#I wonder if being an only child affects this at all because I remember my childhood very well
starrvsn · 4 months
` ִ ꔫ ۫ ⊹ D.HUME ࣪ ˖ HEART AND MIND.
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PAIRING ⠆don hume x fem!reader.
CATEGORIES ⠆angsty, minor fluff, comfort, long-distance-relationship!au, roger and bobby being nosy, will there be a second fic of a reunion..? who knows, maybe :p. (i'm not super sure how old they are but lets just assume they're 20.)
𝟒𝟏𝟏. roger and bobby are nosy and want to know where he got all his fancy jewelry from.
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don was a private man, he kept things to himself and only choose some aspects of his life to be known. however, now that he has people in his corner he could trust, he was more willing to share. one of those things being his love life, they never asked so he never said anything; even when they would tease about him not being able to talk to girls. not knowing his heart was taken. it was late and the boys were relaxing in their dorm when roger spoke his thoughts:
“y’know, i always wondered where you got your ring and bracelet from.” roger points at the two pieces of jewelry on dons bedside from his bed across dons, his tone curious and lighthearted.
“oh well-“ don starts, he didn’t expect such a comment but it wasn’t unwelcome. “it’s okay don you don’t have to tell us.” bobby interjects, giving roger a pointed look from his desk seat. he knows how private don could be and didn’t want roger overstepping to not make it awkward.
“oh no, it’s okay.” don assures, waving a dismissive hand. “my bracelet and ring are my girlfriend.” he responded, a smile playing on his lips at the thought of you– a new piece of his life being uncovered, there probably wasn’t going to be a right time to mention it so he guesses that time was now. don didn’t think it was too much of a big deal but he didn’t want to tell anyone for your sake and the teasing he would get if he told them in a group setting. the two boys nod in understanding.
“she gifted me the bracelet on my birthday” don continues, his eyes fixated on the chain sitting on his bedside. his friends paying close attention to his words
it was a simple gesture, nothing to extravagant– he told you once that he hadn’t gotten a gift for his birthday since he was a child so for his 18th birthday you got him a bracelet, a simple chunky silver chain. you had saved up your allowance to buy it for him, you were nervous that he wouldn’t like it. but you couldn’t have been more wrong, he love it! in fact he didn’t want to except it at first, such a fine piece of jewelry. he felt bad because he never gave you gift as grand as this. he wore it everyday since you gifted it to him, even making the effort to upkeep it when a piece broke or the clasp was faulty.
“and my ring she gave before she left.” silence falls, roger and bobby unsure what to say. bobby and roger exchange glances, both thinking the same thing, they weren’t sure what he meant by left, if you had passed or moved away. don senses the hesitance in the air and immediately adds “she moved for college, she goes to cal.” their faces softening at his words. you going to one of their biggest rival schools in rowing, don wasn’t affected as much by the thought of it but he could tell his friends, who were probably having a frenzy of thoughts, mostly on the fact you went to a rivaling school.
you leaving was bittersweet. he was happy that you were going to the school of your dreams but the fact you’d be so far from him made his heart sink. he remembers so vividly when it happened, you gotten into an argument about the school’s you applied to— his emotions got the better of him and he made an offhanded comment about it being better off broken up if you decided to go to a school that far. which lead into a whole heated argument on if he even trusted you, it got so out of hand you left without saying another word to him, then when you were accepted into cal you told him. it was your dream school and there wasn’t anything that was going to stop you from going… don included. you found out your acceptance two days after your argument. you went to see him after receiving the news. he knew he couldn’t lose you apart of his life and you being so far without him was going to be a tough pill to swallow but you promised each other you’d make it work. the day you were set to leave you surprised with with a gold ring with your initial engraved on it telling him “something to remember me by” and he has a surprise of his own, out from his pocket a small box with a locket inside, heart shaped with a photo of the two of you. you broke down in tears at the sight of it— he remembers it so fondly, the good and the bad of it all.
“when was the last time you saw her?” roger blurted, asking before he could even realized what he said. they raise concerning glares, unsure if they overstepped. they knew just because don confined in them doesn’t mean they could ask whatever and it would be okay.
“uh probably a year, maybe more— we write to each other ever so often. i actually just sent off my letter to her few days ago.” don hummed, it was nice to talk about you— he’s kept you in his thoughts for so long that if they asked anything about you he could talk all night.
“what did you put in the letter— if you don’t mind me asking.”
“well i just wrote about trying out for the team and that i made it.” he didn’t include that he told you how much he missed you and responses to some things you said in your letter. a comfortable silence falls over them, bobby and roger taking in the new information about you and don lost in thought about his memories with you. they boys also wondered what you looked like, trying hard to imagine the girl that captured their strokes heart.
“you think she’ll be at the race against cal next week?”
he would love to see you again, don knew how busy you were with school and as much as he think you would, how he wishes you would. be in your arms again but it probably wasn’t possible, though the thought was nice— falling asleep with you in his dreams, like you are every night.
read part two here !
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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hitomisuzuya · 5 months
Don't mind this, everyone. This is just me high typing cause I am lonely. I should probably be typing fluffy Childe smut, but I digress. Bear with me.
I really love the idea of self aware Genshin characters. It's such a Yandere thing. I am gonna include my own experience a little in farming for Scara and using him in game for the sake of flow of whatnot so I can talk about this. The narration may change a bit in some places. I'll change the font style and whatnot, continuing on.
My best friend has this fun little headcanon that Scara came somehow manipulate the game in some way, make it glitch for lack of better word. Like, he would know when you are playing him. He would sense it, mainly being able to feel how you feel through your hands, seeing as how, especially if you are a mobile player like I am, your hands around your phone the whole time.
He could feel when you are happy, and when you get unsure about something. He would notice like dependent habits you have, like if you have him in your party and rotate him out for say like his cool down for his burst or ESkill, or to put up a shield with whatever character (for me, it would be Noelle, my girl🥰), he would feel the unease you feel having to rotate him out for a few moments.
Or if you are fighting and have another character on field, and you freeze in the middle combat whether it be because you hesitated or weren't sure about having this particular character on field, and you rotate him back in and he instantly feels you relax because you can rely on him to carry you (no joke, get that boy up in the air and let his tracking go to work😌).
You depend on him, and that's what validates him. He can feel how you feel about him. It sends him reeling when he realizes that someone could depend on him. Could love him? You loved him despite everything he did, and everything he'd been through. You trust him, love him, and rely on him with every fiber of your being.
You were loyal. He can even hear the affection in your voice when you tell him good morning or good night. He loves that you love him.
Basically, the more he feels you through your hands, the more he comes self aware. This feeling is doubled, especially if you are in a high stress situation like..*twitch*..The Spiral Abyss. My two teams are obvious strike teams built around Scara and Childe.
He always went on somewhat of a power trip whenever you went to the Spiral Abyss. You built one of your teams so carefully around him. He'd felt how much thought you'd given it. If he had it his way, you wouldn't need a second team.
He was the only one you needed. Meandering in the Spiral Abyss was just another way for him to prove that he could take care of you.
You were his.
He is even able to see what you look like, being able to widdle away the barrier between you, him, and the game. Soon, very soon, he would be able to breach the barrier and reach his fingers into your very world.
I'm sure we all remember putting our noses to the grindstone farming for him. We all twitched from the same trauma of farming Rukkhashava Mushrooms, all while still exploring a newly released Sumeru. And the Handguards.
He wondered what it had been like preparing for him. You'd had everything all gathered in a nice neat pile for him. He hated that you'd had to rely on another character even though you were preparing for him (for me it was Xiao).
He couldn't stand that you inevitably do have to be away from your phone (or whatever you use). He has a lot of time on his hands to whatever in Teyvat until you returned, but all he could think about was you.
What were you doing? Who were you talking to? Or who you were with? He wouldn't need to worry about that much longer, he could by now hack into your phone and find out whatever he needed to know.
He has to have you now, especially when he saw just how in love with him you really were. Question is, would he stay here in your world with you, or would he steal you away and take you back with him?
Those two questions echoed in his mind as he looked down at you in the dark of your room while you slept. His precious treasure was now close enough for him to touch, to brush some hair off of your face.
Who the hell is gonna read all this 😂 But, I am going to bed now, I gotta get up early tomorrow. Thank you if you even read this far. Goodnight, everyone.
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spideyjimin · 5 months
perfect time | jjk - preview
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“Did it take you and Eunji so long to find Arya’s name?” you ask. 
Even though you know where the name comes from, Eunji also chose it. Your ex didn’t name his daughter all by himself, there’s a mother too. At the end of the day, she was the one who carried Arya for nine months. 
“Well, it for sure took us more than 5 months,” he replies. “When we found out that it was a girl, we started a list with all the names we loved. However, we didn’t like the names the other liked. For 2 months, we kept adding names to the list to see if we could find one. Arya wasn’t on my list because it had a deep meaning for me, it was the name we agreed to give to our daughter,” his eyes stare deeply at you. 
You still remember the day you were talking about all the cute names you’d give to your children. It’s a moment that always warms your heart because back then, everything seemed so easy. Your sister was still alive, you hadn’t kissed your ex-crush, everything was going well with Jungkook, and you were still head over heels in love with him. Well, honestly, it is still the case today even if he broke your heart. 
The man standing in front of you has been your greatest love, the first man you really and deeply loved. A first real love always remains in your heart although they hurt you. They will forever stay in your heart. Hopefully, with time, the strong feelings you have for Jungkook will diminish, or at least, you hope that you will be able to keep moving with your life without those sentiments being an obstacle to your romantic life. 
“Proposing that name would be like a betrayal towards you. I couldn’t do that,” he whispers. “Eunji was the one proposing it and at first, I pretended I didn’t like it. She really loved it but it was kind of removed from our list, which was still empty when she was 7 months pregnant,” a little smile appears on his face. “Then, at that point, you realize your daughter will be here very soon and you have to find a name. We needed to find compromises, we needed to find names that we at least liked a little bit. Again, Arya was not on our list,” his eyes never leave your face. 
Honestly, as you glare at him, you can see in his eyes all the affection he has for you but you brush it off. However, it is actually the way he’s looking at you. Jungkook holds a lot of affection for you. He’ll always cherish you even though he behaved like a child. His heart still burns for you but he can’t come back in your life. Or at least not right now. For sure, if he does so, he’s very much aware that he’ll break your heart once more and you absolutely don’t deserve it. He’s even convinced that he doesn’t deserve you. 
Those past nine months, he got the time to sit down and contemplate his actions. Unquestionably, he acted like a child. He was selfish, he only took from you what interested him, and then threw you away. But honestly, he never wondered what it would be like to have you back in his life. For the past ten years, he desperately wanted you back but he didn’t consider past that, probably because deep down, he was convinced that you would never come back. However, you came back and everything simply became overwhelming. 
“Eunji kept bringing back Arya, and I don’t know, I simply gave up at some point because I always adored that name,” he explains. “I only explained after the birth of Arya why I didn’t want that name for our daughter, but honestly, for a long moment, I felt I betrayed you. I know it’s a deep emotion but back then, I hadn’t moved on.” 
It is still the case today. The only difference now is that you’re actually around him and things are way more complicated than back then because he’s the one that messed everything up. Today, it’s his own fault if he can’t move on.  
For a brief moment, you simply stare at each other like there’s nobody else but you in the room. It brings you both back to the time when you were lovers, when everything was absolutely easy. For a moment, you forget all the terrible things that have happened between you. You forget how toxic your relationship has been. It’s easy to forget when strong feelings are involved. 
“It’s nice to finally know the background of Arya’s name,” you break this special moment.
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Musings on Ice-Pick Joe
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I'm not sure why no one is talking about Ice-Pick Joe's death scene, especially with rumors of the Ice-Pick Joe prequel circulating the internet.
The scene where Ice-Pick Joe walked by Sofia's window on his way to the fateful meeting with Katya, stopping to lean against the light post long enough to see two silhouettes come together. (I can't be the only one who was getting Blue Velvet vibes in that scene?) Why isn't anyone talking about his longing? The voyeurism? His fear of abandonment stemming from childhood trauma...after all, his mother picked him, of all his siblings, to leave at the orphanage! She left him with nothing but those appleseeds that he carried around in his pockets.
I'm absolutely sure that Sofia was the unnamed child in Joe's flashback (Jodie Foster was so good as the scrappy, androgynous best friend. She did have a limp in that scene when they were running from the cemetery. We don't actually know at what age Sofia lost her leg. And Donny Osmond was the perfect young Ice-Pick Joe!)
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If you watch closely, she had the same birthmark on her shoulder in that first awkward kiss scene that Sofia had when she and Katya fought that night of her birthday, when she ripped her blouse and threw her glass of champagne at the wall.)
But back to Joe on the empty street, those shadows against the wall like shadow puppets, and the way the clock motif came back at that moment? Such haunting music, reprised again in the film score during Joe's death (I still cry when I hear "The Demise of Ice-Pick Joe". Linking to it here, because I played it on repeat when the movie was over. Brilliant and haunting.)
Remember how the flashbacks showed us that Ice-Pick Joe was really superstitious and believed that he had inherited his grandmother's gifts? If you watch the way Joe looks at the shadows and then down at his watch, you can see him hesitate before going to the docks. Was he hearing voices?
Most people agree that the shadows on the wall looked like a child, but I'm not sure that Ice-Pick Joe's hesitation to go to the dock was about his own son. I think the shadows looked more like that kiss flashback when he and Sofia were children. The frame and perspective are almost the same angle, as if they are being watched from below.
Either way, he is clearly making the choice to leave the past behind that brings him to his tragic and senseless death.
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I would love to know what happened that took that gentle young Joe who loved to sing and turned him into the tortured stoic we meet in Goncharov, the only affection reserved for his cat, Mrs. Claws.
(I can't help but wonder if they meant for her to be an echo of Le Befana, the Italian winter witch-goddess who sometimes gets translated as Mrs. Claus? After all, his mama's last words to him when she kissed him goodbye were, "If you're a very good boy, maybe La Befana will bring you to a new home on Epiphany morning, a warm home full of food and presents." Poor Joe never finds that home.) You know, I think that was the first time I heard about Le Befana, and that was one of the inspirations that led me down the road to my own version of Mother Christmas.
Does anyone know if it's true that the Ice-Pick Joe prequel got permission to use "Hotel California" as its theme song? I wonder if we're going to get the story of his time as an unskilled laborer in the vineyards of Napa in the 60s? I was never clear about how he got to America and then back to Italy with a small fortune and hitman skills? They're saying it's like Better Call Saul meets the Sopranos meets Twin Peaks. I'm here for it, especially if they can get Cole Sprouse to play young Ice-Pick Joe.
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.3 K Warnings: None Prompt: New Friends, new adventures to come and one Halloween Party to prepare. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 16: Boogie Wonderland
The next day, you charmed your restricted section book cover, just like you had done with the spicy one, making it look like another casual spell book. You then spend most of your classes devouring its content, it was way more than the two pages you’d found on the 5th-year DADA book, although a good deal of them focused solely on how to defeat a werewolf. 
Tips on how to kill werewolves, spells against werewolves, weapons against werewolves, a particular line irked you so much –if you see a werewolf hex to kill, don’t bother incapacitating– that you were about to throw the book on the ground and cast incendio on it. But it wasn’t until about the second half of the book that it finally started to talk about its qualities. Especially with the section titled “How to spot werewolves in your daily life”. Of course, while most of the things in the book were about spotting and hurting them, you were more focused on learning which things you should never do. 
On a small piece of parchment, you started documenting everything that you had learned so far. You’d even use a codeword to refer to Remus, in case your note was misplaced or lost. 
My Knowledge on WW:
Silver burns them (throw away or alter the ring mom gave me once Puppy returns it).
Silver and Dittany could save someone after being lethally bitten by a werewolf, turning them into one regardless. 
Bites are contagious only if the werewolf bites someone in werewolf form, not outside of it (Luna could bite whoever he wants without turning them, as long as they’re in human form, maybe they’d get a bit of a raw meat affection for a couple of days, but nothing more). Why is this relevant to me?
Werewolves do not remember who they are once transformed. They can be very aggressive, and they have killed friends and loved ones in wolf form; they will remember what they did once they’re back in human form. If Luna turns into werewolf form and you’re around, turn the fuck away.
Any bite or scratch obtained from a werewolf, whether in human or animal form, would leave a permanent scar. (Luna probably has a bite mark somewhere. I wonder where?) 
Werewolves rarely have children. If a werewolf has a child with another werewolf while in wolf form, they’d have a normal wolf, except they’d be beautiful and nearly as smart as a human. 
Werewolves don’t really attack animals, they seem to target exclusively Humans. 
There’s little to no medicine developed to help treat werewolves. -> Racist wizards going at it again.
They can be a little aggressive, touchy or moody as the full moon approaches. 
They have a crazy good sense of smell (even in human form apparently; maybe I’ll get to ask Luna about it someday)
You read through your list a couple of times, wondering if you’d missed anything from the book. But you were certain you had narrowed down the most important clues the book had. There was a section of the book that had a couple of spells to defend yourself from werewolves, but they were all incredibly aggressive attack spells, most of them to severely damage or kill the werewolf, when you finished reading you ripped the page from the book, threw it on the floor and whispered “incendio,” contemplating how the fire slowly consumed the old piece of paper. You might have not been able to burn down the entire book, but that was pleasing enough. And you had to get rid of it before anyone read through it and tried to use it on Remus, or any other good werewolves. Because no matter how many times the book tried to frame Werewolves as being inhumane, and immoral beasts, incapable of feeling remorse, you knew it was all bullshit. 
Remus was kind, gentle, and incredibly caring, he’d been the first one to approach you when you were feeling off after divinations, he’d shared chocolate with you when you were injured, he’d held you when a quaffle had been thrown your way, and he’d even taken you to his quiet spot when he thought it might help you feel better. Remus had, even in the short time you’d met him, always been there for you, and you wanted to be at least half as good of a friend as he’d been. Remus was nothing like the harrowing picture the book painted of werewolves. And while you were sure actual evil werewolves existed, you’d heard of them in the news, with wolves like Fenrir Greyback and its followers, you also knew there were evil and good wizards. It wasn’t a matter of what you were, but a matter of who you were. You’d know, your mom had told you about the hard times her mother had had with her being half fairy, the Wizarding Community just wasn’t very accepting of diversity. 
As you walked back from the courtyard where you were reading, book back in your backpack and parchment gently tucked in the book you had in your hands, you accidentally bumped into someone, and whoever you bumped into had been walking with so much force, the books you were holding fell to the ground. The boy –a Ravenclaw you hadn’t met– leaned down and helped you pick your stuff. But the page on your book had slipped and fell a little further from your grasp, he walked towards it before you even had the chance to react, and he eyed it as you gulped. Thank Merlin you’d used codenames.
“You’re into werewolves too?” He asked. 
You frowned, thinking of a quick excuse, say it was an assignment, say it’s homework, a part of you said. On 6th year? about werewolves? who would ever believe it?, responded the other. But there was something about the question that caught your attention then, “What did you say, sorry?” 
The boy turned to you, “Oh- um… I asked if you were also into werewolves…” he said, as he handed the parchment over to you. There it was: also into them. 
“Uh… yeah, I’ve been doing some research.” 
He nodded, and motioned to the paper, still in your hands “Who’s Luna?” 
You were caught off guard again “It’s a… character, from a story.” You said, making it up on the spot “I’m writing it, the story… I’m writing the story.” How on earth did I become such a shitty liar?
“Oh, that’s amazing! I’m actually really interested in them as well.” 
“You are?” 
He nodded “Yeah, I’ve been working with Professor Slughorn to develop a potion.” 
“To make them human again?” You asked with a frown. 
He shook his head “It’s… That’s impossible… But Slughorn and I think It’s possible to create one that will allow them to remember who they are while in wolf form, to reduce the risk of attacking humans.” 
“What really? That’s brilliant! I’d love to help you!” You said, almost a little too excitedly, so you cleared your throat  “I mean, it would be a really good way of getting knowledge for my story…” 
“Really?” He asked, with a smile “You’re (Y/N), right? New transfer student? Gryffindor’s new keeper?” 
You nodded “I’m afraid I don’t know your name…” 
He extended his hand, and you shook it “Damocles Belby, most people just call me Kless, I’m from 7th…” he seemed to think about the next thing before deciding to ask “Are you really as brave as they say?” 
“They say I’m brave?!” You asked, in disbelief. 
He nodded “You stood up against some nasty Slytherins in class, and they say you fly like a daredevil, or so I’ve heard…” 
“Well, I –gossip sure travels fast here– Why?” 
“I’m more of a books and potions kind of person, you see…” he started, moving one of his arms up to the back of his head, to scratch it, it looked like Kless wasn’t too eager to ask for this particular favour  “…but I really want to test out the effect of Moonflower on the potion, see if it helps. The issue is, and you might not know this but Moonflower–“ 
“–only blooms in full moon.” You finished. 
He exhaled, “Yeah, and I’ve been told that there is a chance to find them in the forbidden forest.” 
“You want me to get it for you, don’t you?” 
He nodded, “Only if it wasn’t too much trouble. And if you helped with it, I could finish the first draft of the potion in a couple of weeks and we could probably test it together, and if the position works, I could get a brilliant recommendation letter from Slughorn to study at Cauldronwell, the School of Advanced Potionry. Maybe we could even get one for you.” 
You took a deep breath, considering the situation, the forbidden forest must be forbidden for a reason, and the boys had warned you about it too. Eventually, you spoke again “If I do this, will you let me have some of the potion?” 
He looked at you, as if thinking about it, probably wondering if he should ask why you’d need the potion, but in the end, he only nodded “Deal.” 
You smiled at that, pleased with the answer he’d given you, “Pleasure to meet you Kless, I’ll see you around.” You said before waving at him and resuming your way to the common room since you’d be helping Remus and Sirius finish up the decorations for the party. But just before turning on the corner you turned your head towards him again “I’ll find you when I get it.” 
He nodded, “I’ll send you a copy of my research through owl mail.” He responded. 
Sirius and Remus were already in the common room when you arrived, you smiled and took the book with the parchment, grabbing the piece of paper and hiding it deep within one of the pockets of your backpack. While you were busy, still packing stuff inside your bag, you felt Sirius’s arms wrap around you as he hugged you from behind. He placed a quick kiss on your cheek before pulling away again, grabbing a piece of candy from the bowl next to your bag on the table and popping it into his mouth. “What were you up to?” He asked, noting you were late. 
“Sorry, got really caught up in this book.” You told him with an apologetic smile as if Sirius could actually be angry at you. You then looked around, the boys had already gotten a head start. James, who was supposed to help, was still locked up in his room, adding some final details to his Hamlet costume while Peter was in the kitchens, making sure the treats were ready for the party. 
“Marlene’s gone to get a fog potion,” Remus said, as he grabbed onto a piece of cloth neatly folded on the table, “Beth and Tom went to Hogsmeade to buy some last-minute treats.” 
You paid close attention as he started to unfold the cloth “Is that the banner Lily made?” You asked, walking closer to him, Sirius was looking at you with a smile as you moved towards his friend. 
Remus nodded and said a quick “Yeah.” Handing a corner of the cloth over, so you could help him, the two of you extended the banner together, finally opening it up. The Banner was long and, it was black with orange letters over it, and it had two Jack-o-lanterns on each side that screamed “Happy Halloween” when you looked directly at them. 
“It’s brilliant!” You said with a smile, as you helped Remus levitate it closer to the ceiling near the entrance. Sirius was busy placing the jack-o-lanterns you had carved during the week all over the common room. Once the banner was hung, you walked towards the table and pulled out a bag you’d left there a couple of classes ago. 
“What’s that?” Sirius asked, walking closer to you again, shoulders brushing against yours. You smirked, and took a skull from the inside, throwing it towards Sirius, he easily caught it and looked at it, before turning back to you. 
“You thought it would scar–“ he started, but then, out of nowhere, the skull started laughing maniacally, Sirius jumped and let it fall on the floor.
The skull said “Auch,” while you and Remus started laughing. 
“Did you see his face?” You asked him. 
“Absolutely priceless, wish I’d gotten a picture of it!” Agreed Remus. 
Sirius just looked at you both with a pout as he picked the skull back from the floor and gently placed it on the table. The skull started to laugh again and Remus silenced it with his wand “You planned this, didn’t you?” 
Remus shook his head, and you answered “We just took advantage of the opportunity to test them. Rem and I’ve been working on them for a while.” 
“Them?” He looked at the bag wearily “How many did you make?” 
“About a dozen,” Remus answered casually. You opened the bag again, and you carefully took the skulls out. You then handed them to the boys, who started to place them all over the common room, one near the sofa, one close to the fireplace, some over at the stairs, and in general, just spread out in rather inconvenient places, the kind of places that would have people jumping from their skin when they started screaming at them. Sirius decided it would be a good idea to have one floating over the fruit punch, and he placed it in the bowl before adding the fruit juice. You saw him take a bottle of rum out too, and pour about a quarter of it onto the drink.
You shook your head, a little smile playing on your lips as he did “Why not add a bit more?” you teased. 
“Sirius!” Remus admonished him. “What did we say about adding alcohol to the main beverage? Last year it was chaos!” 
“It was only a little bit,” he retorted, and then turned to you “Barely a trickle, right Statshine?” 
You nodded “Not even a quarter of a bottle.” Remus shook his head, looking at both of you disapprovingly. “Come on Rem,” you said persuasively “let’s leave it like that, you don’t want to throw out such a good punch do you.” 
“She’s right, Moons, come on,” Sirius said, now he was standing next to you, both looking at the taller boy with puppy eyes. 
Remus looked at the two, both so pretty trying to convince him to do something, he almost couldn’t think of anything else. In fact, he wasn’t sure there was anything in the world you’d ask of him that he would deny, not with that expression on your faces. He took a deep breath, trying not to focus on the fact that he had somehow developed a crush not only on his best friend (which he had been pretty aware of already) but on his girlfriend as well, “Just so you know, I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
Both you and Sirius smiled broadly, looking at each other and throwing a high-five between yourselves. “You’re the best Rem!” You told with a dashing smile and then you walked back, pulling the bag up. 
“There’s more?” Sirius asked Remus, he shrugged in response, he didn’t know. 
Slowly, you pulled out a whole skeleton from it. “What the hell?!?” Asked Remus surprised, “You didn’t tell me you also had one of those…” 
“I didn’t have it, I found it.” You told him “It was in one of the old classrooms on the 3rd floor.” 
“Is it… real?” Remus asked cautiously. 
“Didn’t ask him,” you responded with a shrug while looking at the skeleton. Remus raised his eyebrows, amused at your answer. 
And a diverted smile appeared on Sirius' lips before he asked. “Did you charm it as well?”
You ginned “‘Course I did! Who do you take me for? I’ve got a whole plan for it.” 
“And where are you going to place it?” Remus asked, from next to you now as he curiously looked at the skeleton. 
You turned your body a little, shifting the weight of the skeleton onto one of your arms, and pointed at a wardrobe in the far side of the room. 
“In the closet?” The taller boy asked in disbelief “You’re going to put the skeleton in the closet?” 
“It’s a joke in and of itself,” you said with a smile “every now and then the skeleton will drop smoke or random sounds, that way guests are inclined to investigate. And then boom, the skeleton in the closet will jump out and scare the shit out of them.” 
“That’s wicked…” Said Sirius, a smirk playing on his lips “See Moony? I told you she was like us!”
“I was certain when you told me about the day of the library,” Remus said simply. 
You looked at Sirius, eyes wide in shock “You told Remus about the library?” 
“Of course I did, your Howler was genius!” Sirius responded matter-of-factly.
“Certainly,” Remus agreed. 
Right, the Howler, he told them about the Howler, not about the snoging. “It was just, a spur-of-the-moment idea?” You said, tugging in a hair behind your ear shyly as you walked towards the wardrobe with the skeleton –Steve– as you’d named him. You knew how seriously the boys took their jokes and escapades, if Sirius and Remus were complimenting you on something, they weren’t just sweet-talking you. You slowly but surely accommodated Steve inside the wardrobe and closed the doors. 
“What are we missing?” Asked Remus as he looked around the common room, trying to get a look at the big picture. 
“Marlene’s still coming with her smoke potions, right? Spooky music? Maybe…”
“Got that taken care of,” Sirius said, and waved his wand, on the corner, a small violin, a flute and what looked like a piano started playing music. 
You were surprised “where did you get those?”  
“Stole them from the music room last year,” Sirius explained “It was a dare to prove to James that Remus was way stealthier than him, even if he’s taller.” 
You nodded, a little impressed, you then heard the portrait open, Beth and Tom walked inside with bags filled with candy; from slug worms to dancing skeletons, all the Halloween theme candies from Honeydukes were there. Tom walked all the way to the table with the punch and emptied his backpack there. Beth, on the other hand, started to neatly arrange the candies she’d gotten into different vases and floating trays, she ended up also taking the stuff Tom had dumped and finished decorating the sweet’s table, as she’d prompted everyone to call it that from then on.
“You guys did a brilliant job,” Tom said as he looked around in awe, there were spider webs coming from the ceiling, shiny black and orange streamers swirling in the air, black flamed candles levitating all over the ceiling, cauldrons filled with candies. The skulls you and Remus had charmed together still lurking on certain spots, a table filled with potions, “for potion pong,”  as Beth had told you, and overall, an eerie but fun atmosphere. You had even told Moaning Myrtle and Richard Jackdaw to come over as special guests, even if you warned them not to tell any other ghosts about the party, especially Peeves, who would definitely attempt to make some kind of prank, or tell the teachers about your shenanigans. Suddenly he tilted his head. “Do hear that?” He asked. 
Beth frowned “Hear what?” 
“It’s uh… coming from…” Tom started walking towards the wardrobe. You threw a look at the boys, Sirius held your stare with his icy grey eyes, the hint of a smirk drawing on his lips. When you turned to Remus, he was also looking at you attentively, eyebrows raised, clearly looking amused. 
As you exchanged glances with the boys Tom approached the wardrobe “None of you hear it?” 
You shook your head, it wasn’t a lie, the spell only worked for one person at a time, so really, not even Beth would hear the same thing Tom did. Tom was now right in front of the closet, and he hesitantly placed his hands on the handle, like he was considering whether he should open it or leave it alone. But Tom was curious, almost too curious for his own good and in a fast pull, he opened the door. 
The skull jumped out and clang onto Tom, eyes glowing a shade of green and screaming so loud even you winced, perhaps I overdid it, you thought. Tom screeched, jumped back and ended up on the floor, fighting to get the skeleton to unwrap its bony arms off his shoulders. When he finally did it, he threw it to the side and crawled away from it while looking at it with dread. He stayed there, panting as Steve finally shut its bony jaw, the screams and shrieks slowly dying out.
Everyone started to laugh, including Beth, who had been just a little scared at the beginning. Still with his eyes open wide, Tom turned back, a slight frown on his face as he turned to Sirius “What the fuck mate?! That was bIoody horrifying, what did I ever do to you?”
Sirius raised his hands and shrugged, “That wasn’t my prank.” 
Tom’s frown deepened and he turned to Remus “It was you?” He asked again, still trying to gain his breath. Remus shook his head as a reply, there was no way it’d been James or Peter, Tom knew they’d be pretty busy today so he slowly turned his head to you, almost unsure “(Y/N)?” 
You took a deep breath, raising your shoulders, lips tightened in a line before, letting a bit of a smile appear. Guilty, you looked guilty. “I see you’ve met Steve.” 
“You gave that horrid thing a name?” You shrugged, nodding your head as an answer. He sighed “Why me?” 
“Oh, that’s on Steve, he chooses the person he calls, not me.” 
“You put a randomizer spell on it?” Remus asked then, surprised. You nodded “How? I’ve been trying to master those for a while…” he said, walking closer to the skeleton. 
“I found it on The Refined Art of Mild Hexes, it’s somewhere on the first couple of pages,” you told him, and then started waking towards Tom and helped him up “Sorry bout that,” you said, giving the curly haired boy a light pat on the back, he just stared at you, squinting his eyes in distrust, he then scoffed, shaking his head as he looked at the skeleton on the ground. 
“Looks bIoody realistic,” he said, the edges of his lips finally curling into a little smile. 
“Yeah, Remus thought the same, and asked me if it was real.”
He turned back to you, a slightly concerned expression on his face “Well… Is it?” 
“She’d got no clue,” Sirius answered for you. 
You nodded in agreement “Found it lying around in an abandoned classroom.” 
 “And you just took it? What it if was a ghost’s or something?” 
You shook your head “I asked Richie Jackdow, and he said it didn’t belong to any of the ghosts in the castle.” 
“You really have gotten accustomed to Hogwarts, haven’t you?” 
You smiled “I guess you could say I have.”
The portrait opened itself again, and Mary and Marlene came inside. Marlene carrying a tray with potions and Mary with some more treats, this time saltier stuff from the kitchen. “I brought the fruit for the punch,” she said as she walked towards the sweet’s table. 
“Great, you guys prepare that, Sly sprite,” he said turning to you “You’re helping me with this,” he said pointing to his canines, he’d asked you to turn them into fangs earlier that week, when the party was being planned, you’d both found a spell that would be useful, and had decided it’d be the one you’d use. 
“I think I left the book in my backpack,” you said as the two of you walked towards a further away table. 
“Sly sprite,” Sirius scoffed, he was standing next to Remus. 
The taller boy raises his eyebrow “You jealous?” he teased. 
“Of Tom?! No way!” 
“Why not?” Remus asked and turned to you and Tom at the table where you’d left your backpack, you had one hand on the book and the other on your wand, Tom was staring at you attentively “Tom’s handsome, maybe just as handsome as you.” 
Sirius frowned, “You’re not helping,” he added flatly. 
Remus knew very damn well you had no interest in Tom, but he was enjoying himself while looking at a jealous Sirius, thinking back of all the times he’d been jealous himself. “I’m just saying… he’s charming, comes from a wealthy family, and his curls are really nice.” 
“Remus!” Sirius whined, turning his back to look at the hazel-eyed boy instead of at you since you already had both of your hands on Tom’s face as you pulled it back to check on his canines.
“Do you know what this is for?” Asked Mary, taking a potion bottle with a golden cap. Remus shrugged.
“Must be the sugar syrup for the punch,” Beth said “I asked Peter to bring it over in the morning.” 
Mary looked at it, swirled the liquid around inside the bottle, and uncapped it. She gave it a whiff and shrugged, it certainly smelled sweet enough. She didn’t think it twice, and dumped the entirety of the contents inside the punch, then grabbed the bottle and placed it on the potions table, since it fit the aesthetic. 
Meanwhile, you and Tom were still working on his fangs, “Stop moving for fucks sake,” you complained, as Tom looked at himself in the hand mirror he took from your bag. 
“But make them longer, yeah luv?” He answered, his voice already had a little lisp from the fangs. 
“They’ve got a great length Tom, you won’t be able to eat!” 
“Food doesn’t matter, aesthetics do!” 
You sighed, “Don’t dare come whine with me if you cannot eat.” 
“I swear I won’t Sly Sprite,” he said while placing his right hand over his heart. It made you wonder: If both Sirius and Tom entered a drama contest, would they tie? Eventually, you nodded and performed the spell again, grabbing the mirror and placing it in front of Tom’s face. He smiled, checking himself out as he slid his tongue under the fangs and winched at how sharp they were. You gave him an “I told you so” look, but he just shook his head. “Aesthetics (Y/N), aesthetics!”  
You just rolled your eyes and started to stand up but he stopped you by grabbing your arm “Hold up! Man liner!”
“Man liner?” You asked with a frown. 
“Yes! Eyeliner for men, like rock stars! Would you mind doing it for me?” He then looked through the pockets and pulled out an eyeliner pencil. 
You shrugged and nodded, taking the pencil from his hand, and leaning closer to Tom’s face, “Don’t move, all right?” He nodded and you started to line his water line. Softly gliding the pencil. When you were about to finish the first eye you felt someone looming behind you. When you turned you realised it was just Sirius, and you gave him a quick smile before going to line Tom’s second eye. 
Sirius was attentively looking at you as you lined Tom’s eye, both curious at the way you did it and also pretty jealous of how close you were to the other boy. Which prompted him to walk even closer. Once you were done you smiled and pulled away from Tom “There you go Mr. Vampire.” 
“Brilliant!” He said, placing both hands on your shoulder “Thank you Sly Sprite!” 
Sirius cleared his throat from behind “Mind if I borrow my girlfriend away for a minute.” 
Tom, being as oblivious and carefree as he was, nodded with a smile “I’m actually going to go change.” 
Once Tom was gone, you turned to Sirius with a quizzical expression “What was that about?” 
Sirius, who had spoken without thinking, was taken aback by your question “I… uh— Can you line my eyes too?” He improvised.
You frowned, “What are you dressing as?” 
He was about to open his mouth, but shut it before he could speak. “What are you going to dress up as?” 
“Oh… that’s right. You haven’t guessed. You get 3 more tries,” you told him playfully, as you placed your hand on his shoulder, guiding him to sit on the same chair Tom had been in.
He sat there and looked up at you, your breath got stuck in your throat, how was it possible for a boy to be this pretty? You leaned in closer, a lot closer than you had been to Tom, which made Sirius feel a lot better already. “Look up at me, All right?” You told him softly. He did, and you swore you felt your legs wobble, but you took a deep breath and while holding his chin with one hand, you gently placed your other hand on his cheek, to stabilise it while you lined his eyes. You were a lot more careful than you’d been with Tom. Softer, taking a lot longer to drag the eye pencil under his lower lashes. You honestly enjoyed being close to Sirius, more than you’d ever dare to admit to his face, especially since it’d go straight to his head, feeding his already pretty big ego.
“Are you gonna be a mermaid?” 
“No, I’m not.” You replied and continued with your task. 
“What about a princess? You certainly fit the look.” 
“Puppy stop moving!” You reprimanded, as a blush threatened to spread on your cheeks, “And no, I’m not going to be a princess, that’s two tries out of three.” He huffed, he really wanted to win the bet “What about you? Are you gonna be a rockstar?” 
“Nope.” He responded, “3 tries for you too.” 
You leaned in a little closer, narrowing your eyes as you tried to be as accurate as possible, “Will you come as a prince? It’s also something that would suit you.” 
He shook his head “I’m letting James take the spotlight with the mediaeval clothes… You think I look like a prince?” He asked, a little smirk playing on his lips. 
You rolled your eyes, “Everyone thinks you look like a prince, Sirius.” 
“Nah, I’m pretty sure you just said you think I look like a prince.” 
You playfully hit his shoulder before going to the other eye. Almost losing yourself in the frosty blue of them before focusing on your task again. Sirius was still looking at you attentively as you continued to paint his waterline. “Aren’t you gonna try and guess again?” 
“I’ve only got one try left.” 
“And you’re not planning to use it?” 
“I am… just– I want to… think it thoroughly.” 
“You know, you could just tell me whatever your wish is.” 
“It wouldn’t be the same thing,” he retorted. “You should also do Remus’ man liner since he’s going to be a pirate.” 
“I’m not sure he’d like it…” you said, a little insecure about it. 
“I think he would, we should tell him,” he said, very sure of himself. “Hey, Remus!” 
“Mmmm?” the mentioned boy asked from the sofa, where he was arranging some more cauldrons filled with treats. 
“Come over! Will ya?” 
Remus turned to the boy, gave him a look like he did not want to move, but stood up and walked up to the two of you. 
“You’re up next,” Sirius informed him.
“For what?” 
“(Y/N) is doing your manliner.” 
“If you want to…” you added. Finally separating from Sirius since you had finished, smiling at how handsome your boyfriend looked. 
“It’s for your costume.” Sirius said, “It won’t be finished without it.” He then stood up and placed Remus right on the chair in front of yours.
Remus just took a deep breath as he stared at his friend, before turning to look at you, expectantly. 
“You sure you’re ok with it?” You asked, with a little frown. There it was again, the concern and care you always seemed to show Remus, the same concern and care that had his heart fluttering from how close you were standing to him. From how close both Sirius and you were to him, in fact. 
He cleared his throat and nodded, and you leaned closer to him, grabbing his face just as carefully as you had grabbed Sirius’. His skin was a lot softer than you’d imagined, you unintentionally brushed your fingers over one of his scars, but Remus didn’t flinch, which surprised him, since he usually detested when people did it. In fact, he remembered a particular time when he was making out with a boy and he snapped at him for touching his face. 
“Look up at me Rem,” you told him softly, he complied, looking at you through his lashes, Sirius was right next to you, Remus could see his satisfied expression from the corner of his eyes. You finally leaned in, and started to glide the pencil over his lower lashes. You somehow ended up focusing on his eyes, how they had these little specks of amber tones in them, they were bigger, and somewhat softer than Sirius’, very doe-like, in fact. “Tell me if it hurts,” you added later. Remus was nothing like Sirius, the latter would make a fuzz if you pricked him on the eye accidentally. Remus, on the other hand, he’d probably endure it without even wincing. He nodded, and you had to quickly pull the eye pencil away from his face. “But don’t move!” you admonished, grabbing his face a little more sternly now. 
“M���sorry,” he mumbled. 
“What do you think (Y/N)’s costume’s gonna be?” Sirius, who was still very close to the two of you, attentively watching the way you lined Remus’ waterline, asked. He seemed pretty content, falling to notice you were standing so much closer to Remus than you had been to Tom.
“You haven’t guessed yet?” Remus asked, a diverted smile playing on his lips “That’s unfortunate for you.” 
“MOONY!” He whined, “I asked you to help me choose, not to make fun of me.” Remus shrugged. “She said she’s not gonna be a princess, or a mermaid, also not an alien, or an astronaut, from what I asked yesterday. Mmmm.. and she also said she wasn’t dressing as a superhero, though I’m sure she’d look great as Wonder Woman.” 
“Who would’ve thought Sirius would be into costumes…” you teased. Remus instantly chuckled, but it took a little longer for Sirius to understand the joke. 
“Hey! I’m not– I– I just want my prize!” 
“Well then guess by yourself, If Remus guesses for you, he gets your prize.” 
Sirius gasped “You wouldn’t.” 
“I so would,” you teased again. Then pulled back from Remus “There we go,” you smiled at your work, slowly letting your fingers glide over his skin as you pulled them away from his face, Remus really did work that man liner out.
“Damn, mate!” Sirius said as Remus stood, looking up at him “You look absolutely dashing, and you don’t even have the rest of your costume on.” 
“He’s right,” you nodded “Remus’ getting bitches tonight.” 
Remus gave you a reproachful look, but nodded, “I think everything’s pretty much handled already.” 
You saw Tom walk down from the stairs in a puffy shirt and a dark green vest. He’d brushed his curls back, only one gently falling on his forehead, he was definitely working that vampire costume. 
You approached him quickly “Tom! It’s brilliant you’re ready. Deal with everything while we go change, yeah?” 
He nodded, and then smiled mischievously. “I’ll go find the potion, I probably left it somewhere when I dropped all the candies on Beth’s Sweets Table.” 
You raised your eyebrows “Just don’t down it all in one go. Save some for the rest of us.” He winked as an answer. “Tom’s taking care of this, we can go change,” You said, turning to Remus and Sirius, who were just a couple steps behind you. 
Sirius approached Tom first, and handed the eyeliner over “Your eyeliner.” He said icily. 
“Thanks for borrowing it,” Remus added politely afterwards, feeling like he wanted to punch Sirius for being such an idiot to Tom. You clearly weren’t interested in the boy, in fact, anyone would tell him how head over heels you were for him, but he had such a thick head he dared to be jealous. Maybe it was from how much hair he had.
Tom, being Tom, just smiled, almost mischievously. “No problem, you both look smashing, by the way…” He then eyed the taller boy up and down “Remus,” he said with a nod, before walking away to the centre of the room.
You frowned slightly at the exchange, remembering Tom’s words: “You’d be surprised, most of them hide it quite well though, you wouldn’t expect it.” Would it be possible that Remus was also-
You felt a hand press to the small of your back, “let’s go, love,” Sirius said, as he pushed you up the stairs.
“Uh.. yeah sure,” you said, allowing Sirius to guide you, turning your head back towards the front. 
 “Are you gonna be a lady knight?” He asked as you walked up the spiral staircase, Remus trailing behind just a little.
You shook your head “But that would’ve been a brilliant idea!” 
“Well, you’d certainly look great in silver armour,” He replied with a little smirk. You playfully shoved him off as you rolled your eyes. 
“Will you be… a prisoner from Azkaban?” 
“I would look great in those white and blue stripes, wouldn’t I?” He teased confidently “But no… I’m not gonna be that!” 
You sighed “We both lose then. What was your wish?” 
“I’ll tell you later,” he said with a wink. Eventually, you parted ways, waving a hand as the boys walked toward their rooms while you walked to yours.  
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Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Next Chapter
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I feel like I request way to much and I can't remember if I made this request already 💀 I imagined puppeteer reader having to show wally basic human things like brushing your teeth and hair and that you have to wash your clothes and when they say this wallys just like "more clothes pls" and after a lot of begging reader gives in and takes him shopping and when they're out wally sees a couple being all affectionate and is just like ":O is this how you guys show affection wowow" and tries to pull the same moves on reader 💀 (can be romantic or platonic I just love the idea of wally unknowingly rizzing up reader 😭)
OMG YES. More human Wally being confused.
Human Wally and Puppeteer Reader (part 2):
🍎 Day 3: this man is helpless. Like, you know it isn't really anyone's fault, since he is used to being a puppet and not a human, but... Come on! He tried to eat the toothpaste! Actually, not even that... HE DID EAT IT. He said he ate it because it smelled nice, so it probably tasted good, too! He was perfectly fine, afterwards, too. Sometimes you wonder if he is really entirely human...
🍎 So, when you finally decide to try to teach Wally how the shower actually works (all this time he has been sitting under the water in his clothes), you take GREAT CARE in doing so. He seems to take things very literally or get more interested in something else. Also, you don't want him to eat the shampoo or soap.
🍎"Okay, Wally, lets go through this nice and easy..." you carefully, very carefully, and extremely carefully talk over the process of how to wash his hair and body, as well as how to dry himself off. You also make sure to make it absolutely CRYSTAL CLEAR that you don't wear your clothes in the shower, and to instead take them off and leave them outside the door, for now. When you tried to go over how to brush his hair, he raises his hand and says "Oh! I got that, already! How else do you think I get my hair this well made up?"
🍎 So, you ask him, after about an hour of teaching, if he is ready to try to shower properly. He nods in excitement, watching as you leave to let him try it.
🍎 It sounds like a warzone. You have no idea what is going on, but you are way too scared to find out. You do notice that, even if he has done nothing else properly, he has left his clothes outside the door. You snatch them up, glad that you can finally get them washed up and rid them of the numerous toothpaste, ketchup, and paint stains on them.
🍎 You end up asking Angela if he can borrow some of Henry's father's old clothes, which she has refused to throw away. She was extremely torn... letting that... THING wear his clothes? But, eventually, she ended up going along with it. She had said that it was probably what he would've wanted. He was always happy to give to those in need. So, you neatly fold and outfit up, and leave them outside the door.
🍎 Two hours later, he finally gets out and peaks his head out the door to get his clothes, only to stop when he sees that they are gone. "(Y/N)! Help! Someone stole my clothes! I can't go out like this! I need to look nice!" You rush over, sighing as you point to the folded clothing, looking up to Wally, who is hiding behind "Put these on. Your clothes need to be washed." "If they needed to be washed, I could've just worn them in the shower." "PUT THE CLOTHES ON PLEASE-"
🍎 He comes out, wearing the plain white dress shirt and black dress pants you got him. To your shock, he somehow got his hair styled into his classic pompadour, even though you don't know if you have the product for it. The bathroom is mysteriously clean, despite the chaos you heard from it. Now, its time to buy him some clothes of his own.
🍎 He is like a child on Christmas morning. He sprints through the clothes aisle, getting lost three times during your trip. He throws practically anything he can find in there that resembles the clothes he wore on the show, with a few extras added on. He even runs to the women's aisle to grab a few dresses, saying they reminded him of the few times he played a princess in Sally's plays. Oh! And they also look pretty!
🍎 At the check-out, he can't help but notice these two people behind you who are acting really odd. They are cuddling really close and using the most sugary of compliments to refer to one another. Is that how he is supposed to show affection to you? He hasn't seen you do that or have that done to you... Oh no! You must feel really lonely! He needs to fix this, as your most devoted puppe- umm... Human!
🍎 As you are putting the numerous bags of (really expensive) clothing into your shopping cart, you feel Wally latch onto you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck as he says things like "I love you so much, sugar cube!" or "Let's get married, someday!" You wheeze from both how tight he is holding you and shock, not knowing where this lovey-dovey behavior came from. Sure, he was always clingy, but it was more in a "worship" way, not "we are suddenly dating now" way.
🍎 The cashier giggles, mentioning how the two of you are "such a cute couple and would make an even cuter married couple!" You decide to stay quiet in the store, walking out with the clothes in the cart and Wally hanging onto you like a lifeline.
🍎 You pack everything in the car, before sitting in the driver's seat and turning to Wally. "What were you doing back there? Are you trying to like, date me or something? Is this weird worshipping schtick you have going on not enough to you?" When he explains what he saw and why he was doing it, you calm down a bit. Just another case of Wally being a little confused, but having the right spirit. "Okay... Just remember that that sort of behavior is usually reserved for romantic partners or trying to get a date, okay? Reserve that for someone you really, REALLY love. I don't know how to explain it. Like, butterflies in your stomach, a nice burning in your chest when you are near them. That sorta love."
🍎 Butterflies in his stomach? Burning in his chest? Near the person he loves? He gets those things near you! There is also this new, beating in his chest ever since he became human. That must be love, too! He looks to you, saying "So... Continue treating you like that. I got it."
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numinously-yours · 3 months
Pick a crystal: Messages from your inner child
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I've been doing a lot of my own inner child work lately and really felt called to channel all of (well, as many of) yours as I could. This reading is looking at:
What did you need as a child?
How is your inner child now?
What do they want you to work on next?
I also gauged the time of your childhood that I think these feels really became a part of you - but the ranges are large and don't necessarily mean it's not for you!
Choose a crystal and see below the cut for your reading
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Pile one, stability is the world I would use to describe what you needed as a kid. It feels like every time you ALMOST felt settled, your caretaker would get too scared to commit and you were off to the next place. You never got the chance to really make connection. Yeah, you've always had friends but you never had that connection that really showed you what friendship was. I'm here to tell you that all of the people you were worried about liking you are thankful you were a part of their lives, no matter the length of time.
I REALLY hope my intuition is correct about how your inner child is feeling right now. It is beautiful energy. It's either a relatively recent happening or it's happening very soon, but your sense of emotional fulfillment is so strong. Since this time in your childhood, you have finally started to understand what unconditional love feels like. I want to cry, pile 1! There is a huge sense of relief coming over me. You're realizing that it doesn't matter how long you've been somewhere, as long as you are your authentic self and you allow others to be their authentic selves, that is all you need space for.
What your inner child wants you to work on next is believing that others know this too! In your heart of heart, you know it's true. But you wonder if you're being an imposter of your own self. Are you making up that this is the truth?! Nope. This is only your ego talking. It's trying to protect you, but you don't need it this time around. Take your time learning this, remembering this, and giving yourself grace when you forget it. It will come back easier each and every time.
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Pile two, I don't think you were allowed to actually be a child when you were a kid. It's not that you weren't able to have fun, but I think your parental unit guilt tripped you a lot and sometimes made you the parent. You may have heard phrases like "You don't appreciate what I do for you", "I'm a terrible mother/father/etc", "You'll never be able to make it on your own." It can be any parental figure, but I am feeling strong feminine energy. This person wasn't like this ALL the time,. In fact, you have a lot of fun memories from your childhood. You don't think your childhood was bad by any means, but you wish it didn't still affect you like it does.
I absolutely believe that you've grown a lot. I think this person still does this and, while it doesn't always get to you, every once and awhile you feel really let down. You may be having some trouble trusting your instincts, lately. You're wondering if you're saying "yes" to the people you love because you WANT to or if it's because you're going back to your old ways? Your inner child wants you to know that you're allowed to trust your gut. You will know when you're doing something for yourself versus for other people.
What your inner child may need now is the chance to grow on their own, without the influence of this person. It might be time to take a brief separation from this person if possible. It will be difficult, and you may need to grieve, but I think the grief is really toward letting your childhood hopes go versus feeling badly about hurting this person. I'm sorry you have to worry about this step, but it's so going to be worth it.
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As a child, pile three, I think you have to leave someone you love and, even if you didn't have control over the situation, ou still feel guilty. For some of you, you feel like an outcome would be different if you never left. For others, you haven't had much contact with this person since leaving and you feel like it's something you did that didn't make you "worthy" of being reached out to.
Right now, your inner child knows you're putting in the work to heal this wound. I'm proud of you! Sometimes, though, when you feel yourself feeling unworthy, you can tend to be hard on yourself. "I know the cause of this feeling, so why can't I just get rid of it??" But you are doing a GREAT job of being patient with yourself. You're taking initiative in your own healing. You are continually finding new ways to take care of yourself. You are confident that there is always a way to make it through.
Next up on your healing journey is letting others help you, too. I think you are afraid that if you let someone get close that you'll just end up leaving them again OR that if you get to vulnerable you'll see why the person above never reached out to you, and anyone you let in is bound to leave you instead. Your inner child knows exactly what you've been working on and wants you to know that this work has made you strong enough to let someone else in.
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Hey pile four. First, I wanted to make note that this is the only pile I felt like I was really talking TO your inner child versus asking the universe for information. While shuffling for the first question, I said "you're can tell me" ; while shuffling for the last question, I said "you're allowed to work on yourself, babe." I think things are feeling tough right now for you and your inner child and I hope this reading helps brings some insights.
First, something you needed as a child was someone to commit to you. You may be a child of divorce who split time between your parents' houses and there were multiple times where one of the parents didn't take you for their assigned times. If your parents/parental figures were together, it seemed like they could commit to everything else, but not you. They could commit to work and they could commit to other relationships, but never showed up for you. All you wanted was the adults in your life to just BE there.
At this point in time, you seem to be indulging in the needs of your ego. In an effort (conscious or not) to not worry about your traumas, you push your sad/angry/disappointed feelings into the shadows. What your doing seems like it should be fun, but are you actually enjoying yourself? Your inner child is telling you that you're holding back in an effort to protect yourself and it's time to think about what you REALLY need to help you feel better.
Pile four, you deserved to be loved the way you needed and I'm sorry that you didn't get that. But, it's not too late to love yourself this way. Be gentle with yourself when you start your new phase of healing. You have the capabilities to see beauty in the drabbest of places and you'll find the beauty in this, too. It isn't going to be easy, but damnit, if little you doesn't deserve this healing <3
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hisui555 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts
"How are they with kids ?"
Hazbin Hotel Bonus 1 (Hell cast + drawings of them) here
Hazbin Hotel Bonus 2 (Heaven cast + babysitting + drawings of them) here
Masterpost here
Something popped into my mind and I thought I'd share. A good while back, there was a stream (Hunicast I think ?) where the question "How good are they with kids ?" was asked, and suddenly that same question entered my mind about the villain characters :
What about the Vees ?
We know how some of the Hazbin crew would interact (if it's still canon) with children : Angel is the "friendly irresponsible" type - would never harm a child but would bring them to inappropriate places. Husk is actually surprisingly good with kids, knows how to distract them, catch their interest (it helps that apparently he knows magic showman tricks) and just plain care for them. Alastor is more distant and a bit behind the times in terms of discipline - he'd slap a kid if they were being a little shit, but won't harm them otherwise, even if scaring them for life isn't off the plate, and be generally decent if maybe annoyed. Vaggie if I remember right isn't comfortable with children, probably because she'd feel in over her head and has a short-ish fuse.
I don't remember what was said about Charlie (if anything was said at all), but my bet would be that she'll infantilize them a great deal - like treating a 10 y-o like a barely-able-to-walk toddler, with huge amounts of coddling and babying (all in all, not that far from how she treats Sinners). For Cherri, I don't think she was brought up (or my memory is failing me), but again, my personal bet would be that she'll be "friendly irresponsible" like Angel, but cranked up : sure you can throw that bomb, it's fun ! Just remember to let it go in ti- aww, c'mon, don't cry, yes your eyebrows will grow back. I know what'll cheer you up : wrecking that building !
But, yeah, what about the Vees ?
Well, here are my thoughts :
Vox would have the personality to deal with a child, but not the skills. He'd keep that CEO everything-is-fine-just-as-planned smile plastered on, and give Polite Interest (TM) to whatever squiggly drawing is pushed under his non-existent nose, listen with only one hearing sensor while 15 other tabs are open in the background of his brain, Wii music playing optional, analyzing graphs and stats while complimenting that pretty dragon pic ("It's a unicorn !" That pretty unicorn pic as he said) or distractingly commenting to the kid rambling ("I almost fell in a well yesterday." "Mh-hm." "I could've died." "That's wonderful, dear.") and spouting facts (unless about sharks. THAT gets his attention - one of the only times it's genuine and 100% and did I show you my pet Vark ?). He'd be generally patient (when your boyfriend is Valentino, kids are nothing next to that) and treat it just like one of his interviews, hypnosis included (Why won't you go for a nap, hm ? For the fifth time today ?) because like I said : skills ? Nuthin'. He'd be unable to wrap his flat-screened head about a kid's needs or why they cry, being unable to differenciate a "I'm hurt" from "I'm hungry" or "I'm scared" from "I'm sad because I'm missing my teddybear", so he'll go trial-and-error.
He'd be the type of babysitter that doesn't really interact much with the kid, letting them be, only keeping an eye on them while multitasking (cameras, right ?) and/or letting them play around him, as long as they don't cause a structural fire, fall in the shark tank, stick weird things in power outlets or bite the cables. Even better, stick them in front of a TV show and leave them there, only checking from time to time, with a pat on the head and a pinch of the cheek for good measure, calling them "dear", "darling", "squirt" or "champ" - but rarely, if ever, by name - as an afterthought, filling that "bare minimum affection" quota on the check list. Won't harm the child, because What Do You Think It'll Do For Our Image first, and not inclined to resort to that second, but if inspired will use the hell outta them (Voxtek ! Presenting new child-approved Vloops cereal ! New Voom flavor for kids ! Trust us with your children's happiness and diabetus !) and get ratings. In general, decent in personality and watching this mancub fumble around with semi-amused interest, like one takes a coffee break from work to check memes. Knows that getting angry won't help squat, so keeping the ankle-biter distracted and out of his hat is his way of dealing with it if he can't make more money out of them.
Velvette on the other hand would be the complete inversion : good child-handling skills, bad personality. She will immediately know what's up and pinpoint the exact issue no problems, but generally doesn't have the patience to deal with a kid. She'll stick the child in a corner with two toys within a chalk outline of three square meters at best and tell them to stay there, I'm busy putting together a show, dammit, I don't have time for you. Might be mildly verbally abusive, at best quite snippy. She has her fare share of frustrations and annoyances with stupid employees and stupider tantrum-throwing pissbabies, no need to add another one. Complains the whole time about the ordeal on her phone and social media between two shoots. Expect Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy) levels of art critique each time a drawing is shown to her, and will deal with tears or tantrums by throwing the convoited item at the kid - the sooner it goes away, the faster she can go back to her business. Type of babysitter to be in another room and rarely check on the kid, telling them to shut up, stop singing or play less loudly, she's in the fucking middle of something here. Will make it VERY CLEAR to people asking that no, hell's sake, she won't babysit for long, today is just an unavoidable exception. Ignore the brat, folks, it's like a wallflower : decorative and useless.
Might incorporate the kid into her show or photoshoots (especially if Vox slipped her the idea to use the kid) to sell new fashion trends and as a child model, generally for cutie points and the attention it provides, especially if it makes people green with envy. Might still not call the kid anything other than "brat", "midget" and "shrimp", and you better strike that pose right and face the camera the proper way. However, food and naptime is provided right on the dot, and if left to play in a room, the room itself is not bad at all, and Melissa will be asked to keep an eye on them, nope, no raise, just do it or else you're fired. Might dump the child to Vox or Valentino whenever possible, or keep them around as a glorified clothing prop she fusses around, adjusting that bow, straightening those folds. Might also soften a bit if the child is very well-behaved and shows an interest in what she does, calling her designs cool and her style pretty, and not asking lots of questions.
Now, Valentino. And here's the thing : he'd be very good with kids. Which to any outsider makes it "awww", but for anyone who really knows him ? Absolutely TERRIFYING. This sweet voice and cute nicknames ("cariño", "cariña" - hope I got it right - name nicknames, cooing and practically purring it out), propping them on his hip, parading around, and would you look at that, aren't those pretty lights ? That's right, they're from the spotlights ! Wouldn't you like to look ? while pinching cheeks and booping noses and poking at ribs, promising a candy bar or lollipop if they behave nicely for "uncle Val", and everyone else who has been on the receiving end of this in a WILDLY different context just shivers with fear. And that's the worst : he'll be decent to kids, adorable even (nevermind consciously playing up the endearing points), and still be able to sent that cold death glare and smiling rictus over his shoulder to his employees so that they better get in line for work already. Kid will only see the surface, super-nice moth guy with fluffy wings showing them around and everything, others (the ones with morals) see the monster underneath and really do hope children aren't on his pimp radar. And Val will let them keep guessing, because pragmatically, the imaginary-but-still-implied threat works very well, and he has no interest in someone that's no fun to break, unlike adults who are much more satisfying to bring to their knees : the higher they are, the harder they fall, and the resulting control is just gratifying. Even Vox will be queasy about it at times, but hope he knows Val well enough and choose to ignore it (as long as nothing Harms The Image) and go back to business, Velvette is grateful for Valentino's babysitting skills, but if Val is in a bad mood ? Better drop the kid at Vox'. Becoming a casualty to Val's tantrums is a low chance for a child, but let's not damage the PR along with the brat, shall we.
I don't think Valentino would censor himself around the kid, even if he'll be decent while addressing them : one minute going wait here for me, okay [name]-ita/ito ? and the next second screaming at the top of his lungs over his shoulder OKAY BITCHES AND FUCKS WE'RE TAKING IT BACK FROM THE TOP ! and just barely keeping the kid out of sight in a room corner or adjacent room, like having the playpen barely behind the obscuring wall or something (whereas Angel Dust would probably use euphemisms - despite still cursing - around them and, while entering the studio with the kid, keep them in his own break-room (and the lot of questionable items he likes and that could fall in curious grabby hands, because he Didn't Thought This Through) while he works, preventing them from directly seeing anything). On the subject of Angel, he'll probably have a near heart attack seeing Valentino with a kid around him, knowing what he's truly capable of, and hoping it's not what he thinks it is (it's not, but Valentino is well-aware of the effect and if it makes his employees more compliant, might as well, relishing in the fear it causes). His way of dealing with tantrums or coaxing into behaving is either a cold glare and intimidating with silent anger and a very low voice (basically, scare-tactic), or playing keep-away with things, as in once you behave, you can have it. You wouldn't want me to keep it locked somewhere you can't reach, right ? Good. On the other side, expect faux-fussing and cooing for a child that's genuiely hurt, see how good a caretaker he is, right ? what do you mean he likes when someone is dependent on him to be comforted and happy, pffft, that's just your imagination.
Conclusion : hypothetically, none of them are above using a kid for their own goals, with next to no empathy outside a connecting point or two (sharks for Vox, maybe fashion for Velvette, and admiring Valentino - or just, boost their egos by fawning over their work/supposed smarts/prettiness, that works too), and while they'd be mostly decent towards the kid on a basic level (needs are taken care of, no (intentional) physical abuse, no neglect), they will be directly or indirectly manipulative, with calculated affection and praise. Healthy people to be around, I'm telling you.
Bonus :
For Sir Pentious, I think he'd just be plain lost, especially with modern kids and their needs (he's from the 1800's). Or paranoid the child is plotting his double-death when the local 5 y-o he got saddled with is merrily pushing buttons haphazardly on his blimp and no, no, not the death ray ! I, Ssssir Pentious, command you to let go of the Hyperbeam Dessssimator this inssstant ! That, or he'll try to transform them into one of his minions - and keep any stickman drawing offered to him in his secret room, after squishing it to his heart with welling-up, shiny gloopy eyes.
I don't remember if Niffty was brought up too, but she'd be rather... extreme. With a very fifties mentality of what caring for children implies, with leftover gender stereotypes. She'd be puzzled by a girl playing with toy cars and putting them to bed like some flipped-on-the-back beetle (pun intended) in the Barbie sheets, or a boy not being that much of an airplane fan. She would come around, but expect at least one that's not how you do it, and some hyper rants about killing bugs and CLEANING. However, she'll be very careful about dangerous items : no touching the bleach without her supervision ! Even if she'll tell the kid the hundred and a half ways of killing stuff with it.
For the Overlords : I admit I'm just drawing a blank on Zestial, I guess he'd just observe kids from afar but not really interact. Tall, Dark and Spidery would rather not interact, but I guess he'll point a lost kiddo in the right direction once in a while.
Rosie would just be the politest, most accomodating, patient, motherly figure, the talk about your emotions and how does that make you feel kind (I mean, we all watched Episode 7, right ?). Just watch out for the slow but steady conversion into a potential cannibal, because Oh you've never tried these, dearie, it's a delicacy ! Now, you're a forever-not-growing child, you need your calcium. And what's better than taking it from the source ? These bones are good for yours ! If unconvenienced by behavior, she'll show The Disappointmed Frown, and you better go to your room. Might still believe in spanking (by hand, no objects) as punishment. We don't do tantrums here, sweetie, we're classy, helldammit.
Carmilla is just a confirmed mom, maybe strict and an iron lady, but she deeply loves her own children, and it shows. Other kids don't bother her at all. A stern talking is what they need if misbehaving. She's protective, but not overprotective, and kinda the learn-from-your-experiences type (unless said experience would end fatally, because then she'll intervene). She aims to teach independence and self-sufficiency, and while blunt at times in her approach, her praise and affection are completely sincere and given without a second thought.
I don't know the other Overlords enough to tell how they would react to kids.
Okay, well, this blew up to a whole thing. Ah well, I'm known for my skyscrapers anyway. Have a cookie, you've certainly burned a lot of calories just by reading this, you really earned it.
(And seriously, just choose Carmilla as a babysitter.)
Again, Masterpost here.
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nerdyjournals · 4 months
Flowers have sad meanings too
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Many believe that working in a flower shop is all gumdrops and rainbows, but it's not. It's stories of heartbreak and sadness. I wish I could remember their names, but I can't grieve every one of them. No matter how hard I try.
Author's Note: 3/8 of these mini tales are based on encounters I have had while working in my field. They are INSPIRED and not exact.
Boy #1
He was a boy with his whole life ahead of him. His mother said that he was very protective of his siblings, so protective that it's what took him.
She said it was a break in, one that happened in the dead of night. She never heard it. All she heard was the sound of her daughter screaming for help as her husband tackled the man to the floor. She didn't even hear the gun go off.
He was on his way to college in the fall, full ride. He was very talented. They hope to release his works down the road, but for now, some things stay locked away. Not because they're bad or sad, but because the grief was too fresh.
Boy #2
He was an interesting story. A quiet kid that everyone thought was mean, but was a very sweet guy and an only child. He loved animals.
His flowers were ordered by his friends because his parents were too shattered by the news. One of them couldn't keep it together, ended up telling about him. He was off volunteering to help build houses when one of them collapsed on top of him and a few others. They came out with minor injuries, but he wasn't so lucky. They spew out so many things about his kind heart but stone-like demeanor. It hurt to see that it was also his undoing.
Other families came and ordered, many of them being young kids in the dance classes he taught. Many of the kids still not understanding why their favorite teacher wasn't coming back. His parents finally arrived to order, but my heart was too fragile to be there.
Boy #3
His sister wouldn't stop talking about how he had wanted to do a lot with his life. She said that he was going to the gym everyday to get stronger. He was a gentle soul, a loving gentleman. Sickness took him far too soon.
It started off with a bad cough and a fever, she said. Then it just kept getting worse. By the time he was eighteen, he was fully living in his hospital room. It broke her heart to see how he dwindled away until he was almost nothing but skin and bones. She was thankful that he went in his sleep, going painlessly.
She couldn't stop repeating that she felt like a bad sister, that she should've done more to help him recover. It broke me a little more on the inside when I couldn't tell her that it wasn't up to her to fix him. I could only stay silent.
Boy #4
Only one person ordered him flowers, but it was a lot of flowers. Other than his parents, this boy received flowers from dozens of people. Friends, teachers, acquaintances - you name it. They all ordered through one person as they were the only one in town.
The pieces were extravagant, ranging from small vases to large sprays. They said that they wanted to reflect him; an artist surrounded by colors. No one knows what took him; whether self or sickness. They just found him in his studio one cold winter morning, slumped over an unfinished painting.
They said he'll have a gallery set up after the service, show off the wonders he created. I might go. If not just to see a fellow tortured soul. One day, his name will be known alongside the greats. For now, he'll be known to me.
Boy #5
His flowers were ordered over the phone by his mother, said something about it becoming too final if she stepped into the store.
I heard about this boy on the news. They found him in his car, just off the highway. He was so young, but the demons got to him before anyone else could.
I could only sit silent as she cried in my ear, blaming herself for not helping him. Little does she know the demons live in everyone. Including mine.
Boy #6
This boy was proof that the brightest smiles hide the darkest demons. His sisters couldn't hold themselves together as I flipped through the binder. The older one said that she blamed herself, saying that she should've seen the signs.
He went as he slept, passing in silence. She said that he had been bullied for years, but since he stopped talking about it, they assumed it stopped. They found him gone in the morning. I can never understand how some people find it acceptable to be so harsh to another.
They showed me his photo. He had a bright smile, one that was even wider with his family. It almost breaks my very soul that he suffered alone.
Boy #7
This was my first family order. The poor family was lost due to a faulty monoxide detector. The remaining members were in the middle of suing the landlord on top of mourning the family.
They didn't know until the son failed to show up for school for three days, unlike him they said. Same for the parents.
The boy was said to start high school next year. They were all excited since he would be attending the private school near the edge of town, one that was hard to get into without good grades. Now, the world could never see what he would amount to.
Boy #8
He was a child.
No mother should ever be allowed to outlive her baby. He was innocent, a victim of medical circumstance. They never said what he had, but they ordered him a beautiful urn display.
His younger brother, one still so small, would almost never know about the brother who left too early. His older brother was deployed, but is in an emergency flight back over to give his good byes.
A child...goodness.
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anki-of-beleriand · 1 year
Do not hesitate
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Summary: After two years of relationship you and Wanda finally got on a well-deserved holidays. You have plans, but at some point you get sidetracked and she has to redirect you where she wants you to be.
Pairing: Wanda/Female!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff, suggestive themes and reader being foolish.
Author's note: This particular story was born out of something and someone I met recently. I dedicated this story to her even though I know she would never read it and it is part of those unrequired love stories we sometimes found around.
Since I wanted it out there, I changed the name to that of Wanda because R and Wanda deserve a hapy ending.
Do not hesitate
The first thing you noticed were the heavy drops of cold rain hitting the glass of your window.
The lady in the PA was informing the rest of the passengers of the oncoming arrival to the Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia. There was a shiver of anticipation running down your body, your eyes turned directly to the window to see the silver waters of the lagoon that has surrounded the City of Bridges ever since it was established by the time Rome was still an Empire.
Your eyes followed the sweet movement of the water, the sight of boats and poles all through the waters leading to the city that had been hidden behind the rain and the fog of the early morning of February. Your heart beating with anticipation, the train travelling down the bridge getting closer and closer to its final destination.
“You look like a child that has never seen the sea before.” The sweet voice of Wanda called your attention, her eyes gleaming amusedly while her lips drew that smile that had always made you forget your own name.
“I have never seen such a sight before.” You replied without losing the smile, her hand wrapped tenderly around yours and you had to wonder how it was possible that with the smallest of gestures from her part your heart still leaped with affection.
“You have seen this before, doofus.” She snorted when you placed a hand on your chest, the faux offensive gesture made her snigger while shaking her head.
“Excuse me, but every time I am here, it is as if it was the first time…” You turned to the window once more, this time around the different buildings and the station are starting to fill the imagery. “I love coming here, you know?”
Her features softened lightly, and without you even noticing her eyes took a closer look at your frame. The tug on your hand made you turn, and soon you found yourself being kissed with tenderness. You couldn’t help it but leaned in and kissing her back, last time you were in Venice life had been different and your sister had been your only company.
Now, looking into deep brown eyes, you have to wonder how you got so lucky in life to be here with the one woman you never thought you would find.
She rolled her eyes poking playfully at your head before standing up, her hand still pretty much wrapped around yours.
“Sometimes, you think loudly, and you think too much. Let’s move it, it is raining, and I hope you can prepare me a warm bath before going out into the city.”
“God, have you always been this bossy before?” You chuckled wincing playfully at her light punch on your shoulder, both of you lowering the bags from the overhead rack.
“If I remember correctly, you fell in love with my bossiness.” Her smugness could be read in her face, she winked at you, and you just snorted following her out of the car knowing she was right.
She was always right.
The city of Venice was a world of its own creation.
The streets were made of stone, and the edifications spoke of a past that reverberated in the present while the tourists and the locals filled out the streets in the midst of a rainy morning in February. The sound of music and laughter mixed with the conversation and the preparation for the Carnival that would start the next day.
“This is amazing.” The overwhelmed statement was followed by a beaming smile while her eyes swept around the plaza leading to the Rialto Bridge. “You can actually see everyone is getting ready for the Carnival. But those masks must be expensive at this time of the year, right?”
You broke your stance, glancing around while covering the flush of embarrassment in your cheeks. She almost caught you staring, your heart breaking through your chest when you grabbed your hand trying to get your attention.
“Did you hear me? Or where you checking out the group over there?” Her teasing was quite obvious, and she pointed with her head a group of young women all talking animatedly in a corner.
You opened your eyes shaking your head, but she just chuckled shrugging while glancing back at them then at you.
“It’s okay if you were watching, you know? They’re quite attractive, the brunette one seems to be your type.”
“Why do you think she is my type?” You sputtered glancing at the young woman she was mentioning.
The woman was beautiful, soft features adorned with wavy, light brown locks and a huge smile breaking into her face. You blinked a couple of times, she looked taller than you and her body was of average build.
“You’re staring again.” She mumbled looking away while giving her back at you.
There was a single moment in which something changed around you, there was a tension you were not sure where was it coming from. Wanda walked away to one of the stores glancing at the merchandise, her eyes trying to focus on the articles inside the store instead of your reflection. You approached her placing a hand on her shoulder, after a moment she turned to you and her eyes had a hardened glint with a stretch of her lips.
“I wasn’t staring at them before you mentioned them.” You clarify, furrowing your words knowing that your explanations were not necessary but having the need to make sure she knew you had eyes for no one that wasn’t her. “Are you jealous?”
It was a simple question, but one that made you think this was something that had never happened before. Jealousy had not been part of your life for quite some time, for everyone it was quite obvious you were smitten by the woman standing before you. And while you might feel it from time to time, it had been quite innocent leaving as suddenly as it had come.
But she…she had never been vocal about those emotions.
Now, though…
She clenched her jaw looking away, pursing her lips while trying to focus her attention on the closest store.
“Should I be?” She replied harshly, her cheeks burning lightly at the simple show of weakness.
If there was something you had learned in the time you two had gotten to know one another, it was that she hated to be this vulnerable. She was a logical person, certain emotions were natural but should not transcend the scope of her own brief moments of weakness. She knew who she was, what she had, and her place in the world.
This didn’t mean she didn’t hesitate…or that, from time to time, she didn’t wonder…she didn’t question herself…
The main difference between you and her was that you wore your heart on your sleeve, while she hid it from everyone. Sometimes, including herself.
You chuckled, then broke into a fit of giggles that were your worst decision at the moment.
Her eyes opened wide, lifting her chin to the sky she turned around and started walking away.
You chuckled some more sprinting towards her, your hand on her shoulder only to have her reject your touch. You winced, laughing had been a bad thing to do when she was being this vulnerable. But you couldn’t help it. Really.
“Wait, wait…love…”
“What?” She stopped death on her tracks facing you until you had to stopped yourself from crashing against her.
Her face was a mask of emotionless danger, her eyes gleaming dangerously at you but otherwise there was no other indication that told you she was ready for you to continue with the laughter. You gulped lifting your hands in a gesture of peace.
“Did you know that you are kinda cute when angry and jealous?”
She rolled her eyes, huffing before walking away again.
You chuckled shaking your head, you knew you would pay dearly for that. But she did look cute, and it was the first time after two years of relationship that something like this happened, so better take advantage of that.
Wanda reached the bridge just in time for you to wrap your arms around her waist. You smiled placing a kiss on her cheek, the tension on her body was an indication she was still mad but not indifferent to your proximity. You kissed her cheek again nuzzling your nose on her neck.
“Did you know I’m so in love with you that I was actually checking you out and imagine what my life would be like if I have never met you?” You whispered in her ear, your lips drawing a smirk at her shiver and the intake of breath when your breath and lips teased her ear.
“You know you can’t talk your way out of your idiocy?” She replied though didn’t make any attempt to get away from you.
You took that gesture as a victory on your part, stepping away a little you wrapped your hand around hers walking down the bridge with a huge smile on your face. This trip couldn’t be any better, your eyes glancing around the place before putting her closer to you.
“I know you think my idiocy is cute from time to time.” You replied, tilting your head putting her closer to you. “And, I’m not talking my way out of this…I was really looking at you. You are looking beautiful today.”
She tried to hold back her smile. Once more she rolled her eyes but this time around, she leaned in pecking your lips.
“You better take me someplace nice, and I will think about rewarding you for such a sweet talk.”
The first day in Venice was filled with long walks down the streets and small talk in between.
It was quite curious how even after all this time, small talk about work and life could happen in such a natural way. The rain had not stopped all through the day, and the cold had been almost unbearable if it wasn’t for your clothes and the tea and coffee you both consume all through the day stroll. Night had fallen by the time you reached the shores of Saint Mark’s Square; the yellow lights surrounding the place alongside the fog took you back in time. The stories about vampires and ghouls at the tip of your tongue, but the woman walking beside you was not someone that would enjoy such folklore stories at the moment.
“Are you alright?” You finally asked, your brows knitted together in concern at her shiver.
“I’m tired, and cold.” She mumbled, though she offered a weak smile. “But I know you want to walk in this weather we could…”
You cup her cheeks in your hands, leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead before placing your scarf around her neck.
“We could go back to the AirBnB and get a warm bath, something to eat and watch some TV while I give you a nice massage and get ready for tomorrow.” You wrapped your arms around her, whatever form of protests she was going to manifest cut short by your lips placing themselves on hers.
“But…” She chuckled when you kissed her again, and again whenever she tried to speak. “Let me talk!”
“Okay, Lyubov’, go ahead.” She crunched up her nose at your nickname for her, but didn’t make any attempt to walk away from you.
“I know that you are dying to see the creepiest places in here while in this weather, and that you wanted to keep strolling around…” She tried to make a point, though by the look on your face she knew she had failed.
“You really look tired, and you look cold.” The sound of chatter surrounded the both of you, the lights were enough to make of this a scene pulled out of a movie. “Let’s go back, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and so one will be another day.”
“I promise.”
The room was warm, and the sound of the TV filled the room in a sweet lullaby she enjoyed for a moment before succumbing to the sweet embrace of sleep. Your heart soared with affection at the sight of her face completely relaxed, with a tiny smile and her hands wrapped tightly around your pillow.
The day had been long, and both of you had walked enough to feel a pulsating pain in your feet. Putting your pjs’ on, you sneaked inside the blankets putting another pillow under your head. A single hand lifted to brush away some strand locks from her face, you placed a kiss on her forehead while your eyes drifted to your backpack.
This trip was the first one you two decided to make as a couple.
A lot of things had happened in between, and now that life seemed to be getting easier you had come to an important decision for yourself and her. Your friends had been asking non-stop about this, and you had been evading their comments up until the time you popped the question. So far, you had been a coward…
The ring you had bought for her was still in the backpack, waiting for you to dare and take that step forward.
The fear of rejection had been so latent that you hadn’t dared to do much. And the object had been always travelling with you, everywhere.
The screen on your phone came to life with the notification of a new message. You chuckled rolling your eyes when you saw the name on the screen, as soon as you opened the message the name of one of your best friends popped out. He had been the first one you revealed your intentions, and he had been with you when you chose the ring; you knew he was dying to tell this secret to everyone, mainly because of this kind of news he could not keep a secret.
His message was clear, and you knew he would be mad as soon as you answered him.
You better tell me you already pop the question, or I’m going to explode over here!
You pursed your lips, your fingers moving through the keypad of the phone. You waited, until you saw the Typing message and moments later his answer came in.
You have to do it! Why are you stalling on this? Are you having second thoughts?
‘What if she says no?’ You answer almost immediately, Wanda stirred in her sleep turning towards you, the pillow forgotten to let her arm sneak around your midsection. When your eyes went back to the screen, he had the answer you been playing with at the back of your mind.
Stop doubting yourself, and her! I expect good news soon!
The conversation died there, and you glanced at the phone for a long time before putting the object away and snuggling into the bed.
Tomorrow will be a new day.
But nothing happened the next day, or the day after that.
In fact, four days letter the trip to Venice was about to end and you hadn’t been able to give the final step.
It didn’t matter.
A part of you convinced itself that, in reality, the final question didn’t matter as long as you could hear her laugh and enjoyed her time walking down the streets of Venice while meeting different places inside The Serenissima. She was just as excited as you to visit the library of Acqua Alta, and while you distracted yourself with the local cat she was right inside reading the many titles adorning the narrow space inside the local. It was a paradise, the place itself was decorated with the spirit of the city and the water could be seen on the floor of the establishment while the low tone of conversation made you think of a library more so than a store.
The gondola holding books of history about the city made for the perfect decoration alongside the damage books on the small yard in one of the entrances. The place had its magic embedded in the spirit of books, secrets that only those fortunate enough could unfold while grabbing the right book.
You left the store with five of them.
She left with only two.
Without her knowledge, your footsteps lead you to the former church of San Barnaba. Your childish smile made her give in when you ran around the plaza while talking about Indiana Jones and the beautiful scenes filmed in the old library of the city. Wanda would follow you while listening to your non-stop babbling, and whenever it was time for you to be quiet, she would talk about her experiences and her thoughts, she would bring over facts while also possibilities.
Neither one of you said it out loud, but the both of you always thought about the obvious differences between you two. Everyone was always mentioning this, the logical and organized side of Wanda, how methodical she was and how hardworking she turned out to be. Her spirit to always be a perfectionist never leaving anything to chance but trying to control up until the last detail of the situation so the results would be what she expected them to be. She always had a plan, even when everything seemed to be alright, there was always something else she had under her sleeve to save the situation.
You were a force to be racon with.
You went right ahead with passion, and without thinking up too much of the consequences. Sometimes, you plan ahead, some others you just improvise and pray for the best result. Whether it was because you had a lucky star above your head, or because you were good at what you did, in the end you could always get the best of every situation. Even while walking around the streets of Italy, and while everything had been planned and put up in a planner and a schedule, you would come up with the most unthinkable ideas and improvise the best situations Wanda had experienced during the trip.
The both of you were so different that at some point you complemented one another.
Some said that was good, that you two would endure.
Some others said it wouldn’t last. She would get tired, and you would mess up.
There was no sun that day, and the grey clouds glided right above your head with the same wind that brought the salty aroma of the Adriatic Sea. Her hand never left yours, and her excited chatter brought a smile to your face while she talked excitedly of the piece of history, she had read for you.
“So according to tradition this bridge was for some rival gangs to fight over, and the winner was the one that threw the other to the canal. Which is the reason why this is call the Bridge of Fists.” She crunched up her nose leaning in to see the green waters down below before turning to you. “Which, let me tell you doesn’t look sanitary at all at this time, I can’t even imagine how awful must have been in the Sixteenth century.”
“Oh, imagine the smell, the appearance…the rats!”
She shivered making a face while you laughed at that, “you’re imagine it, aren’t’ you?”
“Of course, I am! Look at these waters right now!” She exclaimed waving her hands away while pointing at the waters of the canal. “They don’t look that sanitary at all, and according to some these are still one of the most contaminated waters in the world.”
“Yet this is the most beautiful and romantic city in the world!” You exclaimed wrapping your arms around her, she chuckled as you pressed her against the rails of the bridge.
“Wanna go to the Plaza and visit the Bridge of Sighs?”
“Why do you like that place so much?” She would never say it, but the stories you two had heard from one of the guides a couple of days ago still made her shiver.
You shrugged lifting your face to the sky, it was past midday and soon the afternoon cold would bring with it another fit of fog to the bay. You knew you enjoyed the sight of the open sea alongside the Lagoon and the entrance the Grand Canal. At this time of the day, the water would start lapping at the shore while still holding back and the lion in the plaza would stand with pride under the yellowish light of the lamps.
“It’s just magical, you know? But okay, it’s not so much the bridge but its location.”
“You mean the Saint Mark’s Square?” She tilted her head nodding, it was a nice sight but your eyes were just shining with something strange in them.
“Well, yes but…”
Wanda narrowed her eyes at you, the way you were fidgeting was a sign that you were hiding something from her. She just needed to know what exactly it was and how it was going to affect her and the itinerary she had prepared for that day.
“What have you planned?” Her tone of voice was between exasperate and amused.
You made a face lifting your right hand and pointing to the general direction of the square and the Grand Canal.
“There is a place that I want to show you, and it seems to be the right time to do so.” You shrugged stepping back, your hands on your pockets and your head hanging to the side. “If you want to, of course.”
All of a sudden, the small box hidden in your pocket was made unbelievably heavy and your hands started sweating while your heart was threatening to leave your chest. Her brown eyes, vibrant and full of questions pinned you to the spot, but instead of looking angry or really upset, she merely softened her stare and the warmth inside them made your soul shiver.
“Today is your lucky day, Mrs. Firenze.” You snorted at the nickname shaking your head while offering a grin.
“I hope not only the day, but the night as well.” You winked at her, and Wanda just laughed walking down the bridge shaking her head.
“That depends on this surprised, perhaps you will be lucky before we get home.”
You stood there with your mouth hanging open, your eyes following her frame before you shook your head.
“You mean, I can get lucky in one of the alleys?”
“You never know!” She replied waiting for you in the distance.
You knew it would never happen, at least not unless she was really into getting down and dirty in public. And it would never happen because whenever you were with her in a sexual way, you loved the fact you could take your time with her until the both of you were to spend to do nothing else but sleep into each other arms.
By the time you two arrived at your destination, night was already fallen.
Your jacket was tightly pressed against her frame, protecting her from the cold and the drizzle of the afternoon. Just as you predicted, the fog was filling out the bay gliding inside the Grand Canal and the city slowly but surely.
Punta Della Dogana was the triangular formation were the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal met. The wind was stronger here, the place was almost empty as many of the tourist coming to this part of the city would go directly to the museum and admired the contemporary art pieces instead of the sight of silver waters with a hidden sun and cold colours illuminating the sky.
Wanda loved it, though.
Even through the cold, she stood at the edge of the piazza admiring the boats coming into the harbour and entering the Grand Canal. She pointed to the far away islands, and the possibility of what was beyond the poles in the water. You wished you could focus your attention to the open sea, and the lights starting to create a mystical sight at the other end of the canal.
But your eyes were on her.
Her sharp features, softened only by the excitement of her smile and the brightness of her brown eyes. Her hair falling wildly on her back, and her body covered with two jackets, and white tennis that made sure she was completely protected from the cold of the afternoon. The sight of her usually stopped your heart, and made your breath caught in your throat. She was like a dream, and a part of you would always be afraid to lose her.
There was a single pole light standing right at the very edge of the land, the light twinkled for a few seconds before it turned on completely. The yellowish light fell upon her frame, and your heart stopped beating for a moment, this time around you came closer to her but it was her the first one to make contact.
Her hand was cold against yours, your eyebrows knitted together while you wrapped her hands in yours.
“You’re cold.” You whispered, she shrugged stepping closer to you.
“This is amazing.” She whispered back, and it was as if you two were sharing a secret. The sounds of random conversations filled in the space and you could feel the eyes of some of the people in the plaza on you.
 “So, I will get lucky?” You wriggled your eyebrows playfully, and she couldn’t help it. She started laughing snuggling closer to you.
“Yeah, you deserve to get happy wherever you want.” The sultry tone of her proposal made you shivered, your arms wrapped around her and you glance at the sea and the sky watching as the night fall around the world, and the temperature dropped slowly.
The sound of the waves hitting the stone and the shore soothe over the hushed conversation around you, the lights of the city made it possible to see a beacon of possibilities from the darkened sea. There was something mystical about this world, and this moment; Wanda lifted her face and you found yourself looking into her eyes.
“You got silent all of a sudden, are you alright?” She was looking concern, you snorted shaking your head placing a light kiss on her lips.
“That was quiet doesn’t mean I am not okay, perhaps I was trying to choose the place I want to have my naughty way with you.”
You opened your eyes taken aback by the soft blush on her cheeks, she lowered her gaze and the bashful sight of a smile on her lips almost stopped your heart.
“And, have you chosen?”
You laughed stepping back for a moment, disbelief touching your features.
“Of course, I have! The AirBnB, Mrs. Venice.” You winked at her trying to use the same kind of nickname she used early with you, the name of the cities either one of you had chosen to visit on this trip. “I want you all to myself, so I will need you expose and begging.”
“You wish.” She replied slapping your arm playfully. “Last time, it was you who beg.”
“Shh, that’s a secret.”
She chuckled stepping back into your arms, this time around with her back against your chest, your arms wrapped around her waist glancing into the distance.
“This is really beautiful. Thank you.”
You nodded but said nothing else.
Your lips were near her ear, your warm breath making her shiver.
Biting your lower lip, trembling lightly you opened your mouth and closed it again. Then you closed your eyes and she was the one talking at first.
“I never thought I will be here with you.” Her voice was soft, full of memories and something else you couldn’t pinpoint. “It was kind of difficult to imagine myself with someone like you.”
“Aw, baby you’re so romantic.” The sarcasm was not missed by her, she tilted her head to give you a glance, you pressed your lips together letting her talk.
“I just mean…this has been different, surprising. And I love it.” She leaned back her head falling on your right shoulder. “I love you. I really do, and I’m just glad we haven’t’ complicated things with formalities and foolishness, just enjoying one another.”
Her words pierced your heart with a cold, sharp blade. You looked away from her, and your body tensed lightly while she continued.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love living with you but…just you and me without any formalities, or labels.” She pursed her lips, turning in your arms. “You know what I mean, right?”
You were caught of guard, nodding like a fool while smiling weakly at her.
“Totally.” She scratched the back of your head, trying to forget the silver ring made with a turquoise stone only for her. “I mean, marriage and other such titles complicate things, right?”
Your question carried with it the weight of your intentions; you gauged her expression and it seemed as if you had said the right thing. She nodded eagerly without missing her content expression, she went back into your arms glancing around the coast with your heart breaking a little.
The ring in your pocket never forgotten.
Winter in Venice was a chance to walk in the dark during the early hours of a Friday morning.
The watch on your wrist showed the 6 a.m. time, but the sky outside the window of your AirBnB was completely dark. The sight before you were that of the canal’s waters calmly lapping the stone edifications, the lights on the windows told you there were more people waking up at such an hour getting ready for the day.
Inside the room you could spot the black cloak with a hoodie you had chosen for your costume, the colombina nera venetian mask, and the black cane that would complement the attire. Your lips curled into a subtle smile, you had chosen the appearance of an Eighteenth-Century gentleman, while Wanda had kept her own clothes a secret from you. After almost two hours of her kicking you out of the room you were highly curious as to what she was going to wear that day, your stomach tingling in anticipation while your imagination ran rampant with the many scenarios you were capable of creating in the solitude of the living room.
As it was your custom, you favour black and silver as the colours for your garments.
For a long time, you admire those black trousers rolled up to the knees and the black tights covering the legs. The black waistcoat finished with silver braids had been a surprised, and the contrasts of these materials with the white shirt you wore underneath with the cuff lacing and lace jabot gave it a Renaissance tone that only made you chuckled at the possibility. The shoes, black and silver buckles and the black gloves were just a complementary accessory you indulged yourself with, much like the tricorn hat, the black cloak, and the black stick.
You chuckled when you remembered the options you put on the table to Wanda. Either was that or the Plague doctor. The Eighteenth-century gentleman look won in the end.
The silence inside the room became almost unbearable for a moment, the distraction dressing up and thinking about the Carnivale was not enough to make you forget the day before and the missing opportunity for the proposal.
The ring was, for the very first time ever, forgotten inside your backpack.
Once you two had arrived to the flat, your torture yourself with thoughts of what could have been and what would never be. You always assumed that Wanda would like to get married; that perhaps her past experience was not enough to deter her from trying to join her life with another. Then again, she had sworn herself to never be in another relationship and, here she was with you after two years.
Marriage though, was another thing.
Something you thought…well…
It was foolish, really.
Getting married didn’t mean you two would be forever, or even happy. It was just a title that many used as an excuse to not be alone, and she had been right, you two were just fine the way you were. There was no need for a ring, or a ceremony…
You shook your head going towards the mirror while putting your hair in a ponytail. The door of the room opening and her voice reaching out to you.
“Okay, don’t laugh and please be honest because I feel foolish.”
“I won’t laugh…I mean you didn’t…” You trailed off as soon as you turned to her.
It was as if the world had stopped completely and it was only her and you.
She had light make-up on her face, the hair had been pulled up in a half ponytail with her light brown locks falling in waves on her back. She had chosen a baby blue and grey courtesan dress that contrasted with her white skin and the pink on her cheeks. There was something adorable in the way her face broke into a bashful smile, her eyes gleaming mischievously as the settle on you while she chewed on her lower lip while playing with the fan in her hand.
“Well? What do you think?”
The bodice squeezed up her torso, highlighting her chest and her slim figure. The low neckline showed off her neck and collarbone, letting you see the softness of her skin while the sleeves fell down her arms to her hands decorated with white gloves. The gown was divided in two skirts, one that would cover the outer side of the gown, and the second one that would fall freely around her legs and the small high heels she had chosen for herself. She too had rented a cloak, dark blue, with a tricorn had of the same colour and the colombina cigno mask.
“You…” You trailed off shaking your head before approaching her taking her hands in yours while bowing your head in a dramatic way. “You look beautiful, Signora.”
She snorted looking away rather embarrassed, her cheeks burning brightly under your gaze and sincerity. You leaning nuzzling her neck and placing soft, featherlike kisses on her skin, your lips teasing her earlobe.
“You really look beautiful.” You whispered, the intake of breath on her part was all you needed to know you had affected her.
“We better get going, or all this time dressing up is going to go to hell.” She replied huskily, her eyes burning into yours.
You chuckled raising a single eyebrow at her, “why? What happened?”
“You’re gonna pay for that, you know that, right?” She replied playfully just as you put on your cloak, the mask fitting on your face just as you opened the door and placed your hat on your head.
“I don’t care as long as it is with you, Wanda.”
Even if the light of the morning had not shown by the time you left the house, the streets of Venice were full of people dressed up and ready to enjoy what The Serenissima would bring during the Carnival. It had been a dream for you to come to the city while dressing up and wearing a mask, getting lost in a world that would sometimes get lost in the best of the past and the present.
You could hear the laughter, the greetings from the locals and the admiration your outfit and hers awoke in some of the passersby. The sky started clearing up b the time you two reached the Saint Mark’s Square, you helped her up the flood ramps positioned all through the streets. The water still covering the stone of the Square, while people filled out the place wearing plastic boots.
“We didn’t think about this.” Wanda commented wincing lightly when she almost fell from the ramp.
Your arm wrapped protectively around her waist, winking at her you lift the cane in your hand offering it to her.
“My dear lady, I wouldn’t oppose to you carrying this stick if it will assure your safety during this trip.”
Her laughter was everything you needed at the moment; she slapped you playfully on your arm shaking her head while grabbing your hand.
“I prefer your hand, that stick is better off with you.” She rolled her eyes at your obvious innuendo behind the wriggling of eyebrows. “Stop your dirty mind there, doofus.”
“But you love my dirty mind!” You whined walking alongside her to the other end of the square, passing right in front of Saint Marks.
The Lagoon was cover with dark blue waters, and the light was sneaking inside the clouds and the sky bringing with it the morning mist. The daybreak was gold and red, cold winds brushed against your skin, though for the very first time Wanda and you could enjoy the breaking of the morning sun in a world that was breathing celebration.
The sound of laughter was followed by music.
Violins and drums, the screams and singing from a group of youngsters made you turned to the group that was lifting up a small scenario near the harbour. Many tourists approached the group hearing the stories and the songs while the day in Venice started with a bang.
You had been to many parties all through your life.
The world you life in was full of festivals and carnivals, they were full of tradition and happiness in itself. Many of them were a cultural mark of the place you had been born to, and while a part of your heart and soul loved what they represented; never before had you been in such a celebration.
For venetians this was part of their identity.
History stated this started around the year 1169, after the Venetian Republic won a war against Ulrico di Treven. The story itself became a legend, and the celebration started taking different forms and meanings as time passed by. Modernity only enforced this believes and engraved in the hearts of venetians the need of celebrating each year the victory of life over dead, of fun over boredom, of passion over dullness.
Walking down the streets while observing the many people dressed up as Renaissance individuals was something that had your heart leaping with happiness. Your mind had forgotten the sadness of the day before, the possibility that this relationship you had built with your heart might crumbled under the weight of small details, of great differences of thinking.
But, just as one of your bosses had said once, the devil was in the details.
“Did you see that?” Wanda was in awed, a couple of young people had started a pantomime improvisation, their ability to catch the attention of those passersby was enough to have everyone waiting for the next act.
Wanda grabbed your hand, leaning forward she laughed alongside the audience when one woman and a man crashed comically in an explosion of confetti and blue smoke. Magic and theatrics was the main component of these presentations, and soon many were giving away the price they put to such entertainment.
Your lips broke into a content grin, Wanda stood up walking towards the closest mime while placing a single note. You observed her from afar, your expression falling while you thought of the uncertainty that had grown inside your heart.
“Everything okay, baby?” Her hand cupped your cheek, the mask covered the upper side of her face but made her eyes that much darker and mysterious.
“Yeah, I just…” You leaned into her touch and decided you didn’t need a ring…to love her the way you did.
“I think I’m beat and I need a drink.”
She didn’t look convince; she knew you enough to know something else was bothering you but for now you had focused your attention in the celebrations happening around the city to delve any further into your emotions. Either way, you wouldn’t allow it as long as there was a possibility of Wanda smiling and enjoying herself the way she was doing at the moment, your selfishness was something that exasperate her sometimes. But for now, she would indulge in your stubbornness, for she knew this was a day you had been waiting impatiently as much as she had.
“I love you.” Wanda blurted out all of a sudden, your eyes opened wide at the revelation, it wasn’t as if you didn’t know that or she hadn’t said before.
It was just that she didn’t mention it as often as you did. With a single smile she leaned in wrapping her lips against yours, the warmness of her mouth made your darker fears scattered away while the sweet taste of her was enough to fuel your soul.
“So, AirBnB or something to drink?” You wriggled your eyebrows enjoying her laughter just as she stretched her hand to help you up.
“Drink first, then we will go to Rialto Bridge to see the boats.” She declared watching her mobile, or more exactly, the itinerary. “There is a couple of things I would like to see, and that I know you will love and then, if your good, tonight…You can do whatever you want with me.”
“Damn, woman, I will hold you to that!”
Wanda winked at you; her mischievous grin was all you needed to know that night you wouldn’t get any sleep.
The waters of the Grand Canal were of a deep dark green and blue, the place had been decorated with the symbol of the Lion and the Italian flag while the shores were filled with people either dressed up as participants of the Carnival or as simple tourist. The bridged was full, you placed yourself protectively behind Wanda while putting out the phone to get ready for the pictures.
The drinks had been enough, and at the moment she was still carrying an orange juice for her, and an ice coffee for you.
“This is so exciting, though I hate there is so many people.” She all but whispered for you, you chuckled nodding.
“I know, this should be only us and those who are coming in those boats and gondolas. No need for the rest of the world.” She rolled her eyes though never contradict your version.
The music filled the canal, and the chatter died off as everyone saw the different boats approaching with the many colours that adorned the celebrations. You heard her gasp, leaning forward resting her hands on the stone rail of the bridge; she grabbed your hand and the excitement in her face was quite obvious as she started pointing around while her grin almost broke her face.
Boats decorate with the colours of the Pride flag came in, people dressed up in the most ridiculous yet amusing costumes came in greeting everyone and wishing the participants the best of lucks. The music increased and every single one of those boats had put on the same song, the same playlist that resounded into the canal mixing up with the laughter and the greetings from the rowers.
Many boats came in, some of them carrying with them the red and golden lion that represented the Republica of Venezia, and some others came in with the green, white, and red representing Italy.
“Look at that one!” You pointed to a black sailed one, filled with people dressed up as Plague doctors, behind them was another one that came in with men and women dressed up with changed roles and wearing the most beautiful dresses you had ever seen.
“They look beautiful.” Wanda commented almost pouting when one of the men dressed in a bright purple courtesan dress greeted her with a wave and a kiss from his position on the boat. You returned the gestured and he merely laughed greeting you with a swing of his fan.
For more than an hour you two observed the people rowed down the canal, many of the presents had started emptying the bridge but you and Wanda had enjoyed the show too much. The conversation grew around the organization and the tradition, how simple things such as the pandemic of 2020 could have affected such events and how people endured and continue on regardless of those issues.
By the time the last boat crossed the Bridge, it was time for a late lunch.
Wanda guided you through the narrow streets of Venezia. She had a hand on her mobile and another on you, her eyes drifting from the screen to the names on the plaques hanging by the walls, as you two walked deeper inside the alleys, you stopped hearing the sound of chattering people.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked for the tenth time, the woman in front of you grinned, shaking her head.
"Nu-uh, you have taken me to so many places, this time around is my turn." She declared with a hint of pride in her voice, you cocked your head raising your brows at her declaration.
"Did you really go all the way to find something in these streets?" the hint of surprise disbelief, she furrowed her brows at this turning to you with wrinkles around her eyes.
"Why do you sound so surprised?" Her inquired was made to question you more so than to receive an answer she already knew.
You shrugged shaking your head, “I just…I think you always surprised with the most incredible gestures, that’s all.”
She halted her rush walk, her brown eyes locking with yours for what seemed like an eternity. Whenever she got that look in her face, you knew she was analysing what you said and what you meant; but instead of showing her disapproval she just softened her features and her hand squeezed yours in a tender gesture.
“Kiss me.”
You blinked at her command, she stood there defiantly for a moment nodding towards you.
“Go on, kiss me.”
“So bossy…” You mumbled and she merely sniggered.
“You like me bossy.”
With that you couldn’t argue.
Leaning in you closed the space that separated you from her, a hand on her waist and the other holding her right hand brushing your lips against hers while feeling her warm breath against your lips. It was a featherlike touch, the sweet teasing just before you sealed the command with a searing kiss. It was as if you had never kissed her before, lips moulding to the needs of the other while the electric shock that went from the connection stirred your heard and mind warming up your limbs while she pressed tightly against yours.
At times, kissing Wanda was like fighting over dominance, it was like a game that would always bring a smile to your faces and leave the both of you breathless. Some other times, like this one, it left you two with a beating heart and a need to just exist with the other.
When you finally broke apart, your forehead rest against hers, only the mask preventing for your skin touching hers. Wanda grinned goofily nuzzling her nose with yours.
“Thank you.”
“Whatever you want, Love, you know that.”
Wanda stepped back nodding, “I know, now let’s keep going.”
You chuckled shaking your head while glancing in faux exasperation to the sky.
“So bossy.”
The sun positioned itself above your heads, and while the wind brought with it the cold breeze of the Alps, you still felt the heavy warmness of the star above your heads.
People filled out the streets, the music and the laughter accompanied you two down the road leading to the Saint Mark’s Square down to the harbour and the road leading to the tail of Venice. You had been there only once, with your sister when the adventures you shared were only shared with your family and not with the woman you had fallen in love with.
The commercial side of Venice started dying out, and these parts became of a green that still surprised you whenever your eyes fell upon them. Grass and trees decorate the streets, and the stone on these places had been renewed quite recently. People walked around wearing their everyday clothes, with just a couple of the passersby wearing the customary clothes for the Carnival.
Whenever you crossed a bridge, people would greet the both of you with a smile.
And you soon found in a different world.
This time around you had the ocean to your right, and the love of your life to your left.
The world had changed from a Renaissance era to one of contemporary forgetfulness. It was a land in which time did not pass, yet it had come in the form of peace and familiarity. The parks spread before your eyes, the silence was most welcome to your ears, and soon the loneliness became a welcoming change.
“I was trying to look for a place that could…impact you.” Wanda started talking slowly, the sound of her heels resounding in the empty streets. “I search for a good place, something tranquil for you and me. And then I came across this restaurant, and I thought that it would be the perfect place to enjoy a nice lunch with you.”
Your heart shrank at her words, the tingling in your chest spread out until there was a delicious sensation of anticipation in your abdomen.
“I know sometimes I’m hard to read, and I’m not very open with you…” She continued, taking your silence as a way to continue the conversation. “I just wanted to show you that…I have never wanted anyone beside me but you in this place. Living these adventures.”
“My, Wanda, since when are you so romantic and emotional?” You teased breaking the tension she had formed around herself, when she lifted her face to yours she was smiling bumping against your shoulder.
“I learned from the best.”
“You better!” You exclaimed shaking your head. “I have never thought you were not open, or hard to read, Wanda. I have always understood your silence, but I take what you’re saying…thank you for letting me be a part of this.”
“You better be thankful; I took most of the day looking for this place instead of working on a report I had to submit at that time.”
You laughed shaking your head, this confession only made your heart leaped with contentment. If that was true then she really had put her mind and heart into this search; there was nothing in the world that would make her procrastinate her job. Nothing and No one.
The place had been built it in a residential part of the city, it oversaw the lagoon and the entrance to the Adriatic while at the same time enjoyed the fortune of a park and trees that gave the district a livelier and more natural. In here, you could almost taste the salty texture of the sea and the coldness of the north. By the time you reached your destination, the canals and the bridges were forgotten and for the very first time you understood the nickname of the city: La Serenissima.
The restaurant ended up being a homey place with kind patrons, and not many people.
You chose a table right outside the restaurant, an old man with a passionate speech brought the menu and talk about the specials. His English was broken, and with your broken Italian the both of you enjoyed a light banter Wanda observed from afar. For her it had always been quite a sight to see you interact with people, for a person that looked shy and insecure at times, you were always ready to be the first to speak and take over conversation if the situation demanded it.
You turned to her smiling, pointing to the best dishes while also ordering their best Spritz Aperol as an opening. The lights around the local had been turned on, and the dark clouds announcing rain were approaching from the Adriatic. The conversation soon turned to work, the latest happenings and the future of your position, the gossip couldn’t be missed and as soon as food was served you two started talking about the family and friends.
There was always something to talk about, but even if you tried to make it all look natural, Wanda didn’t miss the fact you hold yourself in a very important aspect of the conversation. You never mentioned your future together.
“Do you think we are going to last?” Her question caught you by surprised and you almost choke on the piece of pizza you had just swallowed.
Wanda stood right away patting your back with a frown on her face, the concern was evident in her expression while she tried to offer you some water that you took quite grateful. After a couple of minutes, she sat down, and now it was quite evident the whole situation was amusing for her.
“Woah, I take it you don’t think we last?” Her tone had a hint of teasing in there, but her eyes were asking with seriousness for a real answer.
You shook your head placing your hand on hers, for a brief moment you thought about the ring and how this could be your chance. But the conversation of the day before, and your own insecurities stopped you from doing something foolish; instead of that, you decided to just answer with honestly.
“Never.” You stated clearing out your throat and drinking some more water. “The moment I saw you I thought you were not for me. I always thought you were perfect, like the kind of woman I had been looking for but…but could never had.”
“Love…” Wanda started but you stopped her with a gesture, the softness of your lips curling upwards told her you were talking with honesty about then and now.
“I just…I was so afraid to even ask or do something else…I didn’t want to miss my chance with you, even if I only got to be your friend.” You shrugged lowering your glance to the table remembering all those days, weeks, and months in which you broke your head trying to make sense of everything you felt for the woman sitting right next to you.
“And then, when you and I finally got together well…You are the love of my life, and I will be with you for as long as you have me, Wanda.” You finally stated shrugging. “I don’t think it will be possible for me to stop loving you in the way I do so now, if anything, I think everyday I love you even more.”
“God, you always have such a way with words.” Wanda said after a long paused, she grabbed your jabot and pushed you forward crashing her lips to yours before letting go. “You really…I think we need to pay this and go for a walk.”
You blinked confusedly at her sudden changed in attitude, afternoon was already falling and many lamp posts were starting to ignite with the yellowish lights of the night. Wanda came in after having paid for lunch, grabbing your hand you were once more dragged down the park and through the grass to the farthest corner of the city.
The sight in here was completely different.
From this part of the world, you could only see the waters of the Lagoon whole the world became a blurry line of buildings and lights. There was not a single sound that you could make, and even if there were people around the both of you were alone standing at the shore glancing the dark waters and feeling the breeze in your faces.
You admired the sight before you.
A city that had survived time and war, a place that had stood through the centuries while becoming a beacon of modernity and rebirth. Wanda stood by your side, her arms wrapping around herself while she too observed the waters of the Lagoon.
“Thank you.” You mumbled smiling softly. “This is amazing.”
“I knew you would like it.” She replied shrugging, her hand went to the purse she had been carrying around, her cheeks soon turned an interesting shade of red that made you tilted your head in curiosity.
Wanda took a deep breath and put something from her purse while turning to face you.
“Yes.” She said with her voice firm, full of conviction even though her lower lip was quivering and her hands had been fidgeting nervously.
You raised a single brow, your eyes showing the confusion you felt while you pursed your lips to the side.
“What?” You replied almost laughing when your words died in your throat, your eyes going wide open when she presented her left hand and the ring with the turquoise stone shining into the venetian afternoon.
“Yes.” You replied bouncing lightly on her feet, you opened and closed your mouth several times, frowning while taking a step back.
“How…I mean, why do you…” You started asking but unsure of what exactly you wanted from this conversation, Wanda stepped forward grabbing your hand.
“I found it in your backpack, and I knew you wanted to do this because…you’re not very subtle.” She said lowering her gaze before lifting her eyes at you, this time around the sight of unshed tears was quite visible for you.
“I never thought…You didn’t want to get married.” She said softly, and you remembered that first conversation you held with her. Your past, and your previous relationship. “And then I discover this and I…you wrote what you wanted to tell me and I realized…I wanted to surprise you. And yesterday, when I said what I said I knew I was right…you were sad, and so…and still…”
“And still, I wanted to be with you.” You mumbled understanding her reasoning. “You thought I was doing it out of commitment and not because I wanted to be with you like that.”
“Wanda, I love you. I never thought about marriage, that’s true…but with you, everything changes.” You took her left hand, your eyes on the ring. “So, you will be my wife?”
Her laughter came out with a choked sob, her arms wrapped around you and you could hear her soft voice in your ear.
“Yes, I will.”
The night finished with the both of you whispering into the night.
It was neither rushed, nor was it adventurous.
It was passionate.
With soft caresses and sweet promises, with mischievous games and subtle confessions of love.
By the time she had fallen asleep in your arms, you could not sleep. Your eyes had been focusing on the ring she had stolen from your backpack and was now wearing proudly on her finger. She was not a lover of social media, if anything, she preferred to be anonymous to the world while it was you the one posting the pictures of the trip. That day it had been her the one posting the cold afternoon sunset, and the sweet images of people having fun. It had been her the one posting the picture of the both of you dressed up for the Carnival with the mask and the hats, the smiles and the promises of the future.
The ring had been visible, but her main focused had been the promises given that day.
The pictures had been part of the promise of what the future held.
Next time, when you and her returned to Venice it would be as more than a couple.
And that, was all that matters.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
I saw @yns-world do this so I kind of wanted to steal their thing XD But it’s really entertaining! So here’s my version of…
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition!
Part 2!
Tell me whoever else you may want! I want to do a heros one after this, so tell me who you want!
Edit: I’m not even kidding, I was looking for some Erron X Readers, saw this, read this, said “ohh I like that one” and “ew that’s cringy” without knowing this is fucking mine XDXD I looked back at this and just gasped because I fr didn’t think I wrote this
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Erron Black
Erron: Ye look a lot like me. Ya one of them alternate universe me’s?
Son: No, but I’m here to kill you unlike what other me’s could do
Erron: Well if I die, tell other me’s to kill Y/N after pulling out
Erron: You got my eyes and your mother’s bad attitude
Daughter: And her hatred for you
Erron: Nah, our bloodline is filled with hate
Son: I wonder what she saw in you when you first met
Erron: Beats me, I wondered what she saw in the first hundred guys she fucked
Son: I’m gonna make you take that back!
Erron: If only I raised you instead, you wouldn’t be this big o’ a pussy
Son: My mother raised me better without you in my life
Erron: Yeah, never mind. You and yer mom are too ignorant to hang around
You: Your daughter is a horse girl, y’know. Ya should go show her ‘round here on one
Erron: I’m too busy for that demon girl
You: Of course you are. And she’s a demon because of you
Kotal Kahn: You have a child who asked for you
Erron: I don’t have a kid
Kotal Kahn: Well I shall introduce you two after this then
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Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: I have been awaiting this day, my child
Daughter: Why? To destroy every woman’s life who meets you?
Shang Tsung: No, but I wonder what might a limp, pitiful creature such as yourself do when their whore of a mother is killed
Daughter: You are beyond fucked up.
Son: I remember the last time I saw you
Shang Tsung: It was quite the tragedy, indeed
Son: You couldn’t fucking stop laughing at me suffer through my mother’s death
Daughter: Whenever she died, did you care, father?
Shang Tsung: Why of course, I feared how her death would affect my precious child
Daughter: You feared so much you threw your precious child into the claws of death
Shang Tsung: At least the Kahn didn’t kill you instead.
Shang Tsung: When I was your age, it was customary for sons to protect and serve their parents
Son: I protect and serve my mother. You are a mere parasite to me
Shang Tsung: Oh, the parasite within you will enjoy tearing you apart
Shang Tsung: Does [child] know we are meeting?
You: She is sound asleep, and I promised she will awaken with her father home
Shang Tsung: She will awaken to her mother in pain so she never wants to see me again
You: All she wants is 5 minutes, Shang!
Raiden: You look just like your mother
Daughter: But I’m stronger than she’ll ever be
Raider: And you are as blind as your father
Lui Kano:
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Son: It’s funny that people try to kill me for being your child rather than for being tarkatan
Baraka: How’s that funny?
Son: They’re killing your people to get to you, father. You’re why your people are disappearing.
Baraka: Female tarkatan gather, not fight
Daughter: Come on father! One round! You know I’m better than my brothers, anyways
Baraka: This is why you’ll be the man in the family once I’m gone
Baraka: My favorite fighter
Son: [daughter] said she fights better!
Baraka: Let us find out then
Daughter: I remember the tribe before mother died
Baraka: You will never honor or lay eyes on it again, traitor!
Daughter: I put good deeds over personal victory, father
Mileena: You’re beautiful, for being Baraka’s
Daughter: You’re ugly, for being Sindel’s
Mileena: Hehe, I’ll bite that tongue if you don’t, savage!
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Kano (he’s so fucking hot)
Kano: Before anything else, ya motha’ came onto me first
Son: I- did not ask
Kano: Well, she asked- she asked for more every night
Daughter: My mom is obsessed with you, still
Kano: And lemme tell you, she was crazy over me back then too. A freak, really
Daughter: Are we both talking about [Y/N]?
Kano: Oh yeah, she never told you? She loved me
You: Still as fine as the day we met
Kano: You must be thinking of the wrong Kano, but I’d love to show you what the young me can do
You: Yeah, like give me a kid to raise on my own
Sonya: I thought I killed younger you already!
Kano: Hah, I always knew me boy would be useful one day
Sonya: Oh, shit- It was your son?
Kano: Y/N?
Daughter: Mother died a few years back
Kano: And you look as beautiful as she did
Kano: There’s no way. I pulled out!
Son: You pull-out game sucked then
Kano: Like father, like son then, ay?
Daughter: Mom said you promised to take me out today!
Kano: Daddy.. was probably drink’n’ ay
Daughter: If I have to drag you all the way out there, I will!
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Quan Chi
Quan Chi: I sense demon within you. You aren’t from Earthrealm
Daughter: I’m the perfect mix of holiness and unholiness
Quan Chi: Then you are a worthless mutt
You: Shinnok won’t take us fighting lightly. We’re supposed to unify and serve
Quan Chi: I shall not let him take [child] from us
You: You are a traitor
Raiden: You betray your realm for what?
You: I am sorry, but my child’s safety is worth more than Earthrealm’s would ever be
Raiden: So you aid the destruction of the safest realm?
Quan Chi: My son
Son: Do not call me that, demon
Quan Chi: Your demon workings are put to sleep within you, allow me to show you what you really are inside
Daughter: There was a time when mother thought you loved her
Quan Chi: A demon cannot feel love, my child
Daughter: You loved her enough to have me, yes?
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Shao Kahn
You: Wait until your queen finds out
Shao Kahn: Finds out what?
You: I am pregnant, emperor. And I am keeping it
Sindel: I’ll kill that disgusting monster of a child!
You: Do you speak to their sister that way?
Sindel: Kitana is more royal than your child will ever be
Daughter: You know, I was only doing what was good for the kingdom
Kitana: No, you were doing what father would want you to do
Daughter: It is better he likes me than throw me out like he did you
Shao Kahn: My little princess
Daughter: Mileena said you were planning of disposing me, father
Shao Kahn: Why ever would I do that?
Mileena: I told you not to touch my things, sis
Daughter: I told you not to touch me!
Mileena: Hehe, royal blood just tastes too good to leave alone
Shao Kahn: To be emperor, you must be able to defeat me first
Son: I will do you proud, father
Shao Kahn: Not until Kitana is dead, will you make me proud
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Heyyy I hope ur doing well!! I've been rly interested in the tsumsted event so I was wondering.. Can I request something like the characters' tsum tsums with their s/o and the characters' reactions to seeing their s/o dotting on them? For Leona, Epel, Azul, and Floyd please >:D
leona, epel, azul and floyd reacting to their s/o doting on their tsum tsums (headcanons) (gn!reader)
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so, uh, i know that the tsum tsum event has ended while i was on a break, so i'm sorry if this is kinda late.. i'll try to write the tsum tsum requests as soon as i can, so that it won't feel too late dhjjsdkd.
leona kingscholar.
♡ as long as his tsum wasn't being too annoying, leona was fine with it. you've also been playing with it a lot, so yeah, leona's tsum didn't really have the time to bother him which made leona very happy. but then, leona started feeling like you've been spending way too much time with his tsum, it felt like you forgot about your actual boyfriend and you've been paying attention only to his plushie version. and even though at first leona was relieved that his tsum won't annoy him.. now he kinda wishes you'd leave it alone.
♡ leona refuses to admit that he feels jealous because of a PLUSHIE. he knows that it sounds stupid, there's no way you'd love his tsum version more, but.. he's also getting tired of seeing you cuddle with tsum leona when you can cuddle with him instead. your boyfriend just lies there while you're holding his plushie. so yeah, even if being jealous because of his tsum sounds ridiculous, leona thinks he has a reason to feel that way.
♡ but how is he supposed to talk to you about it? what is he supposed to say? "hey, y/n, i think you've been spending way too much time with my tsum version lately"?? that just makes him sound pathetic, like he's afraid of losing you to his tsum.. wait, that's exactly how he feels. fine, he's gonna talk to you about it. 
♡ when leona mentions that you've been playing way too much with his tsum, you laugh and ask him: "what, are you jealous or something?". leona claims that he's not and he says that it's just a bit annoying, but you can see right through him. you already knew that leona's been feeling kinda jealous because of how much attention you've been giving to his tsum, but his reactions were so entertaining to watch that you just kept acting like that. and come on, his tsum is so cute, how can you stop playing with it? and your boyfriend getting annoyed because of it looked so cute too, hehe..
♡ but even though you like to mess with leona, you genuinely love him and you want him to remember that. you tell him that even though his tsum is so cute, soft and just simply adorable, you still prefer the real version. the real version is your boyfriend, meanwhile tsum leona feels like your child!.. leona is glad to hear that he won this "battle", but he's not sure how to feel about that last part.
epel felmier.
♡ listen, y/n. he also likes his tsum, he thinks it's really cute and it feels like a little brother to him. BUT CAN YOU PLEASE STOP PLAYING WITH IT JUST FOR ONE SECOND?? epel liked watching you play with his tsum, it was a lot of fun, but then you started giving it so much affection, like kissing its forehead, hugging it, cuddling with it.. meanwhile real epel just stands there, like "that should be me :(" okay, so his tsum wants to fight for your attention, huh? epel won't go down so easily!
♡ epel tries to impress you and make you notice him, like he keeps doing all this cool stuff and saying "haha, i bet my tsum can't do this thing >:D".. but his tsum actually can do this thing. and then you go "wow, tsum epel, you're so cool!!" because it's not every day that you see a plushie being able to do all these impressive things. okay, maybe epel needs a different approach.
♡ epel is actually more honest about his feelings than leona or azul who are like "well i can't say that i'm jealous because of this plushie :(" and he eventually tells you that he's been feeling like you're spending way too much time with his tsum. yes, epel also likes to play with it, it's very fun, but now they're basically rivals and they're fighting for your love. so yeah, he just.. he's been feeling a bit lonely without you, you know?
♡ you apologize to him and you tell him that even though you absolutely love his tsum, you love epel more.. just a bit more. okay, okay, you're joking, you love your boyfriend A LOT. but you still want to tease him, so you say that it's not your fault his tsum is so cute. and then his tsum goes >:( and you say "sorry, i meant to say you're so cool!!" even though epel is still a bit salty, he can't help but laugh. his tsum really is a lot like him, it's no wonder they've been fighting for your attention like this.
azul ashengrotto.
♡ watching you play with his tsum was cute at first, he's glad that you're having fun! but um.. aren't you spending way too much time with it, y/n? like, he tried to talk to you about something yesterday, but you were too busy playing with his tsum and assuring it that it looks cute both with his tiny hat and without it. and then you haven't even looked at the real version of your boyfriend, you just walked away with his tsum! that.. doesn't feel right.
♡ azul tries to calm himself down and think about it logically. you've never seen the tsum version of him before, it feels new to you, you want to play with it more and spend as much time with it as you can. he understands that, considering that the tsums will go away eventually, so you want to have more fun with it until it leaves. it all makes sense! you just think tsum azul is cute, there's nothing bad about it! but.. is real azul too boring for you then? ;; 
♡ azul still tries to make you pay attention to him, but every time he tries to talk to you, THIS LITTLE THING IS STILL WITH YOU. look at it, sitting on your shoulder like it hasn't done anything wrong. and now you're hugging it. great. azul needs to come up with a plan, he has to talk to you about this situation when his tsum won't be with you. and if it isn't around, it won't be a distraction! but here's a problem: tsum azul never leaves your side. azul wonders why..
♡ when azul finally confesses that he's been feeling a little weird since you started spending so much time with his tsum, you just.. laugh. you immediately assure azul that you're laughing not because he's so "pathetic" for feeling this way, but because it sounds so cute. your boyfriend really was afraid that you're gonna like his plushie version more? you say that you're sorry for not giving him enough attention lately, his tsum just loves you so much, it never leaves you alone! there was a time when you went to talk to someone and had to leave azul's tsum, so the poor plushie got really sad, it probably thought that you don't like it anymore. hehe, azul's tsum really is a representation of his hidden feelings in a way, isn't it?
floyd leech.
♡ oh, you want to play with his tsum? sure, here you go! haha, you two look so cute together~.. y/n, it's been like an hour. y/n, it's been three hours and you're still playing with his tsum. Y/N, YOU SPENT A WHOLE DAY WITH HIS TSUM AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN LOOKED AT YOUR REAL BOYFRIEND. WHY. floyd wanted to be friends with his tsum, he really did, but now.. oh, you thought i was gonna say they're gonna be rivals? nah, floyd isn't gonna fight for your love and all that stuff, he won't need that to defeat his tsum.
♡ everyone notices just how irritated floyd becomes when he sees you having fun with his tsum, so it's surprising for others that you keep spending time with tsum floyd despite the way your boyfriend's been glaring at it. you're either not scared of anything or you're just really dumb.. or you just want to annoy floyd. you two really are a mystery, it's no wonder you started dating each other.
♡ oh, other boys think it's dumb that they're feeling like their s/o is gonna leave them for a plushie? FLOYD ISN'T ASHAMED OF FEELING LIKE THAT AT ALL. he really feels like his tsum, HIS BEST FRIEND, HIS BUDDY, THE TSUM THAT HE TRUSTED, is gonna steal his s/o. it's not surprising, considering how cute and squishable it is. of course you would love it.. but oh well, again, floyd has to defeat his rival. he did wonder what tsum's insides would look like..
♡ OKAY, YOU HAVE TO INTERFERE NOW. you try to calm floyd down and you say that you understand how he feels, you really haven't been giving him enough attention. you say that you just got very excited because tsum floyd is so cute, so you kinda forgot about your real boyfriend.. you know how dumb this sounds and you're sorry. hey, maybe you three should play something together, so that both floyds get to have fun and spend time with you! floyd thinks a bit about it and agrees, because even though he's still watching tsum floyd and this little guy isn't gonna be forgiven so easily, he just really wants you to be happy. also, floyd knows that if there was a tsum version of you, he also wouldn't be able to stop playing with it. hmm, now he wonders how your tsum version would look like.. nah, it still wouldn't be as cute as you. 
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
I feel like I don't harp on Aang's lack of leadership skills enough. I can already hear people cracking their knuckles to type out some long diatribe about how it's unfair to judge Aang's leadership because he's a kid. Let me stop you right there. As with his lack of respect for consent and his lack of preparation to deal with Ozai, his age is irrelevant because the framing of Aang would have us believe that he's right. The show wants us, the audience, to see Aang as clever and wise beyond his years. To say I can't be too hard on Aang because he's a child flies directly in the face of what the writers intended. So, step away from the keyboard and let me finish, alright?
When I think of Aang as a leader, the episode that comes to mind is The Great Divide. Someone recently brought this up to me as an example of Aang being a Trickster type. I disagree. I think Aang is more of an Innocent than a Trickster, but I get how someone might see him as either *. It doesn't make him a great leader, in any case. In fact, it supports my theory that he's a bad leader. His actions in TGD show that he is far more interested in taking the easy way out than in any real sort of conflict resolution, which in a world looking for guidance post war is...not a great attitude to have. This is the most egregious example of his lack of conflict resolution skills, but it's not the only example of this. He also looks for the easy fix when Katara and Toph are fighting (although, this is interestingly actually framed as a misstep for him. A box of Mars bars to Bryke for that, I guess). It would be fine if this was acknowledged as a short-coming in him, but the way TGD ends, it's supposed to make Aang look clever. (P.S. there's NO way those groups didn't go right back to fighting, because that's not how conflict works).
Bryke could have left that alone and just have more examples of Aang being a good leader in the rest of the series or in the comics, but seeing as they don't seem to understand why Aang isn't the wonderful person they frame him to be, I get why there's not a whole lot of growth in him. Speaking of the comics, remember that time that Aang jumped on board with anti-miscegenation without considering the consequences? Remember how the only reason he changed his mind is because he would be personally affected by it? Yeah...
So, in the comics, Aang meets a group of wanna be Acolytes who studied Air Nomad customs and wanted to actually live them out. They shaved their heads and painted on some tattoos, and Aang was all about it...until he realized that it wasn't paint, they had actually gotten the tattoos, and at that point, he feels insulted. Mind you, he wasn't insulted about his culture being used as cosplay. He was mad that they misunderstood the significance of the tattoos and in their misguided attempts they did something they weren't supposed to. I'm not saying he was wrong to be upset, per se, I'm just saying that cultural appropriation is probably something that the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender are out of their depths on. Well, this incident sours him on the idea of mixing cultures and in his anger, he jumps right to anti-miscegenation.
Let me repeat that. Avatar Aang, who is supposed to represent all peoples, got angry at some well-intentioned, but severely misguided girls, and decided that the solution would be to support policies that would literally tear apart families. Then he only walked that back because he wouldn't be able to keep Katara. It wasn't him realizing how much damage he would do to other people. It wasn't him understanding that the issue he's trying to solve requires more delicate handling than simply saying "everyone go back to where you came from". It was his selfishness that saved the day (sort of? I think annexing a part of the Earth Kingdom to make pseudo-New York was...questionable at best).
These are the two biggest, if not only examples of the type of leader Aang is. In both cases, his solution had more to do with him, his personal convenience, his feelings, than any thought of how best serve the people looking to him to lead. They are not presented as issues with his leadership, highlighting the ways he needs to grow into his role. The solutions he comes up with are presented as examples of his cleverness and wisdom, but actually, they just show how he leads based on what's best for him. The people of Planet Avatar ** are subject to Aang's whims and how much work he feels like putting in on a given day. But the people he's leading are supposed to think he's a Big Dang Hero. In a better written story, this would be the beginning of a villain arc.
*(btw, it is still The Year of Content ™️©️®️, so probably expect another post in the future about why I think Aang is more in line with the Innocent than the Trickster. Maybe. We'll see...)
** (is there a name for that world in the fandom? Can we come up with one? Planet Avatar is incredibly lame.)
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
My ZoLu headcanon is that Luffy always had trouble with falling asleep when he was a child. Ace would always sleep next to him and that helped.
After Ace dead it didn´t just come back but got worse, because he also would wake up and wonder where his brother was in his sleepy mind, before he remembers that Ace will never be there anymore.
Of course Zoro understands what is happening with his captain after he heard Luffy, almost loudles, whine in his sleep. He spontan decided to just take his captain in his arms to show him that he is not alone.
Luffy wakes up from it, but hearing Zoros heartbeat and feeling his warmth let him fall to sleep instantly.
From that night on it is isn´t unusual when Zoro takes one of his naps that Luffy is using him as a pillow and is sleeping with a smile on his face.
And not even Sanji says anything, to happy that their captain doesn´t have dark rings under his eyes anymore. (And if he looks longingly at Usopp sometimes, than that is his secret.)
Okay, the last bit of Sanuso got me and I love it. But I love everything about this, too. I think most people tend to ignore the way Ace's death affects Luffy and I just absolutely adore making this guy suffer the most horrible trauma responses woohoo I'm evil (I'm a writer, which is the same thing). And Luffy not being able to sleep is so,,, Because tbh I think he had a hard time falling asleep already when it was just ASL because of his very obvious hyperactivity that wasn't always good and fun, most of the time making him unable to relax at all. He needed his brothers, then. Then Sabo dies, and he only has Ace. Nightmares become a thing, but his brother is there to help. Having him close has always made him feel safer. Then, Ace is the one to die and his whole world falls apart. He can't sleep anymore, both because of his nightmares and the anxiousness.
But the fact that Zoro is there makes it better. He can finally sleep peacefully. And this headcanon makes me so so so happy and sad at the same time,,,
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For Wild Man and Wild Miss again.
Now I’m wondering how this au affects the relationship between the Pearl Clan and Jubilife. Like, I’m imagining the PC would warn them of anything they think is particularly dangerous, like Ingo and Akari and their pack in the icelands, but then Ingo just wanders in a day later, introduces himself, and tells them he’s happy to trade with them and also “please don’t catch any of the zorua or zoroark like you would normally. They’re scared of humans, and kidnapping their family even temporarily will not make them like you. Also have you met my lively daughter? Let me tell you how we met.” Does the PC know Ingo does trade with Jubilife? Do members ever see him and/or Akari there but they can’t do anything but leave because Jubilife is neutral territory and they’d be kicked out for starting a fight?
Also, more specifically, what if one day Gaeric tried to talk about that time he was defending a child against a zoroark when the Wild Man attacked and whisked the zoroark away. Rei hears this and puts two and two together.
Gaeric, in the games is a likable enough guy. I imagine nobody in the clan really dislikes him. Imagine his surprise when this Galaxy Team kid blows up at him and angrily tells him about how that experience looked from his perspective.
Jubilife is very firmly in neutral territory, so even if they don't agree with certain practices of the clans, they don't do anything about it, and it's generally agreed that they should make no comments on how the natives do things. Likewise, the Pearl and Diamond clans both agreed to not start anything within Jubilife. So, yes, while some Pearl Clan members recognize Ingo, they don't actually do anything about it other than trying to warn some of the people in Jubilife about him.
Of course, Jubilife is free to make their own opinions, and Ingo quickly proves himself to be a very friendly man. He's polite and would immediately drop what he's doing to help another person if they so request it, and he likes to brag about his little daughter to anyone who will listen.
It's hard to take anything the Pearl Clan says seriously when the guy they're trying to warn people of is some dude who shoves his daughter in everyone's faces and proudly announces that she can count to 20 all on her own, now, isn't she the smartest?
As for Gaeric, he definitely does keep that story up his sleeve to talk about sometimes, and he would absolutely get a nasty surprise when he tells it anywhere near Rei. The idea that there's anyone who's actually friends with The Wild Man is just absurd to a lot of the Pearl Clan. They didn't expect that there were people in Jubilife who actually likes him and his "daughter." They believed that Ingo is only ever there for purely business purposes.
Of course, Rei blowing up at Gaeric would be brushed off quickly. Gaeric will believe that Rei's just not that great at telling an illusion from reality, especially since Rei's just a kid. And the people of Jubilife would be forced to apologize for Rei's outburst because, again, this is neutral territory and nobody is supposed to aggravate the tentative relations they've built. Gaeric is a Warden, after all, which means he has high standing.
This isn't to say that the civilians of Jubilife would disagree with Rei's outrage. They've babysat Akari many times in the past. They remember her being brought through the gates, bloodied and crying and whimpering. Finding out the one responsible is someone deluding themselves into thinking they did an honorable thing over unfounded superstitions would put a sour taste in a lot of mouths. And that someone has political immunity. It just leaves a sense of tension, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. No one can speak up, no one is allowed to explain it.
On a different thought, I find it very funny that Ingo is just unintentionally a political time bomb. He's just going about trying to exist, take care of his daughter, etc, meanwhile he's somehow caused the most tension between the Pearl Clan and Jubilife without even doing anything. By being likable.
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bbiemochi · 1 year
HII so can i maybe request rei sakuma and a reader who’s like mafuyu asahina from project sekai? i mean like a reader who like acts hapoy n stuff but mentally they don’t feel that way :3 sososososo sorry if it seems like this doesn’t make sense 😞
𝚒𝚍 𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚎 | rei sakuma x reader
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[an]: I’M SO SORRY IF THIS TOOK LONG ToT literally goddamn, is my inbox filled with unfinished requests and i’m literally going to sob. anyways, yes, mafuyu our depressed emo child, i miss playing pjsekai tbh i quit a long time ago because i was lacking storage 🥹🥹 nonetheless, tysm for requesting! hope u like it <33
summary: rei knew how pressuring of being the gifted child really is. and he knew that ever since he spent more time with you.
pairing: rei sakuma x pressured gifted kid!fem!reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff at the end
IF THERE WERE A FEW things rei knew so well about his girlfriend, is that she was the most prettiest and wisest person he knew so far in his life. most boyfriends would think so, in fact from rei’s point of view—he had never been more in love than before. however, for as far as he can remember, there are these small things he takes note from your personality.
always at the top of your class, you had never once received a failing grade in either of your subjects, with repeatedly getting a 100 score on your tests and performance tasks, heck, you even got voted as the class representative. you were popular amongst not only the teachers, but with students as well because of your vast intelligence, and also with your looks. because of this, your parents decided to move you in one of the most prestigious private academies in all of japan, yumenosaki academy, where all dreams bloom. they had very high expectations for you, building your future by their own hands without your approval and pushing every bit of talent to learn down to your throat. you felt like a puppet being pulled by a string, two people laughing with the thought of their daughter being able to make their future possible covering their vision. this was ist from behind the curtain, before pulling it for others to see of how you looked alright, even if it was clear you were only pretending to be.
despite acting like an idiot with that persona of his that hid his true nature, rei was intelligent, and once an intelligent noticed the dots connecting, there was no turning back. how your eyes never shined like before after talking to someone who asked for advise, how your smile never matches the way your irises lit up when looking at somebody, and how you were always bombarded with other students to tutor them even if you were busy yourself. just with simple actions within the audience can be counted as a clue…since rei knew the feeling too well.
rei was only one of the few who had noticed.
“isn’t y/n-san so smart? she helped me almost score a perfect on my exams today!”
“gah, how i wish i were her! smart, pretty, always getting perfect scores, talk about lucky!”
maintaining a perfect image for yourself and your reputation in public. a perfect daughter anyone could ever ask for. even if that perfection couldn’t reach the emotional distress you’ve kept to yourself these past years that went on.
when rei first met you after you were switched in the producer course, everyone had liked you immediately. of course, this was because you were the ‘perfect’ producer anyone could ever ask for. even the first producer; anzu was asking from you from time to time for advise. everyone thinks: ‘oh that won’t be any trouble for y/n-san! she’s wise, anyways! she’ll know what to do!’ when rei would mention your name to ask if you could do extra work for his unit. it made him feel bad…wonders if you were actually doing just ok as they say you would be.
not long after, rei unexpectedly fell for you.
as quicker than the ice melts, it didn’t take long for you to notice his odd signals for romance and affection. even without the hints from hakaze and the other third years, it was quite obvious to everyone’s gazes that rei was indeed infatuated with you. you were used to people having crushes on you due to your reputation, you weren’t even sure how many confessions was given to you in a span of months—yet, you know how to handle this situation smoothly.
or not…
sir kunigi requested for you to take one last look at the training room for 2wink to see if the missing files were piled up in that room, however, according to hinata the files were nowhere to be seen, and it was dead end. the older aoi twin was in a small rush in order to catch up with his younger twin brother who was currently in a bad mood, probably about the canceled live announcement from the student council members.
because of it, it seems as you had no choice but to redo the piles of task printed out once again. kunigi was stern to tell you that those documents were important for the idols, and that losing them would become a big deal (in which it did). this was the first time you ever lost something important, your image of maintaining perfection became a slump of dough at that moment when kunigi insisted to let anzu take care of the problem instead. it made you feel disappointed at yourself, so you kept telling your teacher you didn’t want to add anzu more work on her table, that you could do it again and that it was alright.
“alright,” he sighs, “just make sure this time you won’t lose it. this is the first time i ever seen you lose your focus. apologies if the producer work is pressuring you, but you should be careful next time.”
“i-it’s fine, sir..! i’m getting used to it after all, only me and anzu-chan are the only available producers here at this course. i really am sorry for losing it…” you sent him your signature smile, eyes beaming on him as you hugged an empty folder right in your chest. kunigi smiles back, before watching you walk out of his office.
thank god all of that was over…
as you slowly opened your eyes, the light that once appeared from your irises dissolved into an abyss of emptiness, the smile that once lined up over your mouth was drawn into a thin line, expressing a nonchalant look. this was getting so tiring already, could they add more work to this mess? it was your parents who had suggested you to enroll in yumenosaki academy and choose the producer course for you, saying producer work for idols earn a whole lot of money and that it could help ‘support’ your family. as if they weren’t pressuring you enough. you didn’t dream to do this…in fact, you had no idea what your dream was.
not like it was your choice to decide at the first place.
the hallway was empty (thank god it was), you slowly walked back to the empty classroom you were currently staying at and doing your work there alone. the schedule in which you printed before (and went missing) was still saved in your laptop, and all was needed was to be inked out of the printer. you had to ask keito if he had more ink since this was all out, there were far too many files to document due to the low numbers of producers in your course. papers were lying messily beneath your desk, and your expression was still empty despite all this circulating problems being piled up over yourself. you were just used to it. not like this was getting any different from before.
‘i should ask over the student council if they have any spare ink for the printer…i need to get this task done before sunset…’ was what your thoughts said as your dark eyes looked over at the remaining documents displayed over your laptop screen. after this one you and anzu still had to plan for the upcoming idol festivals to be needed by tomorrow for new years. ahh…how tiring. however, this is how work should go. before you could head out the door in order to make your way towards the student council office, a familiar figure was already standing near the door frame, arms crossed and eyes gently closed when you turned around. this surprised you, of course.
“jesus christ, sakuma-san you scared me…” a pant escaped your lips in astonishment. fixing your posture, and once again giving him your signature smile, you spoke, “why are you still here? is there anything i can assist you with?” the politeness in your tone almost caught the undead leader off guard, however he keeps his stance. rei lets out a chuckle from this, “kuku, it is a specialty of mine as a vampire to scare humans. as such, little darling, is this what you’re looking for?” the male in front of you suddenly pulls out a paper from underneath his arm, showing it in front of your sight. it was the document that you and sir kunigi were looking for. a wide smile spreads across your face, hope signaling over your expression (for once).
thank god he found it.
“sakuma-san thank you so much! you’re a lifesaver…!” in a hurry did you ran towards his side, grabbing the paper from his hands and looking over at the printed file, making sure it was the original document you had printed an hour ago. it really was, and a wave of relief hits you. looking back at rei, you giggled happily, “thank you so much, b-but where did you find it?? i swore i checked every unit room…”
“it turns out yuta-kun had it the whole time. after the kids argued about something i wouldn’t dare to explain, yuta thought that the file he took was for the new rescheduling of 2wink’s live concert stadium. at first he planned to head over to the student council and ask tenshounin about why their live was canceled, but when he looked back at the file, turns out it was for another unit,” rei explains, smiling back at you. “he came to me looking for you, since the young lady was busy with trickstar at reimei academy at the moment, making arrangements with eden, he wanted the document handed over to you, little darling.”
“ah, how thoughtful of him. phew, at least i won’t be redoing the papers again…” you carefully placed the paper underneath a nearby folder along with the others, cleaning up your desk before turning back to rei. “thank you once again for bringing this over to me, it’s a real help, honest.” there was silence after that last reply, the atmosphere around the air grew awkward when rei didn’t reply for that whole minute. though you were really thankful he handed you over the missing documents, this kind of sheepish aura is making your legs all wobbly.
“this is the first time i have seen you smile for real, little darling.”
your head immediately perked up in astonishment. this is the first time he saw you smile for real? what in the world did he mean by that? has he seen through your hidden expressions among the idols? among the other teachers? friends? classmates? no, there was no way he could actually figure that out soon. you grew how to hide your feelings buried within you after all, you’re already a pro at this. smiling again with a faint laugh, you hugged the file tighter over your chest, “sakuma-san what do you mean by that? you really are an odd one,” ‘ok, this would probably set aside of whatever he’s thinking…this is my chance.’
you hurriedly walked aside your senior and prepared to head out towards the teacher’s office, when another of one of his sentences stopped you midway. “aren’t you feeling pressured?”
“…” that question made your eyes go dark. you looked at him again, this time without your signature smile, but a nonchalant look on your face. rei too looked back at you, however his expression seemed to be new to you, you’ve never seen him this serious before. “don’t you think you’re going overboard by doing what everyone expects you to do? don’t you have dreams yourself?”
“what would you know?”
your cold tone struck to him, yet he stands still. bingo, he got you where he wanted to. you’re quick to show your emotions when revealed. the once eyes that filled with hope and adorable sparkles in the world’s view, now turned into an empty shade of nothing. emotionless e/c eyes meet with his ruby pupils. “you’re just an idol. a weird chuuni vampire who knows nothing but sing and dance in front of the audience like a satisfaction tool. tell me, do you have dreams, sakuma?”
he grins, “of course i do. making my fans fill with smiles is my dream. i want the world to know that me and my unit can sing for them.” his answer was obvious, figures. you didn’t shift away from him for a moment, you continued to speak, honestly this time. “words of a true idol, i’ll give you that. but even so, what would you know of how i should maintain my image for everyone and my mother?”
“so you’re finally saying that you’re only doing this because your mother and everyone expects big of you?”
another wave of silence hit. you clenched your fists in annoyance. you had let your guard down…this was rei’s intention was it? he knew nothing, why would he? he’s just an idol and the leader of one of the most famous units in the academy—nothing more. why would he care? for a producer like you, he shouldn’t really be getting too close with you. that’s a rule. you shouldn’t let your blood boil because this guy is backing you up in a corner with no escape, he’s just an idol.
“y/n, you’re bring pressured by peers, carried by your parents’ expectations…being controlled of your own future…is this all ordinary for you?” no reply. your eyes were locked down on the school tiles, head empty as rei continuously spoke to you more. like shredding open a sealed cloth, rei knew the exact words to say. “little darling…”
“don’t come close..”
he ignores your plea, whilst walking even closer. you backed away, “i said don’t come closer, you know nothing of what…i’ve…” finger intertwining with yours, a soft to the touch emotion mixed with questionable feelings that whirled in the insides of your stomach, sort of like butterflies trying to make their escape from a sealed flower that’s ready to bloom. his eyes, dark blood eyes that dug holes into yours, you swore if you stared at them any longer your legs would begin to feel weak. “what…what are you…?” your voice couldn’t spit out a strong sentence unlike before, it came out as faint…and a little hoarse.
the space between you both closes…with your head being hugged between his arms, creating warmth in the atmosphere everywhere over your body. it radiates like a first summer burst, feelings of guilt, sadness and pressure drenched onto your skin. he had caught you…rei, had caught you. this type of affection…when was the last time you had felt it from a warm hug of a loving parent? it’s…incredible. such a great feeling.
it’s making you…a bit emotional. it pulls the rope even more when rei began stroking your hair, gently, soft hums and praises could be heard between the gusts of wind exiting out from the opened school windows. tears soon pricked beneath your eyelids, blurring your vision…as you slowly sobbed into rei’s chest. this was one of the things you promised to yourself; never breakdown in front of someone, or else you’d be burdening your feelings to them. it was better to keep them hidden no matter what. however, it seems like rei won this time when he manages to glove his way into your grey heart.
“shh…shh…it’s ok, little darling. you’re safe here…i’m here…”
“i-i’m so sorry…”
“it’s alright…”
“i didn’t mean to…”
“it’s ok, you’re ok…”
“don’t leave me…”
“don’t leave me all…alone…”
“hush…i won’t…i’m here…i love you..”
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