#as long as your comfortable in your own skin. thats all that truly matters.
persy-r-bozo · 4 months
Here's your secret reminder
Just your silly secret reminder.
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Fucking 🌈✨️SLAY✨️🌈
People laugh at your "weird" style?
They can STAY MAD!
Your told you'd be pretty or handsome in more revealing clothes?
FUCK EM, stay comfy!
Your told your clothes are "too Sexy"
Sounds like a them problem!
I have been wareing multi colored clothes, earrings and chokers because I wanted to.
And I've never been happier.
And I wish this happiness to everyone.
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illyabata · 8 months
scars are A Thing™ with wriothesley and nobody can convince me otherwise, idc if there is zero mention of his scars or their meaning when he comes out idc it’s my permanent headcanon that scars and their stories are simply entangled with his character idc
so now i give you: wriothesley who is fascinated by your scars
tw: discussion of scars lol, but in no way do i indicate their origin unless it’s stretch marks. however if talk of scars at all is triggering to you, dont read!! it’s sweet fluffy stuff, but that doesn’t matter if it will trigger you. please take care :)
sfw, big brainrot under cut
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theyre so much smaller than his, more delicate, just like you. doesnt matter if compared to other people you are big or tall, he’s such a big guy that he makes you feel small no matter your size or height. and no matter what your scars look like to you, to him they are beautiful. to him they are delicate.
he’s enamored by all of your scars no matter their origin—stretch marks, however, seem to intrigue him the most of all. he’s absolutely transfixed by them, and you can never understand why. he’s simply mesmerized by the way the blemished skin stretches as he thumbs and presses it, watching the discoloration flatten itself only to bloat back when he leaves it alone. for some reason he just seems so puzzled by the concept of natural scarring of the body; nothing had happened to harm you for these to appear—they’re simply the product of change, your skin either going through rapid periods of expanding or shrinking. he thinks they’re pretty.
he’d spend so long just running his rough fingers over your skin, absorbed in the feeling of the puckered tissue under his own blemished hands. whether the scars are stretch marks or from something else, he loves them, he loves you.
this might sound weird but i just like to imagine you both spend time gently tracing each others’ scars as comfort, like it sounds weird in words but it makes sense i promise. there is something intimate and fascinating about scars, no matter what they’re from; it’s truly like the language of your body’s history, a record of what has occurred. you can resent them or be proud of them, it really depends on the person and situation—but regardless, scars are always a record, and that is a constant no matter the person.
and if you’re not comfortable with that level of touch or that much attention on your scars, that is absolutely okay. he’s not going to make you uncomfortable, he’ll always ask if it’s okay before he looks at or touches them—or touches you at all, really. he never wants to hurt you. and if you say you’d rather he not touch your scars, he’ll understand and just show you he loves you—all of you—in some other way.
like idk about anyone else or if its just me and im fucking insane but sometimes i get lost looking at my own scars; sometimes the human body at work is just kind of fascinating to watch, and even more so in retrospect. it’s like holy fuck you’re looking at its handiwork, you can plainly see how the skin has been so masterfully rebuilt into this little woven bandaid of cells, carefully crafted to not only rebuild but protect. your body has looked after itself, and it will continue to do so. and thats just kind of a fascinating thing to me idk😭
some extra thoughts about scars, not really to do with wrio; red brackets will indicate the end of it if you want to skip: [[ it usually replaces any feeling of disgust i have because instead of focusing on the bad feeling of remembering where they came from or being sad at the way they look im able to think about how cool it is the way my body recovered and made my skin even stronger; it didnt just wipe it all away and give me a clean slate so i could forget, it pieced the cells together again bit by bit until it had not only replaced the wound but enforced it—so instead of forgetting the bad feelings, they were replaced by wonder. sort of like a sign that says “proof that where once there was pain, now there is strength”. it’s kind of like how they say you don’t just try to quit bad habits, you must replace the bad habit with a good one. you can replace the bad feelings associated with your scars with new feelings, whether they are good feelings or neutral feelings or meh feelings. ]]
before you, he understood scars to be an ugly thing—a source of shame, a show for others to marvel at if he left them uncovered, for them to ogle at and whisper about as if trying to guess the origin of the wounds was a sort of entertainment to them. and then in the fortress of meropide, his scars felt much less like a source of shame and more like an intimidation factor (which wasn’t something he necessarily felt good about, but it was something that he benefitted from as the duke). but when you came along and he began to know you, suddenly they were this beautiful, fascinating phenomenon that lead him to view his own scars in a different light.
he’s a powerful, strong man, yes. he’s intimidating and feared, but he is also loved, and all for good reason—he is solid and safe, an image of reliability to others. and sometimes it could weigh him down when he couldn’t seem to let another help carry the burden.
the way you made him feel, though, tracing his big ugly scars like they were rivers, like they weren’t repulsive—it changed him entirely, and it changed the way he saw himself. in the overworld, he was a criminal brute slathered in the proof of his savageness. in the fortress, he was the rock-solid standard for redemption, and he had to uphold his firm reputation. but with you, he was able to be fragile; with you, the walls he had built to protect himself from both sides of fontaine’s society came tumbling down, because he didn’t have to pretend when he was with you.
if such a small, sweet thing like you could see him in such a kind light with so much love in those eyes of yours, perhaps he was not so bad after all.
everyone else in all of teyvat could believe he was truly a bad guy like he sometimes enjoyed playing at—but it wouldn’t matter, because there you were in his bed every night, held fast in his big arms as you mindlessly traced the long, thin writings engraved in his skin, letting the stories they told lull you to sleep.
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reidsnose · 3 years
Black Eye
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overview: reader and spencer go to reader's highschool reunion as a fake couple
genre: fluff i think
warnings: mild violence and swearing, a guy being kind of a total creep, and mentions of bullying
a/n: idk if its any good again just love the idea but it was inspired by a dream i had last night (thank you temporal lobe) so yeah let me know what yall think !! :) also im posting this at like ass oclock in the morning so whoops
you and spencer had gotten yourselves in quite the situation.
your dreaded highschool reunion was just around the corner and you made the mistake of complaining about it to penelope. she was always trying to make everyones life easier (and more interesting) so when she heard you had no date she took it upon herself to find you one.
it didn't take a lot of looking, none at all actually; because Penelope had already been trying to figure out ways to get you and Reid together.
you two were undeniably perfect for each other. you were an amazing team at work, you hung out alone all the time (though both of you denied these hang out as being dates, Garcia had her own ideas on this), and you were both very obliviously head over heels for each other.
and somehow, through the magical ways of Penelope Garcia, you and Spencer were now sitting in the parking lot, fake married for your high school reunion.
"do we need to go over our back story again?" you worried, looking up at him.
"our backstory is basically all true anyway we just fall in love after a little bit. and i have an eidetic memory so i remember; you're my wife you should know this!" he joked, trying to relax you. "we got this! we're gonna be so married!"
Spencer had actually never been this nervous in his life but he was trying to be brave for you. it would be more embarrassing for you both to show up like nervous wrecks than if you had just come alone. he was just happy to get to be fake married to you.
"the marriedest!" smiled, fist bumping him.
"now lets go make some people jealous!" he chuckled getting out of the car and jogging over to your side, opening your door before you got the chance to; like a true gentleman.
you stuck out your hand which he happily took into his, neither of you commenting on the redness you both had sprinkled across your cheeks. as you walked in, you saw all the people you dreaded seeing.
the boys who tormented you were balding and the girls who made sure you felt awful everyday had wrinkles riddling there skin. you were surrounded by botched botox and bleached blonde to cover graying hair. you felt terrible to admit it, but you were a little happy to see that their beauty had faded like this; they made their looks their whole personality in high school, you couldn't help but wonder what was left for them to be. not that it mattered, but you and Spencer were undeniably the most attractive couple there.
you actually had an ok time, you had spotted a few of your friends that you hadn't seen in quite a few years and it was nice to catch up.
Spencer had wondered a bit, but not too far, he was talking to some guys who used to be in science club when you were younger. you smiled at the thought of what they might be talking about.
"y/n! hey youve really filled out!" you heard a gruff voice from behind you.
you turned around and were met with the very unappealing face of the ex quarterback. Spencers attention had been caught at the sound of your name.
"um..hello," you muttered, trying to covertly back away from him.
"i see youve got a ring, interesting i dont remember us getting married!" he said in an incredibly creepy tone.
"do you know im a federal agent now?" you said through a gritted smile.
spencer had already begun walking towards you, he could tell something was off.
"ill tell you what sweetheart," he put his hand on your shoulder, pulling you slightly closer to him, "you can put me in handcuffs any day."
you threw his hand off of you and drew back your fist, but were cut off before you could deliver the punch but his hand engulfing your own, and squeezing.
"THATS MY WIFE!" spencer yelled in a voice you had never heard from him before.in the blink of an eye he was standing between in front of him. "do not ever talk to her like that, let alone lay a finger on her or so help me God i will-"
"what beanpole? what are you gonna do? what if i did this?" the man asked.
and then he sent a swift punch to Spencer's face.
thats gonna leave a mark.
in a matter of seconds, Spencer had him overpowered, laying face first on the floor with his hands uncomfortably angled behind him, completely helpless.
"now i'm going to let you go and you're going to walk out of here unharmed. if you try anything like that again, ill let my wife handle you. and i promise if she gets a hold of you, you'll be a dead son of a bitch." Spencer muttered in the mans ear, gruffly pulling him up by his collar and shoving him towards the door.
"were leaving." you said, grabbing Spencer's hand, trying to ignore how incredibly attractive he looked right now.
"babe if you want to stay we can stay," he offered as if he didn't just have his shit kicked in by a coward with misogynistic tendencies.
"honey, i want to take you home," you smiled, liking the way it felt to call him a pet name. you walked into the parking lot, "what were you thinking?"
"i was thinking this guy is trying to hurt you and i was not going to ever let that happen." he answered confidently as you two reached the car. "plus this totally made the marriage thing more believable. i wouldn't get a black eye for just anyone."
"thank you. i'm sorry you got punched trying to protect me." you sighed, feeling incredibly awful about the whole thing.
he chuckled, "id do it again."
you fought hard against the blush creeping up your face.
"i gotta say, the black eye really suits you. you look pretty badass." you chuckled, trying to change the subject before it got too sappy and you said something you shouldn't.
"maybe it should just be my new look," he joked, looking down at a ping from his phone. "uh oh."
"we have a case?" you asked.
"yep. and hotch wants us in the office asap which means we cont stop by either of our houses." he sighed before starting the car.
the drive was mostly silent. but a comfortable silence. Spencer thought about how in the moment, he didn't care how many punches the guy threw at him, as long as it meant you were ok, he was willing to take it. he knew he loved you far before that moment but that truly solidified it.
at the same time you were thinking of how quickly your time as a 'married couple' was over. it felt so right to call Spencer yours. so unexplainably perfect for the two of you to be together. if only your time wasn't cut short by a sucker punch.
you neared the building's parking lot. you looked over at Spencer who you could very easily tell was lost in his own world.
"whats going on in that beautiful head of yours?" you asked, causing him to stifle a smile.
"just thinking." he answered.
"what about?"
"us." he stated, pulling into his parking spot.
oh. oh.
"do tell."
he hesitated, "if i tell you, and you disagree, do you promise it wont change anything about us?"
"i promise."
"did it feel right to you? us being together?" he asked, his eyes innocent and filled to the brim with a mixture of anxiety and adoration as he looked at you.
"yes. it absolutely did. and i was so mad at the assclown for cutting our time short," you admitted, "and punching you in the eye, obviously."
"i- i'm not sure how to ask this but- do you...would you..sorry i-" he stammered.
you cut him off, pressing your lips to his. his hand gently cupped your face, deepening the kiss and you both felt like you were on cloud nine.
"thats exactly what i was trying to say," he cracked a dopey smile, causing you to chuckle.
"i've been trying to say it for so long." you confessed, causing him to smile impossibly wider, "we gotta go hotch is waiting."
"just one more kiss?" he asked, which you gave in to, obviously. and then another. and another.
maybe it was good thing that he got a black eye that day, because when you got to the office the whole team was so focused on it they didn't even notice the hint of your lipstick left on spencers lips.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos
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ilysmxiao · 3 years
scarred palms | xiao x reader
summary : xiao had told you the story of the scars on the skin that showed, perhaps he was insecure of so, as he was shy to speak of such stories. as one wouldn’t expect, words shared amoungst humans were rarely ever original, though, it was the first he had ever heard such words . character(s) : xiao warnings : mentions of self harm. tho this is comfort !! a/n : came up w this and thought it would be nice !! pls send me some nice requests, rn i mainly write for zhongli, xiao, and kazuha -- though, i can try out other characters! i need to experiment w my writing pfft
            “ it’s the way you speak,                            forming words so easily.                                          i think of the way you think,                                                         it keeps me from falling asleep. “                                                   °· ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ·°
it had been a rough night for xiao, after returning from a recent battle. he rest upon the roof of wangshu inn, settling under the stars that found their spot amongst the very place he protected. the calm, but very much alive atmosphere buzzled below -- the people finding their way back home after the small celebration they held, holding the hands of their lovers as they walked to their rooms.  the thought of love was one he despised, hating the human emotions that created a home in anothers heart -- though, at the same time, he knew that he, himself, had grown ill to such a particular thing.  the tiles shifted ever so slightly, as feet carefully scaled their way across them. it had become a normal thing to hear, at times at these, and the barer of who made those tiles shift was not unknown. it had become a normal routine, and to xiao, it was one he looked forward to on days such as these -- he would never admit to such, instead, hide his delighted heart from his lover when he felt the pressure of their head leaning against his shoulder, and the way they cautiously and lovingly they rubbed the back of his shoulder blades.  in all of xiaos years of guarding liyue, watching many people walk along the very land he protected, seeing many pleasing faces that he had shown no care for, he had never expected one to be the fault of the feelings he had never seemingly dealt with before. one to make him feel human, almost, showing him that any person, human or not, could learn to love. as if, that anything but humans felt that emotion, more or less understood it.  a question was not needed to know how the adepti was doing, nor did an answer need to suffice. after spending the time that they had with the male, seeing him come home with new scars and marks on his already tethered body, it was enough to understand how long those scars would stay with him.  resting a hand upon the fresh scars, you glance at xiao, who had trained his eyes on the abyss above the two. his hand shied away from yours, retreating to the home by his side.  “our scars hold meaning, yours show and hold such complicity that many would never understand -- sometimes, even i will never truly understand what you go through.” to this, xiao turned his ill gaze to his lover, curious of what else they had to say. though such words were often spoke amongst the morals he protected, he had yet to have one say such things to himself. never would he recover from his battles, his scars earning their place on the patches of skin he had, taunting him, but words of comfort from his lover would suffice and slowly take away the hurt that they held. “that takes away no meaning. no matter what you do, how many layers you wear to protect yourself from the blades colliding with your skin, you can not escape it. it is important to understand that, and while doing so, know that you can slowly heal from it.” you comfortingly reached towards xiaos hand, softly picking it up and bringing it to your lips. the feeling brought tingling sensations through his body, earning a slight shiver from so. “scars are horrible, but we all have some. they’re unavoidable. what matters is not how they were formed, but how we deal with it, and what we do from there on.” after letting go of the others hand, you raised yours slightly and brought to attention of the many that littered your own. it had been known to xiao that you had your own scars, but to his dismay and disappointment, he truly never understood how many you had. it made his heart sink, seeing how many of them were seemingly self inflicted -- he wondered why you would ever do such a thing to yourself, not understanding why mortals would hurt themselves, or how much could have lead themselves to the point to doing so. “whats the point in self loathing and wishing for better, if you won’t take steps in that direction? they’re apart of you, you can’t escape that, but you can give them meaning and make them worth seeing. my point is, you can’t hide it, don’t embrace them if you dont want to, but don’t let your scars define you. it’s a thing thats often said.., but as much as it is said, it still holds meaning. and you do not deserve to forever hold onto these things and only see them as bad, no matter where they are from, or how they were caused.” despite having multiple, loving occasions the both had shared that made their relationship ever so more beautiful, xiao felt himself grow even more attached to you, the coldness in his heart melting ever so slightly with each word you spoke. silence followed after the few words you spoke, making you begin to regret ever speaking up in the first place -- showing your vulnerable side, showcasing your own scars as if you had healed from them yourself.  “i’m sorry, i rambled on,” you admit, shame contorting your expression into a unsatisfied one.  though, unexpectantly, you felt a warmth engulf your body -- xiao replacing the cold breeze that comfortably sat between the gap. xiao had never been one to show his affection, finding small gestures more suitable for the feeling of love he had never fully understood. as days progressed, he began to find out more, finally beginning to realize that this what was love was. what was shown by mortals, the affection they gave each other on a day to day basis, it was only the surface; the surface being all that he knew, thinking it was just that. you had taught him that it was more than so, it was not just loving kisses and comforting hugs, it was the mutual understanding that no matter what happened, you would both be there for each other. to care for one another, to relic in the moments that would soon become history, and to cherish them as if there would be not another day to experience them. love was what you taught him, and until the day you left the day of the living, he would be sure to do what he could to show that -- even if all that he was capable of was muttering a small ‘i love you’, or giving you a hug if he could not find the correct words to show how much you meant to him. the grip he held on your shirt tightened, your arms intertwining with his to return the gesture. xiao nuzzled his face into your neck, eyes shutting tightly as he did so. a small smile formed on your lips, understanding that the other had appreciated what you said. “i love you,” xiao said quietly, breaking the small silence that had grown comfortable in the lap of your air. you could hear the slightly labored breathing escaping his lips, the warm air grazing your neck and dissipating each time he let another breath of air out. his warm body was pressed against your own, chest rising and falling until he soon calmed down. “i love you too, xiao.” in that moment, xiao’s repulsive and deprecating thoughts ceased, thinking of only you and the comfort you gave him. the silence from before returned, engulfing the area near, but this time, it was comfortable -- he could bask in your presence forever, especially in this moment. he couldn’t wish for anything better than you, in the life he had been given. although he was an adepti, prone to straying away from such putrid human feelings, he felt himself nearing acceptance of his want for such love to stay, more or less to stay beside him forevermore.  xiao was unable to be healed from the horrid fate at which he had been given, but little by little, he understood that not all was bad and he could one day learn not to hate it.
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shoezuki · 3 years
What are some of your favorite au ideas/headcanons about the arctic anarchists?
anon this ask made me realize i have done Nothing like. headcanon related in terms a mcyt shit and. wow. thats shocking that used to be my Brand in other fandom circles lkhsl;hsg anyways uh heres randomass hc’s
technoblade is avoiding home. he gave the go-ahead to let ranboo stay and he Likes ranboo but the last time some kid was in his house.... it didnt go well. hes Avoiding that all over again. also confrontation scary
ranboo is also Very Horrified for when techno goes back to the commune like. philza is great, he’s a friend. technoblade is a ‘friend’ but holy SHIT he’s terrifying. that guy is a force to be reckoned with and like. what if ranboo does something Wrong? also. confrontation scary. 
basically; both ranboo and technoblade are socially awkward messes. philza is tired of them but doesnt step in (yet)
technoblade goes home. he sees none of his things have been touched. his house is intact. theres no ugly cobblestone towers. thats all good signs
philza points to the lil nook in the mountain where he wants to make a dog pen and technoblade sees some makeshift shack already constructed
the cow farm causes him to recoil for just a split second but he ignores that
when ranboo first meets technoblade he stutters and basically shoves the New axe of peace he made for techno in his hands, rambles on about getting them more emeralds and how he Swears he didnt touch anything ever
technoblade shows affection through Giving. when ranboo gifts him a new axe to make up for the one that tommy took he is like. he has to take a few moments ok . he leaves ranboo suddenly
from ranboo’s perspective technoblade like. goes completely silent, back straight, doesnt say a word, and then skulks off. ranboo is writing his will out after that
technoblade Cant like. rationalize this right now hes losing his mind so ofc he goes to phil
“philza he gave me an axe. its netherite.” “Oh yeah, he’s been sayi--” “what is he planning he’s plotting something.” “WHAT”
Philza has to convince techno that, no, ranboo isnt using some extreme manipulation tactics against him. and then he has to convince ranboo that No he isnt going to get killed. bonding times :)
no matter how much philza insists that ranboo can take whatever he wants, ranboo Refuses to take any a their things or use anything unless philza basically Shoves it right in his hands. so philza does. constantly
technoblade is trying to Keep Some Distance but like. he’s gotta be nice yknow? so he gifts ranboo things by leaving them in his ‘house’ when he’s away
its always smaller things, like dyes ranboo was talking about getting or food. 
ranboo doesnt even realize its from technoblade he just assumes that he forgot he got it and moves on. technoblade doesnt ever bring it up
phil catches technoblade trying to sneak in and leave something while ranboo is sleeping and he (quietly) yells at him
ranboo tries explaining how eyecontact Feels to him to the both of them Really Anxiously and that it’s like ‘physically uncomfortable’ but technoblade interupts 
‘wait but isnt that normal’
theres a very long awkward silence before technoblade changes the subject completely
philza is Very used to technoblade’s not so human traits (hiding ‘valuables’ away from them, talking to the voices under his breath, distracted by gold easily, a sort of ‘bloodlust’ if hurt, snorts and squeals when he forgets to repress them) but he is Not used to ranboo’s habits
the first one noticed is that ranboo is... not exactly stealing. but he Always seems to want some block in his hand. he doesnt seem to realize it, picking up things, walkin around, fiddling with it, and then putting it down somewhere random
leads to some arguments with techno before they find their enchanting table in the nearby village
Ranboo is Always Aware of when someone looks at him. philza will glance at him from inside techno’s house through the window, and then suddenly ranboo bolts upright and stares directly at him. philza Always jumps out of his skin
once techno watched as ranboo yawned, his entire jaw cracking and stretching open wide to show rows of thin teeth. techno hasnt been the same since
technoblade berates ranboo’s little ‘shack’, sayings its lame and ‘philza probably thinks its ugly’ ranboo just shrugs but one day he returns home late at night to see technoblade Attempting to build an Actual House for him
ranboo clears his throat and technoblade attacks on instinct. philza patches him up and techno says sorry really briefly then leaves. ranboo keeps finding diamonds and golden apples in his house now
sometimes ranboo finds technoblade just laying in the middle of his cow pen. he doesnt question it
ranboo starts writing little things that like. he wouldnt usually write in his memory book. ‘unimportant’ things
moments like times he spent brushing all the dogs in the kennel, brewing potions with phil and techno in near silence together, weird little ‘catchphrases’ techno says, that time he watched technoblade trip over his own cape. little things
it takes a while for technoblade to be Really and truly comfortable around ranboo. and frankly ranboo doesnt even notice any change. philza does
technoblade makes ranboo clothing to match the aesthetics and actually gives it to him, even specifically making it extra warm since ranboo never lived somewhere so cold
philza instantly notices when he stops carrying Any sort of weapon when ranboo is around at home. 
at some point ranboo calls it home for the first time and like. techno’s ears flick in his direction. he’s perked up for the entire walk home. shifting his eyes in ranboo’s direction but not quite
philza cooes over it and pokes fun of techno later that day and technoblade huffs at him but doesnt say anything
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
hole in the wall
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In a party for the ages, Shouto comes across a room with hole in the wall that has him coming back for more.
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, PWP, cult activity, drug mention, alcohol consumption, glory hole, cursing, degradation, praise, possessive jealous!shouto, stuck in the wall, spanking, overstim, bruising, bleeding, breeding
word count: 7,831
a/n: read the fucking warnings bro, im tired, I hate formatting, here’s to finally writing what I wanna write! also, this is for a lovely bnharem collab that kept getting pushed back... make sure to read the intro to understand my story! anyways, gloryholes is peak anonymous sex and I just,,, if thats the only way imma get to suck shoutos cock, I will. I had something else to say... I forgot. oH THIS IS WRITTEN IN A NEW STLYE-ISH??? porn from shoutos pov!!!
Traditionally, when people think of the connection between heroes and cults, they expect that the heroes eradicate the cults, not that the heroes are a part of a cult.
It was somewhat ironic that a group of people who advocated for public safety, for the wellbeing of every citizen of the country - the world - would demand compensation in areas that didn't involve financial compensation. Heroes saved the day countless amounts of times, but when they needed... help at night because they've been so busy saving the world, there needed to be compensation.
It had shocked nearly everyone within the hero community when none other than Yaoyorozu Momo brought them a solution. For nothing more than loyalty to saving the day, all heroes granted the benefit of joining the Savior of Eight Million, an… organization brought forth by the prodigious hero. It had shocked the hero community at first that the once thought of a modern-day princess, putting together a wicked group that served the beastly needs of heroes, was almost laughable. But as time passed, as trials tested the organization (cult), the more heroes realized how lucky they were that it was Yaoyorozu who created this.
The Yaoyorozus, in all their riches and connections, made this group untouchable.
Police were bought off, apprehended, silenced.
Heroes with the savior complex were put down.
Villains were never believed.
The Savior of Eight Million held ties with the greatest, the most esteemed people in the world. The parties were unworldly, dripping with diamonds and gold, the sweet smell of champagne barely drowning out the bitter acidic and burning plastic smell of the drugs used vicariously at their gatherings. All heroes joined, politicians and celebrities fought to get in, and commoners wished they could be the servants of the night, whether that meant they would be serving food, drinks, or drugs, or allowing the heroes to do what this was all started for: to fuck them.
Of course, it didn't help that each commoner was paid for their service, discretion, and loyalty. Those who attempted to give away the secrets of the nights were always taken care of, and every gathering after someone tried to snitch, there was always a complaint that a sex slave just wasn't good enough.
Yaoyorozu Momo was a sweet girl, a helpful woman. She was a hero.
Heroes far and wide grovel at her feet in thanks, and even more surprisingly, even her old class supported this. Oh, how great life was when you were the most significant, greatest, and most untouchable cult in history.
To Todoroki Shouto, well, he didn't really have an opinion on this all, not really at least.
The cult - the organization, was created to help out heroes such as himself live comfortably while having such a busy lifestyle. His sex drive had never been that high, with his twenty-fifth birthday approaching, he could count on his two hands the number of times he'd been attended to with the help of the organization within the past five years.
Yes, two years after debuting as heroes, Momo had approached the graduate class with her plan. Todoroki Shouto could never deny a friend, especially not someone as smart and intentional as Yaoyorozu Momo. He had been one of the first - if not the first - voice to approve of her project.
However, the fifth-anniversary gathering (it was not a party) was finally here. Two months ago, the first round of reminders came around in the form of a beautifully handwritten card by their fearless yet kind leader. Shouto wondered if she really had handwritten each and every card, or if she had created it with her quirk - while he wasn't that heavily involved, he was not ignorant to the numbers of the cult, group, organization.
The letter had been kind, inviting, and so fleeting it made Shouto feel like he needed more from one of his most missed and trusted friend. Still, there would be time to catch up with everyone, no use in pushing now.
Grabbing his phone, Shouto typed in Momo's contact name into the search bar, tongue swiping his lower lip while he typed in his message and sent it. He had never been one for these parties. Too often, there were just too over-the-top. The festivities and friends were fun, but having to fight the impossible crowds for a moment of peace kept him from attending.
A truly mundane member.
But this was different after all, it wasn't every day that they celebrated five great years of service.
I'll be going, Yayorozu.
Two months went by before Shouto had even realized it.
In those two months, he had received a formal invitation with a day and time. 
2X28, OCTOBER 23
Of course, the lack of an address is a precaution for keeping their organization out of the limelight should they be betrayed. Events of all shapes and sizes were always planned by the upper board of the organization. Only a specific few knew the place where the night would befall, and the rest of the members would be brought to the festivities by a chauffeur provided by the Yaoyorozu's. Getting to and from the party was always stressfree, no matter what befell that night, their safety of getting home was still safe.
The invitation was tucked away into the inside pocket of his jacket, it was his ticket to getting into the party, and it was best to not leave it behind. 
With the invitation now securely placed into his jacket, the smooth inflexible material stiff against his chest, Shouto stared into the mirror he stood before.
An elegant full-length mirror reflected his image to him, and truth be told, he was impressed with his presentation.
A charcoal grey Italian suit trimmed glinting silver nearly gleamed against the white light; the jacket was undone, exposing the white-collared long-sleeved shirt underneath. Typically, Shouto was a tie man, but the sleek black tie he was to wear lay hanging on the hanger, the first few buttons of the shirt undone. It highlighted his toned chest, the few pale scars on his chest just visible enough on his exposed skin to look like it was intensional. He looked good.
His fingers touched his hair, the once long style had been cut in a recent fight with a villain. It hadn't mattered much to Shouto, and in fact, the sudden haircut had spiked his overall ratings. It was short now, just long enough for his fingers to graze through the locks. It was slicked back, the swirl of red and white mixing and strands of red falling into his sight.
“Todoroki-sama, the car is here.”
Shouto didn't bother turning to the attendee, his gaze taking him in one last time.
"I'll be there."
His footsteps were quiet in the hallway, his waxed shiny black shoes gleaming in his hands as he walked to the front room. He slipped on the tight shoes and looked up to his servant, who stood at the front door with a patterned, black mask.
Nodding, he grabbed the mask and slipped it inside of his jacket as well.
A kitsune.
"Safe journey."
"I'll be back tonight."
And into the car, he went, the warm smell of leather and spices filling the backseat of the self-driving car. Shouto relaxed against the black leather, his eyes staring at the road while he slipped the mask out from his jacket. There was no reason to don the mask while stepping out of the house, being caught with it at his home always smelled trouble. 
In the car's silence, his fingers rested onto his lap, his lips set into a firm line while his thoughts lingered to what was to come at this party. 
The last time Bakugou and Midoriya hosted anything, it had ended with an overall disaster. Thankfully then it had been for their agency's founding party and not something dealing with the organization. But before he could muster the will to seek out further information on the private event, he realized that the car was already pulling into the large mansion where the event was being held.
People emerged from the cars before his own, the sleek masks donning on their faces, keeping their identities from unwanted eyes. The covers were specially made by none other than Yaoyorozu with the assistance of Hatsume Mei to ensure that those who wore it would be unrecognizable unless they were within a certain radius.
A small puff of air escaped Shouto's lips as his car pulled up to the unloading zone, and his strong fingers slipped on the mask before the car door opened. With the confidence and power, only those who worked as a top-ranked hero had Shouto emerged from the car immediately greeted by the entrance staff. 
With his hands moving to button his jacket, he nodded his head when receiving information on what to expect upon entering. Shouto felt like he nodded forever while making his way up the entrance of the event, his hand reluctantly offering his phone and wallet over and receiving a ticket for retrieving it. Of course, the ticket came the bundle of condoms.
An eyebrow arched under the mask, and Shouto couldn't help the amused smirk that befell his lips as he pocketed the condoms.
The fuckers made this a sex party.
Why they even bothered to deny that they were a cult was beyond him at this point.
But as the grand doors opened, Shouto couldn't help but tense at the room's mixing aroma.
The sweet smell of champagne bubbled in his nose, wafting in powerfully with the perfumes secreting from every person in the room. If it had been his first time at an event like this, Shouto would have missed the undertone of burning plastic in the air. His eyes followed a civilian dressed up in a zebra zentai bodysuit holding a silver powder with most definitely not cocaine to who looked like the Prime Minister since he had his mask on.
Rolling his eyes, Shouto walked further into the room, ignoring the offers of drugs and alcohol as he carried on. 
"Todoroki, my man! You made it!" came the loud and energetic voice of Kaminari Denki.
It shouldn't have shocked Shouto to immediately be swarmed with who looked like Kirishima (who wore a mask resembling a bear) and Kaminari (who had his mouse resembling mask resting on around his neck), who by the smell at least, were not sober.
"You're the last one to show up, dude! We almost thought you were gonna flake!" Kirishima added, his hand coming to land on Shouto's shoulder, his lips perked into a broad smile. "Everyone else decided to join the orgy room a few minutes ago, but this guy here—" he made a pointed jab at Kaminari's chest. "Was causing a large enough disturbance that we were kicked out."
"Bro, it's not my fault that those dummy civilians can't handle a few jolts of pain!"
"You literally electrocuted everyone in that orgy and left everyone unable to speak for a solid minute, bro!"
"Everyone else is here?" Shouto interrupted rather impressed to here that even Mineta was invited to this party - or maybe he had snuck in - choosing to ignore the mention of an orgy room.
Typical cult things, he reminded himself.
"Yeah, Denki and I don't have to go in tomorrow, so we pre-gamed at his place before coming. Sero did too, but after a few minutes of talking with some trapeze girl, they went into a room and well…" Kirishima trailed off, letting Shouto put two and two together. "Mina is flirting with the crown prince, Yaomomo and Jirou are in the orgy room, Bakugou and Midoriya seem to be micromanaging everything—"
"Those two need sex the most out of the entire class! Have you ever seen a bigger work pole up anyone's asses than in those two?!" Kaminari groaned, his fingers roughly rubbing the skin of his face, and Shouto laughed softly in agreement. It was somewhat ironic that their virgin classmates were the ones who organized and put together a sex party.
"I can't begin to imagine Midoriya having sex. Although that man is basically becoming sex on legs," Kaminari continued to gripe, Shouto grunting softly in thanks when Kirishima handed him a cup filled to the near brim with a copper liquid that burned smoothly down his throat. Shouto grimaced as he managed to down the entire thing. "I can see Bakugou just blowing a hole into the wall and fucking it and considering that sex. Ain't nobody normal who can — OH MY GOD!"
Shouto looked at his friend with nearing annoyance; however, the alcohol already taking a humming effect over his body made the annoyance slip easily.
"Bro, you're gonna get us kicked out of this party, and that's gonna be the shittiest thing!" Kirishima groaned while Kaminari spazzed with what seemed to be the biggest lightbulb of an idea.
"The hoes — the holes! For the glory!" Kaminari slurred with how fast he was speaking, his hands fisting into both Shouto's and Kirishima's jackets, his yellow eyes burning bright in his excitement.
Shouto tried to keep his annoyance down, and the itch to rip Kaminari's iron grip from his shoulder.
"I don't know what you're talking about—" Kirishima tried again, his hand resting on Kaminari's ribcage to steady him. 
"Ei, the gloryholes!"
Shouto numbing mind searched the banks of his memory to figure out where that word came from and why it sounded vaguely familiar.
"Oh, fuck," came Kirishima's strained approval, and Shouto looked at his two friends who were grinning pervertedly at each other.
"What's that?" Shouto asked, his lips buzzing slightly as the alcohol was fully absorbed into his bloodstream, and somehow the smell of sex filled his nose, and the noises of unadulterated carnal lust filled his ears.
"Oh man, Todoroki, if you don't know," Kaminari trailed off, his lips pinched into an elfish smirk, and electricity coming off his hair in his evident excitement. "Just trust me, you gotta experience this shit!"
Shouto wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that thrummed merrily in his veins or the knowing glint in his friend's eyes that whispered to him to find out just what it was, but he felt his head nod without his full awareness. The feeling of their hands on his upper shoulder felt fuzzy as they took him away, intent heavy in every step they took.
He could barely take in the passing rooms as they went, the aerial artists, the sex rooms, the orgy rooms. There were so many rooms designated for just about every kink imaginable that even the stoic Shouto felt his cheeks flaring in embarrassment. With each passing step and opened room, the smell of sex, pheromones, and lust grew in Shouto's nose; the more the sticky sweet moans and screams of the cult members clung to his skin.
For a hero that was never too hot or too cold without his own ministrations, his skin was feeling feverishly hot with cold feet when they finally stopped in front of the only closed door in the hallway.
"Welcome!" came a cheery voice, Shouto blinked, and a woman appeared from nowhere.
She wore a powder blue ava tea dress; it was elegant, sleek, yet too old-school for an event such as this one. Shouto immediately assumed that she was not partaking in the sexual activities, but was instead acting as a hostess of sorts.
"Just you three patrons tonight?" she asked, her head tilting to the side and Kirishima speaking up in agreement for the group of three. "Good, good. We do have enough openings for the three of you, most people haven't found our little… hole in the wall, if you would," she took a moment to giggle joyfully, her gloved fingers pressing to her ruby red lips and Shouto fought the urge to walk away. "So please, feel free to look around and stay as long as you want!"
Her words were light and breezy, but still, there was rising suspicion and tension in Shouto's spine at her small quip.
With an innocuous smile and a glint in her eyes, she opened the door with a gentle, "have fun," and Shouto's friends ushered him in.
His initial reaction? What. The. Fuck?!
The room they entered was large and spacious, or well, at the very least, Shouto assumed it would have been if it wasn't for the obviously installed maze of walls. But with every wall, there was a collage of pictures. Faces of women, men, humans, mutants, everything you could think of plastered above a hole. Curiously enough, the images above one hole were of the same person.
His eyes swept the room, and he saw a few spots already taken, men with their pants and underwear dropped to their knees pressing up against the wall so that their noses were smushed to the makeshift walls.
Shouto blinked.
Gloryholes? Pictures of random people?
Were they fucking ghosts?
"This is paradise!" Kaminari groaned in pleasure, his arms spacing out as if he had come with fantastic news. "These normies always look at you so weirdly when you fuck at orgies, here… you get the nut and don't have to have them staring at you!"
Shouto stared as his electricity wielding friend approached a hole that adorned photos of a girl with hooded eyes and a tongue piercing. He dropped his bottoms before sticking his hardening cock into the waiting hole with two raps of his fist. At this point, Shouto wasn't sure if what he had drunk was actually alcohol now. 
"These aren't dead people, are they?" Shouto couldn't keep himself from asking, his palms sweating while Kirishima laughed deeply in his chest.
"Not at all, man, it's real people, I promise! Pick your hole and have fun!" Kirishima encouraged, placing a solid pat on Shouto's shoulder before approaching a hole with a picture of a girl with bright eyes and a bright smile.
Nodding numbly to himself at this point, Shouto meandered the different walls, his eyes absorbing the various pictures on the walls.
But he fell on the spot with a picture so vivating that drew him in. The chasms of your eyes defiant yet shy, a smile that called him in, and lips that looked supple and strong.
He stood no chance in defying the itching, burning need to follow suit of every other person in this room. Shouto approached the hole, his fingers pulling at his belt, quickly lowering his charcoal grey slacks and black boxer briefs. He stared into your pictured eyes, mesmerized by them, and grasped onto his hardening cock.
A soft shudder invaded his skin as he pressed his cock through the awaiting hole, the skin of his heated cock scraping against the hole, making him strangle a grunt in his throat. But when the wet heat of your mouth enveloped his cock past the hole in the wall, Shouto's face nearly crashed against the wall.
Shouto wasn't sure what to have expected, but he had summed up that this was some over-glorified handjob, a vigorous clumsy jackoff he could have done himself. But he did not expect, in any sense of what this was, to be met with warm, wet lips and a tongue that pressed underneath the head of his cock.
A guttural noise slipped past his lips, and Shouto's palms pressed against the wall, his head spinning dizzyingly from the sensation.
Shouto's breathing was erratic, his cock hardening more, twitching within your mouth as he felt your head begin to bob against his length at a slow, leisurely pace. 
His hips thrust toward the wall, his vision spinning from what this heightened sensation of what he always thought to be a mundane act. Shouto's slacks were too far up his thighs; however, the fabric spread to his max despite his attempt to lower down. He wanted to get closer to the wall, get whoever you were past this wall to take in his entire cock without an issue, so mindlessly, instinctively, he shoved the slacks further down, grunting with relieved pleasure at being able to spread out further, at getting closer to you.
"Holy shit," Shouto grunted, his forehead pressing against the cold wall, undoubtedly crinkling the paper of your photos. His hips came forward, hitting the wall dividing him and you with low, vibrating thuds, and you let him, allowed him to keep his rutting hips at the pace they were. You took him in as if it was nothing, the smooth skin of your lips gliding against his throbbing length, your tongue running alongside the bottom of his cock, tracing the veins of his skin, twisting against the sensitive skin, providing new sensations and shivers.
Shouto knew immediately that you were letting him fuck your mouth however he saw fit.
He felt you moan around him, a long, deep, undeniable noise that somehow drifted through the hole, vibrated against his cock, and could be felt against his curling toes. The sound and sensations were proving to be effective, a pooling heat building in his balls, simmering up and down his spine and neck. How he wished to grab you by the back of your head and drive his cock down your throat without mercy.
Snarling in the back of his throat, suddenly fueled by the image of fucking you, the thought of you on your knees, tears built in your bright eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks feeding him. And as if you knew what he wanted, Shouto's knees near bucked out when your mouth took him in even further, the soft choking noise, the feeling of his cock pressing against the back of your throat sending his fingers digging into the wall.
He drilled in faster, grateful for your ability to keep up, the feeling of his cock pressing down the back of your throat sending his jaw flying open, curses and praises spilling past his lips with every inch you took him further down your throat. The area of his cock unable to be taken in your mouth was surrounded by your fingers — by god, what fucking fingers you had — warm and robust, they held his skin, sliding effortlessly against the spit lubricated skin.
"You can hear me right, whore?" Shouto growled against the wall, the hot air of his breath almost fogging the area he was standing in. Somehow, he heard the choked noise of agreement, the bobbing head vigorously nodding, sending you into a sputtering choke from the awkward angle. But Shouto liked hearing you choke, liked hearing the needy tone in your whining agreement, and he swore he was feeling his heartbeat in his balls. "You're not here entirely on your own will, are you? Came here for money, to suck some rich mans' cock?" His hips stammered when you sucked your cheeks in around his length, his eyes rolling in the break of his concentration, his blood pumping in his hormone pumped euphoria. "I want you to fucking choke on my cock, you hear that? Take me all the way in, don't be scared, I know you probably don't see much cock, but I promise if you can handle me, you'll never want other cock, slut. Take me all, and I promise you, you won't regret it."
A hiccuped breath came from your side of the wall, and Shouto almost wanted to simply burn the wall down to claim you for all his need and glory, someone with a mouth as gifted as yours definitely needed to be fucked correctly. Still, his hips reigned down, slamming against the wall so that the thuds of his impeding hips were heard softly in the other areas. 
And you? Behind the wall?
He could feel the weight of your head pressing forward, the feeling of his length sliding further and further down your throat. The pulsing of his cock ridiculously stilled with the restrained muscles of your throat, and the almost excessive drool and spit that dripped from his length with your choking movements.
More, he wanted more, he needed more.
"Fuck, slut, you're taking me so fucking well. You almost have me entirely in your mouth," Shouto growled, an inch or so of his cock still not entirely in your mouth, but not letting your tight fist work his cock. "Don't give up, take me all, I know a whore like you who shows up to be a sex slave can take my cock."
A whine (was that a horny or a frustrated whine?) emitted from the wall, and with a strained noise, Shouto felt your wet, hot lips make contact with the base of his cock as he continued to drill into you. Spluttering groans poured from his throat, the feeling of your hot cavern and resisting throat, sending him over the edge.
"Yes," Shouto gasped, the smell of sex, electricity, and barely burning walls simmering in his nose. "Fuck, yes, just like that."
Shouto could feel his nerves being shot out, the feeling of the compliant mouth keeping him pumping into the hole, his fingers digging further and further into the wall into it cracked and crumbled, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, to break through the wall to get to you. He was almost there, so close, but needed to get over the hill. And then Shouto was swallowed completely when his slamming his stopped, he could feel your lip press to his skin hidden by the hole. He had no doubt that it must have been sorely uncomfortable for you, yet you were doing it to the point where he was fumbling for words, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your tongue wrapped around his cock, massaging the skin. Fuck, fuck, "Fuck!"
His head dropped back with the shooting electricity in his blood, sweat dripping from his temple and you, the stranger behind the wall, gave one vicious, strong suck, your mouth only surrounding the head of his cock, your wet tongue flicking the slit on his head, and he was spilling over.
Hot, thick, heavy ropes of white cum spurted from his cock and Shouto shuddered, his shaking breath echoing in his ears, and he could still feel your tongue moving, coaxing out the finality of his orgasm, teeth scraping against his sensitive cock just enough to have him seeing stars.
But the giggle that erupted in your throat was well noticed by Shouto, and he grunted in slight annoyance. Pulling away, a soft, almost unwanted pop echoed on the other side of the wall.
Shouto watched as his spit and cum covered cock pulled back to his side of the wall, and he grunted unwillingly. His forehead still rested against the wall, and he looked up to his left side with a disgruntled noise to see that he did, in fact, scorch his fingertips into the wall.
As he tucked himself back into his underwear and slacks, Shouto's blissed-out eyes fell onto the hole where your hand was perched out of it, your pinky the only finger visible.
"Pinky promise you'll come back later?" your raspy voice asked, and Shouto wondered if that was how you usually sounded or if it was from what happened.
"As long as you promise to do something like that again," Shouto smirked, his pink taking yours anyways.
He could promise that to the hole in the wall.
Shouto slips out the door and is immediately greeted with a bummed out Kaminari and a profusely apologizing Kirishima. He later finds out that Kaminari let out yet another round of voltage of electricity (he's banned from fucking anyone that can't absorb his quirk without damaging themselves), and that Kirishima in his blissed-out state accidentally went into his unbreakable mode and tore a hole into the wall. Shouto didn't bother telling them of the scorched walls and left with his friends.
It only felt like a few minutes before Shouto found himself outside the same closed door of the room with gloryholes. The alcohol had long since been burned from his system, he is practically positive that you managed to suck it out from his bloodstream.
For the past two hours, he had been around the mansion, aiding Kirishima in his objective to keep Kaminari from accidentally killing a sexual partner. It had been for the best, Shouto believed. He was no prude and definitely didn't hate indulging in the occasional orgies - especially at parties like this. But for some reason, as strangers attempted to shed him from his clothes, lips, and fingers roaming his scarred, heated skin, he thought of you and only you.
Your tantalizing mouth and fingers.
He had exited the orgy room faster than All Might at his peak. 
He was strangely obsessed with a stranger, a person who was no more than someone past a hole in the wall. Who knew if your picture was what you looked like, but he sure hoped it was.
But when Mina had appeared out of nowhere, her perfectly manicured fingers pressing against Kirishima's chest as she emerged from behind him. She was, obviously, one of the few easily discernable members of the cult. 
"So, the crown prince does not know how to use his dick, and I am disappointed in men all over again!" Mina pouted, but her usual sly grin was back on her face before Shouto could ask if she needed help scouting potential 'dick appointments' as she so fondly calls them.
This was where things got strange in that Kirishima pointed out that Mina should just fuck a woman to teach men how to fuck women properly. Kaminari filled Shouto in with a horribly done stage whisper that the two of them had fucked before and that despite the experience of any man, Mina was never truly satisfied. 
"Alright, student Kirishima," Mina had thrust her finger into Kirishima's chest. "Follow me to the hole-y wall and watch the master do her job!"
Once more, Shouto was outside the door, the woman seemingly materialized from thin air in her same powder blue ava tea party dress and ruby red smile. 
"Welcome back! For four patrons this time?" the woman gleefully smiled, her gloved fingers clasping below her chin.
"For one, actually," Mina spoke up first, "I'm teaching these boys—"
"I've actually never had a problem," Shouto spoke up, his calm and collected gaze unwaveringly met the hostess despite the chilling horror and embarrassment of his words that crawled up his spine. At the same time, Mina looked up him and down with a small, small smirk. "I'll be taking a spot."
"Ho ho, well, excuse me," Mina giggled, turning back to the hostess with a brightness to her stance. "Two spots then. I have boys to teach!"
"Of course!" the hostess spoke unaffectedly by the group's dynamics. "Please enjoy yourselves! This part is a special treat for you lovely patrons, don't forget to be mindful of our poor angels stuck in the wall!"
The door opened, and in the group of four walked in.
If Shouto had been taken by surprise the first time, he was beyond belief the second time he entered this same room. His first time coming, there had only been those beautiful glory holes, but this time? There were no material holes.
Where the holes used to be, there were only large holes where the person assigned to the area was now presented to the public.
Asses curved to the sky, asses pointed to the ground. Cocks leaking, limp, and red with overstimulation, cunts soaked, throbbing, and swollen with overuse. It was indeed as if these individuals had been stuck in a wall, and Shouto already felt his cock twitch in his carnal lust and need to see just how you were positioned. How he prayed that you were at your spot, laying on your stomach, ass hanging out to the world waiting for his cock to claim you, waiting for him to ruin you. He wanted to feel your liquid lust drip from your cunt, splashing and trailing down your inner thigh.
Shouto didn't bother saying goodbye to his friends, the smell of sex, and his own lust switching his brain onto a one-track mindset with the growing need to get to you immediately. 
And almost to his raging hormonal anger, he came to the aisle where you were parked, and while his heart hammered with the growing pleasure to see your ass hanging in the air, your thighs pressed to the wall, his vision turned red at the sight of some no-named man rutting his ugly cock between your dry folds.
In no time flat, Shouto was behind the man, his hand fisting into the collar of the man's shirt and tearing him away from him.
"Mine." he all but growled, his aura darkening while he glared at the red-faced idiot who attempted to cover himself up in the act of running away.
It didn't matter that what Shouto did was probably entirely rude and could result in him getting thrown out, you were his, and no way was someone going to fuck you when he was there. The weirded out gazes that fell upon him temporarily did nothing to Shouto, his focus back onto your squirming bottom, no doubt weirded out by the sudden lack of contact.
But with a sigh, his fingers combing the few falling free strands of hair out of his face, Shouto stood centimeters from your shifting thighs, watching you continue squirming until he finally moved. His hands pressed against your supple, smooth ass, enjoying the way you fit against his hands perfectly. 
He stepped forward, allowing the bulge of his strained cock to press against the top of your ass — the perfect height for him. Shouto leaned forward, his forehead once more pressing against the cold wall, his eyes taking in the still visible scorch marks he had left behind and chuckled deep in his throat.
"I'm back, my precious whore, I bet you missed me," Shouto spoke through the wall, hoping that you would respond back to him. He thought he could hear an agreeing sound on the other side of the wall, another layer of muffled, and he wondered if maybe you had been gagged. The thought made him exhale slowly, his hips strained from rutting against you, but against his belief, your ass ground against his hardening cock, sending waves of pleasure through him. "You did miss me, huh?"
His calloused fingers moved from your supple ass to the outsides of your thighs, feather-soft touches skimming your skin, leaving behind trails of goosebumps and twitching nerves. Shouto's gaze remained hard on your body, watching how you completely stilled when he found his fingers against the inner part of your thigh and just shy of the excessive heat that was radiating from your cunt.
And he leaned down, his lips pressing against the curve of your ass, his eyes partially hooded when he felt you relax against his hold. But the relaxed position you held quickly erased the moment his teeth sunk into your skin, and his finger pressed against your swollen clit. 
Immediately, your body arched, a weak attempt to buck out of his hold while he heard a muffled cry from the other end of the wall. But Shouto was a hero, he was some with extreme control over his body, and as his tongue moved to soothe your throbbing ass, one finger continued to delicately dance against your clit, while the other shifted over to your softly beating cunt. 
Shouto groaned against your skin, his pants feeling too tight, the material of his underwear too hot and stiff for how strained his cock was right now, yet it was nothing to the feeling of your tight, wet, hot cunt. In and out, he pumped his finger, curling the long digit against your puffy spongey walls, the thumb on your clit circulating in slow, intentional figure-eights until you were pathetically rising and falling against his finger, a garbled whine for more barely audible through the wall. He chuckled at the feeling of your inner walls forcible clenching against his intruding finger, and he rewarded you with a second finger.
"Doesn't this feel good?" Shouto groaned, his body straightening back up so that he was flushed against your ass, his forehead resting on the wall, and his now free hand slowly grinding your ass against his crotch.
He watched you with the intensity of a predator stalking their prey, his mouth twitching into a smirk when your toes curled with a sudden drag of his fingers over a ribbed area of your core. Growling in need, Shouto's hips slammed into you, mindlessly fucking you even with his clothes on. His fingers doubled in speed and intensity until the rapid clenching of your walls was unignorable around his fingers.
His forearms ached slightly with his continued fingering, his thumb almost stiff as he continued to assault your clit, but with the arching of your back, the stuttering of your hips as an impeding orgasm was growing bigger and stronger. Shouto barely registered the sight of his own hand rising and falling heavily onto your ass, the sound of the spank echoing loudly, but that had pushed you over the edge.
A loud mewl sounded from the wall, your legs trembling entirely uncontrollably against Shouto, who still drove his hard crotch into your soaked cunt. He didn't care if you were to wet the expensive suit, his mind now solely on the fact that he needs to claim you, needs to sink his cock all the way in, and make sure you were bruised for days to come. 
Wasting no time, Shouto sheds off his pants and his underwear, letting them fall to the floor with a soft thud before aligning his already hard and swollen cock head to your clenching, sopping cunt. Shouto nearly shivers as he grips his fingers into your ass, his eyes mesmerized with how your flesh molds to his grasp, moving and shifting accordingly. With only a moan as a warning, Shouto wasted no time in pressing his cock to your cunt, and thrusting in with a single, sharp thrust.
If he had thought your cunt was tight with just your fingers, if he had thought the instance where you had vacuumed your mouth while sucking him off was tight, he was in a world of surprises when he came through from entering you. Your cunt was hot and oh so fucking tight around him, milking him dry of all and any precum that he had gathered at his swollen slit. Your inner walls flutter around him, intensely and quickly trying to adjust to the monstrous thickness that he was, and he could hear the pained panting pleasure of you through the wall, and he almost lost it at the keen whine on your tongue.
He shifted, moving his hips just so slight as to regain what little sanity he had left to ensure that you were thoroughly and roughly fucked. 
"Fuck," Shouto moaned, his fingers digging bruises into your skin, his skin feeling sticky and sweaty as he felt you continue trembling beneath him. "For a fucking whore, you have a really tight cunt. I bet you wished I had used fucking lube, huh?"
Shouto took a tentative thrust into you, his legs quivering at the feeling of the way your cunt gripped his cock, making it almost impossible for him to move as he did. "Should've made your pussy wetter then," he spoke in a near whisper to the wall, unsure if you had heard him as he began his conquest in fucking you.
With his fingers gripping your hips, he enjoys the way you bruise against his hold, almost as much as he enjoys the way the wall rocks with every slam of his brutal hips.
The sounds of his cock slamming into your sopping cunt send loud, wet noises ringing in his ears, sending a few other nearby patrons to turn their heads to look at him - to look at him in his conquest of claiming you as his. It only fueled him on, and he picked up his pace until there was a medley of sounds: his thighs crashing against your ass, the squelching of your wet cunt against his thick cock, and your thighs slapping the wall. 
Shouto growled at the feeling of your cunt stretching for him, the tremble of your legs, the way your feet twisted and curled against his knees, almost as if in a silent beg to get him impossibly closer, to make him fuck you impossibly faster, harder. 
His gorging fingers break your skin, and Shouto delights in the painful, garbled scream from your side of the wall. Your body is weak against him, yet he can still feel your hips jutting against his rutting hips, your body desperately trying to keep up with his insane speed and lust.
And when his hand presses to your lower back and the other right above your crotch so that he can raise you higher, the new angle of penetration sends Shouto fumbling for strength. It's then he can feel the head of his cock pressing against your cervix, your toes digging into his skin as he continues to pound away at your cervix, and he takes the rolling shrieks and moans from your mouth like a good thing. 
"Such a good fucking whore, I never found many of you who enjoyed when I literally rearranged their guts," Shouto huffed, his fingers tweaking and yanking at your clit until you were shaking in his arms. "You're enjoying this so much, I bet you wanted this the entire time after I left, didn't you? You wanted my cock in your pussy, I wanted to have my seed pumped into you until everyone knows that you're mine. You'd look so pretty pregnant with my babies, your stomach swollen, and your tits just fucking leaking milk for our children, huh?"
It's then that your cunt around his cock becomes a vice grip, and Shouto shudders at the feeling of your orgasm rocking through you, your pathetic keens barely audible in his blood rushing ears. And he continues, Shouto could feel the familiar sensation of his nerves being shot out, the feeling of your cunt desperately trying to milk him of his seed and worth as you grew limper in his arms, his fingers raking raised lines against your ass, forever marking himself against you, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, his mind solidifying over the need to somehow appear where you were now so he could fuck you with no restraint. He thought of your crossed eye gaze, the possible spit pouring from your mouth as you took his every drop of seed greedily into your cunt. He imagined seeing your eyes spilling with tears, seeing your fingers rip into the fabric as he fucked you with no restraint, and with his imagination, he lost himself.
Shouto continued to blindly ram his cock into your cunt, a savage, insane last attempt to spill himself into you, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your cunt pathetically clenched against his hammering cock, finally sending his left hand to the wall, fire bursting from his palm as finally his orgasm tears through him. Shit, shit, "Shit!"
Shouto's temples are damp with sweat, and his vision swims with his overwhelming desire for you and the need to get to your room without destroying the wall to completion.
He picks up his pants and underwear, quickly fixing himself up so that he's almost remorse in the way that he can't appreciate watching his cum spill from your cunt, but the lack of you on his cock is enough to have him zipping up his pants and racing to where the hostess appears.
She doesn't stand a chance when both fire and ice bite against her neck.
"How do I get into the rooms?"
After being caught flirting with whoever you had pinky promised, you had been gagged. It wasn't a bad thing per se, that man had been the last person to visit you when the room was still functioning as glory holes. With the new stuck in the wall theme, it only invited men and women to be aggressive, and a part of you guiltily and ashamedly enjoyed how rough they would get in there attempt to hear you against the gag.
But you couldn't help the flutter in your cunt and in your heart when the familiar voice of the pinky promise man sounded through the wall. Right now, however, your body felt wholly and thoroughly used. Every inch of your asscheeks and cunt was abused, but the orgasm that came with his fucking was otherwordly. 
There was still nothing to prevent the shameful clog in your throat when he abandoned you after a single orgasm, but then again, you didn't expect the door to your cubicle to be thrown open, and a man stood there with a black kitsune mask. You wondered who it was, but there was the distinctive, infamous red and split white hair behind the cover, and you whimpered at the sudden shame at being caught like this by a Pro Hero you absolutely adored. 
The mask was torn from his face, the door closing behind him, and you were ripped back into the tight cubicle, pressed flush against his chest as he sealed off the hole with his ice. You were speechless as his obviously hard cock pressed against your diaphragm, and you trembled upon hearing the zipper of his pants coming down.
And the voice of one Todoroki Shouto sent shivers down your spine, reigniting the flame in your cunt.
"I got to fuck your mouth and your cunt through other people's rules, I think it's about time I get to fuck you however I see fit."
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How about the V3 boys, (the ones who died) with a s/o whos the Ultimate Spirit Medium/Necromancer and they call the spirit of the dead character? I just wanna see some scenarios/hc's of that, if u could do it that'd be gr8! If not thats okay, i understand ^^
hey everyone, long time no see! sorry for sort of vanishing for a while, i’ve been super busy with school and my job and kind of lost interest in danganronpa for a little bit,,,, but i’m back and i’m gonna try my best to get through the requests in our inbox and maybe even try and finish a few more of the october prompts (if you guys would still be interested in seeing those!!).
anyways, sorry for the long wait on your request, anon! this was one i had started a few months ago back when i was writing regularly and i finally buckled down and finished it!! i decided to do all the v3 boys (except kiibo because uhhh hes a robot) instead of just the ones who died in canon to avoid spoilers for anyone who hasn’t finished the game yet!! i apologize if some of these seem repetitive i sorta started running out of ideas by the end lmao. i hope you enjoy, anon!
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warnings: mentions of death/dying (obviously), general angst
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Shuichi Saihara
— to say the least, Shuichi is a little shaken up now that he’s gone and you’re... well, not.
— he always told you he’d stay by your side forever, and he feels guilty. he feels like he broke a promise
— but... you talk to him again that first night. you say his name and look straight at him. can you see him? no, it couldn’t be... right?
— of course, once he puts all the pieces together, it all makes sense
— you’re the ultimate spirit medium, for goodness sakes! of course you can see him and speak to him the same way you would any other living person
— after a while, Shuichi stops feeling so guilty for leaving you. partially because it doesn’t feel quite like he’s abandoned you, and also because you reassure him that he didn’t do anything wrong by dying
— i mean, come on, it’s not his fault he got killed! how could you ever hold that against him?
— still, it takes him some time to come to terms with everything.
— though he loves you, he still finds it sad that he can never speak to anyone else ever again. at least, not without your aid.
— but as long as he has you by his side to help him cope... he knows he’ll be alright
— after all, he loves you, and you love him. and that’s enough to give him the strength he needs to keep from falling apart.
Rantaro Amami
— he's still very protective of you, despite the fact he’s merely a spirit now
— he’s always right by your side, no matter what.
— even when you aren’t able to take a moment to talk to him, or even look in his direction, Rantaro is right there
— if he were still alive, the way he now follows you around all the time may seem obsessive and creepy, but you actually appreciate it
— nobody else can see or speak to him but you, which makes his constant presence comforting, in a way
— Rantaro isn’t able to touch you in the same way he could when he was alive, but nonetheless, he still tries
— he’ll try to place his hand atop yours, or wrap his arms around your figure, but he always just passes straight through you
— you find the chill that blossoms on your skin where he touched you comforting; it’s a reminder that even though he’s gone, he’s still there with you
— it breaks his heart that he can’t truly be with you, but he tries not to focus on his own problems too much
— after all, your happiness is much more important to him than his own; you are his priority
— you’ll have to remind him that it’s okay for him to be sad, and that he shouldn’t bottle up his own emotions to be there for you
— he’ll want to keep being the person to take care of you, and watch out for you, but he needs you to be that person for him
Kokichi Ouma
— you didn’t really think Kokichi would start behaving himself just because he’s dead, did you?
— honestly he uses the fact only you can see and speak to him to his advantage
— good luck trying to keep your cool around other people while he’s off being a clown right in front of you
— but of course, he’s not all fun and games
— i mean... he’s dead. and that sucks
— he probably won’t show it, at least not right away, but he doesn’t like the feeling of separation between you two
— sure, he’s still around, but not like before. before, he could surprise you with a kiss or a suffocating hug, but he just can’t do that anymore
— it hurts. really bad.
— but he knows he’ll be okay. he know’s he’ll get used to it someday, as long as he has you with him to cheer him up when he gets especially sad
— you’re his sunshine, and he may not show it, but he needs you. so don’t leave him all alone, okay?
Gonta Gokuhara
— lets be honest... Gonta has the hardest time of the bunch adjusting to being nothing more than a spirit
— you’ll likely have to give him a lot of comfort. he’s confused, and he misses being able to be with you for real :(
— the hardest part for him is no longer being able to touch you
— he longs to feel your lips press gently against his cheek, to lay in your lap as your hands comb through his hair... he’d give anything to hold you in his arms again...
— unlike Rantaro, he’s not content with merely passing through your body when he makes contact with you
— it just... upsets him. it’s a cruel reminder that his life ended, and that he will never get to hold you, kiss you, and just love you the way he could before his life ended
— be patient with him, please... he’ll adapt eventually... but it could take a while
— just make sure to remind him how much you love him, he’ll need a lot of reassurance and comfort from you
Kaito Momota
— surprisingly, Kaito adapts to the situation pretty well
— if he is struggling with any sort of major emotions, he’s doing a stellar job of hiding it from you. and you hate that
— you don’t totally believe him when he says he’s okay, or when he tells you not to worry about him
— you know him better than that. it doesn’t make sense to you. he just died for crying out loud! he can never follow his dreams, never have the future he always wanted with you
— and you don’t understand how he can just shrug all that off and continue being your boyfriend like normal
— you confront him about it one night. he’s laying on his back, hovering beside you as you read (Kaito loves being able to float around in midair. perks of being a ghost, right?)
— "how can you be okay?" you blurt out suddenly. he looks at you, confused.
— you continue, asking all the questions that had been gnawing at you for days, and when you finally finish, he just laughs
— "of course i’m upset. but it’s a man’s job to protect the ones he loves! and being there for you is much more important than staying upset about this." he explains
— you can’t help but feel a little stupid. he’d always put you first, always prioritized your needs over anyone else’s, even his own. and he wasn’t about to stop just because he died
— fortunately for you, he isn’t upset with you sort of asking him why the hell he wasn’t a huge, depressed mess.
— in fact, he thinks it’s really sweet that, despite the fact you should be worried about yourself so you don’t end up joining him in the afterlife, you spent your energy fussing over him
Korekiyo Shinguji
— with Kiyo, not much changes. at least, not on his end.
— he’s very fascinated by the mere notion of being a spirit and has the time of his life unlife getting used to his new body
— at first you’re happy for him. i mean, it’s good that he’s not struggling, right? shouldn’t you want him to feel okay? you wouldn’t want him to suffer in sadness like you, right?
— but he’s so enthralled with his new state of being he... almost forgets to check up on you
— and even when he does spend time with you, it almost feels like all he does is talk about himself and the new things he’s discovered about being a spirit
— it’s frustrating, to say the least. you know you didn’t truly lose him, but it feels like you did
— when you finally tell him that you feel like he’s changed, he’s confused
— when Kiyo hears you say how much you miss him, how you feel like he’s so different now, he’s kinda just like ???????
— how could he be different? it’s still him, don’t you know that?
— after a long night of reflecting while you sleep (not needing rest is one of the many perks of being a spirit), Kiyo realizes what he’s been doing wrong
— you used to love when he’d talk to you endlessly about his work, his research, etc.
— but now, when he’d ramble on for hours about new things he’d learned thanks to being a mere spirit, it was just another painful reminder to you that he was dead. that he was gone.
— the moment he gets a chance, he apologizes to you. it’s a bit of an emotional moment for both of you, being the first time either of you have confronted the end of Kiyo’s life head on
— he tries to hold you, but all you feel is an icy chill where his flesh would have met yours, but oddly enough... it doesn’t make you feel worse
— you’d anticipated another tsunami of your own tears after Kiyo’s body passed through yours, but it’s comforting, albeit in a morbid way
— he’s gone, but you haven’t lost him. and you’ll never lose him; he’ll remind you of that every day if he has to
Ryoma Hoshi
— man, if you thought ryoma’s attitude and general outlook on life was depressing before, you’ve got a big storm coming
— for a long time after his death, he’s very... cold. to everyone and everything
— he’s upset. but not because he’s dead, but because he can’t protect you anymore
— being there for you, to defend you and keep you safe, had become his raison d’être, so to speak
— he knows you can still see him and talk to him. he’s not stupid. but he pretends he doesn’t hear you at first. part of him thinks that if he shuts you out long enough, you’ll come to your senses and realize you should be upset with him
— but you never do. despite what he thinks he deserves, you never turn on him, never give up on him, never stop loving him
— with time, he’ll come around and start learning to cope with his own death, and the fact you outlived him
— and you’ll be there with him every step of the way (whether he likes it or not)
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jingukk · 3 years
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Pairing: tattoo shop owner!jungkook x reader
Genre: drabble, romance | established relationship!au
wc: 1300+
warnings: mature themes, mentions/hints of sex
a/n: blond jk. thats really it. 
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you come home from a long day at work and Jungkook has a little surprise.
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Jungkook has always been beautiful. This is non debatable. From the second you laid your eyes on him, you knew: You would risk it all for this man.  
And risk it all you did, for that fateful night 4 years ago you downed a shot of tequila and made your way over to him, your pride and dignity damned. 
The rest was history. 
Over the years, you've grown together, first as friends, then as a couple. Once upon a time, he was too shy to hold your hand in public. Just another timid college kid who couldn’t look in your direction whenever you entered a room. 
Long gone is that Jungkook, his place being taken over by a man who not only isn’t afraid to hold your hand in public, but can also make you cum 5 times in the “Employees Only” section of his very own tattoo parlor, pretty lace panties stuffed into your mouth ever so nicely to keep you quiet as he rails you before his next client walks through the door.
 It's truly been a blessing. 
Now, with growth comes experimentation. Trying new things and figuring out if they worked for you or not. Jungkook, as shy as he might have been, still had an edge; still had that risky side to him that had only made itself more prominent as time went on. 
As you two learned more about each other, he continued to test out whatever came to him on a whim, whether that be in the kitchen or in the bedroom, it didn't matter; the outcome always turned out amazing. 
You remember when he first began to experiment with his appearance, the heart tattoo on his hand being the first of hundreds that would soon cover his figure. Jungkook’s skin served as a beautiful canvas, stories continuously being painted onto the blank spaces with the sole purpose to be remembered and loved for all eternity. Contrary to his soft personality, he seems to radiate the cliché bad boy™ type due to his attire and ink, all his experimenting leading to piercings up and down his body. From the metal inserted in 4 different places on both of his ears, to the ring hanging from his septum, and your favorite the bars that impale his nipples, you love each and every addition. 
So, to reiterate: Jungkook has always been beautiful, little things he adds to his body simply building his naturally devastating appeal, highlighting different parts of himself that are already breathtaking. 
But as you look at him now, beautiful is no longer a suitable word to describe the man in front of you.
All you can do is gape and stare in the doorway of your apartment, keys dropping to the floor and your bag hanging loosely from your shoulder as he comes bounding towards you from across the living room, a cheeky smile adorning his face as he makes his way over. He pushes the door shut behind you before grabbing your waist and delightfully squeezing your butt. You don't register any of it, mind too consumed on what he's done.
Jungkook snorts amusedly at your wide eyes and open mouth, peering down at you with a smile. “Like it?”
 His hair that was as virgin and untouched as Mother Mary herself, long waves of ebony that had stayed that same majestic color since the day he was born were now replaced with straws of gold, light strands framing his face delicately and curling slightly around the ends. The light aura surrounding his new hair was offset by his sharp undercut and dark eyebrows, the contrasts only making every feature of his face more striking. 
He looks like sin. 
 You feel like a teenager again with the way your heart pounds, a familiar tingle already making warmth blossom across your body. A bit lightheaded, your lungs scream at you to inhale, something you seem to have forgotten how to do.
“You’re blond.” You state dumbly.
Jungkook throws his head back as he laughs, and your eyes follow the way his light locks bounce up and down at the movement. “I’ll give you a moment to process this however you’d like, princess,” he says grinning, face all smug as his lips turn up at your frozen state. 
You barely hear him as you reach your hand up to touch his hair, the faint scent of hair dye and strawberry shampoo making its way over to you as you lean closer. Jungkook bends down like the good boy he is to give you a better view, lip caught between his teeth to prevent himself from bursting into laughter once more.
 He knew your reaction to his new hair would lean more towards extreme, subtlety never being one of your strong suits. You were dramatic in nature, your fireball energy being one of the things that drew him towards you. However, he wasn’t aware of just how affected you would be until he took note of how heavy your breathing got, the feeling of your pulse going a mile a minute boosting his ego.
The littlest bit of his roots are still dark, something you would tease his perfectionist ass about later, but overall they managed to make the whole look more appealing. Goldilocks is a cute new nickname, you think, very fitting. You back up, allowing him to rise to his full height, and you continue to shamelessly check your boyfriend out, taking in the way the light tones of his hair go against his tan, honey complexion.
Work has rendered you exhausted. Your bones are achy and your body is drained, but the sight before you proves to be too much for your simple brain to handle, animalistic instincts kicking in to deal with the urgent matter at hand.
A grunt of surprise escapes Jungkook as you jump on him, lips eagerly and messily meshing against his as he attempts to stabilize the both of you, feet staggering. You feel his hands grip both of your thighs, your legs naturally wrapping around him in return. He laughs through it all, thoroughly entertained with the fanfare he’s receiving.
“Hey, mmpfh, baby,” Jungkook sputters as he tries to speak between the kisses you’re planting all over him, but his attempts are futile. “You, mmm, Y/N-”
Soon enough he gives up, your comforting touch and scent too intoxicating for him to fight against. Your lips are urgent against his, so needy and full of longing that Jungkook lets you lead, nipping at your bottom lip every now and then. It reminds him of your college days, when random messy makeouts were spurred on by the heat of the moment, passion so undeniable in all of its intensity. Your mouth parts as you breathe and he takes the opportunity to slip in his tongue, groaning at the familiar taste.
Too soon for Jungkook’s liking you’re pulling away, panting heavily as a string of saliva trails from your lips to his. You take in the dazed look on his face, his eyes half lidded with lust and desire. Tugging on his hair slightly he releases you from his hold, placing you down gently and pulling you close by your hips, your bodies pressed against each other, hearts beating rapidly in sync.
 With your feet now back on solid ground, hands still around his neck, and fingers gently caressing tousled strands of gold, you stand on your toes and lean towards him. Your lips are so close against Jungkook’s ear, shivers running down his spine from the warmth of your breath. 
His mouth trembles, aching to taste you again. You’re addicting to him, your touch such a powerful aphrodisiac he can’t think straight.
“Five minutes,” you whisper against his skin before pushing him back, a growl making its way out from Jungkook’s throat in response. 
Your eyes flash dangerously. “Wait for me in the bedroom. Blindfold on.”
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virtual-luvr · 4 years
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☇Pairing: Jumin Han x Reader
☇Pronouns: male; he/him
☇Warning: none that i can think of <3
☇Description: Jumin wasn't planning on getting this emotional, especially at a gala.
☇Note: part two of couch nap for @luckymunchkin ! I got a lil emotional while writing that ending though-
Poor Jaehee, she had to see all of your guy's advances towards each other
Like right now too.
Jaehee currently stood in front of her boss and best friend, said best friend leaning on heR bosses desk and sending flirty remarks.
'OKAY WE GET IT YOUR G A Y AND IN LOVE', that's what she wished she could scream out right now.
But, alas, if she did she would get embarrassed by all her coworkers AND she knows you would just say
"Is someone jealous~"
And she is not about to deal with her bullshit.
Jumin sits there leaning out of his chair while conversation with you looking like he about to fall off it. Especially when you grazed your hand against his cheek to swipe a strand of his hair behind his ear.
You guys just wouldn't stop flIRTING.
Jaehee grunts as she holds on as tight as possible to the documents in her hands. Quite frustrated with the fact her boss stole her best friends attention from her and also now she has to deal with you flirting every two seconds.
You were still flabbergasted by his actions so you basically heard not even half of what he just said.
At this point people thought you worked for Jumin, i mean, you did spend a lot of time at his office now a days-
You and Jumin hurridly try to collect yourselves as you hear Jaehee give out a small coff.
"Jaehee yes, what is it you need?" Jumin says
You play and fidget with the things on Jumin desk as Jumin and Jaehee talk. Jumin tries his best not to get distracted by it but your excessive pen clicking was hurting his ears.
As Jaehee backs away to her desk Jumin lets out a grunt and puts his hand on top of yours.
"Stop that"
"Heyyy, i can't help it"
"Ill buy you something to fidget with just not my pen"
He always tried to buy you stuff, and even thought you knew he was rich RICH, you still didn't want to annoy him or something.
As you open your mouth to decline him he shushes you up, putting a finger to your lips and standing up from his chair he gives you a small glare
"Shush, also I need you for something"
"Hm?" You hum out and as you look up at him you're surprised with his face close to yours and his hands trapping you on the desk.
If i could accurately describe your thoughts right now im pretty sure it would be something along the lines of "&*$'.×$:_×€:(*€:*_:$*€:,*_€**€#,_*"
His stare is intense as he talks, "My father wants me to bring someone to a gala he's prepared. I don't have anyone, but im sure you might like the idea of a good evening or something"
He stands back from you, slightly adjusting his nicely done cuffs and waits for your answer.
You were not expecting that.
Giving out a small, "sure", and running off your face as hot as the sun and your breath shaky. In the small portion of time you had been obviously flirting he had NEVER done something like that.
As you pick out your clothes Jaehee is screaming through the phone.
"(Y/N)...we are talking about a HAN gala, there is no way i can calm down. This has to be as perfect as can be"
"JAEHEE CALM DOWN" you yell out as you hurriedly put on your clothes.
"Ill tell Jumin to go easier on you okay, you've been working really hard. Take a break, everything is perfect already anyways Jaehee"
Her words elicit an ugly laugh out of you, never in a million years would you believe that, there's no way.
You hear Jaehee heavily sigh through the phone, "thank you..i know he'll listen to you. You have him wrapped around your finger, you know that right?"
"Its the truth!!"
"Whatever Jaehee, ill see you there" you lightly shake your head and hang up, doing any last details and shaking off any dust that might be on your clothes.
When you get there you're met with the beautiful sight of fairy lights and different colors.
As you walk out you meet Jumins eyes and he softly smiles at you. He usually doesn't do that but he's been doing it much more lately.
Giving your hand a kiss he pats the seat beside him, your blush does not go unnoticed and he lets out a light chuckle.
You grumble as he tells the driver to start the car, after a while you get more comfortable and you make conversation as you get to the gala.
Opening the door you're met with flashes and blinding light. You try to cover your eyes but you flinch as Jumins hand comes into contact with your back.
He ignores everyone around him except the corporates who gave out a wave and nice greetings, leading you to a less crowded area he tells you he has something important to do and now you sit there waiting for him to calm back.
He doesn't give out any reaction, he just slowly walks you through the crowd of people and leave you to the grand entrance.
Zen excitedly picks you up, your feet hover over the ground as you try to hug him as best as possible.
Damn you Jumin, im not good at this stuff.
Hearing an oh so familiar laugh you look all around you, trying to find the culprit as soon as possible.
As you walk around a corner you see familiar head of hair.
There he was!
Giving a light tap to his shoulder you smirk when Zen gives you a bright eyed smile
"Miss me?"
No matter what, damn this man is strong-
"He's here!"
All of you were having a good time until Jaehees breath hitches and she hurriedly gives you the champagne bottle she had in her hands just moments ago.
As you look beyond Zens shoulder you see Jaehee.
"Oh im so sorry, was I interrupting your conversation?" Oh god now you feel bad. You thought he was alone-
"No no, you were just the person i was looking for. We missed you"
You smile at Zen and Jaehee, giving Jaehee a quick hug and engaging in conversation. It was more of Zen flexing his acting and you and Jaehee both being amazed.
Both Jaehee and Zen turn a pale white. Zen stutters before giving you a, "peace out", and running away. Jaehee chasing him, right on his tail.
"Is everything okay-"
You were about to ask up until you felt a slight warmth behind you, looking behind your shoulder you're met with Jumins cold glare.
Damn, so that's how it is huh.
That hurt, thats hurt more then it should have. He doesn't even try to look at you in the eyes, he just keeps looking out at the scenery.
You chuckle nervously as you turn around to meet Jumins eyes
He notices your eyes piercing through him and he huffs, he turns away from you and walks through the crowd. You follow as best as you can, trying not to lose sight of him.
You reach a balcony and you see him resting on the railing, the wind made his hair flow beautifully.
But as much as you wanted to admire him, you knew you guys had to talk.
"Whats wrong?" You go and put your hand on his back like he did to you less than an hour ago but he only pushes it away
"Its fine"
"No its not, whats wro-"
"Can you leave me alone please? I don't want to talk to you or see you right now, its annoying"
It works a little but he knows he needs to go look for you now. Budging the door open he swiftly walks through the crowd once again and as he maps out the second floor of the mansion he knows you're not around here.
When Jumin hears the door to the balcony slam shut he knew he had fucked up.
He panics for a second, running his hand through his hair. Trying to calm his laboring breath and bad thoughts.
"Im sorry, i was jealous of your interactions with Zen. I know you're entitled to all your own emotions but seeing you with him makes my heart ache. I don't know what this feeling is, its so foreign. But i know i don't like seeing you so close to him, I thought we were close-" he chocked up while confessing to you, you grab onto the fabric of his vest as he cries into your shoulder
His shoes click each time he takes another step and he practically skips as many steps as he humanly can while walking down the staircase.
The gala was a big, and so was the crowd. But even so, he was able to pinpoint your head through the whole crowd and he runs after you. Not giving a single care about what everyone in the crowd thought.
He tries not to make a scene so with his long legs he goes up behind you and takes you into one of the spare bedrooms.
"Jumin let me go" you barely fight him off, you don't have any energy to. But you know he would obey what you had to say, and just as you thought he let you go.
He suddenly grabs onto you and hugs you close.
You run your hands through his hair. As much as his words hurt, you also know he would never be this emotional around others. So you know he's telling the truth
"Im sorry, please, I didn't mean that I swear. It just came out, I promise i wont do it again. Please don't leave, please-"
Well to him at least it did seem embarrassing, he was raised this way after all.
"Sh sh, i forgive you"
"You do?" He hiccups, his voice is groagy now, he hasn't cried like this in so long. It felt good but also so incredibly embarrassing to do it in front of the person he loved so much.
His hands were glued to the small of your back and his thumb rubbed soft and smooth traces against your skin.
You give his forehead a soft peck and the smile he had that evening finally came back.
He barely thought his actions through before he had you in a close embrace and his lips were against yours.
Your hands were still in his hair and a sigh slips past his lips as he presses his lips harder against yours.
You eyelashes flutter open as he pulls away, but when your eyes meet he closes the gap once again.
If you could stay like this forever you would.
You push away from just a little so you can look at his expression better, his expressions tells you everything. He truly is so, so happy in this moment.
After another passionate kiss he gives out soft pecks to your lips as you both smile, hearts content
"I've never been this happy"
And you wouldn't want it any other way. Seeing Jumin this happy made you just as happy.
You can't help but kiss him again as you see him smile and look at you with soft but loving eyes.
"Is this a good time to say I love you" you say as you chuckle
[1956 words; aug/25/2020]
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myrulia · 3 years
Love with Gifts - Kokushibou
.。.:*✧Synopsis: Kokushibou takes you out on a picnic and shows you the pretty necklace that shows how much he loves you
.。.:*✧Warnings: None, simply fluff
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`` Sooooo..~ What food did you bring? `` You asked curiously as you walked along side your one and only, Kokushibou. With the close proximity you two shared, you stole a few glances inside the picnic basket that the male held securely in his hand, and away from you so that you wouldn't know the multiple surprises he had planned that evening.
`` I might have asked what your favorites are because I needed the extra help... and I didn't want to ruin the surprise. `` Kokushibou admits rather sheepishly, tilting his head down so that you wouldn't have to see the parts of blush on his face, but that was simply impossible with how close you two were walking. `` Aww come on..~ You could have just asked me. You know I hate surprises! `` you said with a whine.
`` But I wanted everything to be a surprise, so stop whining. `` Your lover said rather gently, leaning down to peck your cheek and smiling apparently after the gesture of obvious infatuation was completed. Truth be told actions like small pecks, kisses, hugs, or any type of skin ship was hard for Kokushibou to initiate, for it had been far too long since he's had anyone to truly call his own. Yet when you came into his life, it made him realize a plethora of things.
Although, 90% of those things didn't matter merely as much as what he was planning to do did. In his eyes, you were perfect from head to toe, and nothing could change that. The 6 eyed demon always tried his best to really understand why he had fell in love with you, but learning he simply loved you for - well, you, he stopped trying to look for the why, and instead focus his heart on the happiness that you gave him after being with each other for so long.
`` Is this it? `` You spoke up, looking to the male beside you since you both had been walking in comfortable silence for so long that he hadn't realized he aimlessly led you to the spot he specifically wanted. It had a rather nice view of the ocean since it was on a hillside. The moon seemed to shine ever so brightly in the night, illuminating your surroundings just a bit. `` Yes, we are here my love. ``
Setting down the basket, away from your grabby hands, he pulls out the blanket gently that he specifically asked for to be made. It was a rather exotic pattern, yet had your favorite color, so knowing that your lover went out of his way in order to make you happy tonight honestly made you smile. `` You know you should really let me help. It'll make the process go faster..~ ``
Shaking off your request, the upper moon one laughed under his breath. `` Knowing you, you're just going to look in the basket and see what I have in store for you. ``
The fact that the larger demon read you like a book made you pout and cross your arms like a big baby. By doing so, you only made Kokushibou laugh even more, which was a surprising first because you never heard the male laugh so boisterously. `` Alright, you win, help me place these down. ``
Handing over multiple different matching containers with lids on them, you grabbed them gently, one by one, from his hands and set them down on the fabric beneath you. The process only took but so long since you two were working together. Once no more containers came your way, you finally got comfortable next to your lover who looked at you with a bright smile before opening one container that had fruit along with a few others, another had bread, and one more had your all time favorite food.
`` Kokushibou you- How long did you- ``
`` How long it took me is irrelevant, love. You have all your favorites and the moonlight to shine down upon us, just enjoy yourself. `` The gentleness of Kokushibou's tone sent slight shivers down your spine. Oh how he was so close to your ear, and how he brushed a few strands of hair behind just to make sure his words were heard, yet his tone sounded so gentle and caring all the while? You felt loved. You felt safe. And thats all Kokushibou ever wanted for the love of his life.
`` F-Fine... but only because I love you. `` And with that, your hands went straight towards the container that held your absolute favorite. Biting into the delicious food, you let out a rather loud hum as you allowed your taste receptors to comprehend that you finally had your craving satisfied of your favorite meal. While you enjoyed your own meal, Kokushibou sat in silent nervousness and he reached into the basket, only to pull out a black white box that ahd you intrigued the moment your eyes was set upon it.
`` Darling, what is that? `` You spoke after swallowing the portion of food in your mouth, turning your full attention to the upper moon who held the box in his lap, his eyes not landing on yours until he turns towards you fully. `` Y/N, your beauty puts stars to shame, your smile shines brighter than any sun in this galaxy. To me, you are perfection in itself. You say to be insecure at times, but in my eyes, there is nothing you should be insecure of. My love, my star, my everything, will you accept this necklace as a constant reminder of your beauty? ``
To process his words your eyes practically doubled in size, slowly tearing up in the process as you brought your hands up to your face to comprehend every word he just said, to describe you no less. A few tears managed to roll down your cheeks as you let out a soft mewl of both sadness and happiness. `` I- Kokushibou..- `` Your mind still couldn't piece proper sentences together for you were still so emotionally shocked from his declaration of undeniably loving you.
Letting out a choked sob, you practically tackled your lover onto the soft fabric of the blanket, hugging him rather tightly which he returned without hesitation. Setting the black box down gently, he uses that same hand to gently sooth your emotions, rubbing up and down your back as you cried softly into his neck. `` Y-Yes.. I'll accept anything you give me..- I love you so so much. ``
Slowly getting off of the larger male, you sat impatiently as Kokushibou got himself situation once more, grabbing the box and opening it slowly. In the box revealed a beautiful necklace that had a cresent moon in the center, and on either side a star that seemed to be the brightest shining thing on the piece of jewelry. `` It's so beautiful.. `` You muttered under your breath.
`` And yet you still put it to shame with your radiant beauty. `` You turned around with a soft giggle, moving your hair out of the way so the demon could put the necklace on your fair skin and around yourneck. Making sure it was secure, he adjusted the jewelry one last time before fixing her hair just a bit so that it was back in its natural place. `` Thank you darling. `` You said after turning around and placing a peck on the males forehead, the action making your faces closer than before.
`` I should be thanking you, especially for staying with me after so long. `` Kokushibou then said, pecking your forehead in return and smiling evidently afterwards. `` Best believe I'm not going anywhere, I love you too much, my moon. ``
`` I love you, my little star. ``
The first time I cried over a post because he'd be a gentle giant, I rest my case.
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buckysbest · 3 years
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers x Reader
Series Warnings: NSFW TOPICS, Manipulative/Toxic tendencies, sad boi steve rogers, cheating, alcohol
Series Summary: Heartbreak follows her everywhere and Steve Rogers is nothing but the latest victim, at least thats what she thought? Now she can't shake the feeling of him no matter where she goes.
Word count: 1.8K
A/N: Hey lovelies! Sorry I haven't been posting much, I am have just had a lot going on the past few weeks. I absolutely adore all of you (@lookiamtrying im talking to you extra) and I cant wait to see what you guys think!
ps sorry for any typos lol I really wanted to give you guys something today
Series Masterlist coming soon // Masterlist Coming soon
You could pretend you weren't petty and you could pretend he didn't have your blood boiling, but you knew you’d only be lying to yourself. At the sound of her voice, your stomach had dropped practically through the pavement and you were pissed.
Your “vacation” in Miami now officially cut short as you found yourself leaning back into your increasingly uncomfortable plane seat. You drummed your nails on the back of your phone as you began to actually consider the consequences that would follow the impulse purchase of your ticket.
You knew you shouldn't go back. You knew what kind of message this sent.
It practically screamed your need for attention from your boy in red, white, and blue while also displaying the jealousy you couldn't quite push down for all yo see
But you just couldn't help yourself.
If he was going to disrupt your plans this heavily, the least you could do is return the favor.
The sun was just rising over the wing of the aircraft as the flight attendants made their final rounds and speeches to the nearly empty plane. The pounding headache from your night of partying was only worsened as the roar of the engines seemed to get louder and louder. In an attempt to mitigate the pain, you pushed the power button on your phone and shoved it into the seat pocket beside you. Your head found the back of the seat with a small groan as your frustration with yourself only grew.
In need of some peace, you let your tired and heavy eyes drape shut. Much to your dismay, they only provided a screen for the tortuous highlight reel of his hands on your body to play upon.
This was going to be a long flight.
As the wheels of the plane finally landed, you quickly gathered your limited belongings and headed straight for the exit. Your rushed departure from Miami couldn't have been more obvious to the other passengers and pedestrians around you. The early morning business class was filled mostly with people in professional wear which provided a stark contrast to your, albeit, slutty and glittering minidress.
Your heels echoed throughout the airport with each step toward the exit of the building, disrupting the stillness of the morning. As you finally crossed the threshold into the fresh air, your driver waved you down excitedly. The pain in your head worsened once again as your agitation grew and you slid on your sunglasses with an eye roll.
“Miss. Y/N, it is really so lovely to see you, we all missed you so much! Your father was incredibly excited that you decided to come home early!”
As you walked further from the building, he rushed around you, gathering your belongings from you as he continued to sprinkle you with unnecessary compliments.
“Mhm, yeah, Thomas, that's really lovely- truly, do you mind though, can we just skip home and just go to the penthouse please?”
The request surprised him a bit, probably because your father prepared him for a different sight exiting the airport. Instead of a burnt out party-girl chomping at the bit for the comforts of home, he was met with a hungover and irritable heiress already smothered over her newly acquired lack of freedom.
The serenity of the ride into the city allowed you a moment of reflection as hints of guilt began to pool in the bottom of your stomach. While your attitude didn't completely improve, you did feel bad for the way you had spoken to Thomas because in all fairness, the limo was far warmer and comforting than the unwelcoming New York air and you knew he was simply doing his job.
The tension in the vehicle seemed to diffuse a little as you got closer to your apartment. Your eyes and energy had rather refocused on the real reason for your return as you turned to your phone, staring at the messages Steve had left you.
3:15 (We’ll talk in the morning, ok?)
3:20 (Sweetheart, look, if it's really important, I can stay up for a bit longer)
4:00 (did you at least get home safe?)
5:00 (doll, you're making me nervous, please just let me know your safe)
You bit your lip in concentration but your eyes were drawn away from your phone before you could craft a response as the car found itself coming to a slow stop. Thomas made his way to your door, opening it and offering you a hand as you stepped out and took in the building. After the all-too-long ride up the elevator, your mind was settled as you entered your top floor home. It was just how you had left it two months ago and it felt good to be back.
“Just a moment thomas, I just need to get changed”
Thomas awkwardly dismissed himself back to the car as you walked into your bedroom and subsequent closet. You paused under your closet archway briefly to finally type the response you had been thinking over.
8:00 am ( can I come over? or do you have company)
Your nails met your lips as you nervously awaited his response.
8:00 am (wait what? are you home already?)
8:00 am (you know you can come over anytime )
A smile grew on your lips at his timely response. Your hands rummaged through the variety of drawers lining the walls of your wardrobe before stopping to feel the lace of a white set of lingerie you knew he couldn't resist. Sliding it on, your eyes gel onto the perfect outfit for your intended purposes.
The black velvet top and matching skirt hugged your body in a way that should be illegal while your diamond-studded pumps found their way onto the floor replaced by equally stunning white pumps. They rubbed slightly on the blisters you had acquired in the past week as you quickly made your way back out the door after grabbing your handbag from the couch.
‘He lived right down the street’ you repeated to yourself as traffic dragged what should have been a five minute ride into a fifteen minute endeavor.
The anticipation of being reunited began to expose itself as your skin began to glisten and an excited glow rose onto your face. Before Thomas could even put the car fully in park, you had already opened the door, saying a quick don't wait up before slamming the door shut.
Your legs couldn't seem to move quick enough as you walked through the hallways until you reached his door. Your heels must have given your arrival away because before your knuckles could even knock on the door, he swung it open and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“I am so glad you're safe”
His warm breath tickled your neck as he mumbled the soft words into your hair. A small smile found its way onto your face at the notion before you raised yourself onto your tippy toes, whispering back an “I missed you”.
You could feel the silence and comfort in everyone of your muscles as they relaxed into the man you knew all too well. You turned around, stepping into the threshold of his home without breaking the strong grip that he still had on you. Taking the small note, he released you slightly, pulling his large frame through the door as well before he shut it gently. His eyes softened as they met yours for the first time in two months.
“What are you doing home?” A small smile raised onto his face as you took another step into him, laying your head on his chest.
“I already told you, I missed you,” you replied as his hands that laid respectfully on your lower back were lowered by your own mischievous hands. You placed a soft kiss beneath his ear, “Did you miss me too Cap?”
A small groan left his mouth at the nickname and you knew you were close to getting what you wanted.
You lead his hands once again lower, this time to the bottom of your skirt, prompting him to slide it up a bit. Your hands finally left his as you reached them up around his neck and leaned in.
His lips met yours halfway in a movement that could only be described as desperate.
The slow and agonizing pace that he had tried to set for you was now gone as he patted your thighs and you jumped. He carried you to his bedroom, tossing you onto the bed and crawling on top of you.
His mouth then began to make its way down the side of your neck, eliciting a loud moan from your painted lips. A satisfied smirk momentarily appeared on his face as he lifted his eyes to meet yours. They seemed to search your eyes for a moment before they broke away from yours with a small frown. His hovering form came down as he placed his head on your chest with a groan.
“What's wrong cap?” you joked slightly as you ran your hands through his hair.
“I can’t do this doll.” His sweet eyes raised to meet yours and you could immediately tell they were filled to the brim with guilt.
“Of course you can Ste-”
“You don’t understand y/n,” he said with a deep sigh before pulling himself further back and standing up. He began to pace slightly as he continued with a frustrated groan, “I- fuck- “
Your eyes widened at the uncharacteristic language and behavior of your golden boy as his eyes met yours once again. “I-I finally found someone who will give me what you cant y/n.” He paused momentarily, as if being hit by the recoil of the gun he had just fired into your heart. “She, She really sees a future with me doll and, and I-I can't just throw that all away for nothing” he says. His words and his eyes were laced with propositions and it really appears like he's trying to convince himself more than you.
Nonetheless, your heart dropped to your stomach and you could feel tears threatening to brim at your eyes. “Nothing? Am I nothing to you Steve?”
“Oh- of course no- I didn't mean it like that,” he sighed as he quickly walked back over to you.
You extended an arm out before pulling him back onto the bed and flipping him over. Straddling his hips, you leaned down and laid into his chest. His arms once again found their way around you, if only because of muscle memory. You held this embrace for a moment before sighing out your own proposition.
“I’ll go Steve… I’ll go and leave forever if you really want…. Just tell me..” You leaned your head up slightly to meet his ear and whispered,
“Is that what you really want?”
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bokoutoe-retired · 4 years
— #51 “i’ll always be here for you, ok?” & #6 “i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met”
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characters; shoto todoroki
synopsis; todoroki seems troubled and it’s up to his best friend to find out why
total w/c; 2030
warnings; a few brief mentions of anxiety, but thats it :) i also mention end**vor like once lmao
「a/n」 requested by @greywarenns oh my god!! i literally rewrote this thing four times until i got here, and i’m decently happy with how it turned out. but i found it super hard to write todo so he’s defintely a little ooc, but i hope it’s decent! this was a challenge but i enjoyed it nonetheless so thank you for the request! <3
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the realization that you’re in love with your best friend is shocking, to say the least. and it certainly was to todoroki. y/n and shoto did everything together. they studied together, trained together, ate together, made fun of endeavor together, the two were practically attached at the hip. wherever shoto went, y/n went and vice versa. but when todoroki found himself staring at you for just a little too long during one of your regular sunday study sessions, it hit him like a ton of bricks.
i’m in love with y/n l/n. i’m in love with my best friend.
that night, you didn’t notice any change in shoto and the next couple of days were pretty normal too. going about your school days and training schedules as usual. but you and shoto never ended up spending time alone together so there was no opportunity to even recognize any shifts in his behavior. you two were always separated or with another classmate, but never alone.
it wasn’t until your scheduled friday hangout that you first noticed a change. every friday night, without fail, you and todoroki set aside time to hangout. either to study, to watch a movie or even to just lay around in the same room. it didn't matter as long as you were together. during the last friday night you two had agreed that tonight's hangout was to be a movie night. now normally, todoroki wasn't an outrightly affectionate person but he did mention to you once in passing he found physical closeness comforting, and even longed for it from those few he was close with. ever since that late night conversation, it wasn’t uncommon to find yourselves situated near each other. just casual stuff like your legs touching during lunch and your feet thrown over his lap or your shoulders touching during movie nights. on particularly cold evenings you might even find your head tucked into the warm curve of his left shoulder. this subtle form of affection between you had soon become the norm, as it was welcomed and appreciated by both parties. after growing used to the comfortable, casual affection it was understandable that you felt a bit out of place when he showed up to your dorm room and took his seat on the opposite side of the bed, as far away from you as he could get. your laptop resting in the space between, almost mocking the distance while the movie sits waiting to be played. his act of separation sparked a flame of anxiety and worry in your chest. maybe it had gotten to be too much or you were making him uncomfortable, and he didn't have the heart to say anything.
“everything okay sho?” you really didn’t realize how accustomed to his touch you had become until you no longer had it. he may have only been less than a few feet away but it felt like miles compared to previous nights.
“yes, why?” he looks over to you as he answers. his face appears neutral, with no signs of being uneasy.
“oh nothing...” you trail off and shift in your seat while awkwardly adjust the blanket you had draped over yourself. it’s not like either of you had outright asked for it or mentioned anything about it out loud. truthfully, it just kind of started happening. and at this point you didn’t want to be the first person to say anything and make things awkward. you opt to keep your concerns unspoken and just roll with it for the night. your friday movie night came and went. it was nice to spend time with shoto and it wasn’t unenjoyable by any means, but you will admit it felt odd not having him pressed against you like usual.
over the course of the following saturday and sunday you invite him to hang out a few times. and all he gives you in response is a blunt “i can’t” or “i’m busy”. being his best friend you're more than aware how straightforward, or even how dense, he can be but this time it’s different. it’s sharp and curt, maybe even bordering annoyed. maybe he was just a little tired today. but maybe it was something more? between his attitude now and actions friday night, perhaps it was. it could be that something was bothering him or something put him in a sour mood. you can’t help but give into the lingering fear that maybe you had done something wrong. you let it go for the rest of the weekend, knowing that he would hopefully come to you, his best friend, if something had happened and he wanted to talk. hopefully.
it’s not until monday that you finally get truly fed up.
to start the day, there was no todoroki waiting outside your dorm room. normally, every morning without fail, you and shoto would walk together across campus from the dorms to your first class of the day. it was a wonderful way to start your day, but this time he wasn’t there. ten minutes later, when you arrived to class he was already sitting in his seat, notebook open and pencil out. had you really done something wrong? said something unintentionally rude, or had you really made him that uncomfortable while spending time together? you meet his eyes from across the room and offer him a small wave as you enter the classroom and slide into your seat across the room. he gives you a small nod and returns to looking at the textbook on his desk.
as much as todoroki wanted to walk you across campus, and as much as he wanted to talk with you before class started, he had come to a conclusion late friday night. when he walked back to his dorm after finishing the movie and saying goodnight, he decided that maybe if he stopped talking to you for a little bit he would be able to clear his head a little, sort out his feelings and figure out what he should do. as genius of an idea todoroki thought it was, a conversation with you was inevitable as you easily fell into step right next to him on the way to your second class. you immediately start talking about an album jirou had recommended to you. he listens to you speak while also doing his best to not get caught up in thinking about how pretty your smile is, or how cute you are when you get excited. it’s only when he catches a soft smile forming on his own face he realizes not talking to you would be a lot more difficult than he thought and not nearly as effective as he had hoped. he knew you would eventually realize he was purposefully disregarding you. he also knew you well enough to know that you would probably think it was your fault. that outcome definitely wasn’t what he desired. the last thing he wanted was to have you think he was upset with you for some reason, when in reality he was upset with himself for feeling about you the way he does.
it’s honestly a big relief to you when he starts engaging with you again, but you can tell somethings still bothering him. he gives you that soft smile often reserved only for you, but it doesn't quite seem complete. he nods and makes small comments as you continue talking, and it does little to soothe the nagging fear that somehow you messed up. you begin to wrack your brian for any possibilities. he hasn't mentioned his father in a while so it probably wasn't that, he did spectacular on the last three tests and as far as you know he was still ranked number one in class. he even got off campus last week, to visit his mother in person and said it went well so it’s likely not that either. there’s always a possibility that you really did do something to upset him.
after observing his abnormal behavior for the rest of the day, you manage to finally pull him off to the side on your walk back to the dorms. you gently grab him by the elbow and tug him down by the arm to sit with you on the bench.
“listen, shoto” you begin to speak, and he doesn't miss the anxiety that flashes across your face as you gently squeeze his arm with the hand still resting there, “i uh, i don’t know what's going on with you, but i know something is up and i’m really worried. you’ve been distant and moody and maybe i’ve done something wrong and you're upset-” he cuts you off in the middle of what he knows could’ve been a very long rant.
“y/n it’s not like that, i could never be mad at you. please don’t worry yourself over nothing” he does his best to reassure you without completely spilling his feelings. it’s difficult to not share everything with you like normal, but the fear of losing you holds him back.
“sho, it’s clearly something if it’s causing you to act so different. if you don’t want to talk about it right now that's fine, but just know i’ll always be here for you ok? i’ll be here to listen whenever you wanna talk” you have the softest look in your eyes as you speak and place your hand on top of his. your skin is so soft and much warmer than his. he feels an unusual heat begin to crawl up his normally cold right side, and he resists the urge to turn his hand over and intertwine your fingers with his.
“i’m in love with you!” his eyes widen as he realizes what he's just blurted out, but continues on anyways, “i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met. and it's so scary and i’ve just now realized it, but you’re my best friend and i don’t know who else to tell. i don’t want to lose you but i don’t think i can keep it to myself. i understand that you don’t feel the same way, and i apologize if i’ve made you uncomfortable...” his words start out bold but he quiets down as he loses confidence and sees a look of utter disbelief flash across your face. he begins to regret his words immediately and his first instinct is to leave. thinking maybe he could just walk away and pretend like this never happened, but your grip on the back of his hand tightens and prevents him from running. he stops and looks down at you only to meet your eyes, glassy with tears. he feels his own eyes begin to grow hot, he must’ve really messed up huh? he flumps back onto the bench next you, as your hold on his hand never loosens. the tears welling in his eyes threaten to spill over but his heart skips a beat when he sees your lips stretch into a smile.
“sho, you idiot! i thought you were mad at me” out of relief tears begin to stream down your cheeks “i’m in love with you too, a whole lot” you sniffle and let out a laugh, before moving your fingers to interlock with his.
“you? you what?” the breath leaves his body and he squeezes your hand in an attempt to ground himself. not once had the idea of you returning his feelings even crossed his mind, in his head he had already written himself off as unlovable in that way. yet here he is, on a bench with someone who truly loves him back. the emotions that swell in his chest are nothing but overwhelming and its all he can do to smile and pull you into a big kiss. with one hand still holding yours, he uses the other to tug you close. it’s inexperienced and clumsy as your lips slot with his. you bump noses and you can even taste a hint of your shared salty tears, but in the end none of that matters because it’s so good and so full of love.
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
You Can’t Count On Me
A/N: Chapter 6
The sunlight streams in from the window, illuminating the two bodies buried underneath the fluffy white comforter. He slowly feels consciousness pull him into reality and what a spectacular reality it is. Peering down his body, the form of his beautiful girlfriend as she slowly startles awake brings a smile to his face. “Good morning, sunshine.”
She hums in appreciation as his lips touch the crown of her head and his fingers delicately dance up and down her spine, bringing a welcomed shiver through her body. “Mmmm. Am I dreaming?”
“No. Definitely not dreaming.”
“You know the last time I woke up after we made love, I was alone.”
“I’m sorry.”
She brushes off his apology, tilting her head back, the brunette brings her eyes to his. It’s been 4 months of her constantly thinking about what would’ve happened if he hadn’t left, and she always comes to the same conclusion. “At first I was kinda mad, but then I realized that if we had woken up together it might’ve been a little awkward or I may have panicked like I tend to do.”
“How do you mean?”
Her head finds his pillow as she burrows her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent that is so uniquely him. “Well, we never really talked about our feelings before we jumped into bed together. I mean we loved each other of course but it wasn’t verbalized that we were head over hills in love.”
His silence startles her and she begrudgingly props herself up on his chest only to be met with a goofy grin playing at his lips. “What?”
“I love you.”
God those words coming from his lips is something she never let herself think about, but now its all she can think about. The feel of his touch, his smile...he’s everything. Throwing her leg over his waist, her heat meets his already hardening member, and oh how she loves everything about this new part of their relationship. “I love you, too, but I can probably show you better than I can tell you.” Leaning down, she can’t help but mirror his smile with one of her own as her lips meet his. 
After a very productive morning in bed the pair make their way into the Mission for the first time as partners. Kensi reached her desk, toss a deck of cards into his hands. “I need you to quiz me.”
“I have lunch with Anna today.”
“I can’t believe she thinks you’re a curator.”
“What about you? She thinks you’re that guy from Fired Up.”
“I do fit the part, baby.”
They both freeze as the term of endearment leaves his lips. It’s weird but a good weird.
At the sound of their colleagues walking into the bullpen their smiles quickly vanish as Deeks lifts up the first card.
“Oh, uh, uh, Matisse?”
“Nope. Munch.”
He holds up the next.
“Van Gogh?”
“Cezanne.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “Seriously, Kens, why are you doing this?”
Before she can answer, Sam walks in, observing the pair. “Hazing the new guy or is he hazing you?”
“Haze me, Kens, please?” The shaggy blonde holds up the next card for his girlfriend, knowing there’s no way she’ll get this one.
“Seurat.” She answers.
The ex-Navy SEAL gets a glimpse of the card, instantly knowing the right answer. “Monet.”
“Bing. Bing. Bing. Sam proceeds to the bonus round and Kensi wins the consolation prize otherwise known as a steaming bucket of fail.” His words may sting but the wink he sends her lets her know that he’s just playing his part in their own little op.
They decided it could be fun deceiving their coworkers about their newly defined relationship. And of course the competitiveness inside them lit up at the idea of a bet as to who would discover what was really going on between them first.
The detective was a bit surprised that his partner chose Eric, he on the other hand chose Callen. Even though he’s barely had a conversation with the man there was something about his quite and questioning demeanor that told him the team leader would find them out first. 
As the day progresses the best friends are sent to the house that belongs to Vakar’s ex-wife. This is sort of their first test as a pair of undercover operators. It’s both exciting and frightening all at the same time. Experiencing something new with the most important person in your world is one thing but experiencing two new changes might be a challenge. A challenge that they’re both ready to face head on.
Stepping onto the sidewalk, the pair make their way towards the house as the blaring alarm sounds over and over again. “What do you know about alarms?”
“Do you not remember my stint with Robbery Division?”
“Right, it was around the same time I was taking the Counter Surveillance course at Quantico.”
“You mean the time you were always one upping me during our daily phone calls?”
She taps her knuckles on the wood frame door before turning to her boyfriend, studying the look in his eyes. “I’m not a one upper.”
“Not normally, but some how just with me.”
“Well I vaguely remember you one upping me this morning.”
His heart flutters as the spark shines in her mismatched orbs. The past 36 hours has been like a whole new experience with her in so many beautifully amazing ways. “Oh, touché.”
As they step inside his apartment at the end of a long first day, the words she had spoken to Emma a few hours ago plays back in her mind. If this man loves you as much as you love him, its not gonna matter. It’ll bring you closer. She’s put off telling him for long enough and now that they’re together, she doesn’t want to keep anything from. Especially this. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
He takes hold of her hand, pulling her body into his before pressing a hungry kiss to her soft lips. A kiss that he’s been craving all day. “You’re not breaking up with me, are you?”
“What? No, never!” She quickly pulls back, shaking her head profusely.  
“Good to know.”
The cocky grin thats curls at his lips makes her legs turn to jelly. Luckily his arms are wrapped around her waist, giving her much needed support. Taking a deep breath, she searches his eyes hoping that what she’s about to tell him won’t make him shut down. 
He watches as her beautiful mismatched orbs swim with what he thinks is turmoil. There’s not a doubt in his mind that whatever she has to say isn’t something they can’t work through. He leans forward, placing his lips on hers reassuring her once more. “Kens, what is it?”
“It’s about Jack.”
His brow furrows in confusion. That is definitely the furthest thing he thought they would be talking about tonight. “What about him?”
“When he left...”
“Hey, look at me.” His finger finds the underside of her jaw, tilting her head up. Cerulean blues conveying all the love he has for her with one look. “I love you. Nothing’s gonna change that.”
A small smile spread across her face at his words because in their 20 years of friendship he’s never once lied to her. “I told you that he left because of his PTSD.”
“But that’s not the only reason he left.”
“I guess I didn’t realize or want to truly believe what he was talking about until recently...Marty, he left because of you.”
She nods as a soft teary-eyed smile crosses her lips. Her thumbs finding the small of his back, nervously running back and forth across his sun kissed skin. “Yeah, he uh...right before he left, he told me all these things about how he always felt like he was coming in second place to you. He told me that I light up when you walk into the room and how he wishes that I’d look at him even a fraction of the way I look at you. The last thing he said to me was that I was blind not to see how in love I was with you and how you felt the same.”
His face quickly falls as he pulls back from their embrace, making her heart rate speed up. She wasn’t technically lying when she told him about Jack but she did omit a huge part that affected him as well.
As he walk over to the couch a heavy sigh leaves his lips. He sits down, his face immediately finding the palm of his hands as he tries to gather his thoughts.
Trying to remember what he said a few minutes ago about nothing changing his mind about how much he loves her, she can’t help but nervously bite her bottom lip as she finds her place next to him on the couch. “Will you please say something?” 
“The morning Jack left and you called me, I dropped everything to take care of you. After about a month, she...she uh-came to me and said that I needed to stop lying to myself.”
“Lying to yourself about what?”
“About how I feel about you.” He finally lets himself look at her, unable to get the image of them being together sooner and happier out of his head.
She always had the feeling that the redhead saw through her some how. They got along great, but something had changed in their interactions the last few weeks of her and Marty’s relationship. Now she knows what it was. “Oh.”
“When you said she left because you two were in different places you meant-“
“That she was in love with me, but I was clearly in love with you.” He nods, as the corner of his lips lift into a smile. 
Her brow furrows, wondering what he was thinking or why he didn’t act on his feelings. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you?” He hits her with the same question, knowing that they more than likely have the same answer. 
She willingly goes with him as he pulls them back against the couch. Immediately curling into his body for comfort, her legs find their way across his lap and its in that moment that she realizes how seamlessly they’ve fallen into craving each other’s touch all the time. “We really are quiet the pair, aren’t we.”
“That we are.”
It’s few minutes as they sit there in silence before she flashes back to that night. “Wait a second. You came over that night you broke up.”
“I did.”
Her brow furrows, wondering why he wouldn’t want to be alone after ending a year long relationship. 
“After Jessica told me that I need to wake up, you called.”
“And you answered.”
A look crosses his face as if shocked that she would think he wouldn’t drop everything for her, no matter what it may be. “Of course I did.”
Tilting her head back, she looks up into his cerulean blues, her fingernails finding the scruff of his jaw. “Did we really miss out on 6 years together?”
They could dwell on what could’ve been but there’s no use in wasting any more of their time on it when they’re together, here and now. He shakes his head, trying to find the right words to say to her. “No, not really. I mean you’ve been the most important thing in my life, that never changed. The only thing’s that’s different now is, I can do this.” His lips find the crook of her neck, working their way towards the lobe of her ear. “And this.” He receives an approving moan as his hand works its way underneath the hem of her shirt and towards her breast. 
Her eyes drift close as his lips work their magic and send her body humming with excitement. “Keep talking.”
He suddenly stops his ministrations and briefly pulls back, earning a disapproving moan from his girl.  
Her eyes fly open, and is immediately met with a cocky grin. “What? Why’d you stop?”
“You just told me to keep talking. You’re definitely in love with me.”
She shakes her head as her fingers curl around his golden locks, pulling him towards her. “Shut up.”
“And there she is.” His lips find hers as they fall against the couch, skin to skin, they become closer in more ways than one. 
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bitchfitch · 3 years
Aleistar and Haze with grey to multi-coloured? :O (i am just really fond of the grey to multi-colored for some reason)
this one was just Sweet, Tooth Rotting, just Absolutely Delectable and it has Killed me.
zjsnnsnsns thank you for the prompt!
A Blue Armchair
There was a blue armchair in Aleistar's living room. It was his chair, more sonthan any of the others in his home. It was where he had gone to relax and read or to watch the city far below from his window for almost a decade now. A home within a home.
It was a blue armchair, but he only knew it was blue because the clerk at the furniture store had assured him it was blue when he bought it.
Aleistar had never really bemoaned the lack of color in his life. As far as he was concerned color didn't matter. Simply put, he'd never once in his 56 years of life seen color, so he couldn't exactly miss it. Couldn't morn it, or really notice that it wasnt there. He knew he was lacking color, of course he did, he saw it in the art works made to only be viewable by those who had found their soul mates, and he saw it in, as he got older, how everyone around him would look at him with some passive pitty. How his friends stopped inviting him out so that he might meet someone who would show him color, and how people had begun to whisper about him when they thought he wasn't listening.
Of course there were millions of people who never saw color, who's soulmates died before they met, or who died before they could bring color to their own soulmate, or who just never had one. 
For a while he had fancied himself one of the last types. He wasn’t a warm and caring man and he'd never felt the draw to find his other half that everyone described. But those types always said they felt complete as they were, that even without a soulmate they were truly happy. 
Aleistar thought he was one of them until he broke down, drunk and crying against his best friends shoulder. He didn’t remember much, of what he said the next day, just that now that he'd accidentally picked open this wound it was seeping constantly. 
Leonard had handed him the book as a joke. 
It was old and bound in a musty smelling leather but its pages were pristine. Leo said it's title translated something like "Desperation and Victory" but Aleistar couldn't make it out on the books front. The lettering was the same value as the leather it was printed on, and something about that felt like it was meant to be an insult.
He almost made it a week before he read the book for the first time. 
He sat in his old armchair that the clerk at the furniture shop had told him was blue, and put his feet up on his coffee table which was a deep brown according to Leo, and flicked through the pages that he suspected would be yellow if they weren't just as grey as everything else. 
The book had made it sound so effortless to trade his soul for the chance to have everything he could ever want. It listed wealth and riches and beauty or talent as examples of what someone might ask for, but all he wanted was to meet his soulmate. 
A fancy circle here and a few drops of blood there, and boom he'd have a demon who could find them for him. 
Was it worth it though? Was giving up his soul to meet someone he was already fated to meet worth it?
A month passed. he was 57 now.
That number hurt to think about. He wasn’t old old yet, but he had three years until his planned retirement, and an average of maybe eighteen more to follow, if he was lucky.
He spent a lot of nights crying in the armnchair he was told was blue with the book he thought of as yellow in his lap. He still remembered how badly he had wanted a family when he was young. Two kids. He'd always wanted two because it felt right to him. If they were both conceived today he was likely to be dead before they would be old enough to share a drink together at his favorite bar. 
Had he truly wasted his life? Had he let himself become so comfortable with the grey that he let a lifetime of color pass him by? 
He was 57. His college classmates were all probably starting to welcome grandchildren now. 
He was 57 and hed already been invited to so many funerals.
He dreaded that he might have already missed his soulmate's.
Aleistar habitually took notes at work, always had, but now they were more summoning circles than to-do lists.
He was 57, and he didn't care about having a soul anymore, because he desperately needed to find his soulmate and knew he would do whatever he needed to do to make that happen. 
The flash of the circle igniting all at once almost made him regret this decision. 
For a moment all that his senses could take in was the stark white light followed by a blurred buzzing of sensation as he struggled back onto his feet after having been thrown by the force of the demon entering his home. 
He was older, and his joints creaked under him as he finally got eyes on the hell beast who would own his soul in a scant few minutes.
He met the demon's eyes across the boundaries line of his summoning circle, his body going tight and rigid as the demon stared right back at him.
The demon's eyes were black and round and open wide. His lips were also black, and his teeth a sharp white where they showed in the slight gape mouthed expression the demon wore. The grey scale that Aleistar knew so well, that he had been so comfortable with for all these years, could hold only the demon's eyes and lips and teeth within itself.
Aleistar had heard that when someone finally found their soul mate they would be able to name one or two colors wothout being told what they were.
Maybe thats why he knew the demon's hair was blue. Deep dark blue. Like the sky at midnight if all the stars blinked out of existence. The ring around the demon's neck, along with its counter parts around his horns, and upper arms, and thighs had to be gold. True pure gold that could buy out everything he had ever owned and still be only a tiny fraction of the way through it's value.
Blue and gold were the colors he could name, Blue for the demons hair and lashes, gold for his markings, But the paled so much next to the color of the demon's skin. Warm and strange and beyond inhuman. Decadent, and bold and rare. and so... magic. So very magical. The color of this demon's skin would be his favorite from now on, and nothing would ever manage to compare to it again.
Nothing would ever again manage to compare to the demon who was slowly standing from where he had been knelt. The corners of his lips were up turned in a way that was almost a smile, more disbelieving than joyous but well on its way towards that destination.
"Hello-" the demon tried to speak, his voice smooth and low as he blurred at the edges, like a fog cloud barely forced into the shape of a man, but his voice cought in his throat as he swirled around the circle, to just look at everything, "Did… Did everything just get very… colorful for you?" the demon asked with a weak but hopeful smile as he pressed his hands up against the invisible boundry between them.
Aleistar thought he'd be scared to approach a demon, that this part would make his stomach turn. But he took the demon's hands in his own without hesitation and without flinching at the feeling of his soft and hell hot skin burning his own just that little bit.
Oh the demon was beautiful, not just his colors that felt so unearthly after of a lifetime of grey, but his fine and delicate features that buzzed around the edges like he might vanish if Aleistar stopped looking at him. 
Aleistar wanted to speak, wanted to say Something to the demon, but he was still struck dumb by the boiling joy and wonder in his own chest that bubbled over everything he met the demon's eyes again.
Some faint part of Aleistar's brain told him he should be panicked about how just holding this demon's hands made all the colors that much more intoxicatingly vibrant. That he shouldn't be on the verge of tears or laughter in this moment because all these colors could mean only one thing
"The silent type huh? Are you broody too?" the demon tried to joke before he caught himself even as his delicat fingers held onto Aleistar's a little tighter, "Oh, uh, the contract. You summoned me because you want me to find you your soulmate right? Uhm," the demon smiled and Aleistar knew he was grinning too. 
Finally, Aleistar understood all those people hed seen collide in the middle of the walkway. Desperate to just touch and hold their other half after far too long separated from them.
"Wow, ok, so I knew I was exceptionally good at my job, but this is a new record for me," The demon babbled on, "Uhm, I- You see the colors too right? I'm not just going crazy, and this is real, right?"
"It is, I- It really is isnt it?" Aleistar was laughing softly and he didn't know why, but the demon was laughing too now and pulling him closer and past the edge of the circle.
The book had been very specific about never being in the circle with an un named demon, said that the demon could use all sort of tricks against you if you made that mistake, but this one seemed perfectly content to just press up against him while burrying his face in the fabric of Aleistar's shirt. Still holding his hands and still chucking something that was almost a hiccups as he sought out his soulmate's touch.
Aleistar wrapped his arms around the demon, around his soulmate just to hold him close for the moment it took them both to stop giggling like school boys. There was something impossibly grounding about holding the demon, something that made him determined to never let his soulmate go
The demon's cute little horns bumped up against his chin every time either of them moved and there was something just immensely endearing about that to Aleistar, so he pressed a kiss to one, marveling at how his skin buzzed from such a little touch before doing it again and again until he was peppering his soulmate's face with kisses that carried all the emotions he couldn't put into words.
"I still need to make a contract with you," his soulmate said after Aleistar tried to kiss him properly for the first time, "I- I've already found you your soulmate, so you're going have to ask for something else… Something that will take very long for me to deliver on so I dont have to leave you," He looked up from where he was still pressed against Aleistar's chest, those coal black eyes so hopeful.
"Be mine," Aleistar said without thinking, "Stay with me and just- Just be mine," smiling this much was starting to hurt, "Please," he cupped either side of the demon's face in his hands to tilt him up just that little bit more, "Please," he repeated again, his breath tight and nervous in his chest like he was just a school boy confessing to his crush under the slide, light and nervwracking and desperate for things he didn't fully understand yet.
The demon grinned and nodded, "Give me a name and it will be done," his hands braced against Aleistar's chest, his fingers tangling in the fabric as he tried to ground himself there. 
Aleistar nodded and took a breath just to steady himself enough to not stutter. He remembered all the ways you could name a demon that the book had listed, all the ways you could bind one to yourself and all the ways those ways could fail, but there was only one he had any interest in trying in that moment.
"Haze," he said, a single syllable to describe his soulmate completely, it was all he needed. If the fervor with which Haze kissed him the moment the his new name was spoken was anything to go off of, then Aleistar felt confident in assuming he'd chosen correctly.
When they finally slowed to let Aleistar catch his breath after minutes of heavy petting and being too needy to let the other more than an inch or two away, they were sat in an armchair that Aleistar didn't need to be told was blue anymore.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Can I get a headcanon request about bakugou finding out that his darling is a huge fan of his and getting kidnapped was one of her darker fantasies sorry thats it's weird
Clearly, you haven’t been around here very long. We’re all a little horny for Katsuki, so it’s only a matter of time until his Darling starts to be, too.
TW: Emotional Abuse, Physical Violence, and Implied Neglect. 
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
You couldn’t say this hadn’t been your goal, when you and Katsuki met. You’d been Ground Zero’s biggest fan since his debut, and dutifully taken in every bit of content you could find with his name attached. You were a creature of consumption, when it came to him, absorbing everything you could find. Art, fan-made merchandise, creative writing, both appropriate and… otherwise.
Mostly otherwise. A lot of otherwise.
Obsession, complete obsession, was just a concept you played around with. It wasn’t unheard of in the more niche parts of his fanbase, and while most of the fantasies and fanfictions focused on jealousy and possession and ethically-dubious sex, you’d always been attracted to those that took a more domestic approach. Even after meeting Katsuki, asking for his number and getting coffee and doing all the things normal, well-adjusted people do when they meet their idol, it was hard not to picture him as a begrudging caretaker, a loving protector, albeit one that coddled with a grimace. You’d been buzzing when you woke up in his spare bedroom, a shock collar around your neck and those red eyes you so adored burning into you. Sure, you’d cried and lamented and gone through the motions, but you hadn’t really cared. Who would’ve, in your position? When everything they’d worked for was so close, just on the other end of a well-used riding crop.
You’d been proud of yourself for not struggling, not truly struggling. Only appearing to. You could’ve slipped through the cracks dozens of times, before Katsuki realized he had to seal them up.
You weren’t sure if you regretted that or not, now. You thought you might be starting to, by the time your back hit the tiled floor.
The impact knocked the wind out of your lungs, something in your spine cracking as it made contact with the unforgiving surface. The cold didn’t waste time, seeping through your thin clothes and embedding itself underneath your skin, intimately acquainting you with the constant chill every part of Katsuki’s home seemed to maintain. You weren’t sure whether it was the pain or the frustration that brought tears to your eyes, but the heel lodging itself your diaphragm did little to improve either feeling. You didn’t know why he bothered pinning you down anymore, honestly. You never tried to get up, not until he made it clear you were allowed to.
Above you, Katsuki was silent, staying quiet and breathing heavily and gritting his teeth, his rage utterly alien in the kitchen’s homey lights. If you knew he was going to do this, you would’ve left them off, allowed yourself to bask in the darkness before he came home, hostile and violent. That would’ve been appropriate, thematic. This just felt wrong.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He growled, his voice hoarse and tired. It must’ve been a bad day, judging by how harshly he spat the words, one where he had to deal with a sidekick he didn’t care for or patrol a neighborhood with too many journalists. You’d assigned yourself the duty of helping him relax, early on, greeting him fondly and running too many hot baths to count, but you stopped after the fifth lecture on the dangers of faucet-based burns. You figured he just wasn’t used to being doted on, but with a steady pain blossoming in your chest, it was hard not to think he just liked feeling big. “I give you one rule, one rule, and what’s the first thing you fuckin’ do? Break it like a goddamn brat.” He paused, making a point of grinding you down into the floor. “Apparently, you’re too much of a dumbass to stay in your bedroom. I should turn that collar up a few notches. Maybe you’ll finally take me seriously, once you see what it’s like when I really want you to suffer.”
You weren’t inexperienced when it came to his temper, but you still found yourself cringing, averting your eyes as he spoke. You opened your mouth, an apology already playing on your tongue, but Katsuki only shifted more of his weight onto your lungs, forcing you to choke. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you tried to cough the blockage away, but all you could do was sputter and suffocate until he oh-so-mercifully let you go, lowering himself to better crouch at your side. Closeness wasn’t a comfort, though, not when the first thing he did was burrow his nails into your scalp, jerking you upward and letting you squirm as he stared on, as apathetic as he was sadistic.
“I don’t want an excuse,” He said, his tone suddenly unfaltering. As if he had the right to be rational when the sole of his shoe was already engraved into your skin. “Give me a damn good reason not to punish you, or don’t expect to see anything but the inside of the smallest closet I can find for the next week. The next month, if you throw another fit.”
You hesitated, but your confession came easily. You were too sore to lie, honestly. “I… I was hungry, Bakugo,” You admitted, flicking as his grip loosened. Luckily, he pulled away from you, taking to petting back your hair, instead. You just lulled into the soft touch, glad to have some reprieve before he decided you didn’t deserve it. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not supposed to, but… you leave so early, and we didn’t get to have breakfast today, I was just so--”
“I would’ve gotten you something when I came home.” He cut you off without a second thought, and you curled into yourself. You almost wish he hadn’t made you sit up, if only so you’d have an excuse to feel so weak. “You know that. All you had to do was ask.”
“You weren’t home,” You mumble, weakly. It was pitiful, but true, and Kasuki narrowed his eyes. You swallowed down something thick and jagged before continuing. “I was just planning to grab something. I wasn’t even going to cook, I promise.”
He let out a heavy sigh, another hand coming up to cup your cheek. You bowed your head reflexively, letting him pout and think as you wallowed in your own self-pity, biting your tongue to keep from telling him there was nothing to think about, he was the one who overreacted. You weren’t at fault, but that never seemed to matter, these days. “We’ve both got to make sacrifices, baby,” He explained, the words dripping with sympathy. You couldn’t bring yourself to decide if it was genuine or not. “I’m a Pro-Hero. It’s my job to keep you safe, but to do that, I need to know you’re not putting yourself at risk. Someone might see you down here, and they’ll take you away. You might slip and get hurt and I won’t come in time to help. I don’t want to lock you up any more than I have to, but I’ll have to, if you keep running around like you’re invincible.” He stopped, holding you still and kissing your forehead. “You see why you can’t do this kind of shit, right? I need you to tell me you do.”
You nodded. It was the only reaction you could think of that wouldn’t upset him. “Can I go back to my room, now?”
At that, he laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder. He must’ve said something, but you didn’t bother listening. You were still starving, still freezing, still in pain, and Katsuki didn’t seem to have any interest in changing that
You knew you wouldn’t be happy. It wasn’t about being happy. You wanted to be protected, and taken care of and loved, even if you knew Katsuki would never say it out loud.
But, you didn’t feel loved. You didn’t feel protected, either.
It was hard to feel much of anything, when you were so busy being miserable.
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mlmdarkfiction · 4 years
maybe this is too specific lol but could i have hc's for yandere yoosung & jumin being just a little too happy when their crush (who's a trans dude) asks them on tips for being more masculine or just for passing as a guy overall? like they're a little bit happy over the control that gives them & the opportunity to get closer to them? anyways hope you have a great day, love your blog
I hope this is okay...if you want headcanons let me know! I also didn’t make them very yandere aside from yoosung (but thats kinda canon) because my brain said full comfort. Apparently despite writing all the time I have NO reading comprehension. I cannot read. 
Anyway! I really loved this request actually! and I might try my hand at writing one for all of the RFA and attatch it to this one in separate chapters.  I may even attempt at writing a version with nonbinary specfic, and trans woman specfic reader if there’s interest because lets be real we need more trans reader content for EVERYONE
Read Below:
____: Hey Yoosung?
It’s only a text.
A simple text.
It’s not like you two haven’t texted privately without the gaze of the other RFA members, before.
But all those other instances...It was mostly him who initiated it.
You’re texting him!
You’re really texting him!
And he didn’t even text you first!
He couldn’t be more thrilled if he tried.
Unfortunately for his grades, Yoosung’s homework has been completely ignored, and in his rush to respond back he’s almost completely dropped his phone on his face.
Yoosung: YES Yoosung: Sorry! OMG I didn’t mean to use all caps!!!
He doesn’t have the excuse of caps lock, after all he’s using a phone, not a computer.
Thankfully for him, you find him and his eagerness cute.
It takes a while before he gets another text from you.
He spends the minutes waiting, and watching the three little bubbles on his phone that indicate you’re typing.
There’s no way for the blonde to know it yet, but it’s taking you so long to respond back because you’re
It wasn’t long into your time with the RFA that you told them you were trans. There was just something about the way they assumed you were a woman right away that had made you uncomfortable, so not only did you tell them you were a man, but you told them why exactly that had bothered you.
And to your surprise, everyone had taken it relatively well!
But it doesn’t mean you’re any less anxious. You doubt you’ll ever get over being anxious when it comes to these things.
Finally though you’re able to steel your resolve, and send the text.
____: Do you think there’s anything I could do to pass better?
It takes Yoosung an embarrassing time to realize what you mean. He’s still not the most informed about trans issues, despite trying to learn more so that he can (one day) be a better partner to you.
He wants to be someone you can rely on!
____: Passing.
More texts, because he took way too long to reply.
____: Or like…
____: I just want to look more masculine, you know? Like you
You think he looks masculine?
Fuck yes!
Here comes the problem.
Yoosung has never really thought about how he looks, not in the sense of masculinity.
In fact he only really thinks about how he looks when Zen or someone else brings it up.
He kind of just...wears the one hoodie, and aside from a couple of incidents when he was younger no one’s ever really mistaken him for a girl before.
So he just responds the best way he knows how, even if it’s kind of cheesy.
Yoosung: I don’t know how to help with that.
And...For good measure he sends his regular starry eyed emoji before continuing his text, unaware his pause caused you more anxiety.
Yoosung: You’re already more masculine than me!
It’s an honest answer.
If anyone else had said it you wouldn’t have believed them, you would have chalked it up to them just wanting to humor you, but coming from someone like Yoosung you were inclined to believe him.
You’re happy.
Happier now then you had been in a while.
Perhaps for the first time ever truly in your life.
It didn’t mean you still didn’t have troubles, or anxieties.
Like now.
Even as you’re holding onto Jumin’s arm you can’t help but feel a little...self conscious at his side.
It’s nothing he or his business partners have done, that’s just how it is sometimes, especially when dysphoria is involved.
There’s nothing to cause it.
Sometimes it’s just sudden.
Something about being in the room with a bunch of rich and powerful men, although as Jumin’s husband you too are technically a rich and powerful man, makes you feel bad about yourself.
You manage to find a moment in between the conversation to quietly interject,
“Excuse me, Gentlemen, I’m going to go to the restroom.”
There’s nothing off putting about the statement. The meeting had been going on for about an hour now, it was only natural someone at the meeting would need to excuse themselves.
No one thinks anything of it.
No one but Jumin.
And since you’re leaving you don’t notice you’re being watched. You don’t see the way Jumin’s dark eyes follow your form as you leave.
Having anxiety meant that running away to hide in bathrooms, or any other private space you could find, wasn’t exactly uncommon.
It’s nothing new.
You avoid the sight of the mirrors, your own reflection, like the plague as you make your way to a stall, quickly closing it and taking a deep breath.
A moment of peace, a moment to regain your thoughts. That’s all you needed.
Although you know it’s unlikely anyone in the meeting had bad thoughts about you, and even less likely they’d voice them around Jumin, it didn’t help the deep seeded paranoia. That somehow everyone knew you were trans, and that because of them knowing they viewed you as less than them.
And Jumin could only do so much to protect you. He hadn’t asked you to even come along on this trip, you’d been the one to offer, wanting to stop hiding in the shadows but…
People talk.
Tabloids talk.
The more you find yourself stuck alone in the stall trying to force yourself to calm down the more worked up you become.
When someone finally knocks on the stall you almost jump out of your skin entirely.
“Uh-” You clear your throat, and try to make your voice sound deeper in your anxiety. “Occupied?”
A familiar sigh sounds from behind the door, and instantly your shoulders droop with lessened anxiety.
As soon as you’ve opened the stall door you’re pulled tightly into a hug.
Jumin doesn’t necessarily understand exactly what you’re going through, you both know it. You’ve tried to explain dysphoria to him before, and although he understands the basics that’s all really...and to be fair it’s not as if a cis person ever could truly understand what gender dysphoria is like…
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to do everything in his power to make you feel better.
And at least, no matter how you saw yourself, you knew Jumin saw you as his husband.
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