#It's so annoying bc the only thing I can come up with is threatening him. which is mean. And bad.
aw-bean-s · 1 year
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lizardaggro · 7 months
on the flip side (twst bully!au) pt 3
here we are, the long-awaited (it was literally like 1 day) part 3!! i wanted to declare on one of the actual chapters since those get seen by the most people that I DID NOT MAKE THIS AU, credit i believe goes to @azulsluver. i swear i don't hate you guys, leaving everything on a cliffhanger, but the good news is i have a lot of time on my hands due to chronic illness so i can update super often. also i gave up on the purple theme on posts bc tumblr hates me and always leaves the end of the word count black.
part 1 part 2
genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, mild yandere (will be escalating throughout the series, but no non-con) word count: 1246
You couldn’t really afford to space out and think about it though, not when he was right in front of you. Riddle tapped his foot impatiently, clearly irate at your lack of response. “Well?” He asked. “Do you not even have anything to say in your defense?”
Oh dear. However were you supposed to get rid of him when he was so intent on getting some sort of answer out of you? You had no idea what he wanted! He was more difficult to threaten, too, since you’d made up your mind that you didn’t want to be like your tormentors and completely ruin others’ lives. No, your end goal was just to make them leave you alone. After everything you’d been through, you really didn’t want to see them again.
It might seem strange to some people, that you weren’t dead set on destroying any semblance of normalcy they once had. You had all the ammunition you needed, of course. The Overblot victims would be the easiest to topple, considering what they’d done in and leading up to that state. But you didn’t think you were a particularly vengeful person; at least, you didn’t want to be. Crowley had always said that you must’ve been sent here to get his precious students to work together, so clearly you weren’t like them.
“I never asked for this, Riddle. Any of this. So if you think somewhere in your fucked-up mentality that you’re doing me some sort of favor, you’re dead wrong,” you intoned. Indeed, even though you just wanted them gone, you missed the days when you were all friends. Back when you thought everyone had your back no matter what. Oh, if only you knew what they’d do for you. It wouldn’t be hard at all to push some of the more unstable students over the edge. Those who felt they didn’t have anyone else. Much like a certain dragon fae who never did seem to get invited to things.
Riddle looked like he was about to say something, but before he could, he was drenched by a great torrential rain. Where did that come from? Didn’t the forecast say it was supposed to be clear skies and sunny for the rest of the week? Your question was soon answered, as you had two more visitors.
“Silver? Sebek? What brings you here?” You inquired, not at all amused. When those two showed up at the same time, it could only mean one thing, and it wasn’t good. Riddle looked like he had caught on as well, since he stepped in front of you, as if that would do any good.
“LORD MALLEUS REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE!!” Sebek boomed. You’d made progress on his volume in the past, so you were sure he did it just to annoy you. Silver just stared. He always stared, you felt like. Sometimes you swore you could feel his eyes on you even when he was nowhere to be found.
“Oh, gee, I wonder what that’s about,” you snarked. “Poor little princey-poo doesn’t want his embarrassing little secrets getting out? Well you can tell him to fuck off.” You must’ve been feeling especially brave, since normally you knew that defying Malleus Draconia was as good as a death sentence. He wasn’t even that bad, compared to some of the others. He just… locked you in his room and made you listen to him talk, with no room to get a word in edgewise. He’d go on and on about one thing or another for HOURS, with no regard for your schedule or your bodily needs. Clearly fae had a different sense of time than most.
It was the loss of control over your own life that you hated; that, and that if he really still considered you a friend, he never bothered to do anything about your bullies. You knew he was more than capable; you’d witnessed his strength firsthand on multiple occasions. You didn’t know what his endgame was, and frankly you were too scared to find out. He could trap you there forever and you wouldn’t be able to do a single thing about it.
Sebek was not amused. He raised an arm, likely to strike you, but Silver placed a hand on it, effectively stopping him. “Don’t. You wouldn’t want Lord Malleus to see a bruise on them,” he reasoned. You didn’t get it. Since when would he care? Sebek roughly shoved Riddle out of the way, despite all his objections, and nonchalantly slung you over his shoulder.
“What the hell?!” You screeched, pounding your fists on his back. “Put me down! I’m not going!” You weren’t sure why you were objecting so vehemently; this time wasn’t any different than the others. But something about the dark gray clouds pouring rain on what should’ve been a lovely day just told you that this was not going to be good.
But alas, your plight was ignored. The three of you made your way to Diasomnia in silence. No one bothered to stop and stare in the halls, as you being carried off by people was somewhat of a normal occurrence. You could swear Savannahclaw and Diasomnia even had some sort of twisted capture-the-flag game going, for whatever reason.
When you entered the gothic-style castle, you were greeted by none other than Lilia. Much like Malleus, he’d never bothered you too terribly, only engaging in less-than-welcome pranks. You knew he was far older than he let on, so you supposed he didn’t see the point in such childish endeavors. There was, however, one thing you feared about the man: his cooking, which he tried to shove down your throat at every opportunity. How Silver grew up healthy you’d never know.
And so, of course, you were greeted by a plate of… well, goop, to put it nicely. “Here, have a seat, dear, I made lasagna,” Lilia offered with what you assumed was supposed to be a warm smile. To you in that moment, with the fumes starting to reach your nose, it looked like a shit-eating grin.
“I’ll pass, thanks. That is to say, I’d rather die than eat that shit, because it looks and smells like it’ll send me straight to hell,” you deadpanned. Sebek let out an unholy screech and started ranting about how dare you refuse Lord Lilia, even though you knew he wouldn’t want to eat it either. You did your best to tune him out. Silver looked relieved, surprisingly enough. You supposed he was able to empathize since he grew up eating the stuff.
Luckily for you, Lilia just sighed and walked off, taking his culinary abomination with him. The three of you who remained shared a look. “How are you still alive after all these years?” You asked Silver. He shrugged. If even he didn’t know, you’d just call it a miracle.
“SILVER, QUIT FRATERNIZING WITH THE ENEMY! LORD MALLEUS IS WAITING!” Sebek practically screamed in your ear. You really wished he would stop doing that. But you had more important things to worry about, like your impending death by dragon fae. Once you arrived at Malleus’s room, Sebek set you down and pushed you inside. You heard the lock click behind you. You gulped, feeling the pressure of being alone in a room with a presumably angry and very powerful mage. You looked up to see a pair of emerald eyes staring you down. Oh boy, this was not going to be fun.
taglist: @twistedcece @slxt4h1m @teawhere @pleasehugmeaether @reivelmin @aoiyx
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echobx · 3 months
husband & business man!Rafe hcs
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◆ he'll be coming home from some dumb golf game or something boring and it was so annoying that he has to let it all out by fucking you into subdrop
◆ and then he'll be all sweet after peppering you with kisses to bring you back to reality
◆ but the first time it happened he was actually scared that he hurt you and kept rambling, like "shit baby, I didn't think that was even a real thing. you good? can I keep going or do you need a break?"
◆ and he's never been good at aftercare, but he gets into it and somehow it's incredibly fulfilling to carry you around after and wash you and put you in your favorite pjs so you can sleep and regain your strength
◆ and the morning after he'll make you breakfast in bed and shower you with compliments of how good you were to him the night before
◆ and that rhythm repeats once or twice a month because that's just how his work life is
◆ and he's a busy man, so every time he leaves for a project somewhere else he drags you with him because "we gotta get a scratch away map and scratch off all the countries I made you cum at least five times in a row"
◆ and although he's a doggy kinda guy, he's not appalled by doing a little missionary once in a while because you look so pretty when you cry because his dick is just that huge
◆ and he'll kiss away the tears and tell you to not be such a little bitch about it and just take it like a good girl
◆ and you'll nod, because who are you to argue with him over it because you know he's right
◆ still the tiny fight just always gets him to fuck you a little harder every time you do it
◆ he'd say shit like "gonna fill you up and get you pregnant like a slut" but he's also the one who made you get on birth control, so you know he doesn't actually mean it
◆ but he does mean it when he says he wants to make a little tape in case you can one day not go with him on a trip so the both of you have something to work with
◆ and you do it and it's not bad but not very good either but he doesn't care at all bc "look at that, such a pretty pussy taking all of me. god, you sound pathetic when I fuck you, baby. I love it."
◆ he'd tell you to get your nipples pierced but you refuse at first bc that shit hurts but he keeps saying it and once you do it he acts all surprised "oh baby, you really shouldn't have. that's the best birthday gift ever."
◆ ofc he pays for your manicures and for every little thing. but especially the manicures bc god damn he loves it when you scratch him like a wild animal
◆ he loves showing you off too, especially to his friends who still don't understand how you got him to settle down
◆ and he'll be a real ass over it too, telling Topper and Kelce to look at how hot you are
◆ and the first time round they actually did look at you, but just a bit too long for his taste and then he threatened them and they know him well enough to be actually scared
◆ and you're so sweet and bubbly and he's always looking at you
◆ especially when your eyes are fixed on some other girl who keeps eyeing him and he knows you could tear her to pieces if he let you
◆ the thing is, you know he only wants you, you know there's no real threat, but it still makes your blood boil to know that they think they have a chance
◆ sometimes you even let him fuck you right in front of them, like that one time at a party in a hot tub
◆ and he'd never deny your wish to show off how good he is at fucking you
◆ but once you get back home he makes sure that you remember that he is the one in control
◆ and you'll babble on and on about how you can't take it anymore but you both know it's a lie so he keeps railing into you until you squeeze him so hard that he sees stars
◆ and every time it ends the same, with the two of you cuddling and him showering with "I love you's" and whispered musings, telling you "if I hadn't already married you I'd do it again and again"
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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wendytestabrat · 6 months
kyle is an arrogant know-it-all
i swear there are are sooooo many moments in the show where like cartman tells the guys abt something or some shit and then kyle’s smug ass ALWAYS has to fucking correct him abt it or act all skeptical and start arguing for no fucking reason. it’s moments like those where i totally feel for cartman on why he finds kyle annoying af and thinks kyle is always out to get him LOL. bc A LOT of those moments cartman is telling the truth and talking abt something that’s legitimately happening and then kyle always has to be like “no way” or “you’re lying” EVEN WHEN CARTMAN IS RIGHT ABT SHIT. and in a lot of those moments cartman isn’t even talking to kyle, he’s telling the other characters something and then kyle butts in and makes it all about him LOL. like that’s arrogant AF to always feel like you’re right and have to insert your unwarranted input even when you’re deadass WRONG. i’m an arrogant know-it-all too (i mean i’m a leo i can’t help it LOL) and correct people A LOT but i only do that shit when i know for a fact that what someone is saying is wrong or not true & the stupidity is making my head explode and i have the facts & receipts to back it up. people who just correct you just to correct you are the most annoying bitches ever bc i’ve been around soooo many people like that. i’ll be saying something that I KNOW FOR A FACT IS TRUE, and i’m not even trying to start an argument, i’m just talking about something and then some bitch feels like he/she needs to discredit what i’m saying for no fucking reason even when the shit they’re ‘correcting’ me about is flat out not true LOL. like it’s such a clownish thing to do when people feel the need to do that shit. what that tells me is they’re insecure af and threatened by my intelligence so much that they feel like they need to undercut me over the most trivial things that they have 0 knowledge on and haven’t done any research about. kyle def is right in a lot of these moments and is legitimately calling cartman out on something he’s being stupid abt or making up, but the fact that there are soooo many moments where kyle is WRONG and cartman turned out to be right, but he STILL feels like he has to undercut everything cartman says rlly shows how jealous of cartman and insecure he is. like kyle should know by now that cartman does have a lot of valuable insights to share and comes up with fun ideas and shit even if cartman SOMETIMES turns out to be making shit up or doing something dumb. i think the best example of kyle’s obnoxious arrogant know-it-all attitude was when he was sooo damn sure he was right abt leprechauns not being real and even when kyle fucking LOST the bet he couldn’t just admit he was wrong and still kept trying to justify why leprechauns can’t exist (and wouldn’t suck cartman’s balls LOL). kyle was rlly being the dumbass in that episode, not cartman. and with all the crazy shit he encounters in south park shouldn’t he be more open-minded that there can indeed be leprechauns and cartman is telling the truth? this is the same kid that has encountered jesus on a regular basis even tho he’s jewish LOL.
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snaillock · 11 months
i really like ur writings🤭 and i’m happy bc finally someone writes male reader stories
anyway!! i would like to request a sae x gamer/streamer m!reader fic, where the reader is a big gamer and also a twitch streamer, how did sae get along with that, how does sae take it when the reader doesn't pay attention to him because he's playing / chatting with his friends on discord🫣 sorry if i write something wrong english is not my first language😔 had a good day!!
sae itoshi x male!streamer!reader
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tysm anon! i’m glad you enjoy my stuff! i also hope you enjoy this and that it’s to your satisfaction
tags: male reader, established relationship, jealous and overthinking sae, surprise! sae also sucks ass at communicating, also lowkey self-indulgent since i secretly dream of being a streamer, doing a different format than what i typically do
sae knows he’s being hypocritical but he simply can’t help it.
he saw the way you would hole yourself up in your office, streaming for several hours straight almost every day. sometimes you wouldn’t even get out to take a break.
you could’ve given yourself a much more laidback schedule thanks to sae’s success and wealth. instead you chose not to rely on him financially and prioritized your self-independence and stability. the only thing you really accepted from him career-wise was the massive clout boost that came with being his boyfriend. not to mention, you just loved the career path you chose, even if it did make you stressed sometimes. so you were more than fine with committing a lot of effort into it despite his insistence.
he understands and relates to how busy your lifestyle can get, yet he can’t help but feel a little neglected when he rarely sees you outside your office during the day and knows you don’t have much time free time to spend with him.
and perhaps he did feel jealous whenever he overheard you and your other streamer friends voice calling and playing games, laughing and cracking jokes with each other.
ugh he hated the idea that he could get jealous at all. he knows he should be more rational about this. he’s supposed to be the rational one! but he can’t help it. you’re his boyfriend! you should be spending your time with him. laughing and making jokes with him.
it’s gotten so bad that he even felt annoyed by your viewers fawning over you. he knew feeling a threatened by them was crazy because who the hell doesn’t know you’re sae itoshi’s boyfriend. anyone would be crazy to try to come in between that. plus he has plenty of his own simps going insane over him. so he of all people should be more than aware of what it’s like to be with someone who’s famous and very out there in the world. he should especially expect this when he’s dating such a good looking guy.
sae has rarely felt insecure about himself either. until his mind started spiraling and he manages to convince himself that he isn’t interesting enough to be with you compared to your gamer friends. he definitely doesn’t say anything to you about it since he doesn’t want you think he’s weak because of it. instead he lets those overcooked insecurities build up even more and more in his head until he starts believing them.
one day he noticed your office door slightly cracked open so he peeked his head in to see you streaming. which you then noticed from the corner of your eye.
“sae!” you spun your chair around to face him. you quickly took off your headphones, forgetting to mute the microphone, and held your arms out with a big smile. “come here baby!”
he was surprised and flustered from your enthusiastic response. how could he not be when he’s been living with those negative ideas about the relationship for a while that he’s gotten so used to them. he reluctantly walked over to you to which you wrapped your arms around his neck, making him bend down to your eye level.
“i’m so sorry i’ve been so busy lately,” you said before cupping his face and planting kisses on his cheeks. “i promise i’ll make it up to you.” his face softened as he felt his worries wash away thanks to your words and kisses.
“alright,” he nodded. everything’s going to be alright. he watched your screen from the corner of his eye as the live chat started going crazy, with a slight smirk on his face.
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a.n: when i got this request, i was also working on a much bigger sae fic which should be coming out in a few days or so. it’s currently 2k+ words. so stay tuned and if anyone wants to be tagged when it’s posted, let me know!
i also don’t think i can post a fic without using read more. i always write so fucking much.
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luffyvace · 3 months
Hello first of all- Omg my new fav author I LOVE UR WRITING SM LIKE ???? APBDISBRQKOZ
I found your blog form the author!Reader the anon who ask haz a creative mind I loved the 2 post sm I already got addicted to it I hope u Dont mind me requesting sm form it
Imagine Kusuo getting a notification (he seems like the one has his phone on dnd but has his notification open for his s/o in all media) of her post sm in one of there public social platform saying "I'm turning into my emo phase if this writer block doesn't move on form me " and when checking her private acc (the it's only access for him and her older friend) she is all memes about her writer block and her saying "if I stop writing I give all my books and series to you my friend" just her and overreacting to her block writer
Hiii!! THANK YOU CUTIE!! It always makes me so happy to hear I can share my hobbies with others <3 ahhh I see! Of course I don’t mind dear :)
ohh so if I’m getting this right it’s Saiki finding readers second blog (in which she mostly posts unserious stuff about her writers block) I believe I get what ya mean :}
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Lol if feel like almost every writer has they’re side blogs or blog where they not a writer they just read other’s stuff
and to me this blog seems like a kinda funny vent blog where reader can just complain about her writers block whenever she has it
LOL imagine going inactive on that acc for weeks and saiki’s wondering if you forgot about it or forgot the password but you just simply have had a lot of motivation lately
then all the sudden you come back and your rebloging all types of relatable author memes and making posts about how ‘your going emo because you have writers block’
honestly it’s kinda ironic to him
he likes your posts on both accounts to support even when your do have writers block
cuz who’s likes a guy who ups and leaves when you don’t have motivation?
the first time you threatened to give your books away he knew you were joking but at the same time he was like ‘wait don’t give all your books away they can’t write it as well as you can 😀’
’kusuo I’m joking’
‘me too I knew that’
(“Thank goodness..her books were the only thing keeping me sane from those nuisances..”)
- In Saiki’s head
he doesn’t get all the writer memes bc he’s not an author, obviously he’s not stupid so he does find some funny
i feel he doesn’t post on social media but if a post of yours does particularly good he’ll repost it
i think I touched up on him being supportive before but yeah I’m gonna say it it again bc it truly is an honorable mention
‘(Name/pen name) has posted!’
- notification
- Saiki
the emoji combo was terrible but basically that’s him about to break his screen from how hard he clicked
he’s always the first one on your posts and interacts every way possible
except comments..
which sucks cuz it boosts it a lot but he just doesn’t interact online 😭
if it’s a social media where you can see who liked, aiura and torisuka always tease Saiki for being the first like every time
“Dang your a real simp huh? Your the first like on her every post!”
- Aiura
”MAN! You don’t miss a beat do ya Saiki? I can never beat you to it 😭”
- Toritsuka
“wow..you beat me once again. The second the notification pops up you’ve already liked, reblogged and shared before I can even click on it. That’s impressive I must say, but it’s also quite annoying because I would like to be the first one to support (name) one day. In fact you do everything first! You get the books before they publish! You like all her posts first! Satire or not too!- yadda yadda yadda..”
- Akechi
“you don’t even respond to me that fast! Sometimes you leave me on read or delivered for 2 days before you answer me”
- Kaido
Saiki also sees that your friend likes your second acc too
which he would figure since you two are close
ehehe..a bit short dearest but I hope it brings you joy regardless~ 😅💞
I have much to get out..need to be more active..
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pourcap · 6 months
thoughts: kr chapter 15 (pt. 1)
'If they come this way—’ said Nikandros in a low voice. ‘Hey!’ Laurent called out. (...) i bet this will make nikandors love laurent even more :)
(...) Brief visions of strangling Laurent weren’t helpful. (...) damen is the best protagonist ever
(...) Damen judged the distance between himself and the nearest of the approaching soldiers, his chances of killing them, of killing enough of them to even the odds for the others. (...) also does damen's mind ever not immediately go this route? imagine constantly being so on edge because you feel like you have to fight and protect because that's all you've ever known, and because you're the best at it so everyone's survival depends on how quickly you eliminate threat. so exhausting.
(...) ‘You are Charls the renowned Veretian cloth merchant?’ said the officer sceptically, as if this was a name well known to him. ‘No,’ said Laurent, as if this was the most foolish thing in the world. ‘I am Charls the renowned Veretian cloth merchant. This is my assistant. Lamen.' ummmm. okay. 'as if it was the most foolish thing in the world' made me laugh. laurent's brashness lol. also i absolutely love how laurent just went for the ship name, which is of course veeery far off from damen's actual name so they totally won't risk being found out at all
'I don’t suppose your men could aid us in our repairs?’ said Laurent. Damen stared at him. They were encircled by fifty mounted Akielon soldiers. Jokaste was inside that wagon. no way that's why laurent stopped them. is he insane???? i can 100% picture the way damen's staring at him.
just remembered "it's the game i like" so i'm guessing this turn of event makes sense
The officer said, ‘We’re patrolling for Damianos of Akielos.’ ‘Who’s Damianos of Akielos?’ said Laurent. His face was utterly open, his blue eyes unblinking, upturned to the officer on his horse. ahhhhh!!! oh god. also i looove when laurent puts on this faux-innocent look he used so much in book one. it's just so amusing to me bc he's such an asshole and i mean this very lovingly
(...) Nikandros had the slightly stupefied look that Damen remembered from several of his own adventures with Laurent. (...) can you believe i'm getting emotional over this? because damen knows laurent now. because laurent is known. for probably the first time in his life except for by auguste he has someone who really actually genuinely knows him and appreciates him for the way his mind works. i just love laurent and damen so much <3
Damen followed him in, acutely aware that he was being separated from his men. Laurent simply walked into the inn. such an interesting nod to how damen feels more comfortable in the presence of his men (whether that's because he feels the need to protect them or because there's safety in numbers in general) whereas laurent had to rely on only himself for the past years
(...) Perhaps he could overwhelm Stavos. He could negotiate some kind of exchange, Stavos’s life for their freedom. his brain just won't stop omg. imagine constantly thinking about how to get out of situation that could end in your death (also imagine how intimidating damen must look to an outsider since he's basically just always coming up with battle plans in his head lol)
'I can assure you. Charls the renowned merchant is already here.' noooooooo
'That is impossible. Call him out here.' ohh the audacity. laurent can be such a prince
Charls took one look at the unmistakable blue eyes and blond hair of his Prince, who he had last seen in Damen’s lap dressed as a pet in a tavern at Nesson. His eyes widened. Then, with a truly heroic effort: ‘Charls!’ said Charls. hahhaaha no way. bless the real charls <3
they're all charls :')
'Thank you, Charls, this man believes I am the King of Akielos,’ said Laurent. god he's soooo annoying i love him so much
'An agent of the King when he has raised taxes and threatens to bankrupt the entire cloth industry?’ said Laurent. Damen put his eyes somewhere where they wouldn’t meet Laurent’s, (...) i repeat: he's so annoying and i love him so much. also a fed up damen is so funny to me
'You speak very good Akielon,’ he said, loudly and slowly. ‘Thank you,’ said Damen. ohh that reminds me of that scene in book one when laurent had damen drugged and this guy told damen that laurent had an eye for detail or something lol
'(...) Nikandros is completely useless as the Kyros,’ Laurent said, loudly enough for Nikandros to hear him. ‘He doesn’t know the first thing about cloth.' oh my god laurent stop antagonizing your boyfriend's best friend!!!
Damen looked over at Laurent, who was deep in conversation, letting his eyes pass slowly over every familiar feature, the cool expression tipped with gold in the firelight. He said, ‘Did he?’ ‘Charls said, think of the most expensive pet you’ve ever seen, then double it.’ ‘Really?’ said Damen. damen stop getting horny pt. 34972387
'Of course, Charls knew who he was right away, because he couldn’t hide his princely style, and nobility of spirit.’ ‘Of course,’ said Damen. hahahhahaha awww i love charls and i'm happy that in the future he'll have some new tales to tell about this moment right now
'Maybe you could encourage Akielons to wear sleeves. You’d sell more cloth,’ said Laurent. Everyone laughed politely at the joke, and then speculative looks crossed one or two faces, as if this young cousin of Charls’s might have stumbled by accident onto a good idea. you can always count on laurent to find a new way to be a nuisance to akielos <3
ahhhh did laurent push their mattress together to sleep next to damen????? i'm crying. sobbing, actually <3
they're kissing !!! i love them soooo much i can't even put it into words anymore, my heart just goes "!!!" every time they're close to each other
Laurent didn’t seem to care, even seemed to like it. Damen pressed him into the wall, and took his mouth. Laurent smelled of soap and fresh cotton. Damen’s thumbs pushed into his waist. laurent being turned on by damen's sweat... honestly if we got laurent's pov, he'd probably be just as intense about damen as damen is about him. they're truly a match made in heaven.
(...) They had not before had the luxury of extended lovemaking, deliberate and unhurried as a First Night. His thoughts ribboned with all the things they had yet to do. damen is such a softie!!! he's seriously just thinking about all the things he still wants to experience with laurent. he's so cute :')
(...) It was charming, because it was clear that Laurent was unsure exactly what to do, yet, typically, had acted to take control of everything. again: he knows laurent so well by now! i'm so emotional.
'First time to entertain a lover?’ Just saying the word made him flush, and he saw Laurent flush too. god. goooood. godddddd.
(...) He watched Laurent react to his body. Virgins and the inexperienced tended to get nervous, which he enjoyed as a challenge to be overcome, hesitancy turned into eagerness and pleasure. It pleased some deep part of him to see in Laurent the flickering of a similar reaction. (...) hmmmmm. :)))))))) i mean, he's wrong obviously, but i am super happy that laurent gets to experience sex with a good man who he finds attractive and who he likes and who is, on top of all that, great at sex <3
And dropped to his knees on the floor of the inn. i'm getting teary-eyed over a blowjob. seriously. i'm just so proud of laurent and of him taking initiative because he wants to do this with and for damen !!!!
that description of the contrast between laurent's internal struggle and practiced skill makes me sick
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dumplingsfordays · 7 months
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i'm your best friend, no?
pairing - best friend!roommate!thoma x reader
genre - fluff (comfort)
summary - after your (now ex) bf sends you some very... questionable texts, thoma, like the sweetheart that he is, lends a helping hand.
cw!: cheating, implied sex (between reader's bf and someone else), thoma being super duper sweet <3
note - couldn't pick a character bc I live for comfort fics so decided to do an (imo) underrated one 😭😭 haven't written for genshin in a bit so likeee might write some for it later
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You opened your eyes lazily, with a sigh escaping your slightly chapped lips. Your phone on your bedside table was making noise. What time was it, even?
Reaching over to grab it, you felt your head spin a little and feeling the chap-ness of your lips, you gave them a quick lick before turning on your phone.
Who sends this many notifications at 2 in the morning?
You glanced at the sender. Oh. That makes much more sense.
39 messages from babe
"Ughhhh... it's way too early for this."
"Oh, fine!" you whispered angrily to yourself, opening the messages. "It'll be fine, y/n, he probably just wants to apologize for yesterday. Always does."
To your shock and disappointment, the messages weren't an apology. They were photographic (and even audio, which disgusted you infinitely more) evidence of him cheating on you with some brunette girl. The first thing you noticed was how pretty she looked - wide doe eyes, reddened lips... and then you saw the background and other details of the photos and almost vomited.
Almost immediately your eyes shot to the texts, praying that you would find an apology or at least an excuse.
were having sm fun baby, come join us ;)
What. The. Fuck.
All the other texts were written in the same fashion. There were no apologies or excuses - only sleazy, vile invitations and comments on how the brunette did everything so much better than you did. Was he trying to make you jealous by cheating on you? If so, it didn't work at all. You were positively horrified.
Diving under your blanket with record speed, you started to quietly sob. Fat tears formed at the corners of your eyes, threatening to roll down your cheeks, and your bottom lip trembled violently as you shuddered. How could he? Why? Were you not good enough for him? Were your eyes too big or too small? Were your lips too pale or too red? Was your personality annoying?
You knew what to do, but you didn't have the strength to do it.
And then, interrupting your thoughts, came a voice. Your roommate's voice, specifically.
"Hey, you alright in there?"
You didn't want to call out and pretend that you were sleeping, but alas, your brain chose otherwise before you could even decide.
"Y-yeah," you sniffled, "I'm good."
"No you're not, you're crying. I can hear it in your voice."
God, why did he have to be so insistent?
"y/n," he continued. "If something's happened you can always tell me. I'm your best friend, no?"
After a pause you reluctantly accepted. "Oh, fine."
You shifted, lifting the blanket and sliding your feet into the slippers beside your bed. They were unpleasantly cold, but you didn't really care - the floor was probably colder, and this was better than nothing. Slippers squeaking slightly on the floor, you made your way to the door and opened it to a very messy-looking, and very worried, Thoma.
"Hey, sweetie," he muttered as he furrowed his eyebrows, using that oh-so-familiar nickname. You smiled sadly in return. The blond reached out to you and pulled you in for a hug, and as you felt his arms loop around you, he sighed into your shoulder.
"C'mon, tell me what happened."
At this you couldn't hold in your tears any longer. They poured out of your eyes like a river, probably staining the white shirt that he had on, but he didn't seem to mind - in fact, he leaned in and let you hold on to him.
Deciding that it was best to let you lay down, Thoma scooped you up into his arms and carried you to your bed, where he placed you on the sheets, covering you with the blanket as you sniffled.
"My boyfriend," you started, grasping Thoma's hands in yours, "he- he sent me some texts just now and-"
You burst into tears all over again. Just say it, you thought to yourself, just do it! Why is this so hard for you, y/n?
"Oh, sweetie," Thoma cooed in return, leaning over to hug you warmly. "Do you wanna show me the texts or do you want me to wait a sec?"
You nodded weakly, plucking your phone from where you left it on the nightstand and unlocking it. You handed it to Thoma, whose eyes widened upon glancing at the messages. His brows furrowed as he scrolled further down, only raising in disgusted shock as he reached the bubble that finally made you break.
were having sm fun baby, come join us ;)
"What the fuck is your boyfriend thinking?" he whispered, looking back at your reddened cheeks and trembling lip as he finally laid down beside you.
"I don't know," you replied, sliding farther under the covers. "I mean, he did this before, but he apologized-"
"y/n, he did this before? And you didn't dump him?"
"N-no, but-"
"Sweetie," he sighed as he put the phone back and hugged you again. "When your partner cheats on you, never stick around. Doesn't matter how much they shower you in praise or how many dates they take you on, 90% of the time they will do it again. You put your trust in him and he broke it twice. I'd say that's more than enough cause to leave him."
"But why did he do it? Are my eyes too small or big compared to that girl in the picture? Am I uglier than her? Is my personality worse? Am I a bad person, Thoma?"
His expression turned from one of perplexed anger to one of consolation as he spoke.
"No, no, you're a wonderful person," he said gently, "I honestly don't know either. You're gorgeous and stunning and every time I see you, you bring a smile to my face regardless of how bad of a day it's been. You're not a bad person and I hate to see you think of yourself that way."
His hands gave yours a small, comforting squeeze as you sniffled.
"Thanks, Thoma. I think you're a wonderful person too," you smiled softly, tears still running down your cheeks.
He chuckled quietly in return. "Of course. Now, are you gonna go to bed, or do you wanna stay up for a little bit and watch a movie or something?"
"A movie sounds nice. But we're watching it together, right?"
"Only if you want to."
"Yeah, I do."
Returning your smile, he sat up, still holding your hand, and as you grabbed a large blanket from your closet, you realized that you couldn't have wished for a better roommate.
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corvidae-00 · 5 months
Tsudere /sub touch starved Jax in heat that pretends to hate the reader but does things to secretly be with them x a fem happy but smart Uzadere that loves being in the circus.She loves adventures,animals,cute things,fighting,food ect! lots of energy too but can be pretty insensitive and a little selfish with a little crush on jax. I feel like at first jax would completely reject liking her then he would be extra mean,then Maybe subconsciously know he likes her amd hates the feeling lol. cus he copes by trying to not have feelings and tries to act "tough". its pretty obvious that the reader is in love with him but his dumb ass cant catch on . She gives lots of compliments which makes him flustered and mad ( he is mad bc he thinks nobody likes him that much, he is mean to her to make her go away but it doesn't work ) but he pretends not to care. the reader would definitely confesses first tho. Sorry for such a long request its just that not many people write jax in this sorta way so i had to be detailed lol. also if you don't wanna use female pronouns you can make it non gender ofc 😅tysm for even reading such a long thing! and you don't have to do this at all lr you can switch it up. Anything is VERY appreciated tho😊 also i feel like max would be a massive virgin due to how annoying he is...he definitely a horny bitchless rabbit-
AHHHH! MY FIRST ASK ;0; Thank you!!! And i personally LOvE Jax- like its an issue 0-0 but im so happy to write for him first! your request is amazing and i truly love it! i hope i did it justice!!! i hope you dont mind HCs! if you did want a story just hit me back up in the answer box and ill write a lil something for ya! ;)
MDNI BELOW THE CUT+ Warnings: Smutty smut themes, bottom Jax <3- Cussing, swearing, the norm
The Reader definitely brought light to the Circus, when she first appeared she was the TALK OF THE TENT, everyone was happy to finally have someone around to liven up the place- > besides jax- the little shit made it his sole duty to make sure Reader was the punchline of his jokes or somehow always "in his way" and the Reader often got the butt of the assult. > Jax being Jax when the feelings for reader started to arise- he got scared- a little worried- upset even. More at himself than you but still pretty pissy- this just made the tourment wose oh lord- > Reader found this fun, more ways to annoy and poke and proad at Jax, finding his constant target on the Reader absolutely hilarious > Reader always calling the oblivious rabbit pet names!!! *Toots, Fluff butt, Shnookums (Only because it pissed Jax off and everyone would laugh), babes, Etc Etc, > Jax STILL oblivious to the reader ;0; taking it as her teasing him and pushing him and oh no we cant have that!!!! Jax haaates it. Secretly likes it HATES IT- >Despite the tension between the two Jax would often threaten Caine or sneak the other circus members things of value to be around reader. not knowing why- HE IS MADLY IN LOOOVE he wanted to be around Reader!! SMUT >Jax in heat is something i dont think even he saw coming- like they are digital code- BUT DAMN- > Stuck in his room alone humping a pillow and pulling his ears over his face embarrassed beyond belief at his own actions > Reader was coming to annoy Jax concerned why she didnt see him at breakfast (His favorite meal of the day may i add- >Knocking on his door reader had a shit eating grin "Sleeping in pookie?" She calls through the door only a groan and a loud huff was the response she got >Thats rude. Reader thinks and just assuming he is having one of his man period days- Reader enters his room- and boy is the sight she sees amazing- Jax face down and ass up with a pillow under his hips, face flushed a deep purple and his overalls down to his waist- > Reader and Jax are just staring at eachother with wide eyes >"G-GET OUT!!" "Nah i dont think i will" >Lets just say reader helps the little bunny get the relief he was so looking for- >They dont argue as much anymore-
----------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU FOR READING!!! I hope you enjoyed your request and it was too your liking! im still getting back into writing so its a slow process!! let me know what you think!!! thank you so much!!! <3333
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and housework
essentially just. the housework duties that svt might take up around the house (whether willingly or having it thrust on them)
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cleaning duty (1). used to be on laundry duty, but constantly complained about the state of the dorm whenever hansol cleaned, and so he ended up switching duties with him. and because he basically brought the duty on himself, he's Not Allowed to protest about it (according to his members) so he goes around their dorm with a cloth and a face that looks like it's thoroughly regretting the lemon of responsibility that's been shoved in it. 
is given toilet cleaning duty, hates it. complains that it feels so bad and just the act of doing it is so icky and disgusting. jihoon asks if he wants to move onto dish washing duty instead, quickly refuses bc having to clean up so many dirty dishes is actually so much worse than just a few toilets. whines really loudly and for ages whenever someone reminds him that he has a houseworking job to do. is kind of a little glad that he only has to do it occasionally tho
get outs of having to do anything particularly nasty or tiring by i n s i s t i n g that he will cook for them. can only really make a few select dishes, but as long as he cooks about three times a week, the members never call him out for it n make him do other stuff, which he's really glad for. is currently learning how to cook other things, bc the members keep asking for more american-style dishes n rn shua has just been relying on his vague memory of foods he's had before
laundry duty (1). is in charge of working the washing machine and tries to fix the dryer like he's some plumber guy bc every time they want to do the laundry the dryer is always, always broken. sits on the floor with hansol as the first load (of five) is spinning round and round in the machine. makes motor sounds with his mouth. has to stop seungkwan from flying-kicking the other members when they come into the laundry room with clothes they forgot to give them
rice making duty and food prep duty. isn't allowed to do the laundry bc of that one incident where he made all of their white shirts grey during their debut. can't clean the dorms bc it ends up looking in an even worse state than before. but he Can cook rice, really well, and has vv good estimation of how much rice he has to make for them all. when he's finished that, he helps mingyu and shua wash and peel any of the vegetables that they need. is Very good with a peeler, for some really weird reason
cleaning duty (2). initiates a deep clean every season, and without him the dorms would end up slowly deteriorating into worse and worse states of cleanliness, bc even tho they do clean the dorms, deep cleans were essential to get out everything that had been accumulating that they'd missed. thinks it's a bit weird that they only have two members to clean the dorms and also only one member to do all their dishes, but he's not really all that fussed about it
washing the dishes. whenever another member complains about their duty, he always threatens to swap w them, bc they all know that having to wash thirteen sets of dishes along with everything that had been needed to prep the food is honestly the worst job there is. sometimes purposefully leaves out the dishes of whoever has annoyed him recently, forces them to do their own dishes at 3am bc he conveniently 'forgets' to tell them until it's that late
for some reason has no job. never brings it up with the other members, never talks to them about their duties and so in turn is never asked about his. apart from during their debut days when they all had to take turns unclogging the toilet, has never done housework while living with the rest of svt. keeps his mouth firmly shut about it, is intent on spending the rest of his years w them keeping things the way they are rn
another member who cooks food. also washes the dishes after, bc he's a good dongsaeng n it looks terrible to leave jihoon to clean up all the mess they made while eating. sometimes also tries to guilt trip shua into doing the dishes with them, never works bc joshua just finger guns and tells them that they look like they have it covered so he doesn't need to join in. goes all red and proud whenever the members compliments his food (which is always). 
restock duty. tbh it's not a Real job, but he can't clean the dorms bc he's not that much of a clean person himself, and he can't do the laundry bc he lost rock, paper, scissors for that, and he doesn't like cooking that much. so instead, he just restocks any items that run out in their dorm. toilet paper, shampoo, even sofa cushions (how they keep on losing their decorative pillows is beyond him), anything at all. also sometimes goes food shopping with chan bc really, they do eat a lot of food
laundry duty (2). is the one that goes round the members' rooms demanding for them to give him any laundry that they have in their room. scolds them if they do have any spare laundry, says they should have been put in the basket. leader in hanging up the wet clothes, also gathers them up and deposits them on the members' beds. tells them they should fold their own laundry bc he, hansol and junhui hyung sure ain't gonna do it for them
laundry duty (3). swapped with seungcheol bc apparently he wasn't very good at keeping their dorm clean. he doesn't know tbh, the dorm always looked pretty clean to him after he'd, well, cleaned. maybe seungcheol was just way too picky. doesn't really do much when they're doing the laundry tbh, is the one to sit there and watch their washing machine and making sure the dryer doesn't malfunction (on the occasions they manage to even get it to work). obediently hangs up all the laundry in the way that seungkwan instructs him to
shopping duty. only accepted the job bc the members reassured him that he wouldn't only be using his card to pay for everything, bc otherwise he would have even rather swapped jobs with jihoon that let them bleed him dry through food costs. always asks another member to come with him: says he'll only buy the food he likes if no one does. always restocks the fridge rlly neatly, gets really upset when mingyu or shua ruin it or they find things out of place bc someone came down for a midnight snack and was too unbothered to put things back in the way they belonged
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olivyh · 1 year
I straight up thought this was a jamil blog at first. Anyways I'm going to make that a little more true.
Jamil x reader but I really liked the language barrier thing you did, so here's something like that.
The whole magical translator thing breaks. That's it. That's the fic. Do what you will from this point on.
A/N: It might as well become a Jamil blog at this point haha! I'm surprised at how many jamil lovers there are here (not that I'm disappointed, he's one of my fav charas!). I aoso just found a made-up language generator online bc I'm too lazy to come up with new words ;;;;; Also, I didn't know how to make this seem so, but all of the italicized lines are in Arabic! If you/your mc speaks Arabic, then it's in the twst universe's version of Arabic!
Jamil groans softly as sunlight seeps through the curtains which sway in the breeze and cast the room in dimmed reds and golds. The person in his arms shifts slightly, likely awoken by his sudden movement. He hushes them gently, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of their head, smiling softly when he notices how they bury their face in his chest and their grip on his waist tightens.
"Good morning, my love," He whispers, running his hand along their side gently as they giggle from the feeling. They shift slightly in his arms, gazing up at him with weary eyes, still glazed with sleep as they rest their head on his bicep, fiddling with the edges of his tanktop with their deft hands.
"Veex quekninv-" Jamil snorts.
"What does that mean?" He chuckles against their hair, only to pull back when their face is laced with confusion, eyebrows knitted on their forehead as they tilt their head slightly.
"Baby, it's too early for this," He sighs, sitting up and stretching finally. His door is swung open and slams against the wall with a loud thud, making him let out a sharp gasp as the peace of the morning is broken by the heir of the Al-Asim fortune himself, looking much more distressed than usual.
"Jamil!" The other boy rushes towards the bed, panting softly. "Something's wrong!"
"What?" Jamil sits up, swinging out of bed with an agility only obtained from years of protecting the boy in front of him from assassins and intruders. He reaches for his magical pen, instinctively pushing the boy and his lover behind him as he glares at the doorway. "Stand back."
"No! Not that!" Kalim pulls his arm back, audibly gulping. "Something's wrong with the whole school! Nobody can understand anyone else!"
"Yeah! I tried to talk to Azul and-"
"Just listen!" Kalim shoves his phone in Jamil's face as the other boy tries to smother the annoyance that threatens to burst from his chest, a migraine already forming at the base of his skull.
"Azul?" From the speaker sounds a series of clicks and hisses. "Azul, this isn't fucking funny. I'm serious, stop trying to get Kalim involved in your-" More clicks, this time sounding annoyed laced with a long hiss at the end. Another voice joins the fray, this one Jamil can only recognize as his teammate's. Floyd's clicks are much quicker and louder, with more sharp hisses and chirps thrown in. "Just hang up."
"That's the mer language!"
"I know-" Jamil sits on the edge of the bed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It was a prank."
"It's happening all over the school. I was only able to speak with Leona, but apparently the whole school is struggling. I can't uderstand Cater or Lilia at all-"
"Like they're speaking another language?"
"Ftuh uko chea vachj juchinv? Ftuh'j veinv en?" His lover sits up, placing themselves beside him and running a worried hand over his arm.
"It's okay," He speaks slowly, trying to convey as much as possible to them. He makes a little 'ok' symbol with his hand. "The spell is broken." He points towards his magic pen, followed by a shake of his head as he stands, hrowing on his sweatshirt as he allows his magic to fix his hair.
"You think it's really broken?" Kalim asks.
"Why are you worried?" Jamil retorts, harsh even to his ears. He takes a deep breath. "You speak enough languages to understand everyone decently."
"B-but-" He gulps and shakes his head. "We can't understand them-" Kalim motions towards Jamil's lover, who stares at them curiously. "Shouldn't you be more worried?"
"Of course I'm worried," Jamil admits. "But it'll be back soon. We can understand each other fine."
Kalim nods before leavng the room with a soft apology. Jamil turns to the other student in the room, watching them button their shirt and adjust their blazer.
"My love," They mutter. "Good morning. Good. Tired. Cook. Dinner. Damn. Stupid eel." Jamil grins. A part of him feels elated at the prospect of them picking up his mutters, attempting to learn bits of his language. Another part feels guilty that he hadn't learned any of theirs.
"Understand. Little." They make a small motion with their fingers as he chuckles, pulling them close by their waist and pressing a kiss to their lips, hoping to convey all his unspoken thoughts, words that have to wait until the spel is back in place. He pulls away from them for a moment, looking towards the open door and sighing. Jamil looks back to his lover and they nod, already rummaging through his drawers to pull out the clothes they started leaving there ever since they'd first started dating (a constant reminder that they always had a home in Scarabia).
He throws on his uniform, giving his lover a small wave as he leaves the room and allows them the extra time to get ready in private. Jamil takes note of the near chaos of Scarabia- some students speaking in one language only to recieve an answer in a completely different one. Some students had resorted to using over-the-top hand motions to get their points across, loudly shouting one word in their native language while acting it out in some odd impromptu game of charades. Out of the corner of his eye he takes notice of Kalim attempting to communicate with some of the students who spoke the same language as him (although Jamil noticed how much the heir was struggling, getting one language mixed with another and forgetting who spoke what). Jamil mentally prepares himself for the day ahead, knowing all too well that he would be heading back to his room at the end of the day defeated with a headache that could split mountains.
The boy couldn't help but worry about how the day would play out, repeating imaginary scenarios over and over in his head. The pit in his somach grew as he became increasibgly anxious about how him and his lover would communicate. Would it go as smoothly as it did this morning? Were they truly able to understand each other without a single word spoken?
As he puls out the cuting board, he couldn't help but allow his mind to wander to what could be, what could happen due to this spell.
Relax, he tries to tell himself, you're overthinking things again, the reasonable side of him argues. The other side, the one that needs to have every moment planned and every breath counted, tells him otherwise, taunting him as he slowly slices up the vegetables and places them onto a separate plate.
Warm arms around his waist pull him from his stupor as he jolts, tuning to see the student in question burying their face between his shoulder blades. Their grip on him tightens as he twists and attempts to embrace them, only to be met with their shy giggle.
"You-" He sighs, chuckling and ignoring the heat that creeps up his neck. He wants to ask them what would happen if someone saw (it was all an act, they both knew. Nothing would truly happen to him if someone saw just how soft they made him) but he knew it would all be in vain.
They separate from him for a moment, grabbing a knife of their own and helping him tear and slice the vegetables. The kitchen is filled with the soft sound of the knife hitting the cutting board, dull thunking in the silent room. Occasionally they would shift and bump their shoulder into his, making his head turn as their eyes would meet for a split second. So many words spoken in two languages, each one alien to the other person.
In that moment, those words warped through translation, spoken in the same breathless gasp that they shared when their eyes would meet and the others' lips would quirk in a small smile before continuing what the other was doing.
Soon they fell into a comfortable, silent pattern. Jamil would shift from one side to the other, and his partner would weave between him and the stove to reach something else. They would both be met with nothing more than shy brushes of the hand or the breezes that would graze the other's face as they would move a little too quickly.
Soon enough, they had an assortment of dishes for all the Scarabia residents, all lined up on the massive table that sat in the middle of the kitchen.
Jamil looks over to his lover as they smile, placing the final knife in the sink as they turn to him and smile so brightly he swore even the sun as it shone through the open window had dimmed in comparison. He smiles softly, holding their hand in his own gently and kissing the back (he hoped that communicated enough thank you's for all their help).
Their shy chuckle was enough to lift his spirits as he held them close, winding one arm around their waist (an action they once told him reminded them of a snake surrounding it's prey, something he was once embarrassed about, until he believed it to be a protective action more of anything).
Pressing a kiss to their forehead, the nagging voice in the back of his skull was silenced. They didn't need to speak the same language to understand one another, their routines and actions spoke loudly enough. Jamil wished he'd been more confident in that fact, a small part of him disappointed in his thoughts.
"Jamil!" A shrill voice called from the living room, making the other boy groan loudly. "I invited Azul over to help us understand our Mer students and he's on his way!"
"Are you kidding me?!"
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 1 year
✨how stray kids would react to finding out about your regression✨
SFW interaction only please!!!
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Chan 🐺🎧
finds out by accident
he’s just checking in on everyone and when he knocks on your door he gets no response
he gets worried and decides to just peek his head in
you’re sleeping with your paci hanging loosely out of you mouth
he thinks it’s really cute and doesn’t really question it much
he asks about it later in private
he immediately does so much research
wants to be your cg right away
dad cg vibes
likes to carry you around
just everywhere
he just goes about his day with you on his hip
“big hugs? big hugs.”
calls you baby girl/boy or kiddo
does voices for your stuffies :)
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Lee Know  🐰🐱
finds out by walking in on you with a paci
just goes 😳, apologizes, and leaves
you explain later and he’s like “oh thank god I thought I walked in on something private”
he’s totally fine with it and even hangs out with you sometimes
its takes him and minute to get comfy actually taking care of you when regressed
makes you snacks
“eat up so you have lots of energy later!”
likes to have you in his lap so he can pet your head
picks the ugliest outfits for you he can bc he thinks its funny
plays pretend but he has to be the queen
or the bad guy
“oh noooo. i’ve been defeated.” *flop*
super protective???
if any of the other boys are playing too rough he’ll just scoop you up and threaten them with tissue mouth
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Changbin  🐷🐰
why do i feel like binnie would just sixth sense that you’re a regressor
like you tell him about and he’s like “oh, was i not supposed to know?”
supportive big bro/cool older cousin vibes
he loves to pick you up and just hold you
bench press the baby
does that airplane thing where they pick you up with their feet
does his cutesy voice when talking to you
“who’s binnie’s little angel?”
lets you do his hair and makeup
drags whoever he can to co-care
mostly so you can both annoy whoever’s closest
talent shows!!!
he WILL tickle you
no escape
lots of stimmy dances and noises back and forth
adventures to the park
he will underdog you on the swings he don’t care about the rules 😎
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Hyunjin  🦙🌲
finds out bc you come to cuddle him one night while regressed
you’re all babbly and squirmy and he’s like “well maybe they’re just sleepy???”
but you just smile up at him and go “hyunjinnie, I wuv you.”
and he just gives you a big hug and goes “I’m not sure what's goin’ on but love you too.”
in the morning you apologize and explain everything
he’s honestly a little confused but he’s trying his best
real awkward but he’s like that with actual kids so
he warms up quick tho
just says random noises
vocal stimmies back and forth
draws you little pictures to colour in
cuts up fruit for you :)
definitely a co-care kinda guy
usually with felix or changbin
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Han  🐹🍓
finds out bc chan convinced you he’d really love to help out
as expected he’s so excited
“so i can just baby you and carry you around and play pretend and it wont be weird?!”
big bro/babysitter cg
you will be watching animal documentaries sorry
he says its bc theyre educational
loves when you’re extra small so he can peekaboo with you
does silly voices when reading to you
lee know has to remind him to not get too into it or somebody will get hurt lol
really helpful with impure regression
breathing techniques
“wanna put on a silly cat video for a distraction, sweetheart?”
makes sure your toys get snacks too
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Felix  🐣☀️
finds out bc you confide in him early on
he’s the first person you actually tell about your regression
super duper supportive
for a while you sneak into his room whenever you feel yourself start to regress
you watch anime on his phone and cuddle
he keeps a paci in his bedside table and an extra stuffie on his bed for you
once you’ve told everyone else he’s so proud
bakes for you all the time
you get to measure the chocolate chips and lick the spoon >:)
bath time!
he lights candles and gives you lots of bubbles
comfy naps and snuggles
pillow forts!
no hyungs allowed!!!
ok i guess lee know can come in he has snacks
does his high pitched voice bc it makes you laugh :)
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Seungmin  🐶🐾
finds out bc you involuntarily regress in front of him and try very hard to explain while baby brained
very confused bc you’re mumbling a lot
he just gets ‘i’m a babey sometime an is ok because i copin’
good enough of a reason as any
so he just asks what you want him to do and follows along
he gets a better explanation later
still vibin
likes to chill best when you’re toddler-middle regressed
he doesn’t know what to do with nonverbal cues lol
thank god for AAC
would do pretty much anything for you
the others pick on him for being so nice to you when regressed when he’s usually such a brat
calls you the maknae
I.N. complains but he doesn’t mind when you’re little
he WILL just tackle you out of nowhere tho
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I.N. 🦊🌸
finds out by accident
finds a rattle and some other toys while tidying your room
brings your rattle out to you in the living room and is like “do you have a niece or nephew???”
you get flustered but decide to just tell him the truth
and he just goes “oh ok!” and goes back to cleaning
doesn’t help out much at first
helps with getting you snacks and blankets
sits next to you while doing his own thing
but one day he just pulls you into his lap and continues his game
once he warms up he loves to bug the other members with you
rascals, the lot of you
pretty much never uses his baby voice unless you do something REALLY cute
loves to brush you hair
forehead kisses like “mwah!”
puts you in his big shoes
he takes so many pics
and shows every member
chill with you braggy with all the boys
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(requests are open! send me an ask https://at.tumblr.com/sweetlittlenamjoon/i-dont-know-if-you-guys-are-actually-aware-of-this/6t8739ocrw7r)
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thebest-medicine · 28 days
okok long headcanon time cause i’ve been getting back into mha but i don’t feel like writing a whole fic, so instead im throwing this at u LMAO:
kirishima is the touchy-feeliest friend in the bakusquad, at all times he’s either hugging on or cuddling up to one of his friends. he loves doing this with bakugou especially, just cause kiri loves to tease. bakugou used to complain very loudly about this, always pushing kiri away with the threat of explosion. but kirishima kept coming back, even laughing when bakugou would push and complain. eventually bakugou got worn down, letting kirishima squeeze and hug him all he wanted (he’d still complain and call kiri annoying, but he quit trying to stop him cause he knew it’d only make kiri wanna do it more).
well kirishima is also very fidgety. when he cuddles up, he also has a tendency to keep moving his hands. toying with the fabric of their shirt, patting a beat against their stomach and sides, whatever he can do to keep his hands busy. one day on the couch, when he’s got his arms wrapped around bakugou’s waist at his side, denki mentions something that gets kiri excited. kirishima’s hands are resting on bakugou’s sides, and in his excitement he starts unconsciously squeezing and pinching while he talks.
bakugou jolts. his elbows shoot down to his sides, his knees jumping up in an attempt to curl his body. kirishima stills, and bakugou is uncharacteristically silent.
kirishima smiles, “oh, no way—“ and ofc, immediately starts tickling up and down bakugous sides and ribs. he goes down easy, apparently way more ticklish than anyone thought he’d be. kiri pushes his back to the couch with ease, tickling and teasing him the whole way.
bakugous all embarrassed by the end of it, pushing at kirishima’s face and ofc threatening to blow him up if he tries pulling a stunt like that again.
and yet, when kirishima goes in for another hug the next day, bakugou doesn’t push him off. ofc kiri does tickle him again (how could he not, it was so fun yesterday), and afterward bakugou does shoot even more empty threats his way. the same thing happens the next time kiri hugs him. and the next. and the next.
and bakugou just keeps letting it happen. and kiri refuses to question him on it bc he knows bakugou too well. he’ll get defensive and never let kirishima try it again. it’s like a little silent game they always play. bakugou tenses every time kiri comes in for a hug, but just barely gives an eye roll while he waits in anticipation for him to strike.
anyways that’s all i’ve got but these two have been on my brain for weeks so here u go LMAO
I love this I love this I love this I love this. thank for sharing so much!!!!!AHHHHH!!!!
besties, I love them — poor ticklish explosion murder god, I love when he’s softboy. feel like it would be impossible for any of his friends / peers to find out he’s ticklish without feeling immediate giddy excitement (maybe I’m projecting) but like ANGRY BOY GIGGLE????? Omg??????
thanks again so much for sharing!!! I need to do more bnha fics asap
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venmotif · 10 months
I was thinking abt kohaku. bc rereading dark nights passing, except in eng they translated it to something stupid like awakened night patrollers. but thats not important
warning: this gets long
kohaku thinks he's a bad person, but he's really not - I actually find his moral compass incredibly strong given the circumstances he was born into and lives with. he's thoughtful and incredibly introspective, so he's done a lot of thinking in order to reconcile with the undeniable fact that what he and his family do is shady and considered immoral by society. and the conclusion that kohaku comes to is incredibly self sacrificing but honestly very noble. he mentions repeatedly that he'd rather have his hands stained, and have to live with the guilt of doing terrible things, if it meant that the greater parts of society could walk with clean consciences. he talks extensively abt how important doing things for the good of society is, even at the expense of the individual; while it can be called unfair that he's been born into circumstances like this that force him to be the one to do dirty things and he can lament that fact, he recognizes it as his duty, and he's dedicated to carrying it out to his utmost in order to protect the people he loves
kohaku recognzies that his actions are terrible, but commits to the ideal that society can be a better, cleaner place at the expense of himself. he mentions dreaming about a day when people like him and madara are no longer needed. kohaku sees himself as disposable, and just a necessary tool for society to use to handle the things no one else wants to touch, and then to be thrown away
when he and madara are collecting information about gfk, madara mentions how ibara always leaves himself an out of any situation, and that kohaku should think about doing the same - if their plan to eliminate gfk failed, he could pin the blame on madara and say madara threatened him. kohaku denies this vehemently.
he understands that his responsibility is undesirable, but he commits to it and does not think, ever, about shirking it in order to save himself. "don't be a fool. don't be like rinne - I never intend to pass my sins on to someone else," he tells madara(ch9). in fact, kohaku seems baffled and probably a bit annoyed in this case(madara loves egging him) that anyone would want to protect him, because he's already dismissed himself as expendable
he mentions madara, rinne and tsukasa as people who are "foolish" enough to care about kohaku's wellbeing, despite knowing what he does. he loves aira and cares about him deeply, and the same is true in reverse, but he tries to keep this part of himself hidden from aira in order to preserve aira's idealism towards idols, since he knows how much aira loves them
kohaku seems to think that if he told aira the truth, aira would no longer love him, for shattering his worldview, but almost certainly aira would care for him all the same - aira already knows what he did as crazy:b, after all, even if afterwards a bunch of blame was shifted around so crazy:b wasn't technically at fault. aira talks to leo while double face are gearing up for their job and expresses concern for kohaku because he mentioned that he had "shady work" and he'd distanced himself from aira shortly after - but after talking to leo, aira comes to the understanding that kohaku's distancing himself in order to protect aira, a person important to him. the funny thing is aira can't believe that kohaku cared about him that much - he thought his deep affection for kohaku only went one way(like an idiot. a loveable one though)
the thing is kohaku cannot fundamentally understand why people would want to care about him as himself, flaws and dirty work and all. he fails to realize that even with his dirty work as a factor, he has an incredibly strong moral character and cares deeply for other people, both generally as a greater society and specifically the people he loves. in fact, because of how he dismisses himself, he dedicates all his energy to improving the world for others, and his self esteem keeps himself from recognizing why other people would want to do the same for him
it's because you're a good person, kohaku. very lovable, murder and all
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adoremexxs · 10 months
Sekido and Aizetsu Modern Headcanons
i love writing for sekido.
warnings: mentions of sh, smoking, i always make these so angsty
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i love this man
so hands up by 6arelyhuman is one of his favorite songs
if karaku catches him singing it, he gets mad
and throws things at karaku bc karaku loves teasing him
sekido is EXTREMELY skilled at archery
the way his arms pull the bow back with such strength, his veins bulging out and his hair up in a bun
he’s so fine
he gets extremely stressed so he has resulted to smoking weed from time to time and to smoking cigarettes
he keeps the cigarettes hid from his brothers but most of them all know about it
he just doesn’t want aizetsu to find out
sekido and karaku are the only brothers who have kept their long locks
sekido wears it up in a bun whenever he is doing activities or uses a head scarf (what Uta wears) to pull it back when cleaning or doing chores
he does most of the chores around the house, aizetsu helps him but he mainly cleans bc urogi and karaku def don’t clean
zohakuten has jokingly called him mom or mother a couple of times
whenever it’s raining, he loves it, he relaxes so much more
he sits in his room, by the window to watch the rain go “pit-pat” against the window, a book of poetry sat in his lap
he wears sweaters a lot
especially at home when it’s that cozy fall or winter weather
he LOVES fall or winter but gets pissed when it’s too cold or wet to do anything
sekido constantly needs to move around or engage his mind or else he doesn’t know what to do
aizetsu sometimes comes into his room and lays on his bed to sleep or just talk to him
“sekido, are you alright? you look a bit upset…”
“perfectly fine, zetsu…”
“you know you can tell me anything, ‘kido…”
Sekido lets Aizetsu vent or cry to him no matter HOW annoying he can be
Whenever Aizetsu’s toxic ex girlfriend cheated on him with Douma of all people, Sekido threatened to beat him up
And he did
Though Aizetsu didn’t want him too
Sekido and Aizetsu are pretty close
Aizetsu is his baby brother, he must take care of him
He has to take care of them all
Whenever Sekido found out about Karaku’s incident, he didn’t talk to him for a week
he couldn’t process it
why would his little brother do something like that?
something so stupid!
it infuriated him so much that he didn’t want to see karaku’s face
it pained him too much
but eventually they started talking again
enough with the sappy shit
karaku made sekido be an art model for a day
it was a harmless idea
but man did it boost sekido’s ego, they all made him look so good, so sculpted
but our bbg is already perfect
sekido doesn’t know how gorgeous he is
A LOT of girls have a crush on him
but he scares everyone off by being so harsh and mean
it’s even hotter to watch him practice soccer, football or archery
his legs are massive, he legit has massive thighs and calves
he takes all his anger out on football and soccer
can play the violin and piano
wears earrings, usually gold
has matching nipple piercings w/ karaku and urogi
they did it while he was asleep
he’s a deep sleeper, he can sleep through anything
he slept thru getting his nipples pierced
sekido was pissed when he saw them and urogi and karaku were forced to clean the entire house as punishment
gets in a lot of fights
the BIGGEST daddy issues
legit has the biggest daddy issues and anger issues
karaku deals with his daddy n mommy issues by sleeping with multiple people
sekido deals with his daddy n mommy issues by beating the shit out of people and having extreme negative thoughts
his mental health is shit
he suffered from self harm for awhile, he always wears long sleeves even in 100 degree weather
karaku always thought it was strange but he legit didn’t think anything of it. he thought sekido just likes long sleeves
he’s recovered now, thank goodness
also goes to therapy
after what happened with Zohakuten, he felt terrible because he had become just like their father
he’s doing a lot better now
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oh aizetsu
he’s one of the sweetest brothers
Him and Urogi get along but Urogi’s teasing makes him sad sometimes
Urogi immediately apologizes
He spends most of his time with Sekido
Especially in his room
he’ll lay on Sekido’s bed to nap or read to just talk to his big brother and Sekido will listen
he legit cried his heart out when his toxic gf cheated on him
Sekido awkwardly comforted and then took Aizetsu to a bunny cafe to cheer him up
Aizetsu LOVES bunnies
And collecting crystals with Urogi
His love for bunnies is extreme
He begs Sekido for one
Sekido says no everytime but if Aizetsu wants a bunny plushie, he’ll buy it
which resulted in Aizetsu’s bed being filled with bunny plushies
some are in his closet
he has too many
wears bunny jewelry
like bracelets or necklaces sometimes
Karaku would tease him for his love for bunnies, saying that he is like Zohakuten who has a childish obsession with dragons
Zohakuten beats Karaku up for that
Him and Urogi will practice soccer together or sometimes, very rarely, work out together
Aizetsu doesn’t work out really, his muscle is all from genetics and doing sports
He does track and soccer so his legs are naturally built
He bruises very easily
Also gets hurt easily which has Urogi and Sekido fussing over him
Urogi is very protective over Aizetsu because he doesn’t want his brother to be hurt at all
That’s why he played a prank on Aizetsu’s toxic ex-girlfriend because it’s not like he can beat her up
They got Daki to do that instead
He times it perfectly
He was on the second floor and leaning out the window with a bucket of green slime, obviously Karaku was with him
He dumped slime on her head
Aizetsu was so embarrassed that Urogi did that
but also thought it was funny and deserved
Aizetsu took up fencing as a past time
He’s really good at it and he enjoys it
is depressed and has to take medication
he is slowly getting better
distracting himself is his way of escaping it
he has a beautiful singing voice
he can sing them high notes
can play the violin as well
him and urogi match sometimes
is lowkey obsessed with “Love is a waste of time” by Lovely Peaches and “I know you” by Faye Webster
I know you is his crying song
he pretends he’s in an edit sometimes when he is alone
it’s very funny
Blew up on tiktok
he is legit known as the “sad hot guy”
is ashamed of his title
but his followers have boosted his confidence a bit
karaku has tried to get famous on tiktok too
“we legit should start a tiktok with all four of us”
“that’s a terrible idea, karaku. you’ll just hog all the attention!”
“no i won’t!”
even though his brothers all argue and give Aizetsu a headache, he still loves them a lot
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daisychains111 · 2 months
live "tweet" books with me (via the Goodreads progress bar) pt.3 Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
Live tweeting as I read...back by popular demand (literally 1 person on Tumblr (@dumpsters-little-matchbook) asked me to do it again and I was already planning to)
stay strong Vi....just bc he's hot doesn't mean he's redeemed himself for his (understandably) traitorous ways
"she's worth a dozen of me" Xanden you shut up right now I'm mad at you
I'm glad Brennen's alive but I do not trust him at all...pretending to be dead for 6 years is fishy as fuck
hashtag: Andarna protection club...if anything ever happens to that dragon I'll burn the world
violet "I know more than you" sorrengail back in action
lol Brennen making fun of her love life
petition for violet and sgaeyl mother-daughter bonding
awww andarna, all growed up
moody teenage angst Andarna is the comedic relief we all didn't know we needed...nothing is as iconic as her growling at Violet for calling her my dearest
idk if Tairn signed up to be the sole father figure to two teenage girls but Violet and Andarna are about to give him a run for his money
he deserves not to trust Dain bc Dain is the scum of the earth
call his lying ass out Violet as you should
slay violets mom with the redeeming qualities...glad she actually cared if Violet was alive and isn't completely a heartless bitch
fuck dain but also FUCK HIS DAD
the fact that it's him who officially outs them makes me smile hehe
I agree Nadine...that was hot
Xaden being an absolute tease flirt bc she's mad at him is iconic
the joke was funny, your friends ate just lame (jk I love them but still)
awwww Liam's sister you better make it across istfg
noooo I wanted to be friends with Sloane
violet in her older sister era
gotta love the "is everyone I care about alive? yes? slay" moment
the fact that even tairn is warry of the orange dragon freaks me out
tairn reporting for fatherly duties will never not be my favorite...violet may be annoying but she's his annoying
I'm all for the Violet and Imogen friendship but they better not be mean to Rhiannan
also if Rhiannan gets annoying and jealous about them I'll be really sad
nooo I liked Nadine...who tf just snaps people's necks like that tf
Xaden warding her room so he's the only person who can come in COMEDY
hehehe he wrote her a letterrr
violet lying to everyone about her feelings about Xaden except Tairn is so funny...like who's the dragon gonna tell
Xaden is winning every award ever rn bc 1. he's hot as hell, but 2. he's like I wanna sleep with you so bad, but I won't bc it's for the wrong reasons....honorable mf
literally FUCK VARRISH
Sloane needs to get her shit together and Violet needs to stop avoiding her friends
I'm like 80% sure they just got drugged but slay ig
called it...they were totally drugged
tairn comforting Violet about missing Xaden even though Tairn is the one with the bonded mate thing isn't being talked about enough
I would really love to know what those letters say...just saying, sharing is caring
I want to trust jesinia...I really do but it gives me a bad feeling
you let my babies see each other istg...violet is actively moving towards miserable without him
Imogen is slowly becoming the biggest violet/Xander fangirl and I love that for her
give it up Imogen...yall are friends
girlie just wants to be back in a library fr
period Rhiannan...don't put up with Xaden's shit....you threaten him like a bestie should
If Rhi and Violet don't stay friends I'll riot
ooooo don't mess with Tairn's kids...he'll bring that dad defensive
I'm so glad Violet is letting Rhiannan in..be besties again pls
"omg your falling for him" No matter how many times I hear that I'm media I will always be a sucker for it
tik tok says she finally just fucking forgives him in chapter 27... we're on 20, kick into gear people
at her core, Violet is really just like me fr.... 21-year-old girlie pop vibes for the win
 damn the disdain for Dian is STRONG
Rhiannan wins the bestie of the year award....being the best even tho Violet is being a fuckass about not telling her things
see, I knew her mom was a bitch
Rhiannan and violets friendship rn makes me so sad
This aaric dude better keep his mouth SHUT
really looking forward to Xaden beating the shit out of Dain for the shit he just pulled
besties having beef in private...which honestly I feel like will be a good thing
"that isn't a secret" I love ridoc....also Violet why tf would you think that's a valid secret
them getting graded for withstanding torture is WILD
I hate dain to but I love him for that...thank you for being a rule-following asshat
two things: tairn constantly being like "duh your fine, I make great choices" is so sweet but absolutely hilarious....and Rhiannan being a slay icon is my favorite thing
I'm so ready to watch the Fab 4 (I've decided that I'm calling ridoc, rhi, sawyer, and Violet this bc they are so slay) kill jack again bc wtf
watch Mira walk in on them right now...that'd be so freaking funny
tairn and Violet's father-daughter bonding is my fave
tairn is a grade-A overprotective father... it's adorable
no literally....tairn is so over her 21 bullshit...I love them
I have no recollection of who Kaori is...but him standing up to varrish makes him my favorite
ridoc having the vibes to give violet a hard time while his world was just flipped on its head is why I love him
also shout out to Imogen and Quinn bc yall are slay too
why did Jack save her life...go back to being an ass, not sucky jack is frightening
"argue with you about books? I only pick fights I can win" Xaden clearly knows his place
literally just sobbing at the Liam cameo
why does Varrish keep responding to Liam...is Violet talking out loud or like did he pull a jack
damn dain is just...redeeming himself...didn't have that on my 2024 bingo card
her mom redeeming herself too? damn we're on a redemption roll
very serious war book until someone says something like "show off" during an important meeting (cough garrick cough) and you remember that these bitches are in their 20s
Brennan, Xaden, and tairn: violet protection squad
flame section is the iron section? One might say they're the iron flame....wink wink
patiently waiting for a sorrengail sibling reunion...pls bring Mira into the loop
Mira beating the shit out of Brennan, Violet yelling at them to grow tf up, and ultimately Mira and Brennen rebonding over the ickiness of xaden/violet pda...the best sibling reunion EVER
"I have control" girl be so for real rn...the only time you use your power is when you're mid-orgasm, you're not controlling shit
Mira and Xaden being "let's overprotect violet" partners in crime...straight vibes
Andarna: The Hungry One (trademark)
oooooooo violets in trooouubbblleeee
jealous Violet storyline is about to be just as stupid as I'm keeping my friends safe by distancing myself Violet storyline
oh God not talking in 3rd person
"I wasn't in love with you then," *jim halpert camera stare* stfu xaden
DAMMMMNNNNN he's def being annoying but saying he's acting like dain is looooooowwwww
yeah cat just stfu...violet is better than you don't be a bitch
YESSS Liam mentions make me so happy...also I'm so ready for Violet and Sloane to bond
dain just bc you saved her doesn't mean you're not on extremely thin ice...stfu
HA, a length joke...I like Maren
HES SAFE....fab 4 lives another day
cat's a bitch...that's all
Cat's a bitch...but you know who isn't? Rhiannan. gave her bestie the best fighting skills
well that's one way to combat jealousy
he really said "You were annoying and emotional last year, this year it's my turn" Live laugh love healthy relationships
fab 4 are my favorite group of fantasy besties ever....icons..every single one of them
I'm very very excited for the Sawyer and Jesinia subplot...also I don't think I'm opposed to a Dain redemption arch, he just needs to learn his place
"I might even be in love with him after that declaration" HA game recognizes game dain, love that for you
Garrick doesn't get enough credit for being just as awesome as Rhi....slay besties
girlie pop bickering with a side of danger mission and dragon obedience school...my favorite
HAH grammar jokes
 "I get the feeling that this '2nd signet' thing is gonna be a BIG issue...like the plot twist that ends the book BIG
tbh I feel like I don't know him either so I get why she's mad at him
BRUUUUHHH he redeems himself with the "less than a minute" comment
tairn is girl dad...yelling at Violet and Andarna for their shit, yelling at Xaden for talking to Violet...girl dad icon
"Mom and Dad are fighting" See tairn and Sgaeyl are Mom and Dad
poor mama sorrengail...that's not the best way to break that news brennen you bitch
I'm really hoping Violet gets iron squad to go help bc them leaving the others to die is bullshit
they mentioned that the venin had runes, but they were confused as to how. cat is the best at them, and I really really really don't like how sus that is
everyone is so over Violet and her friends bc they're the only ones saying true things
YUH IRON SQUAD...my favorite squad of besties
that was the most stressful thing ever read in my life...if Rhiannan dies I will never recover
I thought Sawyer was going to die and I started crying
The fact the andarna hatched just for Violet is so sweet
you better not fucking sacrifice yourself right now violet unknownmiddlename sorrengail
rip mama sorrengail...this was the redemption arch you deserved
violet breaking down to Rhi is EVERYTHING
FAB 4 LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER DAY (along with Imogen, Quinn, Sloane, Jesinia, Aaric, Maren, and Cat because yall bitches grew on me)
yay xaden's safe, was worried for a bit
saying that xaden cant feel sgaeyl better be a fucking joke rn
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