#Math was fun. My teacher told me 2 hit the guy next 2 me.
pnuk-r0ck · 8 months
I had suchhhh a good day 2dy.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Day In The Life
requesred by this genius anon: “Aight imma hit you with a good one: Literally everything as platonic, but a day in the life of reader in high school with the minor gang (too my, tubbo, ranboo) and all the faculty at the school are dreamsmp members”
Platonic! Minors gang (tommy, tubbo, ranboo and purpled) x reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: a day in the life of a student at the DSMP public high school 
{with all the shit that goes on the smp there's no way it could be anything but a public school}
{also if I do things slightly off or something its cause my high school is weird, we only have four blocks a day, but I think most have seven, so we’re going with that}
{also the dream/george thing, is based on two of the sciences teachers at my school being suspected of having an affiar}
{Full teacher list:
English: Mr. NotFound
Drama: Mr. Soot
Spanish: Mr. Dream (its mexican dream lol)
Gym: Coach Sapnap and Coach Punz
Home ec: Miss Nihachu
Music: Mr. Quackity
Chemistry: Mr. Halo}
Home room: Mr. Callahan
You sighed, trudging toward the school entrance, god it was way to early for this. 
The halls were already crowded with people heading to there home rooms, and Mr. Minecraft, the principal, was standing outside the admin offices, greeting everyone with a smile. 
“Good morning, (y/n).” 
“Good morning Mr. Minecraft.” You grumbled as you passed. 
You hurried through the foyer and up the stairs, toward Mr. Callahan’s room. 
“Hey!” Tubbo called, hurrying down the hallway, “(y/n)!”
“Hey Tubbo.” you yawned.
He fell into step with you, “You think Callahan will actually show today?” 
The one good thing about your home room teacher is that none of the kids ever seemed to have seen him. It meant that some days, while other home rooms had lectures of bullying or something, your class got to hang out for 30 minutes. 
“I don’t think he even exists.” Purpled said, falling in on your other side. 
“He definitely doesn’t.” You agreed. 
History: Mr. Blade
“Hey (y/n)!” Ranboo called from his seat at the front of the room as you came in. 
He was lucky enough to have moved homerooms and ended up getting the same room as his first block. 
“Hello Ranboo.” you sighed, sitting down in your seat next to him. 
Tommy came in and plopped down behind you, “Well you sound like shit.”
“No swearing in my classroom, Tommy.” Mr. Blade chided, hardly looking up from the book on his desk. 
You turned to look at Tommy, “It’s too early for this.” 
“You say that everyday!” He laughed. 
“Yeah! Cause this class starts at 7:45 in the god damn morning!” You half exclaimed. 
“Bloody hell you’d think you’d get used to it-” 
“Tommy, what did I say about swearing?” Mr. Blade cut Tommy off. 
“But you didn’t yell at (y/n)!” Tommy yelled, “That’s not fair Tech!” 
Me. Blade glared at his brother, “Do you want me to send you down to Phil’s office Tommy?” 
“I didn’t even do anything!”
After a moment under Mr. Blades glare, Tommy sighed, “Please don’t send me down to Phil.” 
The teacher didn’t respond, instead standing up and moving to stand in front of the board, queuing up the intro slides for the day, “All right everyone, settle down. Today in our ‘tour of the ancient world’ or whatever, we’re going to start our mini unit on Greece.”
Statistics/Math: Mr. Was Taken
After a class that ended mostly in a rant about the myth of Heracles, you said goodbye to Ranboo and Tommy and met up with Purpled to head to math. 
Mr. Wastaken was already passing out the notes when you two got there, sliding into your seats at the back of the classroom just as the bell rang. 
“You’re late.” He chided, dropping the papers onto your desk, then Purpleds. 
“Purp needed to refill his water bottle.” You explained. 
“Seriously?” Mr. Wastaken questioned, “Dude, it’s second block, why the hell was your water already empty?” 
Purpled shrugged, “P.E?” 
“Ehh, wrong, Sapnap doesn’t have you till sixth period.” 
“Stairs... are murder man.” He fumbled. 
You nodded, “First floor to the fourth floor is tough Mr. Wastaken.” 
Rolling his eyes, the teacher moved back to the front of the room, “Alright, last nights homework was a bit of a flop so we’ll be more review for the quiz tomorrow.” 
You groaned internally, pulling out your pencil. 
Purpled nodded, “I fuckin hate review days.” 
“I can hear you, you know!” Mr. WasTaken half yelled. 
Chemistry: Mr. Halo
After Math you and Purpled headed down to the science hall to meet back up with Tubbo to head to Chem. 
“Welcome back everybody!” Mr. Halo greeted cheerily, “Good to see smiling faces for chemistry!” 
How he managed to stay so upbeat, no one would ever know.
You sat down at your lab table with Tubbo, “You think we actually make it to doing the lab today before he starts talking about Mr. Skeppy again?” 
“Oh no chance.” 
You chuckled, pulling out your notebook as Mr. Halo pulled up the opening review before the lab. 
Twenty minutes later found you elbow deep in the lab, quite literally. 
“It was supposed to just be a small scale elephants toothpaste!” Mr. Halo cried. 
Purpled grinned, “You should’ve taken my wildcard factor into account sir.” 
You laughed, wiping the foam off your apron (thank god for lab aprons), “That was brilliant!” 
A few minutes earlier, Tubbo had helped him do out the math to scale up the experiment by 20%, and you had willingly given up your own materials to help.
Now most of the classroom was covered in the foam, and Purpled and the girl who had been unfortunate enough to be partnered with him were knee deep in it. 
“I sent the video to the groupchat.” Tubbo whispered.
“Good.” You chuckled again. 
Mr. Halo groaned, “You three start cleaning this up, Elizabeth, dear, why don’t you join a different group.”
“I volunteer to switch with her!” Drista yelled, “they look like fun!” 
Mr. Halo sighed, “No- no absolutely not- I can’t deal with you added to the mix.” 
Drista pouted, the rest of the class went back to there work, and you, Tubbo and Purpled began to clean up the foam. 
Drama: Mr. Soot
As Purpled left for his history class, you and tubbo headed twoard the music/performing arts suit, where you met up with Ranboo. 
“Tommy said he wished he could’ve been there to see the foam.” Ranboo reported as Tubbo peeled off into the band room, and you both continued on to the green room. 
“Hello, Hello, Hello!” Mr. Soot greeted in an aussie accent (you know the one). 
“Oh god please say were not doing accents today.” Ranboo muttered. 
Mr. Soot laughed, “Nah, we’re going to do some more rounds of improv.” 
“Oh thank god.” You said as you moved to take a seat at one of the side tables. 
“That would have been hell.” Ranboo agreed. 
More people poured into the room, take seats all around as Mr. Soot began to dig through on of the closets. 
As the bell rang he let out a triumphant cheer, turning around and brandishing a very large bowl of paper slips, “I found the prompts!” 
“Oh dear lord.” Ranboo muttered.
“Mr. Soot can we please do like, anything else?” You asked, “Like scenes, or hell I’d even take monologues, you know we’re all shit at improv!” 
The teacher sighed, “I suppose we could do something else. I guess we can begin our next topic, you’re all going to be assigned scenes and given time to practice them, we’ll present on Friday!” 
The entire class breathed a sigh of relief that you had managed to change his mind. 
~~ English: Mr. NotFound 
After a very chaotic lunch full of Tubbo retelling a bunch of jokes Mr. Quackity had told during music,  you trudged off to the one class that didn’t have any of your main group of friends in. 
The one good thing about having Mr. NotFound as a teacher was that he had no clue what he was doing. 
More often then not you would be left to do essays or read the required books, and then watch the movies that went along with them.
And, just your luck, your English block happened to take place during Mr. Wastaken’s prep period. 
“Right, everyone, today’s a work day, finish up anything you need to for this class, or another, and I’ll put on a movie.” Mr. NotFound said as soon as everyone was seated. 
Ten minutes into the movie the teacher had left, and you pulled up the group chat.
(y/n): Mr. NotFound has yet again suspiciously left during class. 
Purp: sus
Purp: just went by WasTaken’s room
Purp: he’s not there
BooBoy: I saw him down in the science hall ten minutes ago
BeEs: Science hall is oposite to English isn’t it
(y/n): yeah it is
BooBoy: very sus
Purp: I swear their having an affair
BeEs: defintly a lesbian
BeEs: *leassion
BeEs: lesion
BeEs: le-a-zon
BeEs: you know what I mean!
BooBoy: take your time Tubbo
You chuckled quietly, putting your phone down to look back up at the movie on the screen. 
Spanish: Mr. Dream (its mexican dream lol)
“AYYYY kids!”
You groaned as your Spanish teacher burst into the room.
“What is with this guy?” Tommy muttered. 
“ayy man not cool.” Mr. Dream said. 
“Mr. Dream your ten minutes late!” Someone pointed out. 
“SHut up man. And I told you just call me Mexican Dream!” The teacher said. 
You frowned, “That doesn’t make sense, theres no way your first name is ‘mexican’.” 
“Well its not,” He explained, “But its cause I’m the Mexican version of that math teacher!” 
“Why couldn’t I have taken French like Boo and Purp?” Tommy asked the ceiling quietly.
~~ Home ec: Miss Nihachu
The last block of the day was always the best, but not just because school would be over soon. 
There were three main reasons why everyone agreed it was the best. 
1. Miss Nihachu was the nicest teacher in school
2. baking was done often, and everyone always got to take some home
3. it was the one class you, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled all had together. 
Soon your found yourself crowded into one of the tiny kitchen areas with all your friends, as Miss Nihachu gave instructions. 
“Now, if you make a mess you will be cleaning it up! I’m looking at your kitchen a!” She said, half threateningly.
Ranboo pushed away from the group, “I’m not with them I swear!” 
Miss Nihachu rolled her eyes playfully, “Sure your not.” 
Surprisingly, a mess was not fully made. 
Somehow between Tommy wanting to taste the cookie dough at every step from butter to flour, Tubbo trying to add as many chocolate chips as he could, and Purpled all but refusing to move from where he was sitting on the counter, you and Ranboo managed to get the cookies into the oven with no real disasters. 
As you wiped down the empty counter space you sighed, “That wasn’t too bad.” 
“Yeah.” Tubbo agreed. 
Tommy only nodded, still eating the large glob of cookie dough he’d stolen. 
Ten minutes before the bell rang and when everyone was supposed to be finishing cleaning up you sniffed the air suspiciously, “Why do I smell burning?” 
Tubbo took a deep breath, “I smell it too.”
“Oh yeah, something is definitly burning.” Ranboo agreed. 
You whirled to face Purpled, who was absently scrolling through his phone, “Purp you did set a timer right?” 
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Will They Won’t They | Part 1/4 [Reggie Peters]
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Pairing: Reggie Peters x fem!reader
Words: 7000
Summary: Reggie and reader were the best of friends up until middle school where they drifted apart and decided never to speak to each other again. What happens when a shared algebra class and a resulting detention force them to spend and increasing amount of time together. Will it be enough to overcome the mutual hate? Or was the relationship doomed from the start.
WARNINGS: swears, spicy dancing, ANGST
A/N: Okay this is the first of hopefully many collabs between Drea and I! We’re both so excited to share out very long baby with you and hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! - mimi <3
A/N (2): hi babes it’s drea taking over HAHAHA to repeat what mimi said, we are SO EXCITED to collab and work together to create this SUPER ANGSTY but also SUPER FLUFFY AND FUN fic! your feedback is highly appreciated! and if you like our writing, please like, comment, and reblog! we’d love to hear what you have to say! sending my love! - drea :)
The night was young in your eyes. All the lights in the (L/N) household were off, aside from the nightlight in your bedroom. Despite it being nearly eleven at night, you and your best friend, Reggie Peters, were far from tired.
The soft humming from the radio was all that could be heard from your room, along with the occasional giggle from you or joke cracked by Reggie. You laid on your bed next to him, your legs tangled in the bedsheets. As much as you loved sleepovers with your best friend, you had to admit that Reggie’s growth spurt did not help your cramped situation.
“Your elbow is jabbing my ribs,” you grumbled, kicking Reggie towards the edge of your bed.
The boy only shoved you back, a playful smirk on his face. “You’re just jealous I’m taller than you now, Cookie,” he said triumphantly.
“I’m jealous you’re taking up all the space on my bed, dork,” you shot back, kicking hard enough to push him over the edge. Reggie let out a yelp before hitting the ground, groaning upon the impact. You fell into a fit of giggles as you peeked over the edge of your bed to see a pair of narrowed blue-green eyes and a scowl. “Sorry, Flicka,” you squeaked.
Reggie glared at you jokingly, rubbing his elbow in pain. “No you’re not,” he whispered back.
“Yeah, I’m not.”
You swung your legs over the edge of your bed, standing up to reach -well almost- Reggie’s height. You frowned at his arm, gingerly taking it into your hands. The boy winced upon first touch, but relaxed in your grasp. “Does it hurt a lot?” you asked in a concerned voice.
Reggie shrugged his shoulders. “It’s whatever,” he responded nonchalantly, but the pain in his voice was visible.
You raised an eyebrow at your best friend. “You don’t have to pretend to be all strong and tough,” you reminded him.
The taller boy sighed, a pout adorning his lips. “I know,” he murmured. “But we’re starting middle school soon. I should be ‘all strong and tough.’”
Snorting, you shook your head. “Who cares about that nonsense?” you exclaimed in a hushed voice. “We all feel pain, that’s not a bad thing. Besides, it’s just me, Flicka. You don’t need to put up an act.”
Reggie’s lips turned upwards as he looked into your eyes. Everything just felt right at the moment. The smile on your face. The redness in his cheeks. The moonlight reached the window and illuminated the room. It was perfect.
The radio, forgotten by the two of you, started to play a new song. Your song.
“You got a fast car
I want a ticket to anywhere”
Glancing up at Reggie, you could both tell you were thinking the exact same thing.
“Dance with me, Flicka?” you asked, giving his hands a squeeze.
Reggie’s face burned in embarrassment as you moved his hand to your waist. “I’m not any good at this, you know that, Cookie,” he muttered, resting his chin on top of your head.
You scoffed, starting to sway along to the music. “Just follow my lead, Reggie. I promise I won’t leave you hanging.”
There, the two of you swayed silently to the music. The moon shined bright from your window, making the blue and green in his eyes shine brighter than usual. Reggie watched as you moved your head so that it laid against his chest. You could hear his heart practically beating out of his chest, making you giggle softly.
“Flicka? you spoke up in a hushed tone. Reggie only hummed in reply. You took a deep breath. “Promise me you’ll never leave me?”
Reggie looked out the window, seeing a glimpse of both of your reflections through the glass. “I’d never leave you, Cookie.”
“You promise?” you whispered.
“I promise.”
That was your first broken promise. The first broken promise upon millions. Reggie told you he’d never leave you, that he’d always be your friend.
Funny how fragile promises can be.
That was nearly seven years ago. The late nights spent doing who knows what, listening to the radio seemed like a distant memory from a past life.
Now your days were spent alone in the library, bent over textbooks determined to ace your classes to get a scholarship and go to a good college. You wouldn’t make your parents pay for that. That was asking too much of them.
You weren’t sure where Reggie was, or what he was doing. Once you both were in middle school, he found himself new friends, and apparently a band, too. Even though you weren’t on speaking terms, you had listened to his music every once in a while. You knew he was destined for big things. Those big things just didn’t include you.
But that was fine. Your entire life wasn’t centred around some boy from your childhood. You had school and your family. So, for you, that meant signing up for all the most challenging classes and studying your ass off for all of them.
You didn’t want to admit it but this class was killing you. Your pride always got in the way. Most of the time, you believed you were capable of passing every class with flying colours. But, there was no denying this class was more difficult than the others. How were you supposed to know what effects the Great Depression had on farmers of that era? You weren’t them and they were all dead.
Your tired eyes drifted over to the clock and you sighed as you realized what time it was. Packing your things, you left the library and dragged your feet to your algebra class.
Sitting patiently in the front row while your teacher explained the lesson plan you barely even registered the faint knock on the door frame, but when you turned your head up your expression changed from one neutral to a scowl.
He hadn’t changed a bit. Aside from the whole outfit -he definitely switched his old sports sweatshirts for leather jackets sometime in freshman year- he was the same old Reggie Peters. The same dark hair, piercing blue-green eyes, and rosy red cheeks.
“Um, sorry I’m supposed to be in algebra with Mr. Milenika, I just got transferred.” the dark hair teen said, running a hand through his hair and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Yes, Mr. Peters correct?”
Reggie nodded wordlessly. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Not from nerves, but is pure hatred for the boy. He couldn’t be in this class. He just couldn’t. Why would the universe do that to you?
“Very well, take a seat.”
Reggie walked into the class, eyeing where to take a seat when he noticed the only open spot was next to you.
His features hardened and he threw his bag down next to the empty desk, pulling out the chair and sitting in it with a loud thump.
“Flicka,” you spat.
“Cookie,” he nodded with a hiss in return.
“Great, I take it you two know each other?” Mr. Milenika asked, unaware of the drama that was associated with whatever relationship you and Reggie had. It was a stretch to say you even had one.
You and Reggie gave him a bitter “Yes.”
Mr. Milenika, never one who was ever good at differentiating bitterness and normal answers, beamed at the two.
“Good, because even though this is a math class, I will make you work with your partner quite often. So I suggest you get to know whoever is sitting next to you.” Your body stiffened. As if it couldn’t get any worse, Mr. Milenka never failed to disappoint.
Mr. Milenika continued on, explaining the rest of the plan for the class, but you seemed unable to concentrate, entirely focused on the boy who was now sitting next to you. With his stupid face and stupidly strong cologne, you couldn’t focus at all on whatever was on the board. It was as though you were in a haze, and all you could think about was him.
It had been years since you’d last spoken, not to mention you barely saw him in the halls anymore. He was notorious for skipping class to go rehearse with his so-called band while you were quite the opposite. Never missing a day, no matter what it took.
“Never thought you were one for staring,” he whispered under his breath and you scoffed.
“Oh so we don’t talk for seven years and you think now’s a good time to start?”
“Yeah, I do, cause then I could tell you how stupid those shoes look,”
“I’m literally just wearing converse, you are too Reginald,” you spat.
“Shut up!” he said, raising his voice slightly.
“You first!” you said, voice becoming louder. Was it a childish comeback? Perhaps, but you weren’t one to back down, no matter how stupid your comebacks were.
Now the whole class was listening, even Mr. Milenika had stopped teaching to observe what was going on with his students and just as he was about to intervene it seemed the debate had gotten worse.
“Me? shut up? You’re the one who was always bossing me around and telling me what to do! I could never get in a word with you!” Reggie snapped back.
“That’s because you were too thick-skulled to listen to anything I had to say!” you hissed, not realizing the audience you had. “Who knows Flicka maybe if you had you wouldn’t have failed this class last term!”
“That was uncalled for!” Reggie exclaimed, now standing from his chair. “And it’s not my fault the tutor bailed on me because it was a conflict of interest. This isn’t Judge Judy (Y/N)! If anything it’s your fault!”
“You manipulative little asshole!”
“Suck up!”
“That’s enough!” Mr. Milenika yelled over both of you, causing you to shrink and turn to look at the very angry teacher. “Never in my years of teaching have I seen such barbaric behaviour! That’s two months' detention. Both of you! Now go to Mrs. Hillside’s office, immediately.”
Reggie angrily grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, kicking a stray chair on his way out while you followed close behind in a much quieter fashion.
You had no words as you entered the principal’s office, sitting across from her desk while Reggie took the seat next to yours.
It was your first day back from the holiday. Your first day back and you finally had a conversation with your childhood best friend in seven years and got two months of detention with said childhood best friend. Your heart ached at the thought of the big flaw printed on your record. You only had Reggie to blame.
Purposefully, you shuffled away from him and he rolled his eyes as Mrs. Hillside finished her phone conversation with Mr. Milenika.
“Disrupting a class?” The woman exclaimed. “Foul language? Damaging school property?” Your face burned at each accusation.
Mrs. Hillside glared at you. “Ms.(L/N),” she addressed with a frown. “I did not expect such reckless and irresponsible behaviour from a promising student like you. I’m greatly disappointed.”
Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. “Please don’t make it go on my record,” you whimpered, your voice cracking.
The woman pressed her lips together. “You’re lucky this is your first detention, Ms.(L/N).” You released the breath you had no idea you were holding.
“Kiss ass,” Reggie muttered.
You narrowed your eyes at the boy, prepared to shoot back another comeback when your principal had something far better.
“I find that rich from you, Mr. Peters,” she laughed humorlessly. “Remind me, how many detentions did you have last term?” The boy’s cheek flushed, instantly shutting his mouth. You held back a laugh as to not get a snapback of your own from the teacher. “Now as much as this is infuriating, you both do have a class that I believe would be in your best interest not to miss. So we’ll draw up a schedule for these two months of detention and then you can return to your class in an orderly fashion. You understand?”
“Yes ma’am,” you nodded and Reggie just shrugged, if he blew this for you, well let’s just say there wouldn’t be any evidence of the crime.
“So let’s make this three days a week for two months. Thursday, Friday and Saturday and the hours will vary from time to time depending on the tasks you need to complete.”
“Three times a week?” Reggie exclaimed. “Mrs. Hillside, I have band practice-”
“And I’m losing my patience,” she cut him off. “Now go back to class before I make it four detentions a week.”
You squeaked a quiet “Thank you” before picking up your things and leaving the principal’s office. Speeding down the hallways, you didn’t hear Reggie catching up close behind you. When you saw a blur of black and red in the corner of your eye, you fought the urge to turn your head.
“Stupid Reggie Peters,” you muttered under your breath. “Stupid algebra class. Stupid Mr. Milenka and his stupid detention. Stupid-”
“Are you talking to me, Cookie?” Reggie spoke up, making you jump in surprise. By that time, you were already at the door of your algebra class.
You pressed your binder close to your chest, shooting the boy a pointed glare. “I hate you,” you said, opening the door just enough for you to slip through and slam in Reggie’s face.
You didn’t dare speak when you returned back to class, not wanting to try your luck and possibly extend your already long detention.
Reggie seemed to be thinking the same thing, possibly except he didn’t have his record on the line it was that stupid band practice of his. If he had spent as much time studying as he did practicing maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation because he would have passed the class in the first place.
You knew that you’d need to spend time catching up tonight so you didn’t even bother paying attention to the lesson. Anger bubbled in your chest as you mindlessly wrote notes for the class, not processing anything at all. Occasionally, you would notice a pair of blue-green eyes staring at you, only for them to turn back to the board each time you would look back.
You couldn’t even look each other in the eye. How were you supposed to last two months of detention with him?
Finally, the bell rang and allowed you to escape the confinement that was the loud stares of your classmates as you headed to your first assigned detention. Cleaning up the backroom of the library.
Reaching the library, you were met with the librarian, Mr. Mallard. The old man was hunched over a box filled with books, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. It seemed as though he didn’t realize you were right behind him, so you awkwardly cleared your throat.
Mr. Mallard jumped, turned around to see you nervously waving at him. “Oh, Ms. (L/N), I didn’t see you there.” You waved his comment off.
“Not a problem,” you said with a kind smile. You mentally let out a sigh of relief. Good thing Mr. Mallard was nicer than the rest of the teachers here.
“I was just listening to music,” he explained, nodding at the radio playing soft music. He looked back at you. “You know I used to be a dancer back in my day? Now, I got this bad back, so I’m stuck here with you rascals.” You laughed at the man as he tried to snap his fingers and sway his hips to the music. “Ah, I got too carried away, sorry, dear. Now I must be getting old because I could have sworn there were supposed to be two of you here with me.”
You nodded, looking around for the boy in a leather jacket and red flannel, but came up empty. “He must be running late,” you told him.
Mr. Mallard frowned. “Well, I guess we can wait for him,” he settled, sitting down on his desk chair. “Feel free to take a seat over there until he comes in.”
Reggie came in a few minutes later, tossing his bag onto one of the chairs and placing his bass guitar on the table.
“The usual Mr. Mallard?” Reggie asked and the older man gave him a nod. It seemed Reggie had become familiar with the library as you had, just in a different way. “Well what are you waiting for?” he looked at you unimpressed. “The faster we start the faster we leave.”
You didn’t say a word, only followed him into the back room where you’d be organizing some old books, boxes and trophies
You stepped into the room, squinting at the shadows of assorted boxes. It was completely dark.
“Well, come on, Cookie,” Reggie said, giving you a shove. “We don’t have all day.”
You took in a shaky breath. “It’s dark,” you pointed out.
Reggie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I think we’ve established that,” he said. “Let’s just find the light switch and start cleaning.”
You nodded, blindly searching along the walls for that damn switch. Not noticing the small box on the floor, you kicked it aside, spilling all sorts of books onto the floor. You squeaked in fear, grabbing the first thing in sight. Of course, that had to be Reggie’s hand.
You whipped your head around, face red in embarrassment. Lucky for you the darkness of the room prevented him from seeing that. “Sorry,” you muttered.
Reggie scoffed at you. “Still scared of the dark?” he asked in a teasing voice.
“Still sleep with that horse plushie of yours?” you shot back.
Reggie glared at you but didn’t say anything else. Without letting go of your hand he flicked on the switch and the room filled with a dim orange hue.
“You can let go now,” you said, trying to shimmy your hand away from his, only prompting him to grip harder.
“What are you scared of me now?” he asked with a smirk and you scowled, ripping your hand away from his.
“Let’s just clean, like you said, the faster we get this done the faster we can go home.”
The room was silent aside from the noises of books falling against the floor, making a quiet thud. You made a small area of your own in the back of the room, a stack of boxes hiding your view of Reggie. But from the lack of noises made in his part of the room, you could tell he wasn’t doing anything productive.
You poked your head out of your small space, frowning at the boy. He was sitting on the floor, slouching as he scribbled on a dusty piece of paper.
“Hey!” you called out, throwing an old yearbook in his direction.
Reggie barely ducked in time, sitting up and turning in your area. “What the hell?” he yelled.
“We’re supposed to be working on cleaning this room!” you snapped. “You aren’t doing shit, Flicka.”
“I did clean,” he muttered. “I just had an idea for the band-”
“That stupid band! Why can’t you just stop for once in your life and focus on what’s in front of you,” you scowled, frustrated that even now you were the one stuck doing all the work. Seemed like maybe things hadn’t changed much from seven years ago.
“Maybe if you loosened a screw or two we wouldn’t need to have this conversation,”
“Just shut up Reginald, you have no idea what it means to take responsibility for something. You haven’t changed and you never will.”
Reggie was about to come back with a retort when the door to the backroom swung open and Mr. Mallard came in with a smile on his face.
“Could I get you kids some snacks?” he asked kindly.
“Always, you’re the man Mr. M.” Reggie grinned, completely ignoring you and giving the librarian a high five from where he sat on the ground.
“I’m good Mr. Mallard,” you shook your head and he left you both with a nod of his head and promised to be back with some assortment of fruits and such.
After your first detention, it was safe to say that all hope of fixing your friendship with Reggie went down the drain. It seemed as though every hour you spent with him gave you all the more reasons to throttle him and be glad he stopped talking to you back in middle school.
Detentions became just another regular part of your week, integrated with your studying and your part-time job at the cafe. So you were more than happy to take a minute and walk back home where you could take a minute to rest.
Unfortunately, the universe had other plans.
“Reggie!” a voice yelled. You took a deep breath as you tried to make yourself invisible. It was his friends, Luke, Alex, and Bobby. The friends he left you for.
Reggie’s face lit up as he walked past you, running over to his friends. “Hey guys!” he said with a toothy grin. “What are you doing here?”
Luke shrugged his shoulders. “We thought we might as well give you a ride to practice since we were already around here for lunch,” he explained nonchalantly.
Bobby sent his friend a glare. “You mean I gave you a ride,” he corrected, gesturing to the keys in his hand.”
Luke waved his comment off. “Details. Oh, who’s that?” Luke asked pointing over to you and you tried to pick up your pace before he eventually made his way to you.
“That’s just (Y/N),” Reggie shrugged. “We have detention together.” Luke approached you with an overexcited pep in his step. You tried to back away as subtly as possible, but you were stopped by a wall.
“You’re adorable!” he grinned, throwing an arm around your shoulder while you looked at him in a sort of odd confusion. “Your face is so cute and pink, kind of like a bunny! You know, growing up I had this bunny for a pet named Carrot. We’re adopting you, right boys?”
You ducked under his arm, trying to stay as polite as possible. “Oh, I’d love to be your friend and all,” you began nervously. “But um...I just have things to do and-”
“We’re. Adopting. You,” Luke said in a sickly sweet but firm voice. “Right boys?”
As you tried to slip out of his grasp and walk away, Alex, who was also coincidentally your lab partner, called out from the van.
“Hey (N/N), you need a ride?”
“No thanks! I’m fine walking,” you called back, but Luke didn’t want to take no for an answer. He ran up in front of you and scooped you in his arms, throwing you over his shoulder causing you to shriek in surprise.
“We’re taking you with us! Who knows what kind of dangerous types are wandering around LA.”
“At the moment I would think you’re one of them!” you exclaimed, squirming to have him put you down, before finally giving up when he tossed you in the van. “Could this constitute a kidnapping? I feel like it’s a kidnapping. Can I call the police?”
Reggie followed close behind the two of you, clearly not liking this at all. He had already spent enough time with you in detention. Now you’re with his friends? He took the backseat, right behind you. “Dude, come on,” Reggie said as Luke fastened your seatbelt before patting the top of your head. You shot the guitarist a glare. “I really don’t want to be arrested for kidnapping. Especially since it’s her. Lord knows she’ll manage to pin the charges on me.”
Luke rolled his eyes. “Nonsense,” he said. “We’re not kidnapping her. We’re making friends!”
“That’s not how making friends works, Patterson!” you yelled as he slid the van door closed.
While they were making their way to your house Luke seemed to glance at the time on the dash and gasped.
“Shit! Guys turn around we’re gonna be late for practice!”
“Practice, you said you were taking me home!” you exclaimed. “This is actually a kidnapping now! Flicka your friends suck!”
“Sorry Lady Bunny,” Luke shrugged and you whined.
Reggie groaned and banged his head on the seat in front of him while Bobby took a definitely illegal u-turn to go where they normally had their rehearsals.
The car stopped in front of a fairly nice house with a big studio. The boys filed out, leaving you grumbling in the back seat. Luke opened the door, bowing dramatically.
“Lady Bunny,” Luke said, reaching his hand out to you.
You scowled at the boy, crossing your arms on your chest. “I want to go home,” you muttered.
“No can do, Lady Bunny,” Luke said with a shrug of his shoulders. “We have practice to do.”
“Then I’ll walk home,” you whined.
Luke laughed at your frustrated face. “Can’t let you do that either,” he told you. “Besides, you’re too little and innocent to brave the world on your own.” Luke reached for your cheek, patting it softly until you turned your head and bit his finger. “Ouch!”
“Yeah, bunnies bite, dick head. This is holding an innocent party against their will and you will do jail time,”
“(N/N), just stick around this once, I’ll make sure you get home later,” Alex offered and you slouched in your seat and mumbled a “Fine,”
Alex patted your back and led you into the large studio where there was a girl with frizzy brown curly hair, sitting on a couch.
“Finally! What took you guys so long!” she sighed and stood up.
“We adopted a bunny, Rose!” Luke grinned and hugged you from behind tucking your chin in his shoulder. You rolled your eyes and mouthed help me, to the girl and she scrunched her nose as if to say, ‘sorry honey there isn’t anything I can do.’
Luke pulled you to the couch and sat you down. “Now you stay there while we practice, okay bunny?” he said, patting your head.
“If you’re good we might give you snacks,” Bobby added from behind Luke, snickering under his breath.
Rose shot both boys a pointed look. “Cut that out, you two,” she ordered. Rose sat next to you, patting your knee. “Can I get you anything? Water? A snack? You don’t have to do a flip for treats or whatever.”
You laughed in response, nervously playing with the hem of your sweater. “I’m fine, thank you,” you responded politely. “If anything I just want a ride home.”
Rose frowned, leaning against the pillow cushions. “I’d give you a ride but my sister took the car for today,” she explained apologetically. Rose could sense the awkward tension, and wanted to break the ice. “So which one of them is your boyfriend?”
You choked on air, not expecting her question. For once, you were thankful the band was blasting music. “I’m sorry?” you coughed, causing Rose to reach over to grab a water bottle from the table and offer it to you. You took a big gulp, sighing. “What made you think that?”
Rose hummed as she thought of her answer. “Well, you’re way too nervous around me,” she began. “And the boys all keep on looking at you. Alex is not your boyfriend because he’s currently talking to this guy in my English class. Bobby...definitely isn’t your type, now that I look at you. I considered Luke for a moment but he’s way too dedicated to music to date anyone but his six-string, you also just seemed way too annoyed by him, but what’s new. And now that leaves Reggie.” she looked over at the boy playing the bass. Reggie, who apparently was watching the two of you talk, quickly ducked his head, his cheeks visibly red. “You two have history, don’t you?”
You froze, eyes widening. “How did you-”
“I think you forgot we were in the same homeroom since fourth grade,” she laughed. “You and Reggie, you guys were glued at the hip. Don’t you have nicknames for each other or something?”
“I-I guess,” you shrugged, it wasn’t really something you used as a term of endearment anymore, but it was still there. “He was Flicka and I was Cookie,”
“Did you date?” she asked curiously, leaning in closer.
“No,” you shook your head. “Just friends. Used to be.” you corrected and Rose frowned, but before she could ask another question you stopped her. “If I have to sit here and wait for Alex to take me home you think we could talk about something else?”
“Sure,” Rose nodded, “Well in that case I think you should come around here more often,”
“What do you mean?” you nervously chuckled.
“I don’t know, I just think we’d be pretty good friends,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders.
You leaned your head on her shoulder, smiling at the warm feeling bubbling inside you. “Yeah,” you agreed in a quiet voice. “I’m starting to think so, too.”
“And then he told me I was annoying!” you hissed, angrily scribbling the data of your experiment onto your notebook. “Can you believe that? Him!”
Alex anxiously watched you as you reached for a pipette, squeezing the poor thing like it stole your money. “Really?” Alex only said in a shaky voice.
You nodded furiously, taking the indicator, not even caring to count out your drops and just pouring the purple liquid haphazardly into the Erlenmeyer flask.
“He’s-He’s just a… argh! I can’t stand him!” you waved your hands almost knocking over the whole buret and ring stand with a very strong molarity composition of hydrochloric acid in it causing Alex to let out a strangled yelp from the back of his throat.
“C-can you please at least stay ten feet away from the table?” he requested. “You’re going to either break something or send me to the hospital with an acid burn and I really would prefer if that didn’t happen.”
You placed your materials down, glaring at the blond boy. “What are you talking about?” you snapped, not meaning to take your anger out on your friend (and chemistry experiment, at that).
Alex placed his hands up in the air in defence. “Just-” he swallowed loudly, trying to think of the right words. “Maybe take a deep breath? I know Reggie gets you all angry and stuff, but please don’t put our lives and chemistry grade on the line.”
“Makes me mad is a fucking understatement,” you grumbled.
“Okay, we can start there,” Alex began, slowly moving the materials far away from you. “I think it’s reasonable and incredibly understandable that you dislike him. But do you really hate him?”
You scowled. “Yes, Alexander,” you said in a scarily calm voice. “As a matter of fact, I do. He’s a fucking pain in my ass and can go fuck himself for all I care. He’s rude, inconsiderate, and selfish beyond belief.”
“And why do you think that?”
“Alex, you’re not my therapist, stop acting like you have every right to be in my business when you don’t know a single thing about me!”
Alex didn’t respond to that comment, fearing what you might say next. You paused, noticing Alex’s uneasiness. “I’m sorry,” you only mumbled.
He nodded wordlessly, gently placing his hand over yours. “Don’t worry about it, (N/N),” he reassured you.
Silence followed, aside from the quiet mumbling of instructions for the experiment. Minutes in, you finally decided to break the silence.
“Because he left me,” you whispered in a broken voice.
Alex raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry?” he said, genuinely not hearing you.
You sighed, placing your pencil and notebook down. “He left me for your stupid band. He got friends and I got nothing,” you explained further. You removed your glasses, wiping away a stray tear. “I probably shouldn’t even be mad at him, at this point. He’s moved on...and got popular and actually has something going on for himself. And me?” You laughed humorlessly at yourself. “I work a job to help mom and dad pay the bills and work my ass off so I can go to school and make a life for myself. No one told me trying for success would be so lonely.”
“(Y/N),” Alex said, frowning slightly.
You shook your head. “But he’s happy, isn’t he?” you asked. “Reggie. He’s smiling wider than I’ve ever seen before. Singing and playing the bass, dancing his heart out on stage. He never used to do those things with me.” You looked away from Alex, unable to take his pitiful gaze. “He’s changed while I’ve stayed the same. I’m stuck here, still moping about my past. Maybe he’s right. Maybe he is better off without me.”
“He’s not,” Alex said without even thinking.
“How could you say that? He’s clearly happier. It’s not like you can pretend you don’t see that,”
“But he’s not. He just replaced what he had, his friendship with you, with music. I might not know him as well as you, but it’s his coping mechanism. It hides all the bad things in life that he chooses not to deal with,”
“Reggie’s not like that,” you shook your head, refusing to believe what Alex was saying.
Alex, starting to get frustrated, slammed his hands on the edge of the table. “Dammit, (Y/N) can you just realize for one second that you don’t hate Reggie and that Reggie doesn’t hate you?” Your mouth remained closed, so Alex took it as an opportunity to push further. “You two talk my ears off about each other more than you realize. It’s always “Reggie did this” or “(Y/N) did that” can’t you two get your heads out of your asses and see that?”
“C-Can you take care of this, I’m just going to run to the washroom,” you murmured, not waiting for a response. You took off your goggles, gloves and lab coat, making your way to the courtyard, contrary to where you said you were going. Pulling your MP3 player out of your pocket you threw on a pair of battered headphones and turned the volume all the way up clicking on the familiar track of Fast Car maybe you couldn’t run away physically, but right now, your heart sure needed a break.
“You two will be with Mrs. Leona today in the dance room,”
“What does she need?” you asked with much confusion. Normally Saturdays were used for either sitting in silence or cleaning up some area of the school.
“She needs help choreographing the dance she’s going to use for the sophomore class next semester,” Mrs. Hillside explained. “Now go on, get dressed and meet her in the dance room.”
You and Reggie walked away to the locker rooms. A scowl was plastered on the boy’s face. “These detentions are getting more and more ridiculous each day,” he muttered.
Scoffing, you crossed your arms on your chest. “Well, that’s something we both can agree on.”
You parted ways for a short time to get changed before meeting back up again in the dance room where Mrs. Leona was already setting up and waiting for you both.
“Perfect! So glad you guys could make it,” she grinned.
“We have detention,” Reggie noted. “Not really much of a choice,” You shot the boy a glare, elbowing him roughly in the ribs.
“Right,” she chuckled. “Well, I’m working on a routine for my sophomores. Apparently, they think we’re doing the same thing over and over again so I’m going to give them something new for a change. I was thinking a partner assignment would work best.”
You and Reggie nodded as Mrs. Leona walked over to the stereo, popping in a CD and playing All That She Wants in the background on repeat while she would lead the stretches.
“Isn’t this song a little inappropriate to have sophomores dancing to? Or like even just to play in school?” you asked as you followed along.
Reggie rolled his eyes. “Of course that’s what you ask,” he muttered.
Mrs. Leona waved off your comment. “It’s fine,” she insisted. “It’s an upbeat song, and it’s “in,” so might as well give the kids a fun assignment.”
“Mrs. Leona, what kind of dance moves are you thinking?” Reggie asked curiously. “Because I’m not that good of a dancer and (Y/N) is practically so old she could break her hip by breathing.”
“I’m not old,” you snapped, crossing your arms on your chest.
“You sure act like it,” he shot back.
“You bit-”
“Enough talking!” Mrs. Leona cut you both off. “More dancing. Now I have a couple of ideas for you two, so make sure you’re really stretched out so you don’t pull something.”
You groaned, looking up at the ceiling. “What did I get myself into?”
“It’s a simple concept!” Mrs. Leona insisted after the millionth attempt. “You two are just so awkward with each other.”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. “Can you just explain it again, please?” you requested.
Mrs. Leona sighed, standing up to show you the dance sequence. “Reggie, take her hand and bring it to your lips. Step away, and (Y/N) you pull him back. Then Reggie turn so that you and (Y/N) are facing each other. At that point, you grab him by the shirt while he takes your waist, then he twirls you and goes in to dip you. Simple enough!”
Simple to maybe a Rockette, but not to a bassist and an awkward bookworm.
“Let’s take it from there, okay guys?”
You grumbled to yourself, positioning yourself in front of the boy. “This is way too much,” you muttered, mostly to yourself.
“Just shut up and do what she says,” Reggie hissed. “I don’t want to be any closer to you than I have to.”
When the music started playing, you felt Reggie’s fingertips trace down your arm to your hand, unknowingly creating a trail of goosebumps. Weaving his fingers with yours, he brought your intertwined hands up to his face, his lips ever so gently grazing your hand.
On beat, Reggie started to walk away from you, only for you to pull him back. His eyes met yours as you brought your other hand to his chest, balling the fabric of his shirt in your fist. You watched as he dropped his hand to your waist before pulling away to twirl you. The moment he pulled you back into his chest, you saw his cheeks redden. You were so close, close enough to smell that stupidly distracting cologne of his. You knew Reggie was just as flustered. His hand was getting clammy in yours. Before you could even process it, he dipped you down, making you gasp in surprise.
You didn’t even notice the music had stopped. All that was on your mind at that moment was Reggie. His eyes flicked down to yours, and you could have sworn you saw a hint of a smile on his lips.
The loud clapping coming from Mrs. Leona had snapped you out of your trance. Immediately regaining his composure, Reggie loosened his grip on you. You fell to the ground, hitting your elbow upon impact.
“Ass,” you muttered, rubbing your elbow in pain.
“If you’re saying I’ve got a good one then I agree,” he smirked and you scoffed loudly.
Mrs. Leona walked up to the two of you. “That was probably the best dancing I’ve seen from the two of you all morning,” she applauded. “And for that, you can take a five-minute break,”
“Oh thank God,” you whispered and flopped onto the ground, trying to relax your muscles. You tried to pull one leg over the other, stretching it out, but unable to turn properly in order to pull the tension out of your muscle.
Your eyes were closed so you didn’t notice Reggie coming closer and kneeling toward you, placing a hand on your thigh and pushing it down for you, causing you to open your eyes and see him practically leaning over top of you.
“Ow! Fuck! Too much,” you hissed and he loosened his grip. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Helping you stretch, you’re ancient so I thought I might be able to lend a hand,”
“Get your hand off me,” you said seriously.
“What,” he grinned, lifting his hand higher and causing your breath to hitch and slap his hand away and sit up, scooching back.
“Fuck off Flicka,” you said, the words barely able to leave your mouth, throat turning dry.
“Only trying to help, Cookie,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. He looked over at your arm, seeing as you winced with every movement. “Does it hurt a lot?”
You cradled your elbow. “It’s whatever,” you mumbled in response, unconsciously mimicking his answer.
Reggie scoffed, leaning back on his hands. “Say what you want, Cookie, but I know when you’re lying. You can’t pretend around me.” You paused, vaguely remembering that night with the radio.
“I said I’m fine, Reggie,” you insisted firmly.
“Just let me see it,” he asked, crawling over to you, prompting you to scoot all the way back until you hit the mirror. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he frowned.
“That’s what you said seven years ago but I’ve learnt the hard way to take promises from you with a grain of salt,” you said venomously.
Reggie paused, moving back to his spot, far away from you. “Fine,” he simply said. “But don’t act like you were the only victim. I got hurt, too.”
You opened your mouth to respond when Mrs. Leona walked back into the room with three water bottles. “Well, I’m back. Are you two rested enough to continue?”
You shook your head. “Mrs. Leona, um I think it’s probably time we head back to Mrs. Hillside’s office,” you suggested. “It’s erm, late and I hurt my elbow, so…”
Mrs. Leona nodded understandingly. “Yes, of course, I forgot how much time had passed. You two work so well together, I might as well keep you guys in my class!” You laughed nervously before grabbing your things and waving goodbye. You didn’t bother looking back at Reggie. There was nothing left to say.
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Pierced By Cupid
Tsukishima x Reader
A/n: I may have spent waaayy too much time on this one, so sorry if it seems like it was dragging on. Tsukki is a charater I went from hating to loving mostly bc I relate to him so much. Anyway, enough on that!! This has not be prof read so sorry for mistakes!!
EDIT: I made a part 2 which you can find here! The Jealous Type
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At first, he didn’t really notice. He wasn’t looking for anything so there was no reason he really would have noticed, but when he did he was actually shocked by how he didn’t notice before.
A boy, only what he could guess was an inch shorter than Nishinoya with h/c hair and his school jacket off, was in his class studying at the time. Not surprising, however, it was a college prep class. But it was the way the boy kept glancing up at the clock that got Tsukishima’s attention, bouncing his feet and twirling his pencil in his hand while seemingly only somewhat paying attention to his studies.
The only reason Tsukishima was at all looking at the boy was because he was annoying, the boy just wouldn’t stop moving which reminded him of a certain ginger boy the made him groan in his head, prying to any god that he didn’t believe in that this boy wasn’t like the short, excitable spiker on his volleyball team.
Somehow, he got vibes that this boy was different, though he didn’t want to jump to a calming conclusion. 
Soon the bell rang and he stood from his desk as it was time for him to get ready for the after-school volleyball club activities. The boy he was watching before, despite seeming anxious to get out of class, was calm in collecting his things. He put away his notebooks and pencils in a neat and orderly fashion, setting them all gently in his shoulder bag that looked brand new.
Tsukishima blinked a few times, refocusing and looking down at his long time friend, who was staring up at him in confusion. 
“What?” Was Tsukishima’s blunt response, starting to put away his own things as well, which were not much.
“You were drifting is all,” Yamaguchi muttered out, looking around the room as the other students left. “You were pretty far gone too.”
“The guy who sits behind you wouldn’t stop moving.” Tsukishima replied honestly, adjusting his headphones on his neck and making his way out of the room, Yamaguchi following by his side. 
“The guy behind me?” Yamaguchi thought out loud, looking to the ceiling as they both made their familiar path to the club room to change. “You mean L/n-san?”
“I don’t know his name,” Tsukishima tisked, rolling his eyes while stuffing his hands in his pockets. “He was just moving so much and staring at the clock, it was annoying.”
“Hm, it’s probably because his petition for a club creation got accepted and it starts today.” Yamaguchi theorized, and despite his refusal to believe, Tsukishima found himself getting curious.
“... I didn’t think a first year would be allowed to do that.” He simply stated, both to keep the conversation going and to state a fact that he really didn’t know. Yamaguchi chuckled softly and nodded his head.
“Apparently it took a lot of convincing, both on L/n-san’s part and apparently his middle school teachers and a therapist.”
“And where did you hear all this?” Tsukishima prodded. Not to say he wasn’t interested in this tale, but it was an odd amount of information for his shy, freckled friend to have. “Gross, please don’t tell me you are gossiping now?”
“E-eh! N-No Tsukki!” He stammered, flustered. He waved a hand and looked up at Tsukishima. “The others in the class were talking about it while we were eating lunch… I wasn’t eavesdropping! They weren’t quiet about it!”
“What club did he want made, anyway?” Tsukishima swiftly changed the subject, much to the relief of Yamaguchi’s heart.
“Archery?” Tsukishima echoed back, stopping his walking in the hallway just outside the door that led into the club room and gave Yamaguchi an inquisitive look. “Why archery?”
“I’m not sure,” Yamaguchi shrugged. “But, if it involved a therapist, he probably has a reason he likes archery.”
Tsukishima stood silent for a long moment in thought, which surprised Yamaguchi a small bit. Tsukishima was never one to show an interest in a subject that he wasn’t himself already interested in, but for him to be thinking about not only someone else, but what that someone else was interested in was like seeing a blue moon.
Finally Tsukishima gave a grunt and a shrug, opening the door to the club room and thereby bringing an end to that conversation.
The next day, Tsukishima found his gaze unwillingly going back to the boy from before. It seemed he wasn’t as anxious as before, though still bouncing his legs and twirling his pencil, he looked far more at peace today. Tsukishima wondered if it was because he got to do his archery club yesterday after school, like it was an itch that wasn’t satisfied until he had a bow and arrow in hand.
Tsukishima then began to wonder what that was like, to hold a bow and an arrow in hand, to release an arrow into a target several feet away from you. He’d never done it before so he let his mind wonder.
Was it fun? Did he get a lot of people to join the club? Is it like playing volleyball or like playing an instrument? What type of techniques does he do to hit the middle of the target with one clean release of a bow string?
The more he thought, the more his curiosity grew. He knew it was probably pretty obvious he was burning holes into the back of the boy's head, but he couldn’t help getting lost in his own head.
A girl came bouncing into the classroom and Tsukishima was immediately annoyed, she was far too perky compared to the boy whose head raised at the sound of his name.
“Hello, Nachi-san… Why are you here?”
Tsukishima felt the corners of his mouth lift up at the boy, Y/n L/n’s, reactions. The girl gave a dramatic pout while placing her bento on his desk.
“We are supposed to be eating lunch together!”
Y/n looked up at the clock, then down to his desk, and then up at her before averting his eyes to the desk once more.
“I don’t remember saying that…”
“You don’t remember a lot of things.” She sassed back, putting her hands on her hips. Y/n glanced at her before bouncing his feet and twirling his pencil once more, the girl, Nachi, started to speak again.
“You also said we were going to study after school. I have a test coming up for math and you know how much I suck at math, really it’s as if it’s a whole other language. Speaking of language, we should study English together as well. You’re so go at it, I don’t think you have ever gotten below a 95%!”
As the girl rambled on with pointless conversation, Tsukishima could tell that Y/n wasn’t at all listening to what she was saying. It looked as if he just turned off his mind, eyes slowly drifting around the room, never on the or anyone for that matter. It was like he was seeing a different world before his eyes, and this was all while the girl continued to prattle on.
Tsukishima couldn’t stop the low chuckle that left his throat as he watched, the girl just now realizing that the boy she was speaking to had no idea she was even speaking in the first place.
Said boy flinched at her loudness, his hands going to his ears as he blinked rapidly at her, his brows frowning as she huffed at him.
“You were spacing out ag-”
“You should eat your bento before lunch ends.” Y/n dropped his hands to his desk, leg beginning to bounce once more as he looked at the clock. “I’ll be at archery after school, so I won’t be studying. Oh.” 
Y/n then smiled at the girl, completely overseeing the fact that he cut her off and wasn’t listening to her.
“I bought a new bow yesterday with my father after the club, it is larger and is a more western type of bow. It has been really fun to use so far and I really can’t wai-”
“Did you even hear a word I said?”
The girl cut him off, glaring down at him with arms crossed. Y/n lost his smile and looked at her confused.
“Just now!” She called out. “I was talking to you then you cut me off!”
“Oh…” Y/n’s joy that was once there faded quickly and he dropped his head in a bow. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… I just had-”
“Never mind, Y/n-chan.” The girl sighed, shaking her head and picking up her bento. “I’ll go have lunch with my other friends.”
Y/n watched her leave silently, Tsukishima himself watching as well. He didn’t really understand it, but he was angry at the girl. Tsukishima himself was not someone with an overabundance of patience but even he could understand Y/n was not someone who could focus easily. 
It was obvious that Y/n had a type of ADHD, the lack of focus on conversations, the constant moving, covering his ears with loud noises, interrupting mid sentence and rapid movement from topic to topic. 
Despite all this Tsukishima was even more curious about the archery boy, and not for the reason he was before. Before he was curious on a basic level, why archery, why start a club, why so much movement, and so on. Now he knew more about it and was more curious on a deeper scale, why do archery if you had trouble focusing, why be in a college prep class that requires a lot of focus and study, why was it so difficult for him to start a club (despite the obvious fact of only being a first year).
Yamaguchi wasn’t at school for a family reason, as he had told Tsukishima threw a text, so when the day was through and time for him to go to his own club, Tsukishima found himself walking down the hall to a different gym then his usual. 
It was went he heard solid swift thuds through the open door way of the gym that he found what he was looking for, in the blink of an eye, he saw arrows pass the view of the door then a satisfying thunk of the arrow finding its target.
Tsukishima stood in the entrance of the gym, looking from one side of targets to where the arrows were being shot from. Despite being in the view of Y/n, he was far too focused on the grip he had on the arrow and bow string to care about someone at the entrance of the gym.
He released the arrow with a breath out, and instead of a thunk deep into the target and Tsukishima expected, he instead he a snap and crack. Looking to the target, he allowed himself to be in shock.
The arrow just released had gone straight through the back of an already embedded arrow, leaving the first arrow split in two while the second arrow was stuck between the two split pieces.
“Wow, you’d better hope that’s not school property.” Tsukishima snickered, giving Y/n his ever famous smirk. Y/n looked a little shocked that anyone was there, let alone watching. He held his bow by his side, placing the arrow he was about to take out back in his quiver.
“It’s my own equipment.”
“Ah, so were you just trying to impress me?” Tsukishima continued to smirk, Y/n looked to the floor and shook his head before looking back up at Tsukishima.
“I didn’t know you were there… I don’t suppose you're here for the Archery Club?” Y/n mood seemed to shift from anxious to relaxed as he spoke the words archery, but Tsukishima shook his head.
“No, I’m on the volleyball team. I just came to see what the noise was, I’ll be leaving.”
He turned and walked away from the gym doors, his mind already thinking up an excuse for having to show up late for practice when he heard Y/n’s voice.
“You can come by anytime you want,” Tsukishima turned and looked at Y/n with a blank face, Y/n smiled a small corner smile. “The club was just made, so it’s only me. The teachers are going to find other students who want to join… Until then, it will just be me.”
Tsukishima and Y/n both stared at each other for a moment, Tsukishima not breaking his blank faced facade. He turned and walked away, throwing a comment over his shoulder before he fully walked away.
“We’ll see.”
Y/n changed the times for his club, so instead of having it just after school he asked for the early morning as well, before school truly started. He was the time he set up so him and Tsukishima could spend more time with each other without Tsukishima getting in trouble for missing practice.
Their meetings have been happening for about 4 weeks, Yamaguchi formally meeting Y/n a week after Tsukishima had already been hanging out with the archer. 
In such a time Tsukishima learned a lot about Y/n.
Archery was one of the only things that ever allowed Y/n to focus with an almost superhuman accuracy. It was also one of the ways he would study, more likely to remember the answers to a review if he nails a bullseye. Another thing he had learned was that Y/n was just as sarcastic as Tsukishima himself, the only difference is that Y/n never said it out loud.
Y/n had trouble with noise, specifically loud noises or the sound of multiple people talking at once. He once described the feeling to Tsukishima as he was cleaning his bow and arrows.
“When I hear a loud noise or a crowd of people, my whole body goes stiff. It started to become hard to breath and not matter how hard I try to block it out, I can’t move.” 
Y/n sighed, letting the bow rest on his lap and on his crossed legs. He sat across from Tsukishima who was looking through Y/n’s notes, Tsukishima looking up at him pause.
“When that happens, I kinda… black out. My whole body suddenly feels like the energy was just sucked out of me,” Y/n looked at Tsukishima in the eyes as he gave a somewhat weak smirk. “I usually pass out when it happens.”
“... that sucks.” Tsukishima responded, Y/n giving him a blank look before rolling his eyes and standing.
“No shit, aren’t you supposed to be the smart one?”
Tsukishima smirked and looked up at the boy while raising a brow.
“Keep that attitude and I won’t let you eat my spare sweet bread.”
Y/n immediately turned back around, almost entirely forgetting he was supposed to be doing archery.
In the classroom, they simply acted as strangers. Not ignoring each other, but also not making a show of friendship. Tsukishima and Y/n both realized they were the same in that they didn’t really need to interact with each other constantly to know the other is still a friend.
Yamaguchi said how nice it was to see Tsukishima gain more friends, which Tsukishima quickly shot down as him not ‘making friends’ like a child. One of the reasons Tsukishima was quite upset with Yamaguchi about saying this was that he said it during volleyball which meant his other teammates heard it and were relentlessly teasing him.
Sure, he was good at dodging their questions and instead riling them up the way they tried with him, but his teammates genuinely wondered who this mysterious new friend of Tsukishima’s was.
None of them thought they would meet this friend today.
They were maybe 1/4th of their way into practice when they heard a soft voice call out to Tsukishima from the gyms door way, everyone in the gym turned their heads to see a short h/c boy standing with a shoulder bag over his shoulder, his uniform jacket around his waist and a grey notebook in his hand.
“Um… Tsukishima… You forgot your notebook in my gym.” Y/n held up the notebook as if to show proof of why he was interrupting their practice, he gave a deep bow to the coach and the other volleyball players. “Please excuse the intrusion.”
“You’re fine, kid.” Coach Ukai said, but the end of whatever he was going to say was drowned out by a few people Tsukishima never wanted meeting Y/n.
“Are you Tsukki’s new friend we’ve heard about?!” Tanaka called out, going straight up to Y/n who flinched a little at his loud voice, flinching more as Nishinoya jumped up and down next to him.
“Ah! You’re shorter than me!! I’m not the shortest anymore!!”
“You’re still the shortest on our team, however.” Tsukishima cut in, making his way over to Y/n who only relaxed a little more as Tsukishima stood next to him, taking the notebook.
Nishinoya was irked by Tsukishima’s comment, but it was Hinata that set off a bomb of questions aimed at the already slightly overwhelmed boy.
“OOOOHHH!!! You’re the first year that started the archery club, aren’t you!?!?”
“Uh… y-yea-”
“Well, not all the time but-”
“You’re the leader of that club right?? How many people have joined so far?”
“Alright, calm down.”
Daichi tried and failed to calm the rambunctious trio, even Kageyama was muttering out questions. It took a moment to realize that this was what kind of chaos Y/n couldn’t listen to, and when Tsukishima looked down at the boy he could tell immediately he was not well.
His chest visibly stuttered, showing he was not breathing right, his skin went and lighter shade and his eyes were moving rapidly to each person who was talking and speaking over each other.
Tsukishima swiftly turned away and walked over to his extra school bag he brought with him, thanking his past self for finding a reason to bring it.
“Tsukki?” Yamaguchi softly called his friend, but Tsukishima was too focused on something else.
Tsukishima pulled out his headphones, an extra water bottle, his phone, and his black volleyball jacket. Standing back up and turning back to Y/n, who looked to be getting worse by the second, he put his plan to action.
Without even acknowledging the other people in the room, he put his headphones over Y/n’s head, placing them over his ears, plugging it into his phone and playing whatever music was available. He picked up Y/n’s hand and placed his phone in his grip, then put the water bottle in his other hand before putting one of his large hands over Y/n’s eyes, then glaring at the group that was round them.
Y/n leaned into Tsukishima’s hand that was over his eyes, his breathing slowly going back to normal, with puffs of air as he tried taking deep breaths.
“You’re all overwhelming him, idiots.” Tsukishima almost growled out, glaring at a specific four people. “Do any of you know what personal space is?”
He didn’t wait for a response as he took his hand off Y/n’s eyes and guided him to his bag, Y/n kept his eyes closed and took sips of the water before allowing Tsukishima to lower him to the ground next to his bag. Y/n curled his legs to his chest, putting the bottle beside him and clutching Tsukishima’s phone close to his chest, Tsukishima then placed his black jacket over Y/n like a cover, successfully blocking out the harsh gym lights.
Once he stood at full height, watching Y/n for a moment for any other signs of discomfort, he turned to his team and glared.
“If I knew you were all going to try and kill him, I would never have let you even know he existed, not that I wanted to in the first place.” His last comment was directed at Yamaguchi, who looked down.
“Gomen, Tsukki.”
“We didn’t try to kill him!!” Hinata cried out. “Will he be okay?!”
“Not if you keep yelling, you walking, human orange.” Tsukishima snapped, making Hinata irritated but covering his mouth.
Sugawara was the one that came over to Tsukishima, glancing down at the covered, curled up boy. 
“Is he really okay? What was that?”
“He’s sense’s are hypersensitive. Like I said, he was overwhelmed.” Tsukishima replied, looking down at Y/n and sighing, before looking off somewhere else. “He’ll be fine, he just needs time to recover.”
“Would it be best for him to move to the club room then-”
“No.” Tsukishima quickly answered, cutting off Sugawara who seemed taken back by his quick answer. “Let’s just keep practicing. He’s fine here.”
There was a thick silence before Coach Ukai clapped his hands and told them to continue. Kiyoko and Yachi stood by Y/n as he hid away in Tsukishima’s jacket, making sure no stray volleyball hit him while he was recovering. The boys were also cautious of being too loud, especially Hinata, Tanaka, and Nishinoya, the loudest of their team. 
Practice went on like normal and finished just the same, them all getting ready to change and go home. Tsukishima kneeled down in front of Y/n, who was still curled up and had his jacket over his head, and he slowly took the jacket from off him.
What he saw made his heart skip a bit in a way he never felt before.
Y/n had his arms crossed over his knees with his head laying on them, Tsukishima’s headphones still on his ears playing music while he slept peacefully. His cheek was pressed to his arms and his mouth was slightly one, little out tiny puffs of air.
He looked so small, so at peace. A peace Tsukishima has never seen on someone before, and watching his eyelashes flutter somewhat in his sleep as he dreamed, Tsukishima quickly realized what this feeling in his chest was and felt a heat rise to his face in response.
Slowly peeling his phone out of Y/n’s hand and taking his headphones back, he placed his hand on top of Y/n’s head and spoke softly to the sleeping boy.
“Hey, we’re leaving.”
Y/n didn’t stir for a moment, which made Tsukishima softly run his hand over Y/n’s head in a gentle pet to wake him up.
It was then that Y/n’s eyes fluttered open, Tsukishima moving his hand back to his side and watching as Y/n slowly woke up. He opened his mouth and let out a yawn, then lifted his arms over his head in a cat like scratch, letting his legs stretch out as well. He made little noises of someone just waking up, rubbing his eyes and he took in a deep breath, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.
Tsukishima would first be found dead and as tall as Nishinoya before he would ever admit to thinking Y/n was currently the cutest being he has ever known and has ever existed, and he was really glad no one else was left in the gym to see it. He would never admit that he would have been jealous to know others saw Y/n’s cute display, to know that Y/n was like a plushy in human form.
“Your practice is over?” Y/n rasped out, his voice still soft from sleep.
To avoid being seen blushing, Tsukishima quickly went about packing his things.
“We are leaving now.”
“Oh… okay.”
There was little to no talking among the two as Tsukishima changed and got ready, Yamaguchi had stayed in the club room to tell them both that the team was buying meat buns as an apology for what they did earlier.
Yamaguchi spoke with Y/n casually as they made their way down to their coach's store, Tsukishima only half listening to what they were saying, half thinking deeply to himself.
Did he really fall in love with this archer boy? Half of his mind reasoned with him that it wasn’t that surprising, seeing as they had a lot in common but they were also very different. That part of his mind admitted full force that he was in love and that he was allowed to have nice things like then.
Then came his logical side, with a list; they were both boys was the biggest, Tsukishima had never looked at guys romantically before, he knew Y/n for 4 weeks, outside of school he barely knew anything about Y/n outside of the small things he’s been told, Y/n himself doesn’t know much about Tsukishima since he never really made and effort to explain more about himself outside what he thought was needed, the team would probably never see him the same again, people in class would probably talk which was more annoying than anything. 
He started thinking the same way he thought for volleyball, why try if it was going to end poorly, for both him and Y/n. Why risk all the bad things that could happen, no, that would happen.
‘I’m not in love’ He thought to himself conclusively looking down at the boys conversing next to him, but unfortunately for him, his heart had other plans.
Y/n had a tired smile that made his face shine in the most beautiful way, a gentle laugh leaving his chest as something Yamaguchi had said. His eyes squinting into crescent moons with crows feet wrinkling his slightly flushed cheeks, making them look soft in the moonlight. Then, he turned to look up at Tsukishima.
He knew at that moment that no matter how many times he would say it’s not true… he was pierced by this small cupid boy, and Tsukishima now knew what it felt like to be one of Y/n’s targets. Though, he was not complaining.
His eyes reflected the moon and were glossed in a still sleepy way, his eyes still crinkled at the corners and a smile now more soft than cloth could ever be. He was looking up at Tsukishima as if he had just handed him the earth and sky, and as dangerous as the feeling was, Tsukishima could feel in his chest that if Y/n asked for it, he would give him just that.
“I’m sorry if I made your practice more difficult, Tsukki.” Y/n said gently while shrugging his shoulder, unknowing of the effect of his voice and words on the tall boy's heart.
“... Tsukki?” Was the only thing that could leave his lips, his brain using every ounce of control it had not to turn into a blushing mess. He was so whipped for that small archer, and Y/n had no idea.
“Oh, sorry,” He bowed his head with a slight laugh. “Yama-san calls you that, so I thought I could as well.” 
Tsukishima glanced over to his long time friend, who only gave a small chuckle in response.
“Mm.” Tsukishima didn’t risk his voice, knowing if he tried to say anything at the moment, he would in fact let loose that Y/n was more than welcome to call him anything.
“Oi! Tsukishima! Yamaguchi! Archer-san! Over here!”
The trio glanced up and saw the rest of the volleyball team outside the store, each eating a meat bun. Without knowing it, Tsukishima walked closer to Y/n’s side, and the only reason Y/n noticed was the warmth and was radiation off him.
They got closer and Daichi stepped forward, bowing to Y/n who became even more flushed then simply the evening air.
“I would like to formally apologize for overwhelming you before.”
The rest of the team bowed as well, making Y/n back up into Tsukishima, resulting in Tsukishima gently placing a hand on the small of his back.
“O-oh, it’s okay.” Y/n looked down and away, avoiding eye contact. “You’d be surprised how often that happens to me, I’m just glad Tsukki got to me before I collapsed.”
“Eh?! Would you have died?!” Hinata exclaimed in sheer worry, but flinched after seeing Y/n flinch himself from the loud tone of his voice. Hinata was hit in the head by Kageyama, who scowled at him.
“You’re too loud, boke.”
“Ugh! I--” Hinata was about to yell as just a natural reaction when talking to the dark haired setter, but glancing at Y/n who was slowly starting to hide behind Tsukishima, he growled low and glared at the ground. “...I know that.”
“Here,” Asahi came over to Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Y/n, handed them a bag filled with meat buns. “I got one for each team member and two for...eh...uhm.”
Asahi had to peek around Tsukishima’s back, everyone now noticing that Y/n basically hiding behind Tsukishima and staying close to his back while watching everyone. Y/n blushed and stuttered.
“E-eh, my names L/n Y/n.”
“L/y-kun.” Asahi finished, smiling shyly back at Y/n who gave one as equal.
Though it would go unnoticed as Tsukishima going into the bag to grab a meat bun held by Yamaguchi, what it really was was Tsukishima blocking everyone's view of Y/n.
Sugawara spoke next, smiling at everyone.
“As nice as it would be to get to know L/y-san, we have early practice tomorrow and it's getting colder.”
“Right,” Daichi said, “Tomorrow morning will be one by one training seeing what each of us can work on, so get well rested.”
“Yes sir!!”
Tsukishima gave the meat bun bag to Y/n and covered his ears, everyone else sheepishly looked on and replied again more quietly.
Yamaguchi said he needed to go to the grocery store to get a few things for his mother before he went home, so he told Tsukishima and Y/n to go without him. This left the two boys to walk home together, alone.
Y/n quietly munched on the meat buns while they walked, unknowingly shivering as he stared up at the evening sky, then to the buildings around in a distracted way. Tsukishima didn’t really know what his plan was, but he stopped Y/n from walking with an arm in front of him.
Y/n bumped into his arm, not seeing it before, then looked up at Tsukishima.
“What’s wrong?”
“You were going to trip over that.” Both Tsukishima and Y/n looked down and saw a large branch from a nearby tree in the way, Y/n went to pick it up but Tsukishima just used his foot to kick it out of the way.
He then began taking off his jackets and placing it on Y/n’s shoulders.
“You are also shivering.” Tsukishima looked ahead, acting as if this was no big deal. But he caught a glimpse of Y/n snuggling into his jacket more and had to look away, a silent cuss mouthing from his lips.
“Thank you, Tsukki.” Y/n said, continuing to munch on his snacks. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were being nice to me.”
Tsukishima, stopped walking, in turn making Y/n stop walking and look up at him. Tsukishima then places the back of his hand on Y/n’s forehead, Y/n himself looking on in pure confusion.
“Uh… Tsukki-”
“If you think I’m being nice, you must be sick.”
Y/n snorted and let out a hearty laugh, swiftly swatting away Tsukishima’s hand and stomping down the road like a child, all while Tsukishima hid a smile behind a smirk.
“You’re dumb.”
“Wow,” Tsukishima snarked, walking next to Y/n and looking down at him with his signature smirk. “Did you think of that one all by yourself? I’d say I’m proud but, I don’t care.”
Y/n laughed again, shaking his head, not noticing the look of pure admiration Tsukishima was staring at him with.
Despite the nervousness he felt of his feelings being found out, Tsukishima felt as if their conversation was as smooth as any. It wasn’t forced or uncomfortable, Y/n laughed freely and comfortably while Tsukishima joked and sent sarcasm his way. He would have thought that after knowing how attracted he was to the boy, he would have stopped being natural or at least would not be talking as much as he was at the moment.
But everything with Y/n was natural, as natural as the moon is to the stars. Their conversations switched and changed often, though Tsukishima felt no irritation as the excited glimmer in Y/n out weighed any negative thoughts.
Tsukishima hadn’t even really realized it until he and Y/n stopped in front of a house, that he was walking Y/n home and this was where they went their separate way.
Y/n neatly folded the bag that was now empty of meat buns and put it in his pocket, slowly taking off Tsukishima’s jacket and handing it back to him.
“Here, thanks again for letting me use it. And it was nice to meet your team.”
Tsukishima took his jacket back, flushing slightly at touching Y/n's hand and looking off.
“Even despite the fact they almost made you pass out.”
“Well, in truth they did make me pass out, but luckily you were there so I didn’t collapse and make a fool of myself.”
“I don’t think that is what makes you a fool, Y/n.”
Y/n puffed up his cheeks and slightly hit Tsukishima’s arm, Tsukishima not feeling anything and just smiling it off. Y/n turned to his house and walked to his door, not wanting their fun to end but they would see each other again tomorrow. 
Knowing they would be together again tomorrow, even for a short while, made Y/n’s chest swell with joy.
“Y/n.” Y/n had just put his hand on the door handle when he heard Tsukishima’s voice.
“Yeah, Tsukk--” 
He turned to face Tsukishima, but he didn’t expect him to be so close. Practically pushed up against the door, Y/n looked up only in time for Tsukishima to lower his head and made their lips touch.
Y/n’s eyes immediately fluttered shut at the warmth that suddenly filled him body, the smell of Tsukishima intoxicating him just as his jacket had been for so long.
In truth, if it were anyone else, Y/n would not have calmed down so quickly, he would not have felt comfortable enough to fall asleep just anywhere, he would not have felt comfortable letting just anyone touch him the way Tsukishima had. 
And in return, Tsukishima didn’t know anyone that made him open up as fast as Y/n did, not even Yamaguchi, his childhood friend. He had always been closed off and unwilling to put his whole heart into things, with fear of failure, heart break, rejection. But through this kiss, through connecting his lips to Y/n’s, he was saying that his heart was open to Y/n and only Y/n. Somehow, through the 4 weeks of knowing one another, it was like cupid's arrow was destined to pierce them both.
They pulled apart, the breath mixing as they stayed close, the lips brushing over each other as they soaked in what had happened.
“Kei.” Tsukishima’s voice came out in a hushed tone, one that made Y/n swoon.
“If we are going to be together,” He continued, standing straight and looking down at Y/n’s flushed face with a smile. “Call me Kei.”
Y/n stood in shock, but as many things in his head, he was quick to smile back and Tsukishima. He allowed his heart to swell with the only thought of the tall boy with glasses and a sarcastic attitude, Tsukishima too allowing his mind, body, and soul to be only filled with the short, just as funny, archer boy who stole his heart in record time.
“Well… goodnight then… Kei.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Dr. Mael Halvorg (Part 2)
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationship: Male Part Fae/Female Part Fae Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Fae, Naga, Reader Insert, Anthropology, Genetics Content Warnings: Children, Pregnancy, Incubation, Infertility, Birth, Oviposition, Egg-Laying Words:
Commissioned by @ivymemnoch​! The reader and Dr. Halvorg discuss his lingering infertility problem. Amai lays her final clutch of eggs. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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“Good morning, class!” You said on the first day.
“Good morning!” Fourteen bright voices responded.
All of the children except for baby Yenu were sitting on their tails behind desks in a room that had been set up as a classroom by the staff.
“So, every day each week we’re going to work on a different subject,” You began. “Mondays are reading and language comprehension, Tuesdays are maths and sciences, Wednesdays are social studies and economics, Thursdays are geography and history, Fridays are fun days with arts, crafting, music, and educational games. Today is Monday, so we’re going to start with reading. You should each have a workbook appropriate to your developmental level in your desks, so please take out your reading workbooks.”
As the children shuffled and searched for the right book, Dr. Halvorg stepped inside the classroom with a clipboard. You raised an eyebrow.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“I’m observing the children in a school setting to see how they adapt,” He replied.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “And I’m also assuming how I teach, correct?”
He dipped his head sheepishly. “I was curious. And it’s for my research.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Mm.” You turned back to your students and fell into your teacher’s voice. “Keenai, if you would begin reading the first sentence, please?”
Keenai picked up his workbook and started reading. “The small dog lives in a red house.”
“Can you tell me which of these words are verbs?”
“Um…” He looked at the sentence, frowning.
“To remind you, a verb is an action word, something someone does.”
“Uh… lived?” He replied slowly.
“Very good.” You said, and he smiled in relief. “Tani, you’re next. Read the next sentence in your book.”
“The red house was built on a wed… wedeness…”
“Wednesday,” You said. “That’s a hard word, I know. Can you tell me what the noun is in that sentence?”
“Good! A noun is a person, a place, or a thing. I’m a noun, you’re a noun, the room we’re in is a noun.”
“Is Nenish a noun?” Jinsa asked.
“Ha ha, you’re a noun!” Jinsa said, pointing at Nenish.
“So are you!” Nenish interjected.
“Hey, hey! Settle down, please!” You called over them, sitting on the edge of your desk. “Fuma, you next.”
Fuma read from his book, and then Amaia. Next, you went down the line of the four-year-olds, having them read a sentence and find colors, shapes, numbers, or sounds in the sentences. The three-year-olds were next, and they simply read small sentences. You then had the one-year-olds spell and say three-letter words.
Their quick development was normal for nagas, as they tended to age quickly until they hit puberty, when their aging progress slowed to accommodate for yearly hibernation, but it was also startling in conjunction with the developmental levels of similar creatures. You had never studied the advancements of a species’ young so closely before, and you had to admit, it was fascinating. You could see why Dr. Halvorg found it so interesting.
You set the children writing tasks appropriate to their learning level and took a moment to talk to Dr. Halvorg, who was scribbling quickly in a notebook.
“They have computers now that you can write on, you know,” You told him, amused.
He looked up over his glasses at you and quirked an eyebrow. “I am aware of that, thank you. I’m not quite so old-fashioned as I seem, regardless of what Amai might tell you.” He looked back down and continued scribbling. “I’m a chronic note-taker. A bad habit I can’t seem to break, though with my profession, it’s often a strength rather than a weakness.”
“Hmm,” You hummed. “And what do your notes say about my teaching?”
“Adequate,” He replied, still scribbling. “Don’t misunderstand, that’s not a criticism. I hold everyone to an extremely high standard. If you hadn’t met expectations, I would have dismissed you.”
“So I meet your expectations?” You asked sardonically.
“At the moment,” He said, snapping his book closed and standing up. “I still want to observe your other classes before I’m completely satisfied.”
“Hmm,” You said again.
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True to his word, Halvorg attended every class that week, observing you interacting with the children. Other than a question or two about your future curriculum, he stayed quiet. At the end of the week, he asked that you submit a weekly progress report until you either found a replacement or were dismissed.
It seemed excessive to you, and you were beginning to wonder if he still saw the children as an experiment. He seemed to care about them, but how much of that was genuine and how much of it was his own self-interest? You were starting to feel leery of and disconcerted by him.
Perhaps he picked up on this, because he seemed to go out of his way to avoid you. He had you direct all of your questions and reports to his assistant and rarely picked up his phone. Any conversations were brief and succinct. He did send you notes on your curriculum, making suggestions for each child. If you weren’t already suspicious of his motives, you might almost have though it sweet.
“I think Halvorg is avoiding me,” You told Amai when the two of you went to lunch together. Now that the two of you could hang out after all the years, you made it a point to set time aside for each other and had lunch at least once a week.
“What makes you say that?” Amai asked, drizzling dressing over her starter salad.
“Ever since he watched me teach classes, he’s barely spoken to me. He seemed excited to exchange research notes when I first arrived, but now he seems to have no interest in speaking to me since he finished observing class.”
“He could just be busy,” Amai suggested. “The four year old’s birthdays are coming up. He always does something special for the kids on their birthdays.”
“Are you concerned that he only sees your children as test subjects?” You asked her. “He seems obsessed with them.”
Amai laughed. “I thought that way in the early days, but he genuinely loves kids. If anything ever happened to me or Yenuno, I’m confident Halvorg would take care of them.” She took a sip of her mineral water. “Are you coming to the kids party? You’re invited, obviously.”
“Will there be clowns? I hate clowns.”
She snorted. “Nothing so gauche. I think Halvorg set up a treasure hunt. The kids always love whatever he plans. Honestly, I know I complain about him, but he does make it easy for me sometimes. I haven’t had to plan any major events since the kids hatched.”
“Hmm… I don’t know. It’s strange to me how involved he is.”
Amai sat back in her seat and eyed you shrewdly. “Did he ever tell you about his son?”
You looked up in surprise. “Son? I thought you said he had no children.”
“He doesn’t… technically.” Amai set her fork down. “You didn’t hear this from me so don’t repeat it, but he had a wife nearly a hundred years ago who cheated on him. He raised a boy, thinking he was his son, but the child was actually fathered by the other man. His wife left him and took the boy with her and he never saw him again. I don’t think he ever got over that.”
“Oh, god,” You replied, horrified. “I can’t imagine what that’s like.”
“He’s spend the last several decades saving dying races from the brink of extinction. In a way, he thinks of those children he helped bring into the world as his children, too. And every time he has to let them go, it’s like losing his son all over again. I think the fact that he gets to help raise our babies is something of a gift for him. Trust me, it’s not something he takes for granted.”
“I guess I hadn’t thought of it like that,” You said in dismay.
“Halvorg is stuffy, strict, and a stickler for protocols, so he can be difficult to read, but I assure you, he loves my children as if they were his own. It may have started as research, but he has a family now and I think that’s what he wanted all along. Try not to judge him to harshly.”
You conceded with a nod. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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The following Saturday, you attended the kids birthday party as requested. The kids were excited and zooming around the receiving area, shrieking and laughing, all of them wearing party hats and nothing else. Amaia was piggy-backing on Dr. Halvorg, her tail wrapped around his waist for stability and her arms hugged around his neck. Dr. Halvorg walked around completely normally, as if this was a typical action and he was used to it. He watched the children playing with a wide, fond grin on his face.
You walked over to Amai and Yenuno, who were watching from the refreshments table with Yenu, feeding her crackers.
“Nothing like a little bit of chaos in the morning,” You said.
They laughed.
“You’ve never seen them after a group kill,” Yenuno said. “They’re uncontrollable after they’ve taken down an elk together. It’s pretty incredible to watch for me, personally. Nagas in the wild typically don’t work together and they especially don’t hunt together, not even siblings.”
“They are very close and friendly, for nagas,” You remarked. “Markedly different to most snake-related species I’ve met.”
“It’s Amai’s blood and influence that’s doing it, I’m sure,” Yenuno said, kissing his wife’s cheek. “She’s the most friendly and cheerful person I’ve ever met.”
“To be fair, sweetie, you haven’t met all that many people,” Amai said, laughing.
“That is fair,” Yenuno conceded. “My point stands, though.”
“Alright children, gather ‘round!” Halvorg called, and they flocked to him, swirling around him like a whirlpool. “Now, you guys are going to split up into teams to help Nenish, Tahara, and Sadji find their gifts. Nenish will have Tani, Jinsa, and Keenai on his team. Tahara will have Amaia, Osan, Ishni, and Dashu on his team. And Khuzho, Chidil, Fuma, and Itheti will be on Sadji’s team.” He handed a small leaflet to each team. “Follow the clues to find the treasures! Go!”
The kids scattered, giggling madly.
“Come get something to drink and rest for a minute, Halvorg!” Yenuno called. “I think you’ve earned it.”
Halvorg grinned boyishly, an expression that brightened his face and made him look… well… rather handsome. He jogged over to the table and had a ginger ale. Elves have hypermobile ears, and his ears were high and wiggling slightly, a normal indication in elvish peoples of happiness and excitement.
“I think they’ll really enjoy their gifts this year,” Halvorg said, taking sips of his soda. “And the treasure hunt is half the fun. It’s challenging, but not too difficult. If they work together, it should be no trouble at all.”
“You didn’t get them history books like last year, did you?” Amai asked with her eyes narrowed. “You might as well have burned the money you spent on those for all the use they got out of them.”
“No, I learned my lesson,” He said defensively. “I bought toys.”
“Educational toys?” Amaia asked shrewdly.
He stopped mid-sip and looked at Amaia with an eyebrow raised. “…maybe,” He said into his cup.
Amaia rolled her eyes. “At least Yenuno and I ordered some stuff the kids will like.”
“You don’t know that they won’t like them,” I said. “I loved educational toys.”
“Yeah, but you’re a nerd,” Amaia said, poking you playfully.
“So what? Your kids could be nerds, too. I’m pretty sure Osan is going to be a Star Wars fan. He’s been talking my ear off about the Mandalorian.”
“It’s so strange,” Amaia said, ignoring your response and looking off in the distance. “I thought that because the kids were hatched in clutches, they would be like twins or triples or the like and have similar interests and personalities, but they’re all so different. Different likes, different traits, different styles. It’s amazing.”
“It amazes me, too,” Yenuno said, staring into his drink with a wistful expression. “My siblings and I separated when we were young, so I don’t know what they were like or if we had similar interests. Honestly, until recently, I never gave them a thought. Watching my children work together… it makes me wonder what my own siblings were like, and if they’d still be alive today if we had helped each other.”
There was a contemplative silence for a few minutes, broken by excited voices reentering the receiving area.
“We found it!” Tahara said, holding up a wrapped gift. The other four were carrying smaller treat bags that had their names written on them. “Uncle Maël, look!”
“Excellent! Well done!” Halvorg said, bending to give Tahara a hug. “Now, let’s wait until your brothers return with their gifts before we open them, okay? How about you five play tag until then?”
“Okay!” Tahara said.
“I’ll play with you,” Yenuno said. “I’m starting to get fat, preparing for the incubation period.” He patted Amai’s belly, which carried his three eggs, likely to be the last clutch they’d have together.
“How soon?” You asked Amai as Yenuno took off to chase with his children.
“Any day,” Amai said with a weary sigh. “And I’m ready for it. These little guys are heavy.”
“Boys or girls?”
“We won’t know until they hatch. It’s too hard to get a clear picture with the ultrasound, and besides, even if it could, both the male and female genitalia are internal, so it’s nearly impossible to tell.” She took a sip of ginger ale. “We’re really hoping for at least one girl. Don’t get me wrong, we love the boys more than anything, but we’d like Amaia and Yenu to have some sisters.”
“I’d like to be present for the laying, if that’s okay,” You said.
“For your research?” She asked.
Your head rocked back. “No, because you’re my friend and I want to be there for you.”
Amai smiled fondly. “Oh. Of course, thank you.”
Dr. Halvorg had not added anything to the conversation with you and Amai, and instead went to the table and made a plate of snacks. You gave Amai a look and a cocked eyebrow, and she nodded understanding, slipping away from her spot to watch her husband and children play.
“Dr. Halvorg?”
He flinched and looked up, glancing around furtively and noticing that the two of you were alone. “Yes?”
“Why are you avoiding me?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again before responding, “I’m doing no such thing.”
“I’ve requested at least three meetings with you this past month, and you’re always too busy,” You said dryly.
“Well, I am,” He said, turning. “If you’ll excuse me…”
“Are you avoiding me because I asked you out?” You asked bluntly.
He missed a step in his stride and stopped.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I should have realized from your professional demeanor that you wouldn’t be open to interoffice dating. I apologize.”
Halvorg sighed and turned to face you. “It’s not that. Not exactly, I mean.” He set his plate on the table and looked you full in the face for the first time in weeks. “I haven’t given a thought to dating in…” He rubbed his forehead. “Gods… decades. The question took me off guard, of course, and I actually had to sit down and give it some thought. I’ve been wrapped up in my work, of course, but I think I was just distracting myself.”
“From what?”
He sat on the edge of the table and crossed his arms. “It’s hard to talk about. I don’t even really talk about it with Yenuno, and I would consider him my closest friend.” He sighed heavily and avoided your eye. “I’ve ignored my personal life in favor of spending my career and fortune in this century helping races achieve something I want for myself.”
“Children?” You guessed.
He nodded a little morosely. “Not just that, but that is a significant part of it. I’ve been following the reproduction rates of Celtic fae since the fae were originally integrated and it’s decreasing year by year. I live in constant fear that my own race will be extinct in my lifetime.” He quirked his head at you. “Your race still seems to be fairly prolific, is that correct?”
“Oh yeah, I have a bunch of brothers and a truckload of cousins. No problems there.”
He sighed. “I don’t know what the problem with my race is. I’ve studied genetic traits, magical impediments, marriage and divorce rates, and ratio of coupling to conceptions.The numbers are terrible and I don’t know why. That’s what drives me crazy. I hate not having an answer.”
“Have there been miscarriages?”
“No, that’s the crazy thing, the rate of conception is extraordinarily low. I think there have only been three live births of Celtic fae blood in the last year.”
“Oh, jeez,” You said, sitting against the table next to him. “I didn’t realize the problem was that severe. Have you considered whether it might be a physical problem?”
“How do you mean?”
“Have you ever done a sperm count? Or had an MRI of the area to see if there’s a blockage? That kind of thing can be genetic and men tend to be shy about stuff like that.”
He tilted his head and frowned. “No, I haven’t. It actually hadn’t occurred to me. Honestly, I’ve been so focused on my work to distract myself, it may have worked too well and I ignored such things.” He looked at you and smiled. “You’ve given me something to think about.”
You smiled back. “Good. I wonder if the females of the race have a similar issue. It may have been something bred into the people over time, over centuries.”
“That’s possible,” He said. “There’s certainly a precedent; some creatures have been bred to extinction. Remember the pug?”
“That tiny dog breed with the squashed face?” You said. “Yeah, they died out a while ago, didn’t they?”
He nodded. “That was human interference, though. Yenuno’s people were dying out due to antisocialism; too reclusive to even propagate their own species. Yenuno was the only one of his kind to take up this project, and even he was reluctant.”
“He seems happy now,” You remarked.
“Yeah,” Halvorg said softly, watching Yenuno laughing and chasing his kids with a sad kind of jealousy. “He does.”
You watched his face, the deep, deep sadness creasing his face and making him look older than he was.
“Follow up, Halvorg, see a specialist. This may have a fix that didn’t exist the last time you tried.”
He nodded, smiling at you, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “I will.”
As you stood up, you bumped his shoulder lightly. “Thank you for talking to me. I appreciate that you trusted me enough to discuss such a sensitive subject. I get the feeling that you don’t share yourself with many people.”
He laughed. “No, not really.” He looked up with a smile that seemed more sincere. “Thank you for listening.”
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Amai went into labor three days later. She was taken to the laying room, where both Yenuno and Dr. Halvorg were present in addition to the interspecies OBGYN. You were suited up in scrubs and the paper gowns that surgeons wear, as was everyone else in the room besides Amai, who was completely naked, and Yenuno, who never wore clothing. There were natal heart monitors on her belly and an EKG hooked up to her chest.
Amai was sitting on a specially designed chair that would allow her to pass the eggs through her birth canal and into the waiting arms of the doctor. She was already sweating and panting by the time you arrived. The OBGYN and Dr. Halvorg were having a quiet conversation. You went to the other side of Amai and took her hand, trying not to wince when she nearly crushed your fingers.
“Is she okay?” You asked in alarm.
“She’s not fully dilated yet,” Halvorg said, pulling his braid into a surgical cap. “The eggs are getting impatient, it seems.”
“Yeah, well, so am I, so they can settle the fuck down!” Amai shrieked at him.
He bore the abuse with no reaction other than a wry smile. Yenuno wisely said nothing and simply wiped Amai’s forehead with a cloth.
“It won’t be long,” the OBGYN said. “She’s almost there.”
“Just saw me open and get them out,” Amai moaned. “It would hurt less.”
Yenuno tried to kiss her cheek, but she swatted him away weakly.
“No,” She said peevishly. “No touching ever again.”
“You said that last time,” He said, smiling fondly.
“Yeah, but I mean it this time,” She said sulkily.
“Of course you do, darling.” He patted her head. She scrunched her face up at him in annoyance. She was always adorable when she was miffed.
“I’ll make you into shoes,” She said sourly. “And a matching purse.”
It took a while for Amai to dilate fully, and by then she was very tired. Yenuno was looking worried; she’d laid several eggs over the years and never struggled this much before. Perhaps this being their last clutch was a good idea.
“Okay, I think we can start pushing now,” The doctor said, getting ready to catch the eggs. “Amai, when you feel the next contract, hold your breath, bear down, and push.”
“Okay,” She breathed. “One’s coming.”
We all braced for the push. Amai took several quick deep breaths and held it, her face pulled tight in pain and effort, doubling over in the chair as she did. You and Yenuno held her hands and patted her back and murmured encouragement. Halvorg was waiting with a soft cloth to take the eggs for cleaning, after which they would be laid in a specialized incubating carrier to be taken to Yenuno’s cottage.
The first egg came slowly and with much screaming. The doctor caught it and handed it off to Halvorg. The shell of the egg was soft and needed extremely delicate care, but Halvorg was well practiced by now and got the egg washed and into the carrier under ninety seconds and returned for the next.
The second egg came more quickly, but Amai screamed the whole time. By the time the third and final egg was laid, her voice was raw and she was too exhausted to scream.
But it was over. She fell back into the recline of the chair as if boneless and breathed in shallowly, her eyes barely open.
“You were amazing, darling,” Yenuno said gently, kissing Amai’s face. “Rest. I’m taking the eggs to the cottage. The children will visit you when you’ve slept.”
She turned her head slowly to look at him and touched her fingertips to his face, tracing down his cheek, chin, neck and chest before letting her hand fall back to her side, and her eyes closed. Nurses came to whisk her away to a recovery room, the OBGYN following behind. Yenuno and Halvorg left to take the eggs to the cottage for the incubation, and you were left alone in the laying room.
As you were shedding the paper gown and surgical cap, you noticed a small book lying on the ground. It looked to be one of Halvorg’s research journals, though it was smaller than his usual ones. He must have dropped it out of his back pocket when he was disrobing. You picked it up and took it with you with the intent on returning it to him in the morning.
And of course, you’d completely forgotten by the time you woke up.
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Amai recovered enough in a few days to be up and walking around. She and the children took turns keeping Yenuno company, as he grew morose if he was left alone too long. You had declared half days until the new babies hatched so that they could have more time with their dad.
One afternoon, after the children had left class for the day, Dr. Halvorg came in and sat on the edge of your desk.
“Hello,” You said pleasantly, closing the folder with their latest work for grading. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
“I wanted to let you know I took you up on your advice,” He said, looking a little bashful. “I went and saw a specialist. They’re going to be doing some tests soon. Sperm count, blood tests, an MRI. Any test that can be done will be done.”
“Good!” You said, swinging your chair around. “I’m glad. Maybe you’ll finally get an answer.”
He sighed, looking pensive and anxious. “I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but I still wanted to thank you for pushing me to do it.”
“I didn’t push you to do it, Maël,” You said. His eyes narrowed at your use of his first name, but he didn’t say anything. “I just brought the subject up. It was your decision to do it.”
“Well, thank you all the same,” He replied. “I admit, I’m nervous about it. I could either get wonderful news or have my worst fears confirmed. I don’t know how I’ll react to either option.”
“Would you like me to come with you?” You asked him.
He looked at you in surprise. “You… you don’t have to do that.”
“I know I don’t,” You replied. “But this is the kind of thing you need friends for. And since Yenuno is tied up with the eggs, I could be a good substitute. You don’t even have to think of me as a friend, if you don’t want to, just an emotional support associate.”
He was quiet for a moment. “I think of you as a friend.”
“Well, thank you. I was hoping we’d get there eventually. So? What do you think? Want some support for this?”
“Not for the tests, I can do those by myself perfectly well,” He said, adjusting his tie nervously. “But… for the results… perhaps… a friend would be nice.”
“I’ll be there for you, then,” You said, standing and patting his arm. “Does Yenuno know about this? Have you talked to him about it?”
“No,” He replied. “I didn’t want to tell him while he’s dealing with his own new babies. Besides, if the news is not good, I don’t want people feeling sorry for me. If the news comes back positive… I don’t know… I think this is one thing I’d rather keep to myself.”
“Except for me, you mean,” You said.
He nodded concedingly. “Besides you.”
“Let me know when the results come back and I’ll go with you. We’ll make a day of it, go to a spa, get a bikini wax together, eat some overpriced salads, buy something ridiculous we want but don’t need. It’ll be a blast.”
He actually laughed a little. “Sounds like a plan.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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sokkas-honour · 3 years
for the spotify wrapped writing i'll say number 4 and sokka?
omg this one was so fun to write! ty for requesting!
dream boy - modern!sokka x reader
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pairing : modern! sokka x reader
wc: 1.7k including lyrics
notes/warnings: going off of the hc that sokka is a baseball boy from my girl @draqondance and it’s just unedited but enjoy !!
part 1.5 | part 2 | part 3
taglist (send an ask to be added!!): @draqondance @biqherosix @missmorosis
sometimes i think i see your ghost, in passing hallways, the staircase to my apartment,
the clock couldn’t seem to hit three fast enough, the sun was shining outside but everything about your seventh period math class just made you gloomy. you tapped your foot on the ground, anxiously waiting for the final bell to ring so you could get out of the boredom that was calculus. you sighed and rested on your hand that was on your desk and tried to see if you could understand what your teacher was saying but you’d spaced out too long to even know what the hell he was talking about.
with another sigh, you slightly turned you head. you were seated at the back of the class, meaning you could see a part of the empty hallway since the door was open and there he was, the beautiful water tribe baseball player. your heart rate picked up as he simply passed in the hallway though he seemed to catch your staring because he backed right back into your line of view and smirked at you.
his flirty actions imply earned a playful eye roll from you. you watched your friend laugh before waving goodbye and continued on his way knowing he’d be able to speak to you after school anyway.
god did you love that stupid boy. seeing him, even for a split second, singlehandedly made this boring period your favorite of the day. his smile, his dorkiness, his horrible jokes, just sokka in general made your heart race at a speed that was practically impossible to slow down.
i accidentally self impose, bashful thoughts, careless wants, emotional involvement,
the baseball game ended and your school won 7-4, with your best friend pitching his best game yet, you couldn’t contain your excitement. as soon as sokka stepped off the field, you rushed out of your seat to go congratulate him outside of the dugout. your whole friend group couldn’t make the trip to the away game but you had promised him that you’d never miss a game when he got accepted into the team freshman year and so far, you’d never missed one. wether you were swamped with work or sick, you always found a way to sit on those bleachers cheering him on.
“sokka! that was your best game of the season!” you exclaimed as soon as you saw come out and ran to him. he was smiling that adorable stupid smile he always did and rushed to join your halfway.
“i know! did you see how i curved that ball on the last guy! he never saw it coming!” he excitedly retold you the final play that you’d just seen, pride shining from his eyes and grin.
“yeah! sucker didn’t even know what hit him!” you replied matching his energy and he just engulfed in you in a hug out of excitement. to your dismay, he quickly retracted it.
“sorry! i’m just so excited!” he apologised though you didn’t mind at all, hell, you’re disappointed he didn’t let it last longer as you craved affection from sokka that was anything but platonic or initiated by you, how you wished the hug lingered.
“sokka! you don’t have to apologise! i’m just as excited as you are!” you reassured, your cheeks hurting from smiling so much as you placed both your hands on his arms to emphasise how unbothered you were by his actions.
“okayyy. can we go get sea prunes? pretty please?” the pitcher begged, looking down at you with his signature puppy dog eyes that made you practically weak in the knees, he knew you’d never say no to them.
you've got my heart bursting at the seams, maybe you're the boy from my dreams,
most people only saw you and sokka as two inseparable best friends, two peas in a pod, practically attached at the hip, and they wouldn’t be wrong. sokka and you had been best friends ever since kindergarten when he accidentally hit you in the head with a snowball during your recess.
you’d always been close friends but ever since highschool started, you’d fallen for your best friend and you’d fallen hard. his adorably cute smile, his adorably cute eyes, his adorably cute ponytail, his adorably cute jokes, just his adorably cute self was enough to make you long for anything more than a simple close friendship with the water tribe boy.
you’d seem to have done a pretty good job at hiding it as none of your friends ever picked up on it. sokka and you had always have a pretty touchy friendship, you’d hug all the time, you’d place your head in his lap, he’d lay his head on your shoulder, but none it had any ulterior motive. so when zuko confronted you about it you were surprised, he was the one to find out about it, not toph, not even katara, the said crush’s sister, no it was zuko.
zuko seemed to have seen right through your lies about your lack of feelings for the baseball player which led you to just dumping all the reasons that he made your heart put a race care to shame. you told him about the daydreaming that occurred whenever someone would point out that you would both be a cute couple, you told him about the monthly dreams you’d have about you finally confessing your emotions that were always reciprocated.
zuko was kind and always listened but always took the oppurtiny to tease you about it when you were alone.
if you're gonna love me make sure that you do it right, i’ll be under your window in the moonlight,
oh i tend to keep my heart locked water-tight, all you gotta do is meet me after, meet me after midnight.
‘y/nnnnnnn, meet me by our favorite tree like at around midnight. i need to tell you something important.’
you’d been doing your english homework late one night when your phone buzzed with a message from the boy that made you swoon. your heartrate would always pick up a bit when he would send you a message but the content written made it race even more. you quickly replied to agree to meet him.
you grabbed your coat and your shoes and quietly left the house, making sure not to wake your sleeping parents. once outside, you took the ten minute walk to an old willow that stood about halfway between the water tribe sibling’s house and yours. you had often spent afternoons with the two of them just laying in the ground and watched the leaves around them slowly move with the wind.
when highschool started, you often found yourself throwing a rock or so at sokka’s window when it would be late in an attempt to get him to sneak out with you for walks under the beautiful moon. one night you almost got caught so you both agreed to simply text and agree to meet at that nostalgic willow.
upon arriving and passing through the weeping willow’s leaves you saw a figure leaning against it’s trunk. you were able to recognise the boy thanks to the light from his phone that he was scrolling mindlessly on.
“hey sokka.” you made your presence none in a rather soft way, not wanting to spook him.
“hey y/n, thanks for coming.” he looked up and smiled at you and put his phone back into his jacket pocket. your eyes had long acclimated to the darkness and were able to see him sit on the ground and pat the spot next to him to which you happily obliged.
“so what did you want to say.” you asked once you sat next to him.
“okay well i wanted your help. how do i ask a girl out?” his questions came out of nowhere and took you aback, you feared the direction that the conversation would go in but you shoved your emotions down. sokka may be the boy of your dreams but he was still your best friend, and you’d always want him to happy.
“well first of all, i need to know who this girl is.” you smirked, a small spark of hope as your mind rushed to not only a horrible ending to the conversation, but one that ended in a confession of feelings from both sides.
“okay well, only if you guess.” he joked which earned a playful eye roll from you before continuing. “okay well i’ve been friends with her for a while but recently, i’ve been feelings differently towards her y’a know? she’s always been there for me and always knows how to make me happy. i just feel warm and safe with her. i dont want to ruin our friendship because it means so much to me!”
“well sokka, i give up.” your spark grew at his description of the girl he was mad for, the only person you could even think of that fit the criteria was you. boy if you only you hadn’t been that naive, maybe that would’ve saved you from the heartbreak that was coming.
“okay well i thought it was obvious.” he grinned, leaning his head back in a way that told you that he was thinking of the girl who’s name you were about to know.
“it’s suki. i’m head over heels for suki.”
your heart dropped and felt like a knife had just been shoved into it, twisted, and then ripped out. no, your heart had just been broken. you felt like crying, you’d been so stupid in thinking he’d ever have any feelings for you. god it all made sense now, you’d never admit it out loud but you had been spending less and less time with sokka in the last couple of weeks. you had been spending more time with zuko where you would gush about the boy you were in love with.
if only you’d looked at the signs, he had been spending more time with the star volleyball player, the straight a student, the perfect in every way, suki. you couldn’t hold it against him, you loved her as a friend and she was impossible to not love. the words that left your mouth following his confession hurt your soul more than anytning
“you’d make a great couple sokka, you really would.”
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rice-pudding-slaps · 3 years
A WILD thought just crossed my head but a Cats High School Teachers AU? It would be ✨glorious✨
Just imagine!!
Jennyanydots would totally be a language teacher That's how we call it in my country lmao language and communications. It's basically grammar and literature ANYWAY that is also kind of a mother for kids who need help. She would totally and absolutely be that Miss Honey kinda Vibes™ teacher that always has a kind word for you and if she sees you crying, she will protect you with her life (And also maybe she has this huge bag filled with napkins and sweets). She's strict tho. But not in a mean way. She doesn't just gift grades, she makes you work for it. You can turn up your paper again, but it will have 300 corrections. But she will praise your efforts and help you overcome your difficulties.
Skimble gives me such Math Teacher That Always Has a Story and Rarely Actually Teaches The Class kinda vibes. His class is always on the most absolute of silence and no one ever DREAMS of pranking him. The kids knoooow that they can say "Hey, mr Skimbles I heard you were on a train once" and boom he will tell you all these stories about his time being in charge of the Northern Mail. He has told the story sooooo many times that the children once put on a play with one of the stories for Teachers Day or smtn. He was moved to tears
Demeter would absolutely be an art teacher and be the most understanding teacher ever. She's patient and kind and she will give you a day more to bring in your work if you need it. She also always has a way to find hurt kids. Coming from an abusive background herself, she's quick to act whenever she feels a child migh need any type of help. She ended up being That Teacher That Every LGBTQ+ Kid Befriends and she is proud to be helpful and provide love to those who need it. She's very close to Munk and is always helping with the props for the plays.
Bomba is a science teacher because I said so. And because she has a similar vibe to most of my science teachers when I was in school lmao. She's funny and charismatic and pretty laid back. And you never know what to expect from her. The kids love her bc she might spend some class talking all about formulas and next class is "Hey kids wanna learn how to make EXPLOSIONS??" they never actually blow up something, but she makes the lab classes the best thing.
Munkustrap is an absolute history teacher. No questions asked. The man knows how to narrate every historical moment like you were there. He has a silver tounge (pun intended). And he always tries to teach the most he can, because history is just so broad and there is so much to talk about. And he definetely would answer all the questions, even the more weird ones. He's called by kids the Protector because even when he's easly the most strict teacher ever, he would never let anyone bad mouth his students. No matter how chaotic the class was, he will always tell them that as long as they learned something, they won. He also works in the theatre departement, so the theatre kids are in love with the guy. They tried to set him up with Demeter in a play, but gave up after a half hour speech on how they shouldn't be involved in their teachers personal lifes.
Tugger is obviously a music teacher. He is that laid back, friendly and overall awesome teacher that everyone just loves. He plays any instrument you can think of and will teach you if you ask. As a joke, a whole class asked to learn the bagpipes and when next class this rockstar of a teacher appeared with a fucking bagpipe and a whole lot for the kids they fucking LOST IT. He will help you with practice and if you want to get into serious music, then he will absolutely root for you. He has a song composed for every teacher and absolutely everyone hates him for this. He's also with the theatre kids and always helps with plays maybe to mess with Munk, maybe he likes the attention. He's also in charge of music and dance presentations and he abuses his powers greatly. And everytime a class graduates he says that he doesn't really cares that much (is the circle of life, baby) but will shed silent tears everytime bc he's gonna miss the kiddies.
Misto's obviously a dance teacher. Duh. He might be an ex student for the same school. He's fresh out of college and he sometimes doesn't know what to do, but he tries really hard. And he's harsh as fuck for the same reason. He always wears a tuxedo to class and a bowtie bc he tought it was a formal thing and now it's kind of like "his thing". He's kind of cold at first and doesn't talk really that much, the kids first tought he hated them, but later found out that he just goes non verbal sometimes and designed a whole system to communicate instructions and corrections. Misto was so happy. And that's why there is a board on the classroom they use to dance. He's also one of the teachers that every LGBTQ+ kid loves, and he tries his best to support each one. And yes, every day they ask "DO THE CONJURING TURNS MR. MISTOFFELEES" and he gladly does. There was this rumor that he was magic bc once a kid saw him in a presentation out of school and they swear he sparkled out of the blue. He knows, and sometimes he would do little tricks for the kiddos for funs, and other teachers just to mess with them. He also goes to the teathre departement and it's constantly working with Tugger so the music and dance kids do presentations together. The kids ship it so hard
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer are the best gym teachers ever. They also are very new to this, but they make class the most fun thing ever. They teach sports and gymnastics with ease. And they have no mercy on dodge ball. No. Mercy. They once were playing on the field with the kids and hit Tugger on the head. The legend says that they ran across the school for all night. The truth is that they outrun Tugger, but not Munk.
Jellylorum is the school's nurse. She always has a tecito de hierbas for you. And she will always hear you and try to get you to be better. She has infinite patience for eveyone. And she always carries pads and tampons for the kids who may need it. And if you ever need a shoulder to cry on? She's there too. She and Jenny have their officed flood on Mother's day because they are the second mothers of so many kids. She also catches up with ex-students and remember every name.
Gus is the official Theatre teacher. He is this old man who is so wise and strict, but just because he loves his craft so so much. Every year there is some kind of rumor that he might retire, but it never seemed to happen. He has a little office with so many photos and diplomas and it's just filled with memories. He is very harsh on the kids. Very. But they love him because he also can spend hours talking about his greatest performances on theatre. When he actually had to retire because he was starting to have very fragile health, everyone cried. They held a big play and he played Growltiger. No one had a dry eye that night. And he still visits the school from time to time. He goes to every play.
You might say that Old Deuteronomy is the principal and you would be very right. But this man was a teacher in his day. He taught philosophy and history and english and literature. He has more degreed that a high school teacher had to have, but he loved dearly the art of teaching. And he remembers every kid. Every morning he sits at the entrance and says to every one of them by name. He plays with the kids when his health let's him. He has a framed photo of him and Gus on their first years as teachers just along side a photo of the year Tugger joined Munkustrap on the school staff. And everyone is very sure that he might let Munkustrap take the position one day. He's also a kind soul. And will let kids tug on his beard. There was this christmas when he dressed up as santa and it was the sweetest thing ever.
Tantomille and Coricopat are philosophy teachers. They take turns doing classes and you will never know wich one taught you last class because they are in perfect sync. Their test are the most outlandish thing ever, and give points for "originality" wich is mostly just wich kid said the most weird but true thing. The kids are kinda scared of them. Just enough to not to mess up their classes.
I am not completely sure, but Alonzo being a spanish teacher just brings me so much joy. He's always teaching them songs and little games to learn spanish and the kids take total advantage of that just to mess with him. He never gets truly mad if they play a prank on him. And he's the Protector number 2 to the kids, bc he would absolutely turn up to a teachers reunion wet from head to toe and instead of tattle on the kids, he would just say it was an accident. Munk knows and always ends up catching the culprit, not always with Alonzo's help.
The Rumpus Cat is the school mascot.
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
Request: Harry imagine based off the song Josslyn by Olivia O'Brien?
A/N: This was in my inbox for a while, but I finally finished it! It got a little long but I really wanted to set up a backstory. Hope it’s what you wanted! :)
Part 2
My leg bounces under the table, eyeing everyone walking through the door until my best friend Regan walks in. The first day back to school always felt like hell on earth. It would be more unbearable if my best friend didn’t have the same homeroom as me.
“I want to die,” she drops into the seat in front of mine and turns around. “Like literally. I can’t wait to be done with this dump.”
“We just do it all over again in uni,” My stomach turns remembering what our final year meant. I didn’t even know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and I had to choose this year. It was a scary thought.
“At least there’ll be more freedom, I won’t be living with my crazy family, and,” she pauses ticking each item on her fingers, and wiggles her eyebrows. “All the hot guys.”
“Is somebody talking about me?”
We turn and Harry Styles, class jock, stands above us with a pencil behind his ear and a shit-eating grin on his face.
“If we were, you would’ve heard ‘major douchebag loser’,” Regan rolls her eyes. I give Regan a look like what an idiot and she ignores him to continue on about her dream school. As hard as I concentrate though, I’m too aware of Harry walking around and settling into the seat behind me.
It had happened, over the summer-we had hooked up. I can’t say it was a shining time for me, I also didn’t reqret it quite as much as one might think.
It was at a party I was invited to while Regan was visiting her grandparents in New Jersey and I was getting lonely. He’d cornered me, made me feel less alone. The hookup lasted a week, before we were off, and then another two weeks in August. I quit him-like a habit-the week before school started.
I confessed to Regan, she’d warned me to avoid him during the year if I wanted to have a decent final year. So I didn’t know if him showing up in the first hour of senior year was a good sign or an omen.
“You girls have a good summer?” Harry asks behind me. Regan locks eyes with me-she would handle it.
“You’re sort of interrupting our conversation here. Maybe you should find a new seat if you wanted to make friends.”
A small laugh escapes me, I couldn’t help it.
“Y/N,” Harry calls me out. “Have you forgotten how to talk or you’re getting shy on me?”
I turn around, he was way too smug. “Regan’s said it perfectly, why do you need me to talk.”
“Just making sure you could,” his eyes flash with humour before he says casually: “I wasn’t sure if you’d worked your mouth too hard this summer that it stopped working or something.”
My jaw drops and I hear Regan gasp.
“Yeah, like that.” Harry points to my open mouth and it takes everything in me not to slap him. But then he does a strange thing, his mocking smile softens into a genuine one. His eyes crinkling like we were on the ins of a joke and the angry flame softens at the curve of his smile.
There was this one weekend where his parents had left town and we’d spent the whole time just binging bad movies, under covers, learning every inch of each other. I never thought it would be a calming feeling waking up and seeing Harry’s sleeping face on the pillow next to me but I had stared at it for what felt like an hour until I’d poked him awake and he’s just pulled me in to sleep longer.
“You’re disgusting,” I tell him now, but it doesn’t have the same rage it would have last year. He’d worn me down, and I know he only liked to wind me up because he thought it was hot. He’d said as much over the summer.
I turn just as our teacher walks in and class begins. Harry gets in trouble for talking to his friends, I ignore the note he throws my way, we’re told it’s the most important year in our life thus far and I almost fall asleep halfway. Just a typical day of high school.
It was near the end of the first week, already I had an essay and a project due in two weeks and a thousand pages of math. I was just happy it was Friday and Regan and I were going to do our regular end-of-the-week detox: Starbucks and driving around town.
“Don’t hate me,” Regan says as I approach her car. “But Adam just invited me with his friends to the mall and I know we were supposed to hang out but this is maybe the first time he actually looked me in the eye and talked to me so-“
“It’s okay,” I interrupt her even though I was bummed. “You’ve been trying to get him to notice you all year so...finally! we’ll hang out over the weekend.”
Regan hugs me. “Really? You’re okay? You could come with us. Or I can drop you home first...”
“I can take the bus,” I insist. “We rode the bus last year remember?”
“Ugh, too soon,” Regan shakes her head. “I’ll make it up to you I promise. He’s calling now I’ll see ya!”
I wave her off and begin the slow walk to the bus stop, thinking of things I could do tonight by myself. Someone whistles to my right and I look up. Harry waves his hand, standing by his car. My face flushes as I remember the things that went on in that back seat.
“Where’s a pretty girl like you going all alone?” Harry shouts. I sigh and walk up to him.
“Do you ever realise how predatory you sound?”
“I’m king of the jungle,” he gestures to the school. “Why wouldn’t I sound predatory.”
I cover my face, “Omg please shut up Harry do you even hear yourself? You’re such a-an-ugh!”
“Hey,” his hand peels mine off of my eyes and he holds it in his grip as he walks backwards until his back hits his car, pulling me along. “What’s the matter with you? Didn’t we have fun this summer-why do you act like you hate me?”
His honesty shuts me up. “I-I don’t. I never said I hated you.”
“You sure act like it,” he crosses his arms. “You ignore me in homeroom, roll your eyes every time I say something...”
“We had a fling Harry, we’re not dating each other.” I shrug, trying to tug my hand away from Harry but he holds tight. “There’s nothing more to it. And to be honest...you’ve always been kind of annoying.”
“You’re kind of annoying,” Harry smiles again, tugging my sleeve to bring me closer. I don’t even resist moving into his orbit and settling between his outstretched legs as his arms wrap around my waist.
The truth was being with Harry was nice. He was a cocky jerk who knew he was desirable but when I was with him all the noise in my head died down for a bit and I existed in the present. That’s how he lived: for the now. And even though we were only more than friends and less than together forever, we had something between us. I just had to make sure my heart didn’t get caught up in between it. I’d had too many guys break my heart like I’d told Harry about one day when he’d driven us to a beach and we’d spent most of the day laying in the sun. Something about being there made me open up. He’d said he didn’t want to hurt me like the boys before. So we’d kept things light.
“You have any plans tonight?” Harry asks, his eyes shamelessly on my lips. I feel the familiar flutter in my stomach. Even though Harry would get with any body with boobs, it still felt nice to be looked at like this. By him.
“Not anymore,” I say. “Regan cancelled last minute so-“
“You’re free?” Harry sounds happy. I nod and he lets me go to move to the passenger door. “Get in, where do you want to go?”
“I...” I move to the car and sit inside, I told myself-and Regan-this wouldn’t happen and yet. It was. But Regan did ditch me for Adam so, maybe this was just the alternative. “Regan and I usually just grab drinks and drive around with music on.”
“Can I drive you somewhere?” Harry asks. I smile, of course.
Harry ends up taking me to a drive-in theatre. I’d never been to one and the excitement is all over my face. “It’s exactly like the old photos!” I squeal as he leans over and pushes my seat back. He does the same to his. “Have you been here before?”
“My family used to come here when we younger,” Harry smiles. I grin back at him and soon we’re locked in a staring contest because neither of us can look away. I open my mouth to say something but Harry moves forward, cupping my face to pull me to him. All common sense flies out the window as I get lost in his kiss. I tug at his hair the way he likes it and he presses me against the door as he kisses me harder, the handle jabbing my back but I didn’t even care. I’d missed Harry even though it had only been a week. His hands roam lower and lower until they stop as someone knocks on his window.
“Hello!” A muffled voice shouts from his window. We force each other apart. Harry looks at me with a drunken look on his face-eyes half lidded, a lopsided smile...and I’m sure I looked the same. We check who was at his door and it’s the girl bringing us our snacks.
“Harry?” She says as we roll down the window.
“Uh-oh-oh hey, Josslyn right? Long time!”
Harry grabs the drinks from...Josslyn, who looked familiar, and passes them to me to put in the dashboard holder we’d received when we entered. I keep an eye on the interaction as Josslyn goes from professional to flirty in under a second.
“Uh yeah because you never responded to any of my messages over the summer! How have you been? You look so good!”
“Yeah I’m good, I didn’t know you worked here?”
“My parents own the thing,” she glances back. “I have to work here when it gets busy.”
“No way,” Harry’s now fully interested in their conversation with his back to me and I feel a little left out. “I used to come here all the time as a kid did your parents own it back then?”
“Yeah! They took over from my grandparents. We definitely saw each other as kids cuz I was here all the time. Like every summer. I know every single lyric to every single summer hit from 1999 to present.”
“That’s impressive,” Harry laughs. I pick at the m&ms off the popcorn, feeling slightly jealous even though it didn’t make sense to be. Harry and I weren’t exclusive or anything, he wasn’t mine and I wasn’t his.
“Well I gotta go get the next order but we should catch up some time,” Josslyn puts her hand on Harry’s arm. “My number’s the same: if you’ve been ignoring my texts like I think you were then you should have it in your phone. Maybe we can recreate old times.”
With a wink, she’s gone and Harry clears his throat as he goes through his phone. His chuckle when he finds her texts irritates me.
“So like, do you have a lot of girls texting you that you just ignore?”
“What?” Harry looks up like he’d forgotten I was even there. “No, we just have some history. The texts were...funny.”
If I was a crazy girlfriend I would’ve demanded to see those texts but I was neither crazy or his girlfriend so I just look forward, kicking off my shoes and folding my legs into myself. I didn’t want to feel this way but I couldn’t help it.
“You’re not jealous are you?” Harry sneaks closer to me, clearly intrigued that I could be. But I don’t give him the satisfaction.
“Why would I be jealous?”
“Right?” He puts his hand on my knee and it tingles. “She doesn’t mean anything anyway. Just someone from the past.”
“Like me someday,” I don’t know what makes me say it. Maybe I was just moody.
He furrows his brow, leaning back in his seat. “Y/N,” I look over at him but he looks like he’s struggling for words. I raise my eyebrow and he holds out his arm. “Come here.”
“Where?” I ask, looking him over. He sighs and in a single move he’s put one arm under my knees and the other around my back as he tries to lift me while seated.
“Harry stop!” I can’t help but laugh as the stick hits my bum, my knees spill the overflow of popcorn, and we knock heads. “What are you doing!”
Harry laughs and motions to me, “Just c’mere!”
I oblige, twisting my body to straddle him in the front seat. I make sure not to lean back-I’d done that in the past and blared the horn. I’d learned since then.
“What?” I ask, pretending to still be upset but the ridiculous move minutes earlier had already washed it away. He moves my hair behind my ear and holds my face above his.
“You’re lovely,” he says and I melt. He knows it.
“I wasn’t jealous,” I mumble as he peppers my neck with kisses, “I just...” the words already slip away from me.
“Mhm,” he hums.
“Thanks,” I say to Harry. We’re parked outside my house and we hesitate to leave each other. The movie was fun, Harry was distracting throughout but that just added to the fun.
“Your parents home?” Harry asks innocently.
“Yes,” I roll my eyes. I check the time, it was nearly 11pm. I’d told them I would be home by 10 but I knew they would be asleep so I had pushed my luck. “Where else would they be?”
Harry shrugs, “My parents are out of town again.”
He scratches at a scab on his hand, hiding his face. After spending time with Harry, I knew his parents weren’t around much what with high profile jobs and travelling all over. His house was huge but empty and it made Harry make a little more sense to me then. Right now though, he just wanted to get me in bed.
“I’d invite you in but if you were caught, my funeral would be Sunday.”
“I’d come in a disguise,” Harry reaches for my hand and threads his fingers through it. “And jump into the grave after you, I’d be as dramatic as possible.”
“Harry you’re mistaken,” I say. “Your funeral would be the exact same day.”
Harry laughs and kisses my hand, “Then we’d just find each other in the afterlife yeah?”
I lean towards him and kiss him tenderly, I try to stop myself but it feels like I’m falling and I remember Regan’s words as I cave and sneak him into my room, hushing him as he bumps into every possible piece of furniture. But I forget it all the second we get under covers only to find him gone the next morning with a text promising me coffee on my front porch.
“Kiss any hot guys over the weekend?” Harry whispers in my ear Monday morning. It was a couple weeks since I’d snuck him into my room and we had been seeing each other pretty regularly. Harry sat with Regan and I at lunch sometimes despite her glares, and threw me notes often in class that were just bad drawings. But there were days where he would be distant and I would see him flirting with another girl. I would have to scold myself then, even though I was in his bed half the time we never said where we drew the line. Although I felt what I felt, I couldn’t expect any more from him.
This past weekend, Regan and I had driven to a few universities she was interested in and I could potentially be interested in. We’d crashed at a friend’s dorm before driving back Sunday afternoon. It gave me a small thrill that Harry might have been thinking about me kissing other guys even though he didn’t text me once.
“That depends on what you define as a hot guy,” I tease as I turn around but Harry looks annoyed.
“Oh,” he stares. “So you had fun over the weekend?”
His annoyance rubs me the wrong way, he could flirt with people and do whatever he wanted but he was annoyed at a joke? “Lots, not that you would know since you went awol yourself.”
Harry raises a brow but I just shrug and turn to the front. He was probably hanging out with other girls, not that I should care. But when it’s confirmed when Regan shows me the instagram story of someone she follows, I click through and find he was indeed. The picture shows him, a girl from our basketball team, and Josslyn on the beach getting high. My stomach churns for the rest of the day but I don’t dare bring it up. I just tell him we needed a break, maybe the distance would stop the obsession.
Harry was throwing one of his parties on Friday. With his parents gone most of the time it was the perfect place to host our class. This morning when he told Regan and I to swing by, I’d lingered behind and we’d made up. I was still nervous about the party, even though Harry and I were on again.
At the party, I hang out with Regan, Adam, and his friends for a bit. I talk to a few other friends and see some unfamiliar face. Harry catches up to me halfway through and apologises.
“I got caught up with everyone,” he says, his words softened with alcohol. I had seen glimpses of him with his friends, seen him flirt with a few girls when he came in but he ended up with me here so I don’t hold onto it.
“That’s okay,” I place my hand without a drink on his chest, feeling the steady heartbeat underneath. “You’re here now.”
He wraps his arms around me, “You’re staying the night right?” He whispers in my ear. It tickles and I giggle.
“As long as you don’t get too drunk.”
“So you won’t help me out if I get too drunk?” He pouts.
I laugh, about to say something but someone comes up to us in our private moment. Josslyn.
“Harry! Thanks for the invite!” Josslyn puts her arms out so Harry lets go of me to give her a hug. I try to wash away the possessive paranoia with my beer but I feel it creeping up. Josslyn glances over at me and I give her a smile.
“Hey,” I say awkwardly.
“Hi! You’re from the drive-in right?”
I was surprised she remembered me considering she didn’t even look at me that day. “Yeah, the same one.”
“Ooh,” she glances between us. “So are you two like dating or something?”
“Uhm...” Harry and I awkwardly look at one another as we try to find the right words. “Not really-“ I start to say as Harry says, “We just hang out...”
“That makes sense,” she flashes her eyes at Harry and I feel more insecure than ever. It reminds me that they did hang out together on the beach, maybe more often than I knew. Harry looks unbothered though. “So I can steal Harry away for a bit? You don’t mind? It’s been a while since we caught up!”
“I don’t own him,” I fake laugh even though I want to shout leave us alone liar!
I watch them leave, a sinking feeling in my stomach as Harry only glances my way before leaving. I stumble from group to group after that, finally locating Regan in a game of beer pong. I cheer her on and almost convince myself I was having fun but I continue to scan the room for Harry. My phone finally buzzes later in the night, Harry was upstairs asking me to come up.
“Harry?” I ask quietly as I knock on his door and peer around the corner. He’s laying on his floor shirtless and his room needs airing out. I sigh and open his window. “Where did you get the weed?”
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Harry says from the floor. “Where were you?”
“I was downstairs, at your party. You disappeared with Josslyn.” I can’t hide the edge in my voice.
“She shared her stash,” Harry says, his voice a low rumble. “We just talked about life.”
“Right, is this all she does?” It seemed Harry and her only ever got high together. “Did you want anything? I was watching Regan win and I’d like to go back if I’m here for no reason.”
“No wait,” he gets up slowly and walks to me, trying to kiss me but I pull away.
“I’m not interested right now Harry,” I push his arms off me. All I knew was he left with Josslyn and ended shirtless on his floor, high and alone. Who knows what they did.
“I was alone this whole time,” Harry tries to convince me. “She left a long time ago.”
“She left that too?” I point to a tanktop draped on his bed.
“That’s....that’s yours?” Harry says.
“Oh right, I forgot what my own fucking clothes look like.”
I stomp to the door but he calls out, “You’re making it a big deal! Nothing happened!”
I didn’t trust that. Not when he lied to my face like that.
At school on Monday, Harry tries to talk to me but I ignore him all morning. He forces me into an empty classroom and tries to win me over but I push him away as a teacher walks in and tells us to leave.
“Y/N,” Harry whines. “It’s not a big deal come on! She’s just an old friend!”
“Did you date her?” I demand, finally stopping by my locker.
“No I-we didn’t date. She’s just an old friend.”
“You keep mentioning,” I roll my eyes.
“Because it’s true, babe.” Harry touches my arm. “Listen. Nothing happened.” When I don’t respond he takes it as in invitation to ask if I wanted to do homework at his place after school. I tell him I’d see.
I end up going. We don’t do a lot of homework.
A couple weeks go by without a snag, I finally settle into a rythm for senior year and join the basketball team with Regan for our final year. I go over the endless decisions of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and on weekends, I would hang out with Harry at his place.
It’s our first game of the season and Regan and I are doing our warmups as we watch the bleachers fill with friends and our rival school.
“Will Harry be here?” Regan asks, although she still didn’t like him she had accepted she would see him from time to time.
“I thought he would. Maybe I should call him.”
I leave the loud gym and duck into the locker room. There’s only two other people, so I shuffle to the side and call Harry.
“Y/N,” he picks up on the fourth ring, he sounds out of breath. “What’s up?”
“Harry,” I say cautiously. “Where are you? I thought you were coming to our first game?”
“Oh shit uh yeah,” he sounds panicked. “I uh can’t-really uhm-.”
I hear a laugh and muffled noise, like Harry had dragged his microphone against his shirt. “Babe I can’t see you right now okay? I’ll swing by at halftime.”
“Oh okay...” before I can say anything he’d hung up. That was weird, unless I was overthinking it. But I remember the muffled noises in the back-he was with someone else.
I slowly put my phone back in my bag and look up, the one girl from my team, I think her name was Valentina. She stays near her locker but she’s obviously listening to my conversation. I don’t think much of it, and head out to find Regan. Screw Harry, we had a game to win.
I take my position as forward and Regan and I exchange fierce looks before smiling. I look around at our rival team, recognising a few from last year. And that’s when I realise why Josslyn looked familiar to me. She stands exactly diagonally from me, already looking at me-I remember her from semi-finals last year.
She narrows her eyes and I do a double take, maybe she was just being friendly competitive. But as the first quarter progresses, she gets aggressive, coming over to my side even when she should be on hers, and making sure to check me as she runs past. I glance at the referree but she doesn’t notice a thing. What was going on?
I ask Regan before the second quarter begins but she hadn’t noticed. She tells me she’d keep an eye out and once the whistle blows for halftime she runs up to me.
“She has it in for you, what did you do to her?” Regan whispers.
“Nothing!” I shout-whisper. “She’s an ‘old friend’ of Harry’s but I don’t know what I did to her...she hates me!”
“She wants to kill you Y/N, I have never-“
“Hey Y/N,” Regan’s interrupted by Harry who finally shows up. I continue drinking my water as he stands there uncomfortably. “Uh, I’m sorry I’m late?”
“Missing the first half isn’t late,” Regan pipes in for me. “It’s missing half the game.”
“Well...sorry for missing half the game,” Harry says but it doesn’t actually sound like he’s sorry. Just on the edge of annoyance. “Could I talk to you alone Y/N?”
I glance at Regan and let her know I was okay. She makes a show of being annoyed and goes to find Adam.
“What do you want?” I ask.
“To say I’m sorry,” Harry says again.
“About?” I raise my eyebrow. There was something he wasn’t telling me, everything about today was off from our phone call to the way Josslyn was attacking me on the court. Speaking of, I glance around and notice her staring at us.
“You know,” Harry doesn’t meet my eye. “Missing your first game and stuff.”
“Okay,” I watch the timer count down our halftime and I needed a water refill. “I’ll catch up with you later. Your ‘old friend’ Josslyn is here if you want to hang out with her!”
Harry stares at me like he’s trying to figure me out, my sarcasm lost on him. I raise my eyebrow which makes him stop. He kisses my cheek and walks to the bleachers. Weird.
When we switch sides, Josslyn must’ve negotiated with someone because she stands opposite me.
“Bring it on 15,” Josslyn calls me by my number as we wait for the whistle. She didn’t even know my name.
“Likewise,” I crouch down. “We don’t lose on home turf.”
“Too bad you already lost on home turf,” she says just as the whistle blows and she’s off. My head spins as I try to figure out what she meant and I end up missing a pass. My teammates shoot me a look and I try to focus. But Josslyn continues to taunt me and try to mess with me. By the end of it, we win by three and I gloat as much as I want to.
Until Valentina corners me in the changeroom.
“Hey, Y/N. I know we don’t talk much but can we talk? Girl-to-girl?”
I walk towards the windows and she follows. “What’s up Val?”
“I...don’t know how to say this. I’ve been friends with Harry for a while and Josslyn too...” As soon as I hear the name I realise it was her instagram Regan had shown me. And that’s why she was eavesdropping on the conversation. Her and Josslyn were friends. “...a couple times but you should know she doesn’t care he’s with you. I tried to tell her he had a girlfriend but she said he didn’t? I think they...hang out if you know what I mean.”
My ears ring as I stare at Val, what she’s trying to tell me. I couldn’t believe it, I’d been so stupid. Of course that’s what was going on.
“Thanks,” I say abruptly and turn around to grab my stuff from my locker. Letting Regan know I’d meet her at her car. My mind was heaving as everthing clicked into place. Harry’s party, Val’s stories that weekend I was away, how he had lied to my face...the other voice on the line when he said he couldn’t come to the first half. It was Josslyn. He was with Josslyn.
I’m still in my shorts, only having changed my shirt. But I storm out and find Harry at his car where he said he would be.
“Hey Y/N, where are we celebrat-“
“Josslyn,” I say and Harry shuts up. “You and Josslyn? Really? It’s one thing to do it and another thing to fucking lie to me for weeks!”
“Okay wait, can we talk somewhere-“
“No!” I shove Harry in his chest and he stumbles into his car. “I-I’m such an idiot! Everyone told me this would happen and I thought okay, he’s a player and a flirt but at least he doesn’t lie! But you lie like the truth is a chore, you’re scum just like everyone said you were!”
“Wait!” Harry shouts as I leave. “You can’t be this angry with me, it didn’t mean anything! And we aren’t even together Y/N!”
“You’re really playing that card?” I spin around. “We never drew the line but read the fucking signs Styles, I thought we made it clear how we felt. You didn’t even care at all did you?”
I ignore what he says and head back, towards Regan’s car to wait for her. People in the lot stare but I don’t care. And to make it worse, I walk past a group of the other team on my way to Regan’s car and Josslyn is one of them. She smirks and I want to strangle her.
“I told you you’d already lost,” she says as I shoot her a dirty look.
“It’s not called losing when he was never worth having,” I stick up my middle finger and use my rage to propel me the rest of the way without breaking down. As soon as I sit in Regan’s car, I break down. She doesn’t say anything, just turns up the music and we go for a drive.
Harry tries to speak to me. Through text or calls, he tries to pass me notes and tap my shoulder but Regan offers to switch seats and I accept it. I was torn between feeling absolutely nothing and wanting to cry into a tub of ice cream. Mostly I was angry, at Harry but also myself.
After practice on Thursday, I walk towards the bus stop with my gym bag bouncing off my knees. Regan couldn’t make practice so I didn’t have a ride, but I didn’t mind-I could use the time to clear my head....Until the very person I was trying to clear away falls into step with me. Harry.
“Y/N can we talk? You’re avoiding me and I feel really bad about what happened I just want to talk.”
“Nothing to talk about,” I pick up my pace.
“I’m sorry okay? I fucked up but we were never an item Y/N! We never said what we were. It didn’t mean anything with Joss.”
He hits the nail on the head, the same thing I was angry at myself about. I try to continue my steely silence but I couldn’t, not with the way he says her name.
“I know that Harry, we never said where we drew the line, but I’m sure you read the signs. You knew what we had was different. But I guess you had to go and ruin it just so you could get a quick fuck and I’m sure you had fun doing it too so I’ll leave you to her. I don’t care anymore.”
“Y/N wait don’t say that! Don’t give up on us! It-it wasn’t like that! I didn’t know...wait!” Harry falls behind as I continue speed walking but he catches up at the bus shelter. There’s no one else waiting so it’s hard to ignore him.
“Y/N, it just happened. I didn’t mean to hurt you, it just happened.”
I snort, not amused in the least. “You were hanging out with her whenever we were off, maybe when we were on too. It was bound to happen,” I turn and watch for the bus so I didn’t have to look at his face, “those things don’t just happen. They don’t.”
“Okay listen, we can take a break. If you want space I can give that to you. I hate fighting, Y/N you mean something to me. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I’m thinking now just please. I never said it before but you mean a lot to me, you’re different Y/N...I’m different around you and I-well I-“
“Harry,” I force him to stop. I didn’t want him to say the words out of desperation. Not like this. Not from him. I see the bus off in the distance, finally. “Harry you act like you’re the victim but you hurt me, you lied to me like telling the truth was a chore to you. You’re right though. I was never yours. I don’t want to fight...I just never wanna talk again.”
Harry opens his mouth to say something just as the bus pulls up. I turn to face him once more.
“Don’t call me, what we had...whatever is was, is over.” I turn as the doors open but not before saying: “I hope that it was worth it, fucking Josslyn.”
His mouth opens in disbelief, the same mouth I used to dream about when it wasn’t kissing me, and be consumed by when it was. The person I knew would ruin me but I thought might turn out different. The guy I toed a line with but will never cross. Especially not anymore.
I flash my card to the bus driver and hoist my bag onto my shoulder as I shuffle further into the bus. My legs ache from practice and my stomach rumbles as I sit. This was senior year, it’d been fun but this was my future. Harry wasn’t the kind of guy who was ever going to be in my future.
As the bus groans and moves forward, I look out the window. Harry sits at the bus stop with his head in his hands, maybe this was a turning point for him. Maybe he was going to change. Maybe he wasn’t. But I couldn’t stick around to find out. I decided I was going to move on, and leave him in the dust with his Josslyn.
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Normal’s Boring
Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader
Word Count:  2561
Part 2: Life Saver
a/n: This got really long, my bad. I hope you all enjoy it
Being a teenager living in the Avengers compound was a little weird. You constantly had Shield agents running in and out and there was always the fear of an attack. Maybe that was just the collective PTSD of your family, but they made sure you were always prepared. You learned how to fight and protect yourself at a young age, your mom was the Black Widow after all. The fact that you could take care of yourself didn’t change the fact that you essentially had half a dozen overprotective parents. They would all jump to protect you at the first sign of trouble. Having that many people living in one place made sure your life was never boring, that’s for sure.
“Hey, Uncle Tony!” You call as you walk into the compound after school.
“Hey, kid. How was school today?” Tony asks with a smile.
“Fine,” you say with a shrug, “schools boring, I could learn way more here.”
“C’mon, y/n. You need a well rounded education. You have to know more than just how to fight,” Tony argues.
“You guys could teach me! You and Uncle Bruce know way more about math and science than any of my teachers could ever dream of. Uncle Steve lived through all the stuff I’m learning in history right now! Did you know I learned about you guys last week? Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your mom be the topic of class? Everyone made fun of me for days! I stick out like a sore thumb!”
“I’m sorry kid, but that’s part of the experience. You gotta be around people your age sometimes.”
“Wanda’s practically my age! She’s only a few years older than me! She’d go to school with me if you all made her go,” you try and Tony shakes his head.
“This is a conversation you need to have with your mom,” he says, “I’m not getting in the middle of that fight.”
“Where is Mom, anyway?” You ask and Tony avoids eye contact.
“Last second mission, she should be back in a few days,” he explains with a sigh. Everyone knows how upset you get everytime she leaves. Not only is it frustrating that she disappears, you’re worried. You’ve lost track of all the times various members of your family have come back with injuries, some worse than others.
“Any idea where?” You ask and he shakes his head.
“That’s classified, kid. But I’m sure it’s fine. If it was big they wouldn’t have sent her in alone,” he says trying to calm you down.
“She’s alone?!” you yell and he winces.
“Okay, obviously shouldn’t have told you that. She’ll be okay, y/n. She’s the best there is. She always comes back. I promise it’ll be okay,” he says and you nod before silently leaving to go to your room.
This was the worst part of being an Avenger’s kid. Your mom disappeared constantly. You would never blame her for it, of course, she was saving lives. If it wasn’t for her missions she never would’ve adopted you
You were three years old living in Budapest with your family at the time. Hydra had popped up again and your town was caught in the cross hairs. It was chaos, people were down everywhere and buildings were on fire. You don’t remember very much, just being really scared and then suddenly Natasha and Clint were there. Natasha had taken you in her arms and gotten you to safety. You immediately felt safer in her arms. She brought you home with her, and the rest was history.
While her missions were important you couldn’t help but wish you could spend more time together. Growing up you were constantly thrown from Avenger to Avenger. Whoever was available to take care of you became the stand in parent for that week.
You shake your head softly and sit down behind your desk to start on homework.
The next morning you were in a bad mood. Everyone was trying to help you out, but nobody quite knew your routine as well as your mom, you just wanted her to come home. Steve woke you up at 4am and you were halfway through getting ready before you realized you were going to be two hours early. You switched gears and got to train with him for a few hours though, which was fun. After a few hours you shower and start getting your stuff ready to go.
Clint had been trying to clean up yesterday and apparently moved your backpack to some mysterious location. You spent the better part of an hour searching the entire compound for it before you find it in Wanda’s room.
“I thought it was hers! You’re both teenagers. It’s hard to tell what belongs to who!” Clint argues and you roll your eyes.
“She doesn’t even go to school, Uncle Clint! Which is completely unfair by the way,” you say pointing at Wanda.
“That’s what you earn when you’re an Avenger,” she smirks and you glare.
“I’ve been here longer, I should be an Avenger by now,” you grumble, jumping on one foot trying to find your shoe.
“Here, y/n. I made you lunch,” Bruce says with a smile, handing you a paper bag.
“Thanks Uncle Bruce!” You say, pausing when you look in the bag. “Hey what kind of sandwich is this?”
“Peanut butter and jelly, why?” He asks and you grimmance as the entire room seems to stop.
“I can’t eat this.”
“Why not?” Bruce furrows his brow as Tony walks over.
“Peanut allergy, man. Are you trying to kill the kid?” Tony yells handing you a few bucks to buy lunch at school.
“Here, Wanda,” you call tossing her the bag. “A genuine school lunch, welcome to the real world.”
“Nobody tell Nat about the peanuts, she’ll flip!” Clint cuts in and you nod.
“Come on, y/n, you’re gonna miss the bus!” Steve calls and you glance at the clock.
“Uh, yeah that ship has sailed.”
“What? How? I woke you up three hours ago!” He yells and you raise your hands in surrender.
“Yell at Uncle Clint! He’s the one who hid my backpack!” you argue.
“Well why’d you leave it in the living room?”
“I’m in high school! That’s what high schoolers do! I guess I’ll just stay home today,” you try and you’re met with four simultanious eye rolls.
“Yeah right, your mom will kill us if we don’t get you to school,” Bruce says and you frown.
“Okay enough. Here, take a car,” Tony says tossing you a set of keys.
“Am I missing the part where somebody taught me to drive?” you ask looking at the keys in your hands.
“You’re seventeen! You don’t know how to drive?” Tony asks and you look around the room.
“Do you see the chaos that sprung from you guys trying to get me ready for school? Do you really think mom would’ve trusted any of you to teach me how to operate heavy machinery?”
“Why didn’t she teach you?” Bruce asks and you smile sadly.
“Do you see her here right now? She’s too busy,” you shrug and Tony sighs.
“Okay, come on. I’ll drive you,” he says leading you to the garage.
You sigh as you pull up to school. The expensive sports car doesn’t really help you blend in.
“Have a good day, kiddo” Tony calls after you as you head inside and you force a smile.
“Thanks, Uncle Tony.”
You can hear the whispers as you walk through the halls.
“How does she know Tony Stark?” a Sophomore whispers.
“That’s Black Widow’s kid! She, like, lives with the Avengers or something,” some Junior girl responds and you shove your hands in your pockets and hurry to class.
“Before we start today, I thought it’d be fun to discuss some more recent history. We’ll be discussing the battle of New York ,” your history teacher states and you sigh, trying to sink deeper into your seat, “Miss Romanoff, why don’t you give us a rundown of what you know.”
“An Asgardian brought an alien army down on New York. The Avengers fought him off,” you stated plainly. The teachers always called you out when it came to anything Avengers related, you hated the attention it brought.
“You must know more than that,” your teacher encouraged.
“Well yeah, my Mom and my Uncles kicked ass, but isn’t telling the class that your job?” you ask and your teacher glares.
“That’s very disrespectful Miss Romanoff. Do I need to call your Mother?”
“Like you’d have the courage to talk to her” You say with a huff, “you’d neve have get ahold of her anyway,” you grumble under your breath.
“Miss Romanoff! This is your last chance, would you like detention?” you know you’re right but you sigh.
“No, sir. I apologize.”
“Okay then, anyone else?”
“Sure made a hell of a mess in the city. It took the city months to rebuild,” a kid named Chad says and you glare.
“Let’s see you fight off an alien army! See how well you do!” You yell, slamming your hand on your desk. You can feel your face getting red.
“I’d at least-”
“Enough!” your teacher cuts you both off. “Battles always cause a mess. Look at any war in American history. Moving on, back to our discussion of World War Two”
“Your family fought in that one too. Maybe you’re the common denominator, Roamanoff,” Chad whispers from behind you and you clench your jaw, your teacher not hearing Chad’s comments.
“You sure are quiet without the teacher here to protect you, huh?” Chad says pushing you into the lockers, “where are your precious Avengers now?”
He punches you and goes to push you again. Your mom made you promise not to start fights when she started training you, but since he threw the first punch you have him on his back before he realizes what’s happening. He looks shocked and you roll your eyes, “I was raised by superheroes dipshit. Now run along and I won’t tell anyone how fast I had you pinned.”
He gets up rubbing the back of his head, he must’ve hit it when he fell. Your not too worried, it’s not like he can get any dumber. He looks at you over his shoulder as he practically runs down the hall. You straighten out your jacket and walk towards your next class.
“Hey Uncle Steve? Can you help me with this?” you ask, walking into the living room.
“Sure, y/n. What’s your question?”
“I need to know what year Captain America started fighting during World War Two,” you say rolling your eyes.
“I’m part of your history homework?” he asks with a smirk and you nod.
“It’s kind of weird having to answer questions about my uncle for my homework.”
“I know kid, but hey, you have all the answers right here,” he teases and you smile.
“Helping my kid cheat, Rogers?” you hear from behind you and you jump up.
“Mom! You’re home!” you yell crashing into her arms, “Are you okay? How was the mission?”
“Yeah, sweetheart. It was fine, I’m okay.” She says holding you tight, “now what’s this I hear about cheating?”
“It’s not cheating, Mom!” You argue, “the questions are about him! I’m just cutting out the middleman!”
“You’re learning about your Uncle Steve in school?” your mom asks, her brow furrowed, and you nod.
“I learn about all of you,” you tilt your head, “did you guys not realize that? We talked about the battle of New York today. Almost got me sent to the office,” you grumble, crossing your arms.
“What was that?” your Mom raises an eyebrow.
“My teacher wanted me to tell everyone about it! Just because you fought in it! I’m not the teacher! That’s not my job! It’s his! It’s not my fault my family got mixed up in every damn battle in the history of the world” you argue and your mom sighs.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
“What, why?” you ask, confused at the change of tone.
“It can’t be easy, living the life you do. You should get to live a normal life. I should’ve thought of this before bringing you home,�� she says, looking down and shaking her head.
“Are you… are you saying you wish you didn’t adopt me?” you asks softly, tears welling up in your eyes. “I know it’s hard having a kid, but you still get to do your job. You’re gone all the time anyway-”
“Hey y/n, no!” her head snaps up and she takes your hands, “adopting you was the best thing I’ve ever done. Don’t think for a second that I regret bringing you home. Honey, does it upset you that I’m gone so much?” she questions and you look at the ground.
“Kinda,” you shrug, “I miss you a lot and everything’s a mess without you. Uncle Steve woke me up too early because he didn’t know what time I got up and I missed the bus and I couldn’t drive myself because I never learned how and Uncle Bruce tried to give me peanuts and I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Please don’t be mad-” you start spiralling and your mom cuts you off.
“Y/n, look at me. I’m not mad,” she says softly, wiping the tears you didn’t even realize had begun falling from your eyes.
“I just get really scared everytime you leave. What if you don’t come back?” you whisper and she shakes her head.
“Love, I will always come back. I promise.”
“But you can’t promise that!” You yell, “people don’t always come back! My birth parents died on one of your missions. I can’t lose you too.”
“Okay, it’s okay,” she pulls you into her arms and you hold on tight. “How about this, I can cut back. I can’t promise I’ll never go on missions, but I can make sure I’m home more. I can teach you how to drive, and I can help you with your homework. I’ll make sure Bruce never touches your food again and I’ll make sure you can have a normal life.’
“Normal’s boring,” you cut in softly, “if I had a normal life I wouldn’t have been able to knock Chad on his ass when he punched me.”
“He what now?” Your mom pulls back with a glare and you’re suddenly very scared for Chad’s life. Your mom is an assassin after all.
“He was making fun of you guys and we got in a fight. But he only got one hit in! You told me not to start a fight and I didn’t! I waited until he did.”
Your mom shakes her head and pulls you into her arms again.
“I’m glad your home,” you bury your face in her shoulder, “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too, love. What about a movie night, just me and you?”
“Yeah!” you look up, seeing Steve has already disappeared and your mom leads you over to the couch.
You cuddle close to her as the movie starts, the safest place in the world to you is still in her arms. Sure, you may not have a normal life, but normal is overrated anyway.
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Reunion | BTS V fluffy oneshot
Tumblr media
Pairing: Student!Taehyung x Student!Reader
Key words: high school, crush, confession.
Word count: less than 4,000
The day we met I didn’t pay much attention to you. I remember noticing how shiny your hair was when I glanced your way as the head teacher called your name in attendance and you answered her with a timid “here”. That was it until a couple of months later when that same teacher ordered a switch in seats for the entire class. I used to sit somewhat in the front of the class, by the window, with my friend Jimin and you… I don’t remember where you sat before you sat with me.
After the rearrangement you and I were seated at the beck of the class in the middle row of desks. You were on the right side, closer to the door, and I was on the left, closer to the windows. At first I felt as if an injustice had been done to me and my friends. I wondered why couldn’t we just stay seated the way we had chosen ourselves on the first day of high school and why I had to sit with you - a quiet girl I didn’t even know. To my surprise I quickly found out you were nowhere close to who I thought you were. You were far more than that, more complex, more important to me than anyone.
We got switched at the end of a Friday and when I came to school on the following Monday I felt everything, but excited at the prospect of sitting with you. During our first class you didn’t pay much attention to me and vice versa. The reason behind that wasn’t yours or mine rudeness, but the fact that we were both struggling to keep our eyes open, cursing in our heads at whoever thought that it was a good idea to start classes so early.
Our second class on that day was Mathematics. I was never especially good at it, but I passed by fine. You on the other hand…
“Taehyung.” I heard you whisper right as I sat down at our desk.
“What?” I asked looking for the proper notebook in my backpack.
“Did you do the homework?” You asked in a conspiratorial tone.
“Yes. Why?” I answered you and set my backpack down on the floor.
“Could I-” Your question was cut short as the teacher spoke up from his desk.
“Alright, let’s start with a homework check.” I saw the horror in your face as you heard his say that and immediately knew you didn’t do the assignment. “Let’s switch it up and start from the back this time. Last table, (Y/N) and Taehyung. (Y/N), could you tell me what you got in the first exercise?” You looked down at your closed notebook, knowing there was nothing inside that could help you out in this situation. I felt so bad for you and decided to help. I quickly opened my notebook on the exercise the teacher was asking about and tapped my finger on the answer at the bottom of the page.
“Uh…” You stalled and glanced quickly at my notes. “Yes. I got 3√2.” The teacher agreed with your - my - result and proceeded to ask other students for theirs. You looked at me with relief and mouthed a silent thank you. “I’m shit at math. No matter how long I spend studying I always fail the tests and get the wrong results.” You whined to me after the bell rang meaning the lesson was over with.
“I thought you were good at everything. Most girls are.” I said getting up and you chuckled. As I looked down at you collecting your notebook and putting them in your bag I remembered that I liked the shininess of your hair on the first day of school and thought that it’s still shiny and I still like it.
“What is that even supposed to mean?” You asked, pulling your phone out of your school blazers pocket and also getting out of your chair. Your phone's screen lit up for a second and I noticed you had an instax picture of you and your friends as your lock screen.
“Girls are always at least average at everything.” I said looking at your hands that held the phone. It had a little teddy bear keychain attached to it, I thought it was cute. “It’s usually the guys that totally suck at a subject.” I explained and you laughed. I quickly looked up at your face and took notice of how pretty you looked while smiling.
“If you say so.” You said and walked out onto the corridor to spend the break with your friends.
“God.” I heard Jimin groan behind my back and felt his hands on my shoulders just a second after. “Switch desks with me. Please. I can’t stand this guy I’m sitting with.” He begged as we exited the classroom.
“Why what’s wrong with him?” I asked.
“If I tell you you won’t switch with me.” Jimin said in a serious voice which made me laugh a little.
“No deal then.” I said and he whined. “The teacher forbade us from switching anyway.” I added.
“I know, but I sit at a desk right next to yours. She won’t notice. Please, Taehyung. At least for today.” He begged in desperation.
“What did your desk buddy do to you?” I asked laughing at his state.
“Will you switch with me? Please, I’ll buy you anything from the vending machine.” My ears perked up at his proposition.
“Everyday?” I asked with hope.
“Once a week?” Jimin proposed.
“Deal.” We shook hands and went on with our day.
For the rest of that day I sat at a desk by the window on the outer side with the guy Jimin couldn’t stand. He wasn’t much of a bother to me. What did end up bothering me quiet quickly though was that Jimin and you seemed to get along really well. You chatted throughout all the classes and got reprimanded by the teachers a handful of times because of it. You showed each other things on your phones, compared notes, shared textbooks and so on. For some reason seeing that made me feel really bad inside. At first I thought I was jealous about Jimin being friends with someone other than me, but that idea didn’t seem to fit all the feelings I was experiencing. I realised later that it was all because of you.
“Let’s go.” I said, urging Jimin to get up from your guys’s desk. I felt so irritated and blamed it on the amount of classes we had that day, but the real reason was far from that. In reality I just wanted the two of you to stop talking and being so friendly already.
“One second.” He dismissed me to finish what he was telling you before I came by which made me feel even more annoyed. “I really liked that bit.” He told you with enthusiasm. “You want to go to the skatepark with us?” He asked you and I felt my cheeks getting flushed. I turned to look out the window so none of you noticed the redness in my face.
“I wish I could.” I glanced at the two of you again. “I already have plans with my friends.” You said, making a sad face which Jimin immediately mimicked.
“Mm.” He fake cried and you chuckled. “Tomorrow then.” He said and you nodded in agreement. Jimin picked up his backpack and looked at me with a puzzled expression. “You okay?” He asked and you glanced at me quickly as you walked out of the classroom.
“I’m fine.” I murmured and rubbed my cheeks to make the blushing go away.
I recently realised that I’ve known you almost eight years now. Ever since our first conversation in Math class I knew there was something about you that I just couldn’t lay my finger on or, more likely, wouldn’t for a long time.
Three years of high school and five of university after that. It passed by so quickly and now… We’re here again. Standing in front of our old high school building, leaning on the railing around the basketball court you used to sit on with Jimin while cheering for me during my games.
Jimin… If it wasn’t for him I probably would never befriend you. The two of you got along so well so quickly it made my stomach turn. He was the one that started inviting you to come along with him to my games, then to go out partying with us and finally to just hang out. I wished everyday that it was me that asked you to join us, but I was just too shy and intimidated by you. I don’t know how to explain this without sounding too cliche, so I’ll put it like this.
As Jimin and you became friends we started to get closer as well and I got to see this whole other side of you I didn’t even know existed before. That’s when it got a little too complicated for me. The way you interacted with Jimin was friendly, funny, you just related on a different level. The way you were with me was different or maybe it was the same and it just hit me differently… You were warm and playful, supportive and gentle. We had - and still have to this day - this flirty kind of friendship where some people would assume we have something going on and sometimes they would ask us about it, but we’d shoot them down quickly saying “there’s no way” and “we’re just friends like that”. I agreed with you whenever you said it, but it hurt me, because I didn’t want it to be true and dreamed that there would be a way for us to be together one day. To put it simply, over the span of the first few months we knew each other I had developed a huge crush on you.
“Taehyung.” I felt someone poke my cheek. “Taehyung-ie. Don’t sleep. Talk to me.” You whispered and poked me again. It was one of those blessed days Jimin didn’t come to class and you asked me to sit with you to keep you company. I opened my eyes slowly, taking in your appearance and yawned.
“What do you want?” I asked with a sleepy voice.
“What do you think of me?” You asked, resting your chin on one of your palms. Your beautiful hair was shining in the afternoon sun and your cheeks were flushed because of that summer’s ungodly heat.
“I… Think… That… “ I spoke very slowly, feeling a little more than startled and not really knowing how to express myself.
“Ah, forget it.” You said flipping your hair and resting your head on the books on our table.
“(Y/N).” I hummed. “What do you think of me?” I repeated your question back to you, desperately wanting to know your true answer. You slowly lifted yourself to your previous position and looked at me.
“I think that you’re a good person and I enjoy being around you. When I first see you I think of something fun and exciting. But if I were to look deeper into it I think it would be something associated with a feeling of laughter, confidence and justs being happy.”
“Wow.” I looked at her amazed, thinking that maybe, just maybe, there might be a chance you feel the same way that I do. “Thanks.”
“We should do something together this summer. It’s the last vacation we’ll have as high schoolers.” Jimin said as he stirred his convenience store ramen. “Next year at this time we’ll be applying to colleges and universities. We might end up in  different cities or maybe even countries.” I felt a pinch in my chest when he said that. 
“You’re that ambitious?” You asked sarcastically and we all laughed.
“Come on. Wouldn’t you want to go somewhere special?” He asked in a dreamy tone.
“I’m going to be visiting my extended family for the whole summer.” I confessed and your head snapped in my direction.
“Oh, right. I forgot about that.” Jimin nodded and you kept looking at me with a frown.
“For the whole summer?” You asked sadly and I couldn’t help, but smile.
“Oh, poor (Y/N). Are you gonna miss me that much?” I asked, patting your head and you chuckled. I honestly hoped my words would come true.
“Obviously.” You shot back in a jokingly exaggerated tone. “Who am I gonna tease all day when you’ll be gone?”
We were leaning on the barriers surrounding our school’s basketball court enjoying the ending summer’s sunshine. Just you and I, waiting for Jimin to come join us. It was one of the last days of vacation we had before going back to high school for our senior year.
“Can you tell me (Y/N) if there is...” I started saying and glanced at you which was a mistake on my part, because you looked so beautiful it made me lose my tongue. “Nevermind.” You looked at me seeming very annoyed.
“Hey, what were you gonna ask me?” You asked, pushing my shoulder and I felt my stomach fill up with butterflies. I looked up from my feet at you and hoped you wouldn't be able to tell that I’m blushing in the warm light of the setting sun. “Tell me.” You urged and pushed my shoulder once again.
“Hey!” I yelled back laughing, deciding on telling you some version of the truth. “How am I supposed to ask you anything when you look like this?” I gestured up and down your frame. You looked so clueless for a second when you were checking if there was something wrong with your outfit.
“What do you mean? I look fine!” You yelled in return.
“Mhm, sure. Totally fine.” I said sarcastically. “With your shiny skin and pretty hair. Wearing a short skirt and cute sneakers like you’re desperately trying to hold onto the - clearly ending - summertime. The golden sunshine is of no help in this situation either, young lady!” I yelled out in a silly voice and you just bent down laughing. “I’m serious. Have you been walking around like this all summer? Like this?! With Jimin?! When I was gone!?!” I asked over dramatically. If you only knew I meant every word I said.
“Ah, Kim Taehyung. In all honesty… Every time I see you you can make me laugh, but now you sound like my father!” You shook your head in between small laughs and I felt myself die inside wondering whether you will ever call me your boyfriend?
“Three years of high school and five years of university after that.” I said looking at the ripped up netting hanging off one of the hoops on the basketball court.
“ Eight years.” You said in agreement. “It passed by so quickly.” You said looking at me, but I didn’t dare to look your way. 
“And now we’re here again.” I said, dancing around the real topic I wanted to bring up with you. “Standing in front of our old high school building, leaning on the railing around the basketball court you used to sit on with Jimin while cheering for me during my games.” I repeated what I just said to myself in my head.
“Why did you want to see me here before the reunion?” You asked, cutting right to the chase. “We could’ve met there and talked. Why here? And why now?” You asked and I felt the heat rising in my body. “I haven’t heard from you for over a year. All I know is from Jimin.” The hurt in your voice was clearly audible. “Why’d you stop talking to me?” You asked finally and I sighed, looking down at my feet.
“I… “ I tried to come up with an explanation, but there was none that you would believe that wouldn’t include me confessing my true feelings to you. I pushed away from the barrier and took a couple of steps forward into the court. I looked up into the sky feeling speechless. “I’m sorry.” I finally said with my back facing you.
“What did you say?” You asked, wanting me to repeat myself. I shook my head detecting the tiniest bit of a smirk in your tone and mustered the courage to turn towards you, but I didn’t pick my gaze up from the ground.
“I’m sorry.” I repeated a little louder this time.
“Oh. Okay.” You spoke slowly in a sarcastic way that I remembered from when we still talked. I could tell you were a little angry though. “You didn’t answer any of my questions though.” You added after a moment not ready to let go of the fact that this was the first time we spoke in over a year. I rubbed my forehead, trying to collect my thoughts.
“What can I say?” I half laughed and half actually begged for you to guide me in the right direction.
“The truth.” You answered bluntly.
“You changed.” I said with a smile. “You weren’t this honest and upfront.” I added as my confidence withered away with the autumn’s wind.
“Maybe.” You said, making your way towards me and stopped less than a meter away. “Or maybe I’m just a little mad at you.” You added sadly. I quickly glanced up at you and felt my heart come close to breaking as I noticed the sad look on your face.
So many questions started running through my head. Can it get any worse than seeing you like this? Is the possibility of rejection worse than making you sad? 
“Jimin said you didn’t let him tell me why you decided to cut all ties with me all of a sudden.” I frowned feeling your sadness become mine as well. “Ah, alright.” You breathed out putting your hands in your pockets. “I’ll let it go. For now.” You warned in a cheerier tone. “Why did you want to see me?” You asked.
“I… Wanted to talk to you.” I said broadly and looked up into the sky again. You just nodded waiting for me to elaborate. “About me. Kind of…” You leaned your head to one side trying to make sense of my words. I looked at my feet again scratching the back of my neck. “There’s something I wanted to bring up with you for a while now.”
“Yeah?” You said in a soft, encouraging manner noticing how uncomfortable I was.
“Ah… Can you tell me (Y/N) if there’s...” I started saying and again made the mistake of locking eyes with you. I felt my knees grow weak and my stomach turn. “Nevermind.” You looked at me with your eyes half closed, tired written all over your face.
“Not this again.” You shook your head slowly. “You said the exact same thing to me here like six years ago and I never found out what you were gonna ask me.” You chuckled quietly. “Remember that? You started babbling about how pretty I looked.” The smile on your face was growing with each word as you brought back the memory of us bickering that one summer. “And then you asked if I looked like this all summer and-”
“Like this?! With Jimin?! When I was gone!?!” I mocked my own words from years before. “Ah, I can’t believe you remembered it.” I laughed.
“Of course I did.” You said smiling brightly at me. “But what were you going to ask me? Please tell me, I’m dying to know.” I looked away and up towards the night sky again. The sun set a long time ago, but the skyline was still bright blue. I took a deep breath and felt the blush creep onto my cheeks. I felt like a teenage boy again, but your happy expression gave me confidence this time rather than make me feel intimidated.
“Can you tell me… If there is a way... I could… Make you want me… The way I want you right now?” I asked, still looking at the sky. “‘Cause… I think I’ve fallen in love with you… Do you think you could fall for me as well?” I breathed out loudly after saying the confession I had prepared for you while still in high school. I chuckled as I looked into your eyes again. “That’s what I was going to ask you that day. Ah, teenage me.” I shook my head with a deep sigh. “I chickened out, because you looked so pretty and it intimidated me.” You giggled at my late confession.
“So what you’re saying is that I don’t intimidate you anymore? Huh?” You asked, pulling your chin up and I laughed harder. You looked down and then back into my eyes. “But Taehyung…”
“That was what you wanted to tell me back then in high school. But what were you going to tell me now, tonight?” You asked quietly. I smiled and bit my lip in nervousness.
“I was gonna ask you… If you could tell me if there’s a way I could make you want m-” Before I could finish my sappy confession for the second time today you leaned in and kissed me making my teenage dream a reality at last.
47 notes · View notes
seiin-translations · 3 years
2.43 S1 Chapter 1.4 - Young Yunichika
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Translation Notes
1. Bon refers to a young man from a well-to-do family
2. These are lyrics from the opening theme for the famous volleyball anime, Attack No.1
3. I know nothing about Attack No.1 so I have no idea what this is referring to. The original line is “ヒロイン訛ってるって”. If you know anything about this, let me know
4. The kanji for Meisei is 銘誠.   銘 from 座右の銘 (means favorite motto) and 誠 is pronounced makoto by itself
5. Meisei-chuu as in Meisei Middle School
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Haijima Kimichika was an idiot. No, his grades overall weren’t that bad. He was slightly above middling for his third semester finals. However, Kuroba was dumbfounded when he saw the breakdown of that “slightly above middling.”
In regards to math and social studies, he was well above the average, and in fact, he was at the top of the class in his grade. Math, ninety-five. Social studies, ninety-nine—that was the first time he ever saw ninety-nine on an exam paper. He was taken aback by the brilliance of the two 9’s next to each other.
But, things didn’t look good from there. Science, seventy-three. English, sixty. His marks around here were so normal that it made you wonder what his high marks in math and social studies were. Apparently, his strong areas were unusually inclined towards calculation and memorization.  
Thirty points.
…They really were unusually inclined.
“Ooh, there’s a whole row of x’s here. What a nice view.”
It was a question about close reading a novel. The answers to “What are the emotional states of the characters”-type questions were continuously absurd, and the way the x’s were written was becoming increasingly desperate, as if to represent his Japanese teacher’s emotional state.
“For the question ‘Please answer in eighty words or less why you think the king forgives Melos,’ you answered, ‘Melos was naked      the cow,’. I can see the signs of suffering from trying to write a little more, but not being able to write a sentence and getting frustrated. …Cow?”
“Shut up. You’re always joking about people’s exam answers.”
“Ow ow ow!”
Kuroba groaned as he fell prostrate on the exam papers spread out between his legs with a weight pressed tightly against his back. The other club members laughed at the two stretching as a pair.
“You shouldn’t laugh at other people, Yuni. You got forty-two in math and fifty-five in social studies.”
“Hey, don’t read it aloud. This is an invasion of privacy.”
“Japanese…oh? Eighty-seven. Not bad.”
“For real?”
His back lightened with Haijima’s upset-sounding voice. He lifted his body with a self-satisfied look that said “Fufufu. Japanese is the only thing this guy’s good at,” but Haijima, who snatched and returned Kuroba’s Japanese exam paper, once again pressed down on his back tightly with his entire upper body while staring at his answers with a slightly displeased look on his face. Kuroba grumbled “Ow ow ow” while facing the floor in an open-legged forward bending position.
“Why did you answer the cow question like this? I don’t get it at all.”
“First, let go of the cow…I think the first issue is that no cows appear in the story. I’m getting worried about whether or not you can get into high school.”
He briefly wondered if one could get into school through a volleyball recommendation, but even if one could, it didn’t matter because there was no chance of their weak club reaching the point where they could get noticed in a big tournament. If Haijima was in his previous middle school, recommendations might come, however—he hadn’t asked Haijima himself, but there was no doubt that he had been in a fairly strong volleyball club with a decent coach. He had no idea what a full-scale stretching regimen was until he started practicing with Haijima. Next, Kuroba laid on his back as Haijima took his legs and thoroughly stretched them.
I thought that since Haijima would have nothing left if you took volleyball away from him, it would be his greatest desire to go to a strong volleyball school, but…
Haijima Kimichika was a volleyball fanatic.
The ban on club activities, which had been suspended a week before finals, had been lifted, and they held a practice day at once. With people turning up once they knew it was active, the boys’ volleyball team, which used to be as good as non-existent, had more or less taken on the appearance of club activities recently. With just barely six people, they still haven’t been in a match yet.
It was when they stood up and stretched their backs after finishing their brief stretching session.
“Kuroba, how tall are you now?”
Haijima said while looking up at his hair whorl.
“Hmm? Didn’t I say I was one-seventy-three?”
“When did you measure that?”
“Um…in fall, I think…November?”
He tamped down his hair whorl, but his bed hair bobbed back up. He felt depressed when he wondered if he had been exposing this hair to people all day since morning.
There was a scale on the door frame of the gym equipment room that could be used to measure height, and was used to compare heights for fun during club activities and gym class. It was probably the work of students from decades ago. It was the culmination of very precise work, with each millimeter being carved out from one-fifty to one-eighty centimeters with a utility knife.
Putting an empty powdered drink box to the top of Kuroba’s head, Haijima read the scale out loud.
“Ooh, I grew two centimeters?”
“My turn.”
They exchanged places and now it was Haijima with his back to the scale.
“Don’t raise your heels. Um, one-seventy-two-point…seven.”
“Ah. I grew too.”
But, Haijima didn’t seem too happy about it. With a sullen face, he left the scale and grumbled “Two centimeters off.”
“Two-point-three centimeters off. Don’t round it down. You’re a setter, so you don’t have to be so worried about your height, right?”
“I have a favorite player. It’s Abe, who was selected for the national team. He’s a setter, but he’s one-ninety-one. Even for setters, the bigger you are, the better you block and the faster you set. And, Abe’s ambidextrous, and he has a good left dump.”
“Huh? That reminds me, do you also…”
Haijima served with his left hand. But which hand did he hit with outside of those times...he didn’t have a clear impression. He felt like he recalled him hitting with his left and with his right.
“Use both hands?”
“I do,” He said carelessly, but was that something so easy to do? “There’s still an eighteen-centimeter difference, huh… But Abe can’t hit jump serves, so once my height catches up, I’ll be better.”
When it came to the subject of volleyball, Haijima became more talkative than usual. The way he spoke was basically like cutting short the front part of the context and throwing away the back end, but he came to be able to speak fairly long lines in a polite manner. He must love it a lot, he thought in half amazement and half admiration.
“I’m not sure if you have way too much confidence in yourself or is just an idiot…but I never thought you’d compare yourself to a member of the national team.”
He forced a smile, and got glared at with resentful eyes. He got scared, wondering if he said something that made him angry. He still wasn’t very good at knowing what set Haijima off.
“Kuroba, at the practice game, you see blocks and differentiate between hitting the ball cross and straight, right?”
“Cross-court and straight…oh, straight is where you hit the ball right down the middle, and cross is where you twist a little and hit it outside.”
“It’s the other way around, dumbass.”
He had answered with hand gestures while tilting his head to the side in confusion, but was completely denied with an insult.
“A cross is a spike that passes through the court at an angle. A straight is a spike that goes straight and parallel to the sidelines. When you’re hitting on the front row, you tend to step towards the center in front of the net a lot, so if you hit it straight on, it becomes a cross, and if you hit it with the intention to twist it outside, it will be straight.”
“So complicated…”
“It’s not that complicated, but…oh well. I’ll teach you step by step.”
He thought “Teach me?” every time, but why was he naturally acting like he was above him?
“Even if you don’t understand it with your head, you have good eyes, so you can deal with blocks. Being able to naturally rotate your trunk midair, the length of your time in the air, the suppleness of your shoulders…those are qualities you’ve probably always had. You will get good. It’ll be in no time if you do it properly. You’ll be taller, too.”
“…? Do you have a fever?”
He stared at Haijima’s face suspiciously and got a suspicious look in return.
“What. Did I say something weird?”
“No, it’s just that you’re always so self-important, so I thought you were someone who wouldn’t praise or acknowledge people in that way.”
“If there’s something to acknowledge, then of course I’m gonna acknowledge it. But, there’s no way to acknowledge what’s not there.”
Haijima stated, pouting and seeming truly upset.
Haijima never flattered. He wasn’t humble. He couldn’t hold himself back. Indeed, he might be sincere and straightforward in a sense. …But, he thought it was probably a tough way to live. Most people didn’t want to be told the truth right to their faces.
“You will get good.”
Afterwards, slowly but steadily, a ticklish feeling welled up in the depths of his body. It was uncool to take someone at their word, so he purposely looked indifferent and said,
“I have a talent for volleyball, huh. It won’t make me all that popular though.”
He feigned ignorance and talked big. Unlike Haijima, he felt like he had been drifting through life frivolously, with a bunch of façades lined up in front of him, obscuring reality.
The days have become longer, and the chill had subsided considerably. It was now often possible to sneak peeks at patches of blue in the sky which had been covered by depressing snow-laden clouds in midwinter. The sun had completely set when he nearly ran over Haijima in front of that karaoke box in February, but by mid-March, there was still some faint light left in the sky at that same time of day. A rusty copper sunset fringed the ridgelines of Mount Nokude in the distance.
Since their houses were in the same direction, he ended up going home with Haijima on days they had club activities. Their enamel bags, slung over their shoulders, rattled, and they tread on the rugged road in their snow boots. Although the snow on the road melted during the day and was close to becoming sherbet, it had begun to freeze again in the shape of punched-through car ruts and footprints. During the snowfall season from December to March, elementary and middle school students were prohibited from cycling to school, so it took forty minutes to get there on foot. There was no doubt that they would starve before they reached home, so the two stuffed their cheeks with sweet bread as they walked. Incidentally, he stuffed himself with two pieces of bread before club and of course he was going to eat dinner when he got home. At any rate, he was hungry. And at any rate, he was sleepy.
Until one or two months ago, he would have wanted to skip over middle school and become a high school student as soon as possible, but come to think of it, he had stopped thinking about that recently. He had no time to think about superfluous things because after he finished club activities, went home, ate, and took a bath, he immediately went to bed. He fell asleep feeling like he was sinking into the floor with his futon, and then when he woke up, it was next morning.
Finals were over, and now it was time to neglect everything and go into spring break. And whether he left it alone or made a fuss, once the break ended, he would become a third-year. The word examinee still didn’t really strike home for him.
“Haijima, what are you gonna do for high school? Are you taking it here?”
He finally broached the subject that actually wanted to ask him about during club, but hesitated over.
“Well, I was thinking of taking it here, but…”
He got stuck on how Haijima trailed off at the end of his sentence, which was unusual for him.
“But? Is there a condition or something?”
He once again asked Haijima’s profile, which was bulged out with the bread he stuffed in his mouth. He wasn’t wearing his glasses right now. Haijima always followed the procedure of putting in contact lenses and taping his hands before club started. If he taped first, he wouldn’t be able to handle his contacts. When club activities were finished, he followed that procedure in reverse, but there were days when he went home as he was, perhaps because he couldn’t be bothered. From the point of view of Kuroba, whose vision had never fell below 20/20 and whose fingernails and bones seemed healthy and strong, he had a difficult constitution.
“More importantly, new first-years will come in April.”
“Hmm? Oh yeah. Skilled guys would get picked up by the other clubs, so it’s better not to get your hopes up, but maybe we can get one or two people.” More importantly? He had a feeling he was changing the subject, but the timing to repeat the question escaped him.
“If we get more members, I wanna go to a tournament. I don’t know the tournament schedule here, but there should be a prefectural tournament before the summer inter-school.”
“Tournament, huh. But even if we can be in it, I don’t think we can win at our level…”
“It’s no fun if you don’t play a game. I wanna be in a match. I’m gonna train you all to be presentable enough by summer. I’ll take care of the rest.” Once again, he said that he was gonna train us without hesitation. Is he treating us like performing monkeys or something?
Ah, there it was. The sparkle in his eyes like that of a dinosaur-loving elementary schooler. Though he was just being arrogant and saying something self-centered, when he had that look in his eyes, he couldn’t help but feel that it was as though it was being secretly switched with something of pure purpose. Kuroba realized that he couldn’t oppose those eyes at all.
“Ooookay, got it. We need an advisor to be in a tournament or it’s no good, right? Let’s ask tomorrow.”
When he said that with a sigh, a crude voice called out to them from the side of the road.
“Hey, isn’t that the head house’s bon walking there?” (1)
It came from in front of the signboard of the aforementioned “Karaoke Box Monshiro”. Was this the only place to hang out? Well, it probably was. There were three men. Two 125cc motorbikes and one moped. Each of them was sitting astride their seats and hanging their butts on their tandem grips, smoking cigarettes as they tucked their chins inside their collars of their jackets, looking cold. They had the appearances of what countryside delinquents should be.
“Oh, Yori-chan!”
Kuroba called out to him with a smile, but Yorimichi only took a glance at his appearance and looked away.
The other two were Yorimichi’s senpais, both from the neighborhood. When someone other than his relatives called him the “head house’s bon”, it was probably filled with ridicule, but since he was used to it, he didn’t react to it every single time, and Kuroba greeted them in a friendly manner as well.
“’Sup. It’s been a while. I didn’t know you guys are back.”
“It’s spring break in uni too. Bon, how much you got today?”
“Oh…I only have some coins. I’ve been doing club activities lately so there’s a lot of times when I’d be leaving my bag alone.”
“’Club activities’?”
The two repeated it with a rising inflection that contained laughter.
“Oh, is that what Yorimichi was talking about?”
Smirking, they eyed Kuroba from the top of his head to his feet. He uncomfortably let his gaze escape to Haijima, who was waiting next to him. When he looked at Haijima, he could see his own appearance like he was looking into a mirror, or rather, he was just copying Haijima, but—he was wearing a knee-length padded coat over his jersey with his rectangular enamel sports bag slung over his shoulder, and he really did look like he was coming back from a sports club. In regards to the padded coat, Kuroba saw Haijima’s and also bought one recently.
“You do receives or something, how did that go again? We didn’t do it in gym in high school, so I completely forgot.”
The two had mean smiles on their faces, pointing their chins. Either the smoke of their cigarettes or the whiteness of their breath from the cold made their stubbled mouths misty.
“Um, it’s like this, I guess…?”
Kuroba had no choice but to drop his hips on the spot and did the posture for an underhand pass, and the two cackled and applauded.
“Wow, looking pretty good, aren’t you? I know, it’s that thing, Attack No.1, right?”
“That old manga? It’s that ‘I won’t cry, I’m just a girl’ thing, right?” (2)
“The heroine spoke in dialect. Gyahahaha!” (3)
When Kuroba forced a smile while feeling his face turning hot, his bag was suddenly pulled on. The strap was biting into the pit of his stomach. “Gueh,” he groaned as he turned around.
“You’re just getting looked down on. We’re not playing around.  Don’t keep them company.”
Like he was pulling on the leash of a not particularly disciplined dog, Haijima primly started walking while gripping the strap. “Okay, okay, don’t pull me. It’s dan…” Right when he twisted his body around and rushed to follow him,
“You’re hanging out with us, right, Yuni?”
Yorimichi called out to his back.
Haijima turned around, not even trying to hide his annoyance. Kuroba also followed his gaze while feeling lost. Turning away and smoking his cigarette, Yorimichi snorted sarcastically.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting’ influenced by Fighting Spirit Chika-chan, are ya? You’re the one who’s gonna be embarrassed later.”
“Hey…oh, hey Yori-chan, are you mad at me? Sorry for not hanging out with you lately. We’ll do stuff together during spring break.”
“Kuroba, we’re practicing during spring break too.”
Haijima’s dissatisfied sounding voice pierced the back of his ear. “We can’t practice everyday, right?” When he turned around with a half-smile, his face seemed to say, As a matter of fact, of course we are. “If we’re going to the summer tournament, we’ll still never make it in time even with that.” “Are you serious…” He was of course ready to have fun and relax during spring break, so when he was told to be prepared to completely spend that time on club activities… I underestimated this guy’s volleyball obsession.
“Yuuuuni. You understand, right? It’s no good for you. It’d be less embarrassing if you stop playing around. I ain’t patient either, so I can’t wait too long for you.”
“Hey, even Yori-chan’s being mean? You’re not serious, right?”
He looked at Yorimichi again with a twitching smile. “Oh, you’re pretty popular, Bon. If you pick one, you have to cut off the other. This is a real mess.” The two university students irresponsibly jeered and aggravated the situation.
“You, you get it, right? I have the same blood in my veins as you, so we get fired up and cooled off easily.  I’ll probably get bored halfway, right?”
He ended up prioritizing putting Yorimichi in a good mood with a joking tone. A cold sweat ran down the nape of his neck as he felt Haijima’s burning gaze scorching it.
He knew that he was playing it safe. He was still afraid now that Yorimichi would throw him away. He wanted to secure the warm place he could always return to if things got tough. Don’t put me together with you, he grumbled in his mind. Haijima, who didn’t have an ounce of doubt about himself doing volleyball, probably wouldn’t understand, but for us until just now, guys who went hardcore for club activities were just something to be watched from a distance and gawked at.
Yorimichi bared his teeth and grinned.
“Haha, that’s right. You’re the same as me.”
Relieved, Kuroba also slackened his cheeks.
And, the heat wave of Haijima’s gaze that was burning the back of his neck also abruptly disappeared. The strap was released to send him flying.
“Then quit now.”
Haijima said it bluntly in a cold voice, a complete reversal from the heat of earlier.
“Hey, no need to go that far…”
“I don’t want to the tournament to get messed up.”
“Messed up…”
He immediately guessed that he was talking about scandals that would result in a suspension. Kuroba himself didn’t smoke or drink, but he overlooked Yorimichi doing it. It wasn’t illegal to ride double on a bike, but having only one helmet was probably not allowed. It wasn’t a good look to sneak into karaoke bars either. He didn’t really care about it until now, but it was somewhat understandable that school sports were sensitive to those kinds of issues.
Haijima’s concern was reasonable, and perhaps this was where he should be sorry. But on the contrary, antagonism reared its head. So, from the beginning, he wasn’t worried about whether or not Kuroba would continue to do volleyball or not, but about that?
“You showed your true colors, eh!”
Yorimichi’s loud voice suddenly rang out. Haijima glared suspiciously at him and Kuroba was also confused. Peeling his lips back in a vicious grin that made him draw back a little, Yorimichi continued to speak in a theatrical way.
“The infamous ‘Genius Setter’ of Meisei Middle School only thinks about satisfying his own desires, right?”
“Yori-chan? What are you talking about?”
“You were the one who wanted to know, Yuni. You asked why he came back here. That’s why I investigated.”
Haijima’s sharp gaze immediately moved to Kuroba. He did voice his doubts, but he thought the conversation ended there, so to think that Yorimichi would investigate it…
“Oops, you’re barking up the wrong tree if you’re blaming Yuni. It’s that ‘you reap what you sow’ kind of thing, right?”
Yorimichi came down from his bike and stepped on his cigarette to put it out. He thrust his hands into the pockets of his down jacket and approached him with bowlegs and swinging shoulders, looking particularly vulgar. “Move, Yuni,” he said, pushing Kuroba aside and standing before Haijima.
“I could have easily gotten the name of your school from your grandpa through mine. Well, I used Itoko though, since I’ve been given up on by Gramps. So when I quickly searched the net…oh look, there’s slander of the ‘Genius Setter’ who reigned over Meisei Middle until last year. The net sure is terrifyin’. Everything’s on there. Well, I guess it means you’re not liked very much.”
The more Yorimichi talked, the stiffer Haijima’s expression became. The color disappeared from Haijima’s face that seemed to embody the world’s arrogance and fearlessness, and his gaze dropped downwards. The shadow of Yorimichi, who was a size bigger in height and width, hung over the head of Haijima, who was looking down and biting his lower lip. “Oi oi, look at the poor guy, Yorimichi. Don’t bully middle schoolers. You’ll make him cry.” The two university students saying insincere things were completely taking the role of spectators.
“Huh? Y-yeah.”
Kuroba reflexively responded, unable to catch up with the conversation very well. Yorimichi’s face changed from that of someone tormenting a dying animal, and when he turned around, he was no longer smiling. It was an extremely serious expression.
“I don’t have anything against Chika, but I don’t really care. I think it’s petty to talk about other people behind their backs online. It’s all for you. Don’t get too absorbed in it. After all there was apparently someone who attempted suicide because of this guy——”
An instant later, Haijima barked something that couldn’t be expressed in words and grabbed Yorimichi. “Oh?” Although Yorimichi staggered a little, their physiques and amount of fight experiences were different. He grabbed Haijima’s face and thrust it aside, just like he was grabbing a ball—a dodgeball instead of a volleyball—with one hand and throwing it violently. Haijima was lightly blown off two or three meters away, the side of his face crashing into the muddy snow-covered road.
Because it was the first time he heard Haijima’s enraged voice, Kuroba was temporarily distracted by that. He hurriedly broke into Yorimichi’s path.
“Yo-Yori-chan, stop! Violence is no good!”
“He was the one who charged at me. Ah, it’d be no good for a sports boy to be violent, right? Didn’t you say that yourself? I’m being kind by ending it with just knocking him down.”
Yorimichi threw mocking jeers at Haijima over Kuroba’s shoulder. Kuroba turned around and ran up to Haijima, who was crouching and holding his hand to his face. “Oi, you’re alive…” he knelt down and was about to touch his shoulder, but what Yorimichi said flashed across his mind and he stopped his hand.
…Attempted suicide…?
“Let’s go back. My ass is frozen.”
Urging the two university students, Yorimichi returned to his bike.
“Yuni, get over here.”
Summoned, Kuroba looked up at the chin of Yorimichi, who was sitting astride his bike, but hesitated and returned his gaze to Haijima. His earlobe, which was poking out from the gaps between his hair, were terrifyingly white. No way, is he actually dead? He thought, but he saw a fist clenching the snow underneath his face pressed against the ground. Mud soaked into his white taping and stained it brown.
He couldn’t leave him here and go home.
“Even if you say go home, you won’t let me ride double anyways. I’ll send him home, okay?”
“Well, whatever.”
Yorimichi backed down easily with just a shrug of his shoulders. The sneering had already disappeared and he returned to his normal self.
“Don’t forget. Wash your hands of him as soon as possible. From his reaction, it doesn’t seem like those are groundless rumors. Be careful on your way home. I’m talking about the snowy roads and your teammate next to you.”
Perhaps Yorimichi also felt that he went a bit too far. He awkwardly turned his face away, made his engine roar its usual crude and vulgar sounds, and departed on the Komashi-gou.
“Mei from zayuu no mei and makoto, Meisei. (4) It’s called Meisei Private Academy Middle School. It’s a middle and high school in one, and their sports clubs are pretty strong. Apparently the distribution map of famous private schools is common knowledge among Kanto kids. You can’t really experience it here, can you? There aren’t enough schools to choose from. Hey, everyone’s gonna hang out in the city after the end-of term ceremony, so do you wanna come with us? I wonder if Haijima would come if we invited him. You guys have been getting along well lately.”
“Um, oh, yeah. If that’s all I can ask then I’m good for now. Thanks.”
He hung up first because it seemed like the conversation would never end if he left it alone.
Itoko said “Everyone”, so the group probably included girls. To tell the truth, he was really jealous of this merry spring break-like event. Normally he wouldn’t be able to refuse. But, it was only today that he couldn’t get into the mood at all. He was willing to bet that Haijima would never come either.
He put the phone handset next to the desk and turned towards the computer again. Since he had an agreement to not own a cell phone until high school, the only place he could access the Internet at home was the laptop in his dad’s study. When he tried to convert Meisei-chuu (5), he realized he didn’t know the kanji for it, and since Yorimichi said he learned it by way of Itoko, he called to ask her directly. Based on the current feeling, Yorimichi had really only gotten the school name, and it seemed he didn’t tell Itoko more than that. He felt relieved about that.
A school with a strong athletic department. If this school was that famous, then it might not be strange for there to be a rumor or two to float around the Internet. After all, there was even a message board titled “[Monshiro Town] Old Man Kuroba [Yokai]”—Yorimichi thought it was hilarious and told him about it, but Kuroba never searched for it because he was scared of learning the contents.
“Tokyo meisei academy middle school boys volleyball club attempted suicide”
He entered the search words, and just when he was about to click the search button, his finger stopped. He couldn’t easily press the key. Of course he was unbearably curious. But, he was afraid to find out the contents for that more than Grandpa’s message board.
“Yuni? Where are you?”
His mother’s voice came from somewhere on the other side of the sliding screen door. He twisted himself around on the tatami chair and raised his voice.
“In here! The study!”
“Why are you there? Aren’t you going to take a bath?”
After thinking about it a little bit, he ended up pressing the backspace key to delete everything he typed in. Once he did so, he completely gave up, closed the computer and stood up.
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kian-bera · 3 years
It was senior year of high school and Dean Winchester had been given the title of quarterback of the football team. Of course the cheerleaders were all over him, but what they didn’t know was he already had an eye out from a particular one. Dark raven hair, and blue eyes that glimmered like little waves when the sun hit them at the right angle. A few months prior, his dad had finally found the demon that had killed their mother fourteen years ago. John went down with the demon, so their uncle Bobby had taken the boys under his wing. For the first time, the boys had a chance at a normal life, and Dean finally had a chance with one of his crushes. Sam made fun of him for it, but Dean didn’t care. He knew his little brother was teasing.
The practice that day was cut short due to an incoming storm, while everyone was upset due to the big game coming up, they had no choice. The school and the coaches call the end of practice.
“Good luck boys, we don’t have another practice until game day, so go home, stay safe, and I’ll hopefully see you boys tomorrow. 1...2..3..”
“GO ANGELS!” THe team shouted before breaking apart to go home.
Dean slid his way over to the cheerleaders who were huddled in a tight circle until Dean came over. All the girls tried to push past each other and talk to him, but Dean walked right through all of them. He made his way over to the one male cheerleader and sat down.
“Hi, name’s Dean…” Dean flashed his winning smile, but he could feel himself getting flushed.
“Winchester, I know. You are kinda the quarterback. Everyone knows your name.” The other boy gave Dean a shy smile and continued packing up his practice bag. “Cas...Henry Castille.” Henry swept a piece of loose hair away from his face.
“Oh...Well uh there is going to be a party after the game friday night, I was wondering if you would like to come with me?” Dean asked awkwardly. He had never had trouble asking someone out before, but here he was, stumbling over the words from his mouth.
“I am actually busy friday night, family stuff ya know? Gotta love family.” Henry gave a nervous chuckle and gave Dean a small smile.
“Yeah I do understand, that sucks. It’s going to be a fun party.”
“DEAN!” A young voice called from the side of the bleachers. Both Henry and Dean glanced up at the young boy. His long brown hair was all messed up and his lip was bleeding. “Dean!” The boy made his way over to his older brother and plopped down in his lap.
“What happened Sammy? Who did I need to kill?” Dean asked, smoothing out Sam’s hair.
“His name is Gabriel. He is so annoying and he keeps playing pranks on me. The teachers just say it’s harmless fun so they won’t do anything about it.” Sam complained.
“Question about this tall, blondish hair, green eyes? Has a small scar on his face right about here.” Henry asked, making a slashing motion in front of his ear.
“Yeah, you know him?” Sam asked.
“Unfortunately…” Henry’s voice went flat as he narrowed. “That is my brother. The not so responsible one. Don’t feel bad Sam, he does it to all of us, but of course dad won’t say anything to him about the pranks. Then again, no one has heard from dad in ages.” Henry shook his head in frustration. “Anyways, as I said, family business after the game.”
“Oh is he your new boyfriend?” Sam asked, looking up at Dean. Dean elbowed Sam in the side and gave a nervous chuckle.
“We should be going. They didn’t cut practice for no reason.” Dean told Henry standing up, grabbing his bag.
“Yeah you’re right. Uh nice talking to you>” Henry said walking off. He gave Dean and Sam a wave and went to his car where several of his brothers were waiting. They all piled into a mini van and drove off.
Dean sat Sam in the passenger seat and took a first aid kit out of the trunk. Dean had never bothered to clean it out just in case for some reason they needed the supplies. Dean quickly closed the trunk and came back over to Sam who was playing with a video game console Bobby had gotten him for Christmas.
“What ya playing?” Dean asked as he cleaned off the dried blood to clean the cut.
“It’s Mario. I am so close to saving Princess Peach.”
“Is that right?” Dean gave a small chuckle as he pressed the alcohol soaked cotton ball against Sam’s lip. Sam jumped a little and let out a small squeal.
“That hurt.” Sam complained.
“Why do you think I was talking to you.” Dean countered, ruffling Sam’s hair. “So how was the student council meeting? Does our ninth grade president have any smart ideas?”
“I did, but the pesky upperclassmen shot me down. They said my idea was baby and childish.” Sam told Dean as the older brother put the first aid kit back in the trunk.
“I’m sure it wasn’t Sam, what was your idea?” Dean questioned, getting into the car.
“I suggested they get another computer lab because more and more places are starting to use them. So it would be useful if we knew how to use them ourselves. All i got in response to that was ‘Sam, it’s not like computers are going to take over and replace us at everything, plus, the teachers like the old school handwritten papers anyways. So next…’ I’m going to laugh when we all end up doing everything through computers. I mean you have to brace the new technology to advance into the future. They are the stupish and childish ones by not understanding that concept.” Sam gave a small laugh and smiled over at Dean.
“You are probably right, you tend to be so. I bet you end up marrying a computer.”
“Well you know, sometimes I think technology is more reliable than people anyways. I mean you have your car don’t you.”
“Hey Baby is a classic treasure. You can’t insult perfection.”
“Exactly.” Sam retorted. The two brothers shared a laugh before Dean blasted their cassette tapes all the way home. The storm clouds had rolled into town, and thunder sounded off in the distance. BY the time the boys got to Bobby’s, it was pouring down rain, and they spirinted inside, backpacks in tow. Bobby gave them a towel to dry off with and asked them how school was.
“Well all of the older kids are idiots.” Sam said, “but did you know that snails have no gender. Well they do, but they don’t. Anyways next week we get to cut up a fish.” Sam smiled and ran upstairs to do his homework.
“That kid scares me sometimes.” Bobby told Dean sitting down at the kitchen table.
“You and me both.” Dean told him, chucking his book bag to the back door.
“You don’t have any homework son?” Bobby asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No, I don’t…” A flash of lightning from outside illuminated Dean’s face as he tried to wiggle his way out of his math homework.
“Boy get your homework out or no game on friend.”
“But Bobby….”
“Dean...Now.” Dean grunted in response and got out his binder for school. It was a complete mess unlike Sam’s who was completely organized and colorcoded.
“How do you find anything in that mess?” Bobby asked.
“It is organized, in my own way.” Dean told Bobby, taking out his math book and some paper and a pencil. Dean began to scribble down some problems on a notebook as a roll of thunder shook the house, causing the lights to flicker. Dean glanced up and shrugged his shoulders. When he glanced back down, Bobby was gone, but Sam was standing there with a pair of scissors. “What are you doing?”
“The sleeves on my shirt are too long, they are getting in my way, and you do it better.” Sam said, giving Dean the scissors and his arms. Dean gave a small laugh.
“Well you need to change into a different shirt. Go on, change into a different shirt and come back.” Dean took the scissors and set them on the table. He got up to find the small sewing kit he kept in his bag. He used to give all of his shirts that couldn't fit him to Sam. Sam didn’t like the very long sleeves, so Dean would cut and fix them for Sam. Dean felt a little weird as he sat there and threaded the needle. He sometimes wondered what the other guys would think of him, since everyone thought he was the cool guy. Then he remembered that he was doing it for Sam, and he didn’t care what they would think.
Before Sam came back downstairs, the lights went out from the storm outside. Dean found some flashlights and candles and lit them. He placed them around the halls and the kitchen so he could see and Sam could make it back to the kitchen without falling over anything.
Sam eventually made his way back downstairs with a new shirt on, and the one with sleeves to long in his hands. He gave the shirt to Dean and smiled. Dean put the sleeve up against Sam’s arm and put a pin at where it would fall on his wrist. He cut the fabric off a little bit over that area. He gave the extra fabric to Sam who kept it for whatever reason. Dean was never quite sure what Sam actually did with the scraps, but he never questioned. After another thirty minutes had passed, Dean gave the shirt back to Sam.
“Here is this better?” Dean asked, as Sam slipped the shirt back on. Sam glanced down at the sleeves which were no longer too big for his small arms.
“Thank you Dean.” Sam gave his brother a hug, which Dean reciprocated. The storm went on and through the night, but was clear by the morning. Which was good, because that would mean the field would be dry by the big game that was coming that evening. The school was abuzz with excitement since the game determined whether they went to state or not, and school was cut short for a big prep rally at the end of the day.
Everyone came over to Dean and some of the other football players during lunch to congratulate them and wish them good luck. Eventually Henry made his way over and gave a sheepish wave.
“Hey good luck with the game tonight, I hope you do well.” The cheerleader told Dean.
“Oh uh, thank you. You too. Uh keep those poms poms waving.” Dean told him giving awkward finger guns. Henry finger gunned back and walked away trying to figure out why he did that. Dean glanced down at his hands before back up to the other players who were sitting with him at the table.
“Dude, what was that?” One asked, tilting his head at Dean.
“I have no idea.” Dean replied, trying to keep his face from turning red, but the other had started to pick up what was going.
“Dean and Henry sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, wait is that even legal. I don’t think that is legal. HA imagine being with someone and you can’t even get married because it’s against the law.” Everyone else at the table started laughing, so Dean just got up and left. He didn’t feel like dealing with their bull crap. Dean located Henry across the lunchroom by himself. Dean started to head over there before he got ambushed by a bunch of girls. He did his best to get away, but by the time they stopped talking, the bell had rung for them to get back to class. Dean passed by Sam who was heading to lunch and gave his brother a small wave. Sam waved back as a group of people surrounded him congratulated him on his victory. Dean tilted his head, but Sam shrugged it off.
Dean stopped by his locker to grab a book for his next class, just to find his locker had been vandalized by some of the other guys. They left a bunch of sticky notes on his locker with some degrading words and insults. Dean quickly took them down and grabbed his book from inside the locker. When Dean got to class, he tossed the wad of sticky notes into the trash can and took his seat. Their teacher walked in right as the bell rang. Dean felt something hit his head and turned around to find a paper airplane on the ground.
“Passing notes now are we Mister Winchester?” Mrs.Smalls asked. She took the note and opened it in front of the class. “Dean Winchester is a big ole F- Who wrote this? I demand you speak up now or I am giving this whole class detention.” Mrs.Smalls glanced around the room but no one spoke up. Mrs.Smalls shrugged. “Ok I will be seeing all of you except Mister Winchester after the prep rally. Three hours. And hour per letter for that terrible word.”
“Good thing we didn’t write what we were originally going to write.” Someone in the back of the class whispered.
“What was that?” Mrs.Smalls asked. She had many things wrong with her, but her hearing was not one.
“Nothing Mrs.Smalls.” James Quaker told their teacher. James was one of the other players on the team. He never liked Dean much to begin with, so anything he could find to drag Dean through the mud with waas fine by him. Mrs.Smalls let free the rest of the class for detention except James and the boy sitting next to him, David.
“But Mrs.Smalls we have practice.” David complained.
“Well maybe you should have thought about that before throwing the paper airplane.” The class was eventually let out for the prep rally and Dean made his way to the locker rooms in the gym where they were waiting to be introduced. Dean found Henry sitting by himself. Henry seemed to be crying as Dean quietly sat next to him.
“I’m so sorry.” Henry whispered through tears.
“What no, hey it wasn’t your fault Henry. The guys are just jerks okay. Don’t pay them any attention.”
“Don’t pay them any attention? Even the girls are in on it, and I can’t do anything or it would be considered abuse.” Henry looked up for the first time and saw some scratches across Henry’s face.
“Henry I…” Dean put his hand up, but Henry shrouded away. “Henry please at least let me help.”
“I’m not about to let you walk me to the nurses office. Then I would have to explain what happened…”
“I have a first aid kit in my car. We could walk out…”
“Thank you Dean, but once again no.” Henry just gave a small smile and got up since the cheerleaders were announced first so they could introduce the football players.” Dean grabbed Henry’s hand and let them linger there for a second before he walked away. Dean just sat there fiddling with his helmet. Being the quarterback, Dean was introduced first. He ran out between the cheerleader who he could hear snickering at him as he ran by. Dean just put on a smile as he waved at everyone and ran over to the spot where the team was going to take a picture. Once everyone was there, they snapped a quick picture before continuing with the rally. The cheerleaders did some routines and the theater department came out and did a dance routine they made up. Sam was dressed up as a little Angel and Dean let out a small laugh.
After the rally everyone was dismissed to go home. The football players made their way to fuel to get in one last practice before the game. The coach told everyone that if they didn’t stop with all the ruckus he heard about today, he would forfeit the team for the game. For a while, everyone was quiet and focused just on the practice. Afterwards however was a different story. Dean didn’t know how to deal with it, so he just went and sat in his car. He made sure all the doors were locked and windows rolled up tight. After a few seconds he hated the silence so he blasted ‘Eye of the Tiger’ and just sat there hitting the steering wheel like a drum.
Dean eventually opened his eyes when he heard tapping on the window. He thought it might have been Sam, so he just turned down the music and opened the passenger side door.
“Hi Dean.” That wasn’t Sam’s voice though. Dean sat up straight and turned off the music.
“Oh hi Henry. Are you okay?” Dean asked.
“Do you still have that first aid kit?” Henry asked, rubbing his face softly where the scratches were.
“Yeah of course, stay here.” Dean got out of the car and quickly grabbed the first aid from the trunk. He came back and started to talk to Henry like he did with Sam to distract him.
“So how was your favorite class today?” Dean questioned.
“Oh good. We learned the art of avacodo’s number.” Henry told him laughing.
“You mean avogadro's number?”
“Yeah that….owwww.”
“Sorry...sorry yeah I know this probably stings.”
“Castiel what are you doing?” A voice asked. A tall woman with short brown hair randomly appeared in the backseat.
“Castiel?” Dean asked.
“Naomi!” Cas jumped before sighing. “Dean, Naomi, Naomi, Dean. This is my...boss…” Cas told Dean.
“How did you get here? You’re...you’re not a demon are you? Because if you are, you are in for quite a surprise.” Dean told Naomi.
“No, the opposite actually. An Angel and so is Castiel or as you know him Henry.” Naomi glared as Cas who was sitting there with his head down. He had no idea what to do or say with Naomi there. “I sent you here to watch over Dean Winchester, not fall in love with him Castiel.”
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arjsstuff · 3 years
Memories with Pkyek
My introduction to Pyaar Ki Ye Ek Kahani or PKYEK as we all called it started with the amazing introduction promos I watched several times on star one. I remember watching one of the trailers of PKYEK on star one when I was in 5th grade which is almost 11 years back. I was casually switching channels and I saw this ad, mysterious, the tone of the ad was pretty dark, a curly haired girl and a blue eyed guy and he saves her from getting hit by a car. It was strangely so beautiful and the words “math aao mere kareeb, aag hu main jal jaogi” was clearly stuck in my head and this was a promo a week before the serial released.
I think the serial was scheduled to air from 18th October 2010 which was 2 days before my birthday and although I decided I have to watch this I could not watch it for some reason and I forgot about this serial. One day in class my bench mate and then close friend started talking to me about this serial and I immediately told her how much I loved the promo and she asked me to watch the episodes at 8:30 and if I missed it she also told me the re-broadcast timings which was sometime in the evening. I was like yeah sure since she strongly recommended it to me I would definitely watch it. So I was almost 7-8 episodes late and the first episode I watched was Abhay-Piya's first dance and the first scene I watched was Haseena telling Abhay to control himself on their party night near a small bridge kind of place and then the dance followed. 
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OMG I must tell how it was one of the best dances I had ever seen on TV serial, it was so magical, especially the way they both were so lost in each other’s eyes and he ensured her torn dress wasn’t visible to anyone and also they danced on to kuch khaas hai song which was such a great song and it ended with the signature Mahiyaa tune. It instantly got me hooked to and I watched it religiously every day. My mom did not want me to watch teen romance Hindi TV serial so I literally had to change channels to Hungama every time she came to the hall XD. Since PKYEK was such a phenomena at school I made so many friends and the best part about pkyek is wherever I went after school for example junior college, Uni, my cousins friends etc all became my friends because of how we all watched pkyek LOL. 
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Anyway so I got my really studious friend Z into watching it and she was this person who never watched TV but once she say Abhay she was hopelessly in love with that guy. I cringe when I think we all went through this in 5th grade, I mean how were we all swooning over him like proper teenagers. Anyway one day she went to the library and found his picture on some magazine and she told me and I literally ran to the library to get a hold of it but there were so many people already holding it and finally I got a glimpse of Abhay Raichand’s photo and a short interview by Vivian D'sena. I think she started getting so addicted to pkyek that her mom did not like it and she sometimes called me n my landline to talk about it lol. One day there was this class in school where we weren’t supposed to talk so her and I wrote whatever we had to talk on my notebook along with my friend D and the full chat was about Z, D and me swooning over Abhay, while letting A have Abhay and us mostly us teasing her with him. The chats were extremely funny so I tore them from my book and gave it to my senior in my school bus to read it, and when her stop came, before she got down she handed over the papers to me. I think my bad luck was super great that day and my bus teacher, who was this very this strict language teacher who 7-8th grade students caught her passing the papers onto me and asked me to hand it over to her. I immediately put them into my bag and tried tearing them into pieces while she kept screaming to hand it over to her. In the end I had to hand over one part of the chat which was quite dangerous considering we were only 5th graders going crazy about an actor and talking like late teens but I managed to save the dangerous part in my bag. This ***** ma’am read it and literally told me that she would hand it over to my school’s head teacher and she did that the very next day. Why can’t teachers get a life? 
Anyway the next day I came to class and told everyone about this and my extra sweet friends told me not to worry about it. In between an afternoon class, the peon came and called Z first, we thought maybe she got called for some extra circular activity, but when the peon came again and called me I knew I was dead. I went into the head teacher's room and she had almost got screwed and I was next in line and I somehow told even D was a part of this convo and even she got called. The other girls in my class were actually worried cuz they knew what was happening. And later head teacher screwed all of us and I guess Z cried on her way to class and then the head teacher let me and D go to class but we were so shameless, after getting a earful we could not stop laughing and literally lmaoed in the corridor before entering the class. This whole thing kind of strained my friendship with Z, and we weren’t the best of friends anymore but D and I still stuck close.
My school had this weird system where there was a girls and boys corridor and the girl’s corridor was pretty cool since it was on the left side and was closer to the trees while the right corridor used by guys was where the teachers entered the class from. So in these corridors we always role played and for some reason I was always Abhay even though I wanted to be Piya (I’m guessing it was because Of my short hair and being an serious faced person generally) and a lot of my friends were Piya and this friend of mine who was crazy about guys was called tracker and my friend D was Misha and we used to randomly dance to songs and recall the dialogues from the previous episodes, do the remoe juliet skit from pkyek and all sorts of things.
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The background music on Pkyek is seriously so legendary and is among one of my favourite bgm tracks for a hindi serial. I would personally rate it number one and it had been my ringtone for 3 years. I tried looking for the Mahiyaa singer and the official song but I could not find it anywhere and mostly found only the recorded copies played in the serial. In my school bus I had seniors who I was very very close to because of pkyek and we always sung the background music, it’s so funny how we knew all the background music from pkyek by heart and remembered it perfectly and were in sync. I started singing this usually in my class as well and my friends hummed along.
Times of India and this other newspaper which I can’t recall had this section where TV channel broadcast programs were listed every day and this tiny picture from random TV shows was displayed on top of it. Whenever there was a pkyek picture all our friends used to literally fight over a picture that was probably 1*1 cms, very very tiny and even the quality wasn’t great but if you opened my pencil pouch on any random day you would find at least 10-15 of them LOL (I’ve lost all of them now).
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found this from https://thereandtheir.wordpress.com/tag/indian-tv-serial/ the tv listing was similar but it was a bit different
I already mentioned how strict my mom was back then so I had to watch the re broadcast since I couldn’t watch the episodes fully at 8:30 PM. I had to wake up around midnight or early morning to watch it. I remember my parent’s thinking I sleep walked because my parents found me in hall instead of my room on odd mornings. It was quite the life with the box TV since I had to sit so close to it and the volume had to be on 1 or 2 since I could not wakeup people at home while watching it. One of the benefits of waking up early to watch this was also that I could see the newest promos on TV and I was always the first one in class to tell what the new promos were about. I remember telling my friends some of the coolest Pkyek promos like the vampire reveal one which in my opinion is still the best promo for a Hindi TV serial (I think Parvati introduction promo for Mahadev on Lifeok is a close second) and the promo where Abhay bites her and many more. I remember revealing this to my friends and my friends rushing home and switching on star one and waiting for the promos to appear and calling me to tell how amazing those promo were.
I remember how this one time I went to my senior A's house and we created fake Ouija board to call spirits. So we called her dead grandmother's spirit and she asked if the creepy guy in her class who was obsessed with her would stop annoying her and I immediately remembered the pkyek scene where Panchi asks maithli on the Ouija board if Danish would ever get punished. I don't know who's idea it was to play with it but it certainly had to do something with pkyek.
Those were really the fun times of my life. Pkyek is and will always be the most memorable serial for me. It’s not like we can expect great cg and VFX for a vampire serial and it in no way could be another vampire dairy or twilight (not to forget EK produced it) but the story and the writing was really amazing. I was a huge sucker for Abhay-Piyas chemistry and the supporting cast were literally the best!
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captainelsaeverdeen · 4 years
I like me better when I’m with you ~Part 2.
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There’s so little Steve in this, but he’ll be in the next parts all. the. time! And yeah, I named the coach after Troy Bolton from HSM. I can totally imagine him as a strict PE teacher if his music career didn't work out... Anyways, hope you guys will like it! Gif not mine. 
summary: based on ‘To All The Boys I Loved Before’. Y/N Henderson used to be in love a couple of times. This time she’s sure it’s something bigger, something serious. Her love for Jonathan Byers is unlimited, untamed and endless. At least she thought so. Read Part 1 here.
That kiss.
Steve couldn't concentrate. Why now, after all this time? From what he remembered the last time you guys talked, he was about your brother's age. Your contact was limited to a short "hello" in the hallway and waving at each other in town. Nothing else.
He kissed you because Carol couldn't shut up. He remembered perfectly well how his dad let him sit behind the wheel of his car and little Steve invited to Y/N, Carol and Tommy, his best friends so far. Carol made fun of Y/N all day because she had never been kissed before. There is nothing wrong with that, but little Y/N was so embarrassed that Steve did what he thought was right. He leaned out of the driver's seat and gently kissed the little girl's mouth so that Carol could choke on her chewing gum for once.
Only a year later, Y/N realized that Tommy and Carol were not the people she wanted to deal with. She thought they were egotistical, mean, and idiots enjoying others' failures. And she was right. Steve didn't understand that until now. Too bad he figured it out too late. 
“Dude, what's going on? Focus before Billy kicks our ass even more, come on!” His teammate hit him on the shoulder. Steve twisted his head and wiped out all the intrusive thoughts. “Yeah, Steve. Concentrate. We don't want anything to happen to you" Billy said sarcastically. It doesn’t matter why she sent the letter. You can't play with someone's feelings. He wanted to explain it as gently as he could and maybe he did. He didn't find out because Y/N ran away as soon as Jonathan got on the field.
But why she was scared of Jonathan Byers?
“Girl, come on” Robin sighed, leaning her hands on her school locker. You sat down on the floor and pulled your knees up to your chest, holding them with your hands to keep them from shaking. You wanted to cry, scream, vomit, or do it all at once. Steve got a letter. Your letter. It didn't belong to him, it belonged to you. Although it was addressed to him, your thoughts, your feelings were there. He should never have read it. Not to mention Jonathan. “Please, I'm starting to worry. What the hell did he tell you?”
“Robin...” Your voice broke down when you tried to speak. “He... he got a letter”. “What letter?” Your friend pushed herself away from the locker. “From who? What was in it?”
“From me” You said, raising your head a little. The corridor was empty because everyone was in class. Only an angry coach could show up here at any time. You clenched your fingers so tightly on your shirt that your ankles got whacked. “But please promise me you won't laugh”.
“I don't feel like laughing. But I feel like I'm way too sober for this”. “I... you know I'm not good at talking about my feelings. It's much easier for me to write about them. So... so when I really care about someone, I write a letter to that person. I confess my love, I say what I like about that person and how much I care about them... and that's it. I put the envelope on and hide the letter in the room. It's just that... someone sent them. Somebody had to, because Steve and Jonathan got theirs.”
Robin was quiet for a while. She bit her lower lip, started going back and forth around the hallway, removing nail polish until she stopped next to you. “Normally, I'd probably say something funny, but it's not funny at all”. “I think I'm gonna throw up” you said quietly. Robin gathered your hair into a ponytail. “Calm down” she said and sat next to you on the dirty floor. “Just take a deep breath”.
“Take a deep breath? It feels like my insides are being ripped out” you said devastated. “How many letters did you write?” Robin asked. You showed her five fingers. “Do I know the others?”. “One of them goes to school with us. I don't have any contact with the other two” you answered. “I can understand absolutely everything, but... Steve? Stephen Harrington? When was that? Why don't I know anything about it?”.
“So long ago we didn't know each other” you smiled at each other. “In seventh grade. I was friends with him... and with Tommy and Carol. But those two are assholes, and I realized that early on, so I stopped hanging out with them. Steve gave up our friendship for the sake of friendship with Tommy and Carol. We don't talk from now on. But it used to be different”.
“Y/N, you in there?” someone asked, suddenly showing up in the hallway. You knew that voice. You didn't remember exactly from where, but it was definitely familiar, the name of its owner was at the end of your tongue.
“We're in the middle of something” Robin muttered when Stanley from the homecoming who should be in class now stood over you, his sneakers were squealing on the linoleum. He just stood there for a while and stared at you until he started rocking on his feet and waved in front of his face with a blue envelope. Robin whistled loudly.
“So this is the third one” she muttered. Stanley scratched himself in the back of the neck. “Look, I didn't mean to barge in on you. I saw you run in here from the pitch, and I wanted to make sure you're okay, and, uh...” he gave you an envelope. You took it carefully in your hands, and pressed it against your chest. “Thought you might want that back. It seemed a little personal”. 
“Yeah, it is” you said, looking away from him and Robin. Your heart was beating in your chest, not wanting to calm down. “I wrote it years ago. It should never have reached you... but it did”. “I had a lot of fun that night too” the boy smiled. Robin raised her eyebrow. “At the homecoming. But... Y/N don't get me wrong, you're great, but... generally, I don't like girls... like at all”.
“Well, well. Generally I don't like boys, like, at all” Robin smiled fiercely. Stanley looked at her surprised, but in this positive sense. “You're gonna get along with each other” you waved the envelope, afraid you'd faint without air. “Here's what we gonna do” Robin turned around, still sitting with her legs crossed and grabbed your hands. “You're gonna go back home and make sure Dustin has nothing to do with it. Search your room carefully, maybe the other two are still there”.
“Even if, those three could ruin my life the most. No offense” you said, and Stan raised his hands. “Dustin certainly didn't do it. That's not possible. He wouldn't have a reason”. “You think so. You never know. Go and call me. I'll cover for you.”  
“From Coach Bolton? He'll never forgive you this” Stan grumbled dissatisfied. “Thank you, Stanley. That comment was completely unnecessary” Robin rolled her eyes. Everything seemed to be passing at an accelerated rate. Staying in the dressing room, coming home on a bike, as if time had decided to help you and let you go home as soon as possible. Mom was already inside, just like Dustin. You ran up the stairs so fast that you stepped on Mews' tail and she was furious.
“Y/N! What’s the meaning of this, you didn't see her or what?!” mom was screaming completly outrageous, but you didn't listen to her. You fell into the room, stopped on the bed and took the vinyl off the shelf.
It was empty.
You looked under the bed, under the desk and under the dresser. Shit, you even looked under the carpet and pillows. Nothing. Nothing at all.
“You took anything out of my room?” you asked when you went into Dustin's room. “Why would I?” your brother break away from his homework for a while “I'm not getting excited about your bras”.
“When the last time party was here, or whoever was in my room?” you asked. Dustin didn't answer, so you ripped his math notebook from him. “Yes or no?” “Jesus Christ” Dustin rolled his eyes. “I don't know. I don't control them. I just let Max in. They were messing with Lucas and he poured hot chocolate on her shirt. I said she could take something of yours, so I gave her a little privacy. But she already gave it back. It's in the laundry basket.”
“It's not about the stupid shirt...” you just shut up, left the room and went back to yours. “Hey... Hey! What is it? You don't think she stole something...” your brother's voice was jammed by the sound of the door closing. You slammed it a little too much. You slid slowly to the ground, pushing your back against the wall.
The letters are out. They're out. There's nothing you can do about it. Happiness in misery, Chris's letter was adressed to the bunks at the camp, so at least he'll never know how cute he looked in his swimsuit.
“You got the letter” Dustin knocked slowly into your room, but you didn't say anything. “It's from... from some Ralph. From Florida. Mom says the chicken will be ready soon”.
And he slipped a brown envelope through a gap under the door. Ralph's not Steve, Stan, or Jonathan, so his answer probably wouldn't have caused any emotion, but your heart literally stopped beating when you reached for the letter. But it wasn't an answer. Ralph just sent your letter back. No message, no comment. He just returned something that never belonged to him.
You hid your face in your hands, trying to calm down. Today you managed to escape from Jonathan, which was great, but you can't do it forever, not every day until the end of school. Sooner or later you will have to talk to him. If not with him, you'll have to talk with Nancy. What if he told her? What if she already knows and now she hates you with all her heart?
Dear Jonathan. There are songs you can't listen to without thinking about a particular person. There are movies where the characters experience something so wonderful that you'd like to be in their place. And there are people you just can't fall in love with. I think I found one.
Shut up. Don't think about it. Call Robin. Tell her the situation is looking hopeless and lock yourself in your room for the rest of your life. When you got up to grab the phone, when the tears were squeezing into your eyes because it was all fucking unrealistic, mom screamed from the living room.
"Y/N! Jonathan is waiting for you downstairs! Come say hi!"
Taglist: @krazykatkay456​   @mochminnie​  @ghostineleven​ @the-almond-dinger​  @art-flirt
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writingformadderton · 4 years
Why Don’t You Kiss Me?
Ship: Madderton
Word Count: 4542
Summary: We’re back in high school, Taron is the smartest student, Richard the captain of the football team. They couldn’t be more different but fate brings them together as tutor and student one day and they realize how much they need each other. While Taron helps Richard through math struggles, Richard starts to become Tarons protector. 
Additional Tags: bullies, highschool, tutoring, FLUFF, soft, cuddles, friends to lovers, first kiss
Part 2
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Taron pushes his glasses up into his face, that are a little too big for him. He sticks his shirt into his trousers and buckles his belt. His hair is a bit of a mess so he tries to tame it, uselessly. He puts on his watch and his shoes. Watching himself as he lets out a small sigh, seeing his eyes that had an undefined color mix of green, blue and brown. Why couldn't he just have a simple and normal eye color? 
His arms are full of all the books he needs for school as he steps out of the bus and walks to the main building. It's a low spring day, the birds are singing and the sun shines in his face. It would’ve been a beautiful day, but every day in high school is a fight.
Taron was smart, really smart, but he was also one of the smaller, quieter and physically weaker boys. And some of the big, loud and strong guys liked to mock him, play pranks or make fun of him. He was so sick of it.
And then there was this good looking boy, captain of the football team. This guy had everything Taron ever wanted. He was someone people listened to, he was taken seriously and people respected him. Sounded like a dream to T. 
Richard puts on his jacket and checks himself out in the mirror shortly, running his fingers through his curls. His blue eyes often appear cold to him and he hates it. He wasn't a tough, stoic guy but his eyes sometimes made it look like he was. 
Rich grabs his backpack, throwing his books inside and sighs a bit. Today they would have math, and god he hated that class. It confused him and every time he thought he understood something, he saw a question about it in his book and felt completely lost again. It was a constant fight with some of his grades, and his parents weren't very pleased about it. 
He meets his friends on the way to the main building and they start joking around like they always did. When he enters the building he can see Taron, the smart guy, whom he shares most of his classes with. He's taking something out from his locker and suddenly one of Richard’s mates runs towards him and gives him a push. "Nerd!" 
"Cole, stop it." Richard says annoyed. Taron’s head hits his locker hard and he groans softly. He looks up when someone touches his arm shortly and stares into warm, deep blue eyes. "You alright?" 
"I-I'm fine." T presses out and swallows hard. Richard Madden himself was talking to him. Was this his lucky day? 
"Good," Rich says and shakes his head slightly. "I'm sorry about my friend's behavior."
"It's okay. Nothing new I guess." T admits and closes his locker slowly. 
"Okay, I'll see you in class then, Taron." he says and walks over to his friends. "God, Cole, get yourself together. How old are you, five?" 
"Why the fuck does he know my name?" T asks himself confused and follows them towards the classroom. 
 Richard watches as Taron walks in, and lets his eyes wander over him. T was pretty, even though those glasses were definitely too big. And damn he's smart. T doesn't know struggles in school or math and Rich could get jealous of him for that. 
The math teacher walks inside and greets them all. "Mr. Madden, have you found a tutor yet?" 
"No, I haven't, sir. I'm still trying to find someone that actually knows math instead of pretending to spend time with me." Richard says and he hates it. But it was the truth. He tried his best to find someone, but most of them were fans of him and it drives him crazy. 
"Well maybe you should focus on school instead of your hobby. It shows in your grades, not only my class." The teacher says while raising his eyebrows a bit. 
"I'm trying my best, sir." Rich says with a smile but can't stop himself from rolling his eyes as soon as he looks away. 
"Mr. Egerton, would you come up here, please, and repeat the things we learned last lesson?" 
Taron nods and gets up. He walks up to the blackboard and starts explaining everything they did during the last lesson. T hates it, it was useless anyway. No one was actually paying attention to those revisions. 
Richard focuses on Taron and listens closely to his words. The things he does are logical and suddenly it all makes sense to Rich. 
 After class Taron grabs his stuff quickly and wants to leave the room when he hears somebody calling his name. He turns around and sees Richard coming towards him. "Yeah?" 
Rich walks next to him to their next class. "I wanted to ask if you could become my math tutor?" 
Taron looks up surprised and stops walking. "Why me?" 
Rich blushes a bit and shrugs his shoulders. "I understood something for the first time when you explained it for like five minutes. You don't have to if you don't want to." 
Taron shakes his head and continues walking. "Of course I can help you," he says and smiles a bit. "We should compare our schedules to see when we have time." 
"Yeah, right." Rich says slowly and rubs the back of his neck. 
"You don't have any of your classes written down, am I right?" Taron asks and looks at the tall boy next to him. 
"Not really," Rich admits and T chuckles softly. "I'm sorry I'm a bit of a mess."
"That's okay. Do you have time today?" 
Richard opens the door and lets Taron in first. "Yeah, you wanna come over?" T nods and Rich smiles thankfully. 
 That afternoon T sea saws on his toes nervously after pressing the doorbell. The door opens and he looks into Richards deep blue eyes. "Hey."
"Hey, come in." Rich says steps aside, closing the door behind him. "Mum! Taron is here, we'll be upstairs." 
Richards mother appears and she shakes Tarons hand. "Hi, I hope you can take care of my lost cause here." she says and fondles over her son's head. T smiles weakly and nods. 
Rich just rolls his eyes and looks annoyed as he walks upstairs with T. He closes his bedroom door and turns the key, locking them inside. 
"Lost cause?" Taron asks and puts his things down on Richards desk. 
Rich growls a bit and opens the window. He looks at Taron and suddenly he looks a bit uncomfortable in his own skin. 
"You don't have to tell me, it's okay." Taron says quickly and opens his backpack. 
Rich walks over to him, hands in his jacket pockets and shrugs his shoulders. "The only thing I'm good at is sports." T raises his eyebrows and looks at him confused. "At least in my parents eyes. They aren't very pleased with some of my grades, which makes me a lost cause, I guess." 
"Okay, first lesson. Never let anyone tell you what you are good at." Taron says and puts his books on the desk. "If you listen to them, it's only a matter of time till you start to believe it too. Which leads to not liking the subject anymore and you actually get bad at it." 
Rich watches him a bit stunned, and now T has got his full attention. "Makes sense."
"And you're not a lost cause, you just need some help. All of us do." Taron sits down and raises his eyebrows at Rich who's still standing in the middle of the room. 
"You don't seem like you need help." Richard says frowning and sits down next to him. 
"Says the one who literally told his friend this morning not to push me into my own locker." They both chuckle at that. 
"Fair point. But you gotta get more self-confident, otherwise people will be pushing you around forever." Rich states. 
"Math is definitely easier than getting self-confidence." Taron says and giggles at Richards shocked look. 
"You know what? You'll help me with my grades and I'll help you with that." Rich offers and looks at T curiously. "Do we have a deal?" 
Taron thinks for a moment biting his lower lip. He had nothing to lose, right? "Deal." he says and they shake hands. 
 An hour later Richard throws his pen aside. "I need a break." he groans and leans back in his seat. "When will I ever need this shit again in my daily life?" 
"Probably never," Taron says and watches Rich who groans in frustration. "But you'll need it for the exam in a few weeks and that's why you need to know it." 
"Oh this bloody exam." he moans and shakes his head annoyed.
T lets his eyes wander over Rich, like he did many times before. He just wasn't used to being this close to him. His eyes are stunningly blue, and his hair dark and slightly curly, with a grey streak at the front. He has full lips and a bright grin. "Don't worry. It seems like you're a quick learner, so it won't be a problem." 
Rich just grins at him and shakes his head slightly in amusement. "I can't believe that you think I'll be able to do it." his eyes wander all over Taron’s face. His eyes are even prettier up close, blueish-green with those brown specks. His sweet smile that let his cute dimples pop up. 
"Just believe in it." Taron says and smiles softly. 
 The next two months they hang out every afternoon studying hard and T didn't show mercy with Rich. When he gave him ten tasks to do, Rich had to finish them. No matter if it took him half an hour or two. And even though it wrecked Richards nerves sometimes, it was what he needed. 
Richard keeps T by his side, enjoying his company and sits next to him in the subjects they share. He kept him safe from the dumb jokes of his mate Cole and most of the others weren't brave enough to mess with T when Rich was with him. 
They became inseparable and good friends, knowing each other’s struggles and understanding each other. Rich became Taron’s physical support, while T became Richards mental support. 
 This Wednesday T is at school a bit early and checking his phone when someone steps in front of him. Taron looks up and sees Cole standing there. "Can I help you?" T asks confused. 
"How are you today, loser?" he asks with a bright grin and comes closer so T has to look up at him. 
Taron looks around shortly to see if he knows someone there, so he could get away from him. "I'm actually fine, how about you, asshole?" 
Cole raises his eyebrows. "Did you just call me asshole?!" 
"Maybe." T says and swallows. It wasn't exactly easy to stick with what he said before and it definitely wasn't normal for him to talk like that to a bully. 
Cole pushes him against the lockers and wraps his hand around his neck. "Who do you think you are, huh?" he hisses at him through gritted teeth and comes closer to him. 
"Probably not who you think I am." Taron says and the grip around his neck gets tighter. But suddenly he can breathe again, and Cole gets pulled back quickly, away from him. 
Rich looks at Cole angrily. "What do you think you're doing?" 
"He called me an asshole." 
"Because you are an asshole." Rich says annoyed and looks at T who watches them both nervously. 
"Are you defending this loser now? You're choosing him over me?" Cole takes a step closer to him and grins madly. "Oh now I know what's going on, he's just your type, am I right?" Richard clenches his jaw remaining silent. "Now I've got you. Careful, Richard. Otherwise, the whole school will know of your little secret." 
Taron’s eyes widen in shock as Richard grabs Cole by his shirt and slams him against the lockers, shoving him up a bit. "Don't you dare." he presses out and his grip gets tighter. "If you ever annoy Taron in any way again, I'll let the coach kick you off the football team. And what are you worth without that, huh?" Cole just laughs weakly and looks into Richards harsh and dark blue eyes. Rich lets go off him and shoots him a glare. "And now fuck off!" 
Richard turns around and walks away quickly. Taron follows him. "Hey, Rich." But his mate just pushes the door open and steps outside inhaling the fresh air. Taron watches as Rich leans against the wall and takes a few deep breaths. "Hey, are you okay?" 
"No." Rich says and looks at him with a weak grin. "I’ve never threatened someone before. And-." he stops himself and looks down at the floor. 
Taron recognizes his shaking hands and frowns. Where was the self-confident Richard he knew? "What did he mean with this secret?" 
Rich looks up with a pained look in his face. "I-All I can say is that I don't want him to reveal it before I do it myself. I don't wanna talk about it right now." 
T sees the insecurity in his eyes and nods. "That's okay. You can still tell me later if you want to."
 This evening, T lies down in bed and looks up at the ceiling thinking about his day. Richard standing up for him and protecting him today, made his stomach full of butterflies. No one has ever done that before for him. 
But things don’t go as well as they started. Rich doesn’t attend school the next day, and when he comes back, he avoids T, canceling their classes. Taron is clearly hurt because of it and thinks about all the possible things he could have done wrong. But he can't come up with anything, which is even worse. 
 Them not being together all the time draws Cole’s attention. And so Taron finds himself in the bathroom, getting pushed against the wall. The door opens as he gets a brutal punch to his face, straight onto his eye. Taron groans and tries to see clearly again, when he sees Rich stepping in and looking at him shocked. Only a second later Richard pushed Cole outside and walks towards T. 
"Hey, are you okay? Can you see anything?" Rich asks worriedly and watches Taron closely. 
"Why? Am I suddenly important enough to talk to again?" Taron says pissed and walks over to the sink, turning on the cold water. 
"No, I'm serious. What is that? Do you like protecting me from the bad guys and rescuing me?" T gets mad now but Rich can hear the hurt in his voice. "Does that make you feel like a good guy?" 
"I'm not that type of guy, Taron." Richard speaks firmly and steps closer to him. 
"You’ve been avoiding me the whole damn week, canceled our tutoring sessions and didn't say a damn word to me. And now you come in here, rescuing me from the bad guy." Taron shakes his head and puts some cold water onto his burning eye. 
"I'm sorry, Taron." Rich admits and stares down at the floor now. 
"What the fuck is going on? Why are you avoiding me?" 
"Because I'm falling in love with you and he realized it. And I don't want him to tell everyone that I like guys, because it's none of their fucking business." Rich bursts out suddenly and bites his lower lip immediately. 
Taron looks up and turns around to face him surprised. "I-I didn't expect that."
"What? That I'm into guys?" Rich asks annoyed and folds his arms in front of his chest. 
"No. That you are in love with me. I mean, why should you?" he asks utterly confused. Richard Madden, the whole school's crush, was in love with him? 
"Jesus Christ, T, is there a reason I shouldn't?" Rich asks and rolls his eyes. 
"Ehm." T points at himself and raises his eyebrows. 
"I-god, mate," Richard growls and rubs his face chuckling. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you." 
Taron shrugs his shoulders and smirks at him. "It's okay, I - I'm in love myself you know?" 
"Oh okay." Rich says and his hopes sink rapidly hearing this. 
"My crush has these beautiful blue eyes and dark curls. He is stunningly pretty and the captain of our school team." Taron says and sees how soft Richard’s eyes get. "Let me think, he's an amazing friend, a bit crazy sometimes but in a good way. He always has my back, and he is my favorite person." Taron smiles shyly and looks down on the floor before looking back up again. "You may know him." T scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Maybe you can tell him that there is nothing wrong with falling in love with boys, and that I'm just the same."
"I'll tell him he can trust you with his secrets." Rich says smirking. 
"Yeah, that would be a start." Taron answers smirking and looks down at his feet again. 
 The next day Taron turns up at school with a black eye, bruises covering the skin where Cole punched him. He's wearing sunglasses to cover it up, but Rich recognizes it immediately. 
"My mum will kill me if she sees it. She'll think I got in a fight." Taron groans annoyed walking down the way towards school. 
"Just tell her what happened. It wasn't your fault." Rich says and shrugs his shoulders. 
"No." T says firmly and shakes his head furiously. "I don't want her to be worried about me." 
"Maybe you could stay with me overnight and we'll see how it looks tomorrow." Rich suggests and T nods slowly. 
 And so Taron finds himself next to Rich in his bed that evening. They lie there in a comfortable silence and look up at the ceiling until Rich turns towards him. "Did you mean what you said yesterday? About being in love with me?" 
Taron turns to his side and nods. "Yeah." he sinks into Richards deep blue eyes and bites his lower lip. "Even though I still don't know why you fell in love with me." 
Rich frowns a bit and watches Taron closely. "T, I know you're not the most self-confident person but be honest with yourself. You're an amazing, smart, and sweet guy. You're the most understanding person I know, and it makes me feel safe around you. And I adore your beautiful eyes and that cute smile of yours." he says and frowns when he sees tears in Taron’s eyes. "Did I say something wrong?" 
"No. I just start crying when people are nice to me." T admits and blushes, avoiding Richards look. 
"You're such a softie, it's unreal." Rich giggles and comes closer to him. 
Taron gets a bit anxious again having Richard that close to him and his thoughts are racing. This was the first time that someone he loved, loved him back. He grabs his hand hesitantly under the cover and looks up as Rich interlocks their fingers. 
Richard’s other hand carefully strokes over Taron’s bruised eye. "Does it hurt?" 
"No, it's fine." T says and watches him as he strokes down his cheek. "You saved me before anything else could have happened."
"I'll always protect you, bub." Rich says as his thumb strokes over his cheek. 
"I know." Taron says and can't stop himself from staring at Richard’s full lips. He looks up again shyly and sees that Richard is looking at his lips. "Why don't you kiss me?" Taron asks and his voice is shaking a bit. 
"Because I'm afraid of fucking this up," Rich admits and both smirk a bit. "But I'd love to if you want it."
"Go on then." T says and comes closer to him. 
Rich grabs his neck, softly, and closes his eyes, pressing his lips onto Taron’s gently. He feels Tarons hand on his cheek, cupping his face lovingly. They share a few soft and shy kisses before they stop and open their eyes again. "I could get used to this." he whispers. 
"Me too." T whispers back and fondles over his cheek. 
Richard wraps his arms around him and pulls him close. He places a kiss into Tarons hair and fondles over it. Taron feels safe in his arms and falls asleep fast in the warmth of Richard's embrace. 
 The next morning Richards alarm blasts through the room and both of them wake up groaning. Rich slams his hand onto it, turning it off, and turns back to T who's cuddled into the pillow. Rich strokes over his cheek and watches him worried. "Well, you can still see that someone punched you in the face." 
"Shit," T mumbles and avoids Richard’s look. "I can't show her that. She'll be worried forever." 
"Listen, today is Friday. You could stay over the weekend and we'll blame it on the exam next week." Rich says and fondles over his cheek. 
"What will your parents think?" Taron giggles. 
"They don't care as long as I pass the exam, I guess," Rich says and shrugs his shoulders. He wraps his arm around Taron and pulls him close. "And I'd love to have you here." he says and leans down, planting a kiss on Taron’s lips who's blushing a bit. 
"Fine, I'll call my mum. But I'll have to get some clothes and stuff for the weekend." Taron says and cuddles into Richard. 
"You can have some of mine today." he says and Taron nods.
 Back in school, Taron does get some looks when he's wearing Richard’s jacket with the school logo and his name on it. Rich next to him is wearing a dark green jumper and black jeans, looking absolutely stunning in Taron’s eyes. 
Wearing that jacket gives T a new kind of immunity against Cole and the other guys that loved to make fun of him. Richard’s mother covered his eye with some makeup so no one would notice. 
Taron decided to watch Richard’s training while he did his homework. Sitting around alone in Richards house wasn't an option for him. Afterward, on their way home, Rich grabs his hand and squeezes it softly. "So, we're going to your mum’s place now?" Taron asks when he sees that Rich takes another way. 
"Not directly, but yes. I wanna talk to you about something." Richard says and walks into the park. 
"Okay?" T follows him and they walk the route around the little lake in the middle of the park. 
"I know all of this is happening very fast, but I wanted to ask you something." Rich smiles at him and his heart warms up seeing him in his jacket. "I- Do you want to be my boyfriend?" 
Taron stops walking and looks at Rich surprised. "Really?" 
Rich stops as well and steps in front of him. "Yeah. I love you, T. And I know it's all happening very fast, and if you need more time that's okay. If you don't want to at all that's okay too." 
"You just have to know, I've never been in a relationship before." Taron admits and watches him observantly.
But Rich just shrugs his shoulders. "Me neither. I guess we'll figure it out." 
"Shut up!" Taron giggles. "Richard Madden, the guy the entire school is crushing on, hasn't been in a relationship before?" 
"I haven't." Rich says again and looks down at the slightly smaller boy in front of him. 
"I'm a lucky guy then? being your first." Taron says smiling. 
Richard puts his hands on T’s waists. "Is that a yes?" he asks with a soft smile. 
"Yes." T says and cups his face. He stands up on his toes and kisses him lovingly. 
 The next week Taron is with Richard every day, studying and the closer they get to the exam the more nervous Richard gets. 
Today is the last day to study before the exam and Rich has a complete blackout. He sinks down at the table with his head and stops completely. 
"Rich, come on," Taron says and rubs his back lovingly. "It isn't that bad." 
"I forgot everything. I can't do this tomorrow." Rich says and Taron can hear how hopeless he sounds. "God I'm so fucking stupid, my mum is right, I'm a lost cause." Rich gets up and feels tears of frustration welling up in his eyes. 
"Richard, you're not. Let's just continue later, okay?" Taron tries to calm him and gets up as well. 
"No. It makes no sense anyways." Richard says and bites his lower lip as a tear rolls down his face. He sits down on his bed and buries his face in his hands, leaning forward and bracing himself on his knees with his elbows. 
Taron gets up and walks over to him. He sits down next to him and starts rubbing his back smoothly. "Listen, you're frustrated and can't concentrate. I get it. But giving up is not an option, not the day before the exam." 
"Taron, I can't focus on this shit, and no matter how hard I try, I don't know how to solve these problems anymore." he sits up straight again, tears in his eyes and down his cheeks. 
"Oh come here," Taron says and pulls him into a strong hug. Richard cuddles into him, searching the comfort of his boyfriend. "We're gonna take a break now, maybe get some fresh air and then we'll continue, okay?" 
"Okay." Rich mumbles and closes his eyes, enjoying being near Taron. 
"We won't freak out on the day before. You worked hard and studied a lot and it'll be okay." Taron says and places a kiss on his soft curls. "You're gonna do great, love." 
Rich nods and lies down pulling T with him. He rolls on top of him and kisses him softly, before resting his head on his chest and cuddling into him. "I love you, T."
"I love you too, Rich." he says and fondles over the back of his head gently. 
 A week later, Richard had passed his exam. They told their parents about their relationship, and Richard's team won the big game. 
Taron can't hide a grin thinking back to the evening of the game. 
Rich picked him up happily and gave him the biggest kiss ever. T smiled happily and stood up on his toes when Rich let him down again. "I thought you wanted to keep this relationship between us?" he said as he wrapped his arms around Richard’s neck. 
"I wanted to," Rich said and shrugged his shoulders. He pressed his forehead against Taron’s. "But I love you and you are bloody amazing. I don't care what people think of it, because you're my boyfriend." Rich bopped his nose. "Aand I love you." 
"I love you too." Taron said and watched him adoringly.
"I'm proud of being yours, and I'm not afraid to show it." Richard stated and smiled at his beautiful boyfriend. 
"You're so cute." Taron mumbled and kissed him again cupping his face this time. 
@taron-eggmcmuffin @anxiety-at-the-classroom @naptitimadderton @maddertonmyheart @madderton-obsessed @sarahegerton96 @primaba11erina @multicoloredchicken​
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llamamicrowave · 4 years
My Big Family on AO3
Jojo sibling AU Stands still exits. Jonathan has a slightly stronger version of hermit purple. And to compensate for such a weak stand he and Joseph learned Hamon. Johnny and Gappy are their cousins who live in America. Ships in tags
Pure cringe. Beware..
Chapter 1
School Sux PT.1Chapter Text
Ships (Minor but exist)
-JonaErina (The only important one)
-Joseph x Suzi Q x Ceaser (Leave me alone)
-Very minor GioTrish
-Jolyne x Ermes
Jonathan POV
Hi! My name is Jonathan Joestar! A little about my self? Well, I'm 26, I have 4 younger siblings that I take care of since my father is always working. But it's fine I love taking care of them! I have a girlfriend, her name is Erina Pendleton and I'm planning to propose to her soon! Please don't tell her that, or any of my bothers, I don't want them to roast me for being a softy again.
Even though I am the oldest I can't be there some times, so when I'm not there my brother Joseph is in charge. But Joseph sometimes can be... How can I say this without sounding rude? Stupid? Immature? Idiotic? Well, yes to all of those.
Since Joseph can be a bit dumb at times, dad gives responsibly to Jotaro. He's pretty chill but sometimes can come off as rude. It's all a fake though, he loves marine life (especially dolphins lol) and when he was ten he told me he wanted to be a Marine Biologist! So in short, he's a dork.
Then there's Josuke and Jolyne the twins. There the youngest in the family. Josuke is the oldest by a few minutes. He's a goofball but can be serious if needed. Like if someone insults his hair he could go as some might say, Apeshit.
Jolyne, our only sister. Her personality is much like Jotaro. She just says whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I can't really say much about her since I'm being blackmailed by her and Jotaro. They're so alike it's scary.
I know I said I only had 4 siblings but there's another I didn't mention. 3 years before Joseph was born my father adopted a "friend" of his's son, Dio Brando. Dio was, excuse my language, a dick ever since we were kids. He ran over my dog Danny with one of his "friends" cars. As soon as Dio turned 18 he moved to Italy to become a lawyer. But that wasn't the last time I saw him.
While in Italy Dio, had a child with a woman he didn't even know. That woman neglected her son and allowed her husband to abuse him.
"She would leave days at a time and leave little food for him." I looked at the toddler sleeping in his arms, he had black hair and a cute bowl cut. "He's only a kid, he can't survive like that," Dio said to me.
"I can't let him have the same childhood as me." he looked dead into my eyes. I finally understood where he was coming from torturing me all these years.
"..." I stayed quiet.
"But I'm not taking care of this kid."
And now he lives with us! His name is Giorno Giovanna-Brando-Joestar. He is only a year younger then Josuke and Jolnye. And that's my family!
And remember when I said my dad works a lot, that was a lie...
He died on Jotaro's 11th birthday. He and my stepmother were hit by a drunk driver. Jotaro blames himself for the crash. It's not his fault though, he had no control over it. He was only a kid. I'm sorry to drop this on you now but with my father's death made me like a father figure to them. Dad would be proud.
Jonathan- 26
Johnny- 22
Joseph- 20
Jo2uke- 19
Jotaro- 17
Josuke- 16
Jolyne- 16
Giorno- 15
Narrator POV
Jonathan woke up first as normal and recapped his schedule,
Ok, so I have to make breakfast, Make sure they're ready for school, go to work, and meet up with Erina, and? What else do I have to do? ...Oh yeah! Take away Joseph's phone for getting arrested yesterday! Next time he should, you know, not try and run over his WHEELCHAIR BOND COUSIN! Goodness, I got angry again, sorry about that.
Jonathan arose from his bed and began his morning routine. He showered, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day.
He then started to make breakfast for his big family.
Joseph likes bacon with coffee.
Jotaro likes toast with coffee.
Josuke likes eggs with juice.
Jolyne likes yogurt with coffee.
And Giorno likes vegan pancakes with tea.
Oh yeah, Johnny, and Gappy and/or Jo2uke are staying with us! I wonder what they want? I'll just make them eggs.
A door opens from upstairs. Giorno walks out from his room to the bathroom to get ready for school. He liked waking up before the rest of his family.
When Giorno was done getting ready he walked down the stairs, and greeted Jonathan as he sat down.
"Good Morning, Jonathan."
"Good Morning! Did you sleep well?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, I think s-" He was cut off by a door slamming shut. Very loudly.
"Must be Jotaro. Jolyne must have gotten in the bathroom first." Giorno commented.
Jonathan laughed. "I guess so."
"Good Morning, retards!" Jolyne came prancing down the stairs.
"Jolyne, that isn't nice," Jonathan said sternly.
"You're right, Joseph isn't here right now." she sat down. Jonathan sighed. saying nothing back to her, defeated.
"Where is Joseph anyway?" Giorno asks.
Jonathan scoffs, "I told him to be awake at 6:00 sharp."
"Why 6:00?" Jolyne asked
"That's his punishment for trying to run over Johnny yesterday."
"Ohh yeah! I remember now!"
"Your next line will be, 'The things he'll do for 20 bucks,'!" a voice from inside the pantry spoke.
"The things he'll do for 20 bucks- JOSEPH!" Jolyne yelled.
Joseph popped out of the pantry fully dressed and looking proud.
"I've been up since 4 am!" he said proudly.
"Did you have another nightmare?" Jotaro said sarcastically walking down the stairs.
"Yes actually, Ocean Man!"
"What did you say?" Jotaro asked sternly. Even though Joseph was 3 years older than him they were about the same size.
"He called you, OCEAN. MAN! O-C-E-A-N M-A-N!" Josuke called from the upstairs bathroom.
"Fuck off." Jotaro sat down. "Langage, Jotaro!" Jonathan told him.
"Joot, you seem more pissy than usual, are you on your period?" Jolyne asked smugly.
"Jolyne, I'm not in a good mood and I want you to know I will not hesitate to choke you out and then feed it to your simp."
"Anasui is not a simp!" Jolyne defended.
"Funny, how you knew who I was talking about without saying his name."
"Have fun at school!" Jonathan yelled at his younger siblings.
"Yeah, fun and school don't mix well," Jolyne yelled back.
Joseph usually carpools with Ceasar and Smokey. Jotaro drives him and his friends to school with Jonathan's car. (Jonathan drives there dads car to work). Jolyne caught a ride with her girlfriend Ermes. Josuke walked with his friends Okuyasu and Koichi. And Giorno either walked by himself or ride with his older friend Bruno, today he was alone with his thoughts.
Joseph POV
"Ugh, collage sucks!" I groaned. "Suck it up buttercup It's only the beginning of the year," Ceasar said, reading a book.
We were in the library supposed to be studying but I got a bit distracted. See Suzi Q was also in the library, by herself. Nobody around her, the perfect opportunity to ask her out, but this blonde bubble-blowing bitc-
"Stop staring at Suzi, it's starting to get creeping now," Ceasar said still looking at the book.
"And why should I?"
"1. We should be studying, and 2. Your so small no girl wants to date you." that asshole wrote something in his notebook.
I. Was. Annoyed to say the least. I mean it's true, BUT YOU DON'T SAY IT! So I did the only rational thing, put him in a headlock.
Good thing the library was empty except for a couple of people who were used to our bullshit by now.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BUFFOON!?" Ceasar said, or at least tried too.
Ha, get rekt, bitch.
Jotaro POV
"Ugh, I hate school."
"Can you stop being edgy for 5 seconds?" Polnareff asked.
"Can you guys stop arguing and actually help!" Avdol said while he was doing the science assignment, I don't know why. Fucken dork.
"Kakyoin is literally sleeping!" Polnareff wined.
"Kakyoin has had a long day."
"Yeah... what are we talking about?"
"So, sleeping beauty is finally up," I say.
"I know you meant that as an insult but I'm taking it as a compliment, Aurora was fabulous!" Kak laughed like the maniacal little gay shit he is.
"Aww, you guys are so cute!"
"Polnareff focus on the experiment!-" the test tube cut him off, by exploding.
"Finally something exciting," I said because it was fucking epic.
"I mean this would not have happened Joot and Kak weren't flirting with each other."
Josuke POV
"Math is hardddddd."
"It's not that hard, Oku."
"Okuyasu, you should probably pay attention to my lesson instead of complaining." our math and gym/Hamon teacher Lisa-Lisa said to my friend Okuyasu, and trust me no one wants to get on her bad side, the last person to do that was Joseph, he still has nightmares, and he graduated.
"Yes, Josuke?"
"Is this going to be on the test?" I ask so I could know what to remember.
"Most of it will. But if you're asking me if you should listen in class or not, the answer is yes." it felt like she stared into my soul at that list part.
The bell rang
Lunch finally! Freedom at last!
"Your homework is to study for the quiz I'm giving you on an undisclosed date!"
Giorno POV
I walk over to bleachers outside of school where my friends (And Abbacchio) usually eat.
"Hey, guys." I quietly say. Right now there is only, Bruno, Abbacchio, Mista, and... Trish. Anyways as soon as Fugo and Narancia get here the peace will be ruined. Right now Bruno was talking to Mista and Trish about some party this Friday, and Abbacchio was on his phone with headphones on.
"Hello Giorno, how was your morning," Bruno asked.
"Eh, it was fine. Jolyne almost got ORAed."
"What else is new," Trish said drinking her mineral water. Wow shes really pretty, what?
"SUP BITCHES!" Narancia ran up to the bleachers with Fugo following behind him, sighing. Well, that was fun while it lasted.
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