daywoutmoon · 1 year
btw to me personally Dimple is funny uncle not only for Mob, but for Ritsu as well.
I mean clearly Mob and Dimple have a special bond, they're besties, their friendship is very important in canon and all, I'm not trying to deny it! But still Dimple and Ritsu do have a history, like. When Ritsu's powers awaken the first psychic experience he had was seeing Dimple. And then Dimple helped his ass in beating random kids to level up his cringe powers and stuff. And like it was messy and stuff, and Ritsu was aware and called out that he knew Dimple was helping out just because wanted to use him, but like... They got over it, putting it simple. Like not that they could never talk about it, but I don't think Ritsu is even mad about it and like Dimple no longer has any plans for using anyone so like. To me they just chill with each other.
Also Dimple basically "haunts" the Kageyama household (when he's not at work at S&S or hanging out in Mob's school), so like. There is so much potential of fun interactions you know?!
And like. I think Ritsu would feel really really glad for all the moments Dimple took care of Mob, like. Most of those times Ritsu didn't even know cause like... pre-finale Mob and Ritsu didn't talk that much so like... I doubt at the time he would know that Dimple was the one that made Mob escape from bullyworld the simulator by mogami stink ass, cause Ritsu don't even know Mob gone throught it. Or like, Ritsu is aware that Shou did a shit plan (technically it was a smart plan but also bro wtf bestie worst idea lol) to make Mob snap, but like I don't think Ritsu know the details that Mob didn't burned the whole world down in grief because Dimple calmed him down. Again, Mob and Dimple have a beautiful friendship, and I think Ritsu would appreciate all Dimple did for his brother.
And once again going back to Ritsu and Dimple history I think Ritsu feel very grateful for Dimple help with his powers and all. It's not like Dimple directly was the cause for Ritsu powers, but still it was important step in figuring out how that shit actually works.
And also. I think this scene:
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It's mostly about Ritsu worried about Mob that been... Well zoning out a lot lol. And yeah Mob is in his weird grief (calling it weird cause Dimple powers not letting him remember what happened), and like. Again, pre finale Mob and Ritsu communications sucked, even thought there things got a lot better than it was at the story beggining. So yeah just him looking out for his brother. But like... Ritsu asking Mob if he is ok is something that happens more than once in the series, but my brain can't avoid thinking how like. Two chapters later Ritsu reveals that as a kid he would ask it too because he also wanted share how he is and. like fucking communicate and stuff. And like, it just. I just think Ritsu is also worried here the fuck their weird fart friend is you know?
It's not like people think they aren't friends too, but even in canon they don't have that much interactions after Ritsu arc and I think it's a friendship that would be neat see more of it :]
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waitineedaname · 1 year
the kageyama parents don't seem super involved in their sons' lives, especially when it comes to psychic stuff, so like. that moment at the end of season one where ritsu unbends the spoons with his powers. do you think that was when their parents figured out ritsu was also psychic
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communistcephalopod · 7 months
🌊 lugias-sopping-anus
Can't stand how people will learn that humans are related to Pokemon and somehow come to the conclusion that different people are different types. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
🍑 pechaberrysoda
there are literally so many fighting type people what are you even talking about lmao
🌊 lugias-sopping-anus
Your genetic make up doesn't just magically change type because you took a karate class. Do you also think your Charizard is a Grass type now because it learnt Solar Beam?
✨ ace-trainer-luna
But aren't Psychic type people a thing? Some humans have telekinetic powers, I'm pretty sure there are a few gym leaders who have them. There are even rare cases of children born with psychic abilities.
🌸 cynthiasfuturewife
that's still just learning moves
🌌 mistyterrain
As an actual Psychic type, this post is really disheartening to see. The fact that people who still refuse to acknowledge the existence of psychics are so common is just shocking. We exist!
☣ deathtounova
no one's refusing to acknowledge the existence of shit, you just don't know how types work
🌌 mistyterrain
The sheer ignorance on display here, it's obvious you're just mad you're a normal type lol.
☣ deathtounova
how bout i karate chop your ass and we'll see how "not very effective" it is
🌌 mistyterrain
Typical physical attacker brutishness, resorting to violence as usual
🦧 return-to-mankey
didn't you claim you manifested the kyogre disaster in hoenn?
⚡ electrictypesfuckyeah
🥀 cradilyzone
Actual professor here! Genetically, all humans are Normal types, though some of our relatively recent ancestors were Psychic. Part of what let us succeed as a species was reutilizing the brain power originally used for psionics to language and tool use. We do still have some vestigial psychic power that can be trained, though it's quite weak compared to most Pokémon. As for those born with psychic powers, this is considered nowadays to be like an egg move, passed down from parent to child. And no, obviously learning Fighting moves doesn't make you a Fighting type, there is no way for a human to change their type.
🌔 hexmaniac
my grandma became a ghost type
🔶️ bigjiggly
🔞 mega-miltank
What about swimmers though, they're water type, right?
📀 HM-69
did you even read the post
🪴 n-did-nothing_wrong
Are we all just ignoring OP's url?
🌊 lugias-sopping-anus
Team Plasma apologist blog, opinion discarded.
🛗 mostlymukposts
This post single handedly evolved my Porygon-2
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writers-potion · 17 days
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Writing Magicians
If you are drafting or deepening a magician character, consider these personality traits and common characteristics of magicians. Your magician doesn't have to be set in stone or have all of these traits.
Magic requires a critical, quick, analytical mind to practice and implement. Must be capable of making difficult decisions.
Good Memory
For memorizing spells, potions ingredient lists, rituals and anatomy of magical creatures.
Magicians need to adapt existing spells and rituals to the situation
Self-disciplined and focused
Casting a spell or conducting a ritual requires the magicians to have unwavering focus and self-control.
Magic takes time to practice, especially if it's not a talent that you're born with. You also need patience to calm your human sacrifices down and make those stupider than you understand what's going on.
Highly trained
Mere talent is not enough. Practice - and pain - makes perfect.
Magicians will have a spell/an element/a potion they are exceptionally good at
Many forms of magic involve drumming or chanting, or even singing.
Many forms of magic are linked with religious practices or concepts. Your magician might be heralded as a spiritual saint, or hunted for being a heathen.
Prayers are often a part of magic rituals.
Magicians are always keen to learn more, expanding their skills range, acquiring news spells, understanding different forms of magic and exploring scientific subjects.
Many magicians will amass books, or sign up for every available online class.
Well-orgnized and Methodical
The best magicians always have information and ingredients at hand and know where to find them.
They prepare thoroughly before rituals and have Plan B,C,D ready
Many magicians like quietude and solitude in which they can recharge to practice a new spell in peace.
However, some magicians love social gatherings, maybe even showing off their power.
Magic gives a person power, and requires moral judgements to apply this power wisely. You magician protagonist will be ethically challenged, but pull through difficult decisions guided by his good heart.
You magician villains, of course, will fall due to their unethical practice of power.
Sharp Sense
Your magician is likely to have a goos sense of smell/sight/sound, so that they can tell poisons part and catch the exact note of the chant.
Descended from Magicians
Magic is often portrayed as a talent that is passed down generations. It can be of blood (you must have "magical blood", so to speak), or it can be a guarded family secret.
On the flip side, your hero can be the only one with magical talent in a family with no such powers.
Although magical and psychic gifts are separate matters, the power of foresight is often considered a branch of magic.
If your hero is a psychic, make sure it has limitations and consequences!
Day Job
Few magicians practice openly. Even if the magician earns money from her practice, she'd want to disguise her identity and pretend to work a more everyday job.
Many modern magicians work in the medical sector; other are employed in scientific, engineering or the arts field.
Magicians are known for thei close relationships with animals.
This can be a typical pet, or a mythical animal, or perhaps an incarnation of the devil, who knows?
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Settling into marital bliss with Wanda was amazing. The firsts, the achievements and then of course came the boys.
Billy and Tommy were the apples of yours and Wanda’s eyes. They were loved equally. No jealousy between the twins.
At least at first. Then they started to develop their powers at age seven. Billy developed magical abilities on par with his mother. Tommy developed super speed, much like his late uncle. Wanda was ecstatic to be able to train one of her sons in all the way of sorcery and witchcraft.
This led to Wanda spending more time with Billy, helping her boy harness his powers. You of course were there to help supervise the lessons, just hoping that they didn’t blow up the house. But for Tommy, a deep pit was beginning to develop his heart. An aching at seeing how happy Wanda was with Billy.
It all came to a head the day when Billy mastered plasma bolts. Wanda was so happy, she wrapped the little wiccan in a hug, “that’s my boy!”
You looked over and saw Tommy’s eyes just fill with tears as he bolted from his spot on the porch, running into the house and up the stairs.
You quickly run up to your son’s room to find him crying on his bed. “Tommy?” You approach him, “buddy?”
“Is Billy the golden child?” He tries to ask thru his tears.
“N-no” you whisper as you wrap the young boy in a hug.
“Detka? What’s wrong?” Wanda’s psychic voice sounded in your skull.
“Your little speedster needs you” you think back to your wife. “He thinks you don’t love him as much as Billy”
“I’m on my way!” Wanda was up the stairs in a flash. She ran in and fell to her knees before Tommy’s bed.
“Oh my little podarok,” she whispers, gently stroking the little boy’s hair.
“I know,” he whispers back. “Billy’s so much cooler and neater than me and-“
“No my little podarok,” she rocks her boy back and forth. “You and Billy are amazing in so many different ways. I’m so sorry for ever making you feel less loved.”
You wrap Tommy in a hug too, “you are amazing. I can’t even keep up with you when you run.”
Tommy actually giggles. Billy walks in and hugs his brother too.
“Bro I love you.” Billy reassures his brother, “you’re like coolest, fastest out there!”
You and Wanda look to each other and share a little smile. Your family is a strong one. Sometimes each member just needs a little reassurance of how much you love them, you and Wanda are more than happy to reassure your kids and each other of that love.
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doughliciousfrosting · 11 months
Your tmnt au meeting Monkey kid and the gang?
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I think you're talking about my 2012 TMNT designs? Which I understand, theyre really far from canon HELPP but they're not really an au 😭 or they were never really meant to be. Anyways I have a lot of thoughts and I could explain why I picked each character and paired them up with each other and if I can I'll definitely draw the rest of them!!
I'll explain right now why I paired Mei with Donnie and Tang with April
First and foremost though,
With that out of the way I'll start with why I paired Mei and Donnie. I like to think that Mei is a super good builder and tbh, this is actually pretty canon. We see her rebuild her bike in S1 Ep 3 and in S1 Ep1 she's also the one who builds their secret fortress which is INCREDIBLY made. With this information in mind it can be quick to assume Mei is a pretty good mechanic! In S3 of 2012 TMNT we know that Casey and Donnie spend a lot of time in the small barn out back working on stuff both seperately and at times together! While I do think Casey can understand some of the tech jargon Donnie talks about (as long as it relates to car parts) I don't think Casey can really understand the technical stuff. I think Casey's knowledge probably comes from self taught experience, as a result he can identify each part and what they do but not the technical terms for them and professional blueprints for things and stuff. Which is why I think Donnie would be absolutely ecstatic to have someone able to read his work!! And like I said earlier Mei is really good with tech as we see a lot in the earlier seasons before they delved hard into mystic magic and stuff. I would have paired Mei with Casey but I have other ideas grrr!!! If people are interested I'll explain more.
Moving on to why I paired Tang with April! I kinda rewrote April a lot HELP I think her writing had a lot of problems so I just changed stuff lol. I like to think that the reason April tried so hard to prove herself and stuff was because she doesn't want to be useless. I feel like she gets sorta babies a lot (mainly by her father) and it makes her want to overachieve to prove a point, prove that she's grown and that she's perfectly capable of handling herself. The problem though is the years of fighting experience she lacks. In a normal situation April can 100% take care of herself but in ones where she faces opponents with a lifetime's experience in combat versus her measily 1 and a half years the difference is huge. And on top of this April has to figure out her psychic powers, which in S4 literally blew up in her face. I just think she struggles with feeling inadequate, when she does something she wants to be the best and it's hard for her to feel like she has a place in the team when everyone else seems not to struggle the way she does in battle. She just tends to forget the difference in fighting experience even though they're all the same age. Anyways, being unsure of ur worth on the team and struggling with your powers seems like it would be right up Tang's alley!! Tang in S3 Ep8 has a huge tipping point where we see he struggles with self doubt and feeling like he isn't needed. Then later when he discovers he has powers he struggles to control them and get them to do what he wants. I think Tang reassuring April is just a really nice gesture!! Especially since Tang and April are like the most human out of the rest of the group (excluding Casey but he struggles in a different way). I think in a group full of spectacular talents, it's easy to feel ordinary which is a thought I think plagues Tang and April's minds while their characters develop. I tried to keep this short so I hope it makes sense ahhh if you're still reading you're totally awesome and cool!!!
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horrorhot-line · 1 year
(n.) the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self or way of life. 
➵ pairing: saiki kusuo/reader
➵ word count: 12k
➵ genre: fluff with humour here and there
➵ warnings: none
➵ summary: for the life of you, you couldn’t understand why your peaceful life had been turned upside down. no matter what you did, you always found yourself dragged into saiki’s problems. worst of all? at first you wanted nothing to do with him, and slowly, without even realising it, you didn’t mind being around him as much. 
➵ masterlist  (requests are open)
➵ previous part - serendipity
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before you read:
‘saiki telepathically communicating with reader.’
‘reader thinking or interacting with saiki through thoughts.’
“saiki talking without moving his mouth.”
“saiki talking using his mouth.”
notes: i know you guys were looking forward to him but i kid you not i can’t seem to get it right. ever heard of writers block? think writer’s boulder. anywho, it was either i worked on other pieces on the side like this on or stop updating for a year like i did last time. so enjoy this, and i promise i’ll get ‘for him’ out as soon as possible. this oneshot is based on s1 ep3. thank you for waitingggg!
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It all started when you ran into Saiki at the park. He just happened to be there because your paths intertwined on the way home from school. You had taken a different route on purpose to avoid getting involved with the man, only to find yourself in the same crowd as him, watching a magic show.
You had decided from your first encounter with Saiki that you would do everything in your power to keep your distance, especially after you found out he was the most powerful psychic in the world. You had promised not to tell anyone his secret and made sure not to be caught near him, yet it happened anyway.
Truth be told, you were terrified of him. You didn't have enough fingers to count the times you noticed him in your peripherals, following you to make sure you held up your end of the bargain and didn't tell anyone of his powers.
"Who's ready for another très bien trick by me? Master illusionist Uryoko Chono!" The magician performing the show asked, and you moved swiftly to the side so confetti wouldn't land in your hair. You didn't have the time to stand idly by and watch- you needed to be home for the new soap opera that would launch that day!
That, and you didn't want to get caught in any situation that involved a particular psychic. You had decided to do a U-turn when you saw Saiki's pink hair in the crowd until the magician addressed you.
"Hey, student! Why don't you stay and join the fun? You too, pink hair! I'll do a trick to put a smile on those faces!" Chono exclaimed, leaning on the table before him and putting a hand out to stop the two of you. There was little chance of that happening; you were sure Saiki didn't even know how to stretch the corners of his mouth.
You sighed, turning on your heel to come face to face with the crowd of people staring at you expectantly. Great! Now you had to stay. It seemed like Saiki felt the same way, shooting a side glance your way before staring at the green-haired magician.
You deadpanned at the magician. "Oh! I see you're a sceptic." No, that wasn't it. It was more of the fact that you could think of a million other things that could use your attention, and this magic show wasn't one of them. "Well, once you see my show, you will become a believer in my powers to amaze." You could only purse your lips at the statement; you weren't buying it.
All magicians were hacks and used the ability of misdirection to achieve their illusions. That, and after finding out about Saiki and how vast his powers were, nothing this man had to offer would phase you. Yet, you watched anyway because walking away would be too awkward.
Saiki walked towards the crowd, joining it at your side. How had this caught his attention, you wondered. Did the magician really have supernatural powers? 'No, I'm watching, so he leaves me alone.' Saiki had yet to think something at you in weeks, and when he did, you nearly jumped out of your skin.
You were sure you'd never get used to his voice echoing inside your brain. At least he had cleared up your misunderstanding, you thought to yourself before moving away slightly, so the boy wasn't too close to you. From where you stood before, you could practically feel his body heat.
The magician pulled out a box with a cartoon-like shooting star on it. "Right. I hold here an ordinary cardboard box." Chono stated, holding it up for the crowd to see. 'Nope, there's nothing ordinary about it.' Saiki thought at you, his expression dead, as always. You still couldn't understand why Saiki was talking to you. You replied back, anyway, 'What do you mean by that?'
"As you can see, it's empty inside." The magician tilted the box, opening it so you could see, and he was right. 'At that angle, you can't tell there's a partition.' So that's how performers did it; you always wondered how they accomplished tricks like that. You were right- this guy was a hack.
"But, watch! Just a couple taps and it's party time." Chono said as he tapped his cane on the box before opening it, only for birds to shoot out and fly away into the distance. "Aren't they amazing, folks?"
The crowd cheered and clapped for the magician, not knowing what you and Saiki did. "Hey there kids! Très bien, am I right?" The magician asked as he pointed a finger at the both of you. Not to you, they weren't, but the trick probably would have garnered your praise if it wasn't for Saiki telling you how the box worked.
'It's not très bien. If anything, I'm worried about that dove.' Saiki remarked, and you turned to look at him questioningly. 'What dove?' You inquired, confused as to what he meant. 'He has a dove under that hat, but I think he forgot about it.' You examined the magician's maroon hat, guessing Saiki could see through it with his x-ray vision.
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention here for the main event of our show, my super illusion!" Where had Chono pulled out those massive boxes from? His hat, you mused, chuckling quietly to yourself, stopping only when you noticed Saiki shoot a look of dismay your way. "Magically teleporting from one box to another will be lovely assistant, Michael."
Chono snapped his fingers before looking to his right, and you followed his line of sight only to see an old man with a straw hat on his unruly grey hair. 'Lovely is a stretch.' You grimaced, were those flies buzzing around him, and what was that foul odour he was emanating? You had to agree with Saiki on that one, 'I don't think you can class him as lovely.'
"The beautiful Michael is entering the box." The assistant was definitely not beautiful, either. Maybe Chono was blind? Now if that were true- it might’ve gotten a clap out of you. The magician narrated as you watched the old man get in before he shut the lid behind him. Chono snapped his fingers again, "And, drum roll." He said before doing some weird dance and making sound effects with his mouth to raise the level of excitement. You were expecting to be amazed. 'This is so sad.'
You nodded at Saiki's thought, 'It's almost painful to watch.' This had better be worth it; you did not waste 20 minutes of the airing of the new soap just to be disappointed. The crowd murmured in anticipation. 'What expression am I supposed to be making right now?'
Even you couldn't tell Saiki the answer to that, 'A smile maybe?' You mused, only for him to shoot a glare at you. Chono released the ball of confetti in his hand, and you watched as it fell to the ground. 'His overconfidence makes me cringe.' Your face scrunched at the scene; the whole thing was becoming near unbearable. 'You and me both.'
'And I'm still worried about that dove. Does that hat have air holes?' From what you could tell, no, it didn't. At least Saiki cared about the well-being of animals. 'I'm not. I just don't wanna be around to see a bird die.' You rolled your eyes as you folded your arms over your chest. Of course, he was the type to deny it. God forbid he actually had the ability to express concern for something.
"Alright, let's open the box!" Chono said as he walked over to the other box, putting his hand on top. 'Uh oh, lovely Mike isn't done teleporting yet.' You were beyond confused, turning to Saiki, who was still facing the stage. 'He's under the table.' Your eyebrows unfurrowed as realisation washed over you. That made sense, so the trick was to use the table to go to and from the box.
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, dreading what was to come. "3, 2, 1... It's party time!" Chono exclaimed, a huge grin on his face, and Michael came out alright, just not from the box. He emerged from underneath the table and raised his hands as if he had completed a feat. Chono stood with his back to Michael, his hand gesturing at the empty box.
A comical sweat bead formed on your forehead, and you cringed internally. You bit your fist as if that would help ease how uncomfortable you felt. Was it too late to make a run for it?
The crowd was deathly silent, and it was no wonder why. 'Now I really don't know what expression to make, maybe this one?' Saiki remarked as he observed the magician. You watched as Chono's expression fell, becoming a hideous grimace. 'Yeah, that seems appropriate', Saiki confirmed, and you were glad his unintentional comedy saved you from the awkwardness.
The crowd dispersed shortly after that, and you stayed behind with Saiki to witness the aftermath.
"Why should I pay you for ruining the illusion?!" Chono exclaimed at Michael, who only retorted. "I moved at the normal speed- it was your darn pattern that got too fast. Now, you hand over that 500 yen." The assistant put his hand out, expecting his payment.
"No one tipped me for this performance, so I couldn't pay you even if I wanted to," Chono stated before he noticed yours and Saiki's presence. "Hey, why are you two hanging around?" The magician said as he turned his back to Michael. Saiki wordlessly raised his finger to his head and bent it repeatedly.
"What, oh, you wanna give me a tip? Haha, I could never take money from a kid. The look of joy on your face-" Chono cut himself off when he looked down at the hat he took off his head. "-PICO!" That poor bird, you couldn't help but think.
"I completely forgot she was up there," Chono said, now sitting down as he stroked the dove. So that's why Saiki chose to linger even after the show had ended- he was worried about the bird. 'How can you forget there's a dove on your head?' Saiki stood at Chono's side as he looked down at the white creature.
You questioned the same thing- surely the animal had rustled and moved around up there. "So, you weren't trying to tip me; you were trying to remind me. Wait- does that mean... That you're a magician? That's how you knew she was up there." Saiki clenched his fist, a frown forming on his face. No, he was an esper. 'I should've kept walking.' Saiki lamented.
"With instincts that good, you must have hated my show." At least the green-haired man was right about one thing, Saiki had, in fact, hated his show, but he only had his powers to blame for that. "Maybe, I'm not cut out for the magician game after all." Cue the sad music in the background- where did the sound even come from? Was there a hidden speaker somewhere in the park?
You were sure the universe had some sort of playlist, like a version of a 90s tv show's laughing track, the one that went off at the right moments. "Until a few months ago, I was your average office drone," Chono told the two of you, bowing his head as he sat on the park bench. Hold it. You did not agree to listen to whatever existential crisis he had going on. "Then, I made a small mistake."
Of course, you'd have to hear his sob story anyway. 'Oh, boy.' You sighed, waiting for the magician to get it all off his chest. "Corporate fat cats laid me off. Then, my wife skipped town." Damn, homeboy was really going through it, alright. 'Is it too late to walk away?' Saiki questioned no one in particular, but you answered anyway. 'It is.'
"With no job, I couldn't pay the mortgage anymore. One little mistake and my career, wife and home had all disappeared- and then it dawned on me, I should become an illusionist." That was heart breaking and all, but you had to wonder where he was going with this story. “Wait- what?” Was it you, or was Saiki's voice hot- No! Now was not the time for this!
"Because so many things had vanished from my life, I thought it must mean that disappearing them was my talent!" You nearly choked on your spit. Well that took a turn. The plot twist nearly gave you whip lash. Oh, dear. This poor man... somebody help slap some sense into him. “Your only talent is self-delusion,” Saiki was right- the man needed a reality check.
"So, even though I had been offered another office job, I turned it down to start my new life doing street magic." At least Chono looked pumped about it all. “Again, what?” You were just as bewildered as Saiki was, questioning the green-haired man's logic. "If I can save up 1 million yen, I can buy the sawing a body in half trick- then, my wife is sure to come back!"
You shook your head in disappointment; the man had lost the plot. “Don't be so sure.” Why would his wife come back if he did that? And how did Chono plan on raising that kind of cash when he had just lost his assistant? "But then I wonder if I chose the wrong path."
At least the magician was finally seeing clarity and the error of his ways. 'Yes, yes you did.' Saiki thought bluntly, and you agreed mentally. 'He needs to quit street magic and get a real job.' You thought back. "Sorry, didn't mean to get so gloomy." Chono apologised, looking up at the two of you.
'What'll it take for him to give up?' You pondered at Saiki's question, bringing your hand up to your chin to think. Maybe showing him an impossible illusion? "Let's get back to your background as an illusionist and how you knew I had a dove up there." Chono gestured at his hat and you watched realisation dawn on Saiki. Over what, you had no idea. 'That's it.'
You observed as Saiki wordlessly walked to stand directly parallel to Chono and you, pulling his school bag off his shoulders to hold it in front of him. "Whoa! Gonna pull something out of your bag?" Chono commented as you watched on. Saiki held up his other hand as his eyes widened. You raised an eyebrow; this was the most expressive he had ever been.
'I'll do a trick so beyond his ability, he'll realise how far gone he is and give up.' So that's why... Saiki had taken your advice.
"You're gonna pull out... a dove!" Chono guessed before stating he could pull out bowling balls himself. 'Hmph.' Saiki's stoic expression remained, and your eyes widened when he pulled out the hand that was rummaging inside his bag. Nothing could have prepared you for what the psychic did.
He pulled out Michael by the hat on his head, though the man looked like a scrunched-up piece of paper. Saiki placed the old man on the floor, and you watched Chono's eyes bulge from his socket as he gasped. Surely, that would be enough to get the aspiring magician to stop his foolish ways.
"That's impossible!" Chono exclaimed as he fell to his knees, his jaw still slacking. 'Aren't you supposed to say très bien? At least this will make him give up.' Saiki stated as he walked away and turned his back to Chono. You tried not to stare at Saiki's ass- but failed.
"Thank you. Now I can see. If your talent was hair, it'd be a flowing mane, while mine is just an eyelash." You stifled a laugh at the example Chono stated. 'I don't quite understand using hair for that metaphor, but at least he's finally-' Saiki didn't get to finish that thought when he turned his head; Chono had already left your side to kneel behind the psychic.
"Make me your apprentice." The scene reminded you of One punch man, where Genos asked Saitama to make him a disciple. 'Should've seen it coming.' You only gazed over Saiki's shoulder to watch Michael hold up a 500 yen coin, talking about how he was going to eat a hot cup of soup.
Maybe sticking around and missing the airing of that soap opera was worth it- this was far more entertaining.
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Saiki may have walked the same way home as you, but his house came before yours. After the whole fiasco with the magician happened, and you realised your goal of not bumping into said psychic had failed, you chose not to take a detour, but walk with the pink-haired man instead.
No point wasting more time, you had reasoned. Your original plan to go home in hopes of catching the last few minutes of the tv show you wanted to watch was a bust because when you neared the Saiki household, you noticed Mrs Saiki stood outside the house in the front yard trimming bushes with gardening scissors.
Before you had a chance to make your getaway after greeting her, she exclaimed that it was far too late in the afternoon to walk home without eating, and even though you found her caring demeanour sweet, you weren't grateful for the sentiment when it meant being near Saiki.
Sure he hadn't done anything, but the boy did threaten to smite you off this earth the last time you were in his house. Could anyone really blame you for wanting to keep your distance? Try as you might, though, you couldn't say no to the lovely woman who was Saiki's mother. Her smile threatened to blind you, and you didn't want to make her upset by refusing.
Dinner with the Saikis was eventful, to say the least. 
Mrs Saiki had ushered you inside quickly, but her son hadn't followed the two of you in. You didn't question it when she locked the front door. When he did step into the kitchen minutes later, he was followed by his dad. Mr Saiki didn't say anything to you- instead, he rushed over to his wife. "I can't believe you changed the locks on me again!" He complained, and you felt in that moment that you chose the wrong day to come over.
Were they having marital issues? You swore that the last time you were here they were getting along just fine. What had happened? "I hope you're hungry Ku-Ku. I'm making you breaded pork chops for dinner!" Mrs Saiki chose to ignore her husband, talking to her son instead as if the angry man behind her didn't exist.
"Hang on, now you're choosing to ignore me? Besides, I told you I wanted to have steak tonight!" Mr Saiki pointed his finger at his wife before raising his arm up and down as if he was throwing a tantrum - which he was. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot- but I can boil you a leather shoe." Mrs Saiki replied in a sickly sweet tone, turning back to her cooking. "I don't want a shoe, leather or not!"
You wanted to laugh but thought it wasn't the right time; you chose to snicker to yourself quietly. 'I wonder when it went wrong for them. they used to be so passionate.' You watched on as Mr Saiki claimed his hate for his wife was as wide and deep as the pacific ocean, and she retorted by saying she hated him like a fish hated air. Why did you have to be caught in the middle of this?
'Well, they're still passionate now, but it's a little different.' 
When the food was ready, you sat down next to Saiki, staying silent as you dug into the rice with your chopsticks. "Gorge yourself,  guys- I made a ton!" Mrs Saiki said with a smile on her face. "Hey, hey, hey! Hey!" Mr Saiki stood up from his seat at the dining table, slapping his hand on the surface like an angry restaurant customer. 
You couldn't blame the guy, you and Saiki had gotten pork chops for dinner, but Mr Saiki had received a leather shoe garnished with gravy on top, filled with rice and had chopsticks placed inside it. "Is it good, Ku? Y/n- Oh, honey, would you like something else?" Mrs Saiki gave a closed-eyed grin to her husband, who stood in front of her. "No, because I bet it's just the other shoe."
"Bon Appetit!" Saiki's dad had guessed right, it was another shoe, but it was a blue sneaker. "That's not even from the same pair!" You watched steam flow out of the shoe, wondering how this situation was real. You felt like you had been sucked into some comedy show. 'They've been going at each other for a year.' Your eyebrows shot up at Saiki's revelation, watching on as the couple argued.
Mr Saiki gave up on trying to get his partner to be civil, turning to the psychic with the cooked leather shoe in his hand. "Hey, Kusuo- use your powers to turn this old shoe into a steak for daddy." Saiki's thoughts flooded into your brain, stopping you from hearing his dad's rambling. 
'So, in case you forgot, this pathetic dude's my dad, Kuniharu Saiki. He's lazy and irresponsible- and asks for help with everything in his life. But surprise, surprise, the more I help, the more useless he gets. So, lately, I've stopped doing him any favours.' Wow, Saiki sure was cold, dissing his father like it was nothing.
'I already know all that- Who are you talking to?'
'The audience.'
'Stop breaking the fourth wall, please.'
You observed as Mr Saiki stopped rambling as he realised his son wasn't going to listen to him. "What?! How dare you take your mother's side in this?! Do you have any idea how many shoes I have to lick each day to buy that food you're eating now?!!" Mr Saiki shouted, and you watched as Saiki continued to eat his food quietly with no change in his expression. 
"So, you do like to eat shoes?"
You guessed that much was enough for his father to realise his son wasn't going to lift a finger to help. Mr Saiki gave in, "Alright, I'll eat it-" He shovelled the rice into his mouth when he picked up the plate only to shoot up out of his seat seconds later, "-It stinks! What did you do to this shoe?! Are you trying to poison your father?!" Mr Saiki exclaimed at his son. 
"I'm pretty sure that's how they always smell, dummy," Saiki commented, still eating his rice. You watched as Mrs Saiki addressed her son when he put his bowl down, a shining bright aura around her. Where did that bright light come from? "Hey, Ku? Now, just remember what I've always said. Please don't use your powers for evil."
'This is my mom, Kurumi Saiki.' Mrs Saiki clasped her hand around her son's, "You must only use your powers to help those in need. Or those people who you're certain are genuinely nice-"
'She's a big reason why I haven't let my gifts turn me to the dark side.'
'Is that a star wars reference?'
Saiki ignored your question- continuing his not-so-inner monologue, 'She's a caring soul- well, to me.' You were taken aback when the sweet air around Mrs Saiki changed to something dimmer. "-But, feel free to use your powers to hurt daddy." This whole situation was getting more and more preposterous. 'She kinda has a dark side herself.' You could see that.
Mrs Saiki seemed to notice her husband scoffing down Saiki's food when she was distracted around the same time you did, and you watched her expression shift from a smile to a cold glare after she slowly turned. "Stop eating Kusuo's dinner, you thieving son of bitch!" Mrs Saiki looked extremely pissed off, a tick mark appearing on her face. Hang on, she knew how to swear?!
You felt sorry for Mr Saiki, but there was no way you'd get involved, you didn't want his wife to aim her anger at you instead. "That's it! We're taking this outside!" She shouted, and you had to admit the situation was getting interesting. Who would win? 'In truth, I could break up this fight whenever I feel like it, but this is something they're going to have to work out themselves.'
Did he think things at you on purpose even though he could just not talk to you? You didn't want to admit it, but the idea made something inside you churn. Were the two of you closer than you realised?
You watched Saiki's attention shift from the brawl to the dessert that was placed near him. 'Hm? Coffee-flavoured jelly? Hmm, doesn't taste bad- earthy with a slightly citrus finish. Don't let the name fool you- this jelly is a mature dignified treat.'
You couldn't pay attention to Saiki fangirling over the dessert, too busy watching Mrs Saiki handle her husband like she was some WWE fighter and he was her opponent. She put him in all types of chokeholds before raising him over her head, preparing to throw him. Was now a good time to take your chance and sneak away?
'Better still, when you add just a splash of whole milk, it becomes an entirely new flavoured sensation,' Saiki continued to eat the coffee jelly, turning away from his parents to take another bite, '-and that hint of decadence is everything I ask for in my dessert.' You realised that was the first time you had seen Saiki smile. It suited him.
Saiki didn't get to eat any more of his treat, because when he raised his hand up to his mouth to consume another spoonful, Mrs Saiki launched her husband and he crashed into his son, which forced the spoon out of the pink-haired boy's hand. You watched the jelly fall from the psychic's hand in slow motion until you saw a flash of pink. 
Saiki had managed to catch the dessert in his mouth before it fell to the floor. He was now on the floor and you couldn't help but think about what you had done for the universe to force you to stay at the Saiki household during the whole fiasco. 
"You wanted to eat jelly that bad?" Mr Saiki had gotten up, whereas Saiki was still on his stomach on the floor, chewing what was in his mouth. "Forget the jelly- We got bigger problems! Your mothers turned into a monster!" Your eyes travelled to where Mr Saiki was pointing, thinking he was exaggerating.
He wasn't, Mrs Saiki's face had transformed into what looked like a Japanese Onii mask from folklore. "Stop running from me, you coward." Even her voice had changed as if she had been possessed. Oh, dear. "You've got to stop her! You're my only hope to stop her reign of terror. Do it! Slay the demon!" You wanted to run your hands down your face in exasperation, but you couldn't bring yourself to look away.
Mrs Saiki let out a demonic laugh as she grabbed onto the dining table. "You're not leaving 'til I say so!" She exclaimed before she raised the furniture above her head to throw it at her husband- how had the food not slid off? You wanted to leave but didn't want to incur Mrs Saiki's wrath. Mr Saiki tried to shield himself by bringing his arms up to cover his face as he closed his eyes. "Ahhh! Oh god! Ah- Huh?" 
When he opened his eyes, Mr Saiki realised the table was floating above his head, all thanks to Saiki using his psychokinesis. "Hey, Kusuo!" Saiki's father went from shocked to smug, smirking as he realised he had been saved. 'I've got the weirdest parents, I don't really care about stopping another pointless fight, but I can't help myself.' At least Saiki had stepped in, lest the house gets trashed and you get dragged into the war. 
"So now you're on your dad's side? I even made you pork chops!" Mrs Saiki's face was finally back to normal, and you let out a sigh of relief. You were still confused by Saiki's comment. 'Why do I say it's pointless? Just wait.' 
"I want nothing to do with either of you again!" When Mrs Saiki's voice flooded into your brain, you nearly jumped. 'That's a lie. Truth is, I love them!' Your head whipped to look at Saiki's back, guessing he must have used forced telepathy on you. At least he had helped clear your confusion.
You couldn't help but wonder why she was lying, why she wasn't honest about her true feelings. What was the point of this fight again? 'No matter how hard they try, the voices in their hearts always bubble up. In other words, all these fights they have- are a sham.' 
Your brain hurt- because trying to wrap your head around why the couple was acting like they despised each other when they didn't was nothing short of difficult. You rubbed at your temples, Saiki using another power you weren't used to had gotten to you. When Mr Saiki claimed he hated his wife and son, his inner thoughts told you he just wanted to snuggle.
They fought on the surface, but their voices in your head told you that they were just complimenting each other internally. 'Like I said, another pointless fight. There is one person here who has real reason to be upset, me-'
'Don't forget me. I didn't ask to be dragged into this.' 
'-Those weirdos interrupted my dessert. I guess only a psychic can fix this.'
Mr and Mrs Saiki stopped arguing when they started saying they loved each other telepathically. You watched in amusement as they started blushing, getting confused why they could hear each other. Realisation dawned on them as they turned to their son, "Kusuo!" They both exclaimed.
'Forced shared telepathy. I used my psychic powers to link their minds at the neural level. In other words, thanks to me, they can now hear each other's thoughts.' You were somewhat grateful he explained to you how you could hear what his parents were thinking. 
Mr and Mrs Saiki told their son to stop his powers because they didn't want the other to realise they were still in love. What a disaster. At least the fighting had stopped. You watched the psychic's parents go from being embarrassed to pronouncing their adoration for each other. 
With a hand on his wife's waist, Mr Saiki declared that he loved her, and she did the same. Where had the flowers surrounding them come from? 'Cool. The end.' Saiki deadpanned.
'It's finally over.'
While his parents apologised to each other profusely, the pink-haired boy took a seat at the dining table to finish his dessert. You sat across from him, relieved that the war in his living room had passed. 'What a pain. Normal people are complicated. At least now I can finish my dessert in peace.' This time around, when Saiki smiled, you had the chance to properly observe it.
He looked handsome, you had to admit. You knew the boy was attractive but he looked 100x better when he was showing normal emotions. It was over a sweet dish- but still! Did Saiki have a sweet tooth? Would he smile again if you got him something from the bakery? You shook your head, choosing to find interest in the furniture around the psychic's house.
You didn't know how to feel when you found out that the fight started when Mrs Saiki ate her husband's coffee jelly. All of that was because of some dish? This was ridiculous. You watched Saiki's expression fall when Saiki's mom twirled over to her son and snatched the coffee jelly the psychic was eating right out of his hand so she could present it to Mr Saiki.
You watched Saiki's small smile fall, replaced by a dark expression as he stared at his hand where his snack used to be. Oh, no... You ignored the boy's father claiming the dessert was a mature dignified treat, rummaging through your school bag to find what you needed.
The rumbling of the windows in the Saiki household stopped when you placed the bag on the floor beside your seat and used your hand to slide the coffee jelly you fished out onto Saiki's side of the table. It took the psychic a moment to realise what was in front of him, and you smiled.
What could you say? The guy looked cute when he was confused. Due to how powerful he was, you sometimes forgot that the boy was human. After a beat, he made eye contact with you and you swore you saw his eyes sparkle. Your smile dropped in slight shock, your lips parting.
'Coffee jelly?'
You gulped, catching your bearings. 
'Yeah, I forgot to eat it at lunch- you can have it, Kusuo.'
When you called him by his first name without thinking, you thought he'd complain. Instead, Saiki grabbed the treat and gingerly peeled back the seal before digging in, a soft smile gracing his face again. You ignored the weird feeling that washed over your heart. 
Maybe the psychic wasn't all that bad.
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When night fell, you headed up to Saiki's room. The psychic knew of your inner turmoil of not being able to catch the show you wanted to watch and said his mom had most likely recorded the pilot episode before you two had reached his house. 'I'm only doing this because I don't want to owe you for that coffee jelly,' is what he had said.
Grabbing the cassette from his living room, Saiki walked past you up the stairs. When you stood there in confusion, he turned around to tilt his head in the direction of his bedroom as if telling you to follow him.
'Hurry up. Before I change my mind.'
That is how you found yourself seated on Saiki's bed, with him sitting in the chair he had pulled from his desk- so it was right in front of the television.
He had left the room earlier to change into more suitable clothes, a sweatshirt with brown pants. You had to admit even though he didn't have an eye for colour coordination, he still managed to pull it off.
Truth be told, you were disappointed. The show didn't live up to the promotions you had seen all over social media. You were expecting a love story starring Mikoto Teruhashi. Was it you or was that name familiar? What you got was some twisted joke of a romance.
The female lead's family died in a car crash, she got cheated on, and she got married to a stranger only to find out that her boyfriend didn't sleep with another woman; she had walked in on his long-lost twin brother instead. All in one episode.
You felt like you had whiplash with all those plot twists. What a let down. You sighed, shifting on Saiki's bed when you felt pins and needles assault your thighs. You chose to cross your legs, yawning into your hand. Was now a good time to go home?
"Is binge-watching shows your favourite pastime?" You asked, trying to make conversation in between the infomercials. "I like watching tv. It's one of the few things that can surprise me. Because I can't hear the actor's thoughts, I don't know what's coming next." The psychic replied.
"Makes sense." You shrugged, not really knowing what to say next. "Speaking of next, that new mystery show's supposed to start soon." Saiki sat with one leg on his chair, his arm resting on his knee for support. When he used his index finger to change the channel, you nearly lost your mind.
Oh, yeah- he's a psychic, of course, he can do that, you thought to yourself, ignoring the fact that your brain had decided to short-circuit on you. "Tonight, you will witness a miracle!" You heard the narrator on the tv show talk, but his words didn't quite reach you.
No way... that man in the distance looked way too familiar for your liking. It couldn't be. "What." Saiki mirrored your shock, his eyes widening. "A stupendous amazing illusion performed by the former homeless man turned master magician, Uryoko Chono!" The narrator on tv continued.
"Now that's Très Bien!" Chono said through the screen, and you watched Saiki's face deadpan. "What did I tell you about tv surprising me?" You didn't have a witty reply for him this time, too shocked at the fact that the magician from that afternoon had managed to get his own segment on live tv- hours after you met him.
Was that even possible? "After losing it all, he became a street magician and mastered tricks that others can only dream of!" The narrator came into view- a mic in his hand, as he praised the green-haired man beside him. You brought a hand up to your forehead in incredulousness.
"But this isn't just a surprise; it's unbelievable. How is a man who almost killed his dove, good enough to be on tv?" Even you didn't know the answer to that. You watched as Saiki stared at the screen, gobsmacked. "You might wanna close your mouth- flies will get in. Never mind that, we just saw him before. How's he gotten on tv so soon?"
"Blame the author; it's for plot convenience." You exhaled in exasperation, a new headache forming in your skull. "There you go, breaking the fourth wall again." You commented, shaking your head as you tutted at him. "What I'm attempting tonight is the most dangerous escape you'll ever see!" Chono's voice coming from the tv filled the room.
Your face slowly lost its colour as they showed snippets of what was to come. A box, chains, then knives, followed by a drop, fire and- was that a bulldozer?! You were sure of it now; the green-haired magician was toast. "No way he's this good." Saiki had taken your advice and shut his mouth; it was no longer hanging open. "He's a goner."
"But live or not, they'd never put someone on tv that might get hurt, right?" You shook your head to yourself; they would- they had. "Don't be too sure. If he dies, the show's view count will skyrocket." The camera panned to the magician in question. "As you can see, folks, Chono's hands and feet are both shackled. As he makes his way to the crate- Oh no, he fell!" You observed as Chono faceplanted and kissed the floor. Was this second-hand embarrassment you felt? "Just a trip; he should be fine."
"He's safely inside the box. And now, Mr Micheal- Chono's formerly homeless assistant- will lock him in." You could only watch in horror as realisation dawned over the magician's face, and he exclaimed to wait- that he wasn't ready. You didn't like where this was going. From the tricks you had seen that afternoon, you highly doubted that the green-haired man could pull this off. He wasn't going to make it.
"Him screaming isn't a good sign. Neither is all that banging he's doing." Saiki's face lost its colour. "No shit, Sherlock." The psychic only glared at you, and you were too busy watching the tv while biting your fist to notice. The narrator told the audience that Chono only had 5 minutes to escape or the box would be destroyed with him in it. The camera cut to a shot of the timer counting down.
"I'm sceptical he can do this." So were you. There was only 3 minutes left. "Should I help? I don't even think I can. I'm not close enough to jump in and save him without being seen." You were on the edge of your seat. Two minutes left. "Then again, if he fails, he dies, and I can't have that happen."  You imagined what was to come, the tv announcing that Chono was burning alive inside the crate.
"It would ruin my night." You swore the psychic was just talking to himself at that point. At least Saiki cared; the boy did have a heart, after all. The pink-haired boy stood up from where he was sitting on the chair. "If he fails, the footage would cut into my mystery show-" You took your statement back; he was heartless. "Is there a way to teleport in without getting on tv? Yes. The one place the camera can't find me- inside the box itself."
With that, Saiki was gone. He vanished into thin air, and you guessed he was now inside the box. All alone in the room, the only thing you could do was keep your eyes glued to the screen, waiting with bated breath. 'Kusuo?' You hoped he could hear you over everyone else's thoughts, hoped he was within range. He did, and he was.
'He's not here.'
You breathed a sigh of relief at hearing his voice reverberate in your head. Then, his words hit you.
'What do you mean he's not there?!'
'He really has gotten better. The banging was coming from a CD player.'
So Chono hadn't even been inside the box when they chained it up? Why wasn't Saiki back then? There was no point in him staying there. The 5-minute timer was up, and you watched Michael come into view, struggling to hold the swords he was about to pierce the crate with.
'Hurry, Kusuo- you need to come back.' You said, hoping he didn't hear the genuine concern and worry that filled your voice.
'I can't. I have to think fast; I can't just teleport back out. That power needs to be recharged for 3 minutes before I can use it again.'
You watched as the magician's assistant started to put the swords in one by one. 'Oh, crap.' 17 more to go.
'You there?'
How did Saiki plan on surviving this one? You couldn't help but stress.
'Yeah. No one could- except me. I dislocated almost every joint in my body.'
Dread pooled inside your stomach at his words.
'Are you okay?!'
'I'm not gonna lie- it hurts.'
You wracked your brain to try and find a way to help him, coming up empty. Sure, you wanted nothing to do with him, but you weren't comfortable knowing he was in pain. Why? You had no idea. You chose to blame it on common human decency but the feeling of your heart sinking suggested otherwise.
You watched as the tv crew hooked a line to the crate before it was announced that a crane would lift it and drop it 30 metres. You raised your hands to cover your face, moving your fingers so you could peer at the screen. 'The only way to avoid certain death... is...' You watched the crate collide with the floor, the bottom of it crumpling from the impact. '...To jump. Flawless timing.'
You stopped tensing, visibly relaxing, when you heard Saiki again. He had managed to save himself again. After the dust from the crash settled, the narrator on tv announced that the box would be set on fire. You furrowed your eyebrows- did they really need to go that far?
'Didn't even get a chance to catch my breath. At least with all the hot weather lately, I've been able to hone my psychic powers over temperature.' You really didn't know how to feel when the support crew lit a match and set the box alight. A steam roller came into view, and you watched on in horror.
'There's more?'
The pink-haired boy hadn't passed his 3-minute limitation over teleportation, so how on earth would he get out in time? Wait- how had the crew managed to do so much damage in that window of time? You knew what they would do; they planned to run over the box and flatten it completely, with Saiki still inside.
You watched the stream roller drive over the box, effectively crushing it under its wheels. You watched in silence, your heart practically beating out of your chest in worry. The narrator asked the audience how anyone could survive inside the box until lights turned on behind him, showcasing Chono.
"Hold on, who is that I see? It's the miraculous illusionist himself, Uryoko Chono! He's alive!" The crowd went wild, applauding and screaming at the trick. You could care less! Where was Saiki?! Was he okay?!!
'How annoying. His wasn't the only great escape, but I got lucky. The soil was extra soft.'
'...Did you dig a hole like some groundhog?'
You were just happy he was safe. God forbid you had to live with the fact that Saiki died and you had witnessed it. Then again, he was an all-powerful psychic- what did you expect? Of course, he'd make it out alive.
'I know. I said I liked tv because it can still surprise me- but this is too much.' Saiki was right; the amount of turmoil that today involved was not something you had mentally prepared yourself to handle. Exhaustion took over you, and you let yourself fall back onto Saiki's bed.
Was Saiki's life always like this? Downright disastrous to the point where it was funny? "Tres Bien, right?" Chono exclaimed when the narrator stated that the escape was great. You exhaled, placing your hands on your stomach and trying to relax.
"Hey, stick around for what's next-" Your head shot up, recognising the voice from the countless trailers you had seen for months plastered every time you opened up an app. It was the male lead of the new mystery show everyone was looking forward to.
Your mind worked at a million miles per hour, and you were sure there were drawings of algebra floating around you. Saiki was a psychic, and if he was near the new show's star, he'd no doubt hear spoilers from the actor.
'Kusuo, come back.'
'I can't; I still have 13 seconds to go.'
Great. The show he was looking forward to, the very reason he went to save Chono, was going to be spoilt because he chose to be a good human being. All because the lead actor was around, and of course, the guy knew what was to come- he had just finished filming it, after all.
You made a decision, one you knew you'd regret. Concentrating on getting your breathing under absolute control, you forced your mind to go blank. Then you imagined Saiki at the park he had transported to so he could save a certain magician.
You clenched your jaw. Saiki wasn't too far away, and if you used your immunity on him, it'd work, right? You reached out your hand in your mind, and when it came into contact with his shoulder, you saw what you were looking for.
Thin white strings, hundreds of thousands of them, that shot off in all different directions and disappeared into the distance when your eyes followed them. You had no doubt they were the strings that connected Saiki's mind to anyone in a 200-metre radius.
With your hand still on Saiki, you imagined the actor who starred in the show's premiere, the love interest. That's when you found the thin line connecting the two.
"The world premiere of a mystery called, 'Love Fantasy.' My character will try to uncover the mystery of his girlfriend's death." You ignored the faint voice of the actor; he sounded like he was speaking from within a tumble dryer.
You clenched your jaw at the pain invading your skull, ignoring it as you reached out, using your index and middle finger as make-shift scissors, closing the two to cut the string. All the while, you questioned why you had chosen to use your talents for the psychic. Oh, yeah, it was because you felt bad for the guy.
The moment you opened your eyes, the headache that you experienced for the better half of the day skyrocketed. Fuck, it hurt. You wished you had stayed on Saiki's bed.
Your vision began to swim, a familiar wave of nausea hitting you. You felt the ground shift beneath you, unable to do anything as you realised you would fall face-first into Saiki's table. You hoped it wouldn't bruise. You closed your eyes to brace for impact, expecting pain.
When it didn't come, you opened your eyes, using the last of your energy to do so. Why did they have to feel so heavy? You still couldn't see clearly, but what you could tell was that someone had caught you before you fell.
Your body was limp; try as you might, you couldn't get your limbs to listen to you. It hurt to breathe; the sharp pain in your ribs made sure of that. You couldn't even raise your head to see who had caught you. Saiki's dad?
"...od grief... what happene..." You strained your ears to hear whoever was talking to you, to no avail. You scrunched your eyes shut as another wave of nausea hit you. You felt yourself being picked up before being placed on something soft. The bed?
You took in sharp breaths, trying to ease the pain. No such luck. When you felt a hand on your forehead, you opened and squinted your eyes to see. Even with your fuzzy vision, you knew you recognised the pink you saw.
'Kusuo?' You thought at the psychic, hoping you had guessed right. 'Yes?' The relief that filled you, when the pain seemed to ease at the sound of Saiki's voice in your head- was incomparable.
'Is that you?' A brief pause followed, and he answered before you could think of anything else. 'Who else? How did this happen?' You closed your eyes again, assuming he was asking about your deteriorating condition. 'I used nullification on you.'
Silence followed for a few seconds, and you found yourself missing the sound of Saiki's voice inside your brain. 'Why?' Was all he had asked, and you looked at him. You could see his face clearly now, and if you weren't feeling like you were going to throw up the food Mrs Saiki had made for you earlier, you were sure you'd be flushed.
He was so close, you could feel his breath fan your face. You noticed the faint wrinkle in between his eyebrows, surmising it was due to worry. 'Because you were looking forward to watching the show, and that actor would have spoilt it by accident.'
You felt sheepish admitting it to him; it wasn't like it was your job to care to begin with. But you did, and you couldn't understand why. That question would have to wait; first, you had to get better.
'Good grief. Stop doing troublesome things.' Was all he replied with, and you had half a mind to furrow your eyebrows at him incredulousness. Your lips parted to shoot a retort at him, and that's when you saw it.
The corners of his mouth twitched. You were shell-shocked, your mouth gaping open at the sight. Was Saiki smiling at you? It was gone with a flash, replaced by his iconic deadpan. 'I was not.'
He totally was! What a tsundere, not even able to admit that some part of him was low-key touched that you had done something for him out of consideration. 'I'm not touched; what you did was stupid. You have a fever.' You could only huff at Saiki's statement with the last of your energy.
'Yeah, that's normal. I haven't used my abilities on someone as strong as you before.' Using your skills to turn off your immunity compared to using your nullification to sever a connection between two people was a huge leap.
Especially when it involved the world's most potent psychic to ever live. So, it was no surprise that the fevers you experienced as a child when Saiki was running around changing human biology with crazy hair colours- would make a comeback.
You were in no position to retaliate when Saiki picked you up and transported the two of you into your bedroom. The familiar feeling of your mattress helped relax your body.
'I'm leaving the second I can transport again.'
You said nothing as the pink-haired boy made quick work of tucking you under the covers and placed a cold compress on your forehead.
You half expected him to place a kiss on your forehead like you had seen in all the romance mangas you had read- where the female lead got sick, and the male lead took care of her. No kiss was exchanged. To your disappointment.
'Thank you.' That was all you could think at him. He turned his back to you, and then he was gone. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. The day had been nothing short of a disaster.
That's when you realised- Saiki had stayed longer than 3 minutes.
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The next day at school, nothing had changed. Something you were semi-glad for. You had thought things between you and Saiki would be awkward.
They weren't; when he saw you that morning, all he had done was nod at you, acknowledging your existence before he turned to face the blackboard at the front of the class. You ignored the disappointment you felt.
When the school bell signalled the end of the academic day, you got ready to pack your things and leave. That was until you noticed a light blue-haired boy walk up to Saiki, who was in front of you, ready to leave the classroom.
"Guess what? I've been summoned." You deadpanned at Kaidou's statement, something you were sure you picked up off of Saiki. Was he rubbing off on you? Nah, no way. Not possible. "If I told you why, I'd have to kill you both."
Your expression relaxed when Kaidou's eyes met yours, and you gave him a confused smile, signalling one thing. 'I don't know what the fuck you're on about.' You watched as the blue-haired boy puffed his chest like some peacock.
"But for now, let's just say the world's in store for some pretty big changes." With that, Kaidou waddled away like some penguin. What was with that walk, and why was his ass swaying side to side as he continued down the hallway?
"What? Did he make a friend?" Saiki asked, and you were surprised when he turned his head to the right to make eye contact with you. You looked back at him, still leaning half your body out of the classroom with your hands on the door frame. You simply shrugged your shoulders before the both of you gazed at where Kaidou had turned the corner.
When Saiki moved forward, going in the same direction, you took a step toward him. "Where are you going?" Saiki looked over his shoulder at you, "I'm going after him because I'm curious." He stated before continuing down the hallway. You decided you were too, so you followed in tow.
The two of you spotted Kaidou walk up to the doors leading to the storage room on the second floor. He whipped his head around to see if anyone else was about. You were caught off guard when Saiki pulled on your arm to hide the two of you behind a wall.
You were brought face to face with the pink hair's chest, and when you looked up, you realised he was staring down at you. Damn, he had a sharp jawline. If you didn't know any better, you'd think Saiki was sculpted by the likes of Micheal Angelo. You felt your ears burn and chose to ignore them. Why the fuck was he so close, and why was he caging you against the wall?
"It'll be troublesome if he sees us," Saiki stated as he stepped away from you. You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts that had been going through your mind before the two of you peered at the blue-haired boy from your hidden spot. "Thurisaz, isaz, hagalaz, sowilo, gebo, fehu." You couldn't help but think Kaidou sounded like he was summoning a demon. He must've taken his role as the Jet Black Wings very seriously.
When the door opened, the light blue-haired boy walked in. Saiki left your side and started to walk over to the door where Kaidou had been moments later. You followed soon after, and you strained your ears to hear what was happening in the room.
The following 5 minutes were nothing but painful. You heard two voices; one was Kiadou's, and the other, you guessed, was a student who must have been his friend. You and Saiki listened as the blue-haired boy claimed it was hard to believe that he used to be part of the Dark Reuinion before he figured out that the organisation was evil, went rogue, performed some technique when he got cornered and managed to transmigrate into Shun Kaidou's body when he was unborn.
Was this some sort of weird realistic roleplay? Sure, it was nice to have his fantasies come true through acting, but you weren't sure it was a good idea to spur on his delusions. Kaidou was too far gone already. His 'friend' told him that they would do anything to help Kaidou get his memories back because his power was needed.
Who was 'they'? You couldn't help but question the whole situation. Something about it felt sketchy. Kaidou seemed to have the same thought in mind, wondering who 'they' were. Apparently, there were four other phantoms in the room. It got weirder and weirder. The 'friend' claimed Kaidou couldn't see them, and that meant he could never help.
Kaidou jumped to try and save face, saying he could see the phantoms. What a joke. You weren't so curious anymore; now you just wanted to leave. You stopped paying attention to the conversation until you heard the 'friend' exclaim, "Stop!" followed by, "Mannaz, ingwaz, wunjo!"
Great, someone else that liked to blurt gibberish. You cringed when you heard Kaidou's friend state that the Dark Reunion had gotten into the room and killed the four phantoms. Since when could phantoms die? Wasn't all of this too much? You had to commend the 'friend' for staying in character so long; if it was you- you would have burst out laughing by then.
The friend stated that they needed to create a barrier to protect them before telling Kaidou to place all metal objects into the bag since it would interfere. Now things were just getting ridiculous. When Kaidou asked if the change had to be given as well, and that's when the realisation hit you.
The whole thing was a scam. That kid was trying to steal all of Kaidou's money under the guise of roleplay! What was worse- was that the poor blue-haired boy believed the whole thing was real. The only thing Kaidou actually got out of the entire thing was losing his wallet. Poor guy didn't even get to take his train pass back. This new friend of his was pure evil.
'Good grief.' You heard Saiki think at you, 'Good grief, indeed.'
The 'friend' told Kaidou that the Jet Black Wings was a saviour and to come back at the same time tomorrow. Something about not forgetting to do the sworn ally absolution. Panic resurfaced inside you when you heard the doorknob turn.
Looking left to right hurriedly, you barely had a chance to notice that Saiki wrapped a hand around your waist and teleported you inside the room. When your gaze refocused, you realised you were behind some sort of curtain. You had no idea why Saiki didn't decide to handle things on his own, instead opting to take you with him.
'Why couldn't you have just left me out there? I don't want to get involved-' You stopped mid-thought when Saiki looked down at you and glared. The audacity he had- to not only drag you into this mess but make you feel like you were in the wrong for complaining. You huffed to yourself in annoyance but stayed quiet non the less.
You proceeded to fold your arms over your chest, only for you to realise that, in your exasperation, you hadn't noticed that Saiki was still holding onto you. He stepped away, putting distance between you two the second the thought crossed your mind, something you tried not to be hurt over. Why? You didn't quite understand yourself.
You didn't have time to dwell on it; the guy who scammed Kaidou stole your attention when he spoke up. "That guy and his stupid fantasies are the best thing ever. He couldn't tell the absolution was my homework. All I had to do was play along with him. I even got the idiot to give me his wallet!" What a disaster. Poor Kaidou got ripped off and taken advantage of, all because of his Chuunibyu complex.
'What a pain. Kaidou, as your one friend, I'm telling you- do a better job choosing your other friends.' The exasperation in Saiki's voice was palpable. How would you break the news to the poor blue-haired boy? That his new friend was a good-for-nothing liar.
The sad excuse of a swindler was still gushing over how he had tricked Kaidou, and you could only shake your head. Would dumping the truth work better? Or hinting at it? Saiki already had a plan in mind, you realised, as the lights turned off in the room. "What the? Who did that?" The scammer asked.
“Dark reunion.”
What happened to the guy in glasses next was not spoken of after.
When Kaidou dragged the both of you to the same room the day after, the whole place was trashed, and the words dark reunion were plastered on the wall. The latter was your handiwork.
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"Hey buddy, ready for the beach? I was walking by, and I saw the last name Saiki on the mailbox, so I figured this must be where ol' Kusuo lives." Nendou stood in the doorway, explaining himself as he pointed at the mailbox, a blow-up dolphin in his other hand. He was dressed for the day, clad in a red shirt with floral patterns and shorts.
You made eye contact with Saiki only to get a glare back. You looked off to the side, feeling like you were in trouble. 'Why are you here?' That was an excellent question, indeed. If only you had stayed home, Nendou wouldn't have spotted you on the streets and dragged you along for a day by the seaside. You looked to Saiki again, 'I didn't choose to come here of my own free will.'
You were still somewhat peeved that you didn't get a say in the matter. Nendou had assumed a yes from you and decided for himself that you would accompany him.
"Ku-Ku-Kusuo, is this your friend?" For a second, you thought Mrs Saiki was terrified of Nendou. Something you wouldn't fault her for; he did look like a gangster, after all. "He's not my friend." Saiki's comment fell on deaf ears as Mrs Saiki burst into tears, a handkerchief manifesting into her hands out of nowhere. "Oh, dear! My little boy finally has a friend. I'm so happy!"
This was definitely one of the reasons why you loved Saiki's mom; she was just too precious. "Sorry girly girl, but me and him ain't friends- we're best buddies!" Mrs Saiki burst into tears again, "Oh, dear! My little boy's finally getting a normal life!"
"I never knew you had a sister, pal." That comment practically made Mrs Saiki putty in Nendou's hands. She gushed about how the wannabe gangster thought she was young enough to look like Saiki's sister. You couldn't tell if Nendou was buttering her up or if he was being serious. Knowing him, it was probably the latter.
'How many times is he going to maker her cry?' Saiki wondered from next to you. 'At least they're tears of joy.' A warm smile stretched on your lips; the woman needed to be protected at all costs. Movement in your peripherals broke you from your thoughts. You turned to Saiki, who was stood beside you, looking up at him when you felt his stare on you.
His lips parted as if he was about to say something when Saiki's mom commented that Nendou taking Saiki to the beach sounded like fun. "Uh, yeah, I'm not going." The smile on Mrs Saiki's face disappeared in an instant, and the glare she shot Saiki's way sent chills down your spine. "Your best buddy went out of his way to ask you in person. You're going to the beach, Kusuo."
"Oh, dear."
A snicker fell out your lips, and you immediately covered your mouth with your hand so as to not draw attention to yourself. By then, it was too late; your plans to quietly try and slip away from the group were foiled by your own hands. Mrs Saiki started to gush over you instead, and the plan to spend a lazy day indoors seemed to be further and further away.
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That's how you and Saiki ended up going to the beach. Kaidou had joined the group as well, something you pitied when you observed how much Nendou teased him about being afraid of the water. You watched from your seat on the blanket next to Saiki as Kaidou denied it all, fresh tears in his eyes. "N-no. Th-that's not true. I know how to swim, jerk. I-I'm not afraid of the water." You almost felt bad for him; why was he here again?
'Well, he's turned on the waterworks.' Ironic. Saiki's comment nearly made you choke on your drink, and you coughed. The psychic's hand on your back, patting lightly, surprised you, to say the least, but you welcomed it. Anything to clear your airways. You chalked up the help to him feeling guilty.
You watched as Kaidou proceeded to enter the sea, only to slip and start drowning in inch-deep water. That's when you decided the second-hand embarrassment was too much to handle, standing up to take off your top so you could go swimming.
You stopped in the middle of your task, your crossed hands still clasped around the ends of your top as you turned to Saiki, who stared you down. 'Yes, I'm leaving you here. You're on your own, nerd.' You thought at him, glancing between Saiki and his book. He stayed silent, only glaring at you over his glasses. You could tell what he was thinking already; how could you just leave him?
You looked from Saiki to Hairo, whose pants had slipped when he ran to save Kaidou from drowning, Nendou- who stared at the other girls on the beach, then back to the psychic.
'Yeah, I'm not about to watch any more of their shenanigans; I'm out of here.'
You greeted Hairo briefly and walked towards the water in time to overhear that the red-haired boy had decided to volunteer as a lifeguard over the summer.
You walked further into the water until you couldn't feel the sand underneath your feet and started to swim further out until the voices of your classmates sounded distant.
Sighing, you floated on your back and stared up at the sun. The weather was way too warm, and you hated the heat because of how it caused you to sweat. At least now you could have some peace and quiet; your social battery had run out a while back.
The silence didn't last long, you felt a ripple in the water, and you opened one eye, only to realise the cause was Saiki. He sat on a blue swimming ring that had sun patterns on it. That's when you noticed he was shirtless, only wearing his yellow swimming trunks, and you tried not to stare, opting to look at the beach instead, coughing awkwardly.
You watched as a group of girls ran across the sand, Nendou not far behind, chasing them. "I don't want people knowing I'm with him." You had to agree with Saiki; being associated with Nendou was never a good thing. Looking away from the girls running away in terror on the beach, you looked back at the young esper.
'I get that- but why did you have to come here?'
'I draw less attention when I'm with you than when I'm by myself.'
'So, you're using me?'
‘Don’t make it weird.’
There was a brief pause before Saiki looked back at the beach. He sighed, closed his eyes, and then tilted sideways until his body crashed against the water. You shot up, no longer floating on your back. You kicked your legs to stay above the waves and looked around to see if you could spot Saiki.
'You won't find me. I'm on the seabed. When I want to be alone or get some serious thinking done, I come down here. I find the seafloor relaxing.'
You jumped in your skin at the sound of his voice in your head. You raised an eyebrow to yourself when your brain registered what he had said. You didn't get the chance to reply to him, the sound of Nendou shouting stealing your attention.
"Saiki! You going pee-pee?!"
'Oh man, next time, I'll have to go deeper. Better go back before they start looking.'
You stopped paying attention to what Saiki was thinking at you when you noticed a girl in the water. Was she... She was drowning! Your body moved before you could think. The water around you splashed violently as you started swimming, trying to get to her as fast as you could.
You heard Nendou and Kaidou in the distance. Now hang on a minute, you swore the blue-haired boy had no idea how to swim- how had he made it this far out? As if on cue, Kaidou started drowning as well. You relaxed somewhat when you watched Nendou save the idiot, carrying him on his back.
By then, you had made it to the girl, the other two boys still making their way towards you. You tried to grab onto her to save her, only for her to jump on you in her panic. You realised then that both of you were screwed. "Calm down-" You don't get to finish your sentence as you felt your body give way under her weight.
You ended up underwater along with the girl, your legs spent and tired. Surely, this wasn't how things ended. You had so much left to do! So many sites to see! Your mind went into overdrive as you sank deeper.
When you felt something brush against your feet under the water, you nearly lost all your composure; the safety of your classmates and the random girl next to you was no longer your priority. You calmed down when you recognised the pink underneath the clear waves.
'What a pain. Everyone around me is so needy.'
Saiki placed his hands on your waist and effortlessly lifted you until your head was above water. Your fight or flight kicked in, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and your legs started kicking lightly to keep you afloat. You looked around until your eyes landed on Nendou, who was standing on the water as if it was a solid surface, with Hairo, Kaidou and the drowning girl from earlier on his back.
"What? Nendou, you're walking on water!" Hairo exclaimed as he looked down. "When'd you learn how to do that?!" Kaidou chimed in, and you already knew the answer. It was Saiki, using his strength to lift them all up so they wouldn't drown. You watched as all four of them sped off towards the sand.
'See? I told him he'd have more luck walking on water than picking up girls.'
You snorted to yourself at Saiki's comment before tilting your body so you were on your back, letting the waves carry you as you caught your breath.   You closed your eyes, exhaustion kicking in as the adrenaline ran out. Your eyes opened when you felt the water move, making you slightly lose your balance.
You opened your eyes, squinting as the sun invaded your gaze, only for you to see Saiki. He turned around in the water, showing you his back, "Get on. I'll carry you to the beach." His closed statement left no room for discussion, and even if it had you, you were too tired to argue.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, mindful not to squeeze too hard and rested your head on him as he swam you back to the beach. You tried not to pay attention to how close the two of you were or how you could feel his body heat since he didn't have a top on.
After throwing your top back on, you watched as the girl who nearly drowned you apologised to Nendou. "Sorry I joked about how ugly your face is." She said and you guessed it was her way of thanking him for saving her. "Hmph, I'm glad you didn't ask for her number in return for your heroics," Kaidou said, giving the wannabe gangster a nod of approval.
"Heh, I try to be a gentleman, but if that hottie fell in love with me, I'm not gonna turn her down," Nendou replied, closing his eyes as if he was proud. You had to give it to him, the man had confidence. You walked alongside Saiki as you left Hairo and the girl.
"She wouldn't," Kaidou whispered under his breath, a smirk on his face. Nendou whipped his head around to shout at him. "What'd you say?!" The day at the beach ended and finally, you could go home.
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After the four of you got back in town, Nendou and Kaidou split off so they could head home, Truth be told, that was the plan for you as well until Saiki stopped you.
"Do you want to come back to my house?" You turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow at him at the suggestion. You were sure he thought of you as a nuisance like everyone else, yet here he was inviting you to his place.
"Don't get any weird ideas. Mom told me to bring you back for dinner. She likes having you around." Mrs Saiki hadn't specifically told him to bring you back, but Saiki did know that she liked your company. A small smile graced your face at the sentiment. Being liked by someone else's parents was a different type of validation. You shrugged and walked beside him back to the Saiki Household.
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next part - alexithymia  
general taglist: 
@biscuit-buddy @gvthic-gvrl @dunnieko @milkierei @kyrasworld @baby-unidorn @moonflowerpetals @the-mellokid @bangtxnbby @alexiswheeze @tanzaniiite @mo0o0milk @omilkandhoneyteao @turntechsquishy @gukkarchive @peachesuck @hartbeat-art @franko-pop @ima-attention-whore @ola-is-dead @daisysinadarkmedow @froppysgirl @xjaelee @beanst0ck @llamaavocado @tanakassimp @kooksmono @loving-is-the-antidote @toebios @tvwhoresblog @delta-698 @victory-is-here @chuchaycha @saeranoppa @erinbing @draco-kasai @nocturnalcreature998 @just-snog-already @sunnsettee @saikikslut @juju-la-tortue @plutoneu @womanizerbucky @bakugohoex @thatasiandumbass @krazyotakunerd @totallyinlovewithsaiki @kenmascockwarmer @squishiyy @choridion @memorableminds @kyrah-williams @animeboysimppp @soft-levi-girl-blog @aunty-grandma @mindofess @beccawinter @valeriasannchez @unlimitedsimping @bigdumbobsessedbi @tanzaniiite @introvertatitsfinest @windex-princess-ami @knighted-princess @vernon-dursley @emeraldbluexxxx @iwachanslove @skelingtonfreak @dora-the-grownup @peachymichu @amaranth-fuchsia @strawberryjam8 @notaroyal @chaeyal @kuntent-t @heyitsmelilly @mango-bear @sugaamykookies @mrs-todo-roki @joyidonuts @hxney-lemcn @prlan @quiescentelle @alexloveskili @subtropicace @hoshi4k @echothepuff @kindalollipop @ameliabs-world @babyshoyo @animedweeb333 @celamoon @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @froggi666 @loser-keiji @lucilleifer @lunachelly @kaylenn @queenof-saigon @dudufodd @multifandomcat @fresa-luna @kohi-zeri  @anyaswrld @saltandapepper @scar8o @where-i-do-things @potatochic2003 @fishfetus @chaotic-fangirl-blog @acidicloveee @noodlenerd101 @aurorakingsley @crystalgman25 @healpeony @chims-kookies @track5enthusiast @mommymi1kers @aboveasphodel @strawberriesareprettycool @princeizuku @mythical-mushrooms13 @stellalorelei @cole-silas @queenof-saigon @thecupcakezombie @dudufodd @multifandomcat @multifandoms99 @skylarmoon119 @hyejoolips @soggyxfroggy @imkumichan  @honeyyslvt @theawkwardspork @gabile18 @magikmina @ampheenix @siriusly1​ @elwasheree​ @itsskyvoltage​ @luna-astro​ @r4td0lll
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thealtoduck · 7 months
Working in Madame Xanadu’s parlor and meeting Garfield Logan…
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Garfield Logan x Male Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: You get hired at Madame Xanadu’s Parlor and you end up meeting the several superheroes including a cute green haired boy…
(A/n: The story dosen’t take place in the Titans show, just your average dc fan universe.)
It all started when you were looking for a job, nothing fancy just something for a bit of pocket money. That’s when you stumbled by Madame Xanadu’s parlor where you noticed a ”Help Wanted” sign.
You looked at it for a bit. ”Am i really considering working in a fortune telling parlor…” you thought to yourself. You then decided why the hell not.
So you entered the parlor where a beautiful woman in a colorful dress was standing behind a counter. She looked at you and said ”I’ve been waiting for you”. Which left you a bit confused.
”Do you mean in like a psychic fortune teller way or did you just see me looking at the ”Help Wanted” sign through the window?” you questioned. ”Both” she answered. ”Cool” you stated and then asked ”So what sorta help are you looking for? Cause honestly i don’t know much about fortune telling”.
”Well, I’m a very busy woman so i am simply looking for someone to manage the shop, book appointments, clean and whatever else is needed” she explained. ”I could do that, i used to help my mom at her hair salon, you know sweep up hair, take care of appointments and everything” you told her.
”You’re hired” she said simply. Little did you know that you had started working for an actual fortune teller and a member of Justice League.
But it soon dawned on you as people like Wonder Woman, John Constantine and Zatanna stopped by for Madame Xanadu’s assistance. You also noticed that several objects in the parlor had actual magic powers.
Other than the magical boss, the superpowered customers and powerful magic objects and potions, it wasn’t that different from working in any other store. And fortune telling being a very niche market gave you some of free time, during which you would usually study or read a magzine.
One afternoon you were sitting behind the reception desk studying for a test when two people entered the store. A goth girl and a cute guy with green hair. They walked towards the desk and the girl asked in a slightly stressed tone ”Is Madame Xanadu here?”.
”Do you have an appointment?” you asked. ”No but it’s really important, is she here?” the girl asked again. ”Yeah, i can go see if she has time, do you have a name i can give her?” you asked. ”Rachel Roth” she said and you went in to Madame Xanadu’s fortune telling room.
Meanwhile Rachel and Gar, outside…
”That guy is kinda cute” Gar said making Rachel give him a look that said ”not the time we’re here for important stuff”.
Back to you…
She was sitting on the floor meditating. ”Uhm… Madame Xanadu, there’s a girl here named Rachel Roth, she says it’s something important, do you have time now or should i get her an appointment?” You asked.
”Send her in” Madame Xanadu said opening her eyes. You exited her room and went back to the recteption and said ”Madame Xanadu is waiting for you inside”. The girl uttered a quick ”Thanks” and went inside to meet with the fortune teller.
You went back to studying as the green haired guy looked around the parlor. He then stood himself in front of you and asked ”What are you reading? Somekind of spellbook? Or like potions book?”.
You lifted the book and showed him the cover and answered ”American history, i’m studying for a test”. ”That’s cool too” he said blushing a little. You then realised something ”Wait? you know about magic and all that stuff are you and your friend like wizards?”.
”Uhm… no but my friend is a half demon who was raised by magic monks” he explained. You nodded in understanding. You were about to continue the conversation when Madame Xanadu and Rachel suddenly came out of the room. Rachel having changed in to a cloak.
”Y/n. Me and Rachel need to travel to a magic temple to retrive a powerful artifact, I need you to look after the parlor. If i’m not back by closing time, just lock up, the key is on my desk” she told you. ”Yes, ma’am” you answered casually.
”Gar, you need to stay here” Rachel said. ”What? Why” the green haired boy questioned. ”You won’t be able to survive in there without magic so it’s best you stay here” Rachel explained and using magic to open a portal. The two magical women went through the portal and it closed as quick as it had opened.
You looked at Gar and asked ”Wanna go get some take out? There is a great place close by?”. ”Do they have good vegetarian stuff?” Gar asked. You nodded and the two of you went out.
You came back about 20 minutes later and sat down in the parlor and ate. Gar told you that he and Rachel aka Raven were part of the Teen Titans. You then explained to him how, you an average human ended up working the reception desk for a magic sorceress.
After you finished your meals Gar helped you get some studying done for your history test. Then you and him did some cleaning around the store. Once you finished the two of you sat down and talked for while, Gar even showed off his powers.
Eventually a portal opened and Madame Xanadu and Raven returned, Raven carrying some sort of weird probably magical mask. She and Gar started getting ready to leave. Gar turned to you and said ”I had a really good time tonight”.
”Me too, thanks for the help with studying and the cleaning” you said gratefully. ”No worries, anytime” he said and noticed a pen and a notepad on the desk. He took them and scribbled something down. ”Here, it’s my number in case you ever need more help studying or anything” he said handing you the note.
”Thanks” you said and Gar started walking towards the exit, you gave each other a wave goodbye. Madame Xanadu gave you a knowing look and offered ”If you want, I could get you a tarrot reading on where THAT is heading”. ”No thanks, i’d rather just wait and see what happens” you said and started getting ready to go home.
Once you got your history test back with a great big ol’ ”A” written on it you sent a text to Gar saying ”Got an A! Thanks for being a great study buddy”. A little while later Gar texted back saying ”Good job! Happy to help. What’s up next? Maybe chemistry? ;)”.
281 notes · View notes
angelatmidnight1 · 4 months
hii thank you for feeding us with your bg3 tickle content 😫🙏🏼 I’ve been starving. Do you have any headcanons for ler!Gale with a stoic/tsundere lee!tav? Or really any of the other companions if ur not a Gale girly. tysm ❤️ [ps. tell me if I’ve crossed any boundaries / done something wrong, first time sending an ask 🙂]
A/N: Hi! You didn't cross any boundaries. I know you said headcanons, but I hope a fic was okay instead? This prompt works nicely with my favorite tav and her relationship with Gale- she's a stoic, snooty sorceress. I kept the fic gender-neutral though. I hope you like it! 💜
Pillow Talk
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Fandom- Baldur's Gate 3.
Pairing- Gale Dekarios x Reader (ler!Gale, lee!reader). For the purposes of this story, reader is a sorcerer.
Word Count- 3,723.
Warnings- Spoilers for Acts 1-2 (ish), swearing, rivals to lovers in the beginning, and tickles.
As a noble-born sorcerer, there’s very little you don’t know about magic. It’s flown through your family’s veins for centuries. But, Gale’s different. He knows way more than you’d ever expect. As much as you try to deny it, you fall for him, and channeling the Weave together confirms it. Much to your surprise, the feelings are mutual. As your new relationship blossoms, Gale realizes that he’s never heard you laugh before, and he seeks to remedy that. 
“Can’t I just break it?” 
Karlach whined as she jostled the lock on the door. The lock glowed as she touched it and suddenly sent out a pulse of magical energy. She staggered back, yelping. “Shit! Guess not.”
You maneuvered around her, shaking your head. “It’s a magical lock, Karlach. I told you smashing it won’t do anything.” You stepped closer to the locked door and held up a hand. It glowed as you channeled into your magic. Closing your eyes, you traced your fingers along the lock’s sigils. “This lock is enchanted with psychic magic,” you hissed when the lock pulsed at you, stinging your hands. “And powerful psychic magic at that.”
Gale approached you from the side, humming skeptically. “I hate to be the one to disagree, but these are illusion sigils.” He traced his fingers over the same sigils as you, nodding to himself. “It’s more of a puzzle, judging by the patterns.”
You gave him a side glance, frowning. This was a recurring pattern in your journey. When it came to magic, you and Gale always had disagreements.  “...Perhaps. But there’s psychic magic at work here, Gale. Not illusion.”
Gale raised a defensive hand. “There’s room for overlap, surely. However, I think I know the solution.” His eyes glowed as he reached into the Weave and mirrored the patterns on his palm. “If I follow the patterns, like so, I believe it’ll spell out the missing key.”
“Or,” You interjected and charged up a psychic pulse between your hands. “I can overload the sigils with psychic energy and destroy them. I understand this may not have been in your textbooks though.”
“Oh, charming.” Gale’s eyes flitted over to you disdainfully. “I had not planned on mentioning rank, but since we clearly are, I spent a considerable amount of time as Mystra’s chosen. Dismantling puzzles like these was my bread and butter.”
You weren’t backing down. You went through with your spell, directly interfering with Gale’s. “Don’t you mean former Mystra’s chosen?”
“Hey, c’mon, knock it off!” Karlach scolded. “If you two put half the energy into opening the door that you use to argue with each other, we’d be on our way back to camp by now! Now, hurry up.” Her stomach growled mid sentence. She sighed. “I’m starving.”
“Gladly.” Gale sunk deep into the Weave and figured out the patterns needed to unlock the door. Your psychic magic definitely helped smooth the path forward. Karlach cheered once the door opened. 
“Fuck yeah!” She turned to both of you, beaming. “See what happens when you put your magical minds together?”
You followed her out of the dungeon, giving Gale a once over. “I see what happens when you pay attention at the wizard academy. The teachers must’ve adored you, Gale.” You huffed sarcastically. “Such a diligent schoolboy.”
Gale shook his head, smirking. “That couldn’t be any further from the truth! I slept through most of my lessons. And the trouble I found nearly got me expelled.” He chuckled. “Nevertheless, we can breathe fresh air now, thanks to our combined efforts. I hope we can work together again in more pleasant circumstances.”
“I’d sooner kiss a mind flayer.” You marched ahead of him, grumbling.
Wizards were so infuriating. Pompous, book-ridden, and proud. And yet, there was something to this Gale of Waterdeep. Something that interested you. 
His hubris, as suffocating as it was, was tempered with true expertise. Passion, even.  You’d never met anyone like him, not even in Baldur's gate. Magic was everything to you; it shielded you and brought your enemies to their knees. It was thrilling to meet someone who could match you. Plus, he had a gentle heart. 
You didn’t plan on saving tiefling refugees, but beating up goblins was fun. During the attack, a tiefling child lost their parents. Neither you or Gale could bring them back to life. Still, he comforted them the best way he could. 
“I’m sorry for your loss.” He hugged them when they ran into his arms. “These are horrors that no child should have to go through. I…can’t bring them back, but I do have something that I hope can bring you some comfort.”
The tiefling child pulled away, sniffling. “You do?”
Gale conjured up a necklace of illusion magic. He handed it to the child. “This necklace is just for you. I’ll teach you the incantation to trigger the magic. Before doing the incantation, you need to think of a happy memory you have with your parents. Then, you’ll be able to relive that memory so long as you keep the necklace on.”
The child took the necklace and slipped it on. They toyed with the gem at the end, which glowed with a pleasant warmth. They smiled sadly, “Thank you.”
Something stirred in you. You didn’t name the feeling, but it was potent all the same. You felt hot and your heart raced. You’d never say it out loud, but you had a crush on Gale.
Instead of joining the festivities at camp, you turned in early for the night. You grabbed the first book you saw and settled onto your bedroll. Reading usually distracted you, especially when you read about magic. And yet, your mind was occupied by Gale. After failing to get to even the second page, you slammed the book shut. You tucked the book under your arm and ventured out to Gale’s tent. If you couldn’t benefit from the book, maybe he could. 
Gale’s tent was a short walk away from yours. The party was dying down, but Gale usually stayed up studying. When you arrived at his tent, though, there was a conjuration of Mystra in his palm. He gazed at the image longingly, not realizing that you were watching. You stepped closer.
“Paying tribute?”
He flinched and whirled around. Mystra’s image disappeared, and he exhaled. “You startled me, (Y/N).” he breathed. “I suppose you could say I am, in a way. Though I can’t say my soul feels any lighter.”
You gave him a questioning look. He continued. 
“I hope we can put our earlier disagreement behind us, (Y/N).” He said, taking a few steps towards you. Your heartbeat quickened. “It’s just been so long since I’ve collaborated with anyone regarding magic. I understand that we may have different approaches when it comes to wielding it.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “What’s done is done. Why were you just conjuring an image of the goddess?”
“Oh, that. Well..” He trailed off as if he was unsure of what to say. Then, he cleared his throat. “The longer we embark on our journey, the less connected I feel to the Weave. And, it’s everything to me. It always has been..”  He sighed heavily, then looked at you with a sudden air of curiosity. “I know we haven’t seen eye to eye, but from one arcane user to another, would you like to channel the Weave with me? It’s a wonderful experience.”
You put down the book you were carrying, shifting awkwardly. “I’ve never done it. I never feel far from the Weave’s embrace, so I haven’t felt the need to.”
“Lucky you,” Gale chuckled. “Still, my offer stands. I can show you how to do it. What do you say?”
This was usually when you’d rebuff him. Not this time. Your curiosity piqued, and he did look handsome in the candlelight. 
“Show me.”
Gale’s eyes brightened. He smiled. “As you wish. Follow my lead.”
Channeling the Weave was effortless. Gale was a wonderful teacher: patient, eager, and generous with praise. The air was sweet, and you felt safe in the Weave’s embrace. You closed your eyes, and your mind wandered again. To home. To Gale. To the thought of your lips pressed together in a passionate kiss—
The connection flickered. You forgot yourself. Your eyes snapped open and found Gale. He looked back at you with an equally surprised expression.
It took a week for you to face Gale again. You were terribly embarrassed. All of that melted away when, surprisingly, he reciprocated your feelings. 
“I must be a powerful wizard indeed,” He was saying quietly to you during another one of your travels. “If I managed to charm the likes of you. I’m flattered, truly. And, might I say, you have incredibly good tastes.”
“Shh. Do you ever stop talking?” You returned in a hushed whisper, holding back a smile. You and Gale were walking behind Karlach and Astarion, and you didn’t want to catch their attention. Gale noticed the hint of your smile and gasped. 
“Is that a smile I see? Oh, I’m afraid you’re done for.” He smirked and leaned into you. His breath tickled your ear, and you shivered. “I haven’t even begun to work my full array of charms on you.”
“What’re you two talking about?” Astarion cut into the private conversation, a curious glint in his eye. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen (Y/N) speak so much.”
Your smile instantly fell. You frowned, “It’s nothing that concerns you, Astarion.”
“Oh, come on.” The spawn pouted. “You’re no fun at all. What’s a bit of gossip among friends?” He looked at the two of you expectantly, but he didn’t get an answer. He huffed. “Ugh, fine. Be that way.”
Once he turned away, Gale whispered to you again. “Let’s continue this conversation in private tonight, hmm? I could prepare a meal.”
“Fine,” you agreed, nodding. “I’ll bring the drinks.”
After dinner, you stayed in Gale’s tent to read together. Many of your companions were either asleep or involved in their own pursuits, so they didn’t notice your empty tent. You were buried under a purple blanket with a book on your lap with him beside you. 
“Comfortable?” Gale asked as he cozied up to you. You nodded and pushed half of the blanket to him, which he happily accepted. “Excellent. Now, tell me, when did you realize you were hopelessly enamored with me?”
You looked up suddenly, and he was grinning. A blush creeped up on your cheeks. You smirked. “I believe I could ask you the same thing.”
“You very well could. But, since I asked first..” Gale’s grin widened. “I’ll admit, it is a long list. There are the impassioned debates we have, my words, my award winning smile…”
“Awards?” You shook your head in disbelief. “Who’s given you these awards?”
“Three people, actually.” Gale feigned offense. “Why, there’s me. Myself, who’s a great fellow…”
“Stop.” You nudged his arm, giggling.  “You can’t give yourself awards. They don’t count.” 
“According to whom?!”
You covered your face, muffling your giggles. “Gods, you’re ridiculous.”
Gale laughed. When you uncovered your face, he was smiling warmly. “I’ve never heard you laugh before. It’s a beautiful sound.”
Your blush deepened. The truth was that you didn’t laugh much, if at all. You usually spurned the company of others, but you felt comfortable in Gale’s presence. You shifted, turning your attention back to your book. “Thank you. Now, are we going to read, or am I to sing your praises all night?”
“Both sound wonderful, though I’d settle for hearing you laugh again.” He slid close to you so that your arms touched. You smiled, keeping your eyes down on your book. 
“I’m sure there will be something I can laugh at you about soon.” You chuckled lightly and turned a page. “All in good time, love.”
“You’re terrible, you know?” Gale gently squeezed your side with his free hand. You fidgeted and jostled your book. A metaphorical lightbulb went off in his head, and you eyed him suspiciously. 
“Are you-”
Gale chuckled. “I haven't finished my question.” He discarded his book to the side. He leaned into you with a small, knowing smile. “Now, before I was so rudely interrupted, are you ticklish?”
You shook your head. “I’m not.” You pressed your arm against your side, settling for holding your book with one hand. “You just startled me.”
“I see.” Gale hummed, rubbing his beard in thought. You thought that would’ve been the end of it, but after a brief pause, he was smiling again. “I do apologize, but I again disagree with you. The signs point to the opposite, I’m afraid.”
“There aren’t any-” 
He squeezed your side again. This time, you squeaked and squirmed out of his reach. Gale smirked. 
“Right. No signs.” He answered coyly, extending an arm out to reach you. He idly wriggled his fingers and you leaned away even further, unable to hide your grin. “None at all.”
“Gale,” You started warningly, propping yourself up onto your knees. This made your book tumble off of your lap. “I’m warning you. Don’t try it.”
“Surely there’s no harm in a bit of experimentation, is there?” Gale was testing the waters. He observed your body language. If he noticed the slightest bit of discomfort, he’d back off. Your gaze was sharp, but your wobbly grin told him that he hadn’t pushed too far. “You make one claim, I make another. Yet, it’s impossible for both claims to be correct.”
You put your hands out defensively as he inched closer. “D-Don’t come any closer.”
Gale stopped moving. His smirk broadened. “Of course. If that’s what you want, I will humbly oblige.”
Something was off. As a sorcerer, you could detect magic, and he definitely had a trick up his sleeve. It just wasn’t one you were expecting. 
The sneaky wizard conjured a hologram of himself behind you. It had crept up behind you while you backed away from Gale. By the time you noticed it, it was too late. It fluttered its fingers into your sides, and you shrieked. 
“Gahahle-?!” You let out a short laugh and curled into yourself. You shoved away the hands and whirled around to see the hologram. “Youhu bahahstard.”
“You’ve quite the mouth on you, don’t you?” Gale clicked his tongue, watching you and the hologram with amusement. “It’s actually one of the many qualities I like about you. That, your strength, and your obstinance.” 
While he spoke, Gale’s hologram lightly poked at your torso, earning gasps and curses. If it reached a ticklish spot, it was rewarded with a startled giggle. Both Gale and his hologram wore the same smirk. “Are you absolutely sure that you’re not ticklish, my dear?” The wizard spoke over your snickering. “Based on my observations, that theory gets weaker with each passing minute.”
“I’m nohohot!” You bit your lips, muffling any would be giggles. You were losing the battle with the hologram’s hands. Instead, you checked it with your shoulder, trying to bump it hard enough to make it disappear. That tactic not only failed, but gave the hologram the opportunity to pull you in close. Now, with one arm around your waist, it gently pinched and scampered its fingers along your ribs. You exhaled sharply and bit your lip harder. “K-Knohock it off, Gahale-”
Gale held up his hands, feigning innocence. “I’m not doing anything. I haven’t moved, just like you asked.” 
“G-Get rihihid of the holograham!”
“Oh!” He made a big show of realizing what you meant. His eyes flicked to the hologram and he charged up a spell in his hands. Or, it looked like he did. You knew better than that; he did nothing. He chuckled sheepishly. “Apologies, I’m afraid he has a mind of his own. There’s nothing I can do.”
“Youhuhu are deahad-” 
Gale’s hologram teased your upper ribs with his fingertips. Hissing through clenched teeth, you squirmed in its hold, winding your arms tight around your torso. His fingers were trapped now, so he scribbled his fingers in a side to side motion along your ribs. The laughter was begging to be free, and it made itself known the longer you fought it off. But, if you were going down, you were going down swinging. 
As a last ditch effort, you channeled your magic and sent out a small shockwave. It didn’t do any damage, but it did blow things around. Your goal was to break Gale’s concentration on his hologram spell, and it worked. Gale yelled as he stumbled back, and the hologram disappeared.
“Did you just-” Gale looked bewildered. He wasn’t hurt, but his scrolls and books were in a disarray. “Certainly a bit of tickling didn’t warrant an attack on my person!” 
“It absolutely did.” You breathed. You rubbed the ticklish sensations out of your skin. “You attacked first, and I responded accordingly.”
“You did not respond accordingly!” Gale picked up one of the books that fell. He dusted off the cover. “You could’ve put a crease in my Magical Histories book.”
For whatever reason, that amused you. It amused you so much that you busted out laughing. Gale made the quick decision to cast a sound barrier spell around his tent, so that your loud laughter wouldn’t disturb your companion’s sleep. You laughed and laughed, collapsing on the floor, and Gale’s cheeks flushed. 
“What is so funny?” Gale had to resist the urge to laugh along with you; your true laugh was highly contagious. Once you calmed down, you pushed yourself up into a seated position, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. 
“You’re-” You couldn’t get through your sentence without snickering. “Youhu’re such a dork.”
“Wha- I will not stand for an attack on my person and my character.” Gale suddenly teleported to you, wrapping both of his arms around your frame. He scribbled across your sides, ribs, hips- anywhere he could reach. You squealed and, arms flailing, fell back into a fit of giggles. 
Despite your ticklish panic, you still had some fight in you. While he was invested in tickling your ribs, a highly sensitive spot, you took the opportunity to tickle him back. You shot a hand up and buried it in the crook of his neck, tickling with purpose. Thankfully, he was ticklish too. 
He immediately scrunched his neck, giggling hard. “O-Ohohoho nohoho you don’t!” He yelped and abandoned tickling you to wrestle with your hands. You grinned triumphantly. 
“You left me no choice,” You wriggled your hand free from his neck and found his side, squeezing repeatedly. Gale giggled louder and gripped your wrist, but this didn’t deter you. 
A tickle fight was on, and Gale was determined to win. There was a war of flailing arms and hands before the wizard emerged victorious. With a sudden burst of strength that was sure to make him sore in the morning, he pulled you down to the floor with him. 
He set you on his lap, using one arm to pin your own arms to your sides. He didn’t hold on too tightly; you could’ve gotten away if you really wanted. He only held on with just enough strength to keep you from tickling him. Now, with his free hand, he kneaded into your hip bone. You lurched forward, giggling loudly, and he put his leg over yours to keep you put. 
“Nahahahaha!” You squeaked as he jumped to your other hip bone. The floodgates were open now as you squirmed in his hold. “Gahahahahle!”
Now, it was his turn to grin triumphantly. He snaked his fingers up your sides, tweaking them with the lightest touch. He nestled his head in the crook of your neck.  “There we are, dearest. Much better.” He chuckled into your skin, which only made you laugh louder. “And, if you won’t say it, I’m happy to do it for you. You,” He scampered up to your ribs, playing them like a piano. “Are,” A hand burrowed into your underarm, earning him yelps and cackles. “Definitely ticklish.”
You didn’t realize it at the moment, but the longer he tickled you, the more you sank into his arms. Soft, playful moments were a rarity, especially given the journey you were on. You’d never, ever say it out loud, but you were enjoying yourself. As smug as he was, Gale was being very gentle. “What do you say, (Y/N)? Do you think we could at least agree on that score?” 
You hid your face with one hand, letting out a squealing laugh when his hand landed on your stomach. “NOHOHOHO!” You returned, laughing loudly, as you squirmed harder in his lap. He prodded into abdominal muscles and held you a little bit tighter. 
“The signs are all there,” He whispered into your ear, teasing you, while he scribbled and poked into your belly. He let go of your arm so that he could use both hands to tickle. You didn’t realize the shift, so you curled into his arms instead of pushing his hands. “There’s the squirming, the squeals, and the laughter, which is quite enchanting…”
You finally grabbed onto his wrists, but still didn’t really stop him. It wasn’t until he gently kneaded his thumbs into the sides of your belly that you finally relented. “OKAHAHAHAY! I’M TIHIHCKLISH, GAHAHALE!”
He immediately stopped, rubbing his palms over your abdomen. “I’m happy we can finally agree on something.” He chuckled. He moved his hands off to the side. “And, I’ll let your cheeky comment slide. What’s more interesting to me is that you had the chance to move my hands, and yet you didn’t. I’m going to make another claim and suggest that you enjoyed yourself.” 
You laid your head against his chest, breathing deeply. “And…if I did?” You tried to sound defensive, but there wasn’t any venom in your words. Gale smiled, resting his palm against your cheek. 
“Then you’d only be more adorable to me, if that’s even possible.” His thumb rubbed along your skin as he took you in. “Gods, you’re beautiful. And that’s laugh- it’s something of the heavens, truly. I could listen to it all night.”
“But not tonight,” You tapped his nose, chuckling. “I’m exhausted.”
“No matter. I’m sure we’ll have many more nights like these to come. If you’d still like to join me, that is.”
You shifted in his lap so you could face him. You grinned. ���I think I could make the time. Shall we seal the deal with a kiss?”
“I would love that.” Gale’s smile widened as he leaned into you, and you met him halfway, pressing your lips into his. Maybe it was because you’re both spellcasters, but the kiss was nothing short of magical.
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bonbon-bonny · 4 months
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I don't usually write a whole lot but I wanted to talk about this for a moment
Ahem. *flips through notes*
So I loooove Sailor Moon. Specifically the 90s version. It was my favorite show growing up. My home life was difficult and to see someone like Usagi with a perfect family, a perfect boyfriend etc. getting to live her best life despite the fact she herself wasn't perfect was too easy to become a bit obsessive over ^_^;
well, let's just say I wanted to be Usagi just a bit too much because my world, my family (Side note: I looove my family! They did the best they could to take care of me growing up, but we had to deal with an unusual circumstance that made it hard for all of us), heck just even being myself didn't feel good enough and frankly it left me having to confront a lot of issues just to be okay with who I am now.
And of course ,naturally, I looooved Tuxedo Kamen XD. On the outside to me, he seemed perfect; a knight in shining armor.
But I always kept running into a particular conversation which is "why do you like him so much tho? He seems like a jerk. He seems so different from her. He never shows her affection. She'd be better off with someone like Seiya who's more on her level. He's useless. He's bad for trying to help her because she's a girl boss and doesn't need to be rescued." Like, seriously the amount of criticism I've heard towards this character is wild and he literally gets attacked no matter what he does.
And you know I get it. If you just look at it from a surface level it's easy to maybe get that impression of him but after one particular conversation I was having with a friend of mine about it I stopped and asked myself why. Why does she like him? why does he like her? how can two people who outwardly look so different from each other ever be in a healthy relationship? what could the two of them possibly have in common?
So I did what I do best and I watched the show I grew up with carefully. I observed him. I watched the things he said and did. And in the end I reached several conclusions.
Mamoru isn't perfect, at least in the beginning, but he's always trying to do his best to be. With almost anyone else in the show he's usually calm, collected and somewhat reserved. The only person besides Motoki he seems to act out a bit with if you can call it that IS Usagi and half of the time it's not even that he's actually being mean.
[IF you watch the Japanese version with subtitles, because in the English dub? Ooph! they changed so much of his dialogue and gave him such a smirky voice it's hard to listen to him without wanting to punch him in the face imo.]
It's that the way she perceives him is off. Also, sometimes it's not even HIM that starts the arguments.
Sometimes SHE'S the one who starts their spats and he snaps back at her. Sometimes she hits him with shoes and papers and doesn't seem to care.
One episode that comes to mind is the Dreamland episode where the toy train stops and she rams into him. All he did was look at her and say hi and immediately she got defensive and started making fun of him.
Making fun of an orphan sitting on a toy train who most likely was just trying to do something fun that he never got to because he didn't HAVE a family to take him as a kid.
Seriously. If you were to be in his place, going through this world, it's rather scary, stressful, terrifying, and uncertain.
He didn't get a magical talking cat to walk him through his powers. Instead he got seizures and psychic visions, and a past life version of himself that took over his body without consent until he finally got the rainbow crystal and understood what was happening around him.
He gets amnesia not once but twice, kidnapped several times, and gets trapped in his own mind twice ala brainwashing by beryl and Nehelenia and by stars I wouldn't be surprised if half of the reason he went to study abroad instead of staying with Usagi is because he was afraid if he did he'd only continue to be a burden for her, because the man hardly has any dialogue and seems almost catatonic.
Also let's be real here. As amazing as it was for him to meet and talk with his future self it probably scared him. The responsibility of literally being King of the world, of making decisions that could impact the lives of everyone in tremendous ways. Of being the kind of partner and provider he thinks Usagi deserves or being a good father for Chibi-Usa when he didn't get to have parents to show him what those things looked like.
He didn't get a loving family to support him or tell him that they loved him, he was an orphan who probably hoped someone would eventually rescue him but no one ever did.
He probably feels in his heart that he doesn't deserve to be loved by anyone, and even if someone were to pursue him romantically he probably couldn't reciprocate in any meaningful way because he's most likely too closed off emotionally to be in a healthy relationship with anyone.
Heck the guy only for the most part has only two best friends. Motoki and Saori and frankly I'd hardly even call Saori a best friend since she literally just shows up in an episode in Super S as "Romantic competition" for Usagi and then just ups and vanishes and is never mentioned ever ever again.
So how does someone like him see Usagi and wind up constantly sacrificing his life over and over again for her?
Three words:
She. Sees. Him.
Once she starts to look at him a bit differently instead of seeing him as some tall guy running around with his stupid green jacket with his prickly personality, once she realizes that it was him trying to rescue her when she was so close to the brink of death on occasions and getting injured in the process, once he opens up to her about his struggles she sees him. Not just because he's a hero, but because even if it's hard for him he still tries to help her. A lot of times he even gives her really sound advice that she winds up listening to even if at the time he tells her she doesn't seem to understand him and takes it the wrong way.
He probably also deep down worries that he truly doesn't deserve someone like her.
Even if we don't always see it from the outside he adores Usagi because she sees him for who he is and doesn't ask him to be more outgoing or different.
Usagi adores him because he doesn't ask her to be anything other than who she really is.
Both of them accept the other as they truly are inside. THAT is true love.
You don't really get the chance to see what their relationship looks like from the outside. But he smiles a lot when he's with her which is certainly not something he really ever did with Rei or anyone else from what I could tell. And I bet when he does take her out on dates he's embarrassed and flustered and stumbles but he also probably takes off his mask and tries to make her happy and have a good time.
Also I'd like to add some notes on King Endymion and the violet. Why so much violet? Like....an overwhelming amount of violet XD I never understood why when I was younger but as I've grown up I've spent some time delving into subjects such as Psychology, Spirituality, and Philosophy.
Ladies and gentlemen, Violet is the color of the crown chakra.
Crown chakras deal with the mental and the spiritual. They are a gateway to enlightenment and in my opinion perhaps one could even say that the journey of mental health and enlightenment are two sides of the same coin.
So I'd like to think that for as much as Mamoru might struggle with his mental health, he also walked the path towards true enlightenment. Such a man truly should be King of the World and is more than deserving of being Usagi's partner.
And I'd die for a relationship with a man who is brave enough to confront the things which makes him suffer because I'd know that he'd have the clarity of mind to be a good partner, to treat me with kindness and compassion and show me the kind of love I've always dreamed of having, and that's something only someone who has love for themselves and others could ever possibly be able to give. He doesn't need to be perfect, because perfection is unattainable. He just needs to be brave enough to try even if it makes him deeply uncomfortable at times.
To the men who truly and deeply identify with Mamoru, know I'd marry you in a heartbeat if you asked. That if you showered me in chocolate and flowers I'd do the exact same thing for you because you deserve it. Anyone who is brave enough to do the work necessary to heal and grow, to have kindness and compassion for others, to show me that even if I'm not perfect that it's still okay to be myself around you deserves every happiness in the world.
Not everyone is brave enough to do such a thing and I've come to a point in my life where I'm not interested in what someone can give me externally as much as I am in the kind of person they choose to be and what their values are.
Maybe some people might look at someone like Mamoru and judge him, but Usagi most certainly never would once she got to know him; and considering I've always wanted to be her I'll die on this hill defending him. Out of everyone, Usagi WOULD defend him from the judgement, from the criticism, of the need to be perfect and wear masks, or be something other than what he truly is on the inside.
Mamoru is more than just a knight in shining armor,
He's beautiful imperfection; and I'd choose that over anything else any day.
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no-psi-nan · 3 months
Actually Terusai has kind of a fascinating element of psychological horror that I don't think most people notice.
Think about it. In a world where psychic powers are real and can be strong enough to destroy the planet, a girl is born who has two special abilities:
(Nearly) every guy immediately falls in love with her, and
The world in general bends over backwards to her will, affecting probability, the weather, and even the physics of falling droplets.
In the face of this, even Saiki's godly set of abilities are barely enough to counter her second power. And despite how much trouble Teruhashi puts him in and will continue to put him in, and despite Teruhashi's completely superficial crush on him, Saiki feels himself starting to fall in love with her too.
Is it true love? Is it Teruhashi's power eventually working its way through his natural defenses? Is it the will of God/the mangaka forcing him to be together with Teruhashi for some reason, possibly just because she wants it, or to appease an audience he knows exists out there somewhere?
How long can Saiki fight against Teruhashi's powers and God's will? How can he ever know whether his feelings are genuine?
The only way to know 100% for sure would be if Teruhashi loses interest in him and he then finds that he's also lost interest in her. Or potentially if he significantly powers up somehow and then finds that his feelings for Teruhashi aren't as strong any more.
The same problem still applies to any Teruhashi ship, of course, except that none of them would know that their feelings could potentially have been forced onto them by supernatural power, and so would live and love in ignorant bliss. 🤔 It might be possible for wlw ships to dodge this issue, except that Aiura and Imu's strong reactions to Teruhashi at first sight imply that Teruhashi's first power extends to anyone attracted to women (which would also explain Hairo's disinterest).
And if Teruhashi herself should ever realize that she was born with these powers and that her hard work isn't the source of them (as proven by the fact that she had them as a baby and also in all apocalyptic scenarios and she's gone evil, she still is loved and worshipped), she would have SUCH a breakdown, rip...
What a way to shatter a worldview! And how could she trust that ANYONE'S feelings towards her could be legitimate if she knows she has a magic power that forces the issue?? Maybe that's what tips her over the edge into cult leader in some of those AUs tbh!
You could hypothetically argue that Aiura's soulmate readings also exert control, except that Aiura's powers are only good for getting information, she's never shown any ability to affect reality. And it seems that soulmates don't necessarily always end up together for whatever reason (like geography/being in completely different areas of the world), so if Saiki wanted to ignore that prediction, there really wouldn't be anything stopping him.
He clearly didn't fall in love with Aiura at first sight (nor she with him) and no circumstances have ever evolved to force him into close contact with Aiura. Even the time Imu shoved Saiki and Aiura into the closet was in Teruhashi's favor because hearing her admit she liked Saiki was enough to prevent Saiki from carrying on his plan with Aiura. 🤷🏾
So any feelings that develop between Aiura and Saiki would be undoubtedly natural. But any feelings Saiki develops for Teruhashi would be perpetually under question...
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petr1kov · 4 months
i already made a video on the topic so i might be repeating myself, but the release of these recent silent hill projects make it impossible for me to not think about how much this franchise struggles with defining its identity. and for as much as i love silent hill 2, it's kinda its fault for muddying the waters on what a silent hill game was supposed to be 'about', since it is the one game that popularized this notion of the 'therapist town'.
twisted projections of the worst parts of someone's mind have been a cornerstone of the series since the first entry, where we are forced to experience alessa's nightmare, but it's a notably different approach than that of the second game, starting by the fact that it's a deep dive of someone else's mind, not the protagonist's - a formula that repeats itself most notably on silent hill 4, with walter's character being the sources of the projections, and even silent hill 3, where we are split between heather and claudia's versions of the otherworld.
in these games, we spend a good chunk of the game with our player characters as confused spectators of a horror that is connected to them, sure, but bigger than themselves. it is that contrast that made silent hill 2 stand out back when it came out, in fact. finding out that what we were experiencing stemmed from james himself instead of other characters around him was a genuine twist, not the forgone conclusion that it became these days.
in reality, what i believe has always been central to the identity of the silent hill games and that has been sorely neglected on basically every title that has been released after 4 (no doubt because of this belief that silent hill /needs/ to be about a tortured protagonist discovering hidden truths about their lives) is the occult. the genuine surreal supernatural elements that complement the metaphors. the cult and the gods and the otherworld and the psychic powers. and that's something that even silent hill 2, the game most disconnected of this aspect of the series out of the original four, still recognizes and approaches in direct ways. that's what makes maria such an intriguing character, especially on born from a wish, and there's even an ending where james tries to engages directly with elements of the cult of the original game, attempting to perform a ritual of rebirth on mary.
i feel that later silent hill titles feel almost ashamed to engage with these elements directly, preferring to lean heavily on the metaphorical aspects of it in order to downplay the weirdness of the occult in the series, but in doing it that, you end up stripping it of something that's essential to it, that gives the series its distinct flavor and, worse of all, end up with very samey, predictable stories that try and fail to recapture the magic of silent hill 2
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celestialtinkerbell · 2 years
・ 。゚☆° *.Hekate(100)・ 。゚☆° *.
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Hekate, the triple moon goddess. I can't think of a name that's more badass than that 😭. This was a lovely request made by @moonpluto . Hekate is the goddess of magic and mediumship, so my theory is that her asteroid talks about your spiritual gifts. I will be interpreting this through the houses by using tarotstrology, a concept that I got from @taisoleil.
If you'd like to purchase a personal paid reading or reiki service from me, then you can click here to book 🌌.
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First House
Natives with Hekate in their first House could have very strong clairaudient abilities or are just extremely sensitive about they hear. This asteroid indicates a long journey of struggling to accept who they are and being able to see the good within themselves. I feel like these individuals are powerfully gifted with psychic abilities, but don't want them and have tried to walk away from those parts about themselves and their purpose, multiple times. Their purpose could include helping the world in some way but they get overwhelmed by the responsibility and feel singled out on why it has to specifically be them to fulfill this role. They channel stuff with ease but could purposely ignore their intuition, guidance that they literally hear from their guides, or any other outside voices in order to keep their peace. It's like they're scared of their own power.
Second House
Hekate in the second House could indicate a high sensitivity to what you feel, acute clairsentience. It's imperative for these individuals to energetically cleanse themselves often and to seek new atmospheres. They don't do well in old houses (especially haunted ones),  thrifted objects, old habits, or anything old or used stuff in general because they can easily pick up what took place which could either be really good or really bad. Having short-term homes, meeting new people, and trying new things is what makes people with this placement thrive in life. Sacrificing and starting over is something that they probably experienced a lot in this lifetime but eventually accepted and used to their advantage. They could have introverted personalities and are easily drained around crowded people and spots. This could also mean probably preferring to not have a cluttered home and loathe the idea of hoarding anything. They could be pushed to learn different protective methods like cord cutting rituals.
Third House
People with Hekate in their third House could be excellent prophets. They're very skilled at guessing games, finishing other people's sentences, and great at foretelling the future but extremely spot on with predicting someone's downfall. Their vibe kind of reminds of the stereotypes about black cats and Bruno from Encanto. They could be accused of hexing or throwing evil eye at others, or could just be seen as someone who brings bad luck because of how they warn others about something that could happen. These are very misunderstood individuals because their help is seen as someone else's demise when really you people are saving lives. You could often have people apologizing to you later in life because I'm picking up scenarios where you're always the go-to person for advice but people end up getting mad at what you tell them, and if you guys are readers then I can definitely see people accusing you of being a fraud or a liar only to find out that you were right about something all along. The powerful thing about your gift, is your honesty, and that's what scares people. You may have to learn to only warn the people that are mature enough to hear what you have to say.
Fourth House
Natives with the fourth house Hekate placement are talented alchemists and manifestors. I keep picking up the fact that energy can be created but not destroyed. These people are always able to turn destruction and nothingness into something amazing. They're excellent at spell-work (jars, candles, oils, etc) are not the type to follow traditional methods because they're able to succeed regardless of what they do or don't have. They could be heavily into new age spirituality and are always into experimenting with new ways and methods to practice it. I feel like they will, if not already, become widely accepted mentors. They're able to introduce spirituality and the occult in a way that makes people feel welcome, easier to understand, and open to accepting it. Even though they're not traditionalists, they value the importance of still knowing the history and reasoning behind stuff while also still giving it respect. Because of their intellect, they're able to convince or convey their point to those who would typically oppose their beliefs (whether it be traditional spiritualists/occultists, agnostics, or scientists). Do not underestimate these individuals because they know their stuff and will argue you down.
Fifth House
Hekate in the fifth house could indicate helping others heal their childhood trauma. You could possibly trigger deja vu or nostalgia in people, but you're able to sit down with them and help sort out their feelings regarding the past and how to let them go. I feel like this is a combination of clairvoyance and clairsentience because I'm getting that how you connect with people is like astral projecting into their younger years and pinpointing when and what started the problem and knowing exactly how they feel to where you sympathize with them and are able to give them the precise guidance that they need.
Sixth House
The sixth house containing Hekate could indicate being really in tune with your higher self and helping others do the same. This looks like shifting people out of a materialistic mindset. I feel like you're able to persuade people into dropping superficial facades if they have one. You reveal to others what their true selves consists of and are able to help them de-program any values that they've learned that's holding them back. You trigger people to make changes in their lives instead of being stubborn with not growing their self-awareness or how they view themselves. They could have a special connection with animals or this can also be interpreted as being able to "tame the beast" within others.
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Seventh House
The spiritual gifts of people with the 7h hekate placement, involve mending others trust issues and willingness to be open to love and to receive help. You guys could have healing hands because I'm getting that y'all could really excel in being reiki practitioners. You're able to soothe others with your physical touch (people could love your hugs). You could attract partners that are closed off or have something about themselves that make you want to help them, but this could end up with you possibly living vicariously through them by wanting to fix everything that they're going through.
Eighth House
Natives with Hekate in their eighth house have powerful emotions. When people do you wrong, you want them to burn. I feel like you guys are able to curse others by what you're feeling, or it's kind of like, the pain that's inflicted on you gets returned to the sender, but worse. When people betray you, it's like they're digging their own graves because the karma that they get manifests as mayhem in their lives. This could also indicate being more on the shadow worker side, healing others with darkness, instead of light.
Ninth House
Natives with Hekate in their Ninth house could be great at telepathy, but most importantly, communicating with the other side as well as receiving messages from the spiritual realm. Your most dominant Clair is clear knowing. Individuals with this placement could have pivotal roles in channeling messages for the collective, but could have difficulty with channeling for themselves. It seems as if they're too knowledgeable with everything to the point where their spiritual team blocks them on purpose from knowing too much about their own future.
Tenth House
People with Hekate in the Tenth house could have a strong purpose with healing, mediumship, and divination. (Literally all three) These people are seen as supernatural with their gifts and could literally have a famous or at least very well known reputation for their abilities. These individuals may have started from nothing and experienced a lot of losses and betrayal in order to build their way to the top and share their wisdom with others. They could have had to pull themselves out of darkness and anguish about their existence in order to become a light for others to show the way, meaning that they started off as shadow workers before the become light workers.
Eleventh House
This is interesting. I'm getting that Hekate in the 11th house could indicate living a long life because your gifts get better with time. You guys could also look very youthful as you age. I'm picking up this scenario where you guys will be known as the medicine person in your community. Someone that's well known, loved, and sought out for your metaphysical and holistic methods. You guys are gifted with utilizing different herbs and other natural ingredients to help cure sicknesses. There's also something about your smile that positively changes something within other people. People could see you as an earth angel, which makes sense with your talents regarding natural remedies.
Twelfth House
People with Hekate in their Twelfth house could indicate having access to rare and ancient knowledge about spirituality and the occult, you guys may even have this knowledge passed down in your family. You guys could seem "two-faced", you keep your interest and knowledge about this field to yourself and you're very discreet about your practices. Your dreams may also play a huge part in how you pick up information that most people don't know about or try to keep hidden.
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callimara · 10 months
WILDWARD: About & Master Post
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Wildward is an original “magical girl” story by callimara loosely inspired by the show Miraculous Ladybug and Tokyo Mew Mew. However, unlike traditional ‘magical girl’ stories which focuses on the school-age experience, Wildward follows a cast of original characters in their young adulthood and the responsibilities that come with it. Being independent and trying to make ends meet is difficult enough, but their lives only become more complicated when they stumble upon mysterious jewellery that unleashes their wild side and transforms them into demigods! But just like everything else in the grown-up world, their newfound abilities come with a price. Now they must face mysterious and terrifying beasts from other dimensions that are even wilder than they are. Can they protect humanity from this extradimensional threat? Or will they succumb to their own primal urges?
Power System
In this world, exists 8 legendary artifacts known as Aegises, which are magical accessories inhabited by mythical beings called Sentinels. The Sentinels are capable of bestowing those in possession of their Aegis with supernatural abilities. The Sentinels primarily reside inside of their aegis until they are called upon by their wielder, at which point, they will leave their aegis and possess the wielder as their new vessel: granting them power. When they manifest outside of their aegis – often to act as a guide to their wielders - the Sentinels take on the form of the first creature they possessed, and are only visible to their wielders. When possessed by a Sentinel, their vessels develop the physical attributes of their Sentinels, such as wings, claws, and fangs. Aegis wielders also become more in tune with their survival instincts, gaining superhuman reflexes, stamina, speed, strength, sight, vision, and smell. Their transformed appearance follows the user’s preferences, however Aegis weapons are based on the individual wielder’s strengths and skills, allowing users of the same Aegis to wield different weapons, as well as a sub-weapon. This transformed state acts as an armor, giving them invincibility over normal weapons, increasing their physical durability and suppressing their pain perception, allowing them to survive fatal and/or immobilizing injuries. Only Aegis wielders (or those of a similar nature) are capable of injuring other Aegis wielders. Each Aegis has a limit to the amount of damage their transformed states can sustain: some being higher than others. If the sustained damage remains within these limits, all injuries disappear once the wielder de-transforms. However, if this limit is breached, the injuries they sustained may transfer to their normal bodies when they de-transform. The Aegis function by tapping into its wielder’s energy. Hence, the wielder’s bodies are forced to increase metabolism and produce more energy to keep up with the demand: similar to aerobic exercise. The longer they remain transformed, the further their bodies are pushed to exhaustion. The length of time that wielders are able to remain transformed depends solely on their physical fitness. Because of this, the Aegis wielders must also train their normal bodies, build fitness and endurance to remain transformed for longer. When transformed, their Aegis has the power to make it so that it would be impossible for someone to recognize their wielder, even with the assistance of psychic powers or DNA sampling. Each Aegis also possesses an activation and deactivation phrase, as well as a special power.
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More world-building and lore!
▶ The Sentinels
▶ The Aegis & Spellbook
▶ The Setting
▶ The Characters
▶ Frequently Asked Questions
▶ Episodes
▶ Read it on Ao3
▶ Mood Boards
(Updated 16th January 2024)
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windvexer · 2 months
I have a question about tarot. We see a lot of people doing tarot readings online nowadays,it's kind of "trendy". sometimes they just buy the cards and start doing already
Is this something truly anyone can do? Doesn't a person need some kind of extra sensitivity or something to be able to do divination?
Also don't the answers from tarot come from a spirit ? Because then, I think depending of the person the spirit might just not answer anything or the person isn't able to connect with any spirit. So I feel like a lot of times in end aren't they just getting the cards by luck and not having any actual meaning?
Yeah, anyone can read tarot. Hypothetically.
Like hypothetically, anyone can make music. Some people in the world may be so tone deaf or poorly disposed towards these pursuits that they'll never be able to play a song, or at least not able to do so without a level of work that makes the entire process untenable.
I believe that while some people may be born with a predisposition towards spiritual pursuits, "sensitivity" is something people develop like a muscle.
When I started reading tarot I wasn't "sensitive" in the slightest and it took me a long time to get the hang of it. Like, years of practice! I still get salty when a beginner picks up a tarot deck and they can do after a few weeks what it took me six years to achieve.
The discussion of where tarot answers come from is a fascinating one, and I think anyone who wants to get into tarot seriously should contemplate it.
The answer I've come up with is that no, not all input for tarot readings comes from a spirit. I believe that humans are spiritually powerful and do not need spirits to do everything for them. A human has the power to link a tarot deck directly to a situation, or directly to another person, and channel those answers directly.*
Tarot is a tool, like a pen. Whether or not someone is channeling words directly from the spirits, or having a lovely time doing a doodle, is none of my concern. I think it's nice that people are having fun with tarot and enjoying themselves, and it's no concern of mine if all of them are verified mystics.
*(P.s., this is why tarot can be so fatiguing; if you don't petition spirits or helpers to assist you during readings, and if you don't take any other steps to facilitate psychic connection, you may be spending a lot of energy to 'brute force' a connection with the subject and exhausting yourself. This is why reading for yourself and your inner world might be easy, but reading accurately for others who are at a different location can be exhausting. Try exploring sorcerous branches of witchcraft which can deliver magical solutions to mitigate this problem.)
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adventuringblind · 3 months
Mend Me
Lando Norris X Reader
Genre: Magical Realism via Superpowers (kind of), A mix of fluff and angst
Summary: After a long history of being running and hiding, she finds someone who isn't afraid of her. Enough to risk it all for him. Feat Oscar and Carlos being a chaotic duo for once.
Warnings: A tad dehumanizing (if you really squint), mentions of hospitals, mentions of blood/wounds/weapons/bruises, reader literally bring someone back to life,
Notes: This is incredibly experimental. I like these kinds of AU's that incorporate racing still. It's fun to see different concepts come to life in a normal world! I'm currently working on a few A/B/O fics and a few other experimental things :)
Side Note: and another request! I had so much fun writing these two and this story in general! I'm hoping to write more like this, or for these two specifically, in the future!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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This is not the life she envisioned for herself. The running, hiding, forging papers to try and keep herself safe.
Stupid unnatural abilities that she never asked for. A danger rating that started at three and moved up steadily as these abilities expanded. Classified within a unique group that tends to be more isolated due to their nature.
A healer is what her new papers say, a danger rating of five. Her armband required across the globe remains the same color. Unassuming and weak, which is how she needs to be perceived.
Powers, abilities, magic, auras, whatever you want to call them, manifest in different ways. Some are element based, some a material, some deal with things like the mind and soul. Smaller groups include shapeshifters, psychics and mediums, shadow work, and her own group.
Those who deal in life and death are not to be messed with. The healers and the reapers. Which, you would think wouldn't be dangerous. She was lucky enough to not be sentenced to a life in captivity. The reapers can decide who dies when, if they are strong enough. Usually prompted by the healers if they person is out of reach. It's a peaceful passing. Yet that doesn't stop people from fearing that kind of power and control.
No, she's a healer. Lower levels are kept as doctors and nurses. Knitting wounds together, feeling the pain of others, being able to x-ray a body without a machine, are all useful.
Raising people from the dead? yeah, that tends to freak people out.
Her wound transference started small. A scraped knee on a friend became her own, but without a mere itch. Soon it progressed into deep lacerations which bled less on her and healed faster. Then it was bigger injuries like broken bones and concussions.
Training was required for anyone with abilities. In order to see where they fall in rating, where they can be utilized, and make sure they have control over the chaos.
She spent ample time in the local hospital with the other healers. The paramedics had rushed inside. The body nearing death. They flatlined, mangled in different ways, yet she still managed at the age of sixteen to bring them back.
The amount of pain she was in was nearly unbearable. She'd almost killed herself in the process.
Her rating shot up to seven after that and she was whisked away to a facility for people like her. They moved her up to nine after another year. She'd managed to bring back someone who'd been dead at least a day.
She's a necromancer.
Whatever she is, they all knew they couldn't stay in that place. Inevitably escaping with their combined powers. She'd never run so fast. She was provided new classification papers and sent off to a different country.
Which is how she found herself here. Traveling and healing despite the prior adversity. She likes this job, specifically because she's strong enough to manage drivers and personnel in the paddock who hurt themselves with their own abilities, but not enough to look conspicuous. Which is a fine line she's toeing, but she makes it work.
She has regulars. Max Verstappen frequently asks her to come around. Metal tends to slice him when he's not grounded and specifically more agitated. Lando has a tendency to hit himself in the head with things when he's excited and the telekinesis decides he needs something right that second. Carlos shapeshifts into a bear, which comes with its own set of problems (she didn't know she'd have to be a vet, also). Then there is Alex, who always seems to be summoning feral street animals.
The year she started; she was nineteen. Lando and Carlos were teammates then. The Brit a in his sophomore year of the sport. The number of bruises on both drivers was ridiculous due to Lando randomly pushing and pulling random objects was ridiculous. Carlos even joked he might have been doing it on purpose at the time.
It was 2021, and the encouragement of Daniel, that got him to ask her out. An invitation she accepted. It was nice, but there was that lingering fear in the back of her mind that he would figure her out and turn her in.
A night out in 2022 is what changed everything for her. The ability to trust and a longing for connection driving her to spend the night with him.
Now, her suppressor band is strong enough that she's only supposed to wear it for twenty-four hours maximum. She'd put it on when she woke up the morning prior and hadn't taken it off sense. Lando had asked if she wanted to take it off, let their energies meld together. A privilege only people like them have. But she'd declined and he hadn't pushed.
She slept in. The best sleep she'd had in a while, mind you. Yet the pain firing through every nerve of her body had her crying. She hadn't cried in pain in so long. This was entirely new to her, and if she's honest with herself, terrifying to experience.
Lando stirs beside her. His hands cup her face and eyes scan her body as he attempts to understand what's wrong. She's unresponsive and he panics. Enough to call Carlos and ask if it's something to do with her classification of power. She could've overdone it, or it's the residue of a different injury she took on herself. Whatever the case, he needs help.
"Lando, mate, she's a five right?"
"Yeah? why?"
"Suppressor bands for five and up tend to be stronger than four and below."
Lando pauses for a second. "Aren't you a seven?"
"And I take mine off in intervals." Carlos' explanation makes sense. Enough for Lando to calm himself and locate the chain on her wrist. "Just take it off and see if it helps. It might not be immediate though so give it about ten minutes and then call me back."
"Thank you, Carlos."
"Not sure what we'd do without her. Maybe kill ourselves? So, you better keep her alive, mate!"
Lando ends the call. Her body seizing in his arms in a scary kind of way that makes him want to vomit.
The chain doesn't come off easily. The second he manages to unclasp it; she becomes deadweight in his arms. But he doesn't get the kind of relief he is hoping for from it.
The aura she has around her is strong and intense. The kind he's never felt before. It's not nauseating like when Carlos or Max is high on emotion, this is serene. Like he's never felt better in his entire life. Which is strange, considering how strong it is...
He calls Carlos back. This cannot be normal for a five. The fact he has it off, but she's sweating and gripping his hand like she's in turmoil makes him wonder.
"Did it work?"
"Uh - possibly?"
There is a brief pause. "What does that even mean?"
"Okay, so, energy of a five healer, is it supposed to be this intense? Cause I feel like I'm on cloud nine and she's still in pain." He wishes he could reverse it, just get her to settle and not look like she might die until he can help her.
"I'm coming over."
It takes Carlos too long to get to his room. His anxiety is getting worse by the second. She's finally exhausted herself enough to fall asleep, but her energy is still permeating the room in a way he can't describe.
Carlos nearly falls over when he steps inside the door. "You like this?!"
"I feel fantastic!"
"Well good, we know you have a soulbond now. We'll talk more about that later. I'm going to pass out if she doesn't have a suppressor on."
Lando whines, but he knows Carlos won't last like this. He just hopes something reset and bought them time to figure it out. He puts the chain back on her wrist and Carlos immediately looks better.
"She's not a five, that's for sure." He inspects the chain and her arm band. Carlos' own brown band is still around his bicep. The shapeshifter colors. Lando's is yellow for the energy category, Max's is red for the secondary elements, and Alex's is brown with a green stripe in the middle for the animal handlers. Her band is white with a black ring in the middle, the reapers are the opposite. The number attached to her band is a five. It's the same as a legal document.
Lando snatches the band off of where it lays next to his own. Sure enough, when he flips is around, A different number is crudely patched over enough that nobody could make it out unless staring for an obscene amount of time.
Lando hands the flipped band to Carlos. "She's a fucking ten."
Carlos hums and examines the elastic in his hands. He then fishes a suppressor ring out of his pocket and switches hers for the one he brought. The energy is still there, but the Spainard doesn't look like he's going to be sick anymore. Lando claims this as a win.
On the other hand, he can't fathom why she didn't trust him enough to tell him. "I don't understand-" The crack in his voice is embarrassing.
Carlos gets him to sit down next to him on the edge of the bed. He places Lando's hand on her shin and they watch the tension she was holding in her body disappear.
"Have you ever seen how the treat anyone six and above?"
"No... you never talk about it."
Carlos sighs. It's a pained one; eyes distant as he recalls memories. "Fives toe the line of being stronger than the people deem safe. These universal numbers used to classify us aren't just for the amount of energy we exert, it's what we can do as well. I shapeshift into a bear, which can be destructive, but I can also do it with fewer breaks and for longer stints."
"What does that have to do with any of this?" Frustration now evident.
"Relax, I'm getting there." Carlos gives him a pointed look and quiets himself. "Six and above tend to have more restrictions. They want to make sure we can't cause any chaos or start wars or something. Reapers are immediately labeled as tens. Healers start small but increase depending. I met a good few back in school that ended up being taken away for some unknown reason."
"So, she's a ten, meaning she can do what?"
"I'm not sure... but she is definitely at risk if anyone were to find out."
Carlos stays with him. Explains to him what is probably happening due to the extreme suppression of this kind of energy. He explains this soulbond thing. How their energies mesh well together which is what was giving him that euphoric feeling earlier. It's not rare, Lando is only a three himself, but for her it is because of the intensity.
It's around midnight when she wakes up, panting and drenched in sweat. Whatever these higher energies are, the seem to communicate for them. Carlos gets next to her and switches the suppressors again. He's giving her the familiarity in a stressful situation with no words.
"Fuck - Lan, I'm so sorry!" Her voice is hoarse and cracked. He wants to tell her that he's fine, that he understands, but words aren't there. Not when she looks this sick.
He opts for the physical contact route instead. The gentle kind, so he doesn't scare her. This hug feels different than any he's had before, but he assumes it's because his aura is actively seeking hers. "We have a soulbond. Our energies mesh together quite nicely."
"So, you know now? You're not going to turn me in?"
"Absolutely not! Carlos has been giving me a crash course and everything. I'm sorry that you are treated so horribly..."
She grips onto his shirt and sobs harder than she has in her entire life. It's broken, and Lando can't help but wonder when the last time somebody cared for her and her abilities alike is. "I'm not leaving you, okay? I might be a three, but I'll do my best to keep you safe." And he means it. He has every intention of keeping her out of the clutches of those who would see her locked away.
Lando convinces her to quite working under the FIA and let him take care of her instead. She still attends to the drivers since she can, because she wants to.
It's never a surpise when she receives a phone call from across the paddock asking for her assistance. It's more fun this way, not having the constant pressure of people watching her for any semblance of too much power.
Carlos keeps a close eye on her when she looks on the verge of overexerting her power or suppressing for too long. He had her and Lando set alarms for when to take it off and put it on again.
2023 comes around, and both her and Lando are more relaxed this year. Car wide, the Brit would rather die, but otherwise, he's fine.
Oscar is a rating six water manipulater. Carlos makes sure he knows where to find him if he ever needs anything. The FIA tends to get on the case of higher ratings.
It's because of that rating that Oscar manages to figure out she's not what she says she is. Lando gets wildly defensive when the Aussie brings it up. She just laughs when he threatens to throw his teammates dinner into his face.
They all get along nicely. Lando manages to not send random objects at Oscar despite various threats, and she still finds herself in every garage.
Then Vegas happens, and everything changes.
The crash replays on the screen, but she can't hear it over the sound of her heart. Their soulbond had only gotten stronger, she can feel his pain and discomfort now because of it.
As an established healer, Jon lets her tail him to where Lando is. The medical team only lets her go so far.
But it's worse than anyone is letting on. She can feel his heart slowing, the internal bleeding more than they originally thought.
He's still alive when the race ends, but he won't be for much longer. They won't let her inside. Oscar and Carlos can barely get past the front desk to where her and Jon are sitting outside the door. Doctors are still working away at a problem they haven't found yet.
"They won't let you in?" Carlos gives a look of utter confusion. "Wouldn't it be helpful to them?"
"Yes, but I'm too emotional to be in an operating room as a five."
Oscar's face lights up. "How far does your energy reach?"
"Decently, why?"
"If me and Carlos take our suppressors off, then we can blame the energy on that."
The three of them take off their suppressor in unison with Jon watching the end of the hall in case someone comes around the corner.
The wall makes it hard to navigate. But she knows Lando's aura like it's her own. She's mapped his entire body, healed him more times than she cares to remember.
The flatline of the moniter rings through her ears.
She finds his heart. Where he's bleeding out, where his ribs are cracked and splitting him open.
And she fixes it.
Lando sits up on the table, heat beating erratically, but he's alive. The doctors don't know what to do with themselves.
They open the door. The only one there is Jon, teary-eyed, but not from sadness despire what he says.
Lando is high on painkillers. Though he wishes his human healer were here to make it better. He just wants to meld with her, thank her without words.
Jon had filled him in on the details. It's not safe for her at the moment, but his teammate has her, and Carlos is on his way back to Lando after helping get her settled.
The Spainard drives him back. Even stopping for food on the way since none of them have eaten and Carlos has this perpetual need to store food for the winter. Lando always gets him honey as a joke.
"When you see her, don't panic. There's blood we have yet to clean up from the incisions they made. But it's mostly just pain and exhaustion."
Lando nods and opens the door. The sight is odd, more so than scary. She's on the bed, pale, and covered in different fluids. Her mouth is open, and Oscar is dripping tiny water droplets inside. Her supressor bracelet has been ditched, but her ring is on so the other two can be around her.
Her eyes drift towards him the closer he gets. "Lan!" She tries to sit up but fails after two seconds and yelps in pain.
"If you'd just take the water and stay put, then you might not be in as much pain." Oscar scolds her, but she just rolls her eyes.
Lando crawls onto the bed next to her. His hand drifts over where he heart is, and he places her hand over his. "I'm alive because of you. I can't - I just - I don't understand why they didn't let you in. You're not dangerous. You saved me."
"Lan, it's okay... I'm happy being considered dangerous as long as I have you around."
"Ay! What are me and Oscar then?!"
"Rivals, according to the media." Oscar muses and drops another bead of water into her mouth.
"That was planned and executed well, okay, we make great rivals." Carlos nearly jams some kind of pastry into Oscar's face, but he opens his mouth just in time. "What am I going to do with you three?"
Lando doesn't have the energy to ponder the question. Him and his lover end up falling asleep at some point. Both of them are still in pain and in desperate need of rest.
He wakes up to a call the next morning from Jon. His trainer is adamant about speaking to all four of them.
Yeah, they all get lectured about how he had to go get tested and was humiliated by the hospital staff when they laughed at Jon's own ability. "Aparently, making people sneeze isn't an ability. But I'm happy you're okay, Lando. I would've missed you, buddy."
"I second that!"
"And a third."
Everyone looks at her expectantly. Some kind of response swirls around in her head. Maybe witty or sarcastic with the way she's smiling to herself.
"If you died, Lan, I would've never forgiven myself." Her energy taps on his. It envelopes them, warm and comforting. Their bond still growing stronger as their souls dance together around them.
"Gross, you two should get a room."
"This is our room!"
"Your point?"
Carlos and Oscar can't stop their laughing fit. Delerious from the long night they had previously and little sleep then managed to get. Still, Lando goes back to being in his own world.
He's wrapped up in her, and she's wrapped up in him. Exactly as it was intended to be.
"Reckon you could make an undead army?"
"Osc - I swear to god-!"
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