#you should know I typed this while doing a clay mask
grippysockgangg · 1 month
They let me hit because my skincare routine is immaculate
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trojanteapot · 1 year
Infinity Train Boots!
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Made these a while back as part of my Simon cosplay, must have been almost a month, but I didn't post the process!
(EDIT: hey I did some fixing up of my cosplay which you can see here in this post!)
Not actually sure if anybody would care because it's so niche, unlike my Spider-Gwen suit, but I did write about how I did the Infinity Train harpoon pack, so I'll discuss this too!
STEP 0: Acquire reference pictures:
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Yep, pretty straightforward.
Note that Simon's boots have an extra bar/strap thingy, whereas Ryan and Min-Gi's do not.
I didn't include it because it kinda looks ugly and I didn't know how fragile the strap might be.
STEP 1: Acquire Boots!
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I got these MIA boots from Journeys Canada. They only cost around 60 bucks which is a bit pricey for cosplay, but I'm not about to go thrift shopping when I'm in a time crunch and I can just order online and get free delivery within 2 days. (Also these days 60 bucks for boots from a retail store is considered cheap. Inflation is nasty.)
They came with these cardboard thingies inside to keep the structure of the boots. They have "left" and "right" written on them in Chinese which was helpful for me when I got a bit confused about which side was which.
Save those for later. You'll need them.
STEP 2: Paint the soles silver
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Literally any acrylic silver paint works. May take several layers. Make sure to put masking tape around the top edge of the soles.
I didn't use a primer on the base but you probably should. Any white acrylic paint or Gesso would do and you wouldn't need like 8 coats of silver. Do as I say not as I do.
And make sure to seal everything with a varnish or mod podge!
Here are also the cut toe caps and some silver craft foam. The craft foam was kind of a mistake I'll get into it soon.
STEP 3: Make toe caps
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Here's me making sure the placement is good.
I glued the craft foam onto the cardboard caps, and then I was thinking "well the little bit hanging over it isn't going to be a problem, nope! I'll just glue them down and it'll blend right in!"
STEP 3.1: Fuck up the toe caps because you were winging this and you have no idea how crafting materials work you idiot
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The hot glue melted the craft foam and now it's got this weird melty edge all around it that's all goopy and shit. Anyway you dont want your boots to look fucked up, you want them to look smooth like polished steel, or whatever they were made of in the show.
STEP 3.2: Fix toe caps
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Everything can be fixed with Model Magic and acrylic paint! (and seal your paint with a sealant again!)
I just took some model magic (a type of lightweight air dry clay from Crayola, the cheapest you can get. Other more legit craft supply brands make similar materials as well), and squished it into the ugly bits, making a mostly seemless transition from craft foam to clay to sole.
TIP: to make model magic smooth before sanding, dab your fingers in some water to smooth it out! This also works for Paperclay as well if you decide to use a more higher end type of air dry clay.
STEP 4: Make the back metal thing that goes around the heel
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So I did this kinda in tandem with the toe caps which is why the pics will look a little out of order but essentially, I took the parts of the cardboard that I cut off, and I cut them in half, put some other cardboard in between, and then sandwiched the thing in metallic craft foam.
This time it was a bit more successful because I was able to hide the weird gross melted edges on the inside. Also paint that shit silver!
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Now you can glue the "heel caps(?)" directly to your boots, but I decided to use stick-on velcro instead so they're kinda removable, and may be easier to transport or clean or something? ehhh.
STEP 5: Make those handle things
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So I also hit a bit of a snag with these. I ordered EVA foam dowels with a semi-circle cross-section as well as a triangular one, but I quickly realized they would be too flimsy sticking out like that unless I put something hard in between them.
So this isn't pictured, but I got some thin crafting wire from Dollarama and just bent them into L shapes, and glued the smaller dowels around them. I also shoved them into the bigger down and glued it down.
You can also see from these pictures that that leaves a weird gap in between the smaller dowels. Again I just used model magic to cover them up. There's probably a better solution but this was the one I went with.
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I also lengthened the top "handle" part eventually because it looks better that way. (Please ignore the mess on my desk >_<)
Then I just paint them silver like everything else!
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The nut and bolts are actual nuts and bolts. Since the base was just craft foam and cardboard, you can poke a hole in them easily and insert the bolt.
Hope you found this helpful! Or are just willing to indulge me and my notes on my silly crafting journey!
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maple-seed · 2 years
Thrown - Chapter 15: Earthen
Summary: Loki and Thor are perplexed by one of your studio practices. Loki attends a demonstration and does what he can to get on your nerves.
Word Count: 2,136
Author's Note: Guys, I don't know why but everybody spends this whole chapter talking about clay. I tried to get them to do something else, I really did. They insisted on the clay. If you can just bear with me, I promise in next week's chapter nobody mentions clay at all. Not even once.
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Today was one of those days when Thor and Loki were destined to run into you. They were returning from the town and had just caught you in your field while moving between your buildings. Now they stood on the outside of your wall while you and your dog leaned on it from the inside. Thor was ruffling Ash's fur when he asked after your plans for the day.
"Just working, really. Gonna throw some stuff later but first I have to make clay." Thor exchanged a quick, perplexed look with Loki. "You have to make clay?" "Yeah. You know... for the pottery?" Thor rolled his eyes. "Yes, but it was my understanding that it was dug out of the earth." "Oh, true, it can be, and some people do use that stuff for pottery. But if you make it yourself you know you're getting the same thing every single time. It's more consistent. Plus it's cheaper to buy the ingredients in bulk, in the long run." "Fascinating." Thor turned to Loki. "She manufactures clay." "I'm not surprised." Loki responded blithely. "Humans are always complicating what should be simple." It was your turn to roll your eyes. "It's not complicated. Actually, I was about to get to it. I can give you boys a demonstration, if you want." You gestured toward your studio. "Ah, I'm afraid I do not have the time today." Thor answered regretfully. "My schedule is full." "I'd like to see it." Loki piped up. You looked slightly surprised. "Really?" "Yes, I'm interested to see how a human manifests earth." You laughed. "You guys are really making a much bigger deal out of this than it is." "You must tell me how it's done." Thor said to Loki, seemingly ignoring your remark. "I'll give you a full report on the machinations of a clay-maker when I return." Loki was moving to open the gate. "Okay guys, this is a little ridiculous. It's seriously not that interesting." "A full report." Loki said in a serious tone to a grinning Thor.
Thor bid the two of you goodbye as you led Loki across the grass to the back door of your studio, with Ash following behind. "Ash, bed." You pointed and the dog obediently walked to the cushion near your throwing wheel and laid down.
You brought Loki to the adjacent room he'd seen before, the one that held the deep sink and the machinery. He now saw that in addition to the machines and the sink, there were several shelves filled with sacks, boxes, and bins, and there was a second door in the back wall. All of this clutter made the room seem much smaller than it actually was.
You closed the door and handed him a small box. "Here, this one's brand new." Then you took something off a hook on the wall, which turned out to be a mask that you slipped on over your nose and mouth. Loki looked down at the box you handed him, it had the same type of mask inside. He at you skeptically. You slipped the mask down to speak. "What, are you going to tell me that gods don't have lungs?" "Well, certainly not frail ones like you mortals." "Wear the mask." You said firmly. "I'm not going be responsible for the first ever case of Asgardian Silicosis." You pulled your mask back into place and gave him a pointed stare until he put his mask on as well.
You pulled out a metal bucket from one of the shelves and set it on the floor. Your voice was muffled as you pointed to a piece of paper taped to the wall, it listed portions of ingredients. Loki recognized some of the words, like "feldspar" or "silica". However, he was certain that "grog" was not a real word. There were other papers taped to the wall, presumably recipes for other clays, they each had some strange name at the top. You moved around the room scooping various powders out of the bags and bins, checking their weights on a scale before dumping them into the bucket. You then handed Loki a flat wooden paddle and instructed him to mix the ingredients. At least, he was pretty certain that's what you asked, your voice was muffled. As he mixed you began filling a bucket with water in the sink, weighing it, and pouring it into the machine against the wall.
This machine had a deep round basin that came up to your waist, with metal arms inside. You poured the measured water into the basin then pulled out a plastic tub that he recognized. It was full of very wet clay, the items you had thrown but were rejected and tossed aside. He could see what looked like the remnants of a mug resting on the surface, slowly disintegrating. You took several handfuls of this clay and tossed it into the basin, closed the lid, and turned the machine on. The metal arms inside began rotating, mixing the contents. You took the bucket of dry materials from Loki and began slowly pouring it into the basin through an open grate on the lid. The mixture inside gradually became thicker.
Once the bucket was empty you motioned Loki to follow you out of the room, and you shut the door behind him. You pulled down your mask, and let it hang around your neck. "See? Not that big of a deal." Loki removed his mask as well. "Yes, and far more complicated than needed, as expected." "It's not complicated! You take some dry stuff and mix it with wet stuff!" "Your planet creates clay for you and rather than use that you've built a machine to combine the individual components of clay manually." "This clay is more specific. It's better for pottery." "We had plenty of fine pottery on Asgard with none of this foolishness." You rolled your eyes and began setting up your work station at your wheel. "Yes, I forgot how superior Asgard was." "Well, at least you're learning." You scoffed.
Loki leaned a shoulder against the wall. "Is that it, then?" "It has to mix for a few minutes then I'll take it out. Pretty much it, though." "A little anticlimactic." "I told you!" There was just the edge of playful frustration in your voice. "You made it all seem so mysterious and enigmatic." Loki held back a smirk as he teased. You shook your head contemptuously. "Yeah, well, that's basically it. You can go home now." "No, I must see it through to the end. I promised Thor a full report." Another eye roll as you continued setting up.
Several minutes had passed, your work station was ready. You pulled out a large plastic tub with a lid and carried it to the door for the clay room. Loki followed.
You turned to him with your hand on the doorknob. "Everything should be settled. You won't need your mask this time." "I doubt I needed it the first time." You waved dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
You opened the door and carried the plastic tub over the the machine which was still steadily churning its contents. You shut it off and lifted the lid. The basin was now filled with grey clay.
You reached in and tested the material. "Yep, looks good."
You set the tub on the floor, removed the lid, and opened a plastic bag inside it. Then you reached into the basin of the machine, removing large handfuls of clay and depositing them into the bin. You continued this process for some time, stretching and straining to reach all the clay in the basin, removing the portions stuck to the mixing arms, scraping the walls. This, Loki realized, must have been what you were doing the day he and Thor found you covered in clay. Between reaching into the machinery and unceremoniously dropping the clay into the tub, your arms and clothes were thoroughly muddied, with stray smears and flecks on your face and hair. Even Loki had to take a step back to remain clean.
Once the clay was cleared from the basin you twisted the plastic bag closed and sealed the lid on the tub. You then began dragging the tub across the floor and out into the main room. It made an awful scraping noise and Loki quickly picked up the other side to put an end to the sound. You gave him a strained thanks as the two of you carried the tub to the back of the main room. There were wooden shelves built into the wall holding similar bins. With a grunt you heaved the tub up onto a shelf, then you took a marker and wrote the name of the clay and today's date on a piece of tape stuck to the side of the bin.
You brushed your hands against one another, not that it did anything to clean them, and gave Loki a satisfied smile. "Ta-da. Done." "You aren't going to use the clay?" "Sure, eventually." You returned to your wheel at the front of the room and took a seat. "It has to age first. There's bacteria in the clay and as they grow and die the clay becomes more pliable. I kick-start it a little bit by adding old clay to the mix but you still want to wait at least six months before using it." "Interesting." Loki leaned against the wall while you began working clay on the wheel. "You're exploiting the labor of millions of creatures." "All in all, I think they probably get to live pretty good lives, for bacteria."
He watched as you transformed a lump of clay into a bowl. "Do you ever tire of the repetition?" You thought about it for a moment, eyes focused on the spinning clay in your hands. "No, not really. I find it soothing." He had a hard time disagreeing as he watched you work. You cut this bowl free and inspected it. "Anyway, even if it's the same motions it still feels different every time." You set the bowl aside and gathered a new portion of clay. "You never know what the clay's going to do. How it will react." He took a seat in the chair propping open the door, leaning back and stretching his legs out. "You speak of it as if it's alive." "It is." You stated firmly. "Weren't you listening? I just said so a minute ago." He chuckled. "Forgive me."
He watched you conjure another bowl out of nothing. And then another. He continued asking the occasional question and you seemed quite happy to answer. At some point a concern crossed his mind.
"Am I distracting you from your work?" You smiled without looking up from your current project. "No, not at all. Gerdy and I used to talk and throw. We'd pass hours that way." The second, unused wheel suddenly seemed much more prominent in the room. Had it always taken up so much space? "It's been nice to have company while working." Your voice snapped him back to the present. "If you ever want to learn to throw I'd be happy to teach you. I promise not to go all Ghost on you." His brows furrowed. "What do spirits have to do with pottery?" You laughed. "Oh. Right. Nevermind." Loki gathered that there was a joke he had missed. "I'm sorry to say that I can't stay much longer. We are helping Gillison move his family to new accommodations this afternoon." "That's alright. I've still got Ash for company." You glanced at the dog laying on his cushion. His tail thumped in response to his name being mentioned. "He doesn't seem like he's much for dialogue." Loki said. "Maybe, but he never disagrees with me, either."
There were several more minutes of conversation, you had questions about the move and how the construction had been going. Eventually, Loki stood. "Now I have to inform Thor of how greatly you misled us regarding the excitement of clay making." You threw a small lump of clay at him with surprising accuracy. He caught it easily, of course, but it still left him with clay on his hands. "Hah!" You said victoriously. "That was entirely uncalled for." He dropped the lump on the floor and tried to shake his hand free of the remnants. "You are pushing my buttons and you know it." "I don't know what you're talking about. First you lure me here with this false grandeur of clay making-" "You guys are the ones who made a big deal out of it!" "Only because you made it seem so mysterious and intrig-" He quickly ducked out the door, a second ball of clay missed its mark and hit the floor.
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@mischief2sarawr, @imalovernotahater, @norestfortheshelbywicked, @purplekitten30, @ozymdias, @chantsdemarins, @pdraxxi
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solusidigital21 · 1 year
Skincare adalah Asupan Nutrisi yang dapat Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit
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Review pixy prisghanpage
🤩, ❤️SKINCARE UNTUK REMAJA❤️Affordable🥰, ✨ Holygrail skincare THAT WORKS 🥰, How I got rid of my EYE BAGS FAST! What is the Korean skincare routine that is so talked about today? As soon as my acne was cleared I started giving my skin more attention & started going to the CLARINS spa for facials & I really learnt so much about my skin, what I should be doing & how to have a good skin routine. There is one drawback - acid actives such as AHA and BHA interfere with the conversion of retinol to all-trans retinoic acid, so should not be used in the same routine with retinol. There is a big difference between an exfoliator & a scrub. If you use a clay mask, like the amusing Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask, it is recommended to use it following cleansing, before applying the exfoliator and toner.
But, you know, variety is the spice of life, and having a sink and shower lined with an array of amazing cleansers makes me feel like I’m living in the lap of luxury. It's great in the summer for people with oily skin because when used on its own, it doesn't weight the skin but it also contains ingredients to help our skin. Additionally, waiting is great if you want to make sure two products that have conflicting pH needs don’t react with each other. I experimented with different wait times in 5 minute intervals, and 20-25 minutes seems to be my sweet spot. It takes about 30 minutes for an acid’s pH to neutralize on its own. It’s important to note that I wait at least 45 minutes after applying my other products before using this, giving my other products a chance to be absorbed first. I use an acid (AHA) toner immediately after cleansing, and I apply it with a cotton round. It’s worth noting that a warming sensation (or any other sensation associated with a product’s use) is a form of irritation, no matter how intentional. It also rinses easily and completely without any residue, and contains some nice moisturizing, anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Retinoids are powerful, and applying too much can do some serious damage to your moisture barrier. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, rinses clean, and some anti-microbial ingredients. In the morning to prepare and protect the skin for the day ahead and in the evening, to remove all the dirt and impurities we have collected throughout the day. This is the lowest price available online for this serum by a long shot. Pencuci muka, Serum siang dan juga Serum malam. Pembersih wajah/cleanser yang digunakan pun bervariasi, ada yang berbahan dasar minyak atau cleansing oil, ada juga yang suka menggunakan cleansing wipes, atau ada juga yang lebih memilih cleansing cream. Bukan tu je, Qaayed pula sekarang ni dapat perangai baru, suka pegang muka Ayue dengan jari dia yang penuh air liur tu. Himalaya bukan pemain lama di ranah skincare tanah air, brand asal India ini memiliki penggemar dari skincare junkie cukup banyak karena dipercaya memiliki produk yang berbahan dasar alami. These brand focus on skincare for teenagers.
It’s a godsend for dry skin (and probably a bit too moisturizing for oily skin). 👃 Blackheads are really something that girls care about and they cannot be easily removed by simple cream or removing essence. Now that I’ve tried it, I won’t be without it. Skin Type & Concerns: While I’ve yet to use this for my face, the main reason I bought it was for my body. If I don’t wait, the efficacy could be compromised, but my main concern is that the Tretinoin tends to travel if it’s not fully absorbed when I start applying other products. She wanted the brand to be more than a celebrity business but embody beauty's true essence. Artinya, kamu harus rajin baca ingredients pada label produk atau pada website resmi brand yang kamu pilih. Produk dengan packaging cantik akan punya nilai plus dan dipajang di meja, bahkan bikin saya lebih rajin untuk pakai produknya. Senyawa ini akan mengikis milia dan mencegah pertumbuhan benjolan-benjolan baru sehingga tekstur kulit akan terlihat rata. Produk water-based skincare biasanya memiliki tekstur yang ringan, bouncy, dan mirip seperti gel, yang mana ketika dioleskan ke kulit akan terlihat larut seperti air. Terserah pada korang nak buat pilihan produk mana yang bersesuaian untuk korang.
Sebagai pengguna bijak, pilihan ada di tangan korang. Bukan tu je, tisu ni siap ada Shea Butter dan Vitamin E ekstrak didalamnya. I’ve tried a lot of Argan oil from many different brands, but Shea Terra is my favorite one. Where to Buy: This oil is available on the Shea Terra Organics website, where it retails for $18, but if you sign up for their newsletter, you’ll get a monthly 30% off coupon code. There’s usually a Pixi Beauty coupon floating around the internet though. In Korean skin care, people usually make use of double cleansing. In Korean cosmetics, we typically use double cleansing. When it comes to Korean skin care, people typically use double cleansing. It smells really green and herbal, and imparts a mild but pleasant warming sensation when I use it. For example an exfoliant with a mild chemical can be used every day while a mechanical exfoliant is best used not more than three times per week.
I was recommended to this “magic stone” as I'd like to call it, by my good friend when I was on a trip with her. Like the Su:m37 Cleansing Stick, it removes makeup well enough that it can also be used for both steps of the double cleansing process if needed. And, says Hutchinson, "both of our daytime moisturizers - Kinetin Age Decelerating Daily Lotion and Kinetin Age Decelerating Daily Cream - are rich in kinetin, a cell-rejuvenating discovery found in leafy green plants."There are healing benefits with kinetin too. If you suffer from dry skin, that is even more susceptible to losing natural oils, look for a very hydrating moisturiser in the shape of a rich lotion or cream that is formulated with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid. I like it because it does wonders in terms of calming skin irritation, inflammation, and redness, and it helps brighten my complexion and accelerate the healing of active acne spots. Clinical testing shows it helps to reverse and repair sun damaged skin, and will also protect from sunspots, lines, and dry patches.
It’s not pretty. A damaged moisture barrier manifests as red, rough, flaky skin that simultaneously itches and burns. Manfaat dari produknya juga cukup banyak seperti mengurangi iritasi pada kulit, memberikan sensasi halus pada kulit, memberikan kilauan pada wajah, menutrisi kulit lebih baik, memberikan kelembapan lebih lama pada kulit dan memperbaiki skin barrier lebih baik dari produk biasanya. Agar hasilnya lebih baik, kamu juga bisa lho mencampur kandungan skincare yang satu dengan yang lainnya. 2 Tahun yang lalu - Berikut 5 rekomendasi peel off mask untuk kulit berminyak dan kusam di bawah 100 ribu rupiah yang bisa jadi pilihanmu. New customers can use my referral link to receive $10 off your first order. European customers can order from the Paula’s Choice EU site. Shopping these links helps support this site. Additionally, I find that applying a hydrating toner helps offset the dryness I get from more alcohol-heavy sunscreens. But what is exactly the Korean skincare routine that we talk so much about these days? This one is a recent favorite - I really like the Su:m37 Secret Programming Essence because it contains fermented ingredients like the Missha Time Revolution First Treatment Essence does, but I find it hydrates much more effectively.
If it travels, I risk a dreaded getting it on my mouth, which results in a case of “dead lips.” Dead Lips is my name for the phenomenon in which the surface skin of my lips becomes unnaturally smooth and numb before peeling like a mofo for the next few days. Many women decide to use either the essence or serum, in the case of dry skin, both are suitable. Many women opt to use both the essence and serum, if you have dry skin, both are suitable. The mask for face is designed, according to the type of your skin, to add moisture for dry skin or to eliminate excess sebum when you have oily skin. The mask is used in accordance with the type of your skin, to add moisture in case of dry skin or to get rid of excess sebum in the case of oily skin. Then we can look at the face mask, which is to be used at night, and is a possible fabric one, which can be utilized daily or a clay mask in case you suffer from oily skin.
It is an extremely versatile product that can be used on its own in the case of oily skin or combined with other products to treat cases dry skin. “This brand is powerful enough to stand apart in a crowded market, combining real consumer insights around clean skin care with Scarlett’s talents as a visionary creator,” Foster tells Refinery29 via email. Begitu pentingnya loyalitas bagi Perusahaan maka perawatan wajah (skin care) wardah gentle face wash telah menjadikan loyalitas sebagai hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam strategi pemasaran.Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa variabel yang mempengaruhi loyalitas merek (Brand Loyalty) di antaranya yaitu Switcher, Habbital Buyer, Satified Buyer, Likes the Brand, dan Commited Buyer. Beberapa brand skincare biasanya memiliki lini produk khusus untuk masalah kulit tertentu, misalnya untuk mencerahkan kulit kusam, mengatasi jerawat, hingga anti-aging. Jika Anda sudah mengetahui jenis kulit yang Anda miliki, maka rutinitas perawatan kulit sehari-hari dapat membantu Anda menjaga kesehatan kulit secara keseluruhan dan meminimalisir masalah spesifik seperti jerawat, jaringan parut, dan bintik-bintik gelap. Bila Kamu telah mengenali tipe kulit yang Kamu miliki, hingga rutinitas perawatan kulit tiap hari bisa menolong Kamu melindungi kesehatan kulit secara totalitas serta meminimalisir permasalahan khusus semacam jerawat, jaringan parut, serta bercak- bercak hitam.
Ada banyak bahan perbaikan dan Anda bisa membuat masker wajah yang sempurna untuk klien Anda. Maka dari itu, hal ini biasa terjadi ketika seseorang berganti produk perawatan wajah, dan ternyata tidak cocok. Ampoule ini cocok untuk memberikan rasa tenang dan nyaman bahkan ketika kulit sedang merah-merahnya. Selepas seminggu penggunaan produk Ami Skincare : Nurul Hidayu - " Tona kulit cerah dan parut jerawat ternyata pudar, jerawat mengecut tanpa timbul lagi dan kulit rasa fresh bermaya berbeza dari sebelumnya". Skincare atau perawatan kulit adalah rangkaian dari berbagai penerapan yang mendukung keadaan integritas kulit, untuk meningkatkan sebuah penampilan dan mengubah kondisi kulit. Ketika iritasi, ini akan meningkatkan peluang untuk mengalalami efek samping dari senyawa tersebut. Umumnya terdapat kandungan charcoal atau clay dalam masker tersebut yang dapat mengangkat minyak wajah berlebih. Hanya saja, muncul juga pertanyaan tentang bukti apa yang mendukung klaim tersebut. Biasanya kulit yang kemerahan juga dikarenakan adanya iritasi dan infeksi akibat timbulnya jerawat di area wajah. Diperkaya dengan Alpha Arbutin, Coenzyme Q10 dan Vitamin E yang melindungi kulit dari sinar UV, mengurangi garis halus dan tanda penuaan juga menganjalkan kulit. Selain boros, hasil yang akan didapatkan juga tidak maksimal. 1. Cleansing merupakan Perawatan, Seleksi pembersih yang tidak membuat kulit Kamu kencang sehabis dicuci.
Saya pernah merekomendasikan moisturizer untuk kulit kering, karena saat hamil kulit saya sangat kering, tapi orang yang bertanya ternyata malah kulitnya jadi acne-prone setelah hamil. Masalah klasik ibu hamil dan menyusui adalah kurang tidur, makanya pemakaian eye cream itu nggak boleh dilewatkan, biar membantu area mata nggak terlalu bengkak dan tetap terhidrasi. Jika belum, yuk cari tahu terlebih dahulu apa itu tamanu oil dan berbagai manfaatnya sebelum mencoba, dikutip dari PARAPUAN berikut! Ok, kalau korang nak tahu Ami Skincare adalah produk kecantikan terbaru kat pasaran Malaysia. Calit je Ami Skincare. Korang nak jugak ke calit vitamin untuk wajah korang? Nak calit skincare tapi was-was? Jadi Ayue pun nak cuba lah tisu terbaru dari Kleenex ni. Haa, Kleenex Facial Tissue Skincare ni adalah tisu yang paling lembut sekali. Apa yang menarik perhatian Ayue adalah walaupun tisu ni lembut gila bila sapu pada muka, tapi ia mempunyai 3 lapisan sebenarnya. Bagian bawah mata juga perlu perhatian khusus karena memiliki kulit yang lebih tipis.
Eye cream juga aman digunakan dan tidak menimbulkan iritasi. Wajah tampak kusam, berjerawat dan tampak tua dari usia? 9 Bulan yang lalu - kandungan skincare yang terkenal bisa mencerahkan wajah diantaranya seperti Niacinamide, Vitamin C, Alpha Arbutin, dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Pemakaian yang teratur, rata-rata kulit baru akan menunjukkan perkembangan hasil setelah minimal 3 bulan penggunaan produk yang mengandung retinol.4. Pada malam hari, selain macam-macam skincare di atas, penggunaan krim mata atau eye cream mungkin diperlukan. The fluids follow the release of Babor's SkinovagePX Advanced Biogen Anti-Aging BB Cream SPF 20. This is a lightly tinted beauty balm with stem cells derived from Alpine plants, and avocado oil, and was developed for demanding skin. Instead, you can use BHA with your morning routine and retinol in the evening. You can also find it at W2Beauty for $16. An exfoliant, as the name suggests, is used to gently remove cellulite from the surface on which it is applied for example that is, the face. Exfoliants, as their name implies, is used to gently exfoliate dead skin cells from the area where it's applied which is in this instance, the face. Exfoliants, as their name implies, is used to gently remove dead skin cells from the area on which it is applied which is in this instance, the face.
0 notes
🥺 babe 🥺 bAbE
What if Jask gets sick at Kaer Morhen but tries to hide it from Geralt bc he doesn't want him to think he's gross/weak/etc? And Geralt has the Feelings Braincell for once?
oh babe... thank you
tw: sickness, falling unconscious, fever, whump/angst with a happy ending
Jaskier knew he had a fever the moment he woke up. He could feel it burning beneath this skin like a forge, flushing his face a more vibrant shade of pink than usual. He glared at his reflection in the small, round mirror above his dressing table and willed himself to feel better. It was his first winter at Kaer Morhen, and he didn’t want Geralt to think he’d made a mistake by inviting Jaskier along to stay. The bard knew that his stoic, self-loathing Witcher would blame himself immediately for any misfortune or illness that befell Jaskier. Geralt might even reconsider inviting him back again someday. So he had to keep his little bug a secret until he was well. Surely it was nothing major. Surely it would pass after a few days, unnoticed and unremarkable.
He should have known better.
Jaskier dabbed a bit more perfume than usual (which was generally none at all) beneath his ears and along his wrists. He hoped the peony-lavender mixture would mask whatever kind of scent his illness might carry and slowly, carefully made his way down the long stone staircase that led from the guest bedroom to the enormous kitchen. His limbs felt achy and tired, even though he’d slept heavily the night previous. His head sat heavy and unbalanced atop his shoulders; the world wavered and spun around him as he desperately tried to keep from pitching sideways into the wall. 
“You alright there, boy?” Vesemir asked, catching his eye from the bottom of the stairs. “You seem a bit… nervous.”
Maybe his anxiety was doing a better job of hiding his secret than the perfume. 
“Just a little wool between my ears this morning,” the bard laughed brightly, ignoring the searing pain that throbbed through his chest with the movement, “I think I might go chop some wood and see if the brisk mountain air helps clear it out faster.”
“Hmm,” the eldest Wolf nodded sagely. There was no doubt which teacher Geralt had admired most as a pup. “Alright. Be safe, take care. I’ll send someone to fetch you when breakfast is ready.”
“Thank you, Vesemir,” Jaskier bowed shallowly and headed for the kitchen’s back door. He took the axe into his hands and tried not to sway on his feet from the added weight. The bard covered his tracks by throwing a smile back over his shoulder and pushing the door open. “See you for breakfast!”
He stepped out of the keep and let the heavy slab of wood slam shut behind him. The early morning sky above Kaer Morhen was cloudless and the sun was bright, blinding him entirely. His situation only worsened when the sudden change in temperature, from the warm kitchen to the freezing mountainside, punched the air from his lungs in one thick cloud. He struggled to regain it as he wove his way through the snow drifts to the woodpile. Slowly, and with great effort, Jaskier lined up a thick log to be split.
The world felt watery and far away. His hand, which he knew to be attached to the end of his arm by some miracle, would not obey his command to pick up the axe again. His lungs felt heavy in his chest cavity and his legs suddenly ached with a fierce intensity. 
With a quiet cry of protest against his own body failing him, Jaskier collapsed into the snow.
Jaskier’s heartbeat was so slow and quiet, his limbs unmoving and his lips nearly blue from the cold; Geralt wasn’t sure he’d ever been so scared before in his life. He turned to Vesemir and asked, barely keeping the frantic terror from clawing its way out of his throat: “How long was he out there?” 
“Half an hour at most,” the grey Wolf shrugged. “I don’t really remember, Geralt. I was busy taking care of the breakfast arrangements.”
“Calm down,” Eskel ordered. He frowned at Geralt from his place at Jaskier’s opposite side. He’d helped carry the bard from the courtyard to Geralt’s room and was just as worried about the human’s wellbeing. “Panicking won’t help him. Now, what’s the problem?”
“It’s hard to tell over all that stupid perfume,” Lambert snarled. “Stupid fucking bard fucking knew we would be able to smell it on him. He covered his gods-damned tracks.”
“Jaskier,” Geralt murmured, having grown suddenly calm. He let the back of his knuckles drag softly across the bard’s too-hot cheek until he could stick a stray lock of sweaty brown hair back behind his ear. “You idiot.”
The bard shifted against the blanket they’d laid him on, his brow wrinkling. His arms twitched slightly, as if he was trying to move them, and he whined plaintively: “G’ralt.”
“I’m here, Jask,” the Witcher replied quickly, forgetting they weren’t alone in the room. He took one of the bard’s freezing hands into his own and began rubbing the warmth back into his fingers. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you better. You’ll be alright.”
“Who are you trying to reassure?” Lambert huffed a short laugh. “You or the bard?”
“Leave off,” Eskel shot his younger brother a glare. The redhead rolled his eyes and moved to lean against the wall near the door. Eskel continued speaking to Lambert, but his eyes were back on Jaskier, who kept trying to get closer to Geralt even in his sleep. “Why don’t you go grab some clean clothes from his room while we get him warmed up and conscious again.”
“Fine,” Lambert spat. But he took off at a quick trot, regardless.
“Geralt, get his wet clothes off and get him wrapped up. Eskel, you come with me to the kitchen. I’ll need help carrying things and I’m sure the bard would prefer some privacy in this particular matter.”
Eskel nodded his agreement and followed Vesemir from the room, leaving Geralt alone with Jaskier. The White Wolf hurried to undress and swaddle the bard with a warm, heavy wool blanket and several furs, talking all the while in a low, worried voice. “Fuck, Jaskier. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry this happened and that you- Why did you hide it? Why wouldn’t you- Are you afraid of me? Is that why you didn’t come to me for help?”
Jaskier’s lids fluttered open and Geralt watched with nervous anticipation as two of the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen, blue as cornflowers and brighter than the spring sky, tried their best to focus on his face. “Geralt?”
“I’m here, Jaskier. What’s ailing you? Please, tell me how I can help you.”
“Hurts,” the bard managed to groan. “To breathe.”
“Fuck,” Geralt growled. “We need to get you warm. Lambert should be back with your clothes by now.”
Jaskier’s head lolled back against the pillow and he struggled to reach for his Witcher, “Hold me.”
“I’ll warm up-” he gasped between words, as if every syllable pained him to expel “-faster if… you hold me.”
“Hmm,” Geralt’s brows furrowed in frustration. He knew Jaskier was right, that he’d feel better faster with skin-on-skin contact, but he also wanted to hold Jaskier for other, less emergency-based reasons. That was unacceptable. Losing Jaskier to death or sickness or other human reasons was intolerable but losing him, in all senses of the word, because of Geralt’s impossible feelings? That would be truly horrendous.
The warring factions of his heart were still clamoring over a decision when Eskel and Vesemir re-entered carrying two large trays. One was covered with foodstuffs and the other held an enormous clay teapot and mugs. A small pot of honey, gathered from Vesemir’s very own beehives, was the most obvious sign of affection Geralt had ever seen the older man display for a near-stranger. 
“I’m gonna… get… spoiled,” Jaskier gasped. The eldest Wolf shot Geralt a glare. 
“Why aren’t you in there with him? You know the best way to warm up a hypothermic person is skin contact, Geralt! I certainly taught you better than this.”
“I didn’t-” he stuttered. “I wasn’t-”
“He’s afraid,” Jaskier smiled sadly, cuddling himself deeper into the furs as he turned his gaze towards the fire. All three of the Witchers could smell his sadness, even more potent than the illness ravaging his delicate human body. Geralt winced when his brother and father glared at him in tandem, expressions nearly matching in fury. The bard was still looking away, watching the flames send dancing patterns of light against the stone walls. “Don’t worry… won’t ask… for any more.”
“Jaskier,” Geralt whispered, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. “May I hold you?”
“Well, that’s our cue to leave,” Vesemir smiled beneath his mustache. Jaskier was too tired to blush, and opted to bury his head in Geralt’s shoulder instead. “Come along, Eskel. Let’s see what Lambert has gotten up to.”
“What about Jaskier’s clothes?”
“He can borrow Geralt’s for now. I’m sure our White Wolf won’t mind sharing; he’s the possessive type, after all.”
Geralt rolled his eyes and grumbled out of habit more than disagreement. 
When Vesemir and Eskel had gone for good and the door was closed, Geralt pulled Jaskier out of the furs and removed his own shirt. He settled the bard against his chest and buried his nose in Jaskier’s dark hair, breathing in the scents of sweat and sickness and now, thank the gods, tangy-bright happiness. “Gods, Jaskier. Don’t scare me like that ever again. I can’t lose you.”
“I didn’t… want… to disappoint.”
“You never do and never will,” Geralt intoned. He pulled the furs over them both and splayed his large hands across Jaskier’s back. The bard’s skin was overly hot in some places and freezing in others; Geralt buried his panic in order to care for... for the man he loved. He took a deep breath and rubbed slow circles between the bard’s shoulder blades. “I… I love you, Jaskier.”
“Hmm,” the bard hummed tunelessly. “Love you… too.”
Geralt helped him sit up and drink a mug of tea. He listened, slowly allowing himself to relax, as Jaskier’s breathing eased and his heartbeat balanced. When the tea was gone and the fire was re-built to Geralt’s satisfaction, the Witcher tucked Jaskier’s head beneath his chin and wrapped his arms around the bard’s shoulders. “Oh, my little lark. I’ve been so foolish for too long.”
“Yeah,” Jaskier grinned into the Witcher’s warm pectoral. “Me... too.”
“Well, we’ll have plenty of time when you feel better,” Geralt murmured, lips pressing over and over to the top of the bard’s head. Jaskier couldn’t keep himself from smiling, even as he drifted back to sleep. The Witcher felt something settle in his chest when he whispered: “Rest up, dear heart. There are many more adventures to be had.”
557 notes · View notes
boba-beom · 3 years
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[key | f – fluff | m – smut/mature | s – suggestive | a – angst | r – requested | c – collab | ❀ – favourite]
note: nsfw are clearly marked with the designated key, so, MDNI otherwise I will block ♡
requests: closed
works in the drafts | last updated: jan 9 ‘22
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・ txt finally meeting you while in a long distance relationship beomgyu & hueningkai | yeonjun, soobin & taehyun | f | ❀
・ txt babysitting kids with you | f | ❀
・ txt’s love language | f | ❀
・ txt’s types of romantic relationships | f | ❀
・ who gets hurt | a | ❀
・ when you’re not dating but you’re not just friends | f
・ neck kisses | f | ❀
・ calling them pretty | f
OT5 / selected members
・ Valentines day | f | (on hold)
・ kiss me more | f | s | Yeonjun | Beomgyu
・ all I think about is you | f | s | Soobin ft. Taehyun (on hold until further notice)
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・ Ice cream and Fries | f | r
・ mini blurb | f 
・ [15:30] | f
・ [17:53] | m | r
・ [19:15] | m 
hard thoughts:
・ subby!soobin
・ soobin and his 'mirrored' ceiling
soft thoughts: loading...
・ fellow associate | f | r
・ late gifts | f
・ be good | f , m
・ fall for you | f, s
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・ Mid Summer | f | r
・ Hi, hello | f
・ text me good night | f | ❀
・ arcade date | f | ❀
・ 13th september | f
・ mini blurb | f 
・ clay candy | f
・ 'oh yeah?' | s, m
・ forever valentine | f | ❀
・ can't take my eyes off of you | f | ❀
・ [01:05] college!au | f | ❀
・ [20:38] | f
hard thoughts:
・ handjob with acrylic nails
・ handjob with acrylic nails 2
・ fratboy!yeonjun at a party
・ in the bathroom with yj (ask)
soft thoughts:
・ yj casually flirting with you (ask)
・ yj casually flirting with you pt 2 (ask)
・ trapped in your game | m (community labelled)
・ midnight snacks | f | s
・ airport crush 2 ft. beomgyu | f | m | ❀
・ just friends? | f
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・ I can do it | f
・ bubble masks | r | f
・ I’m grateful you’re mine | f
・ mini blurb | f 
・ [01:24] | m
・ [22:06] | a | f
・ [20:30] | a — prequel | f 
・ [13:37] | m
hard thoughts:
・ long hair!gyu giving you head
・ reuniting with childhood bff!gyu
・ longhair!gyu giving you head pt 2 ft taehyun
・ me and @/fairyofshampgyu crying abt gyu (reblogs)
soft thoughts: loading...
・ Santa Tell Me | part 1 | part 2 | f | m
summary: It’s your first Christmas with Beomgyu, and what better way to spend it than to spend it with him? You plan something for him, but he’s not the only one receiving a surprise.
・ I Like U | f  | on hold
synopsis: after meeting one of your best friend’s friends, you initially found him attractive and thought he’d be a careless crush that would soon dissipate into nothing. that is, until a series of events proved you wrong and perhaps those feelings lingered longer than they should have. would something become of it?
・ whisker dimples | f | ❀
・ hold my hand | f | ❀
・ airport crush | m
・ your person | f
・ stay still | m | ❀
・ I Like U (sorry, I never meant to) | f | s
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・ Candlelit | f | r 
・ Staring Contest | f | r
・ here for you | f | r
・ [16:29] | f | ❀
hard thoughts:
・ bfb!taehyun at the club
・ taehyun giving you head ft gyu
・ bf!taehyun
soft thoughts: loading...
・ americano | f  
・ second heartbeat | f | s
・ with you | f | ❀
・ well hidden | f | s | ❀
・ nobody but you | f | s | ❀
・ skate to my heart | f
・ they don’t know | a
・ we did that too | a
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・ 14th august 1:00AM | f
・ morning pancakes | r | f
・ super shy | f | s | ❀
hard thoughts: virgin bf subby!hyuka | m
soft thoughts: loading...
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© BOBA-BEOM ; do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way.
832 notes · View notes
lucy90712 · 3 years
Dream- quarantine
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and panic attacks 
Wc- 1922
~ There has just been an announcement that we have to stay inside and quarantine for the foreseeable future. Obviously I'm not happy about it and in fact I'm quite scared but I know things will be somewhat ok because I have Clay with me. The two of us have been living together for a little under 6 months now so we aren't new to it so I'm hoping we should be ok.
Clay probably hasn't seen the news yet because he's been filming all morning but it won't be long before he's done and he finds out. I don't want to be the one to tell him because I know he's not going to be happy because him and George have been talking about him coming over for the last few months but that won't be able to happen now.
He soon finished his recording and came out to join me in the living room where I had the news on. He looked over and watched what was on the tv which changed his expression from a smile to a blank expression in seconds, he seemed just as upset as I was if not more.
"How long is this going to go on for?" He asked hoping I would know
"No idea they haven't said" I said
"I guess George isn't coming over then" he sighed
"I'm sorry but he will be able to come over eventually we just have to be patient you wouldn't want things to be unsafe when he comes here" I said
"Yeah I guess, at least I have you to keep me company" he said
He pulled me into him as he text George to tell him what was going on because obviously he wouldn't know. George FaceTimed him and we all had a talk about cancelling our plans at least for a bit but then we moved on to other things which made Clay a lot happier which was great because I hate when he's sad.
During the rest of the day me and Clay went to the store to get some things that we needed before it all sells out because people were flocking to buy essentials. It was stressful at the store but we stayed close to one another and managed to weave our way through mostly because Clay was so tall and can force his way through crowds. We made it out alive with most of what we needed so we called it a day just deciding that we would live without the stuff we couldn't get.
It had been a little more than 3 weeks since quarantine commenced and my god has it been worse than I ever would have imagined, being stuck inside and only leaving to go to the store had really taken its toll on me and my mental health as well as Clay's sanity. He has been working constantly leaving me to do all the chores and be the one to go out even with cases rising at an alarming rate he doesn't seem too bothered.
We have also been arguing more than we used to with him spending so much time working and seeming to care so little I've kind of been mad at him but that doesn't seem to change anything. It's starting to feel like he just doesn't care about me anymore I mean he doesn't even come to bed at night most of the time and we only talk when I ask him what he wants to eat or when we're arguing. It's starting to feel like I'm losing him and I don't want that because I really do love him but I can't keep this up much longer I just feel like crying every night.
While Clay is doing whatever the hell he does during the day I was talking with sapnap because he called me out of the blue but it was nice to actually talk to someone for once. He was concerned that there was something wrong because Clay has been constantly available on discord when he normally takes breaks to spend time with me and he hasn't talked about me which he says he does a lot.
"Is everything alright between you two?" He asked
"I mean not really but I don't want to drop all of it in you so don't worry" I said
"No please tell me I don't mind" he said
"Ok well he's been spending all his time working making me do all the chores and go out whenever we need something most nights he just stays up then sleeps when I'm awake and we only talk when we argue or when I ask what he wants to eat" I rambled
"Y/n I'm sorry I can try and talk to him if you want me to" he offered
"No its ok he'll just be more mad if you say something I'll deal with it" I said
"You shouldn't have to put up with it he's not treating you like you deserve please don't just just let him do that to you" he said
"Ok I'll try and talk to him later" I said
Me and Nick came up with some sort of plan for later when he ends up talking to Clay he's going to leave the call so I can talk to him and have his full attention. He offered to do it sooner but I had things to do first that I had to get done as not to give Clay any reason to be mad at me even though I'm sure he'll find one.
Anxiety warning
I cleaned the kitchen and went to the store which was more packed than usual probably because of the timing but it stressed me out all on my own. People were pushing me out the way and people without masks on were getting all in my face and it scared me. This is the type of stuff I deal with all the time but today it was particularly bad to the point that I started shaking and struggling to breathe slightly in my mask. I had to try and get out of there as quick as possible which I did but probably forgetting some things in the process which means I'll have to come back probably tomorrow but I didn't care at the time.
Once outside and in my car I took my mask off and let myself breathe properly to calm myself down. It took me quite a long time to get a grip of my emotions and by the time I decided to leave I still wasn't feeling fully myself and my hands were still shaking slightly but that will probably go on for a little while longer. Nick text me just before I left saying that he was on call with Clay so whenever I was ready he would leave as he told George not to join to make things easier.
Back at home I made myself go into the bathroom to try and talk myself through what I was going to say and any comebacks I could think of to all the things Clay could say to me which was hard because he always manages to find something that I would never think of to say. I got my argument together but definitely lost the calm I had got back to earlier hands started shaking more again and becoming more clammy.
I text Nick to let him know I was ready and he text back almost right away to say that he had left the call and wished me luck as well as offered any help he could give if I needed it. I went into Clay's office to see him just sat at his desk doing nothing in particular at least that I could work out, he looked over and smiled at me which was not going to last long thats for sure.
"Clay can we talk?" I asked
"Yeah of course is everything alright?" He asked back
"I'm going to be honest with you I feel like you are ignoring me you are just working all the time and I get that your busy but before you always found time to spend with me and now I'm left to do everything by myself and it's starting to take its toll on me" I said as calm as possible
"You are kidding right I'm trying my best to support the both of us by doing all this work you think I want to be in here this much because I don't" he half yelled
"And I'm trying my best too I have been working from home everyday as well as keeping up with everything else and guess what I would rather not do that either but I do it to let you do all the stuff your doing, I had a fucking panic attack at the store earlier because it's all just too much" I said with more emotion this time
"You're not the only .... wait you had a panic attack I'm sorry I wasn't there to help" he said softly
It was like it hit him what I have been saying for weeks and it was kind of refreshing to have him finally snap out of whatever mindset he was in and come back to the real world where there are things that he needs to think about that's not just to do with me but his own health.
He got up for his chair and came over to give me a tight hug which I'm not going to lie felt nice because we haven't been this close in almost a month so it just feels nice to have some human contact. It calmed me down in seconds just like Clay does so well, he grabbed my hands and traced his thumbs over the back of them.
"I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left you do do everything on your own you're right I've been spending too much time working and that's not fair on you" he said
"You don't need to beat yourself up over this I just wanted to get through to you and don't feel like you have to spend a ton of time with me I just want a better balance" I explained
He nodded and we talked things through like we needed to do this whole time, we worked things out and made some plans to better use both of our time but it was nothing that we had to stick to strictly or else that would cause more issues. We decided that Clay was going to try and be available to go to the store with me and most nights we are going to try and go to bed together or he will at least join me at some point.
During our discussion I got a text from Nick asking if everything went alright so I just sent a quick text back to say things went fine and should hopefully get better from now on.
Clay and I decided to spend the evening together and not just because he felt guilty he really just wanted to spend time with me after coming out of his old mindset and feeling tired of working. We didn't do much just spent time sat together on the sofa watching movies and eating takeaway. He had me sat on his lap pretty much the whole time holding onto my waist or playing with my hair.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Zombie apocalypse with dsmp (dream smp) members
Just got the idea and yeah enjoy
c!awesam dude in imposter in " realife" better said adding some things to Minecraft, think of it as modpacks
In here are : c!Awesamdude , c!foolishg , c!dream ,
Warnings : blood , weapons , injuries , murder ,
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Shotguns or any other guns weren't effective against the infected of the virus at all but it was effective chopping of their heads , interrupting nerves going to the infected brain and wich was controlling everything , the virus was going for the nerve system and the only way was like mentioned before cutting it's control off. But wich wasn't easy due to its good control of the never system the change of getting bitten was higher and you and Sam couldn't afford getting bitten . A friend of your who was bitten cutter of the bitten part . Their arm. stopping the infection , wich was the only way but the chance of surviving it aren't high due to the high blood pressure the virus gives the body . You looked over at Sam who was looking at his axe sharpening it the wrong way unsharpening it but he seemed calmed . He stopped and dropped the stone looking at his hand blood was dripping down a "oh shit " escaped your mouth before you heard the grunting and moan screaming behind you. those fucks were able to find you so quickly? How ? If their noses are that good surviving is going to be even harder but no time left Sam grabbed you in bridal style picked up few weapons and sprinted away leaving the food behind . "Sam th-" "shhh its okay I know how to hunt" and he continued sprinting until Sam stopped and sat you down "we should be far enough " he said out of breath and sat down next to you " Sam you didn't need to car-" you were interrupted " but i wanted to " he said "bu-" "no but" "but why did you do that ?" You said it really quickly so he didn't had the time interrupting you and he understood everything "i idk i just didn't want you to be in danger and die , i need you . Alive" he confessed an awww escaped your mouth and an blush creeped behind his mask making you giggle "it's not funny , you're important " he said volume rising slightly , "naww someone likes someone " his blush darkened "com'on shut up " "make me" he threw his mask away and crashed his lips onto yours catching you off guard . He separated you both for few second " i love you" "love you too Sammy" you said before he trapped you in a hug
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Foolish was working on one of his new building Projekts in His human form when he heard grunting ,groaning and heavy breathing coming closer he turned around and was met with a horse of zombie but not the normal type those were faster and seemed to be smarter some held things that can be used as weapons but before observing more one of them attacked him but he was able to dogde and sprinted to where you were after reaching your home he broke in the door and panted "everything okay foolish ?" You asked and he shook his head no . " a horde of Zombies came to me and they were coming from the direction where .....the others are . " His face looked terrified and sad " they can't be dead we need to check on them" you said and he nodded grabbing your hand "close your eyes " he said and with a loud bang you stood infront of the prison wich was half destroyed . Sam was fighting some of the infected his chestplate broke as he took another hit . You and foolish ran to him , stabbed the zombies and burned them killed the virus controlling their muscles and nerves. one of them tried attacking you from behind but foolish quickly killed it "those things are really clever " Sam said while taking a healing potion . "If you both would have come a minute later i would end up like the others who stayed here" he said and took his extra iron chest plate out of his inventory and then looked at foolish the down at your hand chuckling , then you felt pressure on you hand and looked down .foolish was holding your hand "naww you both are so cute"Sam said and behind and your partner blushed that's when you noticed . He didn't wore his mask and emerald green eyes were looking into yours . But the sweet moment was interrupted by an explosion and a Wilbur walking out of the smoke " you guys are the only alive things around here " he said and stood next to Sam TNT still in his hand "we need to find a safe shelter is there anything that isn't detroyed? " Foolish asked while looking around eyeing the ruins of the once intact buildings " i don't think so but we can build one " wilbur said while showing a stack of obsidian "where did you get these ?" You asked because it wasn't natural for a Wilbur to have interest in blast resistant blocks like obsidian " idk found them in a chest and yeah thought would be good taking them with me " he said while shrugging with his shoulders " hm anyways we should start going I'm sure more things are infected and on Their way to us " foolish sounded worried and frightened but there wasn't time to think. The group headed towards east maybe we are safe there you thought and grabbed foolish hand making him smile and look down to you
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" dream please slow down " you were out of breath since 2 hours you've been running behind your boyfriend who wanted to get as far as possible away from the plague or "zombie apocalypse" how he called it . He didn't even took one break from running and you wondered , how can he have that much stamina ? Finally he stopped and you were able to stop too and fell to the ground , before hitting it his arms catched you and he let out an laughter before sitting down with you . " Maybe we should take a break " he said and pulled you in his lap and layed his head onto your shoulder "yeah I need definitely a break " you said and took off his mask . It didn't surprise him since you're always taking it off because it's " more comfortable" cuddling without it but he knows that you bust do it because you love his face . "Dream?" "Yes babe?" You sat up looked into his eyes and said nothing "you horny again ?" He joked and you shook your head " no but do you think the virus will be over soon?" " I hope so babe" he answered " but we need to get as far away as possible i don't want you to die like the others " he said his voice changed into a sad tone . You were there for him the whole time and never left his side he wouldn't be able to live without you he looked at you who was now playing with his mask he smiled , took his mask , Placed it on your face and stood up before picking you up " ik you can't run that's why I'm going to carry you to a safe place " clay started running again and you watched the sky through his mask . Suddenly dream stopped sat you down and shipped his axe " don't look behind you " he growled and sprinted away slashing and breaking of bones was heard and it suddenly stopped , a bumb was heard . you turned around seeing your dreamie on the ground trying to hold away one of the zombies . Suddenly anger formed and the want to kill them .You quickly sprinted towards them but tripped as one zombie suddenly came out of an bush attacking you but there was no time that can be wasted you quickly stapled it slashed its head of blood spilling onto dreams mask . You then ran towards the other zombie jumping at it and tossing it away from him sitting on it you pinned it's arm to the ground like Jesus arms were nailed the the wood and stabbed the hell out of it blood spilling everywhere and a shocked dream but he somehow thought of it as cute and sexy like you're jealous that the zombie was in top of him and not you . The thought pulled an chuckle from him " stop laughing or you're next " you threatened out of fun and walked to him helping him up " are you hurt?" You both asked the same time and laughted "yeah I am and you ?" " No I'm okay " " good ngl it was a bit sexy that you were jealous that the zombie was in top of me and not you " he said and you punched his shoulder playfully " i wasn't jealous !" "You were of else this mask wouldn't be completely red " he said and pointed at it " i was worried " " still looks like jealous to me " he joked and grabbed your hand " but it doesn't matter I still love you " and smiled
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Yooooo first dsmp Post hope ya'll like it , maybe I'll post more like this and make dsmp my main fandom i write for???
Ask box open
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: S/o Having A Big Baby Bump
A/n: this is such a cute request! I hope this is what you wanted! I wanted to try something a lil different since it's more of a reaction than a scenario🥰❤❤❤❤❤
Requested by: @unvrsecosmoss 
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the second your belly gets big he gets so excited 
like bouncing up and down off the walls excited
“Chris calm down”
“How do you even speak like that?”
like his inner dad immediately comes out
he probably starts reading and memorizing more parenting books
you woke up like a month before the due date and Chris had literally swaddled you
.......in a blanket.....
like a baby
granted....it was the best night sleep you had in a while but...still
overall he is just so excited to become a dad when he sees your big baby bump
although the boys are very done with him giving them pureed food during lunch breaks
this man is so ready to be a father
he loves you baby bump so much
he really likes to sleep behind you so he can have a hand on your stomach so in the middle of the night he can feel his son or daughter kick
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probably wakes up one morning and is like:
“.......your stomach is huge.....”
“Yeah its been like that for a couple months.”
the cats have most definitely sat ontop of your belly 
he finds it so cute
he took like a billion pictures of it
ngl though he is super obsessed with your belly
like he loves watching you cook and coming up and putting his hands on your belly
if you ask him nicely he might even give you a back rub but only if you let the cats sit on your belly again
minho has been pretty chill throughout the entire pregnancy
even when you had all those weird cravings he will wait until you walk out of the room to gag at the combination of food you are eating
“Y/n stay still!!!”
“Minho this cat is digging its nails into your future daughter!”
“.............the cats name is Soongi.”
“Geez. Sorry.”
“Now hold still. Daddy wants a picture of his baby and his baby mama”
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the second
the MILLISECOND this man notices your baby bump gets bigger he is all over your tummy
this man will not stop touching you
he loves seeing how big your bump is
when he is bored he likes to take your eyeliner and draw a face on your belly
he calls it Mr.Bumpy
they talk about future plans for your baby and ngl.....its pretty cute
“Mr.Bumpy should we paint the nursery yellow or white?”
“You’re right Mr. Bumpy. That’s exactly what I thought. 
“Binnie you’ve been talking to my belly for like an hour and I’m hungry.”
 but he loves your belly 
he thinks you look super cute the bigger you belly gets
until he accidentally pisses you off during one of your mood swings
then you are scarier the grim reaper himself
“I didn’t mean to !!!1 I’m sorry babbyyyyyy!”
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This man is so 
like he was whipped for you before you got pregnant but like now that your baby bump is getting bigger is more whipped than you thought possible
(y’all hyunjin be simpin)
but like for real
you ask this man to do anything and I mean anything and he will do it
“what? yes? are you okay? what can I do? should I run to the store? Ill get pizza on the way back! or noodles? I don’t know. what about pickles! You liked those yesterday!” 
“.....can you get the tea kettle down for me?”
“oh....yeah of course baby!”
literally will do anything you ask him 
he just loves seeing you with your big baby bump
“hyunjin will you do aegyo for me? pretty please?????”
*points to baby bump*
aegyo storm for the next two hours just to make you smile
literally loves taking pictures with you and your big bump and always brags about it when he shows someone his lock screen
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like hyunjin he is WHIPPED
will let you literally do anything to him
he doesn't do skincare but like you made him to a whole 14 step routine one day and he sat through the whole gosh darn thing because he loved seeing you with you big bump
the second you tummy gets really big he starts talking to his son or daughter
its the cutest thing
you swear that the baby kicks every time they hear his voice
“baby can I braid your hair?”
“.........can I talk to the baby.....”
“YES!” *fist pumps*
is definitely the type that is you have a big bump around Halloween to convince you to wear a baby bump related couple costume if you are going to a party or something
needless to say to the skz Halloween party you went as mike and sully with your belly being mike
he was very happy
“Ji! People keep looking at my tummy!”
he also probably has minor freakouts because your numb getting bigger means one day closer to him being a father so pre parental panic attacks come more often
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this weirdo
is obsessed with your big tummy in the weirdest way
but also like low-key the sweetest
when you are sitting next to each other on the couch he uses your belly as like a second table 
he has also used your belly as a pillow sometimes (with your permission ofc)
again another man that is available for your every need\
Felix is the king of helping you roll out of bed because you balance is thrown off
also he makes these incredible meals out of your weird cravings (we know he has been quite the little chef and baker recently)
“Felix omg how did you turn pickles, hot sauce, and peanut butter into this?”
“I have no clue myself. I think I blacked out and Gordon Ramsay took over”
also one of the ones who likes talking to your baby bump
he is constantly having his hand on your belly
“Felix you have to go to rehearsal”
“BUT WHAT IF IT  K I C K S ?????//?”
he just loves looking and touching your big bump it makes him smile feeling his little boy or girl 
(probably also a huge advocate for baby bump Halloween costumes)
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seeing your big baby bump makes his caring side come out 
“baby are you using the cream the doctor gave us?” 
“yes seungmin”
“what about the vitamins”
“yes seungmin”
“does this shirt match my jacket”
“yes seungmin”
*pushing him out the door so he can get to practice only three hours later than he was supposed to*
you can pretty much guilt him into doing anything you want by just pointing to your belly and reminding him he got you into this situation for nine months.
“you wanna watch a movie and do face masks with me?”
“eh not really”
*points to stomach* “baby bump.”
“clay or sheet?”
but while he doesn't say that he loves your bump he really likes seeing it
especially when you are just kind of lounging around the house in sweats and a baggy t-shirt that is not as baggy as it used to be
seungmin also really loves when you hold hands with him and the rest your hands on your tummy
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can someone tell me the full link to this video omg too cute ^^
this poor baby
seeing your big tummy just like a constant lovely reminder that he will be a father in a couple of months
he loves how cute you look with your big tummy
but eventually it leads him to a freakout
“y/n we haven't painted a nursery yet!!!”
“jeongin....honey we have two months left. its okay”
“y/n I don’t know how to change a diaper”
“innie you don’t have to-......yeah you should get on that baby”
*runs to watch 8347697 videos on how to change a diaper and falls through a yt baby funnel*
the minute your baby bump starts to show he goes into overdrive
he started packing your hospital bags when you were 4 months in
“innie I don't need......a.....what is this??”
“its a pregnancy pillow.”
“innie its bigger than me how are you fitting it in the bag”
but he loves your bump
probably another boy who finds the bump costumes cute but its most likely your idea
he most definitely has asked chan on how to father lessons 
seungmin probably also gave him one of those parenting for dummies books but he actually read it at night before he sleeps (omg too cute)
Requests are open my lovelies!
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thefemenineurge · 2 years
A better title would be "Things I try to do (...)" but thats not as aestheticly pleasing
Castor oil for eyebrows and lashes: My eyelashes used to be short and straight and my eyebrows were poor amd weak, and I've always tried tonics and stuff from stores that didnt really worked but castor oil has been a life changing. Basically everynight with a brush for eyelashes I put castor oil on my eyelashes and eyebrows and then massaged it in (!!!). The change has been notacible, not only for me but for my friends and family aswell, even when I didnt wore makeup or curled my eyelashes! You can find castor oil in any herbology and pretty cheap! (my bottlw was like 6€ and pretty big and it was a kind of fancy store) and for the brush you can use an old one or buy one on makeup stores.
Fukutsudzi Exercise: It is a postural correction to improve the position of the back and lumbar that gives the illusion of having a smaller waist. According to the specialist, it is not a trick to lose weight, but to gain abs through the redistribution of the fat that accumulates in the abdomen. The routine consists of lying on the floor with something cilindrical and thick (Most people usses a rolled towel, I sometimes do too) on the lower back, just behind the navel, where the lower back meet. You can also do it with a rolled yoga mat or a cylindrical cushion. When you have found a comfortable position, you should stretch your arms and legs as far as possible and place your legs slightly apart and feet inward so that the thumbs touch. As for the arms, you have to stretch them over the head, with the palms of the hand facing the ground. The heels will be about 8 inches apart. To have some visible results you have to do it for 5-10 min everyday for 10 days. This 100% works on me, already in the 2 or 3 day I can see a (faint) line on my abdomen and my waist looks smaller. I love this method and I reccomeded to do it right before gping to sleep, I do it that way becuase I ussually hear a podcast and overall relax while doing it so I go to sleep with a clear mind. I hope I have made myslef clear with this exercise but still in this video you can see some vissual representation: https://youtu.be/teCl27mSrfo
Steam baths for the face: This is basically to open the pores and to sweat away impurities. You have to boil water (like a small saucepan more or less) and after it has broken to boil you pour it into a bowl (wide, a little larger than the size of your face) and put the following herbs depending on your type of skin:
• Dry or sensitive skin. Lavender, chamomile, geranium, rose, jasmine, orange and parsley.
• Normal skin. Lavender, rosemary, orange, mint, chamomile, geranium and rose.
• Skin with acne. Eucalyptus, lemon, cypress and thyme.
• Oily skin. Rosemary, lemon, marjoram, eucalyptus, mint and basil.
(If you have mixed skin use both types of herbs)
Then you place your face just above the steaming bowl and cover your head with a towel to prevent the steam from escaping, it has to look like a tent. So you sweat a lot and it's very good for you. After this, put on a tonic, a mask (such as clay) and a moisturizer. I love it and it helps me a lot, it is not only super effective but it is also very relaxing.
Now lets go for the silly things, okay? Like for exemple, I never never blow dry my hair, not only to avoid hear damage but becuase that way my hair is shinnier and has a nicer shape, (my hair is super straight tho so if you have curly or afro hair you probably know how to handle it jetter than some chick on tumblr). I always put oil on my nails and massaged it in (when you put any kind of crean or oil in your body you ahve to massage it in even in not so obvious oarts such as eyelashes or nails) and Im always sure they have a nice shape. Facial maasages and/or guashas, they work nicely on many people and would probably would work nice on me aswell of I was constant.
Starve :)
Now there are more obvious things like having a skincare routine and things like that but I feel like those are more obvious and personal and thats more of a journey you have to take by yourself cause it heavily depends on each others skin, but I truly really hope this has helped anyone. If somebody has some trick, something they do that works really nicely on them please share it so we all can have a Hot Girl Spring <3.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Ten // Zetsu
“So how are they doing?” Zetsu took a moment, to gather his thoughts before answering. Madara would call on him every so often to give updates on the members of the Akatsuki, their successes and failures, their personalities. He asked Obito the same questions, but in truth he trusted Zetsu’s observations a bit more. “The boy has a tendency to let emotion and attachment cloud his overall judgment,” Madara would tell him, over and over again. “I rely on you to give me the facts, and nothing else.” Madara is right in that Zetsu doesn’t have the same connection with the group that Obito seems to have; however, he’s had more fun and more amusement being around this eclectic gathering of souls than he has around anybody else in his long, long life. After his “visit” with Madara, he travels back through the ground to the Akatsuki hideout; just in time for his turn in the Mistletoe game.
Pein sighs as he approaches the plant-man. He had been hoping that he could avoid this altogether, but apparently his luck had run out. Nagato won’t admit this, because to admit weakness is a failure, but ... Zetsu creeps him out to catastrophic levels. Nagato has dealt with sub-human species before during his travels, but what even was Zetsu? A plant? A man-plant? A mythical creature, a result of an experiment gone wrong? Indeed, Zetsu looks like the type of creation that would step out of one of the traitor Orochimaru’s labs. “Good evening, Leader.” The Pein-body nods and steps closer, steeling himself did this. Zetsu smilles, and Nagato (through Pein) can see splotches of blood dotting the man(?)’s teeth. He must have just eaten, which is good ... not that he would have found the artificial Pein body to taste in anyway pleasant. He gives Zetsu a quick kiss on the forehead, struggling to keep the grimace off his face as he notices how cold, and clammy, and ... inhuman the skin. As he walks away, he could almost swear he can hear Zetsu chuckling to himself ... not that he’s willing to turn around and check for sure.
Konan’s heart drops when she sees how excited Zetsu looks to see her. He’s smiling and waving to her. “Konan-san! Konan-san!” Still, she can’t help but smile; the voice unmistakably belongs to White Zetsu, the decidedly more friendly (if you could call it that) of the dual-personality plant. When it had been Konan’s turn under the little green plant, Zetsu had refused to kiss her because White Zetsu had proclaimed he “wasn’t ready” and Black Zetsu had berated him for it. Things had changed, apparently, as evidenced by Zetsu reaching out and taking hold of her hands. “Be gentle with me; I’ve never kissed a woman before.” Konan nods, and then she reaches up with her small hands, cups Zetsu’s face, pulls him down to her level and kisses first his forehead, then both cheeks, then his nose, then his lips, softly. Zetsu is stunned: he never imagined his first on-the-lips kiss would be so ... pleasant. “T-thank you, Konan-san.” She nods and smiles, before walking away back to her room. As he watches her leave, he starts to talk to himself. “She smelled good.” “All humans do. It’s their blood.” “It wasn’t her blood; it was just her. Her skin. Her hair. She was —“ “The last thing we’re going to do is act like a fool over some human woman.” White Zetsu blushes; he doesn’t think he’s acting like “a fool” at all. Kissing Konan was just an interesting experience, that’s all. Another checkpoint on a long, looong list of interesting experiences.
“This is it, right? This is the last one? Thank God; now we can all go back to doing more productive things with our time.” Zetsu blinks when Kakuzu says that; out of all the members of this group, THIS man was the most no-nonsense, serious guy Zetsu had ever met. He always had his eye on the bottom line, and was more focused on money than Zetsu would have believed possible. About a year back he had approached Zetsu with his idea to start a vegetable garden in order to cut back on market cost of food, to which Zetsu agreed. Taking care of plants was second nature to him; what he DIDN’T expect was that, quite often, Kakuzu would join him in the garden. The old guy had a surprisingly green thumb, and being in the garden seems to give him some much-needed peace. It was during one of these quiet times, as Kakuzu was tending to some tomatoes, that he confessed, quietly, that working in the dirt reminded him of his mother. “We had no money. My mother used to labor on neighboring farms for food or vegetable seeds. She created a beautiful garden, better produce than any of the farms around us. So we never went without.” Kakuzu approaches him now, his mask already lowered, and he delivers a light kiss to Zetsu’s forehead. As he’s about to leave, Zetsu informs him that he’s gotten hold of some rare flower seeds, and asks if he wants to plant them later. “You can’t eat flowers; if you’re not growing something for food then what purpose does it have?” “It provides beauty. Doesn’t that count for something?” Kakuzu rolls his eyes but there’s a smile on his face, which he quickly covers by pulling up his mask. “I’d be glad to help,” he says, gruffly, before leaving.
Another no-nonsense, extremely straightforward Akatsuki member. One thing about Sasori that Zetsu will never understand is Hiroku. Why does the redhead choose to hide himself in that hideous carapace when his OWN puppet body was undoubtedly stronger, faster, and had a higher-level weapons capacity? For that matter, why would a perfectly healthy young man choose to rip out his own humanity and turn himself into such a creation in the first place? Mysteries bounded concerning Sasori of the Red Sand, and even someone as world-weary as Zetsu was in no hurry to uncover them. “Good evening, Sasori-san.” Sasori grunts in return; for once, he’s in his own body. Sasori doesn’t seem at all eager to take the initiative, so Zetsu leans down and kisses him on the forehead instead. He licks his lips at the pleasant woody taste that floods into his mouth; being near Sasori reminds him of peaceful days spend photosynthesizing in the forest, taking in the air of nature while the sun beat down on his face. Sasori leaves while Zetsu is lost in this lovely thought.
Zetsu would often look at Itachi and think, this child is in trouble. His scent was wrong, his chakra was wrong, and his mental state ... couldn’t have been all that good. Zetsu is the Akatsuki’s spy but he knows for certain that Itachi is one too, that he never cut his ties to that village of his and centered his (and everyone else’s movements) away from his home as much as possible. Zetsu could expose him to everyone, but ... what would be the point? After all, even Madara is only an unwitting puppet in the grand scheme of things to come, and Itachi ... the group was made just that much more powerful with him in it. Zetsu often wishes that Itachi, not Madara and not Obito, was the Uchiha “in charge”; but that wouldn’t work. Itachi’s raw intelligence was a force to be reckoned with, and he wouldn’t take lightly (or at all, really) to being “used” by anyone. Although, in Zetsu’s opinion, nobody on earth could possibly use the sweet boy worse than his own village had. “Good evening, Zetsu.” So polite. So pleasant, even to those who didn’t deserve it. This child, it would be a tragedy when he passed. Zetsu quickly leans down and kisses his cheek, noting how cold the young Uchiha was. “You should warm up with a blanket, Itachi. You’re freezing.” Itachi nods, and then he bids Zetsu a good evening as he walks slowly back to his room.
“Oi, Zetsu! Look at what I made!”, Deidara exclaims as he approaches him, holding up a small clay bird. “Isn’t it sublime?!” Zetsu simply nods; in truth, ALL of Deidara’s creations, no matter what they are, look boringly similar to Zetsu. And he didn’t understand the young blonde’s way of taking such careful, meticulous care in sculpting these things ... only to have them explode a few seconds later. And the art pieces weren’t the only closure things about Deidara, as Zetsu had observed many times that the kid just wasn’t the best at controlling his temper. Zetsu would often question Obito as to why he continued to let himself be partnered with him, as Tobi’s idiotic tendencies would surely get Obito killed one day. All Obito would do is shrug and say that Deidara wasn’t that bad. Well, whatever; Zetsu didn’t intend to spend too much time thinking about it. Thinking that it’s about time to do something different with this game, Zetsu takes hold of Deidara, tilts him backwards by the waist, leans down and kisses his neck. When he keys Deidara back up, the guy is as red as a tomato. “What the hell? What was that for??” “Has anybody ever told you that you’re very aesthetically pleasing?” “Aesth-what? You’re not making any sense, weirdo!” Zetsu just smiles and pulls Deidara back to him, this time enveloping him in a soft hug. “You make a tedious time much more bearable. Please continue to do so ... with your art.” Deidara doesn’t really get what Zetsu means, but his ears did pick up Zetsu’s compliment(?) to his art, so he walks away happy.
Kisame and Hidan
The half-shark and the half-plant relate to each other on their carnivorous tendencies, and Zetsu at least is glad to have at least one other person in the Akatsuki that understands his dietary choices. Well, almost. “I’ve eaten a lot of weird meats, Zetsu-san, but I’ve yet to taste human flesh.” “A shame; it really tastes a lot like salty pork.” Then Zetsu lowers his voice and asks, with an unsettling smirk, “Say you decided you want to try a human. IF you could eat any member of the Akatsuki, consequence-free, who would it be?” Zetsu is half-kidding and doesn’t expect Kisame to answer, so he’s surprised when he answers, without hesitation, “Hidan.” “That’s odd; that would be my choice, too. The scent of blood is always on him. Well-seasoned entree.” Kisame bursts out laughing, and Hidan, who happens to be walking by, hears him and stops. “What’s so funny, freak? You laughin’ about mouth-fucking Bigger Freak over there?” Kisame smiles, showcasing ALL of his sharp teeth; and Zetsu says, quietly, “You smell good, Hidan. Can you come closer so that I can catch a better whiff?” and something about the look he’s giving him makes Hidan’s blood run cold. “No fucking way, you crazy weed!” He informs Zetsu that he’s not going to kiss him, and he walks backward to his room, keeping a close eye on Kisame and Zetsu until he reaches his door ... and locks it. Kisame laughs once more, and then he leans into Zetsu and kisses his cheek, before returning to his own room. On his way down the hall he stops at Hidan’s door and says, sweetly, “Have a good night, brat!” which is met with loud cursing behind the wood.
When Zetsu first laid eyes on a much younger Obito, he was positive that the kid wouldn’t live through the night. Bloodied, bruised, and with half of his internal organs either rearranged or crushed entirely — “No. He is strong.” Zetsu could only look at Madara in disbelief; what about this dying child seemed in any way “strong”? But then Obito lived through that night, and the next, and before Zetsu knew it, he was taking his place in the grand scheme of this Akatsuki Madara had put together. But for the longest time, Zetsu was sad anytime he so much as looked at “Tobi”; he had watched a bright young boy whose hope couldn’t be crushed even by a boulder deteriorate into an angry, vengeful man who had witnessed (and been mentally and emotionally damaged by) the deaths of all that he once held dear. But a miracle of sorts began slowly unfolding; the more time Obito spent around these people, the happier he seemed to become. It was as though he’d regained his family; and although these individuals are really nothing more than fodder for what’s to come, Zetsu is happy that they are managing to provide Obito with the peace that he deserves. “Tobi” approaches him now, and, seeing that they’re alone, chances it to take off his mask. “Long day,” he says, using his own voice, to which Zetsu agrees. “Longer when you’re starving.” Obito smiles at the comment, and his childlike grin shows flashes of the boy who danced in triumph when he was able to complete a set of push-ups on his own. “You’re always starving though.” “You’re not one to talk; I watched you put away at least eight trays of dango yesterday.” The two chuckle, and Obito moves closer, looking shy now. “Ready?” Zetsu nods, and Obito leans in and kisses the corner of his mouth, just barely touching the bottom of Zetsu’s lips. During the kiss, Zetsu closes his eyes and inhales; all of the candy and pastries that the man ate gave him a delightfully natural, sweet scent. Obito slides his mask back on and turns to go, but before he gets far, Zetsu calls out to him, “Hey?” “Yeah?” “I have a serious question for you.” “What is it?” Using White Zetsu’s voice, and making his grin even wider, Zetsu asks, “All that crap you eat ... does it make you have to crap a lot during the day?” Obito’s face turns red behind the mask and he bursts out into a raucous laugh. “All these years! All these YEARS and YOU’RE STILL ASKING ME ABOUT CRAPPING!” He laughs so hard that he wakes up Deidara, whose room is closest to the living room area. “Tobi, what the fuck?! Go to bed before I stick a kunai up your ass!” Obito immediately goes into Tobi-mode and apologizes to his Senpai. Deidara goes back to his room and Obito gives one last wave to Zetsu before going to his own.
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makeuptips- · 3 years
Combination Skin: What To Use and How To Use It
Updated Feb 25, 2021 - Originally Posted: Nov 29, 2019
Combination skin is a real thing. Not quite dry, not quite oily; knowing how to care for it isn’t always easy. This common but sometimes confusing skin type marries areas of the face that are in oil production overdrive with areas that are dry, forming a patchwork-like texture on the skin’s surface.  Simply, combination skin is out of balance, so sourcing beauty products to cater to it requires a little vigilance.
Alina Roytberg - co-founder of skincare company, Fresh - laid down the facts on this very skin type. She described the main indicators to include: “an oily T-zone (forehead, down the nose to the chin) with dry cheeks, or skin that’s [generally] oilier in summer and drier in winter.” If you ever wondered how your skin came to be this way, Roytberg will tell you that genetics plays a leading role, above environmental factors and personal lifestyle. Each step of your skincare regime can be curated to work in favour of both surfaces at play, where harmonising your skin’s hydration levels is key.
FACT: According to Roytberg, normal and dry skin types tend to lean more toward a combination skin type when you’re on your period.``
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Your cleanser should serve as the backbone of your regime by manipulating the condition of your skin regardless of what products are placed on top. Choose cleansing products that work with, not against, your multi-faceted skin type; products that replenish and balance your skin’s natural oils. “Using a good, gentle cleanser twice a day,” Roytberg suggests, “will help cleanse the skin without over-drying or leaving any residue behind.”
Replacing oil with oil is also an effective way to rebalance moisture levels across the board – I love Frank Body’s Anti-Makeup Cleansing Oil. Alternately, opt for a gentle cream solution like Clarins’ Cleansing Milk containing extracts of soothing yellow gentian. Avoid cleansers that contain high levels of salicylic acid because this additive can further dry out the skin. On the contrary, cleansing balms that boast a thick, buttery consistency may feel a little over the top against areas that are producing generous amounts of sebum as it is.
TIP: “I recommend using a cream cleanser like Fresh’s Soy Face Cleanser after an oil-based [one] as a double cleansing ritual… to ensure skin is fully cleansed,” Roytberg says.
To provide an even deeper clean to the skin, throw in an exfoliating product once or twice a week. By doing so, you’ll relieve the build-up of oil and bacteria, reducing the likelihood of developing acne. It’s a common misconception that the larger the pores, the more sebum secreted. Roytberg instead says this theory probably works in reverse, in that the secretion of sebum itself can enlarge pores. “If sebum can’t discharge freely, pores can become wider and more clearly visible, and pimples may form.” Regardless of whether you opt for an acidic exfoliant or granular liquid, skin will look and feel more even with the removal of surface-level grime and dead skin cells. LUMA’s Crushed Pearl Facial Polish boasts botanical grape seed oil – an ingredient praised for its nourishing and protective abilities when used on the skin. A toner can also be a great addition to your cleanser routine when the correct product is used. Moisten a cotton pad in your toner of choice and mark out the most oil-prone areas of your face only. Naturally hydrating ingredients, like cucumber in Mario Badescu’s Special Cucumber Lotion, will act as a suitable replacement. Even the oiliest of T-zones can still hide underlying dryness.
Tip: The further up an ingredient is listed on a product, the higher the content level of that ingredient will be. You can ensure you’re getting the most out of key ingredients before buying.
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You’ll be misguided in believing a rich cream will act as a cure-all, since your oiliest areas need no such thing. When it comes to moisturiser, a lightweight formula containing hydrating hyaluronic acid should cover all bases (oily or otherwise). Prior to sleep, apply a refreshing gel cream that will sooth the skin and absorb in a flash, like Tarte Cosmetics Rainforest of The Sea Drink of H2O Hydrating Boost Moisturizer or Glow Recipe’s Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Moisturizer. Come morning, opt for a shine controlling moisturiser like Bioderma’s new Sébium Shine-Control Moisturiser or La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat.
TIP: Combination Skin or not, it’s important to always apply sun protection. Prior to makeup application, apply an SPF. Invisible Zinc’s Sheer Defence Facial Moisturiser SPF50 is great for combination skin as it sits incognito under foundation without the greasiness or scent of a traditional sunscreen.
As with moisturiser application, multi-masking is the way to go. Apply residue-removing charcoal, like that in FORMULA 10.0.6’s Take Back Control Oil-Controlling Mud Mask, to oily areas. This charcoal and cacao hybrid is designed to decongest pores and hydrate the skin respectively. Likewise, Fresh’s Umbrian Clay Purifying Mask can be applied to the T-Zone, while the brand’s hydrating Rose Face Mask be applied along the cheeks. If you’d prefer a sheet mask, The Body Shop’s Seaweed Balance Sheet Mask is an easy one-size-fits-all option that contains refreshing aloe vera your whole face will benefit from.
TIP: If acne is a concern, manage your combination skin first before reaching for acne-targeted solutions. Until then, minimise your use of silicones to allow pores to breathe easily.
Originally posted Nov 29th, 2019. Updated Feb 25, 2021 Story by: Hannah Gay
Photography: Evangeline Sarney
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Christmas Shenanigans [Peter Parker]
peter parker x fem!reader
type - fluff
note - in the spirit of christmas, i wrote tis cute lil imagine. enjoy!
summary - you spend christmas eve with Peter and do some fun activities :) 
warnings - lil suggestive 
*gif isn’t mine*
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“Peter! I’m here!” You shouted while walking through his apartment. You saw May in the kitchen. 
“Hey, Y/n! Merry Christmas Eve!” May smiled and came over to you, and gave you a hug. You smiled at her and hugged her back. 
“Merry Christmas Eve! I have a little something for you,” you pulled away and reached for your backpack. 
“Oh, Y/n! You didn’t have to,” May smiled as you got out the wrapped gift. 
You shrugged, “You’ve been a second mother to me ever since Peter and I were friends, even more since we started dating. Plus, I’m spending the whole day with my family tomorrow, so this is a good time to give you this.”
May chuckled, “Well, I have something, too.”
“Ooh, yay! Gift exchange!” You giggled and clapped your hands. May shared your enthusiasm by walking with a pep in her step to you. 
She handed you a medium-size box that had Santa wrapping paper on it. You handed May a little box, too, with Christmas tree wrapping paper.
You two opened it simultaneously. You gasped as you saw a a few face masks and a clay mask jar.
“Thank you so much, May! I love this!” You smiled. “Of course! I overheard you complain to Peter about not having a lot self-care products, so I got you some. Every girl needs at least a few of these 24/7.”
“Ah, I agree! Okay, open yours!” You pointed to the box who had been unwrapped, but not opened. 
May danced in place a little, gently opening the gift. She gasped and put her hand on her chest. Inside was a charm bracelet that had a seashell, May’s zodiac sign symbol, and a little circle charm that said ‘family’ with a heart. 
“Do you like it?” You asked, slightly anxious. 
“Oh, honey, I love it. Thank you!” May said, tears in her eyes. You chuckled as she gave you another hug. 
“You know, I haven’t had a charm bracelet since Peter’s parents died. Mary gave me a matching charm bracelet when we got really close, before her and Richard got married. After she passed, I had packed it away somewhere in all of  their things. Thank you so much, Y/n,” May smiled. 
“You’re welcome. Peter actually mentioned you liked charm bracelets when I asked him what you wanted for Christmas,” you explained. 
“Ah, gotta love that kid,” May smiled. 
“Agreed,” you smiled. “Speaking of him, where is he?”
“Hm, I think he and Ned went out somewhere. He should be back. He knows you’re here, right?” May asked. 
“Yeah, I texted him like, 15 minutes ago,” you pulled out your phone and frowned. 
On cue, the door opened and there appeared your boyfriend. He was out of breath, probably from running up the stairs to his apartment. He had a few gift bags in his hand, too. 
“Well, there is the man of the hour! Where have you been, Pete?” May asked. 
“Late Christmas shopping. I, uh, kinda forgot,” Peter laughed awkwardly, setting his backpack and the gifts down. 
“I thought you got kidnapped or something,” you teased. 
Peter turned to you and a big smile immediately came onto his face. He went over to you and engulfed you in a big hug. You relaxed instantly, melting into his embrace and putting your head in his shoulder. 
“I’m Spider-Man, babe, I can’t be kidnapped,” he whispered in your ear. 
You giggled quietly, pulling away and pecking his lips. Peter went to his gifts, handing a bag to May. 
“Aw, Peter, you shouldn’t have!” May smiled and grabbed it. 
“You would’ve yelled at me if I didn’t,” Peter snorted. May rolled his eyes, but smiled at she got her gift out. 
She held up a new spatula set. 
“Peter! This is just what I, well we, needed! Thank you! Now, I don’t have to buy anything,” May smiled. She hugged Peter and ruffled his hair. 
“You’re welcome, May. I have another gift for you, but you gotta open it tomorrow, when it's actually Christmas. And for you, I have loads of gifts!” Peter smiled at you.
You giggled, “Thank you, Petey.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Well, you two can run along. Keep the door open a little, I’ll be cooking dinner. Chilli okay for you, Y/n?” May asked.
“More than okay! Thank you!” You smiled. 
Peter took your hand, thanking May, and leading you to his room. 
Peter closed the door a little more than halfway, coming over to you and pressing a slightly needy, but sweet kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. His hands snaked around your waist, walking backwards so you two fell on his bed. 
You pulled away and giggled, panting slightly. “Where did that come from?”
“I just missed you,” Peter said, leaning over and pressing a chaste kiss on your lips. He pulled away, getting your Christmas presents and putting them on the bed. There were two gift bags. You took off your backpack, taking out the couple of presents you got him. 
“Okay, um, here is one of yours,” you said, hanging him a small bag. 
“Yay!” Peter squealed like a little boy. You chuckled, putting your hand on his knee, anxiously waiting for him to open your present. 
Peter took out the tissue paper, gasping in excitement. He pulled out a medium-sized candle that you made. You had put your perfume scent and shampoo scent that Peter always said he loved.
“Y/n! OMG! I’m gonna light this up all. the. time,” Peter said.
“I’m glad you like it,” you smiled. “Like it? I love it! Okay, now open yours,” Peter said and shoved a big box in your face. You grabbed it, surprised by it’s weight.
You untied the ribbon and lifted the top fo the box. You gasped as you saw what the present was. It was a picture collage of you and Peter during Christmas times through the years. It spanned over the coarse of 11 years. You looked over the pictures, tears springing in your eyes as you saw pictures of you two from when you were 5 to literally the other day. You smiled as you saw the picture from last year, when you two finally started to date. In that picture, you two were kissing. That picture and the one from the other day were the only ones that had you kissing in them. You loved to see the development in your guys’s relationship over the years. 
“Do you like it?” Peter asked. 
“I love it, Pete. Thank you so much,” you sniffled. Peter put his hand up to your face, wiping a few tears that had fallen from your eyes. 
“Don’t cry, Pretty Girl,” Peter said. You smiled softly and leaned over to press a kiss to his lips. 
“I’m just really happy,” you said once you pulled away. Peter smiled, “Me, too, Okay, here’s a more personal gift that I got you.”
He gave you a little box that was wrapped. You unwrapped it, seeing that it was a white box. You took the top off, smiling even more when you saw the present. It was a silver necklace that had Peter’s name on it. 
“This is so cute! I see you’ve been paying attention to all the tik tok’s I’ve sent you,” you giggled. You leaned over again to kiss him. 
“Oh, I have. I also got a match one!” Peter said, taking out a silver bracelet. It had your name on it. 
“Ah! I love you,” you smiled at him. You put your necklace on, getting your phone out and seeing how it looked like on camera. 
“I love you, too. Sooooo, you said I have another gift for me?” Peter said. 
You giggled. “Yes I do, Petey.” You reached for your gift and handed it to him. Peter ripped it open, smiling excitedly as he saw you got him a Spider-Man watch. 
“This is awesome! I can’t believe I never even got one for myself,” Peter snorted. “Thank you, babe.”
“You’re welcome. I know how much you loooove Spider-Man,” you chuckled.
“Yes, indeed, I do,” Peter laughed. You helped Peter set the watch to the right time, putting it on for him. 
“This is so cool!” Peter squealed. 
“I’m glad you think so. I would’ve gotten you a Star Wars one, but I decided to get that one for Ned, and this one for you,” you shrugged. 
“Oh, he’ll love that,” Peter smiled. “I know. I'm an amazing gift giver,” you smirked. 
“That you are,” Peter said. He took you in his arms, laying down on the bed with you. You giggled, getting on top of him and straddling his waist.
“Trying to get lucky tonight, Parker?” You smirked. 
“Maybe,” Peter smiled. “Extra Christmas present?”
“Hm,” you hummed. You ran your fingers down his shirt, feeling his abs through the clothing. You leaned down, giving Peter a good view of your cleavage, as you were wearing a fairly low-cut shirt).
“Please,” Peter whined. You smiled and put your lips on his, kissing him slow and passionately. Peter put his hands on your waist, trailing down to your thigh. Before you two could go any further, you heard the laughter of children from outside. 
You pulled away, earning a grunt of annoyance from Peter. 
“OMG, Peter!” You exclaimed. 
“What?” Peter asked, setting his hand on your thigh. “You should dress up as Spider-Man and give kids candy canes and sing to them!” You exclaimed.
Peter made a face. “What? Why?”
You rolled your eyes and looked at him. “Because, you are the “Friendly-Neighbourhood-Spider-Man”! Please? I’ll buy the chocolate and candy canes or whatever. Just go around the neighbourhood.”
“I don’t know, Y/n,” Peter said. “Oh, c’mon! You usually would be up for this! Please, it's for the kids. Plus, I’ll give you a treat,” you said, pouting. 
Peter smiled at you and sighed. “Fine. I’ll go and get my suit under my clothes. We can say goodbye to May and whenever we get the stuff, I’ll change into my suit.”
“Yay!” You exclaimed and clapped. You got off of his so he could go and get his suit on. He changed quickly, putting his jeans and sweatshirt on over. He grabbed his backpack, going out of his room with you. 
“Hey, May, Peter and I are gonna go to the store and get some candy,” you said. 
“Alright! Stay safe please. Call me if you need anything!” May said from her room. 
“Will do! Bye!” You exclaimed. “Bye, May!” Peter said. 
You two went out of the apartment, running down the stairs and going outside. You two went to the gas station, getting candy canes and chocolate. Once you got outside, Peter took his clothes off, putting his Spider-Man mask on. 
“Are you cold in that?” You asked him as he put his regular clothes in his backpack.  “Nah, the suit has a heater,” Peter said. “Wow, lucky. I'm freezing,” you chuckled, bouncing up and down to make some heat. 
“Aw, baby, you should’ve told me. Here, stay next to me, I’ll keep you warm,” he said, putting his arm around you. 
You put your hat over your ears and smiled up at him. “Thank you. Now, ready to get your Christmas on?”
“Yes!” Peter smiled and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek. 
You giggled and you walked around the neighbourhood, knocking on people’s doors. 
“Hello, may I help you?” The first door you knocked on opened quickly. 
“Hi! I’m Spider-Man and this is my assistant!” Peter said. 
“Yes,” you chuckled. 
“We’re just going around the neighbourhood to wish you Merry Christmas and give you some gifts,” Peter said and held out a few chocolate packs and candy canes. 
The woman at the door smiled and took the treats. “Thank you! Do you mind if I get my son? He is a big fan of yours.”
“No, not at all!” You smiled. 
The woman went into the house, son returning with a little boy. The little boy gasped. “Spider-Man!”
“Hey, buddy!” Peter crouched down. “Have you been good this year.” The little boy nodded with a wide smile. 
“Good. I gave your mom a few treats for you and your family. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!”
“Thank you so much. Do you mind if we take a picture?” The little boy’s mom asked. 
“Not at all,” Peter said. You moved out of the way, the little boy standing next to Peter. The mom took the picture, gesturing for the little boy to come back inside. 
“Thank you so much, again. This definitely made his Christmas.”
“It’s not problem, ma’am. Have a good night!” Peter said and waved. 
“You, too!” The woman smiled. The little boy waved at you two before the woman closed the door. 
You went by Peter’s side again, “See? Wasn’t that fun?”
“Yes, it was,” Peter said, putting his hand around you. 
You smiled and put your head on his shoulder, going to the next house. You and Peter did this for an hour and a half, going through all the houses and apartments, taking pictures with the kids. You two reached the last house finally, saying goodbye and wishing them a Merry Christmas. 
Peter put his clothes back on and you two went back into his apartment. You noticed May sleeping on the couch, and chilli on the stove. You two took off your coats and shoes, going over to the chilli. 
“Thank you for doing this with me,” you said, leaning on him as you got yourself chilli. 
“Of course, baby. It was really fun,” Peter smiled. He kissed your head, nuzzling his cheek onto the top of your head. 
“Good, I’m glad,” you said. You two walked into Peter’s room. You two set the bowls onto his desk. Peter changed out of his Spider-Man suit, putting back on his underwear. But before he could put on the rest of his clothes, you took his hand and pushed him on the bed. 
Peter smiled wide and you smirked, climbing on top of his lap. 
“Merry Christmas, Peter Parker,” you whispered, capturing his lips into a kiss. 
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yozzers · 3 years
vexos hcs and random notes
ill update as i go, because yes i do update my masterlists every once in awhile, i should probably add them to my pinned... 
I sincerely hope they have a small living arrangement so I can inflict them with the pain of having to share almost everything with each other
I just want Shadow and Lync to share a bunk
Like to think that alongside Volt, Mylene and Lync were also recruited by Hydron
None of them officially joined until they were a bit older but probably trained to eventually join the Vexos; in the mean time they probably worked for Hydron or something like that
Volt recruited at 11; Lync a year later and Mylene following not long after (respectively 13, 8, 12 when they’re all gathered)
My reasoning to why Volt is patient with Lync’s antics and Mylene less so but doesn’t lash out as badly as you think she would around annoying little kids; grew up tgt moment
Spectra probably forced his way into the Vexos like “hiiii i see you dont have any Vexos members <3″ bcs obv he wasn’t using royal scientist dad privelages (i think, bcs Clay seems horrified abt Spectra being a Vexos and well, being Spectra) 
Shadow had an advantage of being a nobleman (in terms of him being accepted into the Vexos’ ranks)
the Vexos and their set of rules magent-ed on the fridge door or something and every time they go over a page they have to staple/tape a new page on
Joined in this order, Volt, Spectra, Shadow, Mylene, Lync, Gus 
Vexos being a “chance of death low but the chance is still there” type of job... they feel like idols girl help they are bakugan idol group who work for the government 
sorry the way the vestal kids talk about them... going to treat the Vexos like a kpop group now
Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermin 
[canon] son of a (royal?) scientist. definitely had it good and comfy
think it’d be REALLY funny if he already knew Shadow before he became Spectra, Shadow just doesn’t recognize him bcs of his stupid get up
throws childhood friends Shadow Spectra at you, just two weirdos 
Keith specifically keeps Shadow from ever meeting his sister which is why neither of them really recognize each other
Pre-Spectra; probably would’ve been really into bakugan biology and what not. Feels like the kind of person to talk w/ his dad about “do you think we could change their appearance if we messed w/ their mechanical ball form or would it not carry over to their released forms”
this mf looks like a biology major i feel it in my guts 
mom isn’t dead she just divorced Clay bcs he didn’t know how to balance family and work, good for her
probably lives in another city now, and it’s a bit more of a hassle to meet with her kids so they don’t see her as much but she is present in their lives (keep in contact in other ways) 
probably went a bit silent when Keith went missing
didn’t bleach his eyebrows bcs he didn’t want to harm the skin around there and he never thought he’d take the mask off around others, or about how stupid he’d look without the mask
please please please please draw him with his pink hair roots in his MS fit he should've grown out some of his bleached hair by then
daddy issues is truly the root of evil
Gus Grav
Just Some Gut background; middle class just living life
[canon?] was going on a route to being an “idol brawler”, because that’s kind of what their brawls felt like, since it was all purely for show with some competition. it felt less like a sport and more spectacle.
Gus wanting to be an idol brawler is actually such a funny string of words put together I’m making that a thing, if he didn’t join the Vexos he would’ve been an idol brawler
I like the Gus needs glasses hc (shoutout to @marmeladebois ‘s post on that) 
The hc of him being half human and Runo’s half brother is so good 
Cooks well but refuses to help cook fr the Vexos (unless Spectra specifically asks) --> that job is usually left to Volt
not related but reminds me heavily of yugioh vrain’s Spectre (or other way around... Gus was the blueprint) 
Shadow Prove
[handbook canon] a vestal nobleman 
has an older brother (oc; Lux- casual Haos brawler)
inferiority complex or whatever, the only thing he bested his brother in was Bakugan
the Prove family being typical prim proper noble family and forcing Shadow to be repressed is something, but the Proves having the same kind of wavelength as Shadow but in different variations is funnier. They’re just Like That.
Probably not a military family, does work closely with the government still; um im thinking somewhere under the Fermins but not by much
Considered running away from home several times 
Unwillingly has knowledge on Vestal classic literature/ music
hard clutching a wall whenever he wants to join in on discussions about it bcs he knows this stuff but no way is he going to make himself look like a nerd + hes not actually that interested
*debates you for fun and bcs i hate u <3* 
You know how he doesn’t take his job as a Vexos member super seriously, I wonder:
did his parents force him to be a Vexos since he wasn’t interested in the political side of his family and probably against taking up anything related to it, so they had him do something that’d still be beneficial to the family?  
joined to pursue a freedom he didn’t have as a nobleman and is now just taking it really easy?
has clowns > jesters debate with volt; obv he’s team clown, volt is team jester
incredibly irrelevant but if he was a human he’d be chinese, i’ve claimed him, prodigal son older brother and fail son dynamic is there 
Mylene Ferrow
While I like the idea of her being from a military family, I want to make her like Ling Wen (TGCF) in the sense she started from the bottom and climbed to the top... it fits her ambitious nature of grasping for more, she hasn’t reached what she considers the top just yet... 
[very Ling Wen specific but Mylene being put in jail fr crimes unknown to me and being recruited  by Hydron bcs she kicked serious ass is an entertaining thought] 
I like to think she’s closest to Shadow due to the fact he kind of forces his presence onto her so... not her choice in that matter. “annoying” to “endearingly annoying, you still aren’t getting special treatment though”
Ofc Volt and Lync are on the same level, but I think they all know when to give each other space so they’re more of a “we hold each other at a distance, but we’re aware of out closeness which is enough for us”
Then its Spectra and then Gus in the “closest to Mylene” scale; she just straight up hates Gus and it’s mutual
whoever made the “Mylene and Spectra were exes” hc I think it’s really funny so I’m adding it here 
terrible fashion, she’s the one who chose the outfits when she and Shadow went to earth; her fashionable armor look she usually has was designed with Volt’s help, she just voiced what she generally wanted 
Her red lipstick look was bcs she thought it’d make her look more serious/ intimidating (Volt and Lync approved, it rlly does work on her)
Shadow matches w/ her (via his red nails) after they get teamed up tgt several times bcs he thinks they’re basically the go-to duo matchup whenever they’re assigned work n it’d be cool
Very forthcoming about the fact she used to be considered a criminal and was from same rundown area Volt and Lync come from
She’s grateful she got out of jail but she still has no respect for Hydron and despite how much she tries to hide it she does make it pretty clear to him she doesn’t really like him
I wish I had more to say about her... but It’s all relationship esque, i think in general she’s enjoyable and good so what I want more out of her is character dynamics
Lync Volan
[eng dub] he has grandparents; whether they’re still alive or not is...? 
was part of the same area Volt is from
probably aware of each other but didn’t really know each other
you sound like you have mommy issues 
came from the same area as Volt, but lived further out and closer to those areas where there were some bits of nature left 
ill expand on why he got picked up by Hydron another day lazy rn
Volt Luster
[canon] he’s from an area that just straight up looks like yugioh 5ds’ Satellite, and Hydron was the one who pulled him out of there  
He says Hydron pulled him out of there when he was a kid? I’d assume at youngest it’d be like Hydron (8) and Volt (11)
has a neat collection of handmade jester dolls 
lot more artistic than he seems 
Had his guardian bakugan with him the longest; had Brontes even before he met Hydron
Would the others consider him weird fr having a talking Bakugan that acted friendly with him n cracked jokes? 
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joyhigh · 3 years
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Had ideas floating around involving delving more into his backstory with the uncles as well as past interactions with Dusty, but then I ended up having this more Lisa-related concept pop up that emotionally hit me over the head, stomped me into the curb and took my wallet, so...this is the result.
A few notes, as Buddy obvs isn’t raised by Brad in this AU I decided she would go by a different name here(Sunny). Apologies if it’s as weird to read as it was to write, haha. She’s about 7 here, this is some time before the events of Painful.
Content warnings(getting dark here so please do take care): Descriptions of abuse, suicide, addiction and relapse
“You know the drill, right?” 
“Wait and be quiet until you wave.” Sunny’s small hand pokes out from underneath her ill-fitting poncho to demonstrate, her motions quick and jittery. The pale mask obscuring her face does nothing to hide the way her shoulders bounce in excitement as the two sit against the wall of the hut, the way her feet drum against the rust-colored earth below. 
“Mhm.” Bernard grunts in affirmation. “And until then stay out of sight while I’m out there, if I can see you—“
“The bad guys can too, I know.” There’s a bite of impatience to Sunny’s voice followed by a dramatic huff, the girl crossing her arms decisively. Nearly a mirror image of Jaxon, much to Bernard’s irritation. Out of all the ‘uncles’ for her to take after...
In response Bernard merely settles on a sigh and a warning look before finally standing. Today wasn’t a day for trying to play the parent and lecture on respect—his already protesting muscles and the persistent pulse of pain beneath his skull saw to that. Damn Joy. Or lack of it, for that matter. 
Stepping over threadbare blankets and supply bags strewn about the meager space, Bernard feels Sunny’s eyes on him all the while as he exits the makeshift hut. What greets him outside is nothing new—the same drab hills and looming cliffs from yesterday. He can’t understand what makes the child so excited to go out and see it all again, especially since there’s been a few other times he’s relented to her pleas. Surely she has to see eventually that there’s nothing out there of any worth. 
Bernard’s gaze drags across the horizon, searching and scanning and then double checking for any signs of movement as he treads further from the hut. They live a ways away from the closest settlement but he can never rest easy knowing of all the freaks and scavengers about. At the moment however, there is nothing but rocks and trees in deathlike stillness. The dawn is only beginning to break yet the heavy weight of humid air is already present, accompanied by a grey cover of clouds likely to be later burned away by the sun. The uncomfortable stickiness makes Bernard’s expression sour further as he turns to check back.
Immediately a small spot of white catches his eye—Sunny’s mask, peeking out of a large hole in the clay walls of the hut that can be only charitably called a window. Bernard stares a moment, does one more double take around him, then lifts his hand in a small wave. In a flash she’s already left the hut, dashing forward with faded pink poncho billowing behind her. 
“Hey. Hey,” He barely manages to catch the girl’s wrist, stopping her from speeding right past him. Antonio once joked that Sunny knew how to run before she could walk and honestly, Bernard could believe it. “Stay close, remember?”
Sunny stares at the point of contact for a moment as if contemplating resistance, but seems to decide against it as her small hand slides into his. She’s quiet for a while but her gaze is constantly moving—to the sky, the ground, the hills, until finally it locks onto something and Sunny jolts.
“What’s that?” She gasps, already starting to tug Bernard forward as she tries to move closer. At first he’s puzzled, seeing the object of her interest is nothing more than a dead tree, but then a spot of darkness perched on the gnarled branches catches his eye.
“A crow. Type of bird.” Bernard allows her to lead him forward until they arrive at the base of the tree. The crow just watches, a slight sheen of blue glimmering over its feathers in the faint morning light. 
“Like an owl?” 
“Yep. Like an owl, but more annoying-“ The sentence is soon followed by a harsh cry on part of the bird, making Sunny jump. Bernard just snickers. “Like so.”
“No he isn’t!!” Sunny sounds personally offended by this, as if she wasn’t just startled by it a moment ago. “He’s just saying good morning.”
“Sure…so what else does he have to say? Since you’re such an expert.” As if on cue the crow caws again.
“Hm.” She hums contemplatively, crossing her arms. “He says you’re stinky. And dumb.”
Bernard sharply glances sideways at her, lifting a brow. “Is that so? Well that’s rude.” Sunny just shrugs, failing miserably at stifling a giggle. “I could throw a rock at him for that, you know.” He adds, and immediately the child’s mirth disintegrates. 
“No! You can’t!” She gasps, looking anxiously between him and the bird. Bernard’s smirk widens slightly as he decides to keep this going. Maybe it’s because kids are always easy to mess with. Maybe the withdrawal’s put him in a bit of a nasty mood. 
“I dunno...there’s a lot of ‘em around, you know.” Bernard saunters about scanning the ground intently, kneeling to pick up a random piece of stone and inspecting it to fully sell the charade.
He expects another protest on part of Sunny but all that follows is silence. Bernard’s smile fades as he looks up, presented with the sight of the girl pulling herself up onto one of the tree branches.
“Sunshine, no-“ He quickly discards the stone and returns to the base of the tree, unsure if he should prepare to catch her if she falls or just try and pull her back down. “Get back here, now.” 
“If you’re gonna be mean to him, I won’t let you.” She calls back, casting only a brief glance in his direction before continuing to climb up towards the crow. The branches seem to be able to hold her small body just fine but Bernard’s form is strung with tension as he watches Sunny move further out of reach.
“Kid, I was joking.” Whether it was from the abrupt motion or the overall noise, it feels like someone’s taking a jackhammer to his skull. 
“Wasn't funny,” She huffs, pausing for a moment in her ascent as she and the bird regard each other. “Hi…” Bernard can hear her whisper, and Sunny slowly reaches forward. “Hi birdie. C‘ mere, it’s okay. It’s okay,” It’s a similar tone to one he and the others would use whenever Sunny got a scrape or bruise, however this time it doesn’t have any calming effect. As she gets closer the bird caws and with a rustle of feathers, it leaps off the branch and takes to the air. “Aw…”
“There,” Bernard winces, rubbing his temple with one hand as he watches the dark shape quickly become a small splotch in the sky. “See? There wasn’t any point to that, they don’t like people.” If Sunny’s paying attention to him he can’t tell with the mask, but even so it seems her focus is on the horizon as she surveys her surroundings.
“...I’m really high up.”
“Oh no, really?” He drawls, rolling his eyes. “Great observation, kiddo.” It’s a surprise to see the child not responding with her usual indignation, but Sunny’s mind seems elsewhere entirely. 
“I can see more things,” She points further off in the distance. “Are those other huts over there? Are they like us?” Not waiting for an answer, Sunny lifts her mask and beams down at Bernard. “Come up! You can come see too!” The shrill excitement in her voice only makes his head throb further and he can’t even bring himself to remind her of the mask.
“Just—-give me a...ugh.” Bernard finds himself leaning against the tree for support, even that small motion making his muscles twinge in protest. He’d thought he would be able to fight it off but the withdrawal was only getting worse. A headache he could handle, but when the pain spread...
Just try and breathe. In and out. He shuts his eyes and tries to remind himself he has to be here for Sunny right now, that’s why he’s going through this in the first place. Is she talking to him right now? The most he can hear is the blood roaring in his ears, a harsh ringing—
Then quiet. The pain halts, though there’s still a faint echo of the sensation through his body. Bernard lifts his head to find he’s somewhere else.
Nighttime. Standing in overgrown grass surrounding a run-down house seemingly banished to the far out edge of the suburbs. Her house. 
“Lisa?” The boy didn’t dare bring his voice above a hushed whisper, as always fearful breaking the silence would catch unwanted attention. The cold light of a television below her room was a nigh-constant reminder of the risk. Bernard tried not to let it distract him, eyes glued to the higher window where Lisa would appear many times before. He prayed for the creak of a window as it opened, the rustle of leaves as she would clamber down the nearby oak tree to get to him. But right now, it all was quiet. 
Something was wrong. It had been wrong the day before, when Lisa stared at him through the fresh bandages on her face, hands loosely clasped around wrists with bruises that were even more recent. The plan didn’t work. At first Bernard thought she’d be furious with him—really he would’ve preferred that. Instead as he profusely apologized Lisa just watched him with hollow eyes. That look of tired resignation terrified him even more than her anger.
Bernard shifted uneasily from foot to foot. It was a school night for him and not their usual time to meet, but he had to check on her. Even if he didn’t Bernard was sure he’d be kept up by the worry anyway. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been waiting but enough was enough.
Motions slowed by apprehension, he stood at the base of the oak and grasped the sturdiest branch he could reach. The rough bark bit Bernard’s hands as he clumsily hoisted his stout figure up, sneakers scraping against the trunk of the tree in an attempt to get more leverage. Once he regained his bearings he reached for another branch, then another. By the end of his climb he was out of breath but his lips twisted in grim triumph. Lisa’s window was right within reach. 
Past the glass-smudged glass Bernard finally saw her. She stood on the other side of the room, a shape distinguished only by the faint light filtering in from the outside. Besides that he couldn’t make much else out—had she noticed him yet? Was she ignoring him? 
As he shifted closer, timidly reaching to tap on the window, it was then he noticed two important things.
Lisa’s feet didn’t touch the floor. A rope was tied to the ceiling.
No. That couldn’t be it. Something in Bernard’s gut twisted as he leaned in, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. That couldn’t be it. The shadows were playing tricks on him—he’d seen people die like that before on television, people who did horrible things and terrified people too weak to go on, but Lisa couldn’t. His Lisa was the strongest person he knew, even if she didn’t think it. With a trembling hand he knocked on the window—once, twice. But she didn’t look at him. Just gently swayed there, her slight form limp and, and…
“Lisa.” His voice broke. “Lisa.” Fist now clenched, Bernard hit it against the window with a dull thud. He didn’t care about the noise anymore, he just wanted to make her move. To make her look at him again with those soft dark eyes. But Lisa was still. 
Didn’t she tell him before? How there was another option, one that’d take her away from all of this. Bernard had felt tears well up in his eyes as he took her hands in his own, telling Lisa it would never come to that, they would find a better way. Lisa just sighed, calling him a crybaby, but she had gently squeezed his hands nonetheless. He had clung to that moment through everything. 
Now...it felt like the world was spinning around him, about to fall apart. As Bernard hunched over, unable to look anymore, his body wracked with sobs so powerful he couldn’t even make a sound beside ragged breaths. It would’ve been so easy to let go of that tree branch, let himself fall—
“—-dy! Dad!” A voice pierces Bernard’s ears, a sudden brightness combined with the returning headache making him squint. All at once his real surroundings come back.
“Fuck.” Is all he manages to gasp out at first, blindly grasping for a steady hold onto something, anything, before his balance falters. His hands find a branch, bark pale and dead beneath his palms, his eyes lowering to see the dusty ground further below his feet.
“...Dad? What happened?” Sunny sits across from him on another branch. The fear in her small voice, the trust given by that title, it all makes something ache in Bernard’s chest besides the withdrawal. He can’t stand it. 
“I told you not to call me that,” Bernard mutters , not making eye contact as he unsteadily clambers down from the branches. “We’re going home.” He can’t stand being in that tree another second, not after seeing that. 
“But—but why can’t I stay longer?” Sunny sniffs, only reluctantly starting to follow and Bernard tries not to notice how she sounds on the verge of tears. 
“Because I said so, now move.” Before the girl can even properly respond the last shreds of his patience dissipate and Bernard reaches up, pulling her out of the tree with not as much care as he probably should’ve taken. As they march across the dirt and grit Sunny makes a frustrated sound, attempting to wiggle her hand out of his grip. Soon the futility of that becomes apparent and she eventually falls in line, albeit still sniffling and dragging her feet. It’s only when the hut is a few paces away that she speaks again, voice fragile. 
“...who’s Lisa?”
Bernard falters in his tracks, that name bringing back a rush of memories he’s been trying to keep at bay every step from that tree. His pace slows as his brain makes a weak attempt at forming an explanation, but fortunately before he can speak there’s movement in the doorway of the hut. 
Antonio squints at them through the morning sun, no doubt adjusting from the dim candlelight of the dug out level underground where the others sleep. Bernard just watches sullenly as the man lifts a hand in greeting, already anticipating how he’ll soon detect the change in mood. All it takes is a few glances between the two and Antonio’s expression darkens with a frown. He doesn’t bother with further pleasantries. “What happened?” It’s like an accusation, but Bernard doesn’t even have the energy to get defensive.
“Just...take her.” Bernard can’t meet the other’s scrutinizing gaze as he nudges Sunny forward in Antonio’s direction. He only catches a glimpse of the girl rushing to her uncle’s side before he turns away.
“Relax, she’s just sulking cause she wanted to stay out some more,” He tries to sound as relaxed as he can to avoid suspicion, waving a hand dismissively as he begins to head around the back of the hut. It’s easier when Antonio can’t see his face. “I’ll be back.” 
If Antonio replies, Bernard is already too far away to hear. Some of his tension eases with the knowledge that the others will be too preoccupied by Sunny to try and follow him. No judgement, no pity. None of them can understand this. None of them can understand why a small, pale figure with raven-dark hair stares at him as he clambers down a craggy cliff edge. Bernard shuts his eyes, the bite of the rope keeping him grounded as he falls into the rhythm of his descent.
When at last his feet touch ground again the realization of what he’s doing kicks in, and with it rises a sharp hunger in his core. It’s been so long since Bernard had dared go near this spot with the knowledge of what he’d left there long ago. But he needs it now, needs to forget for at least a little while. Bernard turns, eyes opening eagerly to see that familiar blue dotting the earth. 
The pills are there waiting for him, right where he left them.
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xastrofrogx · 3 years
clays pov
"bro i just can't do this shit anymore there's so much going on with youtube, podcasts and streaming it's all too much" i lean back into the barstool as nick glances over at me " woah" nick says dropping the chicken wing from his hands "what" i react too fast sounding rude but shake it off "nothing we just don't talk about our feelings like this that's all" nick says getting out of his chair walking over to the sink to clean his plate "maybe you should do a cleanse  like i don't know a digital blackout that might be good for you being away from everything for a bit" i grunt picking up patches placing her into my lap "yea you think?" i ask petting patches head nick nods walking out of the kitchen "what do you think princess..?" patches purrs
i grunt flopping down onto my bed grabbing my phone from the side table holding it above my face not turning it on just looking... "should i?" i ask myself flipping my phone over to the other side looking at my green phone case i flip it back over and turn it on heading to twitter
         hello :)
!please take time to read this it's extremely important!
i've taken some time and i'm going to take a break i don't know for how long but just until i can figure things out in my personal life... this isn't forever i'll definitely be back i love you all so much!!!!
❤️589,000     ♻️100,689     💬 236,000
i close my eyes ugh i grunt getting out of bed and sitting in my office chair turning it so it starts spinning "come in" i say after hearing a knock on the door,  i see nicks figure in the hallway "you actually did it" he says phone in hand "yea i felt like i needed some time like you said a digital blackout" "yea" he says turning around and leaving the door slightly ajar. i get out of my chair and head back down stairs grabbing my keys and my wallet slipping on my black converse a fan sent me... i got into my car sitting back into the seat turning it on the ac blowing i'm my warm face making my wavy hair move in different directions i grab the aux and plug my phone in turning on some random one direction song and pulled out of my driveway
ugh i grunted getting out of the compact car stepping into the store parking lot i walked forward placing my mask on my face happy that i don't have to fake a smile for the random strangers at a best buy. i opened the door ding the bell above my head went off all the employees looking my way then turning back to their daily boring tasks. i wanted to get a few things a old camera preferably a one shot film camera and a flip phone for safety reasons... "how may i help you" a guy said sending me out of my trance "oh uhhh do you have any flip phones or old one shot film cameras?" i ask "digital blackout huh?" he asks making me huff a laugh "yea it's for the best" i say following him to the phone area "we don't have any one shot cameras we haven't had those in years but i heard from a friend that they just got a new stock of them at the thrift store across the road" i turn my head to see a good will "oh okay" "now here's a Alcatel myflip pretty good option and super cheap and i've heard pretty good things" "uhm how many gigs?" i ask picking up the fake model on display placing it in my hand its small really small but it'll do i guess "2-4" he said turning his head as another costumer enters the store "yea i'll get this one"
we start walking over to the registers i look back down at my feet after placing the phone box onto the counter " that will be $20" he says i pull out a $50 and grab the phone box from the counter "uhh keep the change" "wait sir you sure that's a lot" "yea" i say looking back "i have enough the spare" his eye brows go up and back down at the money... if only he knew who i was he would understand. i walk back out to the parking lot heading over to the good will across the road passing my car and others as well.
i open the door to a ring again a single old lady most likely in her 60s turns her head to look at me "welcome" she says with a smile behind the cash register i smile noticing the she can't see it though the mask i nod my head and wave "do you have old cameras by any chance" i ask spiking her interest "oh yes follow me to the back" i follow her back into an old corner of the goodwill to see 3 old cameras "make your pick i don't know much about them but i hear this one is the best" she said walking away and back to the register to help a mom and her son. i look back at the one she pointed to i saw canon written on the top right coroner i grab it and head over the the shirt isle might as well i mean i'm already here i think to myself what will my other friends think like i haven't  talked to george about this yet and tommy...
shit shit shit "oh my god i'm so sorry" i say quickly squatting down to the floor picking up a pair of blue levi jeans and a grandpa looking sweater assuming i ran into an old man i looked up seeing a young woman most likely around my age she had brown wavy long hair and  blue eyes she was wearing a flowey white dress and a pair of sage green converse "i'm so sorry" i said handing her stuff back to her "you're totally fine it's my fault i wasn't paying attention to where i was going" she turns her head to walk off
"clay" i said grabbing her attention "i'm clay" i hold out my hand "i'm mae" she says grabbing my hand and shaking it "again i'm sorry" i say not knowing what else to say "you're good so you live here?" she asks "or just visiting?" " oh i live here with my friend nick" fuck clay you're over sharing to a stranger "nice i live here with my friend as well" she says with a calming voice making me relax "you maybe want my number?" she asks " i don't really do things like this but i don't know today i wanna take a chance" i give her my phone... my flip phone "sorry it's not normally like that i'm on a digital blackout trying to get away from social media you know" i  say as she types the last number in my phone "yea i get it i did one a while back it helped me a lot" i think she's smiling "well i'm going to go check out but i'll text you" i say "okay" now i definitely know she's smiling
i walk up to the register completely forgetting about wanting to look in the shirt isle "you find what you need just fine dear?" the older lady said ringing up the canon camera "yea thank you" i say giving her a $20 dollar bill "keep the change" i say walking back out of the store and to my car i opened the car and sat back down in the chair leaning back placing the key in the socket and turing the screen blasting in my hair again
pounds from the speakers "fuck" i say turning the the radio off.
i did that i just made friends with a complete stranger.
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