#but honestly I love my friends and if I could teleport myself over to you guys then I would
feliciadraws · 2 months
Okay so not so much of a hot take as a personal opinion, but lately I’ve realised just how much I dislike the term ‘IRL friends’ (in real life friends), to describe friends you know in person rather than online, and so I prefer the term ‘in person friend,’ because think about it; just because you only know someone over Tumblr or Discord or whatever, they’re still a friend, and just because you live in a different part of the world and can only see or talk to that other person, that doesn’t make that friendship any less real, because a friend is a friend, no matter what.
You’re still talking, and playing, and bonding, with another human being over your favourite things, you’re still talking to them about personal matters, be it helping them out with something or even just venting about something upsetting, you’re just doing it over the internet.
They’re still your friends, and the friendship formed can be just as close as if it were in person. Lately I’ve been seeing and feeling that more and more myself, and all I can say is I’m so freaking lucky to have the wonderful friends I have, whether it’s sharing stuff on Tumblr or being weirdos and screaming about our favourite things on Discord.
You build each other up, you help each other with projects, you ask for advice, you laugh and joke, you even help your friends better themselves when they’ve made a mistake or done something wrong. Because that’s what good friends do.
You might not know each other in person, but you still know them in real life.
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coffeejellou · 1 month
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter one
What to expect: Fluff and Crack/Comedy
Things to know: "Saiki speaking telepathically to people"
"Saiki speaking with his mouth"
"Everyone else speaking"
(Sometimes) Narrator speaking
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"Bye mom! Remember I'm going to the park with Kusuo after school so eat dinner without me, alright?" You said to your mom as you waved goodbye to her.
"Bye sweetie! Have a good day! Make sure to tell Ku that I said hello!" And with that you were off, closing your front door and making your way to none other than Kusuo Saiki's house.
Your name was Y/n L/n, a high school student at PK academy. Right now, as stated before, you were going to your best friends house to walk with him to school.
He was a pretty average guy, average grades, good parents, good friends (though he didn't consider them friends, but deep down you knew he did). Pretty 'normal' right? Expect there's one more thing about him that wasn't.
Saiki, was a psychic. He had all sorts of powers and he could do just about anything. Telepathy, psychokinesis, x ray vision, precognition, teleportation, clairvoyance, etc. Honestly it hurt your head sometimes trying to remember how much he could do.
See, you and Saiki have been friends since pre-school, and you didn't know he could do these things until your second year of middle school, where you had caught him using teleportation.
At first, you had just thought your mind was playing tricks on you, but the more you watched him from afar, the more you saw him use his powers.
And after confronting him you had gotten the answer. Saiki was a psychic. He showed you a lot of his powers while you sat on his floor with your jaw practically hitting the floor.
You chuckled slightly as you remembered, it felt like that was yesterday, and ever since then it was like playing hot potato each time you were around him.
You had to be careful on what you thought, or else thinking the wrong thing could lead to embarrassment, humiliation, and awkwardness...
As you approached his house you snapped out of your thoughts, you saw him standing right outside his front gate, waiting for you.
His pink hair made him stick out like a sore thumb, and his pink antennas, well to you anyway.
"Good grief, I'm not a sore thumb, I look fine."
"What happened to hello huh? I thought you were classier than that." You teased as you both started to walk towards your school.
"Jeez, why am I even walking to school with you." He responded in his usual monotone voice. "And can't you speak to me at least, it's been a while since I heard your voice." You gave him a slight glare, and he didn't even look at you in return.
"I speak to you all the time and you hear my voice perfectly." You scoffed and blew a raspberry at him.
"You know what I mean, whatever it'll happen again eventually. I'll just have to keep waiting and be patient!"
"Well you're going to be waiting a long time." And that was that. You groaned and looked away from him. As you continued to walk your mind wandered off again, recalling old childhood memories with Saiki...
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"Saikoo!!" You ran up to Saiki in your adorable little kindergarten uniform, you were short and had a couple of scars on your face. But you were also smiling, big and wide.
Little kindergarten Saiki looked over at you as you caught your breath. "Don't call me that.." He replied his monotone voice just like the one he has now. Only more high pitched.
"But I love the name! I came up with it myself remember? Kusuo and Saiki combined! Am I a genius or what?!" You said as you started to giggle.
"I know, you've told me so many times..what do you need anyway?" You looked up at him with a slight smirk and grabbed a small white popsicle from your pocket. It was still in its packaging and it surprisingly hadn't melted.
"Let's play rock paper scissors! If I win I keep my popsicle, if you win I'll give it to you! Deal?" You waved the popsicle in his face and he nodded.
"Best out of three.."
Saiki stared at you as you held in your tears, but obviously it didn't work. You were sniffling, wiping boogers and tears that would come out as you tried not to cry.
"Y-You won..!" You managed to croak out as you handed him the popsicle. Saiki looked at it and looked back at you. He felt something, something he never really felt before.
He felt bad.. he had used his telepathy to win, which is what he always did, but he had never played rock paper scissors with you. And he didn't know you would cry from losing.
He took it out of your hands and started to unwrap it. You stayed there, trying to stop yourself from crying. And suddenly you saw the popsicle being shoved in your face.
"Let's share..it was yours after all...." He mumbled out, you saw a dust of pink paint his cheeks, it was definitely not as pink as his hair, but it was pretty close..
You stared at him, you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel your heart race. I mean c'mon, someone sharing something they won fair and square with you? How could you not feel flustered as a little kid.
You gave a big grin, similar to the one you had one before when you had run up to Saiki. "Thanks Saiko!! You're the best friend I could ever have!!"
You gave Saiki a big hug and started to giggle, he stayed still until you let go. He took a taste, then handed it for you to try, then after you, you handed it back. And that's how it went..until a teacher approached you two..
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You looked up to see your school, which caused you to stop your memory early. You hadn't noticed but Saiki had on a small smile, as he was reading your mind.
And as you watched the memory play in your head, he also watched, he would never admit it to anyone, but that was probably one of the best days of his life..
"Hey, I didn't ignore you did I? Sorry I got to thinking..!" You said with a worried smile he shook his head.
"No, I was enjoying the peace anyway." You seemed to have forgotten for a moment that Saiki could read your mind. "Good. Oh right! Isn't today the school year opening ceremony?"
"Yeah, pretty sure." You started to grumble nonsense in frustration, "Cmon man! It's gonna be super boringgg!! Oohh!! Can you use your powers to like..I dunno, make it not happen?"
Saiki stopped as he got in front of his locker to change into his school shoes, he looked at you briefly before rolling his eyes.
"Hey! What was that for!" You scoffed and walked to your own small locker, which was only a couple rows away from Saiki's.
When you finished putting on your shoes, you closed your locker and headed straight to class, where the teacher would lead all the students to the gymnasium for the ceremony.
Jeez...how boring!!
You stood in the gymnasium with everyone in the school. Everybody was in rows, while the principal talked on the stage into a microphone, you honestly didn't know what he was rambling about.
Your mind was begging for something interesting to think of or for something interesting to happen. As you looked around you saw Saiki in front of you, only about 2 rows away from you.
You then saw somebody come up behind him and realized it was Riki Nendou, he's a guy no one likes but has strangely taken a liking to Saiki.
You knew Saiki didn't like him, not because he always hung around him, but because poor old Saiki couldn't read his thoughts. And everyone has thoughts Saiki can read.
Random people he sees on the street, people who speak different languages, young people, old people, hell, he can even read the minds of animals.
But when it comes to Nendou? Forget it. You had heard him rant about it a couple of times already and just the other day he told you he figured out why he couldn't read his thoughts.
Nendou is a moron, you can't read a mind if there's nothing on it. Which to Saiki, can be a weird experience, maybe even scary.
Out of nowhere, a green haired guy passed out in the middle of the floor, everyone gathered up around him and Nendou screamed.
He rushed over to the passed out guy and started shaking him, punching him, even giving him mouth to mouth.
During all the commotion, you walked over to Saiki. "Hey I think there is a god because he just answered my wish. Wait, you might be God right..? Did you do this for me Kuuu...~?" You teased and bursted out laughing.
You swore you heard Saiki's eyebrows twitch as he glared at you, "Why would I do something like this? I mean sure, maybe to get away from Nendou but he wasn't really bothering me too much."
"Well whatever, all that matters is that something interesting happened! Hopefully they cancel the ceremony because I was practically dying of boredom.." You shrugged your shoulders and Saiki sighed.
"Nendou! What do you think you're doing?! Take him to the nurse!" A teacher yelled out as he saw Nendou giving the green haired boy mouth to mouth.
"Wow, never thought I'd see Nendou kiss someone.." You muttered as Saiki nodded in agreement.
"Huh? What? The nurse? Okay, right!" Nendou yelled as he picked up the boy and wrapped his arms around his shoulder.
"Hey Saiki, L/n, why don't you both go with the two of them? I don't trust Nendou to find it.."
"Damn it.." Saiki hissed into your head, as you sighed in annoyance.
As Saiki opened the door to the nurses office, nobody seemed to be in there. No nurse, no students, and no teachers.
"Huh that's weird..is the nurse dead too? Guess I'll have to do mouth to mouth of you myself.." Nendou said as he clung onto the passed out boys shoulder.
"Please don't.." Saiki muttered, he looked sick and you laughed slightly at his expression. You decided to look around for any medicine or something that would help in this situation.
And as you had your back turned to everyone you heard a loud thud. You gasped slightly and looked over to see Nendou on the floor, the green haired guy ran over to the sink, yelling at Nendou.
"I don't need mouth to mouth you stupid idiot!" He started throwing up into the sink, grabbing onto it for dear life.
Well...this was an interesting turn of events..did you know he was faking? You thought to Saiki as you helped Nendou up.
"Obviously. But I couldn't really say anything or else Nendou and this kid would question how I knew.." He responded, using his powers to only speak to you telepathically right now.
"You're better! Well that's nice to see!" Nendou cheered with a small smile on his face. You felt bad for him, all he did was try to help, and this is the thanks he gets?
Though you also understood why the kid was throwing up..I mean..getting kissed by Nendou was definitely bad..
"Course I'm better! I was faking it!" He continued to throw up and started gargling water into his mouth.
"Wasn't worth it though since I got kissed by you!" The boy yelled as he turned to all of you, he looked disgusted and you rolled your eyes.
"Well if it makes you feel better I'm sad too..you were my first kiss.." Nendou said, sounding a little heartbroken as he tried to help the situation.
Oh wow...that's unfortunate isn't it?
"You're only making it worse Nendou..." Saiki added as the boy threw up even more. You wondered how much longer this was going to go on. He's thrown up so many times by now.
"Now everyone's gonna think Nendou and I are in love..." He wiped his mouth with his sleeve as he sat on the floor.
"I absolutely guarantee you no one is thinking that.." Saiki said as you chimed in, "I mean c'mon dude...did you really think there would be no consequences for doing this? If the nurse was here, and she found out nothing was wrong then what?"
The boy looked at you and stayed silent for a moment before glaring at you, "Hey, you better not tell anyone my fainting was fake..I don't care if you're a hot chick"
"Say what now..?" You stared at him with a blank face, now you felt like throwing up. Suddenly you heard something start to shake, you looked over to see the medicine cabinet shaking rapidly.
You let out a small scream and it suddenly stopped just like that. "Woah..this place is totally haunted dude!!" Nendou yelled, walking away backwards, far away from the cabinet.
You looked up at Saiki, who seemed unfazed. Was this your doing? You asked with a raised eyebrow, he didn't answer, due to being interrupted by the gym teacher who barged in.
"I heard it all!" He yelled as he glared at all of you. What, the faking or the ghost? "MATSUZAKI?!" The boy screamed out, he looked extremely scared. Of course he would be though, he had just been caught.
"So your fainting was a con job huh..?" He glared even harder, mostly at the boy who had faked passing out.
It felt like he was betting bigger and bigger towering over all of you. "That's not what happened sir! It's his fault! He forced me to collapse so he could skip out of the principles speech! And my sickness is actually a ruse!"
He suddenly started to fake cry and pointed a finger at Nendou, who bless his heart, was confused as hell. "Nendou is that all true?!" Matsuzaki looked over to him.
"Pinning this on Nendou isn't a half bad idea.." Saiki only was speaking telepathically to you now.
Yeah but I feel bad..he was just trying to help. You thought as you looked up at him.
"Huh? Saiki, L/n, what are you both doing here?" Matsuzaki questioned as he stopped yelling at Nendou for a moment.
"What?" "Oh! We were-" You both weren't even given a chance to explain yourselves before he started to speak again.
"Takahashi! Are they also a part of this?!" Ah, so the boy's name was Takahashi, the name sounded familiar to you, so you wondered if he was in your class and you just never noticed.
"who? Uh..yeah sure.." He stopped fake crying for a moment and you glared at him. Oh that little piece of sh-
"That's it! I want all of you in my office!" He screamed, which is all that he seemed to do. It was honestly starting to give you a migraine, seriously how can his voice not get tired of it?
"Dragging me and Y/n into this is a bad idea pal.." you looked up in surprise when you heard Saiki say that, but you realized quickly that he just accidentally forgot to stop saying things in your head.
He also realized what he had done and looked away.
Hey don't be embarrassed it's fi-
"I'm not embarrassed." He quickly answered and you looked down at the ground. Why can't he just admit things from time to time...jeez...why do I even lik-
"Hold on a sec teach!" Nendou called out, interrupting your thoughts.
"Wait finish that sentence.." Saiki said to you, in return you blushed. Crap! I always forget he can...- Dammit! Stop reading my mind Kusuo!
"His fainting is real...didn't you just hear him say it? Roots sickness.."
"Holy crap he's dumb! How can anyone mistake ruse for roots?!" You stayed silent in shock... Saiki's right ..how can anyone be so..dumb...?
Roots sickness is a deadly virus that infects the victim through their follicles.
"Oh that one..!" Matsuzaki puts his hand to his chin, thinking about what to do next, you on the other hand, sit down onto the black bench that was tucked in the corner and sigh.
You had a massive headache, you didn't know from what at this point.. Matzuzaki? Nendou? Takahashi? Saiki? It was hard to tell..
"You need help?" You heard Saiki ask you through your head.
No..you're just gonna make the pain go away right now and it'll come back to bite me in the ass tomorrow...I'd rather just deal with it now..
He looked at you and saw how much pain you were in, before he could think about what he was doing, he pet your head softly.
The gesture made your eyes widen with shock and you swore you could feel your face heat up.
The three guys were doing something you didn't really pay attention to, taking Takahashi's temperature you assumed because you heard Nendou say something about that.
Saiki then sat next to you, the closest he ever has actually. Is he trying to kill me..?! You thought without thinking, No! Wait! Stop! You didn't hear that right?! Dammit Kusu-
"Stop your whining, it's giving me a headache, you're loud in your head y'know..." He whispered next to you. Everything in your body stopped, like you were a robot who had been unplugged or something.
"92.8°c" You heard Matzuzaki say as he looked at the thermometer, which caused your little moment to end..wait...did he just say....?
"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!!!!" He yelled, and loud. Next thing you know, medics came in with a rolling bed and they were taking Takahashi to the hospital in an ambulance.
You looked over at Saiki, who had a flame at his fingertip. "Phycocinises, my ability to manipulate fire." He showed you the thermometer, loud and proud. Which was something he didn't do at all.
"pfft..showoff.." You elbowed him playfully and smiled. "Hey, you melted the tip.." you pointed to it and he did indeed melt it.
"oops..better hide the evidence" He quickly balled it into his hand and set fire to it while making sure to keep it in his palm.
"Woah..." You heard Nendou say as he walked through he door.
"He saw..!" Saiki yelled out to you, both of your faces painted with worry. "You..have a fever too..?!" And just like that, Saiki was also brought to the ambulance, leaving you alone in the nurses office.
You laughed softly to yourself, "It's like bad luck just follows him I guess..."
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"Oh hey Saiki, I totally forgot to tell you yesterday, but my mom wanted you to come over to talk to her. She said she wants to talk to you about something important." You told Saiki as you shrugged your shoulders.
Saiki finally looked up at you from his seat, after talking to him for a couple minutes already. "Something important? Are you sure she didn't mean my mom?" He questioned, as you looked down on him and saw his purple eyes.
You blushed as you looked into them, surprisingly you didn't turn into stone yet. "Good grief, stop staring and answer my question..." He pulled up his glasses so you wouldn't see his eyes anymore and you stood up straight as you blushed harder.
"S-Sorry..but no she didn't say your mom, she said you specifically. She said you could come by whenever you had time. It's not urgent..I don't think."
You looked away as you scratched the back of your neck, I need to stop getting flustered by him..at this rate he'll figure it ou-
"Did ya hear? A deadly snake escaped from the local zoo!" Somebody said loudly from behind you.
....why does someone always have to interrupt her when she's thinking about..that? Saiki thought to himself, he'd gotten fed up with people causing you to lose your train of thoughts whenever he was reading your mind. I mean, it's been happening since middle school, and it was getting old.
"Huh? A snake..?" You mumbled to Saiki as you looked over to the group of students. "There's a poisonous snake on the loose?!" The students friends eyes widened as he took in the information.
"Are you boys sure it escaped..this is just the kind of plan they'd come up with..fear not I the jet black wings are never fooled by their evil deception..someone must have set that snake free on purpose.!" You turned around to see none other than Shun Kaidou, who is someone you had met back in elementary school.
For a couple of years in elementary school, you and Saiki had drifted apart, and you had met Kaidou during those years. He was your best friend for a while until you and Saiki reconnected.
But you two still considered each other great friends, hell you are the only who, (only sometimes), played along with his persona.
He was always there to help you, no matter what you needed, he was right by your side.
"Hang on! You know the guy who did this Kaidou?!" One of your classmates yelled in anger as he slammed his hands onto the desk and got up.
"Some wannabe supervillain called the black wings?" Another guy asked in confusion, you snickered slightly, Kaidou's little world was hard to keep up with.
"No I'm jet black wings, the hero! The villains are a secret organization named dark reunion..and this escaped sake thing is the first of their evil plot to sort mankind!"
"Dark reunion?!" Everyone gasped and you cringed. "Are people really buying this?" You muttered to Saiki.
"Who?!...Jeez Never heard of them..." Everyone who was listening walked away in boredom as Kaidou stood there, his hands crossed and a smug smile on his face.
"Hah..once again the fate of the world into our super powered laps..say Saiki?" He walked over to the two of you and continued to smirk.
"Hey Shun! You gonna go save the world from the snake now or what?" You teased, he jumped back in surprise from seeing you and you heard a little squeak come out from him.
"Oh Y/n! Why of course, I just need to find it and I'll kill it in a matter of seconds..!" You rolled your eyes with a smile. "Right, well just be careful, kay?" He stuttered a small "O-Okay..!" Before walking off.
"You're close with Kaidou?" Saiki asked you as you looked at him. "Huh? Yeah why?" You tilted your head slightly in confusion.
"You called him by his first name."
"Ohhh!! Yeah we are, he's my best friend! Second to you of course." You smirked slightly.
"Really? That's surprising. I've never seen you two interact much."
"Yeah we kinda got out of touch when middle school started, but despite that he's still there for me when I need him."
Saiki didn't say anything more and just nodded. He honestly was not expecting that, you two were complete opposites, but he got over the small shock after a couple of minutes.
Kaidou was now saying some speech about what he had named the snake and something about the dark reunion having something to do with it. He was also saying how he was going to stop it, no matter what.
Well that was before somebody interrupted his day dreaming.
"Hey good news they caught the snake!" A classmate of yours entered the room and announced. "Well that's a relief! Where did they find it?" A girl asked him with a smile.
"At the schools front gate..it was just kinda laying on the ground, half dead." You saw Kaidou's face turn into shock.
"Kay but why was it dead?" The girl asked. "Some first graders had been whipping it around.." The guy responded, his face turning into a slight smirk.
"That's one weak ass murder snake.." Saiki said to you and you laughed slightly. "Sounds like we beat dark reunion this time!" Another guy said while snickering.
"Be careful what you say! They're a powerful secret society!" Someone else chimed in. "Who knows what they'll do to you once they sort man kind!"
Everyone in the classroom started laughing hysterically at Kaido, mocking him. He turned his back to everyone headed for the door. "Go ahead and laugh..this is the clam before the storm. D-Dark reunion is coming..! I tried to warn you all..I swear!"
You heard his voice break at the end and you frowned. "He's going to the bathroom to cry.." you sighed and started walking after him. "Where you going?" Saiki asked as he also stood up.
"Going to find Shun, obviously." You muttered before running off in the direction he went. Suddenly Saiki felt something coming, his eyes widened slightly.
"Hold up, I'm coming with."
"He's in the bathroom you said?" You looked around you with a worried look as you walked in the hallways, towards the boys bathroom.
"Yeah, but it was probably best he left." Saiki said, you looked up at him in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"Well the snake that they were talking about, it's in somebody's sleeve..." Your eyes widened, and you let out a small gasp. "How did it end up in there?!"
You stopped in your tracks and Saiki saw a small hint of fear in your eyes. "No clue." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Wait how do you even know this? I know your psychic and all but-" Before you could finish your sentence, you heard screaming. "Guess they found the snake..hold on, bear with me for a moment."
"Huh?" You then saw Saiki cross his eyes and you couldn't help but snicker. "Good grief..stay quiet and let me see what's going on."
Back in the classroom, everyone was screaming and yelling, most people were even on top of desks, trying to stay far away from the snake.
"What a bunch of dorks!" Nendou suddenly yelled out during all the commotion with a smug smile as he had his feet up on the desk and one of his hands behind his head.
"Nendou when did you get in here?!" Somebody yelled as Nendou laughed. "Your guys' balls still attached?"
"Worry about yours!"
"Mine feel weird.."
"Well obviously they do!...the snakes on your crotch.."
Nendou's head looked like it stopped working and his eyes went blank, his mouth even frothing a bit. "Nendou!!!" Everyone yelled.
"What the hell is going on in there..?!" You asked as you heard people yell Nendou's name. Saiki still had his eyes crossed which you figured was one of his powers that helped him look somewhere else where he wasn't present.
The power of Clairvoyance! By crossing his eyes, Kusuo is able to remotely view distant locations!
Saiki then took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, you quickly looked away at the sudden movement. Every time you see even a hint of his purple eyes you can't control your blush or heartbeat.
"Nendou was making fun of everyone for being scared..until the snake bit his crotch.." You looked back up at him in surprise. "C-Come again...?"
"Don't worry it didn't bite through the fabric.." You sighed in relief before hearing more yelling. "Everybody get down!" You gasped in shock, you'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"K-Kaidou?! That idiot..!" You hissed before running off back to the classroom. "Y/n wai-" Saiki called out, but it was too late you weren't going to listen to him.
As you slammed the door open you saw him, protecting everyone by standing in front of the snake like bait. He stood tall and brave, he even had his arms out. "I'll take care of this snake!"
"Kaidou! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" You knew that no matter how tough he was acting, he was scared inside.
"Alright murder dragon snake, it's time you face me! The jet black wings! Let's go.." He got into a weird pose, acting all cool.
You cringed at the scene, everyone else was debating on fleeing and leaving Kaidou on his own.
The snake suddenly started to move towards a girl, she screamed in horror. But before anything could happen Kaidou got in front of her to protect her. "Take this! Judgement night sun!" He yelled out.
And just like that the snake was electrocuted, "What..?" You mumbled, no way Kaidou had powers. The snake landed on the ground, he was basically charcoal now.
Everyone cheered for Kaidou, at first he looked shocked but then he had on a huge grin. You smiled, you knew that it probably wasn't him who did that, but he still had the guts to protect that girl.
"I see why you wanted to protect him." You heard a voice say, you saw Saiki standing next to you, he smiled slightly. "He's stupid, he might not have real superpowers but he definitely has real courage..don't you agree?"
You smiled at Saiki and he nodded. "That's exactly what I was thinking."
Thus the great snake attack came to an end!
"I don't care for this new attitude of yours Kaido." The teacher said to him with a glare. Kaidou was now acting like the king, doing whatever he wanted now.
"You better watch what you say teach, it isn't a pleasant thing to get blasted with the judgement nights of thunder...." He said with a deep voice and a smirk.
"That's it! Go to the principal's office!"
He got more immature!
"I take back everything I said..."
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"woah look at her.."
"Oh my gosh.."
You turned around to see what all the commotion was about, only to see one of your Classmates, Kokomi Teruhashi.
"Oh wow!"
"She's so pretty..!"
You have to admit, Teruhashi is very beautiful, and she was sweet to you too. But you aren't very close. Still you don't hate her. I mean, it's a literal fact that she's pretty, and you weren't afraid or annoyed to admit that.
Hell, if you were a guy you'd probably say 'Oh wow!' too. After a couple of seconds looking at her you turned back to look ahead of you. Right now you were walking back home, after shopping for a couple things for your room and cat.
"Saiki! Hi! I couldn't help but notice you looked sad.." You heard Teruhashi say in a sweet chipper voice. You turned around and saw she was talking to Saiki.
He's here? Why didn't he say anything to me? Probably his alone time or something. Wonder how he'll react to Teruhashi..this should be interesting...
But instead of reacting like any other guy, he bowed respectfully and continued walking. THAT'S IT?! Both you and Teruhashi thought.
No way...I mean I don't know why I'm surprised, it's Saiki after all. But seriously? Not even a hello?
"Saiki! Silly..! You know it's not polite to ignore a girl..!" She poked him, trying to be cute and sweet. But he dodged..
Your jaw dropped slightly, before you started to chuckle. You quickly shut up as you realized some people were staring.
Should I help him? Nah, he's a psychic, he's got it covered. You continued to walk, bags in hand and with a slight smile.
"Saiki! Don't leave me alone!" You saw from the corner of your eye that she tried to catch him in a hug. But again he dodged.
You thought about it for a moment and shrugged your shoulders. Eh, I'm bored. And it's not like I'm doing anything wrong. I'm gonna see how this unfolds..
You saw Teruhashi stay in the same position, ready to hug him, she stood still with her jaw open and wide eyes.
"Oh brother..stop watching and help me out already.." You jumped up a bit as Saiki startled you. Why should I help, you're living every guy's dream y'know? A pretty girl chasing after you? I mean c'mon, look how much attention you're getting... You said sarcastically, teasing him.
"Saiki!!" She called out again, running after him. "Here she comes..the one thing this arrogant girl won't consider is that I'm ignoring her. Thought to be fair, if I was the type of guy she thinks I am I probably react the way she wants me to, Nendou as well. And from what I heard, you too right?"
Yeah obviously, I admire her y'know? But from what you just told me, her thoughts are much different from what she acts.
"You got that right...now get her away from me, she's attracting so much attention to me."
Teruhashi kept trying to touch him, and you didn't really understand why. "Do you mind if I tag along? I promise it'll be fun Saiki!"
Jeez...she's determined...
"To answer your question, she's trying to prove to me that she's real, since she thinks that I think she's an illusion.."
Right...well how can I help? If I talk to you to get you out of this situation, you'll have to talk to her or at least notice her existence.
"Talk to her then. Not me."
Hell no, if I make her mad by distracting her from her goal, you, then she'll be after me for the rest of my life!
"Good grief..wait...is that? Nendou! This is bad...if he acknowledges her, I have no choice but to acknowledge her too..! I'll be checkmated my social convention.."
I think this is the most I've ever heard you talk...
"Sorry, I don't really have time to separate my thoughts and what I want to say out of your head."
Don't be...
You felt your face heat up and you took deep breaths, trying to keep yourself from thinking about anything embarrassing any further.
"Oh no! Where did Saiki go?! What's going on?!" You heard Teruhashi say to herself. You made eye contact for a second and she quickly walked over to you.
"L/n..?" She turned over to you and you tensed up. "H-Hey.." You mumbled out, trying your best not to sound nervous. "Do you know where Saiki went?"
"Huh? N-No sorry, I don't think he was here, I would've seen him, he sticks out to me..hehe.." You felt yourself starting to sweat a bit, lying to Teruhashi was like playing with fire.
She suddenly looked down at her hand, her face went red, and her eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual.
"Y-You okay?" You saw put her hand over her chest, where he heart was and your mind went blank.
D-Dont tell me.....that's exactly how I ooked when...
"Am I falling in love with Saiki..?" She whispered very quietly to herself.
You sighed in frustration as you approached your house, never in a million years would you have thought that Teruhashi would like Saiki.
"Hey." You screamed and jumped in surprise, you turned around to see the psychic himself.
"Well looks like you're a ladies man aren't you?" You chuckled, assuming he had been reading your thoughts. "Don't remind me..this is such a pain..she's going to be a new problem for me now..."
You rolled your eyes with a smile before opening the gate to your house. "You coming in? If you have time of course.. remember my mom wanted to talk to you?"
"Right but first I.." He looked down at the ground and handed you a small pink paper bag. "What's this?" You asked, but he stayed silent.
You took it from his hands and opened it, it was a small brown cat plush, that looked just like your own cat, coffee jelly.
"Oh my gosh! It looks just like coffee! Where did you get it? And why?" You smiled big and hugged the plush.
"I saw it when I was out, and you technically did help me escape from Teruhashi.."
"Ahh..I see." You nodded as you realized. Saiki hated being in debt to someone, and since you helped him, he wanted to get you something to say thanks.
"Thank you so much Kusuo! I love it!" You smiled and giggled a little, he nodded. "Anyway, I might as well talk to your mom while I'm here..."
"Mom! I'm home! And look who I brought!" You called out as you walked in. "Hi sweetie! Who did you bring by?" Your mom walked out from the kitchen and she gasped slightly before smiling as she saw who was with you.
"Kusuo! How are you? How's your mom been?" She asked as she walked towards you two. "I'm fine, and my moms been good, she's been asking how you've been."
"Oh well you tell her I'm doing just fine! And make sure to mention that I'll be waiting on Saturday for our shopping day!"
Saiki nodded, while you put all your shopping bags down. "Where's Coffee? He asleep?" You asked your mom.
"He's out like a light in your room! Why don't you go check on him while I talk to Saiki here?"
"Sure, call me if you need anything!" You waved goodbye and walked up the stairs to your room.
"Saiki dear, sit down, won't you?" He sat down on the dining table as she handed him a coffee jelly and a spoon. "Thank you." He said as he opened it and ate a spoonful.
"How have you been controlling your powers honey? Been staying out of trouble?" He nodded as he continued to smile and eat.
"Good, I'm glad. Now let's get to the point." He tensed up slightly as he heard her tone change into more serious, and she glared at him.
"My daughter, I'm aware you know of her feelings for you? It's not rocket science, you're a psychic and I'm sure she's thought about it before. And I know you've heard her talk to me about you right?"
She crossed her arms and stared dead into his eyes, if he didn't have powers, he'd probably be terrified right now.
"Now let me get one thing straight..if you ever hurt my daughter in any way shape or form, I will not hesitate to harm you, I don't care if you're a psychic..my daughter comes first..okay?"
Oh wow... He thought, he didn't know where all this was coming from, he suddenly didn't really have an appetite for his coffee jelly. All he did was nod again.
"Phew! I'm glad that's all sorted out! You better hurry home now, I'm sure your mother is worried sick!"
She quickly stood up and grabbed Saiki by his arm, rushing him to the door. "Have a nice night sweetie! Be sure to come visit again, Kay? Night!" She closed the door on him as he stood there, dumbfounded for a couple of seconds.
He sighed and started to walk off. Where did all that come from? It was honestly kind of terrifying.
He stopped walking and looked up at your window, where your room is located. He used his clairvoyance to look at you, sleeping peacefully with your cat and the plush he had given you.
Your room was decorated with all sorts of things, but something caught his attention. He hadn't been in your room for a while, so he figured you had just put it up.
There was a newspaper attached to your wall with thumb tacks...it had a picture of you two, you had a big toothy grin on your face and held up a peace sign with your right hand. And with your left you held Saiki's hand as he had no smile on his face whatsoever as he looked into the camera.
The title of the newspaper was called, Rock-Paper-Scissors kids.
He then took off his glasses as he rubbed his eyes, his clairvoyance always made his eyes feel weird after using it. He smiled slightly before teleporting back to his house.
"I'm home.."
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Next part -> Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter 2
Summary: Looks like Saiki's popular with the girls as yet again, another girl falls in love with him. Leaving Y/n to bottle up her feelings and shove her jealousy deeper and deeper into her brain. Later on, he practically begs you to come with him to the beach with Nendou, because as he puts it, "It'll be less annoying with you there to get me away from all the other nuisances." And to the top of this whole chapter, Nendou starts acting weird a couple of days later, leaving you and Kaidou's imaginations to run wild.
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docholligay · 7 months
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This is when I'm supposed to tell you about the weight of history and what it is to see the human experience of the human experience all collected into a large building, and how it being labyrinthine is a part of the art itself, giving one the feeling of the human journey, up and down and backwards and lost, always lost, but surrounded by beauty and blah blah I'm sure it would have been very evocative and I'm clever as shit or whatever but honestly one of my FAVORITE things to do in museums is play games with myself. I like to pick categories, and find things that fit them, and here's a sampler of what I found
Something I’d like to steal: 
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This punch bowl could very possibly hold two gallons of my sangria in one go, which would enable me to be an even better hostess, not having to constantly be looking to see if the sangria needs to be refreshed with the jugs from the kitchen waiting in the wings. There’s such an intensely organic feel to it, I just think it would feel good to carry this. I feel like I always pick a serving piece for this category--I always spend a lot of time in the functional arts--but in fairness, that’s the things I like and also, it sounds very frivolous to say that I love throwing parties, but it’s a part of connecting with my community, and I think, in some way, serving them. Genuinely, I would love to host something like a Sailor Moon mixer or something if people could teleport in. That’s what I do for my congregation, is basically catering for the shabbat meal. Anyway, I would use the SHIT out of this for the Shabbat meal, and also for parties. 
Something that moved me:
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This is The Angel of Death and the Sculptor, and I must have stared at it for five solid minutes. My mom was wondering what in the hell I was looking at, and it was hard to describe. There is something so beautiful about the way the young sculptor is caught by his wrist, in the middle of his art. It will ever be unfinished, but no less the beautiful for that imperfection. The look on his face, as I moved around the piece in the corner of the Parisian-style square set into the Met, that horror and knowledge all in one. The Angel of Death cannot look him in the eye. He does what she needs to do, and then moves on, but that in no way means that each work is wanted, and this is not the act of calling an ill old man home. He was scultping the sphinx! He was doing greatness! But that matters not at all, when Death comes to call. I thought about it a lot then, if I had been alone I might have sat there and written down every fool thought that came into my head, but I wasn’t, and so I moved on, but it was lovely, and I was really touched by it. 
Something I learned: 
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I did not know this kind of multi-shelved thing made to hold mostly objects was called an étagère! I had seen them plenty in interiors, but hadn’t connected a name to them.
The ugliest thing i saw: 
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This fucking??? “Display platter”??? So it’s a platter, but you can’t use it as a platter because you have the ugliest fuckign fish this side of Billy the Big Mouth Bass over here blocking every useful part of the platter, joined by his good friend why the fuck is there a crawdad desperately trying to escape this place, and several venomous snakes circling the place. This looks like something my beloved and very sexy wife would buy at a garage sale for 2 dollars and put up in the garage because I deemed it too ugly to hang by the dead animal skulls in our house.
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lazella · 2 years
So, for the infinity stone AU, how about just everyone recounting their adventure and everyone just being baffled on the ridiculous stuff they've been through. Also, technically, Arc V Yu boys did technically pulled a Thanos on the dimension.
We Had To Get Spiderman to Judge This One
Peter loved hanging out at the Avengers Tower nowadays. Ever since Judai and his group showed up, he finally had some other superpower kids his age to talk to. Ned was great and all but there were some topics of the superhero life he couldn’t understand. Judai and the others always lent an ear about the more stressful parts of world saving and in turn shared some of their experiences which led to his question that had been on his mind.
“So what is the craziest thing that happened to you guys?”
Everyone paused whatever they were doing as mulled over this question.
“Are we counting time travel as crazy?” Judai asked.
“If you are asking about the time we dealt with Paradox I think we can file that under normal by now.” Yugi said, “Time travel really isn’t surprising anymore.”
“Never thought I would hear that sentence….” Yusaku muttered.
“If time travel isn’t surprising, what do you consider weird?” Peter asked.
“Well there was that one time a cult obsessed with the color white took over my school by brainwashing people.” Judai nonchalantly said, “And a falling satellite got involved at one point...but I think the kid we found living in the jungle was only slightly more bizarre since we were on an island and could have returned to civilization at any time.”
“How’s a feral kid more crazy than a cult?!” Peter asked in disbelief. 
“It was the third weird student I met that week alone….” Judai shrugged, “Wondered what happened to him when the school got teleported to another dimension?”
“That happened to you too?” Yuya asked.
“First time accidentally, second time on purpose.”
“Why were there two occasions?!” Peter exclaimed. 
“I wonder how Kaiba is going to feel about this when tell him about what happened to his school…..” Yugi wondered.
“Honestly no one knows…” Yusei said, “Our history books really don’t indicate any drastic action on his part...other than investing in better security and moving the campus to the mainland.”
“Nothing like that happened to me…” Yuma stretched in his seat, “Though we did take the Key Ship on a world tour to investigate mysterious ruins. Surprised that school didn’t notice us missing from class…”
“I really could use something like that.” Peter said, “I’m running out of excuses to give my teachers to leave class.”
“I just skipped school….” Yusaku admitted from his corner, “I was ahead of the material anyway and I could always hack the attendance records if numbers got too high.”
“I can’t decide if that is brilliant or irresponsible…..” Yusei muttered, “Then again I never went to school myself and had to teach myself living on the streets.”
“Never thought of you as a street kid.” Yuya said.
“I used to be in a street gang with my friends.”
Yugi choked on his drink, “Sorry...I never would have pictured you as a gangster.”
“In my defense….I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea.” Yusei explained, “My friend Kiryu was the one who put it together as he wanted to make the streets of Satellite safer for younger children.”
“At least you guys had good intentions…” Peter said.
Yusei just quietly sipped his drink as he decided against mentioning the Earthbound Gods.
Peter then turned to Yugi, “Got any stories to share? Because I think the white obsessed cult is winning so far.”
Yugi thought to himself for a very long time. As if he was trying to think of the most child friendly tale to share. Then he spoke…
“There was a time where we had to deal with the remnants of the last city of Atlantis. It turns out that their king was possessed by an ancient force that compelled him to steal souls to revive its god. Its followers carried part of its power in a field spell card that took the loser’s soul at the end of the duel. Not to mention it was rather overpowered for the user game wise. We had to travel to America then ran all over the country trying to track them down. That was all before the giant battle in the sky in the middle of the ocean against a giant serpent. Not to mention that we almost got eaten by osmosis.”
Silence descended over the group.
“Yeah I think he wins this one…” Peter eventually said.
“Somehow that makes interdimensional war sound ordinary….” Yuya shook his head and sighed.
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justapurrcat · 2 years
73 questions
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? I would say 6.
describe yourself in a hashtag? #iftheworduncomfortablewasaperson
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? Tom. But I would be super awkward about it.
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? "Wrong Person, Wrong Time."
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? That I write fanfics.
what’s your wake up ritual? Don't have one. I just check my phone, regret not dying during the night, get up and skip breakfast.
what’s your go to bed ritual? I do my skincare routine, come up with many brilliant ideas I will not follow the next day, read/write on my phone until I pass out.
what’s your favorite time of day? Evenings (especially is the sunsets are pretty) and nights.
your go to for having a good laugh? Oh dear, I laugh so rarely I honestly don't know.
dream country to visit? Japan, absolutely. Now that I mentioned it, I might need to brush up my Japanese...
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? People not getting annoyed by my presence and saying they genuinely enjoy it and actively search for it... what's your plan?
heels or flats/sneakers? Sneakers, but I love heels and those who rock them.
vintage or new? Vintage.
who do you want to write your obituary? My best friends.
style icon? I... don't know, actually? Do the models in dark academia moodboard pics count?
what are three things you cannot live without? My phone, my cats, my friends.
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? Oregano/Mint/Paprika, it depends, but mainly these three.
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? Mmm... my mom (because she hates cooking, but she's being doing stuff for other people her whole life), my grandma (she's from the place where lasagne were "invented", so it would be a huge test), and my grandpa (who loved to cook, so I would love to hear his opinion).
what’s your biggest fear in life? Being useless and unworthy of love.
window or aisle seat? Window.
what’s your current tv obsession? I don't have one at the moment.
favorite app? Tumblr.
secret talent? I can sew and sing a little, I guess?
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? Meh, everything makes me uncomfortable, merely existing is adventurous enough for me.
how would you define yourself in three words? Dreamer, afraid, over-thinker.
favorite piece of clothing you own? Anything that's purple or lilac.
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? Black/white tank.
a superpower you would want? Teleportation, no doubts on that.
what’s inspiring you in life right now? Writing? Seeing where that can bring me? Idk next question.
best piece of advice you’ve received? "Make fun of it before others can, so they won't be able to hurt you"... given to me by myself.
best advice you’d give your teenage self? "No" is a nice word and you should say it more. Also, stop apologizing for everything. And DON'T make your eyebrows thinner!
a book everyone should read? The "My Brilliant Friend" tetralogy by Elena Ferrante.
what would you like to be remembered for? Nah, just forget me, it's embarrassing.
how do you define beauty? I don't.
what do you love most about your body? You mean despise the least? Probably my eyes, but on alternate days.
best way to take a rest/decompress? Listen to music, nap, cuddle a cat, if you have one.
favorite place to view art? In a museum.
if your life was a song, what would the title be? The Autumn of Violet Lilies.
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? Piano.
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? On my nape.
dolphins or koalas? Koalas.
what’s your spirit animal? A cat.
best gift you’ve ever received? A corset. It was technically mine, because I made it, but I got to keep it.
best gift you’ve given? A handmade doll.
what’s your favorite board game? Dixit.
what’s your favorite color? Purple in its every shade.
least favorite color? Orange.
diamond or pearls? Pearls.
drugstore makeup or designer? Both.
blow-dry or air-dry? Air-dry.
pilates or yoga? Yoga.
coffee or tea? I drink tea, darling.
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? Farthingale.
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Milk.
stairs or elevators? Stairs.
summer or winter? Winter.
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? Pizza.
a dessert you don’t like? Pudding.
a skill you’re working on mastering? Living.
best thing to happen to you today? I got to spend some time with my best friends.
worst thing to happen to you today? Waking up still alive.
best compliment you’ve ever received? Unbelievably, something about my writing.
favorite smell? Flowers, especially lilies, roses and violets, chocolate, mint, vanilla.
hugs or kisses? Hugs.
if you made a documentary, would it be about? Historical garments.
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? "Tear Along the Dotted Line".
lipstick or lipgloss? Lipstick.
sweet or savory? Savory.
girl crush? Idk, I fall in love with everyone, I'm a bit of a whore under that aspect. Right now, Simone Ashley, Gemma Chan, Anne Hathaway and Sharon Alexie.
how do you know your in love? When you go "oh shit, this ain't gonna end well".
a song you can listen to on repeat? Anything by Taylor Swift, really... right now, it's "The Lakes".
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? My cat.
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? Beginning this new job.
tagged by @silkscream and @indouloureux thank you lovies 💜
tagging: @ahoefortomholland @jahayla-parker @thollandsdarling @buckybarnesandmarvel @spiderboytotherescue and whoever wants to do this⁓
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nyotasaimiri · 2 years
Arc Two (redux) 20
((;~; been fielding pre-orders all week from friends and family, my gosh I never thought we’d get so far))
“We both have our own fights to return to,” Lana said after a lonnnng moment, and there was something like regret in her voice. But Nyota heard the lilt of hope in her voice as she added, “You know how to reach me.”
Nyota half-closed her eyes and savored just a moment longer of Lana’s fingers in her hair, then nodded and stepped away. “And if you ever need my help,” she said, “contact me. I’ll find you.”
Lana smiled. “Of course.”
Marcy leaned her head on Nyota’s arm as Lana disappeared down the Arc steps. Nyota jumped slightly; she hadn’t noticed her little friend coming back over. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Marcy asked.
Nyota chuckled, surprising herself. “You have no idea.”
She was further surprised by Marcy’s wide grin. “You admit it!” her friend laughed. “Ah—sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, I know. But you would have never admitted it, you know.”
Nyota smiled with a slow steady warmth. “A lot has changed,” she agreed, the first time she had admitted it out loud. “Maybe for the better, with this. I fought it for a while, but Lumen and… and my own heart beat me down.”
Marcy patted as high as she could reach, not quite at Nyota’s shoulder. “Listen to you, you’re downright sentimental,” she teased. “I think I want to meet this crew of yours, if they’re the ones that did this. They must be quite something.”
“Later,” Nyota promised. “We need to get you home before your family puts up missing person notices.”
“Like we did for you, that first winter? Though I guess… oh.” Marcy’s face fell, and Nyota shifted to wrap an arm around her shoulders. “Sorry…”
“It’s alright.” Nyota knelt down to face her and opened her arms for a hug. “It’s okay to remember him. Isn’t that what he would always say? Nothing is ever lost to us, as long as we remember it.”
Marcy nodded and Nyota squeezed a little tighter before loosening her grip so Marcy could pull back if she wanted. She held Nyota a few more moments before sitting back and wiping the beginnings of tears out of her eyes. “I’m okay now. Let’s go back. Dad’s going to be so happy to see you again.”
Nyota shifted as if to stand, then hesitated. “Marcy? Are you sure you are happy to see me again? I do not mean… I know we were—you were my closest friend, on Earth. But I know I have dropped a lot on you today, more than anyone should have—I am not who you thought I was. Are you really alright with that?”
“I don’t know,” Marcy said, and Nyota nodded. It was a fair answer. “I know that you did some bad things before I met you. No—” she reached up to put a hand over Nyota’s mouth. “Hey, you should crouch more often so I can do this. It’s fun.” She smiled a little as Nyota snorted. “But in all seriousness, do not tell me ‘mostly bad things’. Yes, you are predictable like that,” she said to Nyota’s incredulous and indignant stare. “Let me decide for myself, okay?”
Nyota considered her question, then closed her eyes and nodded in acceptance, reaching up to move Marcy’s hand away from her mouth. “As you wish,” she promised. “Ask any questions you like of me. I will answer you honestly. I promise that.”
“And if I don’t ask?”
Nyota snorted again. The idea of Marcy letting a curiosity lie… But she said, “I won’t force it on you.”
“Good. Now then,” Marcy said, starting up the stairs to the teleporter, “I do have one question for you.”
Nyota braced herself.
Marcy grinned. “That woman you’re totally crushing on, who is she? I didn’t get her name.”
“Ah, sorry. That’s Lana Blake. She’s…” Nyota fidgeted with a sidelock, twisting it and tucking it behind an ear, only to tug it free again. “She’s more or less the leader of the rebellion.”
Marcy blinked, then started laughing. “The rebellion! As in the apex fighting your big government deal?” She patted as high up Nyota’s back as she could reach. “You have been busy! What in the world are you worried about?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Nyota.” Marcy turned to look up at her. “You’re head over heels for the actual leader of the apex rebellion. If there’s any better proof you’re not inclined to Miniknog anymore, I don’t know what it is.”
A hot blush darted past Nyota’s sheepish grin and settled around her ears. “I envy your simple world.”
“It’s really nice,” Marcy told her, in that tone of voice one uses when too busy talking to actually stick a tongue out. “You should try it sometime. Come on, I’ll race you to the top.”
“And then you’ll either fall or complain my legs are too long,” Nyota teased. She reached down and scooped Marcy up onto her shoulders. Maybe she would try. The warm light in her shivered and danced as she headed toward the teleporter, banter in her ears, friend on her back, and feeling more like home than she had in a very long time. It is an illusion, she told herself, but she didn’t want the illusion to end.
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chrome-head · 5 months
for the questions!
5, 8, 11, 12, 20, 25, 32, 43 48
:3 go wild
someone is nosyyyyy :3c
5. How many people have you kissed?
zero :( unless its like. a friendly top of the head kiss. in which case. i think one
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
sometimes ill get the urge to go rewatch all of trigun on youtube and you should do the same. or hellsing. the old one with the really good music and low budget. also watch gungrave also watch c
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
a mutuals house. i dont know which bc theres a few i need to visit for various reasons but One Of You would be getting a visit from me
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
hmmmm i think i wanna become a smith! like for a renn faire, i wanna make weapons and/or armor. ive done some chain mail stuff before but very basic and at the very least i do wanna make some actual armor for myself one of these days (probably not like. useable armor, my soft delicate hands would have a rough time making a chain shirt with the smaller thicker gauges
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
i mean. ff14 and baldurs gate have had me by the throat for a while now honestly, those are probably my most accurate answer rn since im not actively hyperfixating on something else atm
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
not closing at my work for once lmao that place is a nightmare on fridays. but the real answer would probably be like. playing some dnd with friends, ordering some food and watching a movie together after
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
honestly i think id wanna live in faerun or. whatever youd call that setting. dnd land. like yeah theres biannual world shattering events that wipe out scores and scores of people even in major seemingly protected cities and gods and devils are just real and out to get you. but im a horny lesbian and i like elves and tieflings and aasimar. and in waterdeep if you live in a tavern room and youre not in the building when the tax collector shows up you just dont have to pay taxes that week
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
if anon is who i think they are then they know the answer to that and i am NOT saying it on this blog hghfgfgh
48. Describe your ideal partner.
someone i can share nerd hobby stuff with, but also not like toooo much of an overlapping venn diagram of interests or experiences i guess bc i love things with other people who dont know them and them sharing new things with me. eager to talk with me a lot i like talking with people and. get a little over excited and clingy and needy :c
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ooh i love coming up with questions! feel free to ignore any of these you dont want to do tho
1- werewolves or vampires? and why
2- what fictional character has impacted your life the most?
3- similar to that, was there one movie you were obsessed with and watched over and over as a kid?
4- hat's your "type" and does it vary between theory and reality?
5- re you a good cook or baker? if so, what's the best thing you've ever made?
6- f you could teleport anywhere in the world but you had to stay there for a year, where would you go?
7- where do you see yourself in 5 years? Not in a job interview way
8- what height would you want to be if you could choose?
9- is there anything you really want to do this year that you've never done before?
10- what's something your followers might be surprised to learn about you?
these are so thorough and fun oh my GOSH !!!!
1– werewolves 100%. vampires are sexy in their own right but as a monster fucker i cant resist a big ole fuckin creature, and werewolves are the perfect combination of human intelligence and monstrous otherworldliness. they can be basically just a human with more hair and a tail or they can lose all semblance of humanity and be giant hulking beasts. they're perfect. 10/10
2– sans the skeleton, absolutely. i know he's been sorta transfigured into a meme and hes a silly little guy to me, too, but like also, really and truthfully, he (and undertale itself) came into my life during a time i deeply and desperately needed something to help me feel safe, and sans was that thing for me.
3– there were two, actually!! rise of the guardians and a monster in paris !! i still to this day absolutely adore a monster in paris, it's such a charming film and the soundtrack is phenomenal
4– my "type"..... man thats a hard question. i dont really have a 'type', per say? or at least i dont think so, but there are some qualities that i basically always find consistently attractive! here's a list of em
being tall and/or physically imposing
shoulder length dark hair
low/deep, soft, smooth voice
humor/being able to make me laugh
passion/being hard working/loving the things they do
being a good dancer
good natured cockiness 
5– i dont know how good of cook/baker i am but i do love to cook/bake ! i think my favorite thing ive ever made would have to be these orange creamsicle cupcakes i made w a friend years ago for a baking competition. we won ! (*๑˘◡˘)
6– oooh probably either.... wales or japan! ive always wanted to visit
7– honestly i have no idea... but hopefully somewhere, u know? maybe in a little apartment with a cat . that would be nice
8– maybe like, 5'6" to 5'8"? that way i could still be a short king™ but tall enough so that people dont immediately assume im still in high school
9– i wanna travel by myself! and im actually gonna do that in july, because im flying to england to visit a friend :]
10– uhhhhhh hmmmm i dunno! i'm adopted? people are sometimes surprised to learn that
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stayathomesurveys · 1 year
How many people have you liked this year? One.
How many pills do you take a day? Two.
Do you have any celebrity crushes? Jon Hamm lololol.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Teleporting, being able to make myself look however I want, or the ability to grow money lol.
Do you put ketchup on top of your French fries or on the side? The side.
Where did you last sleep other than your house? My sister’s house.
Where did you get your last bruise from? I hit my arm on the doorknob.
Is it okay to kiss people when you’re single? Yeah.
Ever worn something of the opposite sex’s clothing? Yes.
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Maybe.
Last CD you blasted through your car stereo? I have no idea, that was many years ago.
How many email accounts do you have? Two.
Who is the best cook in your family? My parents and brother are all good cooks. They each have their specialties.
Which baby animal is your favorite? Puppies and giraffes. Honestly, though, baby animals in general are all pretty cute.
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? Many times. It’s been a few years since the last time, though.
When is the last time you went to a carnival? Back in high school at our school carnival.
Do you have a favorite glass, cup, or mug? Yeah. Currently, it’s my Reese’s mug I got for Christmas. I’ve been seriously obsessed with Reese’s the past few months and for Christmas I got a Reese’s gift set that came with candy and 2 mugs and my stocking was full of Reese’s lmao.
What branch of science interests you the most? Psychology.
Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? Yeah, in college.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with via text? I haven’t had any deep conversations via text in a long time.
Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr for sure.
Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No.
Favorite YouTuber? I have several.
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? No.
Do you have any gay family members? Yes, a few.
Was your first kiss romantic? No, it was super awkward lol but it was cute.
What are you most likely to go to jail for? I have no idea. I can’t even imagine.
Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? My aunt. She’s staying this weekend, actually.
What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? I would trip out a bit just cause that would come as a total surprise. I don’t have any feeling that he might be. It wouldn’t matter of course, I would just be surprised.
How many people has your best friend had sex with? I don’t have any friends.
When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? Several years ago.
Are you currently “appearing offline” to anybody? I don’t think so. I think Tumblr shows when you’re online and I haven’t tried messing with the settings. I don’t care.
What were you for Halloween last year? Nothing. I stopped dressing up several years ago.
Do you believe that karma can come back and slap you in the face? I don’t believe in karma.
Have you ever been to Texas? No.
Do your siblings text you? My younger brother and I do. Mostly it’s memes and TikToks.
Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Of course. That’s like the first thing everyone did. You can look up anywhere and for some reason we all had to look up our own houses lmao.
Did your last kiss end up with you and the person doing anything sexual? No.
Who is your ex dating/talking to? I have no idea, nor do I care.
Who did you last pinky promise with? I don’t recall the last time I did that.
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? No.
What happened at the last party you went to? I haven’t been to a party in several years. And parties for me were small get togethers with friends or family, I was never a big partier.
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? Yeah.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? I always do in some way or another, but I had a bacterial infection a couple weeks ago and felt really shitty. Thankfully, my doctor was able to prescribe me some antibiotics and I felt better within a few days.
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? These two girls, Crystal and Starr, in preschool. We sadly lost touch after preschool cause we went to different schools.
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? Yes, my shirt and my rings.
What is your least favourite song, by your favourite artist? I don’t feel like thinking about it.
What color is your jewelry box? I don’t have one.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No.
What is your brother/sister’s favorite food? My younger brother loves Mexican and Korean BBQ and my older brother is a vegetarian and mostly eats just veggies.
Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? I’m not sure.
In your life, who is the person that seems to understand you the most? My mom.
Are you afraid of losing the person you like right now? I don’t like anyone.
Does anyone know your Facebook password? No.
Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? No.
Do you enjoy being outdoors? Only if I’m at the beach.
How many times have you been to a zoo? Many times.
What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? Hm. I don’t know. There’s certainly subjects I’d rather not talk about, but not one I wouldn’t talk about at all that I can think of.
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Give it time
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Summary: Tony throws a party. Loki and you are in an established relationship. He watches the party and sees you and Steve getting too close for his liking. So, he decides to do something about it.
Word count: 3.185 words
Warnings: Angst, jealously, insecure Loki/soft Loki
Give it time He heard you laughing out loud again, from across the room. Loki was by the bar and already on his fourth, or fifth? no definitely fourth, drink of Asgardian mead. At least Thor was useful for something. He gulped down the rest of his drink and signalled the mortal behind the bar to pour him another. It looked like he was going to say something to him, but giving him his best death glare, to mortal held his tongue. He took a large sip and turned around eyeing the room. Tony was entertaining some of his friends, the widow was flirting with Banner who was oblivious to all hints and then he saw you with the soldier. The perfectly, honest, can do no wrong in his life soldier. He took another large sip. Thor was walking towards him.
‘Are you forgetting that you’re not drinking mortal alcohol, brother? Thor asked concerned.
‘No, of course not’ Loki replied irritated. I’m not like you. I’m only on my fourth drink, fourth right? Yeah, definitely fourth he thought.
‘Where’s your lady?’ Thor asked. Loki took another sip of his drink and gestured towards you and Steve.
‘Ah, at least she is in good company I see’ Thor said. Even tough Loki knew he didn’t mean it like that, the comment hurt him. But that was not something he would show. Before he could reply Thor was called by Tony, who probably wanted another attempt at wielding Mjölnir. Like that pathetic excuse of a man could ever wield it. Loki was distracted from his thoughts when he heard your laugh again. He heard it every time, it was the most wonderful and purest sound he had ever heard. He watched as you and Steve laughed with each other. Steve was getting a little too close for Loki’s liking, but he had learned not to disturb you. He was not in the mood to be having that fight with you, again. He is just a friend, he would never make a move knowing I’m with you, he isn’t like that, you had told him time and time again. Still, Loki never fully trusted Steve. When it came to you, he trusted no man.
He downed his drink and made a hand gesture to the mortal behind the bar, not caring to actually acknowledge his present this time. When his cup was filled again he took another sip. He watched as you told a story to Steve and saw your whole face light up. Maybe, you should be with someone like Steve. He is everything I am not. He is nice, polite, caring, courageous and he would treat you right. He was good, irritatingly good. In all the time Loki had known Steve he was waiting for him to slip up, make a mistake, but Loki was starting to think that day would never come. He tried to treat you like the queen you were, but he felt like he always comes up short with you. You had tried to reassure him that you loved him and would be his until the end of time, but Loki didn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe it. It won’t be long before she realizes she can do better. Everyone eventually does. Loki started to wonder how much time he would have left before Steve, or someone else, would steal you away. His preference would be anyone but Steve, he really hated Steve. He needed to be careful, he couldn’t bare losing you. Not this soon, if ever. He took another large sip of his cup, but realized it was empty. Damn mortal bartender forgot to refill my cup, again.
He signalled the bartender rather angry, the man looked frightened at him. Loki gave him a wicked grin and he swore he saw the man tremble a little. He loved to scare people. Something a good man, a better man, one deserving of you, would never do he thought while his smile faltered. Loki grabbed his cup and turned around. He saw that your story was coming to an end. The look on Steve’s face made him sick. He took a large sip. I should distract myself he thought. He eyed the room again, but the only thing he could do was sit beside Thor, who was telling some war story. Loki wasn’t in the mood. Loki looked back towards you when he heard you laugh again. Steve said something to you, but you couldn’t hear him. Stark had turned the music up. Horrible loud music. That’s when he saw the soldier put a hand around you and place it on your lower back. He pulled you slightly towards you and you whispered something in his ear.
THAT’S IT! Loki didn’t care anymore. He would not stand for this. He smashed his glass on the ground behind the bar, making the bartender flinch. Normally, he would laugh, but he had to get to you as fast as he could. He took a few steps, his balance felt a little off, but he didn’t care. He walked towards you as fast as he could. He slapped the soldier’s hand from your lower back and put his arm around your waist. He pulled you flush against him ‘Darling, a word’ he hissed.
‘Loki, I don’t think..’ Steve started before Loki put his hand in the air to silence him. He quickly teleported the two of you back to his chambers. He let go of you and locked the door. When he turned around he saw the rather angry expression on your face. But it was nowhere near the angry expression you saw on his face. ‘WHAT THE HELL, LOKI!’ you yelled at him, startled from the sudden change in environment. He didn’t respond, maybe teleporting wasn’t the best idea I ever had. There was an awkward silence that lasted longer than he would have liked. He was still searching for his words. ‘Why?’ you asked him.
‘I didn’t feel like watching how the two of you were flirting’ he replied.
‘You honestly think I was FLIRTING with him?’ you exclaimed.
‘He had his arm around you’ he responded.
‘He just pulled me closer so we could hear each other. Tony had turned up the music so loud, we couldn’t hear each other’ you replied.
‘He kept holding you’ the anger Loki had first felt was ebbing away. He didn’t want to admit, he would never to anyone, but he was trying to keep his emotions in check. He was certain you were going to dump him and run into the arms of the soldier, and Loki felt like crying.
‘So? It was a friendly gesture’ you said. That fuelled his anger once again. He loved you, but you were rather naïve sometimes. Loki really didn’t want to have this fight, again. He needed you to stay with him, he couldn’t let go of you, he won’t do it ever. He walked a few steps in your direction and was relieved he didn’t see you back away. He put his arm on the lower of your back and leaned in ‘Is this a friendly gesture?’ he whispered. He noticed how your breath hitched a little, you leaned in a little closer and your lips were almost touching his. ‘I think you need a reminder who you belong to’ he said huskily. It was a bold move, but he hoped it would keep you from leaving him.
A sly smile appeared on his face as he saw you swallow hard at his words. He knew what buttons to push to get you there. He let his lips ghost over yours and held back the urge to kiss you again and again, until you were out of breath. He needed to hear you moan, feel you whiter underneath him and realize that you needed him, hopefully enough to stay with him. He slowly started to walk you backwards until your legs hit his bed. He laid you down and immediately crawled on top of you. He started to kiss your collarbone and made his way up to your throat and ear. Making sure to leave bruises and marks, he loved to mark you. That way everybody would know you were his, and only his. He felt your heartbeat increase and your soft gasps, making him smile against your skin.
‘You’re mine’ he growled lowly in your ear. He felt you shiver slightly and noticed goosebumps starting to appear on your skin. He got up and startled your legs. With one strong movement he ripped your dress right through. He couldn’t help but chuckle when he heard you gasp. Then he saw that you didn’t wore any underwear. He cocked an eyebrow to silently asked you why. ‘I thought this would be easier for you’ you smirked, answering his silent question. Loki felt his cock stir, but right before he could continue the thought of Steve being so close to you, without you wearing any underwear popped into his head. He tried to distract himself and latched his mouth to one of your nipples. He massaged the other one by rolling your hardened nipple between his thumb and index finger. Already gasping and panting for air, and I have barely begun. He started to feel a bit dizzy, but ignored it. Maybe I should have listened to Thor and ease up on the drinks next time.
When he was finished with your breasts he slowly trailed open mouth kisses down your body. Making sure to kiss every inch of your body. He hummed against your skin when he felt you spread your legs. He kissed you lower and lower, stopping right before he was at your clit. He was pleased to smell your arousal, a scent as divine as the finest flower on Asgard. He ghosted your clit, knowing that drove you crazy. He felt your hands in his hair, urging him to stop teasing you. Loki let his tongue slip out and give you a light lick on your clit. His plan was to have you begging for more, but when he heard the moan that left your lips, he lost it. He latched his mouth firmly on your clit and swirled the hardened bud with his tongue. You tried to buck away at the sudden stimulation, but pulled your thighs over his shoulders and hold you firmly in place. ‘O god.. o god..’ you started to chant. It was lovely to hear, but not enough. Loki upped his game and let two fingers enter between your folds. He felt the wetness between your thighs and his fingers met no resistance. He slowly started to finger-fuck you while swirling his tongue on your clit in the same rhythm.
After only a short time he felt your walls clench around his fingers and knew you were close. The thought to stop crossed his mind for a second, but he would hear you beg soon enough. ‘O god, Loki’ you cried out as he felt the wave of pleasure wash over you. Your walls clenched hard around his fingers and you tried to move his tongue away from your clit, but failed. He kept pumping in and out of you while slowly circling your clit with his tongue. He wanted to prolong the feeling of your pleasure as long as he could. Once he noticed you started to come down from your high, he shimmered your clothes away and kissed his way back up to your mouth.
He kissed you passionately while lining his hardened cock up with your entrance. ‘Hmm… Loki’ you moaned into the kiss. Right before he entered you he stilted and looked at you with a playful smile on his face. ‘Yes, darling?’ he asked feigning innocence. You tried to buck your hips so he would enter you, but Loki resisted.
‘If there is something you want, all you need to do is ask’ he mused while nibbling on your earlobe.
‘Take me’ you whispered. Loki kissed you eagerly again and entered you in one smooth motion. You gasped, you did it every time he entered you. It was his favourite part, every time. He felt your walls clenching down right away, and knew you still hadn’t come fully down from your orgasm. He didn’t give you time to recover and started to pound into you like this was the last time he would fuck you. Maybe it is. He tried to push the thought away and focus on your withering beneath him. He pulled your legs over his shoulder and leaned down to leave open kisses on your mouth. Sometimes he would slide his tongue in yours, exploring every inch and taking your breath away. He felt he was close and started to circle your clit with his fingers. He felt your walls clench and knew that if you came, he was done for. So, he stilted all movements and revelled inside when he hears a needy whine escape your lips.
‘Loki’ you panted, hoping that he would go on. But he made no movement.
‘Who do you belong to?’ he asked
‘You, I belong to you’ you said while catching your breath. Loki slowly started to resume his movements.
‘And who can make you feel like this?’ he grunted
‘God, yo- you, only you!’ you exclaimed when Loki picked up his pace.
‘Who’s this God you keep praying to?’ he mused, already knowing your answer.
‘You. God you. Please Loki, please let me come’ you begged him.
He snapped his hips as fast as he could and his fingers found your clit. He felt your walls clench. A feeling of pride went through him when he heard you chant his name so loud, the whole tower could probably hear it. In the middle of your orgasm, he felt his cock twitch and his seed spilled inside of you. Every time he came inside of you it felt like Valhalla itself. He pumped a few more times to ride out his own orgasm and pulled out. He laid down next to you, not wanting to collapse on top of you and crushing him with his weight. The feeling of dizziness grew and he even felt a little sick. Definitely drinking less next time. You crawled against him and he wrapped his arm around you. He was surprised when you kissed his cheek, not expecting the loving gesture.
‘You know, you don’t have to be jealous at Steve. There is nothing going on, I only want you’ you tried to reassure him. Loki just stared at the ceiling, he didn’t want to meet your gaze.
‘I don’t trust him’ he gritted through his teeth, trying to hold back his anger towards Steve.
‘Do you trust me?’ you asked him.
He was kind of startled that you asked him did. He looked into your eyes and saw a hint of hurt and desperation in them. He gave you a kiss on your forehead ‘With my life’ he whispered.
‘Then trust me, I will never leave you for Steve or any other man’ you tried to reassure him. You snuggled closer and kissed his chest. Loki wanted to tell you that you couldn’t possibly make such a promise, and that you shouldn’t. Not to him. But he was happy to have you next to him – for now - and didn’t want to spoil it. Not wanting to talk about it anymore he gave you a kiss on your head ‘We should clean up, you’re staying here tonight?’ he asked.
‘Of course, just like every other night this past week’ you giggled. You got up and went to the bathroom, while Loki cleaned himself with his seidr. ‘You need anything from the kitchen?’ he asked to you.
‘A water would be nice’ you replied from the bathroom.
Loki put on his sweatpants and went to the kitchen. He heard the party still in full swing on the floor above him. He opened the fridge to get a water bottle. When he closed he noticed that Steve had entered the kitchen, and he couldn’t give up his change to annoy him. ‘Sorry if we were too loud, I would tell you it won’t happen again tonight. But even I can’t tell that lie with a straight face’ Loki smirked towards Steve. He was a bit annoyed when Steve just shrugged ‘I barely heard the two of you’ he replied.
‘But I was a little concerned about you. You sure seemed a little intoxicated, you’re feeling better? Steve asked with genuine concern on his face. But Loki could see through the lie, he was actually mocking him. Knowing full well he drank too much, and why. Still, he played along.
‘Nothing a god like me can’t handle, mortal’ he replied rather dryly.
‘Good, for a moment there I was worried I had to take your lady home’ Steve said. This time making less of an attempt to show genuine concern.
‘You have nothing to worry about. I will always take her home’ he replied rather irritated.
The soldier just winked at him ‘Give it time’ he said while exiting the kitchen. Loki felt sick all over again and rushed towards the sink to vomit. When he was done he was scared that Steve had heard him, but he wasn’t there and didn’t hear him. He quickly cleaned the sink and his teeth with his seidr, while trying to figure out if it was Steve, the drinks, or a combination of both that caused him to vomit. I knew I shouldn’t trust him he thought. If Steve weren’t important to you, Loki would have killed him right now. Still, Steve’s intentions were very clear. Loki walked back towards his room and saw you already laying in his bed under the sheets. You were wearing one of his t-shirts and reading the book he had left there this morning. 
Only the light of the nightstand was shining in the room. You looked up and smiled at him when he entered. He got under the covers with you and handed you your water bottle. You opened it and took a few sips ‘thanks’ you said. You put the book back on his nightstand and turned of the light. Loki couldn’t hold it in anymore. When you laid back down he immediately grabbed you, pulling you as close as he could. Fearing that if he let go right now, you would somehow vanish. ‘Loki? You alright?’ you whispered. He nuzzled his head against your chest and did something he hadn’t done in a very long time. He cried.  
Tags: @delightfulheartdream​ @the-best-phineas​
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Hermes
Hey guys, still doing what I can to stay healthy (and entertained) in quarantine. Staying still, keeping calm, and trying not to exert myself too much because of the shortness of breath thing going on. My lungs just can't get enough air it seems… 😅 Anyway, I've gotten a lot of suggestions on this series and I'm excited to keep it going. Just going to be a tad slow until I'm feeling better. Thank you for the support, y'all!
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes
Oh no… it’s everyone’s worst nightmare… Another Mammon, but competent. Devil help us all…
Had he known who their father was, he'd have never assigned Mammon to watch over them. Hell, he would have made sure those two never even met. They became a new handful for him to manage from the day they first arrived…
When even more things started going missing around the House than normal, he knew he had made a grave mistake… They were clever, quick, and skilled. About the best WORST combination for a burglar to be…
Worse still, they were fast on their feet. He would pretty much have no way to nab them on foot and always had to resort to his wings or magic to have any hope of catching up to them… At least Mammon usually gets himself cornered!
But, paradoxically, he also came to notice that the mortal had an odd honesty streak to them... Like, they’d steal but they’d always admit to it, unlike Mammon who would try to deflect till he was blue in the face.
Were they proud of their work, maybe? Or just didn’t see the point in trying to get away with it...?
There would be several occasions where they’d take something, sell it with Mammon, and then steal the thing back later just to put it back where it belonged, seemingly never with Mammon’s permission to do so either… 
Is it better that they returned the stolen item or worse because their actions went from just robbery to a full-on scam? Either way, it gives him headaches trying to deal with it…
He pretty much gives up getting the mortal to stop after 6 months, they are legitimately that good, but makes them swear to always put back whatever they take at some point. It seems to work out and he lets more things slide, but please someone get them out of here soon… 
Soulmatesoulmatesoulmatesoulmate, or maybe more accurately “Partner-in-Crime” but that means pretty much the same thing to him anyway. 🤷‍♀️
He’s never met a person better at thievery than they were. The day they met, they managed to pick his pockets without breaking a sweat (or a finger) and that was it. He was in love.
They could teleport! Actually teleport!! Suddenly, NOTHING was off limits to him any more! Lucifer’s rare records? Easy. Levi’s secret safe? Cakewalk. The Castle vault?? Child’s play!! It was like they could steal anything they put their mind to!!
He didn't even have to worry about them when they made getaways because they were fast too, the two actually have parkour races through the streets for the hell of it!
On top of all that, they were wicked creative. He’d come up with a money-making scheme then they’d offer him all sorts of little tricks to help get away with it...
HE’D have never realized that they could turn themselves into rats in order to frighten and sneak past Barbatos, but they thought of it the instant they heard of his fear of things. They're a mad genius!!
The only real downside was they seemed to like stealing for the sport of it instead of for the money… so they always steal back whatever they took.
That kind of defeats the purpose of all that work in the first place, right? Ah well, at least that's more money for him.
These two pretty much became a walking menace to Devildom society- Sorry, not sorry.
Not another Mammon!!! WHY?! What did he do to deserve this?!?
When he started noticing that EVEN MORE of his stuff was going missing than usual, he straight-up flipped! Like, had the mortal not been pretty tough in their own right they would have been Lotan-chow. End of discussion.
… And then they started using their powers for good? Kind of?
Like, first off they would always give back what they stole, which was a nice change from Mammon. Annoying, but at least he didn't have to go buy replacement games or anything…
And then they started stealing him limited edition merch or tickets and stuff because they… liked him?? He guessed???
Why else would they go to all the trouble of swiping one of the five ultra-rare Kitsune Ruri-chan figurines from its original collector? He would have had to pay Mammon half his tail for something like that but the MC just brought it to him one morning because they could!
Is… is this love? Has he grown to love that which he hates?! What is even happening anymore!?! Who is he?!? 😫
Eventually he has to reconcile his conflicted feelings by dubbing them the real life Peony Phantom Thief, Jane and even making them a cosplay. Yes, they have to wear it when they bring him things. No, it's not weird, shut up.
He wants to be irritated, no - furious, that they keep taking his stuff… But he’ll be damned if they aren’t making Lucifer’s life a living hell right now. 😏
He's honestly not even sure how they managed to swipe half of the priceless portraits in the Castle (a considerable feat since there's one for Every. Room.) but they pulled it off in under a week. Barbs didn't even notice the replicas…
If that's not mildly terrifying, he doesn't know what is. Who knows what things he could be missing at any given moment...?
At least the mortal had the good sense to return his things, unlike Mammon, which gets them off his shit list for the most part. 🤷‍♀️
It helps that they’re also impressively well-traveled. They claim to have been across every human continent and sailed every ocean. Though he was skeptical at first, just hearing their stories eventually convinced him.
What sort of person has sailed the Amazon River, hiked through Arctic tundra, seen every major capital city, and still had time to explore the sights of the French Riviera?
One that has magical teleportation powers apparently.
Frankly, he could listen to their stories of the human world all day and still ask for another. He's told them that they may as well just write a book of their own for him at some point, it'd be beneficial to their poor vocal chords.
Ugh! Really? Another thief in the House?? Wasn’t one hard enough to deal with?!
Honestly, stolen beauty products aren't exactly something you can just sell or give back, so unfortunately a lot of Asmo's clothes/accessories get targeted and he is NOT happy about it...
Around the time his favorite scarf was stolen for the third time, he was about to gut the mortal himself, but they struck a deal with him. They could nab his clothes SO LONG as they returned them with an extra little "gift."
Jewelry, perfume, creams, nail polish, etc. Asmo kept a running list and pretty much treated his thieving friend like a less moral version of Akuzon. Whatever he asked for, no matter how rare or expensive, they always got their hands on so who was he to complain?
He once decided to test them by asking for the Hope Diamond - which they got for him - but he made them return it after a week after the curse on it made him ruin a particularly intricate manicure so…
Like Satan, he's also pretty impressed with all the places they've seen. He's pretty traveled in the human world himself so they exchange travel stories all the time!
He may bother them to him out traveling from time to time. There are so many gorgeous and romantic places to visit in the human world after all, it's not like anybody could stop them from just… popping in to have a look. Right? 😏
They learned very quickly that his food is absolutely off limits and after that, they were good.
Seriously. Beel caught them once trying to swipe a piece of pizza from his dinner and he nearly ripped their arm off for it…
But on the flipside, he also knows that he can go to them if he REALLY needs a snack and is short on cash. 
It's pretty comical watching the fleet-foot mortal running from angry demon vendors with a basket of stolen apples for their buddy… But he appreciates their enthusiasm! 🙂
Beel actually likes to hear about their travels too, but mostly what they've eaten. They can keep him enraptured for hours by describing all the food they've come across in the human world…
Watch out for the drool, though.
Since they can teleport, they'll sometimes pop up with a human world treat for him and the man internally swears his undying love for them every time...
Outwardly, though, he just smiles. 'Cause he's a sweetie.
They… they opened the attic door on, like, the first day they met… They didn’t even make it look that hard, they had some kind of knack for breaking and entering…
Seriously, imagine the look on his face when they just walk into the attic to say hello… He had this whole, “Lure and Trick the Human” plan all thought out then they pulled out a magic lockpick or something and BOOM! Freedom!
He laughed, perhaps a little closer to the edge of sanity than he was intending, and he tried to attack them but they were so damn fast he couldn't land a single hit!
Damn was it embarrassing when the others came in…
MC: "LUCIFER! LUCIFER!! There's a monster in your attic!!!"
Lucifer: "That's not a monster that's my brother!!"
MC: *stops midway through kneeing Belphie in the stomach* …. Ooooooooh!
MC: Whoops. 
It was a… rocky start.
After they settled their differences quelled Belphie's bloodlust he found that they kind of grew on him rather quickly… Something about that mischievous energy and how much they gave his brothers (minus Beel) grief with it.
He absolutely helps them with their plans if it will annoy Lucifer in any way. Occasionally, they'll even take Belphie out on raids instead of Mammon.
Turns out he's surprisingly good at distractions because all he has to do is pretend to fall then take a nap. People around him will legitimately believe that he needs medical attention so the MC can sneak through crowds undetected...
Of course, Mammon gets PISSED when they do this, though. How dare his baby brother try to steal away his perfect partner!! Get your own damn mortal, Belphie!!! 🤬
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
A Year Gone By | dark!Bucky Barnes x reader
happy birthday @nsfwsebbie​!!
it was supposed to be a surprise but then I couldn’t stop myself from telling you I was writing something, I managed to keep most of it under wraps though!  I hope the suspense pays off.  
idk if it’s weird that i made it a doctor reader when you’re not a doctor but listen...half the fun of reader insert is getting to vicariously live through a cool career right??  the other half of the fun is the obvious thing.  and it seemed a little creepy if i made the reader exactly like you but if you want it to be more accurate i will totally write you something with actual you in it lol
ANYWAYS I hope you enjoy it and most of all I hope you have a lovely, relaxing, fun birthday.  and i hope it makes you h word lmao.  ily darling <3
warnings: noncon, dubcon, stalking/kidnapping, ddlg, loss of virginity, bondage, oral sex (m and f receiving), anal sex, d/s, pet play, degradation, painful sex/pain kink, cockwarming, breeding, somnophilia (slightly), spitting, pregnancy mention, breeding kink, mention of drugging... I think that’s everything.
word count: just over 15.5k (YIIIIKES my bad)
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Bucky always looked forward to appointments with you.  It wasn’t just because he had a crush on you, honest; you really were the best doctor he ever had.  Then again, between chain-smoking Brooklyn doctors who handed out morphine like candy and cruel Nazi or Soviet scientists, you weren’t competing with anybody too incredible.
“It’s not so bad,” he bluffed, but he couldn’t hide the wince when you touched his bruise.
“You’re not a very good liar, Sergeant,” you told him with a smile.  God, he loved when you called him that.  He hoped his body wouldn’t react to it in any uncomfortably obvious ways.  “Honestly, I’m a little worried about the bones.  I want to do an X-ray, if you don’t mind.”
“Go ahead,” he shrugged, “but you’re probably worrying too much.”
“You plan to walk off a compound fracture?” you scoffed.
“Bet I could, if you kiss it to make it better,” he smiled.  He was expecting you to giggle a little at the casual flirtation, which you did, but he was surprised when you bit your lip at the end of it.  That made it impossible to stop his cock from getting a bit interested, but thankfully it was still easy enough to hide.  Clearly his casual flirting was starting to get to you, and it made him especially impatient but he tried to stay calm.
“I’m a good doctor, but I’m not that good.  A prescription will do more for you,” you replied as you wrote something in his chart-- presumably that he needed to go down the hall for some x-ray work.
“If you say so.”
“Anything else bothering you?” you asked him.
“Oh, no, I won’t waste your time,” he dismissed.
“I’m getting paid, don’t worry,” you laughed.  “I don’t have any more appointments until after lunch.  Is there anything else going on?”
He shifted a little, the paper on the examination table crinkling as he did it.  “Um… it’s nothing, I just--” he glanced up at you but then looked away again, still embarrassed to admit it-- “I’ve had a little trouble sleeping…”
“Nightmares?” you pressed.  “Or general insomnia?”
“Um, nightmares,” he finally admitted, “not as bad as normal.  The meds helped.  Just… I still get them sometimes.”
“How many nights a week would you guess?” you asked.  But you didn’t look to his chart like it was a quiz or something, you kept looking at him with patience and compassion.  That was what really made his heart melt.
“Probably 2 or 3.”
“So we’re down from 6 to 7,” you remembered from what he’d said before you’d given him the medication he was on now, “that’s good.  That’s progress.  But, maybe we need to up your dosage if you haven’t seen better results after 4 weeks.  You haven’t missed any doses, have you?”
He tried to fight his embarrassed smirk but it was too late.
“Bucky!” you scolded playfully.  “I can’t up your dosage until you’re actually being consistent on the amount you already have, okay?  I know it can be easy to forget but you have to stay on it.  Set a timer on your phone or something if you need to.”
He nodded, but the problem wasn’t forgetting to take them as much as it was being ashamed that he needed them at all.  But he’d stay on them if it made you happy.
“Anything else?  Headache, twisted ankle, burns when you pee?”
He laughed and shook his head.  “No, I think that’s everything.”
“Great, then I’ll let you get to your newly-booked X-ray appointment.”  You handed him a sheet of paper for him to take to the X-ray office which informed the nurses there what angles you wanted on his ribs.  “Just know that you can call me if you need anything, alright?”
He took the slip of paper but suddenly couldn’t respond, too lost in looking at you and wondering if you’d felt that same jolt of electricity when his hand brushed yours.
“What are you looking at me like that for?” you asked, breaking the silence.
“You take care of so many people,” Bucky pondered aloud, “I just wonder if someone takes care of you.”
He could tell by your face that you didn’t like the way his tone shifted, but he refused to backpedal.  Just this once, he wanted to see you squirm a little bit.  
“Wanna lollipop?” you asked him nervously as you handed him the plastic-wrapped red sucker in offering, but he waved it away.  
He spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about how you would look with the cherry lollipop in your mouth: the way it would push your cheek out from the inside, stain your lips and tongue bright red, make your mouth taste like pure sugar.  
Of all the things he’d imagined before, that was the one that made him realize it couldn’t just be a fantasy anymore.  Thankfully, he hadn’t just been thinking of all the filthy things he wanted to do to you; he’d also been coming up with a plan.
The first thing you perceived when you woke up was the smell.  It didn’t smell like your room.  Such a simple difference, one you hadn’t even realized you would notice, but one that stood out instantly.
You opened your eyes and instantly spun your head around when you saw the grey cement room you were in.  The bed underneath you creaked, unlike your bed, and you looked down at it as if you somehow expected to be in an unknown room but still be in your own bed.  
It was then that you realized you were restrained with, of all things, satiny pink rope which pulled each of your limbs to the nearest bedpost.  There was enough slack that you could wiggle around some, but it wasn’t exactly roomy either.  Your heart raced as you pondered who could have possibly done this, and why.
You startled when you heard the door open, but relaxed when the menacing form suddenly struck you as familiar.
“Bucky,” you sighed with relief, “oh thank god you’re here-- quick, help untie me.”
As soon as you said it, though, you realized something wasn’t right.  He didn’t look concerned at all, or confused.  And that should be a good thing because it meant he had answers, except that you were suddenly realizing this was more complex than you were prepared for.
“Bucky… where are we?” you asked him, quieter, as you realized that he was not going to untie you immediately.  Even still you were coming to terms with the possibility that it wasn’t really a matter of where we were and where, specifically, you were.
“Somewhere safe,” he answered simply, stepping closer.
You didn’t exactly believe that.  
“Please, help untie me,” you requested again.
“I will,” he assured, “but I want to explain something first.”
Your heart sank straight through your stomach.  You didn’t understand what was going on quite yet, but you were getting the gist enough to know that this was really fucking bad.
“Bucky,” you pleaded as he sat down beside you on the bed, “please let me go.”  You felt very aware of how thin your pajama set was, how if he tried hard enough he could see your nipples hardening underneath your top for no apparent reason.
“Don’t get upset,” he soothed, “everything’s fine.  I’m not going to hurt you-- nobody will anymore.  You’re gonna stay here, with me, and I’m gonna take care of you.”
Your eyes burned with tears you couldn’t fight anymore.  “Don’t do this,” you begged, “I’m your friend-- we’re friends, remember?”
“Of course I know that,” he sighed, “but that’s not enough.  Couldn’t you tell I’d fallen in love with you?”
You shook your head, trying to process everything you were hearing.  “This is insane.  This is not what you do when you have feelings for somebody, Bucky.”
“What, you’re saying I should’ve just asked you out?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have been able to say yes-- because you’re my patient--”
“See?  That’s what the ropes are for!” he smiled, like he was actually proud of his problem-solving skills.  “You would’ve said yes if you could, I know.  But you couldn’t.  And now you don’t have to.”
You resented that he was right, that you would’ve dated him in a heartbeat if it wasn’t an ethical violation.  You got the sense there were going to be even more severe ethical violations in your future, though.
You continued to beg him to stop, but it fell on deaf ears as he reached under the elastic waistband of your pajama shorts and pulled them down slowly.  He gasped when he saw your pussy and you wished you could just disappear, turn invisible or, best of all, teleport out of here; anything to avoid this humiliation.
“Baby, you’re wet,” he observed.  You weren’t sure if the first or second half of the sentence made you more uncomfortable, but either way, you couldn’t stop the shivers from dancing up your spine.  “This all for me?  Do you like being tied up?”
You refused to answer, looking to the side as if the concrete wall was suddenly fascinating to you, but he grabbed your jaw and turned you to look at him.
“I know you don’t know all the rules yet, but here’s the first one, and maybe the most important: answer me when I speak to you.”
It was cold but not quite threatening; still scared you senseless, though.  You nodded.
“Do you like being tied up?” he repeated.
“N-no,” you answered.
“Answer honestly,” he specified.
You had, but you realized it was going to be safer to do what he wanted, so you cleared your throat and spoke again.
“Yes,” you whispered, “I like… being tied up.”
“That’s it?” he pressed.  “It’s not me being here, is it?  You never got wet when you saw me in appointments?”
This was going to be a lot harder than you anticipated.  It seemed like there was no right answer.
“Didja ever get wet for somebody else?  It was Steve, wasn’t it?”
“No!” you instinctively answered.  “Um, I like Steve.  But just as a friend.”
“Aw,” he smiled, “I knew you were the loyal type.  Remember just a minute ago when you were begging me to stop cause you were my friend?  I think you were lying then too, doll.  You didn’t want to be just friends with me.”
“Whatever you’re going to do, just do it,” you grimaced.  “I’m getting irritated.”
You yelped when he slapped the inside of your thigh, trying to pull away but only making it easier for him to dip under your leg so that he was between them, sitting back on the bed in front of you.
“Respect gets you a long way with me,” he promised, pulling a knife from a strap on his thigh and using it to quickly cut off the shorts.  “Sass does not.”
You winced as he slipped a finger into you-- metal, and it was cold, too.  Soothed the burn a bit, at least.
“Oh god,” he sighed, “just one finger and it barely fits…”  You watched realization pass over his face as his gaze moved to your eyes.  “Baby, are you a virgin?”
You closed your eyes because you knew they would reveal the truth.  In all honesty it was probably better that he knew so there was at least some chance of him going easy on you, and yet you were still embarrassed for him to find out.
“Oh, you’re going to spoil me,” he grinned.  “You really are too good to be true.”
A second finger pushed into you and a bite to the lip suppressed your moan.  
“I’ll warm you up first, don’t worry,” he cooed.  “I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“Then why did you tie me up?”
“That’s for your safety, baby.  I don’t wanna have to hurt you,” he clarified.
A third finger, immediately after you had adjusted to the second.  You had never had so much inside you before and it made you feel a bit dizzy.  His thumb grazed over your clit and you nearly jumped right off the bed as your hips bucked suddenly-- since when were you so sensitive?!
“Oh, poor little baby, you need it so bad,” he faux-pouted.  You couldn’t tell if it was a mockery or genuine concern.  “You’ll get it angel, don’t worry.  Daddy’s gonna take care of you.”
That word made you feel a little sick.  No wonder he needed to kidnap girls to get his rocks off, clearly this was the kind of stuff a normal date wouldn’t agree to.
Then again, it was Bucky Barnes.  He could probably get any girl he wanted, even if he had some weird tastes.  You still didn’t understand why it had to be you, specifically.  
His thumb stayed on your clit, the pressure moving from teasing to firm to nearly too much.  You tried to angle your hips away but the ropes stopped you (of course), and you were forced to take every sensation he gave you.
“You’re trying so hard to stay quiet, just let go,” he encouraged.  “I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
“Maybe I’m just naturally quiet,” you bluffed, but even just those few words were strained, and surrounded by panting as you failed to catch your breath.
“Oh, we both know that’s not true.  I’ve heard you when you thought you were alone, doll.”
You knew what he must have meant, but it still made you whimper when he leaned in to whisper in your ear: “I heard you touching yourself.”
Your face was burning and you were sure you’d never blushed so hard in your life.  You couldn’t be sure how much he’d heard, but just the way he smiled down at you made you sure he must have heard the times that his name passed your lips as you reached your peak.  
Of course he couldn’t just let you stew in that, he had to mock you even further.
“Oh Bucky,” he recalled, raising the pitch of his voice a little, “please let me come, I’m so close, please…”
“Stop,” you begged, tears sliding down your temples.  The fingers twisted inside you as both of you groaned.
“Yeah, it’s not a very good impression,” he sighed, “it’ll sound better when you do it.  Don’t you wanna moan for me again?”
“You stalked me,” you realized aloud, “you spied on me at night, you kidnapped me--”
“And now we’re both getting what we want.  I know you wished it was my fingers instead of yours.  Doesn’t it feel good baby?  Admit it.  Tell me it feels good.”
You were determined to resist until he pulled his fingers out and used the metal hand to slap your pussy, both of you gasping at the wet noise it made.  He did it again and your hips bucked wildly even as you were trying with everything in you not to react.  One more and you finally moaned, the pain brief but strong while the pleasure never seemed to lessen.
“Just be honest,” he demanded, “I know you love it.  I just need you to say it.”
One more spank and you were finally willing to cut your losses.  “It feels good!” you exclaimed.  You cried out when he hit you again, not having seen it coming at all since you’d done as he asked.  “Say it again.”
“It feels good, Bucky, your fingers feel good,” you whimpered.
He finally seemed to calm down, giving you an oddly friendly smile.  “Was that so hard?”
You shook your head, just trying to appreciate the stillness while you could.  
“One little thing though: you don’t call me Bucky anymore.  My friends call me Bucky; you’re so much more special than that.  You’re my perfect little angel, and you call me Daddy.”
You saw it coming, but it didn’t make it any less awful.  You squirmed a bit as he pushed up your top, biting his lip when he got a glimpse of your breasts.
“Oh, when did these get hard, huh?” he smiled as he tweaked your nipples between his fingers.
“It’s… cold in here,” you explained uncomfortably.
“Uh huh,” he pretended to believe you.  “Don’t worry, we’ll find a way to warm you up.”
He let go of your tits so he could pull back and start undoing his belt; you swallowed dryly, not wanting to watch but unable to look away.
Of course he was big.  It explained his personality, and you’d had your suspicions (and/or fantasies), but now all it did was scare you.
“Will it hurt?” you asked weakly.  He smiled as he pulled off his shirt from behind his neck, tossing it aside.  
“No baby, I stretched you with my fingers so you can take me.  Might be a little bit of an adjustment at first, but we’ll go slow, okay?”
You couldn’t decide if it was sweet or patronizing.  A little of both, perhaps.
He leaned over you, resting one hand beside your head as the other guided his cock to rub through your folds.  You struggled again, barely able to process that this was actually going to happen, that you were going to lose your virginity tied up in some creepy sex dungeon to an obsessive patient who demanded you call him ‘Daddy.’  This wasn’t exactly the situation you had been saving it for.
“Ready for me, baby?  Want me to make you mine?” he asked with a look of excitement, even vulnerability.  Your body craved more after he’d left you dangling on the edge from his fingering, but your brain was thankfully still functioning properly.
“Please don’t,” you whimpered, “you can stop now, and I won’t tell anyone, and--”
“Baby, don’t talk like that,” he frowned.  “This is it, okay?  Us.  Just us.  Nobody else to get in the way.  You’re not gonna tell anyone ‘cause there’s no one to tell.”
“You can’t,” you denied, “I have a life-- people who care about me, who are going to notice that I’m gone--”
“No, babygirl, stop-- you’re not listening to me,” he growled.  “Stop fighting.  You’re mine.  You’re finally where you belong.”
“This is crazy,” you spat, “you’re crazy!”
“Baby…” he looked dejected, crestfallen.  “You’re the only one who’s ever helped me feel normal again.  If I’m crazy it’s only because I love you so much; I need you, doll.”
“You need intensive psychiatric care!”
Sadness shifted to anger as he sat back and stuffed his cock back into his trousers, even though it barely fit now that it was fully hard and leaking from the tip.
“I realize now I’ve given you more than you can handle.  I knew you liked me back so I figured you would understand a little sooner but… I should’ve known you need more time before you really admit to yourself that you need someone to take care of you.”
Your relief shifted to fear when he stood back up off the bed and stepped away.
“Wait, don’t leave me here,” you squeaked, “untie me, please.”
Instead he knelt down and pulled a box out from under the bed.  You couldn’t see what was inside when he opened it, but he seemed to find what he was looking for when he pulled out a vibrator and shut the lid.  It was thin and a little curved, so when he roughly shoved it into you it hit right on your g-spot.  You tried to squirm away but he held your hips down and turned it on to a setting that strobed the vibrations, teasing your spot but never giving you enough to get very far.
“I’ll come back when I think you’ve learned your lesson,” he informed you quickly as he started to leave the room.
“Bucky-- Bucky wait!” you called after him.  “There’s no food or water you can’t leave me here wait don’t go BUCKY!”
But he was long gone.  The door slammed behind him and echoed around the room; only when the sound was completely dead were you sure that he wasn’t coming back any time soon.
You had no way of knowing how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity of you wiggling against the ropes, trying to either knock the vibrator out of you somehow or get it to move enough that you could at least come and feel some relief.  Trying to push it out with your muscles was useless since the curved shape kept it inside of you, and you couldn’t arch your back enough to press it into the bed-- and if you could, you weren’t sure what good that would do.
Every once in a while the vibration would echo through your clit and it made your eyes water.  You sobbed and bit your lip, hoping he would come back soon.
It was at least twice as long before he did, and at that point your voice had gone hoarse from calling out to him.  You cried out for Bucky at least a hundred times and got nothing; but when you called for ‘Daddy’ just once, he suddenly appeared.
Somehow his return didn’t bring much relief, because you weren’t exactly safe with him around… but at least you weren’t alone.
He reached between your legs and turned the vibrator off, though he left it inside of you.  You took a deep breath and appreciated the stillness, though your body panged with hunger from so much pleasure with no release.
“I hated doing that to you,” he breathed deeply as he sat beside you on the bed, “but it had to be done.  You were behaving so poorly.  I’ve gone easy on you up until now but I can’t tolerate any more rebelliousness, alright?”
You nodded slowly, feeling the weight of his disappointment sink over you.  
When he pulled out the vibrator, the tip of it grazed over your abused and sensitive g-spot and you bit back a groan.  He set it aside and admired the mess you’d made; you couldn’t see it, of course, but you could tell that there was a wet patch of arousal beneath you on the sheets.
“Your body is ready for me, but I’m not sure your mind is right yet,” he explained, steely gaze finally meeting yours.  “Are you going to be good, little girl?”
You were too exhausted to notice the nickname, or even to speak your reply.  You just nodded again, watching him as he started unlacing his boots and slipped them off, then took his socks, trousers, and underwear off along with them.
Shit, you’d nearly forgotten how big he was.  You swallowed with a dry throat and closed your eyes, just hoping it would be over with quickly.  
“Open your eyes babygirl, I wanna look at you,” he murmured, running a finger across your cheek.  You reluctantly obeyed and saw him hovering above you.  He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips and it felt so wrong, so empty and peculiar.  It was a weak facsimile of what a kiss was supposed to be like.  He closed his eyes and ran his fingers into your hair, and it had all the trappings of the kind of kiss you’d share as a goodbye after a first or second date, but without any of the stuff that mattered like positive feelings or consent or not being in a creepy cement sex dungeon-- or whatever this was supposed to be.
He pulled away and looked down at you again, anger just starting to brew in his eyes.  “Kiss me back,” he demanded.  This time when he pressed his lips to yours, his tongue slid between them and it made you feel a little sick but you did your best to reciprocate.  You found yourself trying to reach up to put your hands on his hair or neck but of course, the ropes made it impossible.
You felt his cock pressing between your thighs, rubbing up and down slowly, and your heart began to race.  One hand slid between your bodies to guide his cock towards your entrance and he said something but you couldn’t hear it because your ears were ringing.  
As soon as he pushed into you, your body jolted, trying to squirm away, but he just kept going, sliding into you in one long stroke.
Physically, it wasn’t painful.  The vibrator had helped relax your walls, even numbed them a little bit.  And yet, even without pain it was so much.  You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you, like you were so full you couldn’t even breathe.  
When he was fully seated inside you, Bucky moaned deeply, kissing your neck and mumbling something about how perfect you were.  But all you could focus on was his cock pulling back only to slam home again.  
“Fuck!” you yelped.  You had no idea anything could be so deep inside you.  
“Watch your language, angel,” he purred, biting at your earlobe.  “You promised to be good, remember?”
The hand that had been gripping your thigh suddenly moved to rub your clit and you choked on a moan.  
“It’s okay, it’s supposed to feel good,” he encouraged.  “It’s okay to come, baby.  I know how bad you wanna come for me.”
You were embarrassingly close as he had observed, a side effect of having been left on the edge for so long.  You could feel your walls rippling around him, and you wondered if he could feel it, too.  Every thrust stroked parts of you that you hadn’t even realized existed, and when he pushed as deep as he could into you, the tip of his cock hit something so sensitive that you genuinely couldn’t tell if it was painful or pleasurable.  
“Are you close?  I don’t know how much longer I can last, you’re so tight,” he groaned.  “Fuck, you want me to fill you up don’t you?  Wanna be full of Daddy’s cum?”
Before you could even consider ignoring his question, he wrapped his left hand around your neck.
“Yes, Daddy,” you croaked through the weight on your windpipe, “fill me up, please.”
Talking like that made your heart twist with shame but somehow pushed you even closer to your peak.  You knew he could tell that you were turned on by it from the way your muscles tightened around him.
“I will baby, I promise,” he smiled.  “Do you wanna beg to come, like you did when you were by yourself?”
You moaned because it was like a fantasy come true, in a monkey’s paw sort of way.  This is what you had wanted, right?  Just… in a way completely different from how it was turning out?
“Daddy, please,” you answered, so quiet and heavy with embarrassment that it was barely above a whisper, “please let me come.”
“Oh fuck,” he responded hoarsely as his thrusts came faster, more ragged.  “Come, princess.  I wantcha to scream for me.”
As you started to fall over the edge, you felt like you had lost control over your body; your arms and legs tugged at the ropes as jolts of pleasure coursed through them, and your mouth was spilling moans and whimpers and even his name.  His real name, specifically, though he thankfully didn’t seem to mind.  He kissed you again as he came, moaning into your lips and still inside you.  
You felt cold and sticky and humiliated as he sat up and pulled out, admiring the way your hole leaked out his seed and flexed involuntarily around nothing.
“Oh look at you,” he praised, “my perfect little girl.  You’re even more amazing than I dreamed, doll.”
You tried not to listen or watch him as he got off the bed, coming back with boxers on and a damp washcloth to clean you.
“I’m gonna untie you now, okay?  Promise you won’t kick me or anything?” 
You quickly nodded, willing to promise anything if it meant getting untied.  “You’ll just do more harm to you than to me if you try anything, angel,” he reminded you quickly as he started work on your right ankle.  The ropes were silky so they hadn’t been rubbing your skin too raw, but there was still soreness from the tight knots.  You were a bit surprised when he gave your ankle and foot a brief massage once he was done untying the rope, and did the same to your other foot, and then your wrists and hands.  It helped a lot with getting the blood flow back to normal, and you almost considered thanking him but that would’ve been ridiculous.  ‘Hey, thanks for the foot massage, next time don’t tie me up and rape me first but, otherwise 10/10.’  
Bucky was so impressed with the progress you’d made in a week.  Only two escape attempts and you’d taken your punishment quite well both times.  He had expected a rocky start, he’d understood what he was getting himself into, so none of it really came as a surprise.  You’d managed to get a good crack at his nose once, kicking him straight between the eyes before making a run for it.  Yes, it hurt like a bitch and took a few days to heal, but it had actually been a blessing in disguise; that day you’d made it out the front door and realized that you were in the middle of nowhere.  When he’d caught up to you, you were standing barefoot and half-naked in the snow, not even running anymore because, apparently, you’d realized there was nowhere to run to.  
“I built this place for us, for you,” he explained.  “Somewhere far away, all to ourselves.  Nobody for miles.”
“How many miles?”
He chuckled a bit to himself.  “Baby, it’s a really big number.  You’re too little to understand.”
Normally you resisted that sort of talk but this time it shut you up.  Hopefully you were beginning to properly realize that this was your new life.
“Are we in New York?” you asked, quieter.
“I’m not sure if I should tell you that yet.  I don’t want you to get any complicated ideas in that pretty little head,” he cooed, kissing your forehead for emphasis before leaving you behind to start cooking dinner.
“I’m not eating with these,” you announced firmly as he set your place at the table with a set of pink, rubber-coated utensils.  
“It’s too messy to eat with your hands,” he frowned.
“Do you honestly not realize that I want to eat with normal utensils?  Or are you just trying to drive me insane?”
Bucky set your plate down a little too firmly, making you and the food on top jump.  “Don’t talk back to me.”  
“I just… it’ll take me forever to finish an adult-sized portion of food with child-sized utensils.”
“Then maybe you’re not ready for an adult-sized portion,” he threatened.  That seemed to get your attention, but you stayed quiet.  “Maybe you’re not hungry at all?”
“I’m hungry,” you denied.  “Please, I want to eat.”
“And I want to eat with you.  But this roundabout is getting on my last nerve, doll.  Now are you gonna be good and eat your dinner?”
“...yes, Daddy,” you sighed.  He smiled and sat down across from you.  You were learning.  Slowly, but surely.
Bath time was always a fight, though.  You still had some ridiculous notions about ‘privacy’ and ‘autonomy’ and crap like that, and it meant that you were likely to act up and refuse to be washed.
“I can do it myself!”
“But you don’t have to, don’t you see?”
“I want to.”
“The world doesn’t revolve around what you want, angel.”
“Let me guess: it revolves around what you want?” “No,” Bucky shook his head and tried to summon some more patience, “I have to take care of you.  Sometimes that means doing things you don’t like, because I know what’s best for you.”
“I hate you,” you mumbled as you turned away, and that really broke his heart.  He knew you didn’t really mean it, but it still hurt.
“Baby… don’t say that,” he pleaded as he turned your face to him.  “It hurts Daddy’s feelings when you say things like that.”
“Yes, that was the idea,” you hissed.  “I just want to take a shower, alone.”
“Any chance you had at that is long gone,” he grimaced.  “What you’re getting is a bath, with me, and if you quit this attitude now you might still be able to avoid getting a spanking as well, do you understand?”
Your shoulders slumped as you nodded.  He knew your poor little bottom was still sore from the last spanking, and as he helped you undress for the bath, he could still see a few welts along the skin.  He kissed them quickly, a reminder to both of you what he was capable of, before helping you into the water and slipping in behind you.  It was spacious, so there was ample room for the two of you, but he still held you close and pressed your back into his chest.  
He had a lot of ideas about what you two could do in this bath, but he knew that now was not the time.  Still, he let his mind wander and smiled to himself when you gasped from his erection pressing into your thigh.
He helped you wash your hair, and for that moment where your head was nearly submerged and he was using his fingers to massage out the shampoo, you looked so peaceful.  He normally only got to appreciate this look on your face as you slept, but you were almost smiling this time, and it made his heart sing.  A week of tantrums was worth it for just a few quiet moments like this.
“I’m gonna let you finish up on your own, okay?  I trust you not to do anything dangerous…” he decided as he stepped out.  
“Really?” your face instantly lit up.  Sure, you’re never supposed to leave them alone in the bath, but he was feeling extra generous and he sympathized with your desire for control.  Freedom could be good for you, in moderation.
“Of course.”
“T-thank you, Daddy,” you awkwardly responded.
He dried off and dressed, and waited nearby in the living room, listening to you drain the bathwater and start a shower.    
You emerged wrapped in a towel and looking slightly lost.
"Honey, where are your clothes?" he asked you with a furrowed brow.
“I don’t have anything to wear,” you informed him.  Oh, right.  You were being resistant to wearing the clothes he had picked out for you.  Apparently you found the overwhelming presence of baby pink to be tacky, and you hated that everything was cute and tiny… he couldn't understand seeing something cute and tiny and not liking it.  After all, you were the most adorable thing he'd laid eyes on and it made it impossible not to like you.  You just needed clothes to match.
“I have clothes laid out for you,” he explained.
“I’d rather be naked than wear what you pick for me,” you snarled.
“Hey, I wouldn’t complain,” he shrugged, trying to suppress his frustration.  “Don’t come bitchin’ to me when you’re cold, though.”
You sat next to him on the couch, defiantly naked and confidently ignoring him.  He admired your stubbornness, or at least he found it amusing.
“Do you wanna watch a movie now?” he asked, but he knew you had figured out that this was a mandatory activity.
“Don’t see any reason to wait,” you smiled sarcastically.
Of course, when he got up to show you some DVDs so you could pick what you wanted (Wall-E; he knew you didn’t actually want to watch that since your typical fare was horror and action movies, but it was your favorite of the options), he quickly turned down the thermostat.  Perhaps a comfortable 55 Fahrenheit would help you remember why it’s important to take what Daddy gives you.
He hadn’t seen Wall-E before but he found it oddly relatable.  A robot, built for someone else’s purpose, abandoned in a filthy, empty world… it brought back some old feelings that he managed to press back down.  
Regardless, he was distracted from it when he could literally feel you shivering from across the couch.
“Are you cold, darling?” he asked presumptuously.
“No,” you denied, barely managing to suppress the chattering of your teeth.
“Do you want the clothes?” 
“Shut up.”
He just laughed a little to himself, ignoring your rude language and turning back to the TV.
It did kill him a bit to have to pretend he didn’t care when you were obviously uncomfortable, but you would’ve been even more irritated with him if he’d held you down and forced you to put the outfit on.
This fucker was smart, you’d give him that.  Or maybe it was just that you were stupid.  Not stupid, really, but having no sense of self-preservation.  Why had you chosen this hill to die on?  You couldn’t even remember why you’d put up a fight at all.  You were so cold that you couldn’t even understand what could’ve ever compelled you to reject an offer of clothes.  Didn’t help that you knew he was so close, that if you cuddled up to him you would be warm, but that it would mean the loss of your last shred of dignity.
Only a week and you were starting to completely lose your sense of yourself.  You searched within and couldn’t find any of the fight you’d had so many times before.  You remembered that time you kicked him right in the face, and where you once found pride at the memory, you found guilt.  You felt guilty for hurting him, after everything he’d done to you-- why?
“B-bucky…” you finally relented not even an hour into the movie, stammering from the force of your shivers.
“I want… I want the c-clothes.”
He smiled a little, in an insulting way.  “Ask nicely, doll.”
“P-please, Daddy,” you whimpered.
He came back with the clothes in hand, but when you reached out for them, he shook his head and motioned for you to stand up.  You sighed but obeyed, your entire body shaking with violent shivers as your bare feet hit the cool concrete floor.  
He knelt down, holding the lace panties open for you as you shyly stepped into them.  He pulled them up to your hips and let the elastic slap your skin a little as he let go, making you jump.  He did the same with the fuzzy pink pyjama pants, running his hands over soft fabric for just a second as he stood up, helping you into the loose grey sweatshirt.  It was the least feminine thing he’d ever let you wear, noticeably absent in anything pink or fuzzy or girly or adorned with bows.  You only realized as it slipped over your head that it was his, because once you plunged into darkness inside of it, you were overwhelmed with the smell of him.  You wouldn’t have known that you could recognize his smell, but now that you were in it, it was undeniable.
You were almost surprised to see him when your head popped through the neckline, somehow.  It’s not as if you had forgotten he was there in the three seconds you couldn’t see him, just that he looked so different to you now.  He had this stoic, nearly stern look on his face as he helped you get your hands through the sleeves, and the way he caressed your fingers as they emerged from the cotton was so upsettingly tender.
“Daddy…” you mumbled, and he looked back at your face.  
“Is this better?  Are you warmer?”
“My feet…” you realized, looking down at them.  
“I’ll get you some socks, baby,” he nodded, dashing away for a moment.  You felt colder with him gone.  It couldn’t be loneliness, could it?  Even knowing he’d only be gone less than a minute, you were unduly anxious for his return.
He came back and held your feet up by the ankle one at a time as he rolled pink fuzzy socks-- with lace at the ankle, of course-- over your feet.  You wiggled your toes into them, finally feeling like you’d be able to get warm again.
“Let’s finish the movie, okay?” he suggested, rubbing his hands on your arms.  You nodded, allowing him to guide you back to the couch and finding yourself cuddling into his side as he laid an arm over your shoulders.
You barely managed to pay attention as you felt his hand slip lower, resting on your waist.  Then your hip, then your thigh.
Something about the way the lace panties rubbed against your pussy made you feel so oddly sensitive, and even the inside of his sweatshirt was just rough enough to make your nipples react every time you adjusted your position.
You figured he realized your condition pretty quickly, but he didn’t react until a moan, so quiet that you were sure he wouldn’t hear it, passed your lips.
“Everything alright, doll?” he asked, failing to hide the fact that he clearly knew the answer.
You didn’t respond, distracted by his other hand reaching over and stroking your thigh.  You were caged in his embrace now, and your heart raced in a way that was oddly lacking in fear.
“Tell me what you’re feeling,” he demanded, watching your nervous reaction to his intensity.
“Daddy I… I feel tingly,” you murmured, feeling yourself blush.
“Where, baby?”
“D-down there,” you admitted as you forced your eyes shut, too embarrassed to look him in the face as you said it.
“You need Daddy’s help?”
“Please,” you whispered, hating yourself a little for needing him but too desperate to really care.
In one motion he’d already turned the TV off, pulled you onto his lap, and started kissing where the baggy neckline of the sweatshirt exposed your collarbone.
You were rubbing yourself on his thigh and you didn’t even know how to stop.  It felt so good.  It made your skin warm up even faster as you recovered from the cold.  
He slipped his right hand into your pants as the other pulled you closer until your face was buried in his neck.  If there was anything worth appreciating about Bucky, it was how good he was with his fingers.  He knew your body better than you did at this point-- but then again, he had spent so much time exploring it in one week that he was probably competing with you already in terms of practice time.  
“Oh my god,” you moaned as his fingers moved faster and firmer, making your hips jerk forward unexpectedly.  
“It feels good?” he asked in that way that made it obvious he knew the answer.
“Yes, Daddy, it feels so good,” you whimpered.  You’d gotten pretty good by now at appeasing him by performing the role he wanted you to play… so good, in fact, that it was starting to feel very real.
Just as you were grabbing onto his shoulders to hold you steady through your orgasm, he was pulling out his hand and reaching for his own pants instead.
“Need to be inside you,” he explained quickly as he pushed them down and revealed his hard, leaking cock.  “I need to be inside you when I make you come.”
He helped you slide off your pants and underwear but pulled you back into his lap the absolute second they were discarded.  He slid you down onto his cock with a groan, and your face was so hot as you processed how wet you were, how easily he entered you.  Your joy halted, though, when he held your hips down.  You tried to wiggle around for some friction but he was so strong that it was a complete waste.
“Daddy,” you mumbled with confusion, “what are you doing?”
“You’re mine, baby, ‘m gonna use you how I please,” he reminded you darkly, “and right now I want you to stay still and wait.”
He slapped your ass harshly, and you whimpered but decided not to put up much more of a fight.
All the while as you tried to stay still, he was kissing your neck and jaw and cheeks, murmuring praises and leaving the softest bite marks every once in a while.
“Please let me move,” you sobbed against his shoulder, having to fight everything in you not to start grinding on him like your life depended on it.
“I’m not ready yet,” he denied.
“I’ll be good, I promise,” you whimpered.  “I’ll do anything.  I just need to come, and I need to make you come, please…”
With a hand on either side of your hips, he started to move you on top of him, excruciatingly slow.  Your head fell back from how wonderful just that felt.  
“Anything?  You’re gonna spoil me talking like that, doll.”
“Oh god, anything, just move a little faster, please,” you begged.  Of course you knew it was a bad idea, and you figured you were going to regret saying it, but your need was surpassing your sanity at the moment.
He grabbed your face and pulled you down until your lips were almost brushing his, but not quite.  “Keep riding my cock, babygirl.”  You nodded, finally free to pick up the pace to where you wanted it, and you bit your lip as his cock stretched you exactly how you needed it to.
“Daddy, you feel so good inside me,” you moaned.
“I can tell,” he smiled, “you’re making those perfect noises, it’s killing me not to flip you over and fuck you so hard right now.”
You were much more inspired by that mental image than you expected to be.  Those few times he’d gotten really rough with you, it had made you so wet you thought you might get dehydrated.
When he spoke again, his voice was so low that it sounded like a growl, echoing in his chest and making shivers run up your spine.  “I know what I want you to do for me.”
You swallowed and braced yourself as he pulled you even closer, looking right into your eyes.
“Tell me you love me,” he demanded.
You gasped, tears starting to burn at the back of your eyes.  It was the last thing you expected, but it also tracked.  Of course that was what he wanted.  But now that you were trying to form words and nothing would come out, you were kind of wishing he’d just said he wanted anal.
“D-daddy,” you stammered, distracted by him grabbing your hips and moving you even faster on top of him.  He was practically throwing you up and down on top of him, and somehow doing it effortlessly.
“Just say it,” he whispered.
“I love you,” you whispered back.  He smiled and pulled you into a deep kiss, swallowing every moan as you felt yourself barrelling towards your peak.
“Please, I’m about to come-- can I come, Daddy?”
“Almost,” he nodded, “say it again, babygirl.”
“I love you,” you panted, “Daddy, I love you, please--”
“One more time,” he grunted, watching your face. 
“I love you!” you yelped, unable to hold back your orgasm any longer and feeling your walls flutter as sensation washed over you.  Thankfully he wasn’t far behind, only thrusting up into you a few more times before he spilled himself with a groan.
He kissed you long and slow, staying inside you even as his cock began to soften a little.  When he pulled away, he looked up at you with an expression that brimmed with restrained excitement.
“Oh, doll, you have no idea how good it is to finally hear you say that,” he beamed.  “We’re gonna be so happy here together… just me and my best girl, right?”
“Right,” you smiled, but as soon as you blinked a tear was rolling down your cheek.  He wiped it away with his thumb.
“Don’t cry,” he soothed, “everything’s finally the way it’s supposed to be.  You’re finally where you belong, with me.”
You nodded weakly and felt whatever grip you had on your sanity loosening.  Dreams of escape faded as he carried you to bed, holding you in his arms all night long.  You were beginning to embrace the simplicity of just letting life happen to you.  For every time you felt belittled and patronized by his coddling, there was another time that you secretly felt protected and loved.  The truth was, even though you had experienced so much that you couldn’t begin to describe in the past week, you had been relieved of so much of the stress you dealt with before.  As you drifted to sleep, you only hoped that you could manage to hide that truth from yourself just a little bit longer.
He was honestly proud of himself for managing to keep his hands off you while you slept all this time.  But it wasn’t too much longer before you woke him up with your stirring.  At first he was just going to give you a quick hug and then get back to sleep, but then as he pulled you closer, he realized you were dreaming.  And when you moaned quietly in your sleep, he realized it wasn’t just any dream.
He smiled to himself as he kissed your neck gently, wondering if you would wake up or not.  It was sort of a win-win either way for him.  He let his hands slide down your body, listening to your breathing as it began to pick up.  Your mouth fell open and it made your sounds even more apparent as he carefully opened your legs.
“Oh baby, you’re drenched,” he murmured to no one in particular, admiring the way your pussy glistened in the low light of the room.  This was one of those times that he really appreciated his choice to make you sleep naked almost every night.
One metal finger sliding through your folds made you shiver.  He wondered if it was from arousal or if the metal felt cold on your warm skin.  Your clit was swollen, and apparently extra sensitive from the way your sleeping body erupted in goosebumps when he drew lazy circles around it.
Suddenly lacking in the patience more foreplay would require, he found himself shoving down his boxers and stroking his cock, preparing to push into you.  If that didn’t wake you up, he’d be slightly concerned… but he wasn’t sure if he’d be concerned enough to stop fucking you.  Thankfully he didn’t have to face that dilemma because the second he was pressing his head into your opening, your eyes flew open.
“Daddy!” you yelped, your voice sounding a little strange as you were torn from your sleep.
He bottomed out and groaned softly, relishing how tightly you wrapped around him.  “You looked so beautiful, baby, I couldn’t help myself.”
You mewled but said nothing, only wrapping your hands around his biceps as he pulled back to thrust into you again.  
“What were you dreaming about?” he asked firmly.
“N-nobody-- I mean, uh, nothing,” you stumbled over your words.
“Oh, you can’t lie to me very well can you?  It’s okay doll, you can tell me, but if it’s someone other than me I’m probably gonna kill him.”
He felt you tense up a little and he knew he’d scared you.  He sort of wanted to do it again, because he loved the way your cunt tightened in that moment, but he decided against it.
“Aw, I’m just joking,” he dismissed, though he wasn’t quite sure if he actually was or not.  “Go ahead, tell me what you were dreaming.”
“Y-you were there,” you explained, “but it wasn’t just you.”
“Is that so?”
“Um, yeah,” you deflected nervously.
“Go ahead, spit it out,” he hissed as he started to thrust into you a bit harder.  
“Well, uh, Steve was there too,” you finally admitted.  A lot of emotions hit him at once when he heard you say that.  Of course jealousy was prominent, but it was different than it would’ve been before... you were home now, and nobody could take you away.  Both of you knew that.  So it might have been a slight blow to the ego, but he didn’t see Steve as a threat.  What he did see was an opportunity to make you squirm, which he was always looking for.
“Was he watching us?” Bucky pressed.
“Uh, sort of…” you trailed off.
He leaned down, putting his lips right against your ear.  “Was he fucking you?”
You whimpered but he could tell you were turned on.  He reached down and roughly rubbed at your clit.  “Be honest, darling.”
“He wasn’t,” you explained, “you were; you said he wasn’t allowed to… but I gave him a-- a blowjob.”
As much as Bucky wasn’t exactly the sharing type, he was intrigued by the mental image of you stuffed with cock at both ends like that.  Even more so he was intrigued by the fact that it apparently turned you on.
“Is that what you want, huh?  One cock isn’t good enough for you?  Who knew you were such a fucking slut.”
“‘M not!” you denied.
“Then why are you soaked from dreaming about choking on somebody else’s cock while I fuck you, huh?”
“I didn’t mean to!”
“And how did you feel when I told Stevie he wasn’t allowed to fuck you?  Even in your sleep you know your Daddy owns you.  That this is my hole and I decide everything that happens to it.”
You moaned so loud that he was afraid he would come right then and there.  You sounded like heaven.  He thrust into you as hard and deep as he could, slamming into your cervix and hitting your clit with his pelvis with each brutal motion.  You cried out and dug your nails into his skin.  
“Fuck, you like it rough don’t you?  Of course you do.  ‘Cause you’re Daddy’s needy little whore.”
“Yes, I’m close!” you yelped.
“Doesn’t matter, I’m not gonna let you come until you beg for it.  Seems like you need to remember that I’m the only one for you.”
“Just you, Daddy, I only want you!” you reassured, but he wasn’t buying it.
“I’d die before I let you get on your knees for another man, do you believe me babygirl?”
“Yes, I know Daddy, I’m yours, there’s nobody else.”
“If you wanna come you better start askin’ really nice,” he growled.
“Please, Daddy, I want you to make me come!  It feels so good, please…”
“Keep going.”
“You’re amazing, your cock feels amazing, I wanna come for you so bad--”
“Fuck, baby, beg me to use you.”
He knew you were flustered by that.
“I-- I don’t know how,” you protested.
“Oh come on, you’re dumb but you’re not that dumb,” he grinned.  “Just how I said it.”
“Use me,” you murmured in defeat, “please.”
“That’s it,” he praised, “just like that-- come for me, doll.”
You were so obedient, tightening around him and nearly screaming with pleasure the moment he commanded you to.  He wasn’t far behind, succumbing to the perfection of your wet heat and filling it with his climax.
“Fuck!” he groaned when he hit the peak of it, trying somehow to focus entirely on both the way you felt and the way you sounded.
Normally he cleaned you up after this but right now he wanted his come to leak out of you all night, make your thighs and the sheets sticky.  Apparently you had some sort of implant or something which kept you safe… he was trying not to count the days until it wore off.  He figured you would totally lose it if he told you that he wanted to get you pregnant, and yet, he was surprised that you hadn’t asked him about getting your implant replaced.
You knew that life was unpredictable and all that, but if never in a million years would you have expected for the Winter Soldier to be painting your nails.  But there he was, focused intently on each stroke of the tiny brush as he held your hand still.
“This’ll help you stop chewing your nails,” he gave as his excuse.  It was almost believable, except that he did your toes too.  Amazingly enough, you’d never chewed on those.
They were actually sort of pretty, if you were being honest.  You admired them a little, as they dried.  It wasn’t a perfect paint job by any means, but much better than you expected from Bucky and honestly, a bit better than you would’ve done it in all likelihood.  The baby pink color was a little nauseating as always, but it admittedly did look nice with your skin tone. 
“What do you say?” he prompted.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you smiled.  “It looks nice.”
“You’re welcome, angel.  I think so too.  We’ll take ‘em for a spin when they’re dry.”
You swallowed.  You had a pretty good idea of what that would entail.
Next was your hair.  Pigtails, the way he always did it.  You never quite understood what he liked so much about turning you into a girlier, more childish version of yourself, but you were finally embracing the things that you liked about being in this role.  He certainly pampered you, which was hard to complain about.  In your whole time here (you struggled to keep track but it must have been over a month now) you'd never cooked once.
After lunch he had you on your knees, looking up at him while you started to unzip his fly.  You found yourself salivating a little as you pulled his half-hard cock out of his boxers.
“Baby, your hands are so small…” he noticed reverently.  “Barely fit around it.”
“It’s not that they’re small, it’s that you’re so big,” you replied, more honest than you were used to being with him.
“You flatter me,” he grinned.  “Do it some more.”
You felt put on the spot, but feared disappointing him.  “Daddy, your cock is… so big,” you improvised, still stroking him as he got harder for you, “I can’t believe it fits inside me.”
“Hmm, it almost doesn’t,” he recalled.
“But it feels so good when-- when I get used to you and, um, your cock… stretches me…”
He groaned a little, and you moved your hand faster.
“Fills me up so good, Daddy,” you moaned, getting more into it than you had intended to.  “Your cock feels so fucking good, it’s like it’s made for me--”
He cut you off suddenly by pushing you back onto the mattress, hovering over you as a muscular hand wrapped around your throat.
“Got quite the mouth on ya, doll,” he growled.  “Do I need to wash it out with soap?” 
You shook your head; he wasn’t choking you hard enough to stop you from speaking entirely if you had really wanted to, but you were too stunned to say much.  His attitude could flip on a dime like this, and you could never see it coming.  The fear made your heart race; the anticipation made your thighs clench together.  
He smiled as he pulled back, letting go of your neck and reaching for his cock instead.  “I can tell you’re worked up.  Go ahead, touch yourself.”
You hesitated because typically that would be an infraction, but he nodded for you to continue as you nervously reached between your legs.   
You gasped softly when you touched your clit: it was swollen, and especially sensitive.  You hadn't realized how turned on you really were.  Slowly, you started to rub circles around it as your hips rocked with your movements.
"Does it feel good?" he asked, and when you looked up at him, he was stroking himself as well.  You nodded quickly.  "'M gonna come on that pretty face, little one.  Beg me for it."
"Daddy…" you murmured in shock, "I… want you to come on my face, please.  Wanna be covered in it."
"You're not a good liar," he grinned.  "I know you really want me to fuck you."
He wasn't wrong, so you nodded again and watched his hand speed up as it moved up and down his length.
"You poor thing," he cooed.  "I fuck you daily and you're so disappointed to be going without, to just be getting my come on your face like the dirty little whore you are."
His words stung but your hand was moving faster between your legs.
"You're getting close, aren't you?  Wait until I'm ready," he ordered.  You swallowed dryly but slowed down a little to buy yourself some time.  
He grunted a bit and you really hoped it was signalling an orgasm because you felt yours building unstoppably.  You didn't even think you could pull your hand away from yourself if he asked you to, you needed to come so bad.
"Fuck, open your mouth baby-- stick your tongue out," he commanded quickly, stepping forward until his cock was casting a shadow over your face.  "Oh god, just like that… ready baby?"
You nodded one more time and heard yourself panting loudly through your open mouth, your moans only interrupted by a wince as his come spurted forward and painted your face and exposed tongue in hot stripes.  Your orgasm hit just in time, embarrassingly spurred on by the degrading position you were in.  
When he was done-- which seemed to take forever because he came so much-- he started to catch his breath before slipping his softening cock onto your come-coated tongue and into your waiting mouth.
"Mm, you look so good like this," he praised, "I'm not sure I wanna let you wipe it off."
A flesh thumb moved down to your cheek and rubbed a stray drop of spend into your skin.  
"My perfect little cum dumpster, huh?" he said proudly, as if it was an award or achievement or something, and not a sick, insulting term.
Weird thing was, you felt proud of yourself, too.
He’d been working outside all day, chopping firewood in preparation for the upcoming winter.  Sure, the cabin had heating, but he had a lot of ideas about cuddling in front of the fire, or maybe making love beside it.  
Regardless, even super soldiers tire and must rest after working.  He decided to head inside and heat up something warm to stave off the cold.  You were still sleeping last he’d checked, exhausted from a long night-- yes, that kind of long night.  He almost felt guilty for putting your body through so much…  you were so delicate, sometimes he forgot you couldn’t always handle what he could.  However, you were stronger than you realized, and such a perfectly obedient little girl; he smiled at the memory of your skin under his fingertips, your fragile form writhing and whimpering beneath him as he’d taken you for hours.  As he daydreamed and began to enter the kitchen, he was torn from his imagination by a sound from your room.  At first he wondered if he’d misheard it, but when he heard you cry out again, he assumed you were hurt and nearly tripped over himself to run to you.  His heart was racing and he almost considered reaching for his sidearm-- there was no way someone could’ve broken in and tried to hurt you, right?
But as he flung open the door, instead he found you alone with your hand between your legs.  You jumped up when you saw him, but it was too late.
“The fuck are you doing?!” he exclaimed, climbing onto the bed and trapping you before you could crawl backwards away from him.
“I-- I was just--”
He cut you off with a quick slap to the face.  Not to hurt you, just to get you to focus on him.
“You know you can’t touch yourself without my permission.  Did you forget?”
“No…” you murmured ashamedly.
“If you knew it was wrong, why did you do it?”
“I… I just missed you…”
“Why didn’t you call me for help?  I can’t take care of you if you don’t ask.”
“I knew you were busy, I didn’t want to bother you--”
“Show me what you did,” he growled, watching you sheepishly spread your legs again to reveal your wet pussy and swollen clit.  “Oh doll, you really did a number on yourself.  Did you come without me?”
You looked away.
“Don’t bother lying.  Did you make yourself come with your fingers?”
You were hiding something.  He almost didn’t want to know the entire truth because it was breaking his heart to know you’d disobeyed so severely, but he had to know what happened if he was going to discipline you properly.
“Was it more than once?”
You shook your head and his blood went cold upon the realization that you were hiding something worse.
“What were you thinking about?” he asked you slowly.  He could hear your breathing quickened and he was sure he might die if you said what he was afraid of.  “Answer me.”
“I was thinking about… being fucked…”
“By who?” he asked.  You opened your mouth instantly but he cut you off.  “Don’t lie.”
You spoke but it was so weak that it wasn’t even a whisper.  “What was that?” he pressed.
“Sam,” you finally relented, “it was Sam.”
He was livid, but at least it wasn’t Steve.  
“Go stand beside the bed and kneel,” he commanded firmly.  You nodded weakly and slithered out from under him to do as he asked.  
He took a deep, slow breath hoping to calm himself a little.  He had heard that you shouldn’t punish little girls when you’re angry.  But he needed to nip this in the bud.
He got off the bed and approached you after a moment, running a finger under your chin and guiding you to look up at him.
“You understand you’ve been very naughty, don’t you?” he asked with a cold fury tinting his voice.
“Yes, Daddy,” you answered.  Clearly you were trying to be extra good and dutiful, hoping that strict adherence to the rules from here on out could save you some pain.  You weren’t wrong, but he wished that you would’ve had that attitude a little sooner.
“And if I don’t teach you a lesson, that would be unfair to both of us.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed and opened his belt and fly, pulling out his cock.  He sensed that you were compelled to lean forward and take it in your mouth, but you stayed still; you knew he would tell you exactly what he wanted you to do.
As he stroked his cock to full hardness, he glared at you so intensely that you couldn’t keep his gaze, looking up briefly but always glancing back down to the floor shamefully.  
“I-I’m sorry, Da-” you began weakly.
“You’ll speak when spoken to,” he interjected harshly.  Finally, he held your jaw with one hand, the other holding his cock forward as he plunged it between your lips.  He moaned a little when you swirled your tongue over it, doing your best to coat every inch of it in wetness.
As quickly as he had pushed in, he pulled out again.  He slapped his cock on your face, smearing your own spit on your cheek.  He rubbed his tip over your lips in a circle, but when you opened up your mouth for him, instead he leaned forward and spit into your open mouth.
“Swallow it,” he demanded through his teeth, and you did though it made you shudder with disgust.
Only then did he shove his cock in again, and with brutal force as well.  He used fistfuls of your hair to pull your face up and down on his cock, ignoring your whimpers of pain.
The room was filled with the sounds of your choking and coughing, until those extended periods of silence when his cock was shoved all the way into your throat and you couldn’t even get enough air for that.  It was the sexiest thing he’d ever heard in his life.
When he pulled you off of him to look at your face, he grinned proudly.  “Doll, you look like a fuckin’ mess.”  And it was true; spit and pre-cum dribbling down your chin and onto the floor, red nose and puffy eyes from crying… truly a sight to behold.
He gave you one more slap for good measure, the fist in your hair preventing your head from spinning to the side.  
“Gonna fuckin’ come in your throat.  You’d better swallow it all, bitch.”
He could feel your whole body jerk when he said it, and it only served to make your throat even tighter around him.  
“Fuck,” he groaned, “just like that, choke on me, fuck, oh god, fuck--”
He came with a stuttered moan and the sounds of protest you tried to make were lost as cum filled your throat and mouth.  
He smiled when you swallowed quickly, determined to obey.  He wasn’t even done coming yet and you were swallowing it.  Probably a good strategy; he had been pent up for a while now and he probably could’ve filled your tiny mouth until it was leaking.
When he was sure every drop of come had been spilled and swallowed, he pulled out and gave you some reprieve.  You gasped for air loudly, coughing a few times but mostly maintaining your composure like the good little slut you were.
He watched you shift your hip uncomfortably and realized you must be quite agitated yourself.
“If you want something from me, just ask,” he encouraged.  “That’s the whole point of this, isn’t it?”
“Please fuck me,” you whimpered.
He wagged his finger disapprovingly.  “I don’t know if you deserve it.”
“Please!” you yelped, and he yanked you off the floor and into his lap quickly.
“You get so dumb when you need me,” he growled into your ear.  “So desperate that you don’t know how to think about anything else but cock.  Isn’t that right?”
You nodded with a gasp.
“You’re my dumb little baby, aren’t you?  Say it," he hissed in demand.
“I’m your dumb little baby,” you repeated breathlessly.
“Get on your hands and knees and get that ass up.”
You obeyed quickly, almost eagerly, and he grinned at your obedience.  You really needed it bad, and he was helpless but to oblige you.  As soon as he was on his knees behind you and lining up with your sopping entrance, he was shoving his cock into you all at once.
You yelped at the brutality of the intrusion; he stayed still for a moment, relishing the feeling of your warmth, before pulling back out again.
“Wh-?” you began to protest in confusion, but he was a step ahead of you.
“That was just to get my cock wet, baby.”
One metal finger slipped into your puckered hole and you yelped.  “D-daddy, not there!”
“Shhh, just relax,” he soothed.
“It’s gonna hurt,” you whined.
“That’s sort of the idea,” he explained.  “I know what you can handle, doll.”
“And I can handle this?”
“I never said that.”
And with only one more finger and a few more minutes of hasty preparation, he was pushing his cock into your tighter hole.
“Shh,” he soothed when he felt you clench around him, but still pushing forward, indifferent to your hiss of pain.  
“It hurts!” you sobbed.
“I know baby, you’re just gonna have to take it.  This wouldn’t be happening if you had just asked me to help you.”
You pouted and it was equal parts adorable and pathetic.  “I’m sorry!”
“I’ll tell you when it’s time to apologize.  Right now you just need to be quiet.  Don’t you wanna be a good little girl?”
He started to move his cock inside you and you shivered under him.  
“Please come,” you begged weakly after a few more minutes of thrusting.
“You wanna get it over with?  Don’t like it?”
You nodded and he did feel bad for you, but he knew it was what you needed.
“I’ll come when I’m ready, doll.  Just take Daddy’s cock, ‘s all you’re good for anyways, right angel?”
You nodded and bit back another sob, blissfully unaware of his adoring gaze; you looked so cute crying for his cock.  He liked being strong enough to hurt you almost as much as he liked being strong enough to protect you.
“My perfect little crybaby,” he cooed.  “Don’t whine too much or I’ll have to stuff that filthy mouth with a paci, alright?”
He watched you bite your lip and try to stay calm.  Out of pity, he moved a little slower than he wanted to, giving you some more time to adjust.  Eventually he felt you relaxing, though you still yelped a little when he pushed in all the way.  It was hard to choose between watching your face or watching his cock stretch open your hole.
“God, you’re takin’ me so well,” he praised.  “Who knew you were such a whore, huh?”
Before you could deny it, he reached down and swiped his fingers through your folds quickly, groaning when he felt how swollen and wet they were.  “Fuck, baby, you’re drenched.  You like getting fucked up the ass; such a dirty little slut.”
“Just for you, Daddy,” you informed him with a weak voice.  He was still angry with you, of course, but he was so proud of you, too.  He could remember all those times you’d tried to run or fight, now you were just laying there and taking it like a champ-- no restraints, no threats, just the desire to be good for him.  You were everything he’d ever dreamed you could be and more.
The thought spurred his orgasm ahead sooner than he expected, but he still wanted to hold back.  You needed more to learn your lesson, and he wanted to savor this feeling as long as possible.
His fingers had been digging into the supple flesh of your hips and ass, hard enough to bruise, but you felt too warm and too soft, so he gripped the sheets instead in his attempts to stave off his rupture.
But it wasn’t much longer until the tightness of you, the heat of you, the sweetness of your sobs all became too perfect to ignore.  His cock was aching for release, and if he denied himself much more, he figured his balls would never relax from their tightened state.
���I think you’re ready to apologize now,” he groaned.
“I’m so sorry, Daddy,” you sobbed.  “I swear, I’ll never touch myself without your permission again-- and I’ll never think about anybody but you!  I only want you, I swear!”
“You sure, baby?  You don’t think Sam would treat you better?” he mocked.  Sam definitely would be nicer to you, but there was no way he could treat you better than Bucky did.  Maybe you wanted a guy who was sweeter, more traditional, but this was what you needed and only your Daddy could give that to you.
“I’m sure!  I only want you, please!  Please, please come.”
“Is that what you want, angel?  Want me to come in your tight little ass?”
“Please,” you whimpered.
“Please, Daddy.”
And he came, though it was a little more physically taxing since it was the second of the night.  You whimpered a little but he could tell you were relieved it was over.
You didn’t put up any fight at bath time that night, just curled into his arms and let him wash you as you whispered more apologies.  
“Shh, it’s alright,” he soothed as he washed your hair, whispering right against your ear before giving it a little kiss.  “You did good, baby.  You made a mistake but you’re gonna learn from it and we’re gonna be better than ever.  You took your punishment so well, darling, you should be proud.”
Today you'd woken up to an empty house, with a note on the kitchen table:
Gone for groceries, I'll be back in the afternoon.  When I get home, greet me at the door wearing what I've laid out for you in your closet.
You figured it wasn't going to be something conservative by any means, but you were still taken aback by finding a tail, collar, and cat-ear headband.  The collar was pink leather with a tiny bell and a little heart-shaped steel tag with your name on it.  The realization that he had this custom-made sent a shiver down your back.  On the back of the tag was another engraving:
You were a little concerned about wearing only a collar, ears and tail… especially when you realized how the tail was intended to be worn.
Still, you had become thoroughly obedient, and you trusted that this would make him happy which was all you could hope for.  You fought past your hesitation and changed out of your pajamas into the outfit (if it could even be called that when it contained no actual clothing).
He had the biggest grin on his face when he opened the door to find you on your knees just outside the entryway.
“Oh look at you, kitten,” he beamed.
Being naked on the floor was cold and awkward.  You crossed your arms to cover your chest, frowning as you tried to avoid his penetrating gaze.  “This is stupid.  I feel stupid.”
“You are stupid," he smiled.  "But you look great!  Now behave or you’ll have to eat out of a bowl on the floor until you’ve learned to love being Daddy’s pet.”
Your eyes went wide.
“You’re gonna behave, right?”
“Y-yes, Daddy.”
He smiled and curled his finger, motioning for you to come closer.  You awkwardly crawled towards him on your hands and knees, biting your lip absent-mindedly.  When you were on the floor in front of his legs, he knelt down a bit and grabbed a handful of your ass.  It made the plug inside you shift and you whimpered.
“Mm, this tail looks lovely on you,” he praised.  “And the ears… you’re a natural.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” you shyly accepted the compliment.
"I bet you got wet putting this on, huh?" he presumed.  You nodded as he moved to rub two fingers through your folds, proving himself right.
When he leaned back and pulled his cock from his jeans, you were surprised at how hard it already was.  Clearly the kitten thing was working for him.
"Go ahead kitty, I know you want a taste," he encouraged.
You leaned forward and gave, fittingly, small kitten licks to the tip of his cock and he groaned.  “Just like that, fuck.”
You hummed when you tasted his pre-cum on your tongue.  You’d gotten so accustomed to it that you actually enjoyed the flavor now.
Hesitantly, you wrapped your lips around the head and suckled on it gently.  Apparently, he didn’t care much for the slow-but-steady method; he slipped two fingers under your collar and used it to pull you down further until you choked.  
He continued to guide you forward and back, moaning every time your throat accepted the leaking head of his cock.
“You don’t want me to come in your mouth, do you?” he asked with a grunt.
You shook your head.  
He grinned knowingly, pushing you back until your mouth was empty and free to respond.  “Where do you want it?” 
“In my pussy.”
“Full sentences only, please.”
“I want you to come in my pussy, Daddy, please.”
“Hmm, you did ask very nicely,” he smiled.  “But I have something else to do first.  Go get on the couch, kitten, hands and knees.”
You almost stood up but realized he wanted you to crawl again.  As soon as you’d done it, he was behind you, humming contentedly as he ran his rough hands over your skin.  You mewled when he started to kiss along your back, down your ass and between your thighs until he was licking long stripes through your folds.  Both of you moaned when he sucked your clit into his mouth, even allowing it to graze against his teeth which nearly hurt but made you gush with wetness anyways.
"Please-- I'm close, Daddy, can I come?" you whimpered.
"Go ahead," he mumbled before returning to his work, knowing exactly how to use his tongue to take you apart in mere minutes.  Your hands grabbed desperately at the back of the couch for stability as your legs began to quiver with the force of your orgasm.  You yelped and bit down on your lip as it crashed over you; sometimes when he ate you out, he wouldn't stop after you'd came and keep going until you were begging for mercy, but he was apparently feeling generous today and stopped once you'd finished.
That, of course, did not mean he was finished with you.
He pushed his jeans down to his thighs and laid back onto the mattress, cock so hard that it was pressing into his abs.
“Come on kitten, ride me,” he grinned, motioning for you to climb on top of him.  The moment you did he was rubbing his cock against you, pushing it upwards for you to sink down onto it.  You moaned as it stretched you open, and when your hips met his, the tip of it brushed against the deepest places inside you.  You yelped and tried to move back up but he suddenly grabbed your legs and held you down.
“Nuh-uh, kitten, no running away.  You’re gonna take all of me.”
“It’s too deep,” you protested weakly, even though you felt your walls throbbing with pleasure.
“Not at all, angel; you’re made for me, so you fit me perfectly,” he explained.  “If I let you go, you’re gonna ride me properly, take my whole cock, right?”
You nodded and he eased up his grip.  You felt your legs shaking as little as you pushed yourself up only to drop back down, wincing as he filled you so completely once again.  You repeated the movement over and over, picking up pace and moaning every time.  You could feel his cock moving the plug inside your ass, and each bounce on top of him made your collar jingle a little.
You did your best to keep up the pace, but to lift yourself required use of a muscle that you clearly hadn't been getting much exercise for; it wasn't more than a few minutes before you were faltering, your moans of pleasure accented with the struggling groans of exhaustion.
"Oh kitty, are you too weak?  Too wimpy and small to ride my cock?  Baby… that's pathetic," he moped.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," you pouted.  "I'm just tired…"
"Just a little longer, kitten, just ride my cock a little more then I'll help you out, okay?  I know you can do it.  I know you can be a good girl."
You hoped he was right.  You nodded weakly as he looked at you expectantly, before slowly beginning to move again in spite of your sore thighs.
Soon, as he'd promised, he pulled you down and wrapped his arms around you, thrusting up into you.  Your moans echoed against his skin when your face was shoved into the crook of his neck.  When his cock slammed into your most sensitive spot, you bit him there as a way to stifle yourself and he slapped your ass.
“Only bad kittens bite, doll.  I thought you were going to be a good kitten for me?”
“Feels so good,” you tried to explain though it came out slurred, “please don’t stop.”
“I’m not gonna stop, baby.  Not gonna stop until that pussy is full of my come.  That what you want?”
“Yes,” you pleaded, “oh god, yes, please…”
He moaned loudly as his thrusts lost all rhythm, his cock moving so fast inside you that the sensation became one hot blur against your walls.  Finally, as he groaned and gripped you tight enough to bruise, he spilled inside you. 
As he let out a long breath and his body relaxed under you, he smiled softly.  "You really are perfect, pet."
"C-can I take off the ears now?  And the tail?"
"Hmm, not yet," he grinned, "we need to take a few pictures of you like this first."
He was working in the kitchen when he heard your footsteps approaching.
"Don't come in here!" he ordered you.  "Wait for me at the dining table."
"Why, Daddy?" he heard you respond from the hall.  He smiled just to hear your sweet voice.
"It's a surprise, babydoll," he explained.  "It's almost ready-- just wait, okay?"
"Okay, Daddy," you answered dutifully, your footsteps moving to the dining area as he'd requested.
Stepping back and admiring his work, he lifted it and turned out the door to deliver your surprise: a cake, with pink frosting and one pink candle.
Your eyes lit up when you saw him holding the cake stand, being careful not to tilt it or get the flame of the candle near his long hair.
He smiled and set it in front of you, looking to your face for a reaction.  Suddenly he felt self-conscious about it, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.   "Um, I made it myself.  Sorry if the decorating isn't that nice…"
"It's beautiful, Daddy, and I bet it'll taste great, too," you beamed.  "What's the occasion?"
"It's our anniversary," he replied, his voice suddenly low and dark.
He saw recognition cross your face, though you looked confused as well.  The meds he'd given you throughout the year had disrupted your memories, and probably distorted your perception of the passage of time as well, but it was all necessary to get you compliant.  He hoped reminding you of that somewhat violent first day wouldn't set back any of your progress.
"I've… been here a year?" you asked weakly.
"We've been here a year," he corrected, sitting down beside you and wrapping an arm around you, "but that's not what we're celebrating."
The hand on your shoulder slipped down to the underside of your arm, stroking it slowly.
"We're celebrating that a medication somebody gave you a long time ago, before we were together, is finally worn off," he explained slowly, a grin creeping across his face. "We're celebrating that the next time I come inside you, I'm gonna get you pregnant."
He didn't fuck you for three days after that, loving the way you were clearly on edge as you waited for him to make good on his promise.  And he didn't blame you for being nervous about it, even if you seemed to understand that any protest from you would fall on deaf ears.
So, he was quite taken aback when you came onto him one night, bedtime cuddling quickly turning into something more as you rubbed your ass against his crotch.  He hadn't even realized that you would want it all on your own.
God, you were so fucking perfect he couldn't stand it.
"What are you doing, angel?" he asked you with a growl as he grabbed your hips and forced them to still.
"Nothing, Daddy," you answered coyly.  He grinned and nipped at your earlobe.
"Are you horny, babygirl?  Because you're acting like a whore."
You nodded and gasped, shivering under his touch.
"Want Daddy's cock inside you?" he pressed, voice getting darker.
"Yes, please!" you begged.
He sat up and flipped you onto your back, caging you in with his arms as he hovered above you.
“You wanna have my baby?” he asked in a husky whisper.
“Yes,” you nodded your head quickly.
“Want me to knock you up, doll?  Right now?”
“Please,” you whimpered.
He leaned down, almost close enough to kiss you, as his gaze wandered over your face  “I don’t want it to be like the other times.  None of the crazy shit, nothing rough.  If I’m gonna get you pregnant--”
“Whatever you want,” you pleaded.
He kissed you suddenly, deep and slow.  “I love you,” he told you quickly as he pulled back, breathless but confident.  
“I love you too,” you answered without even questioning it.
He was gentle, and thorough, and patient.  It was love-making in a way that was out of character for him.  He lifted your legs to wrap around his hips, pushing into you as deep as he could but with a contemplative slowness; he cradled your face in his hands and kissed all over it as he praised you in whispers.
My pretty girl, my perfect little girl, gonna fill you up, gonna make you mine.
You were only moans and sobs, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer.  
The first time you came was unexpected, building slowly but crashing into you all at once, judging by the way you went from softly whimpering to nearly screaming in seconds.  The second was quieter, more subtle, but he could tell by the way your walls tightened around him.  The third left you in tears, beyond overstimulated and broken down into a babbling mess.
“Please,” you cried, “please I need you to come-- come inside me.”
He struggled to resist that offer, but he didn't want it to be over too quickly.
“Soon,” he promised, “I’m close.  You feel so good.”
You wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him close for a kiss but stopping as his mouth brushed against yours.
“Please, Bucky… please come…” you whispered.
He moaned, his thrusts getting a little more erratic.
“Need it so bad,” you whimpered, “need you to put your baby in me--”
“Fuck,” he hissed, “‘m gonna, promise.”
“Now,” you demanded through your teeth, “I need it now.”
“Not until you come one more time,” he responded.  You whined and he knew you were questioning whether it was possible.  “I know you can, just gimme one more.”
His angle shifted and he stayed deep within you, grinding his hips on yours just the right way to rub your clit with his pubic bone.  Your back arched but he held you close, barraging you with the sensation and pressing his forehead to yours.
Your hands gripped his shoulders for dear life, as if you were afraid to fall.  He smiled and kissed your neck, feeling your walls flutter around him once again.
“That’s it,” he praised, “I know you’re close.  Just let go.  I’ve got you.”
Tears streamed down your face as it tore through you, hitting you so hard that instead of moans it was just silence.  He watched your face intently, breathing through his teeth as he summoned all his willpower to hold on just a little longer.  
"Daddy!" you yelped, and he couldn't take any more: with a high-pitched, stuttered moan, he felt his cock flexed as he came harder than maybe he ever had before.  Knowing that you were fertile made it all so much more intense.  Normally, his orgasm just meant the end of sex-- maybe just for a few minutes on a good day.  But now?  Now it was the beginning of something.  His perfect little angel was going to finally fulfill her final purpose and give him a baby.  He'd waited so long, dreamed of it every day for years, and finally it was going to happen.  
He refused to pull out or let you move until he was sure it would take; he killed the time by kissing every part of your face and neck that he could reach.
He hadn't even gotten you pregnant yet, technically, and he already couldn't wait for more children.  He'd always wanted to have a big family, but he gave up on that dream years ago; meeting you had brought it all back, and made him realize that all this time he'd just been waiting for the perfect wife to start it with.
You were well worth the wait.
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
My Sweet Rose, Chapter 3 (Last Part)
It took Loki a few days before he was able to get a chance to speak to Rosie again. She kept running from him whenever she saw him, not giving him a chance at all.
In the end, he got fed up of her running from him. So he teleported into her room when he knew she was there, to sort it out.
She looked a bit fearful when he suddenly appeared in her room.
Loki put his hands out to the side. ‘Please, Rose… Rosie. I just want to talk, that’s all.’ He said softly.
Rosie slipped off her bed and moved to the side, a little further away from him.
‘I want, no, I need you to know that I never meant to hurt you. Truly. And you were not just a play toy, I give you my word. You meant, and still do mean, the world to me. It broke my heart every single day that I didn’t return to you.’ Loki said honestly.
Rosie wrapped her arms around herself, she couldn’t look at Loki properly. So kept her eyes on the floor on front of him while she listened.
‘I thought it would be for the best, not coming back to you.’
‘Why… Why didn’t you come back or tell me?’ Rosie asked, being brave and raising her eyes up to look into his for a moment, tears in her eyes again. But she was a little confused to see his eyes looked a little bit teary too.
Perhaps he really wasn’t lying.
‘I found out on that trip back to Asgard that I am… that I am a frost giant, a monster. I was told I was adopted, that I had no idea about previously. I suddenly felt myself spiralling out of control, there was no way I was going to put you in danger. I thought it was best, safest for you that I didn’t return… I see now that it was a mistake, that I should have spoken to you about the situation. Told you who I was. I thought I was doing the right thing by you, Rosie. I truly thought I was.’
Rosie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
‘Why… Why should I believe you? I was… I was in love with you, I trusted you. And you broke that.’ Her lower lip was quivering as she spoke.
Loki nodded and looked down. ‘I am truly sorry. It is breaking me to see you so upset, knowing what I did to you. I never meant to…’ He turned to the door, to leave her alone. ‘I want you to know, there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t think of you… Rose.’ He said softly before leaving.
Rosie felt her heart breaking all over again.
Later that day, Rosie bumped into Thor on her way to the lab.
‘Rosie… If I may have a word, I only need a minute of your time.’ He said politely.
She nodded and stopped in her tracks to see what he wanted to say. Thor could see how upset she was, it was evident on her face that she had barely slept since Loki appeared at the tower.
‘Loki spoke about you so fondly, he was madly in love with you… He still does love you. He never stopped. He really did think he was saving you, from himself. He went down a dark path, one that I didn’t think we could pull him from.’ Thor said regretfully.
Rosie shifted nervously on her feet.
‘He isn’t lying to you now, I promise you that. He is beating himself up about it, knowing what pain and harm he caused you for not just speaking to you. He thought it was best to stay away, but he realises now how wrong that was.’
She looked down with a sigh, she knew Thor wouldn’t lie. It wasn’t in his nature. But realising that Loki was telling the truth, she wasn’t really sure what to make of that information.
Thor let her carry on to the lab to do her work, she didn’t bump into Loki at all that day. Which she was rather glad of, because it gave her time to think.
The following day, she went to the kitchen in the morning to find Loki.
His face lit up a little when she approached him, actually seeking him out.
‘I… I believe you. I believe that you thought you were doing what you thought was best for me… Like you always did, you always looked out for me and did what was best. But you did get it wrong this time.’ She looked down and she nervously fiddled with her hands. ‘I don’t know if I will be able to forgive you for it, but I don’t… I don’t hate you. I never could. I understand why, though it doesn’t make it any less hurtful.’
Loki nodded and he wanted nothing more than to grab her hands in his, but he refrained from touching her. Knowing it probably wasn’t the best thing to do.
‘Thank you, Rose. That’s all I can ask for, I know. Though I do hope we can maybe be friends, in time? But I don’t want you to be uncomfortable here, it’s your home and work. I can leave, if that’s what you would prefer.’ Loki offered, surprising her slightly.
‘No… No, it’s ok… I did think I would need to leave, but I… I think it will be ok.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I’ll see you around… Loki.’ She gave him a very small smile, which made Loki smile a bit too.
It was a step in the right direction.
Over the following weeks, Rosie felt a bit better about everything. Herself included. Learning that a God had truly been in love with her was quite the confidence boost, even if it had gone wrong in the end. She understood now though.
She was still a bit nervous and anxious around him, but she wasn’t sure why really. Though their interactions were brief at first. Just hello’s or good morning’s. Then Loki started making her hot chocolate in the mornings, just the way she used to like it. With a marshmallow on top.
‘Thanks.’ She said shyly when he handed her a mug in the morning with a smile.
‘You’re welcome, darling.’ He smiled at her brightly.
He was glad to see she was looking better too, not tired or as scared of him. Though he could tell she was tired in another way, tired of being an adult and looking after herself. He had seen it before, when she was busy with work and hadn’t been able to go into little space for a while…
He wished he could allow her that relief, to go into little space with him. But he knew that would likely never happen again. Which broke his heart.
Over time, he couldn’t help himself from getting a bit protective over her. Old habits appearing.
She was cooking dinner one night, had offered to for everyone. She was using a sharp knife to cut up some vegetables when Loki walked in and saw her.
‘Let me do that for you.’ He said swiftly and rushed over to take the knife from her before she could argue. She tried to ignore the tingling she felt when his fingers had brushed against hers.
Another time, it was almost midnight and Loki had gone to get a snack from the kitchen when he spotted a light on in one of the offices. Popping his head round the door, he saw Rosie was still up doing some work.
He walked in and with a firm voice started telling her off. ‘You should be in bed, it’s way past your…’ He trailed off, eyes widening as he realised he had no right to be telling her what to do.  
She looked surprised and a little sheepish. Part of her wanted him to finish, to put her to bed. But she tried to push that feeling way down.
‘Sorry…’ Loki shook his head and rushed out of the room quickly.
One afternoon, there was a mad rush in the tower when Bruce had turned into the Hulk by accident, causing destruction and chaos as everyone ran around screaming trying to get out of the way, while Natasha tried to calm him down.
Rosie had gotten caught up with some SHIELD officers charging past her, knocking her to the floor.
‘ROSE!’ Loki shouted and rushed over to her, he had been looking for her during the panic to make sure she was safe. Seeing her being knocked to the floor panicked him.
‘I’m ok.’ She said as she sat up. But before she could get herself up, Loki had already put his arms around her and lifted her up to her feet.
‘You’re bleeding.’ He commented as he picked up her hand, she had a cut on the side of her wrist.
‘It’s just a scratch, it’s ok.’ She said quietly.
Loki put his arm around her waist and led her into the nearest room, away from the hustle and bustle. He sat her down on a chair and knelt on front of her, inspecting her wrist.
‘Honestly, it’s fine. Just a scratch.’ She said again, trying to pull her hand away, but Loki wouldn’t let her.
He conjured up a plaster and some soothing cream. Her heart started beating a little faster when he applied the cream gently and then put the plaster on.
‘Any other injuries? Are you sore anywhere else, that was quite a fall?’ He asked, concern etched all over his face as he inspected her arms and hands closely, then looked into her eyes.
‘I’m… I’m fine… Thank you… Loki.’ She stammered out, her skittish eyes never quite landing on his.
Once he was sure she was ok, he let her go and walked her back to her room safely. She was shaking when she got inside, not because of Hulk or being knocked over, but because of how close she felt to falling into little space with Loki.
There was the deep longing within her, just wanting him to look after her again, like he used to. His natural Daddy instincts was bursting out, though she could tell he was trying to contain it.
Though she was terrified of being left again
That night, Loki was sitting up in bed reading. It was getting late, but he just couldn’t sleep. He was really antsy because there was thunder and lightning outside, he knew how scared Rosie was of thunderstorms. And this was a particularly bad one.
He wanted nothing more than to go to her room and comfort her, or just make sure she was ok. But he knew he had no right to do that anymore.
Though he was confused when there was a timid knock on his door.
Slipping out of bed, he had some leather trousers materialise onto him as he crossed the room, so he wasn’t answering naked. When he opened the door, his heart utterly collapsed at the sight.
It was Rosie. Rose. His sweet Rose. She was wearing cute kitten pyjamas that he had gifted her before, and she was clutching a stuffed toy dog to her chest tightly. She looked scared, and he knew instantly that she was in little space. Her eyes were watery, she had been crying.
‘I… I’m… scared…’ She said shakily.
Loki had barely opened his arms to her when she rushed forward into him. He put his arms around her and held her tightly to his body, then he lifted her up and squeezed her even harder as he pressed his face into her hair, breathing in deeply.
She wrapped her legs around him and hid her face into the crook of his neck. She was trembling a bit, but it was slowly easing as he carried her over to his bed.
‘It’s ok, my little one. You’re safe with me, I promise.’ He said softly and got into bed, curling her up on his lap safely.
She kept hugging into him, jumping whenever there was a rumble of thunder.
‘Shhh, shhh. It’s ok, my sweet Rose.’ He hummed gently and slid his hand under her top to stroke her back soothingly, making her melt and feel safe.
‘You’re safe with Daddy. And I promise, I am never going to let you down again.’
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imagine-loki · 3 years
My Sweet Rose, Chapter 3 (Final Chapter)
TITLE: My Sweet Rose CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 3 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are secretly a little but no one knows, one day you decide to check out a local BDSM club to try and get a feel of the community. You meet a handsome stranger that, over the next few months, shows you all about the lifestyle. However, one day… he vanishes without a word. 
It took Loki a few days before he was able to get a chance to speak to Rosie again. She kept running from him whenever she saw him, not giving him a chance at all.
In the end, he got fed up of her running from him. So he teleported into her room when he knew she was there, to sort it out.
She looked a bit fearful when he suddenly appeared in her room.
Loki put his hands out to the side. ‘Please, Rose… Rosie. I just want to talk, that’s all.’ He said softly.
Rosie slipped off her bed and moved to the side, a little further away from him.
‘I want, no, I need you to know that I never meant to hurt you. Truly. And you were not just a play toy, I give you my word. You meant, and still do mean, the world to me. It broke my heart every single day that I didn’t return to you.’ Loki said honestly.
Rosie wrapped her arms around herself, she couldn’t look at Loki properly. So kept her eyes on the floor on front of him while she listened.
‘I thought it would be for the best, not coming back to you.’
‘Why… Why didn’t you come back or tell me?’ Rosie asked, being brave and raising her eyes up to look into his for a moment, tears in her eyes again. But she was a little confused to see his eyes looked a little bit teary too.
Perhaps he really wasn’t lying.
‘I found out on that trip back to Asgard that I am… that I am a frost giant, a monster. I was told I was adopted, that I had no idea about previously. I suddenly felt myself spiralling out of control, there was no way I was going to put you in danger. I thought it was best, safest for you that I didn’t return… I see now that it was a mistake, that I should have spoken to you about the situation. Told you who I was. I thought I was doing the right thing by you, Rosie. I truly thought I was.’
Rosie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
‘Why… Why should I believe you? I was… I was in love with you, I trusted you. And you broke that.’ Her lower lip was quivering as she spoke.
Loki nodded and looked down. ‘I am truly sorry. It is breaking me to see you so upset, knowing what I did to you. I never meant to…’ He turned to the door, to leave her alone. ‘I want you to know, there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t think of you… Rose.’ He said softly before leaving.
Rosie felt her heart breaking all over again.
Later that day, Rosie bumped into Thor on her way to the lab.
‘Rosie… If I may have a word, I only need a minute of your time.’ He said politely.
She nodded and stopped in her tracks to see what he wanted to say. Thor could see how upset she was, it was evident on her face that she had barely slept since Loki appeared at the tower.
‘Loki spoke about you so fondly, he was madly in love with you… He still does love you. He never stopped. He really did think he was saving you, from himself. He went down a dark path, one that I didn’t think we could pull him from.’ Thor said regretfully.
Rosie shifted nervously on her feet.
‘He isn’t lying to you now, I promise you that. He is beating himself up about it, knowing what pain and harm he caused you for not just speaking to you. He thought it was best to stay away, but he realises now how wrong that was.’
She looked down with a sigh, she knew Thor wouldn’t lie. It wasn’t in his nature. But realising that Loki was telling the truth, she wasn’t really sure what to make of that information.
Thor let her carry on to the lab to do her work, she didn’t bump into Loki at all that day. Which she was rather glad of, because it gave her time to think.
The following day, she went to the kitchen in the morning to find Loki.
His face lit up a little when she approached him, actually seeking him out.
‘I… I believe you. I believe that you thought you were doing what you thought was best for me… Like you always did, you always looked out for me and did what was best. But you did get it wrong this time.’ She looked down and she nervously fiddled with her hands. ‘I don’t know if I will be able to forgive you for it, but I don’t… I don’t hate you. I never could. I understand why, though it doesn’t make it any less hurtful.’
Loki nodded and he wanted nothing more than to grab her hands in his, but he refrained from touching her. Knowing it probably wasn’t the best thing to do.
‘Thank you, Rose. That’s all I can ask for, I know. Though I do hope we can maybe be friends, in time? But I don’t want you to be uncomfortable here, it’s your home and work. I can leave, if that’s what you would prefer.’ Loki offered, surprising her slightly.
‘No… No, it’s ok… I did think I would need to leave, but I… I think it will be ok.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I’ll see you around… Loki.’ She gave him a very small smile, which made Loki smile a bit too.
It was a step in the right direction.
Over the following weeks, Rosie felt a bit better about everything. Herself included. Learning that a God had truly been in love with her was quite the confidence boost, even if it had gone wrong in the end. She understood now though.
She was still a bit nervous and anxious around him, but she wasn’t sure why really. Though their interactions were brief at first. Just hello’s or good morning’s. Then Loki started making her hot chocolate in the mornings, just the way she used to like it. With a marshmallow on top.
‘Thanks.’ She said shyly when he handed her a mug in the morning with a smile.
‘You’re welcome, darling.’ He smiled at her brightly.
He was glad to see she was looking better too, not tired or as scared of him. Though he could tell she was tired in another way, tired of being an adult and looking after herself. He had seen it before, when she was busy with work and hadn’t been able to go into little space for a while…
He wished he could allow her that relief, to go into little space with him. But he knew that would likely never happen again. Which broke his heart.
Over time, he couldn’t help himself from getting a bit protective over her. Old habits appearing.
She was cooking dinner one night, had offered to for everyone. She was using a sharp knife to cut up some vegetables when Loki walked in and saw her.
‘Let me do that for you.’ He said swiftly and rushed over to take the knife from her before she could argue. She tried to ignore the tingling she felt when his fingers had brushed against hers.
Another time, it was almost midnight and Loki had gone to get a snack from the kitchen when he spotted a light on in one of the offices. Popping his head round the door, he saw Rosie was still up doing some work.
He walked in and with a firm voice started telling her off. ‘You should be in bed, it’s way past your…’ He trailed off, eyes widening as he realised he had no right to be telling her what to do.  
She looked surprised and a little sheepish. Part of her wanted him to finish, to put her to bed. But she tried to push that feeling way down.
‘Sorry…’ Loki shook his head and rushed out of the room quickly.
One afternoon, there was a mad rush in the tower when Bruce had turned into the Hulk by accident, causing destruction and chaos as everyone ran around screaming trying to get out of the way, while Natasha tried to calm him down.
Rosie had gotten caught up with some SHIELD officers charging past her, knocking her to the floor.
‘ROSE!’ Loki shouted and rushed over to her, he had been looking for her during the panic to make sure she was safe. Seeing her being knocked to the floor panicked him.
‘I’m ok.’ She said as she sat up. But before she could get herself up, Loki had already put his arms around her and lifted her up to her feet.
‘You’re bleeding.’ He commented as he picked up her hand, she had a cut on the side of her wrist.
‘It’s just a scratch, it’s ok.’ She said quietly.
Loki put his arm around her waist and led her into the nearest room, away from the hustle and bustle. He sat her down on a chair and knelt on front of her, inspecting her wrist.
‘Honestly, it’s fine. Just a scratch.’ She said again, trying to pull her hand away, but Loki wouldn’t let her.
He conjured up a plaster and some soothing cream. Her heart started beating a little faster when he applied the cream gently and then put the plaster on.
‘Any other injuries? Are you sore anywhere else, that was quite a fall?’ He asked, concern etched all over his face as he inspected her arms and hands closely, then looked into her eyes.
‘I’m… I’m fine… Thank you… Loki.’ She stammered out, her skittish eyes never quite landing on his.
Once he was sure she was ok, he let her go and walked her back to her room safely. She was shaking when she got inside, not because of Hulk or being knocked over, but because of how close she felt to falling into little space with Loki.
There was the deep longing within her, just wanting him to look after her again, like he used to. His natural Daddy instincts was bursting out, though she could tell he was trying to contain it.
Though she was terrified of being left again.
That night, Loki was sitting up in bed reading. It was getting late, but he just couldn’t sleep. He was really antsy because there was thunder and lightning outside, he knew how scared Rosie was of thunderstorms. And this was a particularly bad one.
He wanted nothing more than to go to her room and comfort her, or just make sure she was ok. But he knew he had no right to do that anymore.
Though he was confused when there was a timid knock on his door.
Slipping out of bed, he had some leather trousers materialise onto him as he crossed the room, so he wasn’t answering naked. When he opened the door, his heart utterly collapsed at the sight.
It was Rosie. Rose. His sweet Rose. She was wearing cute kitten pyjamas that he had gifted her before, and she was clutching a stuffed toy dog to her chest tightly. She looked scared, and he knew instantly that she was in little space. Her eyes were watery, she had been crying.
‘I… I’m… scared…’ She said shakily.
Loki had barely opened his arms to her when she rushed forward into him. He put his arms around her and held her tightly to his body, then he lifted her up and squeezed her even harder as he pressed his face into her hair, breathing in deeply.
She wrapped her legs around him and hid her face into the crook of his neck. She was trembling a bit, but it was slowly easing as he carried her over to his bed.
‘It’s ok, my little one. You’re safe with me, I promise.’ He said softly and got into bed, curling her up on his lap safely.
She kept hugging into him, jumping whenever there was a rumble of thunder.
‘Shhh, shhh. It’s ok, my sweet Rose.’ He hummed gently and slid his hand under her top to stroke her back soothingly, making her melt and feel safe.
‘You’re safe with Daddy. And I promise, I am never going to let you down again.’
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Laid out cold, now we're both alone (part 3)
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A/N: Hello, this fic is very important to me because I tried my best to give justice to such a cool idea and I hope I did a good job. Plus I don't do multichapter ofter, so this was a challenge.
I wanna thank the lovely @livdonna​ for proofreading my work, you're literally the best <3.
P.S. If you want to get tagged in the next chapters, let me know.
Summary: Nikki needs to ask a favor to Vince Neil, in order to keep someone safe.
Warnings: Major Character Death,Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Drug Use, Angst, Overdose.
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Taglist: @slashscowboyboots @witchytombstonesmile @arnold-layne @emometalhead​ @i-dont-like-rice​ @nikki-sexx​ @smokeandmirrorz​
Bittersweet. That was the best way to describe Nikki’s emotional state as he got teleported in front of Vince’s house. They weren’t the biggest fans of each other.  He was always so annoyed by his singer, whom he considered more of a diva prince than a front man.
Sometimes Vince Neil was a stupid spoiled fucker, in his opinion, yet he needed him. What made his blood boil the most was that he had to put his pride to the side, because this wasn’t about him but about Tommy, and there was no way in hell he would have disappointed him again, even if that meant having to deal with the blonde’s bullshit.
He decided to get in the blonde’s house but without showing himself at first.  He wasn’t being avoidant ( absolutely not) but just he wanted more time to think, that’s all. The first thing he noticed was how different Vince’s mansion looked from Mick’s : outside there was a big pool, in which the clear water was shining thanks to the sunny day, meanwhile the inside was mostly white and gave the whole house a very elegant and snobby atmosphere; however it was very messy too, which was a huge disappointment.
It reminded him of the singer: face of an angel but inside he had his demons. Who didn’t to be honest? Unfortunately Nikki wasn’t so lucky to get an angel face to hide his dirty soul, he felt like everyone could tell how fucked up he was.
Lost in his thoughts he almost didn’t notice Vince passing right through him, talking on the phone in an exasperated tone.
“I know Doc, you repeated that hundreds of times! Yeah , I’ll call Mick and Tommy and we will do this fucking conference!”
There was a small pause.  Doc was probably answering back, and Vince looked like he was about to smash the phone on the ground.
“What’s holding us? We fucking lost our bassist, our friend and brother. Jesus, I fucking get it that you want our money but show some fucking mercy, bastard! Fuck you!” He violently put the phone down, only to fall ungracefully on the couch.
The whole conversation made the bassist laugh out of anger.  He knew Doc was all about money, especially because they made his life a living hell, but Vince appearing concerned about his death was honestly so fake.
What? Were you saying that Vince Neil was mourning him? The guy who kept fucking up the band over and over again was sad for him?
“Fucking Nikki, real dick move you pulled there!”
Nikki didn’t wait one second before sitting on the couch and making himself visible to the blonde.
“Oh Vinnie, that’s so rude to say.”
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Vince screamed,  trying to back away but just managing to fall off the couch.
The other man couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“Nikki, is that you? What kind of joke is this?!”
“Yeah. Look it might sound nuts but I’m a ghost. I’m dead and couldn’t pass through because I have unfinished business to solve.”
If looks could kill, well Nikki would have died again judging by how Vince was staring at him. He saw his face turning into an angry snarl before he started to yell.
“What the fuck, Sixx?! You die, leave us all alone and then you even have the courage to stay a fucking ghost! You fucking selfish prick!”
The bassist felt his blood boiling, well not literally but he got the same feeling as if he still had blood pumping in his body. How did Vince dare to say such things? He was the selfish prick, he was the one never caring and always causing trouble.  He was destroying the band!
“I’m a selfish prick?! I didn’t decide to fucking die! I put my heart and soul in the band and you kept destroying it. Now you want to accuse me? Fuck you!”
“You didn’t want to die? Oh well, what did you think would happen if you kept injecting that shit in your veins. We are fucking screwed now, without a bassist and ready to split up!”
Oh that was funny! Vince wanted to shame him, as Nikki was the only one drinking and fucking up with drugs. Oh sure Mick, Tommy and him could do anything but Nikki dares to shoot up, oh he’s a junkie! However he knew it was different, it wasn’t a simple way to party for him... He needed it to be alive. He had tons of pages written in his diaries that could be used as a proof.
“Oh because you’re such a saint, aren’t you Vinnie? I’m the bad one, I’m the one out of control. Well guess what?  The only person I hurt was myself, meanwhile we can’t say the same thing for you!”
It was a low blow, a terrible one and Nikki knew that. Rage blinded him, but that didn’t mean he had to dredge up the past, especially on something as horrible as Razzle’s death.
Good job Sikki, great way to get your friend to do what you want.
Vince’s face turned red, his fists clenched and got up to Nikki’s nose. He looked like he was about to punch him, but he had to realize it wasn’t going to happen since the bassist was not tangible, so he kicked a small table.
“You’re the only one who you hurt? What about the band, the fans, all those people you lied to and made suffer. Most importantly, what about Tommy, Nikki? How is he? Because it doesn’t look like he wasn’t hurt when you left him all alone, when you preferred shooting up instead of caring for him.”
Tommy. If he knew Vince’s weak point, the singer knew his too. It fucking hurt so bad, now he was the one wishing to be able to slap him.
“You don’t know a fuck about me or Tommy. Shut the fuck up!”
“Oh, I know all the times I saw him scanning the room around hoping to find you, all the times he looked heartbroken when you disappeared in the bathroom during rehearsal. I saw him after you destroyed him, how he still loved you even if you threw him away like trash. His two worst nightmares came true: you left him and you died. So tell me again Nikki, how did you just hurt yourself?
He wasn’t about to cry, even if he felt like a thousand legs were kicking his chest, he wasn’t about to give that fucker the satisfaction to see him crying ( he probably couldn’t even do that). But after the pain came the realization : he was there for Tommy. He was angry to forget that this wasn’t about him but about the drummer, and he probably ruined everything.
Now the hard part came : swallowing his pride down and convincing Vince. Oh, he would probably torment the bassist as slowly as he could, but eventually he had to accept.  Fuck, the two of them knew each other since high school!
“How’s Tommy?” His voice was so low, he doubted the singer heard him, but somehow he did.
“Oh, so now you want to know how he is?!” His voice was still loud and angry, but he must have seen the desperation on Nikki’s face, because he decided to answer anyway. “ He’s a mess. I just talked with him very briefly, he wanted to know if it was real. Then Doc fucking occupied this phone like it was his bitch, so I haven’t called him again, yet.”
This wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear, it wasn’t fucking reassuring at all… Fuck, literally anything could have happened, Tommy could have hurt himself or left the country and this was all because of him. He just hoped his family was going to be close to him, he was loved, they would have never left him alone. That was supposed to be his job too, but he failed.
He failed his sweet Tommy.
“Sixx, what are you thinking about?”
It was the moment. Even if his heart wasn’t beating, he still felt the oppressive pressure of anxiety.  He wanted to run but he had to do it.
Swallow your pride. You fucking owe it to Tommy.
“Vince, promise me that you’ll protect Tommy, no matter what.”
“What?” The blonde was visibly confused and how to blame him!
“You were right, I broke Tommy and he’s going to have such a hard time. He fucking loved me, even if I didn’t deserve it, and now I’m terrified he’s going to destroy himself. You can’t let that happen!”
“I fucking love him Vince. I still love him so much.  He deserves a good life, I can’t ruin him even in death. He needs support.”
“Why me? It’s not like Tommy and I are best friends.”
“Because both you and him have known each other for a long time, and when the band will keep playing there’s going to be you, him and Mick left. He would never tell his stuff to Mick and he has something else to do, which means that you have to do it.”
A dry laugh escaped from Vince’s mouth.
“What if he doesn’t want to get helped?”
“You know how to get what you want. You’ll find a way, I’d do it but I’m a little dead… look I know you hate me but I’m only asking this. Like I said to Mick, this is my dead man’s wish.”
“Okay.” The voice was so low and Nikki barely had the time to react before Vince disappeared in the kitchen.
All his insecurities came back to eat him alive. What was even the point of being a ghost if he still had feelings? The truth was that he wasn’t sure on how much Vince could help, sure having someone close to Tommy was good, but he knew his boyfriend and fuck if he was a stubborn fucker.
His boyfriend.
It was a dagger through his chest, yet it still felt warm like the first time Tommy called him that. His face always lit up whenever he said it. The drummer always made loving him seem like the easiest thing in the world, as it was even possible to love someone like Nikki.
But Tommy did and what did he get in return? A junkie boyfriend and eternal heartache, because the love of his life was dead now.
Vince came back with a beer and softer expression on his face. Nikki didn’t move from the couch so he sat back to where he was.
“I will do it. I’ll keep an eye on Tommy.” His firm voice eased Nikki’s worries a bit.
Fuck, he never expected to see Vince Neil agreeing with him.
“Thanks dude, I know you hate me but Tommy didn’t do anything.”
“I don’t hate you.” His voice was shocked and the bassist had to suppress a laugh.
Yeah sure Vince Neil, not hating Nikki Sixx.
“Oh c’mon, don’t tell me you weren’t happy to hear I was gone.”
“Fuck no. Nikki we might have fought a lot and you were a fucking pain in the ass, but I’d never want your death. I cried, you were still my band mate and brother!”
He wasn’t sure why this whole conversation was hitting him so hard.  It was probably because he didn’t know how to react to the simple act of someone caring for him beside Tommy. Especially when this someone was his singer.
But did they really hate each other as they thought they did? If the roles were reversed, would he be happy about his death?
“I felt the same. Ya know, when we thought you were dead in the car crash.”
Vince gave him a small sad smile.
“Maybe we can bury the hatchet. You don’t follow me for eternity and I won’t talk shit about you in interviews. Deal?”
“Deal.” Nikki smirked.
It’s time to go, Nikki.
The same sense of helplessness he felt before with Mick, came back. Because he could pretend everything was somehow normal, until the voice reminded him that this wasn’t his place. Even if in this case it was for the best for him to go, considering how awkward it felt for both of them to be so friendly with one another.
“Vince, I have to go now.”
The singer made an expression between sad and relieved, but maybe for the first time ever, it was genuine.
“Don’t be a stranger. Send us some bottles of Jack or some strippers from hell, okay?”
Nikki let out a chuckle. Since when he was laughing with Vince Neil?
“I’ll try my best. Vince, keep the promise.”
“He loves you. You should visit him, he deserves to say goodbye to you one last time.”
He knew that, he fucking knew that already! It didn’t matter how hard he was trying to avoid that, he was going to go to him anyway, not only because Tommy deserved it but because he was selfish.
He wanted to see him one last time too.
“I know. I’m going to go to his house next.”
Vince seemed happy and gave him a small smile. Nikki took a deep breath and got out of Neil's mansion, feeling every type of emotion.
God, now it was show time.
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tuffduff · 4 years
‘Til Death and Beyond (Slash x Reader)
Pairing: Slash x Reader
Words: 1,965
Request: anon! “Hi luv ! I was wondering if I could request an imagine with slash and the reader at their wedding reception. Just them being all cute and married together.”
A/N: Imagine all the boys giving speeches at your wedding...amazing. A sickly sweet and gushy wedding fic for you on this Sunday. Enjoy, my loves!
Taglist: @ubernoxa​ @the--blackdahlia​ @reigns420​ @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker​ @rumoured-whispers​ @dustnbones​
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“Oh, shit, Y/N.” Slash said under his breath to you as he reached out to lock your hand securely in his. “I don’t know how to dance.” He placed his other hand on your waist and you placed your free hand on his shoulder.
“Babe, it’s just a slow dance. We don’t have to break out a waltz or anything.” You reassured him affectionately as you swayed for your first dance, your long ball gown grazing against the floor.
“Can you imagine?” He chuckled. You took in the sight of him, still in leather pants, except they were nice leather pants. He had long ditched his tuxedo jacket and had his white button up unbuttoned—always unorthodox and free-spirited was your husband. Husband, you thought again, mulling over the word in your mind and feeling a wave of love. Suddenly, he grinned at you and brushed his fingers against your cheek.
“What, is there something wrong?” You asked anxiously; there were a lot of people watching. The last thing you wanted was something on your face or something amiss.
“No! You just look so fucking beautiful.”
Lenny Kravitz, Slash’s longtime friend, was singing “May This Be Love” by Jimi Hendrix and strumming guitar softly. You rested your head on Slash’s shoulder, getting teleported back to all the times you had listened to this song together. One of your first dates, curled together on his bed half-dressed, his lips lazily leaving kisses on your head. Whenever he was playing guitar and noticed you were listening, it was the song he would transition to. He would even sing for you, but only you.
There were moments often where you felt like you needed to pinch yourself. When you went out together and Slash was recognized and got swarmed by adoring fans. When you listened to Guns N’ Roses songs and the guitar solos hit and you were reminded the man playing them loved you. And then the private moments, your most cherished, when he would make sure you were fully covered by the blankets, those moments of love that reminded you just how lucky you really were.
You and Slash were soon seated right in the center of your reception area—a ritzy LA hotel reception area with shiny oak, warm candelabra lighting, grand stone columns and marble floors. Almost immediately, you jumped at the sound of Duff hitting his glass with a knife too loudly.
“Oops,” he muttered in amusement, before loudly continuing. “Hello, everybody, can I have a moment?” He was Slash’s best man; therefore, he would be starting off the speeches. You felt yourself grow apprehensive and almost nervous; it appeared Duff had indulged in cocktail hour. You just prayed he wasn’t too far gone yet as he turned his gaze to you and Slash fondly.
“I just wanna say, to the bride and groom, I’m so fucking happy for you two.” You pressed a smile, hoping your older relatives didn’t mind his language. Slash laughed good-naturedly. “No, seriously. I’ve been rooting for you guys...since the very beginning—Slash, man, don’t you remember? I see you nodding—don’t get embarrassed! Okay,” Duff turned to his audience excitedly, now armed with a story. “So, I remember—way back when—it was at one of our gigs at the Troubadour, or maybe it was the Whiskey. Anyways, we were about to start ‘Sweet Child’ and I had already noticed Slash was almost avoiding one side of the stage. He’s almost been playing the whole gig with his back turned to the crowd or kinda like, sideways. It was weird. Anyways, we’re about to start ‘Sweet Child’ and Slash keeps messing up.” You giggled and the rest of your audience laughed; you remembered this story very well.
Slash was now ducking his head in embarrassment, holding your hand in his tighter. “We had to restart like three times. Axl was furious, Izzy and I were just like ‘what is going on?’ It wasn’t until later I found out Slash had seen Y/N for the first time standing in crowd up front at this show.” You heard a wave of aww rise up from the crowd, and warm smiles in your direction.  “He was so intimidated and nervous by her that he wouldn’t even go to that side of the stage, and he psyched himself out and everything. Anyways, I guess it all worked out, didn’t it?” Duff grinned, raising his glass. “I love you both, congrats!”
Steven stood up next enthusiastically, practically bouncing. “Slash, Y/N, you did it! Finally hitched, finally. It’s like Duff was saying, I was rooting for you both since the beginning. Have any of you guys ever noticed the difference between Slash when he’s with Y/N and when he’s not?” Some of the crowd chuckled, some were even nodding. “I’m serious! There’s a difference! And I’ve known this guy for a while. When he’s not, I mean he’s still Slash, but when she’s around it’s like the sun is shining, the angels are singing—he’s happier! And I like it when you’re around too, Y/N. I love you two! Good job!” Steven grinned, blowing you kisses. Your heart melted at his loving praise.
Axl stood next, calm and cool, one hand in his pocket. “I knew this was serious back...I guess it was a few years ago, I don’t remember when. Slash hates conflict. There was a fight, not a fight just a disagreement, between you two. Slash came storming into the studio and he was pretty upset, just withdrawn and occupied. I brushed it off as like a typical girl problem, I even told myself what does it matter anyways, it’s not a serious thing. You came then, busting into the studio with all five of us staring. Slash just lit up and you, Y/N—I’ll never forget this. You glared at Slash and said ‘I want this to work and I love you. Nothing is ever going to be greater than that and I don’t want to ever run away and not talk things through. You can keep the snakes.’” The crowd laughed, you and Slash laughed too—you had forgotten about this. “I was like ‘really? All of this over snakes?’ But that’s important to Slash, which therefore was important to you, Y/N. And I knew it was serious and right, because you’d never have an issue compromising for each other. And that’s something special.”
Izzy kept it short, smiling lightly and keeping his head down as he talked. “I can honestly just say I’ve never seen Slash happier than when he’s on the road reading a letter Y/N wrote him. I’ve even seen him drawing pictures of her, like a high school kid drawing pictures in his notebook, in his own little world. And Y/N, we’ve all come to love her too. This whole band owes a lot to her, and I couldn’t be happier for you both.”
All of those words were enough to make you feel complete, until you felt Slash stand up. You watched him, stunned; you both had agreed you weren’t going to make speeches since the thought of it made you both nervous. He glanced down at you and laughed as if knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Um, I know we both said we wouldn’t make a speech or anything, but...I had to.” He said. You knew he was nervous from the sheepish smile on his face and the way he kept running his hands through his hair and shifting his weight. Even his voice, which was slightly shaky. “I never had the slightest clue about what love was, until you. I wouldn’t be me now if it weren’t for the way you’ve loved me all this time. Not to get too sappy or anything, but there are times when it gets hard on the road and the thought of you is what keeps me going, you know? And it bugs me sometimes when people ask you what it’s like to be with a rock star. I’m just me, and that’s all you’ve ever needed. You’ve always treated me like that, like I’m just me. And really, it’s you that rocks my world.” He couldn’t keep from laughing through his words. You were crying and laughing and jumped to your feet as the crowd clapped and cheered and whistled.
“I love you!” You cried, throwing your arms around his neck. He held you tight, picking you up off your feet for a moment.
“I love you more, Mrs. Hudson.” He pulled back, a lopsided grin on his face. “That sounds kinda funny, doesn’t it?”
“No! Funny?” You asked, laughing and hitting his arm as he laughed too. “I love the way it sounds.”
The night went on with the dinner being served and guests coming over to congratulate you both. You got a dance with each of the guys and Slash danced a number of times with your mom and his own mother.
When it was time to throw your bouquet, your best friend caught it. The guys were much more excited to watch Slash retrieve your garter—if only for the chance to try and embarrass Slash.
He had a wobbly smile on his face as he got down to knees to a loud yell from Duff and a whistle from Axl. “Alright, here I go,” he laughed to you before he lifted your large skirt and stuck his head underneath.
“Hey, where’s the fun in that?” Axl booed. You felt Slash kiss up your leg from the privacy of underneath your dress and couldn’t help but blush as you tried to not make eye contact with his parents. His breath on your leg going higher and higher had you struggling not to squirm in your seat and you knew from the smirks of your friends they must have known too. Finally, Slash reappeared, holding your garter in between his teeth to raucous cheering. He tossed it into the crowd, where it landed on top of Izzy’s hat. He immediately began blushing with embarrassment at the attention the garter was garnering. You were just glad the attention was away from you.
Soon, it was time to cut the cake. It was a large tiered cake adorned in beautiful ruby red roses and intricate icing designs almost made to imitate a lace material. Slash didn’t trust himself to be the one to cut into the cake, so you did it with his hand holding yours. Obediently, you cut two pieces for yourselves and ate the first bite, giggling at each other and feeling silly. Slash’s eyes flashed at you and darted next to him to where Duff stood at his side. You glanced next to you, where Steven was smiling. Reading each other’s minds, you both slammed your pieces of cake respectively into his band mates’ faces. Slash couldn’t reach Duff’s face, so most of the cake ended up on his collar and tie. Steven’s shocked face staring back at you made you laugh, but he merely wiped the cake off his face with his finger and licked the icing, laughing too.
Duff took the pieces of fallen cake and tried to get Izzy, who smartly ducked to the back of the crowd. Slash had somehow ended up with cake on his face and you laughed to yourself, pulling him by the collar of his shirt towards you to kiss. You could taste the sweet icing on his lips and smiled into the kiss; he had his hands out in the air to avoid getting cake on your dress.
“I love you,” he told you as he pulled away, still laughing at Duff and Steven trying to rid themselves of cake. You smiled, wrapping your arm around his waist.
“And I love you.”
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