#I just wanna turn off gender. can I do that? like just flip a switch and no one perceives me as anything anymore
ineed-to-sleep · 26 days
Funny how all it takes is a couple of conversations with a cis straight man about gender to make me go "yup I'm definitely not cis"
#listen I adore my stepfather ok but he's got a pretty traditional view of gender#he's very respectful of others and doesn't enforce it on anyone else#and I think it's not that toxic all things considered bc he sees 'manhood' as being primarily about being hard working and protecting other#but it's still very gender essentialist#and he sees a lot of things as 'man things' and 'woman things'#and talks about skills and roles that are 'men's'#and I'm just like well but I do a lot of those things. but I identify with a lot of the things you describe.#and he tries to go around it like 'ahh well but you have personal history with that' etc etc#we get along really well tho we don't fight or anything but it's interesting to me#it makes me realize just how much I'm outside of the binary in the eyes of cis people#and how much 'trying to be a man' or 'trying to be a woman' are things that hold no emotional meaning to me(personally)#I could not care less what makes me masculine or feminine or if either of those labels are revoked for some reason#taking on the label of woman or man feels like a burden to me bc it always comes with a set of expectations#I just wanna be me yk. I just want people to see me through the lens of 'this is a person'#'this is what this person likes. this is how this person behaves'#I just wanna turn off gender. can I do that? like just flip a switch and no one perceives me as anything anymore#in a perfect world maybe#sleep.txt#I honestly still don't fully understand how I feel about gender but. I know that I don't like being put into a box#the box is Evil.
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intoxicated-chan · 6 months
𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐫…
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Summary ➳ You are a street rat in Gondor, after the rise of soldiers patrolling the streets, you become desperate for coin and meet the man you attempt to steal from.
(A/n) ➳ I would consider this a series but not really a storyline/story. It’s more like headcanons/scenarios because I have a lot of them.
You guys can check out the masterlister for this if you wanna request something!!
Word Count ➳ 1.2k
Content Warnings ➳ Gender Neutral Reader, Reader’s age is eight, stealing, mentions of starving, violence, mentions of death…
Series’ Masterlist
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Thirteen Years Before LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring - Reader’s age is eight - Boromir’s age is twenty seven - Faramir’s age is twenty three -
You were part of a misfit group in Gondor, causing trouble wherever you all went. And you all had one thing in common, all of you were unwanted by your families. It’s what kept you all together, made you believe you were your own family.
You all got away with various crimes, and being the youngest of the family, you listened, learned, and paid attention to whatever they did. You knew your way around Gondor like the back of your hand, well… Almost all of Gondor.
But it was like a flip was switched. Suddenly soldiers patrolled the streets, it didn’t matter the hours. The citizens spoke of how they cannot wait to get rid of the thieves plaguing their homes. You watched as the thieves were dragged off.
You were scared, and they all saw it. They reassured you that it wouldn’t happen to them and they would be with you, forever.
Yet one-by-one everyone started getting picked off, getting into trouble that was certain to be their demise, or getting into fights that they could not win. It was until you were the only one left. If you continued and followed in their steps, you would surely end up like them.
So you tried to stray off the path that they all followed, but being on the poor side of Gondor meant you had to do it to live.
You went back to stealing, getting into fights over food or even housing… You weren’t proud of yourself but hey, you were still breathing. That’s when you got over your head. You heard there was a high price on any of the soldier’s swords. No way someone would dare to try but you were willing.
It was late at night when you found two soldiers alone, chatting and the younger one was drinking at the older one’s request. When the younger one went inside, believing he forgot something, the other seemed to follow, leaving their swords behind.
Maybe you could take both, get paid double. You would be set for a long time if you used the money wisely.
You slowly made your way to the swords, grabbing the hilt of one and reaching for the other. You were suddenly pulled away by the shoulder while the sword in your hand was taken back. You were met by the eyes of the older one.
One would say he looked angry, but it seemed like he was more frustrated than angry.
“What’s ?” He kept a soft grip on your shoulder, letting you run if you pleased. But you were scared, unsure if he was going to use the sword to strike you down. “What is a little child doing playing with dangerous weapons?”
“I-I didn’t mean to sir, I promise!” You begged.
“It’s alright.” He smiled, setting the sword against the wall. “But you shouldn’t go touching stranger’s belongings, if I was someone else, they might not have been so kind.” He warned you, releasing your shoulder. “What is your name, child?”
“Well (Y/n).” He searched through his pouch and tossed you a couple of coins. “Here, go and get warm. There’s a tavern that would take a single coin for a week. It gets very cold in Gondor around this time.” He took the swords, sheathing one and with his back turned to you. “Take care (Y/n), I hope you will not find trouble.” And he enters the tavern, following the younger one.
“Did something happen?” Faramir asked, taking the sword when it was handed to him.
“It was just a child.”
It was strange for a stranger to have an effect on you. You tried to live by his words for the next couple of weeks, anything to keep you from straying on the road you were on. But you were down to two coins left, two weeks, and the weather wasn’t getting any warmer.
People stay inside to keep warm, and when people stay inside, there is no work to be done.
You were starving, you could buy just for the day from the two coins or use the coins for the shelter given to you. You would say the hunger clouded your judgment, and the cost for the soldier’s swords was still in the air.
You swiftly maneuvered around the boxes blocking the street, you looked through alleyways for any soldier leaving their weapons unattended, unaware of another soldier following you from afar.
But as far as you could search without looking suspicious, none decided to leave their swords, not even from a moment. They all desperately searched for warmth.
Your last resort was to steal from the very few vendors still open, all you needed to do was distract, snatch, and then run back to the tavern. You made sure to calculate a route that would surely lose the vendor.
You pulled the cloak tighter around your frame, hood up and head down, you walked to the vendor asking questions and picking out what you wanted. While they were busy, you grabbed the largest piece of bread dashed away.
“Hey!” The vendor shouted. The soldier ran after you but made no promise to the vendor, the vendor believed that the soldier would drag you back to them.
You made cuts through the alley, jumping over boxes and did your best to speed past soldiers without looking suspicious, but it’s difficult when you’re being chased. Your lungs burned as your legs felt heavy, it seemed that the cold weather didn’t like you and slowed you down.
When you cut into another alley, you tripped another box. You let out a cry, falling to the stone cold ground. As you dragged yourself to the bread, it was taken from you and you were thrown over someone’s shoulders.
“Let me go!” You demanded, struggling against his hold.
“No one is going to help a thief.” You remembered that voice, just barely.
“Quiet down.” He ordered you, rushing deeper through the alleyways until it was a dead end, he finally let you down yet still kept the bread in his hands. “Did I not say to keep out of trouble?”
“You hoped that I wouldn’t get into trouble.” You retorted, reaching for the bread only for him to pull. You reached for it again but he held it over your head. You weren’t going to even try to jump. “What do you want from me? Who are you?!”
He quickly hushed you, covering your mouth with his gloved hand. “I’m Boromir.” Your heart dropped. “You are young, you shouldn’t be out here without your parents but from what I’ve seen, you don’t have any… How long have you been alone, little one?”
He stepped closer to you, his arm coming down, and handed you the bread. His hands were caring, especially when they took your hands to hold the bread.
You sniffled and held the bread close to your chest, you broke down crying. You felt his arms come around your body, kneeling to meet your level. He rubbed your back as you cried into his shoulder. “It’s alright, little one.” His thumb swipes away a tear. “I’ll take care of you now, you’re safe.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2023, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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bittybeanie · 2 years
Business As Usual (reigen x reader)
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it's finally done, y'all! this fic has gone through so many different versions before ending up as what it is now, which is basically a collection of snippets that i connected together with some plot. i really wanted to explore aspec reigen but wanted to keep him in character AND still have a gender neutral reader which is VERY hard to do when you need to describe... where hands are going, but i think i finally did it!
also on ao3 here!
Your head rests against your palm as you stare blankly in Reigen's general direction, letting the sound of his voice from the doorway float over to you as a fond smile takes over your face. One of his legs is popped forward, his knee bent so his foot can rest flat against the wall behind him, and he slips his hands into his pockets. Your gaze lingers on his thumb, tucked over the top of his pocket, and your face slips off your hand before you can come to your senses. You're already scrambling for a pen by the time he glances over at you and raises his eyebrows in a silent question of "everything okay over there?"
You give him a shaky smile and a thumbs up, weakly holding up the pen and pulling the abandoned stack of papers on your desk toward you. He beams at you and turns back to Serizawa, casually switching to stand on his other leg like he didn't just make your heart skip a beat. You resist the urge to look back at him for all of a couple seconds, the embarrassment of almost getting caught staring not as strong as how distracting he is. He's already using his hands again, one flying through the air as he draws a square in what you think is his attempt to explain the layout of a room. The other hand hangs by his side, his thumb crossed in front of his index finger.
You prop one elbow on the desk, holding up the same makeshift heart shape as you pretend to return to your ignored work.
You find yourself leaning against the front of Reigen’s desk often. With Mob on a school trip and Serizawa at his class for the night, there's no need for you to keep up the act of office secretary, so you've settled into a sort of half-sit, one leg propped up so you can turn to face him without putting your full weight on the surface.
As he listens to you talk, he twirls a pen between his fingers, flipping it back and forth before stopping to spin it around his thumb, only to catch it and do it again. His other hand traces the trim of his desk - over the scratch in the edge from the arm of his chair, down the scuff mark on the corner from the time you'd both dragged it against the door frame on the way in, back up the slice in the surface from a time when he'd still taken dangerous clients on his own and a "stray" pocket knife had gone flying from a "possessed" man's hand. You make a mental note to buy Mob and Serizawa each something for all their hard work.
You trail off, trying to retrace your conversation to find the original point of your story. In the quiet that follows, you can hear the sound of his fingers along the wood. He's being so gentle, just barely making contact, like he's handling a precious artifact. In its own way, you suppose, the desk is an important part of the office's history, in the same way that every plant, every poster of his face, every picture with a client was a part of the journey here, to this moment.
You wonder if he'd handle you the same way.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, just... lost my train of thought there." You blink and give your most convincing spacey chuckle, mentally yelling at yourself to get a fucking grip already. "How did we end up talking about this again?" You're sure that he'll see through you in a second. Instead, he shrugs and stretches his arms above his head.
"Hell if I know." He drops his arms and rolls his shoulders. "Think it's safe to shut down for the night, though, so..." He stands with a flourish and jerks his thumb in the direction of the door. "Wanna get food?"
Despite your best efforts, you find yourselves at the same quiet bar as always, both of you too indecisive and habitual to pick somewhere else to eat. Both of you nod when the bartender asks if it'll be the usual, then shake your heads when she asks about drinks. She rolls her eyes at you, but it's good-natured, and she disappears around the corner to start your order.
There's something about the environment that sweeps you up in it - the dim lighting and the scratchy record player in the corner - and you think Reigen might have actually forgotten he hasn't had any alcohol. "Loose" is the only word you can think of to describe him in this moment, his face softer, his pinky over yours on the counter, his posture and his filter more relaxed. He doesn't even jolt when the bartender calls the two of you lovebirds, something that always made him scramble to defend himself before you officially started dating. Now, although his hand still gets a little clammy, he just looks over at you and smiles, and he presses a kiss to your temple. 
She asks how things are going at the office (boring but peaceful), if you've told the others yet (Serizawa figured it out on his own, just like she did, and you're not sure how to bring it up to Mob yet, but you have a feeling he knows), if you have any fun plans. She raises her eyebrows on the last question, leaning forward to give you a meaningful stare, her face breaking out into a smirk.
You and Reigen freeze up at the same time, looking in opposite directions.
"I mean we're-"
"Yeah, it's, y'know, we-"
"Not that it's any of your-"
"Just what are you implying anyway, I mean-"
She waves her hands to cut you both off, laughing loudly at your awkwardness.
"Just teasing you guys, sheesh. But, seriously, nothing fun this weekend?"
"Ah, no, just business as usual."
She goes on a rant about how you two should really relax, take a vacation, you spend so much time in that damn office of yours, how do you two even-
You settle in, thankful for the change of subject, and chuckle quietly, not sure how to explain that, at this point, the office feels more like home than your apartment does. When she turns around to grab something, you press a quick kiss to Reigen's cheek, reveling in the way he always looks surprised no matter how many times you've done it before. He unlinks your pinkies and puts his whole hand over yours, giving a light squeeze. You bump your head against his shoulder just as she turns back around, and she makes a theatrical gagging sound.
Reigen had told you before that he was thankful to have a new regular bar, but it's moments like these that you really see it- dropping his pretenses bit by bit with every night you come in, asking her questions and talking to her not as a composed business man, or even as somebody that you've dragged along with you, but simply as himself.
You think this is your favorite way to see him.
He gets up eventually to use the restroom before you leave, and the bartender jumps at the chance to tease you some more. It's always a little embarrassing, despite how many times she's done it, but it's also strangely comforting in its familiarity.
"You know you look at him like a lovesick puppy, right?"
"So? We're dating, how am I supposed to look at him?"
She looks concerned. "No, it's not that, just... I think he's the only one that can't tell you wanna do him. Are you seriously gonna wait around forever?"
"I'll wait as long as I need." You know what she's getting at, and you admit that you haven't been the most straightforward with him, but you don't want to run the risk of making him uncomfortable. He's never officially told you outright, but you get the impression it just isn't something he's interested in, and you decided you were fine with that long before you asked him out. Your lingering stares and imagination would just have to be enough.
"And if he never-"
"Then I wait forever." You finish the last bit of your water in one go and set the glass down a bit too harshly, trying to distract her from your obviously flustered state. "In the meantime, I’ll keep enjoying what I have."
She considers you for a minute before glancing over your shoulder. Apparently she's satisfied with your answer, because she rolls her eyes again and takes the plates from the counter. You startle a bit when you feel Reigen's hand on your shoulder, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head as an apology before asking if you're ready to leave.
He slips his coat on and waits by the door as you hand the bartender your card.
"I'm not gonna stop teasing you about it," she whispers. "But I think you two are gonna be just fine." You're not sure what to say. You glance over at him as he readjusts his scarf, his tongue peeking out as he fights to get the sides even with each other. He stands up straighter to lean against the door frame when he notices you looking, clearing his throat loudly and giving you a wave. The bartender hands your card back.
"Yeah. Thanks."
You reach for Reigen's hand and link your fingers together as he swings the door open, turning around to give the bartender one last wave goodbye.
"Be safe! If you ever bang, that is!"
"Oi!" The door swinging shut behind you cuts off your noise of protest. You can see her laughing through the window, one hand covering her mouth as she waves you off.
"Actually, um..." He bumps his hip into yours. "I... I have something to ask you about."
"So, um." Reigen clears his throat. His hand is practically slipping out of yours from how sweaty it is, and that fact does nothing to calm your nerves about what he might say next. You tighten your grip. "Ekubo... brought something to my attention."
"O-oh? And what would that be?" Though you've never been able to see or hear the spirit for yourself, you've learned from Mob that he's incredibly blunt. Your worry increases.
"Well. He told me I was an 'oblivious asshole' and that even he knew I was 'wasting an opportunity', if that gives you any clues." Based on the context, you're pretty sure you know where this is going. This time, it's Reigen that tightens his grip.
"He was all," he makes his voice more nasally and tilts his head, "I definitely shouldn't have to be the one to tell you this but nobody else is going to do it and I'm sick of seeing them make googoo eyes at you all the time, so I'm just doing what needs to be done! Reigen! They totally wa-" He chokes a bit, trailing off into something you can't hear. "Well, I can't remember exactly what he said, but, um, he basically told me I should ask if there was something... more that you were hoping for. In our relationship." He slows his walking, staring down at his feet.
"I... don't know how to answer that, honestly." He seems surprised and a little relieved at your answer. It makes you all the more uncertain whether you should say anything. "I guess there is, but it's not- I mean it's definitely not a dealbreaker. I figured you weren't- I mean I'm not saying you- that you're not- it just seemed like something you didn't really... care about. Or... care for. That much."
He considers lying, but dismisses the idea quickly. The million excuses die on his tongue, the half-baked stories of his fake experience erased as his mind goes blank. He knows there's no need for him to lie, sees in how nervous you are that you mean it when you say it's not a dealbreaker, but he doesn't know what to say instead. He has no idea what will come out when he speaks, and that's a terrifying prospect.
"Well, I don't, I guess." You nod. "I care about you, though." He taps the back of his hand against your thigh, dragging your arm along with it. "You don't need to keep things from me. If that's- if I'm... something you- I mean, if you're- I'm-" He sighs harshly and stops walking to look up at the stars. "Honestly, I'm not the best at this sort of thing. I've never really thought that somebody would want me, so I hadn't considered it. But if you're really interested, if you... want..."
"I do."
He snaps his head down to look at you, like he's surprised to hear you say it even though he already knew it was true.
"The same goes for you, too, though. You don't need to keep things from me." You tap your elbow against his side. "And you don't need to give things just for my sake. Whatever Ekubo said, you're not 'wasting an opportunity.' I'll be here if you want me, and if you don't," you shrug, "I'll still be here anyway. No pressure. No offense taken."
He nods. You start walking again in silence, his eyebrows pulled together as he considers his options. He pulls his hand away from yours to wipe his palms on his thighs, and you barely conceal your laugh in time.
When you stop in front of your apartment building, he leans down to kiss you as usual. Your hands linger on his jaw, and you give him another quick peck before you fully pull away.
"You coming up?" He blinks at you, and the extra implication finally registers. "For tea! I mean."
He laughs and kisses you again, grabbing your wrist to pull you up the stairs.
You're turning to hang your coat - just barely holding onto to the end of one sleeve - when you hear the sound of your door clicking shut behind you and you find yourself pressed against it, Reigen's lips against yours. You drop your jacket on the floor in favor of steadying yourself, both hands on his shoulders as you lift yourself onto your toes. His fingers fidget with the hem of your shirt, and you pull back just in time to keep your breathing even.
"Where's all this coming from?"
He presses a kiss to your jaw. "I've decided," another kiss, just below your ear, "I want to give you what you want." His breath against your jaw is admittedly distracting, but something still feels off to you, and you're determined to figure out what it is before you let him get too far.
"Is that so?" He hums against your neck. "You really want to?" He hums again, pulling back so he can press his forehead against yours.
"Well, while I appreciate the effort..." You pull on his arm as you spin out into the room, and the door rattles when you push him back against it. "This is more like what I had in mind." All his preparation goes out the window, all the lines he's memorized "just in case" rendered useless, and he's left standing there gawking at you. You take a step back, suddenly unsure of yourself. "If... that's okay."
"Yes!" He clears his throat and waves a hand vaguely in the air. "Yes, that's... probably better. That way you can- exactly what you- y'know. I'm a little surprised, is all." He points in several directions as he talks, eventually settling on pressing his index finger lightly into your shoulder.
You breathe out a laugh and reach up to thread your fingers through his hair.
"Well, you know, you're just so darn handsome. Can't help but think about how you'll look in... other scenarios."
"Is that what you were thinking about while you were staring me down earlier? While I was talking to Serizawa?" He smirks like he expects you to laugh it off, to roll your eyes, to knock your head against his shoulder and exhale with that same half-laugh, half-scoff you give him when he tells a bad joke. You lean up to kiss him, instead, and his breath catches in his throat.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Oh." He seems to realize he's still poking you in the shoulder, and he moves his hands so they both rest on your hips. You can feel them shaking. "Oh."
"Is that okay?"
He looks like he's genuinely considering it this time instead of just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. His shoulders relax, and he slides down the door. You chuckle at the way his jacket bunches up.
"Yeah. Yeah, it's okay. It's nice, honestly."
"Well, good thing there's way more where that came from, then."
"You're sure about this? Still okay?"
His fingers pull at your hair as his hand shakes, and his nails are pressing into your hip a little too tightly, and he's biting down on his lip so hard that you're sure he's gonna draw blood any second now, but he's nodding and looking at you like there's nothing else in the world. His hair is sticking up at the top and there's a faint red mark just below his collarbone, and he looks so perfect that you'd be the stupidest person in the world to stop now and give up the view.
But being an idiot is worth it if it means he's safe, so you stop again after you undo the last button of his shirt, looking back up at him when you slip your fingers under the collar. He nods again and kisses you, quick enough that you don't get a chance to deepen it but long enough to leave you chasing his lips when he pulls away. His fingers wrap around your wrists as he guides you to pull the sleeves down his arms, and the shirt falls to the bed with a quiet rustling of fabric, almost drowning out the way your heart is attempting to leap out of your chest.
"Hey. I know you said you, um- but..." He leans forward, shuffling so he's propped up on his knees. "Could we go back to this? It's a little easier."
"Of course. Whatever you need." His hair brushes against your forehead, and you can feel his breath across your nose as he pants. Moonlight streams in through your window, the corner of it lighting up the side of his face enough for you to see just how red his ears are. "I want you however I can have you, anyway, so it's not like it matters to me."
"Well, it's not gonna work if you keep saying things like that."
You laugh and flop backwards onto the bed, doing your best not to kick your pillows. "What, do you have a script up there or something? Am I going off book?" You tap a finger to the center of his forehead. He purses his lips and looks off to the side.
"Not... No. I don't need a script." He scoots closer to you, settling in between your legs as he puts one hand on either side of your head.
"Good answer." He shakes his head as he leans down to press his lips to your collarbone, but pulls back immediately when you let out a startled squeak.
"Sorry! Sorry, I don't know why that caught me so off guard." You laugh and wrap your arms around his waist. "Just nervous, I guess. You c- you can keep going, though. S'nice." You shift awkwardly when he doesn't move, glancing off to the side. "You... still okay? We can-"
"You're nervous?"
"Well, yeah. I mean... man of my dreams? Over me? About to do me? It's a little overwhelming, y'know? Good overwhelming, but still."
"Right. Yeah." He sits back onto his knees, and you follow by propping yourself up on one arm. "Wait, man of your dreams?" His voice cracks, but he doesn't bother clearing his throat.
"Y- uh. Y... Yes?" He opens his mouth, but you cut him off before he can say anything. "I mean, think what you will, but I have had dreams about you, so it's literal if nothing else."
He straightens at that, and you can practically see the light bulb go off above his head when he snaps his fingers. His smirk gets dangerously wide, and he leans back into your personal space, wrapping one arm under you to keep you from laying back down.
"Why don't you... tell me about those?"
"A mirror?!" He presses a kiss to your hip, muffling a laugh. "Certainly starting off strong."
"It was just the most recent one!" You squirm as he sneaks his thumbs into your waistband, looking up at you for confirmation. You lift your hips, and you hear him take a sharp breath before he yanks them down. "I can always pick a different one."
"No, no, I asked. Talk away." He presses a kiss to the inside of your thigh, lifting your leg on top of his shoulder. "What was the appeal, do you know? Or was your brain just looking for ideas?"
"Ah, both, I think. But I certainly know what the appeal was."
"Oh?" He licks a stripe up your thigh before sucking a section of your skin into his mouth, stopping just before he thinks it'll leave a mark to move to a new spot.
"Yeah, your h- mm. Uh, ha, w- um. Actually, that might be too embarrassing."
"What? Come on." He slides his hand up your other thigh, fidgeting with the waistband of your underwear as he steels himself to pull those off too.
"No, I'm- go ahead." He nods, but keeps fidgeting with the elastic for now. "I'm picking something else. You won't be able to look at me the same after."
"Is it really that bad?"
"It's not bad exactly, just- oh!" He pulls your underwear down a bit too fast, and they get caught on your foot, sending them slingshotting across the room. Your head falls back against the bed as you laugh from the sheer absurdity of it, and you grab the sheets to anchor yourself. "Anyway, it's just very specific. I don't want you to feel weirded out."
"I think I'm more weirded out by not knowing. You're scaring me a little." He takes your hand and guides it to the top of his head, not moving until you thread your fingers through his hair with a shaky sigh.
"Fine, fine, y- hmm." He sticks his fingers in his mouth to get them wet, mostly because it's something he'd read once that you were supposed to do, and you hear the loud pop when he pulls them out. "It's your hands."
He eases one finger inside you so slowly that it seems like he's waiting for something terrible to happen. All he gets is your satisfied shiver and a light tug on his hair to encourage him to move his head up.
"In a case like this, I can feel your hands but I can't see them. A mirror let me do both."
"What's so special about my hands?"
"You say as your fingers are literally inside me."
"Other than that, o-obviously." He closes his mouth around you, and your hips buck up before you can stop them.
"S'fine." He readjusts your hand in his hair so you can have a better hold. He hums lowly when you give a test pull, and you can feel the vibration of it in the very core of your body. "You were saying?"
"Oh, right, y- they're distracting. I mean, you just ha- oh, have nice hands in the first place, but- y- you use them so much that it's like... oh, Jesus." He slips another finger inside, crooking them up in a blind attempt to get a better reaction out of you. "I think about them a lot, I guess. And you're always fidgeting, so, w- they're super obvious. And it's a little more subtle than just... eye fucking you in general. Fuck!" You can feel his smirk when the shiver racks down your spine, and you press your nails against his scalp in a half-hearted protest. "Not subtle if you know about it, though."
He pulls his fingers out and slides his hand under your leg to drag you further down the bed so he can focus on using his mouth. You whine at the loss, but you can't really complain when it feels like ice is making its way through your veins, your skin tingling with electricity every time you feel his breath against you. What he lacks in skill - not that he lacks much in the first place, despite his concerns - he makes up for simply by being him, with you, in this moment you thought you would never get to have. Your free hand tightens around the sheets before coming up to lay across your eyes, and you gasp as you roll your hips up against him. He taps lightly against your ribs in a reminder to keep talking.
"A-and then there was the whole p - ha - part where y - oh - you were talking right in my ear but I could still see your face. Fuck, I bet you look so good right now. And, shit, f- I love your voice so much. S'really, the- the best of both- ah!"
Now that he's gotten the hang of it, he slips three fingers inside you again, trying to focus on how good you must be feeling based on your reactions instead of just how tight you feel around them. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't turned on by now, with the way you're gasping and trembling, quiet whines slipping out between words and your thighs shaking on his shoulders, but he's not ready to deal with the consequences of that just yet. He can't afford to think right now for fear that his nerves will start to creep in through the gaps, so he forces himself to focus on your voice, letting your words take over the space in his mind where his own thoughts should be.
He gives a particularly harsh suck right as his fingers bend to hit just the right spot, and you actually moan at that - not a whimper, not a hum or a sigh - and any resolve he had to keep listening to you is replaced with the desire to get you to make that noise again.
"Wow, I am not gonna last long if you- oh! Fuck, Rei- mm, Ara- fuck, fuck, fuck! Arataka, god, so perfect, you're so- ohh, shit, I-" He doesn't let up until it's almost impossible to move his hand, revels in the way you clench around his fingers, in your broken cry only slightly muffled behind your hand, even in the way your ankle digs into his back as you pull at his hair and press your hips up into his face.
When he sits up, your leg falls onto the bed with a thump, causing you to descend into a fit of giggles as he licks his lips and swallows, thumb swiping across his bottom lip.
"What, was it-" You shake your head and make grabby hands, rolling one wrist in an invitation for him to lay down beside you.
"I'm just really happy. You did great." He leans over you, seemingly debating if he's allowed to kiss you. You close the distance for him, cupping both sides of his face, and he shudders when you run your fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix it. "Want me to help-"
"Nope! No, no need, thanks." You raise an eyebrow, but you're too tired to put up a real fight.
"Alright, just come here, then."
"We're backwards. Your foot is on your pillow."
"It happens." You shrug. He looks like he's debating picking you up and flipping you around himself, but he eventually lays down beside you, albeit not before grabbing a spare blanket to drape over you.
"Maybe next time?"
"Next time?" You roll onto your side and drape one arm over him as he settles in, pressing your face into his chest.
"Yeah. Next time you can... maybe, I mean. It's still- but, I think I do want..."
"Yeah?" You smile and lay a hand flat on his lower back to pull him closer, the other hand tracing light heart shapes just under his collarbone.
"Yeah, unless you-"
"Maybe next time sounds perfect."
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strangerobsession · 2 years
Permission to Rage
This is entirely self indulgent. Sue me.
April Jenkins OC Bio
Warnings: Swearing, minor sexual implications. Mentions of the books 1984 and The Handmaid's Tale (idk if those even need a warning, I'm just being safe)
Word Count: 680
Summery: Eddie and April read a commentary on totalitarian and gender roles and get mad together
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Eddie loved reading with his girlfriend.
A couple times a week April would arrive at his trailer with a book in hand. Eddie would whisk her to his room, and offer her a seat on the bed (which was always newly fitted with clean sheets on before she got there). They’d settle in together, Eddie- usually with a blunt or can of beer in hand- sitting with his back against the wall, arms wrapped around April’s waist, who sat between his legs leaning against his chest. 
“I’m continuing on our dystopia theme,” April held up the new book, entitled The Handmaid’s Tale.
“More totalitarianism?” Eddie aske with a slight grimace “I don’t know if I can handle any more of that shit, 1984 had me depressed for days.” 
“Oh this is so much worse.” She assured him. “We’re not oppressing everyone, just the women!”
And so they were. April read the first chapter aloud, Eddie hooking his chin over her shoulder to read along. He could feel her body tensing with every page she turned. When they switched off and Eddie read the second chapter, he couldn’t keep the ironic tone out of his voice.
“Okay, so, I get it, right?” He said suddenly mid paragraph. “I understand the point, I understand the concept, but I can physically feel the rage building up inside me.”
April laughed, nuzzling into his neck. “Me too,” She admitted.
“Why do you force me to read these infuriating things?” Eddie burst out incredulously. “They’re making me mad!”
“Because they make you think! I figured you’d at least like 1984, it’s literally a cautionary tale against mass forced conformity and the absence of personal freedom.”
“I did like it, but it also made me irrationally angry. This is making me irrationally angry”
“I would argue that it’s more than rational to be angry about a concept like this.”
“I guess," Eddie chewed his lip, guilt scrawled across his features. "But now I feel bad."
“Why?” April brushed his hair out of his face.
“Because you seemed genuinely interested and passionate in this, and I don’t wanna ruin it with my random outbursts.” His voice quavered and he shrugged his shoulders, eyes cast to the ground.
“Have you not met me? I love your random outbursts!” She poked his shoulder teasingly. “And getting angry means that you’re passionate about it, too.”
“Yeah." She gently hooked a finger under his chin to force him to look at her. "It’s also kinda doing something for me.”
“Is it?” Eddie rubbed his hands up and down her arms, a roguish smile growing across his face as his confidence rose.
“Nothing’s sexier than your man showing genuine passion about the things you’re interested in.” April agreed, shrugging almost bashfully.
“Hey, I mean, you sat through me and my Lord of the Rings nonsense. This is the least I can do.”
“I liked Lord of the Rings,” April insisted, shifting in Eddie’s arms to pout up at him. “It’s just hard to get through those books.”
“Which is why I read them to you.”
“Mm-hmm.” April set The Handmaid’s Tale aside, and turned fully in his arms so she could face him. “I’ve also learned something just now.”
“And that is?”
“You are a raging feminist.” She held his face in her hand, trailing her lips across his brow. “And it’s incredibly hot.”
Eddie laughed at that, pulling her into a hug. "Shocker, huh? The scary metal-loving freak respects women."
“I'm serious, your attractiveness has increased at least forty percent in the past fifteen minutes.” April replied through giggles.
He laughed harder, kissing her again and again. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, my hot feminist boyfriend.”
Eddie picked the book back up, flipping to the page they’d left off on. “If we keep going, do I have your permission to rage as much as I want?”
“Permission granted, Munson.”
“Excellent.” He kissed April again as she shifted back to her original position with her back to his chest. “Then I’ll continue on, my hot feminist girlfriend.”
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elmaxlys · 2 years
1, 2, 4, and 37 for whichever ship you want!
1- List 3 shipping tropes you love
obsession. good lord, that shit gets me almost every time. Like, they have history and idk maybe they're rivals, maybe they’re nemeses, maybe they're exes, and one of them is just. obsessed with the other and the other either doesn't care or straight up like 'yikes' or when it’s fucking mutual goodness, this shit is so good?? Some examples in my ships: Juoka (Juo obsessed with Rika), EDEN (ADAM obsessed with Langa), Utaren (everything Uta has going on), Ushioi (kinda mutual tbh), Adakiri (Kiriko obsessed with Ainosuke), Hannigram (❤), Rinharu (esp in s1), Double Shinya (❤), Dai/Jaehee (❤)
“I’m the only one who can kill/harm you” like the possessiveness over an adversary or rival etc?? being all defensive over someone they regularly and actively try to harm *chef kiss* I don’t have a specific example here but this makes me vibrate with excitement and shipper feeling every time.
devoted person in a one-sided love :3 i like pain. Maybe a subgenre of the obsession one but the devotion is gentle i guess, unlike the obsession that is really fucking toxic xD absolutely delicious, give me the all the pining. no “and they actually end up together at the end”, just “content to remain by their beloved’s side” and “happy their beloved is happy, even without them” smooch smooch
2- List 3 shipping tropes you don't love
jealousy jfc this is the biggest turn off for me “why were you with-” SHUT UP THEY HAVE A LIFE “i don’t like that you’re friends with [person of the gender you’re attracted to]” OH WE’RE DOING THIS?? DO YOU CHEAT WITH EVERYONE YOU ARE POTENTIALLY ATTRACTED TO? GET OUT “do you like me or them better” THEM. JUST BECAUSE YOU ASKED, FUCKFACE. Flips the anger switch in me like nothing else. congrats for that. Not even my beloved Yunise get a pass for that lmao I fucking hate that aspect of the ship. No, it’s not the same as the obsession one I said earlier as my favorite.
soulmates omg on top of being highly arophobic, it annoys me to no end, i see it a lot in omegaverse with “destined/fated mates” and whatnot. i see that word (or the in-universe word for that), i close the tab. this is a shortcut to avoid actually developing the growth of a relationship and i hate it. the appeal of reading/watching romance to me is mostly the before relationship so yeah that sure doesn’t help lol.  When does it get a pass: when the character believe they’re “meant to be” bc of above obsession but in universe they’re really not meant to be (like. juoka. juo always pushing the “fate” talk when really it’s all his doing, stalking rika and whatnot lmao)
“labrador” types, especially when there’s a love triangle with a “cat type” person and also especially when the “labrador” has a ~dark~ side/actual shit personality that they hide from their Love Interest. I hate hypocrites lol  (this is actually a subgenre of the introvert x extrovert trope that i also highly dislike when it’s the only bit of their personality traits that is pushed forward when ‘advertising’ the ship lol no one can write introverts correctly anyway.)
4- One physical aspect of a ship that always get you
Fights, Jesus Christ, fights. If they haven't tried to tear the other apart or severely injured each other on purpose, then what's the point 😌 (depending on the tone of canon, the intensity of the fight can go from the Rinharu s1ep12 fight to, like, whatever Utaren has going on)
37- Describe one reunion after time apart
Wordless. They look at each other. They’ve missed each other for so long that the feeling is almost a part of them now. One of them slowly starts smirking. And at that sight everything goes aflame, everything bursts. They find themselves in each other’s arms. They cling to each other, they breathe each other, they can’t let go. There’s no need for word, they know. Their old scars wake up. It feels right. Finally. Finally.
the ask game if anyone else wanna send me something :D
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jude-thedude98 · 11 months
Since you disowned me
I want you to know that I'm gonna flip it -
I never owned you
From the fight.
A liar in shining armor of a night.
Left me in the middle of knight.
That's why I had to improve by improv the rest of my life - think on the fly.
Cause manyscripted.
A robotic emotion just three little words spittin'.
How could I love you?
Look at you.
You were the whole package.
Blonde surfer wavy hair
Skateboard skills
Blue eyes
Soccer boy
And you were white.
Then you grew up black.
Wherein a hood
Saying you down to ride.
But I tried to tell you be careful
Wolves hide in grandma's clothes m, right?
That lesson I learned in a hard night.
Titanic stretches rips the transgression.
Transmission I had to admittance.
So my whole game is to switch it up.
Born a boy
Now I'm a girl.
Flirting with two spirits.
Gender exploring.
Having fun cuz lame niggas is boring.
The world is my oyster
So damn right I'm gonna tour it.
Floor it like Maybach
I'm going air Jordan on the jump line
I come from way back
But this shit is easy
A free throw line
I need the rock back
If you smell what I'm cookin
Then you wouldn't talk that
Smack that
Eminem and Skittlez
Too lost in a world of melting in your handles.
Turn off the lights and blow out the candles.
I'm Moses walking these directs in sandals.
Man how does he do it when he's on the road like cannibals
I give more lectures than hannibal
Yall ain't ready for this kid ink shit
I'm spitting granimals
Niggas wanna change well I'm the animor0hs
Niggas wait around for the flame when I take the torch
This is not s relay race
If it was I'm passing it back to myself
I goes on my own pace
Teach lines
To the outlinez
World to steady coloring inside
I tell em color outside the lines
If you ain't wit it
You ain't gotta hate it
Just now we on the scene like a masturbation
We cummin'
So like a candy switch
I'll see you now and later
My haters I love you
You the ones that keep the gators aidin
This heart pumps myself
Muse says bitch get outta the way
I'm a lil ludicrous so forgive me if these bars are a fiasco
I lupe that shit
Another line for the foolish fish
Trying to swim upstream but ain't got the moxy to do that shit
Yall know what it is
I do this shit
We got a fireman and a snowman in the game
When I come in it'd likebtwobtornadoes hit
Lose your breath
What the fuck did I do to deserve this shift
Two twister boards on the floor
We family game knightin this shit
Switch to a will smith
Back when we chillin in Miami wit
Them Boyz in Black
Yall know the BlackOutBitch
Way weigh wait
Summertime shift
Like I dos this
Two works overnights shift
That overtime shit
Like my brain always on graveyard shit
I'm talking to deceased cuz the alive ones are too dead for this shit
Everyone tryna be supernatural
When. All. You. Gotta. Do. Is.
Be your super self naturally.
Like who's on first.
I don't knows on second. Costello and abbott
I can switch lines cuz I been hit wit different lines.
Well here's a one liner
Your nut must be so good because all the forest life are trying to bark up your tree
I hit em wit tha uh
That's cuz they know my lifestyles evergreen
And when you wit me you'll surely see
The D
Like damn I thought this dude was cocky
Now I can see why
It's cuz his cock meat
I ground beef
No need to pound beets.
If you ain't around the heat.
I can get cool as a Dolphin and as killer as Whale deep
Sheep skinnin it
Chestshire cat grinnin it.
I always play on kayfabe mode - sitting and pretending in
That don't mean I'm fake.
Watch your clocks
Tik toks of what you saying kid.
That mean my life so fucked up
I'm always envisioning.
Cuz ima Disney plus a nickelodeon
The dream works
All you gotta do is put a quarter in
Told yall long time ago
Life is like a vending machine
Press a button to see what gleam
See ima g ima always feed
Check the leam rearrange the four letter anagram
And see what I mean.
FooDBarz by Mr. PoetAll
0 notes
divinegrey · 2 years
ʟᴀᴠᴇɴᴅᴇʀ / ᴊɪɴx x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
good morning folks!! startin' off today with a little jinx to keep our insane little brains together
prompt: Hey there, been pretty achy all over the place due to cold weather lately. May I request a gender neutral Jinx/Sick Reader prompt?
words: 993
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, non-sexual nudity
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You can hardly focus on anything you’re doing. The weather in Zaun has turned cold, which means the yearly aches in your muscles have come rearing their ugly head again. This seems to happen every year, no matter how much you try to prepare yourself for it. Plus, you’ve been whammed in the face by a cold that has put you on your ass, so to speak.
Your hand is shaking when you put down the wrench and your entire body just feels shaky and weak. A loud sniffle comes from your nostrils as you wipe your nose with the same rag you’ve been using all day. For you, the second day of any cold is always the worst.
“Helloooooo baby!”
You look over your shoulder to see Jinx letting herself into your apartment through the window, a grin on her face. There’s a certain artful grace as she enters the room, somehow managing to not trip over the various knickknacks and tools you have set up everywhere because you only bother to clean once a month. It’s likely related to the fact that she was pumped full of Shimmer. You’ve never asked.
Your pink eyes are luminescent in the darkness of your room, something she takes notice of instantly.
“Why’s it all dark in here?” Jinx doesn’t bother to flip a light switch. You’re convinced she can see in the dark anyhow. You pull your head up from the table, your entire body shaking as you do so. Jinx comes to your side, anything and everything she was carrying falling to the ground with a heavy thunk. “Jeez, babe, you look like shit.”
You croak, “Fuckin’ mean today, are we?”
Jinx throws her arm around your shoulder, pinching your chin in her hand so you look at her. “Hot shit. The steamiest, warmest, gooiest pile of shit anyone’s ever seen—”
You push her off— or, at least, you try to, and you get the sense she steps back just to humor you. “I know, I know, I feel awful.”
Jinx’s brows furrow. “Who do I needa hurt?”
“No one, baby, I’m just sick,” you tell her. You sneeze into the rag and throw it aside. “Probably shouldn’t get close to me either, I don’t wanna make you sick.”
Jinx snorts. “Ya don’t need to be worryin’ about that, I promise, toots. What’re you feeling?”
“A little congestion, a fever, but mostly I just feel so achy and tired everywhere,” you reply, making a weak gesture to your body. Jinx gets that thinking face she gets whenever a plan starts brewing in her head— obvious because of the line between her brows and her eyes narrowing— and you’re about to question what the hell she’s thinking about before she darts forward and sweeps you off your stool.
“Calm down, sweets, I’m gonna make you feel better,” Jinx says, carrying you effortlessly to your bed. You’ve always admired the insane strength packed into her lean body, but sometimes, it feels a little too inhuman. She places you down on the sheets. “Stay right here, take your shirt off.”
“If you insist,” you say. You shimmy out of the t-shirt you’d been lounging in, throwing it to the side. It smells like shit, and you turn to lay on your stomach. Jinx disappears for the duration of that time, coming back with a bottle of what appears to be lavender oil. You recall her bringing that as a gift to you after swiping it from a store in Zaun. You move to ask her why, but she crawls onto the bed towards you. Frankly, you always go speechless, even when you’re sick.
You can’t help it. She’s your girlfriend.
“Stay still, I’ll make you feel better,” Jinx says, leaning over your form to press a kiss to your temple. You make a humming noise into the pillow. The coolness of the oil on your back feels like sweet relief, even more so when Jinx’s palms spread the lavender-scented oil around your skin, the heels of her palms digging into the sore, achy muscles of your back. The groan that comes from your mouth makes her giggle and you’d do anything to hear that sound again.
Your thoughts stray into nothingness when she presses down into the knots on your shoulders. The rough points on her hands come from years of tinkering— you know this well, you have the same callouses on the fingertips and palms. Somehow, it does incredibly well to make your entire body feel like mush, especially when she reaches your lower back.
“How’s it feelin’ toots?” Jinx whispers, her words honey sweet.
“Hmmmfph.” That’s about as human as a reply you can make at the moment because Jinx’s hands are magic and it’s doing wonders to make your body stop hurting so damn much. You wouldn’t be surprised to find out you’re made of jello because it’s what you feel like at the moment. Jinx pushes her thumbs along the sides of your spine, releasing tension you didn’t even know you had until now.
You lose track of time, but soon, Jinx pulls away with a kiss to the back of your head. You lay there for a few more minutes, soaking in the bliss as Jinx shuffles around your apartment. You hear the clinks of her belts dropping onto the ground and then she’s sliding into the bed with you, humming the tune of a song you barely remember from your youth and wrapping you in her arms.
“Rest, I’ll be here when you wake up, sweets,” Jinx whispers into your ear, stroking the tendons on your neck. You hum into her collarbone, shifting your arms to slide around her torso. She sighs softly, a sound that pulls you to sleep like a siren dragging a sailor to sea.
“Love you,” you mutter into her skin.
“Love ya more,” Jinx says, and you feel the smile against your hair.
A/N: this was so cute i loved writing it
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
BNHA Characters + Their Biggest Kinks
PT 2 Here
PT 3 Here
Genre: smut, obviously
Warnings: NSFW themes, hard kinks, BDSM kinks, lots and lots and weird kinks
Other: felt horny, wrote this
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy
Characters: Hawks, Bakugou, Dabi, Shigaraki
Keigo Takami/ Hawks-
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Authority Kink- mans has spent his entire life being bossed around, he needs you to submit to him completely and without question. Call him ‘sir’ and he’ll melt. When he’s in this mood, there’s no room for brattyness. Just bend over and let sir take his stress out on you.
Wing Kink- Pretty self-explanatory. The underside of a bird’s wings are very sensitive, and get them horny in no time. Same thing with his back, one when you were cuddling, you were playing with his wings and massaging his back, and you noticed he had his face hidden and he was breathing kind of heavily. It was an embarrassing situation to explain...
Breeding- This one comes more into play during Nesting Season, he just has you pinned down and just keeps going and going and going, trying to fill you up with his babies even if you want get pregnant. You’ll always be his little breeding slut. Even better if you have a bird or lizard quirk and you lay eggs (infertile usually). Even with a male reader he’d want to ‘breed.’
Pegging- He likes to bottom sometimes, so that he can whine and cry and beg and be a good boy for his y/n. Expect him to come home from work feeling more tired than stressed. Total pillow princess. He needs you to fuck him into the mattress so hard that he’s only flying tomorrow.
Praise/body Worship- This goes both ways. You’re his everything, and he wants to make sure you’re aware of how much he appreciates you, but he’s so insecurities that he needs it in return. Soft, teasing touches, whispered I love yous, doing so wells, my pretty baby, go a long way for this man.
Dirty Talk- he wants you to know just what he’s going to do to you, how he’s going to fill you up so good, make you need him and his cock, make you cry for him to keep going, beg for his cum. Even when he’s on bottom, he’s babbling and whining. You can’t get this man to shut the fuck up. It can get annoying at times.
Bath/shower sex- this plays more into his bird instincts. Bathing/ cleaning oneself usually gets birds horny. They usually preen prior to mating season so look out for that. There’s just something about ducking you in his bathtub (jacuzzi) that gets him going like nothing else.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight-
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Switch- this man will present as a top, but he has absolutely nothing against getting manhandled and having the life fucked out of him. Just so long as he can do the same to you. Fuck him rough and good and then take his revenge tomorrow.
Rigger- after all he’s been through, he does not wanna be tied up at all. But he has no problem with handcuffing you or wrapping your pretty body up in Shibari and watching you struggle against them. Will totally tease you the whole time.
Gags- You’re still talking? You need to shut the fuck up. Or else you’ve got something keeping your mouth shut. Tape, underwear in mouth, his hand or fingers, or an actual gag. Loves your muffled sounds when he asks you a question. “Want me to keep going? You gotta say so. Aw I didn’t hear anything so I guess you want me to stop...”
Dirty Talk- Just like Hawks, he can’t keep his mouth shut. But this one is spilling the dirtiest filth you’ll ever hear. Plays into a minor corruption kink. Wants you to repeat it all back to him. On the flip side, gets so flustered when you talk dirty to him. Whining about how you’re a pervert, but just ignore him, he’s hard as shit right now.
Dacryphilia- All those years of Deku crying and you think he wouldn’t have a crying kink? Thinks your tears are so beautiful, might even lick them off your face. “Aww, look at you~ crying for my fuckin cock.” Don’t be weirded out if he licks them off your face. He also cries during sex, though. It’s just too fucking good and he hasn’t had a good cry in a while. Tease him about it and he’ll hide his face, but praise him for it and he’ll cry even harder.
Praise- This man shouts enough degradations outside the bedroom, he wants sex to be different from everything else. Gets a little embarrassed first time he praises you, but if you look at him with those shy eyes and a quivering lip, he’s just gonna keep loading it on. He also wants to be praised, both out of insecurities and superiority. When he’s bottoming just repeat how amazing he’s doing, how no one else is as pretty as him. When he’s on top, he still needs you to be praising him. Tell him how good his cock feels, how he’s gonna make you cum, how no one else fucks you as good as him.
Impact Play- mostly spanking. Uses his quirk. He loves it when your skin forms a light burn in the shape of his hand. Spanks you even if his handprints don’t show up on your skin. He needs it to, just keep smacking his stomach and thighs with a paddle until he’s sobbing.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi-
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Degradation/ Brat Taming- Starting off with the roughness with this guy. These two go hand in hand for Dabi, you need to know where you belong. Underneath him, begging and crying for his cock, his mercy, anything. You need to understand your only purpose is to service him, moan for him, and be his little personal cumdump.
Hard Dom- he won’t go easy on you, no matter what, you’re not getting it sweet or easy. It’s always going to be rough, fast, and difficult. Just try and complain.
Size kink- We all know this man is hung like a donkey, too big to handle. Loves it when you’re trying to suck him off and can’t even get down halfway. Even better when he’s pushing in, and can’t get further than six inches in. Just laughs at how “your cute little hole can’t take my fat cock can it, baby?”
Sadism- Pretty obvious, he likes hurting you. Knives? He’s got plenty. Fire? More relunctant but sure. Impact play? Yes sir. Loves seeing you cry and you babble about how much it hurts. His favorite thing is to write his name on your back with light burns that usually fade in a week or so. Always takes care of your injuries afterwords.
Bondage- Can’t have his little baby trying to touch themself can he? Can’t have his darling trying to escape from him, can he? No no, you’re better off tied to the bed, taking everything he gives you like a good little slut.
Sensory Deprivation- He wants you waiting, dreading maybe, anticipating, his next moves. You don’t know where he’ll touch you, what he’s saying, and you can’t do anything to stop it.
Corruption- He has a thing for people who seem innocent, and he wants to corrupt that innocence. To everyone else, you’re naive, doe-eyed, and probably can’t do anything for yourself. He’s going to change all of that. Bonus points if you’re actually fully capable and he morphs into a co-dependant mess. This man is all Yandere nothing else.
Teasing/ edging- Loves working you up to the grand finale, then pushing you back to the first scene. You’ll never forget his laughter as you beg him for your orgasms. You’ll be lucky if he lets you cum at all. He’ll humiliate the fuck out of you for your pitiful begging.
Tomura Shigaraki/ Symbol of Terror
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Mommy/Daddy/Renny (Renny is the gender neutral term for Mommy/Daddy)- This man will call you whatever you want, but this is his go-to nickname for you. You’re taking care of him in and out of the bedroom, at least until he matures.
Switch- Up until he matures, your on top of him the whole time. Loves it when you’re in control, but after certain events in the manga and anime, he starts to gain an apprentice for being on top, although being so unused to it, he has a lot less kinks for being on top than on bottom.
Pegging- self-explanatory. He was always afraid of disintegrating his dick, and anal stimulation meant most of his fingers were pointed away from his body while only two or three were touching his skin. Safer. Now he’s got a huge appreciation for anal play, anytime you see him naked, he probably has a butt plug in.
Pet-Play- he’s your dumb little puppy, okay? Treat him like a bitchy little animal and he’ll do whatever you want. Feel free and drag him around on a leash or feed him food out of a bowl on the ground.
Feet- he doesn’t know why, but your feet are such a fucking turn on. Whether you’re wearing combat boots with spikes, fancy heels with a flower on them, or normal tennis shoes. Socks, thigh-highs and tights? Man is already begging. Just step on him and give him a foot job already! He’s begging, come on!
Water sports- kind of gross, skip this one if it’s gross for you (it is for me but for some reason I’m writing about it) but it’s something he appreciates more as a top than a bottom. Controlling when you go to the bathroom, giving you so many drinks, watching you squirm, begging and crying for him to let you relieve yourself, only to piss yourself. And when you do that, he’s on his knees in front of you, drinking it. Loves how embarrassed you get. Says “anything you make is always gonna be the best” while licking his lips.
CNC- something he enjoys as a top or a bottom. Skip this one if it’s weird or wrong to you, or a trigger. Always pre-planned with a safe word and everything, but he always pretends it’s real. Something about you or him not having a choice, being forced to take whatever the other gives them, begging for it all to stop but being betrayed by your body, it all just drives him crazy.
S&M- Doesnt care of he’s the S or M. He just loves pain. Crying when you spank or slap him, watching you scream as he cuts his name onto you.
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
I love your writing sm. I rarely ever find anyone who writes sub Harry or writes about anal on him. Eating Harry out sounds really hot. Do you think you could write something about doing it at his parents house and he has to
Anonymous asked: Fucking h with a vibrator was like the hottest thing I have ever read. What about rimming him? Would he be embarrassed at first then be a moaning mess when you started?
I hope you lovely anons don't mind that I combined these asks since they're asking for fairly similar things!! Thank you for the requests, and I hope you enjoy this one!!
Warnings: smut!! 18+ only!! rimming, sub! harry
WC: 1.5k
When you first went to visit Harry’s family for the holidays, you were extremely nervous. You knew how much his family meant to him, and you really wanted to impress them, for both yours and Harry’s sake. But your worries turned out to be unfounded; Anne was probably the kindest person you had ever met, apart from Harry himself, and Gemma was, well, an absolute gem. You fit right in with his family, and you couldn’t be happier. Neither could Harry, it seemed. His dimpled smile seemed permanently fixed on his face. He was extra snuggly with you, hugging you from behind when you were helping Anne with the dishes, laying his head in your lap during movie night, and pulling you to sit in his lap when you ate breakfast together.
In fact, you were snuggling right now. You were lying on Harry’s bed together; Harry was on his back, and you were directly on top of him, resting your head on his chest while his tattooed arms were holding you tightly, rubbing circles on your skin with his thumbs. Usually, the only moments the two of you had alone lately were right before bed, but this time, you’d gone up a bit earlier. Gemma wanted to watch a horror movie, and despite the fact that they could be a bit cheesy at times, they freaked you out. Not wanting you to sit upstairs alone, Harry went up with you, and now you were snuggled up to each other in your bedclothes.
“I’m really glad your family likes me, Har,” you mentioned, cutting the comfortable silence that had settled over the pair of you.
“Me too, m’ love. Wanna marry y’ someday, and though I’d probably do it anyway if m’ family didn’ like y’, it still means a lot that they do,” Harry replied.
You had a huge grin on your face, “You’ve thought about getting married?”
“Course I have!” he told you, “y’ the most amazing person ‘ve ever met. How could I not want t’ marry y?”
“I’ve thought about it, too. Hope it happens soon,” you teased.
He rolled his eyes, “Way t’ be subtle.”
“I could propose to you, you know. Those gender roles are antiquated anyway, and we both know that we like switching up the usual roles in other ways,” you quipped.
You could practically feel him blush as he replied, “Y-yeah. I suppose so.”
You loved how easy it was to get him flustered. One teasing comment and maybe a subtle brush of your body against his was enough to get him going.
You leaned up so your lips were brushing against his ear, “Speaking of switching the positions, we haven’t gotten to do anything like that in a while. Wanna give it a go?”
He shivered, but protested, “Baby, we’re at m’ mum’s house. Don’ wanna get caught.”
“Then you’ll have to be quiet,” you murmured, tugging slightly on the lobe, “besides, with Gemma watching The Conjuring, it’ll be a bit easier in case you’re not.”
“Y’ know it’s hard f’ me t’ be quiet,” he gasped, but the growing tent in his boxers suggested that he was up for it.
“You know what we haven’t tried yet?” a shake of his head prompted you to continue, “you’ve eaten my ass, but I’ve never gotten to return the favor.”
Now you knew Harry was definitely blushing, “Y-y’ want t’ rim me?”
“If you’d like me to. If not, we can do something else,” you suggested.
He interrupted, “No, no! I want t’ try it. ‘ve liked everything else we’ve tried s’ far.”
You smirked, “Good. I was hoping you’d say that. Flip over for me.”
You moved to sit at the end of the bed and he complied, flipping over so that he was kneeling on the bed and his face was pressed into the pillows. Those would at least help muffle the sound in case he was a bit too loud. You slowly pulled down his boxers, trying to give him time to back out in case he was having second thoughts. But he didn’t, which you were quite happy about. You tossed his boxers onto the floor and leaned toward him, pressing a kiss to one of his cheeks. He jumped slightly, making you frown a little.
“Relax, baby,” you whispered, “it’s not too different than what we’ve done before.”
Harry nodded and breathed deeply, willing his body to relax into the sheets. You smiled in satisfaction and continued your path, leaving feather light kisses across his backside, so light that Harry almost believed they weren’t there. Your hands moved up to gently grip his hips, holding him in place. With every kiss, you got closer and closer to your final destination.
Before long, you found yourself needing more, and you slowly spread his cheeks apart, once again giving him time to back out. He shuddered slightly, but said nothing to discourage your movements. So, you leaned in and placed a few soft kisses to his hole, just to get him used to the feeling of your mouth. You could hear his breath hitch, and you took that as a good sign. Slowly, you licked a single stripe up his crack, again, just trying to get him used to the feeling. A soft whimper punctuated the silence of the room, making you smirk a little. Good. He liked it. You did a few more passes like that, licking over his hole, but not inside yet. The first whimper turned into many, and soon he was fully moaning into the pillows. You knew he was ready for the next step.
You licked over his hole one more time, then very gently, you pushed just the tip of your tongue into him. He whimpered in response, pressing his head further into the pillows to better muffle the sound. You smirked against him and pushed inside of him more, enjoying the musky taste on your tongue. It was much different than tasting his cock, but still extremely pleasurable, and if felt like you were getting high off of the feeling. Clearly, Harry was too. You were extremely thankful for the pillows in this moment. With the way he was moaning, he would be able to be heard 4 houses away without them! Out of the two of you, he was much louder, which normally you loved, but in situations like this, wasn’t the best. Thankfully, the pillows absorbed most of the sound, which meant you were able to delight in his desperation without anyone else overhearing.
“S’ amaizin’ baby. S-s’ good. L-love you,” he gasped out.
Despite it being slightly muffled, you heard his as clearly as if he was speaking into a megaphone. The declaration of love made you smile widely.
You pulled out to give him a little, “Doing so well, baby. Love you, too,” before diving back in with renowned enthusiasm.
He moaned loudly into the pillows, and you smirked, continuing to taste him. The feeling of your tongue in his ass was quite new to him, but he knew he really liked it. One of your hands moved from his hips to one of his cheeks, giving it a squeeze as you continued your ministrations. You used pretty much any excuse you could to grab his butt; not only did you enjoy the feeling of it in your hands, but you also enjoyed how Harry would squeak in surprise whenever you did it. This time, it was a bit more expected, given your current activities. But Harry’s moans grew a bit more pronounced when you did it, leading you to believe it added to his pleasure. So you did it again and again and again, until he was begging you for his release.
“P-please, m’ l-love. M-may I cum?” he stuttered out.
Your hand moved from squeezing his ass to tugging at his cock and you pulled away to respond with, “Of course you may, sweet boy, since you asked me so nicely,” before diving back in.
A deep moan rumbled from his chest as you felt him spurt onto the sheets and on your hand. You worked him through his orgasm, continuing to move your tongue inside of him and pump his cock. When his orgasm finished sweeping through him, he collapsed onto the sheets, breathing a bit more heavily. You pulled out of him, making him whine softly at the loss, but your hand ran down his back comfortingly, and you whispered soft praises in his ear.
Soon, though, you had to pop the small bubble the two of you were in, and snuck to the bathroom to get a cloth to clean him off with. Luckily, as you were sneaking down the hallway, you could still hear Gemma’s movie playing, so most likely, Harry’s noises of pleasure went unheard. You re-entered Harry’s room and gently cleaned him off. He smiled sleepily and made grabby-hands at you, coaxing you back into bed with room. You tossed the cloth aside and obeyed his request, snuggling into his outstretched arms.
The room was mostly silent, and you thought Harry was asleep until he whispered, “Promise I’ll eat y’ out tomorrow morning to make up f’ not making y’ cum tonigh’.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you replied softly, your dreams overtaking you soon after.
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Marauders+ other peep’s reaction to the reader getting a piercing?
Hi!! Since I’ve been inactive for a few weeks I decided to add a lot more characters for this reaction,
this includes: Lily, Marlene, Bellatrix, Molly, Mary, Dorcas, Alice, Arthur, Barty Crouch Jr, Severus, Gideon, Fabian, Frank,
The main boys have a slightly bigger reaction than the rest, but in majority these aren’t that long! I hope you enjoy it, xoxo.
Marauders + Other Peeps reactions to you getting a new piercing
Word count: 1.4K
[ Warnings: mostly gender neutral with some female terms/nicknames, mention of needles/blood, etc… ]
James Potter:
- you didn't tell him that you were going to get another piercing, so he sees you during the first class of the day and he flips.
- After class, he ditches the rest of the Marauders and zooms over to you.
- "uh hello beautiful? What's that impeded in your skin?"
- he has a funny tone, but he's worried that you hurt yourself. He likes the piercings you have, but he just wishes you did it professionally.
- "Okay, are you cleaning it? Did you sanitize everything you used? It looks irritated, let's go to the infirmary,"
- he worries that you might get an infection, but when you tell him everything's fine, he calms down.
- "you look beautiful with it,"
Peter Pettigrew:
- he likes when you get new piercings, he always buys you more accessories as gifts. He doesn't understand the idea behind them, but he thinks you look cute.
- one day, you walk into his room with your piercing kit. Grabbing Peter's hand, you take him to the bathroom and sit him on the toilet.
- " I wanna get a new piercing," you state, smiling as you turn over and start to clean up. Peter is flabbergast, but he watches with his hands on your hip.
- "oh love, did that hurt?" He asked, twitching slightly as he heard the thud from the needle going through.
- after you finished, he smiled and kissed your cheek.
Remus Lupin:
- you tell him that you're thinking about getting a piercing and he encourages you to do it.
- he didn't think you would, since you have been talking about it for a long time. But when you stride over confidently to where he sat at the Gryffindor table, he instantly knows what you did.
- he enjoys your confidence, hugging you with a kiss.
- "let me see, I wanna see how pretty you look with it,"
- the new piercing compliments you well and Remus makes all his friends compliment you for the new look.
- "you look good bun, I hope it doesn't hurt too bad,"
Regulus Black:
- After you finish piercing and cleaning up, you go and find Regulus to tell him.
- when you tackle him with a hug from behind, he turns around and scoops you in his arms.
- "oh mon amour, I needed that...-what the hell did you do?"
- he grabs your face and tilts it, looking at the piercing. You explain what you did and Regulus only shakes his head.
- "oh amour, Merlin. You could have hurt yourself,"
- he is gentle with that area for a few days, making sure that you're okay and periodically checking that it's getting cleaned.
- He likes it more than he would admit.
Sirius Black:
- "you pierced without me! You traitor!"
- if he doesn't have that piercing done, he will go to the bathroom and do it himself so he can match with you.
- he only gives a giant smile when you start to yell at him, blood seeping from the pierced skin.
- "what! I just wanted to match with my lover, is that so bad?"
- He kisses around the area where your piercing is, even pinching the delicate skin so he can get a reaction out of you.
- "Alright, I'll stop! You're just too cute. It looks really good, I'm glad you did it."
- a gift for being inactive for so long -
Alice Fortescue:
- her eyes sparkle as she looks at it, her soft fingers touching your skin gently so she can peer closer at the jewel.
- "it looks so pretty! Did it hurt?"
- when you tell her all about it; she just smiles and listens. She will probably go back to her dorm and tell all her dorm mates about it.
- "Did you see [ name ] new piercing? They look so cool!"
Bellatrix Black:
- "huh? What the hell is that in your skin?!"
- she grabs your face and just turns it every direction, eyes wide with the grittiest look in them. She doesn't understand until you explain it to her.
- "why would you ever want to do that?"
- you explain that you just enjoy it, she looks one more time at it before just shrugging it off. It takes her a while to get used to it.
- "Can you give me a piercing? I want to match,"
Dorcas Meadows:
- "Hey, you got a new piercing!"
- she asks you all about it, thinking there is a deeper meaning behind your want for it.
- she lets you talk all about it, her eyes intense as she listens to you talk and show her all your piercings.
- "Wow... you're so pretty. You are the most genuine human I have ever seen; I love your soul,"
Lily Evans:
- "... are you making sure you’re cleaning it properly?"
- Lily Evans is definitely the parent/mom in the relationship, she just wants to make sure it doesn't get infected and that you hurt yourself.
- "YOU DID IT BY YOURSELF?! I mean, it looks good but you should have gotten a professional!"
- she lectures you, but she thinks you look really good with it and compliments you.
Mary MacDonald:
- "something different about you..."
- she looks you over with a finger to her chin, thinking about what you did to change your appearance.
- after a while, she shrugs. "I don't know what it is, tell me!"
- when you show her the piercing, her eyes light up as she gets really close to you.
- "wow! That's so cool, Marlene as one just like yours! You pull it off really well,"
Marlene McKinnon:
- "Hey... where matching!"
- she will show you her piercings, explaining the history behind them.
- every time she sees you, she'll make sure you're doing alright and it doesn't hurt.
- she probably wants to start a "piercing party", where a bunch of people come over for a sleepover and pierce each other. Lily shut down the idea before it could even begin.
Molly Prewett:
-"ugh! You're so lucky, my mum won't let me!"
- "you look fucking brilliant though, pull it off better than most people,"
- she is constantly looking at it, asking you questions and poking it.
- as a gift, she will probably give you more piercings to try out to switch with your current one.
Arthur Weasley:
- he taps you on the shoulder, watching as you turn around.
- "What is that?"
- you explain to him what it is and how you do it, his eyes get wider as you explain it's a common thing.
- "is that a muggle thing?"
- He understands ear piercings, but other body parts make him confused. But in general, he thinks you pull it off.
Barty Crouch Jr:
- His eyes instantly go to the piercing, his eyes moving with it as you talk. When you get his attention, he just smiles weirdly and licks his lips.
- "it looks hot,"
- He laughs when you punch his shoulder lightly, rubbing his arm.
- He probably has nipple piercings (because his dad said he couldn't pierce his skin, but of course Barty rebelled out). He would show you, lifting his shirt as he showed them off.
- "ya like them? I did them myself,"
Frank Longbottom:
- his eyes go wide as he looks at your piercing, finding it fascinating how you use piercings to showcase who you are.
- "hi... hi yeah, I just wanted to say that you are absolutely stunning,"
- he keeps flattering you, absolutely in awe at the new look.
- in class, he has to get reminded to pay attention. He finds himself constantly looking towards you, his chin resting in his palm.
Fabian Prewett:
- his tongue pokes out as he watches you from afar, not understanding why there was a jewel in your skin.
- "Hey... HEY! Wait up speedy! What's that thingy you got in your skin? Is it some type of disease?"
- when you explain what it is, his mouth agape as he sticks out his tongue.
- "Do you think I can get a tongue piercing? Ya know... for the lady's,"
Gideon Prewett:
- "wow... WOW,"
- he just stares and pokes it, a smile on his face as you swat his hand away.
- "Is this a prank? How did it go in?"
- "a... A NEEDLE?"
- when you burst out laughing, he starts to awkwardly laugh in confusion.
Severus Snape:
- he would think you looked funny and would tell you his thoughts.
- "it looks dumb, you looked fine before,"
- when you told him why you did it, he just sorta grimaced and shrugged his shoulders.
- "Whatever, if you like it then there's nothing I can do,"
- If you start to get more piercings, he would sort of just give a weird look but not mention it.
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
can you please do headcanons for young sirius black x reader fic where reader has really bad anixety attacks where sometimes she feels nauseous
breathe with me
sirius black x gender neutral!reader
summary: sirius helps you through an anxiety attack.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: MENTIONS OF VOMITING!!, mentions of gagging, anxiety/anxiety attack, over stress, mentions of digging nails into your palms (borderline indications), mentions of failing school/exams, migraines, mentions of pain killers, mentions of feeling gross, possible insecurity, sirius comforting reader
a/n: so i turned this into a fic rather than hc’s because i felt like i could portray it better through a fic. also dedicated to isa ( @acosmis-t ) my love bc i cant write so thank u baby for helping me !
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“Argh.” You piercingly groaned with a hand lowered to your febrile forehead, a feverish burn arising to the skin. The day had steadily been cut close to the final bell. Your Transfiguration exam had finally been completed and not without weary, of course. The prior nights you had been found asleep with drool pooling down your tear-tainted cheek and your talons promptly sunken into your palms as a desperate endeavour to relieve your stress. (Although it had not been the best choice, and at some points rather painful)
The piling books glared fiercely at you in the library till Madam Pince undoubtedly had to beckon you away, so you could sufficiently rest. Indeed then, your unconscious mind was piled in dreadful dreams (More-so nightmares) regarding critical failure and your pleaded requests to Mcgonagall, so you could re-attempt your failed exams. 
Your polished nails had been essentially glued to your pearly teeth, chomping at the rarebit till there was nothing left to bite. The strums of your heart steadily increased as the last final students had cautiously worked on their assessments. You had patiently waited, subtly noticing your brawny throat becoming excessively dry as well as well as your diaphragm contracting by the minor second, an indistinguishable bile substance threatening to overtake the taste buds on your parched tongue.
A small, minuscule tap in the nape of your skull had increased to small needles swimming around your brain while the time ticked. 
Sirius had been sitting in Charms flipping away at ‘Quidditch Through the Ages’ anxiously as he had to withhold himself from darting nervously out of his class and inquire how you were feeling with a knowing sense of how the rest of the day would take place. He had been made quite aware of your particular issue in the Third Year when you had disgorged your lunch, Shepherd's Pie that you had previously eaten had been hurled onto his Oxford’s his noble family spent a pretty penny to purchase. 
At McGonagall's constructive dismissal, you had collected your materials and begun to walk cautiously through the corridors with your books clutched eagerly to your chest. 
A slight increase in your breaths began to inflate your lungs and the steadily increasing heart strums became an overwhelming palpitation deafening your ears. Your heart had battered in your chest; nearing closer, and closer to your dormitory. Your hands had begun to develop a slight tremor at the anxious vibrations poisoning your blood, whilst your vision began to mildly obscure. You needed a moment to recollect yourself, a minute to breathe.
You had murmured a small, ‘Fairy Lights’ to the portrait before trudging up the stairs and colliding into the dormitory. The hinges had creaked whilst you abruptly had shut the door, luckily nobody was present to allegedly witness your exertion. Your bedroom had frequently remained tidy, a typical symptom of your anxiety that had obsessively pursued you to attempt your very hardest, even better than your very hardest, at everything and anything. 
You had stood center in your room venturing for the hostile seizing in your bones to cease for at least a moment. Your chest had felt tight, like a tensed muscle that had been pulled after an unusually hard sport.
You had walked toward your window and back Window, and back. Window, and back. Again, Again and Again.
Your nails are placed between the mild edges of your teeth. The cavern of your mouth almost feeling obstructed by the bile mingling around with your parched throat. At the incessant pacing of your feet, there had been a remaining thud in your thick skull adding to your misery. 
The small gust of wind was the singular audible sound in the dormitory as one of your dorm mates had abandoned it open. Your brain had felt like it swelled beyond generating capacity now your mild dehydration was too obvious to ignore like you had planned to do. You had deliberated with your eyes closed and your face contorted into a frown, you would’ve had to trudge to the kitchens for a possible amount of comfort in your state. You had groaned again, your hand promptly placed over your face, as you traipsed across the room, attempting to comfort yourself, in a sense.
Perhaps some painkillers spewed on the bathroom counter that you had previously taken before your exam could help you. Your neck had begun to sear in heat the hair that was almost clung to your nape, you raised your heavy eyelids halfway only for them to fall shut a twinging pain beginning to naturally arise behind your optics. You huffed with a minuscule gag, too much effort it would take to stroll around the school in the huffing state you were currently in, a migraine still revelling in your mind. Maybe later, you thought with a creased brow. You had heard the hinges creak again, incorrectly assuming one of your dorm mates had been back. Except your dorm mates didn’t possess the baritone of a burly male.
“Y/n” He whispered tenderly, attempting not to disturb your pacing.  
“Not now.”
He had partaken notice to your mindful scratches against your neck, continuously pulling up the hair only for it to fall once more. You had paused for a moment with a tremor in your finger that was trapped between your teeth. A familiar distortion of torture wrapping around your throat like a snake that was threatening to suffocate you; your respires heavier and more frequent. He had begun speaking, a blubber of words escaping his trachea. Yet, all jumbled like alphabet soup in your brain between his dismembered sentences. 
You suspired heavily in frustration, “Just— Shut up! Please.” You begged in exasperation. Still prying your hair from your neck, you stood frozen, discontentment building in your system.
He had noticed the black hair tie absentmindedly clung to his wrist whenever you had asked for one. Steadily walking towards your paused figure he had gathered your hair in the tie, your neck feeling the refreshing air against it; a slight relief applied against your skin. You promptly initiated to remove your robe, there was a warm discerning grip on your body overheating your arms as well as your midriff due to the uniform.
With a violent tremor in your fingers, you started grasping at the buttons, a mild frustration initiating at the fact you couldn’t pop them open due to the recurrent quiver in your digits. Sirius had removed your hands from your robe, hastily unbuttoning it before you hurled it aside. 
“How 'bout we go to the bathroom, Hmm?” He cooed while beckoning you into the bathroom, noticing the tremor in your body as well as your fidgeting fingers that were twiddling between each other. He had turned the sink on, switching the handle left where a blue spot differentiated the colours. Delicately, he grasped your trembling wrists and ran them beneath the cooling water. “Just… Feel gross.”You murmured to yourself as he ran a few fingers under the downpour, placing his frigid fingers behind your neck. 
Your shoulders faintly shrugged at the sensation while he turned off the water and let your hands air dry, helping you not feel solidified by anything. During his movement, you had grasped onto his fingers where a few heirloom rings had fit snugly on his fingers, “Tell me about them.” This was a technique he had created in an effort of distraction at the uprising feelings of disgust for yourself bound to erupt at any moment. 
“There’s a B, I guess. Erm, engraving, swirls and stuff…” You trailed off while attempting to decipher the designs in the ring that was on his forefinger.“S’too much! Just wanna— Dunno, not feel like this anymore!”
He had partaken scrutiny to your physical tics as well as your body language, with a faint clutch on two of your fingers he had hauled you to the very center of your dormitory. Within a few inches of each other, he had mauled your hand over his sternum. You felt the heavy respires in his chest as well as the vibrations melding with your palm as he spoke, “Breathe with me.” 
You had stood there, minutes, maybe almost an hour, time was now pushed to the very nooks and crannies of your mind. The surges of perturbation still prominently surging through your veins to the density of your bones, the recurrent tremble still foremost notable but the buckling of your knees had calmed down as well as the faint chatter of your teeth. Still copying his sluggish breathing, you looked deep into his pear irises, his optics having a settling effect, a tingling reassurance reflecting in them. In the sunlight state that had remained in your room due to the unclosed curtains, there had been cerulean hues caught in that state.
Sirius’ eyes had been crafted like delicate feathers that were used for quills, not the albino kind of dove feathers, but the ones with a hue so softly grey that they could have been pencil-drawn rather than used by a quill with smeared stygian ink. They had that look of birds flying on sunlit days, the shine and quick movement, yet relaxed, purposeful, at ease.
“Can we sit?” You questioned quietly after removing your hand from his chest, hesitantly grabbing onto two of his fingers as he had previously done with you. “Anything you want.” He replied in a murmur, craning his head left, then right, trying to figure out where to beckon you into a seated position.
You had sat upon the wooden floor. The flooring designs similar to a chorus of browns; they sang together, an acapella of baritone hues that rose into vibrant soprano notes. It was a fitting place for a dormitory where laughter could normally be discerned, a place for those new sounds to soak right in and join the spirit that was already there when you had first entered the dormitory your first year.
“Mhm.” You nodded your head scarcely as he sat next to you. You sighed for a moment, placing a minimal amount of your temple against his shoulder, feeling the similar respires soothe you. “Here.”
taglist: @fific7 @wisedreamcatcher @kittykylax @ronbrokemyheart @aspiringsloth20 @georgeswh0re @amourtentiaa @msmb @fangouria @five-cups-of-coffee @dracofknmalfoy @emmaev @serenitywilderness @i-love-scott-mccall @artemis1orion @miss-starkov @siriusbarnesslut @inglourious-imagines @iamninaanna @livvysnaps @famdomhideout @hufflepogue @kirascottage @luvvninaz @miraclesoflove @black-like-my-soul @slytherclawbitch @90steaology
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izukuwus · 4 years
Housewarming (NSFW) (Bunny!Izuku x Reader)
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Summary: Izuku comes over to spend the weekend helping you finish moving into your new house. You learn a few things about the habits of rabbits, including just how deep the rabbit hole goes. (bunny!Izuku x reader) (smut smut smut smut smut)
Warnings/notes: fuckin. just straight up fuckin. biting, hair pulling, tail and ear pulling, oral (giving and receiving), uhhhhh reader has tits and a vag but gender is not confirmed. reader and izu are both switches, praise kink with reader receiving, uhhh I think that’s it? a gratuitous amount of focus on the fact that bunnies wiggle their noses to express interest in things.
A/N: so uh. I’ve NEVER written smut before so please be gentle. but I had a conversation on discord the other night with some of my lovely wives. that conversation started something like this:
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the following is how the conversation ended. (writing smut is apparently much easier with live audience commentary, i’ve learned.)
Word count: 8100+
Spending weekends with Izuku has always been at the top of your list of favorite things, pretty much second only to the man himself. Can anyone blame you? Your rabbit-eared best friend (read: longtime crush) is pretty much the sweetest guy you've ever met, his mom is a wonderful woman, and often, you feel more at home curled up with Izuku on his bedroom floor (neither of you ever want to take the bed only to leave the other on the floor, resulting in a history of cuddling each other to sleep and entirely defeating the purpose of sleeping on the floor to begin with) than you do your own house most of the time.
Spending the weekend together has been a monthly ritual for the two of you for years now, beginning in your last year of middle school (consisting of an extremely flustered bunny) when you still lived in the same apartment complex. You've since moved and the years have been kind, the innocent ritual remaining steadfast no matter how busy you or Izuku got with school or training or any matter of thing.
Only... This weekend is different. Because in the past, the two of you were always in the dorms or at his mom's apartment. There were always people somewhere nearby to pop their head in and offer fresh cookies or join in beating you at Mario Kart or put in a noise complaint if you laughed too loud.
In a way, there were always limits.
This weekend is the first in your new house, bought for a surprisingly low price that you can assume is the result of being relatively small and not in a very desirable area.
This weekend, you're completely alone with him.
Realistically, it's likely not that big of a deal. He's just coming over to help you unpack after you spent the past week preparing for the move. A housewarming sleepover is the perfect way to get you used to sleeping in the new place, after all, and you'd be much more comfortable if Izuku were there with you! (Besides, free labor.)
But you can't help but be just a little high strung.
You've reminded yourself a thousand times now that it's just Izuku. You trust him with your life, after all, and he's trusted you with every secret he has (even those he's technically not legally allowed to be disclosing to you). You were the first person he told about his new quirk, even before his own mom. So why the hell are you so nervous?
You're busily and restlessly looking between kitchen cabinets to decide where your dishes will go when he arrives, landing three firm knocks on your front door. You greet him with a smile and nearly cry when you realize he's brought flowers and pizza, his trademark nervous grin on his face.
"Great! This is the right place!" Izuku says, and you smile and step aside to let him in. "Your new place looks great, [name]!"
You smile, relaxing at his presence as you watch him walk in to explore. "Nothing's really set up yet," you say as he investigates the new house. "I've got a couch, a table, and a lamp and that's about it."
He turns to you, nose twitching excitedly. "It's got a lot of potential! I can't wait to help you get everything set up so we can really see how nice it is! Oh, and these are for you! I know it's traditional to give something, you know, useful for a housewarming gift, but I-I wanted to congratulate you on finally getting enough together to get your own place, and I think having something nice to look at is useful, too, so—"
You accept the bouquet with a faint blush, smiling up at him. "I love them, Izuku. Thank you." (Privately, you think that just his presence here gives you something nice to look at, but you suppose the flowers will stay a little bit longer.)
There's a quiet moment where the two of you just look at each other, and man, Izuku is really good at making you think he might actually be attracted to you, huh. (Probably just wishful thinking.) "Let's... let's go ahead and get started, yeah?" you say, eyes drifting hungrily to the box he has balanced on one hand. "I see you've brought pizza. I haven't put together the chairs yet, so wanna sit in the middle of my kitchen floor and eat pizza?"
He chuckles, ruffling your hair. "Lead the way."
An entire pizza between the two of you and with the entire kitchen unpacked, you fling yourself onto the couch with a sigh. "God, I'm so tired of this move already," you whine. "I just wanna be done already."
Izuku laughs as you drape yourself over the back of the couch dramatically, throwing an arm over your face. "That bad, huh?"
"Yes!" You take a moment to peek at him as he crouches by your TV, but his back blocks your view of what he's actually doing. Instead, you watch his fluffy tail with amusement. It twitches whenever you speak, and you swear to god it's the cutest thing you've ever seen. "I spent the past weeks packing when I wasn't at work only to unpack it and I'm tired, 'Zukuuuu."
"Well, what if we took a little break?" he offers with another twitch of his tail. He stands, brandishing your favorite controller as he circles around behind the couch to hand it to you. "You up for it?"
You roll your eyes, shifting to reach for the controller. The minute your fingers brush against it, though, Izuku takes a step back, his nose twitching quickly. The corners of his lips pull up into a poorly-concealed grin, and you sigh, flipping over and reaching for it again.
"Izuku..." you say, tone playfully warning as he pulls the controller just out of your reach a second time.
"You sure you want it?" he teases, pulling the controller just far enough away that you pop up on your knees, propping yourself on the back of the couch with one hand as you reach. "You want me to destroy you that badly?"
Ohgodpleaseyes—You choke, your hand slipping out from beneath you. Before he has the chance to be too concerned, you let out an annoyed noise and fling yourself over the back of the couch, chasing after him with a beet red face. Izuku yelps and runs the other direction when he sees you coming, hardly giving you the chance to break into a sprint before he's down the hall.
He stops a few feet down, watching you with one ear raised up, the other dropping against his shoulder. The grin on his face is downright goofy, and you let out a small giggle before giving proper chase. 
Izuku, naturally, is not one to be caught. Even without the use of One For All, bunnies are naturally very fast, and you learned fairly quickly that he does not get caught if he doesn't want to be. Still, you'd be damned if you weren't going to try. You try to tackle, he somehow manages to slip around you and back down the hall, evading you constantly until the two of you have bounded through every room of the house, narrowly avoiding boxes and as-of-yet still-disassembled furniture just to get your damn controller between his amused laughter.
Izuku stops and watches you again just as you're starting to get out of breath, nose twitching a mile a minute. You come to a stop just in front of the couch, panting a bit from the exertion of chasing your fucking menace of a best friend around your house. He has both controllers held behind his back, and that's about when he does the single cutest thing you've ever seen in your life.
He fucking binkies, leaping into the air a few feet as he flicks his head, his ears flopping with the movement. You let out a giggle, trying very hard not to completely lose your composure, and, in a fit of goofiness, mimic the motion. It doesn't quite work the same when you're not the adorable one with the bunny quirk, but apparently, it does something, because Izuku's face goes full red in an instant, eyes widening as he searches your face.
He drops the controllers.
Your eyes flick to them as they hit the ground, and you realize that if you're going to get those controllers you have to do it now. You make a move to sweep them off the ground, but the second you move, it's apparently over for you.
The slightest sound of electric sparks reaches your ears before the wind's knocked out of you, your back hitting your couch cushions roughly as Izuku slams into your body, one hand cradling the back of your head protectively before he straddles your waist, looking down at you with a downright ecstatic look, green lightning sparking around Izuku for just a moment longer as he stares down at you, nose still twitching like it's run by a motor, ears straight up in the air, but that's hardly the key detail here.
His face is beet fucking red as he stammers. "D-do you really mean that?"
"Uh... wait, mean what?" You tilt your head, a little flustered from suddenly getting tackled and pinned down by your incredibly attractive best friend. Is your head spinning, or is that just the room?
Fuck, are you imagining things, or does he look excited beneath all that blushing?
"Y-you did it back, usually that's, uh, it means— um..." The excitement drains from his face steadily and his expression drops. (His ears also drop.) You've never seen him look so wounded, and now you're really confused. His next words tumble out of his mouth at a dizzying rate. "I-if you don't know what I'm talking about then nevermind, I obviously messed up, I can leave—"
The moment Izuku pushes off you and stands, very obviously embarrassed and looking on the verge of tears, you regain your bearings just enough to tackle him back down so now he's the one being pinned down. "No, you're not backing out of this. Did I really mean what, Izuku?"
He stammers incoherently for a second, his eyes roaming over you like he's not sure where to look, and you're suddenly a little self-conscious at the fact that you've just pinned him to your couch with no room for interruptions if things were to go the way pinning someone down on a couch is probably supposed to go, but you refuse to let up until he gives you an answer. You bring a hand up to his cheek, swiping a thumb where the first of several tears is moments away from slipping out.
"Come on, Zu-kun. I obviously did something to upset you, and I don't know what I did, and won't know what I did until you explain it to me."
He lets out a shaky sigh, squeezing his eyes shut as if it'll change the situation.
Finally, he opens his mouth to answer. "It's, um, w-well, usually when rabbits, y'know, c-court each other, to, y'know..." His hands come up to cover his face in sheer embarrassment as he says the next words in a hushed hurry, so quick and quiet you almost don't catch them. "Y-y'know, m-m-mate and stuff like that, they, uh..."
Hot shame floods your being as you slowly come to a realization of what, exactly, you may have implied to him.
"It's, it usually, um, there's, kind of a m-mating dance? And w-when, um, I-I didn't really mean to, but um, at the end, i-if one of them binkies and the other d-does it back, it means, um—" He lets out a mortified whine. "P-please don't make me explain it any more than that," he says finally, sounding defeated.
Oh. Oh.
Well, that's something along the lines of a "disaster" if you've ever caused one.
"Oh fuck, I am so sorry, shit Izu. I didn't mean to—"
"I-it's okay," he mumbles, dragging his hands off his reddened face. "You can get off me now."
Jesus, he's about seconds away from crying as he gently tries to push you off him. 
Well, fuck. Unless you're mistaken, the expression on his face is utter heartbreak. You're already in the worst position possible here, so...
You lock your thighs in place around his waist to resist his gentle push. "Izuku, wait."
"[name], it's okay. Please just, give me a minute to—"
"Izuku." You firmly place your hands on his chest, pushing him back down. "Please listen for a sec?"
His hands remain on you, but he stops pushing, not meeting your eyes as he waits in silence.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realize that binkying back at you like that would imply that I, you know, wanted to get with you, but that doesn't..." You chew your lip, locking your eyes on the controllers, still on the floor from when he dropped them. No backing out. 
You mumble the last part (the most important part) so fast you almost hope he doesn't hear you: "that doesn't mean it was the wrong idea or anything—"
His head is still turned away, but his eyes flick to your face with a surprised sniffle. "...what?"
You furrow your brow, your heart hammering away in your chest. "God, please don't make me say it again," you whine, your hands coming up to hide your own face.
"No, please say it again," he breathes. "I mean, I already misinterpreted once today and I don't want to—"
You let out an embarrassed whine, pressing your hands to your face even harder. "I didn't mean to say it but that doesn't mean it wasn't something I meant to say eventually," you hiss out slowly and much louder than you would have liked.
You peek at Izuku through your fingers, desperately looking for any reaction to tell you whether you just irreparably fucked things up with your best friend. 
Izuku is, and always has been, a very expressive person. You've been able to gauge his emotions at a glance for as long as you've known him—even if he didn't wear his heart on his sleeve, generally the angle of his ears and the movement of his nose or tail have always been more than enough to keep tabs on how your best friend is feeling.
Right now, though, aside from the flush on his cheeks and slight parting of his lips, Izuku is carefully blank. It's like he's shut down, mentally—blank eyes, nose still, mouth just slightly open but not with any hint of emotion to it. Not positive, not negative, just mild shock and a practiced blankness that has your face burning and you moving to get off him.
You feel him shift beneath you just a moment, and then once again, you yelp as you suddenly find yourself on your back, but this time, you're not looking up at Izuku, because his lips are pressed to yours, one leg hanging off the couch while the other is wedged firmly between your legs. You can feel his hands tremble as they cup your face, your eyes blown wide with shock. He's unpracticed, but his lips are soft and it's him kissing you so enthusiastically that you really have no right to complain.
Your eyes flutter shut as you begin to kiss back, your hands gently coming up to tangle fingers in his hair. You let out the tiniest whimper as your reciprocation seems only to spur him on, him kissing you somehow even more passionately.
You can't help but giggle into the kiss when you feel his nose twitching against your face, causing him to pull back just enough to breathe. His obsession with training over the years has clearly done him well—his breathing seems mostly unaffected by the kiss, while you lay there panting and trying to make sense of what the hell just happened. 
Izuku watches your face for just a moment, seemingly shocked at his own actions, but leans in again, brushing his nose against yours adoringly. "I-I'm sorry, I was just... really happy..."
You let out another tiny giggle, leaning up to kiss him again. Much like in all other areas of his life, he's quick to kiss back, already seeming to kiss you with a bit more precision than the first. He pulls back, hot breath ghosting against your lips as he whispers to you. "I-I've loved you for—" —he breaks off to plant another tiny kiss on your lips— "—s-so, so long, [name]."
He goes to kiss your lips again, but whines when you turn your head so he hits your cheek instead. "I love you too, 'Zuku," you hum, continuing to dodge his kisses playfully. 
"[naaaame]," he whines. "I've got a lot of lost time to make up for, stop dodging me..."
Cute, sweet kisses are lovely and all, but as long as you're trapped between his muscles and the couch, you might as well tease him a little, right? And you've got just the idea to push him a bit further.
You look up at him with a playful smile as he glares heatlessly at you. His hand, previously cupping your cheek sweetly, grows a little bit firmer in its hold in an attempt to hold your face in place so he can kiss your lips. He darts down to capture your lips again, exactly according to plan.
Your fingers, still entwined in the mop of green he calls hair, grip carefully and tug his head back before he can properly kiss you.
Bingo. You can't help but grin with flushed cheeks as he immediately grinds his hips down onto your leg, letting out a breathy moan as something suspiciously firm and growing rubs against your thigh, bare from the shorts you dug out of your clothes this morning.
You watch his face in awe, his freckles disappearing among how purely red he's gone, and give another gentle tug to his hair. This time, he borderline whimpers, hips moving like he's being controlled. His eyelids flutter shut, hot pants causing his chest to heave as green eyes stare down at you, darker than you remember.
No lies here, the fact that he can't help but grind on you is... really hot. So hot, in fact, that you can't help but shoot him a teasing smirk as he watches you with half-lidded eyes. "Excited, Jackrabbit?" you muse.
He whines as his head drops to your shoulder. Quietly, so quietly you almost miss it, he mumbles, "how can I not be when you of all people finally take an interest in me?"
God, if he weren't still grinding his hard-on against you, that would've been adorable. "If I'd known you were into me, we could've been doing this years ago, 'Zuku baby." You punctuate your sentence with another tug to his hair, to which he retaliates by biting down on the crook of your neck, dragging a drawn-out moan from your throat.
He pulls off with a small giggle of his own, eyes staring down at you playfully. "Aw, are we sensitive, honeybun?"
You don't dignify him with a response. At least, not a verbal one. You pull him back down for another heated kiss, lips moving against his as your hands slowly drift from his hair, down to his chest. You splay your palms out, just feeling his muscles for a second before you pull back, take a breath, and shove him as hard as you can. He lets out a tiny "guh?" before you're straddling his hips, hands returning to his hair and lips returning to his.
He's shocked, but clearly he's more than happy to continue making out with you like this. You, however, have a curiosity stemming from years of Izuku dodging around you touching his ears that you just have to sate, so your hands slowly but purposely crawl up to the base of his ears, thumbs brushing the velvety appendages gently before you pinch the base and give them the slightest tug.
Izuku pulls back with a moan, shivering as you continue to thumb his ears in slight awe at their texture. "[n-name]~"
You bring a hand up to laugh. "Aw, are we sensitive, Izu?" you tease, drawing a glare from him. Just to drive it home, you shift and grind your hips down, planting both hands on his chest to steady yourself, effectively killing his glare as he lets out another shaky moan.
"T-that's not fair," he whines.
"Life's not fair," you muse, grinding down one more time before leaning down and tugging at his shirt. He doesn't seem to notice, lost in pleasure just from grinding with his eyes closed. "'Zuku baby, can I see a bit more of you?"
Another whine tears from his throat, and he opens one eye to look up at you. "O-only if I—hah—get to see more of you, too."
You smile, locking your legs around his hips and giving him a show as you slowly peel your shirt off. When it's over your head, you look down and wink, almost losing your composure completely.
His jaw's dropped, eyes locked on your body, and when you wink, he bucks his hips up. You yelp, barely managing to steady yourself at the sudden force, and this time when you lean down and go to pull his own shirt off, he helps you wiggle it off of him. You suppress a groan at the sight of his bare chest, shifting up a bit so you're straddling his abs and he can't grind against you as easily. (You love it, but can't have him getting too excited, now.) 
Scarred, calloused hands settle on your waist as he just admires you, completely wordless. You've half a mind to be self-conscious about his lustful gaze on you, but it's hard when you've got your own view to devour.
Izuku really is gorgeous. Sure, it's not the first time you've noticed over the years. Where he was once your scrawny bunny boy, years of training and hero work have left him littered with scars and bursting with muscles, maintaining his lithe form without sacrificing any amount of strength. Among the scars is a smattering of freckles decorating his shoulders, and that's just his body. To say nothing about his face, still young-looking despite the years and, as of right now, dripping with utter adoration for you.
"You're gorgeous," he breathes, thumbs gently rubbing circles into your hips.
"Says you." You smooth your hands over his chest, dragging your nails teasingly. When you barely brush against his nipples, he shivers, letting out the slightest gasp. You smirk and repeat the motion, watching his face as his fingers twitch around your waist. You could honestly tease him like this for hours just to watch his face and feel his muscles as his stomach trembles between your legs. (Again, Izuku has always been the epitome of expressive, and it's moments like these that you truly understand how much that shines.)
Izuku, however, has a better idea as he effortlessly sits up with you in his lap, trembling as he gives you a slow, charged kiss. (You'd like to imagine his thought process right now is something along the lines of "holy shit holy shit holy shit", but it's difficult to tell.) When he pulls away, he buries his nose in your neck, letting out a shuddering sigh as you glance down over his back. "I-is it okay if I touch you, too?"
You stifle a laugh when you finally notice his tail hitting the couch a mile a minute, forgetting for a moment that Izuku asked you a question. "Just do it already, Jackrabbit," you tease. "You don't have to ask."
He doesn't waste a moment at your permission, immediately shoving your bra up and out of the way to take one of your breasts into his mouth, a hand coming up to knead the other one excitedly. For a moment, you simply hold him as he enjoys himself, letting out little gasps as he lathes a hot tongue over your nipple and lets out a tiny moan of his own. But naturally, your eyes drift to his tail again. The ball of fluff seems to be moving of its own accord, and honestly, you can't resist drifting your hand down to grab it and give it a little tug.
The mouth on your breast leaves as Izuku immediately tosses his head back, letting out a strangled moan louder than you ever thought possible. His hands squeeze instinctively as his eyes roll back, ears falling back and brushing your hand as he momentarily loses himself.
Your face flushes as you watch his with renewed interest. You swear you can see hearts in his eyes, the blush on his cheeks creeping down his neck and shoulders, and holy fuck do you wish you had a camera ready. You want to look at that expression every day for the rest of your life.
He lets out a few garbled noises that might have been words, had he been two percent more coherent. Your laugh dies in your throat when, upon collecting himself, he gives you a look about four shades darker than you ever thought your sweet Izuku to be capable of. You knew he was gorgeous and fun and amazing, but now you can add "panty-dropper" to the list of words describing him.
You don't fight back when he practically flings you back onto your back and clamors to hover over you, nipping at your neck as his hands find the waistband of your shorts. He yanks both your shorts and your panties down at once, leaving them to pool around your knees as the force pulls you back flush with his hips. When you give his tail another weak tug he growls into your neck. You're gone. You're officially gone. Between the not-so-gentle reminder that this boy can fling you around like a ragdoll whenever he wants (and that you kinda wanna thank him for doing so) and the growl, just...
Goodbye, panties. You're living a better life now.
When he looks into your eyes with that same heated gaze from before, your breath catches in your throat. His voice, however, is far from matching when he speaks. "I-I really want to take things slow a-and do things right, b-but if you keep pulling my tail like that, my patience is gonna run out, you know?"
You watch his face with wide eyes for a long moment, pulling the most innocent face you can muster. "Pulling your tail like what, Jackrabbit?" you say teasingly.
And then.
And then.
You pull again.
Izuku's moan turns to a whine and mixes with your own as he bites down on your neck a third time to muffle himself. He pulls up when he's collected and reaches behind himself, one hand firmly wrapping around your wrist while the other grabs your other hand. Slowly, purposefully, he pins your wrists down in one hand, attempting to intimidate you with a glare. There's no heat to it, though, especially not like this, not when there's hearts in his eyes, not when he's panting and sweating and blushing down his neck and you're now fully aware that he moans like a goddamn pornstar.
To his credit, none of that makes you any less horny right now.
Now that he's got your wrists pinned down, he takes another moment to just look at you with hungry eyes. They roam your disheveled form, paying particular attention to your tits as they bounce with every heavy breath. His eyes drift up to your face, and he swallows harshly at the look you're giving him. It takes him just a moment longer of admiring you, the damn near animalistic look from before slipping away to something more Izuku before he speaks.
"I-if we're going to do this, I want to make sure you feel good, too," he says evenly, no longer looking anything but purely genuine. "So please keep your hands to yourself for a little bit?" He tilts his head, ears flopping with the motion, eyes innocent as if he's not asking you to hold still so he can drive you to madness without interruptions.
You nod slowly, swallowing a bit and stilling in his grasp. His fingers twitch, his face lights up, and for just a moment you swear he's more like a puppy than a bunny. 
He shifts, his hands releasing your wrists but hovering over them a moment longer. "If you need me to stop at all, just let me know, okay? The last thing I want to do is push you further than you're okay with it."
"Okay," you whisper breathlessly, watching with interest as he properly lets your wrists go. He glares playfully for a moment, watching to see that you don't move your hands, and when he seems satisfied that you'll actually listen this time, he begins tracing down your arms with featherlight touches.
He's painfully slow in his movements, fingertips grazing your skin as he moves down. He briefly leans down and pecks at you softly, first your forehead, then the tip of your nose, then grazes your lips just enough to draw out a whine as he cups your cheeks. With every tiny kiss, he mutters against your skin— "love you—" "—so much—" "—so fucking much."
"Love you more," you chirp sweetly.
"Hmm, that's debatable," he hums. "But let's come back to that later. Right now, there's s-something I want to do."
With that, he continues running his hands down your body, smoothing his rough palms out just to feel your skin. He exhales slowly as he palms your breasts, smiling fondly down at you as you gasp. "You're so soft..." he whispers, mostly to himself, as his nose twitches a single time. He only plays with your breasts for a moment before his hands continue to move down your body, eliciting a surprised giggle when his scarred hands smooth over your sides. He slowly moves in with both hands, dipping between your thighs, and just when you think he's finally going to touch your dripping slit...
He gently parts your thighs and continues moving, lightening his touch as fingertips drag over your inner thighs. You let out a mournful cry when he continues down your legs, hands smoothing against your outer thighs and hooking underneath as he reaches your knees.
He exhales, flicks his eyes up to your face with a blank look that usually spells trouble. Without warning, he yanks you toward him in a controlled jerk, leaning down as you yelp. Before you can get your bearings, his hot tongue is dragging flat against your heat. You let out a moan that almost drowns out his own at the flavor.
"God, y-you're so wet for me, [n-name]." His breath is hot against you, green eyes locked on yours. "You taste so good."
You'd like to respond, really you would, but he goes right back to eating you out, tongue firmly dancing over your clit before dipping into you. His hands grip your thighs as he enthusiastically gets to work, little moans peppering the space in between your own gasps and pants. You throw your head back as he works—he's a messy eater, to be sure, but you swear you can feel him learning as he goes. He's probably cataloging every noise you make, every twitch of your thighs, especially if the rhythm he quickly falls into is anything to go by.
When he moves to latch his mouth over your clit, his eyes closed as he loses himself to pleasuring you, and you're so so close, maybe you can get away with at least winding your fingers through his hair—
The moment your hands move, his eyes shoot open, and he pulls away from your pussy with a look that screams nothing but disappointment, though it doesn't quite cut. "Honeybun..." he says, voice husky and gently chiding, your slick glistening on his lips. "You said you'd keep your hands to yourself."
You instantly slam your hands back down to the couch, letting out a whine as you give him a pleading look. "B-but I wanna touch you, Izu," you whine out.
His hips buck against air at your words, his nose twitching in surprise as his eyes widen. Seeing a crack in his armor, you have to pounce. "Come on, Jackrabbit," you insist. "You're so good to me. Can't I make you feel amazing, too?"
He's so stunned that he hardly reacts as you prop yourself up on one elbow, yanking him down for a hot kiss with a hand on the nape of his neck. You wrinkle your nose in distaste when you realize you can taste yourself on his lips, but that doesn't mean you're going to stop, not by any means. You lift a knee, opening one eye to make sure you're aiming correctly, and rub against his aching bulge just as his tongue slips into your mouth. 
The poor boy jerks away from your mouth, letting out a quiet, drawn out moan as his cock twitches against your knee.
He stares at you for a moment, face flushed and breathing heavy as tiny tears form at the corners of his eyes. "I-I'm so sorry, [name], I wanted you t-to—"
You cut him off with a sweet kiss, locking lips with him as you carefully shimmy out of your bra and bottoms (both having been left hastily shoved out of the way), tossing them out of the way. When you're properly stripped, you gently push him back so you're both sitting up and pull away with a sweet smile. 
"We're only done here if you want to be, Zuzu," you say, dripping with affection (and perhaps maybe something else).
He immediately shakes his head, ears following the motion as his face flushes worse. "N-no, I want to... I want to keep going."
You chuckle softly and slide off the couch, gently guiding him to sit in front of you properly before you reach up to toy with the zipper of his pants. "Then, let's keep going, hm~?"
He nods, nose twitching relentlessly as you slowly pull his zipper down and slide your hands into his pants. You cheekily smooth your hands over his ass before actually beginning to pull his pants and boxers off in one go. You giggle as his cock springs out, somehow still hard despite the obvious mess of cum clinging to his thighs and the inside of his boxers. You slowly lean forward, sure to make eye contact with him. Instead of going for the mess he's made just yet, however, you run a thumb through some of his cum and smear it over his abs, just to have an excuse to lick it off.
You're slow and sweet as you lick up his abs, arms wrapping loosely around his waist. The look he gives you is almost one of betrayal as you pull back, and you bring a hand to your lips with a coquettish grin.
"Sorry Izu baby, I've been wanting to do that for the longest time," you admit, resting your arms on his legs and your head on your arms.
He groans lowly at the admission, head dropping back. "H-how long—" he breathes out, cutting off when you drag a finger over his length.
God, even his cock is gorgeous. Long, thick, honestly just a little bit intimidating. You're functionally a virgin thanks to your formative years spent being silently in love with a certain green rabbit boy, so you're a little concerned that he'll split you in half when you actually fuck. 
...You might not complain if he does.
You admire it with adoring eyes as he whimpers. "Now's not the time for asking questions, Jackrabbit," you coo, glancing up at him for only a moment before wrapping your hand around his cock. (Christ, you can barely wrap your whole hand around it.) "I was good long enough, so you'll let me return the favor, right?"
"I'll be good," he whines, bucking into your hand something fierce. "I'll be good so please, [name], please—"
You lift your head from where it rests, guiding his tip to your mouth to press a tiny kiss there. Izuku whimpers in response, attempting to buck his hips again. You smile, snaking an arm around behind him to gently run your thumb over the fluff of his tail. You keep a light hold on it, just touching it enough to feel it as you take a deep breath in preparation. When you're ready, you lean forward again slowly, teasingly breathing hot air onto his cock before finally, finally taking him into your mouth. 
"Fuck," Izuku breathes as your mouth closes over him, gripping the couch cushions with white knuckles.
If you thought you'd take this slow and teasing, well, regrettably, Izuku can't seem to control himself well enough for that. He bucks into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat with ease as you choke. You tug his tail ever-so-slightly as a warning, but his response is almost more than the way he lost his mind earlier—his hips move frantically, leaving you to do nothing but relax and take his cock down your throat.
"I-I'm sorry," he babbles. "Y-your mouth is so— so good, you're so good for me, honeybun, I'm sorry, I don't think— ahn~ I don't think I can be good like you asked, it's too good, you're too good, s-soooooooo—"
You manage to tear yourself away from him just in time for him to erupt, hot ropes of cum hitting your face and the top of your breasts, precious little making it into your mouth as you gasp for air. His tail twitches in your hand as he babbles, legs shaking and feet gently thumping the floor. You gently, carefully, clean him up, pausing to grab your discarded shirt and wipe your face off.
When you're both clean and still out of breath, you rest your head against his leg, tilting up at him sweetly as you trace small, soothing circles over his opposite thigh. "You said you'd be good, but I guess this makes us even, huh, 'Zuku?"
He mutters something you don't quite catch.
"What was that?"
"I said—" —you're suddenly tackled once again, skidding across the floor from sheer force as Izuku pins you down— "—not. yet."
Well. Mark me down as scared and horny, I guess. 
"S-still raring to go, Jackrabbit?" you force out in your best teasing tone. "Huh, guess it's true what they say about fucking like—"
"Hush," he hisses out in a dark tone. You gulp; all the adoration and sweetness you're used to from him has melted away, leaving only something dark and carnal in his eyes that has you shivering. And then, almost instantaneously, he slips into a saccharine tone. "Be a good girl and let me take care of you, okay sweetheart?"
Oh god. You nod so quickly it's dizzying, so slightly that if it were anyone other than Izuku watching you, they might not notice. But it is Izuku and he notices, just like he notices your breath hitching when he does something right, notices how you respond to his praise, notices how you watch him, excited and intimidated all at once, and the smile he gives you is deceptively sweet and innocent and so so unsuited to the situation at hand that if the circumstances were different, you'd laugh. But you're not laughing. Not when you feel his head prod against your entrance and circle teasingly. 
He doesn't tease you for long, though. One whine from you is all it takes for him to slide into you, made easier by how soaked you get the moment his goddamn guttural groan reaches your ears. He shakes as he enters you at a torturous pace, drawing a cry from your lips as you feel yourself stretched in a way you've never been before. The slightest squelch fills your living room as he finally bottoms out in you and stills to let you adjust to his size.
You're not sure whether to thank every deity that he's got at least enough self control to let you adjust (or that he's going to fuck you at all) or to plead for him to please god just rearrange my guts already before you lose your fucking mind. Izuku forces himself to open his eyes and watch you as you take him in, biting his lip as your face contorts. It's so much, so much to not just ruin you right off the bat, but he's careful to wait and not hurt you... too badly, at least.
You just watch him, meeting his eyes with a half-lidded gaze of your own as you pant and lie still. After a moment, Izuku realizes why you're so still and quiet—
His head drops into your shoulder as he chuckles. "You really are so good for me, honeybun. Are you ready?"
"P-please~" you mewl into his ear.
That's all he needs to hear. Slowly, carefully, he pulls out of you until just the tip of his cock is left throbbing inside of you, and then he snaps his hips forward in one sharp motion. That damn smile drops from his face, his jaw going slack as he starts a slow pace, trying his absolute damnedest to not completely lose himself. As much as he adores watching your expressions, he can't help but throw his head back, eyes squeezing shut as he pistons into you, panting heavily.
"Hah~ Fuck, [name], y-you're so— so tight~"
When he finally brings himself to take a peek down at you, he can't help the sudden increase in both speed and force as he grips your hips. With every thrust, your tits bounce in response, and your expression is nothing short of starstruck as he damn near slams into you. Before he even realizes it, a stream of words fall from his lips, every one of them truthful, adoring, and just a little bit incoherent. Your mouth hangs open in silence, unable to even moan as he drills into you at a pace quickly approaching brutal speeds.
"God, y-you feel so much— so much better than I ever expected-hoped-dreamed about, honeybun, and I really mean that, really mean that, you're so— guh, so tight around me, i-it's hard to believe you weren't made to take my cock, you know? You're so hot and wet and tight and I— I-love-you-love-you-love-you oh godddd I love you so much you're so gooooooood~"
If you were able to focus enough to think, let alone speak, you'd probably make some comment about how he's literally fucking you like a rabbit, but it's all you can do to claw desperately at his back, legs locking weakly around his hips as you quiver beneath him. Between the way he's babbling nonsensically to you and the wet slaps filling the room and the charming sloppy-enthusiastic way he's fucking you relentlessly it's almost too much. If you can walk after this, it'll be nothing short of a miracle.
You've been almost silent, practically unable to moan due to the overwhelming bliss from being stretched out so deliciously, but the keen that tears from your throat as the building knot in your stomach finally snaps is loud, nails dragging down his back one last time as your tongue lolls out of your mouth.
There's not really any doubt left in Izuku's mind that he's fucked you stupid, not with your walls fluttering around him, not with your hands desperately moving, searching for something, and he's got an idea of what it is when your hand brushes his tail and yanks, rougher than you have before, hard enough to send him crashing over the edge with you and nearly making his legs give out from the pleasure. 
Izuku's vision blacks out as the pleasure crashes over him, the pair of you riding out your orgasms in tandem as he paints your walls white. You're dizzy as he finally collapses on top of your body, shuddering and not bothering to pull out of you as he rests his cheek against your heaving breasts.
"Holy shit, Izuku," you breathe, hands tangling in his hair as you stare up at your ceiling.
"Now we're even," he says, shaking a bit as he chuckles.
"I hope you know I'm never letting you go." His hair is soft as you nuzzle into it. "Holy shit."
"Aw, am I that good?" he teases, slowly pulling out of you. You whine at the loss. "Shh, it's okay, honeybun. I promise that won't be the last time."
"Thank god," you mumble, playing with his hair lazily. "Go out with me."
Your hands still, your blood running cold. "Oh."
"You go out with me," he finishes, smiling against you.
You lightly smack the back of his head. "You scared me, dick."
"Is that a yes?"
You go back to playing with his hair. "I guess. But you have to go out with me, too."
"Yes, that's how it works."
"Really?" you retort. "You had me fooled, rejecting me so you could ask me out instead."
"What can I say?" He lifts his head, pushing himself up to plant a soft kiss on your lips. "I wanted to win."
"You could've killed me, Izu," you whine. "You're heavy and then you say no—"
He rolls his eyes, nuzzling into your neck. "You know I could never actually say no to you, right?"
"Oh~? Are you saying you're too in love?" you tease.
He giggles, pressing tiny kisses along your neck. "Yes, I am. I've been in love with you since middle school. Got a problem with it, honeybun?"
"O-oh." Huh.
"What? Got nothin' to say to that?" he teases.
"S-sorry, I'm just... fuck, you're saying I could've had you years ago?" You press a kiss to the top of his head, right between his ears. "I've been in love with you for just as long and this whole time I've just been pining instead of kissing you."
"Pining?" he echoes, rolling off of you with a grunt. He immediately wraps his arms around you to pull you flush with his side, smirking at your little squeak of surprise.
You blush, burying your face in his chest. "Y-yeah, I said it. Pining."
"Tell me more, Honeybun. I'm interested to know exactly what you mean." A large hand drifts up to card through your hair affectionately, and you sigh as you drape your arm over him.
"Izuku," you whine. "It's embarrassing."
"Please, [name]?" 
"...fine," you mumble. "I was always... You were always so sweet and kind and passionate, and in middle school you were cute and I wanted to protect you. But then we got to high school, and oh no he's hot, I guess... I mean, shit, Izu, you got muscles. And scars. I know you don't like them much but they're hot."
"'Hot', huh...?"
You don't have to look at him to note how much he's clearly enjoying this. "Keep making fun of me and you can sleep on the floor tonight."
"That's okay, as long as you're here, too," he replies without missing a beat. "Do you wanna get up and go wash up? I can't imagine all that feels very comfy right now."
You laugh nervously. "I'd love to, but, uh. I still can't feel my legs. I don't think I can walk."
Izuku lets out an affronted gasp as he sits up. "[name]. I'm offended at the implication that I'd make you walk." He pushes himself up. "You wait here, and I'll run you a bath."
"Mm... no," you reply, watching him with subtle amusement. "Run us a bath, Jackrabbit."
He laughs, shooting you a wink. "Anything for you, Honeybun. I'll be right back." 
He rushes off on shaky legs. You slap a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles when he returns not even a moment later.
"Hey, [name]?"
"Hm? Could it be that you don't know where my bathroom is?"
He rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "Maybe."
You laugh. "Down the hall, first door on your right."
"Right. Gotcha! Thanks, Honeybun. Oh, one more thing?"
"What's that?"
His expression shifts, eyes dripping with fondness as he looks you over. "I love you."
Your heart swells, smile unwittingly stretching your cheeks at the confession. "I love you too, Izuku."
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ladyboops · 3 years
Jack O Lantern
Tumblr media
A/N: A little late for October, but hey. I got this squeezed in time for Halloween Day. My Masterlist is up and running, and more will be added as I figure out a schedule. Enjoy a Modern AU.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 490
Warnings: Knives
Summary: You attempt to carve a pumpkin.
"What the fuck are you doing now, brat?" Levi entered the kitchen of the shared apartment, finding you on the cool tile floor.
"Carving jack o lanterns," You stuck your tongue out in concentration, sticking the knife into the pumpkin before cleaning out the last of the seeds. "Wanna help?"
"Tch!" He scoffed. "You call that carving? Give me that before you slice off those pretty little fingers."
"Levi baby," You pouted, watching him pull his jacket off and sitting down beside you to reach for the knife. "I got you another pumpkin. We can have two!"
"And make double the mess? Here on my clean floor?"
"I mean, I got us our masks, candy, these pumpkins, and some scented candles," You rattled off the previous grocery list.
"Masks for… costumes?" He narrowed his eyes to glance at you stabbing at another pumpkin.
"Of course not! Don't tell me you forgot. Erwin invited us to the masquerade event later tonight. How did he get you to go?"
"Blackmail." And that was that.
You started working on the second eye of the first pumpkin, struggling to get the knife through the flesh of the vegetable. Another "Tch" and a hand wrapped around yours, teaching you wordlessly how to hold and angle the serrated side to better cut into it.
"Do you think the landlord will let us plant pumpkins?" You asked conversationally.
"With your so called green thumb?" Your boyfriend replied, finishing the last of the toothy grin. "It'll be wilted by the end of the week. No."
"Oh. Laundry's done," You poked out the last of the pumpkin needed for the second eye.
"Did you shrink my clothes? I said to not touch it," He tsked in annoyance. "Is it supposed to be like this?"
"Yeah! Just have to light up a candle in it," You danced away momentarily and returned with a candle and a lighter in hand. "Watch and see, Mister Ackerman."
Placing the candle within the large orange pumpkin, you lit up the wick and placed the pumpkin top back on. With a flip of the switch, the kitchen was plunged into black, except for the warm orange glow from the jack o lantern. "What do you think? What do you think??"
"It looks fine," He grunted. "Turn the lights back on before you trip over the mess you made on the floor."
You glanced around yourself after the white lights brightened the space once more. White seeds, orange pumpkin flesh, newspaper, paper, and sharpies were strewn about. A second pumpkin laid mostly forgotten to the side. "I'll clean it."
He rolled his eyes, indicating the finished pumpkin. "I will clean. Last time you cleaned, I had to scrub the floors again. Set that on the porch."
"Okay!" You carefully skirted around the clutter, and carried the pumpkin towards the front.
"Brat, what do you intend to do with the pumpkin stain on my slacks for tonight?"
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sylvain-writes · 4 years
If We Say the Words (Raphael x Reader)
Rated: G Gender Neutral Reader, friends to lovers, pining, affection, confessing feelings You and Raphael have been 'dating' but not really. It's finally time to confront your feelings, if only Raphael would make his move. for @bppeny32
Raphael's arm brushes yours as you approach your door, rough and solid and perfect. You hold yourself back from linking your arm with his and leaning in, but the fantasy niggles at the back of your mind. 
Your discussion has turned animated as you playfully argue whose Mandarin was better when you'd practiced with Meili at her family's restaurant during dinner. While Raphael was the clear winner last week at Omatsu, you think you've pulled out a win tonight. 
"Admit defeat,  Raph,” you tease, switching to walk backwards. You poke his chest to make your point known. “I saw you pretending to like the peanut noodles. You could have told her you messed up your order." 
You give him a playful shove that does nothing to alter his stride, and it’s really just an excuse to touch him again.
He pretends the overcast sky is the most interesting thing he’s seen all night, but then gives you a sideways glance and a twisted scowl that has you in stitches. 
"Still a sore loser, huh?" You pivot to face front as you approach your townhouse. The steps are slick with wet fallen leaves, and as you lead the climb, Raphael steadies you with hands on your waist. 
"Sore?," he says, "Wouldn't know." You wonder how he's so unaffected by the touch that’s left you breathless.  “I neva lose." The soft light of the streetlamp gives his eyes a mischievous twinkle.
"Oh, come on!" You give him a slap on the stomach before fishing for your keys. "You're coming in, right?"
Raphael tips his head with a grin, poised to say yes, when his pocket starts to ring. He lifts the phone to his ear with a gruff, "Hello," and a voice speaks immediately over the line.
Raphael meets your eyes. You smile, but he turns away. 
He grunts into the phone, trying to mask his frustration with short answers and a tight jaw.  But it bleeds through his protests. 
You slide your hand up the curve of his shell in silent support of whatever he's going through. The clench and release pattern of the free hand at his side gives away his struggle to keep his even tone. You're proud of him for not losing his cool.
Abruptly, the conversation comes to an end. Raphael turns, his bulk and stature smaller somehow as he rounds his shoulders and dips his head low. He gives you a soft, despondent look before dropping his gaze to where your hands are linked. You don’t remember reaching out for him. You cover Raphael's hand as it flexes and turns.
When his eyes meet yours again, they're searching. Intense, and wide, and needful. Raphael stares and you take the smallest step forward. But instead of coming closer, Raphael lets his hand fall from your grasp.
"That was Leo," he says, telling you what you already know.
"Ok." Your short nod is a familiar one. Just as his goodbye will be. 
"Mikey found a lead. I gotta go."
You think maybe tonight’s goodbye hurts more than the others. 
You barely register the lonely walk up the stairwell. By the time you reach your floor, you know Raphael is already sprinting across town by the rooftops. 
Your palm is hot with the memory of holding his hand. With the texture of his shell under your touch. Your fist curls around the phantom sensations regardless of how silly it is to think you can hold onto the feelings forever. 
You can’t help but sigh with want for the loss of him. For the loss of the kiss that seemed a hair's breadth away before Raphael's hand dropped from yours. 
It would have softened the goodbye; it would have been a sign. It would have been a long time coming. With a heavy heart, you think, It'll be a long time still. 
You can't force Raphael to move faster than he's willing to go. And if he's not comfortable, if he doesn't feel safe exploring the feelings you both clearly share, then you'll go at his pace. You’ll follow his lead. Quietly you admit to yourself, you’ll follow him anywhere.
You've been spending more and more time together. And now it seems like you have a standing dinner date for Tuesday nights. No, not a date. Dinner and movies and moonlit walks. Stargazing and late night phone calls. Family game nights and music exchanges. But no dates. Right. You're not dating.
And when you stand close or choose the seats closest to each other, when your heart leaps into your throat at his texts and your breath catches in your chest at each compliment, when his face lights up the moment he's caught sight of you, that's not a testament to your mutual attraction.
You flirt and you touch and everyone says that one day you'll be more than friends, but each day that passes without Raph taking the next step leaves you feeling like maybe everyone's imagining it all. 
Yawning and trying not to think about how your loneliness feels heavier tonight, you flick off the light in the hallway and walk into your bedroom. 
You're too focused on the drawstring tie of your pajama bottoms to notice the large form seated at your window. But once you look up, there's no way you can miss Raphael's imposing figure. 
Only, he doesn't look intimidating at all. In fact, he looks smaller than he's ever seemed. And it's not that he's lost bulk.  No, it’s the way he stoops and curls in on himself, as if afraid to take up too much space. And it breaks your heart to see your boisterous, confident warrior like this twice in a night.
He grinds his fist into his palm, refusing to meet your eye. "I'm always cuttin' out." It's an apology and an accusation against himself rolled into one.
"It's ok."
"Naw, it ain't. Ya deserve so much better than that." His accent is heavier than usual; his voice thick with emotions you can tell he’s holding back.
You let what he says hang, afraid anything said to the contrary might incite an argument. It would be so easy to fall into the trap, so easy to say the wrong thing and push him away. So, you draw him closer instead. 
"You must be tired," you acknowledge delicately. "I know I'm beat, and I wasn't the one running all over the city chasin-"
He holds up a hand to stop you from going further. He doesn't like to drag you into the mess of what's going on. Foot soldiers were one thing. But since the aliens and mutants started popping up, he’s tried to shelter you from whatever the News doesn't cover.
"Come on," you say, climbing onto the bed. You don't direct him to lie with you, you don't ask for a cuddle. But the request is implicit. Even if these are things the two of you don't ask for out loud.
When he sits against the headboard, you slide into place as you've done dozens of times before. The weight of his arm curls around you, a shelter and a shield. Your head and hand fall gently to his chest and he lies back with a quiet sigh. 
You draw circles over his heart, following the swirling pattern of his plated plastron and perhaps this would be the time when other couples open their hearts and talk about their feelings. But you don’t expect that from Raphael. Not when words are so difficult. 
When emotions run high, he lies low. And you have always taken Raphael - you've always loved him - as he is. 
It's a long while of silence. But it's comfortable and sweet. 
You gather every minute. Clutch them tight. Cherish them. It sometimes feels like you steal these moments from his hectic life. You don't take a second for granted.
His blunt fingertip follows the shell of your ear and your heart skips with the yet unspoken affection between you. He stops at your earlobe, offering slight pressure. Distracted by his thoughts, he rubs the soft flesh between his thumb and forefinger. 
Raphael draws in a deep breath and the shift in his pattern has your full attention. 
"What if..." Raphael starts and stops. His voice sinks into the space between you, rough and broken. "What if we were doin' this for real?" 
Hearing him struggle for words, you hate to ask for clarification. “This?"
Raphael's breath hitches and you swallow hard to push down your rising nervousness. "You and me. But, y'know..."
"For real," you finish his thought.
"Yeah.” His focus is on the delicate curve of your ear, the slope of your neck, anywhere but your eyes.  “Know I ain't good enough,” he says and gives a small grunt to clear his throat from shaking.  “Know I'm always gone or leavin'. But when I'm not, I wanna be here."
You tuck your chin and rest your forehead on his chest. Your 'yes' sounds more like a whimper than a word; you're not sure Raphael heard it for what it is. 
His words burrow into your heart, and the muscle aches as if his confession has expanded the muscle.
You confess more clearly, "I want you here," and your arms encircle him as best they can and squeeze. 
Raphael combs his fingers through your hair. He pets and waits, and you lift your gaze to his.
His green eyes shine, catching the glow of the bedside lamp. "...That mean we're doing this thing?” Hope tremors through his chest and your palm tingles with the vibration. “Cause I been wanting to kiss ya."
You crawl up beside him and plant a little kiss on his cheek. His skin grows warm and dark. Then, with a hand on his neck, you coax him to turn for more. The kiss is natural and safe. It feels like home, with the excitement of a favorite holiday. Your heart flutters and flips. You smile against Raphael's lips.
When his phone interrupts your night again, you kiss his cheek and settle back on the pillows to allow him room to answer the call. 
“Leo?” Raphael relaxes immediately, then flushes dark, and gives a nervous chuckle.
Your smile returns easily. Watching Raphael’s relationship with Leo evolve has been a warm thrill for everyone who knows them. 
“Yeah, I did.” Raphael answers Leo, and his hand sneaks toward you over the mattress. Though still wrapped up in the call, he hooks a finger over yours and smiles. “Yeah, I am.”
Raphael gives a contented grunt before tugging you close. You can hear Leo on the line as the pair of brothers exchange goodbyes.
“...happy for you, Raph,” Leo says and you blush at the approval. “I’m proud of you.”
Raphael stills in your embrace, unable to respond to his older brother's praise. Leo is understanding; he ends the call and Raph sets the phone aside without a word. 
You cup Raphael's face and look into his eyes. You take your time, gazing down at him in a way you felt hasn’t been your right or privilege until now. “Thank you,” you whisper. 
“Didn’t do nothin’,” Raphael mumbles humbly, his eyes transfixed on you. 
But you know the truth of it now. Going to Leo for support, for help, still doesn’t come easily for Raph, despite the closeness they’ve gained. And if Leo is checking in, asking about you, then Raphael must have confided in him. Trusted him with his vulnerability.
You give Raphael a soft shake of your head and a firm kiss on the lips. "Wasn't nothing." 
With your nose nuzzled against his, you tell him again. Because there are more words to be said - more you'd like for him to hear, and believe, and maybe one day say back. But today you'll start with this. 
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flirtyhyuck · 3 years
cuddle me close
; five positions jaemin likes to cuddle you in
; jaemin x gender neutral reader
; cuddling, fluff, domestic, established relationship, minor argument comfort
; 1.7k wc
The spoon
The moment Jaemin is tucking himself into bed, his arm is reaching out to grasp at your waist, pulling you closer. “Come here,” he groans.
“Clingy,” you chuckle into the evening air. His chest, unclothed because it’s too humid to be wearing clothes right now, presses against your back, arms winding around your torso so tightly that you can practically feel your rib cage getting smaller. “Jaemin, let me breathe, will you?”
“Sorry,” he whispers into the spot behind your ear. His exhaustion is felt through the vibrations that rattle through down your neck, simmering down in your shoulders with a light buzz in the way only his raspy voice can. The hold around your waist loosens up the tiniest bit, not enough to actually matter but you choose not to say anything, just smiling to yourself.
With the puffs of air Jaemin lets out, tickling the lobes of your ears, your eyes lull shut to blanket the room in darkness. “Long day?” you ask, aware Jaemin only ever cuddles like this when he’s drained, preferring to face you most of the time.
Apparently too tired to respond with actual words, he just hums in agreement. His legs fold and huddle closer, knees bent in a ninety degree, raising in a way that pushes your own legs up to rest your bum on his thighs, lower back pressed into his pelvis. “Turn off the light,” he mumbles, dragging the words.
You reach out to turn off the lamp but don’t even make it half of the distance you need to, limb falling with a dejected sigh. “Let go of me.”
Even with your back turned to the boy, you see the concerned frown taking over his face immediately, eyebrows drawing in softly. “What?”
“Dumbie,” you giggle, tapping at his wrist to prompt him to let go, “I can’t turn it off with you holding me down.”
There’s a few moments of white noise, your clock ticking and the aircon humming a little too loud before Jaemin lets out a quiet noise of realisation. “Well,” he murmurs, nosing back into the crook of your neck, “guess we’re sleeping with the light on tonight.”
The butt cheek to cheek
“Where was it you wanted to go tomorrow?” you ask Jaemin. The soft petting of his foot against your ankle halts for a moment to think, shoulders going still against yours before remembering.
“That cafe that opened in Jisung’s campus food court, apparently he scored a job there,” he replies. You always thought it was weird you could feel Jaemin’s breathing pattern through his back when it’s pressed up against yours, his inhales deep and chesty.
“Huh?” you ask. His whisper combined with facing away from one another doesn’t exactly make for the best conversation. He repeats his answer once again, a little louder this time, and hums when you do, acknowledging one another.
Both of you tap at your phones- you checking up on notifications and messages while Jaemin does whatever he’s doing on his. “Woah,” Jaemin breathes, turning around to tap your shoulder as a way to ask you to copy his actions. You flop to lay down on your other side, now facing your boyfriend as he shoves his phone screen in your face. “Look at where Hyuckie and his girlfriend went for their anniversary.”
“Damn,” you mumble, staring at the romantic restaurant behind Haechan’s dressed up partner on Snapchat, mouth drooling when the story continues to another snap of him and her clinking glasses of wine over steak, “mad envy.”
“I know right,” he sighs, staring at the boomerang for another moment before twisting back to the other side, original position assumed when you do the same.
The honeymoon hug
“Shhh,” he comforts, pulling your entire body in even closer when you let out another wretched sob, your voice muffled by his chest after the second cry. His hand strokes from the base of your neck all the way to your lower back, firm yet gentle, fingers loving, and repeats the motion. “It’s okay.”
“I would have studied more had I known that it’d be so hard,” you choke out, every word said with a quivering breath, “but I had to insist that we go on that date.” He feels his chest tighten up a little knowing you regret going out with him but puts the disappointed feeling aside, aware you’re speaking out of frustration.
Your hands fist the cotton of his shirt, damp with tears and probably some saliva as he continues shushing you quietly, mumbling words of consolation into your scalp. Hiccuping, which Jaemin feels guilty for finding cute, you clench harder and curl in on yourself, knees pushing against his own to create distance. To bring you back into his warmth again, he hooks his leg over yours and drags it in, tangling them up and consequently having you pressed hip to hip, snotting into the spot between his collarbones.
“I know it’s hard,” he sniffles with you, heart constricting when you whimper at his words, “you can make up for it or get extra credit. Yeah?”
He knows it probably isn’t the most loving thing someone could hear right now but he needs you to calm down, know that everything is going to be okay. “I just-” you begin, already spiraling into irritation yet again, fists balling up even more that he can feel your knuckles dig into his ribs.
“I know, baby- I know,” he coos, shushing you to stop the fumble of angry words you’re bound to let out. “I’m here for you… It’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” you nod, sniffling loudly and letting out quivering breaths, shoulders jumping in place of stifled cries, “alright.”
“You’ll be alright, my love.”
The leg hug
Plopping down onto your side of the bed, something that rarely ever mattered in your home, you make sure to shimmy away from Jaemin as much as possible, practically dangling off the edge. “Come on,” he whines. You hear him scooting over, the mattress dipping under his traveling weight, “don’t be like this.”
You respond with a light scoff which only makes him wail louder, the sound high pitched and ringing in your ears. “I said I was sorry!” he tries again, this time with a finger poking at your shoulder.
“Ugh,” you groan, flipping around to face the boy who lights up at once.
“That’s better,” he grins, folding his hands beneath his head and staring at you with a delighted expression. You really doubt if this view is actually any better, an angry scowl on your face and eyes glaring so hard at Jaemin that his hair could catch on fire.
“You don’t deserve my face,” you hiss, pulling up the collar of your shirt to curl over your head, only the crown of your head peeking out now, “after what you did.”
He sighs and yanks down the fabric, revealing your still angry expression, “I didn’t mean to!”
“You didn’t mean to flirt with the server?” you groan, swatting away the hand that tries to cup your jaw.
“Absolutely not!” he exclaims, slamming a hand down on the mattress and persisting, slapping once with every syllable he lets out, gradually getting more forceful, “I didn’t know that was flirting! I thought I was just being nice, you know how I am. I won’t do it again, it was my mistake.”
He pouts when you just stare at him, eyes blank and frown unwavering. “Fine,” you relent, “I forgive you.”
Jaemin lets out a happy squeal, grinning from ear to ear and practically jumps your way, ready to envelop you in his arms like always. To his dismay, your arm comes out just as fast and pushes at his chest, protesting, “no.”
“Huh? I thought you forgave me!” he cries out, eyes wide and pleading yet again.
“Just be happy I’m even looking at you,” you grumble. He nods solemnly and reaches for the lamp switch, flicking it off and letting the room turn a pitch black. He wonders how he’s going to fall asleep without you in his arms but smiles a second later, thoughts erased when your foot finds his, ankles curling around one another, and your hand reaches out to his shoulder, slowly dragging down the length of his arm to lace your fingers together.
The half spoon
The bathroom door creaks open and you hear the pattering footsteps of Jaemin making his way into the bedroom, humming a small tune under his breath all the while. Bedroom already open, he saunters in with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and damp, mussed hair.
“Babe,” you frown, watching him rack through the closet for something to put on, “what did I tell you about leaving your hair wet? It’s going to get all poofy now.”
Your boyfriend just shrugs and throws on a random shirt, the band tee from a concert you guys visited last summer, as well as a pair of boxers from the drawers to his left. “You like playing with my poofy hair,” he points out, shaking it off once before falling by your side.
Laying on your back, left hand scrolling through Instagram and legs completely outstretched, you have your right arm flop open as invitation for Jaemin to cuddle. He takes it up immediately, moving with muscle memory and molding to fit by your side like second nature.
“Wanna watch anything?” you ask, already clicking onto the YouTube app and searching for the pet rabbit vlogs he likes. Your arm curls around his shoulders as he snuggles and lays his head on your chest, right leg pulled by his own to get sandwiched between his knees.
“The rabbit one- where they give it a bath,” he answers predictably. You scroll through the uploads to look for the specific one he wants, tracing little hearts into his shoulder blades as his foot wiggles impatiently, the excited movement making the loose covers curl up by his feet.
The recognisable lo-fi blares out your speaker and you rush to turn it down, startled. All the while Jaemin brings his hand to your chest, leaning in to watch the video. The bunny is placed into the little plastic tub they’ve just bought, shivering a little due to the water, and your boyfriend coos at it so cutely that you can’t help but bring a hand up to pet at his hair, adoring.
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Nothing Can Stop the US Air Force!
Title: Nothing Can Stop the US Air Force! 
Chapter: One
Author:  Kat
Reader Gender: N/A for now
Word Count: ~3000
Warnings:  Military things, a death or two, some blood and torture, nothing too terrible though
A/N:  I tried to make this as real as possibly possible. I’m not going to say it’s perfect because there were a couple things I needed to change, but it’s damn close. 
Character: Dean Winchester
Tags: @iwantthedean @torn-and-frayed 
“Give me a hug, Honey!” Mary said, wrapping her oldest in her arms. “I’m going to miss you so much!”
“Mom, c’mon,” Dean sighed. He rolled his eyes animatedly, then squeezed her back. “I love you, Mom.”
“My turn,” John said, pretending to break them apart. He pulled Dean into a bear hug. Dean was surprised that even though he was six foot two, his dad still seemed to tower over him. 
“Bye, Dad,” Dean said.
Dean turned to the last family member, Sam. He was standing a few feet away, arms crossed over his chest, looking down. Dean walked over to him and playfully smacked him on his shoulder. 
“Hey, gonna say ‘see ya’ to your big bro?” Dean asked, laughing.
Sam just nodded, not looking up. 
“What’s up, Sam?” Dean asked seriously.
“Do me a favor,” Sam said, looking up. His voice was filled with sadness and there were tears in his eyes. “Come back, won’t you?”
“Hey, Sam, of course I’ll be back. I’m not even going to be doing anything dangerous, just basic training. I’ll be home for Christmas,” Dean said, pulling his brother in for a hug. “You just keep up your nerdy schoolwork so you can be a hotshot lawyer.”
Dean said goodbye one more time and ran off toward the bus that would take him to basic training. 
“Hey, man, why’d you join?” One of the other trainees, Micah, asked Dean. A group of men were sitting in the dorms shining shoes together, Dean being one of them. It was a free hour for them before lights out; a few others were writing letters, or laying on their beds and relaxing. The small group had been sharing stories and getting to know one another.
“My dad was in the Marines,” Dean said, dusting off his boots. “I decided a few years ago that I wanted to do the same thing.”
“Alright, so what the actual hell are you doing in the Air Force?” Brodhi asked, incredulously, from Dean’s right. Dean chuckled, covering his boots in polish. “If Daddy was a Marine, wouldn’t you want to be in the Marines?” 
“Well, when I came to him with the brochures and said ‘Dad, I want to be like you. I think I’m gonna join the Marines’ he looked up from his newspaper and said,” Dean began to imitate his father’s deep voice, “‘Son, the Marines are just lowly grunts. The camaraderie might be great, but it’s groundwork before anything else. No son of mine is going to be a damn Marine. You wanna join the Forces, you’re going to use your smarts. You go into the Air Force.’”
The rest of the group laughed lightly. Dean had been grateful toward  his father since then. John had seen Dean’s potential far before Dean had ever thought of himself as ‘smart.’ As the next few weeks went on, the instructors began to take notice of Dean and his dedication. 
“Sir, Airman Winchester reports as ordered, Sir!” Dean said, once in the Commander’s office. 
“Thank you, Airman. You’ve breezed through basic training with some ease,” he said. The Commander was sitting behind his desk with the superintendent, two Chief Master Sergeants and Dean’s training instructor. Dean shifted ever so slightly.
“Sir, thank you, Sir.”
The Commander flipped through Dean’s file for a few more moments before asking another question. 
“Your father was in the military, too, wasn’t he?” The Commander asked.
It was two days before graduation. Dean stood at attention in the center of the office, facing the other men. He had no idea why he had been called here, and he was nervous, but he didn’t let it show. Dean couldn’t think of anything he’d done wrong. 
“Sir, yes, Sir!” Dean barked. “Echo Company. Second Battalion, First Marines, Sir!” 
“That’s very interesting. Yet, here you are at Lackland **Air Force** base. You lost, Airman Winchester?” 
“Sir, no, Sir,” Dean responded. 
“After the basic training graduation, most receive their next orders in writing. I have yours here in writing, but,” he paused for a moment, setting Dean’s file on the desk, “I wanted to meet with you. I wanted to see for myself what your instructor and the chief master sergeants have told me they’ve seen.”
Dean waited a moment, completely unsure of what the Commander was talking about. 
“Drill Sergeant Masterson came to Chief Master Sergeant Roderick, who in turn came to me and said that you’ve shown particular skills in the obstacle course as well as arms training, survival skills and teamwork. What’s your fastest  gun strip, Airman?” 
“Sir, without cleaning, my fastest strip and reassembly was twenty, Sir!” Dean answered. 
“Impressive. Airman Winchester, at my discretion, this military base is sending you to Fairchild Air Force Base for special SERE Training. You will train for six to seven months in Washington before you will be given your first active assignment. Is that understood?” The Commander asked, standing from his seat.
“Sir, yes, Sir!” Dean saluted the Commander and it was returned.
“This came at my very discretion and discussion between myself and the Chief Master Sergeants. Do not let us down, Airman Winchester. We see you doing great things for this country. Dismissed!” 
“Sir, yes, Sir!” Dean saluted once more and exited the room in a march. 
Once out of sight of his higher-ups, Dean broke into a run and dashed through the halls of the base. He needed to run off the anxiety and nervousness. He ran through the doors and stopped for a moment. He sprinted down the stairs and started to run the length of the base toward the dorm. 
“Airman!” A harsh voice cut through the air and Dean stopped, knowing he was in trouble. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing out here, Airman!?” He yelled. “At attention!” 
Dean straightened immediately, snapped his boots together and threw his shoulders back, staring straight ahead into Sergeant Masterson’s eyes as the Sergeant came to stand in front of him. Dean saluted quickly before returning to form. 
“Answer the question, Airman Winchester!” 
“I was just called into the Commander’s office and given my next assignment, Sir!” Dean yelled. “I needed to run off some excess tension, Sir!”
“I can escort you to the obstacle course if you’d like, Airman! You can run it until dark!” The Sergeant yelled. Dean remained silent. “Report back to your dorm, Airman. Get out of my sight. And, walk!” 
“Yes, Sir!” 
Dean spent the next six months in Washington, training. He wrote home twice, once to his parents and once to Sam. Dean realized he probably wouldn’t be home by Christmas as he’d told Sam, and he felt guilty, though his commanding officers were impressed by his skillset. They had ushered him into Special Operations training with a focus on arms. At the end of the last month of training, Dean’s flight was sent into a National Forest on a survival and evasive mission.  
The flight boarded the plane, chattering excitedly. Dean slid into his seat and buckled his harness, giving a playful shove to Mark, one of Dean’s best friends from training. The plane shuddered to life and suddenly Dean felt a pang of fear. 
“Hey, man, you okay?” Mark asked as the plane began to taxi across the runway.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve just never been on a plane before,” Dean said, putting a hand over his stomach in a vain attempt to calm it.
The entire flight quieted and turned to stare at Dean. He glanced around. A steady fear settled in his gut as the plane began to pick up speed. 
“Winchester, are you gonna throw up?” Staff Sergeant Waters asked from a few seats away. “There’s airsick bags under the seats.”
“I’m fine. Just haven’t done this before, Sir,” Dean gasped as he felt the plane lift off the ground under him. “Oh, God, I hate this.” 
Dean spent most of the flight with his eyes shut and his body bent double. Thankfully, the National Forest was barely a twenty minute flight away. Their JumpMaster announced the ten minute warning far too quickly for Dean’s liking.
They began moving about and Dean helped prep Mark in his harness with shaking hands. Once he'd done that, Mark switched places and helped Dean into his harness. 
“Check equipment!” 
They lined up and checked each other's harnesses, lines and packs quickly. They were lined in alphabetical order, except for Sergeant Waters, who would be last to leave the plane. 
Dean was right in front of Sergeant Waters and he double checked his Sergeant’s packs just to be sure. 
“Winchester!” Sergeant Waters called, urging him to hurry up. 
“Hey, man, you got this,” Mark said, turning for a moment. “You nailed landings every time in training.”
“I hate planes. Let's go.”
His stomach turned over violently as the ramp was opened. He swallowed the vomit in the back of his throat and moved forward as the JumpMaster gave ‘go’s to everyone. 
One by one, each of them jumped from the plane. Dean's stomach flipped over as the plane shuddered and Mark ran out. 
Dean stepped up to the doorway and took a deep breath. Sure, he'd jumped a thousand times in training, but Dean was nervous.
“Go!” the JumpMaster yelled.
Dean took one more breath and jumped. He tucked his chin and counted. One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand. He looked up, glancing over the parachute to be sure it was functioning properly. As he soared downward, Dean felt much better. This was the best part of flying in his opinion. 
The flight filed out from the bus to go back to their dorms and rest for a day. Everyone was still mud-covered and bedraggled, talking about showers and ‘real food.’ As Dean exited the bus, a Sergeant called out to him.
“Airman Winchester!” Dean stepped to the side and saluted the Sergeant, who immediately returned it. “Report to Commander Rothschild immediately.”
“Sir, I-” Dean was cut off.
“Nonnegotiable, Airman! Roll out!” 
Dean gave a half-hearted salute and walked off in the opposite direction of the dorms. He hoped the Commander realized Dean wouldn’t be in prime shape. In fact, he was all too aware of the fact it looked like he’d bathed in mud the last week and stank to high heavens from the week in the woods. He’d had fun, if he were being honest. Yes, it had been rough and tiring, but Dean thoroughly enjoyed being outdoors in survival mode like that. He realized as soon as he got to the training that this was what he was meant to do. 
Dean waited at attention outside the Commander’s office until he was called in. He marched into the office, saluted to Commander Rothschild, and stood at attention.
“Sir, Airman Winchester reporting as ordered, Sir!” 
“Thank you, Airman,” Commander Rothschild said. “At ease.”
The Commander was a very large man. He had gray hair with a receding hairline, but he held an air of absolute authority. He had been running the base for nearly ten years. Even though Dean hadn’t been at the base for long, he knew the Commander rarely told anyone to be ‘at ease.’ Still, Dean lowered his hands to his sides in respect. 
“I heard that you alone escaped capture and were able to rescue your entire flight without being caught by the enemy. Is that true?”
“Sir, yes, Sir!” Dean confirmed proudly.
“You know, I did Special Ops and I wasn’t even able to avoid capture nor was I able to escape. That’s a job well done, Airman.”
“Sir, thank you, Sir!” 
“Airman, your mother called yesterday afternoon.” Dean’s heart immediately sank. “I’m sending you home for a couple weeks. Your father is in the hospital. He had a heart attack.” 
Dean remained where he stood, straight and stiff, letting the words of Commander Rothschild sink in. After a minute, the Commander stood from his desk and moved to stand directly in front of Dean.
“Airman, do you copy me?” 
He only managed a short nod. 
“You will report to Sergeant Matlok immediately. On January one, you will report back here to me and I will give you your next assignment, is that understood?” 
“Sir, yes, Sir,” Dean responded automatically. 
“Dismissed, Airman.”
Dean met his mother in the waiting room at the hospital. He was still in his bedraggled uniform, still sweaty and muddy from his week in the woods. She ran straight into his arms anyway. Dean was surprised at how small she seemed, like she’d shrunk since he’d left for basic training. 
“Mom,” he greeted fondly.
“Oh, Sweetheart, it’s lovely to see you. I’m so sorry. Your father should get to say goodbye, though, Dean. He won’t admit it, but I don’t think he’s going to last much longer.”
“It’s okay, Mom. They would have sent me home anyway. Sorry I’m so gross. I was in the woods for a week and they pulled me as soon as I got back.”
“It’s okay, Sweetie. Sam and John will be so happy to see you.”
Dean watched for a moment as his mother turned and walked away, leading him to the hospital room. She looked tired, he thought. He stared after her, trying to grasp the reality that his father was sick and dying. As he entered the room, Sam and John looked toward the door, surprise etching across their faces.
“Dean!” Sam jumped from the seat next to the hospital bed and ran over, throwing himself into Dean’s arms. 
Sam seemed taller, but still so scrawny. Dean realized how much muscle he had gained since he left, but it felt so odd being in the room. He felt like a stranger. 
“Hey, Sammy,” he said gruffly, wrapping his little brother up in his arms. 
“Dammit, Mary, I told you not to call the base!” John complained, though his voice was soft and raspy. 
Dean let go of Sam and walked over to John’s side. His father looked smaller, too, shrunken in almost. He looked weak and sick. There was an IV going into his arm and wires going down the front of the hospital gown. John’s eyes were rimmed with pink and purple, like he hadn’t been sleeping very well and his face was pale.
“No, Dad, I’m glad Mom called,” Dean said, softly. 
“You got training you should be doing,” he said.
“I finished the specialty training, Sir. I will get my first assignment when I go back.”
Suddenly, Dean had a vision of looking at his father from outside a hospital room. Doctors and nurses surrounded him, the heart monitor flatlining loudly in his ears. Dean stepped back, momentarily stunned.
“Why are you so dirty, Son? Look at that uniform!”
“I was in the woods for a week just before they sent me home, Dad,” Dean grinned. 
“You keep that uniform looking sharp, Dean. Damn, look at you. SERE training and exemplary performances. You’ve done me so proud, Son. So proud.” 
Dean did everything he could to get the vision out of his head. He stared at the heart monitor, the rhythms completely normal. They all sat, talking quietly until John ushered them out to go home and get some rest.
The shower was hot and steamy; Dean stood under the high pressure stream until his body was red from heat. Sam was waiting on his bed when Dean came out. 
“Now I remember why I hated having adjoining rooms.”
“Oh, shut up,” Sam rolled his eyes.
They both stayed silent as Dean put on a pair of sleep pants and laid down next to Sam. 
“He’s going to die,” Sam whispered sadly.
“I know.”
Dean sat with Mary and Sam in the living room, they were all silent. Dean had a beer; he raised it to his lips and drank deeply. Sam moved from his chair to the couch next to Dean. It had been a very quiet two weeks, but Dean made sure to spend plenty of time with Sam and Mary; Dean was due back at the airport the next morning to report back to Commander Rothschild. His father had died the second day Dean was at the hospital. Since then, it had been quiet and somber in the house.
“Do you have to go back?” Sam asked sadly. 
“Course I do, Sammy. If I don’t, I get arrested,” Dean laughed dryly.
“That’s going AWOL, isn’t it?”
“Yep,” Dean took another long drink, emptying the bottle. “Sergeant Matlok will pick me up in the morning.”
“I’m going up to bed. Don’t stay up too late, Boys,” Mary said. “I’ll be up to see you off in the morning, Dean.” She got up from her rocking chair and gave each of her boys a kiss on the forehead before walking up the stairs. 
“Remember when we were little, the Christmas tree would be all lit up and we’d lay down underneath it and pretend we were laying in a field getting ready for battle?” Sam asked, laying his head on Dean’s shoulder.
“Yeah?” Dean said, wondering where his brother was going with this.
“Is that what the stars actually look like?” 
“Kind of. When you’re out in the country, you can see thousands. They’re everywhere. Right before I was sent home, we were in the forest on a practice assignment. There were so many stars, Sammy. It was so fun.”
“What if they ask you to do something dangerous?” Sam asked.
“Then I go do it,” Dean said simply. 
“What if you die?” 
“Then you get my model car collection and tools,” Dean joked, but they both fell silent. They remained silent for a long time before Dean spoke again. “Then I die, I guess. But, Sammy, that’s what I’m trained to do. I’m trained to keep myself and my team alive. I’ll be okay, okay?” 
“Cross my heart. I, Airman Dean Eric Winchester, promise to do everything in my power to remain alive in my service,” Dean said, proudly. Sam smirked at him. “You gotta promise me something, too, Sam.”
“What?” Sam asked seriously.
“You have to promise you’ll take care of Mom.”
“Cross my heart, Dean,” Sam said, making an ‘x’ over his heart with his index finger.
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