#wears leather jackets and hugs kittens
mumrikberry · 2 months
Today, I woke up for ballet class and went to get dressed. My boyfriend made me a cup of green tea with one spoonful of honey, the hard honey, in my lilac mug with the blue spoon, the smallest one. He passed me the black tote bag before we went out. On the way there, he pointed out that one of the clouds "looked like a columbine" - he is not interested in clouds, or in columbines, or in plants at all. He laughed when he saw I was wearing the purple socks with green dinosaurs on them, "because those are the ones you wore when we first hung out" he said.
I went to uni today proudly wearing my green backpack. "It's green, you love green" He said when he gave me the gift bag containing it during our beach holidays. I looked into the bathroom mirror in between classes and smiled at my dragon earrings, they look just like his necklace.
The thing is, I like my green tea with one spoonful of hard honey and I love the smallest blue spoon. I wear the black tote bag to ballet class and I love clouds and plants and columbines. I collect funny socks, and he knows the stories of them all. He knows my favourite book is Demian. His sister tells me he's taking notes while reading it. He remembers all the space facts I've told him and all the constellations I've pointed out. He says my lips taste like blackberries (I wear blackberry lip gloss, but he argues that it's because that's my name).
He knows and he listens and he remembers. And he tries. He always tries.
And god I love him.
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rookthorne · 8 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰
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It was your first classic car meet and you were excited for what lay ahead. Meeting others within the scene and maybe the possibility of making friends was your goal, but what awaited you was much, much more intense — for better, or for worse.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✯ Mechanic!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ✯ 3.2k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ✯ Fluff, violence, possessive Bucky (that's the understatement of the century) ჻჻჻ SMUT: Unprotected, public, car sex, gagging and restraints, oral fixation, multiple orgasms, cum play, Dom!Bucky ჻჻჻ KINKS: Praise, degradation, breeding, sir, exhibitionism
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ✯ This was written for a certain someone, and that certain someone knows who they are, and they know exactly what they did to me to inspire it — so, chaos kittens, enjoy some of the most depraved smut I have ever written.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ✯ Keep It Down by Migrant Motel
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ✯ @allcapsbingo 𝗢𝟯 — Oral Fixation (September Monthly Mission) — Masterlist
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𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Are you sure–?”
Bucky grinned in the driver’s seat, downshifting the Mustang a gear as he took the turn into the expansive parking lot. “Baby, I am positive–tonight’s gonna be fun, and not only that,” he assured, taking his hand off the shifter to squeeze your thigh. “I’ve got the sexiest woman on my arm, and like hell am I not gonna show off what’s mine.”
“Such a sap,” you whispered, and he laughed. “But what if–”
“No buts. Just relax.” The Mustang purred as Bucky pulled into the rows and rows of cars lined in increments – each one shining under the bright spotlights. You watched with keen interest as Bucky drove past what seemed like hundreds of classic muscle cars. “Ah. There we are.”
The steering wheel spun with grace and suddenly, you were parked facing another Mustang, and another, and another… “Whoa,” you gasped, looking down the row you were parked in. “There’s so many.”
“What did you expect, sweetheart?” Bucky chuckled as he wound up his window. “It’s a meet–who knows what and who we’re gonna see tonight.”
You sighed, and prepared to step foot out of the car. Sure, you had wanted to fit in, and you had no doubts that Bucky had lost his mind over your choice of outfit – he had spent half an hour on his knees worshipping you before you had to force him to his feet so you wouldn’t be late, but still, nerves were an accompanying thing you wished you could go without. 
Bucky opened the passenger door and held out his hand. “M’lady.”
“Such a charmer,” you teased, and he smirked. 
The door shut with a loud thunk, affording you the opportunity to look Bucky over while he locked the door. He had chosen to wear your favourite Henley, pairing it with a black leather jacket and dark jeans that hugged his thighs perfectly. Heavy combat boots made his footsteps heavy, and the sound of metal clinking was the sign that he’d worn his favourite belt, too. “You like what you see, Honey?”
You blinked. “What?”
“Close your mouth or you’ll regret openin’ it, baby,” Bucky purred as he gripped your chin, forcing your jaw closed. When did it open? “Not here and not now, kitten.”
Graciously, a shout of his name down the row of classics distracted Bucky long enough for you to bite your lip and squeeze your thighs – real subtle, you inwardly laughed. 
A familiar face, blonde and far too handsome for his own good, appeared. “Hey, Honey Bee,” Steve said happily. You grinned back and then looked behind him to see Ari. 
“Hey, darlin’,” he greeted, and you rushed forward to give him a hug while Steve and Bucky stood and talked. “You ready for tonight?”
“No,” you replied honestly. “Excited though, Buck promised I’d be okay, so.”
Ari grinned at you. “Trust me, Honey, no one is gonna get between you and ‘im tonight. Look at him.” Covertly, you stole a glance at Bucky, only he was already staring at you with a fierce glint in his eye. “I suspect you chose this outfit just to fuck with my boss, huh?”
“Guilty as charged,” you whispered. Ari shook his head and laughed. 
“Alright,” Bucky said abruptly, and his arms encircled your waist while his chin rested in the juncture of your neck and shoulder. “If you fellas don’t mind, I gotta show my girl the ropes of a meet.” 
Both Ari and Steve saluted their farewells and they strode off to god-knows-where, their heads high and motivations sinful, no doubt. 
You grabbed Bucky’s hand and stepped away from his embrace. “Wanna show me the ropes, sir?”
“Behave, you lil’ minx,” Bucky scolded, eyes narrowed. “But, yes, let’s go.”
Bucky held your hand the whole time while he guided you up and down rows of cars, only letting go to guide you by the small of your back, but he never left your side. His presence was a blessing, if you were honest with yourself – a new environment full of men measuring their dicks just as much as they bragged about the power under their hoods was intimidating. 
Men stopped Bucky and asked how his business in restorations had been going since they last saw him, and while they spared you glances and pleasant greetings, few lingered and stared for longer than you’d liked. Bucky picked up on the tense line of your shoulders every time and cut the conversation short, guiding you away with his hand just above your ass. 
“They’re creepy,” you groaned. 
Bucky snarled. “I know, sweetheart. I thought they’d respect the- No, they’re men. What am I fuckin’ thinking?”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed and the sound made Bucky smirk. “You’re one in a million, babe,” you managed between fits of giggles. 
“Why, thank you, doll. You know how to make a fella feel special.” The dignified snort of laughter that left you made Bucky cough and sputter a laugh, too. 
The sky grew darker, streaks of indigo and navy across the stars as the moon rose higher, and the meet was in full swing. Cars revved and roared around you, men and women passed with nods and lingering stares; each more heated than the last. The attention gave you an inkling of something, similar to the feeling of striding alongside a king – you supposed that was the reality. 
After learning about Chevelles and Plymouths, Bucky took you down a row of other Mustangs, intermingled with the occasional Shelby. There were a few familiar faces interspersed, and you felt pride in the ability to willingly say hello to them – all of which were regulars at Bucky’s garage. 
“And how are you doing, miss?” One regular asked, and Bucky’s hand moved from the small of your back to your hip, innocently pulling you closer. You smiled at the action and replied to the friendly regular, keeping polite conversation about his own Mustang – a sixty-nine Mach One. “It’s good to see more of you at the garage,” he went on, and Bucky raised a brow in challenge. “Seeing Barnes in order is a pleasant surprise.”
“Shut it, Porter,” Bucky laughed. Porter – of which you assumed was his last name – laughed too and shook Bucky’s hand. “See you next week, yeah? You’re booked in with Bessie.” Bucky pointed at the black Mustang behind him. 
“Do all guys name their cars?” you asked, confused. 
Porter laughed and Bucky blinked once, twice, “Yeah, they do, Honey. Why?”
You stared at him, discerning his sudden sheepish expression. “Why haven’t you named yours–?”
“No reason.” Bucky turned to Porter and clapped him on the shoulder. “See you next week.” You parted his company with a wave, and then you watched Bucky’s profile as he guided you both away, until he looked at you from the corner of his eye. “What?”
“Why are you being suspicious?”
The abruptness of your question made him chuckle heartily, and he grabbed your hand. You squeezed it back. “Jus’–I haven’t named my babies because… Well, I was think-” 
A loud wolf whistle from a ways back made you jump in surprise, and Bucky froze mid stride. “Who was that to?” you wondered aloud, looking for a lone woman in case she’d needed help. “I can’t see anyone–”
“No, Honey-” Another whistle sounded, this time closer. The tune made you feel queasy and the hair on your nape stood on end. “For fucks sake,” Bucky cursed. “Keep moving.” The usual drawl and accent in his voice disappeared as he spoke, and you gulped – that meant he was pissed. 
“Where are you going, sweetheart?” A voice called. The implication made you freeze, and Bucky growled. “We just wanna see-”
“Shut the fuck up, punk,” Bucky snapped, rounding on the approaching pack of catcallers. “Take your shit out of here before I kick your ass to the curb.”
“Oh, god,” you breathed, and you pulled on Bucky’s hand, desperate to pull him back and away from them. “Bucky-”
“No,” Bucky growled, his voice dangerously low. His hands moved you behind him and you could hear the concussive silence over the boom of the speakers – even the people around you had paused whatever they were doing in their curiosity. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Huh? You think going around and hitting on anything with legs would get your dick wet?”
The man at the front of the pack bristled and advanced. “Don’t you fuckin’ talk to me like that-”
“Or what?” Bucky challenged, stepping closer to the pack of sheep. “What are you gonna do?” His broad back hid you from their view and you watched mesmerised as Bucky stepped even closer to the catcaller, invading his space. “You think you and your piece of shit friends scare me?”
“We’ll fuck you up-” The crack of skin on bone made you gasp loudly; your hands flew to your mouth in shock as you watched the man stumble and topple over. Blood spurted from his now very broken nose, covering his mouth and chin. “Fuck!”
There was suddenly a crowd of men around you – Bucky and the group in the centre as the bystanders tried to split them apart. “Get the fuck off me,” Bucky warned as one of the strangers neared, hand outstretched to touch his shoulder.
“Bucky, please, let’s just go,” you pleaded. Bucky shook his head and tensed his bloodied hand. 
It was a surreal experience – the visual of Bucky looming over a man that dared to reduce you to just an object, something to keep his dick warm and wet and a hole to fuck. 
“You fuckin’ think I’d let you look at what’s mine, you fuckin’ bastard? You think I’d let you touch her–Jesus Christ, you’re as fuckin’ stupid as you look!” The crowd was slowly dispersing as Bucky stared down at the cowering catcaller, but you were rooted to the spot, a mix of fear, awe, and downright arousal keeping you in place. 
Bucky knelt down on one knee, his face almost level with the bloodied mess he’d created. The low, gravelly tone of his voice shot a bolt of arousal straight to your cunt, and you quietly whimpered. “If you dare to look at another woman like you did my girl… I swear to god, punk, what I do to you will make your worst nightmare look like child’s play. I will hunt you down and feed you your own dick if I fuckin’ have to. Do you understand me?”
The reply was muffled by a torrent of blood from the catcaller’s nose, though Bucky seemed to be satisfied because he stood tall over his quarry, grinning like a predator that had locked onto its prey. “Get your sorry ass out of here, fucker.”
Bucky turned to you, eyes fierce and bright in his anger, and he kissed you full on the lips, his bloodied hand holding your throat. A squeak tore from your throat and Bucky rumbled against your lips, his grip tightening. “You’re mine, Honey. And I am gonna fuckin’ kill any man that thinks he can take you from me.”
A groan of pain and scuffled footsteps from the catcaller as he stood went ignored as you stared into Bucky’s eyes – doe-eyed and unable to move. Fire was coursing through every nerve to land in your throbbing cunt, and you couldn’t take it anymore. “Bucky…”
His hand grabbed yours and he pulled in the direction of his Mustang. It was so late into the night that most people had cleared out and headed back home, the once packed parking lot now close to empty and abandoned. 
“That bastard thinkin’ he can take what’s mine,” Bucky grunted, and you began to pant with adrenaline, his grip had only tightened and when his Mustang came into view, you could have sworn something had possessed him – not that you were complaining. “Fuckin’ arrogant fuck–no, you are mine, and I am takin’ what’s mine.”
“Bucky, wait- I can-” You tried, but Bucky wasn’t listening. He marched you to the bonnet of his Mustang and you squealed in surprise when he forced your body over it, the cold metal biting through the outfit you’d chosen. 
“No, I won’t fuckin’ wait,” Bucky said lowly, his lips on your ear. You could feel his whole body over yours, as well as the tent in his jeans. “I need to show everyone that you’re mine–not anyone else’s.”  No one can fill your pretty pussy like I can, and no one can fuck you like I can–where you’re droolin’ and screamin’ for more.”
“Fuck,” you moaned, and your legs parted on instinct. “Need-”
“Tha’s it, doll–let those instincts take over, you’re gonna be a good girl for me, and you’re gonna take it all.” The sound of leather rubbing over denim brought you back from the imagery his words were casting in your mind’s eye, and you felt the smooth, cold surface brush your cheek. “Open up for me–there’s a good girl. You jus’ need somethin’ in that pretty mouth a’yours, huh?”
Humming an ascent, you took the leather into your mouth as Bucky cooed, the tent in his jeans rubbing tantalisingly over your ass. The leather tasted earthy and sultry, tones you couldn’t even describe in your lustful haze. 
“Good girl,” he praised. “You’re gonna bite down on that for me–I know you’re a screamer, but I don’t want anyone to hear those pretty noises you make, yeah? They’re just for your sir.” 
You nodded as Bucky chuckled, a dark sound that sent a thrill up your spine. “When we get home,” he drawled slowly and the threat in his tone made you squirm. “I am gonna fill that pretty mouth of yours, and I’m gonna fuck it like it’s your pussy. And, guess what, kitten?”
“Mm,” you mumbled around the leather. 
“You’re gonna fuckin’ take it, ‘cos I know you can,” he purred. The words sent a wave of slick to soak your panties, and you moaned low in your throat. 
His fingers danced over the clothes covering your crotch, and he whistled lowly. “Seein’ me be a possessive bastard made you this wet, baby? This all for me?”
“Mhm, yes,” you ground out past the leather, the words muffled on each syllable. “For you, sir.”
“Tha’s right, sweetheart. This pussy is mine, and I think she’s a greedy bitch that can’t get enough.” You shuddered violently at the words, and your cunt clenched around nothing. “And, you know what that means, Honey?”
A singular shake of your head snapped the chain that had held Bucky back, and he lost the last inkling of control. You gasped loudly when you heard the sound of fabric tearing, and the night air kissed your ass and thighs. It was an effort to stay grounded as Bucky shoved three fingers into your entrance to stretch it. 
“It means, sweetheart, that your pussy is gonna take me over and over, and she’s gonna beg for more–for me to fill her up, and even then…” Bucky trailed off. He curled his fingers, and you moaned loudly around the belt. “I won’t fuckin’ stop.” 
The initial breach of his length burned and stung, the ache making you whimper until he forced himself to the hilt and stilled. “Sir,” you whined and you rocked on the heels of your feet. “Fuck me–take me, please.”
“Beg correctly, whore,” Bucky spat, and the words caused a cascade of sensations to settle in your pulsing cunt. “You know how I like it.”
You sobbed and bore down on his cock like a vice, and his breath hitched. “‘M yours, ‘m yours, sir!”
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he soothed. You felt his hand move to the back of your neck, and his other hand forced your arms back and up, immobilising you. “You take this cock like you were made to, and you thank me for it, bitch.” 
Bucky thrust forward with such force you were moved up the bonnet of the Mustang, your skin sticking to the now slick metal as he fucked you with abandon. Pleasure curled up your spine and your toes curled – the anticipation and downright feral state of Bucky had left you no time to call upon endurance, and your release loomed closer and closer, each pass of his cock over your walls bringing it to fruition. 
“Your cunt is so fuckin’ good, baby,” Bucky groaned, letting go of your arms so his front could press flush against your back. “Fuckin’ perfect for me–made jus’ for me to fuck and fill, to breed, huh?”
You screamed around the belt and nodded, tears filling your eyes at the onslaught. “Close! Please, please don’ stop, sir!”
“Already,” Bucky grumbled, and he followed the statement with such a harsh thrust your mouth opened wide in a silent scream – the leather falling from your mouth to land on the bonnet with a wet slap. “Whose cock makes you feel this good, doll? Say it!”
“Yours, sir! Sir’s cock!” you sobbed. “Uh, uh, fuck!”
“Can feel you squeezin’ me, Honey,” Bucky cooed, the mocking tone only stoking the fire of your climax. “You gonna cum for me? That what you want?”
“Oh, fucking- Fuck, yes! Wanna cum, sir, please,” you begged. The sudden feel of Bucky’s hand skirting over your hip made your eyes widen, and you gulped and choked as he circled your clit in tight, fast circles. 
The slick sound of his cock pumping in and out of you at a hard, deep pace, paired with the sound of his pants for air behind you only forced you closer to the edge. 
“This pussy is mine, isn’t it?” Bucky barked, his thrusts growing sloppy. “Fuckin’ tell me it’s mine—be a good girl and tell me.”
You moaned and groped over the bonnet for purchase, and Bucky slammed his hand down on top of yours, pinning it in place. “Bucky, Bucky–oh fuck, it’s yours!” 
The climax that had sped into grasping distance had finally started to crest and you whimpered loudly, a cry for release. “Soak my cock, baby, it’s yours. Fuckin’ cum for me, kitten–give it to me.”
Sweet, sweet release swept you away, and you sobbed through the intense waves that pulled you under. Your feet left the ground with each pump of Bucky’s cock while he fucked you through your climax, and the coattails of another one started to crest. “Gonna cum again, sir!”
“Tell them who you fuckin’ belong to, doll,” Bucky groaned, his hips faltering in their rhythm. “Call for me, baby–call me!”
Your second climax tore you from your body and you faintly registered the warmth blooming in your pussy while Bucky moaned, his hips rabbiting and pumping you full of his release so it fell in rivulets down your inner thighs. “Fuckin’ hell,” he panted, and you giggled weakly. “Baby–baby, you alright?”
“Yeah,” you panted. “Fucked me so good, sir.”
Bucky snorted and rested his forehead between your shoulders. 
Slowly, you came back down from your high, and just when you felt able to move, Bucky pulled out with a groan. You could feel his fingers force his cum back in your cunt, and the action alone made you moan quietly. “So fuckin’ pretty for me, baby,” Bucky breathed. 
He helped you stand and steadied you against his chest, when he kissed you on the forehead and smiled like a lovestruck fool. “Let’s go home, sweetheart, I made a promise and I know for fuckin’ sure there are other ways I can show everyone that you’re mine.”
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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biancadjarin · 1 year
🌾a Roll in the Hay🌾
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pairing : perv!em x innocent!countrygirl!reader
warnings : graphic sex, p-in-v, breeding kink (sorta?)
a/n : hoo boy ok so I’ve been thinking about country girl reader and Eddie for a while, went a little crazy on this one. It’s kinda long, but I hope you enjoy! I have a lot of WIPs and ideas for different types of Eddie’s but it really helps when you guys comment/like/reblog so I know what you want to read more of.🧡
18+ !!!
You hear the crunch of his boots on the gravel outside the barn, your hands finishing up a braid in your horse’s mane. You feel the excited butterflies flutter awake in your tummy, a smile breaking across your face.
“There’s my pretty little baby.” Eddie coos as he wraps his arms around your waist, breathing in your sweet scent deeply. You’re so fuckin’ cute and innocent. In your sweet little blue and white gingham dress, a little bow tied between your boobs. And you never wear a bra. Fuck does Eddie love that. He swept his eyes down your frame, your soft thighs leading to the smooth skin of your calves, frilly little socks peeking out of the top of your boots.
He holds out a tiny bouquet of wildflowers he picked on his walk from his van to here. Tiny white and yellow star-lily’s, a baby pink prairie rose, a little bundle of baby’s breath. He’s always doing little sweet things to make you smile.
You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a tight hug. “Teddy Bear!” You squeak, nicknaming him that after he won you a little blue bear at the carnival. He squeezes the jiggly skin of your asscheeks in his big, calloused hands and lifts you to wrap your legs around his waist, kissing you like he hasn’t seen you in a week. It’s only been about 18 hours. He spins while he’s holding you, making you giggle and get dizzy. “Put me down, Teddy!” You say as more giggles bubble out of your throat.
This has been going on for a few weeks, after you met Eddie and his friends at the Hawkins carnival, you two couldn’t be separated. He kissed you at the top of the ferris wheel, telling you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever met. And he meant it.
“Why have I never seen you around before?” He’d asked, lips leaving wet kisses along your jaw. You giggle into his hair, the feeling of his big hands holding your hips, one of his hands sliding your legs over his thigh.
“I live an hour outside of this town. On a farm.” You reply breathlessly. He pulled back, his big brown eyes looking like a sad puppy’s. “An hour?” He sounded disappointed. He twirls your hair around a finger, his other hand playing with the hem of your tiny Levi’s shorts.
You nod at him, waiting for him to tell you that’s too far away for him to bother. He shrugs, “Guess I’m about to put a lot of miles on my van.” He says, pulling you into his chest, leather jacket arm closing around your shoulder, your head pressed against his shirt, his heart beating fast and the rumble of his voice in your ear. “I’m going to come see you so much, you’ll get sick of me.”
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So Eddie drops you down, still holding you close, his tight jeans and black sweater making him look extra cozy.
“Just missed you so much, babygirl. I hate when we’re apart.” He cupped your cheek and you smiled softly, leaning into his palm like a kitten being pet. “I missed you too Daddy.” That’s your favorite nickname for Eddie. His too. It sends a jolt right to his cock every time.
“So what do we want to do today?” Eddie asks, lacing his fingers with yours, swinging your hands gently. You two have gone to dinners, movies, concerts, taken long car rides. Anything to spend time together. But today, you have other plans.
“Mmm… I have an idea…” you sway nervously on your heels. “But I wanna show you something first.”
Eddie’s eyebrows raise curiously, nodding softly for you to continue. You take a deep breath, “okay. well I went to the starcourt mall last week and bought something for you.” “For me? Baby, you know you don’t have to buy me things.” He starts to chastise you.
“I think you’ll like this gift, Teddy Bear.” You push him back gently, telling him to sit on a hay bale. You lift the skirt of your dress up to your waist, revealing the lingerie you bought.
Eddie releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. His eyes go wide as he looks toward the opening of the barn, making sure no one can see you two. You giggle, “no one’s home, daddy, don’t worry. s’just me and you.”
Eddie’s brain short circuits as he drinks you in. His soft innocent little bunny, your sun-kissed skin, covered in peach fuzz and goosebumps. A sheer pink lace thong covers your smooth core, little flowers, leaves and strawberries embroidered in the fabric. A garter cinches at your waist, thin ribbons circling around your thighs. Silky pink bows hanging off your hips.
“Wow baby, fuck.” “You like it?” You ask, peeking down. “Like it? I’m losing my mind over it.” He says, hands coming out to pull you towards him. You rest your hands on his shoulders as he traces his fingertips over the ribbons, so dainty and small in his hands.
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. Or anyone.” He says, looking up at you. The sun setting outside the barn is sending golden amber beams in through the door and Eddie’s caramel colored eyes are sparkling as he looks at you.
“What are you thinking about, daddy?” You ask, sweet as peach pie. “Shit,” he takes a deep breath, pulling your tummy close to his face, his lips kissing any bit of skin they can reach. “I don’t know if I should say what I’m thinking about.” He laughs.
“Are you thinking about fucking me?” You ask nonchalantly. He looks up at you, hands gripping your waist. “You can’t just say stuff like that, babygirl. You trying to kill me?” You giggle at the look on his face. “No, Eddie, I’m serious.” You say, shaking his shoulders softly and wiggling your hips to emphasize your point. Eddie watches as your hips and thighs recoil at the movement, he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold himself back and be a gentleman.
“But I thought you wanted to wait until we’re married?” He asks, sliding back on the hay bale to pull you into his lap. You look off to the side, clearly conflicted with what you were raised to believe and what you really want.
Eddie is a perv but he’s also so in love with you, it makes his stomach ache. He would never want to push you to do anything you didn’t want to do but to be honest, this whole ‘waiting until marriage’ thing has been kind of a bitch. He’s gotten used to rubbing your clothed pussy against his boner for a release, feeling guilty about it every time. But he needs to get off. And you make him so horny.
You whispering “Well maybe we can do… other things.” is all the ammo Eddie needs. He pulls your dress off over your shoulders, watching as your round perky boobs bounce back once the fabric is gone. He groans as he takes his bottom lip between his teeth, eyelids hooded as he palms and squeezes your boobs. He lets each fingertip graze over your nipples as you let your head fall back, tingles all over your body. He pinches your hard nipples a little too roughly, a loud moan escaping your throat.
He smiles slowly, “Oh, don’t tell me you liked that. Don’t tell me that because I won’t be able to control myself.” You nod, “Felt good, daddy.” You whimper. His eyes roll back in his head as he takes your nipple in his mouth, his tongue sucking and laving over it while he tweaks your other one. He switches back and forth between them until they’re nice and wet, his lips glimmering with saliva. You rake your nails through his hair, scratching gently at the nape of his neck.
“I feel tingly down there again, Eddie. Remember how I told you last time?” Oh he remembers. Almost had to pull his dick out and stroke it in front of you when you told him. You had been making out, your little hips wiggling, your pussy getting drenched. Eddie loves the fact that he can get you so turned on. He loves that he’s the one who gets to introduce you to all this stuff. He wanted to touch you that day but held himself back. But he’s done holding back.
He pulls a flannel blanket off the top of the hay and lays it out onto the dirty barn floor. He instructs you to lay down, while he unclasps your garter belt and slips your panties down your legs. He sniffs them taking a slow, deep breath, making you giggle and blush before he slips them in his back pocket.
You feel totally bare in front of him, legs spread wide open for him to settle in between. He crouches down, eyes hooded and mouth hanging open as he takes in the beautiful flower between your legs. Pussy lips all pink and puffy, little nub of your clit sticking out under it’s hood just begging for attention. Your tiny fluttering hole is leaking clear, milky fluid that has his mouth watering, he licks his lips to stop from drooling.
He lets his fingers dance through your folds, gathering all your slick. You tremble at his fingers, thighs starting to come together. “Oh none of that baby,” he says pushing your thighs down with his palms. “so sensitive aren’t you?” he asks before landing a little spank to your clit. You moan loudly, hands cupping your breasts and squeezing hard.
Eddie’s in awe of you, so perfect and pure laying open for him. He gets down on his stomach and hooks his forearms under your thighs, guiding your ankles over his shoulders. “Gonna help you get nice and open for me, ok baby? Gonna get you nice and ready.” You bite your lip and nod, eyes closing as his lips trail little wet kisses up your inner thigh.
He spreads open your lips and spits directly on your cunt, watching it drip down and mix with your juices. His mouth attaches to your clit while he carefully, slowly slips his middle finger into your tight hole. His thick finger curls upwards, finding that special spot deep inside you.
You rake your fingers through his hair, pulling his face closer to you and moaning his name. He smiles against your pussy, peeking his head up to admire your fucked out face and tell you how sweet you taste.
He goes back to licking and sucking at your clit sloppily, his wrist working faster to fuck his finger in and out of you. He pulls his finger out to dip the tip of his tongue inside you, so warm and tight around his pink muscle. “Daddy, feels so good, need your finger again.” He dips his first and middle fingers in this time, seeing how much you can take.
“Fuck baby, your pussy’s practically pulling in my fingers.” He groans. He flips his hand so his palm is up and he starts pistoning his fingers in and out of you. Your legs start to shake and he holds them down, fingers squeezing at the flesh of your thighs.
You cry out his name, a tense spasm feeling starting deep within. His thumb starts to strum fast circles on your clit, “c’mon baby. show me you’re a good girl. know you can do it.” He says, out of breath. You squeeze your eyes shut, all sound fading away as your first orgasm comes crashing over you, each wave of pleasure more intense than the last. You cry out, repeating Eddie’s name as you gush onto his hand.
“Fuuuuck babygirl, that’s it. Did so good for me, so fucking perfect.” He says as you come down from your high, catching your breath. “Oh my god, daddy.” you say, exhausted smile on your face.
Eddie palms at his hard length through his jeans, if he doesn’t stop neglecting it soon, he’s going to lose his mind. He leans over you, kissing you deeply, tongue sliding over yours. You run your fingers up his chest under his shirt, helping him pull it off. He pushes his hips into yours, the rough fabric of his jeans scratching at your soft skin. “I need to know how it feels to be inside you baby, just for a minute. I promise I won’t put more than just the tip in. Please.” He begs you, his hands already unzipping his jeans, unbuckling his belt. “Just for a minute?” You clarify. “Cause you know I’m not on the pill, Teddy Bear.”
He growls, “Just a quick minute baby,” he kisses the tip of your nose, “I promise, I just need to feel you wrapped around me.” You nod at him, sweet little smile on your lips. He shimmies down his pants and boxers, just to his thighs.
He shudders as he reaches down to grab his cock, giving it a few tugs as he kisses your neck and whispers a thank you in your ear. Your eyes wander down to look at it. “It’s pretty like you, daddy. Pink like your lips.” You giggle. He smiles, kissing you softly as his weight comes down on you. He looks down between your bodies, letting the mushroom head push through your slick folds. “Gonna be a little bit of a stretch, bunny. But it’ll feel better soon.” He says before pushing his cock all the way in to the hilt. You hold back a moan, focusing on when it’s going to stop hurting.
Eddie’s mind goes blank. Being inside you is more addicting than he thought it would be. He slowly pulls all the way out before sliding back in, just as deeply as before. He lets out a whimper as his face gets nuzzled into the crook of your neck, one hand on your hip, the other holding your cheek.
Your gummy walls hug him tight, like you were made for him. He lets his hips start to hump in and out of you, never fully pulling out, just enough to feel his balls slap against your ass. He keeps going and going and going, whimpering and moaning your name telling you how good you feel.
The painful stretching feeling is gone and all that’s left is pleasure, Eddie’s big thick cock filling you up just right, so much better than his fingers, which you didn’t think was possible.
Eddie’s hands grab behind your lower back, hugging you close to him as he fucks up into you. “So fucking tight baby, never gonna let this pussy go. Gonna make you mine forever.” He grunts as he fucks you hard and deep.
He’s starting to sweat, mumbling curses and praises to you. It feels so good you don’t want it to stop but you start to get worried. He’ll stop before it goes too far you think. His hips pump faster into you, wet sounds and skin on skin slaps echoing through the large barn. “Can’t pull out-can’t. Feels too good.” He chokes out. You whimper, hands pushing his chest, little “no”s leaving your mouth as another orgasm creeps up on you.
His movements get faster and sloppier, short broken moans leaving his mouth as his eyes screw shut, his forehead coming down to meet yours. You open your mouth as a silent moan comes from deep within you, coming at the same time as him. Thick ropes of his cum shoot inside you, his hips flush to yours as he pumps every last bit of his seed into you with a shudder.
You look at him angrily, “Eddie!” “What?” He says, laughing a bit at how cute you sound when you’re angry. “You said only for a minute!” “I’m sorry, it felt too good. Been waiting so long for that.” “You lied to me.” You said, eyes starting to water. He tuts at you, smile leaving his face. “No, no, no bunny, I tried to pull out, I really did. I’m sorry.”
A fat tear rolls down your cheek, “You didn’t try! Now what am I going to do? What if-what if-” you choke out through sobs. “It’ll be fine baby. You’re not pregnant. And if you are, we’ll be ok. All three of us.” You look at him with your big wet eyes, starting to relax and breathe normally again and Eddie smiles softly. He doesn’t regret what he did because he’d do it again. He meant what he said. He’ll make you his forever.
“Yeah?” You ask him. “Of course. Whatever happens, I’ll always be here. No matter what.” He says, thumb swiping away the trail of tears from your cheeks. He kisses you softly, “I love you, Bunny.” You smile, “I love you too, Eddie.”
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your-nanas-house · 5 months
Hear me out.... a request please 🥺
shy reader x Patricia making out for the first time !!
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Like shy reader goes to the party because they know kitten is there and kitten comforts them which leads to a heavy touching make out session 🥺 please !! I'm begging !!
Hello Em!! Love it 🤭 sorry if it took me long, I finished it yesterday but I was too tired to post it.
Truly smitten
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◇ Pairing: Patricia 'Kitten' Braden X shy fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: make out, anxiety, nearly panic attack, friends to lovers, touching and Y/n refering to Kitten's crotch with 'little pussy'
◇ Summary: Y/n goes to the party just for Kitten.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Thank you @mrkdvidal1989 for your help again!
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It was crazy, Y/n thought as she took a deep breath and started to head to the local where the loud music of the party was going on. 
Her feet moved on their own as she tried to control her breath, the tight little dress she chose to wear seemed getting tighter and uncomfortable. What was she doing? Was it too late to turn around and leave?
Her shaky hand pressed flat against the wooden door and with a deep breath, she pushed the door open, walking in the loud crowded room… the loud music blasting in her ears, filling her head as she tried to move around. Searching Kitten around the room.
Hands brushing against her body, people pushing her, trying to get her to dance, some men approached as well, making her rush away. 
Too much, she kept repeating in her head, her hands got sweaty because of the stress, the uncomfortable feeling in her gut only deepened as she couldn't find any familiar faces in the crowd. 
The party was big. Bigger than she expected, which was.. scary for a person like her, one that usually kept to themselves. 
What was she doing there, she wondered for the umpteenth time that night.
Her body was screaming at her to leave that place and hide somewhere but her brain changed mind as soon as her eyes landed finally on the forgotten reason of why she was actually there. Suffering in silence… just to make her friend happy. Everything felt suddenly wrong, her dress felt too tight, her scalp hurt because of the way she put her hair up and her mind was completely overwhelmed by the situation. 
As the young woman tried to move in the crowd, her attention got caught by the people again, making that feeling of overstimulation hit her hard for the second time.
Her body stumbled into a boy who tried to grab her, clearly drunk, before two strong but soft arms hugged her from behind. A voice followed quickly as soon as her body stiffened 
“You came!” The voice Y/n recognized as Kitten's spoke directly to her ear.
The arms covered by a fuchsia leather jacket freed her, just to allow her to take her hand and drag her in a more secluded, slightly quieter place.
The music was still loud, filling the room where they were, but it sounded nearly muffled in that corner. 
It was the first time Y/n could finally take in the sight of Kitten, her eyes widening at the view in front of her. She looked stunning… like always, and she was.. talking to her.
“Hmph?” Y/n let out, eyeing her amazed, but a little ashamed that she got caught red handed at not listening.
“I said that you look a bit overwhelmed, darling. Are you feeling kind of hot?” Kitten beamed, giggling at her statement. Her hands fixing tenderly her friend's hair that fell out of the nice upright hairstyle.
“Yeah, quite a bit.. came here just.. for you.” The young woman informed her quickly, allowing her hands to paw softly at the leather of her jacket. Watching Kitten with wide eyes as she quickly took her hand, murmuring things she couldn't quite get because of the music. 
Nevertheless Y/n followed her blindly not worrying about the direction or where they were going. She would always follow her wherever she wanted, not bothering to ask questions… that's how smitten she was.
The whole time they walked, Y/n’s eyes remained fixed on Kitten’s silhouette, observing how her curly hair jumped just above her shoulders as she walked. How amazing her narrow waist looked in the outfit that she chose to wear for the party. 
The thoughts were so loud, that Y/n didn't even notice when they got to the destination.
A hidden room, quite more private, which was still part of the building where the party was going on.. even if it looked quite different.
Kitten led the way to a sofa, navigating in the crowd without any problems, her hand still holding tightly and reassuringly Y/n's smaller one.
“I wasn't expecting you to actually come.” Kitten lied as she smiled cheekily at her, caging her bottom lip with her teeth while she sat down on the soft comfortable couch. Just waiting for Y/n to take the seat next to her.
“You look stunning by the way, I really love your dress, darling” Kitten added in a whisper, her nail polished nail scratching softly the fabric before she took a hold on it.. pretending to be checking something. “Very lovely, indeed.” She whispered, tilting her head more before looking her in the eyes with a more seductive look. The openly flirting and easy going nature of Kitten was something that Y/n had to get used to at the beginning, but now she considered it.. normal, despite hoping that it would mean something more.
“I-I.. thank you” the young woman stuttered out shyly, a soft smile on her face as she opened her mouth to try and say something. 
Her eyes getting completely lost in her baby blue ones, nearly hypnotizing her in a subtle but tender way.
“You… You look wonderful as well.” She breathed out, her eyes shifting between her lips and eyes as Kitten leaned closer, humming at her compliment without adding anything else.
Her lipstick painted lips brushed against hers suddenly, surprising her with the sensation that she felt as soon as Kitten got so close. Moving closer, she pressed their lips together harder, in a testing but teasing way. Her beautiful eyes glancing at her face every now and then, feeling the anticipation in her body… as Kitten looked at her from under her long lashes.
“You think so, darling?” Kitten whispered, pouting softly as her nose brushed against hers “Always the sweetest, aren't you?” she added, praising her before leaning even closer. 
Their lips barely touch, just still inches away.
A glance and Y/n was leaning in completely, her lips pressing against her soft ones in a tender kiss which got heated in no time.
Her hand moved to cup her flushed cheek, her tongue exiting her mouth to lick slowly Kitten’s bottom lip, waiting for consent before letting it slip in.
Soft hums could be heard from both of them, their hands exploring each other's bodies in different ways, Kitten shyly and Y/n boldly.. pulling, squeezing and caressing with lust but tenderness.
As they broke the kiss, Y/n's bruised lips started to pepper her freckled skin with wet kisses, lowering her mouth slowly down to her neck where she started to nibble and suckle on Kitten’s tender skin.
Leaving love bites on her sweet spots, just to hear the lovely humming that Kitten made every time Y/n nibble a bit harder “Oh darling, making me go crazy for you.” she giggled shyly, biting her bottom lip before pulling it back. Kitten's scent was making Y/n’s mind go blank, and all she needed… was Patricia so close to her. 
“Yeah?” the young woman whispered, shyly leaning in for another kiss “Driving me crazy too, love.” she informed, a soft moan when Kitten naughtily squeezed her breast, earning a squeeze on her crotch as Y/n's arm involuntarily grabbed onto her boner.
Her mouth now lingering near her ear
“You and your fucking little pussy” she whispered, biting softly her earlobe, sucking harsher as soon as Kitten meowed needily.
Y/n left a couple of mouthed kisses on her freckled skin before moving slowly away, leaving a final little peck on Kitten's nose before speaking.
“My house is empty… we could go there if you want.” she informed suggestively, trying to not sound so eager but failing miserably as the hunger showed in her gaze.
Kitten just nodded softly, her lustful eyes remaining the entire time on her as she led them to her car.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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drewsbuzzcut · 2 months
blurb of like Dallas doing a day in the life of a married 20 year old still in college
“Good morning,” Dallas yawns, holding her phone up at an angle to catch her untamed, morning hair. Rolling over, she captures Nick who is nestled into her side. His face moves to the crook of her neck and his limbs are thrown over her body.
“He’s such a sleepy baby,” she giggles, carding her fingers through his hair. She abruptly stops when he stirs.
“Who are you talking to?” He mumbles, face moving and burrowing into her chest.
“TikTok,” at Dallas’ words, Nick looks up at the camera to see her recording. He eventually decides he doesn’t care and falls right back to sleep
“Today is a busy day, so unfortunately I have to get up!”
Dallas forces herself out of bed and her husband’s arms. She gets so fluttery on the inside when she remembers that they’re officially married.
She sets up her phone on the bathroom counter while she brushes her teeth and does her skincare.
“So today we have no classes, thank god! I literally cannot fathom having to go to an 8 am. Pro tip: don’t sign up for morning classes because they’ll kick your ass,” she informs while rubbing her moisturizer into her face.
“Anyways back to the agenda, I have to go to a ton of fabric stores, because I just know I won’t find all of what I’m looking for at a singular location. I have an appointment to get my last name changed to Moldenhauer, and then I have to go to the store and buy different necessities. Oh, I also have a pilates class and a test to take, so today should be busy to say the least,” Dallas lists off the different things on her agenda.
She quickly goes into her makeup routine, showing off her favorite products that she uses everyday.
“Wait!” Nick blurts out, scurrying into the restroom with only his underwear on. She’ll have to blur it out later. He hugs her from behind, his arms wrapping around her neck and requests a kiss before she puts on lip gloss.
“I’m going with you, so just let me get ready. I’ll be like 10 minutes,” he says against her lips, a hand coming up to caress her cheek.
Dallas nods her head and kisses him again.
“I love you, husband.” Her cheeks grow red and her eyes turn into hearts.
“I love you, wife.” She wants to jump around and scream; she loves him so much.
“We’re here at one of my favorite thrift stores. I usually buy left over fabrics or pieces of clothing that I can incorporate into a different piece. Right now I have over half of my list, which is actually so relieving,” Dallas talks fast while giving an overview of the different things in her basket.
She continues to walk around until she finds Nick looking through a pile of old umich merch.
“Baby, look at this jacket. You’d look so hot in it, especially if you’re wearing your leather pants and those little kitten heels,” Nick announces the outfit he’s picturing in his head.
He holds up the vintage looking, windbreaker with a smirky smile. He drops his eye in a wink and the girl has to stop recording, so she can kiss her husband.
“You’re so hot,” she mutters into his mouth. Her fingers card through his hair, and she has a hard time not pulling him into the restroom at the back of the store.
“Back to our regularly scheduled program, Nick is almost a better thrifter than I am. He, not only found two of the fabrics I was looking for, but some statement pieces for some game day fits. He learned from the best,” she whispers into the mic of her phone as she records Nick showing off what he found. He’s so proud of himself and it’s the cutest thing ever.
“I think I deserve a kiss for all my hard work,” Nick hums and pulls his wife into his chest.
They share a sweet kiss that’s interrupted by their giggling and wide smiles. They do a little kiss for the camera and Dallas knows she’s so insanely lucky to have him by her side.
Dallas pulls Nick away from the camera, getting him to spin her around. She burns red with the way his eyes focus on her and the way she twirls around. She truly feels like the only girl in the world when she’s with Nick.
Dallas strikes a pose and Nick falls in line without even being told. They show off their outfits and do a little dance together.
“I think everyone should leave a compliment, telling her how beautiful and sexy and hot she is. But she’s mine!” Nick jokes. Well, Dallas thinks it’s a joke, but knowing him, he’d probably get jealous of the comments.
“No one leave comments about my husband, because he’s mine and no one else can look at him,” Dallas counters Nick’s words, giving her man a glimpse of her very well hidden jealousy. Even if it’s a joke, she wants him to know that she can also match his possessiveness. Not that he minds.
Nick flashes a smirk at the camera and cops a squeeze of her ass, making her gasp and turn her backside away from the camera.
“You all did not see that,” she says through a laugh.
Her hockey player doesn’t care, though, so he slaps her ass and kisses on her neck until she’s squirming.
“I’m so excited! I have been looking forward to this all day. We’re here at our local courthouse to file paperwork to change my last name. It’s the reason why I’m wearing slacks and a button up; i have to look professional. Since I’m only 20, I’ve received a lot of hate for being married already.”
“It’s bull. She should not be getting any hate for being in love. People who have something bad to say are just jealous,” Nick chimes in, putting an appreciative smile on his wife’s face.
She finds herself smiling a lot since meeting him and since marrying him.
The camera pans to the doors of the courthouse and their intertwined hands. Her pearl ring and floral engraved band shine in the sun.
“Hi, June Blankenburg. I’m here to file the required paperwork to change my last name.”
Now Nick’s holding the camera, flipping it back and forth between Dallas and his excited reaction.
“I can’t believe the love of my life is changing her last name to mine. I can’t believe I get to be married to her for the rest of my life,” he whispers, camera pointed at his wife as she hands over her paperwork.
“Soon I’ll officially be June Dallas Moldenhauer on every legal document! I’m so excited,” Dallas cheers, holding up her ring finger as she skips over to Nick.
They share one last kiss before she stops recording for the moment.
“Hi, beautiful people in my phone. You might be noticing that it’s later in the day as the sky is dark. I just got out of my pilates class, hence the sweat. I couldn’t vlog because I had to hurry and eat before my test, and then my test ran longer than expected so I had to rush to my workout class. I’m on my way to the sophomore house for dinner. It’s actually one of our last dinners before the school year ends, so that’s kind of sad,” Dallas rants breathlessly, phone capturing her sweaty face and messy updo.
“D!” Multiple hockey boys cheer in unison upon seeing her walk up the driveway.
Baby duke is on the grill and the others are just hanging around.
“Hello, Mrs. Moldenhauer,” Nick grins, pulling her into a hug.
The boy holds onto her camera, so it can film them kissing once again.
“Get a room!” Rutger yells, but comes up to the couple to bring them into a group hug.
“Everyone say hi to Rutger, he’s our son,” Dallas jokes which earns her a playful eye roll from the boy.
Dallas moves away from him, dragging Nick with her inside the house. She takes a look around the surprisingly clean area and the boys who are lounging around.
“Wow! It’s so sparkly in here,” she teases, getting sarcastic laughs in response.
“We knew Mrs. Moldenhauer was coming over and that she’d have our heads if it wasn’t clean,” Luca muses.
“Awww. You all love me,” she gives Luca a tight hug.
“Say hi to the vlog,” she turns the camera to his face.
“Help me, she’s holding me hostage,” Luca screams, making her push him away with a full belly laugh.
She moves with Nick to any empty spot on the couch. She easily falls into his lap with his chin resting on her shoulder.
“It’s time to say bye. I hope you all enjoyed seeing what a day in my life looks like. It’s definitely chaotic, but it’s also comforting. I need to eat and spend time with my family. Bye, have a good night!” Dallas says and blows air kisses to those watching her behind their screens.
a/n: This is a little longer than a blurb, but enjoy!!!
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randomveyn · 2 years
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ʙʟᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴍᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴄʟᴜʙ
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featuring ⁞ grimmjow jaegerjacquez, kurosaki ichigo, madarame ikkaku, abarai renji, hisagi shuhei
warnings ⁞ fem!reader, suggestive themes, drinking, implied daddy kink, mentions of vaping, pet names (baby girl, kitten, princess)
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𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙟𝙤𝙬 takes his time on his seat, chucking down beer while watching you sway your hips along the beat under the lights of neon pink and blue. send him winks, mouthed him a “come dance, baby” and he'd jump right in.
is arrancar naturally good at dancing? because he sure knows how to work those hips like a pro. he'd occasionally grind into your ass, pretending he got the tempo wrong but the bulge on his tight jeans said something else.
but he won't be satisfied with some feather-light touches. if anything, he gets greedy each time. can't keep those big hands from slithering along your curves. give him kisses and playful licks, make those breathy moans by his ears. and he'd have no qualms in snatching you away from the dance floor, dragging you to the nearest bathroom, trapping you between cold wall and his burning muscles. “time for some snacks, kitten.”
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𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙤 and 𝙞𝙠𝙠𝙖𝙠𝙪 are the same type of guy. they don't go out chasing after girls. you'd find them lounging around the corner vip sofa, manspreading comfortably in their seats, maybe challenging each other who can take the most shots for the night.
you'd have to walk up to them with the guts of steel. ikkaku might spare you a glance but shoos you away immediately. no matter what you look like, he won't be interested until he sees a real challenge here. bring up the fact, or just lie through your teeth, about your black belt in judo and he'd whipped his head back to you fast. propose him a match and whether you win or not, you'd still find you both wrestling in bed tonight. “today's my lucky day, huh?”
ichigo is a simple man with a sprinkle of his closet daddy kink. he patted on his lap a few times, ushering you to take a seat. and then he'd feel you up with those biceps holding you close, squeeze you abit to have you squirming under him. he secretly enjoy the power he can exert on sweet girls like you, stroking his ego because he gets you all putty in his hand effortlessly like this.
he'd send a smug grin across the club, to a certain baby blue haired man and gets a middle finger back from the latter. “look at that loser. daddy needs no dance to get baby girl like you.”
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𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙞 and 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙝𝙚𝙞 would be hanging around outside of the club, clad in punk leather outfits and slouching on their bikes. they try to come off as 'too cool to be dancing in there' but everyone knows they're just weak against women.
renji pulls out his vape pen, casually sucking and puffing out clouds of pineapple flavours as he watches people waltzing in and out of the club. and then, he sees you, hastily tumbling your way out with a group of guys following close behind. he caught your agitated expression, visibly uncomfortable under their ogling eyes and slurs.
so he wasted no time in slinging his arm around you, pulling you away with a big grin. “sorry for the wait, baby.” you shouldn't feel safe around this man either, not with those deadly tattoos he had from head to toe but you wouldn't even think twice about snuggling up against his half-exposed chest.
shuhei would be the one to offer you a ride home, because he's the only one with an extra helmet. it was originally prepared for his drunk ass friend (kira or rangiku-san) but guess he wouldn't mind taking a couple of trips back and forth tonight. HE IS JUST THAT NICE. and so, enjoy your ride hugging him close, feeling those toned abs below. oh, and he'd definitely take off his jacket and let you wear them. “gotta keep you all nice and warm.”
blow him some goodbye kiss okay because let's be honest, his nose can't handle a real kiss on the cheek. he's also the type who'd wait for you walk into your apartment lobby, disappear into the elevator before leaving. BOYFRIEND MATERIAL. but don't be mistaken, this guy can be smooth. you'll soon find his business card in his jacket.
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© 2021 randomveyn. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, alter or share my works on any other platforms.
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lyonneswife · 2 years
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Professor Romanoff chapter 1
Meeting The Hot Redhead
-Warnings: SMUT
-Translations: котенок - Kitten
малышка - Babygirl
-Word count: 1604
Nobody's POV:
It was the last day of summer and you were still unpacking a few boxes for your new apartment in NYC. The first time you walked into that apartment you were shocked and in awe because of the view from your window.
Time passed by pretty quick and you were getting bored of sitting around so you thought it would be a good idea to head out and go to a near by bar maybe make some new friends since New York was your new home after all and you didn't want to be a loner. Although you had to get up early in the morning for classes.
Y/N's POV:
"Hmm okay what should I wear"
You tried your hardest to find something cute but because you couldn't bring a lot of stuff with you since you had a lot of clothes back home and you thought you might go back and visit on weekends well try. you were tossing all your clothes out of your closet just trying to find something nice.
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(You wore this, sorry if you don't like it)
"Hmm ok wait, is this too dressy for a bar" you thought to yourself
You couldn't find anything else so you just stuck to the red dress it was cute anyway. As you were about to grab your purse and shoes your phone lit up. It was a text from your dad
Hiya sweetheart, just checking in making sure you are okay.
Aww hi dad yes I'm okay. I'm just heading out actually.
Oh really where you going?
Just to a little small bar down the road.
To maybe try meet some people that go to the college and make friends so I'm not so alone there
Aww good well be safe please okay it's late
I will dad I promise x
Okay good well it's time for me to head to sleep. Goodnight sweetheart I love you xxx
Goodnight dad I love you too xxx
Walking down the stairs and out of your building you were searching for Nearby Bar/Club's since you didn't actually know where the bar was.
"Oo okay I found it. It looks nice i guess but I'm definitely too dressed up for this but oh well" you thought to yourself
Time passes by and you are now sitting at the bar drinking some vodka you were part russian so it went down pretty easily and wasn't as strong tasting either. Nobody caught your eye until you saw a beautiful redhead with bright green emerald eyes she was wearing black skinny jeans, black top that hugged her curves perfectly and a black leather jacket. You were practically drooling over her and didn't realise that she started staring at you.
And then she came over and sat on the empty stool next to you.
Nat's POV:
"Hey котенок I saw you looking at me and I thought I should introduce myself"
"I'm Natasha but everyone calls me Nat"
Y/N's POV:
"Uh h-hi I'm y/n nice to meet you Nat.."
She was so beautiful you couldn't even get your words out properly
Nat's POV:
"Aww what's wrong, you nervous around me" she laughs
Y/N's POV:
"Did she just say I'm nervous around her. I- we have only just met and she's the one flirting with me so obviously IM FUCKING NERVOUS. she is pretty hot though like oh my god, but COME ON Y/N GET IT TOGETHER"  you thought to yourself
"What no- no I'm not nervous" you laugh off
"you're just really ho- I mean pretty"
Nat's POV:
"You think I'm pretty"
Y/N's POV:
She smile smirks at you so you smile back at her but god that smirk she did made you worse
Nat's POV:
"you know. The drink you are drinking is a strong alcohol"
Y/N's POV:
"Yeah yeah I know but I'm fine"
"just like how you are so god damn fine miss natasha" you whisper under your breath but you know she heard you
Time has passed by and suddenly you feel a hand on your thigh as Nat whispers into your ear
Nat's POV:
"котенок how about I go walk into that bathroom over there and in 5 minutes you walk in and we have a bit of fun"
you could see the smirk on her lips as you bit your own
Y/N's POV:
You couldn't really say anything as you were scared of what would come out of your mouth so you just nodded
5 minutes had passed and you were getting really nervous
As you walked into the bathroom Nat pinned you up to the door and put a strand of your hair behind your ear while locking the door so nobody could disturb your "fun"
Nat's POV:
"You really think I didn't hear you малышка 'just like how you are so god damn fine miss natasha' you should've just said it"
Y/N's POV:
"I- I just I didn't know how to say that but it's true"
After hearing that Nat crashed her lips into yours. It was slow at first but then turned into a hot make out.
You both pull away for a breather
Nat's POV:
Y/N's POV:
Nat's POV:
"As you wish котенок"
Suddenly Nat reaches back into kissing you. you both make out as Nat lifts your leg up. Slowly she starts to kiss down to your neck you try your hardest to not make any noises but Natasha wasn't having it
Nat's POV:
"Hey don't hold them back I wanna hear them pretty noises you make"
Y/N's POV:
"B-but I don't want people hearing us"
Nat's POV:
"No buts котенок"
Nat goes back to kissing your neck hoping you don't hold back and she got what she wanted
Y/N's POV:
"Mmm Nat more please" you moan out
Nat's POV:
"Patients don't worry I'll give you what you want"
Nat goes back to your lips slipping her tongue inside and fighting for dominance which she obviously won while her hand was sliding down to your thigh. She finally reaches the hem of your panties slipping her hand in without you even realising as she starts to draw small circles over your clit waiting for a response out of you. Suddenly you become a moaning mess as she slipped her fingers inside of you.
Nat's POV:
"Mm you're already so wet for me котенок"
You could feel your high approaching so you bit your lip to muffle your moans since you were scared of everyone outside hearing. But Nat didn't like that She wanted to hear you scream her name
Nat's POV:
"No no, no holding back them pretty noises"
Y/N's POV:
"But Natty I don't want people hearing"
Nat's POV:
"I wanna hear you scream my name. I want them to know who you belong to"
Your high approached and you could feel your juices dripping down your leg, Nat carried out your high and then pulled her fingers out of you with a pop bringing her fingers up to her mouth and licking off all your juices. Then kissing you so you can taste yourself
Nat's POV:
"Mmm god you taste so good" she said with a smirk on her face
You couldn't say anything because you were too flustered with her still standing Infront of you.
As you were about to walk out Nat stops you and hands you a piece of paper with her number on it and something written
The note:
Here's my number котенок
I hope this isn't the last time I'll see you ;)
You immediately blush reading the note and tried to hide that from her before leaving she gives you a quick peck on your lips and says goodnight
You arrive back at your apartment and still couldn't comprehend what had happened at the bar: Seeing her, her flirting, the sex, the note. It was all so much and you could still picture everything in your mind. You just wanted that to happen again and again
The next morning
You woke up to your alarm and you didn't even know when you fell asleep all you remember was walking into the apartment door. You thought everything was just a dream.
Then you remembered everything: Seeing Nat, her flirting, the sex, the note she gave you. you didn't even add her number yet into your contacts so you did after you woke yourself up more. You put her under Hot Redhead ;)  you thought maybe it would be a good idea to text her so you did.
Hey Nat it's y/n :)
Hot Redhead ;):
Hey котенок last night was fun maybe we should do that again ;)
You didn't answer her as you looked at your clock it read 10:30 am
"shit I'm late on my first day"
"Well what a good way to make a great impression. This will be fun"
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dontstoptilikum · 2 years
Tropical Fish (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure smut)
Kakyoin had spent a good portion of the morning trying to get ready for her plans for the day. Her hair was perfectly curled, her outfit fitting for the fall winds, being an ankle long, tight turtleneck dress in an olive green color. Her body was prominent in the dress as it hugged her curves perfectly, as most of her clothes did for being an hourglass shaped woman. A light spritz of jasmine and vanilla perfume along with a quick application of light red, cherry flavored lip gloss was the finishing touch, as she anxiously walked out of her bathroom to head to her office to wait for her date.
Her office was a bit of a mess to some, but to her the chaos was welcomed because it was hers. A corner of the room next to a slightly cracked open window was a very loved easel with a half finished painting of a beautiful tree she had seen weeks prior on a solitary walk, its picture hanging next to it, tacked to the wall. On the adjacent side of her office was her unorganized library on a multitude of topics that ranged from gardening to history and even romance. She eyed the painting for possible changes to clear her mind from the anxiety she felt surrounding the date. She had known him a long time, having gone to school together, and even attending the same college, but she still felt a sense of bashfulness, and fear of embarrassment.
The buzzing of her phone made her jump a bit, a text reading appeared on the screen. “I’m here.” The redhead quickly exited her office, the small kitten heels she wore made a busy clicking noise as she scurried to find her purse. Once her phone was placed into her small black purse, she took a deep breath and headed for the front door. Once she opened it, she was greeted with the muscled chest of the man she was waiting for. Her eyes flicked upwards to look at her guest and she smiled wide. He was wearing a leather jacket with a plain black t-shirt and matching black jeans, a very simple outfit but one that hugged him so perfectly. His physique was incredible, the definition of statuesque and Kakyoin was undeniably attracted to him. “Good morning JoJo.” She said happily as his blue eyes locked with her lavender ones. His normally stoic face formed a smile and his booming deep voice spoke. “Hello Kakyoin.” In his arms was a small bouquet of flowers, giving off a soft floral smell, his arms extending to hold them out for her to take. The womens eyes lit up and she took them from him, “Wow, thank you, that's very kind of you.” She politely turned to the apartment's small kitchenette to find a vase. The flowers were placed in an art deco style vase that sat in the middle of her small two person table. “This is the first time I’ve ever received any flowers.” Kakyoin was beaming at him as he held open the door for her so they could leave for the destination.
Jotaro’s car was clean and sleek, a nice black sports car that Kakoyin had called the “BatMobile” on a few occasions. In a gentleman like fashion he opened the door for her, holding onto her hand to guide her into the low riding vehicle. Once inside, Jotaro gestured to the cup holders and said, “I got you a chocolate latte. I know it's your favorite when it comes to the stuff.” He elected to get a plain black coffee, enjoying the bitterness. Kakoyin reached for the cup, unable to stop smiling since he arrived. “How thoughtful, thank you JoJo.” She took a small sip of the hot liquid, red liprints marking the cup. “So where are we going today?” She asked, the date in itself being led by the male next to her. “The Aquarium” He said before taking a big swig of his drink, eyes focused on the road. Kakyoin replied, “Oh wow, I love the Aquarium.” She said as her eyes wandered to the passing buildings. The feeling of a hand was felt on her thigh, her eyes quickly flickering to the contact area. Jotaro had reached over to rub against her thigh lightly, still not looking at her. Kakoyin was new to physical contact, not being a virgin but still being one who valued her modesty. Her body felt the heat his hand brought and it was comforting in its own right. The red head's hand moved to meet his, a light pink blush forming on her cheeks as her thumb caressed the others knuckles softly. Jotaro didn’t say anything, merely smiling for a moment as the entrance to their destination came into view.
Once inside and passed admission, the two of them finally entered the tank-filled room that held the homes of the many fish that swam around in the bubbling waters. The light was dim and there were not many people there on a Wednesday morning. Kakyoin was staring in wonder at the colorful little beings that floated in front of her eyes. “Wow, the colors always seem to amaze me.” She said softly, not wanting to be too loud. Jotaro was close behind her, easily looking above her head at the fish. “Yeah, it's beautiful.” His eyes flicked from the fish to the woman in front of him. “Very beautiful.” He said, this time in regards to her, knowing she wouldn't understand since she was too entranced by colors to notice.
“Look at that one Jojo!” She said, pulling out her phone to take a picture of her discovery, making sure the flash was off. It was a small red and blue fish with small black stripes that looked like scratches along its side.It was in a group of about seven, the group staying close to a small piece of coral. Jotaro nodded and said. “That's a flame angel fish. They are native to the Pacific and are extremely popular because of their color.” Kakyoin nodded as she soaked in the information he shared. “It’s very pretty. If I was able to keep a fishtank in my tiny apartment, I’d definitely want a few of those.” Jotaro nodded in agreement. “Red sure is a beautiful color.” He said as he looked at the curl that bounced against her cheek while she wasn’t looking.
After a few moments of perusing the tanks with the smaller fish, they had made it to the tank with the larger animals, in this case dolphins. The squeaking and clicking noises they created made Kakyoin chuckle softly, watching them chase each other and breach the surface every so often. “These creatures are so intelligent, it's so crazy to me how they even have their own dialects and patterns of noises, though I know you already knew that.” She chuckled again, this time from her nervous rambling. Jotaro paid no mind to her stating a fact and nodded. “Yeah, they are intelligent. Too intelligent sometimes. Kakoyin laughed as a dolphin swam towards them, and made hard eye contact with Jotaro. After an intense staring contest between the two, the dolphin swam away in draft. The red head laughed and said. “Wait, come back! You guys can be best friends!” Jotaro sucked his teeth and smiled before placing arm around her shoulder. “Ha. Ha”
During the rest of their outing, Jotaro was finding it hard to not notice the aestically pleasing parts of her body and face. Her lips always pulled back perfectly to reveal her genuine smile, her curl bounced at every step and her perfume was seeping into the depths of his brain. He couldn’t deny that his eyes had wandered to the more innaportiae portions of her, noting how her thighs moved in within the confines of her dress, the curve of her back that lead to her plump ass, and how her breasts bounced when she walked faster to get closeJor to the tanks in excitement. He made sure to keep his look a secret, only taking the time to oogle her when his back was turned. They had exited through the gift shop of the Aquarium, Kakoyin having purchased them matching dolphin stuffed animals, her pink and his black. They reached his car and he opened the door for her once more, entering and starting. “Would you like to take a walk in the park?” He wanted to extend his time with her as long as possible, and was relieved when she nodded at him. “I’d love to.” She said,
The leaves danced around the grassy fields of the park when they arrived, Kakoyin taking a deep breath of the crisp autumn air as her date rounded the car to her. Jotaros hand grasped hers, causing her to make a small noise of surprise as he brought them forward towards a small stand that sold concessions. “Is it wrong that I want ice cream?” Kakyoin replied and said, “I love eating ice cream when it's cold out, so I definitely wouldn’t mind.” Jotaro nodded at her and pulled out his wallet, electing to pay for the entirety of their date, with no hesitation, even when Kakyoin was miffed he wouldn’t let her pay for their dolphins.
The pair sat on a bench, casually enjoying their treat and watching a small pond filled with ducks flapping and floating around their home. Jotaro had slightly regretted electing to pick a food like ice cream, his eyes unable to leave his dates lips as she licked the creamy cone. The action of her pink tongue lapping at the treat made him weak in the knees, wanting to feel the warmth against his own tongue. She hadn’t noticed his staring, more focused on the scenery. A drip of ice cream was melting down the cone, reaching her fingers and coating her skin in a sweet trail. Kakyoins placed her finger into her mouth to clean it, the action breaking the man next to her internally.
He boldly spoke, his voice a little deeper than normal. “Can I have a taste?” He said, his body leaning into hers slowly. Kakyoin nodded obliviously turning her head to watch him, holding out the cone. Jotaros hand moved the cone out of the way gently and leaned into her face, placing a small kiss on her lips. Kakyoin was stunned by the action, freezing softly to process the situation. Once her brain figured out what was happening, her eyes fell shut and she kissed him back, her free hand moving to his thigh for something to hold onto.
The action of Kakyoin kissing him back made Jotaro’s facade melt further, his lips pulling back softly before kissing her over and over again. His heart raced when her hand rubbed at his thigh and he instinctively pressed their bodies together, feeling her large breast against his hard pecs. Once they both needed oxygen, they pulled away and their surroundings became clear once more. The ice cream in Kakyoin’s hands was melting all over her hands and the ground under it, and they were still very much in the public eye. Kakyoin was panting softly from how long the kissing session was, ignoring how sticky her hand felt. While the location was public, Jotaro knew that couldn’t stop him, standing up from the bench and grabbing her by the hand and pulling her up with him. Kakyoin knew he had something in mind, and with the dull need she felt in her core present, she would follow him wherever he wanted. “Ditch that, I’ll buy you more later.” He said in a serious tone, and Kakyoin obliged, tossing the cone into a nearby trash can, happy they remembered to grab napkins.
Jotaro was headed for a trail entrance before he looked down and spided the shoes she was wearing, stopping for a moment and releasing her hand. “Hold on tightly.” Kakyoin cocked her head to the side in confusion before Jotaro got onto one knee and grasped her by the hips, and heaved her over his shoulder. Kakoyin let out a squeal of surprise before settling on his shoulder, her ass pointed towards the sky. Jotaros right hand held onto the mid of her thigh to hold her steady as he began walking once more. “I don’t want you to get your nice shoes dirty.” He said to her, Kakyoin was a little unsure about being carried but was appreciative nonetheless. “Thank you, but a better warning next time would be great.” She said jokingly. Jotaro nodded, his eyes set on trying to get deep enough into the trail to get what he was aiming for.
A small clearing was spotted and he made his way to a tree that looked especially smooth and sturdy looking. He positioned them so they could easily be seen by hikers and pulled her from his shoulder onto the ground. Kakoyin was unsure of what to do next but she soon got an idea when her companion dropped to his knees once more, his hands eagerly moving to the hem of her dress, shimming it up a bit. Kakyoin felt a rush of embarrassment and said, “W-wait!”, her hands balled at her sides. Jotaro looked up at her and smiled. His hands stopped pushing the dress up until it was at her mid thigh, making sure his thumbs ran down her thighs as he removed them from her. After her thighs were exposed, he removed his jacket and placed it against the tree so her pretty dress wouldn’t be ruined by the bark. In a swift motion he gripped the back of her legs and slid her up the tree, wrapping her legs around his waist. Kakyoin's face was still a blushing red, her arms wrapping around his neck to hold herself up, knowing he was strong enough to hold two of her with little effort. Their lips meet once more, this time with more passion behind them.
With his hips and the tree supporting most of her weight, his hands were free to move to unchartered territory. They began at her shoulders, massaging them in a comforting way, knowing she was stuck in her mind's prison and needed some coaxing. They moved to her sides, lightly caressing the side of her breasts before slowly moving to her chest. Kakyoin let out a soft whimper as his hands massaged her large breasts, his fingers slowly kneading her soft and squishy skin. Jotaro pulled back for air and whispered, “You taste so good and you feel so soft…” into her lips before claiming them again. Kakyoin felt dizzy from all the contact, letting her date take the lead. Jotaros was cursing the fact that she wore a long dress, wanting to feel how silky her nipples felt before they were stimulated and hardened. One of his hands moved to her side and rubbed softly, while the other continued to knead at her breasts, not wanting her to stop the whimpers she made, even for a second. The free hand made their way to her ass and began to knead at her plush asscheeks, almost in shock at how perfect her body was. Kakyoin was squirming under him, her body being touched in places it hardly ever was, and in a desperate way that delighted her. She viewed the man in front of her like a Greek god, perfect in every way she could imagine, having admittedly having a crush on him since they were teenagers. She had imagined this moment for years and it was finally happening, here in the middle of the woods.
Jotaro’s hands were getting anxious to explore more, and to see what noises she could elicit from her sweet lips. “Can I try something?” She said huskily into her lips. Kakyoin was a bit afraid of what he meant and gulped softly. “N-not too much, okay?” and Jotaro nodded. “ I just want to feel you.” He said as his hand dipped into her dress, his fingers rubbing circles into her thighs. His lips moved to her neck, biting the fabric of her turtleneck to get at her flesh, and once they reached their destination, he began biting and licking at her soft and sensitive throat. Kakyoin let out a moan as she was being ravished by his lips, whimpering his nickname every so often. Her eyes closed, and her head leaned back to give him the most access to her neck. His wandering fingers moved to her panties, a thumb rubbing at her slit between the fabric. The red head moaned louder, and said. “J-JoJo, please!” He chuckled into her neck and said. “Please keep going? Anything you want Kakyoin.” She huffed but was distracted by his fingers pushing her panties to the side and his thumb began to swipe at her labia. She was wet and the feeling made Jotaro sigh with pleasure into her wet neck. “Your pussy is so wet for me.” He whispered into her ear, her face lighting up with a blush, her eyes looking away in embarrassment. “J-Jotaro!” She huffed as he replied with a chuckle. “You like it when I talk to you like that don’t you? I can feel you getting wetter.” Kakoyoins hands moved to her face to cover it and she was met with a noise of disapproval from the man in front of her. “Nu uh, I want to see the look on your face as I continue. Please.” His plea made the red head weak, slowly moving her hands to his shoulders, her eyes finally meeting his once more. The hunger she saw was intense and it was driving her entire body mad.
Jotaros fingers had moved to her clit and were making small circles with his fingers, hearing the sound of his fingers rubbing at the wetness mixed with her mews of pleasure. She was having issues looking at him, so his free hand moved to grab her cheeks, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You’re so beautiful when you're being pleased..” He said candidly. “ I can’t get enough of you.” Kakyoin was whimpering and she replied to him and she said. “T-thank you, hearing you say that makes me weak.” Feeling a flutter in her chest as he gave her a smile. The man's fingers stopped rubbing in circles and had positioned two fingers to press into her vagina, pushing them into her hole with ease from the excessive lubrication. “Jotaro…” She whispered as his thick fingers moved inside of her. His thumb moved back to her clit and he began moving his fingers quickly, her mouth opening in an O shape as she began moaning loudly with each thrust of his hands. His knuckles collided with her pussy lips, making sure to not bruise her delicate skin. With a curl of his fingers he began to pump as fast as possible, slowly lowering them so she had one foot on the ground, holding her right thigh upwards. “Hold this up please, I’ll make sure you don’t fall, I promise.” Kakoyin nodded and held her thigh up, holding her trembling leg upwards like she was told.
Jotaro was on his knees, and reluctantly removed his hands from her wet hole, bringing both hands to her panties. He gripped them with both hands to one side and tore them easily, making Kakyoin almost yip. He shushed her when she began to gripe and moved to the other side to do the same until they were completely removed. Once she was bare from the waist down, his hands moved back to her pussy, slipping inside her once more. His free hand moved to the spot above her womb on her torso and pressed gently. Kakyoin was a mess in his hands, thankful the pressing of her stomach was keeping her inplace. He dug his fingers deep into her pussy and began rocking his fingers back and forth, battering at a special spot inside of her. “This might feel strange for a moment, and I’m not going to stop, but I promise it’ll feel amazing.” Kakyoin was too busy inthralld by her body being pleased to care, and nodded at him. Jotaro began moving his hand as fast as he could, watching Kakyoin's face twist in pleasure.
Kakyoin could feel a very strange feeling building in her core, like an orgasm but more intense. A pressure was building in her pelvis and she started to shake her head as she felt a rushing of fluids threaten to burst from her. “Wait, wait, wait wai-!” She was cut off by him shushing her and he leaned in to nip at her hip. “ It’s okay, just let it happen.” He said into her skin. His fingers didnt stop and he moved to the side of her, as he felt her pussy tighten hard. Kakoyin was wailing in pleasure as her pussy began gushing fluids, the liquid dripping and squirting out of her. She was loudly calling out his name and her hand had found his hair to run through as he continued to finger her into overstimulation. A smile was plastered on his face as he didn’t take her eyes off of her face for a second of her orgasm. Once she was pushing his hands away from the stimulation and her whimpers turned into desperate cries, he stopped, kissing her thighs softly before standing and looking over her. Kakyoin's face had a slightly tired look on it, as he kissed her lips but on the inside she felt the most alive she had ever felt. He pulled out napkins from his jacket pocket and cleaned off her dripping thighs and his hand before shimming her skirt down. “Did that feel good?” He said to her as he kissed her once more. She replied with a nod and held onto his cheeks for a moment. “So good, my body has never done that before.” She admitted. He smiled and dropped to his knee once more to sling her over his shoulder. “Well I’m glad, but I’m not done with you just yet.” He said in a mysterious tone, walking towards the direction of his vehicle. Kakyoin snickered, snuggling her body into his shoulder as he carried her like cargo once more. “Home run on the first date? What kind of woman am I?” She said jokingly, her partners chuckling softly in return. He still had plans for her, and the day wasn’t over yet. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42202563/chapters/105957531)
(This is my first fic in yeaaaarrrsss pls be kind to me lmao)
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sweetsbfreex · 3 years
love me for me, it’s all i ask
Summary: Bucky meets your family, but your nerves clouds you judgment
Warnings: angst!!! 
Pairing: Bf!Bucky x reader
Dating your Bucky is filled with a mix of gentle touches, insecurities and reassurances, long yearning stares, love running so deep he had Tony install some kind of metal warmers–– so you wouldn’t shiver every time you cuddled into his arm or he decided to wrap it around your waist while you slept. It was heaven, but of course there were bumps in the road.  
Dating the Bucky Barnes or what most people saw as the “Winter Soldier'' was filled with: anxious walks down the street with his hand holding your waist tightly, his natural habit of looking over his shoulder, and his need to wear a pair of black,leather gloves no matter where you went. It wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle, you loved him too much for it.
“Buck, calm down, it’ll be fine.” You chuckle, keeping your eyes on the road, yet lifting one hand off the wheel to briefly squeeze his anxious leg. 
His leg stops shaking and he only nods his head, but when he realizes you can’t see he chokes out a sorry. Instead, he begins to twiddle his gloved thumbs and turns his head to look out the window. He watched the shops and trees pass by in a flur, there wasn’t much on his mind other than what he would say when he got there. 
You slow the car at a red light and turn to see him in the same state. "It's okay if you want us to go back to your place, I can take a u-turn right here, and we can meet them another time." you tell him, extending your fingers to tangle with the ends of his hair. 
“I’m fine doll really...just excited,” He semi-lied through his perfect teeth adding a small smile. 
You were both on your way to your parents house, only ten minutes away now. Bucky coming along wasn’t anything planned. 
Your mom had called two nights ago, at the same time you and Bucky snuggled in bed watching his latest fix on Hulu. Streaming platforms are something he enjoyed about the modern world. He liked that he could have things like Shirley Temple in a pinch, anytime and anywhere he wanted.  
Anyway, Your mom had called, interrupting the trance Tom and Jerry had on the both of you at the moment. 
“One second” you tell him, unraveling from his hold before getting hold of your phone. Bucky makes a move for the remote, but you assure him that it’s fine so he goes back to watching the cartoon. 
And you answer, “Hey mom.” When Bucky heard who it was calling, he side-eyes you for a few seconds, curious.
“Hey! y/n/n, you haven’t called in awhile are you okay? Me and Snicks miss you” The call of his name causes you to hear a bark in the background.
“I’m fine, it’s literally been a day. Are you okay?” It’s not weird for her to call during this time, but nonetheless you know she has something she needs to say.
“‘Perfectly fine honey. I was calling because Daisy is coming down the day after and we’d thought it would be nice for the three of us and aunt to come down too. You’re not busy are you? Maybe you could take a quick detour and visit?” She lived alone in your childhood home, refusing to let all the memories die in the cherished home.  Going as far as making you and your sister promise one of you would possess the house when she passed on. 
At the mention of a little reunion, you decided it would be best to take this somewhere with more privacy. You couldn’t explain, but you thought it would be better for Buck not to hear it. He hasn’t met your family and you don’t want to pressure him into meeting them if he isn’t ready or uncomfortable. You also didn’t want to ask him...in case he wasn’t ready or comfortable.
“Uhh one second” you mute your phone, telling Bucky you’ll be in the hallway prior to giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“I’m here!”
“Yeah I can make it, shouldn’t be busy, it’ll likely be me though.” You pace the hallway up and down as if it was the only place to walk in the whole house. 
“That’s great, okay, I’m gonna text Shirley to come by earlier so we can make a bit extra of everything”
“Extra? Isn’t it just the four of us?”
“No, honey, you know the kids and your sister said she’s bringing someone. Well I don’t know! You know how these things go”
The call goes on for a minute or more. Your mother tells you whatever information is vile and sends you a goodnight. Which you return.
“Sorry, she wanted to inform me of something” you tell him as you walk through the door. Placing your phone in charge once again and like a kitten nestling yourself into his side once again. 
He lets his metal arm lay over your shoulders and you interlace your hands together. 
Silence passes by and gets broken by Bucky who clears his throat to speak up. “Uhm” he starts his free hand coming up scratching the back of his neck. “Do you want me to act like I didn’t hear the conversation?
You sit up in surprise at his confession. “You heard that?!”
He sends you in an unimpressed look. His finger points to his ear then his hand hovers his body, going up and down wildly. Unimpressed at the way you forget he’s pumped in this super serum, he can’t help how far his hearing is.
“Sorry I just forget you’re not human human”
He takes a beat of silence to himself, “I’m not human human?”
“No! Baby, not like that. You know I mean like I forget that you these special abilities–– other than your arm–– inside that I can’t see...y’know”
“It's fine doll” he pulls you back into his side, “Are you going?”
“Do you need company? If not that’s fine I just wanted to ask––” he goes by the question quickly, scared that he’s made it weird between the two of you. 
“You want to visit my family with me?” you ask astounded.
“Only if you’re comfortable with it?” he reassures you in a haste, a hand going to your bare thigh. 
“Are you comfortable with it?” you ask.
“Baby, I just said––” he laughs in a delicate manner. 
“I know, I know. Sorry. I just didn’t know you would want to, I know how anxious you get with a bunch of people, Which is fine! But I don’t want to nudge you in something like that”
“I think it would be perfect, honestly”
“I’m happy you think so” you smile.
Currently the car parks in the driveway of your former home. The leather enveloping Bucky’s hands wring together. You don’t say much, only getting out of the car, jogging to Bucky’s side of the door, until you could open his door. 
You tug him into a gentle hug. Standing between his legs once he’s adjusted himself to take every last of you in. You squeeze him once and smile when you feel the nerves and tension falling from his shoulder.
You okay?" you ask. It may seem like a dumb question at the time, but one thing you've learned about Bucky is. A simple question like that allows a spacious answer, it helps him a little more. 
You don’t pull away but adjust your face to place a kiss to his cheek. 
“Yeah” he breathes out. “...What if they don’t like me, we’ll still be together right?”
That question right there drops a bucketful of guilt over your head, but you know what you’re doing is right. 
You pull away , after a second, letting your hands fall to each side of his neck. 
"Of course Buck with or without approval you're still mine. Doesn't matter anyway, everyone will love you 'cause you're amazing." You smile, your fingers roaming over his very recently shaven under jaw.
“Thanks, doll”
“Nothing to thank me for” you give him one last squeeze, “You ready?” 
“Yeah...I don’t know if I’ve told you, but you look really good today”
You wore nothing but a flowy, yellow, long sleeved surplice front dress and a pair of platform sandals.
“Stop trying to stall time!” You tease. 
“I’m not. Promise I’m not” he throws his hands up in surrender, a bright smile on his face. As quick as he throws them up, they come down around your waist. “Ready when you are” 
Having said that, Casual, black slacks hug his lengthy legs lackdasically. A short sleeve, white polo accentuates his waist, and his hair pulls back into a low bun.
 It's so unbelonging to him. But the night before Bucky's been filling with worry about how he should dress to impress.
While you’re still standing between his bent legs and your fingers settle on his neck. You take one hand to pull the hair tie from his hair. Watching his curtains fall around his face
“I know you don’t wanna wear your hair like this, it’s fine. I promise Bucky they’ll love you.” You reassure him this time with a kiss, pulling away to entangle your fingers together. 
When you go to close the door he holds up a finger. You watch him stand there hesitation on his face. Before he decides to shrug off the leather jacket and slip off his gloves.
His bionic arm is perfectly bare for anyone to see and you couldn’t be more proud when he sends a shy smile your way. 
So soon, you’re both at the doorstep, hands linked together. You knock on the door. 
“Coming!” The sound of your mom’s voice brings a smile to your face, but only makes Bucky’s nerves sky rocket. 
When you hear the sound of the doorknob rattling, you give in at the last moment releasing the mutual hold of your hands. In nerves you miss the gaze and frown of Bucky–– more like brush off, but you play dumb for the sake of it all.
“Y/N––” your mother starts, voice dying and a gasp let out, looking like a guppy out of water when she sees the man standing beside you. Bucky seems none the wiser. Sure he expected some kind of reaction, not like his whole isn't on blast or anything.  
She composes herself when she glances at you, but you only give her a hard stare. “Hello, I’m Lisa” 
“I’m Bucky...I got these for you, y/n said these were your favorites” he outstretched a bouquet of plumerias.
“Oh...Thank you so much, very thoughtful. Come in” Lisa moves out the way and you let Bucky walk ahead of you. You’re about to cross the doorway when you feel weedy fingers clasp your upper arm. 
“Are you out of your mind!” she whispers in your ear. 
“Can you atleast get to know him first” you tell her, catching yourself up with Bucky.
When you both were walking to the front door. The music, screaming children, so much noise was everywhere. You weren't sure how there wasn't a noise complaint from neighbours.
When you and Bucky enter the backyard to most of your family. It's like the scene from Shrek when the Kingdom meets Shrek and Fiona, as the music and everyone quiets down. You wish were joking. 
It wasn't hard to notice when everyone lit up at the sight of you and then saw the Winter Soldier right next to you. 
Bucky was trying to be patient, he was, but it was tiring getting the same reaction when you introduced him to your family. He could understand the shock of being in the same room as a murderer–– no that isn't him anymore or was never him to begin with. 
“And this is Bucky” every single time, that’s the line you used to introduce him. 
Now you both are at a rounded table in the shade. Your sister is next to you and her boyfriend.  Your aunt, her husband, and two of your closest cousins are around the table too. A plate of food in front of both of you, Bucky raves to your mom and aunt about how good the cooking is, warming your heart.
Other than that conversation flows like the sea, in a mismatched pattern. Your main priority being it doesn’t become too bare, but of course it all fails. But Bucky can only think about how the most affectionate one of the two (you) hasn’t tried to hold his hand once. Most likely isn’t appropriate to touch each other in front of her family, is what he comes up with. 
“So Bucky, how are you adjusting?” your sister asks.
Oh god.
“It’s going well, not everyday is easy, but I have help” he responds, smiling down at you. 
“Must be crazy how different times are, huh?” your uncle jumps in. 
“Definitely” he chuckles “All the tech is cool. I will say I thought the prices before were outrageous, but nothing beats now.”
“I’ll say” your uncle agrees. 
You sit back a grin on your face, enjoying the way conversation between everyone and Bucky flows. He was starting to get comfortable and your family was getting over their epiphany. He was making them––especially your uncle–– laugh which was an accomplishment in itself. 
“Did you have a lot of family or siblings growing up, Bucky?” your sister asks. 
You feel like you might lose your calm, why is she acting this way?
“Oh...uh. I think three. I know I had a little sister, Rebecca”
“You think?” the tilt in her voice doesn’t fly by you unnoticed. You flick her shoulder, mouthing a knock it off.
“When you’re under for so long things just start to fade y’know.” He informs her, a breathy laugh follows behind nervously as his leg bobs vigorously. 
She definitely didn’t know. No one around this table could relate. Not something the average person goes through, but Bucky wasn’t thinking too much when he let the last bit out. Everyone could see the result of that with the silence that made its way back. 
“How long have you guys known each other?” your aunt asks. You let out a breath of relief and gratitude.
“We’ve known each other for eight months” you answer.
You wish you could’ve taken Bucky’s words away next, “Dating for five” he publicized proudly. 
You shrink into yourself at the wide eyes and wilting postures of everyone around you. Of course, at that moment your mom your mom walked over. 
“You’re dating each other” 
The shrill sound of their voices causes you to become more antsy. 
At that moment, everything clicks for him as he turns towards you, but you don't look at him. Keeping your vision on the food on your plate. 
“What?...Y/n.” you can hear the uncertainty in his voice when he calls out your name, but you won’t look at him and it’s pissing him off. 
“Y/n. Do they not know we’re together?” he asks and when you finally look at him and see the furrow of his eyebrows and the lines between them. His lips in a thin line and the grip he has on the table, the guilt goes from a bucket of water to a whole tsunami. 
Watching as your eyes wouldn't keep contact with him. Darting from his and to whatever was around him, is enough to answer his question. He stands up, he takes in how everyone gets startled and how your mother takes a step back. 
He scoffs before making his way through the house, out the door, waiting for you outside. 
You ignore the stares, keeping your head down. Rushing after Bucky. You find him standing against your car, arms crossed looking up at the sky. Taking notice of his clenched hands and the clinch of his jaw. 
“Bucky––” you start lightly. 
“I don’t want to talk right now” he swore, eyes staying ahead. 
“Well I think we should...I didn’t tell them because I didn’t want them to judge you before getting to know the actual you?”
“Were you even there?” he questions astonished, his head whipping towards you, at your claim. “That’s bullshit and you know it”
“It’s not! You’re seeing this with tunnel vision! I just wanted them to see you for you first”
“You’re embarrassed by me! You didn’t even tell your ma––god y/n, I feel like a fucking idiot.”
“I’m not embarrassed!” 
“You let go of my hand before we even walked in the house”
“Yeah so they wouldn’t know, so they could get to know you! Why aren’t you understanding?” 
You're getting frustrated and you know your voices are less than quiet. Standing in the middle of the driveway like banshees.
“You know how this shit is for me...What? So if it was Steve or fucking Sam you were bringing you wouldn’t have told your family?”
“That’s different! they’re praised wherever they go, people don’t see my bucky first they see the winter soldier. I’m sorry, but it’s true I was just trying to protect you” 
You try to hold back the tears on your face, your eyes stinging. With the way red rims his eyes, glazed over, and the rough breathing through his nose. You can tell he's trying to do the same. 
“Take me home” he demanded, it was the end for him and he had no reason to keep hearing you spew these excuses. 
“I’m serious. Take me back to my apartment.” He looks away, the clue that you were going to bring him home were your footsteps distancing. 
You walk back in the house with a huff, making a beeline to the table where your bag and keys were. Thankful that the table was scarce except for your sister who watched you pick your things up, like mad. Her hand comes down on your phone when you go to grab it. 
“What?” you ask. 
“You’re leaving?” she asks.
“Of course, I’m leaving Daisy. He wants to go home, no thanks to you.”
“Yes you, what was up with your awful questions?” you question her.
“Excuse me for being surprised that my little sister brought an assassin to a family reunion. Let alone dating him?” she tells you, standing her ground. 
She's always been protective of you and you can understand that. Shifting the blame towards her won't do any good between you and Bucky anyway. But, you've also had enough and need to find a way to fix things. 
“I’ll call you later, tell mom I said bye” you tell her, taking a brisk glance. 
You both sat knee deep in silence. Everytime you tried to take a glance at Bucky he only looked ahead, saying nothing. Hand raising up, time to time, to wipe away a tear or two . When you were at a red light or stop sign , it gave you a chance to turn your head. But, everytime you tried to take a proper look at him he'd look out the window. Leaving you to turn your head back, your grip on the wheel tight.   
The moment you arrive at his complex and put the car in park, he hops out of the car. Never looking back, only grumbling, “Don’t bother calling. We’re done.”
“Bucky!” but the door slams shut and he ignores whatever you have to say. 
He meant that with every being in his heart. Any time you tried to call he let it ring until it came to the point where he blocked your number. You got the hint and hadn’t seen him since.
i’ve been sitting on this for sooo long, ofc my first bucky fic is angst
if you enjoyed this pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it<3
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scarletblink · 2 years
What type of secnt do the girls have 🐼
Pandaaaa! My fav anon!
How are you doing? Talk to me babe
I dont know anything about scents and perfumes but i think rosie would have something very comforting that reminded you of burring yourself on your fluffy nest during winter, like the smell of the cold snow falling outside while you both are under the blankets of your nest and some fresh baked cookies are cooling in the kitchen.
Jen I think has the smell of a fire during a cold day in the middle of a forest and the smell of leather, like when you hug her and she's wearing a very nice leather jacket.
Lisa probably smell of baby kittens or a warm cinnamon roll in front of you after you've been craving something sweet all day. She probably also has a very comforting smell that makes you want to cuddle up to her in bed.
Jisoo i believe she has the smell of a fresh forest after the rain or the smell of lavender like freshly washed clothes hanging outside to dry but in a way that hugs you all around and makes you feel clean and soft.
To other alphas they all probably smell like something too sweet or aggressive.
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Socks [S.B.]
Sirius Black x reader
Word count: 1.8k
N/A: This is based on a headcanon and I was writing it last night before bed in case it's not so good👉🏻👈🏻
I'm about to reach 200 followers, in case you want to follow me!
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You got up suddenly by the insistent knocks on the front door. You weren't expecting anyone, or at least you didn't remember.
"I'm going!" you screamed sleepily, feeling out of bed and staggering to the door, which wasn’t far from your bedroom "Who is it?" you asked fearfully with your face pressed against the wood of the door.
Even though it wasn't dark yet, it was late enough for visitors to be dangerous and you thought maybe it would be an emergency. So when you heard his voice, it didn't take you more than a few seconds to unlatch the door and open it.
"Sirius?" you asked worriedly. The boy was standing and smiling slightly "Come in, come in" you said hurriedly, taking his hand and ushering him in. He was freezing.
Once inside, you locked the door and finally observed the boy. Half of his silky black hair was tied up in a black scrunchie that he had surely stolen from your room, he was wearing his usual leather jacket, a black T-shirt, and jeans of the same color. His boots, his precious military boots shone on his feet as if he had magically cleaned them.
"Is everything okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" you asked in a stammer, grabbing the boy by the arms and looking for any sign of a fight.
"Hey, it's all good" he mumbled amused. He took both of your hands with only one of his and smiled tenderly"I just wanted to come to see you, can't I?" he asked fondly, watching your frown "Aren't you happy to see me?"
"Of course I'm happy to see you, but ... you didn't tell me you'd be coming"
"I wanted to surprise you" he exclaimed gently, placing a kiss on your knuckles with great care.
"Surprise me?" you asked in a whisper, watching the almond-eyed young man. The wound on his brow was already healing from his last fight.
Not that Sirius got into physical trouble constantly, just that he sometimes defended those in need too much and ended up with a hit here and another there.
"Are you still asleep, love?" he joked, with that bright smile that only he could have "I wanted to spend some time with you, it's just that" he exclaimed to reassure you. He knew you would get a little nervous sometimes when he came out of nowhere, but he didn't want to admit that he had missed you too much to ride his motorcycle to your building to look for you.
"Oh, in that case, it's fine" you replied, a little more animated. You released your hands from his grip and brought them to his face, to hold him carefully "I'm happy to see you here, handsome" express yourself sincerely, with a calm and loving smile that Sirius enjoyed.
"I am also happy to come. You look very pretty in those pajamas" he said flirtatiously as he winked at you. It was then that you noticed that you brought one of the shirts that he had left in your room for the times when he stayed to sleep there. You suspected that this would be one of those nights.
"Do you like it? This shirt was given to me by a wonderful boy" you said proudly, taking the fabric between your fingers.
"He gives it to you?" he asked curiously. You laughed as you felt the boy surround you from behind and press against his body, sniffing your neck with a smile.
"Yes, he said that since I liked it so much I could keep it" you innocently admitted. All worry was gone from your system, being replaced by the joy of having the young man with you.
"How convenient, my pretty girl" he exclaimed close to your ear, tickling you. You laughed softly and felt his curious hands travel up your waist, shortly before he placed a playful kiss on your cheek. First it was one, then another and another until you began to fight to free yourself from his grip and the tickling that he made you feel.
"Sirius!" you murmured between laughter, squirming in his arms. As he kissed you, you began to walk backward until your boyfriend collided with the edge of the couch and you both fell into it, you sitting on his lap and he holding you tightly by the waist.
Once you were there, you laughed again and Sirius finally stopped kissing you, to kindly hug you and rest his head on your shoulder.
You sighed heavily, to release the air that you had held during that kissing attack and then you placed your hand in Sirius's hair. You carefully removed the scrunchie and began to gently massage him, leaning your head against his chest.
"What a beautiful thing" you said funny, looking at the elastic band and putting it on your wrist. You felt Sirius smile on your shoulder.
"Do you like it? A beautiful lady gave it to me" his voice sounded muffled and then he rubbed his cheek against your skin, like a kitten.
"I think so" you laughed, a little resigned because that joke had returned you, and continuing with the massage that Sirius was already beginning to enjoy. You heard him breathe out softly and knew immediately why it was. "Are you tired, honey?"
"A little" he admitted in a low voice "Work is killing me, but being here with you makes me feel better" he whispered and a smile escaped your lips.
Sirius did that on occasion. He didn't ask for anything special, he didn't go to your apartment to have sex like many couples did. He just hugged you, closed his eyes and sometimes fell asleep with you in his arms. It was his way of resting from the world, from his work, his obligations, from everything that wasn’t you.
"Love" you spoke softly. The way he breathed in made you think he had already fallen asleep "Do you want to stay here tonight?"
"No, no... I'll go. I have some... uhm, things to do" he started to say, but you heard in his voice that none of it was true.
"Please stay," you asked him softly, turning your head to look at him. His eyelids were already closing and you took the opportunity to catch his lips in a kiss.
At first it was something tender, but as the seconds progressed the contact deepened. Without stopping kissing him, you settled face-on in his lap and felt his fingers running over your lower back so slowly that it became torture for you.
You parted just so you could remove the boy's jacket, which was starting to get hot at the moment. But they weren't in any rush about it, they just enjoyed finding themselves in each other's arms, kissing like they hadn't in a long time.
As it progressed Sirius caresses advanced under your shirt as well, bumping the warm skin of his fingers against yours.
"Y/N" Sirius called you, interrupting the moment.
"Tell me" you whispered on his lips. Your hand went back to his cheek, making the boy lean on it.
"Can I really stay here?" he asked fearfully. That behavior caught your attention and you had to separate yourself to get a better look at it.
"Of course you can stay, as always" you muttered, looking for some sign to justify his behavior so strange "Seriously, is something wrong with you? Did you have problems with someone?" you asked again with the same concern as the previous time.
"No, it's nothing, precious" he said, caressing your arms up and down with his hands. You didn't believe him "I just wanted to know if you still wanted me around"
You made a confused face, not knowing what was going through Sirius's head. Maybe he had had problems at home and that's why he was so insecure, but you didn't want to question him, you wanted to support him.
You exchanged your grimace for a reassuring smile and held his face with both hands.
"Of course I want you here. You are my boyfriend, I will always want you around here" you said kindly. You left a small kiss on his nose and then returned to look at him tenderly.
"Then I'll be around" he answered a little more calmly. You could see it in his eyes.
"Do you want to go to sleep already?" you asked, with the same warm tone that you had used previously. The boy nodded and was guided to your room with joy, where he took off his jeans and let his chest fall against the mattress.
You laughed when you saw him only in his underpants, although it was not the first time and your eyes traveled to your still covered feet.
No way.
"What are those, Siri?" you said totally amused. Sirius raised his head with only one eye open and smiled when he saw what you meant.
"My socks?" he asked smiling and bending his knees so that you could observe them better. He wiggled his toes tenderly which made you laugh even more "Don't you like them?"
"Sirius, you literally came dressed completely in black and under your boots you decided to wear those socks?"
"It's Spiderman!" he defended himself and you really couldn't stop laughing. "I also have Batman ones, if you think those are more suitable for my tough-guy image" he exclaimed with a shrug, but you were already red-faced from the lack of air. Sirius felt a bit embarrassed and he threw one of your pillows at you with a smile "I don't see what is funny" he complained. You walked up to him and lifted his head by his chin. There was a pout on his lips.
"I really love you so much," you said, still smiling widely. Sirius looked at you with flushed cheeks and changed his pout for raised lips in anticipation of receiving a kiss. You gave it to him with pleasure and his hands took you by the thighs exerting a certain comfortable pressure that he remained there for a few minutes.
When you finished kissing Sirius took you by the waist, he pulled you next to him on the bed, repeatedly kissing your cheeks and part of your neck and finally hugging your body tightly. Standing there, half-naked and hugging each other, Sirius spoke again.
"Me too"
"You too what, baby?"
"I love you very much too" he admitted. You couldn't see his face, but you knew he was smiling over your hair. Still with a smile on your face you turned to face him and gave him one last kiss on the lips that was very well received "Rest" he spoke with a sleepy smile. Your hands were placed in his hair while he was placed on your waist and hips respectively.
"Good night, love" you said in response as you untangled his hair with your hand and felt his head resting on your chest, hearing his breathing slow down. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
First kiss 💋
With Reiner Braun
Notes: SFW. Smut of the smuttiest. More fluff than a prancing kitten. It switches between she/you/yn a lot I just edited it from a previous piece I'd made a little while ago and mobile Tumblr isn't the best for my fat thumbs.
As soon as my computer is fixed I'll tidy it up ✌️
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It's year three of the cadets. Reiner finally has you all to himself as you browse the market stalls in the quaint town of the Trost District.
But a summer shower quickly dampens his already low spirits, knowing these feelings for you are strictly forbidden...
As the sky began to darken over Trost, Reiner glanced up at the gathering clouds and wondered if he should call it a day. He was reluctant to; it wasn’t very often he got to have you all to himself.
His golden eyes glanced at y/n as she pondered over the stall she was standing at – the vendor excited to show the wares. His eyes then fell to the pavement under his feet. She looked gorgeous as usual. Her white dress hugged her curves and it flowed right down to just above her ankles. He’d noticed the glances she gotten from men, of course he did. He also noticed the second looks he had gotten.
Eyes filled with envy.
Those men thought you were a couple and Reiner secretly loved it. What he wouldn’t give for that to be true.
“Reiner?” Your soft voice called out, snapping his attention.
“What do you think of these gloves for Mikasa? They’d definitely help with her training.”
Sweet y/n.
Whenever she had spare money, she would spend it on her friends. Mikasa had been getting blisters from her pairing blade hilts. They’d joked she takes out her frustration towards Eren’s behaviour out on her grip; pretending they were his neck.
“Uh, yeah. I think they’ll come in handy, sure.” He replied half dazed.
“Everything okay?” she asked as she handed the salesperson the cash. “You seem a bit out of it.”
He instantly pulled up his usual facade. “Me? I’m fine. Looks like it’s going to rain though. We should head back.”
“Okay.” She smiled slightly, taking the paper bag with the leather gloves inside. They began to walk down the street back towards the barracks.
He silently kicked himself.
He wanted to take each step as slowly as possible, trying to wring out as much alone time as he could.
When did it get so bad?
If she didn’t have her swarm of friends around her constantly, and Bertolt didn’t act as his shadow maybe he wouldn’t be so desperate to be alone with her in the first place.
Why did he even want that though?
He wasn’t dense. He knew he had a soft spot for her and despite his best friend’s warnings, he ignored his advice to stay away. It got worse and worse like an neglected cavity in a tooth. The longer he left it, the deeper she bore into him. He wondered if the pain of a toothache would be better than this constant yearning to be near her.
When did he become so pathetic? When did he become so... weak?
Reiner Braun was the strongest male in the 104th with the highest grades. Dedicated. Focused. Yet this H/C'd girl walking beside him with her sparkling e/c eyes could easily bring him to his knees.
He’d gone through the implications in his head over and over. His friends from back home wouldn’t approve. It’s not like they didn’t like y/n... In fact he was surprised how well she got along with them.
It was because they didn’t join cadets to fool around with beautiful women.
They were there to return home. Home... He wondered what his family would think of her. That was when he shook his head.
There wasn’t any use in going down that trail.
“Oh no...” y/n winced as fat rain drops began to fall from the swollen clouds.
It was a summer day so they didn’t think to bring a jacket. In fact, none of their friends earlier had been wearing one.
Within seconds the heavy drops were crashing down all around them, people ran for cover and merchants began to hurriedly set up a canopy over their goods.
Reiner grabbed her wrist and began to run.
“Summer shower.” He explained. “It won’t last long, but it’ll be a soaker.” . Women around them let out a squeal as a loud rumble of thunder echoed out over the town. Puddles were already forming as Reiner hurriedly led her down the clearing street. As they ran, water splashed around their ankles from collecting on the road.
With his free hand, he began undoing the buttons on his shirt.
“What are you doing?!” you called out over the loud crashing of water. “You’ll catch your death!” By the time she uttered the last word of her sentence he whipped around and lay his large shirt over her head before returning to pull her along.
“Dont want that pretty dress to be ruined, do we?” he joked, yet his face stayed serious. “Reiner...” you whispered in awe, inaudible due to the rain.
Not long after, you'd reached the stables where the transport horses were kept. It was deserted, being the cadets weekend off and were carting the soldiers to their home towns for the next couple of days.
Reiner pushed open the large wooden door of the hay storage barn, before ushering you inside.
“Are you crazy?” you laughed once they were tucked in away from the downpour.
Beads of rain rolled down his bare flesh, trailing down his pronounced pectorals and solid abs.
Reiner shrugged. “Didn’t want you getting cold and wet.”
Your eyes softened gorgeously as he turned to rub his hand over his hair, getting excess droplets off him.
His back muscles flexed with every small movement before he turned back around, Goosebumps raising on his skin and his nipples hardening from the chill.
The barn was filled with the relaxing sounds of the heavy pattering of rain on the wooden roof above their heads. This was the side of Reiner you'd been waiting to see.
You knew he had it in him, underneath the crude jokes and the flirting attempts. He was a gentleman through and through. He just liked to hide it for whatever reasons she didn’t know.
His shirt was warm and his scent rolled off it into her nose.
You hadn’t realised how much you actually enjoyed his smell until now. It sent waves of comfort over you, like the smell alone was his big strong arms wrapping around your body, ensuring your safety and comfort.
You'd decided.
You had been pondering on your feelings towards your classmate for a little while now and wanted to be sure. The torment of professionalism as well as distractions from training had been hanging over your head.
But there was just something about him that you was pulled to.
He jumped a little when you placed your soft hand gently on his forearm. The skin across the bridge of his nose and under his eyes instantly heated up, turning a hue of pink.
You were so close to him and he got what he always yearns for – for your skin to be touching his.
The next thing he knew you were reaching up and planting a tender kiss on his cheek.
The breath caught in his throat and that pinkness burned more brightly. Every muscle in his body tensed and his eyes enlarged slightly. But what really sent his chest thudding was when you pulled the kiss away.
You kept your face close to his, now bearing the same pink hue. Your gorgeous eyes glistened, long lashes framing them beautifully. You smiled adorably, pulling at his shirt that was now draped across your shoulders.
“Thank you...”
Y/N spoke softly, her hair a little messed up from the shirt but it just made her look even more beautiful.
“For what...?” he replied in a haze.
“Being you...”
Those last words penetrated straight through his macho exterior and felt like they pierced into his heart, injecting some sort of warm fluid that quickly spread across his entire chest.
He didn’t even think.
It was like he went on auto pilot and his instincts just took over.
Placing the side of his index finger under her chin, he tilted her head up slightly and closed the gap between them, gently pressing his lips against hers.
His heart smashed against his solid barrel chest as she kissed him back, her lips softer than he had ever imagined them to be.
She ran her hands up his shoulders and hung them, opening her mouth a little wider as they kissed, giving him full permission to explore her mouth.
He did so without hesitation.
Sliding his tongue passed her sweet lips, he entwined it with hers.
It felt like fireworks and explosion were going off around him and he thought he could see stars behind his closed eyelids.
Having her kissing him and getting to be this close and intimate with her was the best feeling he’d ever had.
The adrenaline was richer and sweeter than any fight he’d been in or any training exercise.
It just felt perfect.
It began to get heated pretty quickly as their pace quickened slightly, deep exhales leaving his nose and his brow became furrowed and desperate.
She truly did make him feel weak.
He handled her gently. Although he knew she was strong, it she also felt delicate, like his big lumbering body could break her at any moment.
Her fingers ran through his hair and she pressed up against him, his arms wrapping around her in a sweet embrace.
Although he thought he was the luckiest man alive to be able to kiss her, his body quickly began needing more of her.
He battled with it, keeping it under control and letting her now take the lead of the kiss.
She gently pulled his pouty bottom lip with her teeth, making it that much harder for him to not throw her down and lift up her dress.
Instead, he settled for a please grunt, his brows creasing deeper as he became hungrier.
She slowly pulled away.
He pressed his forehead against hers, unable to hide the dumb grin that spread across his face as he caressed her hair with his right hand.
“What’s with that goofy grin?” she joked quietly; her sweet breath warm on his face.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He replied, his grin stretching further.
Smiling, she lowered her head almost shyly at that titbit of information.
She then fixed her eyes on his. “Really?”
“Of course...” he looked genuinely surprised. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“Oh stop.” She laughed.
He took her hand and placed it on his bare chest over his rapid heartbeat. His honey eyes not removing their gaze from hers. “I swear.”
She didn’t know what to say.
“Well, you have awful taste.” Was what she settled for.
But having Reiner Braun, of whom didn’t really catch her eye at first, now she’d gotten to know him was extremely attractive; his chest bare and holding her close like this set a burning desire deep within her.
One that she would have to keep under control.
...For now.
She gently placed her hand on his jawline before replacing her mouth onto his.
He let out a small unintentional exhale from his nose, more than happy to slide his warm tongue back inside of her.
Her hands gently caressed his broad shoulders, her pace quickening and her teeth grazing his lip.
She didn’t want to let things get too heated too quickly, but battling her urges seemed like an uphill battle. He’d grown on her a hell of a lot over the last three years and having him hold her like this felt amazing.
As Reiner kissed her, he pushed away the little voice inside of his head that was telling him this was all a big mistake and he had just complicated things massively.
He didn’t care.
His feelings for her had always surpassed the doubts that swirled around in his mind. And now, knowing she had some reciprocating feelings it was incomprehensible that he would now turn his back on her.
He grazed his hand lightly up her arm as he slowly and almost gracefully devoured the inside of her mouth. Her skin was the softest thing he’d ever touched like some fine silk from a faraway land. He almost felt like he was ruining her just by having his unworthy hands upon her flesh.
She pulled away once again and he sealed their kiss with another gently peck.
“This is crazy...” she sighed taking a step back. “We’re training to be soldiers.”
“I know how you feel, believe me.” He muttered, a frown tugging at his mouth. “But I think life’s a little too short to be putting good things on the back burner.”
She pondered on that for a moment.
He began to feel desperate. Now that he had her affections within his grasp, he wasn’t about to let them slip through his fingers.
“I mean...” he took a step forward and held her hand into his large pair. “I know I joke around a lot but you...”
He paused for a moment, choosing his words.
“I didn’t kiss you with the intention of just having you then leaving. ...I want us to be together. Properly. Hell, if we weren’t in Cadets, I would be asking you to marry me right now.”
That blushing hue returned to his face as he shyly looked away, not used to spilling out his feelings like this.
But the humiliation and discomfort would be worth it if he managed to gain her as his own.
Again... When did I get so weak?
She did a better job than he at hiding the grin that was threatening to spread across her face.
Instead, her face matched his reddening tone.
“Are you saying... You love me, Reiner Braun?” she spoke softly.
He pushed away every instinct that told him to run and hide.
“Yeah. As a matter of fact, I am.” He replied steadily.
Now it was her turn to ignore her instincts to run.
“R-Reiner. It’s not that I don’t care for you too, I do. But... Ah, it’s complicated.” She grimaced. “I don’t know when.. uh... I’ll be ready to...” her face was almost glowing at this point.
“Hey hey...” he soothed. “Its okay. I love you. I don’t care about waiting.” His face returned to the familiar serious soldier expression she was so used to seeing during training. “Even if you’d wanna wait until after marriage. I don’t mind.”
She squirmed uncomfortably. “Its not that. Maybe we can talk about it... Another time?”
It perplexed him but he didn’t mind. “Of course.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“So...?” He melted back into that cheeky smirk.
The classic Reiner grin. Mischievous and cunning.
“You wanna give this a shot?”
Y/N noticed the rain had slowed to a stop, the clouds had moved on and the sun was shining once again.
She’d known Reiner now for almost two years. Spent every single day pretty much in his presence. They’d worked together, laughed together and well... Now this.
She reminded herself how strong that urge was to kiss him only minutes ago. Why she initiated closeness in the first place. Her mind fluttered through the pages of her recent memories and how he had been making her feel these days and how her eyes have been lingering upon him a little longer than she’d like.
She let out a sigh before smirking back at him. “Sure. But don’t get comfortable now. Just because you have me doesn’t mean you can start slacking your charm.”
She playfully pushed his cheeks together with her index and thumb, resulting in a chuckle rumble from his broad chest.
“I swear it.” He grinned, kissing her.
“Come on. We’d better head back.” She smiled, handing him back his shirt.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Steve would dress up as a sexy black cat for Halloween we talking full garters and lil skirt w cat ears and tail bc that boy will have any excuse to look hot and 2 things happen, Billy’s gay brain takes over boy completely useless, and Robin won’t stop calling him a furry
“Robin, I’m not a fucking furry.”
Billy choked on his drink as he heard Steve’s voice from the hall.
He hadn’t wanted to come to this shitty Halloween party, had put little to no effort into his costume, just a leather jacket and no shirt. Call him the goddamn Terminator.
But now he heard Steve Harrington yelling that he’s not a furry, and that might just make up for this lame shitfest.
And then Steve Harrington actually walked into the kitchen, heading for the counter covered in alcohol bottles.
Billy stared at him.
He was wearing, like, nothing.
Sheer black stockings hugged his thighs, held up by lacy garters disappearing under a tiny black skirt.
Fluffy black cat tail swished around, pinned to the back of the skirt’s waistband. His black bralette matched the garters, lacy and so pretty. He ears clipped into his hair, black and fluffy like his tail.
His collar had a tiny bell on the front, trimmed in lace.
Billy couldn’t tear his eyes away.
Steve had showed up to this goddamn party wrapped up in lingerie, like some little kitten femboy dream.
He mixed himself a drink, leaning against the counter next to Billy.
“So what are you dressed as?” Steve even had fucking make up on. Billy tried not to drool. Tried not to get a stiffy.
“Y’know. The Terminator.” Steve flicked one eyebrow up at him.
“That’s the laziest damn costume I’ve ever seen.” Steve leaned over to bump his shoulder into Billy’s, winking at him.
Robin just shook her head. She was wearing high wasited bell-bottoms, a silk tank top. She was draped in scarves and jewelry and wearing big glasses.
“As opposed to you just raiding your grandma’s hippy trunk?”
“Hey, I’m Janis Joplin, man. Have some respect.” Billy grinned at her. “At least I didn’t raid Victoria’s Secret to come as a glorified furry.”
“I’m a cat, okay? A little kitty, if you will.”
“You’re a furry.” Steve pouted at her. It was exquisite.
“I’m at most a catboy. Are catboys furries?”
“You’re not gonna like my answer.” He just rolled his eyes, kicking off the counter to stomp away, black tail swishing. “Go ahead and close your mouth now, Hargrove.”
Billy licked over his lips before closing his mouth.
“So, you into catboys? Or just into Steve.”
“I really don’t know anymore. I just know that that,” he gestured in the direction Steve had tromped away, “is really doing it for me.”
“I probably shouldn’t be telling you this,” she leaned closer to Billy, “but he never shuts up about you. I’m fairly certain that that,” she gestured in the same way that Billy just had, “is to get your attention.”
He shot the rest of his drink.
“I’m gonna go fuck him.”
“That’s the spirit?”
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Meeting and Dating Lucas
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(My spotty gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(This meeting scenario is literally just the beginning of the shoplifter scene but I can’t help but see it as the way Lucas would flirt)
- You met Lucas at the record. You were browsing the records when he first saw you, and dear god, you were beautiful.
- He spent a good while stalking you through the store before he finally approached you and started up a conversation, complimenting your selection and asking if you like music.
- It’s obvious that he’s somewhat flirting with you and you certainly don’t mind. In fact, you play along and flirt back, earning you a small smile from him.
- While you’re talking, you ask about a certain album and he tells you that he can put in an order for it. He asks for your number so he can “call you when they get it in ...and for other things”.
- You write it down for him, handing it over as you repeat his own words “for other reasons” with a coy smile.
- He calls you the next day and invites you to have dinner with him, telling you he’ll come pick you up since he’s bringing you to “a special place”. Before he hangs up, he asks if you’ve ever been on a motorcycle and you take the hint, opting for pants rather.
- So, for your first date he takes you to a clearing where there’s the perfect view of your city. He’s got a blanket and candles set up already, along with a basket of food.
- The two of you spend hours sitting and talking, watching the sunset and the stars come out. You wind up laying down against the blanket and watching the sky which is when he leans over, sliding his hand along your cheek and kissing you softly.
- Your hands come up to hold his arms and soon enough, he’s pulling you over to him, his arms winding around your waist and your hands cupping his face.
- It truly was the perfect end to the perfect night.
- Tame pda. He likes having his hands on you and you close to him but he tries to keeps things light and classy.
- His hands on your shoulders as he stands behind you.
- His arm around you as you’re sitting/standing together.
- Measuring and playing with each other’s hands.
- Random petting and soft touches.
- Cheek and forehead kisses.
- Slow, passionate kisses.
- He’s usually the big spoon whenever you cuddle, burying his face into the crook of your neck and pressing kisses along your shoulder.
- He’s always affected by the sight of you half naked, no matter how long you’ve been together. When you first start dating, it’s arousal but the longer you’re together, it shifts more towards admiration.
- He watches you a lot; no matter what you’re doing really. He just thinks you’re stunning and can’t help it.
- He always notices when you change something about yourself, whether it be your hair or nail color or the way you do your makeup. It’s usually because he spends so much time looking at you.
- Being introduced to Joe; since he’s practically his father, and the rest of the gang at Empire.
- He likes using your name; he thinks it’s pretty, but occasionally he’ll call you something personal that only he calls you or a pet name like kitten or doll face.
- Catching him talking to himself. He gets sort of flustered when you say it’s cute.
- Cute compliments and reassuring comments. He’s always there to call you beautiful when you aren’t sure about what you’re wearing.
- The two of you spend a lot of time together. He likes being with you so he always invites you to go along with him when he goes out or goes wherever you ask him to.
- He’s pretty much always willing to do what you want to do. He doesn’t really have a preference when it comes to that sort of thing.
- Watching the sunset and stargazing.
- He’s a slut for the fall so expect to do a lot of those Autumn activities that people usually do: apple and pumpkin picking, pumpkin spice drinks, decorating with browns and oranges, etc.
- Reading to each other.
- Slow dancing together.
- Music and movie references.
- Existential conversations.
- Sarcasm and playfully testing each other’s patience.
- Playing tag and other games like it. He; sorta surprisingly, likes running around and trying to catch you
- Singing along to music and jamming out together.
- Wearing his leather jacket.
- Motorcycle rides.
- Short road trips, usually to the city.
- Coffee dates.
- Drive in movies.
- Going to all different kinds of restaurants together. You’re sort of “foodies” before it was “a thing”.
- He occasionally doesn’t think things through but he always does things in your best interest; if that makes sense. He’s just so caught up in the thought of helping you that he doesn’t think about the consequences he may face.
- He’s sorta snoopy. He’ll occasionally look through your stuff; it’s pretty much always out of curiosity rather than him actually trying to find something.
- Telling each other secrets and stories about your lives.
- He’s really supportive of you, never judging you and always jumping to your defense when someone else tries to.
- Whenever you’re upset, he’ll sit by your side, speaking softly and trying to piece together what happened with the clues you’re giving him; or just listening to what you’re telling him.
- He sorta acts like your therapist at times.
- As zen as Lucas usually is, he can actually get pretty jealous when it comes to you, especially if the person is blatantly interested in you. He’ll usually make passive aggressive comments until they get the hint or try his best to silently remind them that you’re together and that they have no chance of getting you.
- He’s pretty protective of you, both in terms of someone or something. He has no problem insulting someone or making sure they can’t approach you after they’ve upset you, usually telling them just what he thinks of them before he leaves. If it’s something, then he’ll steer you away from what he finds dangerous and keep you close to him. He just likes making sure you’re safe.
- The two of you don’t fight too often but you do occasionally have them. He has a habit of pushing his luck which, obviously, only makes things worse and winds up just making you angrier.
- He feels bad afterwards and knows that he deserves whatever reaction you give him, whether it be hostility or the silent treatment. That being said, he always gives you a sincere and intimate apology, and a long hug after you forgive him.
- He likes telling you that he loves you but he likes saving it for; slightly, special occasions. He thinks it’s a bit of a heavy word so he wants it to be meaningful whenever he does say it.
- You’re one of the few people that he really cares about and knows cares about him. He’s ready to spend the rest of his life with you.
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
I Don’t Wanna Lose You
Pairing: Slash x (fem) reader
Words: 1,716k
Requested by: anon
Summary: It’s a Friday night and you and your boyfriend, Slash have a birthday party to attend. Everything is going as planned, that’s until he gets drunk, of course. (fluff)
A/N: I hope this was what you had in mind, honey. I got two different ideas for this, but chose to do this one ‘cause I thought would fit more your concept.       
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car​ @ladieswttda​ @teasid​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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You were at your house getting ready, Saul, your boyfriend would pick you up soon.
It was Axl's birthday and the guys were excited about finally meeting you.
You and Saul were together for a few weeks now, a little bit more than a month, and he had been talking about you all the time.
You two met through a mutual friend, Rachel Bolan, who introduced you guys.
It was during one of his band's parties and you two spent the whole night talking, exchanging your numbers when you finally got tired and decided to head home.
You knew who he was, obviously, you had seen his band on MTV, and he had caught your attention right at the first moment you saw him playing his guitar.
He knew you too, you were a model, starting to become famous because of some big campaigns you had done in the past months. 
When he saw you for the first time, it was in a television campaign, and he couldn't take his eyes off of you, even though there were other models with you.
After that party, you two went on a formal date, having dinner and going to a Bon Jovi gig after.
You two became inseparable after that, going out on dates every weekend and talking through the phone every day.
Then, Axl's birthday party arrived, and he decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to his bandmates.
You decided to wear a short satin white dress with some silver high heels. 
You put on a simple makeup and applied some perfume, checking yourself in the mirror and liking the result.
You looked at your living room clock. 7:56 pm. He should be here soon. Sitting on your yellow couch, you played with your kitten's ears while waiting for him.
Suddenly you heard the house bell ringing. Getting up and stretching your dress, you walked towards the door, opening it slowly.
"Hi!" You smiled, seeing how handsome he was in his leather jacket and jeans.
"Hey, gorgeous!" He leaned in, giving you a quick kiss on the lips.
"You look stunning tonight!" He touched your hand and lifted it, motioning for you to make a spin, so he could see you better.
You chuckled a little. "You look great, baby." 
He gave you one more kiss, this time a slower one. "Are you ready?"
You said goodbye to your cat, closing and locking your front door, before walking with Saul to his car.
He drove for almost half an hour before you two got to Axl's mansion. It was huge and all its walls were painted white.
You locked your arm with Saul's, while you walked through the garden. 
Once inside that blasting music took a hold of your ears. People from all over the house showed up to say Hi to Slash. He introduced you to all of them, always saying: "This is Y/N! My girlfriend!" Or "This is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N!"
He looked so proud to be with you that you felt your love for him grow even more.
Love was a strong word. And it hadn't been said yet, but you knew you felt it. 
You knew it, because every time he touched you, it was as if the world had stopped, and every time he called your name, it sounded like music. He was your first and last thought every day and you felt so glad that you met him. 
But you hadn't said you loved him, and probably wouldn't, for now at least. It was still early and you were afraid that he would get scared by the gesture and would leave you. 
The night went by, he introduced you to his bandmates and you really liked them. They were all nice to you, and introduced you to their girlfriends, making you feel yourself at home.
After a while you two parted ways, Saul went on with his friends, while you sat at the living room couch with Axl's girlfriend.
"Seriously, you're the only thing he's been talking about lately." She told you, taking a sip of her beer.
"I can't judge him, I think I do the same thing all day too." You chuckled.
"You really love him, don't you?"
"Yeah! I do!"
"I can see, there's a sparkle in your eyes when you're talking about him!" She smiled at you.
You chuckled, feeling your cheeks burn. 
"Speaking about, have you seen him?"
"Not really, I think he's in the backyard with Ax."
"I think I'll look for him."
"Okay! Call me sometime so we can go shopping together!"
"Will do!"
You started walking through the crowd of people, everybody dancing, laughing and singing.
Spotting Duff with his girlfriend at the stairs, you got closer.
"Hey Duff, where's the backyard?"
He pointed to the kitchen direction, without parting his lips from hers. 
"Thank you!"
He gave you a thumbs up.
Walking towards the kitchen you saw no other than Nikki Sixx himself. You were a huge fan, Motlëy Crüe was one of your favorite bands, so you decided to say Hi. 
"Hi! Mr. Sixx? I'm Y/N Y/L/N!" You extended your hand for him to shake.
He looked at you and changed his posture, leaning against the kitchen's counter and shaking your hand.
"Call me Nikki!" He shouted over the music.
"I love your band! You guys are awesome!"
"Oh really, I'm glad to know that such a beautiful chick like you, likes us."
You felt your cheeks burn and giggled a little, putting a lock of your hair behind your ear.
"I have all your records, and got a tattoo!" You showed him the back part of your arm, where you had Motlëy's Girls Girls Girls logo on. 
"Fucking nice!" He said touching your arm slightly. 
You smiled at him.
"Are you here alone?" He asked.
"No. I'm with my boyfriend, actually."
"Hmm. He isn't very smart then, to let a girl like you alone here." He took a step closer.
"He doesn't have a reason to be worried." You replied stated, not liking the turn this conversation was taking.
You didn't notice that Slash had entered the kitchen, looking for you. He saw you and Nikki talking, you laughing at him, he getting closer to you, and his blood boiled.
"Are you sure?" Nikki took a step closer to you, his body almost pressed against yours. "He's not here now, and I can think about something very fun for us to do."
Before you could dismiss him, Saul arrived, circling your waist with his arm. 
"Leave the girl alone, man!" He was drunk, you could tell by his voice.
"She doesn't seem to mind my company, bro."
Everyone around you stopped, even the music got quieter, everybody wanting to see the fight that was about to come.
"Stay the fuck away from my girl, Sixx!" He gritted his teeth.
"Oh, so you're the famous boyfriend? I think you don't really like her, since you left her all alone here."
That was it, Saul lost his temper and shoved Nikki with all his strength. 
"I said: Stay away from my fucking girlfriend, Sixx!"
"Oh yeah? Or you gonna do what?"
Saul closed his fists, his knuckles getting white because of the strength.
You touched his shoulder, but he didn't seem to feel your touch. You got worried. What would you do if they started punching each other?
At that moment, Duff showed up. Saving the party. 
"Wow, wow, wow, guys! Let's calm down ok?" He positioned himself in the middle or both men, towering over them.
"This is clearly a misunderstanding, let's have a drink and calm ourselves huh?" 
They didn't seem to calm down.
"Come on guys, this is a fucking party! Let's not fuck this up alright!?"
Then, Tommy Lee showed up, grabbing Nikki's arm and pulling him away.
You got closer to Saul's ears and whispered. "Please, baby. Calm down!" 
Your words seem to affect him, as he let go of a long breath and opened his hands again. 
Everyone went back to the party, dancing and laughing again. 
You grabbed Slash's hands, pulling him towards an open bedroom, closing the door once you were both inside. 
"What the fuck was that?" It was your turn to get angry.
"I should be the one asking you! Why were you flirting with him?"
He had sobered up by now, the adrenaline affecting his body. 
"I wasn't! I told him I had a boyfriend! And I could have handled that without making a scene if you hadn't shown up!"
"Why did you make such a scene? I thought you guys were friends!"
"Friends don't flirt with your girlfriend!"
"He didn't even know I was your girlfriend, you didn't give me a chance to solve the shit!"
He ran his hands through his hair, groaning with annoyance.
"You looked like a fucking asshole out there! We could have dealt with that in a much calmer way!" You kept complaining.
"An asshole!? I looked like an asshole!? Well, I'm sorry if I get pissed when I see someone flirting with the woman I love!" 
You froze. "Wait, what?"
"I fucking hate it. It looks like I mean nothing to you!"
"No. The other thing. You said you love me."
"I fucking do Y/N! I love you! And I see the way men look at you, and it lets me fucking crazy!"
You walked closer to him, cupping his face. "Hey! Calm down, baby!” He looked in your eyes, getting calmer “I love you too!"
He frowned.
"I don't care about how they look at me, because you're the only one I love!”
He let go of a long breath. "You do?"
"Yes, Saul! I love you!" 
He hugged you, getting calmer. "I'm sorry. It's just that… you're fucking perfect, you know? And I don't wanna lose you!"
"You're not going to lose me, silly! I'm staying with you until you get bored with me." You pecked his lips. 
"Then I guess you'll be staying with me forever."
"I don't see a problem with that." You put your hands on the back of his neck. 
He grinned, involving you in a passionate kiss that stole your breath away.
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augment-techs · 3 years
“I’m—I’m fine. I’ve had worse.” for Ziggy and whoever you want
The blood soiled the clothes he'd been wearing for less than two weeks as easy as anyone else.  Since he'd been fifteen and drawn into the sentry ranks with almost no choice in the matter other than surrender or death, this was something he'd gotten used to. Waiting forever to get new or barely used clothing, only to have it damaged or ruined just after from his inevitably poor luck. Someone actually being there to care about Ziggy in the aftermath of having been inflicted with pain and injury was an almost entirely new experience, though. * Ziggy had been undergoing a lot of new experiences--same as every last one of the other sentries--since the Ranger Slayer ascended Drakkon's throne and set to work making an effort to make the world better. Though, maybe he had the other sentries beat, just the tiniest bit? Even his closest friends and mentors in their small, cloistered group of those not considered heartless, who actually cared about the people out in the world they were supposed to protect, didn't have a superior officer (a Red Sentry CAPTAIN) that was summoned by the Ranger Slayer herself into the throne room the same day as the transfer of power after all the speeches; that allowed Ziggy to tag along because, "Well, everyone will find out by tomorrow, anyway. You might as well put that motor mouth to good use." Ziggy had been under the wing of a goddamn Coinless spy. A General among the people that had been fighting the good fight since before Ziggy was born; who had been hugged by the last vestiges of Angel Grove's living Rangers (Dillon and Scott had to hold him along his shoulders when Ziggy had told them in the barracks that night, he was bouncing in his bed hard enough with such a big smile that it was like he was two years old again without a basic understanding of social constraints; Summer and Flynn just tried not to look too smug that all of them were getting free meals from their own Captains T.J. and Kelsey over having won a bet they'd all made about their favorite Red Sentry) and took his helmet off in front of Ziggy for the first time to introduce himself, not as Captain Williams, but as Eugene Skullovitch, "Skull for short, though. I think you've earned it, kid." Then Ziggy had been introduced to his Captain's best friend in the whole world (Summer had squeaked and almost shouted that she knew who Ziggy was talking about when he described him, "That was Bulk, Ziggy! THE Bulk!") and gotten the biggest hug in his whole life while being doted on by the vast bear of a man speaking of him in glowing terms that had Ziggy limp as a kitten blushing like mad, "Oh, you're the Ziggy I've heard so much about! Skull talks all about you on the wireless, but I think he might have been joking just a tiny bit when he said you're seventeen. Be honest, you're more like fifteen, right? All this hair and wiry muscle, you have to have been pulling his leg?" "Bulk," the Ranger Slayer, who insisted on being called Kim (jesus-fucking-christ) by anyone Skull called friend (which really just meant trust-worthy or not a complete asshole) among the ranks, had put a stop Bulk's mother henning with a gentle tap on the man's shoulder, "Not everyone is built like we were in the old days. I'm sure he'll get more meat on his bones as things improve." It had been awkward after, Ziggy walking with his Captain back to their rooms to find Ziggy's group of friends and the two other Captains; with all of them just gaping at the man's face like they'd never get the chance again. The days that followed with the rebuilding and the Coinless in the halls and taking care of the general populace that had to be told of the change in power and the defeat of Rita. It was tiring, but Ziggy had gotten to spend ten times as much time with his friends and just...not being an enforcer for Scorpina or Drakkon or the like, that he actually allowed himself to relax into the way things were going.  He'd signed up for night classes that some of the Coinless and retiring sentries were teaching. He'd been granted two days a week where he
didn't have to dress in his Black Sentry fatigues, could sleep in, could enjoy himself. Ziggy should have known that not all the new changes were appreciated by everyone. There were sentries, after all, who had been totally okay with the way things were with Scorpina, who were afraid of Drakkon like everyone else, but had been prepared to live their lives entirely by the pathological psychopath's way. There were those that had found Skull's being a spy to be an insult or actual betrayal. Those kinds of people always noticed that they could never address their issues with who they thought was the source of their anger; they never would have confronted Skull, even alone, even on his days off where he went out in leather jackets and jeans and could still beat anyone who bothered him into the ground, no problem.  So, Ziggy really shouldn't have been surprised to being decked the one day he'd gone out alone to check out some of the new apartments and prefabs he and his...friends? Could they really be called just that when they all kissed and touched more than any other groups Ziggy had ever seen?...were thinking of moving into since the barracks had become a little too impersonal to them. And, maybe, he was less surprised about the beating, than he was about how many people were doing it in tandem, with such efficiency as to render him unconscious within the first five minutes. * Yeah... Ziggy was more surprised to wake up, not in some filthy alley that had once been a desolate place to have battles with the walking corpses Rita Repulsa had walking around taking out everyone they could, but on a couch that could almost pass as new. His wiry frame tucked into blankets like some precious thing, head on a pillow that was so fucking soft it was unreal, the smell of the place a familiar comfort without knowing just where he was... The pain of his arm being swabbed with medical ointment. "OW OW OW!" "Ah, calm down you big baby," Skull practically grumbled like a much put-upon old dog answering the whines of a puppy that had stepped in a puddle and scared itself, "It hurts because it's working. This is actually good medicine and not that watered down crap the medics try and conserve." "How would you know that," Ziggy questioned with as much fizzy sass he could muster with a handprint around his neck, one eye changing color around the edges from the sucker punch that laid him out, countless cuts and scrapes, and a possible concussion that Dillon was gonna be pissed about when he arrived at Skull's apartment in the next hour when he got off his sentry shift, "You steal it out of the medical wing?" "I grow my own herbs, actually. Having a background in Classics means I'm good at recollecting things that might actually be useful when I need them. They might not be fully up to code, but they usually work anyway." Callused fingers dipped into a glass jar and traced the bruising Skull had already gone over, adding a warm, clear liquid that clung to the scrapes and coloring that his skipping stone, underwater eyes kept wandering back to; the feeling cool as mint and the smell mixing in with whatever Skull was boiling in the fireplace on a chain--not entirely unpleasant, but it still had Ziggy squirming in discomfort of being doted on in any capacity. "I'm..." Ziggy started again, trying to ignore the itching behind the eyes when Skull moved into checking the marks around his neck, spider-like and delicate and kinder still than he had any right to be with someone he'd had to defend without being asked, hauled back to his own home and been made to feed and water and treat better than someone like Ziggy deserved. (He'd done so much for Ziggy already, from the moment the Red Sentry Captain had kept him from getting a thrashing by a Yellow Sentry when Ziggy had screwed up one time too many and mouthed off; from the man getting him transferred into Dillon's squadron under supervision from Commander Park with Skull checking in every couple of days; from bailing Ziggy and his friends and ordinary people out of fires
and floods and death holes the cursed spirits of Repulsa found them in too many times to count.)  "Yes?" Skull prompted, pausing to wipe his hands on a wet cloth and wrangle the kettle out of the fire. He poured something that smelled delicious into an adorable little leaf and butterfly embossed teacup on a saucer with two little sticks of shortbread on the side. "I'm fine," Ziggy finally got out as he took the offering, taking a sip of something spicy and warm before trying to continue through the stopping point in his throat, "I've had worse." Skull took a huge swig from his own cup like it was nothing more than a shot and looked directly at the boy he'd made his charge, regardless of whether it was a good idea at the time, "And that last bit is exactly why I know you're not fine." The young man tried, he really tried to contest that, but his eyes were wet now, and Skull raised his hand to stall anything his famous motor mouth could pour out into the air between them. "But you will be."
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