#become that girl
oceane4loveu · 5 months
Can you make a guide for Karina ( aespa ) ?
Karina: true beauty
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confidence is the key
Don't let yourself be walked on and don't be afraid to express your ideas and opinions. If you struggle with self-confidence, fake it until it makes it real, act like you already are. the one you want to be and you will see that over time your self-confidence will develop naturally. you can read this and this. If someone isn't giving you their attention, don't beg them. Respect yourself and walk away, they're not worth it. Even if you want to attract everyone, not everyone can be, you will just look desperate, which will only push people away more. If they don't want you, walk away; you know your worth and you will not lower yourself to the point of begging from them. Don't do it. What this person is not willing to give you, there will be thousands of others who will.
it girl mindset
believe in your value and in your inner and outer beauty.don't compare yourself to others and focus on your personal growth. Never seek validation from anyone. When you need their validation, they won't like you anymore. It's not attractive, you're pushing them away. You are worth an incredible relationship with love, you are worth a great friendship, you are worth all of this, you need to realize your worth and not seek validation from others. Don't give them the power to control your self-image, it's yours. How to achieve the it girl mindset? First, think. Think about the best version of yourself. How would they dress? How would they act? Write all these things down! How can I live like an it girl? Think about the things you've written every day and try to be that version of yourself. Just pretend, you can do it!
becomes charismatic
work on your presence and your aura you can find lots of videos on YouTube to help you. have good posture it will help you look more confident and elegant and also listen to others. show your charisma by being authentic and staying true to yourself. Don't reveal everything about yourself, people will overshare when they finally meet someone who will listen to them. Leave some things to their imagination, let them think about the type of person you are. useful the 80/20 rule, Speak 20% of the time and listen 80% of the time. If the other person talks about their interests, dig deeper and learn more about them. work on yourself, Make yourself a curious and knowledgeable person, always open to learning new things about people and creating connections around their interests. you can be as pretty as you want, but not attractive or magnetic, you can have a beautiful shell but it can be hollow. Working on your personality as well as your look will make you want to approach you and keep in touch.
main character
believe in your abilities and in everything that makes you unique. don't be afraid to shine and be the center of attention. be determined and perseverant in the pursuit of your dreams, don't let anyone stand in your way. what type of person do you want to be? Write down the things you want to have, be and feel in a certain period of time. Slowly check each box and in a few months you will thank yourself for making the effort to become the person of your dreams. Imagine yourself as the highest version of yourself, then imagine your life. Wouldn't that be amazing? Write down your characteristics, your hobbies, create a whole alter ego and work towards it.
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inkindofmagic · 6 months
3 ways to take your power back
1. Stop over-explaining
❌ just... ❌ but... ❌ because...
Cease the habit of over-explaining yourself in every situation. Frequently using words like "just," "but," or "because" might lead to unnecessary justifications or trying too hard to convince others. Ask yourself: are these explanations truly necessary, especially if the audience might not value or appreciate them? Are they even worth it?
2. Stop expecting people to always read your mind
✅ I need... ✅ I'd like... ✅ Let's...
Avoid setting unrealistic expectations for people to always understand your unspoken thoughts or needs. Instead, actively communicate your desires, expressing what you need. Stop isolating yourself. Initiate conversations, expressing your preferences.
3. Stop ignoring your intuition
logic + intuition = 👌
Acknowledge and respect your intuition. While logical thinking is significant, our bodies and subconscious often provide signals that are closer to the truth. Tune in to your instincts and gut feelings, as they can often provide valuable insights that purely logical reasoning might overlook. Practice listening to and trusting your intuitive responses in various situations. Trust your guts.
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via @inkindofmagic
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hanraemi · 8 months
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streetstylis · 7 months
How to get the hyped strawberry makeup by Hailey Bieber 💖
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kztyp · 1 year
stop scrolling. focus on your goals
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ashleysworldposts · 2 years
How to become a better you every day
1. Become more observant. Notice everything that surrounds you. The world is full of examples, ideas, words, wisdom, mistakes, experiences.
2. Collect ideas. Ideas and thoughts tend to evaporate from your mind too fast. Try to capture them before it is too late. Ideally, write down or sketch every single one.
3. Read. And read a lot. Reading is probably the best investment of time ever. Devote at least 30 minutes per day to reading. Ideally, have always a book with you.
4. Analyze your day. Before going to bed, spend 10 minutes analyzing your day. Consider what things you managed to do well and what mistakes you made.
5. Start writting. The biggest value of a good writting skill is that it cultivate a discipline. First of all, the discipline of thinking. Your thoughts will cease to be random and chaotic. They will gradually become systematic and structured instead.
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davidtennan-t · 5 months
I’ve just read the novelisation of the Giggle and the ending has me on my knees - it goes into much more detail than the show so guess what
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He chose it, he went to an estate agents and said ‘I want this pretty house’, offered them £60, then rang Kate Stewart and discovered he was getting paid by UNIT this whole time, was able to afford the house/mortgage and BOUGHT THAT HOUSE
The Nobles still have a house in London but they STAY WITH THE DOCTOR NEARLY ALL THE TIME
He chose the house with a sunroom so WILF COULD LIVE DOWNSTAIRS COMFORTABLY
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sugarsprinklesoul · 3 months
Abilities that will forever benefit you
The ability to walk away
The ability to manage your time
The ability to remain consistent
The ability to self analyze
The ability to learn how to learn
The ability to understand others
The ability to listen
The ability to express your thoughts and feelings
The ability to break down tasks
The ability to adapt
The ability to control your mind
The ability to ask for help
The ability to act upon facts not feelings
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prettieinpink · 7 months
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wanted to post this on it's own because i spent so much time on it...
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simplyjustkate · 5 months
• Cold shower for 3 minutes
• Peppermint tea before bed
• Matcha > Coffee
• Daily walks
• Use a gua sha
• Get 8-9 hours of sleep
• 10 minutes of daily stretching
• Take a probiotic in the morning
• Wash hair brush 3-5 times a week
• Read more books
• Try breathwork
• Stop complaining
• Stop gossiping
• Eat mostly whole foods
• Cut out toxic people
• Switch to silk pillowcases
• Say 5 loving things to yourself in the mirror every morning
These are not difficult tasks. If they are difficult for you, you’re not spending enough time with yourself. Put your phone down and get your life together🫶🏻
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4theitgirls · 1 month
the it girl’s spring cleaning
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phone reset
delete old contacts and messages
go through social media following
delete unused apps
go through photos
set a new wallpaper
add widgets for reminders, weather, battery, etc.
delete old songs and add new ones
environmental reset
clean your bedroom (vacuum, dust, put clothes away, etc.)
sort through and donate old clothes
organize your makeup, skincare, etc.
wash or change your bedsheets
rearrange your bedroom
open your windows and curtains to let fresh air in
get outdoors
clean your home with fresh scented products (lemon, lavender, etc.)
physical reset
try a new workout routine
get some new outfits
do a face mask
exfoliate and shave
oil your hair or do a hair mask
try a new hair color, cut, or style
do your nails or get your nails done
get some fresh makeup and try a new makeup routine
do a lip mask and scrub
mental reset
start journaling or try some new prompts
do a refreshing meditation
try a new yoga practice or workout
read instead of scrolling
put a time limit on your phone usage
reset your sleep schedule
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biscuitdolly · 1 month
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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messyoungie · 3 months
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+ make a wishlist so you’ll be prepared when it’s your birthday/Christmas
+ do five or more journal prompts
+ start a new hobby or make a list of new hobbies you’d like to try
+ write a letter to your future self or film a video for your future self
+ digital redecorating: change the theme/layout of your devices
+ reread a book you haven’t read in 3 or more years
+ watch a show or film in a genre you don’t usually watch
+ go on YouTube and make a playlist of your favorite self improvement/advice videos to watch when you’re down or need a push
+ learn a favorite song on an instrument
+ paint or draw the view outside your bedroom window
+ make a Pinterest board that perfectly captures the vibe(s) you wish to embody
+ organize your desk
+ go on a walk when the sun sets
+ watch a YouTuber you used to love
+ plan your ideal trip! it’s super fun to dream up possible vacations!!
+ look for a new podcast to listen to
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hymnsofheresy · 1 year
I hate anti aging propaganda. it is a blessing to live long enough to see your hair become silver and your face wrinkle with time.
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elonomhblog · 1 month
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who is she? dream girl journal prompts
how does she dress?
what does she look like?
what are her wellness habits?
what are her weekly routines?
what are her boundaries?
what is her mental diet?
where is her focus?
where is she living?
who is she dating?
what is her careerr?
what does her social profile look like?
what shows does she watch?
what successes/accomplishments does she have?
how much money does she make?
what does she consume on social media?
how do people treat her?
who does she aspire to be?
what does she spend her free time doing?
who is she inspired by?
what has she let go?
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theambitiouswoman · 5 months
How To Become A Brand New Person ✨✨
Self Reflect:
Journal daily.
Think about past decisions and how they impacted your life.
Meditate regularly.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals.
Review your strengths and weaknesses.
Identify your core values and beliefs.
Figure out your passions and interests.
Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations.
Evaluate your current state of happiness and fulfillment.
Set Clear Goals:
Define specific career goals, like "Get promoted within two years."
Set health goals, like "Lose 20 pounds in six months."
Create financial goals such as "Save $10,000 for a vacation."
Establish personal development goals, like "Read 24 books in a year."
Set relationship goals, such as "Improve communication with my partner."
Define education goals, like "Complete a master's degree in three years."
Set travel goals, like "Visit five new countries in the next two years."
Create hobbies and interests goals, such as "Learn to play a musical instrument."
Set community or volunteer goals, like "Volunteer 100 hours this year."
Establish mindfulness or self-care goals, such as "Practice meditation daily."
Self Care:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
Practice in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
Take regular breaks at work to avoid burnout.
Schedule "me time" for activities you enjoy.
Limit exposure to stressors and toxic people.
Practice regular skincare and grooming routines.
Seek regular medical check-ups and screenings.
Stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily.
Personal Development:
Read a book every month from various genres.
Attend workshops or seminars on topics of interest.
Learn a new language or musical instrument.
Take online courses to acquire new skills.
Set aside time for daily reflection and self improvement.
Seek a mentor in your field for guidance.
Attend conferences and networking events.
Start a side project or hobby to expand your abilities.
Practice public speaking or communication skills.
Do creative activities like painting, writing, or photography.
Create a Support System:
Build a close knit group of friends who uplift and inspire you.
Join clubs or organizations aligned with your interests.
Connect with a mentor or life coach.
Attend family gatherings to maintain bonds.
Be open and honest in your communication with loved ones.
Seek advice from trusted colleagues or supervisors.
Attend support groups for specific challenges (e.g., addiction recovery).
Cultivate online connections through social media.
Find a therapist or counselor for emotional support.
Participate in community or volunteer activities to meet like minded people.
Change Habits:
Cut back on sugary or processed foods.
Reduce screen time and increase physical activity.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal.
Manage stress through mindfulness meditation.
Limit procrastination by setting specific deadlines.
Reduce negative self-talk by practicing self-compassion.
Establish a regular exercise routine.
Create a budget and stick to it.
Develop a morning and evening routine for consistency.
Overcome Fear and Self Doubt:
Face a specific fear head-on (example: public speaking).
Challenge your negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Seek therapy to address underlying fears or traumas.
Take small, calculated risks to build confidence.
Visualize success in challenging situations.
Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.
Journal about your fears and doubts to gain clarity.
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
Embrace failure as a valuable learning experience.
Embrace Change:
Relocate to a new city or country.
Switch careers or industries to pursue your passion.
Take on leadership roles in your workplace.
Volunteer for projects outside your comfort zone.
Embrace new technologies and digital tools.
Travel to unfamiliar destinations.
Start a new hobby or creative endeavor.
Change your daily routine to add variety.
Adjust your mindset to see change as an opportunity.
Seek out diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
Practice Gratitude:
Write down three things you're grateful for each day.
Express gratitude to loved ones regularly.
Create a gratitude jar and add notes of appreciation.
Reflect on the positive aspects of challenging situations.
Show gratitude by volunteering or helping others in need.
Send thank-you notes or messages to people who've helped you.
Keep a gratitude journal and review it regularly.
Share your gratitude openly during family meals or gatherings.
Focus on the present moment and appreciate the little things.
Practice gratitude even in times of adversity.
Be Patient:
Set realistic expectations for your progress.
Accept that personal growth takes time.
Focus on the journey rather than the destination.
Learn from setbacks and view them as opportunities to improve.
Celebrate small milestones along the way.
Practice self-compassion during challenging times.
Stay committed to your goals, even when progress is slow.
Keep a journal to track your personal growth.
Recognize that patience is a valuable skill in personal transformation.
Celebrate Small Wins:
Treat yourself to your favorite meal or dessert.
Reward yourself with a spa day or self-care activity.
Share your achievements with friends and loved ones.
Create a vision board to visualize your successes.
Acknowledge and congratulate yourself in a journal.
Give yourself permission to take a break and relax.
Display reminders of your accomplishments in your workspace.
Take a day off to celebrate a major milestone.
Host a small gathering to mark your achievements.
Set aside time to reflect on how far you've come.
Maintain Balance:
Set clear boundaries in your personal and work life.
Prioritize self care activities in your daily routine.
Schedule regular breaks and downtime.
Learn to say "no" when necessary to avoid overcommitment.
Evaluate your work life balance regularly.
Seek support from friends and family to avoid burnout.
Be kind to yourself and accept imperfections.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and grounded.
Revisit your priorities and adjust them as needed.
Embrace self love and self acceptance as part of your daily life.
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