#(i have just woken up) (and half of what i wrote here i typed out at like 1am last night)
what is word-color and sound-texture synesthesia? (I like asking people stuff bc I don’t rlly trust Google anymore)
I AM GLAD YOU ASKED (positive, not sarcastic, I fucking love talking about this--) (also, hi aster!!!)
so I had an explanation for what synesthesia was and then I reread it and have decided it was shit, so, have this one:
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There's a bunch of different types of it, smells having color (smell-color), or musical notes having color (music-color) and lots of other ones.
Words have color. Spoken and written. your name (aster) is purple! a very pretty purple, like amethyst in minecraft, which is fitting considering your username. fictional characters too, have colors, and so do numbers. I have gotten into (playful) arguments with people over what colors numbers are (7 is orange and I take no criticism on this).
sounds also have textures. this does not mesh well with The Autism. I don't know a lot of good examples, but certain narrators of things, their voices can make or break if I like the show. Loud noises tend to have sharper textures, and quieter noises have softer ones. But not always! And not all noises have textures, just most of them. But back to the narrators point--
David Attenborough's voice has a very nice texture, like water in a stream going over rocks. Cool and steady and bright.
However, the person who narrated the secrets of the whales documentary on disney+ has a voice like bad lettuce, which probably makes no sense but I remain firm in my opinion that they are a shit narrator.
Microphone feedback has the worst texture you can possibly imagine. like nails scraping down a chalkboard but multiply it by ten.
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ilypaigebuckets · 1 month
kate martin x competitive swimmer reader por favorrrrrrr
Someone Who Isn’t Me - K.M.
u cannot tell me i didn’t eat with the title right there it’s literally swim i feel like a genius. literally wrote half of this and went to finish it and i guess i forgot to save it bc it was all gone :(
pairing: reader x kate martin
plot: kate has a game the same day as your swim meet and can’t make it to watch you, which makes her feel like you need someone else who can make more time for you.
you had woken up at 7 am sharp and had starting to get ready for your swim meet that afternoon. you were doing the 100 free and were pretty nervous for it. you tried to calm your nerves by playing some music and taking your time to get ready. you heard a ping on your phone and ignored it, trying to stay in the zone. you heard a second ping a while later and decided to see who was texting you. you looked down and smiled as you recognized the notification to be your girlfriend.
k ❤️
sent an image.
I’m so sad lovely 😔😭
you quickly typed in your password to see what the image was. turns out, it was an email from her coach to her team saying that her game’s start time would be postponed for 2 hours later.
awe :( i’ll miss you teddy bear
good luck at your game i love you!
you were going to miss kate and kate was going to miss you. it was hard when the two of you couldn’t make it to each others games and events. you knew it would be especially hard on kate, she had a tendency to overthink and think the worst of herself when she couldn’t show up for you.
on the court, kate was a mess. “kate!” her coach called to her, “whatever’s going on with you, i need it to stop. you need to focus on what’s on the court, you’re our glue.” kate nodded, absentmindedly and ran back to the court. in the end, iowa ended up losing 56-67. kate walked back to the locker room defeated. ‘great’ she thought ‘another reason this is the shittiest day ever.’
she got back to her apartment and saw you’d texted her again.
My love 💕
hi kate kat!! how was your game? do you wanna come over :)
kate smiled faintly at your message. you were so positive, even when plans didn’t turn out the way you two had expected.
i love you so much i’ll be over in 10 🤗🥰😘❤️
kate grabbed her backpack and packed some clothes and her toothbrush into it, she figured she’d spend the night at your place. you two had a tendency to have sleepovers a few times a week and she didn’t want to be alone tonight after this tough loss.
about 8 minutes later, you heard a knock at your door. you opened it and there you saw her. your beautiful girl standing there with a pout on her face. you grabbed her bag from her and stood on your toes so you could reach up to kiss her nose. you grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch.
“i missed you today baby!” you said to her as you sat down on the couch next to you. she groaned and pulled you onto her lap, wanting to be closer to you after a day apart.
“you aren’t close enough!!” kate whined as she hugged your body close to hers. “i was having such a hard day already and not seeing you just ruined it. i was starting to think that.. i don’t know maybe you need someone who can be there, who can show up for you. i feel terrible. god.” she buried her head into the crevice of your neck and inhaled your scent. “god y/n i was thinking maybe you need someone who isn’t me. but now i’m here and i can’t imagine not having you. we lost and i should be so upset about it, and i was, but it’s like now i’m with you and none of it matters anymore.”
you simply giggled and kissed kate soundly on her pink lips, tasting her chapstick as you did so. kate started to perk up and smiled too. her spirit seemed to brighten the more time she spent with you. she put her hands on your shoulders, shaking you, “how do you make me so happy, y/n? hm? how do you do that? tell me your secrets!”
in that moment you wanted to cry. you loved how you and kate could overcome seemingly anything, not letting a bad day come between you guys. “i hate seeing you upset, kate. you’re my person. i wish i could be around you all the time.”
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starpirateee · 2 months
For the drabbles, can I request Owen looking after Curt while he has a fever? (Pre-banana obv, and their in a safehouse)
I love you guys clarifying when something is pre-banana because, can you imagine Owen post fall feeling that instinct to look after Curt? He hates him, but he's got a fever, so what can you do?
And, on the record, I don't write actual fluff or domestic bliss that often, but I gave it an honest go? Honestly, though, I don't know how this reads
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"Curt, I know you're incapable of understanding the concept of staying in one place, but for god's sake, you need to rest this off… That temperature isn't just going to blow over itself…"
For all it was worth, Owen was trying to keep his patience intact, but Curt had woken up shaking, claiming he felt needlessly hot when it was less than 10° outside. He had known Curt long enough to immediately know that something wasn't right, because Curt was one of those people who preferred to be warm, especially on a colder day… Normally, under circumstances like this, he would try and stay as long as possible in bed, and then he'd eventually resign and settle for a warm shower to keep him going for a little longer.
But, as it happened, Owen found that he was burning up, and when he spiked a temperature of almost 38.5, he put his foot down. He'd insisted in turn that Curt was to stay put and rest as much as he could, but he'd neglected to think about how the one thing everyone knew about Curt Mega was that he never stayed in one place for very long.
"How bad is it?"
"Almost thirty eight and a half."
"You make it sound like I should be dead from hypothermia," Curt complained. "And I can't be bothered to work it out… Just tell me plain, would ya?"
"That's what you get for using Fahrenheit..." Owen sighed, muttering something about stupid Yanks and their stupid measurement system, and then falling silent while he tried to work it out. Curt mustered a little focus from absolutely nowhere, and tried to watch him as he made an attempt to sound less like Curt was dying a violent death from being frozen. Eventually, his thoughtful expression passed, and his eyes met Curt's once again, as he registered just how expectant he looked. "A little over a hundred and one?"
Curt grimaced. "Where'd this come from?" Both he and Owen tried to work it out, but both of them came up blank. "God! I can't believe I got sick! This sucks!"
"It does mean you get a day off whatever it is Cynthia wants from you... What was it again?" He knew for a fact what it was. The two piles of reports on the dining room table was conclusive enough, even if Curt had never admitted outright what he had to do. Owen knew the system. Curt had to physically separate the work he had to do from that which he had already done, hence why one of the piles was significantly smaller than the other. So far, he'd been looking for any excuse not to do it, but this one was legitimate.
Curt shot him a look. "You know I'm a good month behind on the reports and shit I need to do from... uh, from France, I think. And then there was that one in Toronto, and... god, uh-"
"Copenhagen," Owen offered, helpfully.
"Yeah. Copenhagen. How the hell do you know that?"
"I saw the topmost file, that's all. You wrote the location on a slip of paper."
"... Huh. Wait wait wait, are you gonna be here today?"
"I have nothing better to be doing..." In truth, Owen wasn't going to let Curt try and handle himself, no matter how fine he tried to insist he was. It had been a little while since the last time he and Curt had been completely available like this, and thus he was grateful for every moment, no matter the context for it. This little life they'd built for themselves wasn't worth an awful lot if they were barely there to enjoy it, despite the fact that neither of them were really the domestic type.
"Besides," he added, as a little bit of an afterthought. "I don't want to be the one to just leave when you're like this."
Curt managed a small smile. "Never took you for a househusband..." He tried. The very idea of it was absurd. Owen wasn't the type for settling down and staying still as much as he wasn't, so to think of him like this was almost laughable, in it's own way. Thankfully, Owen found it amusing too, and chuckled softly.
"I dunno, Curt, I think I'd have the knack for it."
"Oh really?"
"You know fine well I know how to cook, and who knows," he leaned back on his hands and gave a wistful smile, "maybe I'd be willing to retire from our debonair old life and give in to the throws of... domestic bliss."
A wave of silence washed over them. Curt stared at Owen, but only because he'd reached a point where the response was that dramatically delivered that it was almost convincing. Owen— the most suave, capable man to ever have walked into his life— actually seemed for a moment to almost suit that idea of domesticity that he had brewed up.
The silence lasted only a moment before Owen started laughing, and Curt only had a second to cherish the sound of it before he was laughing too.
"No, you're quite right," he hummed, clearing his throat. "I don't suit it, but at least I'd suit the idea of it better than you would."
"I dunno, you've kinda convinced me... Maybe not in a traditional way, but god... Something about you being all blissful and-" he broke off with another chuckle when he tried to picture it again. "It's funny, but I dunno, you could probably make it work."
"But, to answer your question, yes. I'll be here all day."
And he stuck by that, too. For what it was worth, he was a little better at keeping himself busy than his companion could ever hope to be. He had about an hour's worth of documentation to catch up on, then there was the book he'd been meaning to finish for a while… And of course, there was always Curt. The first time he checked after as much productivity as he could muster on a busy mind, he was flat out. He seemed to have the whole temperature regulation sorted; or at least, he had it figured out for now.
Owen prepared a washcloth and a bowl of water that had started out as lukewarm, but was significantly less than that by the time Curt came around. He knelt by the bedside with the exact air of the drastic change in situationship they'd both imagined him in, and wrung out the towel before gently laying it across Curt's forehead. The latter took a sharp breath when the sudden cool hit his skin, and then managed a laugh. 
"What happened to not suiting it, huh?"
"I'm not saying I do, don't get used to it," Owen's tone was light, but he'd certainly thought about it enough in the last half hour. This was not up his alley by any means, and the idea of doing something like this constantly was somehow both something he could almost find himself doing, and the single most boring ending to his career that he could think of.
"I think it suits you..."
"Of course you do." Owen brushed the droplets from his fingertips onto the sleeve of his shirt, though smiling all the same. "You're the one of us being looked after. Speaking of, welcome back to the land of the living."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You were asleep for over three hours."
Curt's eyes went wide. "Huh? Really?"
"I did tell you that you sleep like the best of them, and I wasn't joking! I suppose it only matters depending on how it made you feel, though."
"I dunno... Better, I guess?"
"Well, you're still-" he could feel the heat of the cloth from the other side, and it hadn't been in place for longer than a minute. He made quick work of turning it over, and then really getting the chance to feel just how warm it had become. One reason why he was glad that water was no longer slightly warm. At least that was something to keep Curt cool while he battles this inner heat. "Way too warm to be normal. I assume nothing has really changed?"
"... Not really, no. But, uh, this feels kinda good."
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underforeversgrace · 10 months
Beep boop hello to you! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💚
Beep boop, hewwo! (Also tagged in this @darthfrodophantom! I love getting asks like this!
In no particular order:
broken trust and the wounds hidden behind/where the wounds were hidden
Summary: Jack wasn't meaning to snoop in his son's room when he found a box of medical supplies and a USB with a tag that said IF I DON'T COME HOME. Danny’s secrets revealed, Jack is desperate to earn his son’s trust, to earn the right to this secret he stumbled across. After almost two years of unknowingly hunting his son, is Danny's trust too broken to heal?
Reason: this is easily my most popular fic to date, and one I routinely reread. I just really love the idea of Danny's parents figuring it out and trying to support him, and I just love really, really love Jack. Also this one is what "put me on the map" in the phandom, so to speak, and I'll always love it for that. I'm including the tag-along fic with it bc it's not a sequel/is a short addition.
Woken and Bound
Summary: Danny wakes up in chains, Clockwork and the Observants hovering above him. Knowing only one fate could bring them here, he didn’t even fight, just bows his head and waits.
Reason: This one was created off a discussion in the Danny Phantom Discord! It was one of the first real interactions I had with the phandom. The fic is just angsty enough, but the memory of writing it is still fun!
same memory (different perspective)
Summary: It’s just chores, just him cleaning the lab. It’s just a normal day and he’s definitely fine. His fight or flight instinct definitely isn’t screaming at every single atom in himself to run.
Reason: I don't really have an emotional reason tied to this one, surprisingly. It was just a dissec fic I wrote that I ended up really, really enjoying. It's short and to the point, and the point is agony.
Parental Responsiblility
Summary: After a night she’d rather forget, Jack and Maddie are missing, and Jazz has to face her new reality.
Reason: This was the first fic I ever tried to write where I used timeline jumping as a major storytelling method, it was also the first fic wherein I focused on one person's POV, instead of POV hopping. Also my first time writing Jazz POV at all! This is also the fic I consider my most fucked up.
we live our lives like we're ready to die
Summary: DP x Angel: the Series (BTVS) crossover! (Actual short summary because the real summary is long: Wesley and Sam get into a bidding war over an ancient text. Wes needs it for Angel, Sam needs it because Danny is inexplicably drawn to it. Shenanigans!)
Reason: This might just have some "woo-hoo new fic energy!" pushing it up on my faves, but I am genuinely enjoying reading and writing this fic. I never thought I'd do any type of crossover fic, but this is just a blast and a half! Trying to fit the lores together, figure out how these characters will play off of each other and react to each other is a blast! This is the single most self indulgent fic I've ever written and I love it for that.
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chewwypepsicola · 2 years
okay lets start with just my hollowhead hcs brace yourselves i wrote a lot
SECOND/ORANGE: Second isn't actually all that fond of being called TSC he prefers to just be refered to as Orange since that way he feels less like the odd one out of the color gang, he already has enough w his big ass head! So he def prefers that name over his actual name, think of it like a nickname ! Another one, he has no idea of what he is capable of. LIKE. in AvA 5 showdown he gets his shit rocked and then unlocks his inheret hollowhead OP powers right? here's the thing, what if, while all of that was happening, he's completely unconscious and going on auto pilot? Not only does he pass out again and then wake up confused and in disbelief at seeing his friends alive but he is also very confused as to why Chosen bowed to him! He has no clue that it was *HIM* who saved the day and defeated Dark !! RAAHH !! That why we never see him use his powers again (at least fully, or conscious lol) Cause in ep 16 note block battle he had just woken up and in his half-sleep state he went there just to shut his friends up and go back to bed, in my heart of hearts the fuckin uh energy wave he produced wasnt even a conscious action!! And speaking of his sleeping habits, i think its pretty interesting to see him sleeping so much, i either think it has relation to his powers (even if showdown came after we started to see him sleeping constantly) just for the lols. Another one is that he's just narcoleptic haha
CHOSEN/TCO: Fucked up little guy he's poprtrayed as cool and level headed and serious by the fandom but all i can think of is back to him first being given his name and deciding to instantly break stuff and cause trouble, he is a menace!! I hc that he is angry a lot of the time, he's just a silent-rage type of guy, easily irritable and impatient, probably sarcastic and to-the-point when he talks I think he also sleeps a lot, like Second, but in his case he's just depressed el o el, he is also haunted by memories of his time being used by Alan/Creator as an AdBlocker cause that sure had to leave sequels, so he is depressed and thus sleeps a lot but then has terrible nightmares about being a prisoner and thus doesnt sleep but then gets tired and has to sleep a lot and then its just a terrible terrible cycle- He has decided to move on and "forgive" Creator but he still needs to go to therapy tbh One more for him is that he is both very caring to Orange and very scared of him. HEAR ME OUT, Chosen knows what this kid is capable of, he knows that Second doesnt know, and decides to keep it that way for both of their sakes. STILL, even if he is very intimidated by what his little brother can do he still cares for him and looks after him the way he wishes he would have been looked after, even if Orange already has a loving support system in the color gang Chosen tends to go out of his way to check on him, i think that Chosen yearning for family is fucked up and in character since he was the first one to get severly punished by their Creator and even if Orange doesnt need a loving caring family (he already has one) he's gonna give it to him godddammit !! (for both of them)
DARK/TDL: MY BABYGIRL oh god ohhh god Okay so to start off, middle-child syndrome. Lots of insecurities and issues with identity and finding out who he is and what is his purpose. Simple one: i think the bracelets he made to enhance his powers are now imposible to take off and got broken so badly that his powers are now nonexistent (or at least suuuperrr weak) cause of them malfuctioning. His insecurities come from being literally the weakest of the HollowHeads, imagine being one out of three inherently superpowerful (and probably inmortal!) beings in the world and then not even coming close to defeat either of them on your own. FUCKED UP! And we know he is aware of this cause he makes all of this technology to enhance his strength and be able to stand on the same ground as Chosen. He only won his second fight w Chosen cause of his gadgets and his bots. And even with those he got easily defeated by Second. In showdown, if we become a little bit crazy, you can interpret his desperation to kill Second as Fear. The moment he thinks Second is down he goes and tries to get his plan into motion cause who fuckin knows what might happen next . And, as he feared. Orange beats him up and all that he worked for is gone in seconds! And im not saying that him making all of those bots and killing innocent sticks cause they were in his way is okay DEF NOT but i think i can see where it comes from Here come in play his issues with identity, since being given a name he was going to be Chosen antithesis, the one to defeat him and forever be enemies, but he lost, and instead of finding doom at the hands of Chosen or at the hands of the Creator, he finds companionship and a brother in Chosen, both of them break out of what they were supposed to be and run away after causing a mess. Again mentioning how Chosen is the more destructive/chaotic one, i think that Dark held onto that and decided alright! this is me now! Just like him! Destructive. He makes that his entire personality and goal since he doesnt actually have any other. He was given a mission which was to destroy Chosen, he failed, and then he got a new mission, destroy Alan's PC, and then he, didnt have anything, just chosen, so he kept on destroying stuff, thats what they both did! And then, against his given interpretation of being a destroyer. he created something, he made viruses and bots yes, but he MADE them, he made himself something to be stronger, he had a plan that he was genuelly excited to show Chosen, like, "Look! I can get us revenge on the Creator, for what he did to you! For what he did to us!" ITS JUST SO. BITTERSWEET TO ME,, that when he thinks hes doing something by his own free will he's meet with rejection and told to stop, so thats why he sticks to it, he goes thru with his plan and decides hes not going to follow orders around anymore, this is what he is this is what he wants, he wants revenge, he wants to make the person that hurt him HURT. its so.... OUGH And then of course it doesnt work as he wanted. he loses yet another battle and is left alone to put himself back together, it makes me so so so sad to think about him badly injured and having to pick himself up and just. move on. In my perfect world after Showdown Chosen goes to look for Dark and they slowly but surely start to rebuild their relationship again.
ALRIGHT thats all i got now MAN i really have a lot of thoughts on this HJDASFHJSDHJF THANK YOU FOR ASKING DEAR ANON U MEAN THE WORLD TO ME, HAVE TINY DARK DOODLE <3 hes showing u the blueprints for his next project
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freneticfloetry · 9 months
hi courtney! @reyesstrand here on my main blog ajdnskd but for nice ask day i’d love to know about to build a home…what was the writing process like? any little tidbits you want to share about it? it’s one of my absolute all time favourite fics, so anything you’d want to share would be amazing <3 also!! i saw your ask where you mention you saw hozier and i’m seeing him on tuesday (!!!) so any hozier songs you feel speak to the lone star characters/relationships the most?
Hey Maddie!
First of all, hugs and kisses to you for all your kind words on to build a home (here and in feedback). I’m so glad it struck a chord.
I’m not sure what else to say about it, to be honest! Um… okay, there were four scenes in my original outline that I cut. Well, three scenes cut and two others combined. Very early on there was a scene at the honky tonk the night TK and Carlos met, sort of the tail end and aftermath of their first hookup and Carlos deciding that he needed to see this boy again, even if it meant breaking his rules and bringing him home. I never even started that scene proper — once things got flowing it made much more sense to just refer to that in the scene following, after TK stormed out on the date. Immediately after that one was supposed to be the scene when Carlos finds out Iris is alive, which got the axe for two reasons: one, I really didn’t want to write Michelle, and two — more importantly — I needed Iris to stay a sort of ghost for Carlos until he’s forced to unearth all that later.
Chapter Two pretty much proceeded exactly as planned, with the exception of the post-fire scene at Owen’s — that was just supposed to be Carlos laying in the dark and sort of inside his own head, reflecting on all the things he lost but the one thing he came out with being the only thing he couldn’t bear to lose. But TK sort of stormed the castle. I was chugging along, and all of the sudden, I’d typed that he’d woken up. It was literally like he said “my baby’s hurting, he needs me.” Which was cute, but not the plan. 😂 Still, I was really happy with the conversation that emerged.
Chapter Three, though… well, like mother like son. Not only did TK go rogue again, so did Gwyn, with the whole “future” talk toward the end of their conversation. The post-Cooper scene was originally post-Sadie, but it was too raw and too soon for TK to have processed things in a way that would have let him have that talk with Carlos (who would’ve been too freshly-mired in his own guilt, at that point, instead of adrift and unsure in Cooper’s wake). Switching it was definitely the right call, for me. The We Need to Talk About Iris of it all had huge changes in the moment, because once I started the scene, even though I had a plan, I wrote one line in particular and it unlocked everything else. Going over it with @ambiguouspenny, I thought they were going to have a meltdown. But in a good way! The hospital scene threw me a curveball, in the form of tying up a loose end from the first chapter, so that’s how Dom happened. It derailed the original plan for the first half of that conversation with Gabriel — he was going to tell Carlos that his abuela had always called him such a homebody, that after he came out he couldn’t leave home fast enough, and Carlos was going to confess that he’d sort of detached because he wasn’t sure he’d have a place under their roof after everything, that he had a bag that lived in Iris’ trunk for months, because it was better to be ready than to be blindsided — but I actually like the detour better. There was a scene planned immediately following — the boys coming back to the loft from the hospital after Marjan’s whole ordeal, where TK tries to convince Carlos to take the detective exam — but once I finished the scene before that was the easiest cut ever. It would’ve derailed all the emotional momentum from the scene before. And the wedding and wedding night were supposed to be two separate scenes, but halfway through the hospital scene I randomly got the urge to combine them, and I really love how it turned out.
There are a few lines and snippets that didn’t make the cut, one piece of dialogue in particular that inspired a whole new fic. (Also there was an extended exchange during the move-in scene, with Carlos’ crack about the exercise bike, that kind of went something like this:
TK: “Seriously, how does a guy who looks like you own zero gym equipment?” And then, like a little lightbulb: “Oh my god, you were that kinda gay.”
Carlos: “There’s a gym at the precinct, TK.”
TK: “And I’m sure that’s what you use now.”)
So basically… the writing process was chaos. I guess I had things to say after all! 😂
Re: Hozier speaking to Lone Star characters and pairings, why yes, don’t mind if I do.
I think there are a bunch of things that fit, actually. Tarlos and Francesca are clearly a match made in heaven, but First Time has hella TK vibes, both Shrike and Sunlight are Carlos as hell (though the former fits TK too), and I, Carrion (Icarian) fits for both Tarlos and Judd/Grace, from TK or Judd or even Grace’s perspective. From Eden is such a Judd-about-Grace song, as is NFWMB, but I think Would That I is his truest theme. Better Love could be Judd or Carlos. Unknown/Nth is my Breakup Era Carlos Anthem, and As It Was fits for TK during that same stretch. I have too many feelings about Movement to even nail down who it belongs to. All Things End feels like it would work well for Owen and Gwyn, and I’ll be damned if Arsonist’s Lullaby isn’t Owen’s buried anger issues to a tee.
I won’t even get started on individual lyrics/verses (but “I get along without you very well some other nights” and “be still my foolish heart, don’t ruin this on me” is the most TK Strand shit ever).
Not that I’ve thought about this at all. 😜
(Oh my god, this was an utterly unhinged answer, I’m so sorry.)
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I initially wrote this as a standalone chapter but decided to make it a full chapter fic. This is for the stranded au, with Leonarado figuring out water and food to survive in the prison dimension. Once I start working on the fic and get the chapters going I'll probably delete this or at least edit it to have the chapter number and fic title.
Krang was leaving him alone lately. 
    He was laying in a comfortably shaped divot in the hull of one of the hundreds of ships that floated around. He was still healing from the big beatdown he had had with Krang a few weeks — had it been weeks — A week? — ago but he could probably thank his mutation or something for the quick healing. He would have to send Drax a thank you letter, or maybe a postcard. 
He chuckled at the thought.
Leonardo had woken up some time ago — that’s all time was at this point, seeing as how the lack of sun rotations was throwing off his inner clock. When his stomach growled he ignored it until the gnawing sensation started to become unbearable. It must be because he didn’t eat before he laid down to sleep. He had just been so tired lately. Leonardo made it half way up before he collapsed back into the dust. With a grunt he forced himself up into a sitting position, and then he stood, choosing to ignore the subtle sensation of pins and needles in his hands and feet.He crossed his arms to stretch them, and then straightened with a groan. 
“Good morning!” he shouted to himself with a smile. “The weather today is~” he announces, pausing for effect as he rotates a full 360 looking at the sky, “gray! There is no breeze, medium light, and a whole bunch of nothing!” His voice bounced into echoes as it traveled off and away into the gray void, leaving him in silence once more.
“Well, time for breakfast,” he muttered sourly, and he lept off of the platform. Gravity quickly fell away and he free-floated… fell? Fell through open space until he came into contact with some ruble. He propelled off of it towards a gargantuan Krang body, landing on a dusty white tooth the size of a taxi.
    Gravity was weird in the prison dimension, which is why he was able to walk into its mouth, still technically being straight up. It was like space moved around him. The mouth was cavernous, the tongue a bristled carpet like a shriveled cat-tongue, and multiple rows of teeth pointing inward on the cheeks and roof of the mouth. Leonardo had guessed that at some point it might have smelled bad, but now it just smelled like dust. In the back of the mouth, blocking the throat in bulbouse, smooth masses was breakfast. Sepia colored orbs varying from the size of pencil erasers to softballs. Leo grabbed onto one a bit smaller than his fist, he found that the taste of these were a bit more bearable.
    Back on earth there was a spoken rule about never eating an unidentified mushroom and the rule was probably the same here. He only learned these were edible when Krang shoved them down his throat to keep him from dying.
    “Man, I miss pizza.” Leo mumbled before crunching down on the ball. Like always, it immediately turned to coarse powder in his mouth, sending a stinging, rotten vegetable taste over his taste buds. Leonardo held it in his mouth for a moment before bracing and swallowing the chalk-like substance down his throat. It hit his stomach like a rock and he gagged,  “I miss pizza so much!”
    Leonardo sat down and slowly ate his chosen fungus. He didn’t gag as much as he used to, but it was still bad. A few months ago — months? — he’d be having breakfast by now. If it was Saturday Mikey would make pancakes, mini waffles, or those crepes that everyone liked, with fruit or whipped cream. If April was over she’d be the one to drag Donatello from his lab, otherwise it would be Raph. Dad would be up and make Leo his favorite tea, they always did like the same types of tea. He and his family would all sit down together and eat, talking about silly things, or what they wanted to do that day. They might hang out at home and watch tv or play video games in the arcade, they’d wait until evening and head to the boardwalk and take the ferris wheel to watch the sunset while they ate funnel cake. Raph used to be so scared of heights when he was little, so when Leo would ride with him he'd hold his hand as they reached the top.
    The memory was swallowed down with the last bit of mushroom. While his stomach was technically “full,” the shrooms always left his feeling dry and gross on the inside, like there was a thick film coating his intestines.
    He sat inside the mouth for a moment, loosely hugging his knees as he stared out into murky dead space. If this wasn’t a gruesome prison he might have actually found some sort of “macabre beauty” in it. Leonardo chuckled, that’s what Mikey would have called it. He would have said it in his silly professional art critic voice.
    ‘Eh, not really my type of art.’ Mind-Mikey sat next to him, holding his legs the same way as Leo and looking past him out of the mouth and into the gray. With Leo’s attention he stuck out his tongue mockingly. ‘Never really flowed with me.’
    Leo had a habit of imagining Mind-Mikey and his other Mind-brothers in their older, colored outfits. The mind version of Mikey wore his old colored knee and elbow pads, a call for older times as Dr. Feelings might call it.
    The mental image of Michelangelo nodded, and then he was wearing a sweater with the rounded prescription glasses. ‘What’s on the agenda today?’ 
    “Nothing.” Leo said flatly.
    ‘Well, you have to do something.’
    “No I don’t,” Leo looked away from him, choosing instead to stare back into the gray as he rested his head on his knees. “I don’t have to do anything anymore.”
    ‘I don't think I have to educate you on the importance of doing enriching activities. You need some form of mental stimulation in order to live a full, happy life.’
    “A full and happy life, huh?” Leo laughed dryly. 
    ‘Well, as happy as you can get.’
    There was no point. Leonardo didn’t want to do anything. He did what he was supposed to and he did what he needed too. His family was safe. The world was safe. There was no point in enrichment, there was no point in continuing this.
    ‘C’mon, get up.’ Mind-Mikey stood.
    Leo turned his head to look at him. Mind-Dr. Feelings was standing over him, expectantly but patiently staring down at Leo as he waited for him to follow. Leo groaned but still stood up.
    ‘Let’s do something.’ Mind-Mikey smiled.
    “There’s literally nothing to do, this prison dimension has nothing.”
    ‘Have you looked around?’
    “Everyday I wake up and have to open my eyes to this place.”
    ‘Yeah but have you looked?’
    Leonardo rolled his eyes, but with the patient stare of Dr. Feelings, he buckled. Leonardo sighed, “alright, hermano, i’ll look.”
    ‘That’s the spirit!’ Mind Mikey leapt out of the mouth and Leo followed.
    Leo didn’t even humor the first ship. It was small in comparison to the others, the size of a small apartment building. He obediently followed the vivid hallucination of Dr. Feelings, not taking in any of his surroundings. They walked through together for maybe an hour, and at the end they hopped out of the front of a broken cockpit.
    The second ship was larger, and with the weirdness of gravity they explored it with everything upside down. Leonardo took more interest, as it was comparatively clean, with more unbroken glass that you could use to look outside. It’s not like Leo took any notes or anything, but he definitely felt less bored after walking through.
    It was at the third ship they were walking through. This one was almost the size of the technodrome, with dark hallways that sucked up the light. Leonardo stepped carefully over the body of a Krang that had long-since fused into the wall in the process of its decay. Something cold touched him and he flinched away. He rubbed his shoulder and came away with… water. Leonardo’s eyes widened. He put the trail of liquid in his mouth, yup, definitely water. Above where he stood was a tiny crack in the ceiling, the water grew, reflecting what little light there was in the room and falling into his hand. He looked to Mind Michelangelo and walked ahead of him, beginning to jog. He passed through corridors and jumped over gaps where the floor was missing.
    And then there was a door.
    As far as he had seen, Krang ships didn’t have doors besides the immediate entrance. He put his hand to the lumpy surface. It was ice cold. There wasn’t a switch, or a door knob, but next to the door on the wall was a panel, full of decaying, slimy masses.
    “Any ideas on how to get it open?” Leo looked to Dr. Feelings.
‘Perhaps you just need to… hm,’ Mind Mikey hummed, ‘I’m afraid that this is out of my skill set.’
    “Mind Mikey, can you maybe get Mind Donnie, please?”
    A purple clad hand physically shoved Mind Mikey out of the way and an illusory vision of Donnie came into the view with a bright smile. ‘I was wondering when you would call upon my intellectual talents!’
    “Yeah, so this panel has got some weird gooey stuff and I want to get inside past this door.”
    Mind Donnie hummed as he scanned the door. ‘Well, ignoring the fact that Krang vessels don’t usually have doors and that definitely possibly  means that whatever is inside was sealed away for the safety of a mutated monstrosity crew designed to be extremely physically resilient: put your hand in the panel.’
    ‘Don’t worry, I've done this before!’     “Yeah, but I didn’t exactly get details on how you did that!”
    ‘Oh, pish-posh I need to get a feel for it.’
    “You mean I need to get a feel for it,” Leo mumbled but he obediently put his hand to the panel. His hand broke through the cold and slimy surface and he felt a bundle of thick slimy tube-like organs. He shivered from the feeling but pushed deeper, feeling around for anything that might indicate a switch or a pulley. Leonardo came into something a bit harder than the rest of whatever he had his hand in. It was more metallic in texture, and had less of a give to it than the rest of the mass he had his hand in.
    ‘Hm~ interesting.’ Mind Donnie hummed, narrowing his eyes in concentration. ‘You feel that thing under your fingers?’
    “Yeah,” Leo choked out.
    ‘Rip it out.’
    Leonardo gripped it and pulled. It came out and snapped immediately.
    The door flung open and a cold temperature washed over Leonardo. 
    The room was huge. The ceiling reached five stories up, with large, claw-like gashes cut through the ceiling bleeding starlight into the room. Leonardo stood on a crumbling platform that sloped downwards to the left but dropped straight off in front of him. Hanging from the ceiling by meaty gray wires was a large Krang organ covered in white ice. Below it was a pool of water, and something glowed at the bottom.
    ‘This must be the ship's reactor!’ Mind Donnie was giddy with excitement. ‘It must have an endothermic decay property to it, causing the crystallization of water in the atmosphere and allowing it to naturally form ice!’
    Leonardo immediately unclipped his belt and dived into the water before Mind Donnie could protest. Cold — Freezing cold water flooded his senses and he squeezed his eyes shut. For a few seconds his skin  burned with how cold it felt. He blew out a jet of bubbles that coated his face and he slowly opened his eyes. The water was so pure it was like he was floating in the air. The pool was so much deeper than he had first thought, maybe… the depth of the original turtle's lair. Before shredder. There were the remnants of a tall platform in the water, starting at the top in a thin disk right beneath the reactor, with poles attached to it reaching all the way to the bottom, with two other disk platforms of the same size evenly spaced between the first platform and the floor. At the bottom of the pool, floating gently, were clusters of… something reaching up past the second platform. Cautiously, he swam closer. They were arctic blue collections of tiny cells, held together by a jelly-like membrane — similar to frog eggs. Leonardo poked it and it bounced away. He gripped it and ripped away a big chunk. Was this… edible?
    ‘Maybe don’t eat that-’
    ‘Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!’ Mind-Raph jumps into the picture, shoving Mind Donnie to the side
    Leonardo immediately bit into it. It was soft, breaking between his teeth like a soft gummy. He groaned, this tasted so much better than the mushrooms. It was sweet, like licorice, with something pleasantly spicy like ginger underneath. Under the water Leo grabbed handfuls, greedily eating fist fulls of the stuff, only bothering to chew once between each swallow.
    ‘Oh-me-gosh stop you don’t even know what it is!’ Mind Donnie pushed back into the picture, yelling as he fought Mind-Raph for a voice in his head.
    Leo only muttered in protest under the water, swallowing an oversized bite down his throat. He felt the need for oxygen and he swam up, sucking in a large lung full of air. He floated on his back, staring up at the cracks in the ceiling, finally feeling full — in a good way for a change.
Leonardo covered his mouth as he burped. “What do you think it is?”
‘Probably something you shouldn’t have eaten six handfuls of.’ Mind Donnie glared at him, but after a moment, they sighed, ‘maybe it's some alien algae? This is strictly a hypothesis, but the microbes could have been picked up in another planet's atmosphere and then once there was a suitable place to grow, aka light and water — did so.’
    Leonardo turned in the water, still on his back and kicked, allowing himself to slowly float under the Krang organ. If it wasn’t a literal giant intestine Leo might have called it beautiful, if still only in a morbid way. The crystals were almost transparent, softly reflecting the bleeding light from the ceiling across his face and body. As he floated under it he felt a thin stream of water dripping onto his shoulder and down his body as he floated away.
    ‘I guess the moisture in the air freezes when it comes into contact with it, and then melts from the natural temperature of the space.’ Comedically, Leo had now imagined Mind Donnie to be the size of his hand, sitting with his knees to his chest on Leo’s stomach.
  ‘You know we’re coming for you, right?’
  Leo didn’t answer.
‘I bet that I’m — well, the real me is working on a portal as we speak. We’ve been to prison dimensions before, like, with the shredder, and we have Draxum and the key, so it can’t be that hard.’
They would never be dumb enough to open up the portal again, no matter how much it hurt. The thought made his heart ache, and he tried his best to not think, but Mind-Donnie kept talking.
    ‘Raph is probably the leader again, and he’s training really hard to be strong enough. And Mikey’s probably… well, I don’t know what he’d be doing but he’s definitely doing it.’
    “He’s probably beat my pizza box stacking record.” Leonardo lightly laughed. “What’s April doing?” She was probably back at school by now. Being awesome and continuing her pursuit in journalism like she always wanted, even when they were kids.
    ‘Do you remember that class she was excited to take?’
    “Digital Photographic Imaging.”
    ‘I bet she passed that, she knows me and I am a - as the kids say - whiz at anything digital.’
    “Has it been that long?”
    ‘Leo, it's been months.’
    “You don’t know that,” Leonardo whispers.
    Mind Donnie didn’t say anything else. Perhaps this was his way of not arguing with him, or at least not arguing with himself.
    There are too many days where Leo thinks too much, and the illusory avatars of his brothers are a symptom of it. He doesn’t mind too much when the visions show up though, it makes this more bearable. The cracks in the ceiling let him stare into the dark void, and for a moment he allows himself to imagine that there are constellations for him to marvel at. Leonardo closes his eyes, allowing himself to draw a mental blank, to not think of anything anymore. He didn’t want to keep thinking.
    “You need to get out of the water.” Mind Donnie broke the silence.
    Leonardo ignored him.
    “Leo, the water’s too cold, you need to get out.”
    “Just another minute.” He didn’t want to get out of the water, this was the best thing he had felt in, according to Mind Donnie, months. After so long his skin didn’t feel dirty, and he finally had something in him that didn’t taste like an oil spill. 
    “Get out of the water Leo.” Mind Donnie’s voice began to rise.
    “I don’t want to.” Leonardo rolled over, submerging his face to let the cold feeling wash over his front. 
    “Please.” Donatello whispered, fully in his head.
    Leonardo opened his eyes again to stare at the bottom of the pool. He opened his mouth and let the water in, taking a few swallows. He breathed out.
He didn’t expect to stagger with his first step out. He fell to the ground on his face, feeling even colder than he did in the water.
    ‘Your experiencing early symptoms of hypothermia,’ Mind-Donnie said flatly.
    “You don’t say.” Leo laughed dryly.
    ‘Get your body moving, there isn’t another heat source so you’ll have to rely on yourself.’
    Groaning, Leo mutters out “yeah, I know.” Leonardo shakes his upper body, waking himself up a little before staggering into a standing position.
    He was only in the water for about twenty minutes and he was already so cold. It wasn’t going to get any warmer here, so if he was going to come back and swim some more — which he most definitely was — he would have to cut the time down significantly.    He had water. Finally he had water. And food that didn’t taste like poisoned chalk. It felt small, but it was something that he was finally looking forward to.
Note: Thank you Rott on Discord for beta-reading
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salasalasalamander · 25 days
this is the first book ive written
¹Chapter 1
Sniff sniff sniiifffff. My eyes cracked open—a stray dog was sniffing my face. Shluuurp. The stray dog seemed to enjoy the smell of someone who has been on a bender for a week. Well, that's one way to wake up. I stood up and cans clinked across the sand. I felt like I had been through a motorcycle crash. 
I realized I was lying in a hole on a beach with singed clothing and a broken watch. I checked my pockets for clues to where I was, but only found half a pack of Mallgorillas and an empty pack of Oldsea matches from the bar down the corner from my home. I started looking for the car wreck I must have windshield-cannoned from, but I could only see a rusted-out pickup truck in the distance. 
I walked along the beach and up some stairs. I figured I must be really far out into the country because there was a truck here; you never see a vehicle this close to a city. Beyond the truck there was a wooded area that looked maintained enough that it could be a park, so I headed in that direction, really hoping for a forest ranger station. 
I walked through the park for a while until I saw two people sitting on a bench. One was a muscular goth chick and the other was a scrawny greature of a man. There was a six pack on the bench next to them and more cans in a backpack at their feet. 
Looking back, maybe I should have been suspicious of their lack of horns, but on the other hand, maybe they both just had Male Pattern Hornlessness. (There are two types of hornlessness: Type I is physical abrasion, while Type II is a degenerative disease. With your donation, we can put an end to Brittlehorn.)
I walked up to them and said: "Hey, I have two questions: can I have a light? Also, where the fuck am I?"
The goth chick replied, "You can have a light if we can have a cig." 
"Hell yeah," I said, handing them each a cigarette. 
"Thanks, man," the goth chick said as they lit all three cigarettes. "We're in Throwweptain Park."
"Oh, I meant that more generally," I said. "I've never seen a grainy beach on the mainland before."
"No, we're in Salttray Park," the scrawny guy chimed in. 
I looked past them and saw a sign hanging from a tree that said "Cheesecliffe Park". 
"Hey, I'm still on the mainland, right?" I asked. 
"Yeah, we're in Florida," the scrawny guy said. "What mainland do you mean?"
"You know, Dregg?" I said. They both looked at me like I had three heads.  
"What are you talking about, man?" the scrawny guy asked. "Did that mai tai do some damage?"
"Yeah, are you good?" the goth chick said. "You're like, bleeding a bit, dude." 
I put my hand to my forehead. There was a trickle of blood going into my left eye. "Oh yeah, I woke up in a hole today. Pass me a beer."
"Oh yeah, I know those days," the scrawny guy said as he handed me a can of Brockman's.
"So what happened to you? You look like you fell out of a car," he continued.
"I think I got my ass kicked, y'know…" I said, trying to remember. "I think it was at a party. I'm not sure how long ago. I'm not sure what happened but I was having a blast."
"You don't seem too concerned," the goth chick said. "Does this happen to you often?"
Oh man, did I have strange dealings with the bridgeman, that guy who's always under the bridge? What's his name again? The guy who makes various white powders? I must have been really off the rails…or on them I thought. Or at least, I thought I had thought it, but it turns out I said it out loud. I must have hit my head pretty hard. 
They were both staring at me. "This isn't the first car wreck I've woken up in," I told them. "But this wasn't as bad as the time I went off the bridge into the ocean. It was co-o-old. I probably would have died if I wasn't wearing winter hunting gear."
"And I thought the winters at home were bad," the goth chick said. 
I took a drag of my cigarette. "No shit." I wiped the blood off my eye. "Anyway, my name is Deer. What's yours?"
The scrawny guy began to answer first. "I'm Anthony—"
"JANE." The goth chick interrupted him in a loud, strange tone. Then they smiled awkwardly and wiped a bit of lipstick off their teeth.
I returned the smile and wiped a bit of blood off my own teeth. "So, how are you guys getting back into town? Come on down to my home-bar."
"You have a bar in your home?" Anthony asked.
"Nah, my home IS the bar," I replied. "It's a dive on the second storey of a ramshackle building in the toxic waste part of town. There's a lot of fake mahogany in it. I sleep in one of the booths with a blanket and a heater. I 'work' full-time security for the guy who owns it. It's a deal I worked out—he lets me live there and gives me food and beer all day and I bounce people for him."
"Sounds like a pretty sweet setup," Anthony said. "We're pretty far from the nearest town, though."
"Do you want to sleep on my couch tonight?" Jane asked. 
"That sounds warmer than a cubicle," I said. 
"We're hosing you down on the front lawn first," Jane said. "It's like chipping paint."
"What do you mean by that?" Anthony asked. 
Jane said, "You know when you can see the layers of graffiti on a wall? Just tags on tags? That's what the crust on you looks like."
"That's fair," I replied. "It's hard to find the motivation to shower when the shower is a sink in a bar bathroom."
"Sometimes I just use the soda gun behind the bar. You can use a lime instead of soap in a pinch, and bar towels get the job done. It's more refreshing than you'd think."
Jane snorted, but Anthony nodded sagely in understanding.
"Ah, yes," Anthony said. "I used to bathe in rivers, I get it."
"I think you have a concussion," Jane said. "Let's get you home."
"Do you know a good doctor?" I asked.
"There's only two kinds of doctors in this world, man," Anthony said. "Good doctors and cheap doctors. And we can't afford the good ones."
"I know a guy who sews up bullet wounds for five dollars a pop," I said.
"That sounds good, let's do that," Jane said. 
We walked out of the park to the parking lot to find Jane's car. Jane's car was a rusted dark green Chrysler New Yorker that had been lifted, but it was an old lift kit so the frame was beginning to sink again, giving the entire car an off-kilter appearance. 
"The car sits even when it gets to over 40, so as long as the cops don't see us while we're in an under 40 zone, we'll be fine," Jane assured us.
"Yeah, but it starts rocking at 80," Anthony said. "So you have to keep it between 40 and 80 because that's as smooth as this car drives."
"Partymobile," I said. "At least it has all 4 doors still."
As I said this, I tried to open the door behind the driver's seat. The entire door came off in my hand, clattering to the ground making me step back in dodge.
Jane just said, "I got this. Hold the door for me, would ya?" They went to the trunk and got a hammer and some nails, and then with one hand picked up the door put it in place nocked a nail between her fingers and  hammered the nail halfway in held the door with her knee and hammered it the rest of the way down  
We got in the car and started driving. As I looked out the window, I started thinking, Man, I must be really far out in the country. I've never been here before. I didn't know there was still this much island left that I hadn't seen.
I started to feel carsick and the rocking didn't help. "I think that head wound did some damage," I said. "I just need to sit in the dark of a bar." I didn't know where my home was, but I figured anywhere that's dingy and skunky is home. 
Jane pulled over at the first roadside bar that we came across. It was called The Shady Ox. As we walked in the door, I watched Anthony bump into someone on their way out and steal their wallet. He opened the wallet and looked at the ID once we sat down.
"Hey, I think that guy stole this wallet," Anthony said, holding up the ID. The person in the picture looked nothing like the guy who he had bumped into.
"Who are you to judge?" I asked. "You just stole his wallet."
"Yeah, but it still has cash in it!" he said, giving me and Jane each a share of about 10 dollars. I looked out the window and saw the guy getting into an unmarked white van. 
"I think he was a cop," Anthony said. "I've been busted by undercovers before."
"Who, them? Outside in the car?" said Jane, he would have busted you if he was a cop
We all leaned over to look out the window. "What the hell is that?" I asked. There was some kind of bizarre animal sitting on top of the garbage cans outside of the bar. It looked like a little hairy man with a mask and black gloves. "He looks like a small burglar."
"That little felon man is called a raccoon," Jane explained. 
"A racket?" I asked. "Wait… you don't normally see a dog with all four legs together like that. It's too symmetrical. Someone must have made that rocket dog."
"'Too symmetrical'? What does wildlife look like wherever the hell you're from?" Jane asked. 
I took a picture of my childhood dog out of my wallet. He had two heads and mostly straight legs, though the third back one was on a pretty serious angle. "All in all a pretty standard dog, right?" I said, showing them the picture. "The second head breathed fire sometimes. That was pretty cool. I'd always lose my lighters so the lil bastard came in handy. Man, I loved that dog."
Jane and Anthony stared at me in stunned silence. The waitress came by and placed our beers on the table. "So what childhood pets did you have?" I asked.
"...I had a chow…" Jane said. 
"I had a cat with a missing leg," Anthony added, nodding sagely. 
"So… where did you say you were from again?" Jane asked. 
"Dregg," I said.
"I've never heard of a Dregg," Anthony said. Jane looked at their phone. 
"I just looked it up but all I could find was a rap-metal fusion band," Jane said.
"So is that a 'sold to One Direction' kind of situation or what?" Anthony asked.
"What is that?" I replied.
The look on Jane's face shifted from confusion to excitement.
"Would you call yourself a traveler?" they asked.
"Are you from another dimension?" Jane pressed.
"I mean, I could be? I don't really know where I am now!" I said. "It's too far away from the ocean here. I don't like it." 
"We were just at the beach," Anthony said.
"I'm used to ALWAYS being able to see the ocean," I said. "The land to ocean ratio here is wack. There's only supposed to be like three islands on the whole planet and there's just so much, where did you guys get all these continental plates from?"
I started to clean myself off with bar napkins.
"Uh, guys? I think I just heard someone say 'deploy the ferret'," Anthony said. 
"Deploy the what?" I asked. I felt something sharp dig into my skin and crawl up my leg. The next thing I knew, there was a gigantic furry worm attacking my face. "Aaah! Get it off!"
Jane threw a punch, which connected with both the worm and my head, resulting in a mighty crash as we both fell backwards off the bar chair. I got to my feet a second before the "ferret" did. I squared off with the ferret and prepared to fight it. It hissed at me viciously. 
I stepped to the right, then dodged to the left and threw a punch, but the ferret jumped onto my arm. It started running towards my face.
Jane ran up to me and tried to kick the ferret off my arm but ended up kicking me in the head instead. I fell and the ferret was launched behind the bar, straight through the swinging doors to the kitchen. 
Jane's half-court kick knocked me flat on my ass and I got up seeing stars. "Can you take me to your couch now?" I slurred. And then I passed out again.
Chapter 2
I woke up and pulled the pillow off my face; it was glued with blood. Looking out the buckshot holes of Jane's garage, I saw that the rusted-out red truck was parked down the street again. 
I poured instant coffee into a kettle which I'd filled up with water from Jane's garden hose and walked into the living room. Jane was already there, staring out the window. 
"That's the same truck I saw when I got here," I told Jane. "I'd think it was following us, if it looked like it could move." 
"Let's keep an eye on that," Jane said. "ANTHONY!"
"What?" Anthony responded from the next room.
"Raise the paranoia meter one—no, two notches. We're on high alert," Jane said, and lazily saluted.
"On it boss," Anthony said in a 20s mobster voice.
Anthony walked into the living room with a red bag with a white cross on it in one hand and a sewing kit in the other.
"That ferret did a number on you, buddy," Anthony said to me. 
I touched the back of my neck and felt warm blood. 
Anthony pulled a beer from the red bag. Inside the bag there was a box of bandages, a roll of gauze, scissors, a bottle of disinfectant, and a six pack of Lucky. "Yep, we're gonna have to stitch you up."
I took off my shirt and opened my drink. "Welp, can't say this is my first time doing this," I said with a sigh.
"Got enough barbed wire tattoos," Jane said.
"I think I need one more," I responded challengingly.
"Allright, don't move." Jane stood behind me and threaded a needle. "Just look at the pretty trees and hold still." 
"I can see a couple inches of ocean, I'll be fine." I could see the tiny patch of ocean in the distance between the trees across the way, so I focused on that while Jane sewed up the back of my neck. 
"You weren't lying when you said you'd done this before," Jane commented, tying a knot in the thread. "We'll pop this string sucker out in a week and ya should be good." 
I rubbed the stitches. Anthony slapped my hand away. "No touching."
"Hey, your mobster voice gave me an idea I've been trying not to forget," Jane began. 
"Oh, what is it?" Anthony asked.
"Iiiit waaass…" Jane had apparently already forgot it and was struggling to remember. 
"'On it, boss'?" Anthony supplied helpfully. 
"Right!" Jane exclaimed. "Let's fire down to the thrift store, pick up a couple of suits, do an outfit thing."
"That sounds good," Anthony and I said nearly in unison. I noticed my clothes for the first time since I woke up on the beach. My worn-out jeans, denim vest, and long-faded past recognition Sledder t-shirt were gone, replaced by a cozy pair of pajamas.
"I washed your clothes for ya," Jane said. "And you, as well." I looked out the back window and saw a crushed, dirty patch in the tall grass. "How are you dirtier than outside?" Jane continued. "Anyway, you're the least drunk, so you're driving," they said matter of factly.
"Fuck yeah," I said as we walked to Jane's car and they tossed me the keys.
"Hot one today, eh?" I said, lighting a smoke off the mirror and handing them each one. "Your car makes me nauseous, man."
"You get used to it," Anthony said. He seemed zoned out in the back seat.
I noticed a mark on the back of my left hand when I put my hands on the steering wheel. "How long's that been there for?"
"I thought it was one of your tattoos," Jane said. 
I examined it closer. It had 2 rings bridged together with X's and a symbol of a bird holding three keys, one in its mouth and one under each of its wings. "Ya don't see many 2 winged birds. This is strange." 
"Whaddya talking about?" Anthony said, suddenly alert.
"You really aren't from around here, huh," Jane commented.
I gripped the steering wheel and focused on my hand. It started to feel hot. I moved my hand to the window; the leather under my hand was slightly melted. 
I turned the ignition and it only struggled. Jane said "Feather the gas a bit," and flicked the windshield wipers on. A loud bang and a plume of black smoke from the exhaust. The car started and the right windshield wiper stuck half way while the left moved squeakily back and forth. 
"I'm fuckin starving," I said and drove off, the car rocking and making hideous sounds, shedding rust down the driveway.
"Your Sledder t-shirt turned to rags in the dryer. You should pick up some new clothes while we're there," Jane was telling me. 
"Man," I said, taking a second to mourn my Sledder shirt. "I'm shocked it lasted that long though."
I heard a voice shout from three houses down. "FUCK OFF WITH THE NOISE!"
Chapter 3
A few hours later, we pulled into the parking lot of the beach with our pinstripe suits and our fast food feast. I tried to brake but the pedal jammed, so I geared it to neutral and cruised into two parking spots, then pulled the hand brake. 
"Another perfect landing," Jane said. I pulled the key out—or rather, the plastic top of the key, while the metal part stuck in the ignition. 
"That happens sometimes," Jane said. "It's an easy fix. Pliers and some glue. Any of you got pliers? Because otherwise we're catching a bus."
"We have thirty eight cents between us," Anthony pointed out. 
"I could weld ya a new key top," I said. "...If I had my torch. Goddamn, I kinda miss the little bar cubicle." It sunk in that I wasn't home anymore.
We got out of the car and started looking for somewhere to sit.
It really cooled of jane said sitting on a log
"I think it's safe to say we're not in Kansas anymore," I said. I was referring to the fictional land of Kansas, from the popular story The Oz of Wizard, but Jane later told me that in this world Kansas is in fact a real place.
"Tell me about where you're from," said Jane with barely concealed excitement.
"It's a pretty nice place. The wildlife is beautiful, but ya gotta watch out for it."
"Tell me about those birds with more? Or less? Than two wings," Jane asked.
"Well there's the birds with four wings. They're called rhythm birds. They write complex melodies; their songs are beautiful. It also gets sampled all the time into music."
"That sounds like the best pet ever," Jane said excitedly.
"Oh no, they're deafeningly loud indoors. They perch at the top of trees, which are few and far between on the mainland. A lot of the other wildlife can climb trees so the bird that could sit at the top of a tree, nest there, and still have their song heard was the one that survived."
"There's also 7 winged birds that are nearly silent and fast as the devil. They have 6 wings to the side and one rudder wing at the bottom. I got attacked by one once—their claws are sharp. The more curved scars are from that."
"Also on the island there's a lot more terrifying wildlife. There's three species of bats. One of them is about man-sized and terrifying. Pray you have a shotgun when you see those bloodsuckers. They don't come out much though and the others are tiny, maybe 6 inches long, but they breathe fire and never stop eating. The fire comes from a methane gas sack and they have flint-like fangs. Pretty much organic flint, I suppose. I found one that wormed into my engine block, chewed into the wires, then died. I made a lighter out of it with a tooth, a bone and a leather body. It was dope. I actually kept track of that thing for 2 months."
"And then there's vulture bats. They're born about three inches long but don't have a limit on how big they can grow. There's a theory that this is how the man-sized bats came to be."
I looked at Anthony and Jane to see their reactions. Anthony was stunned but Jane looked fascinated. 
"Those burgers were good, man," I said before slurping down the last of my milkshake. 
"I'm outta smokes and I'm starting to get angry," Jane grunted through a mouthful of fries. 
"There's something in my suit sleeve," Anthony said, undoing a zipper on the inside of his sleeve. They reached into the suddenly appearing pocket and pulled out a slim jim. "Hey, score. I think I know how we're getting home." 
"Put that away, dumbass," Jane snapped. 
"You wanna walk home?" Anthony suggested.
"No," Jane relented, "I'll keep lookout."
We eyed the parking lot for an easy lift and chose our prey: an old white van. We oozed across the parking lot to the edge and Anthony slipped the jim in and wiggled it to the left then wiggled it to the right and still couldn't get it in place.
"Pass me that." He passed it to me. I stepped up to bat, slid down, found the groove, and popped the locks in 2 seconds flat. "Numbnuts," I said offhandedly and pried the wire plate off. "Oh shit, it's different," I said, seeing the many wires. "The cars I'm used to have like three or four wires."
"Numbnuts," Anthony mocked in the way that puts your upper lip to your nose,and started to pull the wires down.
"Look with your brain, dumbasses," Jane said opening the visor. The keys tumbled down onto Anthony's head. "Looks like you're sitting in middle," they continued, "princesses first." 
Anthony and I climbed into the car and Jane followed and started the car. "It's been a while since I've done that without fiddling." 
"Hey, this van's pretty bougie," Anthony said, touching the console screen with his knuckle. "Heated seats? Lets turn them up. Check the glovebox, man." 
Jane started the car and I looked in the glovebox. Inside there was a pair of leather gloves and a box that took up most of the space. I shook the box gently; it made a soft thunk. I opened it and unwrapped the silk sheet. Inside there was a revolver with a note: "in case of emergencies".
I inspected the revolver. It had a pearl handle and sleek shiny body. I checked if it was loaded and it was. I took a bullet out and saw ornate runes carved into the shell and put the bullet in my pocket leaving five in the chamber so it wouldn't blow my package off if it misfires. 
"Talk about a score," I said, tucking the gun into the waistband of my suit.
At the bottom of the box was another six bullets and a fifty dollar note. "Let's hit up a gas station. These are my last three smokes."
We drove, careful to not get pulled over, to a gas station and Jane smoothly backed the van in and we got out. I could have sworn I saw one of the top rear exhaust pipes move, but figured my eyes were playing tricks on me. I looked at the back of the note and saw it had the same symbol on my hand. I put it in my pocket to check later and make sure it was real and walked into the gas station.
"Heyooo," I said warmly to the clerk. "I need a few packs of smokes, man. I'll have some mallgorilla—"
"What the fuck is a mall gorilla," the cashier slurred and pushed a far too heavy tongue piercing back in their mouth. "We got marlboros," they said, eyes red and droopy. 
"I'll take a pack of that then and gimme a pack of cheap and some menthols too."
"What are you, a chimney?" said the cashier turning around and grabbing three packs from behind the counter and putting them on the table, that be all for ya.
Just then Anthony walked up, put three beers on the counter, and said "Why yes I am." 
I handed the clerk the fifty and they handed me less change than I expected, but at that point I was jonesing too hard to care. I had barely walked out of the store before I had the first marlboro in my mouth and Anthony was already pulling out his lighter. I handed Jane one through the window and climbed in.
"Is it just me or does the exhaust look like it's moving?" said Anthony. 
"It's probably just loose," Jane said before taking a large drag, leaning back and starting the car. She exhaled through her nose and said, "Thank god for Seven Eleven under their breath while driving out of the parking lot."  
We pulled up to Jane's house and Anthony and I hopped out. Anthony went inside and opened the garage door then sat next to me on a chair while I sat on a rock in the front yard. Jane backed into her garage. Lets see if there's anything in the back she said. 
"Good idea," I responded, flicking her a menthol and lighting mine and Anthony's. "Lets hang out a spell, grab the pliers and pick up our car." 
"That sounds good," Anthony said.
"These taste different from the smokes back home," I said.
"Yours were smoother," Anthony responded.
"Uuuuuh, guys, we have a problem," said Jane.
Chapter 4
Jane was staring, horrified, into the back of the van. Two thankfully out of shape middle-aged guys wearing sweater vests, bowties, sweatpants and bunny slippers stared back, looking like a pair of toddlers caught with a meth lab.
I jumped to my feet, staggered two steps, and hit the ground, dizzy from the nicotine. the two guys jumped out and went for the front seat of the van. The taller one hopped in the driver's seat and the rounder one got in the passenger seat. The tall one opened the visor, looking for the keys  (now in Jane's pocket) while the fat one opened the glovebox, looking for the gun (now a centimetre away from my left testicle). 
"Grab the keys," the round one yelled to the tall one. 
"It's not there! Grab the gun!" the tall one yelled back.
"It's not there!"
They hopped out and started legging it down the street while I carefully tried to stand up. Anthony helped me into the chair and I caught my breath.
Once I wasn't dreadfully dizzy, we carefully examined the back of the van. It had a periscope attached to the left “exhaust pipe”. There was a sofa along one side and a built-in computer/radio station along the other. At the far end of the van, there was a coffee maker bolted to a cabinet and a 24 pack of donuts that was about half eaten.
Jane entered the van first. "The donuts are still fresh," she said, putting one in her mouth and passing two back to us. She looked in the cabinet and retrieved three cups and poured still-hot coffee into them. "So what the fuck just happened?" Jane said.
Chapter 5
Scraaaaatch scraaatch. Anthony was scraping a coin across the table anxiously. We had all changed back into our regular clothes. 
We were in the basement, coffee and donuts in hand, and sat down on the old raggedy sofa. Jane sat next to me and Anthony in a chewed and taped together armchair separated by a coffee table with two drawers and coated in all manner of scratches. The basement was comfortably dim and grungy enough to really feel like home.
The question of "So what do we do now?" hung in the air but no one dared ask it.
I checked the inside pocket of my vest, finding my pocket knife and a quarter of weed that thankfully survived the wash without the baggie ripping.
Jane pulled a pink and purple tray with a grinder and papers from a drawer in the coffee table and set it in front of me. I started rolling and tried to come up with a plan.
After rolling three joints I lit the first and passed left to Jane. 
"So if they haven't come for us yet, they're probably waiting till dark. I'm not sure what to expect but I think they'll send someone tougher than a pair of desk jockeys. We got lucky they weren't the gnarly kind of agents."
"So what should we do?" Jane said, barely audible as she passed to Anthony.
"We can run or we can fight… most likely we'll do both one way or another," I said.
"I think the van's in better shape than your car, Jane. No offense," Anthony added. 
"None taken," Jane said.
So we take the van. I suggested that we put a mattress in the back and drive as far as we could. "If we never look back we just might make it," I said.
"We could lay low somewhere out of town," at least, said Jane, mid exhale the colour slowly returning to their face.
“That's a good idea,” I said.
“And if we fight?” Anthony said and swallowed uncomfortably.
“What have we got for weapons?” I asked.
Jane stood up and rummaged through a toolkit, chose a larger than average hammer, spun it in her palm and nodded approvingly. She walked to a section of wall with a poster worn beyond recognition. She took the poster down and—SMASH— hit the drywall with the hammer. SMASH SMASH. "Give me a hand, would ya?" they said, tearing out a piece of drywall.
I stood up and helped them rip up the wall.
Once we had created a fairly large hole, they reached in and felt around before pulling a duffle bag with Y2K stitched into the front and 2012 stitched underneath out of the wall.
"We made a bug-out bag, yeah," Jane said, walking back to the couch and sitting down.
We looked through the bag. It had two sturdy pairs of black clothing, a few MRIs, five hundred dollars in cash and a purple box with a pink strap that clipped at the front. 
"These are for once we're safe," Jane said, tapping the box and putting it back in.
Jane pulled open a side pocket and removed a handgun. “Glock, ten mil,” she said, checking it to make sure it was still in working order. There were two boxes of rounds that Jane examined a few bullets out of. “Nothing seems to have gone," Jane said, high-fiving Anthony.
"Well, let's get that mattress in the van," I said, carrying the duffle bag out of the basement.
Jane grabbed a hacksaw from the toolkit. “Might come in handy," they said.
We went into Anthony and Jane's bedroom and carried the mattress to the van. Jane helped me pull the couch out and put new sheets on the mattress. Anthony got fresh bedding. By the time we finished we figured we'd have about forty minutes before dark. We sat down in our new surveillance camper and lit the final joint.
“Well, tonight we toast to living or dying,” I said, holding the doob up like one would with a drink and passing left to Anthony.
Anthony said, "Living or dying," with grim commitment and toked, then passed to Jane then started coughing once he had finished. Jane said the same and stared off for a second after exhaling. 
"Do you hear that?" Jane asked.
“It's time to move,” I said urgently. Jane and I hopped out of the back and ran for the front. At that near exact same moment, two SUVs the colour of the stormy night sky screeched to a stop and three agents hopped out of each, clad in tactical gear and bearing submachine guns. They jumped into action while rubber was still burning.
Me and Jane jumped into the front seat, ducked and started the car. Bullets raged off the front and shattered the glass. The rest of the car seemed to have been armoured. The glass tore into our skin as we careened through the neighbour's lawn, bullets praying for weak spots the whole way through. Anthony slammed the left door and returned blind fire with the machine pistol. It would have been like trying to kill a dragon with a zippo, but it made the agents and drivers duck, which cooled our lead shower long enough to barrel across the road and through the shrubs into the yard of the least lucky bystander.
ANTH, YOU STILL ALIVE BACK THERE?!” I said not daring to pick up the pedal in the slightest as we blundered through the (thankfully not home) neighbour's front yard and onto the road.
“The highway is just forward and left of here,” Jane said urgently. The van lurched forwards, relieved to taste concrete again. The speedometer ticked up as we raced for the freeway.
“Uhh, I think so,” said Anthony shakily. "That was the biggest gunfight of my life." Anthony promptly fainted, thankfully onto the mattress.
0 notes
cheongsanthinker · 2 years
hEllo :}
I'd like to order a Gyeong-su x gn!reader. Reader calls Gyeong-su at midnight claiming that they can't sleep but in reality they just missed him....and maybe a side of Gyeong-su going to reader's house and cuddling with them? Extra Fluff pls! Thank you!!
— middle of the night
gyeong-su x gn!reader
warnings: some swearing and just my rushed & awful writing (finally wrote a fluffy fic after all these angsty stuff)
summary: you were lying if you said you didn't miss gyeong-su, so you called him and next thing you know, he's right beside you.
a/n: i've been so inactive i apologize :( i haven't been feeling the best atm and i have no motivation to write but thank you for requesting this <3 i love writing for him
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it was 2am.
you have no idea how you were still awake at this time — the moon reflecting even in the darkest nights. you weren't sure how exactly you ended up in this situation, but one thing you were sure is that you missed him. you miss gyeong-su.
you've been staring at your ceiling for god knows how long as you toss and turn, sighing frustratedly as you pick up your phone. you were hesitant on calling him. what if he's asleep? were you bothering him? what if he didn't want you calling him?
endless thoughts were flooding in your mind as you desperately think of ways on what to do. you know what? fuck it — as you opened your contacts and pressed the call button. you just hoped you weren't bothering your poor boyfriend who was now, no doubt sleeping peacefully.
"hiii love" he sounded sleepy. ah — he must've just woken up. "why are you calling me this late, you okay?" voice laced with confusion and worry.
"yeah, it's just that i can't sleep you know?" you responded. that wasn't entirely a lie, but you weren't going to tell him that you called around 2 in the morning, most likely bothering his sleep — just for you to say that you missed him.
"having trouble sleeping again?" he says in a calming tone but you can hear the sound of blankets being shifted and slippers getting tossed around. what was he doing?
"hmm" you hummed. it wasn't a rare occasion for you to sleep this late as you almost stayed up almost every night.
"okay, i have to go. go try and sleep soon. put your phone down yeah? i love you. byeee!" he replied. that was the last thing he said before he hung up the phone. you probably interrupted his sleep and he was going back to bed again. oh well. atleast you called him and you managed to hear his voice — one of the many things that gave you comfort.
your eyes lifted around the room, looking and searching for things that might distract and put you to sleep. you were now staring at the clock that marked nearly 2:30 in the morning.
oh, it's been almost half an hour since you called him. you were about to pick up your phone as there was nothing else better to do, but you were interrupted by a single knock on your door. what?
"hey, it's gyeong-su"
you let out a relief sigh — atleast it wasn't someone trying to rob, or worse..murder you but your eyes were now wide open.
what the fuck was he doing at your house at this time? i mean, you weren't exactly complaining but did he seriously just came all the way here just because you said you couldn't sleep?
"come in" you whisper. you were almost sure that he didn't hear you but the door swung open and there stood gyeong-su, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he made his way onto your bed.
"why are you here?" you questioned. in all honesty, you thought he went back to sleep but you weren't exactly surprised that he came in your house. it's gyeong-su after all, he's the type of person who do unexpected things.
"do you want me to go back to my house then?" he smirked, voice dripping in sarcasm as he moved closer to your body.
"you know that's not what i meant" you reply, as you lay your head on top of his chest as you feel your eyelids getting heavy.
"i thought you couldn't sleep but now you're almost falling deep into slumber" he teases, head shaking as he added "you lied didn't you?"
"liar" he scoff childishly, "i can see through you, you know? i know when you're lying or not so tell me what happened, did something happen?" he asked, voice laced with worry as he played with the hem of your shirt.
"nothing happened i promise, i just miss you is all" you confess truthfully. you lifted your head just enough to see his face. he was smiling at you, and he pulled you even more closer to his body.
"i missed you too" he whispered into your ear as you smiled and he pressed a kiss onto your temple.
"i'm getting sleepy" you yawned through the words. you felt safe in his arms, a sense of comfort hugging your entire body everytime you're with him.
"i can see that"
you nodded, as you allow yourself to get more comfortable on his body.
"go to sleep, i'll be right here in the morning" he whispered as he gave you a kiss one last time, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.
you were both content with this — in the middle of the night, if it meant you and him together.
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Live In Nanny
Villain!All Might x Reader
All Might raising baby Deku but is in desperate need of a nanny. 
TW: Yandere themes, breeding kink (our villain is ready to make the reader a mommy), dub con 
AN: literally just took Hero All Might and flipped him upside down. So baseline form is big buff boi and villain form is lanky but retains the strength.
Single father with a nine month old child, seeking live in nanny services. Negotiable pay. Negotiable time off/vacation days.
Toshinori was impressed with your interview. You had over 8 years of experience working with children between babysitting and working at a day care. Plus Izuku took to you immediately. It was just a bonus that you were easy on the eyes.
You agreed to begin immediately, trying not to let on that you were in desperate need of money and a place to stay. You didn't have much to move in. And, in comparison to the huge room you had been given, it seemed like you owned even less. You figured your new boss must get paid well. His house was huge, the largest you'd ever been in.
Your room was next to baby Izuku's. Settling in to a routine with the baby was easy. You weren't sure exactly what your employer did for a living, his schedule was sporadic, he would be in and out throughout the day. Whenever he was available he would stop by to love on the infant. It was clear that he was doing his best as a single parent, but house keeping wasn't his strong suit. You tried your best to help out with the chores and grocery shopping, after all he was paying you graciously and giving you a roof over your head.
The only bump in the road so far has been getting Toshinori's permission to take the little one on walks through the nearby park. According to the father, errands were one thing but what was the point of going to park? Izuku can't even walk, there wouldn't be any benefit. Eventually you convinced him, after rambling about how good it is for babies to be exposed to different levels of stimulation. You could show Izuku the ducks and dogs, plus he could see all the pretty spring time flowers.
The older man was worried, he feared that his child, and you for that matter, would be targeted by his enemies. Plenty of low life's would love to make a move against the notorious villain. But you wore down his resolve. So long as you would tell him before you went. Thankfully he could play it off as being a bit of a helicopter dad. He always has a spare crony he could send out there to watch over you two.
"What are you both doing," your bosses laugh filled the air.
You were in a very flattering position, palms on the floor stretching through your hips, ass hiked up with a tempting arch to your back. Then you pushed yourself forward, giving the giggling baby raspberries before returning to your original position.
"Baby yoga!" You smiled, oblivious to the growing bulge in the villains pants. "Right now we're doing downward facing dog and cobra."
He watched you cycle through the motions, hypnotized by your movements.
You took such good care of him and his baby. Ever since you got here you went above and beyond (very plus ultra of you). You even packed his meals to go when he had to rush off to a job. And you did it all with a smile and his kid bouncing away at your feet. The man allowed his mind to drift to the thought of you with his babies, Izuku on your hip and your round belly ready to pop.
You made an amazing nanny but you would make an even better housewife.
It wasn't until a week after Izuku's birthday that you learned about your bosses occupation. You were at the park and a stranger approached you to coo over Izuku.
"Such a little cutie, this is Toshi's kid, right?"
That caught you off guard, how did this person know Toshinori? You knew he was a protective dad and there something about this woman felt off.
"Well, either way, this is for you," she smiled as she passed you a manila envelope. "A little birdie wants you to have it."
You skeptically eyed the parcel as the woman disappeared through the park. You shoved it into Izuku's diaper bag before rushing back home.
You decided to peek into the envelope after settling 'Zuku down for the night. You curled onto the chair in his nursery, using his nightlight too sift through the documents. Various photos of Toshinori, your employer, amongst high profile criminals. Photos of the most terrifying villain among his infamous exploits. And finally a piece of paper with a single web address and access code. This was the most damning piece of evidence, All Might - the villain himself - joking amongst his companions before transforming into the man you knew as Izuku's father. Without this video you would have never even guessed. All Might was known for his unassuming nature, his slender frame concealing his god-like strength. Still he looked terrifying, like make children cry type terrifying. Toshinori on the other hand was massive but his sunny attitude made him approachable. For all these months you had been working for a criminal. A criminal with a child. You had been living with him, laughing and raising a baby, taking care of him and his family. Oh god, your late night fantasies of your boss, a total DILF, were fantasies of a sadistic monster.
The betrayal and shame brought you to tears. You should call the cops. Take Izuku far away from this place, from being exposed to his fathers atrocities. But you were torn, he was a good dad, he always put his son first and provided him with only the best. He would tear the world apart for Izuku even if he had to put a target on your back. You shook as you muffled your cries, trying not to wake the baby you cared so much for. Eventually you wrote yourself out, falling asleep in the nursery.
By the time Toshinori made it home it was close to two in the morning. As usual he tip toed into his sons room, shocked to find you curled up in the rocker asleep. He was quiet, surprisingly more so than in his slender form. As you made his way to wake you he was surprised to see your phone still unlocked, you had fallen to sleep with that video on loop. Underneath your phone was the envelope, he didn't need to look to know what was inside. He hadn’t woken either of you, managing to shut off your phone and pick you up with or so much as a peep. He decided rather quickly that he would wait for you to make the first move. At least in the mean time he could pretend you didn't care about his lifestyle and that you wouldn't try to leave him or his son.
"Toshinori," you mumbled as he was about to settle you into your bed. You were half asleep and groggy from crying.
"Go back to sleep, darling, it's late," he paused to sway with you, just like he did when putting down 'Zuku for a nap. He was shocked that it worked and finally escaped your room. You let him lull you back to sleep, further affirming his belief that you would stay.
The next morning you creeped downstairs. Izuku wasn't in his crib, meaning Toshinori was him. You found them both in the kitchen. The sight of the pair would usually warm your body but now shivers radiated down your spine.
"Look who's up, buddy, say good morning," he bounced the child, beaming like the happiest father.
Taking a deep breath you decided to rip off the band aid. "Mr Toshinori, I have to resign."
His pause was so long you wondered if he heard you.
"Did the video upset her that much, Zuzu?"
He looked at you with the same warmth he always did. "There's no need to be formal, you were fine calling me Toshi just the other day. Take a seat, I made pancakes, just like you like'em."
You complied, his unchanged demeanor intimidating you into submission.
"There's no need for you to quit," he started. "Nothing has changed aside from your level of awareness."
"I can't work for you knowing that you hurt people."
At that his smile faltered, "Darling, if you truly felt that way, you wouldn't be here. You would've slipped out early this morning."
You were silent. He was right, in a way. Trapped between what was right and what was best for Izuku. You'd never be able to do anything about your boss's criminal activity, even if you did and All Might was locked away, Izuku would suffer the most.
"Give yourself a few days to adjust, okay? If you still want to quit after that, we can reassess."
There's was a glint in his eyes that hinted he wasn't asking.
"I'll be back this evening," Toshinori told you a as he kissed Izuku's forehead. He was uncomfortably close as he returned the baby to your lap. "There's plenty of groceries so you don't need to go out today. I have a coworker out front, so don’t worry if you see someone outside."
"What are they doing?"
He placed a hand on the top of your hair, petting you like some cat.
"He'll just keep an eye on things. I need someone to make sure you stay put."
A week flew by with your employer pushing off the discussion of your resignation. He wouldn’t leave you unsupervised so just walking away wasn’t an option, besides could you really leave Izuku? 
Then the child came down with some type of bug and was absolutely miserable for several days. You couldn’t get much sleep as a result, even if his father was home for most of the day. 
Izuku finally fell asleep around three in the morning. You napped beside his crib out of fear he would wake up if you so much as changed positions.
Then you woke in Toshi's arms as he carried you down the hall.
"Where are we going," You whined, anxious to be away from the child.
"I told you to rest, instead I find you in the nursery."
"'Zuku is sick-"
"But he's asleep, there are baby monitors, not that he won't wake the whole city up with his cries. You've been up for nearly two days with him, time for bed."
But he wasn't taking you to your room. Instead he dropped you on to his bed.
"What are you doing?" You snapped.
"I don't need you sneaking back. I can keep an eye on you here. I'll take care of him if he starts crying." He rolled in next to you.
The bed was huge but so was your boss. "Stop wiggling."
"Well I can't get comfortable."
“Fine,” he said and pulled you into him, “now stop it and get some sleep.”
You burned with embarrassment, turning silent after several attempts at protest. Just as you began to drift off, Toshinori's hand moved to beneath your shorts. You shut your eyes, pretending not to notice. He probably didn't even realize what he was doing. Then his fingers grazed the spot where your skin met your panties.
"I know you aren't asleep yet, darling."
You didn't respond, opting to keep up the façade.
"Mmm, are we playing pretend? I don't mind."
You gasped, pushing at his hand, "I'm trying to sleep."
"I can see that," he chuckled. "I'm just helping you wear yourself out. You've been taking such good care of the baby, let me return the favor."
He jerked your hips, pressing you tightly against his bulge.
"You've been such a good mommy."
God the way you could feel your body responding made you hate that he was a villain.
"'M not-" You gasped as he did his fingers into your thighs. "His mom."
"You sure about that? I know how much you care about him. Always rushing to him when he’s cranky, never taking any days off. You make sure he's a happy little baby and you take such good care of his daddy. Isn't that's what mommies do?"
A moan slipped through your lips, "Stop."
"Are you sure? It seems like your having such a good time," he teased, sliding his hand to find your wetness.
Your body jerked involuntarily. He wasted no time tearing off your layers. Your determination quickly fading.
"I'm gonna take such good care of you," he pushed a finger in to your warmth.
You shivered at the sensation. Before you could register his actions there was another digit. He skillfully maneuvered his fingers to prep walls.
"What a tight like cunt," The man cooed. "So perfect and pretty. Just waiting for me to claim."
You gasped as he curled his fingers in you. Tears of pleasure pricking your eyes.
"Atta girl, I think you're ready to take daddy's cock."
You shouldn't be surprised when you saw how absolutely hung your boss is. There was no way the whole thing would fit inside of you.
Without hesitation All Might slowly began to press inside of you. The head of his cock already made it feel like you were tearing.
"Wait wait wait," You cried. "Too big."
He paused, reassuring you, "I know you can do it baby. You're okay."
You shook your head violently.
With a sloppy squelch he withdrew. He disappeared momentarily, give you much need time to breathe. Then he was back and you felt a cool, slick fluid rub against you. He applied a generous amount of lube knowing full well that if he played his cards right you'd happily be his forever.
Regardless there was still a painful pressure as he forced himself deeper.
"You're doing so good, taking me so well."
He was slowly increasing the speed off his hips. All you could manage was incoherent whines as his momentum bounced you back and forth.
"Toshi, Toshi," You panted.
"I don't think so baby girl," he slapped your thigh. "You know what I want to hear."
You couldn't be rational, not when he was pounding into you. All you knew was pleasure in this moment. How could you not give the man what he wanted when he was fucking you dumb.
"Mmm daddy, hurts so good."
"Ah- fuck yeah. I knew you were a little pain slut. You want me to fuck you like a whore and then treat you like my little princess?"
You nodded, gasping for air.
"You've been such a good little mommy, I think you deserve this little treat huh?"
You didn't respond, stubbornly refusing to tell the man what he was desperate to hear.
He shifted to a painfully slow pace as he would pull almost completely out just to slam back into your abused whole.
"And here I thought you wanted to cum, I can always stop here, finish myself later-"
"No! No no no, don't stop."
"Then repeat after me: I'm such a good mommy."
As you stayed silent until he began to move at a snails pace. So close to losing your high.
"O-kay, okay, I-I've been a good mom-mommy," You cried tried to buck against the giant.
And just like that your boss was pushing you back to the edge of an orgasm. You were sobbing from pleasure and frustration.
"I know,” He growled. “Fucking good girl, taking care of our baby while daddy's working. You're gonna look so pretty knocked up. All glowing and swollen. Bet your tits are gonna look so pretty when they get full. Gotta keep you stuffed with my cum so our little boy can have a sibling."
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
HOME//Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader PART 6
Summary: Emily Prentiss convinces Aaron Hotchner to get a nanny, and she knows the perfect girl for the job. You.
word count: 14K holy wow lmaooo
Warnings for this series: SMUTTTT of all the types, minors DNI!! any minors that interact with my work with be blocked! my blog is 18+, violence, depictions of ab*se, terror, cursing, drug/alcohol content, death, crime, in-depth explanations of abuse, trauma, etc, mentions of scars from abuse, this part is a wild ride tbh. proceed with caution
also this is formatted so weird i had to do half on my desktop and half on my phone and ill fix it whenever im not crying lmaoooo
no smut in this chapter. pregnancy warning, also a warning for like anxiety maybe? this made me anxious to read and i wrote it
as always you are loved, you are wonderful, and i hope you enjoy.
You felt like right when you needed him most, he was right back to being cold again. When you'd finally woken up, it was almost ten AM. He was gone already, and Emily was in his place.
"I brought you coffee and donuts," she said softly, seated at the kitchenette table. You joined her, gratefully taking the coffee.
"Where is he?"
She sighed, hand on yours from across the table.
"He needed a few. He'll be back."
"Of course he did. My brother dies and he needs a few."
"Y/N. It isn't like that. He has other priorities also, you know that."
"I know. I don't mean to be rude. I just want to be left alone," You muttered, taking your coffee in the general direction of the bedroom and away from Emily.
"Hotch said you quit your birth control," she was following you with a paper bag, and you almost got scared that he'd had your prescription refilled behind your back.
"I did."
"I know you have a lot going on, but you're especially moody. Hotch said you've been complaining about being moody for weeks."
"I was on the pill for a long time," you rationalized, and she opened the bag and handed you a pregnancy test.
"There's no way I'm pregnant, Em."
"But what if you are?"
"Is that why he's freaking out? He really is unbelievable," you spat, snatching the test from Emily and heading towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
"He just thinks it's not the best time."
"He should have thought about that before he told me to quit my birth control. He helped me decide! He said he had been thinking about a baby nonstop, and of course I want that too! We decided together! This isn't just on me," you cried, fighting to rip the test out of its packaging.
"We'll see what it says and go from there, okay?" She said from her spot on the other side of the door.
This was supposed to be a happy memory. Not one that was forced on you by your best friend because your boyfriend was too afraid to express his concerns to you. This should have been something you couldn't wait to do. If you were pregnant, how were you supposed to feel excited knowing that Aaron was already upset?
"Was that, 'fuck it's positive' or 'fuck I peed on my hand?"
"I'm definitely pregnant."
She was coming through the door as you pulled your pants up, two positive lines laughing back at you from the counter.
"God, I knew it. As soon as he told me you quit the pill I knew."
"Don't you dare tell him, Emily," you warned, realizing she was already reaching for her phone.
"He gave me orders to," she told you, and you shook your head.
"No. That's not how it works! He doesn't just get to decide how he finds out. This... this is not what I had in mind when we discussed a baby."
The fantasy you had of surprising him when you did eventually find out wasn't even a possibility because he was treating it like another day at his job.
"So what do I do? Lie to him?"
"Tell him, I don't care."
"You seemed thrilled," she teased, and you should have been. You were happy, that wasn't it. You were just disappointed that the circumstances were shit.
"Yeah, well, being ordered to take a pregnancy test can kind of put a damper on the excitement factor. Especially when I don't even get to tell the father myself."
"You know how he is."
"Yeah. I do. I'm going to bed."
You pretended not to hear her call Aaron to tell him, instead, you buried your head in the pillows and tried your best not to scream. You cried instead. You cried for the excitement you should have been feeling, and you cried for your brother. Mostly, you cried for yourself, because no matter what you did, you could never seem to win with Aaron Hotchner.
"Dave," I motioned him over, hanging up the phone with Emily while we waited for Lea to give us any answers at all. She hadn't, not yet, but JJ was having a breakthrough with her that we were confident was going to give us some answers.
He stood to my side, leaning in so only he could hear me.
"She's pregnant."
"Congratulations. That usually happens when women don't take contraceptives."
"I know. We wanted this. Just bad timing."
"As long as this is your life, you'll never see anything as good timing."
"I don't think that's true."
He shrugged, nodding towards the window where we could see Lea, in full hysterics, making some sort of confession. We were too far away to hear.
"You took a week off work and decided you wanted a baby and a future with her. You either jumped the gun, or you're self sabotaging because you're afraid to start over."
"Don't do that," I said, shaking my head.
"Aaron, this is a good thing. You're happy. Jack is happy. How can something so good be so bad?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"Why are you so afraid of being happy?"
For once, I had no rebuttal.
"Exactly," he continued, patting my shoulder as he went to join JJ and Reid. "Congratulations. Go hug her and grab something to eat. We've got this."
My mind raced the entire drive to the hotel. Emily had already warned me that she wasn't in the best of moods, and I couldn't blame her a bit. I didn't expect her to be locked in the bedroom, Emily with her back to the door, trying to coax her out.
"She may be asleep, but I'm not sure. She's cried all morning."
"That's understandable," I said, knocking lightly at the door.
"You good here? I'm gonna go help Rossi," Emily asked, and I nodded, telling her I'd be here for the rest of the day. She left without another word, leaving me alone to deal with Y/N.
"Baby? Will you let me in?"
"In a minute," she replied, her voice hoarse. I had no clue what I was going to say to her once she let me in, but if I'd learned anything from being with her, something was better than nothing at all. I heard her shuffle across the room to let me in, crawling back into the bed and under the covers immediately.
"I know you're probably angry with me," I sat down next to her, placing my hand on her head. She was mostly hidden under the covers, barely peeking out at me. Her eyes looked so tired, despite the fact that she'd been sleeping a lot. I knew between her hormones and Beau's death, her emotions were in a tailspin.
"I just want you to know that even though we didn't want to find out this way, I'm happy. I know it probably doesn't seem like it because I left, but I needed to think. Rossi said something a few minutes ago that made me realize something."
She was sitting up now, listening to every word I said. She still didn't seem happy, but she was awake and alert, and that was a start.
"I don't think I've ever sat and mapped out my life without the BAU being a factor. This has always been who I am. I had an image of me doing this until it killed me. I don't want that for myself anymore. I don't ever want to leave for work again and there be a possibility of me not coming home. I have been selfish. I've taken from Jack, and from you. I've left at the drop of a hat every single day for as long as I can remember, and I thought because I was out there hunting down the bad guys, it made me a good guy."
"You are a good guy," she reassured me, reaching out to take my hand.
"I've not been a good father. I've not been a good partner. I missed so much of Jack's life, some days I don't know how I live with myself. I don't want that anymore. I want to be able to put my gun away, and lay down at night without worrying that someone that I've pissed off is going to hurt my family."
"I don't want you to think I'm mad at you. I'm not," she tried to explain, but I silenced her with a kiss.
"You have every right to be. You didn't even get to tell me yourself that you're pregnant."
"That did upset me a little."
"I know it did. I wasn't thinking clearly. I'm so sorry I took that moment away from you." My first instinct was to touch her belly, and surprisingly she didn't object. I didn't even mean to, really, I was just stunned that we'd made a life together so quickly.
"I wonder how far along you are," she had moved a bit closer so she could wrap her arms around me in a hug.
"I'd say probably 6 weeks, best guess. I've been trying to figure it out myself. Probably after we came home from the cabin. But I definitely need to make an appointment to find out for sure."
I nodded, momentarily blinded by visions of blue and pink and all things baby related. This was really happening. Another Hotchner baby.
"I missed a lot of those with Jack. I don't want that this time around."
She nodded, satisfied that I wanted to be there with her.
"I don't want anyone else to know yet, not until we know for sure everything is going to be okay," she said softly, and I agreed, knowing it was wise to keep it to ourselves until we knew things were in the clear.
"You've got to pick a house," I chuckled, and her eyes lit up.
"I found one yesterday morning that I liked a lot. Granted, things have been crazy since then, but I remember where it was and who the listing was under."
"Whatever you want, baby."
"We'll see about it when all this is over," she said, and I promised her we would.
"Lea was confessing when I left. Shouldn't be too much longer and we'll know why all this is going on. Why don't you get dressed, and we'll go see about your brother before he leaves?" I suggested, and surprisingly she agreed, getting dressed as quickly as she could. The Claremont was across town, but I had offered to pick Ben up and take him to lunch with us if he was interested.
He met us outside, climbing into the backseat.
"You okay?" He asked Y/N, and she nodded, telling him to buckle up.
"Maybe so, but you're adopted."
"The mothership dropped you off in a field," he countered, the sibling banter between the two of them so different than how she normally was.
"I found you under a pile of leaves. I thought you were a stray dog so I brought you home," she said, face set seriously the entire time.
"Ouch! Okay, damn. You win." He joked, causing her to burst into laughter next to me. I grabbed her hand, lacing my fingers through hers. I didn't usually do that when I drove, but I couldn't help it. I never wanted to be away from her laughter again.
"You two are so much alike," I whispered to myself, realizing the back and forth was just the beginning. The playful banter lasted the entire car ride, causing me to laugh right along with them. She seemed so at ease with him around, it made me wonder why she didn't want him to know about her life.
"Hold up," Ben held up his hands to pause the conversation, motioning to my hand in hers.
"You didn't mention that yesterday," he said to me, and she looked at me curiously.
"I wanted to make sure it was okay with your sister first," I told him, making sure she was okay with what I was saying.
"I don't have to tell you to not tell her about my life, right Ben? You already know how I feel about that." She was tapping.
"I know, and I won't. But you don't have to forget I exist."
"I didn't forget that you exist, Ben. She never hurt you! It was only me! She's good to you when I'm gone, isn't she?"
We were parked, and she was unbuckled, turned around in her seat to face him.
"We'll, yeah, but-"
"Exactly. I know it seems selfish, but I have to keep myself safe. You never had to worry about that. Even 600 miles away, I still worry."
"It is selfish. I don't know anything about you."
She shrugged, rolling her eyes.
"You don't understand, that's how it has to be. I have people that I care about and I can't afford for her to come ruining it."
"What about me? What about Beau? You just left us! You left us and you never came back! That's fucked up!"
Him yelling at her enraged me.
"You need to lower your voice when you speak to her," I told him, not wanting to cross boundaries and upset Y/N.
"Did she tell you that she found us somewhere to live just so she could leave? Were we that much of a burden that you couldn't even stick around to make sure Beau was able to become a man? This is your fault!"
"Out of the car. Now."
She was an absolute wreck in the front seat, crying so hard she'd had to open the door and vomit. I understood completely why she didn't want them knowing anything now.
"You know none of this is her fault. She doesn't deserve this." I was trying my hardest to keep my cool.
"My mom blames her."
"You're not your mother. Think for yourself, for once in your life. The woman sitting in that car sacrificed her entire life so you could stay safe. Your mother left you, a crying infant in the arms of a child. That wasn't fair to either one of you, and I'm sorry. But she did everything in her power to make sure you and Beau were alright. What happened to Beau isn't her fault. That was a shitty thing for you to say. I realize you're hurting, but your sister is too. Between this and the baby,-"
"What baby?"
Fuck. I looked to the car to see if she'd heard my slip up, and she had. She was coming around to the side of the car, standing behind me.
"You will never utter a word about this baby to anyone, Ben. Never. She will never know. Do you understand?"
He nodded, eyes on her stomach.
"You're really going to bring a kid into the world? Knowing what being pregnant did to her?"
"I'm not her. She's a drug addict, Ben. I'm nothing like her."
"Not yet. But there's always a possibility."
All I could do was stare in disbelief.
"Baby, you don't need to hear this, not right now," I turned my attention towards her, leading her away from Ben.
"He's going to tell her and she's gonna come looking for me," she whispered, and I swore to her I'd never let that happen.
"This was a bad idea," she mumbled, and she was right. I didn't think things would escalate so quickly.
"I'm going to order something to go and send your brother back to his hotel in a cab. Are you okay with that?" I asked, and she nodded.
"I don't think it's a good idea for me to see him again," she admitted, and even though it was clearly breaking her heart, I knew deep down she was right. She walked towards him calmly, hugging him tightly before she told him goodbye for the last time.
"Aaron's gonna call you a cab," You told him, arms crossed as you kicked at the ground beneath you. You wondered what had happened to the innocent boy you knew, the one who'd never utter a harsh word to you in a million years.
Pain had hardened him, and turned him cold. You were crushed to see it happening, but deep down, you know how things were going to go when he got in the car.
"So this is it? You start a family and forget Beau and I for good?"
"You're insane if you think I could ever forget. Ben, my entire life was spent on you and Beau! I dedicated everything to you. You're a grown man now, Beau. If you want away from her, you'll figure out a way, just like I did. And when you do, I'll be the last person on your mind. I will never stop loving you. But this goodbye has to be the last one. I won't put Aaron and my family at risk for anyone."
He stood protectively at your side, hand on your waist. You could tell he'd been fighting the urge to shield your stomach during the entire exchange between you and Ben, and you loved that about him.
"You don't think you'll regret this?" He asked finally, and you shook your head.
"This has to be a new beginning for all of us, Ben. One day you'll understand why."
He pulled you forward in a hug, making Aaron go rigid next to you. The action was just abrupt, not meant to hurt you, but you saw how it scared him nonetheless.
"I don't know what I'm going to do without you," he admitted, and it took everything you had not to break down.
"Go live your life. It's time, Ben. For both of us. And the only way we can do that is if we let each other go."
"We really can't see each other again?"
You shook your head, eyes on the ground.
"I can't keep living like this," you said weakly, knowing that it was for the best, but god, it was like losing two children in one day. But they weren't your children. Jack, and the baby inside of you, those were the babies that needed you. You'd given your entire life to Ben and Beau. It was time to give it to your own babies.
"I will always love you like my own, but I have babies that need a mommy around."
"I hope for their sake, you're a good one."
"Me too."
Aaron had Derek sit all day at school with Jack, so you had his undivided attention long enough to have lunch with him and show him a few different houses. He also favored the one you liked the most, making plans for the three of you to go look at it next week. You pretended not to notice, but his hands were on your stomach constantly.
Jack showing up was a godsend. You'd been patiently waiting on him all day, ready to curl up with him. He was on the couch with you immediately, digging through his backpack so you two could get started on on his homework. You led him to the table, helping him get started while you looked for Aaron.
"There's been some new development. Garcia and Morgan are on their way here to stay with you and Jack." he pulled you into the bedroom after he'd hung up the phone.
"Great, Derek can go on a grocery run, because constant take out is not good for any of us," you muttered, looking through the empty cabinets.
"You don't leave this room, not with anyone. You stay right here. Understood?"
You nodded, knowing whatever the news was must have been enough to scare him. He reached into his pocket, handing you his personal cell.
"I know you're probably going crazy without yours. Text me on my work phone if you need anything at all, and I'll have another phone for you by tonight."
He kissed you softly, hand cupping your face gently. His free hand was under your shirt.
"I'm sorry," he removed his hand from your stomach, but you put it back.
"Don't be sorry. I love it."
"Me too. It's all I've thought about."
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around him in a hug.
"Make a list and I'll send Garcia to get some things from the house, whatever you need. Text it to her, Derek should be here any minute. If you need anything, send Garcia. Someone who can operate a firearm should be with you at all times."
"Aaron... What aren't you telling me?"
He sighed, holding you a bit tighter.
"Your mother. She's here, in Virginia. I don't want you going anywhere."
You held your breath, knowing that it was impossible.
"She was the one watching us. Lea was just helping her."
You weren't sure what to say, but Derek was at the door, Aaron letting him in.
"I'll be back a little later. I love you." He whispered, leaving you and Jack under the watchful gaze of Derek Morgan.
"You two seem to be in a much better place now," he observed, and you nodded, looking over Jack's homework, making sure he understood what he was doing.
"We are. He just needed some time."
He hummed, not entirely satisfied with your answer.
"Yeah? I hope you used that time wisely," he winked, cracking a giant Derek smile.
"What are you winking at?"
Derek turned around, your positive pregnancy test in his hand. You snatched it before Jack could see, dragging him down the hall.
"Top absolute freaking secret," you scolded him, making sure you hid it in your bag this time so no one could find it.
"God, I can't believe it! I never would have guessed Hotch was your type."
"He very much is exactly my type."
"You aren't kiddin'," he laughed, and you couldn't help but be excited that someone else could share your excitement now.
"Why top secret?" He questioned, and you explained how you weren't even sure how far along you were yet, and you and Aaron wanted to wait until things were okay before you blabbed about it.
"I can keep secrets, but Penelope Garcia is going to know. She has a 6th sense for pregnancy."
"I was gonna tell her anyway, it was you that wasn't supposed to know yet!" You laughed, and he pretended to be offended until you told him that you were making chicken carbonara for dinner and that there would be enough for him to take with him later.
That won him over.
Penelope joined you shortly with your list of groceries and things from the house, so the two of you made dinner for the 5 of you, since Aaron said he would be back at some point.
"Alright, spill it sister. I can tell something is up because I grabbed a bottle of wine out of courtesy and you haven't even touched the first drop." She was mid chop, eyeing you curiously from her spot at the table. Jack and Derek were watching tv, completely oblivious.
You motioned for her to join you in the bedroom where you handed her the positive pregnancy test and told her the same thing you'd told Derek. Top secret. After a very happy dance, she hugged you tightly and swore her lips were sealed. You figured it was wise the people protecting you knew, so if god forbid something happened, and Aaron wasn't around, they knew what to do.
You finished dinner, eating and getting Jack changed and ready to settle down for the evening. You'd just gotten him settled in his bed with his library book when Aaron texted you.
Aaron: I miss you.
I miss you baby, any idea when you'll be back?
Aaron: I'm meeting with Strauss in ten. Should be back after that. Rossi and Emily are handling things with PD
Why are you meeting with her right now?
Aaron: I'm stepping down as Unit Chief effective immediately so I can stay on the case. I need to get Garcia back to her office so she can help find your mom. Derek will stay until I'm back.
I love you.
Aaron: Are you upset with me?
No, baby. Not at all. I promise.
Aaron: I'll see you in 30. I love you.
I love you.
By the time he'd arrived, he looked exhausted. After Derek and Penelope had left, he pulled you into his arms, kissing your head.
"How did it go?" You asked, and you felt the breath he was holding release into you as he finally showed you a little bit of emotion.
"I never thought I'd walk away. I never thought I'd be making plans to be in a classroom 5 days a week instead of on a plane every few hours."
"If at any point you ever want to go back, I want you to know that you have my support. I told you that I'd be behind you on whatever you decided, and I am. 100%. I know this is what you want to do, and I love that. I never thought I'd see the day Aaron Hotchner left the BAU."
"I know you'll support me regardless. But this has to be done. We deserve this. We deserve a normal life."
You nodded, knowing the decision was made and there was nothing you could do to change his mind. Jack had found the two of you, chatting about his day to his dad as Aaron ate dinner. It was late, almost Jack's bedtime. You had to admit, you were filled with glee at the thought of having Aaron in your bed every night, and him being around whenever you needed him rather than being on a plane going god knows where.
You excused yourself to shower, leaving Jack and Aaron to hang out as you washed the stress of the last few days off of you. You had a lot to think about and process. Things had become very stressful very quickly for you, and honestly, it was a wonder you hadn't shut down completely. The days prior were finally starting to get to you. You were exhausted beyond measure. By the time you'd gotten clean and dressed, you were ready to crawl into bed with Aaron.
That wasn't happening any time soon.
"I don't care what it takes, Morgan. Keep her from coming here. I've got men posted at every door. She won't get far."
"What's going on?"
He looked at you, the concern clear on his usually composed face.
"Rossi says your mom knows about the baby. He thinks Ben left and said something to her immediately. They found her car dumped on the highway. There was a brand new t-shirt inside. 'World's Best Grandma'. She wanted us to know she knows."
You were sick, physically ill at the thought of your mother hurting Jack, or Aaron, or worse.
"Hey, listen to me."
He was leading you to the bedroom, sitting you on the edge of the bed, hands holding firmly to yours.
"I am not going to let anything happen to you. I swear to you, I will protect you and our children with my life."
Our children.
"You have to get Jack out of here."
"He's already gone. He left while you were in the shower. He's in my office with Penelope."
"No. Absolutely not. No. I know what you're thinking, and it's not happening. I can't protect you if you leave here."
"This won't end as long as I'm holed up in a hotel room. We both know that."
He shook his head furiously, enraged that you'd even suggest it.
"I've seen what she's done to you. I'm not letting that happen again," he said firmly, and you knew then his mind was made up. But yours wasn't, not by a long shot. You knew he'd be furious, but you also knew there was only one way to stop your mother, and that was to give her exactly what she wanted. You.
"Okay. I'm gonna head to bed. Are you staying tonight or are you leaving?"
"Derek's on his way."
"Okay. I love you, Aaron."
"I love you. I'm going to find her. She'll never be able to do this to us again."
You knew that part was true.
You went to bed, as promised, but you didn't sleep. You waited until you knew Aaron was gone, and then some, so you didn't seem suspicious. When you found Derek, he was aimlessly watching baseball highlights.
"Can't sleep?" He asked, and you shook your head, realizing he had indeed laid his jacket on the kitchen table in the other room. Surely his keys would be in there.
"I'm just thirsty. There's some carbonara left, do you want some? I'll warm it up for you," you offered, and he agreed quickly, still distracted by the television.
You used the racket of the microwave to conceal the jingle of his keys, quickly padding down the hall so you could hide them in your room. Your heart pounded at the idea of Derek realizing what you were doing and how furious Aaron was going to be when he found out.
Aaron was going to be livid.
But that didn't matter right now, all that mattered was distracting Derek with food so you could change clothes. You wore jeans and a black hoodie that Aaron had gotten you for Christmas, along with a pair of tennis shoes in case you needed to run.
Fortunately, Derek made things easy enough by going to the bathroom, you could hear him watching a video on his phone, so you took the opportunity to leave, taking the service elevator to the parking garage so you could steal your federal agent friend's car and go end things with your mother once and for all.
You were calling her as soon as you were on the freeway, knowing her number hadn't changed.
"What took you so long? Was afraid I was gonna have to use that kid to get your attention."
"Leave him out of this."
"I have no use for children. Do you know how long I tried to get rid of you three brats? I suppose I don't need to tell you to come alone?"
You were speeding as fast as you could down the freeway, trying to put distance between you and the hotel as quickly as possible.
"I'm alone. Just tell me where to come."
"There's an abandoned junk yard a mile from your friend's cabin. Be there in an hour. I'll know if you tell your little boyfriend about our meeting, so toss your phone when you're done."
"I'll be there."
You hung up, knowing that you'd probably not be around to hear Jack's voice again, so you broke the rules and made one more phone call.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
Penelope's voice was full of worry, but you assumed it was over something else entirely. She didn't seem like she knew you had Derek's car.
"I'm fine. Just can't sleep. Will you put Jack on the phone?"
"Yeah babes, give me a sec. Jack, Y/N wants to talk to you before bed, kiddo."
In seconds he was on the phone, causing part of your worries to melt away. He was safe, and that's all that mattered.
"Hi, Y/N. I miss you. Dad forgot Chewy."
"I'll have him bring it as soon as he can buddy. I need to tell you something, okay? Can you turn your listening ears on for me?"
He made a robot sound, just like he did every time you two sat down to do his homework and you needed to get his attention to concentrate.
"They're on!"
"Great job bud. I want to tell you that you are the best little boy I have ever known and I love you, very much."
"I love you. I told Penelope you're my extra mom, that's right, isn't it?"
You choked back a sob, praying you could keep your composure for just a few seconds longer. You needed to pull off the road and calm down, but you didn't have time. You were pushing it already.
"That's right. I'm so glad I got to be your extra mom buddy. I'm so glad we got to build legos and bake breadsticks and I'm so glad I got to be able to love you and your daddy. I need you to tell him something for me too, okay? Can you remember?"
"Yes, I can!"
"I knew you could, smart boy. I need you to tell your daddy that I'm sorry. That I only want you both safe. Tell him that I love him and give him a really big hug the next time you see him, please."
"I will. A big squeeze, like me and you do?"
"That's right, a big squeeze. He'll need a lot of those, so that's your job. Big squeezes for your dad every day."
"Got it. I gotta go tell dad, here he comes!"
"I love you, Jack."
You swore you heard the crunch of the phone under your tires as you sped towards Rossi's, thankful that you were able to talk to Jack, even if it was the last time.
"Hey bud. You okay? Who was on the phone?"
Jack was bounding into my arms, Penelope shrugging at the sudden display of affection.
"It was Y/N. She gave me a job and told me two big things."
His arms were around my neck, squeezing as tightly as he could.
"That's the job she gave me! She said big squeezes every day for you. And she told me to tell you something," he said in my ear, my chest going hot once I started to realize she wasn't calling just to say goodnight.
"What did she say, Jack?"
"She said she wanted us to be safe, and that she loves us. She's my extra mom, because you're allowed to have two mommies." He explained as I sat him down and pulled out my phone, Derek's number already dialing.
"Check on Y/N," I demanded, urging him to open the door if she didn't answer immediately.
"Fuck, Hotch. She's gone," he confirmed my worst fear. I knew she'd do this, and I'd tried to plan accordingly, but she'd already tossed my phone by the time Garcia realized what was happening.
"Oh god, sir, I didn't realize... Oh god, okay. How is she going anywhere? She doesn't have a car," I put Derek on speaker, waving Rossi, Emily and Reid in so they could hear also.
"She has my keys," Derek told us, which meant Garcia would be able to track the car, because it was government issued.
"Text me the location. Let's go," I told them, all of us heading out. The car was parked at Rossi's cabin, so she couldn't have been too far ahead of us. I was flying down the turnpike, racing towards her so I could stop this once and for all.
The ride up gave you time to calm down. You were calm enough, knowing that you'd be gone before Aaron got there, so he wouldn't have to see what your mother was going to do to you. You tried to make peace with everyone in your head, starting with your baby and Jack. Aaron may understand why you had to do it, but Jack never would, and Aaron would never recover from losing you and a child. You knew that, but there was nothing you could do to change it.
The walk from the cabin to the junk yard gave you time to reflect, and the only thing that you could recall at the moment was Jack's face right after he woke up in the morning, and the way Aaron had clutched your stomach so lovingly, even if you only got to enjoy it for a day.
You thought about joining Beau, and you wondered if he'd be happy to see you when you made it wherever you were going in the next life. You hoped he'd be there, and your father too. You hoped you'd find Haley in the afterlife and tell her what an amazing little boy she created, so you two could share that love together in a place where the memories were all you had of them. You couldn't wait to share this little baby with Haley wherever you ended up, knowing she'd help you, just like you'd helped Aaron with Jack.
You prayed this didn't harden Aaron for good. You hoped eventually he moved on with someone else, and was happy. You hoped he stuck out the transfer and was home for Jack every day. You especially hoped he bought the house you loved, so he and Jack had somewhere that would remind them of you.
You didn't want Emily blaming herself. You knew part of her would, but Aaron would take the brunt of the blame. You didn't want that for him, because it was never his fault. He always made sure you were safe, even if he was oceans away.
You remembered the faces of all your friends. You wanted them to be happy, even though they were surrounded by misery.
You were sad that you never finished your book. That was the one thing you'd started selfishly, something purely enjoyable for you. You'd never get to decide the ending.
As the chains of the fence rattled, you swore you heard sirens in the distance. You shook it off as false hope, maybe your mind playing tricks, pulling open the gate and making your way inside to find your mother.
She was waiting near a school bus, sitting on a burn drum, legs crossed, eyes bugging out of her head. She looked like she hadn't slept in a year, but she was also a drug addict, so it was always a possibility.
"Bout time."
"I walked up."
"So, we should make this quick then?" She asked, and you nodded. You knew she couldn't do anything quickly. She'd drag it out as long as possible, and for once, you hoped she did. It would give Aaron time to find you, hopefully.
"Come here, you filthy sinner."
You'd become so accustomed to not hiding your feelings that you hadn't realized you were crying in front of the one person who couldn't stand the thought of tears.
"No, no. I didn't mean it,-" her lit cigarette made contact with your cheek, causing you to wince in pain. You did your best to push her backwards to no avail, she was clenching her legs around the drum, secured in place by sheer strength.
"Shut up! You've been sinning for months! Living with that man, screwing him, unmarried!!" Her boot was the next object to meet your face, you flying backwards onto your tailbone. You scrambled up as quickly as you could, trying to find anything you could use to keep you and your baby safe. You spotted a crow bar just behind her, so you decided to provoke her off the drum so you could make a run for it.
"You weren't married to any of the men you screwed for drugs!" You shot back, spitting in her general direction.
"I was a baby raising kids you made but couldn't bother to love. You think I'm a sinner? The only sinner here is you. You nasty, wretched woman," you continued, watching the ticking of her jaw for any indication that your plan was working.
"God told me to give you those kids. He said you deserved the punishment because you were a dirty sinner!"
You laughed, realizing she sounded just as insane as she did when she told you the exact same thing twenty years ago.
"You're mental. Absolutely fucking bonkers. That wasn't God, Brenda! That was meth!"
She lurched forward, giving you just enough time to duck out of her way and reach for the crow bar. Once it was securely in your hands, you turned sharply on your heel only to be met with a gun in your face.
"Surprise, bitch. This is the part where you pay for your sins," she muttered, shoving you to your knees so she could slap you across the face with the butt of her handgun.
"Killing me wont bring Beau back, and it won't make you any less deranged," you told her, watching her rear her arm back, ready to swing on you again.
"Brenda Collins! FBI! Put the gun down!" Aaron and Emily were to your right, guns trained on your mother. Rossi and Reid to their opposite, waiting for Aaron's signal.
"Shoot me! But I'm taking her with me!" She had the barrel in your mouth, the metal cold against your tongue as you tried your hardest not to cry, especially at a moment as crucial as this. If you cried, she'd shoot you, no questions asked.
"You don't need to do that, Brenda. We can get you some help. I know you've been hurting since Ben was born and no one would listen to you, isn't that right?" Emily tried, taking a step forward. This caused your mother to shove the barrel further into your mouth. You couldn't meet Aaron's eyes. You wanted to, for any sort of comfort. But if Brenda shot you, you didn't want your face in this moment to be the last thing he remembered.
"She ruined me! It started when she was born! I never wanted her. She's been a burden since the beginning."
As much as you hated her, her words still hurt.
"What will killing her solve, Brenda?" Rossi questioned, and I watched my mother try to rationalize with herself momentarily. It was a split second of clarity, but you saw it.
"I didn't ask to be here," you whispered to her, meeting her eyes so you could show her that you were serious.
"He left me to raise you and I didn't even want you," she muttered, talking about your dad. She always blamed him for you, no matter how crazy that sounded.
"You didn't raise me. I raised me. You kept me alive for a little while, but you didn't raise any of us."
"Shut up! You shut your filthy mouth," she screamed, gun waving around in the air. You secretly hoped anyone took the opportunity to shoot her.
"Brenda! Put the gun down and come talk to me," Emily urged, moving in closer by the second.
"God wanted me to do this long ago," she stated, falling to her knees so she could be at eye level with you. She had the gun aimed directly on your forehead. At least it would be quick, and virtually painless.
"Quit being a coward and do it then. You've waited this long, what's stopping you now?" You questioned, accepting your fate. You knew none of them had a shot without the risk of shooting you too, or else they'd done it already.
"YOU WANT THIS?" She slapped you harshly across the face, the sharp sting causing your eyes to water. As soon as she saw it, she had you on your feet, gun now at the side of your head and she wrapped her arm around your neck.
"This is what you want to save?! A pathetic, crying SINNER?" You heard the click of the safety, knowing your tears had caused your demise. You knew they would, eventually. You just didn't realize it would be in front of everyone you loved.
"Brenda, she's your daughter. Surely you can distinguish the delusions and your own blood," Rossi yelled, and you shook your head.
"She can't. She's weak! She can't distinguish anything anymore because she's destroyed her brain," you replied, knowing you were only aggravating her, but you couldn't handle the back and forth. You wanted it over with.
"That's not true! I'm a good person," she whispered in your ear, gun at her side as she ran a frustrated hand through her hair.
It was now or never, so you punched her right in the face, realizing she'd dropped the gun when you did it. You kicked the gun towards Rossi, who was already pulling you backwards before you could hit her again. Rossi was so distracted that he didn't see her pick up the gun.
"Get down!" Aaron yelled before firing a single shot, Brenda crumpling forward into the dirt. They all rushed forward, Reid calling for a paramedic, Emily making sure Brenda was actually dead. Rossi was in your ear, telling you everything was okay.
"Is Jack okay?" You asked him, the Hotchner men the only thing currently on your mind.
"Jack is fine. Aaron's fine. You're gonna be okay," he promised you, helping you up and leading you to where Aaron was waiting for you.
"I'm so sorry," you said immediately, rushing towards him with an urgency you didn't realize you had.
"God, you could have gotten yourself killed. What in the world were you thinking, baby?" He tried his hardest to scold you, but it was obvious by the arm wrapping protectively around you and the one securely protecting your stomach that he was worried more than anything.
"I know, but she was going to come for Jack, and I couldn't let that happen." He was scooping you up to carry you bridal style towards the arriving ambulance. You knew your face was a bloody mess, but that was the only place she'd hit you, so everything else should be fine.
"She's pregnant, is there any way you can make sure everything is okay from here?" Aaron asked the EMT, who began hooking you up to a fetal heartbeat monitor so you could make sure everything was alright. Another paramedic worked to clean the wounds on your head, Aaron's hand holding yours tightly the entire time.
"Heart rate is 166. Everything is just fine," he told Aaron, who was sighing with relief next to you. The woman was working on your face, making sure you didn't need stitches. Aaron didn't leave your side the entire time.
"I'm so sorry she did this to you," he whispered, hand tight in yours as he glared the EMT down. She was being as gentle as she could, but the gash above your eye needed stitches.
"Don't be. I knew it was coming. When she threatened Jack, I knew I had to come find her. I'd already planned to talk to her before that, but, ouch, she threatened Jack on the phone so I basically knew when I came up here what was gonna happen. She told me she would know if I called you. That's why I called Jack. Well, that and I wanted to make sure he was okay. Say goodbye."
"Her adrenaline is pumping, so she's gonna be really sore tomorrow. She needs to see a doctor." They told Aaron, who looked more worried than you'd ever seen him, despite knowing you and the baby were okay.
"Can I take her?"
They agreed to let him take you, the two of you riding back up in Derek's car to the local ER so you could be seen. After determining you were okay, bloody and bruised up, but otherwise fine, you were released with mild pain killers and strict orders to stay in bed the next couple of days.
The entire ride back to the hotel, Aaron didn't let your hand go. Derek forgave you fairly quickly for stealing his car, as long as you promised not to do it again. Penelope had already brought Jack back, and he was sleeping peacefully in the master bed.
"I figured you'd want him close," she told you, hugging you tightly, the tears on her face making you realize how many people you were surrounded by that truly cared about you. They may not be blood, but they were your family.
You checked on on Jack, Aaron following closely behind you the entire time. You knew he would be like this, and you appreciated it. You were honestly still really rattled, and your nerves had been on edge for days.
But, the hard part was over. Forever.
I'd shot her mother without a second thought. I told everyone on the way up that I would. Selfishly, I wanted to be the one to do it. Seeing Brenda abuse her firsthand was all I needed to know about her childhood.
I feared the burn may never fade from her face. I was afraid she'd wake up every single day and see the last scar her mother ever gave her, and she'd hate me for it.
That wasn't the case at all.
After we'd returned, I ran her a bath after she checked in on Jack. Things were finally quiet, calm. We were finally alone and safe for the first time in days.
"Come on," I pulled her towards the bathroom, undressing her so she could step into the water. I saw the relief on her face as she sank into its warmth, leaning back, head on the wall.
"Are you mad at me?" She asked, watching me from my spot in the floor next to the tub.
"No, Angel. I'm just glad you're still here," I told her, leaning forward so I could grab her hand.
"It was stupid, what I did. But I've never been so happy to know someone was gone forever."
"It wasn't stupid. You did what any parent would do to save their child. That's love."
"It was for you too. I knew she'd never stop, even if I was gone."
"I know. That's why I'm not mad. I was terrified. I've made that exact same drive to save someone I cared about before, only I wasn't so lucky the first time around," I whispered, looking down before she could meet my gaze. I was terrified the entire drive up that I'd be bringing her back home in a different way.
"I know, and I'm sorry that I put you through that twice. But I had to keep you guys safe," she kissed my hand, and I understood, I really did. I would have done the same exact thing.
"I know, baby. It's over, and you don't have anything to worry about now. What do you want to do about Beau?"
"What do you mean?"
"He deserves a proper burial. With your mother gone, there's no reason he can't have that."
"I haven't been home in a long time," she told me, stepping out of the tub so I could wrap her up in a towel. I followed her to the couch, finding her some clothes so I could get her changed. She didn't object when I pulled the shirt over her head, and she was more than willing to let me put her sweatpants on her. I was glad she was letting me help her. She had a tendency to be hyper-independent, a habit I was planning to help her kick.
"If that's something you'd want, we'll go. Just us," I assured her, watching her face closely to make sure I didn't make her upset. I knew home and her brothers were a touchy subject, but she seemed to entertain the thought.
"What about Brenda?" She asked, voice cracking as she said her name out loud.
"She'll get flown home and someone will have to claim the body."
"What happens if no one does?"
"Cremation, I think. They store the urn away until someone claims the remains."
"I need to think about it," she said finally, releasing a breath.
"It's entirely up to you. But you deserve to say goodbye to him."
"I did that a long time ago, Aaron. It's time to let him rest. We can go," she said hesitantly, "but we leave right after. That's not somewhere I want to stay for long."
"I'll call Jessica in the morning and make arrangements for Jack. We can drive, if you want."
"I'd like that."
She slept most of the drive, which wasn't surprising. She'd dealt with a lot in the last couple of days, and the painkillers made her tired, so I let her rest. It was peaceful, the radio playing softly on whatever she'd set it to when we started our journey. It was a 4 hour drive, but the scenery was gorgeous, so I didn't really mind.
"Want me to drive for a little while?" She was stirring, stretching her arms as she raised her seat back to its upright position.
"We'll be there within the hour. I'm okay," I assured her, her hand rubbing lightly at the back of my neck. Part of me had enjoyed the drive, mostly because she relaxed so quickly once we were alone that I didn't want to do anything to dampen her mood. She seemed content, rubbing circles on my skin and snacking on her yucky Combos. She loved the pizza flavored snacks, and she turned Jack into a fan. I'd never join that club. There was nothing pizza about them, but they made her happy.
"I had a baby dream," she yawned, sipping on the coffee in the thermos we were sharing.
"Tell me," I urged.
"We were painting a nursery in the new house. It was yellow. So no clue what that means. But I was huge," she laughed, and I felt myself beam proudly at her.
"I can't wait to actually experience a pregnancy with someone," I told her, turning off on our exit. We were merely minutes away from our destination.
"Me too. I can't wait to tell Jack. I want him to help pick names," she was so excited, the motherly glow already so natural on her face. I was anxiously awaiting seeing her become a mother, not because I was scared, exactly the opposite.
Anyone with that much love to give children that don't even belong to them would be a wonderful parent, and I was sure of that. I saw how she put her life on the line for Jack, and myself, and I couldn't wait to tell our kids what a hero their mommy was.
Life with her was going to be wonderful, and I knew that with every fiber of my being. With the days of the BAU long behind me after some necessary time off to get my family adjusted somewhere new, and the relief of having Brenda gone, I'd never been more hopeful.
Dr. Burton Grebin once said, "To lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself."
Watching as she stood statue still next to me, they lowered Beau into the ground and left us alone so she could tell her brother goodbye.
"I can go to the car," I offered, and she shook her head, hand keeping me firmly in place.
"Please don't leave me," she shuddered, voice hushed by the traffic around us. We were right off the highway, in a small town that Y/N had tried her hardest to forget. I'd counted two red lights in its entirety, and 4 cemeteries.
This was the one she'd chosen, next to her father. He wasn't Beau's dad, but she had wanted them together. She said Beau needed a dad, even if it was a little too late.
"What a sweet boy you were," she leaned down, crossing her legs to sit on the ground. I stood behind her, close enough for comfort, but far enough that she had the space she needed, if that was what she wanted.
"I want to say I'm sorry. But I couldn't have changed anything. I'm just glad you don't have to fight anymore. You don't have to run. You can just rest, and it'll be okay, Beau."
She sniffled the tiniest bit, and I ached in a way I didn't know I could. I hated to see her cry.
"I wish I could give you one more big squeeze. I give those to Jack now, and he loves them, just like you both did. I hope wherever you are is better than what we had. I wish I could have given you more, Beau Andrew. I hope you can be a kid now."
I wish I could take back every single day she spent of her childhood caring for someone else. Who was supposed to save them? Surely I could try now, give her everything I could. But this kind of hurt was something she'd live with forever. I wasn't ignorant to that fact, however, I knew between Jack and Baby Hotchner, they'd help her heal, day by day. That's part of what made her bond with Jack so special to watch. They were one another's silent comfort, even if Jack was oblivious to why.
"I'm ready," she announced, letting me help her stand to her feet. She had dried her tears before I could see, and that hurt. I prayed seeing her mother didn't shut her down. She'd came so far, being so openly emotional, always telling me exactly how she felt. It was one of the things I loved the most about her. She was unapologetically full of love, and emotion, and she didn't care if anyone saw. Until now.
"I would love to take you out to dinner, but we both know that always goes," I chuckled, and she took my hand, taking one last glance at her dad and Beau.
"I'd much rather shack up in some motel and eat takeout," she said, gripping me tightly as we made our way back to the car. We'd already decided not to drive back today, so we were going to leave her hometown and drive 30 minutes south to a hotel until morning.
"Be nice to just be the two of us," I said softly, eyes trained on her belly. I swear the swell of her breasts was more prominent now, her hair seemed shinier. Pregnancy was treating her really well so far.
"We better enjoy it now," she gave me a quick peck while I navigated us towards the hotel, glad to almost be done driving for the day.
"What sounds good for dinner?"
"A chili dog."
I cut my eyes at her, raising my eyebrows curiously.
"That is an oddly specific request."
She shrugged, her cheeks tinted pink.
"I've wanted one all day. I don't care where it comes from," she giggled, and I felt myself smiling like mad.
"I'll eat everything you crave unless it gets weird," I promised her, hoping I didn't regret it.
"You don't have to," she assured me, but I shook my head in protest.
"I absolutely will though, because if it makes you happy, it makes me even happier."
She was staring, and I could feel her gaze as I pulled into a gas station.
"What?" I questioned, shutting off the engine.
"I can't wait to marry you," she said softly, leaning forward to meet my lips. It took me by surprise, only because she hadn't really mentioned marrying me on her own, only when we'd talked about it together.
"You're sure you want that?"
She nodded like she'd never been more sure of anything in her life.
"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? I have everything with you that I could ever want." Her lips were on me again, and normally, I'd have felt weird making out with someone in a gas station parking lot, but she wasn't just someone, and the urgency behind her lips was something I couldn't ignore.
"Let me find out where I can get you a chili dog," I breathed, momentarily stunned by the taste of her still on my lips, rushing in to see if the gas station attendant knew where to get a good hot dog.
The rain had started almost as soon as Aaron left the car, the sky opening up and pouring down so hard that the windshield was nearly impossible to see. If you were already at the hotel, you'd have been thoroughly satisfied with the rainy weather. You wanted to stuff your face, ignore the television, and wrap yourself up in the man that had spent the last week keeping you safe.
When he returned to the car, you realized he was carrying two bags, one filled with drinks and snacks, the other filled with plastic trays.
"You'll never guess what I found," he said proudly, the chili smell making your mouth water almost instantly.
"How the heck did you do that?!" You laughed, realizing he'd gotten a little bit of everything as far as candy went. Salty, sweet, chocolate and fruity. You only liked chocolate sometimes, but he always got you some at the gas station, just in case. He was the best at buying snacks, and you really liked that about him. He was always buying you candy, and you often wondered if it was because he was trying to feed the soul of your inner child.
"He made these fresh for you, sweetheart. I couldn't believe it either." He tried to wait out the rain, but once you both realized it wasn't letting up, you headed for the hotel anyway, being extra cautious. By the time you'd pulled in you were starving, letting Aaron check you guys in while you grabbed the duffel bag you were sharing with him. He'd never let you carry it, but you moved it up front anyway so he didn't have to get soaked rummaging for it.
When Aaron came back for you, he had an umbrella, making sure you stayed dry on the way inside. He left you in the lobby to go back and get your things, the rain causing his white dress shirt to cling to his skin. You couldn't help but stare as he shook the water from his head before he walked through the sliding doors. You were hungry for something else entirely now, a chili dog being the furthest thing from your mind.
You followed him quietly to the room, letting him settle the two of you in as you watched patiently, biting your lip harshly when he started to peel off his wet clothes.
"Need some help?" You asked, working at the buckle of his belt, blindly undoing it and letting it clatter to the floor. You started on the buttons of his shirt next.
"I'll never say no to you undressing me," he purred, voice like fire to your thighs. He let his hands fall to his sides as you stripped him down, leaving him in his boxers and his mostly dry white t-shirt.
"Want to come sit down?" You asked, leading him towards the bed in the center of the room. This hotel wasn't nearly as fancy as yours back in Quantico, but it was quaint and cozy and warm, and the bed appeared to work just fine. He let you sit him down and you slid to your knees in front of him, taking the sight of him in. He looked so sexy with his messy hair, still slightly damp from the rain that was coming down like crazy outside your window.
"Oh, baby..." he whined, needy for your mouth, and you knew it. He didn't try to hide his neediness either, pulling your hands towards his length, moaning once you freed him from his boxers and started pumping him in your hand.
"Look so good like this, Aaron," you told him, planting a kiss on his thigh before you licked a stripe up the center of his dick, the goosebumps on his skin the only indication you needed that he loved every second of your mouth.
"Fuck, baby. I've missed this with you. Never want to be away from you ever again," he hissed as you took all of him in your throat. You loved every second of having him in your mouth. The reaction, the subtle thrust of his hips mixed with his fists tangled in the comforter, was enough to make you a quivering mess every time.
"Look at me, pretty girl," he pleaded, tilting your head to meet his gaze. You wanted to hide your face, considering the current state it was in. You refrained, only because Aaron was looking at you like you were the only person in his world, and you'd never had anyone look at you with so much unconditional adoration in your life.
"Hey," his hands were on your shoulders, pulling you onto his lap with no warning.
"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he told you, causing you to grind against him in response. His mouth met yours, tongue inside your mouth instantly. This drove you mad, Aaron being so blinded by desire for you that he let go of every single inhibition that would have normally caused him to hold back. He didn't do that with you, and it made you weak in your knees. He didn't make it a secret that you held all the power with him sexually, and that was a massive turn on, especially considering his stoic, hard exterior with everyone else compared to how he was now. His eyes were wide and glassy, like he'd been drunk on you for ages, lips swollen from peppering kisses anywhere you'd let his mouth wander.
"I can't get enough of you," he panted, your hips moving so deliciously against one another that you were nearing an orgasm and he hadn't even touched you. He was grinding furiously against you, and occasionally a moan so gruff and sexy would fall from his lips, causing your eyes to roll back in ecstasy.
"I am crazy about you, Aaron Hotchner," you whispered in his ear before taking his earlobe between your teeth, sucking lightly. You trailed your tongue over the vein in his neck, pulsing wildly, warm and throbbing beneath the heat of your mouth.
"Can I take this off?" He was tugging at your shirt, but he'd been undressing you with his eyes for a while now.
"Any time you want," you replied, giggling when you were topless in a matter of nanoseconds. He was wasting no time, one of your nipples already in his mouth while his fingers toyed mindlessly with the other. You lifted your hips, letting him drag your pants down your legs, leaving you bare against him.
"I want to take my time, but I can't remember the last time I needed anyone so badly," he breathed, sliding you onto his length, his forehead resting against yours as you both took a second to adjust to one another.
"You fit me like a glove," he sighed, sliding all the way out of you just so he could hear you whine at the loss of contact.
"Don't be greedy," you pleaded, his eyes going massive at your eager tone.
"I've never heard you so desperate, baby. You want me that bad?" He teased, using his length to spread you open.
"Please, Aaron. Do you want me to beg?" You asked, sucking hickeys onto his chest, knowing better than to leave them on the more visible parts of his skin. In his line of work, a hickey on his neck was something that would be hard to conceal, so he let you mark him up everywhere else to make up for it.
"Fuck... Yes. I do want to hear you beg for it. That was a silly question." His continued to slide himself against your entrance, causing you to shake with anticipation. You were a whining mess, and it only fueled him more by the moment.
"Please, baby, let me feel you. I've wanted you so bad for weeks. Don't you want to fill me up, baby? I can tell it's taking all the restraint you have not to bury yourself inside me right now," you weren't sure where all of this was coming from, but he was in a trance, absolutely enthralled with every word falling from your lips.
"You're filthy, baby, absolutely filthy. You know that?" He slid into you once more, this time gripping your hips roughly so you could ride him like mad.
"Only for you, only ever for you, baby," you cried, feeling the stress you'd been harboring fade instantly as you reached the first of many orgasms.
"That's it, let me make it all better," he whispered, slowing his movements so he could find his rhythm rolling into you, causing a sensation you weren't entirely sure was possible until now.
"Aaron," was the only word you could coherently form as you came again, only this time was different. You felt yourself drench his dick, covering your legs and his with arousal as your entire body shuddered against him. You were stunned to say the least, body crumbling against him, your limbs suddenly too heavy to hold up.
"Fucking hell," he cried out, practically screaming as you felt him finish right after, both of you a wet, sweaty mess.
"Do you know what just happened?" He asked, and you shook your head, still trying to recover.
"You squirted. That was really, really hot."
"I've never felt anything like that in my life."
He kissed you roughly, carrying you to the bathroom. You both needed a shower, legs stuck together with your arousal, the both of you sticky with cum. He left you long enough to grab your shower bag, returning with the biggest smile still plastered to his face.
"God, that was incredible," he said, sitting you on the counter long enough to shed the rest of his clothes and adjust the temperature of the water. He let you step in first, stepping in after and wrapping you up in the security of his arms beneath the water.
"I wanted to ask you something," he was still holding you, reaching behind you to grab your shampoo so he could lather it into your hair. It was a gesture so intimate that it almost brought you to tears.
"Ask me," you let your eyes close as he massaged your scalp, leaning into him as much as you could.
"If I asked you to marry me now, would you think we were moving too fast?"
You laughed at him saying it out loud.
"Well, I'm carrying your child, so is anything moving too fast at this point?"
He moved you back to rinse your hair, leaving you to do that while he washed your body. He looked heavenly, bent down to lather your feet and legs, like he'd done it everyday his entire life.
"I suppose not. Well, if I asked you right now, would you say yes?" Even through his lashes, coated with water droplets as he looked up at you, you could see the tears filling his eyes as he waited for your answer.
"Of course, I would have said yes if you asked me 2 months ago," you were trying to pull him to his feet, blinking away tears as you enveloped him in a hug. You were partly in disbelief, because you never expected to love him so quickly, or that he'd be so obviously crazy about you after the rocky start you two had.
"I want to spend every second of my life making you as happy as I can," he muttered against your lips, and you believed him, letting him make you promises of forever there in the shower, your own private memory bank full of these precious moments. Aaron had a tendency now that he'd let you in to be extremely emotion-driven with things relating to your love life. He wasn't ashamed to admit you had him absolutely hooked on you, and that made you giddy. You felt like you were finally experiencing the kind of love that you saw in movies.
Aaron Hotchner was keeping his promise, healing every part of your broken upbringing however he could, and that was love. You never thought you'd marry the first person you dated, or that you'd fall in love with someone so quickly. He hadn't expected it either; meeting you with so much resistance in the beginning that you weren't sure how you would ever get him to come around.
"Maybe we can start planning a wedding once we're settled in somewhere new," he suggested, your brain foggy at the idea of actually planning a wedding. You were never sure how he did it, but for every bad moment in your life so far, he'd found a way to replace the sour memories with new ones entirely.
Love was something you never expected. Sure, it was nice to daydream about. What little girl doesn't sit and ponder the day they meet their person? You'd told Aaron the truth; you'd been on dates before, well, two whole dates. But they were a disaster. Thinking about it was enough to make you cringe.
Your biggest fear was not knowing how to love someone properly because your own idea of love was an abstract concept that you'd never really experienced firsthand. Your brothers relied on you; sure, they loved you. But it was the kind of love that was returned out of obligation, and blood.
This was nothing like that. This was raw, and pure, and solid. You weren't sure how it came so effortlessly, but you were so happy with your life that you'd never question it. There were days, especially the ones where he was gone, that made you have doubts, especially in the beginning. But once you understood that he was absolutely petrified, and overwhelmed, you realized how much you two actually had in common, even if you responded differently.
You meet his defiance with love, and he put up a wall. Not for long, and not enough to ever shut you out completely. Your love for him was so deep, so consuming, you'd never give the hard days a second thought, especially not now that he wanted you to be his wife. But you could tell that there were times he still had trouble forgiving himself for keeping you at a distance for so long. You'd both agreed that it was long forgotten, but every tight squeeze of your hand and completely out of character act of comfort from him was a silent apology. That was how he loved; gentle, but loud. There was nothing quiet about the way he cared for you, and you needed that more than you'd ever admit.
You hadn't really had time to process the fact you had someone that was half of the man you loved so much growing inside of you. Things had been so scary so fast neither of you had time to catch up, and the excitement was replaced by fear.
"We're really gonna have a baby," you said, stepping out of the shower, him trailing close behind you.
"We are. You need to make an appointment tomorrow when we get back, and we have a meeting to see the house on Tuesday." He said nonchalantly, trying to hide his smirk as you perked up at his statement.
"You mean the house?"
"I mean the one you want, yes."
There really was no limit on what he was willing to do for you. He didn't even let you reply, he was on his knees in front of you, still drenched from the shower. His lips were on your stomach, head just below your breasts. Snaking his arms around your waist, he left you speechless. How long had you spent discontent and unfulfilled? It seemed like most of your life, but you couldn't remember, especially now.
You'd never seen anyone so gorgeous in your life, and you certainly never expected to spend the rest of your life being touched like this by Aaron Hotchner. His hands felt like fire on your skin, causing you to heat up rapidly, the water droplets on your skin evaporating with every kiss Aaron delivered to your stomach.
"You're mesmerizing," he breathed against your thigh, tongue leaving wet kisses on any skin he could reach. Without warning his tongue met your center, your knees going weak under him.
"I've got you," he moaned into you, hands behind your legs to keep you steady and in place as he sucked wildly on your clit, your hands blindly reaching behind you for anything to keep you upright. It was no secret that he loved to taste you, but this was more than that. He was oblivious to everything around him when he was like this, and it drove you wild every time. He was hyper focused, you being the only thing he could draw his attention to.
All you could do was watch, mouth agape, gripping the counter so hard it made your knuckles go white. If you were to tell anyone that Aaron Hotchner, stone cold, stoic, the true definition of intimidation, was in front of you on his knees, a quivering mess, they'd never believe you. They'd never believe that the same man that barks orders and barely cracks a smile at work was at your mercy, his pupils completely blown out as he made you cum. It wasn't even about the orgasms for him, you knew that. It was something else entirely, and it was enough to make you see stars.
Aaron's POV
"That's it baby, don't cover your mouth, let me hear you," I urged her, my head still nestled between her legs. The echo of my name throughout the bathroom mixed with the taste of her was all the motivation I needed to lead her to the bed so I could continue. She whimpered at the sudden loss of contact when she felt my mouth leave her, yelping in surprise when I scooped her up.
"I'm moving you to the bed," I announced, her legs wrapped around my waist, her lips sucking love marks on my shoulders. It made my skin prickle with goosebumps at the mixture of her warm tongue and the cool air around us. I groaned at the sensation, wondering if I'd ever grow accustomed to how she felt. Not just sexually, but as a whole. I caught myself noticing small things about her that very first day, and I'd kept them in my head all of this time, just to be baffled by her still all these months later.
I often envied Reid; his eidetic memory would come in handy with her. I wouldn't use it for greater knowledge, or to read novel after novel until my eyes were sore. I'd use it to brand her into my brain for life. From the soft pads of her hands to the red chipped paint of her toenails, I wanted every drop of her with me at all times. Part of me was sad that she'd tossed my old phone, because I'd compiled an entire list of things I'd admired about her, even before we met for the first time.
It didn't take meeting her one on one to know that she was the kind of woman you settled down with, the one who knows how you like your coffee and makes your favorite meals on a bad day. She radiated something almost supernatural, and I'd been struggling to find the words for her since the moment Emily had suggested bringing her into my home. She was a little too eager at the idea of us getting to know each other, and now I understood why. I'd always be grateful that Emily cared enough about the both of us to know that we needed each other, even before we figured it out for ourselves.
How was I ever supposed to tell her that part of me loved the idea of her before she knew anything about me? I knew as soon as I showed up to the coffee shop that things were going to go well. That day had started out like utter shit, and I'd almost cancelled on her because of my sour mood. My mind changed quickly when she sent me a text making sure we were still meeting. It was completely formal until the last line; she told me that she was excited to finally get to know me.
I only knew a little about her at first, like where she worked and what I'd overheard in passing. The first night we met, on Emily's birthday, she came up to me and introduced herself, and I'd been curious about her ever since. Even more so when Emily told me that Y/N wasn't the type to just start casual conversations.
I was at the cafe an hour early that day. I'd gone from wanting to cancel on her to waiting to know what it was about me that she was so eager to meet. And when she showed up a nervous mess, it only made me want her around more. I'd never had a woman give me the kind of attention and care that she did, even before things escalated between us. I think that was part of what caused us to move so quickly. She never felt out of place with me, and if she did, she didn't show it.
She had been my home this entire time and she had no clue. How was I ever supposed to tell her? There weren't any words for the way she surrounded Jack and me with love, despite the fact that Jack wasn't her blood. She loved Jack like her very own, proving that when she was willing to literally sacrifice her life to save him.
And me.
It sounded crazy considering it was my job to put my life on the line. I did it every time I set foot on a crime scene, and I was accustomed to it. She was only used to it because she wasn't given a choice otherwise. What she did for her brothers was something incredible, despite the way things with Ben had gone, I knew her love for him was unconditional, even now.
But to steal a car and risk her life all to keep me and my son safe? I wasn't sure why Brenda had done to her before we got there, but we watched her take one hell of a beating and crawl back for more. Seeing the exchange was hell on Earth. It was like revisiting Foyet, and all the painful memories that came with it. Only this time, I had to watch. Only this time, it was to keep me safe. She let the woman who gave birth to her put a gun in her mouth, all to keep me alive. She knew that Brenda wouldn't stop until she got to us all, and she made sure that would never happen again.
I'd wanted to tell her then how brave I thought she was, how she'd never understand the emotions I felt watching Brenda hurt her in front of me and not being able to do anything about it. The rage built up inside of me so quickly that I took the first available shot I had. I knew it wasn't protocol, and there was plenty of heat on me after, but all that mattered was she came home next to me instead of in a body bag.
How do you repay someone who gifted you with another day on Earth? Is there any amount of time or love that would ever be enough to make up for the sacrifice she was willing to make? I didn't know, but I was certain that I'd spend the rest of my days trying to figure it out. For now, I'd just cover every inch of her in love and hope it was enough to say everything I wanted to, but didn't know how.
taglist: @sammyrenae68 @insomniren @realdirectionx @ellamalfoypotter @deblou008 @ssamorganhotchner @dangerouslittlefairy @iamanironmanfan
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Hancuffed together Chapter 3: ‘Free’
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Summary: Loki and you were hancuffed together, because the team was sick of the two fo you not getting along. Today they come finally back from a mission, setting you ‘free’ from Loki.  Word count: 2.579 words
Warnings: Smut, dubious consent, knifeplay, praise  A/N: I wrote another chapter, hope you like it. If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments, please let me know :)!
Click here for chatper 1 Click here for chapter 2
To say you were physically tired would be an understatement. Loki had you in a tight grip, still asleep. He had woken you two times that night to ‘play with you’ as he liked to put it. He was breaking you down. Each time you put up less of a fight and he was starting to push your boundaries. The truth is, you kind of loved what he was doing to your body. It was intense, even painful sometimes, but the pleasure was well worth it. His personality sadly hadn’t changed. He was still as arrogant, egotistic, moody, and snarky as he had always been.
You shook Loki awake, who just grumbled grumpily at you. ‘I’m hungry’ you said. He turned around to lay on his back, eyes still closed. ‘Sounds like a you-problem’ he replied. You sat up straight and tugged a few times at the cuffs. Loki sighed but got up with you. The two of you were eating breakfast in silence. Even tough you were fixing your eyes on your eggs, you felt Loki’s gaze boring into you. You were startled when the rest of the team loudly made their entrance. ‘Tony, you owe me 10 bucks’ Steve said. ‘Ho, ho, there is still time’ Tony replied. ‘So, how has the lovely couple been doing for the past two days?’ he mused. You both glared at Tony who put his hands up in defence ‘Let me rephrase, how are the two of you doing?’ he quickly said.
‘Fine’ you said irritated at Tony and Loki just nodded. ‘How was the mission?’ Loki asked. Natasha quickly explained that they were staking out and tracking some people of Hydra, but hadn’t had much luck. You were waiting impatiently until she was done. ‘So, can we take these off now?’ you asked holding up the cuffs. ‘Sure’ Steve said, motioning for Tony to take them off. ‘How do we know it worked?’ Thor asked them. Everyone looked at the two of you. ‘We’ve come to an understanding’ Loki replied for the both of you. A big smile appeared on Thor’s face ‘I say we keep them together for this day. To be sure they truly improved their behaviour’. If you could murder people by glaring at them, you had just murdered Thor. Before you could protest Loki had already agreed. If you disagreed know, they surely wouldn’t believe the two of you. ‘Can we just take them off for half an hour? So, I can take a shower?’ you asked. After the group had a quick discussion they agreed. But only if you and Loki would willingly put the cuffs back on after half an hour. If not, the two of you were on house arrest together for the rest of the month.
After you were free, even if it was for a short amount of time, you quickly walked to your room and locked the door. You got rid of your clothes and jumped into the shower. It felt good to have some alone time. After a while there was a knock on the door ‘You have 10 minutes left’ Tony said. ‘Just one more day, you can do this’ you whispered to yourself. You got out of the shower and dried yourself off. You walked back to the bedroom to get some clothes out of your closet. That’s when you saw a dark green bustier on the bed with a matching thong. There was a note next to it which elegantly spelled your name. You opened the note: See you in 10 minutes, kitten – L. There was no way you were wearing that. He could be such an asshole sometimes. You were wondering how he even got in here. You checked the door, but it was still locked. It donned on you that the both of you had your powers back. And this must be Loki’s passive aggressive way of telling you that he could go and come as he pleases.
You were absolutely furious at Loki. But two could play it this game. You got dressed and instead of the green lingerie you chose your red bra and thong. If things did get out of hand, and you had a feeling they will, he will be pissed at you for wearing his brother’s colours. After you got dressed you walked back to the living room, where Tony was already waiting with the cuffs. He had an amused smile on his face. Loki entered shortly after you, having a blank expression on his face. Tony cuffed the two of you back together and the rest of the team went about there day. You had to be honest, cuffed together with Loki was awkward at first, but now that the team was here it was a whole lot more uncomfortable.
The two of you settled down on the couch. You both were reading a book, but this time you both had different books and you were wearing more clothes than the last time Loki ‘wanted to read’. After a while Steve wanted to play a boardgame. At first you didn’t want to play, but Loki convinced you that it would be good to show the rest of the team you indeed got along. Thor and Clint joined you and you had to admit you had fun. Loki was friendly, relaxed and funny. You wondered why he wasn’t like that all the time or why you were the only person he didn’t treat like that. After dinner the whole team decided to watch a movie. You really wanted to go to bed, but would only do that once you were free.
You felt someone shaking your shoulder. You woke up and realized that you had fallen asleep during the movie. You blamed Loki for keeping you up all night. The most embarrassing thing is that you fell asleep on his shoulder. The rest of the team, except Tony, were already gone. Tony handed Loki the key and walked out of the living room. Loki grinned at you ‘Don’t for a second that when we’re not cuffed together that you’re free off me’. You sighed ‘Can’t we just leave these days for what they were?’ Loki seemed to ponder over the question, and while you were waiting for him to respond you realized, you didn’t know what response you wanted. You were holding your breath, waiting for him to answer you, which he took a long time doing. He uncuffed the two of you. You rubbed your wrist, it felt good to be free. Loki shot you a wicked grin ‘No, you are mine’
Your breath hitched and you got up, making your way back to your bedroom. To your surprise Loki wasn’t following you. You closed the door behind you, but knew he would be able to enter when he wanted to. You were startled when you heard a low voice right next to your ear ‘Going somewhere, kitten?’. You weren’t proud of it but shrieked a little. You were spun around and now facing Loki, who was towering over you with his dominant figure. ‘Or did you just forget what you agreed to yesterday?’ he purred. His eyes were sparkling full of mischief. ‘I- I said those things because you made me, I didn’t mean that’ you began to argue. ‘I think you did, you’re just too ashamed to admit it’ Loki said while smiling wickedly. You opened your mouth to tell him to get lost, but he grabbed you and slid his tongue inside of your mouth. You were getting lost in the kiss, the fight almost left you.
Then you realized you had your powers. You pushed him off you and immediately raised a shield around yourself. You thought Loki would be angry, but he seemed to be amused. A green fire bolt appeared in his hand and that’s when you realized, he also had his powers back. He shot the green bolt at you, making your shield crumble. ‘This isn’t fair’ you half yelled at him. He smile only widened, he knew it wasn’t. Your magical nature was healing, while his was that of a warrior. He was trained to fight, you were trained to help and aid. He grabbed you by your waist. You tried to form a magic bolt of your own, but when Loki bit down your neck, you lost your concentration and the bolt disappeared from your hands. He threw you down the bed. You tried to scramble away from him, but an invisible force tied your hands to the headboard. You were struggling against the invisible bonds, but they only tightened around you. ‘Stop struggling, kitten. You know you want this’ Loki sighed. ‘I don’t. Stop!’ you said to him. One of his eyebrows shot up ‘Really? You didn’t put up much of a fight’ he said. ‘I literally put a shield around me’ you argued. He just smirked at you ‘One of your weakest types of shields and you haven’t tried to paralyze me or anything. So, like I said you didn’t really fight me. We both know you want this’
With a wave of his hand Loki made all your regular clothes disappear, leaving you in nothing but your lingerie. Your red lingerie. You hadn’t seen anyone going from amused to furious so fast. The bonds on your hands tightened. Loki wasn’t saying anything to you, but his face made you absolutely terrified. You wanted to make him angry, but now that he was you felt like you made a dangerous mistake. In an instant Loki conjured up a knife and held it to your throat. ‘Looks like someone has been a very bad girl’ he growled in your ear. You started to panic, not daring to move an inch. ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry’ you whispered while fighting back tears. Loki was sliding the knife against the length of your throat. ‘If you’re so sorry, why do it in the first place?’ he asked you. You really wished Loki wasn’t the God of Lies right now. But since he was, you decided to just be honest. ‘I wanted to make you mad’ you said meekly. Loki laughed darkly ‘Well, you have succeeded’
‘I’m s- sorry’ you began to sob. ‘Since you’re new at this and you seem to understand the gravity of your mistake, I will let you off easy’ he purred. His hand grabbed your hair and he pulled hard, making you bare your throat to him. ‘But let me be clear, don’t let it happen again’ he said. ‘Yes’ you replied. He let go of your hair and you relaxed a bit. You felt the tip of the dagger against your throat, which made you tense up again. ‘Now, stay very still or this is going to be a very painful experience’ he commanded you. His blade travelled downwards over your chest, between your breasts. It slid effortlessly through your bra and your breast sprung free. You tried to keep your breathing even, but were startled at how sharp the knife actually was. Loki smirked when he saw your breasts and started to slide the knife around to play with them. Still extremely scared you couldn’t help that tears were running over your cheeks. When Loki looked up at you his expression changed, and you would almost say he was looking concerned.
With his other hand he strokes the tears from your face. ‘Sssh, there’s no need for that darling. You’re doing great so far. Just relax and trust me’ he told you with a soothing voice. Like it was the easiest thing to do right now. You did notice that the pressure of the knife slightly decreased. Loki was sliding the knife up and down your stomach, right above your panties. You took a deep breath and relaxed as much as you could. ‘That’s it, just submit to me’ he purred. Loki slowly cut through the sides of your panties. The sight was somehow quite erotic. The fabric fell from you and Loki withdrew the knife. ‘You did really well, kitten’ he praised you. Loki spread your legs further and placed himself in between them. The invisible bonds faltered, and you laid your hands on his chest. He gave you a smile, which you thought looked quite genuine.
He bent down to kiss you. It started out slow, but he got hungrier and started to kiss you faster. You enjoyed the way his lips felt on yours and how he tasted. You felt his hardened cock nudge at your entrance. You involuntarily bucked your hips, trying to get him inside of you. Loki chuckled darkly against your lips ‘I knew it’ he said in between his kisses. You felt him slowly pushing inside of you, making you moan very loud. Loki had left your mouth and was kissing you up and down your neck. You felt him smile against your skin when you moaned. He started to thrust in and out of you. He stopped kissing you and sat up straight. He was quick to put one of his legs over his shoulder, giving him a better angle. With every moan you made he thrusted faster inside of you. You heard him starting to mutter things under his breath, but you were too far gone to register what he was saying. His hand sought out your clit and you cried from pleasure when he started to stroke it lightly. ‘Please, Loki please make me cum’ you begged him. A little bit surprised that the words left your mouth before you could think about it. Loki seemed to be very pleased with your reaction and puts more pressure on your clit. He himself started to moan and you knew he was as close as you are. After a few more thrusts you walls clenched around his cock and you came hard. It triggered Loki’s own orgasm and you felt his seed spilled inside of you.
Loki pulled out of you and cleaned the both of you up with a hand gesture. That was an upside of Loki having his magic back you thought. He shimmered himself a pair of pyjama pants and laid down in your bed. You just stared at him ‘You’re staying?’ you asked him. He laid on his back, a hand behind his head, looking up at you. ‘Of course, I am’ he said, like you were stupid to even think otherwise. ‘I do suggest you wear something tonight, or you won’t be getting any sleep’ he purred. Not really sure how to get him out of your bed, you decided to let him sleep in your bed for this one time. You grabbed your own pyjama from underneath your pillow. It existed of a pair of black shorts and a red top. You were staring at the top and back at Loki. He was having an amused look on his face, wondering what you were going to do. After you put on the shorts you still were holding the red top. Loki cocked an eyebrow, giving you a ‘really?’-look. When you saw it you quickly threw the top on the ground and got under the blankets with him. He pulled you close so your head was on his chest. ‘Good girl’ he whispered. You snuggled closer to him when he said that, hearing him chuckle. He started to stroke your back and play with your hair, making you fall asleep fast.  
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Do you think the idea of ​​a yandere falling in love with a reader who is extremely lazy who doesn't even care when he is kidnapped by yandere
Fuck, this turned really fucking dark ooops. I wrote it as apathetic reader but... idk it got messed up ig
Tw: female reader, implied death, non - consensual touching, sadism, threats, depression, implied suicidal thoughts, possessive behavior, apathy
Well, this wasn't exactly how you pictured your Saturday evening to go. But taking into account how boring and empty your usual weekend routine was, this felt more like free entertainment than a terrific kidnapping scene.
 “I don’t get it” You exclaimed for the third time since you had woken up in that tiny stuffy room where it seemed like fresh air had never been more than a miracle. “Why am I here again?” You asked the tall dark figure towering over the broken-down bed you were currently laying on with your hands squeezed in harsh red bindings.The windows were tightened with metal locks and you couldn’t help but ask yourself whether they had been opened even once since the end of the Plague. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but the place really felt like a prison with no escape, and the lack of clear light didn’t help much with the gloomy atmosphere. You wondered whether you would actually die down here - not that it mattered anyways. 
“I told you already.“ The stranger growled at you, frustration thick in his deep voice. He took a step towards you and put his palms on the end of the shattered sheet you were covered with. You knew you were practically naked under the worn out fabric, and the worst part wasn’t the vulnerability of your nudity or even the threat of violence in your captor’s eyes - it was the unpleasent feeling of falling threads and cotton rags rubbing on your exposed thighs. “I took you away because you belong to me!“ The man screamed suddenly as he brought his white boney hands to his black hood and quickly pulled it down to reveal a sickly-thin face with defined jawline and cheekbones. The skin looked pale and unhealthy, almost blue in certain places - under his piercing gray eyes and around his thin dark lips. And especially on his neck (although there you could see many colours besides blue). You didn’t care enough to think about what may have caused it.
“You just saw my face.“ Your captor whispered in a way you supposed should have been eery but it only made you roll your eyes. The poor guy was trying hard to fit into the role of a crazy stalker and you were simply too tired to play into his little game. “Now that you can identify me to the cops I will never let you go!“ The man shouted, deranged, then laughed manically for what seemed to be hours. He giggled “villainously“ for quite some time before he broke his resistance and stole a glance at you, hopeful, desperate for a reaction, yearning to hear you beg or at least cry out in fear, just to be met with a pair of bored eyes and a yawn on your sweet full lips. The stranger couldn’t mask his anger and dissapointment anymore, and with a swift movement across the bed he had you pinned underneath him, completely still.
 “Don’t you get it?” The man mumbled under his breath and took his sharp silver knife out of his half - torn and patched pocket. He looked you dead in the eyes and pointed the blade to your neck, so close that you could feel its cold end lightly touching your flesh and taste the blood spilling from the cut. “You aren’t going home ever again.” The stalker lowered his head and ran his wet rough tongue all over your throat, causing icy shivers down your spine and absolutely no change in your calm expression. You were so sleepy you couldn’t wait for this to be over, one way or another. “I could do anything to you right now.” The strange added, searching for an ounce of emotion in your empty gaze, growing impatient by the second. “I could kill you.” He pronounced slowly through gritted teeth. “I could rape you, too.” Your captor purred as he placed a chaste kiss on your neck, then gripped your throat lightly. Still no fucking reaction. “Say something, dammit!” He finally broke down, crying out from the bottom of his heart. You signed, utterly exhausted. “Just get this over with so I can rest.” You replied at last, your voice low and raspy. You weren’t sure exactly what type of meaning you had put behind “rest”. You were just so tired - you couldn’t possibly think properly.
“You are nothing but a broken toy.“ The sadist uttered weakly, his tone filled with disgust and helplessness, the gray in his eyes fading away to pitch black. “You can’t even amuse me properly.” He grumbled in annoyance, totally defeated, and waited a few long seconds before moving his knife to your chest, over your breasts that were heaving rhythmically with each passing breath. He raised it above his head and you couldn’t help but admire the sight of his pale hands, the sparkling silver blade and the soft moonlight breaking through the window. "Goodnight, my love" The man whispered genlty and you closed your eyes, one word on your lips. 
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weirdkpopgirl · 3 years
Enhypen Reaction: When You Need Comfort
Reaction: When you need comfort
Reaction: When their s/o needs comfort
Genre: Mostly angst...a little fluff
Warnings: uh...some sensitive topics like food, nightmares, and mental health, self-harm. Please be aware of this before you read!
A/N: I wrote this for anyone who is going through a hard time and needs comfort ^-^
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
This time you sprang up from your bed, sweating bullets. Sobs escaped your mouth, as you remembered the horrifying nightmare you had just woken up from.
“Bad dream?” You suddenly heard Heeseung’s voice murmur in a sleepy voice. You almost forgot that he was staying over tonight.
You grabbed a tissue from your nightstand and blew your nose, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Heeseung sat up and gently stroked your hair in hopes to comfort you, “You’ve been having a lot of nightmares lately. Is everything okay?”
“This week has been so stressful,” You said honestly. “And you know stupid me always overthinks every little thing.”
Heeseung caressed your cheek, “One, you’re not stupid and two, do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head, “No it’s okay. I’m okay.”
“Are you sure? Do you need anything?”
You nodded, “Just...just hold me please.”
If Heeseung was more awake he probably would’ve smiled at what you said. He happily brought you to lay back down on the bed and held you as you asked him to. You instantly felt better by his warmth and touch.
“Good night Jagiya,” He whispered.
You snuggled closer so your head could rest in the crook of his neck, before pecking his lips.
“Night, Heedeungie.”
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You really didn’t want to go to Jay’s dorm at 11 pm, when it was nearly midnight. Especially because he probably had a hectic schedule today and he needed to sleep. But here you were, pathetically standing at his front door wearing only a thin sweatshirt, shorts, and sliders.
“Noona? I didn’t know you were coming,” Niki was the one who answered the door.
You tried to smile at the younger boy, “I’m sorry...but is Jay home?”
Fortunately, Jay had already headed toward the entrance after Niki went to answer the door. His heart rate increased when he recognized your voice. He motioned for Niki to let him know he could handle this. The maknae nodded and carried on with his nightly routine.
“Jagiya, what are you doing here?” He asked without thinking. “I mean not that I mind at all.”
For a few seconds, you looked at Jay who looked exhausted, most likely due to hours of dance practice. You regretted why you even came here in the first place when Jay and his members needed to rest.
“I-I...it’s not a big deal actually,” You lied. “I’m sorry for bothering you guys at this hour, I’ll just leave-”
But Jay took your hand before you could take off, “No you’re not bothering us. Stay.”
When your eyes met his own, he could tell that you need him right now. He knew better than to let you slip away like this when you clearly weren’t okay. He could care less if it was late.
He knew it must’ve been really bad because you never came to him like this. Usually, you kept to yourself. He felt a little guilty for feeling happy that you finally came to him.
“Were your parents fighting again?” He asked after bringing you into the dorm’s living room. He gestured for you to come to sit beside him so he could bear hug you.
“Yeah…” You replied, almost inaudibly. “My d-dad was cursing at my mom and she was saying really hurtful things.”
“And you couldn’t sleep?”
“Yeah pretty much…” You gave a half-suppressed laugh. You always made it seem like a joke when you were talking about your struggles. It was how you coped.
You wiped away tears that fell without you knowing, “I don’t understand why they don’t divorce already. Our family is already a wreck.”
“If I could make everything better with the snap of my fingers, I swear I would (Y/n),” Jay gently moved your head so you could rest on his shoulder.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tighter, “Can I stay here, just for tonight? I promise I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
“You can stay here as long as you want Jagiya,” Jay kissed your temple. “Hell, you could even move in with us if you want.”
“Jay, you know your managers will not allow that.”
Jay shrugged, “I’m sure we could work something out. Besides, I need someone to help me cook for these six children.”
He smiled when he saw you laugh at his humor. At least you were feeling a little bit better.
“But seriously, you’re always welcome here,” Jay said. “Don’t you ever feel like you’re bothering me because you’re not, okay?”
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“(Y/n)-ah, I made some ramyeon for us!” Jake came over to you with a steaming pot. You weakly smiled when the puppy came to sit down next to you at the table.
“I’m sorry Jake,” You said quietly. “But I’m not hungry.”
Jake set the food in front of you and pouted, “Really? But this is your favorite!”
“That’s why you should eat deliciously for the both of us,” You encouraged, patting his shoulder.
“Jagiya, I know you’ve been skipping meals recently.”
In contrast to his words, the kindness in Jake’s voice didn’t change in the slightest. You could hear the genuine concern in it though.
You’ve never had such a sweet boyfriend like Jake before. He always wanted to take care of you as much as you took care of him. So whenever something felt off about you to him, he immediately wanted to find the cause so he could help.
“I’m just on a diet, Jakey,” You ruffled his hair, trying to downplay the situation. “I’ve been wanting to lose some weight.”
“Diet?! Why?” Jake was so confused. He had never seen you like this before. “You don’t have any weight to lose, Jagi.”
You avoided eye contact, looking down at your hands.
“I just don’t like the way I look okay?” You said in almost a whisper. “I want to be pretty like all those girls in the k-pop groups.”
“But you’re just as pretty as they are, (Y/n)-ah,” Jake said, not understanding how you could think you weren’t. He absolutely adored you.
“Did someone say something? Is that why you’re dieting?”
You quickly shook your head, “No, not at all. I was just looking through Instagram the other day and I got insecure.”
“I understand how you feel. But you’re perfect the way you are,” Jake said. He made sure to be careful with his words because he didn’t want you to feel hurt.
“And you shouldn’t starve yourself,” He added, taking his chopsticks and twirling some noodles around them. “It’s not healthy and I don’t want you getting sick.”
“Jake…” You looked petulant when your boyfriend held up some food to your mouth.
“Please eat. Just one bite, I promise!”
You just couldn’t resist those brown puppy eyes of his, could you? With a defeated sigh, you let Jake feed you. When you did, he kissed you happily on the lips.
“That’s my girl!”
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“What’s wrong?” Sunghoon asked when he saw the look on your face. It was a mix between mild panic and disappointment.
Your eyes didn’t leave your phone, “I-I got 0.5 off on my math test.”
“What? That’s pretty good!” Sunghoon smiled, thinking that you were happy. But you weren’t, you really weren’t.
You knew that everyone hated that overachiever type of person who got angry when they got anything lower than an A. But it wasn’t just that for you. The standards you brought onto yourself was anything you did that was less than a 100, was considered a failure in your eyes.
“I-I don’t know what I did wrong. I should’ve studied harder,” You started to ramble to yourself. “Damn it, now my grade is going to lower.”
Sunghoon’s smile was crestfallen when he heard this. He knew how much of a perfectionist you can be but he didn’t think it was to this extent.
“(Y-Y/n)-ah, are you crying?”
You quickly swiped your cheek with the back of your hand, “I-I’m sorry. It’s just I really want to get straight As by the end of this semester.”
“I know you do. You’ve been working so hard,” Sunghoon said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “But you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself Jagi.”
“I know...but I can’t help it,” You said, trying to keep your voice stable. “I just feel like I could do so much better.”
Your boyfriend sighed, wanting to cheer you up. He understood the feeling of not being good enough.
“It’s okay to want to improve,” He told you. “But your grades don’t determine who you are (Y/n)-ah. You can fail a class and I’d still think you’re the smartest person I know.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Sunghoon’s ridiculous statement, “You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend.”
“No, I mean it,” Sunghoon insisted. A teasing glint appeared in his eyes. “Should I show you that I mean it?”
“Sunghoon I don’t think-” You tried to say before Sunghoon shut you up with a passion-filled kiss.
He was going to make sure you knew how much he truly admired you, no matter what your expectations of yourself were.
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“I wasn’t yelling at you (Sister’s Name), I was just saying that-” You tried to keep your voice calm. You were flustered enough as it is because you were having an argument with your sister when your boyfriend was here.
“Stop acting like you’re better than me,” your younger sister retorted. “At least I’m not the one who cuts myself!”
Sunoo watched as your face turned red at her sister’s hurtful words. You wanted to scream and tell your sister to shut up and that she didn’t know what she was saying. But you knew that you wouldn’t be making anything better. So you stormed into your bedroom.
Sunoo quickly ran after you, “(Y/n)-ah!”
He made sure to close the door when he entered the bedroom. There you were with your head in your hands, trying not to pull your hair out.
“(Y/n)-ah…” Sunoo slowly walked over to hug you because he knew you needed one.
Tears streamed down your cheeks, “I-I can’t believe...I can’t believe she said that to my face. Sh-she has no idea how crappy I feel.”
“I know,” Sunoo spoke softly, gently patting your back. “Don’t listen to what she said about you.”
You pulled away but still held his hand, “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s okay,” Sunoo reassured you. “I’m right here by your side. So you can just let it all out alright?”
You giggled when he peppered your face with kisses. He always did that whenever you were feeling down.
“Thank you, Sunoo-yah.”
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It was late in the evening and you two were the only ones still awake at the dorm. You had come over earlier to bring them food and by the time everyone finished eating, it was too dark out. So Jungwon insisted that you stay the night.
That’s what brought you two sitting together on the sofa and just talking. One of Jungwon’s favorite things to do with you was to cuddle and talk for hours. You always listened to whatever was on his mind, whether it was good or bad.
But tonight was different because Jungwon wanted to listen to you talk. He didn’t want you to think that he didn’t care about your life and how you were doing. So you just told him about school and how things were going at home. Somehow the topic traveled to your mental health which was something you hated talking about with others.
“It’s okay, Jagi,” Jungwon reassured you. “You can talk to me, I promise not to judge.”
You let out a shaky sigh, “To be honest I haven’t been doing that great.”
Jungwon sat up straighter so he could listen to what you had to say. Just by your first sentence, he could tell that you’ve been holding in a lot of feelings.
“I just hate myself so much,” You confessed quietly. “And I know, I know there’s something wrong with me.
Even though he wanted to say something, he stayed silent and placed his hand on top of yours.
“But I’m afraid to get help because my-my mom has anxiety and my sister has her own problems and I-I know it’s hard for my dad to handle,” You added, feeling tears build up.
You mentally cursed yourself, you didn’t want to cry in front of Jungwon but your heart wasn’t listening to you. You couldn’t hold it in, no matter how hard you tried. Jungwon held your hand tighter when the first tears fell.
“I don’t want...I don’t want to be a burden to them and I don’t want them to see me as weak. So I decided that when I’m older I can find out what’s wrong with me. But...but sometimes I’m afraid that the longer I wait...the longer I wait...I’m scared that something bad will happen.”
At this point, any walls you had built to protect yourself were taken down. You usually never let yourself be vulnerable in front of someone. You don’t know why you were being so emotional right now. Maybe...maybe it was because you had bottled it all for so long and everything has piled up until now.
Nonetheless, Jungwon didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you. He felt upset with himself because he didn’t know you were feeling like this and he wished he had known sooner.
You harshly wiped your tears away and sniffed, “I don’t even care anymore, Jungwon-ah. I’m fine and I’m...I’m sorry for telling you all this.”
“Why are you sorry?” He frowned. “I’m your boyfriend, so you should tell me these things. I’m sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t.”
Jungwon held you tighter and kissed your forehead, “If you ever want to get help, I’m right here for you. And if you don’t then just come to me whenever you need to.”
You listened quietly to Jungwon’s comforting words and let the warmth of his hug envelop you. For the first time, you didn’t regret spilling out your heart to someone. Then just thinking about Jungwon made you realize that-
“You’re not alone Jagiya. I may not understand everything you’re going through but I love you a lot and I don’t want you to feel like a burden anymore, because you’re not.”
“You love me, Jungwon?”
Jungwon looked into your eyes for a moment before he leaned down to kiss you tenderly.
“More than you and I could ever imagine.”
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Niki didn’t know what to think when he found you sitting on the floor, hopelessly crying in the dance practice room. You had been here since last night, trying to perfect this one choreography. But you kept making the same mistake no matter how hard you practiced. At this point, you were losing confidence and breaking down.
Niki kneeled in front of you, “(Y/n)-ah?”
“I keep screwing up this one part in the dance Niki,” You cried out in frustration.
Niki gently reached his hand to wipe your tears, “Don’t cry, (Y/n)-ah. It’s okay.”
“No it’s not okay,” You said in denial. “If I don’t get this dance right, I won’t be able to debut. And-and then I’ll let my members down, my managers, and you.”
“(Y/n)-ah, you’re going to debut. I know you are,” Niki tried to encourage you. “Everyone has those off days, even me.”
You had stopped crying by now, which left Niki feeling relieved. Still, he made sure to hug you.
“Let’s just take a break,” He said. “I promise to help you with the choreography later, okay?”
He smiled when you nodded and cutely sniffed like a bunny rabbit. He wasn’t used to taking care of others, but he learned a lot from watching his hyungs. So just like his hyungs, he was going to make sure that you didn’t overwork yourself.
❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
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Canary, Part 1
It was a good day. Why did stuff always have to go wrong on ‘good days’, Marinette thought bitterly as she rushed through the city, the rough edges of her phone digging into her palm. The message she’d been sent was burned into her eyelids.
She pushed the spiraling thoughts from her mind as she stared at the street sign nearest her. Only a minute and she’d be there and her fears would be either confirmed or denied.
She leaned against the wall to gather her thoughts. If she had messed up it had to have been today because, otherwise, he would have done something earlier. Did she mess up? She allowed her eyes to flutter closed as she thought back.
She’d woken up on an uncomfortable mattress on the floor and rolled off of it, the sheets sticking to her sweaty skin. It had been a particularly hot day for Gotham and she had been too concentrated on typing up a report for work to turn up the AC before her impromptu nap (translation: she’d passed out).
She rubbed her eyes until she managed to get her brown contacts out and set them in the weird not-quite-water that she had never bothered to learn the name for so her eyes could rest while she took a quick shower and changed.
Then, she’d waited. She sat in the window, eyes barely poking over the sill as she watched the building across the street. She didn’t feel like moving for a long while but, alas, the meeting was supposed to be that day and she was running out of time for that thing with Calendar Man and… yeah. Unfortunately, Marinette had to be productive that day unless she wanted more enemies.
She saw movement and her face lit up. She might get everything done soon, at least, and then she could pass out for a hundred years like she oh-so-desperately wanted to.
She checked that her gloves were firmly in place, pulled on the plague doctor (gas) mask that had accidentally become her trademark, and toed on her boots.
Then, she made her way up to the alleyway next to the building she had been watching. She’d been lucky enough to have a job right next to one of her safe houses and she kinda wished that it would happen again. It was nice to not have to travel a half-hour or more just to listen in on one boring conversation.
She pulled out her knives and, after testing to make sure they were still strong enough to hold her weight, began picking her way up to the roof.
She set everything up for the thing with Calendar Man. It took approximately five seconds. Yay her.
Alright, next thing: listening in on a boring conversation that, if she was lucky, would end in someone getting shot so it wouldn’t last too long. It was going to be even hotter inside the vent and she did not want to end up cooked. That would be embarrassing.
She crawled into the vents and dutifully wrote down everything they said on a notepad. They were negotiating a drug deal and her client wanted to intercept it to try and get both the money and the (… Big D? What the fuck is Big D?) drugs. From the sounds of it, it wasn’t possible but, hey, her job wasn’t anything more than gathering intel. If her clients wanted to die stupidly that was on them.
… maybe she’d kill her client herself, she thought angrily as she readjusted in the vent in hopes of not getting stuck to the metal. It was easy money but wow was it awful.
Or, at least, it was awful until a hand grabbed her by the hood of her leather jacket and started dragging her out. She tipped her head back, grin on her face in seconds.
“Signal. Hi.”
He sighed and pulled her the rest of the way out. She let herself hang from his grip like a reprimanded cat.
“So, what’s up?” She asked brightly, as if hadn’t just caught her listening in on a private conversation.
“Great, thanks for asking,” he said. “Even better now that I’m taking the famed Canary to Arkham.”
“We both know that’s not going to happen.”
He leveled her with a cold look for a few more seconds before splitting into a grin. “Yeah. Probably not. Got a backup plan?”
“Of course.”
“Is it even worth trying?”
“Probably not. But who knows? You could get lucky.”
She waited for a minute as he mulled over the idea in his head before he sighed. “I gotta ask: what’s with the egg?”
She swatted at his hand until he let her down and then led him over to her science experiment. “Know how there’s that expression that says ‘it’s so hot out you could make eggs on the sidewalk’ or something?”
“Well, the pavement physically can’t get hot enough to do that and also we’re up north so: aluminum foil to try and get the process to work a little better.”
He stared at her for a while before snickering. “Need a magnifying glass? We can ‘kid with an anthill’ this.”
He reached into his tool belt and started looking for his spare. Unfortunately for him, it seemed to be gone.
She could feel his sharp gaze turn on her even if she couldn’t see his eyes behind his helmet. He wasn’t stupid and magnifying glasses don’t usually just disappear into thin air unless they’re Plastic Man in disguise. She held up her hands for a quick search but, when he couldn’t find it on her, he just sighed and looked down at the science experiment. It didn’t seem to be going well. The egg was still distinctly not cooked.
Eventually, he groaned and sat down. The light around him flickered and started to move at his will. Marinette watched intently.
Ten minutes later, they had a cooked egg. They high-fived, delighted. They weren’t going to taste it, obviously, it had been out for a while without supervision and who knows what could have happened to it… but it was an egg! Yay them!
“My old science teacher would be so proud of me,” Marinette joked.
“My current science teacher would be proud of me.”
“Oooooh, going back to school?”
He smiled. “Yep! Robin is finally in college and Red Hood convinced me to go with him. You should, too, it’s actually not that bad.”
“Please. If I was going to do that I’d go back to my home country. American school is expensive and not all of us are sponsored by billionaires.”
“... aren’t you a millionaire?”
She grinned. “Of course. But why would I want to spend that much of my own money?”
He hummed his understanding. Then, she pushed herself up with a groan. “Right, we both have jobs. See you later.”
He hesitated and then held a hand out for her notepad. “Is it bad?”
She held it out of reach with ease. “Nah, just drugs. Unless someone got shot while I was gone but I doubt it. They’d been almost as bored as me last I heard.”
“If it’s nothing then let me see.”
“Ugh, do you really want to fight? It’s too hot for that,” Marinette complained. He started to square up and she, after a second’s thought, added a little something to convince him: “Also, there’s going to be a breakout today so you should really save your energy.”
“... really think I’m going to fall for that?”
There was an explosion in the distance.
“Yeah. I’d hurry. I’m pretty sure it’s Joker’s turn to get out.”
She waved him off with a smile… only for her smile to drop when she remembered her other job. She groaned again and stretched out while she still could.
Tikki floated over the side of the building, a magnifying glass as big as her head in her tiny paws.
Marinette rubbed the kwami’s head. “You’re the best.”
Her kwami sighed. “That I am,” she said.
Marinette grinned and sent the film of Signal using his powers to her computer so she could give it to Calendar Man when it was due.
People were always so predictable in Gotham.
She supposed she really had been tempting fate when she’d thought that. Still, that didn’t mean she liked it that Fate had called her bluff.
But, actually, it seemed that Fate was the one that was bluffing. That had been her entire day. She had finished up her work and then went to one of her more stocked safehouses for a nap. She’d woken up to the buzzing of her phone when she’d gotten the message. She didn’t think she had messed up anywhere…
Her shoulders relaxed. She was probably fine. Which meant it was just Oswald Cobblepot being annoying. As usual.
Marinette flung the doors to the Iceberg Lounge open. Every eye in the room fell on her, but she only cared about the eyes of one person.
She stalked through the lounge, pulling one of her twin karambits from its sheath and pointing the curved blade towards him.
“What the fuck do you want? You really think that, after almost seven whole years of rejecting your wrinkly ass, I’m suddenly going to say ‘oh, yeah, I guess I’ll work for him now’? Leave me alone!”
Cobblepot wasn’t concerned even as her knife came to rest under his chin.
“Canary,” he greeted, regarding her cooly through his monocle.
Guards surrounded them. Marinette somehow managed to look unimpressed without anyone being able to see her face.
Everyone present held their breath… except for the two with weapons pointed at themselves. They knew that they would never follow through with it, especially not in a place as public as this. It was little more than a warning, a reminder, that either of them could kill each other at any given moment and chose not to.
For now, at least.
Cobblepot dismissed the guards with a wave of a gloved hand and she, after a few seconds, lowered her knife.
“What do you want?”
“Currently? For you to get off my table,” said Cobblepot.
She snorted but hopped down with ease. “I meant: why did you call me here?”
“... we should go somewhere else to discuss this. I assume you don’t do all of your business meetings in public?”
“Only if I know ahead of time that I’m going to say no,” she said.
He motioned for her to walk with him to a private room and, reluctantly, she followed. He had to think he had something on her, otherwise he wouldn’t have tried calling her there. She was curious.
They came to a room with a metal door and she cringed a little. Fun.
She dropped eight knives down into a tray and Cobblepot put down a gun, a knife, and his umbrella. She let a female goon pat her down and then checked Cobblepot over herself. Nothing she could find, but she was sure he had found some way to hide one somewhere.
They stepped inside as a pair and each took a seat on opposing ends of the wooden table stationed awkwardly in the middle of the room. She leaned back in her chair and propped her feet up.
“So, what’s the job?”
“I’m surprised you’re even going to hear it.”
She shrugged. “I’m curious.”
He nodded slowly before leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table, steepling his fingers in front of his face.
“Power poses don’t actually work, you know, that’s just lies so companies don’t actually have to deal with all the discrimination.”
“Is that true?” He asked.
She shrugged again. “Probably. I’ve never worked for anyone, so…”
He chuckled. She didn’t like that.
But he didn’t say anything on that subject. Instead, he just smiled a smile that looked weird on his face and gave her her mission briefing: “I want you to figure out the bats’ identities for me.”
Marinette stared at him for a minute before breaking out into laughter. She couldn’t seem to stop. She stood up to leave, still giggling. Really? Did he really think that would work? People had asked many times, of course, and the bats’ identities weren’t common knowledge so she had to have said no. Why would she suddenly do it for him? She didn’t even like him.
She rested her hand on the knob but held off on leaving for just a second. She flashed a grin at Cobblepot. “Interesting offer. Bold. But no. Couldn’t pay me enough to do that.”
“Good thing I have no intentions of paying you, Marinette.”
And behold a new section I call ‘Marinette is a menace to society why would anyone let her on twitter’
(… the name may need a little work)
OliverQueenOfficial: Why does that one Gotham villain go by Canary? Black Canary already exists.
TheBetterCanary: if youre gonna vague tweet maybe dont put my name in it
TheBetterCanary: but anyways someone else named me that and it stuck before i could think of something to change it to
ScareCrane:… @/RiddleMeThis she’s dissing you
TheBetterCanary: @/ScareCrane why would you do that you knew he was going to do this
ScareCrane: Joker just broke out so Arkham is boring… needed to entertain myself somehow
TheBetterCanary: fuck you im not visiting this weekend
OliverQueenOfficial: Wow do I regret asking. I didn’t need all this family drama in my comments.
Perma taglist: @nathleigh @peachmuses
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Midnight Cravings
so, i actually wrote most of this in july but never finished it and decided to fix it up for todays prompt bc i was feeling a lil lazy lol. and i think its one of my faves, especially the ending.
2.2k words
cw: none
enjoy!! :)
It was just past two in the morning and Aelin was wide awake. Not due to a mountain of paperwork, or a nightmare or one of her kids needing her. Aelin was wide awake because she was absolutely starving.
The type of starving it felt like she'd never eaten a day in her life. Like her stomach was going to eat itself.
Her stomach growled again, louder than before, and beside her, his voice muffled, Rowan asked, “Is that your stomach or the wind outside?”
“Shut up,” Aelin mumbled, as her stomach continued its song. Gods, why was she so hungry? She practically devoured the fruits in the fruit bowl just before bed, she had a healthy serving of dinner, and a large slice of chocolate torte for dessert.
But here she was, close to eating her damned pillow to sate her starvation.
Aelin glanced over towards her mate, his back to her, and she shuffled closer, resting her chin on his shoulder.
“Rowan,” she started to say, but Rowan cut her off.
“I'm not going to the kitchens.”
She pouted, although he couldn't see her. “Please?” she knew that if she used her manners, then he would do just about anything.
But it didn't work. Not just yet. “There's some fruit in the bowl.”
“I ate them all.” He sighed heavily, knowing that he was losing this conversation. “Please? I am your mate, your wife, the mother of your children.”
Rowan snorted. “Really? I was starting to suspect that the three silver-haired children were Lorcan's.”
Her hunger nearly disappeared at the thought of that. “Don't be gross.” Reaching over, Aelin kissed the tip of his ear, smiling as he shuddered in pleasure as she nibbled on it. “Please?”
Rowan sighed heavily, knowing that he lost, and Aelin barely hid her smile. “I'll go,” he said. “But only if you join me.”
Her smile did disappear at that. “But the bed is so warm.”
“Exactly. If I have to leave it, so do you.”
“Fine,” she mumbled reluctantly, but quickly perked up, realising that she would be getting food. Rowan was a much better cook than her. Aelin used to have basic cooking skills, but with being Queen and then becoming a mother, she never cooked anymore and really had no need to; not with multiple cooks under the palace roof. She did try a few years ago as a treat for her family, but everything turned into a crisp and wasn't even suitable for the dogs in the kennels.
Scrambling out of bed, the Queen and King of Terrasen tied on their robes and put on their slippers. Aelin loved the sight of Rowan looking so domestic, it was ridiculous how much she loved it.
Since Isolde was only six months old and far too young to be left behind, Rowan put her in the wooden carrier to take with them into the kitchens, their movements silent as the grave as they transferred their youngest from her crib and into the crafty carrier—Isolde was the only one of their children that slept soundlessly through the night at such a young age, and loathed to be woken up. As Rowan did that, Aelin checked in on Alder in his room, their son a little over three years old, but he slept like a log and Aelin knew that he wouldn't wake up at any point when they were gone.
As they left their chambers, Aelin nearly ruined all their good work and almost woke up their other children when she bit out a curse at the sudden leg cramp that shot up her right calf. Rowan glanced at her, asking if she was okay, and after a moment she was, although she was left a little dazed at the suddenness of it all.
Aelin's legs had been cramping randomly of late, but she didn't notice anything of concern. If it continued, she would go to Magnolia and see if anything could be done about it. The last thing Aelin needed was to fall ill, she had far too many things to do with winter arriving in a few weeks. She did know that if anything was wrong with her, that she could rely on Rowan completely.
Aelin's stomach growled for the umpteenth time, the sound lasting for a good minute before it settled. Isolde fidgeted in her sleep, but did not wake.
“I think your stomach was just trying to talk to me.”
“It was,” Aelin agreed. “It said that we need to hurry the hell up or it's going to disintegrate.”
“We better do as it says then. It'd be cruel to subject Terrasen to a hungry Queen. No one should suffer as I do when you're starving.”
“You make me sound horrible.”
“You are,” he said, humour dancing in his dark eyes. “And not just when you're hungry.”
Aelin mumbled under her breath. Rowan decided to pretend not to hear her, even as he fought a smile.
After what felt like an eternity, they reached the kitchens, Rowan placing Isolde onto the counter closest to them. Aelin rushed towards the bowls of fruit, grabbing an apple and a pear, eating the fruits simultaneously. She missed the small, private smile Rowan gave her as he went to the pantry, asking her what she was in the mood for, one eye on their child. But still, she slept and Rowan for a moment, wished that all of their children had been like that, but knew that there was no point in complaining when they all slept quietly now.
“Something filling,” was all Aelin could think of to say. But after a moment decided on an omelette, filled with bacon, mushrooms, onion, red bell-peppers and carrot. As she and Rowan prepped the ingredients—with Rowan wanting his own omelette—Aelin contemplated in silence, her brows furrowed as she chopped up the carrots.
“What are you thinking about, Fireheart?” Rowan asked when he noticed his wife's expression.
“Just trying to remember the last time I was this hungry. I've been like this for at least a week and a half.”
“I've noticed. You haven't had this big of an appetite for a good number of years.”
She didn't comment on that, lost in her own world. “And my legs have been cramping lately too. I haven't injured myself. Have I been sleeping in strange positions?”
“No, you're sleeping just fine.”
Her frown deepened. “Maybe I'm just stressed for the winter preparations.”
“Possibly, I know that you worry a lot for the people during winter.” They both did, as the winters in Terrasen were brutal. Each year there was always a small number of people that passed due to the cold for a number of reasons. When those lists made their way in Aelin's hands, it always hit her hard, her guilt a palpable thing, even after Rowan would tell her that it was in no way her fault.
But that wasn't the reasons for her consuming hunger and leg cramps—Rowan had noticed the change in her scent weeks ago and when he noticed, he thought that Aelin would too. But she was completely oblivious and he didn't want to spoil the surprise, although it was getting harder each day not to say something.
However, he couldn't help but count back the weeks to the day of conception. He was fairly certain that it was when Aelin had been reading a particularly steamy novel on the window seat in their sitting room and jumped on him like they had never had sex before when he had come to ask if she was joining him in bed.
It would fit in with list of unusual places they have conceived their children. Elentiya had been in the library (either in the archives or in Aelin and Rowan's private nook, neither were sure), Norrin against an oak tree (which they discovered after they have calmed down that the Little Folk had watched the entire encounter, with Aelin becoming stuck between wanting to laugh or hide under a rock), Alder against one of the many palace chimneys, and Isolde in a linen closet.
Maybe one day they would conceive a child in their bed like most people did.
They got to cooking, with Rowan standing behind Aelin and guiding her with the wooden spoon and plating their midnight meal before it burned into a crisp. Isolde babbled in her sleep as the sounds of cooking reached her, but still slept. It wouldn't be long, however, until she woke up to be fed. Aelin placed their youngest by her feet as they sat down at the small dining table in the far corner of the kitchen where the workers took their breaks.
The smile on Aelin's face as she bit into the fluffy omelette was certainly worth being woken up in the middle of the night.
However, her fork stilled in mid-air when she was halfway done when realisation dawned on her.
“I'm pregnant,” was all she said, her Ashryver eyes growing wide. Rowan didn't bother to hide his smile. This was why he didn't say anything. It was always worth it when she revealed those beautiful words to him. “Rowan, I'm pregnant. The last time I was this hungry was when I was pregnant with Alder and the leg cramps are from Norrin's pregnancy. And all the fruit I can't stop eating is just like when I was pregnant with Isolde. How haven't I noticed anything?”
“You've been busy,” Rowan said, reaching over to take her hands in his and kissed her fingers.
“You knew, didn't you?” Aelin asked, her eyes narrowed just slightly.
“I may have noticed.”
“You should have told me.”
“I like it better when you come to the realisation yourself,” he said simply.
Aelin shot out of her seat and sat on his lap, a pretty smile gracing her face as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her fingers playing the the hair at the nape of his neck. Rowan wound his arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheeks, the tips of her nose, the corner of her lips and then her mouth.
Aelin hummed contentedly and kissed him back. When they broke apart, she rested her forehead against his.
“We're insane.”
Rowan laughed deeply at the sudden statement. “What makes you say that?”
“We're having a fifth baby. Lorcan and Elide only have three and I always thought that they'd have at least a dozen, but they don't and we're about to have five. That's insane. We're insane.”
“We are, but I like that about us,” he said, kissing her again. Her face was open and soft, her eyes dancing with happiness, but he still found himself asking, “Are you okay with it?”
“Of course I am, buzzard. More than words can say.” Aelin kissed him to emphasise that fact, his hand reaching down onto her belly and was content to stay like that forever. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was. She always thought that she’d just have one child, maybe two, but to have five was something she never dreamed of.
Isolde finally decided to wake up and scream her displeasure at being hungry. Aelin was off him in an instant, cooing at their daughter as Aelin sat back in her seat and fed not just herself, but Isolde at the same time. His mate was spectacular at multitasking like that.
They couldn't wait to meet their fifth child.
Rowan was surprised that his children hadn't kicked down the doors to the bedchamber with how excited they were. Even little Isolde was a ball of energy and she was by far their most quiet child. Rowan lead them to their mother, reminding them that they had to be quiet and gentle, because mama had just gone through a long process of bringing in their new sibling into the world.
They entered the bedchamber and Aelin greeted them with a tired but loving smile telling them to come meet their new sister, the kids went onto the bed, surrounding Aelin and the baby, happiness and wonderment in their eyes as they took in the little bundle of joy, her silver hair stark against her lightly tanned skin. She had opened her eyes briefly during her first feeding and Aelin had groaned playfully when she spotted that they were pine-green, muttering how of course I labour for a whole day to give birth to another you. But he knew that she didn't care if she was born with green hair and yellow eyes, Aelin loved her immensely.
“What's her name, mama?” Elentiya asked softly, carefully trailing a finger down her sisters cheek.
“Elowynn-Yrene.” Rowan would never forget the pure joy in Yrene's eyes when Aelin asked if the healer would give them her blessing to grace their child with her name, as a thank you for all the years of coming down and helping Aelin, for eradicating Erawan, and for being a great friend to both of them. It had taken them a few minutes to convince their friend, citing that the honour was far too much, but Yrene eventually said "yes".
“That's pretty,” Alder supplied, a wide smile on his face. Aelin kissed his temple and thanked him for his kind words.
Aelin moved her eyes from Alder to Rowan, smiling as her mate stood there, taking them in.
His family, their family. Never did he think he would be so blessed to have this.
His and Aelin's children; the most beautiful thing Rowan had ever seen.
Rowan went and joined his family on the bed, the smile on his face one of Aelin's favourites.
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