#and just not accept any job offers from them if i get the government job i want
emmajeanned · 3 months
Had the realization today that teaching is the wrong career path for someone who had to fight tooth and nail to survive going to college full time while having a job full time because the idea of having this same type of workload for the rest of my life literally makes me want to kill myself
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sergeantxrogers · 3 months
Can you please write something with the idea of y/n asking Bucky if she can tie a pink ribbon around his bicep? Thank you
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Request: "Can you please write something with the idea of y/n asking Bucky if she can tie a pink ribbon around his bicep? Thank you"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: none, just fluff
Note: hooooly shit guys, i've been gone for way too long. hope you enjoy <3
The jingle of keys in the doorknob had you lifting your eyes from your book, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing softly. The quiet whispers of a jacket being taken off, laces being untied, keys being set on the small table beside the door travelled through the apartment, meeting your ears and bringing a smile to your face.
Soft footsteps padded against the hardwood floor, careful to avoid any creaky spots.
"I'm awake, Buck," you called out softly from the comfort of your bed, and you heard him pause his movements. And then continue, a bit quicker than before.
Brown hair and blue eyes popped around the the edge of the door frame, brows furrowed. "It's midnight. Why are you still awake?"
You shrugged, sitting up in bed and setting your book aside. "Dunno, really. Got caught up reading."
Bucky frowned, and stepped into the room, walking over to the bed. "You can't sleep?"
It was a casual question, but you sensed the undertone of worry laced through it, and smiled to yourself.
"Actually, I spent most of the evening redecorating, so I'll probably start snoring as soon as the lights are off."
Bucky's hands reached for yours, grabbing them and bringing them up to his lips as he stood in front of you. One, two, three kisses along your knuckles. One hand, then the other.
"Redecorating?" he murmured against your skin, and you nodded slyly. His eyes narrowed, partially in amusement, partially in curiosity.
You cleared your throat and pulled your hands back, settling yourself back into the fluffy down of your pillows and blankets. "How was work today?"
At your question, Bucky's jaw ticked.
"It was fine."
You studied him for a few seconds, and cocked your head. "Just fine?"
He let out a heavy sigh, then collapsed atop the comforter at the foot of the bed. On nights like this, when he came home later than usual, the tension in his shoulders a bit more prominent than usual, the bags under his eyes a bit heavier, he found it hard to form sentences adequate enough to explain how he felt or what he needed.
Ever since the government cleared him of all charges and his mandated therapy ended, Bucky had taken up a job at the DCSA.
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency.
On paper, James Buchanan Barnes was an ordinary, ex-military security guard working for the Department of Defense and the United States.
In reality, the executive branch of the federal government reached out to him themselves and offered him a job doing what they claimed he did best: making people disappear, and making it seem like an accident. He was hesitant at first, unwilling to be the very thing he tried so hard to run away from being, but soon enough, they had made it very clear he had limited options: accept the position, or get thrown in prison for all the charges they claimed to have dropped.
So, for all his hesitating and hatred, Bucky Barnes was the United States government's own personal hitman, killing anybody who posed a threat to the life of the president, his family, or anybody in the Senate.
At least they paid better than HYDRA, Bucky had once joked. You could see, in his eyes, how much it pained him to revert back to his old ways, once again not having a choice.
Bucky cleared his throat, and glanced at you, blinking away the shadows behind his eyes.
"It's fine, sweetheart. I promise. It could have been worse."
Your heart cracked in your chest and you frowned, burying your cheek even deeper into your pillow as you looked at him. "If you say so."
Bucky pursed his lips to the side, then looked toward the door connecting your bedroom to the bathroom. Without a word, he got up, walking towards the bathroom and simultaneously pulling his shirt over his head. You smiled to yourself as you watched him disappear behind the door, flicking the lights on and letting the soft, yellow glow flood the floor of your room. You listened to him shuffle about, letting out a soft sigh as he unbuckled his belt.
His movements paused.
Your smile grew.
"Y/N?" he called out.
"Yes, babe?"
The door creaked open all the way, and behind it stood Bucky, holding his toothbrush in one hand, with a confused look on his face.
"Why is there a pink bow on my toothbrush?"
It took all your strength not to burst into a fit of giggles immediately as you schooled your face into one of nonchalance, and said, "I told you. I redecorated."
Bucky's bewildered eyes flickered from you, to the toothbrush, then back to you. Then he turned to look at the bathroom. And you saw the exact moment in which he realized there were pink bows everywhere. Big, small, light pink, dark pink, neon pink, cotton, silk, linen. A variety of ribbons tied in bows around everything you could think of: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo bottles, the soap dispenser, the toilet brush, the towel rack, your skincare bottles, his deodorant and cologne.
"Y/N," Bucky said calmly.
"Yes?" you replied, batting your eyelashes innocently.
"Can you please tell me, why, exactly, you decided on redecorating with pink bows everywhere?"
You hummed, then shrugged. "You know, I'm not exactly sure. I just think they make pretty things look so much prettier. I may have gone a bit overboard, though."
"You think?"
You bit back a grin as you watched him shake his head, as if to snap him from his stupor of amusement, and bend over the sink to brush his teeth. You watched him brush his teeth, wash his face, change out of his jeans and into pajama pants. You tracked him as he turned the lights off and sighed, trudging over to the bed, exhaustion creeping into every one of his movements and pulling at him like gravity. You opened your arms wide, lifting the covers as you did so, and Bucky gladly crawled into them, nuzzling his head into your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist and back.
You placed a soft kiss to the crown of his head, and let your arms come loosely around his neck. Bucky said nothing, content to lay in silence and listen to the beat of your heart as it lulled him to sleep.
After a few minutes of you silently running your fingers through his hair, you whispered his name. "Bucky?"
He hummed in answer against your chest.
"You know how I said pink bows make pretty things even prettier?"
You felt, rather than saw, his body pause at the question, and then his head was up and his blue eyes were staring into yours with a puzzled expression. "Yes... why? What's that have to do with anything?"
You paused. All of a sudden, you felt stupid. Bucky's furrowed brows and sleepy eyes urged you to continue.
"I have a pink ribbon under the pillow, actually, and I was... I wanted to..."
"What, honey?"
"Well, I was wondering if I could tie it around your arm."
Bucky paused, blinking up at you slowly, as if he hadn't heard you.
"My arm?"
You nodded.
You shrugged. "Because it's already beautiful, and I want to make it even more so."
He laid there quiet for a moment, and you were about to tell him to forget about it, but then he unwrapped his arms from around you, letting you drop flat onto your back, and shoved a hand beneath your head. Beneath your pillow.
He emerged with a baby pink ribbon in his fingers, the material pliable and soft in his grip, as he handed it to you.
"Go ahead," he said simply.
You gave him a skeptical look. "Really?"
He shrugged with one shoulder. "Why not? Did you think I'd say no?"
You fell quiet, then let out a sigh through your nose, turning over slightly to better reach his arm. His left arm.
You wrapped the ribbon around his bicep, the vibranium cold and unyielding, a stark contrast to the warm pink silk in your fingers. You looped it through, pulling it taut, then let go. You stared at it for a second, then glanced up at Bucky. Leaning in, you pressed a light kiss to the exposed metal right above the bow.
Bucky let out a shuddering breath, then laid down again, this time face to face with you. His fingers traced soft, swirling patterns against the skin of your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake, and you closed your eyes against the feeling.
"I love you so much," he muttered quietly. "You know that, right?"
You nodded, eyes closed and a smile playing at your lips. "I know. I love you, too. Every part of you."
Bucky loosed a breath that sounded somewhat like a disbelieving breath, and you felt him lean in and press a kiss to your temple.
You fell asleep without even realizing, lulled into dreams by the steady thrum of his heartbeat and his hand stroking your hair.
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upon-a-starry-night · 2 months
Number Neighbors Pt.29
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
There’s nothing like the warmth of a home-cooked meal. Especially in comparison to the mediocre meals you were cooking for yourself. You like to think it heals a little part of your soul with each bite you take. 
Your mother doesn't question why you suddenly accepted her offer home after months of refusing but you have a feeling she might know. She’s always had weird physic mom abilities. At first, you thought you could get away with acting normal but the look she gave you when you got in her car at the airport told you you’d been caught.
Since that moment your mother has been doing an exceptional job at distracting you and you’ll never be able to express just how grateful you are for her. 
The few days that you’ve been home your mother’s been parading you around town, showing you what’s new and telling you stories of all the crazy things you’d do in every building, playground, and park. When you're home, your mother finds excuses to give you small brushes of physical affection and you don’t realize just how lonely living by yourself has gotten until you woke up to waffles and a kiss on the forehead.
You have a small inkling that she’s behind the occasional disappearance of your phone as well but you don’t comment on it. It’s a welcome break from the chaos of social media but you know you can’t avoid your problems forever and reality hits one afternoon when your mom is out grocery shopping and your phone dings with a notification.
You pick it up to see multiple news outlets blowing up about the upcoming press conference the government will be holding to explain what happened to the Avengers and you all but rush to turn the news on the TV.
There are a few unfriendly-looking government officials in suits and balding hair standing in front of a podium full of microphones and before any of them have even spoken there’s a flash of cameras from somewhere behind the camera.
One of the taller white men steps forward and the room goes silent. You’re on the edge of your seat with anticipation and you’re sure everyone else watching is as well. The man in the suit looks less than excited to be there and you can already tell by the look on his face that you’re not going to like what he has to say. Your stomach sinks in.
“I know this has been greatly anticipated by the public and I’m sure you all have a lot of questions so I'll get straight to the point.” Another camera shutter clicks. “ Around a month ago we approached the Avengers group about the amount of destruction they left behind after their battles. We felt the damage was too significant to let it continue happening, so we came up with the proposal that the Avengers agree to government supervision and limitations to minimize the damages.” 
You let out a low hiss through your teeth as murmurs fill the conference room. You’re sure most of the Avengers wouldn’t have taken kindly to that situation. If you’re honest you’re surprised a full-out fight hadn’t started. It only makes you more nervous for what’s to come.
“Unfortunately, a few members of the group didn’t agree with our terms and have since fled to avoid responsibility” Your blood boils at the way he’s talking about the world's greatest heroes, like they’re teenagers who broke the neighbors' window. You’re sure they’re purposely leaving out details of their contract to make the Avengers look bad. “Due to this circumstance,” A woman steps from behind him and hands him a file and he opens it and begins lifting picture after picture “The following Avengers are now considered wanted felons. If you see any of them please contact your local authorities-”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence as the room erupts into chaos. Reporters are shouting, cameras are flashing left and right and questions are being flung at the uncomfortable-looking officials. 
You practically shoot up from your seat in outrage. The Avengers are wanted felons? What was the government thinking? Just because they wanted control over the world's strongest and smartest? You hated to think what the world would descend into now that criminals not only didn’t have to fear the Avengers, but could call to get them arrested as well.
Security steps in and the room calms a little but reporters refuse to let the subject go, raising their hands to question such an idiotic decision.
“With the Avengers gone, what are you going to do about the influx in crime?” One asks, and another white man steps up to the podium to answer.
“We will be doubling the police force in every state to ensure the crime rates go back down” The reporters don’t seem satisfied, another raising a counter-question
“What about supernatural criminals and weapons?” The man swallows nervously and you’re sure a cartoonish bead of sweat is about to trail down his forehead when he speaks up with less confidence than before.
“Rest assured our officers are being trained to handle any possible situations, and we will be arming them with state-of-the-art weapons” You practically groan at his words, and your phone dings with notifications from various sites. Your friends from the Stark party are texting you about their outrage, news outlets are blowing up, and your mother wants to know if you want any cereal. 
You text her yes and respond to your other texts, tuning out the bullshit coming from the TV until pictures of the ‘wanted felons’ appear on the TV. Over half of the Avengers pictures are on the screen with the words “Wanted” under them and your eyes unconsciously drift toward Nat as a woman speaks
“We haven’t been able to get a hold of any of the aforementioned Avengers so if you have any information about their whereabouts please call-” you practically scoff at the TV. Of course, they couldn’t get a hold of Natasha Romanoff, if she wanted to disappear you’d never see or hear from her again-
Your head spins. A dangerous thought sneaks into your mind and despite your best efforts you can’t block it out. The government official had said they tried to make this deal around a month ago- around the same time Nat stopped responding to you.
With your heart leaping to your throat, you immediately rush to grab your computer. It wasn’t like you hadn’t considered Nat’s name being Natasha but you hadn’t wanted to plaster Natasha’s face onto this total stranger, and you definitely didn't want to project your feelings for your celebrity crush onto a real person who had nothing to do with her.
You never let yourself go down that hole, especially because the more you talked to Nat the less she seemed like the stoic Natasha Romanoff you knew of. 
You still refuse to believe it until you can prove it though, so the only thing you can think to do is pull up every single publicized mission the Avengers have gone on and open your phone to Nat’s contact. You ignore the painful jerk your heart gives as you scroll past your pleading and Nat’s last “I’m sorry” text until you find the last time she said she had to go away for ‘work’.
She’d been gone for two weeks but still managed to send you a quick ‘goodnight’ text on one of those days. It made your whole week that she’d been thinking of you even while she was working and still chose to text you even though she could get in trouble for using her phone. 
You scroll through the missions until you find one with a similar date. A mission in Eastern Europe that took the three of the Avengers two weeks to complete. It doesn’t state which Avengers so you brush it off as a coincidence and scroll up further, searching for another ‘work’ message.
Half an hour later you have at least fifteen ‘coincidences’ that line up almost perfectly with when Nat would leave you on delivered. You want to believe it but you’re at war with yourself.
Something joyful tugs at your heart and you shake your head to try and get rid of the images of Nat smiling on the other side of the phone. 
The other part of you is astonished you’d even believe such a thing. Why would Natasha continue texting you? There was no way she’d trust something as childish as ‘number neighbors’. And if she did believe that… why wouldn’t she just block your number?
Although you suppose she did try and get you to stop texting her, you just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Suddenly all of her threats feel a little more serious. 
For a split second, there’s relief. The weight of the fear that she’d ghosted you because she was tired of you lifted from your shoulders. The fear of never knowing her face or what she sounded like was gone. Instead, it was replaced by anxiety. The woman you loved was a wanted criminal AND an Avenger. You don’t know if it’s better or worse that you can read all of the texts in her voice now.
Your brain is screaming at you while your heart is frolicking in a field full of flowers.
The woman you’ve had a fictional crush on for years is actually the woman you fell in love with online, surprise!
Still, you’re worried you’re getting a little ahead of yourself so you try to calm down and scour the internet for more proof. You find an old video from when the Avengers did a live slumber party for charity and zoom in on Nat’s pajamas. Yep, the same gray as the photo of her pants she’d sent you from way back when you first met. 
The first photo she ever sent you and it was truly a gift to receive but big deal- lots of people wore gray to bed! 
The thought of gifts reminds you of the surveillance footage the restaurant promised to send you months ago when Nat bought you dessert. God, you really should read your emails. After scrolling through work emails and companies advertising their sales you find a very old email from the restaurant with the footage from their back alley. 
You can’t believe you forgot to look at this.
Sure enough, as the waiter had said, you can only see a hoodie from that angle but you’ll take anything you can get. You pause and play the video at every millisecond until a sliver of a design is visible and you reverse image search until a picture of that exact hoodie pops up.
You pull up every single member of the Avengers’ Instagram's until you see a picture of Clint Barton wearing what seems to be the same hoodie only two months ago. It’s a stretch, you’re sure anyone could own that hoodie but at this point, you’ve already fully convinced yourself it’s her. You feel like an FBI agent with how deep you’re digging for evidence and the thought reminds you of one of the first things you ever said to her
“What, are you an FBI agent or something?”
“Something like that”
You were truly the world’s biggest idiot at this point. Natasha had been trying to tell you at the Stark party, hadn’t she? You knew the joke sounded familiar. 
A sort of mirth sparkled in her eyes as she spoke her next sentence “Well I’m no FBI agent” It feels like an inside joke and you're trying to pinpoint where you remember it from but after a few seconds you shake it off and blame it on the alcohol. 
Not to mention how hesitant she’d been to talk to you in the beginning. She was a super spy! Of course, she wouldn’t believe you got her number by coincidence. Did that mean that she knew who you were from the beginning? She probably knew everything about you from your apartment number to your first pet. 
But…if she knew everything about you and still chose to stay and talk to you then maybe there was the smallest, tiniest chance she liked you back the way you liked her.
Why else would someone like her spend every day putting up with your antics?
All this time you’ve been wondering who she was and why she left you and now you have an answer you have no idea what to do with. It’s not like she’d be at Avengers Tower right now, nobody knew where she was. And she hadn’t responded to any of your messages. How could you tell her you knew? How could you tell her that you weren’t mad anymore? Will you ever be able to confess how you feel to her in person?
You don’t even realize you're crying until a drop of water lands on your computer. You were overwhelmed with so many different emotions; joy, worry, love. The idea of loving Natasha Romanoff was scary but loving Nat? Loving Nat was easy. And you have to keep reminding yourself that they’re the same person. That The Black Widow was a persona while Nat was her real self. 
The sound of the front door doesn’t register in your mind until you hear your mother calling your name. You turn to look at her with your tear-stricken face and her expression softens as she takes you in.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” she drops her groceries and makes her way over to you, wrapping you in her arms immediately. The way she says your name with so much love reminds you of the last time you heard Natasha’s voice-
“Take care of yourself, Y/n.”
The sentence only makes you cry harder and your mom soothingly rubs up and down your back. She doesn’t know you’ve just had the discovery of a lifetime or that you accidentally fell in love with a superhero. She just comforts you as you cry in her arms.
“Oh honey, it'll be okay”
You hope she’s right.
A/n: This chapter took a lot longer to write because I wanted to really get Y/n's reaction right- sorry it's late! ~ Starry
@marvelwomen-simp @cd-4848 @wandanatlov3r @rebeltombraider @ctrlamira @fxckmiup @aliherreraaa @natsxwife @la-douler-ne-finite-jamais @romanoffsgal @moistblobfish @natashaswife4125 @elenimoris @how-to-disappearrr @screechcat @toouncreativeforausername @ordelixx @autorasexy @blacklightsposts @vmpnano @jono723 @sylencr @saraaahsstuff @autorasexy @gay4hotmilfs @tofu9162 @dyslexic-dreamer @graniairish @colettehope @kosmichs1 @nmhlver @natblidaclexa @skittlebum @dorabledewdroop @nothanksbye07 @mrsrushman @midastouch013 @thalia-is-not-ok @tessalah @annab3113 @officialnighttime @taliiiaasteria @bgwlsmahf25 @chibilauren @natashasgirlll
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soopibean · 5 months
This is how Seventeen would react to seeing a dispatch reporter following them.
Disclaimer!! As we all know, dispatch is a questionable entity and obviously the members of seventeen wouldn't react in this way. HOWEVER this is just meant for fun so don't take it too seriously.
Warnings: Mentions of cultish activities, Jeonghan is a scary man, reporter may like coups a little too much. Kidnapping?
He angrily rants at the reporter, aggressively telling them what he'll do if he sees them here or around his members again. (Papa coups)
The reporter is left feeling a mixture of fear and arousal. Doesn't return either way.
They're not watching him, he's watching them.
After a few days of following him they begin to realise he's visiting places they frequent. Restaurants they eat at, even the school they went to... But the most terrifying is when they realise at the end of the day, Jeonghan drove right to their house.
The reporter bursts through his front door to find Jeonghan eating a meal with his own wife and kids, a sinister smile played on his lips.
The reporter quits his job the next day and leaves the country.
Simply gives them a gracious smile as he approaches them, offers a firm handshake as he begins his indoctrination. He doesn't see 'dispatch', he sees lost souls perfect for his cause.
The reporters are easy to convince.
Hasn't noticed. Assumed they were the trash collectors so he personally hands them his bin bags when he sees them. This was a good opportunity for them to snoop, though after opening them, all they find are bags full of scrunched up paper. It's all completely blank.
The reporters are left confused and empty handed.
'Horanghaes' in their direction whenever he see them, asks them to do it back. If they don't he becomes very upset.
The reporters now do it on impulse in most situations... They've become the laughing stock of the office.
Notices them immediately. Convinced it's the government. Goes into hiding and starts wearing a tinfoil hat.
The reporters receive a bonus for capturing a photo of Wonwoo in said hat.
They wait outside his studio for weeks. The blinds are always pulled, the lights are always on but no sign of life is seen. They finally leave but as they do, they miss the chance to see the wild Woozi emerging from the building, hissing at the sun and passing out from dehydration.
The reporters wasted everybody's time and are swiftly demoted.
Greets them like old friends, asks about their families, brings them coffee on occasion. Even if they did find something they could report, they could never bring themselves to betray him.
The reporters become his personal protectors.
Immediately thinks they've caught him in a dating scandal. They follow him as he leaves the dorm late at night dressed perfectly in an expensive suit. He arrives at the restaurant, greeting somebody with a hug... It's Jungkook.
The reporters get sued by HYBE.
Starts filming and taking pictures of them out of spite. Glares in disapproval at any given opportunity.
The reporters end every day feeling judged and self conscious.
DRAMA QUEEN. Acts annoyed but is actually flattered. Begins to create his own fake scandals.
'O-oh I didn't see you there, I was just talking on the phone to my- oh I shouldn't have said that'
Struts off giggling, looking back every few seconds in hopes they'll follow.
The reporters decide to leave him to it.
Does. Not. Care. Completely devoid of emotion when it comes to them. Simply stares blankly and unblinking in their direction.
The reporters are left feeling insignificant. They do little tricks to try to impress him. It doesn't work.
After watching him get left behind by the entire group on a beach trip they were having, the reporter offers him a ride home out of pity. Dino doesn't question the man and happily accepts, just grateful to have some company on his birthday. After hearing this the reporter couldn't bring himself to turn in any of the information he had gotten.
The reporter goes home and hugs his son.
However, if Dino had waited a few more minutes, he would have seen Seventeen returning with a birthday cake adorned with candles. Though upon seeing their youngest member missing and witnesses claiming he left in a suspicious vehicle, they are now convinced he had been kidnapped.
Thus chaos ensues... But that's a story for another time ;)
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a-sterling-rose · 1 year
Danny Phantom Writing Prompt: The Lack of a Hero Complex
Once Danny publicly shames Vlad into returning the status quo of Amity Park, Danny also stops ghost fighting.
The Human Trio and Vlad confront Danny about his lack of action. The Human Trio finally gets a taste of the sleep deprivation Danny experienced when he didn't want to burden them from their schedules while the property damage continued to tarnish Vlad's public reputation. Danny just laughs.
Sam, completely livid at the lack of reaction: Who’s going to protect the town, Danny?
Danny gets up from the couch and looks directly into Vlad's eyes: Yeah, Vlad, how do you plan on protecting your town?
Danny lightly chuckles while he goes down to the lab where the Fenton Parents were working. He was just gonna play on the family computer while his Dad would boast about their latest idea.
The human trio:
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When the ghosts who come to directly harass Danny, he decides he just needs to be completely honest with each of them.
Danny: Listen, I'll admit I kinda had fun with the bantering, but I want to focus on better things now. I was never really interested in any of you.
The Ghosts:
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The results?
Vlad has to set up legit ghost detectors all over the city and properly hire the Fentons for protection. Vlad hoped that the hiring would gain him favor from Maddie, but he finally got to see how she really was compared to his idealized version. Their constant public damages made Vlad's reputation even more tarnished, and their lack of change despite him personally talking to them about it makes him grow equal resentment towards both of them. It gets to the point where Vlad just sets up the same ecto repellent he uses to keep ghosts from escaping his portal back in Winsconsin. The extra paperwork he has to do now governing is not worth the mess he caused. Political power wasn't as worth it as he thought it would be.
The Human Trio gave Danny the cold shoulder for a while, but that just gave him some well needed alone time to raise his grades. He even finally got to join the astronomy club like he planned before the portal accident. They were a very chill group and welcomed him to sit with them at lunch, so he was never alone. Dash tried to start their usual routine, but that was immediately hauled by the club leader.
Dash wasn't clever enough to figure out how to respond to being called 'Pussy Lips' by a girl, so he just kinda sulked away.
Dash will say the occasional snarky comment, but he never bring himself to get too close to Danny after a club member told Danny to tell Dash and the other football players they could take turns sucking him off after their club meeting. Dash just wasn't clever enough to get things back to normal.
Though the club members weren't A-listers, they weren't at the bottom, so Danny social life became better.
The Human Trio tried to continue on like before, but they were soon caught ghost hunting by the Fentons. There was no punishment, just overactive excitement, seeing they were finally interested in Ghost Hunting. Now, having to join the Fentons whenever there was a ghost detected, the fun of it is zapped away for them, making the tiredness not worth it anymore. The three eventually apologized to Danny, which he accepts, and the group finally accepts the new changes.
There are many things that can upset a ghost, but the universal act that can anger any core is being ignored. Even with the ecto repellent, the stronger ghosts manage to get through and try to get Danny's attention. The boy always just texts Vlad about how he sucks at his job and to take care of the disruption. The ghost eventually pick up that their violent outburst aren't working, so it gets to the point that they try to get his attention another way.
They tried to coax him with things they believed he liked. It is comparable to how Hyper Cat-lovers try to get a shy cat to love them.
Lunch Lady offers him a freshly made meal when he's low on money one day. He thanks her but says he had a big breakfast.
Ember tries to act like their best friends in front of the A-listers, so Danny will become more popular at school. He greets her but continues on his stroll like she was a typical citizen.
Technus offers to give Danny the answer key to all the tests for his classes, but he denies this offer instantly. He'll never cheat on a test ever again.
It got to the point that Skulker said he would drop the promise of getting Danny's pelt if he just let him see his ghostly form. Creeped out, Danny just backed away. He was thankful Valerie was close by.
Box Ghost actually got somewhere when he offered a three-dimensional solar system model. It was in a box he had, so Box Ghost offered it to Danny. He accepted it as the one in the club was showing its age.
This seemed to make these random ghost visits even more frequent. Danny guessed Box Ghost bragged about his 'accomplishment'.
Basically, the ghosts' obsession to defeat Danny changes to them wanting his attention. Vlad’s obsession becomes solely focused on Danny as he just finds Maddie and Jack so annoying now. Like, Vlad just wants to get custody of Danny and get the hell out of Amity Park. He doesn't even want to kill the Fentons now out of fear that they will become ghosts.
After the Ember incident, the A-listers kept trying to buddy up to him. However, Danny learned how they really were, so he just treated them the way he treated ghosts. Now, it seemed they were just as desperate.
Danny will turn into Phantom only when it's necessary, that or he's in the mood to fly. The downside to this change is that whenever he does transform, he always has an entourage of attention-starved ghosts following behind him. He can't even imagine how things would be if he went to the Ghost Zone.
For those who want to know the members of the astronomy club-
For those who want to see the club room-
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ailelie · 2 years
I want a Leverage/Stargate crossover in which Parker, Hardison, Eliot, and Sophie all know about Stargate and all think they are the only ones who know.
Eliot is easy. He worked for them. He's been off world and has seen aliens up close. He doesn't want that danger anywhere near his team and, if they knew aliens were real, they would seek them out.
Parker, pre-Leverage, was once going to steal from a goa'uld. She's hidden away and safe, but sees the goa'uld change hosts or similar. It is one of the few times she walked away without her score. She still stole something, just not what she had gone for. She also neatly accepted that mind controlling snake monsters are real and that made her much more accepting of the impossible and, weirdly, less afraid in general. Nothing beats a mind controlling snake monster.
Hardison hacked his way into the mountain base while setting up in Portland. He didn't go in deep; he was just looking for something cute and Santa related for Parker. Instead, he found a mission report some idiot had sent in via email. The report had video. Brutal video. He watched. Three times. And then bought himself a new computer solely to hack deeper and figure out if what he saw was real or fake. It was real. He was thrilled--space ships and aliens were real! He was terrified--space ships and aliens were real and not very friendly. He wanted no part of that.
Sophie conned her way into a dinner with military officials. It wasn't even for a job. She was just bored and wanted to test out her skills. (Part of her also wanted to get caught. Part of her post-Nate was a bit self-destructive). She found a man fuming and lent a listening ear. With a bit of alcohol and a lot of pretending to know more than he did, she learned about the Stargate program. She locked that knowledge up deep, ready to wield it if ever needed.
And then, one day in New Orleans, SGC comes knocking for Eliot. It is one of the times that Hardison is home with them. Eliot is cooking and Hardison and Parker are teasing him in the kitchen. Harry is out. Breanna is working to undo a virus Hardison created for her as a challenge.
Then, say, Cameron Mitchell walks in. Eliot glances over from where he's cooking at the stove and says, "No. Turn around. Walk away."
Hardison has gone still. He remembers Cameron's face from the reports he read and watched. "How do you know Eliot?" he asks.
"We used to work together."
Hardison turns to Eliot, eyes wide. "Eliot?"
"Better question," Eliot says, turning off the heat. "How do you know Mitchell here?"
"Someone has to keep an eye on what the government is doing," Hardison vamps, part of him still hoping to end this conversation without Parker learning about the spaceships and aliens.
"Dammit Hardison."
By this time, Parker has hopped off the counter and walked up to Cameron to get a better read on him. She also nicks his wallet and firearm. "Catch," she calls to Eliot as she tosses the firearm to him.
"Parker!" Eliot chastises as he snatches the gun. "Don't throw firearms."
She shrugs. "I knew you'd catch it."
This is the first time Cameron has looked wrongfooted this entire time. "What?"
"Cameron Mitchell," Parker reads from his ID. "Airforce."
Cameron swipes it back from her. Parker lets him. As she turns, she catches Breanna's eye and gestures to her ear.
Breanna pulls out of the code she was working on and starts looking for any foreign frequencies to find out who is talking to Mitchell.
Sophie, who has been watching quietly this entire time and noting Cameron's military standing, takes into account his actual division and the ways Eliot and Hardison are acting and clearly talking around something. She decides to make a gamble.
"Does this have anything to do with the Stargate program?"
Eliot, Hardison, and Cameron all freeze and look at her.
"I'm sorry, ma'am," Cameron says, "But how do you know about the Stargate program."
Sophie offers him a beatific smile. "People do talk--" she pauses and gives him a searching look "--commander is it? Interesting that the commander himself came to talk." She turns to Eliot. "This might be important."
Cameron spins to Eliot. "Did you tell her?"
Eliot crosses his arms. "I've not said anything."
Parker raises her hand. "What's the Stargate Program?
Hardison is the first to speak up. "It is a secret program that deals with threats from space."
"Like aliens?" Breanna asks, continuing to hack into Cameron's comms. She's surprised by the layers of protection.
"Okay," Breanna mutters. "Cool. So aliens are real."
Parker raises her hand again.
"You don't need to raise your hand, Parker," Eliot mutters into his hand.
"Are any of these aliens mind controlling snake monsters who like Egyptian antiquities?"
Now every eye is on her.
"Yes," Cameron says, stretching the word out. "How?"
Parker just hops back up onto the counter. "I stole from one."
"Did she just say she stole from one?" A woman's voice plays from Breanna's corner.
"So I've hacked their comms," Breanna says.
Cameron nearly growls in frustration. This was not how this was supposed to go.
"Why don't you invite the rest of your team in?" Sophie says. "Eliot, will we have enough food?"
Eliot rolls his eyes and turns back to the stove. He turns the heat back on and gives his dish a stir. "I was making enough for leftovers. We'll be fine."
"Who are you people?" Cameron asks. "I mean, I've read your files, but--"
"Oh, how did you like those?" Hardison asks. "Beauties, aren't they?"
"You forged your records?" Cameron asks, his tone flat.
Sophie touches his elbow and guides him to a seat. "When you've taken over a small country, darling, paperwork is child's play."
Cameron looks at her, sees she isn't lying, and laughs. "Okay. Fine." He calls his team in. They'll have dinner. And then they'll discuss saving the world.
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heartfeltcierra · 2 years
Marco X Reader Angst-Comfort
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Warnings- Experimental abuse, mentions of needles and syringes, panic attacks and past trauma. Reader can transform into a rabbit.
Word Count- 3.5 K
 “Good morning Y/N, do you need help carrying that?” Ace gestured to the large box filled to the brim with paperwork and medical charts. 
 “I’ve got this. Thank you for offering.” You smile at him and continue your walk to a certain blonde's office. 
 “Oh I see.” You look back to see Ace smirking wildly. “You taking that to your man?” 
 “He isn’t my man! ” You shoot a scowl at the smirking man. You could feel heat rise to your cheeks. You wish you had never told the freckled faced man anything about your crush. Now all he does is tease you any chance he gets.
 “No not yet at least. You need to go ahead and tell him how you feel.” His tone turned slightly serious. “I speak for the entire crew when I say we are sick of seeing you follow him like a love sick puppy or I guess in your case rabbit.” He chuckled at his own joke. Classic Ace behavior. 
 “I’ll tell him when the time is right. I don’t want to ruin our friendship or our working relationship.” You wonder if there will ever really be a “right time”. 
 “There is no time like the present.” Ace gave you one of his comforting wide smiles. “Besides I have a good hunch he likes you a lot more than you think. You're his precious little Y/N after all.” Ace stuck his tongue out in a taunting way.
 “Shut it fire farce. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to get going. Unlike you I actually work instead of flaking out on job duties.” You stick your tongue back out at him, causing a pout to form on his face.
 “Whatever. Anyways I guess I’ll let you “hop” to it.” He chuckled again at his own corny rabbit joke. You watch as Ace walks away. The jolly roger on his back flexed with every step. He was proud of it, and you were just as proud of the symbol. 
   Ever since you’ve joined the whitebeards you feel like you have the family you always wanted. Although you didn't exactly walk up and join the bunch, they more or less rescued you. When you were young your parents sold you off to a scientist for money, you spent most of your life being experimented on. The scientist planned on making a bio-engineered weapon to overthrow the world government by turning them into small weak creatures that could be controlled easily. He was almost successful. He was able to turn you into a rabbit after a few years, the only problem was you could change back into a human. Most of the time you could change at will. But sometimes it happened sporadically. He was frustrated at the fact. You’ll never forget the day he came and grabbed you from the small cage, the angry look in his eyes. He dragged you down a hallway until you were outside. The first time you had been outside in years. To your surprise you were on a ship of all things. He called you worthless, his failed experiment. Without a second look he threw you off the boat and into the dark sea below. The cold water had shocked your small body. You were never taught how to swim. 
 After struggling to stay above water, you were lucky enough to find a small piece of driftwood floating. It was your saving grace. At that moment you were glad to be in rabbit form, the wood would not hold up your human body weight. After a few days of floating at sea with no food or clean water along with the heat of the sun , you were so weak you could not move. The thought of dying scared you,  but then again maybe things would be better if you were dead. Maybe death will bring peace. You had accepted your fate, now it was just a waiting game. You could hear the sound of faint wings flapping.  All you remember after that was seeing blue wings of fire, big hands grabbing your frail rabbit body and a voice asking “Can we eat it?” Luckily Marco, the one who pulled you from the sea also protected you from becoming rabbit stew. The doctor took pity on you, he could tell you were on the verge of death and he had a soft spot for small animals. He took you to the infirmary immediately and started healing you. You were up and moving in no time. Marco would smile at your progress, not knowing the small creature in front of him was not just a rabbit. You tried hard to go back into your human form, but could not no matter how hard you tried. It was frustrating, you wanted to thank him for taking such good care of you. You also wanted to tell him your name was not “fuzzball”. 
  After a while you started getting used to being treated like a princess by the man.  He would hold you close to his warm chest as you took a nap.  He even made a small bed that sat on his work desk so could nap when he was busy. Every now and then he would caress your soft fur. His big warm hands had become your source of comfort and protection. It was unlike anything you have felt before. You have craved this feeling of safety for so long. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. One night Marco was finishing some paperwork while you watched. He placed the papers in his desk drawer and got up from the swivel chair. “It’s time for bed fuzzball.” He picked you up and cradled you in his strong arms. And just like that, poof, you were back human again. To make things worse you were as naked as the day you were born. You’ll never forget the look of utter shock Marco had on his face. He held you up for a few seconds before sitting your feet on the floor. He wrapped his purple jacket around you. And gave you a confused look. 
 “Thank you for taking care of me. And my name is not fuzzball, it’s Y/N!” You blurted out and  smiled up at the very confused Marco. He blinked at you a few times, processing what just occurred.
 “Duly noted. You stay here, I’ll go get you some clothes fuzz- I mean Y/N” Marco ran out of the room. He had seen some weird stuff before but you took the cake. He came back with clothes and gave you some privacy so you could change. 
 You gave him his purple jacked back and explained everything to him. The first thing he did was apologize to you for petting your fur saying “It was rude” but you assured him it was okay. He took you to meet pops and the rest of the crew.  After the initial shock and questions from the crew you explained everything to Whitebeard, after he heard you never had family he asked you to join. Without anywhere else to go, you said yes and now you're officially a pirate and a child of Whitebeard.
Pops noticed how comfortable you were around Marco, so he gave you the job as his assistant/ secretary. Marco was a busy man and you know that first hand from watching. You accepted his offer. Now you mainly forged his signature on paperwork and help take vitals when it's time  for the crew's check ups. It was a busy job, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Getting to work next to Marco everyday was the best thing to ever happen.
 (Flashback end)
 As crazy as it sounds, you were glad that twisted scientist had thrown you overboard. You would have never met Marco or the rest of the crew if he didn’t. Fate had a funny way of bringing people together. Your trip down memory lane came to an end as you approached the door to Marco’s office/exam room. You knocked gently.
 “Come in, yoi.” Marco’s voice called out. A smile found its way on your face. 
 “It’s just me, I got all the paperwork signed and organized.” He swiveled his body around to face you. He gave you the lazy smile he always does.  
 “Thank you Y/N, I appreciate your hard work.” He stood up, all 6’8 of him towering over you. He gently grabbed the box from your hands and laid it on his desk. “How are you feeling today?”
 “No problem, I’m always glad to help. And I’m doing okay. I have a little bit of a headache, but nothing too bad.” Marco gave you a concerned look. You know he worries a lot about you and rightfully so considering most of your life was spent being injected with who knows what. All the unknowns made you anxious. His hand came down to ruffle your hair, he must have noticed the unease you were feeling.
 “It's okay, you're okay. Would giving you a check up make you feel better?” You nod your head and sit down on the exam table. You would be lying if you said you're not nervous. You trust him fully, but being in a situation like this makes you remember things you want to forget. Marco went through a drawer and pulled out a thermometer and his stethoscope. He sat on his swivel chair and rolled over to you. “Breathe in and out normally.” You did as you were told as he moved the stethoscope over your back, listening to your lungs. “Your lungs sound normal.” He laid the stethoscope to the side and gave you a reassuring smile. 
 “Let me take your temperature and I’ll be done, yoi. Say ahh.” You open your mouth as he places the thermometer under your tongue. You hear a group of beeps meaning the reading was done. Marco had a concerned look on his face. “Your temp is 102. That is pretty high, I’m going to get you some meds to bring it down.”
 “Okay.”  You wait as Marco goes through cabinets searching for the medicine. Your eyes wander over to the small bed that is still on his desk. You still use it from time to time to take a nap. No one dares to bother you, especially with Marco around. He would beat anyone who tried to wake you up. Just last week he sent Ace flying because he was being too loud while you slept. Your heart swelled thinking about how protective he was. All the more reason you love him.
 “Here we go.” Marco’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. He turned to face you and what he held in his hand made you freeze. You could feel your heart rate pick up and heat rise to your face from the panic coursing through your body. He had a needle in his hand. “Are you okay Y/N?” Marco walked closer causing you to scooch back away from him. You could only stare at him in horror.
 “No please, not that.” Your voice cracked as tears spilled down your face. You kept looking at the needle and syringe in his hand. Flashbacks came crashing in, all the time you were tied down and injected with something, all the times you screamed bloody murder for it to stop. All the small scars that littered your arms. It was too much. Your body unwillingly transformed into your rabbit form. Your flight response kicked in and you bounced off  the exam table and straight out of Marcos office. You need to hide, you need to find a safe place. 
 “Y/N?” You passed a concerned voice, but you were going too fast to understand who it was. 
 You ran until you got to your bedroom door. You go through the small hole Ace had carved out for you due to you sometimes getting stuck in rabbit form. At a time like this you were thankful. Your instincts to find safety landed you under your bed. Going to the main back corner, you curled into a ball and as the world collapsed around you.
 “Hey Marco, do you know why Y/N was running?” Ace peaked his head into the door. 
 “Unfortunately it was my fault.” Marco held the syringe up to Ace.
 “What did you do?” Ace’s face went angry as he looked at the needle. 
 “She has a bad temperature and I was going to give her a shot to help bring it down. I should have known better. After what she’s been through I can understand why she is afraid of needles.” Marco stood up from his chair walking towards Ace.
 “I see. Well I’m relieved to know it wasn’t on purpose. If it was, I was going to kick your phoenix ass.” Ace shot Marco an intimidating look.
 “That’s some tough talk for someone who wanted to cook her up, yoi.” Marco retorted.
 “I didn’t know she was a human at that time! What you did was much worse, scaring the poor girl who loves you.” Ace slammed a hand over his mouth a little too late.
 “I know she does.”  He could tell considering you made your feelings painfully obvious. “And it’s a mutual feeling. But that's not important right now. Which way did she go?”  
 “She was going down that way, if I had a guess she went to her room.” Ace pointed down the hall.
 “Thanks, I’m going to go make this right.”
 The same scene kept playing in your head. Your body tied up to monitors, the sound of a iv dripping. You could hear it. It felt so real. The sense of doom was suffocating. Your eyes open, you're surrounded by darkness. You wanted to move but you feel frozen in place. Your ears pick up the sound of footsteps approaching your room. They stepped closer and closer until they were still in front of your door. The doorknob shook as the door creaked open.
 “Y/N are you in here.” Marco’s voice softly called out. “I want to apologize.” You wanted to call out to him, but you can’t. The fear of the past had engulfed you.
 “I am so sorry. I should have taken your past into consideration. I didn't mean to scare you and I swear on my life I won’t ever make this mistake again.” His voice was riddled with guilt.  After a few moments of silence, he started to walk out of the room, he must have thought you weren't in the room. You look at the one of the wooden posts that hold your bed up. You decided to kick your fuzzy leg against it to make a “thud”.  
 “Y/N?” Marco got down on his knees and looked at your body curled up underneath the bed. His heart shatters seeing you all alone, shaking like a leaf in the wind. “Hey there sweet girl. Can you come out for me?”  Marco reached his hand out towards you. You hesitate for a moment, but you hop towards him until you sit in the palm of his hand. He pulls you out from underneath the bed and sits you on his lap. 
 “I really am sorry. I hope you can forgive me, yoi.” You look up at him and nod confirming you forgive him. You know he had good intentions. “I’m going to make that medicine in pill form for you. Do you feel comfortable going back to my office with me?” Again you nod your head. Marco stood up from the floor and held you close. The sound of his heartbeat was grounding you. He walks out of your room and shuts the door gently. 
 “It looks like you found the runaway rabbit.” Ace walked up and smacked Marco on the back. He looked down at your small form and gave you a small pat.
 “Yeah, we are heading back to my office, yoi.” Marco stepped back from Ace, as if he did not want him touching you. 
 “Dinner will be ready soon, don’t be late. Oh and Y/N, I have bad news. Thatch said we are out of carrots.” Ace gave you a fake sad face. Without hesitation you jumped from Marco’s arms and kicked Ace in the face with your little leg. He let out a small oww and you nestled back into Marco’s arms. “That was mean.” He came eye level with you.
 “You deserved it.” Marco brought you up on his shoulder so Ace couldn't get to you. “Well be there soon, I’m going to make her medicine first.” Ace nodded as you and Marco walked back towards his office.
 “I’m going to start grinding the meds, you focus on turning back human if you can.” Marco sat you down on his desk. He immediately started  rummaging  through different cabinets and drawers. Your body was calming down with each passing second. Marco had a theory as to why you turn into a rabbit spontaneously. He thinks it's something to do with stress levels. He told you to try to picture yourself in a happy place when you were stuck as a rabbit. It was funny, because being with him was your happy place. 
 “Ace told me something interesting.” Marco’s voice broke your thoughts. “He more or less told me how you felt towards me.” 
 You looked at Marco, who did not turn to face you. He continued rummaging through cabinets. You were going to beat Ace’s ass. 
 “You have definitely softened me up. Ever since you’ve been around the crew says I’m more “Gentle” on them. In all honesty you have me wrapped around your finger whether you realize it or not.” He started to mix together different ingredients while you sat still, listening to  his words. “I’ll never forget the time you wanted to go into town with me. I told you no, but you wasted no time turning into a rabbit and doing the little begging hands thing.” Your little trick ended up working. You and Marco went around the town collecting things for the ship. You didn’t exactly have money, but Marco insisted on getting anything you wanted. 
 “I guess what I’m trying to get at.” Marco turned around to face you. “I love you Y/N. I have for a while now, yoi.” He gave you a soft smile, one that melted your heart. So overcome with emotions, you jump off the desk and head straight towards Marco. Your body turned normal in the process, making you and him fall to the floor. 
 “Do you mean it?” You lift your body off of Marco’s, your eyes locked on his.
 “I do. Here, let me show you.” His arms wrap around your midsection, bringing your face down to his. His lips met yours in a soft kiss. You felt like you could float away if his hands were not holding you to him. “Was that enough, or do I need to convince you a little more?” 
 “I believe you.” You had tears coming from your eyes. Marco’s hand cupped your cheeks wiping them away. “I’m sorry I’m crying, I’m just really happy.”
 “It’s okay, sweetheart.” The sweet moment is destroyed by your stomach growling. Marco let out a laugh. “We better go get food before it’s gone.” He stood up, taking you up with him so your feet stood on the floor. “Take this before we go.” He poured you a glass of water before handing you the medicine. You gulped it down.
 “Thank you, I feel better already.” You smile up at the blond who has a pleased look on his face.
 “Good. Now we better get going before that glutton Ace eats all the good food.” You laugh at his statement. 
 “Maybe we will get lucky and he’ll be passed out before he could gobble it all up.” You wrap your arm around his as you head towards the deck. You could hear the crew's rowdy voices booming. Lucky enough you see plenty of food on the tables, and Ace was indeed passed out on his plate.
 “Well well well. It's about time you two got together.” Thatch looked at you and Marco. You hid your embarrassed face in his bicep. Some of the crew whistled out, while others cheered. 
 “Huh, did I fall asleep?” Ace raised his head up. A piece of corn was stuck up his nose. His eyes settle on you and Marco. A big smile formed on his face. “Good. My work as a wingman is done.” His head slammed back down on the plate. Everyone shrugged his action off and continued eating.
 You and Marco sat down next to whitebeard who gave you an approving smile.  
 “Do you want to sleep with me tonight?” Marco whispered in your ear. You nod your head. After dinner you escaped to Marco’s room. He carried your body as if it was weightless all the way there. He laid you gently on his bed and crawled beside you. 
 “I love you.” You say barely above a whisper as he pulls you close to him. The warmth from his body engulfed you. 
 “I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.” 
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cheemscakecat · 4 months
Ms. Red Mom [Short Fic]
Merriam had never been good at asking for help. Not from any of her judgmental family, and not from her exes.
Her latest ex, the Spy was no exception. After they broke up, she used the money he’d given her when they were together since it was there. But she rejected his attempts to send her more of it after they split. For a while he kept offering, and it ****ed her off. He even tried to fabricate a story and make it look like she won a prize, so she’d think it didn’t come from him. She was smarter than that. After she chewed him out, he didn’t try again.
She’d accept government aid. Food stamps. Lord knows the government owes it to everyone, with how much tax they take. It wasn’t easy to feed 8 boys, but she did it. They had to portion control, but it worked out. It was actually kind of nice to watch the boys hunting for clams and other seafood on the beach. Peaceful.
But then they got older, and they started to ignore her advice. One by one the older boys stopped appreciating the lessons she tried to teach them, and the frugal way they grew up. Maybe if she’d taken the **** money, it wouldn’t have been like this. But she never could ask for help. They joined gangs. Even after the first had to murder somebody to prove himself loyal, the others didn’t take it as a warning. They still followed suit.
Except for the youngest. Jeremy was always picked on by his brothers; for being small, for being too afraid to join the gangs, for being illiterate, for crying on occasion. She tried to defend him, and sometimes it even worked. But when they got old enough to convince themselves that the hard heart of a criminal was something to be proud of, there was nothing she could say to stop them.
Arthur got arrested. Henry snapped out of his delusions after the gang he joined went too far, and he helped the police catch his so-called friends. And his younger brother Jonas. Frankie fell in love with a woman who’d lost somebody to gang violence, and she warmed his cold dead heart. They fled to Canada to make sure his old criminal pals left them alone.
Henry and Frankie got clean and upstanding first. Arthur and Jonas eventually came to their senses in prison, and ended up moving to other states to start anew. The other three still hung around Boston and visited her sometimes, but they never wised up. That left Jeremy as the only one who never got caught up in a crappy gang.
He tried so hard to get a job and keep it. But he took his brothers’ cruel bullying to heart. And he’d never been able to focus in school. He’d keep a job for a few months and then loose it, then try again. From the age of 17 to 20, he tried to adjust to civilian work and stop relying on her. But he just couldn’t seem to do it.
That’s when she caught him engaging in street crime. Not the **** gangs, thankfully; this was petty crime. But it was a gateway for his brothers and she knew he could follow suit.
She’d thought of this before, but never trusted the others to follow through. But Jeremy had always respected her advice, and tried to make it work. So she worked up the courage to do it.
“The Gravel War? What’s that, some kinda re-enactment type thing?” He was holding the RED pamphlet in his hand. She couldn’t bear the idea of him working for BLU, not that he was likely to meet his father in battle. “It’s a mercenary war. They hire people to go fight each other over some petty issue. I been reading this thing, and it says there’s a respawn machine. So if you get killed in battle, you don’t stay dead.”
She kicked herself a little when Spy called her, saying Jeremy got assigned to the same team as him. But she knew deep down that this might be a blessing. Jeremy took after his father a lot, and he might just learn something she couldn’t teach by living with Spy and the other mercenaries. From what her ex told her, the team had nothing in common with the criminals her other sons hung around. None’a that peer pressure to “be hard” and murder innocent civilians. What the rest of the team did outside of work was their own business, but the war required them to kill other mercenaries, not random people off the street.
No, Merriam was never good at asking for help. But for once in a long line of mistakes, she made the right call.
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Ohhh please do 37. Do you think they could have loved me? Extra points if you make it sad but sweet/give it a positive ending ✨ I love ur writing btw!
Thank you so much for the prompt and for your kind words! I'm sorry for taking so long, but I hope the positive ending makes up for the wait!
Steve doesn't talk about his parents often. Scratch that, he doesn't talk about them at all, but that doesn't mean their presence doesn't loom over him, casting prolonged shadows over everything he does, everything he is. He knows they are disappointed in his failures, his choices, only suffering his presence in their home because they know they would be judged. Public opinion matters to them more than their only son.
And Steve seems to believe everything they say about him, just takes it when they call once every few months and berate him for not utilizing his talents, not securing a sports scholarship ("we paid for your hobbies, Steven, all the equipment, and there is zero return. We really hoped you'd amount to something"), not doing what he's supposed to be good at. If someone calls him a failure, a washed-out ex-jock who peaked in high school, he just shrugs and never tries to refute it. Eddie sometimes wants to grab him by the shoulders, shake him, yell at him to believe in himself more. And if that isn't ridiculous, the master of self-deprecation lecturing the former king on self-esteem. But that's what friends do and Eddie wants to be a good friend to Steve. Maybe more, but that's not on the menu and Eddie will gladly accept any Steve-shaped dish he's offered.
So when the letter comes one week before his twentieth birthday, Steve isn't surprised. He skims over the precise, thin lines, his lips moving as he reads that he's on his own. His parents are starting over somewhere else and graciously left him the house (or what's left of it after the earthquake, even though Steve and all his friends did their best to fix it up). They say they'll gladly hear from him if he gets his life back on track, but until then he should think hard and long about what he wants and what he sacrifices by the company he keeps, the dead end jobs, his unsatisfactory choices. Eddie doesn't read the letter directly but sees Steve's expression, reads his lips, and even when Steve offers a small smile, saying that it had been long time coming, Eddie can't help but notice his trembling fingers and glassiness of his eyes. He wishes he could say something to make Steve feel better, but there is nothing, no hollow reassurances to make the hurt go away. He just offers to share a joint and lets Steve sag against him, lost in thoughts.
Eddie suspects that Steve must have fallen asleep, but then he hears that sentence and his heart skips a beat.
"Do you think they could have loved me?" Steve whispers against Eddie's shoulder.
He swallows, breath catching in his throat. "What...what do you mean, Steve?"
Maybe it's just his imagination, but doesn't his t-shirt feel a bit wet? "It's just...I wonder if I could have done something differently. I'm not smart, but I could have tried more. Maybe start in dad's company, prove him wrong. I've always thought they don't want to be around because I failed them, but...I wonder. I wonder if I tried more, if they'd still be around. If they could have loved me if I was who they wanted as a son."
Steve's voice is weak, defeated, and Eddie burns with rage, tightening his fingers into a fist. There were so many things he wants to do to those assholes and he marvels at the image of his rings tearing Harrington senior's stern face into shreds. He reaches behind Steve and squeezes his shoulders, pulls him into a clumsy hug. "I don't think they could have loved anyone, Steve," he mutters against Steve's hair. "No one but themselves."
And Steve seems to accept that, his breathing becomes more even and when they eventually say good night, he's smiling again. As Eddie climbs into his van and drives back to the tiny house government kindly provided for him and Wayne, he starts thinking. The next morning, he makes several calls.
Twenty years from the day Steve was born, Robin throws Steve a huge birthday party - in his own Frankenhouse, she had Dustin drag Steve away for the whole day and the excuses the young man comes up with are absurd, but Steve follows him, not questioning anything. He just enjoys Dustin's company. Dustin rambles about finding a perfect gift for Suzie for their anniversary (and when Steve points out that their anniversary was three months ago, Dustin scrambles up an excuse that it's actually for their half anniversary and he wants to customize the gift a bit, plus Steve is the only one he trusts with dating advice, so really he can't ditch him before they find the perfect thing, maybe they can stop for a lunch in the meantime, and does Steve want to be invited for a coffee or something for his birthday? Steve's eyes tear up a little at that because Dustin remembered what day it was and if that didn't make the younger man swear to all gods that the party had to be the best thing Steve ever experienced.
In the meantime, Robin, Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle and the whole party minus the distraction do their best to make that prayer come true. They decorate the house, build an improvised pyramid of presents and bake a cake - there might have been a small fight over how to decorate and El wins by suggesting they should shape seven small figures representing them and a spiked bat from marzipan. The results are...questionable, but recognizable.
Eddie might have pushed them to go a bit overboard, gathered a crew of teenage boys to paint Steve's living room since its owner always complained about the peeling paint and impersonal taste of his parents. They create a surprisingly seamless gradient of yellow and orange, brightening the room and splashing the ugly couch in the process. When Mike sees the drops, he remembers that Steve really disliked this piece of furniture ("it's like sitting in a hospital", he used to say) and promptly writes FUCK THIS COUCH, YOU DESERVE A BETTER ONE, STEVE on the uncomfortable surface.
When they radio Dustin that it's safe to come back, Dustin basically shoves Steve inside and there is shared concern when Steve freezes as he takes in the new wall, the presents, the cake and a handmade banner saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FAVORITE BABYSITTER/DINGUS. Then, to the surprise of everyone, he lets out a huge sob and collapses against the door. Eddie and Robin rush to him, removing his hands from his face, but he's beaming at them through the tears, pulling them into a clumsy hug. In the end, Argyle yells for a hug pile and Steve is suddenly squished by seven kids and five adults. He can't even bring himself to scold them for disregarding their safety.
As they pull him up and slowly disperse to bring over plates and drinks, Eddie adjusts Steve's hair to its usual perfection. "Now, you asked me something a few days back, Steve," he says quietly so only Steve can hear. "And I didn't have a good answer. But I have one now. Because those jerks not loving you has nothing to do with you, they're just damaged sorry excuses for human beings. So no, they couldn't have loved you no matter how hard you tried and for that they suck, so fucking much. But all of us," he gestures towards the people who gathered in his house for him, for Steve Harrington, "happen to agree they have a single redeeming quality. They gave us the most selfless and metal guy we've ever had the pleasure to know."
"Eddie-!" Steve gasps and he looks as if he's about to cry again, and well, screw respectful distance. Eddie touches his face and wipes the residual tears away, taking care of the new ones too in the process.
"Shh, big boy," he soothes him and grabs his hand, leading him into the kitchen, the living room still smelling too much like paint to spend the whole evening there.
Steve looks around and watches his friends, his loved ones. He sees Erica bringing disconcertingly large knives to cut up the cake, El floating confetti with her powers and Mike and Will quickly scribbling an additional gift for Steve - a promise from Will to paint Steve a mural of his choice on the new wall, Mike joining in to mix paint and provide snacks. He sees Argyle and Jonathan blowing up party baloons and playing with static electricity, making their hair stick up in the weirdest ways possible, Robin and Nancy giggling at them and betting who can get the wildest hairstyle. He sees Max and Lucas arguing in hushed voices about which present Steve's going to like the best. And of course he sees Dustin who sneaks past Eddie, steals his lighter and starts lighting the candles on his cake.
They all gather around him, smiling, even Max has a grin on her usually stoic face. The metalhead beams at Steve and theatrically grabs a glass and a spoon, ringing them for attention. When everyone goes quiet, he climbs on top of a chair and clears his throat. "I will keep this short, we're all tired and your cake looks delicious, sue me. Ahem. From all of us who happen to love you, Steve Harrington, with all your pretty much non-existent flaws except for outshining all of our hair and not caring enough about the best tabletop game in the world - happy birthday. We're all fucking glad you were born."
As everyone claps and cheers, Eddie jumps down and pushes Steve into the circle of his friends, towards the cake.
Robin hugs him and tells him to blow the candles. "Wish for something, dingus."
Steve snorts, leans over the cake and thinks hard, as his parents told him, thinks about what he wants. His eyes still linger on his friends. "I can't think of a single thing," he admits with a huff.
"Aww, isn't he cute," teases Eddie, nudging Dustin's side.
Steve's eyes stay on Eddie for long, stretching seconds. "Well, maybe one thing." As he blows out the candles, he maintains eye contact with Eddie and well, doesn't the dungeon master have the prettiest blush he's ever seen.
And maybe it's birthday magic, maybe it's the universe trying to restore some balance into Steve's shitty life, but in this particular case wishes do come true. They come true on the same evening when Steve sneaks out with Eddie to share a cigarette, it involves a rogue drop of cake cream on Eddie's lips and who are they to waste such a great dessert?
Steve's parents could have never loved him, it's a simple fact. But for the first time in his life, he doesn't care a single bit.
(also, Steve does keep the couch, refusing to get it cleaned no matter what. He considers it a staple piece in his living room and Mike feels ridiculously proud whenever he sees it)
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breitzbachbea · 21 days
Could you answer ALL the questions for pady
Ask Game for someone's OCs
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Babyname website, ten most popular boys names in Ireland all time. I don’t know if I picked his surname from a similar/the same site, but I must assume so. Et voilà – Patrick “Paddy” O’Neill!
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Born on the 2nd of May 1965 in canon. He’s 48 in Irish Problems, the first story in the mainseries, which is usually the age range he also appears in in most AUs.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Ohhh, does he ever! My man used to be quite the charmer in his youth! Not really putting the love in love interest, but he had a ONS with Daisy Grey, the mother of Shane Grey, who’s part of Charlie’s gay social circle after he left school. He’s also had a few flings with Þóra, @swabianmapley’s lovely OC and one of the Icelandic subordinates. The list could go on - Ben didn't call him a louser for nothing!
But the woman he ends up dating (if I'll get this far in the main story and stick to it) is Donella Ramsay. She's a middle school physics and english teacher from Glasgow he met on a bender in Dublin, where she has relatives. It's ... an odd match, but it works out for both of them.
Shoutout to his childhood/teenhood friends Kilian MacLeod and Angus O'Malley though! I don't ship them in canon, but I love a good AU with Kilick, Padus or a Derry Trio OT3. Welcome to the worst Polycule this side of the Foyle, maybe in the entire North West.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Honestly, I think nothing would top a good full Irish breakfast roll for this man. Something as big as his entire hand, stuffed with eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms ... only acceptable way to start the day.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Be a menace to society! No literally, he's in the mob. Right hand to Harry O'Connel, the biggest shark in the Irish tank. Aaron O'Connel, Harry's father, was who picked Paddy off the Dublin streets and offered him to work for him. Ain't much of a living with the guilt his job produces but well, someone's got to protect the kids now and make their life cushy.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He plays the guitar! His father taught him. He also branched into other string instruments and is pretty good at the Banjo. His fiddling is good enough for government work. Needless to say, not only does he play, he also sings.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Being a calm mediator, to be honest. Everyone else always looks to him, due to his experience and Paddy's here to get shit done. Doesn't mean he's always calm or hides his emotions particularly well, but he's determined like no other and very good at both executing orders and giving orders. He's so splendid at being a father to be honest, it's a shame he never had any kids on his own, but doesn't matter - he loves Harry, Soph and Charlie to bits. Adopts every lost kid in need of a dad he can find, giving as much love as his big body can store.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Loves to be a bastard with his children, a carefree ne'er-do-well, hates that to live that life he routinely makes it worse for a hundred other families who're just struggling to get by. Paddy is filled to the brim with guilt, believes God no longer listens to him and that there's no redemption for a man like him.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Night out in the pub with friends in Derry; Kilian, Angus, a few others - and the daughter of the Orangeman who's none the wiser that his daughter is hanging with at least one Catholic and Rotten Prods and getting shifted by the latter.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Hearing about Kilian's death after the funeral already happened. Kilian's older brother Keith didn't want him there.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
It is! I rarely change designs, mostly because the hugest chunk of my characters exist solely as personality and a vague idea of a physical appearance for months, if not years. Paddy had his design pretty quickly because I had to describe him, but I love it anyways. Especially the fact that he's 2 m tall and built like a brickwall.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I needed a right hand man for my mafia story and I knew vaguely that there's Protestants in Northern Ireland. That's it and as I learnt more and more about the actual situation and nuances of Irish history and identity, it just has made Paddy more and more interesting.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Born to be in a romantic comedy or a GOOFY heist movie, forced to be in Angela's Ashes meets The Godfather.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Cishetero man as they come, though I make exceptions in AUs for Derry Trio OT3 shenanigans babyyyy. To be fair, too, he's moved in overwhelmingly queer circles due to the job and the kids in the past years that he's not at all fazed by the myriad of gender expressions and sexualities this world got to offer.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
None! However, he has/had a cousing called Caoimhe, who he loved so dearly, pretty much like an older sister. However, after his aunt/her mother died in a bombing, the family moved away and he never heard from her again.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Very good! Both of his parents died in the 80s, sadly, but he loved them very much and they did him. They also were both rather old parents (William O'Neill was born 1917, Davian O'Neill in the early 1920s), so it's sad they died so young regardless, but not out of the clear blue sky. As I said, his father taught him how to play guitar and Davina also always looked out for her son. Paddy wouldn't have left Derry if one of his parents were still alive.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
THE GHOOOOSTS, Paddy is so fucking haunted! He has lived three lives and to not lose the third one, he is willing to dig himself and everyone a grave without a bottom. Willing to do and encourage the worst things out of a deep, deep sense of love. He lost his cousin, his parents, Angus moved to London and then a bomb wrecked his and Kili's flat, so he walked out of town, left Kilian behind who died in the mid 2000s in a car crash. He got taken in by Aaron, traded his morals for a new family and helped raise Aaron's kids. Then Freya, Aaron's wife, dies in childbirth, Aaron's other right hand Ben gets shot in 2006 and Aaron accidentally poisoned in 2009. Once again, Paddy is the last man standing. So if anything happened to Harry, his sister Sophie or Harry's best friend Charlie, he'd kill everyone and then himself. No hyperbole. His actions in Irish Problems underscore that.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Pretty much any time I work on the mainseries. He isn't in every AU and I also write a lot of one-shots/other fanfics about entirely different corners of the world that have nothing to do with him, but Paddy never strays far from my mind. Since I've been rewriting Irish Problems since 2022, rarely a month went by without writing about him.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I've toyed with the idea of killing Paddy a lot, because he'd be potent drama. But at the end of the day, I could never go through with it because it breaks my own heart far too much.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Don't think he likes anything about bombs, but that's less of a phobia and more ... being traumatized by a civil war. He's got over his dislike of guns for the same reason, but still loathes most big guns and will not use anything automatic unless you held the man himself at gunpoint.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Ben was always the man to pick fights and hold grudges, so Paddy doesn't really have any personal nemesis or rivals. Team England can be counted as such, simply because they're Team Ireland's biggest antagonists, but he has no particular bone to pick with Arthur (unlike Harry), Robert (unlike Charlie) or Tahir.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Since 2013! "Like Father Like Son", how the entire story universe is called, was a Hetalia AU I created for an art trade. I needed human OCs for the story and that is how he came about.
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
14. Insane shit.
Here's a drawing of him done by @pyromaniacqueen!
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commissarpiglet · 11 days
Hey, look what I found...
First news source, dated 2012 describes that years Israeli politicians fundraising for their campaign from foreign sources, primarily from the US.
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[Image id: Money Comes From The U.S. reads as:
For this new report, each member of the Knesset was asked to give a list of campaign donors and the amounts received. Officials at the state comptroller's office told NPR they are currently in the process of checking and verifying the list, although a quick glance at the figures shows a clear trend.
The report says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised more than 90 percent of his campaign money in the United States. Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon, also from Netanyahu's conservative Likud bloc, raised 100 percent of his campaign contributions overseas - mostly in the US. end image id]
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[Image id: Titled Many Americans Prepared To Give reads as:
Wilf didn't choose to fundraise in the U.S. herself; her campaign money came entirely from her own personal fortune. But she says she understands Israeli politicians who accept help from often eager American donors.
"Americans are trained to give money to politicians. It is in the system," Wilf says. "They know this is how politics work. So when a politician tells them, 'I'm running,' it makes sense to them to give money. I've had many American Jews offer to help me. And I tell them, 'I don't need it, I'm fine.' But that's their way of saying, 'We want to help you. We want to support you. We like the work that you are doing.' "
Back in the Knesset cafeteria, politicians speculate about the upcoming elections and what surprises may be in store.
Hoffman says that Israelis have shown time and again they don't really care where or how their elected officials raise money.
"Israelis don't care where their politicians get their money from," Hoffman says. "There are politicians that have been convicted of illegal fundraising that are making political comebacks right now, and people don't have any problem with it whatsoever."
What's more important to Israelis, he says, is that their elected officials have the elbows to get the job done. end image id]
If anybody wants to jump in this rabbit hole with me, or already has, I'd love to get a break down of just how much the US (and others if it's relevant) are funding Israeli politicians. So far it seems like sources outside of Israel can only fund primaries, but I'd bet that's enough for US interests to be involved in Israeli elections.
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luv4fandoms · 1 year
Hi babe! Hope you’re feeling better. Just kind of going off that ask someone sent in last week about the boys’ ages and age order. But where do you think they’re all from? Like I know (and fucking love) you headcanon that Marko is Italian and David is from somewhere in the south, but what about the others? I know I’d be hella down to read any origins headcanons you come up with! ;)
Hello Sweetie! I'm feeling a lot better thank you, actually had the energy to get a Christmas present done today lol.
As I always tend to do...I think I went a little over and above what you were asking but lol. I hope this answers your question ☺️
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So I headcanon that David was born in Texas (mostly cause David with a Texan drawl 🥵). His father and mother, having just married, heard that the Mexican government needed settlers to protect it from foreign invasion, after the Mexican Revolution of 1824, and they offered liberal land grants to anyone who would become citizens, accept the Catholic faith, and settle there. (I know that in the prequel script it says they were all turned in about 1906 but I'm throwing that out the window since the movie never got made lol) David was born in 1873, and was turned in 1894 when he was 21.
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The Huron tribes were mainly in what is now Southern Ontario/ Québec and Southeast Michigan, so I headcanon that Dwayne was originally born in what is now Southeast Michigan. Now when the U.S. government eventually forced tribal members to sell their lands, they subsequently migrated to Kansas and then to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma).
I think while he was living in Kansas was when Dwayne and David met. After all, Kansas was a state David had been to many times when he would do cattle drives with his father. I kinda wanna headcanon that David may have come in contact with Dwayne's tribe before and maybe had a slight friendship with him.
I headcanon that Dwayne was born around 1872 and was turned around 1897 when he was 25
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Now as I have stated before (and will now fight for) Marko was born in Italy (we love our Italian Stallion 🥰) but he moved to New York when his family migrated to America. He was only in America for about two years before he happened upon David and Dwayne (by happened upon, like I said before, he tried to pickpocket David lol). The boys got to know Marko for a couple of months before they offered him the blood. He was born in 1931 and turned in 1953 when he was 22.
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I headcanon that Paul was born in Florida (I may be a bit biased because I'm from Florida but lol) Florida was a big state to be in in the 1940s-1950s, usually for well off people. Paul's dad was one of those well off people, that's why when his company wanted him to take a job with their branch in New York that would offer him more money, he did. Moving little 10 year old Paul to the Big Apple in 1953. It wouldn't be until 14 years later when Paul met Marko at a night gathering that was happening during the infamous Summer Of Love. (Before that Paul had been very much on the straight and narrow and never wandered around much at night so he was never on the boy's radar). Marko was looking for food and Paul just figured he spotted a new friend. (Marko was honestly gonna eat him, figuring he would be an easy kill, but then he realized he actually liked his company).
Paul was born in 1943 and turned in 1967 when he was 24
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I also just realized that this means that David and Dwayne were by themselves (aside from Max if he was around) for around 53 years before they met Marko. I think this kinda fits cause I can see both of them as being the type that is fine with little company, where as it was only 14 years between Marko joining and Paul joining and I think this is because of coming from a large family, Marko needs company.
I know in the movie David actually calls to or calls upon Marko the most and I wanna headcanon (like I mentioned in my other hcs) That Marko reminds David of one of his younger brothers that he lost, and that's why they have a different sort of relationship than they do with the other boys.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 3
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
???: — Oh, hey there.
???: I’m the person you’re looking for, right?
Rin: Huh…!?
(“The person I’m looking for”...)
I blinked in surprise at the man who suddenly appeared before me.
Kido: — Doctor Mori, why are you here?
Katsu: Mori? … Oh, he’s that military doctor, right?
The man named “Mori” nodded enthusiastically in response to Kido and Katsu.
Mori: Oh? Nice to meet you. My name is Mori Ogai. I’m a military doctor and professional writer.
(“Mori Ogai”?)
My heart skipped a beat.
(He has the same name as the doctor in the letter.)
Mori: A government official who admired my skills called me here. I just finished the treatments.
Saito: ! There should be members of the Drawn-Sword Regiment among them…
Mori: Ah, your comrades? I treated them well, so they should have no problems or prognostic symptoms…
Saito heaved a sigh of relief at Mori’s words.
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Mori: Anyway… I didn’t expect to meet you today, Rin.
Rin: My name…
(He knows my name. This is definitely the right person…)
Kido: … I see. Doctor Mori is the doctor Rin is searching for.
Mori: Exactly.
(He’s the person I’m searching for…!)
I was shocked to see that he looked younger than I had expected.
Moreover, I also didn’t expect to meet him here.
Saito: … That’s surprising. How did you know that she’s looking for you?
Mori: Hmm, because of my doctor instincts, maybe? And she's a former patient of mine?
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Katsu: What nonsense.
Kido: … You were eavesdropping.
Mori: Am I caught?
Saito: Nevertheless, it’s great that the two of you met.
Saito looked at me and smiled, I nodded.
Rin: Yes…! It’s all thanks to you and everyone else.
(Thank goodness Saito brought me here…)
If it weren't for him, I might never have this lucky opportunity to meet Doctor Mori.
Saito: I didn't do anything helpful.
Katsu: Whatever it is, this is a good thing. So we’ll leave the rest to you?
Mori: Ah, of course. I’m done with my work here, so let’s head back to my place and have a chat.
Rin: Sure, thank you so much!
When I first arrived in Tokyo, I was worried about what could go wrong, but…
(Mm, it looks like things are going in the right direction.)
Rin: Then…
Just as I was about to say goodbye to everyone—
Kido: … Please hold on.
Kido stopped me from leaving.
Rin: Yes?
Kido: Do you have a place to stay in Tokyo?
Rin: Oh…
(Actually, I haven't decided on that.)
I was a little tight on cash, so I was intending to temporarily stay in a cheap inn.
Mori: You can come to my place!
Rin: What.
Mori made a suggestion, seemingly realizing what I was thinking.
Rin: But that would be too much of a bother to you…
Mori: You can help me with some work. Moreover, your cooking is delicious, so I welcome you with open arms!
Mori said while waving his hand in an exaggerated manner, and I tilted my head in puzzlement.
Rin: How… how did you know about my cooking?
Mori: Ah, your grandmother wrote about it in her letters to me.
Mori: She wrote that you made delicious dishes in her restaurant, and was of big help to her!
Rin: My grandmother said that?
(So that’s how grandmother talked about me.)
I felt a fuzzy feeling in my heart.
(Mori has had personal contact with grandmother, and if he’s saying this…)
Rin: Can I accept your offer and stay at your place?
Mori: Of course!
Rin: But I’ll feel bad if all I do is help you with things… I’ll definitely find a proper job elsewhere.
Rin: I’m thinking of getting a job as a kitchen assistant at a restaurant.
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Kido: …
Kido was pondering about something while staring at me.
Rin: …?
I tilted my head sideways and he slowly spoke up.
Kido: … Rin. If it's alright with you, how about you work as a service staff for the Meiji Government?
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honeybewrites · 7 days
okay so i'm definitely going to do a deeper dive of your wip posts when i have time, but i saw you mention some of your secondary/minor characters like asurr and airvix- i don't think i've seen much about them, but just from that other ask where they were briefly mentioned they sound really interesting!! i would like to request any rambles you have about them if you're up for it lol
I am always up for rambles!!! And thank you for even just briefly stopping by my corner of the internet :) It makes me so happy!!!
This also turned out way longer than I expected it too. Oops.
Let's start with Ronan (Rage) Airvix!
The Airvix name is well known through Mirralia. All members of the name are well established figures of society. Think politicians, high ranking military, predominant healers, that kind of thing. So Ronan comes from a long line of high expectations, and he did not disappoint.
He went to healing school to become a certified Healer, and then joined the Mirralian military as a pilot and field Healer. His name quickly became well known through the Mirralian government as one of the best pilots they'd ever had.
Soldiers would always say to new recruits and people who had never worked with him before, "You better confess your sins (aka injuries from being stupid) now, unless you want to deal with Rage." The nickname stuck. And it suited him too. Rage's hot temper when it comes to healing is well known, but otherwise, he's a complete puppy!
Very friendly, talkative, kind, and maybe just a tad fatherly. It always surprises people as they expect with a big name like his, he'd have gotten a pretty big head.
What surprises people more, if the fact that he's blind. Rage has no trouble getting around or even fighting. When he was very young, he was involved in an accident that blinded him. Stubborn and determined as he is, especially at that age, he learned how to use elemental (the WIPs version of magic) to "see." Similar to Toph from AtLA, Rage can see his surroundings, outlines and details. You could also think of it like a bat. It has greatly increased his energy stamina (something required to use elemental) and in turn allows him to use more "taxing" elemental without getting quite as exhausted.
While in the Mirralian military, with his name being spread like fire, the Mors took an interest in him. And eventually, they offered him a job. Field handler and healer to some of their Assets and squads. The pay was ten times better, and so was the rank as the Mors were a special division. Plus, Rage was teased to possibly being let onto a high class project with his old school mate, Healer Asurr.
So Rage accepted the position. And that's how he came to meet 703 and adopt her become her field handler!
Now for Healer Asurr!
Dyvx Asurr was just your average kid. They came from a decent off family, an only child, and they had a pretty good childhood. They were exceptional in school, earning the top grades in every class, even skipping a few years. But Asurr always had a fascination for... questionable things.
They had several healing books and would often spend hours reading about some of the most horrendous acts committed during the Dragon War. Asurr could retain information like an encyclopedia and was constantly coming up with new ideas.
They would often capture animals and conduct experiments on them. They kept a very detailed log in a journal about their findings and future experiments they wished to conduct. Slowly though, they started moving to bigger, less four legged creatures for their experiments. Their log expressed a deep desire to conduct several experiments on other intelligent beings.
After graduating basic school early, Asurr went on to healing school where they met Airvix. The two were close, though Airvix never knew of his friend's experiments or other questionable hobbies. The two went their separate ways after school.
Finally free and out on their own, Asurr went about trying to make their desired experiments a reality. It took a few years, but they were finally able to kidnap a Mirralian. One just shy of crossing the legal age. His experiment went gruesomely wrong and resulted in the Mirralian's death.
It quickly caught the government and media's attention. Along with the Mors. Healer Asurr faced trial and was convicted. The public was told they would be sentenced to twenty years of confinement. However, that was not the sentence carried out. Instead, Healer Asurr was interviewed by the Mors. The Mors were curious about their theories and experiments, and Healer Asurr was more than happy to tell them. After the long interview, Asurr was offered a job with the Mors. A very high position, with all the resources they could ask for, to carry out their experiments. The Mors had a very special project they wanted Asurr to perfect for them.
Project Viall.
The project that would eventually create Asset 703.
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zelda7999 · 1 year
New Horizons - An Accidentally Undercover fic
Words: 2,454 | Approx. reading time 9:05 min
My first publicly posted writing! x.x Not beta read, nor edited! Any and all mistakes are mine. 
A story in which we follow a different Y/N and meet Eclipse! Explosions follow suit and bonds are sparked!  Really hope I did him justice ;; aaaaaa enjoy! Story under the cut! 
Accidentally Undercover by @lavenoon 
One moment you found yourself top of your class in both Electric Engineering and Chemistry. The next you found several things in your vicinity exploding. It’s not that you meant for them to explode! Really you just thought it would be fun if your presentation contained a little more… Pizzazz! Colours! And most importantly, some bang! So they would really remember it. It was meant to be harmless, just some fluorescent lights and some neon! All of which is typically safe and can be pretty when used correctly… When used correctly.
At some point the metal base of the fluorescents had lost insulation, meaning it had melted and caused a severe pressure imbalance and therefore… Explosions followed suit. One, then two, then five, and multiplying. Your professor started shouting for everyone to evacuate and anyone who may have been injured to go to the nurses office immediately, and you found yourself running out with everyone. A kind of self-preservation autopilot, and that’s how the remainder of the day felt afterwards. Autopilot.
 Going from class, to the Electrical Engineering department head’s office, then the Dean’s office, and lastly to your dorm to pack up all of your things. Apparently what you had done was destructive enough and dangerous enough to warrant your immediate expulsion. So much for those degrees, and for this college for that matter. It was the second in the past four years. You were getting so close too! At least this meant you would get a break to work on your personal projects, a definite plus for now at least.
 A couple weeks later you were in your garage working a robotic arm into place, the bolt just would not tighten no matter how much pressure applied to it. A frustration for another day it would seem as the sound of your mailbox stole your focus. All tools forgotten and quickly traded for a handy letter opener. You skimmed all the letters, spam, spam, mail for the previous tenant, bank, and oh? The last one looked quite important actually. Nothing to identify it on the outside other than a nonrecognizable logo. If you had skimmed over it like the other mail, you might have assumed it was from the government.
 One slice of a letter opener later, and you couldn’t believe what was in the letter. First, it was a job offer. Second, it was a job offer for a Secret Agency. You had no clue why they were offering you job, but there was only one way to find out… And you needed a better source of income anyways. Freelance was not treating you kindly. So with not much thought (which you probably should have thought about it a bit longer than you did) you accepted the job.
 The first day approached fast, and a lot of information along with it. First you were provided with a code name, which haha very funny. The codename given to you was Neon. Fitting, but now you really wanted to know how they knew, or why they knew. Your first thought was ‘duh, secret agency’ but that wasn’t enough for you. A deep need was arising within you craving to know why they found interest in you. Sure you had a track record, and an extensive knowledge in electrical engineering and chemistry, but you didn’t think it was something secret agent worthy.
 Second, after your code name, you were then given a small tour of your new work environment. Not very extensive, but what you’re shown will be handy in learning more later on. As you follow the agent assigned with giving you the tour a loud BANG sounds from one of the many doors. While you find yourself jumping the height of a frightened cat, the agent you’re following only reacts with a sigh.
 You almost don’t want to ask, but the curiosity would eat at you if you didn’t, “What was that?”
 “Your soon to be Supervisor.” The agent barely gets this out between the sigh they try to contain and the distain now painted on their face. A normal person would be concerned by that statement, but now you really wanted to meet your supervisor.
 “Is that a normal occurrence?”
 “Unfortunately. I would add the fire department on speed-dial if I were you. Follow me.“
 You didn’t even have to ask as it seemed the agent was now leading you to meet your new supervisor. You didn’t even know his codename yet, only told they were an animatronic. An animatronic who seemed to have an affinity for explosions…? You had a feeling you were going to like them. Even if most of your explosions were accidental… They were still really fun to witness and learn from.
 The sight of the door isn’t a surprise. Soot covered what small amount of glass there was, and on the floor sooty footprints were easy to spot. Thankfully you don’t hear any fire or yelling, a very good sign considering the explosion just happened. The agent guide knocks on the lab door, there’s no response at first. A small disappointment, maybe you wouldn’t meet him today, but the disappointment disappears near instantly when a voice calls “All clear!” from inside.
 Your guide opens the door and you’re already on his heels as he does. The lab inside is large and bright. Despite the smoke and soot coating the ground most of the white still showed through. The white fire extinguisher foam everywhere was helping with that too.
 “I hope we won’t be needing to call the fire department again, Agent Horizon.”
 Your tour guides voice draws your attention back. Tearing your eyes from the messy scene before you to your guide and a very tall animatronic. He had to be somewhere between 7 or 8 feet tall, maybe more if you included the rays circling the faceplate. If the height wasn’t enough to catch your attention, the four arms is definitely the next to. His lower set scribbling away at a clipboard of notes and his remaining two both fidgeting with individual fidget toys. You must have been staring pretty intently because now his eyes were on you.
 “Do I have soot on my face?”
 “Oh- No, no you don’t. Sorry! I uh, I’m um…”
 Your tour guide pipes up before you can embarrass yourself further, “This is Agent Neon. Your newest lab assistant.“
 One of his many hands if offered to you, once accepted you’re trapped in an energetic handshake.
 “Eclipse, nice to meet you Agent Neon!” there’s an abrupt pause that’s quickly filled, “Horizon actually. My code name is Horizon.”
 You struggle to hide your grin as without missing a beat you reply with, “I’m Y/N. Hopefully giving my own name Eclipses the fact you gave me yours, but if you’d rather we could start with new Horizons in mind.”
 You wait for a sigh to follow but it never comes, instead Eclipses expression brightens significantly. You do however get the longed for sigh from your tour guide.
 “We should continue with the tour, the lab needs to be cleaned anyways it would seem.”
 Damn it, you were hoping for a little more interaction before being whisked away… But maybe you could stay? Maybe if you offered to help clean? Maybe if-
 “Y/N could help us clean and I could finish the tour. Agent Neon bright be better use of Lumen resources here.”
 Did he? Did he just make puns out of your code name? Oh goodness is this love? A giggle erupts from you and your tour guide sighs even more. It really looked like they had half a mind to leave right then and there. That’s when Eclipse turns to you.
 “What do you say? Want to help clean? Or cat got your tungsten?“
 More giggles force their way out of your throat as you nod vigorously. You’re so caught up with your own enjoyment the departure of your previous tour guide is missed entirely. If this is your supervisor, you’re going to enjoy this new job a little too much. Especially if the banter can stay this friendly while working.
 “So what were you doing before that cause an explosion? Also where are the cleaning supplies kept in here?”
 A joyful hum sounds from Eclipse’s voice box as he starts off in a direction, one of his arms motioning for you to follow him.
 “A new prototype. Intended to be used as a distraction and weapon on the field, a little iron sulfide goes a long way!”
 “A little? The whole lab is practically covered in soot! If I didn’t know better I would have thought the lab was soot coloured.“
 “We needed to know how much to put into the prototypes, and what better way to find out than testing!”
 The two of you stop in front of a supply closet filled to the brim with cleaning supplies. Looks like a little bit more than a typical lab might need, but if explosions were a norm around here… This was probably a valid amount. You grab a few items to assist in the cleaning, but find yourself falling a little short when you can’t reach the last item you need. Of course it’s on the top shelf. Do you embarrass yourself and ask for help? Or do you embarrass yourself by not asking for help and inevitably knocking something over…
 The latter sounded slightly more appealing, at least then you could say you were just clumsy if you did knock something over. Positioning yourself close to the shelf you stand as tall as possible, but even your tippy-toes don’t quite get you there. You couldn’t even graze the item with your finger tips if you wanted to. You’ve half a mind to climb up to it when a purple hand comes into view and said item is lowered to your hands.
 “Oh- Thank you.”
 “Not a problem!”
 It’s a small gesture, grabbing something for you without having to ask, but it made your heart sing. With all the cleaning supplies procured it’s time to get to work. It’s easy enough to get all the fire extinguisher foam cleaned, the soot is a little more difficult. Not enough to let it stay there however. Meanwhile as you cleaned both you and the taller animatronic quipped puns back and forth. Starting with the theme of cleaning, then trailing off to chemistry, and ending on celestial. It was all too tempting not to, and it seemed like Eclipse enjoyed them as much as you did.
 You’ve almost finished what you’re working on scrubbing out when a thought occurs. If his current prototype was meant to be a distraction and weapon, maybe something even smaller than what he had done previously would work better. Neon didn’t need much energy to be activated, and any energy provided could also be used to trigger an opening mechanism. Without thinking you promptly blurt out the new idea that’s plagued your mind.
 “What if for your prototype it was the size of a cat-ball? A little iron oxide on the inside, a small mechanism to open the sealed ball, and to make it distracting some neon for the glow. I don’t know if it would exactly work… Maybe not with that size but-”
 “Let’s find out!”
 “Wait what? It would be dangerous, someone could definitely get hurt.“
 “Nonsense, let’s get started!”
 “But didn’t something just explode?“
 “It’ll be fine! Lab safety isn’t real and therefore can’t hurt me!”
 “I don’t think that’s how it work- but if you’re certain… Then I think I have an idea for the mechanism!”
 The other lab assistants in the room share a knowing look before resigning themselves to helping. Eclipse leads you to a spot where you can write down and show your design idea, he even adds his own improvements as you go. The excitement from the acceptance of your idea, working on it with him and bouncing ideas back and forth fuels you significantly more than you could have imagined. While you both write and brainstorm Eclipse offers you one of his fidgets, a little stretchy star themed doughball. You accept gladly, it gives you hands something to do during the points that you and Eclipse are simply talking and discussing instead of writing.
 By the end of the planning the two of you end up with a fresh prototype to test out. A little cat-ball with neon and iron oxide. Not a combination you would normally go for, but it would work for it’s intended purpose. For now you only had two of them, one to test now and one to adjust later.
 “So what are the protocols for testing it?”
 “Do you have a clipboard ready?”
 “Stand behind me and get ready to write then!”
 “Wait what? But wouldn’t you-”
 “Nonsense! Let’s get started!”
 Was this really the procedure for this? No way, it can’t be. A quick look towards the other lab assistants confirm however, that this is the protocol. Eclipse prompts you to follow him back to the freshly cleaned part of the lab and you timidly stand close behind him. He was actually going for it. No wonder explosions were a constant here! But you couldn’t deny… This way of testing already sounds a lot more fun.
 Eclipse calls with a quick check around the room. Everyone else is already cleared way or left the area. Meanwhile you and Eclipse were dead centre of it all. Oh goodness, maybe this wasn’t the protocol. No backing down now!
 There’s a soft whir from Eclipse and then the click of the cat-ball sounds, accompanied shortly after by the sound of glass rolling on tile. It should explode roughly 5 second after activation… Five, four, thr- BOOM! You didn’t get to finish as the heat of it brushes against you and Eclipses lap coat almost blinds you with how fast it’s in your face.
 The thrill in his voice is hard to miss. The excitement bubbling in your own voice is also hard to miss. Causing something to explode on purpose, and it had pizzazz! And a definite bonus was that fact that standing behind him worked and it felt safe. 
 “It went off before three, we might have miscalculated the timing.”
You’re instantly writing this down and providing your own insights as you do. The others in the room share another look(tm) as they all rush to put out the fire you and Eclipse ignore in turn of writing down these findings as fast as possible. This was beginning to turn into a beautiful relationship! You were going to like this job alright. Especially if everyday was something like this.
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Just thinkin bout that time I’d graduated my first class legal honours degree with a near perfect GPA and had several top tier law firms offering me grad jobs and my future looked bright and I was finally gonna be the first person from my chronically poor family to make something of themselves and contribute to society and not have to worry about putting food on the table, and then the very next day after my graduation ceremony I got shackled with a $20 000 robodebt, because I’d had the audacity to work a casual job while studying, so that I didn’t have to rely entirely on welfare and tax-payer money, and having that government ‘debt’ automatically precluded me from registering as a lawyer and accepting any of the grad roles I’d been offered, but even at that point I thought oh well obviously there’s been a mistake and if I just send in my payslips they’ll see I actually haven’t been overpaid, but every time I sent in my payslips they were ‘lost’, because apparently basic maths is too fucking difficult for Centrelink, so instead of going through my payslips and checking what I’d been entitled to on a weekly basis (as would be the barest legal expectation of any other debt collector before even raising a debt at all), they’d just taken my annual pay summary, divided by twelve and decided I owed money, and like hell they were gonna look at any evidence to the contrary, so being a law student (and tbh kind of a bitch) I decided to go full hammo, and found out these fucking snakes had actually accessed my bank account, without my consent or even knowledge, to see how much in savings I’d had, so they could pull that $20 000 figure out of their assholes, thinking that since I had $20 000 in savings I’d just pay up, but I didn’t, so then the threats started coming in, I was going to lose my possessions, I was going to be bankrupt, I was banned from leaving the country, I’d be arrested at the airport if I tried, and if I didn’t start repaying this unsubstantiated debt I’d wind up in jail, and I had to take that seriously since, being a first class honours student I knew that %99 of C’Link prosecutions end up with jail sentences, in fact the majority of females in Australian prisons are there over a C’Link debt (mostly because the law is skewed in the government’s favour and it’s pretty much impossible to win in court against the Australian government, and even if you do they’ll just write some legislation to overturn whatever decision they don’t like) so I had to start paying them $10 a week, just to keep myself out of jail, even though they hadn’t proved in the slightest that I owed any money and in fact were ignoring and destroying any evidence to the contrary, and at this point I was unemployed, because I couldn’t get those grad jobs while I had a government ‘debt’ to my name, so not having the financial safety net most of law students have I became homeless (actually I used that $20 000 savings to buy a van to live in, since I was expecting the worst) and every week I’d have to report to C’Scum, telling them I was still homeless and couldn’t afford to pay more than $10 a week (tbh I couldn’t even afford that), so for the next few years that was my life, just drifting aimlessly in my shitty van, paying C’Snake $10 a week while they threatened to do all sorts of things to me that any other debt collector certainly couldn’t get away with, the pandemic happened during this time, and all the gyms shut, so I couldn’t even have a shower for months at a time, I had surgery for skin cancer and because of unhygienic conditions it got infected and left me horribly scarred, so I definitely didn’t have any employment because a) there was nothing, and b) I looked and smelled like shit, concurrently all of my friends and family abandoned me, because government propaganda had instilled so deeply in everyone’s head that anyone who owed money to the government was a piece of shit, and so successful was the government’s ‘dole bludger’ campaign that even my own parents took the government’s side over their previously bright, successful, well-behaved, honour roll, perfect daughter, and while I was living on the streets they were livin it up and ignoring me, and then Gordon Legal comes along, bless their fuckin souls, and starts what ended up being the biggest class action in Australian history, and I was vindicated, C’Skank had to void my debt and repay the meagre amount I’d paid them, and it was bittersweet because it was right on the deadline for me registering as a lawyer after obtaining a law degree, so I still can’t register as a lawyer and will never be able to, I ran out of time, I can’t get any of those grad jobs that I studied a whole decade for, and after that I was stuck on benefits for a while, but eventually I put that GPA to work and made it big in the stock market, at least big enough to get by anyway, and happy ending right? Except I’m still not allowed to leave the country, my name’s on the government shit list, my face is in their CCTV facial recognition database, I get cops tailing me left, right and centre (shout out to the ASIO worker reading this, I hope you have a bad day), and still everyone acts like I’m the criminal whose done something wrong, I get lectures all the time about how my dole bludging ass needs to just pay whatever money the government demands of me, who cares about the facts, if the government says jump, you say how high, amirite, but that’s gotten a little less in my face since it became clear I have money, which I guess will make anyone shut tf up (and also I gotta give a mention to the handful of fellow robodebt victims, who might not be as publicly ballsy as I am, but still quietly show me support, since they’ve been in the same situation of having their lives upheaved by the vicious authoritarianism of the Australian government, and I also want to mention that most other robodebt victims are much more vulnerable than I am, I am privileged to have a legal education and to have a idgaf personality, most other robodebt victims are far worse off than I am), and now it turns out there’s actually legislation in the pipeline to overturn that court decision declaring the robodebt scheme to be glorified revenue raising, and to reinstate all these fake robodebts, thanks Labor your “left-wing” is really showing, shitting on the poor and vulnerable in these economically trying times is exactly what you were voted in for, but anyway TL;DR moral to the story is fuck the entire Australian government, whatever fucking side of politics they think they’re on, I hope all of you motherfuckers burn.
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