched, and you felt your body stiffen involuntarily. Why was he here? Had he seen your face? Did he know you had been crying? Tears silently slipped down your face again as you started to panic internally. What was he going to say when he realized?
“I ain’t goin’ anywhere until ya tell me what’s wrong.”
“I...umm…” you wanted to answer him. Make an excuse. Offer some sort of rational explanation for why you were hiding in your room and had been avoiding him all day. Something told you just saying “there’s something in my eye” wasn’t going to fool him.
“Tch, always gotta be so difficult,” Mammon said. You felt his arms release you as he sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. If you thought you had been anxious before when he was laying beside you, it was nothing compared to the feeling of him leaving, with the words “difficult” echoing in your ears.
“Here. Sit up.”
But before your thoughts got to turn too dark, Mammon was sitting beside you again. Poking you with his elbow as he nudged you in the back. So surprised were you to find that he was still there and hadn’t left, you turned around immediately to look at him.
Despite his dark skin tone, you could tell he was blushing, and even if you couldn’t, his refusal to look at you would have been more than enough to confirm that he was feeling embarrassed. Your gaze slowly traveled downward until it landed on the tray he was holding in his outstretched hands.
“What’s this?” you asked, puzzled at why Mammon was offering you a mug of hot chocolate, and what appeared to be...cookies…? Only they were slightly burnt, and you weren’t sure you recognized the ingredients he had added in lieu of chocolate chips.
“What’s it look like? I had some extra and thought you might want some. But if ya don’t appreciate it…”
Not wanting to discourage Mammon, you quickly sat up, wiping whatever tears remained on your face away, and took the tray from him.
He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye as you studied his gift, smirking at your response.
Once you were situated with your back against your headboard, you placed the tray in your lap and Mammon sat down beside you. He grabbed his mug of hot chocolate, taking a sip as he waited for your reaction. He was pretty impressed with the results of his baking skills, and was certain the treats would put a smile on your face.
You reached for one of the cookies, a soft smile playing on your lips as you took a bite.
“So? How was it? Good right?”
When you didn’t answer, Mammon gave you another nudge with his arm.
Without a word, you returned the cookie to your plate, picking up the cup of hot chocolate instead, taking a deep gulp in an attempt to cleanse your palate.
“Mammon...honey...that was awful…” you looked at him over the rim of your mug, taking another deep swallow. At least the hot chocolate was delicious.
“Whattya talkin’ about?! They’re perfect!” Mammon replied, quick to shove what remained of your first cookie into his mouth. You continued to watch him while sipping on your beverage, slowly now that the initial foul aftertaste seemed to have been gone.
You tried your best to hide the smile that was threatening to spread over your whole face as Mammon froze mid bite, glancing at the plate of cookies, then at you, then back to the cookies, before finally chugging down what remained of his own mug of hot chocolate, desperate to rid his mouth of every last crumb.
When his mug emptied, you offered him your own, laughing at his reaction.
“Shaddup,” he snapped, eagerly taking the cup from you and polishing off its contents. But he wasn’t mad. Not at all. He was relieved and overjoyed to see you smiling again, interacting with him and no longer pushing him away.
When he finished what remained of your drink, he took the tray from you, sitting it on the floor beside your bed, before turning back to you and wrapping you up in a tight hug. Now much more relaxed than you had been, you wrapped your arms around his waist, returning the gesture and burying your face in his chest.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
“It's fine. Don’t worry about it,” he reassured you, “Are ya gonna tell me what happened now?”
You nodded against him, tightening your arms around him as you clung to him.
“I just...I don’t know...had a bad day, I guess. Everything made me just want to cry. And I know it’s ridiculous. I’m an adult. I should…”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“With cryin’. What’s wrong with that? Ain’t ya the one that told me it was ok to let it all out?” Mammon had leaned back now, resting against your headboard, pulling you up against himself as he began to rub your back, pressing an occasional kiss to your forehead.
“I...uh...well, I just...I’ve always been told I cry too much. I’m too emotional. Like little things that wouldn’t bother anyone, upset me. And I didn’t want to annoy you...so I…”
“Dummy. I dunno know why you’d think I’d feel that way. You never act like that with me.”
Mammon gave you a reassuring squeeze, and yet another kiss to the top of your head. All you could do in response was hold him tighter, pulling your legs up so that you were practically sitting in his lap by now.
You weren’t sure why it hadn’t occurred to you before. You honestly never saw the connection. And if you stopped and thought about it, Mammon had easily cried more times in front of you since you had arrived in the Devildom than you had cried at all (in public or private) during your stay.
You always reassured him, and comforted him. You never laughed at him, or thought for one second that he was a burden for opening up to you. In fact, you never felt more loved than when he would let you see that sensitive, emotional, side to himself because you knew how much it meant that he trusted you.
Why did you ever think he wouldn’t treat you with the same love and care you had always shown him?
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izzabeean · 3 years
Chapter 9 : Anticipation
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Ushijima makes an appearance at your group outing, and you try to ignore his presence. But, of course, it’s easier said than done in this case.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 3,344
content : profanity, mild violence, depiction of injuries
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
a/n : Is the world so small that Y/N keeps running into Ushijima? Perhaps in this story, yes. This week has been a bit slow creatively for me, I don't feel my writing is the strongest in this chapter. But here we are, things are heating up and I'm happy to provide.
Post Thursday evenings PST, if not latest by Friday.
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Everything feels so surreal as you lock eyes with Ushijima from across the table. He doesn’t smile or say anything, he just looks at you with his empty gaze like this is the first time meeting. Ever. Your heartbeat starts to thump faster conjuring up a lump in your throat that cannot be swallowed. Your breathing is shallow and your hands start to sweat as you dig your nails into your legs.
Why didn’t you turn around when your instincts told you to?
Why did you talk yourself into thinking this was a good idea?
However, for some reason, here you are. The sequence of events leading up to this point doesn’t make any sense. Even when you were dating, you wouldn’t run into him this much, so why now? Why all these dumb coincidences? There’s no room for you to heal when you keep seeing him like this.
“Hi,” you squeal, temporarily incapacitated by the confused looks from your other groupmates.
But your high pitch voice produces shockwaves through Oikawa’s system as you quickly introduce him and Iwaizumi to which Sara introduces Ushijima to all three of you. Then it becomes apparent that Ushijima hasn't said anything to Sara about you.
It’s sublime how quickly you push down the devastation bubbling at the surface and you wonder how it is even possible for you to force a smile in Sara’s direction. Clearing your throat you take a seat. Ushijima has stopped staring now and takes a swig of the chilled beer sitting in front of him. Your mouth feels dry from the nerves that are trying to drag your spirits down. If you were going to survive this torture, you’re most definitely not going to be sober. Grabbing the waiter's attention, you order yourself a beer as you feel yourself on the brink of a heart attack.
“You ok?” Oikawa mumbles knowing well that turning to your least favorite drink is a bad sign. It’s very clear to him this evening isn't going to go very well, seeing as you are already on edge from Ushijima’s surprise appearance.
“Mhm,” you hum shooting him a smile. “I’m fine. Totally chill.”
“You know, we can leave,” Oikawa whispers. “You’re not obligated to be here.”
And let him win? you think. I don’t think so.
“No, I’m fine,” you lie, biting your lip. It’s no time for you to concede, you just gotta ride this one out, show him how much better you’re doing without him. It’s the only thing to get back at him for everything so grossly unforgivable that he’s done.
The waiter returns with your drink placing it down in front of you. Nothing has looked so relieving and thirst-quenching before; the cold and crisp-looking glass filled to the top of light amber liquid with a dollop of airy foam. You pick it up and throw it back, chugging the heavy and sour alcohol. Then you think, maybe you shouldn’t have done that as you strike the glass down on the table. Licking your lips, you notice the startled looks everyone gives you at your uncharacteristic action.
“Should we order food,” Sara interrupts the weird tension which segues everyone back to talking amongst themselves.
Your stomach starts to swirl as you’ve come to realize that drinking that beer was probably the worst thing you could do while it’s empty. But as you study the menu, nothing seems to scream appetizing. Not when you can see in your peripheral Ushijima and Sara sharing a menu while discussing what they want to order. It makes you sick.
The restaurant is loud, but your thoughts are louder as you sit there wondering if anyone else can hear them. It hurts to see him here in front of you beside her. She most definitely doesn’t know about your history with Ushijima just by the way she’s acting around him. Sara doesn’t seem maniacal enough to do something so disrespectful to someone she barely knows. For god's sake, she invited you here. Why would she want you here if she knew? To rub it in that she’s Ushijima’s girlfriend. Doubtful.
Maybe Oikawa was right all along about Ushijima not being how you perceived him to be. Maybe, just maybe you honestly, you were blinded the entire time. And now you were finally seeing him for who he truly is.
You were scared to admit it. That if you did, your year together means nothing when it still meant so much to you. But in this case, actions speak louder than words and most definitely Ushijima’s actions are very clear.
“I'm going to step out for a smoke. Do you need some fresh air?” Iwaizumi asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh,” you reply looking at Oikawa sitting beside you who's chatting with one of your group members. "No, I better not."
"Alright, I'll be right back," he says sliding out of his seat.
You try to hide your face behind the menu so no one talks to you and your plan almost succeeded except for the open opportunity it gave Sara to sit beside you. Your face pales as she leans in to rasp, "I'm glad you could make it."
"Yeah," you exclaim a bit put off by how close she is.
"I honestly thought you weren't going to show."
It's hard for you to not flash a bitter smile, but you force yourself to continue the conversation, "It took some convincing but bringing Oikawa and Iwaizumi helped."
The silence stretches between the two of you as Oikawa's laugh fills the air. You take a glimpse at him, noticing one of your group members flirting with him. You roll your eyes while looking back at Sara who is enthralled in his aura.
"He seems really nice,” she compliments. "How long have you two been together?"
"Hmm?" It takes you a moment to realize what she’s asking as you realize she's subtly gesturing to Oikawa. And when it clicks you are filled with laughter. “Oh my god, did you just say that out loud?”
The thought of you and Oikawa remotely appearing to look more than friends from an external perspective makes you nearly piss yourself.
"Oh, I just thought, you'd both make a cute couple," she corrects herself with puzzlement written across her face.
When you realize she’s being serious, you pause. “No, we’ve just been friends for a while.”
"Oooh," Sara taunts giving you a very mischievous look. "You know that saying, love is friendship set on fire."
"It's not like that," you nervously chuckle at her comment.
"Alright, I won't pry," she jokes. "But seriously, I'm happy you're here!"
She gets up from her seat and walks back over to sit next to Ushijima. Your feelings are honestly a bit mixed from that conversation. You really wanted to hate her, but she just seemed so genuine.
You’re a couple more drinks in and feel a bit of a buzz as Sara goes into grave detail as to why she transferred to the university now . But you can’t force yourself to listen. Your attention shifts to Ushijima smiling softly at the way Sara bubbles with warmth. It’s funny to think that someone else can make him smile like that besides you because you know how hard it is to do so. But it seems so effortless for Sara.
The memory of meeting Ushijima for the first time flashes in your head. To the time in the library where he reaches over your head to grab the book, you were trying to get on the top shelf. Now you can barely remember as the image of Sara takes your place to retrieve the book from Ushijima's hands. She's the new you.
You know you're overanalyzing every single movement Ushijima makes. From where his eyes linger to where his hands are placed, you cannot stop looking as you stay in suspense to what he will do next. You’re close to being consumed by the sudden urge to lash out or cry. It feels like he’s trying to push your buttons as he leans over toward Sara. You're waiting for him to kiss her. Waiting for it to break you. And it makes you sick.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your knee and turn to Iwaizumi who is looking down at you with a soft gaze. It’s odd but you somehow feel this tension between the two of you. You should have known better in that moment, but your mind feels a bit hazy from feeling vulnerable and also the alcohol.
“Is everything ok?”
You feel anticipation fill your chest and you swallow thickly seeing as this is the closest you’ve ever been to him. You look at his hand for a moment, at his long fingers gently grip the top of your knee. You immediately remind yourself of his words the other day, wondering if he intended to friendzone you like that.
You nod, smiling.
“Let me know when you want to leave,” Iwaizumi whispers squeezing your leg.
His face dips down slightly and you don’t know why you do it and don’t know how you had the courage to. But you’re so caught up in your internal frustrations, you don’t think before you act. You lean in closer to Iwaizumi and plant a kiss on his cheek uttering a thank you.
As you pull back, his eyes widen. It takes you a second to process exactly what you’ve done.
“Um, sorry,” you say to Iwaizumi, you need to get out of there before you die of embarrassment. Quickly you excuse yourself from the table as you rush to the bathroom and you can still feel Iwaizumi watching you.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
But you find the bathrooms have a long line up and turn a corner as you burst through a door to outside. The cool air hits you making it much easier to breathe. Finally, you’re by yourself. Screaming wouldn’t even be able to help you let out the confusion you feel. This was definitely something you didn’t want to have happened. But here you are regretting your capacity to understand a situation. Honestly, you were definitely feeling vulnerable. This entire evening you were caught off guard and something it makes you do weird things.
“Can we talk?
Turning around, you see Ushijima standing in front of you. He gazes down at you with his unreadable stare that makes you want to cry.
“No,” you say a little unnerved walking away from him. But you’re stopped by him grabbing your wrist, the same wrist the creep outside the club grabbed you with. Still a bit bruised and weak from his grip. You let out a yelp, “Let go of me!”
“Just let me explain,” he begs.
But you’re not listening as you try to wiggle your wrist away-- it’s not a tight hold, but it’s enough that it still hurts.
“Please, let me go,” you express firmly.
He stares at you for a moment and with a deep breath exhales letting go.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you yell, grabbing your wrist. “Moved on already, what the fuck is your problem?”
“It’s not--”
“No, let me finish. You’ve already done enough. I can’t believe you. You could’ve just told me you found someone else, instead, I see you with her all cute and cuddly and now I have to fucking work with her? This is such a--”
But as you’re about to continue your rant, you’re interrupted by a voice.
“What’s going on here?” Oikawa asks, noticing Ushijima standing before you. He studies your face filled with rage while you’re clutching your wrist. “Did you hurt her?”
“What?” Ushijima replies confused.
Then Oikawa’s eyes turn dark, a look you’ve never seen before. And you never imagined what comes next. He grabs a fist full of Ushijima’s shirt pulling him close enough that they were inches apart, barely touching noses. You had to stop them before it went too far but you couldn’t move your body.
“After all you’ve been through this is how you treat her?” Oikawa yells.
“You don’t even know the whole story,” Ushijima booms, forcibly removing Oikawa’s grip from his shirt causing Oikawa to make an aching face.
“I know enough to see that you’re a complete dick. But we both know, I’ve known that from the start,” Oikawa hisses. His eyes are fixed on Ushijima shooting him a scowl while your hand is clasped to your shirt.
“Stop it,” you say, but they both ignore you.
“I think you need to get your facts straight,” Ushijima says staying calm and collected while Oikawa explodes with rage.
“Why don't act more like a man,” Oikawa protests.
Then time moves so quick you couldn’t even see Oikawa raise his fist to hit Ushijima square in the face. Because not even seconds after Ushijima retaliates. You rush over forcing yourself between the two men before a fight breaks, pushing your hands against their chest yelling at them to stop. Ushijima is the first to back away as Oikawa stays resistant trying to push by you. But you take both your hands and press them against him as Ushijima exits back into the restaurant.
"Why are you trying to protect him?" Oikawa cries. You look up at Oikawa whose face is glistening in the moonlight as his cheek starts to swell. His dark eyes lock on you as yours start to glaze over.
"Are you stupid? He could've really hurt you," you wail, trying to hide the fact you're physically shaking.
And he sees it.
"Don't ever do that again," you barked.
Then he gives you his signature shit-eating grin, a look that is nowhere near appropriate from just getting punched in the face.
“Told you he’s a dick,” he smirks, walking towards the front of the restaurant. “Let’s go home.”
“What about Iwaizumi?”
“He’ll take care of things,” Oikawa mutters. “He’ll meet us at home. Let’s go before that blockhead comes back out.”
Oikawa called a cab to get back to his apartment, you felt a bit bad for leaving Iwaizumi behind. Especially since you kissed him then left.
Things seemed to grow incredibly awkward between you and Oikawa as he sat in the bathroom cleaning the cut on his cheek from Ushijima’s punch. You weren’t really sure what Oikawa was thinking, but you didn’t really want to ask.  As you gently press the cotton pad to his cheek, he squints his eyes while the burning sensation shocks him and exhales sharply through his nose.
“Sorry,” you mumble and he immediately forgives you with a smile.
He tries to pin his eyes to something that can distract the sting, but instead focuses his attention on the feel of your fingers against his skin. You’ve never been this close before and he wonders if you can hear how fast his heart is beating.
He’s thankful for your patience with him. Most certainly did he think you were going to be pissed, but your reaction was far from what he expected as you kept silent for most of the trip home and even patching him up. Oikawa looks at you to see your frown had deepened. “Are you mad? You look mad.”
You scoff. “No, I’m just tired.” You’re caught off guard by his uncharacteristic concern and almost recoil with the question.
Oikawa sighs, “Your face is screwed up like you’re mad.”
“Tōru,” you scolded, crossing your arm across your chest. You choke on your words before answering, “I’m tired, not mad.”
Oikawa holds his breath and continues to look at you as you continue to make that sullen look. He doesn’t believe you. The sight of you with defeat in your expression makes his heart break. He notices your bruised wrist, still purple and blue, and imagines it probably hurts after Ushijima grabbed it. Then he wonders if he could have done something better to help you in that situation. Even that night back at the club still haunts him. If only he’d answered his phone when you needed him the most then maybe things would be different than now. He can’t stand it. He can't stand that Iwaizumi was there to help you instead. And he's not stupid, he knows you like Iwaizumi. He wasn't blind when he saw you kiss him at the restaurant. Oikawa didn’t know why, but something stirred him that he never realized before and it became very unsettling.
You lay the gauze over the wound and tape it down.
“How’s your hand?” you mumble, checking if the ice pack he’s holding to his fist has subsided any bruising your swelling. The bruising was already darker by the time you got to his apartment and it definitely terrified you.
“It’s fine,” he replies.
At this point, you’ve turned away and started to clean up. There isn’t a lot of blood, but enough to make shivers go down your spine as the image of Ushijima’s fist colliding with Oikawa’s face flashes through your head.
You feel your breathing heave as you try to collect yourself from breaking down in front of Oikawa. But something stops you. Instead of your usual hiding, you feel yourself let go and come undone. One small tear rolls down your cheek.
And then another. And then another. And then another. Until you can’t urge yourself to stop them anymore.
Oikawa freezes as he hears you sniffling. This time you don’t hide behind your wide smile. This time you’re actually crying and honestly he doesn’t know what to do. His intention wasn’t to make you cry, he wanted to protect you. And now he feels guilty for even putting you in this position.
“I’m sorry,” you pant, your voice broken by stifled breaths. “It’s all my fault you got hurt. I should’ve never gone to that stupid dinner.”
There’s this nagging feeling in his head pleading to comfort you. To hug you, to tell you it’s not your fault. His consciousness is screaming at him to do something to help as he watched you come undone in front of him. But why is he so afraid to?
“You were right, you’ve always been right,” you continue. “I’m so so sorry Tōru.”
You pause wiping the tears away that tracked down your face feeling awkward from exposing your vulnerable side to Oikawa. Tearing your eyes away from the first aid kit, you turn to look at Oikawa. There’s pity written all over his face. Your hands curl into fists.
It’s painfully tense as Oikawa attempts to muster up the courage to stand up to comfort you. He doesn’t want to regret his decision but he still hesitates, considering you’re now gazing at him.
“I-- I just,” you stutter, partially because you want to fill the awkward silence someway, and partially because you’re worried you’ve scared him. “I was scared…”
You stare at him.
He stares back.
Your heart feels like it’s in throbbing pain under Oikawa’s gaze.
His stomach clenches as you revert to silence.
Suddenly you hear the front door unlock and Iwaizumi call out that he's arrived. You feel your face burn up as you revert eye contact and lean on the counter to see Iwaizumi in the doorway of the bathroom.
“What the fuck happened,” he yells, visibly unamused that you both ditched him at a restaurant with people he didn’t know. You look at him with glazed eyes unable to utter a single word then that’s when he notices Oikawa’s appearance. “Shit.”
Oikawa’s face turns in a smirk. “You should have seen the other guy.”
“I did!” He protests. “Not even a scratch compared to you. You’re fucking stupid.”
"He hurt Y/N," Oikawa protest.
Iwaizumi's eyes widened looking towards you.
"He didn't hurt me," you reassure. "He just grabbed my bruised wrist."
Iwaizumi sighs, shaking his head. "You have to stop running off like that."
Oikawa watches the intimate interaction of indescribable energy or chemistry that lingers in the air between the two of you. He didn’t like it. Not even one bit.
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olivetreehugger · 3 years
SnK Scouts/Veterans as Health Care Workers
Note: features Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin and Hange. A part two to my “SnK Warriors as HCWs” post found here. warning: mentions of blood, trauma, gore (it’s healthcare). Also, I know Hange is nb, I headcanon them as female, so I will be using she/her pronouns. 
Eren: this boy is definitely too involved in everything and has too many people depending on him at once to not be a nurse. The kid barely passed the NCLEX but that didn’t stop him from applying to every trauma center within a 25 mile radius of him. He got hired as a night shift trauma ICU nurse  and he frequently picks up shifts in the ER. He wears the cheapest scrubs he can find, often stained with ink in the pockets area. He isn’t a shitty nurse per se but there are tasks that still need to be done at the end of his shift and he gives a crappy report that’s missing too many details. Nurses hate picking up his patients, it’s always a mess. His charting is really spotty and he gets called into the manager’s office all the time to fix it. 
Still, he tries really hard to improve his time management and skills. He wants to be like his friends Mikasa and Reiner, who are the best nurses he knows. He wants to be involved in the traumatic cases and emergencies because he wants to learn as much as he possibly can. He’s really good at wound care, for some reason (hint hint). He’s kinda cocky sometimes too, which can be troublesome when Dr. Galliard is working. People know to steer clear of those two when they’re both  in the ER. Also, Eren always has a black cloud around him; whenever he works it’s gonna be a hella busy day in the hospital. Lots of emergency surgeries, intubations, codes and deaths. He’ll always jump in to help you if your patient is crashing, though, no matter how busy he is. 
Mikasa: she’s a prodigy. She was a straight ‘A’ student in nursing school, got a perfect 75 on the NCLEX and was immediately hired to the trauma ICU after doing a short internship there. She worked night shift for a year but her sleep schedule was so so fucked she started having night terrors, so she switched to day shift. Eren still calls her a traitor for it :/. She keeps trying to get him to switch over but he just hisses at her and threatens to chug a case of Monster energy drinks. She hasn’t given upon him yet, though.
This girl’s work ethic is beyond measure. She comes in exactly at 6:30 am, looks up her patients, takes report, gives a great update to the doctors when they round, and provides impeccable care to her patients. She knows exactly which treatments the doctors will order before they even speak. She’s incredible at inserting IVs--everyone in the hospital knows Mikasa Ackerman can put an 18g in a 90  yr old lady’s arm AND get blood return (just trust me, it’s flipping impossible). She has great skill when it comes to emergency situations and is a big believer in team work. If she notices your patient’s crashing and you don’t know what to do, she’ll calmly coach you and save your patient, too. All before lunch time. 
It doesn’t take Mikasa long to be promoted to charge nurse. When she’s in charge all the reports, paperwork and audits are completed before shift change. She divides the patient assignments really well and is very fair to the new grads. All around she’s an incredible nurse and leader on her unit, but don’t be fooled. If it’s been a rough day, Mikasa will get in her car and sob so loud her throat goes raw. A lot of people depend on her and working in a trauma ICU is really, really demanding. A lot of patients are demanding, rude and busy. She has a lot of trouble with stress management and is thinking of cutting her hours down so she can catch a break. Someone please hug her <3
Armin: for some reason my brain is just SCREAMING respiratory therapist. Like, I imagine this beautiful blond boy in gray scrubs (the color for RT’s in my hospital) going around helping intubate patients, giving nebulizer treatments and doing blood gases. I can just see him huffing and puffing when the attending doctor is overzealous about weaning vent support. -“Why are we changing the patient to pressure support? do you see how tachypneic he is on volume control?”
-“are you gonna put in the order? if not, your patient’s gonna be on PRVC all day, I’m not changing it without an order”
-“Doc, the patient looks like crap and their blood gas looks like death...oh, you still wanna extubate? ok, well I’m gonna leave the ventilator in here just in case. better yet, let me call a pastor in here, too.”
This kid is sassy af and he knows it. He’s smart af too, knows everything there is to know about the lungs and respiratory care. Knows every ventilator mode better than most doctors. Will certainly tell a resident off for ordering the wrong type of inhaler for a patient. He’s so damn intelligent that he even made the ice queen Annie melt like a popsicle. 
 He has no chill when it comes to his patients and even less chill (like -4078875874670) when a doctor gets in his way. For this reason, Armin has recently been toying with the idea of going to PA school so he can have a little more autonomy. He works al over the hospital, usually frequenting the trauma, CV, and medical ICU. The nurses there love him. 
Jean: Jeannie boy. Baby. Sweetie. He’s also a nurse. He is strictly dayshift and trauma. When he first started, he thought he’d do a year in the ICU and then go to CRNA school. He didn’t want to be around sickly patients with hopes and dreams and fears--it was too icky for him. But, over time, he learned that he LOVED trauma. Jean loves the controlled chaos that comes with the ugly, bloody messes that roll in through the ICU’s doors. He always gears up for trauma season (summer time) by bringing Dunkin Donuts iced coffee for everyone on the unit (day and night shift because he’s a supportive king). He gets really good at dealing with arrogant trauma residents and ortho docs who think they’re hot shit. When Jean sees a resident yelling at a nurse, he jumps in and threatens to have their license revoked. He will dig under their skin and page them incessantly throughout the day, too, just to get back at them. Jean is not a fan of lateral violence in the workplace, no sir. 
He always, always makes sure every room is stocked and new bags are hanging for the next shift. He has a thing where if things aren’t properly organized on the unit his brain just spazzes. He’s on the unit council and education committee because he also loves to teach the new grads. He also doubles as charge nurse, when management can’t be there (there can be one or more charge nurses amongst the staff, they usually work different days, though) He and Mikasa work so well together, teaming up to get tasks done, coding patients, running them down to get scanned, etc. People joke they’re the mom and dad of the unit. It makes them both blush <3 (Eren doesn’t like it, lol)
Jean loves to see patients healing from horrendous injuries, he’s constantly cracking jokes with the awake patients to try to make them feel better, and he’s really good at calming anxious family members down. Our boy just makes such good connections with people. He’s the guy you call when your confused patient is one second away from ripping his breathing tube out. He can convince the most restless, agitated patient to chill out. He’s got the voice for it. Also people love his mullet. It looks great. 
Connie: I really didn’t know at first but I feel like Connie would make a great physical therapist. He’s got great energy, he’s funny and I could see him dancing to Earth, Wind & Fire in front of his patients to hype them up for therapy. He’d be very sweet with them 
Sasha: I’m sick and tired of the food jokes, quite honestly. She’s more than that. In my mind, she’s an occupational therapist, helping disabled patients learn to feed, dress and clean themselves again. She works directly with Connie as they round on all their patients in the hospital, they make a great team!  She’s extremely patient and would make a very good nurse, but is unsure of where life is taking her. That is until she meets Niccolo the dietician in the cafeteria, and she falls hard. He encourages her to follow her heart and she does!  
Levi: Hm. This one stumped me. Levi is a bit...cold. It’s not like he has incredible social skills. He’s meticulous and focused and kinda mean? He reminds me of an anesthesiologist, tbh. Like he’ll sedate the shit outta you for surgery, makes sure you don’t die on the table, and then drops you off to the unit as fast as he can. He never takes off his mask while in the hospital and he scrubs maybe four times before surgery. He is very good at medication calculations and knows everything about nerve blocks, intubation, pain medication and sedation. He can look at a person and just KNOW what kind of sedative to give and how much. Your blood pressure will never bottom out while he’s there, he’ll warn the surgeon and immediately get that norepinephrine started.
 If Zeke is the one operating, Levi is on his ass to finish up the surgery ASAP and to not linger, because Zeke takes his time and ignores the tele monitor alarming in the background. After surgery, this 5′2 demon will scream at the 6′ resident about the importance of blood pressure management and sedation in neurosurgical patients. Levi plays no games and he also just really hates Zeke lol
He seems like a jerk but genuinely cares about getting his peeps through surgery. His favorite surgeon to work with is Hange Zoe, because she’s brilliant and fast, but also cognizant of her patient’s hemodynamics. Levi likes taking trauma cases as long as it’s with her. When he drops a patient off to the trauma ICU or goes there to intubate, he makes sure Jean or Mikasa are there because he knows everything is gonna go smoothly. He trusts them a lot. He likes Armin, too and even let him intubate a few times. On his breaks, he’s drinking tea and reading a Williams & Sonoma catalog or scrolling through cleaning Tik Tok lol.
Erwin: This man. This beautiful and hunky beefcake. Omg. I HC him as someone who went to nursing school, became a charge nurse on the trauma unit back in the early 2000′s and fell in love with it. Erwin would eventually fall in love with leadership and educating, too. He went back to school and earned his Doctorate of Nursing Practice (a practice doctorate). He managed the trauma unit for ten years before his brilliant leadership skills and wicked smart brain got him elected as the Director of Trauma Surgery recently. He is the first person with a nursing degree and DNP to ever accomplish this, so it’s very controversial. A lot of toxic doctors threaten to leave the hospital for this (because they’re assholes), but Erwin threatens to fire them in response and it usually shuts them up. 
He often holds lectures in the hospital auditorium. With a mind and voice like his, people are so drawn in by him. He advocates for nursing staff, for reimbursement when continuing their education, better staffing, parking, etc. He makes nice with doctors and gets them to sign petitions for the nurses to get these things. He’s a bit manipulative He’s also a fantastic manager and director, he’s really good at negotiating things. The nurses and residents all love him because he rounds on every ICU frequently, brings food, and asks them how he can help. He can be a bit daunting because of his height and deep voice but once he starts talking to you, you just get sucked in. All around an absolute king. 
Hange: This character reminds me of a trauma surgeon and intensivist (ICU doctor) we have, Dr. Omi. A great surgeon, really really smart, but takes absolutely NO bullshit. She will yell at you if you freeze during intubating. She wants you to recite every step before you take it, otherwise she’ll take the tube from you and do it herself. In surgery, she’s the same way. She wants you to learn, but by her standards. If she asks a question, you better know the answer or fess up right away, she doesn’t like the “uhms” of uncertainty as you try to search for a shitty response. Either you know it or you don’t. And if you don’t, she’ll teach you. Yeah she can be rough around the edges, but she’s got a big heart. She loves her trauma team. She buys them breakfast and gives them funny personalized gifts. One time, she bought an apply tree for Mikasa and brought it to her car at the end of a shift. Mikasa forgot to plant it and it died in her backseat. Hange will sometimes ask, “Mikasa, how’s your apple tree growing?” and Mikasa will lie through her teeth. “It’s growing!” Fess up, Mikasa. Those google search apple trees are starting to look familiar.
All around Hange loves to work and teach. She is a wonderful trauma surgeon and has saved tons of lives.  
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elvish-sky · 3 years
The Magic of Books and Peppermint {FilixModern!Reader}
Anon Request from Tumblr: Hello! And happy new year! I love your blog! (Especially the funny dialog posts! They really make my day when I read them!) If you're doing requests, can I ask for one between fili x fem!modern!human reader? Where Bain/Legolas is into her and makes obvious advances but Fili is in love with her too and gets super jealous so that's how the reader finds out he returns her feelings? If not that's cool too and I hope you have a great and wonderful new Year! :D
*To make the story work you are in one of those booths that has openings on either end. 
A.N: So I set this around this time of year just because I’m still hanging on to that holiday mindset so I hope that’s ok! Also, no, I am not addicted to peppermint drinks, why on earth would you think that? Anyways, thank you for the request lovely Anon! I’ve never written modern au before and I had a lot of fun with it. I hope you like it and that you are having a wonderful start to 2021!
Word Count: 2,398
Pairing: Fili x Fem!Modern!Human! Reader
Summary: Fili gets jealous of Bain’s attention towards you.
Warnings: Unwanted romantic advances, fluff, some angst, jealousy.
The Magic of Books and Peppermint
You slid into the coffee shop booth, peppermint mocha in hand, and, upon taking a sip, sighed in happiness. December was your favorite time of year, not just because you got to come home, but mainly because coffee shops sold peppermint flavored drinks. Sure, it was nice to see your family and get a break from college, but man, peppermint mochas were good. Kili, one of your best friends, laughed at you from the other side of the table, as his brother Fili tried to take the cup away from you with little success. You had known them since you were five, they had moved in next door with their uncle while their mom was away, and you had been best friends ever since. 
“Y/N,” Kili commented, “I honestly don’t think it's good to consume that much caffeine and sugar.” “What are you talking about?” you answered. “This is only my fourth drink of the day, and one of them was a peppermint hot cocoa!” Fili and Kili just shook their heads at you as the “Ding!” of the bell at the door announced the arrival of Legolas and Bain, completing your little group. Bain and Fili were older than you, Legolas, and Kili, but somehow the four of them had taken you into their group when you had become friends with Kili in seventh grade. Legolas swung a chair around to sit at the head of the booth, and Bain slid in next to you and slung his arm around your shoulders, prompting a glare from Fili which you missed. Bain had become increasingly touchy-feely every time you returned home from college, and you were unsure why. You figured it was probably just because he missed you, but you never saw him act the same with Fili, who was a year ahead of you at the same out-of-state college. 
“Bain, Legolas, tell Y/N she drinks too much sugar,” Kili demanded. “Why?” Legolas wanted to know. “It’s eleven in the morning, she can’t have had too much already.” “This is her fourth drink today!” Fili exclaimed, looking exasperated. “That’s it, Y/N,” Legolas snatched your cup out of your hand and slid it across the table to Kili, who chugged it with a smug look on his face. “You’re going to join me in a sugar-free lifestyle.” You sighed. Legolas had been sugar-free since your freshman year of high school, as he wanted to stay fit for sports. It had paid off, he had gotten a full scholarship for gymnastics, but you sometimes thought he went a little overboard. Kili had also gone to college on an athletic scholarship, for basketball, but as evidenced by the fact that he had just chugged your entire mocha, he was not on any sort of health kick, nor had he ever been. “I will consider going sugar-free after New Year’s,” you told Legolas. “But after New Year’s we all go away again and I won’t be able to keep tabs on you!” he exclaimed. “That’s exactly the point, Legolas,” you leaned back with a smug look on your face. “Well, I don’t think Y/N needs to do anything of the sort,” Bain interjected, “She’s gorgeous as is!” A tad uncomfortable at this statement, you shrugged out from under his arm, missing the disappointed look on his face, but noticing the slightly triumphant look on Fili’s, as you did so. 
After you had finished your sandwich, you announced, “Well, I’m gonna head over to the bookstore,” as you slid out of the booth. “I’ll walk you down there,” Bain said, sliding out of the other end. “I have to stop at the hardware store down the street anyway. Da wants me to carve Tilda a slingshot, and my pocketknife is dull.” Making your way towards the door, you heard a muffled thump and turned around to see Bain sprawled on the floor next to your booth. “What happened?” you gasped as Legolas helped him up. “I have no idea,” he answered, shaking his head while walking towards you across the linoleum. “Let’s get going.” You didn’t hear Kili whisper “I know you tripped him,” to his brother as you left.
Bain had left you at the bookstore with a promise to come back once he was done with his errands. As you entered the store, you heard the jingle of the little bell and breathed in the air. Kili had always made fun of you for your love of the way bookstores smelled, but to you, there wasn’t anything better. You wound your way through the tall shelves bursting with novels until you got to the YA section. Grabbing a random title off the shelves, you collapsed into the beanbag in your favorite nook of the store with a sigh and became engrossed. You were pulled out of your reverie sometime later by the sight of a head peeking around the corner of the shelf in front of you. 
“Fili!” you beamed as you jumped up from the chair. “You never come to the bookstore!” “I go to the bookstore all the time, Y/N. You just don’t see me.” He countered with a grin. “I’m at either this store or the one near campus all the time, so when could you possibly be here if I didn’t see you!” you questioned with a skeptical look on your face. “I’m an English major, I help out at the bookstore on campus a lot, and Uncle Thorin’s friend Balin owns this place. I can get into any of them any time I want!” “I can’t be your friend anymore.” you dramatically stated as you fell back into the beanbag. “You have unlimited access to two bookstores AND YOU’VE NEVER SNUCK ME IN?!?!?!?” This shout was met with a shushing noise from Balin who was arranging the shelves nearby. Chastened, you glanced back up at Fili only to see a glare on his face. You followed his gaze to the end of the aisle and saw Bain walking towards you. “What’s up, Y/N?” he reached you and yet again slung his arm around your shoulders, drawing you close to him. “You finished or should we stick around until you’re done with that book?” He gestured to the open paperback on the chair. “Nah, let's go up to the counter and I’ll buy it.” And with that, you made your way to the counter and paid. Laughing with Bain, you exited the store with Fili trailing behind you, looking rather angry. 
You made your way down the street only to be ambushed by a snowball to the head from a giggling Legolas, who had somehow perched himself on top of the lamppost and was now scooping more snow off of it to use as a projectile. Kili, who was balanced on the roof of the building next to you, dumped a bunch of snow onto Fili’s head, who, spluttering, yelled up at him, “I know you have your crazy ways of getting up there, but Mum’s gonna kill you if she sees you on top of another building!” Kili ignored him, and so Fili hit him in the face with a well-aimed snowball. Bain had pushed you down and was attempting to protect you from Legolas to no avail, as the blond was now swinging around the lamppost like a monkey, firing off snowballs at random. “Legolas, how did you get so much snow up there?” you queried while cowering from the onslaught. In response, he pointed to his coat, which was full of snow and tied to the lamppost so that he could reach it. “Movable ammo, Y/N!” he declared. Meanwhile, Fili had attacked Bain when he saw him protecting you and was now in the process of shoving snow down the back of his jacket while Bain squirmed as the cold hit his back. Fili let go and backed away, looking immensely pleased with himself. Kili clambered down from the roof as Legolas swung from the lamppost, did a flip, and stuck the landing, all while firing off two more snowballs to hit the brothers. He slung an arm over Kili and Bain’s shoulders and they set off down the road, with the sound of Legolas’ voice trailing behind them. “What’re we having for dinner, Kili? I hope your mom made something good!”
You trailed behind them next to Fili, who still looked like something was wrong. You were a little worried about him, and especially about the way, he was acting with Bain lately. Making up your mind, you blurted, “Hey, Fili. Can I ask you something?” He nodded, and you continued, stomping your boots on the icy ground as you spoke. “You’ve been a little off ever since we came home,” you continued. “Especially with Bain, you seem a little bit mean, if I’m being honest, and I want to make sure everything’s ok and nothing happened with you guys.” “Nothing’s happened with us. We’re still all good, and I’m really happy for the two of you.” As he said this you were focused on his eyes, which seemed to hold depths of sadness, and his smile, which seemed very forced. You studied them, and then stopped walking as the implication of what he had said sank in. 
“Happy for us? Why would you be happy for us?” “Because you’re together,” “What?!” you exclaimed. “I’m not..we’re not…” you trailed off as your head spun, everything finally making sense. “Wait,” you grabbed Fili’s hand and pulled him closer to you, “you’ve been jealous!” He shuffled his feet on the ice, eyes stubbornly fixed on his boots. “I was not jealous! What do I have to be jealous over, anyway! It’s not like you and I are…” his voice dwindled as he purposefully avoided your eyes. “But we could be.” You grabbed his hand, and twined your fingers with his, hoping it would send the message you wanted. He stiffened at first but then relaxed. “Would you like to be?” he asked, looking like he regretted speaking the second he did so. “Yes, Fili. I very much would.” 
“So, nothing is going on with you and Bain?” he asked as you started walking, hands swinging in between your bodies. You laughed at him, “No! Bain’s like a brother to me, the same as Kili or Legolas!” “Ok,” he blushed. “Just thought I’d clear that up before I did something else stupid.” Hand in hand, you followed behind your friends, looking forward to an excellent dinner when you arrived at Fili and Kili’s house.
Later that night, after your family had joined Thranduil, Legolas’s dad, and his husband Bard, who was Bain’s father, at Fili and Kili’s house for a delicious New Year’s Eve dinner, you lay in your bed mulling over your day. You had talked to Bain after dinner, just to let him know that you were now taken. It had been awkward, but you were proud that you had both handled it well. You just hoped things would go back to normal between the two of you soon, and that the fact that you were now dating Fili wouldn’t sting too much. 
You were startled by a tapping on your window, and, rising from the pillows, opened it to see Kili, Legolas, and Bain standing below. “What are you guys doing?” you hissed from the second floor. “Just get dressed and climb down!” Legolas whisper-yelled back up to you. Sighing at the fact that whatever they had planned meant that you wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night, you threw on leggings, a hoodie, a flannel, and your beanie, wanting to be warm, and then shimmied out of your window, dropping smoothly to the ground and somersaulting to break your fall. “Wow, Y/N, I didn’t know you could do that!” Bain effused as you set off. “I’ve spent too much time around Legolas to not be able to somersault,” you shook your head as you remembered the many times that that skill had gotten you into, or out of trouble. “Where are we going?” you asked. “And where’s Fili?” “You’ll see when we get there,” Kili answered with a smug grin. You rolled your eyes at his vagueness and quickened your pace to keep up. 
After about fifteen minutes, Kili halted in front of the bookstore, gesturing for you to open the door. “It’s closed, Kee! I can’t break in!” “Just trust us, Y/N” Legolas whispered. Sure this was just going to end in you tugging on a locked door while the three of them laughed, you yanked the handle, surprised when the door opened. You stepped inside, hearing the soft tinkle of the bell as the door swung closed behind you. You turned around to see the three faces of your friends pressed up against the glass, and Kili gestured for you to keep going. You saw a faint light at the back of the store and wound through the shelves until you reached your favorite little nook. You gasped at what you saw arrayed in front of you as you rounded the corner.
Fili was standing there with a bashful grin. “You were mad I’ve never snuck you into a bookstore before.” He motioned for you to sit down and so you sank into the beanbag next to him, a look of shock on your face as he handed you a mug. “What’s this?” you took a sip and sighed with delight. “Peppermint hot chocolate!” Fili smiled at your blissful expression “I figured we could just stay here tonight, maybe read to each other.” You blushed at his thoughtfulness in knowing that this would be your perfect first date. There was nothing more magical than books and a peppermint drink. “That sounds wonderful, Fee. Thank you.” You snuggled up close to him with your hot cocoa warming your hands, his arm wrapped around you as he began reading. You recognized the first sentence as the beginning of your favorite book when you were little, and you contentedly rested your head on his chest as his voice rose and fell with the story. “I love you, Fili,” you murmured. “I love you too, Y/N.” He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead and continued to read as you sighed in content, knowing there was no place you would rather be. 
Everything tag💗: @entishramblings @boyruins @itgetsatadhazy @anjhope1
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cleverfandomurl · 2 years
Miss Misery For the Last Time Teaser
Well, I have once again started another story because I'm incapable of finishing anything and the idea of this story has been stuck in my head for ages. I'm trying to do research for the locations of everything as I write this so, please, be gentle. I'm not from New York City, but it just makes sense for the plot that it takes place there.
This isn't written as a BuckyxF!Reader in the original format, so I am writing two versions of this, lol. If I miss a descriptor or name, let me know and I'll fix it. Here's a teaser of the first chapter!
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Y/N sat at the bar, tear tracks and runny mascara drying to her cheeks. She sighed, a little hitch hitting her at the intake, and took another long drag of the drink she ordered. The Tower’s lounge patrons tried to be discreet about their stares at this forlorn girl alone and crying at the bar but she could feel each pair of eyes as they followed her hand raising the glass to her lips. 
“Excuse me, sir, can I get one more?” Y/N asked quietly. The bartender behind the counter, Sam, smiled sadly and nodded, fixing you another Moscow Mule and slid you a few extra napkins to wipe your tears. “So, tell me about him. Or her, I don’t judge.” Sam murmured while drying some newly washed glasses. 
“John fucking Walker…” Y/N ground out the name and trailed off. ‘About two hours ago, I showed up to his apartment for his birthday, as a surprise ya know? And this human shit stain is in his kitchen, on the kitchen island, fucking his neighbor. His neighbor! I dropped the wine bottle I bought and it shattered. He just stared at me and smiled. Smiled. Like he wanted me to find him. Eighteen months of my life I’ll never get back now. Bottoms up.” She licked her bottom lip before chugging the cocktail and putting it down a little too loudly. 
“I just put so much into our relationship and he just openly displays his infidelity like that? I can’t believe….” Y/N trails off and bites her bottom lip in an effort to stop the rest of the tears in her eyes from falling. “This bar is where we met, you know. Maybe that’s why I came here, to see if it’s been ruined by that ass hat.” She frowned into the now empty glass.
Sam laughs at that, fixing a water and pushing it toward her gently. “Look, I know we don’t know each other but I hope he gets what’s coming to him. Karma has a funny way of working on people like that. Let’s call a friend and get you home, ok? Finish that water.” Sam turns to greet another patron at another bar stool and Y/n pulls out her phone. A photo of John displays on the screen and the tears start to swell again. Taking a deep breath, she unlocks it and calls Marsha, her room mate and best friend to take her home.
“Y/N?! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere, I can’t get a hold of John and you weren’t answering your phone! Are you okay? What's going on?” A rush of questions pulse through the phone after ringing once and she laughs sadly at the intense worry her best friend displays.
“Me and John are over, Marsha. I walked into his apartment with the spare key he gave me, by the way, and he was balls deep in that bitchy neighbor he always said ‘was just a friend’. I’m at The Tower. Can you come get me?” Y/N breathes out quickly. She starts chewing on her nails, waiting for Marsha’s response. It’s a bad habit she picked up a long time ago that she thought she was over. Y/N wipes her hand on her dark denim jeans and shoves it into her back pocket, now self conscious. 
“Yeah, bestie, I’m leaving John’s building now. I’ll restrain myself from beating him senseless tonight. For now.” The line goes dead and Thea sighs in relief, touching the phone to her forehead. She heads to the bathroom to clean up her face from crying and to wipe away the mascara trailing down her cheeks. Her reflection is awful. Red eyes, black streaks, nose puffy. She nods and walks up to the dimly lit mirror. The lights in the women’s bathroom are warm to tint the mirror in a rose hue but it’s kept dark enough that details on your face are a little abstract. Y/N supposes it’s to hide how stringy and dehydrated drinking all night can make one look. She dampens a paper towel and blots her cheeks and under her eyes to clean up the watercolor painting her sobfest has given her face, reapplies lipstick and mascara and dries her last few unshed tears. Y/N smiles and takes a deep breath, she can do this. 
Ten minutes later, Marsha is pulling away from the curb in front of the entrance to The Tower. Y/N gave Sam a fifty as a tip, with a promise to come back next weekend to enjoy the place for once and not stare blankly in a booth as John schmoozed or to cry over his infidelity. She gazed at the lights of New York reflecting on the East River as they drove over the Manhattan Bridge back to the apartment Marsha’s parents bought her. 
Y/N knew how lucky she was that her best friend came from an extremely wealthy family. It was a total coincidence that they met in their freshman year at NYU. Marsha and Thea were in the campus Starbucks and grabbed each other’s coffee order. They laughed awkwardly and realized they were both headed to the same Art History course. They became inseparable after that first semester, despite their differences growing up. Y/N came from a small town in North Carolina and Marsha was raised as Washington, DC socialite royalty. 
Marsha’s family was rich. Her dad was a founder of some tech company in DC, and had an office in the city. Her mom was a former beauty queen, and took pride in being a trophy wife professionally. Marsha was beautiful. She had long, chestnut hair, olive skin and hazel eyes set into a heart shaped face and a petite frame. Marsha wasn’t incredibly short, but smaller than Y/N at only 5’3”. She was soft, coming from a life of luxury but Marsha was honest and kind. She hadn’t quite been jaded by life yet, she’d been protected from hardship by her father.
Y/N was pretty average height, had her hair in a perpetual messy bun of sorts and a burn from the summer that was fading into a spotty tan with random freckles dotting her shoulders and face. Y/N had sad eyes that were set into a tired face. She was strong from years of hard labor working on her uncle’s tobacco farm and being raised with horses, cows and three boy cousins that treated her like the youngest sister. She hadn’t been afforded the same protections in life that Marsha took for granted. They couldn’t be more opposite. Thea always joked that they were the real life Cry Baby without the romance.
Y/N was studying Art History with a desire to work with the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Marsha was studying film production to start her own TV series. They were seniors now, graduating in the upcoming spring, and staying in New York in the apartment. She was looking forward to working with the Brooklyn Museum and Marsha was going to enjoy NYC living. 
“Y/N? Are you even listening to me?” Marsha’s voice pulled Thea out of her head and back to the present. Sitting in Marsha’s Tesla, in the parking garage of their building on South Street in Manhattan. “What were you thinking about so intently? Are you drunk?” She continued.
Y/N smiled, tiredly. “No, I’m not drunk. I’m just thinking about everything. John, us, this being our senior year. Just overwhelmed right now.” The girls let out a soft laugh at each other and unbuckled their seatbelts to get into the elevator to the 18th floor. They chatted about the upcoming fall semester, their classes and how excited they were to finally graduate. Y/N waved to Charlie, the doorman, as Marsha continued talking about the cute actor in one of her film classes and how she wanted to hook up with him at least once before Christmas break. 
About halfway up to the apartment, her phone pinged. She pulled it out of her jacket pocket and frowned, and pinched her eyebrows together. “You okay?” Marsha asked, seeing her friend’s disgusted face.
“John texted me. He wants me to come back to talk. So he can explain. Does he think I’m stupid?” Y/N half yelled out flinging the hand holding her phone up and out almost hitting another floor’s button. Good thing they were the only ones inside the elevator. 
“I swear on my vintage Dior bag that if you so much as think of texting him back at all,” Marsha started with an emphasis on “all”, “ That I will throw your phone off the balcony and tie you to your desk chair and beat the notion out of you.” Y/N laughed as Marsha continued to get angry on her behalf. Walking in tandem out of the elevator, Thea assured Marsha that would not be happening anytime soon and she just wanted to get out of her clothes and into pajamas to watch a cheesy scary movie and eat cheap popcorn.
Across the bridge, a man was sitting in a dark corner booth of The Tower. His eyes were staring out the window where a dark brown-haired woman had just gotten walked by her friend into a white Tesla and driven toward the Manhattan Bridge. He left his seat to go talk to the bartender, and old friend named Sam, about her and why she was crying over his mark, John Walker.
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kiegosbby · 4 years
all good stories have a happy ending.
here’s the happy ending you fluff whores.
angst version here.
warnings: breakup, drinking, crying, cutting, implying suicide.
✁- - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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you were silently cooking dinner at your and your boyfriends apartment, he had been on a long mission and today was the day he was coming back. You were beyond excited, after not seeing the love of your life for months, you were absolutely bursting from how excited you were.
you were making his favorite dish, which was obviously any sort of chicken. your back was tired, from getting everything ready for him. the papers saying the fight was over and the hero’s had won, you were relieved of course, hawks couldn’t have any contact with you when he was on the mission so that’s how you found out.
he would be home soon so you started plating the dishes, and set them on the table. you sat and scrolled mindlessly on your phone, before you heard the doorknob jiggle. he was finally home, after all these months after the tears, the Lonley nights you stayed awake hoping he was ok, he was finally home.
you jumped up from your seat and went to meet him at the door. he opened the door, dragging a suitcase in and he had a tired look on his face. he looked up at you and you quickly saw his facade change from tired to sadness, quickly back to tiredness, this time adding a little annoyance in it. He let out a annoyed huff
you went to give him a hug, a little confused from what had just happened, and even more confused when he pulled away from your hug.
“Is everything ok keigo?” you were a little hurt youd admit it. after all these months and all you got was a huff? anger started to stir in you as you waited for his response.
“why are you still here? Didn’t you get the hint when I didn’t reply to you at all?” he crossed his arms in front of him, giving you the most annoyed look he could muster.
you looked at him with confusion, rage, and disbelief. how could he say all this? after everything you’ve done for him. how much you helped him. you couldn’t believe this
“keigo this isn’t funny. I’ve waited for you for months and did so much for you! you can’t be serious?” your voice betrayed you and squeaked slightly at the end.
“do I sound like I’m trying to be funny y/n? I’m sorry that you thought I wanted you to wait but I’ve ignored you for months y/n. Get the hint and get out.” he looked bored? you were far past angry now. how dare he do this to you? how could he? he was your everything. everything you’d ever want from anyone. without him you were nothing. no one.
“I’m sorry I misread the situation.” your voice was a whisper, and you held back tears as you quickly ran to your shared room, packing everything you could see. Tears fell, and you quickly made your way to the exit of the apartment. you turned around before leaving, spotting hawks at the balcony, looking into the sunset.
you walked up to him and looked down at your feet.
“I hope your making the right choice hawks. I was the only one that was ever there for you. and now you’ve lost that to.”
you turned to walk away, before turning your head over your shoulder quickly.
“burn in hell”
you thought you heard a sniffle, but stormed away before thinking twice.
you walked in with puffy eyes looking around. Eyes landing on the alcohol isle, and walking towards it. you strolled down the isle and picked a bottle of whisky out. keigo always loved whiskey so you grew accustomed to it. you quickly checked out and started wandering around town again, downing the whisky in chugs.
you were silently cooking dinner at your and your boyfriends apartment, he had been on a long mission and today was the day he was coming back. You were beyond excited, after not seeing the love of your life for months, you were absolutely bursting from how excited you were.
you were making his favorite dish, which was obviously any sort of chicken. your back was tired, from getting everything ready for him. the papers saying the fight was over and the hero’s had won, you were relieved of course, hawks couldn’t have any contact with you when he was on the mission so that’s how you found out.
he would be home soon so you started plating the dishes, and set them on the table. you sat and scrolled mindlessly on your phone, before you heard the doorknob jiggle. he was finally home, after all these months after the tears, the Lonley nights you stayed awake hoping he was ok, he was finally home.
you jumped up from your seat and went to meet him at the door. he opened the door, dragging a suitcase in and he had a tired look on his face. he looked up at you and you quickly saw his facade change from tired to sadness, quickly back to tiredness, this time adding a little annoyance in it. He let out a annoyed huff
you went to give him a hug, a little confused from what had just happened, and even more confused when he pulled away from your hug.
“Is everything ok keigo?” you were a little hurt youd admit it. after all these months and all you got was a huff? anger started to stir in you as you waited for his response.
“why are you still here? Didn’t you get the hint when I didn’t reply to you at all?” he crossed his arms in front of him, giving you the most annoyed look he could muster.
you looked at him with confusion, rage, and disbelief. how could he say all this? after everything you’ve done for him. how much you helped him. you couldn’t believe this
“keigo this isn’t funny. I’ve waited for you for months and did so much for you! you can’t be serious?” your voice betrayed you and squeaked slightly at the end.
“do I sound like I’m trying to be funny y/n? I’m sorry that you thought I wanted you to wait but I’ve ignored you for months y/n. Get the hint and get out.” he looked bored? you were far past angry now. how dare he do this to you? how could he? he was your everything. everything you’d ever want from anyone. without him you were nothing. no one.
“I’m sorry I misread the situation.” your voice was a whisper, and you held back tears as you quickly ran to your shared room, packing everything you could see. Tears fell, and you quickly made your way to the exit of the apartment. you turned around before leaving, spotting hawks at the balcony, looking into the sunset.
you walked up to him and looked down at your feet.
“I hope your making the right choice hawks. I was the only one that was ever there for you. and now you’ve lost that to.”
you turned to walk away, before turning your head over your shoulder quickly.
“burn in hell”
you thought you heard a sniffle, but stormed away before thinking twice.
you walked in with puffy eyes looking around.
you walked down the empty streets, sobs running your body. the wind hit your skin as you walked, it felt good, at least you weren’t numb. you walked for what felt like hours, thoughts rushing through your mind and when you finally stopped for a second to see where your legs had taken you, you saw a small store and you were at the edge of town.
Eyes landing on the alcohol isle, and walking towards it. you strolled down the isle and picked a bottle of whisky out. keigo always loved whiskey so you grew accustomed to it. you quickly checked out and started wandering around town again, downing the whisky in chugs.
you ended sitting on a worker catwalk on a bridge, having a view over the city. you looked through your bag for a jacket. even though you loved the coldness, you wanted to be warm. Warm again.
as you were looking through the bag, a knife fell out. you almost laughed as you picked it up. it was the knife hawks made you carry around when you went out alone. he wanted you to be safe. you set it down and continued looking through your bag.
you took your jacket out and as you pulled it on, one of hawks feathers fell out. you picked up in awe, and brushed your fingers along the soft feather. sobs started to overtake your body again. as much as you missed him, and how much you hated him at this moment, you wanted him badly. to hold you and tell you everything would be ok.
you put the feather down in your lap and grabbed the knife from your side, opening it slowly. you ran your finger up the blade, making your finger drip with blood, it was sharp, and you had a quick thought.
maybe your mind was clouded from the whisky, but you pulled your sleeves up, giving the wind access to your skin.
you grabbed the feather and put it up to your face, giving it a kiss.
“I’m sorry kiego. I didn’t mean what I said when I left. I know you don’t care but I wanted to say g-goodbye before I did anything. I’m sorry if I did anything to make you want me to leave, but you were my happiness keigo... you were everything I ever needed and everything I ever wanted. and now that your gone, I have nothing to live for. I’m sorry, I hope you live a happy life..”
you put the feather down and grabbed the knife again. funny how good things can turn badly so quickly.
this morning you were bursting with excitement and now here you were, sitting on top of a bridge, with a knife in your hand. how stupid could you be? you and him would never last.
you bring the knife down to your arm, dragging down your numb skin you only managed to make a small slit before a familiar red feather knocked it out of your hand.
you pulled your sleeve down quickly and turned to look where the feather came from.
“w-what are you doing here?” you tried to wipe your tears and looked over at him confused
when you looked over in his direction he looked distraught, he looked like he had been crying for hours, he was still crying, tears streaming down his face.
“please y/n I know what I said was bad but please don’t do this, we can talk about this, we can get back together you don’t have to do this” his voice was filled with fear, as he landed he went to put a hand on your shoulder, and you moved back, not wanting anything from him.
as you moved back his face filled with pain and hurt.
“hawks I have nothing to say to you. why are you even here? can you just let me do what I want? I waited months for you and all I get when you come back is to know that you didn’t want to be together anymore? how fucking cruel are you? Why didn’t you say anything to me? You made me look like a fool. you don’t want to be together so go. Leave!” you cried, and took steps back into the railing as he let silent tears fall.
“Y/n please you have to listen. I did that to protect you. My mission was really dangerous and I couldn’t protect you from that. I needed you to be gone so they couldn’t hurt you.. please understand. I don’t want you hurt. but with me you’ll only get hurt.” his voice was filled with pain and sorrow, as he let out his true feelings.
you felt all sorts of emotions run through you as you took in what he said. was he serious, or was he saying that so you wouldn’t do anything dumb?
“no your just saying that so I wouldn’t do anything dumb.” you looked away from him and cried. god you were so pathetic. thinking he would actually do that for you?
“No y/n I’m not! you have to believe me please. I don’t want you hurt because of me so I did it for you. just please let’s go home and talk more about this let me tell you exactly what happened.” it honestly sounded like he was begging at this point. it made you sad..
“fine but me only so you can tell me what happened.”
You looked into his eyes and relief washed over his face.
“yes thank you”
when you two got home, he had explained everything to you. and you had almost cried. he was risking his whole life for you. he lied to the people in his mission so you wouldn’t get hurt. your heart ached for him.
“I’m sorry for being bitchy” you felt terrible for what you did and said
“baby it’s ok, it’s my fault for not telling you”
that night, you two had fell asleep crying. But all that mattered was that you we’re together.
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jensengirl83 · 4 years
Prom Queen
Dean x plus size reader
Word count-2422
Warnings- Angst, body insecurities, unrequited feelings, fluffy ending
Summary- The reader is in love with Dean but knows he can never feel the same way about her. 
Thank you to @mariekoukie6661​ for showing me the song that inspired this.
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“Damn, I am glad that’s over!” Dean says from the front seat of Baby. This was a rough hunt, starting out being what we thought was going to be a simple salt and burn, turning into a three-day demon hunt.
“Tell me about it! I’m ready for a shower and a drink.” Sam agreeing with Dean to hitting up the local bar, proof enough this was hunt was shit show. “What about you Y/n? You coming with us?”
“Sure Sam.” I say quietly from the backseat, not really looking forward to another bar. It always turns out the same way, Dean picking up some random girl, while Sam just looks at me with pity on his face. I have been living and hunting with the Winchesters for a couple years now. Unfortunately, in those few years, I have fallen for Dean. A very stupid mistake, considering he will never feel the same about me. See, I am not what you would call a catch, too short, too much weight on my small frame. Nothing like the women Dean leaves the bars with. Sam knows my feelings for Dean, the eldest Winchester, not so much, and I want it to stay that way.
“What’s with the sour face Y/n? You look like someone just kicked your dog.” Dean thinks he’s funny, and he is most times. This moment is not one of the times I find funny.
“I’m fine Dean, just a little tired. This hunt sucked.” Of course, I’m not telling him the truth.
“Get a shower and a few drinks in you and you’ll feel better in no time.” His eyes on me through the rear-view mirror, that smile on his face that would make any woman drop her panties, me included.
“Whatever you say Winchester.” I smile back just wanting to end this conversation. The car ride falls silent as we make our way back to the hotel where we are staying. Sam has his nose in this phone, no doubt already trying to find another hunt. Dean singing along to his cassette while drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, the usual car ride. Why can’t I just forget how I feel and be able to enjoy the trips in Baby like I used to? I miss the joy I felt riding along with the boys before I caught feelings and ruined the fun. Sam keeps telling me to tell his brother how I feel, to just be honest. That would be ok if I could handle the look of rejection and disgust that would cover Dean’s face, but there is no way I could. I would have to leave, never to see him again, and the thought of that makes my heart ache. Not only because I love Dean so much, but because Sam has become my brother too. So I just keep my mouth shut and endure the torture of watching Dean with all his conquests.
“You coming Y/n/n?” The question from Sam pulling me from my thoughts, making me realize we are back to the hotel already.
“Yep, sorry, must be a little more tired than I thought.” The look Sam gives saying he knows I’m full of shit, but he doesn’t say anything. Thank Chuck he respects my wishes of keeping this to myself. Dean has already made it in the room getting his clothes to take to the bathroom for his shower.
“Better save me some hot water this time Dean.” I say as I throw my duffle to the bed.
“We could always shower together short stuff.” He says wiggling his eyebrows. I know it’s another one of his jokes, but oh how it hurts wishing he really meant it. He has always cracked this kind of jokes, but I know he would never really want me.
“In your dreams Winchester.” I roll my eyes but turn my back to him before he can see the look of heartache in my eyes.
“Just an offer sweetheart.” He winks moving into the bathroom closing the door. I collapse on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. I really do not know how much longer I can go on like this. I feel the bed dip beside me and a big hand on my back. I look up to see Sam looking down at me with a heartfelt look of concern.
“Just talk to him Y/n. I hate seeing you like this.” His voice is soft and sincere.
“I can’t Sam. I cannot take the rejection from him. It would destroy me.” My voice breaking with the tears I am desperately trying to hold back.
“You don’t know he would reject you unless you talk to him Y/n. I will never understand why you think so low of yourself.”
“No, you wouldn’t Sam, no offense, but have you ever had someone tell you that you would be so beautiful if you just lost some weight? That they would love to date you if only you weren’t so big? No, I didn’t think so.” My voice getting a little too loud with my frustration. I stand to move to get my clothes ready to go straight to the shower as soon as Dean is done. This conversation only going to make it even harder to face Dean.
“Don’t Sam. I don’t want your pity, alright? I just want to get tonight over with so we can go home. Where I can go to my room and not have to look at him and know I’ll never be the one he wants. So just drop it please!” I feel horrible as soon as the words leave my mouth, not meaning to be so harsh with Sam. It’s not his fault I fell in love with his brother.
“What’s the yelling about in here?” Dean asks, walking out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his hips. Fuck him for being so damn sexy!
“Ughh I’m taking a shower. You guys can go ahead with out me.” I brush past Dean, accidentally slamming my shoulder into him on my way to the bathroom, not really caring. I had to get out of that room.
“What the hell is going on with her?” I hear Dean ask Sam. I hold my breath, hoping I didn’t piss Sam off enough for him to spill the secret I am so desperate to keep.
“Not sure man. Maybe she really is just tired and ready to be back at the bunker.” Sam tells his brother. I release the breath I was holding, thank you Sam. I go through the motions, washing my hair, my body, shaving my legs, hoping they will be gone when I get out. I need a few minutes to regather myself before I go to the bar. I get out and get dressed, towel drying the dampness from my hair as I walk back into the room. They are gone, thank goodness. I sit down on the bed to gather my thoughts, but instead, I break into sobs. The emotions finally becoming too much to hold back. In the middle of my mental breakdown, I didn’t hear the hotel door open.
“Y/n sweetheart, what’s wrong?” I freeze, recognizing that voice instantly. Dean. Well fuck, this isn’t going to end well. He is at my side, his arms wrapped around me, definitely not helping the situation. “You gotta talk to me babe. Take a deep breath and let me help you.”
“You can’t help Dean, just go back to the bar.” I stand up to walk over and get a glass of whiskey, turning up the glass, chugging it all down. Hoping the burn from it will mask the other pain already in my chest.
“No, I’m not leaving until you talk to me. You have not been yourself in a long time. Don’t’ think I haven’t noticed Y/n.” Dean is now standing in front of me, arms crossed over his chest, a look of determination on that stupidly handsome face.
“Well congratulations for noticing. You want a cookie?” Sarcasm lacing my voice. I don’t’ want to be a bitch, but the reality that I am going to have to finally admit my feelings, both angers and scares me.
“Alright, that’s how you want to play this sweetheart? Fine.” Before I can even comprehend what he means, he has his arms around me, carrying me back to the bed. Placing me at the top of the bed against the headboard sitting on my legs so I cannot move. Damn him. “We are not moving from this spot until you talk Y/n.”
“I can’t tell you Dean, not this.” I lower my head, trying to hide the tears brimming back in my eyes. I hear him sigh, hoping will just give up, but I feel his finger under my chin lifting my face up to look at him.
“You can tell me anything darling. I will always be here for you.” His voice is so sincere, almost making me think he will not be absolutely disgusted if I tell him.
“Not if I tell you this Dean, it will change everything between us.” He smiles, moving his hand to cup my cheek.
“Nothing you can tell me will change how I see you sweetheart. Talk to me. Do you not trust me?” He looks so hurt that I don’t’ want to tell him. Well here it goes, sink or swim.
“Dean, I can’t keep going out with you and Sam. I hate it, watching all the women falling at your feet, the incessant flirting, watching you leave with woman after woman. I cannot do it anymore. I know I have no right telling you how to live your life, so I am just not going to do it anymore. I don’t want to be the ghost on the wall always disappearing. When we walk into the bars, the one getting noticed is not me. That is how it has always been for me. I was ok with it for a while, but I am not anymore. The jealousy that rattles my bones when I see you walk out the door with the women that I wish were me, breaks my heart Dean. I want to be the tall, beautiful, thin women that you want, but that will never be me. I will never have the long tone legs, the flat stomach, the beauty that catches your eye. I will always be the girl that will be your friend but nothing more. I love you Dean, and I know you will never feel the same. I will never be your Prom Queen.”
I am a sobbing mess, the confession I just let flow from my lips, draining me of everything I have. I can’t bring myself to look at him, the rejection I know is coming, making my stomach turn. Why did he have to come back? Everything is going to be different now. The thought kicking in my fight or flight instinct, flight definitely being the winner. Dean is still silent, his weight on my legs being the only way I know he is still here. I finally look up to see him staring, a look I can’t make out on his face. Are those tears in his eyes?
“Sweetheart…” His voice barely above a whisper.
“It’s ok Dean. You don’t have to say anything, I get it.”
“Obviously, you don’t get it Y/n. You really were oblivious, weren’t you?” Dean says with a small chuckle.
“What are you talking about Dean? Oblivious to what?” I am so confused right now.
“The way I feel about you sweetheart. I have been crazy about you for a long time. I kept throwing out the hints, but you would always blow me off. All those women were just a distraction Y/n. A horrible imitation for what I really wanted all this time, you.” I know my jaw is in my lap. All those times I thought he was just being flirty to be nice, he meant it.
“No, listen to me sweetheart. All those people who made you feel anything less than the amazing, kick ass, sexy, beauty that you are, can go to hell. I love you too Y/n, and I will forever show you and tell you just how perfect I think you are if you will have me.”
I am speechless, can think of nothing to say. The way he is looking at me making me feel, for the first time in a long time, like I am good enough. That I am worthy enough to let this man love me. I finally break a smile, which must have been what he was waiting on. He cups my face in his hands, leaning in so close, our breaths mingling together.
“Can I kiss you baby?”
That word leaving those soft pouty lips, driving me wild. I don’t give him an audible answer. I reply by crashing my lips to his. His lips even softer than I had imagined, a perfect fit to mine. Our kiss is slow and sweet, no rush, just enjoying the feeling of what we have both longed for. We break apart after what seems like forever, the need for air becoming to strong to ignore. Dean leans his forehead to mine, placing soft pecks on my lips, not wanting to completely break apart from each other.
“How about we call in a night?” Dean asks running his hand over my head.
“You don’t want to go back to the bar?” I look to see him with a bright smile lighting up his face.
“Everything I want is right here in this room sweetheart.” He has his hand behind my neck pulling me in for another light kiss. I pull away to nod my head. Staying here with him is much more appealing than a bar. Dean wraps his arms around me, maneuvering us to lie down with him behind me. This is a dream come true, being here with him, his arms around me, knowing he feels the same way.
“I love you Y/n. Get some rest darling.”
“I love you too Dean. Good night.”
The exhaustion of the hunt and the breakdown I had, has me drifting off fast. I feel Dean placing kisses to my hair, his breath ghosting over my neck. I am almost asleep when I hear him speak, so low I almost missed it.
“You will always be my Prom Queen, Y/n.”
Tags: @flamencodiva​ @waywardbeanie​ @emoryhemsworth​ @sorenmarie87​ @foxyjwls007​ @voltage-my2dlove​
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
The New Baby (Harry Potter)
Life after high school wasn't all it was cracked up to be, at least if you were a ex wizard like Draco Malfoy who while he had avoided jail time for being part of the death eaters had been permanently stripped of his magic and made into a squib. As one might guess, after living a live of luxury and being able to use magic from a young age Draco was totally and completely hopeless at living without magic and in a twist that even he hadn't know about, it had turned out he'd never actually been potty trained. His Mother had cast a charm on him that had given him potty control from the time he was 6 months old having grown tired of the smell's the baby was making and well when his magic was taken from him so were any long lasting charms. the end result meant not only was he trying (and failing) to adept to the muggle world, he was doing it while back in nappies and after a week, suffering from a massive case of nappy rash as he was hopeless at getting himself clean. what little bit of his families wealth he had hung onto was quickly used up with his choice to live in a hotel and going with disposable nappies instead of cloth (He was a Malfoy damn it and he WASN'T going to wash his own shit out of a dirty nappy!) and the longest he had manged to hold down a job was under a hour, he just didn't have the temperament to work at a shop. He'd either get in a fight with a customer, get in a fight with his boss, or having a crying fit when he couldn't get a piece of muggle tech to work. One month after High school and Draco was broke, out on the street, and down to his last three nappies and rooting though a trash can for something to eat, and thats when Potter and Granger had found him.
Life after High school for Harry had been a breeze. He was rich already and world famous, and of course landed his dream job of being a auror. Likewise Hermione had managed to land a part time teaching job that left her free to come home on weekends while spending weekdays at Hogwarts. True it sucked that Ron had cut both of them out of his life after finding out they had hooked up while he'd been off having one of his many little tantrums but they were happy together for the most part,. the most part was the fact it came to light that they would never be able to have kids because of a curse Harry had taken during the battle of Hogwarts. It was a crushing blow for the young couple but they just agreed that when they were ready, they would just adopt. Of course they had both heard about what happened with Draco and shared a good laugh over heard how he needed nappies but that day on the street when they found him fishing though a rubbish bin and chomping hungrily on a half eaten burger all the joy had gone out of it. Draco had been humiliated and tried to run off but since they were in the magic part of town no one batted a eye when Hermione had lifted him up with her wand and they'd forced him to come with them..only pausing on the trip back to the nice 2 story cottage Harry owned for Harry to go and pick up some nappies and rubber pants for Draco and Hermione to treat Draco to a meal at the little fish and chip place the drug store had in the back.
Draco never stopped waiting for the other shoe to drop. he knew there was no reason that these two would be this nice to him without setting him up for something bad after everything he'd done in school to them. Still, he wolfed down the fish and chips, three baskets worth as he'd only eaten what little he could find for the 2 weeks since he'd been on the street and chugged the cola that Hermione kept getting refilled for him as fast as he could. God, she looked so good. Mature, sexy, giving him looks of kindness and encouraging him to eat and drink as much as he wanted and ignoring how horrible he must of smelled. Potter came back from whatever he was doing and they were asking him question, like where was he staying, did he have a job and the like. "Stay wherever I can and try and avoid trouble." Draco said, Pausing from stuffing his face, on his third basket. he took a long sip of his cola then went on. "No job. no one wanted a nappy brat when I could wash regularly. now.." he gave a mirthless laugh and went back to chowing down, noting the look that the two gave each other. "I've got a question for you two.. Where's Weasley? Usually you three are the three musketeers and all that." Draco asked, putting a napkin to his face and belching and wincing as a loud fart came out and there was a warm wet rush between his cheeks. He was shitting himself. "I..Uh..Never mind. I should get going." He said, his cheeks turned red and he went to excuse himself. "It's ok Draco." Harry said, putting a hand on his shoulder, and giving Draco a smile even as a horrid smell filled the shop. "it's not like you can help it." Hermione and Harry did get up and moved with Draco as he moved to leave, Hermione leaving a fat tip to the poor server and then they were out on the street and he found himself numbly following their lead towards the a fore mentioned cottage, his limbs seemingly not wanting to listen to him. 'bastards! they used a unforgivable curse on me!' Draco thought, the realization hitting him like all the greasy food had hit his guts and was now hitting his nappy. the poor thing was holding up either and the back of his dirt brown trousers were growing dark with shit stained as his filth leaked down his legs. entering the house which was painted a lovely yellow, Draco felt shame flooding him as the house looked like something out of a magazine, and was nice and clean. it had been filled with the smell of wild flowers at least until he'd been marched inside and his mess was coming out his pant legs, staining the lovely cream colored carpet. it was a shocked when he heard himself actually speak up, they had lifted the curse at some point and he'd just kept walking with them on either side as they'd led him to a bathroom. "I-I'm sorry I ruined your car- Hey I can talk!" He said, even as hot tears went down his grime and food covered face, cutting a path. "Yeah mate, we only had it on you for about 30 second but you kept being a good boy. Listen Draco, Carpet's can be cleaned so down worry about it. what me and Hermione wanna do right now is look after you. That means getting you washed up." Harry said in a calm and soothing voice. "I..I don't..Why? I've always been a rotter to you both.." Draco whimpered. "Well, you weren't exactly at your most charming but with your upbringing.." Hermione said, and was helping Draco with his jacket and shirt, scanning his body for a second and giving a sigh of relief. "I told you he wasn't the type to use needles Hermione." Harry said and Draco  blinked and squirmed. It wasn't that he hadn't been tempted to use some of the muggles drugs, but just he'd never been able to afford to. which was a fact he figured he had better hide from these two. "in any case.. We wanna look after you for a bit Draco. Maybe help you get up on your feet." Harry was saying as his gently tugged down Draco's pants and despite the stench of it, grinned wildly at the sight of Draco's swollen store brand nappy. "Wonderful. Now can you step out of your pants please buddy?" the question had it been from anyone other then these two would of triggered a brat fit but Draco just felt exhausted and nodded, bracing himself on Harry's shoulders as he did as he was told and Hermione used a spell to dispose of the pants. "We'll buy you more later. your shirt can be washed at least." she said holding a nose. "I..I uh, Ok.." Draco said. it wasn't like he was in a position to argue.
Harry was wiping the back of Draco's legs, getting most of the sludge that had leaked out and dabbing at the spot here it leaked when he paused and frowned. "Draco, spread your legs for a second please." Harry said. Draco did and a gasp came out of Hermione's mouth as they say the red welts and weeping blood spots on Draco's inner thighs. they had both assumed he'd been walking funny due to his nappy's thickness but their was telling anther tale. "Draco..doesn't that hurt?" Harry asked slowly, looking up with concern at the blond. "I..I just got used to it..and it doesn't hurt as bad as the rest." Draco said in a small voice, looking away from them. "The..rest?" Hermione asked slowly, then looked at Harry who nodded. He slowly undid the spoiled nappy and the smell got worst but neither were focusing on that as they both gasped at the raw skin and horrible nappy rash that Draco had, his privates were a mixture of red and brown. "Oh Draco!' Hermione cried out and started the tub going, trying to will the water to heat up faster. Harry was gently wiping at the filth and paused as Draco would flinch or hiss as Harry did so, but then with his eyes shut tight and tears running he whimpered out a request in a ragged breath. "J-Just get it done fast!" Harry didn't need to be told twice and was fighting back tears of his own as he cleaned Draco up, the tissues a mess of shit and blood and the poor guy was turning pale. Harry didn't bother to ask how this had happened, between needing to make his nappies last and Harry doubted he'd been using talcum powder or rash cream.. Not helping matters was his pubic hairs which he had clearly tried to shave at one point and many were coming back as ingrown hairs. getting him as clean as he could with the toilet paper and flushing the loo, Hermione and harry helped him into the tub and it was Harry who had a arm under Draco's and a hand on his chest as Hermione switched from tub to their detachable shower head. Keeping the flow on gentle but firm enough to wash away the filth she worked over the mess as Draco whimpered and started to sob. "Shhh It's ok Draco, it's going to be ok. we're here for you." Harry cooed and rubbed the slimmer mans chest. god, you could see how unwell he'd been eating, his ribs were almost showing and there was no way that was just from two weeks on the streets. Draco had been ignoring his diet clearly for awhile and there was his brief 2 months in prison to take in as well. "Jesus.. " Harry muttered and locked eyes with his wife,She was almost crying as she washed away the filth, and nodded back to him. "I..I..It hurts.." Draco whimpered in a pathetic, mockery of his former tone, and he looked back at Harry, seemingly unable to look at Hermione. "I..Just..Help.." he whimpered like a broken puppy. "we're gonna Draco." Harry promised. "But right now we have to remove your pubic hair. it's lea-" Harry started and Draco happened to look down as Hermione turned the water off and reached for the shaving cream and a razor. "N-No! No razor! get that away from me! you'll cut me!" Draco Howled, suddenly alive and with a power Harry hadn't expected and would of over powered him if his fear fueled power hadn't run out as fast as it had come on. Draco slumped in Harry's arms, panting and weakened and sniffling. "D-Draco what was that about?" Harry asked. "M-My first night on the streets... a.. a big heavy set muggle.. he..he had a razor. said I was going to.. to.. " and Draco whimpered and sobbed., but went on. "Or he'd cut me. I..I was scared and so I..I.." Draco's sobs filled the bathroom and Harry and Hermione were silent in shock. "Draco I.. I'm JUST going to remove your hair down here..so you can get better. NO one i this house will ever make you do THAT." Hermione said in a soft and calming tone. "I..I..Promise?" Draco sniffled. "We will NEVER lie to you Draco, thats a promise." Harry promised. "...I might flinch...I can't help it." Draco said after about 30 seconds. "I'll keep that in mind." Hermione said and then got to work.
With Draco semi cleaned up and shaved, the poor boy still needed a soak and a washing. the tub was washed out and then switch back to the facet and Draco was gently laid down in the tub, on the slant that all tubs have and the water slowly filled  the tub as Harry and Hermione exchange looks and squeezed each others hands. they had been told they could never have a baby but here was a boy who needed a set of loving parents in the worse way, never mind he was their age. Noticing how Draco semi flinched around her as she moved in, Hermione stepped back and let Harry wash Draco and get his hair cleaned and then tried to let Draco enjoy the warm water for a bit as she shut off the tap. it was all for naught though as a combination of what he had been though and the hot/warm water had Draco quickly fall asleep in the tub, and it was only her quick movements (Harry had been talking to her, his back to Draco) that kept his head from going under while Harry pulled the plug to drain the water.
Getting Draco out of the water and wrapped up in a soft towel, Harry couldn't help but be amazed at how light Draco was, almost as if he had hollow bones. Carrying him to the makeshift nursery that Hermione and Harry had started before finding out they could never conceive, it was Hermione who took to using a few spells to change the size of the crib and the like while Harry for at least this nappy change set Draco on the plush carpet. Laying out 3 of the soft and thick terry cloth diapers under the sleeping boy, Harry proceeded to coat Draco's butt and crotch with rash cream and followed up with a thick coating of baby powder that made the sleeping blond give a adorable little sneeze. Pinning the nappy's up he got the light blue rubber pants over them with a little bit of trouble and then Hermione was holding up two Onesie's she'd made big enough to fit the adult baby. "What do you think Harry?" She asked held up a one one with a dinosaur print up it and a light blue one with a teddy on the front. "Teddy or dinos?" "oh, teddy for sure." Harry chuckled and they started to get him dressed.
Draco woke up about a hour later, Yawning and rubbing at his eyes. he'd had a crazy dream that he'd run into Harry and Hermione and they had taken him back to their place to make him their big baby. He was a little bit confused on why he was on something so comfortable when the local shelter would of been closed by now and slowly forced his semi gummy eyes to opened and look around. "...On second thought, Maybe that wasn't a weird dream after all.." Draco said in a soft voice. He was in a nursery alright, light green walls and different magical beasts painted on the walls. the carpet was a light brown color and looked very plush and soft and he was in a wooden crib that had been painted white and had a queen sized mattress in it, and a mobile hanging up over head with quidditch players hanging from it, spinning around. the crib had a little activity toy on the run of it, different knobs and the like he could play with and semi mirror in it that let him see his new attire. "Bloody hell..I look like a over sized baby!" Draco squeaked out. before he could take anymore in the door to the Nursery opened and in walked Harry and Hermione. "Now now, watch the potty mouth." Harry scolded with a smirk, wagging a finger. "Oh be nice, He's just a little shocked. I think we can give him some leeway." Hermione said and then leaned over the crib rail. "Do you feel better after your nap little one?" Truth be told he did feel better, and his nether regions weren't as sore as before but still, he was founding himself in a not quite mute shock, but unable to form words and he babbled away before just slowly nodding his head. "S'all right Little guy. I know this is a bit of a shock but trust me, you're gonna love it here." Harry said. "I..Buh...Da?" came Draco's less then witty reply. "well spoken." Hermione giggled and ruffled Draco's hair and gushed as the little guy closed his eye's in bliss and nuzzled into her hand. "OK, that's just adorable." Harry chuckled and Joined Hermione on the crib rail. "Now some basic rules we're gonna need you to follow Draco...Don't worry, they're nothing horrible." Draco opened his eyes at that and gulped nervously, he'd never been all that good at following the rules. "Rule number one: You're not allowed to change your own nappies. I know sometimes it might seem easier for you if you could but that's mine or Hermione's job now. you'll never be left in a soiled nappy any longer then you have to be in it, If I'm busy cooking or the like.All you have to worry about is looking cute" Harry said holding up a finger. "Rule number two:You're no longer allowed to bathe yourself. We were gonna show some leeway with it but after you conked out in the tub earlier, it's just for your safety." Hermione said, holding up two fingers. "Rule number three: we know you're still a grown man with certain needs, but if you feel the need to pleasure yourself let me or mommy know first and we'll give you a little privacy. I don't really wanna walk in on you humping a teddy." Harry said, smirking and holding up three fingers as Draco blushed BIG time at that. "Rule number four: Your to call me and Harry mommy and daddy, or if you have a varmint of those you prefer that's ok. You'll need to get used to it for when we take you out in public as we'll be using a shrinking charm to make you look like a little boy. We could use the charm all the time if you prefer but we both figured that should be your choice to make after you've tried out both sizes." Hermione said and held up four fingers. "And last but not least, Rule number five: Your not to try and feed yourself without permission from mommy or daddy. We want you to relax and enjoy being spoiled. Questions, comments, concerns?" Harry asked and waited. Draco squirmed in his thick nappy, blushing as he listened and then finally found his voice as he did indeed have one question. "W-what happens if I break a rule?" He asked in a small voice and then looking around his crib he spotted a snake stuffie and pulled it to his chest. "Heh.. well first time will be a scolding and likely a time out. second time will be a spanking on your diapered butt and a time out. third time.." And Harry trailed off, but it didn't take a genius to guess the unspoken threat. "I'll be good! I'll be very good!" Draco promised, then paused for a second and a little smirk crossed his face. "You knowwwww Mommy and daddy.. you didn't make swearing against the rules. so I can say fu-" "Don't push it little man. you won't get a spanking for swearing but there's a bar of soap with your name on it." Hermione chuckled. that was met with a muffled poot from Draco who gave a sheepish grin. "Jusssst hada test it you know,." "Mhmm..I can see this is going to be a interesting relationship." Harry said and then both him and Hermione leaned over the crib bars and smooched Draco's cheeks.
The end for now
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 9*
Summary: The Pogues have a celebratory kegger. Things heat up for you and JJ after a few drinks...
@ma10427 @lasnaro @certainstatesmantoadartisan @iamaunicorn4704 @riverdaleserpent04 @justcallmesams @sspidermanss @tangledinsparkles @jellyfishbeansontoast @hurricane-abigail @poguesnobx
Part 8  Part 10 
Note: This is going to be super steamy so 18+ only 
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I had a feeling tonight was going to be fun. Everyone was in a fantastic mood. Kie and I sitting dancing around in my room deciding what to wear. Kie had brought over some of her clothes and makeup for me to chose from. The boys had gone down to the beach to set everything up and was coming back to pick us up. 
I sat at my mirror, trying to decide what to do with the mop of dark brown curls that adorned my head. I tried a few different things and just wasn’t happy. I eventually gave up and just decided to let it do it’s own thing. Kie left to go meet the guys outside while I finished getting ready.
“Well I have to say..I think I’m dating the hottest chick in the entire world” JJ said making me jump since I didn’t hear him come in. He whistled, looking me up and down which made me blush.
“You’re not too bad yourself Maybank” I smirked. He was wearing his signature grey cut off tank, khaki shorts, and his red baseball hat turned backwards. The girls at our keggers constantly drooled over him, and I secretly did too before we started dating. 
“I’m going to have to fight off all the men there tonight baby, you look hot” he smiled at me.
“So I never was hot before then honey bear?” I teased him acting mock offended. 
“You know what I mean baby” he said rolling his eyes at me. He came over and wrapped his arms around me nuzzling his nose with mine. “You are so beautiful, my sweets” he said lovingly. My heart melted at how incredibly lovey and sweet he is.
“You’re so cute love,” I said squeezing him.
“Hey, I’m a man, you don’t call men cute” he said.
“You literally threw a fit earlier because I ‘wouldn’t cuddle you the right way’ ” I raised my brow at him, making quotations with my hands.
“That’s different” he said shaking his head. 
“How is that different babe?” I laughed.
“Hey can y’all pause your make out sesh so we can actually go to the party?” my brother asked slamming my door open upon his entry.
I rolled my eyes at him, playfully hitting his cheek on my way past him. We all got in the van, Kie and Pope sitting on one side, and JJ sat on the floor of the van between my legs in front of the other bench. I leaned back on the bench, smoking a cig while JJ rolled his blunt. Pope holding his nose as per usual. JJ leaned back against one of my legs, letting a puff of smoke fill the van. I finished my cig and took the blunt from JJ, taking a big hit then passing it to Kie. 
I could already feel the effects from the weed making me feel much more relaxed. I mindlessly played with the hair sticking out from JJ’s hat while Kie, Pope, John B and Sarah jammed out to whatever was playing on the radio. I looked around at them, taking a moment to think about how much I love these people. Aside from Sarah who I’m still iffy about, they were my family. I leaned down and kissed JJ’s cheek, and he turned to me and smiled. He pointed at his lips, puckering them, and I gave him his kiss. Kie and Pope were holding hands which is the only form of affection I have seen between them since they started dating. 
We finally arrived back at the beach and could see other people there already. Someone had brought speakers and was blasting music giving a proper party vibe.
“Who brought the speakers?” I asked knowing no Pogue could afford that.
“I brought them from my house..” Sarah said looking back at me. I didn’t know what to say so I just gave her a small smile.
“My girl hooked us up,” John B said leaning to kiss Sarah. I fought the urge to vomit, this must be how he feels seeing JJ and I like that. 
We all piled out of the car and down towards where a few people were circled around the keg. I looked behind JJ and I and saw Kie and Sarah talking. I guess they had made up which made me not feel so bad for wanting to give Sarah a chance. If she was really serious about my brother, I wanted to at least try and be her friend. 
JJ pulled me closer to him, slinging his arm around my waist and down into the back pocket of my shorts. I looked up at him and saw him smirking. I laughed, putting both my arms around him and squeezing.
“Dude can you like not do that when I’m right behind you guys?” John B said. Pope making a gagging sound behind us. JJ laughed and in turn squeezed my ass with his hand still in my pocket. I playfully shoved him away, turning to fill a cup full of whatever was in the keg. The taste bitter on my tongue and shooting heat through my stomach. 
“Come dance with us!” Kie came over to me with Sarah and they were pulling me where a few other people were dancing. 
I chugged my drink to make me loosen up a little more, but I still caught myself looking back at JJ to make sure he was ok. He was having a very animated conversation with my brother and Pope which could mean he’s already a bit tipsy. After chugging my drink, I went back to the keg to get another one. The girls then decided to get my brother and Pope on the dance floor. Pope being very reluctant since he wasn’t that great of a dancer. Kie and Sarah stuffed him between them to make him even more uncomfortable and grinded on him since the song playing was more upbeat. My brother and I laughing at Pope’s very uncomfortable stance. John B even spun me around a few times then went and grabbed Sarah. 
I looked for my man in the crowd and saw him watching me. I pointed my finger at him, then made a ‘come hither’ motion. He stalked towards me, looking like a predator hunting his prey. I swayed with the beat of the music, the alcohol in my system loosening me up completely. JJ downed the rest of what was in his cup, me doing the same. He closed in on me and reached for me, bunching his hands in my shirt and yanking me to him. I grabbed hold of his belt loops, staring up into his blue eyes. The alcohol making them even more blue. He pushed my hair behind my ear, taking hold of my face and leaning down to my ear.
“You’re trying to make me cum in my pants aren’t you sweets?” he whispered. The coldness of his rings against my hot skin made me shiver. I moved my hands on the sides of his cut off so I’d be touching his skin, I felt the hard muscles ripple underneath my touch. 
“Will you dance with me baby?” I asked sweetly. He spun me around, pulling my back to his chest and swayed with the beat. I pushed back harder on purpose which made him groan in my ear. I loved that sound, it was music to my ears. 
“We need to go, now” JJ said dragging me off. I giggled to myself, knowing exactly what I was doing to him. “You think you’re real cute don’t you baby?” he asked.
“Oh I know I am to you Maybank” I said smiling at him. He growled low in his throat which made me even more turned on. We made it back to the van and JJ turned slamming me up against the door.
“You think it’s fucking funny to grind your ass all up on my dick in front of everyone?” JJ said getting so close to me putting his hands on either side of my head, boxing me in. I laid my head back against the van and laughed. JJ grabbed my throat yanking me to his face. His eyes completely clouded over, his once bright baby blue eyes now much darker. I was so turned on I had to rub my thighs together. He looked down at my legs, noticing my movements.
“You ain’t gonna do shit Maybank” I taunted him. I knew exactly what I was doing to him, and I was so drunk I didn’t care about this being our first time together. I wanted him and I wanted him now. I knew he wanted me to judging by his erection poking my lower stomach. 
“You’re gonna regret saying that sweets” he growled. JJ threw open the door to the van and shoved me in. Slamming the door behind him, he threw off his hat and crashed his lips to mine. I almost banged my head on the floor with how hard and fast he leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, feeling under his cut off tank. JJ slid his hands up my body to just below my breasts, I moaned in his mouth trying to wiggle to get his hands closer to them. He pulled away from my lips and kissed down my neck, finally putting his hands where I wanted them. I tried to lift my hips to his, but he moved one of his hands off my breast to push my hips back down.
“We’re doing this my way sweets, nice and slow since you want to tease me in front of everyone.” JJ whispered against my neck. 
He moved both his hands under my shirt, feeling his way up my body. I tossed my shirt over my head, JJ doing the same with his. JJ kissed the tops of my breasts, his hands coming around to unclasp my bra. He tossed the fabric in the direction of our shirts. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so beautiful” JJ groaned. I was so turned on I didn’t even feel the need to hide from his gaze. I just wanted him to touch me. 
“JJ please” I whined. He chuckled against my skin, lowering his mouth to take my nipple in his mouth.
It was the most incredible feeling, I arched my back into his mouth. I grabbed onto his hair and scratched my nails against his scalp. JJ moaned and the vibrations created a new sensation that I loved. He gave the same attention to the other nipple. Then he started kissing his way south, I tensed up a little. This was my first time with anyone, but I knew I completely trusted JJ. 
He got down to the top of my shorts looking up at me for approval. I nodded at him and he shot me his signature smirk. He unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off along with my underwear. He spread my legs and got down on his stomach. He kissed along my inner thighs, teasing me. 
“JJ” I whimpered.
“What baby?” he smirked. He blew hot air on my sex which made me moan louder than I intended to. 
“Stop teasing please honey bear” I begged. 
He took the flat of his tongue and licked all the way up my sex. I bucked my hips to which JJ put his arms around each leg so I couldn’t move. He alternated between licking and sucking on my clit, I threw my head back moaning loudly. I could already feel myself starting to build up. I raked my hand in JJ’s hair and pulled causing him to moan, the vibrations setting me on fire. He slid his tongue into my hole, thrusting it in and out. He used his thumb to vigorously rub me. I pushed his head farther into me. He pulled back and chuckled at me, I pouted at him for stopping. 
“You aren’t coming until I’m inside you baby” JJ said while unbuttoning his shorts.
I watched him take off his shorts and underwear. My mouth starting to water and how beautiful he is, his erection hitting his stomach. His abs flexed at the action. He came back down over me, kissing me fiercely. 
“Are you sure about this love? We can stop if you aren’t comfortable.” JJ said kissing my cheeks then my lips.
“I’m sure J” I whispered against his lips. 
JJ lined up and started pushing in. He stopped after the tip was in, wanting me to get used to the feeling. He pushed in a little at a time which made things go a lot more smoothly on my end as it wasn’t the most comfortable feeling at first. JJ shoved his face into my neck, growling into my ear. 
“You’re so tight baby, fuck...I’m not going to last long” he grunted.
He moved a little which felt incredible and I moaned in his ear. He started going a little faster. It was an amazing feeling. I felt so connected to JJ, like we were one with each other. 
“Faster J please honey bear” I whined, biting into his shoulder. 
He pulled my head back by my hair and crashed his lips onto mine. Pounding into me at this point, shaking the van. I felt my eyes rolling into the back of my head. He moved one of his hands down to rub at my clit again. Going harder than before. My legs starting to shake I knew I was about to blow.
“Oh JJ, I’m going to cum” I cried into his neck. This made him go even faster, rubbing me even harder, and I cried out again. “JJ!” I screamed.
“Give it to me baby” he growled into my ear.
That sent me over the edge. My body felt like it was floating, my legs shook and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. JJ rode out my orgasm and pulled out, jerking himself until he came on my stomach.
JJ collapsed on top of me, both of us out of breath. JJ leaned his head into my neck and kissed me there. I smiled and hugged him to me.
“You’re amazing my sweet girl” JJ muttered sweetly into my neck. I squeezed him tighter against me, both of us giggling. 
We laid there for a moment, taking in the moment. After what felt like hours, we got up and put our clothes back on. The van smelled like sex, so I sprayed some of my perfume over everything. We got out, JJ lifting me up and spinning me around. He put me back down, leaning to give me a sweet kiss. I got up on my tipey toes and shoved my hands into his hair. He pulled me harder against him, then pulled back and smiled at me.
“Round 2 later back at the chateau?” I asked.
“You got it cupcake” JJ said slapping my ass. I laughed, and as he turned grabbing my hand to take me back to the party, I gave him a taste of his own medicine. I took my free hand and squeezed his ass, then pulling it back to slap his ass. He jumped and glared at me.
“Sorry baby, I can’t seem to keep my hands off that fine ass of yours” I teased.
We both laughed and headed back to the party hand in hand. When we got back to the others, JJ let go of my hand so he could wrap his arms around me, me doing the same to him.
“Where did y’all go?” Pope asked. Both our faces turned beet red. Kie and Sarah giggling, my brother looking grossed out, and Pope still confused. “What am I not understanding?” he asked.
“We didn’t go anywhere Pope, we’ve been here the whole time” JJ said trying to cover up that we had sex in the van. 
“But where?” Kie asked. I looked down at my feet.
“I don’t know what you guys are talking about..” I said clearing my throat.
“I’m still really fucking confused..” Pope mumbled.
“Pope they banged” Sarah said bluntly.
“Sarah!” I yelled. 
“Oh that’s just gross” Pope said shaking his head. Kie laughing so hard she was bent over clutching at her stomach.
“Did you guys fuck in the van?” John B asked. 
“Uhhh..” I muttered. 
“You’re deep cleaning that shit when we get home” he said.
“Hey, I’m the one who pays for it. I’ll do what I want in MY van.” I said.
“That’s fucking gross we have to ride back to the chateau in that” JB whined. 
“You can always walk JB” JJ laughed. My brother huffed in response, crossing his arms and pouting like a 5 year old. 
We had a good rest of the night. The Pogues plus Sarah Cameron was finally able to have a good night with no Kook drama. I wish it could be like this all the time. Seeing JJ so happy made my heart race. I was falling so hard for this boy. I thought I had loved him before we were together, but I was so wrong. He was my other half, and I know we’re only 17, but I want my forever love to be JJ Maybank. I knew in my heart that he was my soulmate. And this was just the beginning of our story. 
Hope you guys liked this! This was my first time writing any kind of smut so I hope I didn’t do too bad! As always any feedback is appreciated!
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rxsie-the-demon · 3 years
Brooklyn Baby | JJ Maybank
SERIES MASTERLIST | chapter one | chapter two | chapter three
chapter summary: Kelce confides in Nikki, who learns the details of what happened last summer. Kie devises a plan.
Chapter 4: Dark Paradise
“Hi! I’m Nikki.”
JJ’s jaw dropped. “Uh...” He blinked a couple of times, looking between me and Kiara, before rubbing his eyes and mumbling, “Ah, fuck me. I’m way too high to be doing this.” He went over to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
Kiara was sitting on the floor, head between her knees, trying to catch her breath. “I’m sorry JJ, but your face was everything.” He rolled his eyes and flipped her off.
I giggled, and took a couple steps forward to extend my hand out to Pope. “You must be Pope Heyward. It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard such wonderful things!”
JJ snorted and took a chug of his beer. “I’m sure you have.”
We ignored him and he shook my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, too! Kiara’s told us a lot about you.”
“Aww,” I said, turning to look at Kie. I walked over to JJ and looked up at him. Yes, looked up, since he had about a foot on me. “Nice to meet you.” I smiled warmly. Moment of truth.
He studied my face for a minute, before glancing at my hand and then away. “Whatever,” he mumbled. My eyes went wide with surprise. Sheesh.
“Ohh-kay then,” I spun. I did not think he’d be that rude. I walk over to Kiara and then smiled. “Well, what do you guys like to do for fun?” I asked the Pogues.
Pope opened his mouth to respond, but JJ said, “Beat up Kooks and steal their cash for drugs.” I snorted.
Kiara rolled her eyes. “JJ, play nice.”
JJ shrugged and chugged down the rest of his beer can and crushed it. “Just letting Pillow Princess here know how we roll down here in The Cut.”
“Um, excuse me?” I took a step forward. I could see the satisfied look on JJ’s face, like he enjoyed the fact that I was pissed.
Kie grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
“Well, this has been fun, but we should head back to Figure Eight, right, Nikki?” Kiara looked at me with a look that said Please don’t press this
I shrugged. “Alright.” I turned to face the boys. “Peace out, Pogues.”
“Bye, Nikki! It was nice meeting you! Bye, Kie, love you!” Pope waved. JJ ignored me and headed towards his bedroom.
“Love you too!” Kiara shouted back, grabbing the skateboards.
We made our way outside the house and down the dirt road.
“Did he call me a pillow princess?” I asked Kiara once we were a good distance from the house. “What does that even mean?!”
"You don’t wanna know,” Kie chuckled a little. I shot her a confused look.
“Ok, now I do wanna know.”
“Nikki, trust me-” she pulled her hair back into a bun, “-if I tell you, you’re just gonna get pissed.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh, c’mon I’m not that unhinged- Wait, was it a sex joke?”
Kie laughed. “Took you long enough.”
My nostrils flared, and I spun around. “I marched towards the house, skateboard lifting above my head. “I’m gonna bash his skull in-”
“Nikki. Nikki. NIKKI- No!” Kie ran after me and grabbed my arms. “Look, I know JJ is frustrating at times, but he means well.”
“He means well?! How the f-”
“Ok, ok! Just give him time?! Please? He just doesn’t like...Kooks.” She waved her hand towards me. “And if he sees that he got under your skin that easily, he’s never going to stop picking on you.”
“He doesn’t like Kooks? You’re, like, his best friend!”
“Well, I never really fit in with the other Kooks, and besides, I’ve known them for years.”
I grumbled, “Whatever,” under my breath and turned around, making my wait with Kiara towards the main road.
Stupid fucking JJ Maybank.
“Uh, girl? You good?” Scarlet asked me, waving her fork near my face.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I had my head down on the table, and I sat up and rubbed my temples. Lunch had started a couple minutes ago, but I wasn’t hungry. I was frustrated. A certain annoying blonde boy was still pissing me off. And it wasn’t Topper or Rafe.
“You don’t look fine,” Topper noted.
“Yeah,” Kelce agreed. “You look like you need to take a shit.” Topper coughed up his drink and started laughing-wheezing.
Scarlet gagged. “You boys are disgusting.” She swatted his arm.
“What?!” Kelce defended. Topper and Kelce high-fived, and I smacked Topper upside the head.
“No, I do not need to take a shit. Thanks for the concern. No, it’s just that I met this kid, JJ Maybanks, last week, and he’s annoying as fuck. I’m pissing about that.”
Topper and Kelce groaned. “I fucking hate that dude,” Topper sighed. Kelce agreed.
“Why?” I asked. “And Kelce, I thought you weren’t trying to start stuff with these Pogues.”
“Yeah, well, JJ’s a special case. He’s dangerous.” Kelce shrugged
“How did you even meet him? He never comes onto Figure Eight and he lives on, like, the other side of the island.” Scarlet added, eyebrows scrunched. “Like, the poor side.”
I thought quick. If I told them I was friends with Kiara, they would start to give me shit.
“I was bored. And I just..drove around over there and stopped at some random pier near the swamp.” I lied and took a bite of my pasta, which literally tasted like cardboard. I gagged and took a sip of my water.
I could tell that Scarlet wasn’t convinced, but she dropped it, thankfully. We continued the rest of lunch talking about scuba diving, but I could feel Scarlet giving me strange looks.
When the lunch bell rang, I practically bolted out of there. Confessing to meeting JJ Maybank made me uncomfortable for some reason, and I don’t know why. Was he really a dangerous person or-
“Nikki! Wait up!” I heard a voice call behind me.
I slowed down and spun my head around to see Kelce jogging up to me. I stopped completely turned to face him, and he made his way over to me and smiled. “What’s up, midget?”
“Shut up,” I hissed and continued walking towards my class. “What’s up?”
Kelce shrugged. “Nothing.” He ran his fingers through his hair a couple times, before following up with, “Actually, are you free today after school?”
“Uh...think so, yeah. Why?”
“Uh, I wanted to go...golfing?” Kelce laughed. “Actually, I kinda want to talk to you.”
I felt a wave of panic. Was this about the Pogues? JJ? Kiara? “Sure, what ab- shit, I just walked by my class,” I spun around and hopped into my room. “Text me later, Kelce!”
“I- ok?! See ya!” Kelce laughed nervously and finger-gunned me. I sat down at a desk and pulled out my phone to see a text from Kie.
‘ayo what’re u doing after school?’
‘hanging w kelce, he like, just, asked me. why?’
‘ooh ok, i was wondering if u wanted to come over to work on the project?’
‘sure! i’ll text u when i’m done golfing w kelce’
‘golfing, srsly?’
“So, what did you want to talk to me about again?” I asked as I sat into the golf cart. Kelce managed to smack the golf ball into the water, but I noticed his hands were shaking a bit. He seemed nervous, and for the life of me I didn’t know why.
“Um, ok...look, I know it’s a bit weird because I haven’t known you for as long as I’ve known Topper and them but, can I trust you with a secret?” Kelce seemed anxious; his hands were wrapped tightly around the steering wheel and his leg was bouncing up and down pretty fast.
I narrowed my eyes. Well, of course I’d keep it, but Kelce is right, I’ve only been here about a month, and judging from how nervous he sounds, it seems like something...personal.
“Well, of course, but you seem nervous...is everything alright?”
“Yeah no-” he parked the golf cart as we got to our spot. I got out of the cart and made my way to my golf clubs. “Sorry, keep going Kelce.” I apologized and allowed him to continue.
“No you’re good! It’s just that...I think I have a crush on one of our friends and I don’t know how to tell them.”
“Wait, really?! Oh my gosh, who’s the lucky girl?” I exclaimed. Kelce didn’t respond; he just kept walking, and he looked even more nervous. The realization dawned on me.
“Them? Not her? We don’t have any non-binary friends...do you like one of the guys?”
Kelce looked away, nervous. I ran up in front of him and put my hands on his shoulder.
“Hey, Kelce, it’s ok. You can talk to me about this, you know? I’m not gonna out you or anything like that.”
He looked up at me for a second, and I could see the tiny reflection of tears starting to form in his eyes. He inhale sharpy before proclaiming, “I think- no, I am, bisexual. And I have feelings for Topper.”
I gave him a smile, and stood up on my toes to hug him. “Thank you for telling and trusting me with this.”
He hugged me back, and squeezed me tightly. He let go of me and sighed, “It feels good, being able to tell people this. My parents would be accepting, but a lot of our family friends are homophobic and I’m afraid this would ruin our reputation. And-” He stopped 
“I get it. I mean- I don’t get it, but I understand what you’re trying to say. Of course, I’ll keep this a secret, but...are you ever going to tell Topper? Or your parents?”
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “For now, I’m just gonna see if I get any vibes from Topper.”
I laughed. “Maybe. He hasn’t had much luck with girls; maybe a guy is what he needs.”
“So, how was golfing with Kelce?” Kie laying bellydown on the floor, doodling away in her sketchbook while I was (attempting to) french braid her hair.
“Uh, it was alright. Kelce kept hitting the balls into the water. For someone who’s lived here for a while, he sucks at golfing!” I joked. She snorted and threw her head back. “Hey! You’re gonna mess up the braid!”
“Sorry, sorry. It’s just funny to me how all take pride in their golfing skills but in reality, they’re not that great.”
“Honestly, I think that’s just all boys. They hype themselves up too much and we’re let down.” I giggled. Kie turned around with a sarcastically shocked look on her face. “NIKKI! Girl, I did not expect that from you.”
I gently smacked her arm, then looped the scrunchie I had in my hand around her hair. “All done. Do you think we should work on our Royal Merchant project?” I got up to grab the small backpack I brought with me. In it was the small notebook I used to jot down stuff about the ship. I had decided not to use my history notebook because this ship apparently has some important history in the Banks, and I’m most likely going to find out stuff about it while going around the island with Kie.
“Uhh, yeah sure hold up.” She stood up and went over to her desk. She pulled out a black spiral notebook that look like it’d had been dragged through the mud and dryed in a river. The cover had patchy brown stains on it and dried up water marks. She spun around and faced me, placing the book down on the desk behind her and putting her hands in the pockets of her gray sweatpants. “After John B and Sarah...we decided to write down everything we knew about the Merchant in this notebook and get rid of everything else. Not that there was much left...our maps, everything got stolen by Ward Cameron.”
“Ward Cameron? Wait...Rafe’s dad? Wheezy and Sarah’s dad, Ward Cameron? What do you mean?”
Kiara stopped. “Um...” and started fidgeting with the hem of her t-shirt, purposefully avoiding eye contact with me. “It’s- it’s a long story.”
“Is it one you’re allowed to tell me?” I was uncomfortable now- well, more like nervous. I fell very antsy, and my hands were shaking a bit. I clasped them in front of me and swallowed to ease my nerves. Something about how nervous Kie seemed made me scared...
“Well,” she started. She looked up at her ceiling and closed her eyes, then exhaled slowly. “There’s nothing legally stopping me, but JJ and probably Pope would be a bit unhappy if I told you.”
I shrugged and turned to crouch down to my bag, slightly disappointed if I was being honest. “That’s alright, you don’t have to tell-”
“Let’s go to the Chauteau.” Kie interrupted. I looked up at her. She had her lips pressed together in a weird smile. I did not know what she was thinking. “I have a plan.” She furrowed her eyebrows together, “Kind of. It’s half a plan.”
I put my notebook in my bag and grabbed the top handle. “You don’t have to tell me, you know. I don’t want your friends getting pissed at me.”
“Oh I know,” she smiled, “but I have a plan. A way to bring the Cameron family down and to bring justice to John B and Sarah. But to do that, the two of us and the boys need to work together.”
I nodded slowly, having no idea where she was going with this. “We are still gonna get the project done, right?”
Kie giggled. “Yes, of course.”
“Yeah, so, that’s...it, basically.” Kiara said, slapping her hands down onto her thighs and turning her head left to face me.
I think the look on my face was one of complete horror, because JJ, who was on Kie’s right, burst into laughter. Full on, tear-jerking, belly-grabbing laughter. Pope, who was standing up in front of him, kicked him in the shin. “Dude, what the fuck are you laughing about?”
After he managed to calm himself down, he wiped his tears and said, “Sorry, man, it was just so funny seeing the Kook’s reaction- I mean-”
“Stop calling me that,” I interjected. “I’m just...mortified you guys went through that, and that...” I stopped talking, and looked down at my hands. That Rafe killed someone. I clenched my fists together. I wasn’t mad, not yet. It hadn’t really set in yet. Right now I’m completely shocked, at Rafe, Topper, even Kelce who kept John B locked up in his house.
JJ must have knew what I was thinking, because the usually cocky look in his eyes faded and was replaced with slight sympathy. ”None of us expected you to know this.”
Tears started swelling up in my eyes. “My god...your friends are dead because of Rafe.” I covered my hand with my mouth. I felt like I was gonna be sick. “I’m sorry, I feel so dramatic; your friends are dead and I’m the one who’s crying.”
Pope laughed dryly and said, “Trust me, we cried enough.” When I looked up at him, he was looking down, and I could see tears forming in his eyes too.
I inhaled once, deeply, then turned to Kiara and smiled. “So, what’s this plan you were talking about?”
i am sorry for straight-up disappearing. it was a mix of writer’s block and mental health; i needed to plan out some details for the story but when i sorted everything out, my brain was like “nah” but yep i’m back haha
chapter 5
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mammon with a overly emotional MC? asking bcs I cry too much lol, the story would just make everytime I cry a bit better :))
Ok, first off anon, SAME. I also had a dad that thought crying was just women trying to manipulate men, so yeah, that was fun.
I was in the middle of writing something else when I got your request and I just felt like I had to write something for you. (And myself, let’s be honest lol) I’ve never done a songfic before, but I couldn’t get this song out of my head and it just seemed to fit perfectly with the idea I had.
I hope you enjoy. ☺️
Mammon x gn!MC
Words - 1804
Content warnings - light angst, lots of comfort and some fluffy cuddles
Prompt/inspiration - anon request, “Emotional” by Diana DeGarmo
NOTE - the original song uses the word “girl”, this has been removed in this story and replaced with [gender]
Summary - After a rough day at RAD, you hide out in your room while Mammon tries to figure out what’s wrong.
NOTE - lyric free version can be found here.
Today had been a long day. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but for whatever reason, anytime someone so much as looked at you funny, you felt like crying. The voices in your head whispering to you that they were watching you, judging you.
Mammon had tried on several occasions to pull you aside, but you successfully managed to slip away each time. Normally you were so grateful for his company, but today you just knew that if he asked you if you were okay you were going to lose it.
And you absolutely did not want to lose it in the middle of RAD.
You flopped onto your bed, now in the safety of your room, curling up on yourself and pulling your comforter around you. Finally you were able to let out all the stress that had been holding onto. And just as you started to cry, a loud KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on your door shocked you back to your senses.
“Hey, open up! You’ve been avoidin’ me all day.”
It was Mammon.
Not even taking a moment to think about what you actually wanted, you snapped at him.
Sometimes I get emotional
Sometimes I do some stupid things
Sometimes I say
What I should just keep inside
As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. Your tone was sharper than you had intended, but not only that, you didn’t really want him to leave. Part of you wanted him to wrap you up in one of his hugs and just hold you while you fell to pieces in his arms. However, you learned a long time ago that only babies cried. If you were strong, you wouldn’t cry so much. That crying was a burden on and an annoyance to everyone around you.
Sometimes I'm sad
'Bout everything
Sometimes I'm mad
And break some things
Sorry times ten
But you just got in the way
The silence that followed made your heart break. You couldn’t tell if you were more sad at the idea that you had hurt Mammon’s feelings or more hurt that he seemed to have just left you without even trying to figure out what’s wrong. If he cared, surely he would have been more persistent, right? And you knew that was a ridiculous thing to think, manipulative even, but you couldn’t help those feelings that coiled around your heart.
Don't give up now running away
I won't hurt you
Sometimes I'm just a pain
And that's the way it is
That's just the way I am
Resolving to spending the evening alone, you laid back down, curling up as small as possible once again. As your thoughts wandered, and your tears fell, you slowly started to drift off to sleep. You didn’t notice when your bedroom door opened. You didn’t notice the smell of hot chocolate wafting into your room. And you didn’t notice the dip in your mattress as someone climbed in beside you.
Sometimes I feel like crying
Laying down and dying
That's when I need you
In fact, it wasn’t until you felt an arm slip around your waist and a kiss on the exposed skin of your neck that you finally started to become aware of what was going on around you.
“Hey,” Mammon whispered as he settled down in your bed, spooning you from behind.
Your breath hitched, and you felt your body stiffen involuntarily. Why was he here? Had he seen your face? Did he know you had been crying? Tears silently slipped down your face again as you started to panic internally. What was he going to say when he realized?
Laughing's always easy
But sometimes I'm just scared
You'll leave me
That's when I feel
“I ain’t goin’ anywhere until ya tell me what’s wrong.”
“I...umm…” you wanted to answer him. Make an excuse. Offer some sort of rational explanation for why you were hiding in your room and had been avoiding him all day. Something told you just saying “there’s something in my eye” wasn’t going to fool him.
“Tch, always gotta be so difficult,” Mammon said. You felt his arms release you as he sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. If you thought you had been anxious before when he was laying beside you, it was nothing compared to the feeling of him leaving, with the words “difficult” echoing in your ears.
You say I'm just impossible
Totally unpredictable
I'm just a [gender], get used to it
No big deal
“Here. Sit up.”
But before your thoughts got to turn too dark, Mammon was sitting beside you again. Poking you with his elbow as he nudged you in the back. So surprised were you to find that he was still there and hadn’t left, you turned around immediately to look at him.
Despite his dark skin tone, you could tell he was blushing, and even if you couldn’t, his refusal to look at you would have been more than enough to confirm that he was feeling embarrassed. Your gaze slowly traveled downward until it landed on the tray he was holding in his outstretched hands.
“What’s this?” you asked, puzzled at why Mammon was offering you a mug of hot chocolate, and what appeared to be...cookies…? Only they were slightly burnt, and you weren’t sure you recognized the ingredients he had added in lieu of chocolate chips.
“What’s it look like? I had some extra and thought you might want some. But if ya don’t appreciate it…”
Not wanting to discourage Mammon, you quickly sat up, wiping whatever tears remained on your face away, and took the tray from him.
He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye as you studied his gift, smirking at your response.
Once you were situated with your back against your headboard, you placed the tray in your lap and Mammon sat down beside you. He grabbed his mug of hot chocolate, taking a sip as he waited for your reaction. He was pretty impressed with the results of his baking skills, and was certain the treats would put a smile on your face.
You can't change me
Why would you try (Why would you try)
(You know that I) I'm no angel
But I can make you smile
You reached for one of the cookies, a soft smile playing on your lips as you took a bite.
“So? How was it? Good right?”
When you didn’t answer, Mammon gave you another nudge with his arm.
Without a word, you returned the cookie to your plate, picking up the cup of hot chocolate instead, taking a deep gulp in an attempt to cleanse your palate.
“Mammon...honey...that was awful…” you looked at him over the rim of your mug, taking another deep swallow. At least the hot chocolate was delicious.
“Whattya talkin’ about?! They’re perfect!” Mammon replied, quick to shove what remained of your first cookie into his mouth. You continued to watch him while sipping on your beverage, slowly now that the initial foul aftertaste seemed to have been gone.
You tried your best to hide the smile that was threatening to spread over your whole face as Mammon froze mid bite, glancing at the plate of cookies, then at you, then back to the cookies, before finally chugging down what remained of his own mug of hot chocolate, desperate to rid his mouth of every last crumb.
When his mug emptied, you offered him your own, laughing at his reaction.
“Shaddup,” he snapped, eagerly taking the cup from you and polishing off its contents. But he wasn’t mad. Not at all. He was relieved and overjoyed to see you smiling again, interacting with him and no longer pushing him away.
And that's the way it is
That's just the way I am
When he finished what remained of your drink, he took the tray from you, sitting it on the floor beside your bed, before turning back to you and wrapping you up in a tight hug. Now much more relaxed than you had been, you wrapped your arms around his waist, returning the gesture and burying your face in his chest.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
“It's fine. Don’t worry about it,” he reassured you, “Are ya gonna tell me what happened now?”
You nodded against him, tightening your arms around him as you clung to him.
“I just...I don’t know...had a bad day, I guess. Everything made me just want to cry. And I know it’s ridiculous. I’m an adult. I should…”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“With cryin’. What’s wrong with that? Ain’t ya the one that told me it was ok to let it all out?” Mammon had leaned back now, resting against your headboard, pulling you up against himself as he began to rub your back, pressing an occasional kiss to your forehead.
“I...uh...well, I just...I’ve always been told I cry too much. I’m too emotional. Like little things that wouldn’t bother anyone, upset me. And I didn’t want to annoy you...so I…”
“Dummy. I dunno know why you’d think I’d feel that way. You never act like that with me.”
Sometimes I feel like crying
Laying down and dying
That's when I need you
Mammon gave you a reassuring squeeze, and yet another kiss to the top of your head. All you could do in response was hold him tighter, pulling your legs up so that you were practically sitting in his lap by now.
You weren’t sure why it hadn’t occurred to you before. You honestly never saw the connection. And if you stopped and thought about it, Mammon had easily cried more times in front of you since you had arrived in the Devildom than you had cried at all (in public or private) during your stay.
You always reassured him, and comforted him. You never laughed at him, or thought for one second that he was a burden for opening up to you. In fact, you never felt more loved than when he would let you see that sensitive, emotional, side to himself because you knew how much it meant that he trusted you.
Why did you ever think he wouldn’t treat you with the same love and care you had always shown him?
Laughing's always easy
But sometimes I'm just scared
You'll leave me
That's when I feel
I won't hurt you (I won't hurt you)
Sometimes I'm just a pain
And that's the way it is
That's just the way I am
That's when I need you
Laughing's always easy
But sometimes I'm just scared
You'll leave me
That's when I feel (feel you)
I feel you
Sometimes I get emotional
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