#long ask
captainmera · 4 months
Andddd speaking of you going into the philosophies of it all that’s exactly what I’m going to do!! (THIS IS REALLLY LONG IM SO SORRY you don’t have to get to it right away)
One corner of philosophy that I enjoy is free will and determinism. Determinism is basically the opposite of free will; it’s the idea that every event, decision and action is determined by a chain of prior occurrences.
I think determinism is really important within The Owl House, especially regarding Luz’s guilt about helping Belos, and with how you are writing ttocw.
Let me talk about Belos/Philip for a bit.
One thing that comes to my mind when thinking about your interpretation of the Wittebanes is the case of Leopold and Loeb. I would recommend looking it up if you would like, it’s as tragic as it is fascinating, but to sum it up two boys committed murder hoping to demonstrate superior intellect, which they believed would allow them to commit the “perfect crime” without consequences.
Im not trying to compare these guys to Caleb and Philip or connect them to each other in any way, it’s the defense their lawyer made that’s important. (It’s said that by the end of his speech the court room was quiet and the judge was weeping openly.)
Clarence Darrow, the lawyer, attempted to show that the boys were helpless victims of heredity and environment. In other words, the deterministic ideas of Nature and Nurture. Nature refers to the biological/genetic factors that impact one’s traits. For example, you have no free will over your eye color, but this idea goes a lot deeper than just physical appearance. Nurture is one’s upbringing, their environment, experiences etc. and how they impact you and your choices.
Both of these affecting your decisions would be something like: you walk into an ice cream shop. You can’t get anything with nuts because you are allergic (nature), and people have told you how good this one flavor is (nurture) so you think you will go with that.
It’s not really as simple as that however, a lot of the things you do can be traced back to one of the two, or both. What does this have to do with the Wittebanes?
You are writing Philip as a perfect example of how nurture changes someone. How the simplest actions, even the ones that seem the most insignificant, have effect on a person. Especially how these things that happen to Philip when he was just a kid will turn him into Belos in the long run. That mask he wore that Caleb said could trick witch’s? He wore it for hundreds of years in the isles. The ideas and politics and religion he grew up with influenced the way he created his empire, raised Hunter, spoke about the Titan, etc.
I believe Caleb has spoken about how he feels somewhat at fault for the way Philip turned out, and he’s not wrong. But then you begin to ask why Caleb acted the way he did to Philip, then who or what was the cause of those actions, and it will keep spiraling until the whole world is to blame for the actions of one man, and you can’t blame the world for the hurt and suffering of so many people.
I think that’s when I start to wonder about Hunter, he was influenced and raised to believe what he did was right, but so did Philip. Hmmm personally I think it’s whether or not you can come to the realization that what you are doing or did is wrong and hold yourself accountable for your actions. But even then there is still the people you hurt and it’s not up to you whether they will forgive you or not. I just love thinking about these kinda things
But one thing I know for certain is that Luz should not be beating herself up over helping Belos.
Because if Luz never taught him the light glyph then there would be no collector, no emperor belos, no emperors coven. Sure, I can understand her guilt, she was the one that put his plan into motion.
But if there was no emperors coven then Lilith would never have cursed her sister, never causing her to run off and find the portal door. No portal door means Luz would have never walked into the demon realm. But she did, meaning she has, at the time, already taught him the glyph. It was always going to happen, there was no way around it.
Not only that, but I’m sure Belos knew. I’m sure he knew all of this. Why else would Lilith be able to keep her palisman, because without it she would have (most likely) never risen in ranks, never become as powerful as she was. Never ultimately betraying the coven in favor of her sister. Never ending up at the Owl House on that fateful day when Flora Desplora planted the idea of the time pools in her head. Would have never gone back in time with Luz, met Philip. Never taught him the light spell.
I’m sure Lilith joining the coven must have been some sort of realization for Belos. I’m sure he recognized her face, as unlikely as it sounds, but he remembered Luz. He for sure could have stopped Luz and the rest from getting away after she blew up the portal door, but he didn’t. If you look up the hollow mind paintings you can see them in (I’m pretty sure) chronological order, and there is one of him standing in front of a smirking Flora, undoubtedly sending her off to plant the idea of the time pools in Lilith’s head.
But what I don’t think Belos understands is that it wasn’t him manipulating the situation. It was an act of fate. There was no free will in any of this. Luz was always going to step through that door, and always going to teach him the glyph. I would say that she has nothing to be guilty about but I can understand why she still would be. Even if she never had any say in what was going to happen she did still end up causing a lot of people to get hurt. The thing she needs to get is that it was the actions of Belos that caused people to get hurt, her actions were a factor in what happened, sure, but she had no control over what was happening, and it wasn’t her that actively went out and hurt people 😭😭😭 I just want her to be happy shoajsjakaja
If this gets deleted somehow I swear
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I don't really have anything to add! this was really cool to read!
But I will add that, yes! That is an interest of mine (nurture vs nature) and an intention I have with Philip. I think it's an interesting puddle of grey to pat my feet into when writing complex villains/antagonists/conflicts. I enjoy exploring greyness in characters in general! So you're spot on there.
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t34-mt · 11 months
sorry if you already answered this, but how do the specific colors for each species work when in different regions? are there any specific colors that are more common in one place than the other???
yes, each region has a group/ethnicity that sports colors that are exclusive to them, even feather type for the mane of maanul divers from one region to another. For kyhuines every group has the same feather types, BUT it is possible to have an individual with curly feather genes like a frillback pigeon. that said gene is a mutation so it's not common but it can be passed down
now im sincerely sorry I don't have a really clean good chart yet, ill use these shitty drawings I once made to explain the color to a friend. while they suck and are not good references to look at when it comes to anatomy you still understand color variation with them at least. I'll start with maanuls!
Western maanuls
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while on the maanul drawings they don't have size dif, if this was done seriously the females would be bigger than males across every group. Western maanuls are ""the basic ones"" if you had to put it bluntly. id imagine that ancient maanuls before they diversified in colors probably looked a bit like a tone-down modern Western maanul.
the examples ill use for each groups are the most basic individuals you could ever think of. Because with dye and modification, an individual from one group could end up widely different from the base look. For example, Morang is a western maanul but she doesn't look like the example shown here, she cut down feathers for a straight-end look and she bleached herself to be a unified white. another we
Eastern maanuls
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now with these guys, i do have a good render of them which you can see here, like western maanuls they got a mane with flexible feathers. the best irl example i can give for you to visualize that type of feathers would be to look at a Japanese roosters's tails. males have a greenish turquoise end some of their feathers. Which is a color exclusive to them. If i ever post an image of yarey'lu ( a male eastern maanul) and you see his yellow feather tips be aware that its not natural, and these are done with dyes. so would be the yellow marks around the eyes, these are also done by paint. another character that is an eastern maanul is ak'laam who doesn't look like the examples because she's melanistic.
Eastern males are the most colorful of all, they've also got iridescent feathers but so do eastern females which is also unique to them. The sea they live next to is a bright blue and within that sea, they have many coral barriers and "exotic" wildlife, even the flora around their region is bright and varied so, i had to make them fancy to go with their place.
Southern maanuls
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now they've got their perks too, maanuls and kyhuines after being an ugly hatchlings they become what they call a fledging, which is a state where they're fully covered in a yellowish coat of feathers with brown stripes. Now every maanul and every kyhuine shed that coat at some point, so they lose the stripes except southern maanuls. Southern maanuls even as full adults still have some reminiscences of their stripes from when they were a fledgling.
The mane of easterns are quite particular too, they've got a mix of the two variants. a top layer with hard shafts that move for emoting or just to dance, and a bottom layer of soft shaft feathers. my only southern maanul character is nau'stikah
North-east maanuls
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northeast are not that far in the north honestly on the map that population just sits on top of keezeh behind mountain ranges where the nice weather shifts into more temperate ones, like a normal winter you'd find in central Europe (i wish snow was still a thing here), their feather mane is usually quite short compared to other maanul groups and it is fully composed of hard shaft feathers that moves unintentionally with emotions or can be controlled at will.
They are quite dark due to the place they live at, which are cliffs that have been tinted black because of ancient volcanic activities. There arent many north east maanuls, they're the rarest of the 5 maanul groups. A character that is a north east maanul to mention would be qua'tuli
Central north maanuls
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and for last with maanuls, central north maanuls which are "real northern" maanuls because they truly inhabit the real north compared to north east. Like north east their mane is fully made out of hard shaft feathers that can move, but unlike them their mane isn't short. you may have noticed but they're more covered too! ears are covered, most of the hand except palms, and the same for feet, except feet can actually be fully covered in feathers in some cold periods of the year.
Compared to other maanuls, central north go out in the land much more often to find food because during cold seasons they cannot always easily rely on the ocean. Their life is harsher than other groups so it sometimes reflects in folklore, like, for example, the way northern maanuls draw haanu (maanul's all mighty mother deity, a sort of Venus of willendorf equivalent) is lets say much scarier than the way other part of the world do it. i dont have any central north characters!
i should also mention that all maanuls have yellow eyes by default, mixing groups can create mutations tho, like orange, red or even brown (monmartre for example, western+central north it has red eyes cause mutation, and while it just looks like a western with neglected feathers it starts to look closer to a central north when it ages in late GA), other mutations can affect eye color too, ak'laam has black/brown eyes because of melanism, and an albino maanul would have red eyes.
kyhuines, commonly have yellow eyes too tho it is plausible but rare to have red, grey and brown eyes without being mixed. These traits can become hereditary too, same goes for maanuls with mutated eye colors they can also be passed down (example with monmartre's litter, but also that was done so its litter would stand out and be recognisable)
Now with kyhuines, there are only 4 groups/ethnicity compared to the 5 of maanuls, and theirs are quite close to one another so claims like "south, west, east, north" is a bit of a stretch but they still use it anyways for communication.
Southern kyhuines
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the most common kyhuine are southern! now with kyhuines the color dimorphism is much more present compared to maanuls. Even talons in females if often darker, southern females can have dark brown talons to just the light pinkish that males have. gular skin is usually less bright too. Like eastern maanuls, i have a proper render of that group that you can see here. notable characters that are southern kyhuines would be satmuh, kapone, oto, and bantam. These 4 are all siblings so they can also be shortened to "southern litter" in literature
Western kyhuines
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body wise, identical to southern. The difference is that they're much lighter. between males and females colorwise it's not that different most of the time. But they still got their quirk, their gular skin is a blue color. first contact maanuls mistaken western and southern to just be the same group variants but not, they are distinct ethnicity despite looking similar. i don't have any character that belongs to this group!
Salt desert kyhuines (or salt rock)
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calling them north is a stretch, while on old kyhuine maps, they are situated up to other groups, on a world map they're just in the center of the mega continent like other kyhuines its just that they live in the salt desert. the talons of a female salt kyhuine can almost be black, to just greyish tones like the example, same goes for gular skin it can go from this tone to a full black one. Then the males sport these blue cool tones and also have iridescent feathers, irredescent feathers in kyhuines is only found in male salt desert individuals.
now the "wings) these drawings suck because while you get the base idea for colors its not good when it comes to accurate anatomy, the feather of salt male kyhuines are long, very long, almost like a Microraptor (on the drawing the leg feathers are not right, not large/wide enough). While they cant glide because they're too heavy and not made for that either way. it does help readjust a fall or jump, you'd usually see males flap their "arm wing" a little when jumping to something high. notable characters of that group are Ame, kaasim, and the egg twin sisters
Eastern kyhuines
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So for eastern kyhuines, i do have a clean render of them but its also outdated when it comes to spine posture. While ill still link it because you get a better look at their face beware that the kyhuine don't stand like that anymore (as you can literally see here). You can go view it here.
They're the only kyhuine that can have green-ish tones (for males), their face is also different its more curved, their face have a more "chubby" look. by the way, a healthy kyhuine from any region will have fat cheeks, best example to look at ig, are these shibas with fat cheeks. Their "wings" and overall look is a usually smoother than other kyhuines, they also have shorter "ears"
My favorite kyhuines honestly, i love their face a lot it's shameful that i didn't make any eastern oc atm.
all done, if you've reached down there then thank you for reading/looking! means a lot to me
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skunkes · 4 months
it is so refreshing to see ppl be like normal and regular about other artists taking heavy inspiration 😐 way too many ppl start screaming and crying over it for some reason /gen
i understand why some people might! especially depending on visibility and audience, and level of heavy inspiration.
i know there was a point where ppl thought i was copying a popular artists character and i got so scared solely bc i feared people coming after me.
but i also understand bc I myself have taken heavy inspiration from others before, and also because I myself am not somebody who Sticks (or Stuck bc i dont do heavy focused style inspo stuff anymore, because, surprise! i grew and frankensteined it into my own work after i learned what i like!) with an emulated art style for long
(see: my post where I struggle naming inspirations bc my inspirations arent...extremely, consistently, visibly, immediately influential on my work.)
i like giving ppl the benefit of the doubt for that reason... I now also understand and recommend naming/mentioning the ppl who inspired you when you do so as it immediately sets that level of understanding! (like oh, its a style study/inspiration and not somebody plucking my hard work and planning to cause a scene abt it)
like even recently that person who was copying my art down to the ideas (literally redrew a personal smunker doodle comic about smthng that actually happened to me, as their sona), i decided not to intervene because well, they're young, not harming anyone or screwing me out of anything, there's a chance they learn what they need from my stuff and move on in a few months. that's how you Learn sometimes...i did the same when i was in high school, i grew and moved on art wise... no good would have come out of someone attacking me about it bc its... common !
i do like seeing how ppl are interpreted and inspired by my stuff because im curious, and have enjoyed what ive seen mentioning me directly ^_^ but ill still say the only mistake made in this specific case was getting caught ykwim? "do what you want but dont let me see it" (except i do wanna see it ykwim)
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hollownest-whore · 9 months
I see opportunity for fic art by great artist�� I trip over a tableleg searching for a good scene!
My side blog is basilbellona, and this is from chapter 17 (technically 16 minus the prologue) of "Soul of God, Form of Moth" during Xero's point of view. For context, he's trying to get into the Spire for a meeting during a ball and he's a wanted criminal. He doesn't have his helmet on either, so I'll attach a sketch of him like that below the excerpt!
The great sentries’ gazes passed over him like a cold wave that the outlaw had to will himself not to duck under. The bristly hairs on his legs pressed uncomfortably into his boots. He would not turn his eyes toward them. No matter how much his body prickled at the size of their gleaming greatnails, almost as large as he was tall. They could not think he was doing anything but going where he was allowed. He would not speed up. Do not speed up. Don’t speed up––
He crossed the threshold. One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Five seconds. Ten seconds. Only then did he let out a quiet exhale. But still, the bristles wouldn’t lie flat. 
The wait in line to get in past the lobby was insanely long, as to be expected for such a big social ball. Xero tried to blend in as best he could between the much fancier, gem-decked guests, staring idly at the huge columns and metalcraft embellishing the floor. A simple dark cloak was fairly innocuous, as many others were wearing ones of their own, so even if his looked plain, it didn’t take long for the gazes to start slipping past him. The hardest part was––
“Excuse me,”
Xero stopped midstep and turned to the speaker–– a young, cavern-nester usher in a bowtie. He raised his brows, too surprised to find his voice and the young beetle pointed to a hole-punch claw in her other hand. “Do you have a ticket?”
He spent a good, lengthy moment processing the question.
“Ah, no I don’t.” he finally laughed, raising his voice to a lilting pitch. “I thought I could just walk in. It is a public ball, isn’t it?” 
“Yes, but you’ll need a ticket for entry.” The usher nodded toward a stand at the opposite of the lobby. “You can purchase one there and wait back in line.”
“Ah. So that’s what that stand is for,” he chuckled. The usher didn’t laugh.
“Couldn’t I just skip the line? I’m in a bit of a hurry.”
“I’m just following the rules, sir.”
Xero sighed, “Okay,” and stepped out of the door-nearing line to purchase a ridiculously overpriced ticket. 
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(He's got a lil half mask)
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Tickets pleeeaseeee ^w^
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petitprincess1 · 9 months
I'm sorry but what kinda of development did you think she underwent this episode? The whole episode centered around Moxxie. We heard a lot about his feelings and insecurities from his side and he learned to trust in Millie more. He admitted that he was being jealous and improved his plans in the future. The ca. 30 second long real talk from Millie is far from enough development in my opinion. It was all stuff we knew already. "It's nice not being the bad guy", but we've never seen her being treated bad like Blitzo or Moxxie. Hell, I've never seen a negative trait from her at all. Even in her so-called development episode, I felt like she was only a flat supporting character.
We learned nothing about her past, the development is implied, she did not improve but was simply naturally great at all human activities. Sure, she had a nice song, but every episode has a song. Even Striker had a song. I'm not even saying it's a bad episode, it's just far from the "Millie" episode every has been imagining I think.
All in all it was just a cut-and-dry Moxxie getting emasculated + Millie being badass + Blitzo shenanigans episode. It's just like Exes and Oohs. I mean, I wish they'd show her getting hurt or being vulnerable some time to give her some development, but so far she has been a very strong Mary-Sue. Even Loona has suffered more and was better for it. Loona has had far more development in terms of the show and had that beautiful moment with Octavia.
The animation of Helluva Boss is god-tier, but the character development is extremely unbalanced, similar as the pacing and humor.
TLDR: Give Millie some love
Bro....she literally had went off on Moxxie for trying to make himself the center of attention, while also saying that she feels unnoticed and only wanted for her killing abilities. This girl is pouring her heart out and you're just all "Nu-uh. Dat nu count."
This is one of the few eps where Millie isn't being crazy. violent, and murderous. She is just enjoying being loved for everything she does, unlike how her family treats her (Sallie being rude to her and her husband and her parents make it seem like her job isn't a "real job", while also still being pissed that she let her rage get the best of her and not relieved that she's okay). And that still isn't enough.
Tragic (or not) Backstory =/= Development
Did you ever think that her development comes from the present and not so much from her past???
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ruiiplume · 1 year
Kinda wanna see individual pictures of them all
Mainly Hellhound
I do have one for Hellhound and Manager Scarlet (it's on queue tho) but here ya go
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and one without the letters c:
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laf-outloud · 6 months
(S 1/3) I hope it's okay to... not vent, but more like muse or think out loud here? This is all so weird. I know there are snakes who betray those who were good to them. I know there are imbeciles who let the best thing in their lives slip away, due to greed or jealousy or short-term thinking. I know self-sabotage, narcissism, and egos exist. All of that is in the dictionary and in psychology books. I've met people like that. I know it exists. I still can't understand. How can someone have the unparalleled privilege of working with Jared for over 15 years, of spending almost every waking moment with him (filming in Vancouver then downtime in Austin), of basking in Jared's generosity, kindness, loyalty, and EXCELLENT business sense, of being considered Jared's best friend in the whole world, of getting to sit in interviews and onstage at cons and say he knows Jared better than anyone (and having Jared say that in the past), and then throw it all away? I can understand, in theory, how Jensen was probably jealous of Jared eclipsing him after what must have seemed to Jensen (in season 1 or 2) like Jared was deferring to his "experience" in acting. (Personally I think Jared was more than Jensen's equal with Gilmore Girls under his belt, but I can imagine how Jensen may have thought of himself as a mentor at first.) I remember Jared saying he was super focused on Jensen in the first season, because the relationship between the brothers and the chemistry and rapport between him and Jensen were key to the show's success.
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Bless your heart for being willing and able to write all that down! And thank you for the sweet compliment about my blog. I also hope that Jared feels the love from his fans.
I will also admit that I am also fascinated by the psychology behind J2's friendship and the various iterations it's gone through. I'm just sorry that you had to experience a toxic one yourself and am glad you were able to break away.
At best, I can only conclude, like you do, that Jensen misses the hero worship and is also jealous of Jared's success.
If you want to read something eerie, check out this article, 9 Signs You're Dating a Narcissist.
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mochiwei · 1 year
for the artist ask meme: 2,8, 12, and 18! 💕
2. who is your favorite character to draw?
Link!! (from any Zelda game)
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8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.
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These are from 2019~2021!
12. draw one of your favorite characters in 15 seconds.
Okay… here’s Link!
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18. how long have you been drawing/ when did you officially “declare” yourself as an artist?
I’ve been drawing since I was very young! I used to take a whole stack of dot matrix printer paper and draw until I ran out of pages 😂 I officially declared myself an artist at age 8 when I vowed to become a “renaissance man.” This was also the period of time when I started doing crafts like making balloon animals and knitting.
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glambots · 1 year
Hey there! It’s my first time requesting here so… Glam. Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy x gender neutral reader, where the animatronics find the reader hugging and kissing their plush version. Headcanons, thank you! Note: this message might get spammed, Tumblr isn’t working really well for me.
🎩Glamrock Freddy + "Pure (Literal) Fluff" HCs:🎩
⭐Oh, Superstar! He thought he heard your voice coming from in here--ah. Ahem. Excuse him. Did he...interrupt something? Sure, he's really flustered right now, but it doesn't last for long.
⭐He always knew that he was quite "popular," and that he was your favorite, but he didn't think you took it so literally. Ah--please do not look so alarmed! He is just kidding! (Kind of.)
⭐He's definitely going to tease you about it. What, you thought Frederick Fazbear wasn't the kind of guy to have it in him? You would be wrong! He will never let you live this down.
🍕Glamrock Chica + "Pure (Literal) Fluff" HCs:🍕
⭐Heya, Chickadee, whatcha doin--(gasps) Aww! Is that her? Do you have a little plush of her? That's so cute! And you like to hug it? Ohmygod, that's so, so, so cute! Look at you two!!
⭐Oh god, you've done it now. She's never going to forget about this, and she's never going to shut-up about it either. Not even in a teasing way, either, she genuinely think it's the cutest thing she's ever seen.
⭐But, of course, if you ever wanted to trade the toy for the real thing, you can just ask her for a hug! She'd never turn you down! (Mmmaybe not for the kisses either--but only if you wanted, heh-heh...!)
☠️Glamrock Foxy + "Pure (Literal) Fluff" HCs:☠️
⭐Arr, there be his favorite buccaneer--! And. Oh. It seems he's...interrupted somethin'. Apologies, matey, he didn't know you were..."busy." (W-Why would he say it like that???)
⭐After the initial mortification and embarrassment passes by, he has to admit: he's very flattered that you find his presence that comforting! Or maybe that just be limited to his mini-self, eh?
⭐He's definitely going to tease you about this for quite a while any time you two are in private. Especially about the "kissing" thing. It's all in good fun! He's not serious 'bout it any. (Unless...?)
🎳Glamrock Bonnie + "Pure (Literal) Fluff" HCs:🎳
⭐Heya, honeybun! He didn't know you were here--um...what exactly are you doing? N-Not that he's judging you, or anything! He just wasn't expecting to find you doing something...like that. Here. With..."him."
⭐He's not making this any easier on you, is he? Please don't be embarrassed, he really does think it's cute! A-And it's not like he's gonna tell anybody--it'll be your little secret, he swears.
⭐I-In fact, he wouldn't mind if you...ever wanted to actually hug him. Cause. He wouldn't mind being hugged by you. If you ever needed one. And didn't have the plushie around. Just...food for thought!
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skunkes · 7 months
Your post about loving to study the beauty of the human body as well as wanting to love someone male while also be them is something I've been feeling for the past few years tbh but I've never heard someone put it in the exact words I use before. I think it's also because when it comes to topics like that I also feel embarrassed trying to explain a melded and complicated but beautiful emotion that doesn't have a word for it other than imagery in my mind
Sorry for the random soul post in your inbox but I get you! And that makes me happy
Also you're art is very cool and holds the very idea of human warmth and love within keep it up
responding to the compliment first, thank you!!!
as for the rest, yes! In the past I've definitely understood "love someone so much you want to crawl into them because hugging and physical intimacy isn't enough" as well as the usual "do i wanna fuck them or be them 🤪" sentiment floating around,
but it's not until very recently that I pieced together the, "well, what would I do if I literally got my hands on another [human being]. I'm not sure it would be enough to just Behold a [beautiful human being], I also want to be a beautiful [human being], but in the way this [person] is, which is. Unlike the way I am. Different from how I am. (In the many ways that can be interpreted)."
Which is adjacent to the "crawling into them", and adjacent to wishing I could be desired in the same way that I desire, and then directly connected to the way I am being genuine and casual when I say I love looking at and am in awe of the human form, but it's so very easy for that genuine love to slip into that intense and strange enthusiasm to map out, touch, explore, examine, open, crawl, meld, Be. Be!
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fanfichubcircuit · 3 months
You mentioned earlier that you you wanted O Superman with bullfrog and lunar I going to try to draw that, do you have any ideas for lunars design?
I woke up saw this at 6:30 am and for the first time I was so happy I have to be at work so fucking early in the morning so I could get started on this. You have no idea how excited I am that anyone wants to draw even a line for this. So here is my best attempt at Lunar’s design. If there are any questions lmk.
Lunar is not small or super skinny by any means they are quite muscular the baggy clothes are to hide that fact so they are underestimated and not tracked down in their day to day life.
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So Lunar’s battle gear is supposed to look on the outside as close to a protestor as possible. They are fighting against an unjust system and they do not want to get caught. They have more typical warden gear underneath such as their chain mail that peaks through at the bottom (but that could also be completely hidden I hear chain mail is a bitch to draw). Their broadsword (not draw to scale sorry) and their shoulder piece are the most heavily taken from warden dress as seen here.
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On top they have a baggy dark blue hoodie. Blue is my favorite color but historically has been used by ninjas to blend in to the night. So that was my excuse to use blue. They also have black cargo pants and black combat boots. Originally the tech mask was just cloth but tech won since it fits the setting better. Make it as simple as you want though. The gauntlet is on Lunar’s main sword hand, I kept it vague for reader purposes but it’s on their left. That’s inspired by a one handed gauntlet from DQXI. It looks more metallic in game. The other hand has a normal glove from movement.
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And for the eye situation I imagine that when their hood is up you can’t see the skin around Lunar’s eyes kind of like Raven from Teen Titans.
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Because Lunar is a reader insert they have no canon eye color.
For height I am writing Lunar at 5’6” because it’s my height and I can’t make ratios to Bullfrog work at every height at the same time. It’s easier to double check how things are physically happening in relation to height.
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autismrelatabites · 1 year
Um, quick question. Well, maybe not really. See, I’m wondering why some Autism blogs say Autism is not a sepectium. I just, I fall into the High-Functioning category and it sort of made me felt isolated when I see posts like that. Like I belong in-between two worlds. Still does sometimes, though I don’t want to act like a victim. I guess my question is, why do people with Autism claim it’s not a spectrum? Thank you.
This is a very complicated subject that I am admittedly not fully educated about, but I am going to do my best to explain with the knowledge that I have. I'm also going to aim to make this explanation as clear and concise as possible, since it can get a little confusing sometimes.
The problem with functioning labels (which I assume this is what you are referring to) is that they are disingenuous and at worst, actively harmful. Words have connotations and assumptions that go with them, and sometimes they get oversimplified or too rigid. Humans are complex, and you can't define someone by one word alone, which presents one of the main issues with these labels.
Having only two labels for functioning: high and low, is not an adequate description of the support needs someone would need, and does not encompass enough. Someone who can speak articulately and mask well may be labelled "high functioning" (because a lot of weight is placed on how well someone with autism can speak for some reason), despite having sensory issues that leave them unable to exist in the world comfortably, or executive dysfunction extreme enough to impede their daily life.
Likewise, an autistic person who is incredibly empathetic, creative, emotionally intelligent, and able to take care of themselves on their own, but who is semi/non-verbal and struggles with maths and writing, may be labelled as "low functioning". By nature of autism being a learning disability, everyone who has it struggles, just not in the same way. And people labelled as "high functioning" by society may not receive the help they need because people assume that they are universally or mostly "fine" and "not that impacted by their autism". People labelled "low functioning" may be treated like they are completely incapable. This is why some people claim that autism is not a "spectrum", because it implies there is a certain level of autism you can have, which is not true, you are either autistic or you or not, and that manifests differently for a large range of us. There just isn't enough nuance that can be captured with "high" and "low" alone. They are too vague and in essence, don't provide enough information about a person. When someone can hear one word and instantly assume many things about you, most of which will probably be wrong, that is harmful. Regardless of the few that feel the label fits their experience.
And lastly, functioning labels do not benefit us as autistic people. They benefit those around us, they benefit neurotypicals that want an idea of how easy we are to deal with for them. And ultimately, we should not be defined by how "easy" we are to "handle".
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