#when your mom is a Latin teacher
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Updated: 16.01.2024 ✔ = completed 🔞 = mature Other masterlists: mother masterlist; avengers masterlist
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No title 1 by @angrythingstarlight
↳ Mafia Bucky getting a tattoo with his girl's initials on his left ring finger under his wedding band “
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College AU
Nothing yet...
Are You Bored Yet? by @pellucid-constellations​​
↳ “God, you hated Bucky. Bucky probably hated you, too. Maybe. It was hard to tell when he was drunk and calling you pretty at a party you shouldn't have gone to.“
Thief by @stuckymonkey​​​
↳ “ When y/n finds herself stuck with a very annoying study buddy who cannot shut up about the quarterback, Bucky Barnes, she can't help but vent to a charming boy named James... “
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Demon AU
Nothing yet...
🔞 No Title 1 by @angrythingstarlight​​
↳ “The looks he gives you after you’ve just said yet another bratty thing.“
🔞 Aren’t you glad you read the latin? by @witchywithwhiskey
↳ “ You're exploring an abandoned church when you stumble onto a room with a mysterious old book written in latin. despite your friend's warnings, you decide to read the latin and end up summoning a demon. “
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Marvel AU
✔ The Proposal by @toomanyrobins2​​​​​​​​
↳ “ Y/N Arnaud is the liaison to the Avengers, but she’s also a French citizen. After a couple mistakes, her visa application is denied. Even though they can’t stand each other, Bucky offers to marry her in order to keep her visa status in the U.S. and avoid deportation. “
↳ Chapters: 14/14
🔞✔ Welcome home... Soldat? by @winterarmyy​​​​​​​
↳ “ Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' everytime he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else. “
↳ Chapters: 3/3
Do you love me? by @lovelybarnes​​​​​
Happy wife, happy life by @agentofkrypton​​​​​​
↳ “ Bucky’s ring... idk breaks or something (or he grows out of it) and he forgoes it for parent night and everyone thinks that ur going to get separated so the moms make a beeline for him and the next day (for idk like a parent-teacher conference) he comes with his neck covered it hickies to show them just who he belongs to. “
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Mafia AU
🔞✔ Just A Scratch by @angrythingstarlight​​​​​​​​
↳ “ Bucky can’t describe the way his heart seized in his chest after hearing you were in an accident so no he doesn’t give a damn about some car. You’re worth more than anything he owns. “
↳ Chapters: 3/3
No title 1 by @angrythingstarlight
↳ Mafia Bucky getting a tattoo with his girl's initials on his left ring finger under his wedding band “
🔞 Obsidian Nights by @dilemmaontwolegs​
↳ “Where Bucky is a fuckboy , sleeping with a different girl , sometimes more than one , every night , always walking around with a girl on his arm and making out with them even when he’s handling business . But then he meets you … he stops sleeping around and does everything in his power to win you over . And everyone is dumbfounded seeing the notorious mob boss and womanizer having puppy eyes for a girl that’s seemingly so unlike him and so different from all the girls they’ve seen him with before . And then you’re the only girl he’s kissing and having on his lap in public“
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visndcaitswhore · 5 months
AMAVI || Joseph Descamps (Mixte1963)
AMAVI (latin; The second-person singular imperfect of amare. Meaning: to love)
Veni   Vidi  Amavi
I came  I saw  I loved
The first day of school never made Gabrielle feel anxious; it was just school, after all. This time, however, she didn't want to be the first one in. She decided to let some time pass as she leaned on the wall of one of the buildings close to the school with a cigarette in her hand, watching a red-headed girl walk through the crowd of boys staring her down like she was some foreign entity. Scared to approach while also wanting to pounce.
"They are going to eat her alive," she mumbled to herself, her eyes never leaving the scene before her. Suddenly, she wished the cigarette break would last longer. But she tried not to back down; there was no point in feeling regret now that she was already here, and after she convinced her parents to allow her to try this out, Backing down wasn't something she ever did, anyway.
A few more girls gathered, greeting her as they passed her. It wasn't a big place; everyone knew almost everyone. Yet, when a blonde stopped next to her, Gabrielle realized she didn't know her. In fact, she had never seen her; if she had, she would remember simply because this girl had to be the most beautiful person she had ever met. Gabrielle wasn't ugly; everyone told her she was beautiful, but this girl was something entirely different.
"Are you going to attend here too?" the blonde girl asked, and Gabrielle had to blink a few times to stop her admiration before answering.
"Yes. Want to go in together?"
There was always one thing Gabrielle could depend on: that no girl wanted to be alone in a place surrounded by strange boys. And, like she expected, the girl nodded. Gabrielle nodded with a smile, threw her cigarette away, and offered her elbow to hold on. "I'll be your chaperone," she joked at the girls confused expression. "I'm already wearing pants, after all."
The blonde looked down to confirm that she was indeed wearing light pants and a button-up short-sleeved shirt, accompanied by a smirk. Gabrielle knew she almost looked like a boy, and her mom only allowed her to wear them if she let her hair down and didn't act like a crude boy. Hence, her dark hair was half down.
Finally, the girl hooked her arm around her own with a hesitant smile. "The pants look good. I'm Annick"
Walking inside the school was easier with company, and both girls—as if they had talked about it beforehand—held themselves pridefully, were self-assured, and chatted like they weren't fully aware that they had pulled the attention of everyone in the yard. The small walk consisted of talk such as 'I like your dress' or 'They look so stupid looking like that'.
"Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell," mumbled a dark-haired girl when they finally reached the board to see their assigned classes and teachers.
The rest of the day was surely something; if Gabrielle had to use one word to describe it, she wouldn't be able to find it easily.
The first lesson was history with Mrs.Giraud. Climbing up the stairs, Gabrielle heard the red-haired girl tell the brunette that she wondered how bad Mrs. Giraud could be. "I heard she is a stuck-up bitch." Gabrielle said quietly, her pace matching theirs.
"Who told you that?" the brunette laughed.
"Someone from my neighborhood. He had some other words to use too, but I think I summed it up pretty well."
Soon she learned that the brunette was Simone, the new girl, and Michele, the butcher's daughter. She also learned that'stuck up bitch' wasn't enough to disappoint her teacher, who immediately shot her a look of shock and clearly disapproval when she spotted her attire. But she didn't say anything until she did.
Gabrielle found a seat at the back of the class and started getting settled, unaware of someone staring at her until they had all settled, and the teacher started talking when she spotted Annick at the front of the class. She was absolutely, totally, wholly scandalized by her seat next to a boy and promptly sent the boy to sit next to the 'boy with the long hair'.
It didn't take Gabrielle to realize she was talking about her, and her eyebrows shot up.
"In the list, I thought that we were getting five girls in this class. One of them turns out to be just a pretty boy." Mrs.Giraud spat out, and some laughed around.
"I'm pretty" Gabrielle mouthed
"She also called you a boy," said the boy who sat next to her.
"A pretty boy."
The boy that was sent to sit next to her was Henri Pichon, and he went to sit somewhere else the moment the next class rolled around. Latin, not her strong suite. History she could manage, but Latin not so much.
Annick, on the other hand, seemed to excel in that too, much to the displeasure of the teacher, who refused to call upon her even when she was the only one raising her hand. Gabrielle made a distasteful sound when the old man simply looked around like a lost donkey, trying his best to inspire a boy to raise his hand. And when one of them did raise his hand, he immediately gave him all his attention.
"I think the lady has raised her hand," the boy said, forcing the teacher's hand.
As Annick got up to say the answer, Gabrielle tried to subtly sneak a peek at the boy who was a few seats to her left as she moved her hair out of the way before quickly looking away when she made eye contact. Descamps was not someone she wanted to associate with during school hours, that was for sure. That is a testament she will circle back to at the end of the day, or even in five minutes.
A piece of paper started circling around the boys in class, and a boy got in trouble. Another reason to not even touch the papers Descamps gives around.
The rest of the day was calm, except for an incident at lunch hour, which of course involved Descamps. All the girls quickly realized he was one of the main troublemakers at the school and a constant annoyance. He was confident enough to present his art skills, but Simone shut that down easily, and Gabrielle added:
"Simone, don't be so hard on him. Poor thing has never seen real boobs before."
She winked when he glared at her.
Then the next hour rolled around. Catastrophic was one way to describe it. Descamps decides to concoct a prank on Michele, or maybe he was aiming at Simone. Gabrielle wasn't sure as she just watched him place a bucket of water on the door, which would fall on whoever opened it first.
"This is so stupid," she said, reaching to remove the bucket, only for Descamps to grab her hand and pull her aside.
"No, this is fun," he corrected, taking the extra measure of blocking the way with his body. Now, Gabrielle was tall, but he was at least half a head taller.
"You are going to get in trouble on the first day for being stupid," she said, pulling her hand back, aware of the fact that no one else seemed to do anything to stop him. A quick glance at Annick did her no good, as she also seemed reluctant to help out.
"Don't be a bore."
Not having enough time to do anything, Michele opened the door, and she was drenched in water. Gabrielle just shook her head. Some people laughed, some others just seemed sorry, and most of them focused their attention on Michele's chest. They couldn't see anything of value, just her bra, but to immature boys, that was enough.
Gabrielle went back to her seat when the English teacher entered the class, but not before she exchanged a glare with Descamps, who winked at her.
Now to the catastrophic part: no, Michele having her bra exposed to the whole class was not the catastrophic bit.
"Then Michele's brother came into the class. He started punching around, and Descamps got glass in his eye; he was bleeding a lot. They took him to the hospital; he might lose his eye, they said. And yeah, that's about it." Gabrielle smiled uneasily as her parents stared at her in shock, speechless. "Other than that, the day was pretty quiet."
"The boy lost his eye?" her dad asked.
"Maybe, yeah."
"Are you hurt?" Her mom's sharp eyes scanned her, inch by inch, for any scratch.
She shook her head.
No, she wasn't hurt. She had been walking to her seat when this happened, and someone pushed her to the side when Magnan started punching. She just watched, even when Descamps was on the ground, hand covering his eye to the Dean next to him.
"Joseph Descamps is the boy that lives right across from us, right? Your friend"
"Not my friend," she mumbled, closing her eyes in exasperation and falling back on the armchair.
"Weren't you together all the time a few years ago?"
Her dad, who just a week ago was swearing to God he had never seen these girls' Gabrielle was with, even though she had been hanging out with them for years and they had been to her house plenty, suddenly seemed to remember that one old friendship that has been almost completely dissolved.
She blinked, her nose wrinkled. "Yeah, like 2 years ago."
They almost kicked girls out of the school; there is no need to mention something like that. It might actually make her mother happy.
"I heard they almost banned girls from the school." Her mother quiped, trying not to sound too dissapointed at the fact it did not happen.
"So much for, uh." Her dad looked towards her to fill him in.
Gabrielle smiled. "Progressiveness."
Javier Blanc was a large man with a beard and a scary disposition. A man like that you would think was fit for sons, but alas, God gifted him girls—four, to be precise. In the last 15 years, since the birth of his oldest, he has heard it all, from 'Oh, maybe next time you will get lucky' to 'it's okay, girls are gifts'. Yet he listened to his girls rants and echoed them to the best of his understanding.
Her mother never really agreed with that disposition fully. Marie Blanc did, of course, want her daughters to become capable and marry good men, but she still wanted them to remain girls. So Gabrielle being taught boxing, being more inclined towards math, wearing pants, and walking with her hands in her pockets rubbed her the wrong way. Gabrielle, breathing alone, rubbed her the wrong way.
She didn't care when her younger three came inside the house with muddy shoes and clothes or when it was obvious her oldest showed more promise at violin than the rest did. They were babies, and they would continue to be her babies till they reached their 50s. Heck, Sophie was 13 years old already. Precisely two and a half years younger than Gabrielle.
Not that it hurt Gabrielle. It annoyed her that her mother never had anything purely good to say about her without a backhanded insult, but it didn't wound her. So she simply listened to her rant about Voltaire without saying much before deciding to go to bed.
"I have school tomorrow after all," with a snarky tone and a pointed look. Okay, maybe she wasn't the easiest child. Maybe she had a short fuse and held a grudge. That wasn't her fault. Her mother was like that, too.
Finally, alone in her room she couldn't resist to urge to pull back the curtain that covered her window, peeking at the room that also looked directly into her own from across the street. Descamps' room. Well, back then he was just 'Joseph' but it felt wrong to use his first name now. Gabrielle had been the one to stop calling for him to hang out, after all. But when they were kids, when their mothers would tack them in bed, the window would be their immediate destination. 
Even now, once in a while, they would throw cigarettes at each other if one of them had run short. 
There was no light in his room tonight, they must have kept him at the hospital for tonight. As Gabrielle was about to close the curtain, she spotted some movement in the darkness of his room that had her immediately shoot forward, ignoring the art supplies she had accidentally kicked since they had been resting on the wall. Her eagerness was something that would torture her for a few days, and she would thank her lucky stars that no one saw that. 
Especially when she realised that the movement was Descamps' mother, who seemed to be packing some of his clothes to take to the hospital when she suddenly froze, and by the fact that she put her hand on her face, Gabrielle could only guess that the woman was crying or she was just exhausted by the day. When the woman raised her head, and looked directly at her Gabrielle found out it was both. 
The woman managed a smile, and waved. Gabrielle mirrored her actions, closed the curtain and climbed in her bed, holding the covers close to her chest. She wasn't sure how long it took for her to fall asleep, at some point everything just got quite and dark.
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hellfire--cult · 10 months
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i’d love a sequel where there’s a bit of a “day in the life” with the new happy family, or maybe like some vignettes of them getting settled in and making their new home their own? i would literally love any more content in this universe but there’s my ideas in the hat! 🤍
Your wish is my command 💚
Hook!Eddie x Fem!Reader
wc 3.5K
Read the main story here. 🌟
Summary: This is what happens after everyone starts living in the home. A recap of everything that's happened until we reach the present.
You can always support your writers by hitting THE REBLOG button! 💚
You can always send requests for this beautiful couple! My ask is open!
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Hooked on You: After Story
Life after was something everyone had to get used to.
The boys had to be given names, full names, and thankfully Nancy who has some contacts in the newspaper industry pulled some strings for your “orphaned” family.
You didn’t give specifics, but told her that you started dating a man who was struggling to keep his family afloat. They had no records since they were living anywhere they could, and he just picked the kids up like strays. He and his best friend took care of the kids, and that it was a coincidence in meeting when you hired a ‘cleaning service’. 
But it wasn’t just any name. 
When you showed up with a big smile to your face at dinner, while everyone was enjoying themselves with the food, you had grasped in your hands the adoption papers for each boy in the group. 
Through tears, and smiles, they had hugged you one by one, appreciating your kindness but overall, calling you a different name. 
Eddie, whose last name he chose was Munson, was stunned when he asked if they were going to call him Dad and each boy grimaced at that outcome, shaking their heads. After that Eddie had played a game of chase with the children, playing as the big bad bear, with his hands above his head, reaching for the boys.
That was another change.
“So, this is a– what?” 
“Prosthetic. It’s not normal to have a hook as a second hand here, and this has motor sensors, so you can basically have another hand!” You had explained to him, and he was stunned at the realization that he could have his left hand back. But sometimes, he discards the prosthetic, and goes back to his hook because he feels complete with it, that’s what he had told you.
Steve, now Steve Harrington, had acquired the second mom title. Whenever you were gone, or busy, or simply tired, he took care of the boys, played with them, and helped them clean the house. 
It was summer time, but you knew you will have to enroll the kids into school soon, but you had to teach them basic things, such as the ABC, numbers, some math, a little bit of history and biology, and Eddie and Steve listened intently, giving their own teachings here and there. 
You didn’t want your boys to go into middle school without knowing at least the basics, because then everything would be too complex, so thankfully, Robin, who is a teacher, happily comes once a week to give her own teaching to the kids. You found out that Steve and her had developed a strong friendship during the two months you all had been living together.
Another thing they discovered was music.
While the kids loved normal pop songs, except for Mike who had taken a liking to punk music, Steve had loved the 80’s vibe, sticking to it, and then some 90’s, but poor Eddie had not found himself in any of those genres. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was that he might like, but it wasn’t any of that. 
You had tried almost everything, latin music, grunge, rock, techno, but he was still not feeling any of those genres. You were in your room when trying everything in his music app on his phone, and you sighed when he, once again, said he didn’t feel anything from it. 
“I really don’t know what else to play Eds…” He grabbed his phone, which you had taught everyone in the house how to use and bought one for each of them, and started scrolling. 
“There was something about that Rock genre that you showed me… Something is there, but not fully?” You frowned in confusion at his words, and you had to think outside the box. You were showing him things you liked, so maybe, you had to show him things that you wouldn’t normally listen to.
“Hang on…” You grabbed his phone again and searched for a particular playlist. You grabbed his headphones from his night table, and urged him to put them on. He was confused, but did so anyways, and you pressed play onto the playlist.
Eddie’s eyes widened at the sudden strum of a guitar, wild, heavy, powerful, chord after chord. You bit your lip as you stared at his face, and by the smile that was spreading on his cheeks you knew that you hit the jackpot. 
He spent an entire day listening to Metallica. Then the next day to Slipknot. Then Guns ‘n Roses. My Chemical Romance. Megadeth. Rammstein.
The man was a metalhead.
After finding their own music, they had to find their own style. The boys almost wore the same things, sometimes jeans, sometimes shorts, sometimes plaid shirts, sometimes stamped shirts, sneakers… Steve had gone for the rich boy vibe, as you called it. He likes polos, dress pants, tight denims, sweaters, maybe a cardigan.
Now Eddie, you were surprised. He liked everything black, ripped, and he loved the sound of chains as an accessory on his hip. When he found out there were shirts of the bands he started to like, he bought a ton of them, some in white, some in black. One thing that stayed authentic of Eddie, was the black bandana, which he sometimes uses on his head still, or he puts it in his back pocket.
But one of your favorite things in the whole day was going into your room, to finally be alone with him. He was always reading a book, and you came to find out that he loved fantasy. It was funny, because he came out of a fairytale himself, but yet he loves those kinds of books. He devoured Tolkien in a week. 
He would always put whatever he was reading down to welcome you into bed, embracing you in his arms, gentle kisses that always turned into heated ones because that’s another thing that happened. He couldn’t keep himself from touching you. 
And you didn’t want him to. The boys at first made gagging noises whenever he came into the kitchen for breakfast and gave you a morning kiss, lingering there more than it should, but they soon got used to it. Whenever he could, he was wrapping an arm around you, pulling you close, kissing your neck, your face, your shoulder, anywhere he saw skin. 
So you had to introduce him to condoms.
He wasn’t a fan of them, but when you remembered you two didn’t use protection in Neverland, he told you to not worry. In Neverland time is completely stopped, as well as your cycle, and that would explain why you didn’t have periods while being there. You were in such a blissful experience that you didn’t even remember about your period.
But in this world, you could get pregnant, and even if you want a kid of your own with Eddie, there was still so much to get used to for him. But still, it didn’t forbid him from touching every single night, wanting to drown himself in you, and you weren’t complaining. He was always up for trying new things, and you both had discovered many together.
You taught Eddie and Steve how to drive, but there wasn’t much for you to teach because as soon as they touched the steering wheel, they immediately got the hang of it, and Eddie even described it as easy as sailing a ship. You couldn’t believe a former pirate said a car feels like a ship. With the prosthetic, driving an automatic is very easy for Eddie. 
The kids love the pool, you bought a slide for it and a lot of floaters for them to swim in. You noticed how maternal you had gotten ever since getting the kids into your life, and it wasn’t something you thought of ever having. Now, you want more, for some reason. You always have to shake that thought out of your head because that would end badly.
Another thing you did, not very recommended in the summer, was getting a tattoo. You had tattooed your grandma’s drawing of Neverland. You knew there was a diary of hers, and she sometimes read the story from her own head, and sometimes from there and showed you the drawing. She explained she could see the island at the top of the clouds, while flying with Peter.
So you outlined it and tattooed it on your wrist. 
When Eddie saw it, he was immediately interested, knowing about tattoos but the tribe were the only people that knew how to do it. You decided to visit the shop once with him, and he got a hook tattoo on his ankle, to test the waters of the pain. After a week, you couldn’t find him anywhere for three hours, sending you into a panic, only for him to return with six more tattoos on his body, with a wide grin on his face.
“It's summer! One is already bad, you got seven!” You had yelled at him, but he just shrugged and grinned down at you.
“I’ll get even more in winter.” 
But summer was ending, as well as the boys started becoming nervous of going to school, which was a private one so they had to use uniforms for it. They complained of course, but you had promised them that the teacher they were having was going to be very patient and that you met the kids' parents of the class already and they all seemed nice and welcoming. 
A week before the start of classes, you decided it was time for a last pool party, and so, you invited Nancy, Jonathan and Robin over, where Robin mentioned she had a long distance friend visiting and she had asked if they could come over with their little sister, to which you agreed. 
So now, you were cutting the vegetables for the salads in your kitchen, as Jonathan helped Will start the fire outside for the BBQ. For some reason, Jonathan had taken particular liking to one of your kids, but that’s good, because Nancy had found herself teaching Mike how to play some chess, and Dustin was already attached to Eddie like a Piranha. 
One of your boys, though, was sitting alone on one of the lawn chairs, looking at nothing in particular, just the ripples of the water happening  on the pool. You put down your knife, ready to go talk to Lucas, but the doorbell rings, making your head snap that way.
“Don’t worry, I got it!” Steve yells as he rushes towards the door, opening it, to see Robin, a smile on his face as they hug tightly.
“Hi there Dingus.” She pulled away from the hug to point behind her back. “My friend is unloading something and he’s right here, okay?” 
“Yeah sure.” Steve turns his head to guide Robin towards the kitchen and garden where everyone is and she immediately bolts away. He hears a clear of throat and his head turns back around, only for his eyes to land on blue ones, knocking the breath out of his lungs in an instant.
“Hi, um… Hope we’re not intruding, it’s just, I’m with my sister and I couldn’t leave her alone.” The blonde man says, looking at Steve with the same hazed look in his eyes. Steve shook his head to come out of the trance he was in and smiled, putting his hand out for a shake.
“No issue at all! The boys will love her. I���m Steve by the way.” The other man smiles, his white teeth showing off as he presses his hand against Steve’s, electricity immediately coursing through their bodies.
“I’m Billy.”
“Are you going to keep flirting or…” A soft voice says from behind him, making Billy let go of Steve’s hand with a groan, a blush appearing on his cheeks as he makes way for the redheaded girl to come forward. “I’m Max.” 
“Oh hi–” Steve felt the presence of someone else next to him, and he turned his head to see Lucas, staring at the girl with a dreamy look in his eyes. 
“Hi… I’m Lucas.” Max’s lips tugged slightly up at the sight of the boy, her skateboard in hand. “What's that?” He pointed at it and she smiled widely, walking inside the house, grabbing onto his hand to guide him outside where everyone was.
“I’ll teach you!” Steve could hear her yell as he let Billy in. He closes the door only to see Billy looking all over the house with a confused frown on his face. 
“This is big… You all live here?” He asks and Steve stands next to him, nodding as he looks around as well.
“Yep. We are grateful to her, you know. We would have…” He suddenly heard some footsteps coming over and Steve turned his head to see Eddie reaching them, with a piece of bread in his hand, his other one reaching out to shake Billy’s.
“I’m Eddie.” He greets and Billy looks down at the prosthetic hand, shaking it carefully with him, and when Eddie lets go, the blonde man’s curiosity got the best of him.
“I’m Billy– Um… how did that happen?” He asks, pointing at the hand. Eddie looks down at it and then back at Billy.
“Crocodile bit it off.” He shrugs and walks towards the kitchen once again as Billy stands there completely stunned. Steve’s eyes were bulging out of his skull almost, and he was trying to come up with another excuse because that sounded way too unreal and he didn’t want Billy to think Eddie was messing with him.
“Fucking sick.” Billy says with a smile and he looks back down towards Steve. The brown haired man lets out a sigh of relief and then nods.
“Gruesome, but yeah, sick.” Billy just stands there looking at Steve, his mind completely drifting away and Steve could even sense that, as the blonde’s eyes were just gazing into his, and that was making Steve’s heart accelerate rapidly. “W-What’s wrong?”  That made Billy snap out but his face was still the same, still staring as if his eyes were not to be trusted.
“I-I don’t know, you just seem… like you came out of a fairytale or something.” Steve couldn’t help the big smile and blush that spread on his cheeks, while Billy realized what he had just said, embarrassment filling him from head to toe, stammering on his words to try to save it but Steve was just laughing, enjoying the man’s company and voice. 
You were sneaking glances through the kitchen door, a smile on your face as you bit your bottom lip. Everyone has someone in your family, your big family, and that fills you with joy. You felt an arm creep from behind you, pulling you close to a warm body. You giggle as his face immediately snuzzled in the crook of your neck, causing your skin to grow goosebumps from it. 
“Don’t spy on them. Let my second in command flirt in peace.” He says in your ear and you turn around to face him, smiling widely up at him, your arms wrapping around his shoulders.
“I’m just so happy… Everyday just feels like a dream.” You say to him, and he gives you a nod, a gentle smile spreading on his lips as he leans down to kiss your cheek, then the tip of your nose, expressing his love for you.
“I will never regret the day I thought you were Wendy and kidnapped you.”
“I should sue.” He fake gasps while shaking his head at you.
“Now, you’ve hurt me Angel.” Your eyes looked to your side, seeing everyone playing with each other through the window pane you had, and your eyes filled with tears at the sight of it all. Nothing could make it better. Nothing at all… Except.
You felt Eddie grip your side, giving it a soft press to catch your attention again. You looked at him and his eyes were nervous, full of doubt yet with determination. 
“Eds? What's wrong?”
“I know… The kids don’t call me dad… But–” He licked his lips while swallowing a big lump down his throat and your heart was almost out of your chest and you could hear its beating on your ears. He gives you a big grin as a tear already rolls down your cheek.
He grabs your hand and walks out of the kitchen to take you upstairs and into your grandmother’s room. He then opens the balcony’s door and steps out with you, the breeze already hitting you and the sun beaming down at your body.
“Close your eyes Angel.” He whispers in your ear as he lets go of your hand. Your breathing became heavy as you did as told, and you raised your head up, towards where the second star to the right is. You always wished on it, wished that it wouldn’t take your love away, that it wouldn’t take your children away, wished that everything was real and not a dream.
“Open them and turn around.” You did as told, turning to see Eddie on one knee, a box on his hand as his elbow rested on his knee. Your heart got caught in your throat as you looked at the diamond in the box, covering your mouth with both of your hands as tears started spilling out uncontrollably from your eyes.
“I want to be their dad. I want to be with you, forever, for as long as you’ll have me, or for as long as we live. You’re it for me Angel, you have been it for me from the moment you decided to fly towards me, towards the ship, instead of here.” He choked up on a sob and then took a deep breath to keep going. “I know it’s soon, but I can’t imagine my life with anyone else. In my eyes, into my future, you’re always there. You will always be there.” 
You dropped to your knees, as happiness flourished in your chest, smiling through your tears as you put your left hand up, putting it on display for him. You looked up at his big doe eyes, a tear slipping out of his left one as he looked down at you as if you were the only thing keeping him alive.
And you were.
“I’m ready to be Mrs. Hook.”
And when our journey is through, each time we say "Goodnight", we'll thank the little star that shines, the second from the right.
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A/N: Remember you can still send requests for these two! I plan on making more little one shots for them, but this one is good so you can all know what happened after the return 🥰
Hope you enjoyed this magical little thing!
Song at the bottom is Second Star to the Right from the original 1953 Peter Pan soundtrack.
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sky-kenobye · 3 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thanks @fangeek-girl for the tag! <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Hmm 🤔 I'm not sure tbh, maybe last week? Two weeks ago? Less than a month most likely. Just felt bad about myself and had a good cry.
3. Do you have kids?
No kids, nor do I want any.
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
Dance (contemporary and a bit of modern jazz) when I was a kid but I didn't learn much even though i started when i was 3 or 4 i think, and did maybe 8(?) years of it.
Circus for 9 years.
Taekwondo for 2 years (I think you're supposed to be a yellow belt after only two years but my teacher gave me the blue belt so 🤷 guess I'm a blue belt).
Self defense for 1 year.
And ski and snowboard since I grew up in the alps though I barely took any classes, mostly just with my parents.
(☝️ This is making me look super sporty even though I'm really not lol)
(+ all the sports I had to do in PE class in school. I really liked rock climbing, orienteering and step aerobics)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
All the time!
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Either clothes or hair I think? I'm not very observant or a good judge of character so it has to be something obvious.
7. What's your eye colour?
Blue 🧿🧿
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! I don't really like scary movies, though I love suspens and action that get you on the edge of your seat.
9. Any talents?
I have pretty fast reflex? Not sure that's a talent but I'm good at games where you have to catch something or put cards down faster than the other players. Actually I'm good at board games in general (unless I'm playing against my brother, he's way better that me).
10. Where were you born?
In the french alps 🇨🇵🏔
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading (I wish it was more books (it used to be) but honestly most of the time it's mostly fics), playing video games, sewing, knitting, crocheting, random arts and crafts that I'll drop a week later, watching movies and going to the cinema, astronomy (mostly just stargazing so far but one day I'll buy a telescope), playing board games, travelling (does it count as a hobby?), daydreaming about star wars characters...
12. Do you have any pets?
Sort of? I've always had cats at my mom's house but since I moved out it's mostly my mom's cat? But it's also mine and my sister's. Idk it's our cat.
(My mom also has a dog but that's her dog, not mine)
13. How tall are you?
169 cm (which is 5'6" or 5'7" i think)
14. Favourite subject in school?
Maths and Latin
(I was also very good at physics but I didn't love it for some reason, even though that was the most interesting)
15. Dream job?
Prop guy or costume maker in movies (not the designers, the people who actually make the stuff). Or somehow living off of making cosplay and stuff like that (through YouTube and Instagram I guess).
(I'm not actually trying to do any of that though, I don't think I have the skills to do it)
I'm tagging @grapenehifics @piecesofeden11 @willameena @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart @renlyslittlerose @cottonraincoat @to-proudly-go @kingdomvel @desmothene @hausofroxann @amadwinter @ineffable-snowman @tideswept @sendpseuds @yourfavoritefridge
(No pressure of course, as always)
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it?
a/n: omg it's here slay! i wasn't sure how to end this but i think it's cute hehe i rly hope y'all enjoy it :D also you can read part one here ig you don't have to read part one first pero if u enjoy angst i recommend it! let me know what y'all think and don't hesitate to send me prompts! my little brain can only think of so many ideas <3
credit to whoever made the gif! tw: just a mention of eddie smoking and some bad words cause i have the mouth of a sailor
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It's been weeks since Steve last saw you, and to say he was dying would be an understatement. Robin let out a scoff as she watched him sulk in the corner of the store watching some lame movie.
“Hey,” she said, nudging him. “What are you watching?”
“Doctor Zhivago,” he said dully.
“Thought you didn't do double VHS?” she mumbled.
“But it's about doomed love.”
Robin glared at him and flicked him on the forehead.
“Ow! The hell was that for?”
“When I mentioned doomed love you rolled your eyes at me!”
No! I said it was relatable,” he said pushing himself off of the wall and walking towards the counter.
“You know,” she followed. “Your love wouldn't be doomed if you had just confessed.”
“I was working up to it!”
Robin scoffed while grabbing a tape that was in the wrong section. “Well, you sucked at the build-up.”
Steve's eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head a little bit. “No I didn't-”
“Yeah, you did dingus. She probably thought you liked someone else.”
“No, no, why would she think that?”
Robin placed the tape back and crossed her arms. “Cause you sounded all like yeah I'm Steve and I'm soooo in love with someone, but I won't say who cause I try to be mysterious when really I don't ever shut up,” she said in a mocking tone.
Steve scoffed. “First off, I don't sound like that.”
“Yes, you do. I hang out with you all the time and that's exactly how you sound.”
They were both so caught up in their arguing that they didn't hear the bell above the door ring.
“You had one mission Steve, confess to the girl of your dreams and get together! That's all you had to do!”
“You make it sound so easy-”
“Are you talking about y/n?” Dustin said while walking past them muttering an “excuse me”
“Yes,” they said at the same time.
Dustin let out a hum and grabbed the nearest stool while going on their computer and grabbing the phone.
“Hey, you can't just come in here and get on our stuff like it's your house,” Steve said while walking over to him.
“My mom grounded me because my latin teacher talked to her about my grade, now i have to get suzie to fix it.”
“Who the hell takes Latin?” Robin asked while standing next to him watching him do his magic on the computer.
Dustin shrugged his shoulders. “Thought it’d be fun but it's just a pain in my ass.” Dustin turned to look at Steve with a smile and pointed at him. “Kinda like you!”
“You're a real mean kid, you know that?” Steve muttered picking at the best he was wearing. “So, have you heard from y/n?”
Dustin hummed and typed on the computer. “She's been seeing Eddie a lot.”
Eddie? Eddie Munson? Eddie “the freak” Munson?!
“Awe,” said Robin. “I like Eddie, he's nice.”
Dustin snorted. “Nice? Please, he almost killed me, and Mike last week.”
“Why is she hanging out with Eddie?” Steve asked in a bitter voice.
Dustin shrugged his shoulders and smirked at his older friend. “Why? Are you, dare I say…jealous?”
Steve laughed a loud boisterous laugh. “Me? Jealous? Of Eddie the freak Munson?”
“He does have nice hair,” Robin mentioned.
“Okay, but did he get voted ‘best hair’ in the yearbook?”
Steve was met with silence and he clapped his hands. “That's what I thought.”
“Dude, only you would brag about that,” Dustin said with a shake of his head.
“It's bragging worthy!”
Robin shook her head. “Bragging worthy? Absolutely not. Sad? That sounds about right.”
“You guys suck.”
Dustin and Robin laughed while Steve rolled his eyes. “You better make a move soon Romeo, y/n is actually seeing Eddie tonight.”
Tonight? Steve thought. “Like, like as soon as the sun sets?”
Dustin made a confused face “no idiot like she's getting ready to see him right now.”
“But it's not even night.”
Robin groaned and threw her head back. “Steve just go drive to her house before Eddie gets her!”
Steve let out a string of curses as he fumbled around looking for his keys.
“Thanks, Robin! I owe-”
“Yeah yeah at this point you owe me a spot standing next to you at your wedding.”
Steve stopped in his tracks and felt heat rise to his cheeks as he looked back at his best friend.
“You think we'll get married?”
“Jesus Christ Steve, GO!” Dustin shouted and threw a stress ball at him.
“I won't let you guys down!” he shouted while pointing at them and then running out of the store.
Dustin and Robin sat in silence for a minute before he asked a question.
“He's gonna let us down isn't he?”
“Oh yeah,” she said, nodding her head. “Definitely.”
Steve must've broken every traffic law to get to your place in five minutes tops. He stumbled out of his car, ran to your front door, and knocked on it like a mad man.
Please be home. Please be home. He silently prayed to the universe.
A breath of relief rushed out of him when he saw you open the door. Gosh, you looked so pretty. Your hair was nicely done, a few flyaways here and there but you still looked beautiful. Your cheeks were slightly pink due to the Hawkins heat, not even air conditioning can beat it. You stared at Steve with wide eyes, mouth slightly open.
“Steve? What are you-”
“Please don't go out with Eddie tonight.” He rushed out.
You tilted your head to the side confused by what he said. Go out with Eddie? “What-”
Steve shook his head and put his hand over your mouth. “No talking. Just, hear me out. Please.”
“What? Ew! Why'd you lick my hand?!”
“I was telling you to move!” You sighed. “Come in.”
Steve sent you a small smile and moved past you into your house. He was so nervous he started pacing the room. “No talking. Remember?”
You nodded your head and sat on the couch watching him pace back and forth. What the hell had him so nervous?
“Okay,” he started. “Remember a couple of weeks ago, when we were talking about how people find that special person, and then you ran out of my car like I had the plague?”
You sat in silence and just stared at him. He stopped pacing and looked at you with stress written on his face. “Say something!”
“You said no talking!”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked defeated as he crossed his arms over his chest. “This is stupid. Maybe I shouldn't have come here.”
“No! I'm sorry, yes. Yes, I remember that conversation,” your hands were getting clammy and your heart was beating out of your chest.
He nodded his head. “Okay, well you know how you asked me if I found that person?”
You nodded signaling for him to go on. The nerves made their way to Steve's body once again and he started nervously swaying back and forth.
“I- the person is, fuck how is this so easy in the movies?” he nervously chuckled out.
He looked up at you with wide wild eyes.
“Whatever happens,” you started. “we'll still be friends.”
Friends. Steve swears he's never hated a word so much.
“Yeah but, I don't want to be your friend,” he said in a low voice.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you cleared your throat letting out a soft “oh.”
You stood up from the couch slowly and made your way to the door. “Steve, maybe it's best if you left for today.”
Steve grabbed your hand and let out a frustrated sigh. “No! That's not what I'm trying to say.”
“Steve, you're being confusing what's going on?”
It's never been hard for Steve to talk to a girl and ask her to be his girlfriend. Yet, for some reason, he just couldn't get the words out for you. It's like everything he knew flew out the window the minute he's in your presence.
“Please don't go out with Eddie tonight.”
“No. No talking,” he nervously bites on his bottom lip trying to think of the right words. Fuck it. He thinks. It's now or never.
“My whole life, I've felt so lost. I was king Steve in high school, then Billy strolls into town and steals my thunder, and I thought hey, that's okay. I still know who I am.” he takes a shaky breath and continues. “Then, I get dumped by Nance, and it wasn't even a proper breakup. No, sorry, this isn't working out. I would've even been okay with her saying she lost feelings for me, but instead she calls me bullshit. Called the whole relationship bullshit.”
You feel your heart break for him. You remember him talking about the breakup and how it shook his whole world.
“Ever since that happened I've been lost. I can't get into any college so I'm stuck in this stupid crazy possessed town, working a stupid nine-to-five job, and taking mean teenagers to the arcade every week!”
A beat of silence passed. “Dustin is kinda mean.” Steve chuckles.
“Yeah, the kid needs an ego check.”
“Steve…what are you trying to say?”
Steve felt frustrated, how is he saying everything yet nothing at all? He understands why you're so lost and confused. Hell, if he was in your shoes he'd probably tune out everything by now.
“My whole life, I feel like I’ve been blindfolded. Everything was dark, I couldn't see, and I would trip and fall and end up hurt.”
You shake your head a little bit still not understanding what he's trying to say.
“Then I met you. Y/n, you took off my blindfold. You picked me up when I fell and would help clean my wounds. Literally. When Billy kicked my ass you tried so hard to clean up my cuts.”
You let out a laugh at the memory. “It was hard to do, Max is a crazy driver.”
Steve chuckled, not listening to what you said. “I can't believe the first person I asked for was Nance when it was you the entire time.”
“To be fair we did have the same top that day.”
“I'm not talking about that day, I'm talking about in general.”
The familiar feeling of heat danced across your cheeks. “What?”
“It's you, and I think it's always been you. It's always going to be you.”
Oh? Oh. Is he saying what you think he's saying?
“Yeah?” he asked quietly while pulling you towards him.
“If you're saying what I think you're saying-”
“I am.”
For some reason, you feel tears starting to form in your eyes. You shook your head and placed both hands on his chest, looking down at your shoes. “I need you to say it, Steve. Cause if we're both feeling and thinking the same thing, I need you to be sure.”
His arm finds itself wrapped around your waist while he sneaks a hand under your chin making you look at him.
“Don't go out with Eddie tonight. Go out with me. Not just tonight, but for as long as you want.”
“What if I want forever?” You whispered. “Are you still gonna want to go out with me?”
Steve smiled and started to lean in. “Y/n, I've followed you to the upside down how many times now?”
You let out a giggle as both of his hands made their way to your warm cheeks. He was also close to you. If one of you moved just an inch your lips would be on his. “What's that have to do with anything?”
“I'm trying to say that wherever you go, whatever you do, for however long you want, I'll be yours.”
You didn't even try to fight the smile that made its way to your face. “It's about damn time,” you said before you pulled him in to meet your lips.
You've kissed boys before, but this? This was different. This was a boy you loved, and this boy loved you back. He wasn't using you, he didn't want just one thing from you, he wanted you. All of you. It sounds cleché, you know it does, but you swear you feel fireworks going off in your stomach.
Steve is so gentle with you. The way his thumbs are rubbing your cheeks and the way you can feel his smile in the kiss makes your heart melt. He lets out a hum when you pull away his mouth instantly following yours as you pull away.
“Steve,” kiss. “Steve we need,” another kiss. “We need to breathe.”
Steve lets out a grunt and pulls you closer to him. “Don't need oxygen anymore,” he says while kissing all over your face. “I have you now, so much better than oxygen, god you're perfect.”
You let out a squeal when he picks you up and sits you on top of him when he gets comfy on the couch.
“In case the kiss wasn't clear enough I want you to be my girlfriend.”
“Steve, i’m the one who pulled you in for the kiss.”
“Yeah, but I was the one who initiated it. Also no more seeing Munson.”
You let out a gasp and checked the time shouting out curses when you saw how late you were.
“Shit, shit, shit! I'm so late!” you shouted running around and grabbing your things. You look out the window and see Eddie standing outside of his van kicking rocks around and smoking either a joint, or a cigarette.
“Amazing. You tell her she's your girlfriend then she runs off with another guy,” Steve mumbled. “You know what? I'm gonna talk with him.”
Steve walked out the door and stood there with his arms crossed. This all felt a little too familiar.
“Fucking finally Harrington!” Eddie shouted while blowing smoke out of his mouth. “Can I have my tutor back or what?”
Tutor? “What?”
You brushed past Steve but not before kissing him on the cheek and giggling. You turned your back toward Eddie and gave Steve a confusing look. “I’m tutoring Eddie! Hey, how did you even know we were hanging out?”
“I have eyes all over Hawkins babe, I know everything!”
“Dustin?” you and Eddie asked at the same time.
“Yeah, it was Dustin,” Steve said while walking over to you and pulling you into a kiss. Eddie made a gagging sound and laughed when Steve flipped him off.
“Go give the kid an ego check,” you said while giving him a peck. “And pick me up from the library!” you shouted while hopping in the passenger seat of Eddie's van.
Eddie let out a low whistle and gave Steve a firm pat on the back. “Congrats on finally getting the girl big boy,” he said with a wink before jogging to his van and driving off.
Steve looked around your neighborhood before shouting “YOU HEAR THAT HAWKINS? KING STEVE GOT THE GIRL OF HIS DREAMS!”
“Sorry, Mrs. H!” he shouted. “Now, I need to have a word with Dustin.”
taglist <3 :
@thestarsandtheircoffee @rainbows-dreams @kiki17483 @jazminecatalan27 @fumeifairy
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Human AU! Picrew
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Alastor! He's a serial killer and cannibal in every AU I make unless otherwise stated. Some AU will include Al being trans, having epilepsy, or severe scarring and sometimes migraines. Eating disorder in the fact he mainly eats humans and starves a lot of the time
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Nifty in every AU will be Alastors little sister, be it through found family or actual adoption. She is also a cannibal and a nurse unless otherwise stated. Every AU she lost her eye while being sex trafficked.
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Rosie and Husk are Always going to be Exes, be it married or dating, but exes. Rosie is a cannibal, Husk isn't he just helps his family hide evidence. In certain AU they're Nifty and or Al's adoptive parents/found family parent's in others they are just older friends who are protective and the mom/dad friend. Rosie is a psychologist and Husk a bartender, most AU they're gonna be ex military
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Angel Dust (Anthony) Husks twink boyfriend he gets after divorcing or breaking up with Rosie. Still a hooker but he and Val have a healthy relationship. Unless I need Val to be nasty for my plot. Ex addict, makes music sometimes, recovering eating disorder
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The Vees! Vox with his heterochromia and I like making him sweaty either an actual problem or he's just sweaty. I also like to give him a stutter in certain AUs. He's German.
Valentino is as always, half blind, and he's a nasty weird tall man with a connective tissue disorder in most AU, he's also Latin and a pretty good friend he's very supportive just bad at it.
Velvet is a weird little chaotic rat but her boys worship her. For some reason I see her as a Floridian military brat idk, fashion designer and influencer in every AU. I ship her with Rosie.
In some AU they're adoptive siblings
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Charlie and Vaggie! Twinning UwU! Vaggie is an ex Catholic cause I think it makes sense and Charlie definitely practices Wicca or something. Charlie actually does own a hotel, it's a rehab her father funded for her because she wants to help nd she has whateva sort of degree would help with that, something with therapy. Vaggie works as a security guard there.
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Vaggie twin sister Lute, she's having a near constant mental breakdown, she's a psycho deep down and is FILLED with religious guilt idk what to tell ya. Killed someone. Her arm is amputated too. She teaches self defense, specialising in helping people with disabilities learn to work around them.
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Charlie cousin Peter. Everyone think he's the "gay" cousin but he's actually straight and VERY comfy in his masculinity, nondenominational. Isn't technically allowed to visit the Morningstar house alone because they're "evil" but they're just spiritual. Broadway!!
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Lute boyfriend, Adam. I could NOT resist making him adorable and precious because you see him and go awww but then he fucking opens his mouth and calls you a slur. Lmao. Questioning his faith. Rock star wanna be, studies music theory or something
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Adams cousins! Big sis Sera is constantly worrying and lil sis Emily is heavily sheltered. Sera is a Sunday School teacher, idk, maybe religious studies? Emily if the AU has her college aged will want to be a nurse (I've been seeing Emily ships everywhere but what if she falls for her fellow nurse who's secretly a psychopath?? Nifty, I mean)
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Cherri! Angels BFF! She's deffo an artist and also a demolition expert or something, and does monster trucking too! She's the best most supportive person, Penti adores her and she's secretly in love too but she's scared of it. Angel keeps mocking her that he's got two guys (Val and Husk) and she won't even take a chance on the dude who would find a way to blow up the sun for her.
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Penti is trans, hjs family is also Muslim but he was disowned when he came out. He has triplet little siblings! Is studying to be or is a physicist. Idk minor speech impediment/lisp!
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Frank is the embodiment of chaos and when he meets Alastor is obsessed with him (crushing on a guy your older brother doesn't like is a right if passage) Chandler and Leslie are his siblings. They we're disowned for supporting Penti and Chandler has refused to wear her veil since. Leslie still upholds their faith but is very supportive.
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Usually Vark will be a dog. But occasionally an AU will call for him to be Vox little brother so here's a design for him!
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the-tenth-arcanum · 11 months
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @emozionidinchiostro ages ago
1. Are you named after anyone? My dad wanted to give me his little sister's name as a middle name, and I did have it on some early pediatric reports when I was a baby, but it's not on any actual official document, so technically I do not have a middle name, even though my parents convinced me I did. I mentioned my unofficial middle name to some friends at school when I was around 12 or something, and it became my nickname forever. Everyone called me that. The friends I've kept in touch from back then still call me that. Even my mom has me saved under that name on her phone. But it's, like, only 3 people now. // tl;dr: kinda.
2. When was the last time you cried? I can't remember to be honest. This might come as a surprise to you guys but I'm not a big crier. I'm just sad and whiny.
3. Do you have kids? No and I don't want any.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't think so?
5. What sports do you play/have played? NONE, I suck at sports and have always hated playing them. I mean, I've tried a few but never for any significant amount of time.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? Whether they're nice/friendly, I guess. If someone is kind to me I will fall in love with them. I love kind people.
7. What's your eye color? Dark brown. I-almost-can't-make-out-your-pupil kind of brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Neither? Happy endings if I have to choose, but I like drama. (I mean, comedy too, big fan. But sometimes you just want to watch a film that makes you think about the human condition and despair, you know?)
9. Any special talents? Misplacing things. Forgetting about events in the recent past. Petting cats.
10. Where were you born? Italy.
11. What are your hobbies? Not doing a lot these days to be honest :( Fannish activities (fanfic writing and the like). I'm in a funky pop-rock choir which I attend semi-regularly. I have attempted to learn Spanish at various points in my life and failed miserably, not always for reasons within my control (I enrolled on a Spanish course organised by the local library a while ago, and the teacher quit after my first term. He had been there for years. But I think the main issue is that after studying Russian for 5 years at uni, I look at Spanish and think, "surely it won't be that hard". And then I just... don't study it. I think I can learn it by osmosis or something, just by virtue of being Italian. Which doesn't fucking work).
12. Do you have pets? Not currently. I had a cat. I shall have one again some day.
13. How tall are you? About 168 cm.
14. Favorite subject in school? Italian Lit always, and in later years (high school) Latin and English Lit. At uni — I think English phonetics & phonology, weirdly enough; also pragmatics and anything related to sociolinguistics.
15. Dream job? Something to do with creative writing, in an ideal world. Or even "just writing", but not the kind that makes me want to kms (don't ask). Copywriter or radio scriptwriter both sound cool.
No pressure tagging: @nevergonnasaygoodbi @sapphicdragonlord @ayebydan @marki9 @yeetthedragon @valsansretovr @groundbreakingdot872 @vi-visected @crunchy-soup222 @fuckyeahsnackables
(ETA: sorry it's not 15 people and it's not even all mutuals, which I think was the point of the game, but *turns around and starts running away*)
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phantomram-b00 · 8 months
If you’re Latine/Latinx who don’t know how to speak Spanish. That’s okay, you’re still Latine/Latinx.
So since it the last day of Hispanic heritage, and honestly I wish I was more participle with this month as an Hispanic. I’ll try to do that next time, I think honestly I just really don’t know what to exactly post, but then I had a thought. Something I wish I had someone tell me back then. So I want to talk about it in honor of Hispanic heritage month, sorry if I did this on the last day, I’ll do better next time. But for now, I wanna share just a small story while also showing encouragement, so hope you like it.
So, If you go on my introduction post, I noted that I’m Puerto Rican and also, that I don’t know how to speak Spanish. Ironic/silly isn’t it? It even more so considering mostly all my family speak Spanish, so your a question that your asking is “didn’t your folks teach you?”. Well, haha about that, you see I’m not gonna reveal anything super personal, all imma say to give context is that I couldn’t talk until I was exactly five years old; so my mom kinda had no other choice but to teach me English. So most of my childhood that was the only language I learn.
Now probably also wondering “well, you learn English? didn’t you have Spanish class?”, yes I did, in my state at least, the require language to learn was Spanish (which imma reveal a very silly funfact: I thought because of movies/show the require language was French because all they learn was french.), so as a kid I wanted to learn; only, people there already were very advantage in Spanish, a lot better than me, (small context: in my state, majority of the people are more Spanish speakers, let me clarify I’m not saying this is bad since I do love Spanish. I’m just clarifying to provide context) and not only that, the spanish at least I was taught were completely different than the Spanish I know with my folks. So as a kid, it made me really insecure about my Spanish skills, like sure I knew some basic and whatnot but I couldn’t and still can’t speak fluently like my folks. So overtime, I got insecure about my identity too. It got to the point that I wasn’t proud to be Hispanic, because back then a thought that would play was “what’s the point if I can’t even speak our basic language?”. This wasn’t to say I didn’t love being Puerto Rican or Puerto Rico as a whole, I love being Puerto Rican and Puerto Rico, I just felt in a way, I’m not worthy to call myself Puerto Rican if I couldn’t speak Spanish. I still remember a teacher even told me that “it kinda is your mom fault for not teaching you” and it boy if that didn’t make me more self conscious. (There was more, but I’m not comfortable revealing them just yet. So maybe next time my ghostly pals)
But then, I remember, 2020, I watched Emirichu’s video about her Asian experience. And it help me feel emotional, because while my parents didn’t move form Puerto Rico to America (that goes to my grandma), like Emily, I had this big disconnect from my Puerto Rican roots and often feel envious when others spoke better Spanish than me. And not only that, I did at some point and like mention I felt embarrassed so I convinced myself say “oh I can never like tostones” or “I’m definitely going to feel more of an outside if I ever visit Puerto Rico one day” or even “I might as well not try, it already too late”. But, the video let me know I wasn’t alone. And even seeing comments under the video, it help me feel like I wasn’t the only one with this identity crisis. But one thing that I feel is upmost important that I toke from the video, “you’re still Latine/Latinx/any other race no matter if you can or can’t speak Spanish or any native language.” And man, I wish I heard that a lot during my childhood rather than feeling embarrassed, ashamed or feel out of place. But I’m happy I found this video, and I’m glad the video found me and others like me.
So overtime, I began to slowly become appreciative of my roots. I think what was maybe the final push was Lin Manuel Miranda’s Broadway turn movie “In the heights”, now I love the Broadway, so when watching the movie, I couldn’t help but love it even more, because I appreciate how the movie celebrate all walks of Latine/Latinx/Hispanic cultures from Dominican, Cuban, Chilean, Mexican, Colombian, Puerto Rican and more. How this community is so vast and vibrant of overall, proud of their heritage. So I began to slowly being loving my heritage, and for healing, whenever I make an oc, I make them Puerto Rican or headcanon an existing character as Puerto Rican, or learn fact about Puerto Rico to feel more connected (like funfact did you know Puerto Rico is also called Isla del Encanto? Isn’t that beautiful? 🥹) and even now I would ask my mom “hey what does *insert Spanish phrase* mean?” Granted, I will still get moment where I doubt or have imposter syndrome (or as my mom would sometimes say I am my worse critic). But I stop myself, and say “hey, you’re still Hispanic/Latine/Latinx.” Or “don’t worry, you’re still learning.” It’s still a process. And even now I still don’t know Spanish, like I guess to best describe it, I know what people can be saying or what they’re talking about depending on the context but I don’t know how to respond back. Nor write..or spell. But I still am learning as I go, my folks told me one of the best way is to listen to Spanish song and so I’ve been trying to do that or I’ll ask my mom “hey is this accurate?”. So I just want to tell the people who will read this or my Hispanic/Latine/Latinx ghost pals that, no matter if you can’t speak the language, like certain food from your roots, or are feeling the same way I felt, it’s okay, your still valid and you’re still Hispanic/Latine/Latinx. I can’t say it going to be easy, because I’ll be a hypocrite if I did, but, I can say, it worth it each step of the way. And I wish you luck amigos.
But, thanks for taking the time to read this, I know this isn’t my usually good omen content and I’m sorry if I wasn’t super active for this heritage month. I’ll try better next time. But until then, hope your having your last day of Hispanic/Latine/Latinx heritage month! what is it I can do to be more participant for next time? Let me know! Or if you have any question about this post or anything, my inbox is open ask away my fellow ghost ^v^ And always, especially with it still being all hallow’s Eve, stay spooky my pals!
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
⚔️ Shu & Reiji fencing hcs—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with this topic and slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
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I suppose if anyone’s been in the DL fandom long enough, they’ll know that both Shu and Reiji have swordsmanship skills under their belts.
So @liannelara-dracula and I thought we’d make hcs about this concept.
So here we go. :)
Question: Who do you think is a better swordfighter? We'd love to know your thoughts. :)
References to fencing:
Parry positions
Sword types
Target areas
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- Shu -
⚔️ He’s unfairly skilled and leans more towards having a natural talent for this.
⚔️ He makes it look so effortless too, which is really infuriating to opponents, especially if Reiji’s his opponent.
⚔️ Shu probably started training when he was around nine or ten in physical age (it’s hard to tell how old everyone is due to them being vampires in DL).
⚔️ Beatrix thought it would be necessary for her precious heir to be skilled in fencing since it is a royal-like hobby/skill.
⚔️ Plus, what’s a prince without swordsmanship skills?
⚔️ So with this, Shu followed a pretty paced schedule everyday regarding training—two hours everyday after he finished his studies.
⚔️ In fact, sometimes Beatrix would push him harder than the instructor would since she expected so much from him. This was mostly to flex and show off to Cordelia that Shu was better than her triplets.
⚔️ Beatrix was quite strict about his training and there were no exceptions for him to miss it.
⚔️ He usually wouldn’t as a kid, but as he got older, he started to skip or find excuses to not attend these training sessions.
⚔️ It eventually got to the point where Beatrix found out about his ‘slackery’ and scolded him for it time after time again since he persisted to do it.
⚔️ And you can best bet that these arguments always encompassed the fact of him being the “heir” and that he was supposed to “act like one.”
⚔️ But of course, Shu had tactics of his own to counter his mom’s attacks by spouting one excuse to the next.
⚔️ To cover his ass well enough, Shu at one point even came up with the excuse that he just didn’t like the teacher he had for fencing.
⚔️ So with this, Beatrix quickly found him a new teacher who also happened to have a daughter that assisted him in teaching.
⚔️ There were times where the instructor asked his daughter to be Shu’s opponent whenever he had to step out of the sparring room or just to give Shu a different opponent.
⚔️ And with this, there was quite an attraction between the instructor’s daughter and Shu—all that attraction building from distant glances and the tension rising with each clash of their swords as they dueled, lust conspiring heavily as they met face to face, their swords being the only barrier preventing their desire.
⚔️ Okay, enough with the poetry—through all that tension they ended up sleeping together.
⚔️ They started to pursue each other for a while in secret as a fling, but that was all until Beatrix found out of her son’s sexual escapades and fired the instructor and his daughter as a result.
⚔️ Anyways, going back to his fencing style.
⚔️ His favorite sword to use is probably an Epee blade because he's able to score points by having the tip of the blade touch any part of his opponent. It's just easier and it doesn't limit him.
⚔️ However, he does have to deal with the fact that it is the heaviest type of sword in fencing, but it doesn't bother him.
⚔️ Plus his vampire strength does help so it's probably not as heavy to him compared to a human. He just prefers to not have limitations when it comes to scoring against an opponent.
⚔️ Will fight dirty if he's fencing his s/o or one of his brothers.
⚔️ Like, he'll be a total ass.
⚔️ If he's sparing his s/o and they don't know shit about fencing, he'll make up rules about how to spar.
⚔️ Such as telling them they missed or that their attack didn't count when it did, or he'll point out something that'll totally distract them.
⚔️ "Oh look! A bird." He'd say to throw them off guard.
⚔️ "What? Where?" And here, he'd take the opportunity to score a point through them being distracted, or even come towards them, cup their cheeks and pull them in for an unexpected kiss.
⚔️ Or if he really wants to be an ass, if by any chance his s/o turns around when they're distracted, he'll either have the tip of the sword touch their ass or he'll just come up behind them and clutch it.
⚔️ Loves pulling dirty moves on his s/o too, such as tripping them and then catching them before they fall, just so he can have the excuse of having them in his arms.
⚔️ He sometimes likes to practice fencing outside in the mansion’s courtyard/garden just to change scenery or even by the lake.
⚔️ Has ended up sparring some of his opponents to the point that they fell into the lake. And Reiji just so happened to be in this position once lol.
⚔️ His fencing style is a rather unusual and unpredictable style but it happens to work for him.
⚔️ Always likes to leave himself open for his opponent to strike, but this is honestly a big trap.
⚔️ He likes to make it look like he's being careless by being open when in reality he's not.
⚔️ So the minute his opponent tries to score, he immediately parries, moves in an unexpected direction, and strikes.
⚔️ Essentially, he likes to take on his opponent in unexpected ways in order to score and it works every time.
⚔️ A signature move of Shu's is probably thrust (oh lord, good luck not getting any lewd ideas there lmao).
⚔️ Anyways, this is essentially one of basic moves that allow one to launch towards their opponent aggressively, so kinda like a powerful attack.
⚔️ He may like to fool his opponents, but beware that when he attacks he goes hard, like really hard.
⚔️ His favorite parry position is probably neuvieme since it allows him to block attacks coming from above and potentially make his opponent lose their grip on their sword since it's vulnerable due to being up high.
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- Reiji -
⚔️ Tbh, Reiji didn’t start fencing out of will or because of Beatrix pushing him.
⚔️ Sad as it was, he only started to prove a point—that he could surpass Shu in something.
⚔️ So with this, Reiji began his training and strove to be better than his older counterpart.
⚔️ And tbh, Reiji sucked at first and found himself having a really hard time with fencing.
⚔️ It took him a good while to establish a grip he was comfortable with whereas Shu held it a certain way from the start and never changed since he found it to his liking.
⚔️ Reiji studied each movement piece by piece and really took his time into not only memorizing movements, but also into calculating how his opponents would move based on how they looked.
⚔️ Don’t ask me how he did that.
⚔️ Because Reiji sought to be better than Shu, he challenged himself to master the foil sword, which one can only score points if the tip of the sword touches an opponent's torso.
⚔️ Definitely not as easy as the Epee sword that Shu prefers, but foil swords are the lightest in fencing, so there's a plus.
⚔️ And you can best bet he has pushed and tried over and over to surpass Shu in regard to skill—down to every little detail.
⚔️ But no matter how hard he tried, he never felt satisfied, especially since Beatrix always preferred Shu and found his fencing skills to be better.
⚔️ If he’s sparing Shu, he does not go easy on him at all.
⚔️ Like, he doesn’t hold back.
⚔️ And there was a time when both of them went at it.
⚔️ The match started out fine, but that was until they started smack talking each other when one scored a point against the other and then the smack reverted to bringing shit up about the past and then it officially turned ugly.
⚔️ It went from intense sword clashing, to slashing each other’s uniforms and then dropping the swords and resorting to fists.
⚔️ It got so bad that it took two directeurs to pry them apart, and it took more than one try for the directeurs to be successful.
⚔️ As for fighting style, Reiji is pretty predictable, but bear in mind that this mf is fast---lighting fast.
⚔️ Like, his opponent barely has time to think about what move he'll pull next because he's so fast.
⚔️ Reiji loves lunging--it's probably his favorite but also signature move since he spent so much time mastering it. He loves this move because it allows him to launch at his opponent and show what he's capable of.
⚔️ As for parry positions, he likes getting into pronation prime since it allows him a great amount of protection from getting struck by his opponent.
⚔️ Also likes using quarte when parrying because it allows him to block his opponent in a different direction and gives him more control when doing so.
⚔️ Reiji doesn’t give his opponent a break when sparing. He so unfair.
⚔️ Like if his s/o is sparing him, he’ll literally keep poking them with the tip of the sword just to tease them and will just laugh as they tell him to stop.
⚔️ Fuckin’ ass.
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abbofff · 15 days
Chapter Three
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  When I opened the apartment door on the top floor, all I did was leave my backpack at the entrance, took a shower and changed into something more comfortable. Then I decided to go up to the roof to get some air. My mom won't be home for a couple of hours and I needed to think.
  When I opened the roof door it was like all my problems were blown away by the wind, but only for a moment.
  I made a small pillow out of my jacket and lay on the floor looking at the sky. I'm nervous about having to face my mother.
  I really want to be like her when I grow up. She is strong, kind, intelligent and loved wherever she goes. And I? Her only daughter? I feel like I was losing my mind more and more.
  I know my mother loves me and I love her too. But I also know that I'm the worst part of her life. A reminder of a past lover that went away, a troubled kid. A special kid, as adults says, that got thrown out of school for the 5th time in a row.
  I wonder if she was going to consider the idea of ​​homeschool again. Although I don't think that any teacher would accept me. I did 1st grade at home, and I made my teachers cry.
  I don't know how much time I spent daydreaming until a hear the door open. I got up from the surprise, and I looked back to see my mom.
  She was still wearing her black suit with her blonde hair pushed back held by a brooch. She looked very tired.
  My mom works as a criminal lawyer. She's worked for really bad people, but it's what she had to do to bring food to the table.
- Hi baby - she gave me a tired smile followed by a hug.
- Mom, Percy didn't push the girl and I couldn't just stand there and watch. I'm sorry, I was so close to make things right this year but--
- It's okay, I know. I'm so glad you are okay. - My heart felt tight in my chest. She wore a sad, almost nostalgic look, but her smile had not faded.
- Come, let's sit. - She comanded as she guided me to the ground.
  - Sally texted me what happened. She said that Percy saw something. - she told me. She looked at me, hoping that I would explain more.
  I know what I saw, what we did to defend ourselves. But I wasn't going to tell her. I didn't wanted to disappoint her any more that I already had. She couldn't know that I had gone completely mad.
  - Yeah, we fell down the stairs. We didn't get hurt, but he had that strange dream. - I looked into her eyes when I spoke.
  Then, she made a thoughtful face and turned forward.
  - How were things on Yancy? - she asked.
  - Better. We had an awesome Latin professor, Mr Brunner. He puts a lot of passion and emotion to his classes, you know? It helps with my attention deficit. Really learnt a lot about ancient Greece. I mean it's not helpfull, but still. And Percy and me even made a friend. -
  I stopped for a moment. I understand why Grover did what he did. He wasn't the best under pressure, and that's totally fine. But he didn't even tried to say sorry or even talk to us after. It still hurted.
- It was a nice year. - I ended.
- That's nice to hear, my dear. - She finally turned to see me and I smiled at her.
  Then, she had her gaze lost somewhere on the upcoming storm, but I only limited myself to look at my hands.
She spoke again after a while.
  - Your dad is calling. - She said when she finally looked at me.
  - What? - I ask.
  My head started spinning as to why he was just now trying to contact me.
  I stood up from the ground and my mother followed me.
  - Adara, listen to me. - She said while grabbing my face in her hands.
  I saw into her eyes, there were tears threatening to come out.
  - Why does he feel he has the right to show up now? He left. It was his choice. He had his chances. I don't want anything to do with him, mom. -
  - He wants you to go to a camp in Long Island. It's for the best. - She stated.
  That man had never been interested in me or my mother, as far as I knew, he had left while my mother was pregnant. And now he gets to decide what's best for me?
  - Best for who? - I regretted asking that as soon as it left my mouth. I don't want to know the answer.
  - Mom, I know Im broken, but im getting better, i swear. Please, I don't wanna go, i will be good. Don't get rid of me now. Just one more chance, please. I'll make it better. -
  I looked at her, and there was pain mixed in the green. I was trying not to cry because maybe if I didn't, then she would trust me.
  - Ada, since I carried you in my womb there has not been a day in which I have not loved you or you have not made me feel proud. I will always be there with you. I raised you, you carry my last name. You have become a loving and selfless person, and you grow stronger everyday. -
  Rain started to fall.
  She looked at the sky with a scared look, then closed her eyes for a moment, and I grabbed her hands in mine. She opened her eyes to look at me.
  - But there are things, far beyond my control, that I can not protect you from. - She said softly, like it was a secret.
I felt the tears leave my eyes as now they were falling into my cheeks. My breathing accelerated. The day I always feared had arrived.
- You'll understand soon enough. But you need to get going. -
  I could never say no to mom. Not when she was so determined to let me go. Not when I knew she could allow herself a better life. Not when it was for the best.
  - Ok. - I said in a whisper.
  She grabbed my hand and we went back in the apartment.
  I took one last look at my home and took a deep breath. I tried to tattoo in my memory the smell of coconut from the diffuser, the warmth of the blankets that were next to the sofa, the breeze that ran on the balcony.
  It would be a long time before I returned here.  I would spend the summer on that camp and then straight to the next boarding school Mom finds.
  I heard a loud thunder strike somewhere near, and then mom began searching frantically in the drawers of the TV table. Then she walked up to me with a small cloth bag and judging by the sound, it seems to have coins inside.
I tried to search her eyes. I tried to look for some kind of doubt or regret. Anything that could mean she'd change her mind. But there was only determination. Sadness too, yes. But that was not enough.
  - Come on, a driver from the camp came to pick you up. - she said while nodding in assurance.
  I grabbed my backpack that was on the couch. Fortunately, I hadn't had a chance to unpack.
  We went down the elevator to the lobby. The trip is short but it felt eternal. I felt like my heart had been pierced and was slowly becoming empty. I didn't feel any strength in my legs, the air seemed to refuse to enter my lungs and I knew that if I took my eyes off the ceiling, the tears would continue to fall.
  The elevator doors opened again and mom gently guided me by the hand to the entrance of the building. Where I saw a delivery van that had the logo of a strawberry with words on the side waiting outside.  I couldn't read what was written, but I could make out the word 'farm'
  I was going to go to a farm? With animals and plants? I remembered the cactus that mom had given me for my bedroom in Yancy. It died. Don't ask me how.
  My mom lifted up the bag for me to take it.
  - Your father knows him. Just give him the bag when you get there. - She said.
  My heart was empty, crumbling apart by those words. She was getting rid of me.
  - Mom, I don't have a good feeling about this. Could you take me to the camp instead? - I pleaded.
My mom grabbed my face again and looked right trought me. Her green eyes focused on my blue ones. Her gaze filled with love was accompanied by a sad smile.
  - Oh my baby girl, you are growing up so fast. I can't protect you of the world anymore. So I need you to promise it to me, Adara Williams,  you will always remember who you truly are inside. -
  - I promise. - I said confidently.
A tear rolled down her cheek. She grabbed the hair clip that was on her hair and placed it in my hand.
  The hair clip was green with a little blue gem shaped like a tear. It was similar to my necklace.
  - You'll need it. - she said.
  She is right, if a was going to a farm I would need to have my hair up all the time.
  I unclasped my necklace and placed it on my mom's hand.
  - I'll come back for it. - I said with a smile.
She hugged me tightly, and so did I.
  - See you mom. I love you. - I said smiling at her.
  - I love you too, sweety. Take care. - She responded. She kissed my forehead very gently, as if I would break if she was too rough.
  When I got in the van I saw a man who looked like a typical blonde surfer, except there was something weird in him. Maybe it was that he was wearing a strange peacock like suit or the way he gave me a withering look and stayed silent when I asked his name.
  That let me wondering, were peacocks a trend now?
  I saw my mom waving goodbye in tears when the van engine turned on, and I waved back with a smile.
  The sound of rain and thunder filled my senses. Storms always helped me relax. But I was still breathing heavy as the unnamed man drives through the city. There was pressure building in my chest. A terrible feeling. Something dangerous was about to come.
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kiefbowl · 10 months
so happy you're changing careers, i always hoped you'd be able to do something more exciting :) i admire how these things don't seem to intimidate you, because to me the job market is terrifying lol
if you don't mind me asking what did you go to school for, and would you have picked something different nowadays?
Film and Video, and maybe I would have. I think my time at college was not well mentored, a realization I had throughout college as I met more people who had parents, teachers, etc. who helped prep them for their time in college (for better or for worse) and as the vision of what I was "supposed" to be doing in college came into clearer focus. When you're six months from graduating, kind of terrifying if I'll be real! But I'm 1000% positive my story is not unique. If I had been better prepared to be a student trying to gain experience to enter the job market, I would have probably studied something else OR I would have used my time better in my degree to actually prepare for that career. I probably could have been happy doing video things, it's just by the time I was close to graduating, the idea of hustling when I never really hustled before terrified me out of trying. In retrospect, I probably could have done it with more support and, as I said, mentorship. There's also so little of the world you know, that sometimes the things you learn you could be doing, it's the eleventh hour in your second semester senior elective. How was I supposed to know people could study classics and launch that into a career of teaching or museum curation if I'm just learning about it now studying greek and latin roots in my etymology class for funsies?
I think we send kids off to college much much much too soon. I wish we had a culture, infrastructure to allow under 25 year olds to do odd jobs while building their social circle and prioritizing partying, traveling, having fun. In my dream world, a 19 year old could work part time as a barista, pay for an apartment with a roomie, spend time doing whatever weird theater/art/music career they think they want, have time to get into politics at a local level, and start putting money away for retirement, and just doing fuck all so that they can think about what they want to do and experience some real life decisions. They can learn "oooh I like customer service but I hate retail" or "oooooh music is something I want to do as a hobby, and playing shows sucks assssss" or "oooooh this internship at my mom's work isn't so bad, I'm not afraid of an office" or "ooooooh this intership at my mom's office sucks asssssss and I wonder what life on a boat is like" or w/e.
Then when you understand the value of money a little better, have a clearer idea of how you want to spend your life, you can go to college if it suits you.
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italoniponic · 2 years
Twst boys... the audacity
so this was actually a random idea that started as a simple "someone has the audacity of this type of person" and it just got into uh, something. I can't even manage to describe this post lol
good luck on that
tw: some got a stronger language than I intended... maybe it's nothing but just for sure, there's this warning maybe I'm giving myself too much credit
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Riddle has the audacity of someone who can make math calculations in his mind and gets always the right results
Ace has the audacity of someone who can turn the blame back on you and get away with it, people are convinced of his innocence (especially if you’re an older kid/brother)
Deuce has the audacity of someone who called his teachers by the first name a dozen of times and can deck a punch both sober and drunk 
Cater has the audacity of a Instagram blogger who has +300k followers and remember all his Starbucks orders without missing a single detail
Trey has the audacity of a grandmother of 5 children and 13 grandchildren that has been baking and cooking her entire life and that’s why you should listen when you’re being said that you should put the dry ingredients first
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Leona has the audacity of someone who says that he doesn’t need to call his dad because he’s already capable of beating the shit out of you
Ruggie has the audacity of someone who ran away from all the angry dogs in his neighborhood and survived 
Jack has the audacity of someone who will be called and relied on by church old ladies who needs him to reach the top shelf or put something higher because only he is tall enough
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Azul has the audacity of someone who knows the names of all 500 types of Italian pasta that exists and also knows how to differentiate them
Jade has the audacity of someone who forgot what kind of mushroom he found, ate it and nothing happened 
Floyd has the audacity of someone who can bend backwards like a Soleil ballerina, grab his own ankles and walk around
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Kalim can’t spell “audacity” but has money enough to erase the word from modern dictionaries 
Jamil has the audacity of someone who will taste your food, know exactly what you did wrong but will only say “it has a strange taste” and won’t elaborate further, seeing you look at him in despair
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Vil is the living embodiment of audacity
Rook has the audacity of someone who knows all songs from the Les Miserables by heart, both in english and french
Epel has the audacity of a entire farmer village from the countryside that will look at you struggling eating a ear of corn and say that is because you’re from the city
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Idia has the audacity of someone who built himself watching anime, knows most of the old classics, the medium tiers that nobody knows, the hyped ones and the obscure ones, so yes, he’s the god of the weebs
Ortho has the audacity of machines who gains conscience but can’t properly comprehend humanity flaws, therefore he’s superior and humanity will be slaved by machines like it’s a Isaac Asimov romance 
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Malleus has the audacity of someone who will simply move you out of his way just with his hand, without actually putting that much effort in it like a a prize claw machine
Lilia has the audacity of an older senior citizen who would say “where were you when I was in the war? exactly, not even in your father’s scrotum” and sips from his pure coffee, no sugar cup
Silver has the audacity of someone who sleeps during a whole movie or lecture but somehow remember all the details 
Sebek has the audacity of someone who knows Latin and, on top of that, knows how to conjugate his own name in Latin 
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Chenya has the audacity of someone who never fell in any “deez nuts” jokes and always retorts a “mom joke” with a even heavier “mom joke” because he already hates his mother + the real influence behind the whole “ligma”
Neige has the audacity of someone who passes out in the middle of the street, stays in a unconscious state for a long time and when wakes up, he says calmly “oh that was just a minor inconvenience”
(fun fact: Neige doesn't have a smug face so I had to joint his angry expression with a smile to create this mildly uncomfortable with the situation he's in but Chenya said it was going to be fun, so I'll do my best to appear "bad")
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toubledrouble · 1 year
Since you guys seem to like my chem teacher, I might just introduce the other teachers too
Strict but also not
Tells us innapropriate jokes
Hangs candy on a tree that's hanging over her fence so kids passing by can take it
Has been present at the centre of Velvet revolution while pregnant. This woman was growing a new human inside of her body and still wanted to be present at the square when Gott and Kryl sang the national anthem
Was interested in a book I brought to class one day so much that she wanted to borrow it
Loves Dead poets society
Literally a manager of an orchestra
Lets us eat during class
Has a resignation letter thing ready at all times in case she just decides to quit, she's prepared for anything
She can be absolutely terrifying but she's also an absolute sweetheart and she teaches so well
When Adam tagged her (as in "tag you're it") she laughed and then ran up to me and tagged me
Disappointed by the lack of knowledge about culture we have
Honestly she's an icon idk what to tell you
Cool teaching methods
Probably will yell at you when you say something stupid but she's actually calm and that yelling somehow works to fix your stupidity? It's magic or something
Told us how many marks we need for her to be able to give us the final mark and let us just chill when we had them, no more tests
She just knows so much stuff
Her son is a doctor, ex army doctor I think? She must have passed the cool smart genes to her kids
Apparently one time I gave her some work of mine to read and then forgot it but she remembers? I'm so afraid what kind of cringe that must have been
Doesn't call me just by my name but by a sort of nickname (literally not even my own mom uses the affectionate version of my name)
Promised to give me a chocolate after partaking in the czech olympics regionals
Literally more proud of me than my family haha
Also teaches German. But speaks even Russian and I think French? And a bit of Latin. And obvi English.
Travelled a lot in her youth, it seems?
Keeps calling herself a grandma xd
Has absolutely stellar hearing and idk how she does that
She's an lgbt ally, yay!
Also wants equal marriage if she can be in a registered partnership (because she doesn't want to get married, she considers it long, boring and unnecessary at her age. And she doesn't need the benefits that marriage has)
Once described types of men using trees... It was a very interesting conversation
Accepted the fact that instead of a summary of one book I wrote about how it represents a metaphor for something because I misunderstood the wording of the assignment. She didn't let it slide with one other guy because he literally wrote the thing that showed up when you searched it up on Google but she let me and my explanation of three different ways the metaphor can work live and honestly I love her for that
Sometimes makes German grammar references in class and makes the russian-taking group confused
Tells us fun facts about the works we talk about in literature
Always says everything how it is
Will call you an idiot (affectionate)
Plays the guitar - both electric and acoustic
Was at a Pink Floyd concert recently
Has a motorcycle
And a cool aviator-like leather jacket (refuses to tell us where he got it, it's top secret)
For some reason is dating our bio teacher and we kind of pity him because at least to us she's mostly a bitch lmao
Tells bad jokes and worse stories (but we love it)
Tells us random innapropriate historical facts (apparently Napoleon didn't last long in bed and idk why he knows that)
Or says something about his past career or family history (randomly drops in how his ancestor had to ski back from Italy after ww1 or something about a client whose family tree he made)
Loves romanticism era literature
Goes fishing
One time he told me I look like I'm going to die (I'm very pale and it was summer)
Used to be my English teacher and it was amazing, we we wrote a postcard from a vacation to our principal and he made a rude comment about him and then quickly told us not to write that
Laughs whenever I have to go to the student council meeting because we both know something about toilets is going to be said
Had me read in the school announcement thing because he remembered that I was in poetry reciting competitions
Also made me start the teacher's day with greeting them as colleagues and then saying "this is prof. *his name* but 20 years younger with a soft, velvety voice"
Actually made me read a second thing there recently because he thinks I have a nice voice
My father figure lmao
We had a totally peaceful discussion about ancient and modern history and which one is better (it's ancient history and I will die on this hill)
Took selfies with us on a trip
Complains about how "see? If they paid attention in their history class, they would see where it was going and this whole thing could be prevented"
When he decided to make me suffer and ask me questions in front of the board (verbal exam) he asked stupidly formulated questions so I gave him just as dumb answers ("and what are these men in the photo doing?" "standing in front of a vagon" *shocked laughter* "I mean, yes, but I meant what are their jobs or... You know" "well you didn't say that" "that's valid")
Makes fun reanactments of situations he's explaining (that could be colonising, class enemies, literally whatever) and it's so fun
But also likes to make me suffer. Literally touched a pen during class? Amazing tell me everything you know about the current situation of native Americans in America (we were talking about the American revolution and this was kind of off topic but I can't really complain because I knew anyways).
Knew I love Joan of Arc, had an assignment about her ready and it was a free topic that he didn't assign to anybody, still decided to make me write my assignment on the structure of society in the middle ages (which you have literally not even one slide of info about because it just isn't that complicated unless you want to go into unnecessary detail which he hates so I was forced into writing a slide about my opinion comparing the society in the middle ages with the current one)
Just enjoys giving me harder assignment with a smirk that makes me want to punch him so bad (still adore him tho)
After I tagged him at lunch (literally ran past him, punched him arm as I was in full speed sprint and yelled "you're it!" in the full dining hall), he called me and my friend (they were filming it) into his office and then turned to one of my friends, tapped her shoulder with one finger and said "you're it." and we honestly lost it
One time accidentally said the Romans had rectangular squares (instead of shields) and I had a fit of laugher and he attempted to send me to the hall to calm down but when I got up to go I literally collapsed on the floor in a stronger fit of laughter and he started laughing at me
Loves to recommend historical movies. Or criticise them, for that matter.
Shittalked one Marie Terezie series with me
Has extremely cool hair
We actually made a meme about him being the hottest teacher and I really hope he has seen it. I might print it and give it to him at the end of the year, who knows
One time during a gingerbread thing I will describe somewhere a bit lower, I needed to make a good symmetrical cross (+) but screwed up so I just turned it into The sword in the stone and joked about giving it to him. Our main teacher actually did give it to him and he thanked me in the hall and I was so confused because I had no idea
One time I accidentally sent him a meme instead of an assignment. A Henry VIII meme. A really bad one.
One time I sent him a meme on purpose, tho. One about Romulus and Remus. He asked me about it and then told me he will be looking forward to receiving more memes in the future
GEO/BIO (aka our main teacher)
Makes tremendous exams even worse by forcing you to recognise pictures of the stuff. Cultural heritage places, trees that look literally the same, freaking moss that you can't tell apart let alone based on a projected photo...
Made us do damn maps of every continent. But at least three for each - river systems, terrain, and then possibly just classic geography. Also made us remember the capitals of every single European state which made me want to stab her because despite being slavic i keep switching some of the balkan countries
Lab work. Just. Lab work is pain.
You know about these weirs streams where it's just someone peeling an egg? Yeah she made us go that during our lab work
Also forced me to go to the bio olympics and j hate her for that because I don't even like biology
Literally makes me and my friend aka the responsible ones do so much stuff that we have basically no free time so she can kiss my ass
I hate her sm
Complains about being overworked, proceeds to dump half her work on teenagers
She sucks most of the time
Only nice to our medic group
Like. She buys us food after competitions
That doesn't change the fact that she's evil and overworks me constantly. One time I screwed my shoulder up after a full day of running around and running errands and carrying stuff and running upstairs with it and-- yeah I was in pain so I don't like her
Actually made us spend part of our Christmas break in the school kitchens baking and decorating gingerbread and doing other arts and crafts for some charity thing. I love charity events but once again I was sick and tired and had no free time
Makes our medic club do a thing where we explain first aid to kids. This includes minimum time to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. One time I got a fever and still had to stay there. When I finally got home, I passed out haha. Spent the next two weeks in agonising muscle pain with a cold and a fever. Once again I refuse to forgive her for making me stay there.
Kind of a pedo if I'm being honest
Somehow always manages to mess up whatever he's explaining and teach us wrong information
Tests basically each class
Sometimes can be convinced to play physics themed Kahoot
Old man
Just... So weird and random
Muted the whole class on zoom during quarantine and then complained that noone responded (we were texting in the chat but he ignored that)
So many weird zoom stories
Has that shirt + beige pants fit
Does so much weird stuff that he refuses to explain because "that's between heaven and earth"
Please just elaborate for once
Exams fron things he never even talked about because why not
Sometimes tells us what nails she is planning to get
Always get the worst bowl/helmet cut and then when it finally grows out a bit she does it again. My heart weeps.
Once made someone cry during geometry??
Threw someone's pen from the window
Threatens to throw more stuff
Honestly so done with us sometimes
Rocks red and black fits most of the time
Wear a light scarf sometimes because it's cold
Keeps saying it's trivial (it either isn't or we're just stupid, jury's still out)
Wears heels all basically all the time
Probably so done with me because I just can't count haha
Loves us but sometimes we piss her off
Sometimes we just have gossip session about our main teacher because she dislikes her as well
Complains about the specific blue chairs we have and use sometimes and she's so real for that
Somehow made us watch psychological horror movie based on a fairytale (probably of German origin like the most of them) instead of... Idk. Something related to the class.
Going out consists of walking to a nearby pub/restaurant and sitting in the garden area
Or the basketball court thing
Thinks he is a local celebrity (he's not exactly correct)
The sweetest
Made us a traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish
Me and my friend made her a list of classic Czech movies we reccomend
Always says "girls, why are you so late?" when you come in not even a minute after the bell rings
Thought I'm from a bilingual family lol
Sometimes we discuss and compare Czech and Ukrainian traditions in English
Confusing pronunciation
One time she said the name Shakespeare in such a funny way but she's sweet so we don't want to tell her
Watched the new Puss in Boots movie with us in class, told us we can bring snacks
A lesbian
Has asthma
Loves art and art history
Seriously she's like me from another universe
Plays audiobooks during art class
Grades mostly based of effort
Made big canvas paintings with us and then decorated the school with them and that was something new and revolutionary
She's cool, I like her
Used to be an equestrian, apparently?
Makes art history quizzes on her insta stories
So many boob flower pots and sketches of women... I love it xd
Oh yeah she also does ceramics and makes cups and flower pots and stuff
Sweetheart as well
Used to be my English teacher before we switched groups
So done with pur group sometimes
Very excited to teach us the longest or funniest words like достопримечательности
One time she watched Masha and the bear with us during class
And Jen Počkej Zajíci (Ну погоди) even tho it's basically the same in all languages since there's minimum speaking
Also made us recite a poem about lunch during the week and I still remember it after rlike three years and I hate that
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piedoesnotequalpi · 2 months
15 questions tag
Thanks for tagging me @somanywords! Sorry for the delay in responding! One thing about me is I love to answer fun lists of questions
Are you named after anyone? I am named after several people! Three great-grandparents (Etta, Isadore, and Elizabeth) and also Isabella Stewart Gardner (yes, like the museum). In Ashkenazi Jewish culture you're not supposed to name your kid after the living.
When was the last time you cried? I almost cried this morning (thinking about my parents inevitably commenting on my acne this weekend :( ).
Do you have kids? No, and I don't want any.
What sports do you play/have you played? I've tried a lot of sports, but I played soccer on and off throughout grade school (defense/goalie 😎), did boxing for a year in college, and of course have been rock climbing for almost 15(!) years. I am also an occasional skier and mountain biker (it's me and Bubbles the bike against the hills of Vermont...or something).
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, though the first time I tried using it in fifth grade it went quite disastrously.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Uhhhhh hairstyle maybe? Or if they have a colorful/unusual article of clothing I'll probably be drawn to that.
What’s your eye color? Brown! Occasionally they look vaguely hazel though.
Scary movies or comedies? Depends on my mood/location (all the windows in my parents' basement give me anxiety if we're watching anything vaguely scary), though I do tend to go more for comedies.
Any talents? I can juggle and ride a unicycle (not at the same time). Also I do acroyoga and am generally pretty comfortable picking people up and carrying them around, so those are probably my main party tricks.
Where were you born? Boston, MA! I'm not from Boston proper (yay suburbia?) but the hospital my parents went to when my mom's water broke was there.
What are your hobbies? I am so many hobbies in a trenchcoat. I rock climb, I do circus stuff, I write, I bike and ski sometimes.
Do you have any pets? No :( I want a cat though
How tall are you? 5'3 1/4" :( (I think being 5'6" would make my life so much better)
Favorite subject in school? Math and Latin!
Dream job? High school math teacher, but it's going to be hard for me to get to that point for a lot of reasons. I do like my current job (professional mover) though!
I am feeling too anxious to tag other people today, but if you're like me and also like answering lists of questions then feel free to do this and say I tagged you.
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
I was raised Catholic too, Fai, you won't be able to use this one.
When Bambi was on the topic of whether the Yokai would allow more violence in children's content all I could think of was that here in Latin America many kids including me and my uncles grew up with this.
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Back in the 80s the local TV stations needed content for kids, however American cartoon licenses were very expensive so they had to use anime, which was cheaper at that time. They did the dubbing with professional actors and censored almost nothing.
That also reminds me that when I was in catechism, once they played the Passion of the Christ, you know, the one that is rated R. We were in elementary school and I was the only one who was uncomfortable about it, and by uncomfortable I mean that I went to cry in a corner, which surprised no one because I was the crybaby of the class.
When I found out about all the changes they made in the English dubbing of several classic anime I immediately thought it was sacrilege and that American kids were pussies.
What, you guys never had assignments to invent new grotesque and detailed tortures to punish sinners in hell? You never had to write your own obituary detailing the saintly events of your life? Every Friday during Lent, you didn't listen to some tape of a woman reading off how Jesus's flesh was stripped off and going into detail about what happens to someone's lungs when they're crucified, while the teacher turned the lights off and made you all sit on the floor alone so you could 'reflect' better?
My elementary school actually didn't like The Passion of the Christ when it came out. Which is weird, considering it was weirdly fundamental for the area we live in. (my mom attended meetings where they discussed whether it was okay for the kids to read Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia and she thought it was the dumbest shit ever) The only thing I can think of that might explain that is that the Pope didn't like it. (You were kind of young when he died but people were like...obsessed with John Paul II)
Yeah, I grew up in a very liberal area and my parents weren't really religious so I'll think it didn't really affect me, but then I remember shit like that and go "what the fuck?"
I also remember crying after our principal (who was such a religious nut that even at my elementary school he was forced out of the position after a year) told my class that animals didn't have souls and would never get into heaven. I was upset not only because I didn't want to go to heaven without my pets, (I think this was after we got Angel, but I had another bird before him as well) but my grandfather was a notorious animal lover so I wanted to believe that he had all his pets and then some up there. This guy basically berated me in front of the class for being so childish and stupid to even want that, and told me that my birds didn't actually love me because they didn't have souls and therefore couldn't love. Which-what the fuck? Once I grew up and actually did my own reading I realized that I wasn't being childish at all, this is actually a point of contention with a lot of Christians-Roald Dahl famously became disillusioned with the church after he was told that his daughter Olivia, who died at seven from measles, would not be joined in heaven by her beloved dog. And you know, I still picture my grandpa up in heaven with his arms full of animals, taking care of the pets my family and my cousins' family have lost, fat and laughing in joy with his dozens of pets.
(man, this got off-track)
I mean, some of the censorship made sense. A major thing that was edited out in a lot of shows was guns, and that was because guns are tightly controlled in Japan and there's little chance of Japanese children getting their hands on any. American children, however, most likely have guns in their houses or knew someone who did. There's little risk of a Japanese kid getting their hands on a gun and acting out something they saw on TV, but that isn't true in the US.
It can end up kind of funny though. Like when the edited the guns out of people's hands in Yugioh but just...left them holding invisible guns.
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But yeah, the editing out of violence and blood, that was some real 'the sound of children screaming has been removed' bullshit. And I know at least for Yugioh, they edited out a lot of 'occult' stuff to appeal to American Christian sensibilities.
Trust me, we thought it was bullshit too. There would be tons of playground rumors about what happened in the original Japanese cut.
And we all realized that the rice ball wasn't actually a jelly donut.
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trivalentlinks · 1 year
My friend occasionally volunteers as a teacher's assistant in a small midwestern town, and in a sixth grade (11 year olds) class she was volunteering with, they did a career day, where they asked parents to come in and tell the class about their careers.
One parent they brought in was a hostage negotiator for (adult) US citizens kidnapped abroad, mostly in Latin America
Apparently, the US government has a list of entities that US citizens are not allowed to make payments to, including pretty much all foreign hostage takers, so when an American is taken hostage abroad, their family has to pay ransom through a foreign entity
They usually hire a hostage negotiator to talk to the kidnappers and arrange the ransom payments through the foreign entities, etc
So anyway this guy's talking about his job, the way different hostage-taking entities tend to demand different numbers of cash drops (somewhere between 4 and 10 usually), but a good hostage negotiator knows what to expect, since they've dealt with those entities before, and how to tell when things are going normally vs when something is going wrong, and how to respond when things feel weird, etc
At some point, to check if the kids are following, the guy asks
"so if someone you love has been kidnapped, what would you do?"
But the kids were apparently not following, because the only kid who raises her hand goes,
"call the police?"
And this guy's just standing there gobsmacked, and after a moment where nobody else has any better ideas, he's like,
"... okay, but what if the police are the ones who kidnapped your loved one?"
... the kids had a lot of trouble wrapping their heads around that one
Also, at some point, the guy played an audio file of a typical hostage negotiation, which started with an (adult) victim's mom on the phone with the kidnapper. the mom's crying, and the kidnapper chides her for being overly emotional and tells her she needs to have someone else speak for her if she can't calm down
then the negotiator handles the rest of the interactions, multiple cash drops, each for less money than the previous, with the kidnapper saying each time that this was definitely the last one and then they would let the victim go (this is par for the course, apparently)
The kids were fascinated, but the teacher (who was also a mom) said afterwards that she was never inviting a hostage negotiator for career day again
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