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alexa-fika · 5 months
You should make winged!child a series
And can you do the scene where the Marines are surrounding the island and the reader is outside
New Begginings (Mihawk x male!winged!Child!Reader)
A/N: Okay I ‘ll be honest I totally finished this yesterday but was too lazy to edit it I beg for your forgiveness 🐼 💕 🧎🏽‍♀️ . But to pay back I COOKED LET ME TELL YOU I COOKED HERE, I think, I hope? Kinda nervous cause I really like how this one turns out and I see this one being able to become more in the future so I really hope y’all like it?
Dividers by @/saradika
Part two ish?
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“Ah, it’s getting dark. I should go back inside; sorry, Mister. Humandrill! My papa said I shouldn't be outside alone when it’s dark!” He said to his ape companion, waving as he turned around to return to the castle until a sound made them turn back around.
The boy's eyes widen at the sight. There on the shore were fleets of the Navy making his way closer to Kuragaina Island.
He slowly stepped back from the coast, falling over a small rock, as tears start to well in his eyes in fear.
He is quick to snap out of it at the sound of a cannonball being shot and landing not far from the winged boy, stumbling his way up and dashing toward the castle, his wings flapping to try to accelerate his pace.
The child runs frantically towards the castle, his tears falling in panic as he approaches the castle gates. However, his haste soon causes him to stumble yet again, a cannonball quickly heading his way.
He sobs, covering themselves with his wings to lessen the impact, squeezing his eyes shut.
Reader’s eyes shot open when he heard the sound of two collisions next to him; before him now stood their father, his expression being far more serious than usual, his signature hat nowhere to be seen instead, the cannonball now lay in front of him cleanly cut in half
“Are you alright?” Mihawk said sternly in a low tone, scooping his child up and running towards the castle.”
“Dad, what’s happening?”
"The Marines have finally made their move," Mihawk replied, carrying his child quickly into the castle, locking the doors, and walking toward his quarters
“Reader, we’re going to move away from here; it is no longer safe,” he said, packing his belongings.
“Are we going to be okay?”
“Reader. Nothing will happen; I will not allow them to touch you; we simply must move so that they do not pester us again.”
“O-okay,” he sniffles, a sound catching his attention, walking towards it, grabbing the item, and walking towards his father.
“Hm?” Mihawk replies, looking up from packing his belongings to see what caught the child’s attention.
“S-someone’s calling,” he said quietly, putting the transponder snail on the table his father was packing his belongings on and drying the tears from his face only to be replaced by new ones.
Mihawk immediately stopped packing his belongings to look at the transponder snail. A frown appeared on his eyebrows, and he quickly picked it up.
“Kuahahah, I heard you have lost your Warlord perks, Hawkeye?” A voice drawls
Mihawk sighs; the transponder snail had suddenly become a nuisance.
"... What do you want, Crocodile?” He snaps in his usual monotone tone.
“The navy continues swarming the island. It is a nuisance, but I must relocate.”
“Come here then,” he offers
Mihawk stills in his movements, tilting his head towards the drawling of the transponder snail.
“That doesn't sound so bad, does it?” Crocodile questions
“You were once known as the Navy hunter; you and I are the same…in that we trust no one but ourselves. But you have someone, don’t you? Heard you have got yourself a little one,” he mutters,
“If we team up, his safety will be assured; he would be behind an impenetrable organization; we will be an organization the Navy can’t ignore.”
Mihawk stares at the communication snail momentarily to process what he has heard. His expression remains unchanged, but now his eyes are narrowed in thought. He glances at the boy before him, still drying his tears from their previous scare.
It was true; Reader had become the one person he had his full trust in, and the way things were going, the navy would become more ruthless in their attacks, and it was only a matter of time before they…he would not let that happen. He sighs, scooping the kid up and cradling them, soothing him into sleep.
“….What do you have in mind?”
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What do you guys think? Should I do a part 2 where Mihawk and reader arrive at Karai Barai Island? I have an idea on one small scene that could occur there but I need you guys help to give me ideas to kinda pull something toguether, since a lot of this would be between the scenes of what we see in the manga.
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midnightlizard · 2 months
Christmas help
Kate Bishop x gn!reader
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Summary: basically the plot of Hawkeye, but with reader as Kate's partner
Warnings: Hawkeye spoilers, angst with a happy ending, some curse words
Word count: 5256
"okay I know it may sound crazy, but you have to believe me"
"why wouldn't I believe you?"
"well, because this is really crazy"
"Kate honey, we've been together for a while, I think I’m used to your level of craziness." You shrugged your shoulders.
"no-ugh" She removed one hand from her pocket to grab your wrist and pull you into a less crowded street, which was hard considering it was Christmas time. "this time, it was crazy for me too. I met...an avenger"
At this you widened your eyes. A thing that not many people knew, your girlfriend being one of them, is that you were the newest avenger, fighting crimes for almost five years now, but the other avengers agreed that with you still being a student it was safer to hide your identity. You trusted them not to tell random people who you were, but the thought did cross your mind.
"excuse me, you met who? Who did you meet?" You might already knew the answer by the excitement on her face, but you still wanted a confirmation.
"I met Hawkeye" she whisper-yelled "you could say we're partners now"
"partners...with Clint?"
"yea I figured he's not the most social person in the world but we, wait" she suddenly stops, confusion on her face "how do you know his name?"
"you remember the whole ultron thing? all the avengers' informations got leaked, i read his name" You shrugged. Thank god for those drama classes and quick thinking. "how did you meet him?" you changed the subject, and she seemed to fall into your trap.
"do you remember that charity thing my mom hosted right? turns out there was a big illegal auction and, you know Ronin? yea his suit was there and the tracksuit mafia wanted to buy it but I stole it before they could, I didn't want it I didn't know it was there, I was there just because my mom forced me to go, you know I don't like the parties my mom throws-"
"Kate" you stopped her messy rant, repeating your question. "how did you meet Clint?"
She nodded, collecting her thoughts before speaking again. "Clint knows Ronin wants his suit back, but we first have to take down these people, and it's better if we do it before Christmas because he made a promise to his family to be celebrate it with them."
You sighed, that was typical of Clint, he wouldn't leave if he knew a civilian was in danger. You never heard of this tracksuit mafia, but if it wanted Ronin, it's not something to joke about.
"that's why you have those cuts on you face?"
"yea we got into -a kind of- a fight, after we...got kidnapped, well he did. I just followed him." she responded hesitantly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I had to help him. And yes I should have told you but that's why I called you. I wanted to spend a little time with you while I grabbed something to eat." she raised the bag she was holding.
"let's go home, you need to take care of those wounds" you said, knowing she doesn't know how to do that.
"wait let's go to my aunt's place, I told Clint I would bring some food."
- - - -
"Clint? I'm back!" Kate called, closing the door after letting you in "oh right he can't hear" she continued once she didn't get a response.
Said man raised his head from the newspaper he was holding when he saw movement. Once your eyes locked, his seemed to widen. With you being behind Kate, you were able to shake your hand and put a finger on your lips, hoping he would catch the signal.
"Kate why did you bring a friend? You know this is dangerous, they need to go home." Thank god he caught it.
"no no listen, I mean-" she took a notebook from the table and started writing on it 'they're my partner, (Y/N), I trust them completely and they can handle themselves'
Clint stared at the words for a moment, before rolling his eyes while nodding.
"woah..okay thanks, I thought it would have taken more convincing..." The brunette muttered under her breath. Well...he's better at doing his job than being an actor.
While she went to put the groceries in the kitchen, you signed to Clint 'I'll explain later'
He didn't have time to reply when his phone started ringing. Kate re-entered the room to help him, but you were already by the man's side, signing what Nathaniel was saying.
"uh yeah it's...tonight is movie marathon night, that's right, um I really wish I could be there with you" You and Kate exchanged looks, you could see a glimpse of guilt and worry in her eyes before he continued.
"I think I'll be back in the next day or so in time for our ugly Christmas sweater party. I'll be there buddy"
There was silence on both ends after that, before Nathaniel spoke again, "I love you dad"
You started signing but Clint beat you to it and responded with 'I love you more'.
When the call ended he nodded as a thanks and went into another room. Kate turned to look at you "I didn't know you knew sign language"
You put your hands in your pockets, a light nervousness clear in your voice "well, yeah because I never told you, I was mute for almost five years when I was a kid. Selective mutism to be exact."
She forrowed her eyebrows "I didn't know that either- why didn't I know that?"
You sighed, shaking your head "it's just a small part of my past, one I would prefer not to remember, that's all" before she could respond, you interrupted. "let me mend those wounds."
- - - -
"you want to go to your mother's house? And you want me to come along?" after taking care of kate, you repaired Clint's hearing device, Tony taught you how to, since you and him often had missions together. And now the adult archer was able to listen to your conversation.
"yes, (Y/N). Clint knows what we're looking for and I know all the passwords, we need you to alert us if my mom comes back before the time, entertain her until we are done."
"I don't know Kate...your mom doesn't like me. With what excuse am I into her house? 'oh hi miss Bishop I was just waiting for your daughter and instead of knocking I decided to just break into your house, but oh! would you like a cup of tea? a long cup of tea?' you don't even live there" you tried to explain your point, hoping she would see it.
"they're right Kate, we can't bring them into our mess, it's already bad enough that you are. I can't protect both of you." she was about to rebut but eventually closed her mouth, nodding her head.
"I'll let you two to your mission then." you announced, rising from your spot on the couch. Kate raised too, accompanying you to the door.
Once you arrived, you took her hands in yours, raising you voice just a bit so that clint could hear what you were about to say but not enough to let the girl in front of you notice "call me if you need anything, okay? I'll be ready"
"God I hope I won't need any more help" she mutterd making the both of you chuckle.
"I'll se you soon. Don't be too reckless, follow Clint's orders, please" and to prevent one of her stubborn comebacks, you put your lips on hers, kissing her softly.
"bye kid." shouted the man from the other room after a few minutes, effectively scaring the two of you.
"uh yea, bye Mr. Clint! bye Kate" you got out of the apartment. "I'll text you later, promise" she made a kissy face before shutting the door.
- - - -
You don't know how much time has passed since you last saw your girlfriend, trusting Clint to take care of her you decided to catch up on sleep all day. But it was now nighttime and you were doing a report of your last mission to give Fury as soon as it was completed.
Truth be told, it was more of a distraction, you were worried for the two of them but at the same time you knew how distracting and dangerous a sudden phone call could be. So you just had to wait and hope for the best.
A few minutes later you finished your report, your phone started ringing, '<my archer3' on the screen. Needless to say, you instantly responded. "Kate? oh my God, are you okay? Clint-"
"(Y/N)-" a word was all that it took to make you stop. Her voice...cracked. Her voice never cracks, always so confident and steady. "can I, can I come over? Please" if you weren't so on alert you wouldn't have heard her last word.
"of course you can baby, where are you? You want me to pick you up?"
"no, there's no need, I'm almost there" you internally took note of her now slightly relaxed tone.
"okay, I'll wait for you"
- - - -
As soon as you opened the door she entered the house, throwing the bow on the couch. While she was pacing around, fidgeting with her hands you took in her appearance. Her clothes were dirty and she looked sweaty, but most of all exhausted.
You stepped in her personal space, taking her cheeks in your hands to make her look at you. "Kate, how about you take a shower, there are some clothes on the sink, and then you can tell me what's going on, how does that sound?"
Her gaze shifted between your eyes, before sniffing and softly nodding her head.
- - - -
Once she got out of the bathroom, wearing her pants and your sweater, she found you sitting on the couch and her now clean bow was on the armchair. Sensing her presence you raised your head from your phone, smiling.
"Hey, take a slice of pizza, I ordered it today, I can heat it up if you want"
The archer ignored the food on the coffee table, instead taking the phone from your hands, putting it in her pocket. She sat beside you on the couch, putting one of your arms around her shoulder, while she laid her head in the crook of you neck, sighing.
Combining your free hand through her damp hair, you remained quiet, waiting for her to talk.
"me and Clint fought, well kind of-" she took a deep breath before recollecting her thoughts. She told you everything that happened, from the fight on the roof to the meeting with the masked assassin in her apartment.
"wait, Natasha's sister? are you sure?" she took her head off her shoulder to look at you, nodding. Natasha rarely talked about Yelena and they were mostly just little comments, but still, a desire to kill her sister's best friend was not something you expected from the blonde.
"I tried to contact Clint multiple times to inform him but he never answered, I guess we really are not partners anymore" she began looking at her hands, but she raised her head again once she felt a kiss to her forehead.
"it's okay, we'll figure something out, he may look like a grumpy man tired of his job, but he wouldn't let a teenager in danger, knowing he could be of help."
You tried to reassure her, and it seemed like it worked, judging by the chuckle that escaped her mouth. "when you talk like that it seems like you personally know him."
"I'm...good at reading people, I guess" after a few seconds of silence you focused on her breathing, noticing how regular it was, lowering you head you confirmed your suspicions, she fell asleep.
Being as careful as possible you picked her up bridal style and brought her to you bedroom. When you laid her on the bed she unconsciously wrapped her arms around your neck, as to keep you there.
"I wasn't planning on leaving you here, anyway" you laid next to her, taking her back in your hold, now with her head on your chest. "goodnight, love" you softly kissed her hair and waited for an eventual sign. Receiving back none, you cautiously took you phone from her back pocket to contact the blonde avenger.
'I'm not takings sides'
'but you saw how helpful she can be'
'I can look after her while you do your thing'
You thought for a few seconds about your next words.
'just tell me if you need my help, please'
You sighed, putting your phone on the nightstand you closed your eyes, and thanks to Kate's light snores you were soon able to fall asleep.
- - - -
The next morning Kate decided to go to her mom's house to reassure her, and you were still in your house, since you didn't have any information on the situation there wasn't really much you could do, you found yourself waiting for your girlfriend's messages.
From Clint, nothing. But recently he read the texts you sent him, that'll do for now.
- - - -
It's been two days now and you were once again sitting on the couch watching a movie in complete silence. That was until someone knocked, no, literally broke into your apartment.
You jumped from your spot ready to attack the intruder but your favorite scent and two arms around your shoulders stopped you.
"I talked to him! I talked to him! We're good"
You grabbed her waist to tear yourself away from the jumping girl in front of you, bright smile on her lips.
"Kate, oh my- how-what- it's been two days, mind texting me sometimes?" she opened and closed her mouth before pouting.
"I texted you, they were just a random letter, but-but I did" she tried, ending the hug with her hands on you shoulders.
- - - -
"So, what's the next step?" the dark haired girl shook her head, putting her glass on the coffee table, picking up a slice of pizza instead.
"I can't tell you that, it's reserved." she responded with a professional exterior. You open your mouth in amusement and unbelief which made her throw her head back laughing. "I admit I shouldn't have told you anything at all, but you're my partner and I always want to tell you what happens in my life" she ended on a shy note, looking at the food.
You took a bite from her pizza before she could "come on, what could I do? call the bad guys and tell them your plan?"
"(Y/N) stop, I can't tell you, Clint told me not not to"
You furrowed your brows "he did?"
She surrendered with just a look.
"okay he didn't exactly say not to tell you, but it's better if you don't know. I want to keep you safe and- and stop eating my pizza" she put the palm of her hand on your forehead, pushing you away with a fake annoyed face.
Once she finished eating she rose from her seat. "I'll take a shower and we'll go to bed?"
"yes please, you really stink" you got a punch on the arm as a response.
"shut up, says the one who hugged me all night" she grabbed your cheeks, kissing you quickly, before exiting the room.
While you were putting away the pizza box you heard the ring coming from your phone. You took it from your pocket to read the message.
'eventually, are you free tomorrow night?'
You smirked.
'hello to you too, Barton'
'eventually yes, I am free tomorrow night'
- - - -
"Clint the tracksuit are here" Kate stated through her earpiece. She just got down the building thanks to the rope, trying to chase Yelena.
The avenger exposed himself to the window, looking around and muttered angrily "(Y/N) where the fuck are you?-"
"right here, what do I do?" you responded energetically, barely missing the arrow that was aimed at your face.
"woah! you should really recognize the voice, before randomly shooting, you know?" you took the arrow stuck on the wall, handing it to the man.
"you're late."
"technically you didn't give me a time so I can't be late, you just said tonight"
"(Y/N)." and his stern tone made you drop the jokes.
"right, okay. What do I do?" you repeated your question.
"I need you to help Kate, and if you take down the enemies on your way it would be appreciated." he didn't wait for an answer and marched out of the room.
You shook your head, making little jumps to accommodate the adrenaline in your body. You got down from the window, landing without a problem thanks to your powers.
You scanned the area, finding your girlfriend talking to Jack. Running towards her you landed a flying kick in the ribs to a man behind Kate, probably planning on hitting her with his metal bat.
You suddenly kneeled on the ground to avoid the bow, once again, aimed at your face. "I'm on your side, not need to attack me" you pointed a finger to her face. There was no need to change your voice, since the mask already did it for you.
"what are you doing here?"
You tried making up an excuse "uh well, Hawkeye called, said he needed my help."
She furrowed her brows, probably because he didn't tell her anything. "is that guy on our side? I saw you talking to him" you pointed in Jack's gerenal direction, even tho he was not there anymore.
"it's hard to explain, but yea he's with us" she got the words out after a short minute. You both got into action.
- - - -
After half an hour of fighting you find yourself on the ground, a man's hands on your neck, making it impossible for you to breathe.
You used you knee to hit him in the stomach, causing him to growl out in pain, giving you the opportunity to throw him on his back.
As you straddled him and gave him a punch to the side of his head, you heard Kate screaming, and instantly after, you felt a metal bat colliding with your head.
"oh my God!" the archer exclaimed running to you, after defeating your aggressor. The blow only brought you a sense of disorientation thanks to the mask's protection, but what you didn't know was that the voice changer mechanism was now broken.
"are you, are you okay?" she kneeled beside you, using one of her hands to support your shoulders.
"yeah, go back to the fight, I'll be fine in less than a minute." Kate's concern stopped for a second to let confusion settle in upon hearing your voice.
"your voice" even tho it was just a whisper, you were able to hear her, making you jump on your feet and far from the girl.
"see? All better now, let's go back" you said in an horrible fake voice, turning your back to distance yourself.
But Kate obviously didn't fall for your trick. So she called after you. "(Y/N)? Come back here, (Y/N)."
You slowly did as she said, suddenly hoping for a group of enemies to find you, but it seemed like they were on a coffee break.
The brunette took a few steps forward, until your bodies were only centimeters apart. Knowing it was useless to try and defend yourself, you let her put her hand on the base of your neck, to pull your mask off, revealing your face.
“You’re a superhero?”
"well, 'superhero' is a term used in comic books or movies, we don't really use that word in real life" seeing the roll of her eyes and her clenched jaw made you stop. You sighed. "yes."
"why didn't you tell me? You don't trust me enough?" you immediately shook your head, putting your hands in front of you. "of course not, love. It's not a matter of trust-"
"then what is it?" she looked away and sniffed, like she was about to cry. "and don't tell me it's because you wanted to protect me, or maybe it is? Maybe you think I'm so weak that I can't even protect myself?"
You closed your eyes tightly and pinched the bridge of your nose. She was just putting words in your mouth, making you snap.
“Here? You want to do this here?” you opened your arms wide as if to remind her of the situation you both were in.
She sniffed again, soflty nodding her head. "yeah, you're right, let's not talk about it anymore mh? Let's not talk about anything, anymore."
"come on, Kate you know that's not-" you tried grabbing her arm but she was already out of reach. You let out a loud puff, throwing your mask on the ground in frustration.
After a couple of minutes you hear steps behind you and you quickly grabbed your mask from the floor putting it back on, only to realize that the steps belonged to Clint.
"how is it going here, why is not Kate with you?" he was trying to avoid showing it but the worry on his voice was evident.
As much evident as your own trembling voice when you turned to look at him. "I don't know, she left. She found out and she just left. I couldn't get her to calm down and let me explain."
The man put a hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down. "(Y/N) stop. You're an avenger. You must put the safety of the civilians before your personal business." it was a stern thing to say, but he knew you needed an emotional slap to get back on track. He continued after seeing you nod. "when did she separate?"
You shrugged your shoulders "three to four minutes ago. Three minutes and twenty-five seconds." Clint smiled lightly seeing your somewhat normal behavior.
"Go help her kid. I'm rooting for you." you raised your eyebrows with a smile, even though he couldn't see your face.
"you are rooting for me? I'm must be fucked then." he jokingly pushed your shoulder with a muttered 'shut up'
- - - -
As you left Clint on his own, not knowing that soon after he met Yelena, you went to look for your girlfriend and heard her screaming from the other side of the road.
She was standing on the ground, with a really big man in front of her. He was leaning to give her another punch but your voice stopped him. "hey. You want to fight someone so bad? Fight me you coward"
Your courage flew out the window when he turned around, showing you his face. Kingpin. Clint told you something about him but seeing him in front of you was even worse.
"oh? Look who we have here to join us." he started with a smile full of malice "Listen kid, I'm not interested in you-" he stopped again, felling something touching his back.
What touched him was actually one of Kate's arrows.
She suddenly looked at you, with both fear and determination strong in her gaze. With a quick look at the arrows lying around in the shop, you knew her plan.
As soon as Kingpin turned to face the girl you jumped on his back, with your arms around his neck and your hands covering his eyes, Kate sprung into action and put the arrows down following her scheme.
Kingpin though, had no problem in grabbing you by the jacked and throwing you across the room, your back hit the wall and then your face met the floor making you growl out in pain.
This continued for some time, with you taking his hits, and Kate arranging her arrows on the floor. Running to hide behind some boxes, she called after you. "watch out!"
With the last breath of air you had left, you gave him a punch under his jaw, effectively causing him to release your neck. You used the time he spent looking at all the arrows laying around to get out of the building, but close enough to be able to look after Kate.
Then, there was a big glowy blue light and the man was the center of it. After a few minutes of silence you thought it was over, Kate thought it too, but you suddenly saw him coming at you.
You gulped, preparing to use your powers but before you could, a car hit Kingpin against the wall of the shop. You relaxed your arms, seeing Kate's mother exiting the vehicle.
You stayed on the side while they talked but you could hear what they were saying.
"is that what heros do? Arrest their mother on chirstmas." Those were the last words Eleanor spoke before a police agent took her away.
You looked to your side, suddenly noticing that kingpin was not there anymore. You wanted to go look for him but you averted your gaze when the archer marched towards you.
"go back to your house and mend those cuts I know you rarely do...god I should have known" she closed her eyes in realization "and all the little information you let slip out about Clint, you even repaired his hearing device for fuck's sake" she threw her hands in the air, shaking her head.
"Kate, I'm sorry. I-" you stopped when she held one finger up. "stop, I don't wanna hear it, I don't want to hear anything from you, I can't even look at you anymore."
She turned her head but you noticed the tears that begged to be let out, and you felt even worse than you already did. You tried to grab her arm but she took a step back.
" don't. I've had enough of being betrayed." that's all she said, before going away a second time, probably to look for Clint.
You sighed taking your phone and opened the chat with the avenger.
'she's coming to you'
'take care of her cuts please'
'merry Christmas'
You shook your head, blinking away the tears, going back to your house.
- - - -
It was now 4 a.m. in the morning and you didn't sleep, too busy replaying the events of the night in your head. You should have told her sooner, you trust her with you whole heart and you know she can protect herself, the worry just seemed to always win.
Suddenly you hear three knocks on your door.
"it's becoming a habit" you murmured as you went to see who it was.
"hi" there she stood with a timid smile on her lips.
"hey, come in" you closed the door after letting her in.
You were not going to lie, the other side of you was kinda angry at the archer, you just wanted her to let you explain. You crossed your arms.
She took a deep breath "okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way, it's just been a stressful week, you didn't tell me about you being mute and-"
"I said it's something I don't want to talk about."
"I know I know, and I completely understand, I'm just saying that so many things came together and-"
You sighed, you both said sorry and you both explained yourselves so there was no need to keep going. "I forgive you"
"Clint told me how important it is for some heros to keep their identity secret"
"Kate I said it's okay"
"and normally I wouldn't mind because I understand but-"
With her hands in yours you shut her up, with the help of a kiss "I said I forgive you". You pull away from her, chuckling. "God it is so hard to get you to listen."
“I still hate you, ya know?”
You playfully rolled your eyes. "and for what?" you knew from the look in her eyes it was not going to be anything serious, and you almost wanted to laugh at her attempt to keep her frown. "well you are an avenger, every time I talked about Clint or about a theory you always listened to me without saying anything."
You burst out laughing and it only got worse when your girlfriend slapped your chest, keeping her hand there as a barrier when you brought you lips centimeters away from hers.
"don't, don't kiss me you don't deserve it" she whispered with her eyes almost closed.
But once you put your mouth on hers she couldn't help but smile, humming. One of her hands cupped your cheek, the other on the back of your neck, while your hands held her waist. She detached when she needed to breathe. The pout now was completely gone as she looked in your eyes.
"am I forgiven now?"
"mh, almost" she teased, brushing her lips with yours, hinting at another kiss.
But you were planning something else. "I got a proposition for you then" she furrowed her brows in response, slightly upset you didn't give her what she wanted.
“Wanna help me make a new super suit?”
This was even better then a kiss, she put her hands on your shoulders, squeezing them, clearly excited. "wait, really? Can I really do it? Oh I have a lot of ideas if I can"
You looked between her eyes, smiling. "of course you do, you make sure to share every possible design you can think of"
"and now you can use them!" she said matter-of-factly. "but we better get to sleep now, we have places to be."
"where do we have to go?" instead of answering, she kissed you again, pulling you to your bed.
- - - -
"dad! dad you're here!" an excited Nathaniel screamed, running to jump into his father's arms, followed by Lila and Cooper. Laura was a few feet away, enjoying the scene with her arms crossed.
"merry Christmas buddy, all of you" he whispered, kissing every kid's head. Then he raised his own to look at his wife.
"I hope you don't mind, I brought three strays." "uhm, excuse me" you entered the house with a fake hurt, and loud, tone. "I am not a-"
"(Y/N)!" Nathaniel interrupted you, moving away from the avenger only to hug you. You picked him up, and he wrapped his legs and arms around you. "hey little boy, merry Christmas" he chuckled in response "merry Christmas (Y/N)" depositing a sloppy kiss on your cheek.
A bark distracted the happy scenario, making everyone but you and Clint turn to the door. "sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I guess pizza dog is hungry." she stood still with a shy smile. You playfully rolled your eyes, taking her hand with your free one.
"come in, you idiot, only you are missing"
- - - -
After that rather clumsy and shy enter, she met everyone, already seeming to get along with Lila. You played some family games, with joyful bickering between the different teams. Once it was time to prepare lunch, Laura instantly scolded you when you went into the kitchen to help, playfully shoving you away and demanding that you needed to rest.
So you were now in the living room while the baby of the house slept on your lap. You felt the couch dip and a little weight on your shoulder. "how are you feeling?" you asked, seeing her yawning and nuzzling her head deeper into your neck.
"mh, tired" she murmured.
Your lips turned into a smile, leaving a kiss to her temple "merry Christmas, my love"
Kate Bishop Masterlist - MCU Masterlist
General Masterlist
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
During an interview with Hailee, someone asks reader to marry them, and Hailee isn't too happy about it.
it it cool that i said all that? [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x actress!reader
summary: doing interviews with your girlfriend is all fun and games until someone gets too comfortable with their questions.
warnings: none, just fluff; a speck of possessive hailee; two dashes of (not-so) secret relationship vibes; awkward interview moments that gave me second-hand embarrassment while writing
wordcount: 1.1k
a/n: does anyone else remember when comic-con was a big deal? yeah, me neither. so, instead of a convention-type vibe, i went the talk show route. [specifically stephen colbert because he's the only host i can honestly say i like] slowly but surely getting through all of my requests but the urge to write alpha!kate pt. 2 is starting to take over my life so...don't be surprised if i disappear for a few days and then post it out of the blue.
* * * * * * *
There are only a few things more nerve-wracking than having to sit in front of a room full of people and answer questions you’re definitely not prepared for despite all the time you’ve spent overthinking. The only thing that could possibly make that situation more anxiety-inducing is having to do it next to someone you’re dating…in secret.
It’s not a well-kept secret by any means but the lack of confirmation from both parties is more than enough to have fans from both sides analyzing every single comment that gets exchanged. You don’t really mind it, even though sometimes you feel like there’s a target on your face. 
A target in the form of looks you can’t hide and smiles you don’t share with anyone but Hailee.
Okay, so maybe you’re incredibly obvious about your feelings for her but it still took her until after you finished filming Hawkeye to realize the truth hiding beneath all your stupid jokes. It would be easy to make fun of her for being so oblivious if you weren’t exactly the same way.
It took more than a few tries but the two of you eventually gathered enough courage to be honest with each other leading to the start of quite possibly the most chaotic but most rewarding relationship you’ve ever had. Just because most people in your life haven’t caught up yet doesn’t make it any less amazing.
The thing no one prepared you for, though, is having to do talk show interviews while avoiding the topic of said relationship. It’s not like either of you is genuinely trying to hide the truth, it’s just easier to explore your developing feelings when there aren’t a ridiculous amount of eyes trained on the pair of you.
Eyes that sometimes don’t quite know how to read the room.
Which brings you back to your current situation.  You and Hailee are sitting slightly too close together while doing another interview where you have to dance around spoilers while trying to get people excited for Hawkeye.
It turns out, you don’t actually have to do much since seeing the two of you together seems to be more than enough to get people talking about the show.
“So, y/n, I know this is your first time doing an interview like this and I don’t want to scare you away so how about we get some questions from the audience?”
The crowd erupts into cheers and you can’t help but let out a nervous laugh even though you already knew this was going to happen. Being notified ahead of time still isn’t enough to stop you from worrying about what this segment will bring.
“What’s the worst that could happen right?” You joke, sharing a look with Hailee who merely shakes her head at you.
Of course, the list of “worst things that could happen” is quite long when it comes to people asking you whatever they want.
And right now, the way the brunette hasn’t let go of your hand since you sat down is definitely at the top of everyone’s list of questions. You’re sure no one is surprised by how affectionate she can be sometimes but it’s unusual to see her happily holding onto someone in a room like this one.
You swallow down your nervousness in order to focus on the questions that get thrown your way. Most of them are, in all honesty, softballs. Things like,”What was your favorite part about shooting Hawkeye?” and “Who’s the strongest Avenger?” 
You’re thankful for the easy questions until the humor your responses carry inspires some…bolder comments. Stephen lets everyone know the next question will be the last and the lucky fan who’s chosen takes her chance.
“Marry me?”
The easy atmosphere of the room leaves you completely unprepared for the question and the only real response you can offer at first is a laugh. A laugh that earns you a grin from the bold fan and a glare from your unamused girlfriend.
“Yeah, sure,” you reply with a shrug. “My manager will email you my schedule.”
Your response is just as unexpected as the question which just makes the audience laugh harder.
There’s a slightly smug look on your face that disappears the second you turn to look at Hailee.
She’s an actress, and a fantastic one at that, so she hides her emotions well. Unfortunately, you’re an expert at reading her and the lack of a smile on her face tells you all you need to know.
“Too bad you have a very busy schedule,” she says through a chuckle that sounds more forced than anything you’ve ever heard out of her.
“True, true. I’m a very responsible dogsitter and I don’t think Martini would be fine with me leaving her for so long.”
“Does she get jealous easily?” Stephen clearly picks up on you trying to change the topic but Hailee’s not done voicing her displeasure.
“Her owner does.” The words are a mere mumble but the microphone picks her up loud and clear.
Your eyes widen and her comment renders you utterly speechless. It’s not that the words are a complete surprise, you just can’t believe she actually said that in the middle of an interview.
She realizes what she said a few seconds later and her soft eyes meet yours. There’s a layer of nervousness in them that she can’t quite hide and the sight makes your heart clench. You can’t do much to reassure her though so you merely squeeze her hand three times and let the interview continue.
The minutes feel like hours but you eventually wrap up and are allowed to go back into your shared dressing room. Hailee all but drags you inside and you close the door behind you once you're in the safety and privacy of those four walls.
“I shouldn't have said that,” she blurts out, her hands emphasizing her words and the anxiety they carry. “I just, I don't know what came over me. It was stupid and I’m-”
“Lee.” You quickly cross the small space between you and grab onto her slightly shaky hands. “You don't have to apologize, everything’s fine.”
She blinks a few times but the action doesn't get rid of the genuine surprise that's etched onto her features. “You…You're serious?”
“Incredibly. I thought it was cute that you got jealous like that.”
Her usual playful energy comes back the instant she realizes you're not upset. And it very quickly becomes clear she's not actually upset either.
“Excuse me, I wasn't jealous. I just thought it was a lame question.”
“Mhmm, right.” You let go of her hands in order to wrap your arms around her waist and pull her close. “I'll make sure to remind you of that if I ever propose.”
She leans in to kiss you until her brain catches up to your joke. There's a hint of a pout on her lips that makes you chuckle.
“What do you mean if?”
You don't bother with replying and instead kiss her again, knowing your actions will be more than enough to soothe her worries.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Okay but- have you think about just ONE of Sanji brothers being good? Like, Ichiji. The most perfect son. The future king of Germa. Ichiji, the first prince. Who has emotions just like Sanji (even if he struggles with them unlike the blonde) and never, ever punched him before, always intenting to subtly stop Niji and Yonji from beating him up. He wishes he could do more, but he can't now.
Until their mother dies and Judge locks his dear younger brother.
It's like something scream to him that he should get Sanji fucking out of here and leave alongside. And he hears. He saves his dear brother and run away, both, together.
And then, both where rescued by Mihawk and the Warlord!Sanji happens, but with Ichiji too.
Unlike the blonde, he really don't like interacting and prefers to stay hidden/with his parents (mostly Dracule and Croc). He gets surprised when the news about Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace being Sanji's boyfriend comes out during Marineford, but he helps stop the execution.
God, anon, this is fucking gold I love it. Holy shit. I love your brain. It got out of hand and like Ichiji is too important for it to be just glanced over.
Ichiji who just can't wrap his head around why they're different but knows he needs to protect Sanji and save him. He may be the Crown Prince, superseding his older sister for whatever awful reason and doesn't understand his emotions like Sanji does and Sora tries to help. Ichiji who helps Sanji get patched up when he can't stop Niji and Yonji and Reiju turns her head and scoffs. Then their mother dies.
Then Sanji dies.
Except he's not dead. He's in the dungeon with a helmet and Ichiji feels the pure rage and eventually breaks them both out and breaks the helmet of Sanji who is so much smaller than he should be. They work on the Orbit and when Zeff attacks and saves them on the rock it takes Ichiji much longer to starve than Sanji but he does. They find Zeff who gave his leg for them and their dreams, for Sanji to find the All Blue and Ichiji to be there for his brother and find his way in life.
When Mihawk picks them up he's absorbing the information he is given and suddenly has two kids coming with him to Kuraigana and they're twins but completely different sizes and Ichiji tells him everything about Germa and what's been happening to them. Mihawk is just staring at the brothers in both disbelief and horror and decides he's not going to really let them out of his sight.
The first Warlord meeting they attend with Mihawk, Sanji is still hiding in Mihawk's coat and Ichiji is glaring at them from Mihawk's side with crossed arms. Everyone is looking at the children but the meeting is normal except for the children reading under the table. The meeting takes forever and they fall asleep and Doffy pulls them both out because he's long, not only is he tall he's just long and when he looks at Mihawk because this is some typa shit Doffy has pulled, like he has kids that he acquired somehow.
"Would you believe they're twins?" Mihawk asks dully as Doffy holds them.
"What the fuck did you do to them?" Crocodile asks.
"They came like that." Mihawk sighs.
"Did you buy children?" Boa asks with anger.
"No, I saved them and Redleg from a rock and they came with me." Mihawk responds. The warlords stare at them. "They're also the presumed dead princes of Germa."
"Hawkeye, with all due respect, what were you thinking?" Jinbei asks as he rubs his temples.
"I don't know." Mihawk answers truthfully.
The next meeting the other four have managed to pull together some things maybe the boys will like. Maybe. There's some drawing stuff, more laid back children's books, a book of maps. The boys are staring at them but give their thanks as they settle in for the meeting and afterwards the warlords try to talk to them but Ichiji answers mostly. Sanji hiding behind him, nervous, as the elder talks to the most dangerous pirates of the seas about their dreams.
When Mihawk goes on the job Croc still takes them first. Sanji and Ichiji are enamored with Anna and the bananawanis and they get along great with her and it's actually really nice for them to have a pet, even for a short period of time that isn't trying to kill them and eat them. At some point Ichiji shoots lasers at somebody who got a little too close. No one was hurt but Baroque works is staring at the kid with confusion as Ichiji shrugs them off. When Crocodile asks the only answer he is given is a shrug by Mihawk.
Then Doffy kidnaps them because there's another job and everyone is arguing over the laser kid and his little cook of a brother and who gets to take them. Doffy sees an opportunity and just takes them without anyone noticing and gets them lunch before they leave and he strings along the city making them laugh. Baby 5 and Ichiji love sparring and Sanji is allowed in the kitchen at his pleasure. When Doffy is holding the three of them to put to bed he can feel a weird feeling in his chest and he doesn't like it. He killed his brother he doesn't want to kill them too.
While Jinbei has them he teaches them about meditation and learns a lot about them because he is much calmer than the previous warlords. He calmly takes Ichiji's worry and agression as he trains them. Ichiji is fiercely protective because of their past. Jinbei simply acknowledges this and says he does need to let Sanji move forward, for both of them to be their own person. Sanji says he should find his own dream and as much as he loves Ichiji his life shouldn't revolve around protecting him. Their mother would have wanted him to be free too and if he's tied to Sanji that isn't freedom. Ichiji thinks a lot about that and decides he's still going to protect Sanji or will beat up whoever beats Sanji up. Jinbei laughs full bellied and loud and says that's a good start and asks if there's anything he likes to do. Turns out Ichiji has been getting a lot of use out of the drawing supplies and Jinbei nods. Of course the brothers have picked artistic talents of their own, similar yet distinct enough to be their own.
When Boa gets them she's going to treat them like the little princes they were except they don't really have clothes for boys there. So they're put in dresses and extra flowy pants and shirts. Boa smiling and taking care of them as they adjust to being royalty where it's not a fight to death or being on edge that they're going to be attacked. Boa and her sisters explain that most royal systems are not like Germa. They find they like the styles of the shirts and pants and dresses better than a lot of things they've worn and they have the ability to show their differences because they've mostly just been dressed in the same type of training clothes. So to be able to not be in training clothes or numbered like in Germa is huge to them and Ichiji runs around with Sanji on his back and they're laughing on the beaches of Amazon Lily and Boa smiles as she puts their joy into her mind forever.
They grow up well loved and doing what they love. Perona fully adopts them as her baby brothers and dolls them up. She's four years older than them and takes them out for the boring parts of warlord meetings/parent hand overs. She is the cool goth older sister who absolutely buys them cigarettes. She, Baby 5, and Ichiji have also somehow formed a makeshift gang that follows Sanji much to his displeasure but it's so fucking funny for laser beams to fry a Marine's cap when they're getting a little too close to Sanji. Or when Sanji is working a waiter or dishwasher or whoever. No matter what the parents say.
Except they miss when Sanji sets off and Ichiji pouts on Kuraigana for months. Sanji doesn't call or write and his poster is fucking awful. When he and Mihawk go to Ace's execution after Perona and Zoro arrive and Ichiji avoids him so that he doesn't wig the swordsman out. During the war his transponder goes off from Mihawk.
"Fire Fist is dating Sanji." Is all that's said so Ichiji joins the fray with his laser eyes. They save Ace and Luffy get them out. He goes with Crocodile after the war. Eventually on Karai Bari when the Strawhats and Ace, newly a part of the crew, show up. Ace and Luffy point at Ichiji and say that he's the red Sanji from Marineford.
"So you guys got Dad arrested, and Mama is dealing with the whole Navy thing by herself and Pops is on your crew?" Ichiji asks Sanji.
"On top of waging war against two emperors which one is dead, and the other is just...fucked up, I guess." Sanji nods.
"You have anything cool now?" Ichiji asks.
"I can sky walk and set myself on fire." Sanji nods.
"Fucking shit if Boa sends her damn snake on us, I'm feeding it to Anna." Crocodile grouses.
"There are much bigger things to deal with." Mihawk assures Crocodile. "For example, Fire Fist needs a proper shovel talk and I'm leaving that up to you both." Mihawk says he leaves.
"Oh right." Ichiji grins as Ace looks at Sanji.
"He helped me escape Tottoland, he doesn't need a shovel talk!" Sanji defends.
"Wrong." Crocodile and Ichiji retort as Sanji sighs and everyone starts asking who the fuck raised them.
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Reader 
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Tags: NSFW TITLE CARD, SMUT, angst, fluff, seducing, mentions of masturbation, mentions of using sex toys, lingerie, fingering (female receiving), cum eating, finger sucking, Bruce transitioning into the Hulk (not sure if this is a trigger, but I'm not taking chances), kissing (both Bruce and Hulk receiving), handjob (Hulk receiving… again Idk if this is a trigger but noting it anyway cause after some research I've learned that even his cum is green.), making out, biting, hickeys, fucking against a wall, choking, implied all night fucking, and I think that's it. 
Word Count: 4,129
Beta and Title Card: Yours Truly 
Written For: My amazing bestie and beta, Tiffany. <3
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Being married to an Avenger had its perks. You got to live in Tony Stark's swanky tower, you had your own team of expertly trained bodyguards, and the best part of it all? You stole the heart of Bruce Banner. The two of you met under unfortunate circumstances, but it was still the best day of your life. 
You'd been caught in the crossfire during one of their missions, a monster took you hostage to use as leverage for their escape. The thing had a knife held against your throat, threatening to kill you on the spot if any of the Avengers moved an inch. You looked into their helpless eyes. Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, and Iron Man all stared helplessly back at you contemplating how they were going to save you. 
In the distance, Natasha was holding her upturned palm to a furious Hulk. He was grunting and clenching his fists as she took a tentative step toward him.
"Hey, big guy. The sun's getting real low."
He trained his eyes on her, as his anger started to dissipate. Just before he was about to give in he heard you scream.
He snapped his head in your direction, a loud, angry roar shaking the surrounding buildings as he ran towards you. Cars, signs, sidewalk benches, nothing was safe from his wrath. It all happened so fast. One moment your captor was pressing the blade harder against your skin and the next you were in the Hulk's arms. 
At first, you were startled, his big green eyes scanning your body as he held you in his large green hand. He was breathing heavily, his nostrils flaring, as he spoke.
"Hulk save you."
You smiled and were about to respond but Captain Rogers beat you to it.
"That's good, buddy," he set his shield down and slowly walked towards the two of you. "Why don't you put the lady down now, okay?"
The Hulk tightened his grip on your waist and snarled, "NO! Hulk keep pretty lady!"
Steve went to speak again, but you turned around to look at him.
"Wait. It's okay. Let me try something."
They all watched in wonder as you brought both of your hands to his face, your thumbs brushing his hard skin.
"Thank you for saving me," you smiled. "If it's okay, I'd like to meet Bruce too. He's a part of you, and in a way, he saved me as well."
He held you for a moment longer, taking time to mull over your request. Finally, he set you down on a nearby barrier and transitioned back into the well-known scientist. 
You smiled as you recalled the fond memory. You and Bruce had been married for two years, and he made you the happiest woman in the world. Sure, it was difficult when he'd go on missions, but that wasn't what bothered you the most.
What you really wanted was for him to make love to you. Ever since the start of your relationship, all he'd ever done was kiss you. Sometimes he'd go as far as fingering you, but it never went further. He was terrified to do anything else because he didn't want the Hulk to accidentally hurt you. He'd never forgive himself if that happened, and he made you fully aware that being with him meant no sex. 
You didn't have to have sex to be happy with him. It wasn't a deal breaker, but you couldn't help but want to feel him inside of you. God, you bet he made the prettiest sounds. You had plenty of toys to keep you satisfied, and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't made yourself come to the thought of him fucking you into oblivion.
Natasha and Wanda helped you try and seduce him a number of times, but that always ended with a heavy makeout session and a very, very aroused Bruce. 
That's what the three of you were doing now. Planning yet another attempt in getting him to fuck you. You were dressed in short lacy lingerie, a pair of stockings with little black bows at the bottom, and your favorite pair of black pumps.
"I don't know about this, guys. What if someone sees me on the way down to his lab?"
Nat grinned and crossed her arms. "Don't worry about that. I've got it all taken care of. Steve and Bucky are out on a mission, Sam and Clint are in the gym doing their weird juice cleanse workout, and Thor's in Asgard. That only leaves Tony, Vision, and Rhodey to worry about. Wanda, you're taking Vis on a date, right?"
She nodded. "Yep! Typical dinner and a movie, but it'll be fun getting some fresh air."
Nat turned her gaze back to you and smiled. "That leaves the two iron wonders, which by the way, I've decided to take on a supply run."
You sighed, playing with a strand of your hair. "Okay, let's do this. Get me to the lab." 
Surprisingly, you made it there without being seen by anyone. The girls gave you a little nudge toward the door before blowing kisses and waving goodbye. Once you were alone, you took a moment to watch Bruce through the glass.
He was concentrating on some new prototype, his teeth worrying his bottom lip as he silently worked. God, he was so beautiful without even trying.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and walked past the threshold. There was no going back now.
"Oh, hey honey! Is it already time fo-"
The words died on his tongue as soon as he looked at you. The test tube in his hand clattered to the floor, his mouth hanging open in shock.
You smirked and sauntered towards him, slowly running your hands over his chest. "Hey, baby," you breathed. "I thought you could use a break." 
He swallowed thickly and let out a shaky breath. "What um… what're you d-doing?"
You brought his hands to your hips, his fingers making the barely-there dress bunch up to reveal your ass. "Bruce, touch me…please."
He closed his eyes and moaned. "You know I can't. I-I can't risk hurting you, Y/N."
You brushed your knuckles against the stubble on his cheek and smiled. "You won't hurt me. I trust you...both of you."
You grabbed his right hand, "besides, feel how wet I am." He gently circled your clit, a desperate whine falling from your lips. "See baby? See what you do to me without even trying?"
Bruce gripped your waist tighter, his breathing becoming erratic as he slowly continued sliding his fingers between your folds. You were close, so close to cumming already. All the built-up sexual tension, seeing him like this, was almost too much. 
Just before the coil of arousal inside you snapped, he pulled away, his hands coming up to grab his hair. "Fuck, baby, I… I can't. He's too strong, and if I ever lost you because of him… god, I can't even think about it."
You hated seeing him distraught like this. Bruce was an amazing, kind, loving man who gave you the world. The Hulk may be destructive, but he was still gentle with you. He'd never once hurt you, and in your heart, you believed he would hold true to that promise even during times like this.
You pulled him back into your embrace and kissed him like it was the last time you'd ever get the chance. He sighed against your mouth, his tongue sliding against yours slow and sweet. 
He eventually pulled away, still holding you close as he looked at you with hooded eyes. "Y/N, it takes all of my strength every day to hold myself back. I want to, god, do I want to, take you apart, make you come over and over again."
His fingers curled a strand of hair behind your ear and you bit your lip. "Baby, can you hear me out? I… I think I may have a solution for both of us."
He sighed. "Yeah, honey, go ahead."
You moved him to his chair, pushing his shoulder lightly so he'd sit down. His hands found purchase on your hips as you straddled his lap.
"Bruce, I know you won't hurt me. I know the Hulk won't either because he's never shown any aggression towards me. Give me this, try for me, just this once. We can start slow and if you feel like you're going to lose it then we can stop. You have total control, baby." You kissed his lips softly. "Please?" 
For a few seconds, he just looked at you. His brown eyes raked over your entire body. He swallowed, blowing a deep breath out of his nose as he held you a bit tighter.
"Okay. Okay, I'll try."
Your eyes widened, "thank you, baby. You have no idea how much this means to me."
He moved his calloused hand slowly up your thigh again, his fingertips tracing small circles on your clit. Your eyes rolled back, his darkening with unbridled lust.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so pretty like this. Watching your body shake, those sweet little moans and whimpers, I swear I'm the luckiest man in the world." 
You began moving your hips, the sounds of your wetness echoing in the small space around you. "Oh, Bruce… baby I- …please. Oh, please don't stop!"
He quickened his pace, the newly added pressure of his fingers causing you to fall forward and grasp onto his shirt. He groaned, low and deep, his breath hot on your neck as he kissed your sweat-slicked skin.
"C'mon, baby girl. Come for me. Show me how pretty you look." That was all you needed, his command sent you over the edge, his hand and your legs becoming coated with your release. 
If Bruce wasn't holding you up, you'd have fallen to your knees. He peppered sweet kisses along your jaw to your lips, rendering you breathless.
"Gorgeous. God, baby, you're breathtaking."
Words failed you but that didn't stop your wandering hands. They eagerly began undoing his pants trying desperately to feel more of him.
"Whoa, honey. Hey, hey, hey, slow down. I know you're eager, but we gotta go easy. I don't want him to hurt you, remember?" Reluctantly, you stopped, but then an idea popped into your head. 
"Bruce? Can um… can I ask you a question?"
He pulled back, his thumbs brushing your upper arms, "you can ask me anything, Y/N."
You bit your lip and looked at the floor, suddenly nervous your request would end this whole thing before it even started. "Do you promise not to get mad at me?"
Bruce immediately wrapped his arms around you, "sweetheart, you're the only person I'm not angry around."
You blew out the breath you'd been holding and closed your eyes. "Can I talk to him?" 
He stiffened. "Y/N, I-I don't think th-"
"Please. He won't hurt me, Bruce. He never has. Please, just… please."
Just when you thought he was going to shut this whole escapade down, he slowly stood up. "Promise me you'll run if he gets out of hand."
You nodded and watched as he closed his eyes, his skin, hair, nails, everything turning green while he doubled in size. At first, Hulk was confused. His big eyes look down at you with interest. He huffed and held his hand out for you to take it. 
"Hey, big guy. Can you sit down for me against the wall over there? I wanna talk to you."
He tilted his head and haphazardly stomped to the opposite side of the room before plopping unceremoniously onto the floor making the lab equipment around you rattle.
"Thank you. May I sit on your lap?"
He looked up at you, his large hand gathering the thin material of your outfit between his fingers. "Y/N pretty. Hulk like clothes."
The corner of your mouth turned up into a crooked smirk. "Why thank you, honey. Can I sit down?" You gestured to his huge thigh and watched as he nodded. 
You straddled your hips over one of his legs, because it was impossible to do both, and cupped his face.
"You know how much I love you and Bruce, right?"
He blinked, "yes, Hulk know that."
"Well, I'd like to show both of you how much I love you, but I want to make sure you're okay with everything first."
He waited, the fingers on his right hand holding your waist.
"I want to be with both of you, in a more…intimate way. I wanna make the two of you happy because I love both of you with all my heart."
A low grunt rumbled through his chest. "Hulk love Y/N. But what intimate?" 
You scooted closer and smiled. "Can I kiss you?"
He nodded again, and you slowly leaned in, pressing your lips against his gently. At first, he didn't react, his whole body still except for his steady breathing, but then you felt him kiss back.
You pulled away to see his reaction and moaned when you saw the heat in his eyes.
"How was that, baby?"
His grip on your hips tightened a fraction. "Hulk want more."
You giggled and took his other hand. "I'll give you more, love, but first, I want you to feel how excited I am. You have to be careful with me though, okay?" 
"Hulk no hurt Y/N. Hulk be gentle."
You curled his fingers into a fist, save for his middle one, and brought it to your soaked pussy. "Do you feel that? Feel how wet I am here?"
He slid his large digit back and forth, watching curiously as you bit your lip, and then pulled his hand back to look at his finger. "Yes, Hulk feel."
You maintained eye contact as you sucked and licked your arousal from his skin. "Do you wanna try?"
He wasted no time, a little more sure of himself as he collected more of your juices. He inhaled your scent, a low growl reverberating in his chest as he tasted you. 
"Y/N good. Hulk need more."
You kissed the inside of his wrist and looked at him lovingly. "We can do more, but you really have to be careful, okay? Just one of your fingers is a lot for me to take, so you'll have to go slow."
He sighed softly and gathered a bit of your hair in his hand. "Hulk go slow. Always careful with Y/N."
You brought his hand between your legs again, but this time you guided his middle finger to your entrance. Bracing yourself, you sank down on him and whimpered from the slight stretch.
"Y/N okay?"
You licked your lips and let out a shaky breath, "yeah, baby. I'm fine. You feel so good."
Switching your position, you maneuvered yourself so your back was against his chest. He looked down at you, his free hand tilting your chin up.
"Hulk like when Y/N feel good."
You pulled him down for a chaste kiss and spread your legs so they were draped over his big thighs, "carefully move your finger, okay? Slowly in and out." 
As soon as you felt him pull out and push back in, a breathy moan fell from your lips. "Yeah, baby, just like that."
The sound of his soft grunts, the feeling of his toned muscles rippling against your skin, the way he brushed the sweet spot inside you, it was all so toe-curlingly good. Your second orgasm was building rapidly, making you whine desperately.
"Y/N feel wet. Hulk stop?"
You shook your head and moaned. "No, please don't stop. You're - oh, god! - gonna make me cum. D'you wanna see me do that, baby?"
He adjusted slightly, and suddenly you could feel his very large, very prominent erection pressing against your back.
"Yes. Hulk see Y/N" 
You canted your hips upward, meeting every thrust. "Go a little faster and do this with your finger."
You crooked yours to show him and he obeyed immediately making you cry out. "Oh, my god! Yes, oh, right there… don't stop please baby I'm so close!"
He huffed and grabbed your hand with his free one.
"Oh, fuck baby…yeah, oh, shit! Gonna cum… gonna come oh my g-FUCK!"
You squeezed his hand, your whole body convulsing as your walls fluttered around him repeatedly. He pulled out of you and examined his finger as you recovered from your moment of bliss.
"Hulk do good?" 
You turned around in his arms and kissed him again. "You did, baby. Thank you. Can I make you feel good now too?"
You let your fingertips ghost over the large tent in his shorts and watched as he closed his eyes and growled. The noise alone would scare anyone away, but not you. You knew he'd never harm you.
"Yes. Hulk feel good too."
Carefully, you freed him from his shorts, marveling at his impressive length and girth. "You're so big, baby. Being so good for me." He watched you spit in your hands and snarled when you began to stroke him. 
"Is this okay, love? Does this hurt?"
He threw his head back and panted. "No hurt. Feel good."
You smirked and began twisting your hands as they slid over the shiny green head.
"Remember, honey. Try not to hurt me, okay? I know it feels good, but when you cum you gotta try and stay still for me, alright?"
He gritted his teeth and brought a big hand to your cheek. "Hulk never hurt Y/N. Promise." He let out another choked cry. "Hulk feel funny...here." he pointed to his lower abdomen and you kissed his lips sweetly.
"That's good, baby. It means you're close. Just lean back and close your eyes for me. Let me make you feel good."
He listened and you watched his chest heave and his fists clench. 
"That's it. C'mon. Show me, sweetheart."
A few more strokes were all it took, a loud guttural roar filling the lab as thick ropes of cum coated your hands and his chest.
He stayed like that, panting and twitching, while you looked for a towel to clean him up. Grabbing one of the extra lab coats, you knelt in front of him again and planted a sweet kiss on his forehead.
"You're incredible, baby. I'm so proud of you. Bruce will be too. I knew you'd never hurt me."
He rubbed your sides affectionately as you cleaned him and your hands up. "No way hurt Y/N. Hulk love you."
You kissed his lips. "And I love you, baby. Can I see Bruce now? I wanna tell him how proud of you I am."
He gave you one final smile and closed his eyes, his body slowly becoming smaller until a sweaty Bruce lay slumped against the wall. 
He blinked a few times before he frantically ran his hands over you, looking for any sign of injury.
"Bruce, hey, calm down." You laced the fingers on both your hands with his and looked into his worried brown eyes. "I'm fine. He didn't hurt me, okay? In fact," you held up the lab coat that was now covered in sticky green liquid. "Things went more than okay."
He looked from you to the coat a few times before crashing his lips to yours. His kiss was possessive, nowhere near gentle as he explored your mouth eagerly.
"You were right, baby. I shouldn't have doubted you, but I was just so scared. I can't ever lose you."
You sat back on your haunches and grinned. "I know, honey. We can talk this over later, but right now I need you inside me." 
Bruce stood and pulled you to your feet, immediately pushing you against the wall. "You're perfect. Absolutely perfect, Y/N. I love you so damn much."
He kissed, nipped, and licked at your neck, littering a trail of purple-ish marks anywhere he could reach.
"Fuck, Bruce…"
He hummed and tore the front of your lacy top down the middle. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart. Smooth skin, perfect body, gorgeous face, amazing personality, you're an absolute work of art. I'm so lucky to call you mine. 'M gonna fuck you over and over again until you beg me to stop." 
A needy whine filled the small space between the two of you, your hands fisting in his hair. "Please! Please…want you so bad!"
He spun you around, pressing you against the wall as he undid his pants, kicking them off to the side. "Spread your legs, princess. That's it, brace yourself against the wall too."
You did what he asked and sucked in a sharp breath when he hooked your left leg over his thigh and pressed the head of his cock against your slick hole. "Don't you dare be quiet, you hear me, Y/N? I want every single person in this tower to know you're mine."
Your response died on your tongue as he slammed into you, setting a steady pace. 
You couldn't stay quiet even if you wanted to. Nothing compared to the way his cock made you feel. No toy, no vibrator, not even your fingers felt this good.
"Oh, Bruce! Oh, my fucking god!"
His left arm hugged your middle holding you up while his right wrapped around your throat, squeezing deliciously. "Good girl. Love hearing you scream for me. God, your pussy feels so good, warm and wet around my cock, pulling me in every time I slide home."
You clenched around him and he bit your shoulder. "Fuck! I gotta fill you up, baby. 'M sorry, but I'm not gonna last when you feel this good." 
Your left hand began rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts. "'S okay, Bruce… I-I'm close too. Feels - oh, fuck! Oh, my god! - s-so good!"
He was relentless now, the delicious drag of his cock against your walls was hard and fast. "Oh, fuck! That's it, princess. Yeah, that's right, squeeze me just like that. Come on, Y/N…let go with me."
His words were like a trigger, your third orgasm shooting through you like a bullet as he stilled inside you.
The two of you didn't move for a few minutes, the labored sounds of your breathing the only sound around you. Finally, he pulled out and turned you to face him, his lips colliding with yours in a passionate kiss.
"Fuck, that was…that was amazing."
Bruce caressed your cheek and smiled fondly. "Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for being patient with me and with him too. We wouldn't have made it this far without you, and we owe you everything." 
You kissed him slowly, taking your time to feel him against you. "I love you, Bruce. I'll always help both of you with anything. You both complete me, in every way, and I can't imagine a life without you guys."
He held you close, his fingers sliding up your back and into your hair. He opened his mouth to respond, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. cut him off. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt Mr. and Mrs. Banner, but Mr. Stark requests entrance to the lab."
Your eyes grew wide in fear of him seeing you naked. "Tell him to give us five minutes please, F.R.I.D.A.Y.."
"Of course, Mrs. Banner." Bruce threw you his clean lab coat, tossing the other one in the trash before pulling on his clothes. 
"Let's take this upstairs, Y/N. I'm not even close to being done with you." He winked and a jolt of arousal shot straight to your core.
"As long as you promise not to go easy on me, baby," you smirked. He swatted your ass and walked past you to the door.
"Oh, princess, now that I know you're safe with me I've got so many plans to take you apart over and over again. You're gonna be putty in my hands when I'm done with you."
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as you looked at his hooded eyes. Literally and figuratively, you were fucked. That was just a bonus though because you had everything you wanted. Bruce was yours in every sense of the word. 
Tony walked past you shaking his head, "there better not be a mess in there!"
You giggled and followed Bruce into the elevator. "No promises, Stark!"
Yeah, you thought to yourself, this is finally the start of our forever.
He glared at the closing metal doors, the sight of you and Bruce kissing being the last thing he saw. He smiled against your lips and you saw the happiness in his eyes.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I just saw a post about Buggy and Galdino being a rare pair despite the chemistry and had the wildest concept ever to formulate in my teeny lil peanut brain.
Buggy and Shanks? Yeah, it's complicated, but the answer to if they're together is neither yes nor no, just dreamy sighs (Shanks) and frantically cursing, blushing and rage (Buggy)
Buggy and Gaimon? Long distance situationship built on mutual respect, growing adoration, relatively chaste, all things considered.
Buggy and Galdino became an incidental ship during the Impel Down fiasco. They both would have eagerly and happily sold one another out for a corn chip, but eventually they build a really solid foundation and Buggy falls first buy Gal falls harder. Alvida is sipping her margarita, watching them sass-flirt each other and making disgusting goo-goo eyes. She's debating locking them in a room for them to either get right with their hearts or at the very least, give her a break.
Cross Guild happens, and Buggy is hurt by Galdino flocking back to Crocodile, yeah, but somehow he isn't surprised (self fulfilling destruction his beloved).
Hawkeye is the first to really look at Buggy - he's had to listen to Shanks wax poetic so often that he is still struggling to reconcile the Buggy-As-Described-By-Shanks with this Buggy before him. The math isn't mathing and he's wondering WHY. In doing so, he eventually starts clocking all these little things - Buggy dropping random, highly insightful and sharp comments that would solve a problem at hand succinctly and easily. Buggy is cautious, perhaps in some ways too much so, but he is also alarmingly good at resolving conflicts without... well, conflict. He's capable of manipulation tactics that most would find impossible without conquerors. Conquerors Haki which the clown most definitely does not have. He may... be understanding of where Shanks is coming from.
Crocodile and Daz, meanwhile, are slower to come around. Daz is stoic, uninterested, he does not care. Crocodile becomes... tolerant of Buggy, finding the idiot to be less of a nuisance than originally accounted for. Okay. Sure. Whatever. Then the boss man Notices some things. Galdino specifically. Mr 3 has always been rather mouthy, though much less to him than to his peers. But something about the ways Gal is interacting with the others speaks of more than idle proximity and general surliness. There's familiarity, a spark there, a thoughtlessness to the ways Galdino turns his back to them, trusting of all things. Then he catches a glimpse of Galdino and Buggy after dark, both tired and closer than most would be in that situation, curled together on a couch while Gal tries to convince Buggy to eat, and "no, baby blue, coffee does not count as food - no, I don't care about how many calories it has, you need something not-liquid, okay, damn-"
Buggy is... quiet when he's tired, Crocodile realizes. He takes away many thoughts and realization from viewing that interaction, but that is something that sticks out to him. The clown is so emotive and bombastic, pun unintended, but he... can be quiet.
He's... pretty, when he's quiet.
He swears he will take that thought to his grave.
Upon realizing though, suddenly it's like either the subtle PDA has skyrocketed or he's just hyperaware of it for what it is now. He sees the way Galdino's hand lingers on Buggy's shoulder; the way Buggy fiddles with his fingers before a wax-formed fidget toy is shuffled into his hands. He sees the smiles Gal shoot to Buggy, the quick flashes the clown shoots back in turn; he sees so much, and it's... not bad? But certainly not good.
Then he sees Mihawk slowly falling into the orbit as well. What? No, seriously, what the fuck?? Of all things, that is what sets his nerves on EDGE.
Daz, attuned to his boss as he always is, always will be, notices. He then turns to the source. Romance is not his thing, he is unapologetic about that. It serves no purpose and he himself is certain he is incapable of such feelings. He can identify it in others, obviously, a skill which he has honed in order to identify threats, allegiances, etc. He can see the veritable solar system this clown has amassed. He too can see how his employer is ferociously resisting the pull of it himself.
Daz doesn't get it, not really.
Daz does however get that the clown can, in fact, be rather cute and funny and witty. He also smells like vanilla, lavender, and the afterimage of the circus he so seems to adore. It shouldn't work. It works.
A blade man and an uncuttable man - truly the things they could get up to would be entertaining at the very least.
Crocodile and Mihawk, upon realizing DAZ HIT THAT BEFORE EITHER OF THEM (Croc's in denial still and Mihawk was going for the wine and dine gentlemanly thing with a strict schedule of expectation to allude to on his end for Optimal Performance), are absolutely FLABBERGASTED. Poor Galdino just has to awkwardly debate between patting their shoulders and trembling at the idea of initiating contact with two upset powerhouses. He settles for awkwardly going, "he... does this, sometimes? But he's insatiable, so really you'd be doing all of us a favor if you wanted to do anything too.... maybe.... pleasedon'tkillme-"
Just. Silly awkward hypersexual clown with his polycule having to trade off and also the sillies of Buggy attracting the most emotionally constipated men in the fucking Seas, nobody is straight or neurotypical, it should NOT work out and yet by the power of carnivals, balloon animals and the audacity of a koala on every drug imaginable, they make it work.
The government is having twelve attacks of a variety of natures with every tip about the clown having a new beau. "is he collecting them??? Making a harem armada????? How does that even work, there's so many - wait I don't wanna know-"
I think this might be the best thing I've ever read because ohmygod- Buggy just pulls literally every possible man. Can you even imagine the gossip nights he has with Alvida? That girl is so done with him and yet they still do these things together because he's the most fun around. Alvida doesn't even know how the hell he does these things. He doesn't even know either. You forgot to mention that he might pull literally everyone but he's the biggest failguy ever and if you ask him about his flirting tactics he won't know what to say.
And I agree completely tbh Buggy and Gal should be more of a popular ship. Despite all the scenes they have together I'm still amazed that they don't have many shippers (me included, I mean, you literally just opened my eyes right now).
This clown has the biggest and some-fucking-how most stable polycule in all seas. Everyone just keeps falling for him when they hated his guts at first and he doesn't even realize until they directly tell him because he just assumes everybody wants to kill him or use him or whatever- But suddenly he has a whole harem and he can't even believe it. You know who can't believe it? Alvida. Biggest Buggy supporter but also the biggest Buggy hater. MLM/WLW solidarity but she won't hesitate to also talk shit about him. How beautiful.
I think the marines have a bet going on tbh. Like a Bingo for Buggy's polycule. They just keep asking themselves who's gonna be next. That's what they do on their breaks.
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tuttle-did-it · 3 months
INT: M*A*S*H writer's room - DAY - 1975 Writer 1: Since we're talking about this new character, CBS is getting a lot of complaints that Hawkeye and Trapper seemed like lovers, especially since they're both womanisers and joke about sex with each other all the time.
Writer 2: Right. So, now that Trapper is gone, I think this new character in the Swamp needs to be a real Wife Guy. Alda: Wait, hold it-- Wife Guy?
Writer 1: You know, not a womaniser. Upstanding guy, talks about his wife a lot, loyal--
Alda: --Uh-huh, hold it, hold it. What about Hawkeye? Who will I constantly flirt with? Who am I sleeping with every night?
Writer 3: Margaret?
Alda: Will you be serious?
Writer 2: There's no problem, Alan.
Alda: No prob- no problem?! Who will I make sex jokes with? Who will I ask to take my virginity and to get me pregnant?
Writer 1: There seems to be some confusion, here, Alan. Wife Guy just means he doesn't fuck everyone in the camp. He's still a new lover for Hawkeye. You'll just have more of a marriage relationship instead of fucking for fun. In fact, we're going to up the sexual jokes.
Writer 2: Do you want us to write more shower scenes with you guys? We can do that, that's no problem.
Alda: I've told you from the start we need more of those.
Writer 3: We don't want people to stop complaining to CBS about all the gay content. We just want to be able to grin the fuck at the CBS guy when we tell them it's all innocent.
Alda: But if he's a Wife Guy--
Writer 1: --Right. He's your wife. Instead of your boyfriend, he's your wife.
Alda: Well, I can be the wife, sometimes, he can be the wife the rest of the time. I just don't want any confusion, here.
Writer 2: Alan, his character's name is B.J.
Alan Alda: Oh. Oh, okay. So that's settled? Definitely lovers? No question?
[Writers all agree]
Alda: Fine, fine. We gotta cast someone pretty. What about that Farrell guy, I liked him.
Writer 1: That's who we're going with.
Alda: I just... I need to cradle his head.
Writer 3: You can cradle any part of him as much as you want. We'll do it in his first episode if you want.
Alda: And Farrell, he's on board? He gets it?
Writer 2: Sure, he even talked about growing a moustache at some point to really sell it.
Alda: Okay. Okay, good. Call Farrell, tell him I wanna take him to dinner.
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acescorazon · 7 months
*casually drops two updates in one day*
Title: Changes
Chapter: 6/?
Rating: M
Word count: 2063
Warnings: Explicit language, Depressed clown :( ((Buggy's still in that mindset where he thinks he's going to die at any moment and bounces back and forth between not caring and being overly anxious.))
Chapter excerpt:
Mihawk pauses for a moment, and perhaps he’s gathering the right words to say before he speaks again, “And I am man enough to admit my wrongdoings.” Buggy doesn’t get where anything is going, he’s so confused by the sudden change in Hawkeye’s attitude. Is this a weird dream? Is he actually still stuck in that same repetitive loop, just dreaming that Mihawk had a change of heart? Why is Mihawk being so..weird…? Who is this guy? This isn’t the Hawkeye Buggy knows. “Buggy.” He calls out, and Buggy jumps slightly in his seat. He has a strong urge to run out of the room right now. He doesn’t like this. This is so weird… “I apologize. I’ve treated you very horribly in the past, but I hope that you can forgive me for everything and we can have a more positive relationship in the future.”
Forgive him? 
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Why, just why? Buggy thinks. He doesn’t want to see them. He doesn’t want to do this. They’re just going to get mad at him and beat him, and… and Buggy just wants to stay in his room. They don’t need him, he messes everything up, and they hate him for it.
They’re going to hurt him again. 
No, no, no. He doesn’t want to go to that stupid meeting. Yet… Buggy detests the idea of either man coming into his room and invading the one place that’s been almost like a safe haven away from them. They’ll come in, criticize everything inside his room, and fill the place with horrible memories. He doesn’t want to walk into his bedroom and instantly think, ‘Wow, that’s the spot where they beat me senseless.’ every time he enters it. He wants to keep them far away from his personal space; it’s bad enough that they already occupy his mind every waking moment. 
Buggy isn’t properly dressed, he’s still in his pajamas, actually, but he quickly gets out of bed, afraid that if he doesn’t go to the meeting room, and now, that Mihawk and Crocodile will come bursting into his room. 
Look, it’s fine. It’s fine. He’ll just go to the stupid meeting and get things over with as quick as possible, maybe he’ll pretend that he’s still really, really ‘sick’, and then he’ll go back to his room and enjoy a few more days of peace. No more, no less, no angering Crocodile and Mihawk over something stupid and then getting his ass kicked. 
He’s okay. 
A few of his men notice his strange attire choice as Buggy rushes to the meeting room for his emergency meeting; and maybe it is a little strange seeing your boss in pink pajamas with little hearts on them, but, who cares about all that right now?! He wants to just get this over with. Hopefully, Mihawk won’t still be mad about the other night when Buggy…
When Buggy got really drunk and then ripped him a new one. He’s been dreading seeing Mihawk for that very reason… Buggy wasn’t in the right state of mind that night, he was sad and anxious, and he just let loose, and…Surely if Mihawk was going to kill him for drunkenly insulting him, he would have by now…but what if he’s just been waiting to slaughter him?
Oh, man, it’s going to be okay.
He’s going to be okay. 
Buggy’s heart is pounding faster and faster in his chest with every little step he takes, and he almost feels like…
It’s weird, really. He’s in his body, but he almost feels like someone else is controlling him, and like he’s just watching everything happening around him, but it’s okay, it’s beyond okay. He’s going to have that meeting, and he’s going to make it out alive. 
As he approaches the meeting room, he can hear loud, somewhat muffled, yelling already, and he freezes. Oh, man. They’re already mad at him. As soon as he steps foot into that room, they’re going to clobber him. He didn’t do anything wrong this time. He didn’t, he didn’t, he didn-  
“I told you i ain’t fucking doing that!”
“Then I’m done.”
“Leave then! I don’t care anymore!” 
Buggy hears their words, but he can’t understand or process them. He doesn’t want to go in. He doesn’t want to end up hurt again. He wants to turn around and go back to his room, and– 
Buggy decides to rip the bandage off, and quickly. He holds his breath and enters the meeting room, and as soon as he does, Mihawk and Crocodile turn to him and pause their argument, staring at Buggy, speechlessly. He’s fine. He’s fine, he knows that he came to a meeting in his pajamas, but it’s not like he’d get beaten up for something like that…would he? He’s fine, he’s fine. 
Neither of them mentions his attire right away, so that’s a good start…right? 
Mihawk is the first to speak after Buggy enters the meeting room, “Oh, so you decided to come after all…How are you?” How is he? How is he?! He’s scared to death! How else would he be at this very moment?! Mihawk basically forced him to come to this meeting, and knowing him, he’s probably going to yell at him. They’re both going to yell at him probably, and then, and then….
“I’m…doing better…still feeling a little unwell…” Buggy says, voice small and shaky. He keeps his eyes glued down to the ground, terrified of making eye contact with the other man at the moment. He quietly takes his seat at his normal spot at the meeting table, hoping that there aren’t objections to at least that, and waits for Mihawk and Crocodile to begin things. 
There’s something foreign and strangely soft about Mihawk’s voice as he has a seat right across from Buggy at the table,  “That’s rather unfortunate, isn’t it? We hope you feel better soon.” We? As in both of them? …What the hell…? There’s no reason to be nice… There’s no reason to lie...There's no reason to do all this... “I’ll get straight to the point: We’re never going to be successful if we continue to act this way towards each other.” 
“If Cross Guild is going to be successful, we need to treat each other with respect, and I mean that. I believe that we need to start fresh, and move on from everything that’s happened in the past.”
Buggy briefly glances up, accidentally making eye contact with Mihawk, before quickly averting his gaze back down to the table. Why is he saying this all of a sudden? Surely he doesn’t care that much about them having a good relationship, if he did he would have been nice from the start or would have actually accepted one of Buggy’s many previous offers to have a cordial relationship with each other, but he didn’t.  Mihawk’s never once seemed interested in treating Buggy with ‘respect’, so what’s different all of a sudden?  
Mihawk pauses for a moment, and perhaps he’s gathering the right words to say before he speaks again, “And I am man enough to admit my wrongdoings.” Buggy doesn’t get where any of this is going, he’s so confused by the sudden change in Hawkeye’s attitude. Is this a weird dream? Is he actually still stuck in that same repetitive loop, just dreaming that Mihawk had a change of heart? Why is Mihawk being so..weird…? Who is this guy? This isn’t the Hawkeye Buggy knows. “Buggy.” He calls out, and Buggy jumps slightly in his seat. He has a strong urge to run out of the room right now. He doesn’t like this. This is so weird… “I apologize. I’ve treated you very horribly in the past, but I hope that you can forgive me for everything and we can have a more positive relationship in the future.”
Forgive him?!
What a load of Bullshit! Just when he thought that Mihawk couldn’t get worse… Does he actually think that Buggy can forgive him and just forget everything he’s done just because he gave him a simple little apology? He’s beaten him, he’s degraded him, he’s humiliated him, he’s… he’s threatened Buggy’s life! And he thinks an apology is going to make up for it?! He expects Buggy to happily accept his apology and pretend nothing happened when…when he’s hurt Buggy so badly! No, screw that! Why should he ever forgive Mihawk even if he apologizes to him hundreds or thousands of times?
Buggy doesn’t want this. He doesn’t need this. What he wants is for Mihawk (and Crocodile) to just leave the island before they can cause any (more) harm to Buggy and his crew! Screw his apology! He doesn’t realize it at first, but he ends up glaring at Mihawk, angry and in disbelief that Mihawk thinks this will all go away with an apology, but he does eventually realize what he’s doing and it’s all thanks to Crocodile:
“What’s with that look, clown?” Crocodile scoffs, and as soon as those very words leave his mouth, Buggy quickly looks back down at the table, hoping that he’s not about to start a fight for something he didn’t even realize he was doing. “Are you too good to accept his apology?” …it’s not even that! How can Crocodile be so much of a jerk that he… that he can’t even see why Buggy’s hesitant to accept Mihawk’s apology?! Oh, that’s right, he’s probably never gone through what Buggy’s gone through before, and plus, Crocodile’s cruel and evil, and he doesn’t have any sense of empathy or humanity! How could Buggy forget? 
“Crocodile, if he doesn’t want to accept my apology, then I understand.” Mihawk sighs, “I understand that I’ve hurt you severely and how you might be hesitant to accept my apology or even believe it’s genuine. It’s my own fault, really… But I truly want all of us to get along better from now on, even if it’ll take some time.” 
Buggy still can’t believe any of this is happening… He doesn’t want to get along with Crocodile and Mihawk now after everything that’s happened between them, it’s far too late. He tried to offer his friendship ages ago, but they never wanted it…why should he try to be their friend now? They’re horrible people! “I want to suggest that the three of us have a nice dinner to discuss the future of Cross Guild as well as try to get to know each other better,” Mihawk states, and there’s a moment of silence after Mihawk makes his suggestion, but Crocodile and Buggy’s reaction soon afterward is…predictable.
“Nah, I'll pass.” Crocodile sneers, while Buggy just looks up in shock and confusion. What the fuck, man? No. Why would Buggy ever want to… He didn’t even want to come to this meeting, why would he want to have dinner with Mihawk and Crocodile?! Buggy hasn’t even accepted Mihawk’s apology, does he think he did? Does it even matter if Buggy accepts his apology or not? Does he think they’re all just buddies now? Does he really think that they can just forget about all the times he and Crocodile beat the shit out of Buggy?! Because they can’t! “I feel… really sick… I don’t think I can come.” Buggy lies, but then again, it really isn’t much of a lie because he’s fucking sick to his stomach right now. 
What is Mihawk even on right now?! 
“That’s also fine.” Mihawk nods, “But the offer remains on the table if both or either of you change your minds. Now, Crocodile, do you have something you’d like to say to Buggy?” 
No way. Buggy gets the feeling he knows where Mihawk is trying to guide the conversation, and there’s no way Crocodile would actually apologize to Buggy. Crocodile probably hates Buggy a hundred times more than Mihawk does and he’s made that fact abundantly clear several times already. “I ain’t got nothing to say to him.” Crocodile replies a moment later, and that’s the exact reaction Buggy thought he’d have, but… But at least he’s not being weird and suddenly trying to be all nice and crap, at least he’s still being consistent. 
Mihawk exhales a sigh, getting up from his seat, “Then, I have no more to say to either of you, have a good day.” What? What was the point in all that? Buggy stays seated in his chair as Mihawk makes his exit, secretly peeking over at Crocodile and trying to gauge his reaction. They both think this is weird, right? Buggy’s not the only one confused by this all, right? 
Crocodile’s expression is almost unreadable, but Buggy doesn’t think he’s too happy at the moment. He sits in his seat as well, uncharacteristically quiet and almost…calm? No, that’s not the word for it. He’s not calm, he definitely doesn’t seem calm, he actually seems like he’s quietly seething as he stares in Buggy’s direction. His aura is much more intimidating than usual, and Buggy can just barely make out the sight of Crocodile clutching his fist tightly. “I don’t think we’ll be having any more meetings for a while, clown,” He announces, and there’s a terrifying combination of coldness and hatred in his voice. “In fact, it might just be you and me in Cross Guild from now on.”
((A/N: All i needed to see was the flyer in the anime. That's all i needed and now i'm acting GOOFY.))
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sciderman · 3 months
this might be an unpopular opinion but actually i think that in homecoming mcu peter was very well characterized? i thought he brought the sass and was very headstrong and i think that's why that film is my favorite out of his, he was throwing himself into situations without deliberation with just a very restless and agitated feel to him at points, and actively driving the plot forward in a way that to me felt very baby peter. i think that fanon (like irondad, woobifying him in fics etc) has contributed to a perception of him that isn't super strong in actual canon. i also think the writers would benefit from reading your tags on that post lol, cause mcu spidey is at his best when HIS choices are actively driving the plot, and at its weakest when hes reacting to things happening to him like in far from home. there's potential for spidey 4, there's a lot of room for angry, broken, but hopeful peter, and i'm sure the mcu will disappoint me but i am a fool and live in hope :')
i guess you have some kind of a point there, and i can see the point you're making - but – i think where it doesn't work is that we never actually get an inkling as to why peter's restless and agitated. why he cares so much about being a hero. why he wants to. when like, in civil war he actually kind of didn't want to get involved with the avengers. he was blackmailed into it. so why that 180?
no consistency in the mcu. no consistency at all. i hear that writers don't even consult each other between movies, and i believe it ,, considering how much whiplash i consistently get from mcu character motivations. (constantly thinking of civil war where hawkeye tells scott "you might go to jail for this", and scott says "yeah well what else is new" nonchalantly, like he didn't just fucking have an entire movie where is whole motivation was "i do not want to go to jail because i want to be with my daughter." what the fuck?? what the fuck mcu??? what the fuck?????????? the mcu does this with literally every character too. tony destroying all his armor in one movie and the next one making ARMOR FOR THE WORLD??????????????? 180s just across the board. we're gonna do a thing and then 3 seconds later we're gonna do the exact opposite thing. i hate the mcu.)
in the comics we entirely understand why peter is agitated and restless. we've seen it. we see his justification literally on the front page of his first appearance in amazing fantasy #15.
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the world mocked timid teenager peter parker. so peter wants the world to see the awesome might of spider-man. there you go. that's why he put on the stupid tights. we get it. two sentences and we get the whole schtick.
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we pointedly do NOT get to see what kind of kid mcu peter parker was before the spider-bite. we never get to know. we do not know what changed. he doesn't even talk about it. not even freaking once. he never laments that he used to be weak. he never expresses the sentiment that his life has improved now that he has powers, or even what having powers really means to him. just a "i've got powers now. guess i have to become a hero. i guess." there's no motivation for him at ALL. power doesn't mean a thing to him. he's just some kid who has powers i guess and who else is kind of super? uh? tony stark?? yeah okay i wanna be tony stark i guess.
IT ALL MEAAAANS nothing!! ! ! ! ! ! nothing fucking at all!!!!!! it's actually SO SO missing the point of spider-man entirely to not pay any mention at all to who peter parker was before the spider-bite. that lives in him every day. it's an ANXIETY that lives in him every day of his life. it's something really important for you to know about peter. in every issue spider-man is IN, this anxiety manifests in some kind of way, in everything he does.
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we never see what's changed for him, how it affects his dynamic with his friends, with aunt may, with anyone. it's barely a source of tension for him because actually, his secret identity is thrown around like it's a joke. it baffles my mind how much the mcu misses the mark with spider-man, actually. whenever i think about mcu spider-man i discover some new way they misunderstood spider-man. i didn't even think about how much is missing from just the omission of pre-spider-bite peter parker. it's such a vital part of spider-man's motivation that's been wiped. his motivation in the mcu is so, so vague. his motivation is the same as any kid who has seen an iron man movie. "hey that guy can fly. i want to fly too. and i want to buy iron man action figures and i want a cool suit too." uhh?? yeah?? what kid doesn't?? lame. lame and weak. mcu peter parker doesn't have a unique personality trait to differentiate him from any 10 year old who's watching these movies. weak and lame.
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sgt-seabass · 1 year
For your open requests: Omega!Reader + Dark Alpha!Bucky + Heat Triggered + “You really should be more careful in the field, doll. You never know what could have happened if they found you. But, it’s okay, I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.”
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pairing — dark!alpha!bucky barnes x avengers!omega!reader w/c — 1.6k (was meant to be a drabble, whoops) this is a dark fic. 18+ only. warnings — dark bucky, a/b/o elements, choking, general dark themes a/n — beta-ed by @sweeterthanthis and looked over by @navybrat817 and @maladaptivexxdaydreaming. my brain has been in a self-critical place recently, so thank you friends for helping me get this out.
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The world was cruel.
You knew it as soon as you presented as an omega.
Your mother cried. Your father was so angry he punched a hole in the wall. Your friends turned up their noses, and everyone started to treat you as lesser.
You were no more than the bottom of the barrel.
That was until aliens invaded New York, and you presented for the second time. This time, your powers became apparent after being struck with a weapon alight with electricity. Hawkeye tried to save you, but as it turned out, he didn’t need to.
The aliens used advanced technology, something you quickly learned you could manipulate. You could feel the electrical currents and your mind's eye could visually see the circuit paths to infiltrate any electronic device.
Unsurprisingly, the Avengers took you in for their training program only weeks later.
While New York rebuilt, you trained.
In the sparring circle, no one cared what designation you were. Opponents threw their punches hard regardless. And you learnt what it meant to be an agent; to be respected by your peers.
In the years that followed, after the rise and fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., you met Bucky Barnes. His friend, none other than Captain America, had found him not long after being fished out of the Potomac River.
He was damaged, but who wasn’t? You all had your vices.
You’d tried to befriend him while others cowered away, but all you ever got was a narrowed glance in return. It was obvious he didn’t like you. That much was evident with how he’d sit as far away from you as possible or leave the gym when you entered, not even acknowledging your existence. Asshole. You’d tried to be kind since every other agent wanted nothing to do with him, but if he wanted to be a dick, so be it.
It’s fine. You didn’t need Bucky's approval. But you needed him to be civil on missions after you were placed on the same team. Which he seemed to be, for the most part. The occasional snide comment was passed.
“You really should be more careful, agent. You almost got hit.”
“Perhaps you should spend more time training and less time making yourself look pretty. Nice hair does nothing to assist on missions.”
“Stop dragging behind, agent. I can’t help you when you get your ass beat.”
But overall, it was bearable. Plus, you’d always come out of those missions with a shit-eating grin when you proved him wrong, using power and prowess to take down enemies effortlessly.
You may be an omega, but you were powerful. And that felt good.
But the higher you climb, the harder you fall.
And you were plummeting.
You’d been on heat suppressants since you entered the Avengers tower all those years ago. The medicine helped to reduce your omega scent to barely nonexistent and stopped the quarterly throes of heat.
Bruce always provided you with the medication you needed, but something tells you he might have made the batch wrong.
You’re standing in the lab of a Hydra base, one of many that still exist. Cut off one head, and two shall take its place. The cramps that are overtaking your body are intense, and they almost have you blacking out on the floor from the pain.
Sweat beads along your brow, your tactical suit feeling suddenly claustrophobic, the fabric too tight with how hot you’re getting. Your fingers grip the side of the metal counter, shuddering breaths coming from you.
It was all wrong. There’s no way you’d just entered your heat, right?
The whimper that bubbles in your throat indicates otherwise. You can still smell the alpha scent coming off the bodies of the Hydra agents near your feet. You’d taken them down shortly before the cramps began. And now all you want to do is scent their cold corpses.
Fuck. This is unprofessional.
God, Bucky is going to wring your ass for this.
A particularly sharp shoot of pain has you gasping and keeling over, your head resting against the cold counter, the various bottled substances around you rattling.
You bang your fist against the metal, frustrated tears welling in your eyes.
It all becomes worse when a phenomenal scent wafts into the room. Like a forest fresh after a storm. Earthy, woodsy, and cozy. It’s the kind of smell that entices adventure, to find the unknown hidden within the humid forest.
You’d know that smell anywhere.
Your legs give way, and you slide to the tiled floor. Heat pools in your core, slick beginning to coat your folds.
You look away when Bucky enters, but you can hear the way he sniffs into the air with a dry, mocking chuckle.
“You really should be more careful in the field, doll. You never know what could have happened if they found you. But, it’s okay, I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.”
Doll? He’s never spoken to you so softly before. Confused, you turn to look at him, and fuck, you want to jump him. Hair that’s just begging to be pulled on, that damn silver arm and beefy stature. He’s the picture of a perfect alpha.
You’ve always been attracted to him. How could you not be? Despite his shit attitude, he is a fucking Adonis.
You take a deep breath, attempting to compose yourself and not drool. “I am careful. There must be something wrong with my meds. Blame Bruce and not me,” you snipe, your fever beginning to worsen with each second, your tactical suit sticking to your skin uncomfortably.
“Oh, no, you can blame me for that. I swapped them with placebos,” Bucky says nonchalantly, moving to lean against a nearby counter with a smirk.
The shock freezes you, your mind momentarily short-circuiting. “What?”
“How else was I meant to mate you, omega?” Like it’s a simple, obvious answer, Bucky shrugs his shoulders, nostrils flaring as he continues to take in your scent.
“But— but you hate me. You can’t stand being near me.”
Bucky lets out a growl, and it has your pussy clenching around nothing. “I can’t stand being near you knowing you’re not mine, knowing I couldn’t smell the real you. I need to fuck you, bite you, consume you. But I couldn't do that with those drugs pumping through your system. You have no idea how difficult it was holding myself back with you around, omega.”
His words give you clarity, and you recall all the moments he’d looked at you. In the gym. In the common areas. On missions. In the quinjet after. Pupils dilating, shoulders squared, jaw clenched. You thought he acted like that because he hated you. But it’s because he wants you.
Bucky starts to approach, but you frantically scramble backwards across the floor, covering yourself in the blood of the dead agents as you pass their bodies. “G-Get away from me. I’ll tell everyone what you did. I-I’ll tell Bruce. Steve. Anyone who will listen.”
“Oh, omega, who do you think helped me set all this up? Don’t you think we’ll make a great duo? The little electric omega and her alpha,” Bucky laughs, not stopping his long strides.
His scent is getting more robust and enticing, and it's hard to hold back the moan that wants to escape from the mere smell of him. “Fuck off. You’re not my alpha.”
“I will be.”
Bucky gets closer, and in a split-second decision, you extend your arm and use your powers. You’d never dared try this before, but there was no time like the present.
You feel the currents and wires of Bucky’s arm, your eyes fluttering as you follow the electric path until you find the needed area. You clench your fist, shutting down the primary receptor, and his metal arm goes limp like dead weight.
Bucky bows to the side for a moment before he straightens himself. Even with the arm disabled, he has the strength to hold up the hunk of metal like it's feather-light. His grin widens. “You cannot stop me, even with your tricks, sparky. Give in to me, and I’ll make it all better, omega.”
A whine rips through you the moment his hand touches your knee, the simple touch sending need coursing through you. You look around, but there's nothing there to help you. No electronics nearby as Bucky corners you against the lab counter.
Pulling your gun is dumb, you know this, but you do it anyway. You unholster your handgun, whipping it up and aiming it at Bucky’s legs, just to get him to back off. He’s lost his goddamn mind.
The super soldier doesn't take kindly to the threat. Before you can aim it at him, Bucky grabs your wrist, nearly crushing your bones in his grip before he spins you in the blood on the floor, allowing him to snake his arm around your neck with your back flush to his chest.
The pain in your wrist causes you to yelp and drop the gun, the weapon clattering against the ground as you wheeze. Bucky’s forearm, tight against your throat, begins to squeeze. Even with his metal arm dormant, he still easily overpowers you. “Didn’t have to be like this, sparky. Could’a been nice and sweet.”
“S-Stop, Bucky–” You claw against his arm, but the fabric covering it was bulletproof, so your nails can't even dig in. “L-Let me go.”
“That’s enough, omega. Sleep,” Bucky’s hot breath fans against your ear as he nips at your lobe. “And when you wake up, I’m going to fuck you like a goddamn animal. You’ll be screaming my name so loud the whole compound will hear how good my cock feels.”
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To be updated on when I post please follow @sgt-seabass-library and turn on post notifications.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Back to Home | Chapter Three: Impossible
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*GIF not mine*
Summary: While on Earth 717, they start to plan an operation to get you back; on Earth 616, everyone want to know who you are but, you just want to go home and for this, you'll have to ask the help of one of the last person you want to see right now.
Pairing in this chapter: Natasha Romanoff x Teen!Reader; Avenger x Teen!Reader; Doctor Strange x Teen!Reader; America Chavez x Teen!Reader; Peter Parker x Teen!Reader; (variant)WandaNat & family
chapter two | serie masterlist | chapter four
Okay it was the only thing you did want to deal with. You just looked at them for a moment, you needed to think about a name right now. "Uh...Scarlet." you replied more like a question. They clearly doubted that but it's not like you could tell them who you were. Right now you just needed to not bring more questions and quickly came back in the future.
At your reply, Natasha scoffed and you looked at her with a sad look. The last argument you had with your moms was still recent in your mind but she didn't have to know that, at least not yet.
"Scarlet hum? Like the Scarlet Wi-" Sam tried to ask but you cut him off.
"No, definitely no. It's Scarlet like Scarlet Widow." you said proudly and everyone looked at you confused.
"Widow? Like the Black Widow?" Bucky asked and you sighed.
"No. Like the Scarlet Widow." you reply harshly.
"Okay, okay. Miss, Scarlet what do you want?" Strange asked, visibly annoyed by your interaction with the two men.
"I want to go back home." you replied.
"And where are you from?" he asked.
"Really far from here." Nobody seemed convinced.
"And where did you find this?" Natasha spoke for the first time and showed you your widow's bites.
"Oh thank God, you found them. Morgan would kill me if I lost them." you replied and the two teens chuckled at your attitude.
"You know it's not something a kid should have." Tony said and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm 18, so, technically I'm not a kid anymore and I have used this for nearly three years now so yeah how dangerous they could be." you said looking at the red headed when you finished your sentence.
"But they didn't work." Natasha said
"Yeah I know that's why I'm here. I need to repair them even if I don't really know how. I need to send a signal to the....to my team and to let them know I'm alright." you said and tried to be the most convincing possible.
"But we have some questions before." Steve said and you rolled your eyes.
"Birthday?" the Russian asked but you didn't reply. You can't tell them you were technically born aly six years ago. "Okay you don't want to reply." she sighed. "Parent's name?" she asked. You just stare at her but you didn't said anything. "Okay, another question. Why do you have the same power as Wanda Maximoff?" she asked.
You played with your fingers and when they think you'll finally reply you wiped their hope. "Can I talk to my lawyer?" you asked and they all exchanged a look.
Tony grabbed a phone and looked at you "Who are they?" he asked and you bit your cheek.
"Clint Barton." you replied and they were all confused. "You know Hawkeye, the Avengers" you added and that didn't make disappear their surprise.
Okay even in your univers Clint didn't really learnt anything about laws but if there is one person you wanted to confess anything it was him. Morgan is only 6 years old in 2024; your aunts are very good friends but you knew they couldn't really keep this to themself and for your uncle it's sure he could talk with your mom so he was the safe option.
Natasha just glared at you, it was clear that she couldn't trust you; she didn't say anything and just left quickly followed by the winter soldier. "Did I say something wrong?" you asked Peter.
"Honestly I don't know. She seems a little upset but I think she will call him." he replied. 
"Oh okay, but why did the Snowman soldier follow her?" you asked and Amercia chuckled at the shity nickname.
"I'm not sure but everyone says there is something between them." Peter whispered and you frowned your eyebrows. Yeah of course your mom is good friends with Bucky but she's married to a certain Sokovian witch, right? The boy noticed your face and added in a whisper "You know they are a thing. Like they date each other." 
"What??!" you yelled and the adults stopped their conversation to look at you. "No it's impossible. Are you sure about that?" you asked a little quietly.
"Yeah it's like everywhere on the internet." he replied casually.
"But it's impossible I need to...I mean I ship her with Wanda." you corrected yourself and ignored America who raised her eyebrows to you. 
"Sorry not sorry. I think you missed a lot of things because right now I don't think it could have anything between her and Wanda." he said and when you wanted to ask why Natasha came back. 
Everyone looked at her but she focused her gaze on you and it remembered you all the time she was about to ground you. "He will be here tomorrow." she informed you and you nodded. "We will let see you tomorrow. Steve will bring you your lunch later." she said and left.
“So I think we can go back from where we came too.” Strange added.
“No!” you stopped him. “Actually I’ll need your help to go back to my home.” you informed him.
“And what makes you think I will want to help a perfect stranger who I don’t know her name?” he asked you.
“Because…you’re an avenger and the Avengers help the ones who need it.” you said. “And also because you’re one of the most powerful users of magic here, and I’m pretty sure my problem needs magic.” you added.
“I’m the supreme sorcerer, I’m not ‘one of the most powerful magic users here���. I’m the most powerful.” he explained and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay if you want but I think you forgot Wanda. She can alternate reality and she’s like the most powerful witch in this world, even if I’m the second one.” you said and America flinched a little. The action was unnoticed by everyone in the room except you but you didn’t find the need to ask her about that.
“Yeah, but I don’t think she would be able to help you for a moment.” the sorcerer said before leaving with the two teens before you could reply.
In the afternoon Steve came back to the kitchen with an empty plate. "She didn't say anything, I think she doesn't want to talk to anyone except Clint." he said and Natasha just nodded.
"Do you think it's a good idea to let her speak with Clint? She didn't look like someone we can trust." Sam asked.
"I don't trust her." the Russian said and Bucky looked at her confused. "I don't know why she wants to talk to Clint but she's silly if she thinks he will not tell me what she wants to keep hidden from us." she explained.
Tony came just after and throw your widow's bite on the redhead's laps she looked confused. "Look at them" she looked at them and then at the billionaire again. "More carefully." he said and she inspected them. She was about to give up until she found it, a little 'Stark Industrie' logo.
"But how?" she asked and Tony took back the weapons.
"I don't know but I think it's not the last secret this little thing hides." he said and went back to his lab.
[Earth 717 - the Tower] 
Tony was zoning out in the kitchen with a coffee cup in his hand, neither him or his daughter had a proper night. He was too far in his mind to hear the footsteps, he came back to reality when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Tony, are you alright?" Steve asked.
The billionaire placed the cup on the kitchen counter, "Honestly no" he admitted "I don't know what to do. We try anything Steve, we search in the multiverse. We used the power of America to help us but nothing worked." he said.
"I think you should try to sleep, after a good nap you will try again and we will help you." the super soldier saif and gave him a reassuring smile and led him in a bedroom.
In your tower’s bedroom Morgan was here with Ava, your other best friend, she told her everything.
"Wait hold on, you are telling me that the most reckless person we know is lost somewhere in the multiverse?" Ava asked and Morgan nodded, "wow, it's the most Y/n-ish thing she ever did" she joked and the little Stark laughed. "But how are you? You don't look good so I think you stayed up all night with your dad to find a soluce."
"Yeah but it's more complicated than we thought."
"I don't even want to try to imagine all you did."
"We did a lot of things but it doesn't really matter we didn't find her."
"Hey don't say that you'll find her, like you always did. And she can't miss the gender reveal party, I'm sure she'll come back soon."
"Talking about that, how is my little buddy?"
"They are pretty good but I think I'm not ready for the next few months." 
"Don't worry we will be here, like always."
'Ava was in front of your door, she was nervous but after five more minutes she knocked on the door. She didn't have to wait too long before Wanda opened the door.
"Hey Ava how are you?" she asked and your best friend almost cried at the question.
"Very good and you aunty Wanda?" she replied and even if your mom sensed it was a lie she didn't push her.
"Very well thank you. Y/n and Morgan are in her bedroom." she said and took a step aside to let the teenager in. Ava thanks her and after quickly greeting Natasha she rushed to your bedroom; she didn't knock and just enter and close the door quickly behind her.
You were playing Mario Kart with Morgan, you sprained your ankle at your last mission so you can't really go out. Your other best friend sat on the bed and you paused the game to look at her; she texted you two hours earlier to let you know she had to talk to you and Morgan and that's why everyone was there.
"Girls I fucked up" she started and the two of you exchange a concern look.
"Did you crash your mom's car? Don't worry my dad can get you a new." Morgan said but the other girl shook her head.
"Did you burn your house? It's okay, I'm sure my mama can reverse the thing." you said but she shook her head again.
"Okay now you start to worry us. What's happen?" Morgan asked. Ava took a deep breath and tears almost fell on her cheeks.
"Guys, I'm pregnant." she announced and she would look at your two faces if she was not too anxious about the news.
"You're WHAT?" you both yelled, in the living room Natasha looked at Wanda a little confused, her wife sensed you were shocked, happy and worried at the same time but she didn't know why. "From who? Since when? And most importantly does your mom know?" you asked her together.
"From Marcus of course, you know I'd never cheat on him. I've known about it since yesterday. And yes my mom knows, she's actually the one who encouraged me to tell you." she replied and you smiled.
"It's awesome Ava you always wanted to be a mom." you said and you hugged her tightly but you pulled back she was crying.
"Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" Morgan asked her.
"My mom was happy, she said she will help me. But him..." she couldn't finish her answer before she cried again.
"What did he say?" Morgan asked.
"He said he doesn't want to have a kid now and he broke up with me." she said.
"Honestly I understand him." You said "It's not easy to raise a child even more when we are only 18 but don't worry we will be here with you and I'm sure my moms would be more than happy to help you." you explained and she finally smiled.
You came back from Ava's first echography. The three of you were excited when you opened the door of your home. You quickly went to the kitchen with your friend where your moms were.
"Hi moms" you said and they looked at you.
"Hi girls, you seemed excited" Wanda said and Ava nodded.  
"Mama, do you still have the book on pregnancy?" you asked and Natasha choked on her coffee. "That's not for me." you reassured them.
The Russian scanned your friend and lent her gaze on Ava who just waved shyly. "Wait no. Not you." Natasha said and Wanda looked at your friend confused.
"Yes it's me. I'm pregnant" she said and your moms started to cry and gave her a group hug.
"But how? I remember the first time Y/n brought you here after school. You were so tiny, you were a baby and now…" Wanda said and Morgan and you laughed at her attitude. Your moms cried, they saw Ava like her daughter too like Morgan or your cousin Luna.
"Time flies aunty Wanda" she replied and everybody laughed.'
Morgan yawned and Ava brought back to reality, "You need to sleep, I'll be here with you don't worry." she said and the young Stark nodded before she laid on your bed and started to sleep.
[Earth 616 - Tower, the next day]
"Miss Scarlet, Mr, Barton is here." Friday said. You were watching a series after you convinced Tony to let you have a Netflix account. When you turned your head you saw Clint and Natasha, they both had a silent discussion before the man looked at you. He didn't make you wait and open the door to enter, the redhead was just behind him.
He sat in front of you and you just looked at Nat to wait until she left but she didn't. Fortunately for you the archer seemed to understand. "I think I heard Tiny said he would need your help with something" he said to his best friend and she finally seemed to notice and leave. "So, hi, I'm CLint but it seems you already know that." he said and you nodded. "So who are you?" 
You took a deep breath and looked at him. "Okay, I know what I'm about to say would be weird but I need you to trust me." you said and he frowned his eyebrows. "You're the only one who can help me and keep my secret safe until I'm back home."
"And what tell you I would not tell you anything?" he asked. 
"Because you're Clint Barton, I know exactly what you're capable of and I know you'll never tell what I'll tell you." you replied.
"You seem to trust me a lot but I don't know you."
"That's because my moms do."
"Your moms?"
"Yeah, you're the first who trusted them and allowed them to try to have a better life and change who they were." you declared but he didn't reply. "Okay, I'm Y/n Maximoff-Romanoff, and my moms are Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff." you said and his jaw dropped.
"But how can you? Natasha..."
"Can't have babies, I know. It's Wanda who carried me." you explained.
"But why do you tell me this? Why not Natasha or Wanda?" he asked.
"Oh I don't know because it seems a little weird to appear from nowhere and suddenly say 'Hey, I'm your daughter from the future. I don't know why I'm here but I can't go back home. Oh and I love your hair cut by the way.' See, it seems weird." you explained.  
"Wait, you're from the future?" he asked.
"Yes, how do you think I could be so old when my mom only met 12 years ago?" you replied.
"You really talk like a Romanoff." he said and you smiled.
"Thanks, I think it's one of the best things someone said to me." you replied honestly.
"But now I start to think, how could I help you?"
"I just need you to fix my widow's bite and send a signal to Morgan." you replied.
"I stop you kid, I'm not the best with technology. And wait Nat let you use widow's bite?" he asked, visibly shocked.
"Technically, she didn't let me but I'm the scarlet widow and a widow without a widow's bite it's weird." you replied.
"Scarlet Widow?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah because of my magic" you replied.
"Not because of something else?" 
"Why do everyone think I chose this because of my mom?" 
“Because you have the same habit of playing with your hands when you’re nervous,” he pointed at your hands. Honestly you didn’t realize you were nervous until her said it. “But what tell you Natasha didn’t put a mic on me?” he asked.
“Would you let her if she asked you?” he seemed to think about it before he shook his head. “See? Now I need your help, I’ll explain what to do.” you started but he cut you off.
“Sorry but you know that they can record us with Friday?” he asked but you smirked
“I’m the best friend of the little genius Morgan Stark, I know how to hack Friday easily.” you said proudly.
“Okay you’re really Nat’s daughter.” he said and you laughed. After twenty big minutes he finally accepted to keep your secret and help but with the condition to tell him all you know about the future partners of Lila, just to be prepared.
But when he made his way to the lab he was greeted by the last person who could possibly be there. “Oh Wanda, it’s a surprise to see you here.” he said. The Sokovian turned around at his voice, she seemed very tired and sad but she was like that since the incident with America.
“Hi Clint, uh- yeah, Fury sent me someone to tell me that the Avenger wanted to talk with me.” she said but didn’t make eye contact with the archer.
“It’s…nice to see you again…I suppose.” he said, clearly unsure if that was a good or a bad news.
“Oh you don’t have to act like this, I’ll just talk with them and go away as soon as possible.”
“Uh, I think you should be stay a little I mean you should have a lot to say with anyone…I really want to stay but I have something to do so, see you later.” he said and run in the lab before she could reply
In the Lab Clint saw Natasha and Tony, they were talking about something and he wasn’t focus on the conversation when he saw this. Your widow’s bites were on the table in front of the duo and according to the billionaire's face, it was something that even him couldn’t understand.
“Does anyone know why Wanda is here?” Barton said and gained the attention of his two teammates.
“Steve wants to recruit her back and according to Fury, I’m not qualified enough to oppose. And that even if that means to let a woman who attempted to kill a little girl in my tower.” he explained and the Russian sighed.
“Don’t listen to him; she’s here because we need her for any potential new menace.” she replied.
“You act like that because you don’t have children, Romanoff, but I’m pretty excited to know how you’ll act when she would harm your little copycat. Talking about her, what did she tell you?” 
“She just said she needs our help to go back to her home. I think we can try to help her, she didn’t look like a threat or anything.” Clint explained and Natasha looked at him suspiciously. “And what is it?” he asked, pointing the device on the table.
“A little from our little guest.” Tony said, and Nat rolled her eyes. “I don’t know who did this but it’s a genius. There are a lot of gadgets in only one.” he added.
“Can I see it?” the archer said and took them before they could reply. He examined the thing while remembering what you said about how to send a signal discreetly. “And what is this button?” he asked, pushing it.
“I don’t know but it seems that nothing works.” Natasha said and her best friend hummed before he put your weapons down and took a step away.
[Earth 717]
Wanda was sitting on the couch in the living room, she stared at the window. The sun started to set again and you were not here. She came out for her trance when she heard footsteps behind her, she turned round to meet the green eyes she loved so much. Natasha didn’t say anything, she just sat beside her wife and took her in her arms. It was always like this, when the Sokovian felt sad, empty or both; her wife would just hold her tight to remind her that she was not alone. They never end this habit even after your birth and when you were the reason she felt like this.
There was a comfy silence until Morgan entered the room visibly in a rush. “We have a signal.” she said and your moms didn’t wait before following her in her lab. “It’s not a big one so we think she sent it in a while now.” the young Stark explained when they were in the Lab with everyone.
“Like we excepted the signal don’t come from anywhere in our universe, but I traced it and I found the location.” Tony said while the screen showed a lot of earth planets until it stopped on one of them, he zoomed and a signal appeared on the screen. “Universe 616, I’ll do some research to know where exactly it’s from.” 
The room was drowned in the silence and noise of the keyboard until they stopped. “Got this.” he said and everyone looked at the screen. “New York, from what seems to be the rest of an Avengers’ tower.” he explained.
“I can go now.” America said.
“No, we come with you.” Wanda said.
“Wanda, you retired from a while now you should let them go.” Tony said but the Sokovian didn’t change her mind.
“It’s my baby so, of course we come. I don’t want to hear anything, I should be there to protect her the first time.” she said and nobody wanted to argue. After she materialized her and Nat's suit, America opened a portal and they crossed it. 
[Earth 616, 2036]
On the other side of the portal, the three were ready to fight anyone who would face them but fortunately or unfortunately, there was nobody. 
“Are you sure we’re in the right place Amrica, because it doesn’t seem to have a soul?” Natasha said while looking everywhere for a sign of you.
“Yeah, I came here a while ago but it was a decade prior.” she said and the woman nodded.
“I think we should split up to find her.” the red head proposed but she was quickly stopped by her wife.
“No, it’s not right.” Wanda said and the two other women looked at her.
“What’s happening Wanda?” the younger asked.
“She’s not here.” your mama whispered. “I can’t feel her, she’s not here.” she repeated louder.
“Hey honey, it’s okay, maybe it’s just because we’re in another universe so your powers don’t work.” Natasha tried to reassure her wife (or herself). “Let’s try to search a little.” she proposed and even if Wanda didn’t think it was a good idea she couldn't say ‘no’ when her wife looked so desperate.
Unfortunately for them after three hours of research and a world tour for Wanda in this universers they couldn’t find you. “I think we should go back now. We will tell Morgan to affinate her research the next time.” America proposed and even if they didn’t want to, your moms just nodded and after crossing another portal they were back home.
[Earth 717] 
When they came back everyone was expecting to see you but when they saw their faces, they knew.
“It’s impossible.” Morgan said before felling apart. You were not back, not yet.
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noturlondonboy · 14 days
No More Excuses//Katelena
Chapter 1: Intruder- But Wait, She’s Hot!
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Story Summary: Kate Bishop enjoys a relaxed and well deserved Christmas with the Barton family and stays with them into the new year. But once she returns home to New York, she finds that someone had been waiting for her to get back from her holiday vacation.
A certain Black Widow assassin.
Yelena Belova spends Christmas Day cold, miserable, and alone. The loss of Natasha sits heavy on her chest, and now that she has nowhere to elsewhere channel her anger and grief, Yelena has no choice but to rot in it.
Or perhaps she can make an effort to befriend the newest Hawkeye.
Content Warnings: mental illness, medication, depression, anxiety, talk of character death, fight scenes, blood, gore, weapons, injuries, the Red Room, nightmares, angst, alcohol, harassment, intoxication, drugs, talk about/implied adult content, death, PTSD, trauma, assault, talk of overdose, talk of suicide, talk of self harm, talk of sexual assault, men being horrible, stupid lesbian pinning. Warnings will also be at the head of every chapter.
A/N: I absolutely adore this little story of mine. I’ve been posting it on Wattpad for several months, but recently got my tumblr up and running, and wanted to share it here! Here’s chapter one of many.
Chapter warnings: depression, ‘home invasion’
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“And you’re sure you have enough food and cash to keep you going?”
Kate Bishop felt herself getting slightly exasperated as she laughed, throwing her arms around Clint in a hug. “Clint, for the last time, I’ll be fine!” The man huffed a sigh and held her tightly, patting her back before letting go.
“Okay kiddo, if you’re sure. I just know that it gets cold and if you’re ever lonely you can-”
“Come visit your family any time I want, I know,” Kate finished for him, grinning softly.
He pursed his lips and nodded, looking down at his feet and around Kate’s rather interesting apartment. Clint shook his head and coughed slightly, sucking in a breath before looking back up to her. “You’re gonna do great.”
“Aw, are you gonna miss me?”
“Nah, kid, just the dust and dog fur.”
“You’re crying, Clint!”
The Avenger let a short laugh out, clearing his throat as the sound turned tearful. “Men can cry,” he muttered, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Kate pouted and opened her arms again, and Clint took only a moment before shuffling into them and giving her another tight hug. They stayed like that for a moment, hesitant father and ecstatic daughter.
Kate squeezed him one more time, willing the tears to stay back. “Thanks for giving me a good Christmas, Clint. The best, really,” she choked out.
The past couple of weeks had completely turned Kate’s life upside down. Understandably so, of course, seeing as she met her idol, almost died several times, and turned her mother in to the police. (That’s the short version, anyway.) Now, after finally returning home from spending Christmas and New Year’s with the wonderful Barton family, Kate wasn’t sure she could go back to any semblance of normal.
“You deserve the best of anything, Katie,” Clint said softly, patting her cheek. “I’ll miss you kiddo.”
The two eventually parted ways after several more similar exchanges, and once Clint was safely back on his way to the airport, Kate sighed heavily through her nose. Lucky perked up from where he lay sprawled out on the kitchen floor, likely waiting to be fed, and gave a little whine.
“Awwww- poor puppy needs to eat, huh?” Kate muttered softly, turning to look at her canine friend and doing her best to ignore the pit forming in her stomach. Lucky’s eye brightened as he sat and up thumped his tail eagerly, licking his chops as if to say, ‘yes absolutely he does need to eat, thank you for noticing.’
The archer dug out the last of the leftover airport pizza from the fridge and tossed it up in the air for Lucky to catch, giggling and crumpling up the old box as he barked excitedly for the treat. Not a drop even touched the floor.
Kate whistled and sat against a cabinet, arms open for Lucky to snuggle into. “You’re getting good there, Pizza Dog,” she whispered, burying her face into his ridiculously soft golden fur. He huffed a breath and wiggled around until he could lick her face.
“I love you too, silly puppy.”
They stayed on the kitchen floor longer than Kate cared to remember, but eventually the cold of the tiles bit through her pants and into her butt and she forced herself to her feet. After the chaos and perpetually constant noise she had grown accustomed to recently, her apartment was almost alien in its strange quietness.
She looked down to Lucky, who stared up at her adoringly with a little doggy grin. “What now, huh?”
He just continued to look at her. Kate nodded in agreement. “Shower. Cleaning. Probably sorting groceries and getting more, seeing as Clint’s idea of groceries is extremely limited. Good idea.”
They took a nap instead, both passing out on the couch as soon as they sat down. A jet lagged dog is no joke.
Kate jolted awake to a sharp sound from outside, her head spinning and body uncomfortably warm. Lucky’s weight stayed heavy on her stomach, his tongue lolling as he snored softly and kicked at the armrest. Whatever had woken Kate clearly did not bother him.
Another thump, and Kate groggily pushed herself up onto her elbows, eyes squinting against the dark. Her chest squeezed tightly. “Hello?” she called out, speech thick with sleep. Lucky did not wake up.
There was a slow creak, and Kate could vaguely make out the shine of moonlight on a moving windowpane as a dark figure pushed its way into her apartment.
Ah hell no. Kate jolted up, suddenly wide awake as adrenaline shot down her spine. Lucky tumbled from her lap and flopped around on the couch for a confused moment, still not even bothered to be alarmed that his home was quite literally being broken into. Kate ignored the part of her mind that whispered about the familiarity of that window being opened and instead opted to hop over the couch and rush for her bow and the light switch on the far wall.
The lightbulbs had barely warmed enough to brighten the space by the time Kate had a net trick arrow strained in the direction of the intruder, and to her shock and horror, the figure was already so close that she could make out the details of her chunky silver rings.
Kate’s mind finally caught up to her racing heartbeat, and her dinky kitchen lights flickered fully to life to reveal none other than Yelena Belova, the assassin who had tried to kill Clint just a few short weeks ago. The woman was so much closer than Kate expected to be humanly possible with the distance she had to travel from the window to here, but she showed no signs of exertion and almost had a rather pleasant look on her face.
Kate, in turn, could only stare with wide eyes as she kept her arrow notched and pointed directly between Yelena’s hazel eyes, chest heaving.
The blonde tilted her head softly, shifting into a more relaxed position as she looked Kate up and down. Stands of golden hair fell over one shoulder. She even had the gall to pop a hip and almost smile at the woman in front of her as if she hadn’t just invaded the archer’s home.
“Kate Bishop,” Yelena said, her lips twitching. “You’re back.”
“...What the hell!?”
Translations: none
Kate Bishop counter: 1
This chapter's meme:
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
Welcome to the Team
Wanda Maximoff x Reader x Jeff the landshark
Summary: Jeff meets the team
A/N: Here is part 2 of my Jeff AU. In celebration of today being a year since I first posted a fic there will be a double bill of Jeff! The final 1 year celebration request includes Jeff too so you can expect that later on. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this part, it's practically a crack!fic 😂
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It is unusual for everyone to be sitting in the lounge area on a random Friday afternoon. But you have put it off for long enough so it is time to finally rip off the band-aid.
You are standing facing the group of heroes who are all looking at you expectedly with Wanda standing right behind you. You look over your shoulder and see her give you an encouraging smile, waiting for you to start talking.
Taking a breath, you begin. "Okay. I know you're all wondering why we've asked you here today." And before you can get anywhere the Avengers must think this is the cue to start a guessing game.
"Wanda's pregnant!" Tony exclaims.
Some of the quicker thinkers widen their eyes and reflexively look at you.
You point at him to quickly shut down the thought, "No."
"Really? There have been some weird noises coming from your room lately," Sam thinks aloud.
Once again you are stopped before you can comment.
"You're moving out together?" Bucky asks.
You're about to decline the accusation but then they all come flooding in.
"You finally proposed?" Natasha questions.
"Wanda proposed?" Steve opposes.
"Oh wow, I really thought it would be you to pop the question, Y/n. What a twist," Carol, who you don't even know why she is here, says.
"You got a dog?" Peter speaks with a hopeful look in his eye.
"A cat maybe?" Bucky decides to add his own input. Along with Bruce who follows with, "Perhaps a rabbit?"
You turn to see Wanda amused by the whole thing. Turning back around, you have to raise your voice to be heard, "QUIET!" This manages to restore some order to the meeting you called.
"Thank you," you relax. "None of you are right. Actually I guess Peter, Bucky and Bruce were close."
You see Peter raise his hand for a fist bump but Bruce mistakes it for a high five so it turns into an awkward closed hand around a fist situation. Bucky is too far from either of them to celebrate the small victory.
"There is a new addition to the compound, his name is Jeff," you announce.
"Who names a hamster 'Jeff'?" Peter asks.
"No way, it's going to be a parrot. Or some kind of bird right?" Clint 'The Hawkeye' Barton guesses.
Once again this starts off a new guessing game - What animal could it be?
"Monkey," "Raccoon," "Fox," "Guinea pig," "Chameleon," "Duck!"
You begin to question your life choices, how did you ever end up in this situation? Maybe you should have set this gathering up like a game show at least then it might have been fun for you too.
Instead of stopping them this time you take a seat until they hopefully tire themselves out.
"No, no. From the noises I heard it's definitely a goat," Sam remarks.
You decide it's hopeless when the discussion doesn't look like it will cease. Giving up the waiting game you nod your head to Wanda rolling your eyes, you can tell she is holding in her laughter for your sake.
She leaves the area and after a few moments she returns with Jeff. It is only when the pitter patter sound of footsteps close in do they realise you are no longer standing directly in front of them. Instead you are next to Wanda with a new being between you.
You could hear a pin drop now that everyone's gazes are fixed to the little guy.
"Everybody, this is Jeff," you introduce your new roommate.
The attention seems to make Jeff nervous, you don't know if he has ever had this many eyes on him. Possibly when he was captive in the lab. You realise this could be traumatic for him so you guide him to step behind you.
His two front feet grip your leg as he peers round to see everyone still looking at him.
Wanda sits on the floor close to him with a hand resting on the fin on his back. "It's okay Jeff, they're all friendly," she reassures him.
"Is that a fish with legs?" Clint asks, "Oh man, I was way off."
"He's a shark," you say matter-of-factly. When you see everyone's expression change to a worried or frightened one you clarify further in hopes to calm their nerves. "A landshark!"
It doesn't work.
"Y/n, what the hell is a landshark? You better start explaining and fast," Natasha all but threatens you. You can see one of her hands has disappeared behind her back meaning she is defensively readying a knife behind her.
"He's not harmful, he's really friendly," you say. Then you remember some things you have read about sharks so are quick to add, "Also sharks are misconstrued as being vicious when they're actually not. They get a bad rep even though they're basically puppies of the ocean. Did you know, more people are killed each year by coconu-"
"Y/n!" Natasha interrupts.
"Right," you say, gathering your thoughts and glancing down at him. "He's nice and friendly and really playful. A bit of a clutz too. We've had him hidden in our room for about two weeks now."
This seems to bring Tony's attention away from the shark to you, "Oh really? And you didn't think to mention this to the person who pays for everything around here?"
"We were going to tell you after the first night he stayed but didn't bother because we didn't think he would be here for this long. Dr Cho was trying to get a specialist in to take a look at him but there were delays," Wanda momentarily takes over for you.
"Oh, so Cho knows. That's great," Tony comments sarcastically, "as well as the specialist, right?"
"Yes. Plus two others who work with the specialist," you add much to Tony's dismay.
Jeff seems to be a bit more comfortable because he has come out from behind you. He tugs on your pant leg wanting to be picked up by you so you oblige and feedback to the group what you have found out so far.
"They finally looked him over a couple of days ago. No one knows where he has come from or why he looks the way he does. The working theory is that he was experimented on which fits with what Wanda saw in a flash the first time she came in contact with him."
Jeff starts squirming in your arms so you nod to Wanda to continue while you try to settle Jeff by whispering words of affirmation to him. Telling him none of these people will hurt him as you rub up and down his back.
"From the tests and interacting with him so far he seems to be able to understand us and in addition to being able to breathe air he can breathe underwater too. The more time we spend with him the easier it has been to communicate," Wanda finishes, while she scratches under Jeff's chin which helps calm his nerves.
Everyone looks on in silence as Jeff pulls away from you slightly. You speak in a low tone asking if he wants to say hi to the team. Which, reluctantly, he agrees to.
There is a strong bond between you, even if it hasn't been too long since you found him, so he knows he can trust anyone you want to introduce him to.
You go to place him on the ground but he whines a little while clutching your shirt. Instead, you stand back up and he turns in your arms facing the expecting crowd.
He raises his little hand in a wave speaking in a small voice, "Mrr."
In a second everybody's eyes soften and you hear a collective 'aww' sound out.
Maybe you should have started with this.
They are all about to rush over but you stop them from doing so with a hand out in front of you while taking a step back. Wanda moves swiftly standing between the incoming horde and Jeff.
"One at a time," she requests.
Peter makes his way over first and greets Jeff introducing himself.
It definitely must be a sight, all of this.
A young couple holding a shark as if he is a baby. It is only inevitable that someone asks, "So, is Jeff like your child then?"
And of course that person has to be Natasha.
The Jeff you are looking at now is unrecognisable to the Jeff from half an hour ago. He has lossened right up.
After everyone introduced themselves Peter decided to show Jeff his web slingers and, against yours and Wanda's wishes, hung Jeff upside down from the ceiling. The excited noise and wide smile was enough to make you step back. But not too far back just enough, in case you needed to catch him.
After that he spent some time with Carol who showed him a glowing fist. Natasha smirked at Wanda and you as she twirled a knife around her fingers, Bucky doing the same which turned into a contest.
When they weren't looking you picked him up and moved him away from the crazy movements.
As the only member with kids Clint simply spoke to him like he was a baby, Steve said he didn't have any tricks for him but maybe one day he would show Jeff his shield. Sam asked Jeff if he wanted to pet Redwing which he happily did.
Even now Tony has been playing tricks with him, making a coin disappear then reappear from behind Jeff's ear. He had to borrow a coin from someone first, it would have been more surprising if Tony had any small change on his person to begin with.
Next is Bruce who tells Jeff there is someone else he should meet then transforms into the Hulk. Jeff looks at the green giant in wonder then puts his arms up to be picked up so he can be the tallest in the room. When Hulk sees Jeff he crouches down so he is eye level with Jeff, sniffing and surveying him. He chuckles, calls Jeff 'a puny baby' then picks him up and places the landshark on his head.
Shortly after everyone takes their leave. Clint is on his way home to his family, Natasha goes to train with Bucky following behind her. A Hulk-less Bruce returns to the lab with Tony. Steve, Sam and Carol are discussing a mission they are assigned to lead and Peter says he has some homework he needs to finish.
"What a day huh Jeff?" You breathe out, exhausted. Jeff looks at you like a small child while trotting around, jumping on the couches and back onto the floor excited about all the new friends he has made.
"I think Jeff is going to be just fine here," Wanda says to you as you both watch him, side by side.
"Hello good people of Earth!" You hear a familiar loud voice sound from the entrance disturbing your peace. And when he makes it in front of you, he is his usual happy self.
"Hi Thor... What are you doing here?" You ask, confused.
"I'm here for the meeting, of course," Thor says in his cheery voice.
"I didn't know you were on the mailing list," you say a little tiredly trying to think back to the email you sent out.
"I didn't know he knew how to check his email," you hear Wanda's side comment next to you.
"Well, I am the strongest Avenger after all," Thor boasts, "I should be here for all the little talks and what nots."
"Right," you say a little unsurely. "Err, the meeting is over now but it was to introduce a new resident to the compound."
You see him spot Jeff who peeks his head over the backrest between you and Wanda. He is looking at Thor in awe with his mouth agape much like he did when he saw Hulk.
As he climbs over the back rest you stand and Jeff stands next to you in front of Thor his head tilting back as he trails his eyes upwards from the hammer Thor is holding to his face.
"This is Jeff," Wanda says.
"Jeff the landshark," you add.
Thor has seen plenty of creatures in his lifetime so it's no surprise he doesn't react in a negative way. "Oh, how wonderful! Welcome to the team, little landshark!" Thor's voice booms excitedly.
You don't get a chance to tell Thor that Jeff is not a part of the team, only that he is staying with you in the compound because, before you know it, he lifts Jeff onto his shoulder and walks away with him.
Sighing heavily you place your hands on your hips when you hear Thor talking about a battle, going into excruciating details about how he killed a group of enemies. You are a little wary of how Jeff is going to respond to the gory details of war.
Wanda stands and moves behind you. She wraps her arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder. "He-" Wanda was about to say something but is cut off short when you both hear an excited squeal from Jeff in the distance so she rests her chin and giggles against you instead.
"I was going to say he's going to love whatever story Thor brings up, but that's kind of obvious now," she says, smiling into your shoulder.
You sigh again, "I know. But now he's going to want us to talk about all the fights we've endured and I don't think it's good for him."
Next, you hear some scuffling making you cringe because it sounds as though some equipment has fallen and crashed to the ground. Not long later you hear the sound of fast little footsteps making their way in your direction.
Then you hear Thor shout, "JEFF! GIVE THAT BACK."
Well this can't be good.
Before you can move from your spot Jeff runs past you with Mjolnir clutched in his mouth. Wanda has stepped beside you and when you glance at each other you see she holds the same shocked expression as you.
You both then turn to see Jeff's figure running out of the entrance doors. Wanda is clearly amused but you speak aloud the question on your mind, "How is he worthy and I'm not?" You ask, insulted.
Wanda wraps her arms around your neck, her fingers playing with your hair, "It's okay honey, you don't need a hammer telling you anything I don't already know."
She is leaning in to kiss you but a new voice enters your ears.
"Sestra! Come look! There's a dog in a shark costume out here!" Pietro exclaims, "And he's holding a fake hammer too!"
It is official.
Jeff has met the whole team.
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
Heyhey, may I request something like a reader who is Clint's daughter, sucks at archery and thinks she's a disappointment to Clint. Seeing this situation and not really knowing what to do, Kate decides to help reader with some archery lessons. The lessons really help reader, but at the same time they are a distraction and the BIGGEST test of self-control not to kiss Kate while she talks about archery and invades personal space to show how it’s done.
Like– who would be 100% focused with Kate so close?? 😭😭😭
can you see right through me? [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x barton!reader
summary: you're notoriously bad at archery and somehow even worse at keeping yourself together around a certain kind-eyed archer.
warnings: none, just fluff with a side of romantic tension; kate being a flirt without realizing; very platonic touching [...not]; me pretending like i completely understand how archery works
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: for every one fic i write where kate is confident and cocky, i have to write another one where she's dorky and awkward and confident and cocky. that's just the law of the universe. this request was a lot of fun to write so thank you. hope you enjoy <3 [also, it would take a ridiculous amount of self-control to stay focused around kate's goofy little smile]
* * * * * * *
You wouldn’t say you’re the world’s worst archer but you’re definitely close to the top of the list. It’s something that shouldn’t bother you, and maybe it wouldn't if you were anybody else. Unfortunately, you’re Hawkeye’s oldest daughter and you also happen to be the absolute worst at archery.
Even your youngest brother has better aim than you and he’s not even strong enough to pick up a bow.
Your dad swears your lack of skill doesn’t bother him but it certainly bothers you. Especially when it results in him taking on Kate Bishop as his protege instead of you. 
The worst part is, Kate’s incredibly sweet so you can’t even hate her for being everything you’re not. Her love for archery is genuine, and so is her admiration for Clint.
And, okay, fine, maybe she also happens to be attractive and caring and far too charming for her own good.
You hate to admit it but you have the biggest crush on the brunette archer and it���s only gotten worse since she kindly offered to teach you how to properly shoot a bow. Your dad complained, not because he didn’t want you to learn, but because he was offended that you seriously thought Kate would be a better teacher than him. (You didn’t have the heart to tell him the real reason you accepted the brunette’s offer)
So, against your better judgment, you’ve been hanging out with Kate every day, letting her talk your ear off about the ‘proper techniques’ involved and what the best bows for beginners are. She’s clearly more excited about all of this than you are but getting to see her so often isn’t something you’re going to complain about.
“y/n, you’re not even listening.” Kate’s teasing tone brings you back to the matter at hand. Well, more like the bow in your hand.
“Sorry,” you mutter, hoping she can’t notice the nervousness in your stance. 
She does, unfortunately for you, because she’s far too observant despite her scattered attention span. What she doesn’t realize, though, is that she's the reason for said nervousness. 
“You’re shaking too much,” she comments. “Let me help you.”
You open your mouth to tell her you don’t need her help but all your words die in your throat the second she steps closer to you. 
She’s trying to be helpful, you know that, and yet she achieves the complete opposite. Her front presses up against your back as her hands land on top of yours to stabilize your movements. “Relax. You’re trying to guide the arrow, not control it.”
You attempt to listen to her advice but relaxing is the last thing on your mind right now. Every muscle in your body is acutely aware of the brunette’s presence which causes your heart to beat faster than should ever be possible. The position you’re in doesn’t help and soon, you really do start shaking from the tension of drawing the arrow back.
She counts down for you, something that should not be as attractive as it is, and you finally let go of the bowstring and shoot the arrow into the target. A target that you miss by several feet.
You can’t even be disappointed in yourself because you’re too busy trying to regain your breath the second Kate finally steps away from you. 
“Hey, at least you’re not hitting the wall anymore!” She says in what’s now become her signature ‘cheering you up’ voice.
It makes her sound ridiculous but it also makes you smile so you don’t have the heart to make fun of her for it. “I appreciate it but it’s going to take years for my aim to get better than this.”
“Oh, come on.” Her exasperated words are accompanied by an eyeroll and a step toward you that makes your breath catch in your throat. “You've already improved so much. Give me one more week and I promise you’ll be hitting that bullseye.”
You take advantage of her proximity to hand the stupid bow back to her. “You're doing that thing again.”
“What thing?” She asks, her eyebrows furrowing as she tilts her head slightly.
“The thing where you get too confident right before totally falling on your ass.”
She does her best to look annoyed but the pink hue that tints her cheeks gives her away far too quickly. “Keep talking like that and I’m canceling the lessons.”
“Wow, what a shame.”
You manage to successfully break her this time and she bursts out laughing, the sound setting free hundreds of butterflies inside your stomach. There are a lot of things to love about Kate and her laugh might be at the top of the list. (Right below her smile and her incredibly comforting hugs…not that you’ve ever noticed or anything.)
“Alright, I’ll make you a deal,” she says while getting into position to do some shooting of her own. “If I hit the bullseye three times in a row, we’re staying for fifteen more minutes.” 
“And if you miss?” You ask, knowing damn well the chances of her missing are close to zero.
“If I miss…I’ll take you out to dinner instead.”
You’ve never wanted her to prove you wrong more badly than at this moment. You don’t say that out loud, though, you don’t even say anything. You just shake your head at her and do your best not to give away how much you adore her silly antics.
The thought that she’s genuinely flirting with you crosses your mind but you instantly push it away, too afraid of getting hurt to entertain the idea for too long. You’ll take what you can get and if all Kate gives you are stupid flirty jokes then that’s all you need. Hoping for more can’t end well when it comes to the brunette.
Your eyes are glued to her frame while she nocks and draws her first arrow, her muscles straining through the fabric of her purple shirt. You know she knows you’re closely watching every move she makes and the self-assured smile that graces her face has you thinking much different thoughts.
Thoughts that are shot right out of your mind as Kate hits the bullseye not three times in a row but five because she’s an annoying overachiever when she wants to be. You’d be pissed if you were unaware of the way her eyes light up with genuine excitement at her success.
“We get it, you’re the world’s greatest archer.” Your dad would disown you if he ever heard you speak those words but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him…or at least that’s what you hope.
“Don’t sound so jealous, baby.”
Your legs shake the tiniest bit as you approach her again, taking the bow back into your hands with a huff. “Whatever. Shouldn’t you go fetch your arrows or something?”   
“You sure you can handle shooting on your own?” It comes across as another one of her usual teasing comments but her eyes give away her sincerity. She truly does want to help you do well even if it means you won’t need her help anymore.
“You sound like my dad. I’ll be fine, Kate.”
The comparison distracts just enough to stop her from putting up a fight. She walks away toward the target full of her arrows and you walk a few feet away to find a new target to inevitably miss.
You go through the motions Kate patiently taught you, taking in slow breaths and forcing yourself to focus. You’re not fully focused on yourself though. Rather, you visualize the kind-hearted archer and repeat what you’ve seen her do a thousand times at this point.
Time seems to slow down as your eyes hone in on the bullseye and you let the arrow fly. It soars through the air and misses the bullseye by a few inches. But you finally managed to hit the target instead of the wall behind it or the floor in front of it.
You actually did it.
And there’s only one person to thank for that.
“Kate!” You throw the bow down onto the ground in your excitement, your eyes searching for the brunette only to find her already looking at you with the most gorgeous smile on her face.
“You did it!”
She opens her arms for you and you waste no time in running toward her, crashing into her body with a laugh. Her arms slide down your waist and before you know it, she’s picking you up and spinning you around in a giddy haze.
You wrap your legs around her waist without a second thought before looking down at her. “Thank you,” you whisper, your voice slightly breathless from your moment of celebration.
She instantly shakes her head, strands of her soft yet messy hair waving around in the process. “That was all you, y/n. I knew you could do it.”
You’re ready to argue back and insist you’d be lost without her but you make the mistake of letting your eyes wander for a second too long.
Maybe it’s the excitement or the adrenaline still pumping through your veins or maybe it’s Kate herself. You don’t know what it is that makes you work up the courage to finally kiss her, you just know it’s the only thing you want right now.
So, you do it.
You lean in and press your lips to hers in a way that borders on desperate. If she notices, she has no complaints about it because she kisses you back just as passionately. And nothing has ever felt as right as this.
You reluctantly pull away from her and attempt to catch your breath. Something that completely fails due to the way Kate is looking at you. She’s got that soft look in her eyes that can only mean one thing. “So…I’m guessing you like me?”
Yup, there it is. 
“You’re a dork.”
“Hmm…maybe.” She sneaks in another kiss that you happily accept. “But this dork would love to take you on a date. If you want.”
“I do want that…but only if you’re paying.” You joke before she sets you back down on the ground.
“Shut up.”
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teecupangel · 1 year
This is because @ma-du who tagged me on this post with the idea:
Everything is the same, but the gang is reborn as Marvel characters
I am going to assume this means that the characters' personalities stay the same, it's just that they have been reborn to live the lives of Marvel characters (Assassins versus Templars plot optional XD)
First of all, we’ll focus on MCU characters because having the ability to choose from the entire Marvel roster will… well… it would require more research that would probably take too much time XD
Also, I will primarily be using Phase 1~3 MCU characters (focusing on the Avengers with some exceptions) because the post did have Infinity Saga MCU characters (yeah, that’s the main reason why).
Alright, let’s give everyone some new problems!
Desmond: Moon Knight. Okay, he’s the main reason why I said ‘with some exceptions’. I mean… come on. Come oooonnn. Oh course, Desmond will still suffer thru the Bleeding Episodes which would lead him to be the AC equivalent of Moon Knight. Not to mention, just imagine the absolute fuckery he will suffer thru when he meets up with the reincarnated versions of his ancestors while he still have his ancestors in his brain as the Bleeding Effect. Instead of Khonsu though, I suggest we go for Ra (for the sun irony) or, if you wanna stay in the Greco-Roman mythology that was strongest in Desmond Saga, may I suggest Minerva (to make Minerva suffer with him) or Dionysus?
Altaïr: Doctor Strange, hands down. Used to be an arrogant overachiever? Taken down a peg by some kind of tragedy? Still a bit of an asshole but now has an entire subject he could spend the rest of his life studying and be the top expert still? Becomes leader of a secret-ish organization trying to protect the world in what amounts to a short time all things considered? OP powers with a lot of glowing gold accents AND holds an OP artifact? Altaïr is, hands down, the nearest Doctor Strange we will have on this list. Sidenote: Malik gets Wong’s job of being the usually annoyed dude that has to keep Altaïr from bending the rules too much. The Sanctum Masters are the Rafiqs of Damascus and Jerusalem + Kadar. Karl Mordo will have to be Abbas (sorry Karl Mordo) while Al Mualim would either take the Ancient One (if we plan to keep him good in this one) or Kaecilius.
Ezio: Iron Man. He comes from a rich family with lots of connections, is actually smarter than people usually assume he is, flirts a lot but also carries a torch for a specific person in his life, and a tragedy in his life changed him. Of course, his father wasn’t a dick to him (up to you if we gonna kill Giovanni and Maria off for drama), Federico gets reborn as Happy (who is still Ezio’s brother but preferred to be his security officer), Claudia is still his sister but has Pepper Pott’s job (although, everyone in Auditore Industries knows it’s really Claudia who takes care of the everyday operation, Ezio is the inventor and the face of the company, Claudia is the shadow queen) and Cesare gets to be Justin Hammer. Petruccio can be the kid in Ironman 3 or he's just living his life as the third Auditore child who has cool 'toys' to help his weak body that his brother made for him.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: We can go for Hawkeye/Ronin, the normal human who can keep up with everything that’s happening (also, he would make a good parental figure for the Frye twins). Also, even if we call him ‘normal’, we all know he could kick everyone’s ass thru sheer determination and stubbornness alone. Another option would be Black Panther but I kinda want Adéwalé to be Black Panther?
Haytham: … is it weird I kinda want him to be Nick Fury? Like… he’s the all-time suffering man in charge who doesn’t actually have any authority over any of the superheroes he ‘conscripted’? I just want Haytham to suffer while, for once, not being on the other side.
Edward: Okay… I mean… I know there would be a Phase 1~3 character that would work for him, the easiest would be making him part of the Asgardian family drama but, may I suggest a non-MCU character? Daimon Helstrom. Because Edward’s actor Matt Ryan is sooo good as Constantine that I will always think of him as Constantine. Helstrom is the nearest Marvel equivalent to Constantine and he’s also a free agent type which works well with Edward’s character for most of Black Flag. (plus I got “canceled after a good season 1” deja vu with Helstrom as I did with Constantine). If you really want him to be part of Phase 1~3, Antman (Scott Lang) would work with Jenny taking the place of the daughter Cassie.
Shay: If Haytham is our Nick Fury, Shay gets to be his Maria Hill (second-in-command, normal human that can kick so much ass, and… that tight outfit) or Phil Coulson if you wanna go down the route of Shay doing his own thing.
Arno: Spider-Man because I think Ezio mentoring him would be a nice touch and… his first love Élise being a Templar is kinda similar to how Liz was the Vulture’s daughter. Still thinking about who his Ned should be though.
Evie and Jacob: Look, we’re talking about twins here so I’m pretty much obligated to make Evie and Jacob Wanda and Pietro. Although, this time, Jacob’s not gonna die. XD
Bayek: Steve Rogers (no, he will not be called Captain America, think of a more ‘universal’ superhero name) because he’s an all-around good guy, his default weapon in AC promotional images has him using a shield, and he started out as a man who just wanted to do what was right and protect his people that got sucked into the overarching plot because of a tragedy. Also… Aya as a badass normal human like Peggy Carter, hhhmmm?
Kassandra: You know, I was thinking that Kassandra could be Steve Rogers with Alexios becoming Winter Soldier. (Which I think would still work, we’ll just have to change Bayek into someone else…) But Kassandra has to be Captain Marvel, right? The OP powers and “not to be a lesbian but oh my god oh my god” vibes she gave off just made her suited to be Captain Marvel more.
Eivor: She’s gotta be reborn as Thor, right? Like… sure, Odin is right there but Eivor’s love for fighting and her loyalty to her people feels more like Thor than Odin. (Let’s not make AC Odin reborn as MCU Odin. I’d even go for Varin to be reborn as her father again or even Sigurd to have a bit of arrogance at this point)
Basim: Look. We all know Basim’s gonna be reborn as… Korg. Of course, I’m kidding. He’ll be reborn as Loki as we all expected. XD
Clay: Deadpool. He’s supposed to be dead, his mind got shattered after receiving his ‘superpowers’, and… he’s the only person in this cast other than Desmond that actually remembers who he was before. His whole ‘knows about the fourth wall’ shtick is connected to the fact that he still has access to the Calculations and that’s actually what broke his mind… again.
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