#Or... what makes me an angel? My belief counts for something. I'm not very angellic at the end of the day. I hate to admit it.
theangel-aziraphale · 7 months
Hello, Aziraphale!
Out of curiosity, when you asked Crowley about becoming an angel again, did it not occur to you that he could have faced the same problems in Heaven that he had when he had first been an angel that eventually led to his Fall? How did you expect to make things different for him had he accepted your offer?
Well, keeping in mind, I was convinced I could change things for the better. Not helped by the Metatron's words or his meddling. He is a manipulative person and only wanted things to further his own goals of being with his family once more, in what he thinks is paradise.
I wanted things to be different. There would be a suggestion box. There would be room for error so that angels like Muriel weren't so nervous around the higher-ups. You can be silly and see the value in human love and feel horror at their suffering. Angels and humans aren't so different, really.
We can be vindictive as well. We can be hurtful and rude, and honestly, demons aren't much different. We're made of the same stuff, after all. Which means demons can be kind. They can do things for others, and it doesn't help them in any way.
Maybe they are not allowed to love, but they can damn well try to anyway
I wanted Crowley to be himself in Heaven. But... it was never going to work. I shouldn't have expected him to return to the place that hurt him in the first place.
And frankly, it's a wonder how I'm still here.
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The Morningstar's Rays: The Prodigal Son
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss Summary: Love is free in Heaven, it flows between the angels and to the other creatures that God has created. For one Morningstar, it ends up creating a life that none of them thought was even possible. With that comes a host of surprises and problems that he has to overcome to keep that love flowing as naturally as it needs to, and extending it to his son as well. Warnings: Pregnancy, mpreg, intersex characters, sex, graphically described childbirth scenes, social stigmas, and evangelic beliefs Word Count: 13,982 Ship(s): Lucifer Morningstar/Michael, Lucifer Morningstar/Lilith Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar/Adam (endgame)
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A/N: So this is based off a rp that I did with my mutual a while ago, which is why the world is so different than the one that Hazbin Hotel began to show us in the beginning. I really wanted to explore further into Lucifer's backstory and the creation of Hell, so I chose this niche little mpreg fanfic to do that with! It's the beginning of a series that details all of the conceptions, a lot of the pregnancies, and some of the births of Lucifer's children throughout his life. I'm mostly using them as a window into the life that he led before and after the canon so I hope that you're all excited to come on the ride with me! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Morning was Lucifer’s favorite time of the day.
Days in general were a relatively new construction, having been something that God just came up with. They were as new as the garden and mankind, which was what made Lucifer love them as much as he did. He liked the way that the light from the sun would streak through the windows in Heaven. He liked the way that the birds would woke up and begin to chirp incessantly at his window while they searched for their breakfast. He liked the way that he felt when he rose from his slumber and could see that time had passed. He loved the planning stage of the creation of everything, coming up with ideas was a favorite pass time of his, but he felt so much better when he could see that he had slept through the entirety of the night. Darkness and cold would creep into his very bones whenever the night fell, leaving him exhausted and weary enough to actually sleep.
Allegedly, it was all the same way that it happened down on Earth and the Garden. He had been trying to figure out a way to spend a night in Eden so that he could compare what the morning looked like in his home and his friend’s home. He wanted to know what it was like to be Adam and Lilith, what they saw when they woke next to each other and what it felt like to have the sun on their skin instead of through a pane of glass. 
He slipped from his bed before he remembered that it was not his own. The night before, he had fallen into the sheets with Michael again. The Sword of God wasn’t someone that a lot of angels got to know personally because he had so many responsibilities that he had to tend to. Lucifer was a different story, he was as close to God as someone could be without literally being the Metatron. His dreamer tendencies made it so that God valued his input when it came to creating creatures and items that would one day populate the Earth. Due to that, during the seven days and nights that it took to make everything in creation, Lucifer had grown quite close to Michael.
Love flowed freely in Heaven. There was no need for them to marry because there had never been an angelic baby, thus there was no need for a child to be born in the sanctity of vows to God. They were all the direct servants of God anyway, so they didn’t need to do it again during a wedding ceremony. Marriage was something that was reserved for the first man and woman, Adam and Lilith.
That meant that Lucifer got to visit Michael as often as he wished, even if it was considered for the best if he didn’t broadcast his comings and goings to the rest of the angelic hoard. He knew that part of that was to stop jealousy from arousing in the other angels. Others weren’t as close to God, which had already caused a bit of contention within some of them. Others had even fallen in love with Michael themselves and would no doubt be upset to find out that he had bedded another but refused to even look their way.
Lucifer knew that was silly, but he also had no way to articulate that to others whom had not been there to see what he had. He had been there when Michael had sworn to be the Sword of God, when he had pledged his life to a job that he would serve in until his death. He took that job very seriously and thus did not have time for someone that wouldn’t be passive about their relationship the way that Lucifer was. 
The Morningstar himself liked to have as much attention as he could get and he drank it up every time. He spent a lot of time with other angels, a certain set that got along with him and shared quite a few of his values. They had different ways that they thought his proposed changes should be implemented and they didn’t want to rock the boat as much as he did, but they were willing to listen to him anyway. He had already shared a bed with a few of them as well, though none as often as he shared Michael’s at the moment. The two beings that he preferred to get attention from were the ones that he was meant to be watching and guiding.
He was thankful that God had been rather vague when He asked Lucifer to tend to the humans in the Garden of Eden. It meant that he had room to say that he didn’t quite know what the Almighty had meant. He could flutter his way down to the Garden when he pleased and spend time with Adam and Lilith, who were always elated to see him when he came. Being the center of their world for the moments that he was talking felt even better than when he was presenting in front of the other angels. He liked the way that their eyes felt on him when they roved over the hand motions he made while he spoke, or the way that they would grin when they finally understood something.
Thoughts of what his day would entail was enough to get him out of the bed and on his feet. Michael had been draped over most of the plush mattress, his six wings fluttering in the light breeze that was coming in through the open window. Lucifer had tucked his wings in, as he did every time that he went to bed, so that they would be more space for him.
The other angel being as spread out as he was did make it more difficult for him to slip out without being seen. He had been doing this for quite some time, though, so he managed to roll from the bed and catch himself before he reached the floor. 
He carefully sprang to his feet and then grabbed the robe that he always wore. The humans had to invent everything that they wanted to work with, so they were not provided with the wonderful amenities that Heaven included yet. According to the High Seraphim, they would receive them once they did something that would warrant them becoming a Saint. Lucifer wondered how many of the babies that Lilith and Adam made together would get to come to the wonderful Kingdom, he was already excited to meet them again even if it meant that they had to die.
He slipped out of Michael’s home and into the streets of Heaven. The sky above was the palest, most delicate blue that could be perceived by the Heavenly mind. The ground was made of evenly constructed bricks of cold and white tile, which made the entire thing shimmer. The buildings around the place that Lucifer was in were low down to the ground and hued with blue and pink, some of them gold to indicate some of the higher level angels that lived within. The angelic homes were segregated into a different part of Heaven so once the humans had been created and began to ascend to Sainthood, they wouldn’t have to deal with a creature that was so different than themselves.
Lucifer walked through the weaving streets, walking around and around in a massive circle, before he finally reached his own home. It was the same as all the others were, though the roof and window sills were gilded in gold instead of the baby blue that surrounded him. He slipped in through the door and then shed the robe that he had worn before, leaving it for the principalities that had been made to help care of the angels that had more important jobs. He then picked out another one of them and laid it down on his untouched bed, though he mused the covers so it looked as though he was just being tidy instead of having spent the night in another place entirely.
He walked to the basin that held the water pitcher and bowl in it, using it to wash his face and hands. He also made sure to clean the last of the stickiness that Michael had missed the night before from between his legs. The angel was kind enough to try and wash him off despite them both being exhausted from going three rounds without sleep after a full day of work, so who was Lucifer to complain about him missing a massive streak of cum along his inner thigh.
Once he was clean, he dressed in his robes and then said his quick prayer to God. He thanked his Father every day, just to affirm that he was grateful for the life that he had been given. It was something all the angels did, even the ones that were close enough to God to actually talk to Him.
His morning routine was completed as quickly as he could because he already had a fun day planned for himself down in the Garden. He managed to slip his way through his fellow angels often enough that he could spend a good deal of his time there. It didn’t seem as though anyone really cared as long as he was able to give them his plans and ideas at the next meeting that they held. The only person that would really care was Michael because he was charged with protecting God’s favorite pastime, which was currently the humans, but he didn’t seem to care much either.
So Lucifer once again slipped from his home after grabbing an apple from the bowl in the center of his dining room table. Angels didn’t have to eat so that they could survive, but they were told that it would make the humans that would eventually ascend to the Heavens as Saints more comfortable to see the angels doing something akin to what they had done their whole lives. Lucifer didn’t mind, especially recently.
He had discovered some of the wonderful foods that God had placed down in the Garden for Adam and Lilith. The apple was his favorite, delectably sweet and crunchy and tart at the same time. He wasn’t sure if anything would ever come to top it, especially when the core was fun to gnaw on after all the flesh had been devoured.
Some of the other angels had also risen from their slumbers and were milling about with each other. There were a couple already standing by the meeting room as they got prepared to give the orders out to the lower ranking principalities and archangels. As he passed by, Lucifer greeted each of them in turn. The rank of Seraphim had only been given to a handful of angels at that point, not including the special beings that had been given specific jobs by God. Michael and The Metatron were the two that came to mind immediately, but Lucifer barely even considered them to be angels at that point because they rarely strayed into the lives of others.
“Lucifer!” Beelzebub chirped when she saw her friend. She had long blond hair that puffed up around her head and fell into her face, almost imitating fennec fox ears. Her eyes were wide and golden, sparkling with a kind of desire to drink in everything that they could witness at all times. She was wearing a similar robe to Lucifer but it was faded pink instead of only gold.
“Bee!” he responded to her, throwing his arms out to the side of him. She squealed as she was able to wrap him up in a hug. “What are you doing here? I thought that you were going to be experimenting with food today since it was your day off.”
She looked a little put out when he reminded her of what she had said yesterday. He wondered if she had gotten in trouble again, it had already happened a couple of times. He knew that some of the other Seraphim were beginning to push back on what they were told to do. It was the influence of the humans, Lucifer was sure of that. He knew that they all respected God, He was their creator and thus had to be respected. The humans asked questions and inspired them to do things that they hadn’t done before, which meant that they were pushing boundaries that they hadn’t known existed before that point.
She turned her head back to Sera and gave a little wave, “I had a dear friend come and ask me for some help with giving out the orders to the Cherubim, so I decided that I would come and do that instead. After all, we are all God’s servants and must put aside our own desires for Him.”
“Of course,” Lucifer nodded. “I hope that you are able to help Sera the way that she needs.”
The words felt like ash as he spoke them. The apple that he had eaten while he was walking over to the entrance to the Garden from Heaven felt like it was sitting a stone in his belly. Almost to the point where the skin over his hips felt stretched and bloated, but he was sure that he was simply making that up. He had been feeling that way for a very long time, but he wasn’t sure where it had originated from. He loved Heaven and he loved being a servant of God because it meant that he got to do all the wonderful things that he did. 
At the same time, he could see how being called to do the bidding of someone that they rarely got any affection from was hurting his friends. Mammon and Leviathan appeared to be struggling most of all, but now Beelzebub was looking as though someone had just told her she was never permitted to indulge in sugar ever again.
Lucifer reached out and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before he continued on his way. He needed to drown out his sorrows with other voices, something that he did often. He spent his time in the Garden so he could not only come up with ideas, spurred on by Adam and Lilith, but so that he could get the voices of the other angels out of his head and settle himself.
He wanted to stay with Beelzebub and argue that she should get to actually spend her day off doing what she liked. She worked every other day of the month doing her actual job, she didn’t need to help Sera with her own jobs as well. It was unfair to keep her from doing something that she loved just because God or someone under him had asked them to do something else. They should be able to say no.
He knew that they couldn’t, that his pushback on some of his assignments had already gotten him shoved to the edge of the inner circle. So he didn’t say anything and simply continued on his way towards the door that would lead him to Eden.
The door was built into the side of a wall, the one that ringed all the way around the settlement where the angels lived and did their business. It was taller than Lucifer by three or four times and intricately carved with all of the creations that God and the other angels had placed in the garden. The left side held the plants, so there were pops of color as the flowers and buds of fruit were illustrated to bring attention to them. The other side was entirely made up of animals that were all chasing each other to demonstrate the way that the food chain worked. The prey animals were the closest to the seam of the door with the prey animals that ate both plants and meat in between, then the predators behind them furthest away from the plant side. It was technically a portal down to earth, but they had manifested it into a door for the ease of the angels that were coming and going as they checked on the humans inside. 
Lucifer checked the panel on the side of the door to make sure that none of the other angels had already gone through. They had once only come to check on the semi-immortal duo once a week, when they weren’t in their meetings while trying to figure out what to introduce to them. That had changed recently with some revelations of what was happening in the Garden thanks to Leviathan. Lilith and Adam seemed to be getting along about as well as some of the fish in the bigger rivers did, but it was nothing that Lucifer couldn’t smooth over. He was a showman at heart and loved having the attention on him, especially when he was hanging around people that he believed to be his friends. It was happening less and less frequently with the other Seraphim, but more and more frequently with the new humans in the Garden.
He pulled on the heavy metal handle and then stepped through the magical barrier that swirled with yellow, purple, and green. When he reached the other side, he appeared in the Garden of Eden down on earth.
The Garden was full of flush vegetation, every item that had been on the door outside flourishing inside. 
To the left was a dense forest with almost every type of tree, clustered in little bundles so that they could thrive by themselves and not have to battle with the others. On the ground was sorrel and lichen and struggling grass that stretched up futility towards the sun that was being blocked from it. Vines and ivy had their way with the low hanging branches and thick trunks so that they could escape the massive ferns and bushes threaded between the thickets. A few colorful birds darted out of the larger trees and rabbits and mice hid amongst the smaller ones. Water could be heard trickling inside of the forest, hidden by the dancing shadows and critters scurrying about so that they could hide from the newcomer.
To the right was a meadow where the grass was thick and so vibrantly green that it almost hurt to look at. There were flowers dotted in clustered patches, imitating much smaller versions of what the trees were doing on the other side. They were a variety of different colors and Lucifer already knew that Adam had named quite a few of them himself. There were bright red poppies, stunning violets, orange and purple tulips, stark daffodils, and even a bush full of pretty pink weeping hearts. The animals in the meadow were delicately eating from it and lazing about in the sun, basking as they should have been.
Lucifer took a moment to breathe in the sweet scent of something new and fresh, as he always did when he came to the Garden. He loved Heaven, it was his home, but it didn’t compare to the place where God had chosen to put His most treasured creations. Nothing would ever compare to the smell of rain after it had just fallen or the way that the grass would brush through the nice wind that came from the desert surrounding the Garden.
He embarked into the meadow half of the world in front of him so that he could find the camp that Adam had set up. It was a wondrous thing, to watch the First Man and Woman make what humans would begin using for years and years to come afterwards. Lucifer didn’t know what God had planned for when that time came, no one other than the Heavenly Father Himself did, but he was excited to get to see it.
The camp was relatively close to the stream that fed the meadow’s plants, sheltered on a patch of ground that no longer had grass growing on it because of how often Adam had walked over it. There was a hut made out of sticks and leaves, woven so thickly together that they created a good roof when the Garden got rain. There was a firepit, currently stacked with kindling for that night’s dinner but left empty for the time being. Over the top of it was a clay pot made for boiling and cooking, also empty for the time being.
Lucifer turned his craned his neck as he carefully walked into the camp and looked for the human. He knew that Adam liked to jump out at him sometimes, he found it amusing when he startled the angel according to the man himself, but Lucifer didn’t care for the feeling it left him with. When he was sure that he was safe from being scared, he began to trace Adam’s footprints up the side of the river while hoping it would actually lead to his friend.
There was always a chance that he was following a long cold trail when he tried to track his friend, but he had high confidence that he was going to get it right that time. Lilith had been teaching him how to better recognize something that had been left two days ago instead of thinking that everything was fresh. According to her, it was very important that they know where the prey was for eating and where the predators were for their own protection.
It didn’t take long before Lucifer finally stumbled across his friend. Adam was sitting with his legs stretched out in front of him, ankle deep in the river as it flowed merrily along to the other edge of the garden. He was wearing a tunic made of roughly woven cloth, probably using the grass that grew so abundantly in the land around his makeshift hut. He had a flower grasped in his fingers, twirling it back and forth as he examined it even closer.
Lucifer stepped behind him and tilted his head down so that they were staring at each other, Adam from the ground and Lucifer from above. “Hello, friend,” he beamed.
“I was wondering when you were going to be coming back to visit us, angel,” Adam grinned in reply. Lucifer could see the way that the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, the way that his mouth dipped down immediately afterwards.
He shucked off his sandals and then sat down beside his friend, giving him a worried look. “Adam, something is bothering you.”
“It’s nothing, promise,” he shrugged. He set the flower down between the two of them, keeping the stem underneath his palm so that the wind wouldn’t pick it up.
“It’s not nothing if it is making you sad,” Lucifer replied, touching his pale fingers to Adam’s, which had been long-tanned by the sun in the Garden.
He sighed and laid back down on the ground, passing the flower over to Lucifer. “I tried to be romantic with Lilith so that she might decide to like me more, but it didn’t work. I named this after her, I called it a lily.”
“That’s very pretty, a very good name for a flower that looks like this,” Lucifer confirmed. The flower had several thin petals that left a lot of gap between them, branching out and curling back so that their points were almost touching the base. The inside of the flower had several long stems covered in golden pollen and green feelers. The petals themselves were a speckled white and pink color, the white taking over towards the edges.
“She didn’t think so. She said that she would find me again for dinner but that she needed to be by herself for now,” Adam explained. Lucifer could see the turmoil happening inside of the man and wished that he knew how to help.
He kept the flower in his fingers as he crossed his arms and balanced them on his knees. He tilted his head down so that he was looking sideways at Adam. It was hard to get his thoughts into line when he was feeling like this, so taking a moment to simply breathe in the sweet air of the world around them was helping him get it all into order. “Do you think that maybe she’s pregnant?” he asked. It felt like a stupid question, given how many fights the two of them had, but it was also what they had been put into the Garden for.
Adam shrugged helplessly. He threw his arms out to the side of his body and picked at the grass with both hands, just to have something to do. “How would you even tell something like that? I know God told us the main one, but I’m never around Lilith enough to see if she’s stopped bleeding,” the man huffed.
Lucifer suppressed a shudder at the mention of that. Angels had been created with both sets of genitals and a main presentation so that they were more humanoid for the future Saints of Heaven. They didn’t have cycles the way that some mammals did, no heats or periods to speak of. Lucifer couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have to walk through life knowing that every thirty days one would start bleeding for a week. He was glad that he never had to deal with that even if he did have the libido fluctuations that normally came with that having a menstrual cycle.
“I think that there are some other signs. Other than her belly getting bigger, of course. I’ve heard that odd dreams are something that might happen, as well as her nails and hair growing faster because she’s growing another person. Then there’s also an increase in appetite and some mood changes,” Lucifer then answered. “That was why I asked. Maybe she didn’t want the flower because she was pregnant.”
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” Adam said. His face had split into that grin that was almost too big for his face, mischievous and happy. He cuddled closer to Lucifer while poking at his body and making him squirm.
The angel laughed as the sensation caused his nerves to spasm and bat at the man’s hand. Eventually they stopped, a bit closer to the river than they had been before but not quiet inside of it yet. Lucifer sat back up, dusting off the gold and blue robe that he had dawned that morning. He asked, “Why do you think that I’m pregnant, Adam?”
“Your hair is longer, angel,” Adam replied. He reached up and brushed back a long of golden hair with his calloused fingers, which made golden blood rush to his cheeks and tint them dark.
“I’m sure that’s just because I haven’t cut it in a while. It’d be a very rapid growth,” Lucifer shook his head. Something about what Adam had said, likely as a joke to make him uncomfortable on purpose, was squirming its way under his skin. He had noticed that it was getting harder to write when he was sketching his ideas for upcoming meetings because his nails had gotten longer before they usually did.
Adam laughed and then set his head down on his friend’s chest. Adam had always been close with him, ready to touch and be touched in return. They had never done anything like what Lucifer did with Michael, but he had to admit that there were times when he wanted to. “I think that you’ve got a bit of a belly too, like this,” he said as he smoothed his hand down Lucifer’s stomach from just under his flat chest to where his cock lay flaccid under the robe.
The Morningstar took in a sharp breath as he tried not to think about how close Adam was to some very sensitive parts of his body. He thought that the night he had spent with Michael was more intense than the ones previous had been, but he had assumed that was because it had been longer in between sessions at the time. “Angels can’t get pregnant,” he finally said.
“Why not?”
“We don’t have menstrual cycles the same way that humans do,” Lucifer said. Some part of his mind knew that it wasn’t quite the whole truth. An angel likely should be able to get pregnant simply because they had all the parts to do so, including what was inside. Perhaps there was some other part of their physicality that let them conceive even if they didn’t have a specific time where their body released an ova.
The man gave a shrug and then flopped back down onto the cool grass. “Do you want to come hunting with me today? I think I know a thicket of blackberries that you can hang out in instead of doing the heavy lifting,” Adam teased. The smile was slightly different, once again dimming from when he had been teasing Lucifer.
He didn’t want to have to tell him no, he wanted to say that he would love to spend the rest of the day walking around with Adam in the forest and the meadow, but he had other things he had to attend to. “I have a meeting soon,” he lied, which also felt bitter on his tongue but somehow not as much as what he had said to Bee did. “I think that I’m going to visit Lilith and then head back to Heaven. But I’ll come visit you again soon.”
“Do you promise?” Adam asked, dark eyes begging for the answer that he was only half sure was coming to him.
Lucifer grinned and nodded, just as he always did. There was very little in either realm that he inhabited that would keep him from coming to see his friend. He stood up and brushed his clothing off as he began to walk to the place that Lilith frequented when she had enough of her husband for the day. Lucifer didn’t really understand why she felt that way, but he assumed that every human was different the same way that every angel was different.
As he walked, he began to think more about what Adam had said to him. His nails and hair were growing faster than they had previously, and the rest of his body was changing as well. His nipples and the tissue around them felt more sensitive, like someone was electrocuting him every time they brushed their fingers against them even if it was through clothing. He grew more interested in the idea of sex and proximity the longer that the months wore on as well. He also couldn’t deny what Adam had said about the rounding of his belly, even if it was still caused by what he had assumed it was before.
By the time that he reached Lilith, he had realized with a wave of crippling fear that he was pregnant despite thinking that angels did not possess that ability until that very moment. He was glad that he was with the more sullen of the two humans when he came to that realization so that he could talk to someone about it seriously instead of having Adam’s constant need for humor interfering with it.
Lilith was sitting on the highest branch of the tree that would support her weight. She had her head leaned against the trunk, her arm wrapped around it for extra support. She was staring straight ahead at the vast desert that surrounded the Garden with a wistful expression on her face. She had something similar to Adam covering her body, but had wrapped it around every part of her body that was going to be touching the tree so she didn’t get scraped up as she climbed.
Lucifer squatted down slightly and then launched into the air with his wings propelling him up higher. He sat on the branch that was on the other side of the tree and slightly higher than her own. “Hello Lilith,” he greeted with a shy smile falling over his features.
“Hello, Luci,” she beamed back at him. She was so beautiful when she smiled, almost enchanting with the curve and shimmer that it brought with her. “How did your visit with Adam go?”
“He said that he was sorry for what he did to upset you,” Lucifer replied. Adam hadn’t said that exactly and hadn’t sent Lucifer to deliver the message, but the angel figured that it would help patch up what was wrong with his friends. He wanted to keep the lily that Adam had gifted him, but he knew it would do more good and bring more joy if it was in her possession. “And he said to give you this.”
She sighed as she took the flower from him. She spun it back and forth in two of her fingers as she brought the bud to her nose to sniff the sweet smell from the center of the bud. “He certainly is dedicated, isn’t he?”
“Why are you so discontent with him?” Lucifer asked. While he was beginning to question the Will of God himself, he knew that the two humans had been created for each other and thus should have been able to get along better than they were currently.
The woman huffed and brushed her long golden hair back over her shoulder. She tucked the flower between her ear and her hair so that it was stuck there while she spoke. “He doesn’t want to let me be as free as I need to be happy. He tries to stop me from creating what I want, from hunting as I wish, and from exploring outside of the Garden.”
“Outside the Garden?” Lucifer gasped. He definitely agreed with Adam on that matter, even if he could see why not letting her have a bigger say in their shared business would be a problem for her. “Lilith, there is nothing out there but sand dunes!”
“What if there isn’t?” she asked. She reached around the trunk of the tree and pointed out towards the horizon, where the moon was just barely beginning to peak up. “Can you see it, all the way out there? I want to see what that is. I don’t care if it’s nothing, or if it’s dangerous. I just want to see it.” 
Lucifer knew that they had yet to make anything other than the Garden, it was where everything was concentrated to make sure that it was good to interact with humans before they dispersed more of it amongst the earth. At least, that was what they had assumed God intended for the vast wasteland that lay along the rest of earth. “Maybe I can create something for you,” he grinned. “But you’re going to have to wait a little while longer, I’m afraid.”
The beam that had spread across her face at the idea of him creating something just for her to explore fell as she asked, “Why is that?”
He took the hand that wasn’t wrapped around the trunk of the tree and then placed it on the bottom swell of his belly. “I believe that I am going to have a child. I need to spend the next couple months of my pregnancy preparing to have a baby and conserving my magic to teach them how to use it.”
“Lucifer, when a baby is born they are helpless for months and months. They won’t be able to use magic then,” Lilith laughed as if he had said something particularly foolish.
“You don’t know that,” he shook his head. “There has never been an angelic baby born, we were wall created in our early teenage years and then grew to when we would naturally stop for our jobs and destinies,” he explained. He didn’t know what his babe was going to look like when they were born or what power they would possess at that tiny stage of their life.
They were both quiet for a bit as they considered what was going to happen in the future of their lives. Lucifer felt as though he had something much heavier than Lilith did, but he didn’t know what was going on in her mind and would never assume that he did. Eventually, she sighed and took her hand away from his stomach, “I’ll stay until the baby is old enough to watch after themself. Then, maybe that point you’ll have made something more for me to explore.”
Lucifer returned to the Garden as often as he could. Before, he had done it because it was the only place where he could get real inspiration for the things that he needed to make for Earth. 
Now he was doing it because he wanted to spend as little time around the other Seraphim and angels as possible. He had stopped going to visit Michael, worried that his naked body would reveal the life that was growing inside of him. He had stopped hanging out with the other Seraphim as often as he had before as well, usually retreating to his room as soon as he got back and only popping out when he needed to restock the food in his house or go to meetings. The isolation of it all was very hard on him, but he knew that he had to keep it up if he wanted to be safe.
He noticed the changes in his body more than he had before he realized that he was with child. His nails grew at a rate that required he clip them every other day just to make sure that he didn’t accidentally scratch himself and that he could write properly. His hair grew just as quickly, so he had gotten very adept at cutting it himself even though Beelzebub had always done it for him prior. He began to wear his clothing baggier and baggier without making a big deal out of it. He was glad that everyone in Heaven already wore loose fitting robes, it made it easier to hide his belly when it began to bloom.
He could understand how he thought his increase in appetite was the thing that was making his body change the way it was now that he was in the later stages of his pregnancy. His belly had started as a bloating in between the expanse of his hips and then turned into a teardrop, getting smaller the closer that it got to his diaphragm. He knew that there was going to be a ‘popping’ of sorts now that he was over halfway, but it felt as though it had all happened overnight. His stomach had turned from the teardrop shape into something totally round, to the point where it was obvious he was expecting a baby when he wasn’t wearing his robes.
Lucifer entered through the door that led to the Garden of Eden as he had done most days since his pregnancy began. He was uncomfortable and upset, this time because he was so horny he thought he was going to die. He hadn’t realized how cathartic it was for him to be having an orgasm or two every night for a couple of years before he was no longer getting that. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t tried to keep up on the habit, but he fell asleep every time he got into bed after a long day and he could barely even reach his cock or his cunt any longer.
He tried to keep a happy smile on his face as he walked through the Garden to find where his friends were. They had gotten along a lot better now that they both knew that Lucifer was expecting a baby, almost as if they had rallied together to support him as he went through that rather tumultuous time in his life. Just as they had been for the last couple of weeks, he found them together in a glade of grass and poppy flowers.
“Lucifer,” Lilith beamed as she saw him. She was wearing a simpler version of the clothing that she had made to protect her when she was climbing trees. They had a blanket spread out over the soft grass to stop any bugs from crawling over them as easily and to stop the grass from poking unpleasant places.
“Hello Lilith, Hello Adam,” he said as he sat down on the edge of the blanket. He set his staff down next to him and then removed the first layer of his robe so that it was more open, tilting himself up towards the sun. “I didn’t know that pregnancy was going to make me so hot.”
“In more ways that one,” Lilith giggled, her yellow eyes roving over his body.
He raised a brow at her as he tilted his head towards her, “You find me more attractive now that I have a huge watermelon strapped to my stomach than you did when I was all slender.”
He had been expected Adam to laugh or tease them as he normally did when they flirted with each other. It was something special that Lucifer shared with the humans, the ability to imply that they might share some of the intimacies that he had with Michael or what they were supposed to be doing with each other. Instead, Adam reached out and placed his hand on Lucifer’s swollen belly as he said, “You’re glowing, Lucifer. Not in the angelic way either, there’s something different about you now that you’re pregnant.”
“If that different thing means that all the horniness is building up inside of me so that I’m about to explode then we can agree on something,” he complained lightheartedly. He was trying to not pay too much attention to the way that Adam’s tenderness and compliment was making his heart flutter madly in his chest. He was having a baby and Adam had never shown any desire to be intimate with him in that kind of way, so he wouldn’t push it even though he wanted to.
“You’re horny?” Lilith asked, her hand still trailing up and down his thigh like it was going to lead somewhere. Lucifer couldn’t imagine where, he felt like he was one of the whale’s that Leviathan had pitched for the ocean during their last meeting.
“Terribly so,” he whined. He should have known better than to do something that intimate with the humans even if he joked about it with them all the time. He knew that they were barely supposed to even interact with him, but it was so hard when that want and desire was sitting so heavily in his gut. It was like it was radiating out of him, as if he had turned into the sun but made out of lust.
“What happened to the person that got you into this situation?” Lilith asked as she continued the motions with her hand. She inched forward on the blanket every couple of words so that they got closer and closer together. Lucifer could feel the heat of her body leaking off of her and into his own, which made him forget about his worries of it proceeding all the more.
“I can’t go to him, he’s an angel,” Lucifer said. He wasn’t going to tell her who had fathered his child, he was hoping that she would just take that as a good enough answer. No one was even supposed to know that he and Michael were being intimate together. That was only half of the reason that Lucifer had kept the pregnancy a secret from Heaven.
“Mm, I’m glad that you felt like you could come to me about it, then,” Lilith smirked. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. It felt different than when Michael had kissed him there, her lips chapped and almost painful against his silk-smooth skin. He didn’t mind it though because the pain shot through his body and right to his cunt, making him leak dramatically over his smalls.
He let out a breathy gasp as his head fell backwards to allow her to have more room. She then shifted so that her legs were over the top of his and her hands were on either side of his shoulders. She had caged him in, like she was a predator and he was her prey. Lucifer had never known how much he was going to enjoy the idea of that until he was stuck in the middle of it.
“Are you okay with little old me being the one to do the honors, angel?” she asked, brushing her hand down the side of his body and hovering near his belly.
“Please, Lilith. I think that if I don’t cum within the hour then I’m going to break,” he whispered. It honestly did feel like there was a fire burning inside of him that was going to burst out and shatter him if he didn’t get a handle on it.
She didn’t need to be told twice. She leaned down and caught his lips on top of her own, which reminded him once again that she was a human and thus inherently flawed. He didn’t mind it as he surged forward to chase after her lips, just to make it last a little bit longer. The way that she was touching his body felt electric and he wanted to drown himself in the feeling of it all.
She grinned when she pulled away from the kiss. She sat back on her haunches and then pulled the makeshift clothing off of her body, tossing it to the side. Nakedness wasn’t something that was considered indecent in the Garden, mostly because Lilith and Adam had to make their own clothing. When the weather was good and they weren’t doing anything that might result in them getting nicked or scratched, they often walked around their camps in nothing.
To Lucifer, though, it was the most delicious thing that he had ever seen. Adam and Lilith had been made with the same genital configuration as the angels, though they had been given it so that they could produce at least two babies at the same time instead of one baby every year. Lilith had the female presenting body, which was why she was meant to be following Adam’s lead. Her breasts were shapely and round, hanging off of her body so that it was obvious that the point of them led to her red areola and nipple. The rest of her body was a pale milky white, different from the dark tan that Adam had gotten from all his time spent out in the sun. She had beautiful hips and a trail of black hair that led down to where her cock was pointing up towards her bellybutton, already leaking.
“Should we see what you have under here, angel? I think I’d rather like to see the rest of that beautiful body,” Lilith purred as she began to pull at the rest of Lucifer’s wrapping. He moved his hips up and tugged at the fabric as well, just to get it off of him as quickly as he could. He wanted to be close to someone the same way that he had been before he had gotten pregnant, and that meant shedding the clothing that kept him safe from view of others.
When the fabric was finally off of him and pooling around them in sizable piles, Lilith pulled away to look over her partner. He could feel the yellow of her eyes taking in the perkiness of his own nipples, the way that his chest had swollen with milk for the babe inside of him despite having months to go. He could almost feel her tongue on him when he noticed the way she licked her lips at the sight of his hard cock straining against his belly.
Lucifer could feel the anticipation coiling in his gut the same way that he had when he was staring at the edge of a cloud, thinking about what it might be like to fly. He had been the first of his brethren to take flight, the first to show them what their wings were meant for and the first to experience the joy of a freefall.
He was given the same amount of ecstasy that time as he had when he had flown, a hand wrapped around his swollen member and the head drawn into the warm mouth of the first woman. He let out a cry as pleasure shocked through his system. His hands scrambled for a bit of purchase and he ended up balling up the material of the blanket underneath them so that his nails didn’t dig into his palms. He could feel his cock continuing to leak as Lilith drew it further and further into her mouth, spurred on by the little sounds that he was making.
When her nose hit his swollen belly, she reached the end of his member with her tongue. She licked all the way up his shaft until her tongue reached his slit, digging into it so that she could smear the pearly precum over her tongue and lips. She grinned wickedly at him when she pulled off so that she could ask, “How did you like that?”
“If you keep going like that then I’m not going to be able to last for very long,” he breathed. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that I was so horny I thought I might die.”
“As long as you can finish me off in turn, I don’t care how long you end up lasting,” she grinned in reply.
The Morningstar released the blanket and then hefted himself up onto his elbows so that he could better see her. It tilted his bump down slightly and gave her a different amount of access to his cock, completely blocking off his cunt from her. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t able to pleasure him in both places at once, though, because he got to see what she looked like when her hands began to wander.
Lilith took the head of his cock back into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the different texture of skin that the glans held. Her hand traveled to her breasts, pulling twice at each nipple so that they were as pert as his own before she moved on. Her mouth moved up and down his cock while her hands had a mind of her own, reaching her cunt underneath her erection. She spread her lips apart and then stuffed two fingers into herself at once, Lucifer could hear the squelch of her juices even if he wasn’t able to see what she was doing entirely.
The view that he had been provided was quickly replaced by an overwhelming rush of pleasure so strong that it whited out his vision. He let out a gasp and bucked his hips forward to chase after the pleasure. The wire that was ever-present in the recesses of his gut was tightening more and more the longer that the pleasure continued. He could feel it as it reached the height, right before it snapped and released the orgasm that he had been waiting months for.
He moaned loud and long as he collapsed back onto the blanket. His cunt clenched around nothing as the wetness that plagued him every time he shifted the wrong direction leaked down his thighs. The mouth on his cock sucked harder as his member twitched and spurted hot cum deep into Lilith’s mouth.
She pulled off of him with the same cat-like grin that she had sported when she had pounced on her prey in the first place. She was still fingering herself, two digits buried into her cunt and her thumb brushing over her cock. “Was that what you needed, angel?” she asked, almost breathless.
“It was, it was wonderful,” Lucifer nodded. He turned and kissed her, which quickly escalated. It had started as their lips pushed against one another and then their heads bucking back and forth as they tried to consume one another. Soon enough, someone had opened their mouth and now their tongues were swirling together in a dance of intimacy that felt almost as if it should have been against the rules. Lucifer could taste himself on her tongue and that simply spurred him on further.
He let his own hands explore her body, the divots of her hips and the dimples on her back. His favorite thing about her body that he hadn’t already seen was her cunt, glistening with her arousal and red from where she had been abusing it while she got him off. It was shaped similar to his, but the second set of folds was longer than the first and made it easier for him to find where she would be pleasured best.
Lucifer leaned down and licked up the length of her cock before he took the head into his mouth. Instead of delving deeper the way that she had with his own member, he simply sucked on the tip. He replaced her fingers with his own after tracing the rim of her vagina a couple of times, just to tease her and see how much she could leak before she got frustrated.
He plunged his fingers as deep into her as they would go and then began to fuck her with them. He curled them forward, back, to the side, and rubbed them against all of her walls. He kept suckling on her cock and watching the way that her face contorted with either discomfort or pleasure to learn what was working best for her. It was the first time that he had played with a pussy outside of his own, Michael had never allowed himself to be put in the rather more submissive position that Lucifer himself often took.
His eyes never strayed away from Lilith’s supple form as he fucked her. He paid attention to the way that his fingers were when she let out one of her gasping moans and how she reacted when he rubbed that spot while sucking the tip of her cock. Eventually, he felt the signature twitch that penises made when they were about to ejaculate, so he pulled off and let the pearly white or her cum decorate her stomach and the blanket next to her. He kept his fingers inside, rubbing the spot inside of her that made her almost scream with pleasure.
When she came down from the high, she let out a contented sigh and collapsed properly back down against the blanket. “Thank you for that, angel. I didn’t know how much I needed it until I had gotten it.”
“I’m here to help. Not that you didn’t also do me a favor,” he teased back. It was easy to do that kind of thing with Lilith, she smiled at his jokes even if they were bad and her laugh made him feel so special. He stretched his arms above his head and then cringed when he felt the crumbling, flaking between his legs from the cum that had dried there during his turn. “I’m going to go clean off. I’ll see you the next time I come to the garden?”
“You’d better, especially if our next visit goes anything like this one did,” she winked mischievously at him.
Lucifer felt his cheeks tinge pink as he turned around and quickly walked in the direction of the river. He was going to have to delve further into his thoughts and feelings for the humans that he had surrounded himself with. He had a lot going in his mind already, though, so he figured that it could wait a little bit.
By the time that Lucifer hit eight months pregnant, he was absolutely exhausted. He found it a struggle to avoid falling asleep during the meetings that he had with the other angels. He spent most of his time down in the Garden either eating the foods that the humans offered him or dosing with one of them in the shade. 
There was also a fair bit of time that he spent with Lilith buried in him, either her tongue or fingers or cock. He had yet to figure out what it meant when his heart fluttered while she laughed or his stomach became twisted in knots when he thought of her. He just knew that he liked the way he felt when he was around her, the same way that he liked being around Adam but also somehow different. He knew that for the time being, he could find protection and solace amongst the humans of the Garden.
He stumbled through the door of the Garden after writing his name down underneath the other lines he had already left. If any other angel that was as high as him had as much interest in the Garden as he did, then he surely would have already gotten caught and interrogated about why he was spending so much time with the humans suddenly. Thankfully, he was the only one that wanted to go and visit Adam and Lilith that much so the markings had gone unnoticed.
As soon as the door had shut behind him, he unwound some of the heavy material from his robes so that his belly and skin could breath. He felt huge, like he had become one of the stars in the sky that he had gotten his namesake from. He knew that wasn’t true, he was just more aware of his body than he would have been if the change was a bit more gradual. While the majority of his brain was not enthused about the idea of him looking as he did, he knew that it was better that the baby make him swell than to be born quite yet. He had only just barely fashioned a cot for them to sleep in and hadn’t quite figured out how he was going to introduce an angelic baby to the rest of his friends.
He walked through the grassy forest of the Garden until he came across the home that Adam had made for himself. He walked a bit further so that he was near the river, standing on the grass that made up the area around the frequently tread path. He slowly lowered himself down and then let out a long sigh as he tried to find a comfortable position.
It wasn’t long before one of his friends found him, Adam returning from the foraging that he had done for his evening meal. “I was wondering when you were going to show up today. Have you had any more of those pains from yesterday?”
“No, I think it was only a false alarm,” Lucifer sighed. He didn’t know how angelic pregnancies differed from the ones that the first man and woman would experience, but God had mentioned something about pains happening before labor began. He’d only have two of them while he was the Garden and one when he was trying to sleep later that night, which made for a total of three. He doubted that his baby was going to be making an appearance after such a lackluster announcement.
“That lets me have a bit more time with you, then,” Adam grinned as he sat down beside his friend. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than I was yesterday, I promise. I’m about done being pregnant, though. I would like the baby to stay in there for only a couple more days and then I’m done,” Lucifer placed one hand on the top of his rounded stomach, which was exposed to the warm air and son of the Garden.
Adam’s hand lifted and nervously moved towards his friend before Lucifer tugged him into position. The angel quickly shifted them around so that he was between Adam’s legs and the man was behind him. He leaned back against his friend as he took both of Adam’s hands and placed them underneath his bump. “Do you want to feel how heavy the baby is?” he asked.
“How would I do that? They’re still inside of you,” Adam argued.
“Just lift up really gently,” Lucifer replied. He was unable to stop the grin from spreading over his pale features. It was something that he had discovered when he had been experimenting with different ways to wrap his robe around himself. He had placed one of the stretches of fabric underneath his heavy belly and then pulled up, which distributed the weight of his baby in a different way that actually relieved some of the tension in his back and hips.
A beat passed where Adam was likely deliberating about whether or not Lucifer was pulling his leg. Eventually, he did as he was asked and slowly pressed upwards with his hands. Lucifer let out a moan close to the noise that he made when he was orgasming as the weight was finally lifted from him. “Woah, they really are solid in there,” Adam commented as he hefted the weight gently in his hands. 
“You’re telling me. It gets annoying when they’ve been rattling around in there and kicking me all night,” he chuckled.
Adam looked to be in amazement that his friend’s body was doing something so intricate so naturally. It was just a small taste of what would likely happen in his mind when he or Lilith had their first baby. He placed Lucifer’s stomach back where it belonged but didn’t remove his hands, allowing them to rest on the top of the bump. “What do you think you want to name the baby when they come?”
“I was thinking something like Satan or Damon, I like both of those names,” Lucifer said.
“They don’t sound very angelic, too harsh on the tongue,” Adam shook his head. “What about something like Asmodeus?”
Just then, the baby gave a sharp kick to the center of Adam’s left palm, as if approving of the name that their father’s friend had given them.
Lucifer laughed and settled further back against his friend. “I think that he likes it. I like the name Asmodeus, it fits with the rest of the Seraphims.”
“They kicked me! Lucifer, they kicked me,” Adam beamed. He leaned down so that his head was closer to his friend’s swollen belly. He spoke directly to the baby, though his dark green eyes were flickering over to Lucifer with every word so that he could see what the angel thought of his actions. “I’m very excited to meet you, little one. I’ve heard that you’ve been causing your papa here a lot of grief and that’s not very nice. Be better to him and maybe I can show you some of the prettiest flowers in the garden when you decide to make your appearance.”
Lucifer felt as if his entire heart was going to burst in his chest when he saw how sweet Adam was being about the baby. Lilith was kind enough, but it seemed as though the thing that excited her most about his pregnancy was how horny it made him instead of the idea of another life coming into the world. It was nice to know that not only did Adam care about him enough to take care of him, but also cared about his unborn baby. He couldn’t want to see what the first man would do when he conceived his first child.
He had almost drifted off into the dozing form that was always tugging on him when he realized where the sun had gotten to. He usually tried to make it to the Garden earlier in the day, but things during his morning had distracted him from getting there on time. The finishing touches on the crib for the baby and his mid-morning nap had taken a lot of his day from him. He had still wanted to come visit Adam, but they had been laying in the grass for almost an hour together. That meant that he was at least twenty minutes late for the meeting that he was supposed to be at so that he could maintain his cover.
He whimpered as he pulled himself out of Adam’s arms, the sudden movement triggering another one of the pains he had experienced the day before. It started at the base of his spine and then spread out in a crescent along his hips before it traveled all the way around his pelvis. The last thing that it did was wrap around his belly and constrict it as tightly as it could. He felt almost like he could feel each divot and limb that the baby had because of how tight his muscles were in that present moment.
He let out a low breath as he tried to get the pain and pressure to leave him alone but to no avail. Adam was up in a second, helping Lucifer stand like he had done the day before. “Are you okay?”
“I have to get back to Heaven. I have a meeting that I’m late for,” he said instead of answering the question that he had been asked. He knew that he wasn’t alright, that something was wrong, but acknowledging it made it all too real. He had been trying to avoid the idea of the actual birth since he had realized that he was carrying his little babe. The logical part of him knew that it would come and there was no other way that the baby would come into the world, but no one had ever done it before and so he was scared.
“I can walk you back to the door,” Adam volunteered.
Lucifer shook his head and gave his friend a shaky smile. “I know that you are only trying to help, but I have to do this alone. If you’re shown being too attached to me then it could mean bad things for us both.”
Adam didn’t look too sure about that but nodded his head anyway. He walked Lucifer back to the camp and helped him get his robe back onto his body in the way that disguised the size of his stomach. Instead of walking back to the gate like he did when he had time or since he had started doing post-pregnancy reveal, Lucifer summoned up a well of his magic and teleported to the outside of the meeting room. 
As soon as his body rematerialized where he had asked it to, he knew that he had made the wrong decision. His hand met the brick wall as bile crept up into the back of his throat. He gagged twice before the contents of his stomach, including the berries that he had shared with Adam on the riverbank, spewed back up and down onto the ground.
It wasn’t impossible for angels to get sick but it was very uncommon. They didn’t have the same type of bodies as the humans had and thus were not susceptible to the same kind of viruses and bacteria. There were a couple of things that they could do that would cripple their bodies or cause adverse reactions. Overindulging in food was one of them, as was overworking their physical forms. It was one of the reasons each of them had a bed and a bathroom in their homes despite not technically needing either of those things to function.
Lucifer himself had only been sick once before. He found out that oranges didn’t agree with his system in the slightest and had become bedridden for an entire week as his body purged it from his system. He had seen Leviathan and Beelzebub both get sick from overworking themselves, though that never seemed to be a problem for Mammon or Belphegor.
The door behind him opened as someone stepped out, likely having heard Lucifer being sick. “Lucifer?” Belphegor’s voice rang out through the hallway that he was standing in. He still hadn’t pulled himself away from the wall as he tried to keep the nausea at bay despite his body trying to cling to it.
“I’m alright,” he managed.
“You most certainly are not. Did you have another orange when you were down in the Garden? Is that why you’re late?” she asked. Her voice was so prim and proper that it almost made Lucifer feel like he was a child being scolded despite them not being family in that way.
“No, I just got ill after I teleported out here. I’m sorry for being late to the meeting, we can go in and things can get started,” he waved her away. He could already feel another one of the pains beginning to creep up his back. He had been under the impression that once labor actually started it would be much slower than what was happening now. Perhaps something had happened with his magic that was expediting the process, which was why he had been so wary of doing anything with it after knowing that he was pregnant.
“Sera can do something without us,” Belphegor replied easily. She placed a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder and said, “They’d likely send me with you anyway, once they found out that you were sick. I’m helping you.”
He couldn’t object to her any more than he already had as another wave of nausea took over him. She gave his arm a brief squeeze before she poked her head into the meeting room again. He could briefly hear her telling the other Seraphim that Lucifer had tried another citrus fruit that really wasn’t agreeing with his system and that she was going to take care of him. Knowing that he would have someone with him when he gave birth was a massive relief, he had to admit that to himself at least.
When Belphegor returned, she took his hand and began to slowly lead him through the winding streets that led to their homes. She opened the door with a swirl of her hand and then brought him to his bathroom. “How else are you feeling, other than the nausea?”
“I have these horrible cramps,” he sighed as he collapsed down onto the closed lit of his toilet.
She nodded her head in understanding as she began to get him out of his robes. “I’ve heard that’s rather common when someone is in labor, as is the nausea. Do you think that you’re going to be sick again?”
“You know?” Lucifer asked. He had never actually told her that he was pregnant or that he was going to be giving birth in the imminent future, so he wasn’t quite sure how she had figured it out.
“Lucifer, I am the angel that has come up with most of the sicknesses and their cures,” she replied. He could see the pain that it still caused her to know that she was responsible for the things that would be taxing the humans once they were populating the earth. He felt the same when it came to the animals that he had created where their only purpose was to fuel the bigger beasts that ate them, including humans. “I knew that you were pregnant the moment that you started spending more time in the Garden. Were you hoping that the humans could help you?”
He shook his head, “I knew that they couldn’t, neither of them have conceived or given birth yet so they’re just as lost as I am. They were the only ones that I thought knew so I tried to find comfort with them.”
His friend looked at him with a sad expression and cupped the side of his face. “You’re not alone anymore, I’m here with you,” she promised.
She finished getting him out of the baggy robes that he wore to hide his belly and then changed him into something far more comfortable. It had a series of buttons and laces on the front that could turn it into multiple different garments but the way that Lucifer wore it allowed it to be somewhat open in the front while also giving him privacy. It was loose fitting around his belly and sensitive chest, but tight enough that it wouldn’t snag on anything.
They paced around his small home while each contraction came and went. Belphegor was by his side the entire time, helping him find something to lean against when the pains came and then helping him stand and move when they were gone. She was able to get him to eat about half an apple and drink an entire glass of water while they worked together. Eventually, his waters broke all over the rug in front of his bed during one of the worst contractions that he’d had yet.
“You’re alright, don’t worry about it. It’s just water and I can get it out later,” Belphegor reminded him when she noticed the way that he was staring down at the growing puddle at his feet.
“Doesn’t this mean that the baby is going to start coming faster?” he asked.
“Not necessarily. And weren’t you just complaining that you didn’t want to have to be in pain anymore? This is the way to do it,” Belphegor chuckled as she led him back to his little bathroom.
He couldn’t say anything to her after that, simply reaching panickily towards the sink. He leaned heavily against it as another contraction tore through his system. The other angel focused on filling his bathtub, which she helped him step into once the water was at a good temperature and level.
That was, of course, when a knock on the door rang through the rest of the house and got both of their attention. Belphegor motioned for him to stay in the tub while she went to investigate, which Lucifer was okay with because he wasn’t sure if he could get up even if he wanted to. He had shifted so that he was on his knees with his legs spread far enough apart that it felt like his pelvis had changed shape completely. He breathed out slowly as he rocked through the contraction, though the water was definitely helping his labor.
“Hello?” Belphegor asked as she opened the door of Lucifer’s home to their unwelcome guest.
“I heard that Lucifer was sick. I was wondering if I could come and be of some assistance,” Michael said.
At the sound of his ex-lover’s voice, a rush of adrenaline and panic rushed through the Morningstar. The last thing that he wanted to deal with was another angel, especially the one that was closest to God outside of His literal voice. As if sensing that he was desiring for someone to go away instead of welcoming the help that was being offered to him by the Allmighty’s hand, the baby slipped lower in Lucifer and he felt something that made him call out for his friend.
She rushed back into the bathroom as quickly as she could, asking, “What? What’s wrong?”
“I think that I can feel the head,” he breathed.
“You didn’t mention anything about needing to push when I got you into the bathtub,” Belphegor nearly chastised as she collapsed down next to the bath beside him. She rinsed her hands off and then reached down into the water of the tub so that she could check Lucifer’s cervix, as she had many times since helping him labor. The only problem with that was the head of the baby preventing her from getting into his vaginal canal in the slightest. She sucked in a sharp breath and then said, “You’re right, that’s the head. I want you to stay calm and breath through the contractions as you push.”
Lucifer whimpered as he reached out for her. She helped him wrap his arms around her body so that he was leaning half out of the bathtub and pushing down into the water. He clung to her as hard as he could each time he got a contraction and pushed as hard as he could, eager for the pain to be over. He opened his eyes just long enough during one of his breaks to see that Michael was standing there. 
He had loved the other angel dearly despite them agreeing that wasn’t something they could do in their relationship. He felt his heart shatter in his heart as he watched the Sword of God turn around and high-tail it out of his little house. He could hear the wind whistling through the open door at the front of his home, Michael hadn’t even bothered to close it in his desperation to run away from the problem that he had helped create.
Belphegor brushed Lucifer’s hair off of his forehead as she felt down in the water again. “Good, you’re doing so well. I can already feel the whole head and the cord is nowhere in sight. I want you to let go of my now and reach down. Cup the head with your hands so that when the rest of the body comes out you can lift him onto your chest,” she instructed. Her voice was so calm and level that it eased the panic that had been sitting heavy in Lucifer’s chest ever since he had gotten pregnant in the first place.
He did as he was asked, unweaving his arms from around her neck and sitting back against the tub as he reached down for the babe. It felt magical, to touch his baby with his hands for the first time even if they were still connected to his body through the process of their birth. Another contraction interrupted his thoughts before he had even finished having them and he bore down again.
It took a single push for the shoulders and the rest of the babe’s body to be born, bringing Asmodeus into the world. Lucifer let out a gasp of surprise at the rate with which his baby was born, but was able to bring him up and out of the water just as he took his first breath and began to cry. The angel brought his son closer to his body as he collapsed down onto the water.
Someone had apparently been walking by the door when Asmodeus was born because Mammon appeared in the doorway to the bathroom. “Shit, man. You should have told us that you were planning on popping out a little sproggy today. We would have moved the meeting,” he joked.
“Are you here to help or to cause problems?” Belphegor asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I guess I can help,” the other Seraphim shrugged.
Lucifer stopped paying attention to either of them after that. The only thing that he could focus on was the tiny life that he had spent the last nine months creating. As an angel, and one of them on the Counsel of God no less, he knew what it was like to create something that was living. Growing a being inside of him and then enduring hours of pain to bring them into the world was an entirely different feeling. He knew that he would endure every moment of anxiety and panic afterwards if it meant that he got to hold his baby son in his arms again.
The next three hours were a whirl in his mind. He delivered the afterbirth, a mess of blood vessels and flesh that had helped keep Asmodues alive in the womb, and was then checked by Belphegor. When she determined that he needed rest but no stitches or medication. He was toweled off and then moved into his bed. He felt sticky around his neck and hair and he knew he was bleeding out of his cunt, but it didn’t matter. Asmodeus had been cleaned and checked over by the other angel as well, so they were settled into bed together.
The babe was sleeping against a pillow on Lucifer’s bed as the angel dozed beside him. Despite the effort it had taken to get him there, the Morningstar couldn’t find the restfulness inside of him that was required to sleep. He wanted to stay as awake as he could and simply gaze down at his tiny baby boy. He hummed gently to him so that the baby could sleep more, though he noticed that Mammon also adjusted in his sleep. Belphegor had left after she determined that everything was fine so she could sleep in her own bed, but Mammon had agreed to stay so that if anything happened he could get her.
The door to Lucifer’s home opened and another unexpected visitor entered. Dark hair and eyes immediately clued the Seraphim into the fact that it was Michael. Anger brewed in him for a moment as he wanted to demand where the other angel got off on abandoning him during the terror of birth only to come in when everything had settled. He had already missed their son’s first meal, first dressing, and first breath. In Lucifer’s mind, that meant that the other angel shouldn’t get to see anything else either.
He had been laying on the bed when the door was opened, so he remained there to see what would happen. He may have been sore from the birth, but he already knew that he could overpower Michael if the other angel tried to do anything to his baby.
Michael crossed over the floor, giving Mammon a wide berth, before he picked up the baby. He cradled the little one in his arms like he had been the one preparing for nine months instead of Lucifer. He brushed his fingers over the side of Asmodeus’ face and said, “I swear that you will live a happy life full of people that love you. I apologize that I cannot be one of these people for you.”
He couldn’t stand the idea of his baby being in the arms of another any longer, so he sat up on the bed. Lucifer had apparently startled the other angel because Michael jerked back, waking Asmodeus in the process. Lucifer held his arms out for his son and then immediately soothed him like it was second nature, rocking him gently back and forth. He then turned to his ex-lover and asked, “What are you doing with him?”
“I came to say goodbye to him,” Michael said.
“Goodbye? You’ve hardly even said hello,” he scoffed.
“Lucifer. You knew in the beginning of our dalliance that I would never be anything more than a means to an end. I don’t know why you’re acting shocked now,” he shook his head as if the other angel was foolish.
Lucifer could feel tears welling in his eyes, though it was nothing compared to the anger that was already burning away in his veins. How dare an angel that had abandoned him during the worst time of his life come into his own home and try to humiliate him? “I’m upset because it’s not just me now. I knew that you didn’t love me and that you refused to let yourself admit that you enjoyed my company outside of what I could do for your cock. I’m upset because Asmodeus deserves better.”
“Perhaps he does, but that is entirely the fault of his father,” Michael replied as he turned and walked out. He closed the door this time, which made it feel all the more final.
Lucifer wrapped his arms around his baby a bit tighter, just to remind himself that Asmodeus was there and perfectly safe as he laid them down on the bed. He would love his son enough for two parents, cherish him enough for all of Heaven, and adore him enough to rival the way God looked upon humans.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
what is your stance on the "amelia or at least sams life with her was only a hallucination his already damaged psyche conjured up after suffering a psychotic break"-theory?
umm not a fan. Like... not for me, at all. But the way I'm not a fan has evolved a little over the years, haha, so to expand --
I get why people are into it. I mean, the filming choices are so batshit weird (why that gross golden vaseline filter? why drop in flashbacks every time Jared looked constipated in the main timeline?) that it's easy to go It Was All A Dream, no matter how cheesy that is.
Goof-ass cinematography aside, though, I know the reason a lot of people want to reject it out of hand is that "Sam would have looked for Dean." I get it; it's tough that he didn't. But there's a difference between Sam should have looked and Sam necessarily must have, and the fact that he didn't is so OOC we have to invent a full on AU for him. I mean, for one thing, the actual canon information as presented doesn't contravene the idea that Sam did actually try but failed, and gave up* after failing. He was alone with a busted car, zero help (Bobby dead, angels not listening, demons not answering the phone, etc), and had no idea if Dean was dead or just winked from existence (because why would he assume that he went to Purgatory?). With zero leads and dead ends at every turn, it's very easy to insert like a month of him failing and then he hits a dog -- and then, because he feels intensely guilty, telling Dean that he didn't really try, because his efforts were so paltry that he can't even count them as trying.
...but even that isn't really that much of an argument. One thing that I find happens a lot with the Winchesters in fandom discussions, but especially with Sam, is like... not allowing them the dignity of their choices. Which -- like, duh, they're fictional characters, they're written a certain way. But there's a real tendency to leap to OOC claims or "the writers don't know what they're doing!!" whenever it's something we wish the character wouldn't have done because we don't like it. But like... that's not how characters work. Characters do shit I don't like all the time; it doesn't mean they didn't do it, and that I shouldn't try to fold even that disliked thing into my conception of who the character is. (Important caveat: there's a great post by astolat that talks about the venn diagrams of audience belief and canonicity in texts with multiple writers that makes this more complicated. Still, I think that variability comes in small details as she mentions in that post, or indeed dumb little moments of Jensen improv in spn canon, rather than whole-ass plot arc decisions.)
Sam stopped looking for/didn't look for Dean when he disappeared. That's interesting. Kinda sucks, and the show and Sam himself point out multiple times that it kinda sucks, but that doesn't make it uninteresting or OOC, especially given the Sam we have who is nigh indomitable. The fact that it was his choice speaks to a Sam who's really just... beaten down. And why wouldn't he be? Slings and arrows from birth all the way to age 27 when he threw himself into the worse torture imaginable -- then he got saved, hallegoddamnlujah, and he thought maybe he'd be there with Dean, living a life he could choose for once instead of one he'd been forced into by destiny -- and then it was just another apocalypse, and enemies on all sides, and every friend and ally and hope just torn away, one by one. It's a miracle he got to keep the car. I can see that Sam, in that last torn circumstance, just -- going into hiding. He hits a dog and then inertia keeps him in one place, spinning his wheels. He meets a girl and she kinda sucks but she's prickly and rude and not-samey enough to prod him back up into life, and at that point it's been months and Dean's gone and he thinks, if this is life I guess I can live it. He can't go back to the shell of a life he loved with Dean and it's just... too much. He's always been very, very good at putting one foot in front of the other. (It's why he manages to live after the finale.)
Now, does Sam regret that choice, such as it was? Sure. (Not that I think he could've changed anything about it.) Doesn't mean he didn't make it. It also beautifully informs the arc of that year, moving from one choice to another -- from abdicating responsibility to taking on the ultimate responsibility. And it's really really REALLY interesting to me in the long-form story spn tells about Sam and the Most Interesting Long-form Character Development Ever. He's a startling advocate for his own agency and holds it in tight reins; I'm not interested in pretending he isn't, either for Martyr!Sam headcanons or any strong weird wincest-only stanning. Plus, Amelia-the-mistress as parallel for Benny-the-mistress is just too good to give up.
s8's awesome. It doesn't need weird St. Elsewhere headcanons to make it somehow excusable.
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rcksmith · 3 years
The Agreement part.2 — Kaz Brekker
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Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader.
Warnings of series: Convenience/arranged marriage, swearing, mention of fight, mention of death, mention of desire, fluff, sensual, mention of post-traumatic stress.
Warnings of chapter: swearing.
Word count: 4k
A/N: I hope you guys like.💖
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are closet. Love you ❤️
— — — —
“What?!” Your exclamation came out louder than intended, and perhaps sharper than expected.
The salty sea breeze came through the window once more. The smell of salt and ocean invaded the room and for a second it felt like being in a ship's cabin at sea.
Kaz looked at you as if you were some child. Or someone deaf. But if he was swimming in acidic thoughts, he didn't say them.
"Think carefully." His voice was firm and explicit, the ones men use to convince women of something. “You want freedom, don't you? Live your life without having to fulfill a man's whims or your father's expectations. You wants to be able to snow on a ship without having a date to go back and make your own destiny. You want just needing to care what new adventure knocks on your door and what promise of wonders life awaits. It is not?"
How did he figure it out so well in such a short time? Was he too shrewd or were you too transparent?
You nodded, unable to say anything. Perhaps out of perplexity at how Kaz read you so easily. Or maybe the way he looked like an overpoweringly beautiful fallen angel in the moonlight.
“And the only way to do that is to get married.”
You frowned. “As I recall, Brekker, I came here just so I wouldn't have to get married.”
“And it's a stupid plan.” God, you wanted to kill him. “You asked me to have the Dregs take you to the harbor without your father's spies noticing. But it turns out your father's spies already know you're here.”
Your breath was lost somewhere between lungs and nose.
“Since you arrived, the noise from the Crow Club downstairs has become less shrill. And this is not typical criminal behavior. Either they have adopted good manners or someone they know they should fear has joined the Club.” Kaz sat more relaxed in the armchair behind his desk, his dark blue eyes locked on you. “I would bet on the second option.”
“So I came here for nothing?” You were starting to get angry at his beating around the bush. Because you knew it was manipulation. Brekker was laying the groundwork and you understood that.
“I did not say that. Turns out you can never get rid of your father. Not when he's a man with the purchasing power able to buy an entire country. There will always be someone who will recognize you, someone who will find you. And for the right price, the whole world is capable of being bribed. You would run away only to be chased by other spies, other people wanting the reward your father will give to whoever brings you back home.”
Very early on, you realized that Kaz Brekker was capable of crushing dreams as easily as crushing an insect. His destructive power was colossal and you saw all of your desires floating under his palm. Waiting just for him to brutally clench his fist and crush them.
But that's not what he did.
“You'll only get what you want if you follow his orders.” The breeze came through the window once more, ruffling her charcoal hair. “But if you can't defeat your enemies, change the rules of the game.”
“And is that where marriage to you comes in?”
“See it.” His body leaned very gently across the table towards you, it was a millimeter and ridiculous gesture, but it felt like him standing a breath away from you. “What you need is to get married. But marrying someone who doesn't give a damn about what you're going to do, and don’t have expectations of you. Someone who is not interested in home life, family life or Any other things you can offer other than money.”
Any other things you can offer. The night breeze this time was accompanied by an impure, almost obscene scene of the fallen angel in front of you on a bed of black duvets and caustic weather. A moment when the ends of his black hair brushed your forehead and your nose, moving back and forth as followed the rhythm of his hips and…
The sea breeze was gone, taking the obscene image with it and bringing back your common sense. For a second you wondered where that came from! You hadn't been in his presence for more than two hours and the entire compilation of what it was like Kaz Brekker, so far, had frightened you and attracted you in an absurdly dangerous way.
"And are that you came, I suppose." You hoped your voice couldn't give away your impure thoughts from seconds ago. “Do you want us to form an alliance where you receive my dowry and in return I am free from my father's demands and can do as I please with my freedom?"
“Alliance is a very strong term for what we are doing here.” He was succinct, “I would tell you to look at this as a business transaction. A marriage document is still just a piece of paper. And nothing else. Don't get carried away by sentimentalism. Things only have feelings if you want them to.”
Kaz was right, you knew that. For all your belief in true love and the many books romance novels you devoured, you still understood that a marriage could very well be seen as a business translation. It are a sad, cold way to see something so beautiful, but it still true.
“I have no interest in anything other than your dowry and you have no interest other than freedom. So what I'm proposing is something very sensible and objective. When we get married, your father will set you free, and you won't have any husband to please or any other crap. I don't want and don't expect anything from you, I don't care if you're sailing to Ravka or venturing on The Fold.”
“Do you want the money out of greed or despair?”
Kaz took a second to get a better look at you after that sneaky question. You had asked the correct question amid so many banalities and he realized that you were more cunning than you looked.
If he wanted to know your secrets, you also wanted to know his.
“A bit of both.” He was sincere.
“And what do you intend to do with my father's industries? Because you would win them too. And any misdirection could end up reducing my father's empire to nothing, and I don't want him to see the thing he loves most in ruins.”
Brekker heard the feelings in your voice. There was a hidden pang of hurt, but a lot of determination and honesty. You loved your father and understood him, even if you didn't agree with his principles. You had a fair and upright nature and were able to move mountains to get things done the way you thought was right. That was a red flag for Kaz. You were a good person. And he not.
He could never promise you things that go back to a good guy. But he could promise you honesty and justice. Kaz Brekker would never take something from someone the way it was taken from him so many years ago. He was a monster. But never in the same category as Pekka.
“I have no interest in having an empire doomed to fail.” His eyes were serious. “My motivation has always been greed. Why would I sink the company that is capable of making me such a rich man?”
He would have to be an idiot to let such a lucrative business go. And Kaz Brekker was anything but an idiot.
“Would you let me do anything I want?”
“I have no interest in what you don't or do.”
You hesitated for a second, as if remembering another detail. “My father doesn't believe in divorce, and even if he did, I would be pressured to remarry. Do you understand that we couldn't divorce?”
“I have no desire to marry again. And you might as well get other men you want without making a fuss, without your father finding out.” Always rational and objective. Without any inclination to the heart's desires. “There is no room in this world for feelings. Much less in this agreement. If you fall in love with someone you will have to be content with just relating to them, not getting married. And it seems like a small price to pay for so many benefits.”
It was the perfect plan. Did you know that. It was rational, objective and cunning. Something advantageous for both without costing too much. But why did you feel that something could go very wrong? You were a romantic person and you knew you could see things where they didn't exist. The truth was, you would have to leave your heart completely out of the picture.
Just a business transaction.
Brekker seemed to see a hint of hesitation in your eyes.
“It's very simple, Ms. Y/L/N.” That voice that gave you goose bumps hovered in front of you. “You marry me and you still have your freedom, because I don't give a damn about what you do after.”
“20 million from Kruges. Rich.” his eyes gleamed with a deep glow.
“And how do I know this isn't a trick?”
“I don't promise lies.” His firm face was serious “I won't give you happiness, Y/n. Much less love. Love doesn't exist in Kerch. But I will give you freedom, independence, a comfortable life that you are accustomed. And it seems to be much more than you have now.”
You knew you could be making a deal with the devil. Selling your soul to that man with the face of a fallen angel and the aura of Lucifer. But what choice did you have?
You couldn't go back if you sealed that deal. That man would be bound whit you, even by a piece of paper, for a lifetime. Was it worth the price? You didn't care for your father's press to want to be in the management and you had a lot more money than twenty million Kruges. What would you be missing? Your chance to marry one day whit someone you came to love? But if you came home without someone one day from now your father would marry you to a gargoyle. And the way out to flee no longer seemed a viable option.
Yes, it was worth it.
Seeming to see from the glint in your eyes that you've made a decision, Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel, reached out a leather-gloved hand toward you. His eyes sparkled with a mysterious spark, the scent of male cologne with a hint of danger lurking around the room. And for a moment, you felt a shiver go up your spine and the feeling that your life had just begun.
“Agree to marry me?” He said.
The feeling was that you were about to embark on the greatest adventure of your life. You didn't know what that little stunt with Kaz Brekker awaited you. But you would find out.
“Yes.” You took his hand in a firm, intense handshake that held a million secrets.
A satisfied, victorious smile came to his lips. And whenever Kaz gave him that expression, it felt like seeing the fallen angel that was the reason so many humans sinned. The clouds in the sky shifted, moving out of the moon's path and making the distilled rays of light shimmer more brightly. His black hair and white skin were graced with those bundles, and for a second his beauty was overwhelming.
You held your breath.
Brekker continued to say something, but you couldn't pay attention. Your heart began to race, the moonlight following in his footsteps as Kaz got up from his chair and went to fetch some papers from across the room. You couldn't tear your eyes away from him. His body was taller and thinner than you deduced when he was sitting down. Kaz had long, slender legs beneath black straight-cut pants, his chest was broad and his waist was narrow. For a second, you felt like running your hand over the contours of his body.
You shifted your attention forward abruptly. Focusing eyes on something else.
That was the curse of handsome men. They fooled women and made them daydream. With his underworld god beauty and mysterious aura with a touch of danger, Kaz Brekker was overwhelmingly attractive. And your blood reacted to that. Any woman would have reacted the same way.
“And we'll have to leave tomorrow morning…” he sat opposite you again.
“Sorry, what?”
You turned your attention to his words, not remembering half of what he said seconds ago. Kaz looked at you intently this time, squinting his eyes millimetrically, as if he was trying to guess which paths your mind had wandered in for the past two minutes.
“Your deadline is the day after tomorrow, isn't it?”
"Yes." You got back to the core of the problem once more. “The trip to my house takes a few hours. Half a day if it's raining.”
Kaz had his eyes on the papers in his hands, maybe they were maps or documents, but you didn't feel like craning your neck to see what it was. Leaning over to view the papers meant getting closer to Brekker, and two hours in his presence was enough for you to understand that nothing good would happen if you got any closer. Or maybe you didn't trust your own feelings and emotions.
“This will have to be done very discreetly.” He didn't look up from his papers. “If any rumors about our deal reach the wrong people, your father will hear about our plan. And that meant you will being forced to marry someone else, and me without my money. Does anyone know you're here because you planned to run away?”
You shook your head. “No. I didn't get to tell my friends. But now that the plan is different, I intend to tell a friend that…”
“You can't tell anyone.” Kaz lifted ocean blue eyes to you in an electrifying look that made you shiver.
“And what is supposed to say to my friends?” You felt a pang of indignation.
“That we are in love.”
This time, your breath was gone. The phrase was like pouring gasoline on an old, flammable woodpile. And you were afraid of what might be the match that would set off a fire.
Kaz noticed your reaction and was amused by it. “Just say some nonsense about falling in love with a criminal. It wouldn't be the first time a rich little girl has fallen in love with the bad guy, and I guarantee it won't be the last.”
“And you won't tell anyone about the truth too?” You wanted to change the focus you.
“I don't have to answer to anyone.”
This time you gave a smug smile and crossed your arms in an insolent gesture. “So everyone will think the infamous Kaz Brekker, Dirty Handes and Ketterdam's most dangerous gangster is in love with a rich little girl?”
Kaz narrowed his eyes at your teasing.
“It won't be the first time that the man with a bad temper and dangerous soul falls in love with the little girl. And I'm sure it won't be the last.” You said.
You were provocative, witty and stubborn. You would always hit at the same height and loved to show people that could very well play their game. Brekker unraveled this perfectly. You weren't the kind of woman who would be peaceful, serene, and calm. You wouldn't be like Inej. You would not take his orders and his taunts in silent, contained rage. You were intense. And that was a danger.
Why did he get the feeling you were so much more than he imagined?
“Let's go to your house tomorrow morning. Nine in the morning.” He changed the subject. “I'll go with you and we'll get married.”
"My father must be preparing everything by now." You sighed. “He takes his promises very seriously and I have no doubt that, when I returns, the ceremony scene will be set in the party garden.”
Partly you were relieved about it now. Planning a ceremony are intense and personal. You never really thought about getting married, but you always imagined that if one day it happened it would be the man of your dreams. And you didn't know if you would want to organize a fake wedding. There were certain things that were inevitable to keep the heart from breaking.
“Better yet, the faster the better.”
The two of you discussed some more details of the plan in the next few hours. It was agreed that Kaz would pick you up at nine from your hotel tomorrow, in an elegant hired carriage (which you obviously would be paying for) and the two of you would go to your house in Kerch. For all intents and for all people, the truth would be that the two of you were in love. It was such a typical cliché that it wouldn't be the least bit hard to believe.
And after a while, you two could already show yourself to the world as a couple who barely saw each other. Rich society was full of them: marriage with coldness and distance, where the man has his bets and lovers and the woman her travels and her jewelry. Your father would surely understand and leave you alone. After all, he had gotten a son-in-law to inherit his empire. A young son-in-law with blood for business who would make your father extremely satisfied. However, now the two of you had to look like a couple in love. And the reality of the situation was a secret that only the two of you would take with you to the tomb.
But, that night it was difficult for you to sleep. Anxiety, restlessness and fear gnawed at you like cunning mice, rolling you from side to side in bed, whispering in your ears millions of futures where everything could go wrong. Where not even Kaz Brekker's plans could free you from the clutches of one of your father's suitors.
When the clock struck seven in the morning, you jumped out of bed with unsettling, restless energy. You didn't like feeling helpless and waiting for Brekker to show up was exactly the definition of a princess in trouble. You had to do something.
- -
“What do you mean to get married?!” Jesper choked on his breakfast, and Nina nearly spit out all her orange juice.
Kaz rolled his eyes and continued sorting through the documents on the large round table. He was going to be gone for a few days at most and needed the people he trusted most to take care of business while he was gone. There were a lot of robberies to do and Kaz spent the night crafting and modifying plans for options where he wasn't involved. He had made a list of what needed to be checked at ports and what needed to be resupplied at Crow clube.
The plan was to marry you when they arrived in Kerch and return to Crow Club the next day. Kaz knew he would have to bring you, the two of you would have to stay together until your dowry was delivered to him. After that you could go on any adventure you wanted.
But dealing with the Crows was being more exasperating than Kaz could have expected.
"I didn't even know you had a girlfriend!" Wylan was in shock.
"Nobody knew!" Nina and Inej had their chins on the floor. Matthias was the only one who didn't seem to care so much.
"I didn't know the affairs of my private life were your business." Kaz didn't look up from the papers he kept in folders for the stupid ones.
"But you never said anything." Inej said.
"It was the intention."
"It's with Y/n, isn't it?" Jesper had bright eyes and a gleeful gambling smile stretched across his lips.
Kaz looked up at the boy with chocolate creamy skin, and his eyes narrowed slightly.
“She spent hours in yours office last night.”
"Oh my Santis!" Inej, Nina and Wylan exclaimed at once, eyes wide.
"The daughter of the richest man in Kerch." Wylan said.
"YOUR DOG!" Jesper clapped Kaz on the shoulder with an open palm, a loud laugh echoing and joy filling his voice.
Kaz suppressed the urge to look at the spot where Jesper had touched him. It had been years since he'd gotten over the most brutal aversion to touch, when the mere thought of getting close to someone made him tingle and dizzy with imminent fainting. At 28 years old, Kaz Brekker had proven to be greater than the demons and weaknesses that haunted him, wanting to see his downfall. A man who wanted to defeat Pekka could have no weaknesses. And he prided himself on almost have none of them.
However, offhand gestures made him look at the spot where he had been touched. The sensation brought was not unbearable or nauseating, but strange. And when the situation was skin to skin in a touch that caught him off guard, the feeling was unpleasant. Like a splinter under the skin.
It was easier with people Kaz felt comfortable with, but it wasn't something he cared about. He forced himself to overcome the most brutal aversion just to be a man without weaknesses, no chance of being defeated in a torture, no chance of being defeated by a faint. No for to touch someon.
“I thought you didn't know her in person when I warned you yesterday.” Inej tried to contain her little smile.
“It was the intention. You guys forgot the definition of secret…”
"Boss." One of the employees had entered that exclusive room. "There's someone here wanting to talk to you, Sir." He looked apprehensive.
Kaz frowned. The crow club had no movement at eight in the morning.
"Who is?"
"I think…"
"Will you please let me through!" The female voice sounded outside the room.
Jesper and the rest of the gang were wide-eyed, mouths opening in amusement and bewilderment. Kaz was catatonic. What the fucking hell were you doing there?!
"What do you mean I can't talk to your boss?!" And you continued. “I spoke to him yesterday...Don't give me these arguments, my dad tells his employees to tell people exactly that...I swear if you touch out about me again I will...”
"Fucking hell!" Kaz came out from behind the counter, crossing the living room and opening the door.
He came face to with that scene. A short girl who argued with a bouncer who was triple her height and size. Kaz knew the man was arrogant and macho, and had probably nudged your temper. He would have been amused by the scene if he wasn't abgry that you didn't follow his explicit rules.
“Ray.” Kaz glanced at the bouncer, a steady gaze that made the brute immediately back away from you.
You even gave the man an angry look before heading towards Kaz.
"What are you doing here?!" He whispered angrily.
"I couldn't wait." You wiggled your fingers, a tic of anxiety. “I could barely sleep. It was lucky I didn't show up at six in the morning.”
“That's not excuses. We have a schedule!"
“But I couldn't wait!" You whispered too. “It's visseral. I can't just sit there and wait!”
What an insufferable creature!
"Well, you'll have to learn because…!"
"What are you two whispering back there? “ Jesper's voice interrupted the discussion in whispers.
The two of you turned to the troupe standing in the doorway of the Crow room. Playful, mischievous smiles were plastered across their faces, and you felt your cheeks blush. Kaz and you looked at each other, and in that second of silent complicity, the two of you finally stepped into the roles of partners in crime.
Tagged: @aleksanderwh0r3 @thedelusionreaderbitch @hi-there-x @mell-bell @glowingatdawn @subjecta13-thefangirl @itsnotquimey @thatchampagnebitch @lamoursansfin @lostysworld @s3xymoonman @is-it-really-a-secret
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hotchscvm · 4 years
thank u, next (ft. loki) - part two
Warnings: angst, swearing, jealousy, mentions of sex, violence
Word count: 5.7k
Summary: A mission goes wrong, leaving you stranded with the two men who despise each other, competing for your attention.
Or: In which Steve breaks up with Sharon after realizing how much he loves you, only to be put on hold while you spend time with Loki.
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Tony kept glancing at you, his eyes narrowing as if he was trying to figure out what kind of mind manipulation Loki had hexed you with. Natasha was torn between proud and shock. Clint had been positive it was a prank on his behalf until he had learned it was true, the archer studying you, wondering if you were under Loki's influence. And Bruce—well, he still couldn't get over the shock to actually word his opinion.
Steve, on the other hand, wasted no time blaming Loki, accusing him of using his magic to manipulate you into bed. When Thor has came back with news that Loki hadn't—with Heimdell being all knowing and watching—it had made Steve go to Fury, who had shown emotion on his face other than boredom and disappointment. Yet the surprise wore off and the director found it not relevant as the issue had not broken one of the rules Loki had agreed to.
The super soldier had hit the gym in a hurry, pounding the sandbag, probably wishing it was Loki. And Thor, like everyone else, it took him time to process it but unlike everyone, he barely gave it a thought. With word from Heimdell, knowing that his brother wasn't planning anything to harm you or the others, he was at peace with the situation as long as it was two consenting adults.
As you sat in the conference room, waiting for Steve and Loki to show up for the meeting, you wondered why he thought it was okay to overreact to something so...normal. People have sex, he must've known that you weren't any different. And unfortunately, Fury has picked the same day to spring a mission on the team, forcing all of you into a room, not caring about the act you committed with Loki.
Loki came in first, dressed in his usual black color, a suit almost identical to the one he wore the day before. Even from across the room, you could easily spot the hickeys he kept, a bunch peeking out from under the suit. It had given you a sense of pride and embarrassment, going down on the God of Mischief.
He caught your eye, the corner of his lips turned up, twitching without their permission. Loki wouldn't admit it out loud but he liked you to the point of sacrificing everyone in the room to save the one decent person who hadn't judge him. Everyone had turned to look at him, following his every move whilst he moved to the empty seat besides you.
The one that everyone knew was Steve's. Yet, no one said a word, secretly enjoying the show.
"Greetings," he said curtly, nodding once to everyone with an expressionless face. They all nodded back to him, Tony covering the smile that was trying to force itself on his face. Loki turned to you, sitting down in Steve seat as he gave you a smirk, amused by your attempt to cover up his marks. "Hello, angel."
The nickname alone wanted to make you want to ditch the meeting for a dick appointment with the Asgardian, the name slipping from his tongue. The same name he had whispered into you ear as he thrusted into you. Instead, you gave him a small smile, unconsciously rubbing your thighs together. "Hey."
Loki noticed the motion, his smirk widening. Pulling the chair closer to your own, his arm leaning up against yours. Leaning in, he put his lips to your ears, ignoring everyone's stares, including his brother's. "Your attempt to cover my hard work is very amusing, love."
"Loki..." you warned, using the same tone you had last night when he teased you too far, wishing for release. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Shut up, not everyone has magic."
"All you have to do is ask, although I prefer to see them on your skin." Loki whispered, not caring how many people team members had subconsciously leaned in, straining to hear what the raven-haired God had to say.
Before you could answer, the door opened, Steve and Fury entering. The super soldier had an exhausted look on his face while Fury kept his emotionless facade up. Steve started walking towards his seat, so distracted by the uncovered hickeys on your neck to notice it had been taken. The blond did a double take, seeing Loki in his chair. If it wasn't for the barely contained anger in his eyes, you would've bursted out laughing at his comical expression.
The team stayed quiet, their eyes glued on the silent war between the two men. Loki nonchalantly looked up, his lips brushing against your hair as he pulled away, smirking at Steve. The silence was broken by Fury's tired sigh.
"Well, hello, Captain." Loki sneered, not having any intention of getting up. Steve's eyes stormed with anger, a tick away from letting loose. The God of Mischief pointed to the chair across from you, the one next to Tony, giving the super soldier a pointed look. "You should take your seat."
Tony muffled a snort at Steve's scowl, yet America's Sweetheart didn't move a muscle, glaring at Loki. Fury rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Rogers, take a seat next to Stark. Loki, stop being an asshole. Back to business."
Steve followed Fury's order, sitting down besides Tony, his angry expression turning blank, waiting for whatever Fury had to say. Yet, his eyes still looked murderous, often glancing at the lack of space between you and Loki. Tony didn't hide his amusement, biting back a laugh, and trying to focus on whatever Fury was saying while the rest of the team kept looking at Steve, expecting him to reach across the table and punch Loki back to Asgard.
"While you agents were partying, drinking all your problems away, SHIELD got a tip from an undercover agent." Fury started, sliding your folders across the table, giving you something to look at other than the tension between Steve and Loki. You opened the folder to find pictures of blood-covered bodies. "Normally, we wouldn't bring the Avengers into a mafia-related crimes but this one's different.
"The Chinese Mafia is after a USB flash drive, one that we suspect, contains secrets that could bring down the American government. Emphasis on could; SHIELD isn't that well informed on what exactly the flash drive holds." Fury continued. Looking at you, he called your name. "Along with Rogers and Laufeyson. I'm assigning the three of you on the mission. You'll get the mission details as soon as Agent Hill gets here. The rest of you are irrelevant. Everyone go away now."
He left the room before anyone could even move a muscle. The team glanced between Loki and Steve, trying to figure out what they felt. It was clear neither of them were too happy about going on a mission together but the photographs of dead bodies made them bury their resentment down, for the sake of the government and all, but mostly for your sake.
Tony cleared his throat, trying not to burst out laughing. "So, Cap—"
Steve called out your name, standing up from his seat. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone? It's urgent."
"Yeah, sure." you said, following him out the door without looking back at the rest. You didn't notice the way Loki oozed with madness, his eyes deadly. Steve led you away from the view of room, stopping in the middle of a private hallway. It was secluded enough, yet Steve kept fidgeting like someone was listening. "Steve, I know you aren't particularly fond of Loki but he's a good—"
"I broke up with Sharon." Steve blurted. You stopped talking, your mouth open from your earlier words. The blond ran a hand through his hair. "I broke up with her last night, just before the party started ... before you walked in with Loki."
"That's not what it looked like."
"I was trying to be her friend, just like I'm trying to be yours." Steve explained, almost begging. "I never got the chance to apologize for hurting you. When you came back from Asgard, it had been too long for me to even mention it without it being awkward. So, I didn't. I wanted to but you didn't want to spend time with me anymore. And that's my fault, I'm not blaming you for being hurt. I understand what I did was so selfish, and wrong. It was wrong and if I could go back in time, I would've never done it."
You closed your gaping mouth, a little surprised by the apology. Rocking back on your heels, you awkwardly looked everywhere but at him. "Okay, um, thanks?"
Dejected, Steve nodded, his head hanging from the lack of sympathy in your voice. "Yeah. I wanted you to know. That's what I was coming to tell you this morning, but instead found you in bed with .... him."
"Uh," it was all you could say. Clueless of how to respond, you started to back away slowly, like there was a bear coming towards you. "Okay. So ... I'm gonna go. Get prepared for the mission or whatever. I'll see you later."
Before he could utter another word, you walked away,  feeling completely numb by the news. There was a part of you that wanted to forgive him, another part was feeling satisfied for his pain, and the last was confused. If he had been telling the truth—breaking up with Sharon before the party—then why hadn't he told you or apologized when he came to talk to you? It made you question whether he was just jealous or genuinely sorry for hurting you.
You weren't ready to forgive him yet, not after he made you doubt your self worth. Thor had made you feel better when you had came to him, showering you with golden gifts, shoes, and brotherly love. Despite popular belief, Loki wasn't that much different than his brother. Yes, he wasn't a people person, but he was gruffer, rougher, meaner...sexier. He knew what it was like to feel unwanted, feeling the need to show how powerful he was. If you had been in his situation—and you practically almost were if it hadn't been for Natasha—you would've taken the same road he had.
Speak of the devil, you bumped right into him, his chest only covered by a black silk sweater. With all the heavy thinking you hadn't realized you had walked back to your room. Gathering your thoughts, you looked up at his blue eyes. "Shit, sorry."
"Are you well, angel?" Loki asked, genuinely concerned. He had heard every word Steve had said, and to Loki's dismay, they had all been true. Loki hated Steve as much as Steve hated him, Steve had a reason and so did the God of Lies. The main reason? You.
You nodded, seeing how your room was messy. Books and blankets were on the ground, a broken glass scattered on the floor near your bedside table, a lamp covered in feathers, and last night's clothes strewn around the room. "I'm fine. But my room isn't, holy fuck."
With a wave of his hand, Loki cleared the room, the disastrous mess cleaned up before your eyes. He gave you a smile. "There. Director Cyclops wanted me to inform you and Sleeping Beauty that Maria Hill is in the building. She's ready if we are."
"Great. One thing before we step out this room: be nice."
"I'll try."
The mission was far easier than you originally thought. It was less than 24 hours, meaning you wouldn't be trapped in a designated safe house with them, or would you be in any kind of trouble. Just like Fury had said, it was an extract mission. Get the flash drive, get out.
Unfortunately, we'd be forced to go to a gala, one of those unnecessarily fancy parties where the champagne was watered down and the men showed how powerful they were with girls clinging onto their arm. It was a pre-kidnapped Tony Stark kind of party. Thankfully, you had more than a few practice with walking in heels.
The two men were able to put their hatred aside to focus on the job, Loki's magic still restrained even with the urgency of the mission. Maria Hill had filled you in, giving you all the details, the layout of the building, and all the places they suspected the drive to be. The plan was to fly to Hong Kong, get dressed for the party in the Quinjet, attend the gala long enough to find Zhang Wei, and run with the USB flash drive. Simple enough.
The flight from New York to Hong Kong was tiring, even with the eight hour slumber you had, finding yourself in Loki's arms once again. Fortunately, Steve hadn't seen you with Thor's brother, knocking this time and finding you alone, reading the mission file for the millionth time. He had smiled, probably happy he didn't see Loki in your room. That smile didn't last, dropping as soon as he stepped in the Quinjet, greeted Loki and saw the quick smile you sent the raven-haired God. It tugged on his heartstrings; you used to smile at him like that.
At least they kept their snide comments to themselves, only sending the other a glare when you weren't looking. As soon as you looked up, a slightly perplexed expression would come on their face, like they were trying to think of a word that rhymes with orange. Yet, you didn't dare question it, leaving the topic alone and quietly stewing in the testosterone-filled aircraft.
When the Quinjet finally reached Hong Kong, you had already changed into your formal wear. Loki didn't have to move to change his clothes; instead he used his magic, making him look presentable in a blink of an eye. Steve had frowned on that, but decided to let it go considering he had a lot to make up to you. Getting into a fight with your ... whatever Loki was, would not be a great start.
Getting ready for the party had been easy, the dress fit you just right, your hair being in the mood to cooperate, and even your makeup was flawless. The reaction from Steve and Loki certainly didn't help your ego, their comical reactions to your beauty had been amusing and slightly embarrassing.
Steve's mouth has hung open, his jaw unwilling to close while he stared at you. "Wow. Y-you look gorgeous. Wow."
"Truly breathtaking, love." Loki added, licking his lips in appreciation. If there was one thing both he and Steve could agree on, was the way you always turned heads. If anything, Loki wanted to make you his goddess—he just didn't want to admit it to himself just yet.
And since you were too emotionally invested, you took the easy way out and rolled your eyes. Dressed in their tuxes, they looked like they stepped out of a Hugo Boss ad. "Thanks. You guys clean up well."
Steve was too busy admiring you to notice Loki pull out a diamond encrusted ring, not exactly a engagement ring from Jared but one of those rings you get with friends during a drunken girl's night out. Loki stepped up to you, bringing your right hand, placing the ring on your index finger.
"The ring ... goes well with your dress." Loki explained, watching you stare at the ring he had placed. Steve's wonderment has turned sour, a little sad by the gesture. "It was my mother's."
"Loki," you gasped softly, knowing the how special their relationship had been. Thor had explained how Loki spent most his childhood with Frigga, spending his time learning magic, being a mama's boy. With Frigga dead, Loki must've felt some resentment to those dark elves that had been responsible for her death. "I can't— I can't take this."
Loki shrugged, brushing away a stray hair on your cheek. "Yes, you can. You will. It looks beautiful on you. Don't you agree, Captain?"
To be completely honest, Loki had forgotten Steve had existed until his heart faltered at the mention of Frigga. Steve didn't like the way the ring looked like it belonged on you, almost like it had been made specially for you. He nodded, agreeing with Loki once again. "Looks beautiful."
Before it could get any more awkward or embarrassing, an alarm had sounded, the noise saying you from any further feels. All three of you moved to the front, seeing how you hovered a few feet off the landing spot assigned for the Quinjet. With the many SHIELD headquarters, it wasn't a surprise they had in Tokyo just as modernly technical like the one in New York.
The limo ride that took you to the party was tense. Maybe it was the mission that was about to go down, or that awkward moment in the Quinjet. The navy blue, floor-length dress was silky, the fabric soft against your skin. The one-inch straps that came together at the back of your neck accentuated your cleavage, brining them to look bigger than they were. It clung to your curves, but not tight like the dress you had worn the yesterday. This one was far more elegant.
Wrapped in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed when the limo had stopped, the crowded building to your right. The doors opened, both Steve and Loki reaching out a hand to help you out of the limo. Taking them both, you snaked an arm around both of theirs, letting others know you had two dates. You thought the red carpet leading to the entrance was a bit much, even for the Chinese mafia.
Two suited men opened the double glass doors, revealing the fancy gala. Dangerous men and mafia families filled the large room, eyes flickering to your entrance, widening when they realized who had entered. They knew your dates, but SHIELD had made sure to keep your place on the team a secret for missions like this one. No criminal would trust an Avenger, but they might be dumb—or arrogant—enough to be manipulated by a "mole" in SHIELD.
The talking stopped briefly, only to turn to hushed murmurs before they continued as they had before. Both Steve and Loki turned down the campaign, not trusting whatever was put in the liquid. Looking around the room, there was nothing out of the ordinary, well, for a party held by a mafia of course.
"Should we proceed as planned?" Loki confirmed, surveying the room as he tried to find his own target. He locked eyes with the man he needed to distract while Steve and you would sneak away and find Zhang Wei and the flash drive.
Steve nodded, slyly touching his earpiece hidden by his growing hair. You had no idea how Tony convinced him how to grow it out but you were going to thank him later. "Yes. Keep in contact and check in every ten minutes. Be careful."
Loki nodded, heading off to his target but not before giving you a reassuring smile, tiny enough for no one else to notice but it was enough to ease your worries. Yes, he's an all-powerful god but that didn't mean he couldn't die.
Turning to Steve, you smiled at him, almost naughtily. Eyes twinkling with evilness, you hold out your free hand, challenging him with your eyebrows. "Would you like to dance, Stevie?"
You've never seen so much fear in someone's eyes come in such a short time. Steve's contained so much fear you were worried he was going to combust. "Um, I d-don't really know how."
"Why, that's a shame, Captain." a man behind you said. Turning around, you found yourself only a foot away from the mafia leader himself, Zhang Wei. Steve's jaw clenched at the unprepared confrontation. Zhang turned to you, holding his unnaturally thin hand out. You could see the bones through the thin skin, shivering at the sight. "Would you like to dance, darling?"
Taking the opportunity, you nodded, taking his hand, hoping Steve would get the hint to not look so stiff. "I would love to."
Zhang took you to the almost empty dance floor, the music starting as soon as his foot hit the designated area. Smiling maliciously, he tugged on your waist, pulling you close for a proper dance. "You look beautiful, my dear. I'm certain your date is jealous I stole you away."
"He doesn't mind." you answered, returning the smile. Glancing at Steve, you saw him glaring at the back of Zhang's head, burning a hole. "Steve is rather hesitant when it comes to dancing, so, I'm sure he doesn't mind you helping a lady out."
The mafia leader's smiled widened. His eyes briefly landed on Loki, narrowing slightly at the way he interacted with his second in command. You took the brief amount of time to inspect him, noticing how much thinner he looked. With eye bags under his eyes, bones peeking through his hands, and the way his footsteps faltered ever so slightly made you realize he isn't going to be hard to take down. He may be the big bad criminal but from the looks of it, he was dying.
Zhang Wei nodded. "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?"
"I'm an escort. You may or may not have seen me on a bunch of powerful men's arms." you lied, flashing him your most charming smile. Zhang raised an eyebrow, gesturing towards Steve with a tilt of his head. "Steve's the same, poor baby was too shy to ask anyone to be his date."
"Didn't think Captain America would have such a hard time finding a date." Zhang mumbled aloud. He kept the false smile on his face. "If the time came, would you tell me your name, in case I can't find myself a date?"
"Tatia Sinclair." you lied, twirling in his arms.
The mafia leader nodded. The dance floor had filled up, nearly overcrowding. It took you a second to find Steve with all the bodies in the way. Zhang cleared his throat. "What a lovely name. Tatia, darling, would you accompany me to my study? I have to fetch something special of mine and would like you pleasant company."
Steve snarled your name through the earpiece, Loki's growl following along. Again, the super soldier and the god agreed. Steve murmured your name. "Don't."
Ignoring his order—and unnecessary concern—you grinned, taking Zhang outstretched arm. "I would love to."
He led you to the elegant stairs while you discreetly turned off your earpiece, no longer wanting to hear Steve's overprotective ass grumbling about sticking to the plan. If he had checked his folder, he would've seen you were sticking to the plan, just not the way he wanted.
The walk to his office was a slow one, considering how sick the mafia leader was, you weren't surprised when he was out of breath just from climbing the stairs. You didn't comment, instead helping him out and pointing out random things a dumb escort would say. Your personal plan was to make this guy underestimate you, and with the way he was looking at you, he was convinced you were just a body with no brains.
He opened the door to his mahogany office, the room was just as elegant as the party below, oozing power and money. Zhang went to his desk, opening his cabinet. From where he left you, you couldn't see what considering how he held it in his hand without opening his palm. A knock at the door stopped you from asking.
Surprisingly his right hand man came in, the one Loki was supposed to be distracting, at least long enough for us to figure out where the flash drive was. And guessing from the amount of evidence, you were guessing the flash drive was in the mafia leader's hand. He glanced at you, tilting his head at Zhang before speaking.
They talked in Chinese--surprise, surprise--a bit fast for you to fully decipher but the gist of the conversation had been finding a safe, more guarded location for the drive considering both Steve Rogers and Loki Laufeyson were in the building, just a floor below them. The two men paid you no attention as you tried to look clueless, bored, and in all, dumb. In their eyes, you were just checking out the room when actually you had been trying to find more dirt. If it wasn't the drive in his hand, it had to be close by.
"Tatia." Zhang called out, using the fake name you had given him. You turned around, a little glass globe in your hand. You raised an eyebrow, twirling the little sphere. "Would you excuse me? I have some rather pressing issues that need to be dealt with."
And once again, the door opened before you could answer the question. This time, at the door stood Steve and Loki, a man laying on the floor between the two. From the way both their suits were a little ruffled, they had enough waiting and decided to take action. A few appeared out of knowhere, tacking the two but you were left alone to deal with the men in the room. Zhang reached under his desk, where you had discreetly took the hidden gun while they had been talking.
Zhang's second in command quickly pointed his loaded gun at you, and you at him, your eyes reflecting the same emotion: hate. The man spoke to Zhang, keeping his gun steady while Zhang tried to get away. Even for a dying man, he moved fast, leaving you the choice of shooting his second in command in the knee. He cried out, firing his gun out of anguish but you were faster, quickly following Zhang, leaving a big group of men to fight Loki and Steve. They would be able to handle it.
Running in heels was always an annoyance to you, considering how unnecessary they were on missions. They looked hot but the fact that you were forced to wear them was a little sexist. You'd have to talk with Fury about that.
The halls were lit up with chanderliers dangling from the ceiling, all of them shining brightly. For someone who had been limping out of the room, he had been fast, or was hiding but the fact was that you lost him. You could still hear the grunts from where Loki and Steve were punching the fuck out of those mafia men.
You slowed, looking at the painting-decorated walls in search of some kind of secret door, maybe a fake wall. It sounded ridiculous but at the compound, Tony had a bunch of hiding spots, a few you knew and others you didn't. It was infuriating.
The hallway must've lasted forever, and you were convinced he had vanished into thin air. Then you spotted a cracked door, it was enough to be left opened on accident, but that didn't mean it was. With caution, you walked slowly, holding your gun in front of you. With your foot, you cracked the door open, entering a room of complete darkness. From what you could tell, there were no windows, and most likely a fake safe room.
Still, you flipped the light switch on, the room lighting up with it's obnoxiously bright white paint reflecting even brighter with the light. Scanning the room, you noticed how it smelled slightly sweet, the sweetness making you slightly dizzy. You shook your head, trying to find something wrong, like a hidden wall, or maybe another escape route from inside the room.
It didn't take long for you to realize the sweet scent was toxic, the side effect making you dizzier, the room spinning under your feet. As soon as you grasped the wall for support, Zhang came from the wall beside you, the little door opening to reveal the mafia leader holding his own gun, the flash drive in his hand as he taunted you with it.
He laughed at your weakened state, aiming his gun at your heart. It triggered your fight or flight and even with the side effect, you decided to fight. He was weaker than you, slower, his aged brain not processing you running at him. His gun dropped on the ground, along with the USB drive as your hand wrapped around his neck, pushing him against the wall with all your remaining strength.
Zhang had to been immune to the fast-acting toxin while you crumbled, unable to hold your body with the dizziness and fatigue bringing you down. Taking the upper hand, he knocked you over, his fist colliding with your jaw. You grunted, pouncing for the gun and flash drive, hiding the latter in your bra while the mafia leader shook his hand in pain.
Just as you had wrapped your fingers around the barrel of the gun, you heard the gunshot, and felt it hit your shoulder. Your hand was useless, your body way too weak from the toxins to defend yourself against the man, at this point just hoping they would find the flash drive in your bra when they autopsied you.
Another bullet was fired, and this one right on your arm, the pain numb. Maybe this was the way you were going to die, but at least it wasn't painful. That was the best you could've hoped for. And then another bullet was fired, but you didn't feel it, the fire inside you too hot for you to even register the pain. You laid on the ground, eyes drifting close. Zhang dropped dead a couple of feet next to you, his head bleeding out.
Your vision had already blackened when you felt Steve knelt down to you, pulling you into his arms. You were unconscious by the the time you figured out Steve had killed.
You woke up to the sound of the irritating beat of your heart of the monitor, and heavy breathing. Despite the very difficult task, you opened your eyes, instantly regretting it when you were met with a blinding light. Thankfully, it went away, revealing where you were in the Medbay, laying on the stiff bed with needles pierced into your skin.
Steve got up from his seat beside you, instantly hovering over you with a worried look on his face. If you hadn't felt like shit, you would've thought his face was permanently like that. "Hey, hey. Are you okay? How do you feel?"
"Am I in hell?"
He let out a strained chuckle, taking your hand with the both of his. His furrowed eyebrows remained furrowed, his forehead filled with crinkles. "Sweetheart? How do you feel? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"
"Holy fuck, you're spitting in my face. Steve, I feel like shit but I promise I'm fine. Come on, don't you don't have to worry so much." you replied, wishing you could do something other than lie in pain.
"You're fine? I watched you get shot, held you in my arms while you bled out in front of me. If it wasn't for Loki, you'd be dead. Don't you understand how not fine that is? What the hell were you thinking?" Steve raged, letting go of your hand to pace around the room. Judging from the lack of sunlight coming from the windows, it was nighttime, the whole compound barely lit.
"Did you find the drive? I had it—"
"Are you actually worrying about the flash drive when you almost died? Do you not care whether or not you live?" Steve blurted, throwing his hands up in the air, clearly frustrated with how the conversation was going.
"Where's Loki?" you whispered, your eyes slowly closing. You fought to keep them open, hoping for an answer and wishing you could postpone this argument with Steve until morning when you finally could argue back.
Steve calmed down, appreciating the God of Mischief a lot more when he saved your life. "He's filling out Fury on the whole situation. And we found the flash drive, which made Fury gleam with glee."
"Good." you yawned, letting your eyes close knowing Loki was safe and found the flash drive. Steve whispered something but you were already too far gone, falling asleep as soon as your eyes closed.
Loki came into the room a few minutes after you fell asleep, stepping up next to Steve who had been staring your sleeping form. The raven-haired God pulled up a chair, his eyes never leaving your face. "How is she?"
"More worried about the aftermath of the mission more than herself." Steve answered, his voice wavering for a second at the thought of losing you. The super soldier turned to Loki. "Thank you for going against the rules and using your magic to save her. I think it's safe to say you won't get into any trouble, especially with her fighting Tony about it."
Loki shrugged, waving away the compliment. "You would've done the same if you could've."
A beat of silence passed before Steve spoke again, more determined than ever to win back your trust. "I like her, you know?"
"I care for her, too." Loki replied. "And I know that you care for her but don't you understand that I'm far better for her than you ever will? You hurt her. You broke her trust. I may only know her for a few days but I know breaking trust is important to her. To earn it back—"
"Would almost be impossible." Steve finished, his eyes dropping to the bed. "But I have to try. I really like her."
"As do I. And I'm not giving up."
"Neither will I."
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goji-pilled · 3 years
Okay @princekirijo you want an essay? Well here it is now, or as I like to call it Felix's "Asumari is great and this fandom has no fucking taste" rambling and infodump. Congrats fellas, thanks to Prince you ALL get an asumari essay. But before that I'll try to give you a rundown of Mari and Asuka. 
(I'm also so sorry for putting this long ass post on everyone's dashboard)
(Spoiler warning for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time!!)
Alright on one hand we have Mari Illustrious Makinami. Her whole deal? She's a walking ray of sunshine, literally lol. Unlike any other character in the Evangelion franchise she doesn't suffer from her trauma, she's quite literally the only healthy and functioning human being, she's just slightly leaning towards "batshit crazy" with the stunts she pulls 🤷‍♂️. Other than that she just loves living, she loves being with people, she keeps moving forward, stays positive and decides to live life to it's fullest even after she experiences loss and multiple apocalyptic events (Second Impact, Third Impact, etc.) and she really just embodies the joy of living. That's all there is to her, or at least all we know.
On the other hand, we have Asuka Langley Shikinami who is... well it's hard to explain what she is to be honest. She's part-German and part-Japanese and part of a line of clones specifically made with the purpose to pilot an Evangelion and later on be used as a sacrifice to trigger another Impact (ITS COMPLICATED I KNOW-) Asuka is, unlike Mari, very much suffering from her trauma. She doesn't have her parents and has a very deep seated belief that she's completely alone, which she says doesn't matter as long as she can pilot the Eva. She also very much wants to fight and kill angels all by herself, and it's seriously messing with her when she can't achieve that.
Now we get to the more interesting parts (hopefully this so far wasn't too confusing, then again it's Eva and even I can't fully wrap my head around it all LMAO)
In the second Rebuild movie (Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) advance) we get introduced to both of them, Mari's introduction scene (in the original English dub) has her pilot an Eva and singing about how she'll take the world on by herself, while in the third movie's (Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo) opening scene she's piloting the Eva again but this time it's together with Asuka (in her own Unit 02 though) and during that Mari sings about how wonderful it is not to be alone. It's nothing big yet, but it's a really cute detail me thinks,,, you know what else I love about them? They bicker and they banter and it's genuinely so fun to listen to shskdhsuwj
(For a quick catch up: During the end of 2.0 Shinji (the protagonist) triggers another apocalyptic event, the Near Third Impact, and was only stopped due to Kaworu (the guy in my pfp) stepping in. Also between 1.0/2.0 and 3.0/3.0+1.0 are about 14 years (without Shinji bc he's like comatose) where A LOT happens AND we learn in 3.0 that Eva pilots don't age physically bc of "The curse of the Eva"... honestly Eva is wild lmao)
Okay okay I'll get back to it!
So one thing that happens is that Asuka during 2.0 develops a crush on Shinji (girl why-), unfortunately things take a turn for the worse. Asuka had volunteered to be the testpilot for a new Eva (Unit 03), she seemed happy at the time and it was a really sweet build up with the "I can smile, I didn't know I could still do that."-line. And then? Then it turns out the Ninth Angel had infected Unit 03 (Angels are basically the Kaijus they fight using Evas btw). The thing goes on a loose and Shinji is forced to fight it (With Asuka inside mind you), he refuses and his father uses an autopilot to destroy Unit 03. And boy did it destroy the angel, well it and it crushed Asuka between its jaws (you can actually hear her scream btw haha pain :)).
Asuka survived though, but the whole incident cost her her humanity and she ended up becoming an angel herself/she took the place of the Ninth. But despite that, there's one person who keeps believing in Asuka's humanity, who fiercely believes Asuka is still a human and tells her as much.
Yep, that one person is Mari and she keeps holding onto that belief until the very end when Asuka uses her last resort, which is using the power of an angel (Doing so was a guaranteed death sentence btw). Mari's own words (in the German dub) were, "Princess, you're giving up being human…" AND IT MAKES ME SO EMO GOD FUCK
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While I'm at it, Mari and Asuka are a fucking killer combo as a team. They rely on each other for support in combat, listen to the other's orders and advice. Especially in Asuka's case it's kind of a big deal that she so openly relies and counts on Mari's support. Like these two trust each other with their damn lifes!!! Holy shit!!
Guess what though, they also have nicknames for eachother. Mari always calls Asuka "Princess" or "(Your) Highness" while Asuka calles Mari "Four-eyes" / "Four-eyed chrony (idk how you spell that tbh RIP" Even better though, in the German dub Asuka calls Mari "Brillerella" as in a combination of "Brille" (German for glasses) and "Cinderella",,,,Cinderella and her Prince,,,Brillerella and her Princess,,, man, that was a gay fucking move of the translation team. Spoiler: I owe them my life.
Funfact: There's exactly two times throughout the Rebuild movies where Mari uses Asuka's actual name. These two times being when she watches Asuka "die" and be used as a sacrifice for Gendo's selfish plan and when later on she begs Shinji, "So please the Princess… Asuka needs your help!" And the best part? That wasn't even the first time she did that. The mentioned line came from 3.0+1.0, but she did that too in 3.0 with the, "At least save the Princess!" line (although her tone was much more...pissed, like she was really angry lol)
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Remember the crush Asuka had on Shinji? Well due to the Unit 03 incident a whole lot of other shit got mixed into that and her feelings for him in general became really bitter (understandably so). Now Mari being who she is sometimes teases Asuka about said old crush but she really does want Asuka to get closure and sort that mess out. 
As an example for the teasing, in 3.0 there's a scene that goes like this (please imagine Mari with a literal :3 face while saying that):
"Unit! Are you back in the game?"
"I'm on it, your Highness. But first things first, how was our little puppy (Shinji)? Did he sit like a good little boy?"
"He's exactly the same! Same stupid face talking mayhem!"
"That goofy face of his, that's what you wanted to see? Riiiiight?"
"Shut up! I went there to bat him one!... And I feel better!"
There's also a very short bonus manga that was released in Japan for Thrice Upon a Time's release that has Mari trying to convince Asuka to come with her on the mission to get Shinji, given everything that follows, it's just another thing to prove my point. And the final bit relating to that is this:
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, I do feel better."
That's the exchange Asuka and Mari have after they talked to Shinji, it's nothing special but I think it's really sweet and this time Asuka actually sounded like she was feeling better instead of when she was screaming after she nearly broke pretty thick glass with her fist (If she had hit someone with that much force she definitely would've broken something omggg #violentimpulsesgang)
To get back on track though: I already mentioned it but during the second half of 3.0+1.0 Asuka "dies" (and honestly that entire scene is worth its own in-depth post because its just one huge parallel to The End of Evangelion), the point is: You can tell that the loss of Asuka honestly hits Mari hard. Not only because of how Mari screams Asuka's name but also because of her expressions. They're pained, like really fucking pained and Mari even apologizes to her that she has to fall back due to the fact that she's injured AND because eveything is going wrong.
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After the events of Evangelion 3.0 these two got seperated from eachother, Mari was with WILLE (the organization both of them are with) and on board of Wunder (the ship WILLE basically operates from) while Asuka was in a Village full of (Near) Third Impact Survivors. When they do meet again it went like this:
Asuka, barely back, comes to the door and calls, "I'm back." And within seconds of Asuka stepping into their room after the door opens Mari already runs towards her, arms wide open and she says, "Welcome back, your Highness! Good job. I missed you so much!" And she says that while she literally nuzzles into Asuka,,,like,,,what the fuck gay people real!!! 
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Best part? Asuka clearly has enough strength to push Mari completely away if she were uncomfortable, but she doesn't. Asuka merely wanted enough space to look at the room (because Mari managed to horde even more books lol) and play her game. During their entire renunion Mari keeps hugging her, and part of me thinks that perhaps deep down Asuka actually enjoys the feeling of physical affection.
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Before we get to the last point though, let me say that Asuka and Mari have scenes in 3.0+1.0 that parallel Shinji and Kaworu's from 3.0. (Fyi Kaworu loves Shinji (yeah, like that, and 3.0 was basically them being gay as fuck for an hour) so like...do I even need to explain? 
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And then of course there's also this, the "Take care of yourself, Princess…" line. That is the last time Mari talks to Asuka and as much as that line alone already is so much, it's Mari's expression in particular that kills me. Because this? This soft, almost bittersweet expression she has, as she basically says goodbye? Because she knows Asuka will finally be happy and safe? It just makes me feel so much actually. Man.
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In the end it's a fact that Mari loved Asuka, wether that is interpreted as platonic or romantic by someone is up to them. But it is a fact that Asuka was loved enough that someone wanted to hug her, was happy to see her, to praise her, was hurt by her loss, wanted her to be safe, that someone told her "Take care of yourself…" Asuka was really and honestly so loved that someone would tell her, "I missed you."
But Asuka? Asuka was too hurt, too wrapped up in her own head to actually see how loved she was by Mari (and other people) that she genuinely believed she's completely alone and always will be alone.
It makes the "Take care of yourself" line hit even harder to me, because it's not only Mari's goodbye, but it's a goodbye during the one time Asuka allowed herself to be vulnerable and admit what she really wanted.
And honestly? All of this? Its makes me feel so many things and I just love them  so much man.
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its-nebula · 3 years
V3 Boys x Inhuman!S/O
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Your creature is: Angel
He always did feel that you brought sunshine and guidance into his life.
He just didn't know that it was literally your job to do so.
Still, you were an anomaly to him. You were just so perfect, so pure. And yet, the aura you radiated was just so powerful.
Shuichi found himself having less nightmares. Instead, you almost always found a way into his dreams, not that he was complaining.
He did, however appreciate whenever you offered him advice. You always knew the right thing to do, and he knew that he could always count on you.
"I had a feeling that it wasn't the right call. Wow, S/O, you really are wise!"
As a detective, however, he has a natural curiosity and drive to explain things that are unexplainable.
How do you get things right so often?
And everytime you got a scratch or cut, no matter how large or small, it was practically fully healed by the next day?
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Your creature is: Demon
You seriously needed to walk on eggshells around your boyfriend if you didn't want to be found out.
Literally all he does is study rituals that could be potentially harmful to you.
You love him anyways, though, which is the main reason you can't let him in on your identitiy.
You did your absolute best to keep Korekiyo out of harm's way.
Whenever you felt the negative energy someone possesed, you had no problem telling them to stay away from your boyfriend.
He really values having peace, so he makes sure to thank you for driving away any negative people.
"Oh, S/O, my darling, how I'm always so appreciative of you keeping me in your best interests."
He always feels a little hurt when you won't join him in studying his rituals, though.
"My darling, is something wrong? I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?"
You always have to sweat nervously and come up with an excuse.
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Your creature is: Unicorn
An interesting pair for sure.
But you made it work.
Kokichi was very nosy, so hiding was a bit difficult. However, you were used to masking your true identity, so you found ways.
Your boyfriend also being a little gremlin, you had to protect him at all times.
But he's Kokichi, so he pretends he doesn't like it.
"Jeeeeeez, S/O, I don't need you following me around all the time!"
You're not immortal, but you've lived much longer than Kokichi. You've met kind people, mean people, evil people, good people, honest people, and liars. You knew he was lying.
Surprisngly to you as well, he was very prone to feelings of deep sadness and loneliness, like a dark cloud was hanging over his head.
You may or may not use your magic to drive away any negative thoughts that he may have about himself.
He's in denial that he feels better around you...because he's Kokichi and it scares him.
"Yeah, you're alright to have around. The perfect prank target!"
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Your creature is: Werewolf
The guy is very reclusive, so he really doesn't care when you tend to keep your distance out of fear of being found out.
"I'm too dangerous for you anyways, S/O. Maybe you should just go find someone better..."
He even suspected you of cheating when you kept going out at night, but didn't bother to say anything.
You would never even think of leaving Ryoma, and it made you a little bit sad he would even think of that. You knew it wasn't his fault, though.
One thing you did dislike about him, though, was the fact he was a cat person. Every time his cat hissed at you, you did a low growl bsck, scaring it off. Only when you're alone with her do you growl, however.
"Guess she doesn't like you, huh? I'm sorry about that."
You always smile so sweetly at him, reassuring him that it's okay.
Whenever you two go out, you make sure to let everyone know that you weren't messing around.
If they say something, you walk up to them and bear your teeth, and they take off in the other direction.
"Typical... even strangers don't want to be around me."
Somebody please get this man some therapy.
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Your creature is: Shinigami
For the most part, life is pretty normal for the two of you.
Gonta doesn't really get himself into troubling situations, so you don't really have to worry about sentencing him to death.
Anyone who hurts him, however?
That's a different story.
You try not to kill too many people, though, as you know that's not what Gonta would want.
He gets really confused when one of his bugs sting you and you don't even flinch.
"S/O! Gonta sorry about bee! S/O isn't hurting?!"
You make up a reason, and he just goes along with it.
If ever a time does come when you have to sentence Gonta, you have to decide.
Will you save his life and sacrifice yours, or let him die in a peaceful way and let him rest?
What will you do?
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Your creature is: Wendigo
It's pretty easy to get past Kiibo.
Although he may find it a little bit strange how you almost never seem to get very hungry, or eat...
He doesn't question it.
After all, all humans are different! He's read up on this thing they have called "metabolism". Yours is probably just really slow!
"Um, S/O are you positive that you'll be okay?"
As easy as it was, though, you didn't feel right murdering and eating innocent people behind your unknowing boyfriend. So, you went to the nearest prison, found a person who was on Death Row, and decided to just feast on them.
Hey, they were going to die anyways, and they were a criminal.
Still, you couldn't help but feel a little guilty looking into your boyfriend's oh-so innocent eyes.
"Don't worry, S/O! There's apparently someone who's been breaking into prisons and murdering inmates, but I'll do my best to protect you to the very end!!!"
He's Baby.
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Your creature is: Unicorn
He gets very upset time to time, whenever he thinks about his sisters.
Obviously, you use your powers to help him search.
"I refuse to give up. With you by my side, S/O, I just know that we can find them...together."
You have ultrasound, and you use it to listen for any sounds, or get any hints at all.
When you're both riding in the boat, you use protection charms to make sure no sharks or other dastardly sea creatures disturb you.
You also use one to prevent the two of you from getting seasick.
You also use any powers you have to try and ward away Rantaro's negative thoughts or any self-doubt, but it doesn't always work.
It makes you feel bad that your powers can only do so much. All you wanted was to find his sisters.
But you wouldn't give up, not now and not ever. You had to be strong for each other. You just knew that one day you would find them, all 12 of them.
"I know it's going to be a struggle, but we can do it."
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Your creature is: Wendigo
Kaito was one of the only ones who had just the utmost belief in you, and it always made you feel bad for being a literal cannibal.
He was very proud when you announced your new job at a prison.
"Helping those in need! That's so awesome, S/O!"
You kept the eating to an absolute minimum.
Whenever Kaito offered to train with you, you thought it was a little funny to mess with him by a little bit.
You had superhuman strength and speed, so you always beat him in foot races and bench pressing.
"Huh?! No fair, I thought I would beat you this time!"
He's not a sore loser, however. He uses it as motivation.
"Well...! I'll just have to train even harder so that I can for sure catch up to you next time!"
If you think about it, you were technically helping him.
You also had a great amount of intelligence, and you used it to help Kaito with his astronaut needs. Calculations and such.
"Thanks, babe! You're the best! I can't wait to live out my dream with you!"
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arknights-imagines · 3 years
GOD that mostima post had me FEELING things. I'm glad I'm not the only one who appreciates mostima a lot wahhh ; v ; i was wondering if maybe you could do a mostima/doctor after their established relationship when one of them has got injured or smth? :o I feel like with her belief that she can't hold warmth having to provide it in a dire situation would be an interesting challenge for mostima, and likewise being on the receiving end of it in a situation like that too for her!!
(It's good to be back!!! 😭🥳)
Aaaa tysm anon! 😭🥺 I'm glad you like my stuff on Mostima haha 👉👈 tbh she's grown a lot on me since I've started this blog!! 💕 She's very underappreciated 🥺 Anywho, thanks for the request and I hope I did Mostima justice here~ 🌸
Easing Worry
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Imagine format; no fixed perspective!
Contains: Mostima, reader as the Doctor, gender neutral Doctor/no gender mentioned, established relationship, a few background characters, very brief mentions of an explosions and injuries, fluff with the tiniest bit of angst, Mostima having to deal with her emotions 👉👈
Word count: just over 2k!
“Mostima, come in! Mostima!!”
Static was all that came in reply despite the amount of times you called out into the communications link. Frustrated, you sighed sharply and watched the blink of the Caster’s tracker on the map of the ruins displayed on the screen before yourself, Amiya and Texas.
Mostima had been dispatched on an Operation to some old city ruins in Kazedel for a Mission; Unfortunately, you couldn’t accompany the Squad she was sent out with, and thanks to her lone wolf nature the Caster strayed from the other Operators who were with her. She must’ve run into trouble soon after, because when you had tried advising her to return to her Squad members through the comms-link, all that came in reply was a commotion and then silence.
“...That’s not good.” Texas’ tone wasn't very telling, but her furrowed brows and tight jaw read unease. From beside you, Amiya spoke up, “Doctor, what would you like to do?”
Mostima’s tracker was still active, which meant she must’ve been alive - still, the pit of worry in your stomach didn't fade in the slightest. When you didn't reply, Amiya decided to take the lead, “We should wait a little while longer. Maybe Ms. Mostima will get back to us…”
You had your rapt attention on the screen before you, and so when no protest from you came, everyone did as Amiya said. Even after some time passed, the tracker didn't move and nothing came through the communications link.
From her spot at another console nearby, Closure huffed loudly, “...our drones can't find her.” When you turned to look at her, she went on, “Doctor, Mostima is definitely alive down there but… we can't see her from up here, and I have no idea what happened.”
Your stomach dropped to the floor and you fell silent; within seconds the worry began eating at your insides, soon creating a suffocating tension around your heart. The thought of something happening to Mostima made you feel ill - more ill than any sickness had ever made you feel.
Amiya spoke in your place again, “P-Perhaps we should send someone. I’ll call one of our other Operators and we can create a plan-” “No, I’ll go.” Everyone's heads snapped to you right away, their faces filled with consternation and slight surprise. As was expected, Amiya shook her head right away, “Doctor, it isn't safe down there-” Though difficult, you shook your head and replied as calmly as you can manage; if it wasn't safe for you, then Mostima was in grave danger and needed to be extracted right away.
Amiya seemed conflicted - however, everyone was well aware of how much Mostima meant to you, and how much you meant to her. Your relationship was common knowledge around Rhodes Island by that point. And so, though she was worried for your safety, the Chimera nodded and stepped in front of the map displayed on the screen to take your place, “Alright, got it. I trust you, Doctor - bring Ms. Mostima back safe and sound!”
Not wishing to waste any time, you began heading straight towards the door of the aircraft; your heart pounded almost deafeningly in your ears as you outfitted yourself with proper protective care and a parachute. Closure opened the aircraft door, and you stepped close to the edge with one thought in your mind;
‘Please be okay, Mostima.’
The expanse of ruined land was silent; the heavy scent of sulfur and ash was carried in the air, and the dust from the building collapse was only just settling. Convinced that they had successfully killed any threat, the Reunion soldiers took their leave - the aircraft that was hovering over them couldn't mean good news on their end.
Unable to move, Mostima groaned quietly - she had only just regained consciousness, what happened? She didn't quite remember right then. Some sort of heavy weight is putting pressure on her whole body, especially her legs and chest. As she attempted to open her eyes, pain spread throughout her skull like a flood and forced her to screw them shut again. Somewhat paralyzed under whatever was holding her down, the Caster stayed lying on the ground, taking in shallow breaths.
When her ears began to stop ringing, the sound of footsteps followed by a voice calling her name caused Mostima to snap back into reality once more. ‘....Doctor?’; That was right, she was on an Operation you assigned her to, but something had gone wrong along the way. Had you come looking for her?
Finally, she found her strength; it wasn't much, however. Wincing as she moved her body, the Caster lifted her arms and began forcing up the rubble that was pinning her form down as best she could. Your voice tore through the air again - “Mostima!” - and your quickened footsteps neared her. You assisted her in lifting the remnants of the exploded building off her body, insisting that she tried to move as little as possible as you removed the rest of the rubble from her body.
Moaning a little in pain, Mostima shakily shifted her body until she was sat with her back against one of the pieces of debris you had helped lift off her. With the adrenaline now gone, pain began filling her body in so many places that even breathing began to sting; and yet, when you had given your attention to her, her usual soft smile played on the Caster’s lips.
You knelt beside her right away, hands hovering over her form, “Mostima, are you okay?” Grinning still, she managed a nod, “Doctor, hello to you too…” Though she tried, she was unable to bite back the pained wince she made as she lifted her arm to wave at you. Your eyebrows knitted together and your face twisted in a frown - and yet Mostima was smiling at you still.
“What happened?” Your hand had come to cup her cheek, but she shook her head before her fingers could rest on her skin; no matter how much time you two spent together, it seemed her instinct was still to reject any affection you wished to give her. Avoiding your gaze, she began to explain, “During the Operation, the Squad got ambushed. Hm, our guys were actually doing well, we had almost taken care of all of them.” A small sigh bridged her sentences, “But just as things were wrapping up, I saw a few of the Reunion trying to make an escape. I figured that was no good, so I went after them...haha, I guess I walked right into their trap, because the next thing I knew I was under all that rubble.”
While she had been talking, your hands were pressing and running over parts of her body checking for injuries; something seemed to be impeding your thoughts, however, because though you were supposed to be scanning for wounds, your eyes were staring at the ground. Were you upset?
Hoping to lighten the mood, Mostima spoke once again, This time a strained laugh left her, “Ahaha...sorry, I still really don’t get this whole ‘teamwork’ thing.” Immediately, you shook your head, “No… don’t worry, I’m not mad.” She lifted a bow at you.
Your eyes finally looked up from the ground and you reached into the bag you were carrying, unearthing bandages and a clean cloth. The Caster fell quiet as she allowed you to cover the scrapes and cuts on her arms - your touch was so gentle, you touched her as if she was made of precious glass. You took the cloth in your hand then lifted it to her face; this time, however, Mostima didn't shake you off or pull away. Instead, she met your gaze - and what she saw caused her heart to ache.
Your face was riven with worry, only some relief was on your features - probably due to the fact that she was still alive. Mostima’s calm grin faltered, “Doctor….” In all honesty, seeing you so worried over her caused the Caster more pain than any of her injuries did; this wasn't her intention, she didn't mean to panic you to the point that you came down to look for her.
She wasn't used to this, you were both acutely aware of that. Mostima worked alone, Mostima dealt with things alone; before you, every person she held dear was someone she also ended up pushing away. Close bonds - she didn't need them, the Caster told herself, there was no need for them in her line of work. And so she was never raring to work with others, and people she had relationships with barely ever saw her anymore.
But with you, her usual method of pushing away until the other person gave up didn't work. And soon, thanks to your persistence, warmth began blooming in her heart - and she was helpless to stop it.
Unfortunately, Mostima was just as helpless when it came to expressing all the warmth she held for you in her heart. You caused emotions she contended with, and so her first instinct was to pull away or push you back; and that usually just left both of you feeling hurt. The Caster didn't believe in her capacity to encompass love or warmth - but you did.
Finally, Mostima found her voice once more, “Doctor...angel.” She corrected herself, instead using the nickname you rarely ever heard from her. It was mushy, cheesy - and yet butterflies filled your stomach every time she used it. Once she was sure she had your attention, the Caster spoke, trying her absolute best and allowing all of her words to come from her heart, “I’m sorry, I know I must’ve scared you really bad. I didn't mean...to worry you.”
Your face softened at her words; placing the cloth down, your hand found its way to hers. When she interlaced her fingers with your own, you smiled gently. Relieved to see you more at ease, Mostima squeezed your hand as best she could considering her loss of strength before continuing, “Unfortunately - in case you haven't noticed - I’m terrible at this. Haha…you’re really unlucky to have fallen in love with someone like me. I push people away, I push everyone away.” Her smile had gone, and now her face was filled with serious, genuine sincerity. “But I don’t want you to go away, you’re the first person in a long time who I’ve wanted to stay with. And I know I’m not good at showing it…”
Gathering some of her strength, the Caster shut her eyes as she lifted your hand to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on your fingers. “But my dear Doctor, my sweet angel - I care so much about you. Actually, scratch that... I love you, I love you so much.” And she trailed off, relaxing with her lips on your hand and losing herself in the moment for just a second or two.
It felt indescribably warm to just shut her eyes and pretend it was just you and her in the entirety of Terra. While it was hard to take down all her walls, it was so much better than deflecting your affections and was worth it for the way her heart grew in her chest as she allowed herself and you to be compassionate towards one another.
When your hand moved to cup her cheek, Mostima leaned into your touch rather than pulling away. When her eyes fluttered open, her gaze fell upon your effusive smile; “I love you too, Mostima. I promise I’m not going anywhere, no matter what.” Your words prompted her to chime with a light laugh, “Hehe, I guess there’s no getting rid of you, huh~?” You shook your head in reply - when your grin widened, she couldn't help but mirror the expression.
Facial features softening and becoming sincere, she left another kiss on the inside of your palm, “I’ve never had anyone like you...Sorry if I’m not always cooperative. Thanks for looking after me, Doctor.” A warm, passionate grin came to your face as you replied, “Always, Mostima.”
The area that surrounded the two of you was in a ruinous state, that same heavy scent still hung in the air and injuries were still littered all over Mostima’s body. And yet; upon seeing your smile, her body filled with a heartened feeling.
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leftovercuriosity · 3 years
A little something on Demons: an(extremely) informal essay of sorts. Which is mainly going to be my opinions/beliefs.
Hey! You're probably wondering who I am, and why I've decided to sit down and write about my own, personal, beliefs on this subject. So, let me introduce myself:
My name is Alexandria, please feel free to call me Alex! I'm a 17 year old lesbian, who doesn't know what label to put on myself in terms of spirituality. Or, if I even want to label that!
Am I an expert in this topic? No.
Am I a psychic medium? Well... if you count having the ability of Anthroposomancy; then yes. I am.
Am I a professional/have I fully, 100%, developed my skills of Anthroposomancy? Absolutely, positively, not!
But! I see a whole heck of a lot of misinformation being spread on the topic of Demons! And, I would like to hopefully help beginners, or even some advanced peeps out with giving out some true information, rather than garbage.
Let's get started!
“A 1997 newspaper poll in Great Britain showed more than 90 percent of adults admitted to believing in the paranormal. But because this phenomenon is elusive, preferring to lurk on the fringes of real life and almost never turning up for appointments in laboratories, the paranormal has been denied for decades.”[1] This is a quote by Uri Geller, I'll be linking sources at the end of my post for further reading(if you feel so inclined).
These same paranormal forces have basically been the pioneers of religion and society possibly long before anceint history was a thing! But, they do not officially exist in the minds of those who wish to control other people; be it for money, power, or simply by fearing if others don't believe as they do, their own stability will be lost. Sound familiar?
Before we go any further, I just want to point out that I am an ex-catholic; and I am by no means trying to steer people away from any branch of Christianity. All I'm doing is pointing out what happened in the church I went to, and comparing it to how I thought about these topics in the past, and what my own research has lead me to believe.
So, whether you want to believe it or not; Christianity is a fear-based religion.
But Allie! Christ literally said: “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Lk 12:32). So, how can this religion be based around fear?
"Sometimes, however, Christians have an inordinate fear of losing the things of this world. This is a fear that comes from unbelief. ..."[2] There is, in fact, more to that quote; but I will start by explaining this part in particular. I have a BIG problem with the people who cherry pick out their "O so sacred book," if it was their father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom, then why did he flood the world?
Moving on to my original topic so I don't get heated in this post; what I'm trying to say is that all these religions that try to hide knowledge, or only give you a select few bits and pieces of knowledge... They are possibly the root of all "evil," in a spiritual sense.
Let me give you an example of the demon who is the first duke of the power of the east; his name is Agares.
And no, I'm not saying we should all worship/summon demons; I'm well aware of the mayhem that would cause. But! Where do we find demons? In the dark. Why are most of us afriad of the dark? You can't see anything/it represents the unknown. What if I told you that "the dark" has more knowledge than the word of a preacher? What if I told you that this is the very same darkness that the world was subjected to before God theirself blinded the inhabitants with his "holy light"?
So, why did I bring up Agares? He is what is known as a fallen angel and the second of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Prior to his fall, Agares was a member of the angelic order of Virtues.
What is a biblical Virtue? "Virtue has been defined as “conformity of life and conduct with the principles of morality.” The virtues are thus the practical attitudes and habits adopted in obedience to those principles. ... To these four, Christianity added the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love."[3]
But, if we are talking about demons, darkness, and knowledge... Why would a demon want to share knowledge? Why is darkness scary? Why is knowledge in the dark?
Why would an all loving and all knowing God kick out the angles that THEY CREATED, for not obeying his every word and command? Or better yet, for questioning him? Why would this all loving God not want to show their face(s)? We don't have a clear picture of what they even look like! Heck; we think Jesus is a white dude! He grew up in the MIDDLE EAST!
But, demons on the other hand!! They have knowledge. And they are willing to share it. If we are talking specifically about Agares you can...
"Seek Agares for wisdom in friendship and to make your garden grow. He also gives advice on financial matters with regard to projects.”-From the Daemonolatry Goetia ( 2010 ) – Written by S. Connolly
But! I think I've babbled on for far too long. let me know if you peeps have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer!!
1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uri_Geller
2: https://founders.org/2017/11/16/fear-and-the-christian/#:~:text=Christians%20can%20feel%20faithful%20fear%2C%20or%20anxiety%2C%20about,his%20child%20runs%20out%20into%20a%20busy%20road.
3: https://www.britannica.com/topic/virtue-in-Christianity
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Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Anon asked: can you do an imagine with coco in where you two are best friends and one night you got drunk and go to his house and kiss him and you tell that you love him and he is like in shock and you thing he doesn’t love you back so you run away and you start ignoring him preventing from realreal heartbreak
Word Count: 1.3k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @angels-reyes
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Are you sure...?” Ez asks again whilst you're taking off the helmet with some difficulties, because you drunk too much. More than usual.
You nod very convinced, while he turns his gaze from the building where Coco lives, to you. He shrugs his shoulders, taking the helmet to hang it in the handlebar. Ez turns off the motorbike when you're inside the hall, going upstairs to the flat you know by heart. The mexican and you met like ten years ago, being in inseparable since then but some months ago you started to feel something else, something bigger, for him. You think it's happened in a Mayan party, when you found yourself laying on his lap with both arms around his neck and his wrapping your body, with some fingers traveling over a side of your left thigh so kindly that melted you, your beliefs and your whole soul.
Your knuckles hit the main door, more loudly than you could think being partially deaf because of the music that was playing in the pub. You wait for some seconds till you see some light under the door. Coco opens it, rubbing his eyes kinda sleepy without wearing a shirt. You gawk at the tattoos on his chest, until he slaps your forehead with his fingers.
“Yo! Mami, it's five am, 'foc' is wro—”.
Before you let him to finish the sentence, your lips collides with his placing both arms on his neck. The kiss it's weird and a little uncomfortable, but he tastes like tequila and that's really good. Pulling him away looking at his face you know it wasn't a good idea. He's bewildered staring at you with pursed lips as you kiss them. Raising your right forefinger, trying to say something, you decide to turn over your sneakers to run away downstairs even if he's calling you, telling you to wait for him. You don't look back, down the avenue, while your legs are burning because of the fast steps going to your house.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
You growl squeezing in pain with the sheets tangled in your almost naked body. The sun is on, illuminating your room in a unpleasant way. Hiding your head with the pillow, you snort heavy because of the headache hitting you thanks to the hangover. You know that what happened last night it wasn't a dream, nor a nightmare. Anyway, you confirm that fact when, after palming the bed, you find your phone. There are thirty-six missed calls and seventeen text from Coco. Turning off the wifi to avoid the double blue check, so he can't know you read them, you open the conversation.
(05:03) 💬: (Y/N) ????
(05:06) 💬: where r u ????
(05:06) 💬: pick up ma calls!
(05:11) 💬: you ok ???
(05:15) 💬: d fuc u did ???
(05:16) 💬: r u drunk mami ??
(05:19) 💬: why u kiss meee
(05:31) 💬: where r u ????????
(05:33) 💬: why don u answer
(05:33) 💬: am callin 911
(05:47) 💬: shit
(05:47) 💬: d fuc is wron wth u ??
(06:08) 💬: (Y/N) hello ?????????
(06:15) 💬: r u dead ????
(06:36) 💬: did u fockin mix tequila nd daikiri again ????
(09:43) 💬: yo u r worren me
(09:43) 💬: im comen 2 ur house u little fockin craze bech
The last message makes jump the pillow over your head to the floor. The door is almost closed and you can hear the tv on with some action movie on it. You sob because of the pain lashing your head and the shame is consuming you. Getting out of the bed, praying it's Angel who is there, you grab a shirt wearing it, sticking your head out the frame. You sob again when you find Coco staring at you, closing the door as if he didn't see you. Dragging your back down through it, you sit on the floor with your knees against your chest being surrounded by your arms.
The man pushes the door a little, but you close it again. Hearing him sighing, you shake your head.
“We have to talk”.
“Get outta' ma' house, Coco”. You blub without tears filling your eyes, just making the sound.
“That's all? You come to mine, kiss me and you're not gonna say anythen'?”
No words. You can't answer him. You're regretting what you did 'cause you thought he could feel something too. But, by the way he didn't move, nor kissed you back. The next thing you can hear is the main door being closed loud with a dry hit. You're fucked. You fucked up ten years of relationship in three seconds.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
Two days passed since he left your house and you wrote Taza to ask him to change your turn at the car scrapping, so you don't have to work with Coco. And even you think that the talk it's something that will not happen, you're very, very, very wrong.
After finish your turn, when the moon is almost on top of the sky, you go out of the office downstairs seeing the mexican sitting on your bike and smoking a cigar with a no-friends-face. He's kinda angry, upset and tired of being running behind you the last days, till he finally get the perfect opportunity. You're wearing your helmet, giving him the silent treatment and checking your pocket looking for your keys.
“I got them”. He says raising his free hand, with them on his palm. “And 'am not gonna give you, if you don' talk to me”.
“There's a beautiful night with a lot of stars”. You play fool, actually talking to him as he wants.
“Why you kissed me, ah?”
“I was drunk”.
“Yea', but I know you drunk and you didn' try before”.
“For god's sake, Coco, forget it. It was just a fuckin' kiss”.
“No, it wasn't”. He says shaking his head and having a smoke. “You told me you love me”.
“I didn'”.
“Yea', when I was helping you to get outta your dress”.
You frown, gasping and trying to say something else. But you're getting so nervous that you can fall down unconscious.
“'Course I love you, you're ma' best friend, idiot”.
“Not in tha' way, shithead”.
“Wha' you wanna hear, uh?” You ask crossing your arms and curling a leg. “Yea', 'am fuckin' in love with you, but who cares? You're not. Easy. I get it. Get outta 'fuck of my bike. I'm tired and I wanna go home to keep rolling in my misery”. Taking away your keys and pushing him, you sit on.
“Who the fuc' said I'm not? 'Cause I didn'”.
Turning your head at him in slow motion, you wrinkle your nose, shaking your head for a second as if you didn't hear what you actually heard.
“'Don' know. Maybe your rude texts? The fuck you did? The fuck is wrong with you? Why you kiss me?”
“I though' you lost a bet with the fuckin' boy scout”.
“What da'... Why I... Are you fuckin' stupid?”
“No, you are! You're the one who's giving me the back!”
You sigh taking off the helmet to put it in the handle bar, as you do with your leather gloves. You're gaze is down, staring at the keys in the lock, unable to look at him. You didn't act as you should and now you don't know what is worse.
“I'm sorre'”. You mutter looking him sideways.
“Yea', you better did, bech'. 'Cause I didn' fuc' anyone for one year waitin' you and you kissed me in a weak moment”.
“Jesus Christ, Johnny!” You start to laugh loudly with your hands on your lap, licking your lips. “Sweet Jesus Christ... You're a fuckin' moron, I swear to god”.
“Move your fuckin' pretty ass to ma' house, mami. Dare to do agai' what you did last night”.
“I accept that bet, Coconut”.
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simplyotometrash · 4 years
Your take about Asmo's real lust is the same as mine and I always feel soft whenever I think of him that way, so could you write something related to that? Maybe Asmo falling for MC and noticing he doesn't want just sex from them but everything: dates, holding hands, talking stupid shit at 3am, just enjoying each other's presence. Him loving and being able to love someone in return. Fuck I'm soft now 😂❤
  I FINALLY have the motivation to write again! My sweet Asmodeus needs more content!
Asmo x GN! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex, maybe angst if you squint. But mostly it is just fluff!
Every Little Thing
Asmodeus was the Avatar of Lust. Being sexual was what he was known for. It was practically expected of him. But contrary to popular belief, he wasn’t easy nor was he always horny. It was just something to fill the void he felt deep inside. It helped. Centuries of living life in Devildom and filling his time with activities that brought him pleasure, whether it be sexual pleasure or not, was all he could do to stay afloat. It did create a reputation. One that he upheld even after you came to Devildom, mostly because he had very little interest in you at first. He still went to clubs, had flings, and went shopping as he loved to do. 
What was unexpected was falling in love with you.
You were a human. You didn’t even seem that special. He barely thought twice about you, save for the flirting comments and general concern as needed. But you just couldn’t keep your nose out of his or any of his brothers’ business. You poked around where you shouldn’t have. You became interesting. The more he watched you, the more he wondered.
What would it be like to hold your hand? How soft were your lips? What were your favorite things?
He found himself wanting to know all these little things about you. He had never truly committed himself to someone, any relationships he had never lasted long as they were rather artificial. Asmodeus didn’t want a purely sexual relationship. He wanted something purer. He just wanted to love and be loved for who he was, not for his sin. 
He found himself feeling jealous when his brothers were the ones that could make you smile and laugh. Your laughter was so melodious that it rivaled the singing of angels. He wanted to be able to bring out such a beautiful sound. He took note of the little things you did every day and went out of his way to meet you. 
He didn’t realize he had fallen in love until after you made a pact. 
The desire to protect you didn’t stem from your pact. No, not at all. He truly wanted to keep you safe from harm. He wanted to be able to hold you and protect you. As confident as he played himself to be, Asmo was rather insecure. He wanted to be with you but he found himself thinking things that Levi would think. You deserved better than him. He was nothing compared to what you could have. 
He still took the risk and asked you to be his.
That risk paid off. He was thankful every single day for it. You were a beacon of light in the world. He never said anything around his brothers but often he told you that you were just as if not more beautiful than he was. Because it was true. You were beautiful inside and out. Everything to him was stunning, even if you snorted while laughing or felt insecure in your clothes. If you had a breakout on your skin or scars you kept hidden, he didn’t think any less of your perfection. You taught him that real beauty came from within. Yours shone inside and out no matter what.
Every little thing you did together made him happier than words could say. The stupidest conversations when you both should be sleeping, whether you be in bed together or in separate rooms. You were the only person he didn’t mind texting him at ungodly hours of the night.
You: Asmo, babydoll~
Asmo: Yes, my darling love? It’s 2AM, why are you up? It’s bad for your skin to be up so late!
You: I have a question, sweetie
Asmo: Awww you know just how to butter me up, buttercup! Ask away!
You: Would you still love me if I were a worm?
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You: Is that a no?
Asmo: Darling angel, what’s that about?
You: Idk, I had a dream that I turned into a worm and you squashed me because you thought I was gross.
Asmo: Come to my room asap, MC. 
You: ???
Asmo: I’m going to hold you and tell you everything I love about you. Even if you became a slimy, nasty worm. I’d still love you! I’d make you the most fashionable worm to ever exist until we could turn you back!
Those ridiculous conversations were some of his favorites to look back on. Your personality shone through even through simple text. You never failed to make him laugh and smile. He was able to be himself, the truest version of himself. You drove him to be better. 
He loved pulling you out of bed to dance with him in the middle of the room, even when it was just swaying to the sound of your own two hearts beating together. Your laugh, your soft breaths. Everything was music to his ears. No one else could hear what he did.
Sometimes you would sleep in later than him. If you woke up while he was sitting at his vanity getting ready, you always sat down his lap, buried your face against his shoulder or neck, and dozed back into a soft slumber. You made him want to be lazy and go back to bed. He lived for those soft moments you could share. He enjoyed it when you would still be sleepy and let him gently wash your face with a wet cloth or brush out your hair. You would even let him pick outfits for you for shopping dates. Or even just going to grab a bite to eat. 
He could always count on you when he was having a rough day. You would let him lay his head in your lap and you’d play with his hair. He couldn’t help but melt into your touch. You knew how to spoil him and make the bad days vanish. You gave him muscle rubs and soaked in bubble baths with him or sat by the tub if he wanted to soak in the tub by himself. You knew which pajamas he liked best against his skin. 
He would do anything to keep you as his. He loved you more than words could even say.
And he would never stop loving the person who taught him that he didn’t have to be his sin to be loved.
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formless-monkeys · 4 years
I'm afraid to ask but what do you mean by "mangled by power primate"?
The post that sentence came form is speculation in its finest form.
Steeped deep into my own beliefs, biases, experiences. Oh yes. We’re about to get religious up in here.
To get straight to the point, (and because I accidentally deleted the first draft of this answer)…
The Verans are angels. But not angels in a purely Christian way, but in a way that takes a distinctly Hindu twist to it. Ascending beyond the mortal needs in a very jnana-marga way. 
The fact that there are initiates and trainees implies that you can become a Mystic. People can become angels and live to protect the universe. Isn’t that great?
Isn’t it?
Leaving behind everything you are, everything you were, everything you could’ve been on your next cycle to become something that can no longer experience the universe you are protecting? Not to me.
Angels are terrifying. Becoming one? I don’t trust it. It’s not up to me to decide what is good and bad, and I’m sure the Verans have different priorities than me, but I can’t help but fear them. What they’ve become.
The concept of purity doesn’t exist in my mind. I don’t think it ever has. That’s a result of never having the luxury of being 100% anything.
There is no pure force of good, only a force that is overall more beneficial.
There is no pure evil, only a force that takes more than it gives.
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Chiro, as cute and incorruptible as he is, has a body count.
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And Skeleton King still has the remnants of a good man undulating within his horrible body.
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People suffer in the pursuit of good.
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People find purpose and fulfillment in the pursuit of bad.
But that’s my point. The Power Primate and The Dark Ones could be perfectly good and perfectly bad on their own, but they’re being channeled through people. Imperfection is a given. 
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Channeling the Dark Ones through a person leads to a horrifying leader of the dead. The destroyer of worlds. The Skeleton King…
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Who self sabotages… out of pride? or is it because deep down he still cares?
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Chiro’s at his closest to the Power Primate when he’s in a state of grief and aggression. 
But back to the angels.
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This face is more than anyone can animate, more than we can comprehend… and it’s not because of Skeleton King, no… Skeleton King doesn’t create monsters beyond our comprehension, for he is still a man himself. He changed an angel, sure, but not into a demon.
This is not the face of a demon, created for destruction. This is the face of a man. A man who spent years of his life dedicated to divine power. Who became something more than a man. This is still the face of an angel.
An angel, in all its glory and power… is still corruptible.
That is why it’s so terrifying to me. That’s why I used mangled. In a similar fashion to The Enigma of Amigara Fault, it strikes a deep fear within me from a distrust of “perfection”. Of purity as well. I can’t accept Ciro’s word that Antauri ascended beyond the need for worldly desires because that makes him too close to ‘perfection’ for me to trust him. I can’t accept a lot of things
because some things are ‘purely’ good or evil.
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My Happily Ever After (Part 2 of Cursed Love)
Part Two just as requested!
Jane is kinda mean in this, but like I kinda don't like Carlos x Jane so hahaha. . .
I would love some more requests so please request something! (I have only 1 so please!)
Part 1
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Warnings: Almost death, angst, blood
Summary: You get to read to find out!
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A door was knocked on, once, twice, a third time. Nothing. Silence. The door was knocked on once more, but more rushed. There was a named called, and again. The door was barged open and a scream was emitted from the doorway.
There were tears as Harriet sat next to her first mate and closest friend. Her first mate was lying on a bed, fully unconscious. They were in Auradon, crazy right? Not really...
Harriet did all she could to keep (Y/n) alive even if the girl was unconscious. Luckily the day after (Y/n) went unconscious the barrier was opened. Harriet in fear of losing her friend, got help from anyone she could. She found Harry and begged him to help her. So he did.
Harry got help from Mal and Ben. They got Fairy Godmother and explained the situation. FG wasn't sure what to do, this curse was nothing like she's ever seen before.
The door to the room was open and Mal came walking in with FG right behind her, both in a hurry. "I'm sorry Ms. Hook, but we haven't found anything that could help. Right now we are only slowing the erm-- death now... I think it would be best to let her go."
Harriet was angry, "I'm not lettin' her die! She'z all aye got!!!" Mal sighed and thought for a second, "What if we get the person who she is in love with and talk to them about her," Mal snapped her fingers "That could work right?"
Harriet deflated against (Y/n) just holding her hand, "The person she is in love with has someone already. Besides that won't do anything! She has to fall out of love for the curse to leave her." Harriet ran a hand through her hair, "None of that matters anyways because her heart is broken... God I wish this didn't happen," Harriet wiped away her tears.
"Hey give that back!" A hand reached for their pirate hat, "Carlos!!!" Carlos laughed at the girl as she pouted and turned away from Carlos.
"Aw (Y/n). C'mon," a shoulder nudged the girls. The pirate turned to Carlos and laughed, he was wearing her pirate hat and was making funny faces. "Forgive me?"
"Always and forever." She rested her head on this shoulder and pulled the hat over his eyes.
When Carlos found out (Y/n) had fallen deeply ill he flipped out. He ran straight to her room as soon as Ben said where she was.
"Carlos wait!" Ben called, but it was too late Carlos was not going to lose his best friend and- nevermind that thought. It could never happen. He flew past people and even his friends, nothing would stop him to get to (Y/n).
"Carlos?" Was all he heard as he sped past his girlfriend. Yup nothing would stop him.
Well except the door in front of him and this newfound anxiety. What if (Y/n) wouldn't talk to him? What if she told him to leave? What if she said that she didn't want to see him ever again? What if... Carlos shook his head, no time for those types of thoughts.
The de Vil opened the door and saw her, she looked like an angel as she laid there, but when he took a closer look you could see the sweat on her face and the paleness of her skin. He then noticed she was asleep.
He walked closer and sat on the chair where he supposed Harriet was sitting before he got there.
Even if (Y/n) looked sick, there was still beauty in her. Carlos moved a piece of hair out of her face and sighed. "What happened to you, lass?" He hadn't used that nickname in forever. When (Y/n) first taught him different namecallings that pirates used he immediately used lass for (Y/n). It felt fitting for some reason.
The de Vil grabbed for her hand and sighed, nothing could be done to help her as he was told by Ben.
Suddenly Jane opened the door and looked at Carlos, "Why are you in here and why did you ignore me when I called your name?" She seemed upset.
"I'm sorry Jane, but (Y/n) needs me and she's not doing well! I can't lose her again." Carlos glanced at the priate then turned to look at his girlfriend.
"Lose her? Carlos I'm sure they can help her, why they would want to help a pirate I don't know why," Jane muttered before speaking a bit louder, "I swear Carlos these past few days have been you moping about this pirate girl! Have you heard what she's done to other people? I don't even know why you would even care about her! I mean her father is Davy Jones, isn't that a big enough of a warning sign to leave her?"
Carlos was shocked Jane even said that, but she did and he got angry. He stood up, letting go of her hand as he protected (Y/n) from Jane's verbal attacks, "What the hell Jane? (Y/n) is my friend! She knows practically everything about me and just because she is a pirate doesn't mean anything. (Y/n) can be kind and understanding, when on the Isle she would always be there after my mother would abuse me! So yeah she has hurt people, but that's how people live on the Isle! If you want to live you have to hurt, steal and lie."
Jane was shocked, he never yelled, but she wouldn't back down, "Carlos I am your girlfriend and you still go against me? I am there for you whenever you need me and this is how you treat me?"
"When have you actually been there for me? I try to talk to you about my nightmares and you brush them off as me being dramatic and when your friends talk bad about me you don't even stop them! Girlfriend? Not anymore, go find someone else Jane we are over."
"You cannot do that to me Carlos! You know what, fine, have fun with your dying girlfriend!" Jane then stormed out of the room and slammed the door.
Carlos fell back onto the chair as he ran a hand through his hair. He wanted everything to stop. He wanted to just stop this whole mess. He wanted to back to the time where he and (Y/n) would just make mischief on the Isle. He would do anything to go back to that time were some things were easier than others.
His eyes started to water and he let it all out, tears fell down his freckled cheeks and he just held the pirate's hand once again. Carlos couldn't handle the pain anymore, he missed when it was (Y/n) and him.
For a few minutes Carlos cried, his cheeks red and eyes puffy. (Y/n) seemed to hear him as she slowly woke up. She looked at Carlos and saw him there, broken and it hurt her. She remembered on the Isle when his mother would hurt him and (Y/n) would always help pick up his broken pieces, always fixing him even when he refused her help. This boy meant everything to her and it killed her body, but it was always worth it, to see his eyes light up and smile. To be able to hold his hand when he needed reassurance and hug him when he just wasn't feeling well. To wipe away his tears as he cracks a smile. Everything was so worth doing just for this boy and she would do it a billion times just to see him happy.
(Y/n) forgot about everything in that moment, but Carlos. She shot up from her laying position and grabbed him, hugging him even through the pain.
Carlos was a bit shocked, but he let the hug happen. He enjoyed the warm feeling that (Y/n) gave him including the butterflies in his stomach. They sat there for a while until the girl started coughing.
"Lass? Are you alright?" A coughing fit began and it just wouldn't stop. Carlos looked around and saw a glass of water on the table next to her, he grabbed it and held it in front of her mouth, "Drink this."
(Y/n) held onto his hand that was holding the cup, she took a few gulps of water and some deep breaths. She then looked up at Carlos, his face filled with worry. The pirate gave a small smile and said "I'm okay I guess."
She knew she was already dying so might as well tell him her feelings, right? "Uh Carlos. . . The reason I am sick is because I am in love with you so so much and after finding out about your girlfriend, I was heartbroken and I'm just in love with you beyond belief and I wish we could be together, but my stupid curse has ruined everythi--" (Y/n) was pulled into a kiss, her eyes wide in shock, but she kissed back a second later.
The kiss was slow and very sweet, the two put their hearts into the kiss, making sure every second counted. As the kiss went on they didn't notice the door opening, revealing some friends of the two.
What they also didn't notice is a blue and gold like fairy dust come from where (Y/n)'s heart would be and curl around her and Carlos.
"True love's kiss huh." Was said quietly from the door.
(Y/n) and Carlos pulled away and saw the blue and gold dust, the looked in awe. A voice then was heard and they looked to see a few people, but Fairy Godmother was speaking, "True love's kiss seemed to have broken your curse (Y/n). The curse stopped you from loving without hurting your body, but it seems by someone loving you unconditionally and you loving them back in the same way it was able to break the curse." (Y/n) looked at Carlos and smiled
"Looks like you're stuck with me," (Y/n) said with a laugh
"I wouldn't want my happily ever after any other way." Carlos pulled the girl in for another kiss, happy that he could be with the girl he truly loved.
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shoujocentral · 5 years
Symphogear S1- Now this is MY kind of anime!
Every once and awhile when I'd log onto Twitter, I'd see people saying "watch Symphogear" accompanied by images from the show. From looking at the pictures, I assumed it was just another magical girl show like Precure but with less magic and more... techno. Oh, and apparently they sing while they fight? Sounds kinda dumb...
Buuuut... I have heard that there's some yuri content? Maybe I'll give it a try. I mean, I'm always open to watching new stuff, even if it's just a silly little kid's show 😅
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Well........ color me hooked.
I have to say, this show is not at all what I was expecting in the best possible way. It feels a lot more like a Shounen action show along the lines of Fullmetal Alchemist or Neon Genesis Evangelion than a Magical Girl show (if that's even what it's supposed to be). Today, I'm going to be giving my first impressions of Senki Zesshou Symphogear season 1, which will be spoiler free for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
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So what is Senki Zesshou Symphogear about?
In the not too distant future (next Sunday A.D.), Japan is under attack by monsters known as Noises, the likes of which cannot be killed by military weapons. The only thing that can kill them are girls clad in weaponized armor known as Gears, which is activated and powered by singing catchy techno-pop music.
One day, a girl named Hibiki Tachibana is caught in the middle of a battle, and one of the Gear users, Kanade Amou, sacrifices herself to save her. Two years later, Hibiki discovers that a piece of Kanade's Gear was embedded in her chest during the fight, giving her access to the Gear's powers. Hibiki is recruited by the Disaster Relief Squadron, the organization that created the Gears, to help defend Japan from the Noises.
However, Kanade's former girlfriend partner, Tsubasa Kazanari, sees Hibiki as nothing more than an obnoxious, naive girl trying to be Kanade's replacement. Will the two learn to work together, defeat the Noises, and possibly uncover a deeper plot to all the attacks?
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Symphogear's plot might not be the most original thing ever; evil monsters attack, teenage girls transform into superpowered warriors to fight them, evil mastermind tries to take over the world, etc. But what makes this story stand out is it's unique approach to the fights. Having the Gears be powered by music, resulting in every fight being accompanied by a song, is either a genius way to amplify the fights, or a genius way for the producers to sell a techno soundtrack.
I was worried that the constant use of insert songs would become repetitive and annoying, but on the contrary, they heightened my enjoyment! The fights in Symphogear are easily my favorite part of the show: fast-paced, badass powers, lots of screaming, and downright brutal at times! Hibiki has officially joined the ranks of my all-time favorite battle cries, right up there with Goku from DBZ and Souma from Kannazuki no Miko.
If there was one thing I had to nitpick, it would be that most of the fights take away the credibility of the Noises. They're supposed to be this terrifying threat to Japan that can't be harmed by the military, but as soon as the Gear wielders show up, they're reduced to nothing more than cannon fodder as Hibiki and her comrades seem to waltz through them without breaking a sweat.
Thankfully, the versus matches between Gear wielders are much more balanced. My favorite has to be Hibiki vs Chris (see above), but then again, any fight with Chris is an absolute win!
Hibiki Tachibana
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Hibiki is your typical genki girl protagonist: optimistic, hyperactive, naive, and pure. What makes her a more compelling hero, however, is her slow growth into becoming a strong Gear wielder. Unlike most magical girl protagonists, who seem to master their powers after one line of "EH?! What just happened to me?!", Hibiki takes time to learn how to fight. She starts out with the mindset that she has to be Kanade's replacement and thus tries to fight just like her. However, she eventually comes to invent her own battle tactics that work much more in her favor. Mainly, punching the everloving shit out of everything in sight.
Hibiki is, in my opinion, a flat character done right. She doesn't go through any personal growth or development throughout the show (learning to fight doesn't count), but her belief that all humans can get along if they communicate and desire to protect people just because she wants to is the cause for most of the change in the people around her. The world is in a dark place, and Hibiki is the light. She doesn't need to change, because she's exactly what the world needs.
Tsubasa Kazanari
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From what I've learned, Tsubasa is a favorite amongst Symphogear fans. Me personally, though, I have a few issues with her character. Now, I have nothing against brooding, damaged characters. In fact, Tsubasa's recovery from Kanade's death and learning to cherish her own life was incredibly engaging... for the most part. Sorry, but I can only take so much edge. Her constant repitition of "I am a sword, I exist only to fight" grew old after the first 10 or so times.
Also, while I love her overall development, I feel that her acceptance of Hibiki was a little rushed. For the first four episodes, she hates Hibiki for carrying Kanade's Gear to the point where she tries to fight her to the death. Then, after another fight sends her into a coma, she has a (extremely gay) hallucination of Kanade telling her to get over herself. Next episode, she's treating Hibiki as if they've been friends the whole time. Did I miss something? Did Hibiki even apologize for saying she wanted to replace Kanade? Did Tsubasa apologize for trying to shishkabob her?!
Development aside, her fighting style is awesome and unique, and leads to the best choreography in the show. Hopefully as I watch more seasons, my opinion of her will improve.
Chris Yukine
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Best Girl. No questions. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. Deal with it.
Jokes aside, Chris is my favorite character of the show bar none. Maybe I just have a weakness for evil-turned-good characters, but I adored her "don't take no shit from nobody" attitude and her soft side emerging as the show progressed. And let me tell you, Tsubasa would have no right to brood if she knew what Chris went through as a child. I won't give anything away, but just a few brief images and harsh words were enough get the picture across and tug at my heartstrings.
She also had my favorite Gear and fighting style in the show. If there's one thing that always gets my blood pumping, it's gatling guns and an endless supply of missiles. Seriously, I could watch this girl fight for hours.
Kanade Amou
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A moment of silence, ladies and gentlemen.
Kanade would be my favorite character if we had gotten more of her. But alas, she has to die in the very first episode. DAMN YOU, PLOT!!!
Even though we get very little of Kanade, she makes it her mission to leave a lasting impression. Her sacrifice at the beginning sets the tone for the rest of the show, and her flashback is the best of the bunch. I got hard chills when she transformed for the first time. Let's just say she's psychotic in all the right ways.
Kanade died for our sins. Remember that... 🙏
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Our main villain of the show. That's it. There's really nothing much else to her. She's cruel, manipulative, and powerful beyond belief, as most big bosses of these kinds of shows are. She was honestly my least favorite part of the show.
Fine's motivation is incredibly confusing on first watch. I had to go back to pause and read the subtitles multiple times to understand her backstory, but maybe that's my fault for being a slow reader. On the other hand, the explanation as to who she is and why she's so powerful comes right out of nowhere and doesn't seem to connect to anything the story had been building up to that point. Also, by the time I understood her motivation and actually found it a little intriguing, she dropped the dreaded "I'm going to take over the world" line. Aaaaand.... all my interest just went out the window.
There is a twist involving her connection to a certain other character in the show that I genuinely didn't see coming, but in the end, it wasn't nearly enough to make up for her shortcomings.
Miku Kohinata
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God bless this little angel. Miku is a precious cinnamon roll who must be protected at all costs. Thankfully, Hibiki's got it covered 👍
Words cannot express how much I love this girl. She may be only a supporting role for the time being, but good lord, does she support! It always broke my heart whenever she tried to spend time with Hibiki or talk to her, but the Disaster Relief Squad kept pulling them apart. I know DRS is classified, but Miku deserves better than to have secrets kept from her! Life sucks when your girlfriend best friend is a superhero...
Well, that was a mouthful. There's a lot more characters in this show, but I don't really have much to say about them. However, while we're on the subject of Miku, let's move on to the reason I checked this show out in the first place, and the reason I'm sure most of you read my stuff.
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No sooner did I finish this show did I start looking up HibiMiku fanart 😍
I was expecting a fair dosage of yuribait going into Symphogear, but mother of all that is gay, did I get an overdose!
First and foremost, the main ship: HibiMiku. These two are dating. Nothing anyone says will change my mind. They compliment each other perfectly, with Hibiki's energy and Miku's sweetness... HHNNNGGH! IT'S TOO PRECIOUS! I sincerely hope these two get more time together in the next few seasons. Now if only they'd stop with the damn F word...... 😡
Next up, TsubaKana. This one seems more like it was one-sided feelings on Tsubasa's part, judging by how dedicated Kanade was to fighting the Noise. Regardless, you don't just lose all sense of your humanity and self-worth after your "partner" dies. And all that hardcore blushing in the flashbacks and naked cuddling dream sequences... nah, Tsubasa was hella hot for Kanade. Sadly, our lord and savior was taken from Ms. Brooding too soon.
Finally, there's Ryoko Sakurai, the DRS's head scientist. She was initially hinted to be gay, what with her being all too eager to have Hibiki undress and wanting to "pop her cherry" (yes, an adult said that to a 15 year-old). However, after a certain conversation occurred, it seemed more like she was straight or at least bisexual, if all that dirty talk wasn't just teasing.
I've heard future seasons introduce more potential couples, so I'm keeping my eyes open and my yuri goggles on tight 😋
I enjoyed the first season of Senki Zesshou Symphogear through and through. As someone who enjoyed Akanesasu Shoujo and Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka, I have a soft spot for shows about badass girls kicking monster ass and unleashing their inner yuri. Overall though, I think Symphogear might be my favorite of the bunch so far. It has its fair share of flaws, sure, but I think its positives outweigh the negatives by a long shot. If I got this much enjoyment out of the first season, I cannot wait to see what the following seasons have to offer!
Symphogear delivers a fun, action-packed story with colorful characters, kickass fight scenes, head-banging music and plenty of yuri content. Anyone who loves Magical Girls or Shounen battle shows needs to check it out!
Rating: 8/10
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go binge Symphogear G. See you next time, my fellow yuri lovers!
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saiphl · 5 years
More Q&A
Answering to @artificialmeggie @dr-dill and @aqalbatross
1. what’s your go-to song to get in a good mood?
Hmmm, not like a go-to song, but two that can make me a happy person almost in any situation are: Un Osito de Peluche de Taiwan by Los Auténticos Decadentes, and Boy is a Bottom by Willam, the version in spanish.
2. what’s your spirit animal?
An Axolotl
3. find the closest book to you, flip to a random page, and pick a random sentence. what does it say?
From "La Dama Número Trece by José Carlos Somoza.
"Los compañeros de Rauschen sabían bastantes cosas, e imaginaban muchas más... Desgraciadamente, algunos puntos permanecen obscuros."
4. who is your favorite actor or actress?
Charlize Theron and Pedro Infante
5. do you collect anything?
Many things... like movies, books, Pop! dolls, bookmarkers, eyeshadow pallettes and shades of red lipstick.
6. you’re going on a trip. where are you going and who are you bringing with you?
I'd go to Vinarós to be with Helena.
7. is there any clothing style/aesthetic you’re drawn to?
I love hippie clothing, like a lot, unfortunately, that kind of aesthetic doesn't match a corporate job.
8. tell me about your favorite person in just 3 words.
Young, Innocent, Unique.
9. do you have good handwriting?
Hell no, almost no one can understand it.
10. find a random photo in your camera roll. what’s the story behind it?
A picture of the Ramen I had for dinner last sunday, when my best friend and I were hanging out and pretending the weekend wasn't coming to an end.
1. What do you take for granted?
My best friend, he's been the only constant presence in my life along the last 24 years.
2. What book has impacted you the most?
Captive in the Dark... I still can't believe how my damned body reacted to such level of violence.
3. What’s the best thing about you?
I'm honest and loyal, once I get to let someone in, I'd hardly let them go; still is very difficult for me to let someone get close.
4. What’s something you’ll never do again?
Getting drunk with Whisky... that thing is the devil itself.
5. There are two types of people in this world. What are the two types?
People who likes cats, and people who doesn't.
6. If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be?
Make all the politicians, including the president to earn the minimum salary in the country, with all the money saved on their salaries, we'll get the country debt free by the end of the government period.
7. What incredibly strong opinion or belief do you have about something that is unimportant in the grand scheme of things?
The fact that the people can call anyone a liar without even stopping to think about the consequences of that.
8. If you had a clock that could countdown to any event of your choosing, which event would it be and why?
For the Zombie Apocalypse.
9. If you could have a video of any one event in your life, which one would you choose and why?
That moment when my cousin was running in the garden with my great grand aunt's dog when we were kids, it's one of the most beautiful memories that I have.
10. What’s something you’re really good at, but kind of embarrassed that you’re really good at?
Hiding things... and please, don't ask.
1. What is your favorite book, a brief summary, and why you liked it?
The Count of Montecristo by Alexandre Dumas.
It's the story of a guy who was unfairly jailed and loses a huge part of his life until he can actually escape and go back to the beginning, to get his revenge.
I like it because I understand it as a cautionary tale of what can happen if you're an asshole with the others.
2. What got you into writing fanfic in the first place?
That I was absolutely pissed with the ending of Deadly Hallows, so I wrote my own epilogue, with gambling and whores.
3. What’s your hobby or talent you’re most proud of?
Writing, it's one of the best things I can do.
4. If you could live in any AU, what would it be and why?
Hmmm this one is catchy... if you mean an AU from book or series, I think I'd love to be in Steven Universe's world.
5. Favorite story or moment
Again, this is catchy. My favorite story is a short one by Angeles Mastretta for her book Mujeres de Ojos Grandes, if you want to know, I can explain you with detail.
About moments, if you mean a moment of the day, it'd be sunset, I love to see how the sky turns from blue to black, going through orange, red and purple.
6. What dream or goal are you working towards?
My trip to UK.
7. What queen would you most want to be friends with and why?
If RuGirl, Jinkx, Katya, Nina, Fame or Vanjie.
If local may be Tiresias and Eva Blunt.
8. Where do you like to escape to?
Right now? to Vinarós, with Helena.
9. Favorite animal?
Cats and Axolotl.
10. Tell me something you want me to know
I'm very curious about you, I'd like to know you better.
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gayerthanthee · 6 years
Hearts and Halos|| The Privacy-Snooper
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Chapter Two: The Privacy-Snooper
Previous Chapter: Hearts and Halos|| Pale White Feathers
Summary: From years of walking the Earth, James Buchanan Barnes hasn't been successful in his love life. Despite his looks, skills, charming personality and his sex/non-sex appeal, he couldn't find the right one. But when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he meets the unthinkable; an Angel. Not just any Angel, a Cupid that God sent Himself.
And so, he's in for a long, long ride, and the hunt for Bucky's Significant Other finally begins.
Named/Mentioned Character/s:
Bucky Barnes
(y/n) (l/n)
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff(mentioned)
Tony Stark(mentioned)
Clint Barton(mentioned)
Just a little Bucky breakdown, not a full one. But still kinda stings.
Word Count:
Author's note/s:
If you're a religious person or not, it doesn't change how I can treat you. It's based on your attitude to me. But bringing that up, here, you are an Angel of God. You lived your life as a human on Earth and died and became an Angel and chose to be an Angel of Love, a Cupid. So no matter what belief you have, this is simply fictional and I hope to not make things heavy. This, all about God and Heaven, is for the sake of this AU. With that out, I hope you at least liked the last and like this as much as you did.:)
'Is that an angel snooping my diary?'
A luminous beam of light was conjured in the  extravagant palace of Heaven. Yes, Heaven existed, like how Earth did. It was where the good and the pardoned resided after death. The after life of the deceased creations by the Almighty. Where souls and Angels lived. You might ask, don't the dead become Angels too once they get to Heaven? It's a little like that, you're right. But to be specific, yes, they become Angels, with halos and white wings. But not all of them are the same.
Once you get to the Gates of Heaven, you will be an Angel once you're deemed good throughout your life as a human, and you're officially welcomed in the haven. There, you may live peacefully and serene, with a home inside or out the main palace of Heaven. And, if you want to have responcibilities, you may talk to God in his place in the palace. He can give you what he can give. It's either being a Guardian Angel, an Archangel, and assistant or others. In (y/n)'s case, she chose to be a Cupid.
When the light dispersed, it showed (y/n) in her form as a Cupid. In white robes that embraced her body perfectly. Gladiator sandals that reached her knees, and a mystical bag that could carry almost anything. And last but not the least, a golden halo that was suspended ontop of her head, her pale white wings folded on her back.
As she walked towards God's office she looked for her love journal in her bag, pulling it out when she sees it. When she arrived on front of God's door she twisted the knob when she saw the rectangular green light on top.
"Oh, (y/n). Good to see you, my child." He greeted when he sees one of his hard-working Cupids.
"Hi Boss, good to see you too." She greeted too after shutting the door with a smile. "Er, I have a question, something about my job."
She neared his desk and laid the book before him. Opening it and turning to the last pages, it showed information about Bucky. His biography, the arcs of his life, how he is as a person, but his Significant Other was empty and his future was incomplete. And the other page, that was supposed to show about the person for him was complete empty. Except for the gender, though. "Why is it like this? Why doesn't it tell about Barnes' Significant Other?"
God raised his brows and smiled. "But it does tell about his Other," He paused and pointed down at the only information it had and this time, smiled cheekily. "it's a female."
(y/n) knew about that. She looked down at where he pointed and her brow furrows, before looking at her boss. "What is this all about, Boss?"
God had started to chuckle. "I thought you'd never ask. This whole mystery," He circled the pages, continuing. "is for me to know and for you to find out."
"What?" She cried. "Did you just get that out of a human' T.V. show?"
"Hmm, maybe?" "Come on Boss, what is this about, please?"
God saw the plead in her eyes, and was almost convinced to tell him who the Other was.
He sighed. "Think of it as a puzzle. A last challenge before stepping down from your title. But I'm telling you, you'll be thanking me after you fulfil this last mission. So you can't back out now."
"Can I at least have any hints, and clues?"
"Of course, you can. I can't resist one of my children, now can I?"
Bucky loved his best friend like his own brother, but you know how brothers can be sometimes. They can be a little bit..much.
Since Bucky told Steve of his little semi-episode earlier, he started to overreact a bit. Again, a bit...much.
"So I talked to Tony and told him to have security heightened around you just to make sure you're safe and I advice you not to get out much and make sure you don't lock yourself up and-"
"Steve," "-I don't want to hear you getting chased by-" "Steve." "-some goons and-"
"Jesus Christ Steve I know you care so much but you're getting a bit too much and it isn't helping the freaking situation much."
Bucky's chest was heaving as he chased his breath from the short outburst, but his eyes softened up at his pal when his mood seemed to droop.
"Look, I'm sorry for--I dunno, raising my voice at you? Yeah. But Steve, you gotta keep in mind that panicking like-" He gestured towards Steve from beside him. "-that doesn't really help. You're more worried than the person who's already a little jumpy."
The other man sighed. "I know." And he sighed again, by inhaling longer and letting it all out. "Yeah I know and I'm sorry. You know I can't-I can't help it." With that, he stared into his best friend's eyes with such emotion. "I just can't afford to lose my pal. Again."
Bucky nodded with an understanding smile, and pats Steve's back to try and pat away his worries somehow. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, bud."
Steve smiled back, albeit a little unsure, but nodded nonetheless.
"Mr. Rogers, Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Barton are waiting for you in the quinjet."
Steve raised his brows and looked up at the ceiling, a habit everytime he heard FRIDAY. Don't worry though, I assure you he's starting to get used to the A.I. He's improving.
"Welp, there's my cue," He stands and shifts his uniform properly. "stay safe. And keep an eye out, too."
Seeing Bucky nod carefully at his request, he attaches his shield to his back and turns away, leaving the compound. Leaving Bucky all on his own.
Chewing at his gum, the (h/c)-headed man walked through the aisles of the grocery shop, making sure the man he's after doesn't lose his sight. He looks at the round mirror on the corner of the store, and saw the brunette take the canned food from the shelf and put it in his cart; turned his back and pushed the full trolley before pausing at his steps, slowly darting his eyes around and continuing his way to the counter.
The (h/c)head walked carefully as he pretended to examine the dairy products on the aisle he was at, placing a carton of milk on his basket. Watching the man from the corner of his eye.
He watched as the brunette man checked out his items and walked out of the shop, so he puts back the carton of milk and drops the basket carefully on the ground; walking briskly to follow the man he's pursuing and chucking out his gum to the garbage bin without batting an eye.
Bucky had gotten out after lunch to buy the groceries. He felt like he wanted to go out at the moment, but still, he had a reason why. Hmph, all this despite Steve's light request. Mean.
Without a doubt, he was being followed again. No, he didn't just have a hunch, he was sure. He saw the man looking at him as Bucky took a glance on the round mirror above the entrance of the small shop. And after checking out, he immediately left and tested if he was definitely the follower.
Bucky, with the plastic bags, went to the ice cream vendor who had his stand near the park. He thought of stopping for a while to see if the familiar man was still there, but at the same time he really did want to have ice cream, though. Nothing bad with that.
After purchasing his cone he sat on a bench and rested, giving his legs a break. He takes a harmless lick on the dairy and carefully devours it, savoring the sweetness of the ice cream, and as he does so, his eyes shoot from one direction to another. He's not here. The man's not anywhere. He lost sight of his follower.
Was he being followed, or was he not? He was very sure he was. Even I was, whoops.
And so, our man here sighs and walks the pavement under the now darkening evening. Clouds and clouds seeming to embrace the stars from above, accompanied by the moon who replaced the sun's place in the sky.
Then he makes a sharp turn and walks into the darkness of an alley.
He leans his back into the concrete wall and anticipated for the other sound of footsteps to continue and inch closer. He waited for seconds. And seconds turned to minutes, until it felt like forever, which makes him finally decide to sneak a peak out the alley.
No sight of the man.
He felt stupid. But Bucky felt it. Again. And when he thought he could get the chance to finally confront him, that's just what it was. A thought.
From his kneeling position by his bed, he stood, and wiped his tired face wih his hands, pulling at his hair when he held it.
He pulled his hair harshly, as if he waited for scalp to tear from his head. His teeth were bared as he grinded them. His head shaking the slightest.
Bucky was frustrated. He was frustrated at the man who he couldn't grasp. He was frustrated at the situation. He was frustrated at himself. At how he was weak and helpless.
He could feel the gaping hole in his chest. The way it was empty as if something was torn from inside him. He was panting. Hoping that each and every breath he took would feel the vacancy inside his empty but beating heart.
Eventually, his actions started to cease. His face was untensed and he calmed his breath. He wiped away the tears that made their way down his cheeks and wiped what was left from his eyes.
He dropped his bottom to his bed and inched towards the middle, enveloping his comforter around his defeated form as he forced himself to rest. For his emotions to cease.
He blindly reached for the lamp as his eyes were shut. When he felt the little rope, he pulls it down gently, turning out the light before he slept.
He didn't know how long he was asleep and what time he did, but he definitely knew it wasn't long.
But where did the sudden and gentle luminosity before his screwed eyelids come from?
Then he heard it. The sound of paper scraping lightly against paper. The silent mumbling out loud from behind him.
When he peaked through his eyelids, he saw the dark abyss of a sky from the gap of his curtains. And when he looked from the corner of his eye, the ceiling's light was off. Even the lamp was off, being in that side of his room. The intense light on his walls must be coming from this intruder's torch.
Slowly, he turned his body to the other side and his eyes flew wide at what he was witnessing, before narrowing to observe better.
'Is that an angel snooping my diary?'
I'm back! Sorry for being gone. I actually got this done since last week but I didn't get to put it in Tumblr. But now I got it though:))
Be safe!
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