#yes true fair point he's like 45. But why do my experiences have to be discounted just because I'm younger?
practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Me: *finally gets home after what has culminated into a god-awful day, telling my parents about the skull and how my instructor got on me about texture*
Me, semi-joking: ....and I bet I've held more human skulls than he has before. [I was a forensic anthropology major before switching to SFX school. I have held dozens of skulls]
My dad: I wouldn't make that assumption.
Me: Well, real ones maybe
My dad (again): I wouldn't make that assumption. He's been around a LOT longer than you have.
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uraniaswrld · 4 years
answering witchy questions
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(from @theclosetedwitch​)
1. What type of witch are you? - i hate the whole trendy “witch types” thing, but i work with both high and low magick and i work with the Fair Folk and deities and a lot of herbalism.
2. Do you  believe it is wrong to hex? - very little is inherently wrong or right. you need context to decide if it’s moral or not. i don’t do hexes for no reason and i don’t initiate conflict, however if someone has fucked with my friends at all or tried to magickly harm me, you bet your ass that i’m gonna return-to-sender that bitch at the very least. TL;DR i believe in revenge as long as it’s proportionate :)
3. Have you ever hexed anyone? - depends on what you consider a hex. i’ve certainly cast return to sender spells and tripwire spells, but i’ve never done baneful work to someone without them doing something to me first.
4. Which deities do you worship, if any? - i’m a devotee of Aphrodite, and i follow Rhiannon and Morpheus as well. i used to follow Apollo also but the time in my life that he was present for has ended. i work with a few other deities very casually on and off, but those three are the ones i’m worshipping right now.
5. What got you into witchcraft? - the pastor at a church i had to go to was doing a slideshow on “bad religions” and he pointed to a pentacle and said “this is a pentagram, a symbol used by wiccans. and you know what the call themselves? witches. and wizards. or warlocks, actually. witches and warlocks.” obviously, he didn’t know much about wicca or witchcraft but the sheer fact that there were people calling themselves “witches” was enough to pique my interest and i started my research. 
basically a christian pastor turned me pagan.
6. What is your favorite moon phase? - i love any time when i can see the moon, but i’m connected to the waning moon for Rhiannon, and the full moon because, idk, it’s pretty? i’m a dyke? unknown.
7.What is your favorite season? - beltane or samhain season
8.Which pagan celebration do you like most? - beltane for me is super happy and rich and beautiful, samhain is the time of year when i’m most connected to my craft, and imbolc season sucks ass but the rituals are really nice.
9.Are you in the broom closet? - to my family, somewhat. i talk about astrology to fuck with them because they’re christians, but i don’t talk about witchcraft or paganism because i’d surely get kicked out or at least punished super heavily.
10. What is your favorite herb to work with? - i’m gonna interpret this as favourite herb/spice, so nutmeg, cloves, juniper berries and chamomile
11. What are your favorite crystals, and why? - to be honest, most crystals i just use for the colour correspondances. i’m not super connected to most crystals but i do love black tourmaline for protection, and then i have some specific crystals that have a lot of meaning for me, like an amethyst point i got from a coven sister for my first imbolc, or a half of a geode that i share with my best friend, or my obsidian worrystone that shows up when i need it.
12. Have you ever had a spell backfire? - i’ve had spells not work, but outright backfire i don’t think so.
13. Do you work skyclad? - no, because of *body image issues* and also i’m cold all the time
14. Are you in a coven? - yes! it’s pretty casual and informal, and there’s not hp/ hps so it’s more of a working group, but coven sounds way better. our coven blog is @circleofpyxis​ and our instagram is circleofpyxiscoven
15. Do you believe in good and evil? - in individuals, yes. i know that there are inherently evil people. i don’t think that there are any inherently good people, and i think we’re all born neutral, but our actions define where we lie as far as morality. 
16.What is the most successful spell you have ever performed? - either a very stupid surface-y spell to get a part i wanted in a play, or a spell to get rid of unwanted romantic feelings.
17. Do you do any divination? - yes!
18. If you do do divination, what kind? - i read futhark runes, dabble in tarot, and scry using fire or water
19. Do you read tarot? - a little
20. If you do, what is your favorite card? - i can’t remember them all off the top of my head but i love the hierophant in my deck
21. Have you ever had any dreams that came true? - i don’t have prophetic dreams, but i have a different sort of brand of metaphysical dream. i’m not sure how to describe it, but i think it’s my spirit guide just watching out for me. for example, i once needed to wake up at 6:30 but forgot to set an alarm, and i had this experience-- it must’ve been a dream-- but it felt like i was awake but my eyes were still closed, and then i heard my mom’s voice saying “it’s time to wake up, you have to go to your meeting” and i opened my eyes (in the dream) and saw my mom. then i woke up for real and no one was there, but the clock read 6:30 exactly.
another time i had a dream where my dad told me that distrokid had updated and i could see how much money i’d made, and then i woke up and distrokid really had updated, which only happens every month at most.
22. Are you in a religion? - i’m still trying to figure out exactly my denomination, but i’m a pagan of celtic and hellenic traditions.
23. Which do you like better: new moon or full moon? - i adore all of the new moon goddesses but i’m sorry, the full moon has my heart.
24. What was the first spell you have ever performed? - it was this really little simple spell for happiness. it was really just an incantation actually, i didn’t use any tools or anything, but it worked so i’m not complaining.
25.Do you believe it is wrong to cast love spells? - if you don’t have the consent of the other individual(s) then yes. otherwise, if you’re just attracting “a good match” or self-love, there’s nothing wrong with that.
26.Have you ever cast a love spell? - self love spells and romance-banishing spells yes.
27. What is your favorite magickal tool? - my peach wood wand that i made myself!
28. Do you like to work during the witching hour (3am ) ? - i do 90% of my workings at midnight or later, so yeah :)
29. Are you a hereditary witch? - nope, it’s just me and my suspiciously-invested-in-crystals-and-astrology sister ;)
30.Do you believe it is possible to be born  witch? - you can be born into a family of witches but it’s not like some people are born witches and no one else can practice. everyone has magick, everyone has power. some people have different intuitive strengths, but everyone has strengths.
31. Do you believe initiation is essential to be a witch? - no. in some religious traditions you need to be initiated (like wicca), but witchcraft is for everyone.
32. Do you have a  familiar? - no
33.What is your spirit animal? - i’m not indigenous so i don’t have one.
34. Which deity or god are you closest to? - my patroness is Aphrodite
35. Thoughts on reincarnation? - i believe in reincarnation but i also want to die and have it be over so it’s complicated jdfhjhfd
36. Current altar setup? - my mabon altar is still up since it’s still technically mabon season but i’m putting up my samhain altar tonight. i also have shrines to Aphrodite and Morpheus on my altar year-round.
37. Feelings and thoughts on Wicca? - i don’t practice, and there are a lot of issues with gardner, but there are issues with people in every religion. i don’t see a problem with wicca or wiccans, it just isn’t my religion.
38. What is your favorite element to work with? - water
39. Do you have a book of shadows? - i have both a BoS and a grimoire
40. Have you ever tried reading runes? - yes! that’s my best method of divination.
41. If so, what is your favorite rune, and why? - THIS IS SO HARD! i have a few. eiwaz, peorth, and ehwaz are some of my faves.
42. Do you believe in casting circles before every spell? - no, i do it for my rituals and sabbat workings, but at least for my practice, with the frequency that i do workings, i simply don’t have time to cast before spells.
43. If so, how do you cast your circles? - i might do a post on this later, but i close/ cast the circle deosil and then open it at the end of a ritual widdershins.
44. Ever tried knot magick? - yes! i use knot magick for a protection anklet i always wear.
45. Have you ever participated in, or watched the Great Rite (ritual sex)? - no. i’m underage and not interested in sex magick anyway. 
46. What is your favorite color to work with, in magick? - red and black
46. Which deities do you have altars for? - Aphrodite and Rhiannon.
47. What is your favorite setting which you prefer to practice in? - i only do rituals after dark and i like practicing solitary but i also love practicing with my friends/ covenmates.
48. Do you know how to read palms? - no
49. If so, have you ever read palms, either yourself or others? - no
50. Are you more connected with the masculine, or the feminine? - feminine, but i try to work with a balance
51. Favorite day of the week to practice in? do you even care? - friday but not for any metaphysical reason, just because i’m least stressed then and have the most time.
52. How long have you been practicing? - over two years
53. Which  witchy traditions do you observe? - i celebrate the wheel of the year sabbats, and the esbats, and Rhiannon’s day on march 1st
54. Favorite planet to work with? - Venus
55. Favorite direction  ( est, west, north, south) to work with? - west
56. Favorite number to work with * numerology *? - 64 and 11
57. Do you have a magick wand, and if so, what is it made of? - yes, it’s made from peach wood.
58. Do you prefer the sun or the moon? - moon
59. Pointy hat or no pointy hat? - absoLUTELY pointy hat
60. What is it that you LOVE about witchcraft - i love my deities and i love how comforting my craft is when i feel alone
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stevesnightmares · 4 years
Ranking 46 of the agents of SHIELD deaths
In honour of the deaths that we'll get in the series 7 finale I decided to rank some of the agents of shield deaths. It's not super accurate cause I didn't rewatch anything, but more or less it's how I feel.
I tried putting the read more but it doesn't work
Antoine Triplett
You'd think I would put this really high but you'd be wrong. Was it really sad? Absolutely. But was it also unnecessary and pointless? Yes. He died for nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. I could talk about how pointless his death was for hours.
Agent Davis (s06e10)
This was so shocking and I was so mad. I started to LOVE Davis SO MUCH, he was great and they just,,,, killed him??? Like that??? And again, as for Tripp, it was unnecessary. I understand killing characters but this one just felt like they killed him just to kill him, not because there was a reason.
Daniel Whitehall (s02e10)
While I was so happy that he died I was also extremely mad, disappointed and underwhelmed. Because Coulson shooting him in the back wasn't only underwhelming but it also upset me because I wanted Cal to get his revenge, it wasn't fair.
Phil Coulson (s07e06)
I'm sorry but I just couldn't care less. I felt absolutely nothing at all. I knew they were just going to build him a new body. Sure, the speech in the background was really really good but the death itself left me completely unfazed.
Wilfred Malick (s07e05)
Again, didn't really care about him. He was okay in episodes 1 and 2 but soon after I just stopped giving a shit about him. A bit higher than Coulson cause he's a Nazi and it's always nice to see them get what they reserve.
Holden Radcliffe (s04e15)
This is one of his three deaths and it's actually the one I care the least about. All I could think about when AIDA killed him was how much of an idiot he was for telling her that on how obvious it was what she was going to do.
Izel (s06e13)
She's probably my least favorite villain that we ever got in aos and I just didn't care about her or her motives at all. Her singing was nice tho. When she died I was happy because it meant I didn't have to deal with her as a villain anymore. 
Sarge (s06e13)
He was so interesting and cool at the beginning, and then he was interesting because of his relationship with may and daisy but when we got to the end I just didn't really care about him and was happy to see him. As for izel I didn't feel much about his death. The daisy and mack team up was nice tho.
Sinara (s05e09)
She was a cool character but I didn't really have this big interest in her. She looked cool and her fight scenes were cool, but that's it. Same for her death, the fight with daisy was cool but other than that I didn't really feel much because of her death.
Kasius (s05e10)
At the beginning I wasn't really sold on him but he grew as a villain and became a pretty cool villain. (Not my favorite tho). His fight with mack was cool but again, his death didn't really impact me emotionally.
Gideon Malick (s03e17)
Again, another villain whos death I didn't really care about, however he's a bit higher cause I liked the way his vision came true in a way I wasn't expecting.
Victoria Hand (s01e17)
I didn't necessarily care or like her the reason why it isn't lower is because it was an important part of the plot and for the whole Ward thing
Gordon (s07e10)
Meh. It was sad but I also didn't really care too much about it.
Jaco (s06e09)
A side character that I didn't necessarily love and whose death didn't really upset too much, however I was sad that he had died because he was such a good person who deserved better and I would've preferred if someone else had died.
Gordon (s02e22)
That whole scene just kinds of really rocks. "Science biotch" + the fact that you don't know if it's Fitz or Gordon who got impaled. I don't know, it was cool.
Glenn Talbot (s05e22)
I'm actually not happy with the direction Talbot's character took. The fight with Daisy was awesome but I wasn't sad to see him go because by that point they had just ruined his character for me. I'm sorry.
Ruby Hale (s05e18)
I didn't like her and I know and understand why people sympathised with her, I just couldn't. So the reason why this is so high is because of Elena and her emotions and reasons. Plus the tension in this scene was so high and it was really emotional.
Jiaying (s07e10)
It was a bit unexpected but also so sad because daisy had to see her mother die again, and this time her mum wasn't trying to kill her but to protect her. However I didn't feel too much during that scene. 
Christian Ward (s02e08)
This is higher not because of Christian himself but more so because of Ward and everything that happened while he was killing him. It was really interesting for sure.
AIDA (s04e22)
AIDA has SO MANY cool moments that I love and she's probably my favourite aos villain, and her death was okay, but it just left me like "oh okay they burned her and now she's gone". Ghost rider Coulson was brilliant, but her death itself just left me a bit underwhelmed I guess.
Raina (s02e22)
I actually couldn't stand Raina and found her extremely annoying so I was really happy when she died, but it was a really cool scene: seeing Jiaying "betrayal" and daisy being there to witness it.
Enoch (s05e10)
At the time I didn't really LOVE Enoch yet, I thought he was really cool and I was sad to see him sacrifice himself to save everyone, but I didn't really care that much. (If I researched it now it would be 100 time sadder)
Eric Koenig (s01e19)
He was an okay character but i didn't necessarily love him however just the image of his dead body that we can't see with the blood streaming down the wall, Ward cleaning what he used to kill him etc it was all really daunting
Andrew Garner (s03e15)
I don't know if it counts as a death but when Garner turns into Lash  permeability. His scene with May was just so emotional and sad.
Grant Ward (s03e10)
Don't get me wrong, I loved Ward getting his chest crushed by Coulson, but then hive got his body and I know he's not Ward but I was still so annoyed that a part of ward was still there. If it wasn't for that this one would soooo much higher. I just remember being so annoyed that he was somewhat still there.
John Garrett (s01e22)
Not one where Coulson shoots him which is so funny, but the part where Mike gets to beat the shit out of this mf who ruined his whole life and kidnapped his son.
Agent 33 (s02e22)
It was such a cool scene. I don't know why it's so high, but just her being killed by the one person she trusts, him killing the person he's with thinking she's someone else. It's so fucked up and tragic and,,, fitting.
Rosalind Price (s03e09)
I never liked her and never liked her with Coulson but her death scene is such a great scene. I don't know how to explain it but that scene is just so perfect imo. So yeah, this is high not because of the emotional impact but just because it was a beautiful scene.
Melinda May (s06e13)
This one was such an all around cool death scene but also really really emotional. Daisy had already lost Coulson and was devastated by the idea of losing May too. However because she was saved 3 seconds after I literally cannot put it any higher.
Holden Radcliffe LMD (s04e11)
Such a badass Fitz moment where he just takes that gun and shoots him in the head.
Melinda May (s04e03)
I knew that May wasn't going to die and they would bring her back but that scene still manages to be extremely tense and just generally well done. Loved it so much.
Mack's parents chrnicoms (s07e06)
This scene is so brutal. Not only has mack jut found that his real parents are dead but he also has to kill two chrnicoms that look and talk and have his parents memories.
Elena Rodriguez (s05e10)
This one was another really emotional one and I thought it was great, however I can't put it higher because I knew that wasn't the current Elena and I knew they were going to fix it. Still a brilliant scene all around tho.
Jiaying (s02e22)
An all around powerful scene. Jiaying trying to kill her own daughter and then Cal telling Daisy that he would do it so that she wouldn't have to deal with the guilt. Just wow. It was so sad.
Just seeing her being experimented on, her organs being taken away, the fact that Cal found her body and had to sew her back together. It's so horrifying and sad.
Mack and Mace LMD (s04e15)
I'm sorry but that whole fight scene between Daisy and them is so badass and coul and the way Mack's skull was torn apart by daisy was just brilliant.
Holden Radcliffe (s04e22)
At this point I actually cared more about him and I was sad to see him go but more than that the scene was just so well done and I LOVED it.
Melinda May/Phil Coulson LMD (s04e15)
Another brilliant scene but more than that it was so sad because in a way she was May, she had her memories and she felt like May and she had what she had tondo because she would sacrifice herself for Coulson, but that wasn't him.
Jeffree Mace (s04e18)
I actually always liked him but by this point he had grown on me even more. But what I love about this death it's how fitting it is. He had gotten famous because of a lie but here he proved himself, he proved that he is that person and that he deserves the glory that he got.
Robbie Reyes (s04e06)
His death scene is visually so so beautiful. Him flying in the air with the broken glass. Beautiful.
Leo Fitz LMD (s04e15)
Jemma having to stab the person that she loves the most. The way in which he was still begging and acting like Fitz at the beginning and then turned impassive like a robot. It was such a hunting scene.
Lincoln Campbell/Hive (s03e22)
I never really got attached to him but this scene was so sad because of Daisy, because of her pain and desperation. I cried my eyes out in this scene. "He's paying for all of our mistakes".
Hope Mackenzie Framework (s04e22)
That whole scene is just heartbreaking. I don't know what else to say. It's just heartbreaking.
Katya Belyakov (s02e17)
Bahrain is just,,,, again heartbreaking. This is so high because this is such an important moment for May and it's just so heartbreaking. 
Enoch (s07e09)
The fact that this is the second time that he died to save the world and the team. However this time it was 100 times sadder because I didn't just think that he was cool but I actually loved him. Devastating. Cried a lot.
Leo Fitz (s05e22)
I'm biased cause he's my favourite but I just cried my eyes out during his death. It didn't even matter that I knew that he was in season 6 because I was just so devastated.
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jiwonscologne · 4 years
Love is a Triangle
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - ?Part 5?
Pairing: Double B x Reader
Genre: Angst, slight fluff, smut suggestion
Warning: swearing, mentions of cheating
 We decided to visit a little fair on their day off. It was a Thursday and the weather was very pleasing, not too hot and not too cold, just on point. Hanbin won two plushies for me and when Jiwon saw that he was so good at those shooting and hitting games, he got competitive and started to play too, which was extremely funny because I watched him get cocky because of our boyfriend and I won one more plushie. We stopped by a food truck on our way out of the marketplace. Hanbin ordered for all of us, and mine and his order were made first. We both got out of the line since there were a lot of people around the truck, and we waited for Jiwon. When he was about to come in our direction, a girl approached him and he widened his eyes and parted his lips, static. I couldn’t hear anything but I didn’t like the way she was smiling nor the way he was reacting to her words. I knew right away that wasn’t a fan. Hanbin saw it too and he widened his eyes just like Jiwon did when he saw her. I am right, they know  her.
 - Who is she? - I look at Hanbin.
 - That’s...Myung-Hee. His first love. - His answer hit like a needle on my chest. Not just what he said, the way he said it concerned me the most. I’m worried since I’ve heard her name before from his mouth, when he told me how Jiwon had such a hard time on forgetting about her. We talked about brief moments on the ‘first love topic’ and everyone knows our first love is the one who stays in your heart forever, the one you can’t erase because it’s our first experience with love itself, which makes it so special. It’s normal but if the ending is bad...that stays, and stinks. Jiwon had that bad luck.
 - What is she doing here? - I ask, innocently and with a firm, slightly threatening voice.
 - Why don’t you ask him? - Hanbin smiles poorly at Jiwon finding our way back to us with a rushed pace.
 - Hey. Here’s my food. - He smiles, raising his fish cake, and we start walking to go home.
 I want to talk, even though I’m waiting for him to speak without making me ask. Hanbin and I create a suffocating silence and he finally breaks it. - I know you saw it. - He looks at us but we limit ourselves by watching our steps. - And I’m shocked like you. She’s...I don’t know why she’s here, I thought she was living in Australia. I didn’t even know what to say to her when I saw her.
 - But, she did know what to say to you. - I insinuate.
 - Yeah...
 - What did she say? - Hanbin faces him.
 - She asked how I was doing and she told me sometimes she checks on me when I’m trending on social media.
 I nod. I feel so powerless. I know he’s going to think about her the rest of the week now. I know I’m going to, too. Why did she appear again? Why did she talk to him? Doesn’t she understand how much she hurt him back then? It’s unbelievable how we forget about someone and they come back to remind us.
 Jiwon told us how she had to check that it was him before she approached him since “he changed so much” after six years. I mean, duh, what did she expect? Hanbin asked how he was feeling after seeing her and Jiwon answered he was nostalgic and surprised.
 I had some questions myself, yet I kept quiet until we got home and had some privacy.
 - Summer, you’ve been silent all the way home. Are you okay? - Jiwon anticipates.
 - The reason you broke up… - I want to complete my sentence however he does it for me.
 - Was because I loved her more than she loved me. I told you that.
 - Yes, although...did she cheat on you with the other guy?
 - The other guy she started dating after me?
 - Yes.
 - You know...I wasted two years of my life asking me all kinds of questions about our relationship. Like you right now, I didn’t understand what she said to me. When she was breaking up with me, she told me and I quote “...my love for you has faded. I can tell you still love me and I could always tell that you’ve always loved me more than I loved you. And I once told you that your expectations were too high to see the truth. I told you that I wasn’t who you saw but eventually you convinced me to love you, but that’s over now.”  With this, you can go on various paths of thoughts. I thought she was cheating on me too, but maybe she wasn’t. She was right, I was blind on my love for her. I ignored all the times she could’ve supported me and she chose not to. I loved her with everything I had and it was clearly a mistake because she didn’t do the same for me.
 - Ji… - I hug him and he chuckles.
 - It’s okay, it happens. I was young, it’s water under the bridge.
 - Is it? - Hanbin asks.
 - Yes. I love you now, the past doesn’t matter. This made me find you guys and I’m grateful for that.
 - I love you. You know that we love you equally, right? - I make sure he hears it.
 - Yes, bae. I never doubted you. - That answer made me instantly in a better mood.
 - Now that we’re done with this conversation, Chanwoo invited us to go bowling tonight. - Hanbin takes his phone out of the pocket. - What do I answer?
 - Tell him no! - Jiwon startles me with the exclamation.
 - Why? - I raise my eyebrow.
 - This is our first day-off in months and he wants to hang out like we don’t see him everyday? - Jiwon rolls his eyes.
 - Babe, that’s kind of harsh. Don’t you think? - Hanbin says, surprised by his comment. - Besides, it’s with Jinhwan and Junhoe, too.
 - It’s not harsh, I’m just saying I’d prefer to be with my partners today.
 - Okay, that’s fine. - I say. I give Hanbin a look to leave Jiwon alone for a little bit.
 - Alright, I’ll tell him we can’t go. - Hanbin texts Chanwoo and goes to our bedroom.
 He said he’s fine but he’s clearly affected by meeting her again. I don’t blame him, he knows that we’re here for him. I just wish she hadn’t shown up on our lives.
 - I have to stop by the broadcasting station to do something. See you later.
 - What? I thought we would spend the whole day together. - Jiwon turns to me.
 - We still have many hours left when I get back. We can eat dinner and watch a movie after I finish it.
 - Hm, okay, but give me a kiss before you go. - I lean at him on the couch to reach his lips. - Hanbin I’m gonna head out! - I scream. He comes running to the hall, now with his sweatpants instead of his jeans.
 - What? You’re leaving?
 - I need to do some work, I’ll be back before dinner.
 - No… - He says lowly.
 - Bye baby. - I kiss him and get out.
 I choose to drive myself to work instead of calling our driver. It will take less time and I just want to finish it as soon as possible.
 Fortunately I had to do this, because after I saw her, she’s the only thing in my mind and I have to distract myself, otherwise I’ll go crazy. The way this is affecting Jiwon is worrying me: Answering without thinking and then being clingy with us. It’s like he’s frustrated with others but trying to compensate it with giving us attention. It’s probably his manner to tell us we have nothing to worry about and that he loves us so we don’t need to be jealous. It won’t work, but at least it’s kind of cute to see how he cares about our feelings. He’s so selfless sometimes…
 I finish everything in time for dinner. When I get home, Jiwon is cooking and Hanbin is setting the table.
 - Welcome home! - They greet me.
 - It smells good. - I direct myself to the kitchen.
 - It’s done, let’s eat. - Jiwon turns the stove off and takes the two pans to the table.
 - Did you do a broadcast today? We didn’t turn the radio on. - Hanbin grabs a full spoon of kimchi rice.
 - You know I don’t talk in them, I just prepare the songs.
 - I know, but I like to see everything that you do.
 - You’re so lame sometimes. - I laugh.
 - I’m in love. - He’s right. Hanbin’s first loves are me and Jiwon. He says things like these because he never said it to someone before, he never experienced this, it’s a fresh love, a new emotion to him. Sometimes that scares me.
 The rest of the week passes by smoothly. iKON is preparing for their comeback and I’m working harder since a lot of people on my job are on vacation so I have to broadcast full night sessions because no one will be there to entertain the listeners with conversation.
 I’m grabbing my coffee after work, which means it’s 6:45 pm. I stop by a newsstand to see if it has the monthly magazine that I read yet, since it’s the beginning of the month, but instead, I read something that catches me by surprise. I have to check it three times before I believe it. I look at the picture, yet my heart is telling me it’s not true. As soon as I notice the owner of the place is about to recognize me, I cover my face and walk away in a fast pace.
                                                                                                              9:43 am
 - Bobby, you have to be careful. I’m warning you, I don’t want something like this to happen again. Don’t make yourself frowned upon, you’re a good guy. - The YG CEO says.
 - Yes, I’m sorry, sir. I won’t. - Jiwon leaves the office and goes back to the room where the iKon members are working at, which is chaotic with loud whispers and hand gestures: 
 “I don’t know how he thought he wouldn’t get caught.”
 Jiwon sees Jinhwan doing a facepalm.
 “Shut up now, he’s coming!”
 As soon as he enters, the chaos turns to a tense and awkward silence.
 When Jiwon looks at Hanbin, he has a death glare on his face that Jiwon only sees when Hanbin is super annoyed. That’s how he knows he messed up. However, he composes himself together. - Okay, let’s get to work. - He joins his hands together and the group prepares themselves.
 Donghyuk plays the song so they can practice. The movements are slow at the beginning and there’s no trouble until the song grows and Hanbin goes in front of the mirror to watch them dance.
 - Junhoe, keep going. - He says, and after that notices Jiwon isn’t doing it right. - Jiwon, slow down. - He does as told, but then he goes off beat again and his movements don’t match with the rest of the group. - Jiwon. - He calls him out once more.
 He sighs and tries again.
 - Jiwon, I told you to slow down, can’t you hear the rhythm? - Hanbin’s annoyed.
 - I’m sorry. - He apologizes, staring at his feet.
 - Do you want to play it again? - Junhoe asks.
 - Yes please. - They do and Jiwon is out of focus once again. It’s understandable since he was just scolded at, but Hanbin loses his patience. - I know you’re not listening to the song. Can you try to focus? We’re having trouble because of you.
 - I can’t. - Jiwon is static and frustrated.
 - You can, we’ve practiced this dance a million times.
 - Should I stop playing it? - The song keeps playing and Junhoe sees everyone stopped because of them two.
 - No, let’s continue, Jiwon just do it again. - Hanbin seems careless.
 - I told you I can’t right now. Please listen to me. - Jiwon’s sad voice is getting strict.
 - Guys, maybe we should come back later. - Jinhwan realizes the fight is becoming personal and wants to step back.
 - You can’t but you have to, we’re working. - Hanbin keeps his figure.
 - Please let me talk to you first.
 - We’re practicing, we’re group mates right now, this is not the place to talk, we’ll talk at home. - Hanbin reminds him of their situation. - You’ve been keeping this secret since last week, can’t you wait a little longer? - Hanbin starts to get worked up.
 - Look Hanbin, I’m sorry! - He gets closer to him and the boys watch them quietly. - I’m sorry, alright? - He says, loud.
 - We should go, come on. - Yunhyeong whispers and they discreetly leave the room.
 - Why didn’t you tell us you were having lunch with her? - Hanbin shoots.
 - I...didn’t want you to be worried. I knew you would be like this. I knew it!
 - Of course I would react like this, she’s your ex! Worse, she’s your first love. You know what that means and I know it too, I’m feeling it right now! - Hanbin yells. - Just tell me what were you thinking when you didn’t tell us you were meeting her again. Tell me how could you make me find out this way. - Hanbin rambles. - I knew something was up yesterday! I knew it! You avoided me and looked the other way all morning and when I asked where you were when lunch time came, nobody knew where you were! They thought you were with Donghyuk but then he appeared so I thought “oh, maybe he forgot something at home”. - Hanbin looks him in the eyes waiting for a regretful answer.
 - I didn’t know you were going to find out this way, I didn’t see any paparazzi. I was going to tell you…- Jiwon’s calm and failing voice is irritating Hanbin.
 - You were going to tell me when? These people are everywhere so these things happen! They want society to see our flaws! Oh God, Jiwon. - Hanbin starts walking back and forth.  - Do you know what I thought this morning when I heard this? I didn’t believe it, I didn’t believe someone could be that dumb, seriously, Donghyuk had to show me the picture so I could see you two were really together. You know you’re on the papers, right? Social media too. I guess you know that, considering the CEO talked to you. - Hanbin looks at him. - Jesus, you realize Summer probably saw it too? She works with the media, Jiwon. On the fucking radio. And if she didn’t see it yet, she will.
 - I know...do you think she really saw it? - Jiwon’s guilt is growing and his face is sadder. - She will think I cheated on her...and on you… - Hanbin covers his face, concerned. Jiwon sighs and starts crying. - What do I do…? - Hanbin subtly looks at him.
 - Babe you can still call her. Maybe she didn’t see it, I mean, it came to us first because it’s about you. It’s YG’s business.
 - But it’s everywhere, like you said, if she didn’t see it, she will. Besides, I don’t want to do this over the phone. - Jiwon runs his fingers through his hair. - Oh God. - He gets up, wondering around, lost.
 Someone of the staff knocks on the door to warn them to continue the schedule. Jiwon wipes his tears off.
 - We’ll talk better at home. - Hanbin grabs Jiwon’s shoulder.
                                                                                                                 7:03 pm
 I get home, alone, devastated by the news I kept overthinking on the car. The moment I drop my keys in the little plate, I let my body sink in the couch and I wait for them. I turn the TV on but I don’t pay attention to even what channel I’m watching. I limit on calming myself down so when they get here, I don’t seem too upset since I want to understand what Jiwon has to say. About an hour and a few minutes later, I hear the door open and the tinkling of the keys along with some whispers. They get to the living room and I welcome them, getting up off the couch.
 - How was your day, baby? - They give me a kiss on a cheek.
 - Good.  - I answer. - How was yours?
 - Wait, you don’t want to specify what you did? - Jiwon says, slightly nervous.
 - No, it was a normal day. - I fake my answer. - How was your day?
 Hanbin gives Jiwon a look so he can go ahead and tell me. - We...worked! - Jiwon smiles.
 - Oh. - I fake a smile.
 - Yeah...but Summer, I have to tell you something. - He gulps and takes my hand to sit us down. - Last week, when I saw Myung-Hee, she later on Friday asked me to have lunch with her yesterday...so I did. I just wanted to know how she was doing and maybe be in peace with her on my head. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, I clearly paid for it this morning. Everyone is upset at me on the company and they’re right, I wasn’t careful and I didn’t think.
 - “Be in peace with her” ? - Hanbin whispers in an irritated voice.
 - I know. You didn’t. - They look at me, confused. - I know everything. - I nod. - I read it on a magazine after work. I didn’t know till I got my coffee. I know what you’re thinking, I don’t usually drink coffee at that time but today I did, and now I wish I didn’t. It’s funny how things work.
 - Summer, I’m sorry. I feel so bad, are you upset? - His concerned face surfaces.
 - I’m upset you hid this from us. How could you? You lied to us, Jiwon. Let me ask you, if it wasn’t out by the paparazzis, were you going to tell us at all?
 - I was. Yesterday. - He looks away.
 - Oh really? Because I don’t recall you telling me this yesterday.
 - I… - He stutters. - Hanbin was tired and when we got home I couldn’t just…
 - So you waited for the magazines to do it for you? - I pop a senseless question.
 - I didn’t know there were magazines in the first place!
 - Oh then next time, when you meet her again, make sure, yeah? - I cross my arms and I get up, looking to the other side of the room.
 - Baby… - Jiwon reaches for me and tries to hug me but I push him away. - I’m not going to meet her again. - He grabs my arms and looks at me.
 - Like I could believe you after you lied. - I look away.
 - He’s not. - Hanbin finally breaks his silence.
 - How do you know? Why are you so quiet? - I start shooting questions against him. - You knew about this, didn’t you? - Hanbin frowns by my question. - You boys always exclude me from everything. Just because I’m not with you all day like you two are.
 - Summer, you know that’s not true! And I didn’t know! I found out when the staff asked how I was doing after “the Bobby thing”. I was clueless. I felt exactly like you did but it was this morning! You have to understand I had all day to think about this.
 I feel my eyes get watery and it’s not long until tears start running down my cheeks. He’s right, my feelings are more fresh, my anger is building up and I’m being jealous for every little thing I can find.
 - Baby. - Jiwon calls me, worried and regretful.
 - I’m sorry, Bin. - I wipe my tears. - It was probably harder for you. - I recognize my mistake to judge him. - Could you work today at all? Everyone was probably asking you all sorts of questions or giving you looks. - I get concerned.
 - Yes, they were. - Jiwon watches us talk. - But I had to pretend everything was okay so we could keep the schedule going. I admit in the morning we fought, but we’re talking better here with you at home.
 - Babes, listen to me. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause you trouble.
 - Jiwon you have to understand you didn’t put just you at risk. You put you, me, Summer and  iKON. - He enumerates the amount of people with his fingers. - You saw how difficult it was to practice today. I know I said this already but you were so dumb.
 - I know. I apologized to the CEO.
 - Irresponsible. - He continues. - Just because of her. What did you get from this lunch, besides problems, anyway?
 - Yes, what was that “be in peace with her in my head”? - I come back to this. - You assured to us last week that the past didn’t matter, so why did you say this earlier?
 - I just wanted to know if I could see her as a friend and not someone who broke my heart for the first time. I know I said the past doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t, but sometimes she comes to my mind and I feel insecure. I feel like the 16 year-old boy that met a pretty girl and fell in love with her, even though she didn’t fell for him.
 Hanbin and I stay quiet for moment to take in what we heard.
 - Ji, you know you grew up. And you know we love you.
 - You’re not a boy. - Hanbin follows my sentences. - You are a wonderful man. I know this because we grew a lot together, I saw you become this confident and handsome person. Don’t make yourself think you’re the same as you were when you met her. You changed, for the best. Forget her. Forget the 16 year-old boy. Trust yourself now, and trust us. Trust that we love you and that you love us, that’s all that matters, nothing else.
 Jiwon smiles by Hanbin’s beautiful words. - I’m sorry. I will say it until you both forgive me. I promise I won’t lie to you ever again even if I have the tendency to do it, I won’t hide things from you. I fucked up but I learned my lesson. I hate to see you mad at me.
 I pout. - Alright, I forgive you.
 Jiwon opens his arms for a hug, hoping we can accept it.
 - Me too. - Hanbin hugs him and I join in.
 - I hate it when you don’t tell me stuff. - I say, with one of my cheeks buried on Hanbin’s back, making my voice sound more innocent and cute.
 - I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you feel left out. Ever. I love you so much. - Jiwon gives me a kiss on the cheek. - I won’t embarrass you like that again either, Bin. I’m going to apologize to the members tomorrow for delaying our practice. - He sighs. - I feel like a weight just lifted off my shoulders, thank you for forgiving me.
 - Okay Jiwon, it’s forgotten, let’s just move on and relax and go to bed.
 - You’re already sleepy? - Jiwon asks, suspicious.
 - No. - I give him a smile.
 Hanbin looks at Jiwon, takes off his shirt and goes after me, walking to our bedroom and I can hear Jiwon rushing himself to catch us before we start.
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stickykeys633 · 4 years
Changing thing up a bit @capricornsicle, that other post was becoming unwieldy.
You think you’re on a crusade to expose fandom racism and bias in Teen Wolf, but in doing so, because TW is such a specific beast, you make assumptions and add unnecessary hyperbole to your arguments. 
You’ve assumed and ran with the idea that I’m white (many do, which is strange since my icon is a black woman) and you’ve treated me a certain way because of it. But then in the same breath you’ll say there’s inherent bias against Scott McCall, a character that many people saw as white played by an actor who is white passing. 
There’s also this underlying statement that any majority of people see Scott as Latinx and automatically make it a negative thing which again, isn’t true, specifically not in Teen Wolf. 
I’ve found the antis like to take black racism experiences and try to fit Scott into that category, but even a small thing like colorism makes it so it’s not equitable. 
that’s a general statement about fans and critics alike holding characters of color up to a higher standard than white characters. It’s not everyone, it’s certainly not an attack on anyone, but it happens a lot, across various fandoms. White characters are much more often forgiven for the things they do than characters of color who do the same things.
This doesn’t happen with the frequency you think and in the Teen Wolf fandom when it does happen it is rarely if ever in regards to Scott. Other, more evident characters of color yes.. And the wild examples that the antis present are never equitable. Even when presented with context, they often have to padd it and stretch it to make it seem like some infraction has been done. What it does is seek to absolve Scott of ANY wrong doing, when really there is fault laid at both parties. 
I’ll provide a couple of examples in the moment, but the bottom like is that Stiles/Derek/Peter stans acknowledge their faults and many times love them because of it. On the show Scott was never given the chance to acknowledge his faults, the show refused to admit that he needed to grow and be redeemed of anything. This was a misstep because he became unpalatable, not as a perfect icon, but as someone whose actions didn’t hold relevant consequences. 
The Donovan Incident
Now, I disagree with some key points, but overall I think this is the most important part:
They fought, like teenagers do, especially teenagers who have gone through that kind of trauma, and then, in 5x13, they’re talking outside a gas station, and they talk and get over it,
If everyone could agree that this happened, this would be a much better place. But antis will not chalk up the experience for the contrived nonsense it was and become so enraged when people blame Scott that they can’t let it be and suddenly we’re all racists. 
Which, using racism as a tool to sooth butthurt is not okay and we see it time and time again. They take every seedling and think, “how can I add racism to this so I get my way?” which is pathetic, but also sullies the impact of real racism on the show. 
During this time Tracey was murdered, Mason was non-existent, they killed Noah and Lucas sent Kira to the desert and left her there. But being mad at Scott for intentionally misunderstanding Stiles is what’s racist? This is why antis and SDP Stans constantly bump heads. Everyone has been in a friend group where some new interloper comes in and riles things up. Usually trying to steal someone’s man, but you know there are certain things you do when that happens and Scott made ALL the wrong moves. He knew Stiles didn’t trust Theo and openly disliked him, it should have been an immediate red flag when Theo started in with Stiles violently killing someone in cold blood. Additionally, I would have LOVED if the show made the connection to Scott still being traumatized by Nogi, but again, the show made it seem like Scott was JUST FINE! and again, a disservice was made to his character. 
The point is that a not insignificant number of fans label Scott as a constant bad friend, as someone who’s always a bad influence on Stiles, and that’s really not the case.
People who label him as a constant bad friend use this as ONE example of it. I actually questioned their friendship after Motel California. I remember there were a couple of beats that made it clear they weren’t sandbox buddies, and probably met in the community little league (was it little league or soccer that they met Theo? I forget?). There have been several instances of them not being as close as they claimed. 
If Stiles can be forgiven for throwing lacrosse balls at Scott (which really fucking hurt, speaking from experience) and keying some random loner kids’ car to get him beat up because Lydia kissed him
Just a side note, Stiles was havign his fun, yes, but Scott was completely complicit in these scenes and knew 100% what was going on. Stiles was helping Scott by testing his tolerance and helping him control his heartbeat and yes they did it in bonehead teenage boy ways, but there was nothing malicious or racially motivated about it. Talk about holding characters to different levels. You’ve all made the white characters irredeemable supremacists when nothing in the canon alludes to this. 
a few antis forgive Stiles but condemn Scott. And that’s because of racial bias that makes those particular antis hold Scott to much higher standards than his white friends, which is a nice way of saying it’s racism.
Which again, is wrong in that you have absolutely no way of quantifying this for every viewer. There’s no such thing as special Scott centric racism. If someone is racist, they’re going to show it against anyone not white on the show, and that’s simply a) not the case and b) impossible to determine from the asks of one anon and some misinterpreted fic. 
Liking Scott isn’t pro-POC, no, but it is tied to racial issues in Hollywood, popular media, and fandom. Scott being Latinx (despite the fact it never comes up, he’s played by a Latinx actor and is undoubtedly TV’s favorite “ambiguously brown”) makes him connected to racial issues.
But it doesn’t, because Teen Wolf was specifically created as a world without color so coding Scott as race-neutral meant that audiences had the choice to view him that way and many did. I mean, look at the show, he has two white Italian actors playing his parents, his last name is McCall and his mother’s maiden name was Delgado which could mean anything. Jeff had a habit of casting white women with Latinx last names they got from a gracious step-father, it’s not a leap to say this was true of Melissa. This is why I refuse to give the show any representation points. Diversity sure, they’re there, but they’re not well represented and again, this neither starts nor ends with Scott McCall. 
Liking Scott is something that a lot of viewers of color end up doing
Again, not entirely true. Liking Boyd? Yes. Deaton, Morrell, Kira? Yes. Scott? Sure... the response to Scott from Latinx fans was varied in interesting ways. Some went up hard for him and while I don’t acknowledge the show’s version of Scott, I write him as half Mexican in every fic. There are some who, like you, were so excited to see someone like themselves and that’s beautiful and awesome. There were also some that started excited but then were like “oh, he’s playing a white boy” which people like to forget was VERY much a thing. There was no reason to think Scott was white and in fact when Jeff received the Alma award, it was for casting Posey and not necessarily having a Latinx character. In the beginning of Teen Wolf he was actually asked if Scott was white (the phrase they used was “All American” which...), And there were still others who hated Scott instantly and thought he was wack and did NOT see themselves in him.
So even within the Latinx community alone there were several opinions. Now spread that out to hundreds of thousands and then millions of viewers. So when you say “Liking Scott is something a lot of VOC end up doing” you’re creating a value based judgement on the idea of liking YOUR version of Scott McCall. 
Which isn’t fair and isn’t correct. 
YOU ended up liking Scott because YOU appreciated the interpretation. No one can take that away from you. But when you cast this net of racism, you’re gonna end up with a lot of things that don’t fit the term and a lot of people mad that they’re caught in your web of racial bias. 
if it’s the burden of POC to fight for representation tooth and nail, then that’s the fight I’ll be fighting.
Part of it is that sometimes I worry that if I don’t post about them, if I don’t post gifs of them and talk about them and make them be part of the teen wolf tag on this site, no one else is going to.
We talked about this with your first post. Generally I’m sympathetic, but I do take issue with your methods. Yes, I’ve seen those gif tax posts and I love the concept, but... tax is something you pay in the exchange for something that you want. I don’t see POC characters as tax and I get it’s just a clever way to name what you’re doing, but I think it makes it so negative when celebrating the POC characters should be an enjoyable and inclusive thing. 
If you feel alone, it’s because you haven’t reached out to anyone. I know a lot of creators who make content for characters of color, The problem is that when you accuse people of focusing on white characters in a show FULL of white characters and cover them with a blanket of systemic bias, you’re alienating a lot of people who don’t want the drama. 
Someone just released some ao3 stats of POC characters in Sterek fics verses TW fics as a whole and Kira was sadly underrepresented, showing up in just under 45% of fics. My answer to that isn’t to scream at Stereks about how racist they are against Asians. Instead, I wanna have a Kira appreciation event, but until I can, I make sure to write Kira into my fics because I love her. I repost gifsets with her in them, I comment and seek out people who create for her and support them and if you approach some creators, the’re happy to be amenable. I’ve left comments on fics asking for a certain character and sometimes they rightfully say no, but sometimes it’s not a problem and the change is awesome. 
I feel like the bulk of antis have an idea in their mind and don’t give anyone else a freaking chance. And then, when anything negative is said about Scott, they go awf like SEE!!?!> RACISM!!!!!! when it’s honestly not the case. The anon doesn’t represent even the minority of the majority of stereks. Tumblr doesn’t, ao3 doesn’t, twitter doesn’t. That’s why it’s so much less stressful to find out ways to insert diversity and representation rather than browbeating others to do it out of shame.  
There’s this perceived bias that worms it’s way in that simply doesn’t exist at the levels you think it does. Because not only are you assuming that people dislike the characters of color because of their color, but also that they harbor negative feelings.
But, as we’ve learned from K-pop fans, it seems white people are much more willing to enjoy and put out East Asian representation than representation of people darker than them
Kira was undoubtedly brought in to bring a more Asian audience, but again, racism isn’t a pick and choose kind of thing. People who hated Kira and love Scott do not see Scott as Latinx. And Kira has more posts by a small margin mostly because she was there and she had a family and large ties to the plot. Not because kids loves k-pop (which wasn’t even that big during her run). 
Boyd is stereotyped as the big, buff Black guy who’s aggressive and athletic (but almost never seen as the brains of the group, despite his intelligence,xxx and comes from a poor background and answers to an assertive white man without question
Boyd was specifically not stereotypes as aggressive and athletic, and in all fanfic is usually the one who reasons and is most level headed. He came from a poor background, but so did Isaac, and he questioned Derek and Scott. This is what I mean, while I agree that it’s your interpretation, you can’t say it’s a universal interpretation and then judge others because of it. 
The only time I care is when people specifically dislike Scott because of perceived affronts to Stiles and/or Derek, and I say “perceived” because I refer specifically to ones those specific anons and antis take completely out of context, blow out of proportion, or just make up.
Lol, again, your perception, because I can give you several canon based reasons to be upset with Scott, but of course you’ll find a way, no matter how tangential to twist it, because he’s your fave and canon is a mess. This is the freaking point. Let people have their stories. It’s not hurting you if you also add in yours. 
I do not believe it is possible for a 16-year-old to consent to a romantic and/or sexual relationship with a 24/25-year-old, but this post isn’t about that
Please don’t believe that you’re the first person to try this argument because you’re not and also Derek was at most 23 when Stiles was 17 (and to make it more interesting he was 19 in the original unaired pilot, but they aged him up so Kate wouldn’t be full on statutory rape, good times!)
Now you might not like it, and that’s totally fine and valid. But age has no basis in their relationship. I’m more interested in power dynamics, which is why I didn’t like Aria/Fitz on PLL or Marrish (which I could have been on board for, but this show is trash). 
with perhaps me as Stiles, you as Scott, and the anon playing Theo during his villain phase circa season 5, trying to turn two people against each other over a larger ethics debate
Well, no, clearly I’m the Stiles since I’m right (i kid, I kid), but honestly, you’re the one putting the anon in this. I’ve been ignoring their hyperbole and we’ve been telling the antis to pick and choose and be discerning with their posts. That has nothing to do with me. If we’re Scott and Stiles then it’s one of us talking and the other not listening and doing theings they’re own way and the fact that both of us have different ideas as to which is which is really part of the fun. 
But it’s not racism. 
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Howard Wolowitz Prompts
Tumblr media
1 “You know, I'm really glad you decided to learn Mandarin.” “Why?” “Once you're fluent, you'll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me.”
2 “NAME does not cry.” “That's true, you'd rust.”
3 “I invented a game. Want to play?” “Sure.” “It's called NAME or DOG NAME. I give you actual quotes I've heard NAME say, and you guess if he/she was talking to his/her boyfriend/girlfriend or his/her dog.”
4 “Settle this. Those little animated pictures on the Internet, are they called ‘gifs’ or ‘jifs’?” “Well, the G stands for ‘graphics.’ That's a hard G, so I'd say ‘gif.’” “What? The guy who invented it says it's ‘jif.’” “I'm sorry, do you mean the guy or the juy?”
5 “So you can never take it (the sweater) off?” “No.” “Not even to sleep?” “No.” “So you're just an idiot?” “It's called proving a point.” “Is the point you're an idiot?”
6 “We have to go over some ground rules about NAME.” “Like when it turns out he’s/she's made of rubber, I don't say anything?” “He’s/She's very real.” “That's what it says on the box. Right next to dishwasher safe.”
7 “Aren't you gonna come with me?” “While you confront your father:mother about his/her sex life? I'd rather go back to that bar in assless chaps.”
8 “OK, is everyone clear on the plan?” “Yes, NAME 1’s going to wet himself/herself I'm gonna throw up, NAME 2’s gonna run away and you're going to die. Shall we synchronize our watches?”
9 “NAME, let me take this opportunity to point out that you are looking particularly ravishing today.” “Not with a thousand condoms, NAME.” “So there is a number.”
10 “Hey, you want to make sure he/she gets nowhere with NAME without jeopardizing your friendship with either of them?” “I'm listening.” “Just tell him/her to do everything you've done with him/her for the last two years.”
11 “On the potty, what are you five?” “It's a potty, what do you call it?” “A toilet.” “That's a little vulgar for the dinner table, don't you think?” “And potty is okay?” “Potty is innocent. Potty is adorable.” “What do you do on the potty, wee-wee?” “If I don't have to boom-boom.”
12 “Try telling him/her it's a non-optional social convention.” “What?” “Just do it!” “It's a non-optional social convention.” “Oh, fair enough.” “He/She came with a manual.”
13 [NAME smiles in a grotesque way] “Oh crap that's terrifying.”
14 “He/She didn't dump me. We were just in different places in the relationship.” “I fail to see how a relationship can have the qualities of a geographical location.” “It's very simple. NAME was living in a little town called ‘Please don't leave me’, while NAME had just moved to the island of ‘Bye-bye!’”
15 “Are you planning on kidnapping a man/woman?” “Sarcasm?” “Yes, but mixed with genuine concern.”
16 “NAME knows football? I mean Quidditch, sure, but football?”
17 “Puppies, how do you stand on puppies?” “A puppy once bit my face!” “Of course it did.”
18 “NAME, there's no place for truth on the Internet.”
19 “I see. I assume since the rest of you have set the bar so low, you're saving the most impressive contribution for last. Go on NAME, dazzle me.” “Well, my power is the ability to pretend like I give a damn about your piddly-ass problem. And that's 24/7 buddy.”
20 “You can't just throw everything in the closet.” “Hey, you can tell me what to do and how to do it, but not both at the same time. This isn't sex.”
21 “We're looking for NAME, not Marmaduke.”
22 “NAME it's the phone!” “I know it's the phone NAME! I hear the phone!” “Who is calling at this ungodly hour?” “I don't know!” “Well ask them why are they calling at this ungodly hour!” “How can I ask them when I'm talking to you?”
23 “Well no, you're mistaken. You give speeches all the time. What you can't do is shut up.”
24 “The way I see it, I'm halfway to pity sex.”
25 “Why do I even try?” “I'm going to fix this right now.” “Okay, but just make it look like an accident.”
26 “Love is not a sprint, it's a marathon, a relentless pursuit that only ends when he/she falls into your arms — or hits you with the pepper spray.”
27 “Look, if you don't want to go to the party, just don't go. You're a grown man. Act like one. Tell NAME you want to spend the weekend having a sleepover and playing video games with your friends!”
28 “Can we take a moment to discuss that I just lied to the government for you?” “Yeah, I would not have done that for you.”
29 “NAME ruined Raiders of the Lost Ark* for me, so I'm trying to find something beloved of his/hers and ruin that.” “Because his/her life wasn't enough?” *[insert any movie, play or book]
30 “I think you broke the dowels. You're not gonna have time to glue it back on. You'll have to nail it.” “With what?” “Does he/she have any pillows or wine glasses?” “He/She does.”
“Great. Neither of those. Try a hammer!” “Did that feel good? You feel like a big man now?”
31 “Why're you being so quiet? You upset or are you just rebooting?”
32 “Come on, NAME, Star Wars.” “I'm pushing play. I mean it. If we don't start soon, George Lucas is going to change it again.”
33 “Come on, one day this may double in value and be worth half what I paid for it!”
34 [Chuckles] “Look at that. There's finally a man/woman in your life you can talk to.”
35 “I shouldn't be raising a kid. I don't even eat my own vegetables.”
36 “I love you. And I'm not just saying that because your breasts are gonna get bigger.”
37 “First take a picture with me.” “Why?” “Well, NAME and I always talked about learning how to make cocktails like this together, so I taught myself and I'm putting this on Instagram so he/she can see it and feel like a turd. Say cheese!”
38 “Stop hitting on my man/lady or you shall experience my wrath.” “I am not hitting on him/her.” “And I am not your Lady.” “And you have no wrath.”
39 “NAME, relax. I am not interested in your boyfriend/girlfriend.” “I hope not. Because you don't wanna mess with me.” [Gets in NAME’s face] “I'm crazy.”
40 “How did you get so brave all of a sudden?” “It's easy. The spider's crawling up your arm.”
41 “Why are you back from your date so early?” “Well, in romance, as in show business, always leave them wanting more.” “What exactly does that mean?” “He/She struck out.”
42 “Sit, you look like you've had a long day.” “Naw, she always looks like that. ... Because she married an idiot.”
43 “You guys never use that space up there. Why not get a table?” “Do you want the long answer or the short answer?” “How come we never get that option?”
44 “You're a putz. Do you what that means?” “Yeah. Do you?”
45 “Excuse me, I happen to be very comfortable with my masculinity.” “How is that possible?”
46 “Oh, you're saying I don't do anything around here? Look at my chore chart!”
47 “Well don't come crying to me when you don't get your allowance.” “It's not an allowance. It's a stipend! And we said we weren't going to call it an allowance in front of my friends.”
48 “Neither of them will be the actual cake. I'm just using it as a bargaining chip to get NAME to agree to the whole wedding party getting rings and us getting one ring to rule them all.” “I forget, which mental hospital are you guys registered at?”
49 “You know what we should do? We should show the closet to NAME.” “Why?” “Are you kidding? He’s/She’s like a savant at organizing. Everything in his/her apartment/house has a label on it. Including his/her label maker, which has a label that says label maker. And if you look really close at that label maker label, you’ll see a label that says label.”
50 “I was so smooth on that date.” “Dude, I made you smooth. You were an idiot.” “Whatever, dude. He/She kissed me.” “It might have been on your lips, but it was my kiss.” “Oh, fine. Let's agree he/she kissed both of us.” “Okay.”
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pilyarquitect · 3 years
45 with Leo and Donnie please?
45 "Sometimes you have to think of yourself as a priority." Leo y Donnie
Leo groaned noisily. He hated to wake up in the middle of the night. Why? Why couldn’t he just sleep all night without waking up? That wasn’t fair! He needed some rest, but waking up like this wasn’t the best way to get his extremely needed rest.
The oldest turtle got out of his bed. He was a little thirsty, and maybe drinking water would help him to get asleep earlier. He went out of his room and walked through the kitchen. While going there, he saw light coming out from Donnie’s lab. He could also hear his brother in purple talk… probably to himself.
Leo frowned. He knew it was late. When would his brother go to sleep? He also needed rest… maybe more than Leo himself. Okay, drink water, could wait. His brother went first. Leo changed his destination and walked towards Donnie’s lab. Once arrived at the door, he opened it. The big door screeched, surprising the turtle inside the lab, who as fast as he could turned to see who was there. His attitude relaxed when saw his brother there.
Leo frowned. Even having his mask covering his eyes. He could see his brother’s eyes were red, and he had eye bags under them. His brother needed desperately to rest, but on the other hand… he seemed to stubbornly refuse to take it.
It was Leo’s duty to get his brother to have some rest.
Taking a deep breath, the oldest brother entered the lab, he decided to get his self-imposed mission accomplished. It went unnoticed to Leo how his brother followed him all the way until Leo was at his side. Donnie was looking at him with fear, maybe guessing what Leo was about to say to him. But it didn’t matter. Leo decided to make his brother go to bed, wanting him to do it or not.
Leo tried to smile as kind as he could… quite difficult to do it, his brother had a miserable appearance… well, he had to say something, he couldn’t just stay there without talking-
“Hey, Leo, what’s up?”
Okay… his brother was faster than him to start talking, now he only had to answer, nicely.
“Donnie, have you even realized what time it is?”
Oh shell, this was everything but nicely. Great job Leo.
Donnie’s eyes opened wide. He turned to look for a clock and his eyes opened even more when he saw what time really was.
“Oh shell…” he muttered then turned to look at his brother “I didn’t know it was too late… sorry Leo…”
Leo smiled sympathetically. His brother was a kind soul, and it was obvious he felt terrible when he realized he was bothering another person.
“Hey don’t worry Donnie, that’s what older brothers are here for. Now, you’ve to go to bed.” He said kindly but also with a hint of rigor in his voice to show he wasn’t joking.
“B-but Leo… I’m so close to finding a retro mutagen… I… can’t stop now…” tried to say Donnie in order to convince his brother to allow him to continue working. But the older turtle wasn’t willing to let his younger brother win. No way.
“Donnie… you have to. It’s obvious you need some rest.”
Donnie looked away; it wasn’t difficult for Leo to guess his little brother was trying to come up with an excuse that would allow him to continue working on his experiments. The turtle with brown eyes looked at him with begin eyes.
“Yeah, maybe but-”
“Donnie, stop.” Leo cut him off before Donnie could say anything. He knew his brother would use every possible way to stay in the lab instead of going to his room, and Leo wouldn’t let this happen.
“Look Donnie, sometimes you have to think of yourself as a priority.” He said tenderly. Donnie looked at him with wide eyes. Maybe he didn’t expect this answer… well it was pretty obvious he didn’t expect it, and now Donnie didn’t know what to answer.
Oh shell, why didn’t Leo record this moment? To leave his genius brother without knowing what to say wasn’t something that happened daily.
Leo heard his brother leave out a sigh. Welp, with what excuse would he come out?
“Well… I know Leo, but how can I do that when this is my fault?”
Leo’s eyes opened wide. His fault? His? Oh no, Leo wouldn’t let Donnie carry this blame only him. This wouldn’t be in any way fear.
“Excuse me, your fault? I think you mean our fault.” He replied, crossing his arms on his chest and looking at him with a hard look. Donnie looked at him for a moment and then looked away, as if he couldn’t make eye contact with his older brother. Leo took a step forward.
“Have I to remember you all of us were there? We are all responsible for what happened that night.”
Donnie instantly looked at him.
“But Leo I-” he tried to reply, but once again, the older turtle cut him off. Would this become common?
“Yeah, yeah, I know if there’s someone who can find a retro mutagen, this turtle is you. But even geniuses need their rest, and this is what you’re going to have now.”
Actually, Leo would be more than happy to help his brother to find a cure to all the mutations that happened in the city because of them, but he wasn’t as smart as his brother. He wouldn’t even know where to start for… and… well, Leo was ashamed to admit sometimes they didn’t help his brother, giving him more work to do than he already had, for example, having to repair the toaster over and over again because he especially broke it every time, he used it. But on Leo’s defense, the toaster hated him, sometimes with just a little contact, the toaster broke itself without Leo having used it.
Leo saw his brother was looking at him, he seemed to don’t know what to say, Donnie seemed defeated…
“Oh shell… could I be here just a half hour more?” he tried to negotiate.
Leo was fast to answer.
“… a quarter?” he tried again.
“No way.” Said Leo again shaking his head.
“Five minutes?”
Okay that’s enough!
“Fine, fine, I’ll go to bed.” He finally said totally defeated. He stood up. Apparently to go to bed. But Leo knew his brother better than that.
“Yes, you are. And I’ll let you know I won’t leave your room until I’m sure you’re asleep.” He said with a big smile. Donnie looked at him alarmed.
“Wait what?! That’s not fair!”
Leo’s smile increased. He knew his brother would pretend to go to bed and sneak to the lab again when he thought nobody would see him.
“I know, but this is what older brothers are for too.” Leo answered happily.
Donnie faced him with serious expression… Leo had to do a great effort to not laugh. Even trying to look serious, the truth is that Donnie’s appearance made it difficult to take him seriously. Suddenly Donnie closed his eyes, he seemed defeated… just seemed.
Walking crestfallen, Donnie headed to his room with Leo following him closely. The genius turtle went directly to his bed and once he was laying down he turned to see his older brother.
“Leo you don’t have to be here anymore, I’m on my bed, I’ll stay here,”
Leo shocked his head. There was no way he would do this.
“Sorry not sorry Donnie. I won’t leave.”
“Fine.” Answered Donnie looking away.
Leo smiled. His brother was truly stubborn, but so was Leo, and he wouldn’t let Donnie win.
Leo stayed there for a while, he didn’t know exactly how much time it was, but at some point he heard his brother sigh.
“Leo…?” said the tired turtle almost in a whisper.
“Yes Donnie?” asked Leo with a kind voice.
“I love you.”
Leo smiled. He knew it was true, but to hear his brother say that always made him happy.
“I love you too little bro. Goodnight.” He answered while leaving the room.
His brother was now sleeping peacefully.
Mission accomplished.
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metalgearkong · 4 years
The Last of Us Part II - Review (PS4)
8/14/20 ***SPOILERS***
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Developed by Naughty Dog, released June 19th, 2020
The Last of Us was a game I wasn’t originally a huge fan of when it came out in 2013. Despite it receiving astronomical praise by fans and critics, it took me a couple times completing the game before I fell in love with it. What truly made The Last of Us special was not necessarily its concept or gameplay, but its storytelling and characters. The depth of the interpersonal drama and raw emotion on screen was the true core of the game, with the stealth-action, zombies, and other aspects more like icing on the cake. The Last of Us ended up being one of my favorite games of all time strictly based on execution, even if the game as a whole still isn’t perfect. 
The Last of Us Part II was my most highly anticipated game of 2020, and it feels strange to be on the other side of it finally. This game has been polarizing for fans, and as it turns out, I feel conflicted on the game as well. I finished it a month or so ago, but only now getting my thoughts written out. While some aspects are daring, jaw dropping, and gorgeous, other aspects detract from what is an unexpected story not quite living up to its potential. I respect this game more than I love it, and while I do think critics have been too kind in review scores, the exceptionally low user reviews have been far more incorrect. This is a solid, epic, deep, beautiful, emotional campaign which will deliver its money’s worth, but many contentious points will dictate how much you enjoy this blockbuster of a video game.
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One of the aspects I like the most about this game is how similar the gameplay is to the original. Many people I suppose would want more change or innovation in the 7 years since The Last of Us, but personally I’ve always been a fan of sequels that retain what I like about a series. If it changes too much, it becomes too detached from what I enjoyed or got used to. Changes Part II makes are subtle, but natural for the genre and world. The player can duck and go prone in waist-high grass to conceal themselves, a dodge button has also been added, and a huge addition to combat and stealth is the addition of attack dogs who patrol with their owners. Dogs can pick up your scent until you distract it, adding to a lot of tension anytime enemy K9s are around. And yes, I found it difficult to shoot the first couple of dogs I encountered as they yelp out in pain when they get hurt or die.
Part II picks up I believe 5 years after the original. Ellie and Joel live in Jackson, the town they town the become a part of at the end of The Last of Us, and seem to be thriving in a community with food, power, and systems in place for relative safety from the outside world. The story is told in a much more chopped up chronology which I found to be detrimental to the pacing. The first game had a straightforward narrative and it worked very well, and this game has to dice up its story to make it seem more complex, but just comes off as pretentious. For example, by the end of the prologue (about a hour and a half) you play as three different characters. This leads into the strange structure of this game’s story, aside from having the linearity chopped up at times. 
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The most controversial moment of the game is the moment of Joel’s death and how it occurred. While this event was not unexpected for myself and others, the manner of which he died is what’s justifiably pissing people off. A brand new character is introduced named Abby (and one of the three characters we briefly play as shortly before) and without any background or indication of who she is, brutally tortures and executes Joel in front of Ellie’s eyes. It’s not difficult to see director Neil Druckmann cackling with satisfaction of his subversion of expectations. It’s simply toying with the emotions of fans, and he has to expect and stand by any criticism he’s gotten for how this scene went down. However, this moment does make more sense as the story unfolds, but its no less a heavy handed and manipulative move for the sake of auteur video game storytelling.
Ever since I witnessed the brutal death of one of my favorite video game characters of all time, my only though was “they better justify this.” It was never “this is horrible and irredeemable, and “Naughty Dog is off its rocker,” like many people seem to have reacted. It was gut wrenching, but I knew Naughty Dog has a pension for organic characters, and in the back of my mind I knew I had to give this game its fair shot, and see if and/or how Naughty Dog justified a scene liable to piss off virtually every single fan of the original game. This is a poor spot of the game, but the structure of the game itself is, for me, the biggest issue of Part II. In the end, I don’t mind Joel’s death as much seeing the context surrounding it, although it still should have been handled entirely differently. 
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Neil Druckmann proudly pulls a Metal Gear Solid 2 move, and entirely switches protagonists for a huge portion of the game (about 45%). Abby turns out to be the main character once the halfway point of the game hits. Following Joel’s death is about 9-11 hours playing as Ellie on her revenge quest to find Abby and kill her. The motivation is justified, being in the room with Ellie as she watched her father figure die in agony in front of her. Ellie’s portion of the campaign makes sense, Abby’s makes less. The structure of the story comes to a high point mid way through, where Abby and Ellie finally meet to clash. After all this build up, and around the same time of the game where the first game had its conclusion, everything halts and resets. 
We are suddenly dropped into the Abby story, showing her side of things, and why she would want to kill Joel. I do think the story directly surrounding her motivation is well done, but the problem is, a large portion of Abby’s story has literally nothing to do with Joel or Ellie. We effectively see why Abby would want revenge on Joel, but then we have to tag along on a major side journey while Abby helps a trans kid and his sister escape the cult they grew up in. I get that it helps develop more empathy for Abby as a character, but Abby’s story should have been at least cut in half to keep the overall story more focused and flowing. Many times while deep into Abby’s story I honestly forgot what the point of what I was doing is, and was getting confused on which events had happened and which hadn’t. 
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Abby herself is a good character, and after all has been said and done, she is the third best character in this series so far. It’s a shame though that so much of her story is a direct waste of time, despite more of an excuse for more of the same great gameplay and set-piece moments. Empathy and perspective are the two big themes of this game. The best thing I can say about Part II is it convinced me of something I thought was near inconvincible: it made me like and root for Abby after the scene of Joel’s death. However, while the theme of the game is “all of your enemies have their own backstory,” Par II doesn’t teach us anything new whatsoever. Abby’s father was the surgeon Joel killed upon saving Ellie from the Fireflies at the climax of Part I. But Joel (and Ellie) killed a lot of random enemies in the first game, most of them players won’t even remember specifically. 
The fact that we have an entire video game showing us the perspective of one single person who wants revenge on Joel is a story that doesn’t need to be told. Any NPC we killed in the first game had family or friends who would also want revenge on Joel as well. We don’t learn anything new. This whole series is just marauder against marauder. Joel has never been a good guy, and that’s never been a secret. Joel is shown as an anti-hero even before the conclusion of the first game. It’s partially what makes him such a cool character. We only rooted for Joel because we were seeing things from his perspective. If the first game was entirely about Abby and Joel was framed as the bad guy, the results would have been the same: Abby would be our point-of-view “hero” character, while Joel was clearly the villain. Part II is not the epiphany Neil Drukmann likely wanted his audience to experience.
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As anyone can see, the graphics and performances of Part II are incredible. While the story and structure are nothing too special (because it ruins its great moments by long drawn out heavy handed moments), at least the game itself is engaging to play and is gorgeous to look at. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest myself, and the game mainly taking place in Seattle, I enjoyed being totally waterlogged throughout the entire experience. If the story isn’t depressing enough on its own, the weather will certainly get to you. The core characters themselves are portrayed extremely well via motion capture and voice acting as well. I’m wondering why Neil Druckmann didn’t just make a Netflix series beings he is clearly so focused on the character’s interpersonal relationships. This is especially true for Joel and Ellie once again. Side characters are well acted, but have less of an effect on the core story, which is a huge tragedy when so much effort was clearly put into bringing them to life.
There’s no doubt Naughty Dog accomplished their specific goal in making you as depressed as possible. To be honest, it reminded me of some of my favorite books about stories of conflicting emotions and ending on depressing notes. Even though Part II is far from perfect, it’s still a juggernaut of a single-player game with amazing graphics, acting, responsive gameplay. I like the ways it proved me wrong on stuff I thought was unchangeable, and for that, it has my deep respect. It may not be for everyone, not even fans of the first, but if you come at it with an honest open mind and let yourself drop your ego enough to take in this entire story, I think it’s a daring piece of media that might age very well in time.
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People saying Reginald loved Luther the most really need to shut the fuck up. Like? Have you been watching the same show?? I deadass saw someone say that Luther “Went through literally nothing!” and I am fucked off. So here is a quick list of all the shitty things Reginald did to Luther that I wrote while high as fuck on caffeine and sleep deprived as hell. 
1.) Tattoo
Now. I get that they all (save Vanya) had to get the tattoos. I even get that it wasn’t supposed to be a punishment. However. It serves as an example of Luther’s shitty childhood, because no matter how you look at it, he was forced to get a painful tattoo at age 13 by his father. That’s abuse. I get that they all had to get the tattoo, but already your arguments against Luther are invalid because he was evidently abused. His childhood wasn’t perfect, he wasn’t an invulnerable golden boy, he was abused just like the other siblings.
2.) His body transformation.
This is the thing that bothers me the most about this fandom.The blatant body shaming. It’s such a large part of the culture of this fandom and it’s barely acknowledged. All the pictures of overstuffed teddy bears, and calling Luther “monkey boy” and every single fucking meme about him just like “go back to the moon ape man uwu” that make me fucking sick to my stomach. I literally have never encountered a fandom where body shaming is so fucking common that no one bats an eye when a character straight up calls someone a monster because of their body. I understand not liking Luther as a character, that’s totally fine. Having opinions and preferences is not what I have issues with. The problem is when you use those opinions as an excuse to invalidate traumatic experiences. When it comes to the moon memes, I get pissed off, obviously, because it’s pretty shitty. But in the grand scheme of things, there probably aren’t many people who relate to that or see themselves in it. The body shaming however? I know so many people who identify with that, including myself. That scene, where Luther is shirtless and staring at himself in the mirror? I felt that shit. I related so fucking hard. So when people make fun of his body insecurity (yes I have seen it happen) I get sort of personally offended. I saw someone on twitter who said that he went through nothing except “oh i’m a monkey now” and I was like??? Even if that were true, that’s a pretty big fucking thing to go through. Luther is honestly so strong, because I don’t know if I would have been able to handle that. This got away from me a bit, considering this was supposed to be about Reginald, but I feel like it needed to be said.
However, a bit of a counterpoint to my main thesis, I don’t think we can actually call this abusive. Let me be clear, Reginald is a bad father. He is abusive. There is no denying this, but as much as the fandom wants to make him into a two dimensional cardboard cutout, he is more complex than that. It’s easy to classify someone as all bad, but its rarely the truth. And although what Reginald did to Luther was shitty, (in this particular instance) I don’t think it was necessarily abusive. Because he did it to save Luther’s life. I want to say that it was just a shitty thing to do, that he shouldn’t have done that experimental procedure on Luther without his consent, but it’s not that black and white. If it had been me, and I was about to die, my mother definitely would have done whatever it took to keep me alive. Because she loves me. And she is the furthest thing from abusive. Therefore, because we aren’t explicitly shown why Reginald did what he did, unfortunately it can’t count towards the overall argument. Make no mistake, I’m not defending what he did. I think, based off his character, its actually pretty likely that it was an abusive action. Because intent changes things. And a reasonable hypothesis would be that Reginald only saved Luther because he needed him, and not because he loves him, but because we aren’t privy to what his intentions were, the evidence is inconclusive. I’d say we can mark this down as a possibly, but I’m being pretty generous in an attempt to be fair.
3.) The moon
Now, what I’ve been waiting for the whole time. This, unlike the previous point, is without a doubt a demonstration of Reginald’s abuse towards Luther. He had just performed an experiment on Luther that changed his body forever without his consent, leaving Luther struggling and insecure. So does he help his son through this? Nope, he yeets him to the moon. Isolation is one of the things that seriously fucks with someone’s head, and I know its often overlooked because of Five’s 45 years in the apocalypse, but it’s impossible not to have some hangups about 4 years of isolation. Trauma isn’t a competition, and if any of the antis actually bothered to analyze the show, they would notice that the first time Luther actually talks about his trauma, he says “I only spent 4 years on the moon”, literally minimizing his own trauma like so many toxic members of the fandom, and yet everyone seems to think that he can’t stop ranting about his bad experiences and never shuts up about his trauma. 
Second, the picture of Luther’s notes to his father. I know a lot of people are just talking about how Luther is apparently a poet, which I love, but I think the thing really worth analyzing is the note that clearly states “PLEASE! SEND! MORE! FOOD!” because has anyone realized the implications of this? Let m break it down, there are two possible conclusions that can be drawn based on the evidence. Number one: (lol, get it?) the more likely scenario, Reginald frequently forgets to send Luther food, therefore he feels he has to remind him. This is utterly heartbreaking, because it also shows how Reginald was willing to essentially punt Luther up to the moon with promises of doing some good, and then almost forget about him entirely. And yet, some people still don’t think Luther was abused?
Number two: At some point Reginald did something that lead Luther to believe he wouldn’t send food without prompting. This is unlikely, but is possible. It is possible that throughout childhood, Reginald was neglectful to the point where Luther assumed that he wouldn’t send food without a reminder. Like I said, this is unlikely, not because Reginald wasn’t neglectful, but because at that point Luther still worshiped his father as a result of the brainwashing, and therefore probably wouldn’t assume the worst of him. 
In conclusion:
I’m sure there are more easter eggs throughout the show that indicate Reginald’s abuse towards Luther, but its 3AM and honestly I can’t be bothered to find them. Feel free to comment if I missed anything. I just got really fucking sick of the fandom making light of Luther’s trauma, and even saying that he wasn’t abused when he clearly was. I’m not saying he had it the worst, but I am saying that he had it bad, just like everyone else. Claiming that he didn’t go through anything just because you don’t like him personally is ignorant and stupid. This has been a PSA.
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virtual-crisis · 4 years
⭐Alpha Centauri⭐, Part Thirteen
School spirit, right? Thought I’d post a new part for the new semester.
....Yeah, that’s totally why it took this long.
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Naturally, we stuck around in Scape’s office for a while so my bleeding could stop and dry up. I feigned nodding off, closing my eyes and lolling my head down to the side while Ty and Scape were chatting with eachother so they would passively drop me from the conversation, unaware I was still listening.
“So your twin…. Which one is he?”
Chai scoffed. “Calls himself Ezekiel. He’s embarrassed by his real name, ‘Zippy’, ‘cause it makes him sound like a little kid.”
“Are you sure he’s embarrassed by it?”
“Why else would he take a biblical name as a human?”
“It has phonetic parallels, like yours and Alyssa’s. After all, Chialer means to cry…”
“It refers to blubber. Like on a whale.” Chai snapped.
“Blubbering is a synonym for crying, Tyler.”
“And fucking what?!”
There was silence for a minute. It was really eerie—unlike most of Earth, this office was so perfectly soundproofed that, lacking the sound of one’s breathing, it was completely silent. I shivered.
“...You know, radiant atronachs are virtually nonexistent.”
“Thanks a lot to my mom and dad.”
“Cér—” Scape cleared his throat. “...Carrie and Marcus, yes?”
“Yeah, them. Stupid fucking curse they got on all of us because one of them made a swear on the name of Leviathan that they were fuckin’ lying about.”
Scape hummed. “Non, Leviathan n'apprécie pas qu'on se moque de lui..”
My eyes opened at that. “Leviathan what?”
Both did a double-take at me. “Uh…. He doesn’t like being made fun of?” Chai said as if I should’ve known.
Scape waved a hand at her, shaking his head. “Désolé, désolé, I slipped into my native language.”
Now Chai was staring in confusion at Scape right along with me. “...You what? You’ve been talking French this whole time, though?”
I blinked in confusion, looking down at myself. “Uh… Eu pensei que vocês estavam falando em português...?” I murmured, suddenly feeling oddly self-conscious.
Scape looked between us, then chuckled. “Ah, adorable when young demons find out…. Here in Boston, everyone hears us in English,” he said. “It’s a response from Lucifer regarding the Babel incident: while language has and will divide mortal-kind for eternity, demons of Hell will remain able to understand eachother, and mortals them.”
I looked over at Chai, who was now staring at me. “....You’re French?” I said.
“You’re Portu… Portugess…?”
“Brazilian,” I corrected. “...And it’s Portuguese…”
Scape chuckled again. “Here I thought you two were better acquainted than that.”
Chai flushed a bright green—y’know, uranium under the suit and all. “W-we didn’t know about the Babel thing!”
I smirked. “Do you even know what Babel is?”
“Like you do.” she jeered. To be fair, I didn’t.
“The tower to heaven?” Scape mused. “Unsurprising, it’s not well accounted outside of biblical texts. All of humanity convened to build their way to God…” he began. Strangely, when he said a holy word like such, it didn’t bother us. Well, it did, but it didn’t cause a physical response. “God sighed, metaphorically, as they would eventually reach a point in the stratosphere lacking enough air to breathe, rather than reach Heaven. Therefore he scattered the humans, toppled the tower, and scrambled their minds so there would never be a unified ‘single language’ among mortals. Such a thing eliminates individuality, and leads to… Problematic ventures.”
“Huh.” Chai grunted, echoed shortly after by me.
“So what was that about a beast-damned prince of hell cursing your family?” I said at her.
Chai quivered for a moment. “...I’ll get into specifics some other time. Basically, I spent my childhood and teen years wandering a desert because my mom and dad couldn’t be honest with eachother millennia ago.” she explained.
I stared blankly at her, slowly looking at Scape. “.........I’m not the only one who heard that, right?”
“What, did part of that translate into a Brazilian swear word?” Chai teased.
“Portuguese.” I said flatly. “What do you mean wandering a desert?!”
“I mean I’ve had to kill people and predatory animals to survive to adulthood. If you DO reach adulthood as one of my family, Leviathan sends an aspect of itself to try and kill you where its machinations failed.”
“What. The fuck.”
Scape leaned back on the couch, arms behind his neck. “It’s true. I’ve met one of her siblings before- long time ago, but I had the luck to be right in the very place Leviathan dropped her to be ‘tried’ by survival.”
My jaw was agape as I tried to process this. Chai killing things? She was a punk archetype for sure, but BEFORE college age? Fuck, I still got freaked out seeing blood when I was a teen.
“Ooh, her? Do you mean Abby?” Chai said, suddenly looking giddy.
“Abigail, yes. The first to survive that trial if I remember right.”
Chai clapped. “Fuck yeah! That chick was forced to fend off dragons in the medieval times!”
“...You guys are weird,” I mumbled, standing up. “I’m gonna, like…”
“Not leave yet, surely?” Scape said, raising a brow. “Your hand…”
I unwrapped the cloth he’d put around my ‘stab wounds’. Nothing but little black curves marking my hand now, with some discoloration on my skin around them. “I’ll just wear gloves, yeah.”
Scape shrugged, standing up to step over and retrieve the makeshift cast from me. “Fair enough. Just be attentive as usual.”
“Wouldn’t want another angel attacking you~” Chai quipped.
I deadpanned back at her. “Not funny.”
Scape just shook his head, fighting off a smile as I walked out and crammed my hands under the waistband of my skirt. Stupid no-pocket women’s clothes.
I went somewhere different this time: Monty’s. He was on the fraternity-saturated football team, sure, but he lived in a normal dorm building a couple blocks from mine. Not for a date this time—we’d accepted by now that romance wouldn’t really gel for us—but rather to go for a drive.
“Oh, Alyssa! Wasn’t expecting to see you coming all the way up here,” was his reaction on opening his door.
I snorted. “Yo, jus’ ‘cause I’m like, sloth levels of lazy, doesn’t mean I can’t walk place to place.”
Monty chuckled, fixing his glasses. “Well, I guess you wouldn’t reach your classes if you couldn’t. Anything you wanted?”
“Bit of a tour around the city, maybe,” I said passively, waving my clot-ridden hand. “Wanted to… Y’know, chat a bit, maybe. I’unno.”
Monty sheepishly pointed at my hand. “Uh, how did…”
“Bad tattoo—I mean—Ty cut me with her fingernails. Had the damn things shaped into claws again.”
“Again? Yeesh. I’m guessing that happens often?”
“Nah, she normally has pretty good restraint. She just got kinda… Pissed off.”
“What about?”
I waved my hand dismissively. “I’ll explain it in the car.”
For a card up Mammon’s sleeve, Monty’s car was… a pretty normal four-door sedan. I guess it helped him not stick out too much from the crowds—probably would be the same case for demons if we weren’t too ‘inherently sociopathic’ to be allowed to drive. I got Monty talking a bit about his own business ventures while we were on our way off campus, so I could think a bit about a couple things. Namely the idea of Chialer being some kind of killing machine, yikes.
“...Yeah, the keyfob for my car is, itself, a weapon for self defense. I press the button opposite the key release, it flips out a switchblade.”
“Not the most practical for a fight, but it’s good at drawing blood.”
“Great for pentagrams, I’ll bet.”
“Yeah, but then I have to clean the blade. That’s a huge pain.”
“You know from what experience?” I quipped.
Monty rolled his eyes. “I told you, you’re the first demon I’ve knowingly met outside of the Mam’ himself. I just know blood is a bitch and a half to clean, even off linoleum or stainless steel.”
I thought for a moment, then quickly poked his thigh. Monty snorted.
“...Yeah, that too.”
“What else can that thing do then? Some kinda Hell’s Army Knife or something?”
“Damn, that’d be cool to have. Nah though, it’s got a couple nifty features, but nothing too amazing. Switchblade, a precision laser for distracting cats…”
“As if that’s what it’s for.”
“You’d be surprised how many greed demons are feline. Or well… Mammon told me I would be.”
“Yeah, but those’re human toys. Demon toys aren’t shipped if they can’t be used to mutilate someone.”
“...Fair,” Monty said passively, then gulped. “It reflects light through microscopic prisms inside the keyfob so when it actually shoots out, it can burn through a lot of thinner materials with some focus.”
“Oh sweet, so a mini me.”
The car skidded to a more abrupt stop than usual, Monty slamming the brakes for a stoplight as he snickered at that. “You… Shoot lasers?”
“Yeah, I’m like, a moth and all, but my head’s basically a weaponized CRT TV.”
Monty glanced at me, then the light, then me again for a moment before back to the road. “...A TV head? Those’re real popular on the internet lately.”
“Yeah, I noticed. And yes, like that one final boss from that one high-concept RPG.”
Monty snickered again, shaking his head. “I wasn’t thinking that, but okay.”
He drove along in silence. It felt weird moving… Fast-ish? But also really slow, considering. When we were on a main street with the speed-o-meter saying 45, it felt pretty normal to me, but despite this being faster than I would normally move around, it felt sluggish. Suppose I was just distracting myself.
“What’re we driving by M.I.T. for?” I asked. As implied, we were rolling onto the Mitts campus, Monty leisurely driving amidst the various buildings and weaving by cars plastered over with new ‘Dragons’ stickers.
“Game next week, right? I’m probably not gonna be participating, but I gotta be there, so I may’s well see where we’re gonna be headed.”
Traffic started to get congested near the IT’s stadium. I didn’t say anything at first, but I did furrow my brow. “Didja notice they changed the mascot?”
“Nah, not like it’s been beavers for decades or anything.”
“Word is it’s because of a demon of pride.”
Monty zipped forward suddenly, scrambling to slam the brake and pull away to avoid a crash. “Uh…. Yikes? Aren’t they like, the most powerful?”
“Sorta…. Their prince is the devil himself.” I said, crossing my arms and leaning back.
Monty glanced at me before righting himself back onto the street. “Kinda figured…. Has that not been done before or something?”
“Probably has, I’unno. Kicker is, the jackass is my roommate’s brother.”
“No shit?”
“No shit. She was pretty pissed about it earlier today.”
“Lemme guess….”
“Oh yeah, obviously the reason I got cut up.”
Monty drove around by the parking lot for the stadium…. And rolled up to park. “Apparently there’s a pep rally going on…. Explains the traffic and all.”
“What, going into the core of enemy territory for shits and giggles?” I quipped, hesitantly getting up and out of the car.
“Well, maybe a bit of espionage. Really, I’m just caught up on studying, and football practice’s tomorrow.”
I snorted. “Aha. Aha… Yeah, uh, I got outta cheer practice early.”
We both chuckled awkwardly at that, and after a bit of second guessing ourselves (or at least me), made our way into the stadium.
And uh, beast-damn.
The Mitts’ football team was running a workout routine around the field, high-fiving people as they passed by the barriers, and whooping and shouting a ‘go team’ chant. Hundreds of M.I.T. students were convened in the stands, all cramming themselves down in front to get a close-up view of their sportsballers. Monty prodded at one to ask “shouldn’t half of you be in class?”, to which a few people giddily explained that the school was paid off to observe some random holiday that was today. This seemed really over the top, and that was exactly the point.
Leading the newly green-and-gold-clad sports team was their mascot: a golden-scaled dragon with an emeraldesque underbelly, plated on joints with pads that looked more like combat armor, and a ‘jersey’ that had to be a flak jacket painted over.
The sight bothered me in a way. That guy was winding one of the most prestigious places of learning on Earth around his claw, parading around as himself by way of a glorified fursuit. What really concerned me though was the fact it was combat-ready. He was ready to walk that suit into a gunfight, and I did not want to know why.
Then he started shouting along for the team and crowd, too.
“When I say M-I, you say T! Mass in!” “Tech!” “Mass in!” “Tech!”
“Let’s go dragons, let’s go!” “Fire with fire! Raze and blaze!”
A presumable QB tossed a football to Ezekiel, and he ran forward to throw it in a perfect arc to the guy in back. That guy crouched in place, and hurled the thing for the opposite end of the field. Ezekiel wasted no time bolting after it, the wings of his suit furling out and flapping. Too stiff to be real, but that’d have to be expensive as fuck for a costume prop. When he passed the thirty, he dove forward. By the twenty, he was sliding along the slicked astroturf. At the ten, the football landed down into his suit’s oversized paws, and he stopped his penguin slide right at the touchdown line.
The crowd roared, all the cliques shamelessly roaring like dragons as best they could, no matter how bad it sounded or how sick or hoarse they may’ve been. Monty joined in. I stared blankly as Tyler’s twin stood up to dance and twirl around.
“M-I-T! M-I-T!” “M-I-T! M-I-T!”
I sidled next to Monty, looking at his eyes from the side. Practically glazed over. Thinking on my feet, I snuck a hand into his pocket and fished out the keys delicately while he was entranced. After that, I slipped away into the away team’s locker room.
“Ally? Where the home are you?”
I cupped a hand around the mic on my phone. “Mitts stadium, it’s a shitshow.”
“You think? My brother studies there.”
“No like, seriously, he’s running a pep rally. Running a pep rally.”
“What do you mean by that?” Scape cut in. Chai was still in his office, evidently.
“They’re cheering and chanting with him and all, but like…. Everyone’s glazing over. The shy guys are crowding up in front to shout, the emos and jocks are doing cheesy roars with the rest… Fucking Monty joined in with them.”
“Monty who?” “Robert, Tyler…”
“Is that not possession?”
“Is bandwagoning possession?” Scape retorted.
I furrowed my brow, fiddling with Monty’s keyfob. “Come on, he’s a demon.”
“He’s naturally charismatic.”
“Monty’s on the football team against his!”
“Yeah, that’s bullshit.” Chai said flatly.
“So a supporter of the red sox would have to be possessed to join the cheers?”
I took an agitated breath. “Okay, Ty, so ‘Zippy’’s out there riling everyone up. What would you be doing?”
“Not the best idea…” Scape murmured more distantly.
“I’ll save the ass-kicking for the game. I say give him some kinda warning of what’s to come, but it’s not like you’re gonna get anywhere with your cheer uni-”
I hung up, grinning to myself.
As I pocketed Monty’s key for later, I passively listened to the crowd.
“Bulldogs lie! Dragons fly! Bulldogs lie! Dragons fly!”
It was getting more directed against Boston U. If I caught Monty cheering along with that, he’d be catching my four hands later. But right now? They were reserved for homegirl’s reptilian twin.
“Ay! Ay! Scale-back chump!”
The crowd kept on their chant, ignoring that callout. Boring.
That shut them up. Everyone turned to the stadium’s away team door. I did a ballerina twirl, putting up two peace signs, two hands to my left hip, posed like an anime protagonist in a triumphant freeze-frame.
“It’s MOTHS that fly!”
Several gasps passed through the crowd like snakes hissing in the bushes. I hopped back, and jogged out directly towards Ezekiel. I may’ve been smaller than him in his suit, but a humanoid moth was no less cartoony than a foam and fiberglass dragon.
The dragon crossed his arms, tilting his head back as I ran up. “Hey, missy, the furry convention’s down in the Fens.”
I got up in his face, crossing my arms right back. My eyes were already hurting from keeping wide open, but I could see him shrink back just a bit. “Yeah, they thought you got lost on your way~” I teased.
“Just who’re you supposed to be, some butterfly fresh out of a toner cartridge explosion?”
I twirled back away, my foot barely missing his stomach. Turned away from him, I struck another pose, showing off my Boston U jersey before going into a dance. “Gimme an S! Gimme a T! Gimme e-l-l A! Stella the moth! Raring to play!”
After a cartwheel, I did a handstand on my two left hands, shaking somewhat but still managing to stick up a heart symbol with my right hands. “Boston U’s star bug! The bug zapper, the astral attacker!”
I dropped back down and did a jump and spin, taking a fighting stance at Zippy as his ball team grouped up behind him, confused. I pointed two fingers at Zippy, nervous someone had noticed my right hands desyncing before. “And the dragons’ waking night-terror!”
Silence filled the air, everyone holding their breath for several moments. Then an uproar of cheers and boos, rabid Mitt supporters verbally fighting to out-enthuse the folks I excited. Obscuring as his mask was, I could feel Zippy glaring at me.
I did a cartwheel back away. “Satur-satur-saturday! Lizard vee’ Saturnian!” I chanted.
“Lizard verse’ Scribonia!” came a single voice. Monty’s, and beast-damnit that correction made me cringe.
I did another cartwheel, then a twirl in place, flupping out my wings to show off the night-sky pattern on them. “M-I-T! Boston U! Moths will slay! Drakes fall through!”
“Moths will slay!” “Drakes will flay!” “M-I-T!” “Go Boston U!” “Hell yeah Stella!” “Get her, Sammy!”
‘Sammy’. How unoriginal. I just smirked, doing another wheel, then another, belting out another cheer with each one. The pep rally turned into a split of spirits, Monty disappearing from the crowd while several people pulled their phones, or already had them out. As I hit the edge of the turf, I made eye contact with Zippy, who had an air of disgust hiding under those fake eyes. I pointed to myself then him.
“Next week, serpent boy! You better practice that crawling on your belly! You’ll need it when I’m done with you!”
“We’ll see about that, micro-mothra! You fly into my flames, you’re gonna get burned!”
I went out to the parking lot, where Monty was frantically patting himself down. I skipped up and dangled his keys out for him. “Sorryyyyy, I got some stabby thoughts about dumbhead mcgee back there. Decided to challenge him to a boxing match instead~”
Monty’s eyes went wide at the sight of me in my real form. “...Holy shit, Alyssa, you look… Wow. Can’t even be mad about the keys…”
I scoffed, dropping the ‘fob on the asphalt at his feet so he’d scramble to pick them back up and unlock his car. “Wooooow, you like some insect more than miss unconventionally attractive hispanic girl? Can’t tell whether to call you racist, superficial, or a furry~” I jeered.
Monty chuckled awkwardly. “Uh, isn’t that your… Actual self though?”
I giggled, pushing him towards the car door as I skipped around to get in the passenger’s seat. “Duh~ What better than having an actual live cryptid come up to rep a university football team?”
“Oh, I thought mothman lived in Virginia?”
I glanced around, before my fur and lower arms retracted, my body morphing to human guise once again. “I mean, you’re not WRONG about mothman, but legit, that was going around Ty and I’s dorm.”
Monty turned away as I changed, probably to be polite, then got to driving out and back to our campus. “Not gonna be that great when the bulldogs show up anyway, though.”
“Oh you’ll see, Monto, I’ve got my methods- and Ty’s gonna owe me grands when we get a new costume and merch in.”
My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out. Tyler calling, so I ignored it. I had multiple missed calls from her, Scape, and Nebula all at once… I’d take that as a stunt success.
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cutieink · 5 years
Long Lost Lavellan
read on AO3
Solas x Mabel Lavellan
Zevran Arainai x Quinnel Surana
9:45 Dragon
Mabel Lavellan sits at her writing desk, staring off into her unfinished letter as she thinks of how much has changed. It’s been a year since she decided to continue the Inquisition as a way to protect her Divine and find a way to stop her Vhenan from ending this world.  Not to mention losing her arm. Just had to pick up that blighted orb with my dominate hand didn’t I? She often thinks when she struggles to do tasks that use to be so simple. She has worked hard on her penmanship these past months, trying to get some of her independence back. It is still scratchy but at least it is now legible to most…yet still not as pretty as the way she used to write. She lets out a long sigh as she finally looks away and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Ah, is this a bad time my dear Inquisitor?” Mabel jolts out of her chair with a yelp to quickly find the source of the voice. Behind her she sees a dark figure rest against the window sill, cackling at her jumpiness.
As her eyes adjust she sees the intruder is wearing a black hooded cape with sliver plated armor cascading down his arms and legs that shined in the sunlight. She relaxes and rolls her eyes with a light scoff before answering. “Makers breath! Spymaster Arainai, I told you to stop coming in through the windows!”
The man steps forward and gracefully tugged his hood off revealing his long, graying, blond locks. “And I have told you to call me Zevran instead of my title on plenty occasions and yet here we are, defying each other! Tsk tsk, so naughty of us.” Zev says with a grin as he walks towards the desk and sits with his legs draped over the side.
Mabel sits back in her chair while glaring up at the Antivan elf which was only returned with a devilish smile from him that somehow made her expression soften. She lets out a sigh. “I suppose that’s fair…Zevran. Now I assume there is something you wanted?”
“Ah I only wish to waste your time if you have a moment. You seemed quite…busy with your thoughts yes?” He question with a quirked of an eyebrow.
Mabel let out a small chuckle at his expression. “Did I now? Well it’s nothing for you to worry yourself about I assure you. Just a personal matter.”
“I see…” his gaze lowers to the paper on the desk that only says “Dear Keeper,” in very jolted writing. Mabel sees where his eyes have drifted and quickly puts her hand over it as her face turns crimson. “Trouble with the famiglia I take it?”
She knew he would keep pressing the issue, his wife Quinnel Surana had warned her about that before leaving him and their daughter in her care while she went off to continue her mission to find a cure for the Calling. “You can’t hide anything from him, trust me I’ve tried. He just finds a way around your silence. I’ll be quite cross with him though if he tries to make you talk the way he...persuades me too.” the hero had said with a nervous chuckle. Guess there is no point in lying. She thought.
“It’s…been a long time since I’ve written to my clan.”
“Hmm, how long?”
“About a year,” She raises her wrapped residual arm and let out a frustrated sigh.  “I’m sure you can guess why.”
He releases a chuckle and furrows his brow in confusion. “Forgive me for pestering you with silly questions my dear but you could have had someone write for you till your regained your writing skills, no?”
“Obviously, I did after…what happened, but I have not sent word since…not personally at least.” She looks up at him and see’s how he is cocking his head to the side awaiting her to elaborate. “…Let’s just say they weren’t super thrilled with me telling them everything our people believed was a lie and my ex was the Dread Wolf.”
He stroked his chin in thought. “Hmm, yes I can see why that might cause some…tension between you all. They did believe you, yes?”
“I’m not entirely certain. They could believe Solas was who he says but they don’t believe his story. Can’t say I blame them…he was our God of betrayal in our tales.”
“But you certainly believe.” His voice is less brash then before. It catches her off guard hearing what sounds almost like…sympathy in his tone.
If she was honest she did. Maybe it was foolish after his deception, but her love for him made her see the truth in his sorrowful eyes when he told her everything that day in the crossroads. “His story did line up with the information we obtained in the crossroads, sadly I doubt that is enough for the world to believe him or I…but it doesn’t matter what anyone believes. What matters is his intent is to end this world and I have to change his mind… somehow.”
He thought to ask what she would do if she could not change his mind but…he knew. He was sure that she had discussed the morbid alternative enough and it would only agitate her more than he had already. “…Well! If anyone can change his ways, it would be the lovely woman who stole his heart! A man can only deny his desires for so long. Trust me I speak from experience.” He gave a dashing grin while winking at her.
Mabel’s ears perk up at his words, trying not to crack a smile. Most people doubted her plan to change her Vhenan’s mind, while other said they understood but she could see judgment in their gaze. Yet in his golden eyes…she could almost believe he meant it.  “Sadly I doubt my seduction skills are enough to sway him. Maybe if I send you to find him we might have a chance.”
“Ha-ha! I am quite the charmer am I not? Alas, I cannot compare to someone such as you. I sadly doubt I could make an Elven God swoon the way you have.” He dramatically rests his hand on his forehead while leaning his head back.
Mabel’s composure fully releases and lets out an enduring laugh, something she had not done in a long time in front of someone. With most of her friends gone off to live their own lives away from the inquisition, she rarely has reason to laugh nowadays.
“Ha! Such a lovely laugh, I wasn’t sure you could do that my Inquisitor.” He teased while nudging her shin with his boot.
“Well in this environment there isn’t much to make me.” Her smile falters as she is reminded of all her friend’s scattered across Thedas. A selfish part of her wished they stayed by her side, but she knows they all had their own duties to attended too. That did not stop her from longing for their affection. She caresses the calling crystal around her neck, reminding herself she has not lost contact with them all. “…at least not like before.”
Zevran notices her quick change in mood. He’s never been wonderful at consoling others. That was more of his loves line of work, yet he felt the need to try. He lets out a nervous chuckle. “Well I will do my best to give you reason then.”
She looks up at him and slowly smiles once more. “I…appreciate that Zevran. Thank you.”
Smiling brightly at her he hops off her desk. “Anything for you my dear Inquisitor. Truly you can ask anything of me, you are paying me after all.” He lets out a yelp as she scoffs and hit him in the shin with her boot.
“Ass.” She says with a giggle. He holds his shin for a minute glaring at her but joins in her little giggle fest.
“You are lucky mi amor is not here. She does not take kindly to people abusing me so.” He said pouting.
“I’m sure she’d know it was justified.” She said with a smirk.
“Sadly I think you’re right.” He sighs in agreement. “Anyway I do hope you find something to say to your Keeper. I’d give some advice but I fear I don’t have much knowledge on family quarrels.”
Mabel only knew a little of Zevran’s life before he joined The Hero of Ferledon’s fight to stop the blight. She knew he was part of the Crows and thanks to his wife was freed from their hold on him, but she had never asked how he even became a Crow. “Forgive me if I’m out of line, but were you taken from your family at a young age?”
Zevran’s eyes became hooded by her question. He gave a faint smile while looking at the floor. “Not at all Inquisitor, I have no problem discussing my past with you. And no, in fact I had no family to speak of. My mother died giving birth to me so I was raised in the whore house she worked in…and I was not “taken”; rather I was sold to them when I was but a boy of 7.”
Her eyes widen in response. She knew the Crows to be cruel; why else would she help him destroy their organization in return for his help with the Inquisition. But she was unaware he had spent most of his life with them. She could only imagine what he must have endured. “Zevran…I’m so sorry.”
“People always react with such words of sorrow. I do not understand why, it is not like you were the whore who sold me or the men that instructed me to kill my brothers and sisters in arms.” He folds his arms uncomfortably while leaning against a bookcase near the desk.
“True enough…but I’m sorry all the same that you had to go through such things.” She said rising from her chair to look at him.
He averts her gaze and scoffs. “You sound like my wife; needlessly kind. Truly though I would not change anything if you are wondering.”
Her gaze left him as she leaned against her desk. “I wish I could say the same.” She said under her breath. She regretted everything and nothing if that made any bloody sense. She would not trade the world for the friends she had made after becoming the “Herald of Andraste” and yet every so often she wished it all never happened to her. Never getting close to people she’d care more for then they probably did of her and never foolishly falling for a God who threatens to take everything she loves away. Was her heart not enough for him? He said he took no joy in what he felt he must do and yet she felt as if he and the world mocked her pain. When she sees him in the fade while she dreams, she cannot tell if he is tormenting her or longing for her as she idiotically does for him. She feels breathless and feels the urge to weep as her nails dig into wood of the desk.
Zevran sees her struggling with her thoughts. He sees a young girl forced into a role she never asked for and is paying for not only her actions but everyone’s. Such an over told tragedy, and yet I know not how to help…a change of subject perhaps? He thinks. “Y-you know my mother was Dalish…at least that is what I’ve been told.”
Her attention immediately snaps back to him as she clears her throat to gain her composure back. “Really? How did she…how’d she get to Antiva?”
“Ah oldest tale in the book you know? She fell for an elven woodcutter and left her old life behind to run away with him only to have him die of some filthy disease, leaving her with his debt to pay off by selling her body.” He said with a shrug. Mabel’s eyes widened in shock, strangely…this was similar to a tail she had heard growing up.
9:29 Dragon
“Da’len! Come here!” Mabel’s grandmother called to her in a very hoarse voice. A small Mabel lavellan walks quickly to her side.
“Did you need something grammy?” Mabel said in a shy but cheerful tone.
“No Vhenan, I am fine. I only wished to see how you were doing.”
“I’m fine. Why?” Her grandmother gazes at the other children in the camp.
“I’ve been watching you my child. Rarely do I see you interact with the other Da’len’s in our clan. You worry me my dear.”
“I just don’t feel like playing with them. I’d rather play with the halla!” she exclaimed with a wide smile showing off the gap in her front teeth. Her grandmother couldn’t help but smile back even with her worry.
“Hmph, you may look just like your father, but you remind me so much of my first daughter.”
This confuses Mabel. Mama never said she had an older sister. She puzzled. Her grandma see’s the confusion written on her face.
“Ah…I doubt she has told you much of her…she never did forgive her for leaving. But you should know of your aunt. No one should be forgotten so easily.” She pats the grass near her. “Sit, Mabel.” With wide eyed fascination, she did as she told not breaking her intense gaze from her grandma. She was given a weak smile in response by her before she let out a long tired sigh.
“Long before I had your mother, I had another daughter named Kiera. She was much like you as I said. Shy but if she loved something she was quite passionate about it. She kept to herself most of the time. She loved exploring the forest outside our clan.” She furrowed her brow, defining her wrinkles even more. “One day, when she was a young woman, she came back from a stroll and told me she met a city elf, a woodcutter she said, and that she wished to see him again. I told her she should not trust anyone outside our clan…but she went and saw him again anyway.”
“Were you mad at her?”
“…I did not react well to her defiance. So, yes I was…and I’m afraid my anger drove her away. When your mother was just a few years younger than you, Kiera left a note and vanished in the night as we slept. She had run off with the boy to Antiva City and said she was never coming back…and she never did.” The old elf’s voice cracks with grief and bows her head. She feels her da’len’s arms wrap around her arm, giving her a gentle squeeze.
“Do you want me to go find her when I’m big and strong Grammy? Maybe I can bring Aunty Kiera home.” Mabel said with hopeful eyes looking up at her. Her grandma’s golden eyes well up with tears as she looks at her.
“No Vhenan. If she is even still…if she does not wish to come back to us, then that is her choice. I will ask one thing of you though my dear.” She said petting her granddaughter’s hair.
“What is it?”
“If you ever feel like straying from your people, please…do at least write to us. So we know you are safe. That is all I ask.” She sees her Da’len let out a faint giggle.
“I’m not going anywhere Grammy, but if I did, I promise.”
“That’s my girl.” She whispers as he hugs her granddaughter as tight as she can. Not ever wanting to let go.
A single tear trails down Mabel’s face as she stares into the same golden eyes as her late grandmother.
“Lavell-I mean Inquisitor, are you alrig-oof!” He almost loses his balance as Mabel crashes into him and squeezes her arms around his torso but shifts his stance in time to hold steadily. He slowly wraps his arms around her small frame with sincerity yet confusion. “I…feel like I’m missing something.”
Her sobs turn into a light giggle. “I’m sorry. Maker you must think I’m crazy. Honestly I don’t know if you’ll believe me if I tell you.” She admitted while wiping her tears away quickly.
“Try me, Inquisitor. I am sure I have heard crazier in my lifetime.” He said smoothing his hand across the apex of her back. It is so much to take in; that the aunt she longed to find has been dead for years but fate had sent her cousin to her side. She might have failed to keep contact with her clan like her grandmother asked, but maybe finding this closure for her family will be a way to make amends.
The thought is comforting enough to give her confidence to finally speak. “Well…I believe I just found something to start my letter with; how I just found another Lavellan.” She raises her eyebrows in a way to ask if he gets what she is trying to say. He cocks his head to the side while squinting his eyes at her. Obviously not she assumes.
She lets out a sigh and continues. “Zevran…I was told I had an Aunt that left our clan years ago to run away with a city elf to Antiva. We never knew what happened to her…but I think I just found out.”
His eyes slowly widen in realization. “You…you can’t possibly be serious. I do enjoy a good joke Inquisitor but I’m afraid this is not one I enjoy.” He hisses as he backs away from her.
“Zevran I swear to you, I would never joke of such things! I would only say this if I was certain.” She takes one of his hands in hers and gives it a gentle squeeze. “I-I believe you are my cousin.” His face softens at her words and hesitantly walks closer.
Zevran never imagined he’d find his mothers clan, then again there was a time he never imagined creating a family of his own. Yet now he stands here in the present, with a beautiful wife and daughter and now… a cousin. A bright smile bursts onto his face as he squeezes her hand back before letting go to pull her into a death grip of an embrace. “Mia Cugina, ho un Cugina!” he muffled into her shoulder. He feels her pat his back almost frantically.
“Zev…can’t breathe.” She manages wheeze out.
“Oh! Apologizes Cugi-I mean Inquisitor.” He exclaimed with a gasp, letting go of her quickly. As she catches her breath she laughs.
“No need for formalities Zevran.” She puts her hand on his shoulder. “We are family after all.” She lets out a chuckle with tears still streaming down her face.
Ah chuckle leaves his lips as well while he tries to rub her tears away with the padding of his gloved thumb. “Hehe, that we are.” He pauses as he contemplates what he should say next. “I-I have so many questions but I do not wish to bombard you all at once, and I doubt you know much of my mother.”
“Well I know her name was Kiera.” She sees him repeat his mother’s name under his breath with a bashful smile.  “My Grandmother said she was quite shy but a very passionate person, and loved to explore. I assume you must look a lot like her…at least you do look like my grandmother.” Zevran’s eye lit up. Even if she did not know much, there was oddly satisfying learning more about the mother and family he never knew.
“Passionate and adventuress you say?  Ha! So that is where I get it. Please do tell me how I resemble your Grandmother! She must have been lovely!”
Not always true to his word, he did bombard her with questions. For the next hour they lounged on the floor of Mabel’s room as Zevran asked every question he could summon about their clan. Any questions she was unable to answer, she began to write down as she finished her letter to her clan as they chatted away. At one point he realized he needed to send a letter to his wife telling her the good news so Mabel gave him a quill and paper so he could write to her while they still sat and enjoyed each other’s company.
“Are you finished Cugina?”
She looks at her letter and thinks she is finally content with it. “I think so. Are you?”
“Sì.” He says standing while stretching his arms over his head, letting out a groan of disapproval as his back cracks.
“Getting old are we?” she says with a devilish grin as she folds her letter to fit in an envelope.
“How dare you! I am as spry as a child…I just sat for too long.” He huffed while glaring down at her, making her giggle in response. He sighed while extending his hand to help her from the floor.  She pinches the letter between her frail bicep and side so she can take his hand. As she stands she looks up at him and sees he is warmly smiling back at her. She returns it for a moment but it begins to fade quickly.
She was happy but she could not help but let her mind wonder back to upsetting thoughts.  Maybe this news of a lost cousin wasn’t enough to mend the hurt she must have caused her clan or what if they wouldn’t accept Zevran as family. He seemed so excited at the prospect of extended family and the thought that she had gotten his hopes up made her wish she wasn’t so quick to tell him all of this. “Is something wrong Cugina? Did I upset you in some way?” The worry in his voice snaps her back to reality and she shakes her head.
“No not at all…I just…I should tell you Zev, I have no idea what my clan will say about all this. If I’ve lost their trust, they might not even respond to me.” She looks down remorsefully with a sigh. “I fear I may have raised your hopes for nothing.” A chuckle leaves his lips causing her to curiously look back up at him.
“My dear, it does not matter to me if not all my questions are answered let alone being a fully fledged Lavellan! Why ever would I need such things? I live a fantastic life as it is! I have a stunningly beautiful wife, a perfect daughter, powerful friends all over Thedas and now…I have you to call my family as well, yes?” He raises his eyebrow in question. Her eyes sting from the tears she holds back as she lets a faint laugh escape her.
“Maker of course, Zev. If we weren’t I wouldn’t have allowed you to call me cousin in your native tongue for the past hour now would I?”
“Ah a fair point indeed. In that case I am truly a lucky man. I never expected to learn anything of my mother or her clan so finding you is truly a miracle.” He delicately takes her hand in his. “I have been gifted many in my lifetime so trust me I know when I see one in front of me, and I have learned to treasure them always.” His other hand gently holds the back of her head so he can leave a chaste kiss on her freckled forehead.
The display of affection loosens her hold on her emotions once more as a single tear escapes her duct. Trying to hide it she buries herself in his embrace, not knowing what to say. He does not seem to mind as he lovingly pets her hair till he breaks the silence as he clears his throat and guides her to look at him once more.
“Well, I should go and tell my darling figilia she and I have a new cousin. She will be over the moon I’m sure! She is quite a lucky little pup is she not?”
“Yes I’m sure she’ll be quite ecstatic knowing she’ll have yet another highly regarded person to spoil her rotten. Because trust me I will if I haven’t been already.” Mabel says with a chuckle as she wipes the remaining tears from her face.
“Haha Yes, her mother The Hero of Fereldon, a uncle as King, an aunty the Divine and now her Cousin, The Herald of Andraste herself! Only the very best for mia figlia, no?” he says beaming with pride.
Mabel couldn’t help but feel just as lucky in this moment. There was much in her life to feel burdened by, but for the first time in what felt like ages, she felt hopeful. She had not be sure this past year if she had a family anymore but at least now, she knew even if she was cast away by her clan, she’ll still have family. “Yes and a loving papa to boot. Perhaps spoiled is not a strong enough word for what she is.” She says with a warm smile.
He tries to hide his reddening cheeks with another hardy laugh. “Ha! You may be right about that my dear, and yet I’d have it no other way.” He plucks Mabel’s letter from her hand causing her to yelp in surprise. “Before I see her though I will take our letters and see that they get sent off, yes? Oh! And after I do so, would you care to have dinner with us tonight? I’m thinking…crab cakes?”
His puppy dog stare and almost pleading grin easily makes her give into his offer. “Thank you Zevran that would be lovely. I just need to make a quick call before I take my leave.” She said as she grips the calling crystal around her slender neck.
“Excellent! I will see you soon then yes?” she gives him an eager but quick nod. “Then I will take my leave my dear Inquisitor.” He bows dramatically, “Do tell your handsome Magister friend I say hi!” He gives one final dashing smile and then begins to make his way down the stairs to the door. Mabel smiles and begins to open her necklace till she lets out a gasp in realization.
“Oh! Wait Zev!” she shuts the necklace closed and begins her way towards the stairs till she sees a head poke out over the banister.
“Hmm?”  He hums in question awaiting her response.
“You never told me why you came up here in the first place. It must have been important enough for you to not just come through the front door.” She props her fist on her hip with a raised eyebrow, ready for any news, good or bad. Zevran lets out an abrupt laugh in response.
“Oh, that! I but wished to check up on you my dear, nothing more. You seemed more on edge than usual today and I know you are not one to open up easily so I thought maybe sneaking up on you might get you talking.” Her mouth dropped in bewilderment. “One cannot say my devious plan didn’t work, hmm?” he asks with a prideful smirk on his face as he rests his chin on the banister.
Slowly she returns his grin and huffs out a laugh as she looks down. “I suppose so…Cousin?”
She meets his gaze again and gives him a warm smile. “…Thank you.”
His grin softens to a bashful smile as he backs away from the banister and starts to descend the stairs again. “See you at dinner Mabel.”
She stands in the middle of her room once again alone with her thoughts, but for the first time in what feels like eons, her head is not fogged with painful reminders of the past or future. She does not think of her friend’s absence, her clan’s disappointment, and stresses of being Inquisitor, not even her Dread Wolfs betrayal or plans infiltrates her happiness in this moment. A happy sigh leaves her full lips as she allows herself to indulge in a true moment of silence. As she smiles to herself thinking of what the rest of the day has in store for her thanks to her Cousin, she feels a vibrating hum against her chest pull her back to reality. “Oh!” Mabel gasps remembering she had forgotten why she was even still in this room.  She fumbles her necklace open as quickly as she can. “Hello Dorian!”
“There you are! The blighted sun has most set over here and you have not called me once today... I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about poor little old me.” She can almost feel his pouting from across Thedas. She rolls her eyes but giggles at his annoyance of her tardiness.
“Oh stop your moaning, how could I ever forget about my dearest and most handsome friend?”
“Hmm, that is true. Fine you’re forgiven! But seriously where were you… is everything alright?” She smiles as his concern knowing for once when she said everything was fine, things truly were.
“Yes everything is fine I’m sorry I took so long I had some personal matter to deal with.”
“Oh? Did you finally send that letter to your clan?”
“Yes, yes I finally did. Thanks to Zevran actually.”
“…That flirtatious new spymaster of yours?”
“Yes oddly enough. He says hi by the way.” She hears him chuckle but allows her to finish. “Actually I found out something quite amazing about him today.”
“Oh really? Do tell.” She bites her lip in anticipation of what her friend’s reaction will be. She takes a deep breath and begins…
“Well, it might be hard to believe but...”
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When We Were Young Chapter 1: The dispute
 So sorry this has taken us so long to put out. It is pretty bad but i hope you enjoy it anyway. Remember send in requests so we can write more of what you want. - Audrey. 
March 2011
Will and Kate were enjoying a “friendly” game of Monopoly with their siblings, they had all had a few drinks so were quite lively. It was getting intense everybody was getting increasingly verbal when someone bought a piece of property they were collecting. Not everyone was entirely happy with the direction the game was going; Pippa took it upon herself to shut everybody up. “so you two, you’ve been together almost a decade and you’re getting married in a month. Are you ever going to tell us how your fairytale romance came to be” She obviously directed at her sister and her fiancée, the game had already been forgotten when Harry and James backed her up with unified “oh yeah’s”. The couple looked at each other and laughed, silently wondering if they had ever told anyone the story before, sure, everyone knew the basics, they met at university, moved in to a flat with some friends and then things developed, what they were being asked for were the intricate details of who liked who, who asked who out, a detailed retelling of the first date, first kiss, the dynamics of the early stages of such a widely celebrated royal romance before anyone knew it even existed.
 “Basically William was in love with me from the first moment he lay eyes on me and followed me around for the next two years begging me to go on a date with him.” Will disagreed with her statement and quickly retorted “yes that is entirely true except you were in love me” “oh you have got to be kidding me, come off it William” “Uh oh looks like you’ve started a domestic Pip.” James said “why don’t we just agree that you both liked each other.” Now Harry spoke up “do you know I reckon that’s true because when I came to visit you before you two were an item I could totally see that you guys had major googly eyes for each other and I felt like I was interrupting something when I talked to both of you together. William and Kate reluctantly accepted this but in their head they still believed they were right, they were not going to let it go until they knew the answer, it was sort of like the Ross and Rachel who came onto who debate.
November 2002
 The four friends had been living together for about a month, the flat was not huge so naturally they were all in each other’s space a fair bit of the time. Not that they minded all that much, some of them less than others. William was enjoying the normalcy of living without intrusion and getting to spend so much time with his friends. He had grown particularly close to Kate, they shared many things in common, History of Art classes were no longer one of them but it was thanks to Kate that he was still at university, and he’d never been gladder of it than in this moment when he realised how grateful he was to have the opportunity to get to know and form an incredible friendship with this girl. He thought he was starting to develop a crush on her; she had the most beautiful smile that let out the most infectious laugh he’d ever heard. He knew that he would have to be careful after all nothing could ever happen between them, he would never subject her to the cruel nature of his world, little did he know that she too was developing a crush of her own.
 As she was lying in bed Kate was beginning to realise how much she valued spending time with William, he was such a genuine person who she could share just about anything with, without fear of being judged. They talked about everything; she loved the fact that they could have long conversations about both superficial and intellectual things. She convinced herself that she had to stop thinking about him in a romantic way, he was a Prince for goodness sakes he would never fall for her.
 Harry was on his way to visit William in his flat for the first time since he’d moved in. He had been giving William flack by text about the girls he was living with, who were supposedly just friends. Harry believed his brother had something going on with Olivia. Harry realised just how wrong he was when he arrived. Kate had cooked dinner for all of them William said thank you to her about 45 times and her gentle rub of Williams shoulder in reply did not escape his attention. He noticed that the room mates paid a lot more attention to each other than anyone else at the table and William laughed at everything she said.
 Later that evening he cornered William and began interrogating him about the nature of his relationship with Kate, “so mate, what’s going on between you and Kate” “Harry shut up there is nothing going on between me and Kate.” “William! Are you kidding me that is such lie and you know it, I can see the way you look at her and if there is nothing going on you wish there was.” “Alright fine I really like her but nothings ever going to happen because I don’t want her to have to deal with my life.” “Okay but she definitely likes you too” “harry that’s not possible” “alright think what you want brother but you know I’m always right.” “No harm in asking her on a date” “Harry, are you kidding she would never go out with me” “William you are so so so naïve.”
 Lying in bed that night, William wondered if there was any truth in what Harry had been saying, he hoped there was. He made a mental note to try and figure out if she really did like him back, he had a few ideas that he would try out tomorrow. He fell asleep with a hopeful grin on his face.
 “Good morning all” William bellowed as he made his way into the kitchen for breakfast. Kate’s toast was taking much longer than she would have liked, she expressed her dissatisfaction with the toaster speed “ugh why is this taking such a long time, I’m so hungry!” Will chimed in with the classic “hi hungry I’m William” she laughed a little “that was the worst joke I have ever heard Will, even for you that was bad” she may have just insulted him but she did laugh at his terrible joke so he took that as a sign she liked him, he began a mental tally 1 point for, 0 against. Throughout the day he observed Kate’s every move, noted her reaction when he put his hand on the small of her back - she didn’t flinch, he analysed the way her fingers lingered slightly longer than necessary on his hip when she squeezed past him in the kitchen, he consciously engaged her in eye contact and watched as she held his gaze without nervously glancing every other direction and as the day progressed so did his jokes they got progressively worse that is, still, she laughed even if just half heartedly at some.
 Kate stood in front of the mirror brushing her teeth reflecting on the incredibly weird day she’d just had, William was being very strange, stranger than usual. She had to admit she had a little crush on him but they were just friends, well she thought they were just friends. Kate decided she couldn’t solve this on her own so she called in the big guns her little sister. It sounds strange to ask your younger sister for relationship advice, truth was however Pippa had always been better at this stuff, she had more experience. Kate was well aware of the irony of the situation but shot Pippa a text anyway. She explained the countless bad jokes, the weird wide eyed starring at her all day and everything else. Pippa responded “Kate he definitely likes you, you should ask him out he’s probably too shy” Kate replied with only two words “NO WAY!”.
 “Kate the others have gone out, wanna watch a movie?” “Yeah okay but I get to pick” “Sure, shall I order a pizza?” “Yep and I’ll make a salad.” “ so what movie do you want to watch I’ll get it all set up while you’re making the salad” a sly smile crept across Kate’s face “Princess Diaries” William laughed “are you serious Kate?” “Deadly, hey come on it looks good and I just bought it last week I’ve been dying to watch it, who better to watch it with?” “Fair play Middleton no harm in watching it once” he was pleasantly surprised, they both burst in to fits giggles when his picture flashed across the screen “you look good there” “shut up” he mumbled in response.
 When the movie finished they were both relaxed and were sitting close together. William decided to take advantage of the moment, “Kate? Can I tell you something?” “Of course” she replied and turned to face him. “you are one of my best friends and I love the time that we spend together, we can have so much fun but we can also be so serious, I love that I can be 100% real with you and I’ve been thinking this for a while but I really like you Kate, I really really like you.” He had kept talking and was starting to ramble so Kate put her hand on his to stop him “let’s have dinner next week, just the two of us” a big smile made it’s way across both of their faces as they sank back into comfortable conversation, their hands still clutched together.
 “So when it comes down to it, you both liked each other and basically you both asked each other out.” Harry said. “Well, yeah, I suppose” William replied, this led to the five of them laughing, Pippa spoke now, “are you sure you should be getting married? You bicker over the founding details of your relationship only to discover that your both wrong, how do you not remember the first date?!” “I wouldn’t want to marry anyone else” Kate said as she caught Williams gaze and they both smiled. James pretended to be sick. “So go on, we haven’t even got to the stuff, what happened on the first date?”
 *** 2002
“So when are we having this dinner?” William asked as they were walking back from their respective classes for the day. “I’ve been thinking about that and since you nor I really want to flash it around I thought we could go to my house. My family is away for the weekend and I had already planned to go so you’d just drive separately and no one will ever know.”  “Seems like such an ordeal just for dinner” he responded though he was grateful that the very start of their relationship would be played out in private rather than in front of the prying eyes of other university students. “So are we keeping this secret from everyone?” She asked “at least until we know the nature of it. I think it would be best.” He replied. She grinned “our little secret”. “One more thing William” “Yes?” she was serious now “will you be bringing your security team with you?” “If I brought them, it wouldn’t be our little secret, would it?” she smiled like a child on Christmas morning, a smile that was so contagious William found himself smiling too. They kept talking and walking “this is all so thrilling I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep this up” Kate said. William responded, “I reckon you can last 6 months at least.” “Will we still have a secret to keep in 6 months?” she asked “I hope so.” He said. In that moment the two of them wanted nothing more than to hold hands but that would mean letting people in on their secret, something they were not willing to do. It was Thursday evening, Kate would leave at lunchtime tomorrow after her classes were done and William would follow an hour or so later because he had an extra class. They both decided to drive and not fly to avoid travel to and from airports and boarding planes and such and for William driving meant he could avoid the inevitable stares of strangers. Neither of them could wait.
 “Are you excited to go home this weekend Kate?” one of their flat mates asked her at dinner that evening “I can’t wait! Although I think I’m most excited to see my dog.” That comment earned her giggle from everyone present. “What is everyone else doing this weekend?” she asked. “Since we are on the topic I’m going home this weekend too.” William said. “Dad’s asked me back because Harry is home from school for the weekend too.” “Looks like it’s just us two then.” Fergus and Olivia high fived.
 Kate’s phone buzzed, she picked it up to see who it was, it was William his message read; “hey, I’m here come and let me in please.” When Kate opened the door he was standing there with a bunch of flowers in his hand “these are for you” he said before kissing her cheek. Kate laughed, “come in”. William thought she looked very cute, she was wearing an apron and had her hair up high in a messy bun. They were both a bit shy “I’ll show you around, where to put your bag and such” she said gesturing for Will to follow. The house was large but not overwhelmingly so, she showed him around the downstairs area before heading up the stairs. Her parents’ room was first on the left, Pippa’s was next to it and James’ across from it, they sprouted from the landing that had a big window looking out over the street. Kate then led William down a corridor she pointed to her right “this is the spare room which is where you’ll stay” the bed was very nicely made and the window looked out onto the back of the property it was so green, the garden perfectly groomed. “Nice view” William said before following Kate down the hall again “and this is my room” she pointed to the door in front of them. “May I see it?” William asked, eager to see where she had grown up. He believed a persons bedroom revealed so much about them. “Of course” she opened the door and motioned for him to go in and sit down. It was very clean and simple, not too much stuff crammed in. She had a few pictures with her siblings and a few with her friends. A bookcase stood in the corner, full, but not overflowing and her bed was perfectly made with more pillows than was practical. It suited her he thought, beautiful without trying too hard. “I better get back to the kitchen” she smiled at him “you can stay up here and settle in if you want or you can come back down, up to you” “I’ll come back down, I can help you cook.” Kate laughed “ no offence William but I think I’ll cook tonight, I’d quite like to actually eat whatever is made.” William clutched his chest “ouch! That one hurt.” “ If you insist on being helpful you can set the table and light some candles while I finish dinner.” “Candles?” he asked “are we expecting someone special?” “No, just some deadbeat I met at university, I’m only doing this to humour him” “suppose he is only here out of pity for the girl” Kate let out a full laugh “please William we all know that is false, you’ve been waiting for this moment your whole life” “well if I have, so have you.” “Hmmm you might be right,” she said as she placed their plates on the table and poured them each a glass of wine. She went to put her apron back in the kitchen “Will you can sit down you know.” “I know” she gave him a weird look when he stayed standing where he was. When she came back to the table he pulled the chair out for her and then sat down himself. “I was really nervous for tonight” William chuckled “more nervous than I’ve ever been for a date, not that I’ve been on many” “why?” “I don’t know I guess I just wanted it to go well” “That’s cute Will, I think its going pretty well so far, don’t you?” “yes” he said and he took her hand across the table briefly before they both went back to eating. Kate got up to clear the table William placed his hand on her wrist to stop her “let me” “fine you wash, I’ll dry”.
 “Cup of tea?” “Oh yes please” “I’ll bring it into the sitting room in a minute, you can turn the TV on if you want” Kate said pointing in the direction of the room she was talking about. When she walked in with the tray of tea she found William sitting on the couch “there wasn’t anything good on TV so I just put the radio on. She sat down next to him and listened to the music – it must have been a 90s station. As the opening notes of ‘No Matter What’ by Boyzone played she smiled “I love this song.” William stood up and held out his hand “would you like to dance?” she took his hand and he spun her around, their hands were locked and their heads close together. He spun her again, this time only half the way round so her back was against his front and his hands were wrapped around her stomach, his head sat perfectly in her shoulder. They danced until the early hours when they both decided it was time to go to bed. They went up the stairs hand in hand and gave each other half smiles as they slowly pulled away when they said their goodnights.
 *** 2011
  “Kate, I didn’t know you had your first date at home.” “Nobody did, Mum and Dad would have killed me if they knew I was alone in the house with a boy all weekend.” Pippa gasped and a shocked expression made its way across her face exaggeratedly she said “CATHERINE MIDDLETON” “relax Pippa, nothing happened. Not that time anyway.” Her eyes met Williams and they smiled knowingly at each other.
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corpuscaiiosum · 5 years
Outbreak Delayed Chapter 1 A Telltale’s TWD fanfic
Lee Everett couldn’t still couldn’t quite believe the turn his life had taken.  He’d spent the last seven years of his life locked up in the Meriweather County Correctional Facility, and now, now he wasn’t.  Nearly a decade of appeals, a re-trial, and three different legal teams his sentence of second-degree murder had been commutate to involuntary manslaughter, his time had already been served.  Every penny he’d had was gone, some to his ex-wife, the rest to his legal defense, but he was a free man.
Prospects had been slim from the beginning, not many schools would hire the “Senator Slaughterer” as some publications had called him at the time of his first trail, and not wanting to live with his brother for any longer than he had to he began searching for jobs outside of his home state.  Truth be told with his marriage over, and both of his parents gone there was little to tie him to Georgia anymore, and all the reasons in the world to leave.  Eventually something came through.
Lee was sweeping the floor of the pharmacy his brother now ran when his phone began to ring.  He groaned at the possibility of another solicitor trying to sell him something he didn’t need, or help with student debt he no longer had, but still he answered with a resigned  
“Hello?”  There was no long pause however, nor did the voice on the other end of the line seem pre-recorded.
“Yes I’m looking for Mr. Everett, Lee Everett”  
“That’s me” Lee responded, and motioned to his brother he would be taking his call in the office.  “Can I ask what this is regarding?”  Hope rising in his chest.
“I very much hope so Mr. Everett.  My name is Richard Miller, you applied for a post with us through the “Scared Straight” program and I think you would be a marvelous fit for us.  We just lost one of our teachers, and would like to offer you the position.”  Lee listened intently as Miller listed out the details of the position, and while the salary and benefits weren’t as good as those he had enjoyed as a University Professor, it was a good deal better than his brother could offer.  That is how Lee Everett came to pack the few worldly possessions he owned into his parent’s old station-wagon, and began the long drive north to West Virginia.
For the most part the trip went well, with a few stops at historic civil war battle sites.  Less than a week later he was pulling up to the wide sealed up gate of the School tucked away in some backwoods, fairly far from any sizeable town.  He supposed that was intentional, less to distract the students.  
“Ericson’s Boarding school for Troubled Youths” He said aloud, reading plaque by the little door.  Through the metal bars he could see kids playing in the little courtyard between the gate and admin building.  From where he was sitting, they didn’t look troubled, most were laughing with one another, playing games or flipping through books.  Then like a chill wind was rolling in their smiles faltered, suddenly on edge.  Then he saw why.  A heavy-set man in his early 60’s was making his way down the small stone pathway, a powerful looking pitbull strolling comfortably at his side.  As he got closer Lee understood exactly what was going on.  That saccharinely cheerful smile, that smug shine behind the eyes, it was the same mask the warden wore when he made the rounds with his guards, aloof, above everyone around him and infinitely confident of his own importance.  
Lee felt as if his heart would drop into his stomach, immediately knowing this is the man he’d agreed to come work for, he pushed that feeling down however, it was better than prison.  He studied the high walls and arrogant headmaster again.  Better than prison, if not entirely different he decided.
Mr Everett. . .” The heavyset man began, plastered on smile still splitting his face as he motioned for a guard –his uniform said security, but Lee recognized a guard when he saw one- To open the gate. “. . .It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”  Lee shook his hand when he extended it, trying his best to match the man’s enthusiasm.
“Thank you sir, I’m just happy to have the opportunity.”  The headmaster nodded benevolently and turned motioning for Lee to follow him.  “This is Rosie, she’s a real sweetheart. . .most of the time.”  A nasty little chuckle escaped his lips before whistling to her “Give Mr Wallace here your keys he’ll park your car in the faculty lot.”  He said pointing to the security officer, who didn’t bother with the smile the way Miller did, rather just nodded begrudgingly as he handed the keys over.  
Lee’s smile became more genuine as he passed by the kids who despite their obvious fear of man leading the way peaked out the corners of their eyes at him.  Surreptitiously he waved at them, winking at a particularly shy looking boy with heavy burn scars on one side of his face who in turn smiled weakly back at him.  
“I’ll have you sign some paperwork then one of our students will show you around the grounds.”  The headmaster moved like a king surveying his kingdom, as he pointed out features of the school grounds.  “Over there is are the student dorms, on the other side we have the main classrooms, and the greenhouse around back.  Now since there’s only ever between 45 and 50 students here at Ericson each classroom is usually only comprised of roughly 10 or so students of similar age.  Seeing as you’re more used to college age students you’ll be overseeing our oldest group.  It’s quite the coop for us really, a man with a university professor’s qualifications, and first-hand experience going through the criminal justice system.  I really do think you’ll be a great benefit.”  Lee couldn’t help but find himself agreeing even as the headmaster blustered on, it was nothing short of miraculous that he wouldn’t be spendign the rest of his life behind bars, and if he could help some of these kids keep from making mistakes like his than the pay cut and move would be well worth it.
“So, have you found a place to live yet?” The headmaster asked as they ascended the stairs to his office, Rosie taking her place in a bed beside his desk.  Lee shook his head as he took a seat he was offered.  “There’s a nice little motel in town you could stay at until you get settled properly.”  The portly man slid some papers across the desk.  “Alright so there’s your documents, your legal waiver as you know some of the students can be a bit. . .much.” He said seriously.  “Releases us and the parents from liability if you sustain any injuries in the course of your duties.”  He went through signing after giving each paper a quick skim through.  “Wonderful.”  The larger man depressed a button on the intercom on his desk, his voice projected from speakers throughout the school.  “Ms. Montrose, please report to the headmaster’s office immediately.”  Over the next few minutes Lee asked questions about his responsibilities, the school in general and the local area, until there was a firm knock at the still open door.
Lee turned to find a girl of maybe sixteen, who would come maybe up to his chest if they stood face to face.  She had dark curly hair that went past her neck, pulled into a loose braid that was tugged through the back of a purple baseball cap, a large capital D sewn onto the front.  She had intense hazel eyes that seemed to take in, measure and asses everything in the room at a glance.  She wore a torn paor of jeans, actually torn, well-worn jeans, not purposefully distressed designer things, and a black shirt beneath a burgundy leather jacket.
“Ah, Ms. Montrose so nice of you join us.  This is our new teacher Mr. Everett, he’s from Georgia just like you.”  The strange girl raised an eyebrow at that and asked.
“What part?”
“Macon.” Lee responded still unsure what to make of her.  Then she smiled, and he couldn’t help but return the expression, uncertainty vanishing; he liked this girl.
“You?”  He asked and she crossed her arms, smile tugging itself into a smirk.  “Atlanta.”  Something in her accent, or maybe the way she carried herself told him that wasn’t exactly true, so he crossed his own and waited, not breaking eye contact.  She laughed and rolled her eyes.
“Fine I’m from just outside Atlanta, little suburb you’ve never heard of.” He laughed as well.  
“Ms. Montrose here will show you around, she’s one of our most imporved students, we don’t expect to see her back here next year.”  The headmaster adopted an expression Lee expected he thought would look fatherly, but came across as self-satisfied, as if he’d been the primary factor in her rehabilitation.  Lee stood, waved to the headmaster who was already filing away his paperwork, and stepped out the door, following after the girl.  
“So, do they not believe in first names around here?”  The girl shook her head.
“No Mr. Miller just likes to keep things “very formal.” She said doing a fair impression of the blustery man.  “I’m Clementine.” She stopped and turned to him extending her hand.
“Now who’s being “Very Formal.” Lee teased with his own impression.  They both laughed as they shook hands.  “Lee.” He said finally.
“Lee, I like it.” Clementine said matter-of-factly, then motioned for him to follow.  “So down there is the library.”  She said leading him down one of the halls leading out of the large foyer, the sound of a Piano drifting out from it.  “That’s Louis, he gets special permission to use the piano after classes if he manages to behave himself. . .it is very unusual to find him playing.  They entered the high ceiling room, it’s walls lined with books.  “Sometimes we have dances, or parent’s night in here.”  A lanky looking boy with dreads sat at the piano, fingers gliding effortlessly over the keys, on one of the couches a blonde boy flipped lazily through the pages of an ancient looking book.  The moment the boy at the piano saw the two of them walk in the song changed and a mischievous grin slipped onto his face.
“Oh my Darlin, Oh my Darlin, Oh my Darlin clementine. . .” Clementine rolled her eyes once again.
“You gotta do that everytime I walk in here?” The grin turned to a look of mock sorrow.
“Dreadful sorry, Clementine.”  He laughed, swung his legs around on the piano stool, and stood with a little hop.  “Every single time.”  His eyes swung to meet Lee’s for a moment then back to Clementine.  “New boyfriend?” Clementine sighed but Lee could tell the frustration was feigned, the two of them playing the parts they’d grown comfortable playing with each other.  
“This is our new Teacher, Lee Everett.  Lee, this is Louis, our resident class clown and music lover.  Over there is Marlon.” She motioned towards the boy on the couch, who raised his hand in a lazy wave, not looking up from his book.  
“He’s my muscle.” That raised hand lifted it’s middle finger, the owner apparently not caring that the new comer had been introduced as a teacher.
“Nice to meet you both, guess you’re going to be in my class, the headmaster said I’d be teaching the older students.”  Louis nodded.
“Looks like it, it’s about time they found someone to replace Mr. Andrews, he was really getting up there, had to be almost 90.”  
“93” Marlon corrected, still not looking up from his book.  “I remember stealing a piece of cake from his 83rd birthday party my first year.”  Lee swung his head sharply to look at the still reclined young man.  
“You’ve been coming here for ten years?  Is that normal?” He asked looking between Clementine and Louis, who shook his head.   “Nah not really, only a couple of us have been here that long, I got here the year after Marlon.  Other than us it’s just Violet, Ruby, the twins, and Mitch, we’re the staples that hold this place together.”  Louis said making an expansive gesture at the room around them.
“What he means is we’re the ones whose parents already gave up on them.”  The boy on the couch finally set the book down and stood.  “Nice to meet you teach, see ya in class.” Tucking hands into the pockets of his letterman jacket Marlon walked past them and made his way down the hall to the entrance.  
“Well isn’t a ball of fucking sunshine.” Lee said as Marlon walked out, then realized what he’d said, and was about to tell the others to ignore that when they both burst out laughing.  
“Oh we’re gonna get along just fine Lee.” Louis said patting his shoulder as the laughter died down.
“Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the school.” Clementine said leading him back the way they came, Louis taking his place at the piano once again.  For the next hour or so Clementine lead him through the school, through the hallways with the classrooms, into the dining hall, the nurses office, and then finally to the greenhouse.  When they entered a stout redheaded girl was tending to some of the plants while a thin woman with dark hair around his own age, in a white lab coat was setting tools away in one of the storage closets.  
“What do you want?” The redhead snapped upon seeing Clementine enter, then shrank back a little when Lee followed her in.  
“Ruby, this is Lee Everett he’s taking over for Mr. Andrews, I’m showing him around.  Lee this is Ms. Martin and Ruby, miss martin is our nurse, and sort of a botany teacher as well.”  Ruby relaxed, grinned and nodded emphatically.  
“She knows everything about plants, and herbs and stuff, and she’ll teach anyone who asks.”  Ms. Martin blushed at the compliments but puffed her chest out a little as she walked over to shake Lee’s hand.  
“Nice to meet you.” They both said in unison as they shook hands, then laughed, Lee scratching at the back of his head.  
“Regina Martin.” She said finally, offering her first name as they broke their grasp.  “I know a little about plants, and I don’t mind sharing what I know with some of the kids if they’re interested, like Ruby here, she’s my best student.”  Ruby beamed and Miss Martin flashed her a proud smile.  “If there’s anything you need be sure to let me know, I’m either in here or my office.”  Lee nodded and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow.  
“So all the teachers live in town?” Lee asked as Clementine moved to help a slightly disgruntled looking Ruby lock up the fertilizer and the rest of the gardening supplies as they spoke.
“Near enough, the headmaster has his own room in the admin building, and Wallace has cot in the security office, damn near lives on the grounds.”  Lee nodded
“Must really care about the kids.” Miss Martin giggled a little behind one hand.  
“You’d think that would you? More like he’s worried what they’d do to school without his watchful eye.”  Clementine and Ruby scoffed at that as they came back over.  Lee looked out one of the high windows of the greenhouse roof at the setting sun.  
“I think I should get going, not sure I can find my way back to town in the dark.”  All three of them adopted an incredulous look.
“You don’t have GPS?” Clementine asked and Lee felt his face heat, he’d yet to acclimate to the advances in technology.  
“Uh no, money’s been a little tight lately.” Ruby punched Clementine’s arm.
“See now you went and made him feel bad, always asking the wrong questions.”  Miss Martin placed a hand on each of the girls’ shoulders.
“Girls it’s nearly lights out, how about you get yourselves to bed.”  They each nodded, and said their goodnights to the two teachers.  Lee watched them go.
“It’s funny, the more of these kids I meet, the less “Troubled” they seem.”  Regina moved to stand beside him, watching the two girls walking off.  
“You’ll see their rougher sides if you stay long enough, but it’s nice to have someone who can still see the softer side.”  He felt her hand on his shoulder, and a shiver ran down his spine, and he smiled.  
“Hopefully I can help them out a bit.”  They stepped from the greenhouse, the night feeling more chill than it had before.  “I really do need to get going, it really was nice meeting you Regina.” He turned to her and shook her hand again.  She returned his smile and waved as he took his leave of her.  
After retrieving his keys from the security officer he was back in his car and heading down the long road towards town.  All through the twenty-minute drive he went over what he would say to his class the next day, the headmaster had asked him to talk about his time in prison and afterall that was one of the reasons he had taken the job, but how do you tell kids about something like that.  After a while though his mind turned to more pleasantly mundane things, a lesson plan, interesting topics for lectures, what books to assign, they were nice thoughts from a life he thought was over.  By the time he was pulling into the parking lot of the motel the headmaster had recommended Lee Everett was feeling optimistic for the first time in a long time.
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geezeralert · 5 years
A Beatles fan gets back to where he once belonged
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(Some albums from my collection)
(First of three parts)
As a really big fan of the Beatles, I have always been somewhat in awe of those who are really HUGE fans of the famed singing group.
They just seemed to enjoy the music on a whole different level, with thorough knowledge and appreciation for what was produced by this unique musical foursome in their eight-plus years together.  
So, over the last four months, as a retired-geezer-bucket-list endeavor, I took a huge leap towards earning my “huge fan” badge.
I re-listened to, re-enjoyed and studied — consulting at least five books — each of the some 300 Beatles’ recordings, as contained on their 13 official albums/CDs along with many of their various related versions (on the three two-CD anthologies, various collections like “One” and the BBC live sessions).
I am blogging about it because, honestly, I’d just like to share my experience and put my basic impressions down in writing.  It was riveting and sinfully fun, spending too much money and too much time — including many breaks to just sit back, travel down memory lane and simply be entertained by these pop songs/albums that took me through the 1960s, from my pre-teen to college years — on what’s really a rather personal, trivial pursuit.  
But I’m also holding out hope that my findings could be interesting for other Beatles fans, of whatever level.
Quick bottom line: I am more impressed now than I was before with the output of this pop group and the incredible blending of the four multi-talented musicians Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.  I’ll write about why and list the highlights of what I learned in the second part.
First off, though, I should define “really big fans,” my current state and that of many millions of my contemporaries worldwide from the sixties.
This group is familiar with all the Beatles recordings (able to identify them when hearing just the opening notes), their background as a group and individuals (back to teenage years), their basic timeline as recording artists (who authored what compositions and when), their alternate recordings, their post-Beatles recordings, their relations (girlfriends, wives), and their basic life stories.
In other words, we just just paid attention all these years, watching the relevant movies and videos, buying their records and reading at least the most reliable major books about them — first by Hunter Davies and then by Bob Spitz — while also picking up more than a few of the annual money-grabbing “new” ones.
I’ve read two books by “first wives” Patti Boyd (“Wonderful Tonight”) and Cynthia Lennon (“John”) and Lennon’s sister, “My Brother.”
I also bought one of the first song-by-song compilation books, “Beatlesongs” (1989) by William J. Dowling. For decades, it was my go-to source for day-to-day inquires like “who played that great bass part on ‘Hey Bulldog’”?  
By being a big fan, my Christmas and birthday presents from family and friends often have been Beatles stuff (when they tired of stuff feeding my other passion, baseball) including three coffee table books, a box of “The BBC Archives” TV and radio broadcast material, and three other books going into each of the group’s songs.
From all that, I am left wondering if the Beatles ever had a private, unphotographed, unrecorded (in writing or audio) stretch long than five minutes.
It was the final gift last Christmas,  “Revolution in the Head” by Ian MacDonald, that propelled me to finally take on this long-planned intensive study of the Beatles’ music.
MacDonald’s definitive work, updated three times since published in 1994, is classified as a textbook by the Los Angeles Public Library. It goes into great detail on the musical and sociological aspects of each song so it was sometimes beyond my sphere of interest. But it was most useful to me by going song-by-song in chronological order, referencing all the alternative versions of the songs and telling where to find them.  
Along the way, I also found the fascinating (although partially disputed) book “Here, There and Everywhere” by Geoff Emerick, a teenage recording studio prodigy who helped engineer (record, mix) just about every Beatles song, either as an assistant in his teens or the primary engineer in his early 20s.
His first-person observations helped flesh out the more technical aspects or third-party accounts of the Beatles songs.
(Other books used for the song-by-song marathon: “The Beatles: A Hard Day’s Write. The Stories Behind Every Song” by Steve Turner and “All the Songs. The Story Behind Every Beatles Release,” a massive, picture-filled coffee table book by Jean-Michel Guesdon and Phillippe Margotin.)  
Meanwhile, there are a ton of other written works out there awaiting my attention once this project is done – exhaustive books by Mark Lewisohn; memoirs by the group’s producer (and Fifth Beatle early on) George Martin and original drummer Pete Best; “Shout: The Beatles in their Generation” by Philip Norman; and “Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now,” by Barry Miles — to name a few . . . in my price range (more on that in part three). There’s a seemingly never-ending flow of written material and reworked music.
And it’s fair to assume “really huge fans” have read them all. (I’ll delve more into what constitutes that fan level in parts two and three.)  
The original idea for trying this project came after advanced technology, resolved legal issues and a favorable marketplace brought about the production of the entire Beatles catalogue on CDs nine years ago.
I had tried keeping up with the Beatles’ output over the years on vinyl, eight-track tapes and cassettes but, for one reason or another, had some holes.
Nearly my entire Beatles collection of vinyl albums was stolen from my college dorm room in the early 1970s. I then rebought some of the biggest ones at that time but then sat back and waited for releases in the latest medium (eight-track, cassettes, CDs, digital) and lost track of what I had.
So, when the complete collection on CD (remastered to sound even better!) became available, I perked up. But the price tag ($150-200) gave me pause.
Then came an offer to buy the whole shebang at half price. I was ready to pounce.
But there remained another major issue.
The Beatles’ studio personnel, I learned, recorded each of their songs in both monaural (“mono”) and stereo. Each version had/has its strong backers, especially as the original tapes were revisited and reproduced with improved quality (both in stereo and mono) for the latest CD versions.
For the “true experience” of listing to the Beatles songs, did one really have to possess and listen to both stereo and mono versions? The inner Beatles fanatic and picky perfectionist told me “yes.” My practical and realistic self, though, said that’s crazy, unnecessary and an expense only the crazy wealthy fan would want to pay.
Luckily, many music critics recognized the dilemma this posed for the average fan. From reading a few of their comparisons and conclusions, I came up with a fairly consistent recommendation for which albums are best in mono and which are best in stereo:
Mono sounds best for “Please Please Me,” “With the Beatles,” “Hard Days Night,” “Beatles For Sale” and “Help.” Stereo is recommended for “Rubber Soul,” “Revolver,” “Magical Mystery Tour” “The Beatles (The White Album)” “Yellow Submarine” “Let It Be” and “Abbey Road.” (The latter two were only mixed in stereo anyway.)
Mono and stereo versions of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” both offer great listening experiences, and the 50th anniversary remix in 2017 added yet another aural mix.
The mono box set includes all the songs released as singles (45 rpm) and not on any of the basic albums (though some, those that rose to no. 1 on Billboard lists, are included in the “Beatles — 1” album/CD).  
Emerick actually recommended the mono mixes of  “Revolver” and “Sgt. Pepper,” which he engineered. He said much more care was given to the mono versions than the stereo ones, which were rushed at the conclusion of the project.
He wrote:
“True Beatles fans would do well to avail themselves of the mono versions of Sgt. Pepper and Revolver because far more time and effort went into those mixes than the stereo mixes. The stereo versions of those albums have an unnecessary surfeit of panning and effects like ADT (Automatic Double Tracking) and flanging. (Fellow engineer) Richard and I would sometimes get carried away with them because of their novelty value . . . especially if George Martin wasn’t there to rebuke us. Needless to say, it was John who especially loved that kind of overkill — we’d sometimes whack something on too severely just to see how it sounded, only to find him winking at us, saying, ‘More!’”
It should be noted that Emerick wrote his book in 2007, before all the remastering of the Beatles albums took place. So, perhaps the new stereo mixes enhance those versions to the point that they now are preferable.  
And then there’s the whole “Let It Be” controversy, when the original recordings were turned over to “wall of sound” maestro Phil Specter, reportedly by John Lennon, much to the chagrin of McCartney.
So, a stripped down version of those songs “Let It Be-Naked,” was produced.
For my listening project, I listened to that naked CD as well as a number of mono vs. stereo renditions of Beatles’ songs.  
Basically, I agreed with experts (they are so grateful, I’m sure!) that the early albums are best in mono.
This was a time when few people had quality stereo systems, if any stereo at all (I had a small portable one in my room), and thus much more time and care was given to the mono versions (says my books). Those tunes in stereo sound pretty tinny and awkward to listen to (says my ears), especially with headphones (e.g. the drums and base in one ear, the voices in another).  
Of course, musical preferences, like all reactions to art, are wholly subjective. When I posted a list of my personal choices for “five worst Beatles songs” (yes, they did produce some songs I cannot stand: “Rain,” “Paperback Writer,” “Baby You’re a Rich Man,” “I’m Down,” “Helter Skelter”) on a Facebook site, several respondents said the tunes were actually among their favorites. Some fans treat all of the group’s output as wonderful and any criticism as sacrilege.
In the books I consulted, Beatles tunes certified as “classic” by one author sometimes were depicted as “a disaster” by another. Even the Beatles disparaged as “garbage” some songs I (and others) enjoy.
Typical of most listeners, my reactions when sampling the stereo and mono recordings are probably based on how I first heard the songs. And for nearly all of them, that would be mono. Anything different sounds off kilter.
Some examples: The stereo “Taxman,” the lead song on side one of “Revolver,” has the bass and rhythm section on the left side while the lead guitar and percussion are on the right, with vocals in both. It sounds wrong to my ears, which first heard all the music coming out of both speakers (mono). Likewise, on the same album, “She Said She Said” (a favorite of mine) splits the instruments into separate channels and doesn’t sound quite right to me.
Still, the later works, as remastered, do have much greater depth and clarity in the stereo versions. Songs like “Martha, My Dear,” “Savoy Truffle” and “Glass Onion” sound terrific (I played them over and over). Likewise, most of Sgt. Pepper, which was remastered a second time for the 50th anniversary CD, is fine in stereo.
In several cases, like “Martha My Dear,” I enjoyed a song in the latest version far more than I did originally.
Which brings us to my general observations on what I heard and read. That would be part two, coming tomorrow.  
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comicteaparty · 6 years
September 13th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on September 13th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Gemini Journey  by Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Gemini Journey by Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero~! (http://geminijourney.com/) Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i liked when she was getting ready for interviews and she messed up her makeup and her buttons popped 100% relatable
Tenor | Shinavar
Hi Hi! Q1: TOO MANY. But specifically I really enjoyed Veil's anger he morning after Gemini went missing. I just really appreciated getting to see someone actually care someone just wandered off, and him still having lingering emotions about the whole incident of her returning home.
Oh gosh, that one was such a BIG MOOD!!!
whoo-hoo! Thanks @RebelVampire for putting on CTP. And hey all, thanks for coming :)!
Oh, boy, this is a hard one to answer, to be honest! I really liked the first chapter, where Gemini and Veil were going up against the Dragon-Roach... I was like "WAIT HOW CAN YOU HATE DRA--- Oh." Also, this scene: http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=69 Veil. You are the best.
It was fantastic handling of that... Creeper Kappa? Is the flasher a Kappa?
i just give 100% of my heart to Veil he works so hard hes so tired let him rest
Tenor | Shinavar
Flasher, I'd say
Gosh, yeah, the dragon cockroach was really creative and I'm SO HAPPY there's a Kappa and they had to do the "bow" move to "defeat him"
Tenor | Shinavar
But yeah I love how 'street smart' he is about like, everything going on.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
a book nerd with street smarts
Veil has no time for any of these Shenanigans
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
he's amazing
I really love Gemini's "guilt" expression in one of the interviews
yeah i think veil is also a great character balance to gemini. cause when you have someone who is into the shenanigans, you need someone to be a grounding influence
Tenor | Shinavar
I also really like that though because he shows a level of attentiveness and perception to the world around him. <3
yess! It's a flasher Kappa! Glad you liked that scene.
yeah sometimes the "straight man" character can come off as a wet blanket but he genuinely cares for Gemini. i'd like to see more of that, like how they mnet or something one day in the future
Yeah! Veil and Gemini are such a dynamic complimentary duo, from personality, body shapes, and orange and blue colors!
EXCELLENt design
Oh yea, huge props for how polar opposites Gemini and Veil are
OH!!! One of my favorite scenes is when Gemini firsts visits the creepy circus and the scene transitions to her perfectly waking up in bed. That was such a cool transition!
Yes, I agree, the two play off each other well.
It was!
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=198 Also, I like this scene, in part cause it reminds me very well of what happens to me some days
I'm really eager to see how the circus devolves and how Veil and Gemini will handle it. Also those rad fox twins!
(I may have to leave at a moment's notice when the baby awakens, if I suddenly go silent.)
You guys are so nice. I don’t know if I can add smilies fast enough haha
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=55 Also, the lighting on this page was woooonderful. I wasn't sure how to read Veil's expression though. It was kind of like... "wait. Do you not want her to move out? Or... Are you just... ....caught off guard by dog fire?" ....Then the next panel is like "Back to reality."
Yeah the scene where it transitions from her as a circus performer to her in the bed was one of my favorites. @saetje really owned that scene
Tenor | Shinavar
I read it as he's a bit hurt at the "You can finally be alone!" more than her moving out
wow that is some really good lgithing
I think that was the first time that I didn’t second guess the panel format
to repeat something already said, i loved the dragon bug. that was such an immensely creative idea, and i think it was a great way to open the comic. we get a great way to get not only the impression of what the world is like, but we get to get a great feel for the personalities of the characters.
I gotta say though, my favourite was apparently Death owning a flower shop that has the slogan "You Don't Gno-me". Gotta love those little details.
Tenor | Shinavar
yeah i give death's appearance an A+. that and gemini's confusion about why death asked about her immortal soul
I looove all the mythology monsters at play in the background!
A lot of those details are thanks to @Jess who does final rendering/lettering. Flower-shop Wraith/Death will actually be showing up again I think next update, haha.
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=45 although i was also distracted by the page right after. this feels so true for getting a job.
It's the Wraith of Khan.
LOL Gemini's entire job ordeal is so relatable. "i workeds hard on this one application im gonna go get a treat" girl, same
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=157 Veil's distress :<
Tenor | Shinavar
Gemini sets off my inner Veil tho bc I know so many friends who do like
1 app a week
UGH hes so cute when hes sad XD
Tenor | Shinavar
Back to what Rebel said though, I agree the dragon as a bug was hugely creative, and a good way to see the main characters play off each other.
Tenor | Shinavar
istg I relate to Veil the entire job process lmao
I love the expressiveness of both Veil and Gemini, but yeah, I really really feel for Veil
I love how much Veil cares! He cares SO MUCH!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
Did anyone else notice in he dragon roach scene Veil has Gemini's shoe the whole time as the weapon?
i love that page, @Kabocha like the lighting plus that expression made my heart weep
I like that Gemini did start to take it more seriously for Veil, or at least seems to have been at interviews.
weep so dang much
Tenor: I don't think I picked up on that.
Although, how much is Gemini caring vs the Circus influence infecting her with confidence?
Tenor | Shinavar
I realized it after I noticed Gemini running around without a shoe and had to go back to see where I missed it lmao
@Tenor | Shinavar AH! Someone noticed that!
(I'm gonna go AFK for a bit, got some things I have to do but I'll hopefully be back later!)(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes, Veil took Gemini's shoe despite having larger feet than her. I could jsut imagine the behind-the-scenes squabbling about it
OOOH Good point about the influence! I'm really intrigued by the hypnotic circus
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Caring about what, specifically? Like, about the circus, trying to get a job...?
(Sorry if I'm slow on the draw, got kids here )
On our world dragons: Yeah. It came from a conversation that dragons are the pests of the magical/mythical world. To the roach/dragon thing just kinda took form from that Ahahaha
yes i noticed the shoe and thought that was a great art touch of continuity
Ahaha yeah!!! I mean. My boi got nice shoes. He can’t be using them for that
I'm really glad dragons have the roach aesthetic, too! As someone who loves all dragons, I draw the lines at cockroaches XD
yeah that poster at the end threw me for a loop i thought it was a legit magic look-alike so when i saw the poster i was like "whoaaa no way" haha makes me VERY interested to read more
Veil is so clean haha!
@Tenor | Shinavar -- Just in general honestly. Gemini started putting more effort into things, but it didn't feel like she actually really gave a damn more than she had gained some level of confidence.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
i really liked gemini's haunted mascara
I'm glad you all like the Dragon Roach opening/idea too. It's also the idea...trying to imagine how mythical things might have 'evolved' along with our modern world, and yeah. Dragons are pretty much pests you always have to exterminate, yeah?(edited)
Although maybe that's the magic of the circus
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
or maSCAREa
I grinned at it being one of the flying types.
Tenor | Shinavar
Ooooh that's fair, and a good point.
Made me think of ants. I hate the flying ones.
@mathtans directly related to past experience with real life 'flying ones'. Nothing makes a roach worse than realizing it's one of those
omg ants too
Tenor | Shinavar
Saetje: So would this modern world have those 'fortune cat' memes but with the dragons instead? Reblog for good fortune?
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
god i related to that line so much bcus of how often i had to deal with flying roaches as a young childe
hmm, fortune cat memes? Like on tumblr when someone reblogs a picture of a cat with money on its head? XD
Tenor | Shinavar
I could do without the flying insects aaaaaaaa
gEmini and Veil on social media haha!
i bet Gemini is a memelord
Yeah!! For the circus - we’re at the point not where we can start unraveling some of the mystery. Throughout the story so far we wanted it to be sorta ambiguous about if that Gemini in the circus was the same one. In the next oncoming scenes you’ll see what’s real and what’s not. But hopefully the way it’s being read is that the readers (y’all) are realizing it might actually be Gem
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd collect flying insects if they were smol dragons justsayin
She is definitely a memelord Hahahah I love that
I doubt about dragons being seen as fortune memes since dragons are seen as pests and they tend to keep you from your money (ala sitting on the horde and breathing fire) or take loose items into their hidey holes-- so they're not seen the same as lucky. But that might just be for Gem and Veil's part of their world
I'm so excited for the Circus to "unravel"
i bet she texts memes to Veil from across the room and then just waits for him to look at her in disapproval =3
Tenor | Shinavar
I've been under the impression the circus might not be entirely real and the performers there are stuck against their will - kinda fae-style. <_< So either she's performing against her will and is not yet fully bound or it's been an illusion to GET her there
is veil thus the type to post all the old timey book quotes then? XD
in regards to the social media thing
Yeah, at first I thought maybe Gemini was just seeing herself in place of who was actually up there, but with the poster it seemed likely that they were actually making her do the things.
Oooh, I think it could go either way with trapped souls and she's not bound yet, or it's all an illusion to trap her.
Also, Veil posts moody aesthetic boards
"Juggling is not a garbage job" :V
yeah we're getting into I guess the third act and I hope it comes together and makes sense. as we unravel some mystery. There's more stories we want to tell after "Barley & Bay-Lily" that all follow continuity, so I want to wrap Barley & Bay-Lily where you all know what's going on but there's more overarching questions than answered in some ways.
I'm loving these thoughts on it!
Clever play on Barnum & Bailey, by the way.
i want to say i loved the juggler. that was a great design and gemini's reaction to it made me laugh. although i do wonder now if the juggler is part of the circus conspiracy
I wonder if it's significant that they seem to be foxes.
Foxes are tricksters, so I mean
Tenor | Shinavar
My fear about the poster though, and why I hink it's a trap, is it said her "final act"
'Tis true.
Also I don’t know if anyone noticed but the juggler was only juggling 2 balls with 4 arms
Very fitting to make them foxes! Cute and mischevious and devllish
Tenor | Shinavar
So lots of talent going on in the streets of New Olympia hahaha
Jess: I caught the four arms. Guess I didn't count the balls. Seems like less of a challenge there.
"mysterious circus ive never heard of down a dark alley? sounds like a great time and not at all suspicious!"
yes, what @Kabocha said. The idea for GJ is this is HER story/myth/hero's journey. Foxes are pretty archetypal to suspect characters in folklore and fairy tale. WHAT they are exactly, well. More to be revealed :' D you guys have some awesome theories.
Maybe there was a chainsaw off panel.
This'll be really cool to see as it approaches the end
(of the chapter, anyway)
Tenor | Shinavar
That’s true! Whether she was a good juggler or not is the true mystery
The foxes are actually out of work actors.
oh god.
Mathtan you figured it out
I misread that as "work out" actors LOL
Tenor | Shinavar
oh even better
Tenor | Shinavar
Explains why they are trying to start their own circus
Appearing next in the Big Top - Jazzercize.
Tenor | Shinavar
Possessed Scary Circus Zumba
Crossfit but its clowns
That’s terrifying
Tenor | Shinavar
I h8 u all bc I can't draw this right now
i would pay to see clowns doing crossfit
now tHAT'S a million dollar comic idea, Shen
or idea in general, yes
I know it's probably way off in the future, but I'm curious about plans for Veil-focused arc in the future
yeah same, im sure its planned but im interested
QUESTION 2. While searching for a job, Gemini clearly has gotten wrapped up in a dangerous situation involving a circus. What do you think the circus’ goal is in general for the people it entraps? Who exactly are the fox ringmasters running the show? Why was Gemini in particular targeted as opposed to other people in the audience? Why did Gemini seemingly come home in a trance, and what do you think it means for whatever is happening to Gemini? How do you feel the performer who represents Gemini’s ideals fits into all of this? Do Gemini’s anxieties have something to do with all this do you think? Lastly, how do you think Gemini will get out of this mess (or is she just doomed)?
i wanna know why he puts up with her tbh ^^; seems like she can be a bit self interested
Also that it's confirmed he has friends cuz of that phone call. I'm sorry, I keep assuming he's a Sad Books lonely boy
no friends its just his mom
yeah you guys don't know if he's just sadly talking to a dial tone
The circus' goal is to... Basically steal her life energy! Somehow. But we'll see. Or enchant her and spirit her away~ Once she becomes part of the spirit world she won't really be albe to retuuuuuurn~
well now you made it sad. XD
@saetje oh noooooooooooooooooooooo
LOL! As for Question 2: Like most shifty magic things, steal her soul! Trap her in the circus
What about Gemini's mom? I'm sure he's probably got her on speed dial
i assume soul stealing. i mean thats pretty standard evil fair. and who doesn't need a good soul
i dont think they targetted Gemini specifically as much as they laid out a trap and waited to see who stumbled in, and she did so they ensnared her
Veil seems too organized to talk to a dial tone. It'd at least be the official time signal.
I think the Circus targets ppl who are down on their luck or confidence or don't have a quote "real job" atm? Like job hunting is really stressful and feels hopeless a ton of times
so it looks for vulnerable ppl imo
Gemini came home in a trance because the cab was too expensive.
That’s how I do too
BRB faking trance to get out of cab faire
To heck with fantasy Uber and Lyft!
It shows them something akin to their best selves, maybe?
what if this is a known phenomenon in their world so when someone says "they ran away to the circus" they mean that whoops, got that soul life energy sucked out
Yeah! The play of "UGH I should just run away and join the circus" it's so cool!
i once saw a video of a woman pretending to be a ghost to get out of paying a toll
Tenor | Shinavar
Q2: The specific part I havenb't already kinda answered is: I feel she is part of Gemini's subconciousness in the sense of having her "act" together. Her life wouldn't be too chaotic, she's able to balance all that is expected of her without being a 'clutz' or anything she seems to think at least minimally negatively on. (seen by her admiring the grace and such)
She's a representation of everything Gemini wants to be?
Tenor | Shinavar
Not exactly but def a bait, in some way
Except moving more toward that ideal means that Gemini gets trapped...
Well, representations don't have to be literal >_>
<_< I figured it was all pretty figurative
Tenor | Shinavar
True true
the thing i cant figure out is why the trance thing. like gemini was in the circus, just suck out her soul. why give her the chance to escape?
Since we see Gemini specifically, I'm assuming the audience members are just an illusion
Maybe these foxes like playing with their "prey" and make it a slow burn
It could be through the music that the circus gets you. That alley cat seemed real scared of it, while Gemini was drawn in.
Alice: Oh, I like that.
Tenor | Shinavar
Rebel: If i works like fae magic, you gota get them to agree to it
Yeah, why play if there's no risk involved?
Rebel: To recharge?
Tenor | Shinavar
You also can avoid like - all legal repercussions if it's "willing" >_>
Ahahaha consensual death is the best ... death?
For lawyers, yES!
Now waiting for the scene where Veil rules-lawyers the foxes.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
thats how it be sometimes
Law & Order with VEIL
Tenor | Shinavar
Also it hurt a lil bit I couldnt resist. Crossfit clown from geminis world lol
omg @tenor hahaha
That's a garbage job. ^.-(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
Just like, pops on some glasses and busts out a book from no where
That's Veil's magic power -- BOOK LEARNIN'
Tenor | Shinavar
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
magic is a thing, he probably just pulls out outta his pocket dimension- which is in his pocket
Tenor | Shinavar
He has a pocket just for his books
I love all the art you guys do of Veil with his book beasts! They're the best!
Tenor | Shinavar
all 2k of them
haha,t hat's actually a joke we've been wanting to use somewhere-- "I love your dress" "Thanks it has pocket dimensions"
Omg I love it. All pockets are pocket dimensions from now on
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
pockets are THE BEST
imagine a pocket dimension!
This world gets better and better! Minus the creepy circuses
"My pocket dimension is full of clowns...."
Nooooo worst dimension
I saw a few other people ask it, but... Why is Veil so tolerant of Gemini's shenanigannery? I mean, I am a far less patient roommate than he is...
I figure a pocket dimension dress would have to be some kind of plot device though for a future arc. i mean, HAVE to be.
Tenor | Shinavar
New def to clown car
matth whyyy
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: My shipping side if he finds it endearing
Exhausting but endearing
wellp, clowns ruined it
i do applaud veil's sheer patience
but i do assume the blushing is more than just blushing
Tenor | Shinavar
Ah. Well be answering that soon. I think so far we’ve been focusing on Gem and some of her worst traits - her selfishness, but
Kabocha: Because I can. As to why Veil's tolerant, maybe he knows someone like Gemini in his family or his past.
I figured Veil was kind of perpetually blushing unless otherwise upset.
i am absolute ship trash and i am waiting for this to sail but i am patient
And we’ve focused on veils best - his smarts and his loyalty
Tenor | Shinavar
I keep getting little hints Veil at least Likes her.
Hm. So he knows Gemini could be Amazing if she'd try?
i think there is some of that yes
Tenor | Shinavar
But doesn't push it
wait veil has bad traits?
i dont accept this
Tenor | Shinavar
No he doesn't
don't listen to them
no, veil is perfect
Veil's afraid of bugs....
Veil just likes Gemini for her shoes. Much shoe blushing, wants to wear them.
Tenor | Shinavar
I'm sure Veil totally finds Gemini charming and really.. pr-pretty BLUSH
being afraid of bugs is a good trait
It’s true. And he won’t dirty his own shoes
bugs carry disease
Tenor | Shinavar
But is he afraid of bugs
or the fact they can catch shit on fire
Veil is very much a neat freak which is a double-edged sword
Tenor | Shinavar
like his books
and not very impulsive, so Gemini helps liven things up for him
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
tenor raises a good point
thats more "quirky" than a character flaw lol
like "clumsy" girls XD
They're foils for one another, you say? That's how these sorts of friendships balance each other? NEVAAAAAAR! ....I ship them unless there is a reason I should not.
these ship goggles dont come off
Several people are typing...
Yeah, this arc is very Gemini focused and how she needs to grow as a character
I'm excited to see how Veil needs to grow as a character in the future
Gotta take turns!
admittedly i do think veil kind of needs to learn to have fun probably
as a character arc
Tenor | Shinavar
But books are fun
Work is fun
well but organization is fun
although i do wanna know now who veil is calling
and what he does with his not gemini friends
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah, that's definitely something I see with Veil
Tenor | Shinavar
Just what the dr ordered
i agree with organization and books but i meant more in how he carries himself
Oh! It’s a dial tone
gotta learn to tweet those memes back
Tenor | Shinavar
thats fair he could stand to lighten up lol they both need to learn a bit from each other. hes not got time for fun if he has to always be the "responsible" one because someone else took up all the "fun" XD
Yeah! Guy needs to party and have an impulsive time for once rather than strictly schedule
They need to work together
Tenor | Shinavar
I do agree tho, with how in the know he seems to be, I'd like to know who all he's got, esp depending how they'll influence stuff in the future.
bc it seems he's from here whereas Gemini isn't soooo <_<;
Veil can be fun. Veil can't be impulsive.
yeah i do hope this circus experience teaches gemini more responsibility. in that maybe she should fill out more than a few apps XD
Does Veil have a hard time making decisions?
"look how impulsively i filled out your applications for you isnt that fun?"
Alice: Not if blueberries are involved.
And yeah, Gemini certainly learning more responsibility and also, to trust in herself if she applies herself and focuses
Tenor | Shinavar
I think Gemini jus needs to get to the point she doesn't need a child leash
Well and for me - I think when people are going through hardships, like Gem not being able to land a job, sometimes the worst parts of themselves show up. And while I love the character - (and hopefully) she’s shown to be kinda funny and not overly mean - I thought it was important to show her bad side early on
I don't see her as mean, just easily distracted.
Tenor | Shinavar
She's irresponsible but not in a malicious way
Like if she hurt someone I'd be dead up surprised if it was intentional
Yeah, that's definitely it ^^
Tenor: She killed a dragon.
I never thought of her as "mean"
Tenor | Shinavar
she is a sweet widdle cinnimon bun who needs protected from circuses and flashers
I said someone
Not thing
Gemini is Dovahkiin now lol
I'm sorry, Mat, but they're pests in this universe. Cockroaches uugh
Tenor | Shinavar
Difference ;)
oh yeah gemini is still super likeable. its more shes that adult who hasnt quite grown up yet. and youre kind of hand waving her to make stop being a kid 100% of the time.
Yeah! She's like a kid fresh out of college
Oh good! Was kinda worried. But she’s definite selfish and flighty and I’m happy to see that it’s coming through
Without making her irredeemable
Draco Plato
yeah she's definitely still likeable
Open to the free adult world, but still needs to learn how to adult cuz lord knows school prepares us for THAT
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah nah there's not a mean bone in that child's body
Free spirit, I think is a good desc?
The foxes are also spirits, but they're not free.
I'm glad! That's what we're going for- she's not intentionally harmful but has a lot of growing up to do. I don't think she realizes when her actions can hurt someone else.
She's selfish and irresponsible, but there's still potential to be redeemed. She's a well-rounded character that's set up to evolve from this story and that's what makes sticking with this story so worth it!
no one's free when they teach Clown Jazzercise
those poor foxes. gemini is actually doing them a service
I wonder if this world has the Zodiac? Is Gemini's name at all related to that?
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh. <.< Good q
Like, Veil is obviously responsible and an adult, so Gemini doesn't seem to think she has to think about Veil's feelings or words on some matters? He's got it all figured out! Me though? I need help. Veil, veil help me! What applications?! Not boring help ;; That's how I see Gemini
Gemini's the twins, yeah? Does Gemini have a sister, or a hidden second side where she's actually really competent?
Maybe she's the good twin, and the evil one is in the circus.
OOH, I'm curious about that, too, Math. I'm a Scorpio!
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
that means you have a scorpion in the circus
"the twins" the foxes...
Ahahaha yesssss
Can't really reveal the Gemini connection yeeet buuut, duality and twins have some play in the overarching story yes!
PS im a Gemini~
Me tooooo!! Yesssss
Are you also plagued by fox clowns out of work
Gemini probably hasn't really taken time to consider other people's feelings long-term. I don't think she's quite there emotionally, but when she actually like.... really has it sink in that she worried Veil, that'll be interesting. Although she did acknolwedge she scared him, so I mean
Secret revealed, Gemini is called Gemini cuz Jess is a Gemini
Tenor | Shinavar
Naaaice ~ Also omg the fox twins ffft- Makes me think
Kabo: Yeah, I don't think she fully got how bad the scare was?
sweet im gonna name my next character Sagittarius
Yeah, it's the depth that I think she lacks
Tenor | Shinavar
Like "I'm sorry for scaring you but not sorry I did the action to cause it :D" levels of immaturity
@saetje What's your zodiac sign if you don't mind sharing?
Plot twist, Gemini sells her soul to the Flower Wraith Shop, and the foxes have to buy it back to keep their shenanigans going.
Tenor | Shinavar
When she gets more insight it'll be awesome as she grows
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Yeeeeees
She’s two fishes
Yeah, Gemini maturing as an adult is really exciting to wait for
My sister's two fish, too XD
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
twins............. two fish..............................
i see a theme here
Tenor | Shinavar
I really wanna see Gemini work for Death now hhh-
Yes haha!
Maybe a temp job that doesn't work out somehow
Twist: Death only claims dead plants
Tenor | Shinavar
Mostly bc I'm stuck with Death having the VA as the Death from Conker's bad fur day and I just. Can't.
"You should probably hold the scythe the other way."
"You're going to hurt yourself if you trim the shrubberies this way."
Tenor | Shinavar
"Why are you wearing all black it's hot af out go change, child"
i hope death only claims dead plants cause otherwise gemini is basically going from one soul threatening adventure to another
haha so true
Tenor | Shinavar
she just have to give death her soul
it's never said when
Does it have to be her soul, or just a soul? Or maybe soul music?
Tenor | Shinavar
oh god
Just a soul can be how we find out Death accepts plants
death better be a fan of soul music
you've split this concept wide open Maths
the sole of this shoe
Tenor | Shinavar
Shen NO
Another note about this story, is that I think it's a really good Young Adult story, cuz I feel myself and a bunch of other adults or kids coming out of college can relate to Gemini's story of trying to find work after moving out to live on their own
Tenor | Shinavar
That's Death's brother, Reaper.
Veil: "Your spell checker has done you in. Gemini only has to give you her shoe sole."
Awwww!! Thanks so much
Tenor | Shinavar
Alice: Yeees. Tho I think this first big arc is good for younger children too
the shoe in the dragon part was foreshadowing
Tenor | Shinavar
Like my kiddo would love the art and atm if it goes where I suspect it might, it's a great lesson to learn young
Thanks @aliceapproved !! that makes me happy to hear because that's also what we're going for
Yeah actually when whenever we show Gem getting rejected I get real sad. Since some of it draws from our experiences
You guys nailed it
Yeah, it was a big mood for me this year, so this story has been helping
Tenor | Shinavar
Rejeced? D:
Younger out of college Jess applied to be the new death - and I got turned down
QUESTION 3. Though we certainly know Gemini and Veil a bit, much of their past history has yet to have been discussed. Why do you think Gemini has struck out on her own? Do you think it’s just to embrace adulthood, or is there something specific she’s seeking? Was there anything about Gemini’s journey into adulthood that you connected with? What about Veil? What do you think Veil’s backstory is? How do you think Veil and Gemini even know each other? Do you think Veil’s overprotectiveness of Gemini exists for a reason, or do you think it’s just part of Veil’s personality? In regards to their future, do you think that the two will be able to remain friends, or will their differing personalities get in the way of peaceful cohabitation? Do you think Gemini will be able to successfully get a job? Finally, will Gemini move out once she gets a job, or will Veil potentially actively sabotage it?
I guess now that we're getting more shows like "Aggretsuko" I'd say we'd like to hit around that target. Like, we're sort-of 'mature' only because of some of the (not-NSFW) themes resonates more with older folks. But hopefully there's still more to be enjoyed from a slightly younger YA/teen audience.
Interesting last question there - I don't think Veil would actively sabotage, but might passively, without really thinking about it. "You can't move out next week, it's supposed to rain."
i think Gemini's irresponsibility combined with the double life (???????) shes got going on now is leading to a big fight with Veil. I dread it though
A big confrontation scene!
I can feel it coming
Veil finally calling out Gemini
I can only imagine the emotions!
...Can Veil handle confrontation where he gets pushback?
like, he can handle snark, but, an actual argument?
yeah. veil might be the type who cant really deal with confrontation like that
Tenor | Shinavar
3: Gemini is homeschooled. If she's trying to branch out there's a chance she might either feel shackled a bit, or she's been encouraged by her parents to stretch her wings. Gemini ran into Veil lost puppy style, trufax. Brought her in from the rain and cold Veil's personality is probably tied to sorta trying to guide Gemini in the sense of law and order. Everything has a place, so you gotta do it- where you going coME BACK OMG I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU. I do believe here is going to be some strife at some point because Gemini has shown a lack of communication and emotional skill and Veil has shown a lack of willingness to bend. BUT I do believe this will clear up after some resolution from some juicy content So yes I believe they'll stay friends.
although i think the confrontation is coming
That's a really great question, Kabocha. We haven't shown that yet :)c
Tenor | Shinavar
Maybe at worse a temporary not friends moment to crush our hopes and dreams
Or maybe "not speaking" terms atm
actually ya know what i could see as veil's big character arc is addressing change. cause the moving out thing may be more than veil just doesnt want gemini to go. it may be that veil is the sort that completely shuts down when there is change
y'all you guys have such insight, I'm loving your thoughts here. It's a relief to know you guys are getting a lot of what we're trying to put out and I love hearing your concepts, and concerns, for the characters!
I dunno that Veil realizes how overbearing he can be, to be honest. So.. Gemini's gonna get pushed to the edge and push back against him.
Tenor | Shinavar
Rbeel: Oooooh, that can be true too
I think Gemini might resolve to move back in with her mom (which is LEAST wanted thing for her cuz I think she loves being out on her own), but Veil offers that she could still say with him, granted now that she has a proper not circus cursed job
Tenor | Shinavar
SOME chaos is good but what is his limit.
RebelVampire, that's a really good note on Veil!
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Yeah I get that. He seems so happy to 'help' but because he knows what you NEED to do to get done, he doesn't seem to fully 'get' that it's a lot for Gemini
Veil's very much overprotective
Tenor | Shinavar
A bit of lack of empathy for the situation in the face of necessity?
Yeah, like filling out applications is FuN???
He also doesn't understand how to break things down into smaller more completable tasks
Gemini needs a source of income, maybe Veil's letting her stay for cheap?
he can handle a long list, but.... honestly, Gemini needs to feel accomplished at each step of the way and realize how much progress she's made
Yeah, Gemini is a person that needs to be eased and break down steps, not all dumped at once
@Kabocha exactly- one of the flaws we've hopefully seen in Veil is that he can be pushy (literally physically pushing her around town int he beginning arc) and then tends to put too much on Gemini than what she's ready for at times.
Tenor | Shinavar
I got pushy though I didn' know the physical part was part of it
Yeah! That page with her smushed with all his word bubbles was a great representation of that!
Tenor | Shinavar
I figured him grabbing her was because it was liTERALLY UNSAFE LOL
Veil isn't as observant as Gemini, maybe because she's so distractible. He didn't realize she knew his fave berries and such.
Well I might've misspoke- it was more of a visual analogy for being emotionally pushy than, like, physically harmful or abusive.
He's basically trying to herd her lol
yes like a little sheep dog lol
Tenor | Shinavar
I getcha now lol
Veil is honestly a toothpick and I bet a small breeze could push him over
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
Don't insult my son like that
just bc he can takje flight with those ears don't mean nuttin
He's a GOOD SON!
oommg haha
I love him!
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
veil is a good boi
Boy ain't gonna win a bar fight is all haha!
Bless this sensitive boy!
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=178 "You are in my personal space"
Tenor | Shinavar
Nah legit tho being the tiny I'm surprised he CAN push her, or at least shows she's willing somewhat to be guided
Guys. It’s the nose isn’t it
Tenor | Shinavar
omg someone draw me Veil getting carried off by gemini plz
He can do no wrong with a face so right
Veil has a large picture of Spock in his room. Big fan.
Tenor | Shinavar
That's exactly it Jess
Honestly Gem could just pick him up and swing him around like a baseball bat if she wanted, I think.
Tenor | Shinavar
I mean he is such a stiff
@mathtans definitely a huge Spock influence!
veil's number one advice to gemini is to just think of what would spock do
then gemini asks who spock is
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=186 < a M O O D
Gemini to Wraith: "Dammit Bones!"
oh i loved that page with the giant to-do list
it was a great visual gag
I definitely "treat myself" for small tasks when there are still more or bigger tasks to do haha!
Lol me too
I was REALLY into Star Trek a while back and almost did some 4-panel Star Trek Gemini Journey AU comics...I don't know if I have the sketches anymore though. Kind of psyched myself out of them
I think everyone works differently. You gotta treat yourself once in a while though!
Tenor | Shinavar
But going back to the characters - we hope to focus on their dynamic more and more. We love all y’all insight tho!
Tenor | Shinavar
reating yourself is importaaant
Their dynamic is mezzoforte.
yeah I'm loving hearing all your thoughts and getting some insight into how you all are reading the comic. It can be tough when you're so close to something to really 'see' it anymore
I appreciate your thoughts!
Yes! They're a great duo!
I'm always excited when there's an update and Veil and Gemini are interacting
And yeah! Ofc dude! Lots of pairs of eyes help
Just want to say the style of the comic is really interesting... I don't think I've ever really seen it before, just having the one panel. Most trend to pages or 4-panel or whatever. But one panel can really speak volumes, even if it's just a reaction shot, done in this way.
That means so much to hear!
Tenor | Shinavar
As someone with a messed up wrist I appreciate it too bc scrolling hurts so this worked great
I think the webtoons layout for it works really well for scrolling! I love reading updates before bed It fits so well!
Thanks! Honestly it's how I've always 'seen' it and I'm glad you all like that-- It's been a bit of a point of uncertainty for us. I'm hoping in the future we can get some sort of swiping option for mobile devices to swipe between panels on full-screen instead of always clicking
and yes! Webtoons has done well for us too
Yeah, I'll agree - carpal tunnel makes scrolling format hard, but your website is perfectly suited
thank you for having both options!
I gotta be honest when we made the decision to do it this way - we were so conflicted. We wanted to do this format becuase we envisioned it with simple panels and @saetje really works hard to make things look cinematic
Tenor | Shinavar
omg if you get swipe in I'd be so happy bc I do like 90% of my reading on my phone ;u;
Yeah, I would definitely love that as a feature in the future. Clicking is fine, but it can be difficult going back and forth and waiting for a website to load
Oh yeah! This story really reads well as a show or film! The storyboard format
yeah i was skeptical of the one panel thing at first but once i got used to it i thought it was really nice. especially for how much it allows to be fit on any one "page"
yeah! Tenor, we always wanted it to be REALLY mobile friendly. Like my ideal is to just let the panels fill a mobile screen and swipe to read. We just....aren't really programmers so we haven't figured that out so much yet XD BUT- I'm really happy to hear the one-panel tapping is easy on wrists! I've heard other people call us 'accessible' for that and that was an uninentional side effect but I'm happy to hear it.
Yeah! Plus, you get cool scenes like the circus sequence back to Gem waking up in bed in the same pose as the juggler
Tenor | Shinavar
It's muchly appreciated too <33
on a different note, im really intrigued by the fact that gemini's savings are in the form of like actual treasure. and im really curious if thats literally their hard currency, and if not, where did gemini get all that treasure.
Tenor | Shinavar
I think it is bc she says the coffee was a gold coin + a virgin's tear
I'm back!
"a gold coin AND a virgin tear what a rip off"
They're paste gems.
I think it's Mom's allowance to her before she moved
And glad you're aiming for a smooth mobile experience with the comic.
Tenor | Shinavar
So I'm curious, if you two are willing to answer this (and it's cool if not!) But what's inspired you guys to tackle this story? :D
I have to admit, sticking to one panel per page helps a lot
Yeah, maybe Gemini should store up her tears and sell them on the street?
Tenor | Shinavar
omg math
Tear-able idea, I know.
It’s probably a bit different for both of us: We’re huge myth nerds but we felt like there wasn’t a story that really talked about what ppl just starting their journey was like.(edited)
@Tenor | Shinavar no problem at all! Honestly GJ has been through many iterations including an animated series pitch in 20...12?? It was my and @Jess 's senior project! It was always very heavily myth-inspired because we're really into that. It's a modern hero's journey
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh~! <3
but basically what @Jess said
Did someone say, animated series?
Like the feeling of being unprepared to adult and the lack of jobs. The scariness of being on your own. Finding love, and losing it. And the fear of letting people down.
That's a really good point, a Journey!
It’s why Gemini’s full name is Gemini Journey
Also mythology is SO GOSH DANG GOOD
I thought that was a clever play on words.
I love all the mythical creature references!
And plus—- all this myth jokes Hahahaha
Yeah. What can we say--- we were starry-eyed animation students once (well, @Jess was a graphic design major)
Seconding mythology
and wow, that's quite impressive!
Wouldn't want to myth out.
yes! I'm REALLY into myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Bookshelves are lined with them, and I still don't know everything. It's a really rich topic.
I was not a animator hahah but I like them. They are awesome
World Mythology class was one of my all time favorite classes in college haha!
Me too!!
and your animated ad was BEAUTIFUL
same @aliceapproved !
and thank you!
Seeing Gem and Veil move is gorgeous and I could see little gifs of them interacting
As for the question of the half hour, I'm thinking Gemini answered a "want ad" from Veil, looking for a roommate, and she was the only one willing to take the place. Everyone else thought he was too strict, would get upset if they left the milk out.
oh thats good to know. i did wonder what the significance was in that her name was gemini journey
when time allows to work on those kinds of things haha!
I think myths in general tell important truths about people while still being entertaining. I hope our story gives them justice
You guys totally do!
veil does seem like the type whod make horrified faces at the milk being left out XD
Yeah. It’s a play on the Hero’s Journey
I wonder if Griffins will make an appearance. I love that Teacup manticores exist haha!
Definitely lots of fights about how to load the dishwasher correctly (if they even have one)
Tenor | Shinavar
I believe you guys give them great justice! I's def creative and fun for sure! :D
"You bought the powdered soap again...."
posting a bit early but i feel we are segueing into the next question already
QUESTION 4. Although the world has present-day elements, there are also a slew of magical things. What aspect of the world intrigued you the most and why? Are there tidbits mentioned that you’d love to know more about in the future? Alternatively, is there any magical related creature or being that you’re hoping to see make an appearance in the comic? In regards to actual story canon, do you feel Gemini is familiar with this magical world or that she still has a lot to learn? In what ways do you think magical elements might come into play and make trouble for Gemini? Regardless of magic, what sorts of other conflicts are you hoping to see/do you think we’ll see, especially in regards to Gemini learning to be an adult?
@aliceapproved honestly one of our downfalls is @Jess and I want to showcase TOO MANY mythological animals b/c we love so many of them and have a lot of ideas for how they'd work in our world. But, to what cost to plot, ugh.
and yeah griffins are like on that list b/c GRIFFINS
give me werewolves
ill give you a dollar
Tenor | Shinavar
Magical dishwasher.
Do they have flying cars?
have we seen a minotaur yet? need some minotaurs up in this joint.
and unicorns
What I'm interested is the fact that Gemini is an Antlantean and I wonder how that factors into future story elements if any
And yes, PLEASE griffins, unicorns, and minotaurs
WELL, here's something I think I can give away that hasn't exactly been pointed out a lot of times in our story yet (we are getting to it): there aren't any humans in the GJ universe (http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=74) so a concept of a werewolf to them would really be a "werehuman", haha. But there are other wolfed-figured beings like Wulvers from Irish myth.(edited)
Unicorns, you say?
~~suddenly thinking about centaurs~
YEAH THAT'S RIGHT! I remember giggling at that "HUMAN TALE"
Human tale must be so boring to them XD
It's like OUR world, but NO MAGIC
oh wait, they're horror stories
^^ yes
Is Gemini actually a magical girl?
I MEAN, there are some strong "Princess Tutu" influences already and even more so coming up
magical girls are my jaaaaaaaaaaam
did notice gemini was an antlantean, didnt realize there were no humans
i actually hope the gemini veil fight happens
What does the transformation sequence look like
so we can see gemini's home
that sounds amazing
I must know
Gemini is a duck?
how did you know?
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
Nooooo you figured it out
I wanna meet Gemini's mom haha!
I've seen the art but gosh
or Veil interacting with them
Honestly, Veil and Gemini meet the other's parent(s)
Waiting for the episode where Cupid accidentally shoots Veil with an arrow.
Yeah admittedly - the character designs for gems mom @saetje has done I’m really digging. I can’t wait for her appearance
Veil falls in love with a dial tone. Very embarassing.
I love that
We need to rewrite the next episode stat
He meant to shoot Gemini but Veil protected her.
um YEAH Math is going to be our new head writer
Math, you should re-write all our comics/stories
omg agree
I think you guys have a great Valentine's idea strip coming!
mind blown from the idea of a Math/SJB production
puns and jokes and visual gags everywhere
i hope gemini's mom is super awesome. i feel like she must be and gemini wants to be awesome like her
Let me try to get to 10 people reading my own comic first, maybe.
I read your stuff and it's pretty rad @mathtans
Would Gemini's dad still be in the picture, I wonder?
Gemini's uncle?
Gemini's grunkle?
My dad? your dad?
hahaha, Uncle Saggitarius, Auntie Pisces...
All dads
HAHA!!! Great idea!
I dunno why but i always caught onto the name Saggitarius
in a shocking twist, veil isn't Gemini's love interest hes her dad
Gemini could have two moms for all we know.
and it's totally not because I love centaurs
(I now ship Gemini's parents, I guess...?)
For Halloween, there probably should be a "Scary Human Tale" and it's filing taxes
well to be fair, dont need to be blood related for him to be her dad in a way. i mean he is basically pushing for her to succeed, teaching her stuff, and generally being the responsible adult
Veil is her dad confirmed
he loves and supports her and wants the best for her even when shes at her worst
ps saetje and Jess i hope you guys are in DMs with each other just screaming about all the dumb shit we're saying XD
Are... you here with us
I never thought of CTP's featured creators ever doing that
Repeating what a previous comment mentioned, it'll be fun to see how Veil falls for Gemini, like the spark that ignited his feelings for her and hopefully for Gemini in turn
Veil is actually a magic clone of her dad that was sent by the ghost of her grandfather, Thor?
oh, @Jess is my S/O so we're just chatting in our living room together and loving everything y'all say
But honestly this has been so inspiring
oh even better!
Tenor | Shinavar
BACK. #4: THe aspect that inrigues me the most is how diverse the world is and how it just is all one big melting pot. It's colorful and you've no idea what's around the corner. :D I'm curious if something like a Wendigo might get seen! :D
Daww, that's cute! (edited)
also WB!
Tenor | Shinavar
brb for a sec
Wendigos is scary stuff. O.o
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes they are
I LOVE the myth of Wendigo! No plans, esp. because they start out as human, but. I enjoy that one a lot
Tenor | Shinavar
But also like, one of my favorites so-
That's fair!
can never see wendigo in a positive light. 2spooky.
that eliminates vampires, too....
i hope there are phoenixes. and i hope gemini doesnt know them offhand and freaks out when one bursts into flames.
Would aliens fall into the category or is that too sci-fi?
Lol a fantasy world that has stories that are sci-fi
But what if we made a chain. And it’s a reheaded wendigo that sells burgers with square patties
Tenor | Shinavar
I mean —-
Oh, phoenixes are fun.
Phoenix chicks!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
"We sell Hyumahn meat"
Little baby Phoenixes pls haha!
phoenix lady dating a merman
Fresh from death!
I mean Rebirth!
Jess: I got that.
Sassy twitter extra.
We've been throwing around a phoenix story idea! They're also a personal favorite
again: too many great myth/fairy tale creatures we love, guuh.
Again as said earlier, I'm really happy that Kappas made an appearance, too! I love it when mythical creatures from all over the world are in one place together
i just love how he knew how defeat the kappa lol
"Why's that bird hanging around the Vietnamese shop?" "It's a Pho Enix."
IE: we thought of Veil and Gem "babysitting" a sphinx and Gem keeps feeding it puns and popsicle riddles (junk food) when it needs, like, existential riddles for nutrients, ha.
yes i do think theres a great mixture of things from tons of diff cultures. it really makes the world extra super colorful.
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes plz sphinx bby
i bet veil has some great existential riddles
Aw, those are cute drawings.
Tenor | Shinavar
I'll hate it because the puns will hurt so much but UGGGH IT'D BE SO CUTE I'LL DIE FROM IT
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
Awww, Veil, that is just way too cute ^_^
Your sketches are SO GOOD
(Speaking of, when do we get the pastries that I saw on Veil's plate for the CTP today?)
Your guys' ideas are SO GOOD
older concepts BUT. Again. there are SO MANY potential for fun-myth-animal stories we tend to get lost in them, haha. I don't know how much/if any will make it into the comic
I'll mail them out Math!
The pastries were there all along. In your heart
Do you guys plan to do little intermission stories before doing a big arc like this one?
yes! Just like the roach comic
Like the dragon cockroach felt like a good mini-story before we got a meaty story
we plan to do little minis between bigger arcs
Tenor | Shinavar
Sweet! :D
We want to alternate between large stories and smaller world building stuff
Tenor | Shinavar
Anyway, gtg, baby needs me. Best with the comic!
good luck math~!
Best!! And thanks for stopping by!!
thanks for coming Math! Best wishes
Bye, Math!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
Oh more queestions~ Due to how your comic is constructed, do you find you have more time to work on it, and/or you got a good healthy buffer?
oh that's a really good question Tenor!
Originally, for like the last two years we've had almost a 6 mo queue, because also only update bi-weekly. But we recently ran out of that queue because LIFE and freelance hit us hard XDD so we've been trying to catch up somewhat successfully. As far as page-speed creation, I think it can vary widely but both @Jess and I have gotten a lot faster than we used to be. When we're really able to focus after-work hours (no life and freelance jams getting too much in the way) we can do about 4-6 panels in a single week, about 10-20 hours between us
The thing is though, one of the draw-backs of single panel shots is you DO have to show a lot more, I think, than just a page-layout comic.
That's interesting~
also bye Math
like, if we took those panels and made them into a page layout we would get away with showing less, I think, and possibly saving some time? But it's hard to gauge because also there's panel layout and flow and page composition to consider that we don;t have to worry as much about
Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. Actually the full panels largest drawback is that you have to draw sooooo much. In a comic with many panels you could cut to a talking head suddenly - in ours, because of the layout we have to be very careful not to take them out of context too quickly and too frequently
yeah good point Jess
Tenor | Shinavar
That's a good point. It's such an interesting thing o consider because - I guess the easiest way I can describe it is like the illustrations in children's books. They can be just so world building and easter-eggy so it's interesting to consider the differences!
So it’s a mixed bag. On one hand you are making only one image at a time. Sometimes even usi a lot of the same assets. But on the other - it’s a full color illustration and having to show minute changes in expression to keep the pace from seeming too quick can be a challenge too
Yeah that too!!
im curious if you took printing into consideration. idk if youve printed the comic before or ever intended too. just wondering how a single panel per page comic would work in that case.
Yeah, I see what you're saying, do one-panel updates but fill them with lots and lots of detail?
or if the pacing reads too slow too- panel comics (or comics made by animators in general) can also be too slow b/c us animators LOVE showing those minute pose/expression changes, which can sometimes read slow. I'm always stressed about the pace, ha.
Hi! Love the comic
Tenor | Shinavar
I could see, in print form, largely remaining single panel per page, or for the more fast paced ones tweak to 2-3 on the page
@Jess and I always imagined the comic a digital-first production, but if we were to go to print it'd likely be something along the lines of what Ava's Demon did. Just, single panels-per-page. But @Jess being the graphic designer who often works in print too might have some other ideas on that
Hi @whitneyandcompany thank yoouu
So when creating one of the things we did as a priority is consider the mobile screen first. Which is the opposite of what is the norm. If we were to do a book it would be handled where we put a very limited amount of images on a page. Maybe 1-2 similar to Ava’s demon
Yeah, the drawback of single-paged stuff is exactly that. Focusing more on some things, like a character going through emotions can read more slowly even tho it's important to the story
Tenor | Shinavar
ugh ilu for the mobile love lol
Just thought I'd say before the CTP ends- good luck with the rest of Gemini Journey, @saetje and @Jess. It's really coming along well and you're definitely got a good story here to tell as well.
But it works so well for mobile scrolling, it's so friendly!
Tenor | Shinavar
Like I can't express how frusrating it is for me bc there's SO many people who own their own sites and it's not mobile friendly
thanks @Superjustinbros have a good night!
Maybe you could have 3 panels per page if printed?
Tenor | Shinavar
I live on the go I NEED THAT MOBILITY ;n;
You too, and thanks for being here, @saetje!
@Tenor | Shinavar I got to be honest with you- as a webcomic fan and reader for MANY years I feel that
I really look forward to reading this in the future. It's enjoyable and to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure what I was in for at first... BUT it is a pleasure to read!
And cya to you as well, @Jess.
Awwww thanks!!
Thank you for creating an amazing comic. :3
yeah im glad priority was placed on mobile because it is basically the way thing are going, whether ppl want that or not.
Tenor | Shinavar
YES it was a fun surprise! (And def last minute for me bc I didn't realize it was something I could read lmao OTL)
Thank you @Kabocha for your wonderful insights and kind comments! Thanks for coming
and its definitely a beautiful comic. i think the pacing works out great as well~!
You guys are the reason I downloaded the web toon app, I look forward to every update
Thank you for making such an inspirational and gorgeous comic!
Awww well it means so much to hear you guys say that
I always look forward to your updates!
In that case, cya everyone!
And yes, you're the reason I downloaded the web toon app, too!
oommmg @whitneyandcompany , thank you
im glad i got to read this story its so good so far and i cant wait to read more~
It’s been really humbling for us to put our work out there. But I am so incredibly touched right now
Glad to hear~
Thank you @Shen! I look forward to more of your comic as well! I'm glad you like it.
Yeah everyone, thank you for coming and letting us know you thoughts It has meant the WORLD to us
You guys are amazing and I love your work
Tenor | Shinavar
Thank you for signing up so we could disect it /shot
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero, as well, for making Gemini Journey. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://geminijourney.com/
Donate via Paypal.me: https://www.paypal.me/YeseniaCarrero
Tracy’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/saetje
Yesenia’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Demongemini6
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about The Hunter of Fenaur by CalimonGraal. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, September 20th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/the-hunter-of-fenaur
1 note · View note
arlenservice · 3 years
I might enjoy that, though three kings is two too many.
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