#Sylvie odindottir
iceeericeee · 6 months
Marvel may have not made Lokius cannon, but at least they didn’t have Sylvie and Loki kiss each other like in the first season.
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incorrectlokiserie · 8 months
sylvie: I hate you.
loki, to himself: enemies to lovers, slowburn, angst with happy ending, 300k+ words
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lokiusly · 6 months
solely talking about Sylvie’s love life and nothing else, it would be interesting if she and the guy from the record store dated. Or a female florist. A cute McDonalds local. Or someone so random and normal to fit her narrative of wanting a peaceful life.
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me having a good time, looking at sylki stuff: :)
the comments being filled with sylki hate:
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chairwritexv · 11 months
in addition to the main timeline loki, i’m now writing for TVA!loki, Sylvie!loki, kid!loki, president!loki, and (platonic)!alligator!loki !!!
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Loki: *kills his biological father then tries to blow up an entire planet with all its inhabitants because he is suffering and desperately needd his father's approval*
Marvel fandom/Loki Stans: ohhh my poor baby 🥺💚🥺💚 he is such a complex character!!!!!! he did nothing wrong!!!!! he is just a poor sad boy!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚💚💚 with a lot of deep pain 💚🥺💚🥺💚 we can't treat him like a villain!!!! he's an angel 💚🥺💚🥺💚🥺💚🥺💚 we can understand him! 💚💚💚💚💚💚 I so want to hug them 💚🥺💚🥺💚🥺 love u Loki 🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚 my baby 🥺💚🥺💚🥺💚
Sylvie: *kill the man who destroyed her timeline with her world and all those she loved inside when she was a child, and forced her to flee all her life, to live from childhood in the traumatic places that are the apocalypses, alone, loving no one and being loved by no one, after devoting her whole life to this plan and sincerely thinking of making the right choice and helping people*
Marvel fandom/Loki Stans: what a bitch!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬 she's horrible and selfish and unbearable and always pissed off!!! 🤬🤬🤬 she could have grown up and moved on!!!!! 🤬🤬 looks like a child!!!! she only thinks of herself 😡😡😡😡 I hate her !!!! worst character in the MCU!!!!!
(yep this is mysoginy and nothing else lol)
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Can anyone gimme any Sylki discord server links, I wanna join ‘em all :3
Recently got into Discord so I’ve been looking for discords for my favourite ships, so if anyone has a link, please send it my way!
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sippingonhottea · 1 month
"Loki will appear in future Marvel movies"....... Loki has been in the MCU for like 13 years now and he hasn't been relevant for the entire project not even once can you please stop hurting yourselves?
"But the Loki series" Yeah, the Loki series the one that made you think he's appearing in MoM when I said he definitely wouldn't and he didn't??
Or the Thor movie where again I said Loki is not gonna appear and he didn't??? This is so depressing to watch holy shit.
I don't even have hope for the comic Loki to be relevant to the comic universe either.
Marvel writers just don't care for Loki unless they wanna make fun of him.
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skelekerrry · 3 months
Loki sketches 🐊🐊
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one-real-imonkey · 6 months
Loki spoilers episode 2.5:
Sylvie: the worlds not ending you’re just being selfish.
Sylvie, 10 mins later: ah shit he was right.
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incorrectlokiserie · 8 months
loki: if a beautiful person disagrees with me i will immediately change my views. i have no principles.
sylvie: well maybe you should have principles.
loki: you're right, maybe i should.
sylvie: good.
sylvie: wait,—
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lokiusly · 6 months
Sylvie called the holiday, “Turkey Day”. They looked forward to it because it was something they had never gotten to savor growing up. One memory of a past Thanksgiving involved a deadly earthquake at dinner.
They helped Lyle decorate the record shop with secondhand porcelain turkey trinkets (they even snuck in a Santa snow globe out of excitement).
The record shop played “Alice’s Restaurant Masacree” every hour. (They would also sneak in a Christmas song or two.) When it came to modern songs from other timelines, Sylvie listened to them on her Walkman. (They wouldn’t dare listen to the Mariah Carey classic in front of her 80s friends.)
Sylvie took the later shifts at McDonald’s, and watched as parents came in with their kids because they had ruined their turkey in the oven. She smiled at the meals and laughs the families shared. Lonely folk and truck travelers pushed their single tables together.
“Sylvie! Join us!” A local patted to an empty chair.
Sylvie grinned and joined the party, thankful for the abundance of friendship after being alone for so long.
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…anyone else notice how sylvie’s sword kinda looks like valkyrie’s???
like there’s some obvious difference between the two (like the shape), but they remind me of eachother so maybe sylvie wanted/was in training to be a valkyrie, like thor in the main timeline had wanted? just a theory,,, *le shrug*
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agentofagony · 1 year
"Sylvie ruined your shipping that's why you hate her" boi who told you her existence is stopping me from anything lol? It's not even gonna stop the people that ship Loki with mobius. And the Loki series is aware of that because why do you think they will keep mobius around? Because he's so useful to the very important plot? Fuck no. They're keeping him around to force the people that ship lokius to watch the show and They're gonna be dumb enough to fall for it.
Like you think strange being in a relationship with clea stopped me from shipping Loki with him? If sylvie existence is stopping me from shipping Loki with anyone like you say,wouldn't I also hate Clea? Why do I love clea but hate on sylvie? The logic is not logicing man.
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
Another Thora headcanon script inspired by Fairy tail this time :)
Where Thora is actually Sylvie lost older sister from her timeline
Fairy tail reference
Silence fills the air as loki and the other variant loki's watched sylvie and another female that appears to be thor staring at each other in the middle of the void.
"It's you...I've missed you big sister." Sylvie barely chokes out the words as to hold back tears from seeing Thora.
"Loki...I..." Thora cuts herself off from saying anymore and looks away.
The variant loki's and loki himself were in shocked seeing a female thor.
Thora looks back at Sylvie with pity in her eye "I'm sorry...but I don't have a little sister." She says as she forces herself to deny Sylvie.
Sylvie wouldn't take that rejection and with seriousness in her eyes she yelled.
"No! You do!"
"You're mistaken...must be someone else." Thora says not meeting Sylvie's eyes.
"Thora! I'm not wrong, I know it in my heart!" Sylvie says as she steps forward Thora.
" It's you! You're the one I've been looking for, they took you and I have done everything I could of to get you back!" Sylvie exclaims as she confronts Thora.
"I risked all i had, even went as far to turn back time for you, find timelines when you and I were still together as it should've been!"
Sylvie exclaims as thinks back in the past when she and Thora were younger playing together.
When Thora held a wooden sword protecting Loki from the bullies from childhood.
"Leave my sister alone! Or face the wrath of the princess of Asgard!" Thora yells as she points her sword as the buliies.
"It's not her fault, she had nothing to do with your foolishness. The only fool I see is all of you!" She exclaims as she warns the boys to leave her sister alone.
Loki looks up at her older sister with admire and happiness.
"Thora...you were always there to protect me, you stood up for me and I never gave up hope I see you again" Sylvie said as she pleaded for her sister.
Thora turns her back, "I told you. I'm not her." She stated
"How could you be so cruel now?!" Sylvie demanded her as to know why Thora lying to her.
"There is no way, a sinner like me could be your sister!" Thora yells.
Sylvie stops for a moment not underling what Thora is trying to say and neither is Loki.
Wasn't Thor a hero?
A ruler of thunder and Asgard?
What did she mean by "Sinner"?
"My little sister....is working hard to make the multiverse right." She continues.
"She deserves someone better than someone wo has done so much wrong." Thora voice trembles.
Loki is silent as well as the variants as they witness the two sisters confronting one another.
"I Pray to the Norns that maybe someday all my horrible sins will forgiven, and then I'll embrace my sister!" She yells as tears fall from her eye.
Thora walks away not ready to face Sylvie yet until she was forgiven from judgements of the norns.
Thora trembles as tears fall more, Sylvie sniffs as a small smile crept on her lips.
"You'll be forgiven, I know you will!" Sylvie calls out.
Thora stops for a moment, "That's what I'm fighting for right now!" She says as she walks further away.
"But I know I haven't earned it yet..." Thora whimpers
"It means so much to me that you're alive...I'm glad." Sylvie says as tears fall and she smiles.
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