#wc: b1-3
bassettmemes · 1 year
NONSENSE, LOGIC, WICKED, VIRTUE ↳ lines from the wayward children series (books 1-3) by seanan mcguire.
"we notice the silence of men. we depend upon the silence of women."
"she was a story, not an epilogue."
"their love wanted to fix her, and refused to see that she wasn't broken."
"this world is unforgiving and cruel to those it judges as even the slightest bit outside the norm."
"hope is a knife that can cut through the foundations of the world."
"the mountain was as powerful as the tide, just...in a different way."
"i am a genius of infinite potential and highly limited patience. people shouldn’t try me so."
"death was precious. that didn't change the fact that life was limited."
"nobody gets to tell me how my story ends but me."
"some adventures require nothing more than a willing heart and the ability to trip over the cracks in the world."
"every choice feeds every choice that comes after, whether we want those choices or no."
"time is the alchemy that turns compassion into love..."
"hope only got you hurt. hope was her least favourite thing, of all the things."
"it can be easy, in the end, to forget that children are people, and that people will do what people will do, the consequences be damned."
"beauty was all the brighter against a background of briars."
"there is kindness in the world, if we know how to look for it. if we never start denying it the door."
"that's why people shouldn't get too hung up on labels. sometimes i think that's part of what we do wrong. we try to make things make sense, even when they're never going to."
"adults can still tumble down rabbit holes and into enchanted wardrobes, but it happens less and less with every year they live."
"nobody promised me a happy ending. they didn’t even promise me a happy existence."
"we’re all puzzle boxes, skeleton and skin, soul and shadow."
"grave robbing was still viewed as socially inappropriate, and doing it when the sun was up was generally viewed as unwise."
"i never saved the day. i never challenged the gods."
"i still am a mermaid. i just have my scales under my skin now."
"i like existing. i'm not ready to unexist just because of stupid causality."
"elsewhere was a legend and a lie, until it came looking for you."
"you are not a cake, you are a human being, and I can see your vagina."
"everything fell apart."
"the children disliked pretending to be ordinary delinquents, sent away by their parents for starting fires or breaking windows, when really they had been sent away for slaying dragons and refusing to say that they hadn’t."
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If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved - Echo! You can read this little chunk as a standalone, or head back to the beginning for the full experience!
Febuwhump Day 1 Part 3
Touch-Starved – Wrecker - An innocent request leads Doc to a horrifying discovery that she's quick to remedy.
Warnings: Reference to child neglect/ starvation, star wars cursing
WC: 3,452
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Still slightly dazed, I watched my hands gather the last of the medical supplies littering the floor from Tech’s evasive maneuvers. He’d sent the Marauder rocketing between incoming fire and tumbling boulders too quickly for my eyes to even keep up with. Hunter had ordered me to stay aboard the ship for my own safety, but the death-defying stunts we’d had to make in order to meet the others at the rendezvous left me certain I’d have been safer with them.
But then we came into view of the very tail-end of their escape. The Separatist forces were staggering. If not for the unforgiving terrain of massive caverns and towering cliffs, the soldiers would have been overrun. Kriff, as it was, they should have been overrun, but the lethal efficiency driving their movements was… nearly inhuman.
Echo danced between flurries of red bolts, the pistol in his hand firing ceaselessly with frightening precision. Even from above, I couldn’t make out where Crosshair lay nestled against the stone wall, somehow anticipating his brothers’ actions well enough to not only avoid hitting them by mistake, but managing to build off their attacks to setoff explosives midair to cover a greater range. Hunter flitted between the targets so quickly, their own computers weren’t able to keep up, lining up enemy fire to take out handfuls of their own numbers between attacks of his own. And Wrecker…
Wrecker was terrifying in the most amazing of ways. I’d seen him toss 100Ib B1’s like they were nothing, but the B2 droids weighed over six times that, and, still, he heaved them about like it was a game. I could practically hear his booming laughter over the screaming engines, knuckles gleaming white as I clung to the flight harness trapping me into the copilot’s seat. Tech hadn’t even slowed down as we skimmed dangerously close to the ground, strafing low enough for his brothers to leap onto the lowered ramp as we soared past.
Of course, they were given the most dangerous missions – each one of them was a far cry from sane, but armed with the mental and physical prowess to rend reality into whatever truth they deemed fit. Maker, I was glad they were on my side…
“H-hey, Doc?” The hesitation in that gravelly voice instantly drew my attention back to the present, glancing over my shoulder to find Wrecker tentatively shifting his weight between his feet just beyond the doorway in a blindly stark contrast to his earlier display of might.
“Yeah, Wreck? Something I can help you with?” I asked softly, offering a gentle smile that I hoped might sooth his lingering unease.
“Ah, well… not really, just…”  Maker, this man was going to be the death of me. It took every ounce of control to keep from melting into a unprofessional flood of affection amidst the display of sweet innocence before me.
“Why don’t you come in here, big guy? I promise that door won’t lock behind you.” I murmured in as gentle of an invitation as I could manage. His gaze shifted briefly, almost as though he was studying the doorway to ensure I hadn’t added some hidden locking mechanism.
“Right, no – I know that.” He said dismissively, but his movements were still stiff as he walked forward enough for the sensors to automatically slide the door shut behind him.
“Alright, you want to tell me what’s going on? Did you get hurt on that last mission?”
“No-no; nothin’ like that!” He answered quickly, hands shooting up to wave away my concern. I leaned back against the cot, hands resting lightly atop the padding in full view as he chewed absently on his lip for a moment.
“Is this about one of your brothers?” I guessed, eyebrow raising slightly.
“Uh… no?” The tilt in that word finally drew an almost exasperated chuckle from me that finally pressed him to speak, though he still stammered over the words slightly, cheeks flaring red. “Well… so, Hunter an’ Echo mentioned what you’ve been… yuh know, that you’ve been helpin’ ‘em, that it was real’ relaxin’ and…” My face lit up, understanding finally dawning on me.
“Wrecker,” I called quietly, “are you asking for a massage?” The instant I said it, his eyes flew open, lips shifting quickly around some excuse that he hadn’t quite worked out. “Sweetie, I would be more than happy to. Is there a spot that’s been bothering you?” The eagerness in my voice seemed to alleviate some of his nervous energy, shoulders sinking slightly as he watched me step away from the bed.
“No-not, not particularly? Just… sounded nice, I guess?” I had to bite my lips to still the way my heart soared.
“Okay. How about I start on your shoulders and back, and if anything feels tender or you want me to focus on anything, you just let me know?” The warmth in my offer was evident even to my own ears as I gently rested a hand over his arm to guide him toward the cot.
“Sounds o-okay, I guess.” He answered in something of a mutter, that earlier hesitation just granting him the briefest of pauses before taking that first step forward.
“Great,” I whispered, letting a grin stretch across my face. “Are you comfortable taking off your armor and shirt?” I asked, stepping away to retrieve a bottle of oil from my personal supply before adding quietly, “It’s okay if you’re not.”
“S-sure.” I wasn’t used to this side of his normally boisterous personality but was eager to reward this step out of his comfort zone with the utmost care. He quickly shed the outer shell of plastoid and shamelessly pulled the top half his blacks off without bothering to loose the clasp stretching down the left side of his chest, and I felt myself pause.
I’d known the man was strong – all of the clones were careful to keep themselves in peak physical condition, but… the way his amber skin sunk against him to overemphasize the peaks and valleys of each muscle was… excessive. With his focus absently tuned to free his legs of the heavy plates, Wrecker, thankfully, didn’t notice that moment of distraction, and I quickly returned my attention to warming the lightly scented oil. That was a concern I would have to address. Soon. But not now.
“Go ahead and lay down on your stomach for me.” I said, drawing that gentle gratitude back into my voice. “Sorry if it’s a little cold.”
“I run pretty warm, so that don’t bother me.” He replied, infectious smile finally returning to those plush lips as he settled onto the cot, corded muscles shifting with painful clarity beneath his skin. Pushing back that fresh concern, I moved to stand at the head of the bed, pouring the oil generously over my hands.
“Mind if I ask what they told you about my messages?” I started at the base of his neck, gently dragging my hands down his spine before shifting up around the curve of his shoulder blades.
“Didn’t say much, I guess – just that you didn’t need to give ‘em any shots to make ‘em stop hurtin’.” The words were muffled against mattress, but the resonance of his voice still carried easily throughout the room. I fought the initial dismissal, searching for a way to ensure he didn’t grow to expect miracles when moments were dire.
“Certain kinds of pain, yeah.” I said, letting the rhythm of my speech fall in tandem with my movements, gradually adding weight to the heel of my palms to begin working the thick mass of muscle. “If you overwork something, or pull a joint wrong, that’s something I can help with.” His shoulders slowly began to sink further into the mattress. “It’s not a magic cure for everything, but I like to think it helps.” He hummed quietly, the sound rumbling against my fingers.
“Don’ think ‘nything’s helped like that when Hunter has one of th’s episodes.” His mumbling was getting worse, and it nearly drew a huff of laughter from my lips.
“I was really touched with how considerate the rest of you were for him - you could hear a pin drop in this thing.” The light praise flowed softly from my lips, shifting slightly to focus more pointedly on the swell of tissue sweeping from his neck down to his shoulder.
“Hm, when he gets like that, nothin’ we do c’n really help, so only thing we can do is not make it worse.” The subtle groan dragged through his words. “Wha’ver you did’s the first thing tha’s worked.” The heartbreak his absently mumbled comment shot through my chest brought with it the too real threat of tears, and I had to take a slow breath to steady myself.
“I’m really glad I could help.” I whispered as though it was a secret shared just between us. “And I’m really happy you’re giving me the chance to help you, too.” A shy laughter shook through him. “Did Hunter tell you about the breathing technique I had him do?” His head shifted slightly as though to glance back at me before going still once more.
“Don’t think so.” He replied, and I could feel some tension return to his shoulders as his attention tuned in on me.
“That’s alright. Would you mind if I walked you through it?” He shrugged lightly with a hesitant, ‘sure,’ and I fell into that trance-like cadence. “All I want you to do is breathe in for five seconds, and then slowly breathe out for eight seconds.” With Hunter, I’d offered no forewarning, anticipating his own assumptions to throw him off-balance enough to disrupt that impatient reluctance, but, with Wrecker’s willingness to follow my lead, I didn’t want him unbalanced. I wanted him calm and confident, fully aware of what to expect.
“Breathe in for 5…” He readily lost himself in the quiet meditation of those guided breaths, occasionally letting out a small groan as my touch dug between his shoulders. He tensed slightly at the sound, but quickly relaxed at the steady continuation of my count.
As I worked, straining my own muscles to push deep into his, I couldn’t help but cringe at the mass of knots lining his spine and tangling beneath his shoulder blades, certain that the only reason he couldn’t pinpoint a problem area earlier was because everything hurt and found myself wondering if it was a pain he’d grown so accustomed to, he’d simply learned to ignore it. Driving by that fear, I meticulously soothed out each ball of kinked tissue until my sweat-soaked hair stuck to my forehead, straining to quiet my own breaths as I continued quietly guiding him through his.
The unruly mess of knots was only a part of my worry, however. His body was painfully wiry, dense muscles void of almost any protective fat. I knew how readily he devoured his rations, and had seen no telltale signs of illness that might impede digestion, but the man was desperately in need of at least another twenty pounds. The question of ‘why’ settled painfully in my chest. Nothing mattered more to Hunter than his brothers, and I couldn’t doubt that he was both aware of the issue and just as troubled by it as I was. Mind racing over the implications, I tried to keep my mind from wondering too far from the man eagerly turning to puddy beneath my hands.
I’d only just begun leisurely revisiting the worst spots when that deep rumble sounded low in his throat, briefly biting my lips against the threat of laughter, but his next breath shook with an even louder snore, and I couldn’t help the way my slow exhale faltered. Movements unrushed despite how deep in slumber the man was, I slowly worked my way over the broad expanse of Wrecker’s back and shoulders once more before stepping quietly away from the bed to retrieve a spare blanket. He didn’t so much as twitch as I draped the fabric gently over him and silently left the room.
“He finally got around to asking you?” Echo was leaning against the wall just a few meters from the medbay entrance, eyes shining with a mirth I couldn’t help but mirror, lips instantly pulling into a broad smile.
“He did.” I confirmed happily, chest puffing out in a little dance of pride. “He just might sleep all the way back to Kamino.” The arc chuckled quietly at my glee, lips shifting with a response, but my expression fell when I caught sight of movement behind him, and he went quiet. Shooting him a grimace of a fleeting smile, I quickly tread passed him.
“Hunter?” I called softly, freezing the Sergeant mid-stride. Eyebrow cocking slightly, he glanced over his shoulder at me as I paused barely a meter away. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” His gaze darkened at the way my troubled words whispered on a hushed breath, giving a short nod before motioning me into the rec room and purposefully closing the door behind him.
“What’s wr”
“Will you take your shirt off?” I interrupted, teeth nervously working over my cheek as my fingers fidgeted against the plate of armor stretching around my thigh. Any other day, the sudden shock that shot over his face, brows arching high above his eyes as his lips fell just slightly open, would have granted me no end of laughter, but the worry twisting through my chest robbed me of that. His expression twitched into a frown, gaze burring into me with that normally unsettling intensity, but, at that moment, I barely noticed it.
“I’m not going to like where this is going, am I?” His voice dragged past his downturned lips with a deep reluctance.
“Please.” I whispered, head tilting slightly, shameless of the desperation in my voice. His gaze turned pointedly away, jaw jutting forward as he released a deep sigh, but with a subtle shake of his head, relented, quickly piling his armor into a neat stack beside him before undoing the clasp of his shirt and pulling it over his head. Fabric still dangling in his hand, he crossed his arms impatiently over his chest and let his eyes sweep back to mine, but I didn’t notice the sharpness of his gaze.
Maker, I could see the outline of ribs connecting to his sternum. Throat shifting to swallow back the sudden stiffness, I stepped closer to him, ignoring the elegant tattoo overlaying his left side as I studied the wretched slenderness of his waist, hips far too visible against the stretch of his blacks.
“Get what you need?” There was a harshness in his voice that only deepened the guilt sinking through my gut.
“Yeah – just lost a bet with Jesse about that tattoo.” I muttered but found no relief in my own wretched joke. “If I drag Crosshair and Tech in here, am I going to be able count their ribs as easily as yours?” I asked, eyes finally dragging up his painfully lean body to see the defensive anger flare through him. The muscles balled against his jaw, tendons gleaming white as his hands tightened into fists.
“Maker, I’ve been with you for months!” I had to turn away from him, hand dragging through my hair as I fought to steady my own breaths. ���Kriff, I’m so sorry.” Exhale fleeing in a tense huff, I forced myself to look back at him, to let him see the depths of my guilt and sorrow, and I saw the hesitation tentatively replacing that anger.
“Will you tell me why?” I begged. His tongue darted over his lips, that burning intensity of his gaze studying me anew.
“Can I put my shirt back on first?” Some heartbreaking mixture of laughing and sobbing shook through me, eye slipping closed as my head dropped to my chest with a small nod, absently listening for the shuffle of fabric to cease before looking back at him. He’d turned that glare toward some distant point beyond the far wall, arms once more looped over his chest as his jaw ground stiffly for a long moment.
“The Kaminoans were never particularly considerate when it came to our… differences from regs.” He started quietly, fingers absently thrumming against his forearm. “Wrecker was nearly twice our weight even as cadets, but they barely gave him any extra rations. The rest of us have been… making do – splitting our shares with him.” I went painfully still as he spoke, horrified at what he’d just told me.
“You’ve been… this has been going on since you were kids?” The words barely flitted across my tongue, reluctant to even grant them that much voice. A flash of that anger flared through him as those dark eyes briefly darted back to me, but whatever he saw when he looked at me quickly stifled it, gaze dropping to the metal floors beneath us.
“I haggle for extra food where I can, but, between the regs and the long-necks, there’s not exactly a flourishing network willing to share with us.” He growled, clinging to what safety his anger granted him. Swallowing back my own disgust at that revelation, I turned resolute eyes up to him.
“Thank you, Hunter.” His brow hitched up at my words, but I was already turning away from him, mind churning over how to fix this because if I didn’t, if I let myself fall into the despair of not noticing it sooner, I’d be no good to any of them.
I’d spent the next hour rapidly typing out messages and quickly sent them in the brief lapse between lightspeed travel as Tech changed hyperspace lanes, and, the instant we landed, darted quickly down the ramp with barely a word of explanation to the others. They’d be busy with standard debrief for at least an hour, and there was every chance we’d be taking our leave again shortly after. I had to make sure everything was finalized by then.
The last delivery had just arrived when the squad made their way back to the Marauder, and they all stopped short, looking over the half dozen crates stacked up around me.
“That better not be some useless nat-born-” I interrupted Crosshair’s snarled comment by silently tossing a ration bar at him. He easily caught it, gaze lingering over the wrapper for a moment before turning back to me.
“Oh, kriff yeah! It’s all food?” Wrecker boomed, snatching the bar out of his brother’s hand before trotting quickly forward to dig through the open box beside me. I’d didn’t have time to answer, lips only just pulling into a small grin before he shouted, “It is! Aww, these are my favorite, too!” The impressed surprised on Tech’s face sent a flush of heat up my neck.
“How did you manage to requisition so much?” He asked, glancing briefly over the wealth of supplies before looking back toward me.
“I’m your medic.” I started simply. “Regretfully, an oblivious one, but my orders still carry some weight. I pulled rank where I could and called in a few favors to update your base inventory.” The darkness that replaced the fleeting glimpse of confusion lingered for barely a heartbeat before his expression went carefully blank. His head dipped in a small nod before turning to his still exhilarated brother.
“Wrecker, let’s get these loaded. We will need to rearrange the supply room in order for them to fit.” Even the loathsome task of organizing couldn’t dampen Wrecker’s joy, and, before he moved to help, the towering man darted toward me, mischief gleaming in his eyes. I barely had time to tense before his arms darting around my waist, iron hold locking me against him as he hoisted me up in a fit of laughter. My hands darted out to his shoulders, loud gasp tearing from my throat.
“Thanks, Doc!” He set me back down and darted away so quickly, I had to grab onto one of the crates to steady myself, cheeks burning at Echo’s quiet laughter.
“Impressive.” The arc murmured warmly as he tread passed me into the ship to help Tech, the sniper following him with barely a glance toward me.
“I’m not sure if I should be grateful or offended in how quickly you were able to get all this.” Hunter said, stepping quietly toward me. My jaw tensed, again feeling that resurgence of guilt.
“This isn’t a one-time thing,” I murmured, gaze carefully burring into his, “I swear. Hunter, if it’s not enough, you tell me.” He watched me in silence for a long moment, but finally replied with a small nod.
Next Chapter
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luxuriousmalfoy · 1 year
Too Good For Me (Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson)
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wc: 200 | femslash february: day 3, "I like hearing your thoughts.” | hp shipuary: day 3, Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson | hp saffics femslash bingo: G1, angst / dark / uhea | KCAWS bingo: B1, Stay with Me by Sam Smith
@hpshipuary @hpsaffics
“I like hearing your thoughts,” Luna says, winding one of Pansy’s curls around her finger. At the raise of Pansy’s eyebrows, she laughs. “Guess I’m not very good at a one-night-stand.”
“You’re too good for me,” Pansy says quietly, locked on Luna’s eyes. But the moment is fickle and Pansy is flighty—she spares only a second before sitting bolt upright. “I should be going.”
“Stay with me, please?” Luna grabs Pansy’s hand, making it harder for her to go. “I know that this isn’t love or anything. But could you just… Stay a while?”
Pansy knows how easy it’d be to stay. She just isn’t sure she can make herself leave if she does. 
“I’m not cut out to be anyone’s girlfriend,” she says. “And that’s what you deserve. A girlfriend.”
“I don’t need that—any of it,” Luna protests. “You’re right, it’s what I want, but I’m only asking you to stay the night. Lay with me and give me something to remember when you’re gone.”
“I can’t, Luna.” Pansy says, pressing a light kiss onto Luna’s hand. She gets up from the bed and starts pulling on her clothes. “I told you, you’re too good for me.”
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Intermission - The Avengers Ft. GN Reader
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Title: Intermission
Ships: Wanda X Vision, Steve X Loki, Bucky X Sam, and Tony X Pepper
Additional Characters: Bruce, Natasha, Peter, Pepper, Clint, Thor, Kate (OC), and Y/N
| Part 1 |
WC: 1,628
Warnings: Mention of headache pills, and slight suggestiveness
"Whatever," Loki muttered, uninterested.
Soon enough, everyone was speaking over each other, trying to decide on what musical they all should go see, but none of them could come up with an agreement.
Sighing, Y/N put all the musicals in a random name generator wheel and spun it.
“Alright, everyone!”
That got their attention.
“I have put the names in a random generator, and just so you don’t think I chose one on my own, Natasha is going to watch my phone, and you know she never lies.”
“Within reason,” Natasha murmured.
As the wheel spun, the room filled with antici…pation! And soon, the wheel stopped, selecting the musical.
“Alright, the winner is The Phantom of The Opera,” Y/N spoke with a smile.
“Yeah, I’m okay with that one,” Sam spoke and Bucky agreed as well.
“I don’t really mind what we see as long as we have fun.” Peter spoke up, making Loki cringe at his optimism. 
“I’ll just stay here with Tony, but thank you, Y/N.” Pepper spoke and Y/N nodded.
“No probs, mom.”
“Alright, then it is settled. They are playing at seven tonight. I’ll buy the tickets for the twelve of us.”
“Isn’t that expensive? It was a lot of money for just the two of us.” Wanda asked, nervously.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I have a friend who works there. She got me a huge once-in-a-lifetime deal, and I stole Tony’s credit card!”
After everyone got ready, all looked presentable. They “borrowed” three of Tony’s cars to head to Broadway.
Entering the huge building, the man at the front scanned Y/N’s phone for the tickets and they were let in, now finding their seats in a huge building was going to be pretty hard. 
“What do the tickets say our seats are?” Sam asked, and Y/N looked at their phone.
“Seats B1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and C1, and C2.” They spoke as they all looked around, it was pretty hard to find their seats. 
Where were all the numbers and why was the room already so dark?
Everyone jumped and turned around, seeing a young woman standing behind them all.
Her eyes stared at them and she gave them all a huge smile. She leaned into the group. “Are you having trouble with finding your seats?”
“Just smile and nod boys, just smile a nod.” Y/N spoke, and the group stared and nodded, cautiously.
“Good! I’ll help you find them then.” She spoke before running off, and seemingly disappearing.
“Right this way!” She spoke, startling them all again to turn around and find the woman standing behind them, pointing back to the many rows of seats.
“You Avengers sure are jumpy.” She laughed maniacally before leading them to their seats.
They all sat in their seats, and the woman disappeared again.
“I hope I can find the bathrooms alright in this place.” Bucky spoke softly to Sam who nodded, agreeing.
“Right hall to the left, fourth door down.”
A voice spoke behind them.
Turning around they saw the same woman, staring at them once more, with a smile still on her face.
“It’s best to go now before the two hours and thirty-minutes, with one intermission, musical starts.” She spoke again before disappearing, again.
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but I am scared.” Sam mumbled over to Bucky.
“Me too.”
“Oh my goodness, that musical was amazing!” Peter spoke, downloading all the songs straight to his phone.
“Yes, her voice is perfect! I could never sing that high.” Wanda spoke with a laugh.
“I loved it, another!” Thor yelled happily.
“This was such a good idea, Y/N. Thank you for taking us.” Bruce spoke and Y/N nodded.
“I really enjoyed it,” Steve spoke, and Loki nodded reluctantly.
Bucky, seeing the super soldier and the god’s hands intertwined, looked up at them and smirked.
“When did this happen?” He asked and Loki smirked while Steve gave a shy smile.
Bucky nodded with a chuckle, while Loki gave his eyebrows a teasing wiggle, and Steve blushed in response.
“Oh, you know you love it, Captain.” Loki teased, bumping his shoulder into Steve’s.
“I hate it but I love it.” Steve mumbled, but Loki heard.
“Well, Steeb, would you like to join me tonight and watch those terrible ‘earth’ movies you hold dear?” Loki asked the man out of time, and Steve sighed, eyes looking down at the street they walked on to get to Tony’s car.
Looking up at Loki, Steve smiled and looked back down.
“Don’t give me those eyes, 'cause you know me, and I can’t say no to you.” He spoke, and Loki smirked, his ego rising.
Bringing their hands up, Loki pressed a kiss to his hand.
Steve glanced between their intertwined hands, before looking up at Loki with a small teasing smirk, his face blushing red. 
“Did you just kiss your own hand?” He asked, already knowing the answer, having witnessed it.
Loki gave the same teasing smirk back, with just a hint of mischief in it and nodded.
“Why yes, yes, I did.”
“Ew, stop flirting and head back to the Tower, we have trouble.”
A voice rang out above them.
Everyone stopped and looked up, seeing Tony in his Iron Man suit, hovering above them.
“Tony? I thought you had a headache? What are you doing here?” Bruce asked.
“Pills can do wonders. And, I was just taking a stroll, so I decided to fly around a bit. You know, rich boi stuff.” He answered before landing.
His face mask moved away and revealed Tony, who looked to the team in sadness and distress.
“You said there was trouble, Tony. What happened?” Natasha spoke, going into hero mode.
“Got a call from Fury. He wanted us to meet him in the sixth meeting room on floor six.”
Peter’s eyes widened, much like everyone else’s.
“Uh oh.”
Fury stood at the front of the sixth meeting room, projector up for his presentation and lecture to the team. Arms crossed, and angry glare on his face, he watched the team slowly pile into the room.
“What’s happened, Mr., sir, Fury, sir?" Peter asked, stumbling a bit.
“Well, turns out, someone thought it’d be funny to dye Agent Hill’s hair mermaid green. Now who could have possibly done that?”
Fury asked the group, his eyes slowly scanning the room before stopping at Loki who was standing slightly behind Steve.
As if Steve could save him from Fury’s wrath. 
Everyone slowly looked at Loki and Loki shrugged, face confused.
“I didn’t do it.” He spoke, raising his hands up in defense.
Fury stared at the god before looking away and at the group once again.
“Well, alright. If it wasn’t Loki, then who could it possibly be?” Fury asked, sarcasm dripping off his words.
Everyone shrugged, no one knew.
Fury nodded, thinking.
“Okay. Well, Hill loves it and she wanted to thank the person who did it but was busy, so I volunteered. Well, the meeting adjourned. 
Everyone watched confused, as Fury left the room and seemingly left the building.
“Well, that was weird,” Natasha spoke up.
“Well, I am going to the bathroom. Dibs on bathroom number thirty-one.” Peter spoke before running off.
And soon enough, the rest of the group headed their own ways to end the night.
The wind was restless, cold, and chill against Bucky. The balcony of the tenth floor was always a favorite spot for him, just to think and rest his mind when he couldn’t sleep. He woke up in the dead of night from a nightmare. His past still seemingly wants to stay with him. He just needed a break, he needed to breathe. Soft footsteps alerted Bucky to someone. Sam went up and stood beside Bucky. It was silent for a long time until one of them spoke up. 
“You okay?” Sam whispered.
Bucky shrugged and gave a sad smile.
“Not really.”
Sam gave Bucky a reassuring back rub, bringing the man closer, into a side hug. 
“Thank you,” Bucky spoke, and Sam nodded.
“It’s no problem.”
It was quiet once more. Almost every night, Sam met Bucky at the same balcony, helping him with his nightmares, and sometimes calming him down. It had been going on for a couple months. And, no matter how many times Bucky tried to lie and reassured the flying man that he was alright and not having these said nightmares, Sam just had to make sure. (And, Bucky couldn’t keep a secret from Sammy.)
Neither of them knew, but their love for each other grew three sizes when they spent that time together.
“What was it this time?” Sam asked patiently.
“Same as yesterday,” Bucky answered with a deep sigh.
Sam hummed and nodded, arm tightening around Bucky’s shoulder.
“You’ll get through it. I once read on Twitter that recurring dreams mean that there is unresolved conflict or stress. Maybe tomorrow for training, you and I could meditate.” Sam suggested.
“You may be verified on Twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of God?” Bucky whispered and Sam chuckled softly.
“Oh, you.” Sam gushed teasingly.
“But, meditation might be good for you.” Sam continued and Bucky nodded, with a sigh.
“Yeah, I just hate meditation.” He spoke, and Sam rolled his eyes.
“You’ve never tried,” Sam smirked.
“Whatever.” Bucky jokingly argued.
“Just try it with me tomorrow. And, if you don’t like it, we’ll try something else.” Sam encouraged Bucky.
Bucky sighed and thought for a bit before agreeing. “Alright, tomorrow. It’s a date.”
Bucky smirked, looking over at Sam, who just smiled back and laughed.
The End
Natasha stared at the two men on the balcony and snickered evilly. Her plan worked. Bruce, Peter, and Steve owed her $20.
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postsofbabel · 5 months
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0 notes
rodos-news · 5 months
Σύλλογος Περιβάλλοντος Σορωνής: Φυτά έχουν βγει στα φραγμένα φρεάτια
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0 notes
Winterhawk Bingo Masterpost
Alrighty so I actually finished this bingo card like...... a while ago
but because I’m a dumbass I didn’t remember about masterposts until....now
anyway, this bingo was arguably my post productive time writing-wise and i wrote a decently impressive 55k words so thank you @winterhawkbingo​ :D
Tumblr media Tumblr media
B Row:
B1: Big Dick Bucky Barnes
WC: 1332
B2: Farmers Market Gays
WC: 720
B3: Murder Strut
Multi-Chaptered Fic. Ch 3
B4: Phil Coulson
Multi-Chaptered Fic. Ch 4
B5: Lucky the Pizza Dog
WC: 553
I row:
I1: Hearing Aids
WC: 591
I2: Virgin!Clint
WC: 1769
I3: Soulmates
 WC: 3524
I4: Aftercare
I5: Musicians AU
WC: 6508
N Row:
N1: Sexual Tension
WC: 3601
N2: Bed Sharing
WC: 2105
N3: Free Space!
WC: 2920
N4: Meet Ugly
WC: 2189
N5: Hawkeye/Winter Soldier
WC: 695
G Row:
G1: Knives
WC: 564
G2: Modern Clint/Modern Bucky
WC: 3033
art by @cheermione​ !!
G3: Romantic Sex
Second chapter of B1 square fill :D
G4: Bed-Stuy
multi-chaptered fic, Chapter 4
G5: Handcuffs
WC: 2612
O Row:
O1: Blowjobs
WC: 1317
O2: Pepper Potts
WC: 810
O3: Makeshift Weapons
  Multi-Chaptered fic, Chapter 2
O4: Bartender Bucky Barnes
WC: 1099
O5: Thighs
WC: 2441
ayyye i did it!!! Thank u mods i love u for doing this and being nice to me even tho i’m a dumbass
7 notes · View notes
kucinghupi · 4 years
pengalaman biopsi
akhir september di tahun 2019 aku mengalami flu, seperti biasanya kalo lagi flu.. tenggorokan sakit tp membatin gpp krn biasanya awal flu tenggorokan itu emg agak sakit... eh ternyata sakitnya sampe flunya mau selesai, trs iseng buka muluuut dan taraaa ada benjolan di antara amandelku.. (tp sakitnya gak trs menerus sakit, kdg malem doang atau pagi..) ehe, ditengah flu ini aku suka minum minuman yg agak dingin dan jajanan berminyak 3 hari berturut2 hehe... cilok, kentang goreng, dll........ mungkin qodarullah ini jg salah satu penyebabnya(?)
tp aku santai aja, mungkin cuma kurang minum🙈 dan aku menambah minum kuu
sampai suatu ketikaaa (lupa hari apa dan kapannya) aku makan ciki enak, hehe, kesukaanku.. (hadu saya, udah tau lagiy sakit, malah makan ciki..)
abis makan ciki itu, sakiit bgt...... akhirnya aku memutuskan ke dokter umum assalam, dikasih obat flu, radang tenggorokan dan pastinya antibiotik, "kalo masih ada benjolannya, ke dokter tht yaa.. di assalam ada jg praktek dokter tht hari rabu dan jumat mulai dr jam 1...." kata dokternya begitu
stlh obat abis... qodarullah benjolannya blm ilang, oke, daftar dokter tht.. (dahal ibu pun dari awal dah nyaranin ke tht, maaf Ibu, hiks) dapet antrian pertama, daftar lewat telpon dari jam 10, sama dokternya dikasih obat gatau apa.. ada obat 3 macam+obat kumur.. ditanya ada maag nggak? aku jawab enggak.. tp ditanya lg di kosan ada obat maag apa? trs jg disuruh jgn makan makanan yg digoreng samsek.. kalo blm ilang, nti dibiopsi trs dokternya jelasin benjolan itu byk kemungkinan jadinya dibiopsi ya kalo blm hilang... temui saya di rs yarsis ya, saya ada senin sampe kamis praktek mulai jam 3.. hehe disini aku mulai deg2, apalagi liat nota harga obatnya hhhehhee alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal
mulai drama bingung makan apa......
beli bubur bayi hehhe, berjuang minum obat tp alhamdulillah obatnya gak berbau...
obat abis qodarullah blm ilang lagi, trs ke yarsis, udah mau ditentuin jadwal biopsi, kirain aku biopsi itu cuma kita duduk, mangap, dicongkel dikit benjolannya, selesai:D kata dokternya dipersiapkan dulu, harus ada orang tua.. dll... trs aku tanya "yg dipersiapkan apa dok?" hehehe kata beliau mentalnya, kesiapan.. trs perawatnya bilang dananya jg dipersiapkan.. kan rawat inap jg.. baru deeeh paham kalo biopsi tu jg operasi hehehhe ternyata biopsi udah masuk operasi sedang sampai besar.. aku dikasi obat lg sama dokter niken, obatnya sama kyk kmren, harganya jg sama🤣
disini ukhti hilma mulai tanya2 biayanya, yarsis blm bisa bpjs, dan aku nungguin sambil nangis sambil liat megang nota obanya hehe...
trs aku chat ibu, ibu maafin lia, kata ibu gpp lia gak salah, yg penting lia semangat berjuang sembuh, semua org dikasih ujian sama Allah, lia lg diuji lia sabar ya, insyaAllah menggugurkan dosa2 lia
obat abiiis alhamdulillah qodarullah blm ilang lg, tapi udah nyerah berobat pke biaya mandiri, akhirnya kita minta ibu tlg kirimin kartu bpjsnya... trs cari rujukan... daftar klinik....... daftar klinik Iis medika... (jazakillahu khairan khonsaa atas saran kliniknyaa) dirujuk ke rs uns. (jazakunnallahu khairan teman2 semuaa terkhusus mbak lail dan mbak aim dan khonsa jg udah selalu nyemangatin.. udah susah ngomong sakit tenggorokan hehheeh, sempet lepas dr obat krn nunggu BPJS cari rujukan dulu dll)
dirujuk ke rs uns.. pertama daftar (hari Jumat) katanya udah penuh poli THT nyaaa daftar lg (hari Senin 28 okt) naro berkas.. masyaAllah ini jg penuh drama mulai antri mulai jam 5, dapet nomer d14 dan ituu dipanggilnya a1 b1 c1 d1 ya Rabb ini kapaaan sampe d14🤣 (ini hari sekulaaa)
nyerah nunggu, pulang ke kosan sempet ke wc, jemur baju dll... trs ukhti hilma punya ide balik lagi yuk siapa tau blm dipanggil....
ternyata dateng baru 1 langkah masuk rsnyaa... nomer kita dipanggil masyaAllah alhamdulillah luar biasa hehe.. masuk ruang dokter jam stgh 11 padahal dars blm selesai, aku ijin... temu dokter niken lagii alhamdulillah, dikasih antibiotik lagiiiii... obatnya kyknya sama tp bau, ga 'se enak' yg kmren hehe, soalnya ini geretoong alhamdulillah.. nentuin masuk kamar rawat inap, biopsi, cek darah... lemes bgt selesai ambil darah, byk diambilnya, pandangan kabur, telinga kyk kedap suara, rasanya mau pingsan hehe, mbhlma beliin teh dan yg manis2, plg naik grab gakuat naik motor hehe
kalo inget2 kejadian ini, aaah mba hilma sayang aku😁🤣 jazahallahu khairan
tgl 2 nov ibu dateng❤️ ibu seneng bgt ke pasar, beli sop matahari, pernah jg sendirian pergi ke pasar, tp pulangnya gbisa dan nyasar🤣 trs nanya ibu2 eh malah dianterin alhamdulillah
temu dokter, ronsen....4 nov, kata dokter kalsium ionnya kurang, nti dibantu lewat infus
masuk kamar sore abis asar kyknya, tp udah dipakein gelang dari setelah dhuhur, mau pulang dulu makan siang, tp gaboleh sama mbak2nya krn udah pake gelang, tau gtu gamau dipakein gelang pasien dulu hehe... mbhilma bawain makan siang dan segalagalaa peralatan menginap rs hehe, jazahallahu khaira....... aku ribet bgt pula gamau pke selimut rs sarung bantal rs trs mau guling jg hehehhe...
malemnya... aku rutin di tensi 3 jam sekali kira2 kyknya.... dr anastesi dateng diliat yg mana yg mau dioperasi, dijelasin biusnya bius total, puasa dr jam 1 malem, dll.. dokter jaga jg dteng... dokternya khawatir krn hasil ronsen paru aku kyk ada yg aneh... ditanya ada keluhan ngga, sering berdebar ngga, ada riwayat asma ngga, sebelumnya pernah rawat inap nggak, apa aja riwayat penyakitnya, keluarga atau sodara ada yg punya tbc nggak... disini aku mulai deg2 hehe, abang izzul pernah tbc, ditanya sering kontakan lgsg sama kknya atau bareng trs pokoknyaaa ditanyaaaa bykkk... dicek dipencet2 leher, dlll... dokter jaganya masih muda dan laki2 pula-_- trs dokter jaganya menyampaikan pesan dokter paru kalau perlu di ambil darah di arteri, ehhe, sakit rasanya... 2x perocabaan subhanallah mantap ambil darah di arteri... arteri nadi detak jantung kita..
dari pergi nya dokter jaga itu aku ngeliat ibu yg khawatir, ibu cerita kalo ibu sampe mikir udahlah lia dibawa ke lampung aja kalo ada apa2 pengobatan lebih lanjut nya ehehe...
alhamdulilah... paginya setengah 9 kira2 dokter paru dateeeng.... ditanya banyak jg dan diperiksa sana sini jg, tp kata beliau gpp, selama gada keluhan dan baik2 aja, hasil cek darah kmrennya jg bagus.... bisa ini dioperasi siap insyaAllah
heheeee... sebelum op aku ngobrol2 samaa desi, udah lama ngga ngobrol lama sama desii... ngobrol ttg skincare hahaaha.. desi ijin sekolahnya nemenin ibu dan aku... mbhilma ttep sekolah krn dikelas kita cuma ber5 kalo 2 org gada sepi bgt kelasnya....... desiii jazakillahu khairan ya cinta, melepas sedikit ketegangan alhamdulillah
gatau masuk ruang operasi jam brp dan keluar jam berapa... dari masuk ruang operasi, aku ditanya trs sekolah dmna kuliah dmana, dioper2 ranjang tidurku, mungkin 4x tu aku ditanya kuliah dmana, hehe... manusianya semua berbaju hijau,.... dibius lewat infus, dan disuruh hirup udara yg dikasi lewat oksigen hirup hirup pusing aku baca لا إله إلا الله trss... takut di bius ga bangun lagi
sebelumnya cuma bisa ngulang istighfar dan اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئت سهلا...
-bangun diruang pulih sadar- diingiiiiiiin banget, pengen ngeluarin suara,tp tenggorokan kyk ada durinya, sakit..... berusaha gerakin tangan, gerakin kaki, gbisa.....padahal udah berusaha bgtt...emg kita tu gada kuasa atas diri kita tanpa pertolonganNya....
لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله
kaki ku ga kena selimut dingiiiiiin....... cuma bisa berdoa, yaAllah dingin, tlg gerakkan mbak2 perawat tuk nutupin selimutku... dan inginku genggam tangannya, alhamdulillah...... kemudian ada yg dteng tapi bukan mbak2.....
lama rasanya aku di ruang itu, trs keluar ruang pulih sadar tp masih didalem dicopot selang oksigen, diganti ranjang rawat inap lagi,... akhirnya keluar dan ketemu ibu, ehee..
dikamar aku tdur lagi, bangun nyalain murottal, blm bisa ngomong, sholat dijama' waktu asharnya... malem udah boleh minum, minum es dan makan es krim, kompres es batu, pipis dlll diranjang, blm kuat ke WC pake oksigen jg krn sesak dan berdebar....... hehe, tp malemnya udah main hp chattingan bahkan vn sama mba ipar tersayang mbakro🤣 bisik2 gitu, sekali doang si hehehehe
bsoknya dokter niken kunjungan dan boleh pulaaang alhamdulillah.........
badan fit pulih 100% dihari 12 stlh operasi, sebelumnya kalau gerak kayak ada loadingnya, pusing....kalau suaranya... berminggu2 hhee, alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal
jazakunnallahu khairan temen2... semuaaanya.. yg ikut doain, nyemangatin, jenguk di RS ato dikosan, bawain makanan yg bisa ku makan, eskrim, mba nurfaaa zulniaar nabila fikaa dan semuanya...❤️ semua ustadzah yg khawatir sampe wa mba hilma juga....hiks jazahunnallahu khairan
Alhamdulillah... sehat itu nikmat sekali, kangen ayam goreng, kangen krupuk... Allah negur aku yg suka tertipu sama nikmat sehat, waktu lg sakit berat rasanya buat ngomong, buat hafalan hadits, matan, apalagi buat ngaji yg perlu nafas juga, alhamdulillah ala kulli hal... semangaaat sehat yaa teman2kuuu nikmat bgt bisa ngaji, hafalan, bisa belajar dengan bersuara.belajar tanpa mikirin nnti makan pke apa ya ngerebus apa lagi ya kukus apa lagi ya hrhehehee... semoga nikmat ini bisa kita syukuri dgn mengakui bahwa nikmat ini dari Allah berucap alhamdulillah dengan lisan kita, menggunakannya dlm ketaatan padaNya dan dengan attahadduts bihaa❤️
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diriku sebenarnya menyadari, kayaknya sebabnya qodarullah karena abses di gigiku yg pada bulan agustus yg nggak segera ditangani... karena saat itu lagi disukoharjo! liburan+bantu jadi guru dan musyrifah di pondok Bu Endang:) Eldzikr..
eh.... di riwayat assalam pun ada... aku abis abses, dokter Nikennya gak lihat mungkin ya?
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muabannhadatquan7 · 2 years
Thanh toán 70% nhận nhà căn hộ mặt tiền nguyễn lương bằng 3.066 tỷ/70m2
Căn cuối cùng giá gốc chủ đầu tư Hưng Thịnh, Thanh toán 70% tương đương 2.146 tỷ nhận nhà căn hộ mặt tiền nguyễn lương bằng 3.066 tỷ/70m2, nội thất cao cấpCăn hộ Q7 Boulevard mặt tiền Nguyễn Lương Bằng ngay Phú Mỹ Hưng Q. 7.Vị trí: 04 Nguyễn Lương Bằng, Quận 7, TP. HCM.(cách Crescent Mall 800m, cách Phú Mỹ Hưng 500m, nhìn qua bên đường là Trường quốc tế Canada).Diện tích: 70m2.View nhìn về Phú Mỹ Hưng rộng thoáng,Block B1 - Tầng 10 -2 PN - 2 WC - ban công.Giá chủ đầu tư: 3.066 tỷ.Thanh toán đợt đầu chỉ 45%, 1.5 tháng thanh toán 3%Khách hàng muốn nhận nhà ngay thì thanh toán 70%, phần còn lại trả góp 1 năm 0% lãi suất.Tiện ích: Công viên rộng rãi, hồ bơi tràn bờ, khu thương mại mua sắm, gym, spa.Liên hệ Chủ đầu Tư Hưng Thịnh: 0937901961 - Thuỳ Trang.
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#MuabannhadatQuan7 #NhadatCafeland source https://nhadat.cafeland.vn/thanh-toan-70-nhan-nha-can-ho-mat-tien-nguyen-luong-bang-3066-ty70m2-2022668.html
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debopamghosh · 2 years
A Short Discussion on Oblique and Orthogonal Projection matrices
M( m by n, C) denotes the complex Matrix space of order 'm' by 'n'
C^n denotes the Vector space of all complex n-tuples
V be a subspace of C^n, then VC denotes the Orthogonal Complement subspace of the vector space V, in C^n
GH denotes the Hermitian conjugate of the matrix G
A×B denotes the Matrix multiplication between the matrices A and B
a. b denotes the scalar multiplication between the scalars a and b
X(s by t) be a matrix belonging to the Matrix space M(s by t, C), then span(X) ={ w belonging to C^s | w = X ( s by t) ×v( t by 1), all v belonging to C^t }
I ( m by m) denotes the Identity matrix of order 'm'
inv(A) denotes the inverse of the invertible matrix A( m by m)
V is a subspace of C^n, where dimension of V = k, therefore, VC is also a subspace of C^n, dim. of VC = (n-k)
span( U ( n by k)) = V, where : UH × U = I (k by k)
W is a subspace of C^n , where dim. of W = (n-k), therefore, WC is also a subspace of C^n, dim. of WC = k
span (Z ( n by k)) = WC, where: ZH×Z = I (k by k)
we have the following properties of disjoint decomposition schemes for C^n:
given a disjoint decomposition scheme, Orthogonal or Oblique of C^n:
L1 $ L2 = C^n .... ( oblique disjoint decomposition), then L1 and L2 are disjoint subspaces and L1 + L2 = C^n, L1 + L2 denotes the sum space, a vector subspace ( proper or improper) of C^n, each element of this subspace is formed by sum of an element from subspace L1 with an element from the subspace L2
L1 + L2 = { v belonging to C^n | v= b1 + b2, b1 belongs to L1, b2 belongs to L2 }
L1 ¢ L2 = C^n ... (Orthogonal disjoint decomposition) .... here in addition to all properties for the Oblique disjoint decomposition case, the subspaces L1 and L2 are mutually orthogonal.
the subspaces V, W, VC, WC forms 2 oblique disjoint decomposition schemes for C^n and 2 orthogonal disjoint decomposition schemes for C^n, as follows:
1. V $ W = C ^n , P ( n by n) = U ( n by k) × [inv( ZH ×U) ] ( k by k) × ZH ( k by n)
P( n by n) is the Oblique projection matrix onto subspace V along subspace W
( I( n by n) - P) is the Oblique projection matrix onto subspace W along subspace V
2. WC $ VC = C^n , PH ( n by n) = Z ( n by k) × [ inv(UH ×Z) ] ( k by k) × UH ( k by n)
PH ( n by n) is the Oblique projection matrix onto subspace WC along subspace VC
(I( n by n) - PH) is the Oblique projection matrix onto subspace VC along subspace WC
3. V ¢ VC = C^n , Q ( n by n) = U ( n by k) × UH ( k by n)
Q( n by n) is the Orthogonal projection matrix onto subspace V, that is the projector onto subspace V along subspace VC
(I( n by n) - Q) denotes the Orthogonal projection matrix onto subspace VC, that is, projector onto subspace VC along subspace V
4. WC ¢ W = C^n, S ( n by n) = Z ( n by k) × ZH ( k by n)
S( n by n) is the Orthogonal projection matrix onto subspace WC, that is, the projector onto subspace WC along subspace W
(I ( n by n) - S) is the Orthogonal projection matrix onto subspace W, that is, the projector onto subspace W along subspace WC
References and further reading:
Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, Carl D. Meyer, SIAM
Linear Algebra and it's Application, Gilbert Strang, Cengage Learning
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muabannhadatgovap · 3 years
Sở Hữu Ngay Nhà 4Tầng Nhà Mới Khu Vip- Hẻm Xe Hơi, Quận Gò Vấpgiá Rẻ.
Mô tả;p8.b1 + Nhà nằm trong khu an ninh, yên tĩnh. Rất gần đường chính thông ra đường Quang Trung, Thống Nhất và các tiện ích để sinh hoạt, giải trí, học tập như nhà sách, siêu thị Văn Lang, trường, chợ, UBND phường. + Diện tích; măt tiền 3.7 nở hậu 7 + Kết cấu: nhà mới ở ngay với 1 trệt 3 lầu sân thượng BTCT với 4PN, PK, Bếp, WC, ban công, sân thượng trước sau, đặc biệt trước sân nhà mình có sân đậu xe rộng lớn. + Nhà nằm trong khu phân lô, xung quanh không có nhà nào dưới 4 tầng, cách 30m ra hẻm xe tải cách đường chính không xa. Rất gần Ủy Ban Quận, gần Coop mart với nhiều tiện ích vô đối. + Pháp lý: Sổ nở hậu tài lộc, công chứng trong ngày. + Liên hệ xem nhà ; C Thương ,
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#MuabannhadatQuanGoVap #NhadatCafeland source https://nhadat.cafeland.vn/so-huu-ngay-nha-4tang-nha-moi-khu-vip-hem-xe-hoi-quan-go-vapgia-re-1825402.html
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Cập nhật rổ hàng Diamond Brilliant tốt hàng tháng giá rẻ cuối năm
Diamond Brilliant - Tỏa sáng giá trị sống kim cương. - Nơi kiến tạo sức khỏe và thời gian cho gia đình bạn. - Nơi kiến tạo không gian sống đẳng cấp nhưng vẫn gần gũi với thiên nhiên, không gian sống chuẩn resort. Cơ hội sở hữu căn hộ siêu VIP trong không gian sống chuẩn cao cấp với giá chỉ từ 6tỷ150. Với nhiều diện tích và khoảng giá cho khách hàng lựa chọn: 2PN 2 WC (96m2 - 112m2) giá từ 5ty 7 đến 6ty4 3PN 2 WC (131m2 - 159m2) giá từ 8tỷ380 đến 10tỷ176. Với tổng diện tích toàn khu là 5,5ha. Chủ dầu tư dành hẳn 4ha làm công viên cây xanh và tiện ích nội khu. Có 3 cụm công viên nội khu: Trước tháp B1 rộng khoảng 3.500 m2, tháp B1 B2 khoảng 4.650 m2, và B2 B3 là 7.500 m2. Có thể thấy Celadon City rất chú trọng đến đời sống cư dân, khi đáp ứng được các nhu cầu thiết thực nhất hiện nay như: Vui chơi, giải trí, thư giãn, và nghĩ dưỡng, mà không cần phải đi dâu xa. Ngay chính tại Diamond Brilliant Khu đô thị Celadon City. Diamond Brilliant biến ước mơ sống tiện nghi trọn đời của bạn thành hiện thực với hàng chục tiện ích đa dạng thu gọn vào trong không gian cộng đồng tại tầng 12 và 13, cùng khu công viên và cảnh quan rộng hơn 4ha an toàn thân thiện, tách biệt hẳn khói bụi và tiếng động cơ nhờ hệ thống phân luồng giao thông chuẩn mực ngay từ cổng chính. Clubhouse rộng hơn 600 m2. Hồ bơi chuẩn Quốc tế. Hồ bơi thẳng chuyên nghiệp. Bể sục. Phòng gym. Phòng xong hơi khô/ướt. Khu thư giãn. Cafe thư giãn trong nhà/ngoài trời. Vườn đá quý. Đảo kho báo điểm đến yêu thích của trẻ. Sân chơi sáng tạo kết họp trò chơi dân gian & đảo lego. Suối lười. Vườn bốn mùa. Đồng cỏ dã ngoại và vui chơi tự do Vườn Tachi. Đường tản bộ & đạp xe. Khu thư giãn với lều & ghế nghỉ chân. Đường mátxa sỏi. Sảnh tiếp đón khách sang trọng. Sky Lounge với rừng nhiệt đới, thư viện và khu làm việc, nhà hàng chân mây, spa & khu yoga trên không. Đài ngắm cảnh. * Liên hệ ngay để nhận được các ưu đãi và chiết khấu mới nhất.
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#MuabannhadatQuanTanPhu #NhadatCafeland source https://nhadat.cafeland.vn/cap-nhat-ro-hang-diamond-brilliant-tot-hang-thang-gia-re-cuoi-nam-1587410.html
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winterbvrnes · 7 years
Flowers [B.Barnes]
request (x) by @tieddown-withbattleshipchains
summary: You begin to find sweet gifts and cute letters left around your apartment, but you don’t know who they’re from… until you catch him red-handed.
wc: 1668
note: idk how i feel abt this & its prob riddled with errors [ps. i’m looking for a betareader ;)] also check that↓ out
Aly’s 600 Follower Writing Challenge
tw: mentions of Hydra and other enemies, second-hand embarrassment(?), sneaking around (intrusion?), and some cute blushing Buck
They started showing up on June 5th. You don’t know why, or how (seriously, you were pretty sure you’d locked your door when you left that morning) but when you got over the creepy aspect, you began to look forward to the little gifts that would show up.
The first ‘gift’ that showed up scared you a bit. When you walked into your quarters after a tiring day of dealing with press and saw the little chocolate and note card you were positive it was one of three things.
1) Tony being an ass and playing some kind of prank,
2) Hydra (or some other enemy) had broken in and was taunting you, or
3) Nat was feeling sweet today and left you a gift.
Tony had been on a week long mission since Monday (it was only Wednesday), so he wouldn’t have bothered to set this up. The compound is pretty much the most secure building on this planet (other than Damage Control’s warehouse) so that rules out anyone getting in undetected, or bothering to only to leave a candy. There is no way Nat was feeling sweet enough today, not after the asskicking you gave her in training this morning. So, you’re stuck.
With no clue why the candy is there, you kick your door shut and venture over to read the note.
Good job with the press today, I’m sure you did amazing. You always are, and so sweet too; sweeter than this cherry chocolate. Enjoy the rest of your evening by relaxing and destressing, and don’t let those reporters get the best of ya.
The sweet little message is written in beautiful penmanship, and signed with an adorable little smiley-face drawn by a heart. Your lips quirk up as warmth spreads through you at the kind and charming words. But, while they’re sweet, you can’t help but be a little put-off by the thought of someone coming into your room while you were away and leaving this intimate note and a candy (to which you were compared, which shows attention) without saying who they are. Your brows furrow as you place the note back down on the end-table, leaving the chocolate next to it to be safe, before going about your night.
It was two weeks before you received another gift. This time it was a small bouquet of your favorite flowers, bundled up neatly and left on your nightstand next to another note card signed with the same smiley-face. Your brows furrow and you look around, already knowing that you won’t see anyone, but trying anyway. Coming up empty, as expected, you lift the flowers to your face and sniff, inhaling the delicate aroma. Once again feeling a little odd about finding such a romantic gift in your room, you place them on the kitchenette counter and wander into your bathroom to put away your mission gear and shower.
After cleaning up, you finally break and place the bouquet in a vase and fill it with water to display on your windowsill. You smile slightly when you step back to take in the sight. The colors of the petals nearly glow in the sunlight, and you can’t resist snapping a picture for instagram. You caption it and post, watching the hundreds of like immediately flood in (the Avengers are very popular on instagram).
After that, the gifts continue to pour in; from flowers to little stuffed animals to personal care packages, each one incredibly thoughtful and topped with a note card. Whether signed with only a smiley-face, or joined by a cute paragraph, you began to look forward to hearing from this person. Their kindness and charming way began to win you over, despite your initial feelings of being intruded upon.
When you told the girls, Nat had simply rolled her eyes and laughed while Wanda gushed. “You have a secret admirer! That is so cute! I wonder who it is!?” Pepper, having walked into the conversation, had snickered and shared a look with Nat. You’d brushed it off, thinking they were on a different topic, and listened as Wanda named names and considered the possibility of it being them.
That’s where you are now, sitting on the couch listening to Wanda (for the third time that week) update you on her list’s status. After you received your fifth gift (a gorgeous smelling bathbomb and set of little candle) Wanda had started writing down the traits of each team mate that could be a tell for who-dun-it. You sigh, gaze drifting from Wanda’s list over to where Steve and Bucky sit, talking. You tune Wanda out and get lost in a daydream of the handsome soldier, watching as his blue eyes crinkle when he laughs, the brown strands of his hair falling from the bun at the nape of his neck. You rest your chin on the palm of your hand, imagining loosening his hair from the tie and running your fingers through it, feeling the silky waves between your fingers before fisting your hand and tugg–
“Hey! Earth to [Y/N]!” Wanda snaps her fingers in your face, drawing you out of your head. You flush upon realizing that Bucky is looking at you amusedly and you snap upright, turning to glare at Wanda.
“What?” You hiss, embarrassed as you rub your cheeks in an attempt to make them less hot. Wanda snickers and flicks her hair off her shoulder.
“You were staring,” she says simply and you open your mouth to vehemently deny her implications when Steve cuts you off.
“Wanda,” he interrupts, sending you a knowing glance (the one that reeks of Captain America) and placing his massive hand on her shoulder, “Vision told me he was looking for you, something about a movie tonight?” Steve nudges Wanda, not very subtly, and she beams, nodding. “I’ll take you to him.” As Steve passes, he gives Bucky a firm pat on the shoulder and you grimace at being left alone with the assassin. Not because you don’t enjoy spending time with Bucky, but because you enjoy it too much.
You give Bucky an awkward smile, which he reciprocates, before hiking a thumb toward the elevator and saying, “I should probably go train.”
“Oh, yeah, of course, go ahead,” you stutter out, flushing as Bucky sends you a smile and leaves, ever so calm and collected: the complete opposite of you. As the doors close and Bucky sends you a wave with his metal arm, you realize you’d been staring again, and blush heavier, turning to bury your face in your hands when he disappears. “Oh, fuck me.”
After your awkward encounter with Bucky, you’d decided it was time for a night out with Nat. Since she and Clint had moved out of the compound together, you’d been slacking on your weekly Nat-Nights. Lucky for you, Clint had just left on a brief mission with Wanda, leaving you free to get drunk and watch terrible Rom-Coms with Natasha.
“I’m heading out, Steve!” You holler from your doorway, leaving without waiting for Steve’s reply. He’s busy watching the newest Game of Thrones episodes with Bucky and Sam, so it’s likely he didn’t really process your shout. You sling your duffel bag over your shoulder and head to the garage.
Bucky glances over his shoulder towards the elevator, watching the number get smaller as you leave, waiting for the best time to do his thing. When the display reads B1 Bucky throws himself over the back of the couch and he rushes to his room. Steve and Sam watch him speed off and share a knowing look, Sam scoffing and rolling his eyes as they return their attention to the GOT marathon.
With the proper supplies in hand, Bucky sneaks his way to your door and tests the knob. Finding it unlocked (as you’d taken to leaving it since the gifts started coming) he steps inside, closing the door behind himself carefully. He’s standing at the kitchenette counter, arranging the presents when the door creaks open. Bucky freezes, wide eyes darting up to see you standing there, mouth agape.
“U-uh, wha-ho-why-what?” You stutter out, duffel bag landing on the floor with a thud. Bucky puts his hands up defensively.
“I can explain,” he says, shuffling in place awkwardly.
You let out a disbelieving laugh. “You’re my secret admirer?” Never did you believe that James Buchanan Barnes could possibly be the one leaving you trinkets. The man you’ve had a crush on for months.
Bucky sighs. “I- Well, yeah.” He blushes a vibrant, the heat creeping up his neck. “I mean, I guess so? But, I mean, only if you like them, ‘cause if not then you’ve got the wrong guy. But- um, uh, yeah, I’ve been leaving you stuff… “ His face paints itself a deeper scarlet. “I’ve had a crush on you for a while and Steve said I should tell you, but Sam joked that I should leave you chocolate on your pillow like a hotel, and I thought it was stupid but then I got the idea to leave you presents, so Steve helped me ‘cause I’m not as good as I was back in the day, and I really like you–”
You cut him off by firmly pressing your lips against his, silencing any further rambling. His mouth is soft on yours and you smile, feeling heat on your cheeks. You pull back when you don’t feel Bucky respond. A frown settles itself on your face when you meet Bucky staring at you wide-eyed.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought…” You sigh in embarrassment and turn to leave, but Bucky’s hand grips your arm gently and pulls you back to him, allowing his hands to drift down your sides and settle on your hips.
His cocky grin is back, full blown when he says, “So, you like-like me?” You snort and flick his chest with an eyeroll at his words.
“Obviously, you doofus,” you whisper as his lips once again press against yours, feather soft.
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Chung cư Thanh Hà Cienco 5 Hà Đông | Tổng quan về khu chung cư
Chung cư Thanh Hà Cienco 5 Hà Đông được xây dựng với tổng số tòa lên đến 40 tòa. Mỗi tòa có 16 tầng trong đó có 1 tầng hầm để gửi xe và tầng Penhouse. Khu chung cư Thanh Hà Chung cư Thanh Hà Cienco 5 Thiết kế căn hộ với đầy đủ kích thước cho khách hàng lựa chọn từ 60-80m². Từ 1-3 phòng ngủ, 1-2 phòng WC, 1 phòng bếp và 1 phòng khách. Tầng 1 và tầng lửng: được thiết kế thông tầng, khu để xe ở giữa tòa nhà. Bao gồm các căn hộ A1, A1*, A2, A2*, B1, B2. Tầng 2 gồm các căn hộ: C1 (74,13 m²), C2 (72,98 m²), C1* (74,42 m²), C2* (72,98 m²), D (64,25 m²). Tầng 3, 4 gồm các căn hộ: C1 (74,13 m²), C3 (70,28 m²), C1* (74,42 m²), C3* (70,28 m²), D (64,25 m²). Tầng 5 gồm các căn hộ: C1* (74,42 m²), C3* (70,28 m²), E1 (74,13 m²), E2 (72,98 m²). Tầng 6 gồm các căn hộ: E1 (74,13 m²), E1*(74,42 m²), E2 (72,98 m²), E2* (72,98 m²). 
 Xem thêm: https://sanmuongthanh.net/tin-tuc/chung-cu-thanh-ha-cienco-5/#Chung_cu_Thanh_Ha_Cienco_5_Ha_Dong_Tong_quan_ve_khu_chung_cu 
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