#anti reginald hargreeves
sims-n-such · 2 years
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(Also thank you @necrodogmtsands4s bc your mod made this happen!!!)
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The Umbrella Academy Season 3 Spoilers
So how much do we want to bet that Allison still has HER powers?
And also everyone in Hotel Oblivion was in the courtyard at the end…except for Sloane and Reginald.
Reginald got his wife back and world domination apparently from the looks of it. Allison gets Claire AND Ray (where the fuck is Patrick) but none of the others have any power or knowledge and Luther is separated from Sloane…fuck you Allison.
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Wait so Allison gets to have Claire and Ray back (how tf is he there) with her but everyone else loses their powers, Luther has lost his wife and Sparrow!Ben has lost his last remaining sibling (from his timeline anyway), Reginald is still kicking about and everyone is going their separate ways.
How is this fair??
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agirlinthegalaxy · 2 years
The thing that breaks my heart about the season finale of the Umbrella Academy is that the ending only happens bc Viktor trusted Allison. Because he could have stopped her and she asked him to trust her and he did. Because he wanted to fix their relationship (even though that wasn’t his fault) and that was his sister.
 And in return, she left their family stranded, powerless, and broken to rewrite reality. Ray’d lived a full life without her, but she wanted him back so she did it anyways. She abused Claire by mind controlling her in the original timeline but it didn’t matter to her, so she did it anyways. (Let’s skip the implications with Claire’s father for rn bc that’s a thing in of itself.)
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moldybonessmell · 2 months
The Umbrella Academy season 3 review post
I finally finished season 3 of tua even tho I've watched first two seasons first day they came out and oh boy do I have things to talk about-
To begin with, the things I like about new season:
- The way we finally dug into Allison's trauma and how she starts going psychotic is actually a good plot line especially the accent on how she just like any other Umbrella Academy people indulges in self-distructive behavior, she's really just like them
- Diego getting a kid as someone with the biggest daddy issues out there is a realistic plotline because having a kid (even if Stanley's not actually his) heals him in this regard tho he and Lila would get a kid anyway eventually but they really should've been more sad about Stanley thanosing out of the existence you know
- Five being the founder of The Temps Commission makes so much sense as he's the one with the power to travel time of course he's more powerful than it seemed
- Good music scenes. Music is what season 1 was incredible for and what I love about the show. In season 2 there weren't many scenes that caught my attention but in s3 it's definetely better. We got Klaus's death montage with "Crystallised" by The xx and celebration scene with "Another one bites the dust" by Queen + Luther on moon and "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure these were really nice.
- The Oblivion Hotel is such a cool location and concept (a place for everyone) I like the change of place of action a lot, but the way it's a portal is kinda overused imo
- Lila and Five are still the best characters and carried the season
- Fei is such a cool chara with a distict character design (which most of Sparrow Academy lack tbh)
Now things I don't like:
- Ben being just a placeholder character is such a bummer because instead of getting angst and drama we got a mostly one-dimentional anti-hero who has a completely different personality from Ben. We got a tiny bit of his character when he admitted he just wants to be involved with everyone but it's really minimal.
I can't believe Klaus says "He's an asshole and he's dead to me" like WHAT DO YOU MEAN fuck no Klaus would not say that shit and he would not just give up on him. Yeah Luther says stuff like "I'm glad to see you even if you're different" or whatever but it's Klaus who've spent the most time with Ben.
The way literally any other actor could have played Sparrow Ben and nothing would change is lame af I hope in next season we will see more changes
- Same goes to my dear Grace who's just a placeholder for black hole worshipper like what do you mean we just got one phrase from Diego and that's it??? This whole bit with fake god and stuff really threw me off it didn't go anywhere
- The Sparrow Academy being one-dimentional characters in general like I get producers probably didn't have enough episodes to actually develop characters but holy shit are they boring.
Even if you want to make them just antagonists we had such cool villains in two previous seasons they were original and interesting (aka The powerless podcast-fan male manipulator Peabody and The Cunty Handler)
Also the way the fisrt Sparrows who died were the most annoying and cliche assholes makes them just filler charas
- How show tried to make us feel compassion to Reginald Hargreeves holy shit do I hate this guy- After Klaus realised his father was basically killing him over and over in his childhood instead of Klaus getting mad or upset and having a breakdown we got nothing.
He even came back to new timeline Reginald who's "nicer" for this asshole just to hurt him AGAIN
- Klaus mostly being a comic relief in this season is so fucked I love this character and in previous seasons we had a great look at his life and experiences but now he's just kinda there being high and that's it
"mm I guess he died a few times it's probably enough" - plot writers
no character development whatsoever is just upsetting.
And the amount of unnecessary traumatising aka Reginald training him was really not it, even if it's supposed to be a joke.
- Reginald being a two-faced ass like holy shit is this terrifying. Pogo was the one who gave Sparrows pills and now Klaus helped him to stop taking them and this asshole is taking advantage of naive and vulnerable Klaus.
It is in fact a good plot twist but bro I really did prefer Reginald being a cartoonish villian instead of actual pure evil like how does he have shitty motivation but still does just so much shit.
- The Umbrella Academy family having no improvement in their relationship. They still don't care Klaus relapsed, they still don't care about Viktor. All they care about is their own misery which is really in character but with three seasons out of the way and only one more left I would expect at least something you know.
- Viktor is still left out. Like bro the only compassion he had is only when he transitioned but this is it?? Bro's still waiting till someone comes and cares about him but not only this doesn't happen, he even gets rediculed by Sparrow Ben for that and called emo are you actually kidding me what's with all the hurt with no comfort???
It feels a lot like when you're mentally ill and your family kinda "walks on eggshells" to not trigger you but it's in quotes because they don't actually care. They act nice just because they think you're psycho and you would make less problems if they pretend. And this is very sad, Viktor is such a tragic character.
Okay that's it for now. If you have any thoughts please share in comments!
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
Being an Umbrella and hitting it off with The Sparrows HCs
A/N: These vary in length based on how much screen time the character had
Marcus Hargreeves
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-Admittedly you immediately respect him, because he’s number one but unlike your version he was able to keep his family together, it earns him a bit of your faith off the bat
-You’re both the biggest advocates for making peace amongst your families which brings you together, You and Viktor go to speak to him, doing the old good-cop, bad-cop routine, you piping in with more amiable communication every time Viktor threatens him
-Your friendlier natures have you going off on tangents (to Viktor’s mild annoyance) through which you’re able to get to know each other a little
-While you haven’t known each other for long you have good chemistry right off the bat, he comes across to you as quite charismatic and trustworthy and he also quickly feels comfortable around you
-Even though your ultimate goal is to get back to your timeline the interaction leaves the both of you eager to see each other again
Ben Hargreeves
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-Like all your siblings you take a specific interest in Ben at first, but it doesn’t take long for you to give up on the concept that he could at all fill the void your Ben left
-You try harder than anyone to seperate the two in your mind and he finds it extremely refreshing to make it through a conversation with an umbrella without the other Ben getting mentioned
-Though really you act fairly indifferent towards him which is what makes him notice you more, because he isn’t exactly used to not having peoples attention and he feels just a little bit driven to correct that
-He starts most your conversations, not pleasantly he still throws in plenty of insults, but he is trying to understand what your deal is which eventually ignites a cautious rapport between you, though one filled with biting remarks
-Overtime you start to see the insecurity that’s driving him (which as a child of Reginald you can of course empathise with) and soften to him a little bit, trying to open up and get him to do the same
-Predictably any and all attempts to empathise with him are met with extreme hostility but you’re quite committed now
-Eventually, with the apocalypse on the horizon, Ben a sulking mess and your consistent efforts to break through his walls bubbling over, you’re finally able to get him talking about his feelings, offering the sympathetic ear he’s never had, or at least could never bring himself to confide in before
-The others may not notice a change in your relationship because the sass is as alive as ever, but he definitely views you in a warmer light and it comes through in things like him getting concerned for your safety or defending you when someone else is giving you attitude
Fei Hargreeves
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-You two definitely don’t have an instant connection, your first interaction was running away from her birds after all
-And in general Fei holds quite an anti-umbrella mindset that you’re not gonna (intentionally) test her on
-It’s the sass you give Ben that first makes her notice you, your every jab earning at least a smirk from her
-Then there’s the fact that you two always seem to be in agreement about what the best course of action is so you can’t help but notice each other, realising you might be the people with the most common sense on each of your teams
-This unspoken alliance you grow gets you two talking more and more, learning enough about the other to surprisingly like each other as she realises she has more in common with you than anyone in the sparrow academy
-You’re able to single-handedly soften her perception of the umbrella academy and become the sole reason she doesn’t want you all slaughtered
-Even though she knows it can’t last Fei’s never really had a friend before and she’s really glad to of gotten a glimpse of what it’s like to have one
Alphonso Hargreeves
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-His mockery upon meeting your family is so brutal you almost have to respect it, he certainly likes the fact that you can go tit for tat with him and really enjoys your mid-brawl verbal sparring
-It’s when you run into each other outside of family business that you really start to bond though, enjoying a chance to talk without being expected to kill each other, your snark turns into banter and soon enough you’re just enjoying each other’s company, and you’d both like to do it again sometime
-He isn’t quite as cold as he seems, he does get concerned at the prospect of him or his family hurting you, which he can’t do much about besides casually suggesting you switch teams
-Which you do partially entertain, not enough to commit to the idea but enough to be civil around The Sparrows for the sake of hanging out with him again
-Your siblings (mostly Diego) think it’s ridiculous that out of all The Sparrows, you manage to bond with the douche-iest one there (your brothers words)
-Jayme cares too much about Alphonso to actively try to seperate you but she gives you a very threatening speech warning you against hurting him
Sloane Hargreeves
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-Sloane is incredibly easy to love, from your first interaction it’s obvious she doesn’t want to hurt you or your family so you avoid hurting her in kind, which she also notices
-You two actually manage a fairly civil conversation amongst the chaos, quickly hitting it off
-Though you hardly know her, Sloane consistently comes to your mind when your family is discussing what to do about The Sparrows and honestly it’s hard to see them as the enemy when they have someone as nice as her on their team
-While you’re not off to join The Sparrows or anything you draw the line at your family hurting her as she has never hurt any of you, even if it causes infighting
-Sloane really appreciates your kindness towards her, you’re not only a safe space for her amongst your dangerous, unpredictable family but her own too
-You bond over your shared familial problems and struggles being raised by a Reginald to fight crime has caused, sharing the dreams you’d love to pursue if you didn’t feel so tied down to your families (or stopping the apocalypse in your case)
-Though your time on this earth may be severely limited you’re both over the moon to of sparked such a wonderful connection with someone before you go and you intend to make the most out of this new relationship while you have it
Jayme Hargreeves
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-You’re a hard sell for her as she is beyond ready to hate you and your family the second you all spawn in her living room
-Though as you battle she can’t help but be drawn to your cutting sense of humour, just because she thinks your funny it doesn’t make her take it easy on you but she is chattier with you than she’s been with an opponent in a long time
-Over the course of a couple battles you both see how protective you can get over your siblings which further endears you to each other
-She is so annoyed when she realises she likes you, trying hard to fight against it
-Yet she still seeks out a regular conversation with you in between all the family-feuding which not only furthers her interest in you, but gives you a chance to see the girl beneath her sarcasm as well
-She still isn’t quite sold on the umbrella academy as a whole but she knows that if she gets the chance to hurt you she’s not gonna take it
Christopher Hargreeves
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-You immediately earn Christopher’s favour by just treating him like a regular human
-You two exchange a few almost friendly words during the big fight and end up a little intrigued by each other
-So when you get to see each other again in a heated meeting between your families you take advantage of the time to sneak off by yourselves to talk again
-You connect fast, he feels truly seen by you and is drawn to your more authentic lifestyle, and you have an equal admiration for him
-Ultimately the fresh perspective and new friendship you give him even convinces him it might be worth taking a break from the sparrow academy once you all stop the kugelblitz
-He considers himself a free-thinker so he doesn’t hesitate to assert to his family that you are not the enemy
-Which they give him a hard time over but he is still an extremely good ally for you to have
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bisexuallilapitts · 1 year
I'm not feeling well and ranting about Tua S2 is my default so I thought I'd put some thought into what I'd change about the storylines for my own (personal) entertainment
Disclaimer I am not a writer, I just have opinions and this got way longer than I anticipated (especially the Viktor bit) so it's all under read more
Luther - I actually don't mind Luther's storyline too much, or what little he had going on anyway - it does make sense that he'd seek out another figure to fill the hole that his distrust in Reginald created, it makes sense that he is once again being used by that figure for their own gain, and it makes sense that he finally sticks it to Reginald in 2x06 - I just wish there was more of that and less of whatever the fuck they were doing with him and Allison (can they not just be friends please god) - I feel like expanding on his parental figure issues also just fits great with S3 and his confrontation with Reggie - and trying to trust someone who has betrayed him only to be stabbed (quite literally) in the back for trusting again
Diego - I'm just gonna be honest and say Diego should have spent longer in the 60s than a couple of months, maybe switching the dates Diego and Luther arrived, I don't know - a little more insight into how Lila got close to Diego in the asylum, and more time expanding on how therapy and his time in the 60s changed him, and expanding on the racism he endured in S2 not just with the asylum guards - it's something he and Allison talk about in S3 amd it's no doubt something they both grew up dealing with
Allison - again, very little Id change other than keeping it going for longer, it seems like after 2x06 racism stops existing in S2 (other than one mention) and so do all the characters Allison's interacted with at this point beyond Ray, obviously there's only so much you can fit into 10 45 minute episodes and the last three barely have any outside interactions beyond the commission but I still think even just one shot of Odessa, Ray and the others hearing about Allison being linked to JKFs death was warranted
Klaus - oh Klaus, I could go on for days about you - I am a firm Klaus joining an anti war movement truther, hell I even like the ghost cult theory that people had going on, I just feel like nobody really knew what to do with Klaus in S2 - and he was very much disjointed from the rest of the characters in the way that was obvious - yes he was in s1 and S3 (S3 again slightly more obvious with it than S1) but he was also connected to the main plot, S2 he was doing his own thing pretty much 99% of the season and it only served as more disconnect - I'm not saying he needed to be a main character, he wasn't in s1 and he still had things going on, I'm saying that it's at least expected that if everyone else is related to the plot by coincidence and what else, and Klaus is just there, why is Klaus there? What is he providing? S1, he had a hand in the apocalypse as much as everyone else, and it's sadly missing here.
Five - This is related to Diego too, but it fits more with the Five stuff. Drop the Handler stuff, just completely drop it. She didn't need to come back, have AJ take her place. And if you're gonna bring in the Commission then set them up firmly against Five (and by extension the other Hargreeves) for fucking with time - set it up that Five is dangerous and AJ knows it, that he's building an army (2x10) to try take Five down - his own adopted daughter (Lila) included, no deals, no bargains, AJ wants to destroy Five for even daring to try stop the apocalypse, and he's more ruthless than the Handler to get his way - and let Five get the satisfaction of killing him
Ben - I would say drop the possession stuff but that is plot relevant so maybe change it around to be on a more consensual sort of weird thing Klaus and Ben do - it could still be funny, with the siblings talking to Ben and Ben trying to act as Klaus (for whatever reason) and because Klaus is pretty much a strange character to his siblings already they don't question how wildly out of character he's acting ie "Because that is a thing, I, Klaus Hargreeves, do." "Uh? Sure buddy." / "I think I'm really nailing acting like you." Meanwhile the siblings side eyeing Ben acting as Klaus but they just don't know what the fuck is going on - and just for extra funsies (aka pain) have it established to Ben that he knows possessing Klaus (and by extension anyone else) is slowly destroying him but he wants to be a part of the family again, and he wants to experience life again so badly that he keeps going, and going, until he ends up passing on helping Viktor - and let that be part of the message with Klaus
Viktor - ohohoho where do I even begin? I think the only thing I will be leaving untouched is Sissy and Harlan, the rest? Gone. Personally I am not a fan of amnesia storylines, but Viktor needs to almost end the world somehow, right, and come to terms with his childhood trauma and the end of S1 somehow and doing it off screen hardly seems fair
I'm so glad you asked :) so Viktor, following have a gun go off by his ear and getting hit by a car goes deaf in one ear and it's affecting his powers obviously cause they're related to hearing at least somewhat - he's losing control, or can't make them work when he wants and he feels like the progress he made is thrown back as well as feeling conflicted and guilty for using them after what happened, after almost killing Allison - but still angry at his siblings for what they did and a lot of conflicting emotions also fuelling his powers being out of control
He's desperately trying to hide his powers (not the LGBTQ+ Merlin metaphor) from Sissy, Harlan and Carl and maintain the life he's created in the 60s but it's growing increasingly more difficult and only adding to his stress
So when he sees Luther again, he's obviously feeling a lot - happy to see someone he knows, anger, pained, guilty, confused - maybe even feeling like an outcast again, assuming that they all knew where each other was this entire time and left him out again - and leaves before Luther can talk to him, the conflicting emotions and his powers make something happen in Sissy's house (idk maybe something breaks enough to scare Viktor into leaving before he thinks he'll hurt someone else) and bumping into the Swedes and meeting Five again, and this time they properly talk it out - Viktor seeing the hurt he caused Five during his years in the apocalypse, even if the events that led to the apocalypse weren't only his fault, he admits fault for his part in it, and Five, aptly says something like, "You were a cog in a machine, Viktor. If not you, it would've been someone else, the Commission made sure of that." And it's clear they've at least talked it out somewhat to be able to trust each other
The second Luther and Viktor reunion is still hard - Luther apologises like in canon, and Viktor is wary of his sincerity, pointing out the last time he trusted Luther he was locked in the basement - Luther admits that he has no reason to be trusted, but he'll prove it to Viktor if he can - and it's cautious predicament with the two of them from here on out, eventually Viktor and Luther both realising the positions they were manipulated into by Harold and Reginald (and Pogo) and their own actions respectively
The other reunions and slightly less tense - Diego and Viktor's being the most tense of the remaining three - but again, they both apologise - Diego's therapy and Viktor's own realisations with the apocalypse playing a part, and it's slightly cold but still forgiveness, Allison is still trying to deal with her own problems in the 60s along with pushing down any of the negative feelings she has about what happened in S1 so it plays very much the same s1 to S3 wise but maybe Viktor is more wary of Allison's forgiveness, and Klaus is the one with the least stake in that plotline
So, okay, he's made up with the majority of the siblings, his emotions are under control, and his powers are more or less under control, how does he cause the end of the world? I'm still so glad you asked besties BC here's the plot twist he doesn't - in which I'll explain, so how does Ben still help Viktor and end up dying but it's nothing to do with the end of the world, and what about the apocalypse at the beginning of s2 - it's all been set up to look like Viktor will cause the apocalypse again in Five (and the audiences) eyes
So why does Ben help Viktor and end up passing on? Instead of running away with Sissy, Viktor tries to decide to stay in the 60s instead - it's not ideal but if he can't bring Sissy with him, then he'll stay, it's the obvious solution only Carl isn't happy with that - and the gun fight ensues - the gun going off throwing Viktor back to the theatre and into a flashback - one no one can reach him in - except Ben
And they still have their talk, and Viktor manages to find his own peace with what happened
So how does the world end? Well, the Commission being dickheads and AJ manipulating Lila for a reason bb with something like this going down between AJ and Five
"Today, tomorrow, next week, almost sixty years from now, it doesn't matter. It's all the same to me."
"Time matters, you can't erase all that time. It'll cause a paradox that could destroy the universe!" (Hello S3 hint) "Surely the rest of the Commission don't see it that way."
"The world was always doomed to end, and your pathetic attempt to save it only doomed it and your siblings faster. I'd almost congratulate you, Five, you managed to fail so incredibly that you made my own job easier."
They figure out the Commission are targeting the Federal building to make it look like an attack and start a nuclear war with Hazel's tape, and stop it from being blown up in time, but bad news - Harlan still has powers and AJ's army is ready and 2x10 plays out basically the same
And where is Reggie in all this? Keeping an eye on what's happening in the background - having his own people investigate the siblings and keeping note of their powers which will come bite them in S3 - he's not explicitly a part but he's definitely doing something in the background
And then, Sparrows.
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jweekgoji · 2 years
for yandere only! *⁠・⁠゜゚⁠(⁠^⁠O⁠^⁠)⁠↝
Five Hargreeves
Yandere! Five x Manipulative!Reader or "Yandere!Five meets the person who reminds him of Reginald".
Yandere!Agent!Five x Fem! Kidnapped!Reader
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!Five
Yandere!Five x Naïve!Reader
Yandere!Five x reader x Yandere!Viktor
Yandere!Five x Yandere!Reader
Yandere!Five x reader x Yandere!Viktor 
Yandere!Five x Reader
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yndere! The Handler
Yandere!Five x (Yandere?)Reader
Yandere!Five x (Smart?)Reader
Viktor Hargreeves
Yandere!Viktor Hargreeves (White Violin) x Reader
Yandere Five x Reader x Yandere!Viktor
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!Viktor
Ben Hargreeves
coming soon.
Klaus Hargreeves
coming soon.
Diego Hargreeves
Yandere!Diego headcanons.
Yandere!Diego kidnapping u hc.
Luther Hargreeves
coming soon.
Allison Hargreeves
coming soon.
The Handler
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!The Handler
Lila Pitts
coming soon.
Yandere Sparrow Academy:
Ben Hargreeves
coming soon.
Sloane Hargreeves
coming soon.
yandere! tua ideas.
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!Lila (Ghostface AU)
coming soon.
Yandere Marvel:
Miguel O'Hara
Papa!Miguel x reader x 928B! Miguel (short thoughts)
Miguel x Yan! Reader (tw: noncon? drugging.)
Pavitr Prabhakar
Pavitr x Yan! Reader
Yandere Adventure Time
Fern the Human
Yandere Fern hc.
Yandere Fern hc about kidnapping
Opinions about yandere AT characters potential.
Important to read too:
I'm gonna put this here too, in case someone didn't see or notice it in my bio but please, ANTIS, rUSSIA/Z SUPPORTERS DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME. (anti-harassment, pro-fic, pro-ship, pro-Ukraine/supporters fellas can say hi )
Don't be afraid to ask anything, I'm actually pretty chill person and not sensitive.
No updates for a long time=dead. (but also could take long breaks!)
see ya. :)
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watcher0033 · 2 years
Thoughts 💭 on The Umbrella Academy Season 3 so far:
Took a break in mid of ep3 to gather my thoughts.
Impression of this season is a bit of a mixed bag. I feel like they’re introducing too many material and having trouble keeping up with all of them while the old stuff that they had are barely or halfheartedly addressed.
My biggest hangups are Grace, Marcus, the Sloane x Luther thing,and just the wasted potential of the Sparrows in general and ofc Ben. Still I love how thematically consistent the show is with their themes.
(Now, like I said, I haven’t finished the series so I might change my mind on of these by the end. And my opinions are very subjective, aight👌)
Grace. Why did they do that to her? No clue. Is the weirdness on brand? Yes. Do I have to like it? No. Why?
Wasted potential. She could’ve been a source of tension between the two families. Addressing how the Sparrows treat her and why, and maybe having some existential discussions with each other and maybe a source of internal conflict regarding their concept of family and in the end, the umbrellas affirming that she may be a robot but she’s still their mother regardless of who their birth parents are (well I hope since I haven’t finished the season yet but my expectations are kinda low now).
Marcus. I think the creators deemed him too competent to stay in the long run tbh, which is hilarious but also annoying on how they don’t know how to address it. They better bring him back.
If he stayed, he would’ve made a good anti-villain/hero and might provide a good challenge for the umbrellas that aren’t the Commission OR some good internal conflict between the sparrows if he decided to side w the ☂ wc would then put them in the outsider’s perspective of how much fuckery the Hargreeves operate with (no matter how altered and played w totally new characters). An awareness and acknowledgment that this may have been them in another timeline, shinier and better fighters maybe, but still the issues they all have would still be there.
And maybe them realizing that they don’t want any other family besides each other cause they’re enough. “We’re gonna discover smth that would make us feel shittier than we already are but I would still want to discover that with you” kind of take (a sentiment learned from Everything Everywhere All at Once wc is climbing to be one of my most fave films ever).
The Sloane x Luther thing.
Ugh. Sighs. They have good chemistry- it’s ok- just sighs
Incestuous or not, it still feels forced and just another material added to the pile that won’t be resolve satisfactorily by the narrative. They have so much material they could focus on. In fact, I think they could take away all the romance parts and focus on just the family, their family hijinks, healing, maybe making long term friends along the way would honestly be more satisfying. Is it a Hollywood thing or Steve wanting to direct a romantic movie in the future idek
The Sparrows. They are Awesome, I Love Them, and I hope they were fleshed out more. Their Dickheadedness can remain as it is. I enjoy it. Look how they made a bitch out of Reginald! I can’t be more happier. Let them be the Academy of Mean Girls 💋
Still. I wanna see more of their inner-workings and see them act as foils/parallels to the Umbrellas istg that would be so much more fun. I’m looking forward to seeing more of them as the series goes on. I love Fei, she has this very steady and determined aura to her and you can see her ambition but you can also see that she and most of her siblings don’t think they have anything beyond the lives they were molded into which they reinforced all the way to adulthood. Sloane wants to get out of that mindset, Jayne and Alphonso are indifferent to it, and I think Christopher does it because he thinks it’s cool and his fam does it tbh
Ben. Yo, this man is such a hot mess and so mean I would occasionally clutch my hand to my heart as I feel it shatter because he is the biggest case of how the parenting affects these children. We got two Bens for comparison and suffice to say Reginald is terrible and both sets of children deserve better. I hope they focus on that.
I wish their grief was shown more. I feel like Klaus and Allison are the only ones heading to that Heavy Angsty territory this season (don’t get me wrong I love it).
Still, like I said thematically wise their incredibly consistent which I appreciate. Five and Klaus bonding was GOLDEN.
Honestly with the additions we have this season I really want to see more of Allison and Diego dynamic (what a wonderful knife-twisting that would make), more of Allison and Five (I love how softly he talks with her being very considerate w her grief but also YO THATS NOT ENOUGH he had more scenes w Lila rip), Viktor and Allison future conflict ayyy I can smell it happening
Klaus, Allison, and Viktor bonding over lost loves in the 60s, Klaus and the fam reminiscing about Ben. Them listening to Klaus’ stories of tHEIR Ben’s antics. Viktor and Klaus bonding bcoz UM HELLO?? Why are the queerest people of this family not bonding that’s a freakin crime in storytelling istg.
Well, I shall calm myself down.
Deep breaths for my fellows who feel the same. Remember canon is a sandbox Fanfiction can play in.
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based-and-rinpilled · 3 years
You LOCK Viktor up? You leave him in the chamber in complete isolation?? Oh! Jail for Reginald! Jail for Reginald for One Thousand Years!
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tenacioussurrender · 4 years
Pls don't do it tua i beg you
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miss-galaxy-turtle · 4 years
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Things I want in Umbrella Academy season 4:
Luther and Sloane to find each other.
I really want more flashback scenes of their childhood. I love that in the moon flashback Luther had a photo of them as kids.
Klaus and Diego to get back to their season 1 dynamic as a duo.
A fight scene to Holding Out For a Hero.
Lila and Diego to break up because I hate their relationship and don’t like Lila.
I would love to see Sparrow!Ben and Umbrella Ben meet.
A scene where everyone calls out Allison.
A bit more focus on the team caring and worrying about Five (and Klaus)
Reginald to just go away.
Eudora Patch
Another Karaoke sesh.
More Luther and Klaus and Klaus and Sparrow!Ben
The others being protective over Klaus (he’s my favourite)
Klaus having a bit more of his dark season 1 look.
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ahoyrcmanoff · 3 years
AU where Grace actually decided to k*ll Reginald herself and the scene of how happened is presented with her soft smiley self, while “Cell Block Tango” is playing in the background.
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jollyhaunt · 4 years
reginald hargreeves be like i know a place then takes you on a long road of self discovery due to his abusive actions and lasting childhood trauma that never allowed you to be kids
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tehmoonofficial · 4 years
Reginald: Hey guys just so you know I bought some children to fight crime for me in extremely dangerous situations against adults ok byeeee
The press:
The press: This seems fine.
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