#ikon fluff au
holdmekhh · 2 years
fingers in the mouth while being pounded.
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noona-clock · 1 year
The Flight Attendant - Part 6, Final Chapter
Genre: Flight Attendant!AU
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 2,580
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"What should I get?" you inquired, lowering your voice as much as humanly possible so only Yunhyeong could hear you. Even though you were a tourist and this was your first time here, you didn't exactly want it to be obvious. The restaurant was tiny enough that eavesdropping was inevitable, but you could at least try to keep your conversation contained to your charming table for two.
"I had the Quiche Lorraine last time, and it was fantastic," Yunhyeong replied, his eyes still surveying the menu. "But this is absolutely one of those places where there are no wrong choices."
You nodded silently, biting the inside of your cheek as your gaze flitted back and forth between the menu and your dinner date -- partner. Sorry. Dinner partner sitting across from you.
"And," Yunhyeong continued, his grin peeking through in his voice when he spoke. "We can actually order alcohol this time."
You knit your brows in confusion, letting your eyes settle on him for more than a half-second. "What do you mean?"
Yunhyeong's smile grew just a fraction wider before he gently set down his menu, crossed his arms over the marble top of the table, and leaned toward you. (To put into perspective just how small the table was, by the way -- his cologne was now invading your sense because he was so close to you.)
"Remember your first day on the job?" he began, murmuring like he was revealing some confidential information.
You nodded, resisting the urge to copy his movements and lean in yourself.
"We were on the flight together, you had your nose pressed to the taxi window all the way into the city, we had a meal together -- just like today. But a year ago, we couldn't order any Sake because you had another flight later that day. Today, we can," he told you earnestly, though he ended his sentence with a blink-and-you-missed-it wink.
"How do you remember all that?" you whispered, frankly a bit flabbergasted that his memory was so good.
Yunhyeong simply shrugged before lifting his hand casually to wave over a server.
"Une bouteille de vin, s'il vous plait. Chateau Cos d'Estournel," he requested once the server arrived, the language flowing beautifully from his lips.
"Oui, Monsieur," the server muttered with a nod before turning on their heel and dashing elegantly toward the back of the restaurant.
You honestly weren't quite sure what to make of all this. First, Yunhyeong had arranged for you to fly to Paris as a friend-aversary gift. Second, he had told you that you look fantastic. Third, he had remembered virtually every detail of the first day the two of you had met. Fourth, he had just ordered a bottle of wine in nearly perfect French. In an incredibly romantic restaurant. In Paris.
"What kind of wine did you order?" you asked after clearing away the anxiety stuck in your throat.
Yunhyeong shot you a smirk, one so pleased and adorable that the anxiety you'd just cleared away came back with a vengeance. "Only the best," he replied.
Correction: he had just ordered a bottle of the best wine in nearly perfect French. In an incredibly romantic restaurant. In Paris.
The server returned, bottle and glasses in hand, only a couple of minutes later, deftly setting the wine glasses down in front of each of you and pouring the dark red liquid expertly.
"Merci," Yunhyeong murmured as the server left the bottle on the bottle on the table. "Encore quelques minutes avant de commander, s'il vous plait."
Again, the server nodded, turned on their heel, and dashed away.
Before you got the chance to ask what he'd said, Yunhyeong reached for his glass, lifting it gently by the stem and locking eyes with you. "To a full year of working together and, more importantly, being friends. And to, hopefully, many more to come. Many, many more," he toasted with that sparkle in his eye you knew so well.
"Many more," you managed to say, clinking your glass with his before surreptitiously taking a rather large gulp. After setting your glass down carefully, you pushed your chair back from the table. "I will -- oh, god, that wine is delicious. I just need to powder my nose, I'll be right back. If the server returns while I'm gone, I would like the boeuf bourguignon."
"Mm, yes, of course, go ahead," Yunhyeong replied quickly, his eyes on you as you swerved around the table to get to the restroom.
The second you ducked into the minuscule cubicle labeled Toilettes, you closed and locked the door behind you and slid your phone out of your pocket.
You had no time to think about time zones, and the person you were calling kept a very irregular schedule anyway; he could be awake at any hour of the day.
After three and a half rings, your heart racing the whole time, the line clicked, and you heard a somewhat sleepy "Yo," in your ear.
"Jae," you whispered. "I need to talk to you."
"...Where are you, and why are you whispering?"
"It doesn't matter. I mean, where I am does matter. I'm in Paris, and --"
"Dude, in Paris?! Since when?!"
"Since today, and that's part of it."
"Part of what?"
"Just let me explain!"
"Okay, okay, I'm listening."
You took a deep breath, hoping to calm your nerves so you could tell him everything without skipping any important detail. "You know my co-worker, Yunhyeong, right?"
"The dude you had a crush on for --"
"We're friends, okay," you interrupted. "But, yes. That one. Well, he surprised me by changing my schedule behind my back so we could fly to Paris and stay here for a few days. Because it's our friend-aversary -- he said that, not me. He literally used the word 'friend-aversary.' And he's taken me to this little restaurant by our hotel, and it's super romantic and charming, and he told me I look fantastic, and he mentioned something about him being incredibly less attractive than me, and he ordered their best bottle of wine, and he made this toast that was like 'to one year of friendship and many more to come. Many, many more.' And I just -- I don't know what to think."
Jae was quiet for quite a while, and you knew that meant he was thinking.
"I mean..." he began after almost half a minute. "I think you do know what to think, Y/N."
"...I do?"
You knew what you wanted to think. You wanted to think that Yunhyeong was actually being more than friendly. You wanted to think he was flirting with you.
"But he's a naturally friendly kind of guy," you explained. "He's super charming and outgoing, and everyone likes him. That kind of guy."
"Have you ever witnessed him flirting with someone?" Jae asked patiently.
"...I don't think so."
"Has he ever talked to you about anyone that he's romantically interested in?"
"And when I have been romantically interested in someone, have I talked to you about it?"
"...Yes. But that's different --"
"It's not different. I talk to you about that kind of stuff because I don't feel that way about you. No offense."
"None taken," you answered without missing a beat.
"But," Jae continued. "If I did feel that way about you, there's no way I would tell you about other people I'm interested in. Probably because I wouldn't be interested in other people, just you. This is purely hypothetical, by the way."
"Yeah, I know," you huffed, doing nothing to hide your annoyance. That's just the kind of relationship you had with Jae -- the two of you could be completely honest with each other. No holds barred, no hard feelings. "So... you're saying the reason he doesn't talk to me about that is because... he likes me?"
"I mean, it's not a foolproof theory, but I would say it's highly likely."
You stood there, blinking for a few seconds without replying. And then, "...So, what do I do?"
"I dunno, man."
"What do you mean you don't know?!"
"What do you want to do?!"
"I don't know!"
"Do you like him?"
"I've spent the past several months pretending I don't, but yes. I do."
"Then just tell him. Or ask him. Bring it up."
"But what if --"
"'What ifs' will ruin your life, Y/N," Jae scolded. "You either need to tell him, or you need to let it go. And if you don't decide tonight, you're going to let it distract you from having an amazing time in Paris."
You almost wanted to curse him for knowing you so well.
"What does your gut tell you?" he asked.
It seemed cheesy, but in order to answer his question, you closed your eyes. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. And you listened.
Yunhyeong was a friendly person, there was no doubt about that. He greeted everyone with a smile. He was helpful to everyone. He was, quite literally, the perfect Flight Attendant. But... there was something about that sparkle. The sparkle in his eye you knew so well -- remember that? You had always thought it was just his adorably mischievous side coming out, but... what if you were wrong.
What if that sparkle was just for you? And what if you knew it so well because he'd liked you this whole time?
The more you thought about it, the more you knew Jae was right.
You wouldn't come out and tell him that, of course, but he was right.
"My gut tells me that I need to tell him," you finally said, your voice soft but sure.
"Then go for it, my dude," Jae replied with an obvious smile.
His smile was contagious, and the corners of your lips curved up. "I will. Thank you."
"It's what I'm here for. And also poke bowl cravings. I'm here for that, too."
"Of course," you chuckled. "All right, I'm going to go back out there. Wish me luck."
"You don't need it," Jae assured you before he hung up.
After sliding your phone back into your pocket, you smoothed down the front of your trousers, tugged at the shoulders of your shirt, let out a quick exhale... and opened the door.
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"I'm so sorry about that," you said, chuckling breathlessly as you took your seat at the table once again.
"No, not at all," Yunhyeong grinned. "I just ordered a couple of minutes ago, so you didn't miss anything. Except my expert French."
"I am only letting you order when we go to eat somewhere, by the way." You returned his smile, picking up your wine glass and taking a sip -- not a gulp this time.
"Well, who am I to say 'no' to you?"
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you took that as your queue to actually go through with what you'd talked about on the phone with Jae.
"Can I..." you began, trying to maintain eye contact with him but finding yourself glancing at your wine glass. "Ask you something?"
Yunhyeong's brow furrowed gently, and he tilted his head the tiniest bit. "Of course."
"Is... this... a date?"
Four words had never been so nerve-wracking to say.
"Well, yes, of course, it is," he replied without hesitation. "It's our --"
"Friend-aversary," you finished for him. "But I mean... not a friend date. Like... a real date?"
Okay, those were the most nerve-wracking words you'd ever said.
Yunhyeong's expression immediately softened, but you couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He no longer looked curious or confused, and you kind of felt like he should be?
Unless... he wasn't confused about the answer or curious why you'd asked.
It seemed like an eternity before he continued on, though in reality, it was but a few moments.
"...Would like it to be. If you feel the same."
And Jae was right again.
You shifted in your seat, pressing your lips together to stop yourself from bursting into a grin. "I do, actually."
"Really?" Yunhyeong sighed. He reached one hand out, covering your fingers with his and gripping them.
When you nodded in response, Yunhyeong let out another sigh, hanging his head briefly before lifting it up to lock his gaze on you. "I've been wanting to go on a date with you for a long time," he admitted, though he certainly didn't sound shy about it.
"A long time?!" you laughed incredulously. "I've liked you for a long time!"
Yunhyeong quirked a brow at you. "...How long is long?"
"As long as possible. Since the first day. Remember how I kissed you on the cheek? I thought that was a pretty big giveaway that I was interested, but you didn't do anything about it, so I just thought we were going to be friends."
As soon as you'd said 'the first day,' Yunhyeong's jaw had dropped. And somehow, he even managed to make that look attractive.
"The first -- But I thought you were just thanking me!"
"...With a kiss on the cheek?" you chuckled.
"Well, yeah! Obviously! I didn't know it meant anything other than that!"
You lifted your other hand and placed it atop his, sandwiching his hand between your own. "For someone who always knows exactly how I'm feeling, how did you not pick up on that?" you asked, only slightly teasing.
Yunhyeong let out a huff and rolled his eyes at himself. "Let me tell you, I have never been able to pick up on cues like that. Not once in my life have I ever known when someone was flirting with me."
So, all this time... if you had just expressed your interest to his face...
Jae's words on the phone not ten minutes ago echoed in your head: What ifs will ruin your life, Y/N.
"Well," you said," picking up his hand and placing a soft, lingering kiss on his knuckles. "Just so you know, this is me flirting with you."
Yunhyeong threw his head back laughing, and you didn't care that all of the other patrons in the restaurant turned to look. You simply beamed over at him, stretching your legs out to tangle your ankles with his under the table.
Once the echo of his laughter faded away, he squeezed your hand and gazed at you with the most heart-wrenching smile. "I won't lie, I was wondering if you were going to figure it out."
"Figure what out?"
"Paris, the restaurant, the wine, the toast... I didn't think I was being subtle."
"No, you weren't," you chuckled. "Which is why I had to go to the toilettes and call Jae to ask his advice."
"That's what you were doing?!"
You nodded, your chuckle gently evolving into a laugh.
"Well," he said, his thumb skimming over the back of your hand. "Remind me to thank him when we get home."
You nodded once more, but his words -- as dumb as it sounds -- reminded you that you were, indeed, not at home. You were in Paris.
With Yunhyeong.
You were in the City of Love with someone you -- well, you didn't love him in that way right now, but you could certainly see yourself getting there one day.
Maybe even one day soon.
...This was going to be the best layover ever.
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Author's Note: if you're reading this, thank you so much! I know it's been a long, long, long time since I've posted any new fics, so I'm so grateful for anyone who has stuck with me. I can't promise I'll be posting on a more regular basis, but I can promise that I will try! 💜
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The Nutcracker Suite
Part V: The Mouse King's Castle
Pairing: Ju-ne/Koo Junhoe x You
Genre: Angst, Ballet!AU, Fluff, Regency!AU
Word Count: 4.2K
Warnings: N/A
Masterlist || <<Previous | Next>>
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The Mouse King’s castle stood tall and proud. Towers made of polished, white marble stretched towards the sky. The walls were long and made of stone. There wasn’t much else to see from the south side of the castle. That must be why they never showed the back of castles in fairy tales. Mouse soldiers walked around the perimeter, spears clutched in their paws.
The group had ducked into the woods, making sure to stay out of the mice soldier's line of sight. They tied the horses to a tree, making sure they didn’t run off again. General Hanbin pulled out the map that the Sugar Plum Fairy had given them. He placed it down on the ground, securing it with some nearby rocks.
“Okay, the Sugar Plum Fairy said that there was a secret entrance a few yards away from the south wall. There, we’ll enter into a secret passageway hidden within the castle walls. She marked the path to take that will lead us to the north side of the castle. Somewhere there is his royal treasury. We should find the egg somewhere there.”
“Should? Are we not certain that’s where the egg is?” Y/N said.
“The Sugar Plum Fairy hasn’t ever seen the egg or inside the castle,” Lieutenant Donghyuk explained. “She did her best to try and remember what the Mouse King’s said before. She helped us the best she could.”
General Hanbin rolled the map up before returning it to his sack. He slung it over his shoulder, making sure it was secured before leading the group away from the woods. They had to back-track slightly before the general led them down a steep hillside. The Uncrossable Seas were next to the hill, its waters sloshing along the grass. Next to the hill was a curtain of vines and leaves.
The General pushed the curtain aside to reveal a dark and damp tunnel. Ju-ne took Y/N’s hand as they entered the tunnel. It was dark--dark and quiet. The only sound was the ocean outside, and their footsteps as they stepped on the soaked, moss covered ground. The air around them was thick as they continued through the tunnel.
“Be careful,” General Hanbin called back. “We should be coming up to the secret passageway soon.”
And they were. Soon the soft moss ground changed to hard stone. The air was no longer thick with moisture, but thick with dust. The ocean sounds faded into a deafening nothingness. Their footsteps echoed off the stone walls--the only source of sound outside their breathing. Torches lined the walls, lighting the group’s way. Ju-ne kept a firm grip on Y/N’s hand, looking back once in a while to make sure she was still there with them.
Up ahead of them was a dead end. Lieutenant Donghyuk went to the front of the group, placing his ear against the wall. He knocked on the stones in a few different places before stepping back. Ever so carefully he pushed on one side of the wall. With a loud groan, the wall began to slowly spin, revealing the inside of the castle.
The group rushed through the entrance before the wall fell back into place, as if it had never been touched. The inside of the castle was exactly as you’d expect a castle to look. Soft carpets covered the floor under them. Priceless nicknacks were strategically placed on tables along the hallway. Paintings of kings and queens of old covered the walls. Gas lanterns gave the hallway a dim glow. The only thing missing was the servants and courtiers, but Y/N supposed the Mouse King had gotten rid of them.
“Okay, there’s two main corridors on the north side,” General Hanbin said, pulling the map from his sack. “We’ll divide into teams of two, then search for the egg. We’ll meet back here once we’ve finished searching. If none of us have found it, then we’ll have to search the entire castle. Understood?” Everyone nodded. “Excellent. Lady Y/N and the Nutcracker will take this corridor, Lieutenant Donghyuk and I will take this one.” General Hanbin put the map back in his sack before turning to the Lieutenant.
The four split up and went their separate ways. Ju-ne and Y/N went down their corridor, poking their heads into the different rooms. Most were empty bedrooms, cabinets, and bathrooms. The corridor seemed to stretch on forever, turning this way and that. The doors became fewer and fewer the further they went along.
At one point there was a split in the corridor. One could either continue to go straight, or venture off towards the left. Ju-ne and Y/N stopped, looking down both hallways. They both appeared identical from a first glance. They needed to check every room they could, but going together would take too much time. The longer they remained in the castle, the more likely they were to be caught.
“You take the corridor on the left. I’ll continue straight,” Y/N said, glancing at Ju-ne briefly before she started walking. He barely caught her wrist and pulled her back to him. He stared down at her, eyes focused on her, reading her. Y/N felt her heartbeat pick up the longer he stared at her. He seemed to have that effect on her, making her sweat and heat up. In fact, it actually infuriated her how good he was at leaving her head in a blissfully fuzzy state of being.
“Absolutely not,” he finally said. He was also very good at telling her “no”. She pulled her hand away from his, crossing her arms over her chest. “If something happens to you and I’m not there I--” He struggled to finish his sentence, staring at her hopelessly. “We need to stay together.” Y/N’s gaze softened slightly. She could never find it in her to be in a sour mood when those big, brown eyes were staring at her.
“I understand your concern, but if we don’t split up, we’ll be here forever. Then we shall most definitely be caught. No, we must split up. Once we’ve checked all the rooms, we’ll meet right back here. Okay?” Ju-ne looked like he wanted to argue, but one look from Y/N had him nodding his head in agreement. She smiled triumphantly before continuing, alone, down the corridor.
The longer she traveled alone, the more paranoid she began to feel. She tried not to look at the paintings that lined the walls. Every time she glanced up, it was like those black, unmoving, abysses were staring down at her. She swallowed thickly, wrapping her arms around herself. She took deep breaths, letting her mind focus on everything else.
Domestic thoughts began to take over her head. Thoughts of Sunday morning brunches, picnics in an amazing and lucious garden, reading as it poured outside, and even thoughts of children. These were thoughts she rarely had, unless she was reading a rather romantic book, but they floated around in her head nonetheless. And they all circled around one individual.
Up ahead, at the very end of the corridor, was a singular door. The corridor ended with the room. There were no other hallways to turn down or rooms to explore. Y/N’s steps seemed to slow down the closer she got to the door. Her breathing became shallow as every part of her being became hyper aware of everything around her. Only when she was right outside the door did she finally stop.
The door seemed to loom over her like a shadow. It both beckoned and cast her away. She turned around briefly, pondering if she should walk away. She shook the thought from her head. Everyone was counting on her: the Sugar Plum Fairy, Jiwon, Jinhwan, Lieutenant Donghyuk, General Hanbin, Ju-ne… Pushing her own selfish thoughts aside, she slowly turned the door knob.
The door swung open with a surprising amount of ease. It was completely dark inside--dark and quiet. Ever so slowly, Y/N stepped in, leaving the door ajar to cast some light in the room. It looked like an office of sorts. There was a long table with a chair at the end, closest to Y/N. In fact, that’s all there seemed to be in the mysterious room. She frowned, her body slumping slightly. Something felt wrong. There was something in Y/N’s mind telling her this was wrong, but she couldn’t figure out why.
Turning around, Y/N found herself in complete darkness. She rushed back to where the door had been, but she couldn’t seem to find a door handle. Panic filled her as she tried to look around the room, yet no matter how long she stared, her eyes couldn’t seem to adjust. She began to bang on the door, calling out for help.
“They aren’t going to hear you.” Each word was drawn out unnecessarily as, ever so slowly, light began to fill the room.
She kept her face towards the wall, her spine straightening. Her hands rested flat, as her eyes remained downcast. She knew that voice. Slowly she turned around.
The Mouse King sat at the other end of the table, his small crown atop his head. His elbow rested on the arm of the chair as the magic sceptor laid on the table in front of him. He was staring at her, but his gaze almost seemed bored. As if her being here was nothing more than a dip in his day.
“Have a seat.” He gestured to the chair in front of her. She sat down, keeping her eyes trained on him. Her breathing was steady, but her heart pounded in her chest. She wondered faintly if he could hear it. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. “Remarkable.”
“Excuse me?” Her voice was clear and sharp.
“Remarkable. Don’t think I forgot our last encounter. The bump on the back of my head is a constant reminder of who you are.” He winced slightly. She smirked, watching as he stood from his chair, swiping the scepter off the table. “You and I have quite a few things to discuss, Lady Y/N.”
“How do you know my name?” she inquired, standing up. They slowly began pacing around the table, eyes locked. He chuckled slightly, shaking his long head. “Do I amuse you, your Majesty?”
“Not particularly. But she does.” He waved the scepter, and an image of the Sugar Plum Fairy appeared. She was pacing the length of her room, clearly frustrated. “She still thinks that I can’t see her, as if her magic can hide her from me.” He waved and the image disappeared. He turned back towards Y/N. “As I said, you and I have quite a few things to discuss.”
“That we do,” she conceded. “For starters, that doesn’t belong to you.” She watched as he went to the nearby fireplace, using it to start a roaring fire. The flames danced across his face as a stoic look took over.
“No, it does not,” he agreed. “It belonged to the Emperor, and in his absence, it belongs to his son. Your precious nutcracker.” The Mouse King shook his head and let out a deep sigh. “You must understand, I am not the bad guy.”
“You think so? From where I’m standing, you seem to fit the role quite well,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Yes. I suppose she has painted the image perfectly. Evil and power-hungry. Nothing is more convincing than taking your own traits and projecting them onto someone else. Especially when that other person is innocent and doesn’t see what’s going on.” He turned to her, paw clenched around the scepter. “I would like to tell you a story, Lady Y/N.”
“Why should I listen to a word you say?”
“Because if you ever wish to see your nutcracker again, you’ll sit and listen.” His voice was calm, but his black eyes flashed red, causing her to take a couple steps back. Surprised, she sat down, but her eyes stayed on him and her body was rigid.
“Not too long ago, the Emperor announced that he would no longer be ruling over us, that his time as the emperor had passed. His power would be passed down to his heir, and everyone was apprehensive. The Prince was aloof and politically inept, but we couldn’t disobey the Emperor. Until the Prince was of proper age, the reigning Sugar Plum and I were to keep order amongst the empire.
“The Sugar Plum Fairy grew impatient. I tried to talk with her, to get her to see reason, but she refused. I could tell she was growing too fond of her temporary power. Maybe if I had voiced my concerns, things wouldn’t have progressed the way they did.
“I happened to be wandering the palace late one night, unable to sleep, when I noticed the Prince’s door ajar. I stepped inside to find the Sugar Plum Fairy standing over him as he laid fast asleep. I shall spare you any more details.
“I had forced her out of the palace and seized the scepter from her. What I hadn’t realized was that while I was busy holding in my concerns, she had convinced the courtiers and servants that I craved the crown myself. That being a reigning Lord hadn’t been enough for me. I, unfortunately, only cemented her words when I threw her from the palace.
“I knew that, given the chance, she’d go after the Prince. To keep him safe, I did the only thing I could think of. I turned him into a nutcracker and sent him far away, claiming he had perished. What I hadn’t expected was for him to fall into the lap of a girl. I hadn’t expected him to find you, but maybe now things can be righted.”
“What makes you think I’d believe a word you said?” Her heart was pounding in her chest as she listened to him.
“Why did you take the key from her room?”
A small gasp left her mouth as she fought the urge to reach for it. They watched each other for several minutes. There was conflict inside her. After all, what he said was completely plausible. On the other hand, as he had said himself, nothing is more convincing than taking your own traits and projecting them onto someone else.
He lifted the scepter above him, and the one thing she’d been looking for appeared on the table before her. It was a small, ornate egg, covered in gold and precious gems. Her mouth fell open as she stared at it. There it was, the one thing she needed to defeat him and return home, just within reach, and yet, she couldn’t bring herself to grab it. She glanced over to him.
“Take it,” he said, waving the scepter again so the door reappeared. “Take it to Ju-ne.”
She snatched the egg off the table and ran out the door, nearly collapsing in the hallway. When she turned around, the door was gone. Her hand went to her pocket, where she could feel the outline of the key. She let out a breath, placing the egg into the pocket of her dress skirt.
She made her way through the castle, back to where she and Ju-ne agreed to meet. She waited for a few minutes, but after a while, it seemed like he wasn’t coming. Curiously she went in search of General Hanbin and Lieutenant Donghyuk, yet where everyone agreed to meet, they couldn’t be found. She nearly smacked herself in the face. Of course the Mouse King had been distracting her.
She blew out a puff of air and began her search of the castle. She went through many corridors, yet they all seemed to lead back to where she started, but even after a while she couldn’t remember where she started. Everything seemed the same and yet nothing was familiar. Paintings seemed to move and doors disappeared as soon as you turned.
She sat on the floor, bringing her knees to her chest. She had to think of something before it was too late. She scooted over to the nearby wall and pressed her ear against it. She slowly lifted her hand and began knocking various places.
Further down than where she’d been sitting, where she knocked sounded hollow. Summoning all her might, she shoved her shoulder into the wall. It swung with surprising ease and she tumbled into another area of the castle.
No more endless halls, she came to a second floor with a railing that peered down. Looking down she saw two mouse guards in front of a door. She nibbled on her bottom lip, looking around. She walked along the railing until the room was below her and she could no longer see the soldiers.
What she did see was a solution. Taking a pin from her hair, she crouched down to undo the lace of her boot. She tied each end of the lace to a pole along the railing. She placed the pin in the center and aimed for a vase in the opposite room. She exhaled softly, letting the pin go. It flew, knocking the vase off the shelf and drawing the soldiers away. She ran to a nearby velvet drape and slid down it. She shook her rug burned hands and quickly stepped into the room, being sure to shut the door quietly.
Her face fell as she discovered the room was empty. Her shoulders slumped as she backed herself against the door. Fooled, once again. She wanted to shout. What was the point of placing guards in an empty room? To trick her of course. Now that she was in the room, she either had to stay or risk being caught by the guards.
She pushed herself away from the door. There had to be a way out, like in the hallways. After all, that was his game: rats in a maze. She went to walk to the other side of the room and fell backwards. She rubbed her forehead, reaching a tentative hand out.
There was an invisible wall before her, cutting the room in half. It felt like glass.She let out a mirthless laugh. She went over to grab a nearby torch and went to smash it against the wall. The wall shattered and revealed the second half of the room. Still empty, there was at least another door. Dropping the torch, she opened the door.
It revealed a set of stone stairs leading up. Picking up her skirts, she began her climb. There were no windows and the only lights came from the torches that appeared just as the light from the last one nearly disappeared. She continued to climb until she came to a second door.
She pushed it open and found General Hanbin, Lieutenant Donghyuk, and Ju-ne in the room looking miserable and angry.
“Ju-ne!” She ran to him and threw her arms around his wooden neck, nearly laughing.
“Y/N? How did you find us?” He pulled away from her slightly, mouth open. She waved his question away.
“Lady Y/N, are we glad to see you!” Lieutenant Donghyuk bowed his head, a genuine smile on his face. General Hanbin nearly nodded.
“I’m so happy to have found you all, but we can’t stay here. Any longer and I fear the Mouse King shall try something else to prolong our visit,” she said. She turned towards the door. There was no guarantee that they wouldn’t be caught. Inside the room was rope, probably used to tie them up and a window overlooking the woods at the edge of a cliff that dropped into the Uncrossable Seas. Even on a clear day, the waters looked violent.
“I can see the gears in your head turning. What is it, Y/N?” Ju-ne asked.
“How well can you swim?” she inquired, stepping away from the window.
“Irrelevant. I’m made of wood. Why do you ask?”
“I have an idea, but it’s mad.” She told them her idea, and seeing no alternative, they all reluctantly agreed.
Lieutenant Donghyuk took his elbow and smashed the window out, pushing out any spare shards as best he could. General Hanbin was the first to exit, holding fast onto the rope as Lieutenant Donghyuk followed. Both men were arguing with each other as Ju-ne pulled Y/N to the side.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I know staying here is dangerous, but at least you know you’d be… okay.” The word he wanted to say refused to leave his mouth. She smiled sweetly, placing a hand on his arm.
“If you think this has been the most terrifying part of my day, I envy you.”
“I am a nutcracker.” They smiled at one another before he stepped away to climb out the window. She followed suit and once they were all outside, they jumped.
The waters were harsh, cold, and relentless in their assault against the group. As they plunged into the black depths of the Uncrossable Seas, an unseeable force kept them down. Y/N struggled as she fought her way back to the surface. Slowly she made her way back to the surface as her lungs screamed for air.
Once she broke the surface she gasped, only to be thrown back down into the water. She resisted the urge to shout and shut her eyes. She pushed herself back to the surface and fought to keep her head above the thrashing water.
Ju-ne was nearby, on his back, as the water failed to drag him underneath. She swam towards him, throwing herself over his torso as he bobbed. He brought his hand to her back, rubbing it gently. She turned slightly, catching sight of the green military jacket. Using him as a board, she pushed them to the jacket where General Hanbin was struggling to stay afloat.
She pulled him over Ju-ne’s torso and began her search for Lieutenant Donghyuk. She couldn’t seem to find him anywhere. The longer they stayed floating, the more she worried. Unable to wait any longer, she pushed off of Ju-ne. He went to grab her, but she slipped through his grasp.
She dove into the waters, allowing the waves to push her further down. She swam out several yards, ignoring her need for oxygen, when she spotted the bright red pants. She swam towards him, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him up towards the surface. The water fought against her, but she fought back twice as hard.
Soon the pair broke the surface, gasping for air. General Hanbin maneuvered Ju-ne’s body towards them and helped her drape the Lieutenant across him. They pushed his body towards the nearby shore, where the horses were waiting for them.
“Lieutenant Donghyuk?” Y/N shook him gently, before pressing harshly onto his stomach. He began coughing up water, turning to his side as he choked. She gave his back several firm pats as he slowly regained his ability to breath. “Welcome back, Lieutenant.”
“That’s twice now you’ve saved my life.” He gave her a weak smile. His voice was hoarse from all the salt he swallowed. “Please, call me DK.”
“As you wish.”
“It’s almost nightfall,” General Hanbin called. “We’ll go a little further into the woods and make camp.” He grabbed his horse and wasted no time in marching into the woods. Ju-ne and Y/N helped DK onto his horse, then grabbed Cinnamon and Cocoa to follow the General into the woods.
As General Hanbin set up a fire for DK to rest by, Y/N took a seat on a nearby log next to Ju-ne. He was staring down at the ground. Their backs were to the others.
“It was a waste to come here. We almost died, and we didn’t get the egg.” Ju-ne let out a sigh, resting his head in his hand. She bit her lip, glancing over her shoulder to make sure the others were still occupied. She reached into the pocket of her dress and produced the golden egg. His mouth fell open as he looked at it. “How did you--”
“The Mouse King gave it to me. He knew we were coming to get it, and he knows where the Sugar Plum Fairy is. He told me a lot of things, but before we do anything else, we need to know what’s in this egg.” She pulled out the small key and placed it in his hand. “This is your birthright. Not hers.”
Ever so slowly, he put the key into the small hole and turned it until a series of clicks echoed. He opened the egg and revealed a mirror. It was simple, yet deeply profound as he stared into it.
“But, I don’t understand.”
“Can’t you see?” she said, moving to crouch in front of him. “It’s you who’s going to save us. You are your kingdom’s greatest strength. You don’t need anyone but yourself.”
“How can you be so sure? You’ve heard what everyone’s said about the prince. They believe they’re better off without me.”
“And look how well you being gone has turned out for them.” She stood up, placing her hands on her hips. She garnered the attention of General Hanbin and DK, both of whom were watching with confusion. “You are Prince Koo Junhoe. The pity party is over. We’re returning to the Safe Haven and we’re ending this war. Once and for all.”
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soundsofcicadas · 10 months
Swan Song, part one
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Pairing: Koo Junhoe x Reader (f)
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, Childhood best friends, Junhoe is a former idol, Friends to lovers
Count: 2781
Warnings: None
Synopsis: After an unexpected encounter with your childhood best friend Junhoe, years after drifting apart, your rekindled friendship blooms anew. However, life takes a turn when he asks you to pen an article for his upcoming wedding. And as you become entangled in his personal life, you find yourself catching feelings for him, but a concealed secret behind his decision to abandon his idol career is soon to be unveiled by you.
It was a dreary, rain-soaked afternoon and you found yourself carrying a couple of grocery bags, each lightly dampened by the persistent drizzle. The rain had already drenched your umbrella, rendering it almost useless. You let out a sigh and quickened your pace, hoping to reach your apartment before the rain grew heavier. Upon crossing the street, you noticed an old record store nestled between a quaint cafe and a cozy bookstore. You glanced up and saw its faded sign bore the name “Good Oldies,” and a sudden sense of nostalgia washed over you. 
“Should I?” you asked yourself with some hesitation. You looked at the groceries in your hands for a moment before a faint smile appeared on your face. Despite them weighing you down, curiosity got the better of you.
You pushed open the creaky door of the record store. A soft bell tinkled above as you stepped in, greeted by the familiar scent of old vinyl and the gentle hum of music playing on a vintage turntable. Rows upon rows of vinyl records filled the store, their covers adorned with vibrant artwork and the promise of forgotten melodies. You set your grocery bags down and began flipping through the albums, each one a portal to a different era. Lost in the world of music, you finally settled on a Billie Holiday record, its cover portraying the singer's side view posing behind a purplish background. As you held the record in your hands, your eyes caught a tall figure browsing by the “Rock” section in the next aisle. Aside from the cashier patiently waiting at the counter, only the two of you were the customers inside. You couldn't help but stare at the mysterious man in front of you. He was wearing jeans, paired with a matching brown corduroy blazer and a baseball cap. You could see him picking up a Bob Dylan record and once he turned around, you glanced up to see his face clearly.
You froze, your eyes fluttered rapidly.
Even if you could only see half of his face you surely recognized him. A jumble of emotions rushed through you – surprise, longing? A twinge of anxiety. 
Is it really him? No it's definitely him! Should I approach him? What if he doesn't recognize me?
Without further thought, you took a deep breath and cleared your throat. He was about to walk towards the counter when your voice broke through the soft veil of background music in the sparsely populated store. 
“Junhoe?” you called.
Junhoe halted and took a glimpse at you, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
Your heart sank, but you pressed on moving closely to him. “It's me, Y/n. We used to live next door to each other when we were kids.”
Junhoe turned to face you completely.
“Y/n?” he mumbled.
Familiarity dawned on him as he began examining the stranger standing before him – from the contours of your face, to the soft curve of your cheeks. Your long ebony hair, still dampened from the rain. Your eyes were bright, widened in astonishment. He saw you wearing a long white sundress covered in an oversized baby pink coat, a Lady Satin album in your hands.
You were his childhood best friend, until he dropped out in middle school and left for the city to pursue his dreams. You were the one he promised to call and write but never did. When did he forget about you? He couldn't even remember. Junhoe tried to navigate through his lost memories of you, and for some unknown reason, he found comfort in recalling how you used to exude a carefree spirit when you two were still young. You were one of the boys in the neighborhood and never changed your circle of friends, even when you all started attending school up to your adolescence. He fondly remembered how, during your escapades together, you would match your energy with him and the boys in the group effortlessly. Being the eldest among the six of them, you naturally assumed the role of an older sister. You  became their protector against mean kids if any of them were bullied.
Junhoe's gaze lingered on the subtle changes in your style, the way your clothing reflects your femininity. Your posture now carried a touch of maturity but your features still looked youthful, untouched by the passage of time. Gone was the Y/n who hunted for frogs and insects with him in her tees and chucks.
Junhoe didn't notice he had likely gotten lost in his thoughts for a tad too long. He witnessed how the sparkle within your deep brown eyes dimmed slightly, and how you looked down with embarrassment after not receiving a response from him. It caused him a sense of mild panic. He was like a startled bird as he realized he had forgotten to speak.    
“Y/n? Is that really you?” Junhoe's response came out nervously, but a slowly growing smile followed.
Your demeanor shifted as relief swept over you; a grin spread across your face. “Yes, it's me! I can't believe it's you too!”
“You didn’t have to pay for it, you know.” you said shyly to Junhoe, pertaining to the album he bought for you from the record store. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as you and Junhoe sat across from each other in a secluded corner of the coffee shop. The clinking of cups and hushed conversations along with the playing jazz melody formed as a gentle backdrop to your reunion.
“It's not free! You're paying for my coffee.” Junhoe teased, earning a laugh from you.
“You bet it's my treat today!” you nodded with a grin. There was a brief pause when you added,“Thank you Junhoe for coming here with me. I'm not taking too much of your time, am I?”
Junhoe shook his head. “Oh no Y/n! I'm actually on a vacation right now. I was here just a few days ago.”
So this is why he's back. You mused.
Taking a sip from the hot caramel macchiato you ordered, you had a chance to observe Junhoe over the brim of your cup – the white undershirt suited his ensemble that day. You knew the baseball cap perched casually on his head was not just a simple accessory. It created a shield of privacy around him from the curious gazes of onlookers given the fact that Junhoe was still a celebrity. You didn't mind ordering for him. You knew he wanted to pick a spot away from the prying eyes of customers, hence to where the two of you are now nestled. It offered a discreet setting to catch up after all those years.   Junhoe peeked through the misty glass of the cafe's window, where the rain seemed to have turned into light pattering before he glimpsed back at you.
“It's been so long, Y/n. I can't believe we're sitting here after all these years.”
You beamed at him and set your coffee down on the tabletop, “I know, right? Life has taken us on such different paths.”
Junhoe's expression shifted, a hint of remorse tugging at his sharp features. “Y/n, I feel terrible for not keeping in touch, especially considering how close we were.”
Your gaze softened, but your smile was unwavering. “It's okay, Junhoe. You were chasing your passion and you built a new life for yourself outside this town. Not all of us were headed in the same direction anyway. It genuinely made me happy to see you thriving. I've always been proud of you, Junhoe.”
A sudden curiosity piqued Junhoe. 
“Proud?” he repeated, his brows creasing from what you had told him.
“How do I say this…” you uttered, your sight dipping to the stain of your lipstick in your coffee cup as if seeking solace. You felt a pang of embarrassment tickling the edges of your consciousness, a quiet voice whispering the fear that your actions might be misconstrued. You didn't want him to think you were some sort of fervent, overzealous stalker. A faint blush tinted your cheeks, your fingers fidgeted nervously with the fabric of your dress.
”I followed your journey as a singer Junhoe. Your rise to fame was like a whirlwind. Your voice was everywhere.” you divulged. “I even went to some of your concerts to be honest.”
Junhoe's awe hung in the air from your confession, yet he held no judgement from it. He was grateful, flattered to say the least.
Junhoe's lips formed into a warm smile.
“I wish I had known that, Y/n. Thank you.” he said to you with care.
“But I’m definitely not a saesang or anything.” you reassured him. You didn’t dare to meet Junhoe’s eyes because sharing this information with him made you feel exposed, yet you continued, “You were the closest friend I ever had, and I guess I've always clung to the belief that your dreams would come true. Regardless of the passing years and not hearing anything from you, you still have a special place in my heart.”
Junhoe began to feel the weight of your words, a surge of sorrow and regret engulfed him. He reflected on how your connection with each other in the past was unbreakable. His inseparability with you was the envy of the other boys in your circle. You had always favored him, making your bond together a more special one. You stood by him, especially during his appearances in school talent shows and local town festivals. You consistently supported him to the point where you recorded his audition tapes sent to entertainment companies. Junhoe got accepted by YG Entertainment eventually, and your joy that day for him was immeasurable. You even brought the boys with you to accompany him on his first day of training to the company.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n.” Junhoe stated, his face grim. “You know, during those years, I was so caught up with the hectic demand of my career. I lost contact with a lot of people, including you.” Junhoe was struggling to find the right words, knowing that they might come across as excuses for not reaching out for such a long time. Yet, they were the only words he could muster.
The fervent pursuit of Junhoe's dream to become a singer, resulted in his connections to slip away like grains of sand through his fingers. The  rigors of his training consumed his time and energy, leaving little room to see or talk to his circle of friends. Gradually, Junhoe started living at the company's dormitory which made him more detached from them. Their relationship began to fray due to his lack of communication – the letters he'd forgotten to read, calls gone to voicemail and most importantly the highlights of his friends' lives he missed out on knowing and witnessing, causing both sides to finally dwindle into silence. As Junhoe marched toward his debut, the overwhelming preparation and anticipation completely absorbed him. The spotlight of the stage beckoned, and the weight of his ambition denied him the opportunity to look backwards. The vortex of his rise to fame kept him farther from his roots. Recording sessions, photo shoots, TV appearances and tours became the center of his everyday life. It cast him into a turbulence of events that seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. The adoration of fans, the flashes of cameras and the cheers of crowds all consumed his focus. The memories of his friends back in his hometown became a blur, their faces fading like distant constellations in the night sky.
The realization of how you held onto your belief that he would achieve his aspirations, had affected Junhoe in some kind of way. Your persistence in tracking his path as a singer astounded him. He was profoundly moved how you cherished your friendship after such a long period of being apart.
However at that exact moment, a haunting thought emerged within Junhoe, creeping into the recesses of his mind like an uninvited guest. In your presence, a world he had thought he'd left behind reignited, casting a shadow of pain over him. A bittersweet memory of a dream that had once been within his grasp, disappeared as swiftly as a fleeting breath.
You returned your attention back to Junhoe. It was not your intention to cause him any negative feelings.
“Please don't feel bad, Junhoe.” you pleaded. “We were kids, and circumstances changed. I never held it against you.”
Junhoe had somehow found consolation in your words, although a subtle ache still persisted beneath the surface.
“Thank you, Y/n. That means a lot to me.” he said sincerely. 
“I know this may sound too much Junhoe, but I knew then you were destined to be a singer. You weren't meant to be stuck in this town like me.” you declared. “That’s why it made me sad when you retired from music. You were at the peak of your career, but I truly get it and I still support you pursuing other things.”
Junhoe leaned back in his chair and looked at the momentarily forgotten coffee on the table, as if searching for the right answer. He was torn between vulnerability and a desire to protect the fragile facade he had built. He wrestled between overwhelming emotions, a torrent of memories he had forgotten now resurfacing. A cascade of what-ifs and maybes flooded his mind, reminding him of the dreams he had once harbored.
Junhoe offered a fleeting smile, a fragile acknowledgment that your words touched a chord within him. But he remained guarded, his response veiled by the walls he had erected to secure himself from the agonizing truth he had long concealed.
“You're kind to say that.” Junhoe murmured softly, his gaze now meeting yours. His voice carried a weight of both resignation and yearning, a silent plea for understanding. It was a response that revealed the depth of his struggle, a battle between the echoes of his dreams and the reality he had come to accept.
“I'm into writing poetry now, Y/n. I’ve published a few books and it’s been therapeutic for me.” Junhoe revealed. “I guess, I’m still part of the music industry. I occasionally produce music for my fellow artists.”
“That’s amazing Junhoe!” you responded, providing him with warm encouragement. “It's incredible how you continue to explore and evolve as an artist. I wasn’t lucky to obtain a copy of your last book though, it got easily sold out!”
Junhoe appreciated your attempt to inject a lighthearted laugh into the conversation, as a means to thaw the seriousness of it. But talking about himself had begun to tire him out, prompting him to steer the discussion to you.
“Enough of me Y/n, how have you been?” Junhoe asked. “Are you still friends with Hanbin and the other boys?”
“Me? Oh, I'm also a writer like you, but it's for a local lifestyle magazine.” You shared, your voice laced with enthusiasm as you seamlessly followed along with his transition of topic. “And yes, I’m still friends with the boys. Hanbin now teaches elementary school kids. Would you believe that?”
“Wow! Really?” Junhoe’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Yeah. Yun works as a master chef at a fancy hotel in Seoul. As for Jiwon, he has his own family already. Him and Dong both resided in the US after graduation, but they live in different states. Dong has his own dance studio somewhere in LA.”
A comfortable atmosphere began to envelop the two of you, and Junhoe felt his shoulders visibly relax as he listened to your stories about your childhood friends. It offered a refreshing change from his life in the spotlight. Engaging to hear every detail of their lives, he couldn't help but recognize how much he missed them and how happy it made him that they were all doing so well through the years.
Until a specific event sparked in Junhoe's mind, inspiring him to extend an invitation to you. He saw this as an opportunity to keep the rekindled connection you both shared, a bond he was determined not to let fade away as he had done in the past.
“Y/n, would you be interested in joining me for an art exhibit tomorrow night? Feel free to bring Hanbin and your other friends as well, if you'd like.” Junhoe asked you excitedly.
A glint appeared in your eyes upon hearing the kind gesture. “I would love to Junhoe! That's wonderful because I like art a lot.“
“That's great, Y/n! I'll text you the address.“ Junhoe replied cheerfully, looking forward to seeing you again.
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yangwonz · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: you and jake have been the biggest fans of ikon for as long as your friends can remember. it was no suprise, that the two of you went crazy when it was revealed that they will perform at the LOCO festival! after getting the tickets, time went by quickly and now it’s almost time to leave your tiny city for the 3 best days of your life! the only problem is that you guys are not friends anymore.
PAIRING: kinda fboy!jake x fem!reader
GENRE: smau, festival au, comedy, fluff, angst here and there, slowburn kinda, (ex-)friends to ??? (that’s gonna be a suprise)
WARNINGS: english is not my first language, ignore the timespams, lots of cursing, jokes about death, alcohol consume, sexual jokes, smoking/vaping, jealousy, oh and jakehoon are kinda assholes :(
FEATURING: members of enhypen and txt, ikon + kim hanbin, a bunch of khh artists and kpop groups/soloists (cameo as performers)
STATUS: ongoing ! (slow updates)
TAGLIST: open <3
A/N: so i decided to rewrite my U MAD?! jake smau!!! i feel i didn’t really put into much thought at the beginning. and this smau deserves to be wayyy more planned out! so here i am again, trying to make a comeback on the tumblr writers scene >< U MAD?? is now back as LOCO (9:00PM) please come and follow the group on their journey at the LOCO festival! also the header will be changed for the better i swear 😭
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0.0 profiles:
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Seonghwa) - Suggestive
Shoo Fly! - Hongjoong - 3rd POV
Worst Date Scenario - Yeosang x OC
The Orchard - Jongho x reader 
Stay or Go - Mingi x reader
The Lighthouse - Yunho x reader - suggestive 
Metamorphosis - Yeosang x reader - yandere 
Genie - Wooyoung x  Hongjoong x reader - yandere
The Convention - Seonghwa x reader 
Unfriended - San x reader - yandere
AOMG/ h1ghrmusic/MoreVision
The Trolls - Jay Park - Poem
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park - Fluff
The Collector _ Jay Park - Humour 
Backstreet Boys Party - Jay Park x Backstreet Boys - Horror 
Altar - Moonbin x reader- Horror yandere
Big Bang 
Cursed! - Jiyong x reader 
Birthday Cake - Minhyuk x Reader - Suggestive
Dean - Kwon Hyuk
Torment of the Demon -Dean   x reader - yandere
The P.I - Yunho x OC - Detective AU
The P.I (2) - Yunho - Detective AU
Forget Me Not - Jaejoong x OC
Once Upon A Time - Jaejoong x OC
No Exit - Junsu x OC x Jaejoong - Suggestive
The Boss - Junsu x OC
Linked by Ink - Jaejoong x reader - fluff - fantasy 
The Rooms - Changmin x Minho x reader 
Season of the Witch - Junsu x reader -yandere
Carnival of Fright -  Heeseung - Horror 
Worst Date Scenario - Kyungsoo x Reader
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Sehun) - Suggestive
The Honey Trap - Lay x reader - Suggestive  
Flight 472 - Kai x reader - fluff
Office Dalliance - Suho x reader - smut 
The Satyr - Xuimin - humour 
Imprint -  Baekhyun x reader - yandere smut 
Truth best told cold - Suho x reader - yandere 
Re-Run? - OT7 x OC 
Re-Run, Re-Run - OT7 x OC
The Maintence Guy - Junhoe x reader 
Monsta X
Truth Captured - Kihyun
Romantic getaway in October -  Hyungwon x reader -  horror 
Night Terrors - Minhyuk x reader - yandere
Here Kitty, Kitty! - Joohoney x reader - yandere horror 
Revenge is best served in high heels - Yandere Johnny
The Purple - Taeyong x OC - Implied Smut
The Purple (2) - Taeyong x OC 
Worst Date Scenario - Yuta
Aliens Are Here! - Mark x OC - X-Files AU
Baby Doll - Doyoung x reader - Yandere
I Wonder - Haechan x reader - yandere
Mark and the guys in black -  Mark x reader
Green Tea Fangs - Jaehyun x reader - suggestive- horror
The Mechanic - Taeil l x reader - yandere 
The Tribe - Leedo x OC - Fluff
The Sculptor - Wooseok x reader - yandere 
The Rose
The Garden - Woosung x reader - yandere 
Catnip Man Series - Jeonghan x OC - Fluff
Worst Date Scenario - Mingyu x OC
Roadside Service - Seungkwan x reader - fluff
The Shortcut - Joshua x reader
Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) -  Jeonghan x reader - Yandere 
Party -  Minghao x reader 
Autons. - Vernon x reader - sci fi - horror
Home - Kibum (Key) x reader 
The Rooms - Minho x Changmin x reader 
The Tribe (2) - Multiple x OC
Cancelled Flight - SF9 x OC
The 10 O’Clock - Rowoon x reader - smut
Chapstick Caper - Jaeyoon x reader 
Narcissus - Hwiyoung x reader - Suggestive - yandere 
Friends with Benefits - Jaeyoon x reader 
Stray Kids
The Arena - Bang Chan - King of Hell
Munchausen syndrome by proxy. -  Hyunjin x reader - yandere
Drenched payback - Minho x reader 
The Interrogation. - Christopher x reader - horror 
Super Junior 
Bus Ride - Donghae x reader 
Welcome To Reality - Jinhyuk x Reader - Yandere
Compiler -  Gyehyeon x reader - horror 
Timemaster - Seungsik x Reader
Replacement - Leo x OC - Yandere
Wanna One 
Sneakers - Sungwoon x reader - fluff
The Changeling - Kang Daniel x reader 
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park x OC
The Collector - Jay
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Wooyoung) - Suggestive
Stress Relief - Junho x reader - smut 
Fragrant Obsession - Jun.k x reader - yandere
Kdrama Actor
Mr. S - Lee Dong Wook x OC - Suggestive
The Marionettist.- Lee Dong Wook x reader - yandere
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flurrys-creativity · 9 months
Super Fox
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Pairing: Donghyuk (iKon) x GN!Reader; Genre: Hybrid AU, Shifter AU, Fluff, hints of angst; Rating: sfw, PG-15; Warnings: hints of danger towards hybrids within a human society; Wordcount: 433
Summary: Living in a society where you have to hide your animal traits, it is a relief to drive out into nature and simply be yourself together with the one you love.
A/N: The second cocktail I wrote for the tipsy drabbles this time! Also pleasing my current iKon obsession with this!! Please enjoy this!
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Donghyuk tapped the steering wheel, humming along to the radio as he stared through the windshield screen.
Once a month he grabbed you and drove with you away from the bustling city. Even if it was just for one day - sometimes even just an afternoon - both of you needed that time to come back to your roots.
Roots that weren’t quite usual in the human world. 
You tilted your head to the side and watched Donghyuk with a soft smile on your lips. His fox ears already popped out without him noticing it. They flicked in excitement the closer you got to the forest. You reached a hand over to them, brushing over the velvety fur of his ears.
Donghyuk laughed quietly and glanced over to your side. “Fox’s out of the bag, huh?” His ears flicked again underneath your touch. 
You giggled and slightly turned on your seat, revealing your own fox tail. “Guess so.”
Donghyuk reached over to you, gently squeezing your thighs. “We’ll be there soon.” He intertwined fingers with yours, grinning when you started to play with them.
“I know”, you mumbled as you continued to caress his hand, “I just can’t wait to turn fully again.” You looked up at him, seeing him nod along.
In the city neither of you could just turn or even reveal parts of your foxes without fearing to become objects for science. Even at your shared apartment you rarely let parts of your foxes show - too concerned someone could see anything through the windows.
But outside in the mountains or forests, far away from major human gathering spots, you could be free. 
Donghyuk parked the car at the start point of a hiking trail. He rushed around the vehicle and opened your door, making an overly inviting gesture.
You giggled and stepped out of the car as well, stretching your limps and letting your tail sway behind you. “Are you ready?” You looked around the area one last time, making sure no human was already there in the early hours of the day.
With a sly grin Donghyuk stepped closer to you and cupped your face. He kissed you softly, making you melt into him. “Let us race to the top”, he whispered against your lips, “loser has to buy fried chicken tonight.”
Before you could even respond to him, he had already transformed into a fox. He yipped at you and then dashed into the forest, leaving you behind. You giggled and shook your head in amusement. With one last roll of your shoulders you transformed yourself and chased after him.
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ 
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ikonislife · 2 years
Soulmate 3.
- OT7 x Reader
- It’s not all honey and sunshine in the world where soulmates are something of God given will. Will the boys be strong enough to get through the day with their better half or will the relationship will tarnish with the tick of the clock.
-Fluff, slight angst, soulmate au, soulmate!iKon
-Chapter 1: Chanwoo - The Boy with the Baseball Glove
-Chapter 2: Hanbin - The Boy in the Red Flannel
-Chapter 3: Yunhyeong - The Boy in the Chef Apron
-Chapter 4: Bobby - The Boy with the Golden Smile
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“Have you ever consider that you might be my soulmate, Y/n?”
You should’ve been flipping table, throwing a fit, destroying your little apartment at the nonchalantness of his question... At the existent of that very question. Yet here you lay, eyes still glue on the white noises spewing from your TV, not even batting an eye at those words. Not to say that it never did... Just, when you had heard that same question falling from the cherry soft lips of your handsome prince of a best friend thousands of times over, somehow, even as magical as Song Yunhyeong is, it had lost its power. 
Face it, the topic of soulmate in this day and age, although no longer what it once was, still very much something that could strike the heart of the toughest guys and color rosy every girl’s cheeks.
“No, not really, never cross my mind.” 
For any onlooker, that respond was formed almost absentmindedly, a bit too heartless even. However, taken in the dynamic of your relationship with Yunhyeong, it’s anything but. You’d without a shadow of a doubt, unashamedly admit that countless time before you’ve considered it, soulmate, just the simple uttering of the word already sending shiver down your spine... Of course you’ve considered it. 
So then why the sarcastic answer?  That question itself nearly as loaded as the one he had asked, the kind of question that had been mulled over for so many moon it had began taking root, twisting and winding its grasp around your heart until it was unbearable to even look at him. Because it’s a question too hard to swallow, and so deep that the only respond you could utter without dredging up physical matters of the heart is sarcasm.
For one, you’ve lost count of just how many time Yunhyeong had brought up that very concern. Any sign, need not be one out of the ordinary, just any old sign of your mundane life could be the sign. Grabbing for the glass of water at the same time? Soulmate. Blurting out the same order at a new restaurant for your monthly food adventure? Soulmate. Even getting up to go to the damn restroom at the same time could be a sign for him. 
“No shit, Song Yunhyeong, you only mention it like every other second.”
“I know, but have you really consider it though? You as my soulmate?” His sweet voice rings out once more, fighting against the bubbling and clanking of pots in your tiny kitchen.
“I mean...” You pause letting the thought once again steeps your brain in its fairytale liked nature, pausing a bit too long for just how pragmatic and casual you had remained at the sensitive subject. “How much considering can I do when the symptom aren’t there.” You say as your heart clenches with every word your lips utter, why can’t he see that you’ve considered it, dreamt it, wished upon the star it. None of that matter if the cosmic is against you and him, against your heart intertwining in a dance of that searing pain of heartbeat syncing then the beautiful breathtaking moments to follow. The universe is as conniving as it is heartless having your heart’s desire reminding you times and times again of what you can’t have. 
You could almost see his heart drops and a frown beginning to form under that dulling smile of his as a soft defeated “you’re right” tumbles from those kissable lips. No matter how hard Yunhyeong tried to hide the disappointment threatening to vomit from the deep corners of his heart and soul with that brilliant smile of his, it’d always be obvious to you because well, you feel the same way. 
There’s no denying the physical attractiveness your best friend possesses that quite honestly stole your breath on so many occasions, down right had you staring now and then in the most random moments of life.  Not to mention, the chemistry between the two of you could fools stranger into believing you were meant for each other, left people closest to you both wondering how it could even be possible for your hearts not to belong to one another. 
It’s not as if you hated when he brings up this topic, quite opposite actually, you love it with every bits of your soul. The idea of having the boyfriend of all boyfriends being the person to have and to hold for the rest of your life, who in their right mind wouldn’t want that. You love Yunhyeong, no doubt about that, long fallen for the caring man and all of his quirkiness sometimes borderline cringy... Long before the fame and success. 
You’ve even considered just saying yes, to end both yours and his suffering with one simple word, falling into each other arms and get lost in the moment but you love him too much for that, to rob him of his one true love. What’s more, you love yourself too much to bear the thought of maybe a year, a month, or even a day into this fantasy relationship, his soulmate could be strolling down the street to put an end to all this nonsense. That’s not a pain you want to nor did you think to be able to survive. Alas, this is not a world where two people frivolously fall in love and ride off into the sunset without a care for anyone else but themselves. This is a world where everybody is bound by their destiny no matter how much one detest the outcome. If only the soulmate drug works on ordinary matter of the heart also. 
To have him in that moment, to lose yourself in him in that one second is enough for you to be happy for the rest of the days. You love the way he makes you feel as though you’re the most special person in the world, how his smile perks up the moment you step into the room even if he had been dying on the floor from being yelled at by Hanbin for not getting the choreograph right the 10th time that night. It’s comical, stupid even that you’re denying yourself happiness because of some stupid old tradition that meant to ensure the survival of the human race. Aren’t the Earth overpopulated anyways, can the divine stop playing with people’s hearts like sex toys. Life must have a great sense of humor because it had presented you the perfect human being yet all you will ever be allow to call him is best friend. 
A quick wipe of his hands on the white apron so snugly tied around his waist, accentuating his fitted figure a bit too well, Yunhyeong returns his attention to the bubbling pot on the stove, delectable scent permeate through your tiny apartment that was much too peasant-liked to fit his prince image. It was your weekly dinner and as always, Yunhyeong has a recipe or two up his sleeves that he’d like to experiment on you before serving it up to the boys. Although by now, there’s an inkling within your heart that the truth is far from that. Since when has the iKon boys really care what their chef make, they weren’t picky enough of eaters for Yunhyeong to be going through such great length. If anything, they’d love it even more if he experiment more with food at home. 
Sauntering into the boiling hot kitchen, you did your best to peek from the side of the tall man blocking nearly the whole width of your small stove, slaving away with two pots and a few mixing bowls all at once. 
“Yunhyeong, you know we can just do take out, right? You don’t need to work so hard every week cooking for me.”
“Shh, you eat take out too much. Eat some real food for once, plus, I need to practice making these dishes anyways.”
You smile but deep within a sadness lurking about of a future where these weekly “date” will ceased to exist the moment his soulmate comes into play. Cease to exist too will be the flirty banter and carefree playfulness in your words to each other, you will no longer be the only girl he could confide in and snuggle close till you both fall asleep from talking till morning comes. Of course all you want is for him to be happy but you couldn’t help the small part of yourself that want to keep Yunhyeong, to be able to be selfish when it comes to him. You won’t be able to love him any longer and you’re not quite sure how to deal with that, not quite yet. You know Yunhyeong won’t abandon you but the thought of never being anything more than his best friend, it hurts. 
Lost in a world without Yunhyeong, you carelessly pick up the boiling kettle steaming away and shouting by the stout oblivious to Yunhyeong screams of warning. The pain scorching your skin not nearly as intense as the pain still lingering in your heart from the hypothetical world and it wasn’t until far too late that you had let go, clanking of the kettle along with the splashing of scalding hot water sear deep into your arms. The pain slowly sinking in, body curling up to cope with the unbearable pain but the frightful scream stolen from your throat, in place of it, a muted gasping of air. Yunhyeong dives to catch you in his arms, your names tumbling from his lips like prayers, wishing it had been him at the receiving end of the caustic boiling liquid. 
Mind blank and pain unbearable, seemingly all the functioning braincell you’ve managed to control poured into one thing, tears. Tears overflowing like a broken dam blurring away the panic on his face. Your hands clutching desperately, body pressing tightly against his as if Yunhyeong is your last lifeline in the middle of a category 5 storm. 
The how and when seemingly escaped your mind as the next second your frantic mind had gotten a grasp on reality, you were already in a room with blinding lights, kind smiles of the nurse tending to your redden arms sooth just a bit of pain away. Yunhyeong not far behind, feet could barely stay still as he did his best to be out of the way of the nurse. Yet you know, the worry in his eyes, the way he’s balling up the seam of his shirt convey the weight upon his shoulders. No sooner than the nurse had given the poor boy the go head, he flies straight to your side, unsure if it should be a mountain worth of scolding for your carelessness or intense cries of hurt to be first to leave his mouth.
“Yunhyeong, I am literally fine. Cease your worrying!” you chuckle, doing your best to ease the tension off his trembling body but you know that was futile. 
“Y/n, be for real right now. Do you know I almost had a heart attack?? How could you be laughing right now?”  He gripes, hands already grab your bandaged one with the most delicateness as if it was made out of snowflakes. 
“I am serious. I am okay Yunhyeong.” You muttered, although uncertainties ravage your brain. The searing pain in your chest was as real as the first moment you had felt it as your world blurred just a few hours ago. Yet what else could you say but to assure your best friend that all was right in the world. You were convinced his head would explode if you even cough right this second. 
“Really? you’re certain?” He questioned you, a strange tone danced between the worries. He finally settled down on the chair beside your bed with an odd expression painted across his face, uneasiness rose in your chest.
“Yea... I think I’d know if I wasn’t okay, dork.” you quipped and settled down too into your bed. Eyes strained on the bright light above, a twinge of nausea rushed through your body. “Hey, you think we can get out of here anytime soon? I don’t feel comfortable here.” You nudged Yunhyeong with a slight smile, tearing him away from whatever dream that was occupied his thought.
“Right, yea, let me check with the front desk.” 
Yunhyeong scuttled off and for the first time in a long time, you were glad your best friend wasn’t by your side. A long sigh huffed from your lungs to mingled with the sterilized air of the bustling ER. What was this strange feeling heavy on your chest? In the short hours between a dinner anticipated ruined by your carelessness and now, something between you and Yunhyeong had changed. Something major yet so subtle, tangible yet whenever you reached your fingers forward it dissipated in an instant. What did you missed? Your thought cut short as Yunhyeong rushed back to your side, papers clutched in hand. 
“We’re all good to go!” 
Another blink and you were back in the passenger seat of Yunhyeong’s car, fast steading home. The silent that was once peaceful now stuffy, heavy. The lyrics vibrating through the dense air of the car, gibberish, nonsense as your eyes trained to the fast passing road. What compelled you to utter these next few words and break the uncomfortable silent, you did not know. However the can of worm your words opened up was one you were wholeheartedly unprepared for.
“Are we alright?” You muttered reluctantly.
Yunhyeong stayed silent. Lips pursed and you could see his knuckles ghosted white as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. You could almost hear the gears in his brain churning, carefully calculating whatever it is that was about to come out of his lips. 
“You really have never considered us...” Those familiar words breathed from his lips yet it wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a joke, or even a statement. The connotation weighed heavy. 
“Yunhyeong... You only bring it up every other hour, any sane person would considered.” You tried to lighten the boulders that was this conversation yet it only seemed to made the strange expression on his features soured further. “I think enough happened today, is it really the time to bring this up again?”
“Is it really that preposterous, the idea of us being more than this limbo we’ve both lied ourselves into?” Yunhyeong gritted his teeth and shattered your belief that he could never be anything other than sunshine and happiness.
“Limbo- Yunhyeong if you have something to say then just say it. I don’t think either of us benefit from this dance we’ve done thousand times before.” You exasperated, searing pain still dancing through your chest. 
“Is it so impossible, me and you. You’ve never once gave me a straight answer. You keep me around as if I’m an option yet the moment i bring up anything remotely close to suggesting we could be more, you laughed it off as if i’m just a big joke.” The words he spoked, it registered yet it made no sense... a joke? how could he think you thought of him as a joke.
“Yunhyeong, how could you thin-” The words lost within the harsh gasp clawing its way out of your throat, harsh enough to earn concern from Yunhyeong. Fingers hastily pressing at the button to roll down the window, cold air hit your face as tears burned your cheeks. “You think it’s fun for me? To have ever other conversation we have circled the drain right into ‘ha ha what if we were more than just friends’...” Your words fighting, muffling against the wind rushing by. If you could, you’d jump right out the window and evaporate within the wind. 
“Well, you’ve never given me any other indication-”
“Song Yunhyeong, have you so wrapped up in your own mind and heart that you failed to consider what it would mean for me to really considered us?” Exasperated, there was no stopping your pain from rushing out now. “For me to let myself fall into this perfect world of being yours, of being on top of the world and in love with my best friend, and then to watch as you get a better... a real soulmate? We all knew this bullshit cosmic chosen one is inevitable and one day... One day I will have to watch you walk out of my life. There goes all our dinner date, the late night phone calls, there go my heart and soul along with whatever time you chose to give me.” Tear, snot, what have you... It didn’t matter anymore. It was not time to be polite, that was long gone. You’ve tried to protect his feelings and yours for far too long now and it bit you in the ass. Perhaps now you both could move on and whether or not this friendship will survive the pain, who knows... Before you knew it, the car had slowed to a stop. Head hung low, Yunhyeong was silent and emotions indecipherable. One thing you were sure of, he was crying, shoulders gently shrugging against the stale air of perhaps the end of you and him. 
“I’m sorry.” That was the first thing to break the sniffles coming endless from both you and him. For the first time since the car had halted to a stop that he had looked up at you, dejectedly. “I’m so sorry, Y/n... I know it was selfish of me...”
“It’s okay, Yunhyeong... There was never an easy way for this conversation to happen... No matter what, we’d be hurt.” At the worst moment of your life, your body gave out perhaps from stress, perhaps from the uncertainties of tomorrow. Hand grasping at your chest, a ragged breath barely escape your lips before his hand was on your back, caressing comfort into your chilled skin.
“I’m so sorry I lost my temper... I was just, frustrated. I don’t know how else to make you see the way I feel, symptoms or not... But especially after tonight, I just lost it.” That soft smile, the same one you’ve dream of once more bloomed on his lips. “You are literally hunching over in pain and you’re still denying it.” Confusion cold against all your features. It felt as if all the air had vacated your lungs, your brain, your blood. A sudden lightness taken over as you stared at the boy you’ve loved for so long incredulously. 
“What...” That was all you could mustered up. 
“Have you not questioned at all why you ended up in the ER? Gave me the worst fright of my life? I mean yea I nearly had a heart attack watching you grabbed the hot kettle bare hand but I know you’re strong. A little burn would have never taken you out like that! The moment I caught you in my arms, it was as if someone had used a stun gun on me. The pain was the worst i’ve felt but it was electrifying!” A cheerfulness levitated, pushing out the cold air that had staled over. 
“Wait... You’re saying...” The weight of the world suddenly dissipated and it was as if you could fly. A loud cry left your lips, startling the boy who wasn’t sure if he should laugh or join in with your cry. However that smile, the real smile that he hadn’t seen in a bit blossoming on your lips, it was all he needed to know. 
The next second he had draped himself across the middle console and pulled you right into his arms. Cries then laughters emanating from your intertwined bodies. His hand gently running through your hair, caressing away all the worries and all the dreads that had built up over the months, years of pining after him... And yours, gripping tightly on the man that will be yours. There were still much to say, much to hash out before you and him could be “us”. However in this moment, in this second where the realization that what you both had wanted but fear was out of reach was now possible, just silent was enough. You had him and he had you, that was enough. The conversation will be had but it was no longer one that was out of reach. It was one of a certain future, of being together. 
The Boy with the Golden Smile. (Coming Soon)
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meji-soongs · 2 years
Hello Everyone!!~~ I have just started a Kpop blog and I will be doing requests!!~~ Please feel free to send in an ask for ANY of the following!~~ Thank you for checkin out my blog and i hope to have a lot of interesting content out soon!~~💞💞
•NCT (All Units!))
• SOLOISTS ( Anyone!)
You can request any type if AU! I do:
-Slice of Life (Real Life Scenarios; Mental Health, Marriage, Etc.)
-Selca Ships
-Written Ships
-POV's (Such as writing from Idols POV/ Answering
questions from idols POV)
- POLY! Relationships
-Anything you can think of!!~ (Please not that I DO NOT write smut for anyone under the age of 18‼️)
If you want to ask beforehand if I write for someone/
write something in specific, feel free to!~ You can
message me, send an ask, or ask anonymously!~
Feel Free to request as many things and many times
as you like!!~~ Thank you so much!!💜💜
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neomujinjja · 6 months
More to know before you request!
what you need to know
- i will always try to be extremely vague about the reader's race to be inclusive to everyone
- i will archive and/or delete my works if an idol says they feel uncomfortable about fan writing (i will make a post and comment before doing so; also hold me accountable as i might forget or not know)
- i won't write for idols in relationships (dating or married) out of respect, about minors in romantic scenarios, or ones that i don't know as well
- to join/leave a taglist: 1. comment under this post stating which one you'd like to join/leave, or under their masterlist 2. if i can't tag you, then ill try to message you so you can still be notified
- this list will be updated later on as i write more and figure out what im comfortable writing
What I will write
- pretty much any genre; fluff, angst, song fic, drabble, au's, social media/text imagines
- you can request for mature scenes that hint to more
- unless specified, i will write the reader as gender neutral and an vague-ish age
What I won't write
- as for the moment, i won't be writing social media au series
- explicit scenes/smut as i don't feel comfortable writing like that yet (and maybe never will)
- staking or yandere themes
Who I'll write for
Monsta X
NCT (excluding New Team)
Stray Kids
The Boyz
Xdinary Heroes
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jiwonscologne · 4 years
Love is a Triangle
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - ?Part 5?
Pairing: Double B x Reader
Genre: Angst, slight fluff, smut suggestion
Warning: swearing, mentions of cheating
 We decided to visit a little fair on their day off. It was a Thursday and the weather was very pleasing, not too hot and not too cold, just on point. Hanbin won two plushies for me and when Jiwon saw that he was so good at those shooting and hitting games, he got competitive and started to play too, which was extremely funny because I watched him get cocky because of our boyfriend and I won one more plushie. We stopped by a food truck on our way out of the marketplace. Hanbin ordered for all of us, and mine and his order were made first. We both got out of the line since there were a lot of people around the truck, and we waited for Jiwon. When he was about to come in our direction, a girl approached him and he widened his eyes and parted his lips, static. I couldn’t hear anything but I didn’t like the way she was smiling nor the way he was reacting to her words. I knew right away that wasn’t a fan. Hanbin saw it too and he widened his eyes just like Jiwon did when he saw her. I am right, they know  her.
 - Who is she? - I look at Hanbin.
 - That’s...Myung-Hee. His first love. - His answer hit like a needle on my chest. Not just what he said, the way he said it concerned me the most. I’m worried since I’ve heard her name before from his mouth, when he told me how Jiwon had such a hard time on forgetting about her. We talked about brief moments on the ‘first love topic’ and everyone knows our first love is the one who stays in your heart forever, the one you can’t erase because it’s our first experience with love itself, which makes it so special. It’s normal but if the ending is bad...that stays, and stinks. Jiwon had that bad luck.
 - What is she doing here? - I ask, innocently and with a firm, slightly threatening voice.
 - Why don’t you ask him? - Hanbin smiles poorly at Jiwon finding our way back to us with a rushed pace.
 - Hey. Here’s my food. - He smiles, raising his fish cake, and we start walking to go home.
 I want to talk, even though I’m waiting for him to speak without making me ask. Hanbin and I create a suffocating silence and he finally breaks it. - I know you saw it. - He looks at us but we limit ourselves by watching our steps. - And I’m shocked like you. She’s...I don’t know why she’s here, I thought she was living in Australia. I didn’t even know what to say to her when I saw her.
 - But, she did know what to say to you. - I insinuate.
 - Yeah...
 - What did she say? - Hanbin faces him.
 - She asked how I was doing and she told me sometimes she checks on me when I’m trending on social media.
 I nod. I feel so powerless. I know he’s going to think about her the rest of the week now. I know I’m going to, too. Why did she appear again? Why did she talk to him? Doesn’t she understand how much she hurt him back then? It’s unbelievable how we forget about someone and they come back to remind us.
 Jiwon told us how she had to check that it was him before she approached him since “he changed so much” after six years. I mean, duh, what did she expect? Hanbin asked how he was feeling after seeing her and Jiwon answered he was nostalgic and surprised.
 I had some questions myself, yet I kept quiet until we got home and had some privacy.
 - Summer, you’ve been silent all the way home. Are you okay? - Jiwon anticipates.
 - The reason you broke up… - I want to complete my sentence however he does it for me.
 - Was because I loved her more than she loved me. I told you that.
 - Yes, although...did she cheat on you with the other guy?
 - The other guy she started dating after me?
 - Yes.
 - You know...I wasted two years of my life asking me all kinds of questions about our relationship. Like you right now, I didn’t understand what she said to me. When she was breaking up with me, she told me and I quote “...my love for you has faded. I can tell you still love me and I could always tell that you’ve always loved me more than I loved you. And I once told you that your expectations were too high to see the truth. I told you that I wasn’t who you saw but eventually you convinced me to love you, but that’s over now.”  With this, you can go on various paths of thoughts. I thought she was cheating on me too, but maybe she wasn’t. She was right, I was blind on my love for her. I ignored all the times she could’ve supported me and she chose not to. I loved her with everything I had and it was clearly a mistake because she didn’t do the same for me.
 - Ji… - I hug him and he chuckles.
 - It’s okay, it happens. I was young, it’s water under the bridge.
 - Is it? - Hanbin asks.
 - Yes. I love you now, the past doesn’t matter. This made me find you guys and I’m grateful for that.
 - I love you. You know that we love you equally, right? - I make sure he hears it.
 - Yes, bae. I never doubted you. - That answer made me instantly in a better mood.
 - Now that we’re done with this conversation, Chanwoo invited us to go bowling tonight. - Hanbin takes his phone out of the pocket. - What do I answer?
 - Tell him no! - Jiwon startles me with the exclamation.
 - Why? - I raise my eyebrow.
 - This is our first day-off in months and he wants to hang out like we don’t see him everyday? - Jiwon rolls his eyes.
 - Babe, that’s kind of harsh. Don’t you think? - Hanbin says, surprised by his comment. - Besides, it’s with Jinhwan and Junhoe, too.
 - It’s not harsh, I’m just saying I’d prefer to be with my partners today.
 - Okay, that’s fine. - I say. I give Hanbin a look to leave Jiwon alone for a little bit.
 - Alright, I’ll tell him we can’t go. - Hanbin texts Chanwoo and goes to our bedroom.
 He said he’s fine but he’s clearly affected by meeting her again. I don’t blame him, he knows that we’re here for him. I just wish she hadn’t shown up on our lives.
 - I have to stop by the broadcasting station to do something. See you later.
 - What? I thought we would spend the whole day together. - Jiwon turns to me.
 - We still have many hours left when I get back. We can eat dinner and watch a movie after I finish it.
 - Hm, okay, but give me a kiss before you go. - I lean at him on the couch to reach his lips. - Hanbin I’m gonna head out! - I scream. He comes running to the hall, now with his sweatpants instead of his jeans.
 - What? You’re leaving?
 - I need to do some work, I’ll be back before dinner.
 - No… - He says lowly.
 - Bye baby. - I kiss him and get out.
 I choose to drive myself to work instead of calling our driver. It will take less time and I just want to finish it as soon as possible.
 Fortunately I had to do this, because after I saw her, she’s the only thing in my mind and I have to distract myself, otherwise I’ll go crazy. The way this is affecting Jiwon is worrying me: Answering without thinking and then being clingy with us. It’s like he’s frustrated with others but trying to compensate it with giving us attention. It’s probably his manner to tell us we have nothing to worry about and that he loves us so we don’t need to be jealous. It won’t work, but at least it’s kind of cute to see how he cares about our feelings. He’s so selfless sometimes…
 I finish everything in time for dinner. When I get home, Jiwon is cooking and Hanbin is setting the table.
 - Welcome home! - They greet me.
 - It smells good. - I direct myself to the kitchen.
 - It’s done, let’s eat. - Jiwon turns the stove off and takes the two pans to the table.
 - Did you do a broadcast today? We didn’t turn the radio on. - Hanbin grabs a full spoon of kimchi rice.
 - You know I don’t talk in them, I just prepare the songs.
 - I know, but I like to see everything that you do.
 - You’re so lame sometimes. - I laugh.
 - I’m in love. - He’s right. Hanbin’s first loves are me and Jiwon. He says things like these because he never said it to someone before, he never experienced this, it’s a fresh love, a new emotion to him. Sometimes that scares me.
 The rest of the week passes by smoothly. iKON is preparing for their comeback and I’m working harder since a lot of people on my job are on vacation so I have to broadcast full night sessions because no one will be there to entertain the listeners with conversation.
 I’m grabbing my coffee after work, which means it’s 6:45 pm. I stop by a newsstand to see if it has the monthly magazine that I read yet, since it’s the beginning of the month, but instead, I read something that catches me by surprise. I have to check it three times before I believe it. I look at the picture, yet my heart is telling me it’s not true. As soon as I notice the owner of the place is about to recognize me, I cover my face and walk away in a fast pace.
                                                                                                              9:43 am
 - Bobby, you have to be careful. I’m warning you, I don’t want something like this to happen again. Don’t make yourself frowned upon, you’re a good guy. - The YG CEO says.
 - Yes, I’m sorry, sir. I won’t. - Jiwon leaves the office and goes back to the room where the iKon members are working at, which is chaotic with loud whispers and hand gestures: 
 “I don’t know how he thought he wouldn’t get caught.”
 Jiwon sees Jinhwan doing a facepalm.
 “Shut up now, he’s coming!”
 As soon as he enters, the chaos turns to a tense and awkward silence.
 When Jiwon looks at Hanbin, he has a death glare on his face that Jiwon only sees when Hanbin is super annoyed. That’s how he knows he messed up. However, he composes himself together. - Okay, let’s get to work. - He joins his hands together and the group prepares themselves.
 Donghyuk plays the song so they can practice. The movements are slow at the beginning and there’s no trouble until the song grows and Hanbin goes in front of the mirror to watch them dance.
 - Junhoe, keep going. - He says, and after that notices Jiwon isn’t doing it right. - Jiwon, slow down. - He does as told, but then he goes off beat again and his movements don’t match with the rest of the group. - Jiwon. - He calls him out once more.
 He sighs and tries again.
 - Jiwon, I told you to slow down, can’t you hear the rhythm? - Hanbin’s annoyed.
 - I’m sorry. - He apologizes, staring at his feet.
 - Do you want to play it again? - Junhoe asks.
 - Yes please. - They do and Jiwon is out of focus once again. It’s understandable since he was just scolded at, but Hanbin loses his patience. - I know you’re not listening to the song. Can you try to focus? We’re having trouble because of you.
 - I can’t. - Jiwon is static and frustrated.
 - You can, we’ve practiced this dance a million times.
 - Should I stop playing it? - The song keeps playing and Junhoe sees everyone stopped because of them two.
 - No, let’s continue, Jiwon just do it again. - Hanbin seems careless.
 - I told you I can’t right now. Please listen to me. - Jiwon’s sad voice is getting strict.
 - Guys, maybe we should come back later. - Jinhwan realizes the fight is becoming personal and wants to step back.
 - You can’t but you have to, we’re working. - Hanbin keeps his figure.
 - Please let me talk to you first.
 - We’re practicing, we’re group mates right now, this is not the place to talk, we’ll talk at home. - Hanbin reminds him of their situation. - You’ve been keeping this secret since last week, can’t you wait a little longer? - Hanbin starts to get worked up.
 - Look Hanbin, I’m sorry! - He gets closer to him and the boys watch them quietly. - I’m sorry, alright? - He says, loud.
 - We should go, come on. - Yunhyeong whispers and they discreetly leave the room.
 - Why didn’t you tell us you were having lunch with her? - Hanbin shoots.
 - I...didn’t want you to be worried. I knew you would be like this. I knew it!
 - Of course I would react like this, she’s your ex! Worse, she’s your first love. You know what that means and I know it too, I’m feeling it right now! - Hanbin yells. - Just tell me what were you thinking when you didn’t tell us you were meeting her again. Tell me how could you make me find out this way. - Hanbin rambles. - I knew something was up yesterday! I knew it! You avoided me and looked the other way all morning and when I asked where you were when lunch time came, nobody knew where you were! They thought you were with Donghyuk but then he appeared so I thought “oh, maybe he forgot something at home”. - Hanbin looks him in the eyes waiting for a regretful answer.
 - I didn’t know you were going to find out this way, I didn’t see any paparazzi. I was going to tell you…- Jiwon’s calm and failing voice is irritating Hanbin.
 - You were going to tell me when? These people are everywhere so these things happen! They want society to see our flaws! Oh God, Jiwon. - Hanbin starts walking back and forth.  - Do you know what I thought this morning when I heard this? I didn’t believe it, I didn’t believe someone could be that dumb, seriously, Donghyuk had to show me the picture so I could see you two were really together. You know you’re on the papers, right? Social media too. I guess you know that, considering the CEO talked to you. - Hanbin looks at him. - Jesus, you realize Summer probably saw it too? She works with the media, Jiwon. On the fucking radio. And if she didn’t see it yet, she will.
 - I know...do you think she really saw it? - Jiwon’s guilt is growing and his face is sadder. - She will think I cheated on her...and on you… - Hanbin covers his face, concerned. Jiwon sighs and starts crying. - What do I do…? - Hanbin subtly looks at him.
 - Babe you can still call her. Maybe she didn’t see it, I mean, it came to us first because it’s about you. It’s YG’s business.
 - But it’s everywhere, like you said, if she didn’t see it, she will. Besides, I don’t want to do this over the phone. - Jiwon runs his fingers through his hair. - Oh God. - He gets up, wondering around, lost.
 Someone of the staff knocks on the door to warn them to continue the schedule. Jiwon wipes his tears off.
 - We’ll talk better at home. - Hanbin grabs Jiwon’s shoulder.
                                                                                                                 7:03 pm
 I get home, alone, devastated by the news I kept overthinking on the car. The moment I drop my keys in the little plate, I let my body sink in the couch and I wait for them. I turn the TV on but I don’t pay attention to even what channel I’m watching. I limit on calming myself down so when they get here, I don’t seem too upset since I want to understand what Jiwon has to say. About an hour and a few minutes later, I hear the door open and the tinkling of the keys along with some whispers. They get to the living room and I welcome them, getting up off the couch.
 - How was your day, baby? - They give me a kiss on a cheek.
 - Good.  - I answer. - How was yours?
 - Wait, you don’t want to specify what you did? - Jiwon says, slightly nervous.
 - No, it was a normal day. - I fake my answer. - How was your day?
 Hanbin gives Jiwon a look so he can go ahead and tell me. - We...worked! - Jiwon smiles.
 - Oh. - I fake a smile.
 - Yeah...but Summer, I have to tell you something. - He gulps and takes my hand to sit us down. - Last week, when I saw Myung-Hee, she later on Friday asked me to have lunch with her yesterday...so I did. I just wanted to know how she was doing and maybe be in peace with her on my head. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, I clearly paid for it this morning. Everyone is upset at me on the company and they’re right, I wasn’t careful and I didn’t think.
 - “Be in peace with her” ? - Hanbin whispers in an irritated voice.
 - I know. You didn’t. - They look at me, confused. - I know everything. - I nod. - I read it on a magazine after work. I didn’t know till I got my coffee. I know what you’re thinking, I don’t usually drink coffee at that time but today I did, and now I wish I didn’t. It’s funny how things work.
 - Summer, I’m sorry. I feel so bad, are you upset? - His concerned face surfaces.
 - I’m upset you hid this from us. How could you? You lied to us, Jiwon. Let me ask you, if it wasn’t out by the paparazzis, were you going to tell us at all?
 - I was. Yesterday. - He looks away.
 - Oh really? Because I don’t recall you telling me this yesterday.
 - I… - He stutters. - Hanbin was tired and when we got home I couldn’t just…
 - So you waited for the magazines to do it for you? - I pop a senseless question.
 - I didn’t know there were magazines in the first place!
 - Oh then next time, when you meet her again, make sure, yeah? - I cross my arms and I get up, looking to the other side of the room.
 - Baby… - Jiwon reaches for me and tries to hug me but I push him away. - I’m not going to meet her again. - He grabs my arms and looks at me.
 - Like I could believe you after you lied. - I look away.
 - He’s not. - Hanbin finally breaks his silence.
 - How do you know? Why are you so quiet? - I start shooting questions against him. - You knew about this, didn’t you? - Hanbin frowns by my question. - You boys always exclude me from everything. Just because I’m not with you all day like you two are.
 - Summer, you know that’s not true! And I didn’t know! I found out when the staff asked how I was doing after “the Bobby thing”. I was clueless. I felt exactly like you did but it was this morning! You have to understand I had all day to think about this.
 I feel my eyes get watery and it’s not long until tears start running down my cheeks. He’s right, my feelings are more fresh, my anger is building up and I’m being jealous for every little thing I can find.
 - Baby. - Jiwon calls me, worried and regretful.
 - I’m sorry, Bin. - I wipe my tears. - It was probably harder for you. - I recognize my mistake to judge him. - Could you work today at all? Everyone was probably asking you all sorts of questions or giving you looks. - I get concerned.
 - Yes, they were. - Jiwon watches us talk. - But I had to pretend everything was okay so we could keep the schedule going. I admit in the morning we fought, but we’re talking better here with you at home.
 - Babes, listen to me. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause you trouble.
 - Jiwon you have to understand you didn’t put just you at risk. You put you, me, Summer and  iKON. - He enumerates the amount of people with his fingers. - You saw how difficult it was to practice today. I know I said this already but you were so dumb.
 - I know. I apologized to the CEO.
 - Irresponsible. - He continues. - Just because of her. What did you get from this lunch, besides problems, anyway?
 - Yes, what was that “be in peace with her in my head”? - I come back to this. - You assured to us last week that the past didn’t matter, so why did you say this earlier?
 - I just wanted to know if I could see her as a friend and not someone who broke my heart for the first time. I know I said the past doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t, but sometimes she comes to my mind and I feel insecure. I feel like the 16 year-old boy that met a pretty girl and fell in love with her, even though she didn’t fell for him.
 Hanbin and I stay quiet for moment to take in what we heard.
 - Ji, you know you grew up. And you know we love you.
 - You’re not a boy. - Hanbin follows my sentences. - You are a wonderful man. I know this because we grew a lot together, I saw you become this confident and handsome person. Don’t make yourself think you’re the same as you were when you met her. You changed, for the best. Forget her. Forget the 16 year-old boy. Trust yourself now, and trust us. Trust that we love you and that you love us, that’s all that matters, nothing else.
 Jiwon smiles by Hanbin’s beautiful words. - I’m sorry. I will say it until you both forgive me. I promise I won’t lie to you ever again even if I have the tendency to do it, I won’t hide things from you. I fucked up but I learned my lesson. I hate to see you mad at me.
 I pout. - Alright, I forgive you.
 Jiwon opens his arms for a hug, hoping we can accept it.
 - Me too. - Hanbin hugs him and I join in.
 - I hate it when you don’t tell me stuff. - I say, with one of my cheeks buried on Hanbin’s back, making my voice sound more innocent and cute.
 - I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you feel left out. Ever. I love you so much. - Jiwon gives me a kiss on the cheek. - I won’t embarrass you like that again either, Bin. I’m going to apologize to the members tomorrow for delaying our practice. - He sighs. - I feel like a weight just lifted off my shoulders, thank you for forgiving me.
 - Okay Jiwon, it’s forgotten, let’s just move on and relax and go to bed.
 - You’re already sleepy? - Jiwon asks, suspicious.
 - No. - I give him a smile.
 Hanbin looks at Jiwon, takes off his shirt and goes after me, walking to our bedroom and I can hear Jiwon rushing himself to catch us before we start.
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noona-clock · 1 year
The Flight Attendant - Part 4
Genre: Flight Attendant!AU
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 1,968
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One Year Later
If Yunhyeong hadn't brought it up during your text conversation this morning, you would have completely forgotten it had been a whole year since you'd started your job as a flight attendant.
But Yunhyeong, being the incredibly thoughtful and considerate person he was, had brought it up. He'd actually remembered the exact date of your first meeting and had told you it was a cause for celebration.
It had been several months since you'd felt that pang of romantic disappointment in your heart... but there it was again. It was hardly noticeable at this point -- thrumming ever so slightly and trying to hide in the deepest corner of your chest, but you were familiar enough with the feeling to recognize it instantly. And Yunhyeong remembering the day the two of you had met was, apparently, enough to trigger it.
To be fair, you couldn't remember the last time one of your friends brought up the fact it was your friend-iversary. And certainly, none of your male friends ever had. One of your closest male friends, Jae, barely ever remembered your birthday. So, the fact that Yunhyeong knew the exact day you had first met was actually a pretty big deal.
If you weren't absolutely, positively sure that Yunhyeong only had friendly feelings for you... his text this morning would make you think otherwise.
But, like I said, it had been several months since you'd wished that were true. You had basically given up on ever becoming more than friends and co-workers -- and that was fine!
Totally and utterly, positively, completely fine.
That's what you told yourself, at least, as you typed out a text to him.
I can't believe it's been a whole year 😲
After pressing 'send' on your reply, you closed the lid of your just-barely-full suitcase and zipped it up expertly.
After all, it had been a whole year since you'd been flying all over the country. You were an expert by now! And your flight was leaving in just two hours -- something that would have absolutely terrified you a year ago. But now you could pack, get to the airport, and get onto the plane in an hour and a half, tops.
You were rather impressed with yourself if you were being honest.
When the taxi arrived in front of your apartment building, you quickly slipped into your uniform heels and grabbed the handle of your bag. You waited until you'd slid into the backseat of the car before sliding your phone out of your pocket, a smile coming to your lips when you saw another message from Yunhyeong.
I may have a present for you.
OMG you do not. It's not that big a deal, I don't need a present!
...Well, too late.
...what is it?
You'll get it soon! See ya!!!
You pressed your lips together, keeping in a soft chuckle of amusement so the taxi driver wouldn't get distracted from the road.
You also tamped down a flutter in your heart and stomach so you wouldn't get distracted from... everything. Your upcoming flight, your friendship, acting like a fairly average person and not someone who was stupidly in love with their best work friend.
But then another text message interrupted you, and your insides snuck in about three flutters as you clicked on the notification.
Actually, tell me when you get to the airport. And don't go anywhere until you hear back from me.
Immediately, your forehead wrinkled with slight confusion.
Yunhyeong wasn't really one for surprises -- at least not during the year that you'd known him. He frequently did things for you and even bought small souvenirs for you when he flew to fun places, but they were never a surprise. He always texted you Hey, I made dumpling stew, come over and have some or I saw this pen with your favorite animal character on it so I got it for you.
So, for him to be this covert about something just seemed kind of odd.
I wish I could tell you, but that would absolutely ruin the surprise. And it's a good one, I promise.
I mean... you really had no choice but to trust him. He had never -- not once -- given you any reason not to.
So, trust him you did.
Okay... I will... even though this is very nerve-racking and unlike you...
He simply replied back with three innocent angel emojis, and one corner of your lips quirked up in amusement as you slid your phone back in your bag.
As with any other kind of surprise, you tried to keep your mind off of it for the remainder of the taxi ride.
The soft music on the radio, the passing scenery of the city, the other cars whizzing by you. You attempted to focus on one or more of those things... but the idea of a surprise from Yunhyeong was too novel and, frankly, tempting to not think about it.
And the fact that you were on your way to work? That piqued your curiosity even more. How could this surprise not interfere with your schedule?!
And why would he need to know when you arrived at the airport? Why would he not want you to go anywhere until you heard back from him?
Once you were only about five minutes from the airport, you finally admitted to yourself that you had no earthly clue what this surprise could be. You finally gave up.
The next five minutes were the tensest minutes you could recall in your recent history, and when, at long last, you texted Yunhyeong that you were here, you let out a huge sigh of relief.
He replied less than a minute later, while you still had his conversation open.
Come to Gate B16 and don't you dare look up to see which flight it is.
...Okay, things weren't any clearer.
Why was he telling you to come to a different gate? You'd been assigned to flight 9787 to Chicago, gate A9.
He wanted you to just... not get on that plane? Get on another plane?
You shook your head slightly and clicked on the button to call him rather than reply to him in a text.
"Just do it!" he chuckled as soon as he picked up.
"What is going on?!" you whined, your eyebrows knit together in distress.
"Y/N," Yunhyeong said confidently. "Just trust me. Gate B16. Come straight here."
He hung up before you could point out that he had said 'Come straight here' and not 'Go straight there' which implied that he was currently at gate B16.
Well, there was nothing much more you could do, was there? After sliding your phone into your bag and letting out a deep, relenting sigh, you took hold of your suitcase handle and headed to the tram for concourse B.
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In reality, it took less than ten minutes for you to wait for the tram, board the tram, ride the tram to concourse B, exit the tram, and walk down to gate B16.
But it absolutely did not feel like less than ten minutes! It felt more like ten hours, and your stomach was in anxious knots the entire time.
You walked down the concourse as quickly as you could without actually jogging, your eyes glued to the gate signs as you passed by.
B11... B12... B13... B14...
Looking up ahead, past gate B15, you squinted slightly to try and make out what was listed underneath B16, on the flight information screen.
And when you were able to read it clearly enough... you stopped in your tracks.
Because it said --
"Y/N!" Yunhyeong cheered, suddenly appearing in front of you and taking your suitcase. He also took your elbow gently and led you closer to the gate. "Don't worry, I got your schedule changed and everything worked out. I really wanted to tell you to pack more, but that would've given it away. But there will be plenty of opportunities to shop where we're going!"
"Paris?!" you wheezed, eyes wide as you stumbled along toward the boarding area. If Yunhyeong didn't have a grip on your elbow, you weren't sure you'd be able to move.
Yunhyeong squeezed your elbow a bit, and when you blearily glanced at him, you saw his lips pursed in the most adorable of smug grins.
"I knew that's been on the top of your list for a whole year, so I wanted to make it happen for you," he said.
And, honestly, you had no idea how to respond to that. For maybe the first time in your entire life, you were actually -- quite literally -- speechless.
It wasn't until you'd walked with Yunhyeong through the waiting area, down the connecting ramp, and into the plane that words finally came to you.
"...I --"
Okay, well, one word. And it was barely even a word.
"Are you okay?" Yunhyeong chuckled, finally releasing your arm so he could stow your suitcase up in the very last overhead compartment.
A deep exhale poured through your lips before you replied, "Yes, I just -- I don't know what to -- How? And -- and -- and why? Paris? How?"
"It was fairly easy, actually," he assured you as he hefted your bag up over his head. "I spoke with Liah about it two months ago and she went along with my Top Secret Plan."
So... your supervisor had known about this for two months?! And had put the Chicago flight on your schedule fully aware that you would actually be going to Paris?!
Now you really had to hear his answer for your second question.
"But why?" you asked, the fact that you were utterly dumbfounded still very apparent in your voice.
Yunhyeong closed the overhead compartment and stood up straight, reaching out to put his hands on your shoulders.
Of course, your stomach flipped over, and when he smiled at you it flipped over two more times.
"Because you're my friend!" he told you with a soft laugh, a laugh that clearly stated this was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yes, but -- but -- Paris! I thought you would make my favorite noodles and pack them in a lunch for me!" And, really, the only reason you thought that was because he'd done it before!
But this was on a whole other level!
Yunhyeong just laughed again, shaking his head slightly as he squeezed your shoulders. "Y/N, you are a flight attendant. You will go to Paris again, more than once."
"Well, yeah, when you put it like that it doesn't sound like a big deal," you sputtered.
"No, no, no, no," he tutted. "It is a big deal, but only because you've wanted to go and now you finally are. And I will take you everywhere, to all of the good places, I promise."
If you continued to be all flabbergasted about this, you would probably just feel silly. Plus, you were fairly certain passengers would start boarding within the next half hour, so you had to get started on your pre-flight duties.
So, you simply let out another sigh, briefly reached up to cover Yunhyeong's hands with yours, and said, "All right, let's do this. Thank you. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am, this is the best present ever."
Yunhyeong's lips spread into a full-on grin, and somehow, you had forgotten just how cute he is when he smiles.
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Then, he let go of your shoulders, turned around, and headed back to help unload all of the meals for the flight. When you turned around, you saw three more flight attendants enter the aircraft, so...
It was time to go to Paris, I guess!
Part 5
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
Summary: located in a cabin, just off the intersection between empty land, an unlawful village and vast, unchecked mountains, two people are stuck there for a week at most and plenty of resources
Genre: fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut
Characters: optional bias x reader
A/N: Just to keep you occupied
You frolic on the bed, scampering off the edges and laying back flat on the mattress. A cabin foxes you and him in, almost in the middle of nowhere. You have a few days. And nobody is around before you have to leave. So you resolve whatever you have to say in this period of time. When is it better to say it if not now?
He chuckles when he enters the room. Your arms are outstretched, the small shirt you are wearing rides up. It is barely buttoned, just the first two are on and the rest separates as you raise your arms. He can not hitch, that happened the first time around. That was a step which was now avoided, not deliberately. His reactions are now automatic.
No steps to something. He throws his clothes in the corner and sits beside you, prompting a smile. He is in his jeans and t-shirt- the latter which he takes off first, revealing his lean, well-built structure. No words are exchanged. He traces your stomach to your navel, heating up your core along the way.
Your hands stay up, out of habit. Wrists together, you hold them up despite the slight ache. He leans to your stomach, prompting a giggle from you. Within reason. He touches his nose to your stomach, sniffing the way you smell. Like a baby. How he is accustomed to always smell this same one, always reason it with you. You smell like a baby, he can never forget that.
He finds that cute. And he makes it a point to make fun of you for it. No reason, he finds love in being teasing towards you. The way you smile and shy away, hitting his arm and trying to think of something to tease him about. His hands are on either side of your belly, inching him downwards.
Your panties are of lace, skimpy. From behind they barely cover your buttocks. It stirred his groin when he saw you like this. You gasp, fingers tightening over the sheets. Through your panties, his nose briefly touches your sex. It is fleeting but enough. He growls, hooking his fingers into your underwear. Slowly, slowly, he pulls them off your legs, watching every movement they make.
He is pushed over the edge. Every encounter with you feels like a solid memory. You had suggested that you spend this time purposefully. He agreed and now it was happening. His cock hardens, constricted within his underwear and second layer of jeans. Your eyes twinkle mischievously from your spot. You do not move.
He bites his lower lip, tugging it as his fingers touch your sex. He feels a sigh escape him, leaving his lower lip so that it settles. You are warm, a little bit sticky. It is enough for him. You let out a whimper when he stimulates your clitoris, coating his fingers in the liquid. Your legs tremble a little bit. He is working up your second release, presumably of this hour.
Your sounds let him know that he is doing well. A collective sigh is embraced once again just like how you get used to this feeling. He eases a finger in. You feel the tightness, like an ache but only pleasurable. You furrow your eyebrows, you aren't sure how to describe it. He removes his fingers, invoking a raise of the eyebrows.
Alarm. What was he doing?, you think. Somewhere, your panties lay discarded but your bra and shirt is still on. He makes a mental note to remove those later, with care of course. Anticipation. So much of it. He waits for a spell, a beat, a tick of the clock. Your smile grows bigger.
He comes up to your sex, eliciting a jump from you. A little jerk. His nose had made contact with your sex. Unexpected to you, it had been on his mind. He leans and licks a stripe, experimentally, flicking his eyes up to see the expression on your face. He continues after he can clearly make it out: the haziness, mouth wide open from surges of arousal.
He grasps your legs, keeping them open after you threaten to clench them. He loves your responses. You gasp, breath hitched. His mouth drives sensual sensations into your body, teasing you to the best of his ability. Clenching your fists around the sheets, there's a still moment where you furrow your eyebrows, not in the same way as before.
Sweat lines your temples. Your body is heated up. You release, around his fingers pumping in and out of you, filling you again and again. It's pleasurable. You slump from your tense posture, sighing in relief and in a moment, you meet his smiling eyes and fingers leaving your sex.
He gently grasps your hands in his, placing kisses on your sex, your belly, chest that rises and lips, hovering above you. The sunset colours the room, leaving the two of you out of sight but with enough light so that you can see each other. You are equally satisfied with that.
''You sound so beautiful.'' he whispers, rolling a condom and leisurely, very steadily, he sinks into you.
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milkybonya · 2 years
mornings with Donghyuk
warnings: none
summary: bulleted headcannon of what a morning spent with boyfriend!Donghyuk would be like :)
milky's 💌: this has been in my drafts for so long but recently i dreamed that Donghyuk was my friend and he looked so cute and squishy in my dream ;-; am sof for him so HERE
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the sun will hit your back through the curtains
you’ll get so hot that you’ll wake up and throw off the covers
but Donghyuk will be all whiney
“baby please stop moving, just come here and let me hold you”
likes to play with your hair and run his fingers through it
is always smiling and laughing quietly
when you ask him what's so funny, he just says "you're cute"
likes to lay in bed and just talk sleepily with you about this and that, whatever comes to mind
usually about what you'll be doing together today, especially if both of you have a day off
you both plan which cafés you'll go to and what you'll get, which route you'll walk to get there
you'll be laying against Donghyuk's chest and he'll be laying against the backboard of your shared bed
then Donghyuk will say something cheesy like
"i'll definitely be holding your hand the entire time as we walk, by the way"
and you'll turn around to lightly punch him
but he'll just kiss you out of the blue ??
it's a super quick and soft kiss but it leaves you stunned
he'll make fun of you
"what? why are you staring? do you want more?"
then you actually lightly punch him this time and he laughs, acting like he's in unbearable pain
"you have to kiss it better, y/n"
he'll start chasing you around the house demanding that you kiss him better but you're just like
how are you running this fast if you're actually hurt?
he'll catch up to you and tightly wrap his arms around you, pressing his body against yours
and he just feels so warm
that you just lay there against his chest and arms
and he's like hello why aren't you moving r u ok ??
you mumble about how warm he feels
and it makes him blush so hard like this man is shy and embarrassed
so he starts showering the back of your neck and shoulders with kisses
you're both giggly messes
the only way you can convince him to stop is by telling him y'all should get dressed and head out to that café you were talking about
Donghyuk will not waste any time if he has a date planned with you!
you pick a shirt of his to wear as a joke
but he actually really likes it and starts making you wear all his clothes
takes it so seriously and looks you up and down
"y/n, what do we do? you look perfect in everything you wear"
in the end, you leave the house wearing clothes that are entirely from his wardrobe
he feels so proud to have you as his s/o as you walk the streets
holds your hand tightly and swings it around
he's smiling so hard and for so long that you wonder if his face hurts ??
idk jusT
waking up next to Donghyuk and planning out a café date together is literally the dream
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palajae · 2 years
about us. | season two
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PAIRING ▸ ex! jungwon x reader
GENRE ▸ break up! au, e2ls, angst, romance, fluff 
SUMMARY ▸ when you and jungwon got together, you didn’t expect your relationship to end so suddenly- or so painfully. now months later, you also didn’t expect to encounter said person, and with him comes back everything.  
AKA the past hurts. 
NOTES ▸ mentions of kissing, not proofread, the angst is real in this, if there’s anything else please let me know?? // this is very overdue didndjdj but here is the second season to the series!! :)))
PLAYING ▸ love scenario by ikon. | series masterlist.
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The temperature’s cold out but you don’t think you mind it, in fact. The chillyness in the air actually reassures you of autumn’s presence- that the times were finally changing and you weren’t stuck in summer. You only grabbed a light jacket before going out but looking back, you regret it. Maybe you should’ve gotten thicker padding, you frown. 
For a while now, you’ve been walking around your neighborhood to clear your head and get some exercise in. After a long year of work, work, and work, you recognized that you barely went outside and needed to, as people said now, “touch some grass.” 
You took the same route every day, going a couple blocks before turning back. After a hectic year, you finally got a well deserved break. Appreciating the peaceful breeze and easy of the trees allowed you to take a step back and reflect. 
Occasionally, you would see the same few people either walking their dogs or just taking a nice stroll, just like you. 
At least for the first five minutes, everything is how it always is. The same dog behind the fence barks at you every time you pass by and even the pretty fountain that lights up around Christmas season. 
You breathe out into the fresh air, tucking your hands into your pockets. Your phone suddenly rings and you frown, squinting down at the phone screen. Taking a seat at a nearby bench to sort it out, you soon realize its just some spam. You huff and turn it off. 
Stuffing your phone back into your pocket, you only then realize the presence sitting at the other end of the bench. You peek a glance and your heart stops. 
The familiar posture, the familiar face- 
it all comes back.
He must notice your gaze because he proceeds to meet your eyes. The shock on your face probably mirrors his. 
You can barely stumble out a, “Jungwon?”
The two of you sit there unmoving, staring at the other from the other side of the bench. 
“What are you doing here?” he gets out first, rubbing his face nervously. You look away, unsure if you could handle eye contact with him. 
“I’ve been walking this route for a while now. I, I didn’t know you did too.”
He softens, “Yeah, I started recently. Sometimes I take Maeumi with me.”
There’s a brief pause before he shakes his head, “Sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for…“ you fall silent. You once thought the awkwardness would kill you, but strangely enough, you don’t feel that way now.
Instead, your brain threatens to take you back- all the memories overwhelm you. And you have no idea if you want it to or not.
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The first time you met Jungwon, the sun was shining outside and you were half asleep while studying in the library. Perhaps you were snoring a little bit- Jungwon claims it was quite loud- and being the nice guy he was, he went over to shake your shoulder. 
And perhaps you didn’t mind being woken up abruptly- if it was by a boy as cute as the one that you opened your eyes to. You shoot up and he stifles a chuckle at your reaction. 
“Sorry to wake you, but I think you were snoring a little bit.”
A bit, huh? You look away furiously in embarrassment and Jungwon allows himself a grin. 
“Thank you, uh…” 
He coughs, “Jungwon.” 
You shoot him a friendly albeit flustered smile. “Thanks, Jungwon.”
You didn’t expect to see him the next day, or the day after that. You noted how studious he was, always with his nose stuck in a book or scribbling something down in his notebook furiously. Still, you would find a seat a couple of tables away to get comfortable. 
Obviously, studying took too much energy out of you and you would need a break. And (unknowingly), your eyes would drift to him.
It just became a habit, to study the boy. You didn’t realize it back then, but he had definitely noticed.  Regardless of that fact, maybe Jungwon also enjoyed staring at you (in a non-creepy way he hoped). 
He picked up on the way you furrowed your eyebrows while reading something presumably difficult, or how you brushed your hair out of your face when you were frustrated. Even the times you smiled triumphantly and he supposes then that you got another question right. 
All those things, he thinks he liked it. No, he knew he liked it. 
Of course, it was just so that you continued to see him at the library. Your little hobby of “watching” Jungwon had to have been discovered at some point.  
The one day you look over and find that jungwon’s already staring at you, your pencil falls out of your hand and onto the floor. 
He cocks his head and quickly, like you were trying to escape the situation (and you were indeed), you duck under the table to retrieve it. 
Only to bang your head on the table while getting back up. 
Letting out a silent cry of pain, a pair of shoes come into your sight. Cautiously, you glance up. 
What did you expect- of course it was Jungwon who came over.  
He graced you with a dashing yet amused expression, unspoken words written all over his face. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. It’s only then that Jungwon realizes he never got your name that other day.
Even though he’s seen you multiple times, you’ve almost become a part of his routine. Yet at this point, he still has no clue who you are. 
“Are you alright?” He has the softest concerned look and you wish you weren’t as clumsy as you were. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Sorry if I disturbed you.”
Whether you’re apologizing for bumping your head or getting caught straight up staring at him, you wish you knew. Even then, Jungwon seems surprised and he quickly shakes his head. 
“No, no. you didn’t. Maybe I should be the one apologizing,” he sheepishly scratches his neck. You can’t help but let out a little laugh and he stops, confused.
The whole situation was a bit funny. You two were strangers, apologizing for the littlest of things while pretending as if you didn’t spend the last week watching the other instead of studying. 
Learning each other’s habits and quirks that even your own mother didn’t know- only out of mere curiosity, though. Or at least that’s what you figured. 
You didn’t expect him to sit at your table soon after.
Talking to him was natural- laughing and joking and certainly, stressing together. So was asking for each other’s numbers, which was labeled for “convenience” purposes. 
The fluttering in your chest, warmth spreading through your body, that came normally too. 
Were you waiting for him to ask you out? Sure. Were you afraid to ask him out first? Of course. 
You really didn’t have to wait too long. You might’ve teased at it for too long, and held back from asking him yourself due to fear. What if Jungwon was just being nice? 
Although the shared snacks, blush on his cheeks, and heartfelt notes he left in the library for you that were all stored in a special part of your heart said otherwise. 
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“Fine,” you cross your arms playfully. “Then how do you do it?”
As Jungwon explains the answer, you pay more close attention to his face while he speaks rather than actually finding out the answer. His eyebrows were furrowed and gaze sharp as he went through step by step. 
You nod, although your mind is plagued by thoughts radically different from what you should really be focusing on. 
“-hello? Are you listening?” 
You perk up, “Hm? Yes, what? Me?” 
Jungwon chuckles, and you can’t seem to tear your gaze away from his prominent dimples. He sighs, pouting.
“I was working this problem so hard for you and here you are being all distracted.” 
You cough, “You were the one distracting me,” you mumble. He holds a hand to his ear, acting confused. 
“Wha-? What did you say?”
You push his arm playfully and Jungwon laughs. His hand rests a few inches away from yours, and you suppress the urge to move closer to him.
“Nothing! I said nothing.” To distract yourself you tap your phone and stare at the illuminated screen. Looking at the time and the windows outside, you grimace.
“It’s late,” you turn to Jungwon, “Do you want to go home? We can always continue next time.” 
He nods, beginning to close your books. Turns out, Jungwon was indeed a genius as you observed before. When he saw you struggling, his eyes lit up as he offered to help. You greatly appreciated it, offering snacks in return. 
And it’s not like he was bad at teaching, you were just easily distracted. Distracted by him, that was. You couldn’t help it.
“Do you have a ride?” He asks casually while putting stuff in his bag. 
“Nope. I’ll just walk. It’s not far,” you reassure him.
“Then I’ll walk you home,” he grins and you pretend to act shocked. “What manners!” you exaggerate and he plays along, giggling in agreement. 
On the walk back with your books in hand and Jungwon by your side, your shoes kick the soft petals on the sidewalk. “It really feels like spring now.” 
“I agree,” he replies softly. As the space between you two lessens, you feel the warmth lingering from his fingertips. Glancing down, you find your hands just barely grazing each other’s. 
Jungwon must notice your action, because without another word he swiftly grabs your hand, interlocking your fingers. The pace of your heart picks up, face revealing your bashful expression.  
In between Jungwon’s shy gaze and the dim shine of the streetlights, you feel your heart bloom a bit more. 
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The sound of knocking causes your body to jolt up. After spending the last hour panicking over what to wear and worrying about basically everything that didn’t matter, you didn’t realize what time it was. 
You grab your bag off the couch and rush to open the door. Excitement spreads through your body at the thought of seeing Jungwon, your beloved who you hadn’t seen in a while due to work. Because of the lack of contact, he planned a special date out for the two of you. 
You’re greeted by Jungwon’s smiling face before suddenly you’re brought into his embrace. His scent surrounds you, filling all your senses. 
“Hi,” your voice is muffled. 
You can feel the sensation of him laughing and it causes a smile to grow on your face too. 
“Hi. You look gorgeous.” 
You pulls back so you can see his beaming face once more. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” you cock your head, offering a grin. 
“Ready?” He offers an arm and you take it gladly. 
“Of course.”
Jungwon takes you around the city, echoes of your shared laughter filling the atmosphere. The sun greeted you brightly, filling you with its warm rays. It was truly the happiest day you had in a while, all spent with him. 
When you tug Jungwon’s shirt so that he stumbles closer, eyes widening, it doesn’t take long for him to get the memo. 
He connects the distance between you.
Jungwon invites you to his place that warm summer night, hair falling into his eyes as he moves to unlock the door. Out of habit you brush his bangs off his face, softly laughing when his ears turn red. 
“Just be prepared when you see Maeumi- he might go a little crazy.” 
You nod, nerves jittery. You don’t how many times Jungwon went on a rant about his dog, the affection that sparkled in his eyes was like no other, and here you were about to meet said object of his desires. 
-as much as you wished it was you, you don’t think you were quite on Maeumi’s level yet.  
Jungwon grabs your hand, leading you in as you hear the scampering paws of his dog. Your heart melts at the sight of Maeumi approaching you and you instantly understand why it seemed like Jungwon was utterly obsessed with his dog. 
You fall to your knees, cooing and showering Maeumi with as much love as possible. 
“Hey,” Jungwon jokes while scratching his head, “Save some for me.”
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It was too hot to go out. It was too hot to do anything. It was too hot, period. 
You groan, pushing Jungwon off you in the midst of his complaints. You shoot him a glare, rolling over to capture as much of the cool surface of the couch as possible. 
It was summer, indeed. The a/c was on yet you felt like your body temperature was way over the normal average. You feel the sweat collect on your neck, letting out a sigh. 
Jungwon didn’t make it any better, wanting to be near you at all times even when the temperature made you want to jump into the nearest body of water. 
As much as he protested, you couldn’t handle the heat. The Netflix series he put on tv for both of you to watch was soon forgotten, the distraction of the heat made it impossible to focus.
“How are you not affected at all?” You mutter at Jungwon who was eyeing you with a displeased look based on the fact that you pushed him away. 
“My love for you withstands all the seasons,” he extends his arms out wide cheesily while your nose scrunches. His arms fall to his side with a thud as he sighs. 
“You’re right. It’s way too hot.” 
Still, his hand trails it’s way to yours. You can’t suppress the smile on the face. Not once did you expect Jungwon to be this clingy, and you weren’t complaining. 
“What time do you have to go back?” You ask. 
He groans, “In like an hour.” 
You unconsciously pout, thinking about how your time together will be cut short. It was a mutual thing- you both understood that the other was busy. You each had your own priorities and that was okay. 
Time spent together was just a gift. 
“What about ice cream?” He suggests, head perking up. 
“You know me too well.”
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You run into his embrace, gladly inhaling his comforting scent. 
“It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Jungwon murmurs, voice muffled by the way his face buries into your body. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” You almost feel tears prick the corner of your eyes- it really felt like the last time you saw Jungwon was over a year ago. 
After school and work picked up again, your schedules never matched up. In your current stages, life was so busy- it was almost like the world was trying to keep you two apart. And that meant your time with Jungwon was limited. 
“I missed you.” If anything you squeeze him tighter, never wanting to let go. Phone calls and texts weren’t enough. Nothing was enough, except for being in his presence, being able to reach out and touch his cute dimples. 
And that’s exactly what you do. 
He stands still, amused as you fondly poke his cheek. His hand comes up to cover your own, rubbing comfortable circles into your skin. 
“How did you do on your exam today?”
Your eyes lower to the ground. You spent so much time working. So much time and effort out into your studies, away from Jungwon, and it barely paid off. 
“I… I didn’t do how I wanted, to be honest.”
His grip tightens as he apologizes. “Hey, I know how hard you worked, y/n. I know you’re capable of so much more. One score doesn’t mean anything, alright?”
“But… that means I have to work a lot harder, Jungwonie…” You gaze at him with sorrowful eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I’m-“
He stops you with a finger to your lips. “Don’t apologize. Just because we can’t see each other in person doesn’t mean we aren’t together. You know I’m always with you, right? I’m always cheering you and supporting you.” 
You nod, unable to wipe the guilty frown off your face as you hug your boyfriend again. 
“Don’t worry, baby. Things will work out. You’ll be fine. I love you, don’t forget that.” 
“Yeah. I love you too.”
But that tiny insignificant fear began to bloom inside you, would you be able to make it work?
You really, really hoped you could. 
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Unread texts light up your phone as you continue typing. You rub your temples in exhaustion before deciding to take a break. 
Just a ten minute nap- you’ll allow yourself that much. 
Grabbing your phone to set an alarm, you see the messages sent by Jungwon.
You frown, didn’t you already tell him that you were busy?  
Exasperation runs through you for a split second before it fades away to remorse. How could you let your stress get to your head? To ever make you feel irritated by your caring boyfriend? 
You tried to call him earlier and he didn’t answer. It also happened three days ago, except he was the one that called and you couldn’t answer. Most of your messages now were short ones either telling the other good morning or night and not to skip meals. 
As much as you missed him, you didn’t have the luxury to mourn your loss time with him and Maeumi. Your school was at the top of your priorities, and it always was. You couldn’t afford to stop now. You and Jungwon both worked hard in your respective ways.
There was no way you could give up, and neither could he. If that meant sacrificing parts of your life, you would do it. 
Turning off the lights and getting settled, you decide on a reply while lying down. You keep clicking the backspace button, huffing. 
Why couldn’t you find something to say?  
Eventually, the chat is left open and unanswered in your hands as you yawn, unable to prevent your eyes from closing and falling into a dreamless slumber without realizing it. 
Jungwon notices that you’ve seen his text, and yet you’ve sent no response. He doesn’t even remember the last time he’s seen your face. He doesn’t remember when you both stopped putting in an effort to see each other. 
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You finely found a date to meet up. To talk. The look on your face when you finally see him, it takes a lot for you to not break down.
The expression painted on his face, you somehow knew it was the same on yours. The same thoughts running through your head. What happened to us? Why to us? 
You both knew it was coming. But how, when, everything in itself- 
it was never clear. 
When you first met Jungwon, everything was easy. You had no clue when life started getting in the way, and why you chose that over your relationship with him. 
Perhaps there were too many underlying reasons. Why you had no time to even think about being with him, having a future with him. Perhaps that was when you knew it was the end. 
A painful end with the painful throbbing of your heart. The snapping shut of a book. The curtains falling to the ground with a thud. 
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You were the happiest with him and the saddest when you were no longer together. 
In this moment, facing Jungwon after months- has it been a year yet?- have gone by, you can’t find yourself able to remember even one of the several reasons why you broke up. 
Things didn’t work out, yet you can’t help but wonder what it would be like if you were still together. 
But it’s only a slight wander away. A single thought because you took the time to heal. It was a painful healing process that allowed you to learn and grow a lot. You feel okay seeing Jungwon, thinking about Jungwon. Honestly, it was good enough that you were able to love him. 
You loved Jungwon and even though the situation changed, your feelings didn’t. Jungwon must feel the same, you can tell by the way he looks at you. Just like he’s used to holding all the memories and emotions and keeping them from bursting out. 
All of it in a blink of an eye.
“Jungwon…” you start off softly, and he shakes his head.
“It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything.” 
Possibly that was your mistake back then. Not speaking up for the one you loved.
“No,” you state firmly. “I want to.” 
His eyes widen but he doesn’t protest. 
“You don’t have to respond,” you exhale shakily, “But I just wanted to say I missed you and I’m glad I got to see you today.” 
You unconsciously rub your sweaty palms against each other, self conscious about if you’ve just made a mistake or not.   
He takes a deep breath and holds out a hand. You glance down, bewildered. Jungwon makes the effort to lighten up the atmosphere, giving you that same heartfelt smile.
“I’m Jungwon… and I’m also very glad that you’re the one I bumped into today.” 
When did the space between you two on the bench get so small? 
You beam while letting out a short chuckle, and reach out to shake his hand. 
Your book was closed, but that didn’t mean another one couldn’t begin. One with a pretty good ending, that’s all you needed. 
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MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @lov3niki @heesterical @coffeewon @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount @hoeshii @love-4-keum @nyanggk
SERIES TAGLIST ▸ @axartia @makiswrld @jovibaes @ksphnrk @soobnism @asyleums @ayayiiie @r3niun @ahnneyong @jakahbot @thisisnotjacinta @jjongsha @chatoyervictoria @swnheo @onthevergeofdepression @skzenhalove @miraculouspabu @hoeshii @yjjungwon @qimmylol
UNABLE TO TAG ▸ @/naheeyounga @/lenadoll @/hanienie @/nanaheex @/classicroyalty @/msxflower
send an ask/dm to be added to the ‘play it to my melody’ taglist!
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yangwonz · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: you and jake have been the biggest fans of the group ikon for as long as your friends can remember. it was no suprise, that the two of you went crazy when it was revealed that they will perform at seouls one of (if not the best) festivals alongside with a lot of different artists whom all the six of you enjoyed. after getting the tickets, time went by quickly and now it’s almost time to leave your tiny city for the 3 best days of your life! the only problem is that you guys are not friends anymore.
PAIRING: kinda fboy!jake x fem!reader
GENRE: smau, festival au, comedy, fluff, angst here and there, slowburn kinda, (ex-)friends to ??? (that’s gonna be a suprise)
WARNINGS: english is not my first language, ignore the timespams, lots of cursing, jokes about death, mentions of alcohol, sexual jokes, smoking/vaping, jealousy, oh and jakehoon are kinda assholes :(
FEATURING: members of enhypen and txt, ikon + kim hanbin, a bunch of khh artists and kpop groups/soloists (as performers)
STATUS: ongoing ! (slow updates)
TAGLIST: open <3
A/N: hii yall ! <3 this is my very first smau so i’m kind of nervous but also veryyy excited ^_^ please leave me feedbacks so i know what you’re thinking hehe
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extras: skit 1 | skit 2
0.0 profiles: little family <3 | (un)lucky men |
future festival bestiez
0.1: mr.y/nkisser
0.2: prettily
0.3: mission: gowon (+written)
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