#I'm really happy with how the cannon ones turned out
liliavanrougelover · 27 days
Would the TWST boys wake up to your alarm?
Summary: Would the TWST boys wake up to your alarm and how would they react to it?
Characters: All NRC students (-Ortho)
Warnings: none(?) (please correct me if I'm wrong)
A/N: I'm working on the Riddle SMAU, but it's taking longer than I expected. Enjoy these silly head cannons while you wait.
Riddle Rosehearts:
Yes and he’s grateful for it. His mother made him wake himself up. She didn’t allow him to get an alarm clock and just expected him to wake up, and that’s not exactly an easy thing to do. While he’s happy, he is used to waking up earlier than you. He probably gets up at 5:30- 6 am, I could never. He would either set up an alarm on his phone or ask if you could set one on your phone. If you set one for him on your phone, he would be grateful, but if you didn’t, he would understand. On the mornings where he wants to sleep in, he would turn off his alarm and let yours wake him up.
Trey Clover:
Yes. He would wake up to your alarm, but he doesn’t. Why? Because he has his own alarm. His alarm is set to the same time as yours because he’s not willing to get up at the crack of dawn. If you sleep through your alarm, he’ll wake you up with breakfast in bed. He’ll make sure he knows what you like for breakfast and he’ll make sure to make it perfect for you. He likes making breakfast for you so much that you may find your alarm has been silenced.
Cater Diamond:
Yes and it upsets him. He groans, flops himself on top of you and tells you to turn it off. If you do, he’ll nuzzle into you and fall back asleep. If you don’t he’ll climb over you and turn it off himself. If you want him to wake up, you’ll have to wake him up yourself. He has made a few magicam posts about your alarm. “Their alarm is the only thing I dislike about them.” -The first post Cater made when you first slept over. He tells you to turn the sound down or you’re never sleeping over again. The ideal volume is none. He’s asking you to delete it.
Ace Trappola:
It takes at least 3 alarms to wake him up and if you have that, he’ll be upset. He doesn’t like waking up and when he wakes up from an alarm? He’s not happy. He’ll reach over you and try to turn your alarm off while sleepily complaining. You can’t even understand what he’s saying because his words are all slurred and quiet. Once he’s fully awake, he’ll make complaints that you can understand.
Deuce Spade:
It takes 2 alarms to wake him and he’d be glad if you had that. He’s slept in more than he likes to admit so he’s very glad that your alarms wake him up. He’ll be a bit confused at first and ask you what that noise is. You’ll have to remind him to get out of bed or he’ll just sit there trying not to fall asleep again. He’s happy your alarms wake him up and he lets you know.
Leona Kingscholar:
It takes 5 alarms to wake him up and he hopes to the sevens you don’t have that much. If you do have that many alarms, he’ll be pissed. He’ll straight up tell you to delete it. He’ll make you delete it. If you don’t then he’ll send you back to your dorm. If you’re really adamant about waking up, he’ll get Ruggie to wake you up.
Ruggie Bucchi:
It helps him wake up. He’s used to waking up early to get him and his grandma breakfast so he naturally wakes up early. If your alarm is natural volume (not too loud, not too quiet) he’s glad that it helps him. If it’s loud, it’ll scare him. He grew up in a pretty cut-throat environment and he’s used to something trying to attack him. Please, turn your alarm down for him. If it helps you wake up, he’ll wake you up himself. Just please turn it down or turn it off. His poor heart can’t take it.
Jack Howl:
He wakes up earlier than you do. The first thing he does when he wakes up is go for a jog so he doesn’t hear your alarm. He doesn’t even know you have one. When he gets back after his jog and you’re still asleep, he’ll wake you up and offer to make you breakfast. It’s just bland cereal and milk though so if that’s not what you like, make your own.
Azul Ashengrotto:
He wakes up early. It’s what a good business person does. He’s very tired when he does though. He’s groggy and he’s trying to keep his eyes open. But, you see, he grew up in the Coral Sea. The Coral Sea is known to be a very dangerous place. Jade has said that it’s very cut-throat, so Azul has gotten attacked (probably) more than once. He hears your alarm and is sent into a full blown panic. He’s fully awake now. He shakes you awake and tells you that something’s attacking. You have to turn off your alarm and explain it to him. He eventually gets used to it. Remember to be patient with him when he wakes you up the moment your alarm goes off.
Jade Leech:
Jade has his own alarm. He wakes up really early but is still groggy. He’s thankful to have your alarm wake him up as well. He would wake up from his alarm and just kinda sit up in bed and stare at the wall, and then your alarm goes off and he finally gets out of bed. He’s especially grateful if you wake up from your alarm so he has someone to talk to while getting ready. (And he totally won’t convince you to wake up Floyd for him /s).
Floyd Leech:
Oh no. You need a new phone. The alarm goes off and Floyd lunges at it and crushes your phone. And when you get mad at him, he blames you. He tells you that you should’ve turned it off before it woke him up (Like he didn’t destroy it the second it went off). He’ll buy you a new phone if you can make him feel better after being woken up like that. Maybe turn off your alarm when you sleep over again.
Kalim Al-Asim:
He doesn’t have an alarm. He has people to wake him up so he never needed an alarm. He’ll wake up when your alarm goes off and thinks someone’s calling you. He’ll just nuzzle into your arm and murmur about someone calling you. When you tell him it’s your alarm, he’s confused. He thought everyone got woken up by other people. Whenever he hears your alarm go off, he hurries to turn it off so he can continue cuddling with you.
Jamil Viper:
He has his own alarm, but sometimes it’s best if he doesn’t wake up to it. His alarm goes off super early, like 5 am early. With how much he does, he’ll sometimes sleep through it. The first time you slept over, he slept through his alarm, but woke up to yours and he assumes someone changed the time his alarm goes off. Even though he claims that he hates sleeping through his alarm, sometimes he’ll turn it off before going to bed so he can wake up with you.
Vil Schoenheit:
He also has an alarm that goes off earlier than yours. He’ll be in his bathroom doing early morning skincare when he hears your alarm go off. He waits a few minutes before returning to see if you woke up. If you didn’t, he’ll wake you up and tell you that you should wake up the moment your alarm goes off. If you did, he’ll ask how you slept and tell you to brush your teeth, take a shower, etc. etc. (If your alarm is super loud, he’ll ask about your mental health).
Rook Hunt:
Rook is the lightest sleeper in the school. It’s his hunting instincts. In fact, if you asked him, he’d say he never truly feels like he’s asleep (He says it more theatrically). So, technically, no. Your alarm doesn’t wake him up, because he wasn’t asleep. He’ll tell you how beautiful your alarm sounds. It could be set to a tornado warning sound and he’ll still think it’s beautiful (just like you). If you don’t wake up from your alarm, he’ll continue to lay in bed with you. You don’t move, he won’t move.
Epel Felmier:
Your alarm wakes him up and he’s grumpy. It doesn’t matter what wakes him up, he’ll be grumpy. He needs coffee. He wakes up and just curls himself around you. If you insist on getting up, he insists you bring him coffee. If you make him get up, he’ll groan and complain, but get up anyway.
Idia Shroud:
He has his own alarm. He calls it “Ortho”. He’s used to Ortho coming and waking him up, so when your alarm goes off, and wakes him up, he’s confused. Was that his phone? Is someone calling him? Oh sevens, he hopes not. When he realizes it’s your alarm, he calms down. He had a mini panic attack when he thought someone was calling him. If you didn’t wake up from it, he just pokes you and if that doesn’t wake you up, he just lays back down.
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus doesn’t know what an alarm is. Your alarm goes off and he shoots up in bed ready to attack whatever broke in (At least it woke him up?). You just have to sleepily explain what an alarm is. Every morning he forgets and still thinks something or someone broke in. Give him a bit of time to let it sink in. He’ll get used to it, eventually.
Lilia Vanrouge:
Lilia has his own alarm. Five to be exact. None of them wake him up. So, why would your alarm be any different? Lilia is a heavy sleeper, especially if he spent the night playing video games. The only way to make sure he gets up is to drag him out of bed. He thanks you for getting him up and offers to make you breakfast as a “thank you”.
Silver Vanrouge:
It doesn’t wake him up. His own alarms don’t wake him and neither does yours. I mean, a loud alarm would wake him, but he’d also rush to grab his sword because he thinks someone’s attacking. You’re gonna have to wake him yourself. Just shake him awake and tell him to wake up. He apologizes for making you wake him up, and it’s best to just accept it. You can try and tell him it isn’t his fault, but he’ll keep insisting until you “forgive” him (there's nothing to forgive).
Sebek Zigvolt:
He wakes up the moment it goes off. He's up and ready to fight. He looks at your phone, sees that it’s an alarm and asks what’s happening. Just like with Malleus, you have to explain what an alarm is. He doesn’t approve. What do you mean you can’t wake up on your own accord? He thought that was just Silver. He offers to wake you up in place of your alarm. The offer is not as nice as it sounds. He essentially yells in your ear to wake up. The alarm is better.
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bibluebutterfly · 5 months
It is truthfully so impressive to watch how we've watched Stolas grow as a seemingly asshole character to a genuine person who truly does want the best for the person we love. (HEADS UP: This is LONG)
Now, and we're only going to lightly touch on this because the Pilot isn't cannon, but it still contributed to the public opinion on Stolas. In other words, he was borderline predatory in a way that made EVERYONE uncomfortable. (It makes sense though since he was innitially supposed to be the villain. Which thank goodness that was changed because we already see enough bisexual predators in media as it is. Yes, I'm headcannoning that Pilot Stolas was bi.)
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Then we get official episode 1. Stolas is... not much better. Although to his credit, he's not as bad or as creepish. The unfair power dynamic is very there, and he definitely talks down to Blitz, but at least he waits until Blitz agrees before getting to the pilot level of sexual.
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And then we kind of just keep this up until episode 7. Stolas is VERY sexual and VERY horny with Blitz, and you either like it or you don't. It was consensual, nobody forced anything, and even Blitz says that he doesn't fuss about banging Stolas, but that power imbalance is very much there.
Stolas is calling him by pet names like "my little imp" and is baby talking him, which really comes off like his fetish is sleeping with the lower class. Again, you either like Stolas at this point or you don't.
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HOWEVER, despite all his baby talk and just generally inappropriate behavior, we are shown very early on that Stolas has a loving side, mainly in the form of his daughter. "You Will Be Okay" was the thing that got most people from hating him to actually liking him. It was the thing that separated him from just being a horny owl.
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Then Ozzies. Hooo boy. This is where we finally get to see Stolas apart from Blitz's POV and as it turns out... he's kind of a pathetic dork more than anything else. We see him go very low. Like the man is alone in his big house eating cereal for breakfast in his bathrobe and watching telenovelas. It's hard to go lower than that. More importantly, it's a stark contrast from how we saw him just one episode ago.
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Not just that, but when he's asked out on the date he is genuinely so excited and awkward that you just can't help but feel bad for the guy.
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And then we have Hells healthiest couple have their dick moment which leads to Stolas covering his face, validating every and anything Blitz had feared, which lead to him calling out Stolas which leads to them both crying at home.
Yeah, so it turns out the arranged marriage theory was true, and that Stella has been verbally abusive for who knows how long. But the real kicker is how much it explains Stolas's behavior from season 1. As it turns out, Blitz coming on so strong that night resulted in Stolas trying (badly) to copy that energy. And it turns out that when Blitz told him to stop that first night, he still ended up tying Stolas up and banging him. So... understandable. It turns out that Stolas never wanted to be malicious with his intentions, but genuinely thought that the arrangement was something that they both wanted.
But at the same time, he realizes that misunderstanding or no, a part of him did recognize that Blitz wasn't as happy as he was, and that he can't gaslight himself into thinking otherwise anymore.
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Now the big thing about season 2 we all need to talk about, is how hard and fast it took Stolas off the regal and powerful pedestal that I think we all subconsciously put him on. Whatever mystery and darkness that surrounded him in season 1 went completely out the window in season 2. But personally I believe that this fits as season 1 was mostly told from Blitz's POV while season 2 takes place in Stolas's when he's there.
Stolas does not see himself as something regal and powerful. Stolas, as it turns out, is a romantic as well as a MASSIVE dork. Like he's disney princess levels of dorkiness. The man even gets his own slapstick moment for crying out loud.
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But aside from that, he's highly intelligent and a genuinely good person who will put others before him if he can recognize the benefit.
Also, while we're on the topic, I don't think that Stolas is as powerful as we or Blitz were led to believe. Like yes, he's got immense power to those who have none.
But at the same time, put him next to Asmodeus, and this demon who seemed so strong before is actually tiny in comparison. Especially when noted that Ozzie was still holding back in this scene.
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Now we have the "Look My Way" MV. By now, any dark mystery is gone, we know who Stolas is, but what we didn't expect to see was how blatantly Stolas realized his mistakes and took responsibility. This whole season we saw him be sad over his relationship with Blitz, but we never expected him to realize just how badly he messed up.
But he did. And it was glorious. And again, we realize how much he truly cares for Blitz, this isn't just him saying "I care about him" then doing nothing. This is him realizing he cares about Blitz, and wanting to do something to make it right. Even if that means Blitz will never want to see him again.
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Anyway. If you made it this far, I'm impressed. As I've said before, I'm proud of the owl boy and how far he's come as a character. Tell me if you think I missed anything.
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chrisredfield73 · 5 months
I have a tf2 request! Could I get some head cannons of an undercover mission trope? Like the mercs seeing the reader dressed up for a mission?
- feel free to ignore, but if you do write it, Ty!!
A/N: I LOVE THIS TROPE SM BRO. I'm down to write just about anything so don't worry! (Usually I do the bullet-point posts faster cause they're quicker to post! If you want a full story from any of these, lmk!)
For Spy's part:
Mon cher/mon cheríe means my darling or my treasure!
He's in his room when you walk in, his jaw drops to the floor as soon as he sees you and his eyes widen.
"Damn, toots/pal.."
He didn't expect you to be dressed up this nice, and to look so good...
After taking a moment to gawk at you, he gets that cocky smirk on his face.
"You look hot."
He's not the best at flirting, clearly, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try..
He was busy yelling at the other mercs before turning to look at you.
His eyes widen under his helmet and he tugs at his jacket collar.
"Wow.. Uh.."
He's speechless and getting flustered in front of all the other mercenaries..
"You look.. Good."
He's trying so hard not to show how flustered he is in front of the others, to no avail.
They're all over there snickering and making fun of Soldier.
He's sitting outside, thinking about 'Pyroland', when he hears footsteps behind him.
As soon as he sees you, he let's out a happy and muffled coo.
He absolutely adores you in your nice dress attire, you look amazing!
He gets up and walks over to you, handing you a flower.
"Mmf mff mm mmf!"
He hopes you'll wear that outfit more often, he thinks it suits you really well!
No pun intended.
He's off in one of the storage rooms, drinking his scrumpy, when he sees you walk in.
He let's out a low whistle as he eyes you up and down.
"Aye, lookin' good there, lass/lad."
He's got a blush on his face, due to the alcohol or your good looks.. We'll never know.
He takes another swig of his drink, a slight smirk on his face.
"Ya want a drink?"
He offers you the bottle, still taking in the sight of your outfit and your form..
He's sitting in the armory, examining Sasha to make sure no one else has messed with his beloved gun and he hears you walk in.
He smiles at you, a light pink flush forming on his face.
"Heavy think.. You look beautiful/handsome."
He likes how well dressed you are, thinking that you should dress this way more often.
"You will do good, Heavy can tell."
He's not as flirty as the others, yet his stomach does flips as he looks at you..
He's sitting outside, by his truck, playing the guitar when you approach him.
He looks over at you and gives you a smile.
"Well, look at you.."
He thinks you look amazing, you should wear that outfit more.
He stops playing the guitar and offers a cheeky grin.
"Wanna sit here with me, hon?"
He's not as flirty as the others, but he absolutely adores you dressed up all nice like this.
He's sitting in the medbay, in the middle of doing some crazy experiment that definitely has some life altering effects, when he notices you walk in.
He gawks at you for a moment before clearing his throat and smiling.
"You look good. Ja, very good."
He's a little awkward and he's definitely getting flustered.
He can't believe his eyes, you look amazing dressed like this.
"Did you.. need something?"
He tries to change the topic before he gets too flustered, but it's obvious to you that he's blushing heavily..
He's sitting in his van, cleaning his kukri, when you walk in.
He's one of the more stoic mercs, but you definitely have his jaw dropping.
"Damn, roo.. Y'look stunning."
He blushes, looking away to try and hide his flustered face.
He knew you'd look good but seeing you dressed like this in person makes him turn red.
"You wanna sit here for a bit?"
You caught his eye, as if you already didn't, and now he wants you to stick around more than ever...
He's in his room, smoking a cigarette and listening to jazz, when you walk in.
He looks over at you and his mouth goes agape.
"You look.. stunning, mon cher/ma cheríe."
He's enamored, stunned by how well dressed you are and how good you look dressed like this.
He's silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.
"You have a perfect outfit for going undercover."
It's awkward, to say the least. He didn't expect this at all but he definitely likes what he's seeing..
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r0-boat · 1 month
hiii can i request for more neuvwrio x reader pls!! :DD thank youuu
Yes you may!!! I'm going to throw head cannons in your face now!
Wriolette x Reader Omegaverse! Poly headcannons
Omega!Neuvillette x Omega!reader x Alpha!Wriothesley
NSFW mixed with SFW so mdni
Sovereign Dragon Omega is not the same thing as human omega. Nuevillette for one is strong enough to hold back the urge to mate during his heat or when an alpha is in rut or not submit to when a mouthy alpha tries to snarl at him to intimidate him. However, that could only last for so long, struggling to keep his composure to the point he stammering to your and Wriothesley's bed.
The Poor Hydro Dragon is far too busy to make a nest, so he hijacks yours. He can't help himself! It smells of everything you, with a hint of Wriothesley, because you made him scent some pillows. If you try to kick him out, he'll give you the puppy dog face you'll ever see. Could you say no to that face?
Wriothesley is the "pack alpha" but really Nuevillette is the true leader. Wriothesley submit so sweetly when Nuevillette decides to be done playing nice. Wriothesley thinks being in charge is hot. But wouldn't want to actually demand his two lovers to do anything they don't want to do. He's just here for the sexy punishments, or the sexy rewards.
Nuevillette is the voice of reason. When Nuevillette tells you do something, you do it without question. There will be consequences if not
Sandwiched between two overworked partners, it is up to you to make sure these guys eat, sleep, and drink (Wriothesley) properly. And you rewarded with scary dog privileges. Your heart melts the way Nuevillette's eyes light up when he sees you coming into his office. Delicious soup in your hand, you place it on his desk, kissing him on his forehead before turning to leave, but he can't bear depart from you just yet. His hand reaches for your shirt, and he asks, "Stay with me, mate? Just for a little while."
Or when you give Wriothesley some water with his 4th cup of tea He grabs you and moves you into his lap wrapping his arms around you holding you gently. You could feel and hear him groaning against your shoulder. After a while you think it's cute until you noticed he becomes slack and extremely heavy.
Nuevillette in heat is more insatiable than Wriothesley on his first rut after being off suppressants. It's a good thing that dragon heats, and ruts only come about once a year rather than every month. Nuevillette will drain Wriothesley's balls before hunting you down when the poor Duke can't give him anymore. Sometimes, you already be being held hostage by him. The Dragon demands both of his mates.
Wriothesley is a provider; if you want one thing, he will get you five of those things. The guy doesn't really know how to do communication and talking and stuff. He doesn't know how to put his feelings into words, so like a happy puppy, he will bring you some flowers and hope you reward him with pets and kisses. That puppy will turn into a rabid dog when he sees so much as a scratch on your cheek. Can you imagine that you got into an altercation with someone, and you tried to hide the bruise on your cheek only for him to grab your chin gently yet firmly, forcing your head to the side so you can get a better look at yourself? His voice was low and threatening. "Who did this to you?"
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im-his-druidess · 2 months
Hi! I just read your fic with the reader being an omega and michael is an alpha, and i just wanted to say I LOVED THAT CONCEPT!!! Is there anyway you could make more of omega!reader x alpha!rz!michael 🙏😭 or like some head cannons? Anything really. I just need more of him being an alpha🙏🥹
Omg thank you so much! And absolutely! The A/B/O AU is one of my favorites so I'm always happy to talk about it 🥰
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You also can't really go on normal dates or show him off to your few friends. Although you do sometimes spot him amidst the trees when you are at work, watching him disappear into the shadows in a way that you knew you only saw him because he wanted you to, and can feel eyes on you the entire way home.
Being the Omega to The Shape is both a blessing and a curse. For one he is a notorious killer and he also views the world completely different than what's considered "normal".
Most of the time, especially the beginning of your relationship, you had to explain what his instincts are making him do and how to deal with his Alpha impulses.
Michael Myers always keeps an eye out for his Omega. No matter if it's at the grocery store, work, a restaurant, or even something as mundane as washing your car. He is always watching. It's his own way of protecting you.
Also he's just naturally curious about you and he's making up for lost time from when he was locked away. Using his new freedom to stalk his lovely little Omega and find out all he can.
He'll constantly scent you. Dragging you to his body and forcing you to stand still as he sniffs at you, growling lightly at all the lingering "other" smells before placing his scent all over you again.
Will often lead to him dragging you to the nearest flat surface to fuck you, his possessiveness rearing it's head, and you have to make sure to stay submissive just so you won't agitate him further.
He makes nests when, on the rare occasion, you are away and he doesn't follow you. Will tear apart your house to make one to his liking and you end up buying an ungodly amount of spare blankets and pillows for those times.
Leaves plenty of marks on you, that you desperately try to cover up in case someone starts asking questions, and he will be immediately turned on if you try to mark him up as well.
Of course, he'll also assume that this is you trying to dominate him. Leads to him pinning you down and forcing you to submit.
Will let out a raspy quiet purr of approval when you lay with him in his nest.
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knyox · 2 months
ITOSHI SAE👹 yapfest :33
my Roman Empire is thinking about how Sae is probably the type of boyfriend that will shamelessly grab a handful of your ass and fucking SQUEEZE it like it's a damn stress ball every time he passes by. Or maybe he'll just give it one hefty, resounding smack. Actually, fuck that, he could be your FRIEND and blud would not hesitate to fondle your ass and eventually shimmy his fingers lower to tickle your balls (if you're a ball having person, that is) 😃
Fuck now I think he's the spanker type. Definitely prefers doing it from behind where he can watch your hole struggle to fit him. And he's DEFINITELY into rimming ong. Actually, I don't even think Sae would go through the effort of fucking you himself. I think he'll make you impale yourself on him and WORK for it. Like, I don't know specifically what the position is called but it's something like cowgirl, you're riding him but like, you aren't facing him but your backside is??
Like he'll be intently watching your ass jiggle every time you meet his pelvis with every ferocious drop. Sae might fuck up into you sometimes, but I think he'd prefer you go through the effort yourself because it's really not the same meeting you up halfway than watching you go up and smack down. He just wants to watch you desperately chase your high on his cock. He finds that utterly sexy.
And speaking of what Sae finds sexy, I think he'd be very into costumes. Like, I think he's the type to get turned on by being teased with a barely there glimpse of ass with the promise of unraveling it later. You know those thigh highs that are like... VERY high thigh highs? shit bro pull that up to that part of your thighs that meet the curve of your ass (I dunno what part it's called, but like, think of it as an arm and elbow equivalent to ass and thigh? idk, I suck ass at describing and I'm low-key tipsy and very horny rn🥰) and wear an obscenely short skirt. A skirt so short it's not possible to wear it in public or you'll get arrested for public indecency. Or obscenely short shorts. Bonus points if the thigh highs are fishnets and the garter is a bit tight that it highlights that curve of your ass and the thickness of your thighs. Sae would 10/10 rock your shit and fuck up your entire world in a single round🙏
And because Sae is a firm ass believer (it's cannon😭 bro canonically checks out the ass of athletes to determine who has greater athletic abilities), I will stand firmly that he's also a thigh gourmet. Like, I think he's the type to not only eat your ass, but also nibble on your thighs and leave marks in the process. Like, you both could be watching a movie and he'd be laying his head on your lap, then suddenly he's suckling on your thighs and before you know it he's blowing you and the movie is left forgotten while you both get your happy ending 💥🎆🥰😇
Sae loves anal sex. For the coochie havers populace... I'm sorry to say, he prefers ass better😔🙏‼️ I'm sorry, I don't make the rules😍‼️(dw, he'll shower your intended entry point with love too🥰)
Anyway, that's it. I'm sleepy. I'm horny. If you've made it this far through my Itoshi Sae yapfest, I'm sorry for throwing the thoughts of my raging boner unto your faces😘‼️thanks, gn, gtg nut🥜
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brights-place · 4 months
Hii! I saw one of your posts and I was wondering if you could do headcannons with john dory and/or branch with a Bounty Hunter troll s/o? Maybe part of K-Pop if that's okay! Thank you! :D
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Branch and John Dory dating an K-POP S/O
Pairings: Branch X Reader, JD X Reader (Seperate)
Warnings: None
A/N: OMG YESSS As always Broppy will not be cannon if I'm doing an X Branch unless it's an poly relation ship with branch and poppy! Anyways I had fun writing for the K-POP trolls CAUSE THEY ARE SO COOL! I had another request for K-Pop trolls for john dory so I'd write that too ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
John Dory
- You guys met when poppy was inviting the sub genres to pop village to show them pop music since it was their turn to show around the different genres of their style of music
- John dory was suppose to be helping sort out different sub genres when it came to you and the K-pop group he paused and stared at you and your group
- You appearance was gorgeous you had an unique texture to your silver-colored bodies which gives off a glossy rainbow chrome effect - you had an voluminous f/c hair swept to the side above their right eye with a smaller tuft of hair above your left ear and wearing a glossy leotard of matching colors you fit in with your group well but you stood out to him. - Your thick eyeshadow of different colors and how you glowed made him stare at you as Wani tried to get his attention to help sort out the groups - Stared at you as you glanced at him giggling before leaving with your group as John Dory walked over to branch to ask about your group
- “The K-pop group? Oh there just pop but in Korean… it’s horrifying aswell how good they are” Branch mumbled “Thanks Bitty B!” - He saw you again when he was gonna preform to show some of Pop music to you all he noticed how you stared at him the whole time how you smiled and glanced to your K-pop group who nodded together and you all quietly in sync danced abit with the music
- After the show he walked up to you and asked you about yourself to get to know you better while Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun were giggling and leaving you two alone - John dory walked over with an smile that made you blush slightly on your slightly shiny skin as you two shook hands "I'm JD it's nice to meet you?" "(name)! My name is (Name)" you said smiling as he smiled "Your K-pop right?" You nodded as he asked questions and you'd answer them the two of you exchanging information - which soon turned to talking about other music and then turning to your own personal life's and things you likes - You went on an whole rant about your music genre telling him that K-pop was caracterized by catchy hooks, polished choreography, grandiose live performances, and impeccably produced music videos, K-pop including music by groups like BTS and BLACKPINK which where most popular and now frequently tops the Billboard charts, attracts a fiercely dedicated online following while you and your group were small you planned on going bigger. - You started to bond together and he asked if you can teach him some K-pop dances and he could let you go to all brozone concerts for free
- You were happy the deal worked out be he was even happier that you wanted to g see his concerts
- You two exchanged dances you even taught him your K-pop dance for one of your bands is songs 'Feel My Rhythm' which he loved so much - As an surprise he preformed it with his brothers on the concert as he posed and pointed an finger towards you playfully before going back to dancing
- You two would be laughing together back stage as you complimented him so much "John dory you put my bands song in your concert?" John dory smiled "we did an english version you translated it all for me thats why I wrote it down"
- You literally teared up "정말 친절해요!" you exclaimed hugging him as he blinked confused as Wani appeared from thin air and whispered to John dory "They said you were really kind" Wani soon ran off once again giggling
- He was slowly learning Korean just for you even though he absolute SUCKED at it you found it adorable
- You two slowly started to get comfortable with each other so sometimes you'd be staying over with him or he's staying over with you.
- Branch was going to grab John dory for rehearsel saying good morning to rhonda opening the door to see you sleeping in john dorys arms drooling and john dorys head on your neck sleeping aswell
- Branch literally deadpanned as poppy squealed so happily at the scene
- Denies he has feelings for you due to the fact your too good for him... like he fels bad that he even likes someone like you so he wanted to ignore you cause your too good for him
- You on the other hand get teased by Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun while practicing for an concert of yours - He was ignoring you which made you feel hurt so you invited him to your concert begging him to come after finding him and asking him to just go so he could just see you on stage
- Literally whipped for you so he 1000% agreed to hugging you and apologizing for ignoring you and you even asked for the others to come as well!
- When he went to the concert his eyes were wide when seeing you sing in Korean and dance happily as you noticed john dory in the crowd you grinned even wider dancing before posing while panting - He heard Better place being played along with his brothers and turned to you dancing and singing his parts made his eyes widened while he blushed an deep shade of blue as his brothers teased him - After the concert as usual you tackled him in an hug excitedly telling him you did what he did for you at his own concert with brozone
- You two grinned him holding your waist with your hands on his shoulders as you giggled happily as he chuckled looking down at you before you kissed eachother - The others cheered as Baby bun was shouting an "FINALLY!" so loud as you started to curse your friend out in Korean as john dory chuckled holding you back by your waist "사랑해요" You literally froze - Once he said that you literally tackled him once more to pepper his face with kisses for learning how to say 'I love you in Korean'
- Like with the reggaton trolls post I made Branch met you when you were with Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun  to take him to barb the queen of rock to save your music aka K-pop
- You were playful you stood out just like your other bounty hunter k-pop trolls. - You toyed with him the most like your friends before grabbing him quickly after you were moving quickly around the area and tying him up - You and your group stood out to him well but you stood out most with your appearance even if it was the same as the others - Your unique texture to your silver-colored bodies which gives off a glossy rainbow chrome effect. You had an voluminous f/c hair swept to the side above their right eye with a smaller tuft of hair above your left ear and wearing a glossy leotard of matching colors you fit in with your group well but you stood out to him. - Your thick eye shadow of different colors and how you glowed made him stare at you as Wani called him an crybaby and asking him if he was poppy - The Reggaton trolls appeared and Branch noticed how your grip on him tightened abit as you stared worriedly towards your fellow K-pop trolls who where smirking knowing who they where - When you started to dance unwrapping him quickly from the rope you started to dance while singing loudly and happily - In the dance battle with the reggaton trolls he noticed the fact you bopped your head and vibed a bit to the music made him slightly smile - Though you were the first one to listen to him when he brought up all music being saved as you turned to your group and back to looking at him as Tresi "Okay Pop troll were listening" Tresillo said crossing his arms turning to branch as You were whispering to Ari on how Tresillo sounded hot as an joke -When you hopped into the hot air balloon you greeted the reggaton trolls happily and asked about their genre while they asked about yours while you soon went to talk to branch right after grinning
- You asked him alot about himself, him giving blunt replies but he was quite shocked how there was another hyper like troll like you were talking to him you acted close like poppy but less hyper - You were laid back and asked him questions about pop village and asked if he knew about the other genres which he didn't so you happily explained your style and music - You went on an whole rant about your music genre telling him that K-pop was characterized by catchy hooks, polished choreography, grandiose live performances, and impeccably produced music videos just like normal pop but yours was more... Well more mixed with some styles! K-pop including music by groups like BTS and BLACKPINK which where most popular and now frequently tops the Billboard charts, attracts a fiercely dedicated online following while you and your group were small you planned on going bigger. (yes I added this again for branch cause YES I'M STILL INVESTED AND HAPPY! ABOUT FUCKING TROLLS!) - Branch nodded his head as he kept quiet but listened to you about all your rambling even asking questions if you could show some dance moves to him later - After saving all music and becoming in harmony he noticed you showing some random trolls K-pop and he joined in when seeing poppy rush over when seeing you dance
- You were hyper and bouncing and being playful with him as he was invested with your dancing and singing
- You started to bond together and he asked if you can teach him some K-pop dances and your language so he could talk shit if needed as an joke as you laughed and took his hand "Were best friends now!" "Wait what?"
- After awhile you two soon started to get close and talk alot together and would dance together. He'd sing songs you'd request if you sang some Korean songs as well
- You two would be seen together and when your apart it's only just for an few moments until one of you appear later
- Branch has gotten use to when you visit his bunker randomly and tackle him into an hug especially when he's drinking his coffee and gets surprised to see you on the kitchen counter when he turns around with your glittery figure
- He'd speak Korean to you to make you flustered which works very well for the both of you. Him seeing your blushing face and you hearing him speak Korean
- when you two are together and your speaking in Korean in annoyance or arguing with someone Poppy and the other pop trolls have to turn to each other then turn to branch who has to explain with an bored expression
- You two soon realized you acted more like an couple then friends in some moments so poppy had to force you two to get together
- Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun gave branch advice and tips on how to try date you
- you two started to date when you went to save floyd he introduced you as his partner as poppys jaw drop asking you when it happened and asked you to tell her everything but you had to tell her to be quiet
- When you saved floyd he shyly introduced you to his brothers as you waved hello as they questioned you about branch and your love life which you enjoyed as you got to tease your boyfriend and see hsi baby photos.
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reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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deadbydad-writes · 6 months
Hi! I saw that you were accepting some Miguel AU head cannons, and I was wondering if you could write something with Housewife!Reader x Miguel (whether or not he’s still Spiderman is totally up to you), where after seeing his wife babysit for one of his co-workers, wants to have a baby with her. He can imagine it now, and he has a stable job that can support the two of them along with a baby. Hell, even two! He’s sure he can knock you up with twins the first time round. But that isn’t going to stop him from keeping his wife in bed all night long to make sure it takes…
Additionally, if the headcannons (or oneshot, if you think this has enough meat in it to write one) could involve a pregnancy kink and daddy kink, that’d be wonderful!
Thank you so much! ❤️
Omg I fucking love this! I made some headcanons and a small one-shot!
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Miguel had just gotten off of work, expecting a nice kiss on the cheek and a homemade meal from his pretty little wife, what he wasn't expecting was to walk in to the sight of you holding a tiny baby in your arms, rocking him back and forth with a smile on your face.
His face had turned red and his heartbeat had sped up at the sight, and he couldn't have felt happy and horny at the same time.
The sight of you holding that small bundle of joy in your arms made his cock harden and throb in his suit. He was so hard it hurt.
As soon as the babies parents had picked him up and left, Miguel instantly wrapped his arms around his pretty wife's tiny waist and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.
Miguel didn't pay attention to how many times he took you that night. The kitchen table, living room floor, the balcony on the second floor, practically every surface of every room he had you screaming his name while he fucked your tight cunt.
The urge to fill you up with his cum until your were round with his child and your tits were swollen with milk was strong, and he wasn't gonna rest until he was satisfied and could smell that you were carrying his child or children.
"Daddy," you whined as you buried your burning face into the soft pillow under you, your hips and ass in the air as Miguel pounded into your pussy from behind. The sounds of his grunts and the feeling of his dick sliding against your walls and the tip of his cock hitting that sweet spot inside you that made your back arch in pleasure and grinded your hips back against his made you so wet that you could feel your own juices and his own cum run down your thighs.
"Gonna fill you up, mi amor," Miguel growled into your ear, his movements never resting. "Gonna make sure your round with my babies."
His words made you moan at the thought of his hands rubbing your small bump as a life grew inside of you. You knew he would take care of you, his pretty little housewife who always made him dinner when he came home from a long day at the Spider Society, who was always so loving to him even when he was an asshole.
You were more than happy to carry his child, and you would give him as many babies in the future that he wanted. After all, you were his pretty little wife, it was your job to make your husband happy.
I'm pretty sure the smut part wasn't great, but I haven't written smut in a while, so I am kind of dry...But I hoped you enjoyed! I had a lot of fun writing this, I really like the housewife thing, so I enjoyed writing this.
Here is my list, please do go check it out and send some requests if you want! Any feedback is wanted and appreciated!
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storydays · 3 months
Scrambled Eggs P1
(3rd POV)
Charlie hummed to herself as she made her way towards her brother's room. 'That dummy probably fell asleep at his desk again.' she giggled to herself before knocking on (Y/N)'s door. She frowned softly; (Y/N) was usually a light sleeper, so that knock would've woke him up immediately.
Charlie opened the door to pop her head in, her eyes landing on her brother's bed,  eyes widening at sight before biting her lip to stop herself from squealing too loudly.
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In (Y/N)'s bed,  laid a shirtless prince and Angel Dust curled in his arms. (Y/N) laid on his back, with Angel curled into his side, beak pressed against the side of the blond's neck, of of his upper arms holding under (Y/N)'s shoulder, the other draped across his chest. Both of the spider's lower arms were holding onto the prince's waist. 
Their legs were covered by (Y/N)'s heavy blanket, but you can tell their legs were tangled. (Y/N)'s wings were wrapped protectively around them. 
Charlie used her phone to take a photo, before  quitly shutting the door. 
Once the door was shut, Charlie immediately ran down towards the kitchen and tackled a drowsy Vaggie. "Vaggie! Look, look, look!" She squealed, showing off the stolen photo. "Woah... about time." she muttered, pressing a kiss to Charlie's cheek before turning back to her coffee.
"Maybe we'll let them sleep for a bit. And let's keep this between is, babe. You know how private your brother is." Vaggie smiled, placing a hand on Charlie's shoulder. 
Charlie finished nailing the last nail to the banner. "That looks perfect!"she squealed, examining it. It read, 'Happy first week, Sir Pentious!'
"Ahh! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel." She sang, making her way down the ladder. 
"Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago." Vaggie pointed out, hands on her hip. 
"Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here." Charlie defended, just as the snake himself rolled over a cannon looking thing, his Egg Bois sitting on top.
"What the hell is that?" asked Vaggie.
"Oh, hello, purple female," Sir Pentious greeted, tiping his hat at the women. "It's my new invention, the 'SSSSkin Flayer 11,000.' I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residentsss." He grinned, rubbing his hand together. 
"What? Why?" asked a baffled Charlie.
"Everyone is being too nice," answered the snake before rolling his eyes, "Obviously, it must be a lie. I can sssense they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here." He perked up before slithering over to the delivery girls. 
"Sign, please." Odette held a clipboard out, which the demon did happily before turning to the delivery. "Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase." she waved goodbye as she and her sister departed. 
"Carmine? As in Carmella Carmine..You are buying parts from an overlord?" Vaggie growled. 
"Uh, of course," Sir Pentious said in a 'duh' tone, "She's the top weapons dealer in Hell." 
"Okay, well, that stops right now." Vaggie took the parts from him, turning to him as he protested. "Hey!"
"You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome." Vaggie raised an eyebrow as Pentious peeked over his cannon to look at the other members of the hotel.
Husk was behind the bar, drinking a bottle of his Cheap Booze, before peeking an eye open and sending a middle finger at the snake. 
Angel was leaning against (Y/N)'s side, turning between scrolling through social media, and watching the prince sketch in his sketchbook, when both males smirked at the snake and sent him their middle fingers again. 
(Y/N) was still pissed about Pentious breaking into his office and attempting to send recordings to the TV themed Overlord.
 Angel just wanted to be an asshole. 
Niffty was dusting the table, before turning slowly and smiling manically at the snake, giggling devilishly. 
"Hmm, I have my doubts." hissed Pentious. "Well, it's true. You have to trust us." Vaggie rolled her eye. 
"But I don't." retorted the snake demon. 
"Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?" Charlie spoke up, hoping to lighten the tension. 
"Not before we lay some ground rules." Vaggie interrupted, "No more building weapons, no more plotting against the other guests. And you need to get rid of those things." She pointed at the Egg Bois who were playing with Pentious' new weapon parts, and accidentally fired a laser at the ceiling. 
"Oh, what did I just say? What did I just say?" grumbled the white haired woman, pointing at the hole. 
"What? Not my little Egg Bois! They do my evil bidding for me!" He begged, hugging the little creatures close to him. "Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?" Vaggie raised an eyebrow. 
"Yes?" Pentious asked, raising an eyebrow. "Then no more eggs." 
"All right, eggies. You've got to go." sobbed Pentious, "I...can't keep you anymore," "Okay boss!" They saluted him, walking away with Vaggie as he continued to protest them, "No, don't resist. This is how it has to be." He sobbed into his hands, Charlie awkwardly patting his shoulder. 
Alastor hummed along to the light jazz music he was playing as he ate his....breakfast. "Alastor!" called Vaggie, startling the Radio Demon.  "Do you mind? I'm in the middle of breakfast." he ate another forkful. 
"Pentious' eggs are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them." Vaggie watched through an narrow eye. "Oh, well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!" He walked closer to the Latina, who crossed her arms and glared. "Humanely!" she snapped. 
"Hm. Well that's a lot less fun," grinned Alastor, eyes glowing red, revealing the X on his forehead, before he turned to normal and shrugged. "But I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today." He nodded his head to Vaggie who smiled briefly. "Great."
She caught sight of the 'breakfast', that Alastor was eating and grimaced. "That looks disgusting."
*Downstairs in the main lobby*
"Hi, guys! Thanks for coming," Charlie smiled at the demons sitting in front of her, "It's been brought to our attention that there maybe a litttttlllleeeee tension in the hotel." 
Pentious hissed as he picked up Niffty to further examine her, the little cyclops not minding as he squeezed her, aiming his death ray at her. 
"Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here." Vaggie side eyed Pentious as he hissed in irritation. 
"We think that this group could really benefit from...Trust exercises!" "Trust exercises!" Vaggie and Charlie cheered, Vaggie falling on her butt. "Ah, shit." she hissed.
"Vaggie, we rehearsed this." Charlie blinked at her girlfriend, helping her up. Vaggie smiled sheepishly, making Charlie smile at her goofiness. "We're doing trust exercises. "
The group looked her rather boredly, (Y/N) smiling at his sister encouragingly, sending her a thumbs up. 
"So, what's the whole, uhhh, this?" Husk asked, gesturing to the stage behind the two women. "I'm not about to put on some show for these fucking chumps. It's bad enough when Prince here gets inspired, he tries to dress me up." grumbled the cat. 
(Y/N) grinned from his spot next to Angel, "No, no I don't try, kitty, I do." He chuckled to himself, holding up his sketch book mockingly as the winged cat demon playfully rolled his eyes, a smirk on his face. 
"You've been spending too much time with Legs over there." scoffed Husk. 
Angel perked up, tossing his long legs on (Y/N)'s lap, gold tooth glinting in the light. "Oh I will put on a show, but it's cash up front, " He held his hand out for cash, before pointing at Pentious, "And I know that one, can't afford me." 
"Gross! I'd never think of it, spider!" hissed the snake, crossing his arms. 
"That's fine, because I'm VIP only, and only (Y/N) here gets the special treatment from me." Purred Angel, cupping the prince's face, leaning forward, eyelids low, a grin on his face. "Mia cara, non davanti a tutti. (My darling, not in front of everyone).." blushed (Y/N), a shaky smile on his face before he mushed Angel in his face before turning back to an amused Charlie. 
"Mi les lexi re manka. (Don't you say a word, you brat.)" He hissed, she  merely grinned, knowing her brother wouldn't hurt her, "Den eipa tipota. (I didn't say anything)" 
Vaggie spoke up, "Right, well let's get started, Charlie?" Vaggie smiled, trying to move things along. 
"Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you know better about how to build it properly." Charlie smiled encoruagingly, as everyone came in a line, to see what Vaggie had planned. 
"What? Uhh, I don't know if I'm qualified, uh--" "Oh, come one. It'll be easy, I'm sure you can handle this." Charlie said, complete faith in her beautiful girlfriend. 
"Yeah, um..sure. I can handle this. No problem." She eyed the raised eyebrows and scowls from some of the men. 
She shouted like a drill Sargent, "All right,  so we are starting with trust falls. Each of you are going to share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards whole the rest of the group catches you! Got it? Who wants to go first?" 
Charlie excitedly raised her hand. "Ooohh, ooohh, me me me me! Me! Me! Me!"  she grabbed Vaggie's shoulder who looked amused. "All right. Get on up here." 
"I love you guys. Like really, really love you." She said, tearfully, falling backwards into Vaggie's waiting arms. "That...felt...great!" she giggled, kicking her feet happily. 
"Angel, why don't you go next?" she suggest, looking at him upside down. 
"Fiiinneee." sighed the spider, as he sashayed up to the stage. "This time, everyone needs to catch him. Okay, unless you want me to hurt you." Vaggie held out her spear in warning. 
Niffty, Husk and Pentious walked closer, (Y/N) moving Vaggie's spear from near him. 
"Oh, somethin' about myself huh? How about this? I love to suck---" Angel grinned widely, making a certain gesture, "I swear to fuck if you say dicks!" Husk growled loudly, Angel smirking to himself. 
"Popsicles, ya sicko! Get your mind out of the gutter." He winked, before falling back into (Y/N)'s waiting arms. "But you know, (Y/N)'s dick too!" Angel grinned, running a hand over the prince's belt buckle. 
(Y/N) dropped him on his ass with a playful grin. "Whoops. "
Angel rubbed his butt ,and rolled his eyes playfully, before turning to Sir Pentious. "All right, new guy, you're up." 
"I don't want to live without my minions. Nobody catch me." Sighed the snake tearfully before falling backwards, grunting when Charlie and Vaggie caught him. "Damn it." he groaned. "That's great, wow, you are slimey." Vaggie grimaced, shoving him away, wiping her hands off on her dress. 
"(Y/N), you're up." Charlie urged her brother, who sighed dramatically, before climbing up to the stage. 
"Umm..." (Y/N) placed a hand on his hip as he hummed,  thinking.  "Um, I can use the feathers off my wings as kunais for long distance attacks. And I have deadly accuracy. " He grinned, briefly showing his demon form. 
He turned and fell into Angel's arms, "Hey, sweet cheeks. Come here often?" Angel purred, making (Y/N) huff and roll his eyes, a very faint red on his cheeks. "Put me down, idiota!" He snapped, mushing Angel's face again. 
"Niffty, your turn." (Y/N) smiled at the little cyclops who giggled excitedly before rushing to the stage, eye wide with murderous glee. 
"Sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others." she admitted before jumping off, and face planting on the floor as everyone else took a few steps back. 
The rest of the members eyed her clearly weirded out. "Yay! Pain!" Niffty got up to jump off again and again while Charlie and Vaggie snuck off to talk in private. 
"I don't know if this is really working the way we hoped." Charlie whispered, before perking up, "Maybe we should--" "Honey, you have to trust me here. I got this, okay? I'll figure something out." Vaggie soothed Charlie's worried mind. 
Both looked up as Angel suddenly loomed over them with a smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye, and pulled them into a huddle with his arms. "If you're in the market for some ideas, I got just the thing for some 'trust' buildin.' " He lowered his body to be eye level with Vaggie as she sighed, and eyed him. "What do you have in mind?"
*with Alastor*
The Radio Demon walked through the city as the Egg Bois followed him, chattering away. "Oh boy. What's the plan boss? I like your suit! What are the antlers for? Can I touch your staff thing? Are those your ears? Or is it your hair? I can't tell."
Alastor's right eye twitched in annoyance, as he debated if he should get rid of them humanely like Vaggie asked, or say fuck it. 
"Hark, Alastor. How fare thee this day?" A green and black spider demon asked, approaching the Radio Demon who grinned excitedly seeing the figure. 
"Who's that boss? Want me to rough him up for you?" asked the Egg Bois, ready to defend the deer. 
"Follow in silence if you value your shell." hissed Alastor before turning to the demon in front of him. "Greetings, Zestial!" He greeted, as demons around them took notice of who was there, screaming in fear. 
"Ah, the weather doth become this fine day." Zesital replied, narrowing his eyes at a demon who ran out of a bar, arguing with someone inside. "Oh shit!" They screamed, disappearing.
"Indeed. Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon." The two demons watched as another doused himself in lighter fluid before setting himself on fire and running away in fear. 
"I do revel in the screams. How art thou? It has been an age since thou hath graced us with thy presence." The two started walking, ignoring the multiple demons who ran in and hid in fear.
"Some hath soun wild tales of you falling to holy arms." hummed Zestial. 
Alastor laughed,  "Oh, I just took a well earned sabbatical. Nothing serious." Alastor looked around briefly before turning to the green and black spider.  "Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes, haha!" He turned on a laugh track briefly. 
Zestial chuckled lowly, "There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy." Alastor watched as he opened his cloak dramatically, through lazy eyes. 
"Tell me, how does thou fall in such folly?" 
"That is for me to know. But please, do guess. I'd love to know the theories." Alastor side eyed the spider as he continued to walk. 
"T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm." complimented the spider. 
"Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment." The deer smiled, before they reached their destination. 
They both looked into a security camera; the camera glitching when Alastor grinned into it, before stepping onto the elevator. 
The Egg Bois tried to follow but were stopped by the Radio Demon. "No, no. I havea very important task for you." He tapped his claws on his staff, "Stay here and guard the front until I return. " The Egg Bois saluted determinedly back.
"Oh, look!" cried one of the Egg Bois as the elavator lifted up, "Frank is up there!" he pointed to their friend who was banging on the glass with worry on his face. "We have names?" asked another who shrugged. 
*Upstairs with the Radio Demon.*
Frank watched in awe, as many other demons came and joined Alastor and Zestial at the table. He stood behind Alastor, peeking over at a demoness. He waved happily, before the woman grinned, showing her sharp teeth. "Oh!" exclaimed the little egg. 
Metallic clinking echoed in the room as a woman with her hair in a horn style, and ballerina shoes on her feet. "Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city." She was joined by the two young ladies who made the delivery to Sir Pentious earlier that day. 
"Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new extermination schedule." She slammed her fist on the table. "We need to discuss what can be minimize the impact to our interest." 
Hearing a soft rattling, the woman turned to see Zestial having a seat next to her, summoning a cup of tea. 
"Zestial, so good to see you, my friend." "Enchanted as always, Carmilla." 
Carmilla then noticed the Radio Demon. "Alastor?"
"Yes, I know I've been absent sometime. I'm sure you've been wondering." Alastor gestured theatrically. 
"Not really. But welcome back in any case." replied Carmilla, shrugging her shoulders as Alastor's face tightened in annoyance. 
She snapped her fingers, and Odette handed her a clipboard. "This year's extermination was brutal, far more even than years past." Her daughters sat in their seats, Odette pulling up a slideshow behind Carmilla. 
"We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. With the angelic legions, now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we--" a door slamming cut her off. 
"Yes, I've got it handled, Vox." Velvette said loudly into her cell phone. "Are you doubting me?"" she asked. "Really? Me? That's what I thought." The pink haired demon cackled, leaning against her chair. 
"Haha! Yes, I know.  They're all a joke." She grinned, purposely making eye contact with Carmilla. "Thank you, Vee. See you soon. Kisses, darling." She sent kisses towards the phone before hanging up, and throwing herself into her chair. 
"Nice of you to join us, Velvette." Carmilla said politely. "Will your...colleagues be joining?" She asked, disdain clear in her face. 
"No. They have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag,who thinks she's tough shit." Carmilla narrowed her eyes at the language. "I'm here to represent." She then took a picture of the ballerina and add poop emojis around her.
"Charming," Carmilla rolled her eyes before turning back to the slide show. "So, as I was saying, we need to discuss--" Velvette once again interrupted by raising her hand in the air. "Yes?" Carmilla asked, annoyed. 
"On the subject of discussion..." Velvette threw an exorcist's head onto the table, getting a varying array of responses. "Oh shit!" "Oh, tasty!" Alastor exclaimed.
"Where did you get this?" asked the white haired woman, her eyes flashing red. 
"We found it during extermination day." explained Velvette as she stood up. "If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed." She jumped on the table as she explained herself. 
"We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have  come up with a full assault plan." Velvette was interrupted by Zestial slurping loudly on his tea...for a good few seconds. 
"If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof...Thou art far more foolish than I be thought." 
The fashionista scoffed, " "Meager proof? It's a dead fucking exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?" She mocked. 
Zesital shrugged his shoulders. "We know not how this perished...Mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing mightn't they purge all  of Hell for daring an uprising?" 
The other overlords muttered in agreement. Velvette noticed that Carmilla was suddenly silent, looking downcast. 
She smiled sharply, "Oh, I get it. So Grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?" Zestial remained silent. 
"Oh. What's the matter, Fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for--"
@mihawksdemoness @avatar-lover
Let me know if you guys want to me to tag you. And I gave a specialy surprise coming soon! Follow @deathexe6110 bc I owe them a HUGEEEEEEEEE THANK YOU for the surpise <3
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critterbitter · 5 months
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More asks under cut! Yippee!
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@scarftale-bryan Trip for trio right? If so, I'm working on a comic for that ;0 But to help answer, I've head cannoned Elesa to originally be from Sinnoh. She and the twins didn't have the greatest first meeting, but, well, you see how they turn out later in the future so all that starts subpar ends pretty well. @bat-in-disguise NICE NAME. VERY WOOBAT THEMED. Second of all AYYYY this is where I resurrect the shambling corpse of this fandom. Please. I desperately want to have more on the train men. @mynamesaplant AH,,, YOU READ MY ONE SHOT,,, Okay look. Look. I love drawing comics as much as the next person. But if there's an interest towards fanfiction maybe I'll write a bit more... HMMM. HMMMMMMMM. (But anyways THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! They keep the hearth cozy.) @dracally3 Don't worry about the rambles! If you wander through my ask box, you'd see I ramble. A lot. That out the way-- I'm sorry to hear about the drama! Man. I got into submas towards the tail end, which I'm a bit sad about (wish I got to interact with some of the bigger creators, but they moved on to other hyperfixations and I respect that). Drama's scary though, so maybe it's for the best I dodged the entire canonball. I'm glad my silly little characterizations of found family are healing! And I wish you the best too-- here's to happy futures ahead free of drama and full of shenanigans. @saffalilac AYYY Togekiss is so cool! I (heh) also only drew volo's togekiss once but the fact you're the second person to talk about how much you love them makes me chuckle. That in mind, here's a doodle.
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@chime-of-bells Hello! I remember your ask about saying how much you liked togekiss in my style. Drew some togekisses and thought you'd like them too :) @impossiblynoisyrebel AYYYY I LOVE drawing the eel dog lamprey dragon thing. Just. A tube with teeth. And giant eyes. and lovely fins. And bioluminescence!! Who doesn't love that? @onimusha095 Look look your local floating nightlight has SOME manners. (But also, Ingo and Litwick do come to an agreement at somepoint on who the ghost type can actively chew on. Emmet's fine with it. Elesa, who has less experience with Litwick's everything, probably would not be less fine with it, and Ingo really doesn't want to loose a friend.)
@magicfeatherbean4 Hello I see you're back! (I'm fine with this. I like snail mail from folks hhehe.) That out the way-- oh yeah they're DEFINITELY getting into fisticuffs when the mood strikes. And uhh Emmet starting battles only for Ingo to finish them off? Mercilessly? Without pause? Yes. YES. I am EATING this headcannon rn. Shuffling this into the comic ideas as we speak.
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ashensgrotto · 5 months
Hey I was reading your yandere Azul fanfic for like the 50th time and I had this idea for a request:
Can you do the other overblot boys in similar situations?
Also when are we going to have Azul's redemption arc when we get trapped in Scariba?
Have a lovely day/night/morning/afternoon
Why, greetings my dear anon! I’m happy that you enjoyed the ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’ to read it that many times - and I apologized that I haven’t been able to get started on the Scarbia segment yet (between that and Raison D’être plus work & other stories… and GloMas, I really need to get my priorities straight seriously -_-). However, I do intend on working on it as soon as I can so I can get it out sometime this month or in December - I mean, I think that would be the most logical since that one takes place during holiday break, right?
Now, for your request - I hope head cannons are alright for the time being. I’ll try to come back to them and do short stories for each of them that follows the same concept design as “Am I Feeling Love?” - which is the first installment of the Yandere!Azul series. I'm also going to divide this into two parts - about halfway through I realized I hadn't posted anything in a while and thus, I want to make it up to all of you for not writing or posting anything for some time.
Part 1 (Here) will feature Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, and Jamil Viper
Part 2 (Here) will feature Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, and Malleus Draconia
Riddle Rosehearts:
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Yandere Riddle is more of the controlling type - that much is certain. While during his youth, he came across a story about ‘soulmates’ - and the idea of someone made for him took root like a weed in the rose garden. Although his mother ordered for him to dismiss the idea as nothing but a fairytale, Riddle could not push the idea away and it slowly became a source of comfort and drive - if he could stand out both in academics and athletics, surely his soulmate would recognize him as their other half. (There really was no way for him to search for his other half while trapped under his mother’s unwavering gaze, especially after the tart incident.) 
When he saw you in the mirror chamber for the first time many years later, he was awestruck by your grace and beauty, reminding him of how the queen of heart once was long ago… the problem was your impeccable timing. You had the worst sense of direction as well as time - quite literally to the point that he had to give you several (and I mean like five to ten) different watches to have on your person so you wouldn’t run late for your scheduled tea time and after school lessons with him (which he made a priority to keep an eye on your movements, especially with the way you hang around the ADuo).
He likes that you have a favorite tea flavor, but hates that you drink it. All. The. Time. (“There are other teas, you know?” he tells you softly, trying to reign in his urge to yell at you for drinking your tea when you should be drinking the green tea with honey that is required following a lesson with him.)
He recognizes you for your hard work - often watching you from the shadows when time permits as you paint the roses red, care for the hedgehogs, feed the flamingos in that pink attire he provided for you, and assist with the dorm’s random tea party celebrations. Riddle also enjoys your conversations - even though he would like it better if you opened your mouth and stopped speaking so quietly (“Look up, speak nicely. AND DON’T TWIDDLE YOUR FINGERS! Turn out your toes, curtsy, open your mouth a little wider and always say, ‘Yes, Housewarden Riddle.’" He’s constantly reminding you.)
The one thing he can not stand though: your friendship with Duece and Ace and the furball menace. He has added a new rule to the roster: ‘Rule #687: (Y/N) is to always be supervised by either Trey Clover or Cater Diamond when not in the presence of the housewarden.’ (It’s for your wellbeing, after all. Trey and Cater are much more reliable than those two annoying freshmen and fire-breathing direbeast.)
However, his real breaking point is when you side with Ace and Duece following the ‘collaring’. He wouldn’t have dreamed in a million years that you would’ve sided with them over him. He was only trying to look out for your best interests… the best interests of the dorm… He was supposed to be the one…
Leona Kingscholar:
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Yandere Leona is more of the… dependent type. During his youth, one lazy afternoon, his older brother was talking to him about how he read in his studies about a certain smell that would allow him to know if his soulmate was nearby. Leona had at first shrugged it off, not really caring - after all, he wasn’t going to be king… why should he worry about finding the right one? He didn’t need annoying little brats running circles around him like his nephew did already… what a pain.
That changed the moment you entered the mirror chamber. Your scent wafted through the air and tickled Leona’s nose like a call of a hornbill to its mate. Leona could feel a need rising within him - a sudden need to protect and lay claim to you as his. And when the mirror turned you away, Ruggie was surprised when he stepped forward, offering a place to stay in Savanclaw.
It was no surprise to anyone that Leona decided to make you his personal gopher (although he knew that he couldn’t rely on you 24/7 as you weren’t allowed to attend the school - not that he cared much anyway for classes). During practice, you would bring water and snacks - the housewarden always scruffing the top of your head and messing your hair up, offering a cheeky grin that no one had seen before. In the dorm, you would sit with him and look over his homework and studies - Ruggie nearby to help you understand what was being taught, considering that this was something far beyond your understanding - especially since you had no magic ability either.
Speaking of which, Ruggie was the only other person - besides Leona - that was allowed to get close to you. Any other student that attempted to get within a foot of you would suffer under Leona’s frightening stare before choking on ‘King’s Roar’ until they begged for mercy when you weren’t around.
When the spelldrive tournament came up - and you unknowingly found out about the plan to hurt another student - you confronted Leona about it. Leona tried to play innocent - pretending not to know what you were talking about, Ruggie assisting with the typically ‘innocent until guilty’ look that he often gave you.
His last straw was when you and Jack warned the others of Savanaclaw's plan - the housewarden of Heartslabyul and his students effectively coming to your aid. Leona thought he could trust you… that you would respect him and love him as the king he was supposed to be…
Jamil Viper
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Jamil is your typical stalker type - wanting to know about your every move, it’s ingrained in him after all. During his youth, he - along with the other servants of the Al-Asim home - would watch over the young masters as they grew up, one eye always on the lookout for danger that could befall the family. Kalim - as sweet and carefree as he was - would often spend time in Jamil’s presence, chewing his ear off with stories and such, Jamil often ignoring what he said or taking everything with a grain of salt. However - the story of the Scalding Sands princess and the thief never completely left his mind. Legends stated that the two were fated to be together - and the land had been prosperous during their reign. Jamil would often turn the story over in his mind a handful of times, but tsk at the idea of soulmates. It was only a fairy tale… right?
That changed the moment he saw you in the mirror chamber - your eyes wide by everything that was different and strange to you. If Jamil was honest, he thought back to the story of the desert princess and the thief right then and there - he imagined himself as the thief and you as the princess, and the longing that filled him had to be the same as it was for the thief when he had seen the princess’ beauty for the first time. It was easy to persuade Kalim to let you stay in Scarabia, using ‘Snake Whisper’ to charm him into allowing the headmaster for you to stay. Once within the safe confines of the dorm, Jamil offered for you to assist him with taking care of Kalim (“Trust me, my little desert flower,” he tells you, “things aren’t always as they seem. You will get what’s coming to you.”)
Speaking of which - like Azul’s pet name of ‘Angelfish,’ Jamil refers to you as ‘Desert Flower.’ When you asked why that was, Jamil would cough and say something about how you reminded him of the flowers back in the Scalding Sands - particularly the Desert Hyacinth (which is a parasitic plant, oddly enough).
Regardless, Jamil enjoys spending time with you - when not chasing Kalim around. In the evenings, when the dorm is asleep, he finds the evenings quite relaxing in your presence; playing Mancala on the carpeted flooring after having his feet rubbed in oil to alleviate the tension and pain from all the hard work he did. When he asks if there’s anything he can do for you in return, you simply smile and shake your head, explaining how you’re thankful for his kindness and generosity for keeping you company in the late evenings when you both know he should be getting rest.
However, as the holiday season approaches and the rest of the school heads home for the holidays, Jamil notices your disappearance one night - making him frantic to know where you had disappeared to. That fear turns into seething rage when you return with an octopus and two eels in tow - Jamil demanding to know what the meaning of this is. Out of the goodness of your heart, you explain that you sought help for him and Kalim - especially with Kalim’s strange mood swings making you more and more nervous with each passing day. The presence of the scheming octomer and his twin pals makes Jamil more on edge than ever - watching from the shadows as you and Kalim turn to your new allies. It would seem… desperate times call for desperate measures.
The look on your face when it’s revealed that he was the one behind the changes in Kalim’s behavior was enough to shatter Jamil’s heart into a thousand pieces - like a glass lamp crushed under the weight of stone. The fear… the anger… the resentment towards Kalim has become centerfold - but Jamil could never hate you… his little desert flower. If only he was headwarden… if he was in charge… none of this would have happened… it was all Kalim’s fault, after all…
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ktkat99 · 7 months
Reverse Robins prompt if you're looking
Batman swears he doesn't want a partner. Until he meets Damian. Talia drops him off to be raised by Bruce and, as Bruce has no other kids, the two are free to train as they pleased. Damian grows up and moves out, taking his own section of Gotham to protect under his new, adult identity.
Batman, struggling to get himself reaccustomed to working without a partner, meets Tim.
Tim knows who they are and has been following them, taking pics and copying their moves to teach himself martial arts for years.
He's seen Batman having trouble and insists that he needs a new Robin.
After protesting and trying to chase him away, Bruce finds out just how alone Tim is at home and decides to take him up on it.
Damian feels replaced and is immediately antagonistic to Tim.
He hates how happy the damn kid always is.
He hates how Bruce is spending more time training him.
He hates how Alfred has changed typical meals that Bruce liked to remove seafood, which Tim is allergic to.
When Tim asks to train with him, Damian goes far too hard on him.
When Tim sleeps over and eventually moves in, having officially been adopted, Damian wastes no opportunity to remind him who the Blood Son is, and tell Tim that he's just a stand-in. Basically cannon fodder. Bruce didn't *really* love him. He'd just needed a soldier.
Over the next few years, Tim gradually grows stronger, but also more withdrawn and depressed.
Bruce takes in Jason and Tim starts going solo on patrol, but he always makes time to train/hang out with/play with Jason, wanting to be the big brother Damian had never been to him.
And then one night Tim never returns to the cave.
There's no call.
No heads up.
No distress signal.
No one knows where he is.
No one can find him.
Damian insists Tim must have just left and openly mocks him for trying to get attention or having not had the spine to quit face to face.
Until Damian finds him three weeks later, having been captured, tortured, and turned into Joker Jr.
Damian is horrified and ends up killing the Joker to save Tim, but its too late.
Tim dies in his arms waiting for help to arrive.
They're all grieving and devastated, but no one besides Jason blames Damian for Tim's death to his face, making Damian feel even worse.
He blames himself for not helping search for Tim.
He blames himself for failing to save him.
He blames himself for being a bully, rather than a brother.
He finally has to take a break from being a vigilante and moves back to Nanda Parbat, throwing himself into his training and confessing what happened to his mother and grandfather.
When he's feeling able to resume his job again, Damian moves back to the manor and life goes on as much as it can.
They all still miss Tim.
But they're learning to live without him.
Talia and Ra's, seeing how rattled and off his game Damian was, decide to follow him back to Gotham, steal Tim's body, and see if they can revive him in a Lazarus Pit.
Tim comes back to life, but instead of returning home immediately, he watches them from a distance.
Damian has moved back home to the manor, despite having an apartment in the city.
Despite Bruce still having Jason.
Tim remembers how Damian used to treat him, all because he was adopted, and gets angry.
He becomes Red Hood, but while Jason!Red Hood's problem was that he wasn't avenged, Tim!Red Hood is more concerned with saving Jason from the abuse he had to endure from Damian.
He breaks into the manor one night as Red Hood, making sure to avoid every trap and alarm while still leaving obvious signs all over the cave and the manor, wanting to send the message 'I know you're Batman. I was in your house while you were asleep. I'm dangerous, and I know all your tricks.'
And then he goes upstairs to kidnap Jason.
Jason is overjoyed to find out Tim is alive, but right as Tim's about to take him and leave, another little kid is suddenly in the room.
Jason explains that Dick recently lost his family and Bruce took him in.
Tim knows he has to save both boys, but now is also even more caught off guard.
He'd spent so long trying to tell Damian that he was wrong, that Bruce really did love him like a son.
But the fact that he'd not only been replaced, but Bruce was still sending kids into battle, even after what happened to him was too much.
Tim tries to kidnap them both, but Dick, who's never met Tim before, gets scared and runs to Damians room for help.
Damian fights off the intruder, but then Tim's helmet falls off/Jason says his name/Damian recognizes the fighting style/he somehow finds out that he's fighting Tim and freezes, allowing him to escape.
Damian is shocked that Tim's alive and he and Bruce work to find him and bring him home.
Only, Tim doesn't want to come home.
Not when Damian is there.
Not with Bruce and Alfred, who never did enough to protect him.
He finally accepts, solely to protect Jason and Dick.
So the family gets to work towards the second chance they never thought they'd get, Tim gets a family who loves him, and Jason and Dick get a very protective older brother.
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koneko-pi · 1 year
You spoil me rotten koneko
What if Fuegoleon x wife s/o telling him she's pregnant? Just all kinds of headcannons about how he is during the pregnancy and labour and how he is after with the baby? Imagine Fuego having a soft and pudgy little daughter😭(ft. Disgusted but happy nozel at how mushy Fuego is being)
I'm still getting used to the whole head cannon concept! I think this came out as a weird inbetween of headcannon and fanfic but i hope you like it nonetheless!
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Female S/O x Fuegoleon
Innocent headcannons
900+ word count
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Telling Fuegoleon was fun. The most fun you have probably had in a long time. He was really good about surprises, and smart enough that you could actually play little tricks for him to think about, and watching the look on his face as he figured it out made it just as much fun for you as it had been for him.
A while back, when you two had first gotten married, you had bought two small lion stuffed toys. You weren't a child of course but they had your heart immediately when you saw them in that store window, so you snatched them up and brought them to your husband. You joked about how one was you and the other was him, a lion and lioness pair. He appreciated the gesture and gift of course and ever since the two toys had sat neatly and tidy on the guest couch within his office.
Now almost a full year later you were skipping excitedly down the hall of the Crimson lions base to get to his office, a small paper bag gripped tightly in your hands.
You'd greet a few of the squad mates who greeted you back, some jokingly calling you their Crimson Lion Queen.
Inside the office Fuegoleon would be surprised about your visit. You'd quickly close the door so the others wouldn't eavesdrop, and he happily greeted you with a kiss on the cheek.
"What brings you here, my love?" He would ask you. While he did adore your visits there was also the understanding this was work time and he had his image to uphold as a strict captain.
"I'm just bringing this here!" You held the bag up, and he in turn would raise an eyebrow in confusion. "I was too excited to wait for you to come home. Besides, it belongs here!" You spun around. He would hear the sounds of the bag as you pulled something out, made your way to his couch and put something down.
He joined you and saw you had added a smaller lion toy to the pair that had already made their home in the corner of the sofa.
"A third one?" He asked curiously.
"That's right!" You nodded confidently. "It felt appropriate."
He continued to look confused. "But why would we need a third one?" Was it Leopold, who else could it be? After all there was you, him and the third was-
It suddenly dawned on him. His eyes went wide and your grin grew wider too as you watched him. He had figured it out. His head whipped to face you and the excitement brimming from your body was all the answer he needed. He snatched you up so fast and all the mages in the base could hear your excited laughter.
Your first pregnancy was not easy. And Fuegoleon went above and beyond to take care of you. His squad was understanding and helped fill the void that was created by his more regular absences now.
You found yourself weaker and more tired. Your body would ache all over and for most of it you found yourself bed ridden. But it wasn't as bad as it could have been, Fuegoleon stayed with you as much as he could. Leaving for work later on days he went in, and coming back as soon as he could. He would use his magic arm to alleviate the sore muscles of your back, feet or cramping in your stomach. His gentle heat was such a blessing.
He would eat his meals with you in the room, and even do his paperwork in bed. And while it wasn't ideal you still appreciated the hard work he did trying to stay with you. Just his presence alone was a blessing, as not all nobles would bother to go this far for their spouses.
And contradictory to other nobles again once the Little bundle of joy came into the world Fuegoleon spent all the time he could with her. He didn't hire a nanny or anything like it, he wanted to spend time with you and his daughter.
The nights were rough, the little girl screaming at the top of her lungs early in the morning, but that was not something that would deter Fuegoleon. The ever dutiful husband would take care of her issues, even if it meant sitting up for hours at a time in the middle of the night so that she would calm down. Sometimes it was ONLY with him she would finally fall back asleep, as the heat he naturally generated gently lulled her into a drowsy and safe space.
He would lay with her on the bed, play with her and talk to her about his day or all the great things she could have someday, as he would give her whatever she wanted. Within reason of course. Tell her to be careful of Mereoleona but Leopold was ok. Little baby would kick her feet with happy giggles, not understanding a word Fuegoleon was saying but be excited nonetheless and it brought the biggest smile to his face.
He was not the kind of man to bring her to work, but that did not stop friends, family and squad mates from stopping by to congratulate you and see your baby girl.
Nozel would even visit, on account that Fuegoleon would talk often about the little girl he had just had and loved to spoil. Watching Fuegoleon pace around the room, bouncing his baby and talking nonsense to her to make her giggle was a whole new side that Nozel never wanted to see.
Fuegoleon would insist Nozel should hold her but, for his own reasons, Nozel declined. Settling for just watching his friend be soft with the happy little lion cub in his arms. And then mildly disgusted watching the prideful and manly captain being so gushy with the baby. Is this what parenthood is like?
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deadahhmf · 1 year
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♠︎you getting something hella expensive for there birthday. with Crocodile, Mihawk, and doflamingo(seperate stories)
♠︎reader is male(or gn) and black ofc
♠︎warning(s): none
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•...what? you remembered?
•at first he'd be less worried about the gift, and more suprised that you even remembered in the first place
•only then he'd be worried on how expensive the gift was though he wouldn't "show it" he would show it enough to where he'd make you return it to get your money back
•of course be loves that you remembered his birthday but you did not the to give him something this expensive.
•if you continue to refuse returning it he will return the favor, in which he will not return it.
"dear..why would you get me something this expensive? i love it and i am flattered you remembered ... but this is about a fortune."
mihawk continued to push the gift back to you asking you to return it with a small look of sympathy on his face.
you simply chuckle and shake your head pushing the gift back to him. "no no love, it is your birthday and is not your job to worry how i got the gift or how much it costs."
he sighs in defeat, setting the gift down on his desk leaning back in his chair. "i hope you do not regret this, for i will be returning the favor." you shake your head, "no, it is your birthday i need nothing-"
"do not speak, you have no say in this." he gives you direct eye contact sending a small shiver down your spine as you laugh it off.
"alright then, you better keep you word though!" you give a bright smile kissing your husband on the forehead before walking out of his office like room.
"such a sweet boy, how in the world did i end up with someone like you.."
♠︎sir crocodile
•he's suprised and not suprised you remembered
•now if you remembered his birthday it'd be nothing of it yet until you said you had bought him something
•of course he wants to know what it is because he's never had much of a 'real' birthday to spend with his lover
•but what in the hell is this?
•not in a bad way at all but how did you get him something this expensive? did you steal it or something? what did you do?
"how did you get this?" you give him a confused look as he looks down at you, with the gift in hand holding it very carefully as not to break it.
"what do you mean how did i get it? i bought it for you, do you not like it?" he shakes his head keeping the gift carefully in his hand bending down to face you fully.
"no dear. I love the gift, thank you." you give him a smile kissing him on his cheek. "well i am glad, happy birthday my love."
•another 'wait you remembered?' type person
•of course his birthday is always celebrated but of its your first time spending his birthday with him he'd be a little suprsied you were the first person to give him something
•it's my own personal head cannon(that everyone probably has) that doffy's love language is gift giving and he likes to gift you expensive things almost everyday
•but why not return the favor?
"(m/n) what is this?" you turn over to the voice that had called out to you, looking out seeing as it was doflamingo.
what he was talking about was the gift you had left on his nightstand for when he wakes up, it was a bit of a challenge to get it there but you managed.
"oh? that's your birthday gift. it is your birthday correct? if im mistaken i'll return it and get you something else when the time comes, but i can tell you i'm right it is your birthday doffy."
his face shifts into a face that's more confused than it was before, soon enough turning into a smile. "you really got me something huh? what's this little trick you have up your sleeve?"
you simply give out a small laugh. "there is no trick doffy, don't you always gift me expensive things almost everyday? can i not return the favor?" His smile stays on his face but it slightly becomes more of a genuine smile than his usual one.
"but that is because you're my husband, i'm supposed to gift you things thats how it works does it not?" you sit there for a minute thinking for a while before answering.
"well..yes while that may be true can i not return the same to you as well? it's like you forget your my husband to 'ya know." though you knew doffy would never say it verbally, he is very thankful for what you've given him.
as it is a very special day, for a very special man.
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yall why did my writing sound so formal @gaybitchfx @reallyromealone / @rome-alone @bloodyfennec @lostsomewhereinthegarden (thx for boosting my stuff kaida❤)
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newtype-difference · 14 days
If you're looking for the ultimate guncannon kit to get, the Cucuruz Doan's Island version is probably the way to go! A really fun build with some impressive articulation and an extra backpack accessory in the form of a missile launcher alternative to the classic cannons! I'm super happy with how this one turned out and it makes me even more excited to get more origin kits!
I'm a slut for shoulder-mounted weapons on mechs so I already had the hots for something like this, but the absolutely timeless and classic design of the original gundam trio really adds to it, and this kit keeps that same charm while also adding some much needed and appreciated details!
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And of course, the extra detailing on the kit also includes some really nice panel lining opportunities that really make the kit pop! With how prominent the red colour is on this thing it really benefits from the darker shades to add detail and make it look more defined. Here's a before and after!
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shygirl4991 · 3 months
Chapter 2 Artistic Ringmaster
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Art done by @alianarepasa do not repost Summary:  After the event of Splits into Three everything felt like things were back to normal, that is until Three’s boyfriend kicks down his front door announcing he has fallen under the same spell he did. Together they will learn the secret of the cherry potion and with SMG4 splits put an end to the evil gang's plan.  Sequel to Split into Threes Last Chapter Next Chapter
Tags: Fluff, Angst, Comedy, Romance, action and adventure
SMG4 sits there wide eyed at the story, Producer nods taking notes trying his best to take all the information in. Four gets up looking at his boyfriends face, now that he was told the story he started to see the difference in Three’s appearance. He gently touches Three’s face “You do look softer with a bit of sharpness…so the reason you really were pink was because I was talking to your heart. Heh explains why you seemed so open, I was literally talking to your emotions haha!” 
Four starts to do a panic laugh, Producer gets up and holds on to Fours arm “It’s okay original, i know…it's scary since if we mess up we lose everything but T-three did it so maybe we can to?” Four turns looking at his personality studying his appearance. This is what he acts like when those thoughts take over, the sleepless night and panic that his next video won't be perfect. The thought causes an image to flash in his mind.
He stands up straight holding his breath while Producer holds his head “Ah OH GOD!” Three panics running over to the personality to make sure he was okay.  He talks gently to the personality helping him relax before turning to his main boyfriend “Hey uh..everything okay you both just freaked the hell out.” Four opens his mouth to answer only to be interrupted  by a cheering crowd, they all turn confused as the crowd gets louder. Then they hear a voice “WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE MAIN EVENT I RINGMASTER 4 SHALL BRING YOU A SHOW YOU WONT FORGET!”
Three and Four exchange a look before running out of the castle, where they saw a huge stage was set up in the middle of the showgrounds. On the stage was a red SMG4 dress like a showman, he smirks at the crowd as he tips his top hat and twirls his cane “Remember folks like what you see then like, comment and subscribe to my amazing channel!”  He hits a button making the cannons on the stage shoot out youtube pillows with the channel link on them. Three catches one and stares at the pillow, his face going blank “I see..you have a showman personality, why am i not surprised.” Four blushes as he watches the personality doing tricks. It was impressive how resourceful this personality was, any mistake he made he just twirled his cane and went with the flow of it making it into a joke.  SMG4 walks closer to the stage, red eyes looking right at him “Ah a shame i must end the show folks, it seems the main character of the story is here and needs me!” the crowd boos and starts leaving the showground, he jumps off the stage with a flourish “Ah Chang Noi! Happy to see you will be with us on this journey. I see producer is here,” Producer does a small wave as he anxiously messes with a page of his notepad. 
Ringmaster smiles at them as Three stands there confused as to what the personality called him, Four lets out an awkward smile offering his hand “um nice to meet you?” the showman chuckles as he shakes SMG4 hand “Pleasure i'm Ringmaster your Imaginative side!” Producer scoffs “More like a walking Ego.” The comment surprises Three as he turns to see the personality pouting as Ringmaster glares at him, Four notices looking at the two worried “um is everything alright with you two?” Ringmaster walks up to Producer and lightly smacks his back “We are fine! Producer isn't wrong…I may be labeled as egocentric but that isn't all I am!”  SMG3 nods hearing the annoyed tone dripping from Ringmaster. Seems something Four hates more than anything is someone pointing out his ego, shame they weren’t rivals this would have been a gold mine of information. SMG4 lets out an awkward chuckle “I mean I may have had one when I was younger but there is no way I have a huge ego now right?” he turns to his boyfriend who was standing next to  Producer. They both blink at him before they exchange a look, Three gives a small smile “You uh have gotten better…you know till you decide to be an asshole about things,” Four’s eyes go wide. Then he and Ringmaster both put their hands on their hips and in sync yell “When the hell were we assholes?!” Four blushes as Three points to his cafe “My opening?”
Four bites his lip as Ringmaster chuckles “Please we explained to you, it’s what we do, we tease and fight only now is it wrong to do since you became our corazón!” Three facepalms feeling a headache grow as he talks to the red personality. He just wished something would happen to get everyone on track to the mission of finding all the splits, they were so close just one more and they could try to figure out what's wrong with Four. SMG4 stared at the cafe frowning as he remembered how he took things too far, could it be he has been blind to the way he treats others. He could feel eyes on him, turning, Producer was looking at him, eyes glowing. He could feel a flutter of anxiety grow in him ‘what if i'm not good enough for SMG3’  with that thought he turned away fast only to catch the sight of purple running around the cafe. 
Producer noticed SMG4  looking at something and followed his line of sight to catch a glimpse of someone , slowly he started to walk over to the spot. Seeing this Four walks after him leaving Ringmaster and Three to fight, they get closer and get hit with a strong smell of paint. That's when he saw himself in purple, he had his tongue out and was covered in paint. Looking closer he had a sweater tied around his waist and like ringmaster the hat was different it was beret. He was humming as he moved the brush on the wall of Three’s cafe, he wasn't sure what to say given how lost in his world the personality seemed. Three noticing the pair left he walked over “WHAT THE HELL WHO IS PAI-,” he freezes as the artistic personality turns looking into Three’s eyes.
His eyes flicked violet as he stared at the man in front of him, looking around and noticing what was going on he laughed “OH! You found me haha sorry about that. I was feeling a bit sketchy today haha get it?!” he winked at the crew making Three’s face go red. The purple personality fixes his hat “Well hello everyone im Artist! Without me SMG4 wouldn't be so creative and funny, ah speaking off your cafe needed a little something Mcdreamy so i painted dead memes on your walls to celebrate you!” 
Three looked at the mural and gasp “Terrance…you painted Terrance and the others on the wall..” his eyes watered. Four smiles softly wrapping his arm around his boyfriend for comfort “Thanks Artist.” He nods, pleased to see that he managed to make their partner smile, Ringmaster looks at the art and scoffs “You really think this can bring attention?” Artist glares at him “Remember your place red, you think you can do half of what you do without my humor?” Producer was panicking and grabbed onto SMG3 for comfort. SMG4 lets out a chuckle “So this is what you went through with your three huh?”
SMG3 frowns watching the fight, his splits never acted like this. They all acted like siblings since they all seemed to get along, that's when he remembered something Book told him, making him wrap his arms around Four and Producer. He sighs “Hey scrub…are you doing okay?” his boyfriend gave him a confused look, Three looked at Ringmaster and Artist fighting about making content stressing out Producer “Four, these guys are you. Looking at the three of them they can't stand each other, it's okay if you need to talk to someone about what's going on in your head but you can't brush aside that none of your personalities like each other!” 
Four shakes his head “I’m fine three, now we have to all get along and this will be done shouldn't be hard!”
Ringmaster smacks Artist with his cane making the purple personality growl “All right you egomaniac, you may think the world is all about you but SMG4 needs us!” Ringmaster chuckles “Cute you call our Original by his name, must be nice to be liked.” Three was hearing the conversation and it clicked, he accepted Spade and Book easy that is until heart came into the picture. He almost killed his emotions, Four seems to be having a hard time accepting these parts of him. Letting out a sigh he lets go of four and turns to producer “Hey PD i need to know something, is something holding you three back?”  
Producer looks down “I…he..” seeing the personality was going to break down he takes a step back and comforts him “Whoa okay its fine PD was just making sure.”  Four eye twitches hearing the fighting, taking a deep breath he walks towards Ringmaster “Look I do understand you're a part of me, it's just hard to process everything. Let's just relax and figure this all out.” He gives them a sheepish smile then shows a meme on his phone hoping to stop the pair from fighting. The pair exchange looks and sigh after watching the video, Four wasn't sure what the reaction meant but was pleased to see the fighting had stopped. 
Three gentle touches the pins on his overalls thinking, this wasn't going to be a one day thing. There was something his boyfriend isn't telling him, whatever it is seems to be making it hard for his personality to connect. He stands there thinking about what the missing link could be until he hears a shout from the Personality holding him “M-my notes! Oh no, without them we cant do the video and no video is going to disappoint all our viewers!” Looking up he sees the page has been blown away and landed on the roof of his cafe.
He gives a pat on Producer's head “It’s fine i can go get it, just sit here and don't…uh pass out okay?” while Four attempted to get Ringmaster and Artist to get along Three started to climb the ladder to get the page. Producer looks up nervously catching the Artistic personality attention he turns and looks wide eyed at Three “Uh hey Three the ladder isn't really stable i broke it when i was messing with paint!” Four looked up in panic “THREE!” Not hearing the group due to the winds Three grabs the page and smiles at them waving it, the wind picks up knocking SMG3 hat off and making him lose his grip as the ladder bar snaps. He closes his eyes as he feels himself fall “I SHALL SAVE YOU MY FAIR MAIDEN!” with that yell he felt warm arms catching him. He opens his eyes only to scream “THERE'S MORE THEN THREE!?” 
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