#Harry is adopted by the Tonks
realitybitesyouknowit · 2 months
Harry Potter's life was not a very good one, but then one day that all changed, one day he found a snake in his cupboard. Slytherin Harry, dark/grey. There will be bashing. HarryxDaphne/Tracey/OC pairing.
Last chapter read 108
Tags contain vague spoilers I use them to remind myself what stories are what.
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7,000 words into my Everybody Lives™️ Harry Potter AU and facing the age old conundrum of (A) do I start posting now because I desperately want to share it but risk regretting early material and not being able to post it OR (B) continue writing it and risking it withering away while I work on smaller one shots that give the immediate satisfaction of being posted within a couple of weeks (this AU will take months to write and likely finish at over 50K)???
I felt this way writing Shane’s Guide to Ghouls & Boos (a 70K fic) and ended up posting it after it was all drafted and went through 2 major edits.
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impishtubist · 2 years
No one is going to want to write this for me but I have to put it out into the universe or I’m going to lose my mind:
-Sirius and Remus were a couple during the first war, but after POA, they never quite manage to get back together. They definitely try a few times, but it just doesn’t work. 
-Everything else unfolds as usual except Sirius survives OOTP.
-Remus and Tonks get together but it’s deeply unhappy.
-Sirius starts hooking up with Charlie Weasley and, whoops, catches major feelings.
-Once Remus/Tonks finally implodes, Remus tries to feel Sirius out, see if he’s interested in picking things up again.
-But Sirius is like no I’m deeply in love with Charlie and also you fucked my cousin you weirdo but we can try to repair our friendship.
-Anyway I’m super interested in fic where Remus and Sirius are exes who eventually get to a point where they can be close friends again without romantic feelings happening, and also where Sirius gets to bang a hot young dragon wrangler.
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earmo-imni · 2 years
Sometimes a family is an English transfem daughter of a werewolf who can herself into a regular wolf, her half a dozen unusually intelligent wolf siblings, her quiet and lonely werewolf husband, their two adopted kids, their third child who is actually their dead friends’ son and living with his aunt and uncle but they consider him theirs anyway, the trans woman’s Northern Irish, butch lesbian half sibling who would absolutely fight God if ze weren’t Catholic, hir possibly-a-traitor best friend who doesn’t know how he got here but this is the happiest he’s ever been so he’ll take it, the cute shapeshifter girl ze keeps dancing around, and the werewolf husband’s only remaining school friend who keeps fighting with the lesbian and hir best friend but is still ride-or-die for the entire group.
#got so long winded i had to color code to keep track of what was what lol#anyway this is about my hp ocs and the array of canon characters they’re connected to#in order: sarah taylor (oc) her siblings remus lupin their kids harry potter aisling doherty (oc) severus snape nymphadora tonks and sirius#black#anyway random notes on my ocs:#sarah is a gryffindor and aisling is a hufflepuff#fenrir greyback is their dad (they do NOT get along with him for various reasons)#remus and sarah’s kids are adopted. they live in little whinging after james and lily’s deaths to keep an eye on harry and consider him#their third child#aisling was born and raised in the bogside neighborhood of derry northern ireland and lived through a 3 day battle b/t catholics and#protestants about a month before ze left for hogwarts. this contributed to#they ended up marrying but he died later on when he travelled back to england for a visit and greyback got him#aisling is a halfblood. (tw rape mention) fenrir raped hir mom while he was in derry looking for a target. said target managed to escape#him and after realizing what happened to aisling’s mom took her in so she wouldn’t get sent to a laundry#(a place women who had children out of wedlock often got sent to throughout both irish nations. basically prisons)#meanwhile sarah is…idk halfblood maybe? her mother was a halfblood and idk what greyback is#sarah’s mom was part of greyback’s pack and had two sets of children with him: sarah and a litter of wolf pups. problem was greyback kept#trying to bite sarah before she was old enough to survive it so the mom sent sarah and the cubs to her sister. greyback killed sarah’s mom#for the betrayal but was unable to find the kids. meanwhile sarah grew up with remus lupin and was present when he got bit. as a result both#families spent the years until hogwarts moving around to avoid being found or noticed. sarah became an animagus to spend full moons with#remus and spent much of her school years having a novel-worthy romance with him.#oh and aisling would be an oriented aroace nonbinary butch lesbian in today’s very specific modern terms. but in the 70s 80s and 90s people#tended to worry a lot less about specific labels#my ocs#hp#in the first war with voldemort sarah was in the order of course. aisling didnt get involved bc ze was busy dealing with the Troubles in#Northern Ireland at the time. she only got involved when snape switched sides and reached out to aisling for some much needed emotional supp#*support#sarah taylor originated from my first fanfic ever and aisling used to just be called ‘severus snape’s queer irish best friend’#marijn talks
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
dad!headcanons — harry potter ♡
requested by @inthehoneymoonwithconnorrk800 <3
harry potter x fem!reader, dad!harry, headcanons, fluff, headcanons for biological and adopted children
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harry potter as a dad
biological children
•harry wasn’t sure if he wanted kids. he hadn’t had the best examples of parenting, he was never around young children or babies
•but when you came to him, pregnant, it felt like (almost) all of his worries fizzled. they weren’t as important as you, and the child you’d created together
•he visited his parents’ graves when he found out. to say hi, to ask for advice, to maybe just tell them they were going to be grandparents
•goes to see andromeda tonks too, where she’s raising teddy lupin. realises how much this child is something he wants
•when the time comes, he’s an amazing father
•splits responsibilities with you, never lets you end up doing everything
•has such a bond with his kid, and it’s not long before he’s tentatively bringing up the subject of more
•toys everywhere, he’s not a must-be-tidy-at-all-times dad. we’re talking magical train sets, muggle rubber ducks, doll houses, push cars, everything he passes in a shop somewhere
•naturally such a girl dad, but he is so happy with a little boy too. anything he can love
•makes such a big deal out of birthdays, really goes overboard
•raised around so many cousins and friends, massive family times, so many game nights gone wrong
•sincerely apologizing for the attention being a potter will bring his family, but they don’t really mind. at least he’s famous for a good thing
•as they get older, and they’re off to hogwarts, of course he’s missing them. he doesn’t want to stifle them, but the letters are twice a week, at least
•and your kids were raised well, with love, so they have no problem writing back to them all, and they know their home is always a safe place
•harry sleeps well at night knowing he created the home he wanted
•will cry at their weddings, if they happen
adopted children
•three scenarios — you’ve had a biological child, you want more, and for whatever reason that is, you two decide to adopt (harry’s fully supportive of this)
•or, for whatever personal reasons, you can’t or don’t want a biological child (harry’s fully supportive of this)
•or, not long after the war, the wizarding world is still overrun with orphans. there are leaflets everywhere begging couples to adopt. you wanted to expand your family as it was, and harry’s worries were overcome both by his previously mentioned visits, and his desire to not let voldemort ruin the lives of any more children
•whatever it is, he loves them like his own. because they are his own.
•all the prior headcanons, because nothing changes for either of you. your family may not be nuclear, but why should it have to be?
•if anyone pokes fun at their adoption, you best believe harry is up there like a flash to get someone seriously scolded, and you aren’t far behind him
•when the time comes to tell your kids, harry is perfect with it. he knows what to say. you don’t leave it too long either, harry knows what it is to feel lied to about your family
•if any relationships struggle around that time, the strain is physically clear on harry. but he waits for them to be ready, knowing how personal it is
in conclusion
•in any situation, harry loves his children
•he’s a good dad. nobody is perfect, he’ll maks mistakes, but not with the gravity of the one’s he feared
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🏷️ — @faeriieblush @poppet05 @it-be-me-ella @juneberrie @ell0ra-br3kk3r @meredarling
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ghosts-and-glory · 5 days
I’ll always show off my pets.
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First two photos where taken by my brother @leonarcisse
Random ferret ramblings and more photos under the cut.
Kravitz is the darker one with the mask Tonks is the white one. I adopted them in 2018? I think? When Krav was 1 and Tonks was 6 months. Unfortunately I was Tonks’ second home and Kravitz’ fourth. Didn’t know at the time that Tonks has waardenburg syndrome and is deaf (I honestly don’t know how I missed that all white ferrets with black eyes are deaf when I did so much research?) and Kravitz was really anxious but she’s since come around.
Krav is named after Kravitz from The Adventure Zone, my beloved. My mom named Tonks but my ferret does say fuck terfs. (I used to have a Harry Potter tapestry on my wall and the mf dug her claws into it to climb my wall like god damn spider man and ruined it. You know how it feels to turn around and see a ferret like five feet up on my wall.)
Extra chaotic aaaa photos because they’re cracked.
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Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley showing up for Christmas at Obscurus!Muggle!Aunt!Reader’s house like they haven’t caused enough trauma for both the Reader and Harry: 👨‍👩‍👦🎄🎁
*Yan!platonic!Weasley Family enter the chat*
*Yan!platonic!Mcgonagall enter the chat*
*Reader’s Yan!romantic!pureblood!harem (Narcissa, Lucius, Bellatrix, Sirius) enter the chat*
*Yan!platonic!Andromeda and Ted Tonks (+Nymphadora) enter the chat*
*Reader’s Yan!platonic!Besties Snape, Regulus, and Remus enter the chat*
*Reader’s Yan!platonic!adoptive!kiddos Hermione, Neville, Luna, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Dean, Seamus, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor enter the chat*
*Yan!platonic!Hagrid (+Madame Maxime) enters the chat*
*Yan!platonic!ghost!Lily and James enter the chat*
Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley: 👀 👀 👀
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER Lu Ten and Zuko, Part 19 Zuko and Azula, Part 30 Lu Ten and Zuko, Part 20
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA Secret Identity, Part 16
ENCANTO Augustin and Bruno, Part 3
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Colonel Elric, Part 4 Sacrifice is Free, Part 12 Colonel Elric, Part 5
GODS AND MONSTERS Achilles and Patroclus 
HADES GAME Living Blood, Part 8
HARRY POTTER Professor Riddle, Part 15 Mermaid Draco, Part 19 SIAT Minerva and Hagrid Draco and the Twins, Part 32 SIAT Remus’s Career Slytherin Harry, Part 15 Harry and the Twins, Part 25 SIAT Millie SIAT Dumbledore SIAT Percy and Tonks
KIM POSSIBLE Crossed Lines
MERLIN Ygraine, Part 3 Ygraine, Part 4
MR. QUEEN Yes, My Queen
NARUTO Orochimaru Adopts Naruto, Part 13
STAR TREK Jim Sybok Buddy Fic, Part 1 Jim Sybok Buddy Fic, Part 2
STAR WARS Ben and Poe, Part 2
UNTAMED First Disciple Wei Wuxian, Part 12 Lady Mo, Part 24 Marriage Assassin WQ, Part 7 Lady Mo, Part 25 Lady Mo, Part 26 Lady Mo, Part 27 Wangxian Time Travel, Part 8 Lady Mo, Part 28 Figure Skating AU Lady Mo, Part 29 Servant WWX, Part 2 Lynchpin WWX Lady Mo, Part 30 Jiang Cheng Time Travel, Part 2 WWX, LXC, and NMJ are Best Friends
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Fairyseeker & Black Brothers fanfic idea!! (You’re my only fairyseeker shipping Mutual so now you’ll have to deal with me hahaha)
Soo like in this AU the Black Brothers have a bigger age gap like 7-10 years or smth and Sirius hasn’t seen Reggie since he was a literal child and one day he brings Harry to school and he meets a little girl that looks just like his brother, but with blonde hair and he’s just like: 👁️👄👁️
And then the kid introduces himself as a Lovegood (or a Rosier) and Sirius is just like: pff okay I must be mistaken, but NO and the story goes on and on with Harry and Luna making friends, James and Lily meeting Regulus and Pandora and Mary meeting Regulus and Pandora and basically everyone meeting the Lovegood family EXCEPT for Wolfstar and everyone is just trying to stop that BOMB from exploding and then Arcturus Black dies and his money is to be split between the black cousins, so they meet in their old family home ALONG with their partners and kids and old black family plots and backstories are unpacked and meanwhile Draco, Tonks, Harry and Luna (+ baby Delphi But like as Quillkillers adopted kid) are getting to know each other, first fighting but then uniting as a front to help their parents bury their past and just ARGH
And all through it there would be TONS of Fairyseeker romance and BLACK FAMILY ANGST
(If anyone wants to use the idea PLEASE DO)
(I hope this post makes sense and isn’t utter nonsense)
sirius would be so flabbergasted when he finds out who luna is. he would be so confused how and when that happened. Sjsjsoejo I want to see his reaction so baaaaaddddd
also, everyone knowing before him is so true and funny af 💀 remus probably knew too
to be honest, I'm a big black brothers age gap truther 😔 idk why, but I just like the idea of them like that
I love this sm, honestly. I want to read this fic so bad now
thank you sm for sharing, my love <33
(I would add more, but I can't think of anything. you said everything already 😔)
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Chapters: 30/30 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Harry Potter/Rabastan Lestrange/Igneous Flint, Marcus Flint/Rodolphus Lestrange, Harry Potter/Fenrir Greyback (minor), Harry Potter/Barty Crouch Jr. (Minor) Characters: Harry Potter, Marcus Flint's Father, Marcus Flint, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Lestrange Sr. (Harry Potter), Fenrir Greyback, Bartemius Crouch Jr., Corvus Lestrange V Series: Part 2 of Dark Lullaby Summary:
After the war, Harry is betrayed by the light and locked away into Azkaban. Instead of being left to die, he is rescued by those he had always seen as his enemies. Perhaps it was time to be what the wizarding world was always so scared of him becoming.
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myriadparacosm · 6 months
You think Sirius Black would go crazy over James having child? Do you even imagine how he will be for REMUS' CHILD? He will lose his mind.
I personally do not like the original relationship of Remus and Tonks (love you queen but your author is shit) because it felt forced to me - though it gave us one little Edward "Teddy" Remus Lupin.
Anyhow, let's trash canon out of the window because what matters is how Sirius would absolutely go mad for Remus' child - be it from Tonks or anyone else (male wizards would definitely figure out a way to get pregnant through magic but that's another story). He is already over himself for Harry and he wouldn't truly play favourite but it's /Remus/ so Teddy has a very important spot that Sirius probably wouldn't know how to deal with.
Sirius will literally sleep as Padfoot in Teddy's room to be sure nothing happens to him and Remus wouldn't not catch him right away. Teddy would always remember a dog spying on him at school or even when he plays outside.
In the case of Remus being an only father/sharing custody (because come on Remus and Sirius are soulmates and they will end up together)
Sirius would always try to get involved and he naturally becomes the favourite of Teddy - who sometimes calls him papa (because Sirius would definitely teach him french swear words to mess with Remus but Teddy will ask how to say dad in french) and it's an embarrassing surprise to everyone. Teddy will even fuse Pad with Papa because Remus often call Sirius Pad.
Though Sirius would recover pretty fast and use it at his advantage and Teddy is the perfect partner in crime: "You shouldn't speak with that tone to the papa of your child!" "Yeah! Don't speak to Padpa like that!"
Remus is, of course, smitten and desperate over all of this because he already has enough feelings to deal with without adding up his son bonding with Sirius like it was meant to be.
The school, because it's important that Teddy learns from Muggles before going to Hogwarts, is convinced that Sirius is the actual father of Teddy up until Remus showed up to pick him up. (yes Sirius responded to Mister Lupin but no one was there to see him blush and Teddy kept the secret in exchange of candies). He had to fight with Sirius who has taken the habit to drop off/pick up Teddy without /asking/ to finally do it by himself and the first time this happened - Remus thought his child got kidnapped until he called Sirius: "what do you mean he disappeared? Teddy is with me-- bollocks, not the chocolate Teddy!"
Sirius will literally adopt Teddy the moment he sees him. Harry was also smothered with his love but James isn't the love of his life (rude he says) whilst Teddy feels like the future, present and past of Remus all in one and Sirius is a very possessive person, which he is aware of, but he can't stay away.
He isn't perfect at taking care of Teddy at first because he is too much like a friend rather than a parent to Teddy but he learns fast and tries to be better. No one really asked Sirius if he ever felt like having children or even if he felt like he would be any good at it - to which he would have replied with a depecrating laugh and 'are you mad?' because Sirius is afraid at the idea of being a parent.
The question isn't so much important right now, not when he tucked Teddy in, hugging him as Remus read the traditional bed time story to them. Sirius always falls asleep there, definitely after Teddy despite what Remus says after waking him up so they can sleep properly in their bed ever since Sirius moved in indefinitely.
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coentinim · 5 months
Can you please tell me what this new character you really like is about ? He's your next fictional crush...
Also...Do you have any Lestrange daughter headcanons where she befriends the trio. I think this idea is very Mary Sue, but...I think if one adjusts that let's say her conception is : "Rodolphus Lestrange willingly drank love potion per orders of Voldemort" What are your ideas to make it work ?
Okay, first, I apologize for the "no" response? I was just in the middle of an argument and it kinda happened. Tbh I didn't think it's weird/uncomfortable at all and you can ask me abt all subjects basically.
I don't think it's Mary Sue-ish at all to make the Lestranges have a kid. A lot of characters in hp who shouldn't/wouldn't have children do have them since JKR is a mother and it's a big part of her life and her books, so it wouldn't be a stretch to see Bellatrix give birth as well. I personally think they could have a child without love potions as loveless marriages often do, maybe Bella was infertile and didn't pursue treatment or just got an abortion in canon. If she had a daughter she'd be likely to just give her over to some nanny and barely care for her. I saw your post about Rudolph... why is it that at any time I think a man is even a little hot he gets accused of the most heinous shit ever. He might fancy the dead tho, I mean the purebloods are perverse enough for that and they prob think it's more fine than doing it with a muggle. It made me laugh.
The girl meeting the trio would be interesting, because Harry and Hermione wouldn't even know much about her parents until they're 15 and wouldn't judge her by her roots anyway, but my GOD Ron would fucking spit on her. I think it would be cool if she was in ravenclaw since it would highlight how much she isolates herself. She might go to some adoption system or maybe to the Tonks family?... so she'd be pretty normal. I think dumbledore would persuade someone into adopting her lol. She'd have an interesting relationship with Neville I think. About her personality, she'd be very hotheaded but analytical (a choleric and thinker temperament?), also very strong willed which can make her stubborn. She could be curious and feel a pull towards dark shit and have a whole luke skywalker arc of being afraid of being like her family. Which can be a realistic concern since mental illnesses are often genetic, so she would struggle with that. She would try to be a good person but wouldn't be a great friend and would self isolate a lot, very introverted. A bit machiavellian lmao. Definitely wouldn't share any secrets about herself. Hard time relaying on someone if anyone but the Tonks were the ones to raise her, so some trust issues. But she tries her best.
About that guy... he is James March from American horror story hotel and he's basically a ghost. He was a serial killer in the 20s, built a whole hotel to kill people in and torture them in their last moments n then easily dispose of all evidence. Isn't he just so dreamy? Also a design and engineering genius, a hunter, a gentleman (it's a facade he's a psychopath), has a sexy accent and drinks absinthe. His every MOVEMENT is hot and I'd literally get on my knees for him. Though he might have necro tendencies... that's why I giggled at the Rodolphus post. But James definitely prefers normal sex lmao he had a sex scene with Lady Gaga. He had a traumatic childhood (said his father was awful, has scars on his back...). It's a speculation, but since most of the more evil serial killers were victims of sexual abuse... yikes. But he's fictional so I can like him despite all of that. Or maybe for it? I often fall for fictional killers and/or torturers lol. He's also just charming, like so so charming it's unreal... I also really admire the actor's (Evan Peters) dedication to the character as he did most of the work in characterization.
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modern-harrypotter · 8 months
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Young Adult Chronicles - 3
Part 3 of the Young Adult Chronicles! Meet the married kids - a whole bunch of “high school” sweethearts! Timeline is a little wobbly but it’s okay 👍
✨👇 Further Details Below 👇✨
Seamus and Dean got engaged a few months after the War finished with the Battle at Hogwarts, and got married on the one year. Harry had officiated, with plenty of press considering Harry shoved off the Ministry Gala to be there. Dean is an artist and taking commissions for muggle or magical services. Seamus is a house husband. They have three Irish Wolfhounds named Dionysus, Aphrodite and Hera.
Millicent and Daphne married in the same year, but they followed a more pure blood courtship, so their engagement and wedding was more of a private affair at the Ministry. They had a baby via surrogacy, with a male from the Bulstrode line and Daphne’s egg. Similar to In-Vitro Fertilization but with more wizard shit. Their daughter is Gabriella Jane Bulstrode-Greengrass, and she is only a few months old. Millicent and Daphne don’t work as they are busy with their baby. Millie is in the works of getting her Transfiguration mastery and Daphne works away at managing the estates they have. Both are heirs and are considered Lady Bulstrode-Greengrass. They often can be found attending various garden parties or outings with other ladies amongst the notable Purebloods who are more progressive.
Draco and Harry had a similar situation, with a small marriage at the Burrow, surrounded by their friends and family. Hermione officiated with Blaise and Ron as their best men (respectively). There was no press, no notice and no announcements. Harry was going to have a quiet wedding if it killed him. They never have announced it since then. Draco wants to announce it, if only so the letters flooding their mailbox would cease. The warding on it to deter the shameless witches and wizards begging for the more uncouth aspects of a relationship can only do so much. Draco would gladly take the Howlers over the sexual fantasies people kept sending his husband… A man can only take so much…
On a side note - Harry and Draco have considered adopting a child as well, but are in the mindset of waiting until Draco is home more instead of being elbows deep into his barrister work. Especially since Harry is teaching DADA at Hogwarts, they don’t have enough time to raise a child. They do have a cat named Lily (Orange Maine Coone) after Harry’s mother. They also help raise Teddy with Remus and Tonks as well!
Hermione and Pansy were recently married, and they had a very big wedding, celebrating the success of Hermione taking over the Ministry. Her political reforms have shaken the wizarding world of Britain but it’s been peaceful. They have no children and no plans on having children, but Hermione’s cat Crookshanks is still kicking!
Ginny and Luna aren’t married or engaged. They are solely just dating. They don’t have plans to marry, but they are young and there is no war forcing them to grow up any faster than they already have and are taking it slow and enjoying life.
Neville, Blaise and Ron are not married on paper, but they have taken each other’s last names which is the same for them. Neville and Blaise had a fight over who’s last name Ron would get, but eventually Ron pointed out that if Neville took Blaise’s and Blaise took his, then it was only fair that Ron would take Neville’s too make it even. He didn’t care for the Pureblooded aspect of what being a “Longbottom” or a “Zabini” would bring him, but rather he cared that each of them took another last name to tie them all together more seamlessly. No children but Ron took over for Madame Hooch as the flying instructor and he loves it! Neville is apprenticing under Professor Sprout for his Herbogy major and Blaise is happy being a kept man and maintaining their ever growing forest of plants and animals. They have two dogs, and a cat! (Named Felix (Yorkshire Terrier) Leigh (Teacup Poodle) and Harold (American Shorthaired Tabby (brindle coloring), in honor of the dearly departed Trevor. Neville insisted on the more human names because it’s a little funny.) Harold stats at Hogwarts with Neville and Ron in their shared office and room, while Felix and Leigh are at home with Blaise.
Lavender and Parvati are married! They live in France actually, but keep in touch with their Hogwarts alumni. Parvati is the Divination teacher now, after Trelawney retired after the War. Lavender keeps up their house and is neighbors with Fleur and Bill and their children! Lavender and Parvati have two children of their own - Twins named Nicholas and Calista. (Nick(ie) and Callie for short. They have a few aunts and uncles, like Uncle Ron, Blaise and Neville, Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur, Auntie Daphne and Millie, Aunt Hermione and Pansy, Uncle Harry and Draco, Uncle Theo and Mausi Padma. They were adopted into a magical family after their muggle parents gave them up after an incident of accidental magic almost set their house on fire. The French Ministry of Magic located and regimes the two magical children. The twins are 4 years old as of the “modern day”. Lavender and Parvati raise them to be bilingual in English and Hindi, but they are also learning French in primary school. They do know they are adopted but they love their mothers dearly!
Padma is living her best life learning Wandlore and getting her certifications in wand making. Ever since Ollivander told her that she had a knack for intuitions and the wand that chose her would be best suited for divinations- she spent most of her spare time studying Wands and how to make cores throughout her time at Hogwarts. She hated arithmancy as the tiring subject often caused her to derail from homework into the applications of her profession. She is set to open her own shop by the end of the year and allow Ollivander to retire from wands. He is insistent on helping her run her own shop though, primarily clerk and stockings.
Theodore has taken over the History of Magic classes. He has revitalized the curriculum to be more modern than 800 year old battles. When the First and Second Blood Wars arise, Headmistress McGonagall has school wide assembly with former students speaking about their experiences. Harry doesn’t speak much at these, instead has a class dedicated to answering questions from his students when Theodore covers the topic.
- Lots of headcanons but that’s the beauty of an AU.
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riverstories7 · 6 months
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See You Again
A Dramione Adoption AU, 1/?, Updates Weekly
In 1971, Lucius Malfoy lost his first love to another man. In 1993, he reunites her with her long-lost younger daughter. That decision changes the entire course of the Second Wizarding War.
Or, Hermione is Andromeda Tonks' daughter, and she navigates school, love, politics, and war with the help of competent, involved adults (which, in the Harry Potter universe, are more rare than unicorns).
Read the Prologue here.
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riddle means misery | part 12.
Summary: Y/N Riddle. Not much more has to be said. Everyone hates her. She’s evil... she has to be.
Warnings for the Series: 18+, this series is dark. Manipulation, dubcon verging on noncon, abuse of power, violence, ed mentions, death, blood
Pairing: Bill Weasley x black!reader 
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: one more part left because I think there should be a sweet smutty scene to bring closure but as you can tell, the series is coming to its end
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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About a month or so later Bill came by with lunch like he always did, a little surprised to see various students in your classroom. Unfortunately that included all of his siblings that still went to Hogwarts. He awkwardly held up the bag. 
“It’s three cup chicken and some brownies for dessert. We’ve officially finished that cookbook, time for another.” 
“Thank you, just set it up and I’ll go wash my hands.” 
“Sounds great.” 
Bill tried to keep his back to your students as much as possible. The two of you hadn’t really told anybody about the new update in your relationship. Not even Molly or Arthur. There wasn’t much to tell. You were very unsure of how you wanted it to go and Bill was very respectful of that. He held your hand whenever he felt like it. And, because you said that you liked it, he gave you hugs all the time. Of course, his siblings didn’t care about any of that. They immediately came up to him and started asking questions. 
The rest of your students left when you ushered them out but the Weasleys, Potters, and Lupins didn’t. They had been working on a very elaborate plan to make all of them family which involved setting Tonks up with Charlie to connect the Weasleys to the Lupins who are already connected to the Potters by way of Sirius having been officially adopted by the Potters all those years ago. If you were with Bill then that added you a lot easier than whatever they were thinking of. Ginny leaned on your desk. 
“Professor, Bill won’t answer our questions. Are you two dating?” 
Your boyfriend looked over at you. Bill had no idea how much you wanted people to know. He was okay with keeping a low profile. A smile involuntary crossed his face when you nodded and his siblings squealed. Confirming your relationship was the first big step for you. The children ran out of the classroom with excitement, definitely going to go tell their parents and potentially all their other friends. Ron came running back. 
“I take back everything I said. You are so not an older me, Harry, and Hermione. I could never date her, that’d be weird.” 
You and Bill chuckled as he left once more. Bill came up behind you, hugging you tightly. You turned so you could bury your face in his chest for a moment. Sometimes it was rough to just let go around Bill. There was still always a little thought that everything would come crashing down at any moment. He had been nothing but good to you. However, you were still worried. Bill felt your head move and looked down to see you staring at him. 
“What’s wrong, love?” 
“Will you please kiss me?” 
Bill gave you a small smile before leaning down. He knew that he was your first kiss ever and was careful to keep it soft and sweet. His lips just barely brushed against yours before he closed the small gap. Bill’s hands slowly moved up your body to hold your face.
“Relax, Y/N. I got you, love, okay?” Bill murmured against your lips. 
You let yourself relax like he said, melting into the way he gently caressed your face. Rather reluctantly, Bill pulled away. He pressed a quick peck to your lips before suggesting that you both eat lunch before it gets cold. The two of you kept inching closer to each other as you ate until you were practically in your boyfriend’s lap. Bill rubbed small circles on your back and thighs. Kissing you was even better than he thought it would be. He was happy that the first kiss you got was a nice one. He leaned over to kiss you again when he noticed how you kept staring at his lips, too afraid to ask him to kiss you again. 
Even before dating, Bill had gotten pretty good at reading your tells. You tried as hard as possible to verbally communicate your needs to the people around you so they didn’t have to play guessing games. But sometimes it was hard. You were still a bit scared to approach people and ask questions. And even if you weren’t capable, you always did stuff by yourself first instead of asking for help. 
No one ever pushed. The progress you had made in only two years of being free— less considering you were taken back to St. Barney’s for a few months before the trials had started— was incredible. The fact that you actually talked to people was good enough for them. 
The Marauders and everyone else had been thinking about it. If they had been tortured since being a first year at Hogwarts an it didn’t stop until their thirties, they weren’t sure they would handle it as well as you seemed to be. Still, some days were better than others. On your worst days, you were barely able to teach and wouldn’t speak outside of a lesson. That was usually when you stayed in your room the entire day. When you would get home, Bill would make tea and get you a blanket and just sit next to you. If you wanted to cuddle then he was more than glad to provide that. If you just sat on the couch until you fell asleep then he would carry you to your bedroom and just hope that the next day was a better one. 
Bill pressed a final kiss to your forehead before leaving to get back to his job. He liked the new addition to your routine and was happy to give forehead and cheek kisses whenever. He still waited for you to ask or for him to notice you looking at his lips before fully kissing you. Sometimes, he’d ask outright but didn’t want to do it often for fear of your feeling pressured. 
Instead of meeting you for lunch in your classroom, Bill came into the Great Hall. He was followed by Lily, Dorcas, and another Ministry employee. With great care, they explained that the Ministry was asking to speak with you. Living history was what the Order of the Phoenix had become. 
Dumbledore had a whole section in the Hogwarts’ Library about him. Mad-Eye had a few thick books himself. As the object of Voldemort’s prophecies, the Potters and Longbottoms also got their own books. Everyone else was mentioned in chapters of textbooks, newspaper articles, several radio and tv interviews. Everyone but you. The actual you. 
Books had been taken out of production and re-edited, newspaper articles were updated to state the information was incorrect, recorded interviews had the parts that mentioned you redacted. Written history had to be changed. It had to show that you were always on their side and paid a terrible price because of everyone’s judgment.  
Dorcas handed you the letter. “It doesn’t have to be a book, it can be whatever you’re comfortable with.” 
“You can always say no, Y/N,” Bill reminded you. “If it’s too much, you don’t have to. They still have your trial recordings they can use. You don’t have to do anything.” 
“I don’t really want to speak with anyone,” you admitted. 
“Okay.” Lily nodded. “Would you like to at least review the book before it goes into print? Confirm everything’s correct.”
You agreed to that bit, not willing to let anyone paint you in a bad light again. Everyone but Bill left. He didn’t have time to stay for lunch because of a curse-breaking mission he had to go on. Your boyfriend set a small gift on the professor’s table. 
“Mum wants to know if we’re coming for Christmas. I said it’s up to you.” 
Naturally, you agreed. Visiting Molly and Arthur was always a good time for you. You loved how warm and cozy the Burrow was. Bill leaned all the way over the table to peck your lips before running out to get to his job. The Marauders watched the small smile appear on your face as you brought the little gift closer to you. A gasp left your mouth and you wanted to go run and hug your boyfriend but he was already gone. It was a pearl necklace. You picked up the little card that came with it. 
I remember you looking at something like this a while ago. Couldn’t afford the whole set right now without dipping into our budget but I wanted to get you something nice. I’ll see you later, love. 
The necklace was a single pearl on a pendant but it was beautiful. You were always excited to see Bill but you were going to be a bit more excited when he finally got home. Your boyfriend was starting to be a really bright spot in your life.
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applecidersstuff · 6 months
Post war jegulus doesn’t mean Regulus-the other woman Lily-the jegulus hater and James-the asshole. It also doesn’t mean jegulus using Lily as a surrogate.
Jily was a “war” relationship. Those kind of relationships tend to be impulsive and intuitive. Sometimes people in those relationships can be very close friends or platonic soulmates, but it doesn’t always mean romantic relationships. Some people are just searching for a friend or a parental figure to not feel alone and feel loved, but they can’t really place those feelings so they think it’s romantic affection.
It also gives remadora more sense in my opinion, as they would have been very problematic as a non “war” relationship. Their big age gap and the whole “dead uncles bf/bsf” would be a big no-no in every other situation(like in the “everyone alive” scenario or just “no war”).
And of course Jily can be a romantic relationship as they were in cannon, but if you want to write a jegulus post war fic you don’t need to: kill lily; make Jily have a nasty break up; make reg the other woman and James the cheater; and you most certainly should not make Lily just a surrogate as James and Regulus would never ever do shit like that!
In return you can: have post war Jily slowly realize they aren’t in love (anymore) and get divorced; Jily realize they are both gay and like other people; them never being married, Lily getting pregnant and them co-parenting Harry after the war; both of them being in other (gay) relationships,wanting a child and deciding(with their partners) to have a baby together and co-parent(now harry has four partners).
There are countless options, but don’t use the horrible ones!!!!
It also works with the sick idea of wolfstar using Tonks as a surrogate. Like if they would want a child they wouldn’t have a surrogate. Especially they won’t ask Sirius’s niece to have the baby for them!! If anything they would adopt!
I love the idea of them adopting a lil kid with lycanthropy, and it makes so much sense, considering that Sirius wouldn’t want to continue the Black family tree as a fuck you to his parents and we all saw how freaked out Remus was about passing on his illness to Teddy, so it’s very unlikely for them to have bio children.
Ps.*whisper* Forgot to add, if you want you can have a poly Jegulily which is even better!!
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