#and their mom just like ok sure now eat breakfast while sipping coffee judging them and THEN DIMPLE JUDGING EXTRA HARDER
daywoutmoon · 1 year
btw to me personally Dimple is funny uncle not only for Mob, but for Ritsu as well.
I mean clearly Mob and Dimple have a special bond, they're besties, their friendship is very important in canon and all, I'm not trying to deny it! But still Dimple and Ritsu do have a history, like. When Ritsu's powers awaken the first psychic experience he had was seeing Dimple. And then Dimple helped his ass in beating random kids to level up his cringe powers and stuff. And like it was messy and stuff, and Ritsu was aware and called out that he knew Dimple was helping out just because wanted to use him, but like... They got over it, putting it simple. Like not that they could never talk about it, but I don't think Ritsu is even mad about it and like Dimple no longer has any plans for using anyone so like. To me they just chill with each other.
Also Dimple basically "haunts" the Kageyama household (when he's not at work at S&S or hanging out in Mob's school), so like. There is so much potential of fun interactions you know?!
And like. I think Ritsu would feel really really glad for all the moments Dimple took care of Mob, like. Most of those times Ritsu didn't even know cause like... pre-finale Mob and Ritsu didn't talk that much so like... I doubt at the time he would know that Dimple was the one that made Mob escape from bullyworld the simulator by mogami stink ass, cause Ritsu don't even know Mob gone throught it. Or like, Ritsu is aware that Shou did a shit plan (technically it was a smart plan but also bro wtf bestie worst idea lol) to make Mob snap, but like I don't think Ritsu know the details that Mob didn't burned the whole world down in grief because Dimple calmed him down. Again, Mob and Dimple have a beautiful friendship, and I think Ritsu would appreciate all Dimple did for his brother.
And once again going back to Ritsu and Dimple history I think Ritsu feel very grateful for Dimple help with his powers and all. It's not like Dimple directly was the cause for Ritsu powers, but still it was important step in figuring out how that shit actually works.
And also. I think this scene:
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It's mostly about Ritsu worried about Mob that been... Well zoning out a lot lol. And yeah Mob is in his weird grief (calling it weird cause Dimple powers not letting him remember what happened), and like. Again, pre finale Mob and Ritsu communications sucked, even thought there things got a lot better than it was at the story beggining. So yeah just him looking out for his brother. But like... Ritsu asking Mob if he is ok is something that happens more than once in the series, but my brain can't avoid thinking how like. Two chapters later Ritsu reveals that as a kid he would ask it too because he also wanted share how he is and. like fucking communicate and stuff. And like, it just. I just think Ritsu is also worried here the fuck their weird fart friend is you know?
It's not like people think they aren't friends too, but even in canon they don't have that much interactions after Ritsu arc and I think it's a friendship that would be neat see more of it :]
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
Hiii I have a request could you write a sickfic where felix drink a milkshake but he's lactose intolerant and Chan takes care of him? Thank you
A trip to the mall  
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Felix
Caregiver: Chan
 Felix POV.:
There was one thing I really loved doing with my friends and that was going to the mall. Back in Australia my friends and I often hung out at the mall after school, mostly just window shopping because we didn’t have that much money. Now that I had a job and some money to spare, I couldn’t wait to go there with my members. Sure, Korean malls were a bit different from Australian ones but I was sure it’d be just as much fun. Sadly, not everyone was as excited as me because there’d also be the risk of being recognized by fans. Though I truly loved Stay, I was hoping to have a relaxed and fun day with my friends, living a normal life like other people my age. To avoid running into people, we all put on masks and hats, hiding as much of our faces as possible. Over breakfast we had decided to split up for most of the time at the mall because smaller groups would draw less attention.
Arriving at the mall, we parted ways. I went with Changbin, while our leader took the two maknaes and Minho teamed up with Hyunjin and Jisung. It wasn’t exactly what I had been looking for when we said we’d go shopping. A group of two was rather boring but who was I to complain, at least we were going out and I was partnered with Changbin. We visited different stores, not buying much but putting together ridiculous outfits for each other and taking a few pictures. I ended up with a pair of sneakers and new shirt, Changbin picked up a new pair of headphones and a leather jacket. It had already been hours since we arrived and I was starting to feel hungry. When I heard my hyung’s stomach imitating whale sounds, I knew he felt the same. Giggling, I poked his arm: “Hyung, should we maybe meet up with the others to have lunch?” – “That’d be awesome, I’m starving over here”, he laughed awkwardly patting his tummy. I pulled out my phone and texted the groupchat, asking for everyone to meet at the food court in about twenty minutes. That’d give them enough time to pay for what they wanted to buy but would keep us from starving as we waited.
Not too long after, I saw Hyunjin running towards us, almost tackling me to the ground. His boy was really doing an awesome job at not drawing attention. From the corners of my eyes I could see Changbin roll his eyes. Minho and Jisung followed in a light jog, panting as they came to a halt next to us. “Hyunjin, how many coffees did you have this morning? I’m too old for this”, Minho gasped. “Aish, you’re finally admitting it hyung”, Jisung teased, receiving a look that clearly stated ‘just wait till we get home’, causing the younger to hide behind Changbin. They were still bickering when the other trio joined us. Judging by the shopping bags, everyone had found at least a few pieces, so our trip already turned out a success. “Guys, as entertaining it is to watch you fight, I’m hungry. Do you really want me to starve on your watch”, I whined, pouting at Chan. Just as I hoped, the leader spoke up: “Alright everyone, decide what you want to eat, so we know whether we need to split up again or not.”
In the end we didn’t split up. Since everyone was looking for something sweet, we agreed on going to a milkshake bar together. I was glad we all stayed together as one big group this time, so I’d really get to spend some time with all of my friends, not only a handful. Chan chose a strawberry milkshake, while I ordered a cookies-and-cream one. It had only been a few minutes since we were all served our shakes, but I had already tried each of them, arguing with Hyunjin because mine was obviously so much better than his. However, there was something I didn’t realize. When I went to drink milkshakes with my friends in Sydney, we always went to a vegan store, so there was no questioning whether the shakes were prepared with plant-based milk. That was really important to me because, what my members didn’t know, was that I was lactose intolerant. Being so used to having vegan milkshakes, I completely forgot to ask for my shake to be made with plant-based milk. I had only about a quarter of my shake left when I felt my stomach rumble. Instinctively, I rested my hand on my stomach, already feeling my abdomen bloating slightly. That reminded me that most milkshakes were, as the name already said, made with milk, something I shouldn’t have. Yeah, I had had to learn that the hard way when I was younger. Realizing my mistake, I pushed the cup towards Chan and claimed I was full already.
 Chan’s POV.:
We finished our shakes and I had to admit how good of an idea it had been to come here. This trip really did make me forget about work and I was able to just have some fun with my dongsaengs. However, for the rest of the day we wanted to stick together as one big group, even if that would draw more attention towards us. It was simply more fun if everyone was together. We walked around taking selfies and just enjoying ourselves. I really wanted a pic with Felix too, that’s when I noticed my fellow Aussie trailing behind. Slowing my pace, I waited for him to catch up to me. “Oi Felix, you’re looking a bit pale there, everything ok?”, I frowned, noticing the small pout forming on his lips. “Hyung, I- I kinda messed up”, he mumbled, hugging his middle with a groan when his stomach cramped, “I’m lactose intolerant.” I froze in my spot, stunned at the new information I only learned about now: “You’re what?” – “Lactose intolerant. That’s why I always only eat one slice of pizza because that’s as much as I can get away, having only a small stomach ache. More than one slice would not end well”, my dongsaeng explained between gritted teeth.
By now the entire group had stopped walking, watching the two of us. “What made you think, having a milkshake was a good idea then? Are you insane?” – “The milkshake bar I always went to in Sydney was vegan, so I forgot about it”, he whimpered doubling over. MY irritation at his careless behavior ease and I gave him a small comforting smile. “It’s ok, Lix. Want me to take you home? The others can continue shopping a bit but I think you’re done for today.” He nodded and I looked up to talk to the other members. “It’s alright hyung, just take care of him”, Minho stated, the rest nodding along, all of them having listened in on the conversation between Felix and me. We bid our goodbyes and I called for a driver while slowly guiding Felix towards the exit. We weren’t really fast, since the younger struggled to walk with the pain in his abdomen but we still had to wait for someone to come pick us up. I made Felix sit on a bench, while we waited. The poor boy was getting paler by the minute. “Lix, what usually happens when you eat dairy?”, I hummed, wanting to know what we were going to deal with. Letting go of his shopping bags, Felix pulled his knees to his chest resting his chin on them: “Always depends how much I eat. My stomach hurts and I get bloated. If I have a lot, it usually only gets better after I throw most of it up but that hasn’t happened in years. Last time that happened, I was still really young and refused to listen to my mom. I secretly ate ice cream back then.” Despite the pain, I could see a small smile on his face at the memory. I shook my head, that really sounded like him, valuing ice cream over anything else.
“How do you feel now?”, I asked after we got settled in the back of the car. He rested his head against the window, replying in a low voice: “Queasy.” Rubbing his shoulder in sympathy, I leaned back in my seat and we spent most of the ride in silence. I thought Felix might have fallen asleep to the soothing motion of the car, when he shot upright in his seat. Starling, I looked over at him and caught a glance at his greyish lips before he clamped his hands over them. My dongsaeng’s face had drained of all color and I cursed, knowing what was going to come next. In a rush I shoved his new shirt and the shoebox into my shopping bag, holding the now empty plastic bag under his chin. Felix removed his hand from his mouth, holding the bag closer to his face with both hands. Since he was holding the bag himself, I settled for rubbing his back as a retch tore from his throat. I could feel the younger’s spine rippled as he bent over further. He coughed, which was soon followed by a splashing noise, making me cringe in sympathy. I rolled down the windows and tucked the younger’s hair behind his ears. If he kept growing it, he’d soon look like Hyunjin. Another harsh gag tore me from my thoughts and whispered words of encouragement as I continued to rub Felix’ back. Being close friends with him, I knew just how much the younger despised throwing up.
Drawing in a shaky breath, Felix lifted his head from the shopping bag and took the bag in one hand. He used the other hand to wipe at the tears, dotting his eyelashes. With his sleeve, he dried the sweat on coating his forehead and rested his head against the car seat. I searched through my backpack in hopes of having some water and maybe tissues with me asking: “Better?” When I looked back at my friend, saw him shake his head, just as ashy pale as before. His stomach rumbled and he squeezed his eyes shut before losing the battle against his stomach and diving back into the bag. “Aish, that sucks, mate”, I commented patting the younger’s back as he choked up two more waves of his milkshake. Before sitting back up and clearing his throat: “Think I’m done now.” I handed him some water and he first rinsed his mouth, taking a few careful sips afterwards. The color was slowly returning to his face and I carded my fingers through his sweaty bangs as he rested his head on my shoulder, exhausted from the ordeal. We made it through the rest of the ride okay. Felix didn’t get sick anymore but held onto the half-filled shopping bag just in case.
When the car pulled up to the dorm building, I thanked and apologized to the driver before helping Felix get out. The boy was still a bit unsteady on his feet and the arm he wrapped protectively around his middle told me he was still in pain. We walked past a trashcan on the sidewalk and Felix tied the sickbag closed, disposing of it. He had been quiet the entire time and I had just assumed he was exhausted but when he crossed the building’s entrance hall, he suddenly dashed from my side. Making it to a bin at one of the walls just in time, my dongsaeng braced his hand against the wall heaving. There wasn’t much more for him to bring up though and after retching up a small trickle, he was reduced to dry heaves. I supported his side to prevent him from toppling over. “Lixxie, you’re empty. There’s nothing left, the entire shake is out now”, I soothed but he just shook his head retching again. Sighing, I rubbed his back till he had calmed down and caught his breath. “Do you think it’s safe to move yet? It’s not that much further to our dorm” – “Mhm, I think most of it is out now anyways”, Felix rasped lowly, holding onto my arm for support as we made our way to the elevator.
I quickly typed in the code, letting us into the apartment. We kicked off our shoes and I left my backpack and shopping bag with our new clothes in the hallway. “Hyung, I’ll just sit in the bathroom for a bit longer. Still feel meh”, the young Aussie admitted and I patted his shoulder promising: “I’ll keep you company in a second, yeah? I’ll just make some tea to settle your stomach.” As promised, I soon joined my dongsaeng, offering him tea and a clean shirt, taking a seat on the bathtub. Luckily, he didn’t throw up again. We sat in silence, with Felix slowly sipping his tea before he spoke up: “Sorry, I’m usually better at avoiding situations like this. I’m not as irresponsible as you think.” – “It’s ok, Lix. I know you didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I would have just hoped you’d tell us about these kinds of things”, I sighed, “Did you at least have fun before that?” He beamed up at me, showing that kind of smile that could make anyone’s day a thousand times better: “It was amazing actually. We really need to do these things more often when the schedule allows it. I really missed being just a boy hanging out with my friends.” – “We will, we just need to watch out what we choose for lunch in the future”, I smiled, glad that everything was fine in the end.
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licenselesswriter · 3 years
Ten Duel Commandments CH9
Look em’ in the eye, aim no higher
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Lucas was having breakfast while Maya was analyzing him with her mouth buried in a bowl of Ice cream with cereal, "I don't know what's happening, but I would love to know the reason for your glaring on this beautiful morning," Lucas asks.
Maya takes off her mouth from the bowl and starts eating her ice cream with cereal, "You're hiding something from me, I don't know what is exactly, but I know it's something," she states.
Lucas looks back at her, unamused by her words, "Why would I hide something from you when one of my favorite things is telling you about my day?" Lucas asks back.
"I'm guessing it's something you're not proud of," Maya answers before taking Lucas's cup of coffee and take a sip.
Lucas takes his cup back from her and drinks what she left, "So you know about it," he finally says.
"You really think you could hide that from me?" Maya asks.
"Who told you?" Lucas asks back.
"Why did you have to hit him?" Maya questions him, avoiding revealing her source.
"Because he deserves it," Lucas answers, "Who told you?" he asks again.
"Does it matter?" Maya asks, "You attacked one of our best friends," she adds.
"Because I want to know who I can trust," Lucas answers, putting his cup on the sink, "And no, he's not one of our best friends," he remarks.
"So you, hiding this from me, should I take that as you don't trust me?" Maya inquires.
Lucas froze for a second before turning over and look at Maya directly into her eyes, "Does my word that he really deserves it is not enough?" he asks back.
"Oh, don't try to turn this on me. I trust your judgment. I'm mad because you hide it from me," Maya answers.
"You're Kobayashi Maruing me?" Lucas asks.
"I guess I am. Guess you should think better what kind of shows you and Zay are making me watch," she answers.
Lucas sits on the stall, defeated, "So, basically, if I refuse to tell you why I slap him, I'm in trouble, and if I tell you, you're gonna be pissed and sad, which also is gonna throw me in a bad mood," he says, looking at his watch, before getting up and walking to his fridge. He takes an apple and sits back in the stall before giving the apple a considerable bite.
"What are you doing?" Maya asks.
Lucas eats his apple before getting up and stands next to her, "You might try the Kobayashi Maru on me," he says, gently taking her hand and putting it on his ass, hearing how his front door opens. They both hear a 'Hello kids' from Lucas's mother, "But let's not forget who invite you to watch the show," he adds with a confident smile, "Hey mom, want some help?" he asks his mom before taking a few bags from her hands.
"Hey Mrs. Friar, allow me to help too," Maya says, taking the last bag from Lucas's mom's hand. She gently gets closer to her boyfriend's ear, "If you think I'm gonna let you get away with this, you're damn wrong," she whispers in his ear.
"You want the truth?" Lucas asks her, already knowing her answer, "I will give it to you, but I need time," he adds.
"I'm gonna give you ten minutes and call with Zay," Maya says.
"Fine," Lucas replies, "But I also want to get ice cream and cookies," he adds.
Maya, recognizing her favorites, looks at Lucas surprised, "Damn, what the hell did Farkle say?" she asks.
Lucas puts her mom's bags on the counter and kisses Maya on the forehead, "You're not gonna like it," he says.
A few hours later, Maya and Lucas were on her bed, back at her place.
She was resting on his chest, playing with her brush and his chin, while he gently traces circles on her back, "So, you're finally gonna tell me what he said?" she asks.
"I really don't want to," Lucas confesses.
"He attacked me, doesn't he?" she asks.
"Yeah," Lucas answers in a defeated tone.
"What he implied?" Maya asks this time.
"He implied that the only reason we are together is our incredible sex drive and compatibility," Lucas answers.
"Bullshit," Maya calls, "What he really said?" she asks then.
"Like I told you, you don't want to know," Lucas replies before putting a soft kiss on her forehead.
"You need to stop protecting me from the world, Lucas," she calls him on his attitude.
"Sorry for not wanting to see you sad," Lucas sarcastically replies.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, a force of habit, you need to protect your friends," Maya says, only to be cut by Lucas.
"Come on, you're more than a friend to me," he says.
"I know, but I also know I'm not Riley. I can take care of myself and what people say about me," she replies, "Also, what do you expect to happen once we go back to school? People already know that we are together. Our friends love that we are happy together," she started, "But what about the rest? Are you gonna slap them when the comment about how we get to be like this?" she asks.
"No, of course not," Lucas says, "Ok, I'm sorry, but you can't ask me to not worry about you. I mean, I worry about you from before we started this," Lucas defends himself.
"I know," Maya says with a smile before kissing him, "And I appreciate that," she continues, "But the world is not a bubble. You can keep me with only happy thoughts," she adds.
Lucas rolls his eyes, "Fine, I get it, you're not Riley, I shouldn't treat you like her," he concedes, "By the way, did you know they had a bet about my love life?" Lucas comments.
"Really? Anyone bet for me?" she asks.
"Most people bet on Brandon. I don't know why they have the impression I'm gay," he replies.
"Probably because of Zay," Maya says, making Lucas look at her in disbelief, "Come on, when Zay got here, I thought he was your boyfriend," she adds.
In utter disbelief, Lucas keeps looking at her, "Guess now I'm the one holding sex," he banters, making her laugh.
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Farkle walks back into his room with two cups of tea in his hands before handing one to Riley, who was lying on his bed.
"So, you're finally ready to tell me why I can still see a bruise on the face of my best friend?" she asks.
"Not really," Farkle answers, sitting on his bed in front of her.
"Why not? You know I'm not gonna judge you," Riley assures him.
"Oh, that's where you're wrong," Farkle says with a nervous chuckle, "You're gonna judge me because I deserve it after what I said," he adds.
"Come on, it can't be that harsh," Riley replies with a joke, only to face Farkle's silence, "Oh God, what did you say?" she asks him.
"Something I regret," Farkle answers, still avoiding telling her the truth, "But I think I'm still too deep in my own shit to make a credible apology," he adds.
"I'm gonna assume Lucas was on the other end of that slap, and you said something about Maya," Riley correctly guesses.
"Yep," Farkle says.
"Farkle, you might be a genius, but you don't go a poke a bull on the balls and hope that he does nothing," Riley says.
"I would love to say that I was on my brightest moment, but I wasn't," Farkle replies, "I know I messed up, I know I can't fix things right now, but I also know one day, maybe, I will be able to fix them," he adds.
Riley smiles at him, "That's great Farkle, please, tell me what do you need to improve, and I will do my best to assist you with that," she says, offering her help.
Farkle just chuckle, debating if this would be the right moment to let everything out or if it was way too soon to put some extra over her, "How sure you are about giving me what I need now?" he asks.
"Weird question Farkle, but pretty sure," Riley answers.
"Ok, let me take your word on that," Farkle says before offering his hand to her, "Let's go to the kitchen. Let me make some coffee because we need to have a long chat," he adds.
Riley gets up from his bed and gently grabs his hand, "Farkle, you're scaring me. What's really happening?" she asks.
Farkle gives her a sad smile while dragging her hand to his chest, "The worst possible outcome for me, my ultimate despair," he says.
They arrive at his kitchen. Farkle walks to his kettle and starts boiling water under the strict gaze of Riley.
"Farkle, talk to me," Riley says.
"Give me a minute. I'm making up my mind," Farkle replies while he waited for the water. Once the water boiled, Farkle makes 2 cups of tea and walks back to the kitchen table, and puts the cup in front of Riley, "I guess I should start with the beginning," he says.
"That would be good," Riley jokes.
Farkle takes a deep breath and then lets all that air leave his lungs, "Remember when we were younger? When I used to say that I loved you and Maya equally?" he asks.
"Yeah?" Riley says, dubious of where this conversation was going.
"Well, that turns out to not be true," he says, "I've always loved one of you more than the other, and I refused to believe that," he adds.
Then suddenly, something inside Riley's brain clicks, "Oh God, you're in love with Maya," she says.
Farkle looks down and laughs, "Wish it was that easy to say," he says to Riley.
"That's why you break up with Smakcle, and you're so pissed about this, you feel like Lucas steal her from you," Riley starts to explain her own theory.
In disbelief, Farkle just looks at her for the next ten minutes, half shocked that she would get some things with extreme precision but finding it hilarious how she missed the central point on it, "Ok, allow me to stop you for a second," he says before taking a sip of his tea, "Just out of curiosity, how did you get that I'm in love with Maya?" he asks.
"Well, let's start with how Lucas makes you feel," Riley starts, "Didn't you said once that he makes you nervous because he was like this hero figure while you were destined to be the sidekick?" she asks.
"Not my exact words, but you kinda got the idea," Farkle jokes, knowing that he shouldn't.
"Also, let's not forget about the 'it's you and me because I don't care' situation?" Riley asks, "Gonna say, that hurt my ego a bit," she adds.
"Yeah, fun days," he replies, "Continue," he adds.
"Then to more recent things, I mean, you were really pissed about them having a relationship," Riley says.
Farkle looks at her for a second, "Ok, it may look like that, but I can explain that," he says.
"You already explain it Farkle, you're in love with Maya," Riley replies, still utterly oblivious about his friend's feelings.
"Riley, you're so smart, but at the same time, you're so dense," Farkle says.
"Hey!" Riley complains.
"Riley, it has always been you," Farkle finally confesses, "I wasn't pissed because Maya gets with Lucas. I was pissed off because you weren't happy," he adds.
"No, you don't. You're in love with Maya," Riley says from her own shock.
"No," Farkle says before giving Riley a few minutes to assimilate the information he just gave her, "Still want me to continue?" he asks.
"Did you and Isadora break up because of me?" Riley asks, full of guilt.
Farkle gently grabs Riley's hand, "No," he says, "That was completely my fault," he adds while looking at her, "I don't know when it happens, but it looks like my feelings for you start to escape from myself, and was visible for her," Farkle explains, "We break up when I was able to admit that I never stopped loving you," he continues.
"Farkle, you can't do this to me," Riley says, getting up, ready to walk out.
"You wanted the truth. I gave you the truth. You can't blame me now because you didn't like it," Farkle replies.
"I'm not blaming anyone," Riley says defensively.
"Yes, you're blaming me because you think that you hurt Isadora, but let me give you another truth," Farkle says, "You didn't hurt her, I hurt her, because, even when I didn't notice, I was true to my own feelings, making Isadora, and worst, myself, believe that she would be able to make me get over you," he adds.
"I'm sorry," Riley says, walking away from the kitchen, "I have to go," she adds before running to the door.
Farkle stays in his kitchen. He finishes his tea and puts both cups in the sink, "Boy meets bottom," he says, knowing he just burn his last bridge.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Maya slowly opens her eyes due to the constant sound of an incoming call on her phone. Without taking a look, she picks her phone and answers the call, "Who's this and why you're calling at nap time?" she asks, still with her eyes closed.
"I thought nap time was at five?" Maya heard from her phone.
"Riley," Maya says, getting up in a second.
"Morning," Riley says.
"Something happened?" Maya asks.
"I guess it is weird that I'm calling after, well, everything," Riley replies.
"You know you can always call me," Maya says.
"I know," Riley says, "Just not confident enough to make the call," she adds.
"I'm sorry," Maya replies.
"Don't be," Riley says, "Think I can take some of your time?" she asks.
Without her noticing, a tiny smile grows on Maya's face, "Sure, sure, what do you need?" she asks.
"It's not something we should speak on the phone," Riley says, "Think I can go to your place?" she asks.
Maya immediately felt danger, knowing that Lucas was there, "If you want, we can meet at Topanga's?" she offers.
"Don't worry, Lucas being there is not gonna trigger something in me," Riley replies, "Well, not completely over this, but doing better if you want to know," she adds.
"Ok then," Maya says in a dubious tone, "What time should I expect you here?" she asks.
"Twenty minutes tops," Riley answers.
"Ok, see you then," Maya says.
"See you then," Riley repeats before finishing the call.
Maya gets up from her bed and walks out of her room.
"Oh, hey?" Lucas says on his way to her room, "Good job waking up before I went to wake you up," he teases her.
"Riley is coming," Maya drops.
Lucas's mouth slightly opens in surprise, "Ok," he says before making a tiny pause, "Yeah, you win, should I go?" he asks.
Maya gently grabs his hands and gives him a soft smile, "She said you wouldn't trigger her," she says, making him smile.
"Well, that's something," Lucas replies before putting a short kiss on her lips, "But still, gonna keep helping your mom with dinner," he adds.
"I'm gonna give you a reward for being a good boyfriend," Maya says before giving Lucas a soft spank, a second before Shawn walks out from his office with his hands on his ears.
"I didn't hear anything, I didn't hear anything," he says while walking past them.
"Shawn, I'm growing up, you know that, right?" Maya argues back.
"Yeah, not a fan," Shawn replies before disappearing into the kitchen.
"Guess no rewards for me then," Lucas says before giving Maya a soft kiss.
Around twenty-five minutes later, a soft knock was heard on Maya's front door, making Lucas and Maya look at each other.
"I'm going to the kitchen," Lucas says before hiding in the kitchen.
"Ok," Maya says, "Pussy," she adds before walking to her front door. She gently opens the door to see who used to be her best friend with a neutral look on her face, "Riley," Maya greets her.
"Maya," Riley replies, standing in front of the door, "May I come in?" she asks.
Maya shooks herself for a second, "Sorry," she said before moving from the way, letting Riley in, "Should we go to my room?" she asks.
"Yes," Riley says before looking at her, "It's a private matter," she adds.
"Oh, ok," Maya says before start walking to her room.
Following Maya, Riley makes a tiny stop in the kitchen door, noticing Lucas there. She slowly walks into the kitchen, "Hi, Uncle Shawn," Riley says to Shawn before stopping in front of Lucas, "Hi," she shyly says.
Lucas smiles at her, "Hi," he replies.
"Hi," Riley repeats before chuckling.
Shawn slowly walks out of the kitchen, a bit weirded out, only to find his daughter in the kitchen door, "Is that thing normal?" he asks.
"Yes, it is," she confirms.
Lucas gives her a smile, "Ok, I have to check the muffins," he excused himself before turning to the oven.
"Ok, bye," Riley says before walking out of the kitchen, only to see Maya there, "Don't judge me," she says, making Maya chuckle.
A few seconds later, they were in Maya's room. Riley softly lock the door behind her once she was inside, "I have a question," she says.
"Wow, straight to the subject," Maya says.
"It's the fastest way to get what I want," Riley replies.
"Ok, shoot," Maya says.
"I was the only one oblivious to Farkle's feelings?" she asks.
"How did you find out?" Maya asks, surprised by her question.
"Doesn't matter," Riley says.
"It does matter," Maya replied, "Who told you? Zay?" she asks.
"As I said, it doesn't matter," Riley replies, "Also, you didn't answer my question," she adds.
Maya takes a second to process her question, "You're asking in order or just who knows?" she asks back.
"Both," Riley says.
"Zay, Lucas, Me, Isadora, Farkle," Maya answers, "And I guess you too now," she adds.
"My God, I'm really that blind?" Riley asks.
"Well, pretty much," Maya answers, "It's not your fault," she tries to defend her.
"It is my fault, Maya," Riley says, "God, Smackle must hate me," she adds, softly covering her face.
Maya gives her a caring smile and softly start caressing her back, "She doesn't hate you, Isadora is an angel," she says, "In fact, that was the reason why she breaks up with him, because she wasn't up to keep being blind to that, but that doesn't mean it's your fault," she adds.
"This was the reason you didn't come with me when Smackle break up with him?" Riley asks.
"You were more than enough to console Farkle, but you basically ask me to leave Isadora with Lucas and Zay," Maya defends herself.
"They are not that bad," Riley defends Lucas and Zay.
"Want to remember what happened last time we left Lucas, Zay, and Isadora alone?" Maya asks.
Riley just looks at her, with her mouth slightly open, "True," she says.
Maya takes a few seconds looking at her friend, looking for the best advice she can, "Riley, love is weird, but you need to know, it's also aleatory because you don't know who you're gonna fall for or who's gonna fall for you," she says.
Riley looks at her with her eyes full of guilt, "And how do I deal with decisions I didn't make?" she asks.
Maya smiles at her, "Easy," Maya replies, "You don't. It's not your job to deal with decisions other people make. You only can be responsible for what you do," she adds.
Riley stay a few minutes in silence, looking at the floor, "You become really wise," she softly says.
"Thank you," Maya says, "Anything else I can do to help?" she asks.
Riley stays a few seconds silent, "No, it's me, the one who has to figure out what to do next," she adds.
Maya looks at her with a proud smile, "That's growth," she says, making Riley smile.
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Just to quote.
“Okay! One more thing” (it’s chapter 10 btw).
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The Lady in the Black Leather (Ch 20)
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catch up here: [chapter 19]
Richard X reader , Aiden X Scarlett X Reader
Morning came all too soon for you. Aiden & Scarlett woke you up knocking on your door at 8am. The officer from last night looks up at them then over to you. You grin and nod and he motions for them to enter.
Scarlett comes in and plops on the bed and hands you a hot cup of coffee. You thank her and sip on it. The officer stands and tells you that he will go out in the hallway and let you have some time with your friends and to call for him if you need anything.
You thank him and he heads out to the hall.
Aiden wandered in and plopped down on the floor and petted Phantom. “So, how’s it going with Rich?” he asks. “Good.” You reply with a smug grin.
“You two getting pretty close? He looked so worried about you yesterday after you had been shot. It really scared him, Harley. I think more than he wanted to let on.” he tells you.
You nod. “Yeah, we have talked a lot and are getting close. I have never been treated the way he treats me. All my prior boyfriends were jerks compared to him. They never treated me with kindness and only manhandled me roughly.” You tell him. Scarlett rolls her eyes and says, “Now that’s and understatement if I ever heard one!”
You glare at her and continue, “Richard makes me feel safe and loved. It’s still hard for me to get used to. It helps though that he always has a hand resting gently on me. Either on my back or around my waist or on my arm, or just holding hands.” You reply.
Scarlett and Aiden grin. “Yeah, we noticed he can’t seem to keep his hands off of you.” They both giggle. “He can be quite possessive, but it’s always in a good way, don’t worry.” Aiden tells you.
“Chivalry certainly isn’t dead with him!” Scarlett giggles.
You giggle. “Well, I don’t want a knight in shining armor.” You reply as you raise the bed up more so you’re more in a sitting position. You wince and adjust your weight, so it isn’t on your left leg as much.
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Aiden looks at you confused. “I thought that was what all women wanted, a knight in shining armor to come rescue them and take them to the castle to live happily ever after. Why don’t you want that?” he asks.
You chuckle. “Thank You Disney for giving young impressionistic women such a dangerous ideal! I much prefer Tolkien’s version of Knights/warriors and royalty. If I’m gonna have a knight come and rescue me, I want him in dented and dinged up armor. A knight in shining armor means he hasn’t seen battle and never waged war. You don’t know if he’ll stick around when the battle gets intense, or if he’ll tuck tail and flee, leaving you to fend for yourself.
Whereas a knight in dented and dinged up armor shows he HAS seen battle and had his mettle tested. It means he has fought, defeated and survived what the world has thrown at him. And not fled when the going got tough. He stands and fights to defend what he loves and cares about.” You giggle. “He’s a real warrior!”
Scarlett nods. Aiden just smirks and grins widely. “I guess I never thought of it that way, but I get what you’re saying. It makes sense.” He tells you as he takes a bite of his breakfast sandwich.
“So, speaking of knights, what are your plans for today? Isn’t Sir Guy working all day today?” Scarlett asks.
You giggle and nod catching her Robin Hood reference to Richard. “Yeah, he’s workin’ all day today. He asked Graham if he’d stay with me today and meet with the attorney that Rich hired for me.
I guess I have to appear before the judge to tell him my side of the story. Then I have to appear before him again as my ex stands before him and explains himself. After that, the judge will make his ruling on the restraining order being made permanent or temporary.” You explain.
“How are you going to appear before a judge when you’re in the hospital?” Aiden asks.
“I guess Alex was going to try to set something up using the internet and video calling.” You explain. “I am not entirely sure.”
“Ah, that would make sense then.” He replies.
You nod and are quiet for a few minutes. “Thank you for the flowers and balloon, you two.” You tell Aiden and Scarlett.
“Glad you like them, Hun.” Scarlett says. “You seem pretty quiet this morning. Didn’t you sleep very well?” she asks.
You shake your head. “No, the nurses were in and out a lot checking on me every hour. The officer assigned to guard me ended up telling them to let me sleep and to leave me alone for a while.” You tell her. “I’m just tired and been thinking about a lot of stuff.” You reply.
(You spent a lot of last night thinking of all the people who have helped you and wondered how you can thank them for everything. Saying ‘thank you’ just doesn’t seem to be enough.
You decided to do something nice for each person who has helped you through this. Starting with Richard and Graham. You make a note to ask Graham what you could do for something special for Rich.
You thought about Graham and how far away his family is. You wish you could meet them and say “Hi” so they can put a face with a name. You decide to ask him about his family today and ask him what their names are.)
You ask Aiden how long he has known Graham and Rich. He replied they all met on the set of the Hobbit films. You ask him what kinds of things does Rich like. You explain that you realized you didn’t know much about him, he always turns the conversations to be about you.
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Aiden chuckled. “He always does that. And it can get to be annoying. He hates talking about himself. I’ve learned most of what I know just by watching him & listening & observing.” Aiden explains. “He likes to read, and has several Lego sets of the Hobbit. He’s just a big little kid at heart. He likes a good wine, chocolate ice cream, and good coffee, and was pretty good at horse riding and sword fighting. He is frugal with his money, but isn’t afraid to splurge on those he loves. He did mention one time that his Mom used to help him answer fan mail and it meant a lot to him. He really misses her, she passed away a few years ago.
He doodles, and dances, and tends to write back stories for his characters he portrays.” Aiden tells you.
“So, if I wanted to do something super special for him as a ‘thank you’ for all the help he has been, what would be something meaningful for him?” you ask.
“Hmmm. I don’t know. Maybe a nice journal for him to do his writing in, or taking him to a winery for a private tour? I guess it depends on what you want to spend. He really just seems to cherish spending time with you, Harley.” Aiden tells you.
You nod.
“Well, I need to get ready. I’m supposed to spend the day with Graham. I have no idea what we are going to do other than meeting with the lawyer. He said to let him know when I was up and ready to go.” You tell them.
“Ok.” Aiden says as he stands up. “If you want some company, let us know. We can meet up with you later on.”
“Thanks, Aiden, I’ll let you know.” You tell him.
“I’ll head out and get us some breakfast while you get ready. What do you want, Scarlett?” He tells her with a kiss to her cheek and brushes a strand of her curly, red hair off her face.
“I’ll eat whatever you find, Sweetie.” She tells him.
“What about you, Harley?” he asks.
“Thanks, Aiden, but Graham is picking up breakfast for me on his way here.” You tell him.
Aiden nods and heads out to get himself and Scarlett breakfast.
You grab your phone and text Graham. “Morning Pops! What’s the plans for today besides meeting with the attorney?”
He texts back “Morning Sunshine! Not sure what we’ll end up doing. We can figure that out when I get there. Still want breakfast? How’d last night go?” he replies.
“Ok, Yes, can you pick up something for breakfast, please? Didn’t get much sleep. Nurses kept me up checking on me every hour till the officer told them to leave me alone and let me sleep.” You text him. “When ya coming up to see me?”
“Be there in about an hour, Sweetie.” He texts back. “Finishing up some stuff here before I go.” He replies.
“Ok Pops, see ya soon! 😊”
Scarlett grins and shows you that she brought up some of your tops and corsets. “So you feel a little more comfortable.” The nurses said you can put the tops on but want you to wait with the corsets till later.” She tells you.
Scarlett helps you find something to wear and you end up putting on a long sleeved black peasant top with the shorts the hospital provided. A nurse helped with the ports, disconnecting them long enough for you to put the top on and then re-connected the iv’s to the ports.
Scarlett helps you with washing your face and helps with your hair and the two of you have fun playing around with a few different hair styles for your incredibly long hair. The two of you settled on a 5 strand Dutch French braid.
Aiden comes back in after a bit with breakfast for him and Scarlett and said, “Oooohhh! I like the hair!” as he comes over and admires your braid hanging over your shoulder. “Your hair is SO long, Harley! How long did it take to grow it out like that?” he asks.
You giggle. “10 years!” you reply and laugh as Aiden’s jaw drops.
“What?!?! Did you just say 10 years?!?!?!” he asks.
You nod.
“Wow!” he replies as he runs his fingers along the braid. “How do you keep it so soft and nice looking?” he asks.
You chuckle. “Hair oil, and I get it trimmed regularly to control split ends. I also try to keep it in some kind of braid or updo so it’s not just flying all over and getting all tangled up.” You reply.
He nods. “I can’t imagine having hair this long. We thought the long wigs we had to wear for The Hobbit were annoying. They kept getting in our faces and making it hard to see. When we weren’t filming, they were all tied back so it was out of our faces.” He tells you.
You giggle. “But you all looked so damn sexy with long hair!” you tease. He blushes and grins.
Scarlett digs through the bag of food Aiden brought and hands him a breakfast sandwich, “Here, Aid. Sit and eat.” She tells him as she pulls out one and a container of tater tots and sets them on the bedside table.
You giggle and snitch a few tater tots and pop them in your mouth. Grinning wickedly when Aiden says, “Hey! You said you didn’t want anything!”
Scarlett smacks him on the arm. “Oh hush! She can have a few of the tater tots to hold her till Graham gets here!” she scolds.
Just then you get a text from Rich. “Hey Love! Am just taking a break on set and thought I’d say, ‘hi and love you!’ How’s it going this morning?”
You reply back, “Hi Hon! The morning’s going good. Just getting ready for the day. Aiden and Scarlett are here now & Graham will be here in an hour. He had to run some errands before we meet with the attorney.” You message back.
He sends you a thumbs up emoji and ‘Have fun, sweetheart! See you after work. Xoxo’
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artificialqueens · 7 years
My loneliness is killing you (Vatya) /Part 9/ - Polly
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Author’s Note: So here’s the next MILKY chapter that I had done for the longest time except one paragraph. But times are tough but good (Guess who works 30 hours a week and also has Uni on 2 days). Anyway, this isn’t anything special but I do love this fic so I hope you enjoy!! xx
(PS: I’m rereading ‘A story about love’ and it will come back out of its semi absence soonish (soon as in probably this year) and this is a promise)
TW: mention of human trafficking, mention of underaged prostitution
All Chapters on AO3 and AQ
Sneak into my DM’s (ok its my ask box) here and drop me a line
Summary: ‘How to Get Away with Murder’ trophy wife style. (LESBIAN AU)
It’s early morning morning and the sun makes the baby hairs around Katya’s face look golden and Violet calls her beautiful. She tells Katya that her parents are in jail, that most her family is in jail, that her parents were con artists and that Violet has stopped calling a long time ago when they breakfast half an hour later. Katya just nods but doesn’t look surprised. Sometimes Violet forgets that Katya didn’t grow up as a pretty spoiled princess either.
“I came to America because my uncle sold me to settle a debt,” she says instead. There’s a pause that stretches on for a long time. Katya starts to look uncomfortable. “Sold you?” Violet asks slowly.
“Yeah.” Violet pauses again and tries to figure out how to just brush over human trafficking but finds it kind of hard to drop it. “How? Why? What? When?” she blurts out instead. Katya laughs a little now. “He was in a gang or the mafia or something. I actually never found out. One day he comes to our house and tells my mom he’s going to America and that I should come because there’s a lot of opportunities there and you know…. my mom…,” she pauses for a moment “she loved me a lot so she said yes. She didn’t know. She couldn’t have known and she meant well. But there I was, 16 years old and in a plane for the first time and I thought that nothing can be this bad when the world can look this small. Then my uncle bought me to a crack house slash brothel slash all things illegal and said 'those people will take care of you Yekaterina. Be good.’” She deepens her voice when she says that and smiles, fucking smiles when talking about her uncle pimping her out. “And then I was there until I was 18 and it was pretty bad.” She doesn’t go into detail and Violet imagines horrible things and knows that it probably was ten times worse. “When I was 18 I was legal and they upgraded me and then I was a high class Russian whore. That’s how I met David.” She shrugs her shoulders and takes a bite of her blueberry muffin and her and Violet stare at each other for a moment, Violet with furrowed brows and Katya almost expectantly while chewing. “It wasn’t that bad,” she adds after a long moment, looking almost sorry. “Right,” Violet breathes out quickly when she realises that a long time has passed without her saying anything. It was bad but it’s too similar to the stories Violet has heard before, stories of her cousins, her friends from school and Violet knows that Katya knows it’s bad too but it’s easier to not acknowledge some things sometimes. And Violet understands how Katya can stay in her abusive relationship for years. This is better than before and sometimes better is as good as it gets.
Christian calls her some time later to tell her that he’s sending a driver for later in the day to get Violet because his parents are coming to town and Violet wants to cry because somehow his mother is even worse than Christian himself.
Katya draws lazy patterns on Violet’s arm and tells her she’s going to be okay. She looks sorry and so much younger when she kisses Violet goodbye later and tries to tell both of them that it will be alright.
- The winter passes in one cold, sad blur. Violet runs into Katya once two days before Christmas and they go for coffee and Katya complains about how for David it all seems to be about money and fancy parties and expensive gifts.
“Our Christmas would be different,” she says.
“Our as in your and my Christmas?”
Katya blinks at her for a moment. “Yeah, your and my Christmas. I think it would be nice.”
“I don’t like Christmas,” Violet says before taking a sip of the hot chocolate with cinnamon Katya had forced her to get while telling her ‘to ‘shut the fuck up about fat percentages and get in the holiday spirit, Violet.’
Katya grabs onto Violet’s underarm with both her hands and looks at Violet manically. “What?”
“I….,” Violet looks at Katya’s face intensely and is suddenly feeling like she’s saying the wrong thing. “…never liked Christmas?”
Katya lets go of Violet’s atm and throws her hands up in surrender with an accompanying groan and Violet thinks she’s being a bit dramatic. “But why? I mean I get that it’s grossly intertwined with capitalism over here but it’s about love and family and all that. Who would hate that?”
“I never said I hate it, I-“
“You didn’t say you love it either, you actually said you never-“
“Can you not interrupt me? I said I don’t like it. It’s not like I hate it.”
Katya is quiet for a moment. “But… why?”
Violet shrugs her shoulders. “My parents were criminals and apparently Christmas was the busiest time of the year. So I spend Christmas at my neighbor’s house. But Pearl’s mom was a drug addict so it wasn’t really that great either.”
“Pearl is a stupid name.”
“You’re only saying that because I told you I had sex with her once.”
“Maybe so.”
Violet only grins back and Katya shakes her head slowly but Violet can see the smile in the corner of her lips.
“Anyway,” Katya continues with an eye roll “if you and I would have Christmas together we’d do it all. Bake all the Christmas cookies, decorate the tree, decorate all the cookies, watch Christmas movies, eat all the Christmas cookies and-“
“What the fuck that’s so domestic. Are you alright,hon?” Violet grins and puts her hand up against Katya’s forehead and pretends to check for her temperature.
Katya bats her hand away with a small laugh. She takes Violet’s hand in between both of her own. “You’re awful,” she says and smiles.
They talk about everything and nothing and Christmas a lot and it’s nice, so nice but then David picks Katya up and his stares make Violets skin crawl.
She sees Katya twice after their coffee date. Both times at parties and they can’t really talk but Katya doesn’t look fully miserable and that has to do for now.
When spring comes to New York so does Violet’s cousin Kurtis. Christian suddenly has a business trip that lasts the entirety of Kurtis’ stay. Precisely. Christian tells her to just take Katya to brunch with Kurtis instead and Violet tries to not look too pleased.
Kurtis spends most of the brunch watching Violet and Katya. He kicks Violet under the table once and whispers something about non existing subtlety in her ear while Katya is ordering another coffee.
It’s a bit later, when all three of them are done eating and decided to go shopping that he takes Violet to the side while Katya is trying on shoes on the other side of the store.
“You love her,” he says matter of factly. Violet laughs nervously, glances at Katya and forces Kurtis to try on six pairs of shoes and buys them all. He tries to refuse but Violet insists and mumbles something about birthdays or christmases and it it feels like hush money that she knows won’t work on Kurtis because he would’ve never told anyone in the first place. He doesn’t let it go either though. They’re sitting on the sofa, legs entangled while watching Mean Girls, 15 years old Violet’s favourite, when he brings Katya up again. He puts a hand just above Violet’s knee and looks very serious suddenly. “I just want you to be happy, Vi.“ He looks at her for a moment before looking back to the TV. "Money can’t buy happiness.” Violet doesn’t answer but thinks about their talk long after he left and well into the next year.
She shakes the truthfulness of his words of. Money can’t buy happiness. But money can buy comfort and comfort is better than the crippling feeling of there never being enough to go around.
The sun in southern France is warm on Violet’s skin, so much warmer than she had ever expected for it only being May. She doesn’t know if it is always like this here, has never been to France, has never even been to Europe except for her three day honeymoon trip to Stockholm that Christian had mindfully connected with a business trip a few months back. But that had been last spring and Stockholm was nothing like the azur blue ocean and the view of Marseille in the background she was having now.
And Violet loves the ocean, loves how wide it is and is a bit pissed of that Katya doesn’t have the same view now. At least she was on board of the boat too, actually driving it; a fact that confused Violet beyond belief. To give up that kind of control to Katya didn’t struck her as very on par with David’s character. She watches as he takes another sip of champagne and looks on as his face goes sour for a split second and she knows that he will never get used to the taste of it, that he hasn’t been raised on champagne, oysters, monthly trips overseas and that he never feels like he belongs.
There is an army of rich, white people living in the upper class of New York and whose families have been there for the longest time. There is an army of people whose upbringings, motives, movements Violet might never understand. The cold sentences, stiff handshakes, fake smiles, deluded friendships, empty promises and judging stares made Violet’s skin crawl. Christian is one of them. Violet can tell that the guests that came with them onto the yacht were too. Violet knows how to pretend she is one of them. Katya tries hard to make sure that they don’t even get the idea that she is one of them. David isn’t one of them and never will be.
He is all new money; laughs at inappropriate times, reads all social clues wrong, wore the wrong shoes with his belt one too many times. He is almost as out of place as Violet and Katya. But David has the money, is in fact richer than some of the people he associates with. It doesn’t change anything. In such a small group it was evident that he could never possibly close the gap he doesn’t even know exists. This might be his boat but the conversation would never be his. Violet watches him intently and she doesn’t get him but is intrigued by this economical genius that much like Katya grew up on a farm and understands a bit why Katya had once thought that David would be her saviour, that they were a bit the same.
Violet would love to hear Katya’s thoughts on everything. She wants to know Katya’s thoughts on most things these days, could spend days talking to her, finds everything about her endlessly fascinating. She wishes Katya would be upstairs now, especially upon seeing how David grows angrier, uneasier every time Christian talks over him and Violet has no doubt that Katya would be the one to pay for that at the end of the day in one way or another. David catches her staring and his facial expression lightens. He throws her a smile that she fears is supposed to be flirtatious. Her stomach clenches. “I’m glad you came with us today, Violet,“ he speaks suddenly, slowly, while letting his eyes move over Violet’s almost nude body and she wishes to have something to cover the tiny bikini. She tears her gaze away from him, taking a sip of champagne while her hand is shaking lightly. Christian clears his throat glares at Violet in a fashion that she know means that somehow this is her fault. “Violet, you can leave us alone now. We have business to attend.“ It’s not a request, not even a question. It’s an order and normally Violet would feel anger boiling up but for once she is glad. She just wants away. Away from David’s stares, the predatory grins the other two men have on their faces when Violet rises from her sitting position, away from Christian’s clenched jaw and constructed cold expression. Violet holds tightly onto her own glass of champagne and quickly moves down the stairs to where she assumes Katya is.
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hudsonjoshua-blog1 · 7 years
One Hell Of A Day
I'd made it so far. So many memories. But there was what I held so near and dear to my heart for years laying in a puddle. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but it was for the best. The United States Army was an adventure. I had good times, like when I was sent to Germany around October fest. Like... Holy Shit. And there were the bad times, like losing my buddies in battle. But that's beside the point. The point is what I learned and how it helped me for the rough times to come. Coming back from my 3rd deployment was the greatest feeling in the world. It was a rough one, but I can't share many details. Higher up may have a tight watch on me. So I'll just jump right in. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of the world. I don't know how it started, but these.... Things.... Just came out of nowhere. Canniballistic monsters formed from innocent civilians. No-one had enough time to hypothesize and research how and why this started, but we all have our own theories. To save time, I'll just make my back-story short and sweet. My biological father was a horrible man. An alcoholic and a drug-addict, abusive, an ass, ect. U get the point. I spent the first 10 years of my life (which he was only in the first 6) not understanding why my mom left him. By age 11, I knew. My mom remarried, which there's not much to say about that. By age 13, I was smoking cigarettes and drinking, becoming pretty wild. That carried on throughout high school, and on my 19th birthday, it caught up to me. I was arrested on my birthday for minor in possession of alcohol and a public intoxication. It was at that point that I decided I needed to stop. My brother took me to an army recruiter and boom... Theres my life. I was 3 years 11 months and 4 days into my second enlistment when it all happened. My Sergeant told me about people going crazy and eating one another. All my life I've been obsessed with zombies, but these things are worse. They can think, speak, and really fuck you up. I immediately called McKenzie, my beautiful wife. I'm sorry, but I have to tell you about her. She has the most gorgeous Brown hair and these eyes that can make u feel loved just by looking into them. Her smile shines with confidence and when she smiles at you, you can help but smile back. We have a daughter named Yvette. She was 3 at the time. That little girl is my whole world and I would kill anyone or anything that harmed her or my wife. And they look so much alike, both beautiful and smart. They are my favorite humans. I told McKenzie to stay with her parents until I could get home, which would be another 26 days, and she agreed. I worried sick for those 3 and a half weeks, constantly texting her to make sure she was OK. She said things we're getting pretty bad and it was slowly moving closer to our home town. All airlines we're shutdown due to the shit that was happening, so I drove my ass from Fort Lee, Virginia to Harrison, Arkansas, speeding the entire way. Took 16 hours, but I made it. I remember running through the yard and before I even made it half way, McKenzie had the door swung wide open and met me with a kiss. I missed her so fucking much. I was glad to be home. After lots of preparing, we gathered up out belongings and or daughter and decided to stay with her parents and her grandfather at their family cabin. It was a small cabin. One that was set out in the woods, secluded from the outside world for the most part. We got all settled in, and that's when I told McKenzie something I'll never forget. "I'm not scared, babe. But I have a feeling this is going to get much worse. No matter what, we stick together. " "Josh, I'm not scared either. Because I know I have u and Yvette. And my weapons! " She smiled at me. It restored my faith, and I felt that all would be alright. It was about dinner time, so we headed down stairs and ate a good meal before we headed back up to our room. That night I had a dream that we were back at home watching TV, seeing our favorite show, when there was a knock on the door. Two captains were at my front door and asked to come in. I allowed their entry and offered them a drink. They declined and told me that my best friend was killed in combat. Maika was in an LMTV when they were struck by an IED when they ran over it. "We need you to go back out to the field and take his place, Hudson. You're our best mechanic." "Sir... Is there noone else? I just got home. I don't want to leave my beautiful family." "We are sorry, but we need you, Hudson. It's an order straight from the BC. " I'll just go ahead and throw a fact in here. When you sign your first contract, it's usually 8 years (if you are active) 4 of those being real duty then 4 being reserve obligation where then can call you back to service. So this dream honestly made no sense because I had already filled my 8 years that were required. So in this dream, I left my family behind and went back out to the field. The gun shots made me jump out of my slumber. "Babe. Are u OK? Was it a nightmare? " McKenzie said. I guess I woke her up with my sudden jolt to the upright position. "Yeah. " I said with heavy breathing with a thin coat of sweat formed on my body. "It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real. It... Wasn't.. Real.. " I looked at the clock and read 2:03 AM. I got out of bed and walked slowly down the stairs to get some coffee. I knew I wasnt going back to sleep. McKenzies dad was sitting at the table drinking one himself. "You OK, Darryl? You're up pretty early." I whispered. "Just kinda worried about how we're gonna make it. Food only lasts so long you know. And if everything shuts down, we can't eat. " "How bad do you think this is going to get? " I asked filling myself a mug. "It's hard to say" he replied. "Could get worse, or, if we're lucky, it'll get taken care of real quick. I'm hoping for the best" he said, taking a sip of coffee. We sat and talked for a long time, then decided we better make our wives happy and start breakfast. I'm not a master chef, but I can make some mean pancakes. All from scratch. I guess the smell of my bomb ass pancakes and the bacon Darryl was cooking woke everyone up, because here came McKenzie down the stairs holding Yvette and Kathy was coming down the hall with that usual smile she had on her face. Darryl and Kathy were both nurses, Darryl being an RN nurse with a masters in education and online teaching certification. He taught in the LPN program. Kathy being a wound care nurse. They were both amazing people and didn't judge by appearance. "Good morning, everyone." Kathy said with a smile. McKenzie set Yvette down, and my beautiful daughter ran into my arms where I immediately lifted her above my head and did my daddy laugh. She laughed and laughed. She and I giggled for a few minutes until I smelt something burning. "MY PANCAKES!! " I yelled. I burnt one of them. We all laughed hysterically at it. I decided I had made enough for all of us, so I shut the stove off and took the plate of my masterpieces to the table and set them dead center. "Honey, would u like to say grace? " said Kathy to Darryl. "Sure, sweetheart. Lord, we give u this food in thanks for all that u do for us. Everyday we are blessed by your grace and mercy. We love u, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen" And so we ate. It was a wonderful breakfast filled with lots of laughs and love. We headed back upstairs afterwards. A few weeks passed, dealing with the same stuff. Smiles, food, the happy stuff, and of course, barely any sleep for me. We heard from friends and family that things were getting much worse at a faster rate. We decided to go scavenging in the town to see what was left, so McKenzie and I left Yvette with Darryl and Kathy. As we walked, we began to laugh and reminisce on old memories and discuss what we would do after this was all over. "I want another baby. A boy!" She said. "Me too, sweetheart. What would we name him?" I asked. "I like the name Steven. After your brother." My brother was my role model growing up. I had always wanted to be like him, following his every footstep. He was a Marine for 4 years and I missed him while he was gone. The military changed him. He became a hard shell that none could break into. U could never read him. He was a wall in which had no cracks. I wanted to be like that. We found a few things, but what surprised is was what we didn't find... People. There was no sign of life. No signs that anyone had been there in the past few months, and that scared me. The air has a horrific stench about it. I have that a storm was being above so I told McKenzie that we better head back. We scavenged for months after that, keeping my daughter taken care of before we took care of ourselves. She was growing so fast! Before I knew it, she was turning 4. Darryl and I made her a tire swing and surprised her with it. I pushed her until she felt like she was on top of the world. We met a few people about 4 months later. They were a couple named Tyler and Mercedes. They had a son who was 5 named Triton. He was a cool little dude. He and Yvette became great friends and loved playing hide and seek. McKenzie and I felt a little bit ballsey one day and decided to go into a large part of town. We headed out at about 11:45 to try and find supplies. As we entered town, I got a strange feeling in my stomach. The town was too quiet. The wind was too soft. It felt eerie, like in the horror movies when the killer is in the background causing dramatic irony. We turned the corner onto Green Street, and that's when I saw it. Hundreds and hundreds, possibly thousands of infected, lurking, sniffing. Now u may be wondering how the fuck I knew that it was the infected. Of u saw these things, u would know too. Trust me. I backed up slowly, motioning McKenzie behind me. "Let's go back. " I said. "Uhhh..... Babe...." I turned around to see a hoarde coming around the corner yelling at us. They were sprinting in our direction. "FUCK! RUN, KENZ!!! " I screamed. We took off, McKenzie following my lead. I took a random right turn down a street named Madrigal Way. They were still right behind us, so I told McKenzie to run faster. We began to sprint harder, until Mckenzie said she had to rest. "We cant rest right now. Come on! " I said. "Josh, I'm completely out of breath" she said between inhalations. "We gotta fucking run, McKenzie! Stop giving up! " She began to cry as I grabbed her arm and pulled her up. The hoardes were getting closer and closer with every moment wasted. We didn't have much of a gain, but it was enough to keep us safe as long as we kept moving. McKenzie and I sprinted for as long as she could before she dropped to her knees once again. We were by the old coffee shop off of west maple. I remembered an alley that was nearby with a fence that separated the two halves of it. I picked her up and threw her on my shoulder, running to the fence. "Climb, Kenz. Hurry!" She made it to the top and hopped over, landing on her feet. "Hurry, babe! They're behind you! " Without looking back, I lobbed over the fence, landing on my side. It stung, but I wasn't hurt. I began to run, when I heard McKenzie scream. I turned and the hoarde busted down the chain link barrier. It fell on her and they began trying to grab and bite her through the metal. I pulled out my .40, blasting faces off. I ran out of rounds in my clip, so I loaded another. Those 30 seconds passed so slow, and when the last one dropped, I ran to my wife. I scooted the fence off of her and saw she was crying, but alive. "Thank God... " "Josh... I'm hurt... " "Wha-" "My arm and leg... " I looked at her limbs to see multiple bites. My eyes widened, and I through her over my shoulder, running north back to the camp. When I got back, I kicked open the door, startling everyone inside enough to where they pulled pistols thinking I was an intruder. "What the fuck, Josh?! What are you-" Tyler yelled before I interrupted him. "Clear a space!! " I yelled. Darryl started to yell and clear shit off the table, allowing me to lay her down. We inspected the wounds as she began violently vomiting everywhere, including on herself. I let go screaming "FUCK! FUCK! WHY DID- SHIT! FUCK! " Seeing my wife like this killed me. I threw a chair across the room, breaking a leg off. Darryl walked over to me crying, and hugged my neck. "She's gonna become one of... Of.. Those things." He said through tears. I looked him in the eyes, knowing what I had to do. He couldn't do it. Neither could Kathy. I walked over to her, and squeezed her hand. She knew what had to be done, because she started crying. "I love you, baby. " she said. "I love u more. Forever and always, babe" She sat up and hugged her parents tightly, not wanting to let go. I helped her change into her favorite clothes and wiped her face. I carried her back down to the dining room, where she began vomiting once again. I wiped her face, cleaned her face and took a good look at her. She looked horrible. I carried her out the back door and laid her against a tree. I started crying and held her tight. I kissed her lips one last time, exchanging our last goodbyes. "Honey, I can't make u do this. Give me the gun." She said through tears. "Wha-What do you mean?" "Give me the fucking gun, Joshua." I handed her my pistol. I began to cry as her trembling hands raised the gun to her head. "I love you, baby" she said. She squeezed the trigger, blowing every memory, every image, everything out. I dropped to my knees, knowing that this was only the beginning. I bent down and grabbed her now limp body. I began sobbing and hugged her, feeling her warmth slowly fade. I'd made it so far. So many memories. But there was what I held so near and dear to my heart for years laying in a puddle. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but it was for the best. We buried her underneath the large oak tree out back. Depression hurts. Some say it's an emotion and you are just down all the time, but for me, it's more. I feel it in my bones. Deep in my joints. It deteriorates me physically, mentally, emotionally, and everything in between. That moment changed me and having to explain to my daughter why mommy isnt coming back is rough. She still doesn't understand. I question myself every day, asking if it was my fault, if I could have changed things. I miss her so much. I need her so much, but all i have are the memories.
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