#what got me REALLY upset was like- ok i hatched my eggs right at the end of map 2 right
skull-storm-daily · 2 years
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7/07/2022 (curious egg deck)
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S3 ep5
Current emotional status: FEAR
Cthulu Max has been on the rampage for a whole week!?
Ew, the narrator
Oh man, are they sending the airforce after him?
I really like Cthulu Max's design
Momma Bosco 💗
Oh hey, Norrington and Papierwaite are alive.
Superball are you saying you tried to send the Maimtrons up Max's--
Also he's acting president while Max is... deposed of.
Superball is only giving Sam until 6am :(
"Wandering around the moleman tunnels is no fun without Max."
"You got it all wrong, we're trying to help Max." "We will help him... to a generous serving of ass whooping."
"That is one rabbit who will be multiplied... into 2,000 smoldering pieces."
Carol ran off with Blustet
"I only want her to be happy, is all." Aw, Curt
Superball just admitted to having separation anxiety from Max
Ok Momma can't come but Papierwaite and Norringron can.
I like Norrington :)
Is it?
It is!
Oh, she is very pregnant
She was a wizard at one point?
She's gonna help!
Superball there's no such thing as acceptable losses
Abe has his body back
"Four score and seven tons of raw power"
Sybil, I love you, but why did you mod someone else's car???
Grandpa Stinky I love you
Oh, he just handed us the recipe for once.
Asdfff the spore maxes swarming Grandpa
They stole Grandpa's hotdogs
"We must feed the host! Piglets and sphinkters make us stronger!" "We regret nothing!"
Grandpa hasn't slept in three years
Sam just casually taking the last of Grandpa's corndogs
The spores are trying to get it
Lol Sam slapped them
Sal's alive!
He's hiding from Sam :(
Lol we can control Cthulu Max with Corndogs
Ew, the cornstarch got mixed in with the giant puddle 🤢 Looks gross
Love how Sybil completely ignores the Flaming Max head
Also the look of disappointment on the spore's face made me laugh
Fifth trimester???
The way the one Max spore by Grandpa's truck is bobbing in circles with his mouth open is making me laugh.
Sam showing concern for Sybil because she’s preggers 🥺
Her being pregnant with Abe's child implies that statues have working genital in this universe
She put a weiner scented airfreshener in the desoto
At least Sam and a Max spore seem to like that (of course they do)
"Sybil you're the best!" Hell yeah she is!
Sam's mind went to the color bar codes to prevent being traumatized by Sybil's oversharing
We drowned the desoto
Asdfgh Sam just botched slapped one of the spores for trying to say "that's none of your damn buisness."
Ew, Max's spine is pointing out
Oh hey, Satan and Jurgen
Why is Jurgen wearing his old fashioned clothes instead of his emo clothes?
Lol Sam snuck into frame to shout "Go Mets! New York rules!"
"--besides it's just a good and noble thing to do." "You're not familiar with my previous work, are you?"
"Sam, what happened to you to make you so cynical?" Gee, Jurgen, I wonder what could have possibly happened.
Oh so the water tower counts as vegetable oil because Momma did something to it
Pfft we can replace Satan's microphone with a corndog
Omg they jumped off the building to avoid Max
Oh, they're fine, and the oil is in the giant puddle.
I'm thankful to Featherly for giving us an egg but I'd have preferred not to watch him lay it. Granted it was just in a cartoon way but he still made weird noises
"I desperately wanted to see that, sir. Ask him if he'll lay another one."
Oh hey, the Flaming Max heads helped heat up the giant desoto corndog
Since I'm playing this in 2021 the Maimtron's song references are super dated, which defeats Superball's efforts
Oooh! A unique opening sequence???
Oh this music is jazzy af
Sam really doesn't like the Max spores
Sam how do you already know what Max's insides look like???
"Even when he's not a collasal monster Max's food comas can last for weeks."
Ok we wake Max up with the coffee beans, right?
The gi Max spore is so sad he doesn't get to come 😢
"But I'm a horrible monster!"
"I suppose Max's brain always looks like a living room?" "Well, Max is host to all kinds of weird parasites, and he likes to he a good host!" WHAT
No really, this brings up so many questions about lagomorphs. Are they some kind of Symbiote or something?
And a previous episode confirmed Max is amphibious
Max has tumors!!!
It shocked Sam!
"Eugh! Get away fake Max!" "Do you find my warmth... alarming, Sam?"
"What do nightmares taste like, anyway?" "Pepsi"
Max wants to be author 💗
He also writes fanfiction about Flint 🤣
I'd unironically read his books.
Tina Belcher voice: Friend fiction
Max has an experimental fusion jazz band???
"He just killed a great white shark--"
Max being completely unable to describe a woman is very gay of him. Good for him.
Max's brain teleported everyone to different parts of the body.
Found Sybil in the gym/legs
The brain is broadcasting Sam's thoughts???
Sam couldn't think of a joke for the medicine balls :(
"Wow Max is looking pretty buff. Would it be too weird if I asked him to turn around?"
Sam! Stop thinking bad things about Sybil's pregnancy she can hear you you putz!
She's upset with him now
"Can you believe this guy?" "I find the entire situation to be very contrived and misogynistic." Same spore Max, same.
Sam stop being so mean omg!
"I changed Sybil, I totally get the whole parenthood thing now." "Really now?" "Tax deductions."
In Max's inventory now
Y'know, I never really thought about it as a storage house
Hit The Road reference :3
Baby roach hatched in
"Pa..papa?" "Now I am little champion, now I am!"
Max has a Maximus shrine
Sam turned into a roomba!
Aw, he named it Sam Jr 🥺
We won Sybil back through his love of Sam Jr
Found the conjoined twins
Huh, Max lost as eye. Does that mean he has a glass one, or do lagomorphs have regenerative abilities?
Pfft we have to play twister to control his arma
The brain is messing with things again
Oh, we need a roach to operate the game because of radiation
Well, let's kidnap Sal
Oh, poor Girl Stinky. She's really going through it
Aw, Sal feels bad
Honey, are alright?
He's dying???
He's not immune to irradiation!?
Oh no, he's gone
I'm so sad 😞
Gotta pick up Sam Jr. Before I control Max
They mad Max do a magical girl pose
Ugh the narrator is back
Wait, what?
He's Max's brain??? SUPEREGO???
"I was always ignored" Yo if my super ego was as pretentious as you I 'd ignore it too 😤
He wants to kill himself and Max???
I know Max had a self loathing complex but holy shit
The super ego is perfectly fine with destroying half the east coast what a jerk
Just noticed Sam's tie is red. Had no idea about this while drawing PI!Sam lol
We have to help Max get his memories back to use the ASTRO projector
Skunkapes has three Sam clones imprisoned
Sam had canon ocd?
Gasp Gordon???
No, it's Sammun Mak
I love him, little child tyrant
Just make him a mobile brain in a jar and let Sam and Max adopt him
Why is Grandpa here?
He isn't talking like Stinky
Too polite
Sam sees it too
He's a space gorilla
They switched brains?
Found the cloning g chamber
Let's go to Momma's first
Superball is "wracked with guilt"
"Keep it together Superball. Sam will be able to save the day. He always does."
Ok, let's go to the cloning facility
I'm still thinking about poor Sal yo
He's punching space apes!
Girl Stinky really playing up the evil Mistress role
The doggleganger has a bomb on him!!!
Wait so Girl really is a mermaid??? I thought that was just her aestetic
God I love Flint
Haha we tricked Skunkape with scooby doo villain tactics
Got the robot
Her water broke... and it was pennies
Max wants to save Sybil! 😭🥺💕
Super Ego is here
Oh now he wants to save Max
The only thing here are those records
Super Ego waved goodbye
Cthulu Max is cute when he cries
Wait What?
His head is on fire!
The maimtron hit him!
He waved goodbye... and teleported away.
He exploaded!!!!
He promised he'd take Sam with him and he didn't!!!!
I thought the dead Max thing was popular angst fanon fic thingy!
We're cloning Max?
It didn't work 😭😭😭😭😭
Superball ran off crying
Oh God the credits are just Sam walking sadly what the hell
He's not even stopping to fight any crime 😢
God the way he's clinging to himself
The elevator???
he's back???
Past Max???
He blew his Sam up???
Wait hold on I'm glad they're together again but this doesn't fix anything
There's so much trauma from this season
All the horrible things that happened during 301-304 happened in like 3 days tops, then Sam had to deal with Max being a monster for a week before watching him die!
And the new (?) Max had BLOW HIS SAM UP!!!
And they left the franchise like that for a decade????
What the hell?
I want to be happy but this shit is going to consume my brain for the next week at least what the hell
Like maybe they really do just brush it off but it feels unlikely
I know Max has a connection with his other selves so it'll be easier for him to adjust but certainly Sam is going to notice the discrepancies since he doesn't get the same deal
Someone told me there were multiple endings hold on
Aw, they walked off into the sunrise together
But still
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
The Gift
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Tony says no pets in the Tower, but since when has Loki ever listened to him? Warnings: like one curse word A/N: Any Tom Hiddleston stans out there should get the Easter egg in this one :)
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Disclaimer: Picture not mine
“Oh, come on, Tony! Please,” you whined for the fifth time that week. “Not even just a little one?”
“Absolutely not. It’d make a mess of the place. Not to mention that this isn’t exactly the safest place for a pet.”
“So it gets into a lab accident and we have a super dog. Not the worst thing ever,” you said, half joking, though Tony actually seemed kind of intrigued now. You changed your tactic before he got any ideas. “Besides, it won’t make a mess. I’ll train it. And not all dogs shed.”
“I guess, but someone might be allergic,” Tony countered, thinking he delivered a winning argument.
“We can get a hypoallergenic dog,” you shot back, though you’d already checked with almost everyone and no one said they were.
Tony grumbled, running out of excuses to give as to why you couldn’t get the pet you’ve been pleading for the past few months. Tony had become somewhat of a father figure to you during your time in the Tower, and you’d been pretty sure you could use that to your advantage. Sadly, though, nothing had been working. In fact, that relationship had been more of a detriment to you than anything else as you didn’t want to make him upset with you. Otherwise, you might just go out and buy the pet of your choosing. Maybe even more than one. Although, to be fair, it was Tony’s building, and he was allowing you to live here rent free, so you should probably just drop it. But you really wanted a pet, and you knew you weren’t the only one.
“Sorry, but still no.”
“Fine,” you relented with an overdramatic sigh. “For now, anyway.”
“Thank you,” he said, going back to whatever he was tinkering with before you came in.
You pouted in the lab for a bit, hoping he might change his mind, but to no avail. Eventually you slinked out and went into one of the common rooms, plopping on the couch between Peter and Bucky.
“So, how’d it go?” Peter asked after popping a handful of Skittles into his mouth.
“No luck," you responded sourly, stealing some of the colorful candy from him. “None of my strategies are working.”
“What if we tried for something smaller?” Bucky offered. “Like a gerbil.”
“I guess,” you grumbled as you flopped back in exasperation. “But we’ve had our eye on that Cocker Spaniel for a while. A gerbil just wouldn’t be the same.”
“Yeah, I know.”
You all sat in silence for a bit and watched as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck argued about what hunting season it is, mulling over the situation. Admitting defeat seemed to be the most likely option at the moment, but you hated to just give up when you were sure there was a way to get what you wanted and not have Tony be upset with you.
“I’ve got it!” Peter suddenly shouted, bubbling with excitement. “We go and adopt it and then tell Mr. Stark that it just followed us home!”
“Except he wouldn’t let us keep it even then,” you stated, having already thought of that yourself.
“So we hide it. Simple,” Bucky chimed in. “By the time he notices, Peter will be so emotionally bonded to it, Tony wouldn’t dare take it away.”
“Great idea, Mr. Bucky,” Peter said, high-fiving him.
“Yeah, if only there weren’t cameras everywhere. Not to mention a home system that tells him everything,” you added, growing more upset at the lack of options by the minute.
You pushed up from the couch as the episode’s end was heralded by Porky Pig’s “Th-th-that’s all folks.” After waving bye to your friends, you headed to your room to brainstorm in silence. The figure lurking in the shadows didn’t even register in your mind, so you had no idea that a certain god heard your whole conversation. Not only that, he was about to fix all your problems.
“Mr. Loki, where are we going?” Peter inquired as he and Bucky were led into the city by the trickster god.
“All will be revealed, spiderling. I assure you.”
Bucky just shrugged when Peter looked at him, and so they continued following Loki through the busy New York streets. After hearing about your plight, he had hatched a plan to get you what you wanted. All it took was a bit of research on that infernal computer device, and he was pretty sure he’d found the right shelter. It was a far walk from the Tower, and since neither he nor his travel companions could drive, he resorted to taking the subway, an experience he’d rather not have again. Finally, they arrived at the destination, and Peter was about to burst with excitement.
“Mr. Loki!” he gasped. “This is exactly where we were looking for dogs!”
“But I have a feeling you knew that already,” Bucky said.
“Indeed,” Loki replied. “I must confess that I overheard your conversation in the common room yesterday.”
“Oh I get it now. You’re doing this for-”
“No time for speculation, we are here to get me a pet,” Loki interrupted, “Go on. After you, spiderling.”
Peter, still blissfully unaware of Loki’s true intentions, led the way into the shelter. They were greeted with the sound of happy barking and the distinct smell of dog treats. Loki had to admit, he wasn’t the biggest fan of animals. He found some to be more agreeable than others, such as a good steed, but overall he thought them to be more of a nuisance than anything else. Thor had bought a cat for Jane once, and it tore up half of his capes before he presented it to her. Loki was glad his brother kept it away from him and his belongings. Not to mention he didn’t appreciate the sheer number of similarities people said he had with felines. Dogs, however, he was fine with, so long as they were trained properly.
“Hello, how may I help...” the girl behind the front desk trailed off, her eyes going wide with excitement upon realizing who the trio was. “Y-you’re... Oh my gosh. My friends are never going to believe this! But, uh, how may I help you?”
None of the heroes were particularly comfortable with the attention and star struck gaze of the girl, so it took them a minute to get over their sheepishness. Loki looked at both his companions before realizing he would have to do the talking. He sighed but knew the look on your face would be worth it. You’d look at him the same way you had so many times before, whenever he did little things for you, whether it be rubbing your shoulders after a stressful day or brewing you a cup of tea on a chilly morning. The two of you weren’t dating, exactly, but you weren’t exactly not dating, either. Loki found himself incapable of asking you to make it official, lest it ruin what you currently had. He didn’t know what he’d do if you no longer casually held his hand or rested your head on his lap while reading in the evenings. Even though he was fairly certain you felt the same way, that last bit of doubt wouldn’t leave him alone. Besides, despite usually being quite a great thinker, he couldn’t come up with a good way to confess. He supposed that kissing you would do the trick, but he wasn’t brave enough for that, so getting you a dog would have to suffice for now.
“My friends here were looking at some of your dogs recently, and there is one that they are quite smitten with. We are here to adopt it.”
“That’s right! A Cocker Spaniel named Bobby,” Peter offered. “He hasn’t already been adopted, has he?”
“Nope!” the girl responded in a perky voice. “He’s all yours as soon as you fill out the proper paperwork.”
“Mr. Loki, are you sure about this. Mr. Stark told me I couldn’t get a dog.”
“Exactly. He told you, not me,” Loki replied, picking up a pen.
“Well, yeah, but I don’t really think he meant it just for me. I think it was more of a general kind of thing.” Loki and Bucky looked at him in exasperation for a second, wondering how he could still be so innocent, before he caught on. “Oh, ok. I get it now. Carry on.”
The three boys huddled around the page as Loki filled it out, providing Tony’s credit card as payment when the time came. It seemed appropriate, Loki thought, that Stark should have to pay for making you upset, and taking that in the most literal sense was the only somewhat acceptable way, it seemed. No longer could The God of Mischief go around stabbing those who hurt the ones he cared about. In a way, he missed the good old days, as he referred to them, but his new life led him to you, which made the rest of it fine with him, he decided, as he finished his signature with a flourish.
“There,” he declared, admiring the loop of his fancy, cursive L. “Finished.”
The girl disappeared into the back, only to return with Bobby a moment later. After giving the paperwork a quick once over, she handed the leash over to Bucky, who couldn’t stop the smile from growing on his face. Peter immediately bent down to scratch the dark brown dog behind his ears.
“Who’s a good boy? You are! You’re a good boy!” he cooed.
“Spiderling, he hasn’t even done anything yet,” Loki said, somewhat perplexed, as Bobby rolled over onto his back, stopping at the god’s feet. “Though, I do suppose he is a rather good boy,” he added, an inexplicable smile tugging at his lips.
One stop at the pet store and a taxi ride later, both unknowingly paid for by Tony, they arrived back at the Tower with the newest member of their family. It wasn’t even ten minutes later that Tony strolled into the room where they were playing with Bobby. He stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed the dog, happily playing tug of war with Bucky.
“What is that?” he asked, pointing at the Cocker Spaniel.
“A dog,” Loki deadpanned.
“Yeah, no shit. I mean what is it doing here?”
“I adopted it. Really Stark, for a supposed genius you ask a lot of obvious questions.”
“Don’t get snippy with me, Rock of Ages,” Tony quipped back, gritting his teeth a little. “This is my Tower and I say no pets, except for maybe a goldfish.”
“Yes, this is your Tower, but it is our home, is it not? As thus, we should be allowed the simple pleasures of life, such as having a pet. After all, studies show that having a dog can reduce stress, something I’d say is rather important for people in our position.”
Tony glared for a minute, not really having a good response to that. Then he called your name, certain you were behind this.
“No, Mr. Stark,��� Peter said. “They had nothing to do with this. Don’t blame them.”
“That’s right,” Bucky also defended you. “It was all us.”
It was already too late, though, and you appeared in the doorway. Loki had been planning on presenting your gift to you in some cute or clever way, but all he had time to do was a magic up a bow on the pup’s head, a green one, of course. Bobby started happily yapping at your arrival and trotted over to you, looking for a scratch behind the ear.
“Oh. My. Gosh. He’s adorable!” you exclaimed as he rolled over for belly rubs. “You finally got a dog for me, Tony? Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Sorry, but I can’t take credit for this,” he said, turning down the hug you were offering him by putting a hand up. Then he pointed at the mischievous trio whose doing it was.
“Well actually, it was mainly Loki,” Bucky said, nudging the god in the ribs.
“But Mr. Bucky, we all- Oh wait. Awwww,” Peter gushed as he realized what Loki was feeling.
“Oh. In that case, thank you Loki!” you shouted, throwing your arms around him in a hug.
Without a second’s hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you, too, returning the embrace. “You are quite welcome, my darling.”
You nuzzled into the spot where his shoulder met his neck. In turn, he put his head on your own and breathed in your scent, forgetting the others in the room for a minute. It seemed you had, too, because you looked equally startled when Tony cleared his throat.
“Ok, fine. He can stay,” Tony conceded, “but only if he doesn’t wreck the place. And keep him out of the lab.”
You all chorused your thanks and, despite his harsh tone, could tell that Tony had already taken to Bobby, who was now the center of attention again. After playing with him for a bit, Bucky made some excuse about having to leave and took Peter with him, both of them wanting to give you some alone time with Loki.
“This really is very sweet, Loki,” you told him after a few minutes.
“Think nothing of it. It is my gift to you.”
“I feel bad, though. I don’t have anything for you,” you said, biting your lip. “Well, actually, I do have one thing that I can give you.”
“Oh? What would that be, my darling?”
The end of his sentence was nearly cut off by your lips crashing into his. The kiss was a little sloppy, but filled with so much love and desire that neither one of you cared. After gathering his wits, Loki kissed you back, cupping your cheeks as you grabbed his shoulders, still a little unsteady from surging forward.
“That,” you breathlessly whispered, pulling away as Bobby began barking again.
Later that night, Tony found you and Loki passed out on the couch, Bobby sprawled out across both your laps.
“Huh,” he mumbled, draping a blanket over your shoulders. “I guess it’s a good thing they got that dog, after all.”
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rabidtime · 4 years
The Egg
This is my fan made story of the owl house the character and setting are #Luz, #Amity, #King, #Eda, #Edric, #Emira, #Willow, #Gus, #Lillith, #Hooty, #Amity parents, #Belos, #Principal Bump, and #boscha this story is a romance/action/conflict/and sad one ok read if you want I'll do some art but note not the best at it ok.
Chapter 6
Fear and Joy
A couple of days have passed since the egg hatch. Luz told Amity everything about what Eda told her. This made Amity blush and smile and this caused Luz to as well. They talk about a name for the baby then it hits them. They named the baby Aurora Night and this made him glow in delight. They smile at each other then Amity remembers.
“Oh Luz tonight is grom are you ready for it.” Amity asks while blushing.
“Yes I'm ready for it are you though.” Luz asked.
“I'm a little nervous about it.” said Amity.
“Why? Is it just like a big party?” Luz asked.
“Yes and no.” Amity said. 
Amity showed Luz the beast grometheus the fear bringer. As Amity explains everything to Luz. Principal Bump on the entercom said who was grom queen it was Amity. This made Luz heart shunk and she saw Amity with slight tears in her eyes.
“Amity it's going to be ok.” Luz encourages her while holding her hands.
“Thanks Luz.” As she wiped her tears.
“You don't need to fight it alone, I'll help you.” Luz said.
“Really!?” Amity asks.
“Of course I will. I'm your grom date.” Luz said while smiling.
This made Amity's heart jump in her chest. She pulls Luz in for a hug to thank her. Luz hugged her back causing Aurora to glow in joy. As they headed to their class for the day Aurora wanted to stay with Amity. Amity picks him up and places him on her shoulder. After school Amity walks with Luz to the owl house. They spent their time getting into their grom close and talking about their plan.
“Ok Luz what glyph do you have?” Ask Amity.
“I have light, ice, and plants.” Luz explains.
“Ok I think the plant glyph is the best.” Amity explains to Luz.
All in the meantime Aurora Night was keeping Hooty away from them. As it got closer to the time to go Eda offered the girls a ride. They accepted the offer and they got to the school in no time. As they enter holding hands they dance until it is time for grom. Amity and Luz get ready for the battle Amity summons her abomination and Luz uses her plant glyph to hold Grom down. It was going smoothly until Grom grabbed Amity and used her as a shield against Luz. Grom then runs through the door outside with Amity Luz giving chase.
“Give Amity back to black blob.” Luz yelled at Grom.
They got to the cliff edge and Luz saw Amity Grom's chest and she was getting absorbed by Grom. This anger Luz she draws a huge plant glyph to pull Amity out but it fails. Grom then hit Luz back almost off the cliff. Tears in Luz's eyes as she trying to get up.
“Give Amity back now Grom.” Luz red with hatred.
Grom just hit Luz back again. Luz's chest started to hurt as Amity got more absorbed into Grom. This upset Luz she could do nothing to stop it.
“Someone please help!” She yelled with tears in her eyes.
Then a bright light hit Grom stopping him from absorbing Amity. Luz looked up and saw who it was. It was Aurora Night he looked at his mother who had tears in her eyes. Then he looked at his second mother in Grom's chest. This angered him so much that he started to grow. Small spikes came down his back, he grew to the size of a fully grown liger. His teeth grew like small tusks and a bone-like skull covered his head. This shocked Luz that he grew so fast.
“Aurora is that you?” Luz asks after he grows up.
He looked back with his brown and golden eyes and gave a pur. Then he focus on Amity that was in Grom chest. Aurora gave a bloodgordling roar before charging at Grom. Grom hit Aurora but it did not affect him. Grom tries to step back but Aurora pounce where Amity was, he bit down on Amity dress and pulled her out of Grom. then jump back to Luz and lay Amity in Luz arms. Luz started to shake Amity to wake her up and hug her. Amity woke up and saw Luz with tears in her eyes. 
“Luz what happened, why are you crying?” Amity asks.
“I thought I lost you. Grom was absorbing you and I could not do anything but watch.” Luz said while hugging her tightly.
“How did I get unstuck?” Amity asks.
“Aurora pulled you out if it wasn't for him you might have been gone.”Luz said, still hugging her.
Amity looked where Grom was and she saw what Luz ment. Aurora was still attacking Grom but Grom was twice his normal size. This worried Amity as she tried to get up but her body was in pain. Aurora looked back and saw his second mother was ok then he roared again but louder. But a more painful roar then Luz and Amity saw his spike started to glow. It was getting brighter and brighter. Amity thought (was he trying to use magic). But amity can only recognize some of the magic color. Then he charged at Grom pouncing onto his chest then let out another roar then boom. A huge magic explosion happened after the roar vaporizing everything in a close quarter.
“Aurora!” Luz and Amity yelled with tears in their eyes.
 From the smoke they saw a present but didn't know who it was; it slowly walked to them out of the smoke. It was Aurora he barely survived his own blast; he lay his head on his mother's lap and rest. They hugged Aurora for saving them then there wounds started to glow. They looked at each other and they saw their wound being healed. Where the exploding happens a magical tree sprouted like nothing they saw.
 Amity and Luz got up and headed to the tree and stood there. Amity and Luz blush at each other and they kiss for the first time. They were happy, truly happy and nothing can spoil it. 
“Hey Luz I have a question.” ask Amity blushing.
“Yes Amity.” said Luz.
“Will you like to go out with me?” ask Amity.
“We just kiss and I will love to.” Luz said hugging Amity.
Aurora then came by them and glow gently and they rested on Aurora's side in each other's arms for the night. This was the happiest moment for both Luz and Amity life right now. As they enjoyed their moment there was a magic eye watching them. Aurora notices this and lifts the two girls onto his back and carries them to the owl house. When they got to the house Hooty greeted them  like always and Hooty told Eda they are home.
“Aw kiddos you are back.” as Eda opens the door.
She saw Aurora and the girls on his back. She looked at the two girls and smiled. She moved to let Aurora in. He headed to Luz room and laid them down on her sleeping bag. Aurora headed down stairs to let them sleep in peace and comfort. He saw Eda and King sitting on the couch and he lay on the carpet in front of them and fell to sleep.
“Hm night Aurora.” Eda said to him.
He pur and fell asleep and King climbed on Aurora to sleep as well. It was quiet in the owl house but it was the special quiet pure joy type. As Eda headed to her room she saw the magic eye flying away she got a bad feeling. The eye returned to its caster who was not happy to see what happened tonight.
Hope you enjoy the first 6 chapter the rest will be from the dream i had for this story its going to get emotional real fast now.
Author rabidtime
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batskulldrag · 4 years
Phoenix by Fallout Boy
By now you all probably get the song titles as chapter titles gimmick. Trigger warning, because they will be discussing abuse probably throughout the story
Chapter Eleven: The Fire and The Flood by VanceJoy
Virgil was browsing Tumblr when he heard the phone ring. He lurked out to the head of the stairs and heard someone pick it up.
               “Hi Thomas.” Patton answered.
               Virgil tensed up, he hadn’t heard from CPS since May, what had they dug up this time? Was Thomas going to bring up another hospital visit? Was Payton out of prison, it had been about a month. What if he escaped?
               “Oh,” Patton said into the receiver, sounding disappointed. “That’s good, how is she?”
               “Oh.” Patton said sadly. “I guess I figured.”
               “Does… I know I probably sound horrible, but does this change anything for us?”
               “Ok. I guess there is some good news then. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Ok, bye.”
               “Roman,” Patton said blankly. “If you wanna start the nicknames back up you can.”
               “They found the dragon?” Roman asked in shock. “Because that reptile can have our emo baby over my moldering corpse.”
               Virgil leaned closer to the conversation. Did his mother want him? Could she actually and after all this time want him back? He felt dizzy. On one hand he didn’t want to hurt his uncles, they had all been amazing to him. But he couldn’t help but feel excited at the idea that his mom could actually love him. What a novel idea. She might love him.
               “You don’t need to fight anyone.” Patton sighed with the weight of the world. “She waved parental rights.”
               Virgil slid to the floor, cursing himself for having the gall to let his hopes build like that. Of course she didn’t want him back. She didn’t want him then. He bit down on the front of his hoodie to keep from crying.
               I should have known! I figured all along! I should have known better than this! Of course she doesn’t want me! Did I really think that she was going to come in after thirteen years and decide she wants me!?! What kind of an idiot would even entertain that stupid idea?!  
               “Does this alter our plans to adopt him?” Logan interrupted the chaos.
               “No.” Patton sighed.
               “Well then, why are you upset?”
               “She doesn’t want him!” Patton said exasperated. “What kind of person says that?”
               “Patton, she knew full well what Payton was capable of and she left a baby with him. Not exactly an example of maternal instinct.”
               “But what are we going to tell Virgil?”
               “Let’s tell him she died.” Roman interrupted. “Car accident, quick and completely unexpected.”
               “We’re not going to lie to him.” Logan replied. “What his mother decided does not determine his value. And it doesn’t change the fact that we’re going to adopt him.”
               “How do we tell him though? How do you tell a kid that their mom would do something that heartless?” Patton whimpered.
               Virgil stood up quietly and slunk back into his room. Knowing that Patton would be looking for him in a second, he turned his computer back on and tried to look like he hadn’t moved in the past hour. Sure enough, Patton knocked on his door.
               “It’s open.” Virgil called casually.
               “Thomas, you know your case worker, called.” Patton began.
               “Did he find more hospital records?” Virgil tried to keep his voice even. “What is he doing checking all of them?”
               “They, uh…”
               “They were able to find your mother.” Logan said calmly. Which is odd, because he basically just teleported into the room.
               “Where did you come from?” Patton yelped in shock.
               “How do you not make any noise when you walk?” Virgil stared at him, utterly confused.
               “I just don’t.” Logan dismissed his amazing stealth powers. “Any way, social services located your mother. She’s living in Italy now.”
               “Good for her.” Virgil looked back at his computer.
               “They got in touch with her and unfortunately…”
               “The good news is you don’t have to learn Italian.” Patton interrupted with the fakest upbeat attitude known to man.
               “Virgil, she waved her parental rights.” Logan sighed. “I’m sorry, but there’s no easy way to say that.”
               “Well.” Virgil heard his voice break a bit. He swallowed hard and continued passively. “I always kind of figured she would. It’s not news to me.”
               Neither of them. Neither of them wants me. How can neither of them want me? How can they both just see me as a mistake? Why did they let it go this far?
               Patton ran a hand through his hair. Virgil leaned into his hand in response. Patton radiated a soothing heat. Not like being trapped in a fire hot, but like a fluffy blanket that just came out of the dryer. Cozy, that was the word. Patton was cozy.
               “You sure you’re ok?” Patton kept petting him.
               “Yeah,” Virgil fought back tears. “This just confirms what I already thought.”
               “Virgil, I want you to know that this doesn’t determine your value.” Logan put a hand on his shoulder. “This isn’t your fault. And Patton and I are still planning to adopt you, that hasn’t changed.”
               “Why?” Virgil felt his resolve start to crack.
               “Because you’re family.” Patton hugged him. “And we want you to be safe.”
               “I mean why doesn’t she…”
               No, don’t you do this! Don’t! don’t cry, don’t cry. Don’t cry!
               “Why doesn’t she love me?” Virgil sobbed, his resolve shattering around him.
               Patton held him while he cried. That’s what Patton does. Logan sat with them, probably extremely uncomfortable with the entire situation. But there none the less.
               Virgil hadn’t really used the word love in a long time. Especially not in reference to his parents. And he definitely hadn’t asked why neither of them loved him in a long time. Hell, he had tried to convince himself that he didn’t care if they loved him or not.
               And then here was Patton and Logan. They thought they loved him, but he wasn’t sure they did. He wasn’t sure they could. He had constantly heard things about how parents are just automatically loving. Apparently, fathers keep you safe and mothers nurture you. And they both love you and want what’s best for you.
               That didn’t fit. Virgil had never met his mother. In fact, she left the continent just to be away from him. And she probably had a new family now, one that she supposedly nurtured, one that he sure as taxes wasn’t a part of. And then there was his dad. Protecting? No. A thousand times no.
               This left him wondering why Patton and Logan thought they loved him. He was a complete stranger to them, and it was starting to look like he was a burden as well. How could they love him? Logan emphasized with him because they had… that in common and Patton probably liked him because he was his nephew. But love? If his own parents didn’t love him, how could these two?
               “It’s ok. It’s not your fault.” Patton continued to pet him.
               “He’s right. This doesn’t reflect on you. It reflects on them.” Logan squeezed his shoulder.
               Virgil pressed his head into Patton’s chest. He had cried in front of them a lot since he wound up here, and they never said anything about it. They just let him. There was no mocking or any consequences. They just let him cry. Just like that.
               “This is stupid.” Virgil pulled away from his uncle. “I knew she didn’t want me. I’ve always known. Why am I even upset?”
               “Just because you know something doesn’t mean it can’t hurt you.” Logan rubbed his back. “And you have every right to be upset.”
               “If its any consolation,” Patton added. “We want you.”
               “Ok.” Virgil sighed. “Thank you.”
                                                                               #             #             #    
               “It’s not fair.” Patton mumbled as he and Logan walked down the stairs.
               “I know, but there’s nothing we can do.” Logan wrapped his arm around him. “We can’t change how people think. We just have to be decent people to make up for it.”
               “He was so sad.”
               “He’ll be ok. He’s a strong kid and we’re going to be here to help him.”
               “I guess.” Patton stared at his feet.
               “He’s already made amazing progress.”
               “I know, but.” Patton looked towards Virgil’s room and back at Logan. “All Payton had to do was leave Virgil here when he left. Why? Why did he take the baby?”
               “If there is a god, then only he knows.” Logan sighed.
               “Is he ok?” Roman asked the second he saw them.
               “He’s upset.” Patton sighed.
               “He has every right to be.” Roman glared at the floor. “How do two terrible people make a decent kid? The dragon and Payton are both so vile that I honestly expected their child to hatch from an egg with scales and fangs.”
               “We can’t prove that she didn’t lay an egg.” Patton countered. “And Payton must have gotten some kind of recessive jerk genes. Because Mom was great, and so were our grandparents. And I always try to do the right thing. I wanna be a good person.”
               “You are a good person, Padre.” Roman said immediately. “Just ask anyone.”
               “I don’t know. All of this is kind of my fault.” Patton rubbed his arm.
               “Isn’t it a good thing that Virgil was taken away from his abusive father?” Logan challenged him.
               “I think if I had tried to get custody sooner, then maybe none of this would have happened.” Patton looked at the floor.
               “Well, all we can really do is handle things as they are now.” Logan put a hand on Patton’s shoulder. “We can’t go back in time.”
               “He’s right.” Roman agreed, that was uncommon. “We have to focus on what to do now. The past isn’t going to come back just because we regret it.”
               “Thank goodness for that.” Logan added.
               “Ok.” Patton sighed. “All that matters is now.”
                                                                               #             #             #
               Logan exhaled hard and got out of bed. Patton mumbled incoherently and wrapped himself around his pillow, still sound asleep. Logan smiled down at him before grabbing one of his books and leaving the room.
               Logan had dealt with insomnia for about as long as he could remember. He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder in college, but his doctor believed that he developed it when he was a kid. The one and only thing he got from normalization therapy. Even the name sounded like a horror movie cult. He shook that off. It was over now.
               As he entered the living room, he heard the shower running. He looked at the clock, now wondering if it was morning already. No, it was about two am. So, who was taking a shower at this time of the night?
               He could be sure that it wasn’t Patton. And Roman probably wouldn’t be up, unless he was just now getting ready for bed. Which he was prone to do. But, the most likely option was that it was Virgil. Now the only question was why.
               Virgil lurked into the living room wearing his black hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants and drying his hair with a towel. Logan sighed in relief, thankful beyond words that Virgil wasn’t naked. Logan tried to figure out how to make himself known without metaphorically scaring the life out Virgil.
               But, as it turned out, Virgil was far more alert than anyone had considered and the very next thing he did was look up. He yelped softly and shoved his towel over his mouth to keep from screaming, startled by Logan’s sudden appearance.
               “Sorry,” Logan held out his hands. “I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just me.”
               “Geeze!” Virgil squeaked. “Where did you come from? Why are you standing in the middle of the living room? Why are you a ninja ghost?”
               “I came downstairs because I couldn’t sleep.” Logan quickly explained. “I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be up.”
               “Then we feel the same.” Virgil sighed. “I think you took twenty years off my life. That’s an expression.”
               “I know it’s an expression.”
               “Why are you up?”
               “I told you, I couldn’t sleep.”
               “Yeah, but why?”
               “I have PTSD. It keeps me from sleeping sometimes.”
               “Yeah, that’s a thing that people casually mention.” Virgil added sarcastically.
               “I realize that you’re being sarcastic. But I feel no shame over things that I can’t control. I am defined by what I do, not by what is done to me.”
               “That’s pretty.” Virgil commented blankly. “How did you come to have PTSD, if you don’t mind my asking?”
               “There was a practice called ‘Quiet Hands’ in which autistic children were kept from stimming. If they didn’t stop on command they would be restrained. Many children developed trauma disorders thanks to this.”
               “What’s stimming?”
               “Stimming is something autistic people use to express or process feelings. Usually through repeated actions but sometimes verbally by repeating a word or phrase. I normally clap my hands.”
               “When you say restrained, I’m picturing straightjackets and gurneys.” Virgil looked at him for assurance that he was wrong.
               “No, the therapist just grabbed my hands and held them in place. But I’m sure she was also thinking about straightjackets.”
               “Geeze, at least Payton let me talk.” Virgil looked at the floor. “I mean, I don’t think he ever listened to me. Unless he wanted to insult me. But that was one of the few things I never got hit for.”
               “Virgil.” Logan walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Why are you awake?”
               “I wet the bed again.” Virgil grimaced and tensed up as if he were bracing himself.
               “Well, make a note to talk about that with Emile in your next session. Until then, maybe you ought to avoid fluids after nine.”
               “That’s it?” Virgil looked up at him skeptically. “You’re not mad, you’re not gonna make fun of me? Just that?”
               “I’d like to think that I can react to things without resorting to violence.” Logan adjusted his glasses. “Especially when dealing with the mundane.”
               “Uncle Logan,” Virgil hesitated and bit his lip. “How… how did you manage to… I don’t know. How’d you start trusting people?”
               “That was a slow process.” Logan sighed. “I think the first people I ever trusted were Roman and his brother. I met them in middle school, and they were nice to me, treated me like a human. I was wary of the pair at first, but they just kind of… got through to me. I don’t remember deciding to trust either of them, but I guess I did.”
               “Ok.” Virgil looked at the ceiling.
               “I also want you to understand that trust has to be earned. I trusted Roman because he treated me decently and didn’t take advantage.”
               “Do I…” He kept his eyes on the ceiling. “Do I have to testify against my dad?”
               “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Logan tilted Virgil’s head back towards him. “If you’re not comfortable facing him, then no one is going to make you.”
               “I don’t want to be afraid of him.” His voice shook.
               “I know.” Logan knelt to eye level. “But it’s ok if you are. It’s a normal reaction. And what’s most important, is he is never getting his hands on you again.”
               “What if he fights this? You know him, you know he will.”
               “He doesn’t have a metaphorical leg to stand on. The evidence against him continuously grows. He has backed himself into the proverbial corner to end all corners.”
               “What if he just drags this out until you can’t afford to fight him?” He had tears in his eyes now.
               “Virgil, we’re only suing him as a formality so we can include you on our health insurance. Even if he somehow keeps custody, he’s still going to prison for arson. And he’s going to stay there until you’re twenty. This isn’t the video game boss fight. This is the moment when we all get to watch his actions come back to haunt him.”
               “What if they don’t believe me?”
               “This isn’t ‘he says you say,’ no one in their right mind would believe him over evidence.”
               “He put me in the hospital last year.” Virgil said quickly in ragged breaths.
               “We know, I’m sorry.” Logan soothed.
               “He…he.” Virgil wrapped his arms around himself. “He told them I couldn’t have morphine.”
               “Why?” He knew but couldn’t stop himself from asking.
               “I guess he wanted me to be in pain.” Virgil whimpered. “And he wanted to prove a point. Like the doctors believed him, and they never asked me. And they took his word for it.”
               “It’s ok. It’s ok.” Logan hugged him. “It’s over now. You’re safe now. I promise. I swear to you that he is never getting you back.”
               “But they…”
               “Did an unbelievably stupid thing by not checking your records.” Logan cut him off. “And this situation is completely different from that one. This time you have people on your side. And we have more than enough evidence to keep him from so much as writing you a letter.”
               “Yeah?” He squeaked.
               “Virgil, when I first came here Patton and his mother promised me that I would never go back to my parents.” Logan pulled back to look him in the eyes. “And I’m making you that same promise. To borrow a phrase from Roman: Payton can have you over my moldering corpse.”
               Virgil buried his face in Logan’s shoulder.
               “Uncle Logan, have you seen your parents since then? Like bumped into them in the mall or the post office or something?”
               “I have. But admittedly, I just duck out quickly to avoid being seen by them. Sometimes we can forget that our parents are mortal.”
               “What,” Virgil leaned back. “Like they’re gods or demons or something?”
               “Yes. Exactly.”
               Virgil nuzzled back into Logan’s shoulder and sat there quietly for a minute. Logan ran his fingers through the younger man’s hair.
               “I’ll do it.” Virgil mumbled. “I wanna testify against him.”
               “Are you sure?” Logan asked, surprised. “You don’t have to, and you don’t have to decide right now.”
               “I know.” Virgil nodded. “But, I’m not gonna be afraid of him anymore. And I want him to know that he doesn’t scare me. I’m done being his plaything.”
               “Ok.” Logan stroked his hair. “I want you to think about it for a while though. Ok?”
               “I mean it. If you want to do this, then great. But if not, you don’t have to.”
               “I know.”
               “Ok.” Logan let him go. “Do you want one of your pills?”
               “No. I think I’ll be able to get back to sleep.”
               “Ok. Good night.”
               “Good night.” Virgil hugged him. “And thank you.”
               Virgil returned to his room and Logan pulled himself off the floor. Despite making sure his nephew knew that he didn’t have to testify against Payton, he was incredibly proud that he wanted to. The ability to stand up to your abuser like that took proverbial guts and a whole lot of real courage. Logan knew that. And he realized that Virgil knew that too. And more importantly, this meant that Virgil was beginning to realize that Payton was wrong. And that alone was worth everything.
               Logan was surprised to find himself yawning. It seemed that his conversation had bedded down his own metaphorical demons. It at least reminded him that he was dealing with thoughts rather than monsters. Simple, easy to defeat memories. He smiled to himself and walked back to his and Patton’s room, half remembering the times when he played with the baby in the middle of the night because neither of them could sleep.
               Payton’s son, not so much. But his. His and Patton’s. Logan laughed softly.
               Who would have ever thought of him as a dad?
                                                                               #             #             #
               “Mwaah.” Patton gleefully enunciated as he pressed the chess horsey into Logan’s cheek.
               “Are you pleased with yourself?” Logan asked stoically.
               Virgil laughed from his place across from Logan. Finally. Someone who liked dad jokes.
               Logan and Virgil started playing chess after dinner, Virgil called black the second he saw the board, leaving Logan with white. In the meantime, Roman occasionally piped in to annoy Logan, and Patton played with all the defeated pieces. Virgil had knocked down one of Logan’s horses and Logan had used his pointy face to kill one of Virgil’s castles. And all the knobby boys had been defeated.
               “You’re quite good.” Logan said amusedly as his pointy face took out Virgil’s other castle. “But I think you play it a little too safe. You’re mostly using your pieces to block the king and queen. It might do you better to play offensively.”
               “There should be a prince character. Or at least a dragon.” Roman added, fiddling with the castle. “If you’re going to make things up, at least make a fun game out of it.”
               “What part of chess is made up?” Logan eyed him.
               “This isn’t how battles work, for one.” Roman listed. “And chess has walking castles. How is that realistic?”
               “Sounds like Roman wants to play D and D.” Virgil chimed in. “Uncle Logan, my queen kills your bishop.”
               Patton took the pointy face.
               “Excellent move.” Logan’s eyes lit up. “But you already lost your rooks, a fatal error.”
               “I would rather die standing than live kneeling.” Virgil grinned.
               “Members of the clergy don’t fight in wars.” Roman added, dumbfounded.
               “What if god told them to?” Virgil asked. “Like the crusades?”
               Before Roman could argue, his phone rang.
               “I fear for the worst.” Roman sighed before answering. “Hello?”
               Roman listened for a moment.
               “Hang on one second, I need to embarrass my nephew.” Roman pressed his phone against his chest and looked at Virgil. “Verge, they need a nude model for the still life class at the civic center, they asked for you by name. They offered to pay extra if you still have that birthmark.”
               “HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!!!??” Virgil yelped, jumping up and pulling his shirt over the back of his pants. He was completely red.
               “I used to babysit you a lot. That includes changing diapers and giving baths.”
               “I’m in hell.” Virgil said blankly.
               “I’ll be over in ten minutes.” Roman said to the other end of the phone and hung up. “I extend my apologies, but I am needed in other places.”
               “I still don’t understand how you can do that.” Patton shivered. “The idea of it terrifies me.”
               “Trust me Padre, I’m not the one who is exposed.”
               “Hi, I’m Virgil,” Virgil introduced himself. “I’m new here and don’t know what you’re talking about.”
               “Roman occasionally works as a nude model for a still life class.” Logan answered.
               “I’m sorry I asked.” Virgil grimaced.
               “It’s not sexual.” Roman emphasized. “It’s like drawing a tree.”
               “But you still stand there, in front of all those people.” Patton blushed. “And they draw you… naked.”
               “Patton, I was saving this.” Roman sighed. “But I’ll pull it out now if I must.”
               “No, please. I’m a minor.” Virgil pulled his hood over his eyes.
               “I was not talking about… THAT!” Roman blushed. “I would never! That! Get your mind out of the gutter!”
               “Virgil embarrassed Roman.” Patton announced. “Logan mark the calendar. Someone embarrassed Roman.”
               “I never thought I’d see the day.” Logan added.
               “Right.” Roman said as he walked towards the door. “I shall see you in a few hours.”
               “Wait, what were you gonna say?” Patton asked foolishly.
               “Just.” Roman stared evilly. “That you and Logan think you’re so quiet. Love you, bye.”
               The door closed. Patton and Logan both looked at each other in horror.
               “I am going to pretend that didn’t happen.” Virgil said quickly. “Who’s Roman? Uncle Logan, it’s your move. Try to kill my queen.”
               Logan shook off his shock and looked down at the board. Using his queen, he killed Virgil’s. Patton took the dead queen.
               “So, you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?” Virgil sang.
               “So, you think you can love me and leave me to diiiie?” Patton gleefully continued.
               “I believe it’s your move, Freddie.” Logan smiled.
               Virgil sent one of his horses over to Logan’s queen.
               “No time for losers.” Logan killed the horse with his queen.
               “That’s the wrong song.” Virgil sent over his other horsey. “But I am losing.”
               “I can’t tell who’s winning.” Patton added happily.
               Patton’s two boys played for a few more minutes.
               “Check mate.” Logan announced calmly.
               “And now a Shakespearean paly will start in what is left of my country.” Virgil looked down at the board. “Good game Uncle Logan.”  
               “You played very well yourself.” Logan smiled. “And you called all the pieces by their proper names. A rarity in this household.”
               “If you keep on talking Logan,” Patton lead on. “You might get…”
               “Do not do it.” Logan stared at him.
               “A little horse.” Patton popped the horsey up from under the table.
               “Hey, Uncle Patton.” Virgil called, holding one of the horses up over the board. “It’s a horse fly.”
               “Of all the things to be hereditary.” Logan sighed.
               “Ok, we’ll stop… horsing around.”
               “I married you.” Logan said stunned.
               “Last one. I promise.” Virgil set his horsey down. “The dark knight.”
               “That was actually funny.” Logan said angrily.
               “Oh! I have a great idea!” Patton hopped up and down a bit. “Meet me in the living room.”
               Patton darted upstairs to his closet and pulled out three of his scrap books. Scrapbooking was a personally favorite of his, memories and glitter. And decorating. It was the best.
               He checked to make sure they were the books he wanted and darted downstairs with them. Both Logan and Virgil were waiting for him on the couch. He nestled himself between them and opened the first book.
               “I was wondering when you were going to pull these out.” Logan said, putting his arm around him.
               “Well, we need to show Virgil.” Patton beamed and turned to his little anxious baby. “You’re going to be these a lot more now. We need to make up for lost time.”
               “Ok?” Virgil looked confused.
               “Ok. Here’s me in freshmen year of high school.” Patton pointed down at the first picture on the page.
               “What the hell happened?” Virgil looked on in pure shock.
               In the picture Patton was smiling from behind some incredibly thick braces that made his teeth look like iron plates. They almost looked worse than the head gear that accompanied them.
               “Oh, I tried to do a flip. You know, the kind where you run up the wall?” Patton explained. “And I face planted into a tree and knocked out my two front teeth.”
               “Years of corrective dental treatments ensued.” Logan added.
               “My favorite piece was the retainer with two fake teeth in it.” Patton smiled. “I pulled some funny pranks with that one. I’m almost sad that I got permanent implants.”
               “So, you used to take your teeth out and harass people with them?” Virgil made a face of disgust and intrigue.
               “He mostly just held them out to people and asked if he had something in his teeth.” Logan answered. “It wasn’t very funny.”
               “Sure, it was.” Patton added, moving on to the next few pictures. “Here’s me and Payton at Easter, Mom always had us dress up all nice so she could take pictures. And here’s me and Payton as altar boys. And us at Christmas.”
               He turned the page and was hit with several play brochures. And one picture of Roman, clad in a dress of green and orange taffeta that clashed horridly in a sultry pose with the stupidest look on his face.
               “Why?” Virgil asked, stunned.
               “Roman got to play Mona in Cinderella’s Mice.” Patton explained. “He wanted to be the prince, but he had a lot of fun with his character.”
               “Wow. Must have been a great show when he came out.” Virgil retorted.
               “Nearly everyone claimed to have ‘called it’ if I remember correctly.” Logan added.
               “Oh, here it is.” Patton clapped his hands happily.
               Centered in the page was a group photo of him, Logan, Roman and Remus all in different dresses. The twins went all out, naturally, with Roman in a red satin prom dress with matching shoes and purse. And Remus wearing a tight black leather skirt, fishnet stockings, knee length stiletto boots and a green blouse tied around his chest so that his entire stomach, complete with a long pink scar, showed. Logan was more subtle, wearing a floor length black skirt to complement his black polo shirt and blue tie. Patton himself had borrowed one of his mother’s dresses. A beautiful blue sundress with a yellow floral pattern, he accessorized with a white sunhat that had a long yellow ribbon tied in a bow. They were the prettiest boys in the school.
               “He’s real.” Virgil gasped, looking right at Remus’s picture.
               “Of course, he’s real.” Logan responded. “Did you think we were gaslighting you?”
               “I just kinda thought that no one was that crazy.”
               “Remus really isn’t as bad as Patton makes him sound.”
               “He bit Payton.” Patton argued. “Hard enough to draw blood. And what about when he got his glass eye? How many people did he terrorize with that?”
               “Now he only has one eye?” Virgil interrupted. “Are we sure he’s real?”
               “He has both eyes.” Logan explained. “He just also has a glass eye that he would torment people with.”
               “Let’s just move on.” Patton tried to stifle his gag reflex, he did not, ever, want to think about Remus’s eye again. “Here’s all the petitions that came out of it. The petition from the super religious kids saying that guys should be banned from wearing skirts. Roman’s petition that says if they do that, girls shouldn’t be allowed to wear pants, for the double standard. Logan’s essay slash petition saying that pants were originally a female garment and skirts were worn by men, so the girls should have to only wear pants and the guys only wear skirts. Then Remus sent out one saying that we need to ban the dress code all together and just show up to school naked. A petition to stop all petitions, one to repaint the school with reflective paint so that it’ll be invisible, one to tear down the school and build a strip club, and my favorite, one to move the state of Florida four feet and seven inches to the right.”
               That one did it, Virgil doubled over laughing. He actually fell off the couch and curled up on the floor, crying from laughing. And it was adorable. He had the cutest little laugh, his face got all red and he closed his eyes so tight. He was just the most precious little baby.
               Coughing and sniffling, Virgil climbed back onto the couch. He chuckled lightly to himself as he sat down and turned his attention back to the book.
               Patton turned the page and saw his brother, dressed to the nines with a dark-haired girl on his arm. He was taking her to the spring fling or some other school function.
               Wow, Virgil looks like his dad. A bit darker, but that must be from his mom. He definitely has her hair. Different freckles from Payton, but it’s undeniably his genes that put them there. He looks so much like him in the face, the shape is identical. It’s uncanny.
               “Is that her?” Virgil asked softly, also seeming transfixed by the image.
               “Yeah. That’s her.” Patton said numbly.
               He couldn’t even muster up the ability to hate her. Patton felt nothing for her. She abandoned her baby and left him with Payton of all people. Sure, Payton probably was rotten to her, as he was to most people he was close to, but she left a baby with him. Could Virgil really mean so little to her? Mean nothing?
               “You ok Uncle P?” Virgil looked up at him.
               “It’s nothing.” Patton shook his head.
               Virgil stared down at the picture with a curious glimmer in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if he were going to say something, but instead bit his lip and started chewing on his one of his band aids. He looked away quickly, the hint of longing still reflected in his brown irises.
               “Do you wanna know what she was like kiddo?” Patton asked chipperly as he fought back the ice.
               “No.” Virgil didn’t look up. “I don’t care.”
               Patton and Logan met each other’s eyes. They both knew he was lying. He might as well have tried to tell them the moon was invisible.
               “Well, she was very pretty. And very talented. And very popular.” Patton said with a smile. “And she can’t have been shallow, after all, Payton isn’t exactly a ten.”
               “I said I don’t care.” Virgil turned the page. “For all I care she had three eyes.”
               The next page was covered in Virgil’s baby pictures. One featured Roman grinning proudly as he stood beside a paper mâché egg that had been broken in half horizontally. He had positioned Virgil, no more than a week old so that his lower half was inside the shell as the rest of him lay asleep outside it. On the baby’s head, carefully positioned, was the smallest part or the egg that he now wore as a hat.
               “Roman never did like your mom.” Logan added blankly. “He constantly called her a dragon.”
               What the liar didn’t add was that he was taking the picture. Logan was no saint when it came to either of Virgil’s biological parents. As the moth food story would prove.
               “It’s a cute picture though.” Patton changed the subject.
               Virgil sat there quietly with a faraway look in his eyes. He chewed on one of his band aids robotically, pensively.
               Patton suddenly realized that this was the first time Virgil had ever seen a picture of his mom. And up until now all he knew about her was… was that she didn’t want him. Patton wrapped his arm around Virgil and snuggled up to him. There were times when it was easier to talk with cuddles, this was one of them.
               “You thinking big thoughts sweetie?” Patton asked gently.
               “What?” Virgil laughed.
               “Sorry, that’s what I ask my kids when they zone out. It’s another substitute for ‘penny for your thoughts’ that sounds more fun.”
               “That just means if I tell you, I don’t get any cookies.” Virgil reasoned.
               “Trust me, Patton will gladly distribute sweets.” Logan added.
               “I’m fine.” Virgil smiled. “I was just going over that chess game in my head. I plan to win the next one.”
               “Plans change.” Logan adjusted his glasses smoothly.
               “Damn.” Virgil whispered in admiration.
               “Oh, here’s a picture of you and mom.” Patton squeaked. “She loved you so much.”
               “She wasn’t mad to be a young grandmother?” Virgil raised an eyebrow.
               “Well, when Hazel left you with Payton, mom didn’t want to put you up for adoption. But she wasn’t gonna force Payton to be a parent, so I think she was just planning to keep you. But she got sick.”
               Virgil rubbed Patton’s arm softly to console him.
               “I’m ok, Sweetie.” Patton sighed. “That was a long time ago.”
               Patton looked for another picture to distract them from all the bad feelings that hung heavy in the air. His eyes landed on one of Logan asleep on the couch, Virgil sound asleep in his heavily bruised arms. Despite Logan’s protests, he still blamed himself for that.
               “Here’s you and Logan.” Patton chirped. “You were maybe about five months old. The pictures aren’t exactly in sequence. But you loved him when you were little.”
               “Really?” Virgil briefly looked up from the image.
               “You did. Whenever you saw him you started clapping your little hands.”
               Logan rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. Patton never could figure out why he always reacted that way to Virgil’s clapping at him.
               “And here’s a picture from when you said your first word.” Logan pointed to a different part of the page. “Yes, I realize how odd that may sound.”  
               The picture showed Patton holding the baby while crying excitedly.
               “Your first word was pat.” Patton beamed.
               “How exciting.” Virgil said blankly.
               “He’s happy because you were trying to say ‘Patton’.” Logan explained.
               “It was so adorable.”
               Virgil smiled slightly at them, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he snuggled up to Patton and listened contentedly as they reminisced.
               Patton sighed happily. Virgil didn’t feel as light and fragile as he had when he first came to stay. He had gained a nice amount of weight back and felt much warmer, not like a fever warm as he had felt, but a normal body heat type of warmth. The kind that means someone is healthy.
               Patton wished once again for his camera to immortalize this moment but instead he continued showing Virgil the pictures. He had a better wish in mind. He wished that moments like this would be frequent. That these times would be commonplace and that he would never be able to recall a specific one, because there were just so many.
               From now on his little anxious baby would never again have to wonder if anyone loved him.
               “Aww,” Patton said out loud as he turned the page. “Here’s one of your little birthmark.”
               The birthmark in question was a patch of red skin with three accompanying spots above it that was just between Virgil’s lower back and his bottom. Roman often teased that he would be growing a tail, while Patton insisted that it looked like a paw print.
               “We’re not talking about the birthmark.” Virgil turned the page, beet red.
               Patton and Logan both laughed.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Bad Liar (12/?)
The end of summer zoo trip has arrived, as tensions run high will the trip be a disaster? Catch up HERE
Pairings: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature
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Ellie had gotten herself in well over her head again. After Logan told her what he wanted, and the blow up with Colt. She made herself busy with work, and spending her free time with Luca. She had been looking forward to the zoo trip all summer, but that morning she woke up dreading the day. She had minimal contact with Colt, and Logan was often at the track preparing for a big race coming up. She got up and got herself ready before waking Luca up. Once luca was ready they went down and had breakfast. Ellie sat there picking at her muffin, not having much of an appetite, and her stomach was flopping all over the place.
“Hey guys. We're sorry but we're not going to make it to the zoo today.” Ellie gave her dad a confused look. “Um ok. Not that I didn't want you guys to come but, it was only supposed to be The four of us. Luca, logan, colt and I.”
“oh Logan invited us the other day. But, sally and I are going away for the day.” Frank grabbed a cup of coffee while the frustration swirled in Ellies head. “You ok kiddo? You look a little pale.” Ellie shook her head “Yeah, im fine just, my nerves are shot.”
“Grampy, I'm going to the zoo today. I'm going to see Lions and pandas and tigers and hiphopitamuses.” she grinned, Ellie and Frank chuckling at the mispronunciation. “You mean hippopotamus’s” Frank snickered. “Yeah, that's what I said hiphopitamuses. Silly grampy.”
“Well you have fun. And don't let the monkeys fling poop at you.” Frank waved. “Dad! Seriously?” Ellie scolded him. He stuck out his tongue and walked out the door.
Ellie and Luca drove alone, meeting Logan and Colt there. After a 2 hour drive they pulled into the parking area of the zoo, meeting Colt at the gate. “Colt.” Luca went running, a wide smile spread across his face “Hey princess.” he scooped her up in a hug. “Hi Colt.” Ellie walked up to the too. “Ellie.” He acknowledged her. He still was angry, her stomach churned again, the stress was eating at her. “Hey Luca, Hey Ellie, you guys made it finally.” Logan came walking up, Ellie turned towards his voice glad he was there but her face falling slightly seeing Stacie standing next to him. “Oh, hey Stacie I didn't expect to see you here.”
“Oh, yeah Logan asked me to tag along.  Riya and Darius couldn't make it.” Stacie grinned.
Ellie chewed the inside of her cheek, trying not to say something she might regret.
They paid for their tickets and made their way into the zoo. Luca was ecstatic,  she loved the zoo and Ellie would often take her back on the East coast. She would always tell her how her parents would take her when she was a little girl, and her favorite animals to see were the otters.  Logan was just as excited as Luca he had never been to the zoo before. They walked around coming up to the Arctic Fox. "Wow, so pretty. Its fur is snow white." Ellie marveled at the beautiful animal before her. "Well, its white what did you expect." Colt snorted, Ellie shot him a dirty look. "Let's move on." Stacie suggested, sensing the tension.  
They walked up to the baboons, they watched them run around and jump, playing with each other.  Ellie stood next to Colt, who had Luca on his shoulders, her gaze set on Logan standing with Stacie. His hand planted on her shoulder as he stood behind her, pointing things out.she watched as Stacie laughed, and then playfully slapped his chest.
"Ok. Let's move on." Ellie snapped, they all looked at her as she quickly turned making her way to the next animal.
They stood in front of  the penguin display. "OOH penguins, I love penguins Colt. Get closer. " Luca tugged on his hair. "Ouch. Alright, Alright. I'll move closer." Logan stood next to Ellie and Stacie. "Awe look at the babies." Stacie swooned. "Did you know the father hatches the egg while the mother hunts?" Logan crossed his arms, pleased with his input. "Oh yeah? Where did you hear that?" Stacie quirked her brow, Logan gave her a lopsided grin "happy feet." Ellie rolled her eyes annoyed.  Stacie was her friend, but why did Logan invite her on their family outing, or for lack of better terms, dysfunctional family outing?
Of course you'd be impressed by that Ellie mumbles under her breath.  Colt cocked his head to the side.  "Something bothering you Elle?"
"NO." she snapped.
"You know most penguins go through life with one partner. Once they find them, they never seperate." Ellie shot him an unamused look. "If only some humans were like that." He focus on her as he spoke.  "Come on squirt, lets go look at the giraffe's."
Ellie stood there alone a minute while everyone followed colt. She could feel her stomach churning again. This was not how she anticipated the day going. Once she semi composed herself she joined the others.
After an afternoon of snide remarks and jabs between the 3 of them Ellie finally had her fill. They were standing in line to get drinks. It was hot, and tensions were running high. "Can we go see the tigers? Mommy, I want to see the polar bears, you promised we could see the polar bears. When Can we see something else. " Luca whined.
"Luca, we will go in a minute. Calm down and let stacie get her drink." Ellie snapped. "Whoa Ellie calm down. Are you mad about something?" Logan questioned as Ellie stood there, mouth agape "Seriously Logan?" She threw her hands up in the air "Why did you invite Stacie here?"
"I didn't think it would be a problem." Ellie rolled her eyes. "Of course not. Nothing is ever a problem. This was supposed to be a family outing. Is. Is something going on with you and Stacie?" She pointed at him, just as Stacie walked up. "No, were just friends Ellie." Logan said in defense prompting stacie to chime in "Ellie, I told you I would never do that to you."
"Why do you care so much Ellie? You want to be with Logan?" Colt broke his silence. The four began to argue amongst themselves for a few minutes, finally Ellie spoke up "I'm done with this. Come on Luca, lets let's go see the polar bears." She turned looking for Luca, she was nowhere to be found. "Luca? LUCA!" she shouted panic setting in.
"Luca." Logan shouted, still not getting a response.  Ellie began to hyperventilate colt on her immediately "Ellie, Elle I need you to calm down. We're gonna find her. Breathe in." He looked up "Logan, go look by the polar bear enclosure, and then to the Lions.  Stacie, go tell a staff member we have a missing child." The two nodded and took off.
"Colt, my baby. What if we." Ellie sobbed.
"Hey, calm down. We're gonna find her, trust me." He pulled her into a tight embrace, calming her down. "Now, is there anywhere else she would go?" Ellie's eyes went wide "Hippos."
Colt grabbed her hand as they took off running, darting around the other visitors. They came upon the Hippo enclosure, their eyes darted around before Colt locked eyes on the small brunette child "Luca." She shouted, she turned smiling at him. "Ellie, I got her." He shouted as he scooped her up in his arms. "Luca, you scared us. You can't wander off sweetheart."
"Lulu, oh thank god. Baby you can't wander off, you scared us to death." The three stood ellie and colt holding onto her for dear life.  
Logan and Stacie ran up, thankful she was ok. A slight pained look on his face as he watched the interaction between the three. "I'll go and inform the staff we found her." Stacie gave his shoulder a squeeze as she parted. Logan made his way to the trio "Thank god you found her. Hey lulu, you really gave us a scare." Luca reached over for Logan. "Are you mad at me uncle Logie?" Logan chuckled "no. I'm glad you're ok. But you can't wander off like that ok."
They decided to call it a day after that. Luca having school the next morning. Both men agreeing to come see her off. As Ellie put Luca to bed that night the day replaying in her head. How did things get so screwed up. Was there really something going on between Stacie and Logan? She knew Colt was upset about the divorce, but the way he stepped up and took control of the situation made her really believe he would be a good dad, if he was Lucas father. And the few minutes Luca was gone terrified her, it was just a few minutes but it felt like a lifetime. The nagging nauseous feeling crept back up again, she couldn't wait for it to be all over, the divorce,  the paternity results. She laid down, tossing and turning in bed most of the night.
The next morning she woke up, got Luca ready and sure enough both Colt and Logan were there to see her off. Luca was excited to start school, she excelled in preschool,  and placed much higher than a kindergarten level on her school entrance test. Though she most likely got her smarts from her mother, Colt was also very smart, and Logan really showed his intellectual side during the study date with Riya and Darius all those years ago. She would definitely be a force to be reckoned with in school, that was for sure.
Ellie took the day off of work, she knew she wouldn't be productive with her mind occupied with Luca being at school. She spent the day wandering around the house,  cleaning up, unpacking boxes she still hadn't gotten around to. If she were being honest with herself she was also trying to block out the fact the court date was the next week. She often found herself wondering if she were making a mistake,  and every time she wondered it, Dracys words popped in her head. He loved Luca, he really seemed like he would be a good dad. But what if being a family wasn't enough? What if he turned out to be just like Kaneko, wanting more, the crew again. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to think those thoughts brought back the familiar nauseous feeling. She took a deep breath calming herself down,  she would cross that bridge when the time came, only if she were Colts.
Before she knew it, it was almost time to get Luca from the bus. Logan had a race he coming up, so he had to take off right after they got Luca on the bus. Colt however, would be there. Ellie sat on the front patio waiting when she heard the familiar sound of a bike coming down the street. She watched  him as he pulled into the driveway. She always loved the way he looked when he rode. He had traded in his old leather jacket for a new one, his shoulders broader than when he was 19 going on 20. He was still as fit as ever, ellies mind flashed back to the night they hooked up, her hands pressed against his muscular chest. She bit her lip at the thought,  his impossibly tight shirt not helping the situation as he walked towards her . "I knew you would be out here already." He smirked as he walked onto the porch. "Yeah, how'd you know that." She tilted her head at him. "Because you're always like an hour early for everything."
He was right, and she couldn't believe he remembered.
"You ever think you'll go back to a car?" She asked.
"Not anytime soon," He chuckled "Guess I'll have to use one of the cars I Have sitting around for when I have Luca."
"I miss it." Colt eyed her "miss what? The bike? You want that too?"
"NO. I miss the riding. The thrill, the feeling." A blush crept up on her cheeks she prayed he didn't notice.
"Let's take a ride. " He stood holding out his hand. Ellie hesitated "I ahhh. I dont know, Luca-"
"will be off the bus in 45 minutes, we have time. Come on, we have plenty of time." Ellie contemplated for a split second, before an old feeling she had tucked away ignited her body. "Let's do it." She jumped up following him to the bike. They climbed on and he fired up the bike.
She wrapped her arms around his waist tightly, her head rested against his back. She watched as the scenery flew by in a blur, the sound of his peaceful breathing putting her at ease. She missed this more than she thought, she needed just one last ride before she closed that chapter of her life completely. They drove for about twenty minutes and then came back to the house. They got off the bike, "thanks. I needed that." Ellie smiled as they walked together to the patio. "Yeah  anytime." He sat down fidgeting with his thumbs. "I'm leaving town Elle." He blurted out. Ellie felt her heart drop into her stomach. "Colt. We have court, and what about Luca?" She was shocked, she couldn't believe he would just leave.
"I can't go to court, I can't go and I won't.  If I go, I will contest it all. But if I leave, you'll get what you want,  you'll be happy." He turned looking at her "That's all I want for you El, to be happy, that is all I ever wanted. I'll tell Luca, it's not forever,  just until after the court date." His voice cracking a little, she could tell he was giving everything he had not to break down, she had seen it once before, the night his father died. She tried to do the same but her eyes failed her terribly.  "Colt I. I'm sorry." She began to sob, a wave of emotion crashing over her. She hated this, she hated all of this. Why couldn't he of just got the annulment 6 years ago, why did she still have to care about them both?
"Ellie please don't cry, please." His voice wavering more. As he pulled her into a hug. "What. About. The test results,  what if they call?" She sniffled. "You call me, text me leave me a voicemail. Its shotty connection so I may not get them right away. If for some reason i can't get there, and she's not mine, just don't call me and tell me." Ellie shook her head. "When will you leave?"
"This weekend, friday morning. Just  for a week."
Before they knew it the bus pulled up. They were greeted by a bright eyed, big smile little girl. "Mooooomy, coooolt." She flew into Ellies arms almost knocking her over. "Whoa." Ellie goggled, steadying herself. "Did you have a good day?" "I had the best day ever!" She ran to colts arms as he scooped her up twirling her around. "Hey sweetheart, what did you do today?" He put her down as they sat down "Well my teacher tried to teach us counting today and they only had us count to 20. I said that's it?"
"Oh yeah? Well what did she say?" Colt cocked his brow, knowing Luca she gave this teacher a run for her money. "Well she said that we would work on counting past 20 later on in the year. So I said, lady I can count past 20 with no problem." They looked to her to finish.  "And she said oh yeah, that's excellent what can you count to? And then I said um like 1,000. So she didn't believe me so I started counting." Her face going somber "She. She cut me off at 497." Ellie and Colt both looked to each other and laughed.
"That's amazing squirt. You are so smart, just like mommy." Colts sincere gaze met her eyes. "Hey Luca. I have to tell you something ok?" Luca looked up at him "I just wanted to let you know that I have to go out of town for a little bit."
"You're leaving?" She sniffled.  "Yeah but not til Friday, and just a few days."
"Will you put me on the bus every morning?" She batted her tiny little lashes, Just like her mom, he was a sucker for it and Colt was warped around her tiny little fingers. "Yes I will."
"And get me off the bus?" Ellie chuckled, she was persuasive.
"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." Colt hugged her.
The week flew past, she missed Logan and wasn't sure what to do about him. Could she really divorce Colt and then date Logan? Was that even fair? Would she lose him forever? Could she handle that? Friday morning Colt came to put Luca on the bus, Ellie thought it best if he did it alone, it would be hard on them both when he left. Just a few short days and it would be over, but was she ready? Only time would tell.
Colt drove the biggest part of the day. Fighting back the urge to turn around and show up to that court house next week.  He needed to push through to get to his destination and try to clear his mind.
After almost 8 hours he pulled into the Lake Tahoe area. Up a gravel driveway to a nice cabin that sat by the lake. The woman stood there hands on her hips,  "Bout time you came up here to see me."
"Hey Mom."
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Hi Rosy ! Ok so I don't know if you've talked about this before, and it's really not a big deal AT ALL but it bothers me LOL: what happened to the worm eggs ?? We saw a close up when Clarke throws them out of the rover but then, nothing.
Well, she got rid of them. She tossed them back into the wastes where they come from. 
So I expect that they continued on, being eggs until the hatched to be the happy predators they are.
They’ll need something to eat though. Maybe they don’t hatch until some animal comes through. I don’t know. 
A lot of people seem to be upset that the worm situation didn’t, uhm. Keep going? 
But, they went through the wastes, got attacked by the worms. Which was confirmation of the dangerous environment that Clarke warned them about and they ignored. Then Clarke saved Octavia, they got caught in the sandstorm and had to retreat back to Polis. Octavia decided to keep them for biological warfare, putting at risk the only living land on earth because her concept of saving her people is risking total destruction for the possibility of total domination, then her awful lieutenant Kara Cooper went behind her back to experiment on their own people, because those who will sacrifice anything for success will actually end up sacrificing things they said they’d protect so that they can succeed. Bellamy and Clarke used Cooper’s treachery against her to destroy the risk. That plan failed (because escalation) and now Clarke’s life is in danger and Bellamy had to choose to sacrifice Clarke OR Octavia, the two loves of his life, in order find a way out.
One might say that the purpose of the worms was to force Bellamy to come to the horrible moment of having to choose between Clarke’s Life and Octavia’s love. They were the narrative tool that instigated much plot, but MOSTLY Bellamy’s character arc of needing to let go of his past love for Octavia, come to a reckoning about who she had become and the harm she was causing, facing his love and need for Clarke, and becoming the hero he needs to be.
The worms begin the conflict that forces Bellamy Blake to step into his role as hero, who takes charge (he was deferring to everyone until then, Raven, Echo, Octavia, Madi, Clarke,) does the right thing and saves everyone. 
After he steps up, he loses Octavia. He loses Clarke. But he becomes The Hero of the story and saves spacekru, wonkru, and eligius. He saves humanity, and he salvages the last bit of humanity’s soul in the process, breaks the cycle, and sets the new cycle on a better path. 
So what happens to the worms? Their part in the story is done, they are no longer a risk to Eden (McCreary was but that’s a new problem,) and they are returned to where they came from.
They are done. Still kicking, I’m sure, but done in the story.
HOWEVER. As this is a science fiction story, and science fiction stories have this thing called SAND WORMS, which are not scary little carnivorous buggers that will eat you from the inside out, but GIANT, MONSTROUS BEASTS THAT RISE FROM BELOW TO SWALLOW PEOPLE WHOLE!!!!! (see in particular Dune, by Frank Herbert, a sci fi classic.)
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Which is a scifi trope that I am down for. And knowing that is out there, and that JR loves that kind of classic scifi/movie allusion, gives me a little bit more possibility that my theory of Clarke and Bellamy and our friends will eventually turn back around in that eligius ship and come back to Earth 200 years after they left, which is both how long it would take them to return to earth and how long the pilot told us it would take the earth to recover from the ORIGINAL apocalypse.  So like. I kind of think that at the end of s6 (or s7) we’ll have a return to earth where Earth will be habitable, but a strange new planet, now inhabited by strange post-radiation creatures like giant sandworms, and they will have to figure out how to start over on this new/old world that they created. 
I am so down for it. But as of now, our little baby sandworm eggs are nothing but a concluded storyline. With a side order of possible foreshadowing for some exciting classic scifi monsters of the future. 
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catshrek · 6 years
a bad story i wrote for an english assignment using bandom people. Beware
Baby Shark
A scream pierced the silence of the afternoon. Mikey sat up from the bed he lay on, startled out of his quiet nap. Feeling weary, he swung his legs out of the bed and went to investigate. Thinking to himself about how loud the neighbors always were, and how he wished they would shut up for just two minutes. Stepping onto the doorstep, wearing a pair fluffy socks, despite the warm weather.
One glance was all he needed. His eyes took in the scene, but he suspected that there was more to it. The guy who lived next to him, the crazy red-haired guy whose name he couldn’t remember, and the other annoying guy who lived on the other side of him and always wore a man bun were right outside of his house. He didn’t need this today, he was already tired. The red haired guy was sitting on the ground, crying next to a broken action figure, and the annoying man bun guy was sitting next to him, comforting him.
Mikey shook his head, these guys were his age, and this was how they acted. Suddenly, The annoying man bun guy- His name popped into Mikey’s head- Pete, ran over to his house, passing Mikey’s, and went inside for a moment. Mikey was about to go inside and try to accept what he had just witnessed, when he heard Pete’s garage opening.
“It’s ok G! I’ve got something to cheer you up!” came Pete’s voice from the open garage.
‘Gerard.’ The name popped into his head.
Both of the dudes still hadn’t noticed Mikey standing on his doorstep, watching the scene with semi-conscious eyes.  As they moved back over to Gerard, he heard crash from Pete’s garage, and then a bunch a crackles and pops of fireworks as a very proud Pete ran out from the smoke holding a brand new action figure. He handed it to Gerard, and turned around. Mikey hoped that that was the end of the whole ordeal, but his conscience knew it wouldn’t be. Gerard jumped up, leaving the action figure and its box in the middle of the road. He ran over to where Pete was standing, hands on his hips with a content look on his face. Gerard hugged Pete, then began to walk over to his house. ‘Probably to go perform some rite with it or something.” Mikey thought to himself. Gerard’s whole life principle was probably based on comics and action figures.
Gerard locked eyes with Mikey and started to make a beeline towards him. Mikey practically jumped inside his house. He knew it wasn’t right to ignore someone like this, but he couldn’t deal with either of them. He leaned up against the door, letting its wood support him for a moment. He knew he should be in awe of what he just saw, but he really wasn’t. He was used to it by now. A second later, there was a cheerful bang on the door. Sluggishly, he turned around and slowly opened the door, not even bothering to put on a happy face; he already who it was.
“Mikey! I saw you, but I guess you didn't see me.” Gerard exclaimed
‘Oh I saw you alright.” Mikey thought to himself. Putting all of his effort into not saying that. He knew the effect of those words could be very bad, and Gerard might get very mad.
“Yeah, but I heard you. You and Pete put on quite a show!”
“Oh yeah, I broke my action figure, so Pete decided to try and cheer me up. He gave me a new action figure! It’s over there in the street.” And also showed me some cool fireworks too.”
“You’re very lucky you have such a nice friend.” Mikey had to fight the urge to grimace when he said nice.
He knew there wasn’t any reason to hate either of them, but they were so both so loud, and that bothered Mikey a lot. He would be less upset about the noise, except that it affected his health. He always had a headache.
“Well, I better get going. I don’t want anybody to run over my new buddy! Knowing people in this neighborhood they would not hit the brakes.” Gerard turned around and bounded over to the toy.
Mikey took a deep breath, allowing himself to breathe normally again. He hadn’t noticed, but his lungs seemed to have lost the ability to expand when he started talking to Gerard. It was always stressful when he was around.
He turned around to go fall asleep again, when, to his despair, he heard another knock on the door. Spinning on the heel of his left foot, he opened the door feeling wary. There stood Pete, in a cloak that looked like it was from a wizard costume from 5 years ago. Its sleeves as rips all over them. Mikey saw that Pete was holding something, and it sparked his curiosity.
“Hey Pete, what’s in your hand?” Mikey asked, squinting to try and see it.
Upon closer inspection, it looked to be something wrapped in newspaper. Pete cleared his throat and motioned for Mikey to come closer. Mikey leaned in, until he felt Pete’s hot breath on his ear. It was an unpleasant sensation.
“I was trying to decide who to allot these to, but I figured you were the most responsible.” As he whispered this in Mikey’s ear, he placed the thing in Mikey’s hand.
“Aw, um thanks? But what is it?” Mikey whispered back.
“It’s a group of eggs.”
“Uh. Ok, thanks again.”
Pete backed up, maintaining eye contact until he fell down the stairs. Then he got up and ran away.
Mikey stepped back into his house, and walked into the kitchen, laying the package on the counter. The eggs were wrapped loosely in newspaper, and apparently normal paper too. As he took off the newspaper, he caught a glimpse of a headline, that said something about a principal who ate 12 pens. The other paper, was just printer paper that seemed to have instructions. Reading over them, his confusion and curiosity deepend. Nothing this weird had happened in the past.
After some debating with himself, Mikey decided to follow the instructions. Whether or not he followed them correctly was up to his tired brain. The first step was incredibly hard to read, because the writing was so bad. He deciphered it, and it basically said that he had to name each egg, and write that name on the shell. There appeared to be 3 eggs. Mikey wasn’t taking it
seriously, and named them Dip, Pip and Yip. He was about to grab a pen and write the names, but then his phone rang. The screen said it was Ryan, his friend. He put his phone to his ear.
“Mikey, where were you last night?”
“Well, you missed the Alex’s party, and our friends are worried. They’re all wondering where you were. I’m starting to think your bed has taken the title of best friend away from me.”
Mikey stayed silent.
“I’ll talk to you some other time, but seriously, we all miss you. Sometimes being around people is better than sleeping. “
The line went quiet.
Mikey returned to the task, running his hands through his hair. He knew he needed to quit making plans and then bailing, but when he made them he never planned to lose all his energy.
He realized that there were fewer eggs than he thought. There were only 2. He put his fingers around the first egg, and shuddered. Their shells were slightly slimy, but he managed to write down the names. Then, he put them in the fridge, wondering what in the world Pete had given him.
Two days had passed, and Mikey still didn’t know what the eggs contained. Everytime he opened the fridge, his eyes drifted to the eggs. Sometimes he thought that the eggs had moved
apart, but what could one expect? They were bound to move a little bit.  He was all ready to be a parent, to be a part of something bigger than himself.
He had experienced a change of attitude towards Pete and Gerard. Any time they were doing something, he joined them. The noise didn’t bother him as much anymore. He enjoyed the time he spent with them, and participating in their shenanigans was a lot of fun. He also decided he would go out with his friends more.
Mikey awoke to a knock on the door early the morning of the third day. He got up and opened it, rubbing his eyes. In front of him stood Pete and Gerard, both wearing wizard robes. Mikey leaned in so they could talk.
“We came to check on the eggs.” Pete whispered.
“And also to give you a robe like ours.” Gerard said, holding out a robe.
Mikey took it and invited them in. He led them to the fridge, and took out the eggs, which he lovingly placed on the counter.
“Now that we’re out of the range that anybody could hear,  we can talk normally.” Pete said, G nodding along. “How have the eggs been?”
“They've been good, I hope the hatch soon!” Mikey said enthusiastically, putting on his robe.
Then, as if on cue, one of the eggs moved, and began hatching! The other one followed. The 3 silly guys watched intensely, until both eggs has hatched. Then, they started crying. The children were so beautiful! They were just like normal geckos, but they were wearing tiny shark costumes!!
7 years passed. The 3 men raised Dip and Pip, and loved them. Then the two lizard siblings decided it was time to go, and they left to go to college for lizards. It was an emotional day, but ultimately the guys were very happy and proud. Mikey continued to hang out with Pete and G, and he was very content with his life.  
The End
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katelides · 7 years
To the guest that requested this one: I really really hope this is what you expected! If not I’m sorry … if yes, then yay!
Guest: Please do one when Beca is pregnant?
One Shot 9
Chloe walks into the house. She’s exhausted. The day had been filled with so many activities for the kids because it’s the first day of school. The teenagers were way too excited and Chloe is one of the favorite teachers so they kept coming to ask for advice. What extracurricular activities they should choose for their last high school year. For each and every one of them she had some advice and it seemed to help them out. But right now she just wants to lay on the couch, wrapped in her beautiful wife’s arms.
“Beca baby? Where are you?” Chloe shouts into the hallway while taking of her heels. She lets out a relieved breath when they’re off. “In the kitchen.” Chloe makes her way into the house and stops when she gets to the kitchen. “What’s the occasion?” Beca grins as she pulls out Chloe’s chair for the redhead to sit on. “Don’t tell me you forgot.” The brunette says with a wink. “Forget what?” Beca kisses Chloe on her cheek before walking around the table to sit down herself.
“It’s our anniversary, 8 years ago today we met.” Chloe’s eyes widen and she turns in her seat to look at the calendar. “Oh god, I can’t believe I forgot!” Beca gets up from her chair again so she can hug her wife. “It’s ok, at least you remember the important ones.” Chloe lets out a sigh and wraps her arms around Beca. “How did I get so lucky?” Beca shrugs. I don’t know, I’ve been asking that same question for 7 years.”
8 years ago today they met at the activities fare and a little more that 7 years ago they started dating. After the ICCA’s everything went so fast and when Chloe kissed Beca everything was complete. They will be married 5 years in November. Their lives are perfect. Chloe is teaching high school students while Beca is a famous producer. All their dreams came true.
“Anyways, I made lasagna. And I have a bottle of wine ready for you.” Beca presses on more kiss against Chloe’s temple and serves the food and wine. “Aren’t you having any wine?” Chloe asks when she sees that Beca only brought out one glass. “My stomach has been weird today so I don’t want to upset it even more.” Beca smiles trying to brush it off. “Maybe you should go see a doctor?” Beca nods. “I did, I’m still waiting for the results.” Chloe takes the answer and they eat their food in a comfortable mood, talking about their day.
“Babe, why don’t you go and set up a movie while I clean up in here.” Chloe raises her brow. “Since when do you suggest watching movies?” Beca laughs at the cute face her wife pulls. “Since it’s our anniversary and I love you.” Chloe wraps her arms Beca’s neck and pulls her into a kiss. “Hurry up, I don’t feel like waiting.” She says with a wink before walking out of the kitchen into the living room.
A good ten minutes later Beca walks in with something behind her back which of course makes Chloe curious. “What’s that behind your back?” Beca rolls her eyes. “Something I will give to you when you close your eyes.” Chloe grunts but does as told. “Put out your hands.” Chloe slowly puts her hands in front of her and waits. Beca takes a few steps forward and places the small bag in her wife’s hands.
“Ok, you can look now.” Chloe opens her eyes but frowns. “Oh Beca, why did you buy me a gift if you knew I forgot about today.” Beca lets out a soft laugh. “Because I love spoiling you and open the present. I’m sure you’ll love it.” Chloe reaches into the bag and takes out something that looks like a piece of clothing. She quickly drops it when she sees what it is. “A-are you…?” Beca nods. “I am.”
Chloe jumps up and flies into Beca’s arms. “We’re going to be mommies.” The excitement is contagious and soon Beca is laughing while trying to push off Chloe. “Babe if you kill me now it will be a lost effort.” Chloe stops squeezing the brunette and picks up the baby onesie. She smiles at the text writing on it. A little chicken coming out of an egg saying: Hatched By Two Chicks.
“When did you find out?” Chloe asks still smiling brightly. “I threw up this morning after you left for work. First I thought it was a bug or something but then it hit me that my period is late. I ran to the store and got some tests after I called in sick. I did them and they all came out positive. I went to doctor Montgomery’s office as one final test and she confirmed it. We’re going to be parents.”
“We are, we really are.” Beca can see the tears in Chloe’s eyes so she wraps her in her arms. “Have you told anyone yet?” Beca shakes her head. “No, you are the first and most important person that has to know. We can call your parents and Aubrey if you want?” Chloe nods. “Yeah and we can call your parents too.”
They set everything up and call Chloe’s parents via skype. The Beale’s quickly pick up. “Beca, Chloe how are you?” The over enthusiastic redhead never fails to make Beca chuckle. “We’re good mom. We’re calling because we have some news.” Beca squeezes Chloe’s hand as a sign to continue. “Mom, dad… Beca’s pregnant!” A loud scream can be heard on the others side. “That’s fantastic, how long?” Misses Beale asks. “About a month, we found out today.”
“That’s amazing sweetie, when will you come over so we can celebrate?” Beca smiles at the screen. “We will come as soon as our schedules let us.” Momma Beale lets out a sigh. “Fine… oh before I forget, are you going to reveal the sex of the baby when the time comes?” Beca and Chloe look at each other. “Uhm we haven’t talked about that yet misses Beale.” Chloe sees the weird look on her wife’s face. “Mom can we call you back later about that? We need to call Beca’s family too.” Chloe’s mom nods her head and soon the screen shuts off.
“Bec, do you want to know the sex? Or do you want to wait?” Beca sighs. “We’ll do whatever you choose Chlo.” Chloe shakes her head. “This should be something we both decide. Talk to me, please?” Beca turns so she faces Chloe. “I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, the only thing I want is it to be healthy. I want to wait and be surprised the day he or she is born.” Chloe kisses Beca on the cheek. “Then we’ll wait, in the end we’ll have a healthy baby that we’ll love.”
The two women call Beca’s dad who each reacts similar to Chloe’s. Aubrey on the other side is already planning her next flight to New York so she can help with anything that needs help. Beca tries to stop her but sadly Aubrey doesn’t listen to the brunette. The blonde still has her apartment there and the lodge could function without her there 24/7. The next people were the rest of the Bellas. Of course they’re already planning some kind of party. All Fat Amy’s doing of course, how else would a party happen?
Let us fast forward 5 months. Beca is now 6 months pregnant almost done with her second semester. Of course there have been some up and down but nothing our lovely couple couldn’t handle. They already started picking out the furniture and paint for the baby room. Some baby names might have dropped here and there and it keeps them excited.
Chloe enters the house after a full day of teaching. But all of the tiredness she feels leaves her body when she thinks of her beautiful pregnant wife. “Beca?” The echo fills the hallway but no answer. Chloe quickly checks the living room and kitchen but the brunette is nowhere to be found. “Beca?” Chloe shouts up the stairs. Maybe she’s in the home studio? Chloe walks to the cellar door and goes down in search of Beca.
When she can’t find the brunette there either panic starts to fill her senses. Rushing back up Chloe runs up to their bedroom, hoping that Beca is sleeping in their bed. But yet again no sign of life in there either. Chloe runs her fingers through her hair trying to remember if Beca told her anything about an appointment or…
“The nursery.” Chloe walks up to the semi finished nursery. Beca has been spending a lot of time there talking to the baby about what and how things will look. Chloe opens the door carefully and is shocked by the sight before her. “Beca get off that chair.” She all but screams. Beca freezes on the spot with her arms still stretched out.
“Chlo I love you but please never do that again.��� The redhead watches Beca screw in the light bulb she’s holding before climbing back down. “I shouldn’t do that? Beca you’re 7 months pregnant, you should be resting not…” Chloe’s eyes widen when she sees that the walls are painted, even the one wall they chose to theme in a musical way. The black music notes and treble keys floating around a guitar hanging in the middle. An electric piano pushed against the wall.
“You painted the room?” Chloe’s voice comes barely above a whisper. “Yeah, I really wanted everything to be done before the big day is here.” Beca tries to hug Chloe from behind but her belly is in the way just a little too much for her liking. “How do you like to crib?” Chloe’s head shoots to her left and sees the fully put together crib. “Beca it’s… amazing.” Chloe wants to be mad at the brunette but seeing everything ready makes it all so much more real.
“Before you get down from your little happy place and get mad at me. I had some help from Jesse and Aubrey. They came by this morning after you left.” Chloe turns around and gently rubs Beca’s belly. “I guess it does make me less angry but it doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.” Beca throws up her hands in surrender. “You are marching your cute self downstairs and lay down on the couch while I prepare dinner.” Beca mumbles and angry ‘I’m not cute.’ but does as told.
Chloe follows her with a smile and a shake of her head. Life will never be boring with Beca Mitchell.
Chloe has been cooking for an hour and the food seems ready. Not wanting to make Beca get up Chloe prepares everything so she can take it to the living room. Two plates on a desk and two bottles (Yes, if Beca can’t drink Chloe won’t drink either), Chloe is ready to go.
There are many things Chloe could walk into at this moment. A sleeping Beca, an annoyed Beca, a mixing Beca or a watching tv Beca. But nothing in the world could prepare her for the cuteness that’s in front of her. Beca is softly singing to the baby with a smile. If any of the Bellas would ever hear of this the ‘badass’ captain would never live it down.
The redhead is falling in love all over again. Chloe sneaks up to the brunette and places the plates on the table before harmonizing with her.
Beca: I’ll be there for you
Chloe: When the rain starts to pour
Beca: I’ll be there for you
Chloe: Like I’ve been there before
Beca: I’ll be there for you
Chloe: ‘Cause you’re there for me too
Together: You're still in bed at ten And work began at eight You've burned your breakfast, so far Things are going great Your mother warned you there'd be days like these But she didn't tell you when the world has brought You down to your knees and
Beca and Chloe: I’ll be there for you
Chloe: When the rain starts to pour
Beca and Chloe: I’ll be there for you
Chloe: Like I’ve been there before
Becaand Chloe: I’ll be there for you
Chloe: ‘Cause you’re there for me too
A single tear rolls down Beca’s cheek. “Do you think I’ll be a good mom?” Chloe is taken aback by the question. “Of course, you’re going to be a fantastic mom… we are going to be fantastic moms.” Beca half nods, half shakes her head. “What’s wrong?” Beca shrugs. “I’m scared, I don’t want to be like him.” Chloe takes the brunette’s hands in hers squeezing them lightly. “You are nothing like him. You will fight for your family no matter what it takes. We will always love you.”
“I will always love you too Chlo-auch.” Chloe jumps up what are you in labor? Are you…” Beca quickly makes Chloe stop talking. “I’m fine, the baby kicked.” Chloe lets out a relieved breath. “You little devil have to stop hurting your momma, or else mummy will be angry.” Beca watches as Chloe kisses her stomach. Yeah, she really is the luckiest woman alive.
Beca Babe, my water just broke…
Beca is freaking out. Her water broke and Chloe’s at the school in the middle of a lesson. She also send a text to Aubrey and Jesse.
*Phone Call*
Beca: “Hello?”
Jesse: “Bec I’m on the way. Aubrey is picking up Chloe and we’ll meet her at the hospital.”
Beca: “Thank you Jesse, see you soon.”
Jesse: “Sure dude… oh and Becs?”
Beca: “Yeah?”
Jesse: “Hang in there.”
Beca: “I will.”
*End Phone Call*
Jesse reaches the house ten minutes later. “Alright do we need anything?” Beca rolls her eyes. “There’s a blue bag on the floor in our bedroom, could you take that one down?” Jesse nods and runs up to retrieve the bag. “Got it, anything else?” Jesse jumps down the last four steps of the stairs. “No that’s all we need… aargh.” Jesse holds on to Beca while she holds out a contraction. “Uhm Jesse we should like really go.”
“Yeah we should, the car’s out front.” Jesse leads Beca to the car and makes sure she’s comfortable before jumping in himself. The drive is pretty short and Beca seems to handle the stress well. Or at least on the outside, on the inside she’s screaming like a little girl. “We’re here.” Jesse parks the car right in front of the entrance and circles the car to help Beca out but gets shoved out of the way by Chloe.
“Everything will be alright, just keep breathing.” Beca smiles at the redhead returns the gesture with love. “Let’s get you inside, doctor Montgomery is waiting for you.” Chloe maneuvers Beca into a wheelchair and rolls her inside where a nurse takes over. Chloe follows them together with Aubrey and Jesse. Before entering the room Chloe turns around to face her friends.
“Before I go in I really want to thank you for what you did today. It really means a lot.” Aubrey and Jesse wrap Chloe into a big hug before pushing her through the door. “You can thank us when you’re a mom, right now you wife needs you.” Jesse says with a goofy grin. Chloe rolls her eyes with a smile but quickly rushes to her wife’s side.
Beca is getting checked of everything is alright. “Beca you’re doing great, you’re a bit more than 3 cm dilated. You can go home for the time being. You should come back when you’re 6-7 cm dilated.” Beca nods and wants to get out of the bed when she’s stopped by the doctor. “Don’t do too heavy things and try to rest. If you do want to do something take a walk but not alone.” Beca nods and attempts to get off the bed once more. “Are you good to go?” Chloe asks. “As good as I’ll be.”
Chloe drives Beca home while Jesse and Aubrey follow in Jesse’s car. The four arrive and help Beca get comfortable. “Uhm Chloe we should call your parents.” Chloe misses the look Aubrey and Jesse share. “What about your parents Beca? Shouldn’t you tell them?” Chloe tries to shush Jesse but it’s too late. “My mom passed away over a year ago and I don’t want my dad there when it happens.”
“Bec I’m so sorry.” The DJ shakes her head. “It’s fine… how about it Chlo do you want to call?” Chloe plops down net to Beca with her phone calling them.
*Phone Call*
Mama Beale: “Hello?”
Chloe: “Hi mom, we need to talk.”
Mama Beale: “What’s wrong? Is it Beca?”
Chloe: “Relax, we just wanted to let you know that Beca’s water broke. It’s too early to be in labor but it could be happening soon.”
Mama Beale: “Oh honey that’s amazing, we’ll be there as soon as we can.”
Chloe: “There’s no rush mom, we’ll see you when you get here.”
*End Phone Call*
“Uhm Chlo can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?” Aubrey pulls Jesse into the kitchen so they can give the two some privacy. “What’s wrong?” Beca lets out a sigh. “Please don’t stop loving me.” Chloe lets out a chuckle but tenses when she sees Beca’s sad eyes. “Bec I’m not going to stop loving you. We’re having a baby.” Beca shakes her head. “I’m scared that you’ll leave when it’s over that you won’t find me attractive when it’s over.”
Beca doesn’t cry often or communicate her feeling so this moment is heartbreaking and relieving at the same time. “Bec I will always love you. You will always look beautiful to me.” Beca looks up to meet Chloe’s eyes. “Do you really mean that?” Chloe cups Beca’s face and presses a soft kiss on her lips. “I will always love you, no matter what.”
“AAAAARRGGGHHH” Beca’s screams are deafening. She has been in labor for the past 4 hours and it’s time to push. “Don’t you dare hold my aarrghh…” Beca yanks her hand away from Chloe. “Babe it’s ok, I’ll be fine.” Chloe tries to take Beca’s hand again but fails when Beca grabs the sheets. “No Chlo I don’t want to hurt you.” Sweat is dripping down Beca’s face and she’s red in her cheeks.
“You won’t hurt be me babe, it’s what I’m here for. To support you.” Beca shakes her head and bites her jaws down when another contraction hits her. Chloe frowns at the sight, she hates seeing anyone in pain. Especially Beca. “Alright Becac, it’s time to push.” Beca leans forward with a loud grunt and Chloe positions herself sideways behind Beca.
“Another one… we can see a head… push…. push…. one last push!” With one last loud cry Beca’s scream gets replaced by a baby’s cries. “It’s a boy.” Chloe sheds a tears as she watches a nurse take her baby boy away. “Beca are you ready for the next one?” With a small nods Beca quickly prepares herself. A small fifteen minutes later and a second healthy baby pushed out Beca can finally relax.
“Beca, Chloe would you like meet your twins?” Beca takes a breath and smiles at the doctor. Chloe opens the door to let the waiting people inside. “Do you have a name for your little boy?” Beca looks at Chloe with a smile. “Damien Charlie Mitchell – Beale.” Chloe nods in agreement and accepts the boy handed to her. “And what about your baby girl?” A surprised round of ‘what’s’ travels around the room. “Surprise, we have twins.” Chloe says trying not to choke in the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Elisa Sarah Mitchell – Beale.” Beca whispers when they hand her their newborn daughter. Chloe sits down next to Beca who is exhausted but smiling like nothing happened. “Hey uhm Aubrey?” The blonde takes a step forward when Beca speaks up. “We were talking and… would you like to be Damian’s godmother?” Aubrey cover her mouth with her hands and nods frantically. “Oh and Jesse? Would you do us the honor of being Elisa’s godfather?”
“Of course, I’m going to spoil that little kid rotten.” Beca sends him a glare. “If anyone is going to spoile my kids it’s going to be me.” Chloe chuckles and leans down carefully not to squash her kids and kisses her wife. “Don’t worry babe, you’ll have enough time to spoil them.” Beca smile up to her wile tiredly. “Alright let’s give Beca some time to rest. You can all come back during visiting hours.” Doctor Montgomery ushers everyone out of the room winking at the new parents.
“They’ beautiful.” Beca whispers looking down at the sleeping baby in her arms. “Just like their mother.” Chloe whispers back. This is the beginning of a bright an wonderful future.
Let me know what you think, feedback is always fun to have :D
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Ok I didn't understand anything of this Flight Rising business other than that it's about dragons so would you like to talk about your dragon au Kazutake and Wario? Maybe with 5, 39 and 45 and/or something else if you want to get something out :D
Bless your heart, truly! ;;3;;
Flight Rising is a dragon petsite (kind of like what Neopetsis except with dragons) that has a lot of really cool lore and worldbuilding,so it essentially became an outlet for another AU for me. //bricked Most of my lairconsists of Boueibu dragons and their children (because I have no chill), butthere are some OCs as well and they’re all extremely special to me~
I have a lot of posts in my FlightRising tag, which is pretty much all worldbuilding and character notes forthis AU, but if you want the gist of it you can read thefirst post I made about it (with a lot of helpful links introducing theconcept) and thisother post that kinda explains some more about it (with more helpfullinks).
In this AU, Chikuis a type of dragon called a Fae and Wariois a Mirrordragon. They are a mated pair and they’ve successfully had a nest of 4beautiful children whom they love very dearly~ Because that was part of my plangoing into this, Chiku is a female Fae and Wario is a male Mirror. (I chose thebreeds, but I let the genders and elements of the dragons for this AU bedictated by chance based on what was available in the Auction House at the timeand that’s how it turned out.) You can read more about them in their linkedbios if you’re curious. There isn’t much there at the moment, but it gives youa basic idea of their roles in the AU and how their relationship works. ^^
Also, I swear I didn’t forget about this. I was having sometrouble flexing my brain for Wario at one point, but @purplerose128 helped me figure it out.
Pleasesend me more questions about my dragons~
5. List 3 fears; one“surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
Chiku has many fears, but one surface level fear is probablybeing around much larger dragons. Faes are very tiny (one of the smallestbreeds) and she’s kind of easy for other dragons to intentionally overlook tobegin with… so it wouldn’t be too hard for a larger breed to accidentally sit/stepon her because they “didn’t see her” or something like that. Also, onthat note, Imperials terrify her because of their sheer size (considering theyare the largest breed, essentially giants compared to every other breed) and ifone sneezes or coughs in her direction she could get launched across theregion. (Also, I’m sure she’s lowkey-highkey scared of one accidentallyinhaling her.)
One of Chiku’s repressed fears, which became a deep darkfear for a while, was realized when she and Wario were planning to make a nesttogether. She had been terrified that she would never be able to find or have afamily that would accept and appreciate her. Her own birth family treated heras something flawed and abnormal, so who would even want her?
At first, she was thrilled and overwhelmed with joy whenWario expressed interest in starting a family with her because it was all sheever wanted. But then it started sinking in more and she began to fear that shemight not live up to Wario’s expectations of her as a mother. What if sheproduced an odd number of eggs and he got upset? What if there was somethingwrong with the children and he blamed her because she wasn’t as perfect as hethought she was? She had never been able to live up to anyone’s positiveexpectations of her before. All she ever did was disappoint and Wario believedin her so much that she was terrifiedof the risk of letting him down. But most of all, she was worried that thiswouldn’t be the happy family she wanted for herself, for her children… forall of them.
Of course, the fear subsided when she laid four eggs andeventually all of them hatched and Wario was happy even though there wasn’t aneven split of Faes and Mirrors, proving that Wario loved them anyway becausethe fact that this was their familymade it perfect. All fears reassured.
Wario, on the other hand, is afraid of curses and cursedobjects… which there just so happens to be plenty of in Sornieth. The clanhoard alone has a surprising amount of ominous trinkets lying around, some ofwhich no one is quite sure of the origin of. The energy emitting from themdoesn’t mix well with his own and he is put off by the knowledge that suchthings exist in a concentrated location. Every time someone drags one of thosestrange objects in from a day of gathering, he eyes them warily from a safedistance because it makes his skin crawl in all kinds of unpleasant ways.
Unfortunately, Wario has a similar background of not fittingin with his birth clan or his own breed. He already didn’t fit in with otherMirrors because of his quirks/habits making him practically impossible to workwith and his birth clan didn’t trust him for similar reasons. So, after acertain point, he just decided he was better off alone. He left them first before they could leave himand told himself it was his own decision, repressing a fear that he will be abandonedby any clan he tries to call his own in the process, even though he couldalready tell they didn’t want anything to do with him. Now that he has found aclan and a family that actually accepts him, this fear could creep up at any timebecause it’s there below the surface waiting to bubble up at the slightestdoubt that formulates in his brain.
But Wario’s deep dark fear that he hasn’t quite fully acknowledgedto himself yet is losing Chiku and being unable to see any beauty or balance inthe world again. Chiku hasn’t been a cure-all for his habits, but she has madethem easier to live with by being a positive influence on him. She calms hismind in a way just by being by his side. But in the back of his mind, he fearsthat maybe it really isn’t possiblefor him to feel this way forever – because how can he fight off the only thinghe’s ever known when it’s still very much a big part of his life? – and one dayhe might let his habits get in the way at the expense of his loved ones.
39. Have they everbeen accused of something they didn’t do?
Considering they are both oddballs of their breeds, it wouldhave been very easy to blame them for anything that went wrong, mostly due tocommunication issues.
In Chiku’s case, dragons of other breeds tend to ignore herand go out of their way to avoid interactions with her at all costs. Faes arehard for other breeds to understand to begin with because of their monotonespeech and all of their expression being conveyed with their crests, but Chiku beingeven more monotone and less expressive than the average Fae makes her almostimpossible to communicate with. Most dragons are unsettled by this and don’thave the time (or patience) to dedicate to figuring her out, so they just…don’t.
Other Faes tend to find her weird and unsettling because shedoesn’t communicate very well, so Chiku usually ends up feeling like she’sscreaming from inside a box and no one can hear her. No matter what she does,she just can’t get through to anyone and she kind of stopped trying after apoint, which just made things easier for others to say “oh, she’s not normal. she can’t even speak right. she must have messed upsomehow.”
As for Wario, he doesn’t get along with anyone. He doesn’tget along with other breeds, especially in mixed clans, because they’re all toodifferent in size, diet, and aesthetic sense (among other things). And thisunsettles him greatly because he can’t understand how creatures that seeminglydon’t mesh well would want to spendtime in the same proximity. But he doesn’t even get along with his own breed, which is very unusual for aMirror, since Mirrors prefer to live and hunt in packs together rather thanbeing alone… except Wario refuses to join a pack where the number is continuouslyshifting, and he doesn’t like constantly being on the move and having to buildtemporary lairs that break down too easily, and it’s impossible for him to bearound strongly aggressive personalities like his own without getting into afight… so he prefers to be alone than deal with the added frustration ofother dragons.
Mirrors that pick up on these quirks/behaviors of his tendto avoid him because they also would prefer not to deal with him on a regularbasis or at all. And other dragons find him unpleasant to be around: some areintimidated by his mere presence while others just outright don’t like hisattitude or think he’s too complicated to try reasoning with. And this makes Warioan excellent scapegoat for anything that goes wrong as well. Something weird orunfortunate happens to the clan hoard or one of the lairs? Just blame the angryguy over there. He probably got irritated and wrecked it to “prove hispoint” or something.
45. What is theemotion they most commonly experience?
For the most part, Chiku is overwhelmed with a forebodingsense of shame and hopelessness born from being “abnormal” and feelinglike she has no impact on the world around her. And Wario, being a naturallyaggressive and off-kilter individual, tends to be stuck in a loop offrustration and anger because seemingly everything agitates him. Once they getto know each other and become mates, they help each other work on these issues,but it’s still hard to beat. At least they make each other happy.
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everykindofnerd13 · 4 years
Richie is Trilingual AU
Based in 2019
It wasn't expected, Richie just panicked and started cursing Bowers out, it was completely normal, except, it was in French.
"Putain de merde!" He shouted angrily, pushing Bowers backwards by the shoulders.
"He t'encule!" He shouted, flipping Henry off. The losers looked on in shock while Henry Bowers just stared up at him in confusion.
"Dègage!" He exclaimed, making waving motions at Henry, who quickly scrambled up and ran away, glancing back at Richie as he went. Richie smiled to himself, then turned to look at his friends, who were still staring at him in shock. That's when he realised, he'd been accidentally shouting in French. He flushed and covered his face with his hands.
"Uh, Rich, what the hell was that?" Stan asked, his voice sounding slightly angry, but mostly confused.
"Uh, French?" Richie half asked, shrugging his shoulders and letting out an awkward laugh. Everyone still looked so confused, but Eddie looked starstruck.
"You know French!?" He asked, in his usual agitated voice, but his face conveying excitement.
"Uh yeah..." Richie answered, scratching the back of his neck.
"And you never thought to tell us?" Bev asked, sounding slightly offended. Richie chuckled and shook his head.
"I thought you guys would've realised, I usually speak in French when I'm doing homework, talking to myself in the language I learned first is just easier." Everyone's mouths fell agape.
"That's why nothing you say ever makes sense! It's actually a different language!" Eddie exclaimed, still staring right at Richie.
"What do you mean 'the language you learned first"? Ben asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Have I never told you guys that my mom is French?" He asked. Everyone shook their heads, "Oh well, she is, she and her family moved to the states when she was seventeen, so she spoke a lot of French, and my dad knew it as well because he went to France for his exchange program. So they just spoke French when they were alone in the house and I learned to speak French first rather than English, but that was pretty easy as well." Everyone's mouths were still agape in surprise. Richie laughed and shook his head.
"I know Spanish too, since my dad's side of the family is Latino." He explained, stepping forward and wrapping an arm around Eddie's shoulders, then turning around and leading his friends toward the clubhouse. Eddie looked up at him with stars in his eyes, mouth still slightly open.
"You're Trilingual?" He asked. Richie laughed at the word but nodded.
"Yeah, it's weird having family that speaks two different languages and neither did them is the one I speak with my chosen family." He ruffled Eddie's hair and smiled at his friends.
"But yeah, when I'm with my mom's side of the family, I speak French, when I'm with my dad's side of the family I speak Spanish, and when I'm with you guys, I speak English." Stan nodded, looking at the ground, his fingers intertwined with Bill's.
"Is it ever hard to remember certain words or phrases?" Eddie asked, still looking at Richie, who was looking at the ground and ahead of hi,m so that he could steer Eddie away from any obstacles.
"Well, sometimes when I was younger I would forget some words in English or Spanish and start saying them in French until I could remember, but it's not like I forget to switch over to a different language or anything. It's like, I've programmed my brain to speak certain languages with certain people, which is why the idea of a family reunion is terrifying. Imagine having to speak French with some people, Spanish with some people, and English with you guys, all in one night? Ugh!" Everyone blushed when he said 'you guys' because it meant he really did consider them family.
"You consider us family enough to bring us to a family reunion?" Mike asks, the first time he's spoken since before the Bowers attack.
"Of course, I mean, Mike brought all of his friends over when we met up with his family in Indiana. I think I'd bring you guys anywhere my family belongs." Richie said, smiling fondly at his friends. Eddie blushed darker, but didn't take his eyes off of Richie.
"Thanks Rich..." He murmured, causing Richie to look down at him and smile.
"Anytime Eds." He whispered back, "But yeah, I speak three languages, that that you just saw though, was a slip up, I don't always realise until after when I'm upset if I'm speaking a different language." He explained. Everyone nodded in understanding.
"Ok, so have you ever just, cursed out s family member in a different language, just to see what happens?" Bill asked, leaning over to look at Richie, who laughed.
"Yeah, Mike doesn't speak French, he's never had a reason to. So once, when we were younger, he took my comic book, and I told him that he was an Asshole, but in French, so I got in trouble for that, but he never found out what exactly I said." Eddie and Bev giggled at the story.
"Mike is the one that looks just like you right?" Ben asked.
"Yeah, Mike and Boris look exactly like Richie, but without glasses." Eddie explains swiftly, and points at the air as if to gesture to the different people. Ben mouths "oh." Then nods. Bev laughs at his response.
"Well, Richie, what exactly did you say to Bowers?" She asked. Richie laughed.
"Well, first I shouted 'What the Fuck' cause he was being an Ass, then I said 'fuck you' and last, I told him to scram because he needed to leave." Richie explained, shrugging. Eddie laughed at the translation, covering his mouth with his free hand. Richie once again smiled down at him with stars in his eyes, causing Stan to turn to Bill and open his mouth with his tongue hanging out and point down his throat, then make a gagging noise, making Bill chuckle. Richie flipped them off and made a snot face, then opened the hatch to the clubhouse and climbed down inside. Eddie followed soon after, and before soon, all the losers were seated sporadically around the clubhouse. Richie and Eddie we're back in the hammock, Bev, Ben and Mike were all sitting in Beanbags, and Bill and Stan had chosen the Egg chair that Bev had gotten for Christmas from her aunt, Bill settled halfway on Stan's lap, halfway actually in the chair.
"S-so, what do y-you guys w-wanna do?" Bill asked, leaning back and wrapping his arm around Stan's back so that he didn't crush him, then leaning his head on Stan's. Eddie practically jumped to get his opinion out.
"We should play Mike's Xbox!" He exclaimed excitedly. Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes, except for Richie who agreed with him immediately. Everyone sighed and rolled their eyes, but they got up and moved everything around, the TV, the controllers, the coffee table, and they all moved to sit around it more comfortably. They moved the beanbags and eggchair into a semi-circle around the TV, and Bev moved to sit in Ben's lap, while Richie plopped down in the other beanbag. When Eddie moved to sit down on the floor Richie shook his head grabbed Eddie's hips, pulling the smaller boy down into the beanbag with him. Eddie's mouth fell open and he squawked as he hit Richie's lap.
"Richie!" He exclaimed loudly, covering his face with his hands. Richie chuckled and wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist.
"Yeah sure, sitting basically on top of me in the hammock is fine, but sitting in my lap is completely different, plus it wouldn't be fair for you to sit in the floor while everyone else sat in chairs, so yeah." Richie explained himself, his face lighting up as well, that burst of confidence immediately gone.
"Rich..." Eddie mumbled.
"Wow! Richie actually cares about someone else?" Stan asks sarcastically, and Richie snaps his head around to look at him and glares.
"We all know I'd kill for you guys now shut up." Richie snarks, then wraps his arms around Eddie's waist, resting them in his lap. Eddie continued to blush but reached forward and grabbed a controller off the ground. They hadn't been able to afford more than two controllers, so it was a two at a time game. Bill was already holding the other one, now seated in Stan's lap so he could more comfortably play.
"W-what do you w-wanna play?" He asked, and looked at Eddie, who contemplated for a second before snatching Bill's controller and putting on Sea of Theives. The Losers had all found that Eddie particularly enjoyed RPGs. Though only Richie and Bill had realised it was because he had so much control over it, the feeling of control was almost foreign to Eddie, growing up in his household, so they never once told him to try something different when he put on an RPG.
"Sea of Thieves today? I was expecting The Outer Worlds." Richie chimed in from Eddie's shoulder.
"I like Sea of Theives just as much, plus, Outer Worlds isn't multiplayer, and I'm in a multiplayer mood!" Eddie explained sharply, before getting his control ready and nodding at Bill to start the game. Richie smiled to himself and relaxed, his eyes following Eddie and Bill's every movement on the screen. Slowly, he and Eddie relaxed back into the beanbag so that Richie was leaning back into it with Eddie on his chest, still thoroughly focused on his game. His knees were up in front of him, keeping him from slipping onto the floor while Richie's were wrapped around his waist with his arms, completely koalaing onto Eddie. Richie suddenly got the idea to throw Eddie off as he listened to Eddie huff in frustration. He leaned ever so slightly closer to Eddie's ear and whispered so only Eddie could hear.
"Eddie Mon amour, tu es tellement talentueux." Eddie's face lit up, and Richie felt pride fill his heart. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't realised the obvious awe in Eddie's eyes when he explained it was French he had been speaking.
"Eddie cher~" he sang quietly, and Eddie began to fumble his remote.
"Tu es trip mignon~" he continued, and Eddie's blush deepened further, reaching the tips of his ears.
"Je t'aime Eddie~" he sang more and Eddie gasped, dropping his controller and turning to slap Richie.
"Richie! You- you can't just! Ugh!" He complained loudly, then stood up and stomped over to the hammock. Richie was frozen in shock, while Bill quickly paused the game and set down his remote as well. He glares at Richie knowingly, then nodded toward the hammock that was still swinging slightly from the force Eddie had used to get in. Richie sighed, but nodded and stood up. As he was on his way to the hammock he took Bill's remote and closed the game, saving their progress of course then put on some music and used the 'I'm watching you' motion on all of his friend who either nods or put their hands in the air to prove their innocence. He huffed and walked over to the hammock, where Eddie was laying on his side. He pulled at the side of the hammock and he got in as well, but instead of laying at the opposite end, he layed with his head above Eddie's, and pulled him over on top of himself. Eddie looked at him annoyed, and blew a gust of minty breathe in his face.
"What is it?" Richie asked quietly, so that the other Losers didn't here them.
"You- Richie, I don't know what all you said, but you did say 'I Love You Eddie' in French." Richie's face lit up but he kept his composure.
"Uh... I didn't think you knew French..." He mumbled, and Eddie smiled softly.
"I don't Richie, but Je t'aime is a super common phrase in movies." He explained, and Richie nodded, clearly embarrassed. Eddie moved his hands to Richie's face while Richie moved his to Eddie's thighs.
"Do you wanna know what else I said?" Richie questioned while pulling Eddie's legs up and around his so that Eddie's knees weren't digging into his legs. Eddie blushed even harder but nodded, moving his arms around Richie's neck and putting his head down on his chest.
"Well first, I said, 'Eddie my love, you are so talented' then I said, 'Eddie dear' and then I said 'You're so cute', and last I said," Richie placed a kiss to Eddie's Temple and leaned back, moving his arms around Eddie's waist," I love you."
Eddie blushed immensely and hugged Richie tighter then turned his head and whispered into Richie's ear, "I love you too~" Richie smiled and hugged Eddie back, then shut his eyes and began to hum. Eddie soon fell asleep, his head rested on Richie's shoulder. Richie let him sleep for a while before leaning in close to his ear.
"Eddie~" he whisper sang, "Honey Bunny~" Eddie began to stir, and Richie became more persistent, "Eddie my love~" he sang sweetly.
"I love you so~" Eddie grumbled into Richie neck and moved his hand to lightly smack Richie's cheek.
"How I've wanted for you, you'll never know~" he continued.
"Richhhhh" Eddie complained loudly, and pushed himself up and off of Richie's chest, "Stop it..." He grumbled.
"I'll stop when you stop being a cute sleeper." Richie remarks, causing a bright red blush to spread over Eddie's cheeks.
"So uh, when are you guys gonna stop flirting and come back to sit down and be disgustingly cute and closeted over here?" Bev called from her place in Ben's lap. Richie and Eddie's faces both lit up and they stared knowingly into eachother's eyes, but began giggling almost immediately.
"Y-yeah, hey l-love birds! G-get over h-here! I w-w-wanna play s-some games with my R-RPG b-buddy!" Bill exclaimed loudly, waving Eddie's remote in the above the Egg Chair. Richie sighed and pushed on Eddie's stomach, pushing him up to sit in Richie's lap instead.
"Oh come on, you're not gonna expect me to be able to get out of the hammock with you in my arms right?" He asked. Eddie giggled and shook his head, moving one of Richie's arms from his waist to his front and waving it around in the air.
"With these noodle arms, you couldn't even lift me!" Eddie joked, and scrambled out of the hammock. He ran over to the Egg chair next to Bill and Stan and crouched down next to it. Richie scrambled out after him and followed quickly, his arms out in front of him and wiggling his fingers, ready to attack at any given moment. When he saw Eddie's red tennis shoes and bottle socks peeking out from behind the chair he pounced, but was caught by Bill and Stan both.
"No toucha da child." Stan stated plainly. Richie raised an eyebrow at him.
"What?" He asked.
"N-no tou-toucha da ch-child!" Bill exclaimed excitedly, pushing Richie over into his beanbag. Eddie giggled and stood up, walking over to Richie.
"Eddie Spaghetti! You return to me!" He made grabbing motions and pasted his lap, and Eddie plainly took a seat. Richie went to wrap his arms back around Eddie's waist, but instead, he felt a smack to his wrist. He looked up and saw Bill leaning over from his spot in Stan's lap in the egg chair, and staying like that.
"No toucha da child." He stated seriously, then slowly his face broke out in a smile and he began to laugh, losing his balance and almost knocking the chair over into he process, but Stan grabbed him and pulled him up before it happened.
Then he turned to Richie and whispered, "No toucha da child." To which Richie promptly flipped him off and put his arms around Eddie's waist and put his head on his shoulder. Stan and Bill leaned backward and put their hands on their chests in mock offense. Eddie giggled at their antics but reached up and grabbed his remote from Bill's hand and nodded at him to start the game.
"You two are sickening." Bev remarked, repeating Stan's motion from early before they entered the clubhouse.
Richie flipped her off too and she shook her head.
"No, I mean Bill and Stan, they already act like newly Weds, and they've been dating a month."
"Aww Bevvy, ils sont amoureux!" He exclaimed throwing his arm dramatically in the air. Stan smacked said hand, and Bill punched him in the arm. He huffed and brought his arm back to Eddie's stomach.
"Hmph, just play your game then." He mock pouted, putting his head on Eddie's shoulder.
0 notes
Chapter 1 The Jade Egg Cont.
The unusual antique caused me the first excitement I had had in a couple of months; sometimes it is just hard to pick myself up when I feel like life isn’t going right. I had asked Dad what antique store the egg had come from in hope of finding some background information on it. So now I am on my way to Jou Dong’s Antique shop, apparently the owner, Mr. Dong, was a good friend of Mom’s.
As I enter the small shop I hear the chime of the tiny bell attached to the door and an older man with the kind of crinkly eyes you get when you have smiled every day in your life comes out. “Jade! Oh you look exactly like your mother! Same frame and bright green eyes, like the color of a jade dragon!” I laugh, “You must be Mr. Dong.” I say, I can picture mom getting along really well with this man, he is the kind of person you immediately feel like you can trust, he just a few inches shorter than me with shiny dark grey hair, blue-green eyes, a thin beard sprouting from his round chin, as well as slightly pointed ears of the like that I have only ever seen on my mom and myself.
“Oh, please call me Jou, you are just like your mother, polite to a fault.”That gets me wondering where mom met Jou, she wasn’t particularly interested in antiques. “Would you mind telling me where you and my mother met? She hadn’t ever told me.” His brow scrunches like he is trying to determine whether to tell me, then I get the feeling that that thinking about my mom might be just as painful for him as it is for me, “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking, it’s ok.” His brow relaxes, I wonder how close they were and why I’d never met Mr. Do.. I mean Jou before. “That’s alright dear, maybe I’ll tell you the story some other time, but for now we met in China while your mother was visiting her family on a college break.”
“That would be good.” This I say with a genuine smile, I hope to spend a lot of time in the presence of Mr. Dong. He suddenly looks like he realizes we are in a store, “Oh dear, there must be a reason you came other than to meet a senile old man, isn’t there?” I laugh at his joke, “Well actually, my dad came in the other day and bought this antique egg, I was wondering if you knew anything of it’s history?” I ask this with a hopeful smile, “I’m afraid I’m a bit of an antique buff, anytime I find something that I have never encountered before I like to find out it’s history.” I pull the box with the Jade egg out of my bag, when I open the box I see hairline fractures all over the egg, I’m surprised I did not notice them before.
He looks down at the egg, then back up at me and visibly swallows, “ I think we need to talk in the back room.” he then grabs the egg and leads me through the door behind the counter. In the tiny room there is a small table with two chairs, as well as a locked cabinet which I assume must contain all the truly valuable antiques. Jou motions for me to sit in one of the chairs as he opens the cabinet and pulls out an envelope. He brings it back to where I am sitting and hands it to me, I almost cry. On the front of the envelope, written in my mother’s neat handwriting, is my name. I carefully separate the sticky flap from the rest of the envelope so as not to damage it or the paper inside. I pull out the letter full of her neat scrawl. 
My Darling Jade,
If your reading this, you have reached your eighteenth birthday and am not there to celebrate with you. The other condition for your reading this is that you have received the Jade Egg I left for you and it currently has started hatching for you. 
At this point I stop, did she just say that the egg, which is carved out of a gem, is hatching? I look up at Jou, he nods and gestures towards the letter, which I then continue to read.
I assume that sentence just very much confused you, so I will have to start from the beginning. As you know I grew up in China, what I never told you was that most of my years were spent in a small kingdom found within China, not politically connected at all. I assume you have no clue what I am talking about, so I will try to explain this to the best of my abilities. Our family is not human, however we are loosely related to humans, We are elves, keepers of the sacred forests of china and protectors of the dragons. The best of us are the Dragon Keepers, they are those who the dragons have chosen to hatch for.
Did she just say dragon?!
Yes, Jade, dragons are real and it would seem one has chosen to hatch for you. As you know when I fell in love with your father and moved to Maine I did not leave on the best of terms, this is because I am the daughter of the Keeper of the Jade Dragon, the head of all elven clans. However before I get to that I should probably explain to you how it is that there could be a whole kingdom of people who the world doesn’t even know about.
Dragon keepers? Granddaughter of the equivalent of a king, an elve? Or would I be half elve? I decide to continue reading.
Long ago after the one of the first dragons betrayed the lord and tempted Eve, the other dragons became upset that one of their ranks would do such a thing to those the lord favored, What many do not know is that Eve had had a daughter prior to this episode. Because the daughter was not in the fault or born after, the Lord allowed the girl to grow up and put her in the care of the Dragons who had separated themselves from the serpent. Andrea grew and became the first keeper of the Jade Dragon who’s name was Treana. She spent a thousand years cultivating her life giving magic and protecting the Tree of Life as the spirit taught her along with the dragons. 
Eventually she wanted to leave the forest of dragons to meet creatures of her own species. She was sorely disappointed with what she found, very few people recognized God as their lord. She continued to be disappointed until she met Jaxen, a close relative of Noah. She spent many days with Jaxen, and eventually they fell in love, however because Jaxen was fully human he was not allowed entry to the Forest of Dragons. Jaxen understood and they eventually married even though he could not live in the forest with her. Andrea would live in the forest during the winter months and with Jaxen during the summer months, she eventually became pregnant and gave birth to twins, a boy who she named Jaxsol and a girl named Dreadra. Within two years she had another set of twins Trace and Adeline. 
There was much percieved competition on the part of the second born set of twin, for they thought that their mother loved them less than her first born children, she did not, at that time it was simply tradition to pass on the mantel of leadership to the oldest child, in this case children. Because of this Dreadra and Jaxsol spent much of the year with their mother, learning how to be keepers of the Forest of Dragons while the second born twins only spent a quarter of the winter in the Forest of Dragons. Soon because of their half human roots Trace and Adeline became jealous and stopped listening to the spirit, they each stole two dragon eggs, which upon touch of corrupted hands turned from their beautiful precious stone appearance to a gangly browns and blacks. When hatched these dragons had the appearance that the serpent received, however since they were not direct descendants of the evil serpent they maintained their back legs and are now known as Wyverns. Trace and Adeline themselves became warped from their erithreal elven appearance to a more evil one with dirty looking brown hair instead of the black and blonds with colors flashing through of their brothers and sisters. Their pupils expanded to cover almost their whole iris. Finally their ears became twisted around the ends resembling horns.
Their mother and father lamented their traitorous behavior however they could not find them. Eventually the elven kingdom in the heart of the Forest of Dragons grew as Dreadra, Jaxsol and their many other siblings got married and had children who were known as the Elves of the Dragon Forest. Every year on the summer solstice there would be a celebration where elves between the ages of 15 and 25 could see if a dragon egg would crack for them, not all dragons chose keepers, after all those eggs that chose keepers hatched then the ones that did not would start their hatching period. The elves lived in harmony with the land protecting the dragons, the Tree of Life, and the forest. 
You are the the great-granddaughter of Dreadra. After Andrea stepped down Dreadra and Jaxsol ruled the elves jointly for thousands of years before disaster struck. While hiding for all those years Trace and Adeline, having enslaved humans and bred their own army of elves and wyverns attacked The Forest of Dragons, hoping to gain the Tree of Life and the magic stored within it. The elves of The Dragon Forest were ill prepared for a siege and while they were able to keep the Tree from Trace and Adeline they suffered many losses in doing so. Elves by their nature as descendants of an untainted human are peace loving, They trained for battle on the off chance that the younger twins would return however they most of their time was spent caring for the forest and maintaining the shield that kept humans from seeing the portal that is the entrance to their forest. The greatest of the losses were their royals, Dreadra, Jaxsol and many of their children, your grandfather was the only one to survive from Dreadra’s line all of Jaxsols children were killed. 
I am not in my forties like many believe as the first born of your grandfathers line I am 300 years old, relatively young for the elves who die only in battle, because of this our losses were much worse that day 275 years ago, I was young during the first attack. Since then we have suffered many attacks from the Evlins, as we call them for they lost their elven title when they betrayed the lord, and their wyverns. Because of this my father sent me away, hoping that it would keep me safe. During my wanderings I fell in love with your father who has a much diluted elven heritage because some elves left the forest to care for the forests of the rest of Earth when they realized the humans were not paying much attention in their expansions. Many of them fell in love with humans and had children, your father is the great-great-grandchild of an one of those elves. 
The best day of my life was when I had you, and the best years of my long life were spent raising you. In these years activities of the evlins have increased in multitudes, they have been trying to find us, because we have the Jade egg. The Jade Dragon is the ruler of all the dragons in The Forest of Dragons, they lay one egg every couple thousand years and the one who is chosen by this dragon is given many powers. With one of the Jade Dragons the evlin could not only steal the tree of life but also conquer the human world, which is not theirs to steal. The Jade egg is the only egg that always chooses a keeper, this is why I had to bring it with me, I had hoped it would hatch for you because you are such a pure hearted beautiful young lady, however I could not bare to take you away from your human existence at a young age. I am writing this because the last Jade Dragon has died and the evlin efforts have increased ten-fold. I know you must have hoped for some much different last words from your mother, but this is the truth which you must be told before making your decision.
I love you my dear, May you burn the skies with your Jade Dragon forever. I have and will always love you.
By the end of it I am crying, angry or happy tears I don’t know. Suddenly I burst out laughing and Mr. Dong looks a little bit perplexed. “This is some kind of joke, a deranged one at that, but my last words from my mother telling me that elves and dragons exist, not only that but I’m an elf and that tiny egg contains a dragon. Yeah right.” Jou Dong stares me straight in the eye, “This is not a laughing matter young lady, you have been entrusted with a great responsibility.” I sober up and look at him, “You are the granddaughter of what, in this world, is equivalent to a king, that makes you a princess. That is what I have spent my life protecting not some girl who won’t believe what her own mother wrote with her last words!” He takes a deep breath, “You probably want proof, don’t you?” I nod my head, afraid to speak incase tears or laughter come up again, “Well I can not give you proof of dragons until yours decides to come out of that egg, however I will tell you that I do not normally look like this, I use my magic to keep up appearances of an aging man, I am 70 years old, which in elven years is equivalent to a human twenty year old.” Suddenly his face changes going from old and wrinkly to smooth and handsome, His hair grows longer and becomes silky black, while his beard shrinks into his chin, he stands straighter and I think I might faint. “I just dropped the spell that was causing me to look and talk like an older man,” his voice is a deep tenor, then I look to his ears and the points have become a touch more pronounced. My brain isn’t really registering that he is the same man who was standing there before. “Is that proof enough for you?” My world becomes dark and I distantly feel myself falling before I am caught and all sensation is lost to me.
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