#as soon as I think of him he nests in my brain and won’t leave me alone then
leaphia · 10 months
Alright, so mabye I'm not done asking questions, what about it?!? So for Tristan 11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? For Astrid 12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? and since I can't be chill about him 15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? and 18. What embarrasses them? for Aaron
Oh, are you challenging me?! Huh?!? Come at me!! *cracks knuckles* Ouch… jk thank you a lot!! And I can't be chill about Aaron either, I even started doodling something while thinking about his answers...
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... I love hate him. *still continues to draw him* ANYWAYS, OC QUESTIONS:
Tristan - How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
He pretends he understands everything during conversation until he can try to figure it out himself. He's bad at hiding it, so you can clearly see on his face that he doesn’t understand xD So people ask him something like “You got that?” - “Actually, no.”
If it’s something like a spell or something he’s confused about, he does some research in the books he owns (he might not look like it but he enjoys reading and owns a lot of books)
Astrid - How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
She grabs anything within her reach, which could be useful, trying hard to reach the spot until she loses balance and falls over xD If her best friend Emilia or Orpheus are around she just asks them for help
Aaron - How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
OH that’s a good one!! I'm going to first answer on how he speaks: He speaks in a very calm, charming way and likes to stay polite most of the time, since that’s what his family taught him. (Except when he’s really angry and threatens you, but to make him lose his temper you need to piss him off really hard) He’s very manipulative, so almost everything he says is thought through and with ulterior motives (he doesn’t have to think for too long tho, he’s rather intelligent) He also uses a good amount of wit and sarcasm, which mostly is thought of on the spot.
Fun fact: Sometimes he does rehearse villainous speeches he can say to Shelter/Sookie. He tells them to his cat first tho xD
What embarrasses him?
He likes to be in control (of things, people around him, anything) so what embarrasses him is if he would lose this control. When someone overpowers him and lets him get on his knees to bow his head (for example) Although that’s a mix of anger and embarrassment actually, because around his father back then, he's never really been in control… OH also, if someone shows some kind of affection to him. He is not used to it, so if someone would give him a hug or something he would be confused and embarrassed at once xD
[OC Questions from here :>]
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becauseplot · 8 months
(Alright I know everyone’s got their own lore reasons as to what their qsmp characters are up to while the qsmp Brazil meetup is happening but I have this stupid crack silly fluffy headcanon(??) alternative rattling around in my brain that brings me much joy. So.)
It starts with Roier and Cellbit.
Like most others on the Island, the past couple weeks have been tough for them both. With Cellbit spending most of his time in his office at the Ordo and Roier out working tirelessly (ceaselessly) on Bobby's city, neither of them are home very much, and neither of them are sleeping very much either. When the do make it back to the castle to sleep, the other has either already left or leaves before the other can wake up beside them. Two ships passing in the night. It's awful on several levels, not just physical.
Cellbit broaches the subject first because he knows Roier won’t---neither of them can keep going like this. It's just not sustainable. They're both exhausted. It's becoming increasingly clear that the situation on the Island with the missing eggs isn't going to be improving anytime soon. (If at all; he doesn't say that, though.) Cellbit's brain needs a break, Roier's heart needs a break. They need to regroup. So Cellbit suggests that they sleep.
It's not unheard of for someone on the Island to just conk out for a few days; it's pretty commonplace, actually. (Cellbit teases Roier that he's a pro at oversleeping, and Roier calls him an asshole in three different languages.) They get everything prepared to spend a long weekend asleep, then Cellbit goes to Forever and Pac, Roier goes to Jaiden, and they explain why they're going to be MIA for a bit.
Forever, Pac, and Jaiden totally get it. In fact, they understand all too well. With everything that's been going on, being passed the fuck out for a few days doesn't sound too bad, actually...
One way or another, Roier and Cellbit end up extending an invitation to their friends, saying that there's plenty of room at the castle if they want. They could make a little get-together out of it. And all three accept. So now Forever, Pac, and Jaiden are staying over too.
But of course, Forever, Pac, and Jaiden have to tell their friends where they'll be, so Forever talks to Baghera and Bad, and Pac talks to Mike and the rest of the morning crew, and Jaiden talks to Slime and Foolish and Mouse and anyone she bumps into, really, and Cellbit and Roier see the global chat messages of other tired people on the Island bringing it up in conversation with each other, and they decide, well fuck it, and they make an announcement:
Long depression nap sleepover at the castle this weekend, everyone is invited, bring your own blankets :D
Not everyone goes, of course. Etoiles doesn't feel he can afford to nap when the codes are still prowling about, Tubbo is getting ready to set some big plans in motion, Bad is...doing whatever it is that Bad does nowadays. People have matters to attend to.
But a good chunk of the island decides it's time for a collective fuck-this-I'm-goin'-back-to-bed break. They all show up at the castle at or around the agreed upon time, bringing food to share and drinks to pass around. It's a surprisingly good time, all things considered, casual but still playful and chaotic as all gatherings on the Island tend to be.
After some shenanigans getting the furniture moved out of the way, the guests get themselves set up in the foyer and main hall downstairs, having brought whatever they need for their respective sleeping arrangements: the avians bring blankets and personal belongings for their nests; Foolish drags a massive mattress out of his inventory to accommodate his full, un-shape-shifted height; Fit has a strange, sagging semi-hammock contraption that allows him to sleep without setting his spawnpoint. Cellbit and Roier think of their bed upstairs, shrug, and get themselves situated down on the floor in the hall with everyone else with a spare mattress they find.
Everyone gets cozy. Some people (coughFelpscough) peace-out immediately. Others stay up and chat and tell stories and gossip and giggle and shush each other like little kids at...well, like little kids at a sleepover. It's fun. But one by one, those people drift off as well, and eventually, it's just Roier and Cellbit who are left awake.
As they lay there in the darkness on the twin-sized mattress they pulled out of storage, they stare up at the vaulted ceiling high above their heads, and they listen to them breathing. All of their friends breathing---sleeping, shifting, sighing. Murmuring things, names, in their sleep, dreaming dreams. Good dreams, they hope. They could all do with something good right about now. Just a little something.
Roier whispers this was a nice idea. Cellbit hums in agreement. He closes his eyes and turns and curls around his husband and drags the blanket up to their chins. Roier pulls him in, and they slot together like two puzzle pieces, not a hair's width between them. Cellbit gives Roier a soft kiss. He feels his husband smile against his lips.
Maybe things can get better. Maybe.
They sleep.
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safetycar-restart · 8 months
okay so all i can think about rn for corruption kink is like poly!vr46 like you and bezz teaching the omegas on how to get through their heats if you guys for some reason can’t be there. like you’re all curled up in the nest and one of the pups just starts grinding against you because he needs help and he’s just so horny and wants his alpha to fix it and make it better.
corruption kink also lowkey fits sub!oscar like he’s just so subby and doesn’t know what to do and he just wants his dom to help him but she’s far away for some reason so he facetimes her and is like help meeeeeee. so she teaches him how over the phone?
i don’t know it’s all just kinda brain rot atm but have a good day!
Listen if this is your idea of brainrot then please continue because oh my god this is great. I’m gonna discuss each of these ideas, because of course.
(For context, this is an au we discuss sometimes where Bez and reader are alphas and the rest of the academy are all omegas. You start off just dating Bez but slowly you and Bez kinda become the joint alphas for the entire academy)
So firstly, Bez would be SO into the idea of corrupting his cute omega pack mates. He LOVES wrecking them, isnt finished with them until they’re covered in cum and unable to remember their own names. So corruption kink? Absolutely.
I think it starts off pretty organically? Like you don’t plan it, but one day you and Bez are cuddling with Cele and discussing when Cele’s next heat is. You both realise that while you’ll try your best to get there, there’s a genuine chance Cele might have to spend the first day or two on his own.
And he is NOT pleased with this at all. Especially not because just the week before you and Bez had tagged teamed and fucked Pecco silly during his heat. Cele wants the same!!!
You try to reassure him that you’ll be there as soon as you can and remind him that he can look after himself. Bez pipes up then, telling Cele he can use dildos on himself and make himself cum over and over again.
Which of course gets Cele a little riled up and then suddenly you’ve got a whiney, pouty omega grinding against you and asking what he must do to himself. And Bez, the master of dirty talk, is more than happy to educate Cele on the things he can do, whispering absolute filth into his ear. While he does this, you move your hands to Cele’s hips and start directing his grinding, basically making him hump your thigh.
The poor thing leave a little puddle of slick on your thigh when he cums.
(And then a few days later you have all the other omegas demanding the same attention because they heard what you and Bez did to Cele)
Yeah he’s such a subby baby!! He gets into this headspace where he just feels completely useless and dumb? And then even though he’s rock hard and more than capable of jerking himself off, he can’t!!! He’s too subby for that, all he can do it whine and huff and spam message you until you give in and FaceTime him.
The moment he answers, you’re greeted by a very pouty Oscar. His hair is a mess and his lips are bright red from how he’s been biting them.
When you ask what’s wrong, he just mumbles “help me” and then unceremoniously flips the camera so you can see the bulge in his boxers. You get it then, he’s all subby and very unhappy there’s no one around to play with his cock.
You tell him that you’ll help him, that he can make himself feel good if he just listens to you. At first he’s uncertain, not liking the idea of doing any of it himself but you promise him that he just needs to listen to you, he won’t have to think at all.
You ‘teach’ him how to hump a pillow, which is something you’ve had him do so many times before but you know he’d get all whiney and unhappy if you didn’t give him precise instructions and act like he’s never done this before.
He sounds so shocked when he tries and it feels good? He babbles on and on about how good it feels and thanks you for showing him and promises he’s being a good boy.
(Arguably good boys don’t spam you until you call them and then show you their cock unprompted but oh well, at least he’s cute)
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lostgirl677 · 2 years
Welcome to the Hellfire
This is an AU Pirate!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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(This picture is entirely handmade, sorry for the quality. It didn’t turn out the way I wanted 😅)
A runaway, that’s what you are. A runaway that left everything behind her because of a forced marriage. You can’t stand the simple idea of being married to that jerk of Lord Hargrove’s son, William. Number of girls would kill just for one of his glance, but you are not like them. You know that your family needs their money, but you won’t let them decide for you. How you had to fight at the ceremony to escape from his grasp.
They just finished helping you put on your nuptial gown. You fight so hard to keep your tears from falling. 
‘You have to be brave, darling. Think about us, about everything that we’ve been through and to finally find a solution that suits everyone’ says your mother.
‘Yes, everyone but me..’
 ‘Y/N? don’t start again with this. It’s been discussed for months. Now, it's the big day. Don’t ruin our chances, be the daughter I raised you to be.’
 ‘The emotionless puppet who’s supposed to obey her master and to satisfy everyone but herself ? Well, it seems like the puppet grew a heart and a brain’ she’s about to explode but decided to leave you.
 ‘I’ll see you at the ceremony’ she says coldly
Now that you are alone, you try to think of a way to escape from this place without being noticed. You were quickly interrupted by your ‘soon to be husband’.
 ‘You look gorgeous my dear’ William says, nearly drooling and his eyes full of lust. 
‘You are not supposed to be here. Get out’ you say flatly. 
‘Well, well it’s not a way to talk to your future husband’ he smirks. He closes the space between you and grabs your waist. You try to throw him a punch but he grabs your hand.
‘I promise to teach you some manners, love’ he says murmuring in your ear. Enough is enough, you knee him in his secret parts and escape from his embrace. He falls to the ground.
‘Little bitch !’ he growls and tries to catch a piece of your dress.Your struggle causes a torn in it and makes you fall on your butt. He grabs your ankle but you kick him in the face with your other foot. He growls again in pain.
‘I will end you ! Who are you to say no to me ?’
 When he tries to get up, you take a lamp in your hands and shatter it on his head. He falls unconscious on the floor. It’s your call to escape. You manage to open the window and jump. Thankfully it wasn’t that high. Once outside, you run. You don’t know where, you just run. Wherever you go on this land, you know that they’ll find you. Suddenly, an idea crossed your mind. You weren’t far from the beach. So you run to the beach and luckily find an abandoned tiny boat on the sand. 
‘Time to cut the strings little puppet’ you say while pushing the tiny boat on the ocean.
End of Flashback
Here you are now, alone on the ocean. You don’t even know if you are going to make it out alive but you’d rather die free than live with someone like William. It feels like days have passed but maybe it was just hours. You are tired but you can’t sleep. You relive the last events in your mind again and again. But your thoughts are cut short when the waves start to grow bigger and bigger with each passing second. You try to steady the boat but it rattle way too much for you to succeed. Without a warning, it sways and makes you fall. You knock your head and lose consciousness
Eddie’s POV.
It’s a boring day but he tries to keep his mind busy by planning their next adventure. Will they try to find the legendary Sea Witch’s treasure or find the Kraken ? His crew is more than willing when it comes to go and find lost treasures and fight creatures. But again, today is a boring day, even Jeff stopped playing music outside.
‘A girl ! A girl !’
It’s Gareth from the crow nest. Eddie practically ran out of his cabin to see for himself and so all the crew. Indeed, there was an unconscious girl on a tiny boat. She is sickly pale and looks almost dead. Her dress looks like a wedding dress.
‘I’ll go get her’ Eddie says. Once in the boat, he tries to get close to her to check her pulse.
‘She’s alive’ he screams to his crew. 
‘ Hello ? Miss, can you hear me ?’ No answers but he could swear that he saw her fingers move a little but he’s not quite sure nonetheless.
‘Prepare something to eat for her.’ he says while picking her up and getting back on the ship.
He lay her delicately on his bed. She’s the most gorgeous girl he ever laid eyes on. Her (h/c) hair is a bit tangled and her “wedding” dress is torn in some places. He really wonders who she is and what happened to her. Before he could let his thoughts wander a bit more about the stranger he hears someone knock on the door.
‘Come in’ he says without tearing his eyes off her. 
‘I bring the food you asked for, Captain’ 
‘Thanks Grant’
‘How is she ?’
‘I don’t know. Now that she is in a safe and warm place, she seems a little better. Let’s hope that she’ll wake up soon’ 
Grant leaves the cabin. Maybe he should go back to his plans.
The first things you register while waking are the soft mattress under you and that it gently cradles you. Then you open your eyes. There is a ceiling. That’s weird because the last thing you remember is being on a boat in the middle of a storm. Was it a dream ? And you turn your head and see a man seated behind his desk. You gasp.
He turns his head towards you and smiles kindly.
‘Hey ! Glad to see you’re awake. How are you feeling ?’ He asks and gently walks towards you so as to not scare you.
He seems nice but you are wary. He has long brown curly hair, a bandana with skulls printed on it under his hat, plenty of rings, a necklace and  has brown eyes with eyeliner. He also has tattoos. He wears a white shirt, a black pants, black boots and a long black leather jacket. He is more than probably a pirate.
‘Where am I ? Who are you ?’ you ask
‘On a ship. I am Captain Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson. At your service.’  He says bowing to you while taking his hat off. ‘Now my turn to ask questions. Who are you and why were you dressed in a wedding dress and alone in a boat in the middle of the ocean ?’
You are completely at his mercy, so it wouldn’t change a thing if you tell him a lie. So you tell him the truth.
‘My name is Y/N  Y/L/N and I ran away because I was forced to marry someone I hate’
He seems genuinely interested in your story and asks you for more details. So you tell him all the details.
‘You are a feisty one, M’Lady. Should I be careful around you ?’ he asks playfully. You feel at ease with him
‘Definitely’ you say smiling.
‘Oh ! I asked my crew to prepare you a meal. I thought that you may be hungry after all of this adventure.’ he says after a moment of silence and pointing at a plate.
‘Thank you’ you said.
‘If you need me, I’ll be on the deck. If you want, I can find you something to wear other than this dress.’
‘Thank you, it’s really nice of you’. He leaves the cabin. You ate everything on the plate and decided to take a look around the cabin. There were loads of different kinds of guitars and other instruments. You also spot a box full of tobacco and a pile of doodles. After this, you decide to wander outside.
The sky was a bit gray but the sun still shines through the clouds.You notice the flag and realize that it wasn’t the classic Jolly Roger flag but a demon head surrounded by two different weapons.
The crew members are busy with the chores and Eddie is at the helm. He spots you and leaves it to walk in your direction while the crew waves at you.
‘Welcome to the Hellfire, Miss Y/L/N’  he says, kissing your hand. You try not to blush at his actions.
‘You can call me Y/N’
‘Well Y/N, it’s a pleasure to have you here. I found you new clothes and since you are sadly stuck here for a bit I’ll show you around after you change.’ 
There was a burgundy dress, a plain shirt with a pair of pants and boots. You take the shirt with the pants and the boots, arrange your hair and go outside the cabin to begin the visit.
 By the time  the visit is over, it is time for dinner. Eddie is really a charming person and is very funny. He makes you forget all the bad things that pushed you to live your past life with your parents and the terrible wedding.
‘It would give me great pleasure if you'd join me for dinner, Y/N’
You accepted. You take the burgundy dress this time and join him.
The dinner was great and you decided to ask him about his story.
‘I wasn’t always the great and sexy pirate you have before your very eyes.’ he says, smirking. ‘I used to live with my uncle in a country far away from here. I was always one to cause mischief and people there hated me but I had a few friends I could count on so it didn’t matter.They all said that I am exactly like my father, which is the worst insult I’ve been targeted with, that I’ll never be someone. Just the local freak. But you know, being harassed and shunned is a routine, you get used to it at some point. Everyday, people insulted me and accused me for every single wrong in their life.But one day, something terrible happened to a girl I knew. She was murdered in the most awful way before my eyes. I couldn’t do anything to prevent that and I was accused. They were going to put me on trial and execute me for something I didn’t do. So I ran away and became a very charismatic pirate. It’s still haunting me. But I guess the local freak wanted to get international, you know’ he said with a wink but you see the sadness in his eyes and notice that his voice was about to shatter when he mentioned that girl.
You can’t help but feel sorry for him. You motion to take his hand and look him in the eyes. You can feel the coolness of his rings under your palm.
‘I’m really sorry for you. If they couldn’t appreciate you, their loss’ he smiles at your kind words. 
When he gets up, you finally notice a weird metal sound.
‘What is this noise ?’ you aks
He seems confused and then understands what you meant.
‘Oh, it’s nothing, just chains’
‘Chains ? I thought that you escaped the authorities’
‘Yeah, I did but I wear them to remind me that I should have done something to help her. So it’s a form of punishment I put on myself’ he says with the same haunted look on his eyes but he regains his composure and before you could react he practically ran like a maniac on the deck to ask his crew to play music.
‘ Gentlemen ! This lady needs a distraction so I expect you to play like virtuosos to honor her and your Captain. Make me proud, you bunch of scoundrels !’
Eddie’s POV
It was the only way for him to not crumble in front of everyone. He shouldn’t have burdened her his depressing story but it was like he always knew her. Call it fate or whatever, but he was sure that the seas brought her to him for a reason. To reward him for something, he doesn’t know what but she must be a reward from the gods. And now that he sees her dancing and laughing with the crew, it makes him like she has always been there by his side. He joined her and they danced until dawn.
When everyone was exhausted, he gave her his cabin and headed to the crew dorm when she grabbed his hand and told him that he could stay.
One month later
 You roamed the seas with Eddie and the Hellfire crew and you couldn’t be happier. You explored many islands, discovered lost treasures and even fought creatures. The only thing is that you also made an enemy: the terrible Captain Henry Creel a.k.a Vecna. But Eddie always finds a way to save everyone, right ?
Should I make a part 2 ?
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barrenclan · 2 years
It was snowing. 
Back where Cormorantpaw used to live with Egrettail, snow was a rare sight. He only experienced it once, back when he was just a kit. He can’t remember it. At least, not that well. He remembers his mother watching him tumble and play in the snow, and he remembers Thrasher yelling at him.
He thinks he only remembers it because it was the first time he can actually remember getting yelled at.
Needless to say, he was somewhat nostalgic from the sight of the gentle flurries falling down, and despite the darkness of the apprentice den, he was able to watch the snow fall down.
He shifted in his nest, his tail drooped over the moss. He had to admit, with the extra moss, the nest felt nice.
I can’t believe that mouse-brained cat gave almost every cat extra bedding, Cormorantpaw thought bitterly. I mean, Cypressfoot, Nightberry, and Blacknose I understand, but why did almost every cat need it? Seems like a waste of moss.
Cormorantpaw knew why. The clan was small. If one cat got sick, it wouldn’t be long before everyone did. And Cootstorm was practically never in camp during the snow, because she ‘needed to find cat mint’. Cormorantpaw thinks she just wants to leave the camp for the day. He can’t blame her.
Leaving all the work to poor Pinepaw, he thought, nuzzling his muzzle into the moss, tail flicking. Poor Pinepaw? What next, I’m going to start calling Egrettail my sister? I’m turning soft.
Almost as soon as he set his head down, he raised it up again, hearing paw-steps come closer to the den.
“Asphodel? Daff? Either of you awake?” Pinepaw asks, tone leaking with excitement as he sticks his head into the den, sending flurries scattering down his muzzle and onto the floor.
Cormorantpaw’s shoulders droop. Just the feather-brain.
“No, Pinepaw, just me,” Surprisingly, even Daffodilpaw was asleep. “Aren’t you usually asleep by now?“
Cormorantpaw wasn’t quite expecting Pinepaw to let out a small, hearty purr of amusement.
“C’mon, Cormorantpaw! It’s sewing! Qe should be enjoying it while it lasts!”
Cormorantpaw’s nose scrunches. “Sewing? It’s pronounced Snowing.”
Pinepaw lets out an amused huff, followed by a cough. “Oh, shush, you fox-heart! You’ve been in the den practically all day!”
“So?” Cormorantpaw scoffs, resting his head on his paws. Wow, forget turning soft. I’m just turning into a fox-heart. Why am I being so mean to the nicest cat in the clan? Next thing I know I’ll be acting like Thrasher.
“Sooo..” Pinepaw considers his next words closely. “Come out and play with me!”
Cormorantpaw stares at Pinepaw, confused. If he didn’t have dignity, he was certain he would be gawking in amazement. He assumed Pinepaw was mad at him, or just hated him or something. Ever since Daffodilpaw started talking to him, Pinepaw was doing everything in his power to avoid the raven-furred tom. And play in the snow? What were they, kits?
“Play? Why?” He scoffs, tail flicking slightly. He knows Pinepaw doesn’t have a bad intention, but still. What apprentice still plays in the snow? 
Pinepaw lets out a sneeze.
“Well.. because it’s fun. And besides, it’ll be good exercise! And we can practice hunting and fighting!”
Cormorantpaw scoffs, lashing his tail. So, yeah, maybe playing in the snow sounded pretty great right about now. But what if some cat saw? Did he have any dignity?
Pinepaw’s smile wavered as Cormorantpaw looked away.
“Oh, well. Tell Daffodilpaw that she can join if she wants! Asphodelpaw, too, but you know she won’t wake up unless she’s being murdered by a badger.”
Cormorantpaw didn’t get the chance to tell him that if Asphodelpaw was getting murdered by a badger, she wouldn’t wake up at all. Pinepaw was out the den in record time, unintentionally spraying snow inside.
Cormorantpaw huffed. Mouse-brained cat, he thought, curling up to go to sleep.
He waited for his thoughts to settle. And waited. And waited.
“Great.” He grunts, eyes snapping open. He couldn’t sleep. Not when he knew his one chance at playing in the snow, without judgement, was right outside.
He heaved himself to his paws. What are you doing? He suddenly thought. Playing in the snow?! With the cat that gets you sick?! What are you, a helpless kit? Go back to your nest, unless you don’t care anything about pride.
Cormorantpaw started lowering himself back down, before perking up again. No, shut up. It’s not mouse-brained. Pinepaw’s doing it. And Pinepaw, sometimes, isn’t a mouse-brain.
He storms outside the den, grumbling at his thoughts.
Pinepaw is play-fighting a dead shrub in camp. Cormorantpaw grimaces at the attempt.
“No, No, Pinepaw, you’re doing it- you’re doing it wrong, Pinepaw.” He groans, giving up on watching the tom attempt at the attack. Pinepaw stumbles over his own paws at the sudden statement, leaving a deep dent in the snow. He sneezes, scrambles back to his paws, and shakes snow out of his head.
“Is it?” He asks with a curious tone. He was doing the thing again, where he stands on the tips of his paws at the idea of someth-
No! Bad, Cormorantpaw! The clan is turning me mushy! Stop noticing little, unimportant things about him!
“You’re putting all your weight in your hind legs. The jump is important, sure, but you need to actually get force on your front paws to do anything.” Cormorantpaw scoffs. Did no one teach Pinepaw anything?
Pinepaw looks at him with a dubious glance. Cormorantpaw returns it with a glare.
Excuse me for trying to help, he thinks, turning away to walk back into the den. This was a bad idea. Before he knows it, he feels something leap onto his back. Whatever it is clearly missed, since they ended up hitting him on his head with a paw, before falling down onto the snow with a thud. Cormorantpaw pounces on whatever it is, hissing.
A fight! A real fight! I knew that this clan wasn’t this soft! Cormorantpaw thinks excitedly, tail lashing as he tries to focus on whatever it is. Getting hit right between the eyes tends to jumble your vision a bit.
Cormorantpaw’s shoulders slump in an odd mix of relief, disappointment, and another feeling he can’t quite comprehend as he hears the familiar purr of amusement from Pinepaw.
“You can’t do that, Pinepaw! You scared me half to-“ Cormorantpaw only gets halfway through his lecture when Pinepaw bats at his muzzle playfully. Cormorantpaw lets out a low hiss. He felt too childish doing this. When Pinepaw rolls away, clearly excited now, he sighs. Might as well humor him a little. Just a favor. Not going soft.
Pinepaw lunges forward, front paw outstretched, with sheathed claws, as he aims for Cormorantpaw’s chest. Cormorantpaw jumps away, hissing.
“Pinepaw, you’re being too slow. If you want to actually attack me, do what you did earlier. Wait for me to be unprepared, then do an attack that would be effective. Remember, I have more experience then you.”
Who gives advice to their opponent?! Are you a mouse-brain?! 
Pinepaw nods quickly, coughing for a few moments. Cormorantpaw lashes forward, batting him hard on the head. Pinepaw has good instincts, he must admit, and manages to spring onto his back. Though he slips off quite quickly, he manages a hard kick at Cormorantpaw’s side, making him wobble slightly and hiss.
Pinepaw’s head spikes up in worry, and Cormorantpaw regains his balance. After a quick, approving glance towards Pinepaw, he leaps down and nips at his neck playfully.
Since when did you come here to play?! You came to practice fighting! You’re so soft now. What, can you even fight with claws anymore?
Pinepaw lets out a playful yowl, rearing up and batting lightly at Cormorantpaw’s stomach. Cormorantpaw feels an odd feeling in his throat, and he nearly falls over in surprise.
“No. Way,” Pinepaw suddenly gasps. “Did I just get the great Cormorantpaw, stone faced as ever, to purr? Wow! I can not wait to tell Asphodelpaw about this!!”
Cormorantpaw hisses, not quite as amused. He shoves himself forward, head-butting Pinepaw square in the chest.
Cormorantpaw stumbles back in surprise as Pinepaw erupts into a coughing fit.
Well, he wasn’t surprised at coughing; That was common when getting hit in the chest. But that wasn’t just ‘I just got my airways blocked’ coughing, it was also ‘I’m sick’ coughing.
Now that he thought about it, Pinepaw had been coughing and sneezing all day. He was sniffling a lot too. And seemed really tired.
“Pinepaw! Are you sick?! And didn’t tell any cat?!” Cormorantpaw hissed, fur rising. That mouse-brain! He was taking care of everyone when he couldn’t even take care of himself?!
“N-No! No, I’m f-“ Pinepaw’s statement was interrupted by a coughing fit. “I’m fine! Just-.. Just a cold! I’ll get some herbs later for it. No reason to worry Cootstorm.”
“You- You ignorant, selfish mouse-brain! Imagine if it was green-cough! Or worse! Cootstorm’s whole job is to make sure you don’t get sick! And what do you think Daffodilpaw, or Asphodelpaw, or Slugpelt would think, if they woke up one day yo find out you died of green cough overnight!” Cormorantpaw left out the part about hoe upset he himself would be.
Pinepaw shuffles his paws, brows furrowing. He does that when he isn’t sure, Cormorantpaw remembers.
“You really think they’d care that much?” He asks.
“Yes. They would. Now, go to your nest or I’ll get Mallowstar and Cootstorm.” Cormorantpaw snarls.
Pinepaw’s fur raises, and he quickly ducks into the den. Cormorantpaw storms in behind him.
Stupid, stupid mouse-brain. You’re so soft now. You can’t do anything right, can you? What happened to your dignity, huh?
Cormorantpaw froze, staring at what Pinrpaw just laid down it. That didn’t look like a nest. That looked like two moss balls.
“Pinepaw, what happened to your nest?!” Cormorantpaw hissed, carefully stepping over Daffodilpaw’s tail.
“I- Well, with the chill in the nursery, I figured Blacknose could use more moss.” Pinepaw says.
Cormorantpaw sucks in a breath, before sighing heavily. “Just- Just go to sleep. I’m already mad enough as is.”
Cormorantpaw flops down into his nest, his brain arguing with itself. It’s odd. It’s his brain, but he feels like he’s catching snippets of a conversation that isn’t his own. He isn’t able to track what’s going on, when it’s happening, whatever.
It isn’t long before Pinepaw starts snoring.
Don’t do it. Now his brain sounded like his own again. All day you’ve been worried about if you’re too soft. If you do this, you’re essentially saying ‘yeah, I’m a soft, weak, mushy pushover!’
If you don’t do this, you will feel like the worst cat alive.
Cormorantpaw stands up. Don’t. Don’t be weak like you say you are. Cormorantpaw strolls over to Pinepaw’s nest, grabbing his scruff. Keep going, or next sunrise you��ll feel awful. You’ll feel like the worst cat in the history of the world. Cormorantpaw gently drags Pinepaw over to his own nest.  Stop. Stop being a pathetic pushover. What would Thrasher say?
Cormorantpaw nearly stumbles over his own paws at the last words. He hisses a retort to himself, before flopping down next to Pinepaw.
Pinepaw turns around, tucking his head under Cormorantpaw’s.
Pathetic is the last word Cormorantpaw thinks before falling asleep.
(yall we should start a patfw tag in ao3)
Oh my GOD this is so cute. Pure sugar and fluff I LOVE IT. Plus it's quite a bit of writing, very impressive!
Cormorantpaw's inner thoughts are so perfect. Silly little man always trying to be so tough. I especially like whenever he compares himself to Thrasher when he thinks he's being weak or soft. Hmm... good reading of his character! :)
Oh, the "A gets sick and B has to take care of them under duress... unless?!" Such a classic. I read a great fic with that premise once.
Thank you so much for this! So charming! If you do start a PATFW tag on AO3 I'll cry for real. I can't believe how much writing this story is inspiring, it warms my heart.
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can you write something where maybe steve and yn are attending one of daisy's math competitions and maybe someone is mean to her and her boyfriend defends her and then steve finally sorta gives in and sees that maybe her boyfriend isnt as bad as he thought?
pairing:steve kemp x dark!reader
warnings: 18+ (under 18 year olds do NOT interact/reader)
part of toxic
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Steve used to think that life was easy with seven kids and it truly was until half those children grew into teenagers. In his defense, his first born had done such a perfect job of being the perfect child that he wasn't expecting it when the remaining of his children started to rebel - specially Ivy.
     - Ivy, we are all gonna support your sister. We discussed this! - he followed after the fourteen year old back to her bedroom where she was still wearing her pyjamas. 
     - You go, you’re her dad. - she rolled her eyes. - I don’t want the school to see me support the Math Geek. 
     - I don’t care, I’m your father and I’ve decided the whole family is going. 
     - Her boyfriend is gonna be there, dad. He’s a knucklehead and he’s gonna sit next to us so he can ogle the Math Geek. 
     - Stop calling your sister the Math Geek. Be in the mini van or I swear to God Ivy, no space camp for you. 
     - GOD! You’re so annoying. 
     - That’s right. 
He went downstairs, victorious he outwitted a child which couldn’t be more similar to him if she tried. Of course the whole family was gonna go support Daisy. He was so proud of her, she’d been accepted to Pre-Med at his Alma Mater pretty much as soon as she applied, she was class valedictorian and now she was competing in her very last Math Leagues. Steve couldn’t be prouder to be her father and he’d be damned if the whole family wasn’t there - even if her shit faced boyfriend was there as well. 
Steve did not like Billy the moment he heard his name. He had to admit he’d been happy Daisy had told them and not dated in secret - but he wasn’t particularly happy. She was 17 and Y/N had warned him that Daisy one day would start dating. He just thought it would’ve been when she was in college - but no, now the annoying kid with a birds’ nest for hair was having dinner with them every Friday. He didn’t have to like him, he was dating his little girl. 
    - Steve. - Y/N put her hand on his shoulder just as they were about to enter the auditory, her other hand holding the baby comfort where Aaron was asleep, thankfully. - Play nice, please. 
    - Of course, love. I’ll play nice. 
    - I mean it, Steve. You say anything rude or you try anything funny and I swear you won’t see me naked until she graduates college. Are we clear?
    - I love it when you’re bossy and threatening. - he leaned down to kiss her before leading the kids to her seat. His good mood was interrupted as he saw Billy approach them, sitting next to Y/N.
    - Hello, Dr. Kemp. - he smiled at his wife. He knew his brain shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that he was flirting with his wife, because he definitely wasn’t. - Other Dr. Kemp. 
    - Hi William. - he rolled his eyes. - Can you please sit down so I could see my kid? Thank you. 
Y/N rolled her eyes, focusing on the stage at the Math league begun. As per usual, their girl made them proud, answering each question with ease - that typical giddy smile not leaving her face. That giddy smile always made him nostalgic, it hadn’t changed one bit since she was a baby. It soon came to an end and that sense of pride was mixed with bittersweetness - the bitter part of this being her last Math league, of him not driving her to band practice or extra classes every day. She was growing up and he was now realising how empty the house was gonna be once she left. 
    - Rosie, can you watch over Aaron while me and mum go congratulate your sister backstage?
    - Sure. Come here, peanut. - Rosie picked up Aaron, cooing at him while Y/N and Steve went backstage.
There were people everywhere - he guessed the school was really into school spirit and after winning yet another championship, they should be proud. As per usual, the two split to find their daughter in the middle of the crowd. Y/N moved to one side while Steve moved to the other; yet as he found her - he wished he hadn’t. 
    - You guys should totally come to my party tonight. - one of the guys loudly announced. 
    - I don’t know. - he recognised his daughter’s shy tone. - My mum and dad always take me out to celebrate. 
    - Wasn’t talking to you, Math Freak.
The boy almost spat those words in her face and that wide smile she had been sporting turned into an apologetic one as she pulled on the hem of her varsity jacket. Steve’s blood boiled - he was gonna give that little prick a piece of his mind. Yet before he could even get closer to them, her boyfriend grabbed the boy by the collar, punching him in the stomach harder enough to drain the boy’s face of any colour. He fell to the ground, pathetically. 
    - Apologise!
    - Sorry, Daisy. 
    - That’s better, now scram. 
The boy couldn’t have gotten away faster and perhaps it’s better that he did before Steve got his hands on him. He approached his daughter and that smile was back again. 
    - You did so good, Daisy love. - he wrapped her arms around her. - I’m so proud of you.
    - Did you watch it?
    - Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. My little genius. 
    - Dad ... - she rolled her eyes, playfully. 
    - Alright, alright. My very grown up genius, just like dad. 
    - Should we go find mum? Go get some dinner?
    - Uh ... - he couldn’t believe he was actually considering this. He should be going inside. - Daise, do you wanna go have dinner with Billy instead?
    - No, dad, it’s okay. I wanna ...
    - I don’t mind if you want to have lunch with your boyfriend. - he did mind but that’s not what mattered at the moment. - Besides, you can always have dinner with me and mum ... you can bring the shit hair if you want. 
    - Dad!
    - Okay, okay. Go find your mum and let her know okay. 
She nodded her head, putting herself on her tiptoes to kiss her dad’s cheek before running to find her mum. 
    - William. - he called out. - Next time punch him in the face.
    - Yes, Dr. Kemp.
    - And take her to a nice restaurant. - he pulled out some money from his wallet handing it to the kid. - She’s home at 5PM. Are we clear?
    - Yes, sir, Dr. Kemp. 
    - Good. 
He went after to find his girlfriend while Steve sighed. He guessed he had to start understanding that no matter how much he wanted it not to happen, his daughter was gonna grow up. He shrugged to himself, moving to find his wife who once he did, gave her a funny look. 
    - Daisy and Billy are going out for lunch. Apparently your suggestion?
    - You said play nice. 
    - Wanna explain why? 
    - You know our kids. Rose doesn’t really want a boyfriend and I think every single living breathing thing is attracted to the triplets. William looks like me so that’s a plus for him but Daisy ... she’s always been too grown for her own good. She’s done really well but she ... well, Y/N, she never had any sleepovers or was invited to many dinners so I suppose ... I suppose she deserves to be with a guy that likes her. I’d rather it be that shit head than anyone else, I guess.
    - Steve Kemp. - she smirked. - How about we leave the kids with their grandparents for a while?
    - I told Daisy to be home by 5PM so we can all go to dinner. 
    - It’s 11AM, Steve. - she walked closer to him, her lips almost touching his ear as she whispered. - You have until 5PM to do whatever you want to do with me. 
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goddessofroyalty · 1 year
Hoi, do you take omegaverse nsfw prompts? Cuz I always liked the idea of Viktor as an omega that is extremely proud to be one but is frustrated by his hormones/urges getting the best of him ir being manipulated by alphas.
Would it be cool to request him being surprised by enjoying Jayce being dominating during sex? Like fighting it at first but jus giving in to his urges because he feels comfortable/safe.
I do think I failed a bit at dominant!Jayce. He’s just such a service top to me.
I also wrote this ages back. I just wasn’t entirely happy with it at the time and then lost the book it was written in.
“Let me,” Jayce says, reaching out to stop Viktor’s hands from undoing the buttons on his vest.
“I can undress myself,” Viktor says but let’s Jayce take over. The alpha making quick work of the remaining ones before tugging the vest off Viktor’s shoulders and dropping it to the floor.
“I know,” Jayce says, already working to undo Viktor’s tie before Viktor even has the chance to. “But let me.”
The words sound like a command but Jayce’s tone is still gentle and conversational. Not even a hint of alpha order in it.
Viktor still raises a brow at it even if he allows it. He may be the omega and he may be in heat but that didn’t mean he would just do as Jayce tells him because Jayce is an alpha. Because Jayce is his alpha. The fact Jayce is not just any alpha Viktor has met, but rather his partner, does not make it okay for Viktor to forfeit his own capacity and cognition to blindly submit.
Jayce either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care about the defiance Viktor is giving him. Coming in to kiss at Viktor’s exposed neck once he has the tie and top buttons of Viktor’s shirt undone.
“Ngh, Jayce,” Viktor moans as Jayce sucks at the junction of his neck and shoulder. Close enough to Viktor’s scent gland to send a pulse of want through Viktor’s body but far enough away it might be accidental.
Jayce bites into the spot he was kissing and Viktor has to bite into his bottom lip to prevent himself from making any noise at it. Has to force himself not to squirm from the slick he feels starting to leak.
Jayce draws back and looks down at Viktor. His lust so clear in his eyes that Viktor has to swallow.
“We should go to the nest,” Jayce says. Another not-quite command.
“We should.” Considering the direction things are clearly heading it only made sense to move while they were still somewhat clear headed.
“Can you hold on for me?” Jayce asks.
Viktor has no choice but to wrap his legs around Jayce’s hips as best he can when the alpha picks him up. His cane clattering to the floor as he grabs hold of Jayce’s shoulders to steady himself.
“Don’t worry, you won’t be needing it for a long while,” Jayce says as he heads towards the bedroom he had made a nest within. Nuzzling into Viktor’s shoulder as Viktor wraps his arms around him to not end up tumbling to the ground like his cane. “I’ll even bring it to you once we have a break.”
That does actually sound allowable. Viktor shouldn’t need to leave the nest for days assuming Jayce brings him the things he needs. Anything Viktor may require otherwise well and truly within a distance he can cross comfortably without his cane.
It’s the principle of it though.
“You better retrieve it for me as soon as we are done.”
“I already said I would,” Jayce says. “I’m not actually trying to trap you there. Even if it would do you some good to take a break for a couple of days.”
“My work’s important Jayce!” Viktor would hope that Jayce of all people would understand that.
“I know,” Jayce says, pulling away to look Viktor in the eyes, his expression sincere. “But you need to take time for yourself as well. Let someone else take control for a little and turn off that brain of yours.”
“I know my limits Jayce!” And knows when he can push past them.
“How about we find them here than?” Jayce asks.  
“I-“ Viktor doesn’t know how Jayce does it. If it were any other alpha saying it to him he would find it repulsive and egotistical. But with Jayce he finds his mouth going dry and thighs clenching at it.
Jayce grins at him before bouncing him on his hips. Startling a moan out of Viktor as he lands against what is an unmistakable hardness in the alpha’s pants.
“That’s what I want to hear,” Jayce whispers in Viktor’s ear. “You make such pretty noises Vik.”
Viktor can’t help but blush at it. Muttering that there are plenty of omegas that make prettier sounds as Jayce tries to distract him by chewing on his ear.
“I don’t believe it,” Jayce says. “How can there be better omegas out there when you’re the only one I want?”
“I said prettier not better!” Viktor snaps as Jayce kisses along his jaw before the rest of what Jayce said hits him. “Uh- Really?”
“Of course. You are brilliant Vik. So pretty and smart, a total package. But right now-“ Jayce dumps Viktor on the bed, angling him so Viktor comfortably bounces without any pain shooting up his spine. “-let me turn that brilliant brain of yours to mush.”
“You seem rather sure of yourself,” Viktor says as Jayce climbs on the bed after him, undoing his shirt as he does before tossing it unceremoniously on the floor.
Viktor will admit only to himself the idea doesn’t sound completely unappealing.
It should though.
He should hate this cocky alpha’s idea that their knot is going to overpower Viktor’s intelligence. The idea that Viktor should submit and give in to the alpha. The idea that anything, and especially this, might be more important than Viktor’s life’s work.
But its Jayce staring down at him with an expression filled as much with affection as it is lust.
Jayce, who catches himself on his arms so his full weight doesn’t land on Viktor before peppering kisses across Viktor’s collar.
“I know you’re still thinking,” Jayce says, peering up at Viktor like a predator with pinned prey. His hands a comfortable weight on Viktor’s hips.
“And what if I am?”
Something hungry, or perhaps possessive, flashes across Jayce’s face before he leans down to capture Viktor’s mouth in a powerful kiss. One that has Viktor reaching up to cling to him out of fear he will lose himself if he doesn’t. Jayce’s legs holding his entire weight off Viktor as his hands hold Viktor’s hips firm.
“I can take you,” Viktor says when Jayce releases his lips. Hovering so close that his intoxicating alpha scent is the only thing Viktor can breathe.
Viktor wants everything Jayce can give him. Wants the alpha on and in him.
Its equal parts exhilarating as it is terrifying.
Jayce presses his forehead against Viktor’s, leaning down to press a quick kiss against Viktor’s lips. Bringing a hand up to gently brush the hair that had fallen over Viktor’s face back into place.
“I know,” Jayce says as he pulls away. Ducking down again almost immediately to kiss a trail down Viktor’s stomach. His hands easily holding Viktor in place as he does.
All Viktor can do is moan at it. Shuddering as Jayce finds all the sensitive spots on his skin giving them as much attention as he does the mechanics of their work as he does. As if he can understand how Viktor better through close examination of each and every one.
Jayce pauses right above Viktor’s pants. His eyes dark with lust and mouth opening as he breathes through it.
Viktor realises Jayce can likely smell his slick through his pants.
“Jayce.” Viktor only realises how coy he sounds after its left his lips.
“I got you Vik,” Jayce promises as he nuzzles against Viktor’s crotch. His hands working on undoing the buttons of Viktor’s pants. “Going to make you feel so good. You’re going to be so good for me aren’t you Vik? My brilliant, amazing omega.”
Viktor can’t think of what to say to it.
The words feel false and deceptive and against everything Viktor wants to be perceived as. But hearing them from Jayce feels different. Brilliant Jayce who has built their dreams together with Viktor. Who has always known when Viktor needs support and when Viktor can manage himself.
“Ngh,” Viktor groans as Jayce tugs the top of Viktor’s pants down. Nosing and kissing the skin as it is exposed. Getting ever closer to what feels like Viktor’s core in his heat. The gaping hole that feels like he will die if it isn’t filled. That he’s never been able to satisfy fully with either his hands or toys.
“Just let go Viktor,” Jayce says, his hands on top of Viktor’s pants ready to take them off. “And lift your hips for me for a second.”
It’s a little awkward to allow Jayce to get his pants off. But they are well-practiced at working together and moving around each other. Jayce pressing a soft kiss against Viktor’s raised hips as he pulls the pants out from under him, giving him a moment to readjust his weight so Jayce can pull them fully off.
“Stunning,” Jayce says and before Viktor has a chance to respond he’s back on him. Viktor’s words lost in a kiss.
Jayce grabs Viktor’s hips to tug him closer, slotting in between Viktor’s thighs and grinding his dick against the wet opening between them.
Viktor locks his legs behind Jayce’s hips to hold him there.
“You want this?” Jayce asks with a grind of his hips to push himself against Viktor’s crotch and opening.
“Jayce,” Viktor moans, unable to form any words but his mate’s name.
“That’s it,” Jayce says, his hand on Viktor’s stronger leg, moving up to cup Viktor’s erection before trailing down to the no doubt soaked entrance. Two thick fingers easily sliding in deep.
Viktor’s taken bigger toys before. But Jayce’s fingers feel better than anything he’s done himself. The warmth and weight of him on Viktor and heavy alpha musk making it feel right.
“You’re so wet and ready for me,” Jayce says, sliding his fingers in and out a couple times in what feels like tokenistic preparation. Not that Viktor really needs it. “Fuck Vik, you’re going to feel amazing."
Viktor wants to say something at it but when Jayce pulls his fingers out and licks them clean Viktor finds his mind going completely blank to all but that image.
Jayce adjusts so the head of his length is pressed up against Viktor’s entrance. No broader than Viktor’s largest heat-aid toys but the warmth of it makes it feel so much better.
“You ready?” Jayce asks.
“Do it.”
Jayce grins at it, his hands settling onto Viktor’s hips with a tight hold as he pushes in. Holding Viktor in place exactly where he wants him as he does. Not even pausing until his hips rest against the back of Viktor’s thighs and his cock rests deep inside Viktor. His eyes locked with Viktor’s the whole time.
It is only when Viktor takes a breath again that he realises he had been holding it.
He doesn’t get the chance to take another before Jayce is moving. Setting a quick and firm pace that has the bed banging against the wall. The rhythmic thumping of it and his own moans the only sounds Viktor can hear.
Viktor has no other option but to hold on. His legs resting over Jayce’s hips where they are being held as he reaches up to wrap his arms around Jayce’s shoulders.
Jayce suddenly tilts with a thrust. One hand leaving Viktor’s hips to next to Viktor’s head to brace him as he presses his body against Viktor’s. The angle of his thrusts changing as he picks his pace up again.
The new position allows Viktor to better get his arms around Jayce. His fingers digging into Jayce’s muscles as best he can.
“Fuck Viktor,” Jayce says, his breathe coming in pants next to Viktor’s ears. “So tight. So good.”
“Jayce,” Viktor says, trying to nuzzling against his alpha.
“Vik.” Jayce rests his forehead against Viktor’s. Letting their breaths mingle as they pant.
“Spread your legs a bit more,” Jayce says suddenly.
Before Viktor can even process the words Jayce has sat up against. His hands coming to Viktor’s thighs to push them further apart. His thrusts that bit more deeper for it.
The stretch of it is on the borderline of uncomfortable and Viktor briefly considers that he will be paying for it later before a well-angled thrust turns his mind to goo. And he can do is moan as the sensations of it overwhelm him. Cling to whatever parts of Jayce he can reach as if it will ground him.
“You close?” Jayce asks. The question cutting through the haze for all Viktor can only moan in response. “I’m so close. Gonna’ knot you, fill you up. Gonna’ mark you so everyone knows your mine. My omega.”
“Yours.” Viktor promises. Because it is okay when it is Jayce. Jayce who is his partner and mate who knows what Viktor’s limits are but will push right up to them.
Jayce who captures Viktor’s lips in an all-consuming kiss as his knot swells to tie them together. Hand coming down to pump Viktor’s own length to bring Viktor to orgasm with it.
Jayce who nuzzles against Viktor’s cheek as they both come down from the high and the ache of it settles onto Viktor’s body.
“Are you okay?” Jayce asks and Viktor hums in agreement.
Overall he is fine. The ache, for the most part, what he would expect following such vigorous activity.
“Ah, my leg,” Viktor says once he trusts himself to form words.
“Right,” Jayce says, glancing down to where Viktor’s bad leg is spread as wide as it can go. Gently adjusting it to sit over his hip, the knot slightly tugging as he does causing Viktor to hiss. “Better?”
“Yes.” The slight burning is still there but the pain no longer sharp.
“Good. Tell me if you need me to do anything else.”
“Just stay.” It’s not like either of them can go anywhere until the knot goes down.
“I will,” Jayce promises. Leaning down to give Viktor a soft kiss before settling his weight into as comfortable a position they are going to get for now. Cuddled together as they wait.
“I wasn’t too intense for you was I?” Jayce asks suddenly.
“No Jayce,” Viktor says with a slight laugh, “you were fine.”
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littlemisslol-fic · 2 years
Day Five: Fight/Forgive
Summary: My submissions for Effin' Varigo week! Big thanks to battybatzgirl for setting it up! Hugo and Varian have been dating for three years, and are finally ready to take their relationship to somewhere a lot more serious. However, the world has other plans. With Hugo's proposal in shambles, and Varian focused on saving their friends, they think things can't really get any worse.
They would be wrong.
Prompts are Family ‧ Firework ‧ Fever ‧ Flirt ‧ Fight/Forgive ‧ Future ‧ and Free Day!
Notes: Tensions rise as a plan needs to be made.
Hugo’s been trying to make his way around the circumference of the cabin for the last half hour. Varian had vanished into the woods again, leaving him to his own devices, meaning it’s an excellent time to try and break the rules his boyfriend had set.
He’s getting better the more he moves. As much as Varian wants Hugo to lay around like an invalid and wait for death, the blond knows he’s the king of walk it off, champ. He’d taken more than a few hard hits in his life—and waiting to get better isn’t going to get them home. Not in the next week at least.
So he wanders around the cabin in a little circle like a lunatic. Every once and a while his hand wanders to the ring box in his pocket, absently brushing it to make sure that it’s still where he left it. Part of him had been worried that Varian would find it while cutting the leg off Hugo’s favorite pair of pants, thanks Varian, but thankfully the alchemist was much more concerned with the level of fucked-up Hugo’s leg is.
It’s… kind of a win? Does it count? He’s not really sure. Either way, as Hugo wanders the pain in his leg starts to become more ignorable. Getting the blood flowing mixed with the bark Varian had shoved at him is enough that he’s willing to put some weight on the busted limb.
He chances another lap before settling back into the blanket nest. He knows better than to try and walk too much off; Varian would throttle him if he even tried. But it’s progress.
Hugo pokes at the fire idly with a stick; it’s starting to burn a little low, hopefully Varian’s back soon…
Speak of the devil, as soon enough he hears footsteps making their way up the front path. Hugo twists and watches as Varian stumbles through the door before frantically turning and slamming it shut. The alchemist’s hands shake as he locks it. Uh. Okay.
“Hey, sweetcheeks, where’s the fire?”
Varian gasps heavily, bending double. He looks like he’s just run a marathon. The sight pings a million different alarm bells in Hugo’s brain. Something’s obviously not right. Varian had seemed almost confident, what had rattled him this badly?
“Varian? You good?”
“Fuck,” Varian hisses in return. “I—no, sorry. It’s not good. The guys from before were down by the river—”
“Oh, well we expected that?”
“—And they were looking for us. Not to kill us, but to bring us back. The one guy, Weasel? Said not to put a scratch on us.”
Something heavy settles in Hugo’s stomach. It’s one thing to tie up loose ends but it’s another to want someone alive.
“That’s not good.”
Varian runs a hand down his face. He’s nearly paler than Hugo is. “Not particularly, no.” The alchemist steps away from the locked door but his eyes continuously snap back to it every few seconds. It’s obvious he’s still nervous in the way his hands shake.
Hugo holds a hand out, guiding Varian into sitting next to him—they’ll need to have a proper conversation. A plan. Fucking something. Varian goes easily enough, still tense as bowstring but at least willing to sit and talk to him. Hugo gently pats at Varian’s hand and sighs.
“What do you want to do?” he asks. “I think I remember a town about fifty clicks to the south. We could try and make it there?”
Varian shakes his head. “That’ll take too long, won’t it?”
“It’s the closest town, we should go get help.”
That button nose wrinkles. Uh oh. That’s Varian’s arguing face. “No, no, we should go rescue them now. If we take too long the Baron could move them, or worse.”
Hugo has to clear his throat at the implications. He’d heard whispers of the Baron putting out an infinite bounty on Eugene and Lance’s heads. It’s not a far jump to think that the man would get impatient and just take the both of them out of the equation just to keep Rapunzel in line. It’s even more likely to think about an escape gone wrong knowing those two idiots.
While he’s never met the Baron face to face, Hugo’s heard things. Awful things. Donella was one to respect another gang leader’s turf, but even then she commanded him to give the Baron a wide berth. Wider than most.
Hugo knows that the man is dangerous. He knows that he’s ruthless. He knows that the Baron doesn’t take prisoners he doesn’t intend on wasting. If what Varian says is the truth, then they have a big fucking problem on their hands.
There is no good outcome where they wind up caught.
“We shouldn’t risk it,” Hugo says. “If we get caught then no one will know where we went or what happened.”
“We can’t just leave them.” Varian’s eyes are pure steel. “Hugo, you know as well as I do that we’re on limited time here. Every second we waste going back to tell the guard is another chance for the others to get hurt.”
“I don’t want to leave them; I want to be smart!”
“There’s nothing smart about running away!”
‘It’s not—fuck, Varian, we can’t just go in gun’s blazing! What the hell are we going to do? No alchemy, no weapons, and something tells me that neither of us have a good enough punch to knock any of them down!”
Varian’s leg is bouncing. He won’t meet Hugo’s eye, crossing his arms and staring at the fire. Oh hell here we go. They’ve had enough arguments for Hugo to know when Varian’s about to dig his heels in.
“I’m not abandoning them.”
There it is. It takes everything in Hugo not to scream. Everything in him wants to throttle his fucking boyfriend. Varian’s always been nothing if not a stubborn little shit.
“Okay, fine then genius, what’s your plan? Waltz right in and get grabbed? And then what?”
Varian’s nose wrinkles in irritation. “Don’t be a dick just because it’s easier not to fight. We have the element of surprise. I saw the big group still following the river, they walked right past us. We can double back and hit their camp while half of them are still out looking for us. If we wait until tonight and go in while they’re sleeping we might be able to get the others out and get away.”
“That’s not a plan! That’s a crackpot fantasy!”
His boyfriend goes bright red. If it were any other time, it would be cute. “And what about yours, huh? You want to just run to the nearest town, which might be south maybe, on your busted leg? It’ll take us a week to get there with your current speed!”
“At least my idea doesn’t get us killed!”
“And at least mine doesn’t include leaving everyone behind!” Varian pushes himself to his feet and shakes his head. “I can’t believe you want to desert our family, what the fuck Hugo?”
Oh fuck him! “I can’t believe you just want to walk over there and get shot! What do you like the taste of gunpowder?”
Varian scoffs. “I’m not going to listen to you when you’re like this.”
Throttling the alchemist looks more appealing with every passing second. “Would you—listen to me. Rapunzel said to run. That’s what she wanted us to do. Not stay, not fight. Run. Get help. She’s expecting backup.”
“When the hell does she ever expect us to listen to her?”
Fine. Fuck it, big guns. “I don’t want to risk getting caught on a hunch, okay? I’ve heard of these guys, they had Donnie spooked—the thought of them managing to… I don’t want to think about it.”
Varian looks caught between wanting more information and deciding to dig his heels in deeper just to be contrary. Hugo knows him though, it’s just a matter of time before—
“Think about what?”
And situation diffused, point to Hugo. “You said they wanted both of us unharmed right?” Varian nods. Hugo sucks in a breath through his teeth. “Donnie always told me that the Baron doesn’t just take hostages for the giggles. If he wants someone alive, he wants them for something.”
“To keep Eugene and Lance in line?”
Hugo shakes his head. “Nah, they’ll do that as long as the princess is with them. And she’s obviously ransom, there’s no way she isn’t.”
It takes a second for Varian’s brain to parcel through the hints Hugo’s feeding him. “So… what are we for? If he wants the guys to… kill, and Rapunzel for ransom what are we for? My dad’s technically nobility but he’s just a village leader—we don’t have ransom levels of money. And Fred would never pay for us back…” His eyebrows scrunch before his entire face goes lax. “They called you Donella’s boy, didn’t they?”
Oh. Fuck they had, hadn’t they?
“Yeah. I almost forgot with, you know, everything.”
Varian sucks in a quick breath. “And they called me the Alchemist.”
“Well, that’s what you are, isn’t it?”
“Hugo that was my name in prison. And on my wanted posters.”
Ah. Fuck. Okay. Hugo’s face must do all the talking for him, as Varian sighs. “If they’re referring to me by that name… it’s probably not good. Not good at all.”
Hugo chances putting a hand between Varian’s shoulder blades. His boyfriend takes the comfort, leaning over and setting his head against Hugo’s shirt. For a second they sit in silence, watching the fire burn. Outside the wind rustles the trees; the noise in any other context would be comforting, but now all Hugo can think of is how well it would cover the sounds of an approaching threat.
Fuck, now Varian’s paranoia is leeching into his own. Wonderful.
He sighs and rests his cheek on the crown of Varian’s hair. His boyfriend doesn’t smell great but it’s nothing Hugo hasn’t already dealt with after their long stint around the Seven Kingdoms. Besides, he probably doesn’t smell like daisies either. But Hugo can feel how Varian breathes like this, and it’s a comfort that Hugo sorely needs—and he’ll take it any way he can get it.
They need to finish their conversation. They need a plan.
“That’s what I’m worried about,” Hugo sighs into Varian’s soft hair. “I’m worried that he wants us—wants you—for some fucked up reason and that if we go and try to save the others and fail… he’ll succeed. He makes people disappear, Var. He scares Donnie, so he scares me too; that’s why I want to take the cautious road, even if it takes longer, or feels like running away. I couldn’t stand if you got hurt, or the others—this trip was all my idea.”
He has to bury his face away from everything. The shame’s too great. Going out on a picnic had been his stupid idea. He’d been the one to gather Corona’s most eligible kidnapping victims into one convenient, isolated location without any sort of protection. He’d dragged them all out here so he could just ask a stupid fucking question, one he hadn’t even gotten to ask! Gods, he’s so stupid.
Hugo presses his face into Varian’s hair. His boyfriend doesn’t even put up a token protest and instead wraps his arms around the blond’s aching torso. He doesn’t even complain when Hugo’s glasses push up between them uncomfortably. What a trooper.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Varian mumbles. “None of this was. You think this is the first family vacation we’ve been on that ended in disaster?” He laughs then, jostling Hugo until the blond has to look up. His glasses are askew so it’s hard to tell which part of the Varian-blob is his face, but that bright smile is easy to pick up. “We all wanted to go. We’ve been on hundreds of these day trips, and every once in a while one goes sour like this.”
“This badly, though?” 
Hugo adjusts his glasses just in time to see how Varian winces. “Well… no. No never this badly. But Eugene gets kidnapped at least once every few months, and Rapunzel is constantly going off on life-threatening adventures. Hell, before I met you, there was the odd time I was snatched up too—”
“Fucking excuse me?”
“—See this is why I didn’t tell you about it. It was Cass, she’s fine now. But my point,” Varian reaches and pokes Hugo in the nose, “is that this is pretty par for the course. So yeah, this time around it’s your outing that got fucked up. But that doesn’t make it your fault, and we’re used to it; you don’t need to feel guilty about it, okay? We still love you.”
That… does make Hugo feel a bit better. But the nerves in his stomach still aren’t quite settled, not while the horrible idea of a man like the Baron getting a hold of Varian imprints on his brain. The image alone is enough to make Hugo shudder and hug his boyfriend closer. Varian sighs and hugs back. It’s not a frustrated noise, more sad.
There’s another beat of silence. Varian’s fingers gently start to unravel the knots in Hugo’s hair. It feels so nice. He could sit here for a long while, just let the world fall away. But his boyfriend is too practical for that.
“I’m worried about your leg,” Varian admits quietly. “I didn’t want to go the longer distance for time, yeah, but also I don’t want you hurting yourself. You’ve probably bruised the bone, love. It could even be a fracture, I’m not a doctor—what if we get halfway out there and it gives out on you? Or you push yourself to keep up and it ends up with permanent problems?”
Ah. It’s a fair point. His leg still smarts when he tries to move, let alone walking around the cabin, but…
“What other choice do we have? Even if we went to the others, I’m not going to be much help.” Though the idea’s like pulling teeth, he then says: “Maybe it’s best if you… go on ahead. I can stay here, you go to town and get help.”
He doesn’t want to be separated from Varian. Not in a million fucking years. But Hugo knows he’s dead weight, just a problematic, useless lump sitting in the way of progress. If Varian didn’t have to take care of his busted ass he could have been to town by now, hell the others could have been saved by now. But they weren’t, just because Hugo didn’t have the luck to drown.
Varian tenses at the suggestion. “Not happening.” His voice is firm. “There’s no way I’m leaving you here. Who’d get you your bark, huh? And what if the find you?”
Hugo shrugs. It’s a little more defeated than he’d like to look, but he’s honestly at a roadblock here. “I think either you should leave me and make a run for town, or we go together and do our best to get there quick. I can… make a crutch? Maybe? A splint if you’re worried about a fracture.”
Varian’s lips are pursed. His fingers are still playing in Hugo’s hair; it’s because of their dance that Hugo feels the way he goes stiff with stress.
“I… okay,” he mumbles. “Okay.”
“Okay?” There’s a little drop of hope in Hugo’s chest. Is Varian really going to—
“We’ll stay for the night and tomorrow… tomorrow we’ll start walking toward town. You’re right that we can’t put up much of a fight and if… if you’re that worried about it then we can play it safe.”
Hugo nearly slumps with relief. “Thank you,” he says. He tries to impart all the gratefulness he feels into his voice. Thank you for not fighting me on this anymore, thank you for agreeing to be safe, thank you for taking care of me—
Varian presses a kiss to his cheekbone. “It’s okay. But if we’re leaving the cabin I want to go look around for food and maybe a container to carry water in. The river goes south, so the town’s probably near it, but I don’t like the idea of not having any way to carry water on us.”
It’s a good point. Hugo doesn’t like that Varian keeps having to go out and play woodsman, especially with the Baron’s men so close, but there’s not much of a choice.
“And here.” Hugo feels something solid being pressed into his palm. He looks down to see the knife. Varian closes Hugo’s fingers around it with conviction. “I want you to carry this. If things go south I can run, but you might need it.”
Part of Hugo wants to argue, to give it back to Varian who has the better chances of using it, but the look on his boyfriend’s face stops him short. The alchemist had given ground on their plan, he can afford to take the stupid knife.
He curls his fingers around it and slips it into his boot.
“Okay,” he whispers.
Varian presses one last kiss to Hugo’s temple before starting to stand.
“I’ll try and find some supplies. And Hugo?”
“Stop fucking walking around. Don’t think I can’t tell.”
Ah. Oops.
———  ✧  ———
At least they have a plan now. The next hour Varian spends wandering around the cabin and picking through every little nook and cranny for anything important. He doesn’t pull up much that wasn’t already in there, but the matches, kettle and cups, and a few blankets get wrapped up in the largest of the sheets and tied together into a makeshift pack.
It’s cumbersome. It’s ugly. It’s slapdash. But it’s the best they’re going to get. Varian stands over their meager supplies with his hands on his hips, and sighs. Hugo, next to him, looks about the same. They both grimace at the little pile.
“It’s not great.” Varian mutters.
“Well, it’s not the size that counts, it’s how you use it, right?”
“I’m not dignifying that with a response.”
Hugo smiles, something that makes Varian want to throttle him. But if he kills Hugo now they’ll never get home. And Varian might miss him. A bit. Maybe.
Instead he turns and reaches for the door, calling over his shoulder.
“I’m going to go get water in the kettle, stay put while I… uh…”
Varian nearly jumps out of his skin when he opens the door to a looming figure outside. A tall, thinner man, with a smug smile on his pockmarked face.
Hugo whips around just as Varian tries to slam the door shut in Weasel’s face.
“Oh no you don’t, poppet,” the man chides. He wraps a hand around the door, forcing it open no matter how hard Varian pushes against it. He shoves with all his might—fucking hell! The man holds it for a second, taunting, before shoving the door open and nearly knocking Varian to the ground.
Hugo has to bounce backward as a group of men begin to crowd into the little cabin. Varian shouts something that Eugene would definitely not approve of as they swarm him. It’s a sudden flurry of swearing and grabbing hands as Varian skuttles around the cabin like a particularly pissed off crab.
He kicks as one of the men gets way too fucking close for comfort, but a shout from Hugo distracts Varian enough for the Baron’s men to get the drop on him.
The chaos dies down as two pairs of hands grab at Varian’s upper arms. Though he tugs and flails and tries to dead-weight himself out of their grip, he ends up held tightly between two thugs. A quick glance to the side shows Hugo in the same predicament, though at the very least they seem willing to support his leg.
Weasel paces in front of them, scanning the cabin. He takes in their supplies, their fire, their nest, and smirks.
“Why, aren’t you two busy playing happy couple,” he taunts. “Suppose blondie got a boo-boo? Didn’t want to leave him behind?”
Oh fuck this guy. Varian just keeps quiet, focusing hard on the man’s shoes. It’s obvious that Weasel is looking for a reaction—probably to get a chance to rough either of them up without drawing the Baron’s ire. Varian won’t give him the chance.
Hugo seems to follow the same example. Weasel seems to grow bored, kicking at their blanket and scattering everything across the floor. Bastard.
“Alright, silent treatment,” he shrugs. “In that case boys, I guess we’ll get moving. The boss’ll be so happy to have the final guests to his party.”
The grunts begin to laugh. Varian grits his teeth against the insults that press against them. Can’t piss them off. You’ll never win that fight.
The hands on Varian’s arms start to drag him forward, toward the door and out into the woods again. He only just catches sight of Hugo’s terrified, green eyes before he’s forced to look ahead by their captors.
He wants to be able to look back, to comfort Hugo. He’d told Varian that he was scared of these people. And hell, Varian is too, but not to the extent that Hugo is.
All he wants is to be able to hold his boyfriend’s hand.
But it seems they won’t even get that. Weasel smiles, something bitter and evil and with too many teeth. Varian finds himself shrinking back, which the man must find amusing.
“The boss can’t wait to meet you,” he chuckles. “Let’s not keep him waiting.”
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builder051 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 day 1: swooning
Creedless Assassins
They’ve been in the nest all day. It’s a literal nest, formed from camping blankets and a couple of folding chairs. Clint made it. Nat has to admit, the construction is kind of genius.
It’s hot, though. They’re planted on the outer deck of a disused lighthouse, and the sun glancing off the ocean surf is as if it’s redirected precisely on the hiding spot.
In her long sleeved top and leggings, Nat feels more roasted by the second. She decides she’s done watching the beach and makes to stand up.
“What’re you doing?” Clint grabs her ankle, and she nearly topples down on top of him. Nat stabilizes herself with the back of her chair, and one of the blankets slips, forming a hole in the nest’s would-be ceiling. “Don’t tear down my masterpiece!”
“Masterpiece?” Nat shakes her head. “It’s a fucking blanket fort. And it’s a little steamy in there.”
“Don’t like my sex appeal?” Clint cocks his head and grins. “Or, no, my body heat?”
“It’s October,” Nat whines. “I want real weather. Windchill and crunchy leaves and stuff.”
“Fall doesn’t exist in Florida,” Clint says. “Actually, I think they don’t have any seasons here. Except tourist season.” Clint laughs at his own joke.
“Whatever.” Nat tosses the blanket haphazardly over the gap in the nest. Then she distances herself a few feet and pulls her arms over her head in a much-needed stretch. She takes a deep breath, but the thick humidity just increases the feeling of suffocation deep in her throat. “God, I hate it here.”
Clint pops his head out to look at her. “We’re evacuating as soon I pop him.”
“You’re going to pop him?” Nat looks at him doubtfully. “That’s my job.” She pauses and breathes again. There’s a searing sensation on the top of her head, like the sun’s targeting her red hair and pale white scalp on purpose. It probably is, just fucking with her. “Unless there’s a deployment down here again. You can go by yourself.”
“Ok, fine.” Clint scowls. “I’ll keep watch. Promise to tell you when he starts dragged his surfboard out of the parking lot.”
“I still can’t believe it.” Nat brushes her fist over her forehead. She’s sweating. And dripping. It’s disgusting. “A surfing HYDRA boss? It’s like a bad movie.”
“Hey, don’t knock Point Break. He might be the Patrick Swayze type,” Clint points out.
A wave of vertigo plays around Nat’s head. “You know that’s Tony’s nickname for Thor, right? Don’t start slinging it around. I won’t be able to stand it if tall and blond shows up to help.” She groans in half pain and half humor. Nat tries to remember if they packed water bottles. Her brain is fuzzy. She quickly dismisses the thought. Water that’s been sitting in a backpack inside the nest would probably be boiling.
The backs of Nat’s knees are burning. She should do some squats or something, loosen up her hamstrings. The very idea of exercising is repulsive, though. Nat settles on slowly shifting her weight to one foot, then the other.
The first set of shifts feels good. Her left ankle wobbles after the second set. Nat ignores it and goes in for a third set. Her right ankle starts its own wobble. Then there’s an ungainly clatter and she’s lying on her side on the lighthouse’s paneled deck. “Shit.”
“Nat?” Clint pops out of the nest, sending a couple more blankets flying. “You ok?”
“Great.” Nat rolls onto her back and squints up at him.
“Hmm.” Clint examines her critically. “I’m not a doctor, but I don’t think your face is supposed to be grey and red at the same time.”
Nat brings her hands up and massages her cheeks. There’s clammy sweat in addition to what was already there. “It’s—I’m—fine…”
“No you’re not.” Clint squats beside her. “You totally just swooned. Want me to run down to the beach and get the lifeguard? I bet he’s got a first aid kit. And he’s probably wearing a Speedo, you know, if you’re interested in eye candy. I won’t be offended.”
Nat barely hears him. Her ears are rushing, and she’s stuck on a particular word. “Swoon?” She asks. “Really?” Nat swallows and tries to un-gum her throat. “I’m pretty sure Gone with the Wind takes place in Georgia.”
“No, it’s from Grease, right? Sandy and Danny, down in the sand?”
“No.” Nat sits up, only to tuck her head between her knees. “It’s ‘she nearly drowned.’ There aren’t any lines about falling over.”
“Ah.” Clint nods sagely. “‘He showed off, splashing around.’ That’s how it goes.”
“If you sing, I will fucking strangle you.” Nat peers at him over her shoulder.
“Yeah.” Clint pats her on the back, then gets to his feet. “You do that. Gotta stand up first, though.”
“Nah, changed my mind. I’ll tie your shoelaces together.”
“Well, you do what you want, I guess.” Clint shrugs. “I’ll be watching out for you.”
“Watch out for the target,” Nat corrects him. “Tell me when to shoot.”
“I can shoot him, if you want.” Clint offers. “If you still have the shakes, you should probably keep lying down.”
“Eh. Nat turns so she can crawl on hands and knees. “I’ll be burned to a crisp. At least your blanket fort has shade.”
“Hey.” Clint lifts his finger. “Masterpiece, remember? I just have to give it a little renovation.” He takes the stray blankets and tucks them back into place over the frame of the folding chairs. “One bed, one bath, great view of the ocean…” Clint teases with his best realtor impersonation.
“What’s that? A studio? Outdoor facilities and no air conditioning?” Nat gives a lopsided smile.”
“It’s all the same to me.”
“Yeah, well.” Nat stands up on her kneecaps, then sits heavily in her original spot in the nest. “As long as you do your job.”
“Take care of you?”
“Keep the goddamn watch.” Nat rolls her eyes and instantly regrets it. The headache she’s developing is something else. “So we can go home?”
“I can agree to that,” Clint says.
“Good.” Nat pokes him in the shoulder. “Where’s my gun?”
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
the demons brothers + a touch starved mc
If you’re going to Lucifer because you’re touch starved, then you’re definitely going to be close to him already -- he doesn’t let just anyone touch him.
.......He’s also touch starved but won’t admit it, so one of you is gonna just have to bite the bullet and make a move.
(It’s gonna have to be you)
You’re going to have to go about this carefully--make a really good plan and then execute it flawlessly.
Literally just throw yourself at him. 
He’ll catch you. 
Nothing says ‘give me affection’ quite like yeeting yourself off the staircase at him, and he definitely understands what you want when you latch on tight to him like a weird little barnacle that he cant peel off no matter how hard he tries dfghjkkgf
He’s really warm and he smells Really nice and he hugs you so tight, like it’s the last chance he’ll ever get, so he’s honestly one of the best snuggle buddies. 
He’s gonna act all fussy about your love-attack at first--just play with his hair and smother him with lots of kisses and he won’t be able to resist snuggling u. Or banging u, but that’s your choice
Y’know, because “demons can’t resist temptation” and all that jazz. 
(tbh he just likes likes you alot)
...Why are you staring at him like you wanna eat him?
Seriously, knock it off, you’re freaking him out!
Wait, why are you coming closer…? Get Back you Fiend don’t you DARE wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into his chest like that what the FU--
Huh. This is kinda nice.
(Just hug him. If you want his affection, just wrestle him into a bear hug and don’t. let. go.)
At first, Mammon doesn’t really understand affection that isn’t along the lines of a friendly/loving punch. He’s not used to kindness. It’s a fucking tragedy. 
He doesn’t know how to ask for love because I don’t think he even realizes thats an option, tbh. 
He’s kind of like an unsocialized puppy--will definitely put up a fight until he realizes that, hey, being snuggled is nice.
Luckily for Mams, you are touch starved and determined to show his stupidass what affection is supposed to be like. 
He’s going to get so blushy. Sooo blushy. He totally pretends to not like it at first, but inside he’s over the fucking moon happy.
It takes him a while, but eventually, he realizes that he can ask you for snuggles too. At first he’s all “C’mere human, I bet you’re just itchin’ for me to hug ya, so let me make all your dreams come true!”
(It’s a defense mechanism.)
But over time, he eventually seeks you out and just flops on top of ya, and doesn’t feel the need to make a big show about it.
He feels safe with you, and that’s priceless.
Is incredibly confused about why you’re seeking out him for affection.
When you ask him if you can give him a hug, he expects you to just like... Wrap one arm around his shoulders for .2 seconds. 
Which doesn’t sound too bad, so he says “Um, sure, I guess? I dunno why you’d want to though” 
So when you climb into his lap and wrap your arms around him like a koala bear, his brain straight up blue-screens. 
Seriously, he forgets how to breathe. Don’t squeeze him too hard or he might never restart.
You smooch him on his cheek and his soul promptly leaves his body and is ejected into the atmosphere at mach 5.
This is literally better than Heaven. And he would know, he used to live there.
He totally freezes up and makes a wheezy sound that’s somewhere along the scale of “Dying Animal” and “Exploding Sink”
Needless to say, you create a snuggle monster.
I promise you that you’re never going to be touch starved again, because once you’ve given Levi a taste, he can’t get enough. 
He constantly needs to be touching you. Holding your hand or the fabric of your shirt, leaning against you, sitting with you in his lap while he plays video games--it literally doesn’t matter, he just needs that contact with you or he might literally die. 
He’s very enthusiastic about it dfghkfd
Look… Satan is very smart. 
But he’s also incredibly dense at times. 
You have to be blunt with him, or else he’s just not going to know what you want.
(Feelings that aren’t all consuming anger and hatred are still a bit new to him--he’s learning as he goes)
Just walk up to him and tell him that you need him to snuggle you right now, dammit. Lay your soul bare to him. 
He really does love that you trust him. It makes him feel all weird and fuzzy inside.
And how can he possibly say no when you set his heart alight?
That said, he is a bit of an over-thinker. 
Worries about crossing boundaries or making you uncomfortable and a million other things--give him lots of reassurance pls
He isn’t opposed at all to cuddle sessions, especially if he’s able to read at the same time. 
It definitely becomes a normal thing to cocoon yourselves up in a really fluffy blanket to read together.
Satan is honestly one of the best to snuggle with because he’s very chill about it. You want this and he wants this, so he doesn’t see a point in playing games.
So yeah, he’s chill! But he’ll also threaten the life of anybody who interrupts you guys 
Please, he knows that you’re touch starved before you even do.
Until you’re upfront about it, he’s going to tease you by like, patting your head, playing footsie with you, giving you only the briefest of hugs--just slowly giving you a taste of his affection until you finally cave and demand that he snuggles you properly. 
(Is that a euphemism? It could be lol)
As soon as you ask he’s gonna push you down onto the nearest couch/bed/whatever and just flop on top of you. 
Honestly, Asmo wants You to be the one holding Him. He wants to use your chest as a pillow, and doesn’t he just look so cute all snuggled up to you like this? He totally does, you should take a pic of him!
Cuddle sessions are absolutely going to become a regular thing, and he makes them into a big event each time. My mans Asmo is gonna bust out the candles and the softest blankets and the fluffiest pillows.
If the opportunity strikes, he’s definitely gonna try to bang you.
If not, expect to do face-masks together. Maybe manicures. But definitely the face-masks, at least.
He’s gonna spin this into a fuckfest or a self care session--it really just depends on what you prefer sdghjk
Once you’re in his arms, he will tickle you. rip
He is the BEST hugger in the whole entire world.
When you approach him and ask for cuddles he will pull you into a hug without hesitation.
I do not care how tall you are, Beel is taller. He will engulf you in a hug and rest his chin on your head and sway you back and forth 
You want a piggyback ride? Hop on. 
Just wanna watch tv and snuggle? Great idea! :D but maybe don’t watch cooking shows or he’s gonna drool on you dfghj
(lowkey I think he would really enjoy watching human movies with you. He found Mamma Mia to be absolutely enchanting)
Want him to lay on top of you and crush you until all of your woes have been squeezed away? He will absolutely oblige you
Congratulations on your newly acquired teddy bear! Please don’t forget to feed him.
Literally just sit on his lap or wrap your arms around him whenever you want, he’s always down for a good snuggle. 
He’s by far the nicest about it too, he won’t tease you about it and he will never hold back from telling you exactly how much he loves holding you in his arms
Definitely loves to be the big spoon but has no problems with being the little spoon either. 
He’s just so fuckimg SWEET
Oh, you're touch starved? Perfect. He's been in the market for a good snuggle buddy.
You silly human, why didn’t you come to him sooner?
Don’t listen to what Asmo says, snuggles are Belphie’s domain.
Once it’s established that you two are going to be snuggle buddies, he will literally just abduct you for snuggle time. 
He doesn’t care what you’re doing, he’s going to throw you over his shoulder like a sack of flour and haul you off to his blanket nest whenever he wants.
He just wants you all to himself. 
Will share your snuggle time with Beel tho.
After abducting you, he's just gonna toss you onto his bed and fall on top of you. He's really warm and he really just wants to lay on you. Partially so that you cant escape once he falls asleep lmaoo
He's happy to just talk to you about whatever you want while you guys get your snuggle on, but be warned: he's eventually going to fall asleep. 
Probably mid sentence. 
He won’t wake up when you poke at his cheeks or shake him, either. So uh. I hope you’re in the mood for a nap too!
Get matching sloth onesies with him. He’ll tell you it’s stupid but he’s actually thrilled with them. (Make sure you also get Beel a bear one though)
((part two with the undateables + Luke))
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tth-pdf · 3 years
Burning for love; JJK [01]
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Contents: Future smut and just a hint, like very very little of dirty talk here, supernatural, romance, fluff and a chapter painfully unedited.
Pairing: Werewolf!alpha!jungook x Omega!reader.
Summary: A handsome man is hunting you in the dreams world, making every day more difficult to repress the need to come and find him in the middle of the night to submit yourself to his every wish.
Requests: ON
A/N: thank you so much for the support sweeties, here’s the next chapter as promised, enjoy it very much because I’m already working on the next, love you all and stay safe, also let me know what you think! 💖
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Despite the dreams giving you signs of the one who complements your soul you refuse to accept the fate, because there’s no way that you belong to a pack alpha as him, powerful and demanding. Created for bearing strong pups with an equal omega by his side, just as the she wolves around your pack, but instead your just an omega newly presented, who is too shy to even say hi sometimes, too shy to say hello to the creature that was created to accompany your path until death do you part, instead you watch from afar, watching how he treats his friends and how he politely rejects every girl thats swoons around him and you know he watches too but you just try to ignore him, fighting your instincts to just go and scent him just for the fun of it, just to watch the girls that ache for him to come and see that the moon herself sent him your way.
With all this things swimming in your mind you can’t concentrate in your literature class, simply drawing little black wolves around what was supposed to be notes.
Right now you thank god that you don’t share any class with him, since he’s two years older than you.
So you decide that the best decision is to skip class and just chill a little outside to get some fresh air, high hopes of simply clear your mind.
But the calm aura that you were building suddenly crumbles as your body do with someones back.
“I’m sorry” you’re quick to say with hopes to not trigger that person and can keep your way, but once again that’s not what’s about to happen because that same person grabs your forearm before you saved yourself.
“Well, well, what are you doing around the campus all alone and smelling like that baby?”
You don’t answer since you’re too nervous and slightly scared of the hand grabbing you way too hard.
“Hm, where’s your alpha honey, do you even have one?”
When a moment of courage crosses you, you dare to hold the gaze of the alpha in front of you.
You could have accept a behavior like this form him, but not from just a random horny wolf.
“I-I…Please let me go if you don’t wanna have problems”
The nerves increase when the alpha in front of you does nothing more than tighten his grip and laugh with his friends about you.
“You don’t want me to have problems, huh?, how sweet of you…And with who are we going to have problems?”
You were about to answer when suddenly you’re feeling goosebumps everywhere and an inevitable feeling of safety, natural instincts kicking in without giving you a chance to decide for yourself, all accompanied with the great feeling that you get to experiment when hearing his voice in between dreams.
“With me is who you are going to have problems”
Immediately the guy loosens but still he won’t let go the grip in your forearm and back off just a little, intimidated by the taller and stronger alpha in front of him, even though they’re the same breed it’s the way that Jungkook carries himself and the way he won the respect, he won it how a good pack leader is supposed to, thinking in others before himself.
“I suggest you to take your fucking nasty hands off of my omega”
At the time he’s saying his powerful sentence you can feel his hot body against your own, hard with years of training for his position and right now ready to attack, hands of your own itching to touch him and to have your way with him right in this hallway.
That wasn’t really a suggestion, was a command, the other alpha knowing what was best for him and obeying, quickly turning around with this friends and leaving you there, frozen in your place and with a heavy heart.
After a couple seconds just standing there, Jungkook decides to talk and enchant you with that deep yet sweet voice reserved just for you.
“Won’t you talk to me, pretty girl?”
You close your eyes, praying to the gods above to save you from this pain to touch him or to simply help you erase that insecurities flowing in your mind and make him yours.
That was all you could say, not even lookin him in the eyes.
“Look at me baby, your alpha is begging you to show him your pretty eyes”
Your omega genes taking the best of you and giving him what he wants, but as soon as you place your eyes on his your legs decided to give up, but just when you think that yore going to touch the ground strong arms encircle your frame, just like the dream.
“There you are pretty girl, I knew you would give your alpha just what he needs, right?, because you’re such a good girl”
Your body reacting by pure instinct and hugging him against you with such a force that makes him chuckle, realizing just how needy for him you are.
“All this time trying to ignore the fact that you belong to me has had you suffering but look at you right now, throwing yourself to me like a bitch in heat”
And that’s exactly what your body is asking you, while you nose his neck as much as you can, burying yourself in the deep ocean of the comfort that just a mate can bring you to.
“I’m sorry alpha, please take the pain away, please, I-I will do anything you desire. Just m-make it stop”
Jungkook feels a little anxious since you’re still in the middle of a hallway in the school and your scent will be attracting more males which turns his eyes darker and his body tense, feeling even more possessive with what’s his, but at least he has to get you out of here.
“Let me take you out of fucking here at least my pretty girl, god… The things I’ll do to you”
The rational part of your brain is dizzy with the feeling of your men so close and the fears are suddenly long forgotten and all you want is him.
“Come on pretty baby, your alpha’s gonna take you to a warm nest to lay on, alright?, all you have to do is walk a little, at least until we are at the door, I know you can do that honey”
Jungkook has been waiting for this moment since the night he saw your pretty grey fur in the middle of the night, your wolf calling for him, so loud that he couldn’t even lie down and chill, so he was going to make sure you never forget to who you belong and what happens when you challenge the alpha trying to run away from fate.
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Tag list: @min-nicoleee, @in-a-way-that-i-should-not, @imluckybitches.
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Next update: 1/03/21
All rights reserved.
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lettrespromises · 3 years
#LettresPromises informs you : You have one notification.
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──➤ Roronoa Zoro sent you a love letter to celebrate +400 followers, would you like to read it?
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@newfriendjen sent a letter : ❝Hi Friend! Congrats again on your 400!! You definitely deserve many more! If you still have a spot open for you event (ignore if you filled them!), can I request: Smut Prompt #15 with Zoro 😏 please and thank you so much!❞ the author sent a letter : ❝dear jen, to say i got a bit carried while writing this is a bit of an understatement! but i hope you’ll like it as much as i liked writing it, all while cackling like a villain as i was writing this. thank you tons for the sweet words, you are such a sweetheart and i’m so lucky to know you! sending you lots of love! sealed with a kiss, nikki.❞
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──➤ Prompt used : #15 “Look at what you’re doing to me.” ─➤ Genre : Smut. ➤ Warnings : MINORS DO NOT READ THIS, 18+ ONLY. Sexual intercourse, jealous sex, mild degradation, choking, biting, cunninlingus, penetration, spanking (once), sir kink.
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The weather of the New World was often unforgiving, unpredictable, and at times, untamable. Sometimes, Mother Nature showed she was capable of crossing the limit of Nami’s extended knowledge regarding climate (and God knows her brain was severely infused with every secrets regarding the different kinds of weather, rendering her as a living, walking encyclopedia.) But alas, sometimes the rage of Mother Nature would be thrown upon any poor ship unready to face her wrath in the forms of undying tornados and waves that could reach the sky.
Hence why, every morning, Nami’s prediction on today’s weather was awaited by all, very much like a prophecy which was often set to come true— and if said prophecy announced any kind of weather gravitating around the lexical field of a natural catastrophe, one wouldn’t be surprised to perceive Usopp down on his knees in a praying position, diverse and unintelligible wishes to survive Mother Nature’s anger.
Much to the crew’s collective joy, the navigator had announced the most ideal weather— sunshine, a slight breeze and no cloud in sight, what appeared to be a regular weather in heaven. And, why of course, such a hot weather meant that both Nami and the local archeologist, Nico Robin, would bathe under the sun and relieve any kind of tension which had settled in after several fights (or just the exhaustion of having to deal with Luffy on a daily basis.)
And there you were, standing like a mannequin in the girls’ room in company of Nami and Robin, the latter throwing you an amused look at the way Nami was comparing which bikini would look better on you— the red one, an appeal for passion, or the black one, a statement of boldness? Her brows furrowed in unison at her poor attempt to make a decision, comparing how the colors married the shade of your skin.
« Robin, how are we feeling about the red bikini? It’s so cute, but I have a feeling something is missing… » The navigator wondered, her gaze falling on the taller woman next to her.
Robin couldn’t refrain from allowing a giggle from leaving her lips, surely it meant that she had her idea, an ill-intentioned one, that is. And, oh well, to say she had just a mere idea was an understatement : as she remained still, Robin summoned a couple of limbs to look for a green-colored bikini hidden in the drawers only to bring it to Nami’s attention. The two women shared a teasing glance, as if they communicated intentions filled with mischief through their eyes alone.
« I do believe something was missing, too. » Robin trailed off, bringing an index under her chin. « Something that might appeal to a certain swordsman. »
The evil cackle falling from Nami’s lips announced nothing good, and the sweet tone of her voice only deepened that sentiment. « You know how the saying goes : great minds think alike. »
« Hold on, what are you—… » You began, only to be cut off by the navigator, « Yeah, yeah, whatever you have to say, Y/N. We’re not fools, you know? You’re going to look like a real stunner with this bikini on, and I know that a certain someone won’t be able to resist. » She concluded her sentence with a wink sent your way, boy, sometimes you did understand why Zoro called her a witch at times.
« Join us when you’re ready, Y/N. I’m intrigued to see how this will go. » Concluded Robin, accompanying Nami towards the door to let you some privacy so you could change into the bikini, not that you have never changed in front of them and vice versa, but oh well.
You were now all alone, still haven’t moved an inch. Your thumb was brushing against the green fabric of the bikini over and over again until it had become some kind of obsession. But the more the motions continued, the more you realized that perhaps there was no other way to get out of this trap glamorously set by Robin and Nami. A sigh of despair left your lips, swearing to yourself that you’d have your payback sooner than later.
The door of the girls’ bedrooms slammed open, allowing your figure sculpted by the finest hands of the muses of beauty to be exposed to the kisses of the sun. The first sound to rip apart your thoughts was a squeal which left Nami’s mouth, the latter shaking Robin’s forearm with urgency to bring her attention onto you. « Robin, Robin! Look at her, isn’t she to die for? I’d bet all my money that Zoro is going to throw himself on her. I mean, just look at her! »
The same amused smile graced Robin’s facial traits, lowering her shades just a bit to have a good glance at how the oh so awaited green bikini embraced your body. « I must confess that it’s impossible to resist her. »
The words leaving her lips became clearer and clearer the more you approached them, a palette of rosy tones sitting proudly on top of your cheekbones at their compliments. « We saved you a seat, Miss I’m-too-sexy-for-my-own-good. Come with us! » Nami said, patting the empty spot next to her to which you wordlessly replied with a nod, sitting between her and Robin.
« You’re so evil, I kinda hate you for it. » A smile plastered upon your lips as the words died on your tongue.
« You love us and you know it. » Nami replied, letting her hand lingering on your forearm. « Ooh, would you look at that, Robin? The show is about to begin. » She concluded, taking a sip out of her cocktail with a gleam of mischief shining in her eyes.
And by show, the navigator undoubtedly meant the sudden appearance of the Sunny’s resident lover who had stormed out of the kitchen with a plate of different kinds of treats and cocktails for his ladies, spoiling them rotten on sunny days if it meant he could allow his eyes to linger a bit on your bodies in bikinis.
The first act of the show had begun in a flashy manner, as soon as Sanji closed the door leading to the kitchen behind him, the plate he was holding had fell onto the floor, a loud echo reasoning into the swordsman’s ears who was stuck in a deep state of slumber… Until now.
« I must have saved a country in my previous life to be worthy of such a privilege. » Sanji sobbed, falling onto his knees, « Y/N, you’re a goddess amongst us, we’re not worthy, I’m not worthy of your beauty. I will worship you everyday, I will cover you in love until my very last breath! » The cook continued, more and more praises falling from his lips in a continuous cascade as your cheeks were getting more and more red by the second. Alas, the more the blonde sang your praises, the more the swordsman was stirring awake— and if there was one thing Zoro hated with passion besides Sanji, it was waking up to loud noises.
Sanji had approached you, on one knee, the back of your hand pressed against his lips as the tears falling from his lips mixed with the blood leaking from his nose. « Thank you, my goddess, thank you for blessing my sore eyes. Words can’t describe how—… » And he went on and on again, his lips still traveling from the back of your hand to your forearm under Nami’s disgusted stare who yanked you away from him.
« My goddess—… »
« Oi! Do you ever shut up, stupid cook? » And despite the numerous occasions on which Zoro and Sanji have fought, Zoro’s words seemed intensely more acerbic, as sharp as the swords laying to his side, which even surprised Sanji.
« Were you talking to me, mosshead? » Sanji taunted.
« I don’t see anyone else here acting like a damn fool. » Zoro began, his sole eye conveying so much anger you could feel it. « Know your place. »
Nami elbowed Robin once more, the latter having long forgotten about the book sitting on her lap at this point. Sanji stepped towards the swordsman, dangerously reducing the space between the both of them until their foreheads were touching. There was no frown noticeable on Zoro’s face, but a blank expression which let through a pure anger. « She belongs to me, hands off what’s mine. » The swordsman spat, his shoulder hitting Sanji’s as he walked past him, leaving the cook in a stupor.
« Oi! You. » He said, pointing at your frame with his index. « Follow me. You and I are gonna’ have a word. »
He cursed himself for allowing his gaze to fall on your form, knowing damn well that with each second he spent looking at you in this green bikini (this damn color, he thought), the more he was falling under the spells casted by the muses of lust.
« Go get some! » Nami whispered, her tongue gracing her bottom lip.
« We expect all the details afterwards, my dear Y/N. » Robin giggled.
You had barely enough time to form any kind of response that you felt the foreign presence of Zoro’s digits snaking around your wrists and yanking you towards him. « Hey, I’m sure we can talk about this calmly, right? We can chat about it over a drink, I’ll ask Sanji to—… » Alas, your sentence never found its end, your mind going numb at the death glare Zoro sent your way as you mentioned Sanji’s name. But, paradoxically enough, it only fueled your arousal even more.
Zoro led you to the crow’s nest, trapping you and him both inside the same room. And as the silence grew heavier and heavier, until becoming asphyxiating, Zoro’s snicker broke the silence in the most mischievous way. A look of confusion was painted on your face, and you were quick to point at it. « W-What are you laughing at? »
« Do you think I’m fucking stupid? » Zoro half-asked.
You tilted your head to the side, slowly backing away until your back met the unforgiving surface of the wooden wall. « Answer me. » He demanded, one of his hand grabbing both of your wrists in one hold pinned above your head whilst his other hand cradled your jaw so you had no choice but devote your attention onto him.
« I don’t know what you’re talking about. » You pleaded, cheeks burning under the rosy tone as you felt his uneven breaths crashing against the column of your neck.
Wrong answer, Zoro shoved his knee between your already trembling legs. « You like the attention, hah? You love it when that pervert of a cook was throwing himself on you, is that it? Tch. » He was feeding his lust off of the scared expression on your face, blood rushing in the tightest space possible by the second.
« No answer, huh? ‘Guess I’m gonna have to teach you some manners, because it looks like you forgot who you belong to. » And with that, he dug his teeth into the skin of your neck, alternating between biting and sucking motions to form the most ravishing love bite— a symbol of belonging if you will. You squealed at the sudden sensation of his pearly whites inking his name into your skin, giving him exactly the reaction he was anticipating.
You rocked your hips against the thigh settled between your legs, a desperate attempt at getting some friction for your poor and aching core in need for attention. Zoro clicked his tongue once more at your antics, choosing to hush you by continuing the trail of hickeys adorning your martyr of a neck. « Care to explain what you’re doing? Throwing yourself on my thigh because you couldn’t get the shit cook, hah? You’re so fucking desperate, it makes me want to leave you there all alone. »
« Zoro! Please don’t, don’t leave me! I just need you, I don’t need anyone else but you! I promise I’ll be good but please, please, don’t leave me. » You pleaded, a clear veil of despair covering your eyes under his impassible expression.
The façade worn off soon, letting a smirk throne amongst his facial features instead. « Who do you belong to? » Zoro demanded, gliding the hand that was under your chin to your throat and applied just enough pressure to make sure to earn absolute submissiveness out of you.
« Y-You… » You choked out, the lack of oxygen marrying so well with your growing arousal.
His smirk only grew wider, a real testimony of the sick thoughts implanted in his brain that would make a demon blush. Both of his hand retreated to his side, gaze falling on the unmissable erection showing through his dark pants. His eyes alternated between you and the bulge in his pants, your mouth going dry at the wordless order. « If you want to be a whore, then be a good whore and suck me off, yeah? Don’t give me those eyes, you want it. »
You sunk to your knees, tongue wetting your lips in anticipation for what was bound to come. And whilst your eyes were stuck on his form, your fingers were busy tugging down at his pants to reveal his grey underwear stained with pre-cum. The sight of this alone was enough to send yet another wave of arousal down to your core. And as his cock sprung free from the constriction of his boxers, his girth slapping against his exposed abdomen and the tip rouge from anticipation, you were convinced you could’ve come undone from the sight of this alone.
« Suck. » He ordered, grabbing a fistful of your hair to force your towards his aching cock and the veil of pre-cum coating the tip.
And thus it began. You flattened your tongue, drawing a large lick from the base of his cock all the way to the tip where you finished with a few kitten licks, knowing damn well the head was where all the nerves devoted to pleasure were hidden. « Don’t tease and put your mouth to good use, whore. » Zoro said, almost betrayed by the groan threatening to be released.
Following the rules of performative language, you began to rock your head back and forth around his cock, making sure that your tongue was coating in a lustful love each inch of his girth whilst hums of pleasure were leaving your lips as you went. The hold of your hair in Zoro’s fist grew tighter and so did the metaphorical knots in his stomach as you went along, until the tip of his cock reached the back of your throat— such enticing sensation earned a growl out of him. Fuck.
« F-Fuck. Look at what you’re doing to me… Ah! Shit. Enough! » He ordered, yanking your head away from his cock, and the sight of the corners of your mouth dripping with the sweet marriage of his pre-cum and your drool could have provoked an orgasm out of him at this very moment.
« It’s too soon, and it’d be giving you what you want, huh? Too fucking bad, I’m going to cum in that sweet pussy of yours and you’re gonna love it. Ya’ hear me? » He asked without really asking, and taken by a rush of lust, you could only nod in return. « Y-Yes. » You stuttered. « You’re missing something. » Zoro added. You swallowed thickly before adding « Yes, yes, sir. » Your response caused an ill-intentioned snicker to fall from his lips. « That’s right. Now get on your back, and make sure to be as loud as you can, I want everyone on this damn ship to hear how I can make you scream. »
Zoro’s glorious height forced you to lay back until your spine touched the mattress where all the sins would soon break free. The smirk on his face never left, a pure testimony of what all the sinful deeds he was bound to accomplish. You were now trapped between his forearms, hips circled by his knees— bending under his dominance. « Did you wear that for me? » Zoro asked, slapping the string of the bikini top against your skin.
« I d-did, it’s all for you because I’m all yours. » Your response caused a chuckle to break from his lips, sweet words feeding his ego some more. And in a flash, his fingers had ripped said bikini top in half (you made a mental note that you now owed a serious debt to Nami), and there you were, (almost) in all you bare glory. « Fuck, if only you knew the things you do to me. »
Zoro wasted no time and threw all caution out of the window as his mouth latched onto your breasts, the motions of his tongue around your bud causing your spine to pay homage to the moon from how arched it was. His pink muscle flickered around your nipple before he swallowed your breast whole, his drool covering your flesh in a sinful veil. And because he was such a giver for his pretty girl, he gave the same treatment to the other breast whilst gasps left your lips over and over again at the methodical motions of his tongue, your anatomy held no secret for him.
« Are you going shy on me now? Did you forget what I said? » He trailed off, reducing the space between his lips and your ear, « I said I want you to be fucking loud. »
And with that, he left a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your stomach before tearing apart (once more) your poor martyr of a bikini bottom under your desperate attempts to keep it intact. Were you challenging him? Oh well… Zoro has always been the type to face any challenge thrown his way. « Zoro—… Sir, please! » You pleaded, not knowing really why.
« You’re such a desperate little thing, huh? » He leaned down to face your core, glistening in its lustful glory for him and him only. Zoro pressed a finger against your folds, dragging it vertically to obtain a finger pad covered in your slicks. « So fucking wet for me already? ‘Bet that shit cook can’t make you as wet as me. » He stated, confidence embedded in his every word. « Only you can make me feel this way, sir. » You replied before he crashed his lips onto yours in an uncharacteristically sweet manner to cut you off. « And why’s that? » The swordsman asked, already knowing the answer. « Because… Because I belong to you. » He pressed yet another kiss against your lips for having given the answer that had been lingering on his mind. « Good girl. »
Your reward came in the form of his tongue brushing your folds, flickering motions against your sensitive bud sending you in overdrive as continuous waves of pleasure washed over you ceaselessly, the knots in your stomach tightening each time his tongue touched you. Two of his digits poked your entrance, teasing you to let your torture last before they penetrated you. The sudden sensation caused you to let out a dragged whimper accompanied by his name coated in a sinful tone. « S-Sir please, please just fuck me— I can’t take the teasing, ahh, fuck, fuck! Please, please! » You begged, eyelids shutting close under the pleasure.
But your pleas fell in deaf ears as he kept pumping his fingers in and out of you, sucking onto your sensitive bud to build an orgasm within you that he was bound to deny. He knew you were close by the way you were holding his green hair, tugging him ever closer to your core to amplify the inferno burning within you. But alas, to your greatest displeasure, all the motions ceased in one go under the hint of mischief glowing in his eye.
« You’re gonna cum on my terms, and when I say so. Got it? » He seethed, knowing damn well that his own end was going to arrive soon. He gave his girth a few experimental pumps, allowing the pre-cum to cover his length before shoving the entirety of his cock in one go inside you, barely leaving enough time for your cunt to stretch correctly— and saying that a elongated moan left your lips was an euphemism, the sick grin plastered upon his face grew more and more as the sounds of pleasure drowned in his eardrums. « You’re so fucking tight, shit! » He breathed out, « Look at your pretty cunt swallowing me whole. »
The rhythm of his hips followed the scheme of a crescendo, each slam of his hips against your derrière drew a clearer portrait of both Zoro’s end and your own climax. The nature of the rhythm itself indicated that he was chasing after his own end, and with his head thrown back and his irises dilated under the hunger to satiate the raging fires breaking loose in his abdomen by the second. « S-Sir, it feels— Ah! It feels so good! »
The tip of his cock kissed ever so precisely the roof of your cervix where a panel of nerves designed to draw a lustful reaction out of you every time he thrusted into you. Your vision became more and more blurry until a liquid veil covered your eyes as pearls of tears gathered at the corners of your eyes. Under the pressure of each of Zoro’s thrusts, your body bent to his will and soon you had no longer control over your legs that used to be around his waist, only to be picked up by the swordsman who threw your legs over his shoulder, thus allowing him to reach a deeper part in you and the cries leaving your lips were just the proof of how good he made you feel.
More and more cries echoed against the wooden walls of the room, your sounds of pleasure marrying the groans falling from his lips in a cascade. « Ah, fuck, fuck! R-Right there, please! Shit…! » You pleaded to fuel him some more. His nails were digging into the luscious flesh of your thighs, drawing rouge crescents in his wake.
« Who do you belong to? » He groaned out, his eye admiring the lustful look on your face.
« Y-You! I belong to you, fuck, you a-and no one else! » You attempted to reply mid-moan.
But as much as Zoro knew your anatomy, you also happened to be an expert of his— and the way he planted his nails into your skin, the raw groans loosing their chains to be set free and the way his thighs were shaking… Everything announced the beginning of his own end.
« Cum with me… Now! » He ordered, letting his hand crash against your buttcheek in the process. And there it was, the marriage of two lovers under the spell of lust. The rhythm of his thrusts reached their apex, all whilst he painted your walls with the white color of passion. His own cum was mixing with your own elixir of pleasure leaking from your throbbing core as your cunt was clenching around his cock in despair. The sounds of his hips slamming against yours were long gone now, the room was solely filled with heavy breaths and his name falling from your lips over and over again like a forbidden prayer.
Although Zoro’s stamina knew no bounds, he felt like the oxygen had been knocked off of his lungs. But perhaps it was the price to pay if it meant he could observe you in all your post-orgasm glory after holding it inside you for so long. God, he was so proud of you, proud of every mark he had left onto your skin, proud of the way your skin gleamed under the sweat, proud of being your lover.
« ’S alright, ’s alright. I’m going to pull out, breathe. » Zoro demanded, the sweet tone reserved for you only finding its way back around his words. His digits snaked around his girth to pull out of you, only to witness the satisfying marriage of your cum and his own. You were so good to him.
And whilst you remained unable to move, Zoro fell to your side, his arms quick to lock you into an embrace as your head rested on his chest, his frenetics heartbeats echoing in your eardrums. You loved the peace of the aftermath of any sexual activity involving Zoro, you loved how peace seemed to bend his facial features in the most enticing way.
He was the first one to break the silence, pressing his lips against your forehead whilst he tugged you impossibly closer to him like a reminder that you were indeed here, and would always be. « So whose plan was this, hah? » He asked, earning a giggle out of you in response. « It was Nami’s, although Robin helped too. She said I would one hundred percent ‘get laid’ if I wore this. » You answered, head tilting towards the poor green bikini torn in pieces.
« That witch can go to hell. » Zoro groaned, but the raw tone of his voice was betrayed by the sweet caresses of his digits down your forearm.
« I mean, her plan did happen so I think it’s a win for her. It’s not like you regret what happened, mhm? » Alas, nothing but silence in return. « Zoro? » You called him, but an angel passed. « Zoro! » You repeated more sternly, and this time you were met with the sound of his snores— of course, typical Zoro fashion.
Well, you knew who you were going to thank now.
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 3 years
Sweet Poison - Yandere Alpha! Tamaki Amajiki x Omega! Reader
Shout out to  @homework-is-the-real-killer for the inspiration. I don’t know if you wanted something spicey... but that’s what your getting. I have a part 2 planned out for this guy to kinda explain a little more from Tamaki’s side of things of what is actually going on. Also I have no clue if y’all will like my take on him, but I see him as being someone who yea he’s a little shy but once he gets used to you he’s at least not a complete stuttering mess. 
Part 2
Warnings: NSFW, quirk play, definitely tentacle porn, unknowing drug use, dub-con if you squint?, Honestly I don’t know how to tag so If you think I need to add something please tell me. 
Word Count: Just over 2k
“What’s wrong Y/n? You are so fidgety today.”
“Oh, haha am I? Sorry I just really want class to be over so I can go see Tamaki.”
Your friends shared looks before turning back to you questions in the eyes.
“I know you guys are courting, but don’t you think you spend a lot of time with him? You don’t even sit with us at lunch anymore.”
“Oh come on guys, I literally went to the movies with you guys last night.”
“Yea but…”
They didn’t get a chance to finish their sentence, the bell chiming to let everyone know that the school day was officially over. You were flying out of your seat and down the hall before they could even call out your name. You were absolutely giddy, ready to be enveloped in the scent you had grown to love. You turned the corner, pausing for a brief second as your breath caught, watching as Tamaki and his two friends stood chatting. You couldn’t help but think about how much he looked like an angel. He was so perfect, and he was all yours.
Without a regard for the rest of the students you took off down the hall practically jumping on the alpha wrapping your arms around his neck as his instinctively wrapped around your waist pulling you against him and burying his blushing face into your neck.
“B-Bunny. You got here fast.”
“I missed you.” You took a deep inhale of his scent and could feel him doing the same. Nothing made you feel as good as being near the alpha.
You didn’t see the looks that his friends shared, Mirio clearing his throat one, twice, three times before Tamaki finally pulled away from you enough to look at the taller blonde. Shoving his hands into his pockets but still leaning on you, his face beet red once he realized the attention the two of you had garnered from the rest of the hallway.  
“Ah, I’m sorry Tamaki, I didn’t mean to make a scene…”
“Trust me, it’s fine. He won’t say it but he loves it. He hasn’t stopped talking about you all day.” Nejire jumped in making both of you blush even harder, Takami burying his face in your shoulder mumbling softy to you.
“Can we go now?”
You couldn’t help but smile, reaching up and patting his hair gently, agreeing quietly with the timid alpha before the two of you said your goodbyes to his friends.
The two of you slowly made your way over to the third years dorms, fingers intertwined, completely skipping over your own room and opting to go into his instead. Shortly after the two of you had started courting, he had been so nervous to ask you to move your nest into his room, saying he just wanted to you close to him, and how could you say no to such a sweet request? Now, just two months into courting, you practically lived together, only leaving when the teacher would come by to do their final check that everyone was in their correct rooms, just to sneak back in only an hour later.
The only reason the two of you weren’t bonded yet was because UA had a strict policy against it, insisting their students wait until they were graduated so as to keep them focused on their studies. Still… everyone knew you belonged to Tamaki.
Once the two of you were finally alone in his room, you couldn’t help yourself, immediately latching onto him, nuzzling against his cheek softly and cooing into his ear. He wasn’t any better, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling the two of you into your nest that was on his bed, pressing his lips against your scent gland kissing softly as he started to thoroughly scent you, taking his time and making sure to cover everything.
“I missed you so much. I hate that you have to be around other alpha’s all day, muddles your scent.” The stutter in his voice was gone, and even though he was speaking softly, murmuring really, he was doing it right in your ear making you wiggle against him. He had grown to be so comfortable with you that once the two of you were alone, it was clear as day he was an alpha. One that your omega was dying to submit to his every, albeit quiet, whim.
You hummed in agreement, shifting so that you were comfortably laying halfway on top of him, a soft purr leaving your lips as he rubbed his cheek against you, before he started to pepper soft kisses along your jaw moving towards your lips.
The entire room was filled to the brim with his mouth-watering scent, the scent of sea salt mixed and lavender with just the slightest hint of something warmer, darker, that you couldn’t place. Whatever it was, was absolutely heaven to you, and the timid dark haired alpha was pumping it out like he wanted to coat the entire building in it.
“Tama-“ You started to whine, your omega needing more, only for his gentle and oh so soft lips to be pressed against yours, swallowing your needy sound, his inner alpha making him a little bolder after being separated from you all day. You kissed him back, feeling yourself getting worked up just by being near him, touching him, smelling him, let alone kissing him. He slid his tongue against your lips hesitantly and you immediately parted your lips allowing him entrance which he greedily took. You practically melted against him, a soft purr leaving your chest as one of his hands slipped up into your hair lightly holding your head in place. It was at that point you noticed his tongue was getting bigger, longer, slimier, and the texture changing. You knew that if you pulled away now you would see that it had changed into a tentacle and you couldn’t help but clench your thighs slightly at that thought, a groan leaving his lips at you squeezing him between your thighs.
And then all at once he tasted so mouth wateringly sweet, so delicious, so… addicting. You could feel your mind filling up with the dizzying fog that always came with kissing your alpha, a high that you could never get enough of. It was this feeling, this feeling of flying, that made you so sure that he was the alpha for you. That made you know without a doubt that you would never want another. That you would never leave him.
You felt like your body was going numb, no longer having control of it and enjoying the high that he was giving you as he regarded you carefully through silted eyes before he slowed the kiss and pulled away, your eyes latching onto the string of saliva that connected the two of you, a soft whimper leaving your lips as you shuffled closer. You wanted more, needed more. More, more, more, more, more of him. You couldn’t control the whine that left your lips, your eyes transfixed on his own, leaning down to press soft kitten licks that he blushed at, tasting the lingering sweet spit that was left behind.
“D-do you love me bunny?”
You didn’t hesitate, pressing your lips against his own in short quick pecks, desperately trying to get him to open back up, to let you have more of that high that you so badly wanted. That only he could give to you.
“Yes. More than anything.”
His hands came up shakily to your hips, digging his fingers into the plush flesh there, just the touch making you gasp softly, his eyes transfixed onto your face with awe, soaking in every reaction, even blush, every flutter of your eyes as he kneaded your skin.
“Do you promise?” You could feel his grip guiding you, nudging you to move up and up and up until you had your knees on either side of his blushing face, his fingers cupping your ass from underneath your school skirt, shaking as they brushed at your panties which were already soaked tugging them down slowly, oh so slowly. His eyes flicking from your face to what lied before him, begging for attention, slick dripping down your thighs. He could practically taste you from here.
You nodded, not even realizing the amount of whimpers that were leaving your lungs, your fingers gripping into his hair as you looked down at him, your brain filled to the brim with every thing him. His smell, his taste, his touch. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him.
“You won’t leave me?”
You shook your head, your body trembling at this point from pure excitement. Did everyone feel this way with their alpha? Would it always be this intense? How did anyone get anything done?
“I…I n-need to hear you bunny.” You could feel it as his tongue, no, his tentacle, slid up your thigh, licking up the running slick, suctioning to the highest part, just below your sopping cunt before releasing making blood rush to the spot and forcing a high pitched mewl out of your mouth. His eyes never leaving your face, seeming more and more confident with each gasp and whine leaving your lips.
“I promise. I love you Tamaki. Please.. god.. I need you. I won’t ever leave you. No matter what. I love you. Please, please, please, please. Alpha.” Your fingers gripped his hair, you could feel tears stinging into your eyes, you felt like you would actually combust into flames if you didn’t get more of him right this second. Your skin was starting to itch, feeling like something was crawling all over you and you could feel your body breaking out into a sweat.
Somewhere in the very back of your mind, something told you this wasn’t normal. Being completely and utterly addicted, to the point of almost pain-… you weren’t due to start your heat any time soon, knowing full well that most omega’s didn’t go into heat until they were at least 20. No… this was different… this was-
Your whole body shuddered, brain turning off completely when he all at once yanked on your hips, forcing you down onto his face, his tongue sliding against your core and deep into your cunt, much farther than it was supposed to be able to, to the point that you could feel it in your stomach, suction cups sliding against your sensitive swollen clit as he pumped his tongue in and out of you, making you choke on your own screams, tears spilling over onto your cheeks at the intensity of it all.
You should have been embarrassed when he inhaled deeply, a low primal growl that you never imagined him making leaving his lips as he breathed in your scent, but you couldn’t do anything, couldn’t think of anything, other than the glorious feeling of euphoria that was filling your mind, as the high that you had been chasing finally returned to you again. The world was filled with bright colors, your mind filling with a fog that just felt so good that you never wanted it to leave. Everything was perfect. He was perfect. Your alpha. Nothing could ever change that fact. Nothing could ever make you want to leave.
When you finally came back down from your high, you had realized you must have passed out from the bliss. Tamaki had you laying on your back, a warm washcloth pressed to your forehead, his arms wrapped around you tightly as he layed against your side, his face pressed against your neck, nuzzling you softly and cooing into your ear of how much he loved you, asking if you were okay, how he would take care of you, how you never needed to worry about anything, how he loved his omega.
You couldn’t help but smile trusting all of his words and snuggled further into his grasp, a soft contented sound leaving your lips, enjoying the sounds of his pretty words being murmured to you. The soft, gentle, loving kisses that were carefully placed along your neck and face. The feeling of his arms turned tentacles tightened their grasp around your form, holding you in place against him leaving no wiggle room.
You felt completely and utterly safe in his grasp, knowing he would never let you go.
You were his sun, his moon, his everything. You were his.
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hizashis-lil-bunbun · 3 years
No Rest for the Wicked- HardDom!Dabi X Fem! Brat Reader
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Prompt: Dabi just wants to take a nap but everything goes wrong
I asked a friend in one of my discord groups for a random writing prompt when I was up late. Something about this one activated my inner ✨brat✨
Word Count: 3.3k
Kinks/Warnings: brat taming, degradation, pain play, spanking, belting, mild dacryphilia, bondage, edging and denial, hints of dubcon
Banner made by the always lovely @ladyshinigami!
That was the best way to sum up Dabi’s mood as he trudged through the bar fronting the League’s headquarters. Shigaraki had sent him out on a mission with orders to “stake out and take out” a small band of up-and-coming heroes. It had been easy enough to find them (newbies can never resist being flashy), but making sure they were all disposed of was another matter. A matter only made more complicated by a few rogue civilians that happened to spot him. It had taken him two full days to track everyone down, leaving him covered in blood, soot, and burns. In short, Dabi needed a break.
“Well, well, well.” Came the nasally voice of their fearless leader, “The prodigal son returns! Took you long enough, Dabi. Hope that means you didn’t fuck up the mission.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Dabi snaps back, too tired and sore to care about his tone. Not that he’d be any kinder to Shigaraki if he wasn’t. “I did what you asked and left no witnesses. Now piss off before I turn you into a smoldering pile.”
Shigaraki didn’t rise to Dabi’s bait, opting to simply flip him the bird before going back to whatever game console he was currently obsessed with. Dabi returns the gesture in kind, glowering as he disappears behind the bar and into the League’s living quarters. Their warehouse provides more than enough space for everyone to have their own room, and the boss even allowed them to decorate and furnish them as they pleased. Wasn’t that generous? Dabi plods down the hallway to his assigned room and kicks open the door only to find it was occupied. By you.
“Dabi?” You question for a moment before your eyes light up with excitement. “Dabi! You’re back!”
As a fellow Stain devotee, you’d sought out the LOV and been initiated as a member a mere six months ago. And two months later, you’d been initiated into Dabi’s bed. You wouldn’t exactly call yourselves “lovers.” Love was few and far between in a hornet’s nest of villains. But you’d certainly become something more than the occasional lay.
He grunts as he stalks into the room, shedding his coat and boots as he went. Dabi was never big on grand displays of affection. And in his current state, that small show of acknowledgment may as well have been equivalent to a bear hug.
“I missed you.” You chirp back, undeterred by his gruff response. “How was the mission?”
“Long and shitty.” Came his terse reply as he strips off the rest of his clothes and grabs a towel from a nearby wall hook. “I need a fucking shower.”
He wraps the towel around his waist before he sets about searching for body wash and a first aid kit. Greedy eyes roam the plane of his toned torso, eager to touch the scarred and stapled flesh you’d spent many a night mapping out. Before joining the League, you’d never had an opinion one way or the other on touch or physical intimacy. You didn’t dislike it by any means; it was just something people did, fuck buddies or otherwise. But now that you’d shared a bed with Dabi, your perspective had changed. His rough touch was your drug of choice, intoxicating in all the best ways. And with him being gone for almost 72 hours? It was safe to say you were jonesing for a hit.
“Oooh, sounds like fun.” You purr, sprawling out on the mattress in a catlike stretch. “Want me to join you? I think we could use a little… quality time together.”
He snorts derisively at that, straightening up once he’d found his supplies and fixing you with a deep scowl. So pretty even when he’s pissed. You bat your eyelashes in return.
“Don’t get cute, dollface. Once I get cleaned up I’m passing out for the next century.”
Before you can shoot off another coquettish remark, he turns on his heel and marches out the door in the direction of the communal showers. You huff and clamber out of bed to follow him, determined that he wouldn’t get away so easily.
“C’mon Dabi!” You whine, trotting along behind him as he stalks down the hallway. “I haven’t seen you in days! Are you really just gonna give me the cold shoulder?”
“Yup.” He snaps back, shooting you a harsh glare over said shoulder before barging through the bathroom door. From the other side you can hear his bark of “Move it, psycho!” followed by an indignant squeak from whom you can only assume to be Toga. You huff and stamp your foot like a petulant child, turning on your heel to flounce off in the direction of the League’s bar front.
“Bastard.” You seethe under your breath, “Who does he think he is, ignoring me like that? It’s his fault I’m so pent up. If I tried ignoring him when he was all hot and bothered–!”
You pause for a moment as a lightbulb goes off in your head. A single impish thought flashes through your mind and it causes your lips to curl into a Cheshire grin. He wants to play games? You’ll give him games.
You continue your trek into the dimly-lit, woodpandeled speakeasy, a renewed vigor in your stride as you make a beeline for the bar top. Kurogiri is standing behind it as per usual, wiping out a pint glass like the faithful bartender he pretends to be. You sidle up to the bar and place both hands on the oaken surface, adopting a sweet, too-innocent lilt to your voice.
“Kuro-baby.” You purr, the cutesy pet name causing the misty specter to look up from his task. “Can I have a glass of water, please? With lots of ice, if you don’t mind.”
Wordlessly, Kurogiri sets down the glass and picks up a shorter one, using it to scoop up a generous portion of ice from the freezer below before filling it nearly to the brim from the tap. If he has any suspicion of you, he’s very good at hiding it. The same can’t be said for Shigaraki, sitting a few stools down from you and still tapping away at the buttons of his console.
“Fucking with Staples again?” He questions disinterestedly, followed by a hiss of annoyance when the game lets out a series of gunshots. He must have gotten himself killed again.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You shoot back airily, swiping the glass from Kurogiri’s outstretched hand and hopping off your own barstool.
“It’s your funeral!” He calls after you, waving you off with one hand. You snicker as you march back into the living quarters, one hand wrapped around the chilled glass and the other flattened over the top to ensure you won’t spill a drop along the way. Soon you find yourself back in front of the bathroom door and, suppressing the urge to giggle, you slowly push through it and into the steamy room beyond. In spite of the hideout’s outward appearance, the place is surprisingly clean and well-kempt (all thanks to den mother Kurogiri). Two sinks stand against the left-hand side of the wall, with two doors opposite them leading to the toilets. Next to the sinks are the showers: three open-faced, tile cubes barely covered by flimsy plastic curtains. Toga is standing in front of the nearest sink, wearing a skimpy pair of Hello Kitty pajamas and washing the blood and goop from her latest transformation out of her navy, pleated skirt. She looks up at you when you enter and you quickly put one finger to your lips, smirking as you point between the glass and the running shower beyond. Toga lets loose a sadistic giggle of her own before hastily shushing herself when you hear Dabi’s bark of “Pipe down out there!”
As you move past her, you can see her mouth the words, “You’re so dead, big sis.”
You can feel a jolt of adrenaline course through your veins as you sneak up to the edge of the tiled wall separating the shower from the rest of the bathroom, the glass in your hand shaking briefly. A small amount of water sloshes over the rim and spatters onto the floor, the sound barely overshadowed by the shower.
His low, rumbling voice coming from the other side of the curtain sends another shiver down your spine.
“What are you up to out there?” He growls dangerously, as if he has a sixth sense when it comes to you and your shenanigans. For just a moment, the rational part of your brain takes over and makes you question your actions. Dabi’s already in a foul mood, and getting worse by the second by the sound of it. Maybe if you hold off and behave like a good girl–
Your body seems to move of its own accord. The next thing you know, the contents of the glass are sailing through the air, arching high over the plastic curtain rod and landing with a messy splat onto your unwitting victim on the other side.
“What the fu–!” Dabi’s curse is cut off by yours and Toga’s mad giggling as you sprint out of the bathroom and down the hallway. Passing by a very confused-looking Spinner, you dart inside Dabi’s room and slam the door, locking it for good measure. Seconds later, he’s pounding on it, using enough force that you’re convinced it might splinter and break off its hinges.
“Open this door right now and make this easier on yourself!” He roars, furiously jiggling the handle.
You let him pound away for a few more seconds, in part to allow yourself time to catch your breath but mostly to delay the unenviable punishment. With a deep, steadying breath, you plaster on a mildly amused expression, undo the lock, and pull open the door. Dabi is visibly seething, water dripping from his hair and cascading in rivulets down his toned chest onto the towel slung low on his hips. His brows are knitted together in rage, turquoise eyes flashing dangerously while one hand is still raised in a fist.
“Oh hey, babe. Done with the shower al–?”
His hands are around your throat before you can blink, your sassy remark devolving into a high-pitched squeak.
“You little bitch.” He spits at you, forcibly backing you further into the room as he advances. “Was that your idea of a joke?”
“N-no.” You gasp in response, voice slightly raspy from the pressure on your jugular. “I just thought–“
“Thought what exactly?” Dabi growls, kicking the door shut behind him with one foot before giving your shoulders a hard shove and pushing you onto the bed. You land with a slight bounce, the momentum giving you just enough time to prop yourself up on your elbows.
“Well?” He hisses, venom dripping from the word as he glares down at you.
“I was worried.” You start slowly, tone almost loving as you gaze up at him with big, doe eyes. “You seemed so tense when you got back. And don’t think I didn’t notice those new burns on your arms. So I thought, since the mission was so hard on you…”
Your face suddenly splits into a shit-eating grin.
“I thought you might need to cool down for a minute.”
Dabi blinks for a second, seemingly struck dumb by your remark. And then his hands are back on you in an instant, roughly flipping you over to lie chest-down with your legs hanging off the edge of the bed.
“Of all the stupid–“
Your shirt is ripped over your head from behind.
There goes the bra, clasps and straps lost to a wildfire of blue flames as it falls away from your body in a charred heap.
“Bratty little schemes.”
Your leggings and panties are harshly yanked down, slipped off, and discarded into some unknown corner of the room. You feel cool air hit your legs and backside, moments before a harsh slap lands on your right cheek. With a yelp, you cast a wide-eyed glance over your shoulder at the menacing presence behind you; a pillar of rage and sadistic urges looming over your naked form.
“You wanted my attention that badly, dollface? Well I’m sorry to say you’ve got it now.”
Before you can react beyond a pained, needy whimper, Dabi hooks his right arm under your thighs to haul you up and onto the bed. He lays his full weight across your back and reaches around and underneath the farthest edge of the bed to produce a simple, black cuff, attached to the nylon spreader running along the underside of the mattress. Giving it a few cursory tugs, he grabs ahold of your right wrist and yanks it towards the corresponding corner, attaching the device with practiced speed and precision. You continue to writhe and pant below him, muttering a litany of curses and “no’s” as he does the same to the opposite side. You’re now bound by both wrists, unable to do more than thrash wildly on the mattress in a humiliating, spread eagle position.
“Seems like you need a reminder of who’s in charge around here.” He snarls in your ear, pushing himself off of you and marching over to his discarded pile of clothing. You can hear the soft rustle of fabric, followed by the telltale clink of metal on metal that makes your eyes go wide.
“Y-you wouldn’t dare…” You start breathlessly, just before the first blinding sting of leather greets your exposed skin, right at the juncture where the soft swell of your ass meets the tender flesh of your thighs.
“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart.” Dabi says mockingly, his tone dripping with false pity and saccharine sweetness as he takes his place at the edge of the bed once more. “I don’t have any problems dealing with a mouthy… little… brat like you.”
His words are punctuated by three more vicious blows, this time striking the meatiest part of your ass and sending the pliant flesh jiggling. The metal rivets in his belt only add to the pain, biting into your rapidly heating flesh and causing tears to prick at the corners of your eyes. Shifting your hips in a futile attempt to get away from Dabi and his newfound torture device, you roll partly onto your side and look over at him with watery, pleading eyes.
���S-sir… Dabi, please!” You sputter out, voice already wavering as your resolve crumbles beneath the stinging sensation. But Dabi’s not in the mood for bargaining. Instead, he growls as he wraps an arm around your waist and shoves his left knee underneath your belly, hiking your ass further into the air.
“Hold still!” He barks at you, another crack of his belt sending a fresh wave of searing pain along your already raw skin. You scream in agony, unable to do more than wriggle and squirm against his hold.
“Start counting, brat.” He demands huskily, your only warning before the next punishing spank meets your burning flesh.
“One!” You gasp out, “I’m sorry! Please–!”
Another blow lands, somehow harder than all the others, revisiting the spot where ass and thigh meet and causing you to wail in pain.
“Too late for apologies, dollface. The only thing I wanna hear from that slutty little mouth is counting. Understand me?”
The arm looped around your waist tightens in warning, and you hiccup before sputtering out a shaky, “T-two.”
“That’s more like it.”
He continues spanking you at a steady pace, the only respite coming when he pauses to hear you choke out the next number. By ten strokes, you’re bawling. By fifteen, you’re practically brain dead, unable to quell the sobs that wrack through your body or think beyond the next count. He mercifully stops at twenty, dropping the belt and loosening his own grip on you. All you can focus on is the burning pain radiating out from your tanned backside, sobbing as you bury your face into the pillow below you for comfort. Dabi’s own breathing is heavy and ragged, and he takes a few deep, measured breaths to steady himself. After a few moments, that hand that once held his belt is carefully laid on the curve of your ass, and you gasp both at the gentle touch and the shock of prickly pain it brings. Judging by the way he strokes the heated flesh, you’re sure the silver eyelets have left a series of bruises behind.
“S-s-sir.” You blubber, “I’m... I…”
“Shhhh, quiet down.” He says softly, voice uncharacteristically tender as he runs his hand along the width of your heated cheeks. “It’s over now. You did so well.”
The unexpected praise makes you whimper beneath his affections, devolving into a quiet moan as his hand travels even lower, fingers coming to rest at the entrance to your heated core. He begins to gently massage at your folds, middle finger slipping inside to find you impossibly wet and clenching around the digit.
“You filthy little thing…” He breathes out on a chuckle, “Are you really that turned on by me beating the hell out of your cute little ass?”
His finger delves deeper, pussy eagerly sucking him in as you keen below him. His free hand begins to lightly scratch up and down your back, goosebumps rising in the wake of each careful caress. Without thinking, you shift further onto your knees, fighting through the pain to push against his hand.
“Please, Sir.” You moan wantonly, “More. Please.”
With another dark chuckle, Dabi slips a second finger inside of you and begins to languidly pump them in and out. Pain and pleasure meld together in a sinful symphony, pants and whimpers coming from you as you rock your abused body against his own scarred flesh. He adjusts the angle and crooks his fingers downwards, curling them just shy of that sensitive bundle of nerves you know would have you seeing stars. Your back arches as you hungrily push against him, dignity forgotten in the face of pure, carnal desire.
“Getting impatient, are we?” He growls teasingly, fingers suddenly slipping out from your sopping core and wrenching a high-pitched whine from the back of your throat. He moves off the bed entirely, ordering you to stay put as he walks over to the nearby dresser and opens up the top drawer. Like the cuffs would allow you to do anything otherwise.
“Ah, here we go.” He says after a few seconds of rummaging, striding back over to the bed and taking up residence behind you. You feel the mattress dip under his weight seconds before his hands find your hips, roughly hauling them upwards and forcing your face further into the pillows. You shriek as he grabs ahold of your left cheek and squeezes harshly, pain shooting up your spine like a bolt of summer lightning. Something hard and cool prods at your quivering entrance, briefly brushing against your clit before being plunged inside of you. The sudden stretch feels at once too much and deeply satiating, sending burning, pleasurable heat licking across your oversensitized nerves. Once the toy is sunk to the hilt, Dabi gives a short grunt of satisfaction before sliding off the bed and circling around to lean over your quivering form. You turn your head to face him and he smirks at the sight of your fucked out expression: eyes red and puffy, cheeks streaked with half-dried tears, lips swollen from the bluntness of your own teeth.
“Aren’t you a sight?” He hums lowly, brushing away an errant strand of hair to plant a condescending kiss to your temple. “Such a needy little slut for me.”
With another dark chuckle, Dabi pats your cheek, straightens up, and turns towards the door.
“Wait!” You squeak out, squirming against your restraints as you watch his retreating back. “You’re just gonna leave me like this?”
“That’s the plan, dollface.” He shoots back, casting you a wicked grin over his left shoulder as he pulls the door open. “At least until I finish my shower.”
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
au where c!dream is an enderman hybrid and that was the way how he became friends with ew!ranboo
yo!! this is such a fun concept, and i love c!endersmile with all my heart haha. have this fun ficlet (and sorry for the late ask) !
tws: none? i think. woah !!! :O
“Hey, Boo.”
Ranboo turns, chirping happily at the sight of the masked man behind him. Dream smiles softly, brushing his mask out of the way to expose his face as he settles to sit besides him.
He doesn’t look that good, if Ranboo is being honest. His face is pale, the undersides of his eyes mark with dark, bruise-like shadows. His smile twitches a bit at the corners, shoulders pulled up and tense. Ranboo watches him as he turns to look at the side, ears flicking absently as he continues to stare intently at Dream.
“What are you looking at?” Dream says, finally noticing his scrutiny, narrowing his eyes playfully with a small laugh.
“Have you slept at all?”
Dream’s smile falters, slightly, and Ranboo glares at him half-heartedly as he raises his hands in mock-offense.
“Woah! Give a guy a break, will you? I didn’t know I was going to be interrogated,” Dream looks away, the heavy sigh that falls from his lips immediately after betraying his lighthearted tone. Ranboo chirps again, indignantly, when Dream doesn’t offer an answer, and Dream huffs.
“No, I didn’t,” and there it is, Ranboo thinks tiredly as he hisses quietly in reprimand. Dream balks, clicking quietly in indignation as his ears raise, “Don’t give me that! It’s fine, really, I’ll sleep later. You worry too much.”
“And you’re an idiot” Ranboo snips back, thoroughly enjoying the way Dream makes a series of clicking noises instinctually, spluttering in his seat, and rather childishly decides to stick his tongue out at the other. Dream rolls his eyes.
“So mature,” he huffs, and Ranboo does it again for good measure.
“Ender’s lights, what am I going to do with you?” Dream smiles, reaching over to ruffle his hair while Ranboo makes a big show of unhinging his jaw and baring his teeth in rebellion. Dream finger combs through it, shaking his head as he does so. “This is getting long, you know.”
Ranboo shrugs. “I think I was planning on getting it cut soon.”
“Mm,” Dream sifts through the strands gently, and Ranboo purrs quietly at the feeling. “Whatever you want. I like it.”
He keeps combing through the locks carefully, and Ranboo relaxes at the feeling of the fingers easing through his hair, the calloused fingertips pressing lightly against his scalp and drawing soft chirps and purrs from his lungs. He vaguely feels it as the hands go from combing aimlessly to doing- something, bringing strands of hair together and pulling them taut, twisting together into something that feels complicated even as Ranboo’s head tips to his chest, brain going pleasantly foggy as he drifts asleep.
“Boo?” Dream’s voice cuts through the mist, turning into chirps and clicks of his own when he doesn’t immediately respond. “Did you fall asleep?”
“No,” Ranboo protests, his words losing significant weight when a yawn cuts him off. “M’awake.”
“Are you tired? Have you been sleeping enough?” Dream frowns, looking at him closer. “You better not be skipping out on sleep to hang out with me when your asleep side doesn’t know, Boo.”
Ranboo swats at him with his tail, getting a sharp yelp in return. “Hypocrite. How many hours have you slept in the last week, again?”
“That’s different!”
“Yeah, and I’m the Ender Dragon.”
Dream huffs, making a small chirruping noise as his tail moves from side to side. “You’re such a brat.”
“And you’re old.”
Dream whacks him lightly on the head, and Ranboo - unable to hold it back anymore - begins to laugh, starting with soft giggles that devolve into gasping, full-blown laughter when Dream’s composure similarly begins to crumble. They’re both a little sleep deprived, so it’s probably at least half out of delirium, but it’s nice to see Dream so relaxed, for once, so he doesn’t say anything further. After a while, when they’ve both calmed down, Ranboo settles back onto the palms of his hands, tail swishing gently behind him as he looks into the sky.
“It’s a clear night today,” he says after a moment, slightly awed despite how many times he’s looked into the same sky before. He reaches a hand up towards it, fur a stark white against the blue-black night. Deep inside his chest, something stirs in longing. “It’s a little like-”
“Home,” Dream chirps next to him, quiet enough that Ranboo only barely hears it. He smiles softly as he looks over before switching to Common, “The End.”
Ranboo hums in agreement. His mind swirls with half-formed memories, the gaps filled by Dream’s descriptions and his own imagination- a sky even darker and more vast than the one above them, spindly purple trees stretching up over islands of pale, porous rock, obsidian towers too high to see the tops of, bearing magical crystals as protection for the Dragon’s nest. He loves the Overworld, loves the home he has made here, loves the people - but some part of him, a shard lodged deep in his chest that burns cold at the sight of the sparkling sky above him, never quite stops pulling him home.
“Why is the End blocked off?”
He winces as soon as the question leaves his mouth; it’s something he’s wondered for a long time, but nothing he ever asked. From what he’s heard about the End’s Guardian, from Phil and Techno, and how unexplored the strongholds have been that he’s found, he’s got the impression that Dream is a little touchy about his heritage, or at least the place he came from. To his surprise, Dream doesn’t have any obvious outward reaction to the question, simply humming in that insufferable, noncommittal sort of way he does sometimes that makes it impossible to really know what he’s thinking about.
“I was worried, at first,” he starts, seeming to weigh each word before he speaks, “that it would be too dangerous. And then things here got messy, and I became worried for home, instead.” Ranboo nods after Dream goes quiet, sensing that the older won’t give any further explanation. He leans back again, looking up at the sky, when Dream suddenly speaks once more.
“I’ll bring you, one day, voidchild,” Ranboo startles a bit at the term of endearment, fur standing up in embarrassment. Dream laughs softly, the sound settling deeper into a purr. “After all of this, when it’s safer for everyone again. I can show you around.”
Ranboo smiles, a purr of his own rumbling deep inside his chest. “I think I’d like that.”
Months later, Ranboo stands at the water’s edge, the skin around his eyes burning as he stubbornly refuses to let the tears within them fall. The area around the prison is as quiet and haunted as ever, the obsidian walls serving as a silent witness to his anger in the middle of the night.
“Liar,” he hisses, a traitorous tear slipping past and burning a trail down his face. Just as every time before, nothing shifts, no one comes; there is only the cold night air and Pandora’s Vault, here, to watch his grief. “You said you would bring me home.”
The wind whips at his face, blowing the water away and easing the sting. His voice cracks against his will as he looks down and away. “Who’s going to show me around now?”
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undisputed-bucky · 3 years
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Dean Drabble!
Summary: Dean almost loses you on a mission and lets you know exactly how that makes him feel.
WARNINGS: SMUT SMUT SMUT, oral(m receiving), p in v, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it my lovelies), GUN KINK(reader has a gun pointed to her head most of this fic) . IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH GUNS OR ANY TYPE OF GUN PLAY DO NOT PROCEED.
Word Count: 1.6k ish
A/N: I have to thank @bucky-daddy for the ideas and inspiration for this! It was supposed to be just a little Drabble but it turned into a full one shot!! Again thank you @bucky-daddy for letting me scream about ideas while I wrote this! I hope you guys like it! I always appreciate likes, re blogs and comments! My requests are open as well!! Send me an ask or message and I’ll be happy to discuss ideas! Also I wrote this on my phone so I can’t add a page break so PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE WARNING I'VE PUT IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THIS PIECE. ILL SAY IT AGAIN⚠️VIOLENT AND EXTREME THEMES ALONG WITH SMUT⚠️
The hunt wasn’t supposed to go wrong. You weren’t supposed to get captured. Almost every part of the plan you and Dean had gone over went wrong. So so wrong. The nest wasn’t supposed to know you were coming for them. You weren’t supposed to leave Dean’s side.
And now because of that you were tied to a chair, with a teenage werewolf desperately trying to finish the knot on your right leg. Shit shit shit, you thought. The last time you had seen Dean he was fighting off one werewolf. As you looked around the room you noticed at least five just in this room. You prayed he was safe. You knew Dean could hold his own but the amount of werewolves that could be here? That sets you on edge.
Just as the thought presents itself in your mind, you hear a crash and multiple gunshots. The werewolves all looked towards the door, the familiar growl of the Winchester brother echoing through the walls. You smirked.
“Come at me motherfuckers!” He yells as he kicks through the door. Dean raises his gun and takes out two within five seconds. You growl as you kick out with your right leg, the knot having never been finished.
“Dean!” You shout as you nod your head towards the wolf that had tied you up. He shoots with extreme precision and the silver bullet meets its target, the werewolves brain.
Dean promptly takes care of the two other werewolves in the room.
You breathe a sigh of relief as you watch Dean pant, his shoulders heaving with every breath. “Man, I really got scared there! Thanks for the help Dean, you’re a great hunter” You say, wiggling against the ropes in the chair. “Why don’t you uhh help me with these ropes, Deano?”
“What did I tell you, Y/N?” You hear Dean growl as he turns around. As you look up into his eyes, the darkness there makes your skin prickle. And not exactly in a bad way.
“You told me not to leave your side, I know Dean but I thought I had it! I didn’t kn-“
“SHUT UP” You're cut off by Dean’s yelling. You suddenly look up to see him storming towards you. His hulking figure soon looms over yours, the rage practically radiating off of him.
“You left my side after I specifically told you not too. You directly disobeyed my orders!” He starts, voice so low it was almost a growl. “You put yourself in Danger!” He yells, his hand raises and he presses the barrel of his gun into your temple. “I ALMOST LOST YOU, Y/N! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
You splutter as you look into his eyes, the emotions there a mystery to you. What wasn't a mystery was the pool of moisture collecting in your panties. You'd always been quite attracted to Dean but this ragey, scary Dean? He made you weak!
Dean's gun drifts down slightly as his expression softens slightly, “What would I do without you, Y/N?” He says, anger still virulent in his eyes.
You decide to come back to that question later, suddenly wanting to press the rage inside him more. You smirk and stick your tongue out, swirling your tongue around the silver barrel. You watch Deans pupils dilate as you draw the barrel into your mouth, sucking gently.
“You think this is a game, Y/N?” Dean growls, his mouth twisting into a sneer. He chuckles, a dark dry sound as his hand moves to his belt buckle. He dexterously undoes the buckle and moves on his jeans. “Guess what? You lost” He suddenly removes the gun from your mouth, placing it back on your temple. “You disobeyed me and for that you’re gonna be punished” He speaks as he pulls his briefs down, revealing his hard cock.
Your mouth falls open, eyes widening as you imagine wrapping your mouth around it. The wet patch in your panties grows as you look at the massive member. You always suspected he was big but this? Unprecedented.
“Brat sees something she likes huh?” He chuckles as he moves closer, his cock right in front of your face. He presses the gun harder against your temple, his other hand slapping his cock against your face. You gasp and he takes the opportunity to thrust roughly into your mouth.
You moan around his impressive length and he groans. “Such a fucking brat, not so mouthy with your trap stuffed full of cock huh?” He growls, his hips pistoning against your lips. You choke and gag as his tip smacks the back of your throat forcefully with each thrust of his hips. You Do your best to breathe through your nose as you take every inch of his cock.
“Fuck, Y/N. Sucking me so good. Knew that mouth was good for something other than being a smart ass” He growls, hips stuttering slightly. Drool and spittle falls down your chin as tears spring to your eyes. Every thrust to your throat had you walls clenching around nothing, cunt desperate for the cock currently in your mouth.
Dean's groans become more desperate and he stops, roughly pulling from your mouth with a wet plop. “No no no. M’saving my cum for your cunt. Wanted this for too long not to fill you” He says.
“Please Dean! Untie me so I can show you how much I’ve wanted it to!” You beg, wiggling against the restraints.
He chuckles as he bends down to untie your leg, smirking. You look back at your hands, expecting him to move to them next. When he doesn’t you look at him, “Dean, m-my hands babe” you say, laughing nervously. He suddenly moves behind you, roughly kicking the Chair out from beneath you. It plants you on the floor with your hands laid out above you. “D-Dean please!”
Dean just laughs as he starts to pull your pants down, groaning appreciatively. Your legs spread for him, exposing your drenched cunt. He raises his gun, dragging the tip of the barrel through your drenched folds. You gasp and arch against the touch. He pulls the gun away and chuckles, slowly lifting it to your mouth in a silent order to suck. You open your mouth to taste your own juices around the gun. You moan at the taste as Dean suddenly presses himself against your entrance.
“What a dirty little whore you are! Just begging to be fucked at gunpoint aren’t you? So wet for me and my gun huh?” He asks, dragging the tip of his cock through your folds as he places the gun back to your temple.
“Yes Sir! Please! Fuck me at gunpoint and take what you want!” You shout, hips bucking to gain more friction. You watch as his lips turn up in a smirk. He uses his other hand to roughly hold your hips down, keeping you still as he slowly sheathes himself inside you.
“Fuck!” You cry out at his length filling you. He’s so huge you can swear you feel him in your belly, stretching you out. Your voice refuses to work when he slowly drags himself out, only to slam back against that spongy spot inside of you.
As his pace increases, he growls out, “Fuck Y/N so tight! Made to take my cock weren’t you?”
“Yes! Oh god yes!” You cry, the coil inside you beginning to wind and wind with every thrust to that spot he found so quickly.
Dean presses the gun into your skin, a bruising pressure as he growls, “Yes what?”
“Yes sir!” You scream, your walls beginning to flutter and squeeze around his cock. “Oh fuck!”
He groans as his pace falters, moving a hand to your clit. He rubs fast, tight circles as he leans down to your ear, “Gonna cum on my cock? Gonna soak me with my gun pointed to your head?” He whispers.
“Yes sir! Please let me cum!” You beg, legs beginning to shake. The coil was ready to burst but you wouldn’t dare cum without his permission.
“Cum! Cum for me like the desperate slut you are” He growls as he cock swells. Your vision goes white as the coil snaps, walls clamping down around Dean. Your mouth falls open in a wordless scream as he finishes, the feeling of his spend bursting against your cervix extending your orgasm farther. Your hips buck and shake as he thrusts out both of your highs.
Dean pants as he slowly pulls his softening cock from your leaking hole. He grunts as he watches your mixed juices leak onto the floor, walls still spasming from the earth shattering climax you just experienced. He throws his gun to the side and tenderly unties your hands, bringing them to his mouth to kiss the tender flesh there. He wraps your arms around his neck as he pulls you against him.
“I really don’t know what I would do without you, Y/N. You’re so important to me. Not only me but Sammy.” He leans down and leaves a tender kiss against your lips. You can visibly see the love and adoration in his eyes as he speaks, “I-I love you, Y/N. I’ve known for so long but couldn’t admit it till now. I-just the thought of losing you- I couldn’t bear it. Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?” His eyes full with concern as he start to look over the rest of your body.
“No y-you didnt. That was- that was amazing” You breath, tears welling in your eyes at his admission. “I love you too Dean. I think I have for a while now” You smile and kiss him again.
Dean's eyes suddenly darken again as he take your face in his hands, making sure your looking directly at him. “If you ever disobey me like that again I swear Y/N, you won’t walk for a week. And you won’t go on a hunt for a month”
He growls before crashing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
“Yes sir” You gasp out, enjoying the grin that comes to his face.
Tags: @writtingrose
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