#and then i gotta compile all the summaries at the ends of my notes into one big study document and then i gotta highlight the key info
gunilslaugh · 10 months
Heyo! Nice to meet you!
I've been a villain for a few months now and I just confess, I like Gunil so so much! He instantly became one of my favorite kpop boys since I began stanning. (He's just my type, what a unique and incredible man!) Originally I wanted to request around for more Gunil fics... But honestly I have no idea what to request specifically 😭 I just want to read more about him cuz my crush is big and fat 😂 but I racked my brains and couldn't come up with anything...
So instead, I've had this idea for an OT6 fluff, if it's alright with you! How would XH react to having a very smart and academical s/o? Like, someone who likes to read a lot (not only fiction, but also nonfiction, like science, psychology, philosophy, spiritual books or stuff about social studies) and who genuinely likes studying and learning! They like doing research on many many subjects of their interest (wether those are something as common as space or not so common like learning the biology of marine animals) and they're always spewing out random interesting facts about things 😂 Bonus points if reader also likes solving mysteries and playing puzzle games some people might find boring ( like crosswords or sudoku).
Yes, this is pretty self indulgent 😂 but I'm also just very curious 👀
You are totally entitled to refuse this request if you don't feel like writing it! No pressure 😁 🖤
Nice to meet you too! Welcome to the fandom. I hope that you enjoy your request.
All member ;^o-o^;
Summary: Xdinary Heroes' reaction to having an academic significant other.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil really admires how academically driven you are. Thinks it’s cool how knowledgeable you are. If you're knowledgeable across many varying topics then he would call you a human encyclopedia. He gets really happy whenever you talk or rant about a subject that really interests you. When you tell him a random fact he actually tries to note down the information and remember it. Loves to watch mystery or detective shows with you while trying to figure out who the culprit is together. On the chance that he figures it out before you or he was right and you were wrong he feels very entitled to his bragging rights. 
On cold days he always makes sure that you’re wearing a beanie or that your hood on your jacket is up because you gotta protect that smart brain of yours. Jungsu would love to do crossword puzzles or other games like it with you. The members would tease you about being an old couple, but Jungsu would just shoo them away. Jungsu would try to learn some about your favorite topic so that he could talk about it with you. He’d write down the random facts that you tell him in his notes and at the end of the year he’d compile them all together. Almost like a scrapbook of memories, but with all the random facts you’ve told him.
You were ranting to Jiseok about a topic that interested you. He jokingly told you that if you like it that much then you should create a slideshow presentation about it. It definitely caught him off guard when three days later you showed him the slideshow. He doesn’t tell you, but he now has it saved on his computer. Lovingly calls you a nerd. Really likes to watching sci-fi shows together with you. Sometimes there is part of him that wished he had the drive that you have about learning new things. He would tease you about playing a game like solitaire, but in reality he doesn’t even know or understand how to play.
Seungmin treasures how dedicated you are when it comes to learning about something. He thinks you are absolutely adorable as you’re hyper fixated on your laptop, researching a particular subject. Takes candid photos of you researching, might make one his wallpaper. Laughs whenever you randomly spew out a fact, not in a mean way of course. Your random fact spewing brightens his day. Especially if it’s something completely random like shrimps hearts are located in their head. Avidly watches mystery type shows with you and might end up being the more invested one funnily. 
Junhan would love to have in-door dates where the two of you just read together. Sitting on opposite ends of the couch with your legs flailed across one another. Sometimes uses you as his personal internet. If he has a question about something he thinks you would know he’d rather ask you than actually look it up. Would try to race you in completing a sudoku the fastest. He really values your smarts and thinks that it’s really impressive how much wide scale information you have stored in your brain. He would send you things on topics that he found interesting and loves when you do the same back. 
You’re not just any nerd, you are his nerd. When you randomly state a fact he would respond with a “that is something only a nerd would know,”. Even if he teases you about it he still likes whenever you do it. If it’s been a while since you randomly told you a fact he’ll ask you to tell him one. Honestly his day doesn’t feel complete without it. He would really enjoy having a sci fi, mystery themed movie night. You two would turn off all the lights and huddle together under blankets. Occasionally he wishes that he was as academic as you because he thinks it would be nice to research things together, but if he has no interest his brain refuses to hold new information.
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oflgtfol · 4 years
on one hand its like, i wanna make this research paper the most kick ass paper i have ever written in my life. but on the other hand its like, i am so stressed out right now with the semester ending and the paper is due at midnight the day before an exam for my one class, which is occurring at 11:30am the next day, and if i literally get only a 6 out of 20 points on this paper i will still be able to get an A in this class, and i know i’ll definitely get More than a 6 out of 20 so like eh does it have to be PERFECT......??? but also like SCREAMS i cant Not...
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Different study methods
I see a lot of accounts just focus on one study method and by all means, if something works for you, then keep at it! I never studied a day in my life until I got to college. And then I had no idea how to actually study. I wound up finding all sorts of different ways and their pros and cons, so I have compiled a list for you guys with all this!
A very popular and common method, this is great for memorization of concepts, scientific names, formulas, etc. They have websites and apps like flashcards (the one I use) and quizlet. It involves writing a term or concept on one side and the answer, translation, components, etc on the other. This method works by strengthening association between term and definition.
Plenty of apps and websites so you can even do it on your phone
Great for memorization
Doesn't work well with complex topics or ideas
Hard to make for photos (ids and stuff)
Focus is on memorizing, not actually understanding
Notes revision
This is a popular one here on Tumblr and is actually where I learned about it. This method involves you writing down a whole bunch of information during class or your reading and then later, going back through and picking out key points and condensing your notes into new notes. Sometimes people have two separate notebooks, sometimes people will digitize their notes, whatever works. But basically, this works by forcing you to pick through ALL the material a second time and identify key points, vocabulary, names, etc. It also makes you organize the information, giving you a better idea of connections and flow between the main points.
Gives you multiple levels of exposure to the material
You get condensed notes at the end for a cram session
Increases understanding rather than memory
Helps form connections between large chuncks of information
Can take a couple hours for a single topic
Doesn't focus on memory (which it seems almost every class just wants you to regurgitate information rather than understand it)
If you're broke and/or work, this method can be hard as finding time and materials is tricky
Can be frustrating sometimes. You may not know the information well enough to know what's important and what's not super important
Summary pages
This one is a personal favorite. After a section in your notes, you make yourself a summary page. This consists of an index of topics, key concepts, vocabulary, names, etc from the section. A section can cover multiple class periods, so you won't have one for every day of notes. For each topic, just take a sentence or two to describe the key concepts as well. When finished, you should have a basic outline of that section, kind of like you would see in high-school textbooks.
Provides a reference sheet for each section
Great for cram sessions
Organizes your notes
Works as a checklist of sorts. You can go through and if something is listed that you don't understand or remember, that's a sign that you need to go back and look at that again
Gives you multiple levels of exposure to the material
Again, can be hard and frustrating if you don't know the material well enough to pull out key concepts
Focuses on understanding instead of memory
Doesn't provide details, just an outline
Takes some practice before finding a format that works for you
I don't mean teaching a class. But teaching is a method where you talk about the topic and explain it to someone or something. A pet, a stuffed animal, an annoyed younger sibling, whatever. Even yourself in a mirror works. This is a great method that helps you gain a deeper understanding of the material and helps build connections. Rubber ducking is an example of a small scale version of this. A lot of times when you talk about a complicated problem to something, you often figure it out. You switch mindframes from learning to educating and you don't wanna look stupid, so you gotta know what you're talking about. This works great for math heavy classes!
Helps memory and understanding
Great for math and chemistry classes where other methods can be very hard
Great for study groups
Helps build connection and flow
Oftentimes when you work that hard to figure something out and talk about it, you won't forget it
Really fun to do at the bar when men wanna talk you up while you're trying to study
If you have to reference your notes a lot, you know what areas you need to review!
Can be a bit tricky to begin
If this becomes your main thing, you'll probably absent-mindedly talk to yourself during a test or homework and get weird looks
You might feel silly the first few times doing this
Voice recordings
Let me explain this a bit. Take audio recordings during class or record yourself reading and explaining the material. Listen to this on your commutes or walks or before a test or whenever. This is the method my dad swears by. He used to listen to his cassettes mowing the lawn, falling asleep, on his walks, constantly. By doing this, you're getting exposed to the material many, many times. And you get all the little details the teacher talks about too. It's easier now with phones. But some teachers don't like you recording, so it's best to ask before hand.
Get multiple levels of exposure
Get all the details
Takes no extra time at all
Memory and understanding can be increased
Boring and easy to zone out. Not listening won't help
Can actually make you hate a topic more than you thought possible
Not every teacher will let you record
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prettyyoungandbored · 2 years
Texts [Bale!Bruce Wayne]
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: A series of text messages exchanged between Bruce and Demetria in one day while they dated. Prior to events in Becoming Mrs. Wayne.
Author’s Note: I’m trying to get back into writing this couple so I had this idea to get me back into writing these two.
Taglist: christianbalefanatic
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(Not my gif! Belongs to its rightful owner)
Texts from Demetria: Italicized
Texts from Bruce: Bold
7:00 a.m.
Good morning sweetheart
Good morning handsome! It felt weird not being in bed with you last night. 
I told you you should’ve stayed with me. Did you feel ok in your apartment?
Oh yeah! I kept it double locked. Plus, we have security sweeping the apartments for the next couple of weeks.
I wish you would just stay with me for a couple weeks
If things get really bad, I will. I promise you. 
How’s your day looking? 
Meeting after meeting after meeting. Nothing worth reporting. What about on your end? 
Oh, you know. Dealing with a boss who only aims to please himself and an anchor who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. My guess, it’s complex to hide the fact he has a micro penis. 
Who? Mike Engel?
Wouldn’t be surprised at all. 
Oh, you remembered to call your mom for her birthday, right? 
I was just about to! You remembered?!
I sent her flowers to her office from both of us. 
I love you and your sweet, thoughtful mind more than anything in this world. 
I think you’re the only person to call me “sweet” and “thoughtful”, but I love you too, Dem. 
By the way, I have a little surprise coming to you today. I hope you like it.
As intrigued as I am, you don’t need to send me anything, sweetheart. 
Hmm, I think you’ll love it. Trust me. 
I always do.
9:31 a.m.
That was the longest meeting of my life and now it’s about to be the longest day of my life because I have to call a bunch of Batman posers for a dumb segment Mike wants to do. 
No one wants to hear from those guys. 
That’s what I said! But my boss refuses to let me call anyone for any of the mafia stories even though I compiled the list. 
I’m going to side with him on this one. I don’t want those guys knowing you exist. 
So possessive. Kind of hot, not going to lie. 
10:12 a.m.
You are the best goddamn girlfriend in the world
Looks like you got my gift! Do you love it?  
I have it on right now. Where did you get this?
That’s my secret ;) Just enjoy it!
12:08 p.m.
What did he do?
That son of a bitch…he went to the complex to investigate the drug ring today and then went into MY apartment and into MY fridge and took a slice of MY grasshopper pie I got yesterday.
How did he even get into your apartment?
He has a key.
He does? Why?
We have keys to each other’s apartment in the event of an emergency. It’s always been that way.
I see. 
But he’s about to get it taken away for being a dick and stealing my pie.
Politicians are very corrupt people, sweetheart. 
Tis’ true. I’ll guilt trip him into giving me another pie.
That’s my girl.
How did you find out?
That son of a bitch told me himself.
That was very brave of him to do. 
1:12 p.m. 
So when were you going to tell me Wayne Enterprises was meeting with the Canadian Prime Minister today?! Everyone’s freaking out!
It was just a quick meeting. He complimented the watch by the way. 
Yeah, Mike is going ballistic trying to find it online. It’s hysterical watching him look for it online when I know where it’s from. 
And you’re still not gonna tell me where it’s from, right?
Gotta keep some mystery in the relationship going!
Also you look very handsome. 10 out 10. 
I aim to please you
3:07 p.m.
Hey, so my brother’s coming into town Friday night and I wanted to know if you wanted to meet him? 
Of course. Your place? 
Yeah! Are you sure you’re ok with that?
I’m looking forward to meeting him
Speaking of your family, your mother just called me to thank me for the flowers. Sounds like she’s having a good birthday 
She was so flattered and honored you did that. She really loves you and appreciates you 
I have a way with women
I almost choked my water you asshole
I thought you loved me
I still do
8:34 p.m. 
As Demetria climbed into bed, she heard her cell phone ring. She picked up her Blackberry and smiled at the caller ID. 
“Hello?” she answered. 
“I just wanted to thank you again for the watch,” Bruce said. 
“My pleasure. I’m glad you love it.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too. Talk to you tomorrow.” 
12:38 p.m.
If you don’t send a grasshopper pie to my office by 3 p.m. today, I will give my station the video of you singing drunk karaoke. 
Demetria, it was ONE slice!
You know better than to fuck around with my pie. What’s it going to be, Dent? 
3 pm. Got it. I’ll have my assistant place the order. 
I’m a woman of my word, Dent. 
You’re sick. You pull this crap with Bruce?
Bruce knows not to fuck with my pie. 
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morelikedoccock · 2 years
If You Play With Fire (or Electricity) pt. 12
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Summary: You've been badly burned before, so when you encounter a man who has clearly had some sort of freak accident that left him with burns even worse than yours had been, you feel compelled to offer him help, even at the cost of your safety (and maybe also your heart).
Doc Ock x gender neutral reader
Rating: M
Tags: reader with past, gender neutral reader, Canon-Typical Violence, Burns, Scars, Choking, but not sexually, caring for burns, someone's gotta notice those, First Aid, Medical Procedures, Injury, Blood, Blood and Injury, Caring for cuts, Unconsciousness, Dreams, Feelings, oooh someone’s catching feelings, reader gets injured, Nudity, Angst, Definitely more feelings, Fluff, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Near Death Experiences, Crying, Prophetic Dreams
Inspired by this post
Link to Ao3
pt. 1  pt. 2  pt. 3  pt. 4  pt. 5  pt. 6  pt. 7  pt. 8  pt. 9  pt. 10  pt. 11  pt. 13
Chapter 12.
     The notebook is rather plain. Even contrasted with the shitty, scratched up wooden tabletop, it’s nothing special. But it hadn’t been there the night before.
     You stare at it, perplexed, searching your memory for an explanation as to why it’s now innocently sitting on your kitchen table. It’s not one of your notebooks, you’re sure; in fact, you don’t even really use notebooks for your work.
     Though the chance of it being booby-trapped is slim, you pick it up as if it will go off at any moment. When it doesn’t, you flip open the front cover and stare down at the words written inside.
     Property of Dr. Otto Octavius. The words send a thrill of remembrance through you. Otto had said something about leaving something on the kitchen table for you, hadn’t he? You brush a finger over your lips, smiling absently, then you begin to leaf through the pages.
     It’s… research. Research for the actuators. Page after page is filled with notes and diagrams, probability problems, schematics— but something isn’t quite right. After a long minute of skimming through the notebook, you realize what’s wrong. It’s too neat. Handwritten research like this should have scrawled notes in the margins, crossed out paragraphs, and diagrams that have been scribbled over. Instead, everything is neatly organized, tidily noted, and flawlessly illustrated. Even the handwriting itself is unnervingly perfect. It isn’t until you flip to the end of the notebook that you discover why.
     Your fingers tremble slightly as you read the words written on the final page.
    Compiled for someone whose careful, gentle hands have done more good for the world than mine ever have.
     (I’m entrusting them with my research in the hopes that they asked for the information out of personal curiosity, and not for other, more nefarious reasons.) I do hope it is enough to sate their curiosity, and hold them over until the next time we meet.
     You press your shaking fingers to your mouth. He had written all of this up, by hand… for you. It must have taken him hours to get it all together. Days. Your throat constricts. Your breath catches in your chest. Warmth pools in your eyes and spills down your cheeks.
     “Oh, Otto,” you whisper, hugging the notebook to your chest. The glow of your heart seems to shine through your skin, warming every inch of your body. At the same time, you ache, a beautiful, breathtaking pain that radiates from under your ribs, running though every inch of your veins until you can feel it tingle in the very tips of your fingers and toes. The ache and the glow swirl together inside you, shining and swelling until you’re afraid you might truly burst at the seams.
     You’re in love. You’ve been trying to suppress it now for some time, but this maelstrom of emotions in your chest is the echoing sound of an invisible door slamming with damning finality. You can’t escape it anymore. You’re in love with Otto.
     What even is gravity anyway, you wonder. The world seems to spin and float around you, blurring slightly until you grip the back of a nearby chair for support. Air rattles in your lungs as you suck in deep breaths. Your face is wet with tears, cold in the early morning chill that always seems to pervade your apartment every morning in autumn.
     The cold is an anchor to the real world. You grasp it with the desperation of a drowning man, inhaling until your lungs protest. You can’t lose it like this right now. You’ve known your feelings for a while, anyway, it’s not like they’ve snuck up on you. Okay, they might’ve, just a little.
     Reality follows close on the heels of the chill. As it sinks in, you remember that you have obligations, with work at the top of the list.
      You slowly, reluctantly place the notebook back on the table, take another deep, steadying breath, and continue to get ready for the day.
     The knowledge that the notebook is waiting for you is the only thing that gets you through the work day. You’re exhausted from your less-than-restful night, and your head aches. Your cathartic early morning realization has also left you feeling drained. Every moment is a slog. The clock ticks as if the hands are moving through caramel.
     When the day is finally, blessedly over, you practically sprint home. It’s all you can do to grab a bite to eat before you snatch up the notebook, sink onto the couch, and begin to read.
     Every page is filled with Otto’s beautifully neat, spindly handwriting. The print is quite small, but it’s still perfectly legible. You pore over the pages, fascinated both by the content and by the writing itself. You can practically hear Otto in your head, reading the words to you out loud in his deep, lilting voice. In your mind, he chuckles at his own comments, points out certain intricacies in the diagrams that he’s particularly proud of, and pauses to explain footnotes.
     Sometimes your interest in his handwriting distracts you from his words. The way he writes some of his letters with a small flourish makes you smile. His z’s are always neatly crossed.
     Every few pages there is a sentence, or a few words, or occasionally the whole paragraph, where the letters are just a bit shaky. You pause over these places, puzzled. What could have made him shake while he wrote? Had he spent so long writing in this notebook that he had begun to tremble with exhaustion? The thought makes you bite your lip. You hate the idea of him overworking himself, even on your behalf.
     A particularly wavery sentence brings an unbidden image to your mind of Otto struggling to write, fighting against a force he can’t overcome, and can only feebly resist. The picture is so clear that it sends a shudder of worry down your spine. That’s not what actually happened… right?
     Hours later, you happen to glance up at the clock on your wall, and you’re baffled to see that it’s almost 10pm. Where had the hours gone? You grab a nearby scrap of paper, slide it between the pages to hold your spot, and close the notebook. You’re barely a third of the way through the research. Sighing, you set it aside, and get up to go make a very late dinner.
     It’s the moment you turn off the lights in your bedroom that the feeling hits. You gasp as if you’ve been punched in the gut, nearly doubling over in surprise. It’s fear, anger, and a desperate hope, and it doesn’t even feel like it’s yours. A quavering breath later, and it’s gone. You straighten up, deeply disconcerted. Something is wrong. Well, something might be wrong. It could just be a weird passing sensation. Plus, what can you do, alone in your apartment in the middle of the night?
     You climb into bed, snuggle yourself under the covers, and close your eyes. Everything will be fine.
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btssaysstudy · 3 years
Cheap Sunglasses || jjk
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook (BTS) x reader
Note: Inspired by cheap sunglasses by John K || do let me know if you liked it :)
Summary: Being a teaching assistant for college definitely has it monetary perks but who knew it had other perks in meeting a potential significant other.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injury (not the reader), angst, jungkook being an annoying player at times, mentions of over-exhaustion from schoolwork
“Thanks y/n!” Mingyu grinned, reaching out for a fist bump. You laughed, returning the gesture. “No problem, just doing my job.” 
“I’ll treat you for a meal soon, you can count on it! I’ll see you around!” He gave you a quick side hug before leaving the lecture hall. You got up from your seat, packing your belongings to head off for lunch. 
“y/n! Could you help me compile the outline for the chapters to read for the semester?” Your professor approached you, handing you the list of chapters that class had to read. “Sure, when do you need it by?”
“Preferably by the end of this week? No rush! As long as it’s before midterms.”
“Okay, sure!” You glanced at the list, it was the same reading list as last semester, you just had to use your own outline for this semester. You smiled, thankful that nothing much changed with the syllabus so you had less work to do as a teaching assistant.
Your professor thanked you and left the hall. “You know, one definite perk of being a TA is tutoring hot students. Mingyu was definitely hitting on you.”
“No he’s not. We’re friends, I already met him for one of my classes last semester.”
“Mm, yea don’t believe you. Anyway, let’s hurry go, I’m starving.” Sooyoung rubbed her stomach and you grabbed your bag, leaving the hall with your friends. 
One definite perk, which was not what Sooyoung said, of being a TA was that you get paid and you definitely needed the money. It was tough to juggle being a TA at first and you weren’t sure if you were cut out for it, but 2 semesters later, you’ve been a TA every semester and it’s become a part of your schedule.
“Chan-mi!” A loud bright voice called out for other friend. The three of you stopped, turning around to find the boy who was dubbed as the “sunshine” of your college.
“Yes?” Chan-mi clearly unfazed by his loudness. Hoseok grinned, saying a brief hello to you and Sooyoung. “Our club manager just texted me that we have an upcoming gig. Just a little insider info for you, you’re on the performing team.”
Chan-mi nodded her head with a short laugh, “He texted me too actually.”
“What?! I thought i’ll be the good news bearer.” Hoseok pouted, his group approached him, patting him on the shoulder to rush him for lunch.
“I’ll see you at next practice then!” Chan-mi waved goodbye as he was being dragged away by his friends.
His friends. That group.
That group was popular and they knew it. They don’t seem to bask in it but they would slip some of the times — easily charming people to get what they need, having girls praying that they’ll become their girlfriends. It was no surprise that they have quite a list of girls they dated.
Despite the list,their reputation wasn’t that bad. They would make it clear to the girls they take out on dates — that they’re not looking to commit. You figured it was the least they could to do the poor girls who were pining for them, laying out the facts immediately.
“So what are we eating? I’m about to die any second.” Sooyoung grumbled once more.
“If you’d like to book my TA, I’ve sent you an email with a google sheet for you to find a slot. She’s a popular one so better book a slot asap if you need her help.” Your professor announced to the class, making you feel shy from her comment, your eyes glued to your screen as you felt the stares.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t know that you were a popular TA. You did put in the effort to help others since you were being paid after all, so, you did deserve the credit.
Throughout class, you could do your own things since you didn’t need to pay attention to the lesson. Halfway through the class, you clicked on the google sheet link to see that your upcoming week has been almost fully booked.
‘maybe i need a pay raise’ you thought to yourself, opening your own calendar to update your own schedule. Your eyes landed on a particular name, shocked that he even bothered to book a slot. 
Jeon Jungkook.
You stopped yourself from whipping your head around to find him. He was part of that group and known to be the very athletic one. You guessed you stereotyped him to be those athletes that didn’t care about studies. You felt slightly uneasy, knowing his reputation in college and the girls.
‘It’s okay, it’s just one time slot.’
Once you noted the ones who booked a time slot with you the upcoming week, you contacted each of them to settle the venue & confirm the timing.
We can meet at my place :) - Jungkook
Yea, I’m not entirely comfortable going to a stranger’s place - y/n
Relax, it was a joke. How about near your place? So you don’t have to travel so much. - Jungkook
That works fine, there’s a cafe near mine. I’ll text you the address later. - y/n
Once class ended your two friends rushed to your seat. “So how’s your schedule Ms. Popular?”
“Really busy.”
“I saw the sheet, Jeon Jungkook booked a slot with you? Perks of being a TA is definitely helping cute students.” Sooyoung giggled like a little pre-teen girl.
“You don’t even need to be a TA to get cute guys, you have so many admirers.” Chan-mi made a very true remark.
“I’ll admit, you’re not wrong. But y/n’s snagging boys of a different league.”
“Stop idolising them like they’re gods.”
“They’re looks are god-like.” Sooyoung countered.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Hey,” someone tapped your shoulder, taking out your earpiece to greet Jungkook. “Hey.”
He was dressed in a typical tired college student, in grey sweats and a black hoodie. Yet, you had to admit he looked cute in them.
“Sorry, did I make you wait long?”
“Oh no, I just came early to make sure we get a good spot. Not too near the rest of the customers.”
“I see you want a little privacy.” Jungkook grinned cheekily, clearly implying something else. You raised a questioning eyebrow at him, “Sorry, just kidding.” He quickly apologised, taking the seat opposite you.
“Anyway, we can just begin immediately. Do you have any questions?”
Jungkook nodded his head, taking out his laptop. “I do actually. Quite a long list if you don’t mind.”
“Well you have me for an hour. Go ahead.” 
Throughout the 2 hours, you realised you really stereotyped him a great amount. You assumed he barely paid attention in class but he did — he even had a list of questions to ask. You honestly enjoyed helping these type of people the most, those that made their own effort to help themselves. 
“You know,” Jungkook spoke, coming back from ordering his drink. “For the past hour and a half, I gotta admit, I stereotyped you to be a super uptight and socially awkward person. Then again, having to help tutor a lot of people would need social skills as well.” 
With a chuckle, you shrugged your shoulders, “I stereotyped you too, so I guess we’re both guilty.”
Curious, Jungkook rested his weight on his arms as he leaned closer to you, “Oh really? What did you stereotype me as then?” A playful smirk clearly threatening to appear on his lips. 
“A dumb jock.” You mischievously grinned back at him, his smile dropped, clearly not expecting that answer. It felt good to bruise that ego of his, even if it was just a split second. “Since I’m asking you to tutor me, I’m not gonna argue that.” He leaned back, regaining his composure and confidence.
You could feel his entire presence exuding with confidence, though he did have something to be confident about. In fact, he had a few things to be confident about - athletically gifted, popular and handsome. Anyone would call you a liar if you said you didn’t think he was handsome. 
“If you don’t have anymore questions, we can wrap this up now.”
Jungkook nodded his head, “Thanks for helping me. Appreciate it.” He reached out his hand, offering a handshake. “A handshake?”
“Are you afraid of a little physical contact?” He teased.
Rolling your eyes, you reached out to give him a firm shake. “Glad I could help you.” He gave you a cute bunny smile, grabbing his things and leaving you behind in the cafe. You stayed for a few more minutes before heading back to your place to prepare dinner for your guests.
Cooking always seemed to make time pass by quickly because before you even realised, your friends were spamming your doorbell, rushing you to let them in. “How was he?” Sooyoung questioned the moment she entered your house. 
“I had a good day thank you.” You sarcastically replied, grabbing a cup for them. “He was alright, he actually came prepared with questions.”
“That’s surprising. I honestly thought he booked a slot just to flirt with you.” Chan-mi commented as she helped you set up the dining table. “Come on, he wouldn’t waste his time on me.”
“Why not? You’re a great catch.” Sooyoung argued.
“Pretty sure I give off the vibe of “date to settle” and not “date for the fun”. So obviously, he won’t even bother.” 
“Mm, you do have a point for that.”
“Anyway, enough about my tutees, let’s just enjoy girls night.” You raised your shot glass of soju, Sooyoung grinned excitedly, “Cheers to us”
As every week’s slot was released in the online sheet, Jungkook was always one of the first few to book. You couldn’t help but be surprised every time you saw his name on the schedule. 
“So you picked up the sport by accident?” You clarified again as you took another sip. Jungkook nodded his head, leaning back into his chair. “Seokjin was the one who wanted to learn it, he dragged me to the trial class and the rest was history. He takes credit for it.” He laughed, a reminiscing look on his face.
“From your stories, you guys seem like brothers.” You watched an endearing smile creep onto his face, “They really do seem like it.”
His phone started vibrating and he checked the caller ID before sighing, silencing the call. You furrowed your eyebrows together, “What’s with that annoyed look?”
Jungkook shook his head, running his fingers through his hair, “Nothing much, just someone I went out with a week ago.”
“Trouble in paradise?” You joked.
“There’s no paradise. It was just a date, nothing more to it.” He nonchalantly dismissed it. You felt a bit offended of how casual he was treating their feelings. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to go out with them, you know? You’re just giving them false hope.”
Jungkook sat upright, “That’s not true. I clearly tell them that I don’t mind going out on a date but that’s nothing. Nothing more than a date out. So it’s on them for still going for it.”
You sighed, “But you already know these people are dating you and hoping that they’ll be the one who will change your mind about the idea of commitment.” Jungkook shrugged, “Maybe that’ll happen one day.”
Narrowing your eyes at the boy in front you, you wondered if that was what he had been secretly hoping for whenever he went out with these girls. “Do you want that to happen? Is that why you’re more than glad to go out on dates?”
He didn’t answer immediately, staring at you as if he was thinking of a reply. Clearing his throat he adjusted his sitting position, “I didn’t say that. I just said maybe it’ll happen.”
“Yea but are you hoping for it to happen?”
Jungkook casted a soft glare, “Okay enough about my love life. How about you? Aren’t you single as well?”
You leaned back, nodding your head, “Yea, what about it?”
“Well, why aren’t you attached?”
Pressing your lips into a thin line as you thought carefully of your answer. “Unlike you, I date to settle.” Jungkook jutted out his bottom lip, internalising your reply as he nodded his head in response. “Interesting. You’ll probably click well with Jimin.”
“Your friend Jimin?”
“Yea, he has the same thought as you. Always nagging at me about the same thing you just did.” Jungkook chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he recalled the countless times Jimin was talking about Jungkook’s active love life. 
“He’s right you know… Doesn’t it get lonely always meeting different people?”
There was a short pause in the conversation, Jungkook’s eyes shifting away, his gaze fixed on the table. “To be honest, yea. But at the same time it’s what keeps me from feeling lonely. Doesn’t make sense, I know.”
You smiled, “It’s cool, I kinda get it. But after our numerous study sessions together, I’m certain you deserve to be in a good relationship.”
Jungkook shrugged, “Thanks but I don’t think I’m cut out for it.”
Confused, you questioned for an explanation. Jungkook’s eyes wandered around as he thought of a response. The athlete randomly took out his pair of shades. “Are the shades part of your answer or something?”
“It’s cheap.”
“Okay?” Your response sounded for confused, wondering if he was trying to change the topic. If he was, it was a very weird way.
“I buy the cheap ones because I know i’m going to lose them sooner or later. Can’t keep the good ones. That’s how I feel about my love life. Sometimes it feels like I can’t have nice things.”
“Man.” You breathed out, leaning back into your seat. “That’s a great analogy and all but don’t be so bleak. Between the two of us? You’re probably going to be first one who gets into a solid relationship.”
Jungkook chuckled, “Thanks for the faith TA. Do you have the same amount of faith in me for this module?”
You pursed your lips jokingly, “I think you’ll need more consultations for the same level of faith.” Breaking into a chuckle right after and so did Jungkook.
The popular athlete reached out his tattooed hand once again, for a handshake. By then, you were used to this gesture, chuckling as you reached across the table to shake his hands. “Tell you what, let’s take a pause on tutoring. You should meet the rest.”
“The rest as in your group?”
“Yea,” He stood up, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and stuffed his hands in his sweatpants’ pockets. You liked his laid-back look, he always wore that similar style whenever he was meeting you and you assumed it was to get comfortable enough to study. 
“Are you going to keep staring at me?” Jungkook smirked. You rolled your eyes, standing up to get your bag. “Come on, don’t be so mean to me.” He playfully pouted and he looked cute. You felt yourself feel shy just from that, “I am not.”
“Yes you are, you always mock me or insult me. Where’s my compliment?”
You pursed your lips, bringing your finger to your lips as you pretended to ponder. “You’re doing well with this class.” 
Unsatisfied, he grumbled, “That’s not a compliment.”
“Of course it is.” You grinned cheekily at him, patting his shoulders. “But alright, you look cute in sweats.” Even though you clearly sounded nonchalant, your heart was racing from admitting that and you hoped that your face wasn’t getting hot. You kept your composure, and made the first move to leave the cafe. 
You realised that you didn’t know where you were going to meet his friends, “Oh yea, where are we going?” You turned around to see Jungkook still standing in place. He cleared his throat and adjust his bag strap. “R-Right, just follow me.”
You didn’t want to tease him further but you clearly saw a pink hue on his cheeks. “Cute.” You muttered to yourself as he led the way.
“You want a snack? My treat, for all the tutoring you’ve been giving me.” 
“Jungkook, you don’t have to—“
“Okay I’ll get you your usual.” He winked at you before heading off to the counter. You smiled to yourself, watching his figure walk away. You continued on your own work as you waited for him to come back. 
Jungkook happily came back as if he won a prize. “Guess who just got free cake? We did!” Jungkook cheered, pushing his stuff aside to make way for the food. “Free cake? Why?”
“So the lady who we always see here apparently owns this place. She’s at the counter today and she randomly gave me this cake for us to celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
Confused, you looked at your calendar. “Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day.” “yea it is, didn’t you know?” “Clearly didn’t.” You shrugged, “But you should’ve told her we’re not together. I feel bad for the free cake.”
“No no, you should feel flattered she called us a cute couple. It means you’re cute.” Jungkook’s body froze for a moment realizing what he had just said. You laughed, “Yea right. Good joke, kook.” 
Jungkook frowned, “I’m not joking. I think you’re cute.”
You pointed your pen in his direction, “You know, when I was young I heard that cute meant adorable but ugly.”
“That’s obviously not what I mean. You’re not ugly, that’s for sure.” Jungkook argued without hesitation. You felt flustered this time, retracting your pen. “T-Thanks, I guess.”
The two of you not only spend weekly 2h sessions together, but also became “study buddies”. Jungkook was unsurprisingly super concentrated whenever he started studying. You realised it was his character to always give it his all even if it was something he wasn’t too fond of — like studying. You also noticed his eyebrows would furrow as he tried to comprehend the materials, or sigh and scold himself whenever he found himself stuck. 
He had a lot of endearing habits while studying, you couldn’t help but smile every time you noticed it. 
“It’s Valentine’s Day, why aren’t you on a date today?”
“Because we arranged a study session today.” Jungkook answered as if it was so obvious. 
“It’s just one day of not studying, you could’ve just told me. Plus, I’m sure many girls were hinting you to ask them out.”
“You’re not wrong about that.” He smugly answered and it made you feel a tinge of jealousy that Jungkook saw these girls as “date potential” while you were just his “study buddy”. “Tone down your ego—“
“But I’d rather study with you than go out on a date.”
You found yourself speechless, not knowing how you should be replying to that. Sensing that you were lost for words, Jungkook smiled, “Did I just take your breath away?”
“Shut up.” You snapped out of it, throwing your pen at him.
Hey y/n! Sorry i’ll be a bit late later, at the clinic so it might take a while before I’m let off! - jk
Are you sick? We can just reschedule! - y/n
No no! Just sprained my ankle during practice, that’s all! - jk
that’s all?! you’re not traveling today. what’s ur address? i can go over instead - y/n
You bit your lip, wondering if you were overstepping by insisting that and quickly sent another text.
if you’re alright w that of course - y/n
sure i just didn’t want to suggest it in case you weren’t, i’ll text u my address in a bit! - jk
On your way to his place, you felt nervous but you shrugged it off, blaming it on your usual ‘first house visit jitters’ — just like any other time you visited a place for the first time. Or so you told yourself. You ignored that feeling as you rang the doorbell, waiting for the injured athlete to answer the door.
“Hey.” Jungkook greeted you with a smile. You took a good look at his casted ankle, his weight resting on his crutch. A wince crept on your face, “Ouch, looks bad.” 
“Thank you for asking, I feel fine.” 
You stepped in, eyes taking your time to wander around his place. It was cozy, not cluttered as you had assumed. Jungkook pointed to the table placed by the window, well-lit for a good place to study or to wind down and have a meal. “Nice place.”
“Thanks. Didn’t have much time to tidy up the place before you came.”
“It’s alright, looks neat to me.” Your eyes glanced back down to his ankle, “Are you sure you want to have this session today? I feel like you should be resting—“
“You’re already here. I can take a little revision. Don’t underestimate me.” He teased, gently shoving your shoulder. With a light laugh, you nodded and sat down at the table. You watched Jungkook as he tried to find a comfortable position for himself, especially with his injury. Dropping his crutch on the floor, he settled down quickly to begin the session.
“So how do I know which case to use?” 
“It depends on the scenario prof sets for finals. Just a tip, prof loves answers that argues both sides. So, it’s best if you argue with both cases but conclude with which is more relevant or stronger for the scenario.”
Jungkook nodded his head, his bottom lip jutted out once again as he took down your response in his notes. “Thanks, I’m glad I started consultations with you since the beginning of the semester. I would be drowning will all these laws and cases if I didn’t.”
“I’m sure you would’ve managed fine. Your friends are managing well too. Jimin’s pretty good with this module.” You made an off-handed comment about Jimin as you started to pack up your belongings. You failed to catch the slight furrow in his eyebrows and that irritated twitch in the corner of his lip at the mention of Jimin. He knew you two would match well, which he should be happy for Jimin, but instead, he felt annoyed that Jimin was having consultations with you.
He couldn’t help but ask, “He meets you too?”
“Oh yea,” You nodded, your eyes still not meeting his as you scrolled through your schedule, “He meets me lesser than you though, just once a week.”
Just once a week. He repeated your reply. That was enough to get close to you. Hell, he meets you three times a week almost every week. One would question if he really needed that many consultations a week. Jungkook would argue against that, defending that he needed it. But deep down inside, he knew he was lying. 
You thought the same. Chan-mi and Sooyoung would make remarks on why Jungkook needed three sessions a week, hinting that he just wanted to find excuses to meet you. You would deny it every time, saying that he would always come prepared for each session with questions, proving that he really took those sessions seriously. But just like Jungkook, you too had a feeling that it wasn’t true. 
“Anyway, hope your ankle gets better soon. I better give you time to rest.” You checked the time on your phone. Jungkook did the same time, quick to respond, “Do you want to stay for dinner? I’m going to be ordering delivery anyway. You know... With my ankle. You could have dinner before you leave.” He shrugged his shoulders, trying to be casual about it. Jungkook wasn’t sure what was making him particularly nervous to suggest that. He normally wasn’t nervous with his dates. Why was he nervous around you when it was not even a date to begin with?
You contemplated, imagining your schedule in your mind. The pause made him grow nervous, “You don’t have to—“
“I’m down for dinner. My schedule’s not too busy tonight.” You smiled, settling your bag down back on the chair. Jungkook returned an eager grin. “My treat. For coming all the way here to tutor me.”
“Enough with the treats—“
“No negotiations on this one. I really owe you for traveling here, especially on such a last minute notice.” Jungkook shook his head, scrolling through the list of possible food options.
“Alright, thanks kook.” 
That nickname made his lips tug upwards as he tried to fight the smile. “No problem. What do you want to have?”
Dinner didn’t take long to arrive, you helped him collect the delivery and set it out on the coffee table. Jungkook had convinced you to watch a movie with him while waiting for dinner. Sinking yourself back onto the couch, the two of you happily enjoyed dinner while watching the movie he had chosen. 
“That’s cute.” You commented as the credits rolled. The movie was a short light one and it helped the both of you de-stress from the upcoming finals season. You really needed that self-care. 
“Thanks for the dinner and movie. I honestly needed it. Haven’t had much time to wind down lately.” 
“Too busy with your consultations?” 
You nodded your head, letting out a long sigh. “Yea, don’t get me wrong. It’s rewarding helping others, especially with the pay. But it’s just during this killer period that makes me regret it.”
Jungkook frowned, sitting upright, “I’m sorry I keep booking you.”
You chuckled, “Don’t be sorry. That is my job anyway. Plus, you’re always prepared for the sessions. I hate sessions when they don’t even know why they booked it. Drives me mad.”
Jungkook hummed, agreeing with you. “That must suck.”
“Yea,” your eyes trailed back down to his ankle once again. “What happened with your ankle anyway?”
“Training today. It’s been tough as well for me. Coach has been increasing the intensity and we don’t really get enough rest with studies as well. I wasn’t in the greatest condition today so I slipped.” 
“Yikes. Hope it heals fast though.” You smiled cheekily, “Do I get to sign it?”
Jungkook laughed, “That’s so childish. No one signs casts anymore.”
“Please? I’ve never done it before!” You pouted, doing your best to convince him to let you vandalize his cast. You didn’t need to do much to convince him, he was willing to give in pretty much from the first time you brought it up. “A-Alright. Just don’t draw a dick or something.”
You hummed, feigning consideration. “I wasn’t planning to but now that you mentioned it...”
He glared, grabbing his throw pillow to toss it at your face. “Don’t you dare.”
“I was kidding.” You laughed, rushing to the table to grab a pen, sitting back down close to him to draw on his cast. 
Don’t flunk my module.
“Done!” You added an “A+” next to it, willing yourself to not draw a heart which you almost did. You pulled away from the cast, looking at your work proudly. Jungkook snorted, “Don’t flunk my module? I won’t. Definitely not after all our sessions together.”
“You better.” You turned to look at him, suddenly aware of how close your faces were next to each other. You watched his gaze drop to your lips before flickering up to meet yours, “May I...?”
You nodded slightly, overcome by the adrenaline and fluttery feeling that was consuming you. You both leaned in, gently kissing each other, making sure you don’t put so much weight against him to avoid hurting his injury. Jungkook’s hand found your waist as he pulled you in, the other cupping your cheek. With your arms snaking around his neck, you both deepened the kiss.
Something in you snapped and made you pull away abruptly. “I-I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have done that.” You quickly got up to take your belongings.
“W-Wait, what do you mean—“ Jungkook called after you, struggling to get up fast with his crutch.
“You’re just going to end whatever we’ll have if we try. We’re looking for different things remember?” You rubbed the nape of your neck, “L-Look, could we just pretend this didn’t happen? I don’t want anything to be awkward between us.”
“W-Wait but...” Jungkook sighed, noting how resolute you were with your suggestion. “If that’s what you want.”
“Thanks Jungkook... Anyway, I should probably go. Get well soon.” You shifted your bag on your shoulder and sent yourself out the door.
After that incident, your schedule you had planned went down the drain. Your brain was foggy and your focus out the window the entire night as you kept thinking about that kiss. How it felt and how happy you felt. But you also reminded yourself that Jungkook was not looking to settle and you didn’t want to put yourself through that. 
You just hoped things would be the same after that day.
I’m guessing the usual cafe? :) - jk
Where else would we go? - y/n
Maybe my place? - jk
Good try - y/n
Worth a shot - jk
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself every time you conversed with him. Your usual 2h slot with him would drag on if you didn’t have anything that day. It wouldn’t drag on because of questions, you two would just be talking and enjoying each other’s presence. Ever since you met his friends, you met him more outside your 2h slot with him. Though, it was always off-campus. 
The incident at his place was as if it didn’t even happen. As if it was just a wet dream of Jungkook. You were thankful he stuck to the agreement and acted as if nothing happened. However, a part of you felt that it was the wrong move. 
You look great today btw - jk
But that doesn’t mean you look bad on other days - jk
Just extra great today - jk
Feeling that familiar fluttery feeling in your heart, you chose to ignore the message, promptly closing your chat. You reminded yourself about their reputation with relationships, they weren’t into a serious commitment. You didn’t want to waste your own time either. For some reason you could feel someone staring at you and you could bet anyone 10 bucks that it was Jungkook. 
After that moment, class went by fast and it was finally time for lunch. “Y/n! Do you want to grab lunch sometime this week? I promised I’ll be treating.” Mingyu flashed a very charming smile that made you smile back automatically. Behind him was Sooyoung and Chan-mi approaching you. 
“You really don’t have to treat me, I’m just doing my job—“
“I insist, yn. I still owe you for carrying me on your back last semester for the other class.” He chuckled. “Come on, you pulled your own weight.” You shook your head with a laugh. You glanced at your two friends who were patiently waiting for you and possibly eagerly eavesdropping. Just as you were about to turn away, Jungkook’s group walked behind them.
You could’ve sworn that you made eye contact when you gave him a smile to which he coldly ignored, looking away and leaving the hall with his friends.
“We can go for lunch but you’re not treating me.”
Mingyu reached out to pat your shoulder, “We’ll see! I’ll get you again soon!” He winked at you and headed off. Your two giddy best friends reached out to pull you along with them. “Is that a date?”
“N-No it’s not!”
“Why are you stuttering?” Chan-mi teased, poking your sides. You took a few steps in front of them, turning around to face them as you walked backwards. “I swear it’s not a date. We’re just friends.”
“Alright, alright, now walk properly before you hurt yourself Miss-I-have-a-date-with-Mingyu.” Sooyoung turned you around by your shoulders. Just as she strongly whipped you around, your eyes met with Jungkook’s.
Your mouth opened to say hi but nothing happened when he once again, looked away, not acknowledging your presence. “Hey y/n!” Jimin happily greeted you, pulling you in for a hug. “Thanks for tutoring me yesterday.”
“No problem, just doing my job.” You grinned at him but your thoughts still on Jungkook ignoring you.
Jimin chuckled, ruffling your hair, “You’re cute when you’re humble. Anyway, see you around!” You said bye to the others, noting that Jungkook didn’t say a single word to you. It was as if you weren’t right in front of you and you felt offended.
“Did something happen between you and Jungkook?” 
“No, nothing happened.” You denied as the memory of the kiss flashed in your mind.
“Are you sure?” Chan-mi questioned and you sighed. “Sorry, can we not talk about him? Let’s just have lunch.”
You didn’t notice your two friends sharing a look before collectively agreeing to drop the topic.
“You’re late.” You commented, staring at your screen as you continued your assignment. “Yea sorry, I was on a date with someone and it kinda over ran.”
Oh. A date with someone. “O-Oh, how did it go?”
“Pretty well.” Jungkook took a sit, taking out his laptop, ready to fire his questions. “That’s good!” you sounded happy for him. You weren’t sure if your eyes were just trying to make you feel better but it was as if Jungkook seemed disappointed with your reply, as if he was hoping for a different reaction. 
“Yea... Anyway, I don’t have much questions today so it should be a fast one. If you want, we could go get an early dinner?”
“I don’t think I can... I have quite a lot of things to do today.” 
“Oh... That’s cool.”
Moving on from the topic, you two went through the questions he had smoothly though there was something nagging at the back of your mind. Why was he so cold towards you that day? Why is he acting as if he wasn’t being such a dick towards you that day? 
“You good?”
“Hmm?” You glanced up to see genuine concerned eyes that made your heart flutter once again. “Y-Yea I’m good.”
“You sure? You seem quite out of it today. Are you unwell? Is something bothering you?”
You shook your head, getting frustrated. “Why were you ignoring me today in school?”
“W-What?” Jungkook pulled away, taken aback by your question. You sighed, “You know what I’m talking about.”
Jungkook shook his head, “I was just having a bad morning.”
“A bad morning.” You scoffed, “Right, so a bad morning would make you ignore my entire presence. I’ll take mental note of that.” Jungkook himself got annoyed, crossing his arms as he countered, “You didn’t seem to care about anyone else either when you were chatting up with Mingyu. Didn’t think my moody morning would even be noticed by you.”
You blinked a couple times, processing what he had just said. “W-What? I was just talking with him. Why are you even bringing this up?”
He didn’t answer this time, sighing as he packed his laptop in his bag. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” Jungkook got up and so did you. “You can’t do this? Are you jealous or something?”
“What? Of course not.” Jungkook frustratedly ruffled his hair. Not wanting to cause a scene at the cafe, you took your own stuff, chuckling dryly to yourself. “Well, you need to sort out whatever shit’s going on with you. I’m not here to guess how you’re feeling.”
“You’re not here to guess?” Jungkook whisper-yelled. “You were the one who suggested to ignore what happened. I’m here trying to keep my shit together because of that.”
“Jungkook, look. Let’s not talk about it here. Can we just drop it please?” ”Whatever.”
You walked away, not looking back to see Jungkook’s regretful look on his face.
Jungkook didn’t contact you after that day and you didn’t want to contact him either. Jimin, on the other hand, was trying to find out what happened between the two of you. 
“He always shuts the conversation down the moment one of us brings you up.” 
You sighed, “Nothing serious happened.”
“If that’s true, you guys wouldn’t be ignoring each other like the plague again. I had to lie to him about where I am today.”
A part of you, admittedly, would want Jungkook to reach out to you to just come clean about snapping at you the other day. You couldn’t understand how he could go on a date and then get pissed that you were talking to Mingyu. 
“You shouldn’t have lied to him.”
“It’s nothing.” Jimin shook his head, “What really happened between you two?”
Defeated, you told Jimin what happened that day at the cafe. “You two are just plain stupid. That poor boy likes you. You like him. Case solved.”
“If that’s true, he wouldn’t have gone on a date right before meeting me.”
“Yes, I agree that part’s fucked up. He just sucks at admitting his feelings to himself. Don’t worry, I’ll sort him out for you.” Jimin draped his arms around your shoulder, “you can count on me to give him a good nagging.”
“Thanks Jimin but you don’t have to do that—“
“Jimin? Y/N?”
The two of you turned around, Jimin immediately retracting his arm when you saw Jungkook standing right behind you. “Oh Kook!”
“I thought you said you’re meeting your Tinder date.”
“R-Right about that—“
“No, forget it, it’s clear who’s your Tinder date. Enjoy.” Jungkook shut him down and walked pass the both of you. Jimin sighed, “Looks like it’s time for me to fix this mess.”
“I think he’ll beat you up if you go after him. I’ll talk to him. You’re right, we need to talk.” Jimin gave you an encouraging smile, patting your shoulders, “Good luck.”
You needed that.
You hurriedly followed after him, calling out to him to stop and wait for you. It wasn’t that hard to catch up to him with his injury as well. 
Jungkook looked hurt and cold, as if he was building up his wall against you. “We weren’t on a date. Jimin didn’t want to tell you that he’s meeting me because apparently you get pissed every time you hear my name. I swear.”
“You don’t need to explain anything—“
“Yea of course I don’t, because I should just leave it to you to make wild assumptions every time some shit happens. I don’t get it. One moment, I think you may like me and the next moment you’re out on a date with someone else. Just tell me what is it and we can stop having this misunderstanding.”
Jungkook ruffled his hair, looking around the campus. “Can we talk somewhere else? And not here in public?”
You gestured with your hands, asking him to lead the way. Jungkook led you to a more secluded area, not too far away from where you bumped into him. You both couldn’t take walking together without clearing things up. 
Jungkook didn’t waste any time, immediately diving straight into it. “I do like you. Hell, there’s nothing to even doubt especially after that night. I wanted to kiss you for so long. I never admitted that to myself until that very moment. But then you said you wanted to drop everything and I thought it was just in the heat of the moment for you so I agreed. I rather be friends than back to strangers.” Jungkook breathed, taking a short pause, “But then I see you with Mingyu, with Jimin, and I know these men are your type. The ones that settle down with the right partner. The ones that don’t go on many dates. But that’s been me. So i figured you regretted it when you said that i didn’t want the same things you wanted. But fuck, i want to settle down with you. Take things slow, see where the future takes us. Three sessions with you was over the top for my studies but I did it because I love our time together. I love studying with you, going off topic and talking about other things. I love teasing you just to see your reaction because it makes me smile. I love it when you tease me back just to annoy me. You annoy me but I love it.” He sighed, looking at the floor before meeting your watery eyes.
“But I know I’m not the type of guy you’re looking for. You made it clear yourself that night when you asked to drop it. So there. That’s why I went on that date before meeting you. Because I was so nervous about seeing your face, I needed to get my mind off of you. I admit, I’m sorry for doing that because that just further proves your point about me.” He trailed off, as the realization sinks in of how he had just fucked up his own chances of being with you.
You didn’t bother interrupting him at all, your heart pounding loudly against your chest as you took in every single word he said. Your brain and heart having a civil war with each other. Not knowing what should your next move be. 
“I’m guessing silence means I’m right.” He spoke after receiving no response from you. “I’ll see you around. Take care of yourself.” He gave a pained smile as he headed off back to his place.
Your knees felt weak as you leaned back against the wall that was hiding the both of you from the others. Your hand brought up to your heart. 
What were you going to do?
With a heavy heart, you made your way back to your place. As you settled your dinner, you aimlessly browsed through the shows on Netflix as Your mind was busy thinking about Jungkook’s confession. 
Why didn’t you go after him? Why didn’t you say anything? Were you scared that it was all words? Were you scared of ruining the friendship you two had established? What was stopping you from doing what you wanted?
You knew you couldn’t leave things there. You had to do something before you regret. You liked Jungkook. A lot. You were willing to take the risk with him. Just as he was as willing to prove to you that he’s serious. 
You reached out for your phone and key, making your way out the door and to where you needed to be.
Once you had arrived, you were knocking on the door profusely, “Jungkook!” You called out.
The door opened, “W-What are you doing here—“
“I like you too. You’re wrong. I don’t regret that night. I regret saying that we should forget about it. Because i couldn’t. I didn’t. I thought about it everyday. I’m willing to take things slow with you if you’re willing. I don’t want to regret this as well.”
The smile on his face grew as you admitted your own feelings to him, Jungkook pulling you in with his free hand as the other still held on to his clutch.
“I mean it as well. I have zero intentions to play around with you. I’m serious and I’ll prove it. I’m not going to lose you, you’re not cheap sunglasses to me.”
“I trust you.” You said with a laugh, recalling his metaphor as his grin only grew wider. “You just made me a really happy man.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell with that wide grin on your face.”
“You’re annoying.” Jungkook said with no malice in his tone as he leaned in for a kiss. Both of you had been wanting to do that again ever since that incident. Your leg kicking the door shut as you pulled yourself closer to him. 
“I could get used to this.” You smiled as you pulled away. 
“Well, you should. I’m going to be kissing you for a long time.”
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calif0rnia-lovers · 4 years
tap out.
Request: soft kiss + wrestling with Ez and actually pinning him and he’s like wtf?????
A/N: I threw in some babies because Ez as a dad 😍😍😍😍😍 Also, trying to write more for Ez. Here’s some flirty domestic life for you. Hope you like it.
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Summary: The way Ez tells it, you never pinned him. 
Words: 1.7k
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The living room of the Reyes household is full of screams and giggles. And growls?
"Grab him, Sol!" 
Despite the request of her older brother, Marisol is scooped up by a passing Ez. Her giggles bounce off the walls as her father's lips cover her cheeks and neck with kisses. Seizing the window of opportunity, Iván tugs against his father's shirt and hoists himself onto Ez's back. 
When you round the corner, you find Ez overpowered. On hands and knees, he has a two-year-old Marisol clinging to his front. Her arms are wrapped around his neck as she hangs from to his chest koala style.
Your three-year-old son is on his back giggling as he narrowly avoids the playful swipe sent his way. Ez lowers Marisol to the ground. Reaching back, he grabs Iván, who groans in defeat as he is lowered to the ground. But the second one is down the other is climbing again. It is a cycle that has been on repeat for the last thirty minutes.
The three are full of giggles.
"Ezekiel-" you groan.
Ez freezes. He knows he’s caught. He was supposed to be putting the two to bed, not keeping them up. Your husband glances up at you with a sheepish grin on his face. Both children climb onto his back in his moment of relapse. Despite the stern look on your face, Ez refuses to break character. 
"Ahhhh--nooo," he groans, his body slowly sinking to the ground under the unbearable weight. “Y/N.....Help me....” Ez’s movements slow, his voice comes out strangled as he crawls towards you. "They’re....tooo....strong....”
As he reaches your feet, Ez collapses to the ground. His body stills, his tragic downfall earning him a compilation of excited giggles and claps.
After a moment passes, he peeks up at you.
"Aren’t you going to avenge me?" He whispers.
“No, that’s what you get.” Lowering the hamper from your hip to the ground. You step over your husband, bending down to take your daughter into your arms.
“I can’t believe I married a woman so cold-hearted,” Ez huffs, his hand finding his heart as you pick up Iván.
"You should’ve thought of that before you kept them up well past their bedtime." You smile as he sends a wink your way. 
After putting them both to bed, you find Ez still on the floor. Only he’s folded nearly all the contents of the entire hamper. The smile on his face causes your eyes to roll as you sit down across from him.
"Don’t try that smile on me," you giggle. Taking the T-shirt from his hands, you focus on folding it. As you glance up, you find him watching you with a soft smile on his lips. "I can’t believe you let two little kids beat you."
“Two against one,” Ez laughs. "Since when is that a fair fight?"
"Against you?" You lightly roll your eyes. "Please don’t tell me those muscles are for just show. Then I married you for all the wrong reasons."
Ez's brow arches. His smile brings the usual butterflies. His head tips to the side. "That’s what you married me for?" 
"What else?" You giggle. Your playful eyes meet his. Your nose scrunches in disgust. "For your brain? Ugh. Who finds that sexy?”
Ez shifts the hamper out the way. "So...I'm just a piece of meat?"
You nod "pretty much" as he leans forward, softly shaking his head. 
"I mean, with arms like those I thought you’d at least be able to protect me from two little pint-sized kids."
Ez's hand finds your ankle as you drop the folded t-shirt into a nearby pile.
"Zeke." You warn. "Don’t."
"Don’t what?" He asks, his thumb tracing circles against your skin.
"Start a fight you obviously can't finish,” you tease. "I mean, you couldn’t even take Marisol and Iván. I, on the other hand, will have no trouble bruising your ego when I win."
You catch sight of his mischievous smile before he tugs. You squeal as he pulls you forward. Your giggles meld with his chuckles as he climbs over you. You squirm as you attempt to stop him, and you almost do. You're quicker than he remembers, but Ez makes up for it in strength. He settles his entire weight against your body, pressing you into the floor until he's able to catch your wrists. 
"Where’s all that talk? Hmmm," he chuckles, his hands pinning yours alongside your head as he shifts his position. "I thought you were actually going to do something."
"You cheated," you giggle, trying your best to roll on your side. The escape attempt is useless, Ez's weight has you pinned. His hips keep you right where he wants you. "It doesn't count."  
"Making excuses, querida?" Ez ducks down to press a kiss against your neck. A chuckle slips from his lips as you squirm beneath him. "Can't make up rules as you go, that's not how this works."
"I can't believe you play dirty." You giggle as Ez shoots you a look of pure innocence. "You literally laid on top of me!"
Ez's grip tightens around your wrists as you attempt to free your hands. The smile on his lips morphs into a grin as your legs wrap around his waist. 
You shift your hips, the action barely swaying his stature. You try a second time and get the same result. Ez raises his eyebrow, a smirk on finding his lips.
"Are you trying to get me off?" He snickers.
"Yes." You huff as you give up. 
"I guess that's one way." 
Guiding your hands to rest above your head, Ez pins them both beneath the grip of his left hand.
"Here, I'll make it easy on you." He grins. His right hand drifts beneath your t-shirt to rest against your ribcage. "Got you with one hand."
He catches sight of your rolling eyes before he nuzzles into your neck. A kiss comes soft against your skin, a chuckle following, as he lifts his pinky.
"Still can't get out?" He taunts, lifting his ring finger. Another kiss brushes against your skin, his lips sucking against your sweet spot. "How 'bout now?"
Releasing your hand, Ez allows his hands to run over your hips before drifting beneath your shirt. His fingers tease your ribcage, your hips shifting beneath him in response. A mixture of giggles and squeals fill the room as Ez tickles. His attack is ruthless. He dismisses your pleas for him to stop with a series of kisses that press against your neck and cheek. 
"Please, stop-" You giggle breathlessly. "Zeke-Okay!"
His attack instantly halts. You struggle to catch your breath as he smirks.
"Ready to admit I won?" Sparkling brown eyes meet yours as his hands squeeze your hips in a warning. "Choose your words carefully, sweetheart." 
The boyish grin is a sight that halts your response. Suddenly denying Ez's claim is an afterthought. You smile in return, Ez's gaze dropping to your lips. His touch digs into your hips as you bite your lip.
"No." The soft shake of your head causes Ez to blink. 
He doesn't have enough time to recover. You leverage your hips, pushing up against his. The shift of your hips allows you to tip him off balance.  
You're on top of him before he can even fully process how fast you've moved. Your hand presses firmly against his chest as your weight settles against his torso.
“Gotcha,” you giggle as his head falls back. 
You make a point of pinning down his wrists for good measure. Ez tilts his head to gauge your grip.
"Where’s all that talk, Ezekiel?" You echo softly. Lowering your lips to his, you lightly brush a kiss against his smile. "Hmmm?"
"That was lucky," he notes. "I got distracted."
"Oh? And that's my fault?" You tease. "Sounds to me like someone is making excuses...I got you fair and square."
"Did you?" He challenges. His hips shift beneath you, your gasp filling the air as you tip forward. Your palms press against the floor to maintain your balance.
Ez's smile doubles in size as you meet his gaze. The heat of his palms drags along the back of your thighs.
"Come on, Zeke. Didn’t expect you to stoop to such low levels," you giggle as his hand finds your ass kneading the soft skin. "Trying to distract me?"
"I'll take what I can get." He chuckles, his hands firmly guiding your hips down to rest against his. "Sometimes you gotta fight dirty."
"Level the playing field?"
He nods, a groan slipping out as your hips gently grind against his. The soft rocking of your hips catches Ez's breath. 
“How’s that working out for you?” You smile as his fingers knead your skin encouraging your movements. 
"Fucking great," he grunts. He tightens his hold on you as if you could pull yourself from his lap.
His nose brushes against yours as his eyes drift shut. His chin tilts so that he can kiss you.
"Sorry, Mr. Reyes," you smile as you move your lips out of his reach. Your palm pressed against his chest, pushing him back to the ground. His eyes open to find your playful ones watching him. "I think you owe me something first."
Ez’s grin is back as your eyes linger on his lips before lifting to meet his gaze. He knows you're not going to make the same mistake as him. 
"Shit...” he groans, as your hand remains firm against his chest. The soft rolling of your hips against his bulge a stark contrast. "I tap out."
The tap out comes softly against your thigh, Ez’s left hand instantly finding the back of your neck as you smile.
His lips are soft against the corner of your mouth as your hands run down his chest. Your nose brushes his before your lips meet his. Your hand cradles his cheek, your thumb caressing his skin. The soft circles he massages into the base of your spine pulls a soft moan from your lips. The kiss is soft and slow. Neither of you rushes towards the end, your bodies relaxing into the comfort of one another. The kisses make up for the chaste and stolen kisses from the busy day. 
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amberviernes · 2 years
The Final Stretch: What’s Ahead
Hello everyone! I can’t believe that we’re in the middle of April? The capstone project is quickly coming to a close, and man. It’s been quite the journey. But, alas, there are still things that need to be done, so in this post, I’ll be outlining what I need to do to finish the semester with flying colors.
This is a slight update from the previous task post, and will probably be the last of it’s kind. So without further ado, let’s list out those tasks!
To Finish the Build/Draft:
Add a new section to the conclusion page showcasing the ranking of the 14 works featured in the survey. The layout will be sketched out, and then digitalized in either Adobe XD or CLIP STUDIO PAINT.
Update the conclusion page layout. I am thinking the final page will look something like: Expected Results (Dark BG) -> Work Authenticity Ranking (White BG) -> Summary of Results (Dark BG) -> Limitations of Study (White BG) -> Further Research (Dark BG) -> Call to ACtion (White to BG).
Modify asset color schemes to match the updated conclusion page layout. I am thinking the asset used in the further research section will need a white outline or a color scheme revamp since it’ll be on a dark BG instead of a light BG.
Create a PDF of the survey questions for the survey results page.
Sketch out asset concepts for the education level related statistics on the sub-analysis page (it currently reuses the ones for the age group).
Digitalize the education level asset.
As I proofread, I will compile all the things I notice onto one document for revision.
Check for consistent verbiage throughout the website (e.g. works vs pieces, and scores vs rating). Update to be consistent. This is especially the case for the subanalysis pages, as they all follow a very similar format.
For the subanalysis pages, check the numbers inputted to make sure it matches the spreadsheet and form.
Click all the links and make sure that internal links open in the same tab, and external links create a new tab.
Test the website’s responsiveness against a variety of window widths. Fix as necessary.
Run each website page through GTMetrix to test the website’s loading speed.
Remove password protection for the website, and request feedback.
Incorporate feedback from peers.
And that’s all we gotta do! Honestly, it’s a lot. But I believe that I have the experience and skills to make the finished website a reality!
Before I close this post, I also want to say that last week I told Sharla that I was hoping to have the website done by April 17th. And since I wrote this post talking about what’s left for me to do, well, you’ve probably figured out by now that the finished website isn’t here yet!
Could I have gotten it done by the day I set? Yeah, probably, but I ended up stumbling into personal issues that stalled my progress significantly. Fortunately, I was able to resolve the issues by engaging in some difficult conversations and reframing my mindset.
But I’m kind of glad that the hiccup happened since it taught me two valuable lessons: 1) How to have difficult conversations, and 2) To address my emotions and stressors, rather than shelve it and hope it doesn’t bother you. Spoiler alert, suppressing your emotions doesn’t do any good, and seeps into your life in ways you don’t expect. For me, it would distract me immensely from my project. SO please don’t suppress your emotions, talk it out, and problem solve with people who can help you out.
I also want to note that when I set the date to April 17th, I knew that it was a bit unrealistic in some ways. But, I did it intentionally (rather than picking something more realistic), since it would ignite me into action (deadline panic!). I know this logic doesn’t really apply to the workforce (and there, I’d rather set a ‘later’ deadline and then meet it early to please the client). But I know that my “real” deadline is the 25th, lol.
Anyways, I feel like I can put my best foot forward this upcoming week. It’ll be tough but I believe in my ability to get this done! Thank you everyone for accompanying me on my journey, and I can’t wait to share the final product with everyone.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Sidney Prescott x reader
Word Count: 800
Warnings: nothing!
Author’s Note: Omg I love writing for Sidney, I wish I did it more. I really hope you enjoy it and thank you for requesting for her! 
Requested: by anon, Hey! I really loved your sidney prescott x fem reader fic could u do a long one thousand fic of them just being a soft bass couple and maybe sidney getting confused with the new digital world and technology and her girlfriend reader showing her what to do and just non stopvquoting vines and just,,, fluff cuz my girl needs love :(
Summary: the request 
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Sidney was smart. There was no doubt about it. You wouldn’t ever rebuttal the fact that she was an intelligent person. She had beat out killers, gotten herself into college, gotten mostly over her trauma and become a better person because of it. 
But when it came to technology she usually just couldn’t be bothered. It wasn’t that she didn’t understand it she just wouldn't ever try to understand it. From what she knew about social media from you it was stupid and dregrades peoples self confidence. She did not need that in her life.
That being said, she did sometimes wonder what all the fuss was about. She figured she would have to do some online press for it when the new book came out. She had to learn eventually.
She walked around yours and her house together, looking for you. You were sitting in the living room, among stacks of the books that Sidney was in the midst of signing. You had your phone on, scrolling through some app. You didn’t even look up when she entered the room until she sat down beside you. She had her phone in her hand.
“Teach me how to do it.” You raised an eyebrow.
“How to do what? Open your phone? See Sidney all you gotta do is-” She laughed, rolling her eyes.
“No. I wanna know about the internet. Stuff like that. Just teach me,” she pleaded. You laughed gently, surprised that she had finally caved. Whenever you showed her things that you thought were funny it usually went completely over her head. 
“You being serious?” 
“Yes I am.”
“Alrighty then. You have to download twitter, here I’ll do it.” 
Two hours later the two of you sat on the couch together still, TV on. Her head was on your shoulder but she was laughing so much she nearly fell off. You were playing her a compilation of vines that you thought were funny and she seemed to be enjoying them. You wrapped your arm around her from behind and held her closely as the two of you laughed. 
The video came to an end and you stretched, grabbing the remote and turning the TV off. She groaned, her groan hanging off of a laugh. 
“It’s late and you have to sign books early in the morning if you want them to be ready by the time you get back to Woodsboro,” you told her. She raised her head off of you and leaned into a stack of books. You stood up, offering her your hand. She looked at it, thought about it, and then took it. 
You helped her up as she stumbled with you to the bedroom. You lived in the middle of nowhere pretty much and the house was nice. It was the perfect place for her because all the memories that reminded her of this house were memories of you. There were no ‘Stab’ murders, there was no Gale poking around in her personal life. She just had you and her small town life now that she adored.
“I am ready for a good night's sleep,” you muttered. She looked up at you and you saw it in her eyes. She was trying to think of a reference that she could randomly through in there, an art that you mastered. 
“I can’t think of anything,” she whispered, almost to herself than to you.
“You’ll get the hang of it. And then one day you’ll be complaining that I almost made you drop your croissant or something,” you said and she laughed. She got that one and she was pleased about it. You crawled into bed beside her. 
“Thank you for teaching me,” she said gently. She sat down on her side of the bed, looking over at you.
“Anything for you gorgeous,” you whispered, bringing the blankets up to your chin. She brushed a piece of hair out of her face and flushed a little bit. 
“You’ll make me blush.”
“That’s my job Sid.”
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hoodedwing · 3 years
Scarred Hands
Summary: Jason helps everyone through bad days.
Characters: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Bruce, Alfred
Warnings : Major Character Death mentions, breakdowns, mourning over a character, i think there’s swearing too (but all my fics would have some swear in it though)
Additional Notes: Just wanted Dick to lose his shit with Bruce I guess and Jason just tags a long and becomes good ole’ big bro
Word Count: 1,294 words
He can't press the button.
It sits nicely in his hand, fitted perfectly. The number pad worn with age and most likely, had seen better days. The screen cover or what was left of it was peeling at the edges.
Damian had a better phone, way better.
Why did he still hold on to this phone then? What was the attraction, the strange magic that pulled him to this  point where he his finger is still hovered over the button?
Press # for emergencies
The automated voice message said it again, familiarity burned at the edges. Obviously because Jason was the one who gave him the damn phone.
He gave it to his three other brothers too, not exactly give but rather sneak it into their pockets.
How he'd sneaked it, Damian had no clue.
He had a mission tomorrow which needed his full attention and he had spent the whole week staying up by doing research, compiling evidence and constant patrols.
He was tired, his brain felt heavy, darkness sweetly lingering at the edges. The ceiling light suddenly became brighter and he covered his eyes, with his free arm and hissed.
His hand accidentally presses the button and suddenly he hears a gruff voice, gentle in its own
"Demon spawn?"
Damian whimpers and turns on his side, taking the phone under his head and mumbles.
"Stop it."
"Well you called, what's up?"
He hears Damian sighing and trying to sleep so Jason listens silently. He didn't have to say anything. At one point, Damian really thought Jason had declined the call but his name was still on the caller ID.
Jason listened carefully on the phone, Damian's finally even breathing and soft, imperceptible snores. He almost smiles down at the phone.
He whispered softly down the phone and cut it.
Tim is at Wayne Enterprises (WE)
He absolutely fucking hates it right now because a co-worker has picked out some mysterious 'flaws' and explaining to him why she thought the proposal was questionable.
He is this close to losing it while trying to tune out the woman's voice.
"This time frame is too small, I'm afraid they won't have enough time. Considering that there is a gala this evening-"
Oh fuck, there's a gala to go to tonight?
Tim almost jolts. Just to make sure he isn't hallucinating, he sneakily looks at his phone and sees a message reminding him about tonight’s Gala from Alfred.
Right on time, Alfred. Tim thought.
Tim sighs, places a hand on his head as the woman continues with her mock speech. Luckily for him, her phone rang and she left the room.
Tim slid a deadbolt into the damn door after that.
He blinks and sees the world in double and rubs his eyes again. He lies quietly on the table for awhile.
His hand was in his coast's pocket, he tried to find his phone but accidentally found the other one.
Tim quizzically stares at it, trying to make sense of this mess. The phone was old, he knew. Less advanced equalled to less apps to contact from. These kind are favoured by mercenaries or assassins, it was easier to remove your trail, fast.
That meant only one possibility.
Tim allows a moment to appreciate Jason's skill. How he had slid it into his pocket, he didn't know and he's impressed.
He picks around the phone, trying to figure out whether it was bugged (because Jason is creative, he managed to get Tim to sleep once just by a lethal and calculated mark by a transquilizer.)
His finger accidentally presses #
Oh shit, where's the end call button?
The gruff voice was coloured with a tinge of audible concern, distant sounds of grappling hooks and gunfire was heard.
Tim has no idea what to say to him, that he accidentally pressed a button because he was too damn curious and could get Jason killed again because his attention is also diverted to him?
"I..I'm so sorry-"
"Bad day, Timmy?"
Okay, now he's also a mind reader. Lazarus does strange things to you.
He's a polygraph now? I can't believe this
"Timmy, if it's stress at work or there's dead ends, you better drag your ass to the alleyway outside. I'm there."
Tim decides that it wasn't a bad idea, what's the harm in meeting him?
Probably being stabbed by a batarang and becoming a headline Wayne Enterprises CEO found murdered by a child's toy or Timothy Jackson Drake found impaled by a strange contraption, are there aliens coming? Is this a sign?
Tim politely excuses himself and leaves the office, he exits and turns left to walk another ten minutes. People walking by gave him small smiles obviously because he's a business figure.
He walks another ten minutes and reaches the alleyway, he kicks off his pointed dress shoes and sits, resting his feet at one side.
"Those shoes sure hurt, you better buy new ones soon Timbers."
Tim stood up surprised and almost stumbled back, a pair of firm hands grasp around his waist, too tight for his good.
It leaves Tim breathless and he kneels over slightly from the sudden. Jason lifts him slowly and places him on his lap. Tim fumbles and leans his head against Jason's figure and slowly sinks in.
Into the comfort.
He doesn't know he's fallen asleep until he wakes up in his own bed with warm food beside him.
Dick cannot dare.
Dick is supposed to be the glue of the family, he's supposed to be the one that's keeping his shit together.
But he can't.
Bruce is fucking dead, his (adoptive) dad is dead. Gone.
And he can't even get up, he's lying on his bed, absolutely miserable, not even taking calls from Barbara.
In short, he's cut out his entire connection with the world. He's skipped patrol with Tim and Damian for a whole week, he's stopped watching his shows and eating his food.
He's tired.
He doesn't know why, all the energy is sucked out of him. He cannot seem to push himself up.
Not yet.
Until this big lump of human is outside his room and watches him lie in his thoughts. The man seemed familiar.
And he enters.
"Dickie, what the hell?"
Jason puts his hand on Dick, who's eyes are red from a recent bout of crying. He gives Dick a glass of cold water.
"Look at me."
His firm hands grip Dick's leaner muscled shoulders and he reluctantly looks. Jason could see he looks worse up close.
Breakdowns suck, a lot.
"Dick, you gotta move on. I know-"
"You don't know Bruce."
He simply states, eyes staring ahead.  He's telling the truth, or maybe not.
Jason had seen the various shades of Bruce. Caring and the next second, colder than ever. So Dick was so, so wrong about his answer.
"Hating someone doesn't mean I don't know him Dick. He meant a lot to you, I'm not invalidating your grief, I need you to grieve properly. You gotta get back someday, Blüdhaven needs some ass kicking."
Dick smiles with tear-stained cheeks and Jason hugs him suddenly, because he's been in the same position before. He's caught himself in a breakdown before but no one ever held the broken pieces while he cried himself to sleep.
He knew how Dick felt.
"Take your time Dickie, I'll take over for you for now till you're okay."
Dick smiles thinly and sits, watching Jason wear back his boots to leave through the window but not without wiping away his fingerprints.
Jason leaves quietly, hoping Dick wouldn't mind his sudden disappearance. He couldn't afford to stay for long.
There's no rest for the weary.
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omgitscharlie · 4 years
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖞𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖆𝖌
ɪɴᴜʏᴀꜱʜᴀ x ᴋᴀɢᴏᴍᴇ | ʜɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴏɴ ᴀᴜ | ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ
SUMMARY: Kagome finally convinces to get Inuyasha in front of the camera to participate in a video and the hanyou can't help but feel out of his element.
*If you want to read the original fic that this universe it's based on, check out the story 'Hit The Like Button' for more context*
TAGGING: @princessinume, @rightoveryonder, @digital-art-monster, @heathersmusings, @nectarine500, @nectarine500, @bluemondays-sadsundays, @biancam70, @keichanz, @mickisketch, @mamabearcat, @littlestuffstohide, @misteria247, @aizawa-slaysme, @akikazetohoru-12, @preciouslyours, @clementinesgulag, @sailorbabydoll92, @trepidatingboarfetus, @karibookat, @liz8080, @chimichangadude, @kagometaishostory
Already, he was uncomfortable. There was no one else but the two of them in the room, but knowing that he would be needing to talk to a camera made him uncomfortable, "I don't know how you do this shit for a living," he stated, able to see himself in the monitor as Kagome hit the record button on the camera. Inuyasha's chair was lower than Kagome's, making it easier for them to be in the frame together.
"It gets easier the more times you do it," Kagome replied as she walked around to take a seat beside her boyfriend, "Move to the right a little," she stated, watching as Inuyasha compiled by moving just an inch towards her, "Come closer to me, this is supposed to be a cute video. We're supposed to like each other."
Rolling his eyes, he scooted the chair closer by another inch or so, suddenly watching as Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Better," she praised before going back to sitting normally in her seat, "You gotta look at the camera, not the monitor," she explained, already noticing that was where his gaze was drawn to. 
"How am I supposed to look at the camera when there's no one here. At least with the monitor, I can make sure I don't look like an idiot," he stated, gesturing to the monitor as if she didn't know what she was talking about.
"If you look at the monitor it'll look like you're looking to the bottom corner of the screen, instead of the people watching," she explained, gripping his chin playfully and turning it to look straight at the camera, "I'll cover it, if you keep looking," she scolded, seeing a disgruntled look on her boyfriend's face, his cheeks squished forward detracted from the seriousness of it.
"You're lucky I'm even here, Kagome. I don't know how to do shit like this," he explained before feeling his girlfriend press a kiss to his lips.
"I know, and I appreciate that you're doing this for me."
Releasing his face, he gave her a scowl, though it didn't mean much, "You better not keep any of that in," he warned, only to see Kagome smile at him sweetly and nod.
"Of course, babe."
She was only telling half of the truth. There would be some that would be kept in, but nothing that she knew he would be extremely uncomfortable with. Grabbing a sticky note from her desk, she placed it over where Inuyasha's face would be on the monitor, "There, now you can't be distracted." 
Glaring towards her, Inuyasha was only given a cheeky smile in response, "I'm gonna start us off, okay?" Nodding, Inuyasha acknowledged her. This wasn't new to him, he could hear her whenever she did so; her apartment wasn't that large, and sometimes he just didn't want to make his way home, so he'd make himself comfortable at her place for the day, even if she was working. Straightening herself, she gave her regular greeting, "Hey friends, welcome back to my channel! My name's Kagome, and today we have a very special guest with us," gesturing to the silver-haired man sitting beside her, "This is my boyfriend Inuyasha, say hi."
Weird didn't cut it. They weren't talking to anyone but a camera. It was like they were playing pretend and Inuyasha felt so out of his element that it a hard to fake the sense of discomfort on his face. If it hadn't been Kagome asking him to do this, he wouldn't have ever even given a second's worth of thought towards doing anything like this. Peering towards her with uncertainty for a moment, he looked back towards the camera and gave a wave, "Hi."
She could tell he was uncomfortable, but he'd finally agreed to do this with her and he wasn't about to back out now, "And today we're going to be doing 'the Boyfriend Tag', but I'll be answering the questions too, so I guess it's more of 'the Couple Tag'." 
Inuyasha didn't know where to look, opting to look at Kagome as she spoke before alternating to look at his hands and back up to her, "And basically what that means is-" Kagome continued, "I'm going to read through some of these questions and we're going to answer." All her boyfriend could do was nod in acknowledgment, straightening himself and stretching his neck, as if it were just something to do. Turning to Inuyasha, she gave him one of her smiles that brought warmth to his chest, "You okay?"
"Yeah, just don't know what to do with my...everything," he stated honestly, hearing Kagome giggle before pressing a kiss to his lips in comfort.
"You're fine. You're good to look at, so that's enough. Just sit there and look pretty," she teased, seeing heat rush to Inuyasha's face before he gave her a playful scowl.
"That what you brought me on for? Eye candy?"
"No! My subscribers wanted to get to know you," she defended, "It's just an added bonus that you're cute," she added before grinning towards him while her gaze looked to the beanie that sat on his head, "If only they could see your ears." A very real look of warning came over his face, Kagome immediately knowing why before she rolled her eyes, "You know I won't keep that in, Yash. Let's just continue with the video idea, okay?"
"Fine," he murmured, folding his arms across his chest so the camera could pick up the fact that he had a full sleeve tattooed on his arm.
"Okay, first question: Where and when did we meet?" Kagome asked with a widely amused smile, interested to see how he would answer this question, seeing as their first meeting wasn't exactly the most conventional.
Inuyasha was confused at first - why did people care? "Uh, at my shop like a year ago," he replied easily, shrugging before seeing Kagome lift her brows at him with expectancy.
"And how did that meeting go, Inuyasha?" she asked, seeing his brows furrow before scoffing and rolling his eyes.
"That wasn't the question, Kagome," he muttered, finding his attention back on her as he recalled exactly how they met and how it wasn't the most pleasant experience. In fact, if the story was shared, people would think it a miracle that they'd ended up together. 
"Fine," she sang, understanding his hesitation before she moved onto the next question, "Where was our first date?"
"We didn't have one," the answer was almost instantaneous, and absolutely not a lie. The progression of their relationship had been unorthodox at best, resulting in them not able to go on dates until they'd been two months into their relationship.
"That's not true! We went to the movies," Kagome stated, only to see a confused look on Inuyasha's face as if she was speaking a foreign language, "Yeah, we went to that really bad horror movie and just made out the whole time."
"Kagome! You can't just tell people that!" he countered, shifting his gaze to the camera and back to the woman beside him, seeing a cheeky grin on her lips as she booped his nose playfully, causing her boyfriend to scrunch it up in disapproval. 
"Don't stress about it, Yash. Everyone knows we do much more than that," she explained, only to hear a disgruntled choked sound come from him out of embarrassment. However, she did have a point, and he relaxed then, even though there was still the obvious stain of pink on his cheeks.
"Let me read the next one," he stated, holding his hand out for her to pass over the phone, "Not fair that I get interrogated this whole video." 
Happily, Kagome passed him the phone to see him look at the next question, "Where was our first kiss?" Lifting his head, he looked towards his girlfriend with a fond smile, reminded of the time when she'd asked him to stay when he'd been trying so damn hard to behave himself. That kiss was one he knew he'd never forget; what came afterward was pretty memorable as well.
"In my apartment," Kagome figured it was best to leave out the details - it was a complicated situation, "Next."
"Who said 'I love you' first?" Inuyasha's head snapped up from the phone to give Kagome a confused and offended look, "These are fuckin' personal, Kagome!" he scolded, holding the phone up as if she hadn't already read through some of the questions already. 
Kagome released a giggle before taking the phone from him, "We don't have to answer it," she assured, only to hear a signature grumble leave the man beside her, "But it was me," she stated quickly, "And the look on your face was priceless."
"I wasn't expecting it..." he murmured, "Next question."
"When is my birthday?" Kagome asked before answering what Inuyasha's birthday was, "November eighth, and you are definitely a Scorpio, I ever knew one." That statement had Inuyasha rolling his eyes.
"Dunno how you believe in that crap. Your birthday is March fourteenth-"
"Which makes me a Pisces," she interjected, leaning closer to him before sticking her tongue out at him, only to have Inuyasha lean forward in an attempt to nip it. A bright squeal left her at that, managing to back away fast enough, "Hey! Careful with those!" she stated, gesturing to his fangs.
"Just ask the next question."
Kagome scrolled through some of them, finding them to be slightly boring, before landing on one that she found amusing, "Oh! This one's a good one," she smirked towards Inuyasha then, who narrowed his gaze towards her in return, "Who is the more dominant one in the relationship?"
Inuyasha couldn't help but scoff, smirking back at her, "Isn't it obvious?" he asked, only to hear Kagome's say that it was, in fact -
"Me! Duh!" she chirped, only to suddenly feel the grip of his hand on her throat, stealing the air from her as she released a visceral whine. The heat of his breath on her lips had her biting her lower lip out of instinct, which only urged Inuyasha onward.
Canting his head, his brows lifted in expectancy, "As you were saying?"
Kagome gripped his wrist as she whimpered, "Yash...not now," she breathed, knowing that they'd needed to get through at least ten more questions to finish the video. Golden hues peered down to between her legs, smelling that all too familiar smoke and spice that told him everything he needed to know.
"Later. You'll be makin' up for that," he growled, only to see her nod softly with a hum of acknowledgment. Relinquished his grip, he went back to his regular seated position, arms folded across his chest as Kagome took a few calming breaths.
Clearing her throat, she could see the smugness on his face as Inuyasha answered the question himself, "It's me. Now gimme the phone," he stated, holding his hand back out for her to place it in obediently, solidifying his answer, "What do we mostly argue about?" he asked, looking up to Kagome with a knowing expression on his face.
"Is everything an answer?" Kagome stated with a giggle, only to see Inuyasha chuckle lowly at that, "We bicker a lot but, it's typically harmless. But we mostly do it to make up." She stated, winking at the camera, only to have Inuyasha's face go beat red once again.
"K-Kagome, you can't just-" he sputtered, only to feel Kagome press a kiss to his cheek to calm him down. It was criminal how she was able to dismantle any sort of frustration he had with a simple kiss. Relaxing, he peered off to the side with a defeated look on his face, "They didn't need to know that."
"I'll cut that part out," she stated reaching over to take his hand in both of hers and rest them on her lap, "I'll make sure you get to see the final video before it's posted." Holding her phone in his other hand, he side glanced her back flitting his gaze back to the phone to find another question.
"How long does it take for me to get ready in the morning? Well, you-" he began, turning his attention back to her while gesturing towards her, "Take for fuckin' ever," he turned to the camera as if he was talking to a person, continuing to gesture towards her, which shocked Kagome, "She'll take literally two hours to get ready every morning and use all of the hot water in the shower." 
"I like long showers!" she defended, jaw hanging open on mock offense as she drew in an exaggerated gasp, "I can't believe you're calling me out like this!" 
Relaxing some, she turned her chin up at him with a rather pompous look on her face, "Well, at least I take time to groom myself," she continued only to hear that familiar tenor counter back.
"I am plenty clean you know it," he looked back at the phone, trying to find another good question to answer, "Let's see..." 
Kagome could see the entertainment in his eyes, how he was starting to become more like himself as they continued on with the video. It warmed her heart to see, offering a small smile towards him before she heard a sound of discovery come from him, "Ah-ha! This one. Who is more jealous?" The way he turned his attention back to her, as if she was supposed to say herself, had her lifting her brows in disbelief.
"You can't possibly think it's me," she was quite serious in her response, seeing Inuyasha lift a brow in skepticism, "You're joking!"
Tapping his nose, he grinned at her, "This doesn't lie, baby. I can smell it on you."
"That's hardly fair," she rebutted, tilting her head as she reached out to grab the very thing her just tapped, "I don't have a nose like yours."
A yelp left him as he tried to scrunch his nose enough for her to release it, "Quit it!" Releasing his nose, Inuyasha shook his head a few times to try and get the discomfort from one of his most sensitive areas, "Not my fault you have a human nose."
"Yeah, yeah, take it up with my parents," she joked before snatching the phone away to scroll through the questions, "What is the one thing you'd change about me?" This intrigued her, head tilting towards him with an expectant smile that told him 'don't answer wrong'.
"Nothin', why would I change you?" Inuyasha stated in his ever so abrasive manner that told Kagome that he was completely serious and hadn't even picked up on her subtle hint. Kagome's heart warmed then, smile turning from expectant to genuine and warm, "But if I had to choose-" he continued, Kagome's expression morphing into dark questioning, "You're a doormat sometimes."
"A doormat!?" she exclaimed, causing Inuyasha to lean back in a startled manner, eyes wide with the promise of apology. Yet, after a moment, he turned to the offensive, leaning towards her to continue his answer.
"You let people take advantage of you sometimes and you deserve better than that, okay!" he replied with the same volume and abrasiveness as before. It was Kagome's turn to lean back and let her eyes go wide in shock - what he'd said was sweet in its own way, even if it was posed rather crudely. Kagome's expression softened before leaning forward and giving him a small peck to the lips.
"You're sweet when you wanna be," she teased, only to feel her boyfriend steal another kiss and straighten himself in his chair.
"That what you'd change about me? To be sweet all of the time, instead of sometimes?"
Kagome really thought about the question, trying to think of something that wasn't too heavy of an answer. She had something in mind, but perhaps airing it out on camera wasn't the smartest idea. Tapping her chin in thought, her gaze lifted to the ceiling as she thought for another moment or two with a thoughtful hum, "Oh!" that same finger became erect, pointing upwards as the answer came to her, "Knowing your limits," she stated, turning to look at him, only to see a very perplexed expression on her boyfriend's face, "Like, you overwork yourself sometimes - run yourself into the ground."
"Keh. I do not," he countered, shaking his head in disagreement, "I'm efficient."
Giving him a rather incredulous look as she tilted her head, a look that said 'oh really?' on her face, she opened her mouth to reply, "Need I remind you of last weekend?" she emphasized, recalling how he wasn't able to make it through the first ten minutes of the movie they were watching because he'd exhausted himself. Sure, it took much more effort to tucker him out, but when he crashed, he crashed hard; and before that crash, he was not the most pleasant person to be around. Irritable and quick to anger, Kagome knew to keep clear of him as much as possible until her crashed, like a child. 
Rolling his eyes, he scoffed defiantly before holding gesturing towards the phone for her to ask another question, "Who is the most organized one in the relationship?"
"That's not even a contest. I used to think I was organized until I met you," he began before putting on a voice that was supposed to mimic her, or one could only assume, "Everything has its own home." 
There was no hiding the laughter that left her at the realization that he was supposed to be mocking her and trying to sound like her, "Keep your day job, babe!" she managed to stay through giggles before agreeing with him, "But you're right, it is me."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm a mechanic, not a comedian, so pass over the phone, wouldya?" Holding out his hand, he gestured for her to hand it over, which did promptly. Pulling it closer to his face, one question stood out that had a very wicked grin pass over him, "What pet names do you give each other if any?" Slowly, his head turned towards her with that same grin. Now it was Kagome's turn to blush, knowing exactly who he wanted her to answer. Turning back to the camera, Inuyasha gave his answer first, "Nothing out of the ordinary for me. Baby, baby girl, pretty girl," he glanced towards his girlfriend then, "Whadya call me, baby?"
"I'm not keeping this," she stated abruptly before seeing Inuyasha's face drop some, and his gaze narrow towards her in warning, "I call you babe, baby," she paused, glaring at him as she contemplated giving in to what he wanted. There was no way they'd finish the video if she said it, very aware of what she called him did to him. Keeping her gaze on him, she opened her mouth, "And-" she paused again, still battling inwardly as to whether or not she would go through with it. 
Maybe they could go back later and do an outro, finish with a few more lighthearted questions and call it a day. So long as they cleaned up and made it look the same, no one would be able to tell. That flow of thought gave her all of the answers she needed, "Daddy."
There it was, that primal growl deep in his chest as his pupils blew wide, and Kagome couldn't help but feel it shoot straight to her core. Before she could even think about anything else, his lips were on hers, devouring her and pulling her into his lap to get more of her. A soft shriek left the young woman, arms wrapping around his neck as he immediately climbed to his feet with the intent of moving them somewhere more comfortable, "Mmnph!" Kagome yelped, pulling away from him with the faintest sense of annoyance, "I have to turn off the camera." 
Pausing, he peered towards the camera, letting a wide, wicked smirk pass over his features as he slowly turned back to the woman in his arms, "Why don't we bring it with us?" There was no way to hide the blush that passed over the woman's features, looking down at his in disbelief.
"Wh-what?" Suddenly feeling rather self-conscious, keeping that doe-eyed look on her face, as if she'd been caught in the headlights, "Yash-"
"Daddy," he corrected, tone low and husky, authoritative when he was in his more primal state.
"I don't know if we should," she replied meekly, not really sure how she felt about knowing that anything they did was on tape, "I don't know if I'm comfortable," she stated honestly, only to feel her boyfriend's lips press to the side of her mouth affectionately.
Moving closer to the camera, he held her closer to it, "Turn it off, baby," he cooed, nuzzling his nose against her jawline as she relaxed into his hold. Leaning over, legs still wrapped around his waist, she stopped recording before turning the camera off completely.
"We need to finish that video today," she scolded as she moved back to wrap her arms around his neck, only to feel his lips against her own, nipping and licking at them as he began to carry them towards her bedroom, obvious that he hadn't heard her.
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akillysheel · 3 years
TENUOUS. ❜ ( 2 )
Summary:  Kuro asks the important questions before he and Cthugha decide on a starting point for their investigation. Warnings:  N/A. Notes:  N/A
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    'I need to think about it.'
    Kuro slouched in his armchair, the events of the morning playing on loop in his head.  After Cthugha's untimely arrival, the Sheriff had taken it upon himself to take the rest of the afternoon off in an attempt to compartmentalise his thoughts.  He seldom ever took breaks, but when he'd emerged from his office as white as a sheet, his colleagues had ultimately pulled the plug on his hopes of remaining at work, advising insistently that he should go home.
    'Fine.  But you just remember, every minute you sit around ruminating about your stupid little life, that's another minute that this girl is missing, and that means it's another minute closer to doomsday too.'
    Could it be true?  Doomsday?  The end of the world?  It sounded to him like the paranoid ravings of a conspiracy nut...  yet he'd spoken with such calm authority, countered every one of the problems he'd had with a rebuttal of his own.  Every one of his questions had an answer;  everything he'd said about Raku  ( at least as far as his limited understanding of Gods was concerned ) was true.
    Mia Vanton's case sat on his lap.  It was a thin file, one that spared details for there hadn't been many to uncover, but in that moment it felt heavy.  Cumbersome.  As if he'd been shackled to the floorboards.
    This thing's been shut since 2001.
    One calloused thumb traced over its front, teasing the corner away from the papers inside.  He really didn't know whether he wanted to look at it or not.  It felt oddly like picking at a scab wound, baring himself to old pain that needn't be revisited.  Did he have it in him to feel as hopeless as he did twenty years ago?
    He grunted as a headache set in. It had steadily been growing for the past two hours, fostered in his brain like a bad habit.
    Is there any point in opening this up again?  Surely if she was to be found, she'd have been found by now.  This year marks the twentieth anniversary of her disappearance.  In two weeks, in fact.
    Was that relevant?  He couldn't help but consider it.  As much as he wanted to push Cthugha's prophecy aside as garbage, the fact was that he was impressed  -  and a little worried.  He knew things that nobody could have known, and deep down he knew that his colleagues wouldn't sell some random kid information.  Huron's task force was known for being small, humble and honest, and it's good service had been a near constant hallmark for the district's deep sense of peace.  There had never been a recorded incidence of internal corruption--  not even with other, less composed Sheriffs in the front seat.
    How else could he have known about Olivia?  About Raku, even.
    The Sheriff let out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes, knowing already what he had to do.
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    “I’ve decided t’help y’.”
    “Thank.  God.”   The statement trembled with sarcastic frustration, Cthugha’s cobalt eyes all but grey on account of the storm that had entered them.  He sat in Kuro’s chair, his feet propped up on his desk.  The rubix cube--  the one that had previously been half-completed--  sat in his hands, its coloured faces now perfectly arranged.   “While you were busy jerking off to the end of all life in this realm, I was busy compiling resources that might help us stop it.”   He paused to reach inside of his jacket, retrieving a file of his own, before he dropped it unceremoniously on the desk.   “You’re welcome.”
    “Where were y’keepin’ that…?”
    “Just look at it.”
    Kuro hesitated briefly before dragging the file closer, opening it up to find himself staring at a myriad of newspaper clippings, interview transcripts and photographs.  It was makeshift work, by no means tidy, but the sheer wealth of information was staggering to him.  Even so, as he skimmed over them briefly, he realised that there was nothing there that he didn’t already know.
    Of course there isn’t.  Why would there be?
    I don’t know.  Maybe I assumed he was an agent of God or something.
    “Aside from all that,”   Cthugha started, rising from his commandeered seat.  In what felt like a flash, he’d moved from the desk to the far corner of the room, grabbing a hold of a whiteboard on wheels before reappearing where he had been.  Kuro blinked hard.   “We can rule out all the places you already searched in your previous hunt for her.”   Feverishly, the rifter began to fill the board with haphazard notes.   “That means you don’t have to trawl through Whit’s a second time, nor do you need to bother checking their home or questioning her papa.  He came up clean, remember?”
    “Yeah…  he was so dedicated t’findin’ his daughter that he all but singlehandedly led the search party campaign despite us tellin’ him that it was dangerous.  Had t’bust him outta a few compromisin’ positions fer his efforts...”
    “Exactly.  Also means that the tunnels are a bust too, so you don’t have to waste time trawling through the underground like a family of sewer rats.  Wherever she is, she’s somewhere ya didn’t think to comb through.”   He paused when he found his whiteboard pen beginning to run dry.   “Damn it--”   Much like before, he flickered away, a brief rummaging sound filling the quiet office before he reappeared before the board.   “Okay, so--  here’re all the places you don’t gotta worry about that I can think of off the top of my head.  There’s…  what?  Why’re ya staring at me like that?”
    “How’re y’doin’ that?”
    “You can write too, Kuro.”
    “I mean the…  disappearin’-’n’-reappearin’ thing.  Obviously.”
    “Oh, that.  Yeah, I guess that makes more sense…”   It was the closest to sheepish that he’d seen Cthugha thus far;  a break from his smug attitude was certainly refreshing.   “It’s just a teleportation shtick.  Think of it like…  instead of macro-leaps, I’m performing micro-hops in time.”
     "Huh,"   said Kuro, deciding not to question it.
     In truth, the more they talked about the Vanton case, the more he began to recall.  Kuro seldom ever forgot a victim - even though he'd been the Sheriff of Huron for over three centuries, and a police officer for even longer than that - but he wouldn't say that the details were as long-lasting.  There were simply too many nuances in too many cases--  too much information for him to store everything tightly away.  His brief read over the case file before he'd come back to the office that following morning hadn't helped much either, if only because there hadn't been much for him to garner in the first place.
    "I do have a question though,"   Kuro spoke up as he handed Cthugha a cup of coffee.  He wasn't sure whether he was trying to placate or subdue him.   "... or a couple."
    "Are they constructive?"
    "Maybe.  I mean--  y'mentioned parallel timelines 'n' shit.  Couldn't y'just…  hop into one where I found her 'n' tell me where she is?"
    "Parallel timelines are born out of choices, dummy.  Unless you're admitting that you purposefully didn't find her, that isn't gonna help at all."   A swig of his drink was taken, the rich flavour seeming to soothe his annoyance somewhat.   "Nah.  You're thinking of alternate timelines."
    "Then what about that?"
    "We're not really supposed to dip into those if we can help it.  Definitely a last resort sort of deal.  It creates the possibility for people to run into themselves;  fractures the separation between realities.  Doppelganger action is a one-way ticket to hell for the Universe.  Also the fact that, like parallel timelines, there are MULTITUDES of alternate timelines where everything's the same except one little thing, meaning it'd take a shit-ton of time to comb through 'em all--  most likely more time than we’ve got.  There're several versions of you out there, Kuro, but you're this one.  You should focus on that."
     "This's all real confusin’…"   the Sheriff mumbled, deflating a little.  He was so sure he'd had a good idea under his belt, but hell, what did he really know about the way that reality worked?
    "Mm.  Anything else?"   Cthugha asked tersely, eager to move on.
    "Just one more thing,"   Kuro affirmed, shifting in his place for a moment before deciding that brevity was more favourable than kindness.   "... how does this girl stayin' missin' end the world?  People go missin' all the time.  Some come home, some're found dead.  Some’re never found, yet the world keeps on spinnin’.  's just a cruel fact’a life."
    For the first time since their meeting, Cthugha fell silent.  A harrowing emptiness entered his eyes as he thought about the bleak future that awaited them if they did nothing.  A hazy field of fire, the once clean air ashen and thick.  The destruction spread like cancer, first exploding in Huron before it gradually spread outward.  What was perhaps even more frightening was that the one responsible for it seemed impervious to the herculean effort required to topple a district;  by the time he was done with Huron, he was already looking for a bigger, more developed fish to fry.
    It wasn’t the first time he’d seen the Universe in ruins by far, and he doubted it’d be the last.
    That didn’t mean he was accustomed to seeing it though.
    “Well,”   he said softly, whiteboard pen twirled absentmindedly in between his fingers.   “... let’s just say, grief does things to people.  Do you have any clue who Mia’s father is?”
    Slowly, Kuro squinted.    “Aside from knowin’ his name ‘n’ his daughter’s case?  No.  Should I?”
    “No.  That’s exactly why ya should be worried:  he’s got nothing left to lose.  Do you think he’s going to care about hurting anyone when he’s hurting this much himself?  He’s got no children to provide for;  no public image to protect.  When he loses his mind, he does it for real, and damned’re the consequences, get it?”
    “Got it…”   Kuro muttered.  He knew all too well about people like Mr.Vanton.  While an anonymous existence was ultimately a peaceful one, when crime was brought into the mix, it became a dangerous shield.  Who suspected the nobody?  Nobody, that’s who.   “Then we gotta get movin’.”
    “I have to ask,”   Cthugha started as he stepped towards the chair he’d been sprawled in, reaching for his jacket and shrugging it on.  Now that he had a little time to look over him properly, Kuro noted its strange cyan decals and the symbol that he’d never seen before adorning the right side;  two parallel lines with a small triangle beneath the centre point of the bottom one.  It looked vaguely like a seesaw with two slats on top instead of one.  "What made you change your mind?"
    “Well, I guess I never got over the fact that I couldn’t solve it.  D’y’have any idea how hard it is t’look a parent in the eye ‘n’ tell ‘em that the search fer their child is over?  There was nothin’ else I could do, but I still felt guilty.  I figure, even if yer full’a shit ‘n’ this really is some heartless stunt all fer yer own amusement, I can at least make sure that there really was nothin’ else I could’a done fer the Vantons.”
    The rifter hummed softly as he adjusted his tie.   “Heh.  Ya really are a good person.”
    “Y’had doubt?”
    “Who doesn’t?  Much easier to expose a bad person who’s pretending to be good than to find an actual good person these days.  I guess it’s just an unfortunate byproduct of evolution.”
    “Yer wrong,”   Kuro said firmly, pulling his black coat closed.  The gun at his hip was touched briefly before he pocketed his hand, satisfied that he had everything he needed.   “There’re a lot more good people in the world than bad.  ’s just that the bad leave behind their messes t’clean up.”
    “Well, whatever the truth is, it’s clear we’re dealing with a bad person here, huh?  So, got any bright ideas?”
    Already were the gears in his head turning.  With the compiled notes to aid him, he knew of the place that he wanted to start with.  It may have been a dead end--  wishful thinking more than anything--  but he wouldn’t be able to progress until he knew he’d upturned every stone on this property.   “We should head t’the Valerie Vineyard first.”
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Two Different Types of Musicians
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Pairing: Jesy Nelson x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You're a musician who plays instruments, so you are a renowned Guitarist, Bassist and of many other instruments however, mainly guitar and bass. Jesy Nelson is most known for being in the British girl group; Little Mix. In Little Mixs' upcoming tour, their managers and producers want to pick the best of the best musicians to help them with this tour. One of them happens to be you.... 
Warnings: Past Trauma
A/N: This is in 1st person
As I step out if the gate, I grab some food. I grab my big suitcase and my guitar and begin making my way to the exit of the airport. I hail a cab to head to the O2 arena and I pay with the money I was able to convert for England.
"What’s the occasion you're here for?" The cab driver asks
"For a Tour," I answer, trying to not have the guy ask too many questions
He doesn't ask many more, thank god. And so I step out as soon as I grab my guitar from the trunk and take out my "Tour member" pass. However as soon as I close the trunk, I recognize one of the Little Mix members outside. I saw a swarm of fans beginning to form around her; security guards trying to keep them back. I slowly begin snaking around the crowd however, more people just keep on coming. However once I make it through, she spots me and smiles and walks over. She takes my hand and rushes back inside.
"How was your flight love?" Jesy asks
"Oh it was pretty laid back," I start, "But I am absolutely slap-happy!"
Jesy turns to look at me, confused at whatvi said.
"Slap-happy is a band term back home," I smile
She smiles with me and continues to lead me to the stage area. There I see Perrie, Leigh-Anne and Jade. If im going to be honest I didn't think I'd get to go on tour with Little Mix. Or any type of band for that matter.
"So you're the one excellent Guitar player our manager hand picked?" Jade comes up to me and gives me a hug
I give one back and to the same to the rest of the girls and I get introduced to the live band.
"So what do you have for us to show off your amazing skills?" Perrie asks
I smirk and click my tongue and gently place my guitar case down and proceed to take her out. Her name is Shelby Toro. Her body color is a Silver Base with medium to large sparkles and a Deep Ocean Blue racing stripe vinyl. She's a Fender/Squier Jazzmaster. She has a Squier body/hardware and a Fender Jazzmaster neck. She has a black woven designed strap. I plug in my wireless system transmitters and play a C chord and begin tuning her. As soon as she's tuned, I call out to the sound system people and tell them to play "Bulletproof heart" by My Chemical Romance. I put in a headset that also plays the song so I can listen to the lyrics. Because I already have the riff memorized. Everyone begins making their way to the audience and begin watching me.
Don't mean too much to me
I'm who I've got to be
These pigs are after me
After you
Run away
Like it was yesterday
And we can run away
If we could run away
Run away from here
I begin to play the power chord and begin jamming out to the music and begin getting into it. I notice everyone has their jaw on the floor. Especially Jesy. I kneel down and begin making eye contact with her. I could see the sparkles from my guitar in her eyes. I couldn't help but smile at her.
I gotta Bulletproof Heart
You gotta Hallow point smile
We had our run away scarves
Got a photograph dream on the getaway mile
I wanted to hold her hand as I sing to her however, my right hand is strumming and my left had is making the notes. So, I give her a wink and a kiss, feeling in the moment of the music. I stand up and begin to close my eyes, letting the music take me into my place, both of my hands instinctively playing the lead guitar riff, letting the song sing itself out. Once the solo arrives, I turn myself around and begin backbending. Letting my back bend me as far as it'll go without me falling backward. As the solo begins to end, I bend myself back up and put my foot on one of the floor lights as I ring out the last note of the solo. Once I ring out the last note of the song, I watch Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Jade and Jesy run up on stage as I put my guitar on a stand. Jesy practically jumps into my arms and I stumble back.
"That was amazing," she says, "How did you do that with the backbending, and the part where you closed your eyes and began feeling the music?"
"Been playing for years now," I smile, "Perks of being a band kid."
I settle myself into the back with all of the other live band members and they all begin congratulating me on a really great performance.
Once rehearsal ends, we all head back to the airport to Paris, France for the opening night of the tour.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jade says
As I lock my case and stand up as I loop the case strap around me.
"I saw how Jesy looked at you during your initiation performance," Jade starts, "I'm supposed to sit next to her but I think she'll have a great time on the plane ride next to you."
"Thanks Jade," I smile, switching our tickets
I catch up to Jesy.
"Hey love," she says, "Would you wanna grab food when we get to Paris?"
"Oh for sure," I smile
I unintentionally hold onto Jesy's hand as we begin trying to sweep through the crowd to get to the cars. But I follow Jesy closely as she begins signing as many autographs as she can give.
"Is it true you two are going to go steady?" A fan asks
Jesy blushes as I look at them confused. And I remember our joined hands.
"Um no," I stutter, "We literally just met today."
However, I feel a pair of lips press lightly on my cheek. I look at her and she gives out her signature witch laugh. I blush. Not because of the light cheek kiss, but because of her laugh. I really enjoyed listening to it when I watch a compilation of their funny moments. The fans screech and cheer as Jesy drags me to the car to head to the airport.
"What was that for?" I ask
"Just for giggles," she laughs, "besides I think you liked it too. Seeing how red you went."
"Shut up," I laugh, gently nudging her in the shoulder.
I watch the city lights go by as we drive tk the airport. However, I feel Jesy lean into me. She must've had a long day.... Same here love. I gently wrap my arm around her to give her a more comfortable pillow as we wait.
We finally reach the airport, again, a handful of fans try to get photos with them or want autographs. I catch up with the rest of the live band and we head inside of the airport, no one really paid any attention to us. As we wait inside, I scroll through my phone when I feel a pair of hands slowly coiling around my waist. I almost jump and accidentally elbow Jesy in the face.
"Oh, God you scared me," I laugh, "How'd that go out there?"
"Chaotic," Jesy laughs
I laugh with her and we make our way to our gate to go to Paris. I put Shelby Toro with my suitcase and pay the extra whatever it costed. I hold onto Jesy's hand again as we continue to our gate. As we sit in the terminal area, I yawn.
"Jet lag?" Perrie asks
"Well I'm just tired in general Perrie," I crack my knuckles
Jesy gently rubs my back and I'm going to be honest.... It was therapeutic. Especially when Jesy rolls her thumb against my back.
Once we finally get on the plane and land in Paris, Jesy hails a cab for us two and get breakfast somewhere. The show didn't start until the day after tomorrow so we had a little bit of time to chill.
"So.... I understand you've been having rough times," I start, "We don't have to talk about it here or in general if you don't feel comfortable."
"Somewhere else would be lovely," Jesy says
"I don't mean to hop right into that but, I understand how you felt, or even still feel to this day," I state
Jesy looks at me, not like Stop Talking but as if she's interested in my story.
"Well," I clear my throat, "it started when I was in high school. It was my second year and i am thriving with some new friends I've made. They were new to the school and so I was like 'oh they're cool I wanna be friends with them!' And we hit it off well and when I started showing them how I usually am. Especially with the high school marching band, they stopped talking to me all of a sudden. In a panic, I was trying to ask them what was wrong, if I made them mad or if I did something wrong. One of them told me I did nothing wrong but then proceeds to block me. Next day I couldn't talk to them and then I get called to the counseling office. I'm ushered into a small office space just to be told, how I act around my trusted people was wrong and that I should have stopped.-"
I clearly begin feeling slight tears forming into my eyes but I try my best to not show how much it hurt around Jesy.
"And I sobbed in that confined room and I wanted to leave but the counselor didn't let me," I continue. "So I forced myself to stop crying and I left. The next few months I felt really depressed and.... I-it was the first time I had suicidal thoughts. That's all I've been thinking about and no matter how many times my close friends tried to comfort me I always revert back to being depressed and wanting to no longer feel the pain I felt."
I feel a thumb gently wipe across my cheek and her other thumb gently stroking the back of my hand.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry that happened to you," she says
"However, I am doing better than I did at that time," I state, "But more important question, are you okay?"
Jesy just looks at me.... I was about to open my mouth when Jesy opens hers.
"I'm quite alright," she answers, "Thanks love."
"I really should be thanking you," I say, "Thanks for listening to my whole shit show."
"I don't want anyone going down a dark path love," she says, "I'm here for you."
We make eye contact and I was about to make a comment before I heard a phone ring. It was Jesy's. We were requested back to the rehearsal venue and we take a taxi to the venue.
The two of us walk in and I already see the drummer setting up my guitar.
"Thanks dude!" I call out
He gives me a thumbs up and goes back to his drumset.
"Did you two enjoy your date?" Jade asks, teasing me
"Yes we did it sweetheart," Jesy answers but in a joking tone
Knowing myself, I'm oblivious if someone likes me and is showing me by flirting or they're just being nice. I nod along and I walk over to tune my guitar.
Tour goes amazingly, crowd is always awesome and the girls tend to give us the spotlight. Every other night the girls would want us to play a couple of songs. And mostly for the encore we all agreed to just have a little mix out on stage. We're fine with that as we need a break too. We were in the final show, which was using the UK, easy for the girls to go home.
"You alright love?" Jesy comes up to me
"Yeah," I answer, stretching out my wrists, "I never thought I'd be touring with any sort of band. So cross that off my bucket list."
Before I leave to warm up with the live band, I tuck hair behind my ear and plant a gentle kiss in Jesy's cheek.
"Good luck love," I say, mimicking Jesy's accent
"That was really good actually," Jesy laughs
That damn laugh again.... She might have it but I love it. A natural laugh is the best kind of laugh to hear. The both of us part ways for now.
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scatterpatter · 4 years
“I want to get into Kingdom Hearts, but where do I start?”
Uh oh sisters I’ve fallen into the fixation station, I wanna gush about KH so I’m gonna infodump about it! KH is confusing and there’s so much plot but it’s a really endearing series I promise
A few disclaimers if you wanna get into the series:
You can’t just play KH 1+2+3 and expect to understand everything, sadly. It’s not like Zelda where you can hop into any game at any point, you DO have to play most games if you want to understand the plot. That means that if you REALLY want to get into the KH fandom, you gotta put in a lot of hours. Of course you’re free to only play whatever you want, but if you wanna understand the plot you need to play all of them.
Even with all the games, the plot can be confusing. Nomura be like that. They ret-con a lot of plot points and give half-hearted explanations at times, you’re just gonna have to deal with that if you want to get into the series.
You WILL become emotionally attached to at least one character. Good luck making it through 358/2 Days without crying.
KH fans are usually p chill and are super eager to help make sense of the plot for you if you ask nicely. No seriously we’re THAT desperate to infodump. I once sat a friend down for 40 minutes explaining the Sora-Roxas-Xion-Namine-Kairi-Ventus-Vanitas situation. ... Also beware KH fans because of how desperate we are to infodump.
Okay so I’m gonna lay out all of the games in 2 lists: order they were released and order they take place in the timeline. These lists will also include remakes and platforms
Order in which games were released:
Kingdom Hearts(2002 - PS2)
Chain of Memories(2004 - GBA) | Re:Chain of Memories(2007 - PS2)
Kingdom Hearts 2(2005 - PS2)
Coded(2008 - mobile) | Re:Coded(2010 - DS)
358/2 Days(2009 - DS)
Birth By Sleep(2010 - PSP)
Dream Drop Distance(2012 - 3DS)
χ* (mobile) ... See my asterisk below for this one
0.2: Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage (Only included in 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, The Story So Far, and All-In-One-Package[See Collections below for more details])
Kingdom Hearts 3(2019 - PS4+Xbox 1)
Melody of Memory(2020 - PS4+XBox 1+Switch)
Order in which games take place chronologically:
χ* (mobile) ... See my asterisk below for this one
Birth By Sleep(2010 - PSP)
0.2: Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage (Only included in 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, The Story So Far, and All-In-One-Package[See Collections below for more details]) 
Kingdom Hearts(2002 - PS2)
Chain of Memories(2004 - GBA) | Re:Chain of Memories(2007 - PS2)
358/2 Days(2009 - DS)
Kingdom Hearts 2(2005 - PS2)
Coded(2008 - mobile) | Re:Coded(2010 - DS)
Dream Drop Distance(2012 - 3DS)
Kingdom Hearts 3(2019 - PS4+Xbox 1)
Melody of Memory(2020 - PS4+XBox 1+Switch) [I presume it takes place after 3, but it wasn’t released yet so I’m not 100% sure]
Note: Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days kinda take place at the same time, but 358/2 Days goes past where Chain of Memories ends to I put CoM first
*What’s going on with χ :
Kingdom Hearts χ is... complicated. Long story short, it’s χ, Unchained χ, Union χ, and Dark Road all in one? Kind of? I’ll let Wikipedia explain:
Tumblr media
So... yeah. They’re kind of all in one. To be honest, KHUX is not necessary for understanding the KH plot, but is still fun for people who enjoy mobile games and want a bit more lore- esp for fans who like self inserts. The plot of KHUX is the player’s self-insert character dealing with everything leading up to and going through the Keyblade War, whereas Dark Road covers Xehanort’s origin story. Back Cover(a movie, not a game) is in the same bundles as 0.2: Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage, and covers the plot of the Union Leaders and Master of Masters leading up to the Keyblade War.
Don’t worry about it if you just want the plot, just watch the Back Cover movie and you’ll be fine <3
Do you want to not have to buy like 10 games and like 5 different devices just to play the KH series? Have I got you covered! The following collections were released, each one containing more games than the last. Go with All-In-One if you want everything up to and including 3 
NOTE: some games are included as “Movies”. Rather than having a playable remake of the game, they play CG cutscenes of the game that explain the plot. Good if you just want the plot, but you’ll have to get the original game if you want the gameplay.
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix (2013 - PS3): Kingdom Hearts, Re:Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days[MOVIE]
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix (2014 - PS3): Kingdom Hearts 2, Birth by Sleep, Re:Coded[MOVIE]
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (2017 - PS4, 2020 - Xbox One): Dream Drop Distance, 0.2: Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage, χ Back Cover[MOVIE]
Repackaged collections AKA more bang for your buck: 
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix (2017 - PS4, 2020 - Xbox One): Everything in both 1.5 Remix and 2.5 Remix listed above
Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far (2018 - PS4): Everything in 1.5 + 2.5 Remix AND all games listed in 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Kingdom Hearts: All-In-One-Package (2019 - PS4) Everything in The Story So Far AND KH3. Your entire KH plot before Melody of Memory is covered in this one
“I can’t afford to get all of these things,” you cry in agony, “But I still want to understand the plot without just watching a summary video!” I feel you, I feel you. Well thank the youtuber gaming community, because every game has at least one compilation of every cutscene spliced together. The downside is you dont get to play the games, and you’ll miss some small things such as normal NPC dialogue that isn’t triggered by cutscenes alongside setting-centric context, but these are still your best friend if you want the full emotional weight and comprehension of the story. ... It’s also much faster to get through than watching or playing the entirety of the game. Length of each video is noted.
Kingdom Hearts (~4.5 hrs)
Chain of Memories (~3 hrs)
Kingdom Hearts 2 (~13 hrs)
Re:Coded[MOVIE] (~3 hrs)
358/2 Days[MOVIE] (~3 hrs)
Birth By Sleep (~6.5 hrs)
Dream Drop Distance (~5 hrs)
χ Back Cover[MOVIE] (~1 hr)
0.2: Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage (~1hr)
Kingdom Hearts 3 (~10 hrs) | Re:Mind DLC (~3 hrs)
(protip: when i was binging these i watched them on 1.5X speed to get through them much faster. They talk slow enough that you can usually absorb it fine. Srsly I binged everything up to KH3 and watched most of these on 1.5X speed- I did the math it took me ~29.5 hours to get through ~40.5 hours worth of content.)
In Conclusion:
pls play kingdom hearts i need more people to cry with thank u for ur time
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Ten Things [2]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairings: Anxceit, Royality Intrulogical Summary: Ten Things I Hate About You AU When Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus, however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date Virgil. And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price? Taglist (ask to be added!): @someone-idk-is-here
Notes: Been awhile, so have an extra long chapter to make up for it! I want to switch to updating every Saturday now this is my main project.  I've switched to using Janus instead of Dee, so I edited the first chapter and summary to reflect that. There's no other differences to the first chapter. Also *pokes tags* there's intrulogical in this now.
AO3 Link - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six
Roman cleared his throat and looked over the ragtag group of students he’d gathered before him.
Luc Edwards, Scott Brown, Tyler Ellis, Pete Campbell and Alex Swift. Three of Virgil’s friends, and two boys Roman knew sat next to Virgil in class. He and Remus had spent all of Monday spying, making notes of who Virgil spoke to, who he sat by, who he ate lunch with. After much debating, and a fair dose of stalking on social media, the two had come up with a shortlist.
That morning, he and Remus had both ended up late to their first class because they’d been delivering notes to each of the five, telling them to meet in one of the maths classrooms that Roman knew would be empty at this time.
“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I brought you here today,” Roman began.
“Who are you?” Alex Swift, a gangly boy with greasy hair and acne covering his face asked.
“That not important,” Roman dismissed. “What is important is that one of you is going to take Virgil Foster out on a date.”
“Who?” asked Tyler Ellis, who Roman knew ate lunch with Virgil every day.
“That weird emo kid,” Scott Brown answered.
“Why do you want one us to date Virgil?” Alex asked.
“As a part of a scheme to allow me to date his brother,” Roman replied. “But that’s not important.”
“Question,” said Luc Edwards, who, unlike the others, was perched on a table. “What’s in it for us?”
“Uh, the joy of Virgil’s company?”
Luc snorted. “Are you sure we’re talking about the same guy?”
Okay, Roman was beginning to hate everyone in the room. Weren’t they supposed to be Virgil’s friends?
“Quite sure,” he said through gritted teeth.
Luc shook his head. “He’s a freak. He never even speaks.”
“I heard him speak once,” Pete said timidly. “He asked how often the school tested the fire alarms.”
“Probably planning on burning the place down,” Scott muttered.
Roman stared at him. He knew that outsiders judged his friendships for the friendly insults he handed out like candy, but even he had limits, and talking about someone like that behind their back broke all of them. He was beginning to get the urge to defend Virgil’s honour.
“Do any of you actually like him?” Roman asked.
“He doesn’t speak,” Luc repeated. “We let him hang around with us because he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Honestly, it’s kinda pathetic.”
Roman looked from person to person. None of them met their eyes.
Luc sighed. “Look, good luck with your search, but honestly? Don’t get your hope up.”
With that, Luc jumped down from the table and left the room. Roman looked at the four remaining boys, but his hope was dying. Luc had seemed to be the unofficial leader of Virgil’s group, commanding their attention. He’d been Roman’s favourite, though Remus had disagreed.
The other boys exchanged glances. For a moment, no one spoke.
“Sorry,” Pete said at last, “But he’s not my type.”
“He’s a loser.”
“Forget it.”
“I still don’t know who that is.”
One boy one, the boys left the classroom, until Roman was alone. He groaned, and thudded his head against the wall. So much for that idea. So much for Virgil’s shitty friends.
He sighed, and then went to find Remus.
“Maybe it’s for the best,” Logan said.
The two of them were sat at their favourite table in the library, hidden away among the stacks. In front of them was their homework, which Patton was currently face down on, bemoaning his current romantic status.
It had been the fifth time they’d had that conversation since Friday. Logan had kept track.
“Maybe,” Patton mumbled into the desk, which was an improvement on the last four conversations, when he hadn’t been willing to listen.
“It will give you more time to study,” Logan pointed out.
Patton lifted his head and pulled a face. “Okay, I get it.” He sat up fully and sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I hate French.”
“Just be glad you didn’t take Spanish,” Logan said, drily.
Mischief suddenly danced in Patton’s eyes. “Oh? Why’s that, Lo?”
“Because-“ Logan stopped himself. “No. You are not going to distract me like that.”
“Like what?” asked a new voice, and Remus Prince slid into the third seat at the table.
Patton and Logan exchanged glances, and then looked back at Remus, who looked as if sitting with them was the most normal thing in the world, even though they’d never had a conversation together.
They knew who Remus was, of course, even outside of Patton’s crush on his brother. Everyone knew who Remus was. It had taken him less than a year at Padua High to reach a level of infamy most students could only aspire to. Patton still shuddered every time he saw a duck.
Remus looked between them. “Are you guys having a stroke?”
“No,” Logan said. “We’re merely… surprised you chose to sit with us.”
Remus shrugged. “Gotta keep an eye on who my brother’s dating,” he said, and grinned at Patton like a shark.
Patton swallowed. “Roman and I aren’t dating.”
“Right,” Remus said, and then muttered something that sounded like ‘yet’. “So,” he added cheerfully. “What are we talking about?”
“Spanish,” Patton said sweetly.
Logan glared at him. “No, we’re-.”
“Ugh,” Remus threw his head back. “Spanish is the worst. Mrs Richards has no idea what she’s talking about.”
“Yes,” Logan agreed. “And her pronunciation-,”
“It’s awful!” Remus finished. “Like, has she ever seen a native speaker?”
Logan nodded, and then narrowed his eyes. “How would you know? Don’t you sleep through most Spanish classes?”
“Yeah, but it creeps into my dreams and gives me nightmares.”
“No, I mean- how do you how bad she is if you don’t pay attention to what she’s teaching.”
Remus looked at him like he was stupid. It was not a look Logan got very often. “I… speak Spanish?”
“You do?” Logan asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Remus said. “I grew up speaking it. You guys didn’t know that?”
“We don’t exactly know you,” Patton pointed out. “And you are taking it as a class.”
“Yeah, because it’s an easy A.”
“Of course,” Logan muttered.
Patton gasped and clapped his hands together, making the other two jump. He glanced around guiltily at the noise, but there was no one nearby to get annoyed.
“Remus, you speak Spanish!” Patton exclaimed.
“That’s… what we were just talking about?” Remus said.
Patton turned to Logan. “Remus can tutor you!”
“What?” Logan and Remus asked at the same time.
“Well, you’re always talking about how you wish you had someone to practise with! Here’s your chance.”
Logan and Remus looked at each other uncertainly.
“I don’t think Remus wants to do that,” Logan said.
“You don’t know what I want,” Remus protested.
Logan narrowed his eyes. Remus gave his biggest shit-eating grin.
“I wouldn’t want to presume-,”
“It’s not presuming if you just ask me.”
“I don’t have the money for a tutor.”
“I’ll do it out of the goodness of my heart!”
Logan and Remus stared at each other. Remus’s smile took on a slightly sinister nature.
“Unless,” Remus said, “There’s some reason you don’t want me to tutor you.”
It was a challenge and a game all wrapped into one. Remus was watching Logan carefully, waiting to see what he’d do, if he’d admit to not liking Remus or come up with an excuse.
Logan had never backed down from a challenge. Not when he was eleven, and his teacher had given him advanced work and not bothered to explain it because ‘other people need my time more’, which Logan had taken home and researched until he understood. Not when he was fourteen, and his teacher had asked if he’d like to teach the class instead, and Logan had snapped back ‘I’d probably do a better job than you’. Not when he was fifteen and the history teacher had dismissed his comments with ‘you don’t know more than the textbook’, so Logan had compiled a ten page list of sources that showed the textbook was wrong.
He certainly wasn’t going to back down when Remus Prince was staring at him with those infuriating brown eyes.
So he changed the game.
“In that case,” Logan said, forcing his face into a smile, “I accept your offer.”
Remus gaped at Logan, and Logan raised an eyebrow.
“Unless there’s some reason you don’t want to tutor me?”
Remus burst into laughter. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”
Patton, whose eyes had darted back and forth between them like a spectator at a tennis match, now smiled as if everything was fine. Remus suspected that Patton hadn’t understood what was happening. Logan knew better.
“What the hell are you doing in the library?” someone called, and the trio turned around.
Roman stood there with his arms crossed, looking exasperated at Remus. It was a common look on Roman’s face.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, am I not allowed to be a good student?”
“Not when it means I have to search the entire school looking for you!”
Patton cleared his throat. “Is… everything okay?”
Roman jerked when he noticed Patton sitting there. “Ah, Patton! Yes, everything’s fine, I just need to borrow my brother here.”
“Smooth,” Remus commented.
Roman’s only response was to grab Remus by the arm and pull him out of the chair.
“Ow! Hey! Okay, okay, I’m going. See you later, Nerdy Wolverine!”
The librarian glared at Roman dragged Remus past her desk. Roman gave an apologetic look. Remus grinned and blew a kiss.
“You’re not very subtle,” Remus pointed out when they were standing in the corridor outside.
“Shut up,” Roman snapped.
“Ooh, grumpy! So how did the meeting go?”
Remus began walking through the halls and Roman did too.
“How do you think?”
“I think Operation: Get Virgil Foster Laid has hit a wall.”
Roman rubbed a hand over his face. “We are not calling it that.”
“But fear not!” Remus continued. “I have a solution.”
Roman narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What solution?”
“I’m so glad you asked! See, there was one big flaw with your plan-,”
“It was your plan!”
“-And that’s that you lacked incentive! No one’s going to do things for the goodness of their hearts!”
“So what do you suggest?” Roman asked.
“Use money! What else are you going to do with it- use it to pay for dates?”
“Okay,” Roman said. “Let me get this straight-,”
“-You want me to pay someone to date Virgil Foster.”
“Not just anyone! It’s all about finding the right person.”
They had reached the cafeteria now. Remus pulled open the door with a flourish.
“Fortunately, I know exactly who that person is.”
Roman followed Remus’s gesture to a table near the back of the cafeteria, where a boy was sat wearing a black leather jacket over a yellow shirt. A hat hid most of his face, but Roman could just about make out a large burn scar from underneath his left eye to his jaw.
He sat alone, attention on the book in front of him. The crowd at the tables near him seemed electrified. Everyone was aware of his presence, but no one dared look over.
Roman shook his head. “Isn’t that Janus Verona?”
When Roman and Remus had first joined the story, Janus had become an urban legend in his absence. The boy with the strange name and scar on his face, which should have made him the perfect target for bullies, but instead he became something else. Everyone had a friend who’s sibling or cousin had messed with him, or who he just hadn’t liked, and had their lives ruined for it.
If you wanted dirt on someone, he probably already had it. If you wanted a fake ID, or alcohol, or tickets to a sold out concert, he could get it for you. He’d do anything you asked, if you had the money.
He hadn’t shown up what should have been his senior year because he was in prison for murder. Because he’d quit school and joined the mob. He was in prison, but it was extortion, not murder. The murder part was true, but he’d fled the country because of it.
Roman had wondered whether he’d even existed in the first place.
And then Janus had come back, and started his senior year one year late.
Janus had become ten times more powerful through not being there, and the school had its resident bogeyman back. Roman had seen him a handful of times in the halls, and had always kept his head down and stayed away.
Whatever the rumour were, Janus Verona was clearly trouble.
“It’s perfect,” Remus said, cutting off Roman’s thoughts. “We pay him, he takes Virgil out, you and Patton get to be together and I don’t have to listen to your whining.”
“It’s Janus Verona,” Roman hissed, because clearly Remus was not getting how insane that was.
“I know,” Remus said, starry eyed. “Isn’t he great?”
Roman did manage to resist the urge to scream, but it was a near thing.
“Look,” Remus said. “We tried it your way. It went down like the Hindenburg.”
“That doesn’t mean we should resort to hiring a criminal!”
“Got any better ideas? I’m all ears.”
Roman opened his mouth, then shut it again. He glared at Remus.
“Great!” Remus said, and dragged Roman over to Janus’s table.
Janus did not look up from his book as the two of them approached. They stood at in front of the table. Janus still didn’t look up. Roman glanced at Remus, who shrugged. He cleared his throat.
“Roman and Remus Prince,” Janus said, his eyes still on the book. “Why ever would two model citizens like you come to someone like me?”
Remus took this as an invitation to pull out a chair and throw himself into it. “I just want to say, I’m a big fan of your work.”
That was enough to get Janus to look up from his book. He had the same confused and mildly horrified look most people got upon meeting Remus. “…Thank you?”
Roman sat down. “Ignore my brother, he’s morally deficient.” Remus kicked him under the table. “We want to hire you.”
Janus hummed. “I charge extra if you want it to look like an accident.”
“What?” Roman exclaimed. “No! We don’t- are you offering to kill someone!?”
Janus met his eyes and raised an eyebrow for a moment, the most terrifying one of Roman’s life. Then he threw his head back with loud, cackling peals of laughter. Remus beamed.
“Oh,” Roman said, laughing nervously. “You were joking. You- you are joking, right?”
“Certainly,” Janus said. “You wouldn’t be able to afford my fee.”
“This is the greatest day of my life,” Remus whispered.
“So.” Janus leaned back in his chair, “What can I do for you? Don’t bother getting all embarrassed, I promise, I’ve heard it all before.”
Roman glanced at Remus, who nodded. “We’d like to hire you to date Virgil Foster,” he said.
“Okay,” Janus said after a moment’s silence. “I haven’t heard it all before. You do realise I’m not an escort, don’t you?”
“I don’t want you to have sex with him,” Roman cried, then ducked his head, blushing, when he realised everyone had probably heard that. “I just- look, I want to date Patton Foster, okay?”
“Whatever you’re about to tell me, I assure you I don’t care,” Janus drawled.
“So I asked Patton out, and he was like, ‘I’ll have to ask my dad’, but then his dad was like ‘not unless Virgil dates’, which apparently is impossible. So Remus and I came up with an idea-,”
“I came up with it,” Remus interrupted.
“So Remus came up with, and I improved upon, an idea: we find someone to date Virgil.”
“And how did that go?” Janus asked, looking mildly interested despite himself.
“Terrible,” Remus chimed in. “So we figured we’d ask you.”
Janus tilted his head, considering. “Alright,” he said at last.
Janus smiled, and spread his gloved handswide. “Who am I to get in the way of true love?”
“Well, great.” Roman was suddenly transported to a reality where Remus’s plans worked. It was not a pleasant experience. “Uh, so how’s ten dollars sound?”
Janus gasped, and placed a hand on his heart. “Roman. Are you suggested that I take a fine young man like Virgil on a date that’s worth ten dollars?”
Roman gritted his teeth. “Well, what do you want?”
“Well, let’s see,” Janus mused. “Say we go to the cinema. The tickets cost, what, fifteen dollars? And then, of course, I’ll be buying him popcorn. And then there’s the price of gas…”
“How much?”
Janus smiled. “Let’s say $75.”
Roman balked. “No way.”
Janus shrugged. “All right then. Plenty of fish in the sea, after all.”
He turned his attention back to his book, though Roman got the sense he was still watching them.
“Roman,” Remus hissed.
Roman glared. “I can’t afford seventy five dollars a date.”
“It only needs to be a couple of times,” Remus pointed out.
Roman groaned. “Fine,” he spat, and Janus looked up from his book and smiled. “But I don’t pay you until after the date.”
“Half up front, half after,” Janus said. “Otherwise there’s no deal.”
Roman considered. He didn’t seem to have much of a choice. “I’ll pay the first half once Virgil agrees to it.”
Janus nodded. “Deal.” He reached out a hand, and Roman shook it. “A pleasure doing business with you, Mr Prince. Now, if you excuse me, it appears I have a boy to seduce.”
Janus pushed away from the table, picked up his book – Kant, something he’d read before but which gave him the opportunity to watch the cafeteria without anyone noticing - and swept out of the room.
People scurried out of his way as he walked through the hallways, but their whispers and dirty looks trailed after him. He was not well liked in this school, and he knew it – had known for a long time that he would never be liked, and so he had become something else.
Janus Verona did not need to be liked to be powerful.
He arrived at his destination- a corridor that contained only a set of toilets, a supply closet, and a side door that led to a set of steps down to the parking lot, hidden behind rows of cars. For years, it had made the best spot for smoking without getting caught.
Virgil Foster did not smoke, but he did hang around with people who did.
Janus leaned against the wall of the corridor and opened his book again, pretending to read but really watching Virgil through the window in the door. He was sat on the top step with his head phones on, but he was watching the other boys, even though presumably he couldn’t hear the conversation. At the bottom of the steps Luc Edwards stood, waving his eyes as he spoke. The other boys alternated between listening to him and paying him no attention.
The group was a scattering of losers and outcasts, the kind that banded together not through any shared friendship, or even through liking each other. They were there because there was safety in numbers and nowhere else to go.
In another life, Janus might have been one of them, keeping his head turned away so no one saw his scar.
In this life, the bell rang, and the group outside got up, and started heading to class. Most of them barely glanced at Janus as they passed, safe in being too low in the hierarchy to be bothered. Luc Edwards shoulder checked him as he walked past.  
Janus narrowed his eyes at Luc, but before he could do anything, Virgil came inside, his head down, hood pulled up. Janus pushed off the wall, and fell into step with him. Virgil glanced over at the movement in the corner of his eye, then did a double take when he realised who was next to him.
“What?” Virgil asked gruffly, pushing one headphone away from his ear.
“Janus Verona,” he introduced, holding out one hand. Virgil looked at it suspiciously, but didn’t say anything.
“We have English together,” Janus explained. “Why not walk together?”
Virgil shook his head. “Why are you talking to me?”
“Is there a reason why I shouldn’t?” Janus asked.
“I can think of a few,” Virgil snapped, and sped up.
Truly, it was shocking that Roman and Remus had been so unsuccessful.
Virgil was already in his seat by the time Janus entered the classroom. He didn’t look up as Janus sat down, didn’t even glance in his direction, which meant he was putting in the effort to seem as uninviting as possible.
The teacher- Mr Williams- began his lesson as the last stragglers had taken their seats, introducing the Shakespeare module they were about to begin and handing out copies of The Taming of The Shrew. Janus payed attention only enough to know what was happening. Nothing interesting would be in this lesson, and he wanted a chance to review what he already knew about Virgil.
He’d never had much to do with Virgil, before. Virgil had been in the year below, and even if their paths had crossed, Janus had never had much reason to pay attention to the emo boy at the back of the class.
He knew that Virgil had a younger brother, Patton, and that their parents were divorced. He knew that, if Luc Edwards was anything to go by, he had terrible taste in friends.
He was also, Janus noticed when he snuck glances at Virgil, not bad looking.
“Before we get started,” Mr Williams said, “Why doesn’t everyone share their thoughts on Shakespeare’s works?”
Janus rolled his eyes at the pointless attempt to make the lesson interactive.
Mr Williams made a show of scanning the class. “Virgil Foster,” he said, announcing both names as if there was another Virgil in the school, let alone the class. “What are your thoughts?”
And that was one other thing Janus knew about Virgil: Mr Williams hated him.
Janus didn’t know whether Mr Williams had convinced himself that he was helping to bring a shy boy out of his shell, or if he admitted that he just wanted to torment someone and went for the weakest option. Janus hoped it was the latter, because it would take a lot of denial to believe that calling on him every lesson was a good thing. Either Virgil would stammer out an answer, face pale and voice shaky, or he would say nothing, and Mr Williams would tell him to pay more attention and threaten him with detention.
It made Janus’s fists clench, that a man would go through such efforts to feel like he had power over someone he already had power over.
Still, it gave Janus a chance to look at Virgil, shoulders hunched and head down.
“He’s fine,” Virgil muttered.
“Fine?” Mr Williams echoed. “William Shakespeare, the greatest poet in the English language, is fine.” A smattering of giggles, not because Mr Williams was right, but because there was someone for the class to laugh at. Virgil’s shoulders tightened. “I’m sure you can come up with something better than that.”
Virgil said nothing.
Mr Williams sighed dramatically. “We don’t have all day,” he said. “Really, you must have some original thoughts in that head.”
Virgil lifted his head, glaring fire at the teacher. “I think people should stop putting him on a pedestal,” he said. His voice was shaking but the foundation was steel. “I think there are a lot of aspects of his works that people don’t talk about.”
“Care to give an example?” Mr Williams asked.
Virgil tapped the book in front of him. “Guy abuses his wife for the whole play and he’s supposed to be the hero?”
Mr Williams hummed. “Thank you for your feedback, Virgil. I’m sure Shakespeare would be devastated to know you don’t approve of the play he wrote in the sixteenth century.”
Laughter from the class. Virgil flushed and ducked his head, shoulders tense, fists clenched.
It was obvious Virgil hated Mr Williams, but he had never done anything about it before. Somehow, the boy in the back of the class had managed to surprise Janus Verona.
Virgil stayed with his head down until the bell rang, when he was the first to dash out of the classroom, stuffing his books back into his bag as he went. Janus didn’t bother trying to catch up.
He sent a text to Roman as he walked through the halls, asking for more information on Virgil. The first response came back almost instantly, asking how Janus had his number. He ignored it, and pulled up Google while he waited for Roman to get back with something useful. Excitement rushed through him as he typed, the kind that always came in these early stages of a plan.
Virgil was more than he seemed, which meant that this was going to be interesting.
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justcallmehitgirl · 5 years
Good Woman Part 4 (Peter Parker x Female Reader Smut)
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Summary: Peter knows he’s getting in too deep.
Word Count: 4700
Warnings: smut, language, fluff, and some angst.
A/N: Sorry for the delay! I meant to get this chapter out sooner, but I’ve been bar prepping during the day so my writing has been limited to my nights. I’m excited to see where this story goes so I hope you enjoy this chapter. Things are about to get interesting is all I can say for now. As always, thank you for reading! Your support really means a lot to me and inspires me to continue writing. 
(4/21/20): I fixed some typos, grammar mistakes, character inconsistencies, etc. from my original posting. I also made some stylistic changes.
“You wanna come over and watch ‘Batman v. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ after school? I just downloaded it yesterday!” Ned exclaims, bouncing on his feet excitedly.
Peter glances over, readjusting the strap of his backpack over his shoulder as students hastily brush past them towards the entrance doors, signaling that it’s the end of another day.
He gives Ned a half-smile. “Sorry man, I can’t today. I gotta work on some stuff.”
Ned’s eyes dart around cautiously before leaning in and whispering, “Spider-Man related stuff?” 
Peter shakes his head. “No, just academic decathlon-related stuff.”
Ned knits his brows. “Academic decathlon? But you haven’t been to practice in weeks.”
Peter massages the back of his neck, his forehead creasing. “Yeah about that, I talked to Mr. Harrington and I’m stepping down from the team—”
“Dude, you can’t! You’re the only one who aced Physics, you can’t leave us!”
“Relax Ned, it’s all good cause I’ll be helping out with coaching instead.”
Ned knits his brows. “But Y/N Y/L/N’s in charge of coaching?”
“Yeah, I’m actually meeting up with Y/N after school.”
Ned stops in his tracks, placing a hand on Peter’s arm.
“Wait, I think I hallucinated for a second. What are you doing after school?”
“I’m meeting up with Y/N.”
“Holy shit, you’re seriously going to hang out with Y/N? When did you start talking to Y/N?!” 
“Chill, Ned, it’s not a big deal,” Peter shrugs, continuing to walk forward as Ned follows.
“Not a big deal? She’s one of the prettiest and smartest girls in our school. And you were just saying how hard you’ve been crushing on her for years.”
“Shhh, Ned! Besides, that was like a month ago.”
“So you don’t like her anymore?” Ned asks, raising his brows.
“I never said that.”
“So you’re in love with her?”
“Ned,” Peter groans. “It’s complicated.”
“How? When? I need details, Peter!”
Peter licks his lips, contemplating whether Ned should know the entire story. 
“She just sat next to me in art class the other day and we started talking and then she asked me for help.”
“I can’t believe she asked you for help. You know she doesn’t give any guy at this school the time of day, right?”
“Gee thanks, Ned. And so what? She has a right to spend her time as she wants. She’s a busy person with a lot of responsibilities. She wants to go Ivy League you know.”
Ned just shakes his head. “You got it bad for her, huh?”
Peter rolls his eyes, stopping outside the doors of the library.
“I’m meeting her here.”
“You are one lucky dude.”
If he only knew, Peter thinks.
“Let me come with you,” Ned beams, tugging on Peter’s arm.
“What? No way!”
“C’mon, I need some entertainment this afternoon since you’re bailing on me.”
“Ned. . .”
“Alright, alright, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone then.”
Peter playfully shoves Ned’s shoulder. “Thanks man, I’ll see you later.”
Peter heads inside, taking a quick look over his shoulder to see Ned still watching him intently. He motions for Ned to leave, who throws his arms up in mock frustration as he walks away.
Peter scans the library, his breath quickening as his eyes land on you. sitting at a table by yourself. You’re sitting alone, your chin resting on the palm of your hand with your eyes cast down at a textbook. Peter’s eyes are wide as he gazes at you for a few moments, admiring your serene expression. He’s become so used to being with you alone in the confines of your cozy bedroom, where it’s just the two of you wrapped up in each other, that it’s a bit jarring seeing you in such a similar state in public.
His hands feel clammy, imagining how to interact with you outside your bubble. He wonders if you’ll figure it out. Peter knows you’re smart—he’s sure you’ll figure it out eventually. But lately he’s been wondering what sort of image you’ve built in your mind as to Spider-Man’s true identity. He wonders if you think he’s some sort of suave Tony Stark-type, or a rugged Steve Rogers. 
But he knows for a fact that you’ve probably never considered it could be him: Peter Parker. Peter Parker from Queens with no parents and no money who lives with his aunt in a cramped two-bedroom apartment. The same Peter Parker who spilled milk all over himself in the third grade, got teased every day in middle school, and was too much of a coward to tell you to your face how much he likes you.
Peter frowns and wonders if he’s actually jealous of his alter ego—his alter ego who got to hold you, kiss you, and touch you all over. He thinks he’s going crazy. But he knows that even though him and Spider-Man are one in the same, one got to call you his while the other would only ever pine for you.
The more he ponders, the more he just wants to turn right back around, walk out of the building, and watch “Batman v. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” with Ned. He briefly thinks it’ll be easier to just make up some excuse to stay away from you at school. 
But there’s a part of him that simply aches to be around you as himself and give you the things that Spider-Man can’t. His heart pounds, silently hoping that maybe one day he will.  
Peter draws in a deep breath and rakes a hand through his hair before continuing towards you. He grips the strap of his backpack. “Hey.”
You look up and smile, eyes bright. “Hi Peter.”
Peter gulps, tugging on the collar of his shirt as he slips into the seat across from you. “What’re reading?”
“U.S. Government,” you respond, lifting it up to show him the red, white, and blue cover like you’re Vanna White. 
He chuckles lightly and unzips his backpack to take out his laptop. “Who do you have?”
“Mr. Grant. He’s tough, but he really prepares you for his exams. Plus,” you lean in close, voice hushed, “I think he’s secretly a softie, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Duly noted.”
“Are you taking U.S. History now with Mrs. Taylor?”
Peter nods, booting up his laptop. 
“Focus on the chapter takeaways at the end of each section. That’s where she usually gets her exam questions from. Oh, and try to volunteer a lot. She usually bumps up your grade if she sees you making an effort.”
“That’s super helpful, thanks,” Peter smiles.
“Of course,” you smile back and close your textbook. You both just smile at each other for a moment before you blink, looking away to start up your laptop. Peter clears his throat, cheeks flushed as he looks back at his computer screen.
“So, I was thinking,” you continue, “that we could go off of Mr. Harrington’s practice questions first. Then we can look online and compile some of our own. I found a bunch of older questions that they’ve asked in the past which we can use as a guide or something. Sound good?”
“Yeah definitely. I mean, I defer to the expert.”
“Great. Oh!” You reach down to dig through your backpack. “I brought index cards. I usually write the questions down on them so it’s easier to go through later.” 
You fish out a few unopened packs before reaching across the table to offer them to Peter. He reaches over to take them, fingers lightly brushing against yours. 
“Sorry,” he blushes, gripping the index cards tightly in his grasp.
“You’re fine,” you wave. “Thanks again for helping me with this. I was thinking about it more, and I realize I may have cornered you into it. I can be a little pushy.”
“Not at all,” Peter blurts quickly. “You didn’t corner me into it and you’re not pushy. I’m happy to help, and I’m pretty glad I can apart of the team in some way so I guess I should be the one thanking you for asking me.”
You smile. “We’ll call it even then. I feel the same too, by the way. I really miss being on the team if I’m being honest.”
“Why did you quit?”
You sigh heavily and shrug. “My course load is more intense this year so I had to make some changes. Plus I tutor after school so that’s absorbed a lot of my time.”
Peter cocks his head. “You tutor?”
“Yup, sixth and seventh grade math at Queens Rock Middle,” you beam.
“That’s really cool. Do you like it?”
“I love it. I feel like I’m really making a difference in their lives, which is pretty rewarding.”
“Yeah, I. . . uh. . . I wish I was helping people like you do,” he says lamely
Well, besides saving New York from impending doom from time to time, of course, he thinks.
“Well not to sign you up for something else, but they could always use more volunteers.”
Peter squints his eyes playfully. “I feel like you have a secret agenda going on here.”
“Of course, I need to groom a protege to take my place. It’s part of my evil master plan.”
“I doubt you have an evil bone in your body.”
You raise your brow. “Wanna bet?” 
You eye him deviously, and Peter gulps—feeling a wave of tension blanket over you both. You suddenly laugh.
“I’m just kidding! Lighten up, Peter,” you tease.
Peter gives you a lopsided grin. He watches as your gaze lowers onto his mouth. Your smile falters. 
He furrows his brows. “What?”
You blink and look away. “Nothing, it’s nothing. I was just thinking we have a lot to get through this afternoon so we should get on it,” you murmur, voice tight.
Peter simply nods in response, mouth settling in a hard line as you turn your attention towards your computer screen.
You sit in silence for the next hour. Peter chews on his bottom lip while occasionally stealing a few glances over at you. You keep your eyes cast downward, attention fixed on scribbling down questions on the index cards laid out in front of you. He watches as a piece of hair falls over your face, and he clenches his fist to stop himself from reaching over to tuck it behind your ear.
“Hey Y/N.” 
You both look up. Peter’s eyes immediately narrows while his jaw tightens.
“Hi Brad,” you greet, voice even and stoic. Brad’s eyes dart between you and Peter before settling on you, ignoring Peter entirely.
“So, are you ready for the Calc test on Monday?”
You give a half-shrug and respond, “I think so, although I’m struggling a bit with derivatives.”
“Same,” Brad breathes, throwing his hands in the air. “I was struggling like crazy when Mrs. Park was first explaining it."
You chuckle, “Agreed.”
“Well, if you’re still struggling with it, w-would you maybe want to study together this weekend? I’m a big fan of study buddies.”
Peter grips his pen tightly, feeling it start to snap in his hand. He wants to shout, Back off, Brad. She’s mine. Peter immediately admonishes himself—recognizing that such an outburst would be entirely weird and inappropriate. He knows you aren’t his, or even Spider-Man’s. You didn’t belong to anybody.
“Oh that’s so nice, I really appreciate the offer, Brad. But I prefer to study by myself. I’m not really great studying with other people, tend to get too distracted and stuff.”
Peter can sense that you notice Brad’s look of defeat so you add politely, “I’ll definitely let you know if I change my mind though.”
“Yeah, of course. It’s no problem, Y/N. I’m free whenever.”
You nod and plaster a smile on your face. Peter’s forehead creases as he watches Brad continue to gawk at you. You blink and smack your lips together.  “So. . . um, me and Peter have to get back to writing up questions for academic decathlon.”
Your voice shakes Brad out of his stupor, face flushing. “Oh yeah sure, I’ll. . . uh. . . see you later.”
He waves awkwardly and hastily scurries away. You shake your head and continue working.
“I think he likes you,” Peter pipes in, eyes cast down as he busily scribbles on an index card.
You glance up, nose crinkling. “Brad? No way.”
“He was practically drooling over you,” Peter remarks.
“You think so?”
Peter purses his lips. “I’m sure of it.”
You smile. “Brad’s not a bad guy.”
“Are you. . . like. . . interested?”
You bit your lip to stifle a laugh. “No, not at all. Brad’s nice, but I wouldn’t want to go out with him.”
“Oh, okay,” Peter mumbles.
“Plus, just between us, I—I’m already seeing someone actually.”
Peter perks up at your response, but he keeps his eyes cast down. “Really? Do I know him?”
“No, he doesn’t go to Midtown.”
“College guy, huh?”
You laugh. “Umm… no. Well, I don’t think so actually.”
“Is it serious?”
You bite your lip. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Well, he sounds like a really lucky guy.”
“No, I'm pretty sure I’m the lucky one,” you beam, a flush creeping on your face as you turn your attention back to your index cards. 
Peter quickly glances at you while the corner of his mouth subtly lifts.
Peter does not move at first, body pressed near your window as he observes you.
You’re lying on your bed, a pillow tucked under your chest as your eyes scan your computer screen. He takes in the sight of you, from your oversized sweatshirt to your form-fitting black leggings. You toy with a lock of hair, the light emanating from the computer softly illuminating your face.
Peter finally lifts his hand to lightly knock, watching your head jerk in his direction. You smile brightly, waving your hand to motion for him to enter. He obeys, pushing open the window and slipping inside. You quickly shut your laptop close, moving it aside. You sit up as he approaches you, lifting up his mask to give you a kiss.
“How are you?” you ask against his lips.
“Better now that I’m with you.”
“You’re such a sap,” you tease.
“I can’t help it, I’m with the girl of my dreams.”
You narrow your eyes at him playfully. “Are you just trying to butter me up?”
“Me? Not at all.”
You shake your head and look away bashfully.
“Hey,” he says, lifting your chin up with his finger so you’re looking at him. “I want to show you something.”
You tilt your head, and he grabs your hand. You stand up, and he leads you towards the window, gently tugging you along as he pulls his mask back down. You turn your head, and quickly glance over at your bedroom door. Will your parents notice that you’re gone?, you think. Would they freak out? Call the cops? Should you risk it? 
But those thoughts are quickly squashed by the warm feeling in your chest as you bend down to crawl through the window, his hands lightly grasping your hips in support. As your feet land on the fire escape, your body straightens, your eyes looking up at the night sky.
Peter stands beside you, and you turn, brows quirked. “Where are we going?”
“Do you trust me?”
You nod in response, and he pulls you close to him. He wraps his arms around your waist. “Hold onto me,” he whispers, voice hot and soft against the shell of your ear.
You loop your arms around his neck. “Okay,” you breathe. 
You glance down, body tensing and bottom lip trembling. 
“Are you okay?” He runs his arms over your hips.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“No,” you chuckle nervously.
Peter peers down at you, his voice soft and soothing to compensate for his covered face. “Hey, I won’t let anything happen to you.” 
You reluctantly nod and Peter exhales deeply. He takes a few steps backward before leaping off the fire escape, your face immediately burying in the crook of his neck as you shut your eyes tightly. Your hair whips in the wind as Peter swings over the bustling city below, your grip tightening around his shoulders as you let out a surprised shriek at he momentum.
“Don’t be afraid!” Peter shouts, glancing down at you.
You breathe in deeply before lifting your head and opening your eyes. You blink as you hesitantly looks down, your eyes roaming over the cars zipping through the streets, the lights shining from street lamps, and the crowds of people drifting down the sidewalks. 
“Everything looks so tiny,” you murmur, awe transforming your face.
“It’s cool, right?”
You look up, your eyes glistening as you nod excitedly. He grins underneath his mask, tightening his hold on you as he continues swinging from building to building. Your wide eyes dart around, mesmerized by the sight as you clutch him close as your heart beats wildly.
Neither of you had been in love before, but the thought crosses both your minds: “Maybe this is love.”
He feels you nuzzle your face against his chest, your body still and relaxed as you continue absorbing the sights and sounds surrounding you.
Peter eventually slows his movements, spotting a good place to stop and rest. 
Once his feet meet the rooftop, you untangle yourself from his arms, jumping up and down exuberantly. 
“Holy shit, that was amazing! I can’t believe you can do that all the time!”
“It’s one of the perks of the job.”
“Does it ever get old?”
Peter shakes his head. “No way, sometimes I’m just jumping out of my skin to get out here. To be above the ground, it makes me feel like a bigger part of the world.”
“Thank you for this.” 
“I know I can’t give you much right now, and I can’t take you out on dates dressed like. . . this, but I wanted to show you a little piece of my world.”
“I really appreciate that.” 
You pause for a moment, your forehead creasing before you continue, “Do you think you’d do this forever? The whole superhero thing I mean?” 
“I honestly I don’t know. I feel like I should though. You see, when you can do the things that I can do and you don’t and then the bad things happen. . . they happen because you didn’t do anything to stop them.”
“That sounds like quite a lot to carry on your shoulders.”
Peter gives you a half-shrug. “You get used to it.”
You nod before looking away, your head tilting as you gaze up at the dark sky. 
Peter watches you, your mouth 
“It’s quite a sight,” you murmur.
His eyes never leave you as he responds, “It is.”
You hug yourself, your body shivering as a cool autumn breeze envelopes you.
“Just a little.”
He pulls you into his arms, hugging you close as he strokes your back. He feels you relax against him, enjoying the warmth emanating from his suit.   
“My brown-eyed boy,” you hum softly.
You both begin swaying to the tune. Peter’s movements are a little clumsy, but your smiles encourage him to continue, even extending his arm to spin you around, earning him a giggle. 
He slides his hand down your back, his fingers brushing against your bottom. As he starts to move his hand, you look up.
“You don’t have to stop. I like it when you touch me,” you whisper. 
Peter licks his lips, feeling the familiar heat rising in his belly. His eyes dart around the empty rooftop over to the surrounding buildings.
“But. . . “
You take his hand, placing it over your covered center. He tilts his head, pulling his mask above his mouth as his throat bobs.
“Are you sure? What if someone sees?”
“I don’t care. I want you,” you say, your voice husky.
Peter just nods dumbly, gently grabbing the back of your neck to press his lips against yours. The kiss is slow and soft, his hand resting below your ear as your breaths mingle. You press into him, your heart beating rapidly in tandem with his. Your tongues dance for dominance, the intensity building as your hand travels down his spine, his body quivering from your touch.
You pull your mouth away, turning your body in his arms to press your back against his chest. He runs his hands along your body, feeling his way from your waist up to your chest. You turn your head to kiss him again, moaning in his mouth as he massages your breast through your sweatshirt. 
Your lips fall away from his, your mouth gaping as his other hand hovers over the waistband of your leggings.
“Please,” you whine. 
Without missing a beat, he dips his hand beneath the fabric, his teasing fingers making you tremble. You lean your head back to rest on his shoulder as he runs his fingers over lips, parting them slowly. He start to massage your clit, your wetness trickling onto his hand to help his movements. 
The hand massaging your breast snakes underneath your sweatshirt, your nipple hardening instantly under his thumb. You arch your back, pushing your ass against him.
You grip onto his forearms as you rock against his hand, increasing the pressure on your clit. Your eyes flutter open, your eyes fixed on the stars above you.
His fingers briefly leave your clit as he pushes them inside you. Your face flushes as your tight opening clenches around him, his touch drawing even more slickness from your folds.
“Do this feel good?” he asks, his voice strained.
You nod. “You make me feel so good,” you moan. “You make me feel beautiful.” 
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.”
He removes his slick fingers from inside you, and you softly mewl. He continues caressing your clit, finger rubbing in steady circles. You tighten your grip on his arms, body tense. You grind erratically against him, his hard length nestled between your cheeks. 
You start to babble incoherent words, filled with breathy gasps and moans.
“I want you to come for me,” he whispers, quickening his movements on your clit.
He places his lips on the side of your throat, licking and sucking your pulse point. You cry out loudly as you start to shake in his arms as you cum. He slips his fingers back inside of you, and your pussy clenches around him. He rocks against you, increasing the pressure against his crotch.
His lips leave your skin, head falling forward as his orgasm follows. He grunts, thrusting against you in short jerks as he releases.
He holds you firmly against him, cupping your pussy in his hand as his thrusts slow. Your body slumps against him,  He turns you around in his arms to softly kiss you, as you practically melt in his embrace.
“You really know how to show a girl a good time,” you smile dreamily.
He smooths his hand over your hair. “You’d be the first.”
“You’re just being modest. I bet you get all the ladies in real life.”
Peter chuckles. “Maybe in a different life.”
“In a different life, huh? Well maybe in a different life I can say that I met you somewhere? Like when those couples say they didn’t meet on Tinder or something.”
He smiles. “Okay, where did we meet?”
You bite your lip. “Umm, how about on the bus?”
“The bus?”
“Yes, ‘Speed’ was one of my favorite movies growing up so I thought it was kind of romantic that Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock got together at the end.”
He shakes his head and chuckles. He strokes your lower back. “Mental noted. Please continue.”
“Okay, hmm. . . how about I was coming home from school one day. All the seats were taken so I had to stand. . . but then you saw me and you were such a gentleman that you gave me your seat. Then we introduced ourselves, and you complimented my sweatshirt, which happened to be my favorite Mickey Mouse one.”
He hums in approval as you continue, “And then you saw the math book in my hands and—”
“And we talked about your love for math,” he finishes. 
You look up and grin widely. “Yes, exactly. And then I noticed your Star Wars shirt and we talked about how I haven’t seen the new Star Wars movies.”
“Wait, how have you not seen the new Star Wars movies?”
“I’m a sucker for the originals. I still refuse to watch the prequels.”
“Blasphemy I tell you,” he teases. “But please, keep going.”
“But alas, we arrived at my stop so I had to leave, but you followed me even though your stop was blocks away. You walked me to the doorstep of my apartment building and then we exchanged numbers.”
“And we texted all day and night,” Peter murmurs.
“And then I saw you on the bus the next day, and the next day, and the next day. And then you finally asked me out.”
“I like our story.”
“Yeah, me too,” you yawn.
“C’mon, let’s get you home. It’s getting late and I gotta get out of this suit,” he softly laughs, placing a delicate kiss on your temple.
You knit your brows together, opening your mouth but the words fall from your lips as realization dawns on. You glance down at his crotch, your cheeks reddening.
“Are you sure you can take me home in that. . . state?”
“I’m not sure, this has never happened before,” he blushes.
You bite your lip to stop the giggle from escaping your mouth. You place a chaste kiss on his lips as you wrap your arms around his neck.
You nod as he pulls his mask over the rest of his face. You inhale deeply as he leaps from the building your body still buzzing from your orgasm. You close your eyes, resting your head against him as the wind rustles through your hair.
Once Peter lands on your fire escape, he nuzzles his face against your hair before easing you down gently, his arms still wrapped around you. 
“When will I see you again?”
He strokes the side of your face, closing your eyes as you lean into his touch.
“I don’t know. My patrolling schedule is. . . unpredictable.”
“Okay,” you smile weakly, shoulders slumping.
Peter bows his head, wishing he could wipe the disappointed look from your face. “In our story, I take you to my favorite pizza spot.”
"Go on.”
“And then we get ice-cream. . . go to Astoria Park and sit in one of those benches to watch the sunset.”
“Does this date end with a goodnight kiss at my front door?”
“Sure. . . then I can awkwardly explain to your parents why I’m kissing their daughter.”
“My parents would love you.”
“They would?”
“Mhmm, as long as you don’t tell them that we sneak around at night, of course.”
He laughs. “Sounds fair.”
Peter wants that more than anything. He craves normalcy with you wants—he wants to meet your parents, walk you home from school, take you to the movies. He wants you to hang out with him and Ned and show you all the Star Wars prequels. He wants to call you his. 
Peter closes his eyes, hoping this never ends. But soon another thought creeps up in his mind that makes his throat feel tight and chest hurt. He frowns, instinctively clutching you closer in his arms. 
He knows that everything ends eventually.
Tag list: @thatpeterparkerfan / @professionalphangirluniverse / @julimelodi / @sighharrington / @merelymarianne / @soloseb / @superspideyy / @babyjesuscat / @stardust-ghost / @oh-annaa / @iloveyouironman / @nyeddleblog / @bloominess / @itsjust-evalyn / @shawnmendes-thewriter / @cotton-octopus / @ghostofdrfluke / @imofficiallyobsessed / @charismas-world / @f1zzy-izzy / @kissykissykissykissykissy / @thepeterfuckinparker / @ahajalen1 / @vhgirlforever / @sargentjamesbarnes / @icecoldghost / @space-princesssss / @undiadeestos / @teenageeggsneckpasta / @ lindabanri02222 / @franbway / @5sosuperntaural / @spookyanairwin / @spideyluke / @writing-panda-uwu / @yanderepeterparker / @tomshufflepuff / @slutforbuckybarnes / @mindset-jupiter / @mutuallynotmutual / @maybemona
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