#when your right-hand man is also your hype man lol
ca-3 · 26 days
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"Looking cool, Joker!!" ❤️🃏
and I told myself I wasn't going to do this redraw trend.... lol
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avianyuh · 6 months
S.Coups/Choi Seungcheol as a boyfriend
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He would be so much fun
I think he'd love to go out to different restaurants with you
Or take you to the studio and have you hear his lyrics
Maybe even take you to the gym with him lol
You'd be Kkuma's other parent
Most likely, you'd watch over Kkuma while he was away on tour
Anyways, Cheol would be so protective over you
He's like that with the boys, so imagine being his partner
You ARE his baby
Somebody messed with you?
You will frequently be hearing, "Do I have to make a visit to someone?"
You're cold?
"Take my jacket! Do you want me to look for a nearby store, I'll buy you a new one?"
"No Cheol, I'm fine"
"No I really will, I'm ordering one right now for next time"
This man!
Most likely, he'd introduce you to either Jeonghan, Shua or Woozi first.
Reason I say Woozi is becuase they've known each other for so long, I'm sure he values Woozi's opinion
But with Seungcheol, I don't think he needs his members opinion when it comes to you
Mainly because he'd only introduce you to the members if he was serious about you
So I see him confiding in those three in the early stages of your relationship, not really when he's sure of you
When you're in the car, he drives with one hand, so his other hand is placed on your thigh
It's so hot
And no this is not made up, I have photo evidence that this man drives with one hand
Shexy Shtuff
Defo the type to 'wait it out' lmao
He wouldn't want you to feel used or anything
So during the first year, even if YOU wanted to have sex, he'd probably be like, "Uh, let's just wait"
I think he'd want to fully get to know you first
But when he feels like you're completely committed to him and vice versa
It's all free real estate
He's a switch
I said what I said
Yeah, he's a total daddy dom
But I think Seungcheol would like to be taken care of sometimes
Probably more submissive when he's tired but still in the mood for sex
And like I said, once he's committed, free real estate
This man will come home horny
Constantly ready to go
Especially after the gym when he's all sweaty
You jump him every time he comes home from the gym
Back to regularly scheduled programming:
He wants kids, and loves to talk about your future
How many kids you want
When you should start your family
One of his favorites things to do in your relationship is lay in bed, your head on his chest, him caressing your hair, staring up at the ceiling
And just talking about the future
What you both want in life
It's his way of making your relationship feel like you're still in the honeymoon phase.
Cheol would be a committed man to you
Gives the sweetest kisses
The type to kiss you all over your face when he sees you
Hypes you up with everything you do
Awkward and adroable
Choi Seungcheol,
SVT's dad
Your daddy ;)
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{A/N; I told y'all I would write the coups headcanon. I literally cried watching him give the acceptance speech at MAMA lol, he looks like he's recovering well! BTW, if you have any requests, plz send them in, it seems like I only get BTS requests? Funny cuz I used to only get NCT requests and now it's completely switched. I kinda miss my NCT requests lol, if you have anything you want plz send it in! I've also been writing for some second gen idols (not published yet)
second gen idol fics are lacking on tumblr for some reason?...but that's another story
Anyways hope you enjoyed, mwah💋}
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puranami · 7 months
✿ It's The Little Things - 3 ✿
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A/N: @leafyturtle come get y'all Franky and Robin fluff! I'm excited for this one, lotsa faves in here >:3c
Summary: Little relationship things with (currently) anime/manga exclusives ✿
Characters: Franky, Robin, Law, Kid, Killer
Content: SFW, G/N reader, language in Kid's (bc it's Kid lol) bottomless fluff ✿
(Part 1 - Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji) (Part 2 - Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk) (Part 4 - Crocodile, Rosinante, Doflamingo)
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✿ Multiply his self-aggrandizing by 100, and that's how he sees you; he is your personal hype man! Every single insecurity, no matter how big or small, will be kissed away, because you are perfect, and you should definitely tell people as such. Wait, you're too shy and don't want to? No worries, Franky's got you, and he'll tell everyone himself. Loudly. No, he won't stop or tone it down; "The world needs to know how super you are!" He loves when you hype him up in turn, and uses it to show you how great self confidence is; and it will rub off on you. He's so proud when you declare how amazing you are, even if it's just to him! "AOW! That's right, babe, you are amazing!" He'll pick you up in those huge, strong arms of his, practically crushing you in a bear hug.
✿ Franky loves to make you any and all gadgets he thinks you'd like, or need. Just as he is constantly upgrading his body, he develops and re-develops things that make your life easier, or that bit cooler! While he likes to surprise you with them, seeing how your eyes light up in wonder as he shows you how it works, he loves it even more when you're involved in the building process; brainstorming ideas, designing, picking out the colour palette, he'll even let you use a blowtorch, just, please be careful, wait what was that twinkle of mischief in your eyes? Okay, no more blowtorch - leave it to the pro! It would kill him if you got hurt on his watch, he's meant to protect you!
✿ He's made up a comfy little alcove in his workshop so you can keep him company while he's working. Soft cushions, blankets, lights so can work on your own hobbies, it's perfect! Even when you were just friends, you were always welcome there, and it's become your little safe space. It's comfy enough to fall asleep there when Franky works late, and he even modified it so that there is room for him to sleep there too. While hanging out, you'll talk about everything, and nothing, what you're both working on, or you'll simply listen to music and enjoy each others presence, and that often leads to loud singing, especially on Franky's part. He'll share his cola with you too, you just bring the snacks - can't work on an empty stomach after all!
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✿ Robin is very calm and reserved, especially compared to the rest of the crew, so her way of showing affection follows the same pattern. She'll put a gentle hand on your arm, and touch your foreheads together, but her favourite thing to do is to grow an arm out of your own, reaching down to hold your hand, all while on the other side of the room, smiling to herself. If your eyes are sharp, you'll catch the delicate blush on her cheeks when you bring your arm up to kiss her hand, or gently hold it to your cheek. She'll also make a pair of arms to wrap around your waist, or shoulders if you're sat down. She'll hold you personally too, but that is saved for your private quarters or the library.
✿ Part of her flirting is making dark comments and jokes; "I know the best way to your heart, dear." - "Through my stomach?" - "Oh no, that's not very efficient! It's anywhere between the 2nd and 4th ribs." She'll say it with such a loving gaze and gentle smile, and if you didn't know Robin better, you'd be worried she was plotting your murder, but that's just how she is, and you love her for it. She will also tell you all the gruesome details she finds in her books and research. Part of you suspects that she's purposefully trying to spook you so she can comfort you, but really she just finds these thing fascinating. Robin will be ecstatic if you can match her gallows humour, or if you have morbid facts of your own you can share with her.
✿ She takes great comfort in the fact that you love her unconditionally, and that you have always accepted her as she is, morbid interests, and former associations included, and she makes sure that you know she loves you all the same, no matter your quirks, flaws, and mistakes, for that is the beauty of love! You are each others port in the unrelenting storm of life.
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✿ Law is so used to losing the people he loves most, so for him to open up, it will take a lot of time, patience, and understanding. You can't push him on things, and will have to wait for him to come to you - he needs to feel like he has some control over the situation so he can make better judgement calls, and do something if it all goes wrong. It's nothing personal, he just doesn't want to helplessly watch his world fall apart again; he's older, smarter, and much stronger now, he will keep those he cares about safe. Once he's at that point where he feels like he's ready to be open and honest, he is completely dedicated and doggedly loyal, though he isn't very expressive with it.
✿ He shows his love through acts of service; making sure you are eating and sleeping well, tending any injuries you get in day to day life, moving you if you've fallen asleep in a weird place or position so you don't get any aches and pains, or catch a cold. Law hopes that you can feel the love he has for you in each action. He just wants to know you are healthy and well so he doesn't need to worry about you. Well, he says that, but he still worries, he can't help it. You'll need to use his own tactics against him to make sure he actually sleeps and eats instead of just working. It won't always work, sometimes he's working on things that are far too important, but he will relent otherwise.
✿ PDA is not a thing for him. At all. It's almost like he doesn't want to jinx things with the world seeing he has entrusted his heart with another again. On the Polar Tang, when it's just you and the crew, he'll be a little more open, placing a hand on your head or shoulder, matching your pace as he walks beside you, slightly gentler eyes, and the hint of a smile; so subtle, yet the crew sees right through him, and they like to tease you both. Nothing serious, but it still gets them the worst chores in response. In private, when you are alone is the only time will he allow himself to be vulnerable.
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✿ Given how intense and aggressive he is, you have the patience of a goddamn saint, and guts to back you up. He refuses to lessen himself for anyone; he is who he is, and you can either accept it and embrace him fully, or you can, in his words, "Fuck right off!" It will take a lot to break through the immense barriers he has - he will shout, argue, insult, and to get through, you have to be able to withstand that without crumbling. Shout back! Show him you're not gonna let anyone walk all over you, not even him, earn his respect, then you can build up from there. Once you've wormed your way into that exclusive club of 'We aren't Killer, but Kid still cares about us," he will be ride or die with you, and when he realises he genuinely likes you, or hell, even loves you, he would burn down the world for you if you asked him to.
✿ Out in public, you get no special treatment. It's just safer that way. He can't afford to be looking over his shoulder every other minute to make sure no one is trying to get to him through you. He'll still keep an eye on you of course, but it's indistinguishable from him watching over the rest of the crew. On the Victoria Punk he will be possessive, but not affectionate. Kid will keep you by his side, or drag you onto his lap, just generally manhandling you really, there will be no mistaking who you belong to. Once you're alone he will actually soften up; he knows he's a lot, and he cares deep down, but he's still in charge, he is your captain after all. You should take advantage of this time to get all the affection out of him that you can!
✿ You're one of the few that are actually allowed to hang in his workshop, as long as you don't bother him. He'll entertain some conversation if he's just setting up, or having a break, but once he's in the zone, zip it. He's fine with you watching him work - he's good at what he does and he knows it, but seeing the admiration in your eyes is a nice ego boost. He'll make you things if the mood hits him, particularly bits of jewellery, as it makes it easier to manhandle you from the other side of the room. He's a busy man, he doesn't want to wait for you to look his way and walk over, he wants your attention now!
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✿ Like Kid, Killer has a tendency to manhandle, but it's not nearly as aggressive; he's a big guy with big, strong muscles, and he just enjoys hauling you around like a sack of potatoes. It gives him the opportunity to hold you close, 'accidentally' touch your butt, and your laughter through it all is just so sweet. He greatly enjoys your presence when he's going about his day, and deeply appreciates any assistance you can offer, such as in the kitchen, and certainly when trying to manage his idiot best friend and crew, as he's essentially the de facto caretaker on board. Often you'll end up sat on his shoulders, acting as an extra pair of eyes and hands - no shenanigans go unnoticed!
✿ You have become an expert at reading Killer's moods and expressions through his mask, every slight shift of his body, and the angle of his head has a very specific meaning. It doesn't help that he's a quiet man in general; balancing Kid's incessant ranting and raving with his well thought out, straight to the point statements. He much prefers to listen to you talk, only talking when he has something to add to the mostly one-sided conversation. He loves having these 'chats' with you sat in his lap, head resting against his broad chest. Sometimes his goatee will tickle the top of your head, and he lives for those giggles.
✿ It will take a long time for him to feel comfortable enough to remove his mask, and you can bet he refuses to laugh around you for the longest time. Just be patient with him, and let him do things when he's ready, and don't make a big deal out of it if something slips; he'll be pretty mortified, so just giving him a loving smile and a gentle touch will reassure him that maybe the things he's insecure about, or straight up hates, aren't as big an issue as he believes them to be. Telling him he is perfect is appreciated, but not effective in building him up, since nothing is perfect really, but seeing you love him unconditionally certainly will give him a boost.
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straykeedz · 7 months
Thinking bout skz chains dangling in your face while they fuck you backstage after a concert all sweaty and riled up-
thoughts are being thought 🤭
okay so MTL to get turned on by this and then i’m going to discuss this
bang chan
lee know
jeongin - i stated this multiple times: he’s a freak. and i feel like he’d love to have you on top of a desk in the dressing room and he’d be between your legs, fucking your as hard as he can. he’s still got sooo much adrenaline from the show and would love to take it out on you. he’d love to make his chain dangle as much as possible bc it means he’s fucking you soooo hard until you’re a babbling mess and he’d be so cocky about it lmao, saying something like “am i fucking you so good you can’t speak? aw, jagi”;
bang chan - would love it (and i’m not just saying that cause he’s the loml), seriously. i’m convinced that the man would go absolutely feral if he saw you put the chain in your mouth as he fucks you, biting it with your teeth as he pounds into you ( i’m convinced he has a corruption kink and it’d drive him absolutely crazy to see his sweet, shy girlfriend turn a bit slutty because of him, but how could you not?). i think it’d happen in the dressing room, perhaps on the couch. he’d be between your legs as soon as he gets off the stage ngl!!!;
lee know - okay hear me out *clears throat* i have a feeling he likes it rough. so. rough sex + backstage + chains? you’re gonna be soooo sore lmao. that’s all i have to say;
hanji - would fuck you so hard the only thing you’d hear would be the sound of his chains zbahxheuwibduwgqyzgqywndjgahsq would snatch your hand away if you tried to put it on his chest to stop the chains from dangling lol;
changbin - i feel like he’d be slightly embarrassed to go at it backstage yk BUT if he’s hyped up enough he’d definitely be down for it. binnie with chains AND a tank top (black, perhaps? 😇)??? all sweaty too??? where do i sign??? you’d ask him to take it off though, just to see those chains on those beautiful pecs 🤤 (GOING FERAL 👹). omg would absolutely cum on the spot if you licked the sweat off his pecs and sucked on his tits avzhbahwvwgcqcwvs 👹👹👹;
seungmin - i kinda get the feeling that he’d be pretty neutral about it, he’d fuck you rough and hard regardless of the chains chavagvzhabwb especially after the show omg wouldn’t even get you naked, he’d just lift your skirt or dress or pull your jeans down your thighs and fuck you right there. i’m gonna have to be honest right now and confess that the seungmin that popped up in my mind is the one wearing a suit and sunglasses, yk? i know he wasn’t wearing a chain but just imagine - him with the shirt slightly unbottoned allowing a thick, silver chain to be half-seen?? would probably chuckle and call you his “desperate slut” when you rip his shirt open whzhsvwvqgvsvs 👹👹👹;
hyunjin - i feel like he’s be pretty annoyed by the sounds don’t ask me why 🥹 but maaaaaaybe it could work if you fidgeted with the chains as he fucks you, yk?;
felix - i HAD to put him last, i mean, have you seen the lv commercial? how the sound of the charms of the bracelets annoyed him? let’s be real, it’d drive him crazy and he’d probably take the chains off asap lol BUT still dick you down like you deserve nonetheless;
chaotic as per usual, bare with me babes ♡
-> my inbox is always open for requests and hard thoughts (or just thoughts, yk), just tap on the “💌” emoji and type away! [also, anon list is open!!!] ♡
-> reblog to support my works if you like them, “it’s good for motivation” my man chris bang once said ♡
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cemetery-sunset · 1 month
Cullen Family Helping You Through a Depressive Episode [headcanons]
divider from: @saradika-graphics
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- The most logical one to be honest
- Being a doctor, he knows how important it is to keep you healthy
- He keeps you fed/watered/nourished, makes you whatever food you want and brings it to you in bed
- Carlisle always makes sure that you have a cool glass of water on your bedside table
- He also helps you stay clean; he will offer to hop in the tub or shower and bathe with you, or if you asked him to he would just wait in the bedroom getting some pajamas for you
- He’ll brush your hair for you, but he’s not a very good stylist so dont expect anything more than a simple braid (and even that would look a little wonky lol)
- Offers to lay with you, if you accept he will hold you so gently and lovingly
- Continuously praising you and telling you how strong you are and how good you have been doing
- Sometimes he will read to you while you cuddle, any book you want 
- He's always there for you, he never hesitates to help you whenever you need
- Sometimes he knows when you start spiraling before you do
- He knows just the right things to do and say to help you calm down
- He’s surprisingly scared that you’re going to do something stupid if things get too bad. He hides his fear well, he doesn't want you to worry about him on top of everything else
- Always tries his best to help you and stay by your side for as long as you need
- He can feel that you’re feeling down, without you even telling him
- Never try to hide it from him, cause thats never going to work. He always knows what you’re feeling, and he is always on red alert whenever he feels literally any negative emotion from you
- Jasper is a quiet person, so he isn’t very forward or aggressive about his approach, his is more subtle but still very much effective
- He doesn’t really say a lot, it’s his actions that speak volumes.
- His love language is quality time and touch, so he is always by your side
- He is definitely the type to ask if he can touch you when you start to spiral. If you’re panicking, he asks to give you a hug; if you dont feel comfortable with that, he’ll just hold your hands
- Jasper has never been more grateful for his powers than those times when you feel so down and self hating
- It hurts him so much to feel all that pain and suffering you feel for yourself, and/or in general
- He enjoys quietly cuddling together, which always seems to improve your mood
- If things are really bad, he will hum some old country songs from his childhood, but thats very rare
- The biggest thing he does is to use his powers to help you, but he doesn’t do it to much because he doesn’t want to control your emotions, he just wants to help you know what i mean?
- My favorite himbo <3
- His biggest thing is to distract you and get your mind off of whatever is hurting you
- He will be the one to offer cuddles before you even ask, he hugs you so tight and starts talking about everything and nothing
- Emmett would be the first to help get you out of bed
- He would make a huge effort to keep you fed, he just wants to keep you healthy
- If you’re feeling up for it, he likes to take you on hikes in the woods. It’s a simple thing but it helps you focus on something else
- If you don’t want to get out of bed, he is perfectly fine just cuddling and watching something on tv
- He will whisper sweet things into your ear
- Telling you how much he loves you
- He focuses a little less on the actual situation and more on hyping you up in general
- Like he will compliment your personality and appearance. He will go over everything he loves about you and every single part of your body and tells you why he loves all of it
- He loves to cover you in kisses and doesn’t stop showering you in praises until he knows for a fact that you’re feeling better
- Would either be the sweetest, most comforting man ever or a distant, super cold one
- There’s no in between, sorry about it :/
- Sometimes he would be almost suffocating with how worried and close he would be
- He wouldn’t leave your side for a second, always doing anything you need
- But sometimes it would start to make him start to spiral
- Like he would start to worry that he’s not good enough to take care of you and you dont deserve him
- After he sees how stupid that thought is, he sees how much you need him in this hard time so he steps up to the plate and starts doing much better
- He doesn’t know how to cook, but he’ll buy you any food you want
- He will gladly cuddle and praise you whenever you need
- Sometimes he will even play you some piano, to help you drift off to sleep
- He would surprise you with a song he wrote for you
- Even if he doesn’t want to force you to do anything he would persuade you to get out of bed
- Both of you sit at the piano and she will teach you a thing or two
- But usually he likes to take you on walks in the woods, his favorite thing to do is just lay in the field with you and feel the cool breeze and your warm hand in his
- It brings him peace. Being there with you and knowing that he’s helping you feel better
- She is similar to Jasper with the more subtle approach
- Rosalie understands what it’s like to have those really bad days because she’s had them
- She will help you stay clean and eat something
- Rosalie would take baths with you and brush your hair, doing it up in a beautiful style
- Usually people see her as the cold, stubborn type of girl, but she’s much more than that
- She knows what it’s like to feel that broken
- That’s why she offers her help in any way she can, anything you want, it’s yours
- It’s the little things for her
- Like she’ll make you a simple sandwich or just be cuddling with you
- A bunch of those little things just keep adding up and she doesn’t stop there
- She would bring you gifts to try to raise your spirits
- She’s a little awkward in her approach to showing you this much affection, thats why she does a bunch of little things rather than huge declarations of her love
- It’s more of an unspoken understanding about how much she loves you. But when times like these hit, she realizes that you need her reassurance and love more than ever
- She puts in a huge amount of effort into those small gifts and actions, just to make sure you know she loves you and will always be there when you need
- I know that all of the Cullens know what it’s like to feel broken and hurt, its just that some know the feeling more than others
- Alice definitely knows that feeling
- Sometimes she sees that you’re going to have an episode before it even starts
- So she starts gathering all the supplies: your favorite snacks, blankets and anything else you need
- She is super worried for you but she hides it with her positivity
- She will give you makeovers and take care of you, without you even asking
- The makeovers are her favorite because not only is it a way to get your mind focused on other things but it’s an easy way to help keep up your hygiene with the showering and the self care she helps you with
- Sometimes, if things are looking really bad she will get really worried that something bad was going to happen
- Then she sees a vision of everything being okay in the future
- She very much enjoys wrapping you in tight hugs and whispering nice things to you
- Everything from “You’re so beautiful inside and out, i love you so much” to “everything is going to be okay, we’re going to get through this together. I’ve seen it”
- Dare i say: she would take a much more maternal and protective approach
-  I dont want to say she forces you to eat and drink but she definitely makes you stay nourished
- She is more than willing to make you anything you want, she just wants to help in any way she can to make you feel better
- She will help you bathe and cuddle all day if you need
- Cuddling is her specialty, she makes it even better because she likes to sing quietly
- She likes to hum and sing you cute little songs until you drift back to sleep
- As much as she doesn’t want to force you to do anything, she does make you take regular walks and get outside every day
- The movement and fresh air are very important
- She will make a picnic basket and take it on a small hike, just the two of you
- Esme would gladly make your favorite food (or try to) and have a cute little picnic to take your mind off of things :)
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
what about cod men with reader who BLASTS music like ayesha erotica, nikki minaj and etc randomly while chilling or has headphones and does that while on field
Ohhhh I think they would probably be all so confused or worried if it happened in the middle of a mission lol, here my thoughts to that scenario:
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When Ghost heard you playing Nasty from Ayesha for the first time on the middle of interrogating someone they captured and kept alive on their mission, he was very irritated. Soap tried to get the new, right information out of the soldier meanwhile you two and Gaz stood in the darker corner, staring at the horrified man as you quietly sang the lines of the song playing over your headset.
,,Damn I'm sorry I blew you off, I was doing lunch with Microsoft. I'm sucking off a C.E.O, if he's not a millionaire then I've got to go~"
,,What the hell?! Y/n quit that singing! What even is that?", Ghost looked disgusted at you, questioning why he was even befriended with you in first place but quick to remember that you're actually his favorite person on earth, except for when you were listening to sich filth. In the middle of a mission. He quickly became used to it though, just told you once in a while to keep it down or put the music off if the operation was in need of your attention. He didn't enjoy the music as it was, the text too vulgar and flithy for his liking, but he couldn't deny that the melodies of some of your songs were quite catchy sometimes. Of course he grew even more annoyed when you and Gaz would play songs together on base and Soap would jump in on it with his ugly singing.
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He didn't knew you were listening to that kind of music. He sometimes heard you playing some songs as loud as you could in your room, but he never understood a thing of what was sang and your door was always locked, as if to keep people out from seeing you dance some kind of risky dance to this music. Oh boy, if he knew.
Emo Boy was suddenly playing. It scared the shit out if Soap, Kyle and yourself even though it was your ringtone.
,,Oh shit! Sorry guys, Mama's calling. Don't wait for me with the movie!", you were smiling at them and quickly picking up and talking to your mum over the phone.
,,Was that-", ,,Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica?", ,,Oh. My. God. I heard that right?!!?", ,,Yeah...I didn't know Y/n would listen to that type of music Soap!", ,,Me neither Gaz...it's a catchy song though", ,,Oh it really is. Probably why he chose it?", ,,Yeah...you think he's also into other songs of that genre?", ,,Maybe. Are you?", ,,Oh hell nuh. Not me, no no".
Gaz raises a brow at that and smirks. Then they both start laughing. ,,Oh you are so listening to this kind of music man!", ,,Pah, and if I am? You knew the song by name and artist by just a few seconds of melody playing!", ,,Ah yeah you got me there mate heh"
,,Alright guys, I'm back! Let's start this movie night shall we?", you grinned and sat next to Kyle again, who just smiled at you and nodded, reaching for the remote control. ,,Tell me, is that the music you alway listen and dance to in your room?", ,,Uhm yeah, whx Kyle?", ,,...Wanna show me one of those dances someday?", he grinned suggestively and you just giggled at that.
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Oh this man showed you this tyoe of music, actually. He was playing some song from Doja Cat on the radio of the car from his so nicely called "Hype or Horn Me Up" playlist. You were confused at first. The words used in the songs were...interesting. And Soap was dancing and tapping to it like he was in some dance off. It was amusing and fun. Of course his taste in music wore off on you and so it surprised noone on the team when you were running past them on the field, gun in hand while looking as if you had the time of your life, the could hear for a short time the music blasting through your headphones as you went to go for the next kills.
,,I ain't tryna be cool like you hmmhmhmhmm", you sang while aiming to shoot an enemy, the new song coming on another Doja Cat favourite of you and soap. Hitting the target clean in the head you smirked. ,,I'm bitch. I'm a boss. I'm bitch, I'm a boss, I'm a shine like gloss!", ,,Oi yes you are Darlin!", Soap beamed from behind you. Price was just sighing and pinching his nosebridge while Ghost was just standing next to him like an annoyed older sibling.
You guys would play this type of music all around the base, 24/7. All week long. Until Price got so mad he made you do the dishes and gave you one month of cleaning duty. You did in fact not keep it down afterwards and everyone just had to live with it. Some of the younger recruits actually enjoyed it and envied you guys for that, made them feel less stressed and more relaxed.
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Oh boy. Oh. Boy. He nearly died. First time you blasted that music on the car ride to some pub out of town because you guys all got some time off duty? He was thinking about how he could never go to heaven now, or even just into a church. He would perish just standing on the steps of a church. But then he remembered, he wasn't even religious. So that was fine. But then he thought "Why the fuck is this muppet listening to THAT?!!?!?". You currently sat in the driver's seat and danced to S.L.U.T by Bea Miller. Before that a song way worse was playing, Price recalled (it was I Want Your Bite by Cara Cunningham). This one now wasn't too bad. It was quite nice actually. Way more innocent than ghe other one. John was thankful for that, he grew very hot and was all flustered by the other song which made him feel a little uncomfortable.
,,Oh we're nearly there Cap!", ,,Y-Yes. Just...just put the car to a stop yeah?", ,,Whatever you say Captain!", you smiled while the next song came on. ,,Oh my god this one is so good!". Price looked over to you, awaiting something more innocent again like before. He thought wrong.
,,Ride it, slide it, bite, get inside it
Come on, touch my body
I know that you like it, you can't hide it
Come on touch my body
Hotter, bigger, faster, longer, thicker
Come on touch my body!", you sang loud and proud to the lines of Treat Me Like A Slut by Kim Petras. John officially was a tomato now. He loved seeing you having your fun, but this was surely and never will be his kind of music choice.
,,Treat Me Like A Slut, little dirty bitch I love to fuck!", ,,Okayyy I think it's- oh look there's the pub! Get us a good parking lot and then we'll have some fun kid, a'right?", ,,Yes!".
Poor guy always gets all red when he hears some of his boys play such music. And with Soap and you, and occasionally also Kyle, on his team that was a lot of times. But he wouldn't be too mad about it. Just sometimes id you played it too loud or while he was in an important meeting. He did enjoy seeing you all have your fun so he is not too strict with punishments.
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You are playing some pretty filthy, nasty song in your shared house. Ale just came back from grocery shopping, Rudy in tow helping him with the bags. You were wearing just a shirt and boxers while singing to the song, looking through some magazines on the couch and just waiting for Alejandro to be back. He new of your guilty pleasure for those songs, this kind of music. He adored the way you would get all red sometimes when he talked about it to you, but he doesn't judge. He actually listens to songs like this as well. Obviously in spanish. He showed you some in his native language and you enjoyed them, even if you didn't know what was said.
Alejandro would laugh sometimes when you randomly put the music on while you were in a fight. It always made his mood go all the way up hearing and seeing you enjoy this music, especially if you would listen to the spanish ones he had shown you. For him it is no problem. He trusts you with being focused on missions so he allows you to listen to music, sometimes you even listen together over the radio.
The same goes for Rodolfo, but the poor guy would be worried sick if you would start blasting loud music on missions out of nowhere. Give the little guy a warning beforehand so he doesn't shoot you out of shock hehe. He also shows you songs in spanish, some that are not as filthy as yours but have the same kind of energy and he translates them for you.
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Little german/austrian boy listens to filthy music himself. He is the biggest Rammstein fan there is. One of his favourite songs is probably Bück Dich (Bend Over) and Dicke Titten (Big Boobs/Big Tits). He also really enjoys Labyrinth by OOMPH! It's not really filthy with words but the meaning is pretty dirty. It's also a banger like, he was so happy you enjoyed listening to music with him. To that kind of music as well. He really wantes to visit a Rammstein concert with you someday, if you said yes.
He doesn't listen to music on the job though. And because he's your colonel he asked you kindly to not do it either. On the flight to wherever the mission was? Yes of course he will even listen with you to calm his nerves. At the base? Sometimes he even gets Horangi to join you guys, who really hates this kind of music because he heard too much of it in hia home country (he absolutely hates kpop and all the horny people coming with it).
When you showed him some of your favourite artists and they would sing too fast or use words he didn't understand, you would try to translate for him and the most funny german ever. He told you it was fine to try to explain in english but you really wanted to make him happy and maybe even laugh a little when you tried to explain that the person in the song just sang "Ich möchte in deinen Titten ertrinken" (I wanna drown on those tits/boobs of yours). He is so sweet if someone came up and would make fun of you listening to such music, like he would finally use his rank for once and make them regret for ever saying that to you.
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wordbunch · 1 year
how the fellowship reacts to you singing...
a/n: this was requested - how the fellowship members react to you singing for the first time. It will include the fellowship boys + Faramir, because I adore him and he needs more love. let me know how you liked it! 💗💗💗 (it will be longer than you think lol)
+ tagging my beloved @entishramblings
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at first he wasn’t sure whether his ears were deceiving him
but he stopped and listened carefully, eventually realizing it was you
then all his attention went into listening to you
he very much enjoyed it, but waited for you to finish your little performance before saying anything (didn’t want to interrupt you, nor make you feel awkward)
he wouldn’t be giving you elaborate compliments and praise, just something short and to the point, but you’d see in his face that he genuinely loved it
he likes to listen to you sing, but also sometimes loves to join you and sing together!!!
wants to learn all the songs you know
with his excellent hearing, he picked up on you humming tunes quietly as you walked, many times
and he found even that very pleasant
but when he heard you fully singing for the first time he had heart eyes, basically
he thought you have the most angelic, soothing yet powerful voice
he would never ask you to sing anything for him and wouldn’t want to push you, but he would enjoy it so much when you do
he wants to know where you picked up all the songs that you know
his absolute favorite thing is when you quietly sing while braiding his hair!!!!!
an absolute fanboy of yours, openly
as soon as he hears you singing, he wouldn’t only divert his attention only to that...
but he’d make sure to point it out to everyone else as well
I diagnose him with singing off-key, butttt he still wants to share some dwarf songs with you, and you appreciate it
would be the kind of person to be like “now [Y/N] will sing something for all of us” skhssdhgsh
you know it’s all with the best intentions even if you feel self-conscious about your singing
but this guy right here would hype you up so much that eventually you wouldn’t even care how your voice sounds to others
he compliments the heck out of you (for singing and everything else)
however he would try not to openly praise you for it to everyone everywhere bc he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
keyword: he would try not to
he cannot sing so he appreciates your talent all the more
can’t help smilingggg whenever he hears you!
very grateful that you’re comfortable with sharing that part of yourself with him
if you ever actually sang in front of a crowd at some celebration or special occasion, this man would combust of pride
can’t help smiling as soon as he hears you, and he immediately recognizes that it’s your singing voice, even from further away
will sneakily approach you so as not to startle you
but he definitely wants to hear more
very curious about where you learned to sing and how you picked up all the songs
it’s a safe haven when you sing something to him, he will literally be in seventh heaven
loves to write and he would be beyond thrilled if you sang some poem that he wrote, but he wouldn’t actually ask you to
enjoys singing together with you
is generally easily captivated by beautiful and magical things, your voice absolutely being one of them
will ask you countless times to sing again (but he will be quite shy about it every time)
gives you ideas on what you could sing about
he gives you cute little compliments but wishes he could express all that in a much more elaborate way
it brings him incredible joy to hear you singing from somewhere while he’s gardening
he swear it makes everything grow bigger and more luscious
God forbid anyone makes even a slightly negative comment about your singing, he is ready to throw hands
jaw drops to the floor when he hears your singing voice
this boy is captivated
smooth compliments that make you blush
why can I see him dancing/trying to dance to whatever you’re singing
potentially he’s not THE best singer out there but oh my does he love singing with you
especially spontaneously, out of nowhere
yes actually he would totally dance around when you sing, and he would dance around with you and spin you around until you’re so out of breath that you can’t sing anymore but instead just laugh heartily
generally worships the ground that you walk on, and that also implies all your talents and abilities
absolute heart eyes as soon as he hears you singing
(he already loves just listening to you talk, let alone anything else)
ADORES when you two sing together, but initially just a bit shy to suggest it, or to just spontaneously join you
will he come up with songs for you? absolutely
songs for you two to sing together? ABSOLUTELY
would never, in any way, push you to sing in front of everyone else, he actually enjoys it being like a lil thing between the two of you
+ bonus FARAMIR
he heard your voice echoing in the Gondorian halls as you were carrying out some tasks
he was almost convinced it was a sound from heaven
but he followed the sound of it and found you! 
you were a tiny bit embarrassed but he complimented you immediately
he finds it very relaxing when you sing to him and it’s so intimate to him
he will occasionally write poems and cautiously ask you whether you can make up some melody for them and turn them into songs
not the best singer, but loves to join you sometimes
+ bonus bonus character GANDALF
“[Y/N], stop with the unnecessary noise, I am trying to think”
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joelslegalwhre · 4 months
Valetine's Day | Dad!Dieter Bravo x reader
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word count: 1.2k
pairing: Dad!Dieter Bravo x fem!reader
summary: Dieter and your kids surprise you for Valentines day but you also have one for Dieter he didn't expect.
warnings: dad!dieter is his own warning (and au😌), a ton of fluff, reader is a mom, Santiago (Santi) is a toddler and Camila (Cami) is only about 10-18 months old, talks of breeding kink?, mention of drugs (Dieter is clean around his kids(!!), but we want him to have some fun here and then👀), reader calls dieter "daddy" (just once), this isn't proofread yet!, if I missed anything please tell me!
a/n: This has absolutely thrown my plan of introducing Dad!Dieter off track lol. Timing-wise, it's sometime after Dieter and reader already have kids and are married, but a little Valentine's Day special was too cute not to do.
So, have fun with the first little teaser to dad!dieter (he's got me in a chockehold, thanks @seratuyo & @alwaysmicado for hyping me up even more lmao) And thanks to @morallyinept for the "he said what" posts, they help me sm!
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“Okay, everyone be really quiet when we open the door, okay?” “Yes, Daddy." Santi giggles and squeezes the bouquet, which seemed huge compared to his small frame, causing the paper to rustle. “C’mon, Cami.” He stretches out his short arm to take her by the hand, having difficulty balancing the bouquet in his hand. 
"Here buddy, I'll take your sister and you give mummy her bouquet," Dieter says, gently taking your daughter in his arms. She’d only make a few steps anyway and would have to crawl the rest of the way. But ever since she started taking her first steps a few weeks ago, Santiago’s been thrilled and didn't want to go anywhere without his little sister. "Alright, ready?" Dieter asks again and both kids nod excitedly, giving him the reaction he wanted. Dieter grins at the two and then nods in the direction of the door behind which your bedroom was. And where you were still completely knocked out. 
All thanks to Dieter. He insisted on giving you an 'early Valentine's Day present' last night. 
"It's not too early, baby." he grinned with a smug smile. "It's technically the 14th already, and you know damn right what else is ready for you," he emphasized his words with a wiggle of his eyebrows, "all the time." 
You chuckled at his attempt to seduce you and slid further up the bed until your back rested against the headboard. "Okay, show me your present then, Mr Bravo." you grinned. 
"Your wish is my command, Mrs Bravo." 
And as he removed his pants and slowly moved closer until he bent his body over yours, caging you in between him and the mattress, you knew it was going to be a long night. 
"Alright, you go first little man."
Santiago nods again excitedly before stretching to open the door. Dieter tousles Camila's hair, making her smile instantly, and she looks up at her Dad with big brown eyes. "Let's go and surprise mommy, baby girl," he says and kisses her on the forehead before following your son. Dieter holds the door open so Santi can concentrate on delivering your flowers safely, all while watching his kid with a warm smile.
The noise of the door and Santis little feet tapping on the floor wakes you up. The first thing you see when you open your - still tired - eyes, is a broadly grinning Santiago. Dieter must’ve opened the curtains when he got up, so the room was bathed in a warm light.
“Happy Valentine's day, mommy!” 
“Oh hi, good morning. Happy Valentine’s, baby.” you smile and straighten up in bed to sit cross-legged. Glad you put on one of Dieter's many oversized shirts yesterday. 
“We got you flowers.” he tells you excitedly, holding out the flowers for you to see. 
“Oh my god, they're almost as big as you are." you say with a chuckle, "They’re so beautiful, bubba.”
You smell them, closing your eyes as the soft, floral scent fills your nose. When you open them again, you see the piece of paper between the flowers, a tonne of pink and red glitter to decorate the heart-shaped card. 
“Did you make this yourself?” you smile at Santiago, running your fingers through his brown curls. “I did! I used glitter, because you like it!” 
“Yes, I do.” you chuckle. “Thank you.” you smile at him again, and he looks beyond proud. 
“Happy Valentine’s day,” Dieter grins from behind Santiago, “Again.” 
You giggle as he leans down, Cami still on his arm, and gives you a kiss. 
“Ha, ha.” you say in feigned indignation, smacking him on the chest. But the smile that wins over your face, tells Dieter everything he needs to know. 
He's still leaning over you as you reach out to take Cami from Dieter's arms and bring her next to you. "Hey, my little girl." She immediately smiles and you chuckle. 
“Thank you so so much.” you say again, pulling Santiago into a hug and into your lap, as Dieter takes a seat behind you on the bed. The four of you together on the bed, the gigantic bouquet of flowers next to you - because that’s what Dieter does, and he’d die before he’d ever not get you the biggest one he could get - you felt so completely content, safe, and happy. 
“Come here,” Dieter quietly says, one hand on your waist, pulling you - and Santi - to his chest, Cami crawling on the bed next to him. You let your head rest on his shoulder, but turn a little to give him a kiss on his jaw, and another one to the small bald patch in his, slowly but surely, salt and pepper turning beard. Dieter glances down at you and gives you a smile that brings your whole world to a halt. 
Every time he looks at you with that special smile, it's like you're back in time, back in the kitchen, dancing and having batter spilt all over you. A smile that's reserved just for you.
“I love you, baby.” he whispers against your lips, his breath playing with yours.
“I love you.” you smile up at him. 
“I can’t wait to have you all big and round again. You’re the perfect mom, would be a such waste not to have another one.” he continues. “Third time’s a charm, huh?” you play along with Dieter's little game of teasing. “Any other reason you’d like to knock me up, again?” 
Dieter looks at you with a smug smile, his hand finding its way to your belly. 
“Shh now, our kids are present,” he moves closer to your ear and his lips almost touch your earlobe. Dieter knows exactly how to tease you. 
"Your tits are also incredible when you're pregnant." he grins. 
"I literally just had Cami, they're still huge." you laugh softly and shake your head.
"It’s not about the size, baby. I always love them, no exception. But when you're pregnant they're so deliciously sensitive." 
You can practically feel his cheeky grin. “Oh, you’re one of a kind, D.”
Santi is still snuggled up in your arms, half asleep again, while Cami is bubbling away next to you and Dieter, playing with the end of the blanket.
His one arm around your waist, you push up the sleeve of his dark, fuzzy teddy coat on his other arm to reveal his tattoos. Slowly, you trace both of his triad tattoos, a habit Dieter particularly loves. 
“I got you something, too.” you say after a while of comfortable silence.
"Oh yeah?" 
He places a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "Yeah." you reply, a knowing smile spreading on your lips. 
"It's in the drawer," you whisper, tipping your head towards the bedside table. "Open it."
Moving slowly so as not to disturb you and Santi, Dieter leans towards the drawer and opens it. The slight rustling of the small bag filled with "white goodness", as he likes to call it, tells you that Dieter has found his present. 
"Ohh baby, you just made the whole ‘baby making’ thing even better." 
You grin and feel Dieter pull you closer to him, touching your waist in the process, causing you to giggle. 
"Happy Valentine's day, daddy," you whisper in his ear. 
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💗Happy Valentine's day besties💗
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ your one and oni big himbo boyfriend ♡
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-> headcanons of itto as your boyfriend!
arataki itto x fem!reader
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You're a real trooper if you end up dating Itto because he's gonna become your big baby once you two are together. The ironic thing about this is that he'll often call you, "baby". But clearly, between the two of you, you know who the real baby is.
He's gonna be really handsy on you, not necessarily in a sexual way all the time. Whether it's having his hand on top of your head, around your waist, on your thigh, or especially having his hand in yours, he always wants to feel the warmth of your skin on his. It reassures him that you're there with him, for him, and that someone loves him. While he might boast that "everyone loves him" or that "if they don't love him already, they should", but with you, it's different. It's meaningful and most of all, true. And he knows that just as he's always gonna be there for you, so will you always be there for him.
He will also love using your chest as a pillow, no matter what size it is. The warmth and softness of it and hearing the sound of your heartbeat soothes him. Therefore, he'd love being the little spoon when cuddling despite how humongous he is. Just hold him tight and run your fingers through his silver hair as he nuzzles his face into your chest, and he will be the happiest oni in all of Teyvat. I told you he'd be a big baby.
On the other hand, he's gonna be all melodramatic whenever you get upset or angry with him (over something minor). He'll whine and cry to the other Arataki gang members like,
"Well, Boss...you did break her [favorite item] trying to catch that onikabuto..."
"...I'd recommend saying sorry and getting her a new one...good luck, Boss"
Itto does try to make it up to you. He'll search all over the place to find an item that could replace the one he broke. He won't stop searching because he believes that you'll never forgive him if he doesn't find it. After enough searching and when you finally do forgive him, he'll pounce on you, suffocating you with the biggest hug while crying, "Y/N I'M SORRY!! I LOVE YOU"
Other than that, Itto will be your BIGGEST hype man, even if it's in the most annoying way. Any insecurities or low self-esteem that you have will have to perish when he's around. He's always boosting himself up, so why wouldn't he also boost up his woman? He's going to try to show you off to everyone. Like, he'd go out waving a picture of you to those on the street, saying "Have you seen this girl?" and whether they say yes or no, he'll then say, "Well now you have and your eyes have been blessed. Be grateful!"
Or even when you're fighting against some enemies and Itto is just cheering you on from the sidelines, he'll look to the other Arataki gang members and be like "LOOK AT HER!! LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND!! ISN'T SHE SO BADASS?!" Poor Akira, Genta, and Mamoru have to endure this, "Yes, we know boss..."
You'll have to tell him to calm down, for their sake and your own because sometimes Itto will be putting too much of your business out there. When talking to strangers and you're right next to him, he'll suddenly go, "Anyway, did you know my girlfriend can [insert special activity] and do [insert other activity]? Isn't she amazing?! That's why she's mine, because amazing and amazing go well together", he'll grin.
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a/n: tbh itto is so fun to write about! I absolutely love himbos, LOL. Anyway, I'll be writing some nsfw hcs of him as your boyfriend soon!
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ughgoaway · 3 months
have you ever thought about a time when Girlie is with Annie and Matty bathing the dog and it's a warm family atmosphere? and maybe then go to the park and play as a family.
Thank you so much for the cute idea 🪐 anon!! my random thoughts below the cut as always lol <3
anyway, yes, this is so fun to think about. I love anything with mayhem, and the image of you all trying to tackle him into the bath to give him a proper wash is so funny.
I can see Matty, mayhem, and Annie coming home from a walk, and to say they are muddy is an understatement. He calls you as they're approaching the house and tells you to prepare the bath; warning you that is officially time to bathe mayhem.
You try to avoid washing him at home as much as possible, sending him off to the groomers whenever you can. Not because you don't love him, but because he is fucking massive and it's somehow a three-man job. 
Getting Annie involved was the last solution after too many disastrous attempts, but you needed an extra pair of hands. And she was the only one in the house. But Mayhem loves her so much, so she's actually a pretty good distraction. 
You line the walk to the bathroom with towels and creek open the front door slowly, and your jaw drops at the sight in front of you. Mayhem is caked in mud, staring up at you with his tongue hanging out and his tail wagging wildy, splashing more mud around.
Matty and Annie were both wearing welly boots, and they were also covered in mud. Annie even had some in her hair, but those two could be dealt with later. Mayhem was your current mission.
“Oh my god. Matthew, how did it get this bad?” You ask in shock, flicking your wide eyes over the three of them.
“It's not my fault. I swear. Mayhem got out of his harness and ran into a muddy puddle. Me and Annie ran after him, but the puddle turned out to be a bit deeper than we thought…” Matty says sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck with his hands, but quickly snatching them away with a grossed-out look on his face when he feels the mud in his hair.
You sigh heavily at Matty and start gently guiding mayhem in the house as Annie holds his tail to stop him from wagging it and spraying mud everywhere.
Eventually, you get Mayhem safely in the bathroom after walking very slowly the whole time. You all know from past experience that if you walk too quickly, mayhem takes it as a queue to sprint at full force through the house and rub his face on the rug in the front room. 
You really tried to get the mud out last time, but it was a pointless task. Matty still claims you somehow planned it because you hated that rug. “How else did he get so muddy when it hadn't rained in weeks?” he accuses you time after time.
You deny it wholeheartedly, but you can't deny the feeling of joy you felt when you saw mayhem rubbing his whole body over it, and let's just say you definitely didn't do anything to stop it.
But you actually like the new rug you bought, so when you finally got mayhem in the bathroom this time, the three of you couldn't help but cheer as soon as the door clicked shut.
However, you forgot that any sort of excitement would hype mayhem up to no end, so as soon as he heard the cheers, he jumped on his hind legs and pounced onto Matty.
“Woah mayhem- WAIT NO-” Matty shouts.
Now, usually, Matty caught him quite well, keeping mayhem upright and balancing him perfectly on his chest. But this time, he wasn't prepared, and before you knew it, all you saw was a massive splash of water coming out of the bath as mayhem pushed both him and Matty in it.
You and Annie stood there in shock for a few seconds, but as soon as Matty sat up in the bath, covered in mud and bubbled. You all couldn't help but burst out laughing. Matty pouted, of course, but he soon realised that this kind of was the ideal way to wash mayhem. He could keep him calm as you and Annie scrubbed him.
“Right, Annie, will you grab the peanut butter for me, sweetheart? Your dad is on mayhem feeding duty today” you say, lathering up the soap between your hands as Matty uses a bowel to wet mayhem.
“Here you go, Daddy. Don't eat the peanut butter, though, mayhem licks from this one” Annie warns, holding the jar just out of Matty’s reach until he nods at her words. After she knows he heard her, she quite happily hands it over, grabbing the bowl from Matty’s hands and rinsing mayhem once more.
The four of you are all huddled either in or around the bath, scrubbing mayhem and watching the mud pour off him. Matty sits in front of him, holding the peanut butter jar in front of his face so he can happily lick inside the jar whilst you clean his paws.
“Daddy you look silly in the bath with Mayhem.” Annie giggles as she scrubs Mayhem’s head, giving him a mohawk with the bubbles that form. 
“I know, i know. Will you go grab my camera for me, sweet girl? I wanna get a photo of us all” matty asks, smiling down at mayhem with too much love in his eyes, considering mayhem had bowled him over not even 10 minutes earlier.
Annie scampers off and grabs the camera, leaving you and Matty alone in the bathroom. 
“You do look quite stupid in the bath, you know?” You tease, grinning down at Matty and watching him roll his eyes and hold in a laugh.
“Quite dilfy too, though” you add on thoughtfully, looking at how Matty’s soaking white shirt was starting to become completely transparent, and you couldn't help but gawk at the way his tattoos became more visible beneath the wet fabric. Matty pulls his shirt off cheekily, dropping it on the floor next to him before teasing you back.
“Mmm, I always look dilfy. S’how I got you, anyway” Matty gives you a smug smile, and you can't help but kiss it off his face, humming happily as you feel his lips working against yours. 
You both get a bit lost in the kiss, and soon it becomes a little desperate and breathless, all tongues and teeth as poor mayhem has to stand there are witness it all. But it soon enough gets interrupted by Annie walking in, and very eloquently proclaiming “ewwww!!”
You and Matty both laugh against each other's lips, and you feel a bit dizzy when you pull away, having to blink a few times before you bring yourself back to earth. 
You quickly snap a few shots with Matty's Polaroid camera; a selfie of you all, and a picture of annie grinning next to mayhem with his bubble mohawk. But, you get a particularly cute one of Matty and mayhem and you can't help but sneak that one away for yourself.
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(ik this is not actually mayhem in this picture… but let's all use our imaginations <3)
You eventually get him all washed up and wrangle him out of the bath onto a towel. however, as soon as things are slightly too quiet and still, you can see the mischief brewing in mayhems eyes.
“Mayhem… no. don't even think about it” but he is a dog after all, so he ignores you completely. And soon enough, he's shaking every single drop of water off his body and onto the three of you.
The only thing that's heard in the bathroom is all of your screams, Annie runs behind the bathroom cabinet in an attempt to hide from the spray, but alas, there is no escape.
After far too many seconds for your liking, he stops shaking. And is looking at Matty with his mouth open in a smile and with a wagging tail.
“You're so lucky you're so cute, mate,” Matty sighs.
“Bloody horse dog,” you mumble under your breath, looking in the mirror at your now dripping wet hair.
Annie simply giggles, grinning as she bends down to give mayhem a hug and squealing when he starts to lick her face. you forgive mayhem pretty quickly after that, blowdrying him, yourself, matty, and annie in a row and snapping another picture of you all.
Now, as for going to the park after, I think you try to avoid it for a few days, trying to keep him clean as long as possible. But before the week is over, all four of you are running around in the mud together like crazy people, and you don't even think about the carnage this is all gonna cause.
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lixieisgod · 2 years
Hiii your blog is super pretty🤎
can I request bcs of eren with a black girlfriend please, it doesn’t even have to be super long if u don’t wanna write a lot lol
have a nice day or night 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
🎶::𝐻𝑒𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑖 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝐷𝑖𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑦 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑛𝑑
🪐:: 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑙, 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦. 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
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Eren "I worship the ground my pretty girl walks on" Yeager. When I tell you this man is obsessed with you, I mean he is fucking obsessed with your pretty ass. He genuinely thinks you're the most perfect girl to exist and spoils you with whatever you want whether that be his attention or him paying to get your nails done etc., hence the nicknames; my pretty girl, my perfect girl, angel, and my spoiled princess.
Having Eren as your boyfriend means that he is your personal hype man. It doesn't matter the time or place he will hype you tf up. Whenever you get your nails done, hair done, lashes done it doesn't matter what you get done just expect Eren to be there hyping you tf up and throwing you compliments left and right. He's just so amazed at how beautiful you are it's really not his fault. And even when your hair and nails etc. aren't done he still hypes you up because you're most beautiful in your natural form and takes every moment to let you know just how gorgeous you are. So if you're ever feeling insecure expect Eren to be there to remind you just how flawless you are.
In addition to having Eren as your hype man he is also your personal photographer and damn does that boy know how to take good pics. Whenever you want to take new ig pics just ask him to take them for you, he'll be more than happy to.
He takes every god forbidden opportunity to brag about you to his friend and mom. You met his mom after you left, his mom told him that you're definitely the one for him he was so happy he almost cried.
Eren loves spoiling you, he's the type of guy to hand you a few racks and tell you have fun. You've tried telling him on several occasions that you can pay for yourself and hand him his money back but he insists he pays. Don't even bother trying to hand him his money back it's just gonna end up with him convincing you to take it.
He comes with you to get your hair done so that he can spend more time with you and also so he can be the first to compliment you.
His main love language is touch so expect him to always have his hands on you.
He loves watching you apply lip gloss on your plump juicy lips, there's something about the innocent act that just turns him on. He likes when you have lipgloss on when you two make out it just makes things a little more fun.
He clears his schedule out so he's free on Sunday's so that he can help you out with washday, he absolutely adores your natural hair he thinks your curls look so pretty on you. He'll learn how to braid your natural hair along with learring a few other simple styles. You caught him watching a YouTube tutorial about learning how to cornrow once.
He's always willing to oil your scalp and give you scalp massages, he does it so well that 98 percent of the time it ends with you sound asleep in his lap.
He is in love with seeing your skin glow during golden hour the first time he saw u during golden hour he could have sworn you were an angel.
He is extremely overprotective of you, he never wants you to get hurt or taken away from him.
He gossips with the aunts at the cookout, they be talking mad shit about everybody and they mama. 😭😭
This fucking fatass Eren brought like 8 plates back home with him after the cookout.😭✋🏽
Overall he's the perfect example of "nice to my girlfriend and an asshole to everyone else"
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thatsexcpisces · 1 year
Astrology observations Pt. 7
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I noticed that men with prominent cancer and Gemini placements or cancer/Gemini sun, Gemini-cancer cusp men are usually always gamers and are really into anime/marvel and always play different video games are interested in that type of nerdy stuff
Many talented or successful athletes have their moon in aries (ex. Lebron James, Tom Brady)
Moon in 6th house people stress over the slightest problems in their health or even minor injuries. People in my family have this placement and if they so much as break their pinky toe and have to wear a boot they complain about it for centuries
Cancer + aries placements in the big 6 = mentally unstable
Why are so many Aquarius men always attracted to pisces women💀 I swear they could be completely different people but there’s just something that draws the 2 of them to each other and it’s usually the aqua male chasing after the pisces. Maybe it’s their caring and sensitive nature they find interesting
Saturn in cancer individuals always have karma on their side when they least expect it. They may feel challenged and unlucky in life but they will always get the upper hand at the most unexpected moment
Men with their sun squaring/opposite their ascendant or men with mars in pisces/cancer tend to act overly cocky and are the type to shit on women when they feel rejected due to their big ego mostly bc of the fact that the masculine planets are influenced by more feminine energy and placements so they’re insecure and uncomfortable since they have defects in their masculinity ( for example, Andrew Tate has his mars in Pisces)
also men with prominent Pisces or libra placements in the big 6 also tend to have a sensitive ego and can’t handle rejection (esp moon)
for example:
*libra stellium or moon male asks you out*
*you reject them in the nicest way possible*
them: “okay fuck you ur ugly asf bitch”
Like? 😭😭
People with many 8th house placements in their chart are usually just interested in hookups and only save their commitment when they truly think they’ve found the right person
Sagittarius, Scorpios, and Capricorn’s always attract each other. I always see sag people being close friends with either other sag or Scorpio or Capricorn people
Pisces are more secretive and private than Scorpios imo it’s they live a secret life sometimes
Chiron/Saturn in 2nd house people may have grown up jealous of or resenting families or people who seemed to have it all or the “perfect life” in terms of money/wealth and they may have grown up in poverty/poor conditions which caused them to feel embarrassed of their background and financial situation
Why are cancer placements esp risings so passive aggressive? Like you can’t expect me to understand your inner thoughts if you don’t EXPRESS YOURSELF💀
Virgo moons always have some sort of IBS or stomach issues atleast one point in their life
Gemini/Sag suns and risings can’t sit still. like they always have to get up to move around after a few minutes or if they’re forced to stay put they fidget, bounce their leg, etc
Leo Venus secretly love when their partner is a little clingy cause they want that attention every now and then (unless influenced by more detached placements in the chart)
Scorpio Venus flirting style = staring at you every few seconds but not approaching
Ik so many Pisces moons who have alcohol addictions or did drugs/smoke a lot. Makes sense tho since the 12th house is also about addictions
Everyone says libra moons are the ones who are more likely to be fruity but imo it’s taurus and cancer moons 👀
Leo moons are the most loyal friends you will ever have. Speaking as Leo moon myself lol but tbh we really are the hype man of our friend group
Having Lilith in your 8th house could mean that you’ve also wanted to express your sexual desires and energy but felt restricted in some way. You’ve always been interested in discussing taboos others might’ve been uncomfortable with but maybe the environment you were in didn’t allow you to experiment with them.
Mutable mercuries tend to laugh in the wrong situations or at awkward/serious times. These people never take anything seriously and they love to make a joke out of everything. They could also have a dirty mind and and space out when anyone is talking to them (Virgo mercuries less than the others tho)
Sagittarius mercuries are so BLUNT it hurts. They won’t even think before saying what they want to say and confront you even if your feelings are gonna get hurt. These people have an attachment to telling the truth
Eating disorders are common in Taurus mars people
If you have Lilith or Medusa harshly aspecting your ascendant, it could mean that people (especially women) hated you for no reason. You enhance a lot of sexual appeal and raw beauty and that would make others jealous and envious of you. People probably also tried to include you in drama you had nothing to do with and gossip/make rumors bc so many people are obsessed with you and your life.
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spidey-bie · 11 months
Hey buddy this is the-cat-and-the-birdie
Uhh quick question you got any Hobie headcanons? I’m curious and also not normal about him at all
also if you have any advice on how not to lose my mind everytime I see a drawing of him please let me know cause this man is robbing me of my heart and sanity
It's literally impossible I've tried so hard but my mind is gone.
Anyways headcanons. (Idk if you wanted relationship based ones or just Hobie related ones but oh well. These are gonna be random as hell lol.)
General Headcanons
You can take Hobie and his Caribbean roots from my cold dead hands (and even then I'll arise from the grave to fight you)
I feel like he knows how to cook but he acts like he can't just to mess with everyone.
Aroace Hobie supremacy here. (We all heard that I hate labels line right. Aroace was the first thing that popped in my mind IDC IDC.)
I feel like back in his home dimension he just picks up kids off the street to adopt. Or at the very least all the kids in his area know of him and absolutely adore him.
He crafts in his down time when he's not punching fascists. It started as just patches on his jacket but now he straight up just crochets plushies that he gives to the spider band and the kids in his area.
He's just the hypeman. Always hyping up his friends and motivating them because he didn't get that when he was their age.
He seems like he's the cool and suave type at first but he's actually a huge dork like every other spiderman. He's constantly telling Gwen and Pav about his favorite Punk artists and whatever new tech is coming out in his universe.
Romantic Headcanons
His love language is acts of service, physical touch, and words of affirmation Fight me.
Like he just is always on you if he can be. Leaning against you while talking, lying across you if you're sitting down, head resting on top of yours type beat. (You get what I'm saying here.)
He's the best guy to go too if you need a pick me up. You're feeling down? Well he's not having it.
He definitely takes you on the coolest kind of dates. Not the traditional movie and dinner type stuff. Nah y'all are gonna go to some underground spot that had a hidden entrance and a passcode.
He's fairly neutral to PDA. Like he probably won't initiate it himself half of the time. But if you initiate it he'll definitely reciprocate it.
A/N: This reminds me I have to do more research on Jamaican culture for future works. If someone could help there that'd be nice. That's one down 2 more to go. I think I haven't looked at my inbox yet.
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yongbokkk · 1 year
i have a request!! (non-idol au • he/him pronouns • confident bang chan • shy reader) so basically…(male reader) goes on a coffee shop date with itzy since they’re best friends lol (you can do less than 5 members if you want i don’t mind hehe). reader spots a very hot stranger(a very teasing and confident bang chan). bang chan makes eye contact with him and ofc reader gets flustered as hell. itzy, being reader’s besties, hype him up to go ask bang chan for his number…long story short, reader leaves with bang chan’s number and a big fat crush on him. you can of course expand this story if you want to!! love your work:))). -🌸
your number, please?
pairings: bang chan x male!reader
genre: fluff, non-idol au
a/n: i didnt know which hair era you wanted, but i miss his superior blonde hair 😍 also sorry if i switched from 2nd to 3rd pov 😭
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"i might just go here everyday if the coffee tastes like this." you said, sipping on your delicious drink.
"i know right, i can't believe it!" yeji brightens up on the taste of the cafe's coffee.
from the corner of your eyes, the glass door had swung open, and you saw a blonde man walk in the store.
my, oh my, he was handsome, hot, and attractive. out of nowhere, you felt yourself staring at the boy longer than you think.
then all of a sudden the two of you locked eyes, your face flustered of embarrassment when he tugged the corner of his lips into a smirk.
ryujin and yeji seemed to notice this, they exchanged a knowing look to each other. they smirked as they come up with an idea.
"your coffee is about to run cold if you keep staring like that." yeji commented and she was right, the drink in your hands was beginning to get warm.
"huh? oh." you quickly drunk it all, leaving a bit behind so you couldn't choke yourself.
"woah, slow down. maybe you should go ask his number before you go crazy." ryujin teasingly suggested.
"wha- who??" you pretended to be clueless.
"seriously?" yeji sighed while ryujin face palmed, she then pulls you to stand up and force you towards the blonde man. "man up for once."
"you can do it!!" you could hear them cheer from behind you, you silently cursed them under your breath.
as y/n inched closer to the attractive man, he swore he could feel himself sweating out of nervousness.
finally, he was beside chan. y/n tapped his shoulder, catching the blonde's attention.
"there's a problem, i don't see your number in my-" y/n had an unreadable face as he said it all in a milisecond, but he was quickly cut off by chan.
"contacts. don't worry, it'll be there," he took your phone which was indicating for him to type his number. "it's bang chan, by the way."
he handed the phone back and winked at y/n, causing the h/c to rush off back to his seat with ryujin and yeji.
they all roared in laughter at him, making y/n more embarrassed than ever.
"haha! what kind of flirting was that?!" yeji continuesly slapped his forearm, while ryujin held her stomach in laughter.
"shut up."
sooner or later, the three all decided to leave for the day. y/n said goodbye to his two friends, walking off to who knows where.
y/n heard a ding coming from his phone, he picked it up and sees a notification from 'channie😉'
"hope we'll meet again. <3"
the h/c blushed and smiled at the message.
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itisbop · 3 months
And now... the moment you've all been waiting for (or not, which is fine)! Let's talk Brawl Talk because OH BOY am I excited.
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This is gonna be a pretty long post, so bear with me! I'll go over one section at a time and go over what I liked and disliked. Spoilers ahead! If you haven't watched the latest Brawl Talk, go do so! One more reminder, these are just my thoughts! You don't have to agree with me!
Without further to do... let's talk!
New Brawlers (Angelo and Melodie)
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Now, when I first saw Angelo, I immediately went, "HE'S UGLY LMAO." After getting used to him, though, he's actually not that bad. His design is really good and is somewhat of an anti-cupid (perfect for a gal like Willow). Also, his voice actor did such a good job so much energy was put into him.
He doesn't seem like he's gonna be incredibly busted, but he is gonna be good in the right hands (while I'm at it pay your respects to Mortis Mains ya'll, they just took a major l with this guy). Sorry Larry and Lawrie, but you two are gonna have to step aside, I NEED this man as much as I need the next brawler.
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I. LOVE. MELODIE!!! I did think she was a League of Legends character at first, lol.
Apparently, I've heard people say she is the first female assassin, which is very interesting! Out of the two, I feel she poses more of a threat. She might be broken, though her main attack is WEAK.
I've been through the Reddit and have seen so many people talk about how she looks like Janet, and I'd like to take the time to bring up a little theory... what if she was Janet and Bonnie's mom? I would go into this further, but we have to keep going!
Overall, I really like these two! Their designs are really good, and the character designers did a great job! Their pins and profile pictures show SO much personality! Expect some art of these two soon! However, if I may say something, I wish their skins were cooler. Why couldn't Angelo have a Sands of Time skin too? 😭
Speaking of Sands of Time...
Sands of Time and Ragnorok + Skins
Out of both seasons, I'm very hyped for Sands of Time. The "Sands of Time" is a very interesting concept that can be used very creatively. Can't wait to see what the animation brings! Though I think we all know why I'm hyped...
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My best guest was that this skin was gonna be a Epic/Mythic skin, but a LEGENDARY?????? WHAT?????? Chuck fans we just fucking WON. I've seen the sneak peaks and heard his voice lines, Nicolai did an INCREDIBLE job as always. I'm am SO READY to go broke for this skin, but first, I must purchase some seasonal skins since they've been on my agenda for a while.
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Loki Chester has to be the one I'm looking forward to getting the most for the Ragnorok seasons/skins. Plus, it's free! (If you have good luck).
Side note and honorable mention, Thor Bibi was just the icing on the cake for Bibi Mains this update. While I feel like a few more details could be added for this skin to make in truly "legendary," everything else about it great, including the voice acting! Poor Bull, he's the only one in his yet to get a Legendary Skin.
Ranked and The Report System
Okay, not related, but I love how they disses on the community a bit in this section, LOL. They know what, at least Reddit and Twitter are doing (and let's keep it that way, they don't need to know what's going on over here lol).
Anyways, while I'm excited (and scared) for Ranked with modifiers I wanna take this time to talk about a concern... the report system...
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Now, I know there's a reason why we have 10 reports; but what's gonna stop so angry guy from reporting me if I didn't do anything? I feel like there's a chance this could backfire, that's all.
Hypercharges and Balance Changes
No Mortis or Poco hypercharge :(
Cordelius was definitely unexpected and very scary. Getting slowed in the shadow realm is a death sentence.
I wish Belle got a little more this update, but I'll take the hypercharge.
Move over Charlie, there's a new spider person in town, and he's a DINOSAUR.
Onto to balance changes. 84???? GOD DAMN. Adrien wasn't fucking around this update. Edgar is dead (and rightfully so FUCK HIM) and Doug might actually stand a chance in this Meta. I'll miss the days when Hypercharges were game breaking just for the community's rage, but it's probably for the greater good.
Whatever the Fuck the Random Skins Were
Now Primo Shark, I can take (though I'm definitely not gonna be able to take Baby Shark as a in game theme, I'm muting music for that entire time period). Pitcher Fang is a good skin too. Squeaky note is very... meh, but it's a rare skin so you can't expect much.
It was tolerable until I saw the losing animation, and to that, I say EWWWWWWWWWW 🤮🤮🤮. WHYYYYY!?!?!? THAT'S SO NASTY!!!
I get that this is an April Fool's skin, but WHYYY THAT??? Thank GOD this skin is expensive. If I catch any of you with this skin, I'm gonna need to ask if you're okay. I don't wanna show a picture of this skin to you all, or else I'm pretty sure Tumblr would kick me to the curve. This is easily what I was least excited for for this update.
Overall Rating and Final Thoughts
Now, it's time to throw the final ratings on screen and say anything else that's on my mind.
New Brawlers - 9.5/10, definitely getting both! Let's hope they get some cool skins soon!
Sands of Time - 7/10, the concept and Chuck carry this season don't fight me on this. /j
Ragnorok - 6.5/10, I'm not as hyped, but I will grind for that Chester skin!
Ranked - 8/10, now I have a reason to actually play this mode. Hopefully, the report system is fair enough...
Hypercharges - 6.5/10, again not as hype, but I will be snatching that Belle Hypercharge since she's the only one out of the 6 I maxed out. She deserved more, though. :(
Balance Changes - 10/10, bye Edgar begone. F for the twins, however; I liked them.
Random Stuff - 3/10, not even Pitched Fang can save us from whatever the devs were on.
Overall Season 24/25 is...
8/10! (Poop Spike ruined it >:( )
And that's it. For those who have read to the end, thank you so much for heating me ramble it means so much. Expect some headcanons and more little theories soon (as in some time this week). Until then, ciao!
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jacks-little-jacky · 1 year
Hi, I just stumbled across your blog and LOVE your writing for Jack!! I was wondering if I could maybe request some pregnancy fluff with him and reader where he feels the baby kick for the first time? Thanks!!
Pregnant with Jack | Jack x Reader Headcanons
Hiii! Here for some pregnancy fluff, eh? May I interest you in another pregnancy work of mine? Click here
But I am here again for fluff, even more with the last thing I've written being angst and the current state of the manga... We all need some fluff
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The first days after Jack learned that you carry his child would be... weird to say the least
Not that he doesn't want it, or anything, he just never saw himself in the position to become a father
he looks out for you though
you are forbidden from carrying ANYTHING, he'll do it for you
if you crave anything he will go and get it
surprisingly, Jack drinks a lot but it goes down after he learns your pregnant
he wants to be more responsible with his drinking when there will be a child around
he tries to hide it but is SUUUUPER nervous about becoming a father
even more so because being a captain and fighting in literal wars isn't the best job for a parent but he'd rather die than stop doing what he is good at
goes to those workshops with you if he can make the time as a captain
on the note of looking out for you; He gets sooo protective
holds his hand over sharp edges so you bump against his hand and not anything dangerous
if there is anyone giving you trouble, he will knife a bitch you may have to stop him though because he takes personal offense to anyone messing with his pregnant wifey
All in all? He tries his very best but he worries because of his almost "non-existing" connection with his birth father, he wants to do better but also feels the need to shelter you and your child to keep his family safe
You will have to give each other pep-talks lol
Jack wouldn't have a preference if he gets a son or daughter, I think
When he feels the baby kick for the first time it was when you two laid around lazily one Sunday
he had his hand on your stomach, for some reason it went there a lot more after he got the news of your future child
Jack would freeze, being irritated if he felt right
He'd let his hand there and stare at it until he felt the baby kick again
"Did it just?" - "Yeah..."
He'd jump up, if there was one way to hype your man up with emotions your child had found it
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