#Yule Ball dates differ from canon
realitybitesyouknowit · 2 months
Harry Potter's life was not a very good one, but then one day that all changed, one day he found a snake in his cupboard. Slytherin Harry, dark/grey. There will be bashing. HarryxDaphne/Tracey/OC pairing.
Last chapter read 108
Tags contain vague spoilers I use them to remind myself what stories are what.
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iamnmbr3 · 22 days
hello once again!🤍
(Before i start, everyone has their own interpretation about pansy and Draco's relationship but personally, i don't think they were besties or friends as fandom shows(i understand why they do that)and i even don't think they were dating i think pansy had a crush on draco, desperately drooling over him but not that deep feelings really and draco liked attention)
But my point is how many people think they were dating and it was IMPLIED in their opinion.. so i really think it is harry's pov making them think like that and MORE INTERESTING thing is that harry doesn't notice ginny has a crush on him and fans tell he's as observant as brick wall(which i'm not agreeing) but the moment pansy shows interest and attention to draco, harry notices it(like draco coming in yule ball with pansy and "she was clutching his arm")and mentions it in some unpleasant way(like stroking draco's hair)
I can't stop smiling thinking about this really. What do you feel about this?😂
Hello! What a great question. Basically I agree with you. I have to say I really do enjoy some good Draco & Pansy friendship dynamics in fic. But just like fics can add in romances between characters who weren't romantically involved in canon (and do an amazing job of it too - there are characters who are married in my head even tho they never even met in canon due to some excellent fics I've read) fanon can extrapolate based on what is in canon or what just seems fun even if there's not much canonical basis.
Draco's dynamic with his fellow Slytherins in canon is super interesting and we get hints that there's actually a lot of distance and performativeness in how he interacts with them, which means that even before 6th year he's actually very isolated and lacks any true confidants, even though it's not that apparent till then.
In his world - the world of rich, influential purebloods - Draco is genuinely hugely important. I mean, his family are sitting in the Minister's Box in book 4. No other family is there. It's all officials. They are important and influential due to their wealth and social connections. Draco is a Black on his mother's side and Malfoy on his father's side, so from a blood purest perspective he's also about as pedigreed and high status as you can get.
All this is to say that he has a certain image to maintain and doesn't really interact with his classmates as equals. He treats Crabbe and Goyle as minions, more than friends - something that they apparently resent, as they are rather gleeful about switching up this dynamic once his family has a fall from grace. Similarly I would imagine there is a certain distance in his relationship with Pansy and that they probably don't have the intimacy that Harry has with his friends, though a closer dynamic can be super fun to read and explore in fic.
I personally read Draco as gay and so I don't think he had romantic feelings for Pansy. I think Pansy's feelings for Draco can be read several different ways. She may have been attracted to him and/or assumed they would get married since he would be an advantageous match (even if he was gay he may also have assumed they would eventually marry). Or they could have simply been friends since he certainly is a very important person to be friends with within her social circle.
She does seem to stick by him in 6th year when his family is starting to have troubles (though of course him being a Death Eater may given the illusion that should Voldemort take over, he'd be in good standing again - by 7th year this illusion is gone and it's clear that Voldemort does not favor his family and they are "finished" as Crabbe puts it.)
In the 6th book Pansy can also be read as knowing Draco has a crush on Harry and being romantically interested in Blaise, not in Draco. She and Blaise do eventually get married after all, and Pansy seems awfully interested in figuring out what kind of girl he likes. I tend to prefer this reading and like to see Draco and Pansy as mostly platonic, though with the possibility that Draco did know there was a possibility they might end of married because #Purebloods.
Regardless, I don't think they were ever dating. Harry would definitely have noticed if they were. I think they just kind of defaulted to each other for plus one type situations. (Just as they might have defaulted to matrimony at one point, before deciding to ultimately forge their own paths with the people they preferred). Harry does definitely get weirdly jealous of just the idea that they might be dating. Which is sure interesting. But they don't ever seem to. If they were actually together I'm quite sure Harry would have noticed and thrown a fit lol.
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greenerteacups · 10 months
What’s your watsonian and doylist explanation for why Draco doesn’t end up with Pansy in the epilogue, and not even Daphne who was in his hear, but Astoria :) ?
It's really interesting! I think there are two different decisions being made here: the first, "why not Pansy," and the second, "why Astoria." The first is much easier to answer, at least from the Doylist perspective, so I'll tackle that one first: JKR hates Pansy Parkinson, and she didn't want to reward Pansy by having her end up with the man of her dreams. She based Pansy on the girls who used to bully her in school, and Pansy never, ever escapes that one-dimensional article of characterization — in the final battle, Pansy's the one who stands up and tells everyone to sell out Harry (which, uhhh, for a scared seventeen-year-old terrified of being killed in a major battle, is a wholly understandable move, even if it's a certifiably bitchy thing to do). So she ends the series on the same note where she began: selfish, cowardly, cruel. In that respect, for her to end up with her crush would be a sort of "kindness" that Rowling was loathe to pay her. I also think that Rowling wanted to hint at the possibility of late-stage redemption for Draco: a lot of the extracanonical info we get about Astoria suggests that she was a genuinely kind person who "softened" him, which, while I don't count it for canon purposes, does tell us what Rowling's vision of their marriage was. I don't think Pansy would have "softened" Draco in any universe, and I say this as someone who likes her.
The Watsonian explanation is, I suspect, that Draco didn't actually like Pansy all that much. We don't see him show a great deal of affection for her, or at least no more than he shows for any of his other cronies in Slytherin. He does put his head in her lap at one point during HBP, and they go to the Yule Ball together in GOF, but that relationship reads more to me like a teenage-family-friends-dating-because-it's-convenient pairing than something that both of them really want. Pansy definitely has a crush on Draco, but I don't know how much of that is real affection versus the (correct) perception that he's the leader of their social pack, and confers a lot of status on whatever girl he's with. I also think that social-climbing element of their dynamic might turn Draco off, because he's pretty irritated by Pansy whenever they're not canoodling or peacocking together. That said, Pansy (my beloved) is a kind of irritating person in general.
Why Astoria instead of Daphne I have absolutely no clue; we don't get characterization for either of them. The only reason we know Daphne exists is because it's mentioned that she takes her O.W.L.s at the same time as Harry. It's unclear to me what choosing the younger sister is supposed to do except (possibly) explain why Harry doesn't recognize her by name at King's Cross (though after nineteen years, he'd be forgiven for forgetting a few names). I wonder if JKR hadn't just realized that a surprising number of her couples had ended up with someone from their own house, year, or both — and there are a lot in "both," e.g. Ron and Hermione, George and Angelina, James and Lily, Molly and Arthur — and she wanted to mix it up a little by pairing off one of the core cast with a total unknown, i.e., someone who wasn't even mentioned in the series. We can furnish post-facto reasons that Draco might have been drawn to someone younger: Astoria would have been only in fourth year when he joined the Death Eaters, so she wouldn't have known him as well, and he might like that she doesn't have a preconceived notion of who he is. That gap separates her from his life at Hogwarts and allows him to connect with her on different terms. But at the end of the day, we don't know her well enough to say much more than that.
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Another FlintWood story idea!!
The only explanation for how this happened is that my brain is all the chaos all the time.
It’s the fourth book but Marcus and Oliver are still in school and Oliver is a muggleborn Beauxbatons student (I have a version of this where he attends Castelobruxo so if you want that imagine that) with his house being Bellefeuille (Bravery, sensitivity, compassion. Hard workers, skilled academics, and they have an affinity towards nature). Since Beauxbatons is confirmed to take students from most of western europe, I’m making Oliver Spanish with one parent originally being from Scotland so he fits the sexy native language and the sexy Scottish accent tropes. He’s still quidditch captain, just not at Hogwarts.
Personally I like a smaller build for Oliver, which I think fits more with the whole thing about every Beauxbatons student seeming to be good looking, so Oliver is the dreamy pretty boy instead of being burly like he was described to be in the book. Marcus is tall and built, but he’s not pretty or even handsome in any conventional way because I’m dedicated to destroying the idea that conventionally attractive people should only date other conventionally attractive people.
While exploring the castle, Oliver gets severely lost. He bumps into Marcus and asks for help getting back to wherever the Beauxbatons carriage is since I think that’s where they stayed. Marcus isn’t usually one for helping people but not only is this person not from Hogwarts (and thus not part of the inter-house conflict), he is also very pretty, so Marcus decides to help like the useless gay disaster that he is. They talk and once they figure out they both love quidditch, they strike up a friendship. Although, thanks to their positions and the healthy rivalry between the schools, there is an element of “I’m better than you and my team could beat yours” but it isn’t active hatred. They have one-on-one’s, creating a pair of hoops with transfiguration because the pitch is off-limits and slowly develop feelings for each other.
Then the Yule Ball comes, and an uncharacteristically shy Marcus asks Oliver to be his date. They have an amazing time, Ron doesn’t ruin Hermione’s night by being a jealous prick because he and Harry went to the ball together (because I like Ron, Krumione is adorable, and I think Ron and Harry had great chemistry outside of the instances where either or both of them were acting like a douchebag), and everyone has a great time. Marcus and Oliver officially become a couple.
Now to drastically change canon, I need you to know I headcanon Oliver as someone with a natural talent for legilimency because I think it’s a cool power, I like Oliver, and it’s plot convenient. Because of his skill with legilimency, when Crouch is doing the ferret thing with Draco, Oliver accidentally catches glimpses of thoughts and memories from “Moody” in relation to his hatred for the Malfoys and their betrayal of Voldemort. This is, obviously, a bit worrying, and after some agonizing he asks Marcus about who Moody is. When Marcus answers he’s an auror, Oliver wonders out loud why he’d despise Draco so much for his family’s betrayal of the dark lord, since that should be something he’d be neutral about at worst. This starts a domino effect that ends with Crouch being revealed earlier. Crouch still manages to get Harry’s blood so Voldemort is still resurrected and Harry knows this through visions so his whole thing with Umbridge in the fifth book still happens, but Cedric survives and there’s a different final task.
Later, just before Oliver returns to Europe, the two promise each other to owl, which they do frequently. Flint chooses to go against the death eater side of his family, as do his parents because despite their previous beliefs they get to know Oliver and realize that what they were doing was terrible. Oliver helps out during the war by helping smuggle muggleborns to mainland Europe. At some point they start living together, alternating between Spain and England, and after the war they get married.
Should I write this or nah? I kinda wanna write this.
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stilldrinny · 2 years
How We Are (1/?)
A series of alternate universes and short (or long) stories of what could've been. DxG.
Now listening to:
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Rating: G | Word Count: 2,447 | Tags: Canon Compliant, Drinny in Hogwarts, Tension (Sexual and Otherwise), Enemies to Allies to (Maybe) More, Only One Bed.
Draco Malfoy remembered the exact moment he met the youngest Weasley. Her hair was just as hot as her glare as she confidently stepped up to him at a bustling Flourish & Blotts and defended the precious Chosen One after the blonde had thrown a couple harmless insults his way. 
However, with her standing more than a foot shorter than him, even with her head held up high, all he could do was scoff at the audacity she had to think someone like herself could speak to him in such a way. So when he teased Potter about having a “little girlfriend” and noticed her cheeks turn the slightest bit red, he smirked.
Little did he know that would be the first of many times he would be butting heads with the female Weasley, but certainly the last time she let him have the last word.
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It’s a few years later, in Draco’s 4th year, that he had the displeasure of directly interacting with the girl again. Of course, he had heard the disturbing rumors about her after her 1st year, which he reasoned to be why she hadn’t been as much of a loud and disruptive presence as her brothers. Albeit, he would’ve forgotten she existed if it weren’t for the eyesore of a dress she wore to the Yule Ball. If the horrendous pink and green ensemble wasn’t enough, Ginny Weasley being the only 3rd year in attendance surely made her stick out like a sore thumb.
The idea of dimwitted Longbottom not having any other prospects for a date that he resorted to asking his roommate’s younger sister was hilarious. And in true Malfoy fashion, he couldn’t keep the thought to himself, especially when the idiot looked too proud on the dance floor when he was barely missing the Weasel’s toes. 
Longbottoms’s smile immediately faltered at the obvious mocking of Draco and his friends and tripped over his feet. It abruptly halted his and Ginny’s dancing and the Slytherins laughed louder. A series of apologies simultaneously spilled out from Neville’s mouth and Ginny quickly put a comforting hand on his arm to try and reassure him.
Draco watched, still chuckling with his mates, as the redhead’s eyes softened, then sharpened as it snapped at him, then softened again as her attention shifted back to her fellow Gryffindor.
“Don’t mind them, Neville.” Ginny told him. “They’re just miffed ‘cause they can’t get a girl to dance with them since they don’t know the difference between left or right.”
It did the trick and had Neville smiling again, letting them pick up where they left off before the song would come to its big finale. 
By the time they managed to waltz to the side of the ballroom where Malfoy and the rest of his goons had positioned themselves for most of the night, they had already set eyes on another poor student and were too occupied to notice them.
Like a true Weasley (and petty Gryffindor), she just couldn’t help herself and made sure to land a proper stomp on Draco’s expensive, black, dragon-scale leather shoes she had overheard him bragging about earlier as Neville gave her a turn. Ginny had done it so smoothly that no one would’ve batted an eye if it weren’t for the blonde’s sudden yelp of pain.
The girl remained unfazed and finished her dance with Neville with a triumphant smile.
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Just when Draco thought the Gryffindor stepping on his shoe could be the most criminal thing she could ever do to him, she casts a Bat-Bogey hex at him the following year. It felt like hours before somebody capable enough came along and performed a counter spell.
The only reason he didn’t go straight to his father was because he knew it would be more painful to admit he had let a Weasley get the better of him than the hundred bats flying out of his nostrils.
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As opposed to all the other instances, it’s Ginny who instigates their fourth fight.
The Weasley was in her 5th year, and between studying for the O.W.L.s, Quidditch practice, arguments with her boyfriend, and the unexpected attention from her childhood crush, Harry—she was overwhelmed, to put it lightly.
It was one of those restless nights, and she couldn’t sleep. So she snuck out of the Gryffindor dormitories and decided to wander the halls. She was walking for a while, careful not to disturb any of the portraits and alert Filch that a student was out of bed, and didn’t realize she was headed for the first floor’s girls bathroom. Ginny had purposely been avoiding going near that dreaded place after her brush with the Dark Lord in her 1st year.
She still gets nightmares about it and is not particularly fond of scribbling on notebooks. But as if a piece of him still lay dormant within her, her feet leading her inside felt as natural as breathing air.
It’s there she is shocked to find Draco Malfoy hunched over the sink, tie loosened, shirt untucked, and hair disheveled. It was the most unkempt she’d ever seen a Malfoy been.
“I-I don’t know what else I can do. He’s beginning to… doubt my abilities.”
It took a moment for Ginny to realize the blonde was not speaking to her or himself, but the presiding spirit that haunted the room. The same ghost that had witnessed her at her lowest all those years ago. She didn’t know what was more alarming, that Malfoy genuinely sounded afraid or that he was confiding with a commonly known muggle-born witch—dead or not.
The boy continued to disclose to Moaning Myrtle, “My parents—they’ve been patient but I know they’re worried.”
The Gryffindor witnessing the boy at that moment felt like a slap to the face, no–more like a stab in the gut. Looking at him, hearing the strain in his voice was like looking into the reflection of an 11-year-old Ginny Weasley; just a lonely, desperate kid who seemed to be in a bad spot that would do anything for a friend. 
For her, it was a diary. For him, an estranged ghost.
The parallels had her suddenly rethinking all of Harry’s speculations that the Slytherin was up to something. But from where she was standing, it looked like Draco had as much of a choice as she had on the matter.
“What are you doing here, Malfoy?” She asked, jumping out from her hiding spot and letting her presence be known before she could listen to him any further. The Weasley had no problem eavesdropping and had done her fair share of listening in on the Order’s meetings in Grimmauld Place over the summer, but something about the strain in the blonde’s voice had her feeling uncomfortable to be a bystander to. She had immediately confronted him, not realizing she had her fists clenched on her sides out of fear of what she’d hear.  To Draco’s credit, she was impressed at how quickly he managed to compose himself and school an expression of cool nonchalance. Even as she interrogated him, he had simply answered her fairly with only a hint of malice. He was a prefect and therefore, had privileges and responsibilities that required him to roam around school grounds after hours. But she didn’t have any excuse to pull out of her arse that could justify why she was there.
Instead of giving a dignified response to Draco’s returned inquiries, she merely huffed like a scolded child and continued to barrel him with questions of her own–What are you really doing here? What’s going on with you? What are you talking to Moaning Myrtle about? Questions she wished someone had asked her her 1st year.
She could tell Draco was getting impatient, but she could also sense the cracks in his façade. She was pushing his buttons on purpose, wanting him to take the bait and fight back. Because if he called her names and insulted her family, that would mean he’d be the Malfoy she knew, and the worst would have yet to happen.
Ginny thinks he’s about to when Draco merely shuts his eyes and breathes a sigh of defeat.
“Consider this a warning, Weasley.” He said, almost tiredly. “Head back to Gryffindor Tower and go to bed.”
That’s it? Ginny thought, flabbergasted, and it’s exactly what she said when he made for the exit and tried to brush past her. “What’s gotten into you, Malfoy?!” She cried out, grabbing him by his sleeve. She could hear herself begging at this point, and could only imagine how pathetic she looked. “I know there’s something going on. You can talk to me.”
Draco mirrored her challenging eyes. “Who do you think you are? Know your place, Weasley, and quit while you're ahead. I’m really not in the mood.”
Without thinking, Ginny’s gaze traveled to the expanse of his forearm that was still in her grip, bracing herself for any hint of the cursed black ink. His pale skin was barely peeking out from under his button-down shirt sleeve but noticing her line of sight, Draco quickly yanked his arm from her hand and protectively tugged the material down to his wrists.
For a long moment, the pair did nothing but stare at each other; the tension weighing on them at the implication of what Malfoy had just done.
“He’s got you. Hasn’t he?” Ginny meant to ask it as a question, but they both knew there was no need for that anymore.
He made no move to respond or defend himself, instead choosing to turn on his heels and leave the Weasley to bask in what she knew.
“Poor boy.” Myrtle mused behind her. Ginny had almost forgotten she was there. “It’s always the handsome ones.”
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Ginny didn’t mention her little exchange with Malfoy to anyone. Not during the days leading up to their Headmaster Dumbledore’s murder. Not over the summer when the Golden Trio had announced they wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts that year to pursue a special "mission" to defeat Voldemort. Not even to Neville or Luna when she caught a glimpse of silver-blonde hair aboard the Hogwarts Express for her 6th year.
She was surprised to see him back. But with the school’s new administration, she supposes she shouldn’t have been that surprised at all. Hogwarts wasn’t the same. As opposed to the warm, second home the students had always been welcomed to, its gloomy nature could now rival that of Azkaban with all the Death Eaters within the faculty and Dementors guarding the grounds.
For the life of her, Ginny tried not to think too deeply on why she didn’t say anything. Except whenever the pair were in any space together, their eyes couldn’t help but find each other, charged with so many unspoken words they were too scared to say aloud.
They understood.
And admitting that to her family, her friends–to Harry, meant to face their judgemental looks loosely covered in pity and lectures hidden behind concern.
So she didn’t say anything. 
And they didn’t fight that year–not each other, anyway.
Ginny Weasley fought the war as much as she could in Hogwarts by reviving Dumbledore’s Army and recruiting students for when the The Boy Who Lived returned.
Draco Malfoy fought his own battles by maintaining his allegiances with the Dark Lord for his family’s sake while doing his best to secretly cover the youngest Weasley’s efforts with the DA.
The first time was subtle and by accident; a speechless nod in the opposite direction after catching her in the middle of a vandalism stunt in the Great Hall before the Carrows would make their rounds. He convinced himself it was because he owed her for not telling on him before, but he didn't. Not really.
It should’ve been the last time too, but the Weasley just kept getting herself into trouble and Malfoy couldn’t stop interfering.
So it went on like that for months, and it led them to the spot they were currently in; in Malfoy’s Head Boy quarters, sharing a bed after a too close of a call with the wicked end of Amycus Carrow’s wand.
Over the course of the night, they tossed and turned enough to ruin the makeshift barrier they meticulously created to separate themselves–Ginny’s back, now, a hair away from completely pressing against Draco’s chest. Their hands found their way to each other too and lay comfortably on top of one another on the Weasley’s hip, fingers loosely entangled as if, even in slumber, they were hesitant to touch completely.
They both knew the other was awake. Draco’s weight had shifted the slightest bit on the mattress once he’d realized the position they’d gotten themselves into, and Ginny’s only indication of consciousness was the sudden hitch in her breathing.
Nevertheless, neither of them made any moves to break the intimate bubble they were in.
It was still a bit dark outside. The sun just barely peeking out of the clouds and painting the sky a soft lilac and blue hue, but not enough to hide the twinkle of the stars from the night before just yet. The whole world could be asleep at that moment.
And that thought unknowingly gave the pair more comfort than they’d ever admit.
Neither of them were ignorant to the underlying tension that’s been building between them over the years, especially within the past few months. They’ve been teetering on a line they knew they couldn’t cross for a while now, but with the war fast approaching and the absence of familiarity eating at them–the warm presence the other provided was getting harder and harder to resist. 
Draco’s hand twitched, not being able to help himself, and very slowly inched his long, pale fingers through the gaps of the woman’s beside him, silently asking for permission. He held his breath, ready to be faced with rejection, but instead, it was Weasley’s bold hand that entwined them completely, uncharacteristically timid as she tugged him closer and gently rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb.
And when she finally musters up the courage to turn her head and their eyes meet, they didn’t need to exchange any words to know they were willing to risk it all for the same thing.
They both leaned in at the same time, finally giving in to the all-consuming feelings they’ve been trying so hard to ignore, no plans of letting each other go any time soon.
For now, they didn’t have to think about the weight of their last names. For now, they wouldn’t have to face the consequences of their actions. For now, they didn’t have to fight.
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forthehpfanboys · 3 years
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Fics- Closed  Drabbles- Closed  Headcanons- Closed
Key: Work In Progress  *Headcanon  (MDI) Minors Don’t Interact
Prompts can be mixed up, but limited to 2 per request. Ya’ll should know how prompts work, but just in case: just say which numbers you want from which lists and what character and reader specifics.
Please DO NOT repost my stories anywhere else without my permission.
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Calling It Even: You just moved 'across the pond' from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts, but before you actually moved you'd made a friend! Well, two and you just so happen to bump into them at the Leaky Cauldron!
Quidditch and T: Harry surprises Ron with tickets to the Quidditch World Cup after the war, after Hermione and after finding out Ron has a crush on the first professional trans masculine the Chudley Canons or the World Cup has ever seen.
I’m Sorry (Angst): You hate Ron, Ron hates you. Pretty simple. It only becomes complicated when the bloke says something about your cologne in Potions class.
Hush-Hush: After pestering turns arguing with Ron about keeping your romantic relationship a secret, your big secret comes tumbling out in the library, in the middle of the night, with a few witnesses.
Gold Strings and Red Picks- Part 1, Part 2 (Smutty), Part 3 (Smut): The Weasley's invented a band! Having a band, means you need a band manager; someone to help find venues, gigs and sponsors. After finding one, Ron seems to be hopeless drawn toward them.
Count Your Losses (Smut)
Neither (Smut/Drabble): You and Ron have history together.
❄️Cold Hands (Drabble)
A Shared Bed (Smut/Drabble): You and Ron have always shared beds, it was normal.
*Reader Comes Out as Trans to the Weasleys
*Ron’s First Boyfriend
*Ron’s First Date
*Reader and Ron’s First Time (Smut)
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Home Alone (Smut): Harry plans on giving you something important to him when your home alone leading to you two get carried away and end up in your bedroom.
Bloody Knuckles and Sunshine (Angsty): Harry loved his ball of sunshine and will do anything, including throwing hands at a dude a head taller than him, to protect it from harm.
Into His Hands (Smut)
Try to Understand
Different (Smut/Drabble): You expected a lot, but not everything.
Soft (Smut/Drabble): Harry manages to get you alone and learns your as soft as you look.
Admirable (Fluff/Smut/Drabble): Harry convinces you that you’re worth it.
❄️Fireplace Snuggles (Drabble)
Some Random Smutty Thingy
*Harry and Black-Lupins Trans Son
*Harry’s First Boyfriend
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Tough Hufflepuff (Angsty): Reader is a shy bean who is willing to teach the DA for Harry and everyone and ends up falling for a specific witch in doing so. He ends up winning her after a fight with a specific bleached ferret.
Not Going Anywhere (Angst): You’ve kept a pretty big secret from your bird for a while, but what happens when you end up revealing it on one fate filled night where she sees it first hand?
History: Hermione swore she would hate Slytherins since Draco Malfoys blonde self rolled into town, but your relentless flirting and charming smile causes her to feel stuff.
White Out (Angst)
After Party Bliss (Smut)
More Than Reading Books (Smut)
Better Than A Protection Spell
Cuts Deeper than Bone
Broken Stitches (Smut, Drabble): Hermione usually gripes about your dirty clothes being everywhere.
❄️Story Time (Drabble)
Broken Stitches (Smut/Drabble)
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Line Without a Hook
❄️Snowman Building (Drabble)
*Reader Comes Out as Trans to the Weasleys
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Intact (Angst): Life goes to hell when your mother, who happens to be Bellatrix LeStrange AND a Death Eater, finds out you joined the Order of the Phoenix with your boyfriend.
Tan Lines (Smut): George didn’t tell anyone; Fred just figured it out and then Fred told you. It was quiet simple.  So, you take some time to appreciate the younger prankster.
Thin Walls (Smut/Drabble): You end up alone in a tent with George.
❄️Holiday Decorations (Drabble)
*First Boyfriend Headcanon
*Reader Comes Out as Trans to the Weasleys
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Two Years: You got back to Diagon Alley after the war and desperately wanna talk to him and explain why you were basically non-existent during the war. But is Fred ready to talk to you?
Obvious Enough? (Drabble): Fred hates seeing you with his younger brother when he’s right across from you.
Will You?
❄️Christmas Photos (Drabble)
*Reader Comes Out as Trans to the Weasleys
*Fred’s Dominate Boyfriend (Smut)
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Dirt Smudges
I Hate Blue
❄️Hot Cocoa Movie Night (Drabble)
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❄️Mistletoe Kisses (Drabble)
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Gay Panic
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Firework Distraction
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You're an Idiot (Smut): Draco is being a brat.. Again. No one's surprised when you run into him after getting back late from Hogsmeade. Also, the reader is Hermione's older brother.
Dance With Me: Draco really wishes he asked you to the Yule Ball. He wishes his father wasn't such a prude. He wishes you were on his arm, not Potters.
Match Already Made: Hermione tries to play match maker. She is so determined to see you and Harry get together she's obvious to the fact you're already taken. Even if you’ve kept it a secret.
A Good Look On You: You and Pansy have been friends since- since forever! Draco was fine with it until Pansy found out his little secret and decided to flirt with her close friend, leading arguing and kissing.
Christmas Break (Smut): You liked Winter Break Draco. Unfortunately, he was replaced by Usual Dick Bag Draco who becomes ruthless. At least Harry is there to make you feel better.
Into His Hands (Smut)
Noise (Smut/Drabble): Draco wakes you up early for a quicky.
New (Smut/Drabble): Draco doesn’t appreciate you disobeying him.
It Doesn’t Hurt (Angst?/Drabble): Draco bothers you until you snap at him.
Glass (Smut/Drabble): Draco has a nice, long mirror hanging from his wall.
Dust and Dirt (Smut/Drabble): Draco loves that you want to try something new.
❄️Ice Skating (Drabble)
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*Blaise’s Hufflepuff Boyfriend
*Blaise and Golden Trio’s Brother
*Blaise and His Boyfriend (Smut)
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 19: Enemies to Lovers
Pile Of Quarters | @vampamber
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,752 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, alpha Cas, omega Dean, high school AU Summary: Somebody keeps beating Dean's high score on his favorite video game at the arcade, and he will have none of that. So when the chance to have a showdown with this CAS person comes along, of course he's gonna jump at it. He just wasn't expecting the alpha to be so nice. Or so hot.
A Bag of Richards | @ms-josephine
Rating: Mature Word Count: 4,241 Main Tags/Warnings: Human AU, Enemies to lovers, Misunderstandings, Prank wars Summary: A misunderstanding leads to an all-out prank war between Castiel and his new neighbor, Dean.
Build It Up! | @verobatto
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,062 Main Tags/Warnings: Architect AU, Architect!Dean, Architect!Castiel, rivalry, rivals to lovers, light angst, happy ending. Summary: Architect Dean Winchester has just one goal in his life: win contracts and defeat his biggest rival, Castiel Novak. Bad thing is, Novak is the one always winning the heated competitions. Dean hates Novak with all his heart. If only that bastard wasn't so handsome ...
Dance Real Close | @maleyah-givemetomorrow
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,920 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Christmas, Yule, First Kiss, First Time, Enemies to Lovers, Flirting Dean, Sassy Castiel, Fluff and Smut, Soft Boys Summary: For the umpteenth time tonight, Castiel swallows and clenches his teeth, hard enough that he might just need a dentist appointment once this horrendous evening comes to its inevitable end and he has what he came for. Good thing the company has excellent health care. He forces his gaze into a faux-thousand yard stare, a wilful attempt to get lost among the many twinkling lights and ornaments. Just off of the shoulder of the man who is his current, last and most annoying obstacle. Dean Winchester. Dressed to the nines in a suit of snowflake white, he fits in at this high-end Yule Ball as if he hasn’t done anything else in his life. Top of his class and generation, ten years Castiel’s junior, much too skilled for his own good at nigh anything from close combat to subterfuge to extraction, his competition, who is, for some unfathomable reason, flirting with Castiel on the mission.
When Duty Calls | @verobatto
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,654 Main Tags/Warnings: Sci Fi AU, Commander Dean Winchester, Angel/Alien Castiel, strangers to friends to lovers, space ship, working on a mission together, top!Dean/Bottom!Castiel Summary: Angels devastated Earth 30 years ago and Dean lost his mother in that battle. Now, when his father the Ambassador John Winchester dies, Dean is assigned to a very important mission to restore the Earth. Bad thing is, Angels want to redeem themselves by providing the technology to revive the planet and by doing that, they pretend to be part of the Federation. Dean accepts, despite of his hate for them, and he meets the Angel Castiel, a Commander Scientific that will work with him in one of the labs stations placed on Earth.
Vampire Hunter! Starring Castiel Krushnic | @friendofcarlotta
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 13,612 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - TV show, Actor Castiel, Production Assistant Dean Winchester, First Kiss, Enemies to Lovers, Vampires, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Inspired by Fright Night, Garth Ships It Summary: Straight out of college, Dean gets hired to work on his favorite TV show, "Fright Night." It's a dream come true until the network orders an overhaul to boost ratings, giving the show a new name (“Vampire Hunter!”) and a new star: a grumpy bastard named Castiel, who seems determined to make Dean’s life miserable. Dean just wants to hate Castiel's guts in peace, but then an offsite shoot gets them both trapped in a creepy mansion with a very real, very angry vampire. Can they overcome their differences long enough to kill the monster?
Cheers | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23,685 Main Tags/Warnings: inspired by the movie: the proposal, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Homophobia, Homophobic John Winchester, Dean Winchester Wears Panties, First Time,First Kiss, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Soft!Dean, Cas blackmails Dean into the relationship at first, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Minor Anna Milton/Dean Winchester Summary: Dean hates his boss, after they attempted to date but failed miserably. But when Castiel suddenly has to go back to Russia because his visa expired, Dean finds himself in a very awkward situation, because Castiel blackmails him to marry him. To make it worse someone from the immigration department is already hot on their trail and they have to show off their fake relationship at the ninetieth birthday of Dean’s grandma.
Elevator Music | Aketch-22 (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 25,017 Main Tags/Warnings: Top!Cas/Bottom!Dean, Dom/Sub Overtones, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Lawyer Castiel Summary: Sam is about to become name partner at the law firm he's worked at for years. He invites Dean to the celebration, but Dean gets trapped in the elevator with Sam's pompous, dickbag, too-good looking coworker Castiel. Stuck for hours with someone he hates and a boatload of alcohol, what could possibly go wrong?
Let Your Heart Hold Fast (WIP) | @destiel-pirate-in-middleearth
Rating: Mature Word Count: 35,857 Main Tags/Warnings: Roomates/housemates, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, college au, mutual pining, happy ending. Summary: Castiel is a simple guy with a simple plan who enters college after a lot of hard work. He's looking forward to the new beginning and endless opportunities. After surviving the worst through high school, Castiel has a good feeling about college and thinks he is gonna do fine, but, then, his life takes an uneasy turn, which leads him into meeting Dean, who doesn't remember him and has evolved into a very flirty, obnoxious man. Castiel hates Dean. For almost a month, Castiel does a great job at avoiding Dean on the college campus. Everything is going fine until the day they have their first encounter, which is close to a nightmare because, apparently, Dean decides to shove an apple frigging pie on Castiel's face, which isn’t even the single worst thing he did to him that day. Or The one where Dean and Castiel hate each other and are forced to live together.
Angels of the Sea | @envydean
Rating: Mature Word Count: 53,616 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Pirate, Minor Character Deaths, a little violence, non graphic scenes of corporal punishment, sexual scene of mature nature, Hurt/Comfort, Stowaways, Angst, Happy Ending, BAMF!Cas, Pirate!Cas, Stowaway!Dean, Tattoos, Magical Elements, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers Summary: The Archangel – a pirate ship run by young Captain Castiel Novak – is unknowingly boarded by two stowaways. Sam and Dean just needed to get away from their father’s killers and are found stashed away in the storage room of the ship. Raphael is adamant they are killed but Castiel’s heart is too big to dispose of them both. Lives spared, they join the crew, Dean taking up navigation and Sam to the galley and an adventure using Dean’s amulet to find a mysteriously hidden island begins.
Unmasked | @ellis-park
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 69,348 Main Tags/Warnings: Superhero AU, enemies to lovers, secret identities, graphic depictions of violence Summary: Years ago, the infamous vigilante Halo disappeared from the public eye. The new Halo, Castiel Novak, is struggling to pick up the pieces of his own life and his mentor’s tarnished legacy as a new rival, Hellfire, arrives on the scene. It would help if Cas weren’t so distracted by pushy reporter Dean Smith, who reminds him of everything he’s lost — and the life he could have if he’d let go of the mask.
angel in black | @dothwrites
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 95,325 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon-Divergent, Enemies to Lovers, Bounty Hunter!Cas, Hunter!Dean, Canon-Typical Violence, Demonic Possession, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Bounty hunter Castiel Novak has simple rules for how he conducts his business. Get in, get out, deliver the fugitive, and do it all with the least amount of effort possible. Never become emotionally involved. When he takes on the job of hunting down Sam and Dean Winchester in order to bring them to justice, his rules start shifting. Threatened by supernatural forces as well as his attraction to Dean, Castiel soon has to decide what he’s willing to stand for…and what he’s willing to die for.
Wicked Game | @expectingtofly
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 104,077 Main Tags/Warnings: Western AU, Canon-Typical Violence, DubCon, Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Angst, Pining, Hurt/Comfort Summary: The year is 1889 and for the past year and a half, Dean has traveled alone from town to town, drinking to ignore his guilt and gambling to make a living. Today, he’s especially down on his luck. He’s broke, was just thrown out of a saloon for cheating at poker, and has now been woken by a blue-eyed man trying to rob him. When he learns that the thief, Castiel, is just as broke as he is, they strike a tenuous deal to help each other rob a stagecoach, share the spoils, and split up. Turns out splitting up is the most difficult task. While Castiel is cold and cruel, Dean refuses to back down from a fight. The two are at odds more often than not, but their relationship only grows more complicated the longer they travel together. They may have more in common than they thought.
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It’s time to let you go (Sirius Black x Reader)
a/n: I am not even going to lie to you all, Sirius is one of the harder characters for me to write for as I have yet to gain a good hold on his personality. The requester told me that they didn’t need to end up together and I feel like heathy break ups are not represented enough in fanfiction or television so that is kind of the route I decided to take with this one. It is angsty but has more of a bittersweet feel to it and I hope you all enjoy it! This does not follow Canon as I had to make some changes, in this they are in their mid to late 20s.~🖤Kenzie🖤
Date posted: September 13 2021
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Requested by: @emily1d97​
Request: hello, saw ur ask opencan you please write about reader x Sirius where one of them flirt with someone else without knowing the other was behind them (sirius and reader are dating) sorta like hurt but with maybe happy ending? it's not necessary that they still be together but a happy ending
I did make some slight changes to the request to fit my writing style better, I hope you don’t mind!
Type: Bittersweet
Word Count: 2,100
Sirius and I have been together for years and as first it was like a dream come true. However over time I realized that we had two very different priorities as people now and that is okay. He is still chasing the past and trying to right that the wrong doings that have happened. We need to be moving forward with our lives but he is having a hard time with it.  
Now I am currently going to pick Sirius up from some muggle bar. I get to the bar and am greeted by the stench of sweat and muggle whiskey. My nose curls in distaste as I walk up to where Sirius and a blond are sitting. They look very...comfortable, the blond has her hand on Sirius’ knee and they are leaning towards one another laughing, I walk over to them, “Party’s over, Sirius it is time to go home.”  
I see Sirius’ shocked expression “Y/n/n what are you doing here, love.”
“Remus called, he tried to get you home hours ago! I can see why you didn’t want to leave.” I state in strong distaste at the current situation that is at hand.
“Y/n I can explain-”
“Sirius we will talk about this tomorrow in the morning after you have slept off this.” I say as he drunkenly stumbles behind me.
After we are out of the public eye and in the darkness of an alleyway I grab Sirius’ drunken hand and use apparition to get us back to our home. Once inside our...well his room I tuck him into bed, I then summon a water bottle and a bottle of pain medicine for his headache he his bound to have tomorrow.  
I turn to walk out of the bedroom to allow him to sleep when I am stopped by Sirius’ gruff voice, “Where are you going?”
“to sleep in the guest room.” I state as I thought it would be obvious.
“No, you can take the bed, I will go to the guest room.” He says trying to get up from his bed.
I sigh out walking back over to him, tucking him back in again, “Sirius let me take the guest room; this was your room way before it was mine. We will have a lot to discuss in the morning, so please just rest.”
Without another word from Sirius I drag myself to the Guest Bedroom. I sit myself down on the bed with my hands grabbing the edge on either side of me. My gaze is focused on the lantern that is on the desk in front of me as I start to zone out. All the memories of Sirius and I throughout the years start to play over in my mind. I remember meeting the bright eyed young boy during his second year at Hogwarts. He was in Gryffindor and I so happened to be sorted in to Ravenclaw, I was a year younger than my brother Severus who was in the house of Slytherin. I smile at the memory of Severus warning Sirius to stay away from me as my older brother had always been a bit protective over me.  
I remember Sirius escorting me to the Yule Ball. I was wearing a red dress that I hated, my friend talked me in to wearing it; Sirius thought I looked beautiful in it.
“Wow, Y/n/n you look absolutely stunning Darling.” Sirius says before holding his arm out for me to loop mine through his.
“Oh please Sirius, this shade of red makes me look like a firecracker.” I say sadly.
“Hey none of that, you are beautiful to me even if you don’t realize it yourself.” he states before leading me on to the dance floor.
The next flashback is our first official date. We are at Hogsmeade. It is in the middle of winter so there is snow in every direction. After building a few snowmen we were invited to play in the snow with his friends.
I remember our first real fight, I was a fifth year at the time and I have had enough of Sirius and his friends antics. This of course had to do with how him and his friends were treating my brother, I didn’t like it one bit.
“Lighten up babe, it is all in good fun.” he huffs out
“No Sirius, I will not ‘lighten up’ you and your friend are being Assholes to Severus and I will NOT stand for it any longer. You either keep your friends in check or I’m done, that will be it. No one, and I mean absolutely NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO TREAT ME OR MY FAMILY THAT WAY! The next time that James so much as mutters under his breath about my brother I will not hesitate to hex him myself. Now when you decide to get your head out of your ass you know where to find me!” I exclaim before slamming his bedroom door and walking angerly out of the Gryffindor Common room.  
*End of Flashback*
Sirius and his friends had listened to what I said, they left Severus alone. Sirius and I stay together because we had the support of his friends and begrudgingly Severus. We only had a few hiccups in our road but they were always resolved fairly quickly.
I was there for him during his grieving of James and Lily. They were in a tragic accident and they had a beautiful Celebration of life. Sirius lost Custody of Harry to Lily’s sister Petunia and her husband. That was very hard on us both because they didn’t understand the wizarding world and they didn’t want Harry to begin with. Peter went missing shortly after which was also hard on Sirius.
The road went both ways, Sirius was there for me in some of the hardest moments of my life and for that I will be forever grateful to him. We have had probably one of the healthiest relationships, some would even say we could compare to Molly and Arthur Weasley. I have begun to realize that some good things must come to an end even if it will be painful. I will always be grateful for the years I got to spend with Sirius. I have learned a bunch about myself from him and I know that the person who ends up with him in the end will be one of the luckiest girls in the world.
I know I will always hold a love for Sirius, he was my first love and the only love I have known. I know that he would also hold the same love for me in his heart. What we had is very special but it is time, it’s time for us to part ways and learn some things on our own for ourselves and that is okay.
I spent most of the night is such deep thought, I didn’t even realize that I had fallen asleep until I opened my eyes the next morning. I walk out of the bedroom and in to the kitchen, I see Sirius at the island with two cups of coffee in front of him, one was made just how I liked it. “Morning Y/n/n.”
“Good morning Sirius, We need to talk.” I say while sitting across from his taking my cup from his outstretched hand before taking a sip.
“I’m sorry about last night.” he states apologetically.
“Sirius, I don’t just mean about last night, I mean it is time to talk about us.”  
“Yeah, I kind of figured that but I was hoping to be wrong.”  
“I feel like we both are no longer in this one hundred percent and that is okay. People grow apart and need to move on to bigger and greater things. I know that we both have love for one another but I feel as if we are no longer IN love with each other.” I say with tears pooling in my eyes, I look up and see that Sirius also has misty eyes.
“I-I feel the same way, I also feel like we were trying to hold on to our relationship because it is all we have ever known and any sort of change scares us.”
Tears start to slip down my cheeks in a steady stream, “Sirius I can let you go now that I know we feel the same way. I have always wanted what was best for you and if it is not with me then that is fine.”
Tears are also falling down Sirius cheeks, which is quite the sight, he rarely cries. He clears his throat before speaking, “I only want what is best for you too, I always have and that is never going to change. I am truly sorry for the pain I may have caused you these last few months. I want you to know that this is still your home if you want it to be. You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to.”  
“ Thank you Sirius, I think it would be best if I go and live with my brother. Know if you ever need anything at all, I am there for you no matter what. Sirius you are one of my best friends.”
“As I for you, do you want some help packing or do you want to do this alone?” He asks looking at his coffee.
“I would like some help actually. I know it may be hard at first but Sirius I don’t want to loose your friendship; your are too important to me.”
“I would love nothing more than to stay friends, I can’t lose your presence in live completely, the world you be dull without you.”
“I am really glad to hear that.” I say as we make our way upstairs to pack.
Once we are all done most for my stuff had already been transported to my brothers house, all that remained was me. I reach up behind my neck to take off the necklace that Sirius gave me when he graduated. He used to wear it all the time when we were kids, he gave it to me because I still had one year of school left and he wanted me to have a piece of him with me always. I have never taken it off since then.  
He watches me start to fiddle with the clasp, he gently grabs my hands  and brings them down to my sides slightly shaking his head at me, “No Y/n/n, that is yours, keep it.”
“Sirius are you sure it-”
He shakes his head again cutting me off, “Please keep it, I gave it to you so long ago. It wouldn’t feel right for me to take it away from you now.”
“Okay,” I nod and then I pull him in to a hug, “Sirius take care of yourself, please.”
“Always.” He replies hugging me back, when we do pull apart I look at his face one last time with my wand out,  for a brief second I see the young boy that he was when I met him.
“ You know how to get a hold of me if you should ever need me. I am going to go now, see you later.” I say as I absolutely hate goodbyes. Not a second later I used apparition to get me to my older brothers front door.
Sighing I pick up my heavy arm and knock softly on the wooden front door. Tears cloud my eyes as I see my brothers blurry face open the door. “Y/n/n! What's wrong? Are you hurt?” he worriedly asks.
I throw myself in to my brothers comforting arms, allowing myself to cry in his embrace, “Sirius and I split up, it was mutual but it still hurts a lot Sev.”
“Oh love,” He rubs my back in comfort," It is going to be alright, now how about I make you some tea and some of grandmothers soup.” he pulls my teary face out of his chest and wipes my eyes.
“I would really like that Sev, thank you.” I say quietly.
“Anything for you pipsqueak.” my brother uses my childhood nickname before leading me in to the familiar kitchen.
At this moment in time I know everything is as it should be and it is truly going to be okay. I know that I am going to be fine and Sirius is also going to be just fine. We both are going to go on to live happy lives even through we are no longer meant to be with one another.
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idgivehimroses · 3 years
why draco and hermione would have been an AMAZING canon pairing (if written correctly/given the chance)
i am well aware that with the way the books are written, draco and hermione would never have been compatible because he’s incredibly prejudiced and just kinda mean and i wouldn’t want that for her. also romione is cute. HOWEVER, i think it is important to think about how amazing and heartbreaking a draco/hermione pairing could have been if draco had been given a proper redemption and character development. allow me to explain..
- now don’t get me wrong, it would not be simple at first. draco is a rich, sheltered, 11 year old boy raised by essentially racist parents. OF COURSE he’s going to show up to hogwarts hating muggleborns, he’s never been taught anything else.
- but imagine draco gets to hogwarts. and he’s been told his whole life that he’s superior. he has all this pressure from his father to be the best, and he’s trying is absolute hardest but despite his best efforts theres this one girl that always comes out on top. hermione granger.
- and to make matters worse, hermione granger is a muggleborn. a MUDBLOOD. the audacity. but imagine this causing a lightbulb to go off in little draco’s head. because if she’s supposed to be inferior, how is she the smartest witch in his year?
- so maybe he’d tease her a little at first. but then this turns into a bit of a competition. who can get the best grades, who can master spells the quickest etc. and despite all odds, the pair form an unlikely friendship. i also firmly believe that while harry and ron were wonderful friends to hermione, draco would be able to match her academically in a way that they couldn’t.
- and draco still has quite a bit of prejudice at this point. hermione constantly calls him out on it, and he insists that “he doesn’t mean her” when uses the term mudblood and things like that. but slowly he’s realizing that maybe everything that he was taught as a child isn’t as true as he once thought it to be.
- lucius instructing draco to choose someone suitable like pansy as his yule ball date, and he reluctantly agrees. however, once he sees hermione come down the stairs that night he can’t seem to pull his eyes away. that was the moment he knew he was screwed. he even pulls her for a dance that night, the picture of the pair on the dance floor in the prophet the next day serving as a big fuck you to his father lol
- “FORMER DEATHEATER LUCIUS MALFOY’S SON DANCES WITH HARRY POTTER’S MUGGLEBORN BEST FRIEND AT THE YULE BALL: Will the family’s long standing bloodline purity end with young Draco?”
- draco receiving a howler from his dad the morning after the headline posts, and him simply burning it without even allowing it to finish and squeezing hermione’s hand under the table
- draco standing up to his father, demanding to know why everything he was taught as a child were lies. him basically getting told he has to choose between his inheritance and hermione and he doesn’t even need to consider it.
- draco reluctantly being cordial harry and ron for the sake of hermione, and the three of them actually kind of getting along after a while.
- draco being the only slytherin to join dumbledore’s army (for hermione of course), but also because he wants nothing to do with his family’s beliefs anymore. there’s some hesitancy at first, but eventually everyone accepts him with open arms
- draco being shocked that people can be nice and want to be friends with you without something being in it for them.
- draco being invited to the burrow when his family refuses to let him come home for christmas and holidays anymore.
- draco actually having a support system his sixth year and hermione comforting him through his guilt when he watches his parents support a leader who basically wants the most important person in his life dead. lots of catharsis lol but essentially hermione reminding draco that his family and his past don’t define him and that he can create his own path and choose to become something better
- “you’re not them, draco.” “i very well could have been.” “but you’re not. you can’t blame yourself for their mistakes.” “don’t you understand, they’d torture you if given the chance. merlin, hermione, they’d might even kill you.” “maybe so. but they don’t matter to me. you do.”
- ron dating lavender legitimately because lavender just wanted to be loved and honestly without hermione in the picture they could have been cute.
- draco being worried sick when hermione is out hunting horcruxes, offering insider information to them whenever he can based on what he knows from his family.
- draco’s heart breaking when he sees hermione’s mudblood scar from bellatrix. “i’m so sorry i ever called you that. i’m so so sorry.”
- the two of them fighting side by side in the battle of hogwarts, her squeezing his hand and whispering “you’re okay” when his father beckons him over to the other side.
- the two of them basically living happily ever after and having adorable bushy haired blonde babies 🥺
- i mean COME ON it totally would have emphasized the idea that you can educate yourself and grow and have different beliefs than your parents/family. also that love is stronger than any prejudice and will win in the end. also i’m a hoe for star crossed lovers.
- basically i just wish my dude draco could have gotten the redemption and happy ending he deserved. he had so much potential as a character smh mans just needed a support system and someone to guide him he was so young
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wowsoboring · 3 years
A rant about Fanon!Romione
Well, since I’ve read quite a bit of Romione fan fic in my life now, I noticed a theme of character mistakes/weird things in general that i dislike about fanon!romione/fanfic!romione. So let’s get into it. the list goes (in no particular order):
Dominant/straightforward Ron: I don’t read much explicit stuff so i’ll largely talk about mature/teen rated stuff. I don’t understand how Ron will be straightforward, direct and dominant with Hermione ever, unless he was either under the influence or like a completely different character. Ron is very shy. he is brave, yeah. but bravery can still leave you awkward, introverted and insecure (see: Neville). So Ron ever making the first move sounds weird to me. By first move I mean first kiss, first sexual encounter etc. this doesn’t extend to heartfelt stuff like “i love you” or proposing because by that time, with Hermione, Ron would have enough confidence to do that. However, in the beginning stages there is no chance of him just saying “i love you” to her out of nowhere or kiss her in as early as Half-Blood Prince. Need I remind you, Hermione initiates the first kiss. Hermione might be insecure but she is much more confident than Ron is in making the first move. So yeah, low chance of Ron randomly kissing her, telling her his feelings for her etc out of nowhere. That would probably be led by a conversation initiated by Hermione which led to some encounter. Ron himself initiating any of this is far fetched in the Hogwarts era.
Hermione’s always right: I believe how fanfics treat Hermione in so many Romione fics has caused me to dislike her in fanon (i still like her in canon), because again, even if she does messed up, questionable things in canon/fics, she will never be held accountable and will always come up with some excuse and gaslight Ron into apologizing. I’ve seen this so many times: Hermione behaves poorly- making snap judgements in AUs, jumping to conclusions and not listening to anyone else, saying extremely mean shit to Ron in certain arguments etc etc. but she’s never held accountable. We forget that she kissed Krum in 4th year (gross! btw) and continued sending him letters in front of Ron to make him jealous. We forget very conveniently that Hermione also does anything she can do in her power to make Ron jealous. Even saying stuff like “I only like good quidditch players.” which is so rude and uncalled for. She sure does make Ron jealous, however there is a good chance she increases his level of insecurities way more and as a result, pushes him away. She also attacks him with canaries- that is actual physical violence, right? But in fanfic, its Ron who will apologize for dating Lavender or Yule Ball or something. Hermione will ridicule Ron for being jealous, though. I have seen fics where Hermione almost gets with Ron, then deserts him and goes snogging other guys but since it’s written from her pov, she always gets away with it. Y’all know Ron wouldn’t get away with this!
Fanon!Hermione is like Movie Hermione: i think at various points, fanon!Hermione reminds me of movie!Hermione because of how excellent she’s portrayed to be in these fanfics. Now Ron is mostly written as Book!Ron which I can appreciate, of course. However, Movie!Hermione is not suitable for literally anyone. She’s too much of a Mary Sue. If you made eye contact with Movie!Hermione you’d explode from how bloody perfect she is. If you dated Movie!Hermione, you’d just feel like shit because you wouldn’t be even comparable to her. In essence, Fanon!Hermione is always perfect in every regard:  she is emotionally intelligent, romantic, everything and everything that she isn’t in the books.
Ron is a bit of a perv: seriously, most of these fanfics include Ron being a weird pervert, just constantly having sex dreams about Hermione, wanking in the shower etc which is perfectly fine. Some even have him stealing her underwear and shit like what the hell is this? This is Ron Weasley! I’m sure teenagers are sexually frustrated sometimes, I would know, I AM one, but come on, this isn’t even hot. Otherwise it’s just Ron ogling Hermione and it’s written as if he’s a pervert. If it’s the other way round, no one even seems to mind! Now Hermione doesn’t really mind this in the fanfics but I still cant get around this.
Convenient perceptions: people in fanfics have made quite a few convenient perceptions, especially for Hermione. Most fics suggest that Hermione didn’t kiss Krum and that Krum kissed her. Ginny practically describes it as snogging. Now Ginny might be exaggerating- it could’ve been a one sided kiss, it could have been a mutual peck. But it’s almost always one sided. IDK just sounds like you’re writing up a narrative to make her look like an innocent person and Ron look like an asshole.
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cxptain-carol · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐡𝐣𝐩
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⇰ summary: on the night of the yule ball, y/n finds that the best place to let confusing romantic feelings for your friend culminate is during a slow dance.
⇰ pairing: harry james potter x reader
⇰ word count: 1.3k
⇰ warnings: none
⇰ genre: fluff, romance
⇰ no pronouns used (but reader wears a dress) and no race specified; reader is gryffindor but it doesn’t matter that much
⇰ a/n: i found myself totally obsessed with christmas canon by t.s.o. so feel free to play it while you read - it’s the inspiration for the slow dance :))) i am in such a hp mood these days so send in some ideas, i’d love to write since i’ve got the time
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Was there a better place to let loose than the Yule Ball?
You had long since forgotten about the strict instructions to ‘behave yourself’ in the company of the visiting schools and were dancing freely with any fourth-year who looked even half as cheerful as yourself. It felt unbelievable recalling that just days prior, you were swept up in the drama of picking dates.
You knew that Hermione was going with Krum, Neville was taking Ginny, and Lavender ended up with Seamus. Ron, Harry, and you hadn’t found dates by then. You considered asking Harry as a friend but the thought of it made your stomach turn, so you pushed that to the back of your mind. Still confused, you turned down two Ravenclaw boys on Christmas Eve, just as Harry and Ron found Parvati and Padma. Despite it leaving you a little disheartened, you chose to attend the ball on your own.
But what a brilliant choice that was.
Decked out in a shimmering dress of Gryffindor scarlet flecked with gold, you danced to your heart’s content, laughing each time your partner managed to trip over your swishing skirt which dragged along the ground.
You rushed around the crystal floor, making sure to dance with each of your friends before the music slowed and you’d be left dateless. Hoping to find one last partner before the slow dance, your eyes landed on an unsuspecting figure in bottle green dress robes.
Harry was seated at a table with Ron and Hermoine, who were talking angrily in hushed tones. Sensing that he needed to be saved from the rather unpleasant situation, you hurried over.
You stopped abruptly at the table, looking down at Harry and extending your hand to him before even saying a word.
“Wanna do something fun?”
“Like what?” He sat up straighter, eyeing your expression curiously.
“Like this.”
You tugged him from the seat by his arm, dragging him to the dancefloor as he hurriedly tried to keep up. But the moment you found a spot, the lively music died down and was replaced with gentle piano notes and the soft voices of the Hogwarts Frog Choir.
“Oh,” you mumbled, cheeks heating briefly from embarrassment before you grinned, looking up at Harry.
You felt your stomach turn again as your eyes met and the words you meant to say were lost somewhere in your throat. Piercing green stared through your soul and your mind froze in its tracks. You had never seen Harry this up-close before — it was… different.
Remembering what you had dragged him out for, you hastily placed one of his hands in yours and the other on your waist. You began to move with him, step by step along the floor, stifling giggles.
You leaned in towards his ear, whispering through a laugh, “I actually don’t know how to dance.”
He laughed along with you, leaning in to reply “Neither do I.”
Before he could say no, you spun him around and started to dance at a pace far too fast for the song. You grinned as you watched his face change from panicked to joyful and shyly looked away when you met his eyes.
A few couples made noises of disapproval as you two spun by, but you didn’t care — you whispered plenty of stupid jokes and Harry tripped over your dress a few more times before the song ended. You barely noticed until you saw a few pairs halt their movements and wander off the dancefloor. But before you could step back from Harry, the piano started again, this time playing a wonderfully familiar tune.
“Care for another dance, champion?”
“Will it be slower this time?”
You only grinned as the Frog Choir joined the music, filling the Great Hall with the most beautiful sound you had ever heard.
Your hands found their places and eyes locked on the other’s (this time with more confidence) as you two glided along the crystal floor. The soft silver light washed over Harry and his green eyes sparkled as you stared into them, involuntarily breaking out into a smile.
“I love this song.”
“Yeah, me too.”
You didn’t even think it was possible that his adorable awkwardness would make your cheeks heat up.
Your consciousness shifted to his hand at your waist, gently holding him close to you. As the music grew even louder, a chorus of string instruments reverberating in the air, you found yourself drawn to his eyes. He watched you carefully under his boyish smile and you beamed, drowning in the moment as something stirred within you. His hand brought you even closer and your cheeks grew hot. It was so strange to think of Harry Potter like this: he was just a friend.
You refrained from staring to the point of freaking him out, but it was hard; you were seeing him in a whole new light. He had clearly tried to tame his hair for the night, but a few parts still stuck out in odd places. You admired the few freckles that dotted his face and the gentle creases of his smile lines. The scar you took note of on his left cheek (from after his battle with the Horntail) was slowly fading. You took in the way he looked, covered with a light sheen of sweat with his bangs sticking to his forehead and tugging a bit of his bottom lip between his teeth as he looked down at you.
To him, you had never looked more beautiful. His night had been so bland before you arrived, like a shining beacon of light, dragging him out to dance. His stomach gave a weird lurch each time your eyes met and his heart beat faster as he held you so close to him. The past few weeks had been so lonely, with the Triwizard Tournament and all the students’ tormenting, but he grew even closer to you. You were always there; offering a dumb joke or a helping hand. The way you looked at him  — with nothing but warmth in your eyes — was overwhelming. Every late night you spent with him and his friends in the common room, laughing until your faces hurt, every time you ambushed him in the corridors because “you missed him,” every lingering hug that made both of your stomachs turn, and every word you spoke to him alone, soft and gentle as though you only wanted to care for him — they were stars in your beautiful eyes that crinkled by the sides as you smiled.
You felt the air between you two change. It was no longer lighthearted: you two had both clearly discovered something you had hidden in the back of your hearts for months. It made you nervous, but the last thing you wanted to do was let go of him. You tore your gaze from his eyes and looked down, watching your dress shimmer gold as you danced.
But as the song approached its end, fingertips gently guided your face back up and soft lips met yours in a kiss.
Your heart melted contentedly and you threw your arms around Harry’s neck, breaking the kiss to give him the brightest smile of the whole night and watch his pretty green eyes crinkle at the sides. You leaned in and kissed him as sweetly as you possibly could, pouring out every wonderfully heart-fluttering emotion of the past few months.
You barely broke apart as you whispered “Meet me in the common room at four” against his lips.
They ghosted over yours as he replied “Definitely.”
Remembering the probably numerous eyes on you, you two tentatively looked around. Stares from every part of the room were on you and you looked back to Harry, who had turned completely pink. Giggling as you took his hands in yours and stepped off the dancefloor, the song ended in a resounding note. 
And just as you had done minutes prior, you broke out into a run, tugging a clumsy Harry by your intertwined fingers, through the crowd and out of the Great Hall.
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vivithefolle · 3 years
I was always confused by Hermiones behavior towards Ron in OOTP. Was she trying to hide her feelings? because she didn't really gave him any signs. Why she was so nasty at him with the teaspoon thing. Was she trying to make him jealous with the letters? What did or didn't she understand from Ron giving her the perfume. Is all this just JKR being stupid because she don't want them together before the very end. Sry for all these questions but I am rly confused can you plz help Vivi?
Once again, I’ll copy one of my Quora essays!
it’s a stereotype to say that girls resort to underhanded tactics when it comes to dating, or like to “test” their partner’s love… but it’s a stereotype for a reason: there are teenage girls who resort to those tactics.
The archetype of the Tsundere exists as an exaggeration of the traits some teenage girls demonstrate when they find themselves in a position of vulnerability such as “having a crush on someone”.
For someone as prideful as Hermione is, having a crush on someone is extremely threatening.
Hermione prides herself in her logic and intelligence. The validation she receives from getting good grades is something she needs, because she’s very insecure deep down. She thinks all she has to offer is her intelligence, and as she goes from a little girl to a young woman, this causes her grief because she doesn’t want to be just “intelligent”. As her body develops and changes, she finds that being the smartest one in the room isn’t enough anymore - she still loves being the smartest in the room, but she wants more than just that, she wants validation for other things. That’s why she was extremely hurt when Ron tactlessly (and Rowling-ly) remarks “you’re a girl” - she wants to be seen as a girl, as a woman, as more than a walking brain. She wants validation that she is a girl, and beautiful, and sexy, and capable of making heads spin. She needs “sexual” validation, for lack of a better term.
Of course she doesn’t really realize those feelings. All she knows is that it hurts when Ron seems to consider her “one of the guys”, or looks at girls that aren’t her. She likes it when he compliments her, but she’s also angry at him because he only ever seems to compliment her intelligence and damn it, she wants him to compliment something else! She wants him to look at her, REALLY look at her! Look at her like he looks at the pretty girls!
Little does she know that Ron does look at her, but he probably thinks he’s a pervert for doing so. Because - because she’s Hermione! She’s not like other girls, she’s not - she’s not the kind of girl you ogle! She’s the kind of girl you gift flowers to - roses, they’re her favourite - the kind of girl you have long, meaningful talks with - not sure if they’re always meaningful, but they sure talk a lot together! - she’s the kind of girl you… the kind of girl you love, not the kind of girl you just look at…
*wistful sigh* Mutual pining, mutual admiration, slow burn, +100k words…
But truth is, many people go around saying that Hermione treating Ron harshly and treating pretty much every boy (with exceptions like Draco Malfoy) more gently is because she actually doesn’t like Ron, and likes anyone but Ron.
When the truth actually is that… Hermione is awful. No, no, seriously, when Hermione is in love, she’s terrible. She can be a nice friend but when she’s in love with you she’s horrible. Especially since she’s a teenager.
Hermione is a prime example of a Tsundere.
The cute, blushy, giggling Hermione who flirts with [insert character here] and cries delicately when she’s rejected? Pure fanfiction. Canon Hermione keeps her love aggressively hidden behind countless iron walls, only letting it peek through when she’s absolutely sure the person she likes isn’t looking.
“How was practice?” asked Hermione rather coolly half an hour later, as Harry and Ron climbed through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room. “It was -” Harry began. “Completely lousy,” said Ron in a hollow voice, sinking into a chair beside Hermione. She looked up at Ron and her frostiness seemed to melt. - Order of the Phoenix
Rare footage of the Hermione Granger, scientific name Selfinsertus Overratedus, displaying interest in specimen of mighty fine hunk
Hermione isn’t sweet and tender and kind with the one she loves. At least, the teenage Hermione isn’t. She’s harsh, she’s disdainful and only gives out breadcrumbs of affection once in a while as part of the complicated mind game she’s playing.
You see, Hermione is never going to make the first move. You must be the one to ask her out, because she sure as hell ain’t going to do it for you.
This is due, I think, to the events of Goblet of Fire. Viktor Krum asks her out because Rowling absolutely wants Hermione to be the ugly duckling who transforms into the beautiful swan, so she brings in Cardboard Cutout With No Personality Aside From Being Famous to woo her self-insert.
Now Hermione has gotten the experience of being asked out, and being a rather socially awkward person who also hates being vulnerable - more on that later - well, now she just assumes that if someone asked her out once, then anyone who does like her can do the same.
Which is why she doesn’t realize that Ron is actually aware he loves her. There’s a big comedy of assumptions going on in Romione’s love story.
Hermione believes that Ron either 1) likes her but is oblivious to his own feelings and so she thinks she has to “give him hints” to make him realize it. Emphasized best by this exchange:
Hermione laughed. “Harry you’re worse than Ron [at understanding girls]… well, no, you’re not, “ she sighed, as Ron himself came stumping into the Hall splattered with mud and looking grumpy.
“I’ve sent him so many signals and yet he doesn’t notice. Woe is me!”
2) doesn’t actually likes her, but sees her just as a good mate or worse, as another sister.
Hermione keeps flip-flopping between her two assumptions throughout the series, all because of her biggest assumption: she thinks that if Ron was interested in her, he would ask her out. Because Viktor Krum was interested in her, and he asked her out, so why wouldn’t Ron do the same? They’re both boys and she’s a girl, after all. Isn’t that how it works?
This is also why Hermione’s “““invitation”““ to the Slug Club isn’t even an invitation - really, it’s worse than Ron’s invite to the Yule Ball, at least he was actually offering her to come:
“We’re allowed to bring guests,” said Hermione, […], “and I was going to ask you to come, but […] I won’t bother.”
“I was going to ask you to come but I won’t bother.”
This is literally what she says. It’s more of a “look Ron! An invite! If you’re good maybe I’ll think about letting you have it!” than anything else.
It’s because this is Hermione’s last resort. The ultimate humiliation. She has to resort to inviting Ron when in her mind, he’s supposed to be the one asking her out. He’s the boy! He’s supposed to do it! (And this is why I laugh at all the fools who claim that Hermione is the pinnacle of feminism. Seriously, the girl is more of a misogynist than any other character in the series.)
Hermione failed to take into account that Ron’s insecurity cripples him worse than she imagines, and that he copes with it differently than she copes with her own insecurities.
And this is the part where I explain about Hermione’s hatred of being vulnerable.
You see, I can relate quite a lot to Hermione - I see a lot of me in her, and a lot of people who hurt me in the past as well.
Bullied because she was an easy target, being the know-it-all and local teacher’s pet? Yep. Bullied for her appearance (I got braces when I was 8 and have been wearing glasses since I was a toddler, she had her bushy hair and buck teeth)? Can relate. Cried easily? Super check. Rule enforcer when the teachers weren’t around? Mega check.
And naturally, when you’re such a water fountain as I was, there’s nothing more humiliating than ending up crying in front of your bullies. You quickly learn that it will bring you nothing but more bullying. More humiliation. More vulnerability.
Hence why you start despising any form of vulnerability you find in yourself.
Obviously, being in love? That’s one of the most terrible things you can find yourself in when you’re afraid of being vulnerable. Because, oh god, your feelings are completely insane around the person. They make or ruin your day. You keep wanting to show them how cool / great / impressive you are, and you try desperately to mask all your little faults so they will hopefully return your feelings.
Given that Hermione is already not the most socially-aware battering ram in the knife drawer, she acts especially nasty to Ron, because she’s overcompensating for the vulnerability he makes her feel. And she most likely isn’t even aware of it! Forget Fanfic Hermione cringing as she realizes how mean she sounds, welcome Canon Hermione who just doubles down on a pointless argument just to drive home how totally in control she is and how Ron has absolutely zero effect on her, no siree!
In short: Hermione overthinks. She overthinks everything. She’s overthinking every of Ron’s actions, she’s assuming he’s either out to get her because she assumes he’s perfectly aware of her crush on him and he’s just toying with her (this is the very insecure, pessimistic Hermione speaking), she’s assuming he’s completely oblivious to her feelings and so she uses the ages-old technique of the “subtle hints” to make her feelings known to him (and fails miserably because she doesn’t want to put herself out there too much in case he rejects her, which would be the ultimate humiliation and the worst possible thing to happen to her, in her teenage girl mind), and she’s assuming he’ll never like her the way she likes him, all the while being woefully oblivious to the fact that Ron does want to be with her but she keeps sending him signals that she sees him as a troublesome child rather than a potential partner.
All in all, a teenage Hermione in love is utter torture. She’s her own worst enemy, and it’s only when she decides to let go of it all - of the mind games, of the distancing, of the passive-aggressive; of the overthinking - and just takes a chance that her efforts bear fruit.
There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione’s arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet.
(As much as I’m disillusioned with Romione, this kiss is still one of my favourite parts of the series. They mutually sweep each other off their feet for god’s sake, you wish your ship would.)
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lomlmarvel · 4 years
Only You Pt. V
Only You Series Part 5
Part One | Part Two | Part Three I Part Four | Part Five
Cedric Diggory x fem!reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: The last two challenges. That’s all I have to say for the matter.
A/N: Also, I’m very sorry for the delay in this update :/ I hope writer’s block leaves and I can start on the finale? Please share your comments and reactions with me, I love reading them. Thank you guys so much for the support with this series! 
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It had been a few weeks since the Yule Ball. Students who had left for the holidays had now returned, and classes were back in session. Y/N had been living on cloud nine since that night with Cedric. The two seemed to be almost inseparable if it wasn't for their different classes. Everyone could see the change in their behavior; it was prominent that something had happened that night of the Yule Ball. 
After Y/N had returned to her dorm, Alicia and Angelina bombarded her with questions about her getaway with Cedric. They had seen her leave the ball and walk out hand-in-hand with the older boy. The two were so excited and giggly when Y/N told them the gist of what had happened. She didn't reveal all the details, just general descriptions that she knew the girls would enjoy. After she finished talking, she encouraged the other two to talk about their dates, getting excited for them. It was a few minutes after curfew, which meant everyone should be in their respective rooms. However, someone then knocked on their door. 
Y/N walked over to the door, the two other girls setting themselves in bed just in case it was the house head. When she opened the door, Ginny stood there in her pajamas with an annoyed look on her face. 
"Is everything okay, Gin?" The older girl asked her. Ginny rolled her eyes and pointed towards the stairs.
"Fred has been shouting your name from the common room for almost 15 minutes. Get him to shut up, please!" Ginny stated before turning around and walking back to her room. Y/N turned back to look at Alicia and Angelina's confused expressions before she walked out to meet Fred. 
"Oi! You!" Fred slurred. Y/N quickly shushed him for yelling before she was attempting to drag him over to the sofa. "You abandoned me at the ball!" Y/N stopped pushing him and stopped in her tracks. She sat down on the couch and looked up at him. 
"I did, didn't I? I'm so sorry, Fred," She hadn't realized it before, and she felt terrible. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." Fred didn't reply, but instead, he threw himself on the couch and laid his head on her lap. 
"He's your boyfriend," Fred mumbled, closing his eyes.
"He's your boyfriend," He repeated, "You don't have to feel bad for not hanging out with me. He's your boyfriend, not me," Y/N subconsciously ran her fingers through his red hair and nodded.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't hang out with you and George. You're still my best friends; that's not going to change," Y/N responded. Fred hummed in reply and opened his eyes to look at her. 
"You're beautiful; you know that?" She rolled her eyes at his flirty comment and patted his shoulder.
"Who let you drink firewhiskey?" Fred laughed and sat up. "I'm sorry for ditching you, I am. Cedric just makes me feel..." The two looked at each other.
"Like if you're the only person in the entire world?" Fred replied.
"Yes! Exactly," The two laughed together before Fred stood up.
"You can go to sleep now; I'll just bug George until I fall asleep," he stated, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Goodnight, Y/N/N"
She watched Fred walk up the stairs that led to his dormitory. He waved goodnight before disappearing into the darkness. Y/N sat in the common room, taking in her conversation with Fred. It was very much like him to call her when he was wasted, but he spent it dancing and trying to get her to party with him, not to have a short conversation. When he said about feeling like they were the only people in the room, the look on Fred's face was unique. She had never seen him like that before. He reminded her a lot of Arthur when he and Molly would share secret looks across the room. It was like if he was in love. 
But back to the spring term, the second challenge was set to be in a few days. Y/N had spent almost every day in the library, trying to find something that could help Harry. Cedric had stated that he had found a spell to help him, but Harry refused to use Cedric's idea. To no luck, she and Hermione hadn't discovered anything quite useful. The day before the challenge, Neville had found the girls in the library and stated that he had found something for Harry. He met with Harry a few minutes later, and the two dished out their plan. 
Cedric and Y/N walked hand in hand through the courtyard. They were about to head to the great hall to have lunch before the challenge started, but Professor McGonagall stopped them. 
"Oh, Miss Potter! Excuse us, Mr.Diggory, but Professor Dumbledore requires Miss Potter's presence in his office right away," She stated, signaling for Y/N to follow her. Cedric let go of her hand and smiled.
"I'll see you later?" Cedric asked her rhetorically. She nodded and then walked to Dumbledore's office. 
It was a few minutes before the challenge started, and Cedric looked for Y/N everywhere. Harry was looking around for his friends and his sister, too, making Cedric more anxious.
"I'm sure they're just running late," Cedric comforted Harry as the younger boy looked nervous. 
Before they had gotten on the boats that took them to the arena in the middle of the lake, Neville had told Harry that he wasn't a hundred percent sure their plan would work, something about a debate between salt and freshwater. With his missing best friends and sister, Harry was more nervous than he was when he was fighting a dragon. He wasn't sure what he would face underwater, but the lack of support from the people he needed it the most felt a little bizarre. 
Harry stood next to Cedric, along with Fleur and Viktor, on the platform. Dumbledore explained the rules to the rest of the students, as the four champions shivered in their swimsuits. The canons fired, and the four jumped into the lake's freezing water, starting the challenge. 
It didn't take long for Harry to find the seaweed maze that he was forced to swim through, finding four people floating underwater, with their legs tied by seaweed, holding them down. As he swam closer, he saw three familiar faces, sending a panic wave to his brain. His two best friends stood next to each other, while his sister was next to Fleur's sister. He quickly reached for his sister's hand and patted her cheeks to wake her up. Concluding that they were all unconscious, Harry swam down to untie his sister's feet. He was then pushed by a mermaid holding some kind of trident. She hissed at his actions, causing him to back away.
"But she's my sister!" Harry said to her. The mermaid hissed again and pointed at Ron, telling him who his 'treasure' was. Harry had no choice but to swim to Ron and began untying him. There was a commotion coming towards him, putting him on high alert. Cedric swam into view and pulled out his wand. The spell he cast cut the seaweed holding Y/N down. Cedric grabbed onto her waist before tapping his watch, telling Harry he had to hurry up. 
Harry watched as Cedric swam up with his sister and let out a sigh of relief he didn't even know he was holding in. 
Y/N didn't remember much after McGonagall had dragged her away from Cedric earlier that morning. She remembered reaching Dumbledore's office and seeing Hermione and Ron. Dumbledore thanked McGonagall, leaving the Gryffindors alone with the headmaster.
"Professor, what exactly are we doing here?" Y/N questioned him. Dumbledore smiled at the oldest Potter and motioned behind him. Walking down Dumbledore's staircase led down from the collection of books, was the Minister of Magic. 
"Are we in trouble, sir?" Hermione added, switching between the minister and Dumbledore. 
"Blimey. Mum won't like it if I get in trouble again this year..." Ron whispered to the girls next to him. 
"No. No, you are not in trouble, Miss Granger," Dumbledore eased their minds. The door opened, and in walked in one of the Beauxbaton students. She was young and looked scared.
"Thank you for joining us, Miss Delacour," Dumbledore greeted her. He patiently filled in the students on the next challenge, assuring them that they were safe. 
The next thing Y/N knew, she was gasping for air in the middle of the Black Lake, with Cedric's arm around her waist keeping her afloat. She searched his eyes for an answer but was pushed towards the platform where the cheering Hufflepuffs extended their arms to help the two. One of Cedric's friends pulled Y/N in and immediately handed her a towel. She wrapped herself tightly, searching for Harry. Cedric walked to her sides and helped her put on his robe.
"Are you alright?" He asked her, his teeth chattering. She nodded, but her attention was back on the water, where she knew Harry was. 
"He was right behind me," Cedric said to her. Y/N notice his uncontrollable shaking. He was just wrapped in a towel since he had given her his robe.  She wrapped her arms around him, transferring some heat to his ice-cold skin. 
Hermione and Viktor surfaced a minute after; Y/N then helped Hermione heat up. She hadn't noticed before, but Fleur stood at the edge of the platform, in a light blue robe looking distraughtly into the water. It finally clicked in her brain when she remembered that Gabrielle had been in Dumbledore's office with them earlier. It also meant that she was still underwater.
Hermione grabbed onto Y/N as the seconds counted down. Harry was meant to pop out any second. The crowd went silent when two heads shot up from the water. It was Ron and Gabrielle. The two were quickly ushered in by the Beauxbaton girls and were surrounded by dry towels in seconds. Dumbledore and the minister rushed down to the platform, a worried look on both of their faces. Cedric walked over to his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her. The chatter began among the students watching; the last few seconds were on the clock. Suddenly, Harry flew out of the water and landed right on the platform. 
Y/N ran to his side, patting him down with the towel she had on. It wasn't long before he was surrounded by Seamus, Ron, Hermione, and a few girls from Beauxbaton. They all worked together, trying to help Harry, who winced when the towels came in contact with his wounds. He had scraped along his legs and arms, a few scratches on his face and neck. 
"You saved her, even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister!" Fleur thanked Harry with a kiss on his cheek. The young teenage boy flushed in embarrassment. 
 "Thank you! And you-- You helped!" Fleur moved onto Ron, who stood in shock when she kissed him too. 
Y/N helped Harry stand up as Dumbledore tried to grab everyone's attention. Different loud conversations were happening everywhere. The guys from Durmstrang were chanting Krum's name, even though he finished second. Cedric's friends were shouting his name since he was the first to surface with his 'treasure.' Others were wondering if Harry would be disqualified for pulling out another champion's loved one. 
"Attention! Attention!" Dumbledore shouted. Everyone shut up in a matter of milliseconds. "The winner is... Mr. Diggory!" 
The crowd went wild when Cedric's name was announced. Harry smiled at the Hufflepuff, standing right in front of him. As Cedric's friends and his house cheered for him, he reached out for his girlfriend's hand, who was immediately at his side, congratulating him. 
"The way I see it, Mr. Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley but the others as well," Dumbledore stated. Cedric looked in Harry's direction and nodded in agreement. "We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fiber." 
The Gryffindor house went wild at the information that Harry won second place. The Durmstrang school was angry that Krum was pushed to third place, but that didn't stop the cheers coming from the Hogwarts students, celebrating the two Hogwarts champions. 
It wasn't long until the Golden Trio and the Mischievous trio (Fred, George, and Y/N) were on a boat back to the main grounds. They were laughing and releasing the tension from the challenge to ease all of their minds. 
               "All that moral fiber, eh?" Fred chuckled at Harry, causing the group to laugh.
"Blimey, even when you go wrong, it turns outright," Ron commented. 
 "Well done 'moral fiber,'" George teased. The rest of the group continued walking past the Forbidden forest to Hogwarts. Y/N stayed behind with Harry as they noticed the minister waiting for Harry. 
"I'm really proud of you, Harry. I'll see you later for dinner," Y/N kissed his cheek. She greeted the minister as she walked past him. The walk back to Hogwarts was loaded with teasing coming from Fred and George, mostly towards Hermione and how she was Krum's treasure.
Later that night, after dinner, Y/N rested against Cedric's chest as he read to her a book his father had gifted him. There was a vacant classroom on the fifth floor that contained random furniture. Students usually hung out there during their free periods if their common rooms were too chaotic for them to rest or do homework. Y/N and Cedric had come to realize that the professors were a little more lenient about curfew hours with them, considering Cedric was competing in the tournament. 
Cedric ran his hand up and down her arm, creating heat friction to keep her warm. The castle walls tended to get cold in the spring. In a few weeks, summer would start, and the problem of keeping warm would no longer exist. Y/N played along with the jewelry hanging on her neck, catching Cedric's view. He paused his reading and looked down to see her playing with the necklace he had gifted her.
"Is that the necklace I gave you?" He asked her. Y/N looked up at him and smiled.
"It's our good luck charm," She replied. Cedric tossed his book to the side and flipped her over. Y/N laid on her back, with Cedric now towering over her. She couldn't retain the grin that took over her face when Cedric started kissing up her neck. Wherever his hands met her skin, she felt like a fire-heated up her skin. Their lips connected in a passionate embrace, parting slowly to allow their tongues to meet. Y/N didn't hold back the moan that escaped her lips when Cedric sucked on her sweet spot. Cedric pulled away and smiled at the delightful sounds that she let out.  
"We can't do it here, Ced. Anyone can walk in," Y/N panted, her shiny eyes stared up at Cedric. He smiled and nodded before planting another kiss on her lips. He stood up and pulled her against him. 
Y/N was confused. Was he mad that she didn't want to have sex in a random classroom on the fifth floor? It would be so embarrassing if a professor or Filch walked in on them.
Y/N started getting even more confused when he began leading her out of the room and into the dark halls of the castle. Cedric showed her in random directions, casually stopping to hear if Mrs. Norris or Filch were walking by. She didn't question his actions until they stopped in front of a dark, tall wooden door. 
"Where are we?" She whispered, leaning onto his shoulder. Cedric smiled and pulled open the door.
"It's the Room of Requirements," Cedric answered. Y/N felt the heat on her cheeks when he revealed the room they had been in before. As students in Hogwarts, it was almost impossible to get any alone time anywhere. Let alone anywhere where there was a bed. A few days after the Yule Ball, Cedric and Y/N had come across the Room of Requirements during one of their nightly getaways, finding themselves a place where they could have all the privacy they wanted.
A few hours later, Cedric slowly rocked Y/N to wake her up. Her sleeping figure was something Cedric wanted to be implanted in his memory forever. Her lips were slightly parted, and her hair was a big mess. She looked peaceful and calm. Things she usually wasn't, especially during this time of year. With the end of the year approaching, it was time for students to start focusing on their final grades. But with this year's tournament, Y/N was more worried about the last challenge. 
"Hey, darling. You need to wake up; I'm not exactly sure what time it is, but my guess is its breakfast," Cedric got no response from the brunette lying next to him. He let a few moments pass and subconsciously began tracing patterns on her bare skin. It didn't take long for Y/N to stir awake when she felt the tingling sensation on her skin. She rubbed the sleep off her eyes and smiled at the handsome boy staring down at her. 
Cedric was lying on his side, his head resting on his hand, as the other hand was still tracing shaped on her skin. He looked so happy and magical. Y/N didn't think Cedric could get even more handsome-r than he already was, and he kept proving her wrong. 
"Goodmorning, Ced,"  Y/N's faint voice cut through before she sat up to stretch. She held the white bedsheet tight to her body while she searched for her clothes. Cedric sat and admired how she so delicately ran her fingers through her hair to calm her wild hair-do. She fixed her hair into a braid when she finished dressing. She turned to see if Cedric was ready and saw the older boy fumbling with his uniform tie. 
She had no idea why they even bothered to look civil. It was Saturday, meaning that most students wouldn't even be in their uniformed robes. Their friends would know what happened if they weren't able to sneak back into their dorms without anyone noticing and changing before meeting back up in the Great Hall. 
After helping Cedric fix his tie, the two calmly opened the door to reveal that they were in the Gryffindor tower. Y/N let out a sigh of relief when she saw Alicia and Angelina walk out of the common room and down the stairs. If she were lucky, that meant everyone had already left to eat breakfast. Cedric walked her to the portrait of the Fat Lady and leaned against the wall. 
"My dad sent me a letter yesterday. He asked if you were coming for your summer break," Y/N looked at Cedric to see the sincerity behind his question. It wasn't out of the blue that he asked this question. He had been dropping hints about wanting Y/N to meet his parents since they began dating. Sure, Y/N had met his father, but they didn't really have a chance to converse; with the game and then the death eaters attacking, there wasn't much time for open conversation. Cedric already knew that his father adored Y/N, having heard many stories from Arthur and Cedric.  He knew his mother would love her; it was inevitable. Y/N had the power to make anyone enjoy her presence. Even people that ultimately disliked her; even had to admit that her attendance wasn't as bad as they wished.
"I have to ask my aunt and uncle, but I'm confident they'll say yes. They'd rather have one wizard at home than two," Y/N replied, staring down at him. He looked adorable with puffy eyes and swollen lips. She's sure the two of them didn't get enough sleep, but if they were gone for a few more hours, people would have started to notice.
"He's going to be so excited," Cedric replied, a small smile appearing on his face. 
The rest of the day was uneventful. The two decided to spend the day at Hogsmeade, having caught breakfast shortly after they changed out of their day-old clothes. Angelina, Alicia,  and a few of Cedric's friends noticed the two walk into the Great Hall and pointed out their tired faces. Cedric ignored them all and focused on eating breakfast to walk away from their playful teasing. Y/N, on the other hand, was a blushing mess. She had thankfully avoided running into her younger brother and his best friends, along with her two best friends, who would play the joke out for too long. 
After escaping their teasing, Cedric and Y/N caught the group of students heading to Hogsmeade for a few hours. Flitwick was in charge of taking the group this weekend, seeing his small figure at the front of the group. Hogwarts students, along with Beauxbaton girls and Durmstrang boys, accompanied the assemblage. 
As the seasons started to shift from Spring to Summer, more traveled to Hogsmeade and didn't worry about freezing to death on the way back to Hogwarts. Cedric and Y/N walked around the small shops, stopping to buy sweets from Honeydukes and enjoying butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. Towards the end of their trip, they invited Flitwick for a butterbeer, which he graciously accepted. 
Professor Flitwick admitted that he enjoyed having Y/N Potter as a student. He admired her patience and generosity. When he had first met her, she was just a first-year, confused and amazed by the wizarding world and her family history. Quickly, she adapted to their new world and culture and effortlessly enchanted most professors with her fast learning and determination to learn as much as she could. When she started to hang out with the Weasley twins, he was worried she would turn into them and get caught in between their reckless pranks. However, she became best friends with them and managed to influence them into getting their work done. She wasn't as successful in stopping their tricks but rather stayed far away from most of them. But unknowingly to the charms professor, she was the brain behind most. She chose the prank receivers and made sure not to target her favorite professors, leading to Filch and Snape being on the receiving end of most pranks. 
When Harry joined Hogwarts, Flitwick expected him to be more like his older sister. But mischief found Harry more than it did with her. He could see their father's mischievousness DNA in them both. Hanging out with Weasleys only added to that lifestyle. 
He was pleased and grateful to have been able to watch this incredible young witch grow into the potential he had seen in her from her first day in class. Y/N had surpassed every expectation, and with each year, she exceeded herself. It was unprofessional for Hogwarts professors to gossip about their students, but they thoroughly enjoyed talking about their drama and playing matchmakers. McGonagall and Trelawney had betted that Fred and Y/N would end up dating; however, they were all surprised when she and Cedric were seen holding hands. Sprout and Flitwick decided to place bets that Cedric and Y/N would wound up getting married after Hogwarts and being happily married. 
When the topic of them getting married was first brought up, McGonagall couldn't help but snicker and note that Lily Evans was charmed by James Potter's intelligence, mischievousness, and adventurous spirit. It was something that she noticed in Fred. Sprout brought up the fact that Y/N was already in love with Cedric, and their love was something she had never really seen in such young students. Professor Flitwick only sneered and enjoyed their conversation before changing directions to a serious matter. Professor Trelawney sat in silence, holding her cup of tea close to her chest. She felt a dark presence whenever she thought of the young couple. She wanted them to be happy, but she could see a heavy cloud in their future; something big and horrible was in their future. She was fearful and kept it to herself, but she knew she couldn't keep it to herself. 
The remaining weeks of the term were spent studying for exams and preparing the champions for the final challenge. Students were shaken with news when they found out that the minister of magic was found dead in the Forbidden Forest. Students were assured that they were safe and would get to the bottom of it, but no new information was discovered. 
It was the morning of the last challenge, and everyone was excited. After this, the champion would get crowned, and everyone would celebrate a successful tournament. Regardless of who won, the three schools had enjoyed their stay together and had made friends. Y/N had been helping Harry learn new defensive spells, teaching him dueling tricks that Flitwick had taught her and those that her godfather, Remus, had practiced with her before she knew he was her godfather. 
"McGonagall asked me to join you during the opening ceremony, is that alright?" Y/N asked her younger brother. The two hung out in the owl tower to calm Harry's nerves before the challenge. 
"That'd be great, thanks, Y/N," Harry turned to look out the massive arch. He could see almost everyone, those in the courtyard, the castle grounds, quidditch field, but what attracted him the most was Cedric and his father walking in the yard. 
He was invited to attend, to support his son. Krum and Fleur had their headmasters join them, Cedric had his father, and Harry was thankful for Y/N. He was grateful for his friends for supporting him, even those who thought he had cheated. He really hoped any of the other champions won; he didn't want or need the glory. He only wanted to make his sister and his friends proud. 
Before Harry noticed, he was on the field, his sister comfortingly grabbing his arm while sporting a matching shirt to his. Cedric and Amos stood a few feet far from them, next with Fleur and Krum with their headmasters. Dumbledore had just thanked the band for their musical support and had introduced the final challenge. 
"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory," The crowd went wild, and the Potters turned to see his blushing cheeks. Cedric looked in the direction of his girlfriend, a broad grin on his and his father's face, who proudly lifted his arm in the air. 
"And Mr. Potter tied for the first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum and Ms. Delacour," As students cheered for their friends and classmates, Harry tuned out. He felt off since the morning. Something about that day didn't feel right. He didn't want to bother his sister, but little did he know she felt the same way.
On her way to breakfast that morning, Professor Trelawney had asked her to join her in her office. The divinations professor led Y/N to a seat where she began to ramble and stutter on her words. 
"Professor, are you feeling well?" Y/N asked. Trelawney stopped her stuttering when the young woman grabbed her trembling hands in her own. 
"If it's about the last challenge, I can assure you; I helped train Harry. He will be fine," Y/N assured her. The Professor smiled and remembered why she enjoyed having her as a student. She was caring and gentle with others, always bringing a soothing and tender aura with her. 
"Young girl, I didn't want to alert you, but I feel a presence," this caught the younger witch's attention. "It's cold and dark. I feel death and confrontation around your future. I just had to let you know," Trelawney cut herself off as to not worry Y/N much more. Y/N nodded, and her smile faltered. 
"Thank you, Professor.  I know your best interest is in us and I am sure I'll be fine. I can't worry too much right now; the term is almost over. Maybe we can talk about this next term?" The younger woman smiled. Trelawney nodded in return and watched as she walked out of her classroom. She didn't know whether to run after her and explain that the dark presence was surrounded on that particular day. She decided to think about her decisions further and wait for the best. 
Professor Trelawney knew that the older Potter was very well aware of their famous connection with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named or how Harry and Y/N referred to him, Voldemort. It wasn't a surprise that he tried to make himself come back every few months to attack Harry. It had been a few months since the Death Eaters attacked the World Quidditch Cup, and that was the last time they had heard of anything having to do with Voldemort and his group of cowards. 
The ministry had been keeping a very close eye on dark magic and former death eaters. They knew a successful Triwizard Tournament would ease the minds of many wizarding families, and that meant that they could get back to their regular business. 
Y/N, however, felt eerie after leaving the divination classroom. Something didn't seem right about Trelawney being so worried. She usually just muttered that fate was fate, and they just had to accept it. She loved to teach her students everything she knew about the foretelling of the future, but usually, her predications were about mild things like upcoming exams and OWL's. Y/N didn't want to worry Harry or Cedric with this, so she kept it to herself. 
"Hey, there you are! We've been looking everywhere for you," Cedric had greeted his girlfriend earlier. They were making their way out of the Great Hall, where Amos had accompanied Cedric during breakfast. It had been a bit weird, but he was thankful to have his father at his side. 
"Hey, I was with Trelawney; she wanted to talk to me about something," Y/N smiled at Cedric before turning to the older Diggory, "Good morning, Mr. Diggory, it's great to see you." 
Amos smiled sweetly at his son's girlfriend. The last time he had seen her, she was being whisked away by Cedric, who wanted to spend some alone time with her at the Quidditch World Cup. 
"Hello, Y/N. Excited for today?" He asked her. Y/N smiled in return and replied. While his father and his girlfriend chatted amongst themselves, Cedric couldn't help but tune out. He knew it was premature of him to think of this, but he knew that Y/N was the love of his life. She was the one he was meant to be with forever.  He had countlessly written to his parents throughout the year about his relationship with Y/N; he confessed when she had broken up with him and told them when they got back together. 
Amos knew Cedric was in love with Y/N. He felt it when he read his letters, but he knew it when he saw his son's eyes when he spotted the young Gryffindor. His eyes lit up in milliseconds, and his entire mood had changed. He had never seen his son, so in love, and that's all it took for him to love Y/N, too. 
"I'll see you at the opening ceremony? I'm meant to meet Harry after breakfast," Y/N looked back at Cedric. He snapped out of his thoughts and just smiled in return. 
"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later," He turned to look at his father, who had turned to occupy himself with one of the portraits near the Great Entrance. Cedric quickly kissed his girlfriend, blushing deeply when he noticed his father's attention had fallen back on them. 
"See you later, Mr. Diggory," Y/N excused herself before entering the Great Hall to join her friends for breakfast. 
Dumbledore gathered all the champions around him. He talked through some rules first before preparing them for the countdown. Cedric had hugged his father, and Y/N had pecked Harry on the cheek. 
"On the count of three... ONE---" Filch accidentally fired the cannon, pressuring Harry and Cedric to step into the maze. Once they stepped further into it, their entrances were closed off from the audience's eyes. After, Krum followed in with Fleur a few seconds behind. 
Mr. Diggory walked over to Y/N and invited her to sit next to him. Y/N agreed and thanked him before following him to the arena seating. She hugged Arthur Weasley, who had been patiently watching from the audience as his son's best friend and his close friend's son waited to compete against each other. 
"Exciting isn't it!" He commented, watching as the band started to play music to entertain the audience. 
Almost an hour had passed, and with each second that continued, Y/N grew even more anxious. Fleur had been the first to be rescued from the maze. Her school, along with everyone else, applauded her. It wasn't long until Krum appeared with defeat on his face, disappointed that he didn't win. Everyone waited for either Harry or Cedric to appear after him, but no one came. 
Dumbledore began to worry as well until the two teenagers apparated with the Goblet at their feet. However, Y/N was the first to leave her seat when she saw Harry clutching onto her boyfriend's shirt. 
@lilulo-12 @malfoys-demigod @ladyblablabla @truly-insatiablem @dottirose @lovinnholland @ziggyspurplehaze  @firefliesindaylight  @inmygardensuit  @bebana-7913 @suixdal-dreams29 @onebatch--twobatch  @degeathesaviour @sunles
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inaflashimagine · 3 years
alright i have finished my assignments and now i’m back to talk more of the jjk x hp au 😤
LMFAOOOO MAHITO W TOM RIDDLE VIBES. in canon, the role might fit geto better but as we’re straying from Angst in this au, mahito is a good substitute! but god is junpei part of the gang here? 👀 imagine a side plot w junpei where he’s one of the ones just absolutely taken w mahito’s persona and reader recruits nanami to save junpei from the clutches of Evil Villain Mahito 😂 but it’s nothing too terrible, he’s just a creepy dude w slightly questionable morals chsjsjakajshshs. like, we need reader and (a reluctant) nanami tailing mahito and them having to hide in a narrow, tight space to avoid detection at one point 🙈 (meanwhile, mahito absolutely knows he’s being followed, he just wants to cause chaos 🥴)
i honestly feel like 70% of ppl who see themselves as ravenclaws have parents that have brainwashed us into associating good grades w our identity/self worth lol like it might as well be a prerequisite at this point
yup yup nanami and hanami have similar names bc of their AMAZING BODS amirite??
honestly? me too, a lil bit lmao. i want them to be the unlikely couple that everyone is just like ‘wtf???’ when they see them do romantic stuff together 😂 YES. i was gonna say..... them being each other’s yule ball date would be too fast... we need the pining 🤌 the lingering stares as they watch each other dance w someone else 🤌 and maybe, MAYBE a brief stolen dance away from everyone else if we’re feeling a lil spicy 😳 hmmm if we’re putting hogwarts in japan (or calling it a diff name idk), beauxbatons takes students from europe and nanami has danish blood so 👀 like it wouldn’t be a relative since he’d be muggleborn but maybe his parents lived in europe before moving to japan and that person’s family were acquaintances of his parents or smth 🤔
both reader and nanami, upon finding out what each other smells from the potion: yup totally normal scents here 🙂
nanami would slap a bitch if snape tried to pull what he did w harry on any of the jjk crew. OH GOD ITADORI BEING THE CHAMPION FOR THE TOURNAMENT and nanami’s like 😐 when he’s chosen. i think w how the series began, he’d also have his name put in by somebody else why can i see mahito doing this but as a prank that went incredibly wrong (i was gonna say gojo considering the mans is feeding itadori sukuna’s fingers like they’re chicken nuggets in canon but i think he’d share nanami’s views on the tournament, except just slightly more willing to let our boi do it) but anyway, this could be after nanami and yuji have bonded and we can have nanami on protective dad mode, even if he’s only just a few years older in this au lol
omgggggg his love language i’m so soft for this hc 🥺 as a ravenclaw, you already know that nanami’s basically just saved reader’s life (in canon, this would be him exorcising a curse abt to kill them ksjdhdhsj) WHAT A MAN and god the comments in the margins...... 😭
reader visiting the bakery and nanami already knowing what to give them before they get there bc he knows their tastes well 🥺 it can be different every time too, but all things he thinks they’d like 😭
So tumblr erased my initial answer after I spent a solid 20 min writing this out I hate it here
But congrats on finishing your assignments!! Sorry this took a while to respond to I also had some hw to do despite my school supposedly giving us the day off jakfkjfjdks
YESS I initially thought of Geto being like Tom Riddle but I refuse to make Geto suffer and be miserable (the manga does that plenty🤧). The only angst he’ll endure is disagreeing with Gojo on what’s the best meal at KFC 💀
JUNPEI how could I forget that adorable boy thank you for reminding me!! The question to ponder, however, is what house this Iil dude is in🤔My mind first went to Slytherin (and it would make sense bc he could meet Mahito through that) but I have no solid reason to back up this choice LOL
But I love the idea of Mahito trying to get Junpei question his morals and philosophy. Perhaps as reader and (reluctant) Nanami tail a Mahito trying to talk to Junpei, Mahito suddenly turns around/walks back in reader’s and nanami’s direction (bc like you said he definitely knows when he’s being followed). Reader is panicking, pacing back and forth and wishing there was a nearby closet they could hide in..and boom, the room of requirement comes to the rescue!! Reader immediately shoves Nanami into the room before Mahito and Junpei get any closer. Of course the closet is tight af and Nanami wearily asks, “You couldn’t have asked for more space?” (Reader apologizes, but they sound far from genuine, they’re not a Hufflepuff after all😭)
70% might be an underestimation if we’re being honest💀💀it’s def a prereq but hey at least the Ravenclaw colors are nice (I unabashedly wear my ravenclaw scarf around campus LOL)
HAHA amazing bods Nanami is built like a wall we can’t forget that😌😌(is it possible to insert a beach scene in a Harry Potter au?? No? Just me? Okay)
LMAOO Jogo + Hanami really are that unlikely couple that no one understands how they got together but somehow they’re one of the longest-lasting couples at the school. Reader once voices this opinion during a study session at the library with Nanami (and Gojo invited himself bc when does he not), and Gojo is like, “You just want what they have but you’re too weak to confess to your crush.” Reader, absolutely mortified, uses the severing charm to split the bridge of Gojo’s shades in retaliation. And Nanami knows he shouldn’t out of respect for reader, but he secretly wants to ask them who they like. But before he can ask they’re all kicked out of the library because Gojo can’t stop complaining about his broken sunglasses (use Reparo you dummy)
YESSS as someone who has recently watched Bridgerton and rewatched Pride and Prejudice it’s not a ball dance without the lingering stares😫😫we live for the mutual pining🌲🌲in this household. They are definitely getting a stolen dance, even if only for a few seconds (Nanami wishing he had leaned in further for a kiss before they’re accidentally interrupted by Haibara. Thanks Haibara-the-wingman for the cockblock😭😭)
Ooohh good point about the locations! Honestly I was just gonna leave the schools where they are but rarely (if at all) mention the nationalities of students and the countries the schools are in. Sorting that out sounds kinda messy but if I have the time I might hash it out more!
And because I’m leaning toward Nanami being a Hufflepuff, but I still like the idea of reader and Nanami bonding as prefects, I’m just gonna make both of them Head Boy/Head Girl. Since the Head Boy/Girl are tasked with many important duties I don’t think it’d be a stretch for them to greet the champions from the two other schools and show them Hogwarts. Hence the Beauxbatons champion taking an interest in Nanami and asking him to be her date (rip reader😃)
totally normal scents AKKFKFKSKAKF those two are getting roasted about this behind their backs (Gojo does it in front of their faces, he dgaf even as Geto and Haibara try to hold him back by putting duct tape on his mouth...although they’ve definitely considered quieting him with a silencing charm)
NANAMI SLAPPING SNAPE IS AN IMAGE THAT GIVES ME SM JOY LMAOO THANK YOU. You know you’re in the wrong when you upset Nanami💀
ITADORI’S NAME PUT IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE YOU GENIUS CHEFS KISS. I can totally see Mahito doing it as a prank (which would upset Junpei as he realizes that Mahito ain’t all that he’s just a massive dick). And we just know Megumi is joining Nanami’s side as they’re both worried af
Protective dad mode Nanami is best Nanami. Didn’t the tournament get press coverage as they got closer to the event? Whenever the interviewers ask Itadori invasive questions you can see an irritated, watchful Nanami in the corner😭
I’m sorry but I laughed so hard when I read the “mans is feeding itadori sukuna’s fingers like they’re chicken nuggets in canon” OH GOD LMAOOOO SO TRUE. But yeah I agree Gojo wouldn’t 100% agree with the tournament but we all know he’d love to participate in it. He can probs be the co-champion with Itadori, similar to Cedric + Harry but no one dies LOLL. And then during and after the tournament Gojo fully understands why Nanami treats Yuji/sunshine boy like his freaking son😭😭
YES he really did come in clutch and reader has fallen even harder (if that’s even possible alkdkfkfj). His comments in the margin would be gold too, his voice evident behind each word. He’d def make the ocasional sarcastic remark or an observation about Snape that sends reader into a giggling fit. Shoko tells reader to stop crushing on Nanami studying at 1am or she’ll seriously tell Nanami about reader’s crush. (If Shoko was given a Knut for every time she gave this threat she’d be the richest person on the planet)
NANAMI GIVING READER THEIR FUTURE FAVORITE PASTRIES AND BREAD and reader doesn’t even know it’s their favorite until they take a bite and they already want seconds so Nanami already has another plate ready for them pls I’m so soft. Meanwhile Gojo gets the stalest bread Haibara is definitely jealous that reader gets special treatment but reader is convinced Nanami is just being nice (for being a Ravenclaw the reader can be so oblivious it’s okay we love them😭)
This ask was such a delight to read that I willingly rewrote this even after tumblr crashed on me bc I love hearing your ideas. Thank you, fellow Ravenclaw, for enlightening this blog with such wonderfully written thoughts much much love🥺
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timeline 14 + Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia Malfoy + #14 the timeline in which they took a chance they didn’t in canon.
This got long because it’s an AU I’ve thought all the way through before so putting it under the cut for everyones sake. 
So uh, yeah this works very well for an AU idea I already have (and love and lowkey want to write in full) for Cassiopeia where she enters the Triwzard Tournament and is the Hogwarts Champion in place of Cedric. She doesn’t enter in canon despite being able to, so thus a chance she takes that she doesn’t in canon!
She’s old enough to enter because her 17th birthday is in September, this is a fact she definitely rubs in the twins faces, especially as she would 100% after their age potion goes wrong just walk between them and drop her name in with a smug look upon her face directed at them
She enters for two reasons, one to prove her skill, and also to have money that is her own and not tied to the Malfoy name or her family (she sees it as a potential opportunity to choose her own future after school, if she has her own money then the choice to pursue healing and living on her own terms is much more feasible) 
When she gets chosen the twins definitely are the loudest in the Great Hall. She’s a bit surprised (though she doesn’t show it) because she hadn’t honestly expected to be chosen. When Harry is chosen she’s a bit miffed, but she’d also see how out of sorts he looks and realizes quickly that he hadn’t intended this by any means
Draco is definitely even more insufferable towards Harry because of the fact that it’s his sister that is the champion opposite him. Narcissa and Lucius are of course proud (unaware at the start of Voldemorts plans with Harry and the tournament) this grows as Cass proves her abilities in the tasks as a witch
Fred and George wear support for both Cass and Harry, first task Fred supporting Cass and George supporting Harry, second task Fred supporting Harry (and George supposed to support Cass but well he ends up part of the second task), and for the third they wear half supporting Harry half supporting Cass
Harry still tells her of the Dragons, like he did with Cedric, and she in return tells him of the egg like Cedric had, less because it’s more fair and more because of not wanting to feel like she owed him for telling her of the Dragon. She does tell him more plainly than Cedrics cryptic “take a bath with the egg”, plainly telling him to listen to it underwater
She goes with George to the Yule Ball, this time though it’s because she asks him and not because Fred got sick of their dancing about each others feelings and made a bet with George. They enter a relationship quicker because of this change. She also buys his robes for the ball this time around, because she wants him to look nice for it (”can’t have a champions date in anything less than the best”)
Like I mentioned, George is her something that she’ll ‘sorely miss’ in the second task, causing Fred quite the panic when his twin goes missing. It makes Cass a bit angry that they just put random students in the way of danger for the Task, and she certainly fusses a bit more over George (though he sort of loves it). She (like Cedric) ties for first with Harry after this task.
Her parents and Draco join her in the Champions tent before the third task, and well Weasleys and Malfoys under the same roof is loads of fun. Especially because George and Fred are hopping between the two, and also George is dating Cass at this point so Cass meets the Weasleys officially and Lucius and Narcissa look disapproving at them. It’s all good fun
Now for the angst, because Cass and Harry still both make it to the cup and still the pair agree to grab it together (”there was only supposed to be one of us any way, we go together as one and Hogwarts wins”). So they both grab it, and both are transported to the graveyard.
And now, Cassiopeia is the spare in place of Cedric, and like Cedric she is killed by Peter Pettigrew at the order of Voldemort. Not much else changes for Harry in the graveyard, but Lucius is affected quite a bit when Voldemort is reborn and the death-eaters are summoned
Lucius almost immediately spots Cass’s body, and goes into a bit of shock. Voldemort notices, and ‘bemoans’ the spilling of pure blood but also states it as a fitting punishment for Lucius’s seeming disloyalty in the years between Voldemorts disappearance and now where he never sought him out as well as the failure to protect the diary.
Cassiopeia like Cedric asks Harry to take her body back, as well as to tell Fred and George that they’re both brilliant and to never hold back.
Harry’s return with the body (funnily a scene i like for the way it was done) is much the same. Cheering, music, and then the realization that one of the bodies is dead. Narcissa screams, and holds tight onto Cass’s body after Harry’s dragged off. Draco meanwhile is in shock and can’t quite in that moment come to terms with the fact that his big sister is dead before him. (if/when I write it I’d probably do multiple povs of this part, and Draco would be thinking of memories with Cass when he was little)
The twins realize it as they’re coming down the stands, most other Weasleys are concerned with Harry but George and Fred bolt for Cass, George starts to break down and that’s when Bill notices and him and Arthur go to them. 
After when they’re all with Harry in the hospital wing and learn from Harry that Voldemort is back, George and Fred are pretty equally despondent (to the worry of Molly). When Lucius arrives and goes to where Narcissa and Draco are with Cass’s body George sort of snaps and goes off on Lucius about supporting the man who killed his own daughter and doing nothing about it.
The summer after is a tough one for the Weasleys, because Fred and George are grieving and it’s not something any of them have really seen from the twins. The Malfoys also hold a private funeral, that the twins (and others of Cass’s friends who weren’t invited) crash 
Probably the biggest difference to come all of this, is that the Malfoys bolt. They leave, Harry’s 5th year comes around and all the buzz (besides his cries of Voldemorts return) is that Draco Malfoy was not on the train and that the Malfoys have disappeared entirely
The Malfoy’s go to America out of grief and self-preservation, and hide there in hopes that Voldemort doesn’t succeed, or if he does that they can stay hidden from him there. Thus it’s not Draco who is tasked with getting death-eaters into Hogwarts and killing Dumbledore (some other death-eater child is probably given that task instead) 
I think that after the war Narcissa and Lucius stay in America, having settled in amongst the pureblood society there, while Draco eventually does return to Britain and takes up the Malfoy Manor there (I also like to think he returns with an American witch as his fiancée) 
Draco does, after finding some stuff in Cass’s room while cleaning up the Manor, seek out George and give him some of Cass’s mementos. They’re hardly friends, but both recognize that they’re the only ones in Britain that were close with her and thus have an amicable relationship that surprises most others
Send me a timeline # and an OC of mine and I’ll tell you how things would’ve turned out for them in it
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otp ask game for cassian?
1. What was their first impression of each other?
Cassia was mostly “someone in my year is talking to me am I losing my mind?” followed by “don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry”
Kieran was a bit shook at the sorting bc everyone was but then he sees her sitting alone and iced out by her housemates in potions class and isn’t cool with that so sits next to her, he thinks she seems sweet and quiet but then snape is v creepy towards her (we do not stan a creepy manipulative asshole who’s been grooming her for her entire life) and Kieran is immediately ready to throw hands for her from them on
2. What is their ship name?
3. Describe their relationship dynamic.
soft and loving and supportive and 100% ready to throw hands for each other, they’re both kind of sad but they help each other be less sad
4. What was their relationship like before they got together?
Kind of a star crossed lovers vibe ngl but it was mostly based on just caring really deeply for each other and always being there for each other!
5. How would they describe each other?
6. What do they love about each other?
Honestly everything!  idk how to list all of the different things oof
7. What do they have in common?
trauma, big hearts, murder their abusive dads/dad-figures, were groomed to fit a certain mold but break away from that, the best people ever
8. What are some differences between them?
different houses, different grooming/manipulation experiences, Kieran is a soft boy whereas Cassia is always ready to throw hands
9. What made them realize they were in love?
I don’t know what it would be for Kieran but I think that Cassia had two moments — she first actively realizes it in goblet of fire I think (just based on her own emotional development) but when she thinks back on it she’s been in love with him since Chamber Of Secrets when he visited her in the hospital wing and she told him about the diary and he was the only person who didn’t look at her with disgust or suspicion 
10. What are their love languages?
words of affirmation baby!!!!!!  Probably lots of quality time and physical affection too but just like, validating the shit out of each other!
11. Do they get married? Who proposes and how?
I think they would sometime after the war!  And I think that Kieran proposes, but I’m not sure how!
12. What would happen if they never met?
.... can I cheat on this since that’s just their individual fics?
13. Who dies first? How does the other one react?
nope not going there i don’t want to cry today
14. Are there any love rivals?
I mean obviously they have their canon ships but I feel like in their crossover verse they really only have eyes for each other?
15. Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
i don’t know but i lovethem a lot
16. What do other characters think about this relationship?
Iris and Val are 100% supportive they love Kieran and want him to be happy and quickly grow to love Cassia too!  The older Gryffs who are basically Cassia’s family are hesitant at first — not because Kier is a Slytherin but because his dad is a death eater and snape was/is a death eater so they want to keep her as far from anyone at all connected to snape as possible but they see how much Kier loves and supports Cassia and definitely end up approving!  I think that the trio would take longer to be okay with it partially because Cassia’s relationships with them are messy to begin with and partially because they’re so “all slytherins are evil” that it would just, take a while
17. Describe or write a really fluffy scene!
im sorry bby my brain isn’t functional enough for this really rn but consider: yule ball?
18. Describe or write a really angsty scene!
im sorry bby my brain isn’t functional enough for this really rn either 
19. Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before.
Kieran overhears Snape being all creepy and grooming-y at some point (and by some point I mean prisoner of azkaban bc shit is... bad in that book for cassia) and curses him pls?
20. What does a typical date look like for them?
Just hanging out in the room of requirement or sneaking out to Hogsmeade!
21. What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
oof, probably their first meeting and Kieran being the only first year not to treat her like a zoo animal or to completely avoid her!
OTP Ask Game
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